April 2007 - Congregation Beth Ami
April 2007 - Congregation Beth Ami
MARCH 2007 ADAR 5767 Scholar-in-Residence Cantor Howard Shalowitz and Luncheon Honoring Brooke Kantor, Lou Menachof & Werner Berg March 9 &10 Beth Ami is hosting a weekend of Jewish music, March 9 & 10, featuring Cantor Howard Shalowitz. At 7:30 p.m. Friday, he will talk on “Ladino Music,” the music of the Jews exiled from Spain in 1492. Refreshments will follow. At the 9:30 a.m. service Saturday, he will discuss the history of synagogue/ congregational melodies. During the hosted luncheon that follows, he will talk on “The History of American Jewish Music from Plymouth Rock to Rock ‘n Roll.” Cantor Shalowitz represents the Conservative Movement’s Cantor’s Ambassador program, bringing professional cantors to smaller synagogues to explore the beauty of Jewish liturgical music and the history and development of Jewish music. On Saturday, the congregation wants to honor three of its long-time volunteers with engraved leaves on the Simcha Board and a Shabbat luncheon. Lou Menachof, Brooke Kantor and Werner Berg have given many years of faithful service to our community as High Holy Day Hazzanim. If you would like make a contribution for these dedicated volunteers, please send your check to the office and write Hazzanim on the memo line. Thank you for your support. IN Beth Ami Community Pesach Seder Tuesday, April 3 6 p.m Friedman Center Reservation form on page 19. THIS ISSUE Rabbi’s Remarks ................................................. Events & Activities at Beth Ami ......................... March Calendar (only in hardcopy version) ...... Announcements ................................................. Mazal Tov to Our Bar Mitzvah ........................... Your USY ............................................................ Moses’ Complaint .............................................. Nursery School News ......................................... Israel from the Left Coast ................................... Yom Hashoah ...................................................... Silent Appeal Donors 2006 ................................. page 3 .page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7 page 7 page 7 page 8 page 9 page 9 page 10 President’s Page ...................................................... page 11 Facilities Update ...................................................... page 11 Shop the Gift Shop for Passover ............................. page 12 Generous Contributions ............................................ page 13 Donation Form ......................................................... page 14 March Yahrzeits, Birthdays, Anniversaries .............. page 15 Jewish Community Announcements & Contacts .... page 16 Advertisements ......................................................... pages 17-19 Event RSVP Form ..................................................... page 19 March Services ......................................................... back page Congregation Beth Ami Congregation Beth Ami Mission Statement 4676 MAYETTE AVENUE SANTA ROSA, CA 95405 (707) 360-3000 (707) 360-3003 FAX [email protected] WWW.BETHAMISR.ORG Through celebration, learning, prayer and community, we seek to enrich our lives, transform our hearts, help heal the world and sustain our Jewish heritage. Rabbi George Schlesinger Hours of Operation Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday PERSONNEL Rabbi George Schlesinger 360-3004 [email protected] Juli Scherer, Ex. Director 360-3012 [email protected] Eric Mossman, Bookkeeper 360-3011 [email protected] Elizabeth Jarlsberg, Adminstrative Support 360-3000 [email protected] 2006-2007 OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Andy Fleming [email protected] Treasurer, Henry Cohn [email protected] Secretary, Robin Winning [email protected] VP for Administration, Al Batzdorff [email protected] VP for Youth and Education, Dave Ballo [email protected] Office Library Gift Shop 12 - 4 p.m. 12 - 4 p.m. closed 12 - 4 p.m. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. closed closed 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 3:45 - 6 p.m. closed 3:45 - 6 p.m. closed closed 9:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. closed 3 - 5 p.m. closed 3 - 5 p.m. closed closed 10 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Karen Gould, Newsletter 360-3000 [email protected] Lenore Monsour, Nursery School Director 360-3030 [email protected] Elisabeth Van Nuys, Religious School Director 360-3000 [email protected] Ruth Turner, Friedman Center Director 360-3021 [email protected] Susy Raful & Helen Margolese, Gift Shop 360-3022 Susanne Batzdorff, Librarian [email protected] 360-3006 Rick Concoff Kehillah Director 360-3000 Sharon Benson, USY Advisor (858) 735-8816 [email protected] Call the office at 360-3000 to leave a message for: •Rosalie Schweit, Gift Shop Invitations •Patty Bernstein, Torah/Haftarah Reading VP for Facilities, Jon Simkovitz [email protected] Library Committee Chair, Susanne Batzdorff [email protected] Nursery School Committee Co-Chairs, Judy Gunnar [email protected] Richard Lazovick [email protected] Religious Practices Committee Chair, Patty Bernstein [email protected] Religious School Committee Chair, Val Kreger [email protected] Youth Programs, Michele Guttenberg [email protected] Members at Large Zach Baurer [email protected] Bonnie Boren [email protected] Richard Kahn [email protected] Members Ex Officio Rabbi George Schlesinger [email protected] Juli Scherer [email protected] Marcia Gladstone [email protected] March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 2 DEADLINE FOR APRIL SHOFAR MARCH 16 All editorial submissions must be received in the Shofar box in the Beth Ami office or via email on or before the deadline. All submissions are subject to editing for clarity, brevity and content. Please submit articles as Microsoft Word documents via email attachments. Contact Karen Gould, Editor, at 360-3000 or at [email protected] with corrections, concerns or questions. The Shofar is a periodical issued monthly except for a combined May/June/July issue. It is published by Congregation Beth Ami, 4676 Mayette Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95405. All members in good standing receive the periodical free. Yearly subscriptions are $25.00. This month’s issue is: Volume 12 Issue 6 Issue Date: March 1, 2007 RABBI’S REMARKS Rabbi George Schlesinger It’s been nearly a month now since Paula and I have been back from our travels and while I’ve briefly spoken about our journeys during Shabbat morning services in February, I thought that perhaps many of the rest of you would be interested in what we did during our six weeks of travels. First, let me set the stage. At Autodesk where Paula works, all employees in the United States receive a six-week paid sabbatical every four years. After four and a half years there, Paula received permission for her sabbatical and not wishing to be apart that long, I asked our president, Andy Fleming, religious practices chair Patty Bernstein, and the Board of Trustees for permission to take my summer vacation in winter along with my two winter weeks. This gave me six consecutive weeks to accompany Paula. She wanted to call this sabbatical her “Spirit, Mind and Body” tour. The “spirit” was cared for in Jerusalem where we spent three weeks; the “mind” was addressed on a 14-day tour entitled “The Route of the Maya” in Central America (El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Belize), and the “body” was soothed for three days on beaches of Belize. It was a perfect mix of spirituality, adventure, learning, and relaxation. As I mentioned at services, I don’t want to do a travelogue. That’s somewhat unnecessary. Many of you have been to Israel and Jerusalem; some of you have been to these same Central American countries. It’s not my intention to tell you that we walked on Ben Yehuda Street or went to the Kotel or even that we were in Guatemala City, Lake Atitlan and the