YCCC 2011AnlRpt - Central Connecticut Coast YMCA


YCCC 2011AnlRpt - Central Connecticut Coast YMCA
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Central Connecticut Coast YMCA
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The Central Connecticut
Coast YMCA puts
principles into practice
through programs that
build healthy spirit,
mind and body for all.
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Where there is a strong
neighborhood, a YMCA is often
not far away. Our friendly,
accepting environment makes
us a place where people of
widely different ages, races,
ethnicities and incomes
choose to be together. As a
center of community life, the Y
is a nurturing place that
transforms residents into
neighbors, strangers into
friends and an impersonal
town into a web of livable
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Gabriela Sanchez is a typical teenager in many ways – she is very social, loves her friends,
music, dancing and shopping. Gabby wants to constantly be on the go and busy! As a participant in the
Woodruff Y’s Adaptive High School Program, Gabriela is able to be just that.
“Gabriela is a free soul and is always happy,” says her mother, Rose Abreu-Sanchez. “But Gabriela was diagnosed
at a very young age with several developmental delays as well as numerous health care needs. Getting appropriate
care for Gabriela can be challenging, so enrolling her in the Y’s program was wonderful.”
While Gabriela is non-verbal, she understands English and Spanish and communicates with a computerized voice
output. At the Y, Gabriela has the opportunity to interact with peers and staff outside of her regular school
classroom and she is thriving with all the new friends she has made. Whether she’s playing a card game,
participating in arts & crafts projects or working out in the wellness center, Gabby is always at the center of the
“Gabriela absolutely loves the Y,” says Rose. “The Adaptive High School
Program has been an amazing experience for her and gives our family peace of
mind.” Since joining the program, Gabriela’s family has seen great growth in
her social skills and independence. Because she is able to interact with a
greater variety of people, she has worked hard on her own to improve her
communication skills. Additionally, her school team has seen her initiating
interaction a lot more and her level of engagement in group activities has
improved. The involvement in the after school program also made it possible
for Gabriela to participate in the Y’s summer day camp for the first time in her
life. It was a leap of faith for her family to let go and give Gabriela the chance
to experience things herself without constant oversight, but she loved every
minute of it.
“Having a child with special needs can be very stressful and challenging but
the Y is there for us. The staff is one-of-a-kind; always welcoming and nice.
We appreciate their continuous effort to create new programs to meet the
needs of the community. We are delighted to be a part of this great
community and the opportunities that have been provided to our very special
Gabriela is learning at the Y but she is also teaching those around her.
“Gabriela is the spark of the group,” notes employee Devin Gallipoli. “She may
be learning social skills, job skills and independence, but I feel like I learn more
from her! She helps everyone work on patience and their non-verbal
communication. It is a great experience working with Gabby and being able to
have met such a remarkable person.”
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With the Y’s help, kids in neighborhoods across Fairfield
and New Haven Counties are more interested in learning
and making smarter life choices.
At the Y, kids learn their letters, learn to share, learn
about sportsmanship, build leadership skills and, most
importantly, learn how to be themselves. That makes
for confident kids today and engaged adults tomorrow.
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The first time Soundview Y Executive Director Doug
Shaw met Captain Joe Petrosino of the Branford Fire
Department, he was worried. Joe entered Doug’s office and
said, “Do you have a second? We have an issue.” Doug ushered him
in and closed the door with a look of concern on his face while he
listened to Joe explain his “issue”. As a local firefighter, Joe had
joined the Y and lost so much weight that he was forced to purchase
all new uniforms – since the Y made him lose the weight he thought
the Y should compensate him for the new uniforms… and so began a
great friendship!
Joe’s decision to join the Y came soon after he found himself really
winded after fighting a big fire. “Fighting fires is a young man’s job
and I realized that if I wanted to keep doing the job I loved, I was
going to have to make some big changes,” said Joe. His wife Maura
had heard about the new Y at her salon, Jo-Bella, and they decide to
join together and support each other in their weight loss goals.
Their results are dramatic. Joe has lost more than 46 pounds and gone from a 40 to a 34 inch waist. His
cholesterol has dropped by 50 points and his doctor has taken him off all medications. At 44, he has found
a whole new lease on life and knows that he can hold his own with the young men in his firehouse.
Maura jumped in to her new fitness routine with both feet. After three months of Boot Camp and Spinning
classes, she decided to try her luck with a triathlon – with almost no swimming ability! “Our training
program was about 12-14 weeks and it took me almost 8 weeks before I could put my face in the water!,”
said Maura. “Our coach Tess was just awesome and so patient. Almost three-fourths of our group really
struggled in the water – no one could actually swim a whole lap! - but Tess just kept encouraging us and
didn’t give up. There was so much support for each other and I met a lot of great people.” Completing the
triathlon was a great milestone and she has lost more than 30 pounds since first joining the Y.
The Y has become a part of the Petrosino’s lives and they are proud to give back. Joe is joining the Health
& Wellness Committee and Maura has come back to encourage the new group of first-time triathletes. She
also keeps information about the Y at her hair salons in Branford and New Haven because people always
get great tips from their hairstylists!
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Because the Y is for everyone, we bring together children, adults and
families of all abilities like no other organization. As a result, tens of
thousands in our service area are receiving the support, guidance and
resources needed to achieve greater health and well-being for their
spirit, mind and body.
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Teddy Roosevelt once said, “Every child has inside of him an aching void for excitement.
If we don’t fill it with something which is exciting, interesting and good for him, he will
fill it with something that’s exciting, interesting and which isn’t good for him.” Thanks
to the New Haven Police Department, the youth in the Dwight neighborhood can count on the Y to provide
exciting, interesting and good things to do on Saturdays.
Executive Director Terry McCarthy reached out the New Haven Police Department about providing the
funding to open the Youth Center on Saturdays, giving older youth something to do during the weekends,
especially during the winter months. Instead of just rubber-stamping an approval, though, Chief Dean
Esserman came to the Youth Center himself to meet the kids and find out what they wanted to do in
their neighborhood. Standing on the basketball court, surrounded by 40 young people, the Chief asked
how many of them would come to the Y on Saturday if it was open and every hand shot up. This
affirmation of how the kids felt about the Y was enough to assure the Chief funding the Center would be
money well spent.
The majority of New Haven Youth Center parents work long hours to meet their family’s most basic needs.
The youth in our neighborhood need the safe, supervised space that the Y provides to spend the hours out
of school when they are most vulnerable. Residents of the community our Youth Center serves are largely
unable to support the Center financially, but depend heavily upon our facilities, staff and services. For
many, the Center is the one and only resource available to support them in their efforts to build a better
future for themselves and their family.
The funding provided by the NHPD allows the Y to cover staff
salaries for the open gym, the game room, and the pool each
Saturday afternoon, giving youth 12-19 years old the opportunity
to freely visit the youth center and engage in a variety of
activities while spending time with youth of all neighborhoods in
a safe place.
The collaboration between the New Haven Police Department and
New Haven YMCA also provides greater opportunities to build
stronger relationships and work together to find solutions to
reduce violence in our community. In addition to bringing youth
together from different backgrounds to build relationships in the
community that are not based on conflict, we also have the
chance to establish dialogue sessions between police officers and
the youth to build trust and respect. At a time when parents and
youth in New Haven are dealing with chronic community violence,
the YMCA Youth Center is one of the few places in New Haven
where young people can come and feel supported, welcomed and
a part of a safe community.
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At the Y, we work to empower our entire community. We believe everyone - regardless
of age, income or background – deserves access to the support we provide. Thanks to
the generosity of volunteers and public and private donors who give to the Y, our
community is stronger.
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Every day our impact is felt when an individual makes a healthy choice, when a mentor
inspires a child and when a community comes together for the common good.
In 2011:
545 Children prepared for success in
kindergarten and beyond through early education
focused on literacy, math, science, arts, healthy
habits and social development.
25,000 Youth discovered the importance of
teamwork and physical activity through sports,
exercise, swimming, team competition and more.
2,567 Children were able to learn, grow and
thrive through homework time, exercise and
enrichment activities in Y after school programs.
5,554 Campers had opportunities to discover
who they are and what they can achieve. Kids
return to camp each year to build on leadership
skills, make new friends and create memories that
last a lifetime.
250 Teens participated in one of our teen
programs which help prepare our young people to
become the next generation of community leaders.
4,640 Individuals and families were able to say
they belong to the Y thanks to our Membership for
All Program where membership dues are based on
total household income.
1,685 People were served when our Y reached
out and helped them through affordable housing
services, including more than 300 children who
benefitted from our family emergency shelter.
1,048 Y friends gave 56,788 hours of volunteer
service to our community.
$3,376,000 In financial assistance, thanks to
the generosity of donors, made sure all in the
community had the opportunity to grow stronger
through membership, sports, swimming, child care
and other life-enriching programs at the Y.
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Dear Friends,
It gives us great pleasure to report on the success of the Central Connecticut Coast YMCA in 2011.
With a strong sense of mission and purpose, we celebrate the achievements of our volunteers and
staff in the areas of youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. Here are just a few
of the Y’s accomplishments in 2011:
• 86,752 youth, families, and adults were served through important Y
programs in the areas of after-school, aquatics, child care, day and
overnight camp, family development, health and wellness, international
development, older adult, supportive and affordable housing, volunteer
development and youth and teen development.
David Stevenson, Ph.D.
• 1,048 YMCA volunteers donated 56,788 hours of their time to help others.
• Through the generous support of more than 3,200 donors, $1,087,837 was
raised through the Y’s Strong Kids Campaign to support financially
disadvantaged kids and families in need of important Y programs and
• Led by Board Vice-Chair Jon Leckerling, a committee including
representatives from all twelve Y Branches and the Board of Directors
developed a new Real-Time Strategic Plan that will serve as the Y’s roadmap
to success for years to come.
It is with deep appreciation that we thank the volunteers, members, donors, partners and staff of
our Y who enable us to build healthy spirit, mind and body in all who we serve.
David Stevenson, Ph.D
David S. Bjorklund, Jr.
David Bjorklund
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Thanks to the following donors and volunteer leaders, Y programs
were kept affordable and accessible to all.
Board of Directors
David Bjorklund
Jon Leckerling
Preston Tisdale, Esq.
