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ARCHIVED - Archiving Content ARCHIVÉE - Contenu archivé Archived Content Contenu archivé Information identified as archived is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It is not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards and has not been altered or updated since it was archived. Please contact us to request a format other than those available. L’information dont il est indiqué qu’elle est archivée est fournie à des fins de référence, de recherche ou de tenue de documents. Elle n’est pas assujettie aux normes Web du gouvernement du Canada et elle n’a pas été modifiée ou mise à jour depuis son archivage. Pour obtenir cette information dans un autre format, veuillez communiquer avec nous. This document is archival in nature and is intended for those who wish to consult archival documents made available from the collection of Public Safety Canada. Le présent document a une valeur archivistique et fait partie des documents d’archives rendus disponibles par Sécurité publique Canada à ceux qui souhaitent consulter ces documents issus de sa collection. Some of these documents are available in only one official language. Translation, to be provided by Public Safety Canada, is available upon request. Certains de ces documents ne sont disponibles que dans une langue officielle. Sécurité publique Canada fournira une traduction sur demande. 1 Correctional Service of Canada 1 1 E 1 1 1 thnocultural Communities tot6: .\0 e 4,7,ek 1 t ,i;1-1 • Offender Programs and Services Pacific Region Volume IV 1 by Marcel Kabundi, a.m.; M.Sc. Project Manager Nora Meas-Bun Project Assistant Community Reintegration Operations Correctional Programs and Operations REFERENCE 1 1 FC 105 .M8 K3 1998 v.4 Ottawa - 1999 to the Crown. does notbelong author for Copyright of this document authorization must be Clame f rom the ?tope( any intended use Les cires d'auteur du présent document n'appartiennent pas à É.tal. Toute utilisation du contenu du présent document doit être approuvée préalablement par auleur. t NOTA BENE If this directory contains erroneous information on your organization and you wish to provide corrections or updates, please feel free to contact us by telephone at (613) 943-3176 or 996-9744, or by fax at (613) 995-8964. ******************** Si ce répertoire contient des renseignements erronés au sujet de votre organisme et si vous voulez proposer des corrections ou mises à jour, veuillez communiquer avec nous, soit par téléphone aux (613) 9433176 ou 996-9744, soit par télécopieur au (613) 995-8964. -«lic ,JUITOR GMakeil me» -Jt-P Jud I 5 1999 soldeakuri%ÉkEW eettODA ollAWA (Me» Met con Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Table of contents Presentation 4 Excerpts from legislation and regulations 6 Part I 14 Institutions and Parole Offices 14 Part II 20 Ethnocultural Communities 20 Chapter 21 Lower Mainland Region Afghan community Afghan Association of British Columbia Asian community South Asian Women's Centre Bengali community Lower Mainland Bengali Cultural Society of BC Bosnian community BC Bosnian Association Chinese community Chinese Cultural Centre (C.C.C.) Richmond Chinese Community Society Storefront Orientation Services (S.O.S.) Strathcona Employment Assistance Services S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Fraser Office United Chinese Community Enrichment Services Society (S.U.C.C.E.S.S.) Vancouver Association of Chinese Canadians Croatian community Croatian Cultural Centre Danish community Federation of Danish Association in Canada Filipino community Filipino-Canadian Youth Alliance Philippine Women Centre German community German Canadian Congress of British Columbia Goethe Institute Vancouver Greek community Hellenic Community of Vancouver Hispanic community Hispanic Community Centre of BC Iranian community Iranian Immigrant and Refugee Society of BC Japanese community Japanese Community Volunteers Association Jewish community Canadian Jewish Congress Burquest Jewish Community Assocaition Shalom Vancouver 21 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 27 28 28 29 31 32 32 32 32 33 33 35 36 36 37 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 43 CSC-SCC 1 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - 1 Pacific Region Korean community Korean Society Kurdish community Kurdish Canadian Information Centre Malaysia community Malaysia, Singapore, Bunei Cultural Association (M.S.B.C.A.) Muslim community BC Muslim Association Pakistan community Pakistan Canada Association of BC Polish community Canadian Polish Congress (C.P.C.) - BC Branch Polish Community Centre Scottish community Scottish Cultural Centre Taiwanese community Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society Multicultural communities Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Services Agencies of BC (A.M.S.S.A ) Burnaby Family Institute Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver (The) Immigrant Services Program John Howard Society of the Lower Mainland of B.C. (The) Little Mountain Neighbourhood House Society M2/W2 Association Multicultural Women's Participation Project Maple Ridge Family Education Centre North Shore Multicultural Society (N.S.M.S.) Pacific Immigrant Resources Society (P.I.R.S.) Vancouver & Lower Mainland Multicultural Family Support Services Society 44 44 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 47 47 48 49 49 49 49 51 51 51 52 54 54 55 57 57 57 58 59 60 Chapter 3 62 South Coast Region 62 French community Llassocaition des Francophones de Nanaimo (A.F.N.) Multicultural communities Campbell River and Area Multicultural and Immigrant Services Association John Howard Society of British Columbia (The) Victoria Immigrant & Refugee Centre Society (V.I.R.C.S.) 1 1 1 63 63 63 63 64 66 Chapter 4 68 Northern Interior Region Multicultural communities Prince George and District Elizabeth Fry Society 68 69 69 Part III 70 Consular Representatives 70 Part IV 82 Correctional Service of Canada employees who speak or write several languages 82 National Headquarters, Ottawa Montréal Region Montréal-Métropolitain District Drummond Institution 1 1 1 83 83 83 84 1 CSC-SCC 2 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) Leclerc Institution Ste-Anne-des-Plaines Institution Lafontaine Area Parole Office Ville-Marie Area Parole Office Prairies Region Drumheller Institution Winnipeg Area Parole Office Pcific Region New Westminster Area Parole Office Pacific Region 84 85 85 86 87 87 87 88 88 89 Annexe CSC-SCC - 3 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Presentation © CSC-SCC 4 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Presentation The increase in the number of offenders of ethnocultural origin naturally results in an widening range of cultural requirements. To meet the ensuing demands, and on behalf of parole and correctional officers, CSC's Com m un ity Reintegration Operations Division has produced the attached Directory of Ethnocultural Commun ities. L'accroissement du nombre de délinquants d'origine ethnoculturelle entraîne, par le fait même, une augmentation de leurs besoins en matière culturelle. Dans l'intention de répondre à ces besoins, la Division de la réinsertion sociale du SCC a préparé, pour le compte des agents de liberté conditionnelle et de correction, le présent Répertoire des communautés ethnoculturelles. This directory is meant to facilitate the contacting of persons and community associations that can be of assistance in matters related to offenders of ethnocultural origin. It is a compendium of information on ethnocultural communities and organizations and their services, and lists diplomatie and consular offices throughout the country. It also lists a number of CSC employees who may be called upon to provide assistance in various languages. Ce répertoire servira à faciliter le contact avec des personnes et organismes qui sont en mesure de nous appuyer pour venir en aide aux délinquants d'origine ethnoculturel le. Il est un recueil de renseignements sur les communautés et organismes ethnoculturels, et sur les services qu'ils fournissent. En outre, il comprend une liste des représentants diplomatiques et consulaires au Canada. On y trouvera aussi les coordonnées d'employés et employées polyglottes du SCC qui pourraient être appelés, à l'occasion, à offrir leurs services en tant qu'interprète. White this directory does not claim to be an exhaustive compilation, it is an extensive source of information. It will be updated yearly to ensure that it remains as current and complete as possible. Bien que ce document ne prétende pas être un recueil exhaustif de tous les renseignements en la matière, il en est néanmoins une riche source. Il sera révisé annuellement pour en assurer une mise à jour aussi complète que possible. 1 WOU Id like to extend my thanks to everyone who contributed to the development of this very useful document. Je tiens à remercier toutes les personnes qui ont contribué à l'élaboration de ce répertoire, qui sera un instrument de travail très utile. For further details or to provide information updates for this directory, please contact Marcel Kabundi, Project Manager, by telephone at (613) 996-9744, or by fax at (613) 995-8964. Pour tout détail supplémentaire ou pour proposer une mise à jour, veuillez communiquer avec Marcel Kabundi, gestionnaire de projet, par téléphone au (613) 996-9744 ou par télécopieur au (613) 9958964. Denis Méthé Director General / Directeur général © CSC-SCC 5 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Excerpts from legislation and regulations © CSC-SCC 6 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Excerpts from legislation Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms 1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. Fundamental Freedoms 2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a)freedom of conscience and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c)freedom ofpeaceful assembly; and (d)freedom of association. Equality Rights 15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental and physical ability. Official Languages of Canada 16. (1) English and French are the official languages of Canada and have equality of status and equal rights and privileges as to their use in all institutions of the Parliament and government of Canada. General 27. This Charter shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the preservation and enhancement of the multicultural heritage of Canadians. CSC-SCC 7 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Canadian Multiculturalism Act Political commitment Section 3(2) of the Act stipulates the obligations inherent in the multiculturalism policy. It further declares that it is the policy of the Government of Canada that all federal institutions shall: (a) ... ensure that Canadians of all origins have an equal opportunity to obtain employment and advancement in tho.se institutions ....; (b) ... promote policies, programs and practices that enhance the ability of individuals and communities of all origins to contribute to the continuing evolution of Canada ...; (c) ... promote policies, programs and practices that enhance the understanding of and respect for the diversity of the members of Canadian society ... Corrections and Conditional Release Act Excerpt from section (4) The principles that shall guide the [correctional] Service in achieving the purpose referred to in section 3 are: [•• .] h) that correctional policies, programs and practicesrespect gender, ethnic, cultural and linguistic differences and be responsive to the special needs of women and aboriginal peoples, as well as to the needs of other groups of offenders with special requirements. Programs for offenders generally (excerpt from section 76) The Service shall provide a range ofprograms designed to address the needs of offenders and contribute to their successful.reintegration into the community. CSC-SCC 8 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) Mission - Pacific Region Statement The Correctional Service of Canada, as part of the criminal justice system and respecting the rule of laiv, contributes to the protection of society by actively encouraging and assisting offenders to become law-abiding citizens, while exercising reasonable, safe, secure and humane control. Core Value 1 We respect the dignity of individuals, the rights of all members of society, and the potential for human growth and development. Strategic Objectives 1.7 To respect the social, cultural and religious differences of individual offenders. Core Value 4 We believe that the sharing of ideas, knowledge, values and experience, nationally and inte rn ationally, is essential to the achievement of our Mission. CSC-SCC 9 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Commissioner's Directive 767 POLICY OBJECTIVE 1. OBJECTIF DE LA POLITIQUE To ensure that the needs and cultural interests of offenders belonging to ethnocultural minority groups are identified and that programs and services are developed and maintained to meet those needs. 