August 2007 - Eastside Harley Owners Group


August 2007 - Eastside Harley Owners Group
The RodeHOG
Issue #112
August 2007
Eastside HOG Chapter #5389 – Bellevue, WA
Montana State Rally Update
20 Questions with Mike Rorvick
9 New Certified Lady Riders!
Eastside HOG Meets Silverdale HOG For The
Carbonado/ Cindy Morrissey Memorial Ride
Eastside H.O.G.
Is Sponsored by
ES-HOG Chapter Meeting
Wednesday July 25, 2007
Roundtable Pizza
¾ Call to Order – Oliver Mills
¾ Welcome – Grant Ringel
¾ New Members – Mike Rorvick
¾ Activities – Randy Taylor
Newsletter Contents
Meeting Agenda …………………....
Director’s Message…………………
Assistant Director’s Message ..……
Membership Update……..…………
Montana Update ……………………
Lady Riders ………………………..
Rode Captain’s Message …………
Treasurer's Message..………………
Carbonado Photos ........…………..
Pignic ……………………. …………
More Ride Photos ………………….
Officers ……………………………..
¾ Newsletter – Jozef Bielec
¾ Road Captain – Dave Bernoudy
¾ Safety – Dan Christman
¾ LOH – Lisa Leurquin-Hallett
¾ Membership – Micki Brown
¾ Treasury – Rich Moothart
¾ Webmaster – Jeff Wandling
¾ Items from the floor/Close
¾ 50 / 50 Drawing
¾ Door Prize Drawing
¾ Words of Wisdom
Next Chapter Meeting:
August, 22, 2007
Eastside HOG - Bellevue, Washington
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Sponsored by Eastside Harley-Davidson
By Grant Ringel
Director's Column
A new Oyster Run in the making?
So, did you make it to XXX in Issaquah for Eastside Harley-Davidson's new event in July? A well-organized event and
great weather combined for a HUGE crowd all afternoon to eat, listen to bands, check out the bikes and socialize.
Thanks to MANY Eastside HOG members who pitched in (many for the entire day) to help make the event a
success. Lots of people were pleasantly surprised by the turn-out, commenting that for a first-time event with a very
conservative advertising budget it sure turned into a home run. I guess all those fliers at the dealership and elsewhere
were pretty effective!
Several of us judged the bike show and found out quickly that it's harder than you think. (do you put the old Sportster in
the antique category or in the Sportster category?) You wouldn't think it would matter if they won, but you'd be
surprised. There were a number of very cool rides entered in the contest with best of show going to a chopper with
awesome paint. A couple of very tough looking V-Rods got a lot of attention also.
Nice work Eastside. This thing has potential.
Riding season is reaching its peak with several long chapter rides in the books and a couple of more to go. Several
members went to the Ride to the Wall in D.C. and were on the road there and elsewhere for more than 50 days! My
heroes. All I have to do is win the lottery or wait until I retire and I too could be so lucky. Can't wait.
The Montana Rally ride is finished, the ride to Sun Valley will be done by the time you read this, several members will
be heading for the Idaho State Rally and our ride to meet the Topeka Chapter at Glacier is coming up at the end of
August. This is on top of the day rides and dinner rides that are in full swing.
There are a ton of active members pitching in on events, picnics, planning and leading rides, etc., etc. This has been a
great year so far, so let's make sure we....
Grant Ringel
Director, Eastside HOG
Eastside HOG Chapter Meeting Location
Our Next Chapter Meeting
is on
Wednesday August 22, 2007
7:00 pm
Issaquah Roundtable Pizza
Check us out on the web at
Eastside HOG - Bellevue, Washington
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Sponsored by Eastside Harley-Davidson
Assistant Director’s
7) What one ride do you want to take before you lower
your kick stand for the last time?
Hwy. 1 to Calif. Or 101; whatever it is.
Getting to know your Eastside HOG Board:
20 Questions with Mike Rorvick.
1) Mike, give us some personal information about
What president was in office when you were born?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Where were you born/raised
Seattle, WA; grew up in Kirkland, WA
How would friends in high school describe you?
Everybody's friend.
Where do or did you work?
Retired after 35 years in the moving and storage
2daughters, 2 stepsons, 7 grandchildren.
