Eurotherm by Schneider Electric | Temperature Control, Process
Eurotherm by Schneider Electric | Temperature Control, Process
Glass Leading the way in glass manufacturing solutions imagine making the impossible possible Invensys Eurotherm glass industry solutions ... Invensys Eurotherm is a partner who understands your process. We are a global company taking care of all your process automation and power control solutions; a partner with the global presence to speak the native language of your local plants’ personnel. We understand your automation problems and can solve them with you, offering dedicated support that solves your problem always and at any time, from operations through to technical engineering and on to your purchasing function. We can and do imagine making the impossible possible for our glass customers. Holistic and cost effective Experience and understanding Invensys Eurotherm offers the most holistic and costeffective way to optimize your operation’s performance and overall profitability. We help improve the performance of your key resources – people, equipment, energy and materials – in real time, with dramatic, measurable results, using a collaborative and open approach. Invensys solutions are globally used in float, container, fibre, optical and special glass manufacturing companies. We have been involved with Glass industry automation projects for more than 45 years doing business with almost all global glass manufactures as well as with local glass production facilities. We are known by our premier brands – Avantis Eurotherm Foxboro IMServ InFusion Simsci-Esscor Skelta Triconex Wonderware Our products are used by more than 40,000 clients in over 200,000 plants and facilities around the world. The Invensys Operations Management team of dedicated Glass industry experts is focused on providing high performance glass applications in a cost-effective manner. Our full range of solutions are vendor and platform independent, providing you with an objective and authoritative view of your operation. Why Invensys Eurotherm Glass solutions? • Global expertise and experience in providing solutions within every major glass manufacturing sector • Proven track record in rapidly delivering solutions with optimum return of investment • More than 45 years of experience in control, data management and scalable automation solutions • Cost effective solutions to improve the reliability and efficiency of your process, and the quality of your product • Proven experience in working and integrating with multiple suppliers and platforms • Specialist teams, deployed globally, with comprehensive experience in Glass automation systems • Local spares supply and service support • A team to work with your team, a partnership for success ... reality beyond imagination Addressing your industry challenges Maximize Profitability • Control Excellence - Optimize performance through production and business control • Asset Excellence - Balance the effective utilization and availability of all assets for maximum enterprise profitability • Productivity Excellence - Maximize the effectiveness of people and systems • Environment & Safety Excellence – Balance your social responsibility, safety, world-class environmental sustainably and long-term profitability Wide ranging application experience matched with a broad product portfolio providing a perfect fit for the glass industry Confidence in measured value for your money The Invensys Eurotherm Glass teams are committed to developing products and solutions to minimize plant operating costs, while maximizing productivity and quality. • Project management planning, management, implementation and execution • Training of personnel, management and staff • Scalable Environmental Monitoring Systems (EMS) • Wrap & Comply approach to brown field development and equipment renewal • Scalable solution from a single control loop to complete plant automation systems • Rapid installation during critical hot or cold rebuilds • Reduced costly energy usage through advanced monitoring, fuel switch systems, oxygenfuel/gas control • Reduced labor costs through automation Invensys Eurotherm provides a broad portfolio of products, solutions and services for the glass industry including: • Full lifecycle support and service level agreements to protect your investment • Batch house automation and raw material recipe control and administration • A complete range of services designed to provide you with the best value from your system – • Furnace control and automation — System development • Furnace electrical boosting systems — Installation • Advanced control systems — Commissioning • Sensoring and special thermocouples for glass applications — Calibration • Oxygen sensors and dedicated sensor interfaces and control strategies — Spares management — Technical support • Drives and motion control • Electric melting systems • Bath roof and lehr heating systems • Bushing control and heating systems • Utilities and energy management systems • Plant wide data acquisition, long term secure archiving and data analysis tools • Emission calculation, reporting and predictions Time-Proven, Modular, Scalable Process Control Solutions From the simplest single loop control to full scale information integration and plant wide distributed control systems, Invensys Eurotherm can provide scalable, modular solutions to match your application and budget. As your requirements grow, new modules can be easily incorporated into your existing system, integration is a key part of Invensys Eurotherm offerings. Our products, hardware as well as software, are designed to work on multiple communication platforms with connectivity at all levels. However, most cost effective results will be achieved by using the Invensys Operations Management portfolio components like