Christopher Gallo
Diane Chiota
Jason Corsi
Donald Hutchinson
Vice Chair
Vice Chair
Assistant Treasurer
Immediate Past Chair
Lissette Andino
Charles Andriole
Chad Bedell
Dr. Mamata Bharucha
Jenny Carrillo
Seth Cooper
Wendy Corris
Martha Dulla
Paul Edison
Dennis Gleason
Jack Harder
James Hodge
Michael Horton
Peter Hurst
Blanca Kazmierczak
Dr. Dorsey Kendrick
George Logan
Lenny Lye
Timothy Martin
Michael Morand
Ed Nicolas
Dan O’Donnell
JoAnn Ward
Board of Trustees
Robert Fiscus
John Crawford
Michael Leone
Jerry Stagg
Sandra Brown
A. Walter Esdaile
Richard Hoyt
Jeffrey Jones
Vice Chair
Robert Lyons
William Maley
Ronald Noren
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Our association of 12 YMCAs serves communities across twenty-five towns. Volunteer leadership at
every level enables us to meet the needs of each community, engage the largest number of
participants and inspire future leaders for generations to come.
Alpha Community
Seth Cooper
Board Chair
Carmen Colón
Executive Director
New Haven Youth Center
Jenny Carrillo
Board Chair
Terry McCarthy
Executive Director
Ralphola Taylor
Community Center
Blanca Kazmierczak
Board Chair
James Hodge
Board Chair
Timothy Bartlett
Executive Director
Esperina Baptiste
Executive Director
Camp Hi-Rock
JoAnn Ward
Board Chair
Charles Andriole
Board Chair
Jessica Speer-Holmes
Executive Director
Douglas Shaw
Executive Director
Jack Harder
Board Chair
Wendy Corris
Board Chair
Nicholas Willett
Executive Director
Timothy Bartlett
Executive Director
Hamden/North Haven
Leonard Lye
Board Chair
Martha Dulla
Board Chair
Douglas Shaw
Interim Executive Director
Alan Mogridge
Executive Director
Ed Nicolas
Board Chair
Chad Bedell
Board Chair
Dawn Dalrymple
Executive Director
Charles Clifford
Executive Director
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We are proud to recognize the many donors whose generosity ensures that the YMCA will continue to be a source of hope, comfort and stability for
communities across Greater Bridgeport, Greater New Haven and the lower Naugatuck Valley.
Capital Campaign
The following donors made a
pledge in 2011 to a capital
Anonymous (3)
Melanie & Brian Cameron
G. Stuart Campbell
Carol Cornchini
Robert & Linda Fiscus
Christopher Gallo
Joseph Huffman
Alan Hurst
David Jaffe
Ron Johnson
David Knapp
Douglas Lisk
David Lubarsky
William Madsen
William Maley
Lisa Masotti
Tom Moore
Wayne Moore
Ronald Noren
People’s United Bank
Mark Schonbeck
Seedlings Foundation
Marla Strickland
Mark Sunshine
Donna P. Whelan
plantain pond Mortgage
For 62 years a group of
community leaders have met for
lunch over the holidays to raise
money for capital improvements
at YMCA Camp Hi-Rock. Below is
a list of club members with their
years of membership.
David S. Bjorklund, Jr. (23)
Seth Brody (19)
Jose Cabrera (7)
Alexander Chernak (36)
Diane Chiota (11)
Sheila Clancy (8)
Joseph Crespo (11)
Philip J. Dwyer (21)
Robert Fiscus (16)
Edward R. Fitzgerald (24)
James Frawley (9)
Christopher A. Gallo (9)
Stafford R. Gellatly (36)
Thomas Gillon (26)
Janet M. Hansen (16)
Leo B. Hansen (22)
Edward E. Harrison (42)
Mickey Herbert (24)
Richard M. Hoyt (36)
Donald Hutchinson (1)
William Jennings (1)
Jeffrey Jones (10)
Robert J. Kilcullen (3)
Todd Lansdale (13)
Michael J. Leone (12)
Robert C. Lindquist (34)
Robert Lyons (12)
William Maley, Sr. (3)
Newman Marsilius IV (3)
Thomas Moore (1)
Wayne R. Moore (33)
Wayne R. Moore, Jr. (24)
Peter Mott (19)
Ronald Noren (27)
Daniel Portanova (8)
Meredith Reuben (7)
John Santa (7)
Robert Scinto (7)
Robert Scinto, Jr. (1)
Tom Sides (2)
Jerry Stagg (33)
David Stevenson (2)
David Sullivan, Jr. (2)
David Sullivan, III (2)
Paul Timpanelli (9)
James Tomchick (32)
Bob Trefry (3)
Ernest Trefz (22)
Martin Wolf (27)
Strong Kids Campaign
Contributions to the Strong Kids
Campaign support the YMCA
mission by providing programs
and services to those who
cannot afford them. Listed below
are 2011 contributors.
president’s Circle
$10,000 and up
Automated Services, LLC
Benjamin B. Lewis Trust
Melanie & Brian Cameron
Fairfield County Community
Erica & Mark Gerson
Deirdre & Robert Jacob
Lakewood Fundraisers
Lakewood Golf Tournament
Marta Jo Lawrence
Dave & Darlene Manson
Near & Far Aid Association, Inc.
New Haven Register Fresh Air Fund
People's United Community
R. C. Bigelow
Ralphola Taylor Community Center
Special Event
Jane & William Selden
Shacter Philanthropic Fund
Soundview Fundraisers
Stew Leonard III Water Safety
Foundation, Inc.
Summer Camp Opportunities Provide
an Edge
The Tauck Foundation
United Way of Coastal Fairfield
Valley Community Foundation
YMCA of the USA
Leader’s Council
$5,000 and up
All American Waste
Bruce N. Griffing Trust
Charles & Mabel Jost Foundation
City of Milford
City of New Haven Department of
Police Services
David & Eunice Bigelow Foundation .
Philip Dwyer
Echlin Foundation
Eileen Fisher, Inc.
Ernest & Joan Trefz Foundation
Ethel & Jennie Mallett Trust
Fairfield Half Marathon, Inc.
Fairfield St. Patrick's Day Race
GE Capital Corporation
Hamden/North Haven YMCA Special
Jeffrey Jones
Henry Mitchell
Ronald & Renee Noren
POKO Partners
Powered by Justgive.org
David & Maura Stevenson
Stratford Community Fund
Stratford YMCA Comedy Night
Stratford YMCA Golf Classic
The Community Foundation for
Greater New Haven
The Consultation Center, Inc.
Wachovia Foundation
West End Lumber
William H. Prusoff Foundation
$2,500 and up
Anonymous (2)
Timothy Bartlett
Beverly & Robert Bartner
Carstensen Memorial Foundation
Jason Corsi
Estate of Ruth I. Krauss
Pam & Tommy Hearn
Michael Horton
Richard Hoyt
Donald Hutchinson
Michael Leone
Oce North America
People’s United Bank
People's United Bank-Wealth
Management & Trust
PepsiCo Foundation Matching Gifts
Southport Congregational Church
The Chapin & Bangs Co.
The Justice Education Center, Inc.
Town of Stratford
Trumbull Rotary
Webster Bank
Chairman’s Roundtable
$1,000 and up
12345 Kids Count of Milford, Inc.
Active Endpoints
Alloy Engineering Co. Inc.
Charlie Andriole
Anonymous (3)
Esperina Baptiste
Barden Foundation
Bel Brands USA, Inc.
Berkshire Food Inc.
Chris Berntsen
Dr. Mamata Bharucha
David & Beverly Bjorklund
Gina Boone
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Sandra Brown
Jon Butler
Camp-Younts Foundation
Career Resources, Inc.
Jenny Carrillo
Casey Family Services
Tim Cha
Diane Chiota
Charlie & Holly Clifford
George & Maureen Collins
Carmen I. Colón
Pablo Colon
Colonial Coatings Corp.
Comcast Foundation
John Crawford
Dawn Dalrymple
Designed Fluid Technologies
Doug & Suzanne Shaw
Durant, Nichols, Houston, Hodgson &
Corteste-Costa, P.C.
Edwards Education Services, Inc.
A. Walter Esdaile
ETL Designs
Robert & Linda Fiscus
Mark & Lisa Fitzgerald
Ted Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Forbes
Richard J. Foudy
Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation, Inc.
Suzanne Friedbacher
Christopher Gallo
Joseph Ganim
Gathering of the Vibes
General Electric Co.
Dorothy & Dennis Gleason
Anita Gliniecki
Simon Gore-Grimes
Guilford Savings Bank
Hi-Rock Woodlands Campers
Kenneth Holmes
Huggies Little Swimmers
Alan Hurst
Edith Huzar
Lynne Jergenson-Pashkoff
Elaine Johnson
Blanca Kazmierczak
Jack & Jean Kelley
Kiwanis Club of Milford
Laurie Korbelak
L. Wheeler Beecher Trust
Thomas Lanctot
Craig Landau
Heather Lange
Jon Leckerling
Legg Mason
Christopher Licht
Bill Lohman
Dana Lonergan
Robert Lyons
Anthony Marone
Timothy Martin
Mayo Crowe, LLC
McDillon Real Estate Servives
Connie M. Michel
William Moehl
Morton's Mortuary
Ed Nicolas
Charlie Nieves
North Branford Board of Education
Dan O'Donnell
Robert O'Keefe
Matthew Paulsen
Pepsi Beverages Company
Edward Piendl
Pullman & Comley, LLC
Elizabeth & Timothy Quinlisk
David Raymond
Martha Reich-Orenstein
James Rollinson Jr.
Ruth Camp Campbell Foundation
Salvatore Law Firm CLC
Susan Santamauro
Joseph Scarpellino
Louis Scheps
Schwerdtle Stamp Company
Bernard Sippin
Donna Smith
Lynn Sorensen
Soundview Camp
Jessica Speer-Holmes & Alistair
Sprinters Swim Team Parents
St. Timothy Episcopal Church
John Stafstrom
Jerry Stagg
Stratford Road Race
Richard & Peg Strickland
Mark & Christy Sunshine
Carl & Betsy Sword
The Aiello Charitable Foundation, Inc.
The Bridgeport & Port Jefferson
Steamboat Company
The Family of Ralphola Taylor
Richard Thivierge
Unilever United States Foundation
United Illuminating Company
USA Swimming
Wells Fargo Bank Community Partners
Woodruff Y Y-Tri
Yale University
$500 and up
Aquarion Water Company
Lili Aalto-Fischer
Advanced Behavioral Health, Inc.
Albertus Magnus College
Anonymous (2)
Jennifer Bartner Indeck
Alan Benjamin
Jonathan Berchem, Esq.
Tatiana Anduckia
Jessie Berrick
Richard Bieder
David Blitz
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Bridgeport Hospital
Bridgeport YMCA
Brody, Wilkinson, P.C.
Camp Tepee
Andrew Carlson
Linda Christie
Lawrence Ciccarelli
Connecticut Association
for Human Services Inc.
