SYNCHRONOUS BELTS (POLYURETHANE) KING POWER Synchronous Belts (KPS㸈) 3 1 2 4 Size mark 600 KPS㸈 14M 1708 Belt pitch length (1708mm) Belt type (14mm tooth pitch) Belt width (mm) × 10 (60.0mm) Construction 1: Polyurethane backing 2: Aramid tensile member 3: Polyamid fiber loaded 4: Polyurethane teeth Features + Benefits ٨ Exceptional power transmission capability The KPS Belt can transmit 1.5 to 5 times more power than a standard STS belt drive. This allows the same power transmission capacity to be achieved using smaller pulleys, saving space and money. ٨ Versatile Utilize standard STS pulleys for a wide ratio selection. ٨ Clean Wear resistant polyurethane construction reduces rubber dust. Dimensions S8M640 680 720 760 800 848 896 944 1000 1024 1032 1056 640 680 720 760 800 848 896 944 1000 1024 1032 1056 Type S14M994 1120 1190 1260 1400 1470 KPS㸈 8M number Type of teeth 80 S8M1120 85 1152 90 1200 95 1280 100 1360 106 1440 112 1520 118 1600 125 1696 128 1792 129 1960 132 nominal pitch length (mm) 1120 1152 1200 1280 1360 1440 1520 1600 1696 1792 1960 KPS㸈 14M number nominal pitch nominal pitch of Type length (mm) length (mm) teeth 994 71 S14M1568 1568 1120 80 1650 1652 1190 85 1708 1708 1260 90 1890 1890 1400 100 1960 1960 1470 105 2380 2380 Number of teeth 140 144 150 160 170 180 190 200 212 224 245 Number of teeth 112 118 122 135 140 170 Standard Belt width B H (width mark: Belt width (mm)×10) P Type P H B KPS㸈 8M KPS㸈 14M 8.00 14.00 2.86 5.00 4.80 8.50 10 Type nominal pitch length (mm) width mark 150 250 400 600 800 1000 1200 Belt width (mm) 15 25 40 60 80 100 120 KPS㸈 8M KPS㸈 14M SYNCHRONOUS BELTS (RUBBER) High-Performance STS Belts (HP-STS) 4 3 1 2 Concept Responding to needs for "Energy saving" and "High p ow e r t ra n s m i s s i o n " o n i n d u s t r i a l m a c h i n e r y i n these years, we at BANDO have developed a "Highperformance STS belt" capitalizing on our time-proven technology and experience. Construction & Members 1. 3. Rubber: Features ٨ Exceptionally high power transmission capacity This "high performance STS belt" achieves power transmission approximately 1.4 to 1.8 times as high as that with conventional STS belts. ٨ Compact design The high power transmission can minimize the width of belt, thus making system design as compact as possible. ٨ Low noise level The high power transmission can minimize the width of belt, thus accomplishing a low noise operation. Using synthetic rubber having less tooth deformation and a high level of hardness. 2. Tensile member: Using fiber glass tensile member with considerations given to dimensional stability and flexibility. 4. Tooth canvas: The tooth canvas has asperities on the surface and provides a low friction coefficient, accomplishing a low noise level of operation. Furthermore, the S14M Type provides two-ply tooth canvas, which enables further reductions in noise levels and improvement in durability. The HP-S5M Type is only available for clean specification. *Conventional standard pulleys are also applicable. *Standard belt sizes are available for the production of this belt. Dimensions Size mark 600 HP-S8M 1000 P W Belt pitch length (mm) Belt type Belt width (mm) × 10 (60mm) H1 H2 Type P H1 H2 B HP-S5M 5.00mm 3.61mm 1.91mm 3.25mm HP-S8M 8.00mm 5.00mm 3.05mm 5.20mm HP-S14M 14.00mm 3.70mm 5.30mm 9.10mm Standard Belt Width Width Mark 100 150 200 250 400 600 800 1000 1200 Width (mm) 10 15 20 25 40 60 80 100 120 HP-S5M ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ HP-S8M HP-S14M ٨ 11 SYNCHRONOUS BELTS (RUBBER) Long Synchronous / STS Belts (LSB-R) Dimensions Long STS Belts h1 h2 P Unit: mm ( ) Dimension in seamless 1 2 4 Type P h1 h2 S2M S3M S4.5M S5M S8M S14M 2.0 3.0 4.5 5.0 8.0 14.0 0.76 1.14 1.71 1.91 3.05 5.30 1.31 2.10 2.70 3.6 5.30(6.05) (11.30) Long Synchronous Belts 3 P 1: Chloroprene rubber backing 2: Glass Fiber tensile member 3: Chloroprene rubber teeth 4: Nylon canvas Features + Benefits A l l o w fo r s y n c h r o n o u s p o w e r t r a n s m i s s i o n a n d conveyance over longer spans than those available with traditional molded