1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828


1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828
“Come down quickly,
for today I must stay
at your house!”
Perpetual Adoration
Sacrament of Penance
Vocation Holy Hour
Baptism and Marriage
7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm (Spanish) and 5:00pm
Monday - Saturday 8:00am
Daily, after morning Mass
Tuesday, after morning Mass
24 hours
Saturday 3:30pm - 4:30pm and 6:00pm - 7:00pm
1st Friday, 8:00am Mass
Please call Parish Office
Pastor Father Brian Corcoran Associate Pastor Father Joseph Freeman
Pastor Emeritus Monsignor Timothy Harnett Deacon Bob Beiner
School Principal Dan Schuh Music Director Julie Marner
1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828
Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118 Saint John School: 760 944-8227
[email protected] www.saintjohnencinitas.org www.saintjohnschool.com
Page 2
Saint John the Evangelist
“Who helps one’s neighbor helps one’s self!”
... San Diego de Alcala (Saint Didacus) was born in
1400, in Andalusia, Spain. He became a Franciscan Brother and served as a missionary in the Canary Islands. He attended the Great Jubilee and
the canonization ceremonies for Saint Bernardine
of Siena in Rome in 1450, where a great plague
broke out. He won renown for his care of the afflicted. He died on November 12, 1463, in Alcala,
Spain. Months passed before it was possible to
bury Brother Diego, so great was the number of
people who came to venerate his remains. After he
was laid to rest miracles continued to occur at his
tomb. He was canonized in 1588, and was popular
at the time the explorers landed in Southern California. San Diego de Alcala is Patron of our Diocese and his feast day is this Wednesday (7).
... The Altar Society has their Holiday Bazaar this
Sunday (10), from 7:30am - 2:00pm. Make time to
come by and shop for great bargains in plants, toys,
jewelry and more, and enjoy homemade tamales.
... Donations of goods are still welcome and appreciated for the Bazaar. Please, no clothing or furniture! Call Luz at 858 755-0762, Martha at 760 7530606 or Brigid at 760 634-7654 for pick-up.
... How about considering Online Giving? No
more checks and envelopes! Straight from your
bank to ours! 235 families now contribute online!
... “Building a Life of Faith Together: The Franciscan Way” is a free public lecture on Wednesday
(20), from 7:s00pm - 8:30pm, in the Serra Room,
at the Franciscan School of Theology, at Old Mission San Luis Rey.
... Saturday (9), marks the anniversary of the dedication, on November 9, 324 AD, of the Lateran
Basilica in Rome. The land was donated by the
Laterani family. Honored as the episcopal seat of
the Pope as Bishop of Rome it is the “mother and
head of all churches of Rome and the world.” It has
been the residence of the Pope since the 4th century, until their moving to Avignon in 1309.
... A date for the calendar! Our School Auction
and Dinner Dance is this year a fun ‘Masquerade
Ball’, set for the Sheraton in Carlsbad, on Saturday,
February 22, 2014. Mark that date!
... We’re looking forward to seeing you at our Seniors Mass on Thursday (21) at 11:00am, followed
by our popular Seniors Lunch at 12 Noon. Please
call the Office for reservations, at 760-753-6254.
November 3, 2013
... Congratulations to parishioner, Tom Bussjaeger,
who is featured highly in our local ‘The Coast
News’ of October 25, B Section. Tom, aged 91,
participated in a recent World War II Honor Flight
to Washington DC. What a great man, husband, veteran, and parishioner ! You do us all proud!
... Our popular Turkey Fest, sponsored by our Holy
Name Society, is on Saturday (23) from 6:00pm—
9:00pm. As usual, there will be games, great food
and lots of prizes - even turkeys. Reserve your table now! Truly, an evening of fun for all the family!
... Did you claim your Parish Pictorial Album yet?
If you had your photo taken, don’t forget to pick–
up your Parish Album in the Parish Office! There
are 97 Albums waiting to be collected!
... To learn more about our Catholic faith join our
RCIA team this Tuesday (5), 7:00pm, in the Hall.
... Our contributions last weekend (27) reached
$13,496.00, with 383 families using parish envelopes. A further $4,502.67 was contributed ‘online’.
... In October, our Food Pantry assisted 366 families, serving 1,653 individuals, of whom 861 were
children! You make great things possible!
