CAMD 2005 Annual Report - Louisiana State University
CAMD 2005 Annual Report - Louisiana State University
CAMD 2005 Annual Report Editor Lee Ann Murphey Content Development Jost Goettert Josef Hormes Tracy Morris John Scott The J. Bennett Johnston, Sr., Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices 6980 Jefferson Highway Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Dedicated to the Memory of our Dear Friend and Colleague Dr. Roland C. Tittsworth July 30, 1953 – December 20, 2005 Dedicating this Annual Report to Roland seems like a small thing considering the impact he had on so many of our lives; however, it is fitting that the manuscript that is written by CAMD users and staff alike would also be a tribute to this friend whose life was so much a part of our lives. Roland was a scientist; he graduated cum laude with a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of Maryland Baltimore County in 1989 and with a PhD in Chemistry from LSU in 1995. His interest in X-ray spectroscopy and its impact on understanding the structure and function of biologically important molecules began during his LSU graduate work directed by Professor Brian Hales. It continued for the remainder of his life. Roland was a loving family man. He was devoted to his wonderful wife, Pam, his step sons, Richard and Christian Hull, Richard’s wife Michele and baby daughter Regan, his sisters, Marian Ervin, Jo Anne Laverdiere and Betty Lee Tasternack and all of the folks he considered sisters and brothers in Jesus Christ. Roland was a hard working and loved co-worker at LSU CAMD. He joined us in September, 1995 as a Research Associate 4, was promoted to Research Associate 5 three years later and to Assistant Professor- Research and Director of X-ray Sciences in 1999. Roland, you never took yourself too seriously but you did take friendships seriously. Thank you for sharing your life with us. 2 Table of Contents Director’s Comments…………………………………………………………………...……4 CAMD Contact Information…………………………………………………………….…..6 I. Introduction and Accelerator Operations A. General Comments Regarding 2005…………………..…………………………........7 B. Accelerator Operations………………………………………………………………..8 C. Research Facility Operations………………………………………………………...14 1. Basic Science and Beamlines……………………………………………………14 2. Microfabrication…………………………………………………………………16 II. CAMD Research Infrastructure; Major Equipment and Facility Utilization A. Introduction……………………………………………………………….................18 B. Basic and Material Sciences at CAMD…………………………………………...…18 1. Infrared through Soft X-ray Beamlines………………………………………..…18 2. The Protein Crystallography Beamline……………………………..……………19 3. X-ray Beamlines; Spectroscopy, Scattering, Tomography and Powder-Diffraction...21 C. MEMS/LiGA Services at CAMD in 2005…….…………………………………….25 D. CAMD Cleanroom…………………………………………………………………..31 III. User Reports and User Activities A. Basic and Material Sciences 1. Spectroscopy a. VUV……………………………………………………………………..…..38 b. X-ray……………………………………………………………………...…74 2. X-ray Micro-Tomography…………………………………………………...…132 3. Nanofabrication………………………………………………………………...134 4. Protein Crystallography...………………………………………………………202 B. Microfabrication 1. CAMD Staff Reports on Internal Projects…….…………………………..…...214 2. External User Reports………………………………………………….……....265 C. CAMD Users’ Publications and Presentations………………………………….….288 D. Annual Users Meeting 2005…………………………………………………….….295 E. CAMD User Committee (CUC)…………………………………………………....297 IV. CAMD Facility/Staff A. Scientists’ Activity (Publications/Presentations)………………………………..….300 B. Facility and Community Programs 1. REU……………………………………………………………………………...309 2. CAMD / CBM2 Summer Workshop: Advanced Technologies for Biomedical Applications..310 3. Open House, Day of Discovery………………………………………………….312 4. CAMD in the community………………………………………………………..327 C. CAMD Facility Tours……………………………………………………………....331 D. CAMD Seminars…………………………………………………………………...332 E. SAC and MAC Executive Summaries for 2005……………………………………334 F. CAMD Budget…………………………………………………………………...…336 G. CAMD Staff Changes………………………………………………………………337 3 Director’s Comments 2005 was one of the most successful years in CAMD’s history! There have been no major problems with the machine: the accelerator group delivered more than 5200 h and about 700 amp-hours of user beam with reliability above 90% in spite of the heavy hurricane season! By further improving beam diagnostics (beam based alignment, photon beam position monitors, X-ray pin-hole camera, etc.) the beam stability was improved significantly. This apparently was appreciated by the users as the number of complaints also decreased significantly! At present time, there are 11 fully operational beamlines at CAMD: - 4 beamlines for X-ray lithography - 4 IR/VUV beamlines (IR, 3m TGM, 6m TGM, 3m NIM) - 3 X-ray beamlines (DCM, XMP, PX) The wiggler-based tomography beamline (TOMO) that has two monochromators (a double multilayer-mirror monochromator mainly for tomography and a grooved single Si- crystal monochromator mainly for high-energy X-ray spectroscopy) is partly operational and the multilayer monochromator has just successfully been readjusted. The problems connected with the monochromator of the SAXS beamline could finally be solved with support from our colleagues from the Brazilian Light Source so that the final commissioning should be finished quite soon. There is light at the exit slit of the new VLSG monochromator and the commissioning should start soon. Finally, also the new powder diffraction beamline is ready for commissioning. Thus, there is realistic hope that by the end of summer 2006 all 15 beamlines at CAMD will be fully operational and open for users. This should be a very good basis for attracting new external users with new exciting experiments. The number of users increased once again and we had about 250 (non-CAMD) users representing about 50 different institutions. I think it is worth mentioning that from this number there have been about 120 (!) graduate students and about 30 undergraduate students. Serious discussions have been started (once again) about the second insertion device that could/should be installed in the remaining straight section to keep CAMD competitive. From the user side there seems to be an interest in improving CAMD’s capabilities in the “soft X-ray” range, i.e. between about 100 eV and 4000 eV. Thus, we are considering a superconducting multi-pole (30 pole) wiggler with an optimal spectral range of approximately 1-4 keV and would increase the intensity in the energy range of interest by more than an order of magnitude. Multi-pole wigglers normally have the drawback that the opening angle of the available beam is very limited so that it is very difficult to provide light for more than one beamline. The new design that has been suggested by the Budker Institute in Novosibirsk overcomes this problem by implementing the opportunity to split the poles into 3 sections with 10 poles each 4 In spite of the exciting achievements one should not forget the less positive events/facts: - Because of the problems in the aftermath of hurricanes Katrina and Rita the 2005 National Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation Conference that was planned to be hosted by CAMD had to be canceled on rather short notice: a very frustrating process for the CAMD people that invested such a lot of work in the planning and preparation of this event. - CAMD’s operational budget remains flat on the same level as for the last 8 years in spite of increased number of beamlines, users, and beam time provided for users. - There has been no progress regarding SEALS – the CAMD proposal for a new third generation SR-facility for the Southeast of the US The budget cuts that hit higher education in Louisiana and that are also valid for CAMD in the aftermath of the Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in combination with rapidly increasing power costs have forced us to reduce the hours of user beam by about 50 %(!) by giving up the well established 24 hours per day operation mode and moving to a 12hours-per-day schedule. This schedule that started on January 2006 and I have no doubts that this will in a negative way influence the stability and performance of the machine. This will be the last annual report for which I am writing a forward as CAMD’s Director. I was in charge of CAMD for more than 6 years and I am in the process of stepping down. However, I hope to stay affiliated with LSU/CAMD as a (once again) active scientist and as an advisor whenever advice is asked. My time as director of CAMD was exciting and challenging. I think CAMD moved forward and in the right direction and it is now a reliable user facility with a performance very much comparable to the one of the national SR-facilities. This was achieved with an extremely limited budget and with minimum staff. I am grateful to all my co-workers, who actually deserve the praise for what was achieved as they did the hard work! I would also like to use this opportunity to thank CAMD’s Advisory Committees (Machine, Scientific, Industrial and User) for their commitment and support: their constructive criticism helped us very often to recognize weak points and to refocus our efforts whenever that was necessary. Last but not least, I would also like to thank our loyal users: an SR user facility is useless without a strong and committed user community. The complaints of our users motivated us very often to push things forward a little bit harder and we have taken the silence of our users as a sign that things are running smoothly according to their expectations: there was a lot of silence in 2005! I hope that with the continued support of all people that care about CAMD, there will be more exciting and fruitful years to come for the CAMD user community! Josef Hormes 5 CAMD Contact Information Mail: CAMD 6980 Jefferson Highway Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Phone: 225/578-8887 Fax: 225/578-6954 Web: User Interface Coordinator: (to submit a news item or arrange a tour of the facility) Lee Ann Murphey 225/578-4606 [email protected] 6 I. Introduction and Accelerator Operations A. General Comments Regarding 2005. The Facility: The Louisiana State University J. Bennett Johnston, Sr., Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (LSU-CAMD) is a synchrotron-radiation research center of the Office of Research headed by Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies Harold Silverman. The electron-storage ring, which is the heart of CAMD, has been in operation to produce intense and bright synchrotron radiation since September, 1992. The facility is located at 6980 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, approximately five miles from the LSU campus. The synchrotron-radiation source, an electron storage ring operated at 1.3 GeV, the 200-MeV-linear-accelerator injector and the CAMD Experiment Hall and MechanicalSupport Facility were built with funding provided by a special Congressional appropriation of $25M made in 1988. The principal operating budget is provided by the State of Louisiana as a part of the LSU budget. A brief history of the facility is in the CAMD 2003 Annual Report, p1 (online at ). Impact of the hurricanes of August-September, 2005: The National Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI) Conference, the biennial scientific meeting of the eight US synchrotron-light sources, was scheduled to be hosted by CAMD September 19-23, 2005; however, the hurricanes, Katrina and Rita, displaced several hundred thousand unfortunate people to Baton Rouge and the accommodations, which we had reserved for conference lodging and meeting, were no longer available. The meeting and its associated two workshops were cancelled. The workshops dealt with electron-beam-position monitoring and with photon detectors. The Detector Workshop actually was only postponed and moved to the APS, December 8-9. The SRI Meeting had scheduled ca. 40 talks, invited and contributed, a over 100 poster presentations. The local organizers of the meeting were Eizi Morikawa, Lee Ann Murphey, and John Scott with Surendar Paruchuri creating and maintaining a beautiful and very useable (by registrants, authors and conference organizers) meeting web site. The cancellation of the 2005 National SRI Conference was not the only CAMD casualty of the hurricanes; a number of our users from New Orleans universities, UNO, Tulane and Xavier were displaced both from their homes and university laboratories and students. Also impacted was the Louisiana budget and, thus, the budgets of the state universities. At the close of 2005, CAMD was preparing for an approximately 10% cut to its total annual budget (6% cut in the actual budget plus a 4% projected loss due to increased utility costs). CAMD staff had only six months to accommodate this projected financial loss. The major impact to the users was the decision, made jointly by the CAMD Staff and CAMD User Committee, to change the operation schedule to a 14-day cycle of nine days of 12-hour user light, one day (Sunday) no beam and three days machine studies and maintenance. This schedule basically cut the user-beam time by 50%. 