belts. Compared to chain drives, these belts are lighter, produce much less noise, and are much cleaner as they need no lubrication. In factory automation applications, these belts are perfectly suited to replace chain, flat power transmission belts, and conveyor belts. Seamless ٨ Having no joints, they are as capable of transmission and conveyance as standard timing belts are. h1 h2 Construction Unit: mm ( ) Dimension in seamless Type P h1 h2 MXL XL L H XH XXH 2.032 5.080 9.525 12.700 22.225 31.75 0.51 1.25 1.90 2.30 6.30 9.60 1.10 2.25 3.50 5.30(5.30) (12.30) (16.10) Size mark Seamless (Without Joints) (Synchronous Belts) 200 XH 1000 Belt length (mm) Seamless (Without Joints) (STS Belts) 500 S14M 7850 Belt length (mm) Belt Type Belt Type Belt Nominal width (2': 50.8mm) Open-end (Synchronous Belts) XL 025 × 53M Belt length (m) ٨ Belts can be manufactured in a length having the number of teeth that you specify. Belt Nominal width (50mm) Open-end (STS Belts) 250 S8M × 30M Belt length (m) Nominal width (0.25': 6.4mm) Belt Type Belt Type Nominal width (25mm) ٨ Belts can be manufactured to special specifications (reverse side logo, white color, etc.). Endless ٨ On-site endless processing is available. ٨ Increasing the number of joints allows synchronous conveyance or synchronous transmission over any span length. Open-end ٨ Capable of accurate reciprocating motion in indexing Standard Sizes Type H XH XXH S8M S14M Seamless (Without Joints) Standard Nominal width Range of available belt 100,200,400,600,800,1000(inch × 100) 4.7~30m 250,500,1000,1500,2000,3000 (mm × 10) applications. Unit: m Open-end Nominal width 019 025 031 037 050 075 100 150 200 300 Nominal width 50 60 70 80 100 140 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 Width (mm) 4.8 6.4 7.9 9.5 12.7 19.1 25.4 38.1 50.8 76.2 Width (mm) 5 6 7 8 10 14 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 MXL 42 31 25 41 30 S2M 40 35 30 50 XL 53 43 35 26 33 S3M 50 40 L 49 32 47 S4.5M 45 40 28 H 42 31 40 28 17 S5M 40 40 40 30 24 S8M 40 50 40 30 53 38 29 24 12 SYNCHRONOUS BELTS (POLYURETHANE) Bancollan Long Synchronous / STS Belts (LSB-U) Dimensions P h1 h2 Bancollan Long STS Belts Unit: mm ( ) Type S2M S3M S3M S8M 1 P 2.00 3.00 5.00 8.00 h1 0.76 1.14 1.81 2.85 h2 1.40 2.00 3.81 5.00 Bancollan Long Synchronous Belts 2 P h1 h2 3 Unit: mm ( ) Type XL L H T5 T10 Construction 1: Polyurethane teeth 2: Polyurethane backing 3: Tensile member P 5.080 9.525 12.700 5.00 10.00 h1 1.25 1.90 2.30 1.20 2.50 h2 2.25 3.50 4.30 2.20 4.50 Size mark 25 T10 - 890 S W - J Features + Benefits joint cord material (mark) Polyurethane material (mark) teeth number Belt Type Belt Nominal width (mm) The polyurethane construction of these long span belts make them ideally suited for synchronous transmission and conveyance in food processing machinery and other applications requiring a clean, dust-free drive. Endless 240 S3M - 1000 L W cord material (mark) Polyurethane material (mark) teeth number Belt Type Belt Nominal width (240:24mm) ٨ long-span belts capable of synchronous transmission and synchronous conveyance. Open-end ٨ Capable of accurate reciprocating motion in indexing 037 XL - 1015 S W applications. cord material (mark) Polyurethane material (mark) teeth number Belt Type Belt Nominal width (0.37inch=9.5mm) Polyorethane material mark S ···(standard translucent) W···(standard milky-white) L ···(low low friction milky-white) M ··· (moisture and heat resistant milky-white) Standard Sizes Endless (With Joints) cord mark W··· steel cord K ··· aramid cord Openend Standard Nominal Maximum Width in Max Standard Nominal Maximum Width in Maximum Minimum Type Type width mm (Nominal width) length (m) width mm (Nominal width) length (m) length (m) S5M 100,150,200,250,300,400,500 150,200,250,300,400,500 S8M 750,1000 XL L H T5 T10 025,031,037,050,075 100,150,200 050,075,100,150,200 075,100,150,200 300,400 7,10,15,20,25,30,40,50 15,20,25,30,40,50 75,100 50(500) 50 100(1000) 30 50.8(200) 50 50.8(200) 50 101.6(400) 50 50 50 100 50 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 S2M S3M 50,100,150,200,250 