market at Chichicastenango. It’s not where we were that was so meaningful but what we experienced and learned that made these trips so special. I’d like to share with you some of our experiences when we tried to give “virtual tourist” dollars to vendors in Israel. In case you’re unfamiliar with “virtual tourism,” it was an idea first floated in 2001-2002 when Israel’s tourism industry took a severe downturn due to the second Intifada and suicide bombers. Many of those afraid (or unable) to visit Israel gave money to those brave souls who continued to visit in order to help shore up businesses and restaurants in Israel. The idea was to “pretend” that another tourist was there in the shop buying goods or there in the restaurant ordering a meal, and instead of paying for only the meals that were consumed, the patrons would pay for the “additional meal consumed by the virtual tourist.” After the war in Israel this past summer, Paula and I thought it might be necessary to continue giving virtual tourist dollars so we announced that we would accept any “donations” to the program. We didn’t receive much but the experience was enlightening. Our first couple attempts were somewhat clumsy, and consequently the recipients were embarrassed and reluctant to accept anything we offered. Over the next couple of weeks, we got better and the responses were mixed. We would make repeated trips to certain commercial areas of the city where merchants were dependent upon tourists, and we would look for those shops that appeared to have the least amount of tourist traffic. Some shops appeared to be tourist favorites while others appeared almost empty. We would chose some of the emptier shops to visit. We learned that the best way to do this was by first establishing some sort of relationship with the shopkeeper. This took some time on our part. We had to be willing to spend time in conversation with people. We would ask how business had been (after a disastrous summer and very bad fall, the early part of winter was shaping up better), we would spend time looking at merchandise, we would purchase something no matter how small. And after all of that when we explained the concept of the virtual tourist dollars, we found people more willing to accept our “gift.” Even after all this however, the responses were still mixed. There were those who were embarrassed in spite of all the time, effort and explanation we gave. They would demure by saying they didn’t need charity or that things were not really that bad. We would try to tell them it wasn’t charity but simply our way of trying to ensure that they stayed in business and to let them know that there were others who cared. Some merchants responded by accepting the dollars, but asking if it were permissible for them to give the money to others who “really needed it.” They would say that they knew others (shopkeepers or families) who were truly in need and this would enable them to help out these others. Our response was that once they accepted the “virtual tourist” dollars they were free to do with them as they wished. A third response was a quiet and most grateful “Thank you.” All in all, the experience of the “virtual tourist” dollars was most enlightening. Our synagogue experience was also uplifting as we “davened” at two of Jerusalem’s most “happening” places: Yakar and Shir Chadash. Yakar is a small shul (about half the size of our sanctuary) and yet nearly 300 people were standing throughout the service. People were even standing in the stairwells in order to participate in this shul. Everyone knew the music and the prayers and the “ruach” was simply unimaginable. Shir Chadash is Egalitarian and Orthodox which means the davening is still Orthodox yet they have a Mechitza (a separation) between the men and the women. But it is the only shul in Jerusalem where women can read the Torah and participate in a “mixed” congregation and play a ritual role. There were nearly 600 people, more than half of them women. As at Yakar, everyone knew the music and the prayers. As always, upon returning from Israel, I’m anxious to go back. Anyone interested in joining me? March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 3 EVENTS AT BETH AMI Ongoing programs at Beth Ami TUESDAY ♦Exercise Class, 9-10:30 a.m., Social Hall offered by the JCC Friendship Circle ♦Torah study with Rabbi Schlesinger every 2nd & 4th Tuesday at 10 a.m. in the Friedman Center Board Room. ♦Conversational Hebrew with Judy Clack Beginning Level, 10-11 a.m., Room 14 ♦Israeli Folk Dancing 7 p.m., Friedman Center. For more info contact Leanne Schy at 528-4874 or [email protected]. Torah & Talmud Study Thursday evenings Torah/Bible Class Talmud Study February 22 March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26 May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 June 7 June 14 June 21 June 28 Location: Friedman Center Board Room. Time: 7:00 pm. THURSDAY ♦Exercise Class, 9-10:30 a.m., Social Hall offered by the JCC Friendship Circle ♦ Conversational Hebrew with Judy Clack Intermediate Level 10-11 a.m., Room 14 ♦Torah & Talmud Study with Rabbi Schesinger, 7 p.m., Friedman Center Board Room. Please see schedule at right. The 24nd Annual Book Discussion Series FRIDAY ♦Exercise Class, 10-11:15 a.m., Social Hall Instructor Barbara Goodridge will teach class in the Social Hall every Friday, except for the first Friday of the month when class will be held in lounge. offered by the JCC Friendship Circle ♦Shabbat Yoga, 4:15 - 5:15 p.m., Lounge, 1st Friday each month. Call Hannah Caratti 578-4040 for more information. SUNDAY ♦ Meditation/Chant 9:45-10:45 a.m., Friedman Center Chapel Our discussion February on A Simple Story, by S. Agnon was lively and uninhibited. The fact that Agnon is a Nobel Prize winner did not keep our members from being very frank in their critique. Our next meeting will be March 7 at 10 a.m. in Room 12-13, Congregation Beth Ami when our topic will be The March, by E.L. Doctorow. BOOK TITLE AUTHOR DATE The Sabbath Ten Thousand Lovers Foiglman Like Never Before A. J. Heschel Edeet Ravel Aharon Megged Ehud Havazelet Apr 11 May 2 June 6 July 11 5767 Rosh Chodesh Women’s Gatherings Month Date Time Location Nissan Iyar Sivan Tammuz Av Elul Monday, 3/19/07 Wednesday, 4/18/07 Thursday, 5/17/07 Saturday, 6/16/07 Monday, 7/16/07 Wednesday, 8/15/07 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. overnight fun 7 p.m. 7 p.m. Friedman Center Friedman Center Friedman Center private home Friedman Center Friedman Center Dancing into Pesach All Jewish women are invited to Rosh Chodesh Nissan on Monday, March 19 at 7 p.m. in the Friedman Center. Wear freeflowing garments. Thank you everyone who participated in the Rosh Chodesh Tu B’ Shevat Seder. Your contributions went to the Beth Ami general fund. Rosh Chodesh Adar was a hamantaschen bake off just in time for the Religious School Purim Banquet. Please contact Bonnie Boren, 528-1628 or Vivian Klein, 538-8679. March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 4 '3&& 53*150 *43"&- ,0"$)JOWJUFTQPTUIJHITDIPPMTUVEFOUT BHFTXIPIBWFOFWFSCFFOUP*TSBFMPO BOPSHBOJ[FEQFFSUSJQUPQBSUJDJQBUFJOUIF CJSUISJHIUJTSBFMQSPHSBN tEBZTPGUSBWFMTUVEZBOEGVO t8BMLJOUIFGPPUTUFQTPGPVSBODFTUPST t4FF*TSBFMUISPVHIUIFFZFTPGUIF $POTFSWBUJWF.PWFNFOU 5BHMJUoCJSUISJHIUJTSBFM,0"$))JMMFM 456%:50630'*43"&-t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arch 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 5 Announcements Nathaniel’s wish Nathaniel Morrison and his family would like to thank everyone at Beth Ami who sent cards and offered well wishes for him during his treatment for Hodgkins Lymphoma over the past five months. Nathaniel officially completed treatment last month, and his doctors said he can expect a full recovery. Nathaniel and his family celebrated the end of his treatment by attending an Itzhak Perlman concert in Berkeley, compliments of the Make-AWish Foundation. Getting to see Perlman play would have been a treat in and of itself for Nathaniel, but the big