sydney - NSW Government
sydney - NSW Government
ADVE11TISEMENT. I Waterview Engine Works, \ DRY DOCK AND PATENT SLIP, WATERVIEW BAY, BALMAIN, SYDNEY. T. MCART:HUR .& GO.,1 3B IMS" « - IMI 3W 3 E J E 3B* ® , Boilermakers, Millwrights, Goppersmiths, IRON AND BRASS-FOUNDERS, AND StEXSP B U I L D E R S . TABLE OF CONTENTS. STREET DIRECTORY SUBURBAN DIRECTORY ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY TRADE AND PROFESSIONAL BANKS INSURANCE AND OTHER COMPANIES mTm :;„ r ^,V c ; ARTISTIC, LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS MASONIC INSTITUTIONS WTv™ „ •" FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, FORESTERS, ODD FELLOWS' AND DRUIDS, &o... GOVERNMENT AND OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ECCLESIASTICAL DIRECTORY ••• LEGAL DIRECTORY MEDICAL DIRECTORY : MUNICIPAL DIRECTORY COLONIAL DIRECTORY... //VfVe-V; i^-v 17 161 226 370 413 414 420 425 428 429 430 441 446 447 440 (.' The above Firm are prepared to undertake every class of Work appe: taining to the making, building, and repairing of Iron or Wooden Vessel; Marine or Stationary Engines, Boilers, Iron Bridges, Mining or othc Machinery, as well as to supply Malleable Iron Forgings, up to Seven (7) Ton weight, and Castings up to Twelve (12) Tons weight. In connection with the Engineering establishment is a Graving Doc 360 feet long, 325 feet on the Keel Blocks, and 70 feet wide at the entrance The draught of Water on the Sill Frame varies from 17 to 20 feet, accordin to Tide. Also a Patent Slip, capable of taking up Vessels up to 1500 tons burther The Works, Graving Dock, and Patent Slip being on the same Premise! makes it the more convenient, in repairing Vessels entrusted to the Firm, i Orders will be taken for all descriptions of Machinery to be Manufai tured in England, under the supervision, of Mr. JAMES W. DUNLOP, COI suiting Engineer, 61 Mark Lane, London. The London Agents of the Firm are— Messrs. E. & P. TOOTH and MORT, Fencliurch Street. Postal Address— WATERVIEW BAY, Balmain, Or to T. S. MORT & Co., Pitt Street, Sydney. STREET DIRECTORY. PAGE r-AGE Berwick lane Bcttington street Bland street Bligh street Bloomfield street Bloomfield street, Little Botany road Botany street Bourko lane Bourko street Bourkc street, Littlo Bowman street, Pyrmont Bridge street Brisbane street, South Head road .. Brisbane street, Parramatta street .. Brisbane street, Little Brougham place Brougham street Broughton street Brown Bear lano Buckingham street Buckingham street, Littlo ;.. Burnell lane Burrahporo street Burton lane Burton street Abattoir road, Pyrmont Aborcrombie place Adelaide place Albert placo Albert street, Circular quay . Albert street, Victoria street. Albion lane Albion street Albion street Little Alexander street Alfred street ... ... Alfred street, Pyrmont... Ann street, Bourko street Ann street, Smith street Argyle place Argyle street Arthur street Athlono place 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 Banks street. Barker lane Barker street Barrack, street Buthurst street Bay street, Parramatta street. Bay street, "Woolloomooloo . Bedford .street Belvoir street Bolvoir terrace Bent street ' ... 23 23 28 28 24 25 25 2C 20 Oarabridge street 26 Campbell place 26 Campbell Btreot... 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 29 29 32 32 88 83 34 34 35 35 86 86 36 87 87 87 87 88 38 .. - 89 39 4 CONTENTS. TAOK Campbell street, Lower Carlton street Castlcreagh street Castlereagh street North Castlcreagh street South Cecil place ... . ... Ohambers street Chapel lano Charles lane Charles street, Bay street Charles street, Francis street Charles street, Farromatta street ... Charlotte lane Charlotte place Ohippen street Chowne street, Pyrmont Church hill : ... Church street Church street, Pyrmont Clarence lane Clarence street Cleveland street Clyde street ... College street College street, Devonshire street ... Collins street Cooper street Cooper street, Elizabeth street ... Corfu street Craigend terrace Crescent street ..• Crown lane, Crown street Crown lane, Stanley lane Crown road Crown street Cumberland street Dale street Darling street Darlinghurst road Davey street Day's terrace Denham street Devonshire street Dick street Dixson street, East Dlxson street, West Domain ... Domain terrace Dowling street ... Druitt street ... Duke street Duncan street ... ... ... Eorle street East street Edward lane Edward streot Edward street, Pyrmont Elizabeth Bay road Elizabeth street Elizabeth street, Little Elizabeth street, North Erekinestreet ... ... 41 Essex lano 41 Essex street 41 Exeter place 44 45 Perry lano 45 Fitzroy street, Botany road 45 Fitzroy street, Surry Hills 45 Forbes streot 46 Fort street, Lower 46 Fort street, Upper 46 Foster street 46 Foveaux street 47 Foxlow place 47 Francis street 47 48 Gardens, Botanical 48 Gas lane 48 George streot 48 George street, Little ... 48 Gipps street, Hayinnrket 49 Gipps street, Surry Hills 51 Gipps street, Little 51 Globe street 52 Gloucester street 52 Gordon street 52 Goulburn street 52 Grantham street 53 Gresham street 53 58 Hamilton street 53 Harnett street 53 Harrington street 54 Harris street, Pyrmont 54 Harvey street, Pyrmont 54 Hay street 57 Henrietta street High Holborn street 59 Hill street ... : 59 Hill street, Little 59 Hill street, Macquarie street, South, 60 Holt street CO Hosking place 60 Hunt street 61 Hunter street 62 Hutchinson street, Albion street 62 Hutchinson street, George street 62 68 James street 68 Jamison place ... 68 Jamison street 64 Jenkins street 65 John street 66 John streot, Pyrmont Johnson street 66 Judge street . 66 Junction lano 66 Junction streot, Bourke street... 66 Junction street, Hill street ... 67 67 Kellet street 67 Kensington street 70 Kent street 70 King's lane 70 King street CONTENTS. 71 71 71 72 72 72 78 74 75 75 75 76 76 70 76 76 84 84 84 84 85 85 86 86 88 88. 88 88 89 00 90 • 91 91 91 91 91 91 92 92 92 98 93 93 94 94. 94 94 94 95 95 .96 95 96 96 06 96 100 ,100 r-AOB I'AOK PAGE Oatley lane O'Brien's lano O'Connell street Orwell street 127 128 102 Providence row 128 102 Pyrmont streot 102 Queen's place 129 1-0 105 Queen street ... , ...• 129 105 Queen street, Little 105 129 105 Railway pluco 180 10G Handle street , 130 100 Riley place ... 130 107 Riley lane 180 107 Riley street 183 108 Robin Hood lane 183 108 Robinson lune 183 108 Rose streot • 183 108 Roalyn street ... 134 108 Rutland street 184 109 Ryder street 109 184 109 Samuel street 134 109 Sarah Ann street 184 109 Shelly street 184 111 Shepherd street 135 111 Short street 135 111 Smith street 185 111 Smithers street 135 111 South Head road 137 HI Spring street 187 112 Stanley lane , ... 187 112 Stanley street 188 112 Steam Mill street 138 112 Steel street 189 113 Stephen street ... 139 113 Surry street 118 Surry street, William St., Upper South 189 139 113 Susan lane Sussex street ... 140 148 114 Swan streot 114 143 114 Taylor street 114 Thomson street 143 114 143 114 Ultimo road 144 115 Ultimo street 115 Union luno 144 Union street, Erskine streot 144 145 115 Union street, Gcorgo street ... 145 115 Union street, Lausdowno street 115 Union street, Pyrmunt 145 115 Union street 145 Palmer lane Palmer street Paradise place Park lane Park street Parramatta street Phillip street Pino street Pitt street Point street Pottinger8trcet Princos road 116 116 118 118 118 118 120 121 121 127 127 127 Langloy's luno Lunsdowno street Lima street Liverpool street Macleay street ... Mncleay street, Little ... Macquurie luno Macquarie plnce Macquarie stroet Macquarie street, Little Macquarie street, South Madden street Margaret lane Margaret lane, Yurong street. Margaret place Margaret street... ••> Marian street Market lane Market New Market Old Shed C ... Market Old Shed D ... Market street Marlborough street Marshall street Mary street May street Middle lane Middle street ... .. Miles street Mill street Miller's road Moore's road Mount street Munn street Murray street Myrtle street ... >.. Napoleon street Newtown road Nichols street Norman terrace North street Norton lano Norton street Norton street, Little J 102 Princes street Valentine's lane Victoria place ... ' Victoria street Victoria streot, Crown street Victoria street, George street Walton's lano Washington street Waterloo place Waterloo streot Wattle streot Way's terrace, Pyrmont ' ... '... 146 140 146 147 147 148 148 148 ; 149 149 140 CONTENTS. CONTENTS. TAOJ: "Wellington place Wellington street AVcmyss street AVentworth place Wentwo'rth street West street Wharf street Wharves, &c William lane William street AVilliam street, East ... William street, Upper, North , AVilliam street, Upper, South . AVilmott street AYilson street 149 149 150 150 150 150 150 151 153 153 154 155 155 155 150 TAGE AA'illon place AVilton street ... Windmill street... AVood'slano AVoolloomooloo lane AVoolloomooloo street AVyldc street ... AVynyard lane ... AVynyard square AVynyard street... 156 150 ICC 150 157 157 158 158 158 158 Yeoman's buildings York street Yurong street ... 159 150 100 l'AOE Names i n O P if Q » E i} St S T 11 ... ... ... •M ... ... 824 N lmes in U 820 ,,.. AvV 383 333 „ Y 340 „ Z 352 PAGE Ashficld Balmain Broughton Burwood Camperdown Cook Cook's Eiver road Darling point Darlington Double bay ... Qarryowen Glebo Leichhardt 189 103 Paddingtou 204 Petersham 171 Itandwick 172 172 Ecdt'ern 175 Eoso Bay Rushcuttcr's Bay 170 178 St. Peter's 176 South Head South Kingston..: 204 Stanraoro 180 Tempo 200 201 204 Manly Marrickvillo Newtown North Shore ... Vaueluse 188 189 Watorloo AVatson's Bay 191 Waverley 197 AVoollahra ALPHABETICAL Names in A B » C If D If ff E E f» fl a l'AGE 101 Norwood AQE • 205 206 215 176 175 215 189 189 175 215 ... 21G 215 220 222. DIRECTORY. 225 Names in II 230 .. I 240 „ .1 259 „ K 200 „ L 269 ., M 274 ,. N PAGE 281 292 298 290 299 805 321 TAGE 857 857 358 369 369 TRADE AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. PAOE SUBURBAN DIRECTORY, 7 Account Book Manufacturers Accountants Agents Architects, Surveyors and Civil Engineers Artists Attorneys, Conveyancers & Notaries (See Legal Directory) Auctioneers 870 Chiropodists 370 Churn Maker 870 Civil Engineers (See Architects) Clock Makers (Soe Jewellers) 371 Cloth Manufacturers 372 Clothiers and Outfitters Coach and Carriage Builders 441 Coach Painters 872 Coal an d AA'ood Merch an ts Coffee lloasters and Spice Grinders ... Collectors 872 Comb and Brush Makors Bakers 402 Confectioners and Pastry Cooks Ballastmen (See Lightermen) •111 Contractors Barristors (See Legal Directory) 373 Coopers ... Basket Makers 373 Coopersmiths (See Brass Founders) ... Uellhangors and Locksmiths 373 Cordial &./Erated \Arnter Manufacturers Bird Fanciers 373 Corn and Huy Factors... Biscuit Manufacturers 373 Curriers (See Tauners) Blacking Manufacturers 873 Custom House Agents (See Agents)... Blacksmiths 374 Cutlers & Surgical Instrument Makers Blind Makers 374 Board and Lodging Houses 375 Daries Boat Builders 888 Dentists Boiler Makers (See Engineers) 375 Die Sinkers (Seo Engravers) ... Bonded Storekeepers ... 402 Distillery Bonnet Makers (See Milliners) 375 Drapers and Haberdashers Bookbinders 375 Dray Proprietors Booksellers and Stationers 375 Dress Makers Boot and Shoe Makers and Sellers ... 877 Druggists (Seo Chemists) Brass Founders 377 Dyers and Scourers Braziers (Soe Brass Founders) 377 Brewers 377 Eating Houses (See Restaurants) Brick makers 377 Electro Platers Brokers 378 Engineers, Boiler Makers, &c Builders 370 Engravers and Die Sinkers Butchers Estate Agents (See Agents) 380 Cab and Hackney Carriago Proprietors Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers ..'. 381 Fancy Bazaars ' 400 Farriers Candle Makers (See fjoap Makers.) ... 381 Fcllmongors Carpentersr 382 Fish and Oyster Dealers Carpet AA arohouses 382 Flour Merchants (Seo also Millers) ... Carriers and Forwarding Agents Fruiterers and Greengrocers Carvers, Gilders and Picture Frame 382 Furniture Dealers Makers 382 Chemists and Druggists .. 383 Galvanized Iron & Zinc AYorkers Chimney Cleaners 883 Gnsfitters and Plumbers China, Earthenwnro and Glass Dealers TAGE 383 388 871 401 883 383 883 884 384 384 884 384 381 885 385 377 885 385 410 370 385 885 380 389 386 386 387 888 382 388 407 388 888 389 370 389 889 389 389 390 390 390 891 391 8 CONTEXTS. Gangers Gingerbeor Manufacturers Glass Manufacturers Glass Riveters Glaziers (See Painters) Grocers Grocer i, Wholesnle Gun Makers TAOE .391 391 S91 391 401 391 391 391 Hair Dressers Harness Makers (See Saddlers) Hatters and Cap Makers Horse Dealers & Livery Stable Keepers Hosiers and Glovers Hotel Keepers and Public Houses 391 407 .'194 394 395 395 Importers and Merchants Importers of Building Materials Iron Bedstead Makers Iron Founders (See Engineers) Ironmongers 399 400 400 388 400 Japanners Jewellers, Watch nnd Clock Makers... Joiners (See Carpenters) 401 401 381 Lubor & Registry Offices (See Agents) Law Stationers Leather Cutters and Sellers Lightermen, Ballnstmen & Stevedores Lime and Cement Merchants Lithographers (See Printers) Livery Stables (Sec Horse Dealers) ... Locksmiths (See Belllmngcrs) Lodging Houses (See Boarding Houses) 370 401 401 402 402 406 394 373 374 PAGE Outfitters (See Clothiers) Saddlers and Harness Makers Saddlers'Ironmongers Sail, Tent and Tarpaulin Makers Saw and Moulding Mills Scale Makers Schools Seedsmen (See Nurserymen) Scourers (See Dyers) Shinglors nnd Slaters Ship Builders Ship Chandlers Ship Smiths (See also Blacksmiths) Son]) and Candle Makers ... Stationers (See Booksellers) ... Stevedores (See Lightermen)... Sugar Refiners Surveyors (See Architects) ... Machinists & Agricultural Implement Makers (See Engineers) Machine Rulers... Marine Surveyors Masons (Monnmontnl) Mast, Block and Pump Makers Mathematical and Nautical Instrument Makers Midwives and Nurses Millers Milliners Modellers and Sculptors Music Sellers, and Musical Instrument Mnkers nnd Importers •102 402 402 402 400 403 403 News nnd Advertising Agents (See Agents) ... Newspaper Proprietors Nightmcn Notaries (See Legal Directory) Nurserymen, Seedsmen and FJ< 'Jnrists. 370 403 403 441 403 Oar and Scull Makers Omnibus Proprietors Opticians Organ Builders ... Umbrellas nnd P " il Makers 40?. Undertakers ..." 403 Upholsterers (See Cabinet Mnkers) 403. 40-' I Veterinary Surgeons 338 402 402 402 402 883 Painters, Glaziers, &c Pastry Cooks (Sec Confectioners) Pawnbrokers Perambulator Makers Photographers Physicians and Surgeons (See Medical Directory) Piano Tuners Piano Warehouses (See Music Sellers) Plumbers (See Gasfitters & Plumbers) Portmanteau Makers Potters Poulterers Printers and Publishers (Copper Tlato, Letter Press and Lithographic) ... Produce Merchants Professors nnd Teachers , Provision Manufacturers Publishers (Sec Printers) Registry Offices (See Agents) Restaurants, Coffee Houses & Refreshment Rooms Rope Mnkers Tailors Tunners nnd Curriers Taxidermist Teachors (See Professors) Tent Mnkers (See Sail Makers) Ticket Writers Timber Merchants Tinsmiths Tobacco and Snuff Manufacturers Tobacconists ,., Tumors Type Pounders nnd Importers 9 CONTENTS. 404 881 405 405 405 44G 405 403 391 405 405 400 400 400 400 400 40f> 370 407 40" 407 407 407 407 407 407 403 388 408 409 409 409 409 375 402 409 371 409 410 410 406 407 410 410 411 411 411 411 411 411 381 411 Warehousemen Watchmakers (See Jewellers) Wheelwrights Whitesmiths (See Blacksmiths) Wine and Spirit Merchants Wine Merchants (Australian) 411 401 411 ... 878 412 412 FAGE Wire Workers Wool Brokers (See Brokers) WoolPressers Miscellaneous 412 877 412 ... ... 412 GENERA L INDEX. PAGE Acclimatisation Society Affidavits, Commissioners for Agricultural Society, Australian ... Agricultural Society of New South Wales Alliance British and Foreign Life and Fire Assurance Company of London Alliance Building Society Ancient Order of Foresters Architect, Colonial Artillery Royal Artillery, Volunteer Asylum, Benevolent Attorneys Auditor General Australasian Fire and Life and Marino Insuranco Company Australasian Freemasons' Orphan and Destitute Children's Society ... Australasian Steam Navigation Compnny Australian Agricultural Company ... Australian Club... ..• Australian Freemasons' Hall Company Australian Gas Light Company ... Australian General Assurance Company Australian Glass and Porcelain Company Australian Jockey Club Australian Joint Stock Bank Australian Library and Literary Institution Australian Medical Library ... ... Australian Museum Australian Mutual Provident Socioty... Australian Paper Company Australian PermnnentBiulding Society Australian Union Benefit Socioty ... Australian Volunteer Fire Company No. 1 ... Auxiliary Biblo SwHy, N.8.W. ... Auxiliary Fire £._.. ago Company ... Balmain, Municipality of Balmain School of Arts 420 Balmain Working Men's Institute ... 444 Bank of Australasia 410 Bank of Now South Wales Banks 420 Baptist Church Barrack Department Barristers 414 Barristers Admission Board 418 Bellambi Coal Company 428 Benevolent Asylum 437 Bcrgalia Mineral Reefs Company ... 438 Bethel Union, Sydney .... 438 Bible Society, Auxiliary N.S.W. 421 Broad for Granting to Pilots Certificates of Competency 442 432 Book Hawking Society and Book Society 414 Botanical Gardens Branch Royal Mint (Sydney) 427 British and Foreign Marine Insuranco Company 410 Building ancl Investment Societies ... 41G Bulli Coal Mining Company 419 Burwood (Newcastle) Smelting Works Company 410 41C Bush Missionary Society N.S. W. ... 414 Cadiangullong Consolidated Copper Mining Company 417 Camperdown School of Arts 419 Canton Marine Insurance Office of Hongkong 413 Cemetery Company Sydnoy (Church o England) 420 420 Central Police Office 420 Chamber of Commerce 414 Chartered Bank of Australia, London . 417 Chief Secretary 418 Church of England 421 Church of England Cemetery Company Sydney 420 Church of England, Free 422 Ohurch (Roman Catholic) 420 Church Society City and Suburban Building Society... 447 OityBank 424 City Iron Works Company PAGE 421 418 413 418 440 438 442 442 417 421 417 423 422 435 425 437 485 414 418 417 417 422 417 424 414 418 432 417 413 481 439 4 43 439 421 418 414 417 10 CONTENTS. CONTENTS. ^ I'AOK City of Sydney Corporation '117 Civil Service Club 419 Claims to Grants of Land 411 Clarence and New England S. N. Co. 4l(J Clarence and Riclimond Hirers S. N. Company -• 416 Clerks of Peace '112 Clubs 419 Coal Companies '117 Colonial Architect '137 Colonial Directory 4-10 Colonial Secretary ... "' ... 431 Colonial Sugar Refining Company ... 417 Commissariat Department ... ' ... 438 Commissioners for Affidavits 441 Commercial Banking Company ... 418 Commercial Union Assurance Company 414 Congregational Church 440 Consuls, Resident 438 Cook, Municipality of 447 Copper Mining Companies ... 117 & 417 Corporation of City of Sydney ... 442 Council of Education 438 Crown Lands'Office 436 Crown Law Offices 442 Crown Prosecutor 442 Currawang Copper Mining Company... 417 Customs 431 PAOK Freemasons' Hall Company, Australian Freemasons' Orphan and Dostituto Children Society, Australian ... Friendly Societies 410 427 428 Gaol, Darliughurst 432 Gardens, Botanical 437 Gas Light Company, Australian ... dlfi General Post Office 438 German Association 421 German Glee Club, Concordia 421 Glaumire Gold Mining Company ... 417 Glass and Porcelain Company, Australian 417 Glebe, Municipality of 447 Gold Mining Company, Glanmiro ... 417 Government and Official Directory ... '429 Government Printing Office 435 Grammar School, Sydney 424 Grant of Lands, claims to 441 Harbor Department Harbors and Rivers Hartley Kerosene Oil and Parafiino Company Health and Immigration Office ... Hebrew Synagogue II. M. 50th Regiment Home, Sydney Darliughurst Gaol 432 Home Visiting and Relief Society ... Darlington, Municipality of 447 Hunter River New Steam Navigation Deaf and Dumb Institution 421 Company Destitute Children, Society for Rolief Hyde Park Improvement Committee... of 422 Diocesan Society, Sydney 423 Illawarra Steam Navigation Company Distilleries and Refineries 435 Immigration District Court Judge 442 Imperial Fire Insurance Company of District Courts, Sydney 441 London Dock Fitzroy, Dry 437 Independent Methodist City Mission Domain 437 Chapel Druids, Order of, N.S.W 420 Independent Order of Odd Fellows, M.U. Ecclesiastical Directory 439 Infirmary nndDispensary, Sydney ... Electric Telegraph 437 Insolvency Jurisdiction Emigration and Health Office 435 Inspector General of Police English, Scottish and Australian CharInsurance Companies, &c tered Lank 413 Investment and Building Societies ... Entomolog.^al Society N.S.W. ... 421 Iron Works Company, City European Assurance Society 414 Ironworks Company, Fitzroy ... Exchange Company, Sydney 418 Executive Council *. 429 Jockey Club, Australian Eye and Ear Institution, Sydney ... 423 Joint Stock Bank, Australasian ... Judges of District Court Female llefugc, Sydney 423 Female School of Industry 421 Lands* Titles Office Fire and Salvage Company, Auxiliary 420 Lands Fire Brigade, Sydney 420 Law Institute Fire Company, Australian, Volunteer.No. 1 420 Legal Directory Fire Company, Sydney, Volunteer, No. 2 420 Legislative Assembly Fire Establishments 420 Legislative Council Fitzroy Dry Dock 487 Library and Literary Institution, AusFitzroy Iron Works Company 417 tralian Foresters, Ancient Order of 428 Liverpool nnd London and Globe InFree Church of England 439 surance Company 435 437 417 435 440 438 424 421 416 421 416 437 414 440 428 424 441 432 414 418 417 417 419 413 442 432 435 442 441 430 480 420 414 TAOE 11 PAGE Norwich Union Fire Insurance Co. ... 415 London and Lancashire Firo nnd Life 444 Insuranco Companies ... , .. 414 Notaries Public London Chartered Bank of Australia.. 113 433 Lunatic Asylum Tarban 433 Observatory Lunatic Asylum, Parramatta... . ... 438 Odd Fellows, M.U., Independent Order of ... 428 Lyndhurst, St. Mary's College ... 123 Oriental Bank, Corporation of... .. 413 ... : 429 Magazines 435 Order of Druids, N.S.W. Magistrates of the City of Sydney ... 445 Osborne Wallsend Coal Company ... 418 Marino Assurance Office, Metcall'o's ... 415 Mariners Church 440 Pacific Firo & Marino Insurance Com- 415 pany Marriekville, Municipality of 418 448 Masonic 425 Piuldington, Municipality of Master in Equity's Department ... 441 Panama, New Zealand, and Australian 416 Royal Mail Company Mechanics' Kchool of Arts, Sydney ... 424 417 Medical Association 421 Paper Company, Australian 430 Medical Board 446 Parliament of New Soutli Wales Medical Directory ... 416 Parramatta River Steam Company ... 416 418 Medical Library, Australian 420 Peak Downs Copper Mining Company Metcalfe's MarinoAssurancc Office ... 415 Peak Downs New Copper Mining 418 Company Military Establishment 438 Military Store Department 438 Peel River Land and Mineral Com- 418 pany Minmi Colliery, Newcastle 418 433 Mint, Sydney Branch of 435 Penal Establishment Peninsular and Oriental Steam NavigaMissionary Society, London Auxiliary 416 tion Company toN. S. W 422 410 Phoenix Building Society Money Order Office 438 432 Police, Inspector General of Moruya Silver Mining Company ... 418 432 Police Office, Central Municipal Directory 447 432 Museum, Australian 420 Police Office, Water 438 Mutual Benefit Building Society, No. 1 418 • Postmaster General Mutual Benefit Building Society, No. 2 419 Presbyterian Church of New South 440 Wales Mutual Provident Society, Australian 411 Presbyterian Synod of Eastern Aus440 tralia Naval Brigade, Volunteer 434 440 Primitive Methodist Church Navigation Board, Steam .. .. 435 435 Printing Office, Government New South Wales, Agricultural Society 487 of 420 Public AVorks 418 Pyrmont Bridge Company New South Wales, Auxiliary Bible Society 422 449 Queensland New South Wales Auxiliary to the London Missionary Society ... 422 ' Queensland Steam Navigation Company 416 New South Wales, Bank of 413 422 Ragged and Industrial Schools New South Wales Bush Missionary Society 422 Railway Branch, Public Works De437 partment New South Wnlcs Marine Assurance 448 Company 415 Randwick, Municipality of 448 Rcdfern, Municipality of New South Wales, Presbyterian Church 481 of 440 Registrar General 438 Resident Consuls New South Wales Religious Tract and 422 Book Society 422 Rifle Association New South Wales, Savings' Bank of... 413 Rifles, Volunteer, Local Companies ... 431 New South Wales Temperance Alliance 422 Rifles, Volunteer, Sydney Battalion ... 433 Roads' Branch, Public Works Depart; Now South Wales Trade Protection 437 ment Society 425 439 Newtown, Municipality of 448 Roman Catholic Church 438 Newtown School of Arts 424 Royal Artillery Newcastle Minmi Colliery 418 Royal Firo andLife Insurance Company 415 of Liverpool and London Newcastle Wallsend Coal Company ... 418 485 New Zealand 449 Royal Mint, Sydney Branch New Zealand Insuranco Company ... 415 Royal Shepherds, Sanctuary of the 429 Order of Night Refuge, Sydney 425 Royal Society of Now South Wales ... 422 Northern Fire nnd Life Assurance 419 Company 415 Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron 12 Sailors' Home, Sydney \ Savings' Bank of New South Wales ... School of Industry, Female School of Arts Secretary, Colonial Secretary for Lands Secretary for Public Works Shepherds, Royal Ancient Order of ... Sheriffs Department Shipping Office Silver Mining Company, Moruya ... Society for Belief of Destitute Children Sons of Temperance South Australia Southern Insurance Company St. John's College St. Leonard's, Municipality of. St Leonard's School of Arts St. Mary's College, Lyndhurst ... St. Paul's Oollego St. Vincent's Hospital Standard-Life Assurance Company ... Steam Navigation Board Steam Navigation Companies Surburban Corps Sydney Rifles ... Sugar Refining Company, Colonial ... Supreme Court Supreme Court Office Surveyor General Sydney Bethel Union Sydney Branch Royal Mint Sydney Church of England Cemetry... Sydney Diocesan Society ... ... Sydney.Exchange Company ... ... Sydney Eye and Ear Institution ... Sydney Female Refuge Sydney Grammar School' Sydney Home Sydney Infirmary and Dispensary ... Sydney Insurance Company, Eire only Sydney Marine Assurance Company... Sydney Mechanics'School of Arts ... Sydney Night Refugo Sydney Sailors'Home. Sydney University Sydney Volunteer Eire Company,No. 2. Sydney Yacht Squadron, Royal ... Synagogue, Hebrew Synod of Eastern Australia Tasmania Tasmanian Steam Navigation Company CONTENTS. PAGE: 425 487' 418 Telegraph, Electric 421 Temperance Alliance of New South Wales 422 424 414 481 The City Bank 435 Tract and Book Society, Religious, New South Walos ... 422 487 429 Trade Protection Sooiety, New South Wales 426" • 441 434 485 Treasury, The 418 Trust and Agency Company of Australasia 418 • 422 422 Union Bank of Australia 414 450 Union Benefit Society, Australia ... 421 415 Union Building Society 419 422 Union Club, The 419 448 Unitarian Church 440 < 424 428 United Eire and Marine Insurance Company of Sydney 415 428 Universol Marine Insurance Company 415 i 423 425 j 415 University of Sydney 435 Vaccine Department 433 j 416 Vice Admirality Court 441 484 Victoria 452 417 Victoria Club 441 Victoria Eire and Marine Insurance. 419 441 Company 415 486 Victoria Life and General Insurance 428 Company 410 485 Volunteer Artillery 433; 418 Volunteer Club ... 419 428 Volunteer Eire Company, Australian, • 418 No. 1 420 423 Volunteer Fire Company, No. 2 ... 421. 428 Volunteer Force 48!424 Volunteer Naval Brigade 434 424 424 Wallsend Coal Company, Newcastle... 41 £ 415 Wallsend Osborne Coal Company ... 418 415 Waratah Coal Company 41fi 424 Water Police Office 482 425 Waterloo, Municipality of 448 425 Waverloy, Municipality of 448 425 Wesleyan Methodist Church 440 420 Western Australia 452 419 Woollahra, Municipality of 448 440 Working Men's Book Society and 440 Book Hawking Society ... ... 425 Working Men's Institute, Balmain ... 421 451 416 Yacht Squadron, Royal, Sydney ... 410 ALMANAC AND GENERAL CALENDAR 1 K>R 18 6 8 .:m : >H •• • "PIE .%' -i t? 114 New STREET Vacant land * Hero Pino street. East Sldo Vacant land U Morgan, Samuel 13 Roach, Alfred 15 SALEM CHATEL {Primitive Methodist) 17 Boston, Edward, teacher 19 Artlott, Charles, jun. Here Iiose street. 28 Phypers, James Vacant land 29 Brearley, Joseph Vacant land 88 Spring, Charles 85 M'Keown, William, dray proprietor Vacant land Here Shepherd street. Vacant land 49 Gilmore, George Vacant land Here Pine street. 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 19 21 28 25 Norton Street West Sldo Off Rlloy street Hutchinson, J. Smith, John Robinson, Alfred Godfrey, Henry North Street 8 12 14 16 18 20 West Sldo Here Qrafton IVharf. Breillat, Thomas Chaplin, flour mills 5 Co.'s Here Margaret place. 15 17 19 East Side Parramatta street to Cloveland street LETTER RECEIVER Vacant Land 8 & 10 Laing Brothers, builders Foolmon, Samuel Here Brisbane street. 12 Worrill, Mrs. Sarah 14" Maulden, "William, paintor 16 Laing, William, builder 18 Siddens, John, fireman 20 Owen, David, dealer Here Elim place. Here Itobey's cottages. Shepherd and Co., seedsmen and florists 48 Creswick, Frederick, gardener Vacant land Here Cleveland street. North Sldo Off Sussex streot Biggs, Charles, engineor M'Arthy, John Stevens, Peter Dorn, James Matthews, John, dealer Daniels, Harry Oheval, John Samuel South Sldo Davis, Charles Vacant land Moore, William Vacant Marshall, Richard, Norton Lane Newtown Road Wost Side In Campcrdown suburb Nichols Street Norman Terrace East Side Grafton Wharf to Margaret placo Nelson, Neil Golding, Samuel, stoker Vacant Finnerty, Malachi Scrivener, Mrs. Ellen Vacant land Here Margaret place. AUSTRALASIAS STEAM NAVIGATION STOEES Oat East Sldo Albion Btreet to Fitzroy streot Burgis, William GifTin, James Ewing, John, blacksmith Quinlan, John Slattery, John Souter, George Callaghan James M'Dorniott, Toter, Pine Apple Inn Here Fitzroy street. Vacant Napoleon Street 16 18 20 22 24 Nor 10 12 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 80 5 9 13 21 27 85 East Side Prom Fovenux Btreet to Collins streot Chaffer, George Condell, James Clark, William Henry Richards, James Dent, John O'Connor, Daniel AVinklc, Patrick O'Brien, James Buckley, Simon Vacant Wost Sldo Daniels, Denis Prince, Charles Roberts, James Vacant land Bailey, Robert Edwards, Edward Mackcnzio, Mrs. Elizabeth DIRECTORY. East Sldo Fovenux street to Collins street 2 Davis, Thomas, builder 4 Vizart, — 6 Potts, Mrs., preparatory school 8 Lawrence, Mrs. Eliza, dressmaker 10 Olive, Alfred 12 Roberts, John, baker Vacant land 16 Gillespie, William 18 Clarke, William 20 Murray, Henry, clerk 22 Ayres, John, shingler and slater 24 Pettit, David, bootmaker 26 Horswell, William Vacant land Here Collins street. West Side Here Foveaux street. Vacant land 7 Hall, Thomas, cooper 0 Butler, John C., mason 11 Salmon, James, dray proprietor 18 Chaffer, Edwin, carpenter 15 Chaffer, Frederick, carpenter 17 Vacant 19 Reardon, Jeremiah 21 Dent, John, shingler and slater 23 Nettleton, William 25 Ohatfield, Samuel P., clerk Vacant land 29 Brown, Mrs. Emily Vacant land 81 Truman, Mrs. Jonna Sunners, Thomas, boilermaker Here Collins street. Norton Street Little East Side Fitzroy street to Foveaux streot Vacant land 6 Havoy, Peter, policeman 8 Williams, Thomas 10 Phelan, Michael Vacant land Here Foveaux street. West Sldo Here Fitzroy street. Vacant land 3 Fitzhenry, Joseph, drayman 7 Robinson, Frank 9 Ferris, John H., wood carver 11 Hardwick, James 13 M'Cann, Mrs. 15 Hussey, Mrs. Margaret, laundress 17 Higgins, William 19 Wipers, Thomas Here Foveaux street. Oatley Lane Here St. Kilda lane. 1 Goodwin, Riohard * Orw 115 8 Hartigan, Michaol Vacant land 7 Maddox, Henry, carpenter 17 Dawe, Richard, painter 37 Churchill, Benjamin Here Spence lane. O'Brien's Lane Hero Palmer street. Vacant land 5 Donnelly, John, cab proprietor Here Palmer lane. 7 Brennan, Michael 9 Hogan, Patrick, dray proprietor Vacant land Here Bourke street. O'Connell Street East Sldo Bent street to Hunter street AUSTRALIAN CLUB 2 4 6 8 10 Vacant Montefiore, Joseph and Co,, merchants Naylor, William, painter Lockyer, Mrs. E., private boarding house Daniell, King and Co., merchants LONDON ALLIANCE FIRE AND LIFE A S SURANCE CO. CANTON MARINE INSURANCE CO, 12 O'Connell, Daniel 16 Lennon, Mrs. M. J. 18 Smith, John 20 Glover, George, blacksmith 24 Robinson, Mrs. M.,private boarding house 20 Penman, William 28 to 34 Fairfax and Sons, stores Boardman, Mrs. H., Horse and Jockey Here Hunter street. West Side Here Bent street. 1 Morohead and Young, merchants LAMBTON COLLIERY OFFIOE 11 Ohester, Joseph, mason 13 Deanc, Edward, professor of musio 15 Beardmore, Mrs. Ellen . 17 Purkis, John 19 Bloodworth, Mrs. Maria • 21 Brown and Co., stores 23 Murray, Stewart 27 Bradley, Newton & Lamb, auctioneers Molony, Matthew, leather auctioneer SYDNEY MORNING HERALD OFFICE Here Hunter street. Orwell Street 10 12 14 16 North Side Victoria street to Mocleay stroet Vacant land Fairfax, Andrew, clerk Dick, Andrew M. Binning, Mrs. 0. Nicholl, Mrs. J. Ewens, John Mayes, Charles 116 Pal STREET 18 Brentnall, Thomas 20 Jackson,' Henry ' Vacant land 24 Mackay, Edward T., draper Vacant land 84 Mooro, the Misses, ladies' school Vacant land Here Machay street. 5 17 19 21 23 South Sido Here Victoria street. Thomas, James, carpenter and builder Here lane. Vacant land Adamson, Alexander, horse dealer Loughlan, John Dunlop, David, gardener O'Brien, Mrs. Catherine Vacant land Here Maclcay street. Palmer Lane East Sido O'Brien's lane to Berwick lauo Here O'Brien's lane. 2 M'Gregor, Andrew 4 Pearce, George, quarryman 6 Cagney, John 10 Jervis, John, quarryman 12 Thompson, Robert H. 14 Balser, Conrad, musician 10 Bergin, John, storeman 28 O'Brien, Michael, painter and glazier 80 Bartlett, George Robert Here Berwick lane. 1 3 9 15 West Sido Daniels, John, carpenter Krieger, George, Bootmaker Swain, Henry, tinsmith Cunningham, Edward Here Berwick lane. Palmer Street East Sido Domain to South Head road Vacant land Here Nicholson street. 4 Armstrong, Wm. John 6 Oleland, Edward, bootmaker 8 M'Donald, Duncan, saddler 10 Harpur, Henry 12 Madden, Mrs. Elizabeth Here Plunkett street. Vacant land 22 Bannerman, Mrs. Margaret 23 Oallughan, Mrs. Eliza 20 Vacant 28 Hoeben, James • 80 Ooxon, Richard 32 Jones, William, ironfounder 84 Magnus, Abraham 36 Brady, James 88 M'Donald, John, Domain Hotel Here Bay street. Pal •10 llarpfnor, William, comb maker 42 Harmos, Henry, tailor Vacant land 48 Hug, George, upholsterer Firninham, AY., chemist 50 Bergin, Mrs. Mary, boarding house 52 Bruce, George, carpenter 5d Butler, Phillip 50 M'Kenna, Stephen 58 Mahon, Lewis, storekeeper Hero Junction street. 60 Napier, Robert, tailor 62 Johnson, AVilliam 64 Fahy, AVilliam, gardener 66 Riley, John 68 Kelly, Richard 70 Barnes, Mrs. Susanna 72 Londregan, Patrick Here Junction lane. 74 Collopy, Stephen, compositor Pantlin, Henry, dealer Here Woolloomooloo street. Brady, Mrs., boarding house Here St. Kilda lane. 80 Anderson, James, wood carver 82 M'Oarthy, Francis 86 Oathols, James, engineer 88 & 00 Vacant 92 Hooper, Mrs. 94 Ormiston, Robert A. 96 Balbirnio, Arthur 98 Mungoran, Mrs. E., boarding house 100 AYalker, George, brass finisher 102 Nugent, AATalter, carpenter 104 Allen, Andrew, auctioneer 106 M'Kay, Mrs. A. 108 Vacant 110 Egan, Patrick, clerk 112 Vacant . 114 Gray, John, chemist 116 Dempster, Richard 118 Maxwell, Miss Vacant land 126 Sponce, Thomas, J.P. 128 Moroton, Rev. Gcorgo H. Here Spence lane. Here William street. . Levy, Lewis, pawnbroker ATacant land 186 Horan, Miss Angelina 188 Monk, Augustus Here Bameit lane. 140 Vacant 142 Cleeve, John 144 Mortimer, Benjamin 146 Roborts, Mrs. Elizabeth 148 M'Gregor, Alexander, tailor 150 Cousins, Charles 152 Smith, Henry 154 Moss, Harry 0. 156 Swyny, George, boot and shoe warehouse 158 Sharp, James 160 Sutton, Arthur 162 Howit, AVilliam 164 Fox, Thomas Ambrose Pal 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 DIRECTORY. Proctor, Poter:, .. Taylor, Henry Sutton, James Meek, Phillip Here Sutton lane. Sweeny, Mrs. Vacant Lockhart, Mrs. Ann Kelly, Miss B. AValker, Mrs. Bridget AVarner, Robert, grocer Here Stanley street. PHESBYTEMAN Cnuncn 18G M'Gibbon, Rev. J. 188 AVelsh, Edward, wheelwright 190 Seymor, Mrs. Annie, M., laundress Here O'Brien's lane. 192 Lynch, Miss Julia 194 Hourigan, Mrs. Mary 190 Vacant 198 Little, John, coachmaker 200 Christie, AVilliam, bookbinder 202 Fletcher, Mrs. Sarah 204 Jacobs, Henry 206 Vacant 208 Levy, Mrs. 210 Burton, AArilliom 212 Keemish, Joseph, schoolmaster 214 Usher, Joseph, carpenter 216 Sheills, John, blacksmith 218 Eeles, Alfred 220 Dewberry, John M., carpenter 222 Coffeo, Jeremiah, Victoria Inn Here Berwick lane. 224 Dohemann, John 226 Henry, Mrs. E., ladies' school 228 Campbell, Mrs. Jane 280 AVard, Mrs. Ellon, boarding house 282 Evans, Mrs. Rebecca Here Liverpool street. Vacant land 262 Barnett, Joshua Samuel 264 Hamilton, Arthur 266 Devlin, John, french polisher 208 Sharpe, Adam, dray proprietor 270 Gooctwin, Thomas, carpenter Vacant land Here Burton street. Vacant land 278 Ross, Robert 280 Kenyon, George, law stationer 282 Smart, William, builder Vacant land 296 Roney, John, painter 298 Mnnton, Peter 800 Laramo, Mrs. Elizabeth, boarding house 802 Cahill, Roderick, slater 301 to 80G O'Connell, AVilliam, carpenter 808 Hillock, Mrs. Jane Here James street, 310 Bethel, Thomas, printer 812 Shcton, Henry R. 314 Ross, James, commission agent 316 A^acant Mullany, James J., Waterloo Hotel Pal Here South Head road. West Sido Here Domain. Vacant land Burns, Alexander, grocor Here Woolloomooloo street. Manning, Joseph A., Swan of Erin Here Turner lane. 75 Dover, Joseph, mason 77 Kellick, Mrs. Mary, dealer 79 Robinson, Joseph 81 Robbins, Georgo 83 Richardson, J. M., clerk 85 Davison, Mrs. Elizabeth 87 Foster, AVilliam, dealer 89 Fall, Bryan 91 Vacant 93 Walker, AA'illiam, providoro 95 Todd, AVilliam, carpenter 97 Drake, John Here Johnston lane, 99 O'Grady, John, grocer 101 Vacant 103 Twohey, Mrs. Albina 103 Garrett, Alfred 107 Mackenzie, John P. 109 Bolter, Uriah, coach painter 111 Vacant 113 Holmes, Henry, artist 115 Aracant 117 Tremaine, Edward, van proprietor 119 Cazino, Mrs. 121 Cobley, Edwin II., teacher of music Here Robinson lane, Robinson, Daniel, Fitzroy Hotel Here William street. Vacant land Here Stanley street, Aracant land 193 Furness, John, carpenter Here Chapel lane. 195 Donaldson, John, mason Vacant land 201 M'Olellan, Mrs. Ann, dealer 203 Powell, David, grocer 205 Small, Harry 207 O'Connor, Patrick, storekeeper 209 Gorman, Morty, messenger Vacant land 218 Pyo, John, mariner PUBLIC SCHOOL 215 217 219 221 223 225 227 229 281 238 285 AVatkinson, AVilliam W., butcher Hogg, James, Boomerang Inn Pincott, Benjiiniin, greengrocer Aracant .Here Berwick lane. Jolly, Henry, shoemaker Molloy, Mrs. Louisa, laundress Furness, John, coach maker Vacant Goddard, Benjamin Pike, Joseph AVylie, Alexander, painter Here Liverpool street. 117 11.8 Par Vacant land 257 Furness, Septimus, saddler 259 Spratt, James, jeweller 261 Moonoy, Patrick 263 Heire, Michael M., tipstaff 265 Hodges, Alfred, coachsmith 267 Watters, Thomas , 269 Cox, Benjamin, carrier 271 Dymant, John 273.Smith, George 275 Cross, Thomas Thornton, Frederick, grocer Here Burton street. 279 Armstrong, Christopher, turnkey Sere lane, 281 Giltman, Patrick, clerk 283 Vacant 285 Langloy, James, carpenter 287 Waring, Thomas W., clerk 289 Eames, John, clerk 291 Hearne, Mrs. A. 293 Whomsley, John, coachsmith 295 & 297 Downey, Edward, storekeeper Vacant land • 299 Thompson, William, musician 301 Grove, Daniel, basket maker 303 Mullens, Michael, tailor Here James street. 805 Walker, Frederick William •M'Kean, John, carpenter •Forster, Francis, shoo warehouse Here South Head road. Paradise Place 1 8 4 5 6 Off-Holt street, DovonsUlre street King, George Hooper, Edwin Hayes, Henry, bootmaker Searle, Thomas Swanton, Mrs. Sarah Park Lane Off Francis street Vacant land 4 Cavanagh, William, painter 8 Brown, George, carter 12 Matthews, William, baker Park Sreet. North Sldo George street to Elizabeth street Beal, Charles, Simpson's Hotel Williams, Ernest, hair dresser Freeman's Journal Office 4 Saywell, Thomas, tobocconist 6 Robinson, Thomas, grindery store 8 Fullam, James, bootmaker 10 Hampson, Kenrick, gasfitter 12 Gilchrist, David, fruiterer 14 Kelly, Michael, fruiterer 16 Shaw, Samuel, tinsmith 18 Dobson, J. and Son, basket makers 20 Walker, John, musio warehouse Cockburn, H. D., auctioneer Here Pitt street. STREET Par Par Eossiter, Walter, furniture dealer 26 Eossiter, Walter 28 Fraser, John, fruiterer SO Davenport, Henry S., fruiterer 32 Fletcher, Brothers, oven manufacturers 34 Murphy, Richard, draper 86 Smith, Frederick Sidney 38 Jeffreys, William, upholsterer. Joseph, Sarah, Barley Mow Hotel Here Castlercagh street. 40 Stevenson, Isaac, grocer 42 Davies, Henry, sign writer 44 Lane, Joseph, carpenter 46 Smith, Thomas, carpenter 48 Wilson, Thomas, engraver Bitton, Edward, Bush Tavern Here Elizabeth street. South Sldo Here George street. M'Master, John, Swan with Two Nec/ts 5 Milgrove, Henry, turner 7 Vacant 9 Arundel], Mrs. Betsy, milliner 11 Vacant 13 Conyber, James, bookbinder 15 Broom, John, hairdresser 17 Bain, John, scale maker 19 Stephen, Henry, leather store • Black, James Alexander, Volunteer Hotel Here Pitt street. Cockburn, IT. D., auction mart 25 Wiley, D. and Son, basket makers 27 Dobson, John Spencer, boarding house 29 Forbes, Louisa, fruiterer Myers, Alfred, saddler 81 Waa Leo Cong, cabinet maker 33 Bullock, William, whitesmith Meadowcroft, J. and Co., auctioneers and agents Here Castlereagh street. 35 Butler, Brothers, upholsterers 37 Riley, Miss A., upholsteress 89 Hardman, Abel, bookseller and stationer 41 Fowler, Mrs. H. P., registry office 48 Ford, Edward, commission agent 45 Gartie, John, schoolmaster 47 Poulton, Arthur, chemist and druggist Here Elizabeth street. Parramatta Street North Sldo Harris street to Bay street 1 Cross, Alfred, draper Vacant land 3 Berwick, Thomas, farrier 5 Goodlett and Smith, timber merchants 9 Bush, John, draper 11 Andrews, Wm., draper and clothier 13 Vacr.nt 15 Davies, Daniel, fruiterer 17 Carngate, Charles, butcher 19 Parkes, Thomas, horse dealer 21 Hilller, John, storeman 23 Murphy and Son, oil and eolourmen 25 27 29 38 DIRECTORY. Rodgers, George, tailor Mayhew, Thomas, greengrocer & 81 Twight, Henry, Welcome Inn Woods, Francis C, chemist and druggist Kennett, Charles, eating house Here Maitlandplace. 85 Househkel, John, tobacconist 37, Heuschkcl, Frederick, confectionor 39 Humphries, John, draper 41 Mitchell, Henry, confectioner 43 Bt-ielman, Frederick, house decorator 45 Knight, Charles, fancy repository 47 Dolman, George, bootmaker 49 Nowlan, Thomas, pastrycook 51 Schultz, Charles, bookseller 53 Moroney, John, Hand of Friendship 55 Moroney, John and Bros., hay ana corn dealers 57 Laundry, Samuel, warehouseman 59 Shilling, James, galvanised iron worker and plumber 61 Dewhurst, Joseph, pawnbroker Here Ultimo lane. 63 Tancred, Peter, butcher 65 Oluno, Thomas, grocer G7 Rabone, Stephen G., ironmonger 69 & 71 Vacant 78 James, John, fruiterer Here William lane. 75 M'Manaman, James, grocer 77 Kennedy and Fay, butchers 79 Hanslow, J. and It., undertakers 81 Watson, David, warehouseman 83 Collins, Thomas, ironmonger Jones, Wm. II., carpenter 85 Simmons, William, cooper 87 Smith, Mrs. Scarab Ann 89 Forster, G., tobacconist and hairdresser 91 Warner, W., boot and shoe warehouse 98 Riordan, Cornelius, baker and grocer 95 Vacant 97 Popplewell, Mrs. Elizabeth, confectioner 99 Allerton, Isaac, draper 101 Weeks, Nicholas, chemist and druggist 108 Foster, Bros., oil and eolourmen 105 Mallon, P. W., surgeon and chemist 107 Toohoy, James, Orphan Boy Hotel 109 Jackson, George, butcher 111 & 118 Murray and Swanson, drapers 115 Kavanah, Laurence, grocer .Here Darling street. 117 Coulter, Edward, dealer 119 Whalen, Mrs, Mary, fruiterer 121 Bate, Christopher, Victoria Inn 123 to 129 Stokes, Edward, coachpainter, &c. 131 & 188 King, William, furnituro broker Vacant land 189 & 141 Wliitbread,£Honry E,, ironmonger 143 Arnold, Mrs, Ann 145 Powell, , umbrella maker Wiseman, John, cedar yard 147 to 151 Brenan, William, coal and wood merchant Here Brisbane street. 158 Whitbread, George, furnituro broker 155 157 159 161 165 167 169 171 175 177 179 Par 119 Clarke, Thomas, dealer Austin, John, Sportsman's Arms Maxwell, John, grocer & 163 Austin, John, wheelwright and blacksmith Bastard, William, farrier Hero May street. Shields, Robert, baker Strafford, William, confectioner & 173 Britcher, Frederick, butcher Sinclair, John, greengrocer Here Athlone place. Hall and Stevenson, painters; paperhangers, &c. Mauldon, Mrs. Catherine, fruiterer ST. BARNABAS' CERTIFIED DENOJIKUTIONAL SCHOOL ST. BAH.N-ABAS' Cnuncii 191 198 195 197 199 201 205 207 209 218 215 Bates, John, farrier Westman, John, farrier Bench, John, coach builder Wnrr, T., wheelwright and coach builder Backler, Mrs. Elizabeth, eating house & 203 Blake and Egglein, farriers Russell, George, pawnbroker Barnctt, Mrs. Jannett, grocer & 211 M'Carroll, Phillip, butcher Kavannah, Thomas, grocer Stephenson, William, Huntsman's Inn Here Bay street. • South Side Here Botany road. Eustace, John, Railway Family Hotel 2 Dyson, Duncan, dealer 4 & 6 Dwyer, William Joseph Dwyer, James, watchmaker 8 Thompson, 10 Dart, Robert, tinplate worker 12 Carr, Charles, auctioneer 14 James, Frederick, van proprietor 16 Pope, William, blacksmith and farrier Here Kensington street. 18 Coman, William, California Inn 20 & 22 Maker, Daniel, hay and corn dealer 24 to 40 Kent Brewery Tooth, R. and F. and Co., brewers 42 Mackney, Thomas, engineer 44 Fisher and Murray, builders 46 Yco, Daniel, grocer 48 Lnrkin, Patrick, hay and corn dealer 50 Mitchell, Robert, blacksmith 52 Griffiths, Charles, basket maker 54 Jackson, James W., hairdresser 56 Foskett, John, fronch polisher Childs, Henry G., cabinetmaker 58 Doran, John Here Green's lane. 60 Ryan, Timothy, Wellington Inn 62 Dwyer, Patrick, grocer 64 O'Brien, John, saddler 66 Lee, Mrs. Margaret, dealer .Here Charles street. 68 Hayes, Matthew, Clare Castle \ 120 PM STREET Phi 48 ENGINEER IN CHIEF FOB HARBOURS AND 70 Campbell, James, dealer RIVERS 72 Shaefer, Leonard, cigar maker 74 Barlow, Henry, blacksmith 50 COMMISSIONER FOR RAILWAYS UNDER SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC WOBKB Here Linden place. 76 Pinkerton, James, baker COMMISSIONER FOR ROADS 78 Benson, John, jun., pawnbroker 52 SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC WORKS? 80 Johnston, Jnson, bootmaker 54 ENGINEER IN CHIEF FOR RAILWAYS 82 Hanloy, Edward, Golden Anchor Vacant land Here Carlton street. 7G Blizard, Henry 84 Taylor, Henry, monumental mason 78iMacnab, Thomas, diver 85 Conlon, "William, dealer 'GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 88 Grames, Patrick Here Bent street. 90 Moss, William, pawnbroker 84 M'Clelland, William " 92 Forsyth, J. and Sons, leather and grindery 86 Frey, John, builder store 88 Blackmore, Edward, B. A., school 94 Rogers, Joseph, cook 90 Hill, Francis William 96 Hastio, Mrs. Eliza Vacant land Vacant land 96 Brewster, Mrs. G. 100 Shannon, Thomas, bootcloser 98 Williams, Edward, storeman 102 Walker, William, hay and corn dealer Munroe, John, tinsmith 104 Reynolds, Henry, Australian Inn 100 James, John, sawyer Here Abercrombie place. 102 Wilson, Edward ST. BENEDICT'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CnuRCH 104 C milfield,James, tailor 108 BRISBANE DISTILLERY French, William, boat builder Pemell, James, flour mill 106 Donohoe, Andrew 140 BBISDANE STORES Hughes, Clifford, butcher 172 COLONIAL SUGAR REPININO CosrrANY Smyth and Wells, grocers 186 Vacant Hei e Hunter street. 188 Hanson, John, dealer Cordon, Mrs. Robert, Portland House 190 Morgan, James, hairdresser 108 Munn, William, confectioner & fruiterer 192 Grahl, Thomas, saddler 110 Biss, Mrs. II., ladies' school 194 Sealey, George William, hairdresser 112 Bushello, Madame, E.W., teacher of 196 Boxsell, Richard, saddler music and singing 198 .Collis, John, news agent 114 Walker, Thomas, waterman 200 "Shaefor, Jacob, cigar maker 11G M'Cullagh, John 202 Holmes, Thomas, saddler 118 Wickham, John 204 Chandler, R., plumber Hughes, Clifford, butcher 206 Lacerda, Dominick, pawnbrokp v 120 Evans, James Thomas, tinsmith 208 Masters, John, confectioner 122 Beaver, John LETTER RECEIVER 124 Houston, Mrs. M. J. 126 Francis, Benjamin Here Newtown road. 128 Reading, Edward, dentist 130 Cox, James, M.D. Phillip Street. 182 Iceton, Thomas East Side 134 Benton, George, galvanized iron worker Circular Quay to King street. Gould, Edward, bootmaker Vacant land Here Qould's Court. 2 Ross, George, Clark's Family Hotel 186 Chon'dlor, Thomas, grocer Here Albert street. 188 Lostone, Elizabeth, Lemon Tree Inn SniPPiNQ MASTER'S OFFICE 140 Starkey,- John, lemonade and cordial WATER POLICE COURT manufacturer WATER POLICE STATION Ferris, Thomas, senior Serjeant of Water 142 Wells, John PRESBYTERIAN Cnuncn Police 146 Vacant Little, Prince 148 Mitchell, John, tailor Turner, George Andrews, Isaac, tailor Hegarty, Adam 150 Seymour, Charles, groom SYDNEY VOLUNTEER FinE COMPANY 152 Bloomfield, Edward No. 2 154 Powell, Charles Collins, Joseph, engine keeper 150 Elliott, Henry Vacant land Here court. Here Bridge street. 158 Dunn, James, stonemason Vacant land Vacant 44 Andrews, William, shipowner 162 Mnller, Charles, M.D. 46 Martin, Mrs. T., private boarding houso 164 King, Frederick ' > Phi DIRECTORY. Pit 121 166 Norris, William Stanley, writing master 189 Collins, Walter 191 Martin, William Here King street. Vacant land West Side 199 DIOCESAN BOOK DEPOSITORY 201 Lewis, Charles, blacksmith " ' . Here Circular Quay. Vacant land Riley, F., Supreme Court Hotel Here King street. Here Albert street. 8 Ebsworth, 0. B., auctioneer & wool broker Vacant land Pine Street 7 Vacant East Side 9 & 11 CIRCULAR QUAY FREE AND BONDED Wnttlo street to Clovoland street STORES Vacant land Willis, Merry and Lloyd (proprietors.) 52 Holder, Jasper, bus proprietor Vacant land Vacant land Here Bridge street. 62 Lucas, Benjamin Vacant land Vacant land M'Glead, Bernard, carter 72 Lipscombe, Matthew, malster Vacant land Vacant land Here Cleveland street. 47 Davis, Rev. Alexander B. 49 Asher, Maurice West Sido 51 Senior, Frank Here Wattle street. Vacant land 57 Rogers, John, dray proprietor Here'Bent street. 59 Burns, John, fireman Vacant land 61 Finn, Patrick, stonemason 105 Price, Henry Vacant land Vacant land 69 Furr, James, bricklayer 109 Wright, John Vacant land 111 Daniel, Walter, Blue Bell 113 Fischer, Jacob C, carter . Pitt Street 115 Wood, James 117 Talbot, Paul East Sido 119 Austin, Solin S. Circular nuny to Devonshire street 121 William, W. 0. Garthon, William Q., Galatea Hotel 123 Slayford, Mrs. Winifred Vacant land 125 Staploton, William, fencer Here Albert street. Brown, James, grocer Rolfe, William, H., timber merchant Here Hunter street. Here liciby lane. Oommins, George, Star Inn 88 Williams, John, cooper INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE, office of Williams, Hugh, collector 129 Kay, Miss Mary, dressmakor 40 Vacant 131 Newell, George, waterman 42 Korff, Frederick, ship chandler 133 Robinson, Charles Korif, John, marine surveyor • 185 Simpson, John Here lane. 187 M'Pherson, Allan, M.L.A. 44 Lockhart, William Spence, merchant 139 Phillips, Rev. Solomon 46 Vacant 141 Thomson, George 48 Lackerstcen, Alexander A., importer of 143 Elliott, —, corpontor Indian condiments 145 Hall, II. H. 50 Cowlishaw, M. C, merchant 147 Garran, Andrew Newman, Robert Abbot, agent 149 Clarke, Rev. William 52 Anderson, Charles and Co., brokers a oo 151 Abrahams, 'Joseph Cubitt, A., storo 158 Wilson, Hon. John B., M.L.A. .2 a -54 Donald, William, wine and spirit mer155 Palmer, Ralph chant, &c. 3 «> 157 Brewer, Frank 5G Chapman, Edward and Co., merchants 159 Dibbs, John 3* 53 & GO Vacant 163 Nesbitt, Thomas, sawyer 62 Munro, William, architect 165 Green, Mrs. Elizabeth Gordon, Hon. Samuel D., M.L.C, 167 Smith, Benjamin Williams, Thomas, solicitor 169 Woods, Charles Vacant land 171 Andrews, John, mariner Here Bridge street. 