7 The Loss of Dr. Roland Tittsworth We lost our dear friend and colleague, Dr. Roland Tittsworth, who passed from this life unexpectedly the evening of December 20, 2005. Roland was an important part of CAMD and was loved and respected by CAMD Staff and Users alike. He will be greatly missed. He was the Director of the Basic Sciences X-Ray Program. Dr. Amitava, our Environmental Scientist and a member of Dr. Tittsworth’s staff agreed to serve as an interim Director of X-ray Sciences. In early 2006, Dr. Roy accepted the position as permanent director. B. Accelerator Operations General Characteristics of the CAMD Electron Storage Ring: Figure 1.1 is a plan view of the CAMD electron storage ring and Table 1.1 contains the major operational parameters. The ring is injected by a 200 MeV (operated at 180 MeV) linear accelerator. Stored beam current accumulates over a period of a few minutes until a limit of up to about 300 mA is attained, at which point the beam energy is ramped to 1.3 GeV. Although the storage ring can be operated at energies up to 1.5 GeV, it is operated at this lower energy to achieve optimum reliability by minimizing electronic stress. DB - Dipole Bending QA - Quadrapole Achromat QD - Quadrapole Defocusing QF - Quadrapole Focusing SD - Sextapole Defocusing SF - Sextapole Focusing LinAc in basement Figure I.1 Plan view of the CAMD electron storage ring. 8 Table I.1 CAMD Electron Storage-Ring Parameters Beam Energy (GeV) 1.3 Beam current (mA) 200 Bending radius (meters) 2.928 Critical wavelength, bend magnet (Å) 7.45 Critical energy, bend magnet (keV) 1.66 Critical energy, 7 Tesla wiggler (keV) 7.87 Beam lifetime at 200 mA (hours) 10 Harmonic number 92 Radiative (power) mwatts/mrad/mA 0.014 Injection energy (MeV) 200 Natural emittance (m-rad) 3.5x10-7 For users of synchrotron radiation, certain characteristics of the radiation and, thus, the specific storage ring need to be known and understood. The radiation that is admitted down the beamlines from the storage ring ports is described in general in the following sentences. The beta functions of the CAMD ring are plotted in Figure 1.2. Figures I.3, 1.4 and I.5 are all plots of the radiation characteristics of the synchrotron radiation emitted from the CAMD ring when operated at the typical parameters of 1.3 GeV and 200 mA beam energy and beam current, respectively. The (simulated) flux curves (0.1% energy band width), vertical divergence (σz’) and spectral brightness curves are plotted for both bending-magnet (1.48 Tesla required for the CAMD dipole-bend radius of 2.928 m and electron-beam energy of 1.3 GeV) and single-pole (source is center of fan) superconducting wiggler energized at 7 Tesla. The emittance given in Table I.1 (and 2% vertical-horizontal coupling in electron beam) and the beta function plots given in Figure I.2 were used to calculate the flux, divergence angle and brightness. Brightness is important, especially for a highly focusing beamline, while divergence angle and flux (e.g., photon/sec/hrz.mrad/eV) are sufficient for rough approximation of the radiation density profile at a specific distance from the source for a non-focusing beamline 9 Figure I.2. The CAMD storage ring lattice functions as modified to increase the flux density produced by the wiggler. Half the ring circumference is shown. The wiggler is located at the extreme right hand edge of the diagram, where the vertical beta function is seen to bring the beam to a sharp focus. 10 flux (1012photons/sec/mrad/0.1%bw) 10 1.4 8 1 0.1 0.01 0.01 be n d -tesla e magn g la wi 7 - te s t gler CAMD Storage Ring 1.3 GeV and 200 mA 0.1 1 10 100 photon energy (keV) Figure I.3 Simulated synchrotron-radiation-flux curves for synchrotron radiation from the CAMD source operating as indicated. Note the spectra are normalized to 200 mA ring current and 1 mrad horizontal acceptance. 10 1 σz' (mrad) 7-tesla wiggler 1.48-tesla bend magnet 0.1 CAMD Storage Ring 1.3GeV Vertical Photon-Beam Divergence σz' 0.01 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 photon energy (keV) Figure I.4 Vertical divergence of photon beam, σz’, calculated as a function of photon energy using beam parameters given in this chapter. 11 brightness (1012photons/sec/mm2/mrad2/0.1%bw) 10 81. 4 1 l tes d en b a et gn a m 7- l tes le gg i aw r CAMD Storage Ring 1.3GeV and 200 mA 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 photon energy (keV) Figure I.5 Brightness of CAMD radiation produced in bending magnets and wiggler. Calculations based on machine parameters given in chapter and operation as indicated Performance The storage-ring operation cycle during 2005 was 15 days in length with 4 contiguous days of studies/maintenance. The schedule of operation can be found at the CAMD web site; Usually, the storage ring was given back to the users during early evening of the last day of the studies/maintenance period. Figure I.6 is a bar chart showing a month-by-month scheduled versus actual user-light availability during 2005. Ring current continued to be good during 2004 with typical injection currents between 200 and 250 mA with 175 to 220 mA ramped. Life times of 10 hours at 200 mA were also typical. Figure I.7 shows the monthly radiation delivered to users, plotted as machine amp-hours. Beam current was integrated only when at least one beamline shutter was open and beam current was greater than 30 mA. Figure I.8 is a pie chart analysis of down time, a total of 149 hours, by quantitatively presenting the sources during 2005. The percentages are with respect to total down time. 12 500.0 Hours per months 400.0 300.0 200.0 100.0 0.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Ops Hours Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Sched. Hours Figure I.6 Bar graph comparing scheduled user beam time versus actual delivered beam time. 120.0 Hours per month and %Efficiency 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Amp Hours Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec % Efficiency Figure I.7 Amp hours delivered to users, plotted monthly. Also, the per-cent efficiency (actual use) is shown beside the delivered radiation. 13 Unkown, 2.1 Facility, 4.1 RIS, 4.4 Misc., 1.1 External, 10.5 Computer, 9.8 Ring, 42.7 Linac, 25.3 Figure I.8 Pie-chart analysis of accelerator “down time” (total of 149 hours) during 2005. C. Research Facility Operations 1. Basic Science and Beamlines At a synchrotron-radiation facility, the interface between the electron-storage-ring radiation source and the users’ experiments are the beamlines. Table I.2 is a listing of the beamlines that were in operation during a least a part of 2005 or were being installed and had not yet become operational at the close of 2005. In Chapter II, the beamlines are described in more detail, particularly those that became operational or whose installation was began during 2004. Funding obtained by members of the Basic-Science Staff for three beamline/endstation upgrades, which all are for CAMD-User utilization, totaled ca. $450,000 during 2005. All three grants were funded as LEQSF projects bt the Louisiana Board of Regents. 14 Table I.2. CAMD Beamlines Available to Users Currently or in Near Future; 2005 [Italics indicate beamline under design, construction or modification] FTIR & Microscope Port 1A, 17 mrad vertical and 50 mrad horizontal Micromachining I Port 2A, 15 mrad Micromachining II Port 2B, 5 mrad Micromachining IV Port 3A, 10 mrad Protein Crystallography Port 3A, 2 mrad X-ray Microtomography Port 3A,3 mrad, Wiggler source 3-meter NIM Port 3B, 70 mrad IR spectromicroscopy, spatial resolution down to ca. 500 cm-1 is 15x15 µ2. Biology, surface chemistry, environmental science, forensics Variable-wavelength, variable high-pass (transmittance) and low-pass (reflectance) filters, Jenoptic DEX02 scanner. Microfabrication “White-light” beamline, εmax ≈ 4 keV, Jenoptic (first model) scanner. Microfabrication Micromachining beamline mounted at the 7- tesla superconducting wiggler. Ideal for deep resists. Jenoptik DEX03 scanner. Microfabrication Installed on wiggler. Constructed with funding from NIH and NSF acquired by the Gulf Coast Protein Crystallography Consortium , Protein Crystallography Double multi-layer-mirror; ε less-than or equal to 36 keV, X-ray tomography with ability to choose wavelength to enhance contrast and make element identification a possibility. Spatial resolution of less than 5 microns. High-resolution, high-flux beamline, , range 4 – 40 eV. Scienta electron analyzer with 10 meV resolution. valence-electron excitation PGM being modified to Modification began during 2004 to increase flux and res. and add VLSGM circ. pol. Material science. Port 4A, 7 mrad Range 15-300 eV with resolving power greater than 2000. High flux, 6-meter TGM moderate resolution. Material and surface sciences. Operation status Port 4B, 28 mrad is awaiting suitable end station commissioning. Double-crystal monochromator and micro-focus/sample-alignment X-ray Microprobe stage. Achieves spatial resolution of 20 µm over range 2 - 15 keV. Port 5A, 2 mrad Material-structure and environmental studies. Should be available summer, 2006. Range 1-15 keV with resolution from 0.5 eV (low energy) to EXAFS, DCM 2 eV (high energy), currently configured for EXAFS. MaterialPort 5B, 2 mrad structure and environmental studies SAXS/Grz.-Angle XAS Range 1-15 keV, DCM equipped, Commissioning phase. surfacePort 6A, 2 mrad structure studies: Range 15 - 350 eV with resolving power greater than 1000. 3-meter TGM Port 6 B, 24 mrad .material and surface sciences X-ray Powder Double-crystal monochromator and 5-circle goniometer. Under Diffraction construction December 2004. Expected to be on-line in summer, 2005. Port 7A, 3 mrad “White-light” beamline, scanner & mask/wafer chuck. Micromachining III Port 7B, 5 mrad Microfabrication 15 2. Microfabrication In the past year the CAMD microfabrication group further reduced internal R&D efforts related to developing new process skills and material expertise due to a lack of funding. Main focus was put on tasks associated with funded projects as well as paid services. A brief overview of accomplishments in 2005 is provided in the following text and is complemented by more detailed description in Chapter II and Chapter III. Research Throughout the year research in a few dedicated areas was performed focusing on enhancing the microfabrication service skills. Efforts include: • x-ray mask fabrication optimizing processing of Silicon-Nitride membrane masks; large area are now routinely fabricated with high yield and good dimensional control; • systematic SU8 studies to further improve patterning accuracy of ultra-tall (1mm and higher) microstructures and initial research using nanoparticle filled SU8 resists for dedicated functions (higher mechanical stability, electrical conductivity); Service The CAMD service team is continuing providing print-shop and other LIGA services to external customers. In addition, well-defined service modules for substrate preparation, x-ray masks, electroplating, sample finish, and metrology have been established and are provided on a regular basis. Generally services provided to academic users and clearly stated as ‘best effort’ are well-received and give customers some first useful structures to investigate their performance for MEMS applications. There is a strong interest in LiGA structures and services for industrial customers. However, working with industry currently reaches a critical point where requirements for ever higher yield and reproducibility are expected but the necessary effort for quality control will not be compensated for. In the coming year CAMD service group will carefully evaluated its service portfolio and may have to reduce the huge selection of services to a few core areas with a strong focus on quality assurance. The Clean room and safety staff, as in previous years, continuously trained new and retrained old users throughout the year guaranteeing better research results and a safer operation. A major change for the next year is the introduction of the cost center. Users will now be charged when working at CAMD. The ‘income’ will be used to support the day-to-day operation, pay for maintenance and repair, and if possible add new equipment needed. Program overview The following overview provides organizational information and will briefly introduce the main ongoing projects. More details on these and other projects will be presented in Chapter II and Chapter III. 16 Organizational information The following CAMD staff members supported the research and service efforts in 2005: Abhinav Bhushan, Proyag Datta,Yohannes Desta (left CAMD in December 2005), Yoonyoung Jin, Kun Lian, Zhong-Geng Ling, Changgeng Liu, Shaloma Malveaux, Tracy Morris, Mark Pease, Varshni Singh, Dawit Yemane . In addition graduate and undergraduate assistants and student workers were supported by CAMD funds and joined the team in helping with routine work and research projects: Tracey Allen (REU student), Lalitha Dabbiru (Southern University), Fareed Dawan (Southern University), Joshua Fields (REU-student), Sitanshu Gurung (LSU), Jens Hammacher (FH Chemnitz), Pradeep Khanal (LSU), Evelyn Kornemann (Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen), Abhilash Krishna (LSU), Sebastian Mammitzsch (Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen), Tyler Mancil (LSU), Etay Rosenzweig (REU student), Philip Smith (LSU), Liming Sun (LSU), Lena Venkatasami (LSU), Kaiyang Wang (LSU), Min Zhang (LSU). Overview of funded projects The DARPA DSO office is sponsoring a joint project with the University of New Orleans’ Advanced Research Material Institute (AMRI) and the LSU Health Science Center, also New Orleans, (Grant MDA 972-03-C-0100) to develop a BioSensor using magnetic Nanoparticles. The project PI is the CAMD director, Josef Hormes, assisted by the BioMagneticIC team and progress is reported in several contributions from various team members. Key partner in this project is NVE Inc. supplying GMR magnetic sensors and initial collaboration with a group at University of Bielefeld, Germany has started, too. New DARPA funding as subcontractor (Contract # 347108) to Sandia National Laboratory to develop MicroGasAnalyzer sensors (MGA-project) has been granted to LSU (Prof. Ed Overton, Environmental Studies) and allowed the CAMD group to continue their efforts in micro GC column fabrication and system integration towards a handheld ‘GC-sensor’. The Sandia-LSU team successfully met the Phase I milestones and has received funding for Phase II starting in February 2006. Progress is reported by A. Bhushan and D. Yemane. CAMD has also been awarded a subcontract to Southern University’s DoE/NNSA grant supporting the design and fabrication of novel heat exchangers. Lastly, the CAMD microfabrication group is a key partner of the recently funded NSF EPSCoR Center grant (Grant Number EPS-0346411) for LSU’s CBM2 (Center for BioModular Meso-Scale Systems) and supports a number of CBM2 research projects with its services. 17 II. CAMD Research Infrastructure; Major Equipment and Facility Utilization A. Introduction This chapter contains description of the research infrastructure from the standpoint of new equipment and programmatic progress during 2005. Chapter III contains a more systematic and detailed presentation of the user activities and Chapter IV contains more detailed information about the staff members. B. Basic and Material Sciences at CAMD Basic and Material Sciences at CAMD are categorized by spectral region and beamlines. 