July 31, 2016 - Mary Star of the Sea Parish


July 31, 2016 - Mary Star of the Sea Parish
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18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 31, 2016
Established 1889
PASTOR: Rev. Fr. M. Harrigan
ASSOCIATE PASTORS: Rev. Fr. Martin Benzoni, O.Praem. Prior of San Pedro Norbertine Priory
and Rev. Fr. Cassian Di Rocco
MARITIME MINISTRY: Rev. Fr. Freddie Chua
DEACON: William Garcia
NORBERTINE FATHERS: Serving our High School (310) 521-1930
Holy Days of Obligation
Monday - Saturday: 8am & 5:15pm
Sunday: 7:30am, 9am, 12pm (English);
10:30am (Spanish);
1:30pm (Croatian);
4:00pm (Italian)
5:15pm Mass of the New Evangelization
(Latin/English sung Mass);
5:15pm evening before; Day of: 8am, 12pm, 5:15pm
Morning & Evening Prayer
Monday - Friday 7:45am & 5pm
Reconciliation (Confessions)
Thursday & Friday after 5:15pm mass;
Saturday after 8am Mass and 4pm-5pm
870 W. 8th Street, San Pedro, CA 90731
Tel: (310) 833-3541
- Fax (310) 833-9254
Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm;
Saturday 9am - 4pm; Closed Sundays
Parish Website: www.marystar.org
- E-mail: [email protected]
Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny: Parish Convent (310) 834-5431
Stella Maris Bookstore: (310) 519-8661
Dear Friends,
In some way, beginning my ministry here as associate pastor ( AKA “parochial vicar”) feels like coming
home. As I mentioned at most of the Masses last weekend I’ve been in San Pedro for nearly ten years
now, helping out at the Mary Star of the Sea High School while serving as the Catholic priest for Los
Angeles Air Force Base both at Fort MacArthur and in El Segundo. Once my ministry with the military
was winding up, I was delighted when my abbot and Fr Harrigan offered me the opportunity to become
more fully engaged with the parish.
As far as my background is concerned - I grew up in western New York, outside if Rochester, the eldest
of ten children. We lived out in the country on 25 acres, surrounded by farmland. When I was a
sophomore in high school, I came out to California on my own and entered the Norbertine minor
seminary in Orange County. Most of priestly education took place in Rome where I was privileged to
meet Pope St John Paul II and assist at a number of his Masses as psalmist or deacon. (I even got his
autograph once!)
I was ordained a priest in 1981 and spent my first eleven years teaching in three different Catholic high
schools in Orange County, which included helping start Santa Margarita Catholic High School. In 1992
my abbot asked another confrere and me to go to Hungary to assist our mother abbey get re-established
after the fall of Communism. There I taught English in the same secondary school that counts Joseph
Cardinal Mindszenty among its most illustrious alumni. After five years, my religious superiors asked me
to leave education ministry, return to the States and begin parish work in the Diocese of Orange. For five
years I was parochial vicar in Huntington Beach at St Bonaventure’s. From there I went to St John the
Baptist Parish in Costa Mesa where I served parochial vicar and pastor from 2002 to 2006. During my
stint there I oversaw a $3 million renovation project that transformed a rather ordinary looking place into
a beautiful house of worship ( . . . if I do say so myself . . . ). Then in July of 2006 my abbot had me come
to the South Bay where I began my decade of ministry as a “contract priest” with the US Air Force.
During that time I was blessed to both work with and grow close to some of the finest men and women in
the world as well as their families. And knowing that I would still be seeing some of them in my next
assignment (at Mary Star) certainly made the transition easier.
I am truly grateful for the very warm welcome Fr Harrigan, the other priests, the staff and so many of you
have given me. And having the Fiesta my first weekend was perfect. I look forward to getting more
involved in this very active parish in the months and years ahead. You can count on my prayers, and I
will depend on yours.
God bless you and those dear to you.
In Jesus’ Love,
Rev. Fr. Martin Benzoni, O.Praem.