... Saint Augustine High School (www.sahs.org and
619 282-2184) has their Open House today Sunday
(3), 1:00pm to 4:00pm. All are welcome.
... To date, 407 families generously contributed
$9,366.00 in our special Mission Sunday (20) collection in support of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and our missionaries, and their
wonderful work in 1150 dioceses throughout the
world, mostly in Africa and Asia. Mighty!
... This Monday (4), our Religious Education
classes continue at 4:15pm and 6:30pm. For more
info call Ann McGinnis at 760 436-0664.
... For our Junior High ‘Faithways’ give Nicole
Steele a call at 760 753-4279. Sessions continue this
Monday (4) from 6:30pm - 7:45pm, in the Hall!
... Our youth gather for class today (3), with special
class times, and a make-up class for First Years on
Wednesday (6). For more info, contact Isaac at
[email protected] or at 760 753-3679.
… An Automatic Emergency Defibrillator (AED)
is located in the Ministers Room in the church. To
use, just open, turn on (Green button), and follow
the verbal instructions. They are simple and very
clear. It is easy to use.
... “Come down quickly, for today I must stay at
your house!”
Page 3
Saint John the Evangelist
November 3, 2013
Altar Society Holiday Bazaar
Sunday (10)
Spirituality and Life Choices: The Practice of
Discernment - A Retreat for Young Adults
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Kindly RSVP by January 3, 2014
Hahn University Center Forum C
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Cost: $30 - Lunch will be included.
Retreat Presenters:
•Kathy McGrath, RSCJ, Spiritual Ministry Center
•Stephany Veluz, RSCJ, Spiritual Ministry Center
•Mark Peters, University Ministry
•Cara McMahon, Center for Christian Spirituality
Participants are welcome to attend mass at the Immaculata Parish
Church located on the USD campus following the retreat at 4:30
To register please visit: www.sandiego.edu/ccs
For more information please contact:
Center for Christian Spirituality
[email protected] | (619) 260-4784
Meeting God:
Tools from the Benedictine Tradition
A Day of Retreat, Prayer and Reflection
January 16, 2014, 9:00am-2:30pm
Kindly RSVP by January 8, 2014
Hahn University Center, Forum C
$35 per person, includes a light breakfast and lunch
Presented by:
Fr. Stephanos Pedrano, O.S.B. Prince of Peace Abbey
To register please visit: http://sandiego.kintera.org/ccs
For more information please contact:
Center for Christian Spirituality
[email protected] | (619) 260-4784
Faculty Lecture Series:
“Building a Life of Faith Together:
The Franciscan Way”
with Dr. Darleen Pryds,
Associate Professor of Christian Spirituality
Wednesday, November 20, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
This lecture explores how lay people have participated deeply in the Franciscan way of life in
cooperation and communication with Friars.
Franciscan School of Theology, Serra Room
Old Mission San Luis Rey, Oceanside, CA 92057
For more information, please contact:
Donna Foley 760-547-1800 ext. 224 or [email protected]
Come by the hall … and shop!
Donations of new or previously
loved items are welcomed:
Plants, Toys, Religious Articles, Jewelry, Crystal,
Silver, Dishes, Home Holiday Décor, Books, Silent
Auction and more….plus Homemade Tamales!
Items can be dropped off at the Parish Office
or for pick-up call Luz 858 755-0762
or Martha 760 753-0606 or Bridgid 760 634-7654
No clothes or furniture please.
Seniors Mass and Luncheon
Join us Thursday (21)
Mass at 11:00am and Lunch at 12:00pm
Call the Parish Office to get your reservation in!
It’s always fun!
Saint Augustine High School
An all boys Catholic College Preparatory High School
Sunday, November 3
1:00pm to 4:00pm
Open to all families and students
For more info, call 619 282-2148
Perpetual Adoration
Volunteers are needed for:
Sunday 12:00am, 4:00am, 10:00pm
Tuesday 1:00am, 2:00am
Wednesday 4:00am
Thursday 12:00am
We also need another volunteer for Day Captain to
take charge of arranging substitutes for regular
adorers on the Captain’s assigned day.
Ken Poggenburg 760 635-2573
Lupe Cardona (Sp) 760 753-7784
Perpetual Adoration is prayer in the presence of the
Most Blessed Sacrament ... 24 hours, day and night,
seven days a week. All are welcome!
