Slatten Ranch - City of Antioch


Slatten Ranch - City of Antioch
Issued By
Slatten Ranch Partners L.P.
Revised 8/26/02
Retail SignageDesign Guidelines
Design Guide -Purpose
Design Specifications:
All Tenants
General Construction
Electrical and Illumination
Installation and Removals
General Sign Provisions
3.1 Pylon Signs
3.2 Center Identification Signs
3.3 Tenant Signage
3.31 Anchor Tenants
3.32 Major Tenants
3.33 Shop Tenants
3.34 Restaurant & Single
Pad Building Tenants
3.4 Secondary/Under canopy Signs
3.5 Permanent Window Graphics
Submittals & Review
Prohibited Signs/Banners
Tenant Responsibilities
Prepared by:
Michael McClure
Arrow Sign Company
Oakland, California
Retail SignageDesign Guidelines
1.0 Purpose
.Signageis a crucial elementfor the identity of this project and its merchants.The purposeof
this sign programis to ensurethat the signagefor SlattenRanchis presentedwith diversity
and creativity while maintainingstandardsthat achieveconsistencythroughoutthe center.
The guidelinesestablishedfor the SlattenRanchretail/restauranttenantswill provide a
coordinatedsign systemto communicateinformation in a distinctive and aesthetically
pleasingmanner. The visual consistencythat this criterion createswill minimize confusion
and confirm an imageof qualityt uniting all the individual establishmentswithin Slatten
It shall be the responsibilityof eachtenantto submit designdrawingsof the proposedsignage
to the Landlord and the City of Antioch for approvalprior to the installation of any signage.
The useof professionaldesignersand/orsign companiesto preparethesedrawingsis highly
encouraged.The guidelinesandrequirementsfor the submittalprocessis locatedin section
4.0 "Submittals andReview".
Design Specifications/All Tenants
All signsshall be reviewedfor conformancewith theseguidelinesand overall designquality.
Approval or disapprovalof sign submittalsshall remainthe right of the Landlord and/orthe
City of Antioch.
The squarefootageof individually appliedlettersfor primary tenantidentification is defined
asthe areacontainedwithin the smallestrectanglesthat will encloseeachletter or logo.
Sign contentshall be limited to the Tenant'snameandprimary graphiclogo unless
specificallyprovided for herein.
Notwithstandingthe following Sign Provisions,Tenantsmay utilize standardcorporatelogos
and/orprototypical signagegraphics,if usedin a majority of the Tenant'sBay Area stores
subjectto approvalof the Landlordand local governingentity.
All signageon the building fascia,with exceptionof certainlogo/graphics, shall be of
individual channellettersilluminatedwith neon (exposedneonis encouraged).All signs
shall be illuminated, internally or externally. No cabinetsignswill be pennitted. Signage
illumination shall not include flashing,moving or scintillating effects.
All signsmust be dimensional.Signspainteddirectly onto the building will not be pennitted.
Fasciasignsshall be locatedin the zonesdesignatedin the building elevationfiguresin these
Guidelines.Signsmay not comewithin 1 foot of the top, bottom or sidesof this zone. In no
casemay a sign extendbeyondthe roof parapetor adjacentbuilding eaveline. Signsarenot
allowed on or againstanyroof structures.
2.1 General Construction Specifications
Signsmust be constructedandinstalledto meet or exceedall applicablecodesand City
requirements.All signsshall be constructed,installed and maintainedat the Tenant's
All exterior signsshall be securedby concealedfasteners;bolts, fasteners,clips, andconduits
shall be generallyhidden from public view. If exposed,all sign parts shall be paintedto
matchthe exterior color of the surfaceson which they aremounted.
All building fasciasignsshall be attachedandmounteddirectly to the wall. All penetrations
of the building structurerequiredfor sign installation shall be neatly sealedandwatertight.
Color and finish of attachmentsand sealantshall match adjacentexterior finishes.
Surfacesof all signageareintendedto be flat without bulges,oil canningor other
Electrical and Illumination
Fabricationand installationshall comply with all UnderwritersLaboratoriesrequirementsand
applicablestateand local codes. All componentsshall bearthe U.L. label indicating approval,
andbe manufacturedand installedby a V.L. certified company.
All wiring, raceways,conductors,transfonners,ballastsand other equipmentshall be
concealedfrom public view. Primaryelectricalserviceto all Tenants'signsshall be tied to
Tenant'selectricalservice. Tenantshall provide time clocks for usein conjunctionwith the
electricalserviceandbe responsiblefor all associatedcosts.
The illumination of all sign componentsshall be unifonn in intensity over all the illuminated
Dluminationand electricalspecificationsmust appearon all shopdrawingssubmittedfor
The externalillumination of all Tenantsignsshall not exceedthat which is approvedby the
Landlord during the submissionprocess.Thereshall be no excessiveglare or coloration from
lighting on surroundingareasor on Tenantfacades.