Prior of San Pedro Norbertine Priory
July 31, 2016
Mary Star of the Sea, pray for us
I.C.F. Branch #115 62nd Anniversary
Prayers for the Sick
Please pray for all of the sick in our community, that they
may find healing and comfort in Christ, especially:
The Italian Catholic Federation (I.C.F.) Branch #115 will
celebrate its 62nd Anniversary and the 362nd Anniversary of the
birth of Saint John Joseph of the Cross. The three-day
“Triduum” will start on Thursday and Friday August 18 and 19,
2016 at 7:30 P.M. with Mass and recital of the “Coroncina”.
On Saturday, August 20 a 9:00 A.M. Solemn High Mass will be
celebrated and a procession with the statue of Saint John
Joseph of the Cross. After mass, the procession will exit the
church and march on the church grounds, stopping at the
Blessed Mother’s Grotto, then proceed to the auditorium for
Later that evening join us celebrating the 62nd Anniversary of
the I.C.F. Branch #115 with a Dinner-Dance in the auditorium.
Cocktails at 6:00 P.M. and Dinner at 6:30 P.M. Price $35.00.
Menu includes: antipasto, salad, pasta, prime rib with
vegetables and potatoes, rolls and butter, spumoni ice cream,
coffee and wine. Music by “Tony Ciaramitaro Band”. For
reservations call Neal Di Leva at 310-433-1044.
Deadline is August 14, 2016
Did You Know?/¿Sabia Usted?
Bill Allen
Lydia Farria
Vince Kordich
Glenn Reskusich
Bob Silvas
Violet Vuoso
Names stay on the sick list for 3 weeks. To renew, please
call the parish office. To share an answered prayer about
someone prayed for, please email us
at [email protected].
Recently Baptized
Charlee Joy Chavez
In Memoriam
Loretta Grieco
We welcome infants and young children to the
Sacrament of Baptism. Visit the Parish office
for a Baptism Information Package and to
schedule an appointment.
Keep your kids safe in parks this summer:
The weather outside is beautiful, and one of the best places to
play is the park. However, parents should start every visit to
the park with a discussion with their kids about safety plan.
Kids should know what to do if a stranger were to approach
them, and who to go to if they feel uncomfortable or
threatened. Public parks are a great place to play, but they are
exposed to the public. Having a safety plan in place can help
parents and kids feel secure and play safely this summer. For
a copy of the TODAY.com article, email [email protected] or call (213) 637-7227.
We ask parents, when coming to register for infant
Baptism, to please bring the baby’s birth certificate. Please
check our website for necessary documents and
information to bring to your interview for scheduling a
Baptism. Thank you.
Mantenga a sus hijos seguros en los parques este verano:
El clima en el exterior está bello y uno de los mejores lugares
para jugar es el parque. Sin embargo, los padres de familia
deben comenzar toda visita al parque con una plática con sus
hijos sobre un plan de seguridad. Los niños deben saber qué
hacer si un extraño se les acerca, y a quien ir si ellos se sienten
incómodos o amenazados. Los parques públicos son un gran
lugar para jugar, pero están expuestos al público. Contar con
un plan de seguridad puede ayudar a los padres de familia y a
los niños a sentirse seguros y a jugar seguros este verano. Para
una copia del artículo de TODAY.com, escriba
a [email protected] o llame al (213) 637-7508.
We’d like to Thank all those who have
graciously and generously donated
towards our Stained Glass Window
Protection project! Work is expected to
begin work in August. Scaffeling will be
erected around the outside of the Church
as work progresses, but will not interfere
with masses. HOWEVER, we are still in need of donations to
cover costs of all windows. Help protect these beautiful
windows for generations to come! We continue to pray for you
in our daily Masses and prayers that are offered by the Priests
at Mary Star. Please contact Josephine Frka at (310) 833-3541
ext. 205. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
July 31, 2016
Stained Glass Window Protection
Together In Mission Campaign 2016
Parish Goal: $85,200
Amount Pledged: $82,319
Amount: $65,719.00
Difference over Goal vs. Amount Paid:
Many thanks for your support of our needy parishes and
schools in the Archdiocese!
REMEMBER: It is very important that these pledges be paid so that
the parish will reach and hopefully, exceed our goal. If we do not
meet Parish Goal, we are responsible for the balance due.