treat came after the concert when Perlman gave Nathaniel a private lesson on a piece that Nathaniel wlll perform with Baroque Sinfonia in Santa Rosa next month. Nathaniel emerged from the lesson with Perlman with a big smile, saying, “That was exactly what I wanted.” Nathaniel and his family appreciate the generosity of the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the support and caring that they have received over the past few months from the entire Beth Ami community. Todah Rabah Heartfelt thanks from Paul Lazovick and me to everyone for all your prayers and support. Your care and support made it possible for us to share our lives in a very special way. Thanks for all the cards, phone calls, emails, and special thanks to everyone who gave me rides, cooked meals, did laundry and grocery shopping, especially Susan Miller, Bruce Stolbov, Lindsay Kvam, Bill Cordell, Leanne and Ethel Schy, Lillian Judd, Yona Miller, Karen Gould, Sheila Katz Feiwell, Mimi Rubinstein and Harry Bushway. My apologies if I forgot anyone. Paul is doing very well; he still has to be careful about infections and will always have to take medications to suppress his immune system. However, he and Ilse are getting back to a normal life: playing cards with friends, going out to dinner and a show, if it isn’t too crowded. They even got to spend time with their two-year-old grandson. Maybe soon he will be able to travel, and they can visit their family here. ~Tish Levee To my Beth Ami Family, My heartwarming thanks to all the well wishers, all the people that sent flowers and all the visitors. I can not thank you enough and hope to see you soon. I love you. ~Yours, Elsie Rich Welcome to our new member Karen Brodsky Final call for entries for the 7th annual Susy Raful essay contest Essays are due in the Beth Ami office no later than March 30, 2007. Detailed information and rules covering the $500 prize can be found at the Congregation Beth Ami website: www.bethamisr.org, under the link “News & Events.” ~Bob Raful Anniversary celebration Susy & Bob Raful would love to see you at Shabbat services on March 31. The Rafuls will lead services and host a kiddush luncheon in honor of their 60th anniversary. They request no gifts unless well wishers want to help CBA with donations. Calling all High School Students: KEHILLAH: Community-wide teen (8th-12th grade) program combines dinner, socializing and a lively discussion of Jewish ideals and ethics. Kids who say no to everything say yes to Kehillah. KEHILLAH DIRECTOR, RICK CONCOFF, MA. USY: If you’re in high school and looking for an opportunity to have fun, perform community service, see old friends, make new friends, or simply hang out with other Jewish teens, then don’t hesitate any longer and join us for a SCUSY event. SCUSY ADVISOR, SHARON BENSON. CALL THE OFFICE AT 360-3000 FOR MORE INFORMATION. THE BETH AMI COMMUNITY OFFERS ITS CONDOLENCES TO: •Jackie Katzel on the death of her dear husband and our special friend, Bud Katzel, who died on December 30, 2006. •Ivy Edelstein on the death of her step-father, Bud Rivkin. •Ellen Brosbe on the death of her father, David Abrahams. March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 6 Mazal Tov to Our Bar Mitzvah MARCH 24, 2007 5 NISAN 5767 JERRY WILSON Hello! My name is Jerry Wilson, and my Bar Mitzvah date is March 24: Vayikra. I am in the seventh grade and currently attending Creekside Middle School. I have been awarded Student of the Month four times, as well as the Principal’s Honor Award for Student of the Year. I enjoy drawing and am interested in sharks and sea life. This foreshadows my goal to be an artist and biologist. I have been to England, Scotland, Canada, Mexico, Greece, Israel, and the Caribbean. I’m especially grateful for all of my teachers in middle school and at Congregation Beth Ami, including Marcia, Toña, Jane and Rabbi Schlesinger. YOUR USY SCUSY SHIRTS Sharon Benson In February, we held our annual “Lox Box” fundraiser. Thank you to all of those who participated! It was a great success! I also want to thank all the SCUSY parents for their support and delicious food provided for the Lox Box Sleepover. USYers attended a 3-day convention at Camp Newman. We had a great time and learned what it is like to be a Conservative Jew in this day and age. Can’t wait till our next convention in May! This month’s event will be “A Night at the Movies.” Check our website for the latest details. Pre-order your SCUSY shirts today! Our theme is Curious George with a Jewish spin. Order slips are at the Beth Ami office, shirts are only $15! Don’t forget to visit us on the web for the latest flyers, photos & forms. www.scusynf.com Your SCUSY advisor, Sharon Benson T 707.703.42.44 C 858.735.8816 [email protected] Moses’ Complaint (Inspired by Torah portion B’Shallah) By Susanne M. Batzdorff When Israel crossed the Sea of Reeds, They praised G’d’s great and wond’rous deeds, And Moses led the happy throng In thanking Him with joyous song. But soon the people’s happiness Changed to dismay and deep distress. To Moses they complained, and soon Poor Moses sang a different tune: Why, oh G’d did you pick on me? I’m not right for the job, Lord, can’t you see? I’m no longer young. I’m getting weaker, And besides I’m a lousy speaker. But worst of all, the people you freed, Your chosen treasure, Abraham’s seed, Are quite unworthy of your assistance, And me they treat with scorn and resistance. When they were slaves, you set them free. They turned around and complained to me: “Take us back to Egypt, that’s our home. We’re hungry and thirsty, we don’t want to roam. Why can’t we return now that Pharaoh’s dead?” Sometimes I wish they had drowned instead. Well, maybe that’s putting it too strong, I love this people, don’t get me wrong. I just can’t stand their attitude. I wish they’d show some gratitude. When they were thirsty, they cried to you. You gave them water and sweetened it too. When they had water, they cried for bread. You gave them manna, they grumbled instead. “It’s meat we want!” they demanded of me. I, angry and silent, turned to Thee. Now every night You give them quail. Just wait, and soon for steak they’ll wail. They criticize this, they grouse about that. The manna’s too dry, the quails are too fat. “The Egyptians were good to us,” they say, “Why don’t we go back to Egypt today?” The slavery is forgotten, the pain. All that You’ve done for them’s in vain. They’re stupid and stubborn, they’re crabby and lazy, They spite me and smite me and drive me crazy. Please, make an end, find a different man To lead these vile creatures, if he can. I’m old, I’m weary, I’d like to retire, To put up my feet and sit by the fire. I’ve turned rods into snakes and snakes into rods And tried to make humans out of these clods. I’ve had about all from them that I can swallow. Please, find someone else to lead: I’ll follow! March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 7 NURSERY SCHOOL NEWS Lenore Monsour How a Rabbit became a Rabbi (inspired by a true story) Shabbat was almost here. The challah baked in the oven. The kitchen was warm and smelled sweet. Anne said, “The oven is hot!” Little Julia knew to stay back when Anne opened the door to peek inside. Was the challah ready? Outside, the air was crisp, the sky blue and the sun was straight up overhead. Julia’s mama said, “We are going to see the Rabbit!” The girl knew what to look for. She was old enough to be in Nursery School. She was two years old. It was a long walk up the bumpy path to the courtyard. Julia had to walk all the way from the big green door marked with the number 2. She was excited. Mama lifted little Julia up so that she could see. She looked for the fluffy white rabbit. She looked and looked, but could not see it anywhere. Instead she saw many children sitting in the courtyard on the ground. The children were gathered in a circle sitting on orange squares of cloth. “Where is the rabbit? Mama said we are going to see the rabbit!” In the place where Julia thought she would