Wendy Corris
Covenant Church of
Rick D'Angelo
DeGrand Family
Lisa Delfini
Victoria DePalma
Deutsche Bank Americas
Mary Beth Doria
Jeffrey Dow
Martha Dulla
Kelley Esposito
Fairfield Flyfins
Fidelity Mortgage
Services, Inc.
First Congregational
Edward Fitzgerald
Steven J. Fleischman
Fulfillment International
Fusco Corporation
Alfred Garrett
Aja Greene
Carla Grigley
Robert Halmi
Margaret Hampton
Edward Harrison
Teron Haughton
Jim & Mikey Havlick
Charles Havrda
Ronnell Higgins
Charles Hirsch
& Tulika Verma
Paul Hirsch
James Hodge, Jr.
Merrit Hopper
Diana Hulse
Peter Indeck
Innovation Center for
Laima Karosas
William H. Kaufman
Patti Keegan
Howard E. Kelly
Dr. Dorsey Kendrick
Konover Corporation
Pauline Lesko
Ron Lesko
Nicholas & Ernie Luise
Marcus Mardirosian
Anna Marsland
& Jon McCann
Terry McCarthy
Nancy Moehl
Monroe Lions Club
Murray “Skip” Morse
Newton-Foster Home Care
Agency, LLC
Lars Nielsen
Kelly O'Grady
Olivet Congregational
Robert O'Neil
Donna Quill
Suzanne Reilly
Jessica & Ralph Ricciardelli
David Rich
Rotary Club of Bridgeport
Ruscito Family Foundation
James Russo
Emily Rustenholtz
David & Heather Sanford
Frank Scifo
W. Parker Seeley
Seperack & Company LLC
Richard Shorin
Sikorsky Aircraft Division
Don Smith
Rev. Sara Smith
Jon & Cleo Sonneborn
Rebecca Steinkraus
Soundview Stingrays
Stratford Rotary Club
Jamie Sullivan
Hamilton Sundstrand
Teamsters Local Union
Sacha Teschendorf
The Bridgeport Rotary
Club Foundation, Inc.
The Katelyn Foundation
The Milford Bank
The Quill Group
Thomas Hooker School
Fundraiser Account
Preston Tisdale, Esq.
United Congregational
Valley YMCA
Heidi Wang
Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
Jeff Williams
James Williams
Ira Wurcel
Zoom Media Corp
Richard Zorena
under $500
A Child's World
Dani Abate
Carmela Abbenante
Jenna Abriola
Mary Abriola
Wilman Acevedo
Cynthia Acosta
The Active Network
Karen Adamczyk
Christine Adamiec
Brian Adams
George Adams
Heather Adams
David & Janice Adams
Helen Adams
Karen Adams
John Adams
Nina Adams
Carolyn Agee
Hilda Agosto
Katty Agudo
Billy Aguirre
Timothy Ahearn
Lisa Ahlstrom-Nasry
Catherine Akers
Donna Alatakis
Brittanie Albera
Albertus Magnus School of
New Dimensions
Carol Albig
Ron Albretsen
Margarita Alcaide
Edward Alcantara
Emily Alderman
Catherine Alfandre
Glenda Alfaro
Rachael Alford
Francisco Alicea
Maria Alicea
Laura Allan
Milagros Allegrini
Bette Allen
Matt Allen
Nicole Alley
Patricia Ally
Patricia Almeida
Deborah Alter
Dominick Alterio
Andrea Altmannsberger
Katherine Altschuler
Maria Alvarez
Luz Alvarez
Humberto Alzate
Barbara Amatruda
Ree Amedy
Kathy Ames
Amici Miei Café
Eric Ammondson
Dorothee Ancel
Liz Andelora
Marie Andersen
Connie Anderson
Eleanor Anderson
Eric Anderson
Jennifer Anderson
Josephine Anderson
Dale S. Anderson
Nora Anderson
Lissette Andino
Michael Andreana
Amy Andreola
Patricia Andriole
Steven Angelo
Todd Anglcatavanich
Anonymous (8)
Ansonia Rod & Gun Club
Anthem Blue Cross Blue
Shield of CT
Anthony V. Avallone, LLC
Jillian Anthony
Tiffany Anthony
Antinozzi Associates, PC
Julie J. Anzellotti
Amanda Anziano
Charles Apfel
Nancy Aponte
Dorothy Appert
Jeanette Apuzzo
Michael Apuzzo
Crystal Arce
Olivia Archibald
Stacey Arisian
Tami Armster
William & Patricia
Eunice Arnold
Ronald Arpino
Billy Arrowsmith
Ascott Club Bar and Grill
Daniel Ashmead
Lee Asmus
George Asplond
Yasmin Assef
Dawn Astram
Betty Athanas
Frank Avallone
Minerva Aviles
Andres Ayala
Nellie Ayala
Mike Ayles
B&J Electric Motors
Antonella Bacchiocchi
Heather Bacci
Jeb & Karen Backus
Amy Baddeley
Daniel Badiali
Maeri Bae
Karen & Michael Bagley
Bai Pollock Blueweiss &
Mulachey, P.C.
Pat Bailer
Rhoda Bailey
Andre Baker
Benjamin Baker
Anna Balcerzak
Beatrice V. Ball
Meaghan Ballard
Angel 2011 Ballesteros
Paul Balsano
Virginia Baltay
Giany Barbat
Claudia Barbee
Mark Barber
Everett Barber
Suzanne Barber
Victoria Barcello
Bare, LLC
Gary Barker
Marla Barker
Brian Barlaam
Yvette Barnard
Christopher Barnes
Courtney Barnes
Stephanie Barnes
Reeve Barnett
Kristin Barone
Lois Barr
Margarita Barraza
Kathleen Barrett
Betty Barriga
Nicole Barringer
Evelyn Barrios
Sean Barsky
Richard A. Bartholomew
Jonathan Bartlett
Brian Barton
Theresa Bartovic
Allison Bass
Truman & Elizabeth Bassett
Subrata Basu
John Bath
Christopher Batten
Herman Beach III
Nancy C. Beam
Marcia Bean
Sara Beatrice
Keith Beatty
Cheryl Beaumont
William Beccaro
Gerald Beckett
Thomas Beckett
Janay Beckford
Geoffrey Beckman
Megan & Chad Bedell
Brooke Beebe
Mary Beeman
Sue Behun
Beiersdorf, Inc.
Fauzia Beig
Beverly Belcamino
Donna Belgrave
Mary Belknap
Andrew Bellamy
Salena Bellamy
Michelle Bellemare
Barbara Bellinger
Krista Peterson
Monika Bellucci
Jennifer Benben
Bruce Benedict
Christie & Libby Benet
Rakeema Benjamin
John Bennett
Florence Bergamini
Martha Bernal
Cathy F. Berni
Susanne Bero
Jan Berrick
Maria Berrios
Amanda Berry
Caryn Berry
Molly Bersani
Sarah Bertolini
Imre Berty
Kevin Best
Settit Beyene
John Bike
Carol Birks
Henry Bishop
Jeff Bishop
Tim Bishop
Linn Bjorklund
Geremy Black
Patricia Black
Bethany Blackwood
Claire Blake
Lita & David Blitz
Victoria Blodgett
Barbara Bloom
Chris Blotney
Lisa Blumenthal
Raina Blyer
BMW of Bridgeport
Nelson Bogart
Deanna Bogen
Donna Bogen
John P. Bohannon, Jr.
Hernan Bohorquez
Christophe Bony
Keairis Boone
Ellen Borchers
Margaret Borden
Susan Boroski
Paul Mahoney & Lori
Denis Bouchard
James Boudreau
Soumia Bouhadla
Boy Scout Troop No. 463
Magalis Boyce
Michelle Bozoki
Joy Bozzi
Richard Brache
Nancy Bradbury
Joseph Bradley
Robert Bradley
Michelle Brady
Merritt Brainard
Marguerite Brainerd
Debby Brand
Jeffrey Brandfon
Julia Brandon
Ariel Brandt
Jim Brant
Lisa Brant
Evette Brantley
Eliane Bravim
Helen Breck
Dana Brenckle
Wanada Breuer
Ashley Brewer
Bridge House
Bridgeport Monroe Pediatric
Christine Briel
William Brink
David Brinley
Jacqueline Brito
Isobel Broadhurst
Cynthia Broadie
Jonathan Brochstein
Christine Brockett
Barbara Broderick
Howard & Brenda Brody
Alicia Brogdon
Wanda Bronstein
Erin Brooks
Fredenia Brooks
Lorrie Brooks
Kristin Brothers
Betsy Brown
Carmen Brown
David M. Brown
Natalya Brown
Rose Marie Brown
Theresa A. Brown
Michele Browne
Caroline Bruce Modey
Jeffrey Bruce
Kathy Bruce
Jocelyn Bruchman
Lynn Brunache
Ralph Brunks
Beth Bryan-Almeida
BSA Troop 491
Robin Bucci
Stephen Buccitti
YCCC32 AR2011 4-18-12_YCCC 2010AnlRpt 4/18/12 10:46 PM Page 15
Tina Buchanan
Barbara Bucher
Tara Buckley
Susan Buckwalter
Susan Buglione
Suzanne Bullock
Robert Bundgaard
Robert Burdo
Ian Burke
James Burke
Pepper Burke
Rachael Burkey
Tom Burland
Amy Burnap
David Burns
Karen Burns
Kathleen Burns
Katie Burns
Robert Burns
Roger Burns
Brad Burns-Howard
Peter Burrow
Rebecca Butcher
Amelia Butler
Amy Butler
Danielle Buzzell
John Bysiewicz
Bryan Bystrianyk
Cabezas-DeAngelis, LLC
Dimarys Cabrera
Jose Cabrera
Sarah Cabrera
Peter Cady
Giselle Cahalan
Dennis Cahill
Jack Calcutt
Kerstin Calla
Emily Callahan
Lori Callahan
Karen Camp
Andrew Campbell
Caroline Campbell
Debbie Campbell
Frances Campbell
Leah Campbell
Gerard V. Canadeo
Jeffrey Canavan
Mark Capasso
Ivan Capella
Amanda Capelli
Beth Capobianco
Phillip Caporusso
Angela Capozzi
Chase Carbone
Joseph Carbone
Paul Carbone
Giomarie Cardona
Joshua Cardozo
Paul Carey
Betty Carl
Lindell Carlberg
Meghan Carleton
Andrew Carlson
Helen Carlson
Robert Carlson
Alma Carmona
Katherine Carney
Michele Carpenter
Janet Carr
Keisha Carr
Randy Carrier
Zoila Carrillo
Elaine Carvalho
Patricia Cary
Caryn Kaufman
Communications, LLC
Ann Casanova
Dolores Casanova
Paul Cascella
Charmelle Casella
Leonard Caseria
Donald Casey
James A. Casey
Todd Casey
Maria & Joseph Castignoli
Tom Castro
Madeline Catania
Lynn Catapano
Anita Catardi
Cathy R's Furniture &
Bedding Outlet
Gwendolyn Cauthern
Eileen Cavanaugh
Sarah Celotto
Center for Family Dental
Anthony Centrone
Century 21 Enterprise Realty
Shelley Chamberlain
Virginia & Peter Chapman
Alvin Chappell
Margaret Chappell
Frances Charles
Patrick Charmel
Mark Charpentier
Chemical Abuse Services
Agency, Inc.