I. C. F. Casino Trip
The Italian Catholic Federation Branch #115,
Mary Star of the Sea is planning a Turnaround
Trip on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 to Pala Indian
Casino. Price $23.00 per person. Members will get
$3.00 discount. Casino will give $5.00 that can be
used towards free play.
For reservations call Pauline Iacono at
Stella Maris Catholic Books & Gift Store
(310) 519-8661
[email protected]
Store Hours:
Sun. 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Will be closed on Wednesdays
until September.
New American Bible,
Soft Cover
Weekly Holy Hour
Thank you for your patronage
which assists Mary Star
Elementary and High Schools.
The only time Our Lord asked the apostles for anything was the
night He went into His agony. Not for activity did he plead but
for an hour of companionship (Archbishop Fulton Sheen).
We honor Mary Star of the Sea Elementary
& High School Scrip!
Velike Gospe Society 84th Anniversary
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
procession, Mass and Luncheon
The Velike Gospe Society invited you to come and
August 15, 2016 at a special 12:00 Noon mass,
preceded by a multicultural procession 11:30 a.m.
at the corner of 9th and Meyler St. in front of the St. Mount
Statue. Immediately following mass a $35.00 luncheon will be
held at Neil’s Pasta & Sea Food Grill , 383 W. 5th St., San
Pedro. Reservations are required by August 9, 2016.
Call Alice Obuljen at 310.548.0210 or
Dorothy Bonacich at 310.521.8606.
All Societies with banners are invited to participate in our
possession and Mass.
Sacraments for Adults
Are you a baptized Catholic who has lapsed from the
practice of your faith? Are you a baptized Catholic who
has never received your first communion and/or
confirmation? Are you an adult who was never
baptized, or who was baptized in another faith? Do you
have an older child who was never baptized? Each of
these situations are unique and different but they
something in common: they all describe a personal journey and a
desire to come closer to Jesus and to the Church.
For more information about RCIA ( the Rite of Christian Initiation)
please call Sister Mary at 310-833-3541 ext. 222.
Every Wednesday there is a Holy Hour in the church beginning
at 7 pm.
The hour begins with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
The rosary is prayed with beautiful reflections followed by time
for silent adoration and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
The Holy Hour ends with Benediction. Please come and give
Jesus the gift of your presence.
This is a time of abundant blessings for all!
Perpetual Adoration Notice
Grace be with you!
And Grace will certainly be with you if
you can help out with one of these
more difficult hours of Adoration.
I know there are folks out there who
can fulfill this obligation and gladly
would. Wouldn’t you want to add a
little more grace to your life by staying
just one hour with our Lord before the
Blessed Sacrament?
“Those who are generous & willing to make a sacrifice by
taking one of the more difficult hours are the ones who bring
down God’s blessings upon the Earth like rain that pours
Pope John Paul
forth from the Heavens.”
The hours for consideration are:
Thursday Morning 2-3 a.m.
Thursday Morning 3-4 a.m.
Come join us in this most beautiful mission to glorify our
Lord. Thank you. I can be reached at 310.548.1693.
Barbara West/ Coordinator
July 31, 2016
Parish Fiesta Queen Contest
The Fiesta Committee would like to Thank all of the
Parishioners for participating in and casting votes for the
Fiesta Queen contest. Just as reminder, as we have done for
the past 69 years, the Fiesta Queen is chosen by a
combination of votes cast on Yellow Parish Tickets as well
as votes she received from the Pink Tickets. The Fiesta
Queen does not receive votes from the Blue Bonus Tickets.
If the Fiesta Princess’ name is NOT specified on the Yellow
Parish Tickets or Pink Tickets, the candidate will not
receive a vote. Thank you for your understanding and
Did you attend the 2016 Fiesta this past weekend? Chances are
Nick Vilicich took a picture of you have a great time! You can
search and order pictures by visiting:
*Remember to add us on Instagram for latest news, events and
most importantly pictures of our Parish and Community!
#MaryStarFiesta in all your pictures from this past weekend &
add us @MaryStarSanPedro
A Special Thank You to:
Our Pastor, Rev. Fr. M. Harrigan and our parish priests,
Fr. Freddie Chua
Fr. Cassian DiRocco
Fr. Ivan Gerovac
Rev. Fr. Martin Benzoni
Fr. Shanthi
Southwest Traffic, Our Fiesta Security and LAPD Harbor
Division Officer Adriana Bravo and her staff for providing a
safe environment for our Fiesta.
