EGHRD user guide v1.2 June 2013
EGHRD user guide v1.2 June 2013
Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide Version 1.2 MED1364790 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide Contents 1. About this User Guide ............................................................................................................. 3 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Audience ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Structure of the User Guide ............................................................................................................ 3 Glossary of Terms .......................................................................................................................... 4 2. Create an igovt User Account .................................................................................................. 5 3. Register and Access the High-risk Database .......................................................................... 9 Electrical Inspector or Certified Gasfitter User Registration ................................................................. 9 Register your details................................................................................................................ 9 Activate your registration ....................................................................................................... 11 Delegated Authority User Registration............................................................................................ 14 Activate using the hyperlink ................................................................................................... 15 Activate entering the activation code ...................................................................................... 16 Log off ........................................................................................................................................ 18 Subsequent Log on ...................................................................................................................... 19 4. Create a High-risk Record ..................................................................................................... 22 About entering new addresses for High-risk Work Records .............................................................. 22 Select a Practitioner ..................................................................................................................... 22 Create a High-risk Electricity Work Record ...................................................................................... 23 Create a High-risk Gas Work Record .............................................................................................. 26 Edit a High-risk Work Record ........................................................................................................ 29 Edit the Responsible Person for a High-risk Record ......................................................................... 29 5. Perform High-risk Record Searches ...................................................................................... 31 Search for high-risk work records .................................................................................................. 31 View a Record ............................................................................................................................. 33 Print a Record .............................................................................................................................. 34 View the record history ................................................................................................................. 34 Export your Search Results ........................................................................................................... 35 View All Work Records at an Address ............................................................................................. 35 6. Manage Delegations and Notifications ................................................................................. 37 Select your Notifications Frequency ............................................................................................... 37 Add a Delegated Authority User..................................................................................................... 37 Remove a Delegated Authority User .............................................................................................. 39 7. Maintain Your User Account Details ...................................................................................... 41 Version 1.2 Page 2 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide 1. About this User Guide Purpose The purpose of this guide is to explain how an Electrical Inspector and Certified Gasfitter can use the Electricity and Gas High-risk Database to perform the tasks required to: Create an igovt logon Register as a user Create and edit high-risk work records Search for high-risk records View details of records and their history Export lists of work records Create and manage Delegated Authorities ( not available for a Delegated Authority user) Maintain your user account details Audience This user guide is intended for: Electrical Inspectors Certified Gasfitters Delegated Authorities (e.g. an Office or Administration Manager) Structure of the User Guide This guide is a reference guide. It is structured to enable readers to look up the parts of the text they require to perform specific tasks. It has seven chapters: Chapter one, this chapter outlines the purpose of this guide and for whom it is intended. Chapter two, Create an igovt User Account, provides step-by-step instructions to create your igovt account. Chapter three, Register and Access the High-risk Database, provides step-by-step instructions for a Certified Gasfitter or Electrical Inspector and Delegated Authority to register and access the Electricity and Gas High-risk Database. Chapter four, Create a High-risk Record, provides step-by-step instructions of how to create and edit a high-risk work record. Chapter five, Perform High-risk Record Searches, provides step-by-step instructions of how to search for high-risk work records, view and print a record and its history (if applicable) and export your search results list. Chapter six, Manage Delegations and Notifications, provides step-by-step instructions of how to add and remove a Delegated Authority and to set your notifications frequency. Chapter