Union Aid SocietyMatters


Union Aid SocietyMatters
Union Aid Society Matters
neighbors helping neighbors since 1898
The Union Aid Society exists to ser ve those in need who reside within the eleven boroughs of the Quaker Valley School District.
The community’s VISIBLE safety net
This is an exciting time for our organization with the debut of this
newsletter. We hope you will join us in celebrating our new identity
which has evolved over our 109 year history and mission of service
to the Quaker Valley community. The Board of Union Aid made a
deliberate decision this year to make the Union Aid Society a
household word. We are here to serve the entire community and
to do that we need to be better known; thus a new
logo, new newsletter and coming soon, a new website. The
purpose of our new look
is to raise the visibility of our
organization so that we can
reach our neighbors of all ages
and circumstances with the help
they need.
2007 Board of Directors
Charlene V. Wells
Hanley B. Cox
Vice President
Mary Ann Klussmann
Recording Secretary
Susan L. Nitzberg
Corresponding Secretary
Gretchen R. Burnham
Shannon Spatz
Assistant Treasurer
Susan H. Aleshire
We also want to be better known and understood by those whose support we rely upon
to make these services available. The generosity of this community makes it possible for
the Union Aid Society to provide many critical services to our neighbors. As we look
forward, our goal is to spread the word about the resources of the Union Aid Society
and to increase our capacity to provide services. We hope to reach all those who might
need assistance with financial emergencies, counseling and referrals to other community
Lynn M. Cunningham
Susan G. Elste
Tracey Gist Freeman
Eleanor H. Friedman
Ellen Hagerty
Charlotte Hamilton
Susanne S. Harvey
Susan A. Johnson
Susan Jones
We are proud of what we have accomplished. Don’t keep us a secret! Please introduce
us to your friends and neighbors. If you have any questions please contact our office at
412-741-9240 or email us at [email protected].
Charlene V. Wells
President of the Board of Directors
Robin Kifer
Sharon C. Patterson
Vina L. Rideout
Patricia A. Small
Sherri Leifman MSW, LSW
Executive Director
Executive Director
As the Director and only
employee of The Union
Aid Society, I have the
opportunity to work with
a dedicated and active
Board of Directors to further the mission of the
agency. The original mission “to assist our neighbors in need” is as relevant
today as it was in 1898. With a sense of accomplishment and humility I look back on last year’s
projects and forward to an exciting future. We
have been able to accomplish so much this year
because of the help of many dedicated friends
and supporters. With a grant provided by North
Hills Community Outreach and matched with
our funds along with a donation from Target,
Union Aid was able to provide “Back to School”
shopping gift cards for 79 school age children
from 38 needy families. The holiday season is
always a busy time, and we are especially appreciative of those members of the community who
helped to make this Thanksgiving and Christmas
a little brighter for those less fortunate. Eightytwo families with 120 adults and 175 children
enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner this
year, and the joy of Christmas reached 115 children as a result of the generous participation of
local churches, merchants and individual donors.
In addition to our annual projects, each day
Union Aid receives requests for emergency financial assistance. We are able to provide immediate
and confidential funding for rent, medical bills,
food and utilities. We also assist our neighbors by
referring them to additional sources of help to
meet their needs. Please help us make a real and
lasting difference in the lives of others.
Sherri Leifman, MSW, LSW
Here is how YOU can
help your neighbors
When giving to United Way specify donor number 703 on your
pledge form to designate your gift to the Union Aid Society.
UAS helped me
get back on my feet
Pam* was referred to Union Aid by the school counselor because she was facing
a shut off notice from a utility company. Recently separated from her husband,
who was not providing any child support, Pam worked part time but her income
was insufficient to support her four children. Unable to pay her utility bills,
Union Aid paid her gas bill from the past several months, negotiated a payment
with the utility company and facilitated her application for the Customer
Assistance Program. Pam is now assured that she can afford the utility bills in the
future. We were also able to subsidize her child care costs so she could begin
working full time.