1. Infrared through soft X-ray beamlines; There are five beamlines that cover the range from the infrared through the far VUV and soft X-ray region of the spectrum. The VUV/IR Spectroscopy Staff is under the leadership of Dr. Eizi Morikawa and consists of him, Dr. Yaroslav Losovyj, and Dr. Orhan Kizilkaya. We are seeking to expand this staff by at least one scientist. At the close of 2005, three of the five beamlines were operational; the FTIR, 3-m NIM/Scienta end-station and 3-m TGM. These three are described below. a. FTIR spectrometer/microscope beamline which currently allows measurement of Microspectroscopy to energies as low as 500 cm-1 with spatial resolution of 15x15 µ2. This beamline was funded as a joint effort by The University of Louisiana at Lafayette (Departments of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; the Corrosion Institute) and LSU CAMD. The beamline was fully operational during 2005 and eight user groups took advantage of superior brightness of a synchrotron-source FTIR to carry-out spectromicroscopy at this beamline. Users were from ULL, LSU, Bonn University, DOW Chemical, University of Nebraska and Tulane. On June 15, 2005, a workshop was held and attended by 31 researchers interested in using the FTIR Beamline. The speakers were Lisa Milner from LNLS, Mike Martin from ALS and Orhan Kizilkaya, the CAMD FTIR Beamline Manager. Attendees were from LSU, Tulane, ULL, SLU, Southern University and Exxon-Mobil. b. The 3-m NIM and Scienta 200 end station have been waiting for the dedicated Scienta end station to be operational for the entire beamline to be considered an operational beamline. The 3-m normal-incidence-monochromator has been transmitting high-resolution VUV radiation (4 eV – 40 eV) since 2002. Last year (2004) a concerted effort was made to bring the commercial Scienta 200 end station into operation. The VUV Group worked to accomplish this under the lead of Dr. Yaroslav Losovyj. Late in the year, 2005, it was discovered that a modification (to the magnetic shielding) made earlier caused damage to the sample manipulator. At the close of 2005, this problem was being rectified by Dr. Losovyj. During the limited time that the 3-m NIM was used there were a total of six users from LSU, University of Nebraska, North Dakota State University and the University of 18 Lviv. Three publications resulted from work on this beamline in 2005. publications were primarily a result of the early work done in 2004. These c. The 3-m TGM beamline continued to be the “work-horse” beamline in the VUV spectral region. The manager of this beamline is Dr. Yaroslav Losovyj. There were a total of 25 users of this beamline and Chapter III contains the reports from users of this beamline. Users came from LSU, Tulane, Xavier of New Orleans, UNO, Louisiana Tech, University of Nebraska, North Dakota State University, plus several universities from outside the US. There were 15 papers published from measurements done at this beamline. d. The two VUV beamlines not in operation during 2005 are the 6—m TGM and the PGM. The 6-m TGM, as a beamline, was operational; however, there were problems with the end stations that were to be used on this beamline. It is hoped that this problem will be remedied during early 2006. The PGM was completely modified to a varied-linespace-grating high resolution, high-flux beamline during 2005. The 2004 CAMD Annual Report, Chapter II, provides plans and theoretical operational parameters of this modified beamline. At the close of 2005, all of the optics and mechanical components were on hand to complete the beamline (which was accomplished by March 2006). The components remaining include a front-end shutter that will permit selection of right, left and plane polarized radiation from the CAMD storage ring. e. Funding received for beamline modification and end station acquisition: • Acquisition of a photo-electron electron microscope PEEM ($130,000). • Design, fabrication, installation and commissioning of a dipole chamber which will allow 50 mrad vertical acceptance of synchrotron at port 1A, the port that supplies radiation to the FTIR beamline. This should allow far IR as well as higher resolution spectroscopy to be performed at this beamline ($125,000) • Fabrication, installation, and commissioning of a second tail at the 3-m NIM beamline. This will allow experiments not involving the dedicated Scienta end station to be performed. Equipment to allow utilization of the highly plane polarized radiation transmitted by this second tail is also included in the grant ($195,000). 2. The Protein Crystallography Beamline; The Protein-Crystallography Beamline and Program were managed by Dr. Henry Bellamy and are part of the Gulf Coast Protein Crystallography Consortium (GCPCC); description at the web site . This beamline is attached to one of the CAMD 7-tesla super-conduction-wiggler ports. A full description of the beamline’s capabilities can be found at the above web site. The utilization statistics for 2005 are: 19 Protein Crystallography Beamline Utilization Statistics • • • • • • • • • • • • • Total available for user beam 216 days Actually used by users 91 days Outside users 18 days Lost due to beamline equipment failure 14 days Facilities (includes multilayer installation) 57 days Unused 54 days Beam time used by 15 groups 15 groups From GCPCC (1 FedEx) 12 groups Outside GCPCC (1 FedEx) 3 groups Improvements in the operation of the beamline include the following; New version of beamline control software (MX) configured and installed. • Can control picomotors and other devices not controlled by previous version. • Faster response. Beamline GUI partially rewritten and improved. Beamline web page updated and expanded. PCs upgraded to Fedora Core 4. “FedEX” program initiated. Wiggler characterized by accelerator group. Compumotor controllers reprogrammed to have better backlash and acceleration values. • Positions more reproducible. • Position not lost when hitting limit switch. CCM configuration in MX changed to make energy changes more accurate. MLM configured in MX to move 2nd multilayer. MAR dtb modified to provide external ion-chamber readout. Problems remaining at close of 2005 include the following; Source point not known exactly. • Beam at ~1mrad horizontal angle to beamline. • Vertical position is probably OK. Can’t measure flux along beamline before hutch. Flux can vary from fill to fill. Flux at sample does not scale linearly with ring current. (source point? optics?) 20 • • • • • • • Multi-layer-mirror monochromator (MLM) not operational. Focus much larger than sample crystals. Mar data-collection software has bugs. • Dose mode unreliable. • Occasional blank frame. • GUI has bugs. • Spontaneous slit movement. No automatic energy changing for MAD. Users not taking all of time offered. Few “outside” users (situation improving). Wet lab not completed. 3. X-ray beamlines; Spectroscopy, scattering, tomography and powderdiffraction; The X-ray materials and basic sciences program was directed by Dr. Roland Tittsworth from 2000 through 2005. The beamline infrastructure consists of five beamlines, each equipped with an X-ray monochromator. The following table gives the beamlines and each of their status and location on the storage ring. The reader is referred to the 2003 CAMD Annual Report for diagrams and operational characteristics of each beamline; the microtomography beamline description is referenced in its section (web site that is very informative). CAMD X-ray Beamlines; Location and Status, 2005 Beamline Port Status Double Crystal Monochromator 5b Operational X-ray Micro-Probe 5a Being Upgraded Small angle scattering/Grazing Incidence X-ray Absorption Fine Structure 6a Monochromator problem fixed Powder Diffraction 7a Installation/commissioning Completed by May 2006? Microtomography Wiggler Tomography part working; Channel-cut crystal monochromator removed 21 The X-ray Basic and Materials Sciences staff members during 2005 were: David Alley Electronic equipment support Chris Bianchetti Maintaining/building beamlines, supporting users Kyungmin Ham In charge of tomography beamline Henning Lichtenberg Renovating X-ray microprobe Rusty Louis Electronic equipment support; building and maintaining beamlines Vadim Palshin Maintaining/building beamlines, supporting users, beamline scientist Roland C. Tittsworth Beamline scientist; leader of X-ray group till December 20th, 2005. Amitava Roy Beamline scientist; interim leader of X-ray group a. The X-ray Microtomagraphy Beamline is attached to a port on the CAMD 7-tesla super-conducting wiggler. The User Group for this beamline is currently limited as the beamline remained in an alignment/commissioning phase during 2005. Users included: Chemistry- Les Butler; polymer blend Civil and Environmental Engineering- Clint Willson; flow in porous system Medical Physics- Kenneth Hogstrom; radiation dose measurement Kenneth Matthews; phase contrast Biology- Dominique Homberger: hooves, cat claw Geology- Gary Byerly: volcanic glasses The beamline has a tandem-mounted pair of monochromators; a multi-layer-mirror monochromator for low-resolution spectroscopic contrast measurement of tomography and a high-resolution channel-cut crystal monochromator for high-energy X-ray absorption spectroscopy. At the close of 2005, it was decided to remove the channel-cutcrystal monochromator because of poor characteristics associated with its throughput. The decision was to use the beamline only for tomography until a better monochromator for high-resolution spectroscopy studies could be obtained. Upgrades to the operation of the beamline include: • Data collection method: • Semi-automatic data collection; ring current < 70mA, data collection will be suspended • Greek golden ratio: efficient way to sample and obtain data even if incomplete set • Humidity chamber constructed: biological samples for long acquisition times The web site for microtomography at CAMD; beamline description and diagram, samples of experimental results and discussion of how to become part of the user team can be 22 found by going to and scrolling down to “Tomography” and then clicking as indicated. The beamline has been brought into operation by the beamline manager, Dr. Kyungmin Ham, the Principal Investigator and Researcher, Professor Les Butler from LSU Chemistry, and the CAMD Vacuum/Mechanical Group under the direction of Kevin Morris. b. The Double-Crystal-Monochromator X-ray-Absorption-Spectroscopy Beamline is mounted on a CAMD bending magnet and is the “workhorse” beamline for X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at CAMD. The important characteristics of this beamline are: -Port 5b (bending magnet 5 dipole chamber, port b) -Lemmonier-Bonn double crystal monochromator for XAS -Differential ion pump immediately upstream of monochromator (UHV upstream of DIF with no Be window). -Kapton window downstream of monochromator, before end station (to enable low energy operation to ca. 1keV. -beamline vacuum valving and pumping system to allow rapid (usually < 2hr.) crystal changes. -various crystal sets are available, allowing 1.3 keV -14 keV operation -XAS detection: ion chambers, Lytle fluorescence, TEY -Canberra 13 element Ge diode array detector in routine operation -Photon Beam Position Monitor, The DCM beamline was available for general users during 2005 and generally was “overbooked” for user time. The users of the DCM in 2003 have supplied reports of their research (Chapter III). c. The X-ray Microprobe Beamline was operated successfully as early as 1999 and had been utilized for Microspectroscopy (spatial resolution smaller than 50x50 µ2. It also was used to help relieve the pressure on the DCM XAS beamline, which, as mentioned, is generally “overbooked.” The beamline also has been utilized to obtain excellent XANES spectra. Over time, the Kirkpatrick-Baez mirror system used for focusing and the rather stark sample handling system fell out of use and the beamlime became a simple EXAFS/XANES beamline. In 2004 it was decided to upgrade the microprobe end station extensively. Improvements include a steel vacuum chamber (usually to be used with He atmosphere) and remote mirror-alignment system. By the close of 2005 this beamline was near operation with tasks such as routing control cables through vacuum feedthrough ports remaining to be completed. d. The Small Angle Scattering/Grazing Incidence X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (SAX/GIXAFS) Beamline is well behind schedule for being put into operation. Problems with the double-crystal monochromator and the beamline control system have prevented this beamline from being brought to a point at which true commissioning can begin. Part of the problem has been associated with the staffing in the Basic Sciences Group; for over 6 months, there were no technical staff members available for programming controls and working with the monochromator. A resignation combined with the “loan” of a crucial staff member to Microfabrication for an extended period (which continued to become more extended) caused work to come to a standstill. This 23 lack of staff also slowed work on the X-ray Microprobe, Powder Diffraction and the newly modified VLSGM beamlines. The SAX part of this beamline is now in a commissioning phase as the control system and monochromator problems were remedied near the close of 2005. The GIXAFS part will be commissioned following the beginning of standard operation of the SAX end station. e. The Powder Diffraction Beamline has been under construction and the mechanical components (double-crystal monochromator, goniometer, vacuum and radiation-safety systems) have been assembled in the double-hutch enclosure. A compatibility problem between the commercial control system and the goniometer stepper motors was a major roadblock at the end of 2005. Optimistic projections are for May, 2006 operation of this beamline which already has a number of anxious potential users. 