seven, Maintain Your Account Details, explains how to update your personal details. Version 1.2 Page 3 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide Glossary of Terms The following table outlines terms used in this User Guide. Term Description Activation code A computer generated code to link your igovt account with the Electricity and Gas High-risk Database. You click the link to register and use the Database. Delegated Authority User who has been granted authority by a Practitioner to work with their high-risk records, e.g. create and edit records. EGHRD Electricity and Gas High-rick Database EWRB Electrical Workers Registration Board Hyperlink A link to another web page, document or graphic you can follow automatically. Hyperlinks are usually underlined and/or display in a bold or different colour from other text in a document, email or web page. When you hover your mouse over a hyperlink the pointer changes to a pointing finger. You click the hyperlink to go directly to the link. igovt Logon The igovt logon service allows you to use the same logon to access various government online services. PGDB Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board Practitioner Certified Gasfitter or Electrical Inspector Version 1.2 Page 4 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide 2. Create an igovt User Account You must have a current igovt user account to use the Electricity and Gas High-risk Database. If you already have a current igovt logon, there is no need to create a new account. Go to Register and Access the Highrisk Database. The igovt logon service allows you to use the same logon details to access all participating government service providers' online services. This saves you from having to remember multiple logon details for different services. Once you create your igovt logon you then need to register with the participating government service provider. The same igovt logon can be used for each government service provider you are registered with. Steps 1. Open the Energy Safety website in your browser (i.e. enter in the browser field). 2. Go to the Resources for Industry section of the page and select EGHR Database to display the Welcome page. Note: If you need help, click the Need Help link in the area below the igovt Log on button. 3. Click Version 1.2 to display the igovt Logon screen. Page 5 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide 4. Click Create an igovt Logon to display the Create an igovt Logon screen. 5. Complete all fields in this screen to create the username and password you will use to logon each time you access the Electricity and Gas High-risk Database. Enter your username. This must be between 4 and 64 characters. Enter Your Email Address. Enter your password, (e.g. Joe4965, welc0mE!, 56$alpha). Your password must contain at least seven (7) characters and contain at least three of the following character types: 6. o lower case letters (a-z) o upper case letters (A-Z) o Digits (0-9) o Any punctuation of special character from your keyboard. Enter your password again in the Re-enter your password field to confirm. Click Continue. The second Create an igovt logon screen displays. Version 1.2 Page 6 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e 7. Type th he characterrs you see in the picture i nto the Ente er characters s field. If youu cannot read d the characcters, either: Select Show w a different picture, orr nter the charracters you are Select Liste en to a recording and en a advised. 8. Click C Continue. Th he third Crea ate an igovt logon scree en displays ad dvising you hhave succes ssfully logged on as [usern name] using your userna ame and password. 9. ete other dettails in this screen. Comple Enter your NZ N Mobile number and ccontact Phon ne number, if desired. Thhese numberrs are optional, bu ut can be use ed should you u forget yourr password. Select Term ms of use an nd read them m. Select the Yes Y I acceptt the terms o of use radio button. Version 1.2 Page 7 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e 10. Click C Continue. Th he fourth Cre eate an igovtt logon scre een displays. 11. Select three securitty Questions s and the An nswer for ea ach. These questions will be used if you need to reset yyour passworrd online. 12. Click C Continue. Th he igovt Log gon Creation n Complete screen displays. 13. Click R Return. The Register R Ne ew User scre een displays. To register and use e the Electric city and Gas High-risk Da atabase, you must either:: enter your registration details, d see R Register you ur details, or enter the acctivation code e emailed to you, see Ac ctivate your registration n, then agree to the e Terms and Conditions a and Privacy Policy. Version 1.2 Page 8 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide 3. Register and Access the High-risk Database You must have an igovt account to register and use the Electricity and Gas High-risk Database. If you do not have an igovt account see Create an igovt User Account. The steps you perform to register will depend on the whether you are a: Certified Gasfitter or Electrical Inspector, see Electrical Inspector or Certified Gasfitter User Registration. Delegated Authority, see Delegated Authority User Registration. Note: If you need help, click the Need Help link in the area below the igovt Log on button. Electrical Inspector or Certified Gasfitter User Registration Electrical Inspectors and Certified Gasfitters must enter their registration details to register as a user of the Electricity and Gas High-risk Database. Registration details consist of: Your PGDB or EWRB registration number. Your email address which is linked to your PGDB or EWRB registration. Note: If you are a dual practitioner (i.e. an Electricity and a Gas), you register for one type of work, then contact the Business Service Centre and request registration for the other type of work. Register your details You must enter your registration details to confirm you are the correct user before you can use the Electricity and Gas High-risk Database. Steps 1. Open the Energy Safety website in your browser (i.e. enter in the browser field). 2. Go to the Resources for Industry section of the page and select EGHR Database to display the Welcome page. Version 1.2 Page 9 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide 3. Click to display igovt Logon screen. Note: If you do not have an igovt account see Create an igovt User Account. 