see a fluffy white animal with long ears, there was a man playing a big guitar, singing Shabbat Shalom. The children sang too and clapped their hands. Julia couldn’t see the rabbit because the rabbit had been the Rabbi all along! The End Sometimes we think we know what we are getting only to find something different in its place. However unlike the rabbit and the Rabbi, when it comes to the Beth Ami Community Nursery School our reputation as a superior nursery school program is exactly what we are. The value of an expert staff and the magic that takes place for children when they enter our nursery school doors could never be confused for any other program. The Beth Ami Community Nursery School is looking for 100 Congregation Beth Ami Friends of the Nursery School to make a small contribution of $25. Your contribution will help support and maintain your Nursery School. What can help you make the decision to support us? Knowledge of a little jewel in your own backyard. • The Nursery School was started 28 years ago by Ellen Brosbe, Vivian Frye, and Carol Silverman. • We are a California State licensed facility and conform to California State childcare standards and reporting requirements. • We embrace ‘Reggio Emilia’ methodology – this is a childcentered approach that supports Jewish values. Integral to this philosophy is communication via photo documentation of children in each classroom. • Through a Gold Foundation grant to Parent’s Place of Jewish Family and Children’s Services, our school works with a Mental Health Consultant available at no cost to parents, children, or teachers. • We offer before and after school Extended Day Care. • We provide after school enrichment classes for three and four year olds: Creative Art, Gymnastics, Pottery, KinderMusic, and Yoga. • Our Staff: Caroline Calvert, Anne Varco, Robyn FisherTachouet (2s) Debby Barbose, Lauren Kalmanson and Connie Williams (3s) Jill Tager, Grace Doyle, Kathy Byrne, Michelle Blanc (4s). • If combined, the education of our staff would total over 50 years in college attendance in Early Childhood Education and related educational fields. • We are recipients of a First Five of California Kindergarten Readiness Grant for Early Literacy. • We have a new Early Literacy and Resource Library. • Our child-to-teacher ratios are low to provide the very best learning opportunities for young children. We will be mailing out silent appeal letters soon. Watch for your yellow Nursery School envelope in the mail this month. Simcha Board • Tree of Life Honor thy father, and thy mother...also thy aunt, uncle, cousin, child, best friend, teacher with an engraved leaf on our Simcha Board commemorating any joyous occasion, bestowal of an honor, or cause for thanksgiving. Leaf $360 Small Stones $1000 Large Stones $2500 We also provide the opportunity for you to memorialize loved ones on ourYahrzeit Board. A plaque is $450. March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 8 ISRAEL FROM THE LEFT COAST Bob Raful We have been to Israel over 20 times and have never had trouble during the security screening process. However, we have often noticed other travelers enduring long, unpleasant ordeals. SECURITY IS THE PARAMOUNT ISSUE, but we have wondered about over-enthusiastic young screeners. So, I was interested in a recent report on monitoring efforts by a NGO (non-governmental organization), one of many human rights groups in Israel. If this looks like criticism, it is. To love Israel doesn’t mean you have to love everything that happens there. Thank God for the vibrant Israeli democracy which features plenty of kvetching. Here is part of that report. Trying to End the Humiliation An innovative campaign against the humiliating treatment of Israeli Arab and other non-Jewish passengers on flights to and from Israel was initiated by Machsom Watch. They sent a letter to the Director General of the Israel Airports Authority, and Transport Minister Shaul Mofaz, and offered to train airport security staff and instill greater sensitivity towards travelers. The letter, featured extensively in the Israeli press, has put the issue high on the public agenda. A senior Machsom Watch activist, told Israel TV Channel One news, “We understand the need for security at the airport. But when a woman sees security personnel tipping out her baggage and laughing at her lingerie this has nothing to do with security.” The campaign was initiated following months of accumulating evidence on the harsh treatment of non-Jewish passengers by security staff. Here are just two recent and typical examples: •Ingrid Steinitz, a 71-year-old Danish grandmother, who visited her family in Israel in November, arrived at Ben Gurion Airport and was subjected to an exhaustive search of her body and baggage lasting 2½ hours. •Nadera Shalhoub Keverkian, Professor of Criminology at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who, after undergoing one of the most humiliating experiences of her life at Ben Gurion Airport, was not able to travel to a conference on women’s rights overseas. “The security officer’s friend was picking up my underwear one piece after the other and joking about my bras,” recalled Prof. Keverkian. In an open letter to the Israel Airports Authority, Machsom Watch stated they have been documenting human rights violations; and “We want to offer our services on a voluntary basis – so that our representatives can hold watches at the airport, including longterm training of staff at the transit points.” The extent of the story’s media impact in Israel can be gauged from English language coverage, with articles appearing in English in Ha’aretz, the Jerusalem Post, the business paper Globes and the Arutz Sheva radio station. YOM HASHOAH COMMEMORATION “Rebuilding our Lives: From Darkness to Light” Sunday, April 15, 2 p.m. Friedman Center Our many Sonoma County Holocaust survivors are the inspiration for this year’s Yom Hashoah Commemoration. Among the local survivors, Hilde Catz of Santa Rosa will share her journey from darkness to light and resolution, highlighted this past year by her visit to her hometown in Germany as part of a re-union of former Jewish residents and survivors. Photographer Evvy Eisen will present her DVD, Multiply by Six Million, featuring photographic portraits of California survivors narrating brief accounts of their experiences and how those experiences affected their sense of meaning and values. Six survivors of death camps will highlight the solemn ceremony of lighting the memorial candles. In addition, teens will light candles in a new ceremony this year to commemorate and pledge to remember the lessons of the Shoah. The teen winner and essay of the Susy Raful Essay Contest will also be presented. Cantorial soloist Leira Satlof of Congregation Shomrei Torah will lead the audience in niggun and song. Fredi Bloom of Congregation B’nai Israel will offer the traditional Eli Eli and El Molei Rachamim. Rabbi George Schlesinger will officiate. A new memorial book and yellow candles to light on Erev Yom Hashoah will be available to take home after the conclusion of the Commemoration. Those who wish to contribute names of friends or relatives lost in the Shoah to the memorial book may obtain registration forms at the Jewish Community Center or at any synagogue office. Others who have submitted forms in prior years will receive a renewal notice in the mail. Please return Victim Registration forms to the JCC office by March 15, 2007. The Yom Hashoah Commemoration is co-sponsored by the Jewish Community Center of Sonoma County, Alliance for the Study of the Holocaust, and Sonoma County synagogues. March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 9 INVITATIONS BETH AMI GIFT SHOP STOP BY OR CALL TO SEE ALBUMS OF BEAUTIFUL INVITATIONS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. ROSALIE SCHWEIT 527-9001 ELAINE GOLEMB 539-8084 2006 SILENT APPEAL DONORS DEUTERONOMY - DEVARIM ($12,001 Michelle & Paul Zygielbaum AND OVER) NUMBERS - BAMIDBAR ($7,201 - $12,000) Edith & Harry Friedman Suzie & Billy Friedman EXODUS - SHEMOT ($721 - $3,600) Margorie & David Ballo Debbie & Rael Bernstein JoAnne & Sanford Bressick Henry Cohn Helen Dresser Roz Edelson & Stan Feingold Nancy & Andy Fleming Dorothy & Abe Gerstein Terry & Russ Gurevitch Anne Brown & Richard Kahn Valerie & Jonathan Kreger Caroline & Richard Lazovick Zara Raab Rhonda & John Rosenbach Ruth & Ira Rosenberg Judi Rosenthal Paula & Rabbi George Schlesinger Stanton Schneider Arline Thomas Robin Winning GENESIS - BERESHIT ($18 - $720) Evey & Lou Abramowitz Sheyna Bakman Rose & Jon Batzdorff Susanne & Al Batzdorff Mr. & Mrs. Harold Belofsky Patty & Marc Bernstein Barbara Branagan Betty Boyd & Eli Cohen Susan & Morton Cordell Kim & Bill Cordell Ety & Jeffrey Dranow Laura Duggan Jo Epstein Bernice & Ed Fox Betty Franks Natalie Friedman Vivian Frye Elaine & Sherrill Golemb Andrea & J. J.Goodman Karen & Jeffrey Gould Karen & William Gourdin Barbara & Gary Greensweig Fredrika & Brian Gross Judy Gunnar Evelyn & Leo Gurevitch Gussie & Harry Hankin Lillian Judd Carolyn & Brooke Kantor Claire Miller & David Kerben Vivian & Irving Klein Susan & Joseph Kleinbort Jane Meyer & Alan Krubiner Lindsay Kvam Ellen Perry & Robert Lane Doris & Irwin Langer Tish Levee Della Littwin Joan Lubar Dorothy Marder Hella Margolin Ruth & Martin Mazner Barbara McGee Allan Meltzer Carolyn Metz Susan Miller Yona & Eli Miller Signe & Joseph Minuskin Myrna Morse Adrea & Howard Moss Ellen & Michael Mundell Lyla & Asher Nathan Gail Negrin Edith Newman Carol Newman Lauren & Michael Newman Norma O’Brien Raynore & Verne Paule Olga & Semyon Pekker Sofya Pekker Bernice & Sydney Perlman Miriam Wald & Daniel Pickar Robert Quinn Susy & Bob Raful Elsie Rich Rieve Rockwell Shirley & Bob Rosaler Colleen & Steven Rose Debbie & Greg Ross Ruth Roth David Rubin Delphine Rubin Miriam Rubinstein Vivian Salmon Marilyn Salsman-Stockfleth Juli Scherer Emma & Julius Schlesinger Rosalie & Lester Schweit Ethel & Stuart Schy Ronit Sepulveda Debbie & Tad Shapiro Nancy & Ed Sherman Kim & Lawrence Solomon Janet & Jeffrey Stein-Larson Leanne Schy & Mark Stoelting Ricki Streitfeld Sylvia Sucher Barbara Tomin Alicia Tonelli Dolores & Julius Trichter Ruth Turner Judith & Larry Wallcave Patricia & Jack Wegman Bonnie Boren & Phil Weil Ruth & Mortimer Weiss Ellen Watson & Ronald Welch Barbara & JohnWhitaker Greta Winter Lee & Stewart Wolfe March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 10 PRESIDENT’S PAGE Andy Fleming What’s in a name? A funny thing happened at the membership meeting in January. As a matter of supposedly routine synagogue business, the Board introduced a motion to approve changing the corporate name of our organization (The process of actually changing our corporate name with legal entities, such as the State of California, is a simple one requiring the submission of a few forms to the State). This generated a tumultuous and confusing discussion, a perfectly split vote on the motion, and ultimately, the withdrawal of the motion by a chastened president. This result was a reflection of inept preparation and poor communication on the part of your president. But I believe that it also demonstrates the difficulty that we as a congregation are having in adjusting to significant change. Our underlying culture, as a synagogue, is resistant to adapting to the changes in the larger culture of which we are a part. I want to spend a couple of Shofar articles exploring these changes, and how we need to reflect seriously on the questions of who we are, and what is our Purpose. How we answer those questions will significantly affect how we choose to evolve in the future. Currently, our corporate name is Santa Rosa Jewish Community Center, Inc. dba Congregation Beth Ami. Of course, we almost never go by that name. Everyone, inside and outside of the synagogue, calls us Congregation Beth Ami. In the past year, though, the local Jewish Community Agency has affiliated itself with the Jewish Community Centers Association, and has officially become a Jewish Community Center. This caused some minor confusion for people who deal with our corporate name, so our Board submitted the motion to change our name to simply Congregation Beth Ami. I believe that this issue actually provides a very important opportunity for us to reflect on who we are, and who we are not. A Jewish Community Center is a very specific type of Jewish organization. Its purpose is to “provide educational, cultural, social, Jewish identity-building, and recreational programs” for all people (JCCA website). A JCC is program centered, with its programs aimed at the largest possible audience of people with an interest in Jewish culture. The foundation purpose of a JCC is to promote Jewish identity and continuity. A synagogue is religiously based, and its foundation purpose centers on religious observance and celebration, Jewish education, and building a community of people with strong bonds of connection to one another. Our programs and activities should flow from these purposes. They are directed to people with strong interest in Judaism as a religion and faith, as well as a culture. While there is some professional staff, lay volunteers are the main engines for implementing programs, and the rabbi acts as the hub of the entire organization. At one time, Beth Ami was both Santa Rosa’s main synagogue, as well as its de facto Jewish community center. Today, Jews here have many choices. We need to understand that, and focus on our mission. Changing our name is part of that. Next month I want to explore who we are now, and why it is important to align our purpose with our real identity. CONGREGATION BETH AMI VISION A vibrant, growing campus for Jewish living where the joys of Jewish values and rituals are made accessible and relevant to the everyday lives of our members. A flourishing, prospering congregation enjoying the wholehearted support, commitment and involvement of all our members. Update on facilities The Facilities Committee has met four times since New Years, working to develop plans and cost estimates for the renovation work on the Sanctuary, social hall, kitchen, and classrooms. We have exchanged design requirements and ideas with representatives of The Fifth Resource Group, our professional design partner. Our goal is to complete the remodeling plans and estimates by late April, and submit them to the Board for consideration. While it is too early to know exactly what we will be able to do, and what our design will ultimately look like, we have made progress on defining some changes and priorities. In particular: ♦Andrea Nett, representing the Kitchen Committee, helped map out a very complete description of required changes in the kitchen. It includes a significant increase in storage, replacement of some of the appliances, new floors, washable walls and ceiling, and stainless steel surfaces. ♦The Sanctuary is envisioned as an open space, with chairs and other furnishings instead of pews. ♦The area behind the stage in the social hall, now used for storage, can be more efficiently designed to retain the storage, but also add a room that could have multiple uses. ♦New windows, and perhaps additional windows, should create a more light-filled space throughout the facility. ♦Roofing needs replacement over the classrooms, and the heating and cooling system needs replacement. In the coming weeks, there will be a lot of back and forth discussions between our committee and the designers, as we seek to shape a plan that achieves as much as we can within our budget. We will update membership as developments occur. Members of the committee include Dave Ballo, Al Batzdorff, Bill Cordell, Stan Feingold, Andy Fleming, Bill Friedman, Rhonda Rosenbach, Jon Simkovitz, and Phil Zeidman. March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 11 CONGREGATION BETH AMI JUDAICA GIFT SHOP The Shop For All Your Passover Needs HAGGADOT, KIPPOT, SEDER PLATES, MATZAH COVERS, KIDDUSH CUPS H OURS TUESDAY & THURSDAY, 3-5 P.M. SUNDAY, 10 A.M.