Lori Terzoli, Kim Jones, Christina Di Bernardo, Nicholas Di
Bernardo, Danny Perez & Family, Anna Andrie, Maria Poliseri,
Sandi Badalamenti, Claudia Alcantar & Family, Tina Wood and
Mary Sanchez (MSHS Parents) & Michelle Nuñez ( MSSE
Main Raffle Prize Winners
Grand Prize:
$20,000 - Mario Amalfitano
2nd Prize:
Princess Baja Cruise for 2 - Joanne Salak
3rd Prize:
Las Vegas Trip for 2 - Rick Kirkpatrick
4th Prize:
J.W. Marriott Desert Springs Getaway for
2 - Mary Ann Mancusi
Saturday St. Anne Society Raffle winners:
$300 Cash: Pricella Pavlov
$100 Cash: Josephine Frka
$50 Cash: Rocky Grieco
Basket: Annette Shannon-Batinovich
Basket: Jason Hernandez
Gift Card: Tina
Basket: Rosanna Crocchiolo
Basket: Bianca Sementilli
Basket: Betty Abbate
Catalina Trip: Lucrecia Barbieri
Lamp/Cookies: Rose
Basket and movie Tickets: Kathy Michlitsch
Basket/Gift Card: Celia Bremer
Sunday Velike Gospe Society Raffle Winners:
$250 Cash:
$150 Cash:
$50 Cash:
$50 Cash:
Kim Mosich
Andy Mike Trutanich
Sister Ena
Bobbie Stanojevich
2016 Honorary Fiesta Queen:
Rose Amalfitano
Mary Star of the Sea Parish
Croatian Catholic Family Guild, Daughters of Isabella, Filipino
Community, Hispanic Community, Italian Catholic Federation,
Knights of Columbus, MSSE & MSHS Students and Parents,
San Pietro Society and St. Joseph’s Table.
Auditorium Nightly Dinners
Mary Star of the Sea Elementary School (Friday)
St. Ann Altar Society (Saturday)
Velike Gospe Society (Sunday)
July 31, 2016
Special announcement from Fr. Harrigan: “I am very
pleased to announce a grand total (gross amount) of:
240,000.00 from the Parish Fiesta. After all of the
expenses have been deducted, I will announce in the
bulletin our final net total. Once again, I would like to
thank all of the Mary Star Parish Groups and
individuals who volunteered their time and talents to
make this year’s Fiesta a big success!”
Thank You to our Fiesta Committee!
Executive Committee: Neal Di Bernardo, Mark Rollice,
Frank D’Ambrosi, Sal Sorrentino, Ken Rukavina and
Michael DiBernardo
Fiesta Office: Josephine Frka, Maria Palacios, Lorena
Gutierrez, Michelle Downes, and Ika Kvartuc
Fiesta Queen Committee: Lu Barbieri, Christina and Dan
Engle, Terry Felando, Margie Di Bernardo, Rosemarie
Ganoe, Dennis Barbieri, Eddie DiMaggio, Judy Vidaillet,
and Nick Vilicich
2015 Mary Star Fiesta Queen: Allison Castagnola &
Car Booth: Judy Vidaillet, Eddie DiMaggio, Jim Cordero,
Augie Castagnola, Shaun Maricich, Roberto Valadez,
Tony De Girolamo.
Fiesta Bingo: Joe Ungaro and family
Fiesta Grounds Crew: Jorge Solorzano, Nick Vilicich, &
all M.S. Parish Volunteers
Fiesta Photographer: Nick Vilicich
Parish Auditorium: Nikki Aguilar & Family
Parish Schools: Noreen Maricich, Rita Dever & Fr.
Nicholas Tacito
Food Purchasing Dept.: Danny Maricich
Fiesta Carnival: Baque Brothers Classic Rides for their
4th year of service to Mary Star of the Sea
Congratulations to our
Fiesta Queen :
Rose Amalfitano
2016 Mary Star Fiesta Princesses:
Virginia Martinez and Athena Mathos
We’d like to thank our candidates for their
outstanding volunteerism, their parents and family
members. We are truly blessed to have 3 wonderful
ladies representing our
Mary Star Parish family.