4. Enter your igovt Username and igovt password and click Log on. The Register New User screen displays. Click 5. to display help text for the Role Type options in the Register New User screen. Complete the fields in the Enter Details section to confirm you are registered with the appropriate Board. Select Gas or Electricity as the Role Type. Enter your Registration Number (if you have a letter prefixing the number, only enter the number). Enter your Email Address. This must match the email address you supplied to the PGDB or EWRB. Note: If you fail to enter the correct combination of Registration Number and Email Address within three (3) attempts, you will be locked out. If this happens, a message displays requesting you to contact the Service Centre Help Desk. Phone the Help Desk and they will talk you through the registration. 6. Click Submit. The system will verify your registration and send you an email containing a hyperlink and activation code. 7. When you receive the email, complete the steps in Activate your registration. Version 1.2 Page 10 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e Activate yo our registrattion You receive e the email co ontaining a hyperlink h (inccluding an ac ctivation code e) and a sepparate activattion code to complete yo our registratio on and allow w you to acce ess the Electricity and Ga as High-risk D Database. There are tw wo ways to activate a your registration:: Sele ect the hype erlink in the email (see Ac ctivate regis stration usin ng the hyperrlink) or Entter the activa ation code (se ee Activate registration n entering th he activation n code). Note: The a activation cod de can only be used oncce to link your igovt accou unt with the E Electricity and Gas Highrisk Database. Activate re egistration using u the hy yperlink Steps 1. Select the hyperlinkk in the conte ent of the em mail you rece eived. The Re egister New w User screen displays in n your web browser. 2. T and Conditions C a and Privacy Policy in the Confirmattion area and read the Select the links to Terms details of both. 3. Check both checkb boxes to indic cate you havve read and agree a to the Terms and Conditions and cy Policy. Privac 4. Click S Submit to dissplay the We elcome page e with your na ame in the to op right of thee screen. You arre now logged into the Ele ectricity and Gas High-ris sk Database. The functioons you can perform p are n the Do It Online O area. listed in Version 1.2 Page 11 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide 5. To log off, see Log off. Tip: Bookmark this page so you can easily access the Electricity and Gas High-risk Database when required. Activate registration entering the activation code Steps 1. Open the Energy Safety website in your browser (i.e. enter in the browser field). 2. Go to the Resources for Industry section of the page and select EGHR Database to display the Welcome page. Version 1.2 Page 12 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e 3. Click 4. Copy th he activation n code from the t content o of the email you y received and paste itt into the Acttivation Code ffield. Note: W When copyin ng the activation code, m make sure you u include the e ‘eg-’ (letterss and dash) at the beginning of the co ode. For exam mple, eg-48X XFSPBAW. 5. Click S Submit. The second Register New U User screen displays: d 6. Select the links to Terms T and Conditions C a and Privacy Policy in the Confirmattion area and read the details of both. 7. Check both checkb boxes to indic cate you havve read and agree a to the Terms and Conditions and cy Policy. Privac 8. Click S Submit to dissplay the We elcome page e with your na ame in the to op right of thee screen. You arre now logged into the Ele ectricity and Gas High-ris sk Database. The functioons you can perform p are n the Do It Online O area. listed in Version 1.2 to display the Re egister New User screen n. Page 13 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide 9. To log off, see Log off. Tip: Bookmark this page so you can easily access the Electricity and Gas High-risk Database when required. Delegated Authority User Registration A Delegated Authority user must have an igovt user account to use the Electricity and Gas High-risk Database. If you do not have an igovt account see Create an igovt User Account. When an Electrical Inspector or Certified Gasfitter gives you authority to create and edit their records, you receive an email containing a hyperlink and activation code to register to use the Electricity and Gas Highrisk Database. The email also contains the name of the Electrical Inspector or Certified Gasfitter who authorised you to create and edit their records. There are two ways to activate your registration: Select the hyperlink in the email (see Activate using the hyperlink) or Enter the activation code (see Activate entering the activation code). Note: The activation code can only be used once to link your igovt account with the Electricity and Gas Highrisk Database. Version 1.2 Page 14 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e Activate ussing the hyp perlink Steps 1. Select the hyperlinkk in the conte ent of the em mail you rece eived. The Re egister New w User screen displays in n your web browser. 2. Select the Terms and a Conditio ons link and Privacy Policy link in th he Confirmaation area an nd read the details of both. 3. Check both checkb boxes to indic cate you havve read and agree a to the Terms and Conditions and Privac cy Policy. 4. Click S Submit to dissplay the We elcome page e with your na ame in the to op right of thee screen. You arre now logged into the Ele ectricity and Gas High-ris sk Database. The functioons you can perform p are n the Do It Online O area. listed in Version 1.2 Page 15 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide 5. If you have delegated authority to create and edit high-risk records for more than one Certified Gasfitter or Electricity Inspector, see Select a Practitioner. To log off, see Log off. Tip: Bookmark this page so you can easily access the Electricity and Gas High-risk Database when required. Activate entering the activation code Steps 1. Open the Energy Safety website in your browser (i.e. enter in the browser field). 2. Go to the Resources for Industry section of the page and select EGHR Database to display the Welcome page. Version 1.2 Page 16 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e 3. Click 4. he activation n code from the t content o of the email you y received and paste itt into the Acttivation Copy th Code ffield. Note: W When copyin ng the activation code, m make sure you u include the e ‘eg-’ (letterss and dash) at the beginning of the co ode. For exam mple, eg-48X XFSPBAW. 