APPENDIX 1 LESTARI PUCHONG TYPE : DIAl ·DOUBLE-STOREY SHOP OFFICE NO LOT NO PURCHASER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 11001 WONG KON LOONG 11002 RAVINLPARASURAMAN 11003 MENTA CONSTRUCTION SON BHO 11004 MENTA CONSTRUCTION SON BHO 11005 MENTA CONSTRUCTION SON BHO 11010 PROVIDENCE PROPERTIES SON BHD 11011 LIEW MEW CHONG 11012 PROVIDENCE PROPERTIES SON BHO 11013 NG MEl CHENG 11015 LAU LEE SEE 11016 MENTA CONSTRUCTION SON BHD 11017 MENTA CONSTRUCTION SON BHD 11018 MENTA CONSTRUCTION SON BHD 11019 MENTA CONSTRUCTION SON BHD 11020 MENTA CONSTRUCTION SON BHD 11021 LIM CHENG HWA 11022 FURR LIE HARDWARE TRADING SON BHD 11023 LEONG HOCK YAM 11024 LIEW FOO KIN 11025 HAU ON HEM 11026 CHONG LOK MEE 11027 HOW CHIN LEE 11028 KONG CHOON FAH 11029 MENTA CONSTRUCTION SON BHD 11030 CHONG FEE LAN 11031 KUAR CHOON WAH 11032 YAPYEE MENG 11033 WONGKIMONN 11034 PROVIDENCE PROPERTIES SON BHD 11035 KEMBANG MASYUR SON BHD 11036 NG CHIEW HONG SELLING PRICE 590,500.00 338,800.00 338,800.00 338,800.00 338,800.00 326,800.00 338,800.00 438,500.00 355,700.00 338,800.00 338,800.00 338,800.00 338,800.00 338,800.00 517,900.00 563,700.00 368,800.00 368,800.00 368,800.00 368,800.00 368,800.00 368,800.00 387,200.00 519,000.00 368,800.00 368,800.00 368,800.00 368,800.00 485,500.00 368,800.00 827,200.00 PAYMENT / SPA DATED CREDIT 442,875.00 29/5/2003 101 ,640.00 21/8/2006 328,636.00 26/3/2004 328,636.00 26/3/2004 328,636.00 26/3/2004 326,800.00 24/9/2007 101,640.00 7/11/2004 438,500.00 24/9/2007 160,065.00 4/7/2004 152,460.00 19/12/2003 328,636.00 26/03/2004 328,636.00 26/03/2004 328,636.00 26/03/2004 328,636.00 26/03/2004 502,363.00 26/03/2004 253,1 65.00 4/4/2003 165,960.00 29/9/2003 165,960.00 1/10/2003 165,960.00 31/10/2003 165,960.00 27/10/2003 165,960.00 5/10/2003 165,960.00 16/10/2003 173,740.00 21/08/2003 503,430.00 26/03/2004 165,960.00 2/10/2003 165,460.00 8/4/2003 165,460.00 6/4/2003 165,960.00 27/07/2003 485,500.00 24/09/2007 165,960.00 21/4/2005 372,240.00 30/3/2004 Statement Of Affairs FORM61 Companies Act, 1965 STATE!v!ENT OF AFF AlRS LESTARI PUCHONG SDN BHD (Company No. 511232-K) Date: 0 3 SEP 2012 Valuation (for each entry show whether cost or net book amount) Rivf Estimated Realisable Values Rl\1 Assets not specifically charged : a b c d e f g h Real estate as detailed in Schedule A Sundry debtors as detailed in Schedule B Cash on hand Cash at bank Stock as detailed in inventory Work in progress Plant and equipment as detailed in inventory Other assets as detailed in Schedule C Sub-Total 2 878,885 10,237,978 500 1,426,447 878,885 6,081,968 500 1,426,447 23,303,825 541,126 487,160 487,160 36,334,795 9,416,086 :I Assets subject to specific charges Less amounts owing as detailed in ScheduleD Total Assets 36,334,795 :I 9,416,086 Total Estimated Realisable Values 3 Less preferential creditors entitled to priority over the holders of debentures under any floating charged as detailed in schedule E 4 Less amounts owing and secured by debenture or floating