2016 Sponsors
The 2016 Fiesta Committee would like to thank the
following Sponsors:
A-1 Imported Groceries
Ace Roll Off Rubbish
Bay Cities Auto Body Clinic
Berkson Family
Big Nick’s Pizza
Buono’s Authentic Pizzeria
Care Network-Caregivers
Frank D’Ambrosi—IRS Enrolled Agent
Geoffrey & Christopher Groat, DDS
Hussey Insurance Agency
In Home Spanish Tutoring
Johnny’s Auto Clinic
Lee’s Tires
M.A.F. Construction
Maricich Catering Company
Martin Chevrolet of Torrance
McNerney’s Family Mortuary
Norman’s Clothing Store
Pacific True Value Hardware
Robert Moore Accountancy Corporation
Sal Sorrentino from Keller Williams Realty
San Pedro Ear, Nose Throat Venu Divi M.D.
Santich Investment Services
South Shores Meat Shop
South Wind Foods
Wellington Sign Graphics
2016 Underwriters
Thank you for your special support in making the Fiesta
a great success!
Mr. & Mrs. Libby Di Bernardo
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Duffy - Golden Shamrock
Mrs. Yvonne Bogdanovich & Family
Paul & Teri Di Carlo
Robert & Jan Moore
San Pedro Fish Market & Restaurants
July 31, 2016
Save the Date...
Attention long range planners…
Save the date FIESTA 2017 will be on
July 21, 22 and 23rd of 2017.
To all Chanters & Catholic Singers
Members of Mary Star of the Sea Gregorian Schola invite all
singers to their two inaugural KYRIALE CHANT-ALONG
on Sunday August 14th and Sunday August 28th, from
3:15pm to 4:15pm in the Chapel of the convent (building East
of the Church).
Wikipedia defines the "KYRIALE" as a "collection of
Gregorian Chant settings for the Ordinary of the Mass".
Those who sang some of the eighteen Masses and six Credos
also know that the KYRIALE is one of the richest and most
beautiful musical traditions of the Church. "Tradition"
implies that this KYRIALE was handed over to us over the
centuries. Over hundreds and hundreds of years, the clergy,
musicians and faithful who knew the KYRIALE gave their
time to pass along their skills. Centuries after centuries, they
would teach their congregations and foster the "active
participation" that Vatican II reminds us is always a priority
in the Catholic Liturgy. This is what our KYRIALE CHANT
ALONG proposes to continue.
The most recent General Instructions of the Roman Missal
and the 2007 "Sing to the Lord" document from the US
Conference of Catholic Bishops make clear where we should
start: Kyrie XVI, Sanctus XVIII, Agnus Dei XVIII, Gloria
VIII, Credo III and the "Pater Noster". After these are
mastered, Mass XI "Orbis Factor" will come next.
Our first two KYRIALE CHANT ALONG will happen in
August just before the 5:15PM Mass for the New
Evangelization at Mary Star of the Sea, so the new skills can
be immediately practiced at Mass. However, if you are
interested in the KYRIALE CHANT ALONG but cannot
attend on a Sunday afternoon, please let us know what day of
the week would be better, before we finalize our September
More information? Contact Hervé Blanquart 626-278 0786
[email protected]
You’re Invited… / Estás Invitado...
You are invited to join Fr. Jose Parathanal's Pilgrimages to:
INDIA: (SEPT. 2016), Europe: (MAY-JUNE 2017),
Contact Bernadette at: [email protected] or call 323.344.1548
& 323.547.6618
Usted está invitado a unirse con Padre Jose Peregrinaciones de
Parathanal's a:
INDIA: (SEPT. 2016), Europe: (MAY-JUNE 2017),
Contactar con Bernadette a: [email protected] o llamar
323.344.1548 y 323.547.6618
July 31, 2016
Religious Education Program (Pre-K, K - 8th Grade)
The Religious Education Program offers ongoing faith
formation for all grades. We also prepare children to receive
the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Our
RCIA Program adapted for children who have not been baptized
prepares children who are older than seven for the sacraments of
initiation - Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Call the
office to request a registration or download one. Classes will
begin on Wednesday September 14 and Saturday September
17, 2015. Please register before August 31, 2016
Pre-K through 6th Grade: Wednesdays:
Grades 7 and 8:
4:15 - 5:30 pm
9:45 - 11:00 am
Saturday- Preparation for Sacraments
Wednesdays: 5:15 - 6:15 pm
RCIA: As an adult if you have never been baptized or have
been baptized in another faith you may participate in our RCIA
program and receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation
and Eucharist. Sessions will begin on Thursday, August 25,
If you need further information on any of the above
programs please call Sister Mary or Lorena at 310-833-3541
ext. 221, 222.