173 Irons, Charles LETTER RECEIVER 175 James, John, tailor SYDNEY EXCHANGE Here Wenlworth place. Corkhill, Richard Blake, wine merchant. 181 Vacant Cameron, John, and Co., Burwood Coal 183 Maxwell, William, grocer Agency 122' Pit STREET Pit Lindeman, Henry John, Australian wino 138 Hilly, John F., architect merchant Davis, Charles, solicitor Lankester, John Delappi, jun. 140 Bradley, William, photographic artist 74 Ellen, Thomas, flour and wheat factor Bone, Robert, Phoenix printing office Duguid and Co., coal merchants, &c. 142 Want, Son and Johnson, solicitors 76 Hayes, John J., news agent Want, R. J. and R. 0., notaries public 78 Vacant Richardson and Wrench, auctioneers, 80 Russell, George and Co., house and land stock and station agents agents, &c. 144 Butts, Stephen, Metropolitan Hotel LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE AND L I F E 146 Jay and Co., warehousemen INSURANCE COMPANIES Thomtwhaito, John 0., die sinker and UNIVERSAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY engraver Mackenzie, W. H., jun., agent Here Foxlow place. 84 BINOERA QUARTZ MINING CO., 148 Perks and Co., importers and wareThomson, Robt., accountant and actuary housemen Stypmann, Louis, insurance broker, &c. V- cant land AERATED AND FERMENTED BREAD AND 154 Bowden, Thomas W., auctioneer BISCUIT COMPANY 156 Cumings, Robert, Caxton printing office NEW GUINEA COMPANY 15GJ Penman, William, carpenter & builder Addison, George R., printer Armstrong, Joseph, veterinary surgeon Wyndham and Co., Dalwood and BukClare, T. and W., ginger beer and corkulla wine depot dial manufacturers 80 AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY Payten, Samuel, auctioneer 88 Stephen and Stephen, solicitors 158 Cunningham, Samuel, tailor Stephen, S. A., notary public 1G0 Bray, James, oil and colourman 90 N. S. W. BIBLE HALL Here Brougham place. RELIGIOUS TRACT AND BOOK SOCIETY 162 & 104 Glue, John 0., labour agent and Mailer, John, depositary eating house 92 Willis, Merry and Lloyd, merchants 16G Bradley, James O., auctioneer, &c. Here Spring street. Taylor, James and George, butchers 94 ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION 1G8 Pawsey, Mrs., registry office Empire and Evening News Office 170 llonn}', Walter, oil and colourman 98 Bradley, Newton and Lamb, auctioneers 172 Ray, Edgar, Sydney Sporting Life office 100 Sydney Morning Herald and Sydney Mail Young, G. E., pianoforte tuner, &c. Office 174 Brownrigg, AVm. Meadows, surveyor, &c. LETTER RECEIVER Lcary, Joseph, solicitor Here Hunter street. Gouldcn, James W., tailor 100 UNION BANK OP AUSTRALIA 176 Fisher, Thomas, boot & shoe warehouse 108 Gibbs, Shallard and Co., printers and Driver, Richard,- M.L.A., solicitor publishers 178 Emanuel, John, surgeon dentist Hallen and M'Evoy, architects and sur- 180 O'Neill, E. II., chemist and druggist veyors Here King street. 1 BERUALIA MINERAL REEFS Co. 182 Camb, William, Elephant and Castle 2 FITZROY IRON WORKS Co. 184 Canty, Jeremiah, grocer 3 & 4 Ma'Guire, William, solicitor 186 Ounninghamo, Francis, printer, bookU ,£3 5 AUSTRALIAN PAPER CO. binder and machine ruler 0 & 7 Rowe, Thomas, architect 188 Brown, George Russell, hairdresser 8 Vickery, Ebenezer, private office Davey, William Henry, broker 9 Southern, Thomas J., broker Brown and Davey, registry office and Dyer, Joseph, insurance broker auctioneers 110 & 112 Elliott, Brothers, wholesale'drug- 190 Edwards, John, farrier gists 192 Kirby, Frederick, fruiterer and confec114 Myers and Cantor, importers of china, tioner gloss, earthenware, &c. 194 Blackman, Robert II., Baltic Hotel 116 Vickery,E., boot & leather manufacturer 196 Thompson, A. and Co., wine and spirit Vacant land merchants Here passage. 198 Home, Robert, restaurant 130 Vacant 200 Spencer, Thomas, Shakespeare Tavern 132 Rodd, Brent C, solicitor 202 Compagnoni, Hans, pastrycook and conBirch, Robert, surveyor fectioner 184 lleuss, Ferdinand H., architect and sur- 204 Lister and Son, auctioneers and agents veyor Buckland, James, wood and ivory turner James, Edward, tailor and toy maker 186 Lennon & Capo, Btock and share brokers 206 Cox, Thomas, pawnbroker Dawson, John, solicitor & notary public 208 Vacant ! Pit DIRECTORY. 210 Holland, Joseph, Kembla restaurant 212 & 214 Vacant Here passage. 214J Bullen and Mason, clothing manufacturers 216 & 218 Spence, Mark, draper, &c. 220 Vacant 222 Sohier, Madame, waxworks exhibition 221 Thompson, S. and Co., importers and warehousemen Here passage. 226 Weir, William, butcher 228 Vacant 230 Ellis, Thomas, fancy repository 232 M'Sherry, Mrs. M., grocer Hickey, William, carpenter 234 Pattison, John, dining rooms 286 Myers, Mrs. Ellen, fishmonger 238 M'Carroll, Phillip, butcher Here Market street. 240 Clarke, George, Exhibition Hotel 242 Grisdale and M'Donough, auctioneers, &c. 244 Leigh, Stephen, dining rooms 24G Martyn and Co., horse & carriage bazaar Cobb and Co., mail contractors 248 Pearson, Thomas, cabinetmaker and upholsterer 250 Kiss, George, livery stables 252 Tremain, Richard, cabinetmaker and upholsterer 254 Brown, James A., plumber, &c. 254£ Wooller, Samuel, horso bazaar 25G Clark, John, Sportsman's Arms 258 & 260 Law, Somner and Co., seedsmen 260£ Willis, John, farrier Nicholson, A., livery stable keeper Rogers, Richard, veterninary surgeon 262 Lodge, John, eating house 2G4 Howes, William, tailor 266 Bornasconi, John, picture and lookingglass frame maker Nowlan, Joseph W., cabinet maker and upholsterer Here Hill's buildings. 270 Pearson, Frederick, cabinetmaker and upholsterer 270^ Burt and Co., horse bazaar 272 Smart, David, saddler and harness maker 274 Chippendale and Sons, upholsterers and cabinet makers 276 Ward and Co., ale and porter bottlers 278 Caldwell, Charles W., grocer 280 Ewington, Edward, upholsterer and cabinetmaker 282 Gibson and Knight, horse and carriage bazaar and auctioneers Delohery, Alfred Charles, ogent Wells, John, saddler and harness maker 284 Roberts, David, bookbinder Sontis, L., French Consul Courtin, Chancellor Here court. 280 Welch, Win, P., blind manufacturer Greon, John, Custom House officer 288 Rooney, James, ticket writer Pit • 123 290 Lucas, John, dealer 292 DeLissa, Solomon A., optician, oculist and aurist Anderson, J., R.H.A., portrait painter Lucas, John, furniture dealer 294 Rossiter, Walter, upholsterer and cabinet maker Here Park street 296 Cockburn, Henry D., auctioneer 298 Painter, Mrs. Jane, Glasgow Hotel 800 Vacant 802 CONGREGATIONAL CIIURCII AND ScnooL CONGREGATIONAL YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION 801 Frith, T. and Co., pianoforte tuners and repairers 306 Tall, John, locksmith and ironmonger 308 Torr, John, churn manufacturer 810 Lovely, Charles, baker 312 O'Brien and Kerridge, coach and buggie builders 314 Griffin, Frederick, hairdresser 316 Lawler, John, upholsterer 318 Jordan, John, cabinetmaker 320 Vacant 322 Murray,Michael, wire worker 324 Cutter, John, tailor 326 Hayes, Francis, dealer 328 Wright, John, oil and colourman Here Baihurst street. 830 & 332 M'Dermott, Patrick J., coach builder • 384 Pritchard, Henry, coach proprietor 386 White, John, tinsmith 388 Vacan' 340 Doran, John, baker 842 & 844 Patten, William, Australian Marble Works, and importer Here Albert place. Vacant land 352 Vacant 354 Wetherill, Walter, carter 356 Dwyer, Mrs. 358 Cotterell, John, marble mason 860 Wilson, Mrs. Mary, laundress 362 Smith, John, mariner 864 Macpherson, Richard, plasterer Vacant land 380 Lostone, Arthur, hairculter 382 Sullivan, Mrs. Bridget, greengrocer 884 Banks, Alexander, slater and shingler 386 Cannon, Mrs. M. 388 Wilson, Edwin Sydney, wotchmakor 388i Myers nnd Solomon, store 890 Fennor, James, veterinary surgeon 892 Keating, Patrick, plumber 894 Wilson, James, engraver 396 M'Cabe, John, North Star Here Liverpool street. Vacant buildings 400 Smith, William, dealer 402 M'Carthy, Joseph, cabinetmaker 401 Marshall, William, pianoforte and musical instrument repairer 406 Riddel, Thomas 124 Pit STREET Here Jones' buildings. 408 Taylor, Peter 410 M'Enerney, Michael, blacksmith 412 Eoyall, Peter, carpenter Here Carruthcrs' place. J114 Carruthers, John, clerk 416 Howett, Samuel, cabinetmaker 418 Gauld, Eobert, dealer Vacant land 422 Kain, Patrick H., butcher 424 & 426 Bone, F., bottle and metal dealer Here Goulburn street, 428 M'Laurin, Mrs. II., grocer Vacant land 432 Green, John, coach painter Vacant land 488 Field, Thomas 440 Brown, Mrs. A. 442 Barnett, Mrs. Rebecca 444 Stacey, Henry 446 Vacant 448 Sallet, Louis 450 Glasson, Stephen Here Campbell street. Vacant land Here Hay street. PRESBYTERIAN Cnuiicn 482 PUBLIC SCHOOL M'Clelland, William, teacher 484 Jackson, Mrs. Marianne Vacant land 408 Sykes, Henry, storekeeper Here. Carter street. MOUNTED POLICE BARRACKS ROMAN CATHOLIC ScnooL HOUSE OF THE GOOD SHEPHEPT> Gibbons, Mrs., mother superior SYDNEY FEMALE REFUGE Roberts, Mrs., matron Beattie, James M'Lerio, John, J.P., inspector general of police Vidal, Rev. George BENEVOLENT ASYLUM Drew, Mrs., matron Here Devonshire street. West Sido Here Circular Quay. Tierney, Joseph J., Oriental Hotel 3 Bird, H. S., provision and spirit merchant 5 & 7 Mitchell and Co., ship chandlers 9 Sun Kum On & Kee Kiy, Chinese stores 11 Lane & Co., ship chandlers & sail makers 18 Rolfe, W. H., cedar yr.rd 15 Lender, F. G. and Co., merchants 17 to 23 Wynne, R., importer of building materials 25 Dawson, R; and Co., foundry 27 & 29 M'llwraith, J. and C, importers of building materials Here Underwood street. 81 Danaher, David, stove manufacturer, &c. 33 Ethcrington, T., house and ship joiner Pit 35 Wilson, Martin 37 Sergent, William, bootmaker 89 Adams, Robert H., fruiterer 41 Mathews, John A., importer 43 Palmer, Henry, fruiterer 45 & 47 Vacant 49 Miller, Henry, fruiterer 51 Taylor," James, ham curer 53 Beer, William, produco agent 55 Wiggor, Charles, cabinetmaker Here Queen's place. 57 to 63 Vacant Here Bridqe street. 65 Saunders, Charles J., Exchange Hotel Allan, A., auctioneer and hotel broker 67 Beer, B., broker & commission agent Solomon, Philip Samuel, accountant NEW GUINEA GOLD MINING PBOSPECTING AND THADING CO. 69 Holdsworth and Brown, solicitors Holdsworth, Richard, notary public Thorno, J. nnd Co., ship ana insurance brokers Chatfield, W., stock and share broker Vacant land 91 PACIFIC FinE AKD MARINE INSURANCE Co. 121 123 125 127 Here Hutchinson street. Vacant land Franck Bros., and Co., merchants Beilby nnd Scott, merchants Peek,R,, and Co., auctioneers Pedcn, Magnus J., merchant Here Qeorge street Little. 129 AUSTRALIAN GENERAL ASSURANCE CO. Boyer, Martinoau & Fourcado, merchants 181 VICTORIA LIFE, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE Co. Mullens, Josiuh, share broker Byrnes, C. J., ond Co., tweed manufacturers Devlin, James, jnn,, produce auctioneer Macdonald, J. G., and Co. Knapp and Saville, surveyors Knapp, Edward, jun., surveyor Knapp, Alfred, surveyor Joubert, Jules, merchant Hall, Mehnoth, accountant SYDNEY FIRE INSURANCE Co. Here Hunter street. 135 & 187 Tierney, Daniel, Currency Lass Hotel Here lane. 130 Isaacs, Mrs. J., importer of general stores 141 Moore, M. J., broker and agent Lockington, G., wood engraver Gullick, William R., importer of printing . materials Ashlin, Spencer, labour agent Sydney loan oflice 143 Fox, Alexander, photographic artist Wilson, George Lea, conveyancer Wolfskehl, William, merchant Simmons, Isaac, auctioneer and agent 1434 Moss & Allt, wino and spirit merchants Pit DIRECTORY. Corti, Joseph, carver and gilder Stephens and Taylor, clothing manufacturers 147 Needs, Francis II., professor of dancing Mitchell, David, merchant 149 La;']ciii, Mrs. Jano, fruiterer 149J Strange, Charles, coachman Heiser, Henry, bootmaker Aitken, William, plumber 151 Jordan, W. Henry, ornamental engraver Walker, William II., bookbinder aud stationer 158 Hasmot, John Mcer, Indian condiment merchant 155 Hawksford, James, optician, &c, Ashton, Charles, engraver, &c. Weissberger, Leopold, tobacconist 157 Bischoff, Joseph, livery stable keeper 169 Kelly, Wm. Spencer, Tied House Inn 161 Salisbury, Thomas, engraver and printer Jervis, James H., engraver Brown and Waters, oil nnd colourmon 168 Moore, George and Co., importers and warehousemen 165 Mansfield, G. Allen, architect Barton and Melhado,* stock and share brokers M'Culloeh, Andrew Hardie, solicitor M'Culloeh, Andw. Hardie. jun., solicitor M'Culloeh, Thomas, agent Jones and Co. Fattorini and Co., stock and station brokers Gordon, R. H., uccountant 167 Moore, Charles, and Co., auctioneers 169 Morriss, John, general dealer 171 Irwin and Turner, auctioneers, wool, brokers, &c. Woolcott, W. Prout, house & land agent Huntley, A. S., architect and surveyor Chandler and Co., auctioneers, accountants, &c. Humphrey, Frederick T., official assignee 173 Harrison and Jones, stock and station agents, and wool brokers Cook, Thomas, accountant and agent 178 Levy and Do Lissa, solicitors Joske, A. and Co,, wino and spirit merchants 175 Lowe, Major, auctioneer, stock and station agent De Voy, John Charles, commission agent Hourigau, Patrick John, solicitor Thurlow, William, solicitor Richardson Lo'Gould, Louis, C.E., surveyor Chator, Dixon T., architect and surveyor Day, W. E., broker Solomon, P. S., accountant Blake, F. A. & Co., wino and 1 Mort's spirit merchants > nassa^e Bentzen, Alexander, storeman ) " ° Pit , 125 Blacket, Edmund T., architect Kemp, William E., architect Russell, William, solicitor Petersen, Frederick, commission agent Glcadall, Stephen, architect Raynes, Treevo and Co., auctioneers and: estate agents Collie, George, accountant SYDNEY CHURCH OF ENGLAND CEMEIERY COMPANY THE ALLIANCE, ATLAS, PnreNix AND UNION BUILDING SOCIETIES, Office of GREENDALE COMPANY SYDNEY INVESTMENT COMPANY Brown and Trotter, civil engineers and surveyors 181 King, William, pianoforte maker 183 Gorman, and Miller, auctioneers and estate agents Iceton and Sou, solicitors Grundy, Francis Henry, civil engineer Mason Brothers, importers of glass and earthenware 185 Evans, Charles Mottram, auctioneer and estate agent Vacant land 195 Kenrey, John, coach builder 197 Johnson, E. and Co., furniture brokers, &c. Terrill, S. H., watchmaker and jeweller 199 Twemlow, George, engraver, &c. 201 & 203 Barr, G., fruiterer and poulterer 205 Cowles, Charles, gunmakcv 207 Brown, W., commission and labor agent 209 Vaughan, Henry F., hair dresser, &c. 211 Watson, George, restaurant 218 Vacant 215 Johnstone, Mrs. 0., Brougham Tavern 217 Rush, W. C. and Co., auctioneers 219 Row's drug store Rolin, Thomas B., solicitor Newman, Henry H., agent Smith, Stephen, law stationor Fathers, George, storeman 221 Haigh, Wm. Buckley,labour agent, &c. Muriel, Robert, auctioneer M'Grath and Punch, M' Q-rath and Punch's Hotel Here King street. 225 Moore, John Benjamin, Liverpool Arms 227 Moffitt, William, bookseller and stationer. 229 Cohen, Brothers.clothiers 231 Cooke, George Charles, watchmaker and jeweller 238 Lamartinero, Henry Alexander, photographic artist 283 & 235 Wetherill, John, draper and silk mercer 287 Bartlett, James, draper Hilton, Browne and Co., seedsmen Hellier, J. S., grain and flour broker 289 Lobb, John, bootmaker 241 Williams, Evan II., tobacconist Reynolds, Robert H., hairdresser 177 WARATAH COAL COMPANY PEAK DOWNS COPPER MINING COMPANY 243 Williams, James Henry, Uoyal Victoria Hotel 179 Mort and Co,, auctioneers, &c. 126 Pit STREET 245 247 240 251 RoYAL VlOTOKIA TnEATBE Simpson, Mrs. M., draper Bostrom, Charles M., hat and cap maker Thirkell, Mrs. R., dressmaker Murphy, Michael J., mautlo and milli, nory rooms 253 Glaister, Thomas S., photographic artist Nixon, H., and Son, tailors 255 Cripps, Mrs. E., pastry cook and confectioner 257 Burgis and Whitley, tailors 259 Pinhey, TVilliam Townley, J.P., chemist and druggist 261 Howell, John B., draper, &c. 263 &'265 Way, Ebenezer, draper & milliner 269 to 275 Farmer, Painter and Pope, drapers, &c. 277 Moss, Moses, outfitter 219 Hart, Thomas, Bathurst Hotel Sere Market street. Lamy, Charles, Frankfort Hotel 283 Griffith, Henry, fruiterer, &c. 287 to 293 Moore, Alex, and Co., auctioneers, Brokers and furniture warehouse 295 Houlgate, Arthur, furniture broker 297 Bell's Life, office of 299 Gregg, John, saddler and harness maker 301 to 303 O'Brien, Wm. J., Tattersalt's Hotel 805 Alexander, TVilliam, cabinetmaker 807 & 309 Cox, Thomas, furniture warehouse 311 Riley, John, cabinetmaker 818 Andrews, John, bookseller and stationer 315 Bell, Henry, butcher 317 Mackenzie, David, cabinetmaker BRANCH STATION NO. 2 V. FIBE CO. DIRECTORY. Qucdloy, Patrick, bootmaker Stone, George, saddler Morris, Mrs. Ann TVelsh, TVilliam, printer Coleson and Baker, cedar yards Here Wilmot street. 407 TVolfendon, James, tailor 409 Vacant 411 "Richards, TVilliam, grocer 418 & 415 Glissan, James, Curriers Arms 417 Quinlan, Matthew, butcher 419 Outbush, William M., grocer Here Union lane. 421 Cunningham, Timothy, Ovens Hotel 428 Himmelhock, Isaac, commercial traveller 425 Abbey, John, dray proprietor Cosgrove, James, printer 427 Dillon, John, tailor 429 Murray, James, joiner 431 Falconer, John, glass stainer 488 Johnson, TV. Bobert, grocer 485 Carlin, Mrs. Catherine, greengrocer 437 Thompson, W. Henry, news agent 489 Willis, Henry, bootcloser 441 Samuel, Henry, beef curer 448 Holmes, Mrs. Eliza 445 Howitt, William, blacksmith Here Liverpool street. 449 & 451 Dixon and Ward, grocers 458 Levi, David 455 Oatlett, William, M.D. .' Vacant land 459 Palser, Henry Prior 565 OnnisT CIIUBCII CEBTIFIED NATIONAL SCHOOL 461 SYDNEY DEAF AND DUMB INSTITUTION 1 Vacant 7 Kelly, Robert, master mariner Vacant land 39 Garraty, James, dairyman 41 Waddell, James, engineer 43 Edwards, Stephen B., clerk 45 Robertson, James 47 M'Cutcheon, diaries, boilermaker 49 Fernley, Frederick, engineor 51 Gard, John, mariner Here Chtirch street. Vacant land Agnew, Thomas Vacant land Here John street. 398 395 397 899 468 Bell, William, surgeon 819 TVyattj Bros., leather and grindery ware- 465 Lowther, Edward house 467 Mather, Joseph 825 SCHOOL OF ABTS 469 Jones, Mrs. S., school 331 Hardie and Mitchell, bakers 471 Benwick, Arthur, M.D. 335 Bennett, Christopher 478 Bond, Henry Bennett, Mrs., fancy warehouso 475 M'Loughlin, John, dealer 387 to 839 Moore, Thomas, cabinetmaker 477 Shying, Henry James, cabinetmaker 841 Cotton, Mrs. Ann, milliner 479 Hyams, Abraham 313 Hohnen, Charles, baker Here Ooulburn street. 345 Aitken, Thomas, ironmonger 481 Cowell, Mrs. F., Australian Sportsman 847 Cookburn, Henry D., auctioneer 488 to 489 Robertson, John, coach factory Here Park street. 491 Vacant 349 Black, James A., Volunteer Hotel 493 Collins, Samuel, hat cleaner 851 Penson, James A., plumber 495 Carroll, Timothy 368 M'Kay, George, ironmonger 497 Williamson, Thomas 855 Thomson, R. and TV., gasfitters Here Sydney place. 857 TEMPERANCE HALL 499 Israel, Samuel, dealer Twight, Alfred 501 M'Anally, — 861 Skinner, Robert H., bookseller Vacant land 865 to 869 Kennedy, J. andT., cabinetmakors 505 Daly, Mrs. Amelia, Rhode's Family Hotel 371 to 373 Ayton, TV. and TV., painters 609 Phillips, William, hay and corn dealer Ayton, Mrs. Jane, school Here Campbell street. 875 Macintosh, John, ironmonger NEW MARKETS 377 Scott, Ebenezer, tinsmith Here Hay street. 379 Halley and Clyde, coachbuilders 515 Kellick, George 385 Jones, Edward J., tailor Vacant land 387 Conn, Edward, Edinburgh Castle 519 Austen, Thomas, cedar yard Here Bathurst street. 528 AUSTBALIAN VoLUNTEEB FlKB Co,, No. 1 Halloran, Jehn, grocer BRANCH GASOMETER 391 Heaney, Mrs. C., dressmaker Here Gipps street. 817£ Pot Pit DE Turton, Samuel, teacher Vacant land 571 Whittle, Harry, saddler 578 to 579 Unfinished houses CnuisT CiiUBcn Vacant land POLICE STATION NEWSPAPER RECEIVER Here George street. Point Street (Pyrmont) East Side Johnstone's Bay to Church street Vacant land 10 Woods, William 12 Ogg, Robert, shipwright 18 Stabler, George 21 Knight, Posting C, master mariner Vacant land Cromack, George Vacant land 30 Steward, Archibald 32 Swanson, William, storekeeper ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S SCHOOL Vacant land ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH Here Church street. Vacant land Here John street. West Side Here Johnstone's bay. Pottinger Street 8 10 12 18 East Side Darling linrbour to Windmill street FEBRY to Blue's Point Barnett, Charles, pawnbroker Moutlett, Edwin Hollo way, William Kinnard, John Vacant land Hero Windmill street. West Side Here Darling harbour. Vacant land 15 Fielder, Thomas :- Pri 17 Gale, William Here Windmill street. Princes Road East Sldo Off William street Upper North Vacant West Sldo 1 Hardy, Samuel Jackson, teacher 3 Coulson, Mrs. 5 Thompson, Frederick Princes Street East Sldo Garden wall to Crescent street 4 Vacant 6 Milne, Alexander 8 Griffin, Thomas 10 Leake, Samuel, tailor 12 Boulton, John, shipwright Vacant land 16 Moorehouse, Henry 18 Strachan, Andrew, sailmaker Vacant land 26 Dillon, Thomas 28 Cunningham, Charles, mariner Vacantiand 32 Cowan, John, dealer 34 Behan, John 86 Watt, William Here bridge over Argyle street. 40 Vacant 42 Wright, Archibald, grocer 44 Brightfield, William 46 Evans, John 48 Benson, Charles, glass cutter 50 Digan, Miss., boarding house 52 Dunsford, Mrs. B. 54 Morrissey, Mrs. 56 Gallagher, Jeremiah 58 Magner, John, bootmaker 60 Stack, Mrs. Mary Vacant land 74 M'Caffrey, Thomas, agent 76 Thompson, Mrs. Kate Vacant land 80 Hearle, Francis, plumber 82 Woodley, Charles A. 84 Clancy, John 86 Kcefe, Thomas, tailor 88 Jones, John 90 Kilpatrick, Francis, sforeman 92 Andrews, William Vacant land 96 O'Heir, Michael, labourer 98 Payne, John 100 Allen, Mrs. 102 Giffin, John, compositor Vaoant land Here Essex lane, 108 Swift, Peter, dealer 110 Murphy, William, blacksmith 112 Maher, Mrs. Catherine Vacant land 127 128 Pri STREET 11C Scott, Thomas "Vacant land 124 Nelson, William, shipsmith 120 Collins, James, shipwright 128 Murphy, John Luke 180 Egan, Richard 132 Williams, Mrs. Hannah 184 Parle, James, carpenter 186 Moon, Henry Hero Essex street. Vacant land 140 Ward, Mrs. G., fruiterer 142 Coleman, Richard 144 Thome, John, shoemaker 146 Mooney, Francis 148 Willington, William Alfred, 156 Wilson, Andrew 158 Busher, Patrick, carpenter 160 Drake, Thomas Henry 162 Breakspear, Mrs. Martha 164 Mackenzie, Goorgc B., blacksmith 166 Smalley, Robert Fletcher 168 M'Dougall, John 170 Drake, Mrs. E. A. 172 Giffin, James, bootmaker 174 Purdy, William, wharfinger 176 M'Kenzie, Roderick 178 Gilbert, Henry 180 Butler, Miss 182 Walker, John, flour merchant 184 Brown, James, Auckland Hotel 186 Hendersbn, Peter 188 Armstrong, Mrs. A., boarding house 190 Coleman, James, mattrass manufactory LETTER RECEIVER Sere Crescent street. West Sldo Here Garden wall. 1 Rogers, Rev. Edwin 5 Charlton, Matthew 7 Chester, Thomas stevedore 9 Vacant Vacant land 13 Stephenson, Mark, mast maker 15 Robinson, Thomas, master mariner 17 Marsden, John 19 Wiseman, Charles Vacant land ' 28 Viollette, Mrs. Anna 25 Baptist, John 27 O'Donnell, Edward 29 Byrne, William 81 Ryan, Miss E. Here bridge over Argyle street. 83 Ashton, Wilfiam Cole, Bee Hive 35 Moss, George Woolff 37 Kempster, William 89 Tubman, Henry, policeman 41 Vacant 43 Macarthy, Eugene 45 Dobbs, John Here passage to Fort street Upper. 47 Flavan, William, grocer 49 O'Connell, Michael . Pyr 51 Latta, Robert, carpenter C8 Matthews, Edward, mariner 55 Humphreys, Edward, shipwright 57 James, James 59 Finnigan, Peter 61 Miles, Mrs. E. 68 Vacant 65 Donovan, Mrs. E., laundross 67 Williams, Jeremiah 69 Jobbins, Mrs. Surah 71 Mawhinncy, Samuel, dray proprietor Vacant land 77 Donovan, John, labourer 79 Brcnnan, William, labourer 81 Williams, William, engine driver Vacant land 85 Kearney, Patrick, labourer 87 Glover, James 89 O'Brien, Miss Kate, dressmaker 91 Atkins, William, storeman 93 & 95 Jenkins, John, Forth and Clyde 97 Collins, William 99 Tierney, James, dray proprietor 101 Clatworthy, John, brass finisher 103 Cahill, Mrs. Mary, boarding house 105 Wells, Mrs. Susan Here Essex street. PCBLIO ScnoOL 107 109 111 113 Vacant Morrissey, Mrs. Catherine Gwyther, John Kelynack, Rev. William WESLEYAN CHURCH 117 119 121 128 125 127 129 181 Scanlon, Michael, grocer Weight, John, draper Fleming, Mrs. Ann, boarding house Cherry, Mrs. E., boarding house Ballantine, Andrew, watchmaker Dunn, John Kcenan, Mrs. Sarah Goodwin, Andrew Vacant land 187 Maloncy, John, dairyman 189 Rimmer, Hugh 141 Casey, Charles Henry Hero Crescent street. Providenoe Row Off Rlloy place, Crown street 4 Hurley, Edmund Roberts, John 6 Biggs, John 8 M'Dougall, Robert 10 Hill, William 12 Huxtablo, Mrs. 14 Vacant Pyrmont Street (Pyrmont) East Sido John street to Union street Dungan, John, Lord Clyde Hotel 10 Morrison, John Morrison, Mrs. Mary, dairy Here John street. Hodge, James, shipwright . Que DIRECTORY. Parker, James, carpenter Stevens, Henry 14 Hickey, Thomas G. 16 Mulhall, W., Rose, Shamrock and Thistle Vacant land Lyons, Mrs. Helena Vacant land 48 Webb, William Vacant land 1 Wilkins, J., master mariner 2 Southern, Henry Doggett, Ebenezer Webb's 8 Brommage, George cottages 4 Carruthers, C, shipwright 5 Sidoy, Richard 6 Vacant Vacant land Here Marian street. Vacant land Creed, William, Royal Oak Here Union street. West Sido Here John street. 1 Hurley, Patrick Queen's Place North Sido [George Btroet to Pitt etroot Hicking, H., Crooked Billet 2 Vacant Here Underwood street. 4 Mason, Brothers, merchants 6 O'Brien, Michael, labourer 8 Creighton, Charles, painter Aarons, David, carpenter Williams, John Painter, John I Wild's Chadwick, John f buildings Jones, John Park, Samuel 26 Walsh, Mrs. Catherine M'Carthy, Dennis 28 O'Neill, John, labourer Here Pitt street. South Sido Here George street. 5 Hanna, Edward, farrier 7 AUSTRALIAN PAPER COMPANY ' Clough, John, rag merchant 9 Grevillo and Co., stores 15 Olora, Martin, tailor 17 Burns, Patrick 19 Winton, James 21 Barry, Mrs. 28 Curran, J. J., stores 25 Mullins, Josiah, stores 27 Macnab, Francis and Co., stores Here Pitt street. Queen Street North Sido Waterloo placo to Botany road 2 Miller, J. • Rai 129 4 Chappie, Mrs. Mary Ann 6 Williams, W. G. 8 Lock, John, porter 10 Bishop, William, labourer 12 Graham, Thomas, policeman 14 Taylor, William 16 Yates, John, grocer 18 O'Connor, Mrs. Ann 20 Brice, William, saddler 22 Donaldson, William 24 Sutton, Mrs. Emily 26 Gibson, George 28 Baker, John 80 M'Carthy, Daniel 32 Mason, William, corabmaker 84 Anderson, George Vacant land 44 Cochrane, Robert Here Botany road. South Sldo Here Waterloo place. Vacant land 8 Moody, Mrs. Vacant land J 11 Roberts, Henry, butcher 18 Mulligan, Mrs. Alice 15 Peek, Charles 17 Gaffney, Mrs. Catherine, charwoman 19 Murphy, — 21 Miley, Patrick, dray proprietor Here Chippen street. Vacant land 27 Buchanan, John, wood & coal merchant 29 Newberry, Isaac, baker Vacant land Here Botany road. Queen Street Little 4 6 8 10 12 North Sldo off Waterloo place Murphy, — Riley, Thomas Ogborne, Jame3 Woods, Mrs. Ann Burton, James 5 7 9 11 13 South Sido Rhodes, — Lowe, Samuel Tierney, Patrick Pogson, Mrs. Nancy Mason, Mrs. Cathorino Railway Place 20 24 20 28 30 East Sido Off Dcvoi ehl.-o street Ponton, Matthew Vacant land Griudrod, Mrs. Mary Nelson, William Byrne, MM. Andrew Daly, Nicholus I 30 Ril STREET Wost Side 7 Green, Mark, hat manufacturer Vacant land 13 Rollings, George, bootmaker 15 M'Lelland, Thomas, stonemason 17 Cottam, Thomas 19 Wisdom, — 21 Kidson, William Vacant land 25 Keenan, John, labourer 27 White, James, joiner 29 Bryant, Alexander 31 Kelly, Patrick 83 Doyle, John 85 Newton, John 37 Carter, George J., monumental mason 89 Bonnett, Charles, engineer 41 Vidlor, — 48 Hourigan, Patrick 45 Kay, Mrs. Grace, dressmaker 47 Davies, J. H., letter cutter on marble Vacant land Ril 11 Devarix, Timothy, bootmaker Vacant land 28 Williams, Mrs. Mary 25 Sullivan, Daniel 27 Callaghan, James 29 Tibbey, Thomas Riley Lane Off Stanley lano Riley Street East Sldo Woolloomooloo street to Olcvoland street Corcoran, Patrick, Australian Inn Vacant land 6 Shepherd, Benjamin, tailor 8 Forster, William 12 Dowding, Georgo 14 Copas, Georgo, Sir Maurice O'Oonnell * Mere Broughton street. 16 Daly, Bichard, mariner 16J Devlin, Michael 18 M'Donnell, Thomas 20 Sanford, George, tailor Handle Street 20J M'Guinnoss, Samuel, french polisher East Side 22 Donovan, Miss Elizabeth street to Dovonslilro street Walker, William Vacant land 24 Vacant Sullivan, John 20 Rawlinson, William, monumental mason 28 Pepper, William 28 Woods, John 22 Boone, Francis, carpentor 80 Stroud, John 24 Dwlnford, William 30i Perkins, Petor Mere Devonshire street. 32 Mayno, Robert 34 Coar, Jeremiah, clerk Wost Bide 36 Bursill, Miss, dressmaker Mere Elizabeth street. Here Campbell place. 1 O'Neill, James Hill, John, undertaker Vacant land Mere Mill's Jane. 5 Bryan, Edward, plasterer Sloper, F. E., chemist 7 Garrett, JobS. . Merc William street. 9 White, James Henderson, James, Prince Albert Motel Vacant land 66 Talbot, Michael 19 Wallace, William, builder 68 Vacant 21 Waites, Henry Mere Yurong lane, 23 Potter, Georgo Bobert 70 Fox, Bobert 25 M'Cowen, Walter 72 Hurst, John 27 Vacant 74 Devony, James, milkman 29 Jagelmann, Thomas, dealer 31 Vacant Vacant land 33 Gilborthorpe, William, grocer 82 Grounds, Thomas Mere Railway place. 84 Conlon, John 35 Milroy, Henry, dairyman 86 Lock, Thomas 39 Brady, T 88 Cochrane, Bichard Mere Devonshire street. 90 Williams, Mrs. Hannah 92 Forssbcrg, Charles 94 Vacant Riley Place 96 Ford, William North Sldo 98 Kelly, Mrs. Mary Off Crown street Ainsworth, William 2 Blackie, William, carver and gilder 100 Tollman, Thomas 4 Russell, Bobert Crowley, Miss M. A. Vacant land Crowley, Timothy 26 Stone, Mrs. Caroline 102 Burton, James 28 Bird, Joseph, marble mason 104 Noilan, William South Sldo 100 Heil, Mrs. Sarah Mere Stanley lane. 7 Coulter, James, dealer Ril DIRECTORY. 108 George, A. P. 110 Williams, Mrs. Agnes Beidy, Patrick, Shannon Motel Mere Stanley street. 122 Delohery, James 124 Allison, James Mere Chapel lane. Vacant land 130 Ramage, Andrew 132 Miller, James, builder 184 Palmer, William Vacant land 183 Howell, Mrs. Mary 140 Garvey, James, cab proprieror 142 M'Doncgh, Thomas 144 South, William, poulterer 146 White, Richard 148 M'Clure, Mrs. Ellen 150" O'Neill, Mrs. 152 Brown, Richard, shoemaker 154 Pickard, William Thomas, storekeeper 150 Abbott, Thomas, buildor 158 Scotland, David, commission agent Merc Liverpool lane. 160 Hill, John, tailor 162 Scanlon, Mrs. Margaret 164 Bowston, John 166 Dwyer, Patrick 168 Vacant 170 Myers, Mrs. Esther, pawnbroker Mere Liverpool street, 172 Fernandez, David, LibcHy Inn Vacant land 176 Winchuttlc, Adolph 178 Dickson, Joseph, oonfectioner Mere King's lane. 180 Eedy, John, master mariner 182 Jones, Michael 184 Carter, J. 186 Vacant 188 Rogers, Mrs. Harriett, dressmaker Vaoant land ' 190 Setright, Richard, scenic artist 192 Doling, George, cab proprietor Merc Burton street, Hughes, Robert, broker Merc South Mead road. Williams, Mrs. Annie, Eagle Tavern Vacant land More Riley place. 216 Coulter, James 218 Williams, Henry, joiner 220 Thornton, William, mason 222 Jagers, William Allen, Robert Hancox, Miss C, school 226 Humphreys, Rev. Samuel 228 White, William 230 Moss, Edward 232 Drew, Mrs. Annie 234 Scott, Samuel, brioklayor Mere Goulburn street. 236 Bentley, Frederick, clerk Vacant land 242 Goburn, Henry, carpenter Ril 131 244 Parker, James 246 M'Donald, Christopher, tailor 248 Laws, George, shoemaker 250 Vacant 252 Watson, John Vacant land 254 M'Mee, —, 256 Baun, George 258 Bressington, Thomas 260 Moorhouse, William, plumber 262 Bradden, Henry 264 M'Conville, Mrs. Norah, dairy 266 West, Edward 268 Sowter, Thomas, dealer Mere Campbell street. WATER RESERVOIR Mere Qipps street. 310 Voges, William, cabinetmaker Merc Qipps street Little. 312 Adelgeig, Charles, Star and QarterMSytcl 814 Hartshorn, Godfrey F. ^ s ^ 316 Smythe, John s~^ 318 White, Charles J., shoemalcer 320 Keeley, James A. ^ 322 Adams, Mrs. Louisa \. 824 Thompson, William, grocer \ Merc Ann street. \ Vacant land v Mere Albion street. ** 852 O'Hear, James, baker 860 Flower, William Vacant land' 364 Degan, John, cabinetmaker 366 Myers, Rev. Joseph 368 Higgins, Jeremiah 370 Vacant Merc Fitzroy street. 372 Finnigan, Joseph 874 Boll, John, carter 876 Wingrove, Jabcz, bricklayer 378 Dobson, Thomas, grocer 380 Williams, James, carpenter 382 Iredale, Thomas J. 384 Lyttle, James A., coach builder 386 Brown, David R. 388 Phillips, Alfred 890 Milne, James, coppersmith Milne, Robert 392 Robinson, Edward J., painter 394 Vncant 396 Baylis, Samuel 398 M'Nulty, William, drayman 400 King, William, mason 402 Corben, Andrew 404 Hinwood, John, clerk 406 Aylwnrd, Horatio T. R. 408 Smith, Mrs. Margaret, Criterion Motel Mere Foveaux street. 412 Reeve, Richard, miller 414 Vindin, Frederick Vacant land 420 Steen, Henry Vacant land 426 Hall, John 428 Vacant 132 Ril Vacant land 482 Clarke, Robert S. •181 Macphcrson, Mrs. Christina 430 Corben, Jonathan, builder 43S Andrews, George, carpenter 410 Kelsey, Jnmos, joiner 442 Burgess, Russell 500 502 504 506 512 516 518 520 522 524 526 Hero Collins street. Vacant land Hero Church street. Vacant land Hero Davcy street. Vacant land , Rice, Thomas Harvey, Mrs. Mary Shoarsby, William Stones, John, painter Here Devonshire street. Steel, Alexandor,.Z?o#a/.draw Creig, Miss Swift, Mrs. Mary Blackie, William H., draper Joseph, Francis Simpson, Andrew Flynn, John Thomas Here Myles street. Sand Hills Goodlet and Smith's pottery Here Cleveland street. West Side Here Woolloomooloo street. Vacant land 15 Kcnna, Joseph, carter 17 Higgins, Mrs. Eliza 19 & 21 Shorlock, William 23 Brown, Henry 27 Swift, Edward 29 Conway, Thomas, drayman 81 Johnston, Adam, dray proprietor 83 Moore, Frederick Manning, Michael, labourer S3} Walker, Henry, painter 85 Ferris, Edward, clerk 37 Quinton, William, bookbinder 39 Moore, James Here Riley lane. 43 Jonn, Seymour, storeman 45 Linsley, William 47 M'Donnell, James 49 Mahony, Bartholomew, builder Vacant land 53 Hickey, Mrs., Johanna 55 Mitchell, John 57 Bisgrove, John 69 M'Hugh, John 61 Williams, Joseph Here amcdlcy's lane. 63 Vacant 65 Morrison, James, chimney sweeper Allen, Helen, Sir John Franklin Here William street. Vacant land Hero Yurong lane. 71 Bragg, Mrs. Catherine, butcher STREET Ril 73 75 79 81 83 85 87 89 01 93 95 97 99 101 103 Page, John, clerk & 78 Vacant Miller. Thomas Apjohn, William Palmer, Henry Rhodes, Benjamin, contractor Hurst, John Vncant Sewoll, Henry Farquharson, John Williams, Henry Cooper Yates, Richard Fear, Thomas Little, George L. Steele, William Vacant land 109 Vncant Vncant land 115 Riley, James, Victoria Hotel ^ eJ Here Stanley lane. " g 119 Kavanagh, John >H 121 Gribblo, Thomas, shoemaker Here Stanley street. "3 Mason, John, butcher g» J Pi 123 Vacant 125 Sullivan, John Here Chapel lane. 127 M'Kcnna, Putrick, tido waiter 129 Hinton, Alfred, clerk 181 Cavanagh, Willinm, Old Boomerang Inn Here Francis street. Vacant land 141 Dickson, Mrs. Catherine Vacant Innd 149 Aleoek, Mrs. Mary Ann 151 Hcnse, Christian 1G1 Allen, Amor Ibbitson, Joshua Here Liverpool street. Vacant land Here South Head road and Burton street, Tighe, Patrick, Rising Sun 201 Collopy, Mrs. Mnry 203 Slnttery, Mrs. 205 Parker, William, barrow maker 207 Creswoll, Mrs. Ann 209 Powys, Robert Owen, upholsterer 211 Craddock, Samuel 213 Livingstone, Alexander 215 Hellyer, Thomas H. 217 Vacant 219 Sullivan, Willinm Hero Edward lane. Vacant land 225 Drury, William, builder 227 Fitzgerald, R. Vacant land Here Goulburn street. , Vacnnt lnnd 251 253 255 257 \ Here Campbell street Lower. Matthews,Mrs. F . M. Goddard, Henry Durrant, David E., collar maker Lutton, John, compositor Vacant land Ril DIRECTORY. 203 Allen, Alfred 205 Henry, Edward Hire Campbell street. Pcgg, Mrs. Margaret, Warwick Tavern 2G9 Paterson, John 271 Coulter, John 273 Meeks, J. Vacnnt land 277 Stanford, William, compositor 279 Bnllie, 1). Hall, Thomas 281 White, Henry, city turncock 283 Ward, William B., cabinetmaker Vacant land 289 Evans, William, plumber Vacant land 203 Alcock, J . 205 Miller, Mrs. Mary, grocer 297 Stubbins, John, locker Here Gipps street. 3S1 Thide, Hermnnd Vacant land Here Ann street. 825 Spain, Martin Vacant land 829 Bncon, Frederick Roach, James, carpenter Vacant land 337 Farrell, Mrs. Norah . Vacant land 817 Vacant 349 Watson, Francis E., compositor 851 King, Mrs. R., Young Australian Inn Here Albion street. Vacant land 369 Bate, J. M. 871 Stone, Edward, compositor 873 Rayner, William, reporter 375 Stevenson, William B., storekeeper 377 Vacant 879 Shanklnnd, Robert 381 M'Crea. Henry, agent 883 Allen, Henry 885 Vacant 887 Clarke, Joseph, grocer Vacant land 898 Nash, James, gasmeter maker 895 Abbey, William, boot warehouse 897 Strong, Henry William, upholsterer Vacant land Here Foveaux street. Vacant land Here Cooper street. 471 Vacant Vacant land 483 Liston, William 485 Robertson, William, locker Here Adelaide street. 487 Fay, John, grocer" 489 Lazt, John 491 Wakcham, Henry 493 & 495 Turnridge, Henry 497 Smith, Horace It. 499 Way, John, shoo warehouse 501 Sargent, William 133 ROS 503 Carruthers, George, carpenter Vacant land Here Devonshire street. Vacant land 519 Dale, — Vacant land Here Miles street. Vacant land Here Lansdownc street. Vacant land Here Cleveland street. Robin Hool Lane North Sido Goorgo street to Hamilton street Black, John, painter Prendergast, Michael, coachman Sherlock Mrs., Catherine, dealer Molar.iy, Patrick Macdonough, Patrick Preacher, John, baker and confectioner Here Hamilton street. South Sido Here George street. 6 O'Reilly, Francis, General Washington Foy, W., tinsmith Here Hamilton street. Robinson Lane Here Crown street. Vacant land 1 O'Donnelly, Thomas 2 Parker, Mrs. laundress Here Middle lane. Vacant land Hero Palmer street. Rose Street Myrtle street to Cleveland street North Sido Vacant Shaul, George, builder Vacant land Here Myrtle street. 10 Kemp, William Edmund 18 Evans, Charles 20 Strickland, Willinm, White Swan Inn South Sido Vacant Roslyn Street North Sido Dnrllnghurst rond to Willinm strcot Boat Vacant land 50 Street, John R. 54 to 60 Vacant 04 M'Mnhon, Patrick Wright, Goorgb Here William street East. South Sido Here Darlinghurst road. 13 Ware, Charles, coachman 134 Sam STREET Here Princes road. Vacant land Here William street East. Rutland Street From Castlcrengh street South to Buckinghnm street 2 Plumley, Richard 4 M'Coy, Thomns Rundle, Robert 6 Bcetson, Mrs. Vacant land Here Buckingham street. Ryder Street East Side Off Crown lane 12 Bray, Samuel 14 Satchell, Mrs. Mario 16 Cooper, John 18 Hart, Thomas 20 Lynch, Timothy 24 Coleman, Joseph West Sldo 1 Farrell, James 8 Flynn, George 5 Irwin, Alexander 9 Bray, — 13 Dixon, Francis ' Samuel Street East Side Campbell 6troet to Gipps street Vacant land 4 M*Namee, Thomas 8 M'Murtrie, Archibald, clicker 14 Keely, Robert 16 Blanchard, Charles 18 Abbott, Nicholas 20 Alexander, John 22 Tribe, "William, auctioneer 26 Barlow, Mrs. 28 Beattic, Daniel, policeman Here Gipps street. Vost Sldo Here Campbell street. Vacant land 1 Thomas, George, carpenter 3 Ash, John, painter Vacant land 7 Griffiths, Mrs. Vane 9 Ash, Robert, painter 11 Perkins, John, saddler 13 Pearson, Joseph, upholsterer IS Smith, John 17 Scott, Henry, master mariner 19 Donaldson, John, quarryman 21 Everson, Edward, painter 23 Bennett, George, ironmonger 25 Longford, "William, bootmaker 27 Vacant Here Gipps street. Sarah Ann Street North Sldo nilinbeth street to Wilton street Griffith, John Welcome Home Inn 4 Sullivan, Patrick, labourer 6 Driscoll, Michael, labouror 8 O'Neill, James, painter 10 Mason, James 12 Ahem, Cornelius, carpontcr Vacant land 18 Kerr, Henry, police sergeant 20 Bowman, Mrs. 22 Dawson, John • Vacant land 80 Todd, James, grocer Vacant land 84 O'Connor, Edward, carter 36 M'Connell, Samuel 88 Wardrop, — Vacant land 42 Long, James 44 Carter, Stephen Ilcrc Wilton street. 31 38 35 37 41 Smi She South Side Here Elizabeth street. Vacant land Here Wilton place. Cooper, Charles Bramley, Frederick Thackhorne, John Maddigan, James Vacant land Morrison, George, bootmakor Here Wilton street. Shelly Street East Sldo OtrErsklno street 57 59 61 63 67 69 71 West Side PnasNix WIIABP . Garvan, James P., commission agent Hazeland and Co., wine and spirit merchants Allen, Thomas, commission agent Moran, Laurence, produce merchant Davis, Hugh, commission agent Here entrance to Victoria Wharf. Gallard, "William, Clarence Hotel North Sido Bourke street to Botany street Vacant land 6 Clissold, Charles Here Botany street. Smith Street 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 26 Shepherd Street East Sldo Wattlo street to Cleveland street Cunningham, Mrs. Elizabeth Macdonald, Colin Here Myrtle street. Vacant land 60 Hudson, Enos, butcher East Side OfnVnttlo street Vacant land Hero Levy street. 22 Brophy, Henry 24 Gallaway, James Vacant land West Sldo 1 Rochford, Michael 3 Matthews, John 5 Hendrick, Denis 7 Nowlan, Joseph 9 Rix, Ferdinand 11 Norton, Brien 13 Byrnes, James 17 Cooney, Mrs. Margaret 19 Hillebrant, William 21 Shannon, James, shoemaker 38 Brown, John 35 Payne, William 37 Smith, William 49 Carter, Henry Short Street 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 3 7 11 13 East Sldo Campbell street to dipps stroot Spence, Peter, labourer Burke, John A., compositor Tait, John Callaway, Richard, saddler Freeland, Frederick, cabinetmaker Harvey, Thomas, cabinetmaker Pearson, "William Murphy, Arthur Costello, Mrs. Jagger, Joseph, stonemason Vacant land Montgomery, John Swinson, Edward, ironmonger Hero Gipps street. West Side Here Campbell street. Vacant land Borratt, Robert Vacant land Vacant Duckworth, Mrs. Jane 135 Smithers Street West Sldo Here Wattle street. Mitchell, Mrs. Jane Sweeney, Mrs. Mary Day, Charles, school MacCready, Andrew, watchman Vacant land Steward, John, labourer Leistikow, Charles, wood and coal yard Polder, John Here lane. Vacant land Here Cleveland street. South Sldo Here Bourke street. Bailey, "William, professor of music Gilbert, Alfred, builder Stephens, Joseph, printer Coulter, David Stone, Mrs. J . B . Baynes, Mrs. Mary Ann Langley, Mrs. Mary R. Ponsonby, James, plasterer Flanagan, E. F . Here Botany street. Sou 15 Malabar, Mrs. Ann 17 Magnus, Maurice 19 Brown, John Vacant land Here Gipps street. 62 Walsh, Mrs. Johanna 64 Tarrant, — 66 & 68 Lunt, Thomas, dealer Vacant land Hero Cleveland street. Pnaixix WHAUP M'Caffery, Thomas, produce agent 10 Green, William 12 ITeade, Robert, labourer 14 S Hon, John, waterman Here Erskine street. DIRECTORY. South Head Road 2 i I 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 26 28 80 82 34 36 38 40 46 48 50 54 56 North Sldo College street to Dowllng street Mansell, Peter, fruiterer Inman, George, bootmaker Here Liverpool street. Bradford, Alfred, jun., Bradford's Family Hotel Russell, Albert, electroplater Tomlins, James H., bootmaker Weldon, Samuel, painter Searson, William, fruiterer Anderson, William James, surgeon Fames, William D., chemist & druggist Geoghagan, Michael, tailor Jones, Miss Fanny, dressmaker Vacant Godfrey, James, baker and grocer Judd, John, oyster saloon Benjamin, Lewis, pawnbroker Donnelly, Miss, milliner & dressmaker Bryant, John A., tailor Easton, James B., dentist Moore, James, chemist and druggist Irvine, Thomas, boot and shoe warehouse James, Daniel, tailor and tobacconist Hambly, Thomas, butcher Vacant land Hennessy, John, furniture broker Baker, Miss, dressmaker Harris, John, carpenter Vacant land Vacant Kearns, John, grocer 136 Sou. STREET 58 Cotton, Mrs.,'fancy emporium-: CO Ousmnn, Chas., hairdresser & tobacconist Here Burton and Riley streets. 64 Hughes, Robert, furniture broker 60 M'Crea, Mrs. C , draper 68 Willraettc, Frederick B., draper 70 Low, John R., surgeon 72 Wain, Mrs. Catherine, dyer 74 Grant, John, straw hat manufacturer 76 Hill, George, fancy repository and nows agent 78 Barton, Henry, grocer 80 Glanville, Peter, poulterer 82 Butcher, Frederick, grocer 84 Smith, B., fruiterer and greengrocer 86 Scarlc, George, tailor 88 Moorhousc, W., plumber and gasfitter !)0 Laws, William, butcher 02 Larter, P., fancy repository and news agent 94 & 96 M'Cunncll, James, cabinetmaker 98 Pearce, Adam 0., toy shop 100 England, John, furniture broker Here Crown street. 102 Terrey, James, grocer 101 Morgan, George, wood turner 106 Welch, James, grocer 108 Shoppee, Thomas C , earthenwaro shop 110 Wenban, William, oil and colourman 112 & 114 Blake, Thomas, London Tavern 116 Freeman, John, oyster saloon 118 Kinsela and Son, undertakers 120 Morgan, John, boot and shoe warehouse 122 Scarsbrook, Thomas, oil and colourman 124 Roberts, Joseph, grocer 126 Baker, John Richard, pawnbroker 128 Carroll, Mathew, earthenware dealer 180 Brereton, William, saddler 132 Forster, Francis, boot & shoe warehouso Here Palmer street. 184 Mullany, James Joseph, Waterloo Hotel 186 Ellwood, Mrs. Margaret Vacant iand 140 Webster, Thomas, dealer 142 Turner, Charles, cabinetmaker 144 & 146 Clark, Henry, butcher Sou South Sldo Here Liverpool street. '• TETTER RECEIVER Vacant land 7 Gilhooloy, James Charles, surgeon Vacant land 15 & 17 Hardy, Brothers, furniture warehouse , Hero Brisbane street. 19 Brown, William, Promenade Hotel 21 Dixon, Thomas, undertaker 23 Bridgeman, Mrs. Ellen, boot and shoe warehouse Vacant land 29 Bradbury, J., greengrocer and fruiterer 81 Farquharson, Robert, saddler Johnstone, George C , ironmonger 83 Sutherland, George, hatter ana clothier 35 Mulrooney, Patrick, grocer Vacant land \ 54 Blake, Jacob, Robin Hood Inn 47 Tierney, Michael, hay and corn dealer 49 Willingale, Robert, butcher 51 Valentine, John, confectioner 53 Newman, John Hilbert 55 Apted, John, Pelican Hotel Hero Edward street. 57 Green, James, oil nnd colourman 50 Bay, James, wheelwright 61 Austin, James, confectioner 63 Connor, Miss, ladies' school 65 Loves, Ferdinand, hairdresser 67 AVright, William, oil and colourman G9 Spark, Mrs. Francis 71 England, T., boot and shoo warehouse 73 Robberds, Mrs. E. A., draper "5 Tighe, Patrick, Rising Sun Here Riley street. 77 Williams, Mrs, Annie, Eagle Tavern 79 Gould, James, W., boot and shoe warehouse 81 Vacant 83 Benson, Michael, tailor, &c. 85 Leader, Michael, draper 87 Blundford, M. C , chemist and druggist 89 Wood, William, ironmonger 148 COMMERCIAL BANK, BRANCH OP 91 Mollet, Peter, draper 150 Asprev-, Joseph, baker 93 Connolly, Matthew, fancy repository and 152 French, Edwd., boot and shoe warehouso news ugent 154 Davies, Benjamin, hairdresser 95 Burney, Charles J o h n , tobacconist 156 Keegan, John, hay and corn dealer 97 Abbott, Brothers, grocers 158 Kidman, Charles, grocer and baker 99 Bailey, John, fruiterer 160 Johnston, Edward, Cottage of Content 101' Plummer, Joseph G. 162 Bayley and Playfair, butchers 103 Russell, Henry, general dealer 164 Noonan, Michael, bootmaker 105 Enway, William, tailor 166 Watters, Thomas, cabinetmaker 107 Randall, Alfred, watchmaker & jewellor Here Bourke and Forbes streets. 109 Abbott, Mrs. G., bookseller and stationer NEWSPAPER RECEIVER 111 M'Minn, John, watchmaker and jeweller CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT 118 Carter, John Q., draper Here Darlinghurst road. 115 & 117 Arnold, E. and Co., drapers Vacant land 119 M'Laughlin, Bernard, Union Inn SACRED HEART, ROMAN CATHOLIC Onuncn Here Crown street. Here Victoria street. 121 Stedman, James, confectioner 200 Burton, James, bootmaker 123 Hayes, Michael, carpenter Here City boundary. 125 Radford, Mrs. Ann, greengrocer Spr ' DIRECTORY. , , . 127 Bohrsman, M. 0., Berlin wool warehouso 129 Myers, Mark, fish and oyster dealer 131 Hatloy, Alexander, oyst n r dealer 183 Plummer, Thomas, hoot manufacturer 135 Kennelly, W . J., earthenware warehouso 137 Cripps, John P., confectioner 189 Williams, Thomas, outfitter 141 Pringle, James, draper 143 AVigzel, Charles E., hairdresser 145 Bullard, Joseph, clothier 147 Thorn, William, greengrocer 149 Lecky, Mrs. Mary Ann, toy bazaar 151 Foxall, W., rivet boot maker 153 Robertson, D. C. and Co. 155 Fear, James, butcher 157 M'Auley, Richard, grocer 159 Holmes, James B. 161 Williams, Richard, ironmonger 163 Harpham, Thomas, storeman 165 Leader, Michael F., draper 167 Lawrence, Richard, clerk 169 Nicol, Robert, fruiterer 171 Puttrell, G., fruiterer and greengrocer 173 Hutchinson, Thomas, tobacconist 175 Tarrant, Richard, chemist and druggist 177 & 179 Keegan, John, hay and corn dealer 181 Bennett, J o h n , baker 183 Uhde, L. and Co., butchers 185 Rogers, Charles W., dyer and scourer 187 Coleman, Robert, oil and colourman 189 M'Carroll, Philip, butcher 191 Tighe, John, Queen's Arms Here Bourhc street. 193 Kelly, William, Victoria Inn LETTER RECEIVER 197 199 201 203 205 215 219 221 223 283 285 287 239 241 248 245 247 251 253 Here Botany street. Aitken, George C, grocer Sims, Samuel, mangle maker Seamer, Walter, clerk Moore, Thomas, coachbuilder & 211 Cain, Robert, fruiteror Vacant land Arnold, James Vacant land Case, Challis, veterinary surgeon Cover, William, butcher Silks, John, furrier Vacant land Kelsey, — Macfarlane, Allan Kilduff, Bernard, greengrocer O'Keefc, Jeremiah, bootmaker Gleeson, Mrs. Bridget O'Connor, J o h n , mason Page, Patrick Lovctt, Mrs. Elizabeth Vacant land O'Connell, James, carpenter Medus, James, Ice Hotel Here city boundary. Spring Street East Side Qrcsham street to Pitt streot 2 Morgan, John N., plasterer Sta 137 4 IMPERIAL F I R E INSURANCE CO. Fanning, Griffiths and Co., merchants 12 Cohen, David and Co., merchants 14 Dibbs, S. C , broker Black, John nnd Co., ship brokers Keele and Co., merchants 10 Brown and Co., merchants Here Pitt street. W e s t Sldo Here Qrcsham street. COMMISSIONER FOR CROWN LANDS' OFFICE BRANCH SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE MORUYA SILVER MININO COMPANY HARTLEY KEROSENE O I L & PARAFFINE CO. CADIANGULLONO CONSOLIDATED CoprEE M I N I N O COMPANY 8 Samuel, L. and S., merchants 5 Parbury, Brothers, merchants 7 Richards, William H., messenger N E W SOUTH DEPOT W A L E S AUXILIARY BIBLE Here Pitt street. Stanley Lane 6 10 12 24 26 28 80 7 11 15 19 25 27 29 '81 33 N o r t h Sldo Stanley street to Crown Btroot Vacant land Nester, John, labourer Naughton, Thomas, dealer Staunton, Thomas Kinnealy, Patrick, bootmaker Law, Edward Shaw, William Collins, Samuel Vacant land Here Crown street. South Sldo Here Stanley street. Booth, Mrs. R. A., laundress Davenport, H e n r y W. Summers, Henry, dray proprietor Houghton, David Dick, Robert, painter Smith, Georgb Campbell, James Worth, John, musician Daley, Charles, bootmaker Here Crown street. ' Stanley Street N o r t h Sldo College* street to Dourko street SYDNEY GRAMMAR SCHOOL Hodge, Sebastian Vacant land Here Yurong street. LETTER RECEIVER 46 48 56 58 Pierce, Francis, stationer & nows agent Harwood, Charles, bookbinder Wheeler, John W., tailor Vacant land Snell, Eli, baker Tring, Mrs. E., laundress 188 Sta STREET Vacant land 64 Byrne, Edward, tailor Sere Riley street. 66 Eiedy, Patrick, Shannon Hotel. 68 Powell, James, wheelwright 70 Keogh, William 72 M'Dermott, John Patrick 74 & 76 Cane, Alfred, school 78 Buchanan, William, grocer 80 Fitzgerald, Eichard, carpenter 82 Oanham, John 84 Summerhoff, Frederick 86 Lenehan, David 88 Palmer, Joseph G., butcher Ward, John, butcher Sere Crown street. Vacant land Hero Palmer street. Warner, Eobert, grocer Vacant land 108 Beaumont, Henry 110 Becke, Cecil A., surgeon 112 Eussell, Michael John 114 Hall, John 116 Vogan, Thomas 118 Drewett, Mrs. M., ladies' school 120 Walford, Benjamin Vacant land Sere Bourhe street. South Side Sere College street. 