1985 - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
1985 - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
NORTH CAROLINA HISTORY OF HEALTH DIGITAL COLLECTION Annual Report of the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy [1882-] Volume 1985 DOCUMENT NO. NCHH-122-104 || http://hsl.lib.unc.edu/specialcollections/nchealthhistory || This item is part of the North Carolina History of Health Digital Collection. Some materials in the Collection are protected by U.S. copyright law. This item is presented by the Health Sciences Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for research and educational purposes. It may not be republished or distributed without permission of the Health Sciences Library. The North Carolina History of Health Digital Collection is an open access publishing initiative of the Health Sciences Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Financial support for the initiative was provided in part by a multi-year NC ECHO (Exploring Cultural Heritage Online) digitization grant, awarded by the State Library of North Carolina, and funded through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). For more information about the collection, or to search other volumes, please visit: || http://hsl.lib.unc.edu/specialcollections/nchealthhistory || ONE-HUNDRED-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF PHARMACY 1985 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from North Carolina History of Health Digital Collection, an LSTA-funded NC ECHO digitization grant project http://www.archive.org/details/annualreportofno1041985 ONE-HUNDRED-FOUR'ITI ANNUAL RLPORT NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF P H A R f W October 1, 1984 - September 30, 1985 MEMBERS AND ORGANIZATION COmiSSJOMEV H.V. W.W. J.B. E.P. W.R. W.H. SV HIS EXCELLEMCV THE GOi/ERMOR Day, Spruce Pine, President Moose, Mt. Pleasant, Vice-President Roberts, III, Gastonia Lloyd, Hillsborough Adams, Jr., Wilson Randall, Jr., Lillington OF WORTH CAROLIWA Terra Term Term Term Term Term Expires Expires Expires Expires Expires Expires April April April April April April 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 1989 1987 1989 1989 1987 1988 Executive Director David R. Work, Chapel Hill General Counsel Kenneth Wooten, Jr., Raleigh Inspectors Bobby R. Belvin, Raleigh Steve W. Hudson, Hickory Terri L. King, Raleigh «Niyi.HSiTlf of HOSTS OAROiiNi; To His Excellency Governor James G. Martin Raleigh, North Carolina Carrboro, North Carolina August 22, 1986 ^'^ '986 ^'-ALTH SCIENCES LIBRARY Dear Sir:; In compliance with Article 4, Section 90-57 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, we are pleased to submit to you and to the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association the One-Hundred-Fourth Annual Report of the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy. This report contains the proceedings of the Board for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1985. Respectfully yours, NORTH David CAROLINA R. Work, BOARD OF Executive PHARMACY Director ^ A-jVJo .n/^^ *^^/- -2- ONE-HUNDRED-FOURTH ANMJAL REPORT OF THE NORTH Q-\ROLINA BOARD OF PHARMAQ' Board Member Election The Election held in the Spring of 1985 was vigorously contested with four candidates for Region 1 in the western part of the state and three candidates for Region 2 in the north central part. Candidates for the position in the west were Ken Burleson, Harold Day, Howard Ferguson and Roy Smith, Jr. The Spring Election produced approximately 48% of the vote for Mr. Day and Mr. Burleson declined to ask for a run-off election. Region 2 had a closely contested race between Evelyn Lloyd and Jack Watts with Fred Eckel coming in third. Ms. Lloyd, as the second highest vote getter, had the option for calling for a run-off which she did. The run-off election was mailed with the July Newsletter and counted in August resulting in a victory for Evelyn Lloyd with 896 to Jack Watts total of 865 votes. This high interest in a position on the Board of Pharmacy is an excellent example of the significance and importance of Board activities. In February of this fiscal year the Board of Pharmacy Elections was called upon to rule regarding the residence or place of practice to determine the eligibility as a candidate for election. After considering all the facts in a specific case it was the Board members' ruling that the place of residence was controlling and not the place of practice in regard to the region in which individual pharmacists could run for election to a Board position. Change In Statute During the long session of the General Assembly a change was made in the Pharmacy Practice Act which allowed registered nurses to dispense drugs in health departments. A copy of the addition to the statute is repeated below. The Board will proceed to consider regulations on this subject which would specify a formulary and any training necessary for registered nurses to dispense drugs in health departments. 90-85.34.1 Public health pharmacy practice. (a) A registered nurse in a local health department clinic may dispense prescription drugs and devices, other than controlled substances as defined in G.S. 90-87, under the following conditions: (1) The registered nurse has training acceptable to the Board in the labeling and packaging of prescription drugs and devices; (2) Dispensing by the registered nurse shall occur only at a local health department clinic; (3) Only prescription drugs and devices contained in a formulary reconmiended by the Department of Human Resources and approved by the Board shall be dispensed; (4) The local health department clinic shall obtain a pharmacy permit in accordance with G.S. 9 0 - 8 5 . 2 1 ; (5) Written procedures for the storage, packaging, labeling and delivery of p r e s c r i p t i o n drugs and devices shall be approved by the Board; and (6) The p h a r m a c i s t - m a n a g e r , or another pharmacist at his direction, shall review dispensing records at least w e e k l y , p r o v i d e consultation where appropriate and be responsible to the Board for all dispensing activity at the local health department clinic. (b) This section is applicable only to p r e s c r i p t i o n s issued on behalf of persons receiving local health department clinic services and issued by an individual authorized by law to p r e s c r i b e drugs and d e v i c e s . (c) This section does not affect the practice of nurse p r a c titioners pursuant to G.S. 90-18.2 or of p h y s i c i a n assistants pursuant to G.S. 9 0 - 1 8 . 1 . Section 2. This act is effective upon ratification, June 7, Continuing E d u c a t i o n For 1985 Relicensure This year brought about the first experience w i t h requiring continuing education for the relicensure of p h a r m a c i s t s . A number of different ways to obtain continuing education have been deemed acceptable by the Board and most were communicated to p h a r m a c i s t s in the January, 1985 Newsletter. The Board will accept continuing education offered by providers approved by the American Council on P h a r m a c e u t i c a l E d u c a t i o n . The Board also accepts p r o g r a m s or m e e t i n g s approved or sponsored by UNC-Chapel Hill School of Pharmacy or its A H E C s , the North Carolina Pharmaceutical A s s o c i a t i o n or the North Carolina Society of H o s p i t a l Pharmacists or their equivalent for non-resident pharmacists. In addition, the Board accepts programs approved by a committee operating through the N o r t h Carolina Pharmaceutical A s s o c i a t i o n and consisting of members of the A s s o c i a t i o n and faculty from the School of P h a r m a c y . Graduate or p r o f e s s i o n a l school courses are acceptable for credit in the same m a n n e r as continuing education in other fields p r o v i d i n g there is some reasonable connection to p h a r m a c y or medical care. This section, for example, can be used to approve p r o g r a m s that have Continuing Medical E d u c a t i o n Category I credit. For example, study towards a masters degree in business administration would be acceptable while coursework on a divinity degree would not meet the standard. Teaching activity by a person whose p r i m a r y occupation is not education is acceptable equal to the hours of instruction. R e p e a t i n g the same subject activity will not count for additional h o u r s . Excess hours from from one year will not be carried over to the next y e a r and credit can only be used o n c e . A t t e n d a n c e at m e e t i n g s of the Board of Pharmacy, subject to available space, will count for up to one hour for one meeting. Acting as a preceptor for at least 400 hours of internship can satisfy up to 5 contact hours of continuing education providing that the internship experience meets the Board's standards. Pharmacists should take note that they can satisfy the entire c.e. -4- examination will satisfy continuing education requirements registration the next year. Pharmacists in foreign countries obtain all hours by c o r r e s p o n d e n c e . Accreditation for may Visit The Board p a r t i c i p a t e d in the A c c r e d i t a t i o n Visit by the A m e r i c a n Council on P h a r m a c e u t i c a l E d u c a t i o n at the UNC School of P h a r m a c y . The Board's representative in this activity was M r . Joseph B. R o b e r t s , III w h o , as a public member, was in a p o s i t i o n to give unique input to the accreditation process. The visit occurred on M a r c h 12th and 13th, 1985 and produced a favorable report from the Council continuing the School in an accredited status until the next on-site visit in 1 9 9 0 - 9 1 . Information Required by Chapter 93B The N o r t h Carolina Board of Pharmacy had its offices at 602H Jones Ferry Raod in the W i l l o w Creek Shopping Center in Carrboro for the period of October 1st through September 30th, There were 183 people who applied for the licensure e x a m i n a t i o n during this time period and none were refused resulting in a total of 183 c a n d i d a t e s . There w e r e 161 pharmacists licensed by e x a m i n a t i o n and 131 a p p l i c a n t s for licensure by reciprocity with 128 receiving licenses and 3 failing to meet reciprocity requirements. D u r i n g this fiscal year 11 licenses were suspended, 6 were revoked while there w e r e 11 stay orders on either suspensions or revocations producing a probationary period. There were also 3 reprimands during this fiscal y e a r . -5- NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF PHARMACY Carrboro, North Carolina REPORT ON EXAMINATION FOR THE YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1985 AND 198A BOARD MEMBERS H. V. Day, President W. W. Moose, Vice President J. B. Roberts, III W. R. Adams, Jr. W. H. Randall, Jr. E. P. Lloyd Executive Director David R. Work -6- CONTENTS For the Years Ended September 30, 1985 and 1984 PAGES 2 Report of Certified Public Accountants Financial Statements ^. EXHIBITS: "A" Balance Sheet 3 "B" Statement of Changes in Fund Equities 4 "C" Statement of Revenues and Expenditures 5-6 Notes to Financial Statements 7 Supplementary Financial Information 8 Statement of Certified Public Accountants 9 SCHEDULE: "1" Schedule of Fixed Assets " 10 -7BLACKMAN & SLOOP, CERTIFIED PUBLIC CPA's, P.A. ACCOUNTANTS N C N B P L A Z A - P . O. D R A W E R C H A P E L H I L L . ^40RTH C A R O L I N A 929 27514 REPORT OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Governor James G. Martin North Carolina Board of Pharmacy The General Assembly of North Carolina' We have examined the balance sheet of the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy as of September 30, 1985 and 1984, and the related statements of revenues and expenditures and changes in fund equities for the year then ended. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion the financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy at September 30, 1985 and 1984, and the results of its operations and changes in its financial position for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Certified Public Accountants Chapel Hill, North Carolina November 8, 1985 -8- T] C •-I 3Hrr 3 >• o tb to (b D) c n (fl o n o D) 3 Pf "tS (V 0) B 3 H O H> n ta 10 00 a m • o n> (A ft o hr) H* 3 0) *< ro yi < m 0. 0) m 0 "-1 a* <- (10) a H h-» i-h 0 rr ft) •t Ht-J. 3 Q >• r* rCO < OQrt) rr 0 r(-H -3 en 3 ft) ^ n 0 C 3 rr w •u CD (D cr H-* i-h HX (D Ck. 0) to n> rr 01 H. D) M cn rr rr 3 fn 3 rr rM H t-t m 00 >• C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 I >H 3 < 3 rr O 3 a. r* 1—< > CO I—* rH 1—' lyi > 5= >>- nn 0c 3 rr CO •1 n> n < c cr 0> • > 00 0 * • 03 3Hn 3 X* OQ H« er3a n> a: B fti 3 rr :2 o rr CD 3 I > I cn I 2 CJ tn 0 M H cr: cn 3 H3 rf ro tw •-1 rr </> 1 KJ 1 KJ 1 hJ 1 t-^ 11 0UJ t1 ff>J- 11 0 OJ)—• 11 K3 1 «Ln 11 w w 1 Ln 1 Ln 1 0 ^ 1 UJ 1 ro 1 1 1 11 Ln 11 " 1 0 1 r-" tl II It II II 1 j1 1 1 ) ^ ' ^ 1 -.J 1 0 1 'vO 1 » 1 Ln 0 II II •t/> II r o II II II II ro II Ln U) 1 1 U0 ) 11 - 11 1 1 to NJ 0 II II II 1 ^ 1 ^ 1 11II vO 1 II - 1 1—' -iy> LJ • U) CD r o 1 1 1 m 1 "Tl - I 1t 3C Q)rr 11 a. H3 1 OQ 1 > T 1 W H1 tn X 1 (D ni 1 r t CX -9- rr n rr >- H 3- 3" 0) C/i a> CD D M 3•< ww Ho M CI (D fD l-H rr O rr w o n [/) .. O (1) 3 rr T3 0) &J 3 *<3 fD P Hr(Ar OQ3 > "< (I U) rr O nr] H3 Oj 3n fD O H- < r-h rr fD 0 0 I—" o o. 3 i-n O C X fD a. rr X3* H. cr (D w [fl 3* m U) X W 3* fD cr H- U) a . m X n 3 • o rr CJ C w o O C/l PO fD > ia rr -3 ID CO m o > W TDfC 3 o. afD 3rr 1—I 0 D3 >• as t-H 0 i-h HX n cn fD cu 0m CO Hi U) 0) r-r W 0rr ro to rr Oi I—* fD if: t- P. fD X rr CO m 0 0rt> > fD rr (/] 1—1 < a. (D rr H 33 m 0^ H (A rt CU rr iD 3 (D 3 rr Ui OJ iD 3 3rr fD n n 1 11 ^ 1 •Ln 11 cn 1 ro 1 ro ro to to • cn Ln ro -ty* 0 - m 1 rr] U» I 3 -O I cr^ I O I 1—' I—' cn m o\ 0 w i t I—" 1—* to tJ 1 ro to 0 1 J Ln 0 CD 00 {1 m 1 c^ 00 « Ln 00 4^ I LJ 1 1 Ul 1 Ul W ON 11 I—' 0 1 1 1 1 0 Ln •m W Ui fD rr 01 -10- • NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF PHARMACY STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES For the Years Ended September 30, 1985 and 1984 EXHIBIT C Page 1 of 2 1984 REVENUES: Pharmacist renewals Assistant pharmacist renewals Pharmacist reinstatements Drug store permits - original Drug store permits - renewals Drug store reinstatements Reciprocity Duplicate certificates Exam fees Schedule V record books Lawbook and annual report Certification of grades Microfiche Sale of fixed assets Interest income Miscellaneous income $189,400 60 1,925 27,200 169,600 800 27,200 1985 15,300 377 9,596 730 232 743 22,581 90 $199,000 60 1,375 23,200 176,600 400 25,600 10 14,700 188 4,940 570 44 7,065 23,291 641 465,834 477,684 -11- NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF PHARMACY STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES For the Years Ended September 30, 1985 and 1984 EXHIBIT C. Page 2 of 2 1984 EXPENDITURES: Salaries Social Security Retirement contributions Hospital insurance Board members travel expense Board members per diem Board members professional meetings Inspection expense Legal fees Office rent Telephone Automobile expense Supplies Postage Printing Exam expense Books, dues and subscriptions Secretary's expense Temporary office help Maintenance expense Equipment lease Audit fees Renewal forms Hospital Regulatory Committee and furniture lease Insurance Office staff travel Miscellaneous Bank service charge Furniture and equipment Continuing education moving expense Interest expense TOTAL EXPENDITURES EXCESS REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES (Exhibit B) 1985 $178,508 11,996 17,476 5,191 6,109 5,810 9,925 11,329 12,313 17,950 6,856 10,256 5,930 9,222 6,854 20,645 8,644 7,245 891 7,356 3,780 1,941 2,760 $196,087 13,371 19,647 4,929 7,386 5,250 10,691 7,566 16,838 22,800 7,178 12,209 4,328 13,848 8,991 21,983 3,407 11,769 4,463 5,584 3,246 1,500 3,001 514 4,211 993 278 360 19,119 1,267 156 2,401 4,952 560 541 41,184 1,826 395,885 457,536 $69,949 $20,148 The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of these statements. -12- NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF PHARMACY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the Years Ended September 30, 1985 and 1984 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies. The accounting policies and practices of the Board conform to generally accepted accounting principles for Special Revenue Funds. Certain major policies and practices follow: 2. A. The Board records the revenues and expenditures of its operation on the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under this basis, expenditures are recorded at the time liabilities are incurred, and revenues are recorded when they become available and measurable. B. Property and equipment is recorded as an expenditure of the Operating Fund in the year of acquisition. The proceeds from the sale of property and equipment is recorded as revenue to the Operating Fund. For reporting purposes, the fixed assets are reflected in the Fixed Assets account group with no pro vision for depreciation. Restatement of Fund Equities Balances. The purchase of an automobile in the prior year was not reflected in the Fixed Asset account group. This automobile which had a purchase price of $10,970, has been added to the beginning balance of Invest ment in Fixed Assets. 3. Lease - Office Space. The Board entered into a five-year agreement on December 14, 1983, for the lease of office space. The lease, which runs from March 1, 1984, to February 28, 1989, requires a monthly expenditure of $1,900 for the duration of the agreement. 4. Lease - Office Equipment. The Board entered into a 48-month lease with IBM on December 17, 1983, for an IBM Memory 50. The payments are $237 per month, and payment was begun in February, 1983. 5. Pension Plans. All full-time employees employed prior to July 1, 1983, are covered by the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System of North Carolina. The Board has developed a contributory pension plan for all full-time employees employed after July 1, 1983. Total pension expenses were $19,647 for the year ended September 30, 1985, and $17,476 for the year ended September 30, 1984. -13- SUPPLEMENTARY FINANCIAL INFORMATION For the Years Ended September 30, 1985 and 1984 -14- BLACKMAN & CERTIFIED S L O O P , C P A ' s , P.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS N C N B P L A Z A — P . O. D R A W E R 9 2 9 CHAPEL HILL. NORTH CAROLINA 27514 STATEMENT OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Our examination was made primarily for the purpose of rendering an opinion on the basic financial statements of the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy taken as a whole. In connection with our examination, we have reviewed the supplementary information presented hereafter which is not necessary for a fair presentation of financial position or results of operations. This supplementary information has been subjected to the audit procedures applied in the examination of the basic financial statements and is, in our opinion, fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. Certified Public Accountants Chapel Hill, North Carolina November 8, 1985 -15- < c ^ 0) n 3- I—' I— B o 0) ro a (D w rr n n 3 n o< •o rr HO 3 B 0 rr 3* ID rr Q m o pa O >pa O n 0 r-f '-^ >- rr ft) T) acr rti n n a CO o PO o (A n n pQ. 0) L,J 1—' 00 a t—• 00 On «00 Ul 00 I C/l I •t/» t ro I ro I I 00 ro CJ U) 4> •(> »— ro Ul •(> I LJ O O 00 CJ rr I s h- I t n I I I I 1 o rn '-n I I I t X fD p. o t ^ QJ a» • ^ • Ul • ^ LJ ^ 00 J> H- > oc rr n r" nn O c ft) I-I rr O II II I 1 I ^ ' I ro I U I CJ I CD »— - - -(yj - J CD \ 0 U) O ON N>. M. fD Ul Ul 4-^ II I I 3 < fC I c n n fD rr U3 i-H >- ry:) S5 TJ X >• n -16- N O R T H C A R O L I N A B O A R D OF P H A R M A C Y C E N S U S OF L I C E N S E D P H A R M A C I S T S A N D P H A R M A C I E S PHARMACISTS Total number of pharmacists licensed and on roster April 14, 1986 Total number of pharmacists residing in North Carolina "Inactive Known status 5,145 4,244 316 3,928 Breakdown of employment in state: In retail community pharmacy (independent) In retail community pharmacy (chain stores In hospital pharrracies In nursing homes In teaching and government positions In manufacturing and wholesale In sales and research Other Place of practice unknown 1,336 1,450 772 8 32 38 67 115 110 Under the age of 30 In the age group of In the age group of In the age group of In the age group of Over the age of 65 913 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-65 1,384 749 558 225 99 "Breakdown of inactive status: Retired Unenployed or unknown 105 211 In-state female pharmacists In-state male pharmacists 1,296 2,948 Total number of pharmacists who reside out-of-state Out-of-state fanale pharmacists Out-of-state male pharmacists 901 343 558 PHARMACIES Total number Number Number Nunrber Number Number of pharmacy permits on roster April 14, 1986 classified as retail pharmacies (independent) classified as retail pharmacies (chain - 4 or more) classified as hospital pharmacies classified as nursing homes classified as others 1,861 839 719 169 17 117 -17- PHARMACISTS LICENSED BY EXAMINATION (Numbers following name indicates date registered.): Abernatby, Gill Bailey, 072685 Bailey, Tammie Williams, 072685 Beck, Sharon Canipe, 072685 Beckwith, Penny Yvette, 072685 Berkes, Sarah Lynn, 072685 Blumenfeld, Daniel Harris, 022685 Boger, Janelle Jacqueline, 022685 Bradsher, Teresa Jean, 072685 Brady, David Craig, 072685 Braswell, Kimberly Gray, 072685 Bratton, William Timothy, 072685 Brewington, Belinda Faye, 022685 Bridickas, Lynda Blodwyn, 022685 Bryson, Judy Cameron, 072685 Cahoon, Melanie Spencer, 072685 Calcutt, James Lee, 072685 Cameron, Anthony Bryant, 072685 Carpenter, Laura Lee, 072685 Chapman, Sheila Gayl, 110184 Coffey, Terry Lee, 072685 Cole, Angelina Luise, 072685 Collins, Lisa Ann, 072685 Colonel, Thomas Martin, 022685 Comer, Judy Lynn, 072685 Costabile, Maryann , 072685 Cousins, Connie Parker, 072685 Craft, Thomas Leroy, III, 022685 Creech, Bonnie April, 072685 Grumpier, Debra Dee, 072685 Currin, Susan Elizabeth, 072685 Daniel, Tonya Jeanette, 072685 Darnell, Rodney Lote, 022685 Daughtry, Connie Lynn, 022685 Davis, Alton Ray, Jr., 072685 Davis, Archie Monroe, Jr., 072685 Dowdy, Robert Glenn, 072685 Earnhardt, David Kenneth, 022685 Eaton, Carolyn Sue, 022685 Ellerbe, Rebekah Leigh, 072685 Ellis, Scott John, 072685 Evans, Pamela Lynn, 072685 Everette, Suzanne Marie, 072685 Farrell, Glenda Ann, 072685 Ferguson, Anna Mouchet, 072685 Floyd, George Guthrie, Jr., 110184 Floyd, Randall Herbert, 072685 Fox, George Michael, 072685 Fulbright, Susan Leigh, 072685 Fuller, Robert Edgar, 072685 Fumarola, Dawn Musselwhite, 072685 Futch, George Hanson, Jr., 072685 Garrison, John Paul, 022685 Goodman, Doris Jean, 110184 Greene, Karen Naomi, 072685 Greene, Richard Ray, 022685 Greeson, Harvey Clifton, Jr., 072685 Grimes, Lisa Thomas, 072685 Gruber, Christine Marie, 022685 Hamm, Stuart Alton, 072685 Hardy, Anthony Charles, 072685 Harrell, Wendy Whitley, 072685 Hart, Earl Daniel, Jr., 072685 Hayes, Christopher William David, 022685 Haynes, Jennifer Lee, 072685 Herring, Sandra Irene, 072685 Hewett, Sibyl Anne, 072685 Hickerson, Robert Lee, 072685 Hines, Jeffrey Wayne, 072685 Hoover, Lisa Pierce, 072685 Howes, Susan Annette, 072685 Hussey, Harold Bradley, 022685 Ingram, Robert Thomas, 022685 Ipock, Steven Albert, 072685 Jarvis, Raymond Mack, III, 072685 Johnson, Susan Hedrick, 022685 Jones, Cheryl Ann, 072685 Jones, Granville Ragland, 022685 Jones, Stephen Yates, 072685 Justis, Priscilla Jayne, 022685 Killian, Diane Rene', 072685 Kinney, Tammy Lynn, 072685 Lackey, James Dean, 072685 Ladd, Susan Elizabeth, 072685 Lamonds, Michael Edward, 072685 Langdon, Dana Joette, 072685 Langley, Michael Guy, 072685 LaRoque, Mark Hines, 022685 Letchworth, Debra Ann, 072685 Lewandowski, Craig Adam, 072685 Lewis, Sonya Jane', 022685 Liverman, Lisa Carol, 072685 Logan, Nancy Moore, 072685 Lowry, Heyward King, 022685 Lynch, Pamela Gilbert, 072685 Mabe, Don McCoy, Jr., 072685 Main, Elizabeth Smart, 022685 Matthews, Vivian Carol, 072685 McNeill, Kristen Norman, 072685 Means, William McLean, 072685 Miller, Kevin Alexander, 072685 Moffett, Benton John, Jr., 072685 Morris, Keith David, 072685 Morrison, Leslie Joy, 072685 Moseley, Mary Jeannette Mardre, 072685 -18- Mountain, DeLois Duvonya, 022685 Noblett, Lisa Marie, 072685 O'Daniel, Judith Lynn, 072685 Owens, Cherrie Ann Greene, 022685 Parsons, Lori Annette, 072685 Patel, Rohitkumar Suryakant, 072685 Perdue, David Allen, 072685 Phillips, John Douglas, 022685 Pitts, John David, 022685 Popovich, Karen Stacy, 072685 Raynor, Flora Denise, 022685 Rhyne, Kathryn Acker, 072685 Richmond, Rodney Glenn, 072685 Ridgeway, Charlotte Ann, 022685 Robertson, Carroll Bracey, III, 072685 Robinson, Jerry Dwyte, 072685 Rogers, Kenneth Paul, 072685 Rose, William Carroll, Jr., 022685 Rowell, Rebecca Lois, 072685 Ruehle, David Karl, 022685 Samples, Steven Darwin, 022685 Shatterly, Jeffrey Dale, 022685 Shields, June Elaine, 072685 Sides, Owren Dale, 072685 Sigle, Lisa Sherwood, 022685 Simmons, Eugene Street, 022685 Sirmnons, Kimberly Melinda, 072685 Skafidas, Joanne Maria, 022685 Smith, Truett Matthew, Jr., 072685 Spencer, Lynn Ellen, 072685 Stefanadis, James Gus, 022685 Still, Sally Denise, 072685 Stover, Charles Daniel, 072685 Strickland, Janie Lynn, 022685 Stubblefield, James Jeffrey, 072685 Sullivan, Kathleen Ann, 022685 Tankard, Teri Evans, 072685 Thaxton, Ralph Gregory, 110184 Tiffany, Gary Ellwood, 072685 Tillman, Melissa Dawn, 022685 Trammell, Daniel Boyd, 072685 Turner, Cynthia Kaye, 072685 Uzzell, Tonya Lee, 072685 Veeder, Robert Keith, 072685 Vestal, John Sherman, 072685 Ward, Jennifer Diane, 072685 Wastila, Linda Jean, 072685 Watson, Kimberly Lassiter, 072685 Weisgerber, Audrey Jean, 022685 Wheeler, Rebecca Anne, 072685 White, Kimberly Marie, 072685 Whitley, Lisa Kay, 072685 Wiley, Bettie Carrington, 072685 Winchell, Ronald Stuart, 022685 Wynne, Gina Marie, 072685 Zadlo, Rosemarie Eleanor, 022685 Zweigart, Sandra Main, 072685 — -19PHARMACISTS LICENSED BY RECIPROCITY (Numbers following name indicates date registered.); Adams, John Clarence, 052185 from Georgia Anderson, Robert Harold, 071685 from Pennsylvania Barkus, Bruce Edward, 052185 from Vermont Bauman, Jay Henry, 052185 from New York Bear, Susan Diane, 081085 from Indiana Bevins, Brian Kent, 112084 from Ohio Blank, Mary Ellen, 011585 from Illinois Blount-Thompson, Faith Ann, 071685 from District of Columbia Bomar, Recie Bailey, 112084 from Virginia Bookwalter, Valerie Lea, 112084 from Ohio Borowski, Gene Nicholas, 071685 from Maryland Boucher, Gregory Alan, 052185 from Kansas Bouwsma, Claudia Register, 071685 from Georgia Brackeen, Rhonda Fay, 031985 from Texas Bucher, David Lee, 112084 from Virginia Cappellari, Linda Catherine, 071785 from Virginia Cartagena, Marcia Kennedy, 112084 from Virginia Coleman, James Melvin, 071685 from Virginia Collett, Lisa Jo, 071685 from Kentucky Dahler, Paul Walter, 071785 from New York Davis, Lawrence William, 052185 from New York Deiber, Victoria Mary, 071785 from New York Dewan, Rajiv Ratan, 071685 from Maryland Dorr, Mary Beth, 071685 from New Jersey Dowbekin, Barbara Jean, 052185 from New Jersey Easier, Nancy Lee, 011585 from South Carolina Eddy, James Richard, 071685 from Maryland Elliott, Ernest William, Jr., 091785 from Virginia Fennell, James Richard, 092685 from Kentucky Fleitas, Daniel William, 052185 from District of Columbia Foster, Thomas Lawrence, 071685 from Indiana Fuentes, Robert Joseph, 052185 from Connecticut Goff, Mary Catherine, 052185 from Georgia Gordon, Mark Allen, 031985 from South Carolina Gordon, William Vincent, Jr., 011585 from South Carolina Gott, Kevin Keith, 091785 from Ohio Graham, James Alexander, II, 091785 from West Virginia Greene, Richard Charles, 071685 from New Jersey Griffin, Dona Fran, 112084 from Tennessee Haberer, Lynda Joan, 071685 from New York Hannan, Cyril Martin, 071685 from New Jersey Harvin, Kimberly Ann, 062785 from South Carolina Hawks, Carolyn Marie, 112084 from Georgia Haywood, Karen Stanford, 031985 from Alabama Hill, Harris Rudolph, 091785 from Alabama Holroyd, Douglas George, Sr., 112084 from Ohio Ihenacho, Baldwin I.O., 052185 from Connecticut Jones, Robert Charles, 071685 from Indiana Joye, Linda Flinchura, 071685 from South Carolina Kelly, Dana Campbell, 052185 from South Carolina Keyser, David Thomas, 031985 from Georgia Kimble, Shelby Jean, 091785 from Tejc^s -20- King, James Elwood, Jr., 020285 from Tennessee King, Kathleen Bacon, 071685 from Kentucky Krinsky, Daniel Leon, 112084 from Ohio Kuhn, Ralph Sensenich, 112084 from Pennsylvania Lang, Paula Bowers, 091785 from Georgia Lawing, Virginia Cash, 091785 from South Carolina Lawrence, Harry Cooper, 031985 from Illinois Lee, Austin John, 120884 from Nevada Lener, Michelle Elaine, 112084 from Pennsylvania Leonard, William James, 052185 from Iowa Magnussen, Leora Angeline, 091785 from Ohio Mahoney, Colleen Ann, 112084 from Michigan Major, Jay Scott, 091785 from Georgia Marsh, Timothy Donald, 011585 from New Jersey McBee, John David, 091785 from Tennessee McBee, Martha Kay, 091785 from Tennessee McGuire, Helen Elizabeth, 112084 from Iowa McKusick, Andrew Page, 071685 from District of Columbia Meadows, John Gerald, Sr., 011585 from Georgia Meadows, Vernon Gerald, 011585 from West Virginia Mears, Kathy Lynne, 071685 from Missouri Minahan, John Joseph, Jr., 052185 from Virginia Mosteller, David Lynn, 091785 from Georgia Murphy, Charles Duncan, Jr., 011585 from Georgia Nelson, Herbert Hoffman, Jr., 052185 from Alabama Novak, Stephen Richard, 091785 from Michigan Oftring, Robert John, 112084 from New York Ogden, Robert Wayne, 091785 from Iowa Pappa, Corlis Klara Anna, 091785 from Ohio Parker, Cheryl Delores, 011585 from Connecticut Patel, Kantilal C , 091785 from Indiana Peng, Amy Win, 091785 from Indiana Retry, Thomas William, 031985 from Arizona Pickard, Thurmond Wayne, 091785 from Georgia Pittman, James Acye, 052185 from Mississippi Poff, Sherwinn Keith, 052185 from Georgia Polyne', Venita Guerin, 031985 from Louisiana Pothast, Jean Louise, 052185 from Iowa Powell, Margaret Else, 011585 from Arkansas Preiss, Alan Robert, 091785 from Georgia Rice, Ted Lee, 112084 from Nevada Roberts, Charles Logan, 031985 from Georgia Rogers, Howard Wilbon, Jr., 091785 from Georgia Rogers, William Ralph, 112084 from Georgia Schmidt, Charles Theodore, 072785 from Mississippi Scott, Andrew Blanton, 091785 from Georgia Seward, Paul Alexander, 091785 from Texas Seymour, James David, 052185 from South Carolina Sligar, John Gregory, 011585 from West Virginia Smith, Gregory Lynn, 091785 from New York Smith, Seth Cromwell, Jr., 031985 from South Carolina Smith, William Oscar, 112084 from Alabama Snyder, Regina Grace, 112084 from New York Sparacino, Thomas Joseph, Jr., 091785 from New York -21- Speaks, Alison Fessler, 091785 from Mississippi Spector, I. Michael, 112084 from Missouri Stafford, Kern Frank, 052185 from Pennsylvania Sweatman, Perry Doan, III, 091785 from South Carolina Swisher, John Allen, Jr., 112084 from Ohio Taylor, Henry Owens, 091785 from South Carolina Thomas, Leon Gilbert, Jr., 011585 from South Carolina Todd, Joan Shafer, 011585 from South Carolina Tormohlen, Patricia Ann, 081085 from Indiana Townson, Lydia Smith, 052185 from Alabama Tredway, Larry Martin, 112084 from South Carolina Twarkowski, Adam Stanley, 091785 from Michigan von Dohlen, Jill Jones, 052185 from West Virginia Watson, Samuel Francis, III, 011585 from South Carolina West, Mary Elizabeth, 071685 from New Jersey White, Kent Jay, 112084 from Missouri Williford, Stephen Lee, 071685 from South Carolina Wilson, Kevin Morris, 052185 from Texas Wingate, Marjorie , 112084 from New York Winslow, Robert Mark, 112084 from South Carolina Wurtz, Paul Andrew, 031985 from New York Young, Tammy Lei, 031985 from Ohio -22- PHARMACISTS A d a m s , Siu Yuk Arnold, Brodie Duke B a l l a n c e , George H a r v e y Barefoot, Lexie Glenn Beane, Michael Gerald B e l o n g e r , Allen James B e r d i n e , H i l d e g a r d e Josephine B l e a d i n g h e i s e r , James Edward B o y e r , Jack Monroe Bradshaw, Edward L u t h e r Brown, Teresa Truitt Buchanan, Ernest Clyde Butler, Josephine E l d r i d g e C a r s w e l l , Abel Paul C a u d l e , Lexie Virginia C h a n c e , Beverly Diane Chapman, Henry Clay D r a u g e l i s , William A n t h o n y E a s o n , David Ernie E p p s , David Roy E v a n s , Carl A n n e l , Jr. F i s h e r , Samuel Clark F o n t e n o t , Belvin Lynn F r o a t z , Vincent Earle Gardner, David Hughes Gilliam, Alvis B u r t o n , Jr. Gregory, Walker S h e l t o n Hardy, R u d o l p h W a r r e n Hatch, Keith Alexander H e n d r i x , Daryl B r i n t o n H e n r i k s e n , Harold Eugene H e r r i n g , Elbert Neal Hutchinson, William Franklin J o n e s , John D o u g l a s Kim, Doola Park Klein, Charles N i c h o l a s L a n i e r , LeRoy , J r . Lemon, Gardner Seaman Lydon, Edythe Louise Manley, Warren M a r c e l l o u s Mattocks, Lillian Duckek McCartt, Amy Lamb M c C a r t t , Robert Nance McGraw, William Doyle M i l l e r , John Raymond Milliken, Holmes Lowell PLACED ON INACTIVE LIST R e a v e s , Leonard E r a s t u s , Jr. R i c h a r d s o n , Odell K e l l i e R i n e r , Rhonda Jane R i n g e r , Pamela Beck Schmidt, Ernest Arnold Skinner, F r a n k LaForest Solomon, M e l v i n S o w e l l , Thomas W i l l i a m T a y l o r , Herbert Thomas T e a l , Edward Wesley T o r r e , E l e a n o r Talley Triplett, A n n Moraska T u r n e r , Charles Fleurnoy Ward, Bernard R u d o l p h W a r e , Oliver B. W a t e r s , Perry V i v i a n W e l l s , Van D e v e n d e r , Jr. Whiteley, Roland Scott W i l l i a m s , T h e o p h i l u s Darius W i n d e c k e r , George H e n r y -23- LIST OF REGISTERED PHARMACISTS September 30, 1985 The registration number immediately precedes the name of the pharmacist and the date of the registration immediately follows the location of the pharmacist. 007091. 006982. 006740. 008996. 007220. 008049. 004104. 006650. 003767. 006260. 007752. 007406. 004249. 007932. 006758. 006983. 003496. 008050. 006247. 008950. 007645. 006434. 007837. 007407. Abbott, Clarence Augustus Orangeburg, SC 012679 Abercrombie, George Byrd Brighton, MA 110378 Abernatby, Danner Sherwood Gaffney, SC 062477 Abernatby, Gill Bailey Columbia, SC 072685 Abrams, Robert Lee Forest City, NC 110179 Absher, Randall Kenneth Greensboro, NC 072682 Ackerman, Harvey Marlboro, NJ 070758 Acton, David Michael Miami, FL 041577 Adair, Hubert York Blacksburg, SC 102154 Adair, Shirley Smith Stockbridge, GA 041075 Adams, Adrian Wyatt White Lake, NC 072481 Adams, Carolyn Slockett Jacksonville, NC 072580 Adams, Charles Edwin Fuquay Varina, NC 091759 Adams, David Wayne Mars Hill, NC 030182 Adams, Donna Faye Gary, NC 091677 Adams, Ellen Rose Elizabethtown, NC 110378 Adams, James Walter Asheville, NC 102951 Adams, Jennifer Elaine Fuquay-Varina, NC 072682 Adams, Jerry Keith Marshall, NC 041075 Adams, John Clarence Cartersville, GA 052185 Adams, Joseph Rudolph Durham, NC 072181 Adams, Karen Earley Arden, NC 040576 Adams, Kathryn Payne Chapel Hill, NC 072481 Adams, Marijke Heerema Richmond, VA 072580 006486. 005214. 006171. 008625. 005500. 008006. 003930. 007933. 006172. 005370. 003357. 005229. 005237. 005994. 007646. 007586. 003590. 004041. 003835. 006536. 003181. 005795. 004675. 004786. Adams, Mary Parker Winston-Salem, NC 040576 Adams, Mary Silver Raleigh, NC 100368 Adams, Michael Winston Ahoskie, NC 091774 Adams, Oscar Gene Matthews, NC 032084 Adams, Robert Ervin Arden, NC 092270 Adams, Ronald Craig Charlotte, NC 051882 Adams, William Robert, Jr. Wilson, NC 070456 Adcock, James Randall Angler, NC 030182 Adcock, Ollie Thurston, Jr. Norfolk, VA 091774 Addison, James Harley, III Gastonia, NC 102469 Adelson, Irving Newport News, VA 062250 Adkins, Martha Hinton Danville, VA 101868 Adkins, Thomas William, Jr. Danville, VA 120568 Agee, Robert Hampton, Jr. Ridgeway, VA 091873 Agner, Douglas Frederick Cherryville, NC 072181 Agostinucci, William A. Berlin, CT 022781 Ahlin, Bjorn Sylva, NC 070352 Airheart, Jack Warren Concord, NC 070457 Akins, Frank Terrell, Jr. Signal Mtn, TN 042555 Albright, Eric Stephen Denver, NC 091576 Albright, George Bishop, Jr. Salisbury, NC 061947 Alexander, Alvin Phillip, Jr. Morehead City, NC 090572 Alexander, Clyde Benny Greenville, NC 030464 Alexander, Jack Lewis Highlands, NC 030365 -24- 005502. 008375. 004263. 004782. 006105. 007755. 006651. 008333. 006537. 002865. 007783. 007221. 008693. 007410. 007647. 008314. 006760. 005256. 006985. 008694. 006878. 003455. 006879. 007154. 006002. 006435. 004990. 006003. Alford, Suzanne Keith Morehead City, NC 092270 Allan, Elizabeth Lynn Lakewood, OH 080383 Allen, Billy Thomas New Bern, NC 022560 Allen, Daryl Chester Sarasota, FL 020265 Allen, David Kent Winterville, NC 040974 Allen, Donald Wade Virginia Beach, VA 072481 Allen, Earle Watts, Jr. Gastonia, NC 041577 Allen, John David Reidsville, NC 071983 Allen, John Lester, Jr. Pineville, NC 091576 Allen, John Watson Highlands, NC 112939 Allen, Karen Fisher Virginia Beach, VA 072481 Allen, Lucy Lawrence Overland Park, KS 110179 Allen, Mark Eric Durham, NC 073084 Allen, Michael Callais Kinston, NC 072580 Allen, Michael David Rocky Mount, NC 072181 Allen, Pamela Gastonia, NC 051083 Allen, Ralph Kimberly Dunn, NC 091677 Allen, Robert Jay Raleigh, NC 041069 Allen, Sarah Judiann Seneca, SC 110378 Allen, Susan Dawn Washington, NC 073084 Allen, Tennie Ashley Chapel Hill, NC 041478 Allen, William Franklin Cherryville, NC 062851 Allen, William Franklin, Jr. Cherryville, NC 041478 Alley, Maria Moss Kannapolis, NC 042779 Allison, Doyne Ray Boiling Springs, NC 091873 Allison, Jill Miller Boiling Springs, NC 040576 Allison, Thomas Madison Arden, NC 111566 Allred, Michael Lindsay Wilmington, NC 091873 008568. 005797. 003847. 008695. 007756. 007260. 007521. 003961. 007189. 004096. 007648. 003931. 003842. 008334. 003619. 004436. 006761. 008225. 003280. 005188. 005487. 008670. 004059. 006986. 007335. 008973. 005155. 006248. Almond, Kevin Lee Moyock, NC 022284 Almond, Steve Newell Sanford, NC 090572 Alphin, Barbara Gilliam Richmond, VA 070555 Alphin, Robert Stancil Chapel Hill, NC 073084 Alsager, Janet Elaine Asheville, NC 072481 Alsbrook, Constance Teresa Naples, FL 110179 Alston, Wilma Denise Winston-Salem, NC 102180 Altschul, Justin Arthur Greensboro, NC 071756 Altsman, Deborah Rath Charlotte, NC 071779 Ameen, John Ulysse Gastonia, NC 052658 Ammirato, Diane G. Charlotte, NC 072181 Ammons, Dallas Lee Salisbury, NC 070456 Ammons, Raymond Martin Red Springs, NC 070555 Anastasio, Geraldine Diane Charlotte, NC 071983 Anders, George Howard Albuquerque, NM 030353 Anderson, Arthur Alexander Asheville, NC 070361 Anderson, David Charles Castle Hayne, NC 091677 Anderson, Dexter Vance Hendersonville, NC 011883 Anderson, Ernest Ruffin, Jr. High Point, NC 063049 . Anderson, Eugene Gibson | Elizabethtown, NC 100368 Anderson, Frank Spencer, I II Emporia, VA 072170 Anderson, Herschell Emmett Daytona Beach, FL 071784 Anderson, James Wesley Virginia Beach, VA 022858^ Anderson, John Marshall Gastonia, NC 110378 Anderson, Robert Clifford Charlotte, NC 042480 Anderson, Robert Harold Lilburn, GA 071685 Anderson, Robert Jerril Greensboro, NC 041868 Anderson, Victor Frederick Panama City, FL 041075 I -25- 004676. Anderson, William Nelson Hickory, NC 030464 008246. Andrews, Jana Durham Thomasville, NC 022283 008247. Andrews, John Leslie, 111 High Point, NC 022283 003932. Andrews, John Warren Winston-Salem, NC 070456 007893. Anemone, James Charles Greensboro, NC 011982 006173. Ange, Dalton Ray Kinston, NC 091774 008052. Angel, Randall Brent Winston-Salem, NC 072682 006249. Angle, Ann Zehner Rensselaer, IN 041075 005890. Anselment, Edward Charles Charlotte, NC 022073 006436. Antosek, Margaret Catherine Salisbury, NC 040576 008456. Apple, Alison Laura Iowa City, lA 080383 008689. Apple, Nancy Speakman Statesville, NC 071784 006539. Apple, Susan Haithcock McLeansville, NC 091576 008053. Applewhite, Ritchie Murdock Kinston, NC 072682 007411. Archbell, Stephen Brinkley Kill Devil Hills, NC 072580 007054. Archer, Jane Powers Long Island, NC 110378 005896. Archer, Mildred Morton New London, NC 041273 004060. Arena, James Edward Durham, NC 022858 004402. Arena, LuRuth Sutton Durham, NC 030661 007952. Arey, Jane Jennelle Raleigh, NC 030182 004541. Arledge, Donald Lincoln Tryon, NC 082962 008448. Armantrout, Emily Matthis Raleigh, NC 030383 004824. Armao, Thomas Henry Stratford, CT 052865 005161. Armstrong, Marilyn Rant Highlands, NC 052468 005798. Arnold, Larry Lanier Franklinton, NC 090572 004190. Artemes, Ares Lambros Charlotte, NC 031959 008396. Ashley, Kimberly Clifton Garner, NC 080383 008644. Ashworth, Norman Willie, III Chase City, VA 052284 Ashworth, Paul Saunders Long Beach, CA 022283 003875. Ashworth, Ralph Hilliard Gary, NC 111955 007522. Atkins, Judy Gayle Mabe Biscoe, NC 102180 005504. Atwood, Cecil Forrest West Jefferson, NC 092270 004567. Auman, Lester Way, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 030563 004150. Austell, Ronald Lowery Shelby, NC 022759 006880. Austin, John Parker, Jr. Four Oaks, NC 041478 007336. Austin, Kathryn Kemp High Point, NC 042480 006437. Austin, Steven Preston Hickory, NC 040576 007564. Averitt, Karyn Walker North Little Rock, AR 111880 005257. Avery, Jan Wayne Wilson, NC 041069 008155. Avery, Susanne Sitterson Greenville, NC 072682 006438. Aycock, Danny Wayne Clinton, NC 040576 007448. Aycock, Debra Groshans Chapel Hill, NC 072580 006004. Aycock, Jacob Wesley, III Goldsboro, NC 091873 005065. Aycock, Susan Gretz Raleigh, NC 100767 007412. Ayer, Bruce Franklin Durham, NC 072580 005608. Ayers, David Alexander Lenoir, NC 032971 006587. Ayers, Elizabeth Livengood Winston-Salem, NC 091576 006175. Ayscue, Dwight Milton Jamesville, NC 091774 006164. Babcock, James Harold Greensboro, NC 071674 005009. Baber, Larry Gene Hendersonville, NC 040167 007757. Bacon, Jonathan Mark Salisbury, NC 072481 005609. Badger, James Michael Jefferson, NC 032971 005897. Badgett, John Dean Chapel Hill, NC 041273 008626. Badmaev, Franz Goldsboro, NC 032084 006634. Badr, Hashim Ahmad Hasan Asheville, NC 101976 004893. Bailey, Bert Christie Lake Worth, FL 033166 008248. -26- 004341. 004952. 007758. 006439. 008997. 006440. 003548. 003630. 007650. 004677. 005799. 004819. 005385. 007934. 007860. 008206. 003729. 008377. 006987. 008671. 007112. 004429. 007413. 003986. 007759. 006106. 003964. 008249. Bailey, Charles Dwight Richmond, VA 092060 Bailey, John William Summerfield, SC 100666 Bailey, Nancy Elizabeth Charlotte, NC 072481 Bailey, Ruth Elizabeth Lenexa, KS 040576 Bailey, Tammie Williams Louisburg, NC 072685 Bailey, Vinson David Sarasota, FL 040576 Bain, Jones Douglas, Jr. Cumberland, VA 070252 Bain, Marion McGougan Wilson, NC 030653 Bain, Raeford Whitley Wilmington, NC 072181 Baity, James Oliver Greensboro, NC 030464 Baker, James Allen Sarasota, FL 090572 Baker, James Ross Rock Hill, SC 031465 Baker, Julian Crawford Goldsboro, NC 012070 Baker, Margie S. Porter Winston-Salem, NC 030182 Baker, Rexx Allen Clintwood, VA 091581 Baker, Timothy Lee Salisbury, NC 111682 Balas, John Benedict Charlotte, NC 052054 Baldwin, Dorothy Ann Raleigh, NC 080383 Baldwin, James Harlie, Jr. Thomasville, NC 110378 Baldwin, Virginia Ruth Durham, NC 071784 Baldwin, William James St. Petersburg, FL 042779 Ball, Dorothy Reaves Marietta, GA 070361 Ball, Edwin Lyon, Jr. Durham, NC 072580 Ball, Harold Lee Marietta, GA 030157 Ball, Randy Gray Raleigh, NC 072481 Ballard, David Lloyd Booneville, NC 040974 Bane, Gordon Hampton Gastonia, NC 080156 Bankhead, Dorotliy Katherine Recton, VA 02:^283 006005. 005610. 005874. 005898. 006352. 005611. 008696. 004265. 003988. 004461. 006540. 003733. 007639. 007760. 008491. 004062. 004617. 007097. 004946. 005402. 008951. 005139. 008056. 008697. 008434. 005403. 005673. 008378. Banks, Brenda Jo Daniel Candler, NC 091873 Banner, Alan Grey Statesville, NC 032971 Banner, Stephen Scott, Jr. Greensboro, NC 091972 Banta, Catherine Marie Lee Fort Lauderdale, FL 041273 Barbare, Joyce Fulcher Bristol, TN 090975 Barbee, George Sprite, 111 Aberdeen, NC 032971 Barbee, Laurie Beth Statesville, NC 073084 Barber, Robert William Clayton, NC 022560 Barbour, Joseph Parker, Jr. Burlington, NC 030157 Barbour, Robert Layton Elon College, NC 030662 Barbrey, Bobbie Sutton Raleigh, NC 091576 Barbrey, Herman Sutton, Jr. Knightdale, NC 063054 Harden, James Floyd, 111 Roanoke Rapids, NC 062081 { Barfield, Paula Louise ! Weldon, NC 072481 i| Barger, Bruce S. J! Asheville, NC 092083 ;| Barger, Charles Glenn Lighthouse Point, FL 022858 Barker, Beverly Thompson j Durham, NC 070563 I Barker, David Lee Charlotte, NC 032079 ] Barker, DeWitt King, Jr. Mocksville, NC 091466 Barkley, Allan Pierson Rocky Mount, NC 040270 Barkus, Bruce Edward Matthews, NC 052185 Barlow, Ellon Seawell Fayetteville, NC 040468 Barnes, Betsy Ruth Durham, NC 072682 Barnes, Bryan Clenon Rocky Mount, NC 073084 Barnes, Catherine Kilian Wilson, NC 080383 Barnes, James Earl Greensboro, NC 040270 Barnes, Margaret Maddex Greenville, NC 062471 Barnes, Michael David Charlotte, NC 080383 -29- 005679. Best, Alfred Walter Bessemer City, NC 100171 005651. Bestler, Elaine Tribble Milwaukee, WI 032971 007761. Bethea, Allen Anthony Charlotte, NC 072481 007415. Bethune, Amanda Allen Wilson, NC 072580 006251. Bethune, Richard Arnold Linden, NC 041075 006237. Bettis, John William Greenville, NC 121474 008857. Bevins, Brian Kent Lancaster, OH 112084 003924. Bias, William Carol Wadesboro, NC 052956 006433. Bicket, William James Durham, NC 040976 005405. Bieber, Peter Steven Greensboro, NC 040270 006972. Biedny, Stanley Arthur Clemmons, NC 101778 005506. Biggerstaff, Charles Ross Wilmington, NC 092270 005680. Binnick, Warren Stewart Charlotte, NC 100171 005891. Birchfield, Susan Elaine Gary, NC 022073 007861. Birney, Betty Jane Sanford, NC 091581 007652. Bischoff, Elizabeth Kirby Wilson, NC 072181 007653. Bischoff, John Robert Wilson, NC 072181 007386. Bishop, Cynthia Thompson Charlotte, NC 042480 004267. Bishop, Robert Ellis Wilmington, NC 022560 003782. Bissett, Donald Hines Lumberton, NC 022855 003186. Bissette, Paul Branch, Jr. Wilson, NC 061947 003614. Bius, John Hubert Live Oak, FL 012053 007862. Bivens, Kathy Burnett Asheville, NC 091581 005456. Bizzell, Jerry Wayne Wallace, NC 042170 006656. Bizzell, William Robert Kinston, NC 041577 006766. Black, Earl Clifford, III North Tazewell, VA 091677 007113. Black, Joseph Lynn Monroe, NC 042779 007318. Black, Robert Elton Asheville, NC 031880 008025. 006333. 007762. 006442. 006334. 006730. 008061. 008570. 005047. 007131. 007654. 004929. 004943. 006007. 006335. 005507. 008702. 008007. 008571. 006336. 004512. 004020. 005900. 007863. 008882. 007084. 004996. 003648. Black, Roy Arnold Lexington, SC 072082 Blackburn, Daryl Madison Durham, NC 090975 Blackburn, Donna Marie High Point, NC 072481 Blackburn, Larry Hall Cherryville, NC 040576 Blackburn, Linda Bell Macon, NC 090975 Blackley, Richard Carlisle Greensboro, NC 062177 Blackman, Lorena Paige Durham, NC 072682 Blackmon, Chris Yvonne Raleigh, NC 022284 Blackney, Boyd Roselle Pineville, NC 062367 Blackwelder, Susan Eurey Hickory, NC 042779 Blackwell, Nancy Tirtmierman Raleigh, NC 072181 Blair, Victor Andrew 041966 Blake, Herman Elmore, Jr. Concord, NC 091466 Blake, Joseph Anthony, III Chapel Hill, NC 091873 Blake, Rory Powell Charlotte, NC 090975 Blalock, George Asbury, Jr. Rockingham, NC 092270 Blalock, Susan Davis Lucama, NC 073084 Blalock, Susan Jean Carrboro, NC 051882 Blalock, Van White Durham, NC 022284 Blanchard, Jeffrey Galen Greensboro, NC 090975 Blanchard, Norwood Pitt, Jr. Burgaw, NC 071062 Bland, Miriam Lenora Sanford, NC 070457 Bland, Theodore Douglas Wilmington, NC 041273 Blank, Larry Steven Greensboro, NC 091581 Blank, Mary Ellen Charlotte, NC 011585 Blankenship, Betty White Charlotte, NC 120178 Blankenship, Donald Cruse Pineville, NC 020167 Blanton, Charles Donald, Jr. Kings Mountain, NC 062953 -30- 004857. Blanton, Larry Clyde Greensboro, NC 092365 003830. Blanton, Rush Perry Marion, NC 031855 007763. Blaug, Suzanne Lawrenceville, NJ 072481 006008. Blaylock, Stephen Lanier Winston-Salem, NC 091873 005259. Bliss, Gerald Kenneth Matthews, NC 041069 005220. Bliss, Jean Winter ^ Matthews, NC 100368 008492. Blitz, Jack Edward Toledo, OH 092083 004954. Blount, James Gordon Edenton, NC 100666 008975. Blount-Thompson, Faith Anne Durham, NC 071685 002977. Blower, Anna Burks Akron, OH 111341 008895. Blumenfeld, Daniel Harris Charlotte, NC 022685 005801. Bobbitt, Bracey Myron Nebo, NC 090572 006547. Bode, Nora Collins Gary, NC 091576 005901. Bodie, James William, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 041273 008645. Boff, John Aloysius Horse Shoe, NC 052284 007640. Bogan, David Wesley Shreveport, LA 061681 008896. Boger, Janelle Jacqueline Chapel Hill, NC 022685 003118. Boger, Richard Albert New Bern, NC 032646 005192. Bolick, Harold Arthur Lenoir, NC 100368 004105. Bolton, James Cener, III Woodland, NC 070758 008858. Bomar, Recie Bailey Goldsboro, NC 112084 008209. Bomze, Ira Hersh Matthews, NC 111682 007655. Bond, Linda Diane Clinton, NC 072181 005753. Boney, Janet Gurganous Wilmington, NC 040772 008335. Bonistalli, Michele Correll Concord, NH 071983 005681. Bonney, Benjamin Ray, Jr. Elizabeth City, NC 100171 003784. Booker, Elsie Hudson Chapel Hill, NC 022855 008008. Booker, Lyle Stuart Gary, NC 051882 008859. 006791. 007223. 005013. 003042. 008250. 003014. 008493. 004513. 004228. 008976. 006657. 003649. 004152. 008383. 007864. 008572. 008953. 007078. 005251. 007935. 007656. 007224. 008122. 004371. 007657. 006110. 