-12:30 P.M. (WHEN RELIGIOUS SCHOOL IS IN SESSION) March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 12 GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR CONGREGATION The next time you are looking for a meaningful way to celebrate a joyous occasion, remember a loved one, or comfort a mourner, please consider a donation to Congregation Beth Ami. When you make a gift, a card is send to the honoree or the family and your donation is proudly acknowledged in the Shofar. The minimum donation for each occasion is $7.50. Congregation Beth Ami truly appreciates your support. CJEEF in memory of Dee’s father, Harry Goldblatt Dee & Julie Trichter GENERAL FUND In memory of my father, Hatskel Pipkin Sheyna Bakman A thoughtful donation Debra Chapman In memory of Paul Schwartz Helen Dresser In memory of Gisela Strauss, beloved mother and grandmother Vivian, Brian & Michael Frye With thanks to the Beth Ami community for misheberachs, cards, & healing wishes Vivian Frye In honor of the birthdays of Bob Raful & Elisabeth Van Nuys In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Avi Ballo In honor of Maralee Joseph leading the Mussar class In honor of the 90th birthday of Andrea Nett’s father In memory of Bud Katzel Speedy recovery to Lou Abramowitz, Al Batzdorff, Hella Margolin & Elsie Rich Marcia Gladstone Get well Helen Margolese & Everett Shapiro In memory of Bud Katzel Marvin & Sheila Hyman In memory of Aubrey Cooper Susan Kleinbort In thanksgiving for Rabbi Schlesinger Tish Levee In memory of my mother Helen Margolese Speedy Recovery to Lou Abramowitz Hella Margolin In memory of Ethel Levine Ruth Mazner In memory of Jo Epstein & Bud Katzel Speedy recovery to Al Batzdorff Eric Mossman In memory of Paul Schwartz, my deepest sympathy In memory of Ellen Brosbe’s father Edith Newman In honor of Bob Raful’s birthday Sofya Pekker In memory of my brother-in-law, Milton Jekel In memory of my father, Hillel Shiffman Elsie Rich In memory of Buddy Katzel Robin Rose In memory of Ira Hayes Rosenberg Ira & Ruth Rosenberg Mazel Tov to Avi Ballo on his Bar Mitzvah Condolences to Sheyna Bakman on the passing of her beloved daughter-in-law, Nina Get well to Al Batzdorff, Helen Margolese Nathaniel Morrison, Elsie Rich & Howard Moss Judi Rosenthal Thank you for the all-around support for every gathering! Rosh Chodesh Moon Mavens Speedy recovery to Elsie Rich & Helen Margolese In honor of Beth Zygielbaum’s engagement Rosalie & Lester Schweit In honor of Nathaniel Morrison’s continuing recovery and to the fulfillment of his talent and wishes Mazel tov to the Ballo family on Avi’s Bar Mitzvah Speedy recovery to Elsie Rich Helen Margolese & Al Batzdorff Ethel & Stuart Schy In memory of my daughter, Elizabeth Carlson Sylvia Sucher In memory of Gorge Tyutinman, father of Adolf Adolf & Sarah Tyutinman A generous donation Darrell Watkins In memory of my father, Jacob Tobais Techner Joyce Zenick HARRIS FUND In memory of Jack Guttenberg Nancy & Ed Sherman KEHILLAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND In appreciation of the following volunteers and for their work on behalf of the congregation: President, Andy Fleming; Treasurer, Henry Cohn; Secretary, Robin Winning; VP for Administration, Al Batzdorff; VP for Youth and Education, Dave Ballo; VP for Facilities, Jon Simkovitz; Library Committee Chair, Susanne Batzdorff; Nursery School Committee CoChairs, Judy Gunnar & Richard Lazovick; Religious Practices Committee Chair, Patty Bernstein; Religious School Committee Chair, Val Kreger;Youth Programs, Michele Guttenberg; Gift Shop Volunteers, Susy & Bob Raful, Helen Margolese, Natalie Friedman Mark Rosen LIBRARY FUND In memory of Jonathan Field Speedy recovery to Al Batzdorff, Elsie Rich & Sheyna Bakman Susan Miller A generous donation Zara Raab MALK FUND In memory of Lori Weinberg, Paul Schwartz & Sophie Shapiro In honor of Brooke Kantor, Lou Menachof & Werner Berg Everett & Phyllis Shapiro NURSERY SCHOOL FUND In memory of my brother, Aaron Jack Spieglman Gail Negrin RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Yakov Zalessky Sheyna Bakman In honor of Rabbi George and Paula Schlesinger Danziger Family In memory of Charles Feingold & Bud Katzel Speedy recovery to Helen Margolese Al Batzdorff & Elsie Rich Roz Edelson & Stan Feingold In memory of Jonathan Field David & Pamela Field In thanksgiving for Paul Lazovick’s recovery and mine Tish Levee In memory of Zelichenok Boruch, father of Rimma Adolph & Rimma Rivkin In memory of Vivian Kearns and Raymond Lachman Vivian Salmon In memory of Bud Katzel and my beloved husband, Ken Lipfield Arline Thomas RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND In memory of my father, Henry Mazur Martha Mazur-Lane March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 13 Congregation Beth Ami Donation Form The next time you are looking for a meaningful way to celebrate a simcha, remember a loved one, or comfort a mourner, please consider a donation to Congregation Beth Ami. @Children’s Jewish Education Endowment Fund (CJEEF): materials for the Celia Gurevitch Library. Provides subsidies for childrens’ Jewish education, family education, teacher training, and scholarships. @Malk Fund: Feeds the local hungry. @Nursery School Fund: Supports the Nursery School through @General Fund: Contributes to operating expenses for the synagogue, including salaries for the Rabbi, administrator and other staff; maintenance of the Sanctuary and the entire campus. @Gift of Israel Fund: Encourages CBA youth to travel to scholarships, educational materials, curriculum enrichment, and teacher training. @Or Ami Religious School Fund: Enriches the Religious School curriculum and supports educational programs. Israel (in conjunction with a Jewish Community Federation program). @Permanent Endowment Fund: Supports synagogue @Harris Youth Fund: Provides scholarships for members of @Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund: Enables the Rabbi to make youth groups to attend conferences, conventions, or organized tours. @Zittin Fund operations. donations to charitable and deserving causes at his discretion. @Library Fund: Fund purchases books and audio-visual Today’s Date:__________________________________ T oday’s Date:__________________________________ Amount of Donation: ($7.50 minimum) $______________ Amount of Donation: ($7.50 minimum) $______________ Fund you’d like to contribute to__________________ Fund you’d like to contribute to__________________ Payment Enclosed_______Bill my account____________ Payment Enclosed_______Bill my account____________ Donation made by:_____________________________ Donation made by:_____________________________ Your Address (if not on file): ______________________ Your Address (if not on file): ______________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Please send an acknowledgement to: Please send an acknowledgement to: Name:_____________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________ Name:_____________________________________________ City_______________________State____________Zip_____ Check one: Address:___________________________________________ City_______________________State____________Zip_____ Check one: o In honor of: ________________________________ o In honor of: ________________________________ o In memory of: ______________________________ o In memory of: ______________________________ o In appreciation of: __________________________ o In appreciation of: __________________________ o Mazal Tov to _______________________________ o Mazal Tov to _______________________________ o Speedy recovery to: _________________________ o Speedy recovery to: _________________________ Please make checks payable to CONGREGATION BETH AMI 4676 Mayette Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95405 Your kind generosity will be acknowledged in the Shofar and the honoree/family will be notified. For office use only Added to database:_______ Card sent: _________________ Method of payment:_______ Amount:__________________ Date Received:____________ March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 14 MARCH YAHRZEITS Secular dates correspond to Hebrew date of death Observance of yahrzeit begins at sundown the previous day All yahrzeits observed at Beth Ami Announced on February 24 and 25 March 1 Morris Bernstein Grandfather of Marc Bernstein March 1 Frieda Goldman Mother of Ethel Schy March 1 Ruth Menachof Mother of Dr. Louis Menachof March 1 Anne Rothenberg Aunt of Anne Mann March 1 Arthur Chester Sharon Grandfather of Noorillah Karr March 2 Michael Calvin Brust Father of Barbara McGee March 2 Stan Diamond Husband of Marilyn Diamond Father of Lauren Newman March 2 Phillip Feingold Brother of Stanley Feingold Father of Vivian Klein March 2 Joseph A. Winestock Father of Barbara Chadwick Announced on March 3 and 4 March 5 Bert Menachof Father of Dr. Louis Menachof March 5 Barbara Milstein Mother of Susan Milstein March 5 Sol Tenser Father of Dorothy Marder March 6 William Friedman Brother of Robin Rose March 6 Nichama Rivkina Mother of Adolph Rivkin March 7 Polly Boyd Mother of Elizabeth Boyd March 8 Pauline Abramowitz Mother of Louis Abramowitz March 8 Bernard Bernstein Father of Marc Bernstein March 10 Jacob Stromer Father of Marilyn Sommer Announced on March 10 and 11 March 11 Mary Hahn Mother of Edith Newman March 11 Fannie Peretz Mother of Evey Abramowitz March 13 Edward S. Susnow Father of Nancy Fleming March 14 Ruth Rosenzweig Sister of David Rubin Aunt of Elizabeth Stalker March 15 Ida T. Friedman First Mother-in-Law of Dr. Jeanne Crump March 15 Josephine Goldstein Mother of Elaine Golemb March 15 Eleanor Greensweig Mother of Dr. Gary Greeensweig March 15 Harold Kafton Father of Alan Kafton March 15 David A. Sher Father of Norma O’Brien March 16 Shirley Weiss Mother of Marlene Jones Grandmother of Ross Jones March 17 Claire Abrahams Mother of Ellen Brosbe March 17 Lotte Hankin Mother of Harry Hankin Announced on March 17 and 18 March 18 Lazar Peretz Father of Evey Abramowitz March 19 Barbara Garam Mother of Rose Batzdorff March 19 Virginia Johannes Scherer Mother of Juli Scherer March 20 Helen Goldman Sister of Lillian Judd March 20 Merwin Weinberg Brother-in-Law of Shirley Rosaler March 21 Rae Abrams Mother of Patty Bernstein March 22 Morris Estrin Uncle of Charlene Bornstein March 22 Rachel Jones Grandmother of Ross Jones March 23 Tillie Streitfeld Mother-in-Law of Ricki Streitfeld March 24 Shai Ben Zalman Father of Leo Gurevitch Announced on March 24 and 25 March 25 Boruch Zelichenok Father of Dr. Rimma Rivkin March 26 Dora Altaras Mother of Ety Dranow March 28 Joseph Meyer Father of Jane Meyer March 29 Mannie Goldstein Father of Elaine Golemb March 30 Sylvia Helene Kupperberg Mother of Michaael Kupperberg March 30 Jacqueline Joan Rubin Wife of David Rubin Mother of Elizabeth Stalker March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 15 Announced on March 31 and April 1 April 6 Harry Estrin Uncle of Charlene Bornstein April 6 Harry Rubin Brother of David Rubin Uncle of Elizabeth Stalker March Birthdays 1 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 11 12 12 13 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 20 22 22 23 23 23 28 29 Ben Goldman David Butler Kyle Marsh Gary Greensweig Leo Trepp Rose Batzdorff Robert Haley Nancy Sherman Lawrence Solomon Debbie Bernstein Louise Abrahams Joan Sommers Ashley Weinert Jennifer Schilling Raynore Paule Miriam Rubinstein Dora Taubinsky William Cordell Ruth Mazner Adolf Tyutinman Debbie Abrams Jacqueline Sutter Esther Robinson Stewart Wolfe Olga Pekker Jose Collazo Kim Cordell Adolph Rivkin Warren Davis March Anniversaries 2 2 2 9 12 12 19 21 21 21 24 26 27 28 Karen & Jeffrey Gould Sydney & Bernice Perlman Greg & Elizabeth Stalker Gussie & Harry Hankin Al & Susanne Batzdorff J.J. Fitzgibbons & Andy Goodman Rabbi George & Paula Schlesinger John and Barbara Whitaker Alan & Shari Kafton Brian and Ruth Wilson Ed & Nancy Sherman John & Stacy Clark Jeanne & Donald Crump Steve & Colleen Rose Jewish Community Events Santa Rosa Chapter of Hadassah General Meeting in the Beth Ami Social Hall Wednesday, March 14, 11:30 a.m. Catered Event RSVP required, Betty Kale, 542-3202 The 22nd Jewish Music Festival, March 8-25 Concerts throughout the Bay Area. Box Office: www.jewishmusicfestival.org ~or~ www.brownpapertickets.com. Phone sales: 800-838-3006. New Space for the Jewish Community Free Clinic The Clinic has moved to a wonderful new temporary location in Rohnert Park (6307 Commerce Blvd.). By the blessings of G!d and so many supporters – Marilyn Jaffe, the City of Rohnert Park, Lynne Conde, Argonaut The Wonderful Yiddish Theater at the Friendship Circle Luncheon Investments, the Codding Foundation and many more Monday, March 19, noon hard working folks– we acquired our space the day before The fee for this event is $8.00 for members of Friendship Circle, $10 for the first night of Chanukah, December 15, 2006! non-members. This includes lunch and dessert. Payment is accepted at Miracles were celebrated all around! A wonderful the door. RSVP required, Barbara Scharf 528-1182 at the JCC office. dedication ceremony was attended by the city council, the mayor, the Clinic board of directors, community ♦Joyful Preparation for Pesach: Purification of the Heart leaders, local newspapers, television and Rabbi Elisheva with Rabbi Shefa Gold Salamo, who helped bless and celebrate the new space. Congregation Ner Shalom, Many, many thanks go to so many people who helped 85 La Plaza, Cotati us locate, dedicate, and move to our new space. Also, Kabbalat Shabbat ................................... Fri., Mar. 23, 7-9 p.m. deep gratitude goes out to so many more who have Workshop .............................................. Sat., Mar. 24, 9:30 a.m.- 5:30 donated to us and to those who continue to volunteer p.m. their time (too many wonderful people to list here). We all Havdalah & Evening of Chant ............... Sat., Mar. 24, 7:30 p.m. are helping the most vulnerable in our community, and For more information contact when we help each other we heal the world. Shoshana Fershtman, 292-5199, [email protected] ~or~ For more information about the Jewish Community Sheila Katz, 849-5944, Free Clinic, to [email protected] make a donation or to The Bureau of Jewish Education ♦Absolute Music Concerts is proud to present volunteer call March 25 Orient Express, Doug in partnership with the JCC of Sonoma County 585-7780. Or and co-sponsored by the Morton, Director Jewish Community Federation s s e t i come by and May 6 String Circle, Joe Edelberg, cre Myster e S visit us! Director g g n L’Shalom, in i Works by Strauss, Lanner, Schrammel, l l veal The Se K a r u n a e T Schulhoff and Smetana Re Sonomacond Annual Gerstein – May 20 John Parr and Adler Fellows of Feast o County E x e c u t i v e the San Francisco Opera with popular f Jewish L e Director a r nin arias THE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER, SONOMA COUNTY PROGRAMS FOR MORE INFO: 528-4222 OR WWW.JCCSOCO.ORG May 27 The Red Hot Chachkas Klezmer All concerts are Sundays at 2 p.m. at the Friedman Center Tickets: $15 adult, $12 student. Charge tickets at 528-4222 JEWISH COMMUNITY CONTACTS g Sunday, March 18 · 1:30 – 5 pm · FREE 1501 MENDOCINO AVENUE, SANTA ROSA at Santa Rosa Junior College REGISTRATION: DOYLE STUDENT CENTER CAFE Hadassah, ROSE ANN PREMI .................................. 537-9208 Hillel, DAVID RUBINSTEIN ........................................... 795-5464 Jewish Community Federation .......................... 568-6207 EVA SELIGMAN-KENNARD .......................................... JNF-Trees in Israel, SHEVI POSMAN ........................ 535-8805 Jewish Community Free Clinic, KARUNA GERSTEIN 585-7780 Jewish Community Info & Referral ........ 1-877/777-5247 JUDY MUSANTE Jewish Community Relations Council ...... 415/957-1551 SUZAN BERNS Jewish Family & Children’s Services ................. 571-8131 DIANA KLEIN Jewish Community Center ................................. 