Sedie/Chairs Sgabelli/Stools
Sedie/Chairs Sgabelli/Stools
Sedie/Chairs Sgabelli/Stools 2016 Connubia è la linea dedicata ai “fondamentali” della produzione Calligaris: tavoli e sedie, portati al massimo livello di eccellenza e profondità di gamma. Il nome nasce dal latino “conubium” (matrimonio, connubio). Esprime il naturale legame tra i prodotti e l’azienda e il loro fondersi in una originale e inimitabile unione. Connubia è la simbiosi tra i prodotti che compongono la gamma e il naturale replicarsi dell’unione tra questi e chi li sceglie, sposandoli al suo gusto e stile. Di questo armonico connubio il marchio è forma ed essenza. Connubia es la linea dedicada a los “origenes” de la producción Calligaris: mesas y sillas, llegan al máximo nivel de excelencia y variedad de gama. El origen del nombre provien del latín “conubium” (boda, connubio). Expresa el enlace natural entre productos y empresa que se fusionan en una original e inimitable unión. Connubia es la simbiosis entre los productos que componen la gama y la natural unión entre ellos y quien los elige, casandolos a su propio gusto y estilo. La marca es forma y esencia de este armónico connubio. Connubia is the product line dedicated to the “essentials” of Calligaris manufacturing: tables and chairs, brought to the highest level of excellence and depth of range. The name comes from the Latin “conubium” (marriage, bond). It expresses the natural link between the company and its products and their bringing together in an original and unique combination. Connubia is the harmony between the products and the person who chooses them, marrying them to his/her own taste and style. The brand is the form and essence of this harmonic bond. Connubia это гамма, посвященная «основам» продукции Calligaris: столы и стулья на максимальном уровне качества и глубины продуктовой линии. Имя берет начало от латинского “conubium” (союз, единение, брачные узы), означает неразрывную связь между продукцией и компанией, их сплав в оригинальный и неповторимый союз. Connubia это симбиоз между продукцией, которая составляет гамму и человеком который ее выбирает согласно своему стилю и вкусу. Торговая марка является олицетворением этой гармонии и единения. Connubia ist die Produktlinie, die dem “Wesentlichen” der Calligaris Produktion gewidmet ist: Ein Sortiment aus Tische und Stühle auf einem hohen Niveau bezüglich Produktbreite und Produkttiefe. Der Name stammt aus dem lateinischen “conubium” (Ehe, Bindung). Er ist Ausdruck der natürlichen erbindung zwischen dem Unternehmen und seinen Produkten und deren Erhebung in eine originelle und einzigartige Kombination. Connubia ist die Harmonie zwischen dem Produkt und der Person, die es wählt und es in den eigenen Geschmack und Stil integriert. Die Marke ist die Form und das Wesen dieser harmonischen Bindung. Connubia est la ligne de produits dédiée aux “essentiels” de la production Calligaris: tables et chaises, portés à un plus haut niveau de l’excellence et de la profondeur de gamme. Le nom vient du latin “conubium” (mariage, union). Il exprime le lien naturel entre les produits et l’entreprise et leur fusion en une seule liaison originale et unique. Connubia est la symbiose entre les produits et ceux qui les choisissent, en les combinant selon leur goût et style. La marque est la forme et l’essence de cette liaison harmonieuse. コンヌービアとはテーブル、チェアなど卓越された最高レ ベル且つ多品種の必需的根幹となるカリガリス製品に設け られた取扱製品シリーズです。その名前の由来はラテン語 の“conubium”(融合、結びつきの意)から来ています。これは 企業とその製品の関係やオリジナリティと特有の組み合わせ の中にまとまりをもたらす自然な結びつきを表現しています。 コンヌ-ビアは製品と自身のテイストとスタイルへの掛け合 わせを選択した人との調和です。このブランドは形態でありこ の調和的な融合の本質です。 02 introduzione / introduction 03 Sedie/Chairs Il simbolo si compone di tre semicerchi disposti in circolo attorno a un cerchio più grande che si crea per illusione ottica. Tre sedie attorno a un tavolo; la rappresentazione più immediata e sintetica dell’incontro, della convivialità, dell’idea di casa. Il payoff aggiunge un significato ed un valore ulteriore al marchio; se il simbolo esprime graficamente l’unione tra tavoli e sedie e la firma la qualità intrinseca del made in Calligaris, “Dining together” comunica un più caldo e coinvolgente concetto di “stare a tavola”, in un certo modo e con un certo stile. The symbol is a circle with three half circles around it, which create an optical illusion. Three chairs around a table; the immediate and concise representation of the gathering, of the conviviality and of the idea of home. The pay-off adds a meaning and a further value to the brand; if the symbol graphically expresses the union between tables and chairs and the signature expresses the innate quality of “made by Calligaris”, “Dining together” communicates a warmer and more captivating concept of “sitting at the table”, in a certain way and with a certain style. Das Symbol ist ein Kreis mit drei Halbkreisen um ihn herum, die eine optische Illusion von einem größeren Kreis schaffen. Drei Stühle um einen Tisch; die sofortige und präzise Darstellung der Versammlung, der Geselligkeit und der Grundgedanke von Zuhause. Der pay-off fügt der Marke eine weitere Bedeutung und einen weiteren Wert bei; wenn das Symbol grafisch die Verbindung zwischen Tischen und Stühlen ausdrückt und die Unterschrift die angeborene Qualität “made by Calligaris” darstellt, vermittelt “dining together“ einen wärmeren und attraktiveren Konzept des „am-Tisch-sitzen”: in einer bestimmten Art und Weise und mit einen bestimmten Stil. Ce logo est constitué de trois demi-cercles autour d’un cercle plus grand créé par illusion d’optique. Trois chaises autour d’une table; la représentation immédiate et concise de la rencontre, de la convivialité et de l’idée de la maison. Le slogan ajoute un sens et une valeur supplémentaire à la marque; si le symbole exprime graphiquement la liaison entre les tables et les chaises et la signature exprime la qualité innée de “made by Calligaris”, “Dining together” communique un concept plus chaud et plus captivant d’ “être à table”, d’une certaine manière et avec un certain style. 2016 El símbolo se compone de tres semicírculos alrededor de un círculo que se crea por ilusión óptica. Tres sillas alrededor de una mesa; la representación más inmediata y sintética de la reunión, de la convivencia, de la idea de hogar. El payoff incorpora un significado y un valor adicional a la marca; si el símbolo expresa grafícamente la unión entre mesas y sillas, si la firma expresa la calidad intrínseca del “made by Calligaris”, el “Dining together” comunica un concepto más caliente y cautivador del “sentarse en la mesa”, de cierta manera y con un estilo único. Символ состоит из трех полуколец расположенных вокруг окружности, которая создается оптической иллюзией. Три стула вокруг стола; символическое изображение встречи, содружества и идеи домашнего интерьера. Слоган добавляет смысла и сообщает ценность торговой марке; если символ интерпретирует в графике союз между столами и стульями, является оттиском качества присущего продукту “made in Calligaris”, то слоган “Dining together” передает более теплый и объединяющий смысл идеи “сидеть за одним столом”, определенным образом и с определенным стилем. ブランドマークは視覚的錯覚を引き起こす3つの半円と円形 で出来ています。テーブルの周りに置いた3つのチェア、集い と賑わいと住まいの発想を集約し簡潔な描写で表現。スロー ガンはブランドに対してひとつの意味とより一層の価値を与 えます。ブランドマークがテーブルとチェアの融合でグラフィ ックに表現されていたり、サインが“made by Calligaris”の 生来の品質を表現しているなら、”Dining together”は明白 な方法とスタイルで”sitting at table”というより暖かくて人 の心を捉えるコンセプトを伝えています。 Dallo stare seduti insieme nascono condivisioni, complicità ed emozioni. A questo continuo incontrarsi Connubia dedica una straordinaria gamma di sedie. Dalle forme classiche e senza tempo oppure avveniristiche e ricche di dettagli, le sedie Connubia invitano al riposo. Un design ergonomico e contemporaneo creato con materiali innovativi, che accompagna momenti unici nella vita di ogni giorno. Sitting down together brings sharing, complicity and emotions. Connubia dedicates, to this ongoing meeting, an extraordinary range of chairs. Classic and timeless shapes or futuristic and rich in details, the Connubia chairs invite you to rest. An ergonomic and contemporary design created with innovative materials, that accompany unique moments in our everyday life. Sich zusammenzusetzen führt zu Einverständnis und „emotion sharing“. Connubia widmet diesen beständigen Treffen, eine außerordentliche Bandbreite an Stühlen. Klassische- , zeitlose- und futuristische Formen reich an Details. Die Connubia Stühle laden zum Verweilen ein. Ein ergonomisches und modernes Design, aus innovativen Materialien, welches einzigartige Momente in unserem täglichen Leben begleitet. S’asseoir ensemble apporte le partage, la complicité et l’émotion. Connubia dédie, à cette éternelle rencontre, une gamme extraordinaire de chaises. Les formes classiques et intemporelles ou futuristes et riches en détails, les chaises Connubia vous invitent au repos. Un design ergonomique et contemporain créé avec des matériaux innovants, qui accompagnent des moments uniques dans notre vie quotidienne. Sentandose juntos nacen confidencias, complicidad y emociones. Connubia dedica, a este continuo encontrarse, una extraordinaria gama de sillas. Formas clásicas y atemporales o futuristas y ricas de detalles, las sillas Connubia invitan a descansar. Un diseño ergonómico y contemporáneo creado con materiales innovadores, que acompañan momentos únicos en la vida diaria. Когда люди вместе сидят за столом рождаются идеи, эмоции и дружба. Для этих встреч Connubia предлагает совершенно экстраординарный выбор стульев. От классических и проверенных временем, до самых современных и богатых деталями форм, стулья Connubia приглашают к отдыху. Эргономичный и современный дизайн, созданный с использованием инновационных материалов сопровождает каждодневные, но в то же самое время уникальные моменты жизни. 