Installation and Removals
All penetrationsof anybuilding structurerequiredfor sign installationsshall be neatly sealed
and continuouslymaintainedin watertightcondition.
All contractorsusedby Tenantsfor installation,removalor servicecalls on signagemustbe
fully licensed,andmust provide Landlordwith certificatesof insuranceprior to the
commencementof anywork.
All methodsof attachmentto any structuremust be detailedon shopdrawingsandbe
approvedby the Landlord.
Sign removalsshall include the patchingandrepairingof the entirework area,plus the
repaintingof any "ghosted"areasasdirectedby the Landlord.
Tenant'sSign Contractorshall repair any damagecausedby his work. Damageto any
structurethat is not repairedby the Contractorshall becomethe Tenant'sresponsibilityto
The Tenant'sSign Contractorshall be completelylicensedby the stateof California, carry
workman's compensationandpublic liability insuranceagainstall damagesufferedor doneto
any and all personsand/orpropertywhile engagedin the constructionor erectionof signs.
General Sign Provisions
Pvlon Siens
Therewill be two pylon signson the propertyto identify merchantsand direct customersto
the center.Eachwill be doublefaceinternally illuminated with the center'snameandthe
major tenantslisted. They will stand65 feet tall and act as landmarksfor the center.
CenterIdentification Siflns
Therewill be two CenterIdentification signson eachcomer of SlattenRanchRoadand Lone
Tree Way identifying the propertyasa unified center.Eachwill displaythe center'sname
only. No tenantnameswill be displayedon the signs.
Tenant SiJ!naJ!e
SlattenRanchencouragesthe useof variousletter stylesandcolors to achievea uniqueand
individual look. However,thesesignageguidelineslimit the numberof signs,sign sizes
(including width) and overall letter heights.Internal-haloillumination is permittedas
Notwithstandingthe following SpecificProvisions,Tenantsmay utilize standardcorporate
logosand/orprototypicalsignagegraphics,if usedin a majority of Tenant's Bay Area stores
subjectto approvalof the Landlord and local governingentity. All tenantsignageis subjectto
landlord approval.
Anchor Tenants
The anchortenantis allowed one sign for everybuilding face,eXceptas follows: "Major B"
will be limited to primary signageon the Southbuilding face,with possibletemporarysignage
on the East face.
The type of fabricatedlettersallowed may be either internally illuminated plex facechannel
lettersor the reversepan-channelconstructedwith 3" aluminumreturnS. The reversepanchannelletter faceshall be aluminum.The characteristicof this letter is internally illuminated
and lights from behindto createa "halo" look. This allows the lettersto be visible at night
with the lowest intrusive impact on the surroundingresidentialareas.Thesesignsareto be
internally illuminated with neon.
Maio, Tenants
Major tenantsare allowedone (1) sign per everyexterior storeelevationwith a maximum of
three(3) signs. They areallowedto occupy60% of the storefront(horizontally). Major
Tenantswill be allowed 1 squarefoot of signageareaper lineal foot of frontage,not to exceed
the maximum squarefootageof signageallowedper the TenantMatrix.
The lettersareto be eitherinternally illuminated plex facechannellettersor reversepanchannelconstructedwith aluminumreturnsasdescribedin the sectionabovefor "anchor
tenants."The major tenantshavethe option of non-illuminatedor internally illuminated signs.
If the tenantdoesnot haveinternally illuminated signs,they may be allowed the option of
"gooseneck" or flood illumination (dependingon location).
Shop Tenants
Shoptenantsareallowedone (1) sign per everystorefrontagewith a maximum of two (2)
signs. They areallowedto occupy75% of the storefront(horizontally). and are allowed 1.5
squarefeet of signageper linear foot of shopfrontage.The shoptenantshavethe option of
non-illuminatedor internally illuminated signsasnoted in the section(s)above. (Gooseneck
illumination will not be approvedwithout DesignReview Board approval)
Restaurant & Sinele Pad Buildine Tenants
One(1) wall sign allowedper eachbusinessfrontagefacing a street,pedestrianplaza and/or
parking lot (maximumof 3).Maximum squarefootageof signageallowed is basedon the total
squarefootageoccupiedby eachtenantper the TenantMatrix. Signsmay be internally or
Tenant Matrix for Fascia/CanoDvSi!!na!!e
Tenant Square
Letter Heie;ht
0 to 4,999"S.F.
5,000to 6,499 S.F.
6,500to 9,499 S.F.
9,500to 14,999S.F.
14,500to 23,999S.F.
24,000to 34,999S.F.