528-4222 Calling all needleworkers and potential needleworkers! Plan to join us on Tuesday, March 13, at 7 p.m. at the home of Joy Danzig. We will explore the beginning of a Pomegranate Guild for Jewish Needlework here in Sonoma County. We will get to know each other and discuss ways to enhance the Jewish home and synagogue using the art of needlework. The guild is based on its members sharing stitching techniques and projects with each other. For more information, you can access the Pomegranate Guild website, www.pomegranateguild.org. To respond and get directions, contact Joy at 573-3753, Julie Stout at 5469584 (evenings best for both), or e-mail Joy at [email protected]. March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 16 Serving Sonoma County since 1875 Family Owned and Operated Honoring all Jewish Traditions Orthodox Caskets and Supplies – Tahara Service Facilities Traditional and Memorial Services – Shipping Services to & from our area – Pre-Planning/Pre-Funding Plans Available Telephone: 525-3730 Fax: 525-3735 The Daniels Family: William, Patricia, Wesley, Carol & Aimee and staff are available for arrangements seven days a week. 1225 Sonoma Avenue, Santa Rosa CA Lic.: FD-209 CA Lic.: CR-92 March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 17 NORTH BAY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, INC. JOHN LEIPSIC, MD & ASSOCIATES THE POWER OF INTEGRATED TREATMENT FOR KIDS, TEENS AND FAMILIES Psychiatric evaluation, medication management and psychological testing Psychotherapy for children, adolescents and adults Experienced and competent clinicians Intake Information – 542-8979 1421 Guerneville Road, Suite 114 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 www.nbbhealth.com Earnings Devoted to Philanthropy SINAI MEMORIAL CHAPEL CHEVRA KADISHA 1501 Divisadero Street 3415 Mt. Diablo Blvd. San Francisco, CA 94115 Lafayette, CA 94549 (415) 921-3636 (925) 962-3636 FD 262 www.sinaichapel.org FD 1523 pre-need funeral arrangements available Gene B. Kaufman, Executive Director Free consultations ◆ Party planning ◆ Kosher catering available Call Fran Piotrkowski 707-793-9645 ◆ [email protected] ◆ Santa Rosa Mortuary Eggen & Lance Chapel 1540 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa ~ 545-3747 Honoring your traditions with orthodox caskets, burial containers and Tahara Services. Santa Rosa Memorial Park 1900 Franklin Avenue, Santa Rosa Every life is worth loving and remembering ~ always… Dedicated lawns and services for Beth Ami families. Ask us how to secure the price of cemetery property with pre-need planning. Call today ~ 542-1580 Concerned about the cost of funeral services? Don’t be. Pre-need planning lets you control costs by protecting today’s prices. Compare and save. COA 107 CR 171 March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 18 FD 240 & 1779 CONGREGATION BETH AMI RSVP FORM 1. Check the boxes next to the dinners you are interested in attending. 2. Mail/Bring this form with payment to Beth Ami, 4676 Mayette Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95405 Name:______________________________________________Phone:________________________________________ Community Pesach Seder Tuesday, April 3, 6 p.m., Friedman Center ____(indicate #) Member adult $40 ____(indicate #) Member child $22 ____(indicate #) Non member adult $44 ____(indicate #) Non member child $24 Name please circle meal choice _________________________ chicken brisket vegetarian _________________________ chicken brisket vegetarian ________________________ chicken brisket vegetarian _________________________ chicken brisket vegetarian _________________________ chicken brisket vegetarian _________________________ chicken brisket vegetarian _________________________ chicken brisket vegetarian Amount enclosed for this event __________ RSVP by Tuesday, March 27 Monthly Shabbat Dinners Friday, April 6 Friday, May 4 Friday, June 1 #of adults_______# of children_____ #of adults_______# of children_____ #of adults_______# of children_____ 6:00 P.M. DINNER (RESERVATIONS REQUIRED) 7:30 P.M. FAMILY SHABBAT SERVICES 8:30 P.M. ONEG LIVE MUSIC BY ZIM ZUM & FOLK DANCING Adult @ $12 each = Youth (6-12) @ $7 each= Amount enclosed for this event __________ __________ __________ RVSP By 5 p.m. on Tuesday the week of the dinner to avoid late fee! The Friedman Center has everything you need for any special event. Bar & Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, receptions, banquets, fundraisers up to 465 people. State-of-the art audio and visual systems, perfect acoustics. Full stage with theatrical lighting, 6500 sq. ft. ballroom. Ample parking. Ruth Turner, Director, 360-3021 Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456 Exceptional Senior Living 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456 Studio - 3 bedroom residences Monthly rental includes: Three meals daily Weekly housekeeping ~ Scheduled transportation Utilities and cable TV ~ Full time activity program CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE A PERSONAL TOUR AND COMPLIMENTARY LUNCH! 2375 Range Avenue, Santa Rosa (707) 575-3722 + 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456 1234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456 March 2007 • Congregation Beth Ami Shofar • page 19 DATED INFORMATION. PLEASE DO NOT DELAY DELIVERY. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 185 Santa Rosa, CA Volunteer opportunities at Beth Ami LIBRARY We could use some help on staffing our library. If you enjoy reading and meeting people and if you have a couple of hours a week to spare, we would love to hear from you. Our volunteers first get orientation in how our library works and initiation into the hows and whys of our computer before they need to work on their own. The work is not strenuous and always interesting. For additional information call Susanne Batzdorff, 538-9731 Library hours: Sunday 9:15-12:15 p.m. Monday 9-12 p.m. Tues. & Thurs. 3:45-6 p.m. MARCH SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Friday Evening, March 2 (Candle Lighting: 5:47 p.m.) 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Evening Services Saturday, March 3 • 13 Adar 9:30 a.m. Shabbat Tetzaveh-Zachor Services Potluck lunch following services (Saturday Havdalah: 6:45 p.m.) 5:30 p.m. Purim Banquet 7:00 p.m. Traditional Purim Megillah Reading 8:00 p.m. The Motown Megillah Friday Evening, March 9 (Candle Lighting: 5:54 p.m.) 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Evening Services Guest Cantor Howard Shalowitz Ladino Music: The Secular Music of the Sephardim MORNING MINYAN: Saturday, March 10 • 20 Adar 9:30 a.m. Shabbat Ki Tissa-Parah Services Luncheon honoring our Hazzanim (Saturday Havdalah: 6:52 p.m.) Guest Cantor Howard Shalowitz Shabbat Morning: The History of Trop, Nusach and Synagogue/ Congregational Melodies Shabbat (after/during) Lunch: The History of American Jewish Music from Plymouth Rock to Rock ‘n Roll Friday Evening, March 23 (Candle Lighting: 7:07 p.m.) 7:30 p.m. Erev Shabbat Services Saturday March 24 • 5 Nisan 9:30 a.m. Shabbat Vayikra Services Jerry Wilson, son of Ruth and Brian Wilson, will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah Hosted kiddush luncheon after services (Saturday Havdalah: 8:06 p.m.) Friday Evening, March 16 (Candle Lighting: 7:01 p.m.) 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Evening Services Friday Evening, March 30 (Candle Lighting: 7:14 p.m.) 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Evening Services led by the Raful’s granddaughter, Sarah Raful Saturday March 17 • 27 Adar 9:30 a.m. Shabbat Vayakhel-Pekudei HaChodesh Services 10 a.m. Tot Shabbat Potluck lunch following services (Saturday Havdalah: 7:59 p.m.) Saturday March 31 • 12 Adar 9:30 a.m. Shabbat Tzav-HaGadol Services Kiddush luncheon hosted by Susy & Bob Raful in honor of their 60th wedding anniversary (Saturday Havdalah: 8:13 p.m.) Sundays & Legal Holidays 8:30 a.m. AND Mondays & Thursdays 7:30 a.m.
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