Patterns about design in consumer packaging Coffee June 2004 | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 2 Coffee Intro & Contents Introduction & Contents Introduction If you’re a brand manager, marketing professional, or package designer about to begin or in early stages of a package design initiative, it’s essential to be aware of context. “Patterns” is a series of published reports that provide professional observations about package design practices within specific product categories. Method Armed with digital cameras and note pads, our designers visit retail environments and observe product packaging in its natural habitat. We then purchase a selection of examples and bring them back to R.BIRD for closer study. The packages are photographed and analyzed by the team in search of common design threads and patterns of opportunity in the category. Contents Introduction & Contents Overview Environment Structure Structure: Innovation Theme: Origin Theme: Growing Coffee Theme: Drinking Coffee Theme: Experience Color: Ownership Color: Decaf Color: Roast Level Photography Illustration Endorsements Premium vs Value Thank You | Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 3 Coffee Overview Overview Overview Our observations include some of the brands and categories shown above. | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 4 Coffee Environment Environment Environment The images above were taken at supermarkets in the New York metropolitan area. Typically, the coffee aisle is divided into instant coffees, canned ground coffees and premium or whole bean coffees (shown in branded shelving units in the bottom right). | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 5 Coffee Structure Structure Structure Coffee is sold in a variety of structures depending on the type of coffee, volume, and use. Value-priced and bulk coffees are typically sold in cans, tubs, or bricks while bags are reserved for whole beans or specialty coffees seeking that “corner roaster” image. Response Structure, just like every aspect of design, should constantly evolve to meet new usage patterns, shipping and selling concerns, brand strategy, even changes in consumer lifestyle. | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 6 Coffee Structure: Innovation Structure: Innovation Structure: Innovation Nescafé, Harmony Bay, and Folgers have introduced plastic containers which allows them to create comfortable handles, pop-up lids and unique shapes. International Coffees has added a line of instant cappuccino blends sold in individual pouches, but they continue to hold on to their signature rectanglular metal tin, still a unique stand-out in the category. Response Notably absent from the stores we visited were the increasingly popular coffee “pods” (lower right). These little one-hit-wonders are by far the most dramatic innovation in coffee-making. Rather than making an entire pot of coffee at once, each pod makes a single, balanced cup of coffee. Perfect for the onecoffee-drinker family or the coffee fanatic rushing out the door in the morning. | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 7 Coffee Theme: Origin Where It Comes From Where It Comes From Like a fine wine, the character of a coffee is often determined by its place of origin. Whether it’s the mountains of Columbia, the rolling hills of New England, exotic tropical highlands, or even the streets of New York, a unique sense of place reinforces the experiential qualities of the product. Response Projecting a generalized, macroscopic sense of place such as “Mountain Grown” is common to big name brands seeking the widest audience. Focusing on a more specific locale (real or imagined) may be more appropriate for smaller mom-and-pop brands or those seeking a “specialty” image. | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 8 Coffee Theme: Growing Coffee The People Who Grow It Who Grows It Many coffees feature an archetypal persona of the grower, cultivator, picker, or roaster as a key component to their brand. Response The “human touch” is the ingredient that makes this product much more than a simple agricultural commodity. From seedling to sip, it has been cared for by people, not the least of whom are the many people, rolled into one iconic persona, who cultivate and nurture it along the way. | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 9 Coffee Theme: Drinking Coffee The People Who Drink It Who Drinks It The presence of someone enjoying a cup of coffee is common across the category. The are often depicted in a pre-sip state of contemplation where aroma and taste converge - a moment here defined as the “sip-sniff.” Response Coffee is often revered as a rich, thought-provoking product. Depicting a person in a state of enjoyment helps build a strong connection with the powerful sensorial qualities of coffee. | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 10 Coffee Theme: Experience What It Feels Like What it feels like Almost everyone in the category makes an effort to convey the experiential qualities of the product in some way. JavaNa tries to bring the bistro-esque café experience to the grocery shelf, while others play up coffee’s warming, aromatic qualities. Response Starbucks has not only changed the way coffee is sold, they’ve changed the way people think about it - from a simple commodity to a richly-engaging experience, and ultimately a deeper aspect of one’s daily lifestyle. | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 11 Coffee Color: Ownership Owning Color Owning Color Folgers dominates the red spectrum of mass market brands with several others nearby. Chock Full o’ Nuts owns yellow while other brands exist as price-conscious options or use gold to communicate “premium.” Maxwell House owns blue along with other mass market and specialty brands. Response There is opportunity to compete alongside Sanka, the lone entrant in the orange spectrum, particularly since the product line is so narrow. Green is an option, but care should be given considering the color largely stands for decaf across the board. Violet, long known for its associations with royalty, is wide open with only a couple smaller names or specialty products