35,000to 74,999
75,000and Up
3'-0" High
3'-0" High
3' -6" High
4'-0" High
5'-0" High
6'-0" High
7'-0" High
8'-0" High
4'-6" High
4'-6" High
5'-0" High
6'-0" High
7'-6" High
8'-0" High
10'-6" High
12'-0" High
Per Building
SeeGeneralConstructionSpecificationsfor measurementof signagearea,including
logos.National andregionaltenantsmay utilize standardcorporatesign packagesand/or
prototypical signagegraphicssubjectto approvalof the Landlord and local governing
Tenantsshall havethe option, with the pennissionof the landlord,of installing one (1) blade
sign on a businessfrontagefacing a street,pedestrianplaza and/orparking lot.
Blade sign areasshall be limited to six (6) squarefeet with 4' -0" maximum horizontal or
vertical dimension.Maximum depthshall not exceed6".
Blade signsshall be fabricatedusing one of the following:
a. paintedmetal
b. naturalmetal finish
c. dimensionalLetters.
Permanent Window Graphics
PermanentWindow Graphicsarethosesignsaffixed to a storefrontwindow.
A standardfomlat shall be usedfor the PemlanentWindow Graphicsthat indicateshoursof
operation,suite or streetaddress,open/closedand relevantinfomlation.
Signageis appliedto the surfaceof door or window glassusing vinyl graphicsin one of the
following colors: gold, aluminum,silver or copperleaf or white.
All tenantsshall affix suiteor streetaddresson at leastonebusinessstorefrontwindow.
Maximum capheight for permanentidentification lettersshall be 2" with the exceptionfor
open/closedsign and suite/addressidentification which shall not exceeda 6" capheight.
The aggregatesquarefootageof all window signsshall not exceedtwenty five (25) percentof
the surfaceareaof the window on which it is placed.
Window signsshall not be illuminated.
All window signsshall be approvedin writing by the Landlord.
Submittals & Review
No signsshall be fabricatedor installedunlessthe following approvalshavebeenobtained.
Landlord Approval: Submitthree(3) setsof plans,to scale,showingthe sign elevation.This
drawingmust haveall materialsandcolors specified.At leastone drawing of the sign must be
in color. Also provide materialandcolor samplesif requestedby the landlord. The plansmust
alsoinclude the building elevationandthe location(s)of the signson the building, and a site
plan indicating the locationof the storein the shoppingcenter.
Oncetheseplansare stampedand approved,one set shall be retainedby the landlord, one set
shall be the tenant'scopy, andthe last setshall be submittedto the City of Antioch.
If the plans submittedto the landlord arenot acceptableor requirerevisions,they must be
resubmittedunlessthey are approved"with conditions".
City of Antioch Permit Process:All signsarerequiredto havea sign pemiit issuedfrom the
City of Antioch. Four (4) setsof plans,including the stampedand approvedset from the
landlord, areto be submittedto the PlanningDepartmentfor approval.The next approval
must be obtainedfrom the building department,including all mounting details for the sign.
All illuminated signsrequirean electricalpermit.
4.1 Prohibited Signs/Banners
No Flashing,moving or scintillating light bulbs or effectsarepermitted.
No cabinetsignswill be allowed.
Window signs,otherthan the PermanentWindow Graphics,will not be allowed. Thesesigns
include neonsigns,fiber optic/neonsimulatedplastic signsandborderneon.
The Landlordreservesthe right to determinethe acceptabilityof signs.Noncompliantsigns
areto be removedimmediatelyupon request.
Promotionalsignswill not be permittedwithout written landlord approvaland must be in
accordancewith City of Antioch ordinances.(Written proof of prior City of Antioch approval
must be submittedto the landlordprior to installation)
Tenant Responsibilities
Tenantsshall be responsiblefor the fulfillment of all requirementsof theseSignage
Guidelinesand all applicablecodesand ordinances.EachTenantis responsiblefor the cost of
design,fabrication,installation,maintenanceand electricity for their own sign(s). Tenants
shall be responsiblefor the immediaterepair of neon,which is damagedor not illuminating
properly, and the propermaintenanceof all tenantsigns. All permits requiredby the City of
Antioch and associatedfees,shall be obtainedandpaid for by the tenantor tenant's
representative.Tenantsshall be requiredto perform or causeto haveperformedsuch
necessaryactionto corrector repair signagewithin 10 daysof written notice from Landlord.
All sign contractorsemployedor retainedby Tenantmust carry Workmen's Compensation
andPublic Liability insuranceproviding coverageagainstdamagesufferedor doneto any and
all personsand/orpropertywhile engagedin the constructionor erectionof signs,in an
amountdeemedappropriateby lessor. Tenantsshall indemnify andhold hamllessthe
Landlord andthe City of Antioch from any damagesthat arisefrom the installation,
maintenanceor useof Tenant's signage.
Upon the tenninationor conclusionof Tenant's lease,the tenantis responsibleat their sole
cost for the removalof all signs. All signsmust be removedwithin 30 daysof the lease's
tennination. The storefrontfasciashallbe patched,touch-uppaintedand otherwiserepaired
asdetailedin previoussectionof theseguidelines.

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