8) What ride do you look forward to every year and why?
Leavenworth Accordion Festival you fool. I have yet
to breakdown on this ride.
2) Give us your Favorites
Movie: Treasure of the Sierra Madre w/ Humphrey
Bike Movie: Pee Wees Great Adventure
Book: 1-Holy Bible, 2-Lonesome Dove, 3-Catch
Vacation Spot: Zihuatanejo, Mexico
Actor: Robert Deniro
Food Dish: Pizza from Pagliachi’s
Athlete: Muhammed Ali
Sport: Formula 1 Racing
Musician: Elvis
Song: Gotta Serve Somebody by Bob Dylan
TV Show: The McLaughlin Group
TV Bike Show: Road Racing
Day of the week: Doesn’t matter, I don’t know what
day it is anyway.
12) Who do you admire the most and why?
I admire my wife Cheri more than anyone; she can
handle any situation and always keeps on the “sunny
side” of life.
9) What Harley model would you buy next and why?
The “Deluxe”. I like the classic design.
10) Who's the most famous person you've met?
Reggie Tucker. I don’t get around much.
11) Who's the one person you would like to meet & why?
Tony Evans. He’s Pastor of the Oakcliff Bible Church
in Dallas, Tx. And he’s my favorite preacher.
3) If you could have a life mulligan (do over) what would it
be ?
More emphasis on education; less on having a good
4) What model was your first Harley
2001 Road King, 1st bike was a Honda Super 90.
5) Why Harley and not another motorcycle brand.
The sound was what 1st attracted me, but now it is
the Harley sense of “family”. I don’t believe any other
brand has the sense of camaraderie.
6) Of all the rides you've taken, which one stands out the
most and why?
The ride to the Chevron Station last Saturday; I didn’t
break down.
Eastside HOG - Bellevue, Washington
13) What do you want to be doing in 5 yrs?
14) Besides riding motorcycles, what are your other
Vacuuming, cleaning toilets, making the bed,
yardwork etc., etc., etc. I don’t cook though.
15) What don't most people know about you?
I’m actually pretty nice………before 4:00 P.M.
16) What gets you fired up (angry)?
Litterbugs, Tailgaters, Reckless Drivers.
17) What relaxes you (puts you at ease)?
Reading a good book
18) What non-living person would you have liked to have
a conversation with and why?
I would love to speak w/ Adam and Eve and find out
why they could not follow one simple rule; look at the
mess they created.
19) What's your biggest mistake?
My biggest mistake was riding “Sweep” to the
Montana State Hog Rally.
20) If you could, what one message would you like to
communicate to the world?
Ride hard, you can rest when you die.
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Sponsored by Eastside Harley-Davidson
Membership Update
By Micki Brown
Membership Director
What a great month of riding! Hope you’re all out there – driving safely – and are enjoying this
beautiful PNW weather! The July 8th ES HOG LOH ride to Carbonado for the Cindy Morrissey
Memorial Ride was just one of the many that your ES HOG officers plan and support.
We have quite a few new members and some new H-D owners who found ES HOG and are
making it their “home” Chapter, so make it a point to look them up at our meetings and rides and
see if you can find out their favorite roads to ride!
Melissa Baker joins us riding her ’05 Sportster
Paul Beethe joins us on his 1993 Ultra Classic Anniversary Edition
Jim Eldredge has a new 2007 Heritage Softail
Scott Sheehan – he’ll be letting us know what he rides at the meeting!
Scott Sprinkle rode his 2005 Dyna with us to Carbonado, and
Tracy Williams is sporting a new 2007 Road King Classic!
I hope everyone is enjoying celebrating H.O.G. Members’ birthdays each month … if this is your
birthday month, make sure and check in at the Membership Table for a free gift!
I understand that at the June meeting (Ron & I were somewhere in mid-America enjoying beautiful
riding weather …) the birthday winner was awarded a gift certificate from Round Table Pizza –
hope you enjoyed it!
Our July’s celebrants are:
Michael Calkins
David Penewell
Ron Radtke
Denise Francis
Karen Penewell
Bill Saunders
Patrick Hicks
Patrick Hurley
Jerry Penor
Mona Pillers
Paul Van Wagner
Again many thanks to Carolyn Roff and Gail Toebe who have “volunteered” to step into my
Membership duties for the June Membership meeting – couldn’t do it without them!