5. Click S Submit. The second Register New U User screen displays: d 6. Select the Terms and a Conditio ons link and Privacy Policy link in th he Confirmaation area an nd read the details of both. 7. Check both checkb boxes to indic cate you havve read and agree a to the Terms and Conditions and cy Policy. Privac 8. Click S Submit to dissplay the We elcome page e with your na ame in the to op right of thee screen. You arre now logged into the Ele ectricity and Gas High-ris sk Database and the funcctions you ca an perform ed in the Do It Online are ea. as liste Version 1.2 to display the Re egister New User screen n. Page 17 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e 9. If you have been authorrised to acce ess the high-rrisk records for f more thann one practittioner, selectt oner you requ uire from the e Select Prac ctitioner drop down mennu. See Select a the practitio Practitione er. he Do It Onl ine area. Th he options tha at display willl depend on your user Select an action to perform in th profile. g off. 10. To log off, see Log Tip: Bookm mark this page e so you can n quickly acccess the Elec ctricity and Gas High-risk Database when w required. Log off You must be in the Welc come page to t log off. Ho owever, you will be autom matically loggged off when n you close er. your Browse Steps 1. If you a are not in the e Welcome page: p 2. Click the Ho ome link (loc cated above tthe current screen). s This returnss you to the Welcome W pa age from any y location in the t Electricityy and Gas High-risk Database. Log off. A me essage displays at the to op of the scre een to advice e you are now w logged outt. Click L Version 1.2 Page 18 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide Subsequent Log on Follow these steps to perform a subsequent log on to the Electricity and Gas High-risk Database. Steps 1. Select the bookmark you created to Welcome page. Alternatively: Enter in the browser field to display to the Energy Safety website. Go to the Resources for Industry section of the page. Select EGHR Database to display the Welcome page. Version 1.2 Page 19 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide 2. Click 3. Enter your igovt username and igovt password. 4. Click Log on. The Welcome page displays. 5. If you are a Delegate authorised to create and edit records for more than one Electrical Inspector or Certified Gasfitter, select the name of the practitioner from the drop down menu. For more information, see Select a Practitioner. Version 1.2 to display the igovt Log on screen. Page 20 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e 6. Select an action to perform from m the Do It O Online area. 7. When rrequired, clicck the Home e link (located d above the current c scree en) to return to the Welco ome page. Version 1.2 Page 21 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide 4. Create a High-risk Record Electrical Inspectors or Certified Gasfitters or their Delegated Authorities must record high-risk work records in the Electricity and Gas High-risk Database within 20 working days of: being inspected, for electricity work, or issuing a Certificate of Compliance for gas work. Once added, the records can be edited, if required. Before you begin you must log into the Electricity and Gas High-risk Database from the Energy and Safety website using your igovt logon. To create an igovt logon, see Create an igovt User Account. About entering new addresses for High-risk Work Records When you create a high-risk record, you must ensure you record the address in a standard way. Examples of the address standards to use are: Physical Installation Address: For the address… Enter as… 123A, High Street, Karori, Wellington, 6012 123A, High Street, Karori, Wellington, 6012 2/123 Main Street, Wellington, 6011 Flat 2, 123 Main Street, Wellington, 6011 2/123 Main Street, Wellington, 6011 Apt 2, 123 Main Street, Wellington 6011 Relocatable Address: Relocatable Address Type Explanation Vehicle – domestic Caravan, motorhome, etc, used for domestic purposes Vessel - domestic Boat, houseboat, etc, used for domestic purposes Vehicle or vessel - catering Food outlet such as a pie cart or floating restaurant Vehicle or vessel - non-domestic For example, Mobile site office Re-locatable building - domestic Used for domestic purposes Re-locatable building – catering Food outlet in a re-locatable building Re-locatable building – non-domestic Commercial - other Re-locatable building or vehicle - electromedical For example, Mobile surgical unit Mobile machinery Equipment that falls between installation and appliance (frost machine, asphalt laying) Select a Practitioner If you are a Delegate who has been given authority to enter high-risk records for more than one Electrical Inspector or Certified Gasfitter, before you begin, you must select the name of the practitioner with which your work is related. You make this selection in the Welcome page. Version 1.2 Page 22 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide Steps 1. Select the name of the practitioner from the Switch Practitioner drop down list (located in the top right of the screen). The selected name displays in the Switch Practitioner field and a message displays to advise, the Delegate was changed successfully. Create a High-risk Electricity Work Record You create a high-risk electricity record from the Welcome page. The options that display in the Do It Online area will depend on your user role, i.e. Electricity, Gas, both, or Delegated Authority. Click to display relevant help text for a section or field in the Create High-risk Electricity Record screen. Steps: 1. If you are a Delegated Authority who represents more than one Electrical Inspector, select the correct name from the drop down menu in the top right of the screen. See Select a Practitioner. 2. Select Create a High-risk Electricity Record from the Do It Online area to display the Create Highrisk Electricity Record screen. 