Zhong Chen
Amy Chepaitis
Carolyn Chernak
Ann Chesnut
Robert Chessin
Chevron Humankind
Matching Gift Program
Wayne Childs
Ann Chomicz
Rosalina Christy
Cecilia Chrosny
Susan Chudwich
William Ciaburri
Frank Ciminiello
Karen Cipolli
City and State, LLC
Jeanine Civitelli
Ailsa Clark
Joe Clark
Karen Clark
Russell Clark
Andrew Clay
Clinton Soccer Club
Priscilla Codere
Eldon Cody
South West Market of Bank
of America
Elizabeth Coe
Cogguillo Family Dentistry
Shelly Cogguillo
Barbara Cohen
Deborah D. Cohen
Teonna Cohen
Te'Quasia Cohen
Jonah Cohen
Alpha Coiro
Lara Colabelli
Michele Cole
Marilou Coleman Stokes
George Coleman
Chris Collins
Deborah Collins
Felicia Collins
Marianne Collins
Sasha Collins
Cindy Colon
Deborah Colonnese
Laura Comandini
Cris Concepcion
Luan Cong
Connecticut Driving School
Lisa Connelly
Rita Connelly
Elizabeth Conrad
Maria Conroy
Xavier Contreras
Tahnee Cookson Muhammad
Seth L. Cooper
Eugene Coppola
Greg Coppola
James Corcoran
Claribel Coreano
Melissa Corona
Michael Corsi
Irene Cortes
Sara Cosgrove
William Costello
Robert Cote
Ellen Cotler
Katherine Cotterill
Evelyn Cotto
Audra Coulombe
K.C. Coulombe
Raymond Coulombe
Ralph Council
Covenant Church of Easton
Christina Cox
David Cox
Lindo Dayna
Emily Coyne
Michael Coyne
Carolyn Crawley-Pyram
Connie Crawley
Joe Cretella
George B. Criscione
Bernadette DiGiuilian
John Crocamo
Ruth Crossman
Wayne E. Crossman
Crossroads Community
Elinor Crowe
Heather Croy
Amanda Cruz
Chrystie Cruz
Jessica Cruz
Nadeen Csakany-Tichy
CT Council on Problem
Cub Scout Pack 495
Jeffrey Cugno
Phyllis Cullen
Tiffany Cuminotto-Reis
George Cunningham
Nancy Cunningham
Donna Cuozzo
Robert Cuozzo
Aisha Curina
Grace Curley
Donna Curran
James Curry
Lucie Curtiss
Larry Cutell
Paul Cuthbertson
Joseph Cuticelli
James Czajkowski
Charles DaCosta
Tom DaCosta
Michael & Sarah D'Addabbo
Russell Dagostino
Janet Dahl
Santella Dahlstrom
Ken Dailey
John D'Alexander
James & Kathleen Dalton
Gina D'Ambruoso
Dan Perkins Subaru
Marcia Winter & Greg
Desiree Daniels
James Daniels, Jr.
Lisa Dannheim
Claudiane Darby
Bobbi Darling
Cristiane Dasilva
Brian Schwab & Vasiliki
Melissa Daskam
Michael Daskam
Rilla Dath
Margarita David
Marika David
Thomas Davies
Harry Davila
Jon Davis
Lisa & Patrick Davis
Nyeeliah Davis
Susan Davis
Emily Davison
Sydney Dawson
Jean & Laure De Jerphanion
Michael Debiase
Sarah DeCaprio
Sally DeChristopher
Barbara DeFlumeri
Marc DeFonzo
Christopher DeFrancesco
Doreen M. DeGenova
Wendy Dejana
Tynisha DeJesus
Monica Delarosa
Daybreak Doughnuts
Laura Delgrande
Lori Della Pietra
Gregory Delmar
Pat DeLucia
Lindsay DeMartino
Joseph DeMatteo
Barbara Dembin
Joe Dendas
Donna Denesha
Andrea Dennis
Michael Dennis
Sheila Anne Denton
Christy DePeano
Gregory DePetris
Jennifer DePonte
Ronald Depoto
Lisa Derosby-Jones
Abraham Deshotel
Melissa Desmond
Jamie Desrosier
Diana Devellis
Steve Diacos
Maureen DiAdamo
Jeff Diamond
Agatha Diana
Elizabel Diaz
Kellen Diaz
Theresa Diaz
Thomas Diblasi
Daryl Dicamillo
Beatrice DiCarlo
Sandra Dickson
Sandra Diette
Anthony Difabio
Jaime Diglio
Barbara DiMauro
Marcie Dimenstein
Nancy Dinardo
Nancy Dintiman
AnnaDea Diotalevi
Anthony Diverniero
Helen DiVerniero
Donald R. Dixon
Keshaunt Dixon
Lamont Dixon
Eric Dobler
Dianne Dobosz
Paula Dofat
Judith Doherty
Karen Doherty
Edward Dolan
Erin Donahue
Patricia Donaldson
William Donaruma
Ed Donini
Philip Donofrio
Stephanie D'Onofrio
Glen Donovan
Debra Doorack
Angela Dougiello
Kathy Douglas
Christopher Dowling
Andrea Downe
Ann Dragsbaek
Chorobis Drakes
Mayan Dreams
Bryan Dubac
Kristin DubayHorton
David Duda
Andrew Dudley
Lois Dudley
Emily Duenkel
Pamela & Jeff Dufficy
Paul & Rochelle Duffy
Jessica Dugger
Steven Duhamel
Suzanne Duhamel
Lisa Dumas
Elizabeth Duncan
Bennett Dunn
Robert Dunn
Robert Dunphy
Mary Dupont
Samira Durmic
Mark Duss
William Duss
Patricia & Jeff
Pierre Dziubina
Kathy Dzujna
Luella Eastwood
Barbara Eckner
Kurt Eckner
Edward J. Dillon & Sons
Flower & Gift Shop
David Eilbott
Sabina Eklund
Raymond Ekwall
Nancy Elderbaum
N & S Electric
Claudia Elferdink
Scott Elliot
David Ellis
Edward Elton
Jayla Ely
Maxine Ely
Lilly Elzanaty
Rose Enever
Louis Engeldrum
Annette English
Lillie Ennis
John Ermer
Chip Esposito
Catalina Estrada
Kevin & Paula Etzel
Todd Eubanks
William A. Euerle
Cornelia Evans
John D. Ewaskewich
Eye Center
Suzanne Fabrizio
Fairfield County Vending
Fairfield Fire Fighters
Association Local #1426
Fairfield Public Schools Roger Ludlowe Student Act
Lesly Fajardo
Althea Falco
Beatriz Falcon
Clodomiro J. Falcon
Kristen Falcone
Jack Fallet
Jamie Farace
Ariel Farber
Barbara Farley
Kevon Farley
Joann Farrall
Marianne Fasano
Erica Fasulo
Edward Fay
Karen Fearnley
Teresa Fedor
Dick Feher
Alexander Feldman
Todd G. Feldman
Beverly Felix
John Ferguson
Richard Ferguson
Alan Fernandes
Donna Fernandes
Marie Fernandes
Maria Fernandez
Marie Fernandez
Tracy Fernandez
Caroline Feroleto
Nicole Ferrara
Barbara Ferraro
Jacqueline Ferretti
Sandra Ferrucci
Hamen Feryad
Elena Feshchenko
Fetzer Tire Corp.
Bob Feuerberg
Brian Fielding
Natalie Fiengold
Pamela Figueroa
Gerri Figueroa
Margaret Fikrig
Beverly Fillmore
James Finch
Deborah Finger
Vince Fini
Lisa Finnegan
Al Fino
Angela Fiorentino
Patrica Fisher
Susan Fisher
Laura Fishman
Kelly & Dean Fitzgerald
Michael Fitzgerald
Shari Fitzgerald
James Flanagan
Kenneth Flatto
Magdalena Flejter
Frank Flood
Sabina Florczak
Erin Flynn
Barbara Fodor
Jean Foley
Dennis Fontaine
Jennifer Fontaine
Jeffrey Forbes
Forest to Shore Gallery
Alan Forman
Cathy Forsberg
Diane Forte
Fortress Fiduciary Company
Karen Fortunati
Frank Foster
Mary Jane Foster
Samuel Foster
Virginia R. Foster
Marie Fourteau
Tjuana Fowler
Amy Fox
Erin Fraenza
Gloria Francesconi
Phyllis Frankl
Daisy Franklin
Maureen Frappier
Jim Frawley
Frederick P. Clark Associates
Jennifer Fredricks
Judith Freed
Fresh Healthy Vending, LLC
Gerald Friedland
Jon Frisbie
Lydia Froilan
Jane Frosceno
David & Christina Frost
Laura Fucci
Justin Fugal
Patricia E. Fugal
Shawna Fulkerson
Sherri Furce
Lesliann & Thomas Furcht
Robin Furlong
Robert Furst
G & B Shellfish Farm, Inc.