300,350,400 60,120,180,240,300 360,420,480 S5M 100,150,200,250,300,400,500 150,200,250,300,400,500 S8M 750,1000 XL 025,031,037,050,075 100,150,200 050,075,100,150,200 L 075,100,150,200,300,400 H 7,10,15,20,25,30,40,50 T5 15,20,25,30,40,75,100 T10 40(400) 60 48(480) 60 50(500) 100(1000) 50 30 50.8(200) 50 50.8(200) 101.6(400) 50 100 50 50 50 50 13 SYNCHRONOUS BELTS (RUBBER) SYNCHRONOUS BELTS 4 3 1 2 Features ٨ Non-slip Accurate tooth dimensions and minimal elongation virtually eliminate slippage and speed variation. ٨ No maintenance No lubrication is required. ٨ No high initial tension, thus keeping the bearing load very low. ٨ Space saving Utilizes small pulleys and short center distances. Construction Size mark 1: Chloroprene rubber backing. 2: Glass Fiber tensile member. 3: Chloroprene rubber tooth. 4: Nylon canvas (MXL) 140 MXL 9.5 Belt width in mm Belt Type Number of teeth Dimensions (XL, L, H, XH, XXH) P 140 XL 025 H2 㱔㩷 H1 Belt width 0.25" (1/4") Belt Type Pitch length in inches ×10 (14"×10-140) W Type P 2.032mm (0.080") 5.08mm XL Extra Light (0.200") 9.525mm L Light (0.375") 12.7mm H Heavy (0.500") 22.225mm XH Extra Heavy (0.875") 31.75mm XXH Double Extra Heavy (1.250") MXL Mini Synchro W (0.76) 0.030 (1.35) 0.054 (3.2) 0.128 (4.4) 0.175 (8.0) 0.313 (12.2) 0.477 H1 (1.1) 0.043 (2.25) 0.09 (3.5) 0.14 (4.3) 0.17 (11.3) 0.44 (15.8) 0.62 H2 (0.51) 0.020 (1.25) 0.050 (1.9) 0.075 (2.3) 0.090 (6.3) 0.250 (9.6) 0.375 ǰ 40˚ 50˚ 40˚ 40˚ 40˚ 40˚ Standard Belt Width Nominal Width inch mm MXL XL L H XH XXH 14 1/8 3.2 ٨ 3/16 4.8 ٨ 025 031 037 050 1/4 6.4 ٨ ٨ 5/16 7.9 3/8 9.5 ٨ ٨ 1/2 12.7 ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ BELT WIDTH 075 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 3/4 19.0 1 25.4 1-1/2 38.1 2 50.8 3 76.2 4 101.6 5 127.0 6 152.4 ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ SYNCHRONOUS BELTS (RUBBER) SYNCHRONOUS BELTS Standard Sizes BELT TYPE PITCH BELT NUMBER MXL㶎 (Rubber) 2.032mm (0.080") 4 4 䇮 4 5 䇮 4 8 䇮 5 0 䇮 5 2 䇮 5 3 䇮 5 4 䇮 5 5 䇮 5 6 䇮 5 7䇮 5 9 䇮 6 0 䇮 6 1 䇮 6 2 䇮 6 3 䇮 6 4 䇮6 5 䇮6 7䇮6 8 䇮6 9 䇮7 0 䇮7 1 䇮7 2 䇮7 3 䇮7 4 䇮7 5 䇮7 6 䇮7 7䇮7 8 䇮7 9 䇮 8 0 䇮 8 1 䇮 8 2 䇮 8 3 䇮 8 4 䇮 8 5 䇮 8 6 䇮 8 7䇮 8 8 䇮 9 0 䇮 9 1 䇮 9 2 䇮 9 3 䇮 9 4 䇮 9 5 䇮 9 6 䇮 9 7䇮 9 8 䇮 9 9 䇮 1 0 0 䇮 1 0 1 䇮 1 0 2 䇮 1 0 3 䇮 1 0 4 䇮 1 0 5 䇮 1 0 6 䇮 1 0 8 䇮 1 0 9 䇮 11 0 䇮11 2 䇮11 4 䇮11 5 䇮11 8 䇮11 9 䇮1 2 0 䇮1 2 1 䇮1 2 2 䇮1 2 3 䇮1 2 4 䇮1 2 5 䇮 1 2 6 䇮1 2 7䇮1 2 8 䇮1 2 9 䇮1 3 0 䇮1 3 1 䇮1 3 2 䇮1 3 4 䇮1 3 5 䇮1 3 7䇮1 3 8 䇮1 4 0 䇮 1 4 2 䇮1 4 4 䇮1 4 5 䇮1 4 6 䇮1 4 8 䇮1 5 0 䇮1 5 1䇮1 5 5 䇮1 5 8 䇮1 5 9 䇮1 6 0 䇮1 6 2 䇮 1 6 3 䇮1 6 4 䇮1 6 5 䇮1 6 9 䇮1 7 0 䇮1 7 5 䇮1 7 7䇮1 8 0 䇮1 8 4 䇮1 8 8 䇮1 9 0 䇮1 9 2 䇮 19 5 䇮19 6 䇮 2 0 0 䇮 2 0 4 䇮 2 0 5 䇮 2 0 8 䇮 2 10 䇮 2 12 䇮 2 15 䇮 2 2 0 䇮 2 2 1䇮 2 2 2 䇮 2 24䇮 2 25䇮 2 26䇮 2 28䇮 23 0䇮 23 2䇮 23 4䇮 23 6䇮 23 9䇮 24 0䇮 24 5䇮 24 8䇮 2 4 9 䇮 2 5 0 䇮 2 51䇮 2 5 5 䇮 2 5 6 䇮 2 6 0 䇮 2 6 2 䇮 2 6 5 䇮 2 6 8 䇮 2 7 1䇮 2 7 3 䇮 2 7 5 䇮 2 8 0 䇮 2 8 1 䇮 2 8 5 䇮 2 8 8 䇮 2 9 0 䇮 2 9 5 䇮 2 9 7䇮 3 0 0 䇮 3 0 5 䇮 3 0 8 䇮 3 1 0 䇮 3 1 2 䇮 3 1 5 䇮 3 1 8 䇮 3 2 0 䇮 3 2 3 䇮 3 2 6 䇮 3 2 8 䇮 3 3 0 䇮 3 3 2 䇮 3 3 4 䇮 3 3 6 䇮 3 3 7䇮 3 4 7䇮 3 5 0 䇮 3 5 4 䇮 3 5 5 䇮 3 5 8 䇮 3 5 9 䇮 3 6 0 䇮 3 6 4 䇮 3 6 5 䇮 3 7 1䇮 3 7 2 䇮 3 8 0 䇮 3 8 8 䇮 3 9 7䇮 4 0 0 䇮 4 0 2 䇮 4 0 5 䇮 4 1 0 䇮 4 1 3 䇮 4 2 5 䇮 4 3 1 䇮 4 3 4 䇮 4 3 5 䇮 4 4 0 䇮 4 4 8 䇮 4 5 3 䇮 4 6 4 䇮 4 6 8 䇮 4 7 3 䇮 4 7 5 䇮 4 8 0 䇮 4 8 7䇮 4 9 3 䇮 4 9 8 䇮 5 0 0 䇮 5 1 6 䇮 5 2 2 䇮 5 2 4 䇮 5 2 5 䇮 5 3 5 䇮 5 5 0 䇮 5 9 1䇮 6 1 2 䇮 6 6 5 XL (Rubber) 5.08 (0.200") 5 0䇮6 0䇮6 4䇮6 8 䇮7 0䇮7 2 䇮74䇮7 6 䇮7 8 䇮8 0䇮8 4䇮8 8 䇮9 0䇮9 2 䇮9 4䇮 9 6 䇮 9 8 䇮1 0 0 䇮1 0 2 䇮1 0 4 䇮1 0 6 䇮1 0 8 䇮11 0 䇮11 2 䇮11 4 䇮11 6 䇮11 8 䇮1 2 0 䇮 1 2 2 䇮1 2 4 䇮1 2 6 䇮1 2 8 䇮1 3 0 䇮1 3 2 䇮1 3 4 䇮1 3 6 䇮1 3 8 䇮1 4 0 䇮1 4 2 䇮1 4 4 䇮 1 4 6 䇮1 4 8 䇮1 5 0 䇮1 5 2 䇮1 5 4 䇮1 5 6 䇮1 5 8 䇮1 6 0 䇮1 6 2 䇮1 6 4 䇮1 6 6 䇮1 6 8 䇮 1 7 0 䇮1 7 2 䇮1 7 4 䇮1 7 6 䇮1 7 8 䇮1 8 0 䇮1 8 2 䇮1 8 4 䇮1 8 8 䇮1 9 0 䇮1 9 4 䇮1 9 6 䇮 19 8䇮 2 0 0䇮 2 0 2䇮 2 0 6䇮 2 0 8䇮 210䇮 212䇮 214䇮 216䇮 2 2 0䇮 2 2 2䇮 2 24䇮 2 28䇮 23 0䇮 23 4䇮 24 0䇮 24 4䇮 24 8䇮 250䇮 26 0䇮 262䇮 26 6䇮 270䇮 276䇮 2 8 0䇮 2 8 2䇮 2 9 0䇮 3 0 0䇮 310䇮 314䇮 3 2 0䇮 3 2 2䇮 3 3 0䇮 3 4 0䇮 3 4 4䇮 3 4 8䇮 3 52䇮 3 