1. Déterminer les besoins et les particularités cultur des délinquants appartenant aux mino ethnoculturelles et leur offrir des programmes et services répondant à ces besoins. DEFINITION DÉFINITION 2. 2. "Ethnocultural minority group offender" refers to any individual or group of individuals who di ffer from the « délinquant d'une min toute personne ou groupe personnes qui se distinguent de la majorité par race, leur langue, leur culture ou leurs croyance leur volonté de sauvegarder leur identité culturelle. On entend par ethnoculturelle » majority because of their racial, linguistic or cultural characteristics, their system of beliefs and their will to protect their cultural identity. RESPONSIBILITIES RESPONSABILITÉS 3. Operational units shall encourage the offenders of designated groups to self-identify and to assist in achieving equitable treatment by clearly articulating special needs. 3. Les unités opérationnelles doivent encourager délinquants appartenant à des groupes ethnocultu à déclarer cette appartenance et à exprimer claire leurs besoins afin que l'on puisse y répo équitablement. 4. VVardens and District Directors are accountable for achieving ethnocultural offender program objectives 4. Les directeurs d'établissements et de district tenus d'atteindre les objectifs des program ethnoculturels destinés aux délinquants en vertu d présente politique. 5. Le sous-commissaire de chaque région doit s'ass que les unités opérationnelles sont bien consci que le harcèlement racial et les comportem discriminatoires ne seront pas tolérés. stemming from this policy. 5. The Deputy Commissioner of each region shall ensure that operational units are aware that racial harassment and discriminatory behaviour will not be tolerated. CSC-SCC 10 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Pacific Region EXIGENCES RELATIVES AUX PROGRAMMES 6. Operational units accommodating ethnocultural offenders who have a demonstrated need for linguistic, cultural or spiritual programs shall make every reasonable effort to meet those needs by offering specialized programs and services, either within the institutions or in the community. 6. Les unités opérationnelles où sont gardés délinquants d'une minorité ethnoculturelle, lesquels il existe un besoin en matière de program culturels, linguistiques ou spirituels, doivent s'effo de répondre à ces besoins en offrant des program et des services spécialisés, tant au sein l'établissement que dans la collectivité. 7. VVhere community services are available for social or 7. Dans les régions où des services sociaux et cultu communautaires sont disponibles, les u opérationnelles doivent faciliter et encourager l'acc ces services. 8. Les personnes chargées de l'élaboration ou d prestation des programmes et services visan combler les besoins reliés au traitement de délinquance doivent tenir compte des différe cultural activities, operational units shall facilitate and foster access to such services. 8. Persons responsible for designing and delivering programs and services to meet the criminogenic treatment needs of offenders must take into account ethnocultural differences. ethnoculturelles. 9. Operational units shall make every effort to ensure that ethnocultural offenders have access to regular programs, services and activities available at their institution and in the community. 9. Les unités opérationnelles doivent déployer tous efforts possibles pour assurer aux délinquants minorités ethnoculturelles l'accès aux activi programmes et services offerts au sein l'établissement et dans la collectivité. 10. In the present policy, paragraphs 6, 7, 8 and 9 must be implemented within reasonable financial limits. 10. Les paragraphes 6, 7, 8 et 9 de la présente politi doivent être mis en application en respectant limites financières raisonnables. 11. Operational units shall make every effort to integrate into the general inmate population. Range placements shall be determined on the basis of risk and of the individual's needs as identified in his or her correctional plan and not on the basis of race, language, religion or ethnic origin. 11. Les unités opérationnelles doivent déployer tous efforts possibles pour intégrer les délinquants minorités ethnoculturelles à la population carcé générale. Les placements dans les rangées dey être déterminés en fonction du risque et des bes particuliers inscrits dans le plan correctionnel délinquant et non en fonction de la race, de la lan de la religion ni de l'origine ethnique. Communications from regions, operational units and National Headquarters shall respect the need to portray ethnocultural minority group members fairly and to avoid stereotyping. Consideration shall also be given to making key work materials available in other languages for those with special needs. 12. Dans leurs communications, les régions, les u opérationnelles et l'Administration centrale doi s'assurer d'éviter tout stéréotype et de représenter membres des minorités ethnoculturelles de fa impartiale. Elles doivent également songer à re accessibles dans d'autres langues les document travail essentiels aux personnes ayant des bes spéciaux. ethnocultural offenders 12. DATA REGARDING ETHNOCULTURAL OFFENDERS DONNÉES SUR LES DÉLINQUANTS DES MINORI ETHNOCULTURELLES 13. The Offender Management System shall include a reliable mechanism for tracking, through the selfidentification process, the numbers, the proportions and the needs of offenders belonging to ethnocultural minority groups. ETHNOCULTURAL ADVISORY BODIES CSC-SCC 13. Le Système de gestion des détenus doit compre un mécanisme fiable de recensement, fondé su processus de déclaration volontaire, pour déterm le nombre, les proportions et les besoins délinquants des minorités ethnoculturelles. COMITÉS CONSULTATIFS ETHNOCULTURELS 11 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region 14. The Deputy Commissioner of each region shall ensure that regional and operational unit Citizen's Advisory Committees reflect regional ethnocultural diversity in order to provide advice on regional ethnocultural issues, and to ensure liaison and consultation, as required, with the ethnocultural communities. 14. Le sous-commissaire de chaque région doit veill ce que les comités consultatifs de citoyens au niv régional et des unités opérationnelles reflèten diversité ethnoculturelle de la région en vue de fo des conseils relativement aux questions do et d'établir un mécanisme ethnoculr consultation et un lien avec les communa ethnoculturelles. 15. A regional ethnocultural advisory group shall be composed of selected employees and of representatives from ethnocultural organizations, including selected members mentioned in paragraph 14. The group shall assist the region in establishing and coordinating activities for ethnocultural offenders, and in promoting a better understanding of multiculturalism issues among staff and offenders. 15. Un comité consultatif ethnoculturel sera mis sur pi l'échelle régionale et composé d'employés nommé de représentants d'organismes ethnoculturels compris les membres cités au paragraphe 14. comité aidera la région à organiser et à coordonne activités destinées aux délinquants des mino ethnoculturelles et veillera à sensibiliser délinquants et le personnel aux questions relative multiculturalisme. 16. Regions, as well as operational units and National Headquarters, shall liaise with outside ethnocultural communities and promote the participation of volunteers from these communities. 16. Les régions et les unités opérationnelles l'Administration centrale doivent établir des liens les communautés ethnoculturelles dans la collecti ainsi qu'encourager la participation de bénévoles ces communautés. CULTURAL GROUPS/ASSOCIATIONS ASSOCIATIONS OU GROUPES CULTURELS 17. 17. Operational units shall permit offenders to form cultural or multicultural groups or associations in order to pursue their cultural needs and interests, provided the prospective groups develop and submit, for approval, terms of reference that are congruent with the spirit of the Mission of the Correctional Service of Canada and statutory requirements. Les unités opérationnelles doivent permettre délinquants de former des associations ou grou culturels ou multiculturels qui vont satisfaire I besoins et intérêts culturels, à condition que éventuels groupes élaborent et présentent, aux d'approbation, un mandat qui respecte l'esprit d Mission du Service correctionnel du Canada et dispositions statutaires pertinentes. MONITORING CONTRÔLE 18. 18. The regions shall report on an annual basis: Les régions doivent présenter un rapport annuel : a. on their performance against ethnocultural offender program objectives; a. b. on the activities they carried out in compliance with the Canadian Multiculturalism Act. b. sur leur rendement par rapport aux objectifs programmes à l'intention des délinquants minorités ethnoculturelles; • sur les activités qu'elles ont menées donner suite à la Loi sur le multiculturali canadien. POLICY IMPLEMENTATION MISE EN OEUVRE DE LA POLITIQUE 19. 19. Executive Committee submissions pertaining to offender management, including programs and services, shall contain, where appropriate, an analysis in relation to the needs of offenders from ethnocultural minority groups. I CSC-SCC 12 Les présentations au Comité de direction concer la gestion des délinquants, y compris les program et les services, doivent comprendre, s'il y a I une analyse des besoins des délinquants apparte aux minorités ethnoculturelles. Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) 20. - National guidelines for the implementation of this policy shall be established in consultation with regions and operational units. Commissioner, Pacific Region 20. Des lignes de conduite d'application nationale po mise en oeuvre de la présente politique doivent élaborées en collaboration avec les régions et unités opérationnelles. Le Commissaire, John Edwards Nota Bene: Commissioner's Directives can be found on InfoNet. You may also contact the Communications sector, National Headquarters, at (613) 995-5364. © CSC-SCC 13 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Part I Institutions and Parole Offices © CSC-SCC 14 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Institutions Elbow Lake Institution (Min.) Harrison Mills (British Columbia) VOM 1L0 ge (1-604) 796-1650 Fax: (1-604) 796-3261 Warden: Judy Croft Ferndale Institution (Min.) 33737 Dewdney Trunk Road P.O. Box 50 Mission (British Columbia) V2V 4L8 ee (1-604) 826-5410 Fax: (1-604) 826-5519 Warden: Ron Wiebe Kent Institution (Max.) 4732 Cemetery Road P.O. Box 1500 Agassiz (British Columbia) VOM 1A0 ei (1-604) 796-2121 Fax: (1-604) 796-4500 Warden: Brenda Marshall Matsqui Institution (Med.) 33344 King Road P.O. Box 2500 Abbotsford (British Columbia) V2S 4P3 ge (1-604) 859-4841 Fax: (1-604) 850-8228 Warden: Rodger Brock Mission Institution (IVIed.) 8751 Stave Lake Road P.O. Box 60 Mission (British Columbia) V2V 4L8 ge (1-604) 826-1231 Fax: (1-604) 826-8632 Warden: Kenneth Peterson © CSC-SCC 15 Pacific Region Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Mountain Institution (Med.) 4830 Cemetery Road P.O. Box 1600 Agassiz (British Columbia) VOM 1A0 ei (1-604) 796-2231 Fax: (1-604) 796-1450 Warden: Doug Black Regional Health Centre (Max.) 33344 King Road P.O. Box 3000 Abbotsford (British Columbia) V2S 4P4 -4. .1 (1-604) 853-7464 Fax: (1-604) 853-6992 Executive Director: Gerwyn Mills William Head Institution (Med.) William Head Road P.O. Box 4000, Station A Victoria (British Columbia) V8X 3Y8 e--1. (1-250) 363-8585 Fax: (1-250) 363-0367 Warden: Michael Gallagher Parole Offices: VANCOUVER ISLAND AREA OFFICE 816 Government Street, Suite 323 Victoria (British Columbia) V8W 1W9 ei (1-250) 363-3267 Fax: (1-250) 363-3969 District Director: Robert Brown Courtenay Parole Office 60 Front Street, Suite 104 Nanaimo (British Columbia) V9R 5H7 (1-250) 338-2902 Fax: (1-250) 338-2761 Senior Parole Officer: Charles M. Tyler © CSC-SCC 16 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Nanaimo Parole Office 60 Front Street, Suite 104 Nanaimo (British Columbia) V9R 5H7 çà. (1-250) 754-0264 Fax: (1-250) 754-0266 Area Director: Charles M Tyler Victoria Parole Office 816 Government Street, Suite 323 Victoria (British Columbia) V8W 1W9 e (1-250) 363-3267 Fax: (1-250) 363-3260 Area Director: Robert Brown VANCOUVER AREA PAROLE OFFICE 750 Cambie Street, Suite 540 Vancouver (British Columbia) V6B 2P2 ire (1-604) 666-8004 Fax: (1-604) 666-2000 Area Director: Wayne Oster NEW WESTMINSTER PAROLE 549 Columbia Street, Suite 417 New Westminster (British Columbia) V3L 1B3 a (1-604) 666-3731 Fax: (1-604) 666-0161 Area Director: Wayne Oster - NORTHERN INTERIOR AREA OFFICE Kamloops Parole Office 175 2 nd Avenue, Suite 590 Kamloops (British Columbia) V2C 5W1 -7i El (1-250) 851-4800 Fax: (1-250) 851-4809 Area Director: James R. Bartlett Kelowna Parole Office 1635 Abbott Street, Suite 203 Kelowna (British Columbia) VlY 1B2 (1-250) 470-5166 CSC-SCC 17 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Fax: (1-250) 470-5173 Parole Officer: Ken Mattinson Prince George Parole Office 280 Victoria Street, Suite 201 Prince George (British Columbia) V2L 4X3 (1-250) 561-5314 Fax: (1-250) 561-5537 Parole Officer: Lynne Hyatt Sumas CCC 33344 King Road Abbotsford (British Columbia) V2S 6J5 (1-604) 852-7400 Fax: (1-604) 852-7401 Director: Dave Keating Abbotsford Parole Office Fraser Valley Parole Office 33344 King Road Abbotsford (British Columbia) V2S 6J5 (1-604) 852-7400 Fax: (1-604) 852-0287 Senior Parole Officer: Jack Stewart Chilliwack Parole Office 9300 Nowell Street, Suite 101 Chilliwack (British Columbia) V2P 4V7 ei (1-604) 792- 8646 Fax: (1-604) 792-2463 Senior Parole Officer: Ron Parsons Vernon Parole Office #1 - 2504 43 rd Street Vernon (British Columbia) V1T 6K9 ei (1-250) 260-5000 Fax: (1-250) 260-5002 Parole Officer: Darlene Wood Community Corrections Administration Office P.O. Box 3333 CSC-SCC 18 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) 33344 King Road Abbotsford (British Columbia) (1-604) 870-2400 Fax: (1-604) 870-2402 Director: Brian Lang Vancouver Parole Office 750 Cambie Street, Suite 540 Vancouver (British Columbia) V6B 2P2 .-i--N (1-604) 666-8004 Fax: (1-604) 666-2000 Area Director: Wayne Oster ° CSC-SCC 19 - Pacific Region Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Part II Ethnocultural Communities © CSC-SCC 20 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Chapter I Lower Mainland Region © CSC-SCC 21 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Afghan community Afghan Association of British Columbia 1. Objectives: • • • • • To introduce Afghanistan, its people and their culture to the people of Canada by organizing cultural activities; To provide humanitarian assistance to Afghan Refugees Settling and others in British Columbia; To provide and facilitate the development of Islamic values among the Afghans living in British Columbia; To preserve and promote Afghan national languages and cultural heritage among Canadians of Afghan origin and Afghan nationals residing in Canada; To enter into any other activities that encourages the above purposes. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • Orientation for new Afghan corners Providing all facilities for new corners Social assistance Searching job and courses (English as a Second Language) Interpretation and translation Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Languages spoken other titan English and French: • Dari, Pashto. Mr. Abdulrab Ghiras President Office: Home: 103 - 6955 Kingsway Avenue Burnaby (British Columbia) Unit 20 - 5291 Oakmount Cresent V5E 1E5 ei (1-604) 522-2340 Fax: (1-604) 522-2340 CSC-SCC Burnaby (British Columbia) V5H 4S7 (1-604) 451-1595 22 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Asian community South Asian Women's Centre I. Objectives: • • To work actively and collectively for social change; To work collectively with each other and with other women of colour, individuals, groups and organizations. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • • • • Drop-In Health related information sessions Information on employment training and education opportunities Referrals to transition houses and crisis centre Discussion group and advocacy around political and social issues affecting South Asian women and women of colour New programs developing Support services in non-oppressive attitudes and behaviours by critiquing and combating sexism, racism, homophobia, cast / classism, ageism, ableism Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Languages spoken other than English and French: • Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu. Ms. Seeta Bunjun Coordinator 8163 Main Street Vancouver (British Colombia) V5X 3L2 (1-604) 325-6637 Fax: (1-604) 325-4266 Bengali community Lower Mainland Bengali Cultural Society of BC CSC-SCC 23 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region J. Objective: • • To foster cultural and social solidarity among Bengali speaking people; To build contacts with other cultural organizations. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • Social and recreational activities Cultural events Teaching the Bengali language by volunteer Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Bengali. Ms. Supriya Bhattacharyya President 617 Draycott Street Coquitlam (British Columbia) V3J 6M5 gi (1-604) 937-3965 Bosnian community BC Bosnian Association 1. Objective: • To help the Bosnian community. 2. Programs/Services: • • Organization of Bosnian cultural activities Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Bosnian. Mr. Abid Coric CSC-SCC 24 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region President 2640 Western Avenue North Vancouver (British Columbia) V7N 3L1 -3.1 (1-604)985-2464 Fax: (1-604) 980-0403 Chinese community Chinese Cultural Centre (C.C.C.) I. Objective: • To preserve and promote the Chinese culture in a multi-cultural society. 2. Programs/Services (among otlzers): • • • • • • Museum Exhibition; Youth & Adult Educational Programmes: > English as Second Language (E.S.L.), > Japanese, > Translation, > Computers, > Business, > Chinese painting, > Calligraphy, > Music, > Dancing, > Citizenship, Youth development programs; Collaboration with other ethnic groups and outreaching the mainstream community; Community and Special Events; Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Lanzuages spoken other than English and French: • Cantonese, Mandarin. Ms. Angela Kan Executive Director CSC-SCC 25 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region 50 East Pender St. Vancouver (British Colombia) V6A 3V6 -eTe (1-604) 687-0729 Fax: (1-604) 687-6260 Richmond Chinese Community Society I. Objectives: • • • To make sure that important social issues and community affairs for Richmond has incorporated all the concerns the Chinese community in Richmond; To facilitate those administration and service groups and organizations in obtaining the feebacks and suggestions from the Chinese community in Richmond; To encourage people in the Richmond Chinese community to get involved with various communities activities by participations and contributions. 2. Programs/Services (among others): • • • • • Offering various informational and educational seminars to the Richmond Chinese community to encourage individuals' participations to the community activities and to improve their abilities to do so Organization and coordination various sports and leisure activities for the Richmond Chinese community to maintain an active network for contacts and communications within the community Establishing close contacts and co-operating with all major groups and organizations Supporting those individuals from Richmond Chinese community Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Lanzuages spoken other than English and French: • Cantonese, Mandarin. Ms. Catherine Law Society Co-ordinator 208 - 8171 Park Road Richmond, (British Columbia) V6Y 1S9 (1-604) 270-7222 Fax: (1-604) 270-7252 CSC-SCC 26 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Storefront Orientation Services (S.O.S.) I. Objective: • To orient and advocate for refugees in Vancouver's Eastside. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • • • • • • Advocacy/Outreach: > Settlement and Orientation service for newcomers, > Workers guide clients, > Social Services, > Legal Aid, > Interpretation providing, > Advocacy, > Referrals to other services; English classes; Life Skills and Pre-Employment (12-week orientation courses 3 times a year): > Job search, > Résumé, > Interview skills, > Life skills /community kitchen workshop; Health Promotion, Education and AIDS Counselling: > Health counselling, > Confidential information, > Counselling about AIDS; Mail drop-off for clients with no permanent address; Orientation to Vancouver; Services and customs; Periodic talks on legal; Cultural issues; Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Languages spoken other than English and French: • Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish. Ms Alexandra Charlton Co-ordinator Ms. Adela Lee Settlement and Orientation service worker 360 Jackson Avenue Vancouver (British Colombia) V6A 3B4 CSC-SCC 27 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Centre Co-ordinator: zi (1-604) 255-1881 Advocacy & Settlement: (1-604) 255-4611 Chinese line: ei (1-604) 253-8859 ELT: zi (1-604) 255-7273 Health: (1-604) 255-7249 Fax: (1-604) 255-7293 Strathcona Employment Assistance Services 1. Objective: • To provide employment related services to Chinese-speaking immigrants 2. Programs/Services (among others): • • • • • General employment counselling to individuals and groups Job referrals Vocational counselling Labour market information Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Languages spoken other than English and French: • Cantonese, Mandarin. Mr. Alex Lui Manager #205 - 10 East Pender Street Vancouver (British Columbia) V6A 1S9 fe (1 604) 689-7594 Fax: (1-604) 689-7597 - Other location: Richmond: Richmond Office er. (1-604) 270-1305 S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Fraser Office I. Objective: CSC-SCC 28 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) • - Pacific Region To strive to encourage every immigrant to overcome language and cultural society, to achieve self-reliance, to contribute fully to the Canadian society. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • • • • • Employment training Counselling Youth placement service (Youth Community Action) English as a Second Language (E.S.L.) class Computer training Immigrant and citizenship orientation Volunteers services Public education Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Languages spoken other than English and French: • Cantonese, Mandarin. M. Nivelle To Manager 5838 Fraser Street Suite 203 Vancouver (British Columbia) V5W 2Z5 Fri (1-604) 324-8817 Fax: (1-604) 324-2536 E-mail: H YPERLINK mailto:[email protected] fr a [email protected] United Chinese Community Enrichment Services Society (S.U.C.C.E.S.S.) I. Objective: • To build bridges and assist new Canadians and immigrants to overcome language and cultural barriers and to become participating and contributing members of the community. 2. Programs/Services: • CSC-SCC Settlement & Public Education: D Direct information, referral services, • New immigrants orientation, 29 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region > Public education Program, > English language training, > Citizenship Program, > Refugee Program; • Group & Community Services: D Women's Leadership Advocacy, > Women's Program, > Senior Program, > Citizens/Members Participation; • Family & Youth Counselling: > Individual and family counselling, > Family life education Program, > Counselling group, > Cross cultural training, D Parenting Program / Parent support groups > Youth at Risk Program, D Peer & Lay Counselling; • Employment & Job Finding: D Youth employment training, > Job finding club, > Women Job Training Program, > Employment Counselling; • Advocacy & Community Action: D Community Liaison, > Advocacy, D Volunteer development; Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Languages spoken other than English and French: • Cantonese, Mandarin. Ms. Lilian To Executive Director Service locations: S.U.C.E.S.S. Head Office 28 W. Pender Street S.U.C.E.S.S. Fraser Office 5836 Fraser Street Vancouver (British Columbia) Vancouver (British Columbia) V6B 1R6 (1-604) 684-1628 Fax: (1-604) 408-7236 V5W 2Z5 re. (1-604) 324-1900 Fax: (1-604) 321-1955 CSC-SCC 30 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region S.U.C.E.S.S. West Broadway Office #501 - 1788 West Broadway Street Vancouver (British Columbia) V6J 1Y1 ee (1-604) 732-3278 Fax: (1-604) 732-9818 S.U.C.E.S.S. Burnaby-Coquitlam Office 142A - 555 North Rd. Coquitlam (British Columbia) V3J 1N8 ei (1-604) 936-5900 Fax: (1-604) 936-7280 S.U.C.E.S.S. Mandarin Service Centre 5540 Cambie Street Vancouver (British Columbia) V5Z 3A2 ed (1-604) 323-0901 Fax: (1-604) 323-0902 S.U.C.E.S.S. Tri-City Office #2058 Henderson Place 1163 Pintree Way Coq. (British Columbia) V3B 8A9 (1-604) 468-6000 Fax: (1-604) 464-6830 S.U.C.E.S.S. Richmond Offices 220 - 700 Minoru Blvd. Vancouver (British Columbia) V6Y 3Z5 (1-604) 279-7180 Fax: (1-604) 279-7188 Community Airport Newcomers Network (C.A.N.N.) #280 - 8191 Westminster Highway Richmond (British Columbia) V6X 1A7 ri (1-604) 270-0077 Fax: (1-604) 270-6008 - Vancouver Association of Chinese Canadians 1. Objective: • To help Chinese newcomers to integrate to the Canadian society. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • Information Counselling Advocacy Immigration Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Languages spoken other Man English and French: • Cantonese, Mandarin. Mr. Victor Wong President CSC-SCC 31 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region 2639 Kingsford Ave. Burnaby (British Colombia) V5B 4L7 e (1-604) 421-2983 Croatian community Croatian Cultural Centre I. Objectives: • • To help the Croatian community in maintaining and promoting the Croatian cultural heritage; To assist newcomers to Canada to adjust to a new environment. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • 1 Facilities for all functions Croatian language course for adults A Croatian library with books in Croatian and English language Folkdance groups (for adults and kids) Collect telephone calls. 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Croatian. Mr. Sreeko Joe Vukelic General Manager 3250 Commercial Drive Vancouver (British Columbia) V5N 4E4 (1-604) 879-0154 Fax: (1-604) 879-2308 Danish community Federation of Danish Association in Canada CSC-SCC 32 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region I. Oljectives (among others): • • • • • • To provide Danish Canadian organizations with a national umbrella organization; To promote cooperation among Danish Canadian organizations; To promote cultural and social activities; To promote the preservation and understanding of Danish traditions and heritage; To foster the development of a better Canadian society; To provide support and assistance to members of the Federation. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • • • • • Congregation Churches Old people homes Businessmen's associations Fraternities Historical societies Publications Social clubs Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Danish. Mr. Poul B. Christensen Regional President 142 - 28 Richmond Street New Westminster, British Columbia V3L 5P4 in (1-604) 521-3222 Fax: (1-6040 521-3222 Filipino community Filipino-Canadian Youth Alliance © CSC-SCC 33 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region I. Objectives (among others): • • • • • To deepen our understanding of our situation as Filipino-Canadian youth; To carry out political campaigns as part of the Filipino people's struggle for genuine land reform and national industrialization; To struggle for our community's legitimate sights and welfare as members of Canadian society; To integrate, learn from and serve the most exploited and oppressed group in our community and classes in Philippine society; To build an alliance with other Filipino youth and student organizations. 2. Programs/Services: • Workshops: > Skills training, > > > > > > D > Leadership, Anti-racism, Newsletter layout, Communications, Facilitation, Computers, Cultural, Theatre skills; • Studies: • • > Philippine history, > Canadian immigration, D Racism, > Global economic, D Present situation; Socials activities; Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Tagalog Ms. Monica Urrutia Coordinator Kalayaan Centre 451 Powell Street Vancouver, British Columbia V6A 1G7 ge (1-604) 215-1103 CSC-SCC 34 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Fax: (1-604) 215-1103 E-mail: H YPERLINK mailto:[email protected] pw c @netcom.ca Website: H YPERLINK http://wwvv.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/7511 w w w .}-2;eociti es.com/Athens/Parthenon/7511 Philippine Wonien Centre I. Objectives: • • • • • • To promote awareness by Philippine women of their common interests, issues, and problems as women of an ethnic minority living in Canada; To help foster feminist values, emphasizing them from the perspective of Philippine women; To encourage inter-cultural understanding with women from other ethnic communities; To disseminate information about the Philippine community and about events in the Philippines; To establish links with other groups To coordinate and/or work with agencies, associations, groups and individuals for the purpose of achieving the above objectives. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • • • • Membership services Advocacy Education Community Economic Development (C.E.D.) Support Solidarity Producing Cultural Events: > Organizing Socials, > Skills Training, > Referrals, > Resources, > Networking, > Fundraising; Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Tagalog. Ms. Jane Ordinario CSC-SCC 35 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Program Coordinator 451 Powell Street Vancouver (British Columbia) V6A 1G7 (1-604) 215-1103 Fax: (1-604) 215-1103 E-mail: H Y PERLINK mailto:[email protected] pw [email protected] German community German Canadian Congress of British Columbia I. Objective: • To cultivate and promote the language, culture and customs of German-Canadians in Canada. 2. Programs/Services (among others): • • • • • • • Offering the "Assistance for Pension from Germany"; Organizing conventions, workshops and forum discussions; Producing educational material on the history of German in Canada; Producing bi-monthly radio news for German-Canadian community programs; Supporting and encouraging local german-canadian groups and activities as well as national events in association with regional counterparts; Working in co-operation with other ethnic groups; Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Gerrnan. Mr. John D. Pioch President (1-604) 821-1930 Fax: (1-604) 821-1931 10288 - 149A Street Surrey (British Columbia) V3R 4A4 CSC-SCC 36 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region (1-6040 581-1948 Fax: (1-604) 583-5868 Goethe Institute Vancouver I. Objectives: • • • To foster appreciation for the German language and culture; To contribute to international understanding; To enhance the intercultural dialog with other countries. 2. Programs/Services (among others): • • • • • • • Forum for the discussion of current German issues Interesting in cultural similarities and differences Helping develop the latest teaching material for German German Course Language Library network access Information about Germany Telephone calls collect. 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • German. Ms. Sabine Walz Director 944 West 8'1' Avenue Vancouver (British Columbia) V5Z 1E5 ei (1-604) 732-3966 Fax: (1-604) 732-5062 Website: H YPERLINK http://www.goethe.de h tp://www.goethe.de Greek community Hellenic Community of Vancouver 1. Objective: • CSC-SCC To help the Greek community. 37 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region 2. Programs/Services: • • Providing social and cultural activities Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Greek. Mr. Chris Christodoulou President 100-4500 Arbutus Street Vancouver (British Columbia) V6J 4A2 (1-604) 266-7148 Fax: (1-604) 266-7140 Hispanic community Hispanic Community Centre of BC 1. Objective: • To help the Hispanic immigrants to integrate into the Canadian society. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • Counselling Orientation Interpretation English as a Second Language (E.S.L.) basic Telephone call (not collect) 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Spanish. Mr. Manuel Salinas Executive Director Mr. Miguel Arevalo CSC-SCC 38 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Administrator 4824 Commercial Street Vancouver (British Columbia) V5N 4H1 ia (1-604) 872-4431 Fax: (1-604) 872-4448 Iranian community Iranian Immigrant and Refugee Society of BC I. Objective: • To provide services and social activities to the Iranian community. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • • • Refugee and new corners settlement process Defending the human rights Anti-racist activity Supporting the democratic movements of Iranian people Hosting cultural and diversity events relevant to the Iranian people Cultural and social activities Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Persian. Mr. Hamid Dadizadeh Representative Mr. Mehran Azami Public Relations P.O. Box 15523 Vancouver (British Columbia) V6B 5B3 ee (1-604) 688-9019 Fax: (1-604) 924-8009 E-mail: irsbcenetscape.net CSC-SCC 39 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Japanese community Japanese Community Volunteers Association 1. Objectives: • • To provide social, recreational and educational programs and services for the betterment of the Japanese Canadian community and Canadian society; To encourage the spirit of volunteerism, the objective is to provide opportunities for all generations of Japanese Canadians and new immigrants: > to improve their quality of life, > to achieve independence, > to foster personal development, > to expand and strengthen friendships > to affirm their cultural heritage. 2. Programs/Services (among others): • • • • CSC-SCC Activities programs: > Outreach, D Education, D Cultural & Recreational, Services: > Direct information and referral, > Language-based transportation escort services, > Translation, interpretation and application assistance, > Counselling, D Crisis intervention, > Immigrant settlement, > Orientation, > Cultural adjustment, > Meeting place for community groups and activities, > Book and video libraries; Volunteers activities: > Lunch Program, > Visitation to hospitals, care and home, > Special events, D English and Japanese conversation teachers, > Library operation, > Fundraising, > Program assistant, > Publicity and newsletters; Telephone calls (not collect). 40 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Japanese. Mr. Takeo Yamashiro Executive Director 378 Powell Street Vancouver (British Columbia) V6A 1G4 (1-604) 687-2172 Fax: (1-604) 687-2168 Jewish community Canadian Jewish Congress I. Objectives (among others): • • • • • To identify, develop, research and present the policies of the Jewish community on issues of concern to all levels of gove rn ment; To combat anti-Semitism and Racism; To represents the community before human rights commissions and the courts; To promote intergroup relations, respect, understanding and goodwill between all segments of society; To stress the centrality of Israel for Jews and Judaism and seek to protect the status of Jewish communities abroad. 2. Programs/Services (among others): • CSC-SCC The Regional Community Relations Committee (C.R.C.): > Community Security Working Group, > Interfaith Relations Working Group, > Inter-ethnic and Multicultural Relations Working Group, > Political Liaison Working Group, > War Criminals Working Group, > National Unit Working Group; 41 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) • • • • • - Pacific Region Small communities-outreach to British Columbia Jewry outside major centers; Legal affairs and social policy development committee; Communication and education committee; Finance and resource development committee; Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Nil. Ms. Marilyn Berger Associate Executive Director Ms. Linda Brenner Office Assistant Suite 201 - 950 West 41 st Avenue Vancouver (British Columbia) V5Z 2N7 (1-604) 257-5101 Fax: (1-604) 257-5131 E-mail: H YPERLINK mailto:[email protected] Da c [email protected] Website: H YPERLINK http://www.cjc.ca w w w.cjc.ca Burquest Jewish Community Assocaition I. Objective: • To provide Jewish community life in the eastern suburbs of Vancouver (Burnaby, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, New Westminster and on up the Fraser Valley (Pitt Meadows, Langely, Abbotsford). 2. Programs/Services: • • • • Jewish religious services Religious school Social events Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Hebrew. Mr. David B. Lank President CSC-SCC 42 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region P.O. Box 187, 720 6 th Street New Westminster (British Colombia) V3L 3C5 a (1-604) 526-7235 Fax: (1-604) 291-3010 Website: www.j fgv.com/burquest/ - Shalom Vancouver I. Objectives (among others): • • To provide current information to the entire community about all aspects of Jewish life in the lower Mainland and throughout BC; To welcome and provide orientation to Jewish newcomers to Greater Vancouver 2. Programs/Services: • • Assisting newcomers: > Information, > Referral to appropriate agencies, > Mentoring programs, D A warm welcome introduction into the community by a volunteer trained; Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Languages spoken other than English and French: • Hebrew, Russian, Yiddish. Ms. Daniella Givon Executive Director 950 West 41 st Avenue Vancouver (British Columbia) V5Z 2N7 rni (1-604) 257-5111, ext. 238 Fax: (1-604) 257-5119 E-mail: H YPERLINK mailto:[email protected] s h alom [email protected] CSC-SCC 43 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Korean community Korean Society I. Objective: • To help the Korean people living in Vancouver. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • Social activities Cultural events Interpretation, translation Publication newspaper Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Korean. Ms. Sugkyoung Lee Manager 1320 E Hastings Street Vancouver (British Columbia) V5L 1S3 e (1-604) 255-3739 Fax: (1-604) 255-3443 Kurdish community Kurdish Canadian Information Centre I. Objectives: • • • • CSC-SCC To promote the cultural and educational interests of the Kurdish Canadian community and Kurdish people in Canada; To teach the Kurdish language to youth and to educate them about their culture and history; To co-ordinate national days of the Kurds; To provide the news about the Kurds in Kurdistan; 44 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) • • • - Pacific Region To participate and co-ordinate with other organizations activities; To help and give information to new immigrants; To discuss and educate our people with Canadian laws and regulations of the issues of discriminations, employment, human rights, women and children issues. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • • Kurdish school (for children) Social and cultural activities International events Translation Immigration Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Kurdish. Mr. Javid Atmani President 4904 Joyce Street Vancouver (British Columbia) V5R 406 zi (1-604) 438-4020 Or Tel/Fax: (1-604) 438-4046 Malaysia community Malaysia, Singapore, Bunei Cultural Association (M.S.B.C.A.) I. Objectives: • • • To promote Asian culture together; To help Children grow up with Canadian people; To participate with other communities in Vancouver. 2. Programs/Services: • • • CSC-SCC Co-ordination of cultural activities Presentation Asian cultural Telephone calls (not collect). 45 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region 3. Languages spoken other than English and French: • Cantonese, Mandarin, Mr. Chung Christopher President 1707 East 37 t1i Avenue Vancouver (British Columbia) V5P 1E7 (1-604) 324-5687 Fax: (1-604) 304-3878 Muslim community BC Muslim Association 1. Objectives: • • To provide Muslim facilities; To conduct the religious activities. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • Inmates visit Providing religious books Providing services: Muslim religion, education, etc. Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Nil. Mr. Azhar Fyed Contact person 4571 Dallyn Rd. Richmond (British Columbia) ei (1-604) 278-4145 Fax: (1-604) 278-4145 CSC-SCC 46 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Pakistan community Pakistan Canada Association of BC I. Objective: • To help the Pakistan community in British Columbia. 2. Programs/Services: • • • Providing services for Pakistan new immigrants Interpretation and translation Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other (han English and French: • Punjabi, Urdu. Mr. Isham Malik President Mr. Munir Rasat Vice President P.O. Box 65538 St. F Vancouver (British Columbia) V5N 5K5 di (1-604) 581-0308 (Home) -.7.- (1-604) 878-8899 (leaving a message) - Polish community Canadian Polish Congress (C.P.C.) - BC Branch 1. Objective: • To help the Polish immigrants to integrate into the Canadian society. 2. Programs/Services: • • © CSC-SCC Information Counselling 47 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) • • • • - Pacific Region Immigration Escort service Interpretation, translation Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other th an English and French: • Polish. Mr. Edward Dornia President 4015 Fraser Street Vancouver (British Columbia) V5V 4E6 ei (1-604) 873-2692 Fax: (1-604) 873-2692 Polish Community Centre 1. Objective: • To help the Polish people and anybody in Vancouver. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • Information Counselling Social activities Interpretation, translation Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Polish. Mr. Steve Ozdoba President 4015 Fraser Street Vancouver (British Columbia) V5V 4E6 21- (1-604) 874-8620 Fax: (1-604) 874-3668 CSC-SCC 48 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Scottish community Scottish Cultural Centre I. Objective: • To promote, present and preserve the Scottish culture. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • Music instruction Gaelic dance instruction Concert presentations Telephone calls (not collect) 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Gaelic. Mr. James Bain President Ms. Yvonne Doig Office-Coordinator (Resource person) 8886 Hudson Street Vancouver (British Columbia) V6P 4N2 ei (1-604) 263-9911 Fax: (1-604) 263-9510 Taiwanese community Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society 1. Objectives (among others): • • CSC-SCC To educate and help new immigrants understand and integrate into Canadian life and culture; To contribute to multiculturalism through educational activities and programs related to Taiwanese art, culture, history and language; 49 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) • • - Pacific Region To encourage new immigrants to take part in the local community through educational programs and activities; To introduce Taiwanese culture to Canadians and promote within the community at large. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • • Taiwanese Canadian cultural activities Family services: > Counselling for senior citizens, women, youth and family, > Youth programs, > Community health education, D Crisis management; Assistance to new immigrants: > Information, referral > Providing language translation services (Hakka, Mandarin, Taiwanese) D English as a Second Language (E.S.L.) education and practical applications; Orientation to Canadian life and community: > Developing relationships with other community multicultural and services organizations > Referrals D Educational activities; Publications: > Periodicals and research reports D Translating local resource materials Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Languages spoken other than English and French: • Hakka, Mandarin, Taiwanese. Dr. Enzen Jen Executive Director Mr. Mike Yang Program Coordinator #110 - 1200 West 73 rd Avenue Vancouver (British Columbia) V6P 6G5 rie (1-604) 267-0901 Fax: (1-604) 267-0903 E-mail: H YPERLINK mailto :[email protected] tc c s eus.com Website: H YPERLINK http://www.tccs.bc.ca ww w .tccs.bc.ca CSC-SCC 50 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Multicultural communities Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Services Agencies of BC (A.M.S.S.A.) 1. Objective: • To assist in developing a harmonious, just and equitable society by facilitating, supporting and developing collaborative networks in British Columbia for the agencies and societies. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • Consultation services Training Information and referral Toll free telephone number: 1-888-355-5580. 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Nil. Ms. Vera Radyo Executive Director Mr. Collin Mercer Program Coordinator 385 S. Boundary Road Vancouver (British Columbia) V5K 4S1 ie (1-406) 718-2777 or 1-888-355-5580 Fax: (1-604) 298-0747 E-mail: amssarffiamssa.org Website: amssa.org Burnaby Family Institute I. Objective: • e CSC-SCC To encourage individuals, partners and families to develop healthy and caring relationship by providing education and support services. 51 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region 2. Programs/Services (among others): • • • • • • Personal and families development groups: > Art for employment & growth, D Breaking the cycle, D English as A second Language (E.S.L.) / Preschool Program, D Immigrant Women & children: a support group, > Women anger, > Couple counselling; Parenting groups: D Different STEP Programs; Saturday workshops: D Renewing relationships > Stress Management and Wellness > Learning to listen; Support services; Violence Program: > Adult survivors of sexual abuse for women > Counselling > Therapy for adult survivors of sexual abuse > Street management and relation > Group for couples D Sexual healing for women D Men against violence; Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Spanish. Ms. Rita Angelo Program Coordinator #32 - 250 Willingdon Avenue Burnaby (British Columbia) V5C 5E9 (1-604) 659-2200 Fax: (1-604) 299-9731 Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver (The) 1. Objective: CSC-SCC 52 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) • - Pacific Region To promote healthy and safe communities by advancing compassionate social and criminal justice for women and others in need of support. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Surrey Family Visitation Program Community Services Program Courtwork Shoplifers Counselling Program; Victim Offender Reconciliation Program (V.O.R.P.); Women's Residential Programs; Burnaby Open and Closed Custody Centre for Youth Alcohol and Drug Program; Burnaby Correctional Centre for Women (E Fry Programs); Family Counselling Programs: > Burnaby Integrated Family Program D Crisis Intervention Program D North Shore Family Integrated Program > South East Vancouver Family Support Team; Youth Residential Programs: > Cambridge Independent Living Program • Orenda Family Program > Vancouver Receiving House; Cambridge Outreach; Burnaby Youth Secure & Open Custody Centres: > Aquatics Program > Volunteer Services; Toll free telephone number: 1-888-879-9593. 3. Languages spoken other than English and French: • Cantonese, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu. Ms. Lisa Own Supervisor, Women's Services (1-604) 520-1166, ext. 622 4ffi Floor, 402 East Columbia New Westminster (British Columbia) V3L 3X1 (1-604) 520-1166 or Toll free 1-888-879-9593 Fax: (1-604) 520-1169 CSC-SCC 53 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Immigrant Services Program Lange ly Family Services 1. Objectives: • • To assist newcomers to experience a smooth transition in their settlement in Canada; To encourage immigrants a full participation in the life of Canada Society and their community. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • • • • Orientation Education workshop Information & referral Interpretation and translation Settlement counselling English language training Employment assistance Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Languages spoken other than English and French: • Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, Vietnamese, and some other languages. Mr. Ronnie Law Supervisor, Immigrant Services 5339 - 207m Street Langley (British Columbia) V3A 2E6 (1-604) 534-7921 Fax: (1-604) 534-9884 John Howard Society of the Lower Mainland of B.C. (The) 1. Objective: • © CSC-SCC To work for effective and humane criminal justice through reform, advocacy, direct services and public education in order to promote a safe and peaceful society. 54 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region 2. Programs/Services: • • • • Community services: > Assessment > Referral and advocacy support to men and their families > Prisoners services: • Providing one-to-one service on a weekly basis at Vancouver Pretrial, Surrey Pretrial and Fraser Regional Correctional Centre, • Providing assistance with pre-release planning, community information, support and advocacy; > Information Fairs; > Choices: • Educational Program for young people; > Public Speaking; > Youth Court Program: • Counselling • Referrals • Advocacy; > Victim Offender Mediation; Residential Services: > Halfway houses (Guy Richmond Place and Hobden House) designed to assist the rehabilitation of men released from penal institutions, > South Surrey Residence; Forensic Services; Collect telephone calls. 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • Nil. Ms. Kimberly Brake Coordinator of Adult Services 300 - 96 East Broadway Vancouver (British Columbia) V5T 4N9 eie (1-604) 872-5651 Fax: (1-604) 872-4165 E-mail: j hslm@interg_ate.bc.ca Little Mountain Neighbourhood House Society 1. Objectives: CSC-SCC 55 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) • • - Pacific Region To provide needed educational, cultural, recreational and social services for different groups, ethnic specific groups, families and for the wider community of little Mountain / Riley Park. To facilitate the Little Mountain community to actively participate, through self-help, in the development of a healthier community. 2. Programs/Services (among others): • Educational Programs: • Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (L.I.N.C.), • • • • • • • Open English as a Second Language (E.S.L.), • Reading &Homework club, • Vietnamese programs; Parenting Programs: D Cantonese parent group D Latin American parenting group D Ready or not parent group > Single Mom's support group > Vietnamese parenting group > African women' s support group; Children & Family Counselling Programs: > Latin American counselling clinic > Special services to children and Families Program; Community Programs; Cross Cultural Programs: D African community D Development Program > Latin American Community > Development Program D Racism Free Neighbourghood NetWork > Vietnamese Settlement Program; Cultural Programs: D Cross cultural evening • D Racism Free Community Workshops; Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Languages spoken other than English and French: • Oromo, Spanish, Vietnamese. Mr. Joel Bronstein Executive Director Ms. Carmen Miranda-Barrios Latin American Cross Cultural Facilitator CSC-SCC 56 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region 3981 Main Street Vancouver (British Columbia) V5V 3P3 (1-604) 279-7104 Fax: (1-604) 879-7113 M2/W2 Association 1. Objective: • To care about everyone who is affected when crime is committed, the victim, the community at large, the offender's family and the offenders. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • Providing One-to-one prisoners visitation program by volunteers from the community; Helping their reintegration into the community; Assistance with housing and employment; Collect telephone calls. 3. Language spoken other than English and French: • German. Mr. Wayne Northey Executive Director 208 - 2825 Clearbrook Rd. Abbotsford (British Columbia) V2T 6S3 ei (1-604) 859-3215 or 857-1500 (Vane. Toll-Free) Fax: (1-604) 859-1216 Multicultural Women's Participation Project Maple Ridge Family Education Centre I. Objectives: • CSC-SCC To ensure that all women have the opportunity to participate fully in their community; 57 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region To assist the multiculturalism population in Maple Ridge and Meadows to accessing community services; • To work with the multicultural community and services providers towards building culturally sensitive programs and services. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • • • Women's support group Counselling Education Free transportation Child minding provided Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Languages spoken other than English and French: • Bengali, Cantonese, Farsi, Hindi, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish, Urdu. Ms. Monica Buchanan Multicultural Women's Participation Project Coordinator 22554 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge (British Columbia) V2X 2V1 e. (1-604) 467-6055 Fax: (1-604) 467-5668 North Shore Multicultural Society (N.S.M.S.) 1. Objectives: • • • To promote equal access and opportunities for all ethnic groups; To encourage their integration to and active participation in Canadian society; To provide cross-cultural understanding and equality for all people on the North Shore. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • CSC-SCC Orientation and workshops on community services and the Canadian system; Pre-employment workshops and job finding assistance; Information and referral; Lay counselling; Interpretation and translation; 58 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) • • • • • • • • 3. - Pacific Region Free English as a Second Language (E.S.L.) classes; Host Program; Program for immigrant and visible minority; School liaison to promote cross-cultural understanding; Participation in community projects and activities; Public education on multicultural, immigrant integration and antiracism issues; Promotion of community awareness; Telephone calls (not collect). 11 1 Languages spoken other than English and French: • Cantonese, Farsi, German, Mandarin, Spanish, Turkish. 1 Ms. Margaret Third Executive Director #102 - 123 E 15 th Street North Vancouver (British Columbia) V7L 2P7 (1-604) 988-2960 Fax: (1-604) 988-2931 g 1I I Pacific Immigrant Resources Society (P.I.R.S.) 1. Objective: • 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • • • 3. To provide services for immigrant women and their young children in Vancouver. Consultation services; English as a Second Language (E.S.L.) Programs for immigrant women; Leadership development and support programs (L.E.A.D.) for immigrant women; Training in group facilitation; Children's Programs; Volunteer training and support Program; Telephone calls (not collect). Language spoken other than English and French: 111 1111 111 CSC-SCC 59 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) • - Pacific Region Nil. Mt-. Jean Maloney Executive Director 385 South Boundary Road Vancouver (British Columbia) V5K 4S1 gi (1-604) 298-5888 Fax: (1-604) 298-0747 Vancouver & Lower Mainland Multicultural Family Support Services Society I. Objective: • To provide culturally sensitive services to immigrant and visible women and their families who are facing violence. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • • • Individual and/or group counselling support to women in situations of family violence prior to, during, and after their stay in a transition house; Supportive services to women from situations of family violence, in their interactions with the legal and social systems; Individual and/or group counselling support to children who witness violence; Volunteer program to develop organizing and leadership skills for women who have experienced violence; Educational programs within the multicultural communities regarding the dynamics of family violence and alternative models of treatment; Consultation and educational programs to professionals working with immigrant and visible minority women in situations of family violence; Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Languages spoken other than English and French: • Amharic, Arabic, Cantonese, Gujarati, Hindi, Ilokano, Korean, Mandarin, Perian (Farsi), Polish, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog, Tigrania, Urdu, Vietnamese, and many other languages. Ms. Shashi Assanand Executive Director CSC-SCC 60 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region 5000 Kingsway Plaza - Phase III 1#306 - 4980 Kingsway Burnaby (British Columbia) V5H 4K7 (1-604) 436-1025 Fax: (1-604) 436-3267 E-mail: H YPERLINK mailto:[email protected] ml s seamssa.bc.ca Website: H YPERLINK http://www.amssa.bc.ca/mfss w w \ .amssa.bc.ca/mfss CSC-SCC 61 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Chapter 3 South Coast Region © CSC-SCC 62 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region French community L'assocaition des Francophones de Nanaimo (A.F.N.) I. Objectives: • To respond the needs and the expectations of the Francophone and francophile of the region. 2. Programs/Services (among others): • • • • • • Social activities Youth employment project Workshops Translation services Educational services Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Laneuages spoken other than English and French: • German, Polish. Ms. Nicole Langlois Executive Director 905 Hecate Street Nanaimo (British Columbia) V9R 4-K7 (1-250) 754-5732 Fax: (1-250) 754-7499 Multicultural communities Campbell River and Area Multicultural and Immigrant Services Association I. Objectives: • CSC-SCC To help immigrants and their families settle into the community and make a successful adjustment to life in Canada; 63 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) • - Pacific Region To promote cross-cultural exchange and understanding through educational workshops and multicultural community events. 2. Programs/Services (among others): • • • • • • • • • • • English as a Second Language (E.S.L.) classes Orientation and referral Interpretation and translation Programs Short-term supportive counselling Educational workshops Program for newcomers Multicultural/anti-racism workshops Multilingual resource library Women's group Volunteers opportunities Collect telephone calls. 3. Languages spoken other than English and French: • Japanese, Punjabi, Spanish, Vietnamese. Ms Kathie Landry Program Coordinator #15 - 1480 Elm Street Campbell River (British Columbia) V9W 3A6 zi (1-250) 830-0171 Fax: (1-250) 830-1010 E-mail: CRMISAa,oberon.ark.com John Howard Society of British Columbia (The) 1. Objective: • To offer a wide range of criminal justice related programs for adults and youth. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • CSC-SCC Drop-in counselling Residential Programs Assessment and referral School crime prevention 64 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - Pacific Region Prison visiting Public education Family Services Sex Offender Programming Family Violence Programs Victim/Offender reconciliation Courtwatch Programs Substance Abuse Treatment Employment counselling Literacy Programming Diversion Adult/Youth Community service order supervision Intensive supervision for youth Aboriginal Family Support Program Intrusive Children's Program Life Skills/Job Skills Programs Youth/Parent Mediation Male Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Program Telephone calls (not collect). 3. Language spoken other titan English and French: • Nil. Mr. Willie Blonde Executive Director 3 - 481 Head Street Victoria (British Columbia) V9A 5S1 e (1-250) 361-1551 Fax: (1-250) 361-4383 E-mail: wbjhsbcRislandnet.com Homepage: http//vvww.nald.ca/jhow.htm Other locations: Nanahno: Nanaimo Regional Society e (1-250) 754-1266 North Island: North Island Regional Society ee (1-250) 286-0611 Victoria: Victoria Regional Society e (1-250) 386-3428 CSC-SCC 65 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Victoria Immigrant & Refugee Centre Society (V.I.R.C.S.) 1. Objectives: • • To assist in the settlement and adjustment of immigrants and refugees in Canada; To provide services designed to increase the new-comer's participation in Canadian society by assisting the newcomer to overcome barriers. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • © CSC-SCC Settlement service: > Newcomer Reception > Accommodation Information > Referrals for legal > Orientation on community norms > Community > Interpretation, translation > Escorting > Mediating D Counselling > Support groups; > Peer counselling > English as a Second Language > Self-help projects > Canadian lifeskills workshops; Education Program: > English as a Second Language (E.S.L.) classes > E.S.L. volunteer home tutors Employment Program: > Career counselling > Job market information > Job search strategies > Resume & cover letter preparation > Interview & self-promotion techniques D Contacts for job openings > Training opportunities; Community: > Workshops > Multicultural events > Volunteers; Telephone calls (not collect). 66 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region 3. Languages spoken other than English and French: • Arabic, Cantonese, Dutch, German, Italian, Punjabi, Spanish, Vietnamese, and several African dialects. Mr. Carlos A. Gaete Executive Director #305 - 535 Yates Street Victoria (British Columbia) V8W 2Z6 fhe (1-250) 361-9433, Extensions: Executive Director: 215 Settlement: 213 E.S.L. & tutoring: 203 Job coaching: 206 Volunteering: 212 Fax: (1-250) 361-1914 CSC-SCC 67 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Chapter 4 Northern Interior Region © CSC-SCC 68 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Multicultural communities Prince George and District Elizabeth Fry Society 1. Objective: • To provide services and programs to adults and youth who are or could be in conflict with the law. 2. Programs/Services: • • • • • • • Shelter Teen Mother's Resource Program: > Outreach Program > Education Program > Day care Program Victim Support Services: D Victim Assistance Program; Courtwork Services; Youth Accountability Program Clothlesine Thrift Shop Collect telephone calls. 3. Languages spoken other than English and French: • Dutch, Hindi, Persian, Punjabi, Spanish. Ms. Ann Howard Executive Director 101 - 2666 Queengsway Prince George (British Columbia) V2L 1N2 eie (1-250) 563-1113 Fax: (1-250) 563-8765 CSC-SCC 69 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region Part III Consular Representatives CSC-SCC 70 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region AUSTRALIA World Trade Centre Office Complex, 999 Canada Place, Suite 602 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 3E1 e (1-604) 684-1177 Fax: (1-604) 684-1856 AUSTRIA 1810 Alberni Street, Suite 202 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6G 1B3 e (1-604) 687-3338 Fax: (1-604) 681-3578 BANGLADESH Parkage Village Shopping Centre, 108 — 325 Howe Street Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 1Z7 e (1-604) 801-5233 Fax: (1-604) 801-5236 BARBADOS 401 — 2020 Haro Street Vancouver (British Colombia) V6G 1J3 e (1-604) 872-4444, 681-0740 BELGIUM Birks Place, 688 West Hastings Street, Suite 570 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6B 1P1 e (1-604) 684-6838 Fax: (1-604) 684-0371 BOLIVIA 680 — 789 West Pender Street Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 1H2 irt (1-604) 685-8121 Fax: (1-604) 685-8120 BRAZIL 1140 West Pender Street, Suite 1300 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6E 4G1 © CSC-SCC 71 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) (1-604) 687-4589, -4592 - Pacific Region Fax: (1-604) 684-6534, 687-6727 BRITAIN 1111 Melville Street, Suite 800 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6E 3V6 irw (1-604) 683-4421 Fax: (1-604) 681-0693 BURKINA FASO 1417-750 West Broadway Vancouver (British Colombia) V5Z 1J4 (1-604) 872-8719 Fax: (1-604) 872-0302 CHILE 1250 — 1185 West Georgia Street Vancouver (British Colombia) V6E 4E6 gi (1-604) 681-9162 Fax: (1-604) 682-2445 CHINA 3380 Granville Street Vancouver (British Colombia) V6H 3K3 ie (1-604) 734-7492 Fax: (1-604) 737-0154 COLOMBIA 789 West Pender Street, Suite 890 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 1H2 ge (1-604) 685-6435 Fax: (1-604) 685-6485 COSTA RICA 789 West Pender Street, Suite 430 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 1H2 ei (1-604) 681-2152 Fax: (1-604) 688-2152 CSC-SCC 72 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region CÔTE D' IVOIRE 1531 Haywood Avenue West Vancouver (British Colombia) V7V 1W4 (1-604) 875-5100 Fax: (1-604) 875-5433 CZECH REPUBLIC 2100— 1111 West Georgia Street, P.O. Box 48800 Vancouver (British Colombia) V7X 1K9 Fax: (1-604) 688-0829 (1-604) 661-7530 s. DENMARK 755 — 777 Hornby Street Vancouver (British Colombia) V6Z 1S4 (1-604) 684-5171 Fax: (1-604) 684-8054 ECUADOR 9032 Lyra Place Burnaby (British Colombia) V3.1 1B1 (1-604) 420-7767 Fax: (1-604) 420-7331 EL SALVADOR Sinclair Centre P.O. Box 649, Station "A" Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 2N5 ei (1-604) 732-8142 FIJI 1285 West Pender Street, 9 th Floor Vancouver (British Colombia) V6E 4B1 irrr. (1-604) 687-7668 Fax: (1-604) 687-7608 FINLAND 1188 West Georgia Street, Suite 1100 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6E 4A2 CSC-SCC 73 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) (1-604) 688-4483 - Pacific Region Fax: (1-604) 687-8237 FRANCE The Vancouver Building, 736 Granville Street, Suite 1201 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6Z 1H9 œe. (1-604) 681-4345 Fax: (1-604) 681-4287 1162 Fort Street Victoria (British Colombia) V8V 3K8 ei (1-604) 385-1505 Fax: (1-604) 385-9851 GERMANY 9832 — 98A Avenue Fort St. John (British Colombia) V1J 1S2 e (1-250) 785-4300 Fax: (1-250) 785-5028 World Trade Centre, 999 Canada Place, Suite 704 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 3E1 (1-604) 684-8377 Fax: (1-604) 684-8334 GHANA 2919 Eddystone Crescent Vancouver (British Colombia) V7H 1B8 gi. (1-604) 929-1496 Fax: (1-604) 929-1860 GREECE 500 — 688 West Hastings Street Vancouver (British Colombia) V6B 1P1 Ire (1-604) 681-8381 Fax: (1-604) 681-6656 GUATEMALA 777 Hornby Street, Suite 760 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6Z 1S4 (1-604) 688-5209 Fax: (1-604) 688-5210 © CSC-SCC 74 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region HAITI 750 West Pender Street, Suite 804 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 2T8 (1-604) 682-8468 Fax: (1-604) 682-4380 HONDURAS 510 West Hasting Street, Suite 1026 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6B 1L8 (1-604) 685-7711 HUNGARY 309— 1788 West 5ffi Avenue Vancouver (British Colombia) V6.1. 