Lynn Gabriel
Lynda Gabrielson
Gaffney Bennett &
Brenda Gaffney
Jeffrey Gaffney
Anna Maria Gagliardi
Bedsaida Galarza
Richard Gale
Rose Galiger
Gladys Galindez
Christy Gallagher
Mary Alice Galligar
Devin Gallipoli
Timothy Gallogly
Gannett Foundation
Shannon Garafalo
Karen Garceau
Hirayda Garcia
Michelle Garcia
Natalie Garcia
Ramona Garcia
Veronica Garcia
Elizabeth Gardner
Michael & Eve Gardner
Joshua Garner
Andrew Garvey
Sean Garvey
Jannice Gary
Gateway Community Service
Bianca Gatto
Tanya & Shawn Gaudette
Kris Gaziano
GE Capital United Way
GE Foundation
YCCC32 AR2011 4-18-12_YCCC 2010AnlRpt 4/18/12 10:46 PM Page 16
GE Fund More Gifts-More
GE United Way Campaign
Stephen Geckeler
Rick Gedney
Stuart Gelles
Rita Genao
Dimitri Genden
Michelle A. Genest
Laurie George
Colin & Millicent Gershon
Dave Gesler
Ann Ghiroli
Carol Gianelli
Brigitte Gianetti
Gibson & Donegan
Laura Giff
Heidi Gil
Katia Gil
Jason Gilbert
Cindy Gilhuly
Jennifer Gillis
David Gionfriddo
Catherine Giordano
Josephine Giordano
Gwen E. Giorgi
Jay Gitlin & Virginia Bales
Michael Giuliano
Madeleine Giummarra
Charles Glass
Judith Gleason
Ryan Gleason
Kristen Glovinski
Florence Godin
Susannah Goetsch
Amanda Gogliettino
Laura Goldblum
Brett & Sandra Goldstein
John Gomes
Doug Gomez
Alejandra Gonzalez
Cecilia Gonzalez
Francisco Gonzalez
Phyllis Gonzalez
Pilar Gonzalez
William Gonzalez
Tracy Goodale
Phil Goodhart
Deborah Goodnough
Dan Gooley
Darren & Leigh Goroski
Theresa Goss
Andrea Gottschall
David Gould
Roger Gould
Eric Goulet
John Gouveia
Lakshmipoornima Grandhi
David Grant
Milton Grant
Richard Grasso
Barbara Graver
Kerry Gray
Brian Grayson
Paul Grazide
Greater Bridgeport Section
Greater New Haven Chamber
of Commerce
James D. Greatheart
Louis Greco
Crystal Green
Jean Green
Neil Green
Sandra Greenbaum
Helen Greene
Evan Greene
Diana Gregory
Melinda Gremse
Patrick Gribbon
Adrienne Griffen
Jane Griffith
Leonard Grimaldi
Auden Grogins
Richard Gross
Jessica Grossarth
Ann Grossman
Margaret & Peter Gruen
David Gruendel
Itai Gruss
Chester Grygorcewicz
Robert Guadagno
Anne-Marie Guerrier
Josie Guerrier
Geovana Guevara
Lisa & Joe Guida
Amita Gupta
Paul Gustafson
Allison Guth
Joanne Guthrie
Eddie B. Gutierrez
Terri & Diego Gutierrez
Aurora Guzman
Ivelisse Guzman
David Hadden
David Hadley
Johanne & Michael Hagan
Rebecca Hagel
Brevan Haji
Octavia Haley
Jodie Hall
Larry Hall
Erin Hallinan
Margaret Hallinan
Matthew A. Hallock
Karen J. Hallstrom
Mary Hally
Elizabeth Hamilton
Laura Hamilton
Shakeisha Hamilton
Lauren Hammang
Randall Hammel
Brad Hammell
Lynda Hammond
Rabeah Hamzah
Jo Handelsman
Margaret Handrahan
Sharon G. Hanford
Shante T. Hanks
Amy Hanselmann
Laurie Hansen
Leo & Janet Hansen
Jack Harder
Nancy Harding
Shirley A. Hargus
Harlow, Adams & Friedman
Justin Harmon
MaryAnn Harmon
Molly Harmon
Calandra Harp
Marquis Harper
Margaret Harrigan
Sarai Williams
Laura Harris
Jessica Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harrop
Jeff Harvey
Susan Harwood
Frank Hatch
John N. Hauser
Nancy Hauss-Vis
Tyler Hawkins
Nicola Hay
Alba Hayes-Ayala
Paul Hayles
Louis Haym
Sylvia Hazard
Cecelia Headrick
K. Hearn
Jody Heffernan
Louann Heft
Asefeh Heiat
Barbara Hemming
Natalia Henao
Michele Hendricks
Peter Heneage
Peggy Henkel
Lauren Henrici
Tara Herbert
Marilyn Herder
Alex Hernandez
Hamlet Hernandez
Iris Hernandez
Antonia & Juan Hernandez
Jason Hernandez
Porfiria Hernandez
Yemanja Herandez
John Herold
Christina Herrick
Fatema Hetata
Anne Hetherington
Enid Heyse
Brittany N. Hicks
Walter Hierholzer
Mark Higson
Allison Hill
Barbara Hilli
Beverly Hines
Allison Hird
Charles Hirsch &
Tulika Verma
Diane Hirsch
Edward Hirsch
Jenna Hirsch
William Hitchcock
HK Consulting Group
Russell Hodge
Kathy Hogarth
Jill Hogarty
Jo-Anna Holden
Jennifer Holland
James Holloway
Jozey M. Holloway
Gail Holub
Melissa Honabach
Alison Hong
Jebrell Hooks
Laurie & George Hopper
Joan Horne
Juliette Horton
Marc Hosmer
Beverly & David Hosokawa
House of God Outreach
Deliverance Ministries, Inc.
Nancy Hovanec
Ca'Tisha Howard
Kim Howker
Mary Alice Howley
Madeline Hubbard
Judith Hudak
Hudson Valley National
Blaine Hudson
Fleeta Hudson
Robert Hudson
Leslie Hueglin
Joseph & Mary Jane Huffman
Gregory Hughes
Thomas Hughes
Mary Anne Hulford
David E. Hulme
B. Geoffrey Hulse
Ellen & Hugh Humphrey
Tina Humphries
Bianca Hunt
Kathleen Hunter
Roberta Hunter
Peter F. Hurst
Rebecca Huston
Helen & John Hyde
Helen Iaccarino
Carol Iassogna
Gail Iassogna
Gail Indeglia
Industrial Retired Employees
Infant Swimming Resource,
Donna Infantino
Garrett Ingalls
Cosmin Ioan
Aurel Iosif
Iroquois Gas Transmission
System, L.P.
Robert & Karen Isaacs
Anne Isselee
Kaity Iverson
Ivette's Latin Rhythm Dance
Bobby Izzard
J O'Brien & Associates
J.R. Dillian & Daughters, Inc.
Edward Jachimowski
Toshirea Jackson
Kathleen Jacobsen
Loren Jacobson
Raymond Jacoby
Nereida James
Jo-Anne Janesky
Ingrid Janetzki
Olgathe Janvier
Amy Jessell
Cindy Joe
Alan & Carol Johnson
Andrew J. Johnson
Antonio Johnson
Dave Johnson
David Johnson
Doug Johnson
Edward Johnson
Karen Johnson
Lakenya Johnson
Lauren Johnson
Patrick Johnson
Ronald Johnson
Shannon Johnson
William Johnson
Jones Family Farms, LLC
Elaine Jones
Elsie Jones
Theodore Jones
Tyrell Jones
Tekenyia Jones
Juliette Jones
Marcia Jones
Phillip Jones
Shari Jones
Maud Joseph
Vedran Josic
Cybil Juarez
Phyllis Junghandel
Kathrin Jutten
Andrew & Karen Kachele
Ann Kadlecek
Frederic Kaeser
Arie Kaffman
Christine Kagan
Tess Kalmbach
Stephanie Kaluzynski
Lisa & Adam Kamen
JoAnn K. Ward
Rudy Kamuf
John Kapenga
Kelley Kapfer
Kathy Kaptain
Rudi Karukas
Kathy Katts
Jennifer Katz
Eliane Kauck
Joan Kayser
Nicole Keane
Margaret Kearney
Ted Kearns
Geraldine Keating
Cordelia Keegan
David Keiser
Dr. Henry Kellner
Bonnie Kellogg
Erin Kelly
Fran Kelly
Robert Kelly
Henry Kelly
Patricia Kelly-White
Charles Kelsey
James Keltos
Liz Kennard
Jacob Kennedy
Joanne Kenny
Lori Keough
Adam Kerop
Geoffrey Kerr
Anne Khudari
Edmond Kiely
Cindy Kilbride
Megan Kilbride
Suzanne Kilbride
Antonia Killion
Joan Killion
Noelle King
Nancy Kingwood
John Kissel
Kersten Kittredge
Adam Klein
Edward & Helen Klein
David Knapp
Christin Knowlton
Michael Kobylanski
Chew-Hoong Koh
Alexander Kondratovich
Kristen Konesky
Kattie Konno-Leonffu
Elizabeth Kopko
Jacqueline Koral
David Koretsky
Cathleen Kosak
Elisabeth Koslik
Petr Kotik
Gail Kotowski
Katarzyna Kovalik
T.J. Krantz
Nadine Krohley
Paula Krom
Ellen Krouss
Dr. Robert Kruger
Theodore Krupa
Edward Krzyzek
Matt Kubitsky
Kuchma Corporation
Sabine & Stephen Kuczo
Daniel Kunze
Leon J. Kurdziel
Nancy Kurz
Jon & Tamara Kuypers
Stephanie Kwei
Lisa Labella
Dan & Jobie LaBelle
LAC Property Management
Wendy Lacasse
William Lach
Carmen Lacurt
Mark Lafortune
Caitlan Kane
John Laise
Lakewood Gymnastics Club
Lynn C. Lakoff
Susan Lally
Jacqueline Lamour
Allyson Landolfi
Reinhardt Lange
Julian Langer
Elva Lanza
Matthew Laprino
Patricia LaReau
Christina LaRoche
Janet A. Larsen
Denise Larson Fenson
Dorothy Larson
Margaret & Greg Larson
Edward J. Laska
Lisa LaSpina
Han Lassus
Marilyn Latta
Helen Lavin
Jeffrey Lavoie
Law Office of Juda J. Epstein
Kai Law
Beth Lazar
Helen Lazzaro
Lionel &
Anne-Charlotte Le Meur
George J. Leacacos
Ezia Leach
Harry Leaphart
Cheryl & Ken Lee
Gina Lee
Martha Lee
Gordon Johnson & Nancy Lee
Richard Lee
Lynn Lennon
Karin Lent
Les Treize Inc.