56䇮 3 6 0䇮 3 6 4䇮 370䇮 372䇮 376䇮 3 8 4䇮 3 8 6䇮 3 8 8䇮 3 9 0䇮 3 9 6䇮 4 0 0䇮4 0 8䇮4 24䇮4 3 0䇮4 5 0䇮4 5 6䇮4 6 0䇮470䇮4 9 0䇮4 9 6䇮 510䇮 5 4 0䇮 5 6 4䇮 5 9 2䇮 6 0 8 䇮 6 3 0䇮 6 3 8䇮 6 8 6䇮 8 2 8䇮 8 6 0䇮 8 8 8 䇮 9 0 0䇮 9 0 8䇮 914䇮 9 2 6 䇮 1 0 14 䇮 1 0 2 0 BELT TYPE PITCH BELT NUMBER L (Rubber) 9.525mm (0.375") 9 8 䇮1 0 9 䇮1 2 4 䇮1 3 5 䇮1 5 0 䇮1 6 5 䇮1 6 9 䇮1 7 2 䇮1 8 7䇮 2 0 3 䇮 2 1 0 䇮 2 1 8 䇮 2 2 5 䇮 2 4 0 䇮 2 4 8 䇮 2 5 5 䇮 2 6 3 䇮 2 7 0 䇮 2 7 7䇮 2 8 5 䇮 3 0 0 䇮 3 0 4 䇮 3 1 5 䇮 3 2 0 䇮 3 2 2 䇮 3 3 4 䇮 3 3 7䇮 3 4 5 䇮 3 6 0 䇮 3 6 7䇮 3 7 5 䇮 3 8 2 䇮 3 9 0 䇮 3 9 4 䇮 4 2 0 䇮 4 2 7䇮 4 3 6 䇮 4 3 9䇮 4 4 6 䇮 4 5 0 䇮 4 6 5 䇮 4 8 0 䇮 510 䇮 514 䇮 5 2 5 䇮 5 4 0 䇮 5 4 8 䇮 5 8 1䇮 6 0 0 䇮 6 0 5 䇮 6 1 9 䇮 6 3 0 䇮 6 4 0 䇮 6 5 3 䇮 6 6 0 䇮 6 9 7䇮 7 2 8 䇮 7 3 1 䇮 7 6 7䇮 7 8 0 䇮 7 8 8 䇮 8 0 6 䇮 8 5 5 䇮 8 6 3 䇮 8 8 1䇮 9 1 5 䇮 9 1 9 䇮 9 3 8 䇮 1 2 9 4 H (Rubber) 12.700mm (0.5") 18 5䇮 2 2 5䇮 2 3 0䇮 24 0䇮 24 5䇮 270䇮 28 0䇮 3 0 0䇮 310䇮 315䇮 3 2 0䇮 3 3 0䇮 3 4 0䇮 3 5 0䇮 3 6 0䇮 3 7 0䇮 3 7 5 䇮 3 9 0䇮 4 0 0䇮 410䇮 4 2 0䇮 4 3 0䇮 4 5 0䇮 4 6 5 䇮 4 8 0䇮 4 9 0䇮 510䇮 5 3 0䇮 5 4 0䇮 5 6 0䇮 5 6 5䇮 5 70䇮 5 8 0䇮 6 0 0䇮 6 0 5䇮 6 3 0䇮 6 4 0䇮6 5 0䇮6 6 0䇮6 8 0䇮70 0䇮73 0䇮75 0䇮76 0䇮7 70䇮 8 0 0䇮 810䇮 8 20䇮 8 4 0 䇮 8 5 0 䇮 8 6 0 䇮 8 8 0 䇮 9 0 0 䇮 9 5 0 䇮 9 8 5 䇮1 0 0 0 䇮1 0 2 0 䇮1 0 5 0 䇮11 0 0 䇮 11 3 0 䇮 11 4 0 䇮 1 2 5 0 䇮 1 3 2 5 䇮 1 3 5 0 䇮 14 0 0 䇮 1 6 8 0 䇮 17 0 0 XH (Rubber) 22.225mm (0.875") 5 0 7䇮 5 6 0 䇮 6 3 0 䇮 7 0 0 䇮 7 3 5 䇮 7 7 0 䇮 8 4 0 䇮 8 7 5 䇮 9 2 7䇮 9 8 0 䇮 11 2 0 䇮 1 2 6 0 䇮 14 0 0 䇮 1 5 4 0 䇮 17 5 0 XXH (Rubber) 31.750mm (1.250") 7 0 0 䇮 8 0 0 䇮 9 0 0 䇮 1 0 0 0 䇮 1 2 0 0 䇮 14 0 0 䇮 1 6 0 0 䇮 1 8 0 0 䇮 1 9 1 5 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㩷 㶎㩷For MXL (only) belt number equals number of teeth. All others refer to pitch length in inches. 15 SYNCHRONOUS BELTS (RUBBER) SUPER TORQUE SYNCHRONOUS (STS) BELTS 4 3 1 2 Construction 1: Chloroprene rubber backing 2: Glass Fiber tensile member 3: Chloroprene rubber tooth 4: Nylon canvas Dimensions P W Features ٨ High torque capacity drive ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ H1 Unique tooth profile enables the belt to transmit higher power. Lower noise level Smoother tooth engagement and direct contact of tooth top with the pulley grooves' enables the belt to run quietly even at high speeds. Long service life As the belt tooth meshes with the pulley grooves, the cord lay forms an almost true circle. This minimizes the cantilever effect on the cords, resulting in reduced bending fatigue and longer service life. No maintenance No lubrication or retension required. Space saving Due to Higher Power Transmission Capacity, the belt width and the pulley width can be designed narrower. This means machine space can be reduced and the machine can be designed more compactly. Type S1.5M S2M S3M S4.5M S5M S8M S14M H2 P 1.5mm 2.0mm (0.078") 3.0mm (0.118") 4.5mm (0.177") 5.0mm (0.197") 8.0mm (0.315") 14.0mm (0.551") h1 0.57mm 1.31mm (0.052") 2.1mm (0.083") 2.70mm (0.106") 3.61mm (0.142") 5.3mm (0.212") 10.2mm (0.402") h2 1.12mm 0.76mm (0.029") 1.14mm (0.044") 1.71mm (0.067") 1.91mm (0.075") 3.05mm (0.120") 5.30mm (0.209") W 0.98mm 1.3mm (0.051") 1.95mm (0.076") 2.93mm (0.115") 3.25mm (0.128") 5.20mm (0.205") 9.10mm (0.358") Size mark 600 S8M 1000 Belt pitch length (1000mm) Belt type (8mm tooth pitch) Standard Belt Width Width Mark Width (mm) S1.5M S2M S3M S4.5M S5M S8M S14M 16 40 4 ٨ ٨ 60 6 ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ 100 10 ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ Belt width (mm) × 10 (60mm) 150 15 200 20 ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ 250 25 ٨ ٨ 400 40 600 60 800 80 1000 100 1200 120 ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ SYNCHRONOUS BELTS (RUBBER) SUPER TORQUE SYNCHRONOUS (STS) BELTS Standard Belt Length BELT TYPE BELT PITCH (mm) BELT NUMBER (PITCH LENGTH mm) S1.5M (Rubber) 1.5 9 2 䇮9 3 䇮9 5 䇮9 8 䇮9 9 䇮1 0 1 䇮1 0 2 䇮1 0 8 䇮1 1 9 䇮1 3 4 䇮1 5 0 䇮1 5 8 䇮1 6 1 䇮1 6 4 䇮㩷 1 6 5 䇮1 6 8 䇮1 7 4 䇮1 8 0 䇮1 8 5 䇮1 8 6 䇮2 0 4 䇮2 0 6 䇮2 1 0 䇮2 2 4 䇮2 2 5 䇮2 3 6 䇮2 4 0 䇮㩷 2 5 5 䇮2 6 1䇮2 6 3 䇮2 7 3 䇮2 8 1䇮2 8 8 䇮2 9 0 䇮3 0 3 䇮3 0 5 䇮3 1 