1 Gallott, James 3 Hutton, George, draper 5 Vacant 7 Warton, William, joiner 9 Edwards, William, clerk 11 Haimberger, Julius, professor of music 13 Germain, Miss Eose 15 Downey, — 17 Skorrett, Mrs, Vacant land 21 Penny, Thomas, school 28 Tost, Charles 25 Threlkeld, L. E. 27 Vacant 29 Torr, John, engineer 31 Mackinlay, Henry 38 M'Grath, Dennis, letter carrier 35 Wakefield, Cephas 37 Summerville, James 89 Warwick, John, commercial traveller 41 Jones, David, compositor Sere Yurong street. 48 Bovis, William, G. V. Brooke Soiel 45 Dutton, Mrs. M. A., ladies' school 47 Edmondson, Eobert 49 Turner, Mrs., boarding house Vacant land 59 Beaumont, Frederick 61 Thompson, Edward 63 Myers, Mrs. Adelaide 65 Egan, Daniel, M.L.A. 67 Mason, John Here Riley street. Ste 69 Parsons, James, van proprietor 71-Moore, Charles J., plasterer 73 Otto, Mrs. Ann, charwoman 75 Vacant 77 Cronin, Thomas 79 Gray, James, clerk 81 Andrews, Mrs. H. 83 Power, Maurice 85 Doolan, William, letter sorter 87 Gill, Mrs. S. T. 89 Long, Stephen, City Arms Sere Crown street. Vacant land 89 Kean, Mrs. Sarah 91 Lewis, Samuel 93 Feeney, Edward 95 Lloyd, George Edmond 97 Proctor, Peter 99 Mannoll, John 101 Whclan, James 103 Wilson, Frederick, stonemason 105 Humphrey, —, clerk 107 Lewis, Thomas Sere Palmer street. PnEsnYTEniAN Cmracn Vacant land 118 Horn, William Vacant land Sere Bonrke street. Steam Mill Street 2 14 16 18 22 24 26 28 80 82 1 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 North Sldo Barker street to Duncan etrcot Vacant Vacant land Brighton, James Watson, William Johnson, William, sawyer Vacant land' Pipe,*I>:aac, labourer Cole, Mrs. Mary Ann Drew, Henry, miller Clark, Henry Brown, Henry, mariner Berry, James, labourer Sere Duncan street. South Sldo Here Barker street. Brighton, James, coal and timber yard CulTcn, Mrs. Ann .Takins, Bobort Hagedoorn, Klaas Wilson, James Moroney, Mrs. Mary Ann, dairy M'Namara, John, labourer Miller, Henry Joseph Warren, Eobert, carter Vacant land Sere Duncan street. Steel Street East Side Adolnldo place to Dovonshlro'etrMt M'Cauley, John Sur DIRECTORY. Green, John, George Harrison, William J., carpenter Harrison, Mrs., preparatory school Vacant land Greenslade, James West Sldo Styles, Stephen Fcrrn, Vincent, stonemason Vacant land Monk, Henry, carpenter and joiner Stephen Street North Side Forbes street to Dowling street 2 Doyle, Miss E., ladies' school 4 Kendrick, Michael, dray proprietor 6 O'Connor, Jeremiah, wheelwright 8 Mullhall, Thomas, jun., compositor 10 Mullhall, Thomas, waterman 12 Manning, Charles 14 Townsend, Adolphus, paperhangor 16 Vacant 18 Wood, Henry, cabinetmaker 20 Bemi, Alfred, storeman Vacant land Sere Dowling street.. South Sldo Sere Forbes street. Vacant land 5 Clement, James, painter 7 Kenny, George, master mariner 9 Barnsby, Spencer L,, surveyor Sere Judge street. Vacant land 18 Stirling, Archibald, cabinetmaker 15 Madden, William, letter carrier 17 & 19 Smith, Hail, bootmaker Sere Dowling street. Surry Street North Sldo Crown street to Bourko Btrcot Vacant land 10 Gee, Henry 12 Howlan, — 14 Mulqueony, Denis 16 M'Donald, Mrs. Elizabeth 18 Vacant Vacant land Sere Bourke street. South Side 31 M'Grath, Mrs. Catherine 83 Ansoher, Joseph 85 Gough, James Surry Street East Sldo William street Upper, Soutli, to Victoria street 2 Harper, William, grocer Vacant land 10 Billerwoll, John 12 Eidley, John, gardener Sus 14, 16 & 18 Vacant Vacant land 22 Cartithers, William 24 Mullins, John Mullins, Daniel, broker Vacant land 30 Isbester, .William, tailor 32 Lake, Charles 34 Wooff, Luke, gardener 86 Costelow, John 88 Bindon, Josiah, lamplighter 40 Shearer, Eobert 42 Baspison, Vincent, cab proprietor 44 Lawn, Mrs. Margaret 46 Earl, John, bailiff Vacant land 50 Deery, Patrick, contractor 52 Dauncey, Joseph, gardener 54 Cook, William, tailor 56 Vacant 58 Baker, John, carpenter 60 Gostelow, Mrs. E. 62 Purtell, Michael J. 64 Higstrim, William, tailor 66 Norton, William 68 & 70 Vacant 72 Smail, Eobert, carpenter 74 Macintosh, William 78 Taylor, John 80 Harding, John 82 Harrison, Thomas J . Vacant land 86 Deery, William Joseph Vacant land 98 Nixon, Arthur, tailor 100 Hipwood, Joseph, tailor Vacant land Sere Victoria street. West Sldo Sere William street Upper, South. Vacant land 19 Vacant 21 Labrode, Alfred Vacant land 25 Taylor, William, butcher Vacant land Sere Macleay street, Little. Vacant land Sere Victoria street. Susan Lane North Sldo OfT Dowling street 12 Venteman, Sarah Vacant land Thomas, William, sheriff's officer Vacant land 18 15 17 21 South Sldo Torpy, John, labourer Jenkins, Edward Oornin, Samuel, carpenter Pring, Abel, plasterer 189 140 • SUS 23 Timber yard Webb, James, sawyer STREET Sus 116 Healcy, Jeremiah, commission agent 118 Blake and M'Donald, produce agents 120 Trcsnitn and Foley, produce agents 122 Carr, John, ship chandler Sussex Street 124 Hockey, Alfred, Woolpack Inn [East Sido 120 Blnke, George Flour Coinpnny's Whnvf to liny street 128 Allen, Thomas, produce agent 2 Prescott, James, Hunter Eivcr Inn 130 Milne, Bros., coppersmiths 4 Vacant 132 Moran, Patrick, produce dealer 6 Boddy, William, boarding house 134 Vacant 8 Dawson, Mrs. Margaret, confectioner 130 Ludlow, Richard, fireman 10 Ward, Thomas B., providoro 138 Hubbard, James, wire worker 12 Lloyd, Thomas 14 M'Millnn, William, M'Millan's Hotel 13SJ Dunpby, Edward, plasterer 16 Jones, James, boarding house 140 M'Hugh, Thomas, pruduco agent 18 Vanflcet, Mrs. Mary 142 Ginman, Thomas, grocer 20 M'Diarmid, William, Gladstone # Bock- 144 Kemp, John, mariner hampton Hotel 146 Sergent, Henry, miller Here Bays terrace. 148 Robertson, Thomas 22 O'Shaughnessy, John ISO Bosward, George, builder 24 Hydes, Edward, quarryman Here Charlton's buildings. 26 Harrap, John, shipwright 152 Bradley and Perry, engineers 30 Gagen, James, cooper Here Thompson's buildings. 34 Wallace, William, blacksmith 158 Charlton, Matthew 36 M'Innes, John, Ship Hotel 160 Lelliott, William Here M'Lennan's lane. 162 Vacant 88 Vacant 164 White, Charles, watchman 40 M'Neil, James, grocer 166 Meade, Patrick, Governor Bourke Hotol Here Stewart's lane. Here Market street. 42 Collins, William, cabinetmaker 168 Williams, Charles, Shakespeare Arms 44 Spillsey, Patrick | 172 Maxwell, James, dray proprietor 46 Jackson, Henry 17G Wood, Charles, boarding house 48 Leslie, Hugh, shipwright Vacant land 60 Grant, Patrick 184 Barns, Francis E., pawnbroker 52 Longford, John, Blue Bell 186 Keppie, "Walter, engineer NEWSPAPER RECEIVER 188 Hiiland, Joseph, baker Here Erskine street. 190 Sands, W. and Son, bakers 54 Berry, Robert, Boyal Oak 192 Gates, John, grocer 56 Macnamara, John, butcher 194 Vacant Vacant land 196 Williams, George, produce agent 64 Farnsworth & Partridge, produce agents 198 Smith, William, blacksmith Bond, Chapman B., produce merchant 200 Corless, John, produce agent Whitton, Charles H., produce agent 202 Phillips, Samuel ST. LUKE'S Ciitmcn 204 M'Nulty, John 74 White, John, slater 206 Vacant Here Oa/deigh's buildings. Here Winford's place. 76 Vacant Vacant land 78 Tansley, George, dealer 208 Harrison, Charles, butcher 80 Jackson, Peter, mariner Here Wallis lane. 82 Willmott, George, blacksmith 210 Watson, Henry, sawyer Vacant land 212 Dore, Daniel, blacksmith 88 Blair, James, timber merchant 214 Merccll, Charles, mariner 90 James, Walter, cooper 216 Graham, Charles, fireman 92 Pithers, Henry, tailor 218 Cuthbert, Edward, mariner 94 Quinn, Thomas, boarding house 220 Oibbins, John, mariner 96 Bell, Joseph, master mariner 222 Dore, Mrs. Johanna, laundress 98 Gray, Robert, boarding house 224 George, Mrs. Ann, laundress 100 Vandergryp, A., boarding house Here Druitt street. Here lane. 226 Booth, Joseph, grocer 102 Anselmo, Joseph, bootmaker 228 Damont, Mrs. Ann 106 Kerr, Adam, Kerr's Family Hotel 230 Lattimer, John, mariner Here King street. 232 Hayes, John, tailor 108 Vescys, Robert, commission agent Here Piper's lane. 110 Maurice, Henry, produce auctioneer 234 M'Lood, Mrs. Bridges 112 Nixon, William, commission agent 236 Moloney, James, hay and corn dealer 114 Simmonds, John, produce agent 238 Clcland and Crawford, grocers Sus DIRECTORY. 240 Tiller, Frederick, cabinetmaker Here Fowler's square. 212 Wholnn, Mrs. Julia, boarding house 244 Loder, James, Wheelwrights Arms. Here Union street. 216 & 248 Davis, William, cabinetmaker 231) Enfield, John, butcher 2-52 Whitton, George, grocer 254 Muscutt, Edward, Lighthouse Hotel Here Bathurst street. 256 Kelly, Thomas G., Sir Walter Scott Hotel Vacant land Here Potts lane. 268 Maynes, Mrs. Catherine, dealer 270 Pierce, William, butcher 272 Turner, Richard, grocer 274 O'Donnell, Mrs. Mary 276 & 278 Vacant 280 Thomas, Benjamin, mariner 282 Doyle, James, grocer 284 & 236 Vacant 283 Delhoery, Thomas, butcher 290 llook, Joseph, dealer 292 Booth, Napoleon J., sawyer 294 M'Carthy, John, dealer 296 Todd, Mrs. Jane 298 Bird, Mrs., fruiterer 800 M'Kinlay, Christopher, greengrocer 802 Vacant 304 Burrows, Thomas 806 Ashton, William 308 Hcwctt, James, tinsmith 810 Holt, John 312 Jordan, William Vacant land 320 Freoland, Mrs. Ellen, Boyal Forester [\ Here Liverpool street. CITY MISSION CHAPEL Crealy, William, coal depot Vacant land 332 Albany, Francis, painter 834 Darbyshirc, Aaron, furniture broker Here Victoria place. 330 Hardiman, Mrs. Mary 338 Coleman, James, bootmaker 310 & 842 Vacant 314 M'Knight, William, engineer 310 West, John, photograpliic artist 318 Vacant 350 Dalgleish, — 352 Chambers, Mrs. Harriet, laundress Hero Victoria lane. 351 Phillips, George, engineer 356 Griffith, Maurice, saddler 858 Wilson, Richard, drayman 3G0 Gogerty, T., grocer Here Ooulburn street. 802 Howard, Charles, Odd Fellows' Arms 370 Kennedy, Robert 372 Dumphy, Thomas, drayman Vacant land 380 Swan, Robert 382 M'Kow, Thomas, bootmaker 384 Hutchinson, Stephen 88G Ogden, Frederick, painter SUS • 141 388 Anderson, John 390 Nathan, Samuel, muslin stamper 392 Pike, Mrs. Rosetta Vacant land 400 Armstrong, Miss, dressmaker 402 Craig, Andrew, moulder 404 Blomgren, J., watchmaker 406 Cockin, Thomas, carpenter 408 Parsons, Edwin, carpenter Vacant land 420 Burke, Thomas, tailor 422 Moroncy, Matthew, tailor 424 Rollo, William, dealer Vacant land 432 O'Neill, Thomas, confectioner Vacant land Here Hay street. West Sido Here Flour Company's wharf. AUSTRALASIAN STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Here Margaret place. A. S. N. Co.'s WiiAnF, Queensland department 21 Cowan and Israel, soap manufacturers 23 Kethall, Alexander 25 Ward, T. B. and Co., providores Booth, Thomas, timber merchant 27 Andrews, James, mariner 29 Shepperd, Henry Vacant land Here Henderson's square. 47 Andrews, James 49 Coombes, Edward 51 Vacant 53 Henderson, Robert, Dove Inn Here Erskine street. 55 Smith, John T., grocer 57 Kcene, Thomas, eating house 59 Roberts, John, master mariner 61 Crummy, Mrs. Emma, laundress 63 Yeates, William J., agent 65 Priestley, Henry, commission agent 67 M'llrick, John, quarryman 71 Webb and Booth, commission agents 73 Davidson, William N., engineer 75 Hills, William, engineer 77 Isaac, Robert, tin and iron plate worker 79 Webb, Joseph, plasterer 81 Blair, James, Bristol Arms 83 Fortier, William, draper, &c. 85 Putland, Samuel, bootmaker 87 Godwin, George, hairdresser 89 Grimloy, Peter, grocer 91 Warrant, James, grocer 93 Hamilton, Mrs. D., boarding house 95 Rowling, John, commission agent 99 Ash, Henry, joiner 101 Prescott, II. and Son, commission agents Here entrance to Patent Slip WharJ 103 AVnlker, John, produce merchant 105 Field, Charles, commission agent 111 Humby, John C, commission agent 113 Brunton, Robert, Patent Slip Hotel Here King street. 142 115 117 119 121 123 125 SUS [STREET Blow, John, Blow's Commercial Hotel Hezlet, William, commission agent Lowther, Edward, commission agent Campbell, Bobert, commission agent Nipper and See, commission agents Coulter, Graham, commission agent QUEENSLAND STEAJI NAVIGATION CO.'S WHABF, entrance to 127 & 129 Bardsley, John, grocer 181 M'Kanney, James, commission agent Vacant land 185 Dunkin, William, commission agent M'Kinnon, William, ngent 137 Cutler, Brothers, commission agents 189 Priestley, Samuel, commission agent 141 Thome & Moiklojohn, commission agents 143 & 145 Blake and M'Donald, agents 147 Coulter, William, agent 149 Vacant 151 Berry, James, sailmaltcr 153 Bawungs, Benjamin, dealer 165 Dunn, James, boarding house 157 Neild, Allen, agent 159 Robertson, John, Dundee Arms Here Wharf lane. Vacant land Here Wharfstreet. 171 Clark, W. A. and Co., commission agents Vacant land 173 Goddard, Henry, commission agent Here Wright's wharf. ' 179 Gallagher, Mrs. Ann 181 Brown, Andrew, dealer 187 Taylor, William, timber merchant 189 Guttridge, Henry, Labour in Vain 191 Pratt, Bobert, board and lodging house 198 Poole, William, baker 195 Forbes, James, saddler Vacant land 199 Hall, Mrs. Sarah 201 Edmonds, John, dealer 205 Jamieson, Matthew, builder 207 Warham, Dennis, painter 209 Knowles, Edward, chemist and druggist 211 Hancock, John M., Hope and Anchor Here Druitt street. 213 Delohery, Jeremiah, butcher 215 & 217 Delohery, Thos., furniture broker 221 Vacant. 223 Margetts, William, donlor 227 Wildman, Edmund, bootmaker 229 Enfield, Georee Here Washington street. 231 Bitchie, J., Sir William Wallace Inn 283 Taylor, George, lodging house 235 Riddle, Dixson, mason Here Washington lane. 287 King, James, tailor 239 Littlechild, John 241 Murphy, John, cabinetmaker 248 O'Hear, Patrick 245 Earl, John J., timber yard Here Bathurst street. 247 Shelly, Mrs. Anno, Bobert Burns Hotel 249 Dole and Co., chemists and druggists Tay SUS 251 Johnson, Henry William, contractor Barker and Co., steam Hour mills 255 Ebsworth, 0. B., cloth factory Houston, William, weaver 257 Doyle, James, carpenter 259 Johnson, Mrs. Catherine 261 Bryant, William 263 Parker, William, harness maker 265 M'Millan, Hugh, tailor 267 Beeves, James, pastry cook 269 Jackson, Edward, drayman 271 Kirkpatrick, William, iron moulder 273 Wilson, Hugh, carpenter and joiner 275 Bowe, James, sawyer 277 Brown, David, agent 279 Madden, James C., pawnbroker 281 Jones, Joseph, dealer 283 M'Dermott, William, shipwright 285 Jones, James, tailor 287 Mooney, Edward, tailor 289 Murray, Bobert, tailor 291 Jones, Benjamin, wheelwright 293 Pullin, John, grocer Here James street. 295 M'Cann, John, baiter Here Aror//j street. 297 Krauso, Paul H., grocer 299 Brailey, Thomas, butcher 801 Doyle, Martin, butcher Here Syrett's lane. 308 Sentes, Maurice, bootmaker 305 Moyle, Charles, grocer 807 Poole, James, Builders' Arms Here Liverpool street. 809 Turpin, Joseph, wood and coal merchant Vacant land 821 Bain, Thomas, clork 323 Booth, John, commission agent 825 Lindeman, Hammond 327 Hoyle, Mrs. Caroline, dressmaker 329 Dafgcish, Daniel 0., engineer 331 & 333 Jamison, Walter, carpenter 885 Smith, Richard M., sawyer Vacant land 841 Funston, William, dray proprietor 848 Gale, Ehud, carcass butcher 345 Condell, Robert, boot manufacturer 847 Miller, Charles, carver and turner 849 Riddle, Robert, mason 351 Bowman, Thomas, Coach Maker's Arms Here Qoulburn street. 855 Stedman, William, confectioner 357 Garling, Henry, mariner 859 Graystock, George, herbalist 861 Davis, John, confectioner 868 Kinsela, Charles, undertaker 365 Fitzpatriek, Mrs. Mary 867 Welbourne, Mrs. Hannah 869 & 371 ODD FELLOWS' HALL 375 King, E. and Co., millers, &c. 377 Vacant 381 Cunningham, Thomas, painter 883 Boyne, Thomas Here Mill street. 885 Gibbs, William, mason 387 889 391 393 895 897 399 403 407 DIRECTORY. Lawler, Thomas Doyle, James, dray proprietor Harvie, William H. Cook, William, policeman Langston, William, dealer Ball, Bobert, upholsterer & 401 Linsloy, John R., grocer & 405 Orr, Mrs. Janet Cooper, Nathan and Co., wine and merchants Here Hay street. Swan Street 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 North Side Off Gcorgo street, East sldo Hordern, L. and E., drapers Price, Richard, pastrycook Humble, "William, stonemason Cheshire, Henry, dealer Isaacs, Leon Lewis, dealer Biggs, Mrs., midwife Price, William, labourer Jeffroy, John D. Twyman, John Scancs, Fredorick, coachsmith Mulvin, Mrs. Eliza Kendrick, Thomas, dealer M'Coy, John, boot and shoemaker South Sldo Here George street. M'Phee, Duncan, M.D. 5 Murphy, Miss Margaret 7 Wilson, Thomas, weaver 9 Carter, Goorgo, draper 11 Maguiro, Patrick 18 Gilfinore, Thomas, coachman 15 Martin, David, weaver 17 Phillips, Isaac, dealer Taylor Street North Sldo Botany street to Dawllng street Vacant land 6 Simpson, Henry 8 Ward, James 10 Morgan, J. 12 Vacant Vacant land 16 Vacant Vacant land 22 Ember, James 24 Hewitt, Samuel 26 Clements,- Edward 28 Jones, William Vacant land 40 Crockett, Thomas, carter 42 Dickie, John 46 Bird, Samuel 48 Boutell, Charles 50 Vacant 52 Harris, William Vacant land 56 Gold, James, storeman 58 Wynne, Edward, stonemason TJlt Vacant land Here Bowling street. South Sldo Vacant Thomson Street 2 8 16 18 22 24 28 84 40 East Side Off Burton street Chapman, William, carpenter Vacant land Hunt, James, dray proprietor Vacant land Richardson, Robert Peate.John Wilmot, William, builder Iloskins, Joseph, carpenter Vacant land Cormack, William Vacant land M'Burney, John Hannington, Thomas, tailor Here Liverpool street. Vacant land Here Burton street. West Sldo 27 Byan, Michael, warder Here Liverpool street. 49 O'Connor, Maurice, sheriff's officer Here Burton street. Ultimo Hoad East Sldo Victoria street toJIorrls street Vacant land Childs, Richard Hennessey, Mrs. Catherine, dairy Wicks, Henry, lime worker Adams, —, carpenter Ryan, Mrs. Mary Foody, Patrick, dairyman O'Reilly, Andrew, dairyman Goodfellow, Thomas, storeman 38 Tilson, Henry, farmer Hero Valentine lane. Vacant land 44 Lomas, Edward Orr, William, dairyman Buckley and Hall, dairymen Reilly, James, dairyman Burke, John, dairyman Maxwell, George, carpenter Busby, Mrs. Todd, John Kelly, George, blacksmith Edwards, William, cabinetmaker Kirby, John Vacant land Here Harris street. Wost Sldo Here Victoria street. Vacant land 5 Lutton, David, ironmoulder 143 144 Ult STREET Vacant land 15 Byrnes, John 10 Partridge, James 21 Sharpe, Alexander, ropemaker 28 Sloman, Henry 25 Puckeridge, Mrs. Eliza 27 Vacant 26 Bourke, Robert . Hero Valentine lane. Vacant land Vacant land 39 Garnham, Edward, engine driver 41 Vacant Vacant land 45 Morris, H., saddler Russell, George, engineer Vemont, F. L. ) S H t f S S h Alpha terrace. Bronsdon, Richard ) 47 Gold, —, auctioneer 49 Wall, Mrs. Bridget 51 Fegan, AVilliani, dairyman Walton, Mrs. 53 Fegan, Mrs. R., dairy 67 Ryan, Patrick, dairyman Vacant land RAILWAY BRIDGE Vacant land Here Harris street. Ultimo Street North Sldo Bay street to Blackwattle creek 2 Clymo, Mrs. Isabella, dressmaker 6 M'Cann, James, blacksmith 8 O'Dowd, Andrew, tailor 10 Peters, James, storeman 12 Phillips, Emanuel, shoemaker 14 Fowler, Frederick 16 Hughes, AVilliam 18 M'Knight, John' 20 Long, William, cordial manufacturer Here Blackwattle creek. South Sldo Hero Bay street. 1 Wentworth, John 3 Shearer, George John 5 Bagot, John 7 Hoi man, George, shoemaker 9 Dunnctt, John 11 Fleming, Charles, painter Rahal, Peter, California Hotel Here Athlone place. 18 Purves, John George, bnker 15 Hinds, Henry, saddler 17 Vacant 19 Kirby, James, wheelwright 21 Thompson, Robert 23 M'Phee, Hugh 25 Cain, Thomas Here Blackwattle creek. Uni Union Lane South Sido Off George strcot 3 Dunn, John • 2 Langloy, Frederick, shoemaker 7 Smith, Thomas, dealer 9 Fconay, Thomas, dealer 11 Smith, Mrs. 18 Tyrrell, Daniel, sawyer 28 Cannon, John, drayman 25 AVright, John Duncan, blacksmith 27 Nicol, AVilliam, dealer 29 Sullivan, Daniel 81 Ellis, Joseph, boot and shoemaker Cunningham, Timothy, Ovens Hotel Here Pitt street. North Sldo Here George street. Bond and Sons, tailors and drapers 12 Marshall, Edward, wheelwright Vacant land 22 Dallow, Mrs. 20 Kelly, William Here Pitt street. Union Street East Sldo Ersklno street to Slip street 2 Thomas, AVilliam 4 Rankin, David, fireman G Foggo, James 8 Murray, Thomas, engineer 10 Lawrence, Thomas, clerk 12 Vacant 14 Sliced, Francis, mariner 16 Nesbitt, Christopher 18 Wenham, Thomas, carpenter 20 Young, Thomas, sailmakcr 22 Bastinn, Henry, master mariner 26 Vacant 28 Bate, AVilliam, master mariner 30 Dempsey, John 82 Mahoney, Timothy 84 Blair, Francis, clerk 36 Arditto, Angclo, lighterman 38 Hickey, Dennis J., painter 40 Melville, Robert, boiler maker 42 Groundwater, AVilliam 44 Buckle, Francis, lighterman 46 Armcss, John, lighterman 48 Evans, John, lighterman , 50 Greenfield, James, lighterman 52 Barker, Francis Here Slip street. West Sldo Here Erskine street, Goodlet and Smith's branch timber yard 1 Anderson, David, carpenter 3 Melville, Robert, master mariner 5 Orr, Adam, mariner 7 Nichols, AVilliam, master mariner 9 Hooper, Mrs. Mary 11 Miller, John, boiler makor Uni DIRECTORY. 18 Newland, John, boiler maker 15 Dacum, Philip 17 Home, James 19 Robinson, George 21 Freeman, Mrs. Eliza, dressmaker 23 Brown, William, master mariner 25 Sugden, Michael 27 Allen, Mrs. Cuthorino 29 Thompson, James G. 81 Ciimroux, Frederick, engineer 83 Stanton, Edward 85 Stewart, James, mason 87 Livingstone, AV., sailmakcr Here Slip street. Union Street Stores North Sldo Off Georgo street, West sldo South Sido Here George street. Martyn and Coombcs, stores 1 Guinery, George, letter carrier 2 Taylor, John G., mariner 8 Mercer, John, mariner 4 Hall, John, boatman Union Street East Sldo Lntwlowno street to Cleveland street Vacaut land 6 Sunners, AA'illiam 52 M'Namara, Mrs. Mary, dairy Here Cleveland street. West Side Here Lansdowne street. 1 Gully, Thomas 8 Dunn, — 5 M'Carroll, John Alexander 7 Oliver, Joseph 0 Piatt, John 11 Robens, Stephen, city missionary 13 Durham, Joseph 19 Cornelius, F. R. 21 Pawley, AValter Vacant land 85 Riley, David, dairyman Here Cleveland street. Union street (Pyrmont) North Side Harris street to Pyrmont bridge Shaw, AVilliam, cooper Vacant land 6 Baker, Benjamin, gardener 8 Cooper, William, master mariner 10 Gemell, AVilliam, constablo 12 Vacant 14 Rowling, Allan 16 Downes,John 18 Martin, Tllomns, ship joiner 20 Harding, Daniel, master mariner Unw 145 22 Corbott, John, master mariner Vacant land 80 Millin, Charles Henry, dealer Here Pi/rmont street. 82 Creed, AVilliam, Royal Oak 34 Mambroolc, Harry 6., chemist 30 llrodie, Hugh, grocer 33 Durrull, J. T., muster mariner 40 Ilnlliday, Churles, engineer Brodziuk, Meyer, Newstead House 42 Hunter, John 44 Hume, John, schoolmaster 46 Meuly, Daniel, engineer 48 Hcllier, James S., broker 50 Grogan, Thomas 52 Junes, Georgo 54 Culver, Robert, draper AVooldridge, George Here Edward street. Cagney, Mrs. Ellen, Pyrmont Bridge Hotel 56 AVright, John, dealer 58 M'Elhinney, Thomas 60 M'Carthy, John, waterman 1 62 AVcst, AVilliam 64 Atkinson, Charles, clerk 66 Muir, James R. 70 Day, AVilliam, J.P. 72 AVright, AVilliam 80 AVarourton and Son, coal merchants 82 AVai burton, Charles 84 Russell, John'AVilliam, ship builder Vacant lnnd Here Murray street. 120 Hobbs and AVcbb, Australian Patent Metallic AVorks O'Brien, Thomas, Native Youth Hotel Cunningham, Robert, blacksmith PynsioNT BninoE South Side Hero Pyrmont Brldgo Brodziak, Meyer, merchant Robertson, AVilliam, shipwright Rose, Ellen, grocer Here Harris street. Unwin Street East Side Off Argylo street South side 1 Parker, AVilliam J. ^ 2 Vacant, 8 Russell, James 4 Butler, John 5 Hall, Mrs. Catherine 6 Oliver, William VCuthbert's place 7 Chuppell, James 8 Franks, James 9 Murray, William 10 Chignoll, Edward 11 Vacant 12 Allingham, William Wost Side Vacant K 146 ViO STREET Valentine's Lane 38 40 42 44 46 48 37 39 41 43 45 North Side Ultimo road to Goorgo street Vacant land O'Dowd, John, bootmaker Clement, Thomas, joiner Jessop, Mrs. Ann Ferguson, James, gasfitter Henwood, Mrs. Ann, laundress Schmidt, John W., sign writer Lawronce, Lewis, produce and commission agent Here George street. South Side Here Ultimo road. Vacant land Bull, William Madden, Patrick Hasker, James, actor Graham, John, tailor Lappin, Mrs. M., lodging house Donohoe, John, baker Victoria Place 2 4 6 8 12 14 16 18 £0 Off Sussex street ' Smith, Mrs. Simpson, William, boiler maker M'Qregor, Duncan, stevedore Walton, James, dray master M'Farlane, Robert, blacksmith Drewery, Atiel, dealer Fenton, John Harris, George, mariner Goodrick, James, blacksmith Bran's VICTOBIA FOUNDRY Victoria Street East Side Potts' Point to South Head road ST. VINCENT'S HOSPITAL ST. VINCENT'S SCHOOL 104 106 108 110 11*3 116 Scarr,John Row, Thomas Vacant . Bransby, Charles Salomon, Thomas J. Goggin, E. Here Albert street. 118 Fourcadc, Alfred 126 Moses, Louis Vacant land Here Orwell,street. 140 Vacant Vacant land 144 Pickering, Charles Percy 146 Foster, Henry W. 148 Vacant 150 Sellar, Alexander, builder 152 Evans, George, solicitor Vacant land Ncill, James, builder 192 Vine, James, hawker 194 Tooher, John, van proprietor 106 'Douglass, Daniel, grocer Vio 198 Albert, Thomas 200 Lonergan, John 202 Corbett, Michael 204 Sattler, Louis 20G Barrett, Thomas 208 Davis, Thomas, carpenter 210 Morgan, Frederick 212 M'Kairnin, Hugh 214 Aharon, John 216 M'Gee, Annett, cabinetmaker 218 Hyde, John Here Earl street. 220 Bellenger, James, poultorer Vacant land LETTEn RECEIVER Here Darlinghurst road. Vacant land Here William street Upper'JSoulh. 250 Fleming, James, dairyman 252 Connors, Mrs. 254 King, John ST. JOHN'S OHUUCH ' 800 302 304 306 808 322 826 828 880 882 388 340 846 850 352 354 426 446 418 452 454 456 458 Vacant land Hero Surry street. Montagu, Henry N., teacher M'Donough, Peter Benson, Mrs. S. Bethel, George Newman, William, compositor Vacant land Here Liverpool street. Hackett, J. and Co., butchers Chapman, Abraham Vacant land Walker, John, engineer Parker, Edmund, bricklayer Hills, Thomas, carpenter Malonoy, James, carter Vacant land • Wright, John M., confectioner Martin, Thomas, miller Vacant land Von Essen, Christian Pidcock, William, teacher Farmer, Phillip Scott, Thomas Robert Vacnnt land Sheehy. Rev. Austin S. J., V. G. Vacant land Reddin, Mrs. Mary M'Mahon, William, cab proprietor Vacant land Brees, Harold Bloomfleld, Charles W., printer Pike, James William, clerk Lynch, Stephen John Vacant land Heie South Head road. West Side Hero Potts' point. Holdsworth, Phillip R., boat builder Vacant land 61 Fitzhardinge, W. G. A. 63 Elliott, Phillip John ViO DIRECTORY. Vic 147 Vacant land 347 Gee, Daniel 69 Jenkins, Edward Here Burton street. Vacant land FEMALE HOME AND REGISTRY OFFICE 81 Russell, George Vacant land 83 Kirchner, Georgo SACRED HEABT ROMAN CATHOLIC OHUBCU 85 Vacant Here South Head road. 87 MnoKcnzie, Harry, clerk 89 Vacant Viotoria Street (Crown Street) 91 Hosier, Frederick North Side Vacant land Crown street to Bourko street 97 Hill, David 2 Wilson, Mrs. 99 Want, Randolph Charles 4 Richardson, George, tanner Vacant land 6 Richardson, John 103 Jones, Stephen 8 Middloton, Charles Gray 113 Ferguson, George 10 Lowe, Mrs. M. 115 Mitchell, James Vacant land 117 Bennett, Francis 1 Iredale, Lancelot ^ 125 Cranmer, James 2 Boekcman, Augustus Vacant land 3 Kopsck, Gustavus 127 Smyth, William 4 Risnworth, Frederick Vacant land 5 Carmichael, Mrs. Jane 147 Hunt, Arthur 6 Boulton, Charles m o Vacant land 7 Wombey, John, draper 179 Martin, Charle3 Henry 8 Hafer, Christian 187 Fulton, Mrs. T., Willow Tree Hotel 9 Phillips, John Vacant land 10 Warcham, Thomas, draper > 189 O'Dowd, Patrick Here Bourke street. 193 Coventry, Mrs. 195 Lucey, John, mariner Victoria Street (George Street) 197 Vacant North Side 199 Anderson, Thomas, greengrocer Quarry road to Georgo street 201 Vacant Vacant land 203 Wilson, George Here Quay street. 205 Lewin, Edward, storeman 44 Leo, Edward 207 Walter, John, clerk Vacant lund 209 Melville, Mrs. V. 48 Harrison, Mrs. midwife 211 Dickinson, Loftus, tide waiter 50 Ivey, Daniel, mason 213 M'Pherson, Donald, clerk Vacant land 215 Bourke, Miss Maria 56 Bannister, Joseph, master mariner 217 Davis, Mrs. 0. R. 58 Hardy, James 219 Gorman, Michael, cab proprietor Brennan, John 221 Vacant 62 Steenson, James 225 Horniman, Robert John 64 Giltinan, Henry, coach builder 235 Windeyer, William Charles, M.L.A Vacant land 237 Vacant 68 Crockett, Mrs. H. 239 Brodziak, Louis 70 M'Neal, John, dray proprietor Here Brown's lane. Vacant land 241 Benson, James, tailor 80 Turner, Thomas, cutler Balenzuela, Peter, Fivo Roads Hotel 82 Thorburn, John Here Darlinghurst road and William street Vacant land Upper. 90 O'Halloran, Mrs. Margaret Vacant land 92 M'Evoy, Richard, tailor Cullum, William H., gardener 94 Morris, Thomas Hero Liverpool street. 96 Ryan, John, cab proprietor Ronan, Phillip, grocer 98 Hagen, Bernard Vacant land 100 Minehan, Patrick O'Brien, Martin, dairyman Vacant land 827 Taylor, Joseph, storeman 104 Hall, Henry, bricklayer 829 Gibbons. Thomas Franois, painter 106 M'Pherson, Duncan Vacant land Vacant land 337 Moloney, Daniel Here George street. 339 Fraser, John, stonemason 841 Collins, Thomas South Side 843 Martin, Francis, stonemason Here Quarry road. Hero lane. 47 Norris, Edward 148 Was Vacant land 67 Wright, Goorgo Vacant land Sere Ultimo road. Lenchan, Bros., stores Sere Georye street. Walton's Lane North Sldo Sussex street to George street 2 Vacant 4 Uttley, William Green 12 Jones, Joseph, blacksmith 14 White, Mrs. E. 16 Starr, John wheelwright Starr, Brothers, wheelwrights Sere George street. South Side Sere Sussex street. 1 Roberts, James, draper 3 Parker, John, clerk 5 Hart, William Sere George street. Washington Street North Side Off Sussex street Holmes, Henry, drayman Reed, John, timber yard 2 Bridges, William, sawyer 4 Leslie, Mrs., boarding house 6 O'Rourko, Augustin, miner 8 Archer, Harris, mariner 10 M'Gregor, William, mariner 12 Bluhdorn, John Henry, mariner 14 Wells, Thomas, lighterman 16 Stewart, David, baker 18 Pinkerton, Allen, shipowner 20 Craig, Samuel, master mariner 22 Davis, John, boatman 24 Griffin, James, master mariner Earle, Mrs. Sarah; grocer Sere James street. Vacant land Kelly's coal and wood yard 52 Vacant 64 Bruce, Thomas, sawyer 66 Briggs, William, coal merchant 60 Simon, Wm. Henry, blacksmith Eitchie, John, Sir jpilliam Wallace Sere Sussex steeet. South Bide 1 Brewer, John, storeman 8 Williams, James Francis 5 Chapman, Wm. Daniel 7 Leahey, Michael, blacksmith 9 Sharp, Murray, blacksmith 11 Spears, Richard, wheelwright 13 Caser, Richard Henry, mariner 15 Langrish, William Joseph, mariner 17 Haraing, Alfred, mariner 19 Wilkinson, Thomas, mariner 21 Kane, John, fireman STREET Wat 28 Rftid, Nath. Cameron, engineer 25 Skinner, Alexander, fireman 27 Thomas, Richard, dealer 29 Mason, George Francis, mariner 81 Armstrong, Herbert, saddler 38 Clcland, Hugh, engineer 85 Maxworthy, George, boatman 87 Moore, Henry, mariner 89 Creigie, James, mariner 41 Blny, Henry, engineer 43 Foster, Edward, mariner 45 Dunlop, George, stonemason 47 Landsburough, Samuel 49 Ricketts, George, master marinor 51 Sheehan, Frederick, mariner 53 Craig, John, saihnaker 65 Mitchell, James, engineer 59 M'Laughlin, Hugh, mariner 61 Woods, Charles, mariner 63 M'Kinnon, William, agent 67 Gosling, James, engineer 69 M'Kinnon, William, agent Sere Sussex street. Waterloo Place East Side Wellington street to Bank street 2 Allen, William, grocer 4 Vacant 6 Clemens, William Vacant land 10 Macpherson, James, cattle dealer 12 Rawlings, Reuben 14 Bedwell, Alfred, blacksmith 16 M'Grath, Mrs. Mary, Sand of Friendship Here Queen's lane. 18 Tighe, James 20 Sanders, Joseph, boot maker 22 Swan, Alexander 24 Cummings, John 26 Vacant Sere Senrietta street. 28 Moss, Bryan 80 Fleming, Patriok, quarryman 32 Warner, John 84 Murray, William Sere Banks street. 3 15 17 19 21 25 27 29 31 West Sldo Sere Wellington street. & 5 Vacant Vacant land Shaw, Joseph, groom Mrs. Ann Clifford, Alfred Allen, William, jun. Sere Queen street, Little. Vacant land Willoughby, George Miley, Patriok Stevens, Mrs. Catherine Sere Tega's row. Ronnie, John, butoher Here Banks street. Way Waterloo Street East Side Vacant land 100 Shoults, Walter.-builder 102 Treleavan, John H. 404 Shoults, Thomas 106 Gorman, William 108 Hill, Thomas Henry 118 Stoneham, Henry 122 Anderson, Samuel, dairyman 124 Massey, Samuel Sere Cooper street. 140 Mansfield, Samuel W. 142 Edwards, Frederick 144 Monday, Arthur Wattle Street North Side Myrtlo street to Abercrombie place Vacant land Sere Smithers' street, 50 Vercoe, John, dealer 52 Whitbrcad, Walter 54 Buckle, John 56 Hund, Henry Charles 68 Haselgrove, Charles 62 & 64 Vacant Vacant land 72 Leonard, Patriok Here Abercrombie place. South Side Sere Myrtle street. Vacant land 51 Turner, Alfred, baker 58 Baker, Benjamin, butcher "S5 Paint, George, carpenter 57 Brown, Charles 59 Hill, John 61 Loftus, Roderick 63 Coghill, William, joiner Sere Abercrombie place. Ways Terrace, Pyrmont East Side Point street to Mill street 6 Swansou, David, mariner 8 Witton, William, blacksmith 10 Pride, William, marine engineer 12 M'Rae, John, mariner 14 Dunsmure, Robert, grocer Here Mill street. West Sldo Sere Point street. 3 Vacant Vacant land 7 Cameron, Goorgo 9 Stmvart, John, ironmoulder 11 Webber, John 13 Mutton, Isaiah 15 Cormack, Thomas, engineer 17 Jackson, Frederick Henry 19 M'Lean, John, mariner DIRECTORY. 21 28 25 27 29 81 Wei 148 Brown, William, stonemason Walker, George, engineer Gibb, David, engineer Downio, Robert, engineer Thomas, John, mariner O'Toole, Patrick, stonemason Sere Mill street. Wellington Place 6 8 2 5 7 13 Off Dowllng street, Clarke, Joseph C, steward Gall, William, cab proprietor Burley, Robert, storeman Bassington, Arthur, clerk Eastway, Albert Welshman, John, dairyman Wellington Street North Side Waterloo placo to Botany road 2 Kidd, William 4 Miley, William, drayman Vacant land 8 Potter, James, policeman 10 Fowles, James, weaver 12 Bishop, George 14 Wildman, llooert 16 Roots, John Westor 18 Taylor, Robort 20 Wharton, Thomas 22 Henn, William 24 Santer, Charles 26 M'Guckin, Patrick 28 Rogers, Mrs. Jane 80 0'Connell,Jeremiah 32 Byron, John, carpenter 34 Harris, Dennis 36 Beard, David 38 Jones, Mrs. Ann 40 Vacant 42 Williams, Samuel 44 Myther, Byron, engineer 46 May, Mrs. Martha" 48 Galvin, George 50 Smith, George, cooper 52 M'Evoy, Hugh 54 Martin, John 56 Day, Phillip 58 Kelly, James 60 Adams, Thomas Vacant land 66 Boyle, James, fireman 68 Nicoll, William, coachmaker Vacant land 74 Clissold, Alfred Sere Botany road and Kensington street. 7 9 11 13 15 17 South Sldo Vacant land Taylor, Robert Williams, James Atkins, James Carr, Mrs. Mary Cox, —, Ord, John 150 Wen STREET 39 Keeny, Mrs. Mury Ann 21 Burke, Edward Vacant land 25 Morris, Benjamin 27 Wheton, Arthur 29 Taylor, Henry, mariner Si Cook, Mrs. Elizabeth 33 Mumford, John Vacant land 41 Fitzgibbons, James, bootmakor Here Botany road and Kensington street. 5 7 0 11 13 Wentworth Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 North Sldo Elizabeth street to Phillip strcot Greer, James, solicitor Clarke, William M., conveyancer Carew, Andrew, drayman Jenkins, Mrs. Elizabeth, laundress O'Brien, Micbacl Huntsman, Mrs. Isabella, bookfoldcr Harrison, John, drayman O'Brien, Cornelius, carter Hero Phillip street. South Sido Here Phillip street. Ogden, Edward Britt, Stephen King, James, bootmaker Mulberry, Francis Northmore, William Weymert, Moses Hogan, Thomas, cooper Work, Thomas Hero Elizabeth street. Wentworth Street East Side Off Miller's rond 8 Bloomsbury, Peter, boat builder 10 M'Cready, Charles, carpenter 12 Beaumont, Arthur, blacksmith 14 Gordon, John, labourer West Sido 1 Crowther, Isuinh, tailor 8 Turton, Mrs. Ellen 25 27 29 31 33 DIRECTORY. Wells, George, commission agent M'Donagh, Michael J., commission agent Coulter, William, commission agent Ward, John, commission agent Clark, John, commission agent PYRMONT BRIDOB East Sido Off Liverpool street. Vacant land Deery, William Vacant land Lane, Samuel, builder Vacant land Wilson, Thomas East Sido OfTGoulburn street 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 17 19 21 Massagora, William, shoemaker Hcydon, Charles, shipwright Davies, J., tailor Brown, Robert, mariner Hcydon, Phillip West Street Wemyss Street Vacant Pitt, Edward William West Side Henderson, James Vacant Bostrom, Charles White, John Davis, William H. Lawler, William Jones, Henry, tailor Walker, George Hudson, Alexander Wanty, James Wha Wha SIDNEY ICE WORKS Nicolle, Eugene Dominick Nerin, William, quarryman Price, Edward, bricklayer Hynes, John M'Crow, Alexander, butchor Shine, John, draper Hopcroft, Joseph, plasterer Dacey, George, bricklayer West Bide Vacant land 10 Hopkins, William, builder Vacant land 15 Garnett, John 17 Wilmot, John 10 Nixon, Henry Stenbeck, Carl Here Liverpool street. Vacant land 23 Adams, Thomas, compositor • 25 Harpur, Henry 27 Vacant 29 Wethercd, Frederick, storcman 31 Thompson, James, warehouseman 83 Vacant 85 Swyny, Henry 87 Armour, Alexander 39 Mason, John 41 Wedderburn, Mrs. J. 48 Macauley, George, builder Vacant land Wharf Street 0 10 12 14 East Sido Off Sussex street Priestly, Samuel, commission agent Birnie, R., Maitland and Morpeth Hotel Bird, James, commission agent Stowart, Thomas, Charlton's Hotel Here lane. M'Beath, Benjamin, boat builder Vacant land Here Sussex street. West Sido HUNTER RIVER NEW STEAM NAVIGATION Co.'s WHARF 11 Stonham, D. H., commission agent Hall, Crofton, coal merchant 37 89 41 48 Yeend, Charles, Yecnd's Hotel Vacant Armstrong, A. B., ship chandler Smith, Franois, Darling Harbour Inn Here Sussex street. Wharves. &c. Potts' point to hend of Dnrllng harbour Holdsworth, P. R., boat builder and boat club Yates, James, boat builder MANLY BEACII STEAMERS' WHARF Wlia Campbell's Wharf—George street Campbell's bonded and free Store Almond, William, bonded storekeeper Hare, John, free storekeeper Yates, John Gregson, sailmaker Campbell, Hon. John, M.L.O., merchant Close, R. C. Lassetter, F. and Co., stores Cunningham's Wharf. File, Richard, shipbuilder Woodley, Frederick, mast and block maker Wright, Archibald, shipsmith DAWES' BATTERY Ferry to North Shore Punch, Thomas, pleasure boat 8hed Shoehy, Daniel, boat builder Elliott, P. J. & Oo., ooal and wood wharf ARTILLERY BARRACKS OOWPER WnARF Lamb's Wliarf—Fort street Lower Parbury, Brothers, merchants Paine, James M'Keown, W. H., ooal merchant Taylor, W., timber and ooal yard Burns, A., timber dealer Moon, Henry Domain Ireland, Janies, pleasure boat shed Ladies' baths (Corporation), Ireland, James, lessee Gentlemen's baths (Corporation), M'Quig James, lesseo Ladies' baths 1 Wilson, J. G. Gentlemen's baths J lessee Battery, Mrs. Macquario's point BOTANICAL GARDENS FORT MACQUARIE Circular Quay. Bailey, William, storeinan Marshall, Benjamin Francis, storcman Government Boat Shed Proctor, Henry, ship and engine smith Ferry to Mikon's Point, North Shore Flood and Co., wool pressors Harrison and Jones, auctioneers and woolbrokers Talbot and Son, wool pressers and stevedores Marsden and Son, wool pressers M'Mahon and Henderson, Macquarie bond Ferry to Milson's Point, North Shore Richardson and Wrench, wool store OFFICE OF LESSEE OF CIRCULAR QUAY, Moore, Henry, lesseo Watermen's Stairs Manly Beach Steamers' IPliarf COMMISSARIAT STORES Dunn, William, Water Tank Office SEAMEN'S HOME Amess, J., lighterman MARINERS' Ciruncn Watermen's Stairs 151 Wulher's Wliarf— Fort street Lower Alger's Wharf—Fort street Lower Alger, John, merchant Richardson, Andrew, storekeeper Farrelly's Wharf—Pottinger street Farrelly, Patrick, free and bonded stores Ferry to Blue's Point, North Shore— Pottinger street Barnett, Benjamin, boat builder Macnamara's Wliarf—Windmill street Macnamara, John, merchant Cavanagh, Edward, wharfinger Glover, Thomas, mnst maker, Windmill st. Summerbell's Wliarf—Windmill street Summerboll, Mrs, Towns' Wharf—Moore's road Towns, Robert and Co., merchants Bissett, John G., storekeeper Moore's IVliarf—Moore's road Moore, Henry, merchant PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY AUSTRALIAN AGRICULTURAL COMPANY Moxey, William, storekeeper Thompson, Henry, wharfinger Kennedy, Mrs. M., limeburner, Moore's road Flood's Wharf— Duguid and Co., coal merchants Throckmorton's Wharf— 152 Wha STREET Wha Wil DIRECTORY. Throckmorton, Charles' H., proprietor Watson, Wales R., wharfinger Ferry to Adolphus street, Balmain— Erskine street Taylor's Wharf—Sussex street Taylor, William, timber merchant Smith's Wharf—Bettington street M'Donnld, Smith and Co., merchants Landers, Michael M'Donnld, David, shipsmith Bethel Wharf— Erskine street Speer, William, coal merchant and commission agent Wcntworth Wharf—Druitt street Roberts, II. L., coal and wood merchant Hogg, James, lime and coal merchant Wilson, David, coal and fuel merchant Briggs, W., coal and wood merchant Mender, J., lime burner Chapman, Brothers, engineers Montgomery, George Smart, Robert and Co., glass manufactory Cuthbert's Wharf—Unwin street Cuthbert, John, ship builder Langford, Wm. and Thos., boat builders, Clydo street Buckley, G., boat builder and pleasure boat shed, Kent street Miller, John, pleasure boat shed, Kent St. FLOATING DOCK—Jenkins street Holy and Harper, shipbuilders Thiering, John, shipsmith AUSTRALIAN GASLIGHT COMPANY, Jenkins street Grafton Wharf— Sussex street Bill, William Russell, lessee TASMANIAN STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY PANAMA, NEW ZEALAND, AND AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL COMPANY Watermen's Stairs Healey, Daniel, boiler maker Ferry to Balmain Perdriau and Hunt Murphy, John, shipsmith M'Kenzic, George B., engineer CLARENCE AND RICHMOND RIVER STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, Sussex street Flour Company's JVIiarf—Sussaa street Madden, James, produce agent Breillat, T. C, flour mills AUSTRALASIAN STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Booth, J., timber merchant, Sussex street Kethell, Alexander Halliday, C, engineer, Erskine street Uoodlct & Smith, saw mills, Erskine street Phoenix Wharf— Shelley street Ferry to Watcrview Bay, Balmain—Lime street Corporation Wharf—Lime street Roddam and Blair, lessees Roddam, Isaac, shipwright Venters and Frost, lime and salt store Hardy, R. J., merchant Patent Slip Wharf Patent Slip—Sussex street Manning, Edye, lessee Nairn, Allan, shipping agent Livingston, William, sailmaker Cuthbert, J., lessee of patent slip PARIUMATTA RIVER STEAM COMPANY Caledonian Wharf—King street Nutter, S., lessee and commission agent Aubin, John Commercial Wharf—•King street Campbell, John, proprietor CLARENCE AND NEW ENGLAND STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Sproule, Robert , s. Anderson, J. and Co., produce agents O'Doud and Co., agents Binnic and M'Elhono, produce stores Laidley, Ireland and Co., Melbourne steamers, agents of Mayor, II. J., broker and produoe agent Camroux, H. F., agent QUEENSLAND STEAM NAVIGATION COM- PANY—Wharf street HUNTER RIVER NEW STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Market Wharf—Wharf street Wheeler, Aaron, lessee Pyrmont Bridge—Market street Baltic Wharf—Market street Davis, William II., produco merchant Cox, James, and Co., timber merchants Carter, J., sailmaker ILLAWARRA STEAM NAVIGATION Co. M.iy, H. G. Hughes, John, J.P., merchant, proprietor Garvan, J. P., agent Manning, Edye, manager I. S. N. Co. Victoria Wharf—Shelley street Clark, Henry, commission agent Moran, Lawrence, produce agent Short, William, produce ugeut Albion Wharf— Sussex street Broomfield and Whittaker, merchants Miller, Frederick, timber merchant Donlan and M'Kinniroy, coal merchants Davis, J., coal and wood merchant Wright's Wharf— Sussex street Wright, William, merchantMullet, C. J., coal and fuel merchant Pacific Wharf—Druitt street Dearin, T. B., coal and wood merchant Nelson and Walker, saw mills Lockyer and Gardner, coal and fuel merchants Jolly and Co,, saw mills, Bathurst street Duguid and Co., coal merchants North Sldo Bonrko street to Forbes street 10 Finucane, John 12 Nobbs, John Vacant land 20 Connor, John, dray proprietor Here Forbes street. South Side Here Bourkc street. 9 Gondon, Mrs. Sarah 11 White, F., printer 17 Baird, Thomas 19 Matthews, Henry, mariner 21'M'Laron, John, butcher 27 Garrans, Andrew, shoemaker 29 Moriss, Frederick Norton, Joseph, greengrocer Here Forbes street 153 William Street North Sldo Collogo street to Victoria street Vacant land Here Boomerang street. 52 Smedley, Mrs. John, Museum Hotel Vacant land GO Gaydon, William, saddler 68 Lewis, Clement L., hatter and outfitter 70 Allen, Mrs. Helen, Sir John Franhlin Here Riley street. 72 Sloper, F. E., chemist and druggist 74 Vacant 7G Carter, Robert T. 78 Merryweathor, John W., surgeon 80 Hebblewhite, Samuel 82 Benjamin, Maurice 84 & 86 Hill, G., undertaker and cabinetmaker Here Crown street. NEWSPAPER RECEIVER 88 90 WEAHNE'S WHARF, Bathurst street 92 Wearne, J., flour mills, Bathurst street 94 Shaw, Charles, storekeeper 96 Emmerson, William 98 Russell, P. N. and Co., iron foundry, 100 102 Barker street 104 Dent, G., timber merchant, Barker street 106 108 Murphy, James, lime and wood merchant, Liverpool street 110 Chadwick and Smith, saw jnills, Liver- 112 114 pool street '' • 116 110 Brown, J. A.,'glass works, Dixon St., West 120 122 Raymond &Nissen, candle manufacturers 124 Here Head of Darling Harbour William Lane Wil Hourigan, John, Sir John Young Hotel Doodson, Robert, grocer Wallis, Henry, butcher Roid and Robertson, drapers Quinlan, Henry, butcher M'Carrnll, Philip, butcher Kidman, C., grocer Dingle, John, baker and pastrycook Moore, John, hairdresser Butler, James, draper Robinson, Daniel, Filzroy Hotel LETTER RECEIVER Here Palmer street. Butler and Linney, drapers Dummer, James, greengrocer Tighe, Edward, grocer Hughes, William, grocer Staples and Seymour, drapers Buist, Richard T., piano tuner M'Carty, James, shoemaker Swyny and Sons, shoemakers Vacant land Here Bourkc street. 130 & 132 Bozon, F. B., chemistand druggist 134 Connell, Henry 186 Steel, James, upholsterer 188 Jolly, Mrs. Jane, fancy bazaar 140 Muspratt, Mrs. E., bookseller White, Frederick, printer 142 Spurling, Mi3s, milliner 144 Snare, Charles, fish and oyster saloon Vacant land 150 Baird, William, butcher 152 Cole, Charles, ironmonger 154 Wise, John, fruiterer and news agent 156 Vacant 158 Douglass, R., confectioner Here Forbes street. Vacant lond 168 Thome, William J. H. 178 Kinloch, John, M. A., collegiate school Bcnsusun, Samuel Vacant land Here Bowling street. 154 Wil STREET 192 Vacant 194: Nathan, Mrs. Henrietta 196 Allworth, Rev. W. 198 Connolly, Nathaniel, J P. 200 Grant, F., upholsterer and cabinetmaker Here Duke street, 202 Vacant 204 Bradford, Mrs. M. 206 Dingle, Thomas, bread and biscuit baker 208 & 210 Vacant 212 Kearey, Thomas, Woolhomooho Inn Here Brougham street. 214 Bellenger, James, poulterer 216 Beare, John 0., greengrocer 218 Malony, John, grocer 220 Stenning, George, butcher 222 Cooper, Isaac, grocer 224 M'Neill, James, greengrocer 226 Cuddeford, John, chemist and druggist 228 Balenzucla, Peter, Five Roads Hotel Wil Wil 111 BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES, BRANCH OF Here Palmer street. 118 Levy, Lewis, pawnbroker 115 Murphy, Bartholomew, bootmaker 117 Jackson, Christopher 0., watchmaker and jeweller 119 Buchanan, William 128 Bate, Charles 125 Eckardt, George, tailor and habit maker 127 Gribbon and Neill, farriers, &c. 129 Clayton, Mrs. 131 Barnett, Mrs. 188 Carroll, Mrs. M., boarding house 185 Williamson, Mrs. D., fancy warehouse Here Bour/ie street. 187 Cottle, John, Burdehin Hotel 137J Hackett, J. and Co., butchers 139 Mullins and Hilton, painters and paperhangers 139J llahn, Ernest, oyster saloon IiEiran RECEIVER 141 Brcnnan, William, grocer and hay and Here Victoria street. corn dealer 143 Lahiff, Bartholomew, builder South Sldo 145 Seigel, Mrs. Harriett, dressmaker Hero College street. 147 Woods, William, hay and corn dealer AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM 149 Straiford,Mrs., ladies' school PUBLIC SCHOOL 151 Green, Mrs. C. Here Yurong street. 153 Vacant 45 Smith, James, painter and paperhanger 155 & 157 Rowett, William, builder 47 Connor, Mrs. Eliza, tobacconist 159 Halelie, Mrs. C, boarding house 49 Meckel, Frederick E., tinsmith Here Forbes street. 51 Huntington, William, fancy warehouse 161 Scully, Bernard, Imperial Hotel 58 Wright, Geo. F., galvanised iron worker 163 Bennett, George, M.D. and coppersmith 165 Watts, James 55 Cox, Alfred, dyer and scourer 167 Hoaro, John B. 57 Parfitt, William A., coach builder 169 Vacant Vacant land 171 M'Kaen, Alexander, L.L.D. 67 Hyman, Mrs. J. 173 Newsom, Mrs. Ann 69 Gibson, Mrs. Eliza 175 Cooper, Charles Here Riley street. 177 Beatty, Mrs., boarding house 71 Henderson, William, Albert Hotel 179 Thomson, Rev. Adam 73 Adrain, Thomas, plumber and gas fitter 181 Del Sarte, Camille, professor of singing 75 Read, Mrs. 0., teacher of dancing 183 Binnio, Mrs. J. Russell, Mrs. 0., fancy bazaar 185 Crook, John 77 Pierce, Thomas, news agent and sta- 187 Reading, James tioner 189 Vacant 79 Weir, James, baker . 191 Tweedie, Mrs., ladies' school 81 Fitzpatrick, Mrs. C. 193 Willis, William, cab proprietor . 88 Donnelly, Patrick Vacant land 85 Furness, William, plumber and gas fitter Smith Charles, Rose Bank 87 Edwards, Anthony, painter and glazier Vacant land 89 Gillard, James, hay and corn dealer Here DarlinghursCjroad and Victoria street. 91 Arnold, Joseph, blacksmith 98 Underwood, John, Woolloomooloo Royal William Street East Hotel North Sido Here Crown street. William street Upper North, to;itoslyn street Donaldson, John, monumental mason 84 Williams, John Vacant land 92 Boit, Mrs. 103 Hill, Thomas, undortakor and cabinet 94 Hargrave, John Fletcher, Judge S. C, maker 104 M'Elhone, John 105 May, 0. n., outfitter Jackson, Willium, Marshall May, Mrs. C. H., milliner, &c. Wells, Frederick 107 Fairfax, John, jun., upholsterer and Tosi, Anthony cnbinetmaker Dobson, William 109 Norrio, James S., chemist and druggist 122 O'Brien, Patrick H DIRECTORY. 124 & 126 Iseton, W., carpenter & builder Vacant land 130 Hagen, John 132 Dyer, John, cabinetmaker Here Rushcuttcrs' bay. South Side Here William street, Upper, North. Vacant land 98 Harding, William, carpenter 95 Vacant 97 Hammon, Frederick Vacant land 105 Tunner, James, compositor 107 Vacant 109 & 111 Foster, William, cabinetmaker 113 Flower, Charles 115 Degelo, Theodore, upholsterer 117 Croft, Joseph J., plumber and painter 119 Plowman, George, gardener Vacant land 123 Moore, James Maurice 125 Benham, William 127 Foskott, William 129 Chase, Mrs. S. 181 Heckenberg, Theodore 183 Sluce, John, jeweller 135 Finlater, Francis, silversmith Here Rushcutlers' bay. William Street, Upper, North North Sido Darllnghurat rond to William street Vacant land Here Kellett street. 20 Buchanan, William F., J.P. 28 Ford, J. Thos. 80 Piesley, William 82 Vacant 81 Moore, Thomas 36 Wilshire, Mrs. Sarah 88 Vacant Here Prince's road. 42 Grundy, Francis Henry 44 Russell, John Vacant land 54 Smith, Ernest O. 56 Laidlej', James Vacant land Here Roslyn street. R South Sldo Here Ddrlinghurst road. Vacant land 13 Valentine, Benjamin Here lane-. 15 Borney, Augustus 17 Patterson, James 19 North, Miss 21 Vacant 23 Hosking, Miss 25 Weyhton, Mrs. S.,privato boarding house 27 Tooth. Frederick, Goderich lodge 41 King, George, Waratah Here William street East, Wil 155 William Street Upper, South North Side Vlotorlo street to William street East Vacant land 6 Cordeaux, Mrs. 8 Chatfield, William 10 Hcnriques, Joseph Here William street East, South Side Here Victoria street. 1 Smith, William Vacant land Here Craigend terrace. 5 Kelly, Oliver Francis 7 Scott, Alexander Walker 9 Mitchell, Lady Vacant land Burt, Sydney Charles 19 Prince, Henry, Craigend 21 Muriel, Robert, Sourabaya Vacant land 29 Leibius, Adolph P. D. 81 Codrington, Mrs. Jane 33 Milford, Major Charles 35 Gould, Samuel 37 Logan, Mrs., professor of music 39 Robertson, Mrs. M. 41 King, Robert 43 Stephen, Septimus A. 45 Cape, Alfred John Here Macleay street Little. 