*Name has been changed
Looking Ahead…
May Dod’s Scholarship ($4,000) Awarded to High School Senior
June Summer Camp Scholarships Available
August Back to School Project
October Thanksgiving Food Collection Begins
November Distribution of Food Baskets at YMCA
December “Gifts for Kids” Holiday Program
Union Aid Society announces
The Safety Net
c a p i t a l
c a m p a i g n
The Union Aid Society Board of Directors announces the inauguration of “The Safety Net Campaign”. Our
goal is to raise $1,000,000.
We plan to construct a Commons Room with a small kitchen between the two existing apartment buildings
at 511 Centennial Avenue in Sewickley, facilitating socialization among our twenty older residents; we will
install an elevator at the entrance to the Commons Room providing access to all floors of the two buildings;
we will build two apartments above the Commons Room providing additional affordable housing for senior
citizens in the Quaker Valley School District. Eighty percent of the funds raised will support this building
project and the remaining twenty percent will augment our
Endowment fund for building maintenance and to provide additional financial
aid and programs for our clients.
We are off to a great start. The Board of Valley Care
Association has donated $100,000; the Union Aid Society has
pledged $200,000 and the members of the Union Aid Society
Board of Directors have donated $107,000 through their own
individual gifts and pledges.
This is only the third time since 1898 that the Union Aid
Society has come to the community to ask for support. This
campaign fulfills our mission of serving the less
fortunate by providing affordable housing to low-income
seniors and financial aid to our neighbors in need.
We have always considered our organization to be the
community’s invisible safety net…now is the time to step
forward and support this very real and visible community
safety net campaign.
Eleanor H. Friedman
UAS Supports Education
We have the privilege to administer a need-based college scholarship endowed by the daughter of a former client. In order to provide money to a student to attend college Marjorie
Saunders established a fund in honor of her mother Kathryn S. Dods and in recognition of
the Union Aid Society’s assistance to her family. UAS matches those funds and awards a $4000
scholarship to a graduating high school senior in the Quaker Valley area each year.
UAS was there for me
Mr. Jones*, a senior citizen living on social
security and a small pension, was referred
to the Union Aid Society because of a
large water bill he was unable to pay. UAS
hired a plumber to fix the leak which
caused the problem, and helped pay his
bill. After discussing the variety of services
available to seniors, he asked to be referred
to the Area Agency on Aging, Meals on
Wheels, and Access Transportation. He is
now less isolated, more active in the community and enjoying healthy meals every
week. Mr. Jones came to UAS with a
financial emergency, but learned about
many other available resources which have
enriched his life.
*Name has been changed
Please help us make a
real and lasting
in the lives of others.
Name (please print)
City, State, Zip
Enclosed is my gift in the amount of:
$ ____________
Please charge my
It was not easy for me to admit I needed help.
Even more difficult to ask for it, but you were
very kind and gracious. I feel much less stressed
as a result. You have made it easier for me and
my children to enjoy the holidays.
Quaker Valley Parent
2006 “Gifts for Kids”
Program a Success!
Master Card
Account # __________________________
Exp. Date _________________________
Signature __________________________
To increase my support I have enclosed
my employer’s matching gift form
Name of company ___________________
I would like to make my gift:
in honor of
in memory of
Acknowledgement to be sent to:
Name (please print)
City, State, Zip
Pictured from left to right front: Michael Pastor, teacher at QVHS and Service
Learning Coordinator, Union Aid Board Members Robin Kifer, Sue Harvey, and
Union Aid Executive Director Sherri Leifman. Back row, QV students
Nick O'Neill and Vince Miltenberger
I/We wish to have our gift
listed as “anonymous”
Send your gift to:
The Union Aid Society
601 Thorn Street
Sewickley, Pa 15143
For more information call us at 412-741- 9240
or email us at [email protected]
Donor listing as of February 2007
Charles H. Fletcher, Jr.