Foxboro automation products integrated into the Wonderware system platform. They will provide accurate control, secure data recording and high and redundant system availability. REMOTE OPERATOR WORKSTATION FURNACE SUPERVISOR NO 1 FURNACE SUPERVISOR NO 2 nanodac RECORDER/ CONTROLLER EYCON 20 VISUAL SUPERVISOR FOXBORO T2750 PAC PROGRAMMABLE AUTOMATION CONTOLLER BATCH HOUSE 3rd PARTY PLC ALIN SERIAL COMMS 2500 CONTROLLER FURNACE T640 INTEGRATED LOOP PROCESSOR SERIAL COMMS BATCH HOUSE 2704 THREE LOOP CONTROLLER/ PROGRAMMER FOREHEARTH WEB PORTAL AND ALARM ANNOTATION QUALITY AND PRODUCTION REPORT PC T RNE INTE FACTORY NETWORK WINDING/CUTTING WINDING/CUTTING CONTROL ETHERNET 6100A PAPERLESS GRAPHIC RECORDER ETHERNET/IP EYCON 10 VISUAL SUPERVISOR FOXBORO T2750 PAC PROGRAMMABLE AUTOMATION CONTOLLER 3rd PARTY PLC BUSHING FOXBORO T2750 PAC PROGRAMMABLE AUTOMATION CONTOLLER WEIGHING STATION WINDING CUTTING Strength through vast application expertise... Batch Control Refiner and Distribution Control • Recipe management • Split range control • Raw material ordering • Gas-air ratio control • Hopper Sequencing • Oxy-gas ratio control • Conveyor belts and mixer control • Colorants mixing and control • Batch data recording • Electrical boosting systems Furnace Control • Reversal control • Furnace pressure control • Glass level control • Combustion control • Excess air control • Oxy-fuel control • Advanced control • Sensoring • Electrical boosting systems • Long term secure data archiving • Long term trending • Data analysis tools ... spanning all types of glass FLOAT GLASS Building Windows Windscreen Moulding CONTAINER GLASS TUBE GLASS FIBRE GLASS Strength through wide-ranging application expertise Furnace Control Electrical Furnace and Forehearth Boosting Glass melting and fining is a delicate balance between energy efficiency, glass quality and maximum throughput keeping emissions within legislative boundaries. The extreme dead times and sometimes frequent pull rate fluctuation of the furnace makes the control of the furnace process complex. Stable and smooth control is a must, capable of keeping all parameters inside their narrow boundaries, as this will have a positive effect on the furnace lifetime. To enhance the glass melting process, increase throughput, improve glass quality and to reduce CO2 emissions electrical furnace boosting is often used. It also provides a useful control parameter for advanced glass temperature control strategies and pull rate fluctuation compensation. Invensys Eurotherm EPower™ controller based solid state electrical heating systems provide 100% freedom of control at optimum efficiency, achieving best power factor with minimum harmonic distortion. The award winning Predictive Load Management strategies will eliminate peak power demand when running in full cycle mode. The Load Tap Changing capabilities of the EPower controller provide the highest efficiency when operating in phase angle firing. Our Foxboro Programmable Automation Controller integrated into the Wonderware system platform offers a scalable and reliable process automation environment. Foxboro PAC offers distributed control system functionality with or without redundancy. The Wonderware Historian database provides long term archiving and trending, easy data retrieval and strong data analysis tools. Our process control can be easily expanded with Advanced Process Control features based on Invensys SimSci Connoisseur software. Melter Side Wall Refiner Side Wall Melter Crown Bridge Wall Forehearth EPower Combustion Air Blower Feeder Fibre Glass Bushing Control Solutions Foxboro PAC Invensys Eurotherm have a long and successful history of providing automation and power control solutions into glass fibre applications. Fast and accurate temperature sensing, complex temperature ramping strategies together with smooth bushing power control are essential for maximum yield, minimum bushing downtime and optimum fibre quality. Bushing nanodac An Invensys Eurotherm fibre glass bushing solution provides: • Increased bushing yield • Improved overall power efficiency Modbus • Increased availability and productivity EPower • Setpoint depression and ramping – allowing control of temperature profile during a production cycle • Cold bushing protection – preventing the bushing from thermal shock Winder • Better than 1°C resolution • One or two Thermocouples element operation • Efficient implementation in complex control system • Pre-programmed start-up sequences Profibus • Vertical Integration with Process Control System and Winders Drives Windscreen Forming and Flat Glass Hardening Over the last decade the use of glass panels in cars has increased rapidly along with the complexity of shape and integration of sensors. With the automotive industry demanding more and more stringent tolerances and introducing more complex forms and shapes, the production process of automotive glass panels has become extremely complex. Resulting for example in a Tunnel furnace, having hundreds of sub zones, requiring precise and complex temperature control running multiple recipes to allow maximum production flexibility. Resistive elements as well as medium wave infra red heaters have to be controlled to very tight parameters whilst maximising energy efficiency. Invensys Eurotherm temperature control, power control and supervisory systems for windscreen forming are in operation around the world providing: • • • • • • Accurate multi-zone temperature control Accurate open or closed loop power control Advanced single cycling for infra-red elements, eliminating DC components Power control setpoint transfer and monitoring by digital communication, reducing the I/O requirements of the control system Feed through control Track and Trace capability Flat Glass Online and Offline Coating Systems Tin Bath Roof