1P2 re (1-604) 718-2807 ICELAND 940 Younette Drive Vancouver (British Colombia) V7T 1S9 -a (1-604) 922-0854 Fax: (1-604) 925-2524 INDIA 325 Howe Street, 2lld Floor Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 1Z7 iTe (1-604) 662-8811 Fax: (1-604) 682-2471 INDONESIA 1455 West Georgia Street, 2nd Floor Vancouver (British Colombia) V6G 2T3 (1-604) 682-8855 Fax: (1-604) 662-8396 IRELAND 100 West Pender Street, Suite 1400 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6B 1R8 © CSC-SCC 75 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) Fe (1-604) 683-8440 - Pacific Region Fax: (1-604) 683-8402 ITALY 1125-B Park Avenue Prince Rupert (British Colombia) V8J 1K2 Fe (1-250) 625-6282 Fax: (1-250) 624-6613 128 Colley Street Trail (British Colombia) V1R 2M2 (1-250) 364-2325 1200 Burrard Street, Suite 705 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6Z 2C7 (1-604) 684-7288 Fax: (1-604) 685-2147 207-1050 Park Boulevard Victoria (British Colombia) V8V 2T4 Fe (1-250) 386-3212 Fax: (1-250) 595-5812 JAMAICA 534 Sixth Street, Suite 604 New Westminster (British Colombia) V3L 5K7 Fe (1-604) 515-0443 Fax: (1-604) 515-0443, 521-4580 JAPAN 1177 West Hastings Street, Suite 900 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6E 2K9 Fe (1-604) 684-5868 Fax: (1-604) 684-6939 KOREA 1090 Georgia Street West, Suite 1600 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6E 3V7 Fe (1-604) 681-9584 Fax: (1-604) 681-4864 CSC-SCC 76 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region LESOTHO 2046 West 14 th Avenue Vancouver (British Colombia) V6J 2K4 Fax: (1-604) 734-0627 ee (1-604) 734-2729 LIBERIA 815 Hornby Street, Suite 502 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6Z 2E6 Fax: (1-604) 684-0367 ee (1-604) 684-5988 LITHUANIA 555 West Hastings Street, Suite 700 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6B 4N5 ee (1-604) 893-7003 Fax: (1-604) 925-6187 LUXEMBOURG 300 — 1111 Meleville Street Vancouver (British Colombia) V6E 4H7 ee (1-604) 682-3664 Fax: (1-604) 688-3830 MALAYSIA 925 West Georgia Street, Suite 1900 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 3L2 ee (1-604) 685-9550 Fax: (1-604) 685-9520 MALTA 1001 West Broadway, Suite 310 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6H 4B1 ee (1-604) 732-4453 Fax: (1-604) 738-4796 MEXICO 1130 West Pender Street, Suite 810 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6E 4A4 © CSC-SCC 77 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - ei (1-604) 684-3547, -1859 Pacific Region Fax: (1-604) 684-2485 MONACO 500 — 1111 Melville Street Vancouver (British Colombia) V6E 41-17 -a (1-604) 682-4633 Fax: (1-604) 888-5020 NETHERLANDS Crown Trust Building, 475 Howe Street, Suite 821 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 2B3 (1-604) 684-6448, -6449 Fax: (1-604) 684-3549 NEW ZEALAND 888 Dunsmuir Street, Suite 1200 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 3K4 (1-604) 684-7388 Fax: (1-604) 684-7333 NIGER 200 — 2150 West Broadway Vancouver (British Colombia) V6K 4L9 ei (1-604) 736-5421 Fax: (1-604) 736-1519 NORWAY 1200 Waterfront Centre, 200 Burrard 'Street Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 3L6 (1-604) 682-7977 Fax: (1-604) 682-8376 Hartwig Court, 1208 Wharf Street, P.O. Box 577 Victoria (British Colombia) V8W 2P5 (1-604) 384-1174 Fax: (1-604) 382-3231 PERU 505 Burrard Street, Suite 260 Vancouver (British Colombia) CSC-SCC 78 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) V7X 1M6 a (1-604) 662-8880 - Pacific Region Fax: (1-604) 662-3564 PHILIPPINES 301 — 308, 470 Granville Street Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 1V5 a (1-604) 685-7645 Fax: (1-604) 685-9945 POLAND 1177 West Hastings Street, Suite 1600 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6E 2K3 a (1-604) 688-3530 Fax: (1-604) 688-3537 PORTUGAL 904 — 700 West Pender Street Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 1G8 a (1-604) 688-6514,683-0015 Fax: (1-604) 685-7042 SAO TOMÉ AND PRINCIPE 700 Harbour Centre, 555 West Hastings Street Vancouver (British Colombia) V6B 4N5 a (1-604) 684-5356 Fax: (1-604) 443-5001 SINGAPORE 999 West Hastings Street, Suite 1305 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 2W2 a (1-604) 669-5115 Fax: (1-604) 669-5153 SLOVAKIA 5646 Eagle Court Vancouver (British Colombia) V7R 4V4 a (1-604) 732-4439 Fax: (1-604) 904-0301 © CSC-SCC 79 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) - Pacific Region SOUTH AFRICA 595 Burrard Street, SUITE 3023, P.O. Box 49069 Vancouver (British Colombia) V7X 1G4 elie (1-604) 688-1301 Fax: (1-604) 688-8193 SPAIN 3736 Parker Street Burnaby (British Colombia) V5C 3B1 (1-604) 299-7760 Fax: (1-604) 299-7760 SWEDEN 1188 West Georgia Street, Suite 1100 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6E 4A2 rie (1-604) 683-5838 Fax: (1-604) 687-8237 SWITZERLAND World Trade Centre, 790 — 999 Canada Place Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 3E1 (1-604) 684-2231 Fax: (1-604) 684-2806 THAILAND 1050 Burrard Street, Suite 1040 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6Z 2R9 (1-604) 687-1143 Fax: (1-604) 687-4434 TUNISIA 885 West Georgia Street, Suite 800 Vancouver (British Colombia) V6C 3H1 (1-604) 687-5700 Fax: (1-604) 687-6314 U.S.A. 1095 West Pender Street, 21 st Floor Vancouver (British Colombia) V6E 4E9 © CSC-SCC 80 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) ei (1-604) 685-4311 - Pacific Region Fax: (1-604) 685-5285, -7304 UGANDA 1361 Robson Street Vancouver (British Colombia) V6E 106 -a (1-604) 687-6631 Fax: (1-604) 687-5724 URUGUAY 3080 Waterloo Street Vancouver (British Colombia) V6R 3J6 ei (1-604) 730-1376 Fax: (1-604) 712-6775 © CSC-SCC 81 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) Part IV Correctional Service of Canada employees who speak or write several languages CSC-SCC 82 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) National Headquarters, Ottawa 1 1 1 1 : s : 1 NAME POSITION OFFICIAL LANGUAGES Marcel Kabundi (1-613) 996-9744 Chin K. Yeung (1-613) 943-0971 Project Manager French / English Food Services Project Officer Quality Assurance Planning & Design Consultant — Architect Project Assistant English Christopher Posner (1-613) 996-2148 Nora Meas, Bun (1-613) 943-3176 André Stambouli (1-613) 992-8715 Catherine Belanger (1-613) 947-6436 French / English Polish French Cambodian French / English Arabic, Spanish French / English Hungarian Montréal Region Montréal-Métropolitain District 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 Senior Evaluation Manager Senior Project Manager Strategic Planning OTHER LANGUAGES Lingala, Swahili, Luba Cantonese, Mandarin NAME POSITION Manasse Bambonye (1-514) 283-1776 Psychologist © CSC-SCC OFFICIAL LANGUAGES French / English 83 OTHER LANGUAGES Kirundi, Kinyarwanda, Swahili Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) Drummond Institution ei (1 819) 477 5112 - NAME POSITION Raymond Bourassa Ext 238 Jean-Claude Desputeau Ext 302 Michel Minot Ext 302 Pierre Bergeron Ext 302 - Finance Technician OFFICIAL LANGUAGES French / English OTHER LANGUAGES Spanish Correctional Officer French / English Spanish Correctional Officer French / English Spanish Correctional Officer French / English Spanish Leclerc Institution ed (1-450) 664-1320 NAME POSITION Raphael Examé Ext: 5212 Tassia Ambellidis Food Services Officer CO-I OFFICIAL LANGUAGES French OTHER LANGUAGES Creole French / English Greek Nick Erbaturakis CO-I French / English Greek Ginette Beauchamp Ext: 5694 Aldo Foschi Ext: 5349 Ronald Labonté CO-II French / English Spanish GLPR W-07 French / English Italian Chaplain French / English Spanish CSC- S CC 84 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) Ste-Anne-des-Plaines Institution (1-450) 478-5933 NAME POSITION Jean-Marie Verdule Sylvia Bosselli AC-2 OFFICIAL LANGUAGES French / English OTHER LANGUAGES Spanish / Creole CO-II French / English Italian Lafontaine Area Parole Office irm (1-514) 283-1424 NAME POSITION Vanginhoven Martin Clinic Supervisor OFFICIAL LANGUAGES French / English • CSC-SCC 85 OTHER LANGUAGES Dutch I I Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) Ville - Marie Area Parole Office (1-514) 283-1210 NAME Joseph Daoust POSITION OFFICIAL LANGUAGES French / English Parole Officer WP-4 OTHER LANGUAGES Arabic / Spanish I I I I I I : I : I : : I : © CSC SCC - 86 I I I Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) Prairies Region Drumheller Institution 1 ed (1-403) 823-5101 NAME POSITION Lois Patricia Gerstman Ext 5212 Denis J. Drouin Ext 6078 Aline M. Gavel Ext 6108 Dale E. Gavel Ext 6079 Edward R. Laplante Ext 2141 Diane C. Mergen Ext 2207 Yvon M. Rouleau Case Management Officer OFFICIAL LANGUAGES English WP-04 Parole Officer NU-HOS 05 Chief Health Care AS.05 Asst.Warden Corr. Prog. C0-01 Visits & Correspondence GL-MOC-08 Textile Shop-CORCAN CO-I OTHER LANGUAGES Spanish French / English French! English French / English French / English French./ English French / English Winnipeg Area Parole Office (1-204) 983-4306 NAME POSITION Robert Landry Section Supervisor at Osborne Centre and Parole Officer CSC SC C - OFFICIAL LANGUAGES French / English 87 OTHER LANGUAGES German : Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) I I I Pacific Region New Westminster Area Parole Office -rd ti (1-604) 666-3731 NAME POSITION Cliff Wei Fun Lau Senior Parole Officer OFFICIAL LANGUAGES English John Pinto WP — 5 WP — 4 French / English OTHER LANGUAGES Chinese: Mandarin, cantonnais Portuguese Mario Alves WP — 4 French / English Portuguese : : I I s I I I I 1 : : © CSC-SCC 88 I I I Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) Annexe List of languages other than English and French © CSC-SCC 89 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) N.B.: Please tell us what language you know by checking the appropriate column. Naine: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Written Languages African languages (Specify) Aboriginal languages A Algonquian languages: • Blackfoot • Cree • Micmac • Ojibwa • Montagnais • Naskapi Athapaskan languages.. • Haida froquian languages: • Kutenai Salishan Languages.. • Dakota • Tlingit • Tsimshian Wakashan Languages Amerindian languages • Inuktitut • Other Baltic languages B • • Latvian Lithuanian Celtic languages C CSC SCC - 90 Spoken Both Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) N.B.: Please tell us what language you know by checking the appropriate column. Name: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: C • • • Other languages Chinese languages Cantonese Mandarin Other Written Creole languages (Haiti, Ile Maurice ...) F • • • • Finno-Ugric languages Estonian Finnish Hungarian Greek G Germanic languages • German • Yiddish Gaelic languages • Welsh • • Indo-Iranian languages Baluchi Bengali I • Gujurati • • Hindi Kurdish • Marathi • © CSC SCC - Persian (Farsi) 91 Spoken Both 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) N.B.: Please tell us what language you know by checking the appropriate column. Naine: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Written Other languages Indo-Iranian languages I • Punjabi • Sinhalese • Urdu Indonesian languages J Japanese languages K Khmer (Cambodian) languages Korean languages M Malayo-Polynesian languages N Netherlandic languages • Dutch • Flemish • Frisian R • • • • • Romance languages Italian Portuguese Romanian Spanish Other S Scandinavian languages • Danish © CSC SCC - 92 Spoken Both 1 Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) 1 1 N.B.: Please tell us what language you know by checking the appropriate column. 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