Giuseppe Floro
Mr/Mrs William D. Abraham
Andrew Flowers
Mr/Mrs Clifford Aleshire
Marjorie Floyd
Mrs Henry G. Allyn
Mr/Mrs Brendan Foley
Drs. Ernest and Jeanne Alvin
Mr/Mrs James Forney
Mr/Mrs Christopher Anderson
Barbara Forrester
Anonymous (46)
Michael V. Fortunato
Mr/Mrs John A. Armstrong
Eleanor H. Friedman
Robert E. Bagans
Mr/Mrs Andrew Frishkorn
Doug Baker
Dr/Mrs Robert Fusco
Nancy Baldwin
Rodney W. Gartner
Mr/Mrs Stephen Barge
Mr/Mrs Ronald Gebhardt
Mr/Mrs Robert E. Batina
Tracey Gist-Freeman
Anne Battaglia
Glenn Charitable Trust
Marcia Behun
Mr/Mrs Joe S. Goff
Mr/Mrs Donald Berman
Mr/Mrs David Gordon
Donald Birnie
Mr/Mrs Herbert Gordon
Mr/Mrs Arthur Black
Mr/Mrs Robert M. Gordon
Elizabeth F. Blair
Grace Church
Barbara Bonnett
Drs. Thomas and Toby Graham
Mr/Mrs James P. Bouchard
Leo Grandovic
Mr/Mrs David C. Boyd
Mr/Mrs Robert W. Gray
Mr/Mrs Matthew Braksick
Mr/Mrs Charles Gross
Mr/Mrs Roger Brown
Mrs Robert Hagerty
Dr/Mrs Michael A. Bryson
Mr/Mrs Timothy Hall
Mr/Mrs John Bunce
Mr/Mrs Arthur L. Hallett
Mr/Mrs Robert Burnham
Mr/Mrs James L. Hamilton
Mr/Mrs Frank V. Cahouet
Mr/Mrs Fred Hamren
Alan Carson
Nancy Hansen
Mr/Mrs Randolph W. Carson
Mr/Mrs William E Hanwell
Mr/Mrs Lawrence Castner
Mr/Mrs William G. Harbison
Mr/Mrs A. Gary Chace
Mr/Mrs Charles Harff
Mrs. Henry Chalfant
Beverly L Harris
Nina C. Christy
Mr/Mrs Herman Harvey
Mr/Mrs Dennis Ciccone
Have a Heart Committee (SVH)
Susan B. Clancy
Dr/Mrs Paul M. Haver
Anne and George Clapp
Mr/Mrs Thomas Hay
Charitable and Educational Trust John Hayes
Dr.Barbara Clark and
Cynthia Hays
Dr. Richard Shannon
Kathrin Hays
Mr/Mrs Edwin V. Clarke
Jacquelin Hazzard
Mr/Mrs. Andrew Clem
Patricia Heaton
Susan Cockrell
The Estate of Helen Hegner
Dr/Mrs Howard Cohen
Dr/Mrs David Hennessey
Dr./Mrs. Ira Cohen
John Herbst
Elizabeth C. Colbert
Colin Hershey
Bettie Cole
Betty S. Hetherington
Dr/Mrs Paul Collier
Judy Hetzell
Erma J. Conflenti
Mr/Mrs Lawrence W. Hitchins
Melissa B. Cook
Mr/Mrs Joseph Hoepp
M/M Ben Cox
Mr/Mrs Joseph Hoptay
Hanley Cox
Wendy Hopwood
Carolyn L. Coyle
Drs. Kenneth and Nancy House
Ruth S. Crick
Linda Huntley
Mr/Mrs James J. Cunningham
Nancy Hutchinson
Dr/Mrs James A. D'Antonio
Mr/Mrs Wayne Hyjek
James D. Darby, Jr.