005802. Bookwalter, Valerie Lea Hickory, NC 112084 Boone, Frances Holmes Pensacola, FL 091677 Boone, Jane Barrow Raleigh, NC 110179 Boone, William Shelton Greensboro, NC 040167 Boone, William Thomas Ahoskie, NC 032944 Booth, Teresa Kaye Parkersburg, WV 022283 Borders, Michael Lawson, Jr North Myrtle Beach, SC 060. Borinsky, Manny Phillip Huntington, WV 092083 Bornmann, Stanley Davis Lakeland, FL 071062 Borodkin, Yung Oh Libertyville, IL 070259 Borowski, Gene Nicholas Gaithersburg, MD 071685 Boss-Isenhour, Sara Ellen Hickory, NC 041577 Bostian, Thomas Richard Kannapolis, NC 062953 Bostic, Russell Alton Beulaville, NC 022759 Bostic, William Eave, Jr. Wilmington, NC 080383 Bostick, Terri Eileen Raleigh, NC 091581 Botros, Samia Sami Chapel Hill, NC 022284 Boucher, Gregory Alan Amarillo, TX 052185 Boutwell, Gina Woodruff Nashville, NC 110378 Boutwell, Lansing Wayne Carthage, NY 032569 Bowden, Marshall Brower, Jr. Chapel Hill, NC 030182 Bowen, Carol Sheehan Wilson, NC 072181 Bowen, Christopher Lee Chapel Hill, NC 110179 Bowen, Katrina Leeuwenburg Raleigh, NC 072682 Bowen, Norman George Roxboro, NC 030661 Bowen, Robert Wayne Mooresville, NC 072181 Bower, Gregory Keith Charlotte, NC 040974 Bower, Richard Kent Greensboro, NC 090572 -31- Bowers, David Ray Statesville, NC 052175 008203. Bowers, Donnie Edward Statesville, NC 111682 007896. Bowers, Guery Alan Lumberton, NC 011982 003331. Bowers, Jimmie Claxton Lincolnton, NC 022450 004312. Bowers, John Robert Bethel, NC 070660 008704. Bowker, Patricia Ruth Wrightsville Beach, NC 073084 008705. Bowling, Randall Adams Durham, NC 073084 005682. Bowman, Clark Caious Gastonia, NC 100171 008706. Bowman, Gary Lynn Siler City, NC 073084 007115. Bowman, Pamela Sipe Maiden, NC 042779 008062. Boyd, Alan Fenner Durham, NC 072682 004313. Boyd, Allan Craig Kenly, NC 070660 004243. Boyd, John Herbert Mullins, SC 072759 007057. Boyd, Pamela Roberson Rocky Mount, NC 110378 004955. Boyd, Robert Wilson Mount Olive, NC 100666 002845. Boyd, Shelton Bickett Mount Olive, NC 061439 003450. Boyd, William Thomas Winston-Salem, NC 041851 008821. Boyer, John Gregory Chapel Hill, NC 091884 007525. Boyette, Alisa Renee Winston-Salem, NC 102180 005508. Boykin, Michael Anderson Rocky Mount, NC 092270 007930. Boyle, John Wallace, Jr. Kill Devil Hills, NC 011982 003362. Boyles, James Howard Atlanta, GA 070650 009091. Boyles, Sally Still Charlotte, NC 072685 004787. Boyles, Vestal Irving, Jr. Statesville, NC 030365 007416. Boynton, Robert Parker Kannapolis, NC 072580 004680. Bracey, Daniel Guilford Long Beach, CA 030464 008938. Brackeen, Rhonda Fay Greensboro, NC 031985 004351. Bracker, Dale Conrad Greensboro, NC 101860 006317. 005406. Bradburn, William Howard, Jr. Shelby, NC 040270 004776. Braddy, Clifton Eugene Winston-Salem, NC 103064 006445. Bradish, Sandra McClure Asheville, NC 040576 004681. Bradley, Julian Willis, III Raleigh, NC 030464 003735. Bradley, William Vernon, Jr. Kannapolis, NC 063054 004421. Bradshaw, Council Foy Tarboro, NC 070361 003843. Bradshaw, Edward Luther, Jr. Kinston, NC 070555 004466. Bradsher, Arthur Long, Jr. Roxboro, NC 030662 004016. Bradsher, Hugh Tate Old Fort, NC 052457 009001. Bradsher, Teresa Jean Charlotte, NC 072685 006337. Brady, Benjamin Wesley Fairmont, NC 090975 009002. Brady, David Craig Lumberton, NC 072685 005509. Brady, William Edward Greensboro, NC 092270 006641. Brady, William L., 111 Lumberton, NC 112476 002772. Brame, Phillip Augustus North Wilkesboro, NC 061737 005902. Brame, Richard Gwyn North Wilkesboro, NC 041273 002959. Brame, Robert Marvin, Jr. North Wilkesboro, NC 061841 004153. Branan, Cecil Levern Mocksville, NC 022759 006397. Branch, Carol Hardy Winterville, NC 090975 004535. Branch, Paul Elmer Boone, NC 071762 008180. Brandon, Ralph Leslie Wadesboro, NC 092182 006541. Brannon, James Bryson Rockingham, NC 091576 005903. Brantley, James Otis, Jr. West End, NC 041273 002534. Brantley, John Calvin, Jr. Raleigh, NC 061230 006934. Brantley, Kayren Shiver West End, NC 041478 003259. Brantley, William Cain Winston-Salem, NC 022349 005683. Branton, Charles James Asheville, NC 100171 007658. Brasfield, Janis Hammett Greensboro, NC 072181 -32- 007659. 007500. 004549. 009003. 009004. 003271. 004143. 003069. 008026. 004662. 005321. 008063. 003028. 006991. 003031. 008897. 006022. 006992. 006111. 005904. 003773. 006252. 006010. 008255. 008898. 007660. 006446. 006700. Brasfield, Kenneth Hubert, Jr. Greensboro, NC 072181 Brashears, Charles Luther Morganton, NC 081980 Braswell, James Walker Chesterfield, SC 091862 Braswell, Kimberly Gray Greenville, NC 072685 Bratton, William Timothy Ahoskie, NC 072685 Brauer, Evelyn Shugar Jersey City, NJ 022349 Brazell, Marion Banks Warner Robins, GA 012159 Brecht, Edward Armond, Jr. Chapel Hill, NC 062144 Bredel, Edward Alfred Crandon, WI 072082 Brennecke, Sid Hugh Gastonia, NC 120263 Brewer, Alice Bailey Irmo, SC 100269 Brewer, Brian Keith Ahoskie, NC 072682 Brewer, Marsha Hood Pink Hill, NC 112943 Brewer, Michael Edwin Winston-Salem, NC 110378 Brewer, Stroud Otis, Jr. Durham, NC 080343 Brewington, Belinda Faye Pembroke, NC 022685 Brickell, Myra Graver Raleigh, NC 091873 Bridger, Margaret Miller Raleigh, NC 110378 Bridgers, Jerry Allen Concord, NC 040974 Bridgers, Robert Dennis New Bern, NC 041273 Bridges, Albert Reid Rutherfordton, NC 110354 Bridges, George Hines Charlotte, NC 041075 Bridges, Suzanne Wilkie Pope AFB, NC 091873 Bridges, Winburn Scott Forest City, NC 022283 Bridickas, Lynda Blodwyn Wilson, NC 022685 Briggs, Rodney Gayle Fayetteville, NC 072181 Bright, Harry Andrew Portsmouth, VA 040576 Briley, Betsy Queen Collinsville, VA 041577 005656. Briner, William Harold Durham, NC 042171 006338. Brinkley, Charles Franklin Bethlehem, NC 090975 006011. Brinson, Amos Quinn, Jr. Kenansville, NC 091873 005905. Brinson, Benjamin Thomas Chocowinity, NC 041273 003488. Brisson, Edward Saint Pauls, NC 072051 005906. Brisson, James Lee Clarkton, NC 041273 003427. Brisson, Lloyd Clifford Fayetteville, NC 022751 004645. Bristol, Eugene Legraund Mount Airy, NC 071863 005907. Britt, Charles Arnold Reidsville, NC 041273 007417. Broadhurst, Betty Whitehead Wilson, NC 072580 ^ 008707. Broadnax, Sona Camille Raleigh, NC 073084 007526. Broadway, Joseph T. Arden, NC 102180 007383. Brodd, Virginia Stancil High Point, NC 042480 005122. Brogden, Diane Baxter Lincolnton, NC 040468 005193. Brogden, Harry Lee Lincolnton, NC 100368 006658. Brookins, George William Lincolnton, NC 041577 003553. Brooks, Baylus Cade O'Brien, FL 070252 003785. Brooks, Frank Gibbons, Jr. Siler City, NC 022855 004833. Brooks, George Jackson, Jr. Siler City, NC 070265 008010. Brooks, Gerald Blandon Goldsboro, NC 051882 005100. Brooks, Howard Dearl Pembroke, NC 100967 004899. Brooks, Jerry Stroud Charlotte, NC 033166 005407. Brooks, William Jennings, Shelby, NC 040270 003363. Brookshire, James Edwin Alton, VA 070650 006768. Brookshire, Larry Richard Asheville, NC 091677 003015. Brookshire, Lorain Balfour Asheville, NC 060443 008210. Broom, Mahlon LeRoy Asheboro, NC 111682 003428. Brothers, Arthur Etheridge Elizabeth City, NC 022751 -33- 005408. Brothers, Pamela McDaniel Raleigh, NC 040270 008384. Brower, Patty Lee Greensboro, NC 080383 006694. Brower, Rena Murrell Marietta, GA 041577 006884. Brown, Ajiiy Stuart Colerain, NC 041478 008708. Brown, Camellia Deane Gulf Breeze, FL 073084 005260. Brown, Donald Floyd Gastonia, NC 041069 003554. Brown, Earl Triplett Concord, NC 070252 005684. Brown, Edward Carter Cantonjnent, FL 100171 003190. Brown, Ellen Macon Greensboro, NC 061947 005014. Brown, Eugene Glenn, Jr. Dublin, NC 040167 004106. Brown, Henry Patterson High Point, NC 070758 005613. Brown, Henry Shelton, Jr. Richmond, VA 032971 006176. Brown, Henry Stephen Yadkinville, NC 091774 008064. Brown, Hunter Creech Rocky Mount, NC 072682 007225. Brown, James Thomas Rocky Mount, NC 110179 007764. Brown, Janet Thomas Raleigh, NC 072481 007661. Brown, Jean Kallianos Clyde, NC 072181 003157. Brown, John Herndon China Grove, NC 102146 005803. Brown, John Olan Raleigh, NC 090572 005804. Brown, Larry Thomas Greensboro, NC 090572 008295. Brown, Lory Lyn New Berlin, NY 031583 003019. Brown, Mary Lucille Pompano Beach, FL 060443 005908. Brown, Merrill Tucker Greenville, NC 041273 006885. Brown, Michael Lynn Auburn, AL 041478 003982. Brown, Myron Lewis Fletcher, NC 021457 006012. Brown, Priscilla Cuthbertson Winston-Salem, NC 091873 008011. Brown, Robert Herndon Inman, SC 051882 004682. Brown, Robert Michael Rocky Mount, NC 030464 Brown, Roger Norman Bloomfield Hill, MI 050463 007338. Brown, Sally Boyce Taylors, SC 042480 003226. Brown, William Colfax Greensboro, NC 061848 008553. Brown, William Eugene Cheraw, SC 011784 005909. Brown, William Henry Greenville, NC 041273 006058. Browning, Barden Robbins Charlotte, NC 091873 005685. Browning, George William Charlotte, NC 100171 004268. Browning, Joseph Fletcher, Jr. Greensboro, NC 022560 004467. Browning, Sarah Upchurch Richardson, TX 030662 003643. Bruce, Ezra Wesley Charlotte, NC 051953 008066. Bruestle, Terri Lynn Hickory, NC 072682 008822. Brugnoli, Mary Angela Charlotte, NC 091884 007984. Bruister, Carroll Lafayette, III DeWitt, AR 031682 004063. Brummitt, Russell Elliott Chapel Hill, NC 022858 007662. Bruno, Albert Clemmons, NC 072181 005071. Bryan, Harrel Dean Tarboro, NC 100767 003498. Bryant, Alvin Durham, NC 102951 005511 . Bryant, James Bedford Washington, NC 092270 006417. Bryant, Jimmy Wayne Denver, NC 012076 008709. Bryant, Karen Anita Winston-Salem, NC 073084 008005. Bryant, Martha Ann Morristown, TN 031682 007663. Bryant, Therman Harold Wilkesboro, NC 072181 008317. Bryson, Clyde Dean Thomasville, NC 051083 006339. Bryson, Edward Lawrence, Jr. Pisgah Forest, NC 090975 009005. Bryson, Judy Cameron Durham, NC 072685 004380. Bryson, Nancy Faison Indianapolis, IN 030661 004372. Bryson, Vaughn Douglas Indianapolis, IN 030661 004506. Bubin, Benjamin John Clearwater, FL 070462 004610. -34- 005238. 008710. 003445. 004570. 005072. 008860. 008573. 004051. 006448. 006993. 005580. 004154. 008385. 007199. 002779. 007754. 004269. 004155. 008386. 005686. 006994. 005123. 004064. 006096. 005563. 002651. 007227. 003968. Bucci, Frank Anthony Jacksonville, NC 010669 Buchanan, Charles Henry, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 073084 Buchanan, Christine Tunstall Apex, NC 022751 Buchanan, George Ronald Greeensboro, NC 030563 Buchanan, John Russell Nashville, NC 100767 Bucher, David Lee Asheboro, NC 112084 Buckley, Stephen Gerard Durham, NC 022284 Buckner, Wilfred Billy Statesville, NC 120657 Buff, Norris Franklin Newton, NC 040576 Buford, Mickey Lewis Matthews, NC 110378 Buice, Robert Graham Memphis, TN 102070 Buie, Wayne Melvin Winston-Salem, NC 022759 Bulla, Donald King Asheboro, NC 080383 Bullard, Julius David, III Columbia, SC 082179 Bullard, Rupert Edison Fayetteville, NC 061737 Bullard, Tina Alexander Lumberton, NC 072481 Bullock, Benjamin Walter Durham, NC 022560 Bullock, John Chester, Jr. Wilmington, NC 022759 Bullock, Kim Lanette Roxboro, NC 080383 Bullock, Larry Douglas Raleigh, NC 100171 Bullock, Robert Steven Roanoke, VA 110378 Bumgardner, Martha Catoe Charlotte, NC 040468 Bumgardner, Shirley Weaver Suffolk, VA 022858 Bumgarner, Patricia Owens McGrady, NC 010974 Bumgarner, Susan Stafford Winston-Salem, NC 092270 Bunch, Luther Elmo Wilmington, NC 061533 Bunch, Michael Eugene Greenville, NC 110179 Bundy, John Albert High Point, NC 091856 002745. Bunn, Richard Speight Elizabeth City, NC 111836 004054. Burch, Eidson Uriah Andrews, NC 012858 005995. Burch, Patricia Ann Sacramento, CA 091873 004559. Burch, Virgil Galbrith Fairview, NC 113062 005512. Burch, William Henry Durham, NC 092270 008336. Burdine, Dewey Aldon, Jr. Spartanburg, SC 071983 008574. Burgess, Cynthia Peters Greenwood, SC 022284 007840. Burgess, Jennifer Price Camden, NC 072481 008337. Burgess, Larry Maurice Missouri City, TX 071983 003898. Burgiss, Thomas Reeves Laurel Springs, NC 030356 007119. Burke, Andrea Carver Fayetteville, NC 042779 006449. Burke, Barbara Ann Reston, VA 040576 007418. Burke, Cecil Raymond, III LaGrange, NC 072580 006995. Burke, James Thomas Sun City, AZ 110378 008785. Burke, Linda Riggs Raleigh, NC 073084 008316. Burkett, Charles Warren Matthews, NC 051083 004840. Burks, Anne Kelly Fayetteville, NC 070265 006849. Burks, Leighton Carter Chapel Hill, NC 092377 006543. Burleson, Ken Austin Taylorsville, NC 091576 005409. Burleson, Kenneth Wayne Hickory, NC 040270 003016. Burnett, John Paul, Jr. Rocky Mount, NC 060443 006886. Burney, Claude Franklin Raleigh, NC 041478 004443. Burney, Herman Matthews Winston-Salem, NC 110261 007348. Burney, Lisa Gilreath Gary, NC 042480 007419. Burney, Robert Lewis Gary, NC 072580 004956. Burnham, Laura Gaither Winston-Salem, NC 100666 008181. Burns, Betty Napoleon, OH 092182 006544. Burns, William Otway Wilmington, NC 091576 -35- 003555. Burris, Loy Ray, Jr. Valdese, NC 070252 00A683. Burroughs, Malcolm Winston Southern Pines, NC 030464 008067. Burroughs, Terrence VanLoren Williamston, NC 072682 003228. Burrus, Brainard Monroe Canton, NC 061848 008711. Burrus, Jan Lovelace Canton, NC 073084 008387. Burrus, Samuel Brainard, II Canton, NC 080383 007229. Burrus, Stephen Anthony Canton, NC 110179 007936. Burrus, Thomas Vernon Shelby, NC 030182 003984. Burson, James Dixon Reidsville, NC 021557 005513. Burton, Joseph Franklin, Jr. Greensboro, NC 092270 003526. Busbee, John Arthur Claremont, NC 121751 005410. Busbee, John Robert Claremont, NC 040270 007230. Busby, Charles Boyd Ellenboro, NC 110179 007226. Busby, Laura Brown Ellenboro, NC 110179 008712. Bush, Sara Elizabeth Gary, NC 073084 003520. Bush, William Edwards Kalamozoo, MI 102951 005875. Buth, Jonathan Arthur Redlands, CA 091972 005514. Butler, Clifford Roosevelt Chapel Hill, NC 092270 007865. Butler, Gloria Agosto Raleigh, NC 091581 004204. Butler, James Gene Shelby, NC 070259 005261. Butler, Linda Lynch Chapel Hill, NC 041069 004107. Butler, Robert Dean Tryon, NC 070758 008388. Butts, Daniel Thomas Arden, NC 080383 007937. Byers, Charles Hope Ennice, NC 030182 002450. Bynum, Carney Washington New Bern, NC 061428 006996. Bynum, Charles Terry Greensboro, NC 110378 006253. Bynum, Terry Dennis Hickory, NC 041075 008575. Byrd, Lisa McCrillis Durham, NC 022284 005806. 005411. 008390. 004877. 006545. 008823. 005073. 007420. 005788. 009006. 006254. 005383. 005297. 004363. 009007. 004514. 006177. 008672. 006341. 004142. 004409. 007108. 003876. 008068. 008391. 009008. 007116. 008012. Byrd, Luther Stevens, Jr. Richmond, VA 090572 Byrd, Robert Earl Virginia Beach, VA 042070 Byrum, Mark Pope Wilson, NC 080383 Cabaniss, Jack Delbert Spartanburg, SC 101965 Cable, Pamela Denese Denver, NC 091576 Caezza, James John Gastonia, NC 091884 Cagle, Stephen Wayne Chula Vista, CA 100767 Cahill, Kathleen Irene Winston-Salem, NC 072580 Cahill, Thomas Howard Bowling Green, KY 071872 Cahoon, Melanie Spencer Gary, NC 072685 Cain, Eric Howard Albemarle, NC 041075 Caiola, Judith Siracusa Chapel Hill, NC 120269 Caiola, Stephen Michael Chapel Hill, NC 050669 Caisse, George Wolfred Hendersonville, NC 011761 Calcutt, James Lee Pinehurst, NC 072685 Caldwell, Hugh Cannon, Jr. Mooresville, NC 071062 Caldwell, John Wilson, III Taylorsville, NC 091774 Calhoun, Henry Eden, Jr. Greensboro, NC 071784 Calhoun, John Steven Hope Mills, NC 090975 Calhoun, Katherine Dunning Waynesville, NC 012159 Calhoun, Rudgely Millwee High Point, NC 031361 Callahan, Richard O'Bryan Talking Rock, GA 033079 Callicutt, Richard Douglas High Point, NC 111955 Calverley, Carolyn Sue Raleigh, NC 072682 Calverley, Loretta Kay Gary, NC 080383 Cameron, Anthony Bryant Fayetteville, NC 072685 Cameron, Donald Gunter Monroe, NC 042779 Cameron, James Clark Sparta, NJ 051882 -36- 003989. Cameron, Marcus Sanford, NC 030157 006342. Cameron, Marcus Frederick Winston-Salem, NC 090975 005015. Cameron, William Stewart Sanford, NC 040167 003651. Campbell, Charles Clifford Maiden, NC 062953 002962. Campbell, Edward Graham, Jr. Rocky Mount, NC 061841 003260. Campbell, Lena Silver Wethersfield, CT 022349 " 003652. Campbell, Rowe Bogle, Jr. Taylorsville, NC 062953 006944. Canaday, Bruce Robert Wilmington, NC 041278 003051. Canaday, Merwin Sharpe Four Oaks, NC 062944 003125. Canipe, John Clifton, Jr. Nashville, TN 032746 006727. Cannady, Archie Ted Virginia Beach, VA 052777 006450. Cannon, John Lee Gastonia, NC 040576 009035. Cannon, Karen Greene Lenoir, NC 072685 006178. Cannon, William Bruce Valdese, NC 091774 007291. Cantrell, Robin White Taylorsville, NC 110179 004684. Capes, Kenneth Darrell Haw River, NC 030464 008211. Caplan, Isaac Leo, Jr. Chamblee, GA 111682 009110. Cappellari, Linda Catherine Winston-Salem, NC 091785 005910. Capps, Carl Anderson, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 041273 005515. Capps, Earl Uel Ahoskie, NC 092270 006015. Cardin, Richard Franklin Rocky Mount, NC 091873 007576. Caricofe, Ralph Boyer Gary, NC 012081 005371. Carlone, Matthew F. Livingston, NJ 102769 006660. Carlton, William Bruce, Jr. Clinton, NC 041577 006769. Carmichael, Donald Ray Sarasota, FL 091677 005615. Carpenter, Barry Lee Troy, NC 032971 004571. Carpenter, Charles Berman Maiden, NC 030563 007313. Carpenter, Ernest Scott Lincolnton, NC 011580 006113. Carpenter, James David Apex, NC 040974 007765. Carpenter, Larry Charles Morganton, NC 072481 009009. Carpenter, Laura Lee Greenville, NC 072685 008338. Carpenter, Paul Emeron, Jr. Chapel Hill, NC 071983 004957. Carr, Robert Lee Rose Hill, NC 100666 008028. Carr, Walter Anthony Wilmington, NC 072082 004065. Carraway, Ernest Leroy, Jr. Windsor, NC 022858 004156. Carraway, Loretta Johnson Windsor, NC 022759 ( 007766. Carrelli, Michael Antonio Asheville, NC 072481 007118. Carrier, James Arthur Raleigh, NC 042779 004061. Carriker, Loretta Barefoot Murrells Inlet, SC 022858 008069. Carringer, Laura Banner Charlotte, NC 072682 007208. Carroll, Alan Lewis Raleigh, NC 101679 006016. Carroll, Ervin McKay, Jr. Smithfield, NC 091873 003641. Carroll, George Leon Wilmington, NC 051953 005911. Carroll, James Murray Lumberton, NC 041273 007209. Carroll, Julia Franco Raleigh, NC 101679 008070. Carroll, Mary Puckett Hamlet, NC 072682 006661. Carroll, Norman Vernon Athens, GA 041577 006998. Carroll, Stephen Russell Willow Springs, NC 110378 003499. Carson, Barbara Bess Greenville, SC 102951 005182. Carson, Beverley Frost Franklin, VA 092368 004738. Carson, Coy Wallace Greenville, SC 062364 003017. Carswell, John Hampton Chapel Hill, NC 060443 005687. Carswell, Stephen Ray Kernersville, NC 100171 008227. Carta, Robert Francis Charlotte, NC 011883 008861. Cartagena, Marcia Kennedy Hillsborough, NC 112084 004834. Carter, Charles Wesley Greenville, NC 070265 -37- 007527. 004108. 005326. 004205. 003556. 007664. 006179. 003457. 003084. 005807. 008531. 006451. 008646. 007665. 007000. 006573. 003871. 006114. 008647. 005516. 008395. 007949. 007866. 006863. 002900. 003365. 007120. 006255. Carter, David Woodrow Asheboro, NC 102180 Carter, Donald Kermit Raleigh, NC 070758 Carter, John Kenneth Fayetteville, NC 100269 Carter, Lee Chandler Four Oaks, NC 070259 Carter, Leo Harrison Asheboro, NC 070252 Carter, Martha Janet Asheville, NC 072181 Carter, Nancy Barham Asheboro, NC 091774 Carter, Ralph Edward, Jr. Wilmington, NC 062851 Caruthers, Morrison Rankin Burlington, NC 011745 Carver, James Edward Roxboro, NC 090572 Carver, Theresa Dawn Chapel Hill, NC 101883 Carver, Wheeler Louis, Jr. Roxboro, NC 040576 Casacchia, Joseph Greensboro, NC 052284 Cascio, Marian Lawrence Carrboro, NC 072181 Casey, Beth Simmons Gainesville, FL 110378 Casey, Johnnie Hicks Goldsboro, NC 091576 Cash, James Ezell St Pauls, NC 102555 Cash, Roger Wiley Gastonia, NC 040974 Cash, Terrence Lynn Advance, NC 052284 Casper, Richard Yoder Savannah, GA 092270 Cassil, Donna Faye Clark North Highland, CA 080383 Gates, Pamela Hayes Matthews, NC 030182 Cato, Charles David Durham, NC 091581 Catoe, Robert Franklyn Lancaster, SC 113077 Caudill, Altajane Holden Elizabethton, TN 061940 Caudill, Jane Bradford Fuquay-Varina, NC 070650 Caudill, Jo-Ann Lang Venice, CA 042779 Causey, Carol Ann Shea Libertyville, IL 041075 007666. 003283. 004206. 008072. 005688. 004573. 006017. 005222. 004618. 005377. 003429. 004066. 007588. 005194. 008554. 008228. 007938. 006018. 004110. 005689. 008392. 008163. 008853. 005984. 008394. 004021. 008494. 004022. Causey, Jeannie Camille Statesville, NC 072181 Cavanaugh, Samuel MacDonald Whiteville, NC 063049 Caviness, Edith Ann Lillington, NC 070259 Caviness, James Keith Chapel Hill, NC 072682 Cawthorne, George Kennedy Charlotte, NC 100171 Cekada, Emil Lewis Anchorage, AK 030563 Chae, Kyoung Ja Durham, NC 091873 Chambers, Melvin Arthur Chapel Hill, NC 100868 Chamblee, Frederick Clifton Carrboro, NC 070563 Chancellor, Herbert Paul Cullowhee, NC 111969 Chandler, Joseph Washington Eden, NC 022751 Chandler, Peggy Black Kannapolis, NC 022858 Chandler, Ronnie Lee Roxboro, NC 022781 Chandler, Wayne Gilbert North Augusta, SC 100368 Chaney, Rebecca Faye Houston, TX 011784 Chapel, Orrel Andrew Advance, NC 011883 Chapman, Billie Spruill Fletcher, NC 030182 Chapman, Charles William Kannapolis, NC 091873 Chapman, Donald Kenneth Laurinburg, NC 070758 Chapman, Lillian Pritchard Gibsonia, PA 100171 Chapman, Lisa Ann Wrightsville Beach, NC 080383 Chapman, Lynne Wagoner Greenville, NC 072682 Chapman, Sheila Gayl Stanley, NC 110184 Chapman, William Boberick Hendersonville, NC 061973 Charifson, Paul Scott Chapel Hill, NC 080383 Charles, Fred Richard Matthews, NC 070457 Charney, Allen Marshall Charlotte, NC 092083 Charney, Gerald B. Denville, NJ 070457 -38- 008339. 008340. 007148. 007048. 007580. 007867. 007868. 007768. 004934. 004023. 008648. 005394. 004894. 007002. 006525. 007003. 008073. 008229. 007667. 004270. 007004. 004271. 008074. 002683. 007408. 006343. 008714. 004301. Chase, James Eugene Greensboro, NC 071983 Chase, Patricia Anne Greensboro, NC 071983 Chatfield, Carol Maple Houston, TX 042779 Cheek, Gayle Merritt Louisburg, NC 110378 Cheek, LeGretta Ford Charlotte, NC 021781 Cheek, Nancy Wheat Hickory, NC 091581 Cheek, William Brown Hickory, NC 091581 Chenault, Carlisle Raleigh, NC 072481 Cherry, Florence Culpepper Statesville, NC 053166 Cherson, Arnold Greensboro, NC 070457 Chesarek, John Joseph Gastonia, NC 052284 Cheskis, Robert Myron Gary, NC 022770 Chester, Linda Templeton Lenoir, NC 033166 Childress, Kemp Jan, II Macon, GA 110378 Chilton, Henry Morris Lewisville, NC 072376 Chin, Rose Kong-Nie Charlotte, NC 110378 Chitty, Catherine Jane New Bern, NC 072682 Choiniere, Angela Brotherton Charlotte, NC 011883 Chow, Zarina Wai-Ping Jamestown, NC 072181 Christensen, Carl Viggo Charlotte, NC 022560 Christiansen, Marc J. Pinehurst, NC 110378 Chronister, David Lee Lincolnton, NC 022560 Chu, Paul Rural Hall, NC 072682 Clapp, Ernest Bernard Newton, NC 112134 Clark, Beverly Adkins Wilmington, NC 072580 Clark, Catherine Carter Asheboro, NC 090975 Clark, Deborah Lynn Greenville, NC 073084 Clark, Deri Clifton Boonville, NC 033060 006893. 002978. 007422. 004373. 005740. 007668. 008296. 007005. 007769. 007329. 007423. 007669. 003786. 004157. 004315. 006581. 003229. 007339. 003557. 007770. 008075. 003921. 008256. 008076. 006229. 008715. 003670. 005990. Clark, Dessie Elliot Rocky Mount, NC 041478 Clark, George Edward Warsaw, NC 111341 Clark, Howard Russell Wilmington, NC 072580 Clark, Hugh Mercer Goldsboro, NC 030661 Clark, James Michael Blue Ridge, VA 040772 Clark, John Vincent Bunnlevel, NC 072181 Clark, Matilda Anne Belhaven, NC 031583 Clark, Ned Long, Jr. Rocky Mount, NC 110378 Clark, Renae Eckard Hickory, NC 072481 Clark, Ronald Havis Kerrville, TX 041580 Clark, Sarah Key Raleigh, NC 072580 Clarke, William Sims, Jr. Anderson, SC 072181 Clarkin, John Robert, Jr. Hamlet, NC 022855 Clay, Albert Sidney Fuquay-Varina, NC 022759 Clay, James Baker Oxford, NC 070660 Clay, Rebecca Bost Concord, NC 091576 Claytor, David Dortch Greensboro, NC 061848 Claytor, Susan Thomas Winston-Salem, NC 042480 Clelland, Alec W., Jr. Fayetteville, NC 070252 Clelland, Alec William, III Fayetteville, NC 072481 Clelland, Susan Lazelle Fayetteville, NC 072682 Clelland, Susan Ozeda Fayetteville, NC 041756 Cleveland, Tracy Lynn Montgomery, AL 022283 Clevenger, Robert Brent, 111 Greenville, NC 072682 Clifton, Cooper Cleland, Jr. Highlands, NC 102674 Clifton, Shirley Anne Raleigh, NC 073084 Clinard, Betty Sparks Charlotte, NC 062953 Clinard, Claudia Polk Gastonia, NC 071773 -39- Clinard, Paul Michael Gastonia, NG 041674 Clinard, William JoDan Troy, MI 090975 Cline, Amy Jean Shelby, NC 073084 Cline, Ernie Lee Cherokee Village, AR 040270 Cline, Frances Goodrich Greensboro, NC 040772 Cline, Judy Wroten Beeville, TX 101979 Cline, Larry Alan Greensboro, NC 040772 Cline, Melvin Gaston, Jr. Morganton, NC 112079 Cline, Ralph Dalton, Jr. Gastonia, NC 072682 Clodfelter, Sarah Ann Wilmington, NC 073084 Clodfelter, Walter Allen, Jr. Chapel Hill, NC 062851 Cloer, Larry Ross Franklin, NC 040974 Cloninger, Cynthia Carol Philadelphia, PA 022283 Cloninger, Gary Von Gastonia, NC 030365 Close, Walter Allison Carrboro, NC 072481 Clow, James Willis Smithfield, NC 032663 Glower, Daniel Bowie Franklin, NC 041075 Coats, Leonard Edward Raleigh, NC 033166 Cobb, Gloria Murray Fletcher, NC 072481 Cobb, Jacque Ferguson New Bern, NC 072181 Cobb, Jerrel Wood, Jr. Gary, NC 072682 Cobb, Russell Victor, III Boonville, NC 101673 Cobb, Stephen Wayne Fletcher, NC 022283 Cobb, William Ransford Greensboro, NC 032161 Coberly, Ronald William North Bend, OR 100368 Coble, George Samuel Stanley, NC 093052 Cocchetto, David Michael Durham, NC 072181 Cochran, Harlen Lynn Concord, NC 110378 003620. 007772. 005263. 003500. 009010. 003558. 003787. 003653. 009011. 008341. 007098. 008576. 005913. 006945. 004040. 007529. 006638. 008978. 003990. 007340. 004462. 004024. 002886. 008979. 006538. 003091. 004685. 006453. Cocolas, George Harry Chapel Hill, NC 030353 Cocolas, Harry George New Brunswick, NJ 072481 Cody, William Dwight Charlotte, NC 041069 Coffee, Hubert Morris Thomasville, NC 102951 Coffey, Terry Lee Sarasota, FL 072685 Cogdell, Henry Paul Fayetteville, NC 070252 Cohen, Robert Israel Morehead City, NC 022855 Cole, Alfred Franklin, Jr. Roxboro, NC 062953 Cole, Angelina Luise Clinton, NC 072685 Cole, Cris Joel Weaverville, NC 071983 Cole, James Wiley Asheboro, NC 032079 Cole, Larry Dale Horse Shoe, NC 022284 Cole, Linda Smith Hudson, NC 041273 Cole, Mary Jane Monterey, CA 050278 Coleman, Clarence Coolidge Raleigh, NC 070457 Coleman, Dana Eric Durham, NC 102180 Coleman, Esther Ruth Durham, NC 111576 Coleman, James Melvin Raleigh, NC 071685 Coleman, Robert Astor Elon College, NC 030157 Coleson, Jeffery Perry Westfield, NC 042480 Coley, Barbara Bell Rocky Mount, NC 030662 Coley, Walter Newton Raeford, NC 070457 Colina, Gilbert Dalmau Charlotte, NC 062040 Collett, Lisa Jo Kinston, NC 071685 Collette, Annette Aman Hickory, NC 091576 Collette, Roy Wilson Mocksville, NC 041045 Collias, Nick Charlotte, NC 030464 Collie, Walter Bernard High Point, NC 040576 -40- 003366. 003284. 003288. 008029. 005518. 009012. 007123. 007184. 007773. 004896. 008899. 006116. 006019. 006117. 009013. 008534. 007424. 007444. 004958. 008486. 004686. 005140. 006771. 004101. 004575. 004309. 007040. 003788. Collier, Wesley Thomas Greenville, SC 070650 Collins, Benjamin Franklin, Jr. Greensboro, NC 063049 Collins, Doris Gilliam Greensboro, NC 063049 Collins, James B. Bastrop, LA 072082 Collins, Leslie Gordon, Jr. Wilmington, NC 092270 Collins, Lisa Ann ^ High Point, NC 072685 Collins, Vernon David Pendleton, NC 042779 Collora, Nicholas Andrew Elon College, NC 061979 Collums, Elizabeth Fulbright Wilson, NC 072481 Coin, William Gerald Flemington, NJ 033166 Colonel, Thomas Martin Burlington, NC 022685 Coltrane, Rebecca Buchanan Trinity, NC 040974 Coltrane, Warren Val Trinity, NC 091873 Combs, Henry Bryant, Jr. Goldsboro, NC 040974 Comer, Judy Lynn Salisbury, NC 072685 Conerly, Emily Betz Wake Forest, NC 111583 Conley, Sharon Jean Caroleen, NC 072580 Connell, Nancy Fridy Durham, NC 072580 Connelly, Fred Allen Black Mountain, NC 100666 Conti, Marissa Dawn Raleigh, NC 080383 Cook, Briggs Edward Greensboro, NC 030464 Cooke, Jacquelyn Smith Bethesda, MD 040468 Cooke, Joe Yates, Jr. Charlotte, NC 091677 Cooke, Lucius Mooresville, NC 061858 Cooke, Mary Starling Greensboro, NC 030563 Cooke, Raymond Rudolph Mooresville, NC 062260 Cooke, Robin Lane Charlotte, NC 110378 Cooper, Benjamin Franklin, Jr. Auburn, AL 022855 004468. 005912. 004605. 006257. 004283. 006118. 004897. 004272. 008079. 004422. 008080. 004137. 008495. 007425. 007965. 008342. 002777. 005617. 007099. 002669. 006020. 004959. 005882. 007342. 009014. 005378. 007231 . 008718. Cooper, Gary Stanley Lexington, NC 030662 Cooper, Lewis Nelson, Jr. Southern Pines, NC 041273 Cooper, Richard Daniel West Columbia, SC 030863 Coor, Lawrence Banks Goldsboro, NC 041075 Copeland, Joanne Bullard Fayetteville, NC 022560 Copening, Helen Costella Lenoir, NC 040974 Coppage, Richard Lee Athens, GA 033166 ; Coppedge, Raymond Franklin, v Asheville, NC 022560 Coppedge, William Walter Asheville, NC 072682 Copses, James Peter Charlotte, NC 070361 Corbett, Jean Hesse Roanoke Rapids, NC 072682 Corbitt, Homer Verlon Atlanta, GA 102158 Corder, Elizabeth Hedlund Durham, NC 092083 Corey, Phyllis Elaine Raleigh, NC 072580 Cornelius, Kathy Morrison Pineville, NC 030182 Cornell, Katharine Ogden Charlotte, NC 071983 Cornwell, Amos Halsted Lincolnton, NC 061737 Cornwell, Gary Dean Lincolnton, NC 032971 Cornwell, George Richard Morganton, NC 032079 Cornwell, George Thomas Morganton, NC 061434 Correll, Ruth Bivens Salisbury, NC 091873 Corripio, Justo Jose Miami, FL 100666 Corwin, Douglas Terry Charlotte, NC 112172 Cosgrove, Dena Turner Apex, NC 042480 i ' Costabile, Maryann i Durham, NC 072685 Costin, Arthur Michael Wilmington, NC 111969 Costner, Edwin Reid Kings Mountain, NC 110179 Costner, William Marshall, J Columbia, SC 073084 -41- Gotten, Robert Wesley Raleigh, NC 100368 005690. Cottle, Jerry Henry, Jr. Rose Hill, NC 100171 006312. Couey, Paul Leverette Shelby, NC 042475 005809. Council, William Christopher, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 090572 006093. Councill, Sandra Sue Virginia Beach, VA 102373 005298. Courson, Jean N. Tifton, GA 050669 004069. Courts, Ben Carter Chapel Hill, NC 022858 004111. Courts, Ellyn Gardner Chapel Hill, NC 070758 009015. Cousins, Connie Parker Kinston, NC 072685 005519. Covalinski, Mary Nell Morganton, NC 092270 007426. Covert, Carolyn Shelton Edenton, NC 072580 005664. Covert, Norman Tyree Newport News, VA 051871 008476. Covington, Renee Swink Graham, NC 080383 007672. Cowan, Debra Lynn Whittier, NC 072181 004207. Cowan, Leo Braughton Sylva, NC 070259 004273. Cowan, Marvin Russell Wilson, NC 022560 007530. Cowan, Stuart Kimsey Whittier, NC 102180 003140. Cowan, William Lea Forest City, NC 052346 007343. Cowart, Harry Dwight Wrightsville Beach, NC 042480 006869. Cowne, Euvona Bach Ramseur, NC 012078 006854. Cowne, Stephen Michael Ramseur, NC 102177 006324. Cox, David Norman Clemmons, NC 071875 005657. Cox, Gordon Wendell, Jr. Spartanburg, SC 042171 008397. Cox, Patrick Bryan Kingsport, TN 080383 004739. Cox, Richard Larry Sanford, NC 070264 004441. Cox, Richard Lee Raleigh, NC 091961 002925. Cox, Rupert Dunn, NC 112040 002992. Cox, Ruth Mosby Winston-Salem, NC 061742 005196. 007124. 006021. 007125. 005810. 003252. 008806. 008900. 002825. 003640. 004983. 008013. 006889. 006454. 006259. 006345. 004960. 006119. 005899. 005743. 006346. 005197. 006455. 006086. 007774. 008259. 005811. 005153. 005812. Cox, Thomas Clay West Jefferson, NC 042779 Cozort, Beverly Baker Williamston, MI 091873 Crabtree, Mary Blythe Hillsborough, NC 042779 Craddock, Carl Wayne Matthews, NC 090572 Craft, Roy Edwin Gastonia, NC 111148 Craft, Teresa Taylor Ayden, NC 073084 Craft, Thomas Leroy, III Wilson, NC 022685 Craig, Lyle Benjamin Southern Pines, NC 111738 Craig, William Davidson, Jr. Clover, SC 051953 Crane, Roger Mahler Elizabeth City, NC 101766 Crane, Vincent Charles, Jr. Greensboro, NC 051882 Cranfill, Deborah Lewis Winston-Salem, NC 041478 Cranfill, James Smoot Winston-Salem, NC 040576 Cranford, Ann Martin Murphy, NC 041075 Cranford, Billy Eugene, Jr. Concord, NC 090975 Cranford, Delbert Marvin Denton, NC 100666 Cranford, John Gregory Murphy, NC 040974 Cranor, Carole Winifred Durham, NC 041273 Craven, Michael Wayne Kinston, NC 040772 Crawford, Elmer Wilson, Jr. Shelby, NC 090975 Crawford, John Spencer Asheville, NC 100368 Crawford, Mary Bayliss Shelby, NC 040576 Crawford, Randy Gordon Rocky Mount, NC 091873 Crawford, Stephanie Yvonne Austin, TX 072481 Crawley, Douglas Alan Davidson, NC 022283 Crawley, Waldorf Garrold Raeford, NC 090572 Creasman, Dewey LaMar North Wilkesboro, NC 040468 Creasman, Mark Eugene Charlotte, NC 090572 -42- 009016. 007008. 007009. 007395. 006548. 008719. 004374. 002939. 002822. 004935. 002699. 006347. 003736. 007428. 003933. 008081. 007939. 006456. 004158. 008082. 008720. 007127. 003608. 005914. 004246. 007813. 005618. 004188. Creech, Bonnie April Raleigh, NC 072685 Creech, Bruce Bennett Raleigh, NC 110378 Creech, Carl Rufus Fayetteville, NC 110378 Creech, Charles Ernest Oxford, NC 061780 Creech, Danny Wade Wendell, NC 091576 Creech, Dianne LoRay Raleigh, NC 073084 Creech, Howard Welda Fayetteville, NC 030661 Creech, Jack Alexander Salemburg, NC 111041 Creech, James Leonard Smithfield, NC 111738 Creech, Joseph Arnold, Jr. Selma, NC 062166 Creech, Leonard Ralph Oxford, NC 061335 Creech, Otis Wayne Raleigh, NC 090975 Creech, W Grover Smithfield, NC 063054 Creekmore, Joseph Richard Iowa City, lA 072580 Creekmore, Raymond Lee Riegelwood, NC 070456 Creel, Richard Nash Fayetteville, NC 072682 Crenshaw, Wanda Garner Southern Pines, NC 030182 Cress, Danny Jeremiah New Bern, NC 040576 Crevar, George Edward Atlanta, GA 022759 Crew, Carroll Anna Greenville, NC 072682 Crews, Sally Eldena Greensboro, NC 073084 Crickmore, Cheryl Ann Dallas, NC 042779 Crispens, Warren Edward Charlottesville, VA 110552 Critz, Stephen Lee Wilkesboro, NC 041273 Crocker, Albert Aaron, Jr. Laurens, SC 072759 Crocker, Cynthia MacMillan Henderson, NC 072481 Crocker, Robert Lee Farmville, NC 032971 Croft, Curtis Dowling Belmont, NC 031959 004208. 006776. 004258. 004366. 006504. 007897. 005813. 006772. 005190. 004469. 006549. 006023. 002773. 007940. 008343. 008577. 009017. 002681. 006458. 004070. 006408. 004821. 004961. 008673. 008297. 007211. 008127. 008674. Cromley, Robert Irving, Jr. Blowing Rock, NC 070259 Cronquist, Suzanne Emerson Columbia, MD 091677 Crosby, Everett Delano Walterboro, SC 011960 Crosby, Willard Lee Drexel, NC 022261 Cross, Linda Travis Raleigh, NC 040576 Cross, Martha Lou Asheville, NC 011982 Crotts, Curtis Lee, Jr. Lexington, NC 090572 Crotts, Glenn David Conway, SC 091677 Crouch, Judith Baucom Greensboro, NC 100368 Crouch, Phillip Francis Asheville, NC 030662 Crouch, Robert Lee Eden, NC 091576 Crowder, Richard Thomas Clayton, NC 091873 Crowell, Charles Milton, Jr. Mooresville, NC 061737 Crowell, Joseph Webber, Jr. Davidson, NC 030182 Crowther, Margaret Alison Charlotte, NC 071983 Crump, Mark Kerry Blowing Rock, NC 022284 Grumpier, Debra Dee Raleigh, NC 072685 Grumpier, Leonard H. Raleigh, NC 112434 Grumpier, Miles Stanley Fayetteville, NC 040576 Grumpier, Wilbur Aubrey New Bern, NC 022858 Cruthis, Darrel William Charlotte, NC 112075 Cuicchi, Anthony Charles Germantown, TN 031565 Culbertson, James Barber Tewksbury, MA 100666 Culhane, Maureen McGrath Chapel Hill, NC 071784 Culvern, Susan North Asheville, NC 031583 Cummings, Michael Henry Franklin, NC 101779 Cunningham, Erma Mallory Winston-Salem, NC 072682 Cunningham, James Paul, Jr. Sandusky, OH 071784 -4 3- Curran, Patrick Alfred Muskegon, MI 051970 Currence, James Leonard Belmont, NC 112178 Currie, Barbara Garrison Wilmington, NC 100171 Currin, Susan Elizabeth Oxford, NC 072685 Curry, Jerry Stewart Charlotte, NC 090572 Curry, John Broadus, Jr. Greenville, SC 112265 Curry, Mary Lockwood Brunswick, GA 070650 Curtis, James Richard Bessemer City, NC 112228 Curtis, Thomas Eugene Waynesville, NC 022855 Dabney, Thomas Fleming, III Murphy, NC 030182 D'Achille, Kathleen Marie Clemmons, NC 051882 Dagenhart, Carl Thomas, Jr. Charlotte, NC 092270 Dahl, Arthur Andrew Gary, NC 121578 Dahler, Paul Walter Charlotte, NC 091785 Dalmas, James David Denver, NC 032971 Dalton, Danny Ray Glen Allen, VA 091576 Daly, Timothy John Asheville, NC 022284 Dameron, Hubert Gordon Tabor City, NC 011745 Dameron, Richard Gordon Tabor City, NC 100269 Damon, Ann Rosser Stone Mountain, GA 091774 D'Andrea, Thomas Red Springs, NC 072181 Daniel, Addison Garland Portsmouth, VA 061439 Daniel, Emory Brinson Tarboro, NC 011982 Daniel, Katherine Baldwin Raleigh, NC 091774 Daniel, Tonya Jeanette Morehead City, NC 072685 Daniels, Betty Marie Gonzales, LA 041069 Daniels, Herman Hallet Ahoskie, NC 062953 Daniels, Thomas Birl, Jr. Clearwater, FL 022781 003136. 005113. 007128. 008901. 008260. 008138. 008398. 004375. 008902. 004423. 007344. 007899. 004687. 009020. 006348. 003367. 009021. 007674. 004898. 004112. 005744. 008083. 005521. 004576. 005915. 007121. 007429. 004619. Dantzler, Samuel Arthur Waynesville, NC 040646 Danz, John Leon Manning, SC 012968 Dark, Garry Caldwell Winston-Salem, NC 042779 Darnell, Rodney Lote Boone, NC 022685 Daugherty, Jonas Burns Bahama, NC 022283 Daugherty, Lydia Mis Bahama, NC 072682 Daugherty, Margaret Anne Winston-Salem, NC 080383 Daughtry, Ben Philip Gaithersburg, MD 030661 Daughtry, Connie Lynn Raleigh, NC 022685 Daughtry, Ruffus Lynwood Beaufort, NC 070361 Davenport, Alison Gray Wilmington, NC 042480 Davies, William Richard New Bern, NC 011982 Davis, Alan Harris Winston-Salem, NC 030464 Davis, Alton Ray, Jr. Bladenboro, NC 072685 Davis, Anne Garrett Denver, CO 090975 Davis, Arch Lyle Statesville, NC 070650 Davis, Archie Monroe, Jr. Hickory, NC 072685 Davis, Beverly DuPree Martinsville, VA 072181 Davis, Charles Mercier, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 033166 Davis, David Ramsey, Jr. Williamston, NC 070758 Davis, Dianne Gaines Goldston, NC 040772 Davis, Gary Mark Lexington, NC 072682 Davis, George Ike Rocky Mount, NC 092270 Davis, George Washington, Jr. New Bern, NC 030563 Davis, Gerald Thomas Goldston, NC 041273 Davis, Gina Chamberlain Mooresville, NC 042779 Davis, Harold Ray Marion, NC 072580 Davis, James Brooks Oakboro, NC 070563 -44- Davis, James Campbell, Jr. Waxhaw, NC 041577 007430. Davis, James Donald, Jr. Mooresville, NC 072580 007473. Davis, Janice McKinne Cooper City, FL 072580 005124. Davis, Jerry Carl Kenly, NC 040468 006139. Davis, Jill Lane Sophia, NC 040974 004688. Davis, Joseph Dameron ^ Yanceyville, NC 030464 004689. Davis, Joseph Leon High Point, NC 030464 006182. Davis, L. Gray Raleigh, NC 091774 008954. Davis, Lawrence William Charlotte, NC 052185 006024. Davis, Leslie Hill Charlotte, NC 091873 008084. Davis, Linda Mercer Raleigh, NC 072682 002855. Davis, Marvin Lee Elm City, NC 061439 006662. Davis, Sharon Spivey Asheville, NC 041577 004376. Davis, Thomas Peete Yanceyville, NC 030661 004515. Davis, Walter Irvin Raleigh, NC 071062 007566. Davis, Wanda Burroughs Greensboro, NC 111880 003533. Davis, William Edward Reidsville, NC 030652 008030. Davy-Eubank, Dorothy Elaine Smithfield, NC 072082 003934. Dawkins, William Atlas, Jr. Clinton, NC 070456 004936. Dawson, Gertrude Rose Mooresville, NC 062166 004887. Dawson, John A., Jr. Mooresville, NC 011866 007776. Day, Arnold Christopher Spruce Pine, NC 072481 006942. Day, Carol Yates Carrboro, NC 041478 003559. Day, Harold Vann Spruce Pine, NC 070252 007010. Day, Harold Vann, Jr. Carrboro, NC 110378 006973. Day, William Durbin Greensboro, NC 101778 005692. Dayvault, Robert Lee, Jr. Kannapolis, NC 100171 004690. Deadwyler, Charles Robert, Jr. Salisbury, NC 030464 006663. 005265. 007931. 005522. 005330. 003690. 005693. 003897. 005869. 005620. 003832. 004209. 007345. 004577. 004362. 005694. 005413. 005918. 005815. 006718. 008579. 008730. 009112. 005916. 007011. 005588. 007431. 003368. 007900. Deal, Douglas Wayne Shelby, NC 041069 Deal, Paulette Adams Statesville, NC 030182 Deal, Timothy Edward Chapel Hill, NC 092270 Dean, Alice Omega Greensboro, NC 100269 Dean, Fletcher Sims Lumberton, NC 102153 Dean, Frank Burton Laurinburg, NC 100171 Dean, John Arthur Asheboro, NC 012356 Deane, Kay Whicker ...1 Winston-Salem, NC 090572 Deans, William Perry Farmville, NC 032971 Deaton, Charles Edward Greensboro, NC 032255 Deaton, Donald Jason Martinsville, VA 070259 Deaton, Fonda Long Dallas, NC 042480 Deaton, James Floyd, Jr. Liberty, NC 030563 Deavers, William Turner Charlotte, NC 011761 deBruyne, Charles Bartel Durham, NC 100171 DeCaron, Byron Bruce Mooresville, NC 040270 Dedrick, LaRue Draughon Durham, NC 041273 Dedrick, Stephen Cannaday Durham, NC 090572 Deere-Powell, Helen Georgette Raleigh, NC 041577 Deese, Gregory Cecil Charlotte, NC 022284 DeFord, Ann Flynn Winston-Salem, NC 073084 Deiber, Victoria Mary Troy, NY 091785 Delaney, Charles Frank, Jr. Clemmons, NC 041273 DeLapp, Victor Burnell Reidsville, NC 110378 DelCastilho, Ronald Edward Jacksonville, NC 111770 Deloatch, Kimberly Hardison Chapel Hill, NC 072580 Dement, William Taylor Oxford, NC 070650 DeMino, Leonard Joseph Rockville, MD 011982 -45- 007942. Dempsey, Paul Wesley Orange, VA 030182 004692. Denning, Larry Edward Jacksonville, NC 030464 007523. Denning, Sherry Barbour Four Oaks, NC 102180 005917. Dennis, Betty Hill Carrboro, NC 041273 008031. Dennison, Drue Bean Fernandina Beach, FL 072082 004210. Denny, Keith Earl Pfafftown, NC 070259 003790. Denson, Millard Dalton Burlington, NC 022855 003176. Dente, Michael Anthony Matthews, NC 041147 006459. Denton, Elmer Lowell Middlesex, NC 040576 005387. Derr, Rush Underwood Suffolk, VA 012070 008824. Des Roches, William Joseph, Jr. Statesville, NC 091884 006121. Desist, Michael Maxwell Raeford, NC 040974 006231. Detter, Steven Grady Burlington, NC 101574 006631. Detwiler, Robert Eugene Greenville, NC 092276 005816. Devane, Carl Lindsay Gainesville, FL 090572 008230. DeVeaux, Anne Marie Wadesboro, NC 011883 003877. Dever, Robert James Eden, NC 111955 006551. Devine, Joseph David, Jr. Raleigh, NC 091576 008649. Devine, Michael Andrew Spartanburg, SC 052284 006564. Dew, Cynthia Fox Hickory, NC 091576 008980. Dewan, Rajiv Ratan Wilmington, DE 071685 003501. Dewar, Robert Lindsey La Grange, NC 102951 006460. DeWeese, Jeffrey Kyle Asheville, NC 040576 007869. Dewell, William Marshall, Jr. Richlands, VA 091581 006025. Diamaduros, Perry Panos Matthews, NC 091873 007590. Dickerson, Bruce Edwin Elizabethtown, NC 022781 006859. Dickinson, Charlotte Meade Clyde, NC 111577 005198. Dickinson, Janet Eakins Asheville, NC 100368 003935. 006183. 004211. 007176. 007175. 002923. 006527. 006184. 008535. 003143. 007432. 007421. 008721. 007130. 007055. 007081. 004159. 008580. 008399. 006664. 004470. 004377. 006122. 004962. 003560. 008400. 003655. 005491. Difazio, Constance June Charlottesville, VA 070456 Digh, Earl Thomas, Jr. Morganton, NC 091774 Dillard, George Johnston Graham, NC 070259 Dillard, Happy Lancaster, SC 032079 Dillard, Nancy Elaine Louisburg, NC 042779 Dillon, Henry Edward Elkin, NC 112040 Dillon, Ralph George Boone, NC 072876 Dillon, Thomas Blaine Greensboro, NC 091774 Dimenna, Michael Black Mountain, NC 111583 Dingier, Kenneth Lee Shelby, NC 061946 Dinkins, Benjamin Scott Monroe, NC 072580 Dinkins, Helen Catoe Monroe, NC 072580 Discerni, John Stephen Yadkinville, NC 073084 Disher, David Kevin Winston-Salem, NC 042779 Disher, Susan Powers Winston-Salem, NC 110378 Ditmore, William Anthony Robbinsville, NC 112178 Dixon, Charles Thomas Conover, NC 022759 Dixon, Christopher Thad New Bern, NC 022284 Dixon, Laura Tucker Charlotte, NC 080383 Dixon, Mary Louise Raleigh, NC 041577 Dixon, Sterling Gray Raleigh, NC 030662 Dockery, Wesley Prichard Hickory, NC 030661 Doering, Paul Louis Gainesville, FL 040974 Doggett, Walter Clark Summerfield, NC 100666 Dollar, Aubrey Chester, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 070252 Dollar, Daniel Wayne Warrensville, NC 080383 Dollar, Lelon Gary Apex, NC 062953 Dolman, Robert William Clyde, NC 091870 -46- 1 004200. Donnelly, Thomas Milton Arden, NC 060359 007849. Dore, Jean Turlington Lexington, NC 072481 008981. Dorr, Mary Beth Chapel Hill, NC 071685 007012. Dorsett, Bobby Joseph, Jr. Huntington, WV 110378 008401. Dorsey, Mary Thomas Durham, NC 080383 006353. Dorton, Melba Furr Columbia, SC 090975 008496. Dostal, Margaret Marie Chapel Hill, NC 092083 003676. Douglas, Frederick Lindsay Winston-Salem, NC 072353 006123. Douglas, Jean Benson Greensboro, NC 040974 008402. Douglass, Fern Catherine Shelby, NC 080383 008086. Dove, George DeLon Beaufort, NC 072682 003607. Dover, Benjamin Franklin Memphis, TN 102252 003824. Dover, Harry James Asheville, NC 030555 007676. Dover, Jerry Pinkney York, SC 072181 008955. Dowbekin, Barbara Jean Raleigh, NC 052185 003737. Dowdy, David Astor, Jr. High Point, NC 063054 004316. Dowdy, Donald Carlisle Greensboro, NC 070660 003431. Dowdy, James Henry High Point, NC 022751 009022. Dowdy, Robert Glenn Bennettsville, SC 072685 008723. Downing, David Neil Greensboro, NC 073084 007228. Downing, Elizabeth Burgess Wilmington, NC 110179 008087. Downing, Michael Eugene Wilmington, NC 072682 003991. Doyle, Lewis Benton, Jr. Roanoke Rapids, NC 030157 008269 . Doyle, Virginia McCaskill Fayetteville, NC 022283 008088. Dozier, William Gregory Chaepl Hill, NC 072682 007014. Drake, Elizabeth Susan Atlanta, GA 110378 006261. Drapkin, Edward Carl Tucson, AZ 041075 007875. Drayton, Norma Louise Decatur, GA 091581 008418. 006773. 006322. 007870. 006267. 007512. 006262. 008231. 004736. 004731. 006124. 006349. 005796. 002702. 005817. 007531. 004212. 002964. 005607. 005091. 004651. 006350. 006891. 006552. 007346. 003878. 003502. 008825. Drechsler, Kimberly Hallman Gastonia, NC 080383 Drew, Gail Wiggins Kinston, NC 091677 Drew, Linda Lee Delmar, NY 062875 Drew, Richard Howard Durham, NC 091581 Driskell, Constance Starnes Arden, NC 041075 Drouillard, Suzanne Chapel Hill, NC 091680 Drum, David Charles Enfield, NC 041075 Duafala, Mary Elaine Gastonia, NC 011883 Duane, Joseph Patrick Tampa, FL 061964 DuBose, Mary Smith Forest City, NC 052064 Duckett, Thomas Randall Carmel, IN 040974 Duckworth, Howard Ivey, Jr. Hickory, NC 090975 Dudley, Linda Allen Hyattsville, MD 090572 Dudley, William Garland, Jr. Reidsville, NC 112835 Duffey, Charles Dermont Lewisville, NC 090572 Dugan, James Edward Bahama, NC 102180 Duggins, Jack Steven Asheboro, NC 070259 Duguid, Helen Williams Kinston, NC 061843 Duman, James B. Amarillo, TX 032271 Duncan, Margaret Shaw Maxton, NC 100767 Duncan, Neill Wyche Maxton, NC 100263 Dunham, Bruce Lee Greenville, NC 090975 Dunham, Cynthia Byrd Chapel Hill, NC 041478 Dunham, Gary Dee Chapel Hill, NC 091576 Dunlap, Claud Evans, III Winston-Salem, NC 042480 | Dunlap, Henry Hunter, Jr. i Siler City, NC 111955 ^ Dunlap, Ralph Harry, Sr. Winston-Salem, NC 102951 • Dunn, Deborah Lynne Durham, NC 091884 j \ -4 7- Dunn, Edward Michael Greensboro, NC 011784 004516. Dunn, Everett Matthews Dry Fork, VA 071062 003978. Dunn, Marce Odis Bristol, TN 112156 008536. Dunn, Terese Marshman Greensboro, NC 111583 007015. Dunwoody, John Forrest Port Richey, FL 110378 008461. Dupree, Debra Grey Edenton, NC 080383 007943. Dupree, William Anquish, III Raleigh, NC 030182 005045. Durand, Edward Moore Norfolk, VA 042067 007433. Durham, Stephanie Marie Greensboro, NC 072580 004173. Dutton, Christine Manos Fayetteville, NC 022759 004113. Dutton, Gene Raymond Hickory, NC 070758 004378. Dutton, Marshall Wilson Hickory, NC 030661 003738. Duvall, Clyde Jefferson Brevard, NC 063054 007434. Duvall, Clyde Jefferson, Jr. Brevard, NC 072580 004349. Eakle, Allan Fairfax Mooresville, NC 101860 007330. Eargle, Denny Herman Mount Airy, NC 041580 007677. Eargle, Paula E. Chapin, SC 072181 006026. Earley, James Russell, Jr. Forest City, NC 091873 008089. Earnhardt, Charles Edward, IV Winston-Salem, NC 072682 008903. Earnhardt, David Kenneth Charlotte, NC 022685 005919. Earnhardt, Joe Ondre Oxford, NC 041273 007493. Earnhart, Susan Scott Lake Wales, FL 072580 008883. Easier, Nancy Lee Charlotte, NC 011585 006125. Eason, Nancy Levinson Salisbury, NC 040974 005818. Eason, Thomas Wayne Vale, NC 090572 004900. Eason, Walter Gerald Rocky Mount, NC 033166 006892. Eason, Will Washington, III Rocky Mount, NC 041478 007678. East, James Robert Charlotte, NC 072181 008555. Eatman, Janis Marie Greensboro, NC 022079 008904. Eaton, Carolyn Sue High Point, NC 022685 006404. Ebbeler, David Ernest Indianapolis, IN 101075 005064. Eckel, Fred Monroe Chapel Hill, NC 100367 008212. Ecklund, Douglas Keith Matthews, NC 111682 006553. Eddinger, Rodney Lee Spencer, NC 091576 008675. Eddy, Bethel Louise Salisbury, NC 071784 008982. Eddy, James Richard Buies Creek, NC 071685 008298. Edelman, Robert John Charlotte, NC 031583 007146. Edmonds, Eva Lytle Swannanoa, NC 042779 003093. Edmonds, George Heston Greensboro, NC 083144 002891. Edmonds, Marion Myers Greensboro, NC 011040 004071. Edmondson, Edwin Wilson Pollocksville, NC 022858 006085 . Edmondson, Frank , III Asheboro, NC 091873 008032. Edmondson, William Henry Durham, NC 072082 005414. Edmunds, Joseph Boyce Kings Mountain, NC 040270 006263. Edmundson, Edward Stanley, III Raleigh, NC 041075 006461. Edwards, Ann Ross Morganton, NC 040576 006554. Edwards, Bessie Moore Selma, NC 091576 007778. Edwards, Deborah Lynn Ann Arbor, MI 072481 003094. Edwards, Gail Barker Youngsville, NC 081844 005306. Edwards, George Marvin Chadbourn, NC 071569 003491. Edwards, James Coleman Wilmington, NC 091451 003286. Edwards, James William Winston-Salem, NC 063049 007436. Edwards, Janet Alexander Kings Mountain, NC 072580 005523. Edwards, Joseph Albert, Jr. Raleigh, NC 092270 005451. Edwards, Judith Duncan San Antonio, TX 040270 005524. Edwards, Kathryn Gwin Raleigh, NC 092270 007092. -48- 008722. Edwards, Kathy Doub Clemmons, NC 073084 002867. Edwards, Luther Kenneth, Jr. Stantonsburg, NC 112939 006523. Edwards, Mary Ann Terry Eden, NC 070976 004318. Edwards, Philip Franklin Whiteville, NC 070660 004553. Edwards, Robert Lee Rutherfordton, NC 101562 004789. Edwards, Robert Wesley, Jr. Goldsboro, NC 030365 002940. Edwards, Sherwood McDonald, Jr. Ayden, NC 092841 008581. Edwards, Vickie Lee Raleigh, NC 022284 005621. Efird, Richard Lee Chapel Hill, NC 032971 005622. Efird, Roger Wilkins Denton, NC 032971 004517. Egbert, James Michael Greensboro, NC 071062 005415. Eggers, John David Greenville, NC 040270 006432. Ehrlichman, David Arthur Clinton, NC 031976 003919. Eidam, Ben Howard, Jr. Lake Junaluska, NC 040456 004126. Eidam, Carol Patterson Lake Junaluska, NC 070758 008582. Eidam, Don Howard Waynesville, NC 022284 008403. Eidam, Wanda Sue Waynesville, NC 080383 006774. Eissens, Paul Dwayne Chadbourn, NC 091677 004938. Elder, James Albert High Point, NC 071966 004379. Elkins, John Warren Fayetteville, NC 030661 007581. Eller, Jeffrey N. Galax, VA 021781 004859. Eller, Revis Radford Sparta, NC 092365 009023. Ellerbe, Rebekah Leigh Clemmons, NC 072685 003077. Elliott, Augustus Green, Jr. Fuquay-Varina, NC 011745 009113. Elliott, Ernest William, Jr. Charlotte, NC 091785 005745. Elliott, Larry Eugene Winston-Salem, NC 040772 004518. Elliott, Rebecca Harper Fort Myers, FL 071062 004790. Elliott, William McBrayer Surfside Beach, SC 030365 004766. 004945. 005669. 006775. 009024. 005920. 008232. 003791. 005921. 008725. 004364. 007901. 006462. 007468. 007437. 008090. 005159. 007232. 007016. 007532. 007567. 008213. 006289. 006027. 005695. 006890. 008726. 005923. Ellis, Edgar Russell Raleigh, NC 072164 Ellis, James Elias Belhaven, NC 091466 Ellis, Jane Ann Chesapeake, VA 061571 Ellis, John Steven Palmyra, NY 091677 Ellis, Scott John Bath, NC 072685 Ellis, William Leon, Jr. Whiteville, NC 041273 Ellison, Mark Jude Greenville, NC 011883 Elmore, Oscar Allen, Jr. Raleigh, NC 022855 Elmore, William Keith Wilmington, NC 041273 Elvington, Lisa Claire Greensboro, NC 073084 Elvington, Plan Lanneau, Jr. Fair Bluff, NC 022261 Embree, Morton Thomas St. Petersburg, FL 011982 Enzor, Ronald Regan Chadbourn, NC 040576 Epley, Cynthia Lovins Morganton, NC 051857 Epley, Randal Lee Morganton, NC 072580 Epps, Kenneth Roger Matthews, NC 072682 Ervin, Robert Carroll, Jr. Charlotte, NC 041868 Erwin, April Davis Charlotte, NC 110179 Erwin, Mack Earl Charlotte, NC 110378 Eskridge, Annie Laurie Durham, NC 102180 Esposito, Joseph Roman Asheville, NC 111880 Esterson, Neil Earl Seaford, DE 111682 Estes, Sonja Perry Raleigh, NC 041075 Estes, William Darrell Raleigh, NC 091873 Etheredge, George Newton, Ji Swannanoa, NG 100171 Etheredge, Patricia Ann Dal^ Swannanoa, NC 041478 Etters, Phyllis Lynn Hickory, NC 073084 Eubank, Marion Wilson, Jr. Jacksonville, NC 041273 -49- 007438. 