Micki Brown
ES H.O.G. Membership Officer
Mike & Dan Enjoy the
views at XXX
Dave, Mike & Dan at XXX
The views at XXX
Eastside HOG - Bellevue, Washington
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Sponsored by Eastside Harley-Davidson
Eastside HOG Attends Montana State Rally
-as always, it was an adventure!
By, Grant Ringel
Several members of our Eastside Chapter
saddled up to attend the Montana State Rally in
Bozeman in July and, as usual for any long ride,
there was plenty to talk about when we got
Fortunately, the worst weather we ran into on
the whole trip was when we left EHD's parking
lot. Dark clouds were rolling our way and it was
just beginning to rain when we headed
east. Member David Marks ALMOST got left
behind due to our punctual departure as we
were trying to beat the rain, but in the end he
had two or three minutes to spare.
He did, however, manage to arrive with slightly
less than a full load of fuel. We found out at the
first gas stop in Ellensburg that David wasn't, in
fact, yo-yoing in the group, but coasting on the
downhill sections to conserve fuel. He's in the
running for most fuel at a gas stop after
managing to get 5.1 gallons of gas into his 5
gallon tank!
Assistant Director (and ride sweep) Mike
Rorvick provided the second adventure when
he vanished from the pack west to Spokane on
I-90. He was sitting along the slab with a
puddle of oil under his bike along with a guy
riding a junker crotch rocket, who had sort of
joined up with us and BROKE DOWN AT THE
SAME TIME!!! What a sight seeing the two
bikers along the road waiting for tow
trucks. Sad. Everyone was OK, but Mike had
to spend a couple of nights in Spokane until his
bike was in shape to head home.
After that, the trip was all good. We spent the
first night in Missoula and saw a lot of HOG
members headed toward Bozeman. The
morning of the second day on the road we met
a group from Calgary at the Missoula dealership
and struck up a conversation and then
departed. When we made it to the dealership in
Bozeman to register for the Rally, we met up
Page 14 HOG - Bellevue, Washington
with them again and made arrangements to ride
with them the next morning.
We rode with the Calgary group on a suggested
ride south through Virginia City, MT and saw
some nice scenery. At Virginia City the Calgary
group doubled back to participate in the Rally
parade but the Eastside group completed the
loop. We met up that night with several
Eastside members who came from other
destinations (including Ron and Micki Brown,
Mike Taylor and Tom Dore who came from
Washington D.C. and the Ride to the Wall as
well as Billy Dyer who was out on an adventure
of his own)
The Rally was well organized and fun. The
dinner on Friday and Saturday nights
(especially Friday) were good and we met a lot
interesting people from the Montana area. The
biker rodeo they held Saturday afternoon
included the typical biker rodeo fare as well as
many of those same HOG members riding real
I think the winning ride was around 5 seconds
and, to tell the truth, I think the bulls were more
like pets than the PBR monsters you see on TV,
but it was entertaining anyway. Too far for me
to fall, I can tell you that much. No one seemed
to get seriously hurt and we all had a good
Sunday the group split and went on their ways
in several different directions. Three of us
(David Marks, my son and Chapter member
Ben Ringel and I) headed for Billings, turned
south and went over Beartooth Pass, dashed
through the northern half of Yellowstone and
wound up 13 hours later back in Bozeman for
the night. Monday we headed home over Lolo
Pass across Idaho and spent the night in
Lewiston and made it home over Chinook Pass
on Tuesday. The ride home would have been
worth the whole trip!!
If you get a chance to attend a state rally, I
would highly recommend it--especially if there is
a chapter ride to an out-of-state event.
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Sponsored by Eastside Harley-Davidson
ESHOG now has 9 new certified lady riders!