Mr/Mrs Jack Isherwood
Mr/Mrs George Davidson
Susan Jackson
Mr/Mrs Stephen Davis
W.R. Jackson
William G. Davis Charitable Trust Mr/Mrs Charles E. Jacobs
Mr/Mrs Earl Dean
Kimberly Jehle
Mr/Mrs William T. deHaven
Barbara Johns
Mr/Mrs Louis Dell'Aquila
Mr/Mrs William Johnson
Lawrence C. Diehle
Mr/Mrs Thomas Johnson
Drs. Saryu and Jitendria Desai
Lorai Joines
Mr/Mrs Henry F. Devens
Mr/Mrs Dana Jones
Mr/Mrs Henry F. Devens, III
Mr/Mrs Gwynne Jones
Mr/Mrs Paul H. Dimmick
Mr/Mrs Philip L. Jones
Mr/Mrs Robert Doebler
Mr/Mrs Gregory Kaminsky
Mr/Mrs Holland Donaldson
Mr/Mrs James Kamzelski
Mr/Mrs Joseph D. Dury, Jr.
Christine Kardong
Mr/Mrs Randolph P. Eddy
Russell Keith
Edgeworth Garden Club
Linda Kelley
John Edson
Mr/Mrs Ralph Kelley
M/M Andrew Elste
Mr/Mrs Charles Kelly
Mr/Mrs Richard Elste
Mr/Mrs Niles Kenyon
Mr/Mrs Scott M. Elste
Mr/Mrs William C. Kestner
Mr/Mrs Robert J. English
Mr/Mrs Stephen Kifer
Mrs. Robert English
Mr/Mrs Robert Kirsch
Mr/Mrs Paul Euwer
Eugene G. Klein
Karen Fadzen
Dr/Mrs Milton Klein
Mr/Mrs Jeffrey J. Fecko
Mary Ann I. Klussmann
Mr/Mrs Matt Feczko
Robert Knoll
Mr/Mrs Paul Ferderbar
Mr/Mrs Robert D. Knox
Dorothy Ferguson
Mr/Mrs Robert Y. Kopf
Mr/Mrs Fetterolf
Dr/Mrs Francis Lally
Mary Lou Flach
Mr/Mrs John J. Lednak
Kevin Flannery
Mr/Mrs Frank H. Leja
Charles H. Fletcher
Mr/Mrs Michael Lennon
Elsie Y. Lewis
Mrs.John S. Liggett
Mr/Mrs John A. Lindquist, Jr.
Mr/Mrs H. Kennedy Linge
Mr/Mrs Jeffrey Lipton
Mr/Mrs David Littlefield
Mr/Mrs William Logsdon
Mr/Mrs Ronald E. Long
Mr/Mrs Paul Magee
Diana Magera
Mr/Mrs Roger S. Markfield
Dr. Joseph Maroon
C. Taylor Marshall
Dr. Hedwig Marwaha
Mr/Mrs David McClenahan
Mr/Mrs Thomas A. McConomy
Mr/Mrs Colvin McCrady
Mr/Mrs Sumner McDanel
Nancy S. McKee Trust
Meakem Foundation
Mary Means
Eva Means
Mr/Mrs Timothy W. Merrill
Anne B. Metcalf
Linda Rice Michael
Dr/Mrs Clarence Miller
Lawrence E. Mock
Mr/Mrs James M. Moore
Mr/Mrs George Morgan
Mr/Mrs Jeffrey Morrow
Thomas H. Mulry
Mr/Mrs Robert J. Mulshine
Mr/Mrs David A Murdoch
Sarah E. Murdock
Anne Mc K. Murdock
Mr/Mrs Wayne T. Murphy
Dr//Mrs Dan Nadler
Marsena Neil
Mr/Mrs Hugh Nevin
Mr/Mrs P. Van Nickell
David A. Nimick
Eleanor Nimick Trust
Francis B. Nimick
Dr/Mrs Robert Nitzberg
North Hill Community Outreach
Mr/Mrs David Noyes
Charlene Nussbaum
Gwendolyn Ogle
Carol O'Keefe
F. W. Okie
Mrs. David B.Oliver
Mr/Mrs G. S. Oliver
Mr/Mrs Paul Olson
Dee Jay Oshrey and Bart Rack
Paul Palevsky
Agnes N. Pangburn
Dr/Mrs Thomas Pangburn
Ceola Patillo
Dr/Mrs Gregory Patrick
Helen Patterson
Mr/Mrs Robert Patterson
Eileen Paul
Eleanor Paul
Dr/Mrs Robert Pavlis
Mr/Mrs Robert N. Peirce
Mr/Mrs Robert Peirce, Jr.