and Annealing Lehr Heating Systems for Float Applications Many modern glass applications require additional production or processing such as coating technologies and coating materials for advanced building or solar applications. Most common today are self cleaning, anti reflective, infra-red reflective and low-emission coatings for automotive, architectural and PV solar panel applications. The bath, being the forming area in a float glass production process requires precise multiple heating zone temperature and power control. The Silicon-Carbide heating elements have a far from linear temperature/ resistance curve, an advanced power control system is therefore critical to control these elements safely and with maximum efficiency. The annealing lehr needs to avoid any stress entering the glass during its cooling down from approximately 600°C to room temperature. The application of these coatings via complex on-line chemical vapour deposition and off-line cathodic sputtering technologies. These processes require precise control of chemical flows as well as highly accurate temperature control as part of the integrated production process. Invensys Eurotherm offers: • A proven track record in coating control systems • Stand alone as well as fully integrated coating process control systems • Highly accurate temperature measuring and control • Scalable, redundant DCS solutions • Ultra fast and high precision power control Eycon Precise cooling curve control managed over multiple lehr zones is essential for the final product’s quality and the maximum float line yield. Precise multiple zone temperature measurement and control together with sophisticated highly efficient power control capable of managing non linear heating elements is required. The EPower controller is specifically designed to control these elements safely whilst achieving the highest power factor and avoiding any overall system peak power demands. The Foxboro PAC and Wonderware System Platform are designed for optimum control of such complex systems. To SCR/Transformer Power Control Center HMI Visualiser Roof Heating Elements From Furnace Multiple Zones To Lehr Rollers Molten Tin T2750 (PAC) When all comes together success is guaranteed Drives so clever that they are simple Throughout the glass industry electrical motors and servo systems are used in raw material transportation, exhaust gas filters, combustion air supply, refiner and forehearth cooling, furnace side wall and throat cooling, IS-machine cooling, annealing lehrs, cutting lines, winders, top roller drives and many more applications. Invensys Eurotherm variable speed drives provide precision, compactness and flexibility along side potential energy savings. We offer a full range of drives; servo, AC as well as DC including the motors and electrical cabinets. Invensys Eurotherm combines its outstanding drives expertise with its overall glass application knowledge integrating drive technology into the overall glass plant automation. • Open and closed loop vector control for power ratings up to 2000kW • Wind/unwind control • Speed or torque synchronization • Top roll control • Squeezing roll control • Conveyor control • Combustion air and exhaust gas fans • Annealing lehr cooling fans and drives • Energy efficient furnace, refiner, forehearth and IS-machine cooling High performance thermocouples and oxygen sensors The extremely high temperatures and challenging atmospheric conditions involved in the glass melting and fining processes, require the application of special thermocouple technology. These thermocouples need to be capable of accurate measurement whilst demonstrating the minimum in temperature drift over time. This long term stability is a key factor in a glass manufacturers ability to control and operate processes to the limits of acceptable glass quality whilst achieving the best in energy efficiency. Furthermore if thermocouple technology is applied to measure and protect critical areas of the furnace, such as the crown, against overheating it is imperative that these sensors are both reliable and robust over long periods of time. Invensys Eurotherm designs, supplies, maintains and services a broad range of glass customer specified high temperature thermocouples around the globe, in addition to supplying our own market leading high temperature oxygen probes. Allowing our glass manufacturing customers to significantly improve their fuel efficiency and reduce their NOx emissions. Couple these capabilities with our specially designed Foxboro Programmable Automation Controller (PAC) with its ZrO2 interfaces and world class combustion control algorithms. Then you can be confident you have found a partner in factory automation who know about glass. Our objective is to bring to the glass industry cost effective high quality, accurate and stable Temperature and Oxygen measurement Operations Excellence Invensys Operations Management division of Invensys was formed in May 2009 by combining Invensys Process Systems — Avantis®, Foxboro®, InFusion™, SimSci-Esscor™ and Triconex® — with Wonderware®, Eurotherm® and IMServ®. The basis for this move was each of these four traditionally separate and excellent business units would provide more value for clients working together to solve difficult business problems that could not be solved by each unit separately. The Invensys leadership believes that the combined business would help to define and develop leadership in an emerging market space referred to as Operations Management. Invensys Operations Management will focus all of its resources to help customers drive Operations Excellence into their businesses. Attaining Operations Excellence requires that industrial companies maximize the efficiency and profitability from their operations through excellent control, drive maximum