3. Complete details in the Work Location Information area for the address. To enter a Physical Installation Address: Select the Physical Installation Address option as the type of work location. Start typing the address. As you type, suggested addresses display. Select the address you require from the list. If the address you entered doesn’t display, check your spelling is correct and re-enter. If the address is not listed, select the NO ADDRESS FOUND – ENTER MANUAL ADDRESS option and enter the address. For address standards, see About entering new addresses for High-risk Work Records. Select the Location Type from the drop down menu. Version 1.2 Page 23 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e To en nter a Reloca atable Addrress: 4. Address op Select the Relocatable R ption as the type of work location. Select the Relocatable R Address Ty ype from the drop down menu. m Select the Relocatable R Identifier Ty ype from the e drop down menu. Enter the re elevant uniqu ue identifier ((e.g. registrattion number)) or descriptioon in the Relocatable ID / Descrip ption field. This T will differr, depending g on the type of relocatabble address and a identifier you selected. For addre ess standardss, see About entering new addressses for High-risk Work Records. Comple ete details in n the Work In nformation a area. Version 1.2 Page 24 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e 5. Click each checkbox c op ption that app plies to the work w in the se ections for En nergy Type, Work Type e and High-riisk Category y. You can sselect more than one in each section, if applicable e. Enter a desscription of th he work being g undertaken n in the Work k Descriptio on field. You can enter up to 1000 characters c of o free text in this field. In the Work k Specific De etails area, cclick the che eckbox option n(s) that appply. Comple ete the Certiification Info ormation are ea, as applic cable. The Name, Registration R n Number, a nd Company defaults to you (i.e. thee Electrical In nspector), or Note: T if you a are a Delega ated Authority y user, the na ame of the Electrical E Insp pector you reepresent. 6. If you are a Delegated Authority A who o represents more than one o Electricaal Inspector and a the d is no ot the person n responsible e for the worrk, select thee name of the e correct Name that displays person in th he Name field d drop down menu. If another Electrical E Insp pector has be een involved d with this wo ork, enter theeir details in the t Other Practitione er’s Details fields. f You ca an enter up to t two Other Practitionerss for a work record. Enter the Work W Certific cation Date iin DD/MM/YY YYY format. Alternativelyy, click the fie eld to display a ca alendar and select s the da ate. Click S Submit. A co onfirmation message m disp plays. Click Yes to o confirm and d save the re ecord and retturn to the Welcome W pagge. Click Cance el to return to o the work re ecord. To cancel without w saving g this record d, click Cance el without saving. Note: If you u are a Deleg gated Authorrity who repre esents more than one Ele ectrical Inspeector and yo ou save a new high-rissk record aga ainst the wro ong person re esponsible fo or the work, to correct thiis, see Edit the t Responsib ble Person fo or a High-ris sk Record. Version 1.2 Page 25 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e Create a High-risk Gas Work k Record You create a high-risk gas g record fro om the Welc come page. The T options that t display iin the Do It Online O area er role, i.e. Electricity, Gass, both or De elegated Authority. will depend on your use on or field the e Create High Risk Gas Record scre een. to display relevvant help text for a sectio Click Steps: 1. If you a are a Delega ated Authority y who repressents more th han one Certtified Gasfitteer, select the e correct name ffrom the drop p down menu u in the top rright of the sc creen. See Select S a Pracctitioner. 2. Select Create a Hig gh-risk Gas s Record from m the Do It Online O area to display th e Create Hig gh-risk Gas d screen. Record 3. Comple ete details in n the Work Location L Info ormation are ea for the ad ddress. To ente er a Physica al Installatio on Address: Select Phys sical Installa ation Addre ess as the typ pe of work lo ocation. Start typing the address s. As you type e, suggested d addresses display. Seleect the addre ess you m the list. require from If the address you enterred doesn’t d display, check your spellin ng is correct and re-enter. If the address is not liste ed, select the e NO ADDRESS FOUND D – ENTER M MANUAL AD DDRESS option and enter e the add dress. For ad ddress stand dards, see Ab bout enterin ng new addrresses for High-risk Work W Record ds. Select the Location L Typ pe from the d drop down menu. m To entter a Reloca atable Addre ess: Select Relo ocatable Add dress as the e type of work location. Select the Relocatable R Address Ty ype from the drop down menu. m Select the Relocatable R Identifier Ty ype from the e drop down menu. Enter the re elevant uniqu ue identifier ((e.g. registrattion number)) or descriptioon in the Relocatable ID / Descrip ption field. This T will differr, depending g on the type of relocatabble address and a identifier you selected. For an explanation, se ee About entering new addresses a ffor High-risk k Work Records. Version 1.2 Page 26 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide 4. 5. Complete details in the Work Information area. Click each checkbox option that applies to the work in the sections for Energy Type, Work Type and High-risk Category. You can select more than one in each section, if applicable. Enter a description of the work being undertaken in the Work Description field. You can enter up to 1000 characters of free text in this field. In the Work Specific Details area, click the checkbox option(s) that apply. Enter the make and model of the gas appliance. Start typing the make and model of the gas appliance in the Make & Model field. As you type, suggested makes and models display. Select the make and model from the list. If the make and model you entered doesn’t display, check your spelling is correct and re-enter. Version 1.2 Page 27 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e 6. If the make and model is s not listed, sselect the AP PPLIANCE NOT N FOUND D, ENTER ONE Y option and d enter the m make and mod del of the gas appliance. MANUALLY If you have another app pliance to add d, select Add d Another Appliance A annd repeat this s step. To delete an appliance added in erro or, select De elete next to the make annd model of the t appliance to o remove it frrom the reco ord. Comple ete the Certiification Info ormation are ea, as applic cable. The Name, Registration R n Number, a nd Company defaults to you, (i.e. thee Certified Gasfitter), G or Note: T if you a are a Delega ated Authority y user, the na ame of the Certified C Gasfitter you reppresent. 