Daniel E. Peters
Joyce Phillips
Mr/Mrs James Phipps
Dr. Paul Piccolo
Mr/Mrs Paul R. Pigman, Jr.
Dr/Mrs James G. Pitcavage
Beverly Poling
Presbyterian Church of Sewickley
Mr/Mrs Gordon Price
Mr/Mrs Larry A. Pryor
Mr/Mrs Carl Puglia
Mr/Dr David Pusateri
Quaker Valley Carolers
Quaker Valley Fund/
The Pittsburgh Foundation
Mrs. Charles Rader
Mr/Mrs Anthony Renda
Mr/Mrs Mark J. Rengers
Jory Richman
Mr/Mrs Stan Rideout
Robert W. Riordan
Mr/Mrs Junior B. Rittenberry
Mr/Mrs Joseph L. Roberts
Mr/Mrs John M. Roberts
Mr/Mrs Richard Roberts
Dr/Mrs Thom R. Roberts
Evans Rose, Jr.
Mr/Mrs Wilson S. Ross
Henriette Rougraff
Sally Stevenson Ruffin
John Runkel
Mr/Mrs Stanley G. Russell, Jr.
Virginia K. Ryan
St. James Church
St. Mary's Church
St. Paul's Church
St. Stephen's Church
Mr/Mrs Thomas St.Clair
Mr/Mrs Thomas Samuels
Mr/Mrs Anthony Sanzo
Dr/Mrs Anthony Scalercio
Mrs. David Schaff, III
Mr/Mrs Peter Schlicht
Mary Louise Scholl
Joanne Schollaert
Mr/Mrs A. Reed Schroeder
Deborah Schtulman
Mr/Mrs Griffin Schultz
Mr/Mrs Mark Sciosia
Mr/Mrs Sean Sebastian
Alden H. J. Sector
Harton S. Semple
Phyllis K. Semple
Sewickley Academy
Student Council
Mr/Mrs Fred I. Sharp
Ava C. Shaughnessy
Mr/Mrs Edward C. Sherry
Mr/Mrs Isaac S. Shina
Mr/Mrs Gregory Shipley
Mr/Mrs Howard Shockey
Dr/Mrs John Shoener
Mr/Mrs Richard Simmons
Mr/Mrs Anthony Sinatra
Anna P. Singer
Patricia Small
Mr/Mrs Albert Smith
Dr/Mrs Gary Smith
Mr/Mrs J. Brandon Snyder
W.P. Snyder, III
Mr/Mrs Kurt W. Sopp
Mr/Mrs Furman South, III
Mr/Mrs Hank South
Mr/Mrs Donald L. Spalding
Mr/Mrs Donald W. Spalding
Mr/Mrs Samuel Spanos
Mr/Mrs Richard Spatz
Dorothy H. Speak
Mr/Mrs Daniel J. Sponseller
Mrs. Edward Sproull
William J. Stack, Jr.