Registration is now full for the 2016-2017
school year for 3-5 year olds who are fully
pottie trained. Our preschool program is
year round, part– and full– time. Come
over and take a tour! No appointments
We have a safe environment with qualified, caring teachers
who instruct faith development and age appropriate handson activities in Creative Art, Kindergarten Readiness, Math
Concepts, Science Exploration, Multicultural Exposure,
Music/Movement Activities, Dramatic Play, Outdoor
Activities and Character Development.
For more information about our preschool program, please
call (310) 833-3541 Ext. 228 and ask for Beth Castagnola
(Director) email @ [email protected] or visit:
July 30, 2016
July 30, 2016 Saturday,
Rosario Buccanfuso by wife Filomena and family † 10:00 a.m.—Pre-Baptism Interviews—MGPC Long Room
Vincenzo and Maria Di Leva by Salvatore and
Nicolina Mattera and family †
July 31, 2016
5:00 p.m.—I.C.F. Officers Mtg.—MGPC Long Room
July 31, 2016
7:30 a.m.— Raffela, Francesco and Tony Mancusi by Nancy
August 1, 2016
and Tony †
7:00 p.m.—Marriage Preparation Meeting—MGPC R/Room
9:00 a.m.— For All Parishioners of Mary Star
7:00 p.m.—Guadalupano Group—MSB 111
10:30 a.m.— For All Parishioners of Mary Star
12:00 p.m.— Sally Ann Cunningham and son Joey by Rita
August 2, 2016
Cunningham †
7:00 p.m.—K of C Meeting—K of C Room
1:30 p.m.— Drazen Ivcevic by Katia Bjazevic †
7:00 p.m.—Prayer Group—MGPC Chapel
4:00 p.m.— Priest Intention
5:15 p.m.— Rojko Jeljko Morija by sister Angela †
August 3, 2016
5:00 p.m.—Cub Scout Pack #1203—MSB 215,216 & 217
August 1, 2016 5:45 p.m.—Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help—Church
8:00 a.m.— Otto Mancini by wife Antoinette †
7:00 p.m.—Al–Anon Meeting Spanish—MGPC Round Room
5:15 p.m.— Erma Camello by Josephine Accetta †
7:00 p.m.—Hispanic Prayer Grp/Choir -MSB 111
7:00 p.m.—Velike Gospe Meeting—MGPC Long Room
8:00 a.m.—
5:15 p.m.—
8:00 a.m.—
5:15 p.m.—
August 2, 2016
Lucia & Gerardo Baccari by son Paul and Family † Thursday,
August 4, 2016
Nanon McEwen Williams by Lee Bolton
7:00 p.m.—Bible Study (Fred Krause)—MGPC Chapel
7:00 p.m.—English Baptism Class—MGPC Round Room
7:00 p.m.—Hispanic Group Meeting—MSB 218
August 3, 2016
8:00 a.m.— Andrew and Connie De Massa Joncich by sister †
August 5, 2016
5:15 p.m.— Salvatore Russo by Serafina Russo and family †
8:00 a.m.—
5:15 p.m.—
8:00 a.m.—
5:15 p.m.—
8:00 a.m.—
5:15 p.m.—
7:30 a.m.—
9:00 a.m.—
10:30 a.m.—
12:00 p.m.—
1:30 p.m.—
4:00 p.m.—
5:15 p.m.—
August 6, 2016
August 4, 2016 Saturday,
10:00 a.m.—Pre-Baptism Interviews—MGPC Long Room
Antoinette Uthoff by Frka Family †
5:15 p.m.—Mission Appeal-”Hand Together” for HaitiMichael and David Cordoba by family †
7:00 p.m.—Hispanic Prayer Group—MSB 111/218
August 5, 2016
Firmo Franzoni by Anna and Gaspare Guarrasi and
August 7, 2016
family †
for Haiti—
Maria Borrelli by Borrelli Family †
2:30 p.m.—Croatian Catholic Family Guild Meeting—MGPC
Round Room
August 6, 2016
John Cigliano by Family †
Giorgio and Cristina Pesce by daughter Rosa
Tuberosi and family †
August 7, 2016
For a detailed map of our campus go to our website
Esther and Frank Amalfitano by Augie & Dinka †
www.marystar.org and click on “About Our Church”
For All Parishioners of Mary Star
For All Parishioners of Mary Star
All Parish events must be approved by
John Tuberosi by Teresa Amalfitano †
Maria C. Palacios, the Parish Secretary, before they
Marcia Gospic by Ana Kaleb sister †
appear in the bulletin. To add or change an event please
Priest Intention
call Maria at (310) 833-3541 ext 201 or email her at
Consuelo Diaz by Oscar Diaz †
[email protected].