49 Bird John 51 Eld, George, reporter 53 Dufaur, Eccleston Vacant land 59 Joyner, Cornelius Here Surry street. Harper, William, grocer Gl Norton, John, plasterer 63 Freeman, Henry 67 Masefiold, George R., school Here William street East. 6 I s a Wilmott Street East Side George street to Pitt street M'Nab, John, ironmonger 8 Lane, Joseph, carponter 10 Williams, David 11 Huntingdon, Thomas, plasterer 14 Levey, —, dealer 16 Leahy, Martin, tailor 18 Delprado, James, cabinetmaker 20 Madden, Pntrick, boot and shoemaker Here Pitt street. South Sido Here George street, Golding, Robort, furniture dealer 5 Vacant 7 Wright, Charles, tarpaulin maker 1) Gayloard, John 11 Gleeson, James, greengrocer 13 Brown, Richard, cabinotmakor ** 156 15 1 2 3 4 5 10 21 23 : Win STREET Shannon, John, tailor Jones, James, dealer *) ^ Woolcott, Joshua, polisher I S" g Noble, Kiehard, labourer >s> g Smith, Mrs. Jane [ g f1* Andrews, Peter J ffl Cummins, Edward, blacksmith Beech, William, sawyer Davernay, Matthew Henry, butcher Pratt, William, mariner Mere Pitt street. Wilson street Off Dowllng 8trcot Oorry, Mrs. Elizabeth Howard, William, watchmaker Wilton Place East Side Sarah Ann street to Belvoir street 30 Dubois, Thomas Here Wilton lane. 32 Symon, Robert, stonemason 84 Vacant 86 Sullivan, Jeremiah, labourer 88 York, John, labourer Here Macquarie lane. 40 Ross, John 42 Owen, Edward Vacant land Here Belvoir street. West Side Vacant Wilton Street East Side Off Devonshire street Vacant land 8 Kell, Donald Hero Belvoir street, WeBt Side Sere Devonshire street. Vacant land 19 Mangan, James 21 Lewis, George Vacant land Here Belvoir street. Windmill Street North eido Fort street Lower to Argylo ftreet Brown, Robert, Brown's Family Hotel Here Ferry lane. 1 Thompson, Thomas, waterman 8 Summerbcll, Thomas, ship builder 6 Vacant 7 Mortis, John R, 9 Musfjrave, Thomas, grocer 11 Brazier, John 18 Vacant [16 Qarrety, Edward Here Pottinger street. 17 Paskell, Robert WOO MAONAMABA'S WnAnp 61 Livingstone, William, master mariner 71 Vacant Here Kent street. 81 Murray, Peter, mariner 83 M'Bride, Maurice, M'Bride's Hotel Vacant land WOO 21 23 25 27 29 DIRECTORY. Solomon, Aaron, dealer Turner, Thomas Spohr, Henry, musician Lockreye, Richard Outrim, James, mariner Here Berwick lane. TOWNS' WHARF 89 Oronberg, Nols H., bootmaker 91 Manning, Michael, drayman 98 Miners, William, grocer Forrest, John, Whaler's Arms Here Argyle street. South Side Here Fort street Lower. Brown, John, Hero of Waterloo Hotel 2 Strange, Mrs, Rosa 4 Vacant 6 Stevens, Mrs. 0., Hit or Miss Inn 6J Bridgement, Samuel, dairyman 8 Jordan, Samuel, grocer 10 Logenan, John 12 Edwards, George 14 Ball, Mrs. Hannah 16 Vacant 18 Clegg, Mrs. Catherine 20 Lindstrom, Nils, bootmaker 22 Nichols, Walter, mariner 24 Davis, William, mariner 26 Ward, William, mariner 28 Briscoe, Mrs. Sophia 80 Wren, Thomas, waterman 82 Mulholland, John 84 Maguire, Arthur, dray proprietor 86 Ford, Mrs. Margaret 88 Levie, Charles 40 Bland, Mrs. Mary 42 Jeffries, George, baker 44 Bissaker, James, butcher 46 Hill, Edward, Old Cheshire Cheese Here Kent street. Vacant land 56 Evans, Edward 68 Newton, William, clerk Here Argyle street. Woods Lane Here Chapel lane. Vacant land 14 Pilkethly.Tait, stonemason Vacant land 24 Vacant 26 Solomon, Oliver, dealer Vacant land Here Berwick lane. 1 M'Connghy, David, carpenter 5 Dyson, Bright 7 Gill, Mrs. Mary 9 Davie, William, bakor 11 Lucas, Nathaniel 13 Gorman, William iti Kirkpatrick, William 17 Gorman, Michael 19 Porter, William, stonemason Woolloomooloo Lane 8 10 12 14 16 18 5 9 11 13 15 17 19 North Sldo Forbes street to Dowling street Here Judge street. Cooper, Joseph, leudlight glazier Cunningham, Michael, baker Lansbury, William, french polisher Shaw, Guffin, coachsmith Meoney, William Fell, George Here Dowling street. South Side Here Forbes street. Beresford, Mrs. Here Judge street Cooper, Miss Jane, dressmaker Franklin, — Conway, John, baker Kennedy, Robert Here Yeoman's buildings. Green, Thomas Clayton, John, painter Here Dowling street. Woolloomooloo Street North Side College streot to Forbes street ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL Here St. Mary's road. Vacant land Here Biley street. 86 Vacant Vacant land 98 Murphy, — dealer 100 Remington, James 102 Smith, Peter, boot and shoe warehouse 104 Dykes, John, produce agent 106 Vacant Here Orown street. 108 Shanahan, James Vacant land 116 Cordnor, William J., professor of musio 118 Vacant Vacant land 128 Burns, Alexander, hay and corn dealer Here Palmer street. • 182 Pantlin, Henry, sawyer 134 Landrigan, Maurice, clerk 188 Johnson, Mrs. Mary 138 Bourne, James 140 Bartlett, Anthony, dealer 142 Miller, Thomas, Britannia Hotel 144 Bodman, Henry, grocer 146 Carrlngton, Charles, butcher 148 Crowe, Mrs, Margaret, milliner WOO 157 150 Lynch, Matthew, grocer 152 Nailan, Patrick, dairyman Here Bourke street. 154 Green, Mrs. Eliza, Dew Drop Inn 156 Dingoldie, George, tailor 158 Austin, William, butcher 100 Cargill, Jnhii, fruiterer, &c. 162 Spencer, Paul, pastry cook Vacant hind 168 Van Heucltelum, Jasper 170 Simmons, Mrs. Agnes 172 Casper, George 174 Kttvanngh, Jumes, grocer 176 Evelyn, Mrs. Margaret 178 Walker, Robert C. 180 Kohn, Joseph 182 Peek, Vivian 184 Vacant Here Forbes street. South Side Here College street. Vacant land Here Tiiley street. 87 Corcoran, Patrick, The Australian Inn Vacant land Si O'Hair, Bartholomew 93 Ryan, John, beadle of Hyde Park 95 Linane, Dennis 97 Burnett, George F., carpet salesman 99 Dressier, James 101 Vacant 103 Gore, Frank, carponter and builder 105 Neillings, Thomas, umbrella maker 107 Heaney, James, bootmaker Here Crown street. 109 Angles, Gustave, Shamrock Hotel Vacant land 115 Hawkins, John 117 Vacant 119 Sivewright, Mrs. Clara 121 Farrell, William 123 Cambridge, Henry, carpenter 125 Bone, Henry John 127 Vacant 129 Santwyk, Jacob, bakor 131 Manning, Joseph A., Swan of Erin Here Palmer street 138 Brady. Mrs. M. A., St. Kilda House Vacant land 149 Drinkwater, Alfred, builder Here Bourke street. 153 Sotheren, William S., Freemason's Retreat 155 Hamilton, William 157 Taylor, Mrs. Emma, dressmaker 159 Van DerStichel, Joseph, upholsterer 161 Ryan, Edward, fruiterer 163 Green, Oscar, storekeeper 165 Keith, Mrs. Margaret, haberdasher 167 Oreagh, Mrs. Eliza 169 Furber, Augustus, bookbinder 171 Besson, Madame 178 Donovan, Jeremiah, J. P. Here Forbes street. 158 Wyn STREET Wylde Street East Side Potts point to Maclcay stroot 2 Want, Bandolph J. 10 Hunt, Eobert A. 12 Simpson, Percy 14 Dangar, Fredorick H. 1G Loathes, A. S. 18 Neale, John Thomas 20 Martin, Hon. James, M.L.A., Q.C. 22 Terry, Richard Wingate, Major, J. P. 24 Thompson, Joseph 44 46 48 50 52 54 East Sido Margaret street to Wynyard street 14 Jamieson, Alexander 0. Here Wynyard street. 1 11 21 25 West Sido Here Margaret street. Cohen, Abraham, Cohen's Family Hotel Moss, Moses and Co., general importers Brodziak, Lewis, importer Worms, M. A. and Co., merchants Palmer, F. B. and Co., importers Here Wynyard street. Wynyard Square South Sido Here Wynyard street. GENERAL POST OFFICE AND MONEY ORDER OFFICE, TEMPORARY Allen, Street and Norton, merchants 1 Drynan, William and Co., warehousemen 3 Rab one, Fcez and Co., merchants Off Woolloomooloo lano 1 Tiltie, James 2 Gardiner, Richard 3 Savage, Henry d Hubbener, Edward 5 Culhane, Denis 6 & 7 Vacant York Street East Side Clmrlotto place to Druitt strcot Vacant land Here Church hill. Vacant land Here Jamieson street. 98 Vacant 100 Lovell, Mrs. Agnes 102 Hill, Thomas, iVe// Gwynne Hero Market street. 1 Goldsmith, Leopold, butcher 2 O'Connor, Terence, butcher 8 & 4 Vacant 5 & 6 O'Connor, Daniel, butcher 7 Vacant 8 Carroll, William, butcher 9 Vacant 10 Cawo, Edmund, butcher 11 O'Connor, William Here passage. West Side Here Margaret place, 45 Wright, Charles, accountant 47 Carew, Mrs. Maria, boarding house 49 Baillie, Mrs. E. Vacant land 55 Saclier, Mrs., ladies' school 59 Vacant 61 Hart, Philip 63 Harris, M rs. 65 Moss, Moses 67 Wright, Horatio G. A., surgeon 69 Felton, Mrs. Maurice Vacant land Here Ershine street. Bradford, Alfred, Bradford's Hotel 81 Williams, E. and Co., wholesale saddlers 83 Paling, W. H., music warehouse 85 Hurley, George and Co., warehousemen Wynyard Street North Side Wynynrd square to Q«jrge Btrect Woolnough, Horace & Co., warehousemen Here Wynyard lane. 52 LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY Nonwicn UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 54 Alexander, Maurice, merchant Levy, Montague, merchant •66 & 58 Vacant 6 7 9 11 13 15 Sempill, Robert II., official assignee Buyers, William, accountant and agent Holborow, Daniel, draper Here George street. South Sido Here Wynyard square. Beit, Henry, stock and station agent Tcakle, Charles, auctioneer Bostock and Co., boot and shoo importers MacNab, F. and Co., merchants Hoffnung, S. and Co., merchants Gray, Robert, warehouseman Vennard and Stevens, agents, &c.' BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES . Here George street. •s Here passage. Here lane. CENTRAL POLICE COURT Vacant land Here Margaret street. Vacant land .Here Wynyard square. Allan, Street and Norton, merchants Here lane. 14 Petersen, Boesen and Co., warehousemen 16 Morris, Charles E., drapery broker and commission agent 18 Brookes, H. 0., saddlers' ironmonger Here Barrack street. 20 Symonds, Samuel, woollen draper Crosby, R, S., warehouseman 22 Smith, Robert, picture frame maker 24 Johnson and Co., importers 26 Cavell, James, baker 28 Gerrard, — 30 Bennett, Michael, iron & tin plate worker 32 Mooney, Richard, tailor 34 Firman, Charles, livery and bait stables 83 O'Connor, Joseph, printer 38 Jacobs, John 42 Cnhen Brothers, workshop 44 Wilkinson, Mrs. Sarah, Criterion Hotel Here King street. 46 Robinson, Joseph A., Forbes Hotel 48 Lcneban, Daniel, gunsmith 50 Thomas, John, lodging house 52 Bonnett, S., lodging house 54 Eady, Thomas, leather and grindery store 56 Lewis, William, engineer 53 HeilboiWfAlexander G., pawnbroker 584 BennettrMichnel, iron & tin plate worker 60 & 62 Hildor and Abigail, bootclosers 61 to 68 Hush ton, John, furniture broker 70 M'Lean, John, electroplater 72 Clark, John, grocer 74 Wood, Charles, tool makor 76 & 78 Reuben Hall, ironmonger 80 Solomon, Isaac S., clothing manufacturer 82 Green, Israel, baskctmaker 84 Lemon, Moses, warehouseman 80 Zollner, Simon, galvanized iron worker 88 & 90 Davis, John, ironmonger and blacksmith 92 Bullivant, Maurice C, Bullivant's Tavern * MARKET SHED D. ST. ANDREW'S SCOTS' CHURCH Here Druitt street. West Side Hei-c Charlotte place. ST. PniLLip's Cnuncn AND SOHOOL GENERAL POST OFFICE, TBMPORABY North Side Here Margaret place. Vacant land 46 Vacant 48 Alexander, Maurice, M.L.A. . East Bide Here Margaret street. 2 Cohen, Abraham, Cohen's Family Hotel Vacant land 14 Caird, Paterson and Co., merchants Vacant land 18 Sheriff, John L. 20 White, Henry, boarding house 22 Kennedy, Edmund 24 Ciuikshank, Mrs., boarding house 26 Dansey, G. F., surgeon 28 Nelson, Morris •* 58 Doak, Mrs. M., dressmaker GO Parkes and Co., merchants 62 Levey, Montagu, J.P. Here Wynyard street. Here Maclcay street. Wynyard Lane Vacant land Levy, Michael Fletcher, David, dentist Jamieson, Alexander C. Belinfante, Simon, M.D. . Brown, Alexander M., M.D. Fitzgerald, Mrs. R. 56 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CHAMBERS LETTER RECEIVER West Side Here Pott's point. 1 M'Quade, "William 18 Hilly, John F. 15 Morris, Augustus Vacant land Here Grantham street. 19 Dangar, Mrs. Orace Here Macleay street. '. YOP DIRECTORY. Yor 159 91 Baar, George Yeoman's Buildings 96 Lasaetter, F. and Co., ironmongers Wyn u.t;re iMiieyu Bireei. 37 Roach, John W., Potty's Family Hotel 39 Cowper, Very Rev. William M., M.A. Here Wynyard square. 87 Sharwood and Co., importers of printing materials 89 Paul, E. and W., merchants 91 Butler, Bros.,' saddlers' ironmongers 93 Saddington and Sons, leather merchants 95 Borons, Levi and Seligman, wholesale jewellers 97 & 99 Fraser, John & Co., merchants, etc. Here Bu>rack street. 101 Fenn, William, Hope Tavern 103 Kelly, Owen, greengrocer 105 Oswald, John, boarding house 107 Windberg, Charles, New Hamburg Hotel 109 Engel, John A., printer 111 Jacobs, John, Post Office Hotel 113 Fetbebridge & Co., hay and corn dealers 115 Hinsch, J. O. W., warehouseman 117 Madden, James, Limerick Hotel Here King street. 119 Rogers, William, Garric/t's Head 121 M'Glinn, John, gunmakcr 123 Stevenson, Henry, tin plate worker 125 Green, Richard, basket maker 127 & 129 M'Arthur, A. & Co., warehousemen 131 Zollner, Simon, galvanised iron works 138 Winstanley, Robert, dentist WESLEYAN CENTENARY CHAPEL 187 189 141 148 145 147 149 151 Eldridge, William C, dyer Walsh, Mrs. Catherine, lodging house Thomas, Reuben, junr., undertaker Roberts, Henry, grocer Jones, John, map office Guy, Mrs. Margaret Watson, Richard, plumber Olyne, Andrew G. LYCEUM THEATRE 153 Green, Israel, Lyceum Hotel 160 YUP STREET 155 Woodward, Henry, fruiterer 157 'Krauss, Louis, baker 159 Gngan, James, cooper lrtl Trunouth, Charles, bootmaker 163 Broker, Thomas, sawyer 1(15 Cork, Thomas, shoemaker 107 Richardson, George, leather and grindery store Here Wilson lane. 169 Sainty, John, fruiterer 171 Hillard, Thomas, pawnbroker 173 Carroll, Thomas, boarding houso 175 Broderick, P., Steam Ship Hotel Here Market street. 177 Barker and Co., flour and produce merchants 179 Friend, William S. 181 Lawless, Thomas, Flower Pot Inn 185 Friend, W. S. and Co., ironmongers 189 Ainsworth, Wm. G., agricultural implement depot MASONIC HALL 191 Perry, John, Freemasons' Hall 198 Dixson and Sons, tobacco manufacturers 195 Pope, John, commission agent Here Broughton lane. 197 Beattie, William, Gardeners' Arms Vacant land 199 Thompson, Edwin S., solicitor Carroll, James, solicitor Lipraan, Lewis, importer 201 Roberts, William, solicitor 203 Forster, Robert H. M., solicitor SYNAGOGUE 207 Cory, Edward J., solicitor 209 Lane, James, Police Office Hotel Here Druitt street. Yurong Street East Side , William street to Liverpool street Smith, James, fruiterer 2 Hughes, William, bricklayer 4 Connelly, Peter, cab proprietor Here Yuronglane. 6 Vacant 8 Turner, R. B., mason ] Wright, George William (Woodward's Smith, Thomas [ plaoe Walters, Charles J 10 Woodward, James, blacksmith 12 M'Lean, W. G., boilermaker 14 Callaher, James, shoemaker 16 Hickey, Thomas, storeman 18 Redman, Laurence, tailor 20 Ward, John, agent Yur 22 Foster, Thomas, carpenter 24 Peters, James, Kangaroo Inn' 26 Davis, Mrs. Catherine 28 Armstrong, Mrs. 8U Cowell, Thomas II. 32 Lnvcday, Henry, piano tuner 3 MVnrr, Alfred 3(5 Davis, Evan, compositor 38 Flanagan, Michael 40 Corcoran, Mrs. Ann 42 Jones, Henry 4* Andrews, William, artist 46 Dixon, Mrs. Mary Ann Pierce, Francis, collector Here Stanley street. Bovis. William, G. V. Brooke Hotel 48 Lee, William J. 54 Verduu, John B., baker and grocer Here Francis street. Vacant land 60 Atkins, Joseph, plumber 62 M'Elveney, Mrs. Jane 64 Payne, John William 66 Scott, Michael, greengrocer Here Itcdgutc lane. 68 McDonald, Mrs. H. 70 Vacant 72 Murray, John M. 74 Hozenthul, Philip, importer 76 Vacant 78 Barnes, Henry, taxidermist, Museum 80 Brown, Benjamin Here Charlotte lane. 82 Smith, William, painter 84 Quinlan, James, carpenter Breheny, Michael, grocer .Here Liverpool street. West Side .Here William street. PUBLIC SCHOOL Vacant land Hero Stanley street. Vacant land Here Francis street. Vacant land Here Margaret lane. 78 Sharpe, Rev. John 75 O'Byrne,' Gerald, teacher 77 Gough, S. B., undertaker 79 Gordon, George 81 Oonnell, 0. J. 88 Graham, William Here Charlotte lane, 85 Steel, Robert, stonemason Vacant SYDNEY SUBURBAN DIRECTORY, 18 6 8. NOTE.—THE SUBUBBS OP BALMAIN, DABLINGTON, GLEBE, NEWTOWN, REDFEBN AND WATEBLOO, ABE IN ACCOBDANCF. WITH THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDABIES, AND THE OTHEBS ABE ABBANOEII AS NEABLY AS POSSIBLE ACCOBDINQ TO THE PORULAN NAMER OK THE BESPECTIVE LOCALITIES AND POSTAL DLSTKICTS. ASHFIELD. AITICEN, JOHN, surgeon, Asldeigh cottage, EAOAB, N. H. C, Millewah Eccles, John, Alt st. Liverpool rd. Armstrong, William, Ashfield Park Estate Fox, TnosiAS, Parramatta river Fox, Thomas, jun., Parramatta rd. BAKEB, RioiiAnD, Ashfield Park Estate Freshwater, Joseph, market gardener Birch, Robert, Rose cottage Freshwater, William, market gardener Bohnnoy, Henry, Ashfield Park Estate Fyle, John, Happy Valley Bollingmore, William, carpenter Boulton, Mrs. Mary F., Stanley villa Boylson, Michael, Plough Inn & Phccnix GIBBS, JAMES, chemist, Liverpool rd. Gilder, Dr. Sherington, St. Lau'rence cottago Steam Mills, Cross rds. Glue, John Coulston, Milton House Boylson, Patrick, grocer, Cross rds. Broadhurst, William J., Ashfield Park Estate Graff, John, Ashfield Park Estate Bryant, John T., Clifton cottage, Liver- Greatrix, Jonas, tinsmith, Parramatta rd. Griffiths, George, Trebarra pool rd. CABY, WILLIAM, Liverpool rd. HAIGH, BENJAMIN S., Florence villa Hall, Reuben, Peach cottage, Liverpool rd. Halloran, Henry, J.P., Mowbry, Parramatta rd. Hammotter, J., grocer, Parramatta rd. Hancock, John, Somerset cottago Harnett, Richard Thos. DAVIS, JOSHUA, Liverpool rd. Hawley, Thomas, Liverpool rd. Dick, Thomas Haylor, Thomas, surgeon, Parramatta rd. Dixon, W. H., Liverpool rd. Dougan, James, hay and corn dealer, Liver- nenson, William, Elizabeth st. Hill, Charles, Ashfield Park Estate pool rd. Hodgins. Thomas, Liverpool rd. Dougan, Robert, butcher, Liverpool rd. Hogan, Simon, Parramatta rd. Dougan, William, postmaster Holden, George K. Drake, Henry, Terminus Inn, Liverpool rd. Holmes, Rev. G. H., Stanloy villa Dunning, Joseph, Ashhurton cottago Carlisle, Hugh, market gardener Cavanagh, William D., station master Corlett, Rev. James, York villa, No. 2 Colloy, Alfred, blacksmith, Liverpool rd. L a 162 Pop ASHFIELD Hudson, Wm. Henry Hume, John, grocer, Liverpool rd. Humphrey, 0. H., Schuldon Hall Hunt, James, Ashfield Park Estate IRELAND, JAMES, butcher, Liverpool rd. Ireland, John, Parramatta rd. Ireland, Thomas, Liverpool rd. JOHNSON, JOITN, Livorpool rd. KINO, FREDERICK, Moomblio cottage Kirchner, Samuel, Ashfield Park Estate Knapp, E. H. L., Gadshill villa LANE, JOIIN, Liverpool rd. Laurence, James, Bcddington cottago Learmonth, Alex., Yasmar, Parramatta rd. Leech, George, Ashfield Hotel Lethbridge, Mrs. Mary, Bartldy cottago Lucas, Samuel, machinist, Cross rds. Lusty, Thomas, Stanley villa, Liverpool rd. M'KENZIE, REV. SIMON F., Ashfield Villa Liverpool rd. M'Kivett, Edward, Liverpool rd. M'Kivett, John, Liverpool rd. Yar Powell, James, Munroe, Estate Price, George, Ashfield Park Estate RAMSAY, MRS. D., Dolbroyde, Parramatta rd, Richardson, Georgo Rogers, John, Liverpool rd. SnADFOimi, HENRY J. T., Ashfield villa Shaw, Daniel Sherrell, William, wheelwright, Liverpool rd. Siddons, Mrs. Jane Smith, Alfred, Liverpool rd. Smith, John, Pino cottago, Liverpool rd. Smytho, Samuel, Ashfield Park House, Parramatta rd. Stiles, John, Marian cottage TAIT, J., Ladies' Seminary, Ash Grove lodge Tango, A., Parramatta rd. Trosph, William, Ashfield Park Estato Turner, George Turner, John T. Turner, Mrs. Mary, Stanley villa, Liverpool rd, UNDERWOOD, FREDERICK, Eleanville, Parra- matta rd. MANOHEE, JOHN CHARLES, Gosnell cottage Mills, John, Kow Gardens Mills, John, compositor Moore, William, Liverpool rd. Muir, William S. Murray, G. A., The Lee, Liverpool rd. Murrell, Samuel, Liverpool rd. 6 VIDAL, REV. GEOROE, Hudson's buildings WHITE, HENRY, Ashfield Park estato Whitney, John, No. 1, York villa, Liverpool rd. Williams, Thomas, Liverpool rd. Wilson, John, Liverpool rd. OWEN, TIIOMAS, Liverpool rd. Window, Benjamin, Liverpool rd. Wood Alfred PACKER, BicnAnD, Rcdland cottage, Parra- Wood, John James; Waratah cottage, Livermatta rd. pool rd. Palfreyman, John R., Laurel cottage, Liver- Woods, John, Wood Hall pool rd, Wotton, John, Bellmore cottage Pendall, William, Liverpool rd. Pope, John, Liverpool rd. YARNTON, GEOROE S. BALMAII. STREET KEY. Adolphus lane, from Vincent st. to Vincent Duncan st, from Broadstairs s t to Water view st. lane Adolphus st., from Darling st to Johnstone's Bay Edward s t , off John st. Ann st., from Donnelly st. to Darling st. Elliott st, from Evans st. to Long Cove Evans st, from Darling rd. to Denison st. Ballast Point rd., from Ballast Point to Birch Grove rd. Fawcott lane, from Vincent st. to Vincent lane Bay-St., from Church st. to Birch Grove rd. Foy St., from Reynolds st. to Dick st. Boattie st., from Darling rd. to Evans st. Bent st., from Waterview st. to Campbell st. Gipps st, from Curtis rd. to Bay s t Birch Grove rd., from Wharf rd. to Louisa rd. Gordon st, from Burt st. to Mansfield s t Booth St., from Darling rd. to Johnstono's bay Grafton s t , from Adolphus st. to Johnstone's Booth st. North, off Curtis rd. bay Broadside st., from Darling st. to Johnstone's bay , Hosking st, from Johnstone s t to Union st. Broadstairs St., from Darling st. to Waterview Iron Cove rd., from Birch Grove rd. to bay Long Cove Burt St., from Denison st. to Johnstone's bay Jane st, from Donnelly st. to Darling s t Cameron st., from Clayton st. to Birch Grove John st, from Darling s t to Waterview Bay John s t , off William st. rd. Campbell St., from Curtis rd. to Waterview Johnson st., from Darling st. to Johnstone's Bay bay Oardwell st,, from Booth st. North to Birch King st., from Darling rd. to Oardwell s t Grovo rd. Caroline st., from Broadstairs st. to WaterLittle s t , from Nicholson st. to Darling view st. Harbour Church St., from Donnelly st. to Darvall st. Church St., from Darling rd. to Waterview bay Littlo Nicholson st, from Darling s t to Johnstone's Bay Clayton st., from Darling rd. to Waterview bay Clifton st., from Nicholson st. to Darling Looko s t , from Nicholson st. to Darling Harbour Harbour • College St., from Darling rd. to Waterview bay Louisa rd., from Iron Cove rd. to Long Nose Point Cooper St., from Darling st. to Waterview bay Crescent St., from Burtst. to Mansfield st. Curtis rd., from Darling st. to Birch Grovo rd. Mansfield St., from Darling rd. to JohnBtone's Bay Darling st., from Darling Harbour to Mort st. Margaret st, from Therry st. to Long Cove Mooaie st, from Darling rd. to Garryowen Darling rd., from Mort st. to Garryowen Datchett st., from Darling st. to Johnstone's Mort st, from Darling rd. to Waterview Bay Mullens st., from Mansfield st to Evans s t bay Darvall st., from Jane st. to Booth st. Now John st, from Campbell st. to College st. Denison st, from Darling rd. to Garryowen Nicholson st, from Darling st. to Waterview Dick st, offWortleyst. Dock rd., from Bay s t to Ballast Point rd. Bay Donnelly St., from Vincent st. to Booth st. Numa st, off Louisa rd. Duke st, from Darling s t to Waterview bay Duke lane, from Duke s t to Nicholson st. Palmer s t , from Darling rd, to Booth s t 164 Bay BALMAIN Bra Paul St., from Weston st, to Johnson st. Stephen st., from Darling st. to Johnstone's Pearson st., from "Weston st. to Johnson st. - Bay Phillips st., from Darling st. to Ballast Point Thames st., from Darling rd. to Waterview Bay Queen's place, off Darling st. Thorry St., from Weston st. to Birch Grovo rd, Thomas St., from Curtis rd. to Bay st. Reynolds St., from Evans st. to Johnstone's Union st., from Darling st. to Johnstone's Bay Bay Union st,, from Waterview Bay to Snail's Bay Rose st., from Birch Grove rd. to Louisa rd. Rountree St., from Darling rd. to Ballast Point rd. Vincent St., from Adolphus st. to Jane st. Vincent lane, from Adolphus st. to Jane st. Short st., from Darling rd. to Ballast Point rd. Smith St., from Ballast Point to Birch Grove Waterview st., from Darling st. to Waterview rd. Bay Spring St., from College st. to Birch Grove rd. Weston st., from Moodie st. to Garryowon St. Andrew st., from Darling st. to AVaterview Weston st., from Darling st. to Pearson st. Bay White Horse lane, off Thorry st. St. John St., from Darling st. to Waterview William st., from Darling Harbour to JohnBay son st. St. Mary's lane, off Darling st. Wortley st., from Reynolds st. to Palmer st. Beal, Thos., master mariner, Nicholson st. Beanies, Frank, Short st. Beattie, James, butcher, Darling st. Beatton, William, builder, William st. Becke, Mrs. C. M., Nicholson st. Bedford, John, master mariner, Wortley st. Bell, Alexander, Booth st. Bell, Andrew, blacksmith, Cameron st. Bell, Henry, carcass butcher, Abattoir, Glebe Island Boll, John, boat builder, Darling st. Bennett, Richard, Vincent st. Berkshire, Wm., grocer, Darling st. Berthold, II., jeweller & engraver, Darling st. Belts, Frederick, Datehett st. Bingham, Edward, Curtis rd. Birchnm, Henry, shipwright, Paul st. Bird, Charles, chemist, Mort st. Bird, Geo. Ed., master mariner, Nicholson st. Birkenshaw, Thos., master mariner, Duke st. Black, Geo. Scott, sailmaker, Short st. Black, James, mariner, Campbell st. Black, John, Waterview st. Blackadder, Jas., engineer, Campbell st Blackie, Peter, engineer, Ballast point rd. BAILEY, EDWIN, Waterview st. Blake, Francis, Bleak House, Adolphus st. Bailey, Mrs. Ellen B., Datehett st. Bliss, George, butcher, Beattie st. Balls, George Hepburn, Paul st. Bogle, Andrew, hairdresser, Darling st. BALMAIN WATCIIIIOU.SK, Darling st. Booth, George, Darling st. Barn, John, sailmaker, College st. Booth, John, steam saw mills, Booth st. . Burnett, Charles, engine driver, Datehett st. Bottomloy, William II., ship joiner, Darling st. Barnfiold, Elijah, dairyman, Palmer st. Bourne, Wm., John st., New Barrell, Charles S., hay and corn dealer, Dar- Bowden, Mrs. M. A., Elmore cottage, ling st. Nicholson st. Barrett, William, carpenter, Thames st. Bowton, John, plasterer, Fawcett luno Barry, James, Weston street. Boyd, Mrs. Jane.Cooper st. Barter, George Samuel, Abattoir rd. Boyd, Mrs. Sarah, Datehett st. Bartlett, Alfred, blacksmith, Dick st, Bracegirdle, —, Datehett st. Bates, William, boatbuilder, Thames st. Bradford and Co., Balmain firebrick and tileBatcman, Joseph, Thames st. works, Donnelly st. Batty, Thomas William, Reynolds st. Bradley, John Dallison, Birch Grove Bayliss, Alfn-i'., 'V.rlingsl. Bradshaw, Benjamin, Darling st. ABBOTT, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Broadstairs st. Adams, Richard, Cameron st. Adams, Robert, Fern cottage, Ballast pt. rd. Aitkenhcad, Robert, coppersmith, Curtis rd. Aiton, John, Unity Hall, Darling st. Aiton, Thomas James, waterman, Nicholsonst. Alcock, John Augustus, grocer& ironmonger, Darling st. Allen, Henry Thomas, painter, Darling st. Allen, Mark, shipwright, Peacock's point ' Allen, Phillip, ironmonger, Darling st Allen, Thomos, produce agent, Adolphus st. Allt, Thomas Robert, Adolphus st. Anderson, Samuel, bootmaker, Adolphus st. Anderson, William, shipwright, Datehett st. Andreas, Jacob Frederick, butcher, Darling st. Andrew, John, blacksmith, Booth st. Andrews, Andrew, blacksmith, Short st. Arinit, Charles, bus proprietor, Darling st. Armstrong, Robert, boatbuilder, Hosking st. Atkins, Edward Stephen, plumber, AVntorview st. Austen, Francis George, Vincent st. Ohu DIRECTORY. Bradshaw, Thomas, bookbinder, AVatorview st. Brady, Peter, Vincent lane Brady, Philip, Vincent lane Bragg, Philip, dealer, Darling st. Bray, William, carpenter, Queen's place Brennan, William, shipwright, Edward st. Brenton, Thomas, Mort st. Brethwaith, Geo., master mariner Vincent st. Brien, Francis, grocer, Darling st. Broderick, Edward, engineer, Fawcett lane Broderick, Henry, Figtreo point Brown, Alex., master mariner, Campbell st. Brown, Alexander, jun., Kent cottage, Campbell st. Brown, Alexander, shipwright, St. Andrew st. Brown, Daniel, Waterview st. Brown, Edward, Vincent st. Brown, James, Fawcett lane Brown, John, baker, Darling st. Brown, T. T., master mariner, Weston st. Bruce, William, shipwright, Datehett st. Brumfield, Jnmes, waterman, Mort st. Brydon, James, engineer, Mort st. Brydon, Mrs. Margaret, Waterview st. Buchanan, IT., shipwright, St. Andrew st. Buller, Edward, Union st. Burbidge, Mrs. E., Church st. Burrows, Mrs. Elizabeth, Phillip st. Burt, James, builder, Ann st. Burt, William, builder, Ann st. Butler, John William, painter, Datehett st. Butler, Leonard, Fawcett lane Byrnes, William, Vincent st. Duk 165 Clark, Charles, M.D., Campbell st. Clark, Joseph, jeweller, Short st. Clarli, Weaver, master mariner, Duke st. Clayton, James, blacksmith, Waterview st. Cohen, J. G., AVatorview st. Cohen, Mrs. Elizabeth, Stephen st. Colebrook, Thomas, AVeston st. Coles, Mrs. Elizabeth, Datehett st. Collins, Michael, bootmaker, Adolphus st. COXOUEOATIOXAL Ciiuitcn, Darling st. Conway, James, butcher, Darling st. Cooper, George, waterman, AVeston st. Cornell, John, Darling st. Corner, E., Balmain academy, Darling st. Cornish, Samuel, stonemason, Birch Grove rd. Cosgrovo, Thomas, shipwright, Adolphus st. Cowan, "William, Foy st. Cox, AVilliam, dairyman, Beattie st. Creig, Mrs. Eliza, Curtis rd. Creig, George, shipwright, Short st. Croft, Carrington, Edward st. Croft, Faith W., Edward st. Croft, Thomas, AVaterview st Croft, AVilliam, Campbell st. Cronin, James D., Kenvarra, Darling st. Crummy, Mrs. Elizabeth, Darling st. Cumming, Duncan, Nicholson st. Cunningham, Mrs., Vincent lane Curry, Henry, shipwright, Datehett st. DALE, Mits.. JEMIMA, Nicholson st. Littio Dance, AVilliam E., Darling st. Davidson, AVilliam, blacksmith, John st. New Davidson, W. R., Darling st. CAIIILL, WILLIAM, bootmaker, Darling rd. Davis, Charles, Donnelly st. Caithness, Charles, baker, Beattie st. Davis, Frank, Verona cottage, Campbell s t Caldecott, John, engineer, Adolphus st. Dawson, Van, Dick st. Campbell, Daniel, blacksmith, Thames st. Day, Mrs. E., Nicholson st. Campbell, Francis George, Darling st. Deacon, Frank, Beattie s t Carmont, Homy, College st. Deane, John, professor of music, Johnston st. Carroll, John, Palmer st. Dear, Henry, Beattie street Carroll, Joseph P., Datehett st. Bearing, Richard, shipwright, Johnston s t Carwcth, John, packer, Campbell st. Degotardi, John, Peacock's point Castle, L. T., master mariner, St. Mary's st. Delohery, A. C, Campbell st. Caston, Nathaniel, Myrtle vale, Darling rd. Deloitte, William S., Birch Grovo rd. Caswell, Peter, night watchman, Curtis rd. Dcmpsey, James, shipwright, Darling st Catt, Henry, builder, Vincent st. Dcnilf, Martin, bootmuker, AVilliam st. Caudcn, Armand, Church st. Desland, Thomas, mariner, Datehett st. Cavill, John, stonemason, Union s t Dovere, Patrick, bootmaker, Darling st. Cavil], Thomas, carpenter, Datehett st. Dick, John, Balmain Hotel, Stephen st. Cavill, William Henry, grocer, Darling rd. Dickinson, Henry, engineer, Curtis rd. Chandler, Thomus, butcher, Darling st. Dillon, Edward, Elliott st. Cliupe, A., grocer, postmaster, Darling st. Dillon, Rev. G. F., Jane st. Chapman, Win., Alfred cottage, Nicholson st. Docksey, J., coppersmith, Nicholson st. Littio Chapman, Wm. K., ironmonger, Nicholson st. Dodds, John, Reynolds st. Chater, William Henry, Birch Grove Dodds, AVilliam H. D., Stephen st. Cherry, John, Beattie st. Dohrn, John, Ann st. Cherry, Martin, Curtis rd. Donnelly, George, sailmaker, Datehett st Cherry, Miss W., dressmaker, Beattie st. Donnelly, Timothy, sailmaker, Duke st. Chidgey and Son, carpenters, Adolphus st, Donovan, James B., AAreston st. Chidgey George John, Adolphus st. Dowdall, John, engineer, Globo Island Chidgey, George John, jun., Adolphus st. Dowling, Henry, watchmaker, AVatorview st. Chidgey, Mrs. Isabella, Campbell st. Doyle and Turner, carcase butchers, Abattoirs Chilcott, Mrs. H., ladies' school, Darling st. Glebe Island Church, Walter, Mary Ville, Darling st. Duke, Christopher, shipwright, Edward st. 166 Gal BALMAIN Duncan, George, shipwright, Palmer st. Dunnett, John, waterman, Ann st. Durning, "William, Union st. Dwyor, John, Union st. EASTJIOUE, PERCY, Darling rd. Edgington, John, engineer, Mort st. Eichman, John, master mariner, Foy st. Elder, James, engineer, Clayton st. Elliott Brothers, cheraieal works, Darling rd. Elliott, Frederick, Curtis rd, Elliott, George Robinson, Figtrec point Elliott, James, Elliott st. Elliott, John, boilermaker, Darling st. Elliott, William, boilermaker, Palmer st. Ellis, George, shipwright, Darling st. Ellis, Thomas, Mort st. Elvins, John, waterman, Cooper s t Embleton, William, Edward st. English, James, Datchett st, English, Mrs. Catherine, Datchott st. English, T., waterman, Nicholson st. Little Erskino, Thomas Alexander, Short st. Etheredge, George 0., Meremere, Vincent st. Evans, Owen Spencer, surgeon, Darling st. Eve, George, tailor, Darling st. FALCONER, WILLIAM, boilermaker, Collego st. Farmer, James, carpenter, Curtis rd. Farr, Mrs. Thomas, Darling st. Farrolly, James, blacksmith, Adolphus st. Fawcett, Mrs., tobacconist, Darling st. Fay, John, stonemason, Ann s t Fearnley, Isaac, turner, Phillips st. Febers, Oliver, Waterview st. Fenton, James, carter, Adolphus st. Fenton, William, furniture broker, Darling st. Ferguson, —, Campbell st Ferguson, James, Palmer st. Ferguson, James A., boiler maker, Talmer st. Filshin, Gilbert, Waterview st. Fime, Edward, cabinet maker, Datchett st. Finch, William Henry, Palmer s t Fisher, George, warehouseman, Darling rd. Fisk, Henry, boat builder, Mort st. Fitzgerald, Mrs. E., Nicholson s t Fitzgerald, Robert D., Vincent s t Fitzgerald, Robert D., jun., Adraville, Fawcett lane Fitzpatrick, Michael, Darling s t Fletcher, R., tailor and outfitter, Darling st. Flood, James, carter, John st. Ford, Robert T., Heathfield, Adolphus st. Fortune, James, Star Hotel, Mort s t Foster, Nathaniel F., dealer, Darling st Fourcardc, Alfred, Nicholson s t Fowler, Silas, Stephen s t Fox, John, blacksmith, John s t New Fox, Robert Searum, grocer, Darling st. Fox, William, Foy s t Frazer, Rov. J. G., Darling s t Frerichs, Burchard, Darling s t Fullerton, —, shipwright, S t Andrew at GALE, EHUD, carcoso butcher, Glebo Island HiC Galliott, Thomas, builder, Reynolds st. Gannon, William, stonemason, Mullens s t Gard, John, Nicholson st. Gardner, Charles, Duko st. Gardner, Edward, iron moulder, Peacock's pt. Gardner, Henry, boat builder, William st. Gay, James, shipwright, Johnson st. Geard, Frederick, Duko st. Geary, George, shoemaker, Campbell st. Geary, George, jun., bootmaker, Darling st. George, Joshua, waterman, Darling st. Gibb, Thomas, cooper, Vincent lane Gibson, James, carpenter, Reynolds st. Gillespie, Mrs. E., Paul st. Given, Joseph, Church st. Glassop, James John, Darling st. Gleadow, West, Booth st. Glover, Edward, Darling st. Goodsir, Edward, shipwright, Mullens st. Goodsir.AVilliam, shipwright, Peacock's pt. Goold, Pierce, Vincent st. Goond, Samuel, shipwright, AVaterview st. Gould, Samuel, Birch Grove rd. Gordon, Rev. Thomas A , Campbell st. Gosling, Edward, shipwright, Waterview st. Gosling, Joseph, shipwright, Peacock's pt. Gow, Alexander, dairyman, Elliott st. Grady, Mrs. Bridget, Darling st. Grant, George, Ann st. Gray, James D., Thames st. Gray, John, blacksmith, Curtis rd. Gray, Robert, Waterview st. Grenwell, Mrs. Margaret, Waterview st. Griffiths, Robert, Cameron st. Griffiths, Robert, carpenter, St. Andrew st. Griffiths, William, boatman, Vincent lane Grogan, Thomas, Hosking st. HALL, DANIEL, Vincent lano Hall, David, brass moulder, Darling st. Hall, John, Collego st. Ham, John, Collego st. Hamburg, Fred., Walcott Lodge, Darling st. Hancock, Alfred, Palmer st. Harden, Frederick, shipwright, Union st. Harden, James, Johnson st. Harding, James, shipwright, William st. Hardman, John, stonemason, Darling st. Harper, James, storeman, Duko st. Harper, Magnus, shipwright, Datchott st. llarpur, Frederick, M.D., Curtis rd. Harpur, Frederick, jun., Vernon cottage, Nicholson st. Hurpur, T. and P., butchers, Darling st. Harrison, William, watch and clock maker, Darling st. Harriss, Henry, master mariner, Pearson s t Harrold, Charles, Johnson st. Hathaway, Peter, baker, Curtis rd. Hay, William, John s t Haydon, Alfred, Nicholson st. Hayes, Francis, boat builder, Weston st. Heslop, Georgo W., enginoer, Vincent lano Hoyden, Samuel, S t Andrew st. Hicks, David Seth, teacher, Pearson st. Kel DIRECTORY. Hicks, Henry, Darling st. Hill, William, Curtis rd. Hill, William R,, Darling st. Hilton, Jamos, carpenter, Duke st. Hitchcock, William, painter, Mort st. Hixson, Francis, R.N., Johnson st. Iloare, Mrs. Mary A., College st. Hodge, Maurice, slater, Vincent lane Hogdkiss, David, boilermaker, Booth st. Hoffman & Hunt, grocers & bakers, Darling st. Hoffman, Georgo and Henry, bakers, Darling st. Hogerty, Patrick, Ann st. Holdaway, Thomas, boarding house, Mort st. Holmes, Charles, mariner, Datchett st. Holliday, Thomas, bootmaker, Darling st. Holliday, Thomas, bootmaker, Union st. Holloway, Edward, Nicholson st. Honey, John, Duke St. Hossack, Edward, engineer, Campbell st. Housdcn, Charles, Beattio st. Howard, Edward, Campbell st Howard, William, Nicholson st. Howard, William, jun., boatbuildcr, Nicholson s t Hunt Bros., boot & shoe warehouse, Darlingst. Hunt, Edward, Darling and Jano sts. Hunt, Joseph, Darling s t Hunt, Mrs. E., Adolphus st. Hunter, Peter, engineer, St. Andrew st. Hunter, William, blacksmith, Ann st. Huntley, Robert Reynolds, Ballast point rd. Hyland, Michael, Balmain Motel, Darling st. M'L 167 Kelly, Robert, boilermaker, John st. Now Kendall, Isaac, shipwright, Church st. Kenny, John, Fawcett lano Kcnzio, John, Broadstairs st. Killeen, Francis, Darling st. Killeen, Patrick, carpenter, Darling st. King, —, Longnose point Kinninmont, Alexander, Darling st. Kinsey, James, Stephen st. Klein, Charles, Birch Grove rd. Knight, Charles, engine driver, Short st. Knight, W. J., watchmaker, Darling st. Knight, Mrs. Sarah, Curtis rd. LAING, JOHN, engineer, Queen's place Lake, Matthew, ship joiner, Vincent st. Lambert, Miss Jessie, teacher, Ann st. Lamm, Frederick, carpenter, Ballast pt. rd. Lane, John, carpenter, Reynolds st. Langlcy, Robert, grocer, Foy st. Lawler, David John, boilermaker, Stephen st. Laws, Win, John, brassfounder, Iron Cove rd. Lawson, John, waterman, Darling st. Leal, Miss Mary A., Stephen st. t Leo, Edmund, Short st. Lee, John, engineer, Campbell st. Leech, Frederick, baker, Darling st. Leggatt, Thomas, Paul and Weston sts. Leonard, Miss E., school, Mort st. Levy and Poupart, carcase butchers, Abattoirs, Glebo Island Lewis, —, Beattio st. Lewis, Lewis, Kent Hotel, Palmer and Wortley sts. ILLIDOE, GEOHOE J., Booth st. Little, John, Nicholson st. Inglcfield, Henry, Vincent lane Lloyd, Thomas Jefferson, Darling rd. Irwin, John E,, Birch Grovo rd. Lomax, James, boat builder, William st. Lookc, Joseph, Nicholson st. JACKSON, GEOHOE WILLIAM, master mariner, Looke, William, boat builder, Nicholson st. Birch Grovo rd. Loman, Francis, tallow melter, Glebe Island Jackson, John S., waterman, Darling st. Long, Charles II., Curtis rd. Jacques, Theodore, Pearson st. Long, Thomas, carpenter, Duke st. Jardino, William, Stephen s t Longfield, William, Union st. Jeffroy, Thomas, engineer, Union st. Longford, Charles, Dick st. Jennings, Thos., grocer, draper, &c, Collego st. Longmore, Alexander, master mariner, Jcsson, Henry, grocer, Darling st. Nicholson st. Joell, William, painter, Datchett st. Loudon, Luke, bootmaker, Darling s t Johnson, Edward, Darling rd. Loutit, Win,, master mariner, Peacock's pt. Johnson, Leslie, Beattie st. Low, Patrick, Cooper st. Johnson, Richard, shipwright, Short st. Lowick, Wm. N., master mariner, Union st. Johnson, Thomas H., Nicholson st. Lumsdaine, Rev. William, Pearson st. Johnston, Andrew, engine driver, Adolphus st. Lynch, Bartholomew, teacher, Adolphus st. Johnston, Walter, carpenter, Vincent lane Lyons, John, master mariner, Johnson st. Joiner, George, gardener, Vincent lano Lysaght, John, ironfounder, Vincent lano Jones, Albert, grocer, Darling st. Jones, Phillip, master mariner, Campbell st. M'AETirun, TnoiiAs, Durham Villa, College st. Jordan, Charles, baker, Darling st. M'Arthur, T. and Co., ship builders, ironJoske, Adolph, Vandolino, Ballast point rd. founders and engineers, Waterview Bay Jung, Leopold T., Rockville, Ballast point, rd. M'Beth, —, builder, Darling st. M'Bumey, Wm., master mariner, Edward st. KAIN, PATRICK, carcase butcher, Glebe Island M'Callon, James, dairyman, Cameron st. Kane, Charles, storekeeper, Clayton st. M'Caskie, John, dairyman, Crescent st. Kavanagh, John, carpenter, Vincent lano M'Clomens, John, master mariner, Booth st. Kay, David, engineer, John st. New M'Loan, Archibald, master mariner, Birch Koll, Joseph, Foy st. Grove rd. 168 Mon Per ROS Monkett, Thomas, cooper, Clayton st. MonteCioro, Jacob Levi, Birch Grove Moore, George Augustus, John st, Moore, John, carter, Cooper st. Moore, William, Parsons st. Moppett, Thomas, J.. Weston st. Morccroft, John, St. Andrew st. Moron, James, Union st. Morison, Robert, engineer, Church st. Morran, Thos., Shipwrights' Arms, Darling st. Morrison, George, plumber, Pawcett lane Morrison, James, engineer, St. Andrew st. Morrison, William, pattern maker, Stephen st. Morrisset, Mrs., Campbell st. Morton, John, M.D., Adolphus st. Mort's Dry Dock, Watervicw Bay, Mort st. Mort's Dock Steam Perry Wharf, Mort st. Muir, Hugh, engineer, St. Andrew st. Mullens, Josiah, Pearson st. Perry, William H., shipwright, Union st. Pevorlcy, William, ship owner, Darling st. Peverley, Win., master mariner, Johnson st. Phcgan, Richard, shipwright, Weston st. Phillips, George, greengrocer, Darling st. Phillips, John, dealer, Palmer st. Phillips, Robert, storekeeper, Campbell st. Phillips, William, boiler maker, Rountreo st. Phillips, William, Campbell s t : Pilchcr, John Conroy, Vincent lane Pollitt, James, waterman, Mort st. Poole, Charles Henry, Mort st. Pooluian, Alfred, engineer, Ironcovc rd. Pope, Robert, engineer, Paul st. Porter, E., chemist and druggist, Darling st. BALMAIN M'Clccr, John, Stephen st. M'Coslin, Jolin, blacksmith, Little Nicholson st, M'Culloch, —, Darling st. M'Culloch, "William, shipwright, Foy st. M'Court, Michael, A n n st. M'Diarmid, John, master mariner, Campbell st, M'Donagh, M., ironmoulder, Watervicw st. M'Donald, Jnmcs, Thames st. M'Donald, Peter, painter, Peacock's point M'Donald, William, Union st. M'Donald, William, Nicholson st. M'Guirk, John, greengrocer, Darling st. M'Guirk, Michael, dealer, Darling st. M'Inernoy, John, engine driver, Beattie st. M'Intosh, Alexander, engineer, Phillips st. M'Kenzie, Arthur, lighterman, Reynolds st. M'Kenzie, Donald, shipwright, Fawcett lane M'Kenxic, Thomas, shipwright, Campbell st. M'Keon, Francis, general smith, Darling st. M'Keown, John, waterman, Mort st. M'Kinlay, John, Curtis rd. M'Kinlay, John, master mariner, Nicholson st. M'Lachlan, Alex., engineer, St. Andrew st. M'Lachlan, Cuthbert, engineer, Cooper st. M'Lauchlan, Alexander, mariner, Stephen st. M'Lauchlan, Daniel, grocer, Campbell st. M'Mullen, James, engine driver, Mort st. M'Neilly, James, Datchett st. M'Taggart, Mark, Shell cottage, Nicholson st. M'Quade, Thomas, blacksmith, St. Andrew st. M'Queen, Adolphus, Duke st. MacLoughlin, Henry, fireman, Datchett st. MacNaraara, Cornelius, carpenter, Beattio st. Machin, Henry, master mariner, Nicholson st. Mackay, Mrs. C., Short st. Macken, Thomas, butcher, Colle/re st. Maggs, Benjamin, quarryman, Pawcett lane Maitland, Charles C , Darling rd. Mann, William, Datchett s t Mansfield, Rev. K., Nicholson st. Marshall, Hy., pianoforte tuner, Campbell st. Marshall, Mrs. H., ladies' school, Campbell st. Marshall, William, Adolphus st. Marshall, William, ship owner, Darling st. Martin, Edward, architect, Mort st. Matthewman, Thomas, Ann st. Maxted, John Henry, Johnson st. Maxwell, Mrs. Margaret, milliner, Darling st. Maxwell, Mrs. Mary A., Short st. May, William, shipwright, Dick s t Melville, George, pattern maker, Short st. Mercer, James, blacksmith, College st. Miles, John Roxburgh, Hosking st. Millar, Miss E. A., ladies' school, Darling si. Miller, Alexander, Darling s t Miller, Thomas, Datchett st. Millman, William, master mariner, Darling st. Minchall, William, A n n st. Mitchell, James, shipwright, Weston st. Moat, William Henry, dealer, Darling st. Moen, Mrs. M. A,, Cooper s t Moloney, James, Queen's place Mongor, Edwin, Church st. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, Darling st. Murphy, William, engineer, Jane st. Murray, J., draper, Stephen und Darling sts. Murray, Robert, engineer, College s t Murray, Theophilus, shipwright, Cooper st. Myers, John, Campbell st. NAISMITH, ALEXANDER, plumber, Vincent st. Namby, Robert George, engineer, A n n st. Nash, George, waterman, Darling st. Nash, Joseph, waterman, Reynolds st. Noil, Mrs. B., Darling st. Nelson, Robert, boilermaker, John st. Newson, John, Darling rd. Norman, William, Nicholson st. O'BRIEN, JOHN, carcase butcher, Glebo Island O'Brien, Thomas, carter, Darling st. O'Connor, David, carcase butcher, Glebe Island O'Donnel, Wm., Rob Boy Hotel, Vincent st. O'Neill, Samuel, dealer, Campbell s t O'Toole, Thomas, Datchett st. Ogden, John, Vincent st. Oggins, William, Church s t Orchard, George, plasterer, Curtis rd. Ostler, James, Vincent s t Ostler, Henry, Vincent st. P . & 0 . MAIL COMPANY'S STORES, M o r i st. Palmer, James, boat builder, Nicholson st. Paisley, Robert, grocer, Darling st. Parker, W. chemist and druggist, Darling st. Parr, George, teacher, Nicholson s t Partridge, Samuel, Mort st. Pashley, James A., shipwright, John s t , Now Pushloy, John, shipwright, Short st. Passmore, William, Johnson s t Paton, John, blacksmith, Curtis rd. Patterson, Thomas, Birch Grove Pearson, Walker, Adolphus s t Peers, William, shipwright, Nicholson st. Pell, Mrs,, Donnelly st. Perdriau, H., coal and wood yard, A dolphus st. Perdriau, Henry, Darling st. Perdriau, H., steam ferry, Adolphus st. Perkins, Thomas, Minevcu point POST OFFICE, Darling st. LETTISH RECEIVER, Mort st. DIRECTORY. Slip i69 Ross, William, Darling s t Row, Edward, Nicholson st. Russell, James, engineer, Short st. Ryan, Edward, carcase butcher, Glebe Island Ryan, John, engineer, Adolphus s t Ryan, Mrs. Mary, Campbell s t SADDINQTON, ROBERT, Darling s t Salomons, Julian, Birch Grove rd. Sanders and Co., Branch Parcel Delivory Receiving Office, Darling st. Sargent, Henry, butcher, Mort s t Sawyer, William H., shipowner, Caroline st. Schlancker, William, Darling st. SCHOOL OF A R T S , Darling st. Schoultz, William F . , builder, Clayton st. Scoles, William, engineer, Church st. I'ostlothwaito, Rev. Richard, Campbell st. Scott, Montagu, artist, Adolphus st. Potts, Cornelius, ship chandler, Pawcett lano Scott, Walter, engineer, College s t Powell, George, Darling s t Seddon, Thomas, fancy warehouse, Darling s t Powell, J., Richmond place, Duke st. Seldon, Richard, master mariner, Edward st. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Darling st. Sendall, Horace, Thames st. Prescott, Louis, master mariner, Hosking st. Seymour, Alexander, Church st. Prestage, E., cordial manufacturer, Darlingst. Shaw, George, Darling st. Pritchard, William, grocer, Darling s t Shaw, William G., mariner, Adolphus st. PUBLIC SCHOOL, J a n e st. Shelley, William Henry, dealer, Stephen s t Pyne, William, engraver, Datchett st. Shepherd, Mrs. Eliza, butcher, Darling rd. Shipman, William, Reynolds st. QUINN, FRANCIS, Thames st. Shoobert, James, Nicholson st. « Quirk, Nicholas, dairyman, F o y st. Simpson, Simon, storeman, Nicholson st. Sims, John, shipwright, William s t RADFORD, J O H N ROBERT, Darling st. Sinclair, John, shipwright, Palmor s t Raino, Robert, carcase butcher, Glebe Island Skinner, John, John s t , New Rankin, John, Reynolds st. Smeal, Joseph, joiner, Datchett st. Read, Charles, Darling st. Smith, Colin M., Shannon Grove, Darling st. Read, George, wood and coal merchant, Birch Smith, Henry, bootmaker, Waterview st. Grove rd. Smith, James, ironmoulder, Darling st. Reeks, William, plasterer, Ann st. Smith, John, bootmaker, Darling st. Reid's coal and wood depot, Adolphus st. Smith, John, bookbinder, Union st. Reidy, John, shipwright, Johnson s t Smythe, John Edward, John st. Remington, Robert, Fawcett lane Snashall, James, grocer, Campbell st. Rennie, David, engineer, Darling st. Spence, Francis, Booth st. Renny, Edward Alex., Nicholson st. Spence, Hugh, pattern maker, Mort st. Reynolds, Andrew W., boatbuilder, Duke s t Spence, John, carpenter, Mort st. Reynolds, James, Evans s t Springthorpe, John, Nicholson st. Reynolds, James, carpenter, F o y st. ST. AUGUSTINE'S XIOMAN CATHOLIC CnuRCH, Riley, George, ironmoulder, Short s t Jane st. Riley, Michael, dairyman, Cameron st. ST. AUQUSTINE'S CATHOLIC DENOMINATIONAL Richard, James, carpenter, Darling st. SCHOOL, Jane st. Rix, Richard, plasterer, Fawcett lane ST. MARY'S PUBLIC SCHOOL, Adolphus st. Robertson, Edward, Darling s t ST. MARY'S CHURCH OF ENGLAND, Darling st. Robertson, John, engineer, Watervicw s t Steel, Thomas, waterman, Crescent s t Robertson, John, Beattie st. Stenhouse, Nicol D., Carolino st. Robinson, Frederick R., White Horso st. Stewart, George, shipwright, Beattio s t Robinson, John S., Duke st. Stewart, William, Duke st. Robinson, John, boat builder, Datchett st. Stone, Jacob, St. Andrew s t Robinson, Thomas B., Warwick Castle, Dar- Stone, John;* Curtis rd. ling rd. Storm, James, Albion Hotel, Darling st, Roderick, Francis, Mullens st. Stuart, William, Dick st. Roderick, John, shipwright, Short st. Stubbs, Robert, Nicholson st. Roe, Michael, shipwright, Nicholson st., Little Sullivan, Daniel, College st. Rohrmann, Jacob, grocer, Clayton st. Sullivan, Chris., master mariner, Darling s t Rose, Mrs. Ann, William st. . Sullivan, James, Phillip st. Rose, William, Figtree point Sunner, James, boilormakor, Adolphus st. Ross, Thomas, shipwright, Watervicw st. I Suppel, William, turner, St. Andrew st. 1<70 Wal BALMAIN Surry, Joseph, shipwright, Palmer st. Swan, Mrs. J., Abattoir rd. Symons, R , White Bay Hotel, Orescent st. TANORED, JAS., carcase butcher, Globo Island Tatham, Robert, ironworker, Darling st. Tatham, Robert, grocer, Darling st. Taylor, William, shipwright, Union st. Telfer, David, pattern maker, Collego st. Ternen, Mrs. L., Burnbank Hotel, Darling st. Thaw, William, Booth st. Thomas, Henry, Volunteer Hotel, Darling st. Thomas, Joseph Hicks, butcher, Beattie st. Thompson, George, ship builder, Darling st. Thompson, John, shipwright, St. Andrew st. Thompson, John, pattern maker, Short st, Thome, James, Darling rd. Thornton, William, builder, Thames st. Tidswell, H. Earnshaw, Booth st. Tilsley, Joseph, turner, Mort st. Toelle, Henry, carpenter, Collego st. Tomkins, John, Marine Villa, Paul st. Toole, Patrick, plumber, Mullens st. Triggs, Alfred valentine, Darling st. Trengrouse, Wm. Anthony, Birch Grove rd. Trotter, John, mariner, Johnson st. Trouton, Frederick, Nicholson st. Turner, Alex., Olyde cottage, Reynolds st. Twenty-man, Matthewman, Vincent lane VACCINE INSTITUTION, Darling st. Vale, Frederick, Curtis rd. Vale, George Ebenezer, Campbell st, Vallack, William, Darling s t Verey, George, Beattie st. Verey, Miss S. H., fancy repository, Darling st. Verney, Thomas, master mariner, Hosking st. Verney, Thomas, boilermaker, Cooper st. Viles, John, Elliott st. Vine, William, Clayton st. WAKFER, SOLOMON, stonemason, Church st. Wakfer, Thomas, Dock Inn, Cameron st. Walker, John, clerk, Paul st. Walters, James, blacksmith, Curtis rd. Walters, James R., accountant, Darling st. C You Wardrobe, John, engineer, John st., Now AVaterman, John, teacher, Beattie st. Wutkinson, James, baker, Darling st. Watson, John, clerk, Datchett st. Watson, William, Johnson st. Watters, William, Wortley st. Watts, William, St. Andrew st. Watts, William, Donnelly st. Weaver, Thomas, Palmer st. Webb, Edward Joseph, John st., New Webb, John Henry, waterman, Darling rd. Webber, Mrs,, Adolnhus st. Wellings, Henry, painter, &c, Darling st. Wellings, Mrs., Ann st. Welch, James, Rountreo st. Welch, James, mastor mariner, Duke st. WESLEYAN Cmmcn, Darling st. Wheatley, John, iron moulder, Vincent st. White, William, butcher, Parsons st Whitney, Charles, St. Andrew st. Whiting, Mrs. Elizabeth, Birch Grove rd. Wilkie, David, stonemason, Curtis rd. Wilkinson, Frederick George, Palmer st. Wilkinson, Percival, Johnson st. Williams, John, Darling rd. Williams, Robert, joiner, Mort st. Wills, George, Darling s t Wilson, Mrs. C. II., Duke st. Wilson, Frederick Sydnoy, Cooper st. Wilson, Henry, sailmaker, College st. Wilson, John, grocer, Mort st. Wilson, Watson, John s t New Winters, Maurice, engineer, John st. Now Winton, Walter W., Forth fr Qtjde, Mort st. Wood, W. H., upholsterer and undertaker, Darling st. Woodhill, A. M., ironmonger, St. Andrew st. Woolnough, Henry, Nicholson st. Woolnough, Horace, Nicholson st. Working Men's Institute, Jane st. Worms, Matthew Aaron, Johnson st. Wright, George, blacksmith, John st. Now DEANE, MBS. H , Richmond villa Deane, William Drynan, William Dunnage, James, Moon's cottages Dyo, Tilmouth F . YEEND ALEXANDER, Waterview st. ELWIN, THEODOBE, Augusta villa York & Co., carcase butchers, Glebe Island Young, David, enginoer, Duke st. FERGUSON, MEREDITH DUKE, Veteran cottage BUKWOOD. ALDERTON, DANIEL, grocer, Parramatta rd. Ashdown, Archibald, Ellen lodge Ashlin, Spencer, Wimbledon cottage Atwell, John, postmaster BABTLETT, WM., Hen and Chicken Bay Benbow, G. F . Bennett, Samuel Bentley, Thomas C. Blott, Samuel, Parramatta rd. Bloomfield, Rev. J . R. Brown, Mrs. Mary Ann Brown, Robert, Moon's cottagos Bubb, John R. Burns, Henry, Malta cottage Burt, C, Sovereign cottage CABMICIIAEL, MBS. E , Willings cottage Catlett, W. H. Cohen, Francis Cohen, Mosoloy M., J.P., Parramatta rd. Cbomor, James, Parramatta rd. Cox, Kenneth Crawford, Alex., railway station mastor Cutler, Benjamin Cutler, Samuel, carpenter Fletcher, Joseph Fox, Henry Thos., Tho Parsonago KEBIN, ANDBEW LAMBTON, STEPHEN H. Lee, Simon Lester, Miss-E., ladies' school, Lansdowno house Lester, Thomas, Parramatta rd. Linden, Mrs. Ann, River View cottago Lucas, George, Prince Frederick Hotel, Parramatta rd. Lucas, William, Parramatta rd. M'CoxLoon, MBS. MARGARET M'Cullum, Alexander, grocer M'Donald, E., Burwood Family Hotel M'Donald, William, Parramatta rd. M'Grath, Patrick, postmaster, Longbottom M'Kenzie, Simon, blacksmith, Parramatta rd. Maughan, Henry, grocer NEion, EMANUEL, Bath Arms, Parramatta rd. Nowlan, Denis, Hen and Chicken bay OGILVIE, ALEXANDER, Cheltenham cottago PEARSON, JAMES, Parramatta river Perry, James REID, J. A., MoonVcottages Roach, John Ronold, Mrs. Henry Row, John, Doongalla cottago S.VMUDA, BENJAM*---, Parramatta rd. Gazzard, Edward, Liverpool rd. Gough, George Francis, Parramatta rd. Savage, Thomas G. Scaplehorn, Joseph, Parramatta rd. Sherar, George Shure, Charles, Liverpool rd. Smith, W. T., grocer, Parramatta rd. Steward, Alexander HAWKINS, RICHARD TAYLOR, CHARLES, tailor GARLAND, JAMES, Mitchell's lano Hawksford, John Henderson, Thos. Alfred, Fair Lawn cottago Hill, John, Bellavista cottago Hitchens, Alfred, Moon's cottages Howdon, Rev. G. G. Hughes, David B. Hynard, Robert * WATTS, JOHN, distriot registrar Webb, Henry Richard William, Francis, Winifred cottago Williams, Mrs. Margaret, Woodbino cottago YOUNG, MionAEL, Woodsido cottago Hor DIRECTORY. EDWARDS, JOSETO, ironmouldcr, University st. Edwards, Mrs. Mary, Stephen st. Egan, Patrick, dray proprietor, Isabella st. Elliott, Joseph, dray proprietor, Burton st. Elliott, Mrs. Eliza, school, Stephen st. Elliott, Mrs. Ellen, sempstress, Dowling st. Evans, George, dray proprietor, Dowling st. Evnns, Jeremiah, University st. CAMPERDOWN, 'INCLUDING THE MUNICIPALITY OF COOK. Oardwell, Mrs. Elizabeth, Dowling st. Cardwell, Thomas, Parramatta rd. Carter, William, dealer, Camperdown rd. Chapman, Henry, mason, Isabella st. Chase, Henry, bricklayer, Brown st. Clarke, Francis, storekeeper, Parramatta rd. Clayton, James, dealer, Eton st. Olingen, George, gardener, University st. Clithroe, C , ship carpenter, Australia st. Close, William, Elizabeth st. BACKBIT, ROBERT, dray proprietor, Grose st. Cockrin, William, gardener, Missenden rd. Baker, Thomas, draper, Grose st. Collins, J. J., Grose Farm Hotel,Missenden id. Banks, William, bricklayer, Brown st. Connery, James, butcher, Brodie st. Barker, George, Thomas at. Conlon, William, carcase butcher, Grose st. Barker, Samuel, Parramntta rd. Connor, Martin, College st. Barnett, William, Denison st. Bedford, Alfred, painter and paperhanger, Cottam, Seth, Grose st. Cox, Robert, agent, Grose st, " Parramatta rd. Oreare, Mrs., Thomas st. Beech, George, mason, Stephen st. , Belcher, Elijah, brassfounder, Parramatta r d . Croft, Fred., brickmaker, Burton s t . Croft, James, brickmaker, Stephens st. Bell, James, grocer, Parramatta rd. Bennett, James, coachbuildcr, Parramatta r d . Crotty, Timothy, Burton st, Oruikshank, Alexander, wheelwright anil Birch, James, bricklayer, Missenden rd. blacksmith, Parramatta rd. Birch, T., glass mould maker, Campbell st. Culbert, Andrew, dealer, Parramatta rd. Bladon, William, Missenden rd. Blakeney, J., saddler and harness maker, P a r - Culbert, John, grocer, Parramatta rd. Culbert, Thomas, tallow chandler, Derby st. idmatta rd. Culbert, Thomas, carpenter, Parramatta rd. Blakeney, Patrick, butcher, Parramatta rd. Blacknoy, P., tobacco twister, Parramatta rd. Cull, Thomas, Brown st. Cullen, Patrick, fruiterer, Parramatta rd. Bones, Edward, baker, Grose st. Booth, James, University st. DAOQ, GEonaE, dray proprietor, Stephen st. Booth, William, mason, Thomas st. Dagg, William, dray proprietor, Grose st. Boots, Charles, carpenter, Australia st. Daggar, James, blacksmith, Brown st. Box, Edward, wireworker, Elizabeth st. Boylson, Joseph, baker, Parramatta rd. Daley, Daniel, Parramatta rd. Braddick, Edward, fellmonger, Isabella st. Daley, Dennis, Brown st. Bradley, J. 0., Harbor cottage, Missenden rd. Davison, G., Governor Bourhe Hotel, ParraBrixey, William H., bricklayer, Brown st. matta rd. Brown, J., Pyrmont Bridge rd. Do Clerk, Pierre, ticket writer, Australia st. Brown, William, Brodie st. Dennis, Thomas, dealer, Camperdown rd. Bruffold, John, bricklayer, Parkins st. DENOMINATIONAL (ROMAN CATHOLIC) SCHOOL, Bubb, Robert, Missenden rd. Parramatta rd. Buckley, John, Australia st. Dibbs, George, Chester Lodge, Parramatta rd. Bucknell, JJ., barrowmakcr, Camperdown rd. Douglass, Orr, timber merchant, Australia st. Burton, Frederick A . , carpenter, Grose st. Downcs, Pat., tallow chandler, Missenden rd. Buttcrfield, Barnett, carpenter, Elizabeth st. Downey, James, Parramatta rd. Doyle, John, brickmaker, Elizabeth st. CAMI'EBDOWN PUBLIC SCHOOL, Pyrmont Bridge Doyle, Michael, brickmaker, Elizabeth st. Dniry, George, Elizabeth st. rd. Caraher, 0 . J., soap and candle manufactory, Dubois, Henry, bootmaker, Smith st. Duffy, James, tallow chandler, Parramatta rd. Parramatta rd. ALLCOOK, THOS. H E N B Y , tanner and currier, Stephen st. Aldous, George, glazier, Camperdown rd. Allen, William, Stephen st. Anderson, Robert, mason, Denison st. Alsop, Thomas W., Grose st. Annan, John, dray proprietor, Burton st. Austin, Mrs. Catherine, Pnrramatta rd. M'N 173 Havenden, Mrs. Mary, Welcome Home Inn, Brown st. Howe, Frederick, builder, Missenden rd. Howe, Henry, brickmaker, Missenden rd. Howe, William, council clerk, Parramatta rd. Howell, Vincent, carpenter, Camperdown rd. Hughes, William, dray proprietor, Grose st. Hutchinson, Joshua, baker and dealer, Parramatta rd. FARRIS, MRS. ELIZABETH, Edgebaston cottage, Missenden rd. Fitzpatrick, Henry, bootmaker, Stephen st. Flaherty, B., dray proprietor, Parramatta rd. Flcnady, James, Smith lane Foat, Mrs. Eliza, Grose st. Foreman, John, stonemason, John st. Forrest, Rev. John, D.D., rector St. J o h n ' s College, Missenden rd. Foster, William, saddler, Parramatta rd. Fowler, Enoch, potter, Parramatta rd. Fowler, Robert, potter, Denison st. Fox, Thomas, P y r m o n t Bridge rd. .Foy, Martin, Denison st. Fullagar, George, gingcrbeer maker, Camperdown rd. GABII, Mrs. SARAH, Burton st. Gnlliott, Mrs., Missenden rd. Gash, Thomas, mason, Stephen st. Gee, George, mariner, Isabella st. Giblet, James, butcher, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Qoodin, Fred., bus proprietor, Missenden rd. Gordon, Wallace, mariner, Ross st. Grady, Patrick, Eton st. IIAOEN, J O H N , Burton st. Hall, Henry, mason, Thomas st. Hamilton, Hour}', carpenter, Stephen st. Hamilton, William, storoman, Grose st. Hard, William, Rochester Inn, Missenden rd. Hardiman, Mnlachi, mason, Dowling st. Harper, John It., Camperdown rd. Harris, Henry, Grose st. Harris, Joseph, eorpentor, Missenden rd. Harris, Thomas, brickmaker, Camperdown r d . Harris, William, artist, Camperdown rd. Hartman, William, Campbell st. Hpney, Mrs. H a n n n h , University st. Hiekson, Mrs. A n n , Camperdown rd. Hieltson, Mrs. Harriot, Stephen st. Hill, Joseph, brickmaker, Australia st. Hill, Mrs., Grose st. Hinds, Thomas A., butcher, Missenden rd. Hinds, William, butcher, Dowling st. llintnn, James, Parramatta rd. Hinton, John, Parramatta rd. Hinton, Mrs,, Parramatta rd. Hinton, S., Parramatta rd. Hinton, William, butcher, Parramatta rd. Hobbs, John, wheelwright, Australia st. Hngan, AVillioin It., Missenden rd. Hollands, Henry, mason, Camperdown rd. Hopeing, George, grocer, Missenden rd. Hornley, John, dealer, Camperdown rd. INNES, DANIEL, builder, Smith st. JACKSON*, W., carpenter and joiner, Grose st. Jarvis, Robert, mason, Burton st. Jeffries, H., tallow chandler, Thomas st. Jenkins, Edwin, mason, University st. Jentch, Augustus, tailor, St. Mary's s t Johnson, Benjamin, Grose st. Johnston, Elliott, butcher, Campbell st. Jones and Son, cabinetmakers, Parramatta rd. Jones, John, Brodie st. Jones, John B., Parramatta rd. Jones, John B., solicitor, Missenden rd. Jones, William Parramatta rd. Jones, William, jun., Parramatta rd. KEATING, JOHN, Dowling st. Keene, Frederick, Missenden rd. Kemp, Rev. C. C , Bligh st. Kilpatrick, Miss Sarah, Campbell st. King, Mrs. Catherine, Dowling st. King, Samuel, dray proprietor, Burton st. King, William, mariner, University st. Kingcott, James, dealer, Susan st. Kostcn, Frederick, Pnrramatta rd. LANTERN, PATRICK, Australia st. Larltin, James, grocer, Parramatta rd. Lattin, Benj. W., glassworks,Camperdown rd. Lemon, William, brickmaker, Perkins st. Leslie, James J., preserved meat manufacturer, Parramatta rd. Leslie, AVillinm, butcher, Stephen st. Lessing, Mrs. Margaret, Isabella s t Lever, .1., Grose st. Lewis, Samuel, brickmaker, Dowling st. Lishmnn, Robert, mason, Denison st. Lowe, Francis, slater. Burton st. Lowe, George II., mason, Elizabeth st. Lucas, John, M.L.A., Pyrmont Bridge rd. Luggat, Wiliiain G., Perkins st. Lynch, Dennis, turner, oil' Rose st. Lyons, Thomas S., Brodie st. M'CARTIIV, EUGENE, Stephen st. M'Cready, Patrick, Stephen st. M'Klvein, Mrs. Mary J a n e , University st. M'Faddan, AVilliam, wheelwright, Stephen st. M'Grath, Michael, Parramatta rd. M'Kune, Henry, draper, Brown st. M'Kcnzie, Robert A., Grose st. M'Kcown, Mrs. Mary, dealer, Parramatta rd. M'lManamey, James, Missenden rd. M'Namara/Dennis, Australia st. M'Ncilage, Win., glassblowcr, University st. 174 Ree M*Rae, John, carpenter, Casey st. Macarthur, Gilbert, potter, Parramatta rd. Maggee, John, blacksmith, Grose Bt. Maher, James, Derby st. Malony, James, teacher, Missenden rd. Mangan, Michael, Dowling st. Mansell, William, Brown st. Margetts, Mrs. Bridget, College st. Matthews, Daniel, Parramatta rd. Medina, Ralph, mariner, Dowling st. Merofleld, George, painter, Dowling st. Miles, James, gardener, Camperdown rd. Miller, John, cabinetmaker, Elizabeth st. Mills, Charles, bootmaker, Camperdown rd. Mills, George, Elizabeth s t Milne, Andrews, dray proprietor, Burton st. Milroyno, George, dray proprietor, Burton st. Moon, Thomas, builder, Susan st Moore, Andrew, dealer, Parramatta rd. Moore, Thomas, mason, Grose st. Morgan, Henry, dray proprietor, Stephen st. Morgan, Thomas, Parramatta rd. Morton, John, bootmaker, Camperdown rd. Morrow, Robert, The Honest Irishman, Camperdown rd. Moseley, William, Parramatta rd. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF COOK, Parramatta rd. Murphy, Eobert, clerk, Campbell st. NANN, JOSEPH, Burton st. Yeo Richards, Mrs. Isabella, College st Ross, Joseph, glassblower, Camperdown rd. Rossiter, George J., draper, University st. Rowland, Thomas, Thomas st. Russell, A. B., drapers' assistant, Missenden rd. Russell, Robert, storeman, Isabella st. SANDBROOK, JonN, builder, Ross st. SonooL OF AETS, Parramatta rd. Scott, Frederick, carpenter, Parramatta rd. Sealo.J., Square and Compass, Parramatta rd. Sheehan, Mrs. Margaret, Burton st. Shoemaker, John, tanner, Casey st. Smith, George, University st. Smith, nonry, Campbell st. Smith, John, Smith's lane Smith, Thomas, butcher, Stephen st. Spithill, John, carpenter, Wilson st. Sproules, Thomas, dealer, Missenden rd. ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE, Missenden rd. ST. PAUL'S COLLEGE, Newtown rd. Steel, Robert, mariner, Brown st. Summers, William, carpenter, University st. Sutton, Paul, mason, Elizabeth st. TATnAM, ROBERT, engineer, Australia st. Taylor, Rev. Robert, Missenden rd. Thomas, Jomes, blacksmith, Groso st. Thompson, George, painter, Brown st. Thompson, Robert, Denison st. Thornwaithe, Edward, soap boiler, John st. Tongue, Thomas, Grose st. Torrens, William James, tinsmith, Grose st. Neves, Mrs. Eliza, Brodie st. Newell, John J., butcher, Camperdown rd. Newman, Jos., dray proprietor, Parramatta rd. UNDERWOOD, WALTER, horse dealer, Smith st. Nonelan, John, Elizabeth st. UNIVERSITY, Parramatta rd. North, Edwin, clerk, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Noyes, Mrs. Ellen, Smith lane VANCE, J., Dowling st. Vaughan, Daniel, Grose st. O'BRIEN, JOHN, dray proprietor, Grose st. O'Brien, W., Captain Cook, Parramatta rd. Vickers, Henry, Rose st. O'Connor, Patrick, Smith st. WALKER, JosEPn, dealer, University st. O'Connor, Thomas, dealer, Camperdown rd. Walther,' Philip, Casey st. O'Elanagan, James, Missenden rd. Waters, Reuben, wheelwright, Denison st. O'Hear, Michael, Campbell st. Watts, Mrs. Isabella, Camperdown rd. O'Neill, Mrs. Sophia, tailoress, Missenden rd. WESLEYAN CHAPEL, John st. Ormandy, John, patternmaker, Campbell st. West, Alex., blacksmith, Missenden rd. Overton, Charles I t , potter, Isabella st. West, James, providore, Missenden rd. Woyman, Robert M., survoyor, Grose st. PALMER, JOHN M., University st. Wheeler, Charles, University st. Parcell, Henry, gardener, Smith st. Wheeler, II. T., coach painter, University st. Paul, Alfred, dealer, Dowling st. Wheeler, AVm,, coach builder, Elizabeth st. Paul, John, Parramatta rd. White, David, miller, Burton st. Pendergast, Mrs. Mary, Australia st. Whitehead, E., cigar maker, Parramatta rd. Petty, William, master mariner, Brown st. Wilson, James, mason, Stephen st. Pierce, Samuel, butcher, Parramatta rd. Wilson, John S., Missenden rd. Pike, Thomas, builder, Dowling Bt. Wilson, Mrs. Elizabeth, University st. Pont, Mrs., ladies' school, Groso st. Winterbottom, T., brickmoker, Campbell st. Pont, William, bootmaker, GroBO st. Woodham, Reubon, butcher, Smith st. Price, Henry, pastrycook, Stephen st. Woods, Joseph, College st. RANDEL, JOHN, Groso st. Woodward, William, John st. Rattigan, Patrick, bootmaker, Stephen st. Woolley, William, gardener, Camperdown rd. Read, Edward, bootmakor, Camperdown rd. Woonocott, Mrs. M., Missenden rd, Redd, Robert, tailor, Isabella st. Reddan, John, carcase butcher, John st. YEOMAN, JAMES, The Hampshire Hotel, ParReedy, Mrs, Catherine, Isabella st. ramatta rd, COOK'S EIVEE KOAD, TEMPE AND ST. PETER'S. ARDERN, ROBERT CHARLES, Cook's River rd. Arundell, George, baker, Cook's River rd. Avis, Mrs. Sarah, teacher, S t Peter's BARDEN, FREDERICK, butcher, Tempe Geering, James, Cook's River rd. Goodsell, F. J., brickmaker, Cook's River rd. Gray, Allan, greengrocer, St. Peter's Grey, John, grocer, Cook's River rd. Guille, R. W., teacher, St. Peter's Barden, Sidney, butcher, St. Peter's Bardon, Spencer, Victoria Inn, Tcmpe HARBER, ABEL, brickmaker, Unwin's Bridge rd. Barrett, W., Silver St., St. Peter's Harris, John, St. Peter's Benson, William, painter, Silver st. Haves, Samuel, Silver st. Booth, Henry, Hero of lVaterloo, St. Peter's Holly, AVilliam, St. Peter's Bown, Thos. J., Barwan Park, St. Peter's Howarth, A., Butchers' Arms, Cook's River rd. Bradslmw, William, brickmaker, St. Peter's Hills, Robert, Cook's River rd. Brennan, Thomas, lime burner, Tempe Ilillow, Joseph, boatman, Tempo Brown, John, grocer, St. Peter's Hughes, John, Cook's River rd. Bruee, Alexander AV, Cook's River rd. Hunt, Charles, bus proprietor, Tempo Bryant, John, dairyman, Cook's River rd. Hunter, AVm., grocer, Silver s t , St Peter's Burchmore, AV. grocer, Silver St., St. Peter's Bush, Christopher, stonemason, Campbell s t , ISLIP, ANDREW, wheelwright and blacksmith, St. Peter's Tempe Butlor, David, blacksmith, Campbell s t , St. Peter's JAMES, REV. GEORGE, Cook's River rd. Jobbins, Henry, Silver st, St. Peter's CAMPBELL, Huan, shoemaker, Tempo Campbell, James, brickmaker, St. Peter's KILFOYLE, JOHN, Cottage of Content, St. Peter's Campbell, Mathew, shoemaker, Tempe King, Rev. George, Parsonage, St Peter's Card, Mrs., midwife, Silver st. Lance, E, T., Lancefield, Cook's River rd. Can-, Joseph, butcher, St. Peter's Lessing, George, Cook's River rd. Chalder, Thomas, St. Peter's Chisholm, Henry, Barwan Park, St. Peter's M'CAULEY CHARLES, blacksmith, St. Peter's Chisholm, James, baker, Tempo M'Cauley, Charles, Antrim Arms, St. Peter's Chowder, Thos., Heathcote, Cook's River rd. M'Lean, H., shoemaker, St. Peter's Christie, AVm. Herbort, surveyor, Silver st. M'Kechnie, Andrew, Cook's River rd. Church, John 0., Cook's River rd. M'Kenzio, J., grocer & postmaster, St. Peter's Collins, Robert, wheelwright, Tempe Mahuke, Frederick, shoemaker, Tempe Cooke, Joseph, brickmaker,Unwin's Bridge rd. Mellin, L. T., St. Peter's Ciinninglmme, Francis, Maria st,, St. Peter's Metcalfe, Michael, J.P., St. Peter's Moore, Samuel, Unwin's Bridge rd. DAVIS, CALEB, brickmaker, Cook's River rd. Moores, James, St. Peter's Dixon, George, carpenter, St. Peter's PATTERSON, JOSEPH, bootmaker, St. Peter's EBSWORTU, 0. B., woolwashing establishment, Pear, George, blacksmith, Tempe off Cook's River rd., St. Peter's Playford, AVilliam, brickmaker, St Peter's Edwards, Henry, brickmaker, Cook's River rd, Pointer, James, boatman, Tempo POST OFFICE, near St. Peter's Church, Cook's FAVELL, WILLIAM, bus proprietor, Tempo River rd. I' ripp, Mrs., grocer, Tempo Pritchard, S., brickmaker, St. Peter's Price, AVilliam, Claraville, St, Peter's GANNON, FREDERICK, Tempo Gannon, Michael, Tempo REILLY, RICHARD, Cook's River rd. Gannon, Mrs. R., bus proprietor, Tempo Roberts, Mrs. James, ladies' school, Cook's Garfield, AVilliam, sexton, Silver st, St, Peter's River rd. Peering, Godfrey, baker, St. Peter's Rose, Goorgo, Pulteney Hotel, Tempe 176 Cry DARLING POINT Hor Tucker, Dr. G., private lunatic asylum, Tempo Tye, Thomas, brickmaker, St. Peter's Slado, Henry, grocer, Tempo Smart, John, Spencer Lodge, St. Peter's Speechley, TJ., carpenter, Alfred st., St. Peter's UNWIN, J., clerk, Cook's River rd. Speechley, W., brickmakcr, Un win's Bridge rd. SCHOOL, Cnunon OP ENGLAND, St. Peter's TALBOT, GEORGE, Cook's River rd. WINWOOD, GEORGE, butcher, St. Peter's Thorn, John, grocer, St, Peter's Townsend, J,, painter and glazier, St. Peter's YORKE, JOHN R., Tempo Pre DIRECTORY. Howell, Mrs., Rushcutter's Bay Howlett, Mrs. E., Glenmore rd. Humphrey, F. T., Cross st., Double Bay JAEVIS, JOHN, Glenmore rd. Jessup, W., gardener, Glenmore rd, Johnson. Mrs., Brook's Bay, Double Bay Joyner, R., smith, Glenmore rd. Wri 177 QCIOLEY, M., stonemason, Glenmore rd. Quinlan, Henry, Cooper st., Double Bay RANDLE, Mrs. 0., fruiterer, Rushcutter's Bay Rayne, Mrs., Rushcutter's Bay Richards, T., Glenmore rd., Rushcutter's Bay Richardson, 0. T., Glenrock, Darling P t Ridley, Thomas, Richmond Hotel, Woollahra Robinson, Thomas C , Ocean st., Woollahra Ryan, Michael, Reddy st, Rushcutter's Bay KEMMISB, REV. T., St. Mark's, Darling pt. Killick, H. S., council clerk, Double Bay Kramer, Mrs. 0., Thome st. Gt., Double Bay ST. MARK'S CITORCII, Darling Pt. ST. MARK'S DENOMINATIONAL SCIIOOL Schmidt, F., butcher, Rushcutter's Bay LENNON JAMES, gardener, Rushcutter's Bay Sharp, George W., William St., Double Bay DARLING POINT, DOUBLE BAT AID RUSHCUTTER'S BAT, COMPRISING THOSE PORTIONS OF THE MUNICIPALITIES OF PADDINGTON AND WOOLLAHRA WHICH ARE CONTIGUOUS TO THE SOUTH HEAD ROAD NEW. ARTLETT, 0., upholsterer, Rushcutter's bay BANKS, George, Double bay Barton, E., Darling Point rd. Batten, John, carpenter, Darling point Beilby, Edwin Thomas, Rushcutter's bay Bell, Edward, Cadotan, William st. Bowes, Patrick, grocer, Rushcutter's bay Bracken, Charles H., teacher, St. Mark's Bradley, William, Darling point rd. Brown, Thomas II., Cora, Darling point Buchanan, John, builder, Rushcutter's bay Bulman, Daniel, Darling point rd. Busby, William, Edgecliff House, Double bay Butler, Charles, carter, Thome st. Gt., Ocean st. Butler, Edward, Darling point Butt, George, dairyman, Glenmore rd. Butt, "William, carpenter, Glenmore rd. DANOAR, HENRY, Double bay Donlan, P., corn dealer, Rushcutter's bay Doyle, David, gardener, Rushcutter's bay Duncan, W. A., Belle Vue, Sh. Hd. rd.,Now Dutton, James, William st., Double bay Dyason, Jolin, plasterer, Glenmore rd. EDMONDS, HY., Uaystvaiev Hotel, Double bay Elliott, John, livery stables, M'Lean st,, Rushcutter's bay FARMER, EDWARD, gardener, Darling point Farmer, "William, Darling point Erazer, John, Renelagh, Darling point rd. Friend, Walter, Woonoono, Darling point GALVIN, J., boot maker, M'Lean st. Gilchrist, Hugh, Avoca cottage. Darling point Gill, Mrs., Hillcote, Darling point Goodman, William, South Head rd., New CADELL, JAMES J., D.D., Point Piper rd. Gordon, Hon. Samuel D,, M.L.C., Glenyarra, Caird, George, St, Mark's Cottage, Darling pt. Double Bay Cape, William l'\, Edgccliffe rd. Gould, Richard, gardener, Rushcutter's Bay Carroll, Patrick, gardener, Darling point Gray, John, Heath Villn, Double Bay Cattell, John R., Edgecliffo rd., Double bay Green, W. J., Holt St., Double Bay Cheeke, Alfred (Judge S.C.), Darling point Guilfoyle and Son, Ocean st., Double Bay Cole, John, general store, Rushcutter's bay CoNflREOATioxAi, CiiArnr,, Ocenn st. HANCOCK, PATRICK, tanner, Rushcutter's Bay Cooper, Charles, William st„ Double bay Hardic, Rov. C, Edgecliffe rd., Double Bay " Cooper, Mrs, Tlios., Bay st., Double bay Harriss, William, gardener, Rushcutter's Bay Cooper, William, Double Bay Hayes, John J., William st., Double Bay Coveney, Robert, Glenworth, Darling point lleinze, Frederick, Cross St., Double Bay Cracknell, Geoffrey, cabinetmaker, Ruschcut- Homy, M., fancy repository, Rushcutter's Bay ter's bay Herbert, Samuel, grocer, Rushcutter's Bay Cribb, Mrs. Sarah, laundress, Cameron st., Hogan, Matthew, gardener, Rushcutter's Bay Rushcutter's bay Hordern, Anthony, Darling point Cryan, Robert, greengrocer, Rushcutter's bay Hordern, Anthony, jun., Darling point Leslie, Mrs. H., South St., Double Bay Lewis, Mrs. Emily, draper, Rushcutter's Bay Lloyd, J., Rushcutter's Bay Lord, Mrs., William st.. Double Bay Lynch, Patrick, gardener, Rushcutter's Bay M'BUENEY, J,, dairyman, Glenmore rd. M'Bumey, J., jun., baker, Rushcutter's Bay M-Donald, Mrs. J. F., William St., Double Bay M'Lean, Fergus, butcher and post office, Darling pt. rd., and South Head rd., New Machardy, M. C., Edgecliffe rd., Double Bay Malcolm, Mrs. Trevellyn, Darling pt. Manning, Hon. Sir W., Q.C., M.L.C., Wallaroy, Edgecliffo rd., Double Bay Martin, T. R,, Cameron St., Rushcutter's Bay Maughan, J., St. Mark's Crescent, Darlingpt Maxworthy, Rich., William St., Double Bay May, William, Thome St., Little Mealia, J., bootmaker, Rushcutter's Bay Miller, Francis P., William st., Double Bay Monkhouse, Wm,, clerk, Rushcutter's Bay Mort Henry, Mount Adelaide, Darling pt. rd. Mort, Thos. Sutcliffe, Greenoaks, Darling pt. Murnin,M. E,, J.P., Delamera Houso, Darling pt. rd. Sharpe, II., jeweUer, William St., Double Bay Slicarstone, J., butcher, Glenmoro rd. Shepherd, Alex., boot and shoe maker, Glenmore rd. Shumacher, S., dairyman, Point Piper rd. Simpson, J. B,, Judge D.C., Darling Pt. Smart, T. W., M.L.A., Mona, Darling Pt. Smith, C., boot & shoe maker, Rushcutter's Bay Smith, J., cabinetmaker, Double Bay Spahn, F., dairyman, Double Bay Stack, John, Cross s t , Doublo Bay Stafford, Mrs., William St., Doublo Bay Stannard, W., William st, Double Bay Stephen, Hon. Sir Alfred, O.B., chief justice, Orielton, Woollahra Stewart, Wm. D., Edgecliffo rd., Woollahra Sutton, R, W., Maidstone] cottage, Ocean s t , Woollahra TAYLOE, JOSIAH, Canterbury house Telfloot, J., Richmond cottaee, Edgecliffe rd. Thompson, H., green grocer, Rushcutter's Bay Thompson, S., Maravi, Edgecliffe rd. Thome, John, Double Bay Thornton, G., J.P., M.L.A., Longwood, Darling Pt. Tigho, A. A.P., M.L.A., Rushcutter's Bay NEILL, JAMES, farrier, M'Lean st, Double Bay Trickett, Joseph, William s t , Doublo Bay Nicholson, ;Henry, Rushcutter's Bay Hotel Tucker, James, Ban Ban, Double Bay Norton, James, Ecclesbourne, Double Bay Turner, J. A., Bayswater Villa, S. Head rd., Nott, Randolph, Edgecliffe cottogc, Edgecliffo New rd. O'FARRELL, MICHAEL, boot and shoe maker O'Halloran, Martin, teacher, Double Bay Ogilvie, Mrs., Fairlight, Edgecliffo rd, WALKER, W. GLEN, Springfield, Darling Pt. Wallace, Thomas, Cross st., Double Bay Walton, J., Dover House, Rushcutter's Bay Waters, Thus., farrier, Sec, Rushcutler's Bay Wheeler and Co., butchers, &c, Rushoutter's PARKER, Mrs. KNELLER, Knellerpore, Doublo Bay Bay White, Charles, drayman, Rushcutter's Bay Passayer, Mrs, Mary, South st., Double Bay White, Mrs., White Conduit house, RushPetersen, The Misses, ladies' seminary, Cross cutter's Bay St., Doublo Bay Whiting, J., grocer, Bay St., Double Bay Pike, John, marble mason, Rushcutter's Bay Whysoll, R,, M'Lean St., Rushcutter's Bay Ploughman, G., M'Lean St., Doublo Bay Windcyer, Miss Julia, Rushcutter's Bay POST OFFICE, Rushcutter's Bay, Darling pt. rd. Wolfen, William, St. Mark's, Darling Pt. Prescott, Henry, Glenmore rd. Woodriff, Mrs,, Fernbank, Edgecliffe rd. Prescott, Henry, jun., Glenmore rd. Wright, Norton, Edgecliffo rd. M O'B DIRECTORY. JARMAN, DANIEL, stonemason, Newtown rd. Jarman, Kd. Henry, shoemaker, Newtown rd. Jarman, Stephen, stonemason, Newtown rd. Johnson, Mrs., Ivy st. Jones, James, Alma st. Jones, Joseph, carpenter, Alma st. DARLINGTON. KEOOH, PATRICK, grooer, Rose st. Kerridge, William, Alma st. LEAJIAN, WALTER, Newtown rd. STREET KEY. Alma at, from Newtown rd. Old to Oodring- Newton rd. Old, from Cleveland s t to Codrington s t ton s t Oodringtoh Bt, from Newtown rd. to New- Raglan st, from Alma s t to Newtown rd. Old town rd. Old Rose s t , from Cleveland st. to Calder st. Ivy at, from Newtown rd. Old to Blaokwattlo Shepherd st, from Cleveland s t to Blackwattlo Crk. Crk. Newtown rd., from Codrington st. to CleveVine st,from Shepherd st. to Blaokwattlo Crk' land St. ABRAHAM, MBS. MABQABET, EOSO st. Adams, John, cabproprietor, Rose st. Adams, Thomas, Rose st. Almond, Alfred, builder, Vine st. Arnold, John, cabinet maker, Shepherd st. BAILEY, MART, Oloveland st. Baker, Mrs. J. P., dressmaker, Newtown rd. Old Barnes, William, tailor, Newtown rd. Old Barr, Robert, plumber, Alma st. Bayliss, Mrs. Mary Ann, Hose st. Beckett, William, carpenter, Alma st. Beeves, Thomas, upholsterer, Rose st. Birch, Edward T., grocer, Newtown rd. Brigg, Sarah, John Bull Inn, Newtown rd. Briscoe, James, Raglan s t Bramficld, Mrs. Anne, Cleveland st. Brown, Philip, carpenter, Newtown rd. Old GABTEB, GEOBGE, Newtown rd. Old Clare, William, engineer, Cleveland s t Ooogan, James, drayman, Shepherd st. Cooke, Miss Jane, ladies' school, Alma s t Corben, Moses, mason, Rose st. Corben, Walter, mason, Rose s t Oruiokshank, Arthur, plumber, Rose st. Cunningham, Mrs. Elizabeth, Alma s t Curtis, Mark, bus proprietor, Cleveland st. DAVIS, WILLIAM, Ivy st. Dawson, H. B., engineer, Rose st. Dean, Richard, Ivy st Deane, Charles M., Rose s t Dempsey, James, Rose st. Devine, James, Shepherd s t Bias, James, compositor, Newtown rd. Dircks, John F . ironfounder, Ivy st. Dix, Daniel, grocer, Cleveland s t Dowling, Or., stonemason, Newtown rd., Old Dryer, Casper, Newtown rd. Dudley, George, butcher, Shepherd s t , Dyson, Edward, stonemason, Oloveland st. EAGLE, THOMAS, dray proprietor, Rose st. Earle, John A., undertaker, Rose st. Edwards, D.. stonemason, Calder rd. Emmett, Sarah, Rose st FENNEB, WM. W., grocer, Cleveland st. Forsytho, Mrs. Margaret, Raglan st. Foster, William, Alma st GASTON, JOHN, miller, Rose st. Godbolt, James, builder, Roso st. Goldey, Geo., brassfounder, Newtown rd, Old Gosnell, Edward James, Alma st. Greig, Alexander, Shepherd s t HAILLYABDE, A. R., butcher, Shepherd st. Hardacre, David, carpenter, Cleveland s t Harkness, Charles, Ivy st. Harnett, James, bricklayer, Rose st. Harris, Charles, school, Rose s t Hatfield William, tailor, Alma st. Hegarty, Samuel, Oleveland st. Hoare, Edward, Vino st Hogan, Patrick, Newtown rd. Holmes, George, carpenter, Alma st. Hunter, James, Alma st Hunter, John, Shepherd st. Hughes, William, Rose st, ISDESTEB, JAMES, Newtown rd. Legg, Alexander, stonemason, Alma st. Leonard, Thomas, Alma st. Little, John Robert, stonemason, Rose St. Lloyd, Alfred, engineer, Cleveland st. Logue, Joseph, Rose st. Lolkald, John, Alma st. Loveridge, Aaron, contractor, Vine st. Loveridge, Mrs. Sophia, Vine st. Loveridge, Samuel, contractor, Vine st. Lyddio, James, tailor, Newtown rd., Old Lynch, John, Newtown rd., Old O'BRIEN, ROBERT, wheelwright, Rose st. O'Dyer, Edmund, Newtown rd., Old Oeg, Peter, Ivy st PARKER, RICHARD, Newtown rd. Peterson, Charles, Rose s t Pollard, William H., blacksmith, Alma st. Pond, George, carpenter, Alma s t Pope, Charles C, Newtown rd., Old. Ribey, Joseph R., Shepherd st. Roarty, John, Ivy st. Roden, John, shoemaker, Ivy s t Roseby, Thomas, Newtown rd., Old \ Ross, George, Shepherd st. M'CAULEY, JOHN-, stonemason, Rose st. Munroe, Mrs., Alma st. 179 READ, ABTHUR, Newtown rd. Old. M'Donald, Alex., Darlington Hotel, Rose st. M'Evoy, Arthur, Shepherd st. M'Guinness, H., ship carpenter, Rose st. M'Kay, A., sergeant of police, Newtown rd., Old Makins, Mrs. Ann, Raglan st. Mallarky, Mrs. Eliza, poundkeeper, Newtown rd., Old March, William, bricklayer, Roso st. Maze, Robert, contractor, Shepherd st. Milverton, David, Newtown rd. Mitchell, Sarah, midwife, Rose st. Mongan, C , carpenter, Newtown rd., Old Mongjan, D., Crown Hotel, Newtown rd., Old Morris, Benjamin, Cleveland st. Morton, George, confectioner, Roso st. Morris, J. H,, confectioner, Cleveland st. Mostyn, Harry P., Newtown rd., Old MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, Rose st. Wri SAUNDERS, WILLIAM, cnbman, Newtown rd. Shields, James, Cleveland s t Sloane, John, carter, Newtown rd. Old Smart, Henry, Shepherd st. Stone, James, tailor, Newtown rd. Old Stubbs, William, engineer, Roso st. Sutton, Benjamin, Alina st. TERRY, FREDERICK, artist, Alma st. Thomas, James, Ivy st. Thomas, John, grocer, Cleveland st. Thomas, Thomas, cooper, Ivy st. Thompson, J., Roso st. Tindall, John, Newtown rd. Tinkler, Thomas, carver, Newtown rd. Turner, James, blacksmith, Newtown rd. Turner, W., coachbuilder, Newtown rd. Old WALTER, R., wool broker, Newtown, rd. Old Watson, Edward, dealer, Shepherd st. Watts, John, Alma st. White, Walter, Ivy st. Whitehead, John, stonemason, Alma s t Williams, Frederick, Roso s t Williams, Thomas, carter, Raglan s t Willis, William, Alma st. Wilson, D., Ivy st. Wright, Richard Henry, Newtown rd. Old Bri DIRECTORY. STREET KEY. Avon st., from Terry rd. to Forsyth st. Hereford st, from Glebe rd. to Orphan School Creek Bay st., from Parramatta rd. to Blackwattle Bay Junction st, from Pyrmont Bridge rd. to Broughton St., from Cowper st. to Denman st. St John's rd. Campbell st, from Norton st. to Denman st. Catherine St., from Derwent place to Lodge st. Christie st, from Elger st to Blackwattle Bay Close St., from Norton st to Denman st Cowper st, from Glebe st. to Blackwattle Bay Cross St., from Pyrmont Bridge rd. to Foss st. Crown st, from Cowper street to Bay st. Kennedy st, from Leichhardt st. to Johnstone's Bay Leichhardt st, from Glebe rd. to Kennedy st. Lodge st., from Parramatta rd. Old to St. John's rd. Mitchell st., from Glebe rd. to Blackwattle Bay Norton St., from Glebe rd. to Broughton st. Denman st., from Glebe rd. to Broughton st. Derwent st, from Parramatta ra. to St. Parramatta rd., from Bay st. to Orphan School John's rd. Creek Pyrmont Bridge rd., from Glebe Bridge to Elger s t , from Cowper st. to Bay st. Orphan School Creek Perry rd., from Glebe rd. to Avon st. Queen st., from Cowper st. to Bay st. Porrest st, from Parramnttard. Old to John st. Poss st, from Pyrmont Bridge rd. to Cross st. Ross st, from Parramatta rd. to Hereford st. Prancis st, from Glebe rd. to Bay st. Pranklyn place, from Francis st. to Glebe st. St. John's rd., from Glebe rd. to Orphan School Creek Glebo rd., from Parramatta rd. to Johnstone's Short st, from St. John's rd. to Parramatta Bay rd. Old Glebe s t , from Bay s t to Norton st. Sterling s t , from Elger st. to Blackwattle Bay Greek s t , from Franklyn place to Bay s t Grose St., from Franklyn place to Bay st. Talford St., from Denbam st. to Glebe lane ADAMS, WILLIAM, master mariner, Glebe rd. Addison, Robert, painter, Glebe st. Ahern, Thomas, Francis st. Ainsworth, W. G., Glebe pt. Ainsworth, Richard J., Glebe p t Aird, James S., Christy st. Aldis, William H., Derwent s t Alexander E., harness maker, Parramatta st. Alheit, John A., baker, Glebe st Allan, Robert, engineer, Ann st. Allen, George Wigram, Lynwood, Ferry rd. Allen, Hon. G.,M.L.C.,Toxteth Park.Gleberd. Allman, William, cooper, Mitchell st. Alltim, Reuben, engineer, Greek st. Anderson, Andrew, Hereford st. Anderson, Arch., dyer, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Anderson, Charles F., Ada place, Mitchell st. Anderson, Francis, buss proprietor, Glebo st. Anderson, James, Campbell st, Anderson, James, Iron cottage, Globe rd. Anderson, John, clerk, Derwent s t Anderson, Thomas, coach painter, Denham st. Ansel, Theodore, storekeeper, Glebe rd. Antoin, Mrs. E., tailoress, Franklyn place Archer, William, dealer, Derwent st. Armstrong, Robert, collector, Greek s t Arnold, Claude, agont, Broughton s t Artlett, F. W. 0., upholsterer, Glebe rd. 181 Brown, Arthur, baker, Glebe st. Brown, George, builder, Christy st. Brown, Samuel W., bus proprietor, Grose s t Brown Thomas, engraver, Glebe s t Bryan, D., bus proprietor, Prancis st. Buchanan, Thomas, teacher, Glebe rd. Buchanan, William, Hereford s t Buckland, James, district registrar, Glebe rd. BACH, WILLIAM, plasterer, Cowper st.. Buddivent, George, Glebo st. Bagloy, George, cabinetmaker, Campbell st. Buddivent, James, shipwright, Broughton st. Balderson, MrSiAnn, baker, Glebe st. Bullard, Thomas S., Arundel terrace Baldwin, Richard, grocer, Prancis st. Bungay, N., contractor, Alderbury cottage Baldwin, Richard M., mason, Derwent st. Baldwin, William Henry, mason, Derwent st. Burke, Patrick, Greek st. Burne, William, plasterer, Campbell st. Banks, G. 0., baker, Parramatta rd. Banks, John C, decorative painter, Glebe rd. Burnett, Mrs. Elizabeth, Glebe rd. Burnett, Thomas, clerk, Prancis st. Banks, William, builder, Derwent st. Bantin, Robert, painter, &c, Cowper st. Burns, Francis, blacksmith, Sterling s t Barber, Mrs. Jessie, Derwent st. Burns, Patrick, Norton s t Bardsley, John, grocer, Globe & Cowper sts. Burrows, Henry, mariner, Norton st. Barham, John Sidney, butcher, Grose st. Bussell, John, Glebe rd. Barker, George, tinsmith, Derwent st. Butler, F . G., tanner nnd currier, Francis s t Barnes, James, Braeside, Parramatta rd. Butler, George, whip maker, Glebo st. Barnett, Henry, Ebenezer place, Glebe st. Butler, James, Greek s t Barnett, John, Bleak House, Arundel terrace Butters, H. I., Currency Last Inn, Glebe rd. Barton, Sam., plasterer, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Byrne, Laurence, draper, Glebe rd. Bastard, William, blacksmith, Grose st. Byrne, Rev. A , Lyndhurst cottage Bateman, Mrs. Elizabeth, Glebe st. Byrne, Thomas, Forest st. Bateman, Simon, carpenter, Lodge st. Baylis, George, drayman, Glebe rd. CALVERT, J. J., Glebe rd. Beal, Mrs. Elizabeth, Glebe s t Cameron, Neil, slater, Greek st Beal, William, Franklyn place Campbell, Mrs, Glebe st. Beard, Mrs. Sophia, Campbell st. Carroll, Daniel, dray proprietor, Christy st. Beard, Thomas, tinsmith, Glebe rd. Carroll, James, Glebe rd. Bean, George Thomas, joiner, Glebo rd. Carson, W., dray proprietor, Franklyn place Beckman, Ed., watchmaker, Parramatta rd., Casement, John, hatter, Glebe point Casey, Michael, grocer, Glebe rd. Old Ohadwick, Thomas, butcher, Greek st. Bell, Robert J., grocer, Globe rd. Chamberlain, Mrs. E., dressmaker, ParraBell, William, Rothwell lodge, Ferry rd. metta st. Benjamin, Samuel, hawker, Glebo rd. Chapman, Frederick, Glebe rd. Bennett, William, Glebe st Chapman, M., J.P., Cloyno Lodge, Hereford st. Benson, Parker J., surgeon, Glebe rd. Charlton, Mrs. Hannah, Derwent st. Berncastle, Standish, snoemaker, Glebo rd. Christie, John, mason, Glebe st Botts, Miss, Kea cottage, Glebe rd. Bias, James, Forest Lodge Hotel, St John's rd. Christy, Mrs., Mitchell s t Clack, Henry, cabinetmaker, Parramata st. Bigley, Peter, Campbell st. Binnoy, Fred. W-, Toxteth cottage, Glebe rd. Clancy, Luke, whipmaker, Parramatta st. Clark, Edmund, carpenter, Lodge st. Blake, Samuel, blacksmith, Grose st. Clark, Henry, tinsmith, Parramatta st. Blakey, William, cabman, Globe s t Clark, William, Denham st. Bland, Thomas, Bay st. Clark, Wm, S., Ann s t Blacket, Edmund Thomas, Glebe rd. Coburn, James, Brighton s t Blackmore, Charles, coaehbuilder, Glebe st. Coc, John, butcher, Francis st. Blott, William, cab proprietor, Derwent st. Blundell, George, dray proprietor, Queen st. Oolley, Edwin, Pittville terrace, Derwent st. Colley, Henry, Globe rd. Blundell, William, plasterer, Grose st. Colleir, Jenkin, Glebe rd, Bolsover, Mrs. Susan, Derwent st. Collins, Wm., bootmaker, Lodge s t Bowie, Mrs. Jeanette, Derwent s t Collins, William, mason, Cowper s t Bowyer, Edward, brickmaker, Bay st. Condon, Patrick, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Boyce, John, joiner, Forest st. Conlon, Michael, potter, Glebe st. Boxsell, Charles, harness maker, Cowper st. Connor, Mrs. Sarah, dressmaker, Bay st. Brade, William, Glebo rd. Cook, John, Bay st Brenner, John, carpenter, Cowper st. Oooko, Samuel,Francis st Briant, Richard, butchor, Glebe st. Cooper, Arthur, Glebe point Britcher, Charles, butcher, Bay st. Cooper, James, Parramatta rd.. Old Britland, John, Denham s t Cooper, Joseph, hay & corn dealer, Glebe rd. Brick, John, Mitchell st Ashdown, John, grocer, Norton st. Ashwin, Samuel, bootmaker, Ross st. Ashdown, Thomas, Ebenezer place, Glebo st. Aspinall, Mrs. Sarah, Arundel terrace Athy, Rev. Edmund, Lyndhurst College Austin, Patrick, blacksmith, Bay st. GLEBE. OOO r- 182 DOU GLEBE Cooper, Mrs. Magdalino, Parramatta rd., Old Cooper, Thomas, shoemaker, Broughton s t Cootcs, Mrs. Mary, Broughton st, Copp, William, carpenter, Grose st. Corbott, Thomas, Greek st. Cork, William T., The Wilderness, Glebe rd. Cosgrove, John, Francis st. Coulter,' Graham, Broughton st. Coulter, James, storekeeper, Norton st. Cox, William, mason, Derwent st. Craig, Eobert, painter and glassier, Glebe rd. Crampton, Thomas B., tinsmith, Derwent st. Creed, George, engineer, Parramatta st. Creswick, Frederick, botanist, Norton st. Crichton, David, gardener, Glebe rd. Crispin, William, engineer, Francis st. Croft, Eugene, Glebe rd. Croft, Frederick, Bishopthorpe terrace Croft, James, brickmaker, Glebe rd. Croft, James P., clerk, Glebe rd. Croft, William, Bay st. Croker, Benjamin, Glebe st, Cropley James, builder, Glebo rd. Crossman, Samuel, whip maker Derwent st. Crow, Samuel, dealer, Parramatta st. Cullen, B., bus proprietor, Norton st. Culley, James, Dootmaker, Grove st. Curtis, James, agent, Greek st. Curry, John, mason, Forest Lodge Estate FOU Dowling, John, teacher, Close Bt. Downing, Robert, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Drake, Edmond, bus proprietor, Francis Bt Drewe, Mrs. J. L., Parramatta rd. Drinkwater, John G., Grose st. Duchiirsc, James, Mitchell st. Duguid, W., Mnrgaretta Cottage, Glebo pt. Dunn & Forsyth, tanners & curriers, Groso st. Dunn, Thomas, Grose st. Duncan, Samuel, carpenter, Glebo st. Dunkin, John, letter carrier, Crown st. Dwyer, John, bus proprietor, Francis st. Dyball, Reuben, mariner, Broughton st. EAOAH, HON. GEOFFREY, M.L.A., Elmvillc, Globe rd. Earngcy, James, Derwent st. Earl, Mrs. Jane, Francis st. Earnshaw, Mrs. Mary, Groso st. Eastinuro, James Henry, draper, Derwent st. Ecclestou, Mrs., ladies' school, Glebo rd. Edwards, Charles, master mariner, Glebe rd. Edmonds, Walter J., plasterer, Derwent st. Edwards, William, painter, Greek st. Egan, William, fitter, Forest Lodge Estate Ellis, James, gardener, Toxteth park Ellis, John, compositor, Greek st. Ellis, Knox C, Forest Lodge Estate Ellis, Mrs., draper, Catherine st. Ellis, Richard, builder, Catherine st. Elmos, Thomas, bus proprietor, Bay st. DAKHT, JOITN, quarryman, Norton st. Elpliinstone, Alexander, Derwent st. Daley, David, dray proprietor, Christy st. Dale}', Mrs. Isabella, needlewoman, Norton st. Elphinstone, David, carpenter, Glebe st. Elpliinstone, J. B., builder, Talford st. Dalrymplo, Mrs. Maria, Glebe rd. Elphinstone, William, junr., Derwent st. Daly, John, van proprietor, Greek st. Elphinstone, William, senr., builder, Glebe rd. Dann, John, builder, Forest Lodge Estate D'Arcy, John, bus proprietor, Franklyn place Elvy, Henry, butcher, Parramatta St. Davenport, Joseph, bootmaker, St, John's st. Erskine, Mrs. Lydia, Derwent st. Eves, Thomas, Derwent st Davis, James, Hereford st. Davis, William, painter, Globe st. Davis, William Holmes, Arundel terrace FACEY, Mas. ELIZA, Groso st. Davy, Charles, bootmaker, Mitchell st. Fahrenbach, Christian, smith, Campbell at. Deely, Mrs. Ann, dressmaker, Glebe rd. Fegan, Patrick, grocer, Greek st. Deemer, —, Francis st. Fehrenbach, Sebastian, clockmakcr, ParraDelango, Mrs., Derwent cottages, Derwent st. matta rd., Old Dench, John, wheelwright, Derwent st. Folsham, Richard, tailor, Glebe rd. Dench, William, carver and gilder, Glebe rd. Fennell, William, Greek st. Des Condres, Louis, Francis st. Fenwick, William, engineer, Bay st, Devon, John, Campbell s t Fennio, John, corndcoler, Greek at. Dierolf, John, Francis st. Fitzgerald, Patrick, Lyndhurst Dillon, John, Derwent st. Fitzpatrick, Philip, Francis st. Dixon, George, gardener, Norton st. Flanagan, John, dray proprietor, Glebe rd. Dixon, Joseph, Greek st. Fleet, Francis, Hereford st. Dixson, Eobert, Boss st. Fletcher, John, teacher, Glebe rd. Fletcher, Mrs,, Francis st. Dobson, Henry, builder, St. John's rd. Dole, James, chemist and druggist, Glebe rd. Flint, William, Ross st. Dolohenty, Michael,FriendinHand, Queen st, Fludder, James, carpenter, St. John's rd. Flynn, Thomas, Denham terrace, Norton st. Donaldson, Joseph, shipwright, Greek st. Ford, Henry, Forest Lodge Estate Donnelly, Patrick, Glebe st. Forsyth, Thomas, Groso st. Donovan, John, Norton st. Fortcscue, Edward C, grocer, Glebe rd. Donohoe, Patrick, baker, Queen st. Fossbury, Edward, J. P., Pyrmont Bridge'rd. Dorman, William, joiner, Greek st. Foster, Mark E,, printer, St. John's rd. Dorrington, John, Francis st. Fowles, Joseph, artist, Glebe rd. DoughB, James, M.D., Glebe rd. Foulis, John,M. D., Glebe rd. Douglas, Mr«,, Glebe st. ]?ay DIRECTORY. Foulsham, Isaac, dealer, Greek st. Franklyn, John, Francis st. Frascr, Hector, shipwright, Greek st Free, John, bus proprietor, Bay st. French, Mrs. C. S. W., Christy st. GAMJHAM, JAMES, Cowper st. Galbraith, John, house painter, Cowper st. Gallagher, James, dray proprietor, Glebe st. Gallagher, Michael, dray proprietor, Glebe st. Garbutt, Mrs. M., needlewoman, Mitchell st. Gates, Mrs. Hannah, Francis st. Gavan, John, grocer, Broughton st. Gawthorpe, Richard, builder, Derwent st. Ginan, John, mason, Francis st. Glasson, John R., mason, Lodge st. Godbee, Thomas, Ross st. Goddard, Mrs. Eliza, Parramatta rd., Old Godfrey, Thomas, Toxteth Park, Glebe rd. Gold, Clement C, Rotumah House, Derwent st. Golden, Micha,el, architect, Glebe point Gooch, Charles, fireman, Denham st. Goodenhoff, Josiah, gardener, Denham st. Goodey, Charles, miller, Derwent st, Goodlet, John H., Gothic cottage, Glebe rd, Goodman, Charles, miller, Greelt st. Gorus, John, Guildford lodge, Glebe rd. Gough, Richard, dray proprietor, Forest s t Grace, Henry, builder, Greek st, Gracie, James, Carronhill cottage, Derwent st. Graham, Alexander, builder, Glebe st. Graham, Archibald, carpenter, Glebe s t Graham, Archibald, joiner, Glebo st. Graham, James, builder, Glebo st. Graham, John, Arundel terrace Graham, John, dray proprietor, Derwent st. Graham, Robert, dray proprietor, Derwent st. Green, James, teacher, Derwent st. Green, William, Reeve's place, Glebo st. Greville, Edward, Hereford st. Griffiths, John, carpenter, Derwent st Grimstone, Samuel Edward, Glebe rd. Grogan, Patrick, Queen st. Grogan, William, Grose st. HALES, T., bus proprietor, Franklyn place Hall, Charles, ticket writer, Glebe st Hall, Michael, Broughton st. Halls, Edmund Shepherd, Glebo rd. Hammett, William baker, &c, Parramatta st. Hanna, Edward, farrier, Glebo st. Hanratty, Mrs. M., Glebe Tavern, Greek s t Harris, Fred. G., mariner, Campbell st. Harris, James, oyster saloon, Parramatta st. Harris, Mrs. Maria, Glebo rd. Harris, Robert, bootmaker, Elger st. Harris, William H., painter, &c, Francis st, Harrison, James, Glenmore cottage, Glebe rd. Hurrison, Layman, Derwent s t Hart, Mrs. Elizabeth, Pyrmont Bridgo rd. Hartley, William R., coachmaker, Francis s t Hawkins, Thomas, plasterer, Lodge s t Haydon, John, marble polisher, Glebe st. Hayes, Charles, dealer, Glebe st. Hayes, Michael, quarryman, Francis st. Jam 183 Hayes, Mrs., tailoress, Queen st. Heath, Samuel, dealer, Derwent st. Hogarty, Michael, Hereford st. Hegarty, Mich., quarryman, Pyrmont Br. rd. Hegleind, Robert, Francis st. Heil, John G., baker, Glebe rd. Hclsby, Thomas, mason, Glebe st. Henderson, James, Arundel terrace Henderson, lit., Alma cottage, PyrmontBr. rd. Hennessy, Timothy Michael, Greek st. Homing, Peter, Parramatta st. Henry, Mrs. Jane, Franklyn placo Heuschkcl, Louis, Queens Arms, Parramatta and Bay sts. Hey wood, Edward, Glebo rd. Hickey, Matthew, Broughton st. Hickman, Mrs. Charlotte, grocer, Glebe st. Higgins, James, blacksmith, Francis st. Higgison, George, butcher, Glebe st. Hill, George, wool sorter, Forest st Hind, Richard W., carpenter, Queen st Hine, Peter, hay & corn dealer, Glebe st. Hodgetts, Edward, Toxteth park, Glebe rd. Hodgson, Richard, mason, Elger st. Hokin, John, bootmaker, Glebe rd. Holder, Peter William, Francis st. Holden,Nicholas, greengrocer,Franklyn place Holden, Thomas, Derwent s t Holland, Georgo, butcher, Crown st. Holmes, Mrs., Queen s t Holmes, Thomas, bootmaker, Reeve's place Hood, Mrs. E,, needlewoman, Franklyn place Hopkins, Evan, blacksmith, Glebo rd. Horam, Terence, Mitchell terrace, Norton st. Horn, Edward, Glebo rd. Houston, Gavan, blacksmith, Bay Bt. Howard, George, bus proprietor, Arundel ter. Howard, Jonathan, Glebo rd. Howard, Samuel, bus proprietor, Bay st. Hudson, George, bus proprietor, Francis s t Hudson, Joseph, Francis s t Hughes, John, soap and candlemakcr, Glebe st. Hulbert, Joseph, wheelwright, St. John's rd. Huleck, Ferdinand, tailor, Bay st Hume, Joseph, saddler, Francis st. Humphreys, James, grocer, Parramatta st. Huns, Matthew, Mitchell st. Hunt, Thomas, steward, Bay st. Hunt, William, Arundel terrace Hunter, Francis, Reeve's place, Glebo St. Hunter, Robert A., engineer, Norton st. Hunter, William, compositor, Denham st. Hurley, James, grocer, Glebe s t Hutchings, J., The Australian Youth, Glebe and Bay sts. Hyland, G., bus proprietor, Parramatta st. Hyland, Patrick, Broughton st, IoKEnsoN, MADRICE, agent, Glebe rd, Irving, William, mason, Cowper st, JACOBS, GEORGE, Norton, s t Jacombs, William T., St. John's rd. Jackson, Alfred W., Pyrmont, Bridge rd. James, Thomas, Glebo rd. Len May O'C Jnrrett, Albert, Tynemouth Castle, Glebe rd. Jarrett, TVm,, Tradesman's Arms, Norton st. Jeks, Thomas, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Jeffress, James, St. John's rd. Jenkins, Alfred, cabinetmaker, Derwent st. Jenkins, Mrs., Glebe rd. Jennor, Charles, Glebe rd. Johnson, G., carpenter and joiner, Cowper st. Johnson, J., Close st. Johnson, William, Bay st. Jones, Edward, butcher, Francis st. Jones, John S., Derwent st. Jones, T , Ancient Briton, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Jones, Thomas, blacksmith, Bay st. Jones, W. S., painter and glazier, Glebe st. Lennon, J., blacksmith, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Lennon, John, bootmaker, Grose st. Lennon, John, bootmaker, Francis st. Leonard, Michael, quarryman, Greek st. Lescombe, Charles, painter, Mitchell st. Leutelt, Joseph, tinplate worker, Christy st. Levi, Bernard, Hawthorne, Glebe rd. Lockley, John, carpenter, Lodge st. Lomas.W., bootmaker, Reeve's place, Glebe st. Loveday, John, Queen st. Lindsay, James W., Glebe st. Lumsdair.L', Mrs. Caroline, Franklyn place. LYNDncnsT COLLEOE, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Meares, Alfred, Glebe rd. Meares, Rev. M. D,, Derwent st. Mcckin, William, bootmaker, Greek st. Mekin, Benjamin, butcher, Bay st. Molly, John, soap & candlemaker, Bay st. Melly, Michael, joiner, Francis st. Melville, John, quarryman, Pyrmont Br. rd. Middleton, William, engineer, Talford st. Milford, Geo.R., Com. for Affidavits, Elger st. Miller, Frederick, Derwent st. Miller, William, shipwright, Broughton st. Mitchell, Andrew, wheelwright, Cowper st. Mitchell, Alexander, Ross st. Mitchell, Charles, Campbell st. Mitchell, James, joiner, Francis st. Mockler, John, quarryman, Cowper st. Monaghan, James, watercarrier, Broughton st. Monahan, Thomas, Norton st. Moodie, Robert, Kayuga house, Pyr. Br. rd. Moore, James, Lodge s t Moore, Hy., hay & corn dealer, Parramatta st. Moore, Lewis, Brierbank, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Moran, Laurence, Glebe rd. Morey, Thomas, quarryman, Foss st. Morgan, JohnT.,Thorpe cottage, Arundel ter. Morgan, Mrs. Margaret, Norton st. Morris, Stephen, cab proprietor, Ebenezcr pi. Morrison, George, mason, Bay st. Morrison, William, storeman, Francis st. Mortley, William J., carpenter, Christy st. Morton, Mrs. J. W., draper, Glebe rd. Moss, Charles, carpenter, Derwent st. Muir, Robert, butcher, Franklyn place Mullins, Edward, painter, Mitchell st. Mullins, John, gardener, Foss st. Munn, William, bootmaker, Broughton st. Munro, George, St. John's rd. Munro, John, eating house, Parramatta st. Munro, Robert, bootmaker, Parramatta st. Munro, William, Denham st. Munro, William, carponter, Sterling st. Murphy, Thomas, eoachsmith, Grose st. Murphy, Simon, grocer, Norton st. Murray, James, carpenter, Lodge st. Murray, William, tailor, Denham st. Myers, John, bus proprietor, Grose st. 184 KEARNEY, E., butcher, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Kean, J.,schoolmaster, Derwent & Mitchell sts. Keegan, Patrick, Franklyn place Kelly, John, Greek st. Kelly, John, contractor, Glebe rd. Kennagh, James, Close st. Kennedy, BT., B.A., (registrar University) Hereford st. Kennedy, Patrick, Glebe rd. Kennedy, Patrick, Francis st. Keogh, Joseph, bootmaker, Parramutta st. Keogh, Michael, bootmaker, Franklyn place Kervick, Edmund, quarryman, Mitchell st. Keys, Hugh, dray proprietor, Francis st. Kilgour, Mrs. Mary J., seamstress, Glebe rd. Kilmore, James, builder, Lodge st. Kilsby, Joseph, confectioner, Crown si. Kimber, John, gardener, Avon st. Kingcott, Alfred, greengrocer, Glebe rd. Kirby, Mrs. Catherine, Campbell st. Kitchener, William, dealer, Broughton st. Knipe, John, shipwright, Lodge st. Knox, William, arayman, Franklyn place KorfF, John, Orchard lodge, Hereford st. LACKEKSTEEN, A. A., Glebe rd. Laird, George, carpenter, Norton Bt. Laird, Robert, joiner, Denham st. Lambell, William, Glebe rd. Lambert, William, Greek st. Lannen, William, Queen st. Lardner, Patrick, builder, Globe st. Lane, John, dealer, Derwent st. Lane, Thomas, bricklayer, Elger st. Landon, John, collector, Christy st. Langford, Lionel, mariner, Denham st. Lankester, John D., Hereford st. Lappin, Miss Annie, Grose st. Lapworth, Joseph, Glebe st. Latcham, Lot, dealer, St. John's rd. Latcham, Thomas, tailor, Mitchell st, Lattin, Benjamin W., Ferry rd. Lavender, John, Cowper st. Law, George, Glebe rd. Law, James, blacksmith, Cowper st. Lawler, Michael, boiler maker, Sterling st. Lee, Michael, contractor, Norton st. Lees, Edward, carpenter, Cowper st. Lennon, Henry, bootmaker, Francis st. M'ANULTY, JOHN, Grose st. M'Ardell, T., soap & candle manu., Greek st. M'Cabe, Eugene, Hereford st. M'Cahay, James, hawker, Greek st. M'Cann, William, blacksmith, Bay st. M'Cormick, James, quarryman, Foss st. M'Donald, Charles, Globe rd. M'Donald, James, Francis st. M'Donald, John, carpenter, Greek st. M'Elwain, Richard, Langollan, Glebe rd. M'Geo, Bernard, Francis st. M'Grath, Daniel, brickmaker, Glebe st. M'Grath, Joseph, brickmaker, Bay st. M'Grath, Michael, Derwent st. M'Grath, Michael, drayman, Broughton si. M'Grath, Thomas, bus proprietor, Glebe st. M'Graw, John, brickmaker, Grose st. M'Guinness, Hugh, dealer, Greek st. M'Intosh, James, grocer, Francis st. M'Koown, Thomas, engineer, Glebe st. M'Mahon, James, Grose st. M'Namarra, John, bus pro., Franklyn placo M'Nerney, Michael, quarryman, Greek st. MACAFEE, AUTIIUE, Avona, Glebe rd. Macgregor, James, joiner, Glebe rd. Macgregor, Mrs., draper, Glebe rd. Macnamarra, Mrs. J., Iron cottages, Glebe rd. Madden, Patrick, Broughton st. Magdalinski, F., bootmaker, Foss st. Magner, John, bootmaker, Glebe rd. Maidment, George, dealer, Glebe rd. Mallevy, John, bus proprietor, Glebe rd. Mallevy, Thomas, engine driver, Glebe rd. Manning, John, Greek st. Manning, William, Glebe st. Manning, William, mariner, Cowper st. Mansfield, G. A, architect, Pyrmont br. rd. Martin, Adam, Derwent st. Martin, John, Pyrmont bridge rd. Martin, J. T., gingerbeer maker, Mitchell st. Martin, Mrs. Mary Ann, dealer, Greok st. Masoy, Edward, Glebe rd. Mason, John, upholsterer, Glebe st. Matton, Oscar, Glebe rd.'