7. If you are a Delegated Authority A who o represents more than one o Certified Gasfitter and the Name p respo onsible for the work, selec ct the name of the correc ct person in that displays is not the person wn menu. the Name fiield drop dow If another Certified C Gasffitter has bee en involved with w this work k, enter theirr details in the Other Practitione er’s Details fields. f You ca an enter up to t two Other Practitionerss for a work record. Enter the Work W Certific cation Date iin DD/MM/YY YYY format. Alternativelyy, click the fie eld to display a ca alendar and select s the da ate. Click S Submit. A co onfirmation message m disp plays. Click Yes to o confirm and d save the re ecord and retturn to the Welcome W pagge. Click Cance el to return to o the work re ecord. To cancel without w saving g this record d, click Cance el without saving. Note: If you u are a Deleg gated Authorrity who repre esents more than one Ce ertified Gasfi tter and you save a new high-risk reccord against the wrong person p respo nsible for the e work, to correct this, seee Edit the Responsible R e Person for a High-risk Record. Version 1.2 Page 28 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide Edit a High-risk Work Record Once you enter an electricity or gas high-risk record you can then search for the record and edit the details, if required. You can only edit records which you created, or records that were created by your Delegated Authorities. Steps 1. Select Search from the Do It Online area of the Welcome page to display the Search screen. 2. Perform a search on the address of the record you want to edit. See Perform High-risk Record Searches. Check the Search My Records checkbox in the Search screen to reduce your search results to display only your records for the address. 3. Select the record you want to edit from the Search Results to display the High-risk Record screen. 4. Scroll to the bottom of the record. 5. Click Edit Record to display the record in edit mode. 6. Make the edits you require. 7. Click Submit to save changes and create a new version of the record. You return to the Welcome page. To close the record without saving, click Cancel without Saving. A confirmation message displays. Click Exit. You return to the high-risk record without creating a new version. Note: To view a previous version of a high-risk work record, see View the record history. Edit the Responsible Person for a High-risk Record A Delegated Authority who represents more than one Electrical Inspector or Certified Gasfitter, can mistakenly enter a high-risk record for the wrong person responsible for the work. This can happen when a Delegated Authority: fails to select the correct person (i.e. Switch Practitioner) in the Welcome page field before creating a high-risk record, or fails to select the correct responsible person in the Certification Information area of the Create High-risk Record screen when entering details of the work. To keep the information in the Database accurate and to allow the person responsible for the work to view and edit their own records, the Delegated Authority who entered the record must correct this error. Steps 1. Perform a search on the address of the record you want to edit the person responsible for the work. 2. To narrow your search, check the Search My Records checkbox. See Perform High-risk Record Searches. Select the record from the Search Results, to display the High-risk Record screen. Version 1.2 Page 29 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e 3. Scroll tto the bottom m of the recorrd and click E Edit Record d. 4. Scroll tto the Certifiication Inforrmation area a of the screen. 5. Select the correct name n of the person p respo onsible for th he work in the e Name fieldd drop down menu. 6. Click S Submit to savve changes and create a new version n of the record. You returrn to the Welcome page. Note: The R Registration n Number an nd Company y details are automatically updated w with details off the new Responsib ble Person yo ou selected. The responssible person (i.e. Electric cal Inspector or Certified Gasfitter) ail notification n of this edit made by the e Delegated Authority. A will also recceive an ema Version 1.2 Page 30 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide 5. Perform High-risk Record Searches An Electrical Inspector, Certified Gasfitter or Delegated Authority user can perform a search for records of all high-risk work performed at an address or relocatable address (e.g. vehicle, caravan, boat). From the search results you can: View and/or print a record. View and/or print a previous version of a record, if available. Export the list of search results to a Microsoft Excel file. Search for high-risk work records You can search for all records at an address or restrict your search results to display only your records for the address or your own records between a date range. Click to display relevant help text for a section or field in the Search screen. Before you begin you must be logged into the Electricity and Gas High-risk Database and be in the Welcome page. Steps 1. If you are an authorised Delegate for more than one Electrical Inspector or Certified Gasfitter, select the name of the practitioner from the drop down menu. For more information, see Select a Practitioner. 2. Select Search from the Do It Online area of the Welcome to display the Search screen. 3. To search for a Physical Installation Address: Select the Physical Installation Address radio button option. Start typing the address in the Address field. As you type, suggested addresses display. Select the address you require from the list. If the address you entered doesn’t display, check your spelling is correct and re-enter. If the address is not listed, select the NO ADDRESS FOUND – ENTER MANUAL ADDRESS option and enter the address. For address standards, see About entering new addresses for High-risk Work Records. Go to step 5. Version 1.2 Page 31 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide 4. 