Roger Leslie
Barbara Letts
Helen Levenson
Jay Levin
Levin, Powers, Brennan &
Shae, LLC
Inna Levina
Cheryl Levine
Steven & Sarah Levy
Eric Lewin
Marta Lewin
Jack Lewis
Kiesha Lewis
Robert E. Lewis
Ninel Liderman
Jonathan B. Orleans
Linda Liefland
Lifetouch Studios
Gloria Lilly
Ginway Lin
Walter Lincoln
Kristin Lindgren
Lindley Food Services
Robert C. Lindquist
Brenna Lindsay
Gail Link
Douglas & Eunice Lisk
Eduardo Santiago
Virginia Lity
Local 1522 AFSCME
Eleanor Locke
Sally Lockwood
Douglas Logan
Lisa Logan
Harrison Long
Marie Lopez
Wanda Lopez
Elizabeth Loria
Jean Louis
Karen L. Lovallo
Lovin' Life Ministries
Kristy Lozinak
Anne W. Lozon
Philip Luchini
Anna Luciano
David M. Luedee
Raquel Lugo
Marla Strickland Lutter
William Luty
Cornelia Luzzi
Lenny Lye
Tracy Lynch
Valerie Lynk
James Maccone
Adrienne MacGuffie
Phyllis Machledt
Ellen Mack
John Mackey
Maryellyn Mackinnel
Robert Macklin
Belinda MaClay
Eugene MacMullan
Tamara MacNeal
Anitha Madhavan
Sandra Fischer & Will
Elizabeth Magleby
Walter Maguire
Eileen Maher
Sean Maher
Jake Mahon
Michael & Joan Makara
Linda Malbec
Lindsay Malbec
Yolanda Maldonado
Michael Maler
Edward Malloy
Ted Malloy
Elizabeth Maloney
Shaelyn Maloney
Devan Manan-Singh
David Mancini
Josephine Mancini
Caroline Mancusi
Darlene Mandeville
Jenna Manion
Angella Mann
Phebe Manser
Margaret Mansfield
Amy Mapes
Joann Mapes
Brian Marazzi
Michelle March
Stephen Marczewski
Catherine Marganski
Ronda Margolis
Caserta Maria
Philip Marini
Christina Marino
Philip Markowski
Jennifer Marks
Jessica Marlowe
Aidxa Marquez
Samuel Marquez
Jorge Marrero
David Marro
Janice Marsan
Ann Marshall
Micaela Marshall
John M. Marsilio
Newman Marsilius IV
Philip & Phyllis Marsilius
Suzanne Marston
Martel Bistro
Arthur Martens
Martial Arts Connecticut
Charity Mays
Kathleen Martin
Latoya Martin
Lauren A. Martin
Taryn Martin
Diana Martinez
Isamir Martinez
Joseph Marus
Kathy Masi
Lisa Masotti
Jean Massey
Miriam J. Massey
Kelly Mastroni
Jody Matejka
Peter Mathewson
Gretchen Matkin
Edward Matosian
Lawrence Matteson
Robert Matteson
Leah Matthew
Holly Maturo
Danny Maxwell
Thomas Maxwell
Harriet & Eric May
Astrid Mazo
Marianna Mazo
Laura Mazo
YCCC32 AR2011 4-18-12_YCCC 2010AnlRpt 4/18/12 10:46 PM Page 17
Maria Mazo
Greg B. McAleer
Samuel McAllister
Amy McCabe
Angeline McCarten
Laurie McCarten
CA McCarthy Services, LLC
Gail McCarthy
Elizabeth McCarthy
Michael McCarthy
Patricia McCarthy
Shirley McCarthy
Thomas McCarthy
Bradley Kearrah
Wilson Jeremiah
Lakenya McClain
Shanita McClain
Tyrone McClain
John McClaskey
Sharon McCluskey
Patricia McCreanor
LaMour McDaniel
Peter McDermott
Colleen McDonald
Mary McDonald
John McDowd
Patience McDowell
John McGarty
Cindy & Tom McGinnis
Sean McGoven
Candace McGovern
Michael McGovern
Katrina McGrail
Leslie McGrath
Linda McGuire
Dan McGuirk
Margaret McIntyre
Sean McKeag
Jennifer McLaren
Kim McLaughlin
Amy McLean
Scott McLean
McMahon Ford, LLC
Casey McMahon
Sandra McManis
Tim McManus
Susan McNamara
Gary McNeil
Caitlyn McNerney
Corinne McNerney
Raymond McPadden
Sean McVicker
Sarah Meaney
Joanna Mearing
Eileen Meehan
Kathryn Janney Meehan
Tim Meehan
Carissa Meinsen
Donna Melillo
Lisa Melillo
Stanley Mendygral
Judy Menegay
Luisa Liuzza-Mercuriano
Anne Merriam
Merritt Contractors, Inc.
Allison Messier
Dennis Metnick
Carol Meyer
Jake Meyers
Julian Meyers
Raymond Michalowski
Leigh Michels
Sarah Michels
Jack Mickolyzck
Jeffrey Mielke
Nicola Mielke
Paige Miglio
Lauren Mihalov
Kami Mikelis
Carla Miklos
Catherine Mikulak
Peter Mikulak
Herb Milek
Milford Brody Therapy
Milford Pediatric Group
Judith Miller
Wendy Miller
Katherine & Bruce Milliken
Joyce Milne
Alexa Mineo
Timothy Mingey
Alessandra Minickene
David Minicozzi
Paige Mino
Louise Minore
Zuleyma Miranda
Ivor Mitchell
Adam Mocciolo
Dominick Modugno
Bennett Moehl
Sierra Mohamed
Gerard Mohyde
Andrea Molloy
Robert Molloy
Pam Molnar
Victoria Molta
Joseph Monde
Barbara Money
Alyssa Monroe
Stephanie Monroe
Peggy Monsarrat
Mary Alice Montaine
Patricia Montanaro
Awanda Montanez
Michelle Montanez
Dora Montarro
Virginia Montelius
Nicole Montgomery
Rose Montreuil
Earnestine Moore
Ellen Moore
Justine Moore
Lakesha Moore
Laverne Moore
Norma Jean Moore
Shana Moore
Tyrell Moore
Herbert Moorin
Damaris Morales
Susana Morales
William Mitchell & Michael
Carrie Morant
Linda Morant
Anne & Michael Morcone
Ashley Morgan
Nathaniel Morgan
Brittany Moriarty
Ashley Morris
Megan Morris
Michael Morsches
Gerald Moscariello
Nicole Moscone
Ingrid Mosquea
Nat Moss
Woodmont Shell
Linda Mucci
Robert Mucka
Lloyd Mueller
Loretta Mufson
Hubert Muizulis
Cesar Munoz
Alayne Murphy
Maureen Murphy
Michelle Murphy
Philip Murphy
Dan Murray
Nancy Murren
Sarah Muskin
Anthony J. Musto
Wayne Myatt
Mandy Nacca
Gergely Nagy
Sangmin Nam
Joan Naples
Rosemarie Naples
Patrick Napolitano
Greg Nappo
Ellen Nardelli
Chelsea Naso
Xiomara Natal
National Breaker Services,LLC
National Lawn Sprinklers, Inc.
Nationwide Security
Joanne Nault
Jennifer Naylor
Michael A. Nealy
George Neamonitis
Derek Neaz
Sue Neaz
Hector Negron
Steve Negron
Pamela Nelson
Marlyse Nerettee
Christina Nero
Cindy Nero
Neubert, Pepe & Monteith
New England Energy
Management, Inc.
Olivia Newton
Cindy & William Nibur
Heather Nibur
Nichols United Methodist
Billie Nicholson
Ashley Nicole
Kelly Niederlehner
Louise Nielsen
Mel Niemiec
Elin Nilsen
Deborah Nilson
Patricia Nizen
Catherine & Gerard Nolan
James & Rose Nolan
Eileen Noonan
James Norris
Kristen Norris
Margaret Norris
David Northrup
Deborah Norton
Elena Nowicki
Richard Nucifora
Judy Nunes
Paulo Nunes
Kenneth Nuzzolo
Krystal-Lynn O'Brien
Megan O'Brien
Priscilla Ochman
Gary O'Connor
James O'Connor
Robert O'Connor
Melissa O'Donnell
Pat O'Donnell
Stacey O'Donnell
Robert Oetjen
Matthew Offredi
Jeffrey O'Geary
Zelda Ogiamien
Kathleen O'Grady
Terry O'Hara
Meghann O’Kane
Ericedis Olaverria
Maria Oliva
John W. Olson
Mark Ommerborn
David O'Neil
Laura & Geoff O'Neill
Jo-Ann Onze
Elizabeth Oppel
Ludwig Spinelli
James & Susan Oravetz
Miles Oravetz
Catherine Oregan
Barbara Orell
Joanne Orenstein
Martha Orenstein
Carmen Ortiz
Nancy Ortiz
Yolanda Ortiz
Jennifer Osborne
Richard Osso
Rosemary & Richard
Axel Ostling
Judith Oswald
Mark & Karen Oswell
Roberta Ottenbreit
Howard Owens
James Oxsalida
Joseph Pabon
Marcos Pacheco
Denise Pagan
Enid Pagan
Wilgen Pagan
Elisabeth Palatiello
Susan & Fred Palmer
Ann Marie Palmireri
Suzanne Palmieri
Felicia Palumbo
Jessica Palumbo
Lisa Palumbo
Andrea Pampalone
Domenic Paniccia
David Pantalone
Eileen Paoletta
Amy Paolini
Anne Pappas Phillips
Hope Pardee
Christa Parisi
Julian Park
Robert Park
Yuna Park
Brian Parker
Todd Parker
Bethany Parks
Ahren Parry
Frances Pascale
Claire Pascuzzo
Sharon Pask
Brenda Pasquariello
Travis Passaro
Roshni Patel
Donald Patenaude
Andrew Patrick
Susan & Daniel Patrick
Jessica Peachey
Barbara Pearce
Harold F. Peck
Danielle Pedretti
Sylvia R. Pelak
John Pellegrino
Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects
Leucio Pellino, Jr.
Irma Pelton
Joseph Pena
Brice Penaud
Nancy Peniston
Arthur Penn
Pepper Dining, Inc.
Grayce Perchaluk
Joao Pereira
Celia Perez
Amber Perez
Ramon Perez
Dorothy Perham
George Perham
Mark Perkins
Melissa Perlstein
Lauren Perry
Marilyn Perry
Molly Persinger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Persky
Kimberly Perugini
Ryan Peschell-Trosan
Peter J. Nagle Financial
Ann Peters
Sabina Petersen
Charlie Peterson
Theresa Petrefera
Tamara Petro
Maura & Joe Petrosino
Beverly Pettersen
Milton Pettway
Nykole Pettway
Maria Pezzella
Suzanne Pfeiffer
Pfizer United Way Campaign
Caitlin Phillips
Ellen Phillips
William Phillips
Christopher Phipps
Photo Booth
Kimberly Piagentini
Doreen Picagli
Edie Picard
Brian Piendl
Marc Piendl
Gerry Pieper
Stephanie Pierangelo
Jennifer Piercey
Glenn Pierson
William Pierz
Samantha Pinckney
Tamille Pinnock
Karen Pinsky
Durill Pinto
Evelyn Pinto
Pitney Bowes
Pitney Bowes Employee
Involvement Fund
Elaine Pivirotto
Jacqueline Pizzolato
Christopher Platt
Kathleen Pliska
Antonia Polyn
Mark Pombo
Bonnie Ponte
Stacey L. Ponzio
Pop Warner Little Scholars
Diedra Popkin
Samuel Porcu
Sophia Portilla
Richard Porto
Geraldine Postighone
Josh Povodator
Shontee Powell
Sharon Powers
Beatrice Pratt
Daniel Prestin
Ronald Preston
Erica Prete
Donna Price
Mary Ellen Price
Sherrie Price
Sheryl Prince
Heather Profetto
Ryan Profetto
Michele Proscino
Prospero, LLC
Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Raymond Poincelot
Anthony Pulino
Marilyn Pullen
Joan Purcell
Janis Purslow
Viire Pxder
Margaret Pyrch-Bowlan
Caroline Qualey
Denise Qualey
Emily Quinn
Phyllis Quinn
Patrick Quish
Danielle Rado
James Rae
Tai Raeside
Simona & David Raffioni
Kimberly Ragnow
Cynthia Rakov
Ignacio Ramirez
Elaine Ranciato
Erin Randi
Suds Range
Laurent Rathborn
Lisa Rathsack
Carlton S. Raymond
Really Good Stuff
Linda Reason
Erica Redente
Michael Redgate
Re-Elect Ayala 2010
Hannah Reichardt
Gerard Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reilly
Russell Renfer
Susan Renner
Ann Renstrom
Todd Renz
Linda Resnick
Omar Resto
Marilyn Rethore
Mark Reveaux
Gladys Reveron
Alma Reyes
Jennifer Reyes
Lezzette Reynolds
Daniel Rhone
Kerry Rhone
Melissa Riccitelli
Sherry Rice
William Rice
Marcia Richardson
Jodi Richling
Alice Richmond
Christopher Rickard
Jessica Rickards
Ann Rickert
William Riga
Mackenzie Riley
Patricia Rimkunas
Wanda Ringel
Denise Rioux
Rise and Walk Foundation, Inc.