Mr/Mrs William L. Standish
Mr/Mrs Luther C. Stevens
Dr/Mrs Robert Stiegel
Mr/Mrs John T. Stoner
Dr/Mrs John A. Straka
Sheila Sutro
Drs. David and Barbara Swan
Joel W. Swanson
J. Philip Sweet
Mr/Mrs Louis M. Tarasi
Carroll A. Taylor
Kitty Telep
Murray C. Thaw
Mr Henry/ Rev Laura Theis
Robert W. Thomas
Mr/Mrs Steven Thomas
Mrs. W. Bruce Thomas
M/M David Thompson
Mrs. Leroy Thompson
Mr/Mrs Charles E.Thorne, Jr.
Mr/Mrs Arthur W. Ticknor
Pauline Tkatch
John W. Todd
Carolyn Toth
Jane F. Treherne-Thomas
Triumph Baptist Church
Mr/Mr Ernest Tucci
United Methodist Church
Ann R. Urban
Mr/Mrs John Urda
Jane VanKirk
Dr. Rade B. Vukmir
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
The "Walkers" of Bell Acres
Mr/Mrs Hartley P. Walker
Polly O. Walker
Mr/Dr W. L. Ward
James R. Wardrop
David Wasilowski
Jill Webb
Mr/Mrs Marvin Wedeen
Mr/Mrs Robert Wells
Mr/Mrs William F. Wenning, Jr.
Mr/Mrs Malachy Whalen
Dr/Mrs Rodney Whitacre
Mr/Mrs Kenneth E. Whitlock
Mr/Mrs John W. Wick
Jean B. Wickwire
Greg Wilkinson
Mr/Mrs Leonard Wolf
Wrenn Dietzel Charitable Foundation
Mr/Mrs Charles T. Wright
Robert C.Wright
Mr/Mrs Thomas R. Wright
Mr/Mrs Roger Wright
Mr/Mrs William Wycoff
Louise Yeiser
YMCA “Just for Us Ladies”
Rives Rea Yost
Mr/Mrs Matthew Zack
Mrs. John G. Zimmerman Jr.
In Memory of Robert Hagerty
Gerry and Jack Armstrong
Mr/Mrs Fitzhugh Brown
Mr/Mrs Frank Cahouet
Susan Clancy
Hanley Cox
Mr/Mrs Stephen Davis
Susie and Dick Elste
Eleanor Friedman
Charlotte and Jim Hamilton
Sue and Bud Harvey
Lois Ann and Jerry Huston
Mary Ann Klussmann
Janet R. and Bud McDanel
Jean and William Millar
Susan and Robert Nitzberg
Dee Jay Oshry
Peirce Family Foundation
Katherine and Gary Reck
Sarah H. Schaff
Mary Louise Scholl
Mr/Mrs Reed Schroeder
Peg and Jack Shoener
Mr/Mrs Donald Shuck
Valley Care Association
Village Garden Club
Pauline Walker
Charlene and W. Robert Wells
Mr/Mrs William Wenning
In Memory of Reg Pugh
Donald Shuck
Pauline Walker
In Honor of Marvin Wedeen’s Birthday
Ruth Gorton
In Memory of Hank Allyn
Susan Clancy
Susie and Dick Elste
In Memory of Robert Van Kirk
Lois Ann and Jerry Huston
In Honor of the Work of
Union Aid Society
St. Paul’s Women of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church of America
In Honor of the Teachers and
Administration of Quaker Valley
Maria and Joel Swanson
In Memory of Kathy Leighton
Susan Clancy
In Memory of Helen Dininno
Mary Ann Klussmann
In Memory of Ruth M. Debevoise
Barbara D. Dinsmore
In Memory of William Boyd, Jr.
Marie and Henri Mickey
2005 –2006
Union Aid Society Fiscal Year
Annual Appeal and Foundations
Donations (Miscellaneous)
Apartment Income
Transfer from Endowment
U.S. Postage
Sewickley, PA
Permit No. 137
601 Thorn Street, Sewickley, PA 15143
The Union Aid Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization incorporated under the
laws of Pennsylvania. The official registration and financial information may be
obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling 1-800-732-0999.
Registration does not imply endorsement.