24 C. MEMS/LiGA Services at CAMD in 2005 Editor: Jost Goettert Group Leader: Yohannes Desta Co-Workers: Proyag Datta, Yoonyoung Jin, Zhong-Geng Ling, Varshni Singh, Fareed Dawan, Feng Xian Summary Since 2001 the MEMS/LiGA Services Group at CAMD has been provided a multitude of MEMS related services to the MEMS community primarily at LSU but also the wider LIGA community in the world. The group has pursued this mission and its “customers” today span the globe from Asia, Europe, and the United States. Thin film deposition; LIGA substrates; X-ray masks; X-ray lithography; electroplating of Ni, Ni-Fe, Cu, and Au; mold insert fabrication; hot embossing; and complete LiGA prototyping are all provided by the group as services. In the past years research efforts required to develop new processes and transition them into services have been funded through R&D projects within the DARPA grant. In 2005 this funding was no longer available and consequently a number of R&D projects including larger format membrane X-ray masks, sub-micrometer X-ray lithography, SU-8 ultra-thick processing and high throughput, hard X-ray (wiggler) lithography couldn’t be continued. The only project that was completed was nickel-iron electroplating utilizing the already installed Technotrans electroplating facilities. The following sections briefly summarize the main activities in 2005 and provide an overview over our services. It should also be mentioned that the group experienced a number of technical challenges related to high yield, high quality production of LiGA parts and, together with the fact that Yohannes Desta, the group leader of the service group accepted a new position in January 2006, is currently undergoing a reorganization and consolidation process of its activities. This will most likely result in a reduced number of services and a tighter quality control program. The team members will also continue their efforts for strategic partnerships and joint proposals ensuring some R&D funding to develop new fabrication skills. Overview of currently provided services Tables I and II summarize the base processes and process modules offered by the MEMS/LiGA Services Group at CAMD. All services are offered to customers on a pay basis. These services are mostly comparable to the ones offered in 20041 with some minor adjustments marked at the bottom of each table. 1 Y. Desta et al: ‘MEMS/LiGA Services at CAMD in 2004’, CAMD Annual Report 2004. 25 Table I Services provided by the CAMD Service Group in 2005 Service Type Materials Specifications Contact person Cr, Au, Cu, Ni, Ti 0-2000 A Yoonyoung Jin E-beam deposition Surface modification Ti 2 µm Yoonyoung Jin Printshop (X-ray exposure) PMMA SU-8(1) 1-1000 µm 1-3000 µm Zhong-Geng Ling Electroplating Ni Cu Au Ni-Fe 1-5000 µm 1-500 µm 1-100 µm 1-500 µm Varshni Singh Varshni Singh Varshni Singh Varshni Singh Hot-embossing PMMA, PC CD > 10 µm Aspect-ratio 10:1 Proyag Datta Flycutting PMMA, SU-8 10-1000 µm Zhong-Geng Ling Metrology: Any < 4“ DIA Varshni Singh SEM Varshni Singh EDAX Any Any Varshni Singh WYKO (1) Su-8 substrates are to be provided by customer, CAMD is not offering application of thick (>500µm) SU-8 resists at this time. Table II Process modules offered by the CAMD Service Group in 2005 Module Type Materials Specifications Contact person PMMA 100-1000 µm Varshni Singh UDXRL Substrates X-ray masks Au on Be, C, SiNx, or Kapton 5-40 µm Au thickness, 5 µm CD Yoonyoung Jin Jost Goettert Proyag Datta, Jason (1) Guy (1) Machined mold inserts made from Brass is a rapid prototyping service provided through CBM2/Jason Guy; while evaluating the customer’s design and specification CAMD staff is recommending the most suitable fabrication approach to make a mold insert. Precision machined mold inserts are especially attractive for microfluidic applications and design iteration. Mold inserts Nickel Brass (machined) 5 µm CD, 4“-6“ DIA 20 µm CD Table III provides a summary of all the services completed in 2005. 26 Table VI Summary of service jobs completed in 2005 and compared with service jobs in 2004 Service type Customers Number of Jobs 2005 Number of Jobs 2004 Thin film deposition LSU, Industrial 519 (1591 substrates) 220 (800+ substrates) UDXRL Substrates Industrial 5 (27 substrates) 9 (47 substrates) X-ray masks LSU, Industrial 21 19 Mold inserts LSU, Industrial 4 4 Electroplating LSU, Industrial 46 (112 substrates) 11 (34 substrates) X-ray Exposure LSU, Industrial 598 (661 substrates) 52 (202 substrates) Hot embossing LSU, Industrial 57 (930 substrates) 26 (200+ substrates) Metrology LSU, Industrial 30 (105+ samples) NA Fly cutting Industrial 22 (191 substrates) NA Polishing Industrial 4 (16 substrates) NA Overall the number of service jobs has increased and a few new services requested by our customers have been added. The services related to x-ray LiGA remain on a similar level compared to 2004 indicating a constant demand in the US market. It should be noted that there is an increasing demand in the German market due to customers requiring ultra-precision microparts in special materials and federal funding enabling the research groups at IMT/Karlsruhe and BESSY to setup up higher throughput, high yield manufacturing capabilities. Ni-Fe Alloy Electroplating by Varshni Singh A large number of MEMS applications (actuators and sensors) incorporate magnetic alloys such as electrodeposited Ni-Fe alloy. This alloy also has great potential for high temperature mold insert application as well as high strength and enhanced wear resistance microstructures. In the present study Ni-Fe alloy samples, with Fe content 5 and 15 at%, were electrodeposited using a plating bath prepared by mixing nickel sulfate and iron sulfate. The samples were electrodeposited at a high current density to obtain a high deposition rate (≥20 µm/hr). Several 500 µm thick samples were deposited in polymethylmethacyrlate (PMMA) molds structured by deep X-ray lithography on 100 mm-diameter silicon wafers. Titanium, wet-oxidized to improve the adhesion to PMMA, was used as an electroplating base on the silicon wafers. Uniformity of the composition of samples was studied along the thickness using an EDS (see Fig.1). EDS and SEM results show that Ni-Fe alloy with Fe content at least up to 15% can be plated to fabricate thick MEMS structures (aspect ratio as high as 30) with good uniformity across a 1mm tall structure. The quality of deposition was comparable to Ni electrodeposited structures. Micro-hardness tester was used to measure the hardness of the samples to study the effect of variation in composition on mechanical properties of the alloy. Hardness was found to be increase with increase in content of Fe. Tribological behavior of the electroplated samples was analyzed using Pin-on-disc type tribometer, with pin material alumina. Discs with thickness of more than 250 µm were electroplated and used for wear 27 experiments. Wear results show that harder alloy with higher Fe content has lower friction coefficient, Fig.2 and higher wear resistance. 2 Efforts in the future will explore the chances of replacing regular Ni mold insert with higher quality Ni-Fe mold inserts. Fe: 14.48% Fe: 15.11% a c Fe: 14.99% Fe: 15.41% Fe: 15.37% d b Figure 1: (a) EDS measurements showing composition along the height of a 1 mm tall structure, (b-d) Examples of micro-gears plated with Ni-Fe 15% solution. Pin Materials: Alumina Pin diameter: 9.5 mm Speed: 10 m/s Load: 100 g Friction Coefficient (µ) 1.0 Ni-Fe 15% Ni-Fe 05% 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 100 200 300 400 500 Distance (m) Figure 2: Wear results for the Ni-Fe electroplated alloy. 2 V. Singh, Y. Desta, Y. Jin, J. Goettert, ‘Development of thick Electrodeposited NiFe MEMS Structures with Uniform Composition’ Louisiana Materials and Emerging Technologies Conference – December 1213, 2005, Ruston Louisiana. 28 User statistic – x-ray lithography exposures by Zhonggeng Ling The total number of exposed substrates at all beamlines stayed approximately constant compared to 2004. The two charts in Fig. 3 below represent the distribution of exposed substrates by user group (CAMD, External, LSU) at all four beamlines for the years 2004 and 2005. The number of substrates exposed for external users increased primarily due to the strong interest from HT Micro (see Fig. 4, distribution of substrates from external users). The CAMD total number of exposed substrates dropped slightly from 280 to 245. The majority of these substrates were for two funded projects (GC, see contribution this Annual Report by A. Bhushan and V. Singh) with no active R&D program to further enhance the X-ray lithography capabilities. External 50.6% 39% External 17.5% LSU 10.5% LSU CAMD 43.5% CAMD 38.9% Distribution of all substrates exposed in Distribution of all substrates exposed in 2004; 2005; total number of substrates was 630. total number of substrates was 650. Fig. 3: Distribution of substrates exposed in 2004 (left) and 2005 (right) among user groups. HT Micro 56.7% Fig. 4: Creatv MicroTech 1.57% 6.9% Honeywell 16.9% Sandia Distribution of External User Substrates in 2005; total number of substrates is 319. 17.9% MEZZO The slight increase of external user substrates demonstrates a certain ‘commercial interest’ in x-ray lithography. While Mezzo’s focus has shifted to making ‘product’ prototypes by addressing packaging and assembly issues of micromachined parts HT Micro was still in an exploratory mode trying a number of different designs for various applications. The charts in Fig. 5 compare the accumulated exposure dose for all samples exposed. The left chart represents data for 2004 with a total exposure dose of 1.34 x 107 mAmin, the right one the corresponding information for 2005 with a total exposure dose of 2.105 x 107 mAmin. The increase by approximately 56% is mainly from the high number of 29 thick PMMA samples exposed for the GC project. It is noteworthy that the interest of the LSU community in using x-ray lithography for their research projects is continuously declining over the years and shifting to alternative fabrication methods including rapid prototyping using precision machining and SU-8 UV lithography. External 26% External 28.6% LSU 18.1% CAMD 65% 55.9% CAMD Distribution of total exposure dose at all 4 beamlines among main user groups in 2004. 6.36% LSU Distribution of total exposure dose at all 4 beamlines among main user groups in 2005. Conclusions 2005 has been another productive year for the MEMS/LiGA Services Group at CAMD. The group has been able to fulfill its main objective of facilitating LIGA related research at LSU and the world-wide LIGA community by providing the vast processing expertise of CAMD’s personnel as services. The trend from the previous years continues in that only few projects demand the full x-ray lithography capability and often use alternative MEMS approaches, especially for R&D efforts. The CAMD Service Group also experienced limitation in its efforts to enhance yield and quality. While there are many technical details impacting these efforts it is very often also a question of costs and the lack of customer (financial) commitment to sponsor the necessary R&D efforts required to better understand and execute the processes. All these things considered the coming year will be very challenging and the CAMD group has to carefully evaluate its operation. Acknowledgements The members of the services group would like to thank all customers and users for their interest and support of their activities. Special thanks are given to our ‘active’ users for their interest in working at CAMD and sharing their expertise and knowledge, which ultimately helps to enhance CAMD’s service capabilities. 30 D. CAMD Cleanroom The CAMD Cleanroom is currently undergoing major changes in operational structure in order to better support use of the microfabrication capabilities for LSU, CAMD, and other users. The cleanroom managing team is committed to providing infrastructure for standardized processes and research for device development. This infrastructure includes environment, equipment, and supplies maintenance along with education and training. User Information The number of people actively using the cleanroom remained steady, at 63, from 2004 to 2005. The majority of cleanroom users are CAMD staff and LSU students from the Mechanical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering departments, as indicated in Fig. 1. Increased participation from students of Prof. Fred Lacy’s group at Southern University’s Electrical Engineering department and a new PI from LSU’s Mechanical Engineering department, Prof. Sunggook Park, are also progressing in their research utilizing CAMD facilities. Also, CBM2 (Center for BioModular Multi-Scale Systems) is supporting a total of 15 researchers on various projects, making it the largest external project. In Fig. 1, however, they are listed with the individual PI of the project and not with CBM2. Number of Active Users per Group 25 Number of Users 20 15 2004 2005 10 5 A jm er a LS U EE A M R IU N O C C he A M m D is tr y C L SU ho iL SU W EE ei Fe LS ld U m EE an LS K U el EE ly LS K U ho M E n LS M ur U ph M E y LS U N M ik E LS N U an M M of E ez ab zo ric Te at ch io n C W A an M M D g ic LS ro U G M as E A na ly Pa ze rk r LS U M La E cy SU EE 0 Department / Group Fig 1. Chart of active cleanroom Users and their affiliations. Operations Cleanroom activity is monitored from information on machine use, which is derived from the database created from login of machines inside the cleanroom. Fig. 2 indicates machine use by each User group. CAMD continues to be the cleanroom’s most active 31 group. However, Fig. 2 also indicates individuals of many external groups work inside the cleanroom more frequently than CAMD’s staff members. For example, one of LSU’s Mechanical Engineering groups, led by Prof. Wanjun Wang, uses the equipment half as much as CAMD Service and Research (55%) but with ¼ the staff size of CAMD’s. CAMD’s research, funded through external projects, focuses on device integration and service. Service, by definition, uses standardized processes, which are highly efficient. The chips for device integration are designed such that processing demands fall within more routine, thus reliable, procedures and process parameters. This trend reduces the amount of lab time required inside the cleanroom. Processing research is relatively more common in the projects of external academic users, which tends to result in increased lab time. 500,000 Microfabrication Machine Use in 2005 Sum of Duration (Min) CAMD Service + Research = 874,803 mins 450,000 Duration of Machine Use (min) 400,000 350,000 300,000 Start Year 250,000 2005 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 AEE CHEM EWEI MEM MEN Mezzo NANO WANG MGA SUEE AccountNo Fig. 2. Chart showing machine use for each group in 2005. For clarity, CAMD microfabrication staff machine use is not graphed, but is noted. Groups/users using machines less than 1500 minutes per year were excluded from the chart. Fig. 3 indicates the change in machine use from calendar years 2004 to 2005, organized by User group. Total machine use dropped 11% in 2005, relative to 2004. Usage was up during the first five months of 2005, according to the chart in Fig. 4. The decrease began in June and lasted through the summer months, primarily due to reduced activity by the REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) summer students. In past years, an average of 6 REU students working on process development accounted for significant cleanroom activity. In 2005 only 3 REU students performed microfabrication research projects, and these primarily required the use of machines located outside of the cleanroom. 