007533. 005924. 004578. 004791. 005274. 004114. 004933. 003432. 003937. 004014. 007985. 008727. 004620. 009025. 006463. 006557. 007679. 004989. 006777. 007779. 009026. 007680. 004965. 007235. 006558. 003358. 003562. Eubanks, Denise Stocks Washington, NC 072580 Eudy, Joseph Daniel, Jr. Morehead City, NC 102180 Eudy, Michael Caldwell Statesville, NC 041273 Eutsler, Thomas Maxwell Buena Vista, CO 030563 Evans, Charles Eubie, Jr. Mocksville, NC 030365 Evans, Christine Houser Marshville, NC 041069 Evans, Dallas Mason Oxford, NC 070758 Evans, Donald Novis Augusta, GA 051766 Evans, Flora Nell Asheville, NC 022751 Evans, Floyd Herbert Greensboro, NC 070456 Evans, Harold Edward, Sr. Hickory, NC 041657 Evans, James William Athens, GA 031682 Evans, Joseph Lloyd, Jr. Wrightsville Beach, NC 073084 Evans, Lionel Cecil Kinston, NC 070563 Evans, Pamela Lynn Princeton, NC 072685 Evans, Ricky Wayne Kill Devil Hills, NC 040576 Evans, Steven Craig Kill Devil Hills, NC 091576 Evans, Suzanne Elizabeth High Point, NC 072181 Evans, Wendell Lewis Eden, NC 111566 Evans, William Ellis, Jr. Charlotte, NC 091677 Everett, Charles Arnold Gary, NC 072481 Everette, Suzanne Marie Mebane, NC 072685 Fady, Karen A. Camp Lejeune, NC 072181 Fagg, Nancy Habrat Charlotte, NC 100666 Faircloth, Dennis Paige Reidsville, NC 110179 Faircloth, Vernon Allen Fayetteville, NC 091576 Faircloth, Vernon Lee Charlotte, NC 062250 Fairley, Robert Brittain Salisbury, NC 070252 006949. 007236. 006667. 006028. 004860. 008676. 004781. 004275. 009027. 008404. 004519. 005922. 007944. 004196. 008728. 004381. 004276. 006087. 003255. 006668. 003521. 003127. 004277. 003678. 006186. 005696. 005044. 009141. Faison, Charles Thomas Clemmons, NC 062878 Faison, Ozie Trevor, Jr. Durham, NC 110179 Earless, Lonnie Wood Merry Hill, NC 041577 Farley, Stephen Ledford Pinehurst, NC 091873 Farmer, William Floyd, Jr. Wendell, NC 092365 Farnsworth, Hugh Allan Virginia Beach, VA 071784 Farr, William Ronald Asheville, NC 012765 Farrar, Joseph Ernest Greensboro, NC 022560 Farrell, Glenda Ann Jacksonville, NC 072685 Farrington, Elizabeth Anne Lexington, KY 080383 Farrior, William Sloan Greenville, NC 071062 Farris, Julia Eskridge Gastonia, NC 041273 Farris, Wayne Clark Charlotte, NC 030182 Faucett, John William, Jr. Shallotte, NC 052659 Faucette, Sandra Gregory Burlington, NC 073084 Faulkner, Edward Garfield Monroe, NC 030661 Fayed, Fred Tucker Roanoke Rapids, NC 022560 Fayed, Salmen Tucker Tarboro, NC 091873 Feagin, Eugene Lloyd, Jr. Hendersonville, NC 012049 Feagin, James Philip Hendersonville, NC 041577 Feagin, Laurence Edward Hendersonville, NC 102951 Fearing, Malcolm Keith, Jr. Manteo, NC 032746 Fearing, Woodson Bradford, Jr. Greenville, NC 022560 Feeney, Barney Arthur, Jr. Asheville, NC 072453 Felts, John Michael Elkin, NC 091774 Fender, Jackie Gwyne Mocksville, NC 100171 Fenev, Dimitry Peter Kings Park, NY 042067 Fennell, James Richard Louisa, KY 092685 -50- 006559. 006560. 009028. 003370. 002194. 007781. 003705. 007458. 003706. 003769. 005325. 008344. 008729. 008318. 008583. 007681. 005418. 007439. 007782. 008092. 008033. 005307. 006126. 003332. 006897. 006029. 006410. 006723. Fenske, Charles Robert Louisburg, NC 091576 Fenske, Nancy Coltrain Louisburg, NC 091576 Ferguson, Anna Mouchet Taylorsville, NC 072685 Ferguson, Clarence McDonald, Jr. Siler City, NC 070650 Ferguson, Howard Quinn Randleman, NC 061824 Ferguson, Jeffrey Claude Lake Junaluska, NC 072481 Ferguson, Junious Franklin, Jr. High Point, NC 030154 Ferguson, Laura Jordan Emporia, VA 072580 Ferguson, Lewis Mouchet Taylorsville, NC 030154 Ferguson, Louis Edward Winston-Salem, NC 102154 Ferguson, Marilyn Rhew Fort Mill, SC 100269 Ferguson, Ricky Monroe Statesville, NC 071983 Ferguson, Theresa Lynn West Jefferson, NC 073084 Fernholz, Paul Kevin Fairbanks, AK 051083 Ferramosca, Mary Margaret Falls Church, VA 022284 Ferrell, Donald Randolph Brevard, NC 072181 Ferrell, Jerry Leonard Creedmoor, NC 040270 Ferrell, Patricia Ann San Antonio, TX 072580 Fesperman, Sarah Lipscomb Wilkesboro, NC 072481 Feudale, Page Hardison Durham, NC 072682 Fievet, Christopher Myrick High Point, NC 072082 Fincannon, Jean McDaniel Lake View, SC 071569 Finch, William Curtis, Jr. Greenville, NC 040974 Fincher, Ellis Murphy Tryon, NC 022450 Fink, Diane Harris Graham, NC 041478 Finn, Andrew Lockhart Durham, NC 091873 Finnan, L Joseph Rutherfordton, NC 112575 Finucan, Charles Michael Tryon, NC 041977 005003. 008345. 003707. 007440. 003795. 007132. 006224. 006562. 003938. 007301. 003462. 005925. 008677. 007237. 007086. 007441. 007780. 008425. 008956. 006742. 003261. 004160. 003621. 007626. 006465. 006265. 008319. 003739. Fish, Allen Hardy Charlotte, NC 032267 Fisher, Carl Hobbs Wilson, NC 071983 Fisher, Clarence Graham Thomasville, NC 030154 Fisher, David Wayne Kernersville, NC 07258 Fisher, Don Rea Hedrick Thomasville, NC 022855 Fisher, James Allen Salisbury, NC 042779 Fisher, James Dean Hornell, NY 092374 ' Fisher, James Nelson, Jr Hendersonville, NC 091 Fisher, Lester Jerry Sea Level, NC 070456 Fisher, Lillie Thigpen Fayetteville, NC 11307 Fisher, Paul Lewis Elkin, NC 062851 Fitchett, Judith Benson Pleasanton, CA 041273 Fife, Daryl Gene Plant City, FL 071784 Fitzgerald, Jeff Carver Roxboro, NC 110179 Fitzgerald, Michael Kent Greensboro, NC 121578 Fitzgerald, Nancy Sue Winston-Salem, NC 0725 Flanagan, Tammy Everett Farmville, NC 072481 Fleet, Lynne Hobgood Carrboro, NC 080383 Fleitas, Daniel William Matthews, NC 052185 Fleming, Gayle Ray Durham, NC 071877 Fleming, Oliver Glenn Ahoskie, NC 022349 Fleming, Robert Edward, Rocky Mount, NC 022759 Fletcher, James Hugh Valdese, NC 030353 Fletcher, John Curtis Rocky Mount, NC 031781 Flint, Samuel Ashe, Jr. Wilmington, NC 040576 Flippjn, Jacquelyn Sue Winston-Salem, NC 0410 Flory, Dennis Wayne Asheville, NC 051083 Floyd, Calvin Moore, Jr. Roanoke Rapids, NC 063 -51- Floyd, Diana Glover Apex, NG 091576 Floyd, George Guthrie, Jr. Whiteville, NG 110184 Floyd, James Garl Mullins, SC 071872 Floyd, Larry Dale Washington, NC 091677 Floyd, Randall Herbert Conover, NC 072685 Floyd, Richard Williams Lexington, NC 101867 Floyd, Roy Neal Norwood, NC 041075 Floyd, Thomas Alton, Jr. Asheville, NC 070667 Flynn, Charles Lanier Winston-Salem, NC 072481 Flynn, Hubert Lanier Winston-Salem, NC 060443 Fogg, Mark Edward Grand Ledge, MI 072181 Fonvielle, Carroll Bryce Holly Ridge, NC 100269 Fonvielle, Russell Blanton Loris, SC 061780 Fonvielle, Sallie Faison Euclid, OH 091677 Fonville, Brenda Hall Fort Dix, NJ 031682 Fonville, Ralph William, Jr. Lynchburg, VA 110378 Forbus, Byron McKinney Murray, KY 022751 Force, Elizabeth Vaughn St. Thomas, USVI, 081772 Ford, Larry Murphy Slidell, LA 013076 Ford, Leslie Reynolds Louisville, KY 102180 Ford, Sharon Griffith Pope AFB, NC 092270 Forrest, William Gordon Gastonia, NC 022450 Forrester, Preston Reynolds Concord, NC 012156 Forrester, Ronald Barry Gastonia, NC 110179 Forsstrom, Paul Raymond Rocky Mount, NC 031682 Forst, James Joseph Swannanoa, NC 031771 Fortson, Nancy Stephens Charlotte, NC 111583 Forzese, Debra Frances Kernersville, NC 073084 008094. 007302. 005926. 008095. 008826. 004278. 008034. 008983. 004861. 007443. 007627. 005697. 007591. 007785. 003258. 006669. 003862. 008732. 007239. 003672. 007856. 003846. 009030. 002781. 008733. 002843. 006780. 007683. Foster, David Scott Tobaccoville, NC 072682 Foster, Henry Charles Sophia, NC 112079 Foster, Ivey Alexander Lenoir, NC 041273 Foster, Janet Fowler Tobaccoville, NC 072682 Foster, Neil Francis Carrboro, NC 091884 Foster, Robert William Greensboro, NC 022560 Foster, Ronald Charles, Sr. Chagrin Falls, OH 072082 Foster, Thomas Lawrence Dunn, NC 071685 Foster, William Lee Mocksville, NC 092365 Fotos, Margo Jane Kitty Hawk, NC 072580 Foulks, Deborah Smith Fayetteville, NC 031781 Fountain, Robert Lee, Jr. Clemmons, NC 100171 Foust, William Earl Rocky Mount, NC 022781 Fowler, Diana Valiease Tabor City, NC 072481 Fowler, Evelyn Blanchard Salisbury, NC 022349 Fowler, Gail Sifford Faith, NC 041577 Fowler, Jimpsey Duward Jonesville, NC 083055 Fowler, Neal Franklin Goldsboro, NC 073084 Fowler, Susan Norwood Salisbury, NC 110179 Fox, Carolyn Twiggs Winston-Salem, NC 062953 Fox, Cheryl Williams Rocky Mount, NC 072481 Fox, Edmund Leonard Brooklyn, NY 070555 Fox, George Michael Boone, NC 072685 Fox, Howard Spencer Winston-Salem, NC 061737 Fox, James Hartley Orlando, FL 073084 Fox, James Hamilton Asheboro, NC 061439 Fox, Lance Kevin High Point, NC 091677 Fox, Linda Sue Durham, NC 072181 -52- 006915. 008405. 004279. 005698. 008734. 008406. 007133. 003150. 008497. 004665. 008016. 005699. 004835. 004848. 008408. 007786. 006351. 003879. 007447. 006238. 004901. 004072. 005076. 004774. 006187. 003622. 007592. 007628. Fox, Peggy Lee Morgan High Point, NC 041478 Fox, Steven Bruce Raleigh, NC 080383 Fraley, Thomas Maurice Kannapolis, NC 022560 Francis, William Raymond, Jr. West Jefferson, NC 100171 Franco, Linda Joyce Raleigh, NC 073084 Frank, Ross Arnold, Jr. Clinton, NC 080383 Franklin, Margaret Gasperson Raleigh, NC 042779 Franklin, Russell Edmund N. Palm Beach, FL 082346 Franklin, Susan Marguerite Greensboro, NC 033084 Franzen, Dewayne Paul Greensboro, NC 012164 Eraser, William Thomas Winston-Salem, NC 051882 Frazier, James Howard Greer, SC 100171 Frazier, Joseph Clifford Kill Devil Hills, NC 070265 Freas, Elizabeth Ring Raleigh, NC 070265 Frederick, Gigi Strunk Wake Forest, NC 080383 Frederiksen, Ann Covington Matthews, NC 072481 Freeman, Douglas Doyle Charlotte, NC 090975 Freeman, James Howard Dublin, NC 111955 Freeman, Janice Catherine Durham, NC 072580 Freeman, John William Randleman, NC 121974 Freeman, Numa Franklin, Jr. Louisburg, NC 033166 Freeman, Pete Delon Jacksonville, FL 022858 Freeman, Stephen Monroe Great Falls, MT 100767 French, LeMarr Lewis Willowick, OH 092864 Frenier, Edward Damon Asheville, NC 091774 Friday, John Paul Gastonia, NC 030353 Friday, Stephen Edward Gastonia, NC 022781 Friedman, Milton Adolph Greensboro, NC 031781 002536. 003792. 008409. 005819. 008735. 008957. 003563. 009031. 008233. 006565. 005774. 002979. 006030. 009032. 005747. 008234. 004694. 005077. 008182. 004213. 005199. 009033. 007087. 004883. 005748. 007240. 008827. 008736. Frontis, Stephen Williams Greensboro, NC 061230 Frostick, William Leach Laurinburg, NC 022855 Frye, Susan Benolken Carrboro, NC 080383 Frye, William Patrick Charlotte, NC 090572 Fuchs, Rebecca Lynn Raleigh, NC 073084 Fuentes, Robert Joseph Durham, NC 052185 Fulbright, Keith Norman Greensboro, NC 070252 Fulbright, Susan Leigh Asheville, NC 072685 Fulcher, Grayden Lee Campbell, CA 011883 Fulcher, Paul Burch Clemmons, NC 091576 Fulk, Bonita Reynolds Reidsville, NC 040772 Fuller, Edwin Rudolph Salisbury, NC 111341 Fuller, James Michael Salisbury, NC 091873 Fuller, Robert Edgar Durham, NC 072685 Fuller, Stephen Weldon Salisbury, NC 040772 Fuller, Susan Adamec Raleigh, NC 011883 Fuller, William Hugh, Jr. Greensboro, NC 030464 Fullwood, Mary Teague Raleigh, NC 100767 Fulmer, Ronald Lawrence Gastonia, NC 092182 Fulton, James Wade Wilcome, NC 070259 Fulton, Thomas Albee, Jr. Pittsboro, NC 100368 Fumarola, Dawn Musselwhite Fayetteville, NC 072685 Furgurson, Ernest Whitmal, III Roper, NC 011679 Furman, James Clement Boone, NC 121065 Furness, James Charles, Jr. Asheville, NC 040772 Furniss, Leesa Dianne Raleigh, NC 110179 Furr, Jeffrey Lee Winston-Salem, NC 091884 Furr, Shrrri Jo Charlotte, NC 073084 -5 3008096. Furr, Stephen Richards Greenville, NC 072682 009034. Futch, George Hanson, Jr. Chapel Hill, NC 072685 005267. Futrell, Thomas Merrill Long Beach, NC 041069 006189. Futrell, William Randolph, Jr. Jackson, NC 091774 007871. Gabbard, James Paul Asheville, NC 091581 003463. Gabriel, James Chandler Mooresville, NC 062851 005419. Gaddy, Annette Meriwether Winston-Salem, NC 042070 003611. Gaddy, Carl Bon, Jr. Charlotte, NC 120152 003464. Gaddy, Charles Howard Clinton, NC 062851 002943. Gaddy, Phil Marshville, NC 061841 004382. Gaddy, Ray Carlton Clinton, NC 030661 003139. Gaddy, Robert Liston, Jr. Tallahassee, FL 051846 007902. Gaffin, Carl Aldred Fort Myers, FL 011982 007988. Gagnon, Jean Paul Chapel Hill, NC 031682 007191. Gaines, Archie Willis, Jr. Richmond, VA 071779 007872. Gaines, Howard Colmus, Jr. Charlotte, NC 091581 006781. Gainey, Waymon Ronald Linden, NC 091677 006431. Gajdik, Stanley Jan Asheville, NC 030576 007684. Gal, Peter Kernersville, NC 072181 007513. Gallagher, Alma Faye Erie, PA 091680 008183. Gallagher, Brian Albert Sissonville, WV 092182 008410. Gallagher, Margaret Rose Jamestown, NC 080383 006127. Gallimore, William Michael Chapel Hill, NC 040974 006829. Gallo, Roberta Gail Yardley, PA 091677 007989. Galloway, Jennie Sue Greenville, NC 031682 008097. Galloway, Joseph Richmond, Jr. Supply, NC 072682 005623. Gambill, Charles William, Jr. Roaring River, NC 032971 003416. Gammon, Hunter Oakley Reidsville, NC 121150 007241. 007177. 007018. 007151. 003414. 005624. 008584. 003334. 008184. 006783. 007536. 005268. 008556. 007185. 005174. 004420. 002039. 008215. 007134. 008905. 004471. 007080. 006817. 004261. 006268. 005820. 006429. 004383. Gantt, Charise Lowery Asheville, NC 110179 Gantt, Thomas Morrison Asheville, NC 051579 Garcia, Loni Traylor Lumberton, NC 110378 Gardiner, Darlene Metcalf Fayetteville, NC 042779 Gardiner, Paul Linwood Greensboro, NC 101850 Gardner, Joe Dan Yadkinville, NC 032971 Gardner, Timothy Andrew Salisbury, NC 022284 Gardner, Windfield Scott Burlington, NC 022450 Gares, Willard Elmer Charlotte, NC 092182 Garner, Lacy Alton, Jr. Carthage, NC 091677 Garner, Nancy Virginia Winston-Salem, NC 102180 Garner, Richard Lamont Myrtle Beach, SC 041069 Garrett, Daniel Gilbert Statesville, NC 011784 Garrett, John Esley Hickory, NC 061979 Garrett, John Howard Elizabeth City, NC 072968 Garrett, Roy Lee Lynchburg, VA 063061 Garrett, York David, Jr. Durham, NC 111720 Garris, Gregory Walker Smithfield, NC 111682 Garrison, Constance Hudson Lexington, NC 042779 Garrison, John Paul Hayesville, NC 022685 Garrou, Ann Bills Valdese, NC 030662 Garvin, Stephen Edward New Bern, NC 112178 Garvin, Susan Morris New Bern, NC 091677 Gaskins, William Floyd Morehead City, NC 021760 Gaster, Anthony Wayne Reidsville, NC 041075 Gates, Barry Vernon Mount Airy, NC 090572 Gatlin, Asa Reginald, III Bayboro, NC 022676 Gattis, Hobson Ivan, Jr. Raleigh, NC 030661 -54- Gaudreaux, Oveda Fisher Hilton Head Is., SG 070456 008035. Gauntner, Linda Marie Hudson, OH 072082 006102. Gay, Bobby Gene Albany, GA 021974 008261. Gay, Donna Ann Greenville, NG 022283 003740. Gaylord, Jeremiah Thomas West Chester, PA 063054 005927. Gaynor, Carey Wooten, Jr. Fountain, NC 041273 008346. Gburek, Diane Fischer Florence, SC 071983 004730. Gee, Ben Blackwell South Hill, VA 050764 007019. Gee, Joseph Clements Cross City, FL 110378 004902. Geer, Ronald Michael Charlotte, NC 033166 007685. Genrich, Fred Clinton Cornelia, GA 072181 008411. Gentry, Stephen Brian Pfafftown, NC 080383 004621. George, Prentiss Legarr, Jr. Shelby, NC 070563 006191. George, Samuel Lorman Smithfield, NC 091774 003230. Gerlinger, John Jacob Salisbury, NC 061848 007555. Gerrald, Beth Anderson Hendersonville, NC 102180 008036. Gerrald, Evander Kern Hendersonville, NC 072082 006670. Ghantt, Jerry Center Rock Hill, SC 041577 008185. Gianopoulos, Sam Bill Charlotte, NC 092182 008537. Gibson, Charles Michael Coloma, MI 111583 004472. Gibson, Charles Thomas Goldsboro, NC 030662 008099. Gibson, Cynthia Elaine Fort Mill, SC 072682 008412. Gibson, Donna Kay Charlotte, NC 080383 007446. Gibson, James Scott Hickory, NC 072580 008678. Gibson, Joe Norman Walkertown, NC 071784 007945. Gibson, Kathleen Mount Pleasant, SC 030182 008413. Gibson, Melba Luanne Spartanburg, SC 080383 006192. Gibson, Robert Van, Jr. Mooresville, NC 091774 003939. 006756. 005700. 004026. 004615. 008414. 003371. 004245. 004149. 006724. 003793. 007021. 005117. 003682. 005749. 005332. 004853. 006356. 005269. 007022. 006566. 007903. 002701. 007023. 008037. 004215. 007636. 007946. 005126. Giddens, William Timothy Lumberton, NC 090977 Giddings, Patricia Clayton Chapel Hill, NC 100171 Gidney, Charles Ervin Durham, NC 070457 Giffen, Elliott Morrison Charlotte, NC 062163 Gilbert, Colleen J. Carman Durham, NC 080383 Gilbert, Lacy Earl, Jr. Wagram, NC 070650 Giles, Charles Nelson Mooresville, NC 072759 Giles, Robert Troy Candor, NC 022559 Gill, John Estes, III Ahoskie, NC 041977 Gillespie, Charles Byrd, Jr. Burnsville, NC 022855 Gillum, Elizabeth Ennis APO New York, NY 110378 Gilmore, Abram Albert Atlanta, GA 030868 Gilmore, Lamar Miller Kannapolis, NC 091753 Girtman, William Glenn Chapel Hill, NC 040772 Glace, Charles Lawrence Spartanburg, SC 100269 Gladden, Herbert Queen Concord, NC 072065 Glares, Manuel Nicholas Plant City, FL 090975 Glass, Alan Ronald Palm City, FL 041069 Glasser, Howard Lynn Pittsboro, NC 110378 Glasson, Joel Collins Durham, NC 091576 Cleaves, Harold Thomas Rutherfordton, NC 011982 Glenn, Roland A. Denton, NC 112835 Glisson, Gary Renn Nashville, NC 110378 Clock, Donald Larry Charlotte, NC 072082 Glover, Wilton Ford, Jr. Pensacola, FL 070259 Gluck, Steven Alan Charlotte, NC 051981 Gmyrek, Daniel Philip Daytona Beach, FL 030182 Gnau, Thomas Richard Folly Beach, SC 040468 -55- 006971. 003868. 007349. 006738. 006574. 007024. 008557. 008737. 008958. 007686. 005315. 007025. 004792. 008738. 004836. 004622. 008585. 004579. 007026. 008855. 005850. 005928. 006894. 008417. 004473. 007788. 005245. 003884. Gobble, Ronald Clay Salisbury, NC 100278 Godfrey, James Kenneth Murphy, NC 102055 Godfrey, Robert Anthony Murphy, NC 042480 Godfrey, William Steven Raleigh, NC 071977 Godwin, Denise Howes Pine Level, NC 091576 Godwin, Harold Prescott Fayetteville, NC 110378 Godwin, Michael Luke Cheraw, SC 011784 Godwin, Sharon Rose Chapel Hill, NC 073084 Goff, Mary Catherine Athens, GA 052185 Goforth, George Edward Blacksburg, SC 072181 Goforth, Joseph Wayne Gaffney, SC 093069 Coins, Joseph Theodore, Jr. High Point, NC 110378 Goldman, Ronald Morton Winston-Salem, NC 030365 Goldstein, Philip Steven Chapel Hill, NC 073084 Gonzalez, Angel Hilarion Raleigh, NC 070265 Gooch, James Haywood Burlington, NC 070563 Gooch, Michael Douglas Greenville, NC 022284 Good, Larry Buford Morehead City, NC 030563 Goodman, Christine Sloop Pittsboro, NC 110378 Goodman, Doris Jean Charlotte, NC 110184 Goodman, Judith Morgan Hickory, NC 090572 Goodson, Bruce Michael Denver, NC 041273 Goodson, Mark Allen Fort Mill, SC 041478 Goodwin, Julia Hall Elizabethtown, NC 080383 Goodwin, Samuel Stephen Marshville, NC 030662 Goodwin, Sheila Diane Richmond, VA 072481 Gordon, Floyd Eustace Pageland, SC 021069 Gordon, Freda Hobowsky Norfolk, VA 111955 007687. 008939. 004474. 007593. 006784. 008739. 008884. 009114. 005127. 008017. 007136. 004740. 006466. 003623. 003992. 009115. 005148. 008828. 003262. 005200. 007629. 005204. 003880. 008415. 003656. 005606. 003466. 005929. Gordon, James Milton Weaverville, NC 072181 Gordon, Mark Allen Greenville, SC 031985 Gordon, Robert Lee Gary, NC 030662 Gordon, Rodney Sloop Mebane, NC 022781 Gordon, Stuart Irving Greensboro, NC 091677 Gordon, Tara Marie Asheville, NC 073084 Gordon, William Vincent, Jr. Lake Worth, FL 011585 Gott, Kevin Keith Norwalk, OH 091785 Gould, Patsy Dunn Granada Hills, CA 040468 Gourd, Donald Richard Greenwich, CT 051882 Gowarty, David Thomas Raleigh, NC 042779 Grabs, Omnie Omily, Jr. King, NC 070264 Graham, Beverly Diane Winston-Salem, NC 040576 Graham, Carroll Grouse Greensboro, NC 030353 Graham, Henry Neill Charlotte, NC 030157 Graham, James Alexander, II Wilmington, NC 091785 Graham, James Lee Beaufort, NC 040468 Graham, Laurie Owens Kill Devil Hills, NC 091884 Graham, Leon Irvin Wallace, NC 022349 Graham, Margarete Kaucher Burlington, NC 100368 Graham, Ronald Wayne Edwardsville, IL 031781 Graham, Stephanie Hunter Durham, NC 100368 Graham, William Wilson Monroe, NC 111955 Grainger, Donna Jean Clarkton, NC 080383 Grandy, John Irving Charlotte, NC 062953 Grant, Raymond Lorenzo Charlotte, NC 031771 Grantham, James Gordon Charlotte, NC 062851 Gravatt, Michael Howard Lakeland, FL 041273 -56Graves, Sandra Gilbert Maxton, NC 100666 004991. Gravitte, Alton Paul Pilot Mountain, NC 112366 003972. Gray, John William, Jr. Charlotte, NC 092656 004964. Gray, Richard Adrow Newport, NC 100666 006193. Gray, Richard Howard Washington, NC 091774 005701. Grayson, Everette Monroe, Jr. High Point, NC 100171 007242. Green, Jacquelyn Clem Godfrey, IL 110179 008499. Green, James Arthur Charlotte, NC 092083 007027. Green, Pamela Smith High Point, NC 110378 008500. Green, Thomas Russell, Sr. Chesapeake, VA 092083 008236. Greenblatt, Robert Carl Scituate, MA 011883 007243. Greene, Allen Earl Kernersville, NC 110179 006031. Greene, Edward Calvin, Jr. Statesville, NC 091873 002944. Greene, Henry Wilson Wrightsville Bch, NC 061841 003534. Greene, James Paul Boone, NC 030652 004027. Greene, James Simpson Lenoir, NC 070457 005201. Greene, John Robert Hamlet, NC 100368 006567. Greene, Nicholas Matthew Shelby, NC 091576 008984. Greene, Richard Charles Budd Lake, NJ 071685 005333. Greene, Richard Harlee Star, NC 100269 008906. Greene, Richard Ray Boone, NC 022685 005751 . Greene, Ronald Preston Chapel Hill, NC 040772 005281. Greenstone, Judie Phillips Roswell, GA 041069 005702. Greenwood, Robert Benjamin Oklahoma City, OK 100171 003467. Greeson, Harvey Clifton Sanford, NC 062851 009036. Greeson, Harvey Clifton, Jr. Sanford, NC 072685 004580. Greeson, Joe David Thomasville, NC 030563 008262. Gregory, Charles Edwin, Jr. Spartanburg, SC 022283 00A963. Gregory, Robert Louis Mooresville, NC 063061 006785. Gregson, Jerry Fulton Sanford, NC 091677 007688. Greshara, Angela Colleen Hillsborough, NC 072181 003564. Gresham, John William Wilson, NC 070252 003895. Gretz, Margaret Chapel Hill, NC 120855 002736. Greyer, Mary Bennett Bryson City, NC 061136 006875. Griffey, Linda Boyd South Pasadena, CA 021778 008416. Griffin, David Lynn Charlotte, NC 080383 007397. Griffin, Debra Keever Shelby, NC 061780 008862. Griffin, Dona Fran Southern Pines, NC 112084 008100. Griffin, Earl Lee Fayetteville, NC 072682 006569. Griffin, Eleyse Harrell Williamston, NC 091576 003231. Griffin, Ellerbe Wilson, Jr. Kings Mountain, NC 061848 007101. Griffin, Gregory Lyman Beckley, WV 032079 006128. Griffin, Gwendolyn Barfield Fletcher, NC 040974 008740. Griffin, Irene Oberste-Vorth Fayetteville, NC 073084 005977. Griffin, Karen Lee Charlotte, NC 041773 006154. Griffin, Linda Karen Mount Pleasant, SC 040974 006750. Griffin, Linda Richards Rockingham, NC 080277 006786. Griffin, Mark King Fletcher, NC 091677 007689. Griffin, Ned Wilson Durham, NC 072181 006732. Griffin, Newell Cullen, Jr. Rockingham, NC 062177 003289. Griffin, Sandy Davis, Jr. Burlington, NC 063049 003565. Griffin, William Cicero Raleigh, NC 070252 003848. Griffin, William Crane Roanoke Rapids, NC 070555 004281. Griffin, William Russell, Jr. Charlotte, NC 022560 006713. Griffith, Joe Anne Todd Wendell, NC 041577 007641. Griffith, Juanita Anderson Mableton, GA 061681 004417. -5 7- 003741. 007873. 004793. 006194. 009037. 006332. 005752. 007690. 008741. 004732. 007947. 008829. 006357. 007594. 005821. 006703. 008907. 006054. 007537. 007129. 007595. 008347. 002056. 006759. 004475. 005420. 007556. 005822. Griffith, Wiltshire , Jr. Hendersonville, NG 063054 Griggs, Faye Matheson Murrells Inlet, SG 091581 Griggs, Willard Wilson, Jr. Roswell, GA 030365 Grill, Frank James Valdese, NG 091774 Grimes, Lisa Thomas Gary, NC 072685 Griner, Rictmiond Lee Morganton, NC 083075 Grissom, William Arnold, Jr. Henderson, NC 040772 Griswold, David Butler Jacksonville, FL 072181 Groce III, James Boyd Greensboro, NC 073084 Grose, Joseph Tyler, III Greensboro, NC 052664 Gross, Jeffrey Lee Statesville, NC 030182 Gross, Mark Hugo Durham, NC 091884 Gross, Nicholas Ralph, Jr. Myrtle Beach, SC 090975 Grove, Maureen Barbara Boston, MA 022781 Grubb, Frank Lander, Jr. West Columbia, SC 090572 Grubb, Patricia Shook Selma, NC 041577 Gruber, Christine Marie Durham, NC 022685 Gualtieri, Sarah Frances Chapel Hill, NC 091873 Guarrera, Christine Grace Durham, NC 102180 Guest, Joy Davis Laurinburg, NC 042979 Guffey, Kevin Wallace Chapel Hill, NC 022781 Guider, Douglas Clayton. Marion, OH 071983 Guion, Howell Newton Marshville, NC 061521 Gunter, Cathy Allen Raleigh, NC 091677 Gupton, Adrian Clay Vienna, VA 030662 Gupton, Ted Gilbert Louisburg, NC 040270 Gurganus, Alvin Ellis, II Buies Creek, NC 102180 Gurganus, James Ruffin Jacksonville, NC 090572 007577. 007449. 007137. 005299. 006568. 007691. 007789. 007244. 007467. 007102. 007450. 006323. 008985. 005527. 003794. 003993. 008759. 007904. 004884. 005823. 004161. 006056. 006269. 004282. 006195. 006129. 006896. 004457. Gurganus, Marcia Hooks Buies Creek, NC 012081 Gurley, Robin Kluttz Raleigh, NC 072580 Gurley, Tony Curtis Raleigh, NC 042779 Gustafson, Lee Arnold Austin, TX 050669 Gustashaw, Robert Steven Charlotte, NC 091576 Guthrie, Jeannette E. Mountain View, CA 072181 Guthrie, Paul Wayne, III Winston-Salem, NC 072481 Gutterman, Donna Lee Salt Lake City, UT 110179 Gutterman, Elizabeth Lofquist Iowa City, lA 072580 Guy, Monica Jo Creasy Matthews, NC 032079 Guy, Robert Edward Winston-Salem, NC 072580 Haber, Arthur Greensboro, NC 062875 Haberer, Lynda Joan Chapel Hill, NC 071685 Hackney, Claudia Smith Washington, NC 092270 Hackney, Eugene Walden Lumberton, NC 022855 Hackney, Sara Jackson Lumberton, NC 030157 Hadley, EdnaRuth Manning Raleigh, NC 073084 Hageman, Robert Edward Youngstown, OH 011982 Hager, George Philip, Jr. Pittsboro, NC 011866 Hager, Joel Lyndon Salisbury, NC 090572 Hagwood, Ray Gordon Dobson, NC 022759 Haines, Ava Reynolds Raleigh, NC 091873 Haines, Paula Clayton Rockingham, NC 041075 Haithcock, Jimmy Reid Mount Gilead, NC 022560 Hak, Sandra Hardee Chapel Hill, NC 091774 Hale, Gregory Neil Hickory, NC 040974 Hale, Patrick Smith Greenville, NC 041478 Hall, Haskell Jackson Lexington, NC 012962 -58- Hall, Hayes Earl Candler, NC 030464 004520. Hall, Homer Glenn, Jr. Asheboro, NC 071062 007451. Hall, James Franklin Raleigh, NC 072580 005078. Hall, James Ray Efland, NC 100767 006787. Hall, Jane Carmen Pittsboro, NC 091677 ^ 002265. Hall, John Perry Oxford, NC 061725 007608. Hall, Nancy Melin Raleigh, NC 022781 003290. Hall, Robert Buckner Mocksville, NC 063049 007790. Hall, Rosalind Joye Gastonia, NC 072481 008101. Hall, Tammy Coble Whitsett, NC 072682 005987. Hallam, Hugh Gavin, Jr. Charlotte, NC 061973 008742. Halsey, Sharon Elizabeth Durham, NC 073084 002844. Halsey, William Bradley Sparta, NC 061439 008743. Haltom, Mark Thurman Thomasville, NC 073084 004416. Hames, Herbert James, Sr. Columbia, SC 063061 006130. Hamilton, Henry Donald Washington, NC 040974 005825. Hamilton, James Ralph, Jr. Pollocksville, NC 090572 006467. Hamilton, Jean Koch Pembroke Pines, FL 040576 008830. Hamilton, Kathryn Jordan Mount Airy, NC 091884 008831. Hamilton, Thomas Linwood, Jr. Mount Airy, NC 091884 006032. Hamm, Marshal Keith Cincinnati, OH 091873 009038. Hamm, Stuart Alton Wilson, NC 072685 007692. Hammer, Thomas A. Carrboro, NC 072181 008188. Hammett, James Robert Easley, SC 092182 007391. Hammond, Leonard Douglas Greensboro, NC 052080 005528. Hamrick, Charles Vinson Chapel Hill, NC 092270 008299. Haney, James Whitney, III Gary, NC 031583 006966. Haney, Renee Fowler Raleigh, NC 092678 004695. Hankins, Barbara Brewer Charlotte, NC 091873 007297. Hanlon, Jane Remian Durham, NC 112079 007642. Hanlon, Joseph Thomas Durham, NC 061681 007693. Hanna, George Michael Asheville, NC 072181 008986. Hannan, Cyril Martin Columbia, SC 071685 i 006165. Hanson, Dennis Bryon Raleigh, NC 071674 '• ; 002850. Hardee, Aldridge Kirk, Jr. Charlotte, NC 061439 | 008263. Harden, Gary Lee Shelby, NC 022283 006605. Hardie, Nancy Richardson Winston-Salem, NC 091576 007350. Hardin, Howard Daniel Millersville, MD 042480 004742. Hardin, Kenneth Pearshing, Jr. Forest City, NC 070264 007874. Hardman, Dianna Ley Winston-Salem, NC 091581 007245. Hardy, Alton Dale Loris, SC 110179 009039. Hardy, Anthony Charles LaGrange, NC 072685 004284. Hardy, Charles Edward La Grange, NC 022560 008164. Hardy, Diane Warren Bridgewater, NJ 072682 008102. Hardy, Hugh Dan, Jr. Raleigh, NC 072682 007792. Hardy, Reginald Lee Bridgewater, NJ 072481 006034. Hardy, William Murphy, Jr. Kinston, NC 091873 003899. Hargett, Christopher Barker Greenville, NC 030356 006035. Hargett, Ernest George Jacksonville, NC 091873 008264. Hargett, Gloria Elaine Lumberton, NC 022283 006358. Hargis, Gerald Wayne Burlington, NC 090975 Hargis, Ronald Lathan 004903. Burlington, NC 033166 007695. Harlow, Joanne Slawson Kannapolis, NC 072181 007990. Harman, John Douglas Spartanburg, SC 031682 003709. Harman, John Fuller, Jr. Lexington, NC 030154 006196. Harmon, David Kirby Roanoke, VA 091774 006033. -59- 005666. Harmon, Lanny Hartman Columbus, GA 051871 004521. Harmon, William Sidney Wilson, NC 071062 003495. Harper, James E. Concord, NC 091751 004818. Harper, Jerry Purser Gastonia, NC 031565 005101. Harper, Jewel Benton Goodlettsville, TN 100967 004904. Harper, Ralph Ragan, Jr. Kings Mountain, NC 033166 004386. Harper, Wendell James Goldsboro, NC 030661 002456. Harper, William Lacy Hendersonville, NC 061428 006359. Harrell, Cathryn Boykin Stantonsburg, NC 090975 005978. Harrell, Christina Helfert Richmond, VA 041773 005335. Harrell, Clarence Brooks, III Brevard, NC 100269 007138. Harrell, Jacquelin Touloupas Gastonia, NC 042779 004115. Harrell, Ollie Cecil Clemmons, NC 070758 007568. Harrell, Robert Cowan, Jr. Raleigh, NC 111880 007793. Harrell, Walter Stanton, Jr. Kinston, NC 072481 009040. Harrell, Wendy Whitley ' Macclesfield, NC 072685 008744. Harrelson, Martha Jo Lumberton, NC 073084 003731. Harrelson, William Howard Tabor City, NC 061654 006468. Harrill, Gary Lee Stanley, NC 040576 005270. Harrill, Michael Henry Dallas, NC 041069 004028. Harrington, Gerald Kelly Wilmington, NC 070457 005529. Harrington, Thomas Michael Salisbury, NC 092270 004581. Harris, Anne Harris Greenville, NC 030563 007453. Harris, Donna Jean Carrboro, NC 072580 004148. Harris, Fenton Hayes, Jr. Jacksonville, NC 022559 003710. Harris, George Wesley Chapel Hill, NC 030154 008586. Harris, Hal Clarke Raleigh, NC 022284 003566. Harris, Joseph Claxton, Jr. Newport, NC 070252 006570. Harris, Julian Walter Chapel Hill, NC 091576 005703. Harris, Leon William Concord, NC 100171 004905. Harris, Lynda Cauble Mullica Hill, NJ 033166 008419. Harris, Marietta Jones Pittsboro, NC 080383 004348. Harris, Robert Parker Hope Mills, NC 101860 003634. Harris, Rufus Oglesby Charlotte, NC 040753 006307. Harris, Sandra Brown Calabash, NC 041075 004355. Harris, Savannah Barbara Hope Mills, NC 111560 007948. Harris, Susan Foster Saxapahaw, NC 030182 004217. Harris, Thomas Elwood, Jr. Thomasville, NC 070259 004286. Harris, Virginia Hogue Boiling Springs, NC 022560 006197. Harris, William Lee, Jr. Apex, NC 091774 007214. Harris, Willis Edgar, Jr. Salemburg, NC 101979 006131. Harrison, Bruce Rollin Webster Groves, MO 040974 003567. Harrison, John Rollin Troy, NC 070252 006443. Harrison, Vicki Blackburn lown City, lA 040576 007178. Harry, Donald Joseph Suffield, CT 051579 006571. Harry, William Patterson Fayetteville, NC 091576 009041. Hart, Earl Daniel, Jr. Charlotte, NC 072685 008679. Hart, Larry Dean Hudson, NC 080284 002682. Hartis, Gilbert Clyde Winston-Salem, NC 112134 004582. Hartis, Gilbert Clyde, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 030563 004696. Hartis, Margaret McCann Winston-Salem, NC 030464 008587. Hartle, William James, Jr. Fayetteville, NC 022284 005826. Hartley, Gary Michael Lenoir, NC 090572 005110. Harvey, Claude Douglas Thomasville, NC 112167 006672. Harvey, Henry Lawrence, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 041577 008650. Harvie, Richard James Sylva, NC 052284 -60008959. 003536. 006036. 004697. 008189. 007352. 003657. 004523. 008832. 008501. 004583. 006870. 005754. 005930. 005421. 003568. 006898. 003624. 008651. 008420. 003291. 004319. 003772. 003265. 006789. 008863. 008908. 006899. Harvin, Kimberly Ann Wilson, NC 062785 Harward, Benjamin Russell Raleigh, NC 030652 Harwell, Ronald Reece Newton, NC 091873 Harwood, George Emsley Albemarle, NC 030464 Hasspacher, James Bernard Greensboro, NC 092182 . Hatch, Bannie Henderson ^ Arlington, TX 042480 Hatcher, Joseph Earl Kenansville, NC 062953 Hathcock, James Alden, Jr. Charlotte, NC 071062 Hathcock, Teresa Elder Charlotte, NC 091884 Hatley, David Wayne North Myrtle Beach, SC 092083 Hatley, Gilbert Max Marshville, NC 030563 Hatley, James Michael Oakboro, NC 012078 Hatley, Joe Cornelius Kannapolis, NC 040772 Hauser, David John Advance, NC 041273 Hauser, Samuel Franklin Fayetteville, NC 040270 Hauss, Harry Lynn China Grove, NC 070252 Hawkins, Charlotte Marie Decatur, GA 041478 Hawkins, Clayburn Irvin Madison, NC 030353 Hawkins, David Warner Greenville, NC 052284 Hawkins, Frank Cannon K. Washington, NC 080383 Hawkins, Hal Burgess Wilkesboro, NC 063049 Hawkins, Julian Neil Asheville, NC 070660 Hawkins, Perry Earl Charlotte, NC 110354 Hawkins, Robert Reeves Marana, AZ 022349 Hawkins, Thomas Edwin Yanceyville, NC 091677 Hawks, Carolyn Marie Atlanta, GA 112084 Hayes, Christopher William David Rockingham, NC 022685 Hayes, Dannie Marion Fayetteville, NC 041478 007794. 006037. 004698. 005627. 007454. 004794. 009042. 005271. 008940. 007795. 006428. 004565. 005704. 006572. 005626. 004163. 005395. 003336. 003336. 003941. 008098. 004966. 006360. 003617. 007697. 009106. 004743. 006673. Hayes, Eric Clifford Charlotte, NC 072481 Hayes, Florence Terry Youngsville, NC 091873 Hayes, Hugh Floyd Mount Airy, NC 030464 Hayes, James Craig Anchorage, AK 032971 Hayes, Karen Knox Mebane, NC 072580 Hayes, Sara Burris Mount Airy, NC 030365 Haynes, Jennifer Lee Elizabeth City, NC 072685 Haywood, Leon Stanley Asheboro, NC 041069 Haywood, Sandra Stanford Birmingham, AL 031985 Hazelgrove, Douglas Scott Kinston, NC 072481 Hazlett, Charles Arthur Swannanoa, NC 021776 Healy, Gerald Patrick Yadkinville, NC 022263 Heard, Betty Strickland Savannah, GA 100171 Hearne, Harold Clifton, II Davidson, NC 091576 Heath, Audrey Gray Selma, NC 032971 Heath, Ivey Leinster, Jr. Richmond, VA 022759 Heath, Larry Lee Virginia Beach, VA 022770 Heath, Raymond Edward Graham, NC 022450 Heath, Raymond Edward Graham, NC 022450 Heath, Richard Veston Snow Hill, NC 070456 Heath, Susan Annette Wilmington, NC 072682 Heatherington, Terry Walter Midland, NC 100666 Heaton, Donald Allen Grandy, NC 090975 Heaton, Pinckney Hugo, Jr. Clinton, NC 022753 Hedberg, Ann Elizabeth Richmond, VA 072181 Hedgecock, Lisa Whitley Kernersville, NC 072685 Hedgepeth, Morris Edwards Henderson, NC 070264 Hedrick, Nancy Ellen Durham, NC 041577 -61- Hedrick, Rebecca Alvertress Greensboro, NC 072682 007215. Heeter, Gary Bruce Chapel Hill, NC 101679 003078. Hege, Gerald Dean Whiteville, NC 011745 007796. Heilman, John Michael Valdese, NC 072481 008847. Heintz-Smith, Margaret Katherine China Grove, NC 091884 007351. Heinz, James Ervan Southern Pines, NC 042480 008104. Helms, James Donald Monroe, NC 072682 007100. Helms, Janet Fowler Monroe, NC 032079 007246. Helton, David Lee Danville, VA 110179 005827. Helton, Donald Clyde Hickory, NC 090572 003292. Hemingway, Clifford Ervin Charlotte, NC 063049 004285. Hemingway, Frank McCoy Bethel, NC 022560 003664. Hemingway, Mary Frances Charlotte, NC 062953 008588. Hemingway, William Edward, Jr. Greenville, NC 022284 008422. Henderson, Amy Luanne Charlotte, NC 080383 004454. Henderson, Donna Robertson Bristol, TN 121561 007538. Hendrick, Cindy Gardner Shelby, NC 102180 005448. Hendricks, Kay McCray Raleigh, NC 040270 004744. Hendrix, James Franklin Murphy, NC 070264 003032. Henley, John Tannery Hope Mills, NC 080343 006132. Henley, Robert Ray Hope Mills, NC 040974 008038. Henn, Larry Lee Venice, FL 072082 008348. Hennis, Jeffrey Scott Mount Airy, NC 071983 006674. Henriksen, Frederick Michael Burgaw, NC 041577 006354. Henry, Carolyn Ann Myrtle Beach, SC 090975 007388. Henry, Diane Whitesell Minersville, PA 042480 005755. Henry, Marshall Clarence, Jr. Myrtle Beach, SC 040772 006133. Hensley, Clyde Eugene Hickory, NC 040974 008103. Henson, James Baker Valle Crucis, NC 041069 008745. Hepler, Emily Byrd Charlotte, NC 073084 003796. Herrin, John Clegg Oxford, NC 022855 008039. Herring, Edwin Alexander Clinton, NC 072082 Herring, Egbert Marcus, III 006469. Tarboro, NC 040576 005202. Herring, Gene Frederick Jacksonville, NC 100368 006675. Herring, Henry Haven, Jr. Wilmington, NC 041577 006361. Herring, James Craig, Jr. Clinton, NC 090975 003058. Herring, Rufus McPhail Clinton, NC 032944 009043. Herring, Sandra Irene Rocky Mount, NC 072685 007353. Hersh, Maria Renee San Antonio, TX 042480 006270. Hershkowitz, David Venice, CA 041075 007200. Hess, Alan Joseph APO New York, NY 082179 006743. Hesson, Thomas Duke Statesville, NC 071877 006676. Hester, Rez Patterson, Jr. Greensboro, NC 041577 009044. Hewett, Sibyl Anne Supply, NC 072685 007164. Hewgley, Janet Sawyer Toledo, OH 042779 006198. Hewitt, Harold Edward, Jr. Myrtle Beach, SC 091774 005538. Heymann, Carol Ann Greenville, SC 092270 005465. Heymann, William Alfred Ft. Lauderdale, FL 051970 006239. Hiatt, Charles Barry Hilton Head Island, SC 012875 005756. Hiatt, Monty Dean Mount Airy, NC 040772 009045. Hickerson, Robert Lee Chapel Hill, NC 072685 006168. Hickey, Melanie Manning Oceanside, CA 091774 008423. Hickman, Bain Miller, Jr. Durham, NC 080383 003985. Hickman, Jack Herbert Charlotte, NC 022257 004387. Hickmon, James Ralph Fayetteville, NC 030661 004837. Hickmon, Leon Edward Castle Hayne, NC 070265 005272. -62002677. Hicks, Allen Milton Pikeville, NC 061434 003337. Hicks, Jean Snyder Raleigh, NC 022450 004508. Hicks, Joseph Oliver Germanton, NC 070462 006199. Hicks, William Jackson, Jr. Norlina, NC 091774 008424. Higa, Gerald Masaki Carrboro, NC 080383 006470. Higbee, Sidney Lee Salisbury, NC 040576 003881. Higdon, Milton Lee Forest City, NC 111955 007030. Higgins, Ruth Hall Black Mountain, NC 110378 007698. Hilal, Nadia Altamonte Springs, FL 072181 007354. Hildreth, Jonnie Elizabeth Matthews, NC 042480 004967. Hill, Christie Early Durham, NC 100666 008105. Hill, Cynthia Hartmann Greenville, NC 072682 004700. Hill, Dempsey Craig Kinston, NC 030464 007455. Hill, Elefteria Tony Raleigh, NC 072580 005336. Hill, G. Earl Kinston, NC 100269 009116. Hill, Harris Rudolph Fayetteville, NC 091785 003882. Hill, Jonathan Adoneran Charlotte, NC 111955 006790. Hill, Joseph Terrell Greensboro, NC 091677 005828. Hill, Larry Grayson Trinity, NC 090572 007355. Hill, Robert Allan Raleigh, NC 042480 004932. Hill, William Jeffries South Boston, VA 041966 007699. Hilley, Carol Lynn Marshall, NC 072181 005337. Hilliard, Hoover Henry, Jr. Greensboro, NC 100269 004424. Himes, Charles Farris Westerville, OH 070361 007206. Hinch, Roscoe Hooper Hendersonville, NC 091879 008166. Hincher, Sandra Welborn Lenoir, NC 072682 009046. Hines, Jeffrey Wayne Cherryville, NC 072685 008932. Hinnant, Janie Strickland Kenly, NC 022685 008746. 007319. 008106. 007320. 008747. 005659. 007700. 003711. 008680. 008681. 003747. 007971. 008190. 006997. 006362. 003105. 003601. 006038. 007031. 003104. 008191. 007798. 007799. 008652. 006733. 005829. 007192. 004951. Hinson, Gregory Scott Statesville, NC 0073084 Hinson, Herbert Richard Fair Bluff, NC 031880 Hinson, John Lee, Jr. Goldsboro, NC 072682 Hinson, Marilyn Kershaw, SC 031880 Hinson, Timothy McRay Whiteville, NC 073084 Hinz, Dorothy Campbell Salisbury, NC 042171 Hiott, James Michael Coats, NC 072181 Hix, David Thomas Gibsonville, NC 030154 Ho, Thien-Chu Fayetteville, NC 071784 Hobbs, Gary Keith Merritt Island, FL 071784 Hobbs, Martha Ann Kinston, NC 063054 Hobbs, Tina Shirley Smithfield, NC 030182 Hochstetter, Joseph Francis St Pete Beach, FL 092182 Hodgin, Lynette Owen Danville, VA 110378 Hoffman, David Alan Clinton, NC 090975 Hoffman, Ebbie Noil Lumberton, NC 090545 Hoffman, Walter Conrad Greensboro, NC 091752 Hogg, Johnny Lee Pinetops, NC 091873 Hohenwarter, Mark William Mobile, AL 110378 Hohl, Marguerite White Jacksonville, FL 090545 Holak, Elena Juliana Winston-Salem, NC 092182 Holbrook, Kimberly Irene Charlotte, NC 072481 Holcomb, Charles Gregory Lewisville, NC 072481 Holcombe, Beverly Jean Chapel Hill, NC 052284 Holder, Edward Ray Broadway, NC 062177 Holder, Lewis Talmadge, Jr. Hickory, NC 090572 Holder, Richard Terry Boone, NC 071779 Holding, Thomas Elford, III Wake Forest, NC 100566 -63- 005705. Holland, Charles Wayne Wilson, NC 100171 005530. Holland, David Louis Greenville, NC 092270 003685. Holland, John Sibert Winston Salem, NC 092853 005706. Holland, Kenneth Rollins Canton, NC 100171 008628. Holland, Lee Ann Winston-Salem, NC 032084 004968. Holland, Nicholas Vedder Chapel Hill, NC 100666 005422. Holland, Ronald Lamar Dallas, NC 040270 008502. Holland, Thomas Hunter, Sr. Danville, VA 092083 003002. Holland, Thomas Marshall Mount Holly, NC 061742 007800. Holleman, Ann Hughey Chapel Hill, NC 072481 004906. Holleman, Curtis Edwin Fuquay-Varina, NC 033166 007356. Hollifield, Robert Andrew Bostic, NC 042480 004838. Hollingsworth, J. Winston Rich Square, NC 070265 005480. Hollingsworth, Morris Elbert, Jr. Gainesville, GA 061670 004997. Holloway, Donald Allen Chapel Hill, NC 020167 004164. Hollowell, Aubrey Ellis Belhaven, NC 022759 008107. Hollowell, Linda Ann Durham, NC 072682 003043. Hollowell, William Herbert, Jr. Edenton, NC 032944 007502. Holman, Bradford Earl, Jr. Charlotte, NC 081980 003600. Holmes, Johnnie Milton, Jr. Teaneck, NJ 091752 008864. Holroyd, Douglas George, Sr. Dunn, NC 112084 006792. Holshouser, Mark Howard Safety Harbor, FL 091677 003266. Holt, Maryellen Millaway Burlington, NC 022349 003658. Holt, Worthe Seymour Indianapolis, IN 062953 004307. Honaker, Stephen Grover, Sr. Winston-Salem, NC 051760 004795. Honeycutt, Bruce Willard Franklinton, NC 030365 004321. Honeycutt, Herman Ross Raleigh, NC 070660 007298. Honeycutt, John Thomas Franklinton, NC 112079 Honeycutt, Moody Zebulin, Jr. Drexel, NC 030563 008426. Hong, Yun Winston-Salem, NC 080383 003918. Hood, India Brinkley Richlands, NC 040356 003293. Hood, John Cogdell, Jr. Kinston, NC 063049 004322. Hood, John David Morganton, NC 070660 007596. Hood, Keith Gordon Raleigh, NC 022781 004388. Hood, Robert Lonn Richlands, NC 030661 006793. Hook, Susan Lazenby Bessemer City, NC 091677 008589. Hooker, Deborah Ann Carolina Beach, NC 022284 005757. Hooks, Judy Yates Apex, NC 040772 007597. Hooks, Mary McNeill Hallsboro, NC 022781 006677. Hooper, Sandra Sue Sylva, NC 041577 006678. Hoover, Helen Elaine Alexander Durham, NC 041577 009047. Hoover, Lisa Pierce Lumberton, NC 072685 008451. Hoppe, Robyn McClure Charlotte, NC 080383 003188. Horne, Henry Ruffin Fayetteville, NC 061947 005128. Horne, William P., Jr. Hamlet, NC 040468 003338. Horner, Lucille Earl Charlotte, NC 022450 007702. Horoshak, Yvonn Louise Leicester, NC 072181 006877. Horton, E. Anne Roanoke, VA 032278 003537. Horton, John Palmer, Jr. Wilkesboro, NC 030652 003570. Horton, William Donald Wilkesboro, NC 070552 005273. Horton, William Ferree Asheville, NC 041069 003503. Horton, William Pitts Wilson, NC 102951 008237. Horwitz, Neil Louis Raleigh, NC 011883 008748. Houff, Elizabeth Barringer Sanford, NC 073084 005830. Hough, Thomas Woodrow, Jr. Wadesboro, NC 090572 004873. Houghtaling, Dennis Herbert Falfurrias, TX 092765 00458A. -64- 007358. House, Hedy Elizabeth Charlotte, NC 042480 003267. House, Joseph , Jr. Grifton, NC 022349 002705. Houser, William Henry Cherryville, NC 112835 006930. Houston, Deborah Ritter Greensboro, NC 041478 006679. Houston, Owen Wayne Kinston, NC 041577 006546. Hovis, Katherine Carpenter Gastonia, NC 091576 005531. Hovis, Larry Kenneth Wilmington, NC 092270 007598. Howard, Ben Coleman Wrightsville Beach, NC 022781 004367. Howard, Edwin Cavanaugh Mars Hill, NC 022261 003849. Howard, Julius Francis Wilmington, NC 070555 005203. Howard, Lavoice Hardison Lola, SC 100368 006900. Howard, Michael Douglas Concord, NC 041478 003372. Howe, Alfred Gregory Augusta, GA 070650 008108. Howell, Admiral Griffith, Jr. Goldsboro, NC 072682 008109. Howell, Charlotta King Clarksville, VA 072682 008427. Howell, Elizabeth Denise Pinetown, NC 080383 007791. Howell, Kim Hamlet Raeford, NC 072481 006639. Howell, Thomas Parsons Raeford, NC 111576 003061. Howell, William Lawrence, Jr. Raeford, NC 081043 004969. Howerton, Marsha Hesoun Nashville, TN 100666 005931. Howes, Henry Crayne Wilmington, NC 041273 009048. Howes, Susan Annette Grifton, NC 072685 003778. Howie, Walter Wilcox Marion, NC 120354 003373. Hoyle, Edgar Dixon Morehead City, NC 070650 004010. Hubbard, Anna Sue Greensboro, NC 030257 004796. Hubbard, Phyllis Ann Charlotte, NC 030365 006272. Hudson, Marian Parsons Raleigh, NC 041075 003468. Hudson, Ray Truman Gastonia, NC 062851 008110. 006134. 007599. 008238. 007359. 004477. 004907. 004323. 006273. 004585. 007247. 007094. 004701. 007464. 005758. 005707. 005831. 003314. 004758. 006794. 006039. 007503. 007569. 007600. 005741. 004624. 007951. 007643. Huff, Jamie Blythe Rockingham, NC 072682 Huff, Patsy Stoltz Chapel Hill, NC 040974 Huff, Shannon Candace Chapel Hill, NC 022781 Huff, William Jason Blue Ridge, GA 011883 Huffines, James Paul, Jr. Statesville, NC 042480 Huffman, Kent Loewe Greensboro, NC 030662 Huffman, Larry Levene Lenoir, NC 033166 Huffstetler, Delvin Sylvanus Morehead City, NC 070660 Huffstetler, Dorothy G a m e s Raleigh, NC 041075 Huggins, Hubert Theodore, Jr. Dallas, NC 030563 Hughes, David Lawrence Wilmington, NC 110179 Hughes, Thomas Francis Chapel Hill, NC 022879 Hull, James Heyward, III Chapel Hill, NC 030464 Humphrey, Jan Lassiter Wilmington, NC 072580 Humphreys, Bradley Alan Camden, NC 040772 Humphries, Jane Foust Wilmington, DE 100171 Hundley, Cynthia Hubbard Charlotte, NC 090572 Hunsucker, Evelyn Stutts Gibson, NC 063049 Hunter, Charles Harris King, NC 070764 Hunter, Frank Wills Hillsborough, NC 091677 Hunter, Ralph Borden Beulaville, NC 091873 Hunter, Thomas Andrew, Sr. Matthews, NC 081980 Huntley, Barbara Hinton Southern Pines, NC 111880 Huntley, James Charlton Southern Pines, NC 022781 Hurt, Carol Claywell Morganton, NC 040772 Hurt, Jasper Alexander, Jr. Morganton, NC 070563 H u r \ > M t z , Jean Gertrude Durham, NC 030182 Husek, Joseph Richard Sn.'llville, GA 061681 -65- 008624. Huseman, Karen Cobb Camp Lejuene, NC 022284 002633. Huss, Kelly William Cherryville, NC 031633 008433. Hussey, Elizabeth Kernodle Pittsboro, NC 080383 008909. Hussey, Harold Bradley Pittsboro, NC 022685 008349. Huston, Douglas Roy Matthews, NC 071983 008350. Huston, Sally Pederi Matthews, NC 071983 005708. Hutchison, Gail Henry Raleigh, NC 100171 005168. Hyde, Corbett Roderick Portsmouth, VA 071968 008055. Hylton, Jan Ball Raleigh, NC 072682 006471. Icard, Phil Franklin Taylorsville, NC 040576 006901. Idol, Gary Walter Kernersville, NC 041478 006902. Idol, Hugh Kenneth Raleigh, NC 041478 008960. Ihenacho, Baldwin I.O. Dorchester, MA 052185 004166. Inabinet, James Lewis Pfafftown, NC 022759 006680. Ingold, Frances Cottrell Greensboro, NC 041577 004073. Ingram, James Thomas Roanoke Rapids, NC 022858 007249. Ingram, Michael Anthony Roanoke Rapids, NC 110179 007250. Ingram, Molly Preston Chapel Hill, NC 110179 008910. Ingram, Robert Thomas Chapel Hill, NC 022685 002980. IiMian, George Graham Rockingham, NC 111341 006275. Inman, John Keith Wilmington, NC 041075 005338. Inman, Robert Harris Greensboro, NC 100269 004197. Inman, Robert Monroe Landrum, SC 052659 009049. Ipock, Steven Albert Pollocksville, NC 072685 006040. Irion, James Carney Decatur, GA 091873 002946. Irwin, Dwayne Alton Elkin, NC 061841 005832. Irwin, Larry Dwayne Elkin, NC 090572 003021. Irwin, Robert Louis State Road, NC 110943 004029. 007032. 007801. 008750. 005180. 007704. 007321. 005759. 002385. 007201. 005339. 002222. 005628. 008590. 008376. 004287. 004702. 007539. 007202. 006041. 004167. 006276. 008558. 008471. 005670. 004168. 004030. 006364. Isaac, Douglas Woodrow Mebane, NC 070457 Isenhower, Carmen Davis Conover, NC 110378 Isgett, Sharon Lynn Asheville, NC 072481 Isley, Rhonda Denise Asheville, NC 073084 Iverson, Harry Miles Raleigh, NC 092068 Ives, Timothy John Chapel Hill, NC 072181 Izzo, Anthony Michael Garner, NC 031880 Jackson, Eric Allen Collinsville, CT 040772 Jackson, Jasper Carlton Lumberton, NC 061627 Jackson, Jerome Anderson Cleveland, GA 082179 Jackson, Jimmy Smith Garner, NC 100269 Jackson, Leonidas Erwin, NC 112624 Jackson, Lynne Alexander Collinsville, CT 032971 Jackson, Mae Lloyd Raleigh, NC 022284 Jackson, Mary Bailey Greenville, NC 080383 Jackson, Payton Donald Rocky Mount, NC 022560 Jackson, Robert Charles Lebanon, PA 030464 Jackson, Teresa Buckner Winston-Salem, NC 102180 Jackson, Teresa Teague Cleveland, GA 082179 Jackson, William Allan Oxford, NC 091873 Jackson, William Carlton Lumberton, NC 022759 Jackson, Wilton Evans, Jr. Saint Pauls, NC 041075 Jacobs, Julie Ann Pittsboro, NC 011784 James, Diane Spruill Fuquay Varina, NC 080383 James, Forrest Michael Raleigh, NC 061571 James, Francis Duke Waynesville, NC 022759 James, Geraldine Keenum Waynesville, NC 070457 James, Joel Paul Angier, NC 090975 -66008320. James, Michael Kent Carrboro, NC 051083 007251. James, Pamela Lynn Wilmington, NC 110179 005599. James, Raymond Franklin Fayetteville, NC 021671 004091. James, William Allen Belmont, NC 022858 007540. Jamieson, Meredith Anne Greensboro, NC 102180 006575. Jamison, David Lee Charlotte, NC 091576 004839. Jamison, Mary Elizabeth Bristol, TN 070265 008833. Jansma, Glenyce Lee Raleigh, NC 091884 004745. Jarman, Joseph Jacksonville, NC 070264 007802. Jarrell, Janice Hopkins Charlotte, NC 072481 007494. Jarrett, Anne Thompson High Point, NC 072580 004288. Jarrett, Charles Leonard Lexington, NC 022560 009050. Jarvis, Raymond Mack, 111 Oxford, NC 072685 006135. Jaynes, Hal Steven Lenoir, NC 040974 007602. Jenkins, David Thomas Raleigh, NC 022781 006519. Jenkins, Glenda Marene Rock Hill, SC 050576 005340. Jenkins, Gregory Lee Star, NC 100269 004095. Jenkins, Jane Beyer Swarthmore, PA 050258 005709. Jenkins, Patricia Farabaugh Lanham, MD 100171 003434. Jenkins, Paul Ronald Murfreesboro, NC 022751 006904. Jenkins, Robert Darrell, Jr. Raleigh, NC 041478 002375. Jenkins, Sam Walstonburg, NC 061627 003885. Jenkins, Walter Ingram, Jr. Biscoe, NC 111955 004289. Jenks, Keithan Blanchard Graham, NC 022560 005230. Jennings, George Newell Cambridge City, IN 101868 006851. Jennings, Judith Crump Durham, NC 092377 006418. Jennings, Norma Breneman Cambridge City, IN 012076 003t.35. Jennings, Robert Neal Wilkesboro, NC 042453 004449. 006681. 007705. 008834. 008111. 002947. 008429. 007457. 003375. 008265. 006264. 007033. 004325. 007360. 004012. 005341. 008430. 006682. 007034. 008040. 006683. 005833. 005792. 008266. 008267. 003022. 