charge over company's assets to 5 Less preferential creditors as detailed in Schedule F 17,444,621 17,444,621· 6 Creditors (unsecured) as detailed in Schedule G 71,800,036 71,800,036 Amount claimed (Rl\tf) 89,244,657 89,244,657 7 Valuation (for each entry show whether cost or net book amount) Estimated Realisable Values Rl'vi Rl'vi 69,515,026 (122,42-+,888) (!49,343,598) Balances owing to partly secured creditors as detailed in Schedule H Total Claims (Rivl) Security Held (Rl'vf) 8 Contingent assets (RM) Estimated to produce as detailed in Schedule I 9 Contigent liabilities (RM) Estimated to rank as detailed in Schedule J Estimated deficiency or Estimated surplus (Subject to costs of administration liquidation) Share Capital 5,000,000 Issued 2,600,000 Paid Up Rl'vf 2,600,000 69,515,026 SCHEDl'L.E:A Reo I E"o re Addrus and Oeseripcion of Proptny Co.n Prict orBook Value E.srint:tced Rtnlisnble V:due R"l R.-,1 Vnlu:uion P::trticuhtn of Tenancy for rnting Purposes Short Panitul:trS ofTitfe Wh•re Poues.sion or Deeds may be Obtoined R.'l I Pul•u f:>embat Sga jlhd (In Liguidar:on) No.:!-I,Jln PM 7, Pulau Melaka 1,75000 Melal<a ~-Storoy Sho)l'Offiee (ESP-1190-1) w .:6s 141.:65 Under Con$U"Uction 95~'. :V!aster PT94, HS(D) 36188 No.l-:.-..Jin P!>! S, Pulau Melaka l ,75000 Melai<a 4-Srorey ShopiOffice (ESP·li4Z·ZA) 80.:36 80.::36 Under Con.wucrion 9$~'o Master P'T94, HS(DJ 36188 340,766 340,766 Under Construction SO% Muter P'T94. HS(D) 36138 77,089 77.089 Under Construction 85% Master PT94, HS(D) 36188 <~-Storey ShopiOffice (ESP-21742·28) 77,823 77,82:3 Under Cot\Strucuon 85% Master PT94, HS(D) 36188 Lesri!i Puchong :i~n Bhd No. IS,Jin LEP 516, Seksyen S, Taman Leswi Pun 43300 Bdr Purta Permai. Selangor :-Storey Terrace House (DS4F/460S4) 161,707 161,707 Site Office Master PT50605, HS(D) 141:04 I I I I l'o.-IS.Jin PM S, Pulau Melaka I, 75000 Melaka 4-Storey Shop/Offico ( ESl'·l/135-G) No.1·2.A..Jin P!>! D,l'u!au Melaka 1,75000 Melaka 4·Sroroy Shop/Office (ESP-2!741-2A) No.2·2B.Jin PM 13, Pulau Melaka 1,75000 :V!elaka 878.885 S7S.S85 SCHEDt;LE 8 Sundr:· Debtors (Including loa-n Debtors) Name .'iature Amount R:VI Puchong Gateway Development Sdn Bbd Puncak Kesuma Sdn Bhd Prespei<tifPerkasa Sdn Bhd Trade Debtors Trade Debtors -Miscellaneous, Contra 9,438 4,704,480 0 4,724,659 i99,40l 10.237,978 ~ Amount Re.:Jlisable Deficiency R.\-1 KVI 6,08! ,968 6,08!,968 Paniculars of Security (if any) Held Explanation or Deficiency SCHEDULE C Other Assets Description of Deposit or Investment Cost &\I Amount Realisable RM Deposits:MPAJ, i'vfPPJ, tvfPSJ Telephone TNB Others- JKR Selangor 198,900 800 127,460 160,000 487,160 } 48i160 487,160 SCHEDULED Assets Subject to Specific Charges. Liens, }lortgages, Bills of Sale or Hire Purchase Agreements Employees' Name and Address Wages Holiday Pay Long Service Leave Estimated Liability R\l R\I R\I NIA SCHEDULEE Preferenti:ll Creditors Entitled to Priority over the Holders of Debentures under any Floating Charge Employees' N:tme and