32 Percent Change in Machine Use 2004 to 2005 300% Total Machine Use Change = -11% 250% 200% 150% 100% 50% MicroGas Analyzer Wang LSU ME Nanofabrication CAMD MezzoTech Nik LSU ME Murphy LSU ME Khon LSU ME Kelly LSU ME Feldman LSU EE Wei LSU EE Choi LSU EE CAMD Chemistry LSU -100% AMRI UNO -50% Ajmera LSU EE 0% Department / Group Fig. 3. Chart indicates the change in amount of time of machine use 2004 - 2005. 350,000 Monthly Machine Use in 2004 and 2005 Sum of Duration (Min) Duration of Machine Use (min) 300,000 250,000 200,000 Start Year 2004 2005 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Start Month Fig. 4. Chart comparing monthly total machine use in 2004 and 2005. The months are listed chronologically, such as January as month 1, February as month 2, etc. 33 Duration of Machine Use (min) Reduction of machine use during the fall months, as indicated in Fig. 4, is attributed to the disruptions from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, which nearly destroyed UNO, New Orleans, and western Louisiana in August and September. Many factors contributed to reduction of research and facility operations in the months following the hurricanes. CAMD operations decreased or were halted entirely during the local power outages resulting from both Hurricanes. Additionally, the community disruptions contributed to less focus on lab work and more on personal and civic obligations. Many LSU campus changes affected LSU PI’s and researchers, due to the influx of displaced students and researchers from New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. Regrettably, five researchers from UNO’s AMRI (Advanced Materials Research Institute) are presumed permanently displaced and have not worked at CAMD since the hurricanes. 50,000 Annual Machine Use 2004 and 2005 Sum of Duration (Min) 40,000 30,000 Start Year 20,000 2004 2005 10,000 Tencor Alpha-Step 50 Surface Profiler Quintel UL7000TL Mask Aligner / Exposure System Oriel UV Exposure Station/Aligner HITACHI S-4500II Field Emission SEM Headway Research PWM101 Light Duty Photoresist Spinner Bransen Plasma Asher 0 Machine Name Fig. 5. Chart comparing time of use for common machines 2004 and 2005. Fig. 5 indicates the use of a few processing and metrology machines. As noted in the previous two graphs, usage was down approximately 11% overall. Cost Center A cost center was introduced in November 2005 to the academic community and anyone else interested. CAMD has worked for many years to create a cost center in order to allow all Users (including CAMD staff) to contribute their portion of used resources to the operation and maintenance of the facility. The cost center is a fee schedule in which rates for each piece of equipment were derived using CAMD’s expense and usage history according to guidelines provided by the university. Strict guidelines for rate derivation were provided by PS-103 through LSU’s department of Budget and Planning. Jim Bates, Director of Sponsored Programs, approved the initial rates and implementation of the 34 cost center in October. Rates are subject to yearly adjustment in order to ensure best estimates of generated revenue, which are to be kept at or below cost. During November’s meeting, there were concerns about the ability of currently funded projects to afford the increase in cost of research, since work at CAMD’s User facility has historically been free of charge to all Users. The approved rates will apply during a transition period of 3 months, starting January 2006, in which projects will be invoiced but not charged. A subsequent meeting in March 2006 will be held to reevaluate costs and discuss changes that may be needed for affordability. For a historically-accurate estimate of yearly costs for cleanroom machine use, Fig. 6 indicates costs for a few different groups for the past two years. Cost Center Rates Applied to Past Usage $350,000.00 $309,286 $300,000.00 $250,000.00 $218,596 $200,000.00 $180,629 2004 2005 $150,000.00 $128,214 $100,000.00 $67,736 $50,000.00 $31,112 $15,152$19,087 $5,833 $4,700 $0.00 Wang Murphy Soper CAMD + Service MGA Group Leader Fig. 6. Costs of using cleanroom equipment for various PI’s if current rates were applied to 2004 and 2005 machine usage. A new project proposal form was devised in January 2005 that required new Users (and updates of existing Users) to investigate their project in greater depth, which improved User awareness of project details and timelines. Due to the cost structure implementation starting beginning 2006, CAMD will no longer judge project preparation and student knowledge. CAMD will depend solely on the new User training sessions to prepare Users on basic chemical knowledge, safety, machine use, and, in the near future, microfabrication basics. Thus, beginning January 2006, the project proposal form will be replaced by a simplified Project Routing Sheet, which is used to track basic information 35 on the PI and project. A User Sheet starts New Users on the training path and correlates existing Users with the project(s) he/she is working. Many changes and improvements are expected over the next year as CAMD implements the cost center for all microfabrication equipment. More online training and information will improve communication and streamline information for Users and visitors. Improved device tracking will help to predict costs and maintenance schedules. And an overall increase in User satisfaction with the facility is expected as the CAMD staff attempts to serve each User in a more efficient and customer-oriented manner. Training Specific additions to the Cleanroom Training module were required by the federal department, EPA. Instruction of the newly implemented HMIS (Hazard Materials Identification System) hazard specifications was added. This system is additionally mandated for use campus-wide along with the currently used NFPA (National Fire Protections Association) system. HMIS includes the code specifications for health risks, safety precautions, and combinations of the two, as well as specific designation of gloves. Procedures that were guided by the CAMD’s Safety Committee were also added to Cleanroom Training to further ensure the safety of cleanroom workers. These procedures and instructions were related to chemical spills, hood use, broken glass, accidents and incidents reporting, and chemical labeling. Additionally safety and medical supplies were added to the cleanroom burn protocol and neutralizing capabilities. The first Annual Cleanroom Refresher was held in the spring. Instruction on the new safety and cleanroom protocols were included, along with etiquette and operational reminders to Users on specific issues that were subsequently improved upon by the Users. 36 User Reports and User Activities 37 Basic and Material Sciences Spectroscopy VUV 38 The valence electronic structure of Gd@C60 A.N. Caruso1, P. Jeppson1, Robert D. Bolskar2, R. Sabirianov3, P.A. Dowben4 and Ya.B. Losovyj5 1 Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58102 (UNL-AC1205) [email protected] 2 3 4 5 TDA Research Corporation, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Department of Physics, University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE 68182-0266 Department of Physics & Astronomy and the Center for Materials Research and Analysis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0111 Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Endohedral fullerenes and their solids represent a class of molecules and materials with extraordinary physical, optical, electronic and magnetic properties. In general, fullerene materials fulfill the ever surging “nano” interest where size and new phenomena based applications drive funding. For the endohedral fullerenes specifically, applications such as MRI contrast agents and magnetoelectric memory are pushing the present applied interest, while metal-organic synthesis and electronic structure experiment and theory are pushing the basic science. Some of the questions regarding endohedral molecules are: how the central atom (typically a metal) hybridizes with its surrounding cage; how many electrons transfer to the cage; how does the cage existence perturbs the nuclear moment; and, what are the (intermolecular) interactions between molecule-molecule and molecule-substrate. Figure 1. Image produced from a density functional calculation of Gd@C60. Note that the metal is offset from the central cage position (due to an image charge) which results in a net dipole. There has been a good deal of work on the M@Cx molecules, with M= Be, Mg, Ca, Li, Na, K, La, Ce, Gd, Tm and x=70,74 and 82 but the M@C60 are more difficult to synthesize, especially for endohedral lanthanides. For Gd@C60, this is the first electronic structure study, from the only known synthesis by Bolskar et al. [1]. Because of the reduced diameter, relative to C82, the above interaction questions attain greater precedence and magnitude; hence, comparison of Gd@C60 with prior work on Gd@C82 and entirely new answers to the above questions represent the foundation for completing this electronic structure study. 39 Figure 2. Thickness and polarization dependent photoemission of Gd@C60 adsorbed on Au(111). The TOP spectra represent clean gold, while the MIDDLE and BOTTOM spectra show progressively thicker adsorptions of Gd@C60, but not so much that the gold features are suppressed (i.e. less than 25Å). The red-dots indicate p polarization, while the black-solid line indicates s+p incident light polarization. The thickness dependence is shown in Figure 2 with a suppression of the gold features and a growth of the carbon 2p. The Gd 4f orbitals, whose position for metallic Gd is usually -7.8 eV are now shifted away from the Fermi level due to the cage hybridization. The HOMO and HOMO-1 for C60 that are usually located at -2 and -3eV, and an expected Gd state close to EF are not visible, possibly due to the extremely thin nature of the adsorbed layer. The polarization dependence is particularly interesting, as one would not expect an anisotropy in the transition dipoles of the carbon 2p. Future work with other substrate surfaces and high energy photons will allow for a more rigorous determination of where exactly each of the orbitals is lining up and what the valency of the endohedral metal is. For now, we can only speculate to say that the enhancement with p polarization is indicative of a d-f hybridization between the Au 5d and Gd 4f or that the Gd is offset in the cage relative to the substrate in the vertical direction so as to induce an electric dipole normal to the surface. The above experiments were completed at the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices synchrotron radiation facility in Baton Rouge, LA on beamline 6B1. This work was supported by the Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) under agreement DMEA90-02-2-0218 and the NSF through ND EPSCoR grant EPS-0447679. We would especially like to thank TDA research for proving the Gd@C60 powder. [1] Robert D. Bolskar, Angelo F. Benedetto, Lars O. Husebo, Roger E. Price, Edward F. Jackson, Sidney Wallace, Lon J. Wilson and J. Michael Alford, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125 (2003) 5471 40 Photoemission studies of adsorbed Mn(thiobenzoate)2 Shengming Liu1, D.L. Schulz1, Ya.B. Losovyj2 and A.N. Caruso1 1 2 Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58102 (UNL-AC1205) [email protected] Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Transition metal centered benzoate complexes are of traditional interest toward optoelectronic and other charge transfer related applications. Thiobenzoato complexes with metals in the 2+ state are known to exhibit variable coordination numbers [1] which coupled to variable isomer/tautomer forms makes for a diverse set of spin states and charge localization. S C O Mn O C S Figure 1. One of the two isomers of bis(thiobenzoato)manganese(II). There are also two tautomers which provide non-coordinating but protonated bonds on the oxygens or sulfurs. Our intention here was to synthesize, adsorb and study the isomer above. Our intention here was to study the valence electronic structure of monolayer and greater adsorptions of the transition metal complex, bis(thiobenzoato)manganese(II) as shown in Figure 1. It is also of interest to determine the role played by the benzene rings with regard to substrate interactions (orientation, coordination) as well as neighbor influence on multilayer packing. (b) Intensity Intensity (a.u.) (a) -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 E-EF (eV) E-EF (eV) Figure 2. Thickness dependent (a) and polarization dependent photoemission (b) of the molecule shown in Figure 1 adsorbed on Au(111). Both spectra were taken with 90 eV incident light and the photoelectrons were collected normal to the surface. 