006097. 007252. Jennings, Willie Hugh Burlington, NC 110161 Jernigan, Carol Martin State Road, NC 041577 Jeter, Joe L. Asheville, NC 072181 Jett, Rudolph Morton Raeford, NC 091884 Johnson, Alton Dale West Lafayette, IN 072682 Johnson, Arthur Richardson Winston-Salem, NC 072741 Johnson, Betsy Jo Florence, SC 080383 Johnson, Bruce Albert Greenville, NC 072580 Johnson, Clarence Elbert Greenville, NC 070650 Johnson, Deborah Gaye Danville, VA 022283 Johnson, Elizabeth Stimpson Atlanta, GA 041075 Johnson, Gordon Bryant Belmont, NC 110378 Johnson, Jerome Karl Raleigh, NC 070660 Johnson, Joan Wesley Winston-Salem, NC 042480 Johnson, John Mitchell Raleigh, NC 032757 Johnson, Joseph Lewis, Jr. Greensboro, NC 100269 Johnson, Martha Pullium Zebulon, NC 080383 Johnson, Mary Robin Memphis, TN 041577 Johnson, Michael Francis Carmel, IN 110378 Johnson, Richard Daniel Seminole, FL 072082 Johnson, Richard Hunter Gary, NC 041577 Johnson, Robert Byron Asheboro, NC 090572 Johnson, Robert Harold Hendersonville, NC 081772 Johnson, Robert Mark Jacksonville, NC 022283 Johnson, Roger Dale Durham, NC 022283 Johnson, Rowland Hill Robbins, NC 060443 Johnson, Samuel Rowland Greenville, NC 011874 Johnson, Shelby Marie Charlotte, NC 110179 -6 7- 003801. Johnson, Sidney Braxton, Jr. Carthage, NC 022855 008911. Johnson, Susan Hedrick Charlotte, NC 022685 003034. Johnson, Troy Humphrey Raleigh, NC 060443 008835. Johnson, Vickie Titchenell Greenville, NC 091884 003407. Johnson, Wallace Allen Mount Airy, NC 081650 007541. Johnson, Wallace Allen, Jr. Mount Airy, NC 102180 003376. Johnson, Walter Philip Kinston, NC 070650 005060. Johnson, William Colbert Stone Mountain, GA 091867 004425. Johnson, William Lewis, Jr. Franklinton, NC 070361 003659. Johnson, William Rowland Smyrna, GA 062953 004797. Johnson, Willis Ray, 111 Jacksonville, NC 030365 004250. Johnson, Wilson , Jr. Richmond, VA 091759 007803. Johnston, Donald Cameron, Jr. Hickory, NC 072481 007141. Jolly, Gary Michael Gastonia, NC 042779 004074. Jones, Alpheus , Jr. Warrenton, NC 022858 004501. Jones, Arthur Raley, Jr. Pecos, TX 041762 005894. Jones, Betty Vassey Fort Mill, SC 031273 005424. Jones, Camille Kiser Wilkesboro, NC 040270 006882. Jones, Carol Bias Tinmionsville, SC 041478 006120. Jones, Carol Craven Mentor, OH 040974 003377. Jones, Charles Flournoy, Jr. Oxford, NC 070650 009051. Jones, Cheryl Ann Raleigh, NC 072685 003086. Jones, Constance DuBose Akron, OH 011745 006258. Jones, Cynthia Craddock Salt Lake City, UT 041075 007504. Jones, Dale Leroy Charlotte, NC 081980 006166. Jones, David Alexander Mount Airy, NC 071674 003660. Jones, David Edward Beaufort, NC 062953 007103. Jones, Delton Odell Fayetteville, NC 032079 004262. 006277. 006042. 005244. 007035. 003378. 005793. 002851. 006313. 008912. 007558. 007706. 008193. 003379. 007505. 004970. 004511. 005129. 006250. 005275. 003915. 008987. 006796. 006627. 006136. 009052. 006365. 007159. Jones, Don Preston Charlotte, NC 021760 Jones, Durwood Ray Kinston, NC 041075 Jones, Elbert Maurice Mentor, OH 091873 Jones, Elder Hill, Jr. Morehead City, NC 013069 Jones, Ernest Chester, Jr. Dunn, NC 110378 Jones, Floyd Edward, Jr. Norfolk, VA 070650 Jones, Francis Randolph Virginia Beach, VA 081772 Jones, George Haywood Zebulon, NC 061439 Jones, Gerald Cooper Warsaw, NC 042475 Jones, Granville Ragland Raleigh, NC 022685 Jones, Gregory Cleveland Knightdale, NC 102180 Jones, James Elbert, Jr. Valdese, NC 072181 Jones, Janice Nancy Goose Creek, SC 092182 Jones, John Lee, Jr. Canton, NC 070650 Jones, Judith Matthews Charlotte, NC 081980 Jones, Larry Wilson Taylorsville, NC 100666 Jones, Minnie Barnes Charlotte, NC 071062 Jones, Nellie Silver Raleigh, NC 040468 Jones, Patricia Benfield State College, PA 041075 Jones, Richard Trevor Salisbury, NC 041069 Jones, Robert Bartow Candler, NC 032156 Jones, Robert Charles Seymour, IN 071685 Jones, Robert Edward Charlotte, NC 091677 Jones, Shelia Rose Elizabeth City, NC 091576 Jones, Stephen Roscoe Wilmington, NC 040974 Jones, Stephen Yates Raleigh, NC 072685 Jones, Steven Lee Canton, NC 090975 Jones, Susan Plyler Winston-Salem, NC 042779 -68- 008157. 004909. 006366. 003294. 004389. 008292. 006734. 006735. 008749. 006844. 006578. 004370. 003295. 003296. 008751. 003942. 003023. 007142. 004169. 008988. 003770. 005671. 005250. 006202. 003980. 007170. 006278. 007253. Jones, Susan Speir Columbus, OH 072682 Jones, Thomas Henry Garner, NC 033166 Jones, Warren Rickman Durham, NC 090975 Jones, Waverly Winfield, Sr. Virginia Beach, VA 063149 Jones, William Warren Morganton, NC 030661 Joost, Reda Rae Raleigh, NC 021583 Jordan, Alice Darden High Point, NC 062177 Jordan, Dewey Herman, Jr. High Point, NC 062177 Jordan, Elizabeth Hunter Dillon, SC 073084 Jordan, Karen Threatt Hillsborough, NC 091677 Jordan, Lloyd Adrian Waynesville, NC 091576 Jordan, Sylvia Bonner Annandale, VA 030661 Jordan, William Merritt, Jr. Nebo, NC 063049 Jordan, William Walter Raleigh, NC 063049 Joseph, Jean Papincak Raleigh, NC 073084 Josey, Charles William Old Fort, NC 070456 Jowdy, Albert Willoughby, Jr. Athens, GA 060443 Joy, Carrilea McCauley Spartenburg, SC 042779 Joyce, Gladys Elizabeth Kernersville, NC 022759 Joye, Linda Flinchum Clemmons, NC 071685 Joye, Milbourne Legrand Buford, GA 102554 Joye, Raymond Dewey Kings Mountain, NC 061571 Joyner, Herbert Eugene Mauldin, SC 032569 Joyner, Pamela Upchurch Raleigh, NC 091774 Julian, Leslie Beard Sneedville, TN 120456 Jump, Cathy Wilson Julian, NC 042779 Jump, Richard Phillip Julian, NC 041075 Jurney, Charles Thomas Terrell, NC 1 10179 008431. 006279. 006579. 008653. 005206. 005933. 006967. 007459. 007160. 006797. 008216. 004775. 004141. 003900. 008836. 005630. 007362. 003994. 002809. 005453. 007905. 003192. 005097. 004478. 006580. 003995. 007108. 004798. Justice, Gary Dwight Southport, NC 080383 Justice, Ralph Preston, Jr Pawley's Island, SC 0410 Justice, Sarah Ann Pawley's Island, SC 0915 Kains, Cynthia Marie Durham, NC 052284 Kaley, Martha Hendrix Greensboro, NC 100368 Kandzer, Paul Lawrence Winston-Salem, NC 041272 Kaplan, Irwin Hillard Jacksonville, NC 092678 Karahalios, William John High Point, NC 072580 Kardon, Anna Purvis Greensboro, NC 042779 Karesh, Gail Greensboro, NC 091677 Kasper, Jeffery Daniel Harlingen, TX 111682 Kasperczyk, Patricia Day Green Oaks, IL 102064 Katzman, Martin David Charlotte, NC 010259 Kauffman, William Herbert Asheville, NC 030356 Kawecki, Mary Beth Durham, NC 091884 Kearney, Robert Evans Wilson, NC 032971 Kearns, Garry Ray High Point, NC 042480 Keating, Thomas Matthew Asheville, NC 030157 Kee, Horace Jackson Norfolk, VA 061538 Keener, Wilbur Lawrence Monroe, NC 040270 Keenujii, Amy Jane Murphy, NC 011982 Keetsock, Ida Negron Durham, NC 061947 Keever, Ann Willis Lincolnton, NC 100767 Keever, David Eugene Lincolnton, NC 030662 Keever, Kenneth Wilson High Point, NC 091576 Keever, Zeb Thomas, Jr. Lincolnton, NC 030157 Keicher, Philip Allen Durham, NC 072379 Keith, Luther Wayne Lexington, NC 030365 -69- 007254. 006403. 005389. ''157| 006753. 008239. 007707. 004992. 007708. 008961. 002350. 002967. 007363. 005018. 004444. 007143. 006203. 004031. 005343. 004799. 004863. 004910. 006137. 007316. 1007404. 007559. 005998. 005835. 005467. Keller, Robert Joseph Asheville, NC 110179 Kelley, Hal David Kings Mountain, NC 092575 Kelley, James Glendon Asheville, NC 012070 Kelley, John David Birmingham, AL 081677 Kelley, Kerry Lynwood Houston, TX 011883 Kelley, Linda Payne Hayesville, NC 072181 Kelley, Robert Douglas, Jr. Sylva, NC 112966 Kelly, Candace Roberts Auburn Heights, MI 072181 Kelly, Danna Campbell Columbia, SC 052185 Kelly, George Carl Lillington, NC 112326 Kelly, Hunter Liggett Durham, NC 061841 Kelly, James Edward Columbia, SC 042480 Kelly, Marion Nelson, Jr. Knoxville, TN 040167 Kemp, Robert Carlton Weaverville, NC 100561 Kemp, William Royster Middlesex, NC 042779 Kendall, Ralph Herndon, Jr. High Point, NC 091774 Kendrick, Melvin Clyde Greensboro, NC 070457 Kennedy, Jerry Brady Burlington, NC 100269 Kennedy, John Lowry Statesville, NC 030365 Kennedy, Johnnie Buren, Jr. Andrews, NC 092365 Kennedy, Larry Gene Star, NC 033166 Kennerly, Richard Van Goldsboro, NC 040974 Kenney, William Francis, Jr. Charlotte, NC 021980 Kennison, Lloyd George New Bern, NC 071580 Kephart, Mark Alan Mount Olive, NC 102180 Kepner, Irvin Crispin, Jr. Wilmington, NC 091873 Kermon, Louis Todd, Jr. Wilmington, NC 090572 Kern, John Philip Westlake, OH 051970 008432. Kerner, Lisa Motsinger Nashville, TN 080383 003024. Kerr, Banks Dayton Raleigh, NC 060443 005166. Kesler, James Phillip Greensboro, NC 062468 006043. Kesler, Louise Griffin Goldsboro, NC 091873 005836. Kesler, William Thomas Goldsboro, NC 090572 007603. Kessell, Glenda Harbin Gastonia, NC 022781 007876. Kessler, Everett Richard, Jr. Soddy-Daisy, TN 091581 007906. Kessler, John Michael Chapel Hill, NC 011982 008503. Ketcham, Kathleen Gurney Jacksonville, NC 092083 007255. Key, Earl Wendell, Jr. Southern Pines, NC 110179 006314. Keyes, Lana Sue Wendell, NC 042575 006204. Keyes, Maurice Clyde, Jr. Ashland, OH 091774 003683. Keys, Carson Meade West Jefferson, NC 091853 008941. Keyser, David Thomas Roxboro, NC 031985 004971. Keziah, Walter Payne, Jr. Wilmington, NC 100666 004800. Kiang, Tai-Yee San Diego, CA 030365 006666. Kientz, Joy Early Columbus, OH 041577 008837. Kier, Karen Leigh Bridgeville, PA 091884 008838. Kier, Thomas Lee Bridgeville, PA 091884 003436. Kiger, Robert Wayne Shelby, NC 022751 006640. Kight, Hugh Osgood, Jr. Newport, NC 111676 007709. Kight, Johnny Albert Rocky Mount, NC 072181 006280. Kilgore, Susan Messer Memphis, TN 041075 005711. Killian, Charles Frederick Chapel Hill, NC 100171 009053. Killian, Diane Rene' Hickory, NC 072685 005040. Killian, Elizabeth Taylor Rougemont, NC 040167 005207. Killian, James Franklin Rougemont, NC 100368 003851. Kimball, Jacquelyn O'Neal Louisburg, NC 070555 -70- 006582. 009117. 003380. 008654. 008655. 004479. 002999. 007445. 008114. 003712. 004221. 008115. 006905. 005019. 008949. 003799. 004972. 008989. 007460. 007953. 004495. 003996. 005760. 006367. 003340. 005276. 009054. 008435. Kimball, Wanda Elaine Concord, NC 091576 Kimble, Shelby Jean Austin, TX 091785 Kinard, Edward Rinehart, Jr. Greensboro, NC 070650 Kinaszczuk, Judy Lynn Dayton, OH 052284 Kinaszczuk, Michael Dayton, OH 052284 Kincaid, Bobby James Myrtle Beach, SC 030662 King, Alfred Henderson Hillsborough, NC 061742 King, Cheryl Anita Natchez, MS 072580 King, Cheryl Kendrick Greensboro, NC 072682 King, Delton Graham Supply, NC 030154 King, Glenn Alden Hickory, NC 070259 King, Gordon McDonald Roanoke, VA 072682 King, Harold Bleckley, III Wrightsville Bch, NC 041478 King, James Arnold Littleton, NC 040167 King, James Elwood, Jr. Paragould, AR 040285 King, Jeanette Hunter Stone Mountain, GA 022855 King, Johnny Harold Greensboro, NC 100666 King, Kathleen Bacon Ahoskie, NC 071685 King, Palmer Wood, Jr. Norlina, NC 072580 King, Terry Randall Archdale, NC 030182 King, Thomas Myles, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 030762 King, Van Hill, III Salisbury, NC 030157 King, William Lewis Murphy, NC 040772 King, William Thad, II Charlotte, NC 090975 King, Winfred Almore Mount Airy, NC 022450 Kinlaw, Alton Emory Raleigh, NC 041069 Kinney, Tammy Lynn Raleigh, NC 072685 Kinslai lames Michael Franl NC 080383 008041. Kippes, Ronald Lloyd Lebanon, TN 072082 ^ 008351. Kipps , John William Fairfax, VA 071983 003997. Kirby, Carl Mumford, Jr. Southport, NC 030157 005399. Kirby, Freeman Edward Southport, NC 032770 004170. Kirby, James Thomas Brooksville, FL 022759 008436. Kirby, Keith Eugene Hudson, NC 080383 008116. Kirby, Marvin Gray, Jr. Chapel Hill, NC 072682 004390. Kirkman, Paul Madison Statesville, NC 030661 004426. Kirkman, Phebe McDonald Statesville, NC 070361 005837. Kirkpatrick, George Fred, Jr. Midlothian, VA 090572 005838. Kirkpatrick, James Weaver, Jr. Waynesville, NC 090572 005266. Kirkpatrick, Mary Ann F Midlothian, VA 041069 008437. Kirkpatrick, Terry Kent Hillsborough, NC 080383 008539. Kirkwood, Craig Frederick Richmond, VA 111583 007303. Kirschke, Glenn Thomas Clyde, NC 112079 003189. Kiser, Arthur George Asheville, NC 061947 003381. Kiser, James Clifford Gastonia, NC 070650 007038. Kiser, James Thomas, Jr. King, NC 110378 006799. Kiser, John Alexander Mooresville, NC 091677 007039. Kiser, Pamela Bullock King, NC 110378 002948. Kiser, Ray Alexander China Grove, NC 061841 005761. Kistler, Clyde Dewey, Jr. Asheboro, NC 040772 005712. Kivett, Herman Howard, Jr. Newton, NC 100171 005020. Kiziah, Larry Cleveland Maiden, NC 040167 005988. Klee, Israel Edward Weirton, WV 061973 008352. Klein, Jan Renee Durham, NC 071983 007515. Klein, Michael Steven Charlotte, NC 091680 007029. Klem, Beatriz Hernandez Jamestown, NC 110378 -71- 003802. Kluttz, John Augustus Black Mountain, NC 022855 007805. Knight, Alan Wicker Raleigh, NC 072481 003079. Knight, Edward Hines Black Mountain, NC 011745 003299. Knight, Jennings Eskridge Mooresville, NC 063049 003571. Knight, Richard Argyle Pinehurst, NC 070252 003714. Knott, Carolyn Burgess Charlotte, NC 030154 008504. Knott, Randall Layne Mechanicsville, VA 092083 006953. Knowles, Jimmy Harold Pineville, NC 081078 008505. Knowles, Sherron Elizabeth Knoxville, TN 092083 006954. Knox, John Alan Oxford, NC 081078 006281. Knox, Patricia Lewis Fayetteville, NC 041075 003341. Knox, Ralph Lloyd Charlotte, NC 022450 007461. Koford, John Lowell, Jr. North East, PA 072580 008438. Kong, Kan Wah Rocky Mount, NC 080383 003233. Koonce, Samuel Grady Chadbourn, NC 061848 006138. Koontz, Catherine Caudill Lexington, NC 040974 007806. Koontz, Garry Odell Charlotte, NC 072481 008752. Koontz, Joseph Kim Jefferson, NC 073084 006044. Koontz, Stephen Lee Lexington, NC 091873 004032. Kopp, Robert Stanley Paradise Valley, AZ 070457 007807. Korf, Susan Averrie Beaverton, OR 072481 008321. Koshikar, Oksana Mary Asheville, NC 051083 008322. Koshikar, Robert Walter Asheville, NC 051083 007542. Kotter, Steven Douglas South Boston, VA 102180 007462. Koury, Kim Dorothy Winston-Salem, NC 072580 006623. Koury, Patricia Walters Raleigh, NC 091576 003891. Kouzel, Howard Silver Spring, MD 112355 006671. Kowalski, Angela Gray Havelock, NC 041577 006645. Kowalsky, Richard John Chapel Hill, NC 021577 004055. Kramer, Stanley Howard Miami, FL 012858 007954. Krause, Paula Jean Greensboro, NC 030182 008753. Krimminger, Kathryn Rae Lumberton, NC 073084 008865. Krinsky, Daniel Leon Charlotte, NC 112084 005208. Kroboth, Timothy Ray Matthews, NC 100368 004546. Kromrey, Charles William Vero Beach, FL 091862 008439. Krueger, Karol Ann Richmond, VA 080383 005594. Krull, Allan Harold Pfafftown, NC 012171 004856. Krusch, Eugene Stanley Greensboro, NC 091565 008042. Kubiak, James Joseph, Sr. Clifton Park, NY 072082 004639. Kue, Joe H.L. Farmville, NC 070863 004760. Kue, Venetia Morrill Farmville, NC 070764 008866. Kuhn, Ralph Sensenich Doylestown, PA 112084 007710. Kuligowski, Ronald Edward Chapel Hill, NC 072181 005999. Kurens, Judith Ina Hmnansville, MO 091873 008353. Kurlander, Phyllis Ramona Scottsdale, AZ 071983 008506. Kutza, Gerald H. Fort Myers, FL 092083 007364. Kyle, Theodore Kenneth Hillsborough, NC 042480 007604. Labadie, Carol White Greenville, NC 022781 008440. Labrecque, DeAnne Greensboro, NC 080383 007955. Lach, Susan Marie Raleigh, NC 030182 009055. Lackey, James Dean Lake Charles, LA 072685 007183. LaCourse, Claude Joseph Gary, NC 061979 008703. Ladd, Deborah Bowers Rocky Mount, NC 073084 009056. Ladd, Susan Elizabeth Gary, NC 072685 005934. Lafferty, Robert Parks Chapel Hill, NC 041273 005344. Lagomasino, Lydia Gallon Raleigh, NC 100269 I -72- Lail, Susan Gibbs Valdese, NC 091576 008507. Laiosa, Thomas Charles Newton, MA 092083 008441. Laizure, Steven Casey Gainesville, FL 080383 006045. Lamb, James Thomas Forest City, NC 091873 005494. Lambe, Lawrence Michael Greenville, NC 091870 005017. Lamberson, Mary Helen Kernersville, NC 040167 008508. Lambert, David Martin Chapel Hill, NC 092083 006286. Lamm, Ann Mclver Plymouth, MN 041075 005426. Lamm, Benajah Scott Wilson, NC 040270 005532. Lamm, William DeLay Mount Airy, NC 092270 009057. Lamonds, Michael Edward Wilson, NC 072685 006685. Lamont, William , III New Bern, NC 041577 008442. Lancaster, Eva Loreese Raleigh, NC 080383 005600. Lance, Harold Eugene Hayesville, NC 021671 005054. Lance, Jack Collins Blairsville, GA 072467 004547. Landers, Jack Alan Durham, NC 091862 007256. Lane, Julia Scott Warsaw, NC 110179 003409. Lane, Robert Lee Wliitsett, NC 081650 007463. Lane, Winston Earl, III Hertford, NC 072580 008293. Laney, Sheree Ellen Hilton Head, SC 022283 009118. Lang, Paula Bowers Durham, NC 091785 008682. Lang, Samuel Charles Max Meadows, VA 071784 009058. Langdon, Dana Joette Morehead City, NC 072685 003901. Langdon, Fay Hampton Kernersville, NC 030356 002746. Langdon, M. Roscoe Columbia, SC 111836 004703. Langdon, Ronald Earl Pleasant Garden, NC 030464 007956. Langdon, Susanne Venezia Johnson City, TN 030182 007957. Langdon, Timothy Ray Charlotte, NC 030182 006584. 006801. 008091. 009059. 003572. 004391. 008018. 003902. 008117. 005305. 007958. 008683. 006369. 008914. 004222. 004480. 005935. 004392. 008118. 007570. 005533. 007041. 003749. 008374. 008443. 004830. 004223. 009119. 008942. Langley, Mary Elizabeth Wilson, NC 091677 Langley, Megan Faught Durham, NC 072682 Langley, Michael Guy Calypso, NC 072685 Langston, Milton Beron, Jr. New Bern, NC 070252 Lanier, Billy Worth Erwin, NC 030661 Lanier, James Carey Clemmons, NC 051882 Lanning, Edward Ray, Jr. Lexington, NC 030356 Lapierre, Ginette Outremount, Quebec, 072682 Lapierre, Gwendolyn Taylor Greenville, SC 061769 Lapointe, Richard William Greenville, NC 030182 Laponte, Carol Solberg Winston-Salem, NC 071784 Largen, Mary Ann Bishop Charlotte, NC 090975 LaRoque, Mark Hines Lumberton, NC 022685 Larson, Larry Allen High Point, NC 070259 Lasater, Walter Harold Burlington, NC 030662 Lasitter, Tyre Beaman Durham, NC 041273 Lassiter, Lucious Melvin, Jr. Kinston, NC 030661 Lassiter, Timothy Francis Durham, NC 072682 Lategan, Sue Davis Chapel Hill, NC 111880 Latham, Sarah Merriam Charlotte, NC 092270 Latta, Kenneth Samuel Hillsborough, NC 110378 Latta, Patsy Upchurch Durham, NC 063054 Lattouf, Lina Al-Adham Decatur, GA 080383 Lavin, Kevin Liam Raleigh, NG 080383 Lawhon, Zeb Stanley Hickory, NC 070265 Lawing, Kenneth Lee Conover, NC 070259 Lawing, Virginia Cash Chesnee, SC 091785 Lawrence, Harry Cooper Monroe, NC 031985 -73- 004741. 006871. 007465. 005021. 007365. 004524. 007797. 005762. 004171. 004075. 005004. 006802. 008604. 008119. 005840. 008867. 008498. 004186. 003153. 006452. 008254. 007545. 008444. 008121. 006472. 007466. 007601. 007193. Lawrence, Miriam Greene Hickory, NC 070264 Lawson, Adrian Lee Wilmington, NC 012078 Lawson, Randy Neil Boonville, NC 072580 Laxton, Carroll Malcolm Lenoir, NC 040167 Lazarchik, Robert Edward, Jr. Crystal River, FL 042480 Lazarus, Charles Lawrence Sanford, NC 071062 Lea, Janet Hester Hillsborough, NC 072481 League, Mickey Allen Rocky Mount, NC 040772 Leatherwood, Donald Ray Asheville, NC 022759 Leatherwood, Jerry Robert Kinston, NC 022858 Leavelle, Robert Hayne, Jr. Charlotte, NC 032267 LeCroy, James Robert Wilmington, NC 091677 Lecroy, Tonia Sewell Wilmington, NC 022284 Ledbetter, Barry Christopher Asheboro, NC 072682 Ledbetter, Mary Wall Ocean Isle Beach, NC 090572 Lee, Austin John Durham, NC 120884 Lee, Linda McCollum Hamer, SC 092083 Lee, Margaret Winter Honolulu, HI 022759 Lee, Mary Thomasine Silver Spring, MD 110446 Lee, Patricia Claytor Sewickley, PA 040576 Lee, Rae Bragg Benson, NC 022283 Lee, Richard Sommerville Charlotte, NC 102180 Lee, Susan Dileema Hendersonville, NC 080383 Lee, William Homer, Jr. Benson, NC 072682 Lee, Wing-Sang Jacksonville, NC 040576 Leeds, Robert Sidney Chapel Hill, NC 072580 LeFever, Karen Lynn Kernersville, NC 022781 Leggett, Cynthia Correll Newnan, GA 071779 008354. 008509. 005345. 004242. 008445. 004827. 006961. 003681. 007808. 006803. 004704. 003807. 008868. 006798. 009086. 007110. 005713. 003382. 004076. 007104. 006585. 005534. 003762. 004393. 008962. 008839. 007366. 006751. Leggett, Stanley Robert Albemarle, NC 071983 Leghart, Robert Allen Amherst, OH 092083 Lehman, David Christian Roanoke Rapids, NC 100269 Leigh, Henry Albert Cullowhee, NC 070259 Leigh, Valerie Jeanne Charlotte, NC 080383 Leighty, Harold David Cookeville, TN 061665 Leinwand, Sharman Cooper Clinton, NC 083078 Leitch, Henry Kale Albemarle, NC 080853 Lemberg, Mary Ellen Oxford, NC 072481 Lemberg, Samuel Benjamin Oxford, NC 091677 Lemelin, Daniel Lee Matthews, NC 030464 Lemos, Thalia Pappas Charlotte, NC 022855 Lener, Michelle Elaine Chapel Hill, NC 112084 Lenhart, Phyllis Ann Ketner Hickory, NC 091677 Lennon, June Shields Kernersville, NC 072685 Leonard, Earlene Allman Charlotte, NC 033079 Leonard, Geraldine May Vinton, VA 100171 Leonard, Holland Braudis, Jr. High Point, NC 070650 Leonard, John William Charlotte, NC 022858 Leonard, Leonard Allen Winston-Salem, NC 032079 Leonard, Lu Williams 091576 Leonard, Ralph Thomas, Jr. Vinton, VA 092270 Leonard, Thomas Donald Winston-Salem, NC 081354 Leonard, William Henry Spindale, NC 030661 Leonard, William James Green Bay, WI 052185 Lepri, Linda Hause Raleigh, NC 091884 LeRoy, Marie Louise Madison, WI 042480 Lesh, Winfred Eldridge, Jr. Southport, NC 080577 -74008268. Lester, Doris Lee Pineville, NC 022283 007276. Lester, Susan Schenck Rosemont, PA 110179 005936. Lester, Vance Jefferson Madison, NC 041273 009060. Letchworth, Debra Ann Raleigh, NC 072685 004746. Lever, Thomas Horace, III Matthews, NC 070264 008194. Lewandowski, Bruce Alan Charlotte, NC 092182 009061. Lewandowski, Craig Adam San Bernardino, CA 072685 008656. Lewis, Ann Jones Palm Harbor, FL 052284 004264. Lewis, Cecilia Steorts Richmond, VA 022560 004586. Lewis, David Randall Greenville, NC 030563 007042. Lewis, Eugene Colon Eagle Springs, NC 110378 006586. Lewis, Everett Lee, Jr. Dallas, NC 091576 006906. Lewis, Joseph Solomon, Jr. Greensboro, NC 041478 008755. Lewis, Kim Moran Walnut Cove, NC 073084 007257. Lewis, Kyle Thomson Knoxville, TN 110179 002383. Lewis, Lee Craig Winston-Salem, NC 061627 006852. Lewis, Martin Ray Statesville, NC 100777 006205. Lewis, Norman Colon Snow Hill, NC 091774 005601. Lewis, Robert Edward Austin, TX 021671 003903. Lewis, Robert Luther Charlotte, NC 030356 005483. Lewis, Robert William, Jr. Baton Rouge, LA 061670 006686. Lewis, Samuel Floyd Rockingham, NC 041577 008915. Lewis, Sonya Jene' Morrisville, NC 022685 007711. Lewis, Suzanne C. Fairview, NC 072181 002949. Lewis, Wilson Knowles Mount Olive, NC 061841 006140. Lewter, Roy Otis Kernersville, NC 040974 004930. Ligon, Bradford Virdize Salisbury, NC 041966 008446. Liles, Penney Sue Burnsville, NC 080383 004973. 003220. 006804. 003912. 007605. 008123. 008756. 008124. 006047. 006907. 007043. 007712. 007713. 008019. 008540. 003213. 006908. 004705. 008541. 005616. 005841. 008629. 005535. 004414. 002901. 004841. 008840. 004747. Lilly, Thomas Theophilous, Ji Beaufort, NC 100666 Lindenschmidt, Vincent Josept Wilmington, NC 021948 Lindley, Celeste Michele Durham, NC 091677 Lindsay, Bobby Clay Salisbury, NC 031656 Lindsay, David Michael Raleigh, NC 022781 Lindsay, Debra Lee Mars Hill, NC 072682 Lindsay, William Dodd Chapel Hill, NC 073084 Lingenfelser, Susan Lee Winston-Salem, NC 072682 Lingerfeldt, Theodore Howard West End, NC 091873 Lingle, Earle William, Jr. Austin, TX 041478 Link, William Edwin, Jr. Wilmington, NC 110378 List, Linda Nadeau Fayetteville, NC 072181 List, Michael Bruce Fayetteville, NC 072181 Lister, Charlotte Zentz Blowing Rock, NC 051882 Littke, Terry L. Rocky Mount, NC 111583 Little, Gilbert LeRoy Columbia, SC 021948 Little, Jackie Badger West Jefferson, NC 041478 Little, James Harold Oakboro, NC 030464 Little, Larry Mitchell Durham, NC 111583 Littlejohn, Judith Kramer Murphy, NC 032971 Littleton, Glynn Perry Carolina Beach, NC 090572 Liftman, Richard Alfred Miami, FL 032084 Livengood, Vassar Chumley Slater, SC 092270 Liverman, James Stanley, Jr. Charlotte, NC 060161 Lloyd, Allen Alexander Hillsborough, NC 061940 Lloyd, Evelyn Pauline Hillsborough, NC 070265 Locco, Marco Patrick, Jr. Grimesland, NC 091884 Lockamy, Albert Fulton, Jr. Raleigh, NC 070264 -75- 006046. 006872. 003146. 008125. 008757. 008447. 004805. 009063. 005081. 004116. 003384. 006909. 007145. 006282. 007809. 005632. 004748. 005158. 007122. 003998. 002927. 007258. 006162. 004187. 007506. 003804. 003301. 003999. Lockamy, Lucille Lee Raleigh, NC 091873 Lockawich, Jenet Marincic Ellwood City, PA 012078 Lockhart, Bernard Otis Raleigh, NC 061946 Locklear, Eric Paul Salt Lake City, UT 072682 Locklear, Nan O'Lene Gallup, NM 073084 Lockridge, Richard Vance Lebanon, VA 080383 Loeffler, Judy Patton Marshfield, MA 030365 Logan, Nancy Moore Winston-Salem, NC 072685 Logan, Philip Howard Blowing Rock, NC 100767 Lombard, William Oly Rockwell, NC 070758 London, Lawton Woosley, Jr. Kings Mountain, NC 070650 Long, George Edward, Jr. Charlotte, NC 041478 Long, John Addison, Jr. Rocky Mount, NC 0427 79 Long, Larry Stuart Summerfield, NC 041075 Long, Michael Thomas Hickory, NC 072481 Long, Robert Earl Statesville, NC 032971 Long, William Ray Hickory, NC 070264 Longenberger, Donald Wellington Kountze, TX 041868 Longworth, Teri Chipman Winston-Salem, NC 042779 Lore, Sara Fountain Winston-Salem, NC 030157 Lorek, Leopold Andrew Wrightsville Bch, NC 112040 Lott, Cathryn Mary Paoli, PA 110179 Love, George Andrew Chesterfield, SC 053074 Lovekamp, Wilbur Albert Winston-Salem, NC 030959 Lovelace, Stephen Pryor Spartanburg, SC 081980 Lovelace, William Monroe, Jr. Hudson, NC 022855 Lovette, James Fleming Lillington, NC 063049 Lowder, James Franklin Winston-Salem, NC 030157 003385. 007810. 007811. 005130. 003212. 007194. 003302. 005082. 006402. 007959. 007367. 005277. 003825. 007606. 008916. 004407. 008630. 007474. 005536. 006910. 006330. 007044. 004394. 008657. 006688. 007812. 002852. 003437. Lowder, John Henry Marion, NC 070650 Lowder, Nancy Kathryn Chapel Hill, NC 072481 Lowder, Wallace Hoyle, Jr. Mount Gilead, NC 042481 Lowdermilk, Edward Lenoir Chapel Hill, NC 040468 Lowe, Bonnie Hoffman High Point, NC 021948 Lowe, Jack Richard Mebane, NC 071779 Lowe, John David Denton, NC 063049 Lowe, Robert Buford Blowing Rock, NC 100767 Lowe, Robert Charles Morganton, NC 091875 Lowe, Rosalind Robertson Asheboro, NC 030182 Lowery, James Kenneth Raleigh, NC 042480 Lowman, Samuel Enoch, Jr. Charlotte, NC 041069 Lowry, Fred Wilson Statesville, NC 030755 Lowry, Fred Wilson, Jr. Statesville, NC 022781 Lowry, Heyward King Pembroke, NC 022685 Lowry, Hughes Dulin Pembroke, NC 030661 Lowry, Jason Briscoe, Jr. Dillon, SC 032084 Lowry, Theresa Michaud Statesville, NC 072580 Lucas, Robert Ray Chapel Hill, NC 092270 Lucas, Virgil Soloman, Jr. Chapel Hill, NC 041478 Ludy, Judith Ann Chapel Hill, NC 082375 Lupton, Michael Anthony Lumberton, NC 110378 Lutz, Howard Robert Kings Mountain, NC 030661 Lutz, Richard Bruce Athens, GA 052284 Luxton, Denise Bost Harker's Island, NC 041577 Lyerly, Ronald Eric Clemmons, NC 072481 Lynch, Ernestine Barber Dunn, NC 061439 Lynch, Herman Wright Dunn, NC 022751 -76- 009064. Lynch, Pamela Gilbert Raleigh, NC 072685 004706. Lynch, Thomas Franklin, III Morganton, NC 030464 006911. Lyon, Martha Walker Lexington, NC 041478 009065. Mabe, Don McCoy, Jr. Hamlet, NC 072685 007305. Mabie, Jenny McCook Chapel Hill, NC 112079 008043. MacCorkle, Constance Rebecca Hayesville, NC 072382 008126. MacDonald, John Ewald Winston-Salem, NC 072682 007147. Macintosh, John Raymond, Jr. Clinton, MD 042779 007082. Mack, Richard Thomas Lenoir, NC 112178 007368. Mackey, Pamela Lynne Houston, TX 042480 003126. Mackie, Frances Cole Winston-Salem, NC 032746 007715. Mackowiak, John Ignatius Chapel Hill, NC 072181 007716. Mackowiak, Leslie Reuss Chapel Hill, NC 072181 007173. MacLeod, Joy Woodard Raleigh, NC 042779 007216. Maddox, Billy Durand Asheville, NC 101979 007607. Madison, Christopher Eric Spartanburg, SC 022781 007585. Madison, Teresa Agner Spartanburg, SC 022781 007814. Maggio, Marina Lynn Smyrna, GA 072481 009120. Magnussen, Leora Angeline Charlotte, NC 091785 008542. Magyer, Nancy Ann Charlotte, NC 111583 007306. Maher, Jeanne Reising North Tarrytown, NY 121179 006968. Mahlke, Max Elmer Fayetteville, NC 092678 008869. Mahoney, Colleen Ann Woodhaven, MI 112084 008355. Mahoney, Janet Louise Kill Devil Hills, NC 071983 008917. Main, Elizabeth Smart Raleigh, NC 022685 008758. Majithia, Girish Harjiwan Rockingham, NC 073084 009121. Major, Jay Scott Rocky Mount, NC 091785 007203. Makarem, Samira Houston, TX 082179 003214. 007961. 005295. 007815. 004440. 007490. 005279. 005845. 008128. 008510. 007717. 005540. 008591. 006643. 007907. 006206. 006103. 006283. 006099. 004660. 007470. 008760. 005149. 007718. 005428. 008559. 008356. 008357. Malion, Harold Edward Fairmont, NC 021948 Malion, Harold Edward, Jr. Fairmont, NC 030182 Mallard, Patricia Williams Raleigh, NC 041069 Mallard, Roger Keith New Bern, NC 072481 Mallchok, Harry Goldsboro, NC 091961 Mallory, Mary Sherrill Statesville, NC 072580 Malone, John Edgar Zebulon, NC 041069 Maloney, George Victor Waynesville, NC 090572 Malpass, George Lloyd Goldsboro, NC 072682 Mando, John August Poughkeepsie, NY 092083 Mandulak, Barbara Lee Fayetteville, NC 072181 Maner, James Fleetwood, Jr. Williamston, NC 092270 Maner, Sarah Elizabeth Jacksonville, NC 022284 Maness, Kirk Alan Greenville, NC 011877 Mangum, Oscar Barry Rocky Mount, NC 011982 Mangum, Thomas Bryant Hickory, NC 091774 Mann, Earl Dermis Greensboro, NC 021974 Mann, Enrniie Gardner Greensboro, NC 041075 Mann, Freda Howell Beaverton, OR 012974 Mann, William Fleetwood, Jr. Due West, SC 111963 Manning, Jane Martin Chapel Hill, NC 072580 Manning, William Charlie, Jr. Chapel Hill, NC 073084 Mannone, Louis Jack Huntington Beach, CA 040468 Manor, Linda Marie Carrboro, NC 072181 Manship, Mark Auburn Lenoir, NC 040270 Manson, John Douglas Winchester, TN 011784 Marceil, Glenn Stephen Winston-Salem, NC 071983 Marceil, Linda Kay Winston-Salem, NC 071983 -77- 00537A. 006805. 004709. 005396. 005883. 007817. 005541. 007149. 004102. 006207. 008885. 004174. 007150. 006913. 007719. 008302. 006520. 003905. 005429. 006457. 006955. 003387. 006141. 006476. 006235. 004927. 007045. 006284. Marett, Ralph Kendall Hartwell, GA 103069 Marion, Luke Lazarus, III West End, NC 091677 Markham, George Oliver Fayetteville, NC 030464 Marks, Ellis Lazelle, Jr. Rockingham, NC 022770 Marks, Frederick Gerald Monroe, NC 112172 Marley, Martha Measamer Charlotte, NC 072481 Marlin, Larry Norton Statesville, NC 092270 Marsh, Elena Joy Charlotte, NC 042779 Marsh, John Walker Charlotte, NC 061858 Marsh, Oliver Lee, Jr. Markers Island, NC 091774 Marsh, T. Donald Charlotte, NC 011585 Marsh, William Luther Shelby, NC 022759 Marshall, Eric Cook Lancaster, SC 042779 Martin, Charlotte Ann Pineville, NC 041478 Martin, Gayle Hall Jacksonville, NC 072181 Martin, John Forrest Chapel Hill, NC 031583 Martin, John Randall Rabun Gap, GA 061876 Martin, John Wilford Wilson, NC 030356 Martin, Paul Gray Winston-Salem, NC 040270 Martin, Paula Crosland Rocky Mount, NC 040576 Martin, Peggy McNeill Fair Bluff, NC 081078 Martin, Robert Milas Ahoskie, NC 070650 Martin, Ronald Lee Eden, NC 040974 Martin, William Earl Durham, NC 0405 76 Maruzzella, Cyril Charles Greensboro, NC 112174 Marx, Richard Howard Charlotte, NC 041966 Mascherin, Toni Kay Carrboro, NC 110378 Mason, Andrea Cobb Durham, NC 041075 006590. 004876. 008543. 006873. 007347. 005602. 005846. 005131. 004078. 008129. 004770. 006914. 006895. 003234. 006477. 005847. 005132. 004525. 005026. 005083. 007471. 004975. 005939. 003823. 008592. 009066. 002729. 004825. Mason, Gail Linette Matthews, NC 091576 Mason, James Carter Franklin, NC 100865 Mason, Ronald Wayne Myrtle Beach, SC 111583 Massaro, Jane Marie Jacksonville, FL 012078 Massenburg, Ethel Ennis Fayetteville, NC 042480 Massengill, David Waugh Bristol, TN 021671 Massengill, Hubert Vernon, Jr. Burlington, NC 090572 Massey, James Dale Asheville, NC 040468 Mast, William Herndon Henderson, NC 022858 Masterson, Norman Page Brevard, NC 072682 Matchett, Kenneth Lodge, Jr. Jeannette, PA 091564 Matheson, Charles Edwin Chapel Hill, NC 041478 Matheson, Susan Gibson Chapel Hill, NC 041478 Mathews, George Washington, Jr. Weaverville, NC 061848 Mathews, Michele Anne Moqador, OH 040576 Mathias, Walda Parker Pineville, NC 090572 Matthews, Bonnie Butler Clinton, NC 040468 Matthews, George David, Jr. Stoneville, NC 071062 Matthews, Harry Leigh Eden, NC 040167 Matthews, James Spencer Clinton, NC 100767 Matthews, Jay Milford Greensboro, NC 072580 Matthews, Leonard Walter, III Chapel Hill, NC 100666 Matthews, Mildred Fields Waynesville, NC 041273 Matthews, Odell Atwood Columbus, NC 030455 Matthews, Timothy Gerald Mount Airy, NC 022284 Matthews, Vivian Carol High Point, NC 072685 Matthews, Walter Forrest, Jr. Raleigh, NC 061136 Mattingly, David Leo Marietta, GA 052965 -78003035. Mattison, Elizabeth Weaver Lubbock, TX 060443 008449. Mattocks, Pamela Taylor Fayetteville, NC 080383 005115. Mattox, John Leroy, Sr. Bryson City, NC 012968 003575. Mauney, Harry McCombs Murphy, NC 070252 008684. May, Benny Layton Cary, NC 071784 008240. May, Bernard Edward Greenville, SC 011883 004912. May, Emanuel , 111 ^ Burlington, NC 033166 004526. May, Gerald Franklin Washington, NC 071062 008763. May, James Elton, Jr. Pittsboro, NC 073084 007111. May, Zebulon Ward Burlington, NC 041779 003191. Mayberry, Herbert Clarence Winston-Salem, NC 061947 008764. Maybin, Jennifer Leah Greensboro, NC 073084 006049. Maynard, Susan Miller Charlotte, NC 091873 006806. Mayo, Martha Ruth Miami, FL 091677 006478. Mazarick, Mary Lee Raleigh, NC 040576 002997. McAdams, Jack Webster Burlington, NC 061742 007046. McAdams, Jack Webster, Jr. Mebane, NC 110378 005763. McAllister, James Charles, III Durham, NC 040772 003574. McAllister, Larry Bikle Graham, NC 070252 005346. McArver, Harry Ford, Jr. Chapel Hill, NC 100269 006555. McAulay, Debra Ellis Raleigh, NC 091576 009122. McBee, John David Charlotte, NC 091785 009123. McBee, Martha Kay Charlotte, NC 091785 004707. McBryde, James Archie, Jr. Gastonia, NC 030464 005537. McCall, Forrest Schell Burnsville, NC 092270 007059. McCall, Jeanne Rouser Hazelwood, NC 110378 007546. McCall, Jo Webster Concord, NC 102180 008593. McCall, John Loyd, Jr. Charlotte, NC 022284 004911. 005633. 007547. 005842. 008450. 002741. 007909. 004976. 007819. 005278. 007261. 007472. 005937. 007369. 006855. 002628. 006208. 005023. 006285. 006689. 004077. 003469. 006473. 008323. 004117. 008130. 005176. 004626. McCall, Rebecca Proffitt Tryon, NC 033166 McCall, Thomas Cecil Charlotte, NC 032971 McCallum, Janet Dodson Durham, NC 102180 McCanless, Allen Anthony, Jr. Star, NC 090572 McCann, Tamara Elizabeth High Point, NC 080383 McCarn, Rebekah Moose Mount Pleasant, NC 111836 McCary, Robert Leslie, Sr. Asheville, NC 011982 McCaskill, Rodney Lynn Ellerbe, NC 100666 McClain, William Keith Greensboro, NC 072481 McClellan, Joseph Paul Winston-Salem, NC 041069 McClure, Karen Lynn Chapel Hill, NC 110179 McCollum, Daryl Wayne New York, NY 072580 McCollum, Oscar Nathan Reidsville, NC 041273 McCollum, Pamela Sue Winston-Salem, NC 042480 McCollum, Roger Dale Rocky Mount, NC 102177 McCombs, Loy Macon Creedmoor, NC 111732 McCombs, Steven Kelly Chapel Hill, NC 091774 McCommons, Robert Joseph Statesville, NC 040167 McConnell, James Kenneth Newton, NC 041075 McConnell, Marilyn Anne Lee Greensboro, NC 041577 McCorkle, Mack Elmo Burlington, NC 022858 McCormac, Douglas Alexander Clayton, NC 062851 McCormac, Michael Douglas Garner, NC 040576 McCormack, Amy Jean Durham, NC 051083 McCormick, Daniel Franklin Greensboro, NC 070758 McCosley, Daniel Allen New Bern, NC 072682 McCowen, James Clifford, III Greensboro, NC 080968 McCoy, Larrv Thomas, Jr. Virginia B. .h, VA 070563 -79- McCoy, Milton Lee Charlotte, NC 041478 005024. McCoy, Quint Haynes Grover, NC 040167 007877 . McCraw, Gary Alan El Toro, CA 091581 002996. McCrimmon, Dan Grier Pittsboro, NC 061742 008765. McCrimmon, Dan Grier, Jr. Pittsboro, NC 073084 004172. McCurdy, Marion Boger Wilmington, NC 022759 004058. McDaniel, Eldon Charlotte, NC 021258 006788. McDermott, June Hall Pinehurst, NC 091677 007516. McDonald, Donald Eugene fort Mill, SC 091680 004427. McDonald, Eugene James Reidsville, NC 070361 004033. McDonald, Joanne Schell Hilton Head, SC 070457 003269. McDonald, John Cameron Durham, NC 022349 004000. McDonald, William Russell, III Hickory, NC 030157 008544. McDow, Lee Martin Hickory, NC 111583 007820. McDowell, Joseph Owen Scotland Neck, NC 072481 003052. McDowell, Norfleet Owen, Jr. Scotland Neck, NC 110544 002902. McFall, Charles Daniel Madison, NC 061940 005427. McFall, Constance Webster Durham, NC 040270 003422. McFarland, Thomas William Charlotte, NC 012551 008631. McFarlane, Nancy Louise Raleigh, NC 032084 008632. McFarlane, Ronald Howard Raleigh, NC 032084 004627. McGee, Connie Mac Murfreesboro, NC 070563 003470. McGee, James Conrad, Jr. Asheville, NC 062851 006588. McGinnis, Keith Michael Gastonia, NC 091576 008594. McGlothlin, Donna DeLynn Cedar Bluff, VA 022284 007701. McGovern, Sarah Holland Raleigh, NC 072181 002995. McGowan, David Foy Chapel Hill, NC 061742 005264. McGuffey, Elizabeth Critcher Durham, NC 041069 006912. 003904. 008870. 007720. 008766. 008270. 008271. 003506. 005634. 003279. 004628. 003645. 005539. 006508. 006370. 004708. 003351. 008131. 002993. 008990. 006988. 008532. 004481. 008513. 008453. 006522. 003106. 007262. 006474. McGugan, Vance Graham Mocksville, NC 030356 McGuire, Helen Elizabeth Chapel Hill, NC 112084 McGuire, Samuel Asheville, NC 072181 McHugh, Thomas Wayne Chapel Hill, NC 073084 Mcllwain, Michael Cecil Oakland, CA 022283 McKee, Jerry Ray Shelby, NC 022283 McKeithan, Herbert , Jr. Laurinburg, NC 102951 McKellar, William Evans, Jr. Butner, NC 032971 McKenzie, Carlisle Bruce Clenmions, NC 061349 McKenzie, Gary Walker Saint Pauls, NC 070563 McKenzie, Paul Hagood Clio, SC 061153 McKinley, Richard Saunders Kinston, NC 092270 McKinney, Edna Washington Hendersonville, NC 040576 McKinney, Richard Steven Greensboro, NC 090975 McKinnon, Halbert Hill, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 030464 McKittrick, Robert Lewis Stony Point, NC 031050 McKnight, David Lanier Lillington, NC 072682 McKnight, Leonia Erastus, Jr. Buies Creek, NC 061742 McKusick, Andrew Page Matthews, NC 071685 McLain, Jonnie Barbour Asheboro, NC 110378 McLamb, Scott Glenwood Elizabethtown, NC 101883 McLarty, George Collins, Jr. High Point, NC 030662 McLaughLin, John Dennegan, Jr. Lake Park, FL 092043 McLaughlin, Robert Joseph, Jr. Jacksonville, NC 080383 McLaughlin, William Henry, Jr. Durham, NC 070276 McLean, Alton Lee, Jr. Fuquay-Varina, NC 090545 McLean, Steven Arnold Laurinburg, NC 110179 McLellan, Larry Gene Big Spring, TX 040576 -80- 006475. 005025. 007962. 006142. 006371. 006091. 007910. 008428. 004761. 004131. 002550. 004939. 006690. 005938. 002904. 004326. 009067. 008132. 005063. 006589. 006372. 003943. 008133. 004842. 005043. 008217. 008272. 004994. McLeraore, Edgbert Ray, Jr. Wallace, NC 040576 McLeod, Donald Claude Worthington, OH 040167 McLeod, Laura Jean Winston-Salem, NC 030182 McLeroy, Glenn Edward North Wilkesboro, NC 040974 McMasters, Reed Craig Hilton Head Island, SC 090972 McMichael, Jack Lawrence Washington, GA 101673 McMillian, Sarah Willette Winston-Salem, NC 011982 McMurray, Linda Huntley Taylorsville, NC 080383 McNamara, Jack Williamson Raleigh, NC 070764 McNeely, Jimmy Lee Charlotte, NC 071858 McNeill, Arthur Dennis Norwood, NC 111930 McNeill, Henry Franklin Norwood, NC 071966 McNeill, James Daniel Whiteville, NC 041577 McNeill, John Albert, Jr. Whiteville, NC 041273 McNeill, John Albert, Sr. Whiteville, NC 061940 McNeill, John Parker Norwood, NC 070660 McNeill, Kristen Norman Raleigh, NC 072685 McNeill, Martha Faye Rocky Mount, NC 072682 McNew, Frank Henry, Jr. Salisbury, NC 100267 McPhail, Neil Lillington, NC 091576 McPhaul, Richard Malcolm Whitefield, NH 090975 McQueen, Nancy Woodard Waynesville, NC 070456 McSwain, David Smith Gastonia, NC 072682 McSwain, Jean Willard Shelby, NC 070265 McVay, Birch George Cochran, GA 042067 McVicker, Stephen Lee Smyrna, GA 111682 Meacham, Kim Ivey Chapel Hill, NC 022283 Meade, Edwin Harrison Greensboro, NC 020167 008134. 008393. 005867. 008044. 008886. 008887. 005084. 003327. 009068. 004482. 008991. 005848. 003944. 007047. 007543. 004502. 006048. 005133. 005876. 003424. 004629. 007878. 007879. 007963. 008358. 007217. 008303. 008196. Meade, Glen Earl, Jr. Greenville, NC 072682 Meade, Robin Chapman Lenoir, NC 080383 Meadows, Alice Thornton Richmond, VA 090572 Meadows, David Vaughn, Jr. Charleston, WV 072082 Meadows, John Gerald, Sr. Venice, FL 011585 Meadows, Vernon Gerald Charleston, WV 011585 Meads, Lawrence Craig Wrightsville Beach, NC 100767 Means, Mack Reuben Hickory, NC 101049 Means, William McLean Hickory, NC 072685 Meares, James Frederick Wilson, NC 030662 Mears, Kathy Lynne Winston-Salem, NC 071685 Measamer, Franklin Alexander Robersonville, NC 090572 Mebane, Alfred Holt, III Chapel Hill, NC 070456 Mederer, Jane Frances Durham, NC 110378 j Medlin, Barbara Jean Greensboro, NC 102180 Medlin, Fred Wilson Salisbury, NC 051562 Medlin, Gary Michael ' Indian Trail, NC 091873 Medlin, Gerald Lloyd Dunn, NC 040468 Medlin, Herman Dunn, NC 091972 Medlin, Wilbur Eugene Gastonia, NC 022651 Medlin, William David Elizabeth City, NC 070563 Mehling, Patrick Leonard Chapel Hill, NC 091581 Mehta, Madhukar Manubhai Greenville, NC 091581 Meier, Susan Louise Greenville, NC 030182 Melamut, Steven Jay Asheville, NC 071983 j Melin, Jane Rucker [ Columbus, OH 101679 Mento, Joseph Dennis Columbia, SC 031583 Merchant, Eugene Epting, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 092182 -81- 007508. 007822. 003945. 003321. 006591. 005543. 004803. 006488. 003742. 003626. 008135. 007633. 008514. 003411. 007823. 008136. 008304. 005085. 007824. 004118. 004291. 006427. 006807. 008305. 004458. 008137. 004710. 004588. Mercier, Arthur Milton Mocksville, NC 081980 Merkel, Victoria Nye Mobile, AL 072481 Meroney, Carl Porter Columbus, NC 070456 Merrill, George Bates, Jr. Lakeland, FL 081549 Merrill, William Andrew Valdese, NC 091576 Merritt, Gerald James Travis AFB, CA 092270 Merritt, Lemuel James Belmont, NC 030365 Merritt, Sharon Pickard Dalton, GA 040576 Meschke, Barbara Dillard Greenville, NC 063054 Meschke, Robert Walter Kinston, NC 030353 Messer, Deborah Presson Gastonia, NC 072682 Methvin, George Emil, II Asheville, NC 042181 Metscher, Gerald Charles Chapel Hill, NC 092083 Metts, Horace Middleton Charlotte, NC 091150 , Meyer, Barbara Geralyn Greensboro, NC 072481 Meyer, David P. Eden, NC 072682 Meyer, Deborah Ann Levittown, PA 031583 Michael, Howard Mitchell Lincolnton, NC 100767 Michie, Theodore Clayton Roxboro, NC 072481 Mikeal, Shirley May Lenoir, NC 070758 Miley, Jesse J., Jr. Southern Pines, NC 022560 Millard, James Howard Charlotte, NC 021076 Miller, Carolyn Dunn Durham, NC 091677 Miller, Dennis Boyd Apex, NC 031583 Miller, Donald Thurston Charlotte, NC 022162 Miller, Edward Alan Hickory, NC 072682 Miller, Jones Haynie Rockville, MD 030464 Miller, Joseph Claude Boone, NC 030563 004327. 005544. 009069. 008768. 008658. 007767. 004175. 005390. 003663. 004641. 007721. 003805. 008935. 004589. 006999. 003853. 003507. 004079. 007152. 008963. 005545. 006808. 007722. 006374. 005635. 005714. 005027. 002922. Miller, Joseph Larry Statesville, NC 070660 Miller, Judith McFalls Hendersonville, NC 092270 Miller, Kevin Alexander Charlotte, NC 072685 Miller, Mary Sue Durham, NC 073084 Miller, Nancy Martin Carrboro, NC 052284 Miller, Phyllis Cawthorne Raleigh, NC 072481 Miller, Seth George Lexington, NC 022759 Miller, Waverly Lee Lexington, NC 012070 Miller, William James Statesville, NC 062953 Milligan, David Lee Leicester, NC 071863 Millikan, David Frederick Franklin, NC 072181 Milliones, Peter Thomas Matthews, NC 022855 Mills, Audrey Weisgerber Bradenton, FL 022685 Mills, James Edwards Cherokee, NC 030563 Mills, Jeanette Carter Concord, NC 110378 Mills, John Edward Mount Airy, NC 070555 Mills, Oscar Walter Eden, NC 102951 Mills, Roger Carlton Lenoir, NC 022858 Mimbs, Paula Lord Lizella, GA 042779 Minahan, John Joseph, Jr. Saint Paul, VA 052185 Minor, James Robert Silver Spring, MD 092270 Minter, Clarence Keith Fayetteville, NC 091677 Minton, Arthur Harrell Charlotte, NC 072181 Minton, Gene Winston Littleton, NC 090975 Minton, Joseph Grayson Murfreesboro, NC 032971 Minton, Phillip Dee Haw River, NC 100171 Minton, Solon Scott, III Asheville, NC 040167 Minton, Solon Scott, Jr. Asheville, NC 112040 -82- 008454. 006413. 006809. 002738. 004292. 003388. 006692. 004528. 003235. 004804. 002775. 002748. 005844. 005940. 008139. 007723. 008762. 005631. 008455. 006810. 008595. 007475. 003715. 006811. 008545. 008596. 005469. 006812. Mintz, David Glenn Fayetteville, NC 080383 Mitcham, Ruth Whitlow Lexington, NC 121275 Mitchell, Harvey Alston, Jr. Asheville, NC 091677 Mitchell, John D. Kannapolis, NC 061136 Mitchell, Russell Gray Eden, NC 022560 Mitchell, Thomas Wayne Cary, NC 000050 Mitchell, William Douglas Fayetteville, NC 041577 Mitchener, Ellen Pike Concord, NC 071062 Mitchener, James Waddell Concord, NC 061848 Mitchener, John Agrippa, III Edenton, NC 030365 Mitchener, John Agrippa, Jr. Edenton, NC 061737 Mitchener, Nancy Pike Edenton, NC 111836 Mitchener, Tamara McMackin Charlotte, NC 090572 Mitchener, William James Charlotte, NC 041273 Mitchum, Tony Lee Durham, NC 072682 Mixon, William Allan Iowa City, lA 072181 Mize, Charlotte Matheny Greensboro, NC 073084 Mize, Joyce Bittle Bethesda, MD 032971 Mize, William Randolph, Jr. Greensboro, NC 080383 Mizelle, Louis Eugene, Jr. Ahoskie, NC 091677 Mizelle, Melisa VanWagner Greenville, NC 022284 Mizelle, Raymond Gerald Plymouth, NC 072580 Mobley, Benjamin Kater Asheboro, NC 030154 Mobley, Billy Thrower, Jr. Hickory, NC 091677 Mobley, Norma Jean Morehead City, NC 111583 Mobley, Suzanne Raleigh, NC 022284 Mock, George Warren Strongsville, OH 051970 Moe, Richard Tjho-Hoeng Cary, NC 091677 009070. 005941. 006813. 003081. 004226. 007370. 006318. 007049. 007263. 007724. 005849. 005186. 007509. 007050. 006528. 005430. 005028. 006287. 003716. 005052. 004974. 006814. 003687. 003508. 008054. 003471. 006592. 005059. Moffett, Benton John, Jr. Cornelius, NC 072685 Molton, Eugene Lee Hendersonville, NC 041273 Montague, Deborah Carrboro, NC 091677 Montesanti, Joseph , Jr. Southern Pines, NC 011745 Montgomery, David W. Greensboro, NC 070259 Montjoy, Brenda Freeman Robbins, NC 042480 Moody, David Solomon, Jr. Durham, NC 052175 Moody, James Edmond Jacksonville, NC 110378 Moon, Janice McPhail Henderson, NC 110179 Mooneyham, Janice Ann Wilmington, NC 072181 Moore, Avery Lewis, Jr. Angier, NC 090572 Moore, Ben Saunders Cleveland, TN 092568 Moore, Dennis Fay Asheville, NC 081980 Moore, Douglas Boylston, Jr. Wilson, NC 110378 Moore, Freddie Hudson Lenoir, NC 081376 Moore, George William, Jr. Hickory, NC 040270 Moore, Hugh Jackson Spindale, NC 040167 Moore, James 0. F. New Bern, NC 041075 Moore, James Theodore Broadway, NC 030154 Moore, Jerry Hill Conyers, GA 072067 Moore, Jess Tracy Durham, NC 100666 Moore, John Douglas Durham, NC 091677 Moore, John William Charlotte, NC 092853 Moore, Kenneth Earl Goldsboro, NC 102951 Moore, Martha Anne Auld Morrisville, NC 072682 Moore, Milton Alvin, Jr. Tarboro, NC 062851 Moore, Nancy Todd Durham, NC 091576 Moore, 0. Randolph Gaffney, SC 091867 -83- 006815. Moore, Stephen Lawrence Raleigh, NC 091677 005546. Moore, Steven Richard Bethesda, MD 092270 004227. Moore, Thomas Banks Salisbury, NC 070259 005086. Moore, Thomas Marion Greenville, NC 100767 003866. Moore, William David Tarboro, NC 092255 007964. Moore, William Samuel, Jr. Rutherfordton, NC 030182 008633. Moorman, Patricia Gripka Durham, NC 032084 002372. Moose, Hoy Archibald Mount Pleasant, NC 061627 004397. Moose, William Whitaker Mount Pleasant, NC 030661 006050. Moretz, Jonas Clayton, Jr. Hickory, NC 091873 005372. Morgan, Clifford Owen, Jr. Rock Hill, SC 102769 008769. Morgan, Franklin Scott Kernersville, NC 073084 003270. Morgan, George Daylon Raleigh, NC 022349 005087. Morgan, Jack Ledwell, Jr. Raleigh, NC 100767 006480. Morgan, Kizer Dewitt, Jr. Marshallberg, NC 040576 008457. Morgan, Lonnie Timothy Buxton, NC 080383 007507. Morgan, M. Linda McDuffee Asheville, NC 081980 007264. Morgan, Robert Teague Roxboro, NC 110179 008770. Morgan, Sandra Annette Chapel Hill, NC 073084 007371. Morin, Glenn Phillip Allandale, FL 042480 005431. Morisey, Frances Dayvault Raleigh, NC 040270 004133. Morris, Alvin Etherage, Jr. Athens, GA 072358 005851. Morris, Edward Zebulon, Jr. Harrisburg, NC 090572 007638. Morris, Jack Thomas Charlotte, NC 051981 009071. Morris, Keith David Lafayette, LA 072685 005134. Morris, Michael Monzo Wilmington, NC 040468 007911. Morris, Sherrill F., Jr. Garner, NC 011982 008359. Morris, Steven Lance Winston-Salem, NC 071983 008306. Morris, Vicki Lewis Emporia, VA 031583 006143. Morris, William Hewin Waynesville, NC 040974 004483. Morris, William White Bessemer City, NC 030662 003946. Morrison, Brame Perry Wilson, NC 070456 006376. Morrison, David Harley Elkin, NC 090975 005943. Morrison, James Christopher Kernersville, NC 041273 009072. Morrison, Leslie Joy Charlotte, NC 072685 008273. Morrison, Lisa Ann Asheville, NC 022283 007322. Morrison, Oakland Winn, Jr. Charlotte, NC 031880 008360. Morrow, Alicia Mary Camp Lejeune, NC 071983 003771. Morse, Lamar Derany, Jr. Raleigh, NC 110254 006989. Morton, Detra Beck Summerfield, NC 110378 006962. Morton, James Michael Vanceboro, NC 083078 006288. Morton, Paul Allen Beulaville, NC 041075 003053. Morton, William Alexander, Sr. Wilmington, NC 010345 007477. Moseley, Donna Taylor Greensboro, NC 072580 006051. Moseley, Emily Feagin Hickory, NC 091873 003389. Moseley, Marina P. C. Seaford, VA 070650 009073. Moseley, Mary J. Mardre Kill Devil Hills, NC 072685 004542. Moseley, Wallace Glenn Blairsville, GA 090462 006426. Moseman, Marilyn Hogsed Round Rock, TX 020576 007826. Moser, James Bradley Catawba, NC 072481 004711. Moser, Jerry Francis High Point, NC 030464 006916. Moser, Robert Leroy, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 041478 005655. Moser, Robert Spencer Asheville, NC 041971 006770. Moser, Virginia Clayton Cary, NC 091677 005852. Moser, Wyatt Glenn, Jr. Pfafftown, NC 090572 006304. Mosley, Doris Taylor Greensboro, NC 041075 -84007827. Moss, Bradley Lee Tobaccoville, NC 072481 004590. Moss, Fred Morris, Jr. Gastonia, NC 030563 006693. Moss, JoAnn Seymour Burlington, NC 041577 009124. Mosteller, David Lynn Hayesville, NC 091785 007912. Mosteller, Sabrina Shields Waynesville, NC 011982 008918. Mountain, DeLois Duvonya Ahoskie, NC 022685 006593. Mountain, Lawrence Stevenson Ahoskie, NC 091576 007725. Moussa, Arlette B. Arlington, MA 072181 006818. Moysakis, Gus Pandelis Roanoke, VA 091677 008597. Mueller, G. H. S. Mount Airy, NC 022284 004001. Mueller, Reinhold Ernst Winston-Salem, NC 030157 005945. Mullen, Douglas Truman Raleigh, NC 041273 007372. Mullen, Michael James High Point, NC 042480 008325. Mullin, William Joseph Wilson, NC 051083 007828. Mullis, Mary Jane Chapel Hill, NC 072481 008598. Mullis, Myra Guthrie Haw River, NC 022284 005029. Mullis, Robert Neal Charlotte, NC 040167 007478. Munday, Allen Thomas Fayetteville, NC 072580 003743. Muratori, Alfred J. Burnsville, NC 063054 005547. Murchison, Clarence Lynn Raleigh, NC 092270 007155. Murchison, Colin Eugene Oakland Forest, FL 042779 007829. Murchison, Lester Ellis, Jr. North Wilkesboro, NC 072481 008888. Murphy, Charles Duncan, Jr. Jamestown, NC 011585 007028. Murphy, Judy Gurganus Wilmington, NC 110378 008599. Murphy, Michael Olcott Greensboro, NC 022284 008361. Murphy, Richard Lynn Gastonia, NC 071983 008085. Murphy, Susan Decker Greensboro, NC 072682 003744. Murray, Billy Roger Raleigh, NC 063054 007479. 