Page 4
Saint John the Evangelist
November 2
November 3
November 4
November 5
November 6
November 7
November 8
November 9
November 10
All Souls
5:00pm John St. Marie †
7:00pm All Souls †
Thirty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time
Wis 11:22 -12:2; 2 Thes 1:11-2:2; Lk 19:1-10
7:30am Parishioners
9:00am Special Intention
10:30am Chester Goczeski †
12:00pm Domitila Mejia †
Emilio Rios †
5:00pm Celia Preciado †
Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop
Rom 11:29-36; Lk 14:12-14
8:00am Jim Krueger †
Rom 12:5-16b; Lk 14:15-24
8:00am Kay Terzian †
Rom 13:8-10; Lk 14:25-33
8:00am Special Intention
Saint Didacus, Religions
Rom 14:7-12; Lk 15:1-10
8:00am George and Sylvia Connors †
Rom 15:14-21; Lk 16:1-8
8:00am Nancy Huelskamp †
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22
8:00am Mark Boyce †
5:00pm Madeline Link †
Thirty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time
2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14; 2 Thes 2:16-3:5; Lk 20:27-38
7:30am March and Vandermolen Families †
9:00am Parishioners
10:30am Special Intention
12:00pm Rosario Anguiano †
5:00pm Celia and Benjamin Preciado †
November 3, 2013
Religious Education
Classes for Grades K-6
Mondays at 4:15pm and 6:30pm
For more info, Ann at 760 436-0664
[email protected]
Jr. High Faithways
Mondays at 6:30pm
Registration forms are available on the website and
in the Parish Office
For more info, Nicole 760 753- 4279
[email protected]
Youth Ministry
Youth class on Sunday (3)
For info, Isaac Deken [email protected]
Adults wishing to learn more about the
Catholic faith!
►We would love to assist you on your journey!
Join us on Tuesday (5) at 7:00pm.
Saint John School
Pre-school - Grade 8
Principal : Dan Schuh
760 944-8227 or
Preschool Director
Megan Bresee
760 634-1522
Please Keep in Your Prayers
Nydia Abney, Martha Amador, Anthony Baggio, Aiden Blenderman, Peggi Comiskey, Joe Corder, Rob Crewse, Edward
Dillon, Mary Ferko, Maria Jaque, Kathleen Jones, Doris Kelsall, Eva King, Skyler Koehne, Hiram Lee-Gonzalez, John
Guerre, Kasie Lindberg, Lucy Mee, Patty Moore, Shirley
Moriarty, Ronan Nelson, Grace Oreb, Ashley Ray, Tom Saake,
Mari Smith, Gina Stack, Richard Templin, Norma Vasques,
Eric Vukicevich, Grant Waller and Griffin Waller.
Our Recently Deceased
Mari Smith, Estella Kroetzel, Mary Cunningham
We pray for our sick and deceased at daily Mass.
[email protected]
“Building the whole child in preparation for Kindergarten”
Now accepting Applications for Lambs and Doves
Turkey Fest
Turkeys to be won, Bingo and lots
of family fun!
Join us Saturday (23) from
6:00pm to 9:00pm in the Hall.
Reserve a table at the Gazebo
after Masses.
Pagina 5
San Juan Evangelista
Cuando yo pensaba en el
“Antiguo Testamento”,
me imaginaba
narraciones escritas
muchos siglos antes de
Cristo. Luego aprendí
que el pasaje de hoy del
libro de la Sabiduría fue
escrito menos de cien
años antes de la venida
de Jesús. Esas palabras
eran tan contemporáneas para Jesús que él podría
haberlas escrito o dicho. Él ciertamente las vivió.
La lectura del libro de la Sabiduría es una oración
poética que celebra a Dios Creador ante quien el universo
es como un grano de arena, pero amorosamente atento a
cada individuo. Éste es el Dios a quien Jesús revela, con
poder ilimitado sobre toda la creación, pero buscando
pecadores montados en árboles.
Zaqueo no era un recaudador de impuestos ordinario
sino el jefe de los recaudador, y “un hombre rico”. Pero
no era demasiado orgulloso para adelantarse corriendo y
subirse a un sicómoro sólo para poder ver a Jesús. Quizá,
a pesar de ser un pecador, reconoció a este itinerante
predicador como el objeto de la adoración del poeta del
libro de la Sabiduría.