. Maxwell, Mrs. C, Glebe Hotel, Glebe rd. Maxwell, William, dray pro., Francis st. May, James William, builder, Bay st. May, Mrs., Glebe st. Mayos, Charles, Watford cottage, Forest st. Mayne, H„ Bishopthorpe Terrace, Glebe rd. DIRECTORY. Rad 185 O'Grady, Patrick, Bay st. O'Kernan, Ernes, bootmaker, Mitchell st. Osborne, Francis, plasterer, Greek s t Oswald, Frederick, bootmaker, Francis st. PADDLE, BENJAMIN, Glebe rd. Paget, Thomas, dealer, Greek st. Palmer, Frederick B., Glebe height, Glebe rd. Palmer, James H., Glebe rd. Palmer, Joseph, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Palmer, Mrs. Elizabeth, Cowper st. Palmer, Thomas, bus proprietor, Francis st Parkes, , Lodge s t , Forest Lodge Estate Parle, James, Omnibus Inn, Parramatta st. Parsons, John, Greek st. Parsons, William, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Passan, Frederick, St. John's rd. Passan, Samuel C, bus proprietor, Glebe rd. Patterson, David, Christy st. Peate, Joseph, Parramatta rd., Old Pegg, J., painter, &c, Reeve's place, Glebe st. Pendrill, Rev. John, private scnool, Eglinton place, Glebe rd. Pennington, R., mason, Reeve's place, Glebe st Penny, William, blacksmith, Cowper st. Pepper, Joseph, hawker, Francis st. Pepper, Robert, Broughton st. Petchell, Mrs. Mary, University Hotel, Parramatta rd. Phelan, James, teacher, Lyndhurst college Phillips, Henry, dealer, Crown s t Phillips, J., Francis st. Phillips, Mrs. E., lodging house, Bay st. Pickersgill, Eli, Francis s t Pilcher, Charles, Hawkstone House, Glebe rd. Pinhey, William Townley, J.P., Glebe rd. Plant, Mrs. Matilda, Grose st. Piatt, Charles, Greek s t Playfair, Henry, Mitchell st. Potter, Charles James, Derwent st. Powell, Eyre, engineer, Norton st. Powell, Herbert, mason, Greek s t Powell, John, Norton st. Powell, Thomas Eyre, collector, Francis st. Powell, Wm. H., saddler, Cowper & Elgen sts. Pratt, Walter, waterman, Ross st. Prendergast, Mrs. E., Hibernian Hotcl,G\ebe st. NAKKEN WILLIAM, quarryman, Elger st. Pretty, Benjamin, Mitchell st. Nearney, John, boat manufacturer, Glebo rd. Pritchard, Mrs. Caroline, Bay st. Neate, Alfred, builder, Catherine St., Pritchard, William, chandler, Olose st. Newlan, Mrs., St. John's rd. Proudlock, John, engineer, Mitchell st. Newman, John, bricklayer, Glebo rd. PUBLIC SCHOOL, Derwent st. Newman, William, draper, Derwent st. Pugsley, George, bus proprietor, Lodge st. Nichols, Charles H., Glebe rd. Purcell, James, carpenter, Queen st. Nichols, Mrs,, ladies' school, Glebe rd. Purcell, James, GleDe st. Nichols, Robert F., Glebo rd. Purcell, Patrick, Broughton st. Nioklas, William, mariner, Glebe st. Purss, Benjamin, University Hotel, Glebo rd. Nixon, William, Derwent s t Noonan, John, painter, Cowper st. QUEALY, MICHAEL, Greek st. Norris, W. J., grocer, Lodge st. Quirk, Rev. D., B.A., Lyndhurst College Quirk, Rev. J. N., L.L.D., Lyndhurst College OATES, EDWIN, Ross st. O'Brien, J., carcase butcher, Frunklyn place O'Brien, Mrs. Mary, Broughton st. O'Connor, Richard, Maryville, Globe rd. RACE, THOS. HENIIY, bus proprietor, Glebe st. Radcliffe, James, Crown st. Radford, James, bus proprietor, Glebe rd. 186 Shu GLEBE BAGGED SCHOOL, Bay and Glebe fits. Batcliff, Joseph, bootmalter, Mitchell st. Bca, Martin, dray proprietor, Greek st. Bead, Mrs. Campbell st. Beady, Mrs. Jane, Derwent st. Bedman, William, Parramatta rd., Old Bedmond, Thoma3, drayman, Broughton st. Bedwood, Henry, engineer, Greek st. Beeves, Bobert, builder, Glebe st. Began, James, Francis st. Beid, Isaac, St. John's rd. Beid, James, dyer, Sc. John's rd. Beid, Bobert C., carpenter & joiner, Glebe st. Beilly, John, Broughton st. [' Beilly, John, grocer, Cowper st. [j Beuss, Ferdinand, Pyrmont Bridgend. Bice, John, ironmouldor, Cowper st. ' Bickards, William, Campbell st. Biedy, John, Glebe st. Biedy, Michael, dray proprietor, Globe s t Biedy, Thomas, Close st. Bigby, Nathaniel, Glebe rd. Bigby, Thomas, greengrocer, Globe st. Boach, Patrick, Brougnton st. Boberts, Edward, grocer, Bay st. Boberts, John T., quarryman, Pyr. Bridge rd. Boberts, Mrs. Jeauette, Reeves pi., Glebe s t Bobertson, James, Campbell st. Bobey, Win. Henry, contractor, St John's rd. Bobinson, Mrs. Jane, Ebenezer place, Glebe s t Bobinson, Samuel, gardener, Glebe rd. Bobinson, William, Parramatta rd. Bockwell, William, Elger st. Bogers, George, Mitchell st. Bogers, Sir George B., conveyancer, Groso s t Bosevear, Henry, quarryman, Campbell st. Bowe, Henry, mariner, Glebe st. Bowe, John, engineer, Glebe st. Euffles, George, blacksmith, Francis st Bushan, Mrs. Mary, Glebe st. Russell, Patrick, Glebe st Butter, Mrs. Charlotte, Ida torrace, Glebe rd. Eyall, Samuell, Greek s t Byan, Michael, quarryman, Norton st. Byan, Mrs. Ann, Francis st. Byding, William B., Derwent st. Tho Wei . Siddons, Thomas, tailor, Greek st. Sidey, Charles, Glebo rd. Silvester, James, Glebo rd. Silvester, Mrs., dressmaker, Glebo rd. Simpson, James, Lady of the Lake, Bay st. Simpson, James, sawyer, Sterling st. Simpson, John, Mitchell st Simpson, Bobc-rt, Mitchell st. Simpson, William, Mitchell s t Sindon, Thomas Henry, Glebe rd. Skelton, John, master mariner, Bay Bt. Slade, Mrs. Fanny, Christy s t Sloman, William, teacher, Glebe rd. Smart, Albert, brass finisher, Greek st Smith, Alfred, drayman, Francis st. Smith, Edward, Mitchell st. Smith, G. E., Pyrmont Bridge rd. Smith, James T., builder, Norton st. Smith, John, builder, St. John's rd. Smith, John, cab proprietor, Glebe rd. Smith, John F., grocer, Francis st. Smith, Matthew, Forest st. Smith, Mrs. Mary Ann, confectioner, Glebo rd. Smith, Bev. Thomas, Arundel torrace Smith, B., bus proprietor, Franklyn place Smith, Thomas, Close st. Smith, Thomas, carpenter, Talford st. Smith, Thomas, builder, Glebe st. Smith, Wm., carpenter and joiner, Norton st Southernwood, J., cab proprietor, Derwent st. Spalding, J., Lodge st. Spence, George, carpenter, Derwent st. Spofforth, Edward, Derwent st. Spooner, James V., Glebe rd. Spooner, Bobert, cab proprietor, Francis s t Sprod, Mrs. Emmu, dressmaker, Glebe rd. Stacey, John, Close st. Stapleton, William, Forest Lodge Estate Stool, George, carpenter, Cowper st. * Steel, James, carpenter, Globe st. Steel, T., carpenter, Toxteth Park, Globe rd. Stevens, Bobert, dealer, Sterling st Stewart, William, draper, St. John's rd. Thompson, Mrs. Mary, Greek s t Thomson, Dr. A. M., Glebo rd. Thoniley, Ambrose, builder, Arundel ten-ace Thursby, Henry R,, builder, Derwent cottago Tiorney, John, tallow chandler, Groso st, Tilson, Robert, quarryman, Greek s t Timson, Henr}', Forest st. Tindale, John, Derwent st. Tinsley, Edward, St. John's rd. Tobin, Mrs., Bay st. Towers, Joseph, grocer, Greek s t Trcbel, William, Franklyn placo Truscott, James, ironmonger, Glebe rd. Tucker, John, tailor, Glebe rd. Tucker, John G., butcher, St. John's rd. Tucker, Mrs. Elizabeth, Queen st, Tucker, William, builder, Queen st. Turner, George, butcher, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Turner, Miss Elizabeth, dressmaker, Gleuo s t Tweeddale, James, Norton st. Twemlow, Charles, watchmaker, Derwent, st. Tylee( William, painter, Glebo st. Sr. JOHN'S CHUUCH, Denham st. ST. JOHN'S SOHOOL, Denham st. Stokes, T., bus proprietor, Franklyn placo Stoneman, Frederick, painter, Elger Bt. SAABYE, MBB. F., Nanette cottage, Derwent st. Stratton, William, grocer, Norton st. Street, Mrs. Mary, Glebe rd, Sadleir, William George, dealer, Francis s t Stretton, William, tailor, Bay s t Saliniere.Bev. E. M., Hereford s t Summerfield, Isaac, Groso st. Salman, Mark, bus proprietor, Olose st. Surman, Alfred, bootmaker, Parramatta s t Samtleben, Louis, Francis st. Sweet, Charles, ironmonger, Parramatta st. Saunders, Joseph, Greek st. Symons, Lionel P., Parramatta rd., Old Scott, John, Cowper and Crown sts. Scott, Miss Jane, Glebe rd. Scott, Walter, Bosebank, Glebe rd. TABEII, SYDNEY, Forest s t Sorutton, Mrs., Ladies' Seminary, Glebo rd. Tankard, —, butcher, Greek st. Scrutton, Bobert, accountant, Glebe rd. Taylor, George, dray proprietor, Norton s t Taylor, J., mariner, Mitchell ter., Norton st Seamer, John H., Parramatta rd. Taylor, John, carpenter, St. John's rd. . Selby, John, builder, Glebo rd. Taylor, Thomas, ropemaker, Catherine st. Shannon, J., cab proprietor, Franklyn place Tester, John, harness maker, Broughton at Shearman, Mrs. H., Grose st. Thomas, George, currier, Franklyn place Sheehy, Michael, bus proprietor, Grose st Thompson, John, blacksmith, Forest s t Sheldon, Jabez, Derwent s t Thompson, John, blacksmith, Greek s t Shute, —, Arundel terrace DIRECTORY. YOU 187 Wells, Frederick AVm., miner, St. John's rd. Wells, George, St. John's rd. Wells, George J., plasterer, St. John's rd. Wells, Mrs., Franklyn placo Welsh, Edward, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Welsh, William, Glebe st. Worry, John W., cooper, Francis st. WESLEYAN Onnnon, Globe rd. WESLEYAN SCHOOL, Francis st. West, Thomas, St. John's ter., St. John's rd. Westman, Alexander, mason, Forest st. Wcstman, Bichard, mason, Grose st. WhifFen, George, bootmaker, Parramatta st. White, James, surgeon, 8, Hope ter., Glebe rd. White, Misses, Indies' school, Glebo rd. White, Walter, mason, Glebe rd. White, William, brass finisher, Greek st. Whitefield, P. B., Glebe rd. Whittle, John, carpenter and joiner, Glebe st. Whitworth, William, carpenter, Glebe Bt Wiggins, William, locksmith, Mitchell st. Wilcocks, George Henry, Francis s t Wilday, Mrs. Sarah, Francis st. VAUQHAN, WILLIAM B., builder, Derwent st. Wildon, Thomas, butcher, Grose st. Venoss, William, mason, Denham st. Wiley, Mrs., midwife, Bay st. Vickers and Cooke, coach builders Francis st. Wilkins, Asaph, Derwent st. Vickers, Henry, Francis st. Wilkins, William, gardener, Mitchell st. Williams, G., ironmonger, Parramatta st. WAIT, HENRY, butcher, Grose st. Williams, G., Mitchell terrace, Norton st. Wait, Bobert, butcher, Francis st. Williams, George, quarryman, Queen st. Walford, Wm., engineer, Parramatta rd., Williams, H., quarryman, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Old Williams, John, collar maker, Parramatta st. Walker, A., carpenter, Mitchell ter., Norton st Williams, Mrs. Mary, Derwent st. Walker, James, boilermaker, Glebo s t Williams, Phillip C, builder, Glebe rd. Walker, Joseph, carpenter, Glebe st. Williams, Silvanus, Greek st. Walker, Thomas, boilermaker, Glebe rd. Williamson, James, wheelwright, Francis Bt. Walker, William, corn dealer, Forest s t Wilson, Edward, blacksmith, Derwent st. Wannell, Faithful, wheelwright, Forest st. Wilson, Henry, butcher, Mitchell st. Ward, Daniel Thomas, carpenter, Grose st. Wilson, William, joiner, Derwent st Ward, J., cab proprietor, Parramatta st. Wingate, Martin, baker, Mitchell st. Ward, James, Greek st. Winham, George,' Globe st. Warden, John E., grocer, Glebo rd. Withington, William, bootmaker, Francis st. Warr, Alfred, gardener, Close st. Wood, John William, Hereford st. Warr, Thomas, wheelwright, Parramatta rd. Wood, Mrs. Gcorgiana, Norton s t Waterman, William H., dealer, Glebe st. Woodford, Francis, carpenter, Bay st. Watham, Mrs. Ann, Francis st. Woodford, John, Boss st. Watson, George, baker, Francis st. Woodford, William, carpenter, Bay s t Watson, Thomas, tailor, Bay st. Woods, George, butcher, Elger st. Watson, T. B., Hereford st. Woolnough, Bev. George, Glebe rd. Watts, John, van proprietor, Cowper st. Wray, William, Glebo rd. Webb, James, plasterer, Glebo st. Wright, John, Cowper st. Webb, Thomas, Glebo rd. Wynn, John, Close st. Weekes, J., St. John's terrace, St. John's rd. Wcekes, Nicholas, Arundel terrace YOIIK, JAMES, Pyrmont Bridge rd. Weir, David, Derwent st. ' Young, Henry, painter, Campbell st. Wellbank, Isaac, St. John's ter., St. John's rd. Young, Joshua B,, Glebe rd. Den Watson, Mrs. Mary, Fountain st. Whaley, Daniel, North Harbor Wheelan, Edward, Carlton st. Wheeler, James, farmer, Lagoon DIRECTORY. Ker 189 Wilson, John Wilson, Thomas, farmer, Pittwater rd, Woods, John, Eastern st. Wright, Henry John MANLY BEACH, OK NEW BRIGHTON. ANDEBSON, ALEXANDER, Tower Hill Alderton, G., limeburner, Middle Harbor BADMINGTON, EDWARD, Whistler st. Bagnell, William, carpenter, Corso Baskham, Thomas, whistler st. Barnard, John V., Fairlight Baxter, Mrs. L., ladies' school, Whistler st. Beger, William, Raglan st. Bennett, S., farmer, Pittwater rd. Bennett, Samuel, Esplanade Black, Mrs. E., Pacific st. Brady, Edward, farmer, Middle Harbor Buttrey, John Armitage, Tower cottage CARROLL, J., Spring Oove Collins, John, farmer, Pittwater rd. Collins, Thomas, Pittwater rd. CONQBEQATIONAL OHTOOH, Whistler st. Cozens, James 0., Corso LAMBOURNE, William, Steyne Family Hotel, Corso Leicester, 0., boarding house, Eairy Bowor M'CARTHY, REV. T., Tower hill Mackenzie, Mark, tailor, Esplanade Marshall, Henry, butcher, Corso Mildwater, Robert, carpenter, Pittwater rd. Mildwater, William, grocer, Whistler st. Miles, Henry, boardinghouse, Lagoon Miles, Thomas, Pittwater rd. Mills, George, bootmaker, Corso Moore, Isaac, farmer, Middle Harbor Morris, Frederick, gardener, Lagoon Morrison, Edward, carpenter, Whistler st. Murray, William, painter, Esplanade PABKEB, WILLIAM, farmer, Pittwater rd. Piper, James, Pittwater rd. Ponton, J., Pittwater rd., Old Ponton, John G., Whistler st. DOBAN, OHABLES, New Steyne Hotel, Corso Downey, James, Lagoon PUBLIC SCHOOL, Whistler st. EDENS, THOMAS Redman, James, Pittwater rd. Rolfe, W. H., Lagoon Russell, Adam, grocer, Corso Ellery, Peter, Middle Harbor Emanuel, Moses, Pacifio st. Evans, George, gardener, Middle Harbor RANKIN, MBS. THOMAS, Fortescue terrace SAVAGE, THOMAS, dairyman, Corso Shavers, Henry Sharp, J. 0., Pier Hotel, Esplanade Skinner, Benjamin, boatman, Esplanade Sly, Charles, boatman, Sunnyside Sly, George, Quarantine ground GOULD, JOHN, Raglan st. Sly, George, junr., shoemaker Grant, Robert, engineer, Eastern st. Smith, George, Undercliffe Gray, John, eating house, Esplanado Smith, John T., boardinghouse, Esplanade Gurney, Rev. George, B.A., Corso Smith, Joseph, dairyman HABBISON, Mrs. E., Brighton Baths, Esplanade Smith, Mrs. Oharles, Undercliffe Smithers, Alfred Hayes, Charles H., Ellestra, Corso Smithers, John B., J.P., Tower hill Hayes, Elisha, Ellestra, Corso ST. MATHEW'S OHUBOH, Corso Heaton, James, waterman, North Harbor Horner, Mary, Clarendon Hotel. Pacifio st. TAYLOB, OHABLES LANE, Carlton s t Hutton, James, master mariner, Corso Taylor, David, stonemason, Denison st. Hutton, William, master mariner, Corso Thompson, John, teacher, Whistler st. Tobin, James, dairyman, Pittwater rd., Old JENKINS, Mrs. E., Pittwater rd.' Johnson, William, butcher, Whistler st. Fox, GEOBQE, baker and grocer, Corso Fox, John, grocer (Post office), Oorso Frazer, David, stonemason, Eastern st. WAKELAND, JVILLIAM, Pittwater rd,, Old KILMINSTEB, GBOBQE, broker, Paoifio st. Warrington, George, Pacifio at. MARRICKVILLE, INCLUDING NORWOOD, SOUTH KINGSTON AND STANMORE. ALLEBTON, ALEXANDER, Wemyss st., Stanmore Despointes, Madame, Illawarra rd., Mkville. Amnor, William, Emily st., Stanmore Dodds, James/Trafalgar ter., South Kingston Andrews, Mrs., fancy worker, Liberty St., Drinkwater and Stephens, iron bedstead South Kingston makers, Cowper st., Marrickville Andrews, William, Liberty st., South Kingston Armitage, George James, Norwood EAOLE, GEO., bricklayer, Victoria rd., Mkville. Arscott, Robert, carter, Victoria rd,, Mkville. Asmua, F., carpenter, Warren rd., Mkville. FAinBAiBN, J., post office, Addison rd., Mkville. Farch, Charles James, Emily st., Stanmoro BAILEY, RICHABD, shoemaker, Norwood Barratt, J,, shoemaker, Addison rd., Mkville. Fells, E. F., Dresden cottage, South Kingston Fletcher, John, South Kingston Beer, John, market gardener, Marrickville Fooks, George, Middle st., Marrickville Beer, William, Illawarra rd., Marrickville Fox, W. 0., tailor, Wemyss st., Stanmore Bennett, J., builder, South Kingston Bentloy, James, Victoria rd., Mkville. GABDENEB, —, South Kingston Berthon, Edward, Marrickville rd. Garner, Wm., market gardener, Mkville. rd. Blake, William, Cook's River rd., Now Garretty,—.bricklayer, Enmore rd., Stanmore Blanchard, Mark, Stanmore rd. Bloomfiold,R., brickmaker, Chapel St., Mkville. Gearing, Henry, Emily st., Stanmore Braddock, G., carpenter, Cowper St., Mkville. George, William, Illawarra rd., Marrickville Graham's NURSERY, Mkville. rd., Marrickville Bryant, T., Cook's River rd., New, Mkville. Grant, James, Fotheringham st., Stanmore CABTWBIOHT, JAMES, Chapel St., Marrickville Grant, Mrs., Fotheringham st., Stanmore Chambers, T. Ritchie, Emily St., Marrickville HALLIOAN, GERALD, Meek's rd., Marrickville Chapman, J. M., Norwood Handley, Jabez, Addison rd,, Marrickville. Chivers, F., carpenter, Emily st., Stanmore Olivers, Francis, junr., wheelwright, Emily Harris, Job, Stanmoro rd. Harris, Miss, dressmaker, Stanmoro rd. st., Stanmore Harris, William, Chapel St., Marrickville Clapin, A. P., Marrickville rd. Clarke, J. J., teacher, Illawarra rd., Mkville, Hawksley, E. J., Illawarra rd,, Mkville. Cole, George, gardener, Victoria rd., Mkville. Hewett, G. A, collector, Sydenham rd. Mkville. Hitchcock, Robert, Enmore rd., Stanmore Cole, James, Victoria rd., Marrickville Hodges, Henry, Addison rd., Marrickville Cook, Samuel, Frankfort villa, Marrickville Holt, F. G. E., The Warren, Marrickville Cornish, John, accountant, South Kingston Horning, John W., accountant, Norwood Orocker, Mrs. Mary, Wemyss St., Stanmore Hyfield, William, Marrickville Crocker, N. J., Eton cottage, Stanmore rd. Croft, Herbert, Wemyss st,, Stanmore Crosby, R. S., Meek's rd., Marrickville JonNSTON, JASON, Stanmore rd. Curtis, Edward, Addison rd., Norwood Johnson, Samuel, Ebenezer cottage, Norwood Jolly, AVilliam, South Kingston DAVIS, WM., grocer, Harrington st,, Stanmore Jones, Charles, Norwood Dawes, Philip, Harrington St., Stanmore Jones, Henry, grocer, Stanmore rd. Day, W. E., Stanmore rd. Jones, John Russell, Norwood De Bean, C, saddler, Wemyss st., Stanmore Jones, Mrs., Norwood Do Boos, C„ reporter, Middle St., Mkville. Jones, William, Enmore rd. Do Boos, Henry, Wemyss st., Stanmore Denning, Mrs., Norwood KEBBY, WILLIAM, Norwood 180 Ret MAEXtiCKVILLE LANE, JOHN, Unwin's Bridge rd., Marriokville Lane, Mrs., Unwin's Bridge rd., Marriokville Lankester, John B., Stanmore rd. Levy, John, bus proprietor, Enmore rd. Little, James, Norwood Lloyd, T., dairyman, Addison rd., Marriokville Lofts, Stephen, grocer, Addison rd., Mkville. M'CALL, DAVID, Norwood M'Gee, Thomas, market gardener, Mkville. rd. M'Minn, A., dairyman, Edgeware rd., Mkville. M'Shane, James, Sydenham rd., Marriokville MARRIOKVILLE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, Addison rd. MARMOKVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL, Chapel st. You Rendall, Mrs., Norwood Richardson, R. P., Woodside, South Kingston Robertson, Henry, architect, Wemyss s t Sohwobel, Adam, stonemason, Marriokville rd. Soott, Charles, olerk, Cook's River rd., New Scott,Thos., clerk, Eotheringham st, Stanmore Shortis, W., brickmaker, Cook's River rd. New Shoultz, W./stonemason, Victoria rd., Mkville. Sims, Mrs., Cowper st., Marriokville Smedloy, Charles,. Chapel st, Marriokville Smidmore, Mrs., Unwin's Bridge rd., Mkville. Smith, T, dairyman, Canterbury rd., Norwood Sparkes, Thomas G., Wemyss St., Stanmore Stead, Ed. 0., painter, Alma lane, Stanmoro Stead, R. C; Harrington St.. Stanmoro Stephen, Prank, Weymss st, Stanmoro Stephens, Wm., farrier, Cowper st., Mkville. St. Julian, Charles, Illawarra rd., Mkville.. Sullivan, Thomas, Norwood Sutton, Henry, station master, Norwood Marsh, Philip, Stanmore, rd. Marshall, John, Stanmore Hotel, Norwood Marshall, Richard, marketgardener,Middlo st. Martin, A. B., dairyman, Enmore rd. Mkville. Martin, William, Tupper st, Stanmore Meek, James, market gardener, Meek's rd. Meek, J. junr., market gardener, Meek's rd. Miller, Rev. W., Harrington st., Stanmore Mills, Joseph, Cook's River rd., New, Norwood Moncur, Tno:r.ns, gardener, Cook's River rd. Montgomery, Jumes, Cook's River rd., New Morrice, John, Norwood Morgan, Leopold, Tupper St., Stanmore Mosely, William, Victoria rd., Marriokville Moves, Charles, market gardener, Warren rd. Mullen, George, Avoea house, Norwood TALLOII, —, Harrington St., Stanmoro Taylor, Patrick, dairyman, Addison rd. Teegee, T. H., market gardener, Mkville. rd, Thompson, D., dairy, Illawarra rd., Mkville. Thomson, William, Sebastopol st, Stanmore Trengrouse, Nicholas, Stanmoro rd., Stanmoro Turner, William J., Alma lane, Stanmore Turner, Wm., jun., carpenter, Stanmore NEVILLE, JOHN, Addison rd., Marriokville UNWIN, GEORGE, Stanmoro rd. Newman, Thomas William, Stanmore rd. VANSTONE, S., carpenter, Emily st, Stanmore OWEN, SAMUEL, Solander view, Norwood WALLACE, WILLIAM, builder, Norwood PALINQ, W. H., Merton lodge, Stanmore rd. Payten, Samuel, Illawarra rd., Marriokville Perry, Josiah, Stanmore rd. Pfoeffer, Hobert, Marriokville rd., Marriokville Pile, George, jun., Norwood Pilgrim, James, dealer, Sydenham rd. Pollock, Thos., marketgardener, Petersham rd. Ponder, Isaac, accountant, Stanmore Porter, John, wood carter, Marrickvillo Prowles, Amos, Illawarra rd., Marrickvillo Way, Riahard H., Unwin's Bridge rd., Mkville. Wedlock, James, Victoria rd., Marrickvillo Wells, John, Emily St., Stanmore West, James, Norwood Welsh, Wm., Cook's River rd., New, Mkville. Wheeler, William, Norwood Whitfield, Edwin, teacher, Stanmore rd. Williams, Allen, Stanmore rd. Willioms, D., Whitemetal quarry, Wardell'srd. Window, 0., dairyman, Wemyss st, Stanmore Wood, Arthur, Chapel Bt, Marrickvillo RADFORD, GEORGE, Norwood, Marriokville Rawson, Obediah Wm., Norwood Reid, Thomas, South Kingston YABSLET, BENJAMIN, Petersham rd., Mkville, Young, William, Norwood NEWTOWN. STKEET KEY. Ailsbury St., from Missenden rd. to Elizabeth st. Albemarle St., from Australia st. to Horbury terrace Albert st,from Horbury terrace to Trade st. Australia St., from Newtown rd. to Bishopsgate st. Lennox st, from Australia st. to Oxford st. Longdown s t , from O'Connell s t to Boundary Lord st, from Newtown rd. to Edgwaro rd. Maria St., from Newtown rd. to Edgware rd. Mary st, from Newtown rd. to Charles st. May st., from Newtown rd. to Edgwaro rd. • Baltic st., from Horbury terrace to Trade st. Mechanic st, from Camperdown rd. to Egan s t Bedford st, from Newtown rd., to Railway Missenden rd., from Newtown rd. to Bligh s t station Bishopsgate St., from Australia st. to Oxford st. Nelson st, from Newtown rd. to Bligh st. Bligli st, from Missenden rd. to Newtown rd. Newtown rd., from Toll bar to Boundary Brick st, from Camperdn. rd. to O'Connell st. Newtown st., from Newtown rd. to Union st. Bucknoll st, from Newtown rd. to Wilson st. O'Connell st, from Newtown rd, to Boundary Camden st, from Newtown rd. to Edgwaro rd. Oxford st., from Horbury ter. to Bishopsgate st. Campbell st., from O'Connell st, to Boundary Campordown rd,, fromNewtn rd. to Tutingst Prospect st, from Camperdown rd. to O'ConCavendish st, from Enmore rd. to Liberty st. nell st. Charles s t , from Camperdown rd. to Australia st Regent st, from Bedford st, to Bishopsgate st. Denison st, from Bedford st. to Bishopsgate st. Richard st, from Missenden rd. to Elizabeth st. Rockford st, from Newtown rd. to Boundary Edgware rd., from Harrow rd. to May st. Egan st, from Newtown rd. to Hapor's fence Sarah st, from Harrow rd. to Simmonds st. Eliza St., from Newtown rd. to Charles st. Elizabeth s t , from Newtown rd. to Bligh st. Short st, from Newtown rd. to Union st. Simmonds St., from Enmoro rd. to Sarah st. Enmore rd., from Newtown rd. to Juliet st. Erskinevillo lane.from Newtown rd. to Boun- Stanmoro rd., from Enmore rd. to Liberty st. Station st., from Newtown rd. to Lennox s t dary St Mary st, from Trade st. to Bishopsgate s t Susan st, from Longdown st. to Boundary Fitzroy st, from Newtown rd. to Wilson st Forbes st, from Toll bar to Wilson s t Francis st, from Newtown rd. to Harrow rd. Tuting st, from Australia s t to Camperdown Union st,, fram Enmoro rd. to Holt st. Holt st, from Newtown rd. to Station st. Horbury terrace, from Bedford st. to Boundary Hordern st, from Newtown rd. to Bligh st. Wellington st, from Bedford s t to Bishopsgate st. James st, off Harrow rd. Well st, from Newtown rd. to Edgwaro rd. Juliet st., from Newtown rd. to Harrow rd. Wilson st, from Newtown rd. to Forbes s t •ABIGAIL, JAMES, grocer, Albemarle st. Able, John, carpenter, O'Connell st. •Adams and Webber, Newtown rd. Adams, Edward, Egan st. Adams, G. R., Wilson st. Adams, John, dealer, O'Connell st. Adams, W. C, mason, Camperdown rd. Albery, Mark, Randall cottage, Enmore rd. 192 Bol NEWTOWN Oon Boston, Thomas, watchmaker, Newtown rd, Bott, Edwin, wheelwright, Hordern st. Bourne, Frederick, carpenter, Regent st. Bowers, John, dealer, Egan st. Boyd, James, Lord st. Bracken, Joseph, stonemason, Albermarle st. Bradley, James, Station st. Braga,'Mis., Station st. Bramwell, John, Bedford st. Breeze, John, Enmore rd. Breillat, Thomas C, J.P., Thurnley House, Enmore rd, Bridger, James, painter, Newtown rd. Briggs, Frederick, Oxford st. Broadley, J., blacksmith, Newtown rd. Broadloy, Joshua, Hordern st. Brooks, John W., Australia st. Brown, George, Oxford st. Brown, John K., Prospect st. Brown, —, Camden st. Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth, Missenden rd. Brown, Stephen 0., M.L.A., Leichhardt lodge, Newtown rd. Brown, William, fishmonger, Newtown rd. Bryant, John, tailor, Wilson st. Bryant, Mary, Campbell st. Bryant, Mrs., Wellington st. BAILEY, W., builder, Enmore rd. Buckley, Joseph, Lennox st. Baldick, James, blacksmith, Albemarle st, Baldick, S., timber merchant, Newtown rd. Bucknell, Frank, Campbell st. Bucknell, Mrs. Martha, Wilson st. Baldick, William, sexton, Camperdown rd, Budd, John, Wellington st. Balff, Mrs. Amelia, Wellington st. Balmer, G., Botany View Hotel, Newtown rd. Bunway, Susan, dressmaker, Newtown rd. Burgess, Theodoro, Regent st. Banks, R. N., council clerk, Newtown rd. Burt, —, Carrington villa, Erskineville lane Barden, Edward, butcher, Newtown rd. Busher, Thomas, butcher, Denison st. Barff, Mrs. Amelia, Enmore rd. Butcher, John, shoemaker, Newtown rd. Barker, Caleb, John st. Butler, Henry, wheelwright, Denison st. Barker, George, Newtown rd. Byers, Robert, surgeon, Australia st. Barker, John, Camden st. Barrell, R., hay and corn dealer, Newtown rd. Byrne, John, bus proprietor, Campbell st. Baskett, John, painter, Newtown rd. Sastable, Arthur, pattern maker, Denison st. CALCOTT, Mns., Wellington st, Bateman, George, Camperdown rd. Caldwell John, dairyman, Denison st. Bates, Mrs., Denison st. CAMDEN COLLEGE, Newtown rd. Bath, Mrs. Mary, Enmore rd. Campbell William, Oxford st. Bayley, William H., teacher, O'Connell st. Cannell, Jeremiah, cabinetmaker, Newtn, rd. Bayliss, Edward E., St. Mary's st. Carlton, Miss, dressmaker, Newtown rd. Beames, Mrs,, Station st. Chappel, Henry, brickmaker, May st. Beckett, Thomas, Francis st. Chard, John, Baltic st. Bedford, David, Missenden rd. Chislett, Stephen, grocer, Newtown rd. Beehag, William, draper, Newtown rd. Christmas, Robert, wood turner, Newtown rd. Beer, William, Station st. Clapperson, S., Shakespcurc Hotel, Newtn, rd. Beer, John, bootmaker, Regent st, Clarke, George, cleric, Maria st. Bennett, Charles, Missenden rd. Clarke, Josepli, engineer, Australia st. Bennett, James, Wilson st. Clarke, Thomns, Prospect st. Bennett, Samuel, Rosebank, Wilson st. Clarkson, William, bootmaker, Prospect st. Berlin, Henry, brickmaker, Lord 3t. Clinton, Mary, Richard st. Beiler, W., grocer and coal yard, Newtown rd. Cole, Jabez, grocer, Enmoro rd. Biggs, J., boot and shoo maker, Newtown rd. Collie, Rev. William, Denison st. Blackstone, Joseph, Wilson st. Collier, Mrs. Ann, Newtown rd. Blake, II., plumber and glazier, Regent st. Collins, John, carpenter, Denison st. Blarney, T., soap maker, &c, Campljell st. COMMERCIAL BANK, Branch, Newtown rd. Blanch, II. M., Orimbah terrace, Newtown rd. Condren, Mrs. Rose, Egan st. Bloxsomo, Mrs. M., dressmaker, Prospect st. CONQKEOATIONAL Oiiuitcn, Newtown rd. Bolger, T. H., Registrar Canterbury District, Oonley, James, Kingston Lodge Hotel, AusAlbemarle st. tralia st. Albon, Richard, grocer, Albemarle st. Allen, M,, Camden terrace, Newtown rd, Allen, J., registry office, Newtown rd. Allen, Thomas, norsedealer, Campbell st. Andrews, G. bootmaker, Newtown rd, Anderson, Frederick, carpenter, Denison st. Anderson, James, Terminus Inn, Enmore rd. Anderson, William, painter, Campbell st. Andrew, J.,earthenware store, Newtown rd. Andrews, Edwin, mason, Hordern st. Andrews, J. E. & son, masons, Camperdown rd, Andrews, T., coach painter, Albemarle st. Annesley, David, Enmore rd. Apperton, Robert, draper, Eliza st. Arnold, Edward, grocer, Egan st. Arundell, George, carpenter, Camden st, Aspinall, John, Oxford st. Ashton, John, Campbell st. Ashton, Joseph, brickmaker, Maria st. Ashlingdon, James, Wellington st. Astalos, J., hairdresser, Newtown rd. Atkins, Robert, clerk, Susan at. Attwood, George, Newtown rd. Attwood, William, Newtown rd. Austin, Henry, Newtown rd. Eva DIRECTORY. Connolly, James, Newtown rd. Connor, George, bootmaker, Egan st. Cook, Henry, bootmaker, Oxford st. Cook, William, woohvasher, Erskineville lane Coombes, William, Regent st. Cooper, Frederick, parcel delivery, Regent st. Conner, Thomas, Denison st. Corkhill, R. B., Newtown rd. Cotter, John Henry, butcher, Mechanic st. Couch, John, Regent st. Cousins, Richard, Enmoro rd. Coveny, Richard, Wellington s t Cowan, Richard, Missenden rd. Craig, James, Regent st. Crane, Charles, shoemaker, Hordern st Crane, William, Missenden rd. Cranstone, James, carpenter, Denison st. Croft, William, carpenter, O'Connell st. Crook, Charles, carpenter, Camden st. Crook, George Charles, Stanmore rd. Croudace, Charlotte, draper, Newtown rd. Curtis, William, builder, Hordern st. Han 193 Evcrs, Laurence, grocer, Camden s t FALCONER, M. W., station master, railway station Fallick, Alfred, Albert st. Fallick, W. C, ironmonger, Newtown rd. Farley, James, policeman, Francis s t Farnsworth, A. W., Elizabeth s t Farris, Christopher, Newtown rd. Felton, Mrs. Louisa, Campbell s t Foniside, Edwin, surveyor, Francis at Fielding, Edward, grocer, Australia s t Fivier, Thomas, Camden terrace, Newtown rd. Flaherty, John, police station, Newtown rd. Flemming, William, Oxford st. Foldi, N., Manager Enmore Patent Tile Company, Enmore Ford, Edward, tailor, Regent st. Fort, William, tailor, Regent st Furlonger, J. H,, cabinetmaker and undertaker, Ncv.tnwn rd. GATTON, TnoMAS, O'Connell st. Gulvin, Thomas, Hordern st. Dalfers, Mrs. M., Rose cottage, Regent st. Garavul, Rev. Joseph, Erskineville lane Davies, Charles, carpenter, Oxford st. Gardner, William, Wellington st. Davies, Charles F., Egan st. Gardner, Wm. B., fancy shop, Albemarle st. Davies, Miss, dressmaker, Lennox st. Garratt, Robert, Wilson st. Davies, Mrs., Wellington st. Garratt, Miss, ladies' school, Wilson s t Davis, Alfred, carcase butcher, Campdn. rd. Garwell, William, Newtown Inn, Newtown rd. Davis, George, butcher, Newtown rd. Gibbons, Martin, contractor, Australia st Davis, Joseph, butcher, Newtown rd. Gibbs, Mrs. W., Camden cottage, Newtown rd. Dawes, Caleb, brickmaker, Newtown rd. Gilbert, Mrs. C, ladies' school, Stanmore rd. Dawes, Nathan, brickmaker, May st. Gill, Thomas, Camden terrace, Newtown rd. Day, George, mason, Albemarle s t Gilmore, Robert 0., stonemason, Denison s t Day, Isaac, Wellington st. Givins, John, bus proprietor, Australia st. Day, William, Regent st. Glissan, Jumes, surgeon, Newtown rd. Day, Thomas, Wellington st Goldsmith, James, draper, Newtown rd. Dean, Edward, Denison st. Goodiu, William, bus proprietor, Newtown rd. Dickson, Mrs. Barnes, Holmwood, Newtn. rd. Goodin.W., Daniel Lambert Inn, Newtown rd. Dingwall, William, mason, Hordern st. Goodsell, John, brickmaker, Newtown rd. Dolman, William, Camden st, Goodser, Henry, brickmaker, May st. Donnithorn, Miss, Newtown rd. Goodser, John, blacksmith, Newtown rd. Donohoe, T. J., baker, Newtown rd. Goodser, T. cabinetmaker, Albert s t Douglass, Orr, Australia st. Gould, Charles, school, Newtown rd. Dransfield, Richard, Newtown rd. Gower, Isaac, Oxford st. Drynan, Mrs. Mary, Campbell st. Grace, W., builder, Juliet st. Dubber, Edward, butcher, Denison st. Graham, G./VV., Bucknell st. Duggan, Michael, Nelson st. Grant, James, Wellington st. Dunlop, Robert, Wilson st. Grant, Thomas, dealer, Susan st. Dunn, Henry, Bedford st. Gray, John, gingerbeer maker, Newtown rd. Dunnett, William, baker, Camden st. Green, George, baker, Newtown rd. Dymock, Thomas, baker, O'Connell st. Gregory, Alfred, Newtown rd. Grimshaw, J., Kent cottage, Wellington st. EARL, John, shoemaker, Newtown rd. Guy, Andrew, baker, Newtown rd. Earlc, GEORGE, dealer, Hordern st. EnENEZEn (Primitive Methodist) CHAI>EL, Guy, Mrs. Eleanor, milliner, Newtown rd. Gynlay, Mrs. A. G., Enmore rd. Australia st. Edwards, Cornelius F., Wilson st. HADDOCK, JOHN, butcher, Union, st. Eldershaw, Thomas B., Campbell s t Hadsley, Mrs. F., school, Newtown rd. Elstub, Robert, wheelwright, Kegent s t Hambling, John, grocer, Newtown rd. Emery, Richard, shoemaker, Denison st. Hamilton, John, Kegent st. ENMORE PATENT TILE COMPANY/, Enmoro Hamilton, Mrs. Jane, Hordern s t Evans, Mrs. E,, Baltic st. Hanley, J., boot und shoemaker, Newtown rd. Evans, John, Australia st Hanks, J. G., grocer, Newtown rd. N DADSWELL, THOMAS 0., Wellington st 194 Joh NEWTOWN Hardaore, Benjamin, builder, Union st. Hardaere, George, painter, Denison st. Hare, Thomas, shoemaker, Camden st. Harpur, Henry, Regent st. Harris, George, bootmaker, Newtown rd. Harris, James, Enmore rd. Harris, James, Mechanic st. Harris, John, gardener, James st. Harrison, A. fruiterer, Newtown rd. Harrison, James, carpenter, Regent st. Harrison, Matthew, ironmonger, Newtown rd. Harvey, William, Albemarle st. Hatley, Frances, plasterer, Newtown rd. Hawke, J o h n , Newtown rd. Hawkins, Henry, Regent st. Hayes, James, carpenter, Camden st, Henderson, Eobert, nurseryman, Camelia Grove, Erskineville lano Henry, Daniel, Enmore rd. Henry, James, drayman, Denison st. Henry, Mrs. M., Eegent st. Hewett, John, Bligh st. Higgins, Miss., dressmaker, Enmore rd. Hill, Henry, confectioner, Newtown rd. Hill, John, John st. Hill, John, butcher, Hordern st. Hill, Eowland, Enmore Hotel Camden st. Hilliard, William, drayman, Susan st. Hinks, John, shoemaker, Eegent st. Hobbs, William, Wellington st. • Hodgson, Frederick, Hordern st. Hogg, Launcelot, Nelson st. HoDoway, T., painter & glazier, Newtown rd. Holley, John, Aylesbury st. Holmes, Henry, carpenter, Enmore rd. Hopping, Benjamin, brickmaker, James st. Hordern, Mrs., Albemarlo st. Horgan, John, Star Inn, Newtown rd. Howard, Jesse, brickmaker, Mary st. Howitt, Mrs. Mary, Denison st. Hudson, Joseph, plasterer, Egan st. Hudson, Henry, butcher, Newtown r d . Hudson, Mrs. Mary, Newtown rd. Huggard, Mrs. greengrocer, Newtown rd. Hughes, Enoch, engineer, Francis st. Hughes, William, dealer, Camden st. Hulder, Mrs. James st. Humphries, Thomas, chemist, Newtown rd. Hunt, E. M., Forbes st. Hurst, James, bus proprietor, Mary st. Hurst, Eev. —, Newtown rd. Hutchinson, David B. Camperdown rd. Huxley, James, carter, Newtown rd. Mar Johnston, Wm. 0., Denison st, Jonr", John, plasterer, Hordern st. Jones, John, shoemaker, Nelson st. Jones, Samuel, carpenter, Eliza st. Jones, William, fancy shop, Newtown rd. Joscphson, J . F . , J.P., M.L.A., Enmore rd. Joy, Edward, Camden terrace, Newtown rd. KEBBY, CJIAM.ES, Erskineville lane Kearney, Edward, bootmaker, Wellington si. Kelly, James, Buston cottage, Enmore rd. Kelly, Patrick, stonemason, Eegent st. Kelly, Robert, Newtown rd. Kemball, John D., Egan st. Kemp, Walter, shoemaker, Regent st. Kendall, Henry, Enmore rd. Kennedy, W . J., shoemaker, Regent st. Kent, John, brickmaker, Lord st. Kent, Eev. S. C , Camden college, Newtown rd, Kottle, John J., Wilson st. Kerrigan, John, shoemaker, Albemarle st. Kidd and Kelly, bakers, & a , Newtown r d . Kidmarry, James, baker, Longdown s t Kimmons, John, shoemaker, Australia s t King, John, Campbell st. King, Mrs,, Camden st. Kingsbury, Joseph, Francis st. Korit, F., Enmoro rd. LAKE, JOHN, Albemarle st. Lamb, John, Enmoro rd. Lambert, John, grocer, Newtown rd. Lamont, Donald, Newtown rd. Land, W. J., plasterer, Regent st. Lane, John, blacksmith, Nelson st. Langford, Rev. Jabez, Denison st. Langhorne, G., house agent, & c , Newtown rd. Langley, John, grocer, Australia st, Larkin, Mrs,, milliner, Newtown rd. Layton, George, Wellington st. Leader, Wm. K., bricklayer, Missendon rd, Lee, Richard John, Regent st. Legge, George, Camden st. Lender, Mrs. Sarah, Hordern st. Lennon, Mrs., Newtown rd. Lock, Richard, bus proprietor, Eliza st. Loseo, S. A., ironmonger, & a , Newtown rd. Lotze, Edward, Orimbah terraco, Newtown rd. Lovegrovo, R., plumber, & c , Newtown rd. M'CKACKEN, ALEXANDER, Newtown r d . M'Dermott, Mrs. C. S., Australia st. M'Diarmid, Archibald, Newtown r j . M'Donald, James, baker, Denison st. ISLIP, THOMAS, Camden st. M'Intosh, John, Cavondish st. Ivass, John, gardener, Wilson st. M'Kay, William, tailor, Australia st. M'Kcelinie, saddler, Newtown rd. JACKSON, THOMAS, Australia st. M'Lareu, Robert, baker, Regent st. Jackson, William, Francis st. M'Phillamy, Mrs. Mary, Newtown rd. Jackson, William, Wellington st. Macdonald, Hugh, carter, Lord st. Jumison, William, brickmaker, Newtown rd. Machan, George, dealer, Newtown rd. Jarrman, H., boot & shoemaker, Wellington st. Macken, Patrick, grocer, Albemarlo st. Jarvis, Robert, builder, Enmoro rd. Malley, J,, Enmore rd. Jennings, John, furniture dealer, Egan st. Mansergh, J. L., Crown and Anchor, JSewtn, rd. Johnson, S,, saddler, Newtown rd. Marsh, John, carpenter, Susan st. O'R DIRECTORY. Martin, Charles, iron moulder, Albermarle st. Martin, Eliza, O'Connell st. Mason, R., blacksmith, Australia st. • Masters, William, Wilson st. Matchett, A., hat maker, Wellington st. Meakin, Mrs. Mary, Campbell si. Meek,, toll keeper, Newtown rd. Melville, Hector, wheelwright, Regent st. Melville, N . and Son, carpenters, Australia st. Merritt, George, station st. Merry, Edward, brickmaker, Nelson st. Messenger, Joseph, Campbell st. Mitchell, Mrs., teachorof music, Wilson st. Miller, Joseph, Oxford st. Milne, Eobert, Susan st. Miller, William, tin smith, Newtown rd. Millgato,S. S., hay & corn dealer, Newtown rd. Millgate, William, Camperdown rd. Mills, W., chemist & druggist, Newtown rd. Molesworth, Mrs. Caroline A., Oxford st, Monughan, Thomas, engineer, Regent st. Montgomery, Thomas, brickmaker, Lord st. Moon, Thomas, builder, Susan st. Moonie, Mrs, Mary, O'Connell st. Moore, William Gosling, Newtown rd. Moreau, Henry, hairdresser, Newtown rd. Morkill, Arthur, surveyor, Newtown rd. Morley, Mrs. Ann, dealer, Newtown rd. Morley, Mrs. D., Newtown rd. Morris, Mrs., midwife, Enmore rd. Morris, Richard, Lennox st.. Moses, Mrs. Phcebe, Wilson st. Muirson, Kenneth, Denison st. Rus 195 Osborne, l'\, painter, Newtown rd. PAOE, JOHN, Enmore rd. Page, AVilliam, baker, Newtown rd. Palmer, J. W., Maria st. Palmer, Wm., gardener, James st. Panton, Alexander, Albemarle st. Park, James, brickmaker, Lord st. Parker, Wm., bus proprietor, Regent st. Partridge, Thomas, Eliznbeth st. Patterson, J. J., grocer, Newtown rd. Payne, Thomas, Bligh st. Pcarce, Mrs. M., grocer, Edgware rd. Pearee, Mrs. Sarah J., grocer, Australia st, Pearce, T. L. R., Buclmell st. Pearee, William, saddler, Newtown rd. Peraell, James, M.L.A., Enmore rd. Pendergast, Mrs. Mary, Australia st. Penderton William, Lord st. Phillips, C. E., <J!" Enmoro rd. Phillips, Henry, Enmore rd. Phillips, AVilliam, furniture dealer, Newtn. rd. Philpott, Charles, Australia st. Pickering, C , Camperdown rd. Pidrazzi, Giacomo, Camden st. Pile, George, Newtown rd. Pile, Sidney, Newtown rd. Piatt, Mrs., Elizabeth st. Playford, Richard, brickmaker, Camden s t . Polack, Abraham, Newtown rd. POLICE STATION, Newtown rd. Pratt, AAr. H., toy shop, Newtown rd. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Lennox st. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, Newtown rd. Price, Mrs. Ann, Richard st. Munro, Henry, Wellington st. PUBLIC SCHOOL, Newtown rd. Munro, Thomas, Campbell st. Purdie, AVilliam, plasterer, Oxford st. Murphy, Jomes, bus proprietor, Mechanic st. Pyne, Charles, Campbell st. Murray, Robt, Orimbah terrace, Newtown rd. QUIRK, MRS., Bedford st. Nattye, Conrad, tobacconist, Newtown rd. Nttwall, John, butcher, Newtown rd. Nearing, John, master mariner, O'Connell st, Neil, George, grocer, Newtown rd. Neill, James, blacksmith, Denison st. Noill, Mrs. Susan, Missonden rd. Nelson, Samuel, shoemaker, Newtown rd. Newell, William, auctioneer, Mechanic st. Newell, William, jun., grocer, Newtown rd. Newey, Richard, carpenter, Camden st. Newman, C. A., district registrar, Susan st Newman, J . F., watchmaker, Newtown rd. Newman, H. AV., carpenter, Egan st, Newton, Samuel, quarryman, Erskineville lano NEWTOWN CRICKET GROUND, Erskineville lano Nieholls, Robert, Campbell st. Nicol, Charles, Campbell st. Nightingale, 0., collector, O'Connell st. Nixon, John, Maria st. Nugent, John, Egan st. ODD FELLOWS' HALL, M.U., Newtown rd. Oddie, Miss A. M., school, Australia st. O'Donoghue, J., Fern villa, Erskinovillolano Oliver, Henry, clerk, Newtown rd. O'Ecgan, Michael, dairyman, Australia st. Quayle, Philip, master mariner, Oxford st. RADFORD, J . , fancy repository, Newtown rd. Eadford, Mrs. M., straw maker, Nowtown rd. RAILWAY STATION, Station st. Rawlins, James, bus proprietor, May st. Rea, Alex., professor of music, Newtown rd. Reeve, Henry, Prospect st. Rcilly, Joseph, teacher, Denison st. Renwick, Edward, Richard st. Richards, J., bus proprietor, Missenden rd. Richardson, Mrs. C , White Horse, Newtn. rd. Richardson, Mary, Campbell st. Risbey, James, grocer, Newtown rd. Roberts, John, surveyor, Prospect st. Robinson, Mrs. S., dressmaker, Egan st. Rolleston, C , Linthorp, Erskineville r d . Rogers, Robert, Mary st. Roe, AVilliam, wheelwright, Albemarlo st. Ross, John, draper, Nowtown rd. Ross, George, Randall's cottages, Enmore rd. Ross, James, joiner, Hordern st. Rowley, George, Erskineville lano ltozea, Francis M., Australia St. Rudd, AVilliam, Missendon rd. Russoll, G. W., Albert st. 196 Tur NEWTOWN SADDLER, J. S., draper, Newtown rd. Salisbury, Prederiek, Oxford st. Salisbury, Mrs., Oxford st. Salisbury, Thomas, Oxford st. Sampson, Charles, schoolmaster, Campbell st. Samuel, Lewis, Wilson st. Samuel, Saul, J.P., M.L.A., Wilson st. Sanders, E., Australia st. Saxby, George, shoemaker, Wellington st. Schope, Mrs., Camden st. Schryver, J. H., surgeon, Camperdown rd. Sedgwick, W. G., surgeon, Newtown rd. Selby, M., stonemason, O'Connell st. Sellar, Thomas, Missenden rd. Shannon, Thomas, leathcrcutter, Susan st. Short, Maria, grocer, Newtown rd. Short, Bobert, carpenter, Albemarle st. Short, T., grocer, Newtown rd. Short, Willfiam, wheelwright, Egan st. Slaughter, William, baker, Egan st, Smith, 0. H., grocer, Station st. Smith, F., builder, Lennox st. Smith, Francis, Fitzroy st Smith, Henry R., Campbell st. Smith, James, Prospect cottage, Oxford st. Smith, John, Newtown rd. Smith, J., coal merchant, &c, Newtown rd. Smith, J. F., butcher, Albemarle st. Smythe, Mrs. Jane, Wellington st Snowden, Elizabeth, Denison st. St. Julian, Charles, jun., Juliet st. Staples and Seymour, drapers, Newtown rd. Stapleton, Mrs. A., needlewoman, Hordern st. Stephens, James, blacksmith, Longdown st. Stephens, H. F., Newtown rd. Stewart,, Frederick, Stanmoro rd. Stockley, Thomas, grocer, Newtown rd. Stoney, John, bootmaker, Albemarle st. Stonier, William, Enmore rd. Stories, William, Enmore rd. Stratford, F. A., Pine villa, Wilson st. Swanston, A., fireckin Park, Erskineville lane Symons, Sylvester M., carpenter, Egan st. Zio Turtle, Charles, dealer, Cumden st. Tyo, William, butcher, Newtown rd. UND":UIILL, JAMES, Regent st Underwood, —, Juliet st. Underwood, Richard, Juliet st. Upton, Maurice, St. Mary's st. VANSON, JonN, Francis st. Vaughan, H. E., Denison st Ventura, 0., cabinetmaker, Newtown rd. Vermeesch, John, St. Mary's st. Vine, W., coach builder, Cavendish st. Voller, Rev. James, Albemarle st. WALDEN, JOB, O'Connell st. Walker, William, Campbell st. Walker, William, Newtown rd. Walker, Wm., hay and corn store, Newtn. rd. Wallach, James, Rose cottage, Newtown rd. Walsh, Thomas, carpenter, Campbell s t Ware, Jonathan, shipwright, Prospect st. Warren, Alexander, Newtown rd. Warrs, Henry, blacksmith, Newtown rd. Watt, Miss, Albemarle st. Waugh, John, wheelwright, Newtown rd. Webber, George, wheelwright, Wilson st Webster, James, Station st. Webster, John, Daniel Webster,Newtown rd. Weeks, Alex,, Kingston Hotel, Regent st. Weeks, James, John s t Welch, William, carpenter, Newtown rd. Welch, W, R. Bricklayers Arms, Newtown rd. WESLBYAN CHAPEL, Newtown rd. WESLEYAN DENOM. SCHOOL, Newtown rd. West, William, post offica, Newtown rd. Wharton, Ellen, Regent st. Whately, C, coach builder, Newtown rd. Wheeler, Caleb, Juliet st. Wheeler, W., coach builder, Regent st. White, James, Campbell st. White, John, builder, Wilson st. White, Mary, Newtown rd. White, Thomas, Australia st. Whiting, Richard, butcher, Eliza st. TALBOT, HENRY, stonemason, Egan st. Whitwell, Mrs. Eliza, school, Hordern St. Taylor, Edward J., Australia st. Willott, Robert, carter, Lord st. Taylor, James, Prospect st Williams, David, cooper, Egan st Taylor, Thomas, O'Connell st Williams, W. H., saddler, Newtown rd. Taylor, T., boot and shoo maker, Newtown rd. Williomson, R., mariner, Longdown st. Taylor, W. R, paperhanger, Wellington st. Wills, James, carpenter, Wellington st. Teeson, Charles, Juliet st Wilmott, Samuel, stonemason, Australia St. Templeton, William R., Wilson st. Wilson, Caleb, Enmore rd, Thomson, James, Erskineville lane Wilson, Thomas, Albemarle st. Thomson, James, shoemaker, Maria st. Wilson, William, dentist, Hordern st. Thompson, John, carpenter, Regent st. Wood, James, blacksmith, Egan st. Thornthwaito, John C., Newtown rd. Woodley, Charles, brickmaker, Newtown rd. Thrum, George A., Camden st. Woodley, George, shoemaker, O'Connell st. Tighe, William, clerk, Oxford s t Woodley, John, plumber, Missenden rd. Tindall, John, wheelwright, Fitzroy st. Wrather, A. H., cordial maker., Regent st.. Trollope, Henry, carpenter, Newtown rd. Tuck, Charles, carter, Lord st. YUILLE, JOHN, Enmore rd. Tuft, Thomas, grocer, Newtown rd. Turner, Mrs. Eliza, Egan st. ZION (Primitive Methodist) CHAPEL, NewTurner, J., stonemason, Newtown rd. town rd. NORTH SHORE. ADAMS, P. F., Sayers' terrace Adamson, George, quarryman, Union et. Adamson, Thomas, quarryman, Mitchell st. Aitcheson, Rev. C, Miller st. Allen, H., Burnbank cottage, Falconer st. Andrews, Joseph, boatman, Chuter Estate Antony, Mrs., Ernest st. Arthur, F. Willoughby Falls Carr, W., carpenter, Miller st, St. Leonard's Carson, Robert, Mitchell st. Carpenter, Lyndon B., Miller st. Carter, Edward, horse dealer, Miller st. Casey, Thomas, boatman, Miller st. Castray, L. R., Commissary General, Milaon's point Chamberlain, G. F., Sayer's terrace CnArEL, CoNonEOATiONAL, Milson's point BARNES, JAMES, AVaterview s t Chapman, James, Blue's point rd. Barnett, G., boatbuilder, Blue's point rd. Charlton, John, Mitchell st. Barnett, George, grocer, Blue's point rd. Cherry, William, Milson's point Barney, Mrs. Coll, Edward st. Childe, R. J., Ridge s t Bathe, Mrs., Susannah st. Christie, William, Susannah s t Bayley, Marshall, Kirribilli point Christy, William, Susannah st Chuter,.Wm., quarryman, Chuter st. Beauohamp, Henry H., Kirribilli point Clark, James, grocer, Miller st. Bell, G. A. dairyman, West st. Clark, John, Miller st. Bellett, Henry, engineer, Milson's point Clark, Montague, Lane Cove rd. Benson, James, Susannah st. Clarke, Kev. W. B., The Parsonage, Lane Benson, Jonathan, Carlow s t Bensuson, S. L., Hermitage, Blue's pt. rd. Cove rd. Berry, Hon. Alex., M.L.C., Crow's Nest, Clatwortby, J., boatman, Hill st. Lane Cove rd. Clewett, J., hay and corn store, Miller s t Berry, Mrs., teacher, Milson's point rd. Connor, Michael, bootmaker, Mitchell st. Biddolph, —, Milson's point rd. Cook, Thomas J., butcher, Mitchell s t Black, E., Lily of St. Leonards, Milson's pt. Cooney, Patrick, master mariner, Miller st. Bligh, J. W.,'Sharpe*sBay Uordwell, William, butcher, Blue's point Blue, J., North Shore Hotel, Blue's point rd. Cosgrove, Thomas, baker, Miller s t Blue, William, grocer, Miller s t Crane, John, boatman, Blue's point rd. Booth, James, nurseryman, Falconer st Crawford, John, ballastman, Blue's point rd. Bourne, Henry, drayiniin, Blue's point Creeny, Rev. F. G., West st. Bourne, Rev. William, Milson's point Cressford, Samuel, gardener, Miller st. Boyd, Mrs., Mount st. Crews, Samuel, builder, Chuter st. Brawley, Robert, Susannah st. Cronen, Henry, Falcon st. Brown, John, Kirribilli point Crowley, J., schoolmaster, Mount st. Brown, John, Miller s t Cubit, Henry, West st. Bmphy, John, blacksmith, Lane Cove rd. Bryan, Thomas, Neutral Bay DALLEY, BERNARD,' Union Lnn, Lane Cove rd. Buchanan, —, teacher, M'Laren Bt Dangar, T. G. G., M.L.A., Lavender Bay Buckingham, Henry, bootmaker, Miller st. Davey, W. E,, Miller st Buckland, VV. W., Lavender Bay Davies, John, Palconor st. Bucray, Patrick, off Susannah st. Day, Thomas, Blue's point rd. Bullard, Henry, Kirribilli point Deacon, T., news agent, Miller St. Bullivant, C.,liag and Famish Lnn, Berry st, Dean, Robert, Blue s point rd. Bullock, Mrs. M., boat proprietor, -Blue's pt. rd. Deans, John, carpenter, West st. Burgess, Joseph, Blue's point rd. Dennis, Mrs., Union st. Bush, Robert, ooatman, Falconer st. Dew, Frederick, boatman, Milson's point Byrne, Thomas, Mount st. Dind, William, Milson's point rd. Dind, W. T., Dind's Hotel, Milson's point rd. CAIN, JonN, gardener, Carlow st. Donaldson, Henry, stonemason, Walker s t Callcn, John, Berry st, Douglass, Mrs. Emily, Miller s t Campbell, William, gardener, Falconer st. Drinkwater, T. S., Lane Cove rd. Cannings, John, Mitchell st. Dunn, Samuel, Union st. Carr, Arthur, Old Commodore Lnn, Miller St. Dunn, William, boatbuilder, Lavender Bay Carr, John, Neap's End, Lavender Bay Durant, A., Lavender Bay gSSI^»»j«. 