004527. 008140. 007361. 005209. 005030. 007966. 005088. 004864. 004328. 008197. 006695. 007582. 004750. 004259. 005104. 004176. 005636. 005715. 006319. 004868. 022685. 006594. 007480. 005342. 008141. 006601. 004294. Murray, John David \ Durham, NC 072580 Murrell, Harry Thomas, Jr. Albemarle, NC 071062 Muse, Martha Carol Charlotte, NC 072682 Muse, Roslyn Johnson Durham, NC 042480 Musselwhite, Nancy Adams Wilmington, NC 100368 Musselwhite, Neill Hector, I Wilmington, NC 040167 Musten, Janet Leigh West End, NC 030182 Myers, Charles Earl Richmond, VA 100767 Myers, Hugh Alan High Point, NC 092365 Myers, Joe Carroll Clayton, NC 070660 Myers, Kae Ann Charlotte, NC 092182 Myers, Ronnie Dale Salemburg, NC 041577 Myers, Russell Mark Puyallup, WA 021781 Myhre, John Hudson Garner, NC 070264 Myrick, William Glenn Winston-Salem, NC 012760 Nairon, Reginald Gary Brentwood, TN 101267 Nance, Bernie Joe Concord, NC 022759 Nance, John Eldridge Greensboro, NC 032971 Nance, Martha Fenn Greensboro, NC 100171 Nance, Sandra Norris Evergreen, NC 052175 Nance, Tilda B. Sarasota, FL 092365 Nanney, Priscilla Justis, UNfj NC, 27609 112657 Nash, Mary Marshall Monroe, NC 091576 Nash, Wendy Susan Clary Valentines, VA 072580 Nassif, Ruth Kannon Wake Forest, NC 100269 Naylor, Olen Clyde, Jr. Greenville, NC 072682 Nazarian, Marita Quigley West Haven, CT 091576 Neal, David Ellison Kannapolis, NC 02256i -85- Neal, David James Kernersville, NC 110179 004977. Neal, Donna Booth Wilmington, NC 100666 006876. Neal, James Dallas Julian, NC 021778 007266. Neal, Jay Kimsey Fayetteville, GA 110179 004591. Neal, Larry Kent Wilmington, NC 030563 004908. Neal, Mary Johnson Kannapolis, NC 033166 005548. Neal, Robert Stedman Granger, IN 092270 008659. Neal, Theodoric Charles, Jr. Albany, GA 052284 008326. Neale, Michael Louis Fletcher, NC 051083 006521. Nebrat, Jack Morton Arlington, TX 061876 003886. Needham, Billy Wright Mount Airy, NC 111955 003923. Neeland, Eugene Crawford Wilson, NC 041856 003144. Neely, Clement Mason Winston-Salem, NC 061946 007992. Neil, Charles Edwin Danville, VA 031682 006696. Neil, Walton Gibson Huntersville, NC 041577 008964. Nelson, Herbert Hoffman, Jr. Mobile, AL 052185 006917. Nelson, Richard Congleton Rocky Mount, NC 041478 006697. Nelson, Wallace Edgar Hertford, NC 041577 004459. Nelson, William Earl College Park, GA 021262 003869. Nemargut, Joseph Wilmington, NC 102255 007267. Nemargut, Robert Greensboro, NC 110179 006903. Nemargut, Terry James Greensboro, NC 041478 006481. Nemargut, William Leland, NC 040576 008771. Nesbit, Todd William North Myrtle Beach, SC 073084 007560. Nester, Michael Steven, Jr. Hilton Head Island, SC 102180 006918. Newby, James Ronald Daytona Beach, FL 041478 007268. Newman, John Worth, Jr. Long Beach, NC 110179 005549. Newsome, Atlas Eugene Kinston, NC 092270 007265. Newsome, Louis Alfred Cary, NC 042779 004146. Newton, John Cody Cliffside, NC 012359 004145. Newton, John Gary Fayetteville, NC 012359 007578. Newton, June Ayer Charlotte, NC 012081 008772. Newton, Kimberly Suzanne North Myrtle Beach, SC 073084 008458. Ng, Alexander Cheuk Yin Atlantic Beach, NC 080383 008459. Nguyen, Sinh Dinh Winston-Salem, NC 080383 005470. Nichols, Charles L. Phoenix, AZ 051970 005031. Nichols, Larry Wayne Taylorsville, NC 040167 006820. Nicholson, Thomas Ledbetter, Jr. Fayetteville, NC 091677 007476. Nickens, Gail Molic Goldsboro, NC 072580 006482. Nickens, Raymond Thomas Sophia, NC 040576 008623. Niehaus, Nelsen James Raleigh, NC 022284 007880. Niles, Cynthia Kay Marshall, NC 091581 004047. Niles, Ed Lee Marshall, NC 091957 004871. Niles, Jimmy Ray Asheville, NC 092365 004843. Nine, Charles Edwin Greenville, SC 070265 004913. Nixon, Amanda Horsley Charlotte, NC 033166 006483. Nixon, Charles Everette Baltimore, MD 040576 007331. Noble, Alan Stewart New Hill, NC 041580 009074. Noblett, Lisa Marie Asheville, NC 072685 007913. Nobs, Robert Wayne Advance, NC 011982 007914. Noe, Patricia Ann Bristol, TN 011982 006970. Noll, Steven Ray Wilmington, NC 101178 006821. Norfleet, Kenneth Ray Belleview, FL 091677 008600. Norkus, Thomas Joseph Chapel Hill, NC 022284 004439. Norman, Don Douglas N. Fort Myers, FL 091961 008113. Norman, Halliday Johnson Stone Mountain, GA 072682 007156. -86- 003947. 005164. 004693. 003948. 003342. 003473. 006744. 006984. 009125. 007609. 008218. 002950. 005637. 006822. 007481. 004119. 005210. 004329. 004120. 002879. 009075. 005367. 003925. 007915. 007051. 003597. 004046. 008871. Norris, Barbara Adams Matthews, NC 070456 Norris, Brantley Altman Whiteville, NC 061968 Norris, Carol Clayton Boone, NC 030464 Norris, Charles Allen Matthews, NC 070456 Northcott, Jean Lyerly Winston-Salem, NC 022450 Northcott, William Warren Winston-Salem, NC 062851 Northrup, Stephen Paul Rural Hall, NC 071877 Northup, Amy Alford Raleigh, NC 110378 Novak, Stephen Richard Flint, MI 091785 Nowell, Lydia Jan Durham, NC 022781 Nunnery, Jeffrey Allen Grover, NC 111682 Oakley, Calvin Sneed Mebane, NC 092041 Oakley, Clyde Thomas, Jr. Roxboro, NC 032971 Oakley, David Michael Durham, NC 091677 Oakley, Gary Miller Hickory, NC 072580 Oakley, James Ray Washington, NC 070758 Oakley, William Melvin New Bern, NC 100368 O'Briant, Gordon Lee, Jr. Fayetteville, NC 070660 O'Daniel, James Sidney, Jr. New Bern, NC 070758 O'Daniel, James Sydney, Sr. Hickory, NC 112939 O'Daniel, Judith Lynn Goldsboro, NC 072685 Odekirk, Sharon Evelyn Salt Lake City, UT 102069 O'Dell, Byron Boyce Orange Pk, FL 060456 Oder, Steven James New Hyde Park, NY 011982 Odom, Calvin Eugene Lexington, NC 110378 Odom, Lindsey Alwin Wilmington, NC 081152 O'Donnell, Philip Francis, Jr. Aberdeen, NC 091957 Oftring, Robert John Greensboro, NC 112084 009126. Ogden, Robert Wayne Greenville, NC 091785 007317. Ogrosky, Deborah Eversole Rock Hill, SC 021980 005236. O'Harrow, Ralph Edward Belhaven, NC 120568 008460. Oki, Julie Clare Salt Lake City, UT 080383 004177. Oldham, James Allen, III Beaufort, NC 022759 007726. Oles, Karen Susan Kernersville, NC 072181 008362. O'Linn, Colleen June Winston-Salem, NC 071983 006052. Oliver, Charles Samuel Winston-Salem, NC 091873 005154. Oliver, John Henry, Jr. Charleston, SC 041868 009107. Olsen, Bettie Wiley Carrboro, NC 072685 005373. Olsen, James Leroy Chapel Hill, NC 102869 007630. Olsen, Shirley Jo Raleigh, NC 031781 007269. O'Malley, Karen Rae Lake Village, AR 110179 006698. O'Neal, Edwin Leigh Belhaven, NC 041577 005254. O'Neal, Walton Prentiss, Jr Belhaven, NC 041069 004412. O'Neil, Frank Allen Winston-Salem, NC 041861 005946. Orander, Stephen Carling Florence, SC 041273 004844. Orander, William Devaughn, Statesville, NC 070265 005886. Orcutt, Neece Eugene Deland, FL 011673 007831. Orr, Julienne Bussey Raleigh, NC 072481 006326. Ortman, James Lee Winston-Salem, NC 071875 004320. Osborne, Doris Hinshaw Asheboro, NC 070660 006422. Osborne, Harold Neal Fayetteville, NC 013076 007332. Oshodi, Claretta Bookert Clemmons, NC 041580 007561. Osinski, Maria Jean Chatham, NJ 102180 005667. Oster, Donald Roy Cheraw, SC 051871 005638. Ottmar, Richard Allen Cumberland, MD 032971 007832. Outten, John Dana Plymouth, NC 072481 -37- Overby, Kelly Jean Lillington, NC 072481 005550. Overcash, Norman Gilbert Gastonia, NC 092270 006315. Overly, Charles Graham New Bern, NC 052075 007753. Overman, Barbara Adams Rocky Mount, NC 072481 006958. Overman, Michael Brevard, NC 081678 003343. Overton, David Snyder Sanford, NC 022450 007307. Owcharenko, Halyna Charlotte, NC 112079 006274. Owen, Beverly Humphrey Farmville, NC 041075 005947. Owen, Charles Fletcher, III Asheboro, NC 041273 003154. Owen, Fred Roth Tryon, NC 050335 004914. Owen, James Melvin Liberty, NC 033166 003766. Owenby, Paul , Jr. Pisgah Forest, NC 101854 008919. Owens, Cherrie Ann Greene Spruce Pine, NC 022685 008142. Owens, David Van Fayetteville, NC 072682 008533. Owens, Laura Wood Elizabeth City, NC 101883 008773. Owens, Michael Joseph Carrboro, NC 073084 008774. Owens, Scarlett Hicks Charlotte, NC 073084 005639. Owens, Thomas Cox Yaupon Beach, NC 032971 004295. Owens, Thurman Quinton, Jr. Whiteville, NC 022560 007834. Owens, William Winfred Elizabeth City, NC 072481 007835. Owensby, Richard Kelly Brevard, NC 072481 007967. Owensby, Shara Lynne Brevard, NC 030182 004611. Owings, David Albert North Augusta, SC 052163 004419. Oxendine, Denford Harold Kannapolis, NC 063061 008601. Oxendine, Dwight Raeford, NC 022284 007109. Oxendine, James Wood Charlotte, NC 033079 003913. Oxendine, Jesse Edward Charlotte, NC 031956 005640. Pace, Charles Brownlow Morehead City, NC 032971 007833. 006209. 006561. 008775. 003806. 003510. 006888. 008660. 004229. 009062. 007270. 006378. 008462. 005766. 005458. 007482. 007248. 007179. 008219. 006823. 003612. 006485. 008274. 009127. 003391. 003268. 004915. 004428. 008889. Pace, Robert Terrell Winston-Salem, NC 091774 Pack, Violeta Fischer Ayden, NC 091576 Paderick, Clifton Waldo, Jr. Sanford, NC 073084 Paderick, Hatherly Cory Kinston, NC 022855 Padgett, Hughel Faxton Chapel Hill, NC 102951 Padgett, Peggy Cooke Pineville, NC 041478 Padgett, Susan E. Fletcher Hendersonville, NC 052284 Page, Jane Welch Washington, NC 070259 Page, Lisa Liverman Murfreesboro, NC 072685 Page, Sharon Denise Salisbury, NC 110179 Painter, Steven Blaine Mount Holly, NC 090975 Paksoy, Scott Ayden Roanoke, VA 080383 Palmer, Jerry Wilson Durham, NC 040772 Palmer, Yates Shuford, Jr. Charlotte, NC 042170 Panagiotopoulou, Toula Dimitra Winston-Salem, NC 072580 Panella, Margaret Mary Palo Alto, CA 110179 Pankau, Francis Elmer Goldsboro, NC 051579 Pannone, Patricia Anne Havelock, NC 111682 Paoloni, Claude Barry Rockville, MD 091677 Paoloni, Claude U. Chapel Hill, NC 120852 Paoloni, Daniel Richard Durham, NC 040576 Papanastasiou, John Emilios Fairfax, VA 022283 Pappa, Corlis Klara Anna Durham, NC 091785 Paramore, Rex Alan Nashville, NC 070650 Pardue, Viola Richards Stuart, VA 022349 Pare, Emily Adams Concord, NC 033166 Parham, Linda Jones Greenville, NC 070361 Parker, Cheryl Delores Gastonia, NC 011585 007157. 008143. 004231. 005432. 006053. 007727. 007916. 008144. 007611. 006595. 007126. 002827. 004941. 008146. 003440. 006919. 007052. 008463. 009076. 003101. 005853. 005854. 006824. 009128. 009077. 008204. 004773. 007836. Parker, Cindy Ellen Swansboro, NC 042779 Parker, Eric McFee Candler, NC 072682 Parker, Frederick Beecham, Jr. Jacksonville, NC 070259 Parker, James Edgar Four Oaks, NC 040270 Parker, Jerry Robert Cullowhee, NC 091873 Parker, Linda Keating Asheville, NC 072181 Parker, Patricia Harwood Fayetteville, NC 010982 Parker, Ronald McKinnon Rockingham, NC 072682 Parker, Terri Denise Shreveport, LA 022781 Parker, William Preston Mount Olive, NC 091576 Parks, Marcia Creech Asheboro, NC 042779 Parks, William Allen Davidson, NC 111738 Parmesano, Fred Joseph Winston-Salem, NC 071966 Parris, Anne Brookshire Candler, NC 072682 Parrish, Alton Sherwood Newton Grove, NC 022751 Parrish, Nancy Sperling Raleigh, NC 041478 Parrish, Robert Ennis Chapel Hill, NC 110378 Parry, Janice Laird Apex, NC 080383 Parsons, Lori Annette Laurinburg, NC 072685 Parsons, Robert Hinkley Middleburgh, NY 090545 Partin, Benjamin Francis Trinity, NC 090572 Paschall, William Hugh Hampstead, NC 090572 Patel, Joitabhai Narsinhdas Matthews, NC 091677 Patel, Kantilal C. Richmond, IN 091785 Patel, Rohitkumar Suryakant Charlotte, NC 072685 Patrick, Pamela Smith Raleigh, NC 111682 Patronis, Constantine G. Stone Mountain, GA 091564 Patten, Janice Kaye Concord, NC 0724H1 006825. 007548. 006145. 004330. 008561. 007549. 003451. 007968. 005551. 004712. 005641. 003808. 003745. 004845. 003167. 008060. 003356. 007804. 005433. 008389. 008275. 003474. 006487. 005948. 005304. 006190. 003131. 008538. Patterson, B. Kay Kings Mountain, NC 091677 Patterson, Cynthia Long Clemmons, NC 102180 Patterson, David Larry Mount Airy, NC 040974 Patterson, Forrest Tribble Robbinsville, NJ 070660 Patterson, James Herbert Chapel Hill, NC 011784 Patterson, James Lee, Jr. Statesville, NC 102180 Patterson, James Lee, Sr. Statesville, NC 053151 Patterson, Jeanette Elizabet Greenville, NC 030182 Patterson, Robert Dwayne Millers Creek, NC 092270 Patterson, William Earl San Antonio, TX 030464 Pattisall, Jack Coxe Rocky Mount, NC 032971 Patton, James Benjamin, Jr. Canton, NC 022855 Patton, William Harrison Marion, NC 063054 Paul, William Larry Rockville, m 070265 Paull, Shirley H. Hillsborough, NC 011647 Paylor, Martha Bennett Elizabeth City, NC 072682 Payne, Jean Webber Greensboro, NC 060950 Peacock, Mary Alison Jordan Emerald Isle, NC 072481 Peal, George Wainwright Morehead City, NC 040270 Pearson, Nancy Byrd Washington, NC 080383 Pearson, Robert Crump Washington, NC 022283 Pearson, Sarah Pegram Apex, NC 062851 Pearson, William Glenn Locust, NC 040576 Pearson, William Michael Lenoir, NC 041273 Pechal, Frank Louis Cary, NC 061769 Peck, Martha Gabriel Raleigh, NC 091774 Pecora, Ruth Patterson Raeford, NC 032746 Peden, Charlene Harman Greenville, NC 111583 -89- 008776. 006355. 006826. 008777. 002089. 004232. 005855. 007373. 005767. 006379. 008046. 005175. 006920. 009129. 003809. 003490. 007053. 004359. 005716. 004979. 009078. 006380. 008147. 004713. 004003. 007271. 005642. 008761. Pedersen, Lisa Ann Greensboro, NC 073084 Pedigo, Nancy Gilliam Metaire, LA 090975 Peedin, Herbert Ray Lexington, NC 091677 Peeler, Ellen Lucile Wrightsville Beach, NC 073084 Pegram, Addie Bradshaw Cary, NC 061722 Peile, James Iroan, Jr. Valdese, NC 070259 Pell, Ben Earl Smithfield, NC 090572 Pell, Mark Willis Raleigh, NC 042480 Pelletier, Mark Dawson, Jr. Durham, NC 040772 Pemberton, Cathy Wood Greensboro, NC 090975 Pemberton, Thomas Paul, II Johnson City, TN 072082 Pender, James Bowles, Jr. Williamsburg, VA 073168 Pendergrass, Victor Joe Charlotte, NC 041478 Peng, Amy Win Chapel Hill, NC 091785 Penland, James Thomas Raleigh, NC 022855 Penn, William Claybrooks Winston-Salem, NC 072051 Pennington, Charles Royce Dillard, GA 110378 Pennington, Wallace Lee Glendale, AZ 120960 Penny, Grace Pittsboro, NC 100171 Penzotti, Suzanne Sandt Green Oaks, IL 100666 Perdue, David Allen Concord, NC 072685 Perkins, Charles Edward Roxboro, NC 090975 Perkins, James Finley Pisgah Forest, NC 072682 Perkins, Joseph Charles King, NC 030464 Perkins, Lionel Parker, Jr. South Boston, VA 030157 Perkins, Richard Allen Elizabeth City, NC 110179 Perkinson, Edna Turner Sanford, NC 032971 Perry, Denise Massey Wendell, NC 073084 004659. 003532. 008778. 008288. 003392. 008841. 005471. 004398. 008933. 005246. 008685. 008943. 007435. 007374. 005643. 008464. 005089. 005032. 006699. 005942. 005584. 008276. 005434. 002675. 008920. 007728. 007375. 005552. Perry, John Thomas Wilson, NC 110563 Perry, Margaret Booth Apex, NC 030652 Perry, Sharon Lynn Carrboro, NC 073084 Perry, Sharon Skinner Dunn, NC 022283 Perry, Victor Horn, Sr. Franklin, NC 070650 Peterman, James Edward Jacksonville, NC 091884 Peters, Newton Jack Rockville, VA 051970 Peterson, Donald Vance Durham, NC 030661 Petrizzi, Kathleen Sullivan Carrboro, NC 022685 Petropoulos, Christo Thomas Fallston, MD 021869 Petrozzi, Gina Marie Carrboro, NC 071784 Petry, Thomas William Durham, NC 031985 Petteway, Carol E. Rocky Mount, NC 072580 Petteway, Samuel Bruce, Jr. Rocky Mount, NC 042480 Petty, Mary Franklin Sparta, NC 032971 Pham, Kim K. Charlotte, NC 080383 Pharr, Angela Carabateas Winston-Salem, NC 100767 Pharr, Jones Neil Carolina Beach, NC 040167 Phelps, Judith Loraine El Toro, CA 041577 Phifer, Grace Moore Shelby, NC 041273 Philbeck, Evelyn Carole Shelby, NC 102070 Phillips, Gary Joe Angier, NC 022283 Phillips, Grady Samuel, Jr. Clemmons, NC 040270 Phillips, Jasper Edward Raleigh, NC 061434 Phillips, John Douglas Greensboro, NC 022685 Phillips, John Pitt Lincolnton, NC 072181 Phillips, John Ward, Jr. Rocky Mount, NC 042480 Phillips, Mary Katherine Crossnore, NC 092270 -90002833. 008220. 005187. 007484. 003666. 003029. 009130. 006489. 004630. 006211. 005296. 008516. 007510. 005676. 007571. 005768. 002905. 005282. 005856. 006146. 005348. 006827. 007105. 005247. 003725. 005949. 005839. 003810. Phillips, 0. J. Ft Lauderdale, FL 111738 Phillips, Percy James Clinton, NC 111682 Phillips, Roy Odell Manteo, NC 092568 Phipps, Orven Russell Chapel Hill, NC 072580 Piantadosi, Claude Chapel Hill, NC 062953 Pickard, Jefferson Franklyn, Sr. Greensboro, NC 091043 Pickard, Thurmond Wayne Fort Mill, SC 091785 Pickard, William Warren Durham, NC 040576 Pickett, Terry Julian High Point, NC 070563 Pickler, Randy Craig Pinehurst, NC 091774 Piercy, Bradley Benton Lilburn, GA 041669 Pierson, Patrick Louis Wallace, NC 092083 Pigg, Gail Diffendorfer Lincolnton, NC 081980 Pigg, Graham Reid Lincolnton, NC 062971 Pigg, Timothy Clarke Lincolnton, NC 111880 Pike, Jesse Miller, Jr. Matthews, NC 040772 Pike, Jesse Miller, Sr. Concord, NC 061940 Pike, Joseph William, III Asheboro, NC 041069 Pilgrim, John Henry Winston-Salem, NC 090572 Pilson, Dale Brent Greensboro, NC 040974 Pinnix, John Marshall, III Lewisville, NC 100269 Pinson, James Cornel Lincolnton, NC 091677 Pippin, Carolyn Janet Birmingham, AL 032079 Pippin, James Frank Houston, TX 022869 Pistole, Charles Edwin Morristown, TN 041554 Pittman, Arthur Wayne Chapel Hill, NC 041273 Pittman, Barbara Kiser Austin, IN 090572 Pittman, Billie Ephraim Valdese, NC 022855 008965. 005950. 003223. 005435. 006597. 005644. 005391. 008921. 005454. 006000. 008517. 006921. 006922. 008779. 003305. 005349. 007550. 007694. 006147. 007308. 005553. 008966. 007612. 004004. 006757. 008944. 006598. 007562. Pittman, James Acye Batesville, AR 052185 Pittman, James Alston I N. Myrtle Beach, SC 041273 Pittman, James Harper Fayetteville, NC 051448 Pittman, Michael Graham Rocky Mount, NC 040270 Pittman, Person Bennett Goldsboro, NC 091576 Pittman, William Gibbs, Jr. Windsor, NC 032971 Pitts, James Stanley Shelby, NC 012070 Pitts, John David Chapel Hill, NC 022685 Pitts, William Plmmner Hickory, NC 040270 Pizio, George Mathew North Wilkesboro, NC 09187 Platz, Joseph Edward Hendersonville, NC 092083 Pleasants, Deborah Zurek Durham, NC 041478 \ Pleasants, Roy Alton, Jr. Durham, NC 041478 Pleasants, Sandra Lee Raleigh, NC 073084 Plenmions , Charlotte Borders Asheville, NC 063049 Plisco, Irwin Seymour St Louis, MO 100269 Plonski, Mary Catherine Chicago, IL 102180 Plumer, Lille Nungezer Nederland, CO 072181 Poblet, Jesus Jose Charlotte, NC 040974 Poe, Timothy Eugene Winston-Salem, NC 112079 Poe, William Douglas Apex, NC 092270 Poff, Sherwinn Keith Los Angeles, CA 052185 Pointer, Florence Schwinn Semora, NC 022781 Polk, John Wayne Wilmington, NC 030157 Pollard, Harvey Hoffman Wilmington, NC 090977 Polyne', Venita Guerin Raleigh, NC 031985 Ponder, Dianne Carol Durham, NC 091576 Ponder, Doris Crocker Mount Holly, NC 102180 -91- Ponder, Richard Furman Mount Holly, NC 031356 007838. Ponder, William Norman, Jr. Hendersonville, NC 072481 004179. Ponder, William Norman, Sr. Hendersonville, NC 022759 007729. Ponzer, Grace Stratton Washington, NC 072181 006490. Poole, Susan Perry Chapel Hill, NC 040576 005595. Pope, Jon Russell Rutherfordton, NC 012171 004846. Pope, Larry Hicks Winston-Salem, NC 070265 007730. Pope, Robert Noel Cary, NC 072181 091576. Pope-Tanner, Paula Gay Clovis, NM 091653 009079. Popovich, Karen Stacy Bethel Park, PA 072685 006225. Porter, Carol Jean Coral Gables, FL 092374 003906. Porter, Ernest , Jr. Concord, NC 030356 006828. Porter, John Franklin, Jr. Hamlet, NC 091677 006963. Porter, Robert Stephen Newtown, PA 083078 004486. Post, Hazel Green Reidsville, NC 030662 005183. Post, William Earl, Jr. Reidsville, NC 092368 005717. Poteet, Jerry Eugene Morganton, NC 100171 008967. Pothast, Jean Louise Chapel Hill, NC 052185 006163. Potter, Barbara Sue Greensboro, NC 061874 007409. Potter, Bonnie Allen Hickory, NC 072580 007485. Potter, Steven Michael Hickory, NC 072580 006959. Poulos, George William Greensboro, NC 081678 003237. Powell, Edward Sholar Oxford, NC 061848 005982. Powell, George Howard Greenville, NC 051573 008890. Powell, Margaret Else Arden, NC 011585 004762. Powell, Samuel Tate Thomasville, NC 070764 005554. Powell, Sherlynn Dixon Siler City, NC 092270 005033. Powell, William Dorsey Angier, NC 040167 003911. 003811. Powell, William Paul Mars Hill, NC 022855 008120. Powers, Donna Lee Greensboro, NC 072682 007551. Powers, Doyle Edison High Point, NC 102180 008634. Powers, James Mack Lansing, NC 032084 005436. Powers, James Wesley Morganton, NC 040270 008780. Powers, Tammie Sink High Point, NC 073084 006924. Poythress, Vicky Lee Chapel Hill, NC 041478 006647. Prag, Jules Benge Clemmons, NC 022377 007376. Prajapati, Prahladbhai Nathabhai High Point, NC 042480 005564. Pratt, Becky Floyd Durham, NC 092270 006161. Pratt, Judith Ann Greenville, NC 052174 008277. Prazma, Tamara Unkurova Chapel Hill, NC 022283 009131. Preiss, Alan Robert Atlanta, GA 091785 004053. Pressman, Alan Edward Deep River, CT 012758 004806. Presson, Nancy Bullock Tacoma, WA 030365 007486. Preston, David Mark Rockwell, NC 072580 007839. Preston, Julie Holshouser Rockwell, NC 072481 004180. Prevo, James Miller Asheboro, NC 022759 008562. Pribyl, Jeffrey Craig Hendersonville, NC 011784 007272. Price, Billy Lee, Jr. Conover, NC 110179 007881. Price, Ernest Charles, Jr. Pineville, NC 091581 002804. Price, Hubert Graham Raleigh, NC 061538 008781. Price, James Lamar Mooresville, NC 073084 004530. Price, Jerry Douglas Mo. City, TX 071062 006491. Price, Michael Allen Belmont, NC 040576 005857. Price, Richard Philip Casar, NC 090572 005718. Price, Ronnie Lee High Point, NC 100171 003578. Price, Samuel Howard, Jr. Mooresville, NC 070252 i -92Price, Sanford Scott Salemburg, NC 030661 007572. Price, Steven O'Dell Los Angeles, CA 111880 006492. Price, Teresa Ford Belmont, NC 040576 006866. Price, Thomas Winston, IV Eden, NC 121477 008518. Pride, Claudine Witcher Eden, NC 092083 007487. Pridgen, Charla Smith Lewisville, NC 072580 004081. Priest, Janice Pipes Richmond, VA 022858 007195. Proctor, Richard Arnold Key West, FL 071779 005951. Proctor, Rita Kay Carrboro, NC 041273 002910. Proctor, William Vinson Charlotte, NC 061940 004082. Proffitt, Bill Spruce Pine, NC 022858 006979. Proffitt, Dorothy Merel Spruce Pine, NC 101778 006980. Proffitt, Robert Garry Spruce Pine, NC 101778 008546. Proffitt, Ronnie Dwaine Boone, NC 111583 008782. Propes, Tamara Leigh Wallace, NC 073084 006600. Propst, Allan Marion Kings Mountain, NC 091576 005952. Propst, Linda Jean Winston-Salem, NC 041273 005496. Propst, William Self Oxford, MI 091870 002801. Provo, Jean Bush Raleigh, NC 061538 003863. Pruett, Irvin Junior Angier, NC 092155 006684. Pruitt, Janice King North Wilkesboro, NC 041577 002697. Puckett, Ulysses Stratton Stovall, NC 061335 003307. Puckett, William Moorefield Pittsboro, NC 063049 005319. Pulliam, Charles Crenshaw Chapel Hill, NC 100269 003393. Pulliam, Homer Franklin Winston-Salem, NC 070650 002732. Purcell, David Craig Salisbury, NC 061136 004916. Purcell, Downey Carter Statesville. NC 033166 006518. Purdy, Frank Paul Burgaw, NC 043076 004399. 004317. 004487. 006874. 005105. 004488. 008686. 005769. 004807. 008687. 006830. 007634. 005770. 005771. 007204. 003627. 008688. 005329. 004751. 003394. 006736. 006925. 003193. 005350. 005764. 007377. 008278. 006055. 005645. Purser, Helen Dunlap Grantsboro, NC 070660 Purser, Miles Herbert Grantsboro, NC 030662 Purvis, Sara Harvey Raleigh, NC 012778 Putnam, Allen Derrick Shelby, NC 101867 Putnam, Jessie Van Bessemer City, NC 030662 Putnam, Raleigh Jackson, H i Clemmons, NC 071784 Putnam, Roger Delane Salisbury, NC 040772 Quackenbush, Palmer David Cola, SC 030365 Qualheim, Sara Drake Greenville, NC 071784 Quedenfeld, Elizabeth Townse Duluth, GA 091677 Queen, Roger Wayne Cary, NC 042181 Queen, Sarah Jo Lohr Wichita Falls, TX 040772 Quick, Clyde Wayne Hillsborough, NC 040772 Quick, John Doward, III Hillsborough, NC 082179 Quick, John Doward, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 030353 Quigley, Brian Stephen Westfield, MA 071784 Quigley, Janet Deal Atlanta, GA 100269 Rabb, Roy Patton, II Miami, FL 070264 Rabil, Ernest John Clemmons, NC 070650 Rabon, Freddy Joseph Marion, NC 062177 Rachide, Albert Johnson Kinston, NC 041478 Rachide, Albert Paul Jacksonville, NC 061947 Rachide, Frederick Joseph Clemmons, NC 100269 Rackley, Lynne Molic Greenville, NC 040772 Rader, Frances Lura Austin, TX 042480 Ragan, Daniel Lawrence Raleigh, NC 022283 Ragan, Joel Allison Pfafftown, NC 091873 Rains, Richard Hiram Bailey, NC 032971 -93- Railings, Terrie Amnions Matthews, NC 041478 006290. Ralston, Lynda Caroline Clarendon Hill, IL 041075 008635. Ramirez, Jose Antonio Eden, NC 032084 005719. Ramsey, Harry Curtis Jacksonville, NC 100171 004593. Ramsey, Kader Roy, Jr. Gastonia, NC 030563 004631. Ramsey, Margaret Patterson Gastonia, NC 070563 005772. Ramsey, Mary Dysart Jacksonville, NC 040772 003395. Rancke, John McMillan Lumberton, NC 070650 004809. Randall, Danny Lee Asheville, NC 030365 007731. Randall, Kathy Ann Topeka, KS 072181 005211. Randall, Sandra Simpson Asheville, NC 100368 003579. Randall, William Hurley, Jr. Lillington, NC 070252 004489. Randleman, Ernest Augustus, Jr. Mount Airy, NC 030662 004453. Rankin, Claire Darden Erwin, TN 121461 007186. Rankin, Donald Floyd Lexington, NC 061979 004011. Rankin, Robert Anderson Hendersonville, NC 030557 003831. Raper, Donald Joyner Rocky Mount, NC 032255 004594. Raper, Francis Eugene Goldsboro, NC 030563 006701. Rash, Michael Craig New Bern, NC 041577 004536. Rasor, Paul Whiteside, Jr. Wake Forest, NC 071762 008636. Raspet, Richard William Lake Orion, MI 032084 004121. Ranch, Robert Karl Mocksville, NC 070758 005351. Ray, Anthony Boyd Eatonton, GA 100269 008637. Ray, Douglas Leon Chapel Hill, NC 032084 006213. Ray, Michael Bryan Canton, NC 091774 008783. Ray, Sonya Lisa Charlotte, NC 073084 007583. Raymond, Kenneth Harlan Etowah, NC 021781 008922. Raynor, Flora Denise Danville, VA 022685 006926. 008221. 008222. 007309. 008327. 005674. 006950. 003580. 006602. 002724. 004714. 007825. 005773. 004595. 006927. 006603. 006411. 006405. 004555. 003581. 007918. 008842. 008784. 008563. 007273. 007088. 004882. 006928. 008843. Rea, Naomi Cumberland Charlotte, NC 111682 Rea, Phillip Alton Charlotte, NC 111682 Read, John Charles Asheville, NC 113079 Reagin, Ronald Stephen W. Des Moines, lA 051083 Reale, Carl Salvatore Pompano Beach, FL 062971 Reale, James F. Fayetteville, NC 061478 Reaves, Charles Adams Asheboro, NC 070252 Reaves, Edna Patricia Greensboro, NC 091576 Reaves, Hallie Craven Southern Pines, NC 061136 Reaves, Hallie Craven, Jr. Pinehurst, NC 030464 Reaves, Lois Moore Raleigh, NC 072481 Reaves, Robert Bingham Fayetteville, NC 040772 Reaves, Thomas Bingham Fayetteville, NC 030563 Reece, Max Gardner, Jr. Siler City, NC 041478 Reed, Bryan Frazier Wrightsville Beach, NC 091576 Reed, Charles Damon Raleigh, NC 120475 Reed, James Roy Statesville, NC 101875 Reeder, Glenn LeRoy Stow, OH 102262 Reese, Joe Neal Kannapolis, NG 070252 Reese, Ronald Lee Macon, GA 011982 Reeves, Karen Ann Norfolk, VA 091884 Reid, James Walter Charlotte, NC 073084 Reid, Leslie George Matthews, NC 011784 Reid, Tanya Moore Granite Falls, NC 110179 Reinhard, Mark Stephen Richmond, VA 011679 Reinhardt, Manfred Waynesboro, VA 112265 Reinhardt, Michael Scott Iron Station, NC 041478 Rejonis, Robert Allan Frederick, MD 091884 -94008602. 008662. 006245. 006464. 004103. 006057. 006155. 003239. 003949. 007114. 005213. 004233. 007378. 008407. 004847. 009080. 005555. 006291. 004949. 005090. 007324. 008872. 006296. 004917. 004083. 008148. 004442. 005720. Renaud, Paul William Raleigh, NC 022284 Rephann, Sue Ann High Point, NC 052284 Revie, Betty Brown 040375 Reynolds, Ann Finley Burlington, NC 040576 Reynolds, Edward Hammond Columbia, SC 061858 Reynolds, Robert Hershel, Jr. Lumberton, NC 091873 Reynolds, Sharon Tabb Charlotte, NC 040974 Rhem, John Fitzhugh Florence, SC 061848 Rhoades, Jerry Delano Southern Pines, NC 070456 Rhoades, Tara Correll China Grove, NC 042779 Rhoden, Charles William, Jr. Shelby, NC 100368 Rhodes, Daniel Edward Morganton, NC 070259 Rhodes, William Tillman, III Red Springs, NC 042480 Rhyne, Alma Franklin Dallas, NC 080383 Rhyne, Clyde Randolph Valdese, NC 020765 Rhyne, Kathryn Acker Chapel Hill, NC 072685 Rice, Charles Douglas Madison, NC 092070 Rice, Gregory Keith Durham, NC 041075 Rice, James Patrick Hickory, NC 100666 Rice, Larry Gene Hickory, NC 100767 Rice, Robert Timothy Greensboro, NC 031880 Rice, Ted Lee Carrboro, NC 112084 Rice, Teresa Sewell Durham, NC 041075 Rich, Radford Henry Fayetteville, NC 033166 Rich, Renus Edgar, Jr. Brevard, NC 022858 Richard, Brian Edwin Mooresville, NC 072682 Richards, Thomas Lee Hickory, NC 09196] Richards, William Warren Wallace, NC 100171 008279. 006292. 006604. 004918. 006419. 003704. 007732. 008490. 005157. 009081. 005034. 005136. 005455. 005137. 008149. 006493. 004400. 008923. 005858. 007056. 005859. 008786. 003103. 003628. 007993. 004556. 004749. 005775. Richardson, Barbara Jones Aberdeen, NC 022283 Richardson, Curtis Leroy, Jr Concord, NC 041075 Richardson, James Doyle Walnut Cove, NC 091576 Richardson, Paul Hart Raleigh, NC 033166 Richardson, Toby Angus, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 012076 Richardson, Vernon Herbert Summerfield, NC 030154 Richardson, Walter Kim Mt. Pleasant, SC 072181 Richardson, William Hayes, J Greensboro, NC 082483 Richmond, Donald Keith, Sr. Greensboro, NC 041868 Richmond, Rodney Glenn Carrboro, NC 072685 Rickard, Hearne Franklin, II Kannapolis, NC 040167 Rickelton, David Kendall Kernersville, NC 040468 Rickenbacker, Harry Lee Ocean Isle Beach, NC 0402/ Ricks, Alvin Antonio Charlotte, NC 040468 Riddick, Kenneth Barts Ahoskie, NC 072682 Riddle, Belinda Lovelace Bessemer City, NC 040576 Ridenhour, Henry Baxter Wilkesboro, NC 030661 Ridgeway, Charlotte Ann Gastonia, NC 022685 Ridout, Clarence Benjamin Morrisville, NC 090572 Riegert, Christopher Paul Hendersonville, NC 110378 Rigdon, Donald Lee Banner Elk, NG 090572 Riggs, Lisa Karen Greenville, NC 073084 Riggsbee, Edgar Lloyd Chapel Hill, NC 090645 Riggsbee, Victor Lee Charlotte, NC 030353 Rinehart, Perri Moed Myrtle Beach, SC 031682 Rinehart, Wayne Allen Matthews, NC 112062 Ringrose, Lilia Montes Gainesville, FL 070264 ^ Ripley, Richard Gill Elkin, NC 040772 -95- Ripley, Vickie Corbett Spring Hope, NC 041075 004810. Ripoll, Jose Miami, FL 030365 005646. Rippy, Guy Lester Vilas, NC 032971 006929. Risse, Jeffrey Durham, NC 041478 005035. Rittase, Elizabeth Paterson Charlotte, NC 040167 004928. Rittase, Robert Allen Charlotte, NC 041966 007841. Rivenbark, Daniel Gray Durham, NC 072481 008112. Roadman, Karen Johnson York, SC 072682 002511. Roberson, Culas Eden, NC 112729 004596. Roberson, Gary Ray Eden, NC 030563 006382. Roberson, Herman Brinkley, Jr. Rocky Mount, NC 090975 007379. Roberson, William Robert Roxboro, NC 042480 008805. Roberts, Beverly Taylor Gastonia, NC 073084 008945. Roberts, Charles Logan Riverdale, GA 031985 007162. Roberts, Deborah Lovelace Washington, NC 042779 008198. Roberts, Donna Sue Wilmington, NC 092182 003475. Roberts, Douglas Allen Asheville, NC 062851 008466. Roberts, Laeron Anthony Smithfield, NC 080383 006383. Roberts, Michael Douglas Washington, DC 090975 008307. Roberts, Peter John High Point, NC 031583 006214. Roberts, Samuel Allen Alexandria, VA 091774 006494. Roberts, Stephanie Biggs Hope Mills, NC 040576 004122. Roberts, Stephen Burgin Black Mountain, NC 070758 005007. Robertson, A. Frank Covington, VA 032267 009082. Robertson, Carroll Bracey, III Hamilton, NC 072685 003539. Robertson, William Neal, Jr. Laurinburg, NC 030652 005138. Robinson, Clyde Wilson, Jr. Raleigh, NC 040468 006931. Robinson, Deborah Walker Conover, NC 041478 006293. 002740. 003971. 005437. 003137. 003950. 007563. 004987. 009083. 006606. 002816. 005661. 007733. 008787. 008788. 004944. 007274. 005556. 009132. 003667. 009084. 006864. 003309. 008564. 005379. 003202. 008873. 004538. 004447. Robinson, Derwood Paul Oxford, NC 061136 Robinson, Donald Bennett Rock Hill, SC 091856 Robinson, Ellen Chenault Defiance, MO 040270 Robinson, Harriett Agnes Fayetteville, NC 041846 Robinson, James Clark, Jr. Roanoke Rapids, NC 070456 Robinson, James Mayford North Wilkesboro, NC 102180 Robinson, Jean Farmer Atlanta, GA 100666 Robinson, Jerry Dwyte Fayetteville, NC 072685 Robinson, John Michael Buda, TX 091576 Robinson, Thomas Ruffin, Jr. Goldsboro, NC 061538 Robison, Lawrence Santifer, III Garner, NC 042171 Rochette, Neil Edward Greensboro, NC 072181 Rodell, Donna Marie Charlotte, NC 073084 Rodgers, Paula Thomas Chapel Hill, NC 073084 Roessler, George Albert, Jr. Carmel, IN 091466 Rogers, Alfred Ray Elkin, NC 110179 Rogers, Francina Maria Asheville, NC 092270 Rogers, Howard Wilbon, Jr. Newnan, GA 091785 Rogers, Hubert Newton, Jr. Lumberton, NC 062953 Rogers, Kenneth Paul Concord, NC 072685 Rogers, Michael Victor Asheville, NC 113077 Rogers, Ralph Peele, Jr. Durham, NC 063049 Rogers, Stephen McLesky Spartanburg, SC 011784 Rogers, Thomas Leonard Fort Mill, SC 111969 Rogers, William Pherrel Asheville, NC 061947 Rogers, William Ralph Fletcher, NC 112084 Rogers, William Ray Hayesville, NC 071762 Rogers, William Wells Shelby, NC 110161 -96006975. 007218. 008315. 004005. 004336. 004715. 007734. 003344. 005557. 008924. 003310. 003311. 007380. 004716. 005313. 005316. 003345. 007735. 003059. 005558. 007163. 008280. 006216. 002700. 007381. 005283. 005284. 009085. Roh, Jacqueline Marie Greensboro, NG 101778 Rohrbacher, Andrea Louise Chapel Hill, NC 101679 Rolandelli, Karen Bradner Greensboro, NC 051083 Rollins, Stuart Wingo Pfafftown, NC 030157 Romine, Carol Wilson Arden, NC 070660 Romine, Jack Richard Arden, NC 030464 Roney, Grady Glenn Matthews, NC 072181 Roper, Harold Edward Indian Harb Bch, FL 022450 Rose, Charles Wagoner Durham, NC 092270 Rose, William Carroll, Jr. Morehead City, NC 022685 Rose, Willie Carroll Wilson, NC 063049 Rose, Winfield Penny Greensboro, NC 063049 Rosman, Allen Walter Chapel Hill, NC 042480 Ross, Bobby Thermal Rutherford College, NC 030464 Ross, Eugene Bedford Laurens, SC 093069 Ross, Richard William Laurens, SC 093069 Ross, Robert McGill Bessemer City, NC 022450 Ross, Winston Raymond Salisbury, NC 072181 Rosser, John Harrington Charlotte, NC 032944 Rostan, John Robert Mooresville, NC 092270 Roth, Ann Hamel Wilmington, NC 042779 Roth, David Julius Pittsburgh, PA 022283 Roughton, Billy Gerald Kitty Hawk, NC 091774 Rouse, Louie Livingston Fayetteville, NC 061335 Rouse, Patti Kim Greenville, NC 042480 Rowe, Betty Matthews Raleigh, NC 041069 Rowe, Joseph Milton, Jr. Raleigh, NC 041069 Rowell, Rebecca Lois Chapel Hill, NC 072685 008844. 007994. 004162. 002952. 005036. 005721. 003855. 007573. 006384. 006148. 008925. 006495. 006705. 007882. 005438. 004849. 008281. 003583. 003527. 006295. 002924. 008663. 008467. 006831. 007736. 007737. 007969. 008282. Roy, Lynn Anthony, Sr. Miami, FL 091884 Roy, Raymond Albert, Jr. Lynchburg, VA 031682 Royal, Pearl Harbour Fredericksburg, VA 02275S Royall, George Edwin, Jr. Elkin, NC 061841 Roycroft, William Douglas Shallotte, NC 040167 Royster, Donald Ervin Greensboro, NC 100171 Rubin, Seymour Phillip Newport, NC 070555 Rubish, Andrew James Denton, NC 111880 Rudd, Christine Copeland Durham, NC 090975 Rudd, George David Durham, NC 040974 Ruehle, David Karl Durham, NC 022685 Rullman, Elizabeth Wylie Wilmington, NG 040576 Rumsey, Diane Sinhel Wrightsville Beach, NC 0 Ruona, Lloyd Elias Pfafftown, NC 091581 Rushing, David Murray Marshville, NC 040270 Rusk, Orphas Dale Asheville, NC 070265 Russ, Philip Neil Winston-Salem, NC 022283 Russell, Gilbert Clark Norwood, NC 070252 Russell, Ritchie Andrew Winston-Salem, NC 121951 Russell, Stephen Gaddy Indianapolis, IN 041075 Russell, Thomas Wayne Greensboro, NC 112040 Rutherford, Gary Dean Stephens City, VA 052284 Rutig, Jeffrey Lee Chase City, VA 080383 Ryan, Richard John Durham, NC 091677 Rye, Brenda Joyce Waxhaw, NC 072181 Rye, John Henry Waxhaw, NC 072181 Sadek, Nagwa Mahmoud Mount Pleasant, SC 0301.' Sadler, Linda Calos Greensboro, NC 022283 -9 7- 006649. Sagonias, Peter Nick Alexander, NC 031877 005860. Sain, Gary Lee Taylorsville, NC 090572 007919. Sain, James Michael Knoxville, TN 011982 006613. Sain, Karen Smith Taylorsville, NC 091576 008047. Salazar, Manuel , Sr. Tampa, FL 072082 007883. Saleeba, Elizabeth Haff Henderson, NC 091581 007279. Saleeby, Ellen Shipp Belhaven, NC 110179 005776. Salem, Joseph Raymond, Jr. Piano, TX 040772 006608. Salem, Ronald Paul Raleigh, NC 091576 006779. Salisbury, Roxanne Foster Cary, NC 091677 003397. Salley, William Moss, Jr. Asheville, NC 070650 003812. Salter, Roy Lester, Jr. Burlington, NC 022855 007920. Salzano, Carl Thomas New Bern, NC 011982 007995. Samford, Edward Preston, Jr. Rutherfordton, NC 031682 008926. Samples, Steven Darwin Newton, NC 022685 007970. Sampson, Karen Gail Asheville, NC 030182 003511. Sampson, Robert Russell Greensboro, NC 102951 006747. Sander, David Christian Statesville, NC 080277 007848. Sanders, Kathryn Ann San Antonio, TX 072481 007060. Sanders, Mark Fletcher Fayetteville, NC 110378 003227. Sanders, Patsy Burgiss Granite Quarry, NC 090348 007275. Sanderson, Leslie , Jr. Maxton, NC 110179 007089. Sandritter, Ronald Norman Raleigh, NC 011679 005352. Sands, Charles Dorrance, III Pusan, Korea 600, 100269 008638. Sassano, Donna Baer Matthews, NC 032084 006149. Sasser, Clayton Wayne Norwood, NC 040974 004401. Sasser, John Marshall Smithfield, NC 030661 008603. Sasser, Toni Leigh Swansboro, NC 022284 005285. 003398. 003476. 004431. 008152. 007061. 006609. 004123. 008365. 002917. 004753. 008308. 004490. 006340. 006702. 005955. 007310. 008468. 003887. 003951. 007996. 007852. 006240. 004854. 004006. 007635. 008992. 008520. Satterwhite, Ronald Wayne Henderson, NC 041069 Sauls, Doris Harrell Raleigh, NC 070650 Sauls, Harold Bruce Raleigh, NC 062851 Saunders, John Wesley Wendell, NC 070361 Saunders, Joseph Allan, Jr. Fayetteville, NC 072682 Saunders, Martha Lynn Winston-Salem, NC 110378 Saunders, Walter Albert Augusta, GA 091576 Saunders, Walter Keetch, Jr. Charlotte, NC 070758 Sauter, James Wesley Matthews, NC 071983 Savage, Matthew Council Roanoke Rapids, NC 061940 Savage, William McDonald Augusta, GA 070264 Savina, Paul Mark Durham, NC 031583 Savoia, Benjamin S., Jr. Gainesville, FL 030662 Sawyer, Becky Burgess Sanford, NC 090975 Sawyer, Katherine Anderson Raleigh, NC 041577 Sawyer, William Theron Hillsborough, NC 041273 Saxe, Steven Michael Greensboro, NC 113079 Saylor, Brian John Raleigh, NC 080383 Scarboro, William Louis Raleigh, NC 111955 Schaefer, Brownie Dickson Fayetteville, NC 070456 Schamroth, Alexander Camp Hill, PA 031682 Scheetz, Pamela Voyles Jacksonville, NC 072481 Schendel, Thomas LeRoy APO, NY 022075 Scherer, Robert Erwin Lamont, CA 072065 Schlagel, Arthur Port, Jr. East Bend, NC 030157 Schley, Wesley Scott Cary, NC 042181 Schmidt, Charles Theodore Asheville, NC 072785 Schinidt, Robert Scott Chapel Hill, NC 092083 -98- 008547. 008845. 008664. 007095. 006610. 006327. 006094. 002991. 002572. 009133. 007469. 008020. 003757. 008789. 008153. 006534. 003952. 003242. 008071. 007062. 006832. 007489. 005474. 005056. 003312. 004543. 005233. 003860. Schmucker, Vickie Rae Charlotte, NC 111583 Schneider, Joan Elizabeth Fayetteville, NC 091884 Schnellmann, Ricky Gene Durham, NC 052284 Schroeder, James Beveridge Charlotte, NC 022879 Schuyler, Christopher LaGrande Jacksonville, FL 091576 Schwartz, John Arthur Durham, NC 071875 Sciota, Michael Archangel Eden, NC 102473 Scoggin, Herbert Palmer Louisburg, NC 061742 Scoggin, Lewis Edward, Jr. Louisburg, NC 061231 Scott, Andrew Blanton Westfield, NC 091785 Scott, Deborah Lowder Winston-Salem, NC 072580 Scott, William Glenn, Jr. Rock Hill, SC 051882 Scudder, Banks Humes Zebulon, NC 070654 Scudder, Jennifer Lynn Zebulon, NC 073084 Scudder, Samuel Alan Zebulon, NC 072682 Seaberg, Lester Eric Greenville, NC 082676 Seabock, Robert Lee Wilmington, NC 070456 Seaborn, Robert Hawthorne Raleigh, NC 061848 Seagroves, Elizabeth Cauley Clayton, NC 072682 Seats, Christopher Lamar Chapel Hill, NC 110378 Seats, John Phillip Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 091677 Sebastian, Georganne Charlottesville, VA 072580 Sebok, Albert Andrew Hudson, OH 051970 Seckler, Daniel Arthur Palm Harbor, FL 072667 Secrest, Vann Vanderlyn, Jr. Monroe, NC 063049 Secrist, Daniel David, Jr. Lynchburg, VA 092062 Segarra, Efrain Chesapeake, VA 102268 Segars, James Herbert Marion, NC 080155 007083. 003686. 005647. 002379. 005587. 008021. 008639. 004980. 008283. 005286. 002908. 007277. 006496. 005439. 003813. 008469. 008846. 009134. 008366. 003132. 006409. 008284. 008968. 008452. 007063. 007738. 008790. 004256. Segars, James Vernon Marion, NC 112178 Seibert, JoAnne Inman Greensboro, NC 092853 Seigler, Lawrence Lelvin Greenville, NC 032971 Selden, Joseph Stancell Weldon, NC 061626 Self, Joan Black Hickory, NC 102070 Self, Richard Loran Hickory, NC 051882 Selip, David Raleigh, NC 032084 Sellers, Alva Broughton, Jr. Burlington, NC 100666 Senn, Margaret Gayle Raleigh, NC 022283 Sentelle, Mary Flora Asheville, NC 041069 Senter, Lloyd Morgan Carrboro, NC 061940 Sessions, James Richard, Jr. . Goldsboro, NC 110179 Settle, David Alton , Waxhaw, NC 040576 Setzer, Bobby Ray Marion, NC 040270 Setzer, Evan Sylvanus, Jr. Greensboro, NC 022855 Setzer, John Roy Winston-Salem, NC 080383 Seward, Mary L. Fayetteville, NC 091884 Seward, Paul Alexander Fayetteville, NC 091784 Sewell, Cathy Lynn Cary, NC 071983 Sewell, Evelyn Salter Beaufort, NC 032746 Sewell, Garland Washington, J Swansboro, NC 112075 Sexton, Scotty Lee High Point, NC 022283 Seymour, James David Carrboro, NC 052185 Seymour, Kelly McKee Greensboro, NC 080383 Seymour, Patsy Kay Kinston, NC 110378 Shadle, Shirley Petter Greensboro, NC 072181 Shaffer, Mary Suzanne Shelby, NC 073084 Shaheen, William Maxwell Blowing Rock, NC 121259 -99- 006860. 006059. 008367. 003872. 006833. 003158. 008927. 006834. 007740. 006006. 003814. 004919. 007278. 006529. 004432. 007064. 007777. 004433. 006932. 006385. 005562. 006479. 004664. 007610. 008199. 005956. 003967. 003540. Shamp, Nancy Lee Kreager Zainesville, OH 111577 Shank, Elizabeth Szczerbiak Wake Forest, NC 091873 Shapiro, Theodore Kenmore, NY 071983 Sharp, Hal Donnald Cornelias, NC 102555 Sharpe, Linda Rae Asheville, NC 091677 Sharpe, Warren Culler Kinston, NC 102146 Shatterly, Jeffrey Dale Dunn, NC 022685 Shaw, Cynthia Renee Burlington, NC 091677 Shaw, Michele Marie Arlington, VA 072181 Shaw, Pamela Glance San Diego, CA 091873 Shaw, Willis Breedlove Mount Olive, NC 022853 Sheaffer, William Otto Leicester, NC 033166 Shear, Morris Woodland, NC 110179 Shearer, Stephen William Spartanburg, SC 081976 Shearin, Robert Hunter Greensboro, NC 070361 Sheehan, Terri Jernigan Richmond, VA 110378 Sheeks, Carla Dean Mooresville, NC 072481 Sheets, James Paul West Jefferson, NC 070361 Sheffield, David Graham Warsaw, NC 041478 Shehan, Nina Elizabeth Pineville, NC 090975 Shelburne, Linda Spivey Whiteville, NC 092270 Shelby, Texie Penry Charlotte, NC 040576 Shelley, Billie Edgar Spartanburg, SC 010264 Shelton, Donna Owens Richmond, VA 022781 Shelton, Howard Tucker Chapmanville, WV 092182 Shelton, Larry Jackson Hendersonville, NC 041273 Shelton, William Dean Louisville, KY 090456 Shepherd, Dale Melvin Jefferson, NC 030652 006526. 005070. 003478. 006297. 007842. 005723. 003953. 007234. 003400. 003030. 002666. 003364. 004418. 006060. 006530. 006386. 006946. 006933. 006607. 008605. 004331. 006497. 005560. 006303. 006868. 005957. 003401. 003907. Shepherd, Larry Cecil Powell, TN 072376 Shepherd, Rita Bowman Kingwood, TX 100767 Sherard, Gene Stevenson Burlington, NC 062851 Sherard, Gene Stevenson, Jr. Wrightsville Beach, NC 041075 Sherman, Margaret Elaine Lillington, NC 072481 Sherrill, David Charles Leland, NC 100171 Sherrill, Fred Lee, Jr. Conover, NC 070456 Sherrill, Karen Englebert Troutman, NC 110179 Sherwood, Norman Wagoner Lenoir, NC 070650 Shields, Clarence Louis Jacksonville, NC 073043 Shigley, Henry Hall Asheville, NC 032134 Shigley, Virginia Callahan Asheville, NC 070650 Shimon, Robert Frank Madison, WI 063061 Shinn, Cynthia Easter Troutman, NC 091873 Shipley, Andrea Yuhas Charlotte, NC 081976 Shipp, Kenneth Wade Durham, NC 090975 Shive, Danny Allen Greenville, NC 051278 Shively, James Gary Birmingham, AL 041478 Shoaf, Peggy Rushmore Durham, NC 091576 Shoemaker, Sheryl Lee Carrboro, NC 022284 Shoemaker, William Preston Eden, NC 070660 Shoffner, Thomas Philip Dallas, TX 040576 Shokes, Ronald James Hickory, NC 092270 Sholes, Diane Swingle Stone Mountain, GA 041075 Sholes, Dillard McCary, III Elizabethtown, TN 011778 Shook, Ronald Earl Kernersville, NC 041273 Shore, Vollie Arthur, Jr. Durham, NC 070650 Shouse, William Darle King, NC 030356 -100004597. 003954. 008241. 008368. 007972. 003616. 003187. 006704. 009087. 006233. 008928. 007491. 003955. 008154. 004811. 005353. 008369. 008929. 003759. 002989. 008606. 009088. 003313. 003168. 005585. 008470. 004368. 008791. Shuford, Gene Miles Franklin, TN 030563 Shuford, Grady Watterson Forest City, NC 070456 Shuler, Ernest Rhoad, Jr. Darlington, SC 011883 Shuler, Kathy Kirby Darlington, SC 071983 Shull, Gregory Merlin Dallas, NC 030182 Shultraan, Simon Leroy, Jr. Charlotte, NC 022753 Shutt, Eleanor Holden ' Ormond Beach, FL 062947 Sides, John Wesley, H I Bakersville, NC 041577 Sides, Owren Dale Hickory, NC 072685 Sigel, Emilie Selbo Raleigh, NC 111974 Sigle, Lisa Sherwood Raleigh, NC 022685 Sigmon, Joseph Kent Claremont, NC 072580 Sigmon, Russell Grady, Jr. Conover, NC 070456 Silta, William Henry, Jr. Greensboro, NC 072682 Sime, Myron Strother Hilton Head Island, SC 030365 Simmons, Calvin Albert, Jr. Siler City, NC 100269 Simmons, Elizabeth Jo Buffalo Jet., VA 071983 Sinmions, Eugene Street Siler City, NC 022685 Simmons, Fay Clyde, Jr. West Columbia, SC 072154 Simmons, Foster Joel Conover, NC 061742 Simmons, Gwendolyn Delores Goldsboro, NC 022284 Simmons, Kimberly Melinda Jonesville, NC 072685 Simmons, Peggy Costner Lincolnton, NC 063049 Simmons, William Alfred Winston-Salem, NC 011647 Simpson, Arthur Vernon Hendersonville, NC 102070 Simpson, Brenda Janet Durham, NC 080383 Simpson, John Thomas, Jr. Statesville, NC 022261 Simpson, Richard Dwayne Wilmington, NC 073084 Simpson, Roger Love Marshville, NC 091677 006061. Sims, Randall Joe Charlotte, NC 091873 003199. Sinclair, Frances Allen Albemarle, NC 061947 008200. Sindelar, Lawrence Ramon, Jr Romeo, MI 092182 007233. Singletary, Blenda Elledge Iron Station, NC 110179 007613. Singletary, Carol Hopper Mount Airy, NC 022781 007892. Singletary, Joseph Lee Mount Airy, NC 111781 006611. Sink, John William, Jr. Charlotte, NC 091576 006298. Sinnett, Thomas Gail Matthews, NC 041075 008151. Sisk, Toni Rowe Fletcher, NC 072682 003888. Sisk, William Taylor Asheville, NC 111955 006535. Sisko, Mary Catherine Signal Mountain, TN 08267( 006387. Sites, Noah Michael Winston-Salem, NC 090975 004920. Sitison, James Andrew, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 033166 005958. Siu, Katherine MoKit Wicomico Church, VA 04127: 007285. Sizemore, Deborah Tiddy Chapel Hill, NC 110179 008930. Skafidas, Joanne Maria Lewisville, NC 022685 003718. Skakle, Sybil Austin Chapel Hill, NC 030154 006782. Skeen, Nancy Gardner Burlington, NC 091677 004891. Skinner, Edgar Durant, Jr. Lincolnton, NC 031666 006062. Skinner, Roy Lee Charlotte, NC 091873 005380. Skolaut, Milton Wilbert Chapel Hill, NC 111969 005392. Skolaut, Rheta Ella Chapel Hill, NC 012070 006381. Slade, Ann Rector Raleigh, NC 090975 006150. Slade, Billie Griffin Williamston, NC 040974 008223. Slater, Ruth Bernice Concord, NC 111682 004017. Slaughter, Thomas Gower Charlotte, NC 062057 006084. Sleight, Brenda Zurek Durham, NC 091873 006835. -101- 008891. 007554. 003956. 006836. 004981. 004717. 005959. 004598. 004124. 007139. 005960. 004672. 006500. 008607. 005932. 005312. 006856. 004491. 003728. 004085. 007644. 003615. 009135. 006501. 005648. 008022. 002810. 006151. Sligar, John Gregory Wingate, NC 011585 Sloan, Deborah Wellons Taylors, SC 102180 Sloop, Roger Hester Rural Hall, NC 070456 Small, Pamela Jo Advance, NC 091677 Small, Ronald Hugh Advance, NC 100666 Smart, Thomas Elijah Hamlet, NC 030464 Smith, Albert , Jr. Middlesex, NC 041273 Smith, Albert Hunter Fayetteville, NC 030563 Smith, Alton Tranis Winston-Salem, NC 070758 Smith, Beverly Hester Cary, NC 042779 Smith, Beverly Leonhardt Marietta, GA 041273 Smith, Billy Ray Burke, VA 030264 Smith, Clayton Jay Greensboro, NC 040576 Smith, Cynthia Glendora Kernersville, NC 022284 Smith, Darlene Bryan El Paso, TX 041273 Smith, David Kenneth Inman, SC 091069 Smith, Debra Diane Charlotte, NC 102177 Smith, Donald Judd Willow Springs, NC 030662 Smith, Edward Dwight Danville, VA 052054 Smith, Edward Marvin Tuscaloosa, AL 022858 Smith, Galen Hartman, III Rockingham, NC 061681 Smith, Grady Clarence, Sr. Melrose, FL 022453 Smith, Gregory Lynn Greensboro, NC 091785 Smith, Harold Grey Gastonia, NC 040576 Smith, Harold Wayne Climax, NC 032971 Smith, Harry Enoch Marshall, NC 051882 Smith, Henry Edwin Thomasville, NC 061538 Smith, Henry Lewis Carrboro, NC 040974 005724. 008793. 006377. 006612. 004235. 004921. 008794. 008608. 009105. 008242. 005561. 007065. 008243. 007280. 002926. 005649. 006215. 008848. 003449. 002768. 006837. 007382. 007843. 003856. 006745. 008665. 003669. 006524. Smith, Henry Zack Fayetteville, NC 100171 Smith, James Haywood Fayetteville, NC 073084 Smith, Jean Newton Concord, NC 090975 Smith, Jeffrey James Lenoir, NC 091576 Smith, John Hubert, Jr. Fuquay-Varina, NC 070259 Smith, Joseph Gordon, Jr. Durham, NC 033166 Smith, Juliana Chesapeake, VA 073084 Smith, Julie Elaine Sanford, NC 022284 Smith, Kimberly White Chapel Hill, NC 072685 Smith, Kirby Hatten Charlotte, NC 011883 Smith, Larry Alan Murphy, NC 092270 Smith, Larry Dale Wilmington, NC 110378 Smith, Lawrence D. Winston-Salem, NC 011883 Smith, Leon Jackson, III Raleigh, NC 110179 Smith, Leon Wriston Kannapolis, NC 112040 Smith, Lester Mark Salisbury, NC 032971 Smith, Margaret Willis Raleigh, NC 091774 Smith, Mendel Wallace, II Todd, NC 091884 Smith, Norman Allen Gastonia, NC 041851 Smith, Oscar Wilbur Pilot Mountain, NC 061737 Smith, Paul David Elon College, NC 091677 Smith, Phyllis Malewich Rocky Mount, NC 042480 Smith, Phyllis Marie Hickory, NC 072481 Smith, Richard Henry Lee Greensboro, NC 070555 Smith, Rita Reid Baton Rouge, LA 071877 Smith, Robert Arnold Kernersville, NC 052284 Smith, Robert Garland Mount Airy, NC 062953 Smith, Robert Leo Chapel Hill, NC 070976 -102- 005961. 