Congratulations To:
Susan McIntosh
Patty McKeon
Jessica Pierman
Deborah Rice
Pandora Stoianoff
Cynthia Eng
Mary Gore
Brittany Hallett
Kate Katims
Lady riders take a break from class
Eastside HOG - Bellevue, Washington
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Sponsored by Eastside Harley-Davidson
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Every Wednesday Dinner Rides, 6pm leaves Eastside HD
Marblemount Ride, 9:00am Leaves Eastside H-D,
Multi Chapter Pignic at Sammamish St. Park, Contact Mona Pillers
Morton Loggers Jubilee, 8:00am Leaves Eastside
Captains Choice, TBD
Multi Chapter Ride to Glacier-Meet Oz, Info Contact Grant Ringel
August Eastside HOG Rides
ESHOG Riders Enjoy The View At Mt St. Helens
Sturgis Motorcycle
Multi Chapter Ride to
Glacier-Meet the Oz
Dinner Ride
Multi Chapter Ride to
Glacier-Meet the Oz
Multi Chapter Ride to
Glacier-Meet the Oz
Multi Chapter Ride to
Glacier-Meet the Oz
Dinner Ride
Sturgis Motorcycle
Dinner Ride
Dinner Ride
Chapter Mtg
Board mtg
Sturgis Motorcycle
Sturgis Motorcycle
Multi Chapter Ride to
Glacier-Meet the Oz
Multi Chapter Ride to
Glacier-Meet the Oz
Wa State HOG Rally
Sturgis Motorcycle
Morton Loggers
Marblemount Ride
Sturgis Motorcycle
Dinner Ride
Captains Choice Ride
Sturgis Motorcycle
Multi Chapter PicnicLk. Sammamish State
LOH mtg
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Road Captain’s
By Dave Bernoudy
Fellow Riders.
The riding season is now in full swing. I hope you have all had the opportunity to share the road and
travels with our ever-ready Road Captains. Group riding allows us to share experiences, and good
company. I have often heard of late the comment to the effect that the upcoming ride has been traveled too
many times. I would like to point out the dynamics of each ride changes. I have found that even when the
road is the same, No two rides will be the same.
I would like to share a story early in my bike’s and my history. One of the ways I used to add mileage and
saddle time was the ABC’s of Touring. This is a time early in June or July of 2004. My daughter and wife
would often travel to Select Soccer tournaments through out the State. This particular Tourney was in
Burlington, I followed behind them and we tooled around between Ashley’s games.
Sun. morning, after Ashley’s first game we had a 4-hour break. I suggested we should head up to Mt.
Baker, and have lunch on the way. I stopped at several Towns and Counties on the way back. One such
stop was Acme. Acme is a town where the City Fathers saved money by posting both the North bound and
the South bound “Welcome To” signs back to back on the same post.
The town does have a General Store and Post Office (The Federal Building) across the hwy from each
other. I followed the family into the General Store parking lot, Just as a small group of grizzled Harley Riders
pulled up. I rode across the road, pulled out my Hog Tale and took a photo of the bike in front of the Post
Office. I loaded every thing away, then returned to the General Store. As I pulled into the lot I noticed a
particularly grizzled rider eyeing me and my bike, from the store’s porch. He had the appropriate attire
including a foot long grey beard, Bandana do-rag, and a patch covered vest expanded, but still a little tight.
“That must be one of those new ones.” He quipped.
“Yes it’s an ‘04” I answered.
“That there is my Springer. Had her since she was new in ’99. 26 thousand care free miles and she’s still
running strong.”
I had just watched my odometer roll over 2,000. And so I replied innocently “I have Two”. The English
language is an amazing thing, but full understanding in communication is often difficult. He had obviously
seen me traveling back and forth between the Post Office and General Store.
“Well Son,” he told me as he saddled up. “If you are serious about getting any real mileage, you should
think about getting out of Acme.” Yep, I looked like I had only ridden two miles.
Hope to see you on the road with the rubber side down
David Bernoudy
Eastside HOG - Bellevue, Washington
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Sponsored by Eastside Harley-Davidson
By Rich Moothart
Gotta’ Try this Product!!
We rode 2715 miles in Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming in 11 days without ever having
to wear a coat. Temperatures ranged from the 60’s up to 104 degrees. During this time I wore a
sun block lotion that I will never be without again.
Each day I spread the sun block on my face, arms, neck, and ears without ever having that familiar
oily feel. I could actually wipe my face and arms off at the end of the day without any noticeable dirt
and grime that usually collects with normal sun screen.