41 The thickness dependent photoemission shown in Figure 2a demonstrates the rise of the benzoate molecular orbitals and the reduction of gold states as the thickness of the adsorbate increases. At the thickest adsorption (blue) where the gold 5d features are completely suppressed, a strong insulating character arises with the HOMO at a position greater than 2 eV below the Fermi level. Future investigations using electron spin and circularly polarized photons with temperature dependence to probe the candidacy of this system as a Mott-insulator induced by the existence of magnetic coupling. The above studies were completed at the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices synchrotron radiation facility in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on the 3m torodial grating monochromator beamline 6B1. [1] Rema Devy, Jagadese J. Vittal and Philip A.W. Dean, Inor.Chem. 37 (1998) 6939 42 The Work Function and Conductivity of Doped PEDOT-PEG Copolymers A.N. Caruso1, P. Jeppson1, Shawn Sapp2, Silvia Luebben2, D.L. Schulz1 and Ya.B. Losovyj3 1 Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58102 (UNL-AC1205) [email protected] 2 3 TDA Research Corporation, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 The convention in organic light emitting diode (OLED) multilayer structures is to use indium tin oxide (In2O3:Sn or ITO) as the transparent anode or conductive hole injection source. Using ITO has led to a string of hurdles that provide an increased degree of difficulty with respect to fabricating devices as well as reduce the overall efficiency from manufacturing costs to power consumption. Some of the problems encountered with ITO are a variability in work function (4.1 – 5.1 eV), large surface roughness as a bottom electrode and oxidative destruction at the overlying emissive polymer interface. To counter the above issues, intermediate polymer layers known as hole transport layers (HTL) have been considered such as polyaniline emeraldine or poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) blended with poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT-PSS). PEDOT-PSS (Figure 1a) is the conventional HTL because it provides a reproducible work function, can be cast to give a smooth interface and hinders oxidation at the emissive interface. Unfortunately, PEDOT-PSS is itself corrosive at the ITO interface due to PSS being a strong acid. Furthermore, from the reported work function values of PEDOT-PSS (4.7-5.4 eV) relative to ITO, hole injection may be hindered as shown schematically in Figure 2a. Presented herein is an investigation of the work function and conductivity of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-co-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEDOTPEG) doped with perchlorate or para-tuluenesulfonate anions is presented in the context of OLEDs as an alternative to the high work function and corrosive PEDOT-PSS. ClO4O O O O S S O O + O O + S S B) S S S O S A) O O SO3H SO3H SO3H SO3- O O O O SO3H SO3H SO3H O O ClO4 + O O R S O O O y O y O R O R O x perchlorate-doped PEDOT-PEG - SO3H SO3H SO3- H3C O PEDOT-PSS O S S O O O S + x SO3- O S S O O O C) y S O O O H3C O S + + S O SO3- O S S O O O O S R O O O x PTS-doped PEDOT-PEG Figure 1. Structure of PEDOT-PSS (a), structure of perchlorate-doped PEDOT-PEG (b), and structure of PTS-doped PEDOT-PEG (c). Intrinsically conducting polymers (ICPs) consist of extended π conjugation along a molecular backbone or chain. Oxidative doping transforms the chains from neutral 43 species to polycationic with conductivity increasing by several orders of magnitude upon doping. During oxidation, anions are incorporated as dopants in the polymer by oxidative polymerization (either chemical or electrochemical) of the conjugated or aromatic monomer. It has been shown that conductivity increases with doping level, however few studies have been done to show the relationship between work function and doping level. Therefore, one outstanding question is what role does “doping” play in π conjugated systems with respect to work function and conductivity? The study reported here is designed to understand the mechanisms which control work function dependence as is important for present and future two and three-terminal organo-electronic devices. Figure 2. Photoemission at -3V bias of clean gold (solid line), PEDOT-PEG doped with perchlorate (dashed line) and PEDOT-PEG doped with PTS (dotted line). The inset indicates the value in binding energy of the secondary photoemission cutoff. Above are photoemission spectra, used to determine the work function of the block copolymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-co-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEDOTPEG) doped with perchlorate or para-toluenesulfonate anions. The take home message of this work is that doped PEDOT-PEG may open the door for low band gap emissive materials that have been otherwise discounted due to their inappropriate match to high work function or low conductivity standard hole transport materials. The above experiments were completed at the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices synchrotron radiation facility in Baton Rouge, LA on beamline 6B1. This work was supported by the Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) under agreement DMEA90-02-2-0218 and the NSF through ND EPSCoR grant EPS-0447679. 44 Valence and shallow core photoemission of adsorbed cyclohexasilanes A.N. Caruso1, S.B. Choi1, D.L. Schulz1, P. Boudjouk1 and Ya.B. Losovyj2 1 2 Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58102 (UNL-AC1205) [email protected] Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Many polysilane molecules of linear and cyclic symmetry have been studied under the requisite of chemical vapor deposition precursor toward applications using amorphous silicon a:SiH or silicon carbide. In this study our primary intention is to understand the interfacial valence and shallow core electronic nature of cyclic polysilanes both before and after decomposition. A secondary goal is to determine what molecular species exist after adsorption to the subtrate (i.e. ring opening, radical formation, etc.). The intention of such goals are to extract interfacial orbital hybridization and raw spectral density information relative to the Fermi level so as to determine binding energies of SiH, Si-Si, Si-C and residual H and C amounts. R Si R R R Si Si R R R Si Si R R Si R Figure 1. Chair conformation of the D3d Si6H12 with R=H and the Si6(CH3)12 molecule with R= CH3. R R For molecules such as silane (SiH4), that are traditional CVD precursors toward forming amorphous silicon, removing all of the hydrogen to achieve good conductivity and mobility is a challenge [1]. Furthermore, the energy of dissociation of SiH4 to form a-Si is high relative to Si6H12 due to the weaker Si-Si bonds. For silicon carbide, the challenge lies in forming the Si-C bond, rather than the carbon (easily) desorbing as an alkyl group [2] upon precursor adsorption. Si6H12 Shown below in Figures 2 and 3 are the core and valence band photoemission spectra of very thin adsorbed Si6H12 (initial state) on Au(111). Figure 2 shows the development of Figure 2. Shallow core photoemission of Si6H12 on Au(111) completed with 120 eV incident photon energy and s+p polarization. The topmost spectra (BLACK) represents clean Au(111), while the RED and GREEN are for progressively thicker adsorptions of Si6H12; the bottom spectra (BLUE) is after 60 seconds of zero order light incident on the GREEN adsorption thickness. 45 Figure 3. (LEFT) Angle resolved photoemission of Si6H12 adsorbed on Au(111) completed with p polarization and 55 eV incident light. Spectra (a) represents clean gold while (b), (c) and (d) represent progressively thicker adsorptions. All spectra were collected along surface normal to preserve symmetry of the final state. (RIGHT) Angle resolved polarization dependent photoemission of gaseous Si6H12 adsorbed on Au(111) taken with hv=55 eV. The solid line represents p polarization while the dots are for s+p polarization. Note that the adsorption is less than 25 Å as some gold is still apparent in the photoemission intensity. the Si 2p at -100 eV and the reduction of the Au 4f states at -84/87 eV as the gaseous Si6H12 is adsorbed (red and green) and decomposed (blue). As a thicker layer is developed the Si 2p shifts from -99.79 eV (red) to -100.57 eV (red); upon exposure to white light, the Si 2p shifts back toward lower binding energy at -99.86 eV (blue). The shift toward higher binding energy is commensurate with the formation of a silicon hydride, although we must first confirm whether ring opening, Si-Si or Si-H bond scission, Au-Si charge transfer or bond formation or a combination of the above effects have occurred to make a rigorous determination of the hydride type and mechanism of formation. The polarization dependent spectra (Figure 3 RIGHT) demonstrates the existence of symmetry selection rules from the enhancement in the spectral region -4.5 to -2.5 eV. Such polarization dependence, although convoluted with the Au 5d orbitals, indicates that the ring does NOT open upon adsorption. If one considers that such spectral features at -4.5 to -2.5 eV are represented by the Si 3p while the feature at -10 eV is the Si 3s, then enhancement in s+p polarization (45˚ photon incidence relative to 70˚ incidence from normal or p polarization) makes sense and should represent the σ-SiSi bonding. Also, because there exists an enhancement at the Si 3p, the ring should exist in a planar conformation as otherwise in the chair or boat conformation, the photoemission intensity would yield equal densities for each polarization. Ultimately, further studies with thicker adsorptions, temperature and decomposition dependence will be required to make a more rigorous determination of the adsorbed species, decomposition mechanisms and residual hydrogen content. For now, it is a surprising result that the ring does not open upon adsorption, leading to a large host of questions regarding ordering and the differences between interfacial and bulk electronic structures. One difficult but exciting 46 experiment would be to observe a low energy electron diffraction (LEED) or STM pattern in both the submonolayer to monolayer coverage range (without decomposing by electron bombardment). Si6(CH3)12 In an effort to study a unique precursor toward forming silicon carbide and as a comparison to cyclic Si6H12 we present photoemission of the adsorbed phenyl based analog dodecamethylcyclohexasilane Si6(CH3)12 on Au(111). The core level spectra (Figure 4) reveal a shift toward lower binding energy for the Si 2p from -99.24 eV (red) to -98.64 eV (green) as thickness increases; upon decomposition, due to white light exposure, the Si 2p shifts to -98.85 eV (blue). Such values of the thick adsorbed layer (green) Si 2p3/2 relative to crystalline silicon are low by ~0.9 eV and are not indicative of carbide or hydride formation which would tend to stabilize. Figure 4. Shallow core photoemission of Si6(CH3)12 on Au(111) completed with 120 eV incident photon energy and s+p polarization. The bottom spectra (BLACK) represents clean Au(111), while the RED and GREEN are for progressively thicker adsorptions of Si6H12; the bottom spectra (BLUE) is after 60 seconds of zero order light incident on the GREEN adsorption thickness. Figure 5 contains the valence band photoemission where a gradual decrease of the gold photoemission contributions, their complete obscurity and polarization dependence of such is shown. The feature at -15.1 eV is attributed to the C 2s, while the molecular orbital at -7eV is due to C-H from the C 2p with a remaining hybridization between C 2p and Si 3p making up the remaining orbitals within 5 eV of EF. Both the carbon 2s and 2p exhibit a polarization enhancement with p polarization, while the feature at -2 eV is enhanced with s+p polarized light; the remaining silicon features are show no polarization dependence. Due to the complexity of this molecule, calculations will be required in order to apply symmetry and selection rules for determination of the adsorbate conformation, orientation and overall condition. It is interesting and somewhat amazing that for such an outrageous molecule (twelve methyls bound to a central silicon ring) a symmetry dependence is observed at all, especially for a coverage that exceeds the photoelectron mean free path (~25Å). Hence, the interplay between σ (Si 3p) and π (C 2p) conjugation which leads to such an ordered structure is interesting both electronically and physically. 47 Figure 5. (LEFT) Angle resolved photoemission of Si6(CH3)12 adsorbed on Au(111) completed with p polarization and 55 eV incident light. The black spectra represents clean gold while red, green and blue represent progressively thicker adsorptions. All spectra were collected along surface normal to preserve symmetry of the final state. (RIGHT) Angle resolved polarization dependent photoemission of gaseous Si6(CH3)12 adsorbed on Au(111) taken with hv=55 eV. The solid line represents p polarization while the dots are for s+p polarization. Note that the adsorption is greater than 25 Å as the gold orbitals are no longer apparent. [1] J.J. Koulmann, F. Ringeisen, M. Alaoui and D. Bolmont, Phys. Rev. B 41 (1996) 3878 [2] D.G.J. Sutherland, L.J. Terminello, J.A. Carlisle, I. Jimenze, F.J. Himpsel, K.M. Baines, D.K. Shuh and W.M. Tong, J. Appl. Phys. 82 (1997) 3567 The above data was collected at the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices synchrotron radiation facility in Baton Rouge, LA on beamline 6B1. This work was supported by the Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) under agreement DMEA90-02-2-0218 and the NSF through ND EPSCoR grant EPS-0447679. 