006838. 004851. 005862. 008609. 004756. 006665. 008946. 004531. 004332. 004434. 009089. 006499. 005440. 006299. 002776. 008874. 004532. 006064. 005722. 005725. 004718. 004504. 006152. 004492. 006839. 005497. 008875. Smith, Roger Parker Raleigh, NC 041273 Smith, Ronald Francis Mebane, NC 091677 Smith, Roy Boyd, Jr. Newland, NC 070265 Smith, Russell Eugene Troutman, NC 090572 Smith, Russell Kevin Fuquay-Varina, NC 022284 Smith, Sandra Wood Gibsonville, NC 070264 Smith, Sarah Dollar Asheville, NC 041577 Smith, Seth Cromwell, Jr. Rocky Mount, NC 031985 Smith, Seth McDonald, Jr. Charlotte, NC 071062 Smith, Sue Ballantine Tuscaloosa, AL 070660 Smith, Terre Milton Clemmons, NC 070361 Smith, Truett Matthew, Jr. Salisbury, NC 072685 Smith, Tyanne Whitcomb Troutman, NC 040576 Smith, Warner Lee Charlotte, NC 040270 Smith, William Denny Elizabethtown, NC 041075 Smith, William Julius Chapel Hill, NC 061737 Smith, William Oscar Ormond Beach, FL 112084 Smithwick, Edward Lee, Jr. Indianapolis, IN 071062 Smothers, John Matt, III Lexington, NC 091873 Smutney, Barbara Sapp Greensboro, NC 100171 Smutney, James Richard Greensboro, NC 100171 Smyre, Billy Mac Newton, NC 030464 Snead, Linford Dunlap Kinston, NC 062062 Sneed, Larry Alan Manassas, VA 040974 Snider, Larry Glenn Southern Pines, NC 030662 Snipes, Stephen Andrew Rocky Mount, NC 091677 Snyder, Charles Edward Goldenrod, FL 091870 Snyder, Regina Grace Chapel Hill, NC 112084 003195. 006633. 007400. 007144. 008522. 008795. 007998. 005662. 005058. 005109. 005778. 008156. 007281. 003272. 008421. 008849. 006153. 006388. 006300. 009136. 005354. 009137. 006389. 007997. 008876. 003479. 003719. 007574. Snyder, Shuford Everett Brevard, NC 061947 Soares, Donna Petti Chapel Hill, NC 100676 Solomon, Lawrence Oliver Morganton, NC 061780 Sommer, Janis Kuran Charlotte, NC 042779 Sondergaard, Marsha I. Smitl Pineville, NC 092083 Sorenson, David Alan Menomonie, WI 073084 Sorkin, Eric Steven Mechanicsburg, PA 031682 Souder, Kenneth Gene Johnson City, TN 042171 Southam, John Eastgate Mohall, NT) 091867 Southam, Roberta Enger Mohall, ND 112167 Southerland, Myra Joy Wilsoi Greensboro, NC 040772 Southern, Barry William Kernersville, NC 072682 Southern, Gregory Lee Walnut Cove, NC 110179 Southern, Joseph Carson High Point, NC 022349 Southern, Martha Hayes Kernersville, NC 080383 Sox, George Larry Boone, NC 091884 Soyars, Donna Lee Sugar Land, TX 040974 Spain, Vicki Ball Durham, NC 090975 Spainhour, Randolph Fletche Burgaw, NC 041075 Sparacino, Thomas Joseph, S Yonkers, NY 091785 Spaulding, Theodore Charles Annandale, NJ 100269 Speaks, Alison Fessler Durham, NC 091785 Spears, Larry O'Neal Enfield, NC 090975 Spears, Vernon Alexander, J Goldsboro, NC 031682 Spector, I. Michael Charlotte, NC 112084 Speight, Elias Carr Rocky Mount, NC 062851 Speight, James Ambler Rocky Mount, NC 030154 Speight, Kathryn Palmer Raleigh, NC 111880 -103004350. 005726. 006706. 009090. 004139. 008610. 007584. 004296. 008796. 008611. 006390. 007165. 004719. 005962. 007742. 007743. 005355. 007066. 008969. 007427. 007844. 008565. 003591. 007921. 005356. 007067. 008548. 003957. Spence, William Roy Rocky Mount, NC 101860 Spencer, Frank Conner, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 100171 Spencer, Kenneth Wayne Hickory, NC 041577 Spencer, Lynn Ellen Henderson, NC 072685 Speranza, Charles Fred Saint Petersburg, FL 110658 Spillane, Raymond Joseph, Jr. Durham, NC 022284 Spinks, Cynthia Smiley Columbus, GA 021781 Spittle, Roger Young Weaverville, NC 022560 Spivey, John Michael Greensboro, NC 073084 Spivey, Walter Hardin, Jr. Southern Pines, NG 022284 Sprinkle, Charles Francis Barnardsville, NC 090975 Sprinkle, Forrest Lynn Marion, NC 042779 Sprinkle, Thomas Douglas Winston-Salem, NC 030464 Spruill, Joseph Scott Williamston, NC 041273 St. John, Mark Steven Harkers Island, NC 072181 Stack, Robert Michael Charlotte, NC 072181 Stacy, John Neely Boone, NC 100269 Stafford, Jan Kennett Greensboro, NC 110378 Stafford, Kern Frank Fort Mill, SC 052185 Stafford, Miriam Crabtree Greensboro, NC 072580 Stafford, Phillip Garris Greensboro, NC 072481 Stagner, Robert Allen Greenville, NC 011784 Stahl, Gerald Mac Durham, NC 070852 Stallings, Allen Joel Wallace, NC 011982 Stallings, John Basil Greenville, NC 100269 Stallings, Sylvia Blankenship Charlotte, NC 110378 Stalnaker, Linnea Kay Havelock, NC 111583 Stalvey, John Carlisle Knightdale, NC 070456 004784. 004609. 003926. 004633. 007973. 008666. 008612. 007845. 005357. 005280. 003854. 003418. 003442. 006840. 007884. 005565. 003748. 006861. 007196. 008797. 007295. 008472. 005475. 005037. 007068. 005184. 008613. 003865. Stamatiades, John Pericles Asheville, NC 021965 Stamatiades, Vassos Pericles Charleston, SC 041963 Stamey, Darius DeWitt Asheville, NC 062356 Stamey, Gary Martin Garland, TX 070563 Stamey, Robert Kent, Sr. Newton, NC 030182 Stamper, Scott Lee Fayetteville, NC 052284 Stancil, Elizabeth Stevens Henderson, NC 022284 Stancil, John Carl, Jr. Henderson, NC 072481 Stancil, John Wayne Wilson, NC 100269 Stancil, June Richardson Greensboro, NC 041069 Stanford, Joyce Nelson Chapel Hill, NC 070555 Stang, David Greensboro, NC 121150 Stang, William Seymour Greensboro, NC 022751 Stanley, Cheryl Wingert Loris, SC 091677 Stansell, James Lawrence Winston-Salem, NC 091581 Stanton, Diana Lynn Los Altos, CA 092270 Stanton, William Harper New Bern, NC 063054 Stapanowich, Francis John Kill Devil Hills, NC 111577 Stargel, Wilford Wayne Lake Forest, IL 071779 Starling, Kimberly Dawn Pine Level, NC 073084 Starnes, Grace Chu Charlotte, NC 110179 Starnes, Gregory Brent Mooresville, NC 080383 Stavis, Herman Joseph Lyndhurst, OH 051970 Steadman, Horace Dean, Jr. High Point, NC 040167 Steadman, Maca Sharm Columbia, SC 110378 Stedman, William David Conover, NC 092368 Steedly, Larry Robert Fayetteville, NC 022284 Steele, George Henry, Jr. Greensboro, NC 092255 -104- 008931. 006217. 002565. 003121. 006066. 004236. 006301. 001919. 005441. 006707. 004181. 004251. 006976. 006302. 006391. 003826. 005863. 006596. 008614. 008798. 006841. 008285. 003480. 007333. 006188. 006502. 004007. 008244. Stefanadis, James Gus Ghapel Hill, NC 022685 Stegall, Michael Jackson Raleigh, NC 091774 Stein, Meyer Willow Grove, PA 000030 Stephens, Frank Triangle, VA 032746 Stephens, Richard Broughton Durham, NC 091873 Stevens, Charles Lee Benson, NC 070259 Stevens, Timothy Shea Pfafftown, NC 041075 Stevenson, John Thomas Elizabeth City, NC 060817 Stevenson, Joyce Chapman Greenville, NC 040270 Stevenson, Nicholas Shawn Elizabeth City, NC 041577 Stevenson, Paul Augustus Elizabeth City, NC 022759 Stevenson, Ralph Stuart Concord, NC 102259 Stevenson, Russell George, Jr. Stanhope, NJ 101778 Stewart, Chalmas Craig Fayetteville, NC 041075 Stewart, Henry Lewis Pikeville, NC 090975 Stewart, Jack Rennalls Sevierville, TN 030855 Stewart, James Carlton, Jr. Greensboro, NC 090572 Stewart, Janice Pilson Sanford, NC 091576 Stewart, Laura Marie Chapel Hill, NC 022284 Stewart, Milton Graham, Jr. Raleigh, NC 073084 Stewart, Milton Keith • Fremont, NC 091677 Stewart, William Forest Winston-Salem, NC 022283 Stich, Wallace Charles Clearwater, FL 062851 Stier, Terry Hoover Wilmington, NC 041580 Stiles, Nancy Fries Mooresville, NC 091774 Stillwagon, Jeffrey Warren Chapel Hill, NC 040576 Stine, Charles Rowe Matthews, NC 030157 Stobie, James Harry Oriental, NC 011883 007007. 005868. 006615. 006234. 007282. 002506. 003889. 005223. 003815. 007999. 003816. 008473. 008474. 004237. 007357. 008475. 009092. 008309. 006857. 007517. 005963. 004182. 008245. 007117. 005729. 008799. 008158. 008550. Stoessel, Barbara Creason | Biloxi, MS 110378 Stogniew, Judy Williams Blooming Grove, NY 090572 Stokely, Amelia Martin Chapel Hill, NC 091576 Stokes, William Robert Arden, NC 111974 Stone, Barbara Martin Vacaville, CA 110179 Stone, Benjamin Franklin Elizabethtown, NC 061329 Stone, Harry Curtis, Jr. Salisbury, NC 111955 Stone, John Harold, Jr. Bassett, VA 100868 Stone, Joseph Donald Pilot Mountain, NC 022855 Stone, Philip Douglas Mechanicsburg, PA 031682 Stone, Richard Earner King, NC 022855 Stone, Susan Frances Richmond, VA 080383 Stonebridge, Mary Therese Fayetteville, NC 080383 Stoots, John Kingsley New London, NC 070259 Storey, Cynthia Hoover Danville, VA 042480 Stout, Lucy Genene Mount Airy, NC 080383 Stover, Charles Daniel Pittsboro, NC 072685 Stoyer, Morris Oliver Camp Hill, PA 031583 Stramoski, Earle Joseph Burlington, NC 111577 Strandhoy, Eleanor Victoria Winston-Salem, NC 091680 Straughn, Arthur Belknap Memphis, TN 041273 Street, James Thomas Roxboro, NC 022759 Street, Thomas D. Rocky Mount, NC 011883 Streng, Irene Carraway Gastonia, NC 042779 Strickland, Armie Rowland, . Stantonsburg, NC 100171 Strickland, Jeffrey Daniel Wilson, NC 073084 Strickland, Jenny Lynn Clinton, NC 072682 Striebel, Edythe Rae Charlotte, NC 111583 -105003071. 008800. 007069. 005864. 003694. 009093. 008801. 007518. 005359. 005358. 007974. 006767. 007614. 007615. 005566. 008615. 005038. 008523. 005243. 006160. 003584. 007384. 003046. 008802. 005466. 006218. 005287. 005360. Stringfield, Billie Johnson North Wilkesboro, NC 062144 Stroble, Marie Roseann North Myrtle Beach, SC 073084 Strom, David Lewis Rockingham, NC 110378 Stroud, David Sheldon Mattapoisett, MA 090572 Stroupe, Lawson Sidney Cherryville, NC 111853 Stubblefield, James Jeffrey Chapel Hill, NC 072685 Stuber, JoAnne Marie Greenville, NC 073084 Studders, Thomas Gerald Greensboro, NC 091680 Stuhr, Ann Amelia Denver, CO 100269 Stuhr, David Charles Denver, CO 100269 Stupalsky, Helen Elizabeth Charlotte, NC 030182 Styron, Rebekah Braswell Ahoskie, NC 091677 Styron, Simon Oliver Holly Ridge, NC 022781 Styron, Wade Baker Holly Ridge, NC 022781 Suarez, James Charles Hickory, NC 092270 Sullivan, Beverly Ann Chapel Hill, NC 022284 Sullivan, Harry Moseley Chattanooga, TN 040167 Sullivan, Thomas Edward Charlotte, NG 092083 Summers, Lewis Elton Statesville, NC 013069 Sunmiey, Joseph Bruce Kings Mountain, NC 041674 Summey, William Lewis Dallas, NC 070252 Summy, LuAnn Marie Norcross, GA 042480 Sutphin, Elwin Creed Jonesboro, TN 032944 Suttle, Albert Benjamin, III Greensboro, NC 073084 Sutton, Douglas Hilburn Columbia, SC 051970 Sutton, Joel Elmore, Jr. Greenville, NC 091774 Sutton, Johnnie Eugene Kinston, NC 041069 Swaim, Ronnie Lee Hamptonville, NC 100269 004533. 005178. 007744. 003512. 006842. 009138. 008850. 008000. 008754. 006616. 008877. 005039. 007492. 005216. 008803. 007922. 006167. 003817. 007745. 005730. 006329. 005185. 006708. 009094. 008201. 008690. 006725. 008286. Swann, Edward Filmore Hickory, NC 071062 Swann, Robert Leslie New London, NC 092068 Swantko, Lawrence N. Winston-Salem, NC 072181 Swearngan, Clarence LeRoy Gastonia, NC 102951 Sweat, Marshall Randall West End, NC 091677 Sweatman, Perry Doan, III Erwin, NC 091785 Sweet, Kristen Carol Rocky Mount, NC 091884 Swenberg, Gwen Ellingson Durham, NC 031682 Swepston, Susan Leonard Charlotte, NC 073084 Swift, Charles Frederick Pittsboro, NC 091576 Swisher, John Allen, Jr. Greensboro, NC 112084 Swofford, Joseph Samuel Canton, NC 040167 Sykes, James Michael Wilson, NC 072580 Sykes, Robert Nathan, Jr. Wilson, NC 100368 Sylvester, Mary Elizabeth Greenville, NC 073084 Szadaj, David New Bern, NC 011982 Tabb, John Marshall, Jr. Franklin, VA 080174 Talbert, George Robert Eden, NC 022855 Talbourdet, Robert Jacques Williamston, NC 072181 Talley, John Leonard Broadway, NC 100171 Tamplin, Robert Allen Wilson, NC 080575 Tanazevich, Alexander Tallmadge, OH 092368 Tang, Bertram Hon-Sun Hickory, NC 041577 Tankard, Teri Evans Asheville, NC 072685 Tanner, Harold Glenn Denver, NC 092182 Tanner, Michael Gregg Charlotte, NC 071784 Taormina, Robert M. Haddon Heights, NJ 041977 Tapscott, William Kent Burlington, NC 022283 -106- Tarlton, Patti Joan Durham, NC 030182 006737. Tarr, William Carle, II Fayetteville, NC 062177 005964. Tart, Joseph Paul Clinton, NC 041273 003025. Tart, Paul Edwin Kinston, NC 060443 004691. Tartell, Delores DeMary Fairmont, WV 030464 005320. Tarter, Norman Douglas Woodville, MS 100269 002703. Tate, Donald 0. St. Petersburg, FL 112835 002256. Tate, Earl Henry Lenoir, NC 061725 008616. Tate, James Michael Greensboro, NC 022284 004671. Tate, Roland Ellis Shelby, NC 030264 004195. Tate, Samuel Byars Asheville, NC 052559 004346. Tate, Sherwood Clifton Shelby, NC 092060 003818. Tate, William Stanford Lexington, NC 022855 008804. Tatum, Kenneth Norman, Sr. Elizabethtown, NC 073084 003444. Tatum, Mary Ellington Winston-Salem, NC 022751 006498. Taylor, Annette Simpson Clinton, NC 040576 005289. Taylor, Carl Dewey Ahoskie, NC 041069 007553. Taylor, Carlene Renee Mebane, NC 102180 007976. Taylor, Donna Kay Charlotte, NC 030182 009139. Taylor, Henry Owens Hartsville, SC 091785 006709. Taylor, James Martin Durham, NC 041577 004634. Taylor, James Robert Crossnore, NC 070563 005092. Taylor, John Bynum Banner Elk, NC 100767 008159. Taylor, Linda Helton Durham, NC 072682 004720. Taylor, Linda Tennant Crossnore, NC 030464 005125. Taylor, Marie Dierickx Columbia, SC 040468 005022. Taylor, Martha Leggett Williamsb\irg, VA 040167 007885. Taylor, Melanie Roddam Charlotte, NC 091581 007975. Taylor, Michael Keith Raleigh, NC 091677 007283. Taylor, Mitchell Stephen Conway, NC 110179 007161. Taylor, Nancy Griffin High Point, NC 042779 003183. Taylor, Nancy Hunt Washington, NC 061947 007631. Taylor, Philip Edward Greensboro, NC 031781 007299. Taylor, Rebecca McCallum Greenville, NC 112079 007325. Taylor, Robert Huntley Clinton, NC 031880 008617. Taylor, Sara Kay Harrell Carrboro, NC 022284 004084. Taylor, Sue Sheek Yadkinville, NC 022858 006503. Taylor, Thomas Fain Wadesboro, NC 040576 005290. Taylor, Thomas George Boone, NC 041069 007205. Taylor, Thomas Melvin, Jr. Clinton, NC 082179 006867. Taylor, William James, Jr. Burlington, NC 123077 > 003218. Taylor, William West Chapel Hill, NC 021948 005361. Teague, Bruce James Connellys Springs, NC IOC 003047. Teague, James Ralph Reidsville, NC 032944 006710. Teague, Michael Ray Wilmington, NC 041577 007616. Teal, Benjamin Earl Laurel Hill, NC 022781 006617. Teal, George David New Bern, NC 091576 008477. Tedder, Steven Floyd Greensboro, NC 080383 002988. Tee, Harry Cleveland, Jr. Wilson, NC 061742 005542. Teeter, Candice Brown Raleigh, NC 092270 006063. Teeter, Linda Slate Concord, NC 091873 008065. Teeter, Mary Ella Brown Charlotte, NC 072682 006067. Teeter, Richard Walter Concord, NC 091873 007886. Telfer, Vallie Long Raleigh, NC 091581 008370. Tellman, Ben David Fairfield, OH 071983 004599. Temple, Burwell , Jr. Clinton, NC 030563 006843. -107005142. 003038. 007071. 005865. 008478. 008807. 004600. 008856. 005252. 006850. 006937. 006632. 006068. 003541. 005731. 003531. 004607. 006236. 002883. 007846. 005866. 004852. 008892. 005008. 005732. 007519. 006711. 008551. Tennille, Andre Townshend, Jr. Linville, NC 040468 Terrell, John Arthur, Jr. Sanford, NC 060443 Terrell, Montrose Graham Sanford, NC 110378 Terry, John Aubrey McLeansville, NC 090572 Tew, Wallace Ray Dunn, NC 080383 Thacker, Jane Satterfield Charlotte, NC 073084 Thames, William Glenn Hope Mills, NC 030563 Thaxton, Ralph Gregory Murfreesboro, NC 110184 Themides, George Harry Saluda, VA 032569 Thigpen, John Edwin Goldsboro, NC 092377 Thigpen, Nancy Hardy Raleigh, NC 041478 Thigpen, Walter Talmage, Jr. Pikeville, NC 092276 Thomas, Edward Ragland, H I Shallotte, NC 091873 Thomas, Henry Grady Wilson, NC 031552 Thomas, James Robert, Jr. Wilson, NC 100171 Thomas, James Seymour Charlotte, NC 022052 Thomas, Jean Craig Crandall, TX 032263 Thomas, Jinmiy Ford Sandy Hook, MS 112174 Thomas, John Ivey Dunn, NC 112939 Thomas, John Parks Whiteville, NC 072481 Thomas, Karen Erikson Hickory, NC 090572 Thomas, Larry Wilson Dunn, NC 070265 Thomas, Leon Gilbert, Jr. Dillon, SC 011585 Thomas, Lowell Edwin Hickory, NC 032967 Thomas, Victor Herbert Eden, NC 100171 Thomason, Shelton William, Jr. Lenoir, NC 0916890 Thomasson, Steven Willis Yadkinville, NC 041577 Thompson, Alicia Crawford Greensboro, NC 111583 004334. 003909. 006156. 006618. 008479. 005965. 006614. 006507. 008371. 005966. 008767. 007847. 008808. 008792. 005217. 007284. 005967. 004127. 003130. 003857. 002986. 008160. 007746. 006619. 005291. 006009. 006069. 008820. Thompson, Charles Dale Graham, NC 070660 Thompson, Dalma Adair Salisbury, NC 030356 Thompson, Frances Hearn Fairfield, FL 040974 Thompson, Frank Richard Charlotte, NC 091576 Thompson, Harry Franklin, Jr. Clarkston, GA 080383 Thompson, James Addison, Jr. Raleigh, NC 041273 Thompson, Jane Stafford Winston-Salem, NC 091576 Thompson, Jo Waggy Charlotte, NC 040576 Thompson, John Richardson Reidsville, NC 071983 Thompson, Louis Edward Fairfield, FL 041273 Thompson, Molly Meade Charlotte, NC 073084 Thompson, Monte Carroll Ahoskie, NC 072481 Thompson, Princess Ann Rocky Mount, NC 073084 Thompson, Susan Small Durham, NC 073084 Thompson, William Lawrence Charlotte, NC 100368 Thorn, Michael David Chapel Hill, NC 110179 Thorndyke, Andrew Forman Laurinburg, NC 041273 Thorne, Joseph Phillip Fuquay-Varina, NC 070758 Thorne, Lucy Kennedy Morehead City, NC 032746 Thorne, Samuel Thomas Charlotte, NC 070555 Thornton, John William, Jr. Rolesville, NC 061742 Thrasher, Kimberly Anne Charleston, SC 072682 Thrasher, William John, Jr. Etowah, NC 072181 Thrower, Donald Ray Gastonia, NC 091576 Thrower, William Nathan, Jr. Gastonia, NC 041069 Thutt, Kathryn Bowen Kinston, NC 091873 Thutt, Thomas Russell Kinston, NC 091873 Tidwell, Donna Blake Rock Hill, SC 073084 -108- 005242. Tiedeman, Patricia A. Durham, NC 012469 009095. Tiffany, Gary Ellwood Lumberton, NC 072685 008328. Tillery, Steven Michael Asheville, NC 051083 006712. Tillett, Benjamin Wyche, Jr. Roxboro, NC 041577 005443. Tilley, Claude Stroud, III New Bern, NC 040270 006739. Tillman, Godfrey Ronald Chapel Hill, NC 071977 008934. Tillman, Melissa Dawn Calypso, NC 022685 007286. Tingen, Charles Andrew Durham, NC 110179 007495. Tingen, Esther Diana Rochester, MI 072580 005143. Tinkler, John Bruce Asheboro, NC 040468 004752. Tinkler, Linda Routh Asheboro, NC 070264 004529. Tippit, Ingrid Beckert San Antonio, TX 071062 004869. Todd, Charles Edward Laurinburg, NC 092365 008893. Todd, Joan Shafer Spartanburg, SC 011585 004721. Todd, William Hoyt Aulander, NC 030464 005314. Tolley, James William Christiansburg, VA 093069 006070. Tolley, Michael Dean Asheville, NC 091873 003838. Tollison, Robert Bruce Wadesboro, NC 062455 004950. Tomlinson, Luther Lamar Dublin, GA 100666 008023. Tompkins, Marjorie Ann Cary, NC 051882 008993. Tormohlen, Patricia Ann Charlotte, NC 081085 004778. Totten, Doris Smyth Wilson, NC 111764 008618. Tousignant, Michelle Dawn Mooresville, NC 022284 008970. Townson, Lydia Smith Fayetteville, NC 052185 009096. Trammell, Daniel Boyd Franklin, NC 072685 007977. Travis, Jo Marlene Raleigh, NC 030182 006092. Travis, Robert Yount Spartanburg, SC 101673 008878. Tredway, Larry Martin Kinston, NC 112084 008287. Trentadue, Regina Ann Greensboro, NC 022283 005843. Trexler, Katherine McCullou] Durham, NC 090572 005779. Triplett, Thomas Neil Matthews, NC 040772 004982. Tripp, Jimmy Noah Lumberton, NC 100666 007166. Tripp, Robert Horace Ayden, NC 042779 004812. Tripp, Ronald Tucker Greenville, NC 030365 007496. Tripp, Stephen Wayne Ayden, NC 072580 003958. Trosper, Edith Woodman Englewood, CO 070456 004985. Tucci, Louis Anthony Hampton, VA 102566 008640. Tucker, Carl Britton, Jr. Asheville, NC 032084 007158. Tucker, Cynthia Jean Louisville, K'Y 042779 006398. Tucker, Denise Whicker Winston-Salem, NC 090975 006157. Tucker, James Gordon, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 040974 004922. Tucker, Marsha Barrow Goldsboro, NC 033166 007167. Tugwell, Jeffery Paul Greenville, NC 042779 005968. Tunnell, Stanley Elbert Matthews, NC 041273 002847. Tunstall, Joseph Peyton Washington, NC 061439 007850. Turlington, Mary Joan Charlotte, NC 072481 006375. Turlington, Rebecca Sue Winston-Salem, NC 090975 003481. Turner, Christopher Columbi Roanoke Rapids, NC 062851 009097. Turner, Cynthia Kaye Winston-Salem, NC 072685 006620. Turner, Deborah Stewart Banner Elk, NC 091576 007326. Turner, James Raymond Charleston, SC 031880 003315. Turner, Joseph Kelly, Jr. Weldon, NC 063049 007888. Turner, Kay Jones Andrews, NC 091581 005444. Turner, Robert Allison, Jr Andrews, NC 040270 006407. Turner, Virginia Clark Winston-Salem, NC 110675 008310. Turnham, Carolyn Fay Cary, NC 031583 -109Tutherow, Paul Davis Reidsville, NC 040468 008480. Tutterow, Lori Colleen Winston-Salem, NC 080383 009140. Twarkowski, Adam Stanley South Lyon, MI 091785 004552. Twiggs, Ralph Jennings Hiawassee, GA 101062 004086. Tyler, Jack Loyd Greenville, NC 022858 006505. Tyndall, James David Aurora, NC 040576 008809. Tysinger, Bobby Dale Elkin, NC 073084 006506. Tysinger, Delmar Lee Robbins, NC 040576 002778. Tyson, Jesse Williams Greensboro, NC 061737 007749. Uhler, Gerard Marshall Hendersonville, NC 072181 008001. Uhler, Thelma Sherman Hendersonville, NC 031682 006576. Uhrin, Dianne January Birmingham, AL 091576 006621. Uhrin, John Rogers Birmingham, AL 091576 004038. Umphlett, Harry Bassett, Jr. Elizabeth City, NC 070457 005218. Umstead, Allan Wardell Greensboro, NC 100368 003346. Underwood, Dannie Davis Greensboro, NC 022450 004829. Underwood, Everett Barkley Mars Hill, NC 070265 002954. Underwood, Hamilton Polk, Jr. Fayetteville, NC 061841 008161. Upchurch, David Emmett Durham, NC 072682 004008. Upchurch, Julian Emmett, Jr. Durham, NC 030157 005780. Upchurch, Thomas Ransome, III Kannapolis, NC 040772 006071. Updegrave, Robert Kenneth, Sr. Raleigh, NC 091873 005221. Upshaw, Carolyn Faw Midlothian, VA 100368 007168. Upshaw, Constance Stein Raleigh, NC 042779 004722. Upton, Jack Herndon Greensboro, NC 030464 008552. Urtel, Melvin Eugene Triplett, NC 111583 004403. Usher, Harold Griffin Thomasville, NC 030661 003403. Ussery, Eugene McDonald Raleigh, NC 070650 005144. 006714. 003316. 009098. 007587. 004297. 006072. 005231. 005781. 003482. 006219. 005163. 005969. 005765. 005782. 009099. 007851. 008329. 006416. 006956. 008691. 005579. 008641. 009100. 003054. 006394. 006174. 008331. 003483. Utsey, Louis Johnston Hickory, NC 041577 Uzzell, Steve Carter Raleigh, NC 063049 Uzzell, Tonya Lee Goldsboro, NC 072685 Van Tassel, Susan Brittingham Birmingham, AL 022781 Vanderburg, William Lee Elon College, NC 022560 VanHoy, Mary Jane Union Grove, NC 091873 VanMeter, Irvin , Jr. Charleston, WV 101868 Vann, L i w i e Washington, III Greensboro, NC 040772 VanValkenburgh, William Boling Asheville, NC 062851 Vass, Regina Eanes Charlotte, NC 091774 Vaughan, Ray Eugene, Sr. Monroe, NC 061968 Vaughan, William Thomas, Jr. Durham, NC 041273 Vaughn, Martha Herring Troy, NC 040772 Vaughn, William Edward Chapel Hill, NC 040772 Veeder, Robert Keith Greenville, NC 072685 Venable, Michael Laurence Winston-Salem, NC 072481 Vergales, Marsha Jean Bainbridge, OH 051083 Verhulst, Gregory Louis Winston-Salem, NC 123075 Veritas, Howard John Mebane, NC 081078 Verme, Catherine Nancy Durham, NC 071784 Vernier, David Lawrence Farmington Hills, MI 092870 Vess, George Edward, Jr. Spartanburg, SC 032084 Vestal, John Sherman Greensboro, NC 072685 Viall, Wesley Russell, Jr. Atlanta, GA 122344 Vick, William Dorsey, III Rocky Mount, NC 090975 Vickery, Dianne Angel Monroe, NC 091774 Vinci, Thomas Joseph Charlotte, NC 062483 Vinson, Joe Battle Zebulon, NC 062851 -110- 008162. 007511. 006715. 007950. 006939. 008971. 008521. 005663. 005205. 008524. 007169. 003722. 003750. 003523. 006414. 008667. 008810. 007853. 006073. 008205. 006716. 006074. 004647. 006531. 006441. 004813. 004303. 006112. Vinson, Joseph Stephen Zebulon, NC 072682 Viola, Eugene Henry New Bern, NC 081980 Vlachos, John Torn Winston-Salem, NC 041577 Vogel, Susan Higgins San Francisco, CA 030182 Vojtecky, Joseph Edward Greenville, NC 041078 von Dohlen, Jill Jones High Point, NC 052185 Von Seggern, Randal Lee Greensboro, NC 092083 Vranian, Laura Neale Richmond, VA 042171 Wade, Kay Johnson Oakland, CA 100368 Wager, Douglas Calvin Penn Yan, NY 092083 Waggett, John Davie Henrico, NC 042779 Wagner, John Wesley Charlotte, NC 030154 Wagner, Murphy Thomas, Jr. Pittsboro, NC 063054 Wakefield, Griffin Charlotte, NC 112051 Wakefield, Maria Haggerty Windham, NY 121275 Wakeland, Paula Leslie Hickory, NC 052284 Waldrop, Talbert Lee Chapel Hill, NC 073084 Walker, Ann Sweet Charlotte, NC 072481 Walker, Arnold Marshall Gastonia, NC 091873 Walker, Cramer Smith Lillington, NC 111682 Walker, Dennis Eugene, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 041577 Walker, Glen Wiley Charlotte, NC 091873 Walker, Howard James Richmond, VA 073063 Walker, John Buster Carthage, NC 081976 Walker, Julia Wallace Carthage, NC 040576 Walker, Leon Stokes Thomasville, NC 030365 Walker, Mitchell Harris Rowland, NC 041960 Walker, Nancy Caddell Charlotte, NC 040974 008483. 004183. 008668. 005445. 007750. 005103. 005215. 005734. 006622. 007923. 005362. 008372. 008851. 006306. 005446. 004500. 009101. 006624. 007854. 005145. 005783. 006395. 005568. 003484. 007072. 006104. 007259. 003163. Walker, Nancy Ruth Morton Mill Spring, NC 080383 Walker, Paul Morgan Newton, NC 022759 | Walker, Robert Allen Winston-Salem, NC 052284 Walker, William Timothy Eden, NC 040270 | Wall, Barry Gene Gastonia, NC 072181 Wall, George Henry Franklin, NC 101067 Wall, Lynn Canady Selma, NC 100368 Wall, Thomas Edward Greensboro, NC 100171 Wall, Timothy Darryl Elon College, NC 091576 Wallace, Joe Kenneth, Jr. Asheville, NC 011982 Wallace, Stephen Curtis Clearwater, FL 100269 Walsh, Richard Howard Wilmington, NC 071983 Walters, Debra Sue Houston, TX 091884 Walton, William Edward, Jr. Hickory, NC 041075 Wang, Serena Ha Durham, NC 040270 Ward, James Holden Hendersonville, NC 041762 Ward, Jennifer Diane Panther, WV 072685 Ward, Joseph Jutson Robbinsville, NC 091576 Ward, Julie Leigh Rocky Mount, NC 072481 Ward, Needham Eldon Raleigh, NC 040468 Ward, Phillip Thomas Whiteville, NC 040772 Ward, Richard Thomas Arden, NC 090975 Ward, Ronald Young Southern Pines, NC 092270 Ward, Wilbur Shepherd Swannanoa, NC 062851 Ward, William Thomas Burlington, NC 110378 Ware, Audrey Smith Conyers, GA 021974 Warner, Wanda Lovette Raleigh, NC 110179 Warren, Betty Hanna Clinton, NC 030947 -Ill- 003122. 003695. 004866. 008692. 004865. 006845. 008481. 008526. 005476. 006940. 009102. 005447. 008566. 002955. 003039. 004814. 005569. 005784. 005417. 004039. 007073. 005384. 006862. 007924. 009103. 007001. 002805. 008894. Warren, Burney Simon, Jr. Bath, NC 032746 Warren, Claude Franklin, Jr. Emporia, VA 120353 Warren, Flynn Wilford, Jr. Myrtle Beach, SC 092365 Warren, James Oliver, Jr. Seaford, DE 071784 Warren, Larry Joe Garner, NC 092365 Warren, Michael Ray Wilson, NC 091677 Wassel, Karen Ann Yatsko Richmond, VA 080383 Wassel, Ronald Thomas Richmond, VA 092083 Wasserman, Jerry Shaker Heights, OH 051970 Wasson, Lou Ann Morganton, NC 041478 Wastila, Linda Jean Chapel Hill, NC 072685 Waters, Jack Clinton, NC 040270 Watkins, Earle Bennett South Hill, VA 011784 Watkins, Julian Carter Emporia, VA 061841 Watkins, Rose Stacy Emporia, VA 030449 Watson, Barry Vernon Lenoir, NC 030365 Watson, Charles Millard, Jr. Pink Hill, NC 092270 Watson, Duncan McNeill, Jr. Wagram, NC 040772 Watson, Elaine Entrekin Raleigh, NC 040270 Watson, Emory Milner Woolwine, VA 070457 Watson, Gary James North Wilkesboro, NC 110378 Watson, James Carl Garner, NC 121069 Watson, James Mosely Union City, GA 111577 Watson, Jan Elizabeth Matthews, NC 011982 Watson, Kimberly Lassiter Durham, NC 072685 Watson, Page Chenoweth Raleigh, NC 110378 Watson, Robert Neal Sanford, NC 061538 Watson, Samuel Francis, III Matthews, NC 011585 007855. 004674. 006846. 004723. 007288. 007074. 005970. 006969. 002813. 006321. 006717. 005735. 004635. 004636. 003646. 006294. 007618. 006795. 004648. 004616. 008165. 006646. 008977. 008619. 007483. 003485. 007289. 002936. Watson, Susan Bradford Oxford, NC 072481 Watts, Jack Glenn Burlington, NC 030564 Watts, John Franklin Taylorsville, NC 091677 Watts, Mitchell Wayne Kannapolis, NC 030464 Watts, Robert Bowman Marietta, GA 110179 Watts, Ronald Dean Walnut Cove, NC 110378 Waugh, Harry Lynn, Jr. Statesville, NC 041273 Way, Carol Evans Mount Pleasant, SC 092678 Way, James Arthur, Jr. Winston-Salem, NC 061538 Weant, Carol Hinson Salisbury, NC 052175 Weant, Theodore Franklin, III Salisbury, NC 041577 Wease, Billy Ray Kings Mountain, NC 100171 Weatherly, William John, III Warsaw, NC 070563 Weathers, Donald Lawrence Newton, NC 070563 Weatherwax, Fuller Garner Houston, TX 062653 Weaver, Elizabeth Roach Raleigh, NC 041075 Weaver, Hope Wester Henderson, NC 022781 Weaver, Lauralyle Johnson Wilmington, NC 091677 Weaver, Mark Kaye Wilmington, NC 073063 Weaver, Nancy Campbell Princeton, NJ 070463 Weaver, Royal Worth, III Whiteville, NC 072682 Webb, Charles Edwin, Jr. Arden, NC 021577 Webb, Claudia Bouwsma Cleveland, NC 071685 Webb, Gregory Donald Dublin, GA 022284 Webb, Julie Lynne Arden, NC 072580 Webster, Charles Davis Fairmont, NC 062851 Webster, Kathy Park Concord, NC 110179 Webster, Willie Broox Fairmont, NC 022041 -112- 005119. Webster, Willie Broox, Jr. Gainesville, FL 032168 006755. Weeks, Edgar Dickson Goldsboro, NG 090277 008002. Wegener, Jennifer Ann Greenville, NG 031682 007401. Weidner, Kathryn Ann Brookfield, WI 061780 004637. Weir, John Galvin Swannanoa, NC 070563 005477. Weiss, Garcon Cleveland Heights, OH 051970 003589. Welborn, John Henry Lexington, NC 070252 007075. Welborn, Lynn Denise Ronda, NC 110378 003198. Welborn, William Fowle, Jr. Lexington, NC 061947 008167. Welch, Ronald Martin Raleigh, NC 072682 005971. Wellons, Edmund Michael Wilmington, NC 041273 004129. Wells, Elizabeth Ann Mocksville, NC 071858 004239. Wells, Franklin Ennis Benson, NC 070259 003963. Wells, Kermit Francis Canton, NC 071956 002685. Wells, Robert Rodney Shelby, NC 112134 006964. Wells, Roger Dale Canton, NC 083078 008311. Wells, Steven Carton Millersville, MD 031583 003751. Wells, William Potter Durham, NC 063054 005165. Welsh, Jesse Luckey, Jr. Lumberton, NC 061968 003513. Welsh, Olin Henderson Raleigh, NC 102951 006220. Welsh, Olin Henderson, Jr. Germantown, MD 091774 006748. Werley, Leroy Delbert, III Concord, NC 080277 005167. Werley, Leroy Delbert, Jr. Chapel Hill, NC 071968 006625. West, Gregory Bryan Elkin, NC 091576 003755. West, James Robert Asheville, NC 070654 002800. West, June Bush Bunn, NC 061538 007891. West, Marquita Ann Oxford, NC 111781 008994. West, Mary Elizabeth Ayden, NC 071685 006626. 003514. 006509. 003959. 006396. 004088. 003515. 005248. 008642. 003347. 006221. 009104. 007387. 005983. 007153. 005363. 008168. 007290. 008048. 003858. 006076. 005486. 006510. 004494. 003752. 008879. 006368. 004643. West, Thomas Latham Roseboro, NC 091576 West, Waits Artemus Roseboro, NC 102951 Wester, Barry Donald Williamston, NC 040576 Whaley, Edsel Frank Elizabeth City, NC 070456 Whaley, Frances Drennan Durham, NC 090975 Whaley, Hobart Glenn Wilmington, NC 022858 Whaley, Lloyd Milton Durham, NC 102951 Whatley, Robert Uel Pisgah Forest, NC 022869 Wheatley, Linda SuzAnn Concord, NC 032084 Wheeler, Claude Cameron, Jr Creedmoor, NC 022450 Wheeler, David Stewart Greensboro, NC 091774 Wheeler, Rebecca Aime Raleigh, NC 072685 Wheeler, Robert Vernon Creedmoor, NC 042480 Whitaker, Robert Thomas 051573 White, Amy Mittman Clemmons, NC 042779 White, Charles Craig Henderson, NC 100269 White, Dana Ann Carrboro, NC 072682 White, Fred Lee, Jr. Winterville, NC 110179 White, Gary Arnold Sherrills Ford, NC 072082 White, Grey Bullock Burlington, NC 070555 White, Harry Lee, Jr. Hamlet, NC 091873 White, James Curtis Lincoln, IL 061670 White, James Emory, Jr. Elizabeth City, NC 040576 White, John Richard Fayetteville, NC 030662 White, Joseph Graham Burlington, NC 063054 White, Kent Jay Durham, NC 112084 White, Marianne Kraycirik Fuquay-Varina, NC 090975 White, Paul Howell Hampstead, NC 080163 -113008169. White, Paul Mclntyre Sanford, NC 072682 002532. White, Ralph Lawrence Troy, NC 000029 005293. White, Rodgers Selwyn Lenoir, NC 041069 007300. White, Roger Lewis Hartford, CT 112079 008170. White, Romas Templeton, H I Raleigh, NC 072682 007925. White, Ronald Earl Cove City, NC 011982 007787. White, Sonja Girard Cary, NC 072481 005785. White, William James Wilmington, NC 040772 005093. Whitehead, Charles Michael Ramseur, NC 100767 002211. Whitehead, Charles Raymond Ramseur, NC 061824 003026. Whitehead, Jefferson Draughn, III Enfield, NC 060443 006077. Whitehead, Jefferson Draughn, Jr. Enfield, NC 091873 006065. Whitehead, Mavourneen Stallings Windsor, NC 091873 008620. Whitehead, Sheila Lanena Pikeville, NC 022284 004335. Whitehead, Willis Lee Siler City, NC 070660 004184. Whitehurst, Paul Adams Murfreesboro, NC 022759 008811. Whitener, Paula Alicia Wilmington, NC 073084 006078. Whitesell, Sherrod Sanders Charlotte, NC 091873 002956. Whitford, Bryan Henry Rocky Mount, NC 061841 007619. Whitley, Theressa Durham, NC 022781 008812. Whitmore, Marilynn Turner Durham, NC 073084 008527. Whitten, Dianne Saunders Benson, NC 092083 008483. Whittle, Gary Alan Southern Pines, NC 080383 005972. Wicker, William Greensboro, NC 041273 004539. Wier, Jack Knight Chapel Hill, NC 080262 007926. Wierzbicki, Joseph Edward Stillwater, OK 011982 004136. Wiesener, Carl Vernon Kings Mountain, NC 102158 003723. Wiggins, Kenneth L. Goldsboro, NC 030154 Wilkerson, Edwin Cisco, Jr. Gaithersburg, MD 091873 005094. Wilkerson, Robert Douglas Sylvania, OH 100767 004018. Wilkes, Ernestine Baker Archdale, NC 070457 008813. Wilkins, Charles Allen Chapel Hill, NC 073084 008003. Wilkins, Raymond Dale San Antonia, TX 031682 008484. Wilkins, Sandra Krentz Carrboro, NC 080383 008852. Wilkins, Valorie Jean Chapel Hill, NC 091884 008528. Wilkinson, Grace Christian Kenbridge, VA 092083 004304. Wilkinson, John Alvin Shelby, NC 041960 005294. Willets, George Marshall, III Wilmington, NC 041069 006719. Willey, Warren William Kernersville, NC 041577 005973. Williams, Annelle Frye Kernersville, NC 041273 005364. Williams, Benjamin Odell Chapel Hill, NC 100269 005095. Williams, Berry Lynn Zebulon, NC 100767 003405. Williams, Bruce Alexander Hendersonville, NC 070650 006941. Williams, Bruce Alexander, Jr. Greensboro, NC 041478 008485. Williams, Cathy Marie Gastonia, NC 080383 008024. Williams, Charles Clayborne Wilmington, NC 051882 003175. Williams, Charley Harold Hickory, NC 030447 008814. Williams, Cheryl Barge Fayetteville, NC 073084 008312. Williams, Dennis Michael Chapel Hill, NC 031583 006511. Williams, Douglas Marvin Newport, NC 040576 003516. Williams, Earl Gaston Gastonia, NC 102951 004867. Williams, Elizabeth Clark Roanoke Rapids, NC 092365 005739. Williams, Elizabeth Hawkins Raleigh, NC 040772 004240. Williams, Franklin Ervin Wilmington, NC 070259 003629. Williams, Glenwood Lee Fayetteville, NC 030353 005365. Williams, Henry K. Richard Raleigh, NC 100269 006079. -114- 006399. 003087. 005786. 006936. 007857. 005824. 006883. 004241. 008621. 006080. 006222. 008313. 005096. 002969. 005787. 008815. 005459. 004999. 006947. 007389. 004601. 007978. 003182. 006628. 003819. 004405. 008289. 003219. Williams, James Arthur Chapel Hill, NC 090975 Williams, James D., Jr. Mansfield, OH 011745 Williams, James Keith Greensboro, NC 040772 Williams, Jennifer Stancil Greenville, NC 041478 Williams, Jerry O'Neil, Jr. Greensboro, NC 072481 Williams, Jo Ann Hale Wilson, NC 090572 Williams, JoAnn Canaday Raleigh, NC 041478 Williams, Lawrence Lanier Lexington, NC 070259 Williams, Loretta Greensboro, NC 022284 Williams, Luther George, Jr. Greenville, NC 091873 Williams, Lynwood Ashley Lilburn, GA 091774 Williams, Margaret Williams Winston-Salem, NC 032483 Williams, Mark Oliver Hickory, NC 100767 Williams, Martin Hildred Lexington, NC 061841 Williams, Michael George Palm Harbor, FL 040772 Williams, Mona Sheppard Greenville, NC 073084 Williams, Richard Darwin Morganton, NC 042170 Williams, Robert Ernest Savannah, GA 020167 Williams, Robert Glen Fletcher, NC 051278 Williams, Timothy Rae Faith, NC 042480 Williams, William Thurston Wilson, NC 030563 Williamson, Dan Edwin Spartanburg, SC 030182 Williamson, Fate Black Mountain, NC 061947 Williamson, Patricia Thrower Belmont, NC 091576 Williford, Earl Hardy, Jr. Kannapolis, NC 022855 Williford, Evelyn Doris Raleigh, NC 030661 Williford, Herman Van Newton Grove, NC 022283 Williford, John Samuel Pinetops, NC 021948 004862. 008995. 004724. 007076. 008643. 008487. 007327. 006965. 006400. 007818. 003318. 006556. 004815. 004009. 008972. 007979. 008004. 006512. 006308. 003406. 005570. 003486. 008488. 003753. 008936. 004924. 008880. 007171. Williford, Mary Lou Clayton, NC 092365 Williford, Stephen Lee Lillington, NC 071685 Williford, Thomas Alton Newton Grove, NC 030464 Willis, Bonnie Fay Greensboro, NC 110378 Wilson, Bennett Bryan, Jr. Livonia, MI 032084 Wilson, Brenda Lee Danville, KY 080383 Wilson, Charlene Searson Greensboro, NC 031880 Wilson, Charles Marion Wilmington, NC 083078 Wilson, Charles Peter, III Arden, NC 090975 Wilson, Donna Marquis Raleigh, NC 072481 Wilson, Harry Washington, Jr Winston-Salem, NC 063049 Wilson, Janeth Evans Raleigh, NC 091576 Wilson, John David Morganton, NC 030365 Wilson, Joseph Helsabeck Pfafftown, NC 030157 Wilson, Kevin Morris Amarillo, TX 052185 Wilson, Larry Glenn Waynesville, NC 030182 Wilson, Leslie Richard Pineville, NC 031682 Wilson, Neill Emmett Asheboro, NC 040576 Wilson, Robert Charles, Jr. Hendersonville, NC 041075 Wilson, Robert Charles, Sr. Hendersonville, NC 070650 Wilson, Thomas Steve Greensboro, NC 092270 Wilson, William Hooper Raleigh, NC 062851 Wilverding, Thomas John Morganton, NC 080383 Wimberley, William Peele Raleigh, NC 063054 Winchell, Ronald Stuart Roanoke, VA 022685 Winfree, James Huntley Waynesville, NC 033166 Wingate, Marjorie Greensboro, NC 112084 Winn, George Louis Flat Rock, NC 042779 -115005974. 008171. 008881. 004185. 006081. 007858. 005975. 008529. 007188. 007890. 008172. 003820. 007287. 008224. 006227. 006082. 006749. 005736. 005737. 006001. 007632. 006746. 007859. 007077. 008290. 006241. 003821. 004725. Winn, John Bennett, III Crystal River, FL 041273 Winship, Linda Carol Richmond, VA 072682 Winslow, Robert Mark Kernersville, NC 112084 Winstead, Druie Daniel, Jr. Bath, NC 022759 Winstead, Marsha Barefoot Wilmington, NC 091873 Winstead, Ronald Jackson Durham, NC 072481 Winters, George Thomas Lincolnton, NC 041273 Wise, James Henry Marietta, GA 092083 Wisham, Robert Preston Asheville, NC 062679 Wivagg, Robert Thomas Burlington, NC 091581 Wobbleton, Susan Carol Williamston, NC 072682 Wolfe, Robert Payne Mount Airy, NC 022855 Wolhar, Judith Watson Pineville, NC 110179 Wolinski, Robert James Raleigh, NC 111682 Wolinski, Sandra McFarland Raleigh, NC 100274 Womack, Billy Ray Sanford, NC 091873 Womack, Russell William Rutherfordton, NC 080277 Womack, Sallie Brooks Sanford, NC 100171 Womble, Logan Nyal, III Plymouth, NC 100171 Womble, Thomas Franklin, III Tarboro, NC 091873 Woo, Elisa Lee Miami, FL 041081 Wood, Brooks Franklin, Jr. Dolgeville, NY 071877 Wood, Cheryl Britt Johnson City, TN 072481 Wood, Denis Paul Irvington, NY 110378 Wood, Harrell Martin Johnson City, TN 022283 Wood, Jesse Richardson, Jr. Marion, NC 022575 Wood, John Dee Burlington, NC 022855 Wood, Robert Michael Raeford, NC 030464 007180. 007620. 004931. 005121. 007172. 005652. 005571. 002857. 007621. 005572. 007497. 005041. 004299. 004816. 005366. 005629. 007292. 007174. 005738. 005498. 008816. 005953. 007498. 008291. 003756. 006158. 007520. 005146. Wood, Roland Vance Goldsboro, NC 051579 Wood, Sara Moses Raeford, NC 022781 Wood, William Wallace, Jr. Raleigh, NC 041966 Woodall, Dorothy Allen Benson, NC 040468 Woodall, Emerson Eugene, Jr. Cary, NC 042779 Woodall, Hal Breen Kenly, NC 032971 Woodall, Sandra Carroll Clewiston, FL 092270 Woodard, Barney Paul Princeton, NC 061439 Woodard, Benjamin Thomas, II Columbia, NC 022781 Woodard, Charles Eby Hertford, NC 092270 Woodard, Donald Reid Graham, NC 072580 Woodard, Erwin Carlyle, Jr. Princeton, NC 040167 Woodard, George Foxward Charlotte, NC 032460 Woodard, James William Wilmington, NC 030365 Woodard, John Vernon, Jr. Chapel Hill, NC 100269 Woodard, Julia Wheeler Hayesville, NC 032971 Woodard, Michael Sugg Raleigh, NC 110179 Woodard, Richard Blair Graham, NC 042779 Woodard, Steven Lynn Maggie Valley, NC 100171 Woodbury, Julian Taliaferro, II Canton, NC 091870 Woodcox, William Dennis Sylva, NC 073084 Woodell, Kathleen Melba Durham, NC 041273 Woodell, William Ralph Greensboro, NC 072580 Woodfield, Harry Charles Raeford, NC 022283 Woodson, Joseph Thomas, Jr. Woodbury, TN 070654 Woody, Alvin Dell Taylorsville, NC 040974 Woody, James Claybrone, Jr. Clinton, NC 091680 Woody, Kester Wilfred Southern Pines, NC 040468 -116- 007A05. 005107. 002218. 003083. 008567. 008530. 007928. 006223. 004540. 005870. 007980. 007929. 008489. 005108. 006309. 005871. 006720. 006513. 006083. 005884. 005885. 005170. 008947. 008173. 004602. 004640. 009108. 006848. Wooldridge, Bill Tom Buena Vista, GA 071580 Wooten, Ernest Aubrey, Jr. Nashville, NC 101867 Wooten, Israel Willard Rocky Mount, NC 112624 Wooten, Ruth Aycock Raleigh, NC 011745 Worden, Anita Moore Greenville, NC 011784 Worden, James Penland, Jr. Greenville, NC 092083 Work, David Roger Chapel Hill, NC 011982 Worley, James Thomas Wilkesboro, NC 091774 Worley, Leroy Winston-Salem, NC 080762 Worley, Robert Wilton Princeton, NC 090572 Worthington, Patricia Jean Ayden, NC 030182 Wozniak, Leon Andrew Utica, MI 011982 Wrenn, Deborah Sue Winston-Salem, NC 080383 Wright, Kay Denny Wise, VA 102767 Wright, Keith Harrison North Myrtle Beach, SC 041075 Wright, Marjorie Susan Richmond, VA 090572 Wright, Michael Gregory Morehead City, NC 041577 Wright, Randolph Blake Franklinton, NC 040576 Wright, Russell David Tabor City, NC 091873 Wright, Ruth Thatcher Hendersonville, NC 112172 Wright, William Augustine Hendersonville, NC 112172 Wrinkle, Charles Ancel Hickory, NC 071968 Wurtz, Paul Andrew Oceanside, NY 031985 Wuycik, Daria Ann Chapel Hill, NC 072682 Wyke, Martha Ann Raleigh, NC 030563 Wyndham, Johnnie Nabor Moncks Corner, SC 071063 Wynne, Gina Marie Greensboro, NC 072685 Wynne, Katherine Schmidt Durham, NC 091677 005653. 007622. 003206. 003487. 004534. 005016. 008622. 006401. 005989. 005872. 006583. 007402. 007293. 006514. 008713. 007294. 007499. 008174. 005098. 004298. 006721. 003410. 005099. 006310. 005309. 008176. 005147. 003348. Wynne, Walter Bruce Durham, NC 032971 Wyrick, Bryan Keith Greensboro, NC 022781 ^ Yandell, Charles Robinson Pineville, NC 090547 Yandle, Howard Avant Durham, NC 062851 Yarborough, Frank Flowers Cary, NC 071062 Yarborough, Margaret Clayton Cary, NC 040167 Yarborough, Terry Eugene Kinston, NC 022284 Yarborough, William Hardy Maxton, NC 090975 Yarbrough, William Columbus Winston-Salem, NC 061973 Yates, Danny Joe Goldsboro, NC 090572 Yates, Jane Wallis Candler, NC 091576 Yaughn, Kathleene Meier Aiken, SC 061780 Yaughn, William Johnny, Jr.,| Aiken, SC 110179 Yeargin, Thomas Fredrick Panama City Beach, FL 0405 Yelton, Angela Campbell Charlotte, NC 073084 Yelverton, Charles Leslie Tampa, FL 110179 Yelverton, Cynthia Coe Tampa, FL 072580 Yelverton, Michael Preston Charlotte, NC 072682 Yim, Man Ko Upper Marlboro, MD 100767 Yost, Thomas Marion Albemarle, NC 022560 Young, Bea Lenoir, NC 041577 Young, Charles Wesley, Jr. Myrtle Beach, SC 081750 Young, David Marion Kannapolis, NC 100767 Young, Janet Perry Goldsboro, NC 041075 Young, Larry Henry Morrisville, NC 072169 Young, Lou Scott Raleigh, NC 091482 Young, Ronald Edwin High Point, NC 040468 Young, Russell Lowell, Jr. Waynesville, NC 022450 -117007623. 008948. 002799. 003048. 008817. 004406. 005976. 007070. 008937. 006974. 006943. 007751. 008669. 004090. 008818. 007575. 007334. 008819. 005889. 007624. 007390. 008330. 008175. 006629. 008373. 007917. 009109. Young, Stuart Ray Elon College, NC 022781 Young, Tammy Lei Woodland, NC 031985 Young, Thomas Fletcher Asheville, NC 012138 Youngblood, Frances Rimmer Davidson, NC 032944 Yount, Lee Ann Chapel Hill, NC 073084 Zachary, James Neville Sylva, NC 030661 Zachary, Mark Stephen Cashiers, NC 041273 Zachek, Carol Summer Beavercreek, OH 110378 Zadlo, Rosemarie Eleanor North Wilkesboro, NC 022685 Zahran, Lucy M. Fayetteville, NC 101778 Zaleon, Carolyn Renee Jamestown, NC 041478 Zaleon, Philip Greensboro, NC 072181 Zaleski, James Michael Greensboro, NC 052284 Zambito, Joseph Jacksonville, NC 022858 Zarzar, Sophia Nariman Concord, NC 073084 Zboyovski, Andrew Michael Asheville, NC 111880 Zboyovski, John Michael Candler, NC 041580 Zeitler, Teresa Marie Raleigh, NC 073084 Zier, Roger Bruce Raleigh, NC 011673 Zimmerman, Charles Edward Hickory, NC 022781 Zinda, Jane Jaeger Davenport, lA 042480 Zingelmann, Mark Kristian Greensboro, NC 051083 Zobel, Katherine Mary Golden, CO 072682 Zook, Thomas Edward Winston Salem, NC 091576 Zuloaga, Berthica Maria Wilmington, NC 071983 Zweig, Beverly Helene Petersburg, VA 011982 Zweigart, Sandra Main Raleigh, NC 072685 -118LIST OF PHARMACIES September 30, 1985 The permit number immediately precedes the name of the pharmacy. ABERDEEN - MOORE COUNTY 3686. 4341. 3076. 4114. 4150. Eckerd Drugs Kmart Plaza Kerr Drugs Sandhills S/C, Sandhills Blvd. Revco Discount Drug Center Center Park Shopg Ctr Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Town & Country Shopg. Ctr. Southern Pines Prescrip Shoppe Inc 1902 N. Sandhills Blvd. 4254. The Medicine Shoppe 956 N. First St. ANDREWS - CHEROKEE COUNTY 2659. 4422. 4281. Kennedy's Andrews Drug Center, I Box AD West End Plaza Mountain Park Medical Center P. 0. Box E, Whitaker Lane Turner Discount Medicine Shoppe . Main Street ANGIER - HARNETT COUNTY ADVANCE - DAVIE COUNTY 4211. 4253. Village Pharmacy of Advance, Inc. Rt. 3, Box 253-B 4418. James Pharmacy 100 E. Depot Street Rite Aid Pharmacy P.O. Box 337, Angier Plaza AHOSKIE - HERTFORD COUNTY APEX - WAKE COUNTY 4332. 2535. 2534. 4351. 3215. 2527. Boone-Taylor Pharmacy 312 S Academy St, Med Arts Ctr Capps-Daniels Drug Co., Inc. 418 Peacock Street Copeland Drug Co., Inc. 104 E. Main Street Mast Discount Drug 1003 Memorial Drive Peoples Service Drug Store, Inc. Newmarket Shopping Center Roanoke-Chowan Hospital Pharmacy Academy Street 3466. 3477. 4399. ARCHDALE - RANDOLPH COUNTY 2818. 4199. ALBEMARLE - STANLY COUlxlTY 2643. 3479. 4303. 2397. 3123. 3923. 1674. Davis-Little Drug Company 119 W. Main Street Eckerd Drugs 1000 N. First Street Eckerd Drugs Nort Woods Plaza, Rt. 6 Medical Pharmacy of Albemarle, Inc, 320 Yadkin Street Revco Discount Drug Center Eastgate Shopping Center Revco Discount Drug Center 1460 N. 1st St., Deico Plaza Stanly Memorial Hospital Inc. 301 Yadkin St., PO Bx 1489 Bennett's Pharmacy 100 N. Salem Street Medical Center Pharmacy 211 S. Salem Street Revco Discount Drug Center 826 E. Williams St., Apex Plazc Archdale Pharmacy 3220 S. Main Street Trindale Pharmacy, Inc. 3407 Archdale Road ARDEN - BUNCOMBE COUNTY 2879. Revco Discount Drug Center US Hwy 25 - Int. Watson Rd. ASHEBORO - RANDOLPH COUNTY 4401. 1415. 3345. 4031. Asheboro Drug Company 200 Foust Street Car Drugs 1717 N. Fayetteville St. Eckerd Drugs Northgate Plaza Eckerd Drugs Crossroads Shpg Ctr, Rt 4 -1192699. 3985. 2816. 4467. 2587. 2557. 3241. 4115. 4116. 4067. 3592. Kearns Service Drug Store, Inc. P. 0. Box 307 Kmart Pharmacy Rt. 10, Box 9 Prevo Drugs, Inc. 510 Sunset Avenue Randolph Co. Health Dept. Pharmacy 2222 S. Fayetteville St. Randolph Hospital Pharmacy 373 N. Fayetteville St. Revco Discount Drug Center Hammer Village Shopg Ctr Revco Discount Drug Center 1952 N. Fayetteville St. Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 341 N. Fayetteville St. Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 472 E. Dixie Drive SuperX Drugs Hwy. 64 East, 500 Randolph Mall The Medicine Shoppe 700 N. Fayetteville St. 3203. 3802. 4269. 4004. 4530. 4531. 1070. 1089. 0036. 3185. 3803. 2866. ASHEVILLE - BUNCOMBE COUNTY 2867. 2708. 4361. 4145. 1911. 4500. 3959. 3406. 3481. 3480. 3482. 3934. 4284. 4356. 2749. 1506. 3119. A-B Pharmacy 39 McDowell St. Appalachian Hall Pharmacy 60 Caledonia Road Asheville Discount Pharmacy, Inc. 57 Haywood Street B and B Pharmacy 462 Haywood Road Biltmore Village Pharmacy 10 Lodge Street Buncombe Co Hlth Dept-Pharmacy Div 35 Woodfin Street, PO Box 7607 Chane Discount Drug Centers 915 Merrimon Avenue Eckerd Drug 1001 Patton Avenue West Eckerd Drugs 846 Merrimon Avenue Eckerd Drugs 85 Tunnel Road Eckerd Drugs 780 Hendersonville Rd. Eckerd Drugs 800-1 Fairview Rd. Family Discount Pharmacy 823 Brevard Road Ideal Drug Store 733 Haywood Road Kenilworth Drug Store 489 Biltmore Avenue Kmart Pharmacy 1001 Patton Avenue 2868. 2911. 3301. 3316. 4167. 4200. 3630. 1132. 2500. Kmart Pharmacy 4 South Tunnel Road Kmart Pharmacy 1830 Hendersonville Rd. Lord's Drug Store 793 Merrimon Ave. Medi-Save Pharmacy 49 Zillicoa St. Medical Center Pharmacy 50 Doctor's Dr, 105 Doctor's Bldg Medical Center Pharmacy Mem Miss Med Ctr, 509 Biltmore Memorial Mission Hosp Pharmacy 509 Biltmore Avenue Montford Pharmacy 231 Montford Avenue Pinners Drug Store 619 Haywood Road PSA Bennetts Drug Store 505 New Leicester Hwy PSA Beverly Hills Pharmacy 948 Tunnel Road Revco Discount Drug Center 94 Westgate Parkway Revco Discount Drug Center 1810 Hendersonville Rd. Revco Discount Drug Center Bi Lo Plaza Us Hwy 74 Revco Discount Drug Center 21 Haywood Street Revco Discount Drug Center Old US 19 & 23, Leisure Mtn Rd Revco Discount Drug Center 159 Smokey Park Hwy. Revco Discount Drug Center 337 New Leicester Hwy. Revco Discount Drug Center 1127 Patton Ave. Rite Aid Pharmacy 575 New Leicester Hwy. St. Joseph's Hospital Pharmacy 428 Biltmore Avenue Thoms Rehabilitation Hospital 1 Rotary Drive ATKINSON - PENDER COUNTY 3237. Black River Pharmacy ATLANTIC BEACH - CARTERET COUNTY 4207. Causeway Pharmacy P. 0. Box 406 -120- AULANDER - BERTIE COUNTY 4076. 2137. 4520. Aulander Pharmacy Main Street 4385. AURORA - BEAUFORT COUNTY 3738. Valu-Rx Discount Drug Center 5th Street BELMONT - GASTON COUNTY 0055. AYDEN - PITT COUNTY 1500. 3609. 3847. Edwards Pharmacy 215 S. Lee Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Ayden Plaza, US Hwy II & 102 BAILEY - NASH COUNTY 3402. Bailey Pharmacy Main Street, P.O. Box 158 2753. 3347. 4529. Belmont Drug Company, Inc. 31 N. Main Street Catawba Pharmacy 403 Catawba Street College Park Pharmacy 77 McAdenville Road Eckerd Drugs 70 Abbey Plaza Rite Aid Pharmacy 600 Park Street BENSON - JOHNSTON COUNTY BAKERSVILLE - MITCHELL COUNTY 2436. 3867. 4045. Bakersville Pharmacy, Inc. 116 N. Mitchell Ave. Pungo District Hospital Front Street Pungo River Pharmacy, Inc. 205 E. Main Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Rt. 2, Box 1-A4 2766. BANNER ELK - AVERY COUNTY Benson Drug Company 104 East Main Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Byrds S/C, Dunn & Harnetts St^ Warren Drug Company 211 East Main Street 2509. Banner Elk Pharmcy BESSEMER CITY - GASTON COUNTY 2001. Chas A Cannon Jr Mem Hosp Pharm 1896. BAYBORO - PAMLICO COUNTY 3727. 4001. Bayboro Pharmacy PO Bx 539, 417 Main St Pamlico Drug Store Box 266 3431. Central Drug of Bessemer City, i 112 W. Virginia Avenue Revco Discount Drug Center Route #1 Gastonia Hwy BETHEL - PITT COUNTY 1823. Bethel Pharmacy, Inc. Box 428 BEAUFORT - CARTERET COUNTY BEULAVILLE - DUPLIN COUNTY 2905. 