Address \-Yages Holiday Pay Long Service leave Estimated Liability R\I Rvi R\I N/A SCHEDULEF Preferential Creditors (Other than those Detailed in Schedule E) Name and Address of Preferential Creditors Description of Amount O'"ing Amount Owing RM Inland Revenue Board Income Ta,'< Payable 17,444,621 - 17,444,621 SCHEDULE G Unsecured Creditors Name and Address of Creditors Amount as per Amount Reason for Management Dispute Amount Admitted as Accounts Owing Pending (if any) Proof of Debt Exercise RM 1 Abadika.n Engineering Sdn Bhd 2 Akauntan Negara Malaysia 3 All Glory Construction Sdn Bhd 4 Alp way Engineering Sdn Bhd 5 Alunan Prestari Sdn Bhd 6 Ambang Sepakat Sdn Bhd 7 Ang Lee Sui 8 Ans Builders Sdn Bhd 9 Athens Park Sdn Bhd 10 Authority-Land office, 11 AZ Reliable Sdn Bhd 12 Baker Tilly monteiro heng 13 Bendahari Negeri Selangor 14 BTM Security Services Sdn Bhd 15 Chahal Enterprise 16 Chew Kiong Lam Construction Sdn Bhd 17 Colliers, Jordan Lee & Jaafar Sdn Bhd 18 Cribcon (M) Sdn Bhd 19 CSP Road Builders 20 Delta Force Security Services & Consultancy Sdo Bhd 2! Design Practice Consultant (Arkitek DPC Sdn Bhd) 22 Docuprint Trading 23 Dr YG Tan Jurutera Perunding 24 Envitech Sdn Bhd 25 Fidelity Consortium Sdn Bhd 26 Full Force Security Services Sdn Bhd 27 Geoplanner Consulting Sdn Bhd 28 GRA Architects Sdn Bhd ( Gerak Reka Akitek SIB) 29 Heis Enterprise 30 Heritage Engineering Sdn Bhd 31 Hupt-Lek Electrical Sdn Bhd "'? Harvest Worldwide Sdn Bhd :1..,.., .);) High Century Sdn Bhd 34 Hussein & Lob, Architects Sdn Bhd 35 Ingenious Time Sdn Bhd 36 James Chin Architect 37 Jayapadu Bersatu Kawalan Sdn Bhd 38 JTC Planners Sdn Bhd 39 1urukurTerra Consult 40 Jurukur Terra Consult Sdn Bhd 41 Jurutera TSSC Lim Sdn Bhd 42 Juso Development Sdn Bhd 43 Kasuhada Sdn Bhd 44 KEB Builders Sdn Bhd 45 Korekan Instantflow Sdn Bhd 46 Kumpulan Europlus Berhad ( Interest) 47 Leelaa Resources·Sdn Bhd 48 Lernbaga Jurukur Tanah Semenanjung Malaysia 49 Lengkap Dimensi Sdn Bhd 50 Liberty Force Sdn Bhd 51 Lico Engieering Works 52 LCB Management Sdn Bhd 1,308 2,690 2,993 80,876 151,020 300,000 2,472 76,263 64,557 1,462,958 1,412 16,000 3,613,347 2,948 600 4"'"' ;).) 11,250 19,403 1,249 32,820 13,047 30 13,613 3,000 1,043,420 5,688 I 1,750 10,38 I 28,800 33,674 65,956 29,869 84,813 72 58,313 10,136 11,375 36,451 5,250 52,479 349,299 250,000 16,000 1,439,145 1,900 3,389,374 1,030 7,767 95 62,003 9,234 7,581,127 RM 1,308 2,690 2,993 80,876 151,020 300,000 2,472 76,263 64,557 1,462,958 1,412 16,000 3,613,347 2,948 600 433 11,250 19,403 1,249 32,820 13,047 30 13,613 3,000 1,043,420 5,688 11,750 10,381 28,800 33,674 65,956 29,869 84,813 72 58,313 10,136 11,375 36,451 5,250 52,479 349,299 250,000 16,000 1,439,145 1,900 3,389,374 1,030 7,767 95 62,003 9,234 7,581,127 SCHEDULE G Unsecured Creditors N11me and Address of Creditors Amount Reason for Amou nt as per Admitted as Management Dispute Amount Owing Pending (if any) Accounts Proof of Debt Exercise RiVI 53 M.K.S.K. Landscaping Sdn Bhd 54 Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya 55 Maju Jaya M&J Enterprise 56 Master-Bond Technic Sdn Bhd 57 Messrs Ricky Tan &co 58 Nada Cekap Sdn Bhd 59 Nas Consult 60 Nik James Ferrie Arkitek 6 I Nilai Landscape Sdn Bhd 62 Other Creditors 63 Other Creditors - Puan Sri Thong Nyok Choo 64 Panacon Enterprise 65 Park World Recreation Sdn Bhd 66 Perisai Bernas (M) Sdn Bhd 67 Perunding Alam Bina Sdn Bhd 68 Pioneer Horizon Sdo Bhd 69 Poh Kien Piling & Trading Sdn Bhd 70 Pola Studio 71 Project 33 Construction Sdn Bhd 72 Pro-Nature Sdn Bhd 73 Rozisrna Security Services Sdn Bhd 74 Saga Wana Plumbing Sdn Bhd 75 Saga Fire Engineering Sdn Bhd 76 Salam Kurnia Builders Sdn Bhd 77 Savechem Sdn Bhd 78 Security-Pro Protection & Security Services Sdn Bhd 79 Shahrizat Rashid & Lee 80 Sinarbina Designs & Renovation Enterprise 8 I Solid Horizon Sdn Bhd 82 Sri Binaraya Sdn Bhd 83 Sri Wangi Nursery 84 Standard Line Security Sdn Bhd 85 Sun Integratred Builders Sdn Bhd 86 Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (SBASSB) 87 Syarikat Jari Pemborong' Am Sdn Bhd 88 Techjaya Builders Sdn Bhd 89 Teh Suria Services Sdn Bhd 90 Tenaga Nasional Berhad 91 The In Design & Build Sdn Bhd 92 Universal Drillers Sdn Bhd 93 Utilities (I) -SYABAS 94 Utilities (2) -Telekom 95 Utilities (3) -TNB 96 Ukay Land Sdn Bhd 97 VTS Communications Sdn Bhd 98 VTS Engineering Sdn Bhd 99 Wong Chee Ming Sdn Bhd 100 Yakin Konsult I 0 I Yongwang Construction Sdn Bhd Ri\<I 574 574 1,573,631 I,573,63 I 26.603 26,603 2,134 2,134 26,700 26,700 240 240 4,000 4,000 9,077 9,077 30I,692 30I,692 9,I99 9,I99 598,500 598,500 2,460 2,460 4,847 4,847 3 I,8I9 31,819 4,571 4,571 543,499 543,499 26,854 26,854 350 350 446,367 446,367 1,916 1,916 35,453 35,453 2,870 2,870 45, 175 45,175 2,160,082 f,I60,082 8,081 8,081 54,394 54,394 2,370 2,370 278 278 23,598 23,598 742,410 742,410 21,902 21,902 15,870 15,870 41,355 41,355 (33,005) (33,005) 889,372 889,372 170,980 I70,980 18,630 18,630 636,423 636,423 6,124 6,124 14,923 14,923 14 14 251 251 186,0I6 I86,0I6 40,866,545 40,866,545 1,500 1,500 97,759 97,759 215 215 17,162 I7,I62 1,688,565 I,688,565 7I,800,036 7I,800,036 SCHEDULE H Partly Secured Creditors Name and Address of Creditors Particulars of Security Held Nature of Security Estimated Value of Security Held Amount Owing to Creditors Amount Estimated to Rank as Unsecured RM ~ ~ RM RiVI I'- N/A --....... ~ ~ ~ . SCHEDULEI Contingent Assets Description of Assets Gross Assets R!Vf NIA Estimated to Produce RM SCH£Dl'LE J Conringenr Lillbilirie.s Name ond Address of Crediror :"'~tu re of Lia biliry Gross Liobiliry Esrim~red R."l ?uchosers ~.9i4.~6 Provision for liquidation fees LAD • Puchasers 64,540,101 69.515.026 I hereby certify !hat !he particulars contained in rhe above statement of affairs are true ro the best of my knowledge and belieC Dated !his............ day of.............................. 20 ......... .. ~ (Signature) ... ...... ... ............ ..."'::: .............. ...... . ro Ronk for R.'¥1