48 The valence electronic structure of two metalloporphyrin analogs: cobalt and nickel tetramethyldibenzotetraazaannulene A.N. Caruso1, S.B. Choi1, L. Jarabek1 and Ya.B. Losovyj2 1 2 Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58102 (UNL-AC1205) [email protected] Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Metal centered macrocyclic (metallocycles) compounds are of past and present interest for a host of electronic and opto-electronic reasons. The most well known metallocycles are the metalloporphyrin and metallophthalocyanine molecules as used in thin film form for organic light emitting diodes, transistors, solar cells and gas sensing devices. In addition to their electronic properties such metallocycles possess excellent physical structure properties such as, ability to form supramolecular assemblies (due to their high symmetry and pi delocalization) and are easily deposited using traditional evaporation techniques. CH3 CH3 N Figure 1. Tetraazaannulene with methyl units at the R positions. The two metals studied here are Co and Ni in the 2+ state. N M N CH3 N CH3 A lesser studied metallocycle, compared to the porphyrin and phthalocyanine are the tetraazaannulene (TAA) complexes (Figure 1). The TAA are considered highly conjugated (in comparison to highly saturated) and delocalized ligand systems that exhibit strong coordination to metal centers [1]. The resultant molecules with hydrogen only termination are found to be highly planar while those with strong steric R groups will form a saddle geometry. In addition, the TAA metallocycles differ from their C4v cousins by forming unusual spin states in the 1+, 2+ or 3+ state that have been identified as stable radicals (polarons) [2]. It is for the above reasons and lack of experimental results, that we believe these molecules represent a possible diamond in the rough with respect to metal-organic magnetic materials development of which the first step is an electronic structure investigation. Hence, we present a valence band electronic structure Nickel(II) study of adsorbed (NiC22H22N4) [7,16dihydro6,8,5,17tetramethyldibenzo[b,i][1,4,8,11]tetraazacyclotetradecinato(2)N5,N9,N14,N18] and (CoC22H22N4) Cobalt(II) [7,16dihydro6,8,5,17tetramethyldibenzo[b,i][1,4,8,11]tetraazacyclotetradecinato(2)N5,N9,N14,N18] hereafter refereed to as NiTMTAA and CoTMTAA. The NiTMTAA and CoTMTAA molecules were adsorbed from sublimed vapor onto a Au(111) single crystal cooled to 100 K. All of the photoemission reveal very similar character and response with respect to the strict nitrogen and carbon orbitals. The remaining sections will highlight the differences observed between the cobalt and nickel centers. 49 Figure 2. Shallow core photoemission of NiTMTAA (LEFT) and CoTMTAA (RIGHT) completed with hv=120 eV and p polarization. All photoelectrons were collected normal to the substrate so as to preserve the final state symmetry and provide a parallel wavevector equal to zero. The top spectra represents clean Au, while the middle and bottom spectra are for thin and thicker adsorptions of the molecules in question. Both core level spectra possess the dominate features at -18 eV due to the the C 2s. The broad spectral density located from -40 to -70 eV represents the various 3p states of the respective transition metals coupled and degeneracy lifted. For Ni the 3p1/2 and 3p3/2 is expected to fall at -68 and -66.2 eV, while for Co we expect the -59.9 and -58.9 eV. For CoTMTAA there is definitely a small peak centered around -58 eV, but it is very hard to extract much from the NiTMTAA at -67 eV. Unfortunately, the secondary photoyield and highly insulating character of both molecules make a rigorous determination of the metal 3p levels not possible. Figure 3. Thickness dependent valence band photoemission of NiTMTAA (LEFT) and CoTMTAA (RIGHT) adsorped on Au(111) completed with 55 eV incident light and p polarization. Black represent clean Au, while red, green, blue and violet represent progressively thicker adsorption of the respective molecule. The thickness dependent spectra (Figure 3) reveal a slightly more stable molecule for NiTMTAA relative to the CoTMTAA due to the C 2p existing at higher binding 50 energy for nickel versus cobalt. This stability is also echoed from thermal gravimetric analysis where the Co complex decomposed at a lower temperature and is also found to be sensitive to atmosphere. The highly insulating character of these molecules is shown by the photoemission onset existing at about -2.0 eV. Placement of the HOMO is uncertain at this time, where theory calculations, coupled with the polarization depedendent photoemission will help determine whether a molecular orbital or defect state is responsible for the photoemission onset. One of the most amazing results from this work is shown in Figure 4 for the difference in polarization dependent photoemission between the Ni and Co complexes. From the photoemission enhancements, it is clear that the NiTMTAA retains a great deal of symmetry while the CoTMTAA has a reduced symmetry. Such a result makes sense within a square planar configuration (C4v) for the Ni 2+ relative to a possible saddle geometry (C2v or lower) for the Co 2+. Conversely, crystal structure determinations have shown that in the bulk, both the Co and Ni complex exist in the saddle geometry, which suggests that the NiTMTAA could exist in the saddle while the CoTMTAA has little or no point group assignment. Upon comparison with point group based calculations, the configuration and possible orientation with respect to surface normal will become more clear. Figure 4. Polarization dependent photoemission of NiTMTAA (LEFT) and CoTMTAA (RIGHT) completed with hv=55 eV for the thickest coverage. The normalization is somewhat incomparable due to the extreme secondary in the NiTMTAA spectra taken with lower photon flux. The above studies were completed at the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices synchrotron radiation facility in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on the 3m torodial grating monochromator beamline 6B1. [1] [2] Marvin C. Weiss, Guy Gordon and Virgil L. Goedken, Inorganic Chemistry 16 (1977) 305 Alan R. Cutler, Carl S. Alleyne and David Dolphin, Inorganic Chemistry 24 (1985) 2276. 51 Modifying Materials Properties of Metal Oxides by Doping: Photoemission studies at the 3m-TGM beamline Erie H. Morales, Jimi Burst, Khabibulakh Katsiev, Matthias Batzill, and Ulrike Diebold Department of Physics, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118 Email: [email protected], [email protected] PRN: TU-UD0904 In last year’s report we described studies investigating the surface properties of reduced and stoichiometric SnO2 surfaces and the interaction of water with TiO2 and SnO2. These studies are now published; see references [1-6]. In the period of the current report we extended our studies on the same materials by modifying the materials properties by dopants. In particular we investigated the influence of nitrogen-doping on the electronic structure of TiO2, cobalt-doping of SnO2, and the growth of palladium on SnO2(101). In the following we give brief summaries of these works in progress. 1. Nitrogen-doping of TiO2 Nitrogen-doping of TiO2 has been proposed to reduce the band-gap of TiO2. Narrowing of the band gap of TiO2 would allow a more efficient harvesting of the solar light in photocatalytic applications of TiO2 and thus is of enormous practical interest. Our studies aimed to clarify the effect N-doping has on the electronic structure of TiO2. We found that N-doping induced localized band gap states at the valence band maximum of pure TiO2 which explains the increased absorption of visible light in doped TiO2. More interestingly though, N-doping also decreases the oxygen vacancy-defect formationenergy. This results in a thermal instability of doped TiO2 and may cause degradation of N-doped TiO2 photocatalysts. These results are accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. [7]. 2. Palladium-growth on SnO2 Palladium is an important additive in SnO2 based solid state gas sensing materials and as a heterogeneous catalyst. Our combined scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS) studies showed that Pd wets the reduced SnO2(101) surface but grows as 3D clusters on the stocihiometric SnO2(101) surface. UPS measurements indicate a downward shift of the Pd-5d states forming a band gap at low Pd-coverage on the reduced SnO2 surface. This behavior may be explained by a hybridization of the Pd valence electrons with the occupied Sn-5s states of the reduced Sn-surface atoms. Such a hybridization of electronic states also implies a strong interaction between Pd and the SnO2 surface and thus is consistent with the unusual wetting of an oxide by a metal. The observed strong downward shift of the Pd d-band has important implications for the catalytic activity of Pd. 3. Cobalt-doping of SnO2 Cobalt-doped SnO2 is a dilute ferromagnetic material with a Curie temperature above room temperature. Such semiconducting ferromagnets are sought for applications in future spintronic devices. We have grown epitaxial Co-doped SnO2 thin films on alumina substrates by oxygen plasma assisted MBE and characterized their properties by various techniques in collaboration with other groups. One technique we utilized has been UPS at CAMD for the characterization of the valence band of differently doped SnO2 films. From these studies we could deduce the position of the Co d-band. The position of this 52 state is important for a fundamental understanding of the ferromagnetic coupling in dilute ferromagnetic materials. The predominate theory for ferromagnetism (see e.g. J.M.D. Coey, M. Venkatesan, and C.B. Fitzgerald, Nature Materials 4, 173 (2005)) in dilute oxides is that high spin state, dilute Co2+ cations couple their spin via the defect band associated with oxygen vacancies. For this to work either the Co-3d majority or the minority band has to overlap with the O-vacancy defect band. Our measurements suggest that for Co-doped SnO2 the Co-3d minority band causes the splitting of the O-vacancy defect band and thus causes the high Curie temperature in this material. 53 The Electronic Structure of 1,2-PCB10H11 Molecular Films: precursor to a novel semiconductor (UNBD1203 and UNJB1203) Snjezana Balaz,1 Dimtcho I. Dimov,2 N.M. Boag,1,2 Kyle Nelson,3 Benjamin Montag,3 J.I. Brand,3 and P.A. Dowben1 1 Dept, of Physics and Astronomy and the Center for Materials Research and Analysis, Behlen Laboratory of Physics, University of Nebraska, P.O. Box 880111, Lincoln, NE 68588-0111 U.S.A. [email protected] 2 Chemistry and Nanotechnology, Institute for Materials Research, Cockcroft Building, University of Salford, Salford M5 4WT, United Kingdom 3 College of Engineering and Technology, N245 Walter Scott Engineering Center, 17th & Vine Streets, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0511, [email protected] The ability to generate semiconducting grades of boron carbide by plasma enhanced chemical vapor phase deposition (PECVD) of carboranes permits the development of corrosion resistant, high temperature devices with many applications including neutron detection. It is now clear that these boron carbides, of approximate stoichiometry “C2B10Hx” (where x represents up to ~5% molar fraction of hydrogen), exhibit a range of electronic properties (e.g. p-type or n-type) presumably as a result of differing electronic structures originating in differences in polytype (molecular structure). These films may be doped “conventionally” with dopants such as iron, vanadium [12], chromium and nickel, however, main group doping has not been so successful. The difficulties in using main group elements as dopants in semiconducting boron carbides led to the exploration of the dimeric complex phosphorus bridged orthocarborane (1,2-C2B10H10PCl)2 [1,2] as a precursor with ‘built–in’ dopant (P). Although this produced a boron carbide with a significantly larger band gap than the undoped material, phosphorus inclusion was disappointingly variable and never higher than 3%, suggestive of loss during deposition [1,2]. Since “C2B10Hx” is undoubtedly built up of icosahedral cages, we felt that a precursor that contains a phosphorus atom as an integral part of the cage structure might prove more satisfactory in regard to phosphorus incorporation in the final film. Accordingly, we have instigated studies using a variety of main group substituted carboranes (heterocarboranes) to determine the suitability of these materials as precursors for doped boron carbide. 1,2-PCB10H11 adsorbs on Au and Ag substrates to generate thin films with the Fermi level (chemical potential) placed closer to the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital than has been observed with closo-1,2-dicarbadodecarborane (1,2-C2B10H12, orthocarborane) adsorbed on Co, Cu or Ag. Both 1,2-PCB10H11 and 1,2-C2B10H12 molecular films exhibit an unoccupied molecular defect state just above the Fermi level. The vibrational modes, observed in infra-red absorption, are close to the values expected for the isolated 1,2-PCB10H11 molecule. Consistent with the placement of the Fermi level in the molecular films, fabrication of heterojunction diodes from partially dehydrogenated 1,2-PCB10H11 indicates that the resultant PCB10Hx semiconductor film is more n-type than the corresponding boron carbide semiconductor formed from 1,2C2B10H12, orthocarborane. [1] D.N. McIlroy, S.