Ronald I. Rivard
Joanna Baez
Sophy Rivera
Sweetlana Rivera
Shirley Rivers
Stephanie Roach
Robert D. Scinto, Inc.
Harold & Isabella Roberts
Kelly Roberts
Patricia Robertson
Dorothy Robinson
Thelma Robinson
Elizabeth Robles
Peter Rocco
Casandra Rodriguez
Emily Rodriguez
Letisia Rodriguez
Maria Rodriguez
Matilde E. Rodriguez
Michelle Rodriguez
Joy Rogers
Joyce Rogers
Henry Roggi
Monte Rolli
Shannon Roman
Carol Romanow
Marc Romanow
Antoinette Roman-West
George Rommel
Timothy Ronan
Caroline Rooney
James Rooney
Katherine Rosario
Julie Rose
Ruth Rose
Lea Rosner
Elaine Rosoff
Ashley Rossi
Rotary Club of Great
Rotary Drug
Jodie Rothmann
Paul Roy
Amy Rubino
Stacey Rubino
Emilie Ruddick
Eric Ruff
Willie Ruff
Laura Ruggiero
Robert Ruggiero
Sandra Ruiz Perez Palacios
Kristy Ruscoe
Dolores Rusconi
Lisa Rusconi
Peggy Russ
Erin Russell
John Russell
Barbara Russell-Fletcher
Brenda Russo
Carl Russo
Lianne Russo
Marilyn Russo
Mindy Russo
Ann Rutherford
Beth Ryan
Colin Ryan
Dean Ryder
Edward Sabatino
Christina Sacchitiello
Humbert Sacco
Sacred Heart University
Melanie Sadick
Fanne Sainrilus
Marie Saksa
Beverly Salzman
Mary Ellen Samatulski
Debra Samela
John Samela
Lisa Samelwich
Bianca Samson
Hector Sanchez
Herbin Sanchez
Irene Sanchez
Jeremy Sanchez
Maria Sanchez
Lois C. Sanderson
Sandoval Associates, LLC
Sanford Associates
John Santa
Thomas Santa
Milagros Santana
Nannette A. Santelli
Americo Santiago
Ana Santiago
Evelyn Santiago
Ezequiel Santiago
Tamar Morales
Jessica Santiago
Martha Santiago
Iraida Santos
Jennifer Santos
Ray Saracco
Catherine Satula
Callie Saunders
Amy & Stanley Savage
Lois Sawtell
Lindley Sawyer
Burt Saxon
Margaret Scalzo
Silvia Scalzo
Thomas Scecina
Lorene Schaeffer
Sue Schaffer
Adam & Brenda Schechter
Thomas Scheimann
Tarra Schepis
Andrew Scherer
Frank Schiavone
Mr. & Mrs. Schick
Ida Schmertz
Karen Schmidt
Katherine Schneller
Dr. Jeffrey Schpero
Lynn Schrag
Suzanne Schroeder
Rose Schule
Claudia Schutz
Kyle Schutz
John Schwerdtle
Jill Scialla
JoAnn Scillia
Michael Scoppa
Alan Scott
Lyvonna Scott
Kyle Scrivines
Tina Scull
Megan Scullin
Kerry Scullion
Lisa Searles
Kenneth Secchiaroli
Lenny Selezan
Andrea Sellers
Ilene Semiatin
Vincent Park
Patrick Seresin
Dave Serlin
Michael Serricchio
Nicole Servas
Dale Seymour
Betty Shabat
Sally Shabbott
Karl Shamer
Manish Shanbhag
Donna Sharkany
Antoinette Shaw
Jocelyn Shaw
Nancy F. Shaw
Yonette Shaw
Carol Shea
YCCC32 AR2011 4-18-12_YCCC 2010AnlRpt 4/18/12 10:46 PM Page 18
Michael Sheard
Marie Shepherd
Robert Sherwin
Ray Sherwood
Dennis Shield
Susan Shields
Bella Shiferman
Peter Shoff
Joan Shortell
Mary Colacurcio
Stephen Shura
Kathy Sicignano
Steven Siden
Brooke Sides
Tom Sides
Kenneth Siedler
Walter H. Siemon
Charlayne Sierota
Sandra Sime
Monique Simonds
SimplexGrinnell LP
Patti Sinoway
Roxane Siskind
Ken Skidmore
Mark Slane
Irene Slater
Patti Slavtcheff
Richard Slowik
Mary Ellen Slywka
Kipp Small
Jennifer Smillie
Donald Smith, Jr.
Aubrie Smith
Brigid Smith
Caroline Smith
Christopher Smith
Edna Smith
Frederick Smith
Harold C. Smith
Jori Smith
Karen Smith
Karen Smith
Linda S. Smith
Margaret Smith
Rudolph Smith
Russell Smith
Sarah Smith
Yevette Smith
Angela Snape
Michelle Snider
Mark Snipe
Soaring Adventures of
Gail Sobalsky
Robert Sobel
Ed Soderberg
Carol Soehnlein
Oliver Sommer
Katie Sontag
Nancy Soper
Stephen Soper
Robert Sopher
Mary Soracco
Ann Sorrentino
Lorena Sortito
Pedro Soto
Shauna Sottery
Southwest Community Health
Center, Inc.
Elizabeth Speed
Marilyn Speer
Garfield Spencer
April Sperling
Jack Sperling
Lynn Springer
Barrett St. George
St. Mark's Day-Care Center
St. Matthew's Parish
Robert St. Pierre
Michael Stackpole
Steven Stafstrom
Vernon Stamp
Carla Standish
Amy Stanley
Patricia Stannard
Karen & Sean Stanziale
Kate Staples
Diane Stark
Paul Starkman
Walter Staton
Jason Steeves
George Stein
Sharon Stemme
Dawn Stenson
Kathleen Stern
Leah Stern
Heather Stetson
Sue Stevens
Mark Stevenson
Ellen Stewart
Kathy Stewart
Raymond Stewart
Nadia Stieglitz
Russell Stockman
William Stokes
Diane Stone
Joni Stone
Stop & Shop Companies
Antony Stott
Marcy Stovall
Christopher Stranz
John Stratton
Ruth Straughn
Janet Streeto
Peter Strickland
Mary Strieff
Joseph Strolin
Lydia Struzik
Jeff Stryker
Stacy L. Stuart
Studio C
Rachel Stupak
Barbara Suchy
Sara Suitor
Gene Sullivan
Joseph Sullivan
Lisa Sullivan
Mary Sullivan
Steve Sullivan
Steven Sullivan
Tim Sullivan
Joan Summa
Christine Sutowski
Bill Sutowski
Lori Swain
Capleton I. Swanson
Russell Swanson
Cathy Swift
James Swift
Jeff Swiggett
Julia Sykes
Scott Sykes
Tiffany Sykes
Eleanor Sylvestro
Stephen Syrett
Spencer Szabo
Anthony Tagariello
Gregory Takacs
Kristina & Jamie TalbertSlagel
Mark Talbot
Karen Talwar
Barbara Tamulevich
Deana Tapler
Nicholas Tarasovic
Tom Tarczali
Felix Tarradellas
Glenn Tatangelo
Amy Taylor
Cindy Taylor
Deirdre Taylor
Nekiesha Taylor
Robert Tedeschi
Patricia Tesla
The Batting Cage
The Durol Co.
The Gordon Foundation
The Law Office of Robert F.
Shea Jr., LLC
The Milford Bank
The Original Antonio's
The United Illuminating
Robert Theodore
Heather Theriault
Diane & Aaron Thomas
Johnnecia Thomas
Linda Thomas
Dorothea Thompson
Lyn Thompson
Mary Lou Thompson
Shyvette Thompson
Donna Thompson-Bennett
Tiago Building Group, LLC
Tiago's Restaurant & Bar, LLC
Bonnie Tice
Emily Tice
Rosemary & Bill Tierney
Kevin Tighe
William Tinkler
William Tisdale
Fran Tizard
Jillian Tobin
Michael Tobin
Alexandra Tocchi
Leyla Toksoy
Roberto Tomasino
Walter Tommasi
Jacqueline Tomsheck
Stephanie Toothill
Joanne Tornos
Christine Torres
Maria Torres
Norah Torres
Kristine Torreso
Katelyn Tortora
Daniel Torv
Mirjana Toyn
David Tracy
Lisa Trahan
Nikki Tranaglino
Michael & Julie Traum
Linda Trauth
Tara Travers
Linda Treinish
Tina Tremo
Tri City
Mark Troostwyk
Richard & Karen True
Briseida Trujillo
Trumbull Youth Association
Kim Tucci
Patrick Tucker
Charles Tuozzoli
Brian Turner
Harold Turner
Antoinette Tworkowski
Nicole Tyson
UBS Agency
Philip Uhrich
United Church of Christ in
United States Postal Service
United Way of Central and
Northeastern Connecticut
Robert Urban
Catherine Urbinati
Jake Urguidi
Lisa Vaccino
Nancy Vadnais
Cristin Vahey
Sharon Vailette
Edward Vaimberg
Betty Valenti
Chris Vallecillo
Ellen & David Van Dorsten
Daniella Van Gennep
Carolyn Van Newkirk
Helen Van Riel
Linda Van Steenbergen
Sa'Nya Vargas
Christina Vasas
Luz Vasquez
Mirna Vasquez
Nicole Vasquez
Stephen Vavrek
Victoria Vazquez
Paul Vazzano
Christopher Velardi
Rebecca Velez
Joseph Ventrua
Ingrid Ventura
Geeta Verma
Shivika Verma
Christy Verrelli
Sandra Vescera
Jeffrey Schpero D.V.M.