5. To search for a Relocatable Address: Select the Relocatable Address radio button option. Select the Relocatable Address Type from the drop down menu. Select the Relocatable Identifier Type from the drop down menu. Enter the unique identifier (e.g. registration number) or description in the Relocatable ID / Description field. For an explanation of these address types, see About entering new addresses for High-risk Work Records. Note: To return a result, the details you enter must be an exact match to the information in the Database. Go to step 5. To refine your search, if required: Check the Search My Records checkbox to retrieve only your records at this address, or Check the Search My Records checkbox and enter a date range in the Work Certification Date fields. When you click in each date field, a calendar displays for you to select the date. Note: When you check Search My Records, only your records for the selected address type will be retrieved. Therefore, if you selected Physical Installation Address, this will not return any of your Relocatable Address records. 6. Click Search. All records that match your criteria display in the Search Results area. 7. 8. If required, click the Work Certification Date column heading to sort your search results in an ascending or descending date order. Perform the action you require. For example: Select a record to view, see View a Record. Export the search results to a file, see Export your Search Results. Select a record you have created to edit, Edit a High-risk Work Record. Select Clear (located above the Search button) to clear the Address field and perform a new search. Click the Home link (located above the current screen) to close the screen and return to the Welcome page. Note: If your list of search results is more than will fit on one page, the number of pages displays above and below the list of results. Select Next> and <Previous (or select the page number) to navigate between pages. Version 1.2 Page 32 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e View a Re ecord You select a high-risk work w record to o view from tthe Search Results R area a of the Searrch screen. When W viewing the selected reccord, you can n print it and view a previious version (i.e. the Histtory) of the re ecord, if History record ds are only available a for a record thatt has been ed dited and savved. available. H Before you begin, you must m have pe erformed a se earch and ha ave a list of Search S Resu ults displaye ed. Steps 1. Select the record you y want to view from the e Search Res sults area. The T High-rissk Record sc creen displayys with details of the reco ord you seleccted. Note: T The title of th he High-risk k Record scrreen depends s on the type e of record yoou selected, i.e. Highrisk Electricity Re ecord or High h-risk Gas R Record. 2. Scroll tto view all de etails of the record. r 3. If requiired, select an a action for this record, ffor example: Print the reccord, see Priint a Record d. View a prevvious version n of the recorrd (if available). See View w the record d history. 4. Select <Back to se earch resultts (located in n top left of re ecord) to retu urn to the Seearch Resultts. 5. Repeat these stepss to view ano other record, if required. 6. Click th he Home linkk (located ab bove the currrent screen) to close the screen and rreturn to the Welcome page. Version 1.2 Page 33 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e Print a Re ecord Before you begin, you must m have pe erformed a se earch, selectted a record from the Seaarch Results list and be viewing the high-risk reccord. Steps 1. High-risk Re ecord screen n, select Prin nt (located at a the top righ ht of the recoord). In the H 2. Select your printing g options. 3. Click P Print (or OK) to print the record. r 4. Click < <Back to sea arch results to return to the Search Results and select anothher record to o print, if require ed. View the record history The Version field at the e top of the re ecord you are re viewing in the High-ris sk Record sccreen display ys the mber of the current record d. If the reco rd has more than one version, a Histtory link disp plays at the version num bottom of th he screen. Th he History link will not diisplay for verrsion 1 (one) of a record. You can vie ew and print any a History record (i.e. p previous vers sion) of a rec cord. Before you begin you must m be viewing the curren nt version off a high-risk record r in the High-risk Record R screen. Note: If you u are viewing g Version 1 (o one) of a reccord, there will w be no histo ory to view foor that record d. Steps 1. Scroll tto the bottom m of the recorrd and selectt the History y link. Previous versions of the record d display. If there are more than 10 versions o of the record listed in the History link,, select More e to view the p vers sions. next list of previous 2. Select the previouss version of the record to view (e.g. Version V 1 02/0 04/2013 02:331pm). A new w tab opens d displays the record in t he High-risk k Record screen. A messsage at the top t of the in yourr browser and screen advises the record is his storic. 3. Scroll tto view the re ecord and prrint, if require ed. See Printt a Record. 4. Close tthe browser tab displayin ng the Historiic record (i.e e. previous ve ersion). You return to the e current version n of the recorrd in the High-risk Reco ord screen. 5. plicable), rep To view w another ve ersion of the record (if app peat steps 2 to 4, or clickk <Back to search results s to return to o the Search Results list . Version 1.2 Page 34 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide Export your Search Results You can export the list of your search results in a csv file format to view using Microsoft Excel. Before you begin, you must have performed a search and have a list of Search Results displayed. Steps – Using Internet Explorer 1. Select Export to CSV (located in the top right of the search results). 2. Click Save in the Download window. The Save As window displays. 3. Select the location and enter the name for the file. 4. Click Save to save the file. Note: If you select Open in the Download window, the exported data displays in Microsoft Excel. You can then select the name and location in which to save the file. Steps – Using Firefox 1. Select Export to CSV (located in the top right of the search results). 2. To save the file to your download folder with the default name: 3. Select the Save File option. Click OK. The Downloads window displays with the name of the file saved. To save to a filename and folder of your choice: Select the Open with option and leave the default of Microsoft Excel. Click OK. The exported data displays in Microsoft Excel. Select Save As (in the Excel document screen) to display the Save As window. Select the location and enter the name for the file. Click Save to save the file. View All Work Records at an Address While viewing a high-risk work record you can select to view all records of work performed at the same address. This is useful when you have selected to view only your work records for the address, but want to view all work performed there. Before you begin, you must be viewing details of a work record in the High-risk Record screen. Steps 1. Click All work records for this address (located below the record). A new tab opens in your browser and displays the list of all work completed for the address of the record you were previously viewing displays. 