5 䇮3 3 5 䇮3 9 0 䇮4 4 1䇮㩷 4 4 4 䇮4 8 0 䇮111 6 S2M (Rubber) 2.0 8 6 䇮 8 8 䇮 9 0 䇮 9 2 䇮 9 4 䇮 9 8 䇮 1 0 0 䇮 1 0 2 䇮 1 0 4 䇮 1 0 6 䇮 1 0 8 䇮 11 2 䇮 11 4 䇮 11 6 䇮 118䇮 120䇮 122䇮 124䇮 126䇮 128䇮 13 0䇮 132䇮 13 4䇮 13 8䇮 140䇮 142䇮 14 4䇮 148䇮 150䇮 152䇮 156䇮 158䇮 16 0䇮 162䇮 16 4䇮 16 6䇮 16 8䇮 170䇮 172䇮 174䇮 176䇮 178䇮 180䇮 182䇮 184䇮 186䇮 190䇮 192䇮 194䇮 198䇮 200䇮 202䇮 204䇮 210䇮 212䇮 214䇮 216䇮 218䇮 220䇮 222䇮 224䇮 226䇮 230䇮 232䇮 234䇮 236䇮 238䇮 240䇮 242䇮 244䇮 248䇮 250䇮 254䇮 256䇮 258䇮 260䇮 262䇮 264䇮 266䇮 272䇮 274䇮 278䇮 280䇮 282䇮 284䇮 286䇮 288䇮 290䇮 292䇮 296䇮 300䇮 308䇮 310䇮 312䇮 314䇮 316䇮 318䇮 320䇮 322䇮 324䇮 326䇮 328䇮 330䇮 332䇮 338䇮 340䇮 342䇮 344䇮 350䇮 360䇮 364䇮 370䇮 372䇮 374䇮 376䇮 380䇮 386䇮 390䇮 396䇮 400䇮 406䇮 408䇮 416䇮 420䇮 426䇮 428䇮 438䇮 448䇮 452䇮 454䇮 460䇮 468䇮 474䇮 486䇮 490䇮 494䇮 500䇮 520䇮 530䇮 532䇮 540䇮 550䇮 558䇮 560䇮 572䇮 580䇮 594䇮 596䇮 600䇮 604䇮 606䇮 620䇮 630䇮 632䇮 650䇮 652䇮 656䇮 668䇮 676䇮 692䇮 700䇮 710䇮 742䇮 752䇮 754䇮 766䇮 796䇮 800䇮 㩷 810䇮 826䇮 898䇮 900䇮 940䇮 946䇮 950䇮 984䇮 1000䇮 1032䇮 1036䇮 1066䇮 1074䇮 㩷 1100䇮 1110䇮 1136䇮 1154䇮 1166䇮 1224䇮 1228 S3M (Rubber) 3.0 123䇮 129䇮 14 4䇮 150䇮 156䇮 159䇮 162䇮 16 8䇮 171䇮 174䇮 17 7䇮 18 0䇮 18 3䇮 18 6䇮 189䇮 192䇮 195䇮 198䇮 201䇮 204䇮 207䇮 210䇮 213䇮 219䇮 222䇮 225䇮 228䇮 234䇮 237䇮 240䇮 243䇮 246䇮 249䇮 252䇮 255䇮 258䇮 264䇮 267䇮 270䇮 273䇮 276䇮 279䇮 282䇮 285䇮 288䇮 291䇮 297䇮 300䇮 303䇮 309䇮 312䇮 315䇮 318䇮 324䇮 327䇮 330䇮 333䇮 336䇮 339䇮 342䇮 351䇮 354䇮 360䇮 363䇮 366䇮 369䇮 372䇮 375䇮 378䇮 384䇮 387䇮 390䇮 396䇮 399䇮 402䇮 405䇮 408䇮 417䇮 420䇮 423䇮 426䇮 432䇮 438䇮 444䇮 447䇮 453䇮 459䇮 468䇮 471䇮 474䇮 480䇮 486䇮 489䇮 492䇮 498䇮 501䇮 507䇮 513䇮 516䇮 519䇮 522䇮 525䇮 534䇮 537䇮 540䇮 549䇮 552䇮 555䇮 564䇮 573䇮 579䇮 588䇮 597䇮 600䇮 609䇮 621䇮 633䇮 648䇮 657䇮 660䇮 666䇮 681䇮 690䇮 699䇮 726䇮 735䇮 741䇮 750䇮 768䇮 771䇮 789䇮 804䇮 810䇮 825䇮 852䇮 882䇮 885䇮 888䇮 900䇮 918䇮 927䇮 936䇮 990䇮 1119䇮 1134䇮 1146䇮 1188䇮 1299䇮 1419䇮 1530 S4.5M (Rubber) 4.5 S5M (Rubber) 5.0 225䇮 230䇮 255䇮 275䇮 295䇮 300䇮 320䇮 325䇮 350䇮 375䇮 380䇮 390䇮 400䇮 410䇮 420䇮 425䇮 435䇮 440䇮 445䇮 450䇮 475䇮 490䇮 500䇮 520䇮 525䇮 550䇮 560䇮 565䇮 570䇮 575䇮 600䇮 625䇮 635䇮 645䇮 650䇮 665䇮 670䇮 675䇮 695䇮 700䇮 710䇮 725䇮 740䇮 750䇮 765䇮 770䇮 775䇮 800䇮 810䇮 830䇮 850䇮 860䇮 870䇮 900䇮 920䇮 940䇮 950䇮 965䇮 975䇮 1000䇮 1025䇮 1050䇮 1125䇮 1135䇮 1145䇮 1195䇮 1225䇮 1250䇮 1260䇮 1270䇮 1295䇮 1350䇮 1420䇮 1595䇮 1715䇮 1800䇮 2000 S8M (Rubber) 8.0 352䇮 384䇮 408䇮 424䇮 456䇮 480䇮 520䇮 528䇮 560䇮 584䇮 600䇮 632䇮 640䇮 656䇮 672䇮 680䇮 712䇮 720䇮 728䇮 760䇮 800䇮 824䇮 840䇮 848䇮 880䇮 888䇮 896䇮 920䇮 944䇮 960䇮 976䇮 984䇮 1000䇮 1032䇮 1040䇮 1056䇮 1096䇮 1120䇮 1136䇮 1152䇮 1160䇮 1184䇮 1192䇮 1200䇮 1216䇮 1224䇮 1240䇮 1248䇮 1272䇮 1280䇮 1296䇮 1312䇮 1344䇮 1352䇮 1384䇮 1392䇮 1400䇮 1424䇮 1440䇮 1480䇮 1520䇮 1552䇮 1600䇮 1728䇮 1760䇮 1776䇮 1800䇮 1808䇮 1880䇮 1952䇮 2000䇮 2120䇮 2160䇮 2240䇮 2304䇮 2400䇮 2496䇮 2560䇮 2600䇮 2800䇮 2880䇮 2944䇮 3200䇮 3600䇮 3720䇮 3904䇮 4400 S14M (Rubber) 14.0 162䇮 180䇮 198䇮 225䇮 239䇮 252䇮 279䇮 284䇮 315䇮 324䇮 351䇮 383䇮 396䇮 450䇮 491䇮 504䇮 518䇮 558䇮 563䇮 612䇮 630䇮 711䇮 729䇮 801䇮 1031䇮 2111 1008䇮1120䇮1190䇮1246䇮1400䇮1540䇮1610䇮1652䇮1778䇮1806䇮1890䇮1904䇮 1960䇮 2002䇮 2100䇮 2240䇮 2310䇮 2380䇮 2450䇮 2506䇮 2590䇮 2660䇮 2800䇮 3150䇮 㩷 3248䇮 3500䇮 3556䇮 3850䇮 4004䇮 4060䇮 4326䇮 4508䇮 5012 17 SYNCHRONOUS BELTS (RUBBER) DOUBLE SIDED SYNCHRONOUS / STS BELTS DOUBLE SIDED STS BELTS 2 DOUBLE SIDED SYNCHRONOUS BELTS 2 1 1 3 3 Construction 1: Nylon Canvas 2: Chloroprene rubber backing 3: Glass fiber tensile member Dimension and Size mark 250 D - S8M 1400 600 D - H 150 Nominal Length in mm Type DOUBLE SIDED Nominal width in mm × 10 Nominal Width in inch × 100 Type Double sided Nominal length in inch × 10 Standard Sizes Type DS2M DS3M P(mm) 2 3 Nominal Width Nominal Length 300 320 338 372 408 440 486 540 604 660 754 898 1032 1110 304 322 340 374 410 448 490 550 606 668 766 900 1036 1136 306 324 342 376 416 452 494 558 620 676 796 940 1042 1154 308 326 344 380 420 454 500 560 630 692 800 946 1064 310 328 350 386 426 456 506 572 632 700 810 950 1066 312 330 354 390 428 460 520 580 650 710 826 984 1074 314 332 360 396 434 468 524 594 652 726 828 1000 1086 316 334 364 400 436 474 530 596 654 742 848 1020 1094 318 336 370 406 438 480 532 600 656 752 864 1024 1100 60, 