Itinerario de los Rosarios
de la Virgen de Guadalupe
En Noviembre
Lunes 4, Midia Tenorio
815 Windcrest Dr. Carlsbad, 92011.
Martes 5, Lucy Rodríguez
1172 Aloha Dr. Encinitas 92024
Miércoles 6, Esther Gonzalez—760-633-2940
699 N. Vulcan Ave. #29A Encinitas 92024
Jueves 7, Juanita Prete—No teléfono
699 N. Vulcan Ave. #29A
Viernes 8, Jenny Pino—619-757-4068
308 Country Wood Ln., Encinitas 92024
Sábado 9, Daniel Pino—858-442-9194
1125 N. Vulcan #5, Encinitas 92024
Noveimbre 3, 2013
No todas las patronas
latinoamericanas tienen origines
entre milagros y visiones.
Algunas nacen de la devoción
mariana del Pueblo de Dios. Tal
es el caso con la Virgen de los
Treinta y Tres. En 1962, el Papa
Juan XXIII la nombró Patrona
de Uruguay y así confirmó
oficialmente lo que el Pueblo de
Dios ya había hecho desde el
Esta pequeña imagen de 36
centímetros lleva sobre su
cabeza una corona desproporcionadamente grande, regalo
de un general militar y símbolo de la devoción del
pueblo. También lleva su curioso nombre en honor a su
papel en la Independencia de Uruguay antiguamente
llamada la Provincia Oriental. Los treinta y tres orientales
que comandaron la guerra de liberación encomendaron
sus esfuerzos delante esta imagen de origen jesuita.
El siglo pasado el pueblo uruguayo comenzó ha
patrocinar peregrinajes en honor de su patrona.
Eventualmente en 1945 el obispo tuvo la gran idea de
llevar la imagen en peregrinación al pueblo. Desde
entonces se ha ido desarrollando esta bella costumbre que
lleva María al Pueblo cada segundo domingo de
noviembre entre homenajes de caballadas, desfiles y
Eventos para el mes de Noviembre
1. El Viernes Noviembre 8, celebraremos el
Día de los Veteranos. Este día NO habrá
clases de catecismo.
2. DOMINGO 17, Tendremos la
Conferencia con el Dr. John Yzaguirre,
después de Misa, el salón parroquial.
Esta Conferencia nos ayudará a celebrar
el Fin de Año de Fe. También habrá venta
de comida de la 1:00pm. A la 1:45pm.
La Conferencia será de 2 a 4 pm. Si tienen
alguna pregunta por favor llamen al
3. LUNES 18, Habrá una junta para los catequistas
y los ayudantes en el California Room a las
7:00 pm.
Page 6
Saint John the Evangelist
November 3, 2013
Religious Education
Saint John School
Religious Education
‘Faithways’ Junior-High
Youth Ministry
Hispanic Ministry
Music Ministry
Dan Schuh
Ann McGinnis
Nicole Steele
Isaac Deken
Mary Moran
Julie Marner
760 944-8227
760 436-0664
760 753-4279
760 753-3679
760 436-4366
760 753-6254
Adult Faith
Perpetual Adoration
Perpetual Adoration (Spanish)
Centering Prayer
Liz Beiner
Ken Poggenburg
Lupe Cardona
Shirley Shetula
760 753-6254
760 635-2573
760 753-7784
760 436-6721
Altar Society
Boy Scouts
Cub Scouts
Catholic Men’s Fellowship
Culture of Life
Holy Name
Knights of Columbus
Saint Vincent de Paul
Janice Behler
Blane Adessa
Richard Weston
Robert Hickey
Jennifer Grethel
Olivia Reynaga
Rick Decker
John Brannon
Sandra Watson
Nettie March
760 274-6298
760 944-0626
760 230-6183
760 753-6254
760 753-6254
760 753-5230
760 753-6254
760 522-9969
760 753-3056
760 753-6254
2nd Year Confirmation
Group Night photos
2013 Annual Catholic Appeal
Our Life is Mission
Teaching, Sanctifying, Serving, Shepherding
One important way we do this year after year, is by
our contributions to the Annual Catholic Appeal
Where your Contributions go:
Valley Parish Development
Catholic Charities
Other ACA Funded Programs
Vocations, Education in the Faith,
Marriage and Family
Thank you for your support!