198 Hug NORTH SHORE Mil Hunt, Robert A., clerk, Kirribilli point Eaton, William, builder, Lane Cove rd. Hunter, J., school, Sayers' terrace, Union st. Husband, James, Miller st. Ebert, John, West st. Edmonds, Mrs., school, Miller st. Edwards, Elizabeth, Balmoral, Middle Harbor INGRAM HENRY, painter, West st. Edwards, John, Pearl Bay Iago, John, builder, Miller st. Eldridgo, David, grocer, Milson's point rd. Ennis, Joseph, off Union st. JAMES, DAVID, Lane Cove rd. Etherington, D. carpenter, Milson's point rd. Jossett, Robert, Ernes't st. Evans, Henry, Miller st. Johnson, Mrs., Union st. Jolly, J., boatman, Mitcholl st. FAHEY, DAVID, Mount st. Jones, John, Milson's point Farquhar, A., master mariner, Lavender Bay Jones, John, St. Leonard's terrace, Mount st. Felton, John, Acocia cottage, Neutral Bay Jones, Mrs., Milson's point Fennessy, John, dairyman, West st. Joyce, Matthew, Middle Harbour rd. Fisher, George, Middle Ilarbor rd. Fisher, Thomas John, Miller st. KELLY, SIMON, Falconer st. Fogg, J., Lane Cove rd. Kenny, Rev. James, Mount st. Forrester, George, off Union st. Kirby, Miss E., school, Mount st. Frith, Charles, Milson's point rd. Kirkpatrick, F., Berry st. EATON, ANDREW, builder, William st. GAFF, WILLIAM, stonemason, Union st. George, Robert, teacher, Neutral Bay Gcrrard, Charles, Berry st. Gerrard, Joseph, engineer, Blue's point Gerrard, Mrs. Elizabeth, Berry st. Gilfillan, ltobert, Lavender Bay Glaistor, T. S., Milson's point rd. Goddard, George, dealer, Blue's point rd. Golding, Owen, boatman, Blue's point Gowland, F . , marine surveyor, Lane Cove rd. Gowling, John, Miller st. Graham, Milson's point rd. Grainger, Thomas, master mariner, Blue's bay Gray, Frank, clerk, Kirribilli point Green, George, boatbuilder, Miller st. Green, B., boatbuilder, Lavender Bay Griffiths, Mrs., Lane Cove rd. Guise, J. W., chemist, Miller st, JJall, George, steamboat proprietor. Miller st. Hall, George J., Miller st. Hall, Henry J., Crescent st., Blue's point Hall, R. T., W y a Wya, Neutral Bay Halstead, Samuel, corn dealer, Lane Cove rd. Hanse, William, Neutral Bay Harden, William, Blue's point rd. Harding, J., drayman, Blue's point rd. Harris, Miss, Falconer st. Harris, Mrs. C , Falconer st. Harvey, Edwin, West st. Hawkins, George, Berry st. Hayes, John T., stonemason, Mitchell st. Hayley, Miss, school, Lane Cove rd. Haynes, John L,, Miller st. Higley, James, shoemaker, Blue's point rd. Hilton, James, Miller st. Hilton, John, blacksmith, Blue's pt. rd. • Hobson,Mrs., off Milson's pt. Hovendnn, James, Blue's point rd. Howard, J., master mariner, Milson's pt. rd. Howell, Mrs., Miller st. Hudson, Charles, Blue's point Huggett, Mrs. A., dealer, Milson's point Hughes, Mrs., Berry st. LAKE, THOMAS, master mariner, Susannah st. Lamb, Richard, Alpha cottage Lamb, Robt., Nnmakd cottage, Milson's pt.rd. Landers, John F., clerk, Milson's point rd. Larkin, Patrick, tailor, Miller St. Lassettcr, Fred., Beulah house, Kirribilli pt. Layton, E. W., Miller st. Lee, Mrs. Bridget, boarding house, Mitchell st. Lee, Mrs., Milson's point rd. Lenthal, E. H., West st. Lillias, Michael, daily, Falconer fit. Lockman, Peter, tobacconist, Miller st. Long, James, Lane Cove rd. Lord, Edward, Neutral Bay Lord, Hon. F., M.L.C., Miller st. Love, William, Kirribilli point Lowe, Ilenry, pastry cook, Milson's point Loxton, John, Neutral Bay Lyons, James, Ridge st. M'CAimiY, Mrs., Union st. M'Clinch, Mrs., Mount st. M'Dougall, A . D., stonemason, Blue's pt. rd, M'Guire, Thomas, Walker s t M'Innes, John, clerk, William st. M'Innes, Mrs., Miller st. M'Kenzie, Robert, Kirribilli point M'Mahon, Thomas, Miller st. M'Mahon, Wni., timber merchant, Mount st. Mackanoss, J., butcher, Miller st. Mann, Edward, Neutral Bay Manning, John Edye, Neutral Bay Marr, William, master mariner, Sayers' tcr. Marsh, Mary, Miller st. Martens, Conrad, artist, Edward st. Martin, George, Union st. Maslin, William, boatman, Blue's point Massey, William, stonemason, Miller st. Mathews, William S., Berry's bay Mayo, Alfred, Shell Cove, Middle Harbor Meyers, G. Von, dairyman, Miller st. Miller, John, AVest st. Milson, James, Neutral Bay Milson, James, junr., Neutral Bay Rid DIRECTORY. Minter, Mrs., Sea View house, Edward st. Murden, John, Union st. Mohrman, Henry, lane off Miller st. Molineaux, Boufton, Lavender Bay Montgomery, George, stonemason, Miller st. Montgomery, James, stonemason, Miller st. Montgomery, William, stonemason, Union st. Moore, Mrs., Berry st. Moore, R. W., Berry st. Moores, David, Miller st. Moriarty, E. 0., Middle Harbor r d . Morris, Henry, Ernest st. Moss, Richard, stonemason, Miller st. Mountford, William, Miller st. Munday, Ilenry, painter, &c, Miller st. Munroe, D., builder, Blue's point rd. Munroe, John, boatman, Miller st. Munroe, Mrs., Milson's point rd. Murphy, Patrick, gardener, Hill st. Murray, Hon. T. A., M.L.C., M'Larcn st. Musgrave, Philip, Neutral Bay Muston, John, Lane Cove rd. Myhill, John R., pilot, Milson's point NASII, RoBEnT, Miller st. Nealds, Mrs., Neutral Bay Norrie, William F., Blue's point Norton, Alexander, Bluo's Bay Norton, James, clerk, Bluo's Bay Norton, Joseph Henry, Blue's Bay O'BRIEN, JAMES, gardener, Chuter Estate O'Brien, James, mariner, Milson's point O'Brien, Patrick, Miller st. Old, Robert, Waverton house, Berry's Bay Oliver, —, Neutral Bay Oriel, Henry, Falconer st. Ovorell, Thomas, Mount st. PALMER, CIIARLES, Lane Cove rd. Parker, Thomas, stonemason, Susannah st. Parsons, Baldwin G., Milson's point Paid, Mrs., Kirribilli point Paul, William, Milson's point Peake, James Ilenry, Blue's point rd. Pearco, James, Mount st. Pettigrew, 11. W., Miller st. Piatt, James, Milson's point rd. Piatt, John, clerk, Kirribilli point Pockley, R, F., Lane Cove rd, Powell, Miss, draper, Miller st. Powell, Rev. P., Miller st. Power, Mrs., Miller st. Thu Riley, John, bootmaker, Milson's point Robertson, R., Mitchell st. Robey, Mrs., Kirribilli point Robinson, Thomas, Mitchell st. Robinson, William, carpenter, Susannah st. Roper, Mrs., drapery warehouse, Miller st. Ross, William, stonemason, Susannah st. Rossiter, John, builder, Neutral bay Rothwell, James, twiner, Middle Harbor rd. Rudder, Mrs., Berry st. Russell, Henry D., Milson's point rd. Russell, James, boatman, off Union st. Russell, Mrs., Falconer st. SANDERSON, HENRY, Ernest st. Sayers, E. M., Eureka villa, Union st. Sharpo, Mrs., St. Leonard's st. Shaw, J . J., St. Leonard's lodge, West st. Shead, Thomas, Miller st. Shcad and Mountford, builders, St. Leonard's terrace Shargold, George, Berry st. Shipley, John, boatman, Neutral B a y Sillias, Michael, dairyman, Falconer st. Simpson, Joseph, Milson's point rd. Sinclair, John, master mariner, Chuter si. Slater, Thomas, builder, Milson's point Small, James, Crescent st. Smith, A . B., Kirribilli point Smith, Frederick, Susannah st. Smith, Giles, Miller st. Smith, James, Wulker st. Smith, Peter, carpenter, Susannah st. Smith, Thomas, Blue's point rd. Solomons, Lewis, Falconer st. Somers, L., Miller st. Spain, Thomas, Shell Harbor Sparks, Wm., hay store, Milson's point rd. Sparrow, Robert, Blue's Bay Spruson, Joseph, shoemaker, Mount st. St. Mora, Govena, Middle Harbor r d . Stacy, J u n e s , Mitchell st. Stevens, Arch. P., Figtrce Inn, Blue's point Stevens, G. H., post office, Mount st. Stevenson, Henry A., carpenter, Lane Coverd. Street, John, Milson's point Street, Thomas, Lavender Bay Strong, Georgo,professor of music, Miller St. Sturdy, William, Drioklayer, Lane Cove rd. Sugden, William, Milson's point Sugden, Wm., jun., ironmonger, Mount st. Sydney, F . C , plasterer, Lane Cove rd. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Milson's point rd. TAYLOR, JAMES, Kirribilli point Prout, —, Neutral Bay Pyno, Nicholas, butcher, Mount st. Taylor, John, Bluo's point Tayt, William, Blue's Bay Terry, William, mariner, Milson's point Thompson, A. W., grocer, Mount st. Thompson, James, clerk, Blue's point rd. Thompson, John, grocer, Blue's point rd. Thompson, Joseph, boatman, Miller st. Thompson, Peter, Mount st. Thompson, Robert, Miller st, Thome, George, stonemason, Mount st. Thurlow, Charles A., Kirribilli point RAY, Mns., Berry st. Ray, William, quarryman, Susannah st. Reckless, Robert, mariner, Milson's point Redgrave, Thomas, Mount st. Reid, Georgo, sexton, West st. Reid, James, Waterview st. Reynolds, Joseph, boatman, Miller st. Riddle, James, Miller st. 199 200 Gip PADDINGTON Reg Tindale, —, Brisbane house, Milson's pt. rd. White, James, saddler, Walker s t Todd, G. T. B., Lake villa, Blue's Bay White, William, Mount st. Townsend, William, boatman. Union st. Whitehead, William, stonemason, Miller st, Tucker, Charles, Kirribilli point Wiles, Mrs., Union s t Tunks, William, J.P., M.L.A., Walker st. Willtie, James, Miller st. Willcie, J. F. stonemason, Miller s t VAN HEEKEHEN, A. J., surgeon, Kirribilli Williams, T. C, Cnrlow s t point Williams, William, Sharpe's Bay Willington, W. G-., Bluets point rd. WALL, J. cab proprietor, Mount st. Wilson, George, grocer, Lane Cove rd. Wallace, James, Lane Cove rd. Wilson, Martin, Middle Harbor rd. Wallace, James, jun., Lano Cove rd. Wilson, Thomas, wheelwright, Miller st. Wallis, Willinm, stonemason, Lane Covo rd. Wiltshire, William, Falconer st. Ward, E. D., surgeon, Berry st. Wood, Mrs.,Milson's point rd. Warren, George, boatman, Miller st. Woods, William, shipwright Miller st. Warren, John, boatman, Blue's pt. rd. Woolcott, Charles H., Ivy Cliff, Blue's Bay Waterhouse, W., blacksmith, Blue'spt rd. Woolcott, William, Blue's point Watts, Mrs. Mitchell st. Wayling, Henry, Mount st. YEOMANS, —., Wilson's point Wells, W. John, Royal Hotel, Miller st. Younger, Charles, Neutral Bay Wheatley, John, Lane Cove rd. Wheeler, Joseph, farrier, Lano Cove rd. ZAHEL VINCENT, Brunoville, Miller st. PADDINGTON. STREET KEY. Albion s t , from Dowling s t to Barrack wall Gordon st., from Regent st to Elizabeth st, South Barcom st, Great, from S. Head rd., Old, to Glenmore rd., from S. Head rd., Old, to S. Liverpool st (city boundary.) Head rd., New Brodie st., from S. Head rd., Old, to Gipps st. Broughton st, off Glenmore rd. Hopewell st, from S. Head rd,, Old, to Campbell st. Caledonia st, from M'Garvie st. to Caledonia lane Oaledonia lane, from Caledonia s t to Pad- Leicester place, off Underwood st. dington st. Church st, from Dowling st. to Sydney Com- Mary st. or place, off Glenmore rd. mon M'Garvie st, from Underwood st. to CaleComber st, from S. Head rd., Old, to Comber donia st. st, Little Comber st, Little, off Comber s t Paddington St., from Point Piper rd. to William st. Dowling st, from S. Head rd., Old, to HandPoint Piper rd., from S. Head rd., Old, to wick and Coogee rds. Ocean st. Elizabeth st, from S. Hd. rd. Old, to Padding- Prospect s t , off Gipps st. ton St., Elizabeth St., South, from S. Head rd., Old, to Queen st, from Underwood st. to Paddington st. Stewart st Gipps St., from Glenmore rd, to Brodie st. Regent St., from S. Hd. rd., Old, to Stewart st. Oar DIRECTORY. Sarah st, from S. Head rd., Old, to Underwood st. Shadforth st, from S. Head rd. Old, to Gipps st. South Head Road, Old, from City Boundary to Point Piper rd. Spring St., off Prospect st. Stewart st, from Regent s t to Elizabeth s t , South Fit 201 Union st, off Underwood st. Victoria st, from William st. to Elizabeth st. Weedon lano, off Young st. West st, from S. Head rd. Old., to Liverpool st. (city boundary.) William st, from S. Head rd., Old, to Paddington st. Underwood st, from Point Piper rd. to Sarah st. Young st, off S. Head rd., Old AITKEN, JOHN, slater, South Head rd. Carter, Edward, William st Albin, J. & T., cabinetmakers, Glenmore rd. Castle, Mrs., Albert terrace, South Head rd. Alston, Thomas, builder, South Head rd. • Challener, Henry, gunmaker, South Head rd. Archer, Thomus, stonemason, Caledonia st. Charles, Henry, Paddington s t Armitage, William, builder, Glenmore rd. CHURCH OP ENGLAND DENOMINATIONAL SCHOOL, Armstrong, A., sergt. of police Combor st. South Head rd. Armstrong, G., coach trimmer, Caledonia st. Cleary, Michael, Prospect st. Coles, Mrs. Charlotte, Stewart st. BALL, J., Elixabeth terrace Underwood st. Collie, George, Underwood st. Baker, William, dealer, South Head rd. Collins, William, dairyman, Dowling st. Barker, Walter, Woodstock ter. Underwood st. Combes, James, South Head rd. Barrett, Mrs. Sophia, South Head rd. Connerty, Patrick, stonemason, Caledonia st. Barry, Edward, bootmaker, Magenta place Cotter, James, bus proprietor, William st. Bayfield, Matthew, greengrocer S. H. rd. Cotton, Frederick, Hopewell St., S. H. rd. Begg, John Elly, Glenmore tannery Coull, William, dray proprietor, Albion st. Boilington, Joseph, Underwood st. Cowley, Jesse, Queen st. Bennett, Hosea, Elizabeth ter. Underwood st. Cowlishaw, Thomas, South Head rd. Bennett, John, grocer, Dowling st. Cripps, Henry, builder, Albion st. Bennett, M., Londonderry Hotel, S. H. rd. Cubitt, Henry Thomas, South terrace Beverley, W. G., Underwood st. Cummings, Bartholomew, Gipps st. Birch, T., Sussex Anns South Head rd. Cummings, Peter, Paddington st. Bird, Henry S., Stewart st. Curtain, James, Church st. Birmingham, Mrs., dressmaker, Union st. Curtain, John, grocer, Albion st. Blair, Mrs. Rebecca, Elizabeth st. Bloomfield, Mrs. Hannah, South Head rd. DALE, JAMES M., gardener, Caledonia st. Blumer, Mrs. Sarah, draper, South Head rd. Danby, Francis, engineer, Victoria st. Bourne, Ebenezer, William st. Davey, J. J., Underwood s t Brabezon, Patrick, tanner, Dowling st. Davey, Peter, news agent, South Head rd. Bradley, H. B., The Terraces, Glenmore rd. Davis, James, shoemaker, Gipps st. Bradridge, T. H., civil engineer, Underwood st. Davis, John, council clerk, South Head rd. Breen, James, Dowling st Davidson, Mrs. Mary Ann, William st Breen, Patrick, baker, Dowling st. Deely, Simon, dairyman, Church st. Brereton, William saddler, Dowling st. Dolling, John, bus proprietor, Caledonia st. Brice, Alexander, stonemason, Caledonia st. Donaldson, Samuel, grocer, Gipps st. Brice, Mrs. Christina, M'Garvie s t Donovan, Daniel, gaol warder, West st. Broughton, Thomas, J.P., Glenmore rd. Dowse, Henry, mason, Dowling st. Brown, Henry, blacksmith, South Head rd. Ducey, Patrick, West st. Browne, Frederick Henry, William st. Duff, James B., Mount Pleasant, Garden st. Buchanan, Thompson, Regent st. Duncan, Mrs., midwife, William st. Burgess, John, Glenmore rd. Dunk, David.junr., greengrocer, S. H. rd. Burn, James, West st. Dunn, James II., greengrocer, S. II. rd. Burns, George, grocer, South Head rd. Dunnicliffe, Frederick, Elizabeth st. Burns, Martin, Union st. Dunsmure, Mrs., ladies' academy, S. II. rd. Burrows, Henry, coach proprietor, Union s t Byrne, John, builder, Dowling st. EDSWORTII, 0. B., Engehurst, Glenmore rd. Edwards, Charles, carpenter, Prospect place Eyles, William, cabinetmaker, Glenmore rd. CALLEN, D., professor of music, Pt. Piperrd. Campbell, A., master mariner, Underwood st. FARUELL, EDWARD, Comber st. Campbell, 0., Campbell st, Glenmore rd. Campbell, E., Hopewell cottage, Hopewell st. Fax, William, grocer, South Head rd. Ferrior, Mrs. Elizabeth, South Head rd. Campbell, James, carpenter, Shadforth st Finlay, James P., grocer, South Head rd. Campbell, Mrs., Hopewell st. Fisher, J. C prof, of singing, Elizabeth St. Oampbell, Robert, Stewart st, Fitzgerald, Edward, draper, South Head rd. Carroll, Henry, Shadforth st. 202 Jar PADDINGTON Flaherty, Francis, gaol warder, S. H . rd, Flaherty, Thomas, gardener, Glenmore rd. Fleming, Alexander, grocer, South llead rd. Fowler, John, carpenter, South Head rd. Fraser, Alexander, painter, South Head rd. Fraser, Donald, Point Piper rd. Fraser, Duncnn, Underwood st. Fyson, Henry, Albert terrace, South Head rd. GALE, HENRY, dist. registrar, South Hd. rd. Geoghegan, Owen, Glenmore rd. Gibb, John, Church st. Gibbins, Charles, painter, South Head rd. Gibson, Joseph, Elizabeth st. Gibson, Eobert T., Elizabeth st. Gilchrist, Drummond, South Head rd. Gilder, S., Ormonde cottage, South Head rd. Giles, Francis, Smith's terrace Glcadall, Stephen, Gordon st. Glover, Thomas, Caledonia st. Gnow, John, tailor, South Head rd. Graves, John, shoemaker, Victoria st. Gregory, David W., Caledonia st. Gregory, Edward, carpenter, Victoria st. Gregory, Edward \Y., thoemaker,Caledoniast. Griffiths, John, builder, Albion st. Guest, Mrs. Maria, Prospect st., Glenmore rd. Gurner, John, Duxford house, Glenmore rd. Nio Jekyll, Thomas, Oaledonia st. Jennor, Mrs. Mary Jane, Victoria st. Johnson, Francis, grocer, South Head rd. Johnson, James, grocer, Prospect st. Jones, Mrs., Paddington Inn, South Head rd. Jones, Mrs. Isabella, Shadforth st. KALUCY, PETEII, greengrocer, South Head rd. Kcan, Mrs. Margaret, South Head rd. Kcan, Mrs. Mary, South Head rd. Kennedy, Martin, cab proprietor, Glenmore rd, Kennedy, William, bootmaker, South Head rd. Kidman, Charles, grocer, South Head rd. Kirkwood, Mrs., Bartlett terrace, Paddington LANE, HENnY, Glenmore rd. Lane, Timothy, quarryman, Dowling st. Lee, Mrs. Margaret, dressmaker, Caledonia st, Lewis, Alfred, plasterer, South Head rd. Lewis, James, painter, Victoria st. Light, Mrs. Sarah, grocer, Underwood st. Littlejohn, T., Emerson ter., Underwood st. Logan, Frederick, South Head rd. Lord, John, South Head rd. Luders, John, dairyman, Victoria st. Lynch, T., bus proprietor, Underwood st. Lyons, Henry, upholsterer, South Head rd. M'CALLUM, WILLIAM, weaver, Underwood st. HAGOERTY, MicnAEL, horse clipper, Comber st. Haining, John, Dowling st. Hall, James, storeman, Victoria st. Hanson, Albert, Underwood st. Hanson, Alfred 0., Harding, George, carpenter, South Head rd. Hardy, E., Prince of Wales Hotel, S. H . rd. Hardy, George, bootmaker, Young st. Harper, T and P., butchers, South Head rd. Harriss, James Stephens, South Head rd. Hart, Mrs., William st. Hartigan, John, greengrocer, William st. Hawkins, George, carpenter, Union st. Hawkins, George, Albert place, S. H . rd. Hawkins, Richard, Victoria st. Hayman, George, painter, William st. Heapy, John, Victoria Inn, South Head rd. Ilennessy, T., Prospect st., Glenmore rd. Herbert, Thomas, carpenter, Glenmore rd. Hezlet, William, Melrose, Upper Paddington Hill, James, Gipps s t , Glenmore rd. Hobbs, Mrs. Ann, Paddington st, Holdsworth, Henry, West st. Hood, Hugh E., chemist, South Head rd. Houghton, John, fencer, William st. Houghton, Robert, greengrocer, William st. Howard, James, gardener, Point Piper rd. Howitt, Adam, engineer, Paddington st. Hughes, Mrs. S. F., Glenmore rd. Hummerston, G., bus proprietor, Caledonia st. Humphrey, John, carpenter, Victoria st. Humphrey, John C , grocer, William st. Hynes, Dennis, bootmaker, South Head rd. M'Carthy, E., coach builder, Underwood st. M'Carthy, William G., Glenmore rd. M'Coy, James, grocer, South Head rd. M'Dowell, William, Point Piper rd. M'Dowell, William, Gipps st. M'Garvey, Daniel, grocer, Gipps st. M'Goveny, Mrs., Glenmore ru. M'Guinness, John, greengrocer, S. IT. rd. M'Kean, Richard, carver, Caledonia st. M'Lean, Alexander, Underwood st. M'Master, Hugh, Glenmore rd. Macnish, James, dispensary, South Head rd. Macpherson, James, Gordon st. Maguire, William H . , Comber st. Malmsbury, William, Victoria st. Marchant, Thomas J., saddler, S. I I . rd. Marsh, H., professor of music, Elizabeth st. Marshall, Alex., master mariner William st. Marshall, Joseph, brewer, S. H . rd., Old Martin, Alfred, bricklayer, Dowling st. Mason, William A., butcher, West st. Matthews, Thomas, stonemason, Union st. Meares, William D., Underwood st. Mehan, Charles, stonemason, Shadforth st. Millikin, Joseph. W., watchmaker, S. H . rd. Milne, Rev. James, South Head rd. Monk, William, draper, South Head rd. Moonoy, John, tailor, Church st. Moore, Isaac, Dowling st. Mulligan, Mrs. Mary, Gipps st. JAMIESON, MRS., Underwood st. NEWCOMDE, HENRY C E., Underwood st. Jarrett, Thomas, Royal Oak, South Head rd. Nicholls, Mrs. Catherine, grocer, S. H . rd. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, S. I I . rd. Mungovan, Patrick, Hopewell st. Murio, James, Rose #• Crown, Glenmore rd. Ryd DIRECTORY. Yat 203 Nicoll, George R., Victoria st. Nixon, F., teacher of drawing, Point Piper rd, Norton, Miss Lucy; Prospect place SCANLAN, JOHN, grocer, South Head rd. Sinclair, Robert, dairyman, Magenta place Skinner, William, baker, Paddington st. Slade, George P., Underwood st. Slough, William, Dowling st. Upper O'CONNELL, F E L I X , greengrocer, S. H . rd. O'Connell, James, carpenter South Head rd. Smith, n e n r y D., William st. Smith, James P., Greenwood Tree, S. H . rd. O'Grady, J., bus proprietor, Underwood st. Smith, Mrs. Henry, Dowling st. Upper O'Grndy, John, South Head rd. Snow, Mrs. John, midwife, South Head rd. O'llanlon, George, ironmonger, William st, Spagnoletti, Ernest, Dowling st. Upper Oldham, George, butcher, South Head rd. Spilsbury, George James, Hopewell s t Osborne, James combmaker, South l i d . rd. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, S. H . rd. PADDINGTON BREWERY, South Head rd. Palmer, John G., butcher, Dowling st. Palmer, R., bus proprietor, Underwood st. Parker, Samuel, William st. Patcrson, John, shipwright, Glenmore rd. Patterson, Alfred, Dowling st. Pearce, Mrs. C , Prospect place, S. H . rd. Peato, Thomas, Tivoli cottage, Paddington Pcgus, Arthur II., Underwood st. Peirce, Thomas, Dowling st. Pelhani, Samuel T., Point Piper rd. Penfold, Edwin T., Glenmore rd. Pennington, Vincent S., tailor, Comber st. Perry, William, Bentham place, S. 11. rd. Peters, William, painter, Point Piper rd. Pickering, William T., Underwood st. Pierce, Edward, Underwood st. Pierce, Michael, Underwood st. Phillips, Thomas, carpenter, Albion st. Ploghoft, Augustus, ironmonger, S. II. rd. Polin, Daniel, Glenmore rd. Pope, Thomas, bootmaker, South Head rd. Potts, Francis, Cotham, Point Piper rd. Powell, Frederick, painter, Paddington st, Powell, John, Caledonia st. Power, Peter, Prospect place PUBLIC ScnooL, S o u t h H e a d rd. QUINLAN, MICHAEL, Victoria Barracks Stacey, John, carpenter, Victoria st. Stanley, Rev. G. II., L.L.D., Point Piper rd. Steel, Andrew, plasterer, South Head rd. Steel, John, Victoria st. Steel, John, hay and corn store, S. H . rd. Steel, Robert, plasterer, South Head rd. Steel, Thomas, grocer, South Head rd. Stephens, Matthew H., Glenayr, Glenmore rd. Stewart, John, Pine cottage, Elizabeth st. Stewart, Kennith, William st. Stewart, Rev. Richard, Caledonia st. Stirling, Mrs. Rachel, Paddington st. Stockham, Henry, carpenter, Hopewell st. Strathdeo, Mrs. J „ South Head rd. Switzer, Eugene, carpenter, Prospect st. TAYLOR, WILLIAM, Britannia Hotel, Soutli Head rd. . Thompson, Edward, Shadforth st. Thompson, Linsley, Elizabeth st. Thompson, Mrs. Ann, Underwood st. Tighe, Samuel, Victoria st. Torr, George, cabinetmaker, South Head rd. Trevelyn, William, William st. Turfill, George, Comber st. Tyrell, George, cab proprietor, Church st. VICTORIA BARRACKS, South Head rd. RALSTON, ALEXANDER J., Underwood st. WAINMAN, WILLIAM, South Head rd. Ryan, Martin, South Head rd. Ryder, Samuel, baker, South Head rd. YATES, M I S S A., Downshire place, S. H. rd. Walker, D., master mariner, Underwood st. Ilea, John, saddler, William st. Redman, Joseph, Prospect place, Glenmore rd. Walsh, Ross, blacksmith, South Head rd. Ward, Mrs. Pauline, Elizabeth st. Reynolds, James, hatmaker, Comber st. Warden, Robert, Soutli Head rd. Reynolds, James, Paddington st. Watson, Emanuel, Irwill house Richards, Henry, carpenter, Caledonia st. WESLEYAN CHURCH, ftouth Head r d . Richards, Thomas, carpenter, Underwood st. West, Obed, Barcom Glen Riddel], Alexander, wheelwright, S. H . rd. West, Rev. John, Point Piper rd. Robson, John, Stewart St., South Head rd. West, Spencer, cabimttmaker, S. H . rd. Roberts, John, Comber st. Westaway, Richard, jiost office, S. H . rd. Roberts, Richard, Gipps st. Wildman, Edwin, William st. Roberts, Thomas, Shadforth st. Williams, D., dairyman, Dowling s t Upper ROMAN CATHOLIC DENOMINATIONAL SCHOOL, Willis, Arthur, Underwood st. South Head rd. Wilsher, Miss, Isabella, Elizabeth st. Rose, Michael, Magenta place Wishart, Robert, quarryman, William st. Rowe, Mrs. Phoobe, Underwood st. Wilson, Alexander, Dowling st. Upper Rowley, John, shoemaker, Caledonia St. Wilson, George, South Head rd, Rudd, Thomas II., South Head rd. Rudgley, William, tinsmith, South Head rd. Whitehead, Charles, J., Underwood st. Whitelaw, Peter, baker, South Head rd Ryan, John, coach builder, South Head rd. Hig DIRECTORY. Webb, A. W., news agent, Parramatta rd. Wecdon, Thomas, Parramatta rd. Wctherill, J., Elswick house, Parramatta rd. White, James, dealer, Parramatta rd. Wilkinson, G., brickmaker, Parramatta rd. Ric 205 Williams, Mrs. H., post office, Parramatta rd. Wise, Richard, dealer, Parramatta rd. ZAURA, H . A., brickmaker Zufall, Louis, Parramatta rd. PETERSHAM, INCLUDING BROUGHTON, GARRYOWEN, AND LEICHHARDT. ANNANDALE CATTLE SALE YARDS, Parra- Jones, William, Bichmond house, Broughton matta rd. KEEP, JOHN, Broughton Hall BANNAN, F., brickmaker, Parraraatta rd. Barnes, William, glussblower Barrell, Robert, Parramatta rd. Bearaes, Walter, Loiehhardt, Balmain rd. Black, Andrew, saddler, &c., Parramatta rd. Black, Henry Longfield, Preston cottage Blackall, George, brickmaker, Abattoir rd. Blackford, David, tailor, Balmain rd. Brennan, J. R., Garryowon, Balmain rd. Brigstock, John, Balmain rd. Brown, T . and Sons, Parramatta rd. Butterfield, T . A., Leichhardt, Balmain rd. Kesterton, Henry, J.P., Broughton Kibblewhite, Alfred, Leichhardt RANDWICK. DELANKY, WILLIAM, Abattoir rd. PETERSHAM SHEEP AND CATTLE SALE YARDS, Dickinson, Samuel, Parramatta rd. Dowling, P., sexton, Canterbury rd., New Durrell, Thomas, Parramatta rd. Parramatta rd. Pratt, William, Railway bridge PUBLIC SCHOOL, Drayton ENNIS, JOHN BODERT, Balmain rd. RAMSAY, DAVID, Broughton park GORDON, —, Garryowen, Balmain rd. Robinson, Edward, coach painter, Petersham Russell, William, Maida, Balmain rd. Hill, Frederick M., Rose cottage, Avoca st. Ilindmarsh, W., Perouse st. HAMBER, RICHARD, Barker st. Hogan, John, gardener, Avoca st. Darker, Right Rev. Frederick, D.D, Bishop's Holmes, Samuel, Jane st. Court, Power st. Hudson, Mrs. B., Ernmore cottage, Growon st. Barry, Rev. Zachary, M.A., Victoria st. Huff, Joseph, toll gato Barton, James, Jane st. Hughes, John, grocer, Coogee rd. Barton, Thomas, Jane st. Humphrey, 0. H., Illerton hall, Growen st. Birmingham, Richard, fencer, Coogeo rd. Bradley, Walter, Aston Hall JAMES, WALTER, Coogeo Bay Bryant, Walter, Barker st. Joyce, Miss, Avoca st. Burton, Robert, St. Paul's rd. Bush, A. E., commission agent, Coogee Bay KANE, MATTHEW, J a n e st. Byrnes, Andrew, Barker st. Kidman, Charles, Coogee rd. Kimberley, Charles, carter, Powers st. CALLOGIIAN, M R S . ELIZA M., Nathan s t King, Martin, Barker st. Carey, John, gardener, Power st. Kuhn, Jacob, carver, Randwick rd. Catley, Oharles, gardener, Coogee rd. Challioner, J., hay & corn dealer, Coogee rd. LLOYD, RICHARD, gardener, Botany st. Clarke, H., Verona house, Avoca st. Cook, A., architect, Ocean Spray, Coogee rd. MCCLENHAN, TnoMAS, Coogee rd. Couldery, Thomas, Barker st. M'Gree, John, St. Paul's rd. « M'Konzie, Thomas, Ellison rd. DAINTHEY, EDWIN, Coogeo rd. M'Roberts, Edward, Victoria st. Dawson, Edward, Ventnor, Avoca st. Mahor, Thomas, Barker st. Dawson, John, Burnside, Avoca st. Moloney, John, Blenheim house, Botany st. Dean, Thomas, Reedy lodge, Avoca st. May, John M., Avoca s t Denning, George, carpenter, Victoria st. Moore, Charles, Coogeo Bay Dillon, John, The Half Way House, Rand- Moore, George, Powers st. wick rd. Moore, Joseph S., private school, Avoca st. Dine, Silas, mason, Botany st. Mullholland, John, Botany st, Dodds, Henry, Avnca st. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, Avoca s t Dwyer, Thomas, Botany st. HALLORAN, THOMAS, gardener, Balmain rd. SAXBY, CHARLES, brickmaker, Drayton Harry, David, Canterbury rd., New Hearn, Chas., Bald Face Stag, Parramatta rd. Hicks, Joseph B., Parramatta rd. Hughes, H., Petersham Inn, Parramatta rd. Hughes, Thomas, Parramatta rd. Scutts, Joseph, butcher, Petersham Smith, Alexander, salesman, Petersham Smith, Lewis Henry, Railway bridge Smith, L.,» Cherry Qardcn Hotel, Parramatta rd. Smith, John, farrier, Parramatta rd. Spalding, George, Abattoir rd. Stewart, Thomas, Westbourne st. ST. THOMAS' (Roman Catholic) CnuRcii EDDLESTON, JAMES, quarryman, Jane st.' CAMPBELL, DUNCAN, Broughton park Cansdell, Edward, grocer, Parramatta rd. Carter, James, Abattoir rd. Clement and Hughes, Parramatta rd. Clement, David, Parramatta rd. Clement, William, sign writer, Parramatta rd. Cohen, Andrew, Parramatta rd. CONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL, off P a r r a m a t t a St. Cotton, William, painter, &c, Balmain rd. Cowan and Israel, Albion Soap Works, Johnstone's B a y Cuff, Mrs. M. A. LABKINS, JAMES, brickmaker, Parramatta rd. Leeder, J. Palmer, Leichhardt, Balmain rd. Leeder, Thomas, Leichhardt, Balmain rd. Lewis, Sharp H., Leichhardt, Balmain rd. Linney, Charles, brickmaker, Abattoir rd. M'MAIION, MicnAEL, grocer, Parramatta rd. Magill, Thomas, Viaduct railway Matthews, Thomas, baker, Parramatta rd. Meyer, Henry, joiner, Parramatta rd. Miller, John Henry, Stratton Mills, Thomas, teacher, Drayton Mills, J., Wheelwright'x Arms, Parramatta rd. NOWLAN, JAMES, butcher, Parramatta rd. Nugent, P., gardener, Leichhardt, Balmain, rd. OLIVER, JAMES, bricklayer, Drayton Oliver, Bobert, Parramatta rd. PARKER, BODERT, farrier, Parramatta rd. Parsons, Frederick, Broughton park PETERSHAM (Roman Catholic) CEMETERY INDER, EDWARD, Leichhardt, Balmain rd. JOHNSON, THOMAS, Railway bridge Johnston, Johnston, Johnston, Johnston, George, Parramatta rd. Algernon, Parramatta rd. Leslie, Parramatta rd. Robert, Parramatta rd. TRUMAN, H. J., baker & grocer, Parramatta rd. Tye, Richard, Parramatta rd. WALKER, DAVID, Parramatta rd. ASYLUM EOR DESTITUTE CHILDREN, Avoca St. NAPPER, ENOS, gardener, Growen st. Edson, George, private school, Moreton lodge Endicott, Eli, mason, Barker st. Napper, George, St. Paul's rd. Newman, John, Leoville terrace, Avoca st. PEARCE, JAMES, nurseryman, High st. FARRELL THOMAS, Randwick rd. Poarce, Simeon, J.P., Barker s t Peden, Magnus J., Avoca st. GRAHAM, PATRICK, Perouso st. Phelps, James C , Leoville terrace, Avoca st. Grant, Edward H., teachor, Avocu st, Powell, James, Coogee lodge Grice, John, Coach and Horses, Bandwiok rd. Probert, Mrs. Mary, Avoca s t Griffiths, Mrs. A., Leoville terrace, Avoca s t READ, —, Leoville terrace, Avoca st. HAMBURGER, H., council clerk, Avoca s t Read Dr. Reginald B., Coogee Bay Higga, William, gardener, Jane st. Richardson, J., Brighton oottage, Ooogoe rd. 206 All REDFERN Eix, Frederick, mason, St. Paul's rd. Roberts, William, Powers st. And Tythorloigh, Francis, blacksmith, Ellison rd. VENNESS, EKED., post office, &c, Ellison rd. ST. JUDE'S Ciiunon, Avoca st. ST. JUDE'S SCHOOL, Avoca st. .WALL, GEORGE, Coogee rd. Suyers, Edwin, Victoria st. Scott, William, Coogeo Bay South, Thomas S., Ellison rd. Steward, Andrew, bootmaker, Perouso st. Walsh, John, bus proprietor, St. Paul's rd. Watson, James, Barker st. Welsh, Matthew, dairyman, St. Paul's rd. Williams, John, Jane st. Wright, Williams, Avoca s t TAIT, JOHN, Byron lodge, Avoca st. Thame, Bichard, Victoria st. YEO, TnoiiAS, Burnsidc, Avoca st. REDFERN. STEEET KEY. • Abercrombie place, from Cleveland st. to George st, from Cleveland st. to Boundary st. Wells st. Hart St., from Cleveland st. to vacant land Albert St., from George st. to Pitt st. Baptist St., from Cloveland st. to Baptist's Gardens Botany rd., from Cleveland st to Boundary st. Botany st, from Redfern st. to South boundary of Municipality Boundary st., from Rose Hill s t to Botany rd. Bourke st, from Cleveland st. to boundary of Waterloo Bullanaming st, from Cleveland st to Boundary st. Burnett St., from James st. to Wells s t James St., from Botany rd. to Castlereagh st. Marian St., from Botany rd. to Moon st. Moon st, from Marian st. to South boundary of Municipality Pitt st, from Cleveland st. to Boundary st. Pleasant st., from Marian st. to Boundary st. Redfern st, from Botany rd. to Elizabeth st. Redfern st West, from Rose Hill st. to Botany rd. Castlereagh st, from Cleveland st. to Boun- Rose Hill st,, from Redfern st. to Boundary st. dary Bt Short st, from George st. to William s t Chelsea st, from Bourke s t to Dowling s t Cleveland st., from Dowling st. to Abercrom- Stirling St., from George s t to William s t bie place c Turner st, from Botany st. to Pitt st. Dowling st, from Cleveland st to boundary Wells st, from Burnett s t to railway fence of Waterloo William st., from James st. to Wells st. Woodburn st, from Cleveland st. to railway East st., from Pitt st. to vacant land fence Elizabeth s t , from Cleveland st to Boundary st. Yarnold st, fromOleveland st. to Everleigh st. Everleigh st, from Yarnold st. to Wells st. ' ADAIB, WILLIAM, Bullanaming st Adler, Frederick, gardener, Chelsea lane Alderson and Sons, tanners, Bourke st. Aldis, Edward, bootmaker, Botany st. Aldridge, Samuel, gardener, Wells st Allen, Albert, post office, Pitt Bt. Allen, Andrew, butcher, Wells st Allen, Arthur, carter, George st. Allen, Francis, butcher, Pitt st. Allen, Joseph, carpenter, Marian st. Allison, Frederick 0., Pitt st. Anderson, William, boiler maker, George st Andrews, George, bricklayor, Botany va. Andrews, John, draper, Rose Hill st. Andrews, Mrs., draper, Botany rd. Andrews, Mrs. SUBRU, Albert s t Bol DIRECTORY. Oaw 207 Booty, William, Pino cottage, Bourke st. — Bourke, John, Woodburn st. Bowbeer, James, drayman, Woodburn st. Bowen, George, Rose Hill st. Boyers, Wm., wood merchant, Redfern s t Brabins, Thomas, Bullanaming st. Bradford, Percy, Bourke st. Bradley, George, builder, Cleveland st. Bradley, J, A., Baptist st. Surrey Hills Branch, William, engine driver, Pleasant st. Breen, John, bootmaker, Botany s t BAILEY, CnAnr.ES, engineer, Botany rd. Brenchley, G., Shearers' Arms, Botany rd. Bailey, George, carpenter, George s t Baker, John, dairyman, Moon st. Brennan.T., The Gardeners' Arms, Botany rd. Buker, John, railway fitter, Moon st. Brewer, Augustus, Pine cottage, Bourke s t Baker, Mrs. Henry, Burnett st. Brindley, Mrs. H., Nepean cottage, Bourke st. Baker, William, carpenter, Burnett st. Brogan, James, carpenter, Cleveland st. Ball, Henry, grocer, Rose Hill st. Brogan, Thomas, carpenter, Stanley s t Ball, James, bookbinder, Botany rd. Brook, Mrs. Susan, Albert s t Ball, John, mason, Botany rd. Broom, William, bootmaker, Bourke st. •—-—"~ Ballard, Thomas, painter, George st. Brown, George H., bootmaker, Pitt st. Bamford, James, bootmaker, Bullanaming st. Brown, John, bootmaker, Botany rd. Baptist, John, nurseryman, Bourke st. Brown, Joseph, grocer, Botany rd. Baragray, Dennis, Bullanaming st. Brush, John, Louisa cottage, Cleveland st. Barling, Joseph, Pitt st. Bryant, Edgar, master mariner, Botany rd. Barlow, John, Cleveland st. Bryson, George, carpenter, Marian st Barnctt, Lewis, general dealer, Woodburn st. Bubb, J., pattern maker, Cleveland st Barr, Hugh, carpenter, George st. Buchanan, James, engineer, Redfern s t Barr, Mrs. Mary, Wells st. Buchanan, James, slator, Marian s t Barr, Samuel, dairyman, Bullanaming st. Bull, Boiyamin, bricklayer, Bullanaming St. Barrett, George, Redfern st. BuUoy, Henry, carpenter, Rose Hill s t Bassett, Robert, Stirling st. Burrows, John, Wells s t West Bassott, Samuel, draper, Redfern st. Burrows, J., teacher, Raglan house, George st. Bateup, Henry, Wells s t Burrows, Joseph, Woodburn st. Bateup, T., dray proprietor, Rose Hill st. Burtoft, Mrs. Elizabeth, Cleveland st. Battay, William, Redfern st. Buss, Ellis, dealer, Bullanaming st. Battle, Augustus, draper, Botany rd. Butler, Mrs., James s t Bayloy, Richard, mason, Redfern st. Byrnes, James, Pitt s t Bayliss, William, carpenter, Woodburn st. Byrnes, Peter, Bullanaming st. Bealby, Richard, tobacconist, Botany rd. Beaumont, James, carpenter, Botany rd. OAHILL, JOHN, house agent, Botaay rd. Beeten, Phillip, casemaker, George s t Cale, Mrs. Lavinia, Botany rd. Beggs, Thomas, produce agent, Stirling st. Cameron, Alexander, Ariel cottage, George st. Bell, Mrs. Minnie, dressmaker, Cleveland st Campbell, Hugh, Burnett st. Bell, Thomas, currier, Chelsea st, Surry Hills Campbell, James, Pitt st. Bennett, James, jun., carpenter, Wells s t Campbell, William, Bullanaming st Bennett, Mrs. Mary, Botany rd. Camper, H., Winchester cottage, Pitt st. Bentloy, Eliza, Macdonald cottage, Pitt Bt Camper, Henry T., builder, Pitt st. Berner, George, Palestine place, Pitt st. Oanan, James, blacksmith, Rose Hill s t Berry, Edwin, engineer, Pitt st. Cane, Thomas, tinsmith, East st. Bessex, Daniel, bricklayer, George s t Oarmody, James, bootmaker, Botany st. Best, William, mason, Short st. Carnall, William, Bullanaming st. Beverley, Henry, blacksmith, Redfern st. Carr, William, Yarnold s t Beverley, J., blacksmith, Botany rd. Carruthers, Hugh, coach trimmer, James s t Beverley, Joseph T., blacksmith, Marian s t Carruthers, William, Chelsea st Beverley, William, bootmaker, Redfern st. Carter, James, general dealer, Botany rd, Bingham, Edward, coach builder, East st. Carter, Joseph, Bullanaming s t Bingham, George, coachbuilder, East st. Carter, Mrs. E. needlewoman, Botany rd. Bingham, George, Eliza cottage, Pitt s t Carter, Patrick W., collector, Pitt s t Bird, John, tanner, Chelsea St., Surry Hills Carter, Richard, butcher, Cleveland s t Birkett, Richard, clerk, Redfern st. Cartledgo, A, G., gardener, Mount Carmel Bissaker, James, French polisher, Albert st. Oarvoy, John, M'Evoy's buildings., James s t Black, Alexander, naturalist, Rose Hill st. Oastlo, J. F., Oalder House, Golden Grove Blackford, Mrs. Elizabeth, Botany rd. Cates, Cornelius, Wells s t Blackeney, A., bootmaker, Bullanaming s t Cattlin, J. L,, Olifton place, George st. Bollingmore, John, carpenter, Bullanaming st. Cawo, Edmond, butcher, Redforn s t Andrews, Robert, Botany rd. Arnold, Thomas J., dealer, Redfern st. Ashdown, George, storekeeper, Wells at. Ashworth, John, painter, Moon st. Atkins, William, carpenter, Botany st. Aubuson, Charles, cab proprietor, Yarnold s t Austin, Frederick, dealer, Redfern st. Austin, William, Redfern st. Ayliffe, William, Short st. 208 Oro REDFERN Chambers, Hugh, bootmaker, Albert st. Chambers, Moses, Bullanaming st. Chandler, Alfred, bootmaker, Pitt st. Chapman, Charles, Argyle terrace, Pitt st. Charlton, T. A., conveyancer, Cleveland st. Charhvood, H., M'Evoy's, bldgs., Jumes st. Charman, Henry, carpenter, Botany rd. Chatto, Henry, Baptist cottage, Pitt st. Chilton, Henry, bootmaker, Marian st Church, Mrs., George st. Churchwood, Charles, Chelsea st. Clare, William, bootmaker, George fit. dark, James, blacksmith, Moon st. Clark, James, cab proprietor, Eedfern st. Clark, Joseph, tanner, Chelsea st. Clarke, Daniel, Bourko st. Clarke, Richard, carpenter, Marian st. Clarke, W., Margate cottage, Rose Hill, st. Clarkin, Matthew, Bourke st. Clatworthy, William, tailor, George st. Clement, Daniel, Thurlow's bldgs., Bourko st. Clemesha, Robert, cabinetmaker, William st. Clifford, James, ironmonger, Botany rd. Clingang, William, mason, Albert st. Clissold, Ambrose, Botany rd. Cobb, John, engine driver, Turner st. Codner, William, Wells st. Coghlan, Thomas,plasterer, Stirling st. Collins, M. E., dressmaker, Botany st. Collins, Robert, Botany rd. Colston, William, Botany st. Colyer, Matthew, Cleveland st. Condick, Samuel, Lydford cottage, George st. CONGREGATIONAL Ciiuncn, Cleveland st. Dym Cummins, Martin, Wells st, West Curry, James, mariner, Bullanaming st. Curtis, Peter, Fitzroy terrace, Pitt st. DALEY, JOHN, plusterer, Bullanaming st. Daniels, Thomas, Botany st. Darby, John, teacher, Cleveland st. Dark, Edward, carpenter, Wells St. Dart, William, tinsmith, Botany rd. Davidson, Francis, accountant, Pitt st. Davies, Brothers, type foundry, Marian st. Davies, John, Botany st. Davies, John, baker, Burnett st. Davis, Willium J., Pitt st. Davis, William, Botany rd. Deacon, Charles, carpenter, George st. Deacon, Job, mason, East st. Dearn, Thomas B., Baptist st. Debus, Henry, baker, George st. Dcely, Henry, storekeeper, Chelsea lane Delaney, Patrick, grocer, Wells s t Delaney, Phillip, dray proprietor, Albert st. Denison, Willium W., Botany st. Dennett, Young, carpenter, George st. Dennis, Mrs. Jane, Bullanaming st. De Putron, John, carpenter, Redfern st. Deverit, Timothy, jun., Chelsea lane Devlin, Patrick, bootmaker, Bourko st. Dickey, Mrs. Mary, Stirling st. Dillon, Patrick, Pitt st. Dixon, William, Turner st. Dixon, William, Botany st. Dobson, Robert, Botany rd. Docksey, William, carpenter, Albert st. Dolan, John, carpenter, Cleveland st. CONGREGATIONAL SCHOOL, James st. Dolan, Patrick, builder, Cleveland st. Conlon, Mrs. Sarah, grocer, Cleveland st. Dorman, John, furniture broker, Botany rd. Connell, Patrick, George st. Dorman, Mrs. Maria, George st. Connor, Bennett, Marian st. Douglas, Alexander, printer, Redfern st. Connor, John, Bullanaming st. Douglas, George, Redfern st. Connor, John, Bullanaming st. Connor, R., dray proprietor, Bullanaming st. Douglas, Jumes, carpenter, Rose Hill st Coomb, George, Hand and Heart, Botany rd. Douglas, John, bootmaker, Bullanaming st. Douglas, John, painter, Rose Hill st. Coombes, Richard, George st. Douglas, Joseph, mason, Bullanaming st. Coombes, Samuel, George st. Douglas, Robert, Cleveland st. Cooper, James, butcher, Botany rd. Dowall und Moore, bakers, George st. Cootes, William, Woodburn st. Dowall, William; George st. Cormack, Mrs. Maria, Bullanaming st. Dowling, Mrs. Ellen, George st. Cornwell, Robert, builder, Cleveland st, Dowman, William, George st. Cotter, Phillip, tanner, Chelsea st. Downey, George, dairyman, East st. Coudrey, George, bootmaker, Botany rd. Drake, Mrs., Dowling st. Coulter, Edward, George st. Druce, James, tailor, Redfern st. Coulter, Richard, butcher, George st. Druce, William, mariner, Botany st. Coxhead, John, Boundary st., Surry Hills Druyve, Mrs., George st. Cram, Daniel, builder, Rose Hill st. Crawford, Leslie, engineer, Wells st. Duhos, Lewis P., blacksmith, Albert st. Dumbrell, Mrs. Susan, Chelsea st. Crawley, David W., Marian st. Creed, Rev. Charles, Fitzroy terrace, Pitt st. Dunk, W., wood merchant, &c, Botany rd. Dunlop, Robert, blacksmith, Albert st. Crispo, George, builder, Chelsea st. Dunn, Mrs. Ann, William st. Crispo, George, jun., builder, Chelsea st. Dunn, Thomas M., commission agent, Crook, Miss Julia, ladies' school, Pitt st. Pitt st. Crook, William, bootmaker, Bullanaming st. Duprey, James, mason, Rose Hill st. Cross, Eli, blacksmith, Botany st. Dwyer, John, dairyman, Bourke st. Crossland, Joseph, dairyman, Cleveland st, Dwyer, John, laborer, George st. Crowe, Edward,* mason, Albert at. Dymock, Walter, Bellevuo st, Crowe, John, grocer, Botany rd. Gar DIRECTORY. EASTON, GEO., grocer and baker', Botany rd. Easy, Alfred, storeman, Rose Hill st. Ebbett, William, Palestine place, Pitt st. Edinborough.Arthur, Stirling st. Edwards, Edward, George st. Edwards, Mrs., infunt school, William st. Edwards, Mrs. Sarah, dressmaker, William st.. Ekrell, John, millwright, Bullanaming st, Elliott, John, bootmaker, Botany rd. Ellison and Colston, Botany rd. Ellison, Joseph, dray proprietor, James st. Ellison, Robert, Bullanaming st. Elyard, Samuel, Vnilele cottage, Cleveland st.. English, Cornelius, boot finisher, Botany st. Evans, David, ginger beer maker, William st., Ewan, Robert L., Rose Hill st. Ewens, William, cab proprietor, East st. PARLEY, Mrs., Marian st. Parmer, Francis, Wells st Parnie, John, master mariner, George st. Parr, Joshua J., builder, Short s t Parrell, John, Albert st. Parrow, Mrs. G., Redfern st. Paulkner, Seymour, mariner, Botany st. Perguson, Peter, George st. Perguson, Stephen, Botany rd. Pernley, Edward, Redfern st. Perry, Michael, Bullanaming st. Field, Joseph, dray proprietor, Botany rd. Pinn, Mrs. Flora, George st. Fisher, Charles, farrier, Botany rd. Fitzgerald, Patrick, Cleveland st. Flanagan, Thomas, Bourke st. Fleming, Frederick, bootmaker, Yarnold s t Fletcher, Isaiah, bootmaker, Marian st. Flint, William, Botany st. Flood, Mrs,, Alalua house, Cleveland st. Flowers, Fargus, bootmaker, George st. Pogarty, James, George st. Forbach, John, bootmaker, Botany st. Ford, Joseph, carriage builder, Botany rd. Ford, Robert, Rose Hill st. Forsyth, Archibald, rope factor, Bourke st. Forsytho, William, grocer, Botany rd. Foster, Thomas, Cleveland st. Foy, Robert R., Dublin Tavern, Botany rd. Francis, Henry, civil engineer, Bourke st. Frasor, Henry, master mariner, Cleveland st. Fraser, Thomas, council clerk, George s t Freeman, Thomas, builder, George st. Frenoh, John, Burnett st. Friend, J. H., Odd Fellows' Arms, Wells st. Frost, George, engineer, Bullanaming st. Frost, John, engine driver, Castloreagh s t Frost, Mrs. Ann, nurse, Albert s t Fnrlong, William, George st. Furness, Samuel, carpenter, Cleveland s t Fyfo, Thomas, Eedfern st Qarton, Mrs,, midwife, James st. 209 Garvey, James, William st. Gazey, William, painter, Rose Hill st. George, John, Rose Hill st. Gibson, James, Stanley st Gifford, Charles, Moon st. Gillies, Andrew, Burnett st. Glass, John, engineer, Albert st. Glass, Robert, cab proprietor, Albert st. Glenn, James, Chelsea st. Glenn, William, Chelsea lane Goldsmith, Mrs. Fanny, Botany rd. Gordon, Alexander, Cleveland st. Gordon, John, Thurlow's terrace, Bourke st. Gorman, Mrs. Bridget, Wells st. Gould, Edward, J., bootmaker,; Woodburn s t Goward, William, bootmaker, George st Gowing, Ellis, collector, Baptist st. Grace, Richard, bootmaker, Turner s t Graham, William, William st. Grant, James, engine driver, Botany rd. Green, Aaron, Pleasant st. Green, George, Marian st. Green, Jasper, hatter, Chelsea st. Green, Joseph, tobacconist, Wells s t Green, Samuel, hatter, Chelsea s t Green, William, Wells st. West Grenaway, Thomas, Cleveland st. Greenwoll, George, Redfern st. Greenwell, Mrs., ladies' school, Redfern st. Gregory, Thomas, storeman, Botany rd. Griffin, James, engineer, Turner st. Griffiths, John, Bullanaming st. Griffiths, Geo., boot manufactory, Botany rd. Griffiths, Mark, plasterer, Wells st. Grinsted, Frederick, butcher, Bourke st, Guerin, Patrick, saddler, Bourke st. Gunn, Walter Scott, Cleveland st. HADDOCKS, GEORGE, miller, Yarnold st. TALLIN, THOMAS, mason, Elizabeth st. Gardener, George, Redfern st. Garland, Richard, woolwasher, Albert Bt. Garton, Franklin, tanner Ballanaming St Hav I Hallett, Alfred, draper, Bourko s t Halliday, John, dairyman, Bourko st. Hammond, —, carpenter, Moon s t Hancock, Robert, Bullanaming s t Hand, Henry, clerk, George s t Hannigan, John, grocer, Botany rd. Hanslow, Mrs. Louisa, Cleveland st. Harald, Alfred Joseph, clerk, Bullanaming st. Hardwick, Arthur, Thurlow ter. Bourke st. Hardy, Thomas, weaver, Rose Hill, st. Horkness, Mrs. Sarah, George s t Harmes, Edward, butcher, Rose Hill st. Harper, Samuel collector, Botany rd. Harris, James H., Botany rd. Harris, John, painter, Botany rd. Harris, Walter H., collector, Redfern s t Harrison, Charles, Bullanaming s t Harrison, Edward H., George s t Harrison, J. A., bus proprietor, Cleveland Bt Harrison, T., bus proprietor, Cleveland s t Harvey, George, pjasteror, Marian s t Hasty, John, Redfern st. Hatton, Thomas, blacksmith, Chelsea lane Hayes, James, Elizabeth st. Hayes, Mrs. E., 7, Fitzroy terrace, Pitt s t I Haviland, Edwin, clerk, Baptist st. 0 210 REDFERN Jam Lea James, William, grocer, Botany rd. Head, George, mason, Rose Hill st. Jamison, James, carpenter, Wells st. Hegarty, Mrs., George s t Jarrett, Alfred J. C, clerk, Cleveland st. Heness, George, carver & gilder, Marian st. Henry, Michael, James st. " Jarvis, Henry, mariner, Pitt st. Jenkins, John W., clerk, Pitt st. Heritage, Mrs. S., Bullanaming st. Jenkins, R. N., Palestine place, Pitt st. Hewitt, —,fengineer,Wells st. / Jennett, Wm., buotmnker, Yarnold st. Hickson, Edward, butcher, Botany rd. Higgins, Lawrence, mariner, Bullanaming st. Jennings, Thomas, watchmaker, Botany rd. Jennings, Robert, gardener, Elizabeth st. Hilder, Joseph, Bullanaming st. Jennings, William L., dealer, Wells st. Hill, Francis, carpenter, Bullanaming st. Hill, James, tinplate worker, Bullanaming st. Jepson, David, gardener, Turner st. ' Jeson, Thomas, engineer, Redfern st. Hill, William S., Bullanaming st. Johnson, John, Wm., Pitt st. Hinds, Frederick, draper, Botany rd. Johnson, Thomas, blacksmith, James st Hinds, Mrs., milliner, Botany rd. Hobbs, Frederick, Carisbroolc bouse, Pitt St. Johnson, William, Wells st. Johnston, R-, ironmoulder, Bullanaming st. Hobbs, Frederick, jun., Pitt st. Jones, Charles, tailor, George st. Hoby, James, printer, Pitt st. Jones, George, mason, Burnett st. Hodge, Frderick, Rose Hill st. Jones, James, Manono cottage, Cleveland st. Holland, Mrs. Mary, Botany rd. Jones, Thomas, Pitt st Holland, William T., George st. Jones, Thomas, Cleveland st. Holliday, James, Wells st. Jones, Thomas, mason, Rose Hill st. Hollis, John, Yarnold s t Jones, Thomas, ropemaker, Pitt st. Holloway, James, Argyle terrace, Pitt st. Judge, David, Wells st. Holmes, Hiram J., carpenter, Albert st. JulefF, J., farrier and blacksmith, Botany rd. Holmes, Samuel A., painter, Marian st. Hooker, C.jjpianoforte tuner, Botany st. Hookham, W., Hand of Friendship, Botany st. KAY:, JAMES, mason, Botany st. Kayler, Cormnck, Chelsea st. Horn, John, ironmonger, Botany rd. Kcary, Michael, carpenter, Roso Hill st Hornblower, Wm., printer, George st. Keating, Mrs. Alary, Bourko st. Horsfield, William, Redfern st Keating, Thomas, grocer, Bourko st. Hoskings, Mrs. H., Fitzroy terrace, Pitt s t Keith, Dudley, Wells st. Hoskings, William, Bourke st. Kelly, John, Bullanaming st. Hourigan, Jeremiah, George st Kelly, Mrs. Catherine, Botany st. Howard, —, engineer, Oleveland st. Kemp, Thomas, van proprietor, Botany rd. Howarth, John, blacksmith, Wells st. Kennedy, Mrs. Margaret, George st. Howarth, Stephen, blacksmith, William St. Kenny, John, Short st. Howe, B. T., Hope and Anchor, Botany rd. Kenny, Mrs. 0., William st. Howe, Henry, engineer, Botany st. Kenny, Mrs, Mary, Marian st. Howe, Mrs. Mary, Rose Hill st. Keogh, John, Cleveland s t Howell, Miss Ann, Fitzroy terrace, Pitt st. Kerr, Robert, engineer, George st. Hubbard, A., carpenter, Wells St., West Kettle, John L., Cricketer's Kest, Pitt st. Huddlestone, Fred. B., collector, George st. Hudson, Brs., timber merchants, Botany rd. Kidd, Hugh, blacksmith, Cleveland st. Kiernan, Michael, gardener, Cleveland St. Hudson, Henry, Bullanaming st. Kilpatrick, B., bootmaker, Bullanaming st. Hudson, Mrs. Mary, grocer, Cleveland st. Kimmins, John, bootmaker, Botany st. Hudson, Robert, Bcdlern st. King, Stephen, plasterer, Wells st. Hudson, William, Redfern st. King, Thomas William, Bullanaming st. Hughes, John, carpenter, Turner