2543. 3850. 4454. Beaufort Liggett Rexall 1404 Live Oak Street Bells Drug Store 331 Front Street Eckerd Drugs Beaufort Square Shopg Ctr Revco Discount Drug Center 1502 Live Oak St. 3454. 1760. BISCOE - MONTGOMERY COUNTY 4451. BELHAVEN - BEAUFORT COUNTY 4072. 0054. Olde Towne Pharmacy 103 Allen Street O'Neal's Drug Store, Inc. 230 E. Main Street Beulaville Drug Co. 203 N. Jackson St. Mutual Discount Drugs P. 0. Box 425 Biscoe Drug Store, Inc. East Main Street BLACK MOUNTAIN - BUNfOMBE COUNTY 2267. Black Mountain Center Old U.S. Hwy 70 A -121- 2121. 3962. 3294. Black Mountain Drug Co. 101 West State Eckerd Drugs Ingles Blk Mtn S/C, Hwy #9 Revco Discount Drug Center Bi-Lo Shopping Ctr BOONEVILLE - YADKIN COUNTY 4148. BREVARD - TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY BLADENBORO - BLADEN COUNTY 2580. 2889. 2098. 4410. Edwards Pharmacy Main and Railroad The Medicine Shoppe P. 0. Box 508 2869. 4434. BLOWING ROCK - WATAUGA COUNTY 2473. 2277. 2140. Blowing Rock Hospital Chestnut Drive The Village Pharmacy Sunset Drive Community Pharmacy NC Rt 67, Town & Country S/C 1744. Brevard Pharmacy Dogwood Plaza, N. Broad St. Duvall Drugs, Inc. Broad Street Revco Discount Drug Center US Route #64 & 276 Revco Discount Drug Center 247 Roseman Hwy., Brevard Plaza Transylvania Conmiiunity Hospital South Broad Street Varners Drug Store, Inc. Jordan and Broad Streets BROADWAY - LEE COUNTY BOILING SPRINGS - CLEVELAND COUNTY 4501. 3921. 2550. Boiling Springs Drug Company 101 S. Main Street Crawley Memorial Hospital, Inc. Box 796 4424. Broadway Drug Store, Inc. 120 Main Street Broadway Prescription Shop, Inc. Main St., P.O. Box 578 BRYSON CITY - SWAIN COUNTY BOLIVIA - BRUNSWICK COUNTY 3136. 4210. Brunswick Co. Health Dept. P. 0. Box 86 3826. BOONE - WATAUGA COUNTY 3725. 0073. 2420. 1592. 2501. 3710. 2216. 4489. 3942. 2734. 2353. Boone Drug Company 113 East King Street Carolina Pharmacy 313 East King Street Deerfield Pharmacy One Doctors Lane Eckerd Drugs 643 Blowing Rock Rd. King Street Pharmacy East King Street Revco Discount Drug Center 552 West King Street Rite Aid Pharmacy Winkler Creek Rd. & US 321 SuperX Drugs Watauga Shopg. Ctr. Watauga County Hospital Deerfield Road 2692. Bryson City Drug Company 108 Everett Street Rite Aid Pharmacy Valley Village Shopping Ctr. Shop and Save Drugs Everett Street Swain County Hospital, Inc. Route 1 Box 341 Swain Drug Store Everette Street BUIES CREEK - HARNETT COUNTY 3175. Campbell University Infirmary Campbell University BUNN - FRANKLIN COUNTY 3776. Bunn Conmaunity Health Ctr. Pharmacy Main Street BURGAW - PENDER COUNTY 3820. 3179. Dees Drug Store, Inc. Ill Wright St. (Box 427) Discount Drug Center, Inc. 910 E. Fremont Street -1222290. Pender Memorial Hospital, Inc. BURNSVILLE - YANCEY COUNTY 4023. Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Wilson's Plaza Shady Haven Pharmacy P. 0. Box 874 2176. 2736. 1724. 3429. BURLINGTON - ALAMANCE COUNTY 4515. 4089. 1192. 2361. 0086. 1816. 0087. 0089. 3348. 3483. 3484. 1407. 3465. 3615. 2530. 2144. 2258. 3660. 3318. 4499. 2254. 2654. 3876. Alamance Co Health Dept Pharmacy Graham-Hopedale Rd. Alamance Co Hospital Pharmacy Graham-Hopedale Road Alamance-Andrews Drug Co. 138 Maple Avenue Asher McAdams Drug Company 305 Trollinger Barbour Drugs, Inc. 2213 Edgewood Avenue Burlington Drug Company, Inc. East Front Street Davis Street Pharmacy, Inc. 751 East Davis Street Eckerd Drugs Kmart Plaza, 2308 Maple Ave. Eckerd Drugs 2258 North Church Street Eckerd Drugs Holly Hill Mall, Central Ave. Griffins Pharmacy, Inc. Plaza Shopg. Ctr. Kmart Pharmacy 2316 Maple Avenue May Pharmacy 1253 E. Webb Avenue Medical Center Pharmacy, Inc. 274 Graham Hopedale Road Medical Village Apothecary, Inc. 1610 Vaughn Road Memorial Hospital of Alamance 730 Hermitage Road Memorial Prescription Shoppe 1606 Memorial Drive Revco Discount Drug Center Huffman Mill Rd & S Church St Revco Discount Drug Center 2320 N. Church St. SuperX Drugs 520 North Church Street SuperX Drugs 2954 S. Church Street The Medicine Shoppe of Burlington 605 S. Church St. Banks Drug, Inc. 637 W. ByPass Pollards Drug Store 105 W. Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center Hwy 19, Burnsville Plaza Toe River Health District 10 Swiss Ave., Yancey Co Hlth I BUTNER - GRANVILLE COUNTY 2994. 2617. Butner Alcoholic Rehab Center West E Street John Umstead Hospital Pharmacy 2831. Murdoch Center Pharmacy 3155. Quality Drugs, Inc. 309 Central Avenue BUXTON - DARE COUNTY 4503. Beach Pharmacy, II P. 0. Box 690 CALABASH - BRUNSWICK COUNTY 4087. Seashore Drugs CAMDEN - CAMDEN COUNTY 3918. Northeastern Drug Winners Cr. S/C (PO Box 279) CANDLER - BUNCOMBE COUNTY 4151. 3687. 3188. Allison's Pharmacy Highway 19-23 Eckerd Drugs Enka-Candler Market Place J and S Apothecary P. 0. Box 1000 CANDOR - MONTGOMERY COUNTY 1732. B and B Drug Company Main Street CANTON - HAYWOOD COUNTY 4029. 2340. Eckerd Drugs Bi-Lo Plaza, US 19/23 Hendrix Drug Store 108 Main Street -123- 2960. 1624. 3644. 2705. Martins Drug Store, Inc. 24 Park Street Midway Professional Pharmacy, Inc. Hwy 19 and 23, Box 511 Revco Discount Drug Center S R 1577 & Hwy 19 & 23A Thrif-Tee Drug Discount 83-85 Main Street CASTLE HAYNE - NEW HANOVER COUNTY 4334. Revco Discount Drug Center US Hwy 117, Rt. 1, Box 129 CATAWBA - CATAWBA COUNTY 4246. Catawba Pharmacy Hwy. 10, 3rd Ave. SW CAROLINA BEACH - NEW HANOVER COUNTY CHADBOURN - COLUMBUS COUNTY 2782. 4352. Carolina Beach Drug Company 140 Harper Avenue Revco Discount Drug Center 1020 Carolina Beach Road CARRBORO - ORANGE COUNTY 2993. 4287. 3397. 4038. Chapel Hill-Carrboro Hlth Ctr Pharm 400 Roberson St. Kerr Drug Stores, Inc. 602-G Jones Ferry Rd. Revco Discount Drug Center 100 N. Greensboro Street Vaughns Independent Pharmacy 503 West Main Street 0107. 3856. 4162. CHAPEL HILL - ORANGE COUNTY 4082. 1184. 3025. CARTHAGE - MOORE COUNTY 3485. 4463. 3945. 0104. Rite Aid Pharmacy Rt. I, Foodliner S/C Shields Drug Company, Inc. Cor Crt House Sq and Monroe 3022. 4288. CARY - WAKE COUNTY 1218. 1490. 3349. 3231. 4027. 1444. 3791. 4292. 3720. Ashworth Rexall Drugs 105 W. Chatham Street Eckerd Drugs 920 Kildaire Farm Rd. Kerr Drug Stores, Inc. 563 Western Boulevard Ext. Kmart Pharmacy 960 Kildaire Farm Road Mitchell's Pharmacy 120 East Chatham Street Revco Discount Drug Center K'daire Farms & Farm'ton Wds The Kroger Co. 122 Kilmayne Ave. The Treasury Drug Center Cary Village Mall 4306. 2817. 3607. 4279. 3412. 4416. 3851. 4064. Cashiers Rexall Pharmacy Highway 107 South Carol Woods Retirement Clinic Disp Weaver Dairy Road Colonial Drug Company 414 W. Franklin Street Divison of Pharmacy Services Student Health Serv UNC Eckerd Drugs Eastgate Shopping Center Glen Lennox Pharmacy Glen Lennox Shopping Center Kerr Discount Drugs 201-10 South Estes Drive Kerr Drug Stores, Inc. 1129 Weaver Dairy Rd. N C Memorial Hosp Pharmacy Manning Drive Planned Parenthood of Orange Co. Kroger Plaza, 93 Elliott Rd. Revco Discount Drug Center 120 E. Franklin Street Revco Discount Drug Center 1724 Chapel Hill Blvd. Revco Discount Drug Center Rt. 7, Cole Park Plaza Suttons Drug Store, Inc. 159 E. Franklin Street Vaughn Indep Pharm & Hm Hlth Care, In 83 S. Elliott Rd. CHARLOTTE - MECKLENBURG COUNTY CASHIERS - JACKSON COUNTY 3079. Koonce Drug Company Chadbourn Shopping Center Prescription Shoppe 105 7th Avenue Ron's Downtown Drugs 108 Brown Street N. Asbury Care Center 3600 Shamrock Drive Avondale Pharmacy 2410 Park Road -1241796. 4493. 4071. 4009. 0119. 2289. 3567. 4494. 1988. 4513. 4372. 3350. 3351. 3353. 3354. 3355. 3356. 3357. 3358. 3359. 3486. 3487. 3488. 3489. 3490. 3491. 3492. 3493. Biddleville Pharmacy 1023 Beatties Ford Road Carolina Radiopharmacy CMH+MC, Inc. 1000 Blythe Blvd, PO Box 32861 Char Mem Hosp & Med Ctr O'pat Phcy 1000 Blythe Blvd. Charlotte Eye Ear and Throat Hosp. 1600 E. Third Street Charlotte Mem Hospital & Med Center 1000 Blythe Boulevard Charlotte Rehabilitation Hospital 1100 Blythe Blvd. Charlotte Treatment Center 1715 Sharon Road West Charter Pines Hospital 3621 Randolph Rd. Dalebrook Pharmacy PO Bx 16247, 2594 Beatties Ford Delmed, Inc. 8430 Monroe Road Drug Emporium 6321 Albemarle Rd. Eckerd Drugs 100 N. Tryon Street Eckerd Drugs 124 Sharon Amity,Cotwsold S/C Eckerd Drugs 5612 E. Independence Blvd. Eckerd Drugs 4716 Sharon Road Eckerd Drugs 5672 International Way Eckerd Drugs 6440 Plaza Rd. Ext. Eckerd Drugs Freedom Drive Mall, Ashley Rd. Eckerd Drugs 316 S. Tryon Street Eckerd Drugs Eastland Mall 5555 Central Ave Eckerd Drugs 1332 Central Avenue Eckerd Drugs 1025 Providence Road Eckerd Drugs 4133 Park Road Eckerd Drugs 444 Charlottetown Mall Eckerd Drugs 3045 Freedom Drive Eckerd Drugs 5925 Pineville Eckerd Drugs 3740 E Independence Blvd Eckerd Drugs 4500 N. Tryon Street 3494. 3688. 4159. 4206. 4225. 4275. 4412. 4440. 4447. 4484. 4195. 0124. 4180. 4475. 3440. 3409. 3410. 3577. 3578. 3573. 3574. 3627. 3723. 4186. 4216. 2710. 4402. 3400. Eckerd Drugs I 4400 Sharon Road ff Eckerd Drugs • 7016 Albemarle Rd. ^ Eckerd Drugs 8424 Belhaven Blvd. Eckerd Drugs 2516 Little Rock Road Eckerd Drugs 5741 N. Graham Street Eckerd Drugs 8520 Park Rd - Quail Cor S/C Eckerd Drugs 8532 University City Blvd. Eckerd Drugs 3106 Eastway Drive Eckerd Drugs 201-G Arrowood Rd. Eckerd Drugs 7322 Plaza Rd. Ext., Plaza Pk £ Giant Genie Discount Drugs 5110 Park Road Hardee's Pharmacy 2909 Selwyn Avenue Hoskins Pharmacy 4130 Rozzells Ferry Road Kerr Drugs 9014 J M Keynes Dr, Univ Place. King Drug Company, Inc. #2 7812 Fairview Road Kmart Pharmacy 3700 N Independence Blvd Kmart Pharmacy 6025 South Blvd. Kmart Pharmacy 2701 Freedom Drive Kmart Pharmacy 4101 N. Tryon Street Kroger Sav On 500 Tyvola Road Kroger Sav-On 101 Eastway Drive Kroger Sav-On 3301 Freedom Drive Kroger Sav-On 6320 Albemarle Road Kroger Sav-On 2226 Park Road Kroger Sav-On 1133 N. Wendover Rd. Mecklenburg Co Mental Hosp Phari 501 Billingsley Road Medi-Care Supply Co. 1400 E. Morehead St. Medi-Save Pharmacies, Inc. 4400 Morris Park Dr., Suite C -1253765. 1069. 3601. 2576. 4376. 0136. 4066. 3091. 3805. 4497. 4081. 2968. 2012. 0932. 2575. 2664. 2870. 2871. 2872. 2873. 2892. 2969. 2975. 3145. 3311. 3612. 3926. 4408. Medical Pharmacy 1010 Kings Dr. Doctors Bldg. Mercy Hospital Pharmacy 2001 Vail Avenue Metroview Pharmacy, Inc. 1900 Randolph Road Myers Park Pharmacy, Inc. 2614 E. Seventh St. Nalle Clinic Pharmacy 1350 S. Kings Drive Niven Drug Company 131 East Park Avenue Orthopaedic Hospital of Charlotte 1901 Randolph Road Park Place Pharmacy 613 Providence Road Peak Drug, Inc. 2044 N. Graham Street Pharmacy On The Park, Inc. 457 N. Wendover Rd. Pike's Pharmacy, Inc. 3019 Shamrock Drive Plaza Apothecary 951 S. Independence Blvd Plaza Hills Pharmacy, Inc. 2513 Plaza Road Presbyterian Hospital Pharmacy 200 Hawthorne Lane Revco Discount Drug Center 405 Eastway Drive Revco Discount Drug Center 4728 South Boulevard Revco Discount Drug Center 106 N. Tryon Street Revco Discount Drug Center 5601 Wilkinson Boulevard Revco Discount Drug Center 5401-A South Boulevard Revco Discount Drug Center Amity Gardens Shpg Ctr Revco Discount Drug Center 3146 Freedom Drive Revco Discount Drug Center 6050 N. Tryon St. Revco Discount Drug Center 4455 Central Avenue Revco Discount Drug Center 6914 Lawyer's Rd. Revco Discount Drug Center 9519 Albemarle Road Revco Discount Drug Center 8001 y/50 Moores Chapel Rd. Revco Discount Drug Center 917 Wendover Road Revco Discount Drug Center 5412 E. Independence Blvd. 4459. 4360. 3628. 3904. 2970. 3411. 4241. 3892. 4452. 4477. 3013. 2256. 4471. 3041. 3739. 3667. 2059. 1919. Revco Discount Drug Center 3029 The Plaza Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 3208 Wilkinson Boulevard Rite Aid Pharmacy 4104 Carmel Road Rite Aid Pharmacy Central Avenue & Plaza Rd. Sedgefield Drug 2721 South Boulevard Spoons Pharmacy 5729 Newell-Hickory Grove Rd Stanley Drug Stores 1949 E. Seventh Street Sterling Drug Store 1501 Elizabeth Avenue The Medicine Shoppe 2919 Central Ave. The Medicine Shoppe 6021 C The Plaza The Pharmaceutical Center #2 3535 Randolph Road The Pharmaceutical Center, Inc. 1928 Randolph Rd. University Mem Hospital Pharmacy 8700 N. Tryon St. Walkers Cotswold Drug Store Inc. 4390 Colwick Road Walker's Drug Store 200 College Street Walker's Randolph Med. Ctr. Pharm. 1928 Randolph Rd. Wesley Nursing Center Pharmacy 3700 Shamrock Drive Yorkmont Drug Co., Inc. 143 I Yorkmont Road CHERRYVILLE - GASTON COUNTY 4473. 3810. 2151. Allen Drug Co., Inc. 110 East Main, P.O. Box 125 Houser Drug Co. 100 E. Main Street Med Ctr Pharmacy of Cherryville Inc Academy Street CHINA GROVE - ROWAN COUNTY 2034. 1881. Brown Drug Company, Inc. 102 S. Main Street China Grove Drug Company 112 South Main CLAREMONT - CATAWBA COUNTY 3889. Busbee's Pharmacy 202-A E. Main St. -124Biddleville Pharmacy 1023 Beatties Ford Road 4493. Carolina Radiopharmacy CMH+MC, Inc. 1000 Blythe Blvd, PO Box 32861 4071. Char Mem Hosp & Med Ctr O'pat Phcy 1000 Blythe Blvd. 4009. Charlotte Eye Ear and Throat Hosp. 1600 E. Third Street 0119. Charlotte Mem Hospital & Med Center 1000 Blythe Boulevard 2289. Charlotte Rehabilitation Hospital 1100 Blythe Blvd. 3567. Charlotte Treatment Center 1715 Sharon Road West 4494. Charter Pines Hospital 3621 Randolph Rd. 1988. Dalebrook Pharmacy PO Bx 16247, 2594 Beatties Ford 4513. Delmed, Inc. 8430 Monroe Road 4372. Drug Emporium 6321 Albemarle Rd. 3350. Eckerd Drugs 100 N. Tryon Street 3351. Eckerd Drugs 124 Sharon Amity,Cotwsold S/C 3353. Eckerd Drugs 5612 E. Independence Blvd. 3354. Eckerd Drugs 4716 Sharon Road 3355. Eckerd Drugs 5672 International Way 3356. Eckerd Drugs 6440 Plaza Rd. Ext. 3357. Eckerd Drugs Freedom Drive Mall, Ashley Rd. 3358. Eckerd Drugs 316 S. Tryon Street 3359. Eckerd Drugs Eastland Mall 5555 Central Ave 3486. Eckerd Drugs 1332 Central Avenue 3487. Eckerd Drugs 1025 Providence Road 3488. Eckerd Drugs 4133 Park Road 3489. Eckerd Drugs 444 Charlottetown Mall 3490. Eckerd Drugs 3045 Freedom Drive 3491. Eckerd Drugs 5925 Pineville 3492. Eckerd Drugs 3740 E Independence Blvd 3493. Eckerd Drugs 4500 N. Tryon Street 1796. 3494. 3688. 4159. 4206. 4225. 4275. 4412. 4440. 4447. 4484. 4195. 0124. 4180. 4475. 3440. 3409. 3410. 3577. 3578. 3573. 3574. 3627. 3723. 4186. 4216. 2710. 4402. 3400. Eckerd Drugs 4400 Sharon Road Eckerd Drugs 7016 Albemarle Rd. Eckerd Drugs 8424 Belhaven Blvd. Eckerd Drugs 2516 Little Rock Road Eckerd Drugs 5741 N. Graham Street Eckerd Drugs 8520 Park Rd - Quail Cor S/C Eckerd Drugs 8532 University City Blvd. ;! Eckerd Drugs 3106 Eastway Drive Eckerd Drugs 201-G Arrowood Rd. Eckerd Drugs 7322 Plaza Rd. Ext., Plaza Pk 'C Giant Genie Discount Drugs 5110 Park Road Hardee's Pharmacy 2909 Selwyn Avenue Hoskins Pharmacy 4130 Rozzells Ferry Road Kerr Drugs 9014 J M Keynes Dr, Univ Place King Drug Company, Inc 7812 Fairview Road Kmart Pharmacy 3700 N Independence Blvd ! Kmart Pharmacy 6025 South Blvd. Kmart Pharmacy 2701 Freedom Drive Kmart Pharmacy 4101 N. Tryon Street Kroger Sav On 500 Tyvola Road Kroger Sav-On 1 101 Eastway Drive Kroger Sav-On 3301 Freedom Drive Kroger Sav-On 6320 Albemarle Road Kroger Sav-On 2226 Park Road Kroger Sav-On 1133 N. Wendover Rd. 1 Mecklenburg Co Mental Hosp Phaiac 501 Billingsley Road Medi-Care Supply Co. 1400 E. Morehead St. : Medi-Save Pharmacies, Inc. 4400 Morris Park Dr., Suite C: • *^ -125- 3765. 1069. 3601. 2576. 4376. 0136. 4066. 3091. 3805. 4497. 4081. 2968. 2012. 0932. 2575. 2664. 2870. 2871. 2872. 2873. 2892. 2969. 2975. 3145. 3311. 3612. 3926. 4408. Medical Pharmacy 1010 Kings Dr. Doctors Bldg. Mercy Hospital Pharmacy 2001 Vail Avenue Metroview Pharmacy, Inc. 1900 Randolph Road Myers Park Pharmacy, Inc. 2614 E. Seventh St. Nalle Clinic Pharmacy 1350 S. Kings Drive Niven Drug Company 131 East Park Avenue Orthopaedic Hospital of Charlotte 1901 Randolph Road Park Place Pharmacy 613 Providence Road Peak Drug, Inc. 2044 N. Graham Street Pharmacy On The Park, Inc. 457 N. Wendover Rd. Pike's Pharmacy, Inc. 3019 Shamrock Drive Plaza Apothecary 951 S. Independence Blvd Plaza Hills Pharmacy, Inc. 2513 Plaza Road Presbyterian Hospital Pharmacy 200 Hawthorne Lane Revco Discount Drug Center 405 Eastway Drive Revco Discount Drug Center 4728 South Boulevard Revco Discount Drug Center 106 N. Tryon Street Revco Discount Drug Center 5601 Wilkinson Boulevard Revco Discount Drug Center 5401-A South Boulevard Revco Discount Drug Center Amity Gardens Shpg Ctr Revco Discount Drug Center 3146 Freedom Drive Revco Discount Drug Center 6050 N. Tryon St. Revco Discount Drug Center 4455 Central Avenue Revco Discount Drug Center 6914 Lawyer's Rd. Revco Discount Drug Center 9519 Albemarle Road Revco Discount Drug Center 8001 #50 Moores Chapel Rd. Revco Discount Drug Center 917 Wendover Road Revco Discount Drug Center 5412 E. Independence Blvd. 4459. 4360. 3628. 3904. 2970. 3411. 4241. 3892. 4452. 4477. 3013. 2256. 4471. 3041. 3739. 3667. 2059. 1919. Revco Discount Drug Center 3029 The Plaza Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 3208 Wilkinson Boulevard Rite Aid Pharmacy 4104 Carmel Road Rite Aid Pharmacy Central Avenue & Plaza Rd. Sedgefield Drug 2721 South Boulevard Spoons Pharmacy 5729 Newell-Hickory Grove Rd Stanley Drug Stores 1949 E. Seventh Street Sterling Drug Store 1501 Elizabeth Avenue The Medicine Shoppe 2919 Central Ave. The Medicine Shoppe 6021 C The Plaza The Pharmaceutical Center #2 3535 Randolph Road The Pharmaceutical Center, Inc. 1928 Randolph Rd. University Mem Hospital Pharmacy 8700 N. Tryon St. Walkers Cotswold Drug Store Inc. 4390 Colwick Road Walker's Drug Store 200 College Street Walker's Randolph Med. Ctr. Pharm. 1928 Randolph Rd. Wesley Nursing Center Pharmacy 3700 Shamrock Drive Yorkmont Drug Co., Inc. 143 I Yorkmont Road CHERRYVILLE - GASTON COUNTY 4473. 3810. 2151. Allen Drug Co., Inc. 110 East Main, P.O. Box 125 Houser Drug Co. 100 E. Main Street Med Ctr Pharmacy of Cherryville Inc Academy Street CHINA GROVE - ROWAN COUNTY 2034. 1881. Brown Drug Company, Inc. 102 S. Main Street China Grove Drug Company 112 South Main CLAREMONT - CATAWBA COUNTY 3889. Busbee's Pharmacy 202-A E. Main St. -126- CLARKTON - BLADEN COUNTY 4178. 2851. Clarkton Drug Center, Inc. 3708. 1386. Fowler Drug Store, Inc. College Street 2679. Revco Discount Drug Center 317 North Blvd. Reynolds Drugs ^ 209 West Main Street Sampson Co Mem Hospital Pharmacy 607 Beamon Street CLAYTON - JOHNSTON COUNTY CLYDE - HAYWOOD COUNTY 0155. 2212. 4294. 1977. Beddingfield Drug Company, Inc. 325 East Main Street Kerr Drug Stores, Inc. PO Bx 1041, Clayton Vill S/C McCormac's Pharmacy 333 Main Street 3886. COATS - HARNETT COUNTY CLEMMONS - FORSYTH COUNTY 3816. 3340. 1113. 3784. 4380. Crown Drugs, Inc. Westwood Vill Shopg Ctr Eckerd Drugs 3629 Clenmions Rd. Salem Health Services PO Box 38, 7870 Fair Oaks Dr. CLEVELAND - ROWAN COUNTY 4263. Cleveland Medical Center Pharmacy PO Box 165, 103 W Main St 3747. 4441. 3760. 3788. Drug Rite, Inc. P. 0. Drawer 10 4123. CLINTON - SAMPSON COUNTY 4433. 3729. 4523. 3049. 3360. 1670. 2621. 3437. 3910. Butlers Pharmacy, Inc. 204 Main Street Clinton Clinic Pharmacy, Inc. 403 Fairview Street Eckerd Drugs Shamrock Plaza, 1054 Sunset Gaddy Pharmacy 604 Beaman Street Matthews Drug Store Jordans Shopping Center Revco Discount Drug Center 912 Sunset Avenue Revco Discount Drug Center 405 S£ Blvd. Columbus Pharmacy Main Street St Lukes Hospital-Pharmacy Dept Hwy. 108, Route 1 CONCORD - CABARRUS COUNTY 4318. 3837. Columbia Pharmacy Main Street Martin-Tyrrell-Wash'ton Dist HI Tyrrell Co Center, Bridge Stre COLUMBUS - POLK COUNTY 1727. CLIMAX - GUILFORD COUNTY Coats Pharmacy Hwy. 55 N. (Box 811) McKnights Drug Store 105 East Main Street COLUMBIA - TYRRELL COUNTY CLIFFSIDE- RUTHERFORD COUNTY Cliffside Pharmacy, Inc. North Main Street Haywood County Hospital Pharmacy 90 Hospital Drive Junaluska Pharmacy 114 Hospital Drive 0944. 2929. 3763. 3361. 4283. 2358. Airheart's Drug Store 15 Market Street Cabarrus Co. Health Department 715 Cabarrus Ave. (PO Box ll4S Cabarrus County Health Departmel P. 0. Box 1149 Cabarrus Mem Hospital Ambulatoi920 Church Street North Cabarrus Mem Hospital Pharmacy 920 Church St., N. Dons Discount Drugs, Inc. 814 B Union Street S. Don's Disct Drugs, Inc. //3 Nori 140 Cloverleaf Plaza Shop Ctr Eckerd Drugs Carolina Mall, Hwy. 29 Eckerd Drugs Cabarrus Ave. & US 602 Bypass Medical Center Pharmacy 39 Lake Concord Rd NE -1274308. 2341. 3312. 4327. 3748. 3757. Medicine Shoppe 814 Church St., N. Porter Drug Company 8 Union Street S. Revco Discount Drug Center Branchview Plaza Shopping Ctr Revco Discount Drug Center 876 Hwy. 29 N, Cabarrus S/C Service Drugs 863 Church Street, N Service Drugs 846 Union Street, S CONOVER - CATAWBA COUNTY 0175. 4063. 2398. 3132. 3737. Bowman Drug Company, Inc. 126 First Avenue South Conover Drug Co. P. 0. Box 458 Duo Drug Store Villa Park Shopping Center Medical Village Pharmacy 690 Fairgrove Church Road Revco Discount Drug Center 833 Conover Blvd. SW DALLAS - GASTON COUNTY 3101. 4020. 4398. DANBURY - STOKES COUNTY 3453. Stokes Pharmacy 2474. Stokes Reynolds Mem Hospital Box 10 DAVIDSON - MECKLENBURG COUNTY 3790. 4273. 4265. Taylor Drug Company Hwy 158, PO Box 305 Denton Drug Store North Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center PO Bx 1170, Hwy 109 & Farmer Rd DENVER - LINCOLN COUNTY 4227. COOLEEMEE - DAVIE COUNTY 4090. 3395. Cornwell Drug 267 Griffith Street DENTON - DAVIDSON COUNTY CONWAY - NORTHAMPTON COUNTY 2327. Cornwell Rexall Drugs Windsor Shopping Center Dallas Drug Co. 136 W. Trade Eckerd Drugs 1203 Hwy 321 N, Gaston Sq S/C Davie Discount Drugs Cooleemee Shopg Ctr Denver Pharmacy Highway 16, P.O. Box 686 Revco Discount Drug Center Rt 1, Bx 100-1, Rts 150 & 16 DERITA - MECKLENBURG COUNTY CRAMERTON - GASTON COUNTY 3993. 4472. Cramerton Drug Eighth Avenue Derita Drug Co. 2410 W. Sugar Creek Rd. DOBSON - SURRY COUNTY CREEDMOOR - GRANVILLE COUNTY 4393. 4337. 4277. Creedmoor Drug Company Main Street Kerr Drugs Dutch Vill S/C, NC 56 & 1-85 2078. 4290. Dobson Drug Co., Inc. 121 N. Crutchfield St. Rays Pharmacy Courthouse Square Rite Aid Pharmacy PO Bx 302, Lowe's Food S/C CROSSNORE - AVERY COUNTY DREXEL - BURKE COUNTY 2644. 4036. Crossnore Drug Store P. 0. Box 186 Sloop Memorial Hospital Pharmacy P. 0. Box 220 3129. 4359. Drexel Discount Drug Center P. 0. Box 2225 Drexel Medical Center Pharmacy P.O. Box 2607, 302 Main St. -12 8- DUBLIN - BLADEN COUNTY 3499. 1865. 4276. Dublin Drug Company Junction Hwys 87 and 410 0200. DUNN - HARNETT COUNTY 4349. 2494. 3495. 2957. 3871. 3285. 4480. 4161. 1202. Betsy Johnson Mem Hospital Tilgham Drive Eckerd Drugs 1829 W. Cumberland Street Hospital Pharmacy, Inc. 200 North Ellis Avenue Kerr Discount Drugs 1000 W Cumberland Medlin Rx Drug 129 E. Broad St. Revco Discount Drug Center 2200 W. Cumberland St. The Medicine Shoppe 1402 West Cumberland Street Thomas Drug Store 323 E. Broad Street 4496. 2265. 3728. I74I. 1759. 2570. 3226. 4019. DURHAM - DURHAM COUNTY 4170. 3428. Central Pharmacy 2609 N. Duke St., Suite 201 City of Medicine Pharmacy 5242 Roxboro Road Clinic Pharmacy 1901 Hillandale Rd. Crabtree Pharmacy 2100 Angier Avenue Duke Hospital Pharmacy P. 0. Box 3089 Duke Med Ctr-Outpatient Pharmacy P. 0. Box 3207 Duke Univ Med Ctr Radiopharmacy 4345. Duke-Watts Family Medicine Center 407 Crutchfield Street Durham Co Mental Health Center 414 East Main Street Durham County General Hospital 3643 N. Roxboro Street Durham Drug Company, Inc. 330 West Main Street Eckerd Drugs 122 West Main Street Eckerd Drugs 1223 University Drive Eckerd Drugs 800 Broad Street Eckerd Drugs 2216 Roxboro Road 3059. 4362. 3880. 4050. 0197. 3252. 3051. 3602. 2995. 0210. 1861. 3362. 3496. 3497. 3498. 4413. 4478. 3274. 4278. 4462. 1297. 3740. 1236. 3683. 3055. 2874. 2875. 3260. Eckerd Drugs 3427 Hillsborough Road Eckerd Drugs > 4215 University Dr. Garrett's Biltmore Drug Store 3026 Fayetteville Street Gurley's Discount Drugs 206 W. Main St. Gurley's Discount Drugs 24566 University Dr. Hillcrest Convalescent Home Inc 1417 W. Pettigrew Street Hills Pharmacy, Inc. 3222 Guess Road Kerr Discount Drugs Northgate Shopping Center Kerr Discount Drugs Lakewood Shopping Center Kerr Discount Drugs 613 Wellons Village Kerr Discount Drugs 3600 North Duke Mall Kerr Discount Drugs 4719 Apex Hwy. Kerr Drugs 5319 Roxboro Rd., Vill Corners Kerr Drugs 1821 Hillandale - Loehmans Pla Kerr Drugs 4711 Hope Valley Rd. Kerr Drugs 3807 Guess Rd, Willowdale S/C Kmart Pharmacy 2000 Avondale Drive Kmart Pharmacy 4215 University Drive Kroger Pharmacy 3117 Shannon Rd. Lincoln Community Health Center 1301 Fayetteville St McDonalds Drug Store 732 9th Street McLaughlin's Medical Arts Phanr 2520 Fayetteville St. McPherson Hospital Pharmacy 1110 West Main Street NC Central Univ Hlth Services E Student Health Services Pickens Health Center Pharmacyi Marshall Pickens Bldg, Trent I Revco Discount Drug Center 307-11 Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center 1114-1116 Broad Street Revco Discount Drug Center 907 N. Miami Boulevard I -129- 3622. 3716. 4122. 4291. 3814. 2655. 3205. 3201. 2713. Revco Discount Drug Center 5279 Roxboro Rd. Revco Discount Drug Center 3710 Shannon Road Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Hillsborough & Cole Mill Rds. Rite Aid Pharmacy Holloway St at Hoover Road The Amer Tob Co - Med Dept Pharm P. 0. Box 1091 The Methodist Retirement Home 2616 Erwin Road Treasury Drug Center 230 South Square Shopg Ctr Triangle Pharmacy, Inc. 1700 E. Hwy. 54 Upchurch Drugs 5112 North Roxboro Road EDENTON - CHOWAN COUNTY 3633. 1464. 1476. 3913. ELIZABETH CITY - PASQUOTANK COUNTY 2184. 4130. 0219. EARL - CLEVELAND COUNTY 4248. 3924. 2499. Medi Fare Drug Center of Earl P. 0. Box 249 3645. EAST BEND - YADKIN COUNTY 1775. 1897. Schlagel's Pharmacy 1420 W. Main Street Chowan Hospital Pharmacy Virginia Road Hollowell & Blount Rexall Drug 323 South Broad Street Mitcheners Pharmacy 301 South Broad Revco Discount Drug Center Edenton Village Shopping Ctr 1422. Dept of Pharm., Albemarle Hosp. North Road Street Farmco Drug Center Halstead Blvd. Overman and Stevenson 512 East Main Street Peoples Drug Store 1142 N. Road Street Peoples Service Drug Stores Inc 1407 Southgate Mall Revco Discount Drug Center 1511 Ehringhaus Street The Apothecary Shop 104 East Main Street Todds Pharmacy, Inc. 213-215 S Poindexter St EDEN - ROCKINGHAM COUNTY ELIZABETHTOWN - BLADEN COUNTY 2747. 3086. 4136. 1921. 2447. 4073. 2075. 2909. 3868. 3995. 4117. 2720. Boulevard Drug Company, Inc. 256 Boulevard Street Draper Pharmacy 147 N. Fieldcrest Street Eden Drug Store, Inc. 103 W. Stadium Dr. Joe Chandler-Pharmacist 407 Van Buren Rd., Hwy 14 Mitchell's Discount Drugs, Inc. 641 Washington Mitchell's Disct Drugs Inc Store #2 544 Morgan Road Morehead Memorial Hospital 117 East Kings Hwy Peoples Service Drug Store, Inc. Kingsway Plaza Revco Discount Drug Center 1540 Clarence Stone Hwy. Revco Discount Drug Center Eden Mall Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Meadow Greens Shopg Ctr Village Pharmacy 709 S. Van Buren Road 2624. 2678. 4266. 4491. 3210. Anderson Drug Store, Inc. PO Bx 1147, 210 S Poplar St Bladen County Hospital Revco Discount Drug Center PO Bx 2066, 207 S. Poplar Smith's Pharmacy, Inc. Broad St., P.O. Box 426 The Medicine Shoppe Hospital Drive ELKIN - SURRY COUNTY 1663. 0224. 2507. 3182. 3864. 0225. Bridge Street Pharmacy, Inc. 817 North Bridge Street Elk Pharmacy, Inc. 116 East Main Street Hugh Chatham Mem Hospital Pharmacy Parkwood Drive Revco Discount Drug Center 1461 N. Bridge Street Rite Aid Pharmacy Kmart S/C, U.S. Hwy 21 Royall Drug Company, Inc. 128 West Main Street -130ELLERBE - RICHMOND COUNTY FAISON - DUPLIN COUNTY 2728. 3799. Ellerbe Pharmacy Faison Pharmacy Main Street 106 N Second St-PO Box 467 FARMVILLE - PITT COUNTY ELM CITY - WILSON COUNTY 3259. 4043. Elm City Pharmacy 2192. East Main Street 3448. ELON COLLEGE - ALAMANCE COUNTY 4044. Farmville Discount Drug 102 S. Main St. Kue's Pharmacy S Main St, P. 0. Box 48 Revco Discount Drug Center US Hwy 264 & Field Street Family Drug Center Manning & Haggard Avenues ENFIELD - HALIFAX COUNTY 0230. Beavans Drug Store 132 W. Whitfield Street 1795. Harrison Drug Company 109 Railroad Street 4400. Rite Aid Pharmacy Byrd's S/C, 707 S. McDaniel 4260. Whitehead Drug Co. 120 Whitfield Street FAYETTEVILLE - CUMBERLAND COUNTY ERWIN - HARNETT COUNTY 4486. 3684. 4487. 4171. Good Hope Hospital Pharmacy Easf'H" St., PO Box 668 McPhail's Pharmacy, Inc. 103 East H Street 3819. 1431. 4240. 4417. 4371. 3500. 3501. ETOWAH - HENDERSON COUNTY 3689. 3625. Econo Mart Discount Drug Center Highway 64 3883. FAIR BLUFF - COLUMBUS COUNTY 4215. I8l4. 3733. Elvington's Pharmacy 123 E. Main Street 4030. FAIRMONT - ROBESON COUNTY 3118. 1952. 4427. 3606. Fairmont Drug Company, Inc. Main and Center Street Rite Aid Pharmacy Hill's S'mkt S/C, Walnut St. Webster's Pharmacy 214 South Main Street 3434. 3553. 4152. FAIRVIEW - BUNCOMBE COUNTY 1600. 4191. 2964. Fairview Pharmacy Charlotte Hwy, Rt 7 Bx 899 Bordeaux Drug Co., Inc. Bordeaux S/C, 1758 Owen Dr. Cape Fear Valley Hosp Pharmacy Owen Drive College Discount Drug 5395 Ramsey St., College S/C Cumberland Co. Health Dept. 227 Fountainhead Ln. Cumberland Hospital Pharmacy 3425 Melrose Road Doctor's Urgent Care Centre 1673 Owen Drive Doctor's Urgent Care Centre 3412 Ramsey Street Eckerd Drugs 2800 Raeford Road Eckerd Drugs 3315 Bragg Boulevard Eckerd Drugs 2477 Hope Mills Rd. Fayetteville Drug Company 114 Gillespie Street Highsmith-Rainey Memorial Hosp 150 Robeson Street John White Drugs 1226 Fort Bragg Road Kerr Discount Drug 6323 Raeford Road Kerr Discount Drugs 102 Westwood Shopping Center Kerr Drug Stores, Inc. 2706 Bragg Boulevard Kroger Sav-On 501 McPherson Church Road Kroger Sav-On 2474 Hope Mills Road MacKethan and Company 102 Person Street Massey Hill Drug Company, Inc. 1072 Southern Avenue -1311702. 3902. 2876. 2877. 2878. 2974. 3336. 3548. 3742. 4218. 4384. 4032. 3078. 3199. 3872. Prescription Center 915 Hay Street Professional Drug of Fay'ville Inc 1637 Owen Drive Revco Discount Drug Center 201 Hay Street Revco Discount Drug Center 3436 Bragg Boulevard Revco Discount Drug Center 522 Owen Drive Revco Discount Drug Center 101-D S. Reilly Rd. Revco Discount Drug Center 2885 Owen Drive Revco Discount Drug Center 4II8 Raeford Road Revco Discount Drug Center 3445 Raleigh Road Revco Discount Drug Center 1402 Clinton Rd, Eastside S/C Revco Discount Drug Center 3461 Murchison Rd. Spaulding Infirmary Fayetteville State University The Medicine Shoppe 530 Grove St. The Medicine Shoppe 1220 Hay Street Suite B The Medicine Shoppe #4 444 Owen Drive FLETCHER - HENDERSON COUNTY 4297. 1301. Eckerd Drugs U.S. Hwy. 25 Park Ridge Hospital Pharmacy 3582. FOUR OAKS - JOHNSTON COUNTY 1158. 3020. 2821. Austin's Drug Store Main Street Carter Pharmacy Highway 301 North Four Oaks Drug Company East Main Street FRANKLIN - MACON COUNTY 2431. 3558. 2211. 1402. 3189. 4048. Angel Coimn Hospital Pharmacy White Oak and Riverview St Angel's Drug Store 2 Main Street Carolina Pharmacy Riverview Street Perry's Drug Store 9 Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center Franklin Plaza Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Bilo S/C, US 64-441 & 65-28 FRANKLINTON - FRANKLIN COUNTY 2481. 2067. Corner Drug Store, Inc. 2 South Main Street Hendersons Pharmacy, Inc. North Main Street FREMONT - WAYNE COUNTY 1042. 3600. The Medicine Shoppe 728 South Broadway Rite Aid Pharmacy Edgewood Drive & US #25 Fremont Pharmacy East Main Street FUQUAY VARINA - WAKE COUNTY FOREST CITY - RUTHERFORD COUNTY 0262. 3363. 3732. 3075. 3811. 4016. 3104. 1457. Eckerd Drugs Tri City Mall Forest City Pharmacy, Inc. Ill S. Powell St. Hardin's Drug 1210 South Church Street Hardin's Drug Rt. #5, Box 180-C Hardin's Drug 217 E. Main Street Medical Arts Pharmacy 103 Groce Street Smiths Drug Store 227-229 E. Main Street 2425. 3807. 4261. 2023. Elliotts Pharmacy, Inc. 202 South Main Street Johnson's Drug Store 146 S. Main St., Box 356 Rite Aid Pharmacy Big Star S/C, Rt. 401 Smith Pharm of Fuquay-Varina, Inc, 403 Wake Chapel Road Varina Pharmacy 501 Broad Street GARLAND - SAMPSON COUNTY 3951. Garland Clinic Pharmacy P. 0. Box 116 GARNER - WAKE COUNTY 2228. 4154. 1157. 2620. 3148. 2887. 3730. 3117. Garner Drug 1411 A Aversboro Road Kerr Discount Drugs 505 Plaza Circle Kmart Pharmacy 1565 Highway 70 West Revco Discount Drug Center 1561 Hwy. 70 West The Treasury Drug Center Forest Hills Shopg. Ctr. Tom Jones Discount Drug Center Vandora Shopping Center 3932. Smiths Drugs 121 West Main Avenue Square Pharmacy 207 West Main Avenue The Medicine Shoppe 1934 W. Franklin Boulevard GATESVILLE - GATES COUNTY 3775. 3957. Gates County Pharmacy, Inc. Rt. 1 (PO Box 406) Taylor's Pharmacy P. 0. Box 328 GIBSON - SCOTLAND COUNTY GASTONIA - GASTON COUNTY 1244. 1831. 1085. 3364. 3502. 3503. 3504. 4323. 4329. 1191. 3980. 3679. 1532. 0268. 2588. 3208. 3313. 3543. 1405. 4298. 4429. Akers Pharmacy 1595 E. Garrrison Blvd. Caldwell Drug Store, Inc. 207 S. Chestnut Street Eckerd Drugs 207 Eastridge Mall Eckerd Drugs 1453 E. Franklin Avenue Eckerd Drugs 2501 West Hwy. 29-74 Eckerd Drugs 1117 S. York Street Eckerd Drugs 1751 Neal Hawkins Road Eckerd Drugs 1876 S. New Hope Rd. Gaston Memorial Hospital Pharmacy P. 0. Box 1747 Kroger Sav-On 2651 E. Franklin Blvd. Medical Center Pharmacy 515 Cox Road Medlin Drug Store, Inc. 1514 South York Road Moss Rexall Drugs, Inc. 701 W. Franklin Avenue Revco Discount Drug Center 206 New Hope Road Revco Discount Drug Center 761 S. Linwood Road Revco Discount Drug Center 3262 Union Road Revco Discount Drug Center New Hope Rd & Redbud Rd Rhyne Drug Stores, Inc. 2501 Lowell Road Rite Aid Pharmacy 3019 Union Rd., Food Lion S/C Ron's Discount Drug & Food 1010 S. New hpe Rd. Gibson Drug Company Main Street GIBSONVILLE - GUILFORD COUNTY 1848. Gibsonville Drug Company, Inc. 119 Main Street GLEN ALPINE - BURKE COUNTY 3859. Clinic Drug 3 Linville St. GLEN RAVEN - ALAMANCE COUNTY 2206. Glen Raven Drug, Inc. GOLDSBORO - WAYNE COUNTY 3401. Eckerd Drugs 621-A Berkeley Boulevard 3505. Eckerd Drugs 1807 East Ash Street 4505. Farmco Drug Center 1000 Spence Ave. N., Rt. 16 0280. Goldsboro Drug Company, Inc. 101 North Center Street 2899. Grantham Medical Clinic Route I Grantham Township 1482. Kerr Discount Drugs 1701 East Ash Street 4138. Kerr Discount Drugs Neuse Riv S/C, Rt 14, Box 480 4315. Kerr Drugs 1015 Spence Ave. 2967. Nichols Pharmacy 1-70 and Wayne Mem. Dr. 2815. 0'Berry Center Pharmacy Highway 581 2656. Pharmacy, Cherry Hospital -1332448. 2880. 2881. 3954. 3873. 1915. 3033. Raper Drugs 2303 Wayne Memorial Dr. Revco Discount Drug Center 209 N. Berkely Boulevard Revco Discount Drug Center 111 S. Center Street The Medicine Shoppe 523 E. Ashe Street Wayne Co. Health Dept. Pharmacy 301 N. Herman St., Box CC Wayne Memorial Hospital, Inc. 2700 Wayne Memorial Drive Wayne Pharmacy, Inc. 2302 Wayne Memorial Drive 3320. 2280. 2380. 4421. 3365. 3366. 3367. 3506. GRAHAM - ALAMANCE COUNTY 3507. 4495. 2183. 1810. 1968. Crescent Drug 811 S. Main, PO Box 672 South Court Drug Company, Inc. 208 South Main Street Tar Heel Rexall Drugs 316 S. Main St. Wrike Drug Company, Inc. 3508. 3853. 4387. 1630. 108 North Main Street 4094. GRANDY - CURRITUCK COUNTY 1868. 3817. Drugcare of Currituck 2251. GRANITE FALLS - CALDWELL COUNTY 1110. 2793. Granite Drug Center 30 Falls Avenue 4304. Revco Discount Drug Center 33 Pinewood Rd. GRANITE QUARRY - ROWAN COUNTY 3948. 2558. 3267. 4013. Granite Drug Company, Inc. Cor E Bank St and Salisbury 2596. GREENSBORO - GUILFORD COUNTY 2153. 2048. 3233. 1521. 3262. 3537. 4000. 2179. Bessemer Pharmacy, Inc. 2307 Bessemer Avenue Brown-Gardiner Drug Co., Inc. 2101 N. Elm Street Buchanans Drug Store, Inc. 2908 A Liberty Road Burton's Pharmacy 120 E. Lindsay Street Charter Hills Hospital 700 Walter Reed Drive Coliseum Home Drug Store, Inc. 104 N. Holden Road 2378. 3031. 3890. 2381. 3637. Coimimnity Pharmacy PO Bx 22073, 600 E Market St Country Park Pharmacy 2004 Pisgah Church Road Crutchfield-Browning Drug Store 2166 Lawndale Drive Drug Emporium 3917 High Point Rd. Eckerd Drugs 3201 Yanceyville Street Eckerd Drugs 226 Four Seasons Mall Eckerd Drugs 152 Carolina Circle Mall Eckerd Drugs 635 Friendly Road Eckerd Drugs 1002 Summit Avenue Eckerd Drugs 407 W. Meadowview Road Eckerd Drugs 4622 W. Market St. Eckerd Drugs 3391 Battleground Ave. Edmonds Friendly Road Drug, Inc. 5603 Friendly Road Edmonds Medical Arts Pharmacy 1409 Pembroke Road Edmonds Plaza Drug, Inc. 1726 Battleground Avenue Edmonds Southgate Drug 2021 Asheboro Street Edmonds Sunmiit, Center Drug, Inc. 952 Suiimiit Avenue Egbert's Pharmacy 26I0-A Lawndale Drive Fairview Pharmacy 1227 4th Street Fellowship Hall, Inc. Hwy 29 N., PO Box 6929 Fordham Drug Company, Inc. 514 S. Elm Street Foster Drugs 3960 W Market St, Kroger S/C Fulbright's Pharmacy 709 College Road , Gate City Pharmacy, Inc. Friendly Shopping Center Gove Health Center, UNC-G 1000 Spring Garden St Greensboro College Infirmary 815 W. Market St. ' Guilford Co. Health Dept. Pharmacy 1 300 E. Northwood Street Guilford Co. Health Dept. Pharmacy' 301 N. Eugene Street -134- 3704. 1138. 4485. 3407. 2219. 3419. 3324. 3418. 3464. 2259. 3857. 2765. 4121. 3877. 4274. 3435. 4051. 2652. 2882. 2928. 3317. 3652. 3654. 4160. 4419. 2918. 2919. 2921. Guilford College Drug Company 5707 W. Friendly Ave. Guilford Drug Company, Inc. 116 S. Elm St., PO Bx 2549 Gurley's Discount Drugs 815 W. Florida St. Humana Hospital Greensboro 1501 Pembroke Rd, PO Box 29526 Kinard Battleground Drug, Inc. 2449 Battleground Road King Southeast Drug, Inc. 5310 Liberty Rd. Kmart Pharmacy 2005 E. Cone Boulevard Kmart Pharmacy 4640 W. Market Street Kmart Pharmacy 2401 Randleman Road L. Richardson Memorial Hospital 2401 Southside Boulevard Lincoln Grove Pharmacy 1917-A McConnell Rd, PO Bx 21705 Masonic and Eastern Star Home 700 South Holden Road McFalls Hillsdale Park Drug Co. 2901 High Point Road McFalls Sunset Hills Pharmacy, Inc 1610 W. Friendly Avenue Medi-pack Evergreens 4007 W. Wendover Avenue Medi-Save Pharmacy 12L Wendy Court Medical Center Pharmacy 2731 Battleground Ave. Revco Discount Drug Center 3717 High Point Road Revco Discount Drug Center 4639 W. Market Street Revco Discount Drug Center 2523 Phillips Avenue Revco Discount Drug Center 3712 Lawndale Drive Revco Discount Drug Center 611 College Rd. Revco Discount Drug Center 2254 Golden Gate Shopg. Ctr. Revco Discount Drug Center 3000 Randleman Rd. Revco Discount Drug Center 2318 East Market St. Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 3111 E. Bessemer Avenue Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 1457 E. Cone Boulevard Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 4b 11 High Point Road 2922. 2923. 2924. 3309. 3828. 1246. 4312. 4481. 3833. 4367. 3098. 1242. 2205. 2606. 3566. Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 2140 Lawndale Drive Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 2317 Randleman Road Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 948 Walker Avenue Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 3215 S. Holden Road Rite Aid Pharmacy 2963 Battleground Avenue Samp son's Pha rma cy 1502 E. Market Street Sebastian Infirmary NC AScT State Univ, PO Box 583 Surgical Center of Greensboro P 12II Virginia St. The Family Mart Pharmacy 3508 High Point Rd. The Kroger Co. 3357 Battleground Ave. The Medicine Shoppe 600 North Elm Street The Moses H. Cone Mem. Hospita". 1200 N. Elm Street The Wesley Long Conununity Hosp: 501 N Elam St, PO Drawer X3 White Oak Drug Company 3212 Sujimiit Avenue Wm N Crawford Alcoh Treatment ( 1305 Glenwood Avenue GREENVILLE - PITT COUNTY 3052. 3751. 3509. 3690. 4234. ^363. 3468. 0838. 3960. 2291. 4256. ^'^07. E C U Student Health Services E C U Campus E Carolina Family Practice Pha Falkland Highway (Box 136) Eckerd Drugs 700 Greenville Boulevard Eckerd Drugs 3101 E. 10th St. E'tern Car Surgical Center Pha 102 Bethesda Drive Farmco Drug Center 609 E. Greenville Blvd. Hargett's Drug Store 2500 S. Charles Street Hollowell's Drug Store, Inc. 911 Dickinson Avenue Hollowell's Drug Store, Inc. Park View Commons Hollowell's Drug Store, Inc. N Cor 6th and Memorial Kerr Drug Stores, Inc. 90 Carolina East Mall Kerr Drugs 201 S. Jarvis St. -1353393. 3441. 3004. 4432. 2331. 3990. 3875. 2963. Kmart Pharmacy 703 E. Greenville Boulevard Kroger Sav-On 600 Greenville Boulevard Nichols Pharmacy Hwy 264 and Hooker Road Pitt County Health Department 1825 W. 6th Street Pitt County Memorial Hospital Stantonsburg Rd & SR 1267 Revco Discount Drug Center Red Banks Rd. & Plaza Dr. Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Rt. 11 S. & Mall Dr. Walter B. Jones Alcoholic Rehab Falkland Highway HAVELOCK - CRAVEN COUNTY 1761. 4509. 3783. 4431. Bob Clark's Pharmacy, Inc. Traders Shopping Center Kerr Drugs Neuse S/C, E. Main St. Revco Discount Drug Center 1325 E. Main St. Revco Discount Drug Center US Hwy 70 & State Rt 1765 HAW RIVER - ALAMANCE COUNTY 4450. Haw River Discount Drugs, Inc. P. 0. Box 48, Hwy 49 N HAYESVILLE - CLAY COUNTY GRIFTON - PITT COUNTY 3927. 1595. H and H Drug Company 313 Queen Street 2759. Kelley's Pharmacy 1 Church Street Town and Country Pharmacy Sanders Street GROVER - CLEVELAND COUNTY HAYS - WILKES COUNTY 3922. Medi Fare Drug Center Laurel Avenue, PO Box M 4394. Hays Pharmacy PO Box 141, Rock Creek Rd HAMLET - RICHMOND COUNTY HAZELWOOD - HAYWOOD COUNTY 2506. 2476. 2227. 2270. Birmingham Drug Company, Inc. 27 Main Street Hamlet Hospital, Inc. Rice and Vance Sts. Mabry's Drug Store 41 Main Street Raleigh Street Pharmacy, Inc. 120 Raleigh Street 4034. HENDERSON - VANCE COUNTY 3510. 2308. HAMPSTEAD - PENDER COUNTY 2492. 4252. Hampstead Village Pharmacy Highway 17 1735. HARKERS ISLAND - CARTERET COUNTY 2884. 3662. 4028. Family Medicine Pharmacy HARMONY - IREDELL COUNTY 2204. 3265. 2741. Medi-Rx Inc. Route 2 4391. HARRELLS - SAMPSON COUNTY 3905. 3596. Harrells Pharmacy Highway 411 Hazelwood Pharmacy 102 Main Street Eckerd Drugs Henderson Mall Shopg. Ctr. Henderson Drug Company No. 2, Inc, 4l6 Dabney Drive Maria Parham Hospital Assoc., Inc. Ruin Creek Road Mast Family Drug Center Cor Chestnut and Horner Sts. Revco Discount Drug Center 218 Raleigh Road Revco Discount Drug Center 1654 N. Garnett St. Southside Drug Company, Inc. 1005 Nicholas Street The Medical Arts Pharmacy Vance Medical Arts Building Vance County Health Department 115 Emergency Woolard's Drugs, Inc. 120 Raleigh Road -136HENDERSONVILLE - HENDERSON COUNTY 3618. 3969. 3368. 4250. 4508. 4397. 3752. 1733. 1509. 4221. 1309. 3094. 3885. 3911. 2824. 4058. 2631. 0343. Allan's Pharmacy 129 Four Seasons S/C Carolina Village Apothecary 600 Carolina Village Rd. Eckerd Drugs Sky City Plaza Eckerd Drugs 1800 Four Seasons Blvd. Eckerd Drugs 1707 Brevard Hwy, Laurel Pk S/C Econo Mart Disct Drug Center #3 605 5th Ave. West J & S Apothecary 1510 Hebron Street Jackson Pharmacy, Inc. 147 4th Avenue West Justus Pharmacy 303 N. Main Street Kmart Pharmacy 1800 Four Seasons Blvd. Margaret R. Pardee Mem Hospital 715 Fleming Street Revco Discount Drug Center 114 Kings Plaza Revco Discount Drug Center U.S. Hwy. 176 & Hwy. 25 Rite Aid Pharmacy Fleming St. & Haywood Ave. Southcenter Pharmacy, Inc. Southcenter Plaza The Medicine Shoppe 2024F Asheville Hwy. Whitley Drugs, Inc. 605 Greenville Hwy. Wilson Pharmacy, Inc. 330 7th Avenue East HERTFORD - PERQUIMANS COUNTY 2822. Woodards Pharmacy 101 N. Church Street HICKORY - CATAWBA COUNTY 3133. 3736. 2370. 3511. 3544. Bethlehem Pharmacy Rt. 5, Box 661 Catawba County Health Dept. Rt. #3, Box 338 Catawba Mem Hospital Pharmacy Fairgrove Church Road Eckerd Drugs 333-01 Highway 64 Eckeid Drugs 2420 N. Center Street 3919. Eckerd Drugs 2348 Springs Road 4041. Fairbrook Pharmacy Route 3, Box 155 3813. Family Drug Center, Inc. 1355 4th St. Dr. NW 4077. Frye Regional Medical Center 420 N. Center Street 3758. Hickory Mem. Hospital Pharmacy 219 N. Center Street 2453. King's Drugs PO Bx 5100, Viewraont Station 3639. Kmart Pharmacy 521 Highway 70 SW 3653. Kroger Sav-On 1155 Highway 64-70 SW 2392. Longview Pharmacy 3333 1st Avenue SW 2352. Lutheran Home Pharmacy 1265 2Ist Street NE 1284. Medical Center Pharmacy, Inc. 126 N Center St, PO Box 1627 3646. Medicine Chest Drugs #100 Southridge Shopg. Ctr. 3271. Mountain View Drug Store Inc. Rt 8 Bx I50C, PO Box 2211 3909. Peoples Drug Store 2635 N. Center St. 4132. Peoples Drug Store Startown Plaza S/C, Hwy. 64-70^ 4320. Phil's Pharmacy PO Box 1868, 213 1st Ave SE 2936. Revco Discount Drug Center 2441 N. Center Street 3124. Revco Discount Drug Center 1265 I6th Street NE 4118. Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Springs Road Plaza S/C 2357. Smith's Drugs of Hickory, Inc. 242 Union Square 3125. Springs Road Pharmacy, Inc. 2400 Springs Road 4183. The Medicine Shoppe 129 Hwy. 127 S E 2548. Viewmont Pharmacy 53 13th Avenue NE 3014. Viewmont Pharmacy No 2 P. 0. Box 1288 HIGH POINT - GUILFORD COUNTY 2958. 4502. 1807. Anderson's Drug Store 2401 English Road Arthur's Pharmacy 1248 S. Main Street Calhoun Drug Store, Inc. 200 Westwood Avenue -1373369. 3370. 3512. 2274. 4143. 2030. 4365. 3310. 3793. 4226. 3829. 3170. 3547. 4095. 4096. 4097. 4113. 4120. 4124. 2524. 3794. 2272. 4070. Eckerd Drugs Southwood Sq, 2850 S Main St Eckerd Drugs 1816 Westchester Dr. Eckerd Drugs 1193 East Lexington Elder Drug 804 Lindsay Street Guilford Co Health Dept Pharmacy 501 E. Green Drive High Point Mem Hosp Clinic Pharmacy 624 Quaker Ln., Suite 211-B High Point Mem Hosp Clinic Pharmacy 225 Boulevard Kmart Pharmacy 2300 N. Main Street Kmart Pharmacy 2802 S. Main St. Leonard's Drug Store 117 W. Lexington Avenue McLarty Drug Company 128 Church Ave., PO Box 1028 Revco Discount Drug Center 265 Eastchester Dr. Revco Discount Drug Center 2627 S. Main Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 2629 N. Main Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 912 E. Green Drive Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Westchester Mall S/C Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 800 S. Main Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 944 N. Main Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Fairfield Plaza S/C Superx Drugs 141 Greensboro Road The Medicine Shoppe 1601 N. Main St. The Presbyterian Home, Inc Pharmacy 201 Greensboro Road Wesleyan Arms Pharmacy 1901 N. Centennial St. HILDEBRAN - BURKE COUNTY 4396. HILLSBOROUGH - ORANGE COUNTY 1511. 4310. 4169. 2839. 3961. 3941. 2368. Holly Ridge Pharmacy HOOKERTON - GREENE COUNTY 4428. Pharm-Save, Inc. 217 E Main, PO Box 190 HOPE MILLS - CUMBERLAND COUNTY 0859. 3304. 3297. Clinic Pharmacy 200 S. Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center Country Village Mall The Medicine Shoppe 3127 N. Main Street HOT SPRINGS - MADISON COUNTY 3009. Hot Springs Med Center Pharmacy Bridge Street, PO Box 68 HUDSON - CALDWELL COUNTY 1832. 0351. Twin County Pharmacy P. 0. Box 10 HOLLY RIDGE - ONSLOW COUNTY 3333. Blue Ridge Pharmacy Main Street, PO Box 998 Highlands Rexall Pharmacy Main Street Highlands-Cashiers Hospital, Inc. 5th Street James Pharmacy 109 N. Churton Street Revco Discount Drug Center 65 Boone Sq, Food Lion Plaza Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy State Rt. 86 S c U S Rt. 70 T. E. Holding and Company North Hills Shopping Center HOLLISTER - HALIFAX COUNTY HIGHLANDS - MACON COUNTY 2482. Revco Discount Drug Center P.O. Box 1103, Hildebran S/C Caldwell Discount Drug 125 N. Main Street Hudson Drug Company, Inc. P. 0. Box 33 HUNTERSVILLE - MECKLENBURG COUNTY 3785. 2266. Eckerd Drugs Bradford Ctr-Hwy 21 & Coll St Huntersville Hospital Pharmacy Rt 1, Box 390, Hwy 115 -1383244. 2885. Neil Drug Company, Inc. Cor College and Craighead Sts Revco Discount Drug Center Route 21 and College St. JEFFERSON - ASHE COUNTY 2687. 4134. INDIAN TRAIL - UNION COUNTY 4404. 2670. Indian Trail Pharmacy Maud Street Ashe Memorial Hospital, Inc. Hospital Road Eckerd Drugs 820 E. Main St. Jefferson Drug P. 0. Box 155, US 221 J O N E S V I L L E - YADKIN COUNTY JACKSON - NORTHAMPTON COUNTY 4198. 3288. Futrell Pharmacy Services, Inc. 4282. Northampton Co Hlth Dept Pharmacy Brown Street KANNAPOLIS 3513. JACKSONVILLE - ONSLOW COUNTY 4425. 4370. 4322. 3726. 3371. 4182. 2585. 2785. 3616. 3685. 4003. 3028. 4173. 2445. 4085. 4155. Brynn Marr Psych Hospitai Pharmacy 192 Village Drive Dels Discount Pharmacy 1108 Richlands Hwy. Doctors Park Pharmacy 200 Doctors Dr., Suite E Eckerd Drugs 100 A Western Blvd. Eckerd Drugs Onslow Mall, 1070 Henderson Dr. Farmco Drug Center Bell Fork Road Johnson Drug Company, Inc. P. 0. Box 250 Johnson Westpark Drug Company, Inc. 1075 Richlands Highway Kerr Discount Drug Store 261 New River Drive Kerr Discount Drugs 371 Jacksonville Mall Northwoods Drug Company 344 Henderson Drive Onslow County Health Department 612 College Street Onslow Memorial Hospital 317 Western Boulevard Revco Discount Drug Center Western Blvd, 122 Coll Plaza Revco Discount Drug Center 116 Branchwood S/C J/\MESTOWN - GUILFORD COUNTY 3088. 4099. Edmonds Jamestown Drug 112 W. Main Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 713 W. Main Street D-Rex Drugs of Jonesville, I n c . 204 S. Bridge Street 1962. 3471. 3956. 2752. 3917. 2651. 3183. 3755. - CABARRUS AND ROWAN COUNTIEjl Eckerd Drugs 405 S. Cannon Blvd. Eckerd Drugs 318 Oak Avenue Jackson Park Pharmacy 618 N. Cannon Blvd. Kmart Pharmacy 1303 S. Cannon Blvd. Lewis Drug Co. 149 West Avenue Martin Drug Company 1113 N. Main Street Med Ctr Pharm of Kannapolis, Inc 713 S. Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center 908 S. Cannon Blvd. Revco Discount Drug Center 2215 N . Cannon Blvd. Service Drugs 1308 S. Cannon Blvd. KENANSVILLE - DUPLIN 4381. 2593. 1262. COUNTY Duplin County Health Department PO Box 449, 110 W Hill St Duplin Gen. Hospital Pharmacy Kenansville Drug Store Main Street KENLY - JOHNSTON COUNTY 2597. 1985. Davis Drug Company Second Street Kenly Drug Company 104 E. Second Street, Box 5 KERNERSVILLE - FORSYTH COUNTY 4194. Eckerd Drugs 838 S. H a m St. -1392057. 3438. 3137. 4011. 3721. Pinnix Drug Store 101 S. Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center 817 S. Main Street Scottie Discount Drugs 338 N. Main Street Stonestreet Drug Company, Inc. Highway 66, Bunker Hill Rd. The Medicine Shoppe 321 N. Main Street 2491. 3641. 4490. 1853. 4084. 2886. KING - STOKES COUNTY 3887. 3467. 1706. 2239. Crown Drugs, Inc. Colony Center King Drug Company Main Street Stokes Pharmacy, Inc. 3812. 0399. 4233. KINGS MOUNTAIN - CLEVELAND COUNTY 3806. 3446. 3825. 1981. 3001. 2342. 2579. 3113. Cornwell Drug 209 S. Battleground Ave. Eckerd Drugs 608 E. King Street Griffin Drug Company 129 Mountain Street Harper's Prescription Pharmacy 709 W Mountain St., PO Box 912 Kings Mountain Hosp Pharmacy West King Street Mountaineer Pharmacy, Inc. 410 W. Mountain Street Revco Discount Drug Center 1318 Shelby Road Lenoir Memorial Hospital, Inc. 100 Airport Rd., PO Bx 1678 Med-Way Pliarmacy, Inc. Route 8, Box 225-B Medical Center Pharmacy 905 N. Queen Street Padericks Pharmacy, Inc. North McLewin Street Realo Discount Drug Stores, Inc. 300 N. Queen Street Revco Discount Drug Center 203 N. Queen Street Revco Discount Drug Center 1626 N. Queen Street Rite Aid Pharmacy 2412 N. Heritage St. Standard Drug Company #2 Cor. Queen and Caswell Sts. The Medicine Shoppe 503 West Vernon Ave. Value Rx Discount Drug Center Greentree Shopping Center KITTY HAWK - DARE COUNTY 4519. 