represented. | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 12 Coffee Color: Decaf Decaf Is Green Decaf is Green With the exception of Sanka, virtually every other brand in the category uses the color green to indicate “decaf.” Response If one is considering green as a core part of their brand, they should only do so for a very strong, specific purpose. Many Italian coffees, for example, use green as part of their brand because of its presence in the Italian flag - an indispensable ingredient in Italian equity. Likewise, a few specialty products use green as an indication of the natural or organic aspects of the product. | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 13 Coffee Color: Roast Level Darker Colors = Darker Roast The Darker the Color, the Darker the Roast Almost without exception, the darker the color, the darker or richer the roast. Folgers (top left) and Chock Full o’ Nuts (top right) even provide a color key on the package so customers can understand the roast level at a glance. Espresso roasts, more common to European brands, range from rich deep colors (Sclafani, middle right) to completely black (LavAzza, lower right). Response Roast level is an important purchasing consideration. If executed well, color value can help the customer quickly understand how light or dark the coffee is compared to other varieties in the line. | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 14 Coffee Photography Product Photography Product Photography If it isn’t a picture of beans, it’s probably a picture of a cup of coffee, steam rising, centered at the bottom of the package. Response Providing some depiction of the product can go a long way toward improving appetite appeal. Few of the big name canned coffees had any representation of the product on the package, leaving the customer with no understanding of the product conealed within. When showing a cup of coffee, the choice of cup (a classical gold rimmed tea cup versus a casual diner mug, for example) can provide subtle cues about the positioning of the product. | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 15 Coffee Illustration Illustration Illustration Custom illustration is a common approach in the whole bean and specialty coffees. New England Coffee (upper left) adopts a style similar to 19th century New England folk art. JavaNa employs a whimsical French bistro style first popularized by Starbucks. And Green Mountain Coffee (lower right) uses a style similar to Post-Impressionist Paul Gauguin to evoke a sense of tropical paradise. Response Illustration not only describes the product experience, it implies a sense of craftsmanship. It lends a “one of a kind” aura to the product, prompting the customer to care that much more about it. | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 16 Coffee Endorsements Endorsements Endorsements There are many different forms of endorsement across the category - from the New York-ish “I Love Café Bustelo” to Maxwell House’s ever-famous “Good to the Last Drop” (lower right). Products which adhere to fair trade standards such as Green Mountain Coffee (upper right) proudly display a stamp of certification, while others rely on a simple gold ribbon for added confidence about quality and taste. Response The best endorsements are those that come from unbiased sources or, as is the case with Maxwell House, offered up unsolicited by a former President of the United States (Roosevelt). | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 17 Coffee Premium vs. Value Premium vs. Value Structure Premium coffees come in bags, just as they’re sold by the corner roaster. Value coffees sell in cans, bricks or other less delicate structures. Graphics Premium graphics tend to be richer and deeper, with greater attention to detail and materials. Value graphics tend to be much simpler and flatter. Personal Appeal Premium brands often provide a compelling reason why the customer should care more about them. Value brands often focus more on the facts than they do on any “greater” motivations. Premium vs. Value Three ways of differentiating between premium and value brands are structure, graphics, and personal appeal. Response There appears to be a significant gap between premium and value brands. Maxwell House is now selling a midrange “premium blend” in bags alongside higher-priced coffees by Starbucks, Newman’s Own, and others. Look for that trend to continue and for other brands to fill the gap using a combination of structure, graphics, and personal appeal to reach their target market with a “premium” message. | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax page 18 Coffee Thank You Thank You Thank you for your interest in “Patterns.” Interested in a custom report? We can expand further on a report we’ve already published or we can build a custom report specifically suited for your business initiative. Interested parties should contact Joseph Favata, Creative Director, at 914-989-9300 or by email at [email protected] to learn more or to make a request. Questions or comments? For questions and comments please send email to [email protected]. About R.BIRD R.Bird & Company, Inc. is a New York identity and design consulting firm with more than 20 years of experience creating package design, brand identity, corporate identity, corporate communications, website, application, and user interface design solutions. Its clients are internationally-recognized brands and strategy-oriented organizations. Copyright notice The contents of this document are ©Copyright 2004, R.BIRD & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of this document may be reproduced, published, or distributed in any form without prior written consent from R.BIRD & Company, Inc. Any trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owners. | Designing Brand Corporate and Net ID R.Bird & Company, Inc. Ten Bank Street • White Plains NY 10606 USA • 914 989 9300 • 914 989 9318 fax
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Coffee - R.BIRD
volume, and use. Value-priced and bulk coffees are typically sold in cans, tubs,
or bricks while bags are reserved for whole beans or specialty coffees seeking
that “corner roaster” image.