共に座る事は連なりと感情の共有をもたらします。桁外れの チェア品種はこの席にコンヌービアが貢献します。古典的で 恒久的な形状もしくは革新的で細部に富んだコンヌービアの チェアはあなたに安らぎを招きます。刷新的な要素で造られ た人間工学と現代的なデザインは私達の日々の生活に固有の 時を加えます。 indice numerico / numerical index 05 INDICE NUMER ICO Numerical index / Verzeichnis / Index Numérique Indice numérico / Цифровой код / CB品番順 SEDIE SGABELLI SEDIE PIEGHEVOLI Chairs / Stühle / Chaises / Sillas Стулья / チェア Stools / Hocker / Tabourets / Taburetes Барные стулья / スツール Folding chairs / Klappstühle / Chaises pliantes / Sillas plegables / Складные стулья / フォールディングチェア CB/93Air CB/1260Sandy 254-257 CB/1521Forum 112-115 CB/57Air CB/102 Online228-229 CB/1260-SKSandy CB/1523Argo CB/76 CB/129 CB/1272Congress78-79 CB/1525Garda 128-131 CB/1033Jam CB/1273L’Eau 190-195 CB/1526 Escudo102-105 CB/1034Jam CB/1273-AL’Eau 190-195 CB/1527Atlantis 54-57 CB/1010Swing 272-275 CB/1275Slim 264-265 CB/1022-LH New York 216-221 CB/1280Cortina 84-85 CB/1022-SK New York X-Press280-281 CB/212-LHEasy CB/260 28-31 Latina 92-95 184-189 254-257 28-29 CB/1427Led 196-201 CB/205Alu X-Press280-281 CB/1428Led 196-201 CB/207Skip 290-291 160-165 CB/1433Ace 22-25 CB/208Olivia288-289 160-165 CB/1437Graffiti142-145 CB/508Hook CB/1035Jam 160-165 CB/1464Latina 184-189 CB/1196Ambra286-287 CB/1528Jelly 172-175 CB/1039Ice 152-155 CB/1475Ice 152-155 CB/1395 CB/1530Robin 234-237 CB/1040Fly 110-111 CB/1476Jam 160-165 CB/5073 Flat282-284-290 46-49 216-221 CB/1284Milano212-213 CB/1533Rosie 244-247 CB/1049Ice 152-155 CB/1477L’Eau 190-191 CB/1030Jam 160-165 CB/1285 Nordica222-223 CB/1536Siren 258-263 CB/1050Ice 152-155 CB/1485 Jam W 166-171 CB/1038Ice 152-157 CB/1286-LHAmsterdam 38-41 CB/1538Rosie 244-247 CB/1087-LH New York 216-219 CB/1487 Jam W 166-171 CB/1042Area51 42-45 CB/1286-SKAmsterdam 38-41 CB/1539Argo 46-49 CB/1087-SK New York 216-219 CB/1488Sami 248-253 CB/1059Jam 288 282-283 SEDIE HOME OFFICE 160-165 CB/1287-LHAmsterdam 38-41 CB/1648 224-225 CB/1088-LH New York 216-217 CB/1509Soul 266-267 CB/1060 Philadelphia232-233 CB/1287-SKAmsterdam 38-41 CB/1649Miami 210-211 CB/1088-SK New York 216-217 CB/1513Go! 132-137 CB/1069 Air High CB/1298Led 196-201 CB/1651Cometa 74-77 CB/1140 Evergreen106-109 CB/1084-LH New York 216-221 CB/1298-ILed 196-201 CB/1656 Copenhagen80-83 CB/1189Suite 268-269 CB/1524Forum 112-113 CB/1084-SK New York 216-221 CB/1304Lotus 206-207 CB/1656-C Copenhagen80-83 CB/1190Suite 268-269 CB/1529Jelly 172-175 CB/1085Hero 148-151 CB/1312Helios 146-147 CB/1662-SKEmma 98-101 CB/1199 Venezia276-277 CB/1532Joe CB/1095Cruiser 86-89 CB/1313Neon 214-215 CB/1663Academy18-21 CB/1218Jenny 176-177 CB/1540Jelly 172-175 CB/321 CB/1095-LHCruiser CB/1320Ace 22-25 CB/1664Academy18-21 CB/1219Jenny 176-177 CB/1541 CB/623Jam 296-297 CB/1096Cruiser 86-89 CB/1362Jenny 176-179 CB/1665Academy18-21 CB/1269L’Eau 190-191 CB/1542Siren 258-263 CB/624-LH New York 298-299 CB/1096-LHCruiser 86-89 CB/1365Wave 278-279 CB/1666Nova 226-227 CB/1270L’Eau 190-191 CB/1543Siren 258-263 CB/624-SK New York 298-299 CB/1097Cruiser 86-89 CB/1413Graffiti142-145 CB/1667 26-27 CB/1279Cometa 74-77 CB/1682Party 230-231 CB/1246 Congress294-295 CB/1097-LHCruiser CB/1419Go! 32-37 86-89 Evergreen106-109 Led W Home office chairs / Home office / Chaises home office / Sillas home office / Стулья для дома и офиса / オフィスチェア 180-181 202-205 Air Race 292-293 CB/1669Nova 226-227 CB/1288L’Eau 190-193 CB/1683Party 230-231 CB/1252 Congress294-295 CB/1690Go! 132-137 CB/1300Lotus 206-207 CB/1684Party 230-231 CB/1272 Congress294-295 CB/1110Gossip 138-141 CB/1432Ikeda 158-159 CB/1693Ace 22-25 CB/1329Ace CB/1688Garda 128-131 CB/1111-LH New York 216-221 CB/1436 CB/1806-SKFrida CB/1339Rock 240-241 CB/1689Go! 132-137 CB/1111-SK New York 216-221 CB/1459 Gamera122-127 CB/1340 Mambo208-209 CB/1691Ace 22-25 CB/1117 Venezia276-277 CB/1462 Club 68-73 CB/1341Roll CB/1692Ace 22-25 CB/1128 Furlana120-121 CB/1462 -SK Club 68-73 CB/1343 CB/1139 CB/1465 Latina Low La Locanda 182-183 Evergreen106-109 CB/1429Astrid 132-137 Ace Soft CB/1515 50-53 CB/1101 86-89 Notre Dame Air Folding 284-285 Robinson238-239 184-189 116-119 22-25 242-243 Superstar270-271 CB/1343-LHSuperstar 270-271 POUF Ottomans / Hocker / Poufs / Pouf / Пуфы / オットマン CB/1188Suite 268-269 CB/1472Sami 248-253 CB/1345-LHEgg CB/1243Denmark90-91 CB/1486 Jam W 166-171 CB/1393Boheme 62-65 CB/1271 CB/1246Congress78-79 CB/1507 Led W 202-205 CB/1405Led CB/3307Candy 300-301 CB/1257Boheme 62-67 CB/1516-SBistrot 58-61 96-97 196-201 Crossover302-303 Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 04 indice alfabetico / alphabetical index 07 INDICE ALFABETICO Alphabetical Index / Alphabetisches Verzeichnis / Index alphabétique Indice alfabético / Алфавитный Указатель / アルファベット順インデックス SEDIE Chairs / Stühle / Chaises / Sillas / Стулья / チェア Academy Academy Academy Ace Emma Escudo Evergreen Forum CB/1663 CB/1664 CB/1665 CB/1320 CB/1662-SK CB/1526 CB/1139 CB/1521 p. 18-21 p. 18-21 p. 18-21 p. 22-25 p. 98-101 p. 102-105 p. 106-109 p. 112-115 Ace Ace Soft Air Air High Frida Furlana Gamera Garda CB/1693 CB/1667 CB/93 CB/1069 CB/1806-SK CB/1128 CB/1459 CB/1525 p. 22-25 p. 26-27 p. 28-31 p. 32-37 p. 116-119 p. 120-121 p. 122-127 p. 128-131 Amsterdam Amsterdam Area51 Argo Go! Go! Gossip Graffiti CB/1286-LH CB/1286-SK CB/1287-LH CB/1287-SK CB/1042 CB/1523 CB/1419 CB/1690 CB/1110 CB/1413 p. 38-41 p. 38-41 p. 42-45 p. 46-49 p. 132-137 p. 132-137 p. 138-141 p. 142-145 Argo Astrid Atlantis Bistrot Helios Hero Ice Ikeda CB/1539 CB/1429 CB/1527 CB/1516-S CB/1312 CB/1085 CB/1038 CB/1432 p. 46-49 p. 50-53 p. 54-57 p. 58-61 p. 146-147 p. 148-151 p. 152-157 p. 158-159 Boheme Club Cometa Congress Jam Jam Jam W Jelly CB/1257 CB/1462 CB/1462 -SK CB/1651 CB/1246 CB/1030 CB/1059 CB/1486 CB/1528 p. 62-67 p. 68-73 p. 74-77 p. 78-79 p. 160-165 p. 160-165 p. 166-171 p. 172-175 Congress Copenhagen Cortina Cruiser Jenny La Locanda Latina Latina Low CB/1272 CB/1656 CB/1656-C CB/1280 CB/1095 CB/1095-LH CB/1362 CB/1101 CB/260 CB/1465 p. 78-79 p. 80-83 p. 84-85 p. 86-89 p. 176-179 p. 182-183 p. 184-189 p. 184-189 Cruiser Cruiser Denmark Easy L’Eau Led Led W Lotus CB/1096 CB/1096-LH CB/1097 CB/1097-LH CB/1243 CB/212-LH CB/1273-A CB/1273 CB/1298 CB/1298-I CB/1507 CB/1304 p. 86-89 p. 86-89 p. 90-91 p. 92-95 p. 190-195 p. 196-201 p. 202-205 p. 206-207 Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 06 indice alfabetico / alphabetical index 09 SGABELLI Stools / Hocker / Tabourets / Taburetes / Барные стулья / スツール Miami Milano Neon New York Ace Ace Ace Ace CB/1649 CB/1284 CB/1313 CB/1022-SK CB/1022-LH CB/1329 CB/1692 CB/1433 CB/1691 p. 210-211 p. 212-213 p. 214-215 p. 216-221 p. 22-25 p. 22-25 p. 22-25 p. 22-25 New York New York Nordica Notre Dame Air Boheme Cometa Egg CB/1111-SK CB/1111-LH CB/1084-SK CB/1084-LH CB/1285 CB/1648 CB/57 CB/1393 CB/1279 CB/1345-LH p. 216-221 p. 216-221 p. 222-223 p. 224-225 p. 28-29 p. 62-65 p. 74-77 p. 96-97 Nova Nova Online Philadelphia Evergreen Evergreen Fly Forum CB/1666 CB/1669 CB/102 CB/1060 CB/1140 CB/1515 CB/1040 CB/1524 p. 226-227 p. 226-227 p. 228-229 p. 232-233 p. 106-109 p. 106-109 p. 110-111 p. 112-113 Robin Robinson Rosie Rosie Garda Go! Go! Graffiti CB/1530 CB/1436 CB/1533 CB/1538 CB/1688 CB/1513 CB/1689 CB/1437 p. 234-237 p. 238-239 p. 244-247 p. 244-247 p. 128-131 p. 132-137 p. 132-137 p. 142-145 Sami Sandy Siren Slim Ice Ice Ice Ice CB/1472 CB/1260 CB/1260-SK CB/1536 CB/1275 CB/1039 CB/1049 CB/1475 CB/1050 p. 248-253 p. 254-257 p. 258-263 p. 264-265 p. 152-155 p. 152-155 p. 152-155 p. 152-155 Suite Swing Venezia Wave Jam Jam Jam Jam CB/1188 CB/1010 CB/1117 CB/1365 