4518. Bear Drugs Kitty Hawk Plaza, PO Box 988 Jacock's Pharmacy #2 S.R. Box 126-G KNIGHTDALE - WAKE COUNTY 3325. Knightdale Pharmacy, Inc. P. 0. Box 370 LA GRANGE - LENOIR COUNTY KINSTON - LENOIR COUNTY 4344. 2943. 3514. 3515. 2571. 4527. 2438. 3193. 3881. 4468. Caswell Center Pharmacy 2415 W. Vernon Ave. Eckerd Drugs 2411 N. Heritage Eckerd Drugs Vernon Park Mall Hoods Rexall Drugs 110 East Gordon Kerr Drugs 1042 W. New Bern Ave. Kinston Clinic Pharmacy 400 Glenwood Avenue Kinston Clinic Pharmacy North Doctors Drive Kmart Pharmacy 1628 N. Queen St. Lenoir Co. Health Dept. Pharmacy 201 N. MrLewean St. 4302. Mast Drug Co. 123 W. Railroad Street Valu-Rx Discount Drug Center PO Bx 56, 410 E. Washington LAKE LURE - RUTHERIORD COUNTY 3759. Lake Lure Pharmacy Highway 74 LAKE WACCAMAW - COLUMBUS COUNTY 3991. Village Prescription Center Waccamaw Plaza LANDIS - ROWAN COUNTY 4319. Landis Drug Company 113 S Central Ave, PO Bx 126 -140LAURINBURG - SCOTLAND COUNTY: 4025. 2198. Community Drugs, Inc. 1101 S. Main Street Eckerd Drugs 1683 S Main St, W'wood Vil S/C Everington-Legion Drug Store 110 S. Main Street Medical Village Pharmacy, Inc. 517 Lauchwood Drive Revco Discount Drug Center 1686 S. Main Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy College Plaza Shop Ctr Scotland County Health Dept. 1405 West Blvd. Scotland Drug Company 140 S. Main Street Scotland Memorial Hospital 3680. The Medicine Shoppe 1015 S. Main Street 0419. 3792. 0406. 4330. 3561. 4100. 3447. 3933. 2328. 4196. 4101. 4102. LEWISVILLE - FORSYTH COUNTY 2486. 4229. 1585. 0958. 4093. 2159. Belwood Pharmacy Route 3 Piedmont Pharmacy of Lawndale, Inc. LELAND - BRUNSWICK COUNTY 4257. Pharmacy Services P. 0. Box 244 3882. Revco Discount Drug Center Route 4 4268. Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy US Hwy. 74 & 76, Leland S/C LENOIR - CALDWELL COUNTY 0415. 4193. 3223. 3691. 3073. 4177. 0417. 2758. Blackwelder Hospital Pharmacy 209 South Boundary Caldwell Memorial Hospital, Inc. 321 Mulberry Street SW Dayvault's Drug Store 915 West Avenue Eckerd Drugs 112 Wilkesboro Blvd., SE Foothills Pharmacy 202 A Harper Avenue NW Gamewell Drug Store Rt 6 Bx 242, Morganton Blvd Lenoir Drug Company, Inc. 224 Morganton Blvd. Medical Arts Pharm of Lenoir, Inc. 328 Mulberry Street SW Bobbitts Lewisville Pharmacy 6750 Shallowford Rd Crown Drugs, Inc. 6499 Shallowford Rd. LEXINGTON - DAVIDSON COUNTY LAWNDALE - CLEVELAND COUNTY 3058. Peoples Drug Store 911 Wilkesboro Blvd., NE Revco Discount Drug Center 308 B. Blowing Rock Blvd. NE Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 605 Harper Avenue Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Westgate Shopping Center 3861. 3982. 3516. 3841. 4369. 1963. 1626. 2709. 3342. 2999. 3449. 4103. Center Street Pharmacy, Inc. 316 East Center Street City Drug Company, Inc. 5 East First Avenue Community Drug Store, Inc. P. 0. Box 683 Crown Drugs, Inc. 293 North Talbert Blvd. Davidson Co Health Dept Pharmacy North Main Street Davidson Discount Pharmacy, Inc. Rt 16 Box I, Old 29-70 South Eckerd Drugs Lexington Shop Ctr., Hwy 64 Eckerd Drugs South Plaza S/C, 282 Talbert Fairview Pharmacy 250 Fairview Drive Lexington Drug Company No 1, Inc LI 16 S. Main Street 33 Lexington Drug Company No 2 Park Center, E. Center St. Lexington Mem Hospital, Inc. Old 29-70 South, PO Box 1817 Medicine Shoppe 210 A North State Street Revco Discount Drug Center Nor-Lex Shopping Center LOl Revco Discount Drug Center E Center St & Talbert Blvd Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 802 S. Main Street 13: LIBERTY - RANDOLPH COUNTY i 1?: 4158. 2902. Center Pharmacy 127 W. Swannanoa Street Liberty Drug, Inc. Liberty Shopping Center! 42{ -141LILLINGTON - HARNETT COUNTY 4285. 3782. 3181. 2890. 1965. 4366. Eddie Holder Discouat Pharmacy 20 West James Street Forest Hills Pharmacy Forest Hills Shop Ctr Lafayette Drug Company 1 West Front Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 1303 Main St., Byrd's S/C O'Neal's Drug Store PO Bx 67, 101 S Main St. Revco Discount Drug Center 117 S. Bickett Blvd LOWELL - GASTON COUNTY 2074. Lowell Drug Company, Inc. 105 E. First Street LUMBERTON - ROBESON COUNTY LINCOLNTON - LINCOLN COUNTY 1566. 0427. 2260. 3692. 2632. 2956. 4247. 2627. 2128. 3095. 2894. 4270. Cornwell Drug Store 117 E. Main Street Cornwell Rexall Drugs Town and Country Center Eckerd Drugs Town Square Shopping Ctr Keever Pharmacy 102 Doctors Park Lawing-Keziah Drug Co. 202 East Main Street Lincoln Co. Health Dept. Rt. 8, Box 1527-C Lincoln County Hospital, Inc. P. 0. Box 677 Lincoln Drugs, Inc. 132 E. Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center US Rt 321 Sky City Plaza Sentry Drug Center Carolina Shopping Center Sentry Drug Center #16 1446 E. Gaston St., Bldg. 2 3517. 0438. 3772. 3002. 2657. 1528. 3315. 3063. 4522. 4104. 4346. LITTLETON - HALIFAX COUNTY 1998. 3398. 3629. Littleton Pharmacy, Inc. 123 E. S. Main Street 3614. LOCUST - STANLY COUNTY 4074. D. E. Neal Drug Company Highway 27 MADISON - ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 0446. LOUISBURG - FRANKLIN COUNTY 4516. 4035. 1356. 1758. 4264. Franklin Memorial Hospital North Main St., PO Box 609 Freeman's Pharmacy, Inc. 115 Jolly Street Harris Pharmacy, Inc. Main Street, PO Box 328 Kerr Drugs PO Box 315, Franklin Plaza Deans Pharmacy 104 W. 27th Street Eckerd Drugs 2932 N. Elm Street Hedgpeth Pharmacy, Inc. 401 N. Elm Street Medical Arts Pharmacy 207 E. 14th Street Nichols Pharmacy US 301 A and Route 211 North Carolina Cancer Institute Inc P. 0. Box 1445 North Elm Pharmacy 2610 North Elm Street Pine Street-Hermitage Drugs 4280 Fayetteville Rd. Revco Discount Drug Center 1339 N C Hwy 211 Revco Discount Drug Center 2771 W. 5th St., Lumber Riv S/C Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 3549 Fayetteville Road Robeson County Health Dept. Maxton Road Southeastern Gen Hospital, Inc. Box 1408 The Medicine Shoppe 2200 N. Pine Street Wesley Pines Pharmacy 100 Wesley Pines Rd. 4139. 4105. Brown-McFalls Drug Company 100 West Murphy Street Hawkins Drug, Inc. 109 S. Market Street Rice Pharmacy 717 N. Hwy. 220 Business Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Mid-Town Shopping Center MAGGIE VALLEY - HAYWOOD COUNTY 4054. Maggie Pharmacy PO Box 548, Stallard Mall -142MAIDEN - CATAWBA COUNTY MATTHEWS - MECKLENBURG COUNTY 2349. 3469. 1688. 3898. Cornwell Drugs Main Street Maiden Pharmacy Rt. 3, Hwy. 321 South Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Rt. 321 and Sherwood Dr. MANTEO - DARE COUNTY 3958. 4222. Island Pharmacy, Inc. Virginia Dare Hwy, PO Bx 1048 Revco Discount Drug Center Chesley Mall S/C, PO Box 1877 4525. 3979. 3542. 3983. MAXTON - ROBESON COUNTY MARION - MC DOWELL COUNTY 0461 2915. 2261 3693. 1899. 2795. 1531. 1541. 2423. Cornwell Drugs 12 S. Main Street Eckerd Drugs W. Henderson Blvd. Marion Pharmacy, Inc. 236 S. Main, PO Box 1388 Revco Discount Drug Center Marion Plaza Shpg Ctr Service Pharmacy, Inc. Cor Railroad and S Main St Tainter's Prescription Headquarters 11 North Main Street The McDowell Hospital Pharmacy 100 Rankin Drive Eckerd Drugs 1419 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd. Eckerd Drugs 1609 Sardis Rd., N Kmart Pharmacy Il4l6 E. Independence Blvd. Revco Discount Drug Center Trade & Charles Streets Rite Aid Pharmacy 9838 Monroe Rd. 4280. Austin-Gilbert Drug Company 227 McCaskill Avenue Maxton Drug Company, Inc. 700 Sanders Street Rite Aid Pharmacy Hill's S/C, Hwy 74 & 74 ByPass MAYODAN - ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1934. 4251. Mayodan Pharmacy, Inc. 105 East Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center 411 South Second Avenue MC CAIN - HOKE COUNTY 2369. McCain Hospital MARS HILL - MADISON COUNTY MC LEANSVILLE - GUILFORD COUNTY 1289. 2805. 4065. Conmiunity Med Center Pharmacy I Chestnut Street Howard's Rx Drugs North Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center N. C. Route 213 2988. MEBANE - ALAMANCE COUNTY 3202. MARSHAL - MADISON COUNTY 4140. 3007. 4201. 3008. 3717. 1879. Laurel Medical Center Route 3 Madison County Health Department Route 7, Box A Marshall-Walnut Med Center Pharmacy 390 Highway 25-70 Rite Aid Pharmacy Madison Plaza Shopg. Ctr. Roberts Pharmacy Main Street MARSHVILLE - UNION COUNTY 2269. Marshville Drugs Highway 74 McLeansville Pharmacy McLeansville & Friendens Ch Rd 4271. Carolina Rexall Drug Company, In 115 East Center Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 202 E Washington St, Byrds S/C Warrens Drug Store, Inc. 100 East Clay Street MIDDLESEX - NASH COUNTY 3786. Middlesex Pharmacy Cor Nash & Hanes, PO Box 310 MILLERS CREEK - WILKES COUNTY 4267. Millers Creek Pharmacy P. 0. Box 39 -143MINT HILL - MECKLENBURG COUNTY MOORESVILLE - IREDELL COUNTY 2209. 2605. 4258. Mint Hill Pharmacy, Inc. P. 0. Box 23035 Revco Discount Drug Center 8000 Blair Road 3696. 2549. MISENHEIMER - STANLY COUNTY 3656. 4262. Pfeiffer Health Service Pfeiffer College 2513. MOCKSVILLE - DAVIE COUNTY 2514. 4204. 2515. 3718. 4465. 2249. 3135. Apple Pharmacy 129 N. Main St. (PO Bx 385) Crown Drug Willow Oak Shopg. Ctr. Davie Co. Health Dept. 210 Hospital St., PO Box 665 Davie County Hospital Hospital and Foster Sts Foster-Rauch Drug Company, Inc. 643 Wilkesboro Street 3081. 3897. MOREHEAD CITY - CARTERET COUNTY 4309. MONCURE - CHATHAM COUNTY 2384. 2996. 3372. Haywood-Moncure Health Center P. 0. Box 319 3329. MONROE - UNION COUNTY 3895. 3518. 3591. 3901. 3034. 0472. 3287. 3870. 2120. 4012. 4390. 2508. Eckerd Drugs 1100 Skyway Drive Faulkner's Drugs 215 E. Jefferson Street Kmart Pharmacy 2120 W. Roosevelt Blvd. Revco Discount Drug Center 1012 W. Roosevelt Blvd. Secrest Drug Company, Inc. 101 W. Franklin Street Sunset Drugs, Inc. 104 E. Sunset Drive Superx Drugs 2116 W. Roosevelt Blvd. The Drug Centre 1402 E. Franklin The Medicine Shop 610 E. Franklin St. Union County Health Department P.O. Box 1139, 500 N. Main St. Union Mem Hospital Pharmacy 600 Hospital Dr., PO Bx 5003 Clinic Pharmacy 439 E. Statesville Ave. Eckerd Drugs 532 Plaza Drive Lowrance Hospital, Inc. Pharmacy 610 East Center Street Mooresville Drug Company, Inc. P. 0. Box 269 Revco Discount Drug Center 427 Statesville Avenue Revco Discount Drug Center 215 S. Broad Street Revco Discount Drug Center 609 N. Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center NC 150 Bypass and Hwy 115 The Medicine Shoppe 103 N. Church St. 4342. 1943. 3584. Carteret Family Practice Pharmacy #2 Medical Park, Penny Lane Carteret General Hospital 3500 Arendell St. Eckerd Drugs 2912 Morehead Plaza Good Drugs 915 Arendell Street Kmart Pharmacy 4917 Arendell Street Medical Park Drug PO Bx 1586, I Med Pk, Penny Ln Morehead City Drug Company 811 Arendell Street Revco Discount Drug Center 4917^ Arendell Street MORGANTON - BURKE COUNTY 2601. 3804. 2684. 3234. 0480. 3519. 3694. 2343. Broughton Hospital Pharmacy Burke Cnty Health Dept.- Pharmacy P. 0. Box 1266 Burke Pharmacy, Inc. 307 W. Union Street Cornwell Pharmacy 2203 S. Sterling Street Cornwell Rexall Drug, Inc. Box 2266, 100 W. Union St Eckerd Drugs Fleming Drive & Us Hwy 18 Eckerd Drugs 118 Bost Road Grace Hospital Pharmacy 2201 S. Sterling St. -144- 1883. 3282. 3944. 4458. 3621. 3671. 4106. 2829. 2677. Jones Drugs 208 Avery Avenue Medical Center Pharmacy Parker Road Morganton Drug Store 107 Avery Ave. Pharm-Assist Hwy. 64 South, P.O. Box 1106 Pharmaceutical Specialties, Inc. 109 Foothills Dr. Revco Discount Drug Center E. Fleming Dr., ByPass 64-70 Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 238 W. Fleming Dr. Wes-Mor Pharmacy Wes-Mor Shopping Center Western Carolina Center Pharmacy Enola Road MOUNT GILEAD - MONTGOMERY COUNTY 2217. MOUNT HOLLY - GASTON COUNTY 0984. 2339. 4174. 4321. 2304. 0494. Morven Pharmacy P. 0. Box 377 2641. MOUNT AIRY - SURRY COUNTY 3672. 2803. 4358. 3520. 3695. 2334. 1583. 2724. 2362. 1922. 3314. 3670. 4213. 3246. 4507. 1689. 3214. AAA Drugs, Inc. 244 North Main Eckerd Drugs 101 W. Lebanon Street Eckerd Drugs Mayberry Mall, Hwy 52 Bypass Hayes Drug Company, Inc. Cor Rockford and Worth Sts Hosp Pharmacy of Mt Airy NC Inc 817 Rockford Street Lanuu Drug Company, Inc. 175 N. Main Street Northern Hospital of Surry Co. 830 Rockford Street Randleman Prescription H'dquarters Cor Lebanon and Grace Sts Revco Discount Drug Center Industrial Park Rd & Hwy #52 Revco Discount Drug Center U.S. Hwy. 52, Three Oaks Plaza Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Surry Plaza, West Pine St. Square Rexall Pharmacy, Inc. 1107 W. Pine Street The Medicine Shoppe 364 North South St. W. S. Wolfe Drug Co., Inc. 165 N. Main Street Wally's Pharmacy Rockford Street Charlie's Drug & Sundries, Inc. 125 W. Central Avenue Holland Drug Company 100 N. Main Street Valu-Mart Pharmacy 127 S. Main Street MOUNT OLIVE - WAYNE COUNTY MORVEN - ANSON COUNTY 4188. Cochrane-Ridenhour Drug Co. #2 South Main Street Betty's Drugs Hwy 117 North - Business Glenn & Martin Drug Co. 100 S. Center Street Lewis Drug Company 128 N. Center Street Medical Park Pharmacy 234 Smith Chapel Road Revco Discount Drug Center II30 N. Breazeale Ave. Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy College Plaza S/C MOUNT PLEASANT - CABARRUS COUNTY 0495. Moose Drug Company 101 W. Franklin Street MOUNTAIN HOME - HENDERSON COUNTY 4357. HRC Apothecary PO Box 709, Heritage St MOYOCK - CURRITUCK COUNTY 4386. Drugcare of Moyock P.O. Box 280 MURFREESBORO - HERTFORD COUNTY 2191. 3404. 0496. 4374. College Pharmacy 329 E. Main Street Colonial Pharmacy, Inc. 704 E. Main Street Murfreesboro Pharmacy, Inc. 129 E. Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center 841 W Main St, Chowan Plaza -145MURPHY - CHEROKEE COUNTY 4245. 3946. 3753. 0497. 3677. 0498. 3827. King's Pharmacy 107 Valley River Mauney Drug Company 101 N. Valley River Ave. Murphy Med. Ctr. Hospital Pharmacy Rt. 1, U.S. 64 East Parker's Drug Store 100 S. Valley River Ave. Rite Aid Pharmacy Ingles S/C, Highway 64 Bypass NAGS HEAD - DARE COUNTY 3975. 4214. 4353. Beach Pharmacy Highway 158 Bypass Peoples Drug Store 5100 S. Croatan Hwy. Revco Discount Drug Center 2210 S. Croatan Hwy. 4470. 4453. Revco Discount Drug Center US Hwy 17 & NC 1340, Trentwood S/C Rite Aid Pharmacy Neuse Village Shopg. Ctr. Smith Discount Drug 1046 Brod St., P.O. Box 728 The Medicine Shoppe 2713 Neuse Blvd. NEWLAND - AVERY COUNTY 4175. 4514. Revco Discount Drug Center Newland Plaza, PO Box 552 Toe River Health District P. 0. Box 325 NEWPORT - CARTERET COUNTY 4510. 4517. Newport Family Practice Pharmacy 444 Howard Blvd. Newport Pharmacy 69 Chatham, P.O. Box 716 NASHVILLE - NASH COUNTY NEW^rON - CATAWBA COUNTY 2955. 4042. 1296. Nashville Drug Company, Inc. PO Bx P, 219 W Washington St Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Byrds S/C, Washington St. Ward Drug Company 117 W. Church Street 3472. 1578. 2722. NEW BERN - CRAVEN COUNTY 3373. 1669. 2992. 2484. 4336. 2250. 3417. 4238. 2704. 4168. 3195. 3038. 2025. 2016. Anderson's Drug Store 901 Broad Street Bynum's Drug Store, Inc. 240 Middle Street Craven Co. Health Dept. P. 0. Box 1390 Craven Co. Hospital Pharmacy 2000 Neuse Blvd. Eckerd Drugs 2007 Neuse Boulevard Langston Prescription Shoppe 705-A Professional Dr. New Bern Medical Arts Pharmacy 1916 Neuse Boulevard New Bern Outpatient Surgery Ctr Inc 801 College Dr, PO Box 2445 Nichols Pharmacy Neuse Blvd and Glenburnie Rd Peoples Service Drug Store 200 Berne Square Pinnix Drug Store 628 Hancock Street Professional Drive Pharmacy, Inc. 706 Professional Drive 4445. City Pharmacy, Inc. 206 N. College Street Cornwell Drug 33 N. College Avenue Crown Drugs of Newton New-Con Shopping Center Eckerd Drugs Highway 321 ByPass H & W Drug Company, Inc. 12 East First Street Revco Discount Drug Center A Street & Hwy 321, Warlick Plz NEWTON GROVE - SAMPSON COUNTY 3030. Newton Grove Drug Co., Inc. 3478. Tri County Community Health Center P. 0. Box 237 NORLINA - WARREN COUNTY 4052. Village Pharmacy, Inc. Hyco Street, PO Box 547 NORTH BELMONT - GASTON COUNTY 4506. Northside Pharmacy, INc. Box 113, Hickory Grove Rd. -146NORTH WILKESBORO - WILKES COUNTY 2612. 4511. 4092. 3374. 0514. 3206. 2512. 4172. 2421. Blue Ridge Pharmacy Second Street Hill Eckerd Drugs West Park Shopping Center R. M. Brame and Sons 833 B Street Red Cross Pharmacy 908 D Street Revco Discount Drug Center West D Street Revco Discount Drug Center 200 Northview Plaza, Hwy 18 N Wilkes Gen Hospital Pharmacy West D Street 3569. 4153. 0526. Mast Drug Co., Inc. 201 Will iamsboro Street Peoples D rug Store 121 Hill top Village S/C Revco Dis count Drug Center Industry Drive & Hwy 15 Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Byrds S/ C, McClanahan Dr. Williams Drug Company 101 Coll ege St., Box 100 PARKTON - ROBESON COUNTY 4444. Parkton Medical Services, Inc. P. 0. Box 128 PEMBROKE - ROBESON COUNTY NORWOOD - STANLY COUNTY 2271. 0519. Norwood Drug Company, Inc. 2408. OAK CITY - MARTIN COUNTY 3943. Oak City Pharmacy Pittman Mem Medical Center Lowry's Pharmacy, Inc. West 3rd St, PO Box 128 Pembroke Drug Center, Inc. Odom and West Third Street PFAFFTOWN - FORSYTH COUNTY 3565. Grandview Pharmacy 4681 Yadkinville Rd. (PO Bx 9) OAKBORO - STANLY COUNTY PIKEVILLE - WAYNE COUNTY 3575. Oakboro Drug Center 120 N. Main St. (PO Box 599) OCEAN ISLE BEACH - BRUNSWICK COUNTY 3245. 4317. 4492. Ocean Isle Pharmacy Causeway & Hwy. 179 Pikeville Drug Store Main and Railroad Street Thigpen Pharmacy, Inc. Ill Railroad Street PILOT MOUNTAIN - SURRY COUNTY OLD FORT - MC DOWELL COUNTY 4244. 4340. Family Pharmacy of Old Fort 3906. PO Box 1299, Cor R R & Thomason 1394. OTEEN - BUNCOMBE COUNTY 3624. Revco Discount Drug Center 610 S Key St, Mt Pilot S/C Smith Drug Store 8 E. Marion St. (PO Box 517) Surry Drug Company, Inc. 124 W. Main Street Rite Aid Pharmacy Ingles Sky Shopping Center OXFORD - GRANVILLE COUNTY PINEHURST - MOORE COUNTY 3655. 1698. 2346. 2337. 1377. Granville Drug Company 933 College Street Granville Hospital Pharmacy College Street Hall's Drug Store 125 Main Street Jones Drug Store, Inc. 116 Hillsboro Street 2050. 4128. Medical Center Pharmacy Carthage Road Moore Memorial Hospital Pharmac; Page Rd., PO Box 3000 Residents Pharmacy, Inc. PO Bx 3041, 2 Memorial Dr, #1 PINETOPS - EDGECOMBE COUNTY 1190. Service Drug Store P. 0. Box 63 -147PINEVILLE - MECKLENBURG COUNTY PROSPECT HILL - CASWELL COUNTY 3750. 2997. 4127. 4057. 3337. 3302. Eckerd Drugs 7611 Matthews-Pineville Rd. Kmart Pharmacy 8728 Pineville-Matthews Rd. Kroger Sav-On 9101 Matthews-Pineville Rd. Pineville Drug Company 314 Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center Blue Heron Dr. & Hwy. 51 RAEFORD - HOKE COUNTY 4406. 4392. 4055. PINK HILL - LENOIR COUNTY 4307. 2268. 4176. 1124. R. L. Hood Pharmacy no East Broadway Watson Mutual Discount Drugs 106 W. Broadway Street Prospect Hill Hlth Center Pharmacy P. 0. Box 4 3571. Barbee Pharmacy, Inc. 118 Campus Ave., Medical Complex Hoke County Health Center Pharmacy 429 E. Central Ave. Hoke Drug Co., Inc. 120 N. Main St., PO Drawer J Howell Drug Company, Inc. Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center 230 Cole Avenue The Medicine Shoppe 121 S. Main St., PO Box 708 PITTSBORO - CHATHAM COUNTY RALEIGH - WAKE COUNTY 0536. 4197. 3682. McCrimmon Drug Company 18 Hillsboro Street Tar Heel Drug Co. of Pittsboro 4228. PLEASANT GARDEN - GUILFORD COUNTY 4456. 1786. 0545. Pleasant Garden Drug Store, Inc. PLYMOUTH - WASHINGTON COUNTY 4378. 2629. Furgurson's Economy Drug Center 4436. Hwy. 64 West & Pembrook Ave. 4442. Martin-Tyrrell-Wash'ton Dist Hlth Dept 2134. Washington Co Center, Hwy 45 N 4448. Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 2305. Plymouth Plaza, US Rt 64 East 4126. Roanoke River Pharmacy, Inc. 4488. U.S. 64 By Pass (P.O. Box 985) 4086. Washington Co. Hospital Pharmacy 2600. Highway 64 East 2263. Womble Drug Store #2 3376. Plymouth Shopping Center 3377. POLLOCKSVILLE - JONES COUNTY 3378. 2942. Allen Drugs 3521. P.O. Box 214 3522. PRINCETON - JOHNSTON COUNTY 4131. 0541. Woodard Pharmacy 4192. Arnold Drugs 3025 Hillsborough Street Biomedical Home Care 131 Triangle Dr, Rt 8, Box 115-0 Blue Ridge Pharmacy & Medical Supply 3100 Blue Ridge Rd. Brantley and Son, Inc. 709 Hillsborough Street Central Pharm, NC Dept of Correction 831 W. Morgan Street Charter Northridge Hospital 400 Newton Road Community Drug Store 600 S. Blount Street Davis Mutual Drugs 2801 Brentwood Rd. Docotor's Urgent Care of Raleigh 4100 Wake Forest Road Dorothea Dix Hospital Pharmacy South Boylan Avenue Eckerd Drugs 5631 Creedmore Road Eckerd Drugs Tryon Hills Shopg. Ctr. Eckerd Drugs 3072 Old Wake Forest Rd. Eckerd Drugs 2421 Crabtree Boulevard Eckerd Drugs 5045 Falls of Neuse Rd. Eckerd Drugs 7112 Sandy Forks Road Eckerd Drugs 8841 Six Forks Rd, Six Forks Sta -1484521. 4395. 4411. 4526. 3912. 1497. 2225. 4056. 1012. 4438. 1338. 2058. 2336. 2807. 2973. 3196. 3209. 3538. 3756. 3767. 3839. 3846. 4236. 3275. 3579. 3800. 3834. 1221. Eckerd Drugs 4432-8 Creedmoor Rd., Kidds Hill Edwards Pharmacy, Inc. 203 Fayetteville St. Mall Farmco Drug Center 421 Chopanoke Lane Farmco Drug Center 1300 Buck Jones Rd. Glenwood Pharmacy, Inc. 2921 Essex Circle Hamlin Drug Company 126 E. Hargett Street Hayes Barton Pharmacy t 2000 Fairview Road Holly Hill Hospital 3019 Falstaff Road Johnson's Pharmacy, Inc. 2519 Fairview Road Kaiser Permanente Pharmacy 2501 North Street Kerr Discount Drugs 2017 Cameron Village Kerr Discount Drugs 3520 Wade Avenue Kerr Discount Drugs 4025 Old Wake Forest Rd. Kerr Discount Drugs 1269 Buck Jones Rd, S Hills Kerr Discount Drugs 2109 Avent Ferry Road Kerr Discount Drugs 2000 New Bern Ave. Kerr Discount Drugs Lake Boone Tr, 2462 Wycliff Kerr Discount Drugs 3649 New Bern Avenue Kerr Discount Drugs 4654 North Blvd. Kerr Discount Drugs 1910 Bernard St. Kerr Discount Drugs 8385 Creedmoor Highway Kerr Discount Drugs 6140 Falls of the Neuse Kerr North Hills #201, Inc. North Hills Shopping Center Kmart Pharmacy 4500 Western Blvd. Kmart Pharmacy 400 E. Six Forks Road Kmart Pharmacy 6200 North Blvd. Kmart Pharmacy 6600 Glenwood Avenue Medi Save Pharmacy 4325 Pleasant Valley Rd. 4232. 2675. 2114. 3305. 2257. 2452. 2898. 3608. 3674. 3854. 3865. 3981. 4354. 0566. 4039. 3585. 3161. 3222. 4149. 2895. 3069. 4355. 4437. 3140. 1805. 3586. NCSU Sch Vet'nary Medicine - Pha 4700 Hillsborough Street Northside Pharmacy, Inc. 203 E. Whitaker Mill Rd. Oak Park Pharmacy, Inc. 5230 Holly Ridge Road Person Street Pharmacy 702 N. Person Street Raleigh Community Hospital 3400 Wake Forest Road Revco Discount Drug Center 200 Fayetteville Street Revco Discount Drug Center 3151 North Boulevard Revco Discount Drug Center 3922 Western Boulevard Revco Discount Drug Center 7423 Six Forks Rd. Revco Discount Drug Center 6544 Glenwood Ave. Revco Discount Drug Center 4325 Falls of Neuse Rd. Revco Discount Drug Center 21 Sunnybrook Dr, Wakefield S/C Revco Discount Drug Center 4512 North Blvd. Ctr. Rex Hospital Pharmacy 4420 Lake Boone Trail Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 3229 Avent Ferry Road Rite Aid Pharmacy 2223 New Hope Church Rd. Six Forks Pharmacy, Inc. Colony Shopping Center Student Health Service NC State University The Apothecary 411 Fayetteville St. Mall The Treasury Drug Center 4325 Glenwood Ave. The Treasury Drug Center 6667 Falls of the Neuse Road Travenol Pharmacy Services 3300 Bush Street Wake Co Alcoholism Treatment Ceni 3000 Falstaff Road Wake Co Med Ctr-Out Patient Phan 3000 New Bern Avenue Wake Co Medical Ctr Pharmacy 3000 New Bern Avenue Yarborough Pharmacy 620 Glenwood Ave. RAMSEUR - RANDOLPH COUNTY 1785. R & M Mutual Discount Drugs 1798 King Rd., PO Box 158 -149RANDLEMAN - RA2«)0LPH COUNTY ROANOKE RAPIDS - HALIFAX COUNTYj 4388. 3379. 3029. Jim's Discount Drugs, INc. 220 N. Main St. Randolph Drug Company, Inc. P. 0. Box 68 4483. 2222. RED SPRINGS - ROBESON COUNTY 2926. 3908. 3669. 0578. Red Springs Drug Company 114 S. Main St. Revco Discount Drug Center E 4th Ave near Saratoga St Townsend's Pharmacy 111 S. Main Street 3150. 3795. 2320. REIDSVILLE - ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 4088. 2786. 3818. 2276. 3143. 3796. 3523. 4049. 3744. 4107. 4108. 4420. 3808. American Brands Med Dept Pharm 301 N. Scales Street Annie Penn Memorial Hospital 618 S. Main Street Belmont Pharmacy, Inc. 1309 Coach Road Carolina Apothecary 219 Gilmer Street Eckerd Drugs 1541 South Scales Link Bros. Pharmacy 118 S. Scales Street Revco Discount Drug Center 1615 Way Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 23-27 Gilmer Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 660 S. Scales Street Rockingham Center Pharmacy, Inc. Rt. 8, Box 126'^ The Medicine Shoppe of Reidsville 1237 S. Scales St. RICH SQUARE - NORTHAMPTON COUNTY 3107. Hollingsworth Pharmacy, Inc. Main Street 3678. ROBBINS - MOORE COUNTY 4091. 4053. 4461. 3705. 2275. Robersonville Comin Hospital Inc 3102. Village Phar of Robersonville Inc South Main Street ROCKINGHAM - RICHMOND COUNTY 3638. 3460. 2927. RIEGELWOOD - COLUMBUS COUNTY 3003. Creekmore's Pharmacy Riegelwood Shopping Center Delozier Drug Store PO Box 456 Ditmore Drugs 129 By Pass ROBERSONVILLE - MARTIN COUNTY 3524. 1539. Robbins Drug, Inc. Box 956 Tar Heel Drug Co of Robbins, Inc PO Bx 548, N Middleton St ROBBINSVILLE - GRAHAM COUNTY RICHLANDS - ONSLOW COUNTY Big Value Discount Drug Center Hwy 258-Academy Street Eckerd Drugs 1732 Weldon Rd. Farmco Drug Center 1120 10th St. Griffin Drug Company, Inc. 1025 Roanoke Avenue Halifax Mem Hospital Pharmacy 250 Smith Church Road Mast Drug Company Park Plaza Shop Ctr Rite Aid Pharmacy 1112 Weldon Rd. Rosemary Drug Co., Inc. 1019 Roanoke Avenue Spears Pharmacy, Inc. 1012 Roanoke Avenue The Treasury Drug Center 116 Becker Village Mall Timberlake Drug Store 260 Roanoke Avenue 4316. Eckerd Drugs Biltmore Dr and Broad Ave Medical Center Pharmacy 805 Long Drive Revco Discount Drug Center Richmond Plaza Shop Ctr Revco Discount Drug Center Westside Square Revco Discount Drug Center 487 E Broad Ave, Food Lion S/C -1504133. 4079. 4299. 3443. 4205. Richmond County Health Department 870 Rockingham Road Richmond Memorial Hospital Hospital Rd. & Long Dr. Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 1200 Rockingham Rd. The Medicine Shoppe 615-C E. Broad St. The Sandhills Pharmacy 310^ E. Washington Street 4289. 0606. Revco Discount Drug Center 1451 Hunter Hill Rd. Thompson Pharmacy, Inc. 365 Falls Road ROLESVILLE - WAKE COUNTY 3988. RoLesville Drug Company Main Street, Box 39 ROSE HILL - DUPLIN COUNTY ROCKWELL - ROWAN COUNTY 2634. 1640. Crescent Pharmacy, Inc. 314 E. Main Street 2860. Carr Drug Company Rose Manor Shopping Center Rose Hill Drug Co., Inc. 107 S. Railroad Street ROCKY MOUNT - EDGECOMBE AND NASH COUNTIES ROSEBORO - SAMPSON COUNTY 2981. 3105. 1519. 3858. 3380. 3381. 4534. 1891. 2009. 2846. 3164. 4373. 4479. 2787. 1298. 2744. 2429. 2451. 2770. Almands Discount Drug Store Westridge Village Shopg. Ctr. Almands Discount Drugs Oakwood Shopping Center Almands Drug Store 130 South Main Street Community Hospital of Rocky Mount I03I Noell Lane Eckerd Drugs Englewood Square Shop Ctr Eckerd Drugs Raleigh Rd and W Haven Blvd Farmco Drug Center 131 S. Wesleyan Blvd. I. W. Rose Drug Company 112 N. Main Street Kerr Discount Drugs Tarrytown Shopping Center Kerr Discount Drugs 818 Raleigh Road Kerr Drug Stores, Inc. 847 Fairview Road Kerr Drugs 828 Harbour Drive Kerr Drugs 1124 Benvenue Rd., Tiffany Sq. Kmart Pharmacy 1916 Stone Rose Drive May and Gorham, Inc. 132 Tarboro Street Nash General Hospital Oakwood Pharmacy 329 Fairview Road Raper Drugs, Inc. No 1 234 S. Main Street Raper Drugs, Inc. No 2 3420 Sunset Avenue Ext 4414. 0609. Rite Aid Pharmacy Lakewood Plaza, PO Box 1348 Tart and West, Druggists PO Box 248 ROWLAND - ROBESON COUNTY I7I3. Walker's Drug Center Highway 301 South ROXBORO - PERSON COUNTY 1445. 3697. 2142. 2262. 2669. 3015. 2136. 3062. 1999. Cole's Pharmacy 117 N. Main Street Eckerd Drugs 1007 N. Madison Blvd. Hospital Pharmacy Ridge Road Person Co Hospital Pharmacy Ridge Road Revco Discount Drug Center Westfield Plaza The Medicine Shoppe 701 N. Main Street The Prescription Shop 415 Ridge Road Thomas & Oakley Drug Store 109 Main Street Village Pharmacy Woody Village Shopping Ctr RURAL HALL - FORSYTH COUNTY 4296. 2309. Eckerd Drugs 1038 Hwy. 65 West Warren's Drug Store Professional Center -151RUTHERFORD COLLEGE - BURKE COUNTY 3230. 2281. 4190. 4350. College Pharmacy Box 285 Wstrn Piedmont Pharm & Home Care Serv P. 0. Box 220, Malcolm Blvd. 1264. 1728. RUTHERFORDTON - RUTHERFORD COUNTY 4018. 3698. 2838. 2367. 4015. 1471. Eckerd Drugs Hwy 74 Bypass & E First St Revco Discount Drug Center 114 Park Lane Drive Rutherford Hospital Pharmacy Ridgecrest Avenue Rutherford Rexall Drug Co., Inc. 225 N. Main Street Smith's Drug Store, Inc. 217 N. Main Street 3425. 2944. Revco Discount Drug Center Hwy 150 and Hwy 601 Rowan County Health Department 3100 Old Concord Road Rowan Mem. Hospital Pharmacy 612 Mocksville Avenue Salisbury Pharmacy, Inc. 102 Mocksville Avenue The Medicine Shoppe 1357 W. Innes St. Towne Pharmacy, Inc. 1408 W. Innes Street Tri-County Mental Health Complex 165 Mahaley Avenue SALUDA - POLK COUNTY 3746. Saluda Medical Center, Inc. Greenville Street SAINT PAULS - ROBESON COUNTY SANFORD - LEE COUNTY 4343. 3896. 4230. 2799. Brisson Drug Inc. 123 W. Broad Street Rite Aid Pharmacy Broad St. at First Ave. St. Pauls Drug Company 3456. 4333. SALEMBURG - SAMPSON COUNTY 4179. 4046. 0376. Salemburg Pharmacy Box 385, Main Street 4528. SALISBURY - ROWAN COUNTY 3745. 3266. 3382. 3525. 2375. 2069. 2061. 3457. 3650. 1913. 3976. 3054. Doctors Building Drug Co.,Inc 830 W. Henderson St. Eckerd Drugs Mid Carolina Mall - Hwy 70 Eckerd Drugs 1202 South Innes Fulton Street Pharmacy 916 S Fulton St, PO Bx 1963 Innes Street Drug Co. No. 3 Ketner Center, W. Innes St. Innes Street Drug Company Wallace Building Kmart Pharmacy 123 Mahaley Avenue Kroger Sav-On 715 E. Innes Street Main Drug Company 128 N. Main Street Mark Drug Company, Inc. Southgate Shopping Center Revco Discount Drug Center 118 Avalon Drive 2855. 3681. 4311. 4109. 4110. 3971. 3476. Central Carolina Hospital 1135 Carthage Street Eckerd Drugs 1948 Horner, Byrd's Shopg Ctr Eckerd Drugs Riverbirch Cor, 1131 Spring Ln Greeson's Pharmacy 805 Wicker Street Jonesboro's Lee Drug Store, Inc. 114 East Main Street Kerr Drugs 2650 Lee Ave., Kendale S/C Kmart Pharmacy 2515 Horner Blvd. Revco Discount Drug Center Zayre Center Revco Discount Drug Center 1935 S. Horner Blvd. Revco Discount Drug Center 910 N Horner St, Food Lion Ctr Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 500 Wicker Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Cameron S/C, Main & Horner Sts. Sanford Valu-Rite Pharmacy 101 S. Steele Street The Medicine Shoppe 100 Park Avenue SCOTLAND NECK - HALIFAX COUNTY 4377. 2841. McDowell's Pharmacy, Inc. 1004 Main Street Our Community Hospital, Inc. 708 House Avenue -1524212. Rite Aid Pharmacy 3247. Suttle's Drug Store 301 E. Warren Street Byrds S/C, Cor 8th & Main Sts SILER CITY - CHATHAM COUNTY SEA LEVEL - CARTERET COUNTY 2599. 4482. Sea Level Hospital 2207. Sea Level Pharmacy 2932. 4405. SELMA - JOHNSTON COUNTY 0640. 2553. Creech Drug Company 126 N. Raiford Street Selma Drug Company, Inc. 120 N. Raeford Street 3668. SKYLAND - BUNCOMBE COUNTY SHALLOTTE - BRUNSWICK COUNTY 3383. 0641. Coastal Drug Store 2390. 4448. Revco Discount Drug Center Hwy. 17 S., Coastal Plaza Rite Aid Pharmacy Hwy 17 & NC Hwy 179, Hill's S/C Shallotte Drug Store Lewis Shopping Center Thomas Drugs Main Street 4389. 2863. 3068. 3326. 3103. 2300. 1151. 2235. 3384. 3964. 2365. 1710. 3526. 3699. 3192. 2538. 2861. 2933. 4331. 4235. 4146. Eckerd Drugs Skyland Shopping Center Skyland Pharmacy, Inc. Hendersonville Road SMITHFIELD - JOHNSTON COUNTY SHELBY - CLEVELAND COUNTY Cleveland Mem Hospital Pharmacy 201 Grover Street Community Pharmacy of Shelby 1194 Wyke Road Cornwell Hospital Pharmacy Cor Grover and DeKalb Cornwell Rexall Drugs Huxley Village Shopg Ctr Eckerd Drugs 300 W. Dixon Street Eckerd Drugs 1159 E. Marion Street Kmart Pharmacy 706 E. Dixon Boulevard Medical Arts Pharmacy of Shelby PO Bx 2108, 108 Grover St Revco Discount Drug Center 1658 W. Dixon Blvd. Revco Discount Drug Center Bi-Lo Ctr, 1649 E Dixon Blvd Shelby Drug Company, Inc. 2 412 W. Warren Street Sime Professional Pharmacy 116 Lee St. Superx Drugs 2001-2 E. Dixon Blvd. Chatham Hospital, Inc. Pharmacy W. Fourth Street Family Pharmacy of Siler City,In( 124 N. Dogwood Avenue Mast Discount Drug 518 W. Raleigh Street Revco Discount Drug Center Chatham Square Shopg. Ctr. 2186. 2010. 3613. Carroll Pharmacy 832 S. Third Street ^ Clow Drug //2 , Pine Needle Sq Shopg Ctr Clow Drug, Inc. Market Plaza Shopping Ctr Creech's Pharmacy 109 S. 3rd Street Eckerd Drugs Rose Manor Shopg. Ctr. Johnston Mem. Hospital Pharmacy Highway 301 Medical Center Pharmacy 60I-D North 8th Street Revco Discount Drug Center 401-C Raleigh Road SNEADS FERRY - ONSLOW COUNTY 3461. Sneads Ferry Pharmacy Route 1 Box 286 SNOW HILL - GREENE COUNTY 1837. Snow Hill Pharmacy, Inc. P 0 Box 278, SE Second St SOUL CITY - WARREN COUNTY 3754. HealthCo, Inc. Opportunity Rd. (PO Bx 425) -153SOUTHERN PINES - MOORE COUNTY SPRUCE PINE - MITCHELL COUNTY 2332. 2329. 2446. 2215. Sandhill Drug Company, Inc. 154 N W Broad Street St Joseph of the Pines Hospital 590 Central Drive Town Center Pharmacy Broad Street 2175. 3539. 3731. SOUTHPORT - BRUNSWICK COUNTY 0668. 2347. 1871. 4368. 4024. Dosher Mem Hospital Pharmacy 924 Howe Street Kirby Prescription Center, Inc. 101 E. Moore Street Revco Discount Drug Center Lng Bch Rd, Rt 5 Live Oak Vil S/C Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Wilson's Plaza, Hwy 87 & 211 STANLEY - GASTON COUNTY 3866. 1121. 3940. SPARTA - ALLEGHANY COUNTY 2665. 4460. 2745. 4189. Alleghany Co Mem Hospital P. 0. Box 9 Drug Care of Alleghany, Inc. South Main Street Halsey Drug Company Main Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 800 S Main St, P 0 Box 69 Blue Ridge Hospital System, Inc. Drawer 9 Day's Drug Company, Inc. 309 Oak Avenue Hospital Pharmacy Hospital Drive Rite Aid Pharmacy 114 Spruce Pine Shopg. Ctr. Spruce Pine Pharmacy 207 Locust Avenue Cornwell Drug 107 E. Dallas Rd. Stanley Drug Company Main St., PO Box 218 The City Pharmacy of Stanley 216 S. Main Street STANTONSBURG - WILSON COUNTY 4037. Stantonsburg Drug Co. Ill S. Main Street STAR - MONTGOMERY COUNTY 2493. Montgomery Drug, Inc. Main Street SPENCER - ROWAN COUNTY STATESVILLE - IREDELL COUNTY 4021. Eckerd Drugs Main St., U.S. Hwy. 29 3423. SPINDALE - RUTHERFORD COUNTY 4220. 3626. 4202. 2897. Revco Discount Drug Center US 74 ByPass and Oakland Rd. Spindale Drug Company 101 W. Main Street 3527. 4383. SPRING HOPE - NASH COUNTY 3264. 2725. Southside Pharmacy, Inc. Box 188 1961. SPRING LAKE - CUMBERLAND COUNTY 3984. 4338. 2410. 4223. 3771. Anderson Creek Discount Pharmacy 7100 Ray Road Revco Discount Drug Center 1024 Highway 210 Spring Lake Drug Co., Inc. 209 Skyland Shopg Ctr 1615. 2516. Cooke's Pharmacy 1207 W. Front Street Davis Community Hospital Old Mocksville Road Drug Town, Inc. 1310 Davie Avenue Eckerd Drugs 1535 E. Broad Street Family Pharmacy of Statesville Rt. 9, Old Mocksville Rd. Forest Heights Pharmacy, Inc. 837 N. Center St. Holmes Drug Company, Inc. 101 E. Broad Street Iredell County Health Department PO Bx 1268, 735 Hartness Rd Iredell Memorial Hospital, Inc. Brookdale and Hartness Road Lowry Drug Company, Inc. 750 Hartness Road Revco Discount Drug Center 951 Davie Avenue -154J 3254. 3963. 4187. 4409. 2976. 4040. 4300. 2463. 4060. 3276. Revco Discount Drug Center Southland Shopping Ctr. Revco Discount Drug Center Westpark Shopping Center Revco Discount Drug Center Rt. 12, Northwinds Plaza Revco Discount Drug Center 222 Signal Hills Dr. Revco Discount Drug Conter 1417 N. Center Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 1216 W. Front St. Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 701-A Sullivan Rd. Southside Drug Company 430 Western Avenue Statesville Drug Co., Inc. 101 S. Center Street The Medicine Shoppe 139 N. Center St. SWAN QUARTER - HYDE COUNTY 3444. SWANNANOA - BUNCOMBE COUNTY 3163. 3557. 4326. Swansboro Drugs, Inc. Highway 24 West SYLVA - JACKSON COUNTY 2306. 2856. 2800. 3700. 2307. STONEVILLE - ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 3743. 2952. P. S. A. Clinic Pharmacy 425 US Highway 70 Rite Aid Pharmacy Ingles Markets Shop Ctr SWANSBORO - ONSLOW COUNTY STOKESDALE - GUILFORD COUNTY Banners Pharmacy Highway 158 Hyde Park Pharmacy, Inc. Highway 264 Stoneville Drug Store Henry Street C. J. Harris Community Hospital 59 Hospital Road Eastgate Pharmacy Eastgate Medical Center Eckerd Drugs #8 Sylva Plaza Shpg Ctr Hooper's Drug Store Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center 80-1 Grindstaff Road TABOR CITY - COLUMBUS COUNTY STONY POINT - ALEXANDER COUNTY 2940. 1642. Mack's Pharmacy Main Street STOVALL - GRANVILLE COUNTY 4382. Puckett Drug Co. Main Street 0917. 3445. TARBORO - EDGECOMBE COUNTY SUMMERFIELD - GUILFORD COUNTY 3938. 4259. 4080. 4415. Revco Discount Drug Center PO Box 237, Sujmnerfield Sq. S/C The Prescription Shop Hwy 220 N, PO Box 128 3046. 2912. SUPPLY - BRUNSWICK COUNTY 3994. 3610. 3475. Brunswick Professional Pharmacy Route 1 Box 10 The Brunswick Hospital P. 0. Box 139 Anderson Drug Store 106 W. Main Street Dameron Drug Store, Inc. 2 S. Main Street Wright's Drug Store Main & Fourth Streets 4435. 4272. 4293. Bryan Drugs 421 Main Street Edgecombe Gen Hosp Pharmacy Dept 2901 Main Street Kerr Discount Drugs 2200 St Andrews Street Peoples Service Drug Stores, Inc Parkhill Mall Revco Discount Drug Center Main St. and Fairview Circle Tarboro Pharmacy 201 Clinic Drive The Quigless Clinic Pharmacy 99 Main Street Thorne Discount Drug 290p Main St. -1551274. Thome's Drug Company 1510 North Main Street TROUTMAN - IREDELL COUNTY 4364. Heritage Family Pharmacy, Inc. PO Box 838, 205 N Main St Troutman Drug Store 106 Wagner Street TAYLORSVILLE - ALEXANDER COUNTY 2825. 2467. 3298. TROY - MONTGOMERY COUNTY 3967. 2325. 4335. 1435. Alexander Co. Hospital Assoc.,Inc. Crown Drugs, Inc. Westgate Shopping Center Office Practice of Pharmacy 121 Main Ave Dr, SE, PO Bx 884 Peoples Drug Store 327 Third Street, SW Revco Discount Drug Center 563 SW 3rd Street Town and Country Drugs Main Street, PO Box 698 2243. Montgomery Mem Hosp-Dept of Pharm 0699. Standard Drug Company, Inc. 328 N. Main Street White Star Discount Pharmacy 444 Albemarle Rd., Troy S/C 4237. TRYON - POLK COUNTY THOMASVILLE - DAVIDSON COUNTY 2519. 2545. 2189. 3860. 3385. 3842. 3077. 3405. 4111. 4112. 3986. 4474. 3010. 4017. Conmiunity General Hospital P. 0. Box 789 Davidson Co Health Dept Pharmacy 203 Old Lexington Road Eckerd Drugs 1025 Randolph Street Medical Arts Pharmacy 402 Randolph Street Revco Discount Drug Center 713 National Highway Revco Discount Drug Center 907 Randolph Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 108 East Main Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 600 Randolph Street Sky City Pharmacy 13 Cloniger Drive The Medicine Shoppe 702 Randolph Street Thomasville Drug Company 20 Salem Street West End Drug 801 Lexington Ave. 2246. Arledge Pharmacy 119 S. Trade Street Owens Pharmacy 118 N. Trade Street Tryon Pharmacy South Trade Street VALDESE - BURKE COUNTY 3801. 0826. 1045. Rite Aid Pharmacy Heritage Plaza-Hwy 70 & Ster'g Rock Drug Store 240 W. Main Street Valdese General Hospital Pharmacy P. 0. Box 700 VANCEBORO - CRAVEN COUNTY 3631. Vanceboro Pharmacy Cor. Farmlife Ave. & Main St. VASS - MOORE COUNTY 3891. Cooper's Pharmacy P.O. Box 668 WADESBORO - ANSON COUNTY TRENTON - JONES COUNTY 4156. 3219. Hamilton Drugs, Inc. P. 0. Drawer B 2531. TRINITY - RANDOLPH COUNTY 1889. 4446. 3451. Trinity Drug P. 0. Box 309, 911 Trindale Rd. 4005. Anson County Health Department 110 Ashe Street, P 0 Box 473 Anson County Hospital 500 Morven Road Parsons Bias, Inc. 100 S. Green St. Revco Discount Drug Center 920 Highway 74E Rite Aid Pharmacy Anson Plaza S/C, US Hwy. 74 -1561421. Tollinson Pharmacy 2416. Warsaw Drug Company 201 N. Front Street ' J J 125 S. Washington Street WASHINGTON - BEAUFORT COUNTY WAGRAM - SCOTLAND COUNTY 4466. 1839. Wagram Drug Store 2406. 621 N. S. Main Street 1809. WAKE FOREST - WAKE COUNTY 2828. 0911. Edwards Pharmacy 121 S. White Street 2462. T. E. Holding and Company PO Bx 548 Wake Forest Plaza WALKERTOWN - FORSYTH COUNTY 3092. Crown Drugs of Walkertown Walkertown Shopping Ctr 2784. 2888. 4165. 0721. WALLACE - DUPLIN COUNTY 3439. 0951. 1475. 4047. 3611. Clow Drug #4 100 West Main St. Gowan Drug Company 124 Norwood Street Graham Drug Company 130 E. Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center US Rt 117, Rockfish Plaza Scottie Discount Drugs 103 W. Main Street WAXHAW - UNION COUNTY 2833. 1 3528. 4455. 4498. 3703. 1153. 2095. 3204. 2005. WARRENTON - WARREN COUNTY 3925. 2024. 4062. 2762. Boyce Drugs, Inc. P. 0. Box 387 Hunter Drug Company, Inc. 240 S. Main Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy Hall Sprints S/C, US Rt 158 Warren Gen Hospital Pharmacy 542 W. Ridgeway Street 4325. 1270. Rite Aid Pharmacy 65 Weaver Blvd. Weaverville Drug Company Main Street « * WELDON - HALIFAX COUNTY 0728. 0960. 1167. 4022. Eckerd Drugs Waynesville Plaza Revco Discount Drug Center 253 Welch Rd. Revco Discount Drug Center 140 Barker Blvd., Ingles S/C Smiths Drugs, Inc. 226 Main Street Village Pharmacy 501 Walnut Street Waynesville Pharmacy 307 Main Street WEAVERVILLE - BUNCOMBE COUNTY WARSAW - DUPLIN COUNTY Clarks Drug Store 123 W. College Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 101 E. College St. Walker's Drug Store PO Box 400, Hwy. 16 WAYNESVILLE - HAYWOOD COUNTY WALNUT COVE - STOKES COUNTY Family Pharmacy Main Street Hicks Pharmacy 1340 Main Street Beaufort Co. Health Dept. N. Harvey St., P.O. Box 579 Beaufort Co. Hospital Assoc. East 12th Street Hospital Pharmacy i 601 E. 12th Street f Mays Drug Store 604 East 12th Street Peoples Service Drug Store, Incj 909 Washington Square : Revco Discount Drug Center -. 114 E. Second Street Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy US Rt 265 and Avon Ave Tayloe Drug Company , 239 W. Main Street Seldens Pharmacy 106 Washington Avenue Weldon Drug Company PO Bx 526, 323 Washington Ave -157WENDELL - WAKE COUNTY WILKESBORO - WILKES COUNTY 2094. 4524. 4164. 2208. Saunders Pharmacy, Inc. Main Street Scudder Pharmacy, Inc. PO Bx 550, 4 West Wilson Ave Wendell Drug Company Main Street 3888. 3914. 1136. WEST END - MOORE COUNTY 4533. 3599. Seven Lakes Discount Drug P.O. Box 631, Hwy 211 Seven Lakes Village Pharmacy Seven Lakes Village WILLIAMSTON - MARTIN COUNTY 2706. 3766. WEST JEFFERSON - ASHE COUNTY 0749. 4135. 1767. 4144. Eckerd Drugs W. Jefferson Avenue Peoples Rexall Drug Store 424 E. Second St. (Hwy. 221) Revco Discount Drug Center Ashemont S/C, US Hwy. 221 WHITAKERS - EDGECOMBE COUNTY 4295. Whitakers Pharmacy Railroad Street 1135. 4443. 3112. 3797. 1909. 2686. 2288. 2541. 3879. 0745. 2152. 3071. 2293. 3874. 1560. 3386. 3529. 3701. 4002. 4239. 3173. 3541. WHITNELL - CALDWELL COUNTY 4142. 3042. Sav-Mor Drugs, Inc. 1449 Norwood Street, SW Clark's Pharmacy 142-144 W. Main Street Clark's Pharmacy #2 Highway 64 ByPass Davis Pharmacy PO Bx 168, 150 W Main St Martin General Hospital Pharmacy McCaskey Road Martin-Tyrrell-Wash'ton Dist Hlth De] 210 W Liberty Peoples Service Drug Store, Inc. Martin Plaza Revco Discount Drug Center 908 Washington St. WILMINGTON - NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHITEVILLE - COLUMBUS COUNTY Columbus Co Hospital Pharmacy 500 Jefferson Street Columbus Drug Store 629 S. Madison Street Eckerd Drugs Kmart Plaza, Rt 6, Box 6E Guiton's Drug Store, Inc. 801 S. Madison Street J. A. McNeill and Sons 612 S. Madison Street Peoples Service Drug Stores, Inc. 1460 S. Madison Street Simmons' Drug Company Court Square The Medicine Shoppe Baldwin Woods Drug World, Inc. Hwy. 421 N., P.O. Box 1052 Kmart Pharmacy 1420 Highway #421-B SuperX Drugs 1410 U.S. Hwy. 421 The Peoples Drug Store 109 Main Street 3707. 3415. ASCO-Wilmington, Inc. 25 Market Street Cape Fear Mem Hospital, Inc. 5301 Wrightsville Avenue Carter's Pharmacy, Inc. 2001 Princess Place Drive Eckerd Drugs Long Leaf Mall Eckerd Drugs 23 S. Kerr Avenue Eckerd Drugs 3400 Oleander Drive Eckerd Drugs 2032 S. 17th St. Eckerd Drugs 3695 Highway 132 Economy Drug Center 2221 South 17th Street Gibsons Pharmacy 4414 Market St. Hall's Drug Store 421 Castle Street Hometown Pharmacy 2103 Market Street Kmart Pharmacy 815 S. College Road -158- 4532. 3540. 3998. 4430. 3996. 3997. 2366. 1582. 4242. 4243. 4379. 3665. 3999. 3037. 3144. 3450. 3452. 3620. 3955. 1830. 0766. 3090. 2091. Kmart Pharmacy 5309 Carolina Beach Rd. Kroger Sav-On 820 S. College Road Martin Luther King Center 800 Ann Street Medicine Shoppe 1612 Market St, Coastal S/C New Hanover Co. Health Department 2029 S. 17th Street New Hanover County Jail 20 North Fourth Street New Hanover Mem Hospital Pharmacy 2131 South 17th Street Peoples Drug Company 1122 N. 4th Street Peoples Drug Store 3540 S College, Pine Vail S/C Peoples Drug Store Azalea S/C, 3727 Oleander Rd Peoples Drug Store 5020 Market Street Professional Pharmacy, Inc. 2106 S. 17th Street Rankin Terrace Clinic 480 Eleventh Street Revco Discount Drug Center Kings Plaza Hwy 421 Revco Discount Drug Center Plaza East Shop Ctr Revco Discount Drug Center 2220 South 17 Th Street Revco Discount Drug Center 5673 Carolina Beach Road Revco Discount Drug Center 324 S College St, College Sq Revco Discount Drug Center 6838 Market Street Seashore Mutual Drugs 2059 Carolina Beach Road Toms Drug Company Front and Market Streets Turner's Pharmacy Cape Fear Shopping Center Winter Park Drug Store, Inc. 5220 Wrightsville Avenue 4007. 2169. 4476. 2937. 2460. 2858. 3433. 4324. 2647. 4464. 4305. 4129. 2092. WINDSOR - BERTIE COUNTY 1 2547. 3722. 4301. 0777. 2947. 3554. 2811. 2395. 3855. 1667. Family Pharmacy Highway 74 WINSTON-SALEM - FORSYTH COUNTY 1966. 3530. Bertie County Memorial Hospital 401 Sterlingworth Street Pittman's Pharmacy, Inc. 101 S. King St. Rite Aid Pharmacy 303 W. Granville St. The Windsor Pharmacy Company 119 S. King Street WINGATE - UNION COUNTY WILSON - WILSON COUNTY Bissette Drug Center 100-C Ward Blvd. North Eckerd Drugs 118 Ward Boulevard Eckerd Drugs 103 Ward Blvd N, Brentwood S/C Herring's Drug Store 211 E. Nash Street Hlth Care Div-Bissettes Drug Sto 100-C North Ward Blvd. Kerr Discount Drugs Ward Blvd, Parkwood Shpg Ctr Kmart Pharmacy 214 SW Ward Blvd. Nichols Pharmacy 1817 US 301 South North Carolina Special Care Cent Ward Boulevard Revco Discount Drug Center 214 Ward Boulevard Revco Discount Drug Center Gold Park Shopping Center Revco Discount Drug Center 2101 South Tarboro St. Terminal Drug Store 408 E. Nash Street Thomas Drug Store 303 W. Nash Street Wilson Co. Health Dept. Phcy. Rt. 5, Box 91 Wilson Drug Co., Inc. 114 South Tarboro Street Wilson Mem Hospital Pharmacy Tarboro Street Ext 2321. 2804. 4181. Amos Cottage Rehab Hospital 3325 Silas Creek Parkway Andrews Pharmacy 1305 S. Hawthorne Road Andrews Summit Pharmacy 1214 Reynolda Road Bobbitts College Pharmacy 100 Lockland Avenue Buie Pharmacy College Village Community Drug 101 Thomasville Road -1591052. 3128. 2085. 3408. 4219. 4504. 3387. 3388. 3531. 3532. 3533. 3534. 3702. 3053. 2071. 1408. 4512. 3096. 3576. 3043. 4033. 2761. 2051. 1933. 3903. 0819. 1478. 1523. Crown Acadia Pharmacy, Inc. 301 Acadia Avenue Crown Drug of Stanleyville 5958 Old Highway 52 North Crown Drugs, Inc. 631 Peters Creek Road Crown Drugs, Inc. BL-258 Hanes Mall Crown Drugs, Inc. 2834 Reynolda Rd. Crown Drugs, Inc. 4917 Country Club Rd. Eckerd Drugs Vineyard Plaza Eckerd Drugs 3045 Waughtown, Parkview Plaza Eckerd Drugs 240 S. Stratford Road Eckerd Drugs 3539 Patterson Avenue Eckerd Drugs 1205 Corporation Parkway Eckerd Drugs 3606 Reynolda Rd. Eckerd Drugs 3440 Robin Hood Road Flynn's Drug Store, Inc. 11 E. Cleramonsville Road Forsyth Mem Hospital Pharmacy 3333 Silas Creek Parkway Gordon-Manor Pharmacy 3915 Country Club Road Holladay Healthcare, Inc. 1901 S. Hawthorne Rd. Kmart Pharmacy 7770 Silas Creek Parkway Kmart Pharmacy 2690 Peters Creek Parkway Mandala Center, Inc. 3637 Old Vineyard Road Medi-Pak Pharmacy Systems, Inc. 2223 Thomasville Rd. Medical Park Hospital Pharmacy 1950 Hawthorne Road Medical Park Pharmacy Forsyth Medical Park Model Pharmacy, Inc. Store #2 1225 East 5th Street Moravian Pharmacy 5401 Indiana Ave. N. C. Baptist Hospital Pharmacy 300 South Hawthorne Road Old Town Pharmacy 3716 Reynolda Road Parkview Pharmacy, Inc. 3075 Kernersville Road 2896. 2412. 2413. 2414. 2472. 2778. 2893. 2931. 3106. 3261. 3973. 4166. 1129. 2920. 3822. 2292. 2433. 4163. 3263. 4224. Pellcare Pharmacy RFD 3 Box 315 Revco Discount Drug Center Sherwood Plaza Shopg Ctr Revco Discount Drug Center 116 W. Fourth Street Revco Discount Drug Center 2132 Cloverdale Avenue Revco Discount Drug Center 3852 Reynolda Road Revco Discount Drug Center Jonestown Road Revco Discount Drug Center 1232 Waughtown Road Revco Discount Drug Center 2849 Reynolda Road Revco Discount Drug Center 4237 N. Patterson Avenue Revco Discount Drug Center 3176 Peters Creek Pkway Revco Discount Drug Center New Hickory Tree Rd. & US 52 Revco Discount Drug Center 550 N. Clarmont St. Reynolds Health Center 741 N. Highland Avenue Rite Aid Discount Pharmacy 201 W. Fourth Street Student Hlth Ctr, NC Sch of Arts PO Bx 12189, 200 Waughtown St SuperX Drugs 2822 N. Cherry Street Ext Superx Drugs 2221 Cloverdale Avenue The Kroger Co. 1925 Silas Creek Pkwy. The Medicine Shoppe 1622 S. Hawthorne Rd. W-S Health Care Plan Pharmacy 250 Charlois Blvd. WOODLAND - NORTHAMPTON COUNTY 1546. Bolton Drug Company YADKINVILLE - YADKIN COUNTY 2814. 2383. 3623. 1634. 4208. Crown Drugs of the Piedmont, Inc. Yadkin Plaza Shopping Ctr Lula Conrad Hoots Mem Hospital Main Street Revco Discount Drug Center PO Bx 1459, Hwy 421 & 601 Sheek Taylor Drugs West Main Street Yadkin Co. Health Department Shacktown Rd., P.O. Box 457 -160YANCEYVILLE - CASWELL COUNTY 3238. 2360. North Village Pharmacy, Inc. North Main Street Yanceyville Drug Company, Inc. Main Street, North YOUNGSVILLE - FRANKLIN COUNTY 3555. Youngsville Drugs Main Street YOUPON BEACH - BRUNSWICK COUNTY 3235. Rx Shoppe, Inc. 301 Youpon Drive ZEBULON - WAKE COUNTY 4426. 2719. 4469. 1945. 2559. Eckerd Drugs 412 Gannon St. Malone Drugs 213 N. Arendell Avenue Revco Discount Drug Center 538 W. Cannon Ave. Vinson's Pharmacy, Inc. P. 0. Box 686 Zebulon Drug Company 303 Arendell Avenue This book circulates for a 3-week period and is due on tlie last date stamped below. It may be renewed for one additional 3-week period. The fine for late return is 25C; a day. 7 - 3 0 4 Rev. 8/88 UNC-CM HEALTH SCIE^CeS LlBRAfiV H 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 8 Q V 2 9A N S N 3 6 4 a1 9 S 5 N o r t h C a r o l i n a . P h a r m a c y . B o a r d o f R epo r t Q V 2 9 A N S N o r t h C a r o P h a r m a c y . R 6 po r t N S 6 4 a i n a . 1 9 3 5 B o a r d o f