† = deceased
July 31, 2016
Parish Office: (310) 833-3541
Fax: (310) 833-9254
[email protected]
Business Administrator: Josephine Frka Ext: 205
Parish Secretary: Maria C. Palacios Ext. 201
Bulletin Editors: Lorena Gutierrez Ext: 203
Bulletin Deadline: Saturday by 3 pm to [email protected]
Adult Initiation
Sister Mary (310) 833-3541
Email: [email protected]
Religious Education
Sr. Mary J. Glynn , Lorena Gutierrez Ext: 221, 222
Email: [email protected]
Maritime Ministry
Fr. Freddie Chua
Ext. 208
Sacristan & Altar Servers
Nick Vilicich Ext: 225
Mary Star of the Sea Elementary
717 S. Cabrillo Ave.
San Pedro, CA 90731
(310) 831-0875
Website: www.marystarelementary.com
Principal: Noreen Maricich
St. Vincent de Paul
Celia Bremer Ext: 223
Email: [email protected]
Vocation Discernment
Website: www.LAVocations.org
(310) 833-3541
Email: [email protected]
Youth Ministry & Confirmation
George Vasquez Ext: 220
Email: [email protected]
Croatian Catholic Family Guild
Mario Juravich
Croatian Choir
Josip Mardesic
Daughters of Isabella
Olga Cruz
Divine Mercy Group
Madelyn Walker
Virginia Pagan
Lu Barbieri
Families of Nazareth
Holly Oldenburg
Fiesta Committee
Neal DiBernardo
310-833-3541 ext. 203
[email protected]
July 31, 2016
Mary Star of the Sea High School Development Office
(310) 833-3861
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Music Ministry
Jelil Romano Ext: 224
Christian Care
(310) 548-1645
853 W. 7th St., San Pedro
Email: [email protected]
Bible Study (mornings)
Holly Oldenburg
Gene Terrazas
Mary Star of the Sea High School
2500 N. Taper Ave
San Pedro, CA 90731
(310) 547-1138
Website: www.marystarhigh.com
Principal: Rita Dever
Filipino Community
Danny Vinluan Eslava
Perpetual Adoration
Barbara West
Maricela Delgado
Prayer Group
Louise Garcia
Grupo de Oracion
Amadeo Escobar
Respect Life
Katie Clark
Hispanic Group
Jorge Malca
St. Anne Altar Society
Delight Hernandez
Hospitality/Mary & Martha
Josephine Frka
St. Joseph Table
Josephine Accetta
Homebound Eucharistic Ministries
Sister Ena Maguire, SJC
San Pietro Society
Grace Ciolino
Italian Catholic Federation Branch #115
Neal DiLeva
Club Trappetto
Sal Cracchiolo
Knights of Columbus
Nick Vilicich
Velike Gospe Society
Dorothy Bonacich
Lectors—Ministry of the Word
Rainee Handley
[email protected]
Nick Vilicich
310-833-3541 ext. 225