CB/1033 CB/1034 CB/1035 CB/1476 p. 268-269 p. 272-275 p. 276-277 p. 278-279 p. 160-165 p. 160-165 p. 160-165 p. 160-165 X-Press Jam W Jam W Jelly Jelly CB/129 CB/1485 CB/1487 CB/1529 CB/1540 p. 280-281 p. 166-171 p. 166-171 p. 172-175 p. 172-175 Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 08 indice alfabetico / alphabetical index 11 SEDIE PIEGHEVOLI Folding chairs / Klappstühle / Chaises pliantes / Sillas plegables / Складные стулья / フォールディングチェア Jenny Jenny Joe Latina Air Folding Alu Ambra Olivia CB/1219 CB/1218 CB/1532 CB/1464 CB/1395 CB/205 CB/1196 CB/208 p. 176-177 p. 176-177 p. 180-181 p. 184-189 p. 282-283 p. 284-285 p. 286-287 p. 288-289 L’Eau L’Eau L’Eau L’Eau Skip Flat Hook CB/1269 CB/1270 CB/1288 CB/1477 CB/207 CB/5073 CB/508 p. 190-191 p. 190-191 p. 190-193 p. 190-191 p. 290-291 p. 282-284-286-290 p. 288 Led Led Led Led W CB/1427 CB/1428 CB/1405 CB/1541 p. 196-201 p. 196-201 p. 196-201 p. 202-205 Lotus Mambo New York New York Air Race Congress Congress Congress CB/1300 CB/1340 CB/1087-SK CB/1087-LH CB/1088-SK CB/1088-LH CB/321 CB/1246 CB/1272 CB/1252 p. 206-207 p. 208-209 p. 216-219 p. 216-217 p. 292-293 p. 294-295 p. 294-295 p. 294-295 Party Rock Roll Sami Jam New York CB/1682 CB/1683 CB/1684 p. 230-231 CB/1339 CB/1341 CB/1488 CB/623 CB/624-SK CB/624-LH p. 240-241 p. 242-243 p. 248-253 p. 296-297 p. 298-299 Siren Siren Soul Suite CB/1542 CB/1543 CB/1509 CB/1190 p. 258-263 p. 258-263 p. 266-267 p. 268-269 Suite Superstar Venezia X-Press Candy Crossover CB/1189 CB/1343 CB/1343-LH CB/1199 CB/76 CB/3307 CB/1271 p. 268-269 p. 270-271 p. 276-277 p. 280-281 p. 300-301 p. 302-303 SEDIE HOME OFFICE Home office chairs / Home office / Chaises home office / Sillas home office / Стулья для дома и офиса / オフィスチェア POUF Ottomans / Hocker / Poufs / Pouf / Пуфы / オットマン Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 10 legenda / key 13 LEGENDA Key / Legende / Légende Leyenda / Перечень / 凡例 Le pagine di questo catalogo propongono una serie di abbinamenti sedie, tavolo, complementi. Sono solo suggerimenti: sarà il gusto personale a determinare le scelte. I marchi e i segni distintivi riportati nel presente listino/catalogo sono validamente registrati e di esclusiva proprietà della Calligaris S.p.A. Il rivenditore si obbliga a utilizzare correttamente il materiale promozionale e pubblicitario fornito dalla Calligaris S.p.A., senza, in alcun modo, ledere i marchi e i segni distintivi in esso riportati. The pages of this catalogue show only a number of furniture combinations. These are our suggestions: only your personal taste will determine your final choice. The distinctive marks and trademarks contained in this price list/catalogue are validly registered and are the sole property of Calligaris S.p.A. The retailer is obliged to correctly use the promotional and advertising material supplied by Calligaris S.p.A., without damaging in any way the distinctive marks and trademarks contained therein. Die Seiten des vorliegenden Kataloges zeigen einige Vorschläge von Stuhl- und Tischgruppen mit Beistellmöbel. Ausschließlich Ihr persönlicher Geschmack wird Ihre Wahl entscheiden. Das in der Preisliste/im Katalog aufgeführte Logo ist geschützt und somit Eigentum der Firma Calligaris S.p.A. Der Händler ist dazu verpflichtet, das Werbe- und Promomaterial der Firma Calligaris ordnungsgemäss zu verwenden, ohne dieses in jeglicher Weise zu schädigen. STRUTTURA Frame Gestell Structure Estructura Структура フレーム SEDUTA Seat Sitzfläche Assise Asiento Сиденье シート SEDUTA + SCHIENALE Seat and back Sitz und Rücken Assise + dossier Asiento+Respaldo Сидение + Спинка シートと背 SEDIA IMPILABILE Stackable chair Stapelbare Stühle Chaise empilable Silla apilable Вставляемые друг в друга スタッキングチェア SEDILI INTERCAMBIABILI Interchangeable seats Austauschbare Sitze Assises interchangeables Asientos intercambiables Взаимозаменяемые стулья ラウンドシートセレクション SFODERABILE Removable Abziehbar Déhoussable Desenfundable Съёмные Чехлы カバーリング ADATTO AD USO ESTERNO For outdoor use Für Außenbereich geeignet Pour usage externe Valido para exterior Предназначено для использования на открытом воздухе 外用 NOVITÀ News Neuheit Nouveauté Novedad Новинки ニューアイテム SEDUTA GIREVOLE Swivel chair Drehbare Sitze Assise pivotante Asiento giratorio Вращающееся сиденье 回転チェア RUOTE LIBERE IN GOMMA MORBIDA Free soft rubber castor wheels Weichgummi Rollen Roulettes en caoutchouc souple Ruedas libres en goma suave Свободные колёсики из мягкой резины ソフトゴムキャスター REGOLABILE IN ALTEZZA Adjustable height Höhenverstellbar Réglable en hauteur Altura regulable Возможность регулировки по высоте 高さ調整 Les pages de ce catalogue présentent une série de combinaisons de chaises, tables et meubles d’appoint. Il s’agit seulement de propositions: votre choix dépendra de votre goût personnel. Les marques et les signes distinctifs figurant dans ce tarif/catalogue sont valablement enregistrés et propriété exclusive de Calligaris S.p.A. Le revendeur s’oblige à utiliser correctement le matériel promotionnel et publicitaire fourni par Calligaris S.p.A., sans porter en aucune manière atteinte aux marques et aux signes distinctifs qui y figurent. En las páginas de este catálogo pueden encontrar unas combinaciones de sillas, mesas y complementos. Estas son sugerencias: será el gusto personal a determinar la elección final. Las marcas y los signos distintivos indicados en esta lista de precios/ catálogo han sido registrados de manera válida y son propiedad exclusiva de Calligaris S.p.A. El revendedor se compromete a utilizar correctamente el material promocional y publicitario que Calligaris S.p.A. ha proporcionado sin perjudicar en absoluto las marcas y los signos distintivos allí contenidos. Настоящий каталог предлагает серию комбинаций стульев, столов и предметов интерьера. Это всего лишь предложения: ваш личный вкус определит ваш выбор. Торговые марки и товарные знаки, приведенные в настоящем прайс-листе/каталоге, официально зарегистрированы и являются собственностью компании Calligaris S.p.A. Дистрибьютор обязуется использовать информационно-рекламные материалы, предоставленные компанией Calligaris S.p.A. по назначению. このカタログの写真は各アイテムの組み合わせの例を掲載しています。最適な組み合わせをあなた自身の感性で組み上げてください。当カタログ及び価格表に記載されている 商標及び表 示マークは国際商標登録法に基づき登録されイタリアのカリガリス社が独占的所有権を持つものである。又、これらの商標や表示マークにかかわる全ての者は、カリガリス社が提供する販売促進 資料及び宣伝資料を正しく使用することを義務付けられています。そして、それらに記載されている商標及び表示マークを許可なしで乱用することを禁止しています。 MODELLO CERTIFICATO FOREST STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL® Forest Stewardship Council® certified Model FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) bescheinigtes Modell Article certifié Forest Stewardship Council® Articulo certificado Forest Stewardship Council ® Модель сертифицирована «Forest Stewardship Council» ® FSC®(森林管理®)認証 The pages of this catalogue show only a number of furniture combinations. These are our suggestions: only your personal taste will determine your final choice. The distinctive marks and trademarks contained in this price list/catalogue are validly registered and are the sole property of Calligaris S.p.A. The retailer is obliged to correctly use the promotional and advertising material supplied by Calligaris S.p.A., without damaging in any way the distinctive marks and trademarks contained therein. RICHIEDI I PRODOTTI CERTIFICATI FSC-COC Ask for FSC-COC certified products Fragen Sie folgende Produktzertificate an FSC-COC Demande les produits certifiés FSC-COC Pide productos certificados FSC-COC Покупай товар сертифицированный FSC-COC FSC公認製品をおすすめします NATUR SPHERE + SILVER PROTECTION Teflon™ fabric protector TESSUTO ANTIMACCHIA Stain resistant fabric Schmutzabweisender Stoff Tissu anti-tache Tejido anti-mancha Ткань, стойкая к загрязнению 撥水加工ファブリック Teflon™ is a registered trademark of The Chemours Company FC LLC, used under license by Calligaris S.p.a. Natur Sphere ® TESSUTO ANTIMACCHIA Stain resistant fabric Schmutzabweisender Stoff Tissu anti-tache Tejido anti-mancha Ткань, стойкая к загрязнению 撥水加工ファブリック Silver Protection TESSUTO CON TRATTAMENTO ANTI-BATTERICO E ANTI-FUNGO Fabric featuring an antibacterial and antifungal treatment Stoff mit antibakterieller und pilztötender Behandlung Tissu avec traitement antibactérien et antifongique Tejido con tratamiento antibacteriano y fungicida Ткань подвергнута антибактериальной и противогрибковой обработке 抗菌剤や抗真菌剤ファブリック Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 12 legenda / key 1 Nome del modello Model name Modellname Nom du modèle Nombre del modelo Название модели 品名 2 Codice del modello Model code Modellkode Code du modèle Codigo del modelo Код модели コード 3 Dimensioni Dimensions Maße Dimensions Medidas Размеры