Banana Boat “Dri-Block” SPF 30 lotion has been what I have been looking for,
for years. Once the white colored lotion is spread on, it quickly absorbs into a
clear powder dry sun protection screen. It takes about 1-2 minutes for the
lotion to absorb into the skin before it becomes a clear dry protective screen.
You would not even know it was on your skin once it dried. Like any
sunscreen, I used a liberal amount of it.
“Banana Boat Dri Block” offers UVA and UVB protection. A 6oz bottle cost
between $6 and $9.00 a bottle depending on the location of the sale.
Gotta’ Go There
While in the Leavenworth area this last weekend, I happened to spy the “Old Mill Tavern” right in
downtown Peshastin. Well, OK, it sort looks like it could be a downtown area if Peshastin has one.
Due to being quite parched on a hot Saturday afternoon, Grant, Karen and I felt we should try this
newly opened establishment. Once we parked the bikes we were greeted by one of the new
owners, Joanne Reeves. Joanne and her boyfriend, Richard Dodrill, cleaned up, painted, did some
minor remodeling to re-open the bar on
May 30, 2007.
What’s so special about this bar? Well,
nothing really except the beer is cold, the
owners and patrons are exceptionally
friendly, and the owners really want to
make this place succeed. It is a good
break from the shopping, high prices, and
crowds of Leavenworth.
The “Old Mill Tavern” is located at 10174
Main St., Peshastin, WA 98847.
Eastside HOG - Bellevue, Washington
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Sponsored by Eastside Harley-Davidson
Carbonado Cindy Morrissey Memorial Ride
Eastside HOG - Bellevue, Washington
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Sponsored by Eastside Harley-Davidson
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Can’t go to Sturgis but want to have a great
time with other Bikers? Then attend the first
ever Puget Sound Pignic. Nine area
chapters are getting together for a picnic at
Lake Sammamish State Park to share some
road stories and some laughter on Sunday,
August 5. Bring your picnic basket full of
goodies and spend the afternoon getting to
know who you’ve been waving to on the
road and exchange ideas on where to go
and what to see. Come meet some new
members of the family, it’ll be a great time!
For More Information contact Mona Pillers,
[email protected]
Eastside HOG - Bellevue, Washington
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Sponsored by Eastside Harley-Davidson
Mt St. Helens Ride
June Chapter Mtg
Eastside HOG - Bellevue, Washington
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Sponsored by Eastside Harley-Davidson
- Officers 2007 -
Dear Abby,
Grant Ringel
[email protected]
Asst. Director:
Mike Rorvick
[email protected]
Lisa Leurquin-Hallet
[email protected]
Rich Moothart
[email protected]
LOH Director:
Lisa Leurquin-Hallet
[email protected]
Micki Brown
[email protected]
Activities Director: Randy Taylor
[email protected]
Jeff Wandling
[email protected]
Sergeant at Arms:
Oliver Mills
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor:
Jozef Bielec
[email protected]
Head Road Captain: Dave Bernoudy
[email protected]
Dave Sharp
[email protected]
Safety Director:
Dan Christman
[email protected]
Dan Hallett
[email protected]
Eastside HOG - Bellevue, Washington
Page 15
I've never written to you
before, but I really need your
advice on what could be a crucial
decision. I've suspected for some
time now that my wife has been
cheating on me. The
signs... Phone rings but if I
answer, the caller hangs up. My
wife has been going out with the
girls a lot recently although when
I ask their names, she always
says," Just some friends from
work, you don't know them". I
always stay awake to look out
for her taxi coming home, but
she always walks
down the
street. Anyway, I have never
approached the subject with my
wife. I think deep down I just
didn't want to know the truth, but
last night she went out again and
I decided to really check on her.
I decided I was going to park my
Harley-Davidson motorcycle next
to the garage and then hide
behind it so I could get a good
view of the whole street when
she came home. It was at that
moment, crouching behind my
Harley, that I noticed that the
valve covers on my engine
seemed to be leaking a little oil.
Is this something I can fix myself
or should I take it back to the
Worried Sick
Sponsored by Eastside Harley-Davidson
Riders At Mt St. Helens
Pause For a Picture
Riders Take a Break And Photo
On Their Way To Port Townsend