Barbara Vietzke
Sandra Vigilio
Robert Viglione
Vimini Associates
Christina Vincent
Daniel Vining
David Vinsel
Alice Visel-Jackson
Elaine Viseltear
Molly & Kevin Visnic
Debbye Vitti
Robert Vizi
Christopher Voets
Sandra Vogt
Sam Volo
Linda Von Blon
Misaki Vongher
Lindsey Voskowsky
Jeannie Wade
Laura Walby
Jeremy Waldman
Archibald Walker
Najia Walker
Alan & Patricia Wallin
Jane Walsh
Bryanne Walsh
Adam Waltman
Rebecca Wanag
Christine Wanerka
Tomasita Wang
Denise Ward
Lawrence & Sherry Ward
Janice Warner
Alycia Washington
Anna Washington
Andrew Washington
Helen Wasserman
Lindsay Wasserman
Eleanor Watt
Charles Watters
JoAnne Waznis
WBC Group, LLC
Donald Webb
Jeanne Webb
Christina Webster
Joan Weed
Julie Weed
Margaret Weeks
Kimberly Weidman
Maryellen Weinberg
Andrea Weiner
Steven Wiesenfeld
Cindy Weissman
Wells Fargo N.A.
Jody Wells
Thomas Wells
Beverly Welp
Leona Werner
Kirk Wesley
Western Central CT Comb.
Fed. Campaign
Sue Westine
Jessica Westman
Donald Wetmore
Edward Wetmore
Randall Wheelis
Alex & Shaheen White
John White
Stanley White
Stephen White
Craig Whitehouse
Georgie Whittaker
Sonya Wich
Mark & Nancee Wigder
Cathleen Wiggins
Edward Wilkes
Nicholas Willett
Lisa Williams
Natalie Williams
Sean M. Williams
Sloane Williams
Cheryl Wilson
Katherine Wilson
Shelby Wilson
Terrance Wilson
Getrude Wimmer
Carol Winer
Pat Winer
Stuart & Irene Winquist
Joleen Winter
Stella Witkavitch
Robin Wolek
Julie Womack
Rosemary Wong
Adam Wood
Lori Klamner-Wood
Micah Wood
Karen Woodford
Mary Lou Woods
Kyle Worell
Linda Worobel
Noeline Wozniak
Carol Wright
Mary Joan Wright
Roland Wright
James Wruck
Richard Wurtzel
Julia Wyant
Brian V. Wyckoff
Joanne Wynkoop-Aronson
Michael Wynne
Katherine Yacavone
Daniel Yang
Dell Young
Ebony Young
Kathryn Young
Larry & Susan Young
LaTosha Young
Priscilla Young
Ruth Young
Josephine Zaehringer
Andrea Zambrano
Jim Zannino
John Zaprzalka
Marc Zegans
Annette & George Zettergren
Braeden Ziegler
Julie Zimmerman
Lorraine Zimmerman
Peter Zimmerman
Karen & Anthony Ziomek
Milad Ziyadeh
Phil Zogran
Maya Zumbotte
Catherine Zorzy
In Honor and
Thomas Abbenante
Carmela Abbenante
Nicholas and Zachary
Jodie Rothmann
Raymond Jacoby
victoria Blodgett
Yvette Barnard
David Brinley
Kathy Douglas
Jane Griffith
Douglas & Eunice Lisk
Anne Lozon
Arthur Martens
Lisa Brandes
Jeffrey O'Geary
Nancy Peniston
Amy & Stanley Savage
Doug & Suzanne Shaw
Sean & Karen Stanziale
Kristina & Jamie
Anthony S. Bozzuto Jr.
Carol Albig
Joseph DeMatteo
Ann Ghiroli
Barbara Graver
Edward Krzyzek
Jean Massey
Raymond Michalowski
Elizabeth Oppel
Brian Parker
Arthur Penn
Jose Cabrera
Richard Samose
Michael & Sarah D'Addabbo Ellen Krouss
Camp Tepee Staff
Sarah Buckwald, Don
Casey, Jen Costa, Yasmine
Dumond, Katie Garza, Sam
Hooker, Chris Hubbard,
Rebecca Moore, Marc
Mutino, David Novitsky,
Ileana San Pietro, Mikaela
San Pietro, Steven Shillaci,
Natalie Slack, James
Caryn Berry
Andrea Gottschall
Eddie Gutierrez
Bonnie Kellogg
Beverly Pettersen
Lynn Springer
Joseph Strolin
Salvatore Catardi
Anita Catardi
Diane & Aaron Thomas
Erica L. Crossman
Dominick Alterio
Bridgeport Monroe
Pediatric Group
Ruth Crossman
Sadie W. Smith
Linda Smith
Michael P. Stern
Kathleen Stern
Catherine Stuart
Althea Falco
Kaiser Tonti
Mark & Karen Oswell
Dottie viglione
Robert Viglione
Janet Williams
Jeffrey Williams
The Williams Family
James Williams
Roland Wright
Phyllis Machledt
Great care was taken to
ensure accuracy in each
list of this report. We
apologize for any
omissions or misprints.
Your gifts allow the Y
to help people of all
ages and backgrounds
choose healthy
Aja Greene & Dave Blitz
lifestyles, make new
Cosmin Ioan
friends and develop
Donald Grigley, Sr.
leadership skills –
Carla Grigley
laying the strongest
Ernest Holzberg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Persky foundation for making
our communities
Kristen Kwak
Maeri Bae
caring, healthy and
safe. Thank you.
Ed Lomax mother
Don Gray
Debra Samela
Anita Gliniecki
Philip Marks
Adrienne Griffen
Caitlyn Eileen McNerney
Corinne McNerney
Christine Morandi
Gerald Beckett
Patricia McCarthy
Stella Witkavitch
Emaire Ramsey Morrati
Mark & Karen Oswell
Junco Nelson
Mark & Karen Oswell
Ray Perez
Claire Pascuzzo
Suzanne Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reilly
Ralph Ricciardelli
Jon Frisbie
Donald Rusconi
Dolores Rusconi
YCCC32 AR2011 4-18-12_YCCC 2010AnlRpt 4/18/12 10:46 PM Page 19
Public Support & Revenue
Sources of Revenue
Program Fees .............................................................................. $ 11,610,655
Government Grants .................................................................... $ 5,542,066
Membership Dues ...................................................................... $ 5,460,115
Resident Revenue........................................................................ $ 3,488,270
Contributed Income .................................................................... $
Sales of Supplies & Services .................................................... $
Special Events .............................................................................. $
United Way Support .................................................................. $
Investment Income...................................................................... $
Total Public Support & Revenue ................................ $ 28,061,326
Employee Salaries, Benefits & Taxes .................................... $ 16,507,627
Occupancy .................................................................................... $ 7,199,243
Supplies ........................................................................................ $ 1,089,619
Professional Services ................................................................ $ 1,033,783
Financing Costs .......................................................................... $
Transportation ............................................................................ $
Publicity & Promotion................................................................ $
Capital Reserves.......................................................................... $
Training & Staff/Volunteer Development.............................. $
Total Expenses.......................................................... $ 27,491,947
Net Income .................................................................................. $
Depreciation - YMCA Branches .............................................. $
Depreciation - Housing ............................................................ $
Net Assets - December 31, 2010 ........................................ $ 19,076,572
Change in Net Assets .............................................................. $
Net Income - December 31, 2011 ........................................ $ 19,654,679
Grants – Housing
Other - 4%
Grants – Child Care
Child Care
Camp Fees
Program Fees
YCCC32 AR2011 4-18-12_YCCC 2010AnlRpt 4/18/12 10:46 PM Page 20
YCCC32 AR2011 4-18-12_YCCC 2010AnlRpt 4/18/12 10:46 PM Page 21
David Stevenson, Ph.D.
Christian Engle
Suzanne Friedbacher
Pamela Hearn
Donna Gill Lisitano
Barbara Moore
Janet Samelwich
Senior Vice President/COO
Vice President of Human Resources
Vice President of Financial Development
Marketing & Communications Director
Association Membership/
Healthier Communities Director
Alpha Community Services YMCA
387 Clinton Avenue
Bridgeport CT 06605
Bridgeport YMCA
850 Park Avenue
Bridgeport CT 06604
Fairfield YMCA
841 Old Post Road
Fairfield CT 06824
MailDirect Advertising 203/353-0043
Hamden/North Haven YMCA
1605 Sherman Avenue
Hamden CT 06514
Lakewood-Trumbull YMCA
20 Trefoil Drive
Trumbull CT 06611
New Haven YMCA Youth Center
50 Howe Street
New Haven CT 06511
Ralphola Taylor
Community Center YMCA
790 Central Avenue
Bridgeport CT 06607
Soundview Family YMCA
628 East Main Street
Branford CT 06405
Stratford Family YMCA
3045 Main Street
Stratford CT 06614
valley YMCA
12 State Street
Ansonia CT 06401
Woodruff Family YMCA
631 Orange Avenue
Milford CT 06461
YMCA Camp Hi-Rock
162 East Street
Mt. Washington MA 01258
YCCC32 AR2011 4-18-12_YCCC 2010AnlRpt 4/18/12 10:46 PM Page 22
The Central Connecticut Coast YMCA Board
recently adopted a new Real-Time Strategic Plan
that will serve as our roadmap to success for
years to come.
It is a comprehensive plan focusing on the core
areas of youth development, healthy living, and
social responsibility.
Our belief statements and seven community impact goals are:
Youth Development
Healthy Living
1. The Y will attract and engage youth in
programs and activities that will build
character, particularly the values of
caring, honesty, respect, and
4. The Y will reduce youth and adult obesity.
We believe that every child has great
potential and should be given opportunity
and guidance to reach it.
2. The Y will close the education
achievement gap.
3. The Y will teach children how to be safe
around the water by age twelve.
We believe that a healthy life is achieved by
actively striving for spiritual, mental, and
physical well-being.
5. The Y will reduce the onset of Type II
Social Responsibility
We believe that the Y has been given the
honor, resources, and responsibility to
strengthen the foundations of community
and family.
6. The Y and its partners will continually
reduce chronic homelessness.
7. The Y will strengthen families by being a
source and resource for affordable
programs and services
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