サイズ 4 Note tecniche Technical details Technische Angaben Notes techniques Notas tecnicas Технические примечания 使用 5 Finitura della struttura Frame finish Gestellausführung Finition de la structure Acabado de la estructura Отделка структуры フレーム仕上げ 6 Finitura della seduta Seat finish Sitzausführung Finition de l’assise Acabado del asiento отделка сиденья シート仕上げ 7 Nome della stoffa Fabric name Stoffname Nom du tissu Nombre de la tela название ткани ファブリック名 8 Combinazioni possibili possible combinations Zusammenstellungsvorschläge Combinaisons possibles combinaciones posibles возможные комбинации コンセプト 9 Tipologia dei prodotti Product type Produktentypologie Typologie des produits Tipología de productos типология изделий カテゴリー 15 9 2 3 4 8 5 6 7 1 Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 14 SEDIE E SGABELLI Chairs and stools / Stühle und Hocker / Chaises et tabourets Sillas y taburetes / Стулья и табуреты / チェアとスツール Academy sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1663 CB/1664 83 32E” 49 19B” CB/1665 83 32E” 45 17F” 51 20A” 45 17F” 44,5 17D” 19 83 32E” 51 20A” 45 17F” 44,5 17D” 51 20A” CB/1663 P77 P16 P94 P100 P139 P160 P176 P328 CB/1664 P16 P94 P100 P139 P160 P176 P328 CB/1665 P02 P12 P19W P27 P132 P94 P16 P94 P100 P328 P900 P946 P973 >PP< CB/1663 P16 P94 P100 P328 P900 P946 P973 P16 P77 P94 P100 P139 P160 P176 P328 Academy new Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 18 Academy sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 21 Academy CB/1665 P02 / P94 Sedia / Chair Academy CB/1664 P100 / P100 Sedia / Chair Dine CB/4094-R P02 / P94-P22W Tavolo / Table Academy Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 20 Ace sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1320 CB/1329 84 33A” 92 36B” 47 18D” 42 16E” 45 17F” 45 17F” 46 18A” P94 65 25E” 41,5 16C” 80 31D” Ace CB/1320 P94 / G8K Sedia / Chair Aladino CB/4742-L P94 / P10V Tavolo / Table 48 19” CB/1691 92 36B” 47 18D” 106,5 42” 48 19” CB/1692 84 33A” P77 65 25E” 41,5 16C” CB/1693 42 16E” CB/1433 23 106,5 42” 48 19” 80 31D” 46 18A” 48 19” P77 P94 P309 P309 CB/1320 CB/1320 CB/1329 CB/1433 CB/1329 CB/1433 CB/1693 P02 P87 P128 P94 P176 CB/1692 CB/1691 P15 P16 P94 P900 P946 >PP< Ekos G8K G8L G8N Carbon Look 481 G8Q G8R Sonor 480 CB/1693 CB/1692 CB/1691 P10V P17W P30W P128 P507 P100 P139 P328 Ace Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 22 Ace sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 25 Ace CB/1433 P309 / P15 Sgabello / Stool Ace CB/1329 P77 / G8Q Sgabello / Stool Ace CB/1320 P94 / P02 Sedia / Chair Ace CB/1693 P94 / P507 Sedia / Chair Ace Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 24 Ace Soft sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 27 CB/1667 83,5 32G” 46 18A” 43 16G” 50 19E” Ekos P16 G8R Ekos P94 G8K Ekos P176 G8Q Ace Soft new Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 26 Air sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/93 x4 84 33A” 44 17C” 53 20G” Air CB/93 P77 / AJ9 Sedia / Chair Air CB/57 P77 / 460 Sgabello / Stool CB/57 96,5 38” 55 21F” 65 25E” 51 20A” 29 53 20G” CB/321 AIR RACE 92 (83) 36B” (32F”) 75 (66) 29D” (26”) 60 23E” 53 (44) 20G” (17C”) 64 25B” CB/93 P77 450 459 460 461 367 467 AV0 AV1 AV7 AJ0 AJ9 P95 P77 Net 450 459 460 461 P95 CB/57 Net Arabesque 367 467 AV0 AV1 450 459 460 461 367 P77 Net Nancy CB/321 450 459 460 461 P95 P95 AV7 Net Tarifa AJ0 AJ9 Air Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 28 Air sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 31 Air CB/93 P95 / 459 Sedia / Chair Snap CB/4085-ML P95 / P15W Tavolo / Table Air Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 30 Air High sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1069 AIR HIGH 97,5 38D” 33 x4 45 17F” 51 20A” P77 60 23E” P95 Net 450 459 460 Net Arabesque 367 467 Net Nancy AV0 AV7 Net Tarifa AJ0 AJ9 Air High Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 32 Air High sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 35 Air High CB/1069 p77 / AV7 Sedia / Chair Baron CB/4010-MV P77 / P166 Tavolo / Table Air High Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 34 Air High sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 37 Air High CB/1069 P95 / AJ0 Sedia / Chair Airport CB/4011 P95 / GXW Tavolo / Table Air High CB/1069 P95 / 460 Sedia / Chair Air High Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 36 Amsterdam sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 39 CB/1286-LH CB/1286-SK 88,5 34G” 45 17F” 48,5 19A” 59,5 23D” CB/1287-LH CB/1287-SK 88,5 34G” 64 25B” 53,5 21A” 45 17F” 61 24A” P77 Pelle/Leather 705 683 D04 Skuba S92 S93 S95 Amsterdam Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 38 Amsterdam sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Amsterdam 41 Amsterdam CB/1286-LH P77 / 683 Sedia / Chair Amsterdam CB/1287-LH P77 / 683 Poltrona / Armchair Gate CB/4088-MV P77 / P321 Tavolo / Table Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 40 Area51 sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1042 43 x6 80 31D” 45 17F” 50,5 20” 50 19F” P94 P100 P900 P942 P946 P947 P973 >PP< >PP< Area51 Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 42 Area51 sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 45 Area51 CB/1042 P900 / P973 Sedia / Chair Area T CB/4067-A P15 / P15 Tavolo / Table Area51 Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 44 Argo sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1523 x4 82 32C” 48 19” 47 18D” Argo CB/1523 P15 / G8N P94 / G8N Sedia / Chair Aladino CB/4742-LB P94 / P94 Tavolo / Table CB/1539 82 32C” 46 18A” 46 18A” 48 19” 47 47 18D” P15 P94 P100 >PP< P15 P94 P328 P900 P946 >PP< P328 P900 >PP< P946 >PP< Ekos G8N Argo Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 46 Argo sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 49 Argo CB/1523 P94-P328 Sedia / Chair Eminence CB/4724-M P94 / P17W Tavolo / Table Argo Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 48 Astrid sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 51 CB/1429 96,5 38” 45 17F” 48 19” P128 50 19F” P132 P201 Berna 1SA3 1SA6 1SB2 Ekos G8K G8Q 1SA3 1SA6 1SB2 G8K G8Q P128 P132 P201 Astrid Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 50 Astrid sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Astrid 53 Astrid CB/1429 P201 / G8K Sedia / Chair Eminence CB/4724-W P201 / GEW Tavolo / Table Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 52 Atlantis sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Atlantis CB/1527 P77 / G8K Sedia / Chair Thesis CB/4756-RD P94 / GP Tavolo / Table CB/1527 76 30” 46 18A” 53 20G” 55 56 22A” P77 Ekos G8J G8K G8N Ekos G8Q G8R Atlantis Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 54 Atlantis sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Atlantis 57 Atlantis CB/1527 P77 / G8K Sedia / Chair Eminence CB/4724-M P94 / P94 Tavolo / Table Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 56 Bistrot sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Bistrot CB/1516 P128 / G8K Sedia / Chair Oregon CB/4725 P128 / GK Tavolo / Table CB/1516-S 81 32” 47 18D” 53 20G” P02 59 52 20D” P128 P132 P201 Ekos G8K G8Q Bistrot Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 58 Bistrot sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 61 Bistrot CB/1516-S P201 / G8Q Sedia / Chair Mikado CB/4728-V P201 / GTR Tavolo / Table Bistrot Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 60 Boheme sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 63 CB/1257 90 35D” 45 17F” 48 19” 52 20D” CB/1393 90 35D” 65 25E” 43 17” 49,5 19D” Cuoio rig./ Reg. leather P15 315 P16 R16 Cuoio rig./ Reg. leather P94 474 P159 463 Cuoio rig./ Reg. leather P176 D03 P328 R03 NOTE P16 / R16 solo/only CB/1257 Boheme Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 62 Boheme sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Boheme CB/1393 P94 / 474 Sgabello / Stool 65 Boheme CB/1257 P16 / R16 Sedia / Chair Sigma Consolle CB/4069-LL P94 / P94 Tavolo / Table Boheme Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 64 Boheme sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 67 Boheme CB/1257 P94 / 474 P176 / D03 Sedia / Chair Key CB/4044-VR P176 / GTA Tavolo / Table Boheme CB/1257 P328 / R03 Sedia / Chair Boheme Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 66 Club sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 69 CB/1462 CB/1462 -SK 91 35G” 46 18A” 47 18D” 57 22D” Denver P15 A08 P16 A07 Denver P94 A02 P176 A04 Skuba P15 S93 P16 S96 Skuba P94 S92 P100 SA0 Skuba P139 S99 P176 S95 Skuba P328 S98 Club Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 68 Club sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Club 71 Club CB/1462 P16 / A07 Sedia / Chair Snap CB/4085 P16 / GG Tavolo / Table Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 70 Club sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 73 Club CB/1462 P139 / S99 Sedia / Chair T-Table CB/4781-RC P02 / P139 / GTR Tavolo / Table Club Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 72 Cometa sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1651 Cometa CB/1651 P94 / G8K Sedia / Chair CB/1279 96,5 38” 116 45F” 45 17F” 44 17C” 57 22D” 75 80 31D” 45 17F” 54 21C” Ekos P16 G8R P94 G8K P132 G8K P132 G8Q Ekos P128 G8J P128 G8K P128 G8L P128 G8Q Ekos P201 G8J P201 G8K P201 G8L P201 G8Q NOTE CB/1279 solo/only P128-G8J Cometa Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 74 Cometa sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 77 Cometa CB/1651 P128 / G8Q Sedia / Chair Cometa CB/1279 P128 / G8J Sgabello / Stool Cometa Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 76 Congress sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1246 79 x6 79,5 31C” 45 17F” 53,5 21A” 53 20G” CB/1272 79,5 31C” 45 17F” 50 19F” 54 21C” CB/1252 90 (81) 35D” (32”) 54 (45) 21C” (17F”) 62,5 24E” 60 23E” P77 P95 P94 P900 P946 >PP< NOTE P77 solo/only CB/1246 - CB/1272 Congress Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 78 Copenhagen sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1656 Copenhagen CB/1656-C P128 / 1SB2 Sedia / Chair Fly CB/4702-Q P128 / GCQ Tavolo / Table CB/1656-C 96 37G” 96 37G” 45 17F” 47 18D” 55 21F” 45 17F” 47 18D” 81 55 21F” Ekos P16 G8R P94 G8K P94 P128 P328 Ekos P128 G8J P128 G8K Berna 1SA3 1SA6 1SB2 Ekos P128 G8L Copenhagen Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 80 Copenhagen Copenhagen sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 83 Copenhagen CB/1656-C P94 / 1SA6 Sedia / Chair Abaco CB/4758-V P94 / GP Tavolo / Table Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 82 Cortina sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Cortina CB/1280 P201 / G8L Sedia / Chair Mikado CB/4728-V P201 / GTR Tavolo / Table CB/1280 99 39” 46 18A” 48 19” P128 85 54 21C” P201 Ekos G8J G8L Cortina Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 84 Cruiser sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1095 CB/1095-LH 92 36B” CB/1096 CB/1096-LH 92 36B” 45 17F” 50,5 20” P16 P77 45 17F” 44 17C” 58 22G” CB/1097 CB/1097-LH 92 36B” 54 21C” 65 25E” 52 20D” 45 17F” 87 Cruiser CB/1095 P95 / A08 Sedia / Chair Cruiser CB/1097 P95 / A02 Poltrona / Armchiar 54 21C” P95 Denver A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A08 Pelle/Leather 683 705 D04 Pelle/Leather L01 L02 L03 L16 Cruiser Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 86 Cruiser sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 89 Cruiser CB/1096-LH P95 / 683 Sedia / Chair Baron CB/4010-MV P95 / P1C Tavolo / Table Cruiser CB/1095 P16 / L16 Sedia / Chair Cruiser Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 88 Denmark sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1243 x4 97 38B” 45 17F” 47 18D” 91 Denmark CB/1243 P128 / G8J Sedia / Chair Fly CB/4702-Q P128 / GCQ Tavolo / Table 53 20G” P128 Ekos G8J G8L Denmark Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 90 Easy sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Easy CB/212-LH P95 / 474 Sedia / Chair Baron CB/4010-MV P95 / GAW Tavolo / Table CB/212-LH 83,5 32G” 46 18A” 47,5 18F” P77 93 53 20G” P95 Cuoio rig./ Reg. leather 315 474 D03 NOTE D03 solo/only P77 Easy Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 92 Easy sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 95 Easy Easy CB/212-LH P77 / D03 Sedia / Chair Seven CB/4042-RC P77 / GTR Tavolo / Table Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 94 Egg sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 97 Egg CB/1345-LH P77 / 315 P77 / 474 Sgabello / Stool CB/1345-LH 84,5 (104,5) 33C” (41B”) 62 (82) 24D” (32C”) 42,5 16F” 42,5 16F” P77 Cuoio rig. Reg. leather 315 463 Cuoio rig. Reg. leather 474 D03 Egg Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 96 Emma sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 99 Emma CB/1662-SK P176 / S95 P16 / S99 Sedia / Chair CB/1662-SK 85,5 33E” 47 18D” 48,5 19A” 57 22D” P15 P16 P94 P95 P176 P328 Skuba S92 S93 S94 S95 Skuba S96 S98 S99 SA0 Emma new Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 98 Emma sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 101 Emma CB/1662-SK P16 / S93 P16 / S99 P16 / S95 P16 / SA0 Sedia / Chair Eminence CB/4724-M P94 / P18W Tavolo / Table Emma CB/1662-SK P328 / S98 Sedia / Chair Emma Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 100 Escudo sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Escudo CB/1526 P128 / 1SA6 Sedia / Chair Abaco CB/4758 P128 / GK Tavolo / Table CB/1526 85 33D” 46 18A” 45 17F” P02 103 53 20G” P12 P27 1SA3 1SA6 1SB2 G8J G8K G8N G8Q P128 P02 P12 P132 P201 P94 P27 P128 Berna 1SA3 1SA6 P132 P201 1SB2 P94 Ekos G8J G8K G8N G8Q Escudo Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 102 Escudo sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 105 Escudo CB/1526 P132 / 1SB2 Sedia / Chair Eminence CB/4724-W P132 / GEW Tavolo / Table Escudo CB/1526 P94 / G8K Sedia / Chair Escudo Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 104 Evergreen sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1139 CB/1140 82 32C” 47 18D” 44 17C” CB/1515 95 37D” 51 20A” 65 25E” 44 17C” P02 P128 P132 P94 P100 P139 P176 P328 109 43” 46 18A” 80 31D” 45 17F” 107 Evergreen CB/1139 P94 Sedia / Chair New Smart CB/4704-V P94 / GEW Tavolo / Table 47 18D” Evergreen Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 106 Evergreen sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Evergreen 109 Evergreen CB/1139 P132 Sedia / Chair Evergreen CB/1515 P94 Sgabello / Stool Evergreen CB/1140 P176 Sgabello / Stool Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 108 Fly sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 111 CB/1040 104 (78) 41 ” (30F”) 87 (61) 34B” (24A”) 41 16B” 42 16E” P77 P260 P265 >PU< Fly Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 110 Forum sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1521 45 17F” 46 18A” P94 Forun CB/1524 P94 / P10V Sgabello / Stool CB/1524 80 31D” 96,5 38” 51 20A” 113 65 25E” 46 18A” 51 20A” P95 NOTE P128 solo/only P95 P10V P17W P128 P94 Forum Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 112 Forum sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 115 Forum CB/1521 P95 / P10V Sedia / Chair Plano CB/4731 P95 / P10V Tavolo / Table Forum Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 114 Frida sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 117 CB/1806-SK 85 33D” 46 18A” 48 18G” P77 59,5 23C” P16 P94 P95 P176 Skuba S92 S93 S94 S95 Skuba S96 S98 S99 SA0 Frida new Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 116 Frida sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Frida 119 Frida CB/1806 P176 / SA0 Sedia / Chair Airport CB/4011 P176 / P1C Tavolo / Table Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 118 Furlana sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 121 CB/1128 94 37A” 47 18D” 45 17F” 51 20A” P290 045 125 Furlana Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 120 Gamera sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1459 123 x6 82 32C” 45 17F” 53 20G” 53 20G” P15 P94 P100 >PA6< P328 P900 P946 >PA6< P973 >PA6< Gamera Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 122 Gamera Gamera CB/1459 P94 Sedia / Chair Evolve CB/4052-A P94 Tavolo / Table sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 125 Gamera CB/1459 P94 / P100 Sedia / Chair Planet CB/4005 P94 / P94 Tavolo / Table Gamera Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 124 Gamera sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 127 Gamera CB/1459 P94 / P900 / P15 Sedia / Chair Baron CB/4010-ML P94 / P19W Tavolo / Table Gamera Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 126 Garda sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1525 Garda CB/1525 P159 / G8J Sedia / Chair CB/1688 96 37G” 46 18A” 44 17C” 98 38E” 54 21C” 129 65 25E” 44,5 17D” 50,6 19G” Ekos P15 G8N P16 G8R Ekos P94 G8K P159 G8J Ekos P176 G8Q Garda Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 128 Garda sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Garda CB/1688 P16 / G8R Sgabello / Stool Baron Counter CB/4010-CMV P16 / P1C Tavolo / Table 131 Garda CB/1525 P94 / G8K Sedia / Chair Eminece CB/4724-M P94 / P10V Tavolo / Table Garda Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 130 Go! sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1419 94 37A” 46 18A” 42 16E” 47 18D” 49 19C” CB/1689 83 32F” 94 37A” 46 18A” P15 65 25E” 43 17” CB/1690 42 16E” Go! CB/1419 P176 / P176 P94 / P94 Sedia / Chair Eminence CB/4724-M P94 / P10V Tavolo / Table CB/1513 83 32F” 133 47 18D” P16 65 25E” 43 17” 49 19C” P94 P95 P176 CB/1419 CB/1513 P02 P87 P128 P94 P176 P15 P16 P94 P900 P946 >PP< Ekos G8K G8L G8N G8R Carbon Look Sonor 480 G8Q 481 CB/1690 CB/1689 P10V P17W P30W P128 P507 P100 P139 P328 Go! Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 132 Go! sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 135 Go! CB/1419 P16 / 481 Sedia / Chair Giove CB/4739 P16 / GG Tavolo / Table Go! CB/1690 P94 / P507 Sedia / Chair Go! Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 134 Go! sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 137 Go! CB/1513 P176 / G8Q Sgabello / Stool Go! CB/1419 P15 / P15 Go! CB/1690 P94 / P507 Sedia / Chair Go! Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 136 Gossip sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 139 CB/1110 79,5 31C” 65 25E” 57 22D” P128 45 17F” 61 24A” P201 Denver A02 A04 A06 Gossip Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 138 Gossip sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 141 Gossip CB/1110 P201 / A06 Sedia / Chair Maestro CB/4086 P201 / GTR Tavolo / Table Gossip CB/1110 P201 / A06 Sedia / Chair Gossip Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 140 Graffiti sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 143 CB/1413 82 32C” 45 17F” 41 16B” 48 19” CB/1437 98 38E” 65 25E” 41 16B” 48,5 19A” P95 P94 P95 P900 >PP< P95 P946 P95 P973 >PP< P94 P94 >PP< Graffiti Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 142 Graffiti sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Graffiti CB/1413 P95 / P900 Sedia / Chair Plano CB/4731-V P95 / GTA Tavolo / Table 145 Graffiti CB/1437 P95 / P973 P95 / P94 P95 / P946 Sgabello / Stool Graffiti Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 144 Helios sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1312 147 x6 83 32F” 46 18A” 44 17C” 52,5 20F” P16 P94 P900 >PP< P942 P946 P947 >PP< Helios Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 146 Hero sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1085 149 x4 79,5 31C” 44 17C” 46,5 18C” 54 21C” P15 P94 >PP< P946 P947 >PP< Hero Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 148 Hero sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 151 Hero CB/1085 P15 / P947 / P94 Sedia / Chair Hero CB/1085 P94 Sedia / Chair Hero Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 150 Ice sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1038 CB/1049 82 32C” 82,5 32D” 46 18A” 47,5 18F” 53,5 21A” 42,5 16F” 98 38E” 80 31D” 41,5 16C” Ice CB/1038 P77 / P848 Sedia / Chair Key CB/4044-VR P176 / GTA Tavolo / Table 42,5 16F” CB/1475 97,5 (78,5) 38D” (31”) 98 (76) 38E” (30”) 84 (65) 33A” (25E”) 44 17C” 80 (58) 31D” (22G”) 41,5 16C” P77 P94 P799 >SAN< P266 P848 CB/1038 65 25E” 41,5 16C” CB/1039 42,5 16F” CB/1050 153 CB/1039 42,5 16F” P95 P852 CB/1049 >SAN< CB/1050 CB/1475 P77 P94 P95 Ice Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 152 Ice sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 155 Ice CB/1049 P77 / P799 Ice CB/1050 P77 / P266 Ice CB/1475 P77 / P852 Sgabello / Stool Ice CB/1039 P77 / P852 Sgabello / Stool Ice Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 154 Ice sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 157 Ice Ice CB/1038 P77 / P852 Sedia / Chair Ice CB/1038 P94 / P799 Sedia / Chair Snap CB/4085-ML P94 / P13W Tavolo / Table Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 156 Ikeda sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Ikeda CB/1432 P201 / G8Q Sedia / Chair Eminence CB/4724-W P201 / GEW Tavolo / Table CB/1432 99 39” 46 18A” 48 19” P128 159 54 21C” P132 P201 Ekos G8J G8L G8Q Ikeda Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 158 Jam sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1030 CB/1059 82,5 32D” 51,5 20C” 54 21C” 45 17F” 47,5 18F” CB/1033 63 24G” 62 24D” 93 (73,5) 36E” (29”) 80 31D” 48 19” 51 20A” 53 (44) 20G” (17C”) CB/1035 92,5 36D” 65 25E” 90 (81) 35D” (32”) 54 21C” CB/1034 77,5 30E” 48 19” CB/623 82,5 32D” 45 17F” 161 51 20A” 80 (61) 31D” (24A”) 44 17C” 43 17” CB/1476 98 (76) 38E” (30”) P77 P95 P94 P791 P799 P837 P799 P848 P799 P851 P799 >ABS< >SAN< P852 P799 P11P P799 P12P P799 P13P P799 >ABS< >SAN< 80 (58) 31D” (22G”) 44 17C” 43 17” NOTE P94 solo/only CB/1059 P95 solo/only CB/1035 P837-P799 solo/only CB/1030 CB/1059 CB/623 Jam Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 160 Jam sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 163 Jam CB/1059 P94 / P799-P12P Sedia / Chair Snap CB/4085-ML P94 / P22W Tavolo / Table Jam Jam CB/1033 P77 / P799-P848 Sgabello / Stool Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 162 Jam sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 165 Jam CB/1034 P77 / P799-P12P Jam CB/1033 P77 / P799-P851 Sgabello / Stool Jam CB/1059 P77 / P799-P11P Jam CB/1030 P77 / P799-P13P Sedia / Chair Jam CB/1476 P77 / P799-P852 Sgabello / Stool Jam CB/1035 P77 / P799-P791 Sgabello / Stool Jam Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 164 Jam W sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 167 CB/1486 82,5 32D” 45 17F” 47,5 18F” 54 21C” CB/1485 77,5 30E” 65 25E” 46,5 18C” 46 18A” CB/1487 92,5 36D” 80 31D” 50 19F” 50 19F” P02 P12 P19W P27 P132 P791 P799 P837 P799 P848 P799 P851 P799 >ABS< >SAN< P852 P799 P11P P799 P12P P799 P13P P799 >ABS< >SAN< P94 NOTE P837-P799 non disponibile/not available CB/1485 CB/1487 Jam W Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 166 Jam W Jam CB/1485 P132 / P799-P791 Sgabello / Stool sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 169 Jam CB/1486 P27 / P799-P11P Sedia / Chair Baron CB/4010-ML P94 / P27 Tavolo / Table Jam W Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 168 Jam W sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 171 Jam W CB/1486 P12 / P799-P13P Sedia / Chair Atelier CB/398-RD P12 Tavolo / Table Jam W CB/1487 P27 / P799-P12P Sgabello / Stool Jam W Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 170 Jelly sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 173 CB/1528 80 31D” 45 17F” 42 16E” 51,5 20C” CB/1529 95 37D” 65 25E” 43 17” 52 20D” CB/1540 111 43F” 80 31D” 46 18A” 55 21E” P02 P132 P94 P94 P900 P946 P973 >PP< NOTE P132 solo/only P94 - P900 Jelly Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 172 Jelly sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Jelly CB/1529 P02 / P94 Sgabello / Stool 175 Jelly CB/1528 P02 / P94 Sedia / Chair Jelly CB/4735-Q P02 / P94 Tavolo / Table Jelly Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 174 Jenny sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1362 x4 86 33G” 65 25E” 44 17C” 54 21C” Jenny CB/1219 P95 / 461 Jenny CB/1218 P95 / 460 Sgabello / Stool CB/1218 99 39” 46 18A” 42 16E” CB/1219 56 22” 177 110 43B” 80 31D” 44 17C” 56 22” P95 Net 459 460 461 NOTE CB/1218 CB/1219 solo/only 460 - 461 - 473 Net 473 C6A Jenny Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 176 Jenny sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 179 Jenny CB/1362 P95 / C6A Sedia / Chair Jenny Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 178 Joe sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Joe CB/1532 P77 / G8K P77 / G8N Sgabello / Stool Cocktail CB/4759 P77 / P94 Tavolo / Table CB/1532 81 (103) 32” (40E”) 59,5 (81,5) 23D” (32A”) 40 15F” 181 47 18D” P77 Ekos G8J G8K Ekos G8N G8Q Joe Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 180 La Locanda sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 183 CB/1101 83 32F” 45 17F” 43 17” P02 50 19F” P128 P201 La Locanda Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 182 Latina sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/260 CB/1465 LATINA LOW 96 37G” 83,5 32G” 45 17F” 46 18A” P02 54 21C” P87 P128 CB/1464 97 38B” 45 17F” 47 18D” P132 65 25E” 46,5 18C” 53 20G” P201 185 51,5 20C” P94 Denver A02 A03 A04 A05 Denver A06 A07 A08 Oslo S01 S03 S04 S05 Oslo S06 S07 CB/260 S08 CB/1465 CB/1464 P02 P87 P128 P132 P201 P94 Latina Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 184 Latina sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 187 Latina CB/260 P201 / A02 Sedia / Chair Baron CB/4010-LL P201 / P201 Tavolo / Table Latina CB/260 P173 / A06 Sedia / Chair Latina Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 186 Latina sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Latina CB/1465 P132 / A02 Sedia / Chair Maestro CB/4086 P132 / GTG Tavolo / Table 189 Latina CB/1464 P128 / A08 Sgabello / Stool Latina Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 188 L’Eau sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1273-A CB/1273 79 31A” 47,5 18F” 55 21F” 55 21F” CB/1288 84,5 33C” 99,5 (80,5) 39B” (31F”) 65 25E” 42,5 16F” 84 (65) 33A” (25E”) 42,5 16F” CB/1270 45 17F” CB/1477 98,5 38G” 98 (76) 38E” (30”) 80 31D” 41,5 16C” 45 17F” 55 21F” CB/1269 41,5 16C” x8 77 30C” 45 17F” 191 80 (58) 31D” (22G”) 42,5 16F” 43,5 17B” P77 P95 P94 P266 P296 P848 CB/1273 CB/1273-A CB/1269 45 17F” P851 CB/1270 CB/1288 P852 >SAN< CB/1477 P77 P94 P95 L’Eau Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 190 L’Eau sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 193 L’Eau CB/1273 P77 / P266 Sedia / Chair Planet CB/4005-V P77 / GTR Tavolo / Table L’Eau CB/1288 P77 / P848 Sgabello / Stool L’Eau Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 192 L’Eau sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 195 L’Eau CB/1273 P77 / P296 Sedia / Chair Key CB/4044-VQ P176 / GTA Tavolo / Table L’Eau CB/1273 P77 / P266 P77 / P296 P77 / P848 Sedia / Chair L’Eau Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 194 Led sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1298 CB/1298-I 80 31D” 47 18D” 53 20G” 45 17F” 51 20A” CB/1427 53 20G” CB/1428 83 32F” CB/1405 98 38E” 65 25E” 41,5 16C” x4 80 31D” 45 17F” 42,5 16F” 197 80 31D” 41,5 16C” P77 P95 P94 P266 P296 P848 >SAN< P851 P852 P799 >SAN< 42,5 16F” 98 (76) 31D” (22G”) 80 (58) 38E” (30”) 41,5 16C” 42,5 16C” P77 P94 P95 CB/1298 CB/1298-I CB/1405 CB/1427 CB/1428 Led Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 196 Led sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 199 Led CB/1298 P95 / P799 Sedia / Chair Eminence CB/4724-M P95 / GEW Tavolo / Table Led CB/1405 P77 / P296 Sgabello / Stool Led Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 198 Led sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Led CB/1405 P77 / P799 Led CB/1427 P77 / P799 Led CB/1428 P77 / P799 Sgabello / Stool 201 Led CB/1298 P95 / P266 Sedia / Chair Led Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 200 Led W sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 203 CB/1507 81 32” 45 17F” 49 19C” 54 21C” CB/1541 78,5 30G” 65 25E” 44 17C” 46 18A” P128 P132 P201 P266 P296 P848 >SAN< P851 P852 P799 >SAN< P02 P94 Led W Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 202 Led W Led W CB/1541 P02 / P799 Sgabello / Stool sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 205 Led W CB/1507 P02 / P799 P02 / P852 Sedia / Chair Led W Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 204 Lotus sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1304 CB/1300 82 32C” 98 38E” 46 18A” 40,5 16” 207 51 20A” P77 P94 P128 P94 65 25E” 40,5 16” 47 18D” P95 Ekos G8K G8N G8Q Carbon Look Sonor 480 481 Lotus Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 206 Mambo sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 209 CB/1340 86 (64) 31D” (22G”) 80 (58) 33G” (25B”) 40 15F” 40 15F” P77 Cuoio rig. Reg. leather 315 463 Cuoio rig. Reg. leather 474 D03 Mambo Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 208 Miami sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1649 80 31D” 66,5 26A” 54,5 21D” 46 18A” 211 Miami CB/1649 P128 / G8L Sedia / Chair Mikado CB/4728 P128 / GTR Tavolo / Table 58 22G” P128 Ekos G8J G8L Miami Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 210 Milano sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 213 CB/1284 81 32” 45 17F” 43 17” 47 18D” P02 P132 P16 P94 P100 P139 P176 P328 Milano Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 212 Neon sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1313 x6 83 32F” 46 18A” 44 17C” 215 Helios CB/1313 P94 Sedia / Chair Cocktail CB/4759 P15 / P421 Tavolo / Table 52,5 20F” P16 P94 P900 >PP< P942 P946 P947 >PP< Neon Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 214 New York sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1022-SK CB/1022-LH 75,5 29F” CB/1084-SK CB/1084-LH 75,5 29F” 45 17F” 57 22D” 52 20D” 57 22D” CB/1111-SK CB/1111-LH 77,5 30E” 91 35G” 55 21F” 54 (45) 21C” (17F”) 63 24G” 65 25E” 57 22D” CB/624-SK CB/1084-SK CB/1087-SK CB/1088-SK CB/1111-SK 87 (78) 34B” (30F”) 52 20D” CB/1087-SK CB/1087-LH 45 17F” 57 22D” 45 17F” 55 21F” CB/1022-SK CB/624-SK CB/624-LH 65 25E” S92 S93 S94 S95 S96 S92 P15 S93 P16 S94 P77 S95 P94 S96 P176 217 New york CB/1022-LH P77 / PL16 Sedia / Chair CB/1088-SK CB/1088-LH CB/1022-LH 110 (97) 43C” (38B”) 80 (66) 31D” (26”) 57 22D” 53 20G” CB/624-LH CB/1084-LH CB/1087-LH CB/1088-LH CB/1111-LH 470 683 705 D04 L01 L02 L03 L16 470 P15 683 P16 705 P77 D04 P94 L01 P176 L02 P77 P15 P16 P94 P176 L03 L16 Pelle/Leather 470 683 705 D04 Pelle/Leather L01 L02 L03 L16 Skuba S92 S93 S94 Skuba S95 S96 NOTE CB/1087 - CB/1088 - CB/624 solo/only P77 New York Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 216 New York sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools New York 219 New York CB/1022-LH P16 / L16 Sedia / Chair New York CB/1087-SK P77 / S92 Sgabello / Stool New York CB/1084-LH P77 / 683 Sedia / Chair Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 218 New York sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools New York 221 New York CB/1022-LH P94 / 705 Sedia / Chair Baron CB/4010-MV P94 / GAW Tavolo / Table Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 220 Nordica sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 223 CB/1285 76 30” 46 18A” 51 20A” 52 20D” P77 Ekos G8J G8K Ekos G8N G8Q Nordica Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 222 Notre Dame sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 225 CB/1648 93 36E” 46 18A” 47 18D” P94 54 21C” P128 Ekos G8Q Notre Dame Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 224 Nova sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1666 CB/1669 83,5 32G” 83,5 32G” 46 18A” 41,5 16C” 227 47 18D” 46 18A” 42 16D” 47 18D” P16 P94 P95 P100 P139 P176 P328 P02 P87 P128 P94 P176 P15 P16 P94 P900 P946 CB/1669 >PP< Ekos G8K G8L G8N G8R Carbon Look Sonor 480 G8Q 481 CB/1666 P10V P17W P30W P100 P139 P328 P128 P507 Nova new Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 226 Online sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/102 x6 80 31D” 46 18A” 47 18D” 229 Online CB/102 P94 / P27 Sedia / Chair Baron CB/4010-ML P94 / P27 Tavolo / Table 52 20D” P77 P94 P95 P27 P128 P507 Online Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 228 Party sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 231 CB/1684 45 17F” 39,5 15E” CB/1683 65 25E” 40 15F” CB/1682 80 31D” 40 15F” P02 P128 Party Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 230 Philadelphia sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 233 Philadelphia CB/1060 P94 / 377 Sedia / Chair CB/1060 101,5 40” 46 18A” 45 17F” 52,5 20F” P87 P128 P64 P94 P201 Brighton B45 B47 B51 Cuoio/Leather 377 399 419 Philadelphia Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 232 Robin sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 235 CB/1530 82 32C” 47 18D” 45 17F” 52,5 20F” Berna P02 1SA3 P94 1SA3 Berna P128 1SA6 P201 1SA6 Berna P176 1SA6 P132 1SB2 Robin Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 234 Robin sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Robin CB/1530 P02 / 1SA3 Sedia / Chair Eminence CB/4724-W P02 / GEW Tavolo / Table 237 Robin CB/1530 P132 / 1SB2 Sedia / Chair Cocktail CB/4760-B P15 / P421 Tavolo / Table Robin Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 236 Robinson sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1436 82 32C” 47 18D” 43,5 17B” 239 Robinson CB/1436 P94 Sedia / Chair Eminence CB/4724-W P94 / P18W Tavolo / Table 52,5 20F” P128 P94 P176 Robinson Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 238 Rock sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 241 CB/1339 89 (67) 31D” (22G”) 80 (58) 35A” (26D”) 40 15F” 40 15F” P77 P128 P94 P176 Rock Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 240 Roll sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 243 CB/1341 80 (58) 31D” (22G”) 40 15F” 40 15F” P77 Ekos G8K G8N G8Q Carbon Look 481 Roll Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 242 Rosie sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1533 CB/1538 78 30F” 78 30F” 46 18A” 54 21C” P77 58 22G” 46 18A” 54 21C” P94 P02 58 22G” P128 P132 Ekos G8J 245 G8K G8N G8Q Ekos G8J G8K G8N G8Q Rosie Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 244 Rosie sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 247 Rosie CB/1538 P132 / G8K Sedia / Chair Cocktail CB/4760 P15 / P94 Tavolo / Table Rosie Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 246 Sami sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 249 CB/1472 83,5 32G” 45 17F” 48 19” 53 20G” CB/1488 81 32” 65 25E” 46,5 18C” 46 18A” P12 P19W P27 P128 P132 P201 P16 P94 Oslo S01 S03 S05 Oslo S06 S08 Sami Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 248 Sami sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Sami 251 Sami CB/1472 P132 / S06 Sedia / Chair Baron CB/4010-MV P16 / GG Tavolo / Table Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 250 Sami Sami CB/1472 P132 / S03 P27 / S06 P132 / S05 Sgabello / Stool sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 253 Sami CB/1472 P94 / S03 Sedia / Chair Planet CB/4005 P94 / P94 Tavolo / Table Sami Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 252 Sandy sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 255 CB/1260 CB/1260-SK 96,5 38” 45 17F” 48,5 19A” 55,5 21G” Brighton P128 B45 P132 B51 Brighton P201 B45 P201 B51 Skuba P128 S92 P201 S92 Skuba P201 S93 Sandy Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 254 Sandy sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Sandy 257 Sandy CB/1260 P132 / B51 Sedia / Chair Maestro CB/4086 P132 / GTG Tavolo / Table Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 256 Siren sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1536 CB/1542 77 30C” 98 38E” 47 18D” 52 20D” 259 56 22A” 65 25E” 51 20A” 55 21E” CB/1543 113 44D” 80 31D” 51 20A” 56 22” CB/1536 P12 P27 1SA3 1SA6 1SB2 G8J G8K G8L G8N G8Q P128 P12 P27 P201 P132 P128 P132 P176 P176 P328 P201 Berna 1SA3 1SA6 P328 CB/1542 CB/1543 1SB2 Ekos G8J G8K G8L G8J G8K G8L G8N G8Q P128 P132 Ekos G8N G8Q P176 P201 Siren Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 258 Siren sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 261 Siren CB/1536 P201 / G8Q Sedia / Chair Mikado CB/4728-V P201 / GTR Tavolo / Table Siren CB/1536 P128 / G8L Sedia / Chair Siren Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 260 Siren sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Siren CB/1542 P128 / G8J Sgabello / Stool 263 Siren CB/1536 P132 / G8K Sedia / Chair Mikado CB/4728-V P132 / GTR Tavolo / Table Siren Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 262 Slim sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 265 CB/1275 96 37G” 46 18A” 45 17F” 53 20G” Cuoio rig. Reg. leather 315 463 Cuoio rig. Reg. leather 474 D03 Slim Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 264 Soul sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 267 CB/1509 80 (58) 31D” (22G”) 40 15F” 40 15F” P77 Ekos G8K G8N Ekos G8Q Soul Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 266 Suite sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1188 CB/1190 86 33G” 47 18D” 45 17F” CB/1189 99 39” 49 19C” 65 25E” 45 17F” 269 49 19C” 112 44A” 80 31D” 45 17F” 50 19F” P128 Ekos G8J G8L Suite Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 268 Superstar sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 271 CB/1343 CB/1343-LH 91 (69) 37G” (27B”) 80 (58) 31D” (22G”) 40 15F” 40 15F” P77 P128 P94 P176 Cuoio rig. Reg. leather 315 463 474 D03 Superstar Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 270 Swing sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Swing CB/1010 P77 / D03 Sedia / Chair Planet CB/4005 P77 / GTR Tavolo / Table CB/1010 89 35A” 45 17F” 47 18D” P77 273 53 20G” P95 Cuoio rig./ Reg. leather 315 474 D03 Swing Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 272 Swing sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools 275 Swing CB/1010 P95 / 315 Sedia / Chair Sincro CB/4087 P27 / P1C Tavolo / Table Swing Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 274 Venezia sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/1117 CB/1199 88 34F” 47 18D” 43 17” 277 104 41” 73 28F” 42 16E” 48 19” 48 19” CB/1117 P01 P87 P01 P87 P269 P290 045 P290 P01 P16 P16 P94 P176 P269 P87 P94 P176 P01 P87 P290 P269 045 P269 P290 CB/1199 P290 045 P290 Venezia Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 276 Wave sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools Wave CB/1365 P95 / 460 Sedia / Chair Aladino CB/4742-V P95 / GEW Tavolo / Table CB/1365 99 39” 46 18A” 42 16E” 279 54 21C” P95 Net 459 460 461 Net 473 C6A Wave Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 278 X-Press sedie e sgabelli / chairs and stools CB/129 CB/76 82 32C” 92 36B” 46 18A” 42 16E” 47 18D” 65 25E” 41 16B” 281 X-Press CB/129 P95 / 481 Sedia / Chair Key CB/4044-VR P15 / GAB Tavolo / Table 47,5 18F” P95 P03 P87 P94 Carbon Look Sonor 480 481 X-Press Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 280 Air Folding sedie pieghevoli / folding chairs Air Folding CB/1395 P77 / AJ9 P77 / AJ0 Sedia / Chair CB/1395 102 40B” 283 84,5 33C” 46 18A” 16 6C” 41 16B” 53 20G” P77 Net 460 Net Tarifa AJ0 AJ9 CB/5073 FLAT 18 7A” 3 1B” 21 8C” FLAT gancio da fissare a muro con tasselli per appendere n. 2 sedie Air Folding to be fitted with dowels to the wall to hold n. 2 Air Folding chairs Air Folding Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 282 Alu sedie pieghevoli / folding chairs 285 CB/205 96 37G” 85 33D” 45 17F” 4,5 1G” 45 17F” P83 55 21F” >ALU< Net 460 CB/5073 FLAT 18 7A” 3 1B” 21 8C” FLAT gancio da fissare a muro con tasselli per appendere n. 4 sedie Alu to be fitted with dowels to the wall to hold n. 4 Alu chairs Alu Alu CB/205 P83 / 460 Sedia / Chair Crossover CB/1271 P900 Pouf / Ottoman Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 284 Ambra sedie pieghevoli / folding chairs CB/1196 105 41C” Ambra CB/1196 P87 / P128 Sedia / Chair CB/5073 FLAT 89 35A” 8,5 3C” P87 47 18D” 40,5 16” P128 57 22D” P290 287 18 7A” 3 1B” 21 8C” FLAT gancio da fissare a muro con tasselli per appendere n. 2 sedie Ambra to be fitted with dowels to the wall to hold n. 2 Ambra chairs Ambra Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 286 Olivia sedie pieghevoli / folding chairs 289 CB/208 96 37G” 80 31D” 46 18A” 4 1E” 38,5 15B” P02 P87 48 19” P128 CB/508 HOOK 5,5 2B” 25 9G” 12 4F” HOOK gancio da fissare a muro con tasselli per appendere n. 4 sedie Olivia to be fitted with dowels to the wall to hold n. 4 Olivia chairs Olivia Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 288 Skip sedie pieghevoli / folding chairs 291 CB/207 91 35G” 80 31D” 46 18A” 5 2” 47 18D” P83 >ALU< P128 P132 P94 P176 51 20A” P201 CB/5073 FLAT 18 7A” 3 1B” 21 8C” FLAT gancio da fissare a muro con tasselli per appendere n. 4 sedie Skip to be fitted with dowels to the wall to hold n. 4 Skip chairs Skip Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 290 Air Race sedie home office / home office chairs 293 CB/321 92 (83) 36B” (32F”) 75 (66) 29D” (26”) 60 23E” 53 (44) 20G” (17C”) 64 25B” P95 Net 450 459 Net 460 461 Air Race Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 292 Congress sedie home office / home office chairs CB/1246 CB/1272 79,5 31C” 79,5 31C” 45 17F” 53,5 21A” CB/1252 53 20G” 45 17F” 50 19F” 54 21C” 90 (81) 35D” (32”) 54 (45) 21C” (17F”) 62,5 24E” 60 23E” 295 Congress CB/1252 P95 / P946 Sedia / Chair Spacebox CB/4061 P94 / P94 Tavolo / Table Crossover CB/1271 P900 Pouf / Ottoman x6 NOTE P77 solo/only CB/1246 - CB/1272 P77 P95 P94 P900 P946 >PP< Congress Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 294 Jam sedie home office / home office chairs 297 CB/623 90 (81) 35D” (32”) 53 (44) 20G” (17C”) 63 24G” 62 24D” P77 P791 P799 P837 P799 P848 P799 P851 P799 >ABS< >SAN< P852 P799 P11P P799 P12P P799 P13P P799 >ABS< >SAN< Jam Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 296 New York sedie home office / home office chairs 299 CB/624-SK CB/624-LH 87 (78) 34B” (30F”) 54 (45) 21C” (17F”) 63 24G” 65 25E” P77 Pelle/Leather 470 683 705 D04 Pelle/Leather L01 L02 L03 L16 Skuba S92 S93 S94 S95 S96 New York Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 298 Candy pouf / ottomans 301 CB/3307 45 17F” 48 19” P94 P900 P946 >PE< Oslo S01 S03 S06 Candy Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 300 Crossover pouf / ottomans 303 CB/1271 42 16E” 42 16E” P94 P900 >PE< P942 P946 >PE< Crossover Copyright © Calligaris s.p.a. 302 Connubia is a registered trademark of Calligaris S.p.A. Via Trieste, 12 33044 Manzano (Udine) Italy Ph. +39 0432 748211 [email protected] Via Trieste, 12 33044 Manzano (Udine) Italy Ph. +39 0432 748211 [email protected] CAMPIONE PROMOZIONALE GRATUITO NON DESTINATO ALLA VENDITA - ESCLUSO IVA ART. 2 COMMA 3 LETTERA C DPR 633/72 ESONERATO DALLA BOLLA DI ACCOMPAGNAMENTO ART. 4 PUNTO 6 DPR 627/78 FREE PROMOTIONAL SAMPLE - VAT NOT INCLUDED ART. 2 PAR. 3 LETTER C DPR 633/72 - NO TRANSPORT DOCUMENTS REQUIRED ART. 4 ITEM 6 ART 627/78 - STAMPA / PRINT 03/2016 Connubia is a registered trademark of Calligaris S.p.A.