business value from all their industrial assets, continually drive and increase productivity from all operations-focused personnel, all while reducing negative environmental impact and improving safety. Therefore, Invensys has defined Operations Excellence along four key themes: Control Excellence, Asset Excellence, Productivity Excellence and Environment and Safety Excellence. Control Excellence Asset Excellence Operations Excellence Productivity Excellence These four critical components of Operations Excellence provide the scope and maturity model for attaining Operations Excellence. They frame the scope by bringing to light the various aspects of focus that must be considered when striving for Operations Excellence. They also explain the maturity model as most industrial companies progress toward Real-Time Operations Excellence by starting with Control Excellence, moving to Asset Excellence, empowering their talent to drive Productivity Excellence and moving toward a holistic approach by balancing the profitability improvements possible through effective implementation of the first three excellence areas with the business constraints imposed by Environment and Safety Excellence. Although every company approaches all four areas simultaneously, to some degree, the formalization of a structured Operations Excellence approach often matures through these four stages. The definition of Real-Time Operations Excellence is best expressed by focusing on both the ongoing aspects as well as the desired outcomes. The definition of Real-Time Operations Excellence is continuously improving profitability from industrial operations in real time. It should be noted that the focus could be a single asset, an industrial plant, or an entire industrial enterprise. We know glass, try us. Enviroment & Safety Excellence Eurotherm is also represented in the following countries: Eurotherm: International sales and service AUSTRALIA Melbourne Invensys Process Systems Australia Pty. Ltd. T (+61 0) 8562 9800 F (+61 0) 8562 9801 E [email protected] AUSTRIA Vienna Eurotherm GmbH T (+43 1) 7987601 F (+43 1) 7987605 E [email protected] BELGIUM & LUXEMBOURG Moha Eurotherm S.A./N.V. T (+32) 85 274080 F (+32) 85 274081 E [email protected] BRAZIL Campinas-SP Eurotherm Ltda. T (+5519) 3707 5333 F (+5519) 3707 5345 E [email protected] CHINA Eurotherm China T (+86 21) 61451188 F (+86 21) 61452602 E [email protected] INDIA Mumbai Invensys India Pvt. Ltd. T (+91 22) 67579800 F (+91 22) 67579999 E [email protected] SWITZERLAND Wollerau Eurotherm Produkte (Schweiz) AG T (+41 44) 7871040 F (+41 44) 7871044 E [email protected] IRELAND Dublin Eurotherm Ireland Limited T (+353 1) 4691800 F (+353 1) 4691300 E [email protected] UNITED KINGDOM Worthing Eurotherm Limited T (+44 1903) 268500 F (+44 1903) 265982 E [email protected] ITALY Como Eurotherm S.r.l T (+39 031) 975111 F (+39 031) 977512 E [email protected] U.S.A. Ashburn VA Invensys Eurotherm T (+1 703) 724 7300 F (+1 703) 724 7301 E [email protected] ED64 KOREA Seoul Invensys Operations Management Korea T (+82 2) 2090 0900 F (+82 2) 2090 0800 E [email protected] NETHERLANDS Alphen a/d Rijn Eurotherm B.V. T (+31 172) 411752 F (+31 172) 417260 E [email protected] Beijing Office T (+86 10) 5909 5700 F (+86 10) 5909 5709/10 E [email protected] POLAND Katowice Invensys Eurotherm Sp z o.o. T (+48 32) 7839500 F (+48 32) 7843608/7843609 E [email protected] FRANCE Lyon Eurotherm Automation SA T (+33 478) 664500 F (+33 478) 352490 E [email protected] SPAIN Madrid Eurotherm España SA T (+34 91) 6616001 F (+34 91) 6619093 E [email protected] GERMANY Limburg Eurotherm Deutschland GmbH T (+49 6431) 2980 F (+49 6431) 298119 E [email protected] SWEDEN Malmo Eurotherm AB T (+46 40) 384500 F (+46 40) 384545 E [email protected] Represented by: © Copyright Eurotherm Limited 2011 Invensys, Eurotherm, the Eurotherm logo, Chessell, EurothermSuite, Mini8, Eycon, Eyris, EPower, nanodac, Foxboro and Wonderware are trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries and affiliates. All other brands may be trademarks of their respective owners. All rights are strictly reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, modified, or transmitted in any form by any means, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system other than for the purpose to act as an aid in operating the equipment to which the document relates, without the prior written permission of Eurotherm Limited. Eurotherm Limited pursues a policy of continuous development and product improvement. The specifications in this document may therefore be changed without notice. The information in this document is given in good faith, but is intended for guidance only. Eurotherm Limited will accept no responsibility for any losses arising from errors in this document. Part No. HA028779 Issue 4 Printed in England on recycled paper 08.11 Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Argentina Armenia Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Bermuda Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Cambodia Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad Chile Colombia Congo Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Fiji Finland Georgia Ghana Greece Greenland Guinea Hungary Iceland Indonesia Iraq Israel Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lesotho Libya Lithuania Macedonia Madagascar Malaysia Malta Micronesia Moldova Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palestinian Territory Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia and Montenegro Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Somalia South Africa Sri Lanka Sudan Swaziland Syria Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand The Gambia Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
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