100, 150 300 327 363 396 432 480 519 564 636 726 825 927 1146 303 330 366 399 438 486 522 573 648 735 852 936 1176 306 333 369 402 444 489 525 579 657 741 858 954 1188 309 336 372 405 447 492 534 588 660 750 882 990 1299 309 339 375 408 453 498 537 597 666 768 885 999 1419 312 342 378 417 459 501 540 600 681 771 888 1014 1530 315 351 384 420 468 507 549 609 690 789 900 1050 318 354 387 423 471 513 552 621 699 804 909 1119 324 360 390 426 474 516 555 633 720 810 918 1134 420 520 635 725 830 975 1225 1800 425 525 645 740 850 1000 1250 1860 435 550 650 750 860 1025 1260 2000 440 560 665 765 870 1050 1270 445 565 670 770 900 1085 1295 450 570 675 775 920 1125 1350 476 575 695 780 940 1135 1420 490 600 700 800 950 1145 1595 500 625 710 810 965 1195 1715 40, 60, 100 DS5M 5 ̪ DS4.5M 4.5 60, 100, 150 8.0 480, 520, 528, 560, 672, 680, 712, 720, 848, 880, 888, 896, 1000, 1032, 1040, 1152, 1160, 1184, 150, 250, 1240, 1248, 1272, 400, 600 1352, 1384, 1392, 1520, 1552, 1600, 1808, 1880, 1952, 2304, 2400, 2496, 2944, 3200, 3500, DS8M DS14M 14.0 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200 㶎Please contact us. 18 Type 450, 491, 504, 518, 558, 563, 612, 630, 711, 729, 801, 1031 1008, 1652, 2240, 2800, 4060, 1120, 1778, 2310, 3150, 4326, 1190, 1806, 2380, 3248, 4508, 584, 728, 920, 1056, 1192, 1280, 1400, 1728, 2000, 2560, 3720, 1246, 1890, 2450, 3500, 5012 600, 632, 640, 656, 760, 800, 824, 840, 944, 960, 976, 984, 1096, 1120, 1136, 1200, 1216, 1224, 1296, 1312, 1344, 1424, 1440, 1480, 1760, 1776, 1800, 2120, 2160, 2240, 2600, 2800, 2880, 3904, 4400 1400, 1904, 2506, 3556, 1540, 2002, 2590, 3850, 1610, 2100, 2660, 4004, DXL DL DH P(mm) Nominal Width Nominal Length 5.080 025, 031, 037, 050, 075, 160, 180, 206, 230, 276, 340, 384, 456, 630, 162, 182, 208, 234, 280, 344, 386, 460, 164, 166, 184, 188, 210, 212, 240, 244, 282, 290, 348, 352, 388, 390, 470, 490, 168, 190, 214, 248, 300, 356, 396, 496, 170, 194, 216, 250, 310, 360, 400, 510, 172, 196, 220, 260, 314, 364, 408, 540, 174, 198, 222, 262, 320, 370, 424, 564, 176, 200, 224, 266, 322, 372, 430, 592, 178, 202, 228, 270, 330, 376, 450, 608, 9.525 050, 075, 100, 150, 200, 165, 255, 334, 427, 540, 697, 915, 169, 263, 337, 436, 548, 728, 919, 172, 187, 270, 277, 345, 360, 439, 446, 581, 600, 731, 767, 938 203, 285, 367, 450, 605, 780, 210, 300, 375, 465, 619, 788, 218, 304, 382, 480, 630, 806, 225, 315, 390, 510, 640, 855, 240, 320, 394, 514, 653, 863, 248, 322, 420, 525, 660, 881, 12.700 075, 100, 150, 200, 300, 185, 225, 230, 240, 245, 270, 280, 300, 310, 315, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360, 370, 375, 390, 400, 410, 420, 430, 450, 465, 480, 490, 510, 530, 540, 560, 565, 570, 580, 600, 605, 630, 640, 650, 660, 680, 700, 730, 750, 760, 770, 800, 810, 820, 840, 850, 860, 880, 900, 950, 985, 1000, 1020, 1050, 1100, 1130, 1140, 1250, 1325, 1350, 1400, 1680, 1700 SYNCHRONOUS BELTS (POLYURETHANE) BANCOLLAN DOUBLE SIDED SYNCHRONOUS / STS BELTS DXL 1 DT5, DT10 2 1 2 Construction 1: Polyurethane Teeth 2: Steel wire tensile member Dimensions and Size mark 180 D × L 037 UK 25 D T 10 1800 Material Mark Pitch length in mm Nominal width in inch × 100 Type Type Nominal Width in mm Nominal length in inch × 10 Standard Sizes Type P(mm) DXL 5.080 Nominal Width Nominal Length 025, 031, 140, 146, 150, 166, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 037, 050, 220, 230, 240, 270, 290, 300, 320, 376, 400, 075 430, 490 Nominal Width Nominal Length Type P(mm) DT5 5.00 5, 10, 15, 300, 410, 460, 480, 515, 550, 590, 620, 650, 20, 25 700, 750, 800, 815, 860, 900, 940, 1075, 1100 DT10 10.00 260, 530, 630, 660, 700, 720, 800, 840, 900, 15, 20, 980, 1100, 1210, 1240, 1250, 1320, 1350, 25, 30, 50 1420, 1500, 1610, 1800, 1880 19 SYNCHRONOUS BELTS (RUBBER) HTS Belts 4 3 1 Construction 2 1: Chloroprene rubber backing 2: Glass fiber tensile member 3: Chloroprene rubber tooth 4: Nylon canvas Dimensions Size mark P 1000 P 8.0mm 14.0mm H1 5.3mm 10.2mm 50 Belt Width (mm) Belt Type Belt Pitch length H2 H1 Type 8M 14M 8M H2 3.5mm 6.0mm Standard Belt Width Width(mm) 20 25 30 40 50 55 