st. Kingsley, Thomas, leather dresser, East st. Hummel, James, Bullanaming st. Kingston, George, Bullanaming st. Hunt, Thomas E., dealer, Botany rd. Hurst, Mrs. Selina, upholsteress, Redfern st. Kirkham, Mrs. Margaret, Cleveland st Knight, A., harness maker, Bullanaming St. Huston, Robert, Bullanaming st. Knight, Joseph, mason, Bullanaming st Hutton, Richard, Bullanaming st. Knight, William, carpenter, Botany rd. INCHED, WHLUM, iron moulder, Yarnold st. INDEPENDENT . METHODIST Cny MISSION CHAPEL, Botany rd. Inglestoij; 8idney, Wells s t Ireland, Mrs. Esther, Castlercagh st . Isaacs, Jacob, pawnbroker, Botany rd. JACKSON, GEOBQE, butcher, Turner st. Jacquea, Mrs. M. J. dealer, Botany rd. James, George, Bullanaming s t . . James, Joseph, gardener, Olevelth'd st. LALLY, JAMES, Wells st. West Lambley, James L., Roso Hill St. Lamont, Geo., sergeant of police, Yarnold at Lander, Hugh, bootmaker, Bourko st. Landreth, Sarah, ladies' school, George st. Lang, James, Wells st. Larcombo & Co., drapers, Botany rd. Lawson, Mrs. Isabella, nurse, Turner at Lea, Robert J., Bourke s t Lea, Thomas, currier, Chelsea a t Mah DIRECTORY. Leatham, John Ebbs, Marian st. Leavy, Isaac, teacher, Botany rd. Lee, James, Bourko st. Levey, Mark, cabinetmaker, Redfern s t Levey, William H., Woodburn st. Lewis, Henry H., clerk, Redfern st. Light, George, mason, Redfern st Lock, John, bricklayor, Marian st. Lonie, John, mason, Marian st. Lott, Stephen ])., miller, Turner st. Love, William, commission agent, Chelsea st . Loveridge, Georgo, mason, Botany st. Lowe, Major, Zetland lodge, Pitt st. ' Lucas, Robert, saddler, Botany rd. Lupton, Richard, carpenter, Albert st. Lusby, John, Redfern st. Lutton, John, blacksmith, Bullanaming st. Lyons, Dennis, gardener, Cleveland st. M'ALriNE, DANIEL, clerk, Chelsea st. M'Ateer, Matthew, engine driver, Turner s t M'Ateer, Michael, tanner, Albert st. M'Auley, Thomas, gardener, Botany rd. M'Bride, Thomas, Bullanaming st. M'Cahon, J., cab proprietor, Bullanaming st. M'Call, John, watchmaker, &c, Botany rd. M'Cnnn, Thomas, fellmonger, Redfern st. M'Carthy, Michael, engine driver, Botany rd. M'Carroll, Philip, butcher, Botuny rd. M'Conville, Richard, Pleasant st M'Cormick, Alexander, cooper, Turner at. M'Coy, Richard, Castlcreagh st. M'Cracken, James, carpenter, Elizabeth st. M'Cullocli, John, bootmaker, Albert st. M'Culloch, T., Eveleigh house, Golden Grove M'Cullough, James, tailor, Bullanaming st. M'Donald, Daniel, painter, &c, Hart st. M'Dowall, Samuel, Stanley st. M'Evoy, Michael, blacksmith, James s t M'Graih, Philip, carter, Abercrombie s t M'Guffin, Richurd, bootmaker, Eastst. M'Hugh, James, grocer, George st. M'Kellar, A., engine driver, Bullanaming St. M'Kenzie, Thomas, mason, Costlereagh st M'Keon, Fred., shipwright Bullanaming st M'Keown, John, drayman, Bullanaming st. M'Kcown, Mrs. Catherine, Bullanaming st. M'Knight, Terence, Chelsea st. M'Lachlan, Donald, grocer, Pitt at M'Lean, Alex., baker and grocer, Redfern s t M'Leod, Donald, pattern maker, Burnett at. M'Leod, Donald, shipwright, Rose Hill s t M'Mahon, James, dray proprietor, Redfern st, M'Manus, Bernard, Woodburn st. M-Namara, John, Rose Hill st. M'Namara, John dray proprietor, Georgo st. M'Numara, P., van proprietor, Bullanaming s t M'Nejll, Hector, blacksmith, Wells Bt. M'Skimming, James, joiner, Moon st. M'Swiney, Peter, Cleveland st. Mackeller, John, Chelsea lnno Macpherson, Edward, Bourko st. Macpherson, Evan, stonecutter, Marian s t Magill, Michael, nurseryman, Bourke s t Mahonoy, Francis, Albert st. Nel 211 Manning, John, Pitt st. Mapster, Charles, Botany^st Marsh, Isaac, Moon st. Martin, D., Murray's bldgs., Elisabeth st. Martin, John, tanner, Chelsea St. Martin, Mrs. Mary, Bourke st Martyn, Henry, Baptist cottages, Pitt St. Mash, Charles, dealer, Botany rd. Mason, John, cabman, George st. Masters, Henry, printer, Pitt st. Matcliett, William, carpenter, Redfern st. Matterson, T. N., Cleveland Lin, Cleveland at Matthews, William, Woodburn st. Medbry, Abraham, Bullanaming s t Medcalf, Joseph, french polisher, George at Medcalf, John T., upholsterer, WelU s t Melville, William, clerk, Chelsea st Mensey, Mrs. Mary Ann, Bullanaming st Metcher, —, upholsterer, Roso Hill s t Middleton, Henry, George st. Mihell, A., W. news agent, Botany rd. Miles, Charles, iron dresser, Wells st. Miles, Mrs. Louisa, nurse, Botany rd. Miller, Henry, bootmaker, Pleasant st. Miller, William, engineer, Wells st. Minno, George, tinsmith, Bullanaming St. Mitchell, Archibald, Pitt s t Mitchell, Edward, upholsterer, George st. Mitchell, James, collector, Turner s t Mitchell, John, Marian s t Mitehelson, Thomas, Pitt st. Moir, William M., contractor, Georgo a t Mogridge, Mark, Yarnold st. Mood, Thomas, baker, Pitt s t Moody, Phillip, Hope cottage, Rose Hill at. Moon, Richard, Cleveland st. Moon, William, baker, Redfern st Mooney, Patrick, gardener, Bourke s t Moore, James, George st. Moore, John, Bourke s t Morris, Dennis, Chelsea s t Morris, George, dealer, Redfern st. Morris, William, Botany rd. Morrison, Robert, bootmaker, Wells at. Morgan, John, saddler, Botany rd. Morgan, William G., bootmaker, William s t Moyse, Vickers, Bourke s t Muir, John E., Bullanaming st. Mulcahy, P., soap manufacturer, Botany rd. Mulligan, Mrs. Elizabeth, George st. Mulvenna, Mrs. Elizabeth, Botany s t MUNICIPAL CHAMBERS, George st. > Murdoch, H., Handsworth villa, Cleveland at. Murphy, J., commission agent, Bullanaming at iMurpliy, John, baker, Bullanaming a t Murphy, Mrs. Maria, Bullanaming s t Murray, John, Oleveland st. Myers, Timothy, painter, George at NAVIN, MICHAEL, dairyman, Pitt st Negus, Amos, painter, Bullanaming at. Nefll, Daniel, tailor, George at Nelson, Charles, Marian st. Nelson, George, horsedealer, Botany rd. Nelson, Mrs. Mary, Hart St., Cleveland a t 212 Pid EEDFERN Nestor, Thomas, Bullanaming st. Nettleship, Mrs. 8., Marvville cottage, Pitt a t Nettleship, Walter, woolwasher, East Bt. Nevin, Joiin, Botany rd. Newcombe, George W., Chelsea st. Newman, Eving, Botany rd. Newman, Honry H., Redfern st. Newman, Thomas, carpenter, Rose Hill st. Newsham, John, Fitzroy terrace, Pitt st. Newverar, Henry, drug maker, Woodburn s t Nicholls, William, storekeeper, East st. Noon, Martin, Marian s t Noonan, William, Pleasant st. Norman, Daniel, carpenter, Cleveland st Norton, William, Ivy lodge, Pitt at. Notting, Joseph, Turner^st. Nowlan, Hugh, Pitt st. Nowlan, John, grocer, Botany s t Nowlan, William, sawyer, Moon s t Nutter, Stephen, Woodbine cottage, Pitt st. O'BRIEN, MRS., George s t O'Brien, Mra. M., grocer, Marian st O'Connell, Thomas, Bullanaming st. O'Connor, Daniel, Botany rd. O'Connor, James, butcher, George st. O'Connor, Michael, Bosehill st. O'Connor, Patrick, butcher, Botany rd. O'Donnell, Edward, Bullanaming st. OOFarrell, Eev. P. F.,«edfern s t O'Hara, John, William st. O'Meally, W. H., draper, Botany rd. O'Reilly, Walter, surgeon, Botany rd. O'Toole, , Cleveland st. Oliver, Mrs. Johanna, dealer, Moon st. Orr, Thomas, bootmaker, Botany rd. Outten, George W., fishmonger, Bedfern st. Oxenham, A. T., sign painter, Pleasant st. Oxley, George, plasterer, Bosehill st Ros Pilbean, Mrs. Mary Ann, Bullanaming st. rilloy, H. M., Foresters' Hall, Bullanaming st. Pilling, Henry, bootmaker, George st. Pilling, Thomas, bootmaker, George st. Pines, Frederick, Botany st. Poidevin, William, James st. Polley, William, carpenter, James st. Pollock, David, Marian s t Polly, James, tawner, Chelsea s t Ponchoe, John, George st. Ponder, Robert, plumber, &c, Botany rd. Poole, Joseph, engineer, Moon st. Pope, Aaron W., Botany st. Potter, Edward, mason, Botany st. Potter, Honry, builder, Botany rd. Pott, James, carpenter, Redfern st. Poulter, William J., Marian st. Powell, Mrs. Eliza, William s t Prentice, Aloxander, agent, Marian st Prescott, Charles, joiner, Botany s t Prescott, Mrs., draper, Botany st. Proctor, James, engineer, William st. Pullin, Alfred, carpenter, Yarnold st. Purse, Joseph, Bullanaming st. QUICK, EDWARD, mason, Botany rd. Quick, William, dray proprietor, Woodburn st. Quinlan, George, dealer, Bullanaming st. RALPH, MRS. SARAH, dealer, George st. Ravenscroft, Alfred, Cleveland st. Rawson, John, Botany st. Rayner, Joseph, Marian st. Regan, Eugene, Cleveland st. Regan, James, bootmaker, Georgo st, Regan, John, bootmaker, Bourke st. Reed, —, plasterer, Bullanaming st. Reilly, John, dairyman, Chelsea st. Renwick, George, Imilder, Pitt st. Reyden, William F., Yarnold st. Reynolds, Thomas, Marian st. FADE, RIOHARD, tinsmith, Botany rd. Richardson, Charles, Botany rd. Palmer, John, draper, George s t Richardson, J., Grange bank, Bourke st. Palmer, —, painter, Woodburn st. Parker, John T., boilermaker, Bullanaming st. Riley, John, Bullanaming st. Riley, Thomas, hairdresser, Botany rd. Parker, William, carpenter, East st. Rittson, Thomas, dray proprietor, Albert St. Parkes, Frederick, bootmaker, Rose Hill st. Bobbins, John, mason, Botany rd. Partridge, James, ironmonger, Bourke st. Patterson, Robert, pastrycook. &c, Botany rd. Roberts, George, quarryman, Botany rd. Roberts, John, quarryman, Bourke st. Patterson, William, Bedfern s t Pearson, David, french polisher, Redfern s t Robertson, Thomas, carpenter, Marian st Robinson, Henry, R., Burnett st. Pecdell, Thomas, hairdresser, Botany rd. Robinson, Mrs. Anne, Boundary Stone Inn, Pender, William, carpenter, Wells st. Penfold, William, bricklayer, Botany rd. Cleveland st Fenhall, Samuel, nainter, &c, Botany rd. Robinson, John, dealer, Tumor st. Peters, Alfred, painter, Wells s t Robinson, William, grocer, Georgo s t Pettitt, John, Marian st. Rocks, Mrs,, Wells st. Percival, Arthur, dairyman, East st Rofe, Edward, bootclosor, George st. Phillips, Alfred, joiner, Botany rd. Rofe, John, Chester cottage, Cleveland st. Phillips, John, watchmaker, Woodburn st. Rogers, Edward, H,, Bullanaming st. Phillips, Mrs,, Cheltenham cottage, Marian st. Roirty, John, photographer, Marian s t Phillips, Mrs. Mary, grocer, George st Roirty, Mrs. Manus, Botany rd. Phillips, Walter, carpenter, Marian st. Rolin, Thomas B., Forest lodge, Redfern st. Philpott, John, Bristol villa, Botany rd. Rolston, Williams, bootmaker, Wells st Pickering, Matthew, storeman, Redfern st. Ropp, John, bootmakor, Botany rd. Fidgeon, Miohncl, Elizabeth st. Rose, Frank, engineer, Baptist st. Sta DIRECTORY. Rose, Thomas, carpenter, Burnett st. Ross, Alex., cab proprietor, Botany st. Ross, 8., cab proprietor, Botany rd. Rotheram, Charles, bootmaker, Woodburn st. Rowo, Henry, Georgo s t Rowles, George, carpenter, Pleasant s t Boyoe, Mrs,, Chelsea st. Russoll, William, Redfern st. Rutter, Robinson, civil engineer, Marian st. Ryan, John, Clevelandst. SALISBURY, SAMUEL, E., James st. Salmon, Ben., bootmaker, Bullanaming st. Salmon, Edward, Chelsea s t Salmon, George, dealer, Albert st. Salt, Joseph, joiner, Georgo st. Sandficr, James, Pleasant s t * Sandon, Charles, Argyle terraco, Pitt st. Saunders, Mrs. E., ladies' school, Pitt st. Saunders, Wm. H., teacher, Pitt st. Say, James, Georgo st. , Scammell, Henry, Chelsea s t Scott, Charles, Rokeby terrace, Redfern s t Scott, F., carpenter, Botany rd. Scott, John, George st. Scott, John, surgeon, Redfern st. Scott, William, engineer, Cleveland st. Scrase, Samuel, carpenter, Rose Hill st. Selby, Christopher, carpenter, Moon st. Selby, William, Rose Hill st. Sevenoakes, Mrs. Mary, Cleveland st. Sewell, William, Pitt st Sharplin, Mrs. Martha, George st. Sheehan, T., M'Evoy's buildings, James st. Shephard, Mra., Wells s t Shuto, Henry, collector, Cleveland st Simpkins, John, master mariner, Marian at Simpson, William, George s t Sirkitt, T. A., Falcon Hotel, George st. Skelton, Richard, Redfern st. Skinner, John, George st. Slade, Mrs., dairy, Golden Grove Slattery, Thomas, Redfern st. Slattery, Mrs., Osborne cottage, Botany rd. Slatyer, Rev. William, Cleveland st. Slee, Josiah, Botany rd. Smith, Alfred, Pleasant st. Smith, Edwd., Whiloy's cottages, Botany rd. Smith, Henry, boilermaker, Albert st. Smith, John, Chelsea lano Smith, John, hay and corn dealer, Botany rd. Smith, Mrs., nurse, Botany st. Smith, William, engineer, Botany rd. Smith, William, Cleveland st. Snelling, Mrs., Botany st. Snow, G., Thurlow's buildings, Bourke st. Snowdon, William, currier, Bourko st. Sparks, George, gardener, Bourko st. Spence, Robert, builder, George st. Spratt, Jnmes, bootmakor, Albert st. Stock, Edward R., Bourke st. Stninton, Sntmiel, Redfern st. Stanley, Patrick, Bourko s t Stanton, Mrs., Moon st. Sturr, George, Bullanaming st. Vin 218 Starr, William H., draper, Botany s t Stephen, William M., mason, Botany rd. Stephen, Charles, dealer, Albert st. Stephens, Mrs. Sarah, Wells s t West Stephenson, E., Marian st. Stephens, Joseph, bootmaker, Botany rd. Stevenson, Miss, Maryville cottage, Pitt s t Stewart, D., Coltago of Content, Turner st. Stewart, Patrick, Rose, Shamrock and Thistle, Botany rd. Stewart, Robert, Cleveland st. Stone, Mrs. H., Yarnold st. Stoneman, Mrs. Mary, nart s t , Clevelandst Stubbs, William, tailor, Rose Hill st. Sullivan, Mark, tallow chandler, Goorgo st. Sullivan, William, Chelsea st. Sutherland, Alexander, builder, Pitt st Sutherland, Charles, agent, Castlereagh St. Sutton, Mrs,, Wells st. Sutton, Peter, dray proprieter, Chelsea st. Swan, David, James st. Sweeney, E., Hibernian Tavern, Bullanaming st. Sweeney, William, bootmaker, Stanley st Swinfield, Wm., tailor, Bullanaming st TAIT, JOHN, mnson, Bullanaming st Taylor & Wearing, Union foundry, George st. Taylor, Charles, blacksmith, Cleveland Bt Taylor, Henry James, George st. Taylor, T., Aldershot lodge, Cleveland st. Thomas, Henry, bootmaker, Chelsea st. Thompson, A., Redfern lodge, Pitt st. Thompson, David, drayman, Castlereagh St. Thompson, Henry, Redfern st. Thompson, Mrs. Eliza, Yarnold s t Thompson, Samuel, bootmaker, Chelsea st. Thomson, Aloxander, grocer, Rose Hill st. Thorn, James, bootmaker, Wells st. Thorno, Oharles, Baptist st. Thornton, John, dealer, Moon st. Thurlow, Wm., Thurlow's terrace, Bourke St. Tighe, Mrs. J. E., The Royal Oak, Redfern St. Tippard, Henry, Redfern st. Tisaale, James, blacksmith, Bullanaming st. Todd, Henry, dairyman, Golden Grove Tokley, Richard D., Bullanaming s t Totterdale, Joseph, Chelsea st. Totterdale, Wm., bootmaker, Bourke St. Towers, John, bootmaker, Bourke st Towner, Charles, bricklayer, East st. Townsend, Thomas, mason, Turner st. Traynor, James, blacksmith, Woodburn st. Trotter, Mrs. Lucy, Botany rd. Tully, Joseph, cat) proprietor, Botany rd. Turnbridgo, George, Botany rd. Turner, John, bootmaker, Botany rd. Turner, Mrs. Celia, Georgo st. Twyman, Frederick, Goorgo s t Tytherlagh, James, Marian st. VAUQIIAN, MARK M., Botany rd. Vennard, Marcollas, Redfern st. Vescys, Robert, Pitt st. Vincent, Mrs., Uudferu st. 2\i W3H REDFERN Voules, Isaac, gardener, Botany rd. WADDELL, JOHN, Albert s t Wade, Thomas, Turner st. Wahlberg, Peter, carpenter, William st. Walker, Christopher, Botany st. Walker, George, oarpenter, Redfern st. Walker, Thomas D., Botany rd. Walker, William, bootmaker, George s t Walker, William, Bullanaming st. Wall, Thomas, tannor, Cleveland st. Wall, William, Enmoro terrace, Pitt st. Wallwork, Robert, Bullanaming s t Walsh, Patrick, dray proprietor, Turner st. Walters, Thomas, George s t Walton, H. pianoforte tuner, Redfern s t Warburton, Christopher, Cleveland st. Wardrop, William, Cleveland s t Warland, Thomas A., George s t Warner, Charles John, George st. Wiirner, Joseph, Cleveland st. Warren, Edward, Cleveland s t Warren, William, dealer, Redfern st. Watson, David, Chelsea s t Watt, David, sculptor, Bourke s t Wearing, Benjamin C, George s t Wearne, Joseph, Cleveland st. Wearne, Thomas, Botany s t Webb, Charles, plasterer, Rose Hill s t Webster, John, master mariner, Marian s t Weekly, George, Pleasant st. Weekly, James, dealer, Redfern st. Welch, Henry, painter, Turner s t Welsh, Patrick, Albert st. Werrick, Joseph, blacksmith, Albert s t Westacott, John, carpenter, Rose Hill st. Wheeler, Mrs. Mary Ann, Redfern st. Wheelan, William, Botany rd. Whelan, Mrs. Mary, Bourke st. Whiley, Isaac, Whiley's cottages, Botany s t White, James, Bullanaming s t White, James, photographer, Rose Hill s t White, John, Bullanaming st. You White, John, cab proprietor, Botany rd. White, John S., plumber, Cleveland st. White, Mrs. Jane, nurse, Pleasant st. Whitehead, Mrs. Pitt st. Whitford, John, Macdonuld cottages, Pitt st. Whiting, Joseph, Emily cottage, Pitt St. Whiting, William G., Cleveland st Whittakor, Miss Jane, George st. Wiggington, Thomas, dealer, Botany rd. Wild, John, Wild's cottage, Redfern st. Williams, Benjamin, fittor, Redfern s t Williams, Charles, mason, Redfern st. Williams, John, Rose Hill st Williams, John, grocer, Turner st, Willinms, William, Redfern st. Williamson, J. G., civil engineer, William st. Williamson, John, Cleveland s t Williamson, William, Belfast Wine Vaults, Botany rd. Wilkins, George, butcher, George st. Wilshire, Mrs. M., infant school, Pleasant st, Wilson, Charles A., broker, Pitt st. Wilson, Charles A., jun., Pitt st. Wilson, Daniel, butcher, Bullanaming s t Wilson, George W., carpenter, Chelsea St. Wilson, Joseph, butcher, George st Wilson, William, bootmaker, Botany rd. Winslow, Robert, Albert st Wood, George, blacksmith, Redfern St. Woods, Charles, Turner st Woods, Mrs., teacher, Turner s t Wright, Charles, carpenter, Marian St. Wright, George, butcher, Yarnold st. Wright, John, coffee roaster, Marian St. Wright, Thomas, ironmonger, Turner st. Wright, William, carpenter, William St. Wyke, Illidge, Botany rd. Wyllie, John S., James st. ROSE BAY, SOUTH HEAD AND WATSON'S BAY. COMPRISING THE NORTH EASTERN PORTION OP THE WOOLLAHRA MUNICIPALITY. BILLING, Mns. M., Watson's Bay Hotel KEELE, JAMES, South Head rd. New Bremer, Crossy, Rose Bay Kelk, Francis, pilot, Watson's Bay Brooks, James, Hornby light keeper, S. Head LAKE, RICHARD, gordener, Rose Bay OARROLL, JAMES, pilot, Watson's Bay Clarke, Edmund, South Head rd., Old Clarke, Edward, fisherman, Watson's Bay Collins, Peter, South Head rd., New Collis, William, Signal Hotel, South Head CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, South Head Cork, John, pilot, Watson's Bay Cork, Robert, pilot, Watson's Bay Coutts, John, pilot, Watson's Bay Curran, Patrick, gardener, Roso Bay DANGAR, HENRY Q, The Retreat, Roso Bay Davis, J., Olovelly, Watson's Bay Doren, Michael, Watson's Bay Dumaresq., William, Tivpli, Roso Bay Dunn, Frederick, pilot, Watson's Bay YARD, Jons, slater, Redfern s t Yelden, Richard, George st. York, Charles, Clyde cottage, Cloveland s t Young, John, carpenter, Cleveland fit EDWARDS, BENJAMIN, pilot, Watson's Bay FAIRBURN, JOHN, teacher, South Head Francisco, Joseph, Watson's Bay Fullarton, John, pilot, Watson's Bay GIBSON, HENRY, pilot, Watson's Bay Gibson, H., telegraph clerk, South Head Graham, James, signal master, South Head Guthriok, James, pilot, Watson's Bay Lambert, Robert, Hornby light Lawrence, J. W., South Mead Family Hotel Lee, Major, fisherman, Vaucluse ™ " Lloyd, George, Rose Bay MACQUARIE LIGHTHOUSE, South Head.. NEWTON, GEORGE, Watson's Bay Nipper, Peter, pilot, Watson's Bay * OLIVER, ALEX., Gap Hotel, Watson's Bay PENNINGTON, WILLIAM G., Rose Bay PUBLIC SCHOOL, Watson's Bay RAWLINSON, GEORGE, ROSO Bay Rex, Henry, Watson's Bay Richardson, John S., Rose Bay Robertson, John, M.L.A., Watson's Bay Robinson, Mrs. Julia, South Head ROMAN CATHOLIC CHUROH AND SCHOOL, 'Wat- son's Bay ST. MARK'S CHUROH, Watson's Bay Shanks, John, pilot, Watson's Bay Siddins, J. R., light keeper, Macquarie light SIGNAL STATION AND TELEGRAPH OFFICE, South Head Silva, Emanuel, Macquarie light, South Head Silva, Matthias, grocer, Watson's Bay HAIL, RICHARD, Macquarie Light, South Head Silver, Joseph, Watson's Bay Hamilton, John, carpenter, Watson's Bay Smith, Peter, Watson's Bay Harmer, William, Watson's Bay Stephen, William, gardener, S. H. rd., New Hay, John, M.L. A., Rose Bay lodge, Rose Bay Sullivan, Michael, Watson's Bay Hill, E. S., J.P., Woollahra house, P t pipor Holds worth, Richard, Belle Viie hill, Rose Bay THORNS, GEORGE, Vauoluse rd. HORNBY LIGHTHOUSE, South Head Towns, Hon. Robert, M.L.O., Belle Vue hill JACINTE, EMANUEL, fruiterer, Watson's Bay Jenkins, John, pilot, Watson's Bay Johnson, Wni., lightkcopor, Hornby light MSH WALKER, ARCHIBALD, Rose Bay Wallace, Henry, pilot, Watson's Bay Willis, Joseph S., Buckhurst, Rose Bay Pie OoNOEBOAMONAi. CHAPEL, Botany rd. Cook, Edward W., baker, Pitt st. Cook, James, tailor, Georgo st. Cook, Joseph, Pitt st. >•' Goomber, James, carpenter, Raglan st. Coon, John, stonemason, Pitt st. Cooper, George, miller, Botany st Corcoran, Peter, dray proprietor, Gerard st. Corney, Robert, Wyndham st. Court, William, carpenter, Botany s t Oowan, John, Botany rd. Cox, Andrew H., engineer, Wyndham s t Crane, Thomas, Claybrook cottage, Pitt St. Orane, W., Grinding Young, Bullanaming st. Crispin, R, millwright, Buckland st. Crispin, R., jun., millwright, Bullanaming st. Cronin, Martin, Georgo st. Crook, John, bootmaker, George st. Crummy, John, Botany rd. Cunningham, James, Botany rd. Curzon, Richard H., tailor, Raglan St. WATERLOO. STREET KEY. Botany rd., from Redfern boundary to Botany boundary. Botany s t , from Boundary st. to vacant land Buckland st, from Pitt st. to vacant land Bullanaming st, from Redfern boundary to M'Evoy st. John st, from Botany rd. to vacant land. M'Evoy St., from Botany rd. to Elizabeth st Phillips St., from Raglan st. to vacant land Pitt st, from Redfern boundary to vacant land Raglan st. from Gerard st. to Elizabeth St. Garden St., from Redfern boundary to vacant land Wellington St., from Pitt st to boundary George s t , from Redfern boundary to vacant Wyndham st, from Redfern boundary to land vacant land. ALDERSON & SONS, woolwashing establish- ment, Lachlan Swamp Adger, James, Botany st Allen, Andrew, butcher, Pitt st. Allen, William, fellmonger, M'Evoy st Allison, John, Bullanaming st. Allison, Samuel, bricklayer, Raglan st. Andrews, George W, Raglan st. Anthony, William, "Wyndham st. Appleton, Robert, dealer, Pitt st. Armstrong, William, grocer, Botany rd. Ashforth, Charles, Raglan st. Aubrey, Thomas, engineer, George St. Austin, Arthur, Pitt st. Austin, William, builder, Raglan st. BADMAN, FBANCIS, slater, George s t Ball, Alexander, Botany st Ball, Bennett, Botany rd. Ball, Mrs. Bennett, midwife, Botany rd. Bancroft, Henry, printer, Wyndham st. Barnes, George, painter, Raglan st. Barnes, James, stonemason, Buckland st. Barnesley, William, bootmaker, Raglan s t Barry, Charles, Botany rd. Barton, John, M'Evoy st.' Bayston, Timothy, brushmakor, Pitt st. Beaver, Henry, Botany st Beer, John, Wyndham st Bennett, William, carpenter, Botany rd. Biddell, Bros., sugar manufactory, Botany rd. Biddoll, Roland, Botany rd. Bishop, Moses, carpenter, Botany rd. Bishop, Thomas, master mariner, Garden st. Blackey, Thomas, school, Botany rd, Blackloy, James, carpenter, Raglan s t Bolt, William, Botany rd. I Bolus, William, Botany rd. Boskor, T. W., sugar refiner, M'Evoy st. Brad, Benjamin, stonemason, Wyndham s t Brady, Joseph, stonemason, Botany st, Brannigan, John, butcher, Botany rd. Bray, James, Raglan st. Brigden, George, Botany st Brignell, John, carpenter, Botany rd. Brimblo, John, market gardener, Pitt St. Brisbane, Thomas, Wellington st Britnall, George, carpenter, Botany rd. Brown, George, Wellington st. Brown, Joseph, Gerard st. Brown, Mrs. M., Botany st. Brown, Robert, plasterer, Pitt st Bull, Edmund, Botany rd. Bunting, Henry, butcher, Raglan st. Bunting, Mary, Beehive, Raglan st. Burgess, David, Buckland st. Burgess, John, packer, M'Evoy st Button, grocer, Botany st. CAMPBELL, RODEIIT, eating house, Botany rd. Cartwright, Charles, Botany rd. Cary, Emanuel, baker, Botany rd. Challenger, Charles, drayman, Botany rd. Challenger, Samuel, Raglan st. Chamberlain, Frederick, painter, Georgo St. Chambors, Edward, Raglan st Christie, Mrs. George, Pitt st CITY ROPE WORKS, Forsyth, A., Bourko st. Clarke, Edward, collector, Bucklond s t Clarke, Mrs. E., Wellington st. Clanson, Frederick, W., grocer, Buckland st. Olcinnson, James, M'Evoy st. Cockcrton, Georgo, A., draper, Botany rd. Coleman, Charles, glassblower, Garden s t DIRECTORY, DABT, JonN, tinsmith, John st. Davis, David, painter, Botany rd. Davis, James, bootmaker, Raglan s t Davis, Valentine, carpenter, Botany rd. Dawson, Samuel, Wyndham st. Do Carl, Edward, coachmakcr, Raglan st. Dolow, George W., Georgo st. Dempsoy, John, stonemason, Raglan st. Devine, John, bootmakor, Buckland st. Donnoll, John, watchmaker, Botany st. Donnelly, AVilliam, Georgo st Dorney, Eugeno, Botany st. Douglass, James, Bullfinaming st. Douglass, R , gardener, Bullanaming st. Dryhurst, Honry, bootmaker, Botany st. Drier, John S., architect, Garden st. Dunden, John, Botany st. Dyer, Henry, stonemason, Raglan st. Dyson, Charles, collector, Pitt st. M, Hop 217 Fletcher, Peter Percival, Raglan s t Flynn, Laurence, Raglan st Foley, William, George st Foskett, Stephen, french polisher, Botany rd. Foster, George, dairyman, Bullanaming at Fox, John, builder, Georgo st. Fox, Rev. Samuel, Botany rd. Franklin, Jesse, Botany rd. Frcnoh, Thomas, Botany st. Fyances, Edward, Georgo st. GANB, ISAAO, dealer, Botany rd. Gardner, William, Botany st. Gault, Robert, bootmaker, Raglan st. Gibbons, Martin, dairyman, Bullanaming s t Gibson, James, Garden st Gibson, James Percy, Wellington st. Gibson, Percy, Wellington st. Giles, Henry, carpenter, Botany st. Gill, Charles, boilermaker, Wyndham s t Gill, James, Lachlan lodge, Pitt st." Glover, Mrs. Ann, grocer, Botany rd. Godfrey, Martin,-bootmaker, Bullanaming st. Goldfinch, Thomas, Raglan st. Goldfinch, Thomas B., outcher, Botany rd. Gore, John, blacksmith, George st. Gough, John, Raglan st. Graham, John, cabinetmaker, George st. Gray, Robert, Bullanaming st. Green, Daniel, Bullanoming st. Green, Thomas, Gerard st. Griffiths, Stephen, fellmonger, Garden st. Grimstone, William, wool sorter, Botany rd. Grindrod, Arthur, stonemason, Raglan st. HAIGH, JOSEPH, Quartre Bras, Botany rd. Haigh, Lewis, Botany rd. Ham, Joseph, shoemaker, Bullanaming st. Hampshire, James, Botany s t Hams, William, Wyndham st. Hand, John, Botany rd. Hanson, Charles A., Bullanaming st. ELKIN, JOHN, teacher, Oak cottage, Raglan st. Harden, John, Botany rd. Hardman, John, blacksmith, George st. Ellery, Valentine, teacher, Wellington st. Elliot, Richard, muster mariner, Botany rd. Hardman, Richard, Georgo st. Ellison, Edwin, boot manufactory, Botany st. Harris, Joseph, carpenter, Garden st. Harrison, John, Pitt st. Ellison, Edwin C., Boundary st. Harriss, John, builder, Bullanaming s t Emory, James, Bullanaming st. Evans, Jamos, cabinetmakor, Wellington st. Harwell, Thomas B., Botany rd. Evans, John, coachmaker, Raglan st. Haynes, Abraham, turner, Pitt st. Evans, John, Botany rd. Hayter, Georgo, Wyndham st. Evans, Thomas, Raglan st Hayter, Walter, Wyndham st. Evans, William, stevedore, Botany rd. Hayton, Richard, stonemason, Garden s t Evans, William, carpenter, Buckland st. Hazclton, James, dealer, Wyndham st. Eve, Benjamin, woohvasher, Botany rd. Horrod, Reuben, Wellington st. Hicks, Bros., boot manufacturers, Botany rd. FAIRFIELB, JAMBS, woolwashor, M'Evoy st. Hill, James, Botany rd. Pairs, William, butcher, Botany rd. Hill, John, painter, George st. Farr, Edward, Buckland st. Hills, James, painter, M'Evoy st. Fnucett, Roland, Garden st HinchclifF, Andrew, Botany rd. Ferguson, John, Botany rd. HinchclifF, Joseph, post office, Botany rd. Finley, Thomas, saddler, Raglan st. Hoare, Samuel, bootmaker, Raglan' s t Fisk, Mrs. Sarah, grocer, Raglan st. Hoborow, John, woolwashor, Botany rd. Flack, Alfred, Botany rd. Honnor, Thomas, stonemason, Botany rd. Fletcher, James, Georgo st. Hope, Thomas, miner, Bullanaming st. &3V.I -*• 218 Mes Hopkins, Mrs. Mary, grocer, Buokland st, Hulrae, William, fellmonger, M'Evoy st. Huthnanoe, James, printer, Wyndham st. Hutton, Charles, Wyndham st. JONES, CHARLES, confectioner, Raglan st. Jones, John, carpenter, George st. Jones, Mrs. E., George st. Julian, Francis, baker, Botany st. KELLY, JEREMIAH, Georgo st. Kelly, Mrs. Jane, grocer, Bullanaming st. Kelly, Phillip N., Raglan st. Kelso, William, Wellington st. Kenney, William, stonemason, Pitt St. Kenny, Martin, John s t Kittson, George, grocer, Botany rd. LAMBERT, THOMAS, engineer, Wyndham st. Lane, Thomas, carpenter, Garden st. Legg, William, carpenter, George st. Lenton, Wm., bootmaker, Raglan st. Lewis, Benjamin, bootmaker, Raglan st. Lewis, William, wool sorter, Botany rd. Little, Giles, storekeeper, George st. Lock, Henry, Buckhnd Hotel, Buckland st. Lockwood, Henry, plumber, Pitt st. Logan, William, slater, George st, Lomas, George, tailor, John st. Long, William, gardener, Botany rd. Looner, James, butcher, Botany st. Lovett, George, grocer, George st. Lupton, John and John junr., fellmongers Luscombe, G., dray proprietor, Bourke st. Lussenhoff, Frederick, George st. Key Middleton, John, Raglan st. Miller, Albert, Bullanaming st Mogridge, Henry, bootmaker, Garden st. Moon, Mrs. Lucy, George st. Moon, Thomas, stonemason, Wellington st. Moon, William, Buokland st. Morallis, Francis, Wyndham st. Morgan, John, carpenter, Pitt st. Morton, George Henry, Raglan St. Moses, Mrs., dealer, Raglan st MOUNT CARMEL R. C Cnuncn & SCHOOL, Pitt st Mulden, John, grocer, Botany rd. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, Pitt St. Murray, James, packer, Pitt st. Muschtuen, Mrs., Raglan st. NELSON, JosEpn T., grocer, Wyndham st. Norman, James, bootmaker, Botany rd. OATES, JonN, private school, Wyndham st. O'Connell, Charles, blacksmith, George st. O'Donnoll, Jeremiah, Botany st. Olive, Ebenezer, plumber, Pitt st. Oliver, Joseph, stonemason, Haglan st. Oostinger, Dirk, master mariner, Pitt st. Osborne, J., Wyndham cottage, Wyndham st. PACKER, MRS. R.. ladies' school, Pitt St. Packer, Robort S., surveyor, Pitt st. Parker, Richard, Rnglan st. Parker, William, Botany rd. Parkes, Frederick, wool wash er, Wellington st. Paul, John, brickmaker, Botany rd. Pearl, William, bootmaker, Botany st. Pearse, Mrs. Mary, George st. Peck, Isaac, Sugar works, Botany rd. M'ALHINNEY, Mns. ISABELLA, Botany rd. Pedrotto, John, Wyndham st. M'Caffroy, John, market gardener, Garden st. Peneluna, Alexonucr, stonemason, Gerard st. M'Conville, William, tobacconist, Botany rd. Perry, Job, contractor, Botuny st. M'Farlane, Charles, Raglan st. Phillip, Francis Dacey, Wyndham st. M'Intosh, James, Bullanaming st, Phillpot, Henry, stonemason, Wyndham st. M'Kenna, Patrick, blacksmith, Botany rd. Pigott, Mrs. M., Pitt s t M'Lean, Andrew, Botany rd. Pike, Mrs., midwife, Bullanaming st. M'Manus, Joseph, plasterer, Botany s t Pike, Thomas, coachsmith, Bullanaming st. M'Martin, Fin lay, Botany st. Pittman, K, stonemason, Gerard st. M'Ncil, Hector, grocer, Botany rd. Pittman, Charles, wheelwright, Botany rd. M'Neil, Malcolm, blacksmith, Wyndham St. Pope, Thomas, blacksmith, Wyndham st M'Kay, Alexander, Pitt st. Pope, William, bootmaker, Botany st Macgratb, Mrs. Bridget, butcher, Botany rd. Post, Joseph Henry, Botany st. Macartney, John, Botany rd. Poulton, James, cabinetmaker, George st. Machamee, Michael, Wyndham st. Prescott, William, Wyndham s t Madden, Patrick, Pitt st. PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHAPEL, Wyndham st. Mailey, Hugh, Buckland st. PUBLIC ScnooL, Botany rd. Mapstone, William, Wellington st Purton, Henry, carpenter, Bullanaming st. Manning, Edward, Wyndham st. Marks, Samuel, carter, George st. QUINTON, DAVID, stonemason, Wyndham s t Marland, James, Bugle Horn, Windham s t Marsden, George S., Wyndham, st RADCLIFFE, JAMES, Raglan'st. Matchett, William, baker, Botany st. Radford, E. J., Botany st. " Matthews, J. Royal Waterloo Hotel, Botany rd. Rao, Alexander, Raglan st. Mayo, John, Bullanaming st. Rafferty, Matthias, woolsorter, Wyndham st Maxey, Mrs. Elizabeth, Botany rd. Rnmsdon, John, dealer, Botany st, Mead, Lowis, carpenter, George st. Reid, Alexander, Botany st. Mears, John, builder, Botany st. Reilly, Patrick, Wellington s t Messcnt, Benjamin, soap maker, Botany st, Reyling, Lewis, woolwashor, Botany Bt. Tol DIRECTORY. Yor 219 Reyling, Mrs. Mary A., Bullanaming st. Ridley, Elvey, carpenter, Raglan st Rickotts, Thomas, Pitt st. Robinson, Richard, dealer, Bullanaming s t Sogers, Mrs. Louisa, George s t Rogers, Thomas, weaver, Wellington s t Rolfe, George, Cauliflower Hotel, Botany rd. Rolls, Thomas, Garden s t Root, James, stonemason, Wyndham st. Rothery, Edward, school, Bullanaming s t Rungo, Henry, carpenter, Botany st. Rutter, Wm., land surveyor, George St. Ryan, James, Botany st. Ryan, Roger, Wyndham s t Tollis, Thomas, bootmaker, Gerard st. Tollis, Walter, bootmaker, Wyndham s t Tomlin, Silas, tailor, Raglan s t Tomlinson, George, Wyndham st. Towser, Mrs., draper, Botany rd. Tranter, W., stonemason, Botany st. Trueman, John, baker, Botany rd. Turner, George, Raglan s t Turner, George, coachbuilder, Raglan St. Turner, George 0., storeman, Botany rd. Turner, John, Botany st. SAM:), JOHN, storeman, George st. VINE, MRS. HARRIET, George st Saunders, T., wheelwright, George st Sawyer, Francis W., carpenter, Raglan s t Sawyer, Joseph, cabinetmaker, Botany st. Sawyer, Mrs. Ann, Botany rd. Sohimel, James, Wellington st. Selwin, J. W., bootmaker, Buckland st. Seigel, John, blacksmith, Botany st. Shapter, Edward, grocer, Botany rd. Sharpe, Christopher, saddler, Botany st. Shen, Robert, Bullanaming st. Shepherd, William, slater, Botany st Shipway, Edwin, butcher, Pitt st. Sidains, George, chairmaker, Botany rd. Siloocks, Henry, storeman, Garden st. Simpson, James, Pitt s t Slater, Mrs. Sarah, Botany st. Smith, Joseph, Bullanaming st. Smith, Mrs. Emma, Botany st. Smith, Thomas, Wellington st. Smith, William, Pitt st. Snell, Henry, tanner, George st Sorrell, William, butcher, George st Spenee, Alexnnder B., Botany st. Spence, Mrs. Elizabeth, Botany rd. URQUHART, JOHN, mariner, Pitt st. Usher, Henry, Pitt st. WADE, JADEZ, carpenter, Pitt st. Wakefield, Joseph, dray proprietor, Garden st. Wallace, Joseph, Bullanaming st. Walsh, Laurence, grocer, Raglan st. Walsh, Michael, butcher, Wyndham st. Walsh, Peter, Sportsman's Arms, Raglan s t Ward, Jervis J., Pitt s t Ward, Robert, dray proprietor, Botany rd. Warren, Thomas, fellmonger, Wellington st. WATERLOO WOOLWASHINQ ESTABLISHMENT, Botany rd. Watkius, George, blacksmith, Botany s t Watson, George C., fireman, Raglan st Watts, Samuel, teacher, Botany rd. Wearing, Edward, carpenter, Raglan s t Weight, Joseph, baker, Botany rd. Wenman, Mrs. Mary A., Botuny rd. WESLEYAN CnAPEL, Raglan st. Whelan, Mrs. Catherine, baker, Botany rd. Whelan, Patrick, tanner. Pitt s t White, Clarke, coachbuilder, Botany rd. White, George, bootmaker, Pitt st. Whiteside, William G, grocer, Botany st. ST. SILAS' CHURCH AND SCHOOL, Botany rd. Whiting, Richard, Raglan st. ST. SILAS' INFANT SCHOOL, Botany rd. Steinbohm, Aaron, general dealer, Rivers st. Whittakcr, James, Botany st. Wilcox, James, draper, Botany rd. Steinbrener, Andrea, tinsmith, Botany rd. Wild, William, Wyndham st. Stewart, George, engineer, Boundary st. Wiles, Charles W., gnsfitter, Raglan st. Stewart, James, printer, Georgo st. Wilkins, Mrs. Ann, George s t Stewart, John W., Georgo st. Williams, Edwaid, Bullanaming st. Stone, George W., engineer, Pitt st. Williams, Thomas, engineer, Raglan s t Stoneman, James, Wyndham st, Wilson, Mrs. Emma, needlewoman, Pitt s t Streeter, Edward, gardener, M'Evoy st. Wilson, William, carpenter, Garden st. Sullivan, John, M'Evoy st. Wiseman, James, dealer, Botany st Sullivan, Mrs. M., George Inn, George st. Wood, George, hay and corn dealer, Botany rd, Sullivan, Michael, Botany rd. Woods, Robert, Botany s t Sweetman, Frederick, George st. Wool, Alfred, plasterer, Pitt st. Woolley, William, grocer, Bullanaming st. TAYLOR, EDWARD J., fellmonger, Wellington st. Wright, John, fellmonger, John st Thomas, John, bootmaker, Botany st Wright, John, woolwasher, Bullanaming st. Thompson, Nathaniel, painter, Pitt s t Wring, Emanuel E., bootmaker, Botany rd. Thomson, Georgo, butcner, Botany rd. Tilloy, Charles, Botany rd. YARD, JOSEPH, T., sinter, Botany rd. Tilson, John, groeer, Botany rd. Yates, Thomas, carpenter, Wyndham st. Todd, James, Gerard st. York, William, sawyer, M'Evoy st Tollis, Edwin, bootmaker, Gerard st Soo WAVERLEY. ALLEN, BBOS., soap manufactory, Oowper st. Fescj, George, Salisbury st. Fewings, Frederick, dealer, Victoria at. Finch, C. E., Rockhampton house, Birrell st. BAGLIK, LLEWELLYN, carpenter, Bourke st. Finch, C. W., Rockhampton house, Birroll st. Bailey, Mrs. E. J., Vickery st. Fitzgerald, William, bootmaker, Isabella st. Balkin, John, draper, South Head rd., Old Fletcher, D., Fairlight glen, Littlo Nelson Bay Barker, Samuel, bus proprietor, Birroll st. Barker, William, Mandervillo house, Birrel st. Franklin, Henry, greengrocer, Oowper st. Barnes, Thomas, stonemason, Oowper st. Bates, Felix, carpenter, Oowper st. GILLMAN, JAMES, Blenheim st. Benjamin, Daniel, Nelson Bay rd. Glading.W. H. Charing dross Hotel, Vickery st. Bibb, William, Botany st. Glenrock boot manufactory, Nelson Bay rd. Biggs, Alfred, butcher, South Head rd., Old Bindon, Robert, carter, Nelson Bay rd. HALL, MISS, Wavorley house, S. H. rd., Old. Birroll, John, J. P., Avoca villa, Wavorley st. Hall, Thomas N., teacher, Cowper s t Bloomfield, John, gardener, Smithers st. Hamburger, James, Birrell st. Boulton, John, tailor, Nelson st. Hamnett, Geo., bootmaker, Nelson Bay rd. Brown, John, Grafton st. Hannan, Eugene, hay dealer, Vickery st. Burrows, Harry, Tarnagulla, Vickery st. Harriss, John, quarryman, Edmund st. Bushelle, John, South Head rd., Old Hay, John, Shirley villa, Wavorley st. Hebblewhite, Charles, currier, Blenheim st. CABLE, JAMES, gardener, Nelson Bay rd. Henderson, William, Waverley st. Campbell, —., Wavorley st. Hennessy, Michael, Vickery Bt. Campbell, Hon. J., M.L.O., S. H. rd., Old Hogan, Patrick, Nelson Bay rd. Canon, John, grocer, Vickery st. Holdsworth, J. B., Bronte, Nelson Bay rd. Carroll Simon, Isabella st. Holland, Thomas, carpenter, Nelson Bay rd. Gary, W., Wartam cottage, S. H. rd., Old Howarth, George, leather cutter, Bourke st, Cherry George, bootmaker, S. H. rd., Old Huff, Joseph, lessee toll gate, Cowper st. Cherry, J., tea gardens, S. H. rd., Old Hunt, H. P., Botany st. CLEnoY DAUGHTEBS' SCHOOL, Nelson Bay rd. Huntley, Mrs. Ann, grocer, S. H. rd., Old. Coops, James, dairyman, Nelson Bay rd. Coops, William, dairyman, Nelson Bay rd. JABDINE, JOHN, marine surveyor, Smithers st. Crowther, William, Newland st. Jewell, Richard, builder, Church s t Johnson, William, coachsmith, Isabella st. DAWSON, ROBERT C , bootmaker, S. H. rd., Old Juans, Alfred, storeman, Vickery st. Debelle, Edward, boot finisher, Edmund st. Denning, Alfred, carpenter, Vickery st, KENNEDY, REAMS, Cowper st. Dickson, Joseph, Bennett st. Knight, George, quarryman, Newland s t Dickson, Stephen, soap manu., Bennett st. Knuckey, Benjamin, quarryman, Bourke St. Druitt, William, The Lodge, S. K rd., Old Dunk, David, baker, South Head rd., Old LANE, THOMAS, Nelson Bay rd. Larter, Joseph, carter, Cowper st. EAGLETON, J. Bobin ITood Inn, Vickery Bt. Law, Miss A., teacher, Nelson Bay rd. Eaton, John James, Salisbury st. Liardett, J. E.,Bon Accord villa, S. H. rd. Edwards, John, Belle Vue, South Head rd. Lincoln, Joseph, fencer, Cowper st. Edwards, John, Vickery st. Logue, C , Waverley Family Hotel, Cowper st. Edwards, John, bookseller, Bourko st. Loguo's livery stables, Cowper st. Edwards, Thomas, carpenter, Isabella st. Lorking, George, Clifton cottage, S. H. rd. Egah, John, dray proprietor, Blenheim st. Enwright, Patrick, Edmund st. M'COY, J. S., Belmoro house, Coogee Bay rd. Evans, Charles Mottram, Nelson rd. M'Namara, James, Edmund st. Evans,-H.& W., oil and colormen, Vickcry st. MacDonald, John, South Head rd., Old Evans, William, stonsmason, Isabella st. Mackenzie, Alex., dairyman, Waverley st. Macpherson, John, Smithers st. FABMILO, NATHANIEL, plasterer, Bourke st. j Madden, Daniel, Vickery st. DIRECTORY. Madden, John, Vickery sc. Maddocks, J. Alfred, Landarff, Botany st. Maguiro, James, candle maker, Waverley st. Massoy, R. G., Chesterfield, Nelson rd. Mills, John, Victoria st. Mitchell, Rev. S., Springfield, Nelson Bay rd. Molloy, Benjamin, blacksmith, South Headrd. Moore, Charles I t , Vilotte villa, Waverley st. Morrison, John, bootmaker, South Head rd. Mortimer, Wm., council clerk, Waverley st. Mundy, William, Compton cottage, Cowper st. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, Waverley st. NEWELL, MRS., Abbotsford, Nelson Bay rd. Newman, R. W., Mainhoad lodge, S. II. rd. O'BBIEN, FBANCIS, Bondi Bay You 221 Smith, Joseph, bus proprietor, Cowper st Smith, Mrs. Ellen, corn store, Cowper st. Smith, W., Roxburgh cottage, Waverley st. Smith, William, carpenter, Nelson Bay rd. Smyth, Owen, baker and grocer, Vickery st. Spain, William, Palraerston, Birrell s t Spring, William, South Head rd. ST. CHARLES' R.C. school, Vickery st. ST. JOSEPH, R.O. church, Vickery s t ST. MABY'S, OnuRcn OP ENGLAND, Birrell st. ST. MARY'S, CnoBcn OP ENGLAND SCHOOL Church st. Stephens, C. J., Aldridge house, Vickery st. Stevenson, Mrs. Hannah, NelgptrBay rd. Strain, James, Smithers sC Swain, Daniel, bootmaker, Isabella st. Swyney, Wm., brass moulder, S. H. rd., Old O'Brien, James, Bondi Bay O'Brien, Patrick, stonemason, South Head rd. TAYLOR, J., cabinetmaker, Newland st. O'Keefe, Daniel, farrier, &c, South Head rd. Taylor, Miss Jessie, Lugar Brae, Nelson rd. Taylor, Thomas, grocer, Cowper st. Thomas, Wm., grocer, post office, S. H, rd, PARRY, WALTER WILLIAM, Victoria st. Tiernoy, Thomas, Isabella st. Pearce, Henry, grocer, Birrell st. Todd, John, bootmaker, Birrell st. Pearsall, James, farrier, Cowper st. Per£j£jJohn Phillip, Henrietta st. PluminoT, T., boot manufactory, S. H. rd., Old VENESS, JOHN, saddler, South Head rd. Vickery, Ebenezer, Eden house, Vickery st Porter, James, gardener, Albion st. Pottie, John, veterinary surgeon, Cowper st. Vickery, James, Salem villa, Botany st. Vickery, Joseph, Vickery st. Powe, William, carpenter, South Head rd. Vincent, John, stonemason, Isabella st. Powell, Edward, Grafton st. Vizer and Son, painters, &c, South Head rd. ' Power, Edward, Edmund st. Punchard, Robert, Smithers st. WALES, WILLIAM, quarryman, Waverly St. Raymond, P., soap manufactory, Edmund St. Reegan, Thomas, Waverley st. Revell, Edwin, bootmaker, Nelson Bay rd. Richardson, George F., plasterer, Cowper st Rillstone, Richard, Nelson Bay rd. Robins, John, butcher, Cowper st. Robins, William, plasterer, Bourke -st. Robinson, A., quarryman, Nelson Bay rd. Robinson, James, Vernon st. Rouse, Henry, Salisbury st. Howe, James, stonemason, South Head rd. SANDS, JOHN, South Head rd. Walker, Thomas B., Victoria st, Ward, Thomas, Bourke st. Watkins, John, stonemason, Edgecliffo rd. Watkins, Richard, Bulwell cottage, Birrell st. Watson, Richard, Cowper st. WAVERLEY PRESBYTERIAN SCHOOL, Gros venor st Weokes, Oharles, bricklayer, Grosvonor s t Weekos, Edward C, Grosvenor st. WESLEYAN CHAPEL, South Head rd. Whitworth, John, stonemason, Edmund st. Wiley, J., Gateshead house, S. H. rd., Old Williams, J., Anglesea villa, South Head rd. Williams, John, quarryman, Grafton st. Wills, Mrs. Elizabeth, Nelson st. Wolfskehl, William, Salisbury st. Woolfroy, Rev. H. N., Vickery st. Wright, W., Kalithumpian cottage, Flood st. Schofield, Rev. W., Bondi house, S. H. rd. Scott, David, pyrotechnist, &c, Waverley st. Scott, Ebcnczor, Isabella st. Seidel, Henry, gardener, Nelson rd. Sewell, Henry, saddler, Vernon st. YEEND, ROBERT, Ocean View, Nelson Bay rd. Shinnick, Patrick, South Head rd. Shorthill, Miohael, bus proprietor, Edmund st. Young, Arthur, gardener, South Head rd. Young, Charles, Isabella st. Smith, George, engineer, Isabella s t 'wyix&iQ^j&t Lin WOOLLAHRA. COMPRISING THAT PORTION OF THE MUNICIPALITY CONTIGUOUS TO THE SOUTH HEAD ROAD. ACKLAND, H., Coachman's Arms, S. H. rd., New Cripps, Thomas, South Head rd. Crozier, F. W., Arnold house, Point Piper rd, Alford, John, Dynevor terrace, Piper s t Cuff, William H., South Head rd. Allen, Oswald, Bulah cottage, Piper St. Armitage, Hy., J.P., Hawthorndcn, Edgecliffe Cummins, Andrew, stonemason, Spicer st. Cummins, James, stonemason, Spicer st. rd. Cummins, Michael, stonemason, Spicer st. Amos, Rev. Richard, "Wesley cottage Cummins, Patrick, stonemason, Spicer st. Anderson, James, Wallis st. Austin, George, Breslingdon villa, Albert st, DALOETV, MRS. ELIZABETH, Wallis s t Daniel, Edward H., grocer, Piper st. Bamford, R. H., Spicer lane Davis, Gatewood C, Woodland bank Barton, Mrs., ladies' school, Ocean St. Dawson, Robert C, bootmaker, S. H. rd. Deniehy, Mrs. Adelaide, school, John st. Beaver, Thomas, Moncur st. Dewbery, Mark, carpenter, Spicer st. Bechenham, John, greengrocer, Wallls St. Dixon, George J., Long view, Point Piper rd. Bedford, Bernard, Denison st. Dodge, James, draper, Denison st. Bennett, D., Denison st. Blackburn,R., market gardener, S. H.rd., Old Dorhaucr, Christian, carpenter, Piper St. Dorhauer, Henry, builder, Piper st. Blakey, William, Denison st. Dowell, Miss Mary, boarding house, S. H. rd. Bligh, Richard, Charlotte villa, S. H. rd. Dowling, James S., Judge D. G, Wallis st. Bown, Robert, Wallis st. Dowling, John, Denison st. Bradstock, Henry, Globe cottage, John st. Doyle, Mrs. Mary, Piper st. Bray, Humphrey, bus proprietor, John st. Doyle, R», sergeant of police, Point Piper rd. Bray, Thomas, J.P., Point Piper rd. Drewett, J. W., Dalston villa, Point Piper rd. Bray, Thomas, grocer, Ocean s t Duigan, E. J., surgeon, Ocean s t Briscoe, Joseph 8., Denison st. Dunn, Mrs., ladies school, Nelson st. Brown, Frederick J., Point Piper rd. Dunn, William, carpenter, John st. Brown, Thomas, greengrocer,, Denison st. Durham, Mrs., Point Piper rd. Brown, John, Avoca cottage, Grafton st, Dwyer, Timothy, schoolmaster, Moncur s t Buck, William, cabinetmaker, Ocean St. Bulgin, John, blacksmith, Spicer st. Burrows, George, Nelson st. EDWARDS, BENEDICK, Leicester cottage, S. H. rd. Burton, Edward S., Piper st. Ellis, John W., Vino cottage, Point Piper rd. Emmonds, Joseph, dairyman, Point Piper rd. Byrnes, Rev. William, Wallls st. Evans, Edward, John s t CALDWELL, THOMAS P., Edgecliffe rd. Evans, Henry, Piper st. Everson, Robt. A., Tradesman's Arms, John st Campbell, Archibald, Walhs st. Cane, Frederick, Eliza st. Carphin, George, master mariner Piper s t FAIRFAX, ALPBED, Belle Vue hill Casey, Phillip, bricklayer, Piper st., Little Fairfax, John, J. P., Gihnahgiilla, Belle Vue hill Chapman, Edward, Caradon, Albert st. Fancourt, Thomas, Eliza st Oheers, Charles, Wallis st. Fitzgerald, James, butcher, Piper s t Chizlett, Charles, professor of music, Piper st. Fitzhardinge, James F., South Head rd. Clay, Richard, South Head rd. Fleming, Mrs. Janet, greengrocer, Eliza s t Glulough, John S. master mariner, S. H, rd. Ford, William, draper, Ocean s t Cocks, Benjamin, Ocean st. Compton, James T., builder, Piper st. Little GADEK, THOMAS B-, Nelson st CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ANI> SCHOOL, Point Gainforde, Rev., Piper at. Piper rd. Gardiner, 0. W., Kenihvorth lodge, Ocean s t Courtin, Charles, Leemount cottage, S. H. rd. Gardiner, Thomas, Wallis st Crawford, George, Denison st. Gardner, Archibald, John s t BALCOMBE, MRS. L., Napoleon cot, S. H. rd. DIRECTORY. Garnham, George, Piper st Garvey, Charles, bootmaker, Morroll st. Garvey, Richard E., Piper st. Gascoigno, Benjamin, grocer, Piper s t Gnynor, John, Morrell st, Gedye, Charles, Glen terrace, Point Piper rd. Gedye, Charles, junr., Lurlci, Piper s t Giles, Francis, junr., Sherbin villa, Nelson st. Giles, James, South Head rd. Goddard, Charles, Ocean st. Gurman, John V., Tara, Ocean St. Gosling, John R., Ocean st. Griffin, Miss Elizabeth, ladies' school, Piper st. Griftith.TheMisses, ladies'school, Pt. Piperrd. Griffiths, William, Nelson terrace, Piper st. Ray 228 Lloyd, Hon. Edward M.L.C, Rose Bay lodge Logan, William, Ocean s t Lynoh, David, dairyman, Spicer st, M'OARTNEY, ALEXANDER, carpenter, John Bt M'Culloch, Andrew II., South Head rd, M'Donald, Robert, grocer, South Head rd. M'Kenzie, T. D., Rothsay cottage, Piper st. M'Lean, Harold, Occun st. M'Lean, Mrs. J. D., Quirang, Trelawney s t M'Leod, Mrs. Colin, John st. M'Mahon, Michael, dairyman, Spicer s t M'Roberts, Mrs. Cashmere villa, S. H. rd. M'Pherson, Mrs. Marion, South Head rd. Maides, Ebenezer, master mariner, Denison flt Marks, George L., joiner, Piper s t Menzies, Andrew, Ocean st. HAMILTON, TnoMAS, Piper st. Meredith, Edward W., Moncur s t Harris, Mrs. Isabella, South Head rd. Mildwater, James, John st. Haylock, Charles, builder, South Head rd. Miles, Miss, governess, Ashby cottage, John s t Hilliard, Rev. W., Ocean st Miller, Mrs. A., Denison cottage, Denison at Holdsworth, John, Denison st. Milton, Henry, bricklayer, John s t Holdsworth, Richard, Bello Vuo hill Minniss, Mrs., Piper s t Hopkins, Joseph, Beech cottage, S. H. rd. Houghton, John, market gardener, S. H. rd. Morehead, Robert, Piper s t Moren, Simon, mason, Morell st. Houghton, Robert, greengrocer, Piper s t Moore, Joseph, stonemason, Denison s t Howe, James, Calingra, Point Piper rd. Howe, Mrs. Win,, Woollahra lodge, Moncur st. Morris, Mrs. Sarah, Athos cottage, Piper St. Morton, Mrs. Sarah, Piper st. Humbly, Joseph R., John s t Muir, George, baker, Alton st. Hume, Charles, Gardeners' Arms, Piper st. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CHAMBEBS, Ocean st. Huntley, Mrs. Ann, grocer, South Head rd. Munro, George, greengrocer, Piper s t Hutchinson, Alexander, baker, Denison st. Mylrea, Frederick G., Elystan IRELAND, THOMAS, Ravenscraig, Ocean st. JACKSON, WILLIAM, Moncur st. Jackson, William, carpenter, Wallis s t James, George, municipal council chambers Jay, Samuel, draper, Piper s t Jenssen, Edward, Spicer St. Johns, James, gardener, Edgecliffe rd. Johnson, Dynevor terrace, Piper st. Johnston, William, Piper st. Jones, Mrs. Elizabeth, Point Piper rd. KENNEDY, TnoMAS, Nelson place, Piper st, Kerr, William, Moncur st. Kilminster, George W., builder, John st, Kilminster, Peter J., plasterer, Moncur st Kingston, James, Moncur st. Knox, Edward, South Head rd., Now NAUonroN, THOMAS, Edgccliffo rd. Neathern, Richard, Piper s t Neill, John, Vernon st. Nelson, Josiah H,, chemist, South Head rd. Newman, Rev. Patrick, Piper St. Newton, Joseph, John s t Nichols, Honry, Piper st. O'RAFFERTY, R., Bendolla cottage, Eliza st. Oatley, Frederick, Trelawney s t Ordsloy, Thomas, Nelson terrace, Piper s t Orr, Robert, carpenter, Piper st PAGET, TnoMAS, Box Bush cottage, Piper s t Pain, Matthew, gardener, John st Palmer, Frederick, butcher, Piper s t Parnell, Thomas, Gainsboro villa, Woollahra Parr, Thomas, Nelson st. LAMB, JOHN DE V., Medhurst, S. H. rd., New Peaker, Joseph, gardener, Piper St. Phillips, Miss L., ladies' school, Spicer s t Laidley, William, Hillside, Edgecliffe rd. Lawrence, Miss Caroline, dressmaker, Piper s t Piper, Mrs., Violet cottage, Wallis s t Pitt, Henry J., builder, Wallis st. Lawrence, James, painter, John s t Plummer, Thomas, bootmaker, S. H. rd. Lawson, Mrs., Rosemont, Point Piper rd. Price, David, builder, Piper s t Leathes, George S., Arnold house, Piper st. Purtell, Mrs. Ellen, Vernon s t Leclere, Francis, Beech cottage, Nelson st. Lee, Mrs. Emma, Willow cottage QUAIFE, REV. BIAEZLLIA, South Head rd. Lennon, William J., Edgecliffe rd. Quigley, James, bus proprietor, John s t Leonard, John, coal merchant, Piper st. Lever, J. W., plasteror, Piper s t Light, Thomas, stonemason, Piper st. RADFORD, JOSEPH, bootmaker, Moncur st. Lincoln, B., stonemason, Piper s t , Little Randall, Charles, bus proprietor, John st. Iiintern, Mrs. Elizabeth, Moncur st. Raynes, Edward, Wallis s t
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