2. Perform any action(s) you require, e.g. view details of a record or export the list of records. 3. Close the browser tab displaying all records for the address. You return to the previous High-risk Record screen. Version 1.2 Page 35 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide 4. Perform another search or click the Home link (located above the current screen) to close the screen and return to the Welcome page. Version 1.2 Page 36 of 41 Electricity and Gas High-risk Database User Guide 6. Manage Delegations and Notifications Electrical Inspectors or Certified Gasfitters can authorise another person to create and edit their high-risk records (e.g. the administrator for your company or office manager). There is no limit to the number of delegates they can add and the same delegate can be authorised by more than one Electrical Inspector or Certified Gasfitter. When a Delegated Authority adds or updates a high-risk work record on your behalf, you will receive an email notification. You can select the frequency of these notifications. Select your Notifications Frequency Use this procedure to indicate the frequency you receive an email notification when a Delegated Authority adds or edits a high-risk work record for you. You can change the frequency at any time, as required. Click to display relevant help text for a section or field in the Manage Delegations and Notifications screen. Before you begin, you must be in the Welcome page. Steps 1. Select Manage Delegations & Notifications from the Do It Online area to display the Manage Delegations and Notifications screen. 2. Select the Email notification Frequency option you require: 3. Select Immediate, to receive an email as each high-risk record was created or edited by a Delegate. Select Daily, to receive an email containing a summary of all records created or edited by each delegate for that day. Click Submit to save the frequency selected. Add a Delegated Authority User Use this procedure to add one or more Delegated Authority users and authorise them to create and edit your high-risk work records. Before you begin, you must be in the Welcome page. Version 1.2 Page 37 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e Steps 1. Select Manage Delegations & Notification ns in the Do It Online area to displayy the Manage Delega ations and Notifications N s screen. 2. Select Add Delega ated Authoriity to displayy the Add De elegated Authority screeen. 3. me, Last Name and Ema ail Address of your delegated authorrity user. Enter the First Nam 4. already has an account. Click F Find User to check wheth her the user a Version 1.2 If the system m finds an ex xisting user a account, a message m disp plays ‘Add deelegated auth hority for existing use er’. Page 38 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e If no user acccount is fou und, a messa age displays ‘No user has s been foundd that matche es these details’. If you decide not to add this user as a Delegated d Authority, click c Cancel without sav ving. 5. To con nfirm and add d the new De elegate, clickk Add Delega ated Authorrity or Add N New User. You Y return to the Ma anage Deleg gations and Notification ns screen witth the new Delegate listedd. 6. If requiired, repeat steps s 2 to 5 to t add anoth her Delegated d Authority. 7. Check the notificatiion frequency is correctlyy set for advice about all work perform med on your records by ated Authorities. Change if required. For more infformation, se ee Select yo our Notifications Delega Freque ency. 8. Click S Submit to confirm. Note: Each Delegated Authority A you u add will recceive an ema ail containing a hyperlink to the website and an ode to give them access to your reco ords. activation co Remove a Delegatted Authorrity User Use this pro ocedure to re emove (i.e. re evoke) the a uthority for a Delegated Authority A useer to create and a edit your high-rissk records. Before you begin, you must m be in the e Welcome page. Version 1.2 Page 39 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e Steps 1. Select Manage Delegations & Notification ns in the Do It Online area to displayy the Manage Delega ations and Notifications N s screen. 2. Select Revoke nexxt to the nam me of the Dele egated Autho ority you wan nt to remove . A confirmattion message displays. 3. Click Yes to o confirm you u want to revvoke their authority. You return to the Manage De elegations and Notific cations scree en. A messa ge displays at a the top of the screen too advise the delegated authority ha as been deletted. Click No if you y selected this in error and you want to keep the Delegatedd Authority. You Y return to the Manage e Delegation ns and Notiffications scrreen. The De elegated Authhority will rem main. Click th he Home linkk (located ab bove the currrent screen) to close the screen and rreturn to the Welcome page. Note: Once e you revoke a Delegated d Authority, th hat Delegate e will no longer have acceess your high h-risk records. Version 1.2 Page 40 of 41 Electtricity and Gas H High-risk Databa ase User Guide e 7. Main ntain Your User Accountt Detailss Use this pro ocedure to up pdate details s of your use er account wh hen required. Click to display relevvant help text for a sectio on or field in the t Maintain n User Acco ount screen. Before you begin you must m be in the e Welcome p page. Steps 1. Select Maintain Us ser Accountt from the Do o It Online area a to displa ay the Maintaain User Account screen. 2. Update e your contacct details, as applicable. 3. If you chang ge your Ema ail Address yyou will need d to re-enter it in the Emaail Address Confirmatio on field. Click S Submit to savve your chan nges and retu urn to the Welcome W page. If you do no ot make any changes, c clicck Cancel without w savin ng. Note: From the Maintain User Acco ount screen you can clic ck Manage Delegated D Au uthorities & Notification ns and perfo orm actions fo or Delegatess. For more information, see s Managee Delegation ns and Notification ns. Version 1.2 Page 41 of 41