60 70 85 100 115 130 150 170 8M ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ 㪄 ٨ 㪄 ٨ 㪄 㪄 㪄 㪄 㪄 14M 㪄 㪄 ٨ ٨ 㪄 ٨ 㪄 ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ ٨ Standard Sizes Belt Type Belt number (Pictch length mm) 8M 384, 424, 480, 560, 600, 624, 640, 656, 680, 720, 760, 800, 840, 856, 880, 896, 920, 960, 1000, 1040, 1056, 1064, 1080, 1120, 1152, 1160, 1184, 1192, 1200, 1224, 1248, 1264, 1280, 1304, 1360, 1392, 1400, 1424, 1440, 1480, 1512, 1520, 1584, 1600, 1680, 1728, 1760, 1800, 1904, 2000, 2056, 2064, 2080, 2104, 2120, 2160, 2180, 2240, 2248, 2272, 2304, 2360, 2400, 2432, 2504, 2584, 2600, 2648, 2660, 2720, 2800, 2904, 2940, 3000, 3048, 3072, 3152, 3200, 3248, 3280, 3352, 3360, 3448, 3552, 3600, 3648, 3752, 3872, 4000, 4120, 4248, 4368, 4400, 4504, 4624, 4752, 4872, 5000 14M 966, 1092, 1190, 1344, 1400, 1456, 1540, 1610, 1680, 1778, 1890, 2002, 2058, 2100, 2114, 2184, 2198, 2240, 2296, 2310, 2366, 2436, 2450, 2506, 2576, 2590, 2646, 2716, 2800, 2898, 2996, 3066, 3150, 3248, 3346, 3360, 3444, 3500, 3556, 3654, 3752, 3850, 3864, 4004, 4116, 4256, 4326, 4368, 4494, 4578, 4620, 4746, 4872, 4956, 4998 20 SYNCHRONOUS BELTS (POLYURETHANE) BANCOLLAN SYNCHRONOUS BELTS 3 1 2 We recommend Bando Bancollan Synchronous Belts are ideal for the following conditions. ٨ For improved performance from the belt i.e. as a conveyor or print drive, special shapes or indications can be formed on the backside. ٨ High oil or ozone resistance. ٨ High shock load applications. Dimensions Construction 1: Polyurethane backing 2: Steel cord tensile members (For MXL, Aramid tensile members) 3: Polyurethane teeth H2 㱔㩷 H1 P Features W ٨ Non-slip Accurate tooth dimension and steel cord ensures minimal stretching, no slippage and constant spends. ٨ High oil and ozone resistance. ٨ Special backside surfaces are available. Bando can mold virtually any special configuration on the belt's backside surface. Type P W H1 H2 ǰ MXL 2.032mm (0.080") 0.76mm (0.030") 1.2mm (0.043") 0.51mm (0.020") 40˚ XL 5.08mm (0.200") 1.35mm (0.053") 2.25mm (0.089") 1.25mm (0.049") 40˚ L 9.525mm (0.375") 3.2mm (0.126") 3.5mm (0.138") 1.9mm (0.075") 40˚ T2.5 2.5mm (0.098") 1.0mm (0.039") 1.3mm (0.051") 0.7mm (0.028") 40˚ T5 5.0mm (0.197") 1.80mm (0.071") 2.2mm (0.087") 1.2mm (0.047") 40˚ T10 10.0mm (0.394") 3.5mm (0.138") 4.5mm (0.177") 2.5mm (0.098") 40˚ Size mark (MXL) 140 MXL 9.5 U K Cord mark Material mark (polyurethane) Belt width in mm Belt type Number of teeth (T2.5, T5, T10) 10 T5 - 280 Pitch length mm Belt type Belt width in mm (XL, L) 140 XL - 025 U Material mark (polyurethane) Belt width 6.4mm (0.25") Belt type Pitch length in inches × 10 (14" × 10=140) For XL type, Aramid cord (K) is available. BANCOLLAN STS BELTS Dimensions H2 H1 P W Size mark Type P W H1 H2 S2M 2.0mm 1.3mm 1.4mm 0.76mm S3M 3.0mm 1.95mm 2.0mm 1.14mm 60 S2M 200 U G Cord mark Material mark (polyurethane) Pitch length in mm Belt type Belt width in mm × 10 (6.0mm) Cord Mark G K G K 㶎Cord mark G··· Glass cord K··· Aramid cord 21 SYNCHRONOUS BELTS (POLYURETHANE) BANCOLLAN SYNCHRONOUS / STS BELTS Standard Sizes BELT TYPE S2M (Polyurethene) P(mm) NOMINAL WIDTH 2.0 4 0 䇮 6 0 䇮1 0 0 BELT NUMBER (PITCH LENG TH mm) 76䇮78䇮80䇮86䇮9 0䇮92䇮10 0䇮102䇮10 6䇮110䇮112䇮114䇮116䇮120䇮122䇮 126䇮128䇮138䇮140䇮142䇮144䇮148䇮158䇮160䇮164䇮166䇮168䇮170䇮172䇮 176䇮180䇮184䇮186䇮190䇮 200䇮 206䇮 214䇮 216䇮 218䇮 220䇮 224䇮 230䇮 234䇮 236䇮 238䇮 240䇮 250䇮 256䇮 258䇮 260䇮 264䇮 266䇮 280䇮 290䇮 296䇮300䇮314䇮 316䇮320䇮334䇮340䇮354䇮360䇮370䇮380䇮396䇮400䇮436䇮440䇮448䇮454䇮 460䇮474䇮480䇮488䇮494䇮500䇮504䇮520䇮544䇮548䇮560䇮580䇮600䇮620䇮 630䇮654䇮710䇮754䇮790䇮800䇮806䇮828䇮 ̪ 900䇮976䇮 ̪1000䇮 ̪ 2250 ̪Aramid Cordonly S3M (Polyurethene) BELT TYPE 22 3.0 6 0 䇮1 0 0 䇮1 5 0 P(mm) NOMINAL WIDTH 120䇮144䇮150䇮159䇮162䇮171䇮174䇮177䇮186䇮192䇮195䇮 201䇮 204䇮 210䇮 213䇮 219䇮 222䇮 225䇮 234䇮 237䇮 240䇮 246䇮 252䇮 255䇮 264䇮 267䇮 270䇮 276䇮 285䇮 300䇮 312䇮 318䇮 327䇮 339䇮 342䇮 354䇮 360䇮 378䇮 384䇮 390䇮 396䇮402䇮 405䇮417䇮420䇮432䇮447䇮453䇮459䇮486䇮 501䇮 504䇮 507䇮 513䇮 516䇮 519䇮 537䇮 564䇮 588䇮 600䇮 609䇮 633䇮 660䇮 666䇮 681䇮 699䇮750䇮765䇮774䇮789䇮 804䇮 810䇮 885䇮 900䇮 936䇮 951䇮1005䇮1050䇮1146䇮1260䇮1383䇮1596䇮1800䇮 2100 BELT NUMBER (NO OF TEETH) T2.5 (Polyurethene) 2.500 3 䇮 5 䇮7 䇮10䇮 13 120䇮145䇮160䇮177.5䇮200䇮230䇮245䇮265䇮285䇮305䇮317.5䇮330䇮380䇮420䇮 480䇮492.5䇮500䇮600䇮620䇮650䇮780䇮915䇮950 T5 (Polyurethene) 5.000 5 䇮1 0 䇮1 5 䇮 2 0 25 165䇮185䇮 200䇮 215䇮 220䇮 225䇮 245䇮 250䇮 255䇮 260䇮 270䇮 275䇮 280䇮 295䇮 300䇮 305䇮 325䇮 330䇮 340䇮 350䇮 355䇮 365䇮 375䇮 390䇮400䇮410䇮420䇮425䇮 450䇮455䇮465䇮475䇮480䇮 500䇮 510䇮 525䇮 545䇮 550䇮 560䇮 575䇮 600䇮 610䇮 620䇮 630䇮 640䇮 650䇮 660䇮 675䇮 690䇮 695䇮700䇮720䇮750䇮780䇮 800䇮 815䇮 840䇮 850䇮 900䇮 940䇮 990䇮1000䇮1075䇮1100䇮1140䇮1215䇮1380䇮1440 T10 (Polyurethene) 10.000 1 5 䇮2 0 䇮2 5 䇮 㩷 3 0 䇮5 0 260䇮 370䇮400䇮410䇮440䇮450䇮 500䇮 530䇮 560䇮 610䇮 630䇮 660䇮 690䇮700䇮 720䇮750䇮780䇮 810䇮 840䇮 880䇮 890䇮 900䇮 920䇮 960䇮 970䇮 980䇮1000䇮1010䇮 1080䇮1110䇮1140䇮1150䇮1210䇮1240䇮1250䇮1300䇮1320䇮1350䇮1390䇮1400䇮 1420䇮1440䇮1450䇮1460䇮1500䇮1560䇮1610䇮1750䇮1780䇮1880䇮1960䇮 2250 MXL (Polyurethene) 2.032 3 . 2䇮 4. 8䇮 6.4䇮 9.5䇮12.7 30䇮 35䇮 37䇮 40䇮 41䇮 42䇮 45䇮 48䇮 50䇮 52䇮 53䇮 54䇮 55䇮 56䇮 57䇮 60䇮 63䇮 65䇮 6 7䇮 6 8 䇮7 0 䇮7 1䇮7 2 䇮7 3 䇮7 5 䇮7 6 䇮7 9 䇮 8 0 䇮 8 1䇮 8 2 䇮 8 3 䇮 8 5 䇮 8 7䇮 8 8 䇮 9 0䇮 91䇮 94䇮 95䇮 97䇮 98䇮10 0䇮102䇮103䇮10 6䇮110䇮112䇮114䇮115䇮118䇮 120䇮123䇮125䇮126䇮128䇮130䇮132䇮134䇮136䇮140䇮144䇮150䇮155䇮157䇮 160䇮165䇮170䇮175䇮180䇮184䇮190䇮194䇮195䇮 200䇮 205䇮 210䇮 212䇮 215䇮 220䇮 225䇮 230䇮 236䇮 240䇮 250䇮 255䇮 260䇮 265䇮 270䇮 280䇮 295䇮 300䇮 305䇮 310䇮 330䇮 336䇮 340䇮 347䇮 350䇮 360䇮 438䇮 453䇮 468䇮 579䇮 660 NOMINAL WIDTH BELT TYPE P(mm) XL (Polyurethene) 5.080 025䇮 031䇮 037䇮 050䇮 075 60䇮70䇮 80䇮 84䇮 90䇮 96䇮100䇮110䇮114䇮120䇮130䇮140䇮150䇮154䇮156䇮160䇮 166䇮168䇮170䇮176䇮180䇮190䇮198䇮 200䇮 202䇮 210䇮 212䇮 220䇮 230䇮 236䇮 240䇮 250䇮 254䇮 260䇮 270䇮 290䇮 300䇮 320䇮 330䇮 376䇮 396䇮414䇮430䇮460䇮 478䇮480䇮490䇮 512䇮 564䇮 630䇮 670䇮 686䇮730 L (Polyurethene) 9.525 050䇮 075䇮100䇮 150䇮 200 124䇮150䇮165䇮187䇮 210䇮 225䇮 240䇮 255䇮 270䇮 285䇮 300䇮 322䇮 345䇮 360䇮 367䇮 390䇮 420䇮 450䇮 480䇮 510䇮 540䇮 600 BELT NUMBER (PITCH LENGTH INCHES×10) SYNCHRONOUS BELTS (POLYURETHANE) BANCOLLAN SYNCHRONOUS BELTS IN-TYPE Bancollan Synchronous belts TN type is a highly precise, extra light-duty belt with a unique profile. Features + Benefits ٨ Complete synchronized transmission ٨ Light drive system ٨ Calm and smooth drive Dimensions Standard Width H2 H1 P .2 R0 Type P H1 H2 TN15 1.5 1.3 0.7 TN10 1.0 0.85 0.44 TN15 Nominal Width Width (mm) 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.0 13.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.0 13.0 Nominal Width Width (mm) 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 unit: mm Size mark 180 TN15 - 5.0 K 㶎CORD MARK K=Aramid CORD MARK W=Steel wire Nominal width T=Polyester Belt type Number of teeth (As for TN10, polyester cord is only available) TN10 Standard Sizes TN15 Type TN10 Type BELT NUMBER Pitch length (mm) number of teeth BELT NUMBER Pitch length (mm) number of teeth BELT NUMBER Pitch length (mm) number of teeth 43TN15 50TN15 60TN15 63TN15 64.5 75.0 90.0 94.5 43 50 60 63 270TN15 271TN15 290TN15 298TN15 405.0 406.5 435.0 447.0 270 271 290 298 50TN10 60TN10 80TN10 81TN10 90TN10 50.0 60.0 80.0 81.0 90.0 50 60 80 81 90 79TN15 82TN15 100TN15 110TN15 114TN15 120TN15 118.5 123.0 150.0 165.0 171.0 180.0 79 82 100 110 114 120 300TN15 310TN15 320TN15 330TN15 334TN15 450.0 465.0 480.0 495.0 501.0 300 310 320 330 334 98TN10 100TN10 107TN10 110TN10 120TN10 98.0 100.0 107.0 110.0 120.0 98 100 107 110 120 130TN15 131TN15 140TN15 195.0 196.5 210.0 130 131 140 339TN15 340TN15 350TN15 360TN15 370TN15 508.5 510.0 525.0 540.0 555.0 339 340 350 360 370 130TN10 140TN10 150TN10 160TN10 170TN10 130.0 140.0 150.0 160.0 170.0 130 140 150 160 170 150TN15 160TN15 170TN15 180TN15 225.0 240.0 255.0 270.0 150 160 170 180 380TN15 390TN15 400TN15 421TN15 441TN15 570.0 585.0 600.0 631.5 661.5 380 390 400 421 441 200TN10 250TN10 287TN10 310TN10 200.0 250.0 287.0 310.0 200 250 287 310 186TN15 190TN15 192TN15 196TN15 200TN15 279.0 285.0 288.0 294.0 300.0 186 190 192 196 200 460TN15 480TN15 481TN15 828TN15 690.0 720.0 721.5 1242.0 460 480 481 828 220TN15 230TN15 240TN15 250TN15 260TN15 330.0 345.0 360.0 375.0 390.0 220 230 240 250 260 23
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