-D. Hwang, K. Yang, N. Remmes, P.A. Dowben, A.A.Ahmad, N.J. Ianno, J.Z. Li, J.Y. Lin and H.X. Jiang, Appl. Phys. A 67, 335-342 (1998). [2] P. Lunca-Popa, J.I. Brand, S. Balaz, Luis G. Rosa, N.M. Boag, M. Bai, B.W. Robertson and P.A. Dowben, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 38, 1248-1252 (2005) 54 Strain induced half-metal to semiconductor transition in GdN (UN-PD1203-1) Chun-gang Duan, R. F. Sabiryanov, Jianjun Liu, W. N. Mei Department of Physics, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska 68182-0266 P. A. Dowben Department of Physics and Center for Materials Research and Analysis, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588, e mail: [email protected] Electronic and transport properties of the rare-earth nitrides have long been a challenge to investigators: the nitrides are difficult to fabricate into single phase crystals and the experimental picture of their electronic structures is far from clear. Although most rare-earth nitrides have shown to be semi-metallic, there are still uncertainties about GdN. An appealing property of GdN is that it is ferromagnetic with a large gap at the Fermi energy in the minority spin states, according to the electronic structure calculations based on the local density approximation (LDA). At the same time GdN is semi-metallic in majority spin states with electron and hole pockets at the Fermi surface. This latter property has led to some interest in GdN as a possible candidate for spin-dependent transport devices, exploiting the spin filter, giant magnetoresistance or tunneling magnetoresistance effects. An accurate description of the electronic structure of rare-earth compounds is a very challenging problem because of their unfilled 4f shells. Calculations based on local spin density approximation (LSDA) are well known to underestimate the band gap in semiconductors. Thus LSDA and similar computational methods may not be able to correctly describe whether a highly correlated system, like GdN, is semi-metallic or semiconducting at the equilibrium volume. Nonetheless, if we are interested in the trend of how the electronic and magnetic properties vary with the change of volume, we can obtain a reasonable picture for GdN from LSDA with additional Hubbard correlation terms describing on-site electron-electron repulsion associated with the 4f narrow bands (LSDA+U approach). Actually, due to the fact that the f states of this system are exactly half occupied, there is no orbital moment and the anisotropic and multipole effects are minimal. As a result, GdN is the ideal material to study the magnetic exchange interactions in rare-earth nitrides [1]. We have show that applying stress can influence significantly the electronic and magnetic properties of GdN [1]. We have investigated the electronic structure and magnetic properties of GdN as a function of unit cell volume. Based on the firstprinciples calculations of GdN, we observe that there is a transformation in conduction properties associated with the volume increase: first from half-metallic to semi-metallic, then ultimately to semiconducting. We have also shown that applying stress can alter the carrier concentration as well as mobility of the holes and electrons in the majority spin channel. In addition, we found that the exchange parameters depend strongly on lattice constant, thus the Curie temperature of this system can be enhanced by applying stress or doping impurities. Using the first-principles approaches, we demonstrated that the system exhibits nominal “half-metallic” band structure at the equilibrium lattice constant, and then semi-metallic and/or semiconducting character develops with increasing lattice 55 constant. We note that the magnetic properties are also extremely sensitive to the volume variations, i.e., the exchange interactions are at first ferromagnetic, then the calculated Figure 1. Comparison between the calculated DOS (majority spin: solid line, minority spin: dotted line) at theoretical lattice constant (a = 4.92 Å) and the photoemission spectra for nitrogen on Gd(0001). The new photoemission features that are not attributable to the Gd(0001) substrate compare well with the calculated DOS for GdN. Features with strong N 2p weight are indicated. Binding energies for experiment are shifted to higher binding energies as expected with a final state spectroscopy of a correlated electron system, but the shift is roughly uniform for key features of the photoemission spectra (taken for both s and p polarized light). magnitudes of exchange parameters reduce substantially with increasing volume, suggesting that the Curie temperature is reduced with an increase in lattice constant. The energy levels of 4f states are crucial in determining the accurate exchange parameters. Our calculation on equilibrium structure of GdN, based on the present U parameter, gives the unoccupied 4f states 5 eV above EF and occupied 4 f states 6 eV below, which agrees well with the experimental situation [1], thus provides a reliable support to our magnetic properties study on GdN. [1] Chun-gang Duan, R.F. Sabiryanov, Jianjun Liu, W.N. Mei, P.A. Dowben and J.R. Hardy, Physical Review Letters 94 (2005) 237201 56 Single crystal ice grown on the surface of the ferroelectric polymer poly(vinylidene fluoride) (70%) and trifluoroethylene (30%) (UN-PD1203-3) Luis G. Rosa,a Jie Xiao,a Ya.B. Losovj,b Yi Gao,c Ivan N. Yakovkin,d Xiao C. Zeng,c and P. A. Dowbena a Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Center for Materials Research and Analysis, Behlen Laboratory of Physics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0111; e mail: [email protected] b Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 c Department of Chemistry, 536 Hamilton Hall, University of Nebraska, Lincoln NE 68588-0304 d Institute of Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Prospect Nauki 46, Kiev 03028, Ukraine Because of biomedical and polymer electronic devices, studies of adsorbates (in particular water) on polymer surfaces are of considerable interest, but are presently quite limited. Detailed studies of adsorbate chemistry on polymer surfaces have proven to be difficult to undertake because of the complexities associated with the ordering of polymer surfaces. Through technical advances in making crystalline polymers, this situation is changing. Water ice is observed to order at the copolymer ferroelectric poly(vinylidenefluoride-trifuoroethylene) surface. The successful growth of crystalline thin films of water on these polymer surfaces implicates water to polymer dipole interactions. These ice thin films are sufficiently ordered for experimental identification of the wave vector dependence in the electronic band structure of hexagonal ice. The significant band dispersion, of about 1 eV (Figure 1), suggests strong overlap of molecular orbitals between adjacent water molecules in the ice film. The presence of dipole interactions with adsorbate water is consistent with the possibility of water acting Figure 1. (a) Compilation of the band dispersion as a function of wave vector k, providing an experimental as a spectator to surface ferroelectric transitions lattice parameter of 2.9 Å along the surface normal. (b) in this system. The band structure calculation for cubic ice, adapted from G.P. Parravicini and L. Resca [1]. The P(VDF-TrFE; 70:30) films are very well ordered, as illustrated in the scanning tunneling microscopy image in Figure 2d. This, no doubt, aids in the formation of an ordered ice layer. With the formation of an ordered ice layer, details of the electronic structure 57 can now be probed. While some dispersion was observed in prior photoemission studies of ice, also on the order of 1 eV, the results were not very compelling and a preferential Figure 2. The structure of the ice on PVDF-TrFE predicted by DFT methods at the interface (a) and from the top (c) showing the honey combed structure. Semiempirical calculations of the ice layer on the ferroelectric polymer (b) result in a similar 2.8 Å lattice spacing along the surface normal for the ice layer. The PVDFTrFE is well ordered as indicated in (d) from the STM of the ferroelectric polymer surface. orientation of the water molecules was not obtained. Our study continues to add to the contention that water, in constrained geometries, will adopt unusual crystallographic order [2]. [1] G. Pastori-Parravicini, L. Resca, Phys. Rev. B 8, 3009-3023 (1973) [2] Luis G. Rosa, Jie Xiao, Ya.B. Losovyj, Yi Gao, I.N. Yakovkin, Xiao C. Zeng and P.A. Dowben, Journ. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 17261-17265 (2005) 58 Abnormal Temperature Dependence of Photoemission Intensity Mediated by Thermally Driven Reorientation of a Monomolecular Film (UN-PD1203-3) D.-Q. Feng1, D. Wisbey1, Y. Tai3, Ya. B. Losovyj2, M. Zharnikov3 and P.A. Dowben1* 1) Dept. of Physics and Astronomy and the Center for Materials Research and Analysis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0111, e mail: [email protected] 2) Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, 6980 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, LA 70806, e mail: [email protected] 3) Angewandte Physikalische Chemie, Universität Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 253, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany Although organic adsorbates and thin films are generally regarded as “soft” materials, the effective Debye temperature, indicative of the dynamic motion of the lattice normal to the surface, can be very high, e.g., in the multilayer film formed from [1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-dimethanethiol (BPDMT) [1]. The effective Debye temperature, determined from core level photoemission from the all carbon arene rings, is comparable to that of graphite, and follows the expected Debye-Waller behavior for the core level photoemission intensities with temperature. We associate this rigidity to the stiffness of the benzene rings, and the ordering in the ultrathin multilayer molecular thin film [1]. Figure 1. Logarithm of the C 1s (a) and S 2p (b) total photoemission intensities for the [1,1’;4’,1”-terphenyl]4,4”-dimethanethiol (TPDMT) (triangles), and biphenyldimethyldithiol (BPDMT) (black dots and circles indicating two different representative sets of data) as a function of temperature. The effective Debye temperatures for the multilayer BPDMT films were determined to be 1397±110 K from C 1s core level intensity and 456±50 K from the S 2p signal. Temperature assisted conductivity and molecular configurational changes can both occur in molecular systems and need not always be directly correlated. In addition, electron-phonon coupling in molecular systems must of necessity consider local point 59 group symmetry effects. Setting aside these known complications, failure to obey an expected temperature dependence of the photoemission intensities, consistent with the Debye-Waller scattering, can provide a very strong indication of molecular conformational changes. An interesting candidate to prove this hypothesis is selfassembled monolayer (SAM) of [1,1’;4’,1”-terphenyl]-4,4”-dimethanethiol (TPDMT), which exhibit structural and conformational changes upon metal evaporation and temperature variation. With the example of a monomolecular film formed from [1,1’;4’,1”-terphenyl]4,4”-dimethanethiol, we show that pronounced deviations from Debye-Waller temperature behavior are possible and are likely caused by temperature dependent changes in molecular orientation. The molecular orientation for the terphenyl backbone of TPDMT in the single layer SAM film is more “upright” (but we note not perfectly so) while BPDMT is oriented nearly parallel to the substrate with the planes of benzene rings oriented normal to the surface. Taking into account the results presented in Figure 1, we can assume that the temperature dependent variation of the Debye temperature of the TPDMT film is mediated by temperature dependent changes in orientation and conformation of its molecular constituents. Strong deviations from the expected Debye-Waller behavior occur in the vicinity of 260-270 K, about the temperature where there are the subtle changes in the light polarization dependent photoemission. Taken together, we surmise that temperature dependent structural changes are most likely responsible for TPDMT violating the Debye-Waller behavior. Not all changes in molecular orientation result in such significant deviations in Debye behavior as is observed here. Structural changes for TPDMT must differ from molecules like polyhexylthiophene [1] in that with increasing temperature, there is an increase in intermolecular interaction [2]. Such intermolecular interactions lead to an increase in the rigidity of the molecular film, as opposed to the expected decrease in intermolecular interaction expected with a molecule like regioregular polyhexyl thiophene (P3HT) [1]. [1] [2] D.Q. Feng, R. Rajesh, J. Redepenning and P.A. Dowben, Applied Physics Letters 87 (2005) 181918 D.-Q. Feng, D. Wisbey, Y. Tai, Ya. B. Losovyj, M. Zharnikov and P.A. Dowben, J. Phys. Chem. B (2006), in press 60 Geometric and Electronic Structure of Self-Assembled Monolayers Grown on Noble Metal Substrates: Dodecanethiol on Au, Ag, Cu, and Pt Heike Geisler and Lauren Powell Dept. of Chemistry, Xavier University, New Orleans, LA 70125 Shawn Huston, Tim Sweeney, Daniel Borst and Carl A. Ventrice, Jr. Department of Physics, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148 Yaroslav Losovyj CAMD, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 (PRN: XU-HG 1206) Intensity (arb. units) The electronic structure of dodecanethiol (C12H25SH) self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on Au(111), Ag(111), Cu(111), and Pt(111)) substrates has been studied using angle-resolved ultra-violet photoelectron spectroscopy at the 3m-TGM of the CAMD synchrotron. The geometric structure of the SAMs was measured via low energy electron diffraction (LEED) at UNO and the 3m-TGM endstation. The SAMs were grown both by vapor deposition in UHV and in solution. The electronic structure of the fully saturated SAM is similar on all of these substrates, with peaks observed at binding energies of 6.5, 10, 14, and 20 eV, as shown in Fig. 1. The geometric structure of the molecular films at intermediate coverages is different for each substrate. Growth on Au Cu(111) proceeds through a well-ordered lying-down phase followed by a disordered phase and a well-ordered √3 standing-up phase at saturation. Ag(111) Initial growth on Pt(111) shows first a p(2x2)symmetry followed by a √3 Au(111) symmetry, which indicates that the initial growth is via standing-up phases on Pt. This is followed by a Pt(111) disordered phase at saturation. Films on Ag and Cu show a great deal of disorder at all stages of growth. The lack of angular dependence of the ARUPS 20 10 0 Binding Energy (eV) emissions from the substrate bands of Ag and Cu indicate that the Fig.1: ARUPS spectra of solution grown dodecanethiol adsorption of dodecanethiol on SAMs grown on Cu, Ag, Au, and Pt substrates. The these substrates induces a spectra were taken at normal emission with p-polarized disordering of the outer most layer light at an incident angle of 45˚ and 55 eV photon energy. of the metal atoms. 61 Infrared Micropectroscopy studies of bio-functionalized oxide surfaces O. Kizilkaya and M. Pease Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806 The patterned bifunctionalized oxide surfaces on the GMR sensor have been studied with infrared microscopy technique in order to understand and characterize the bonding interaction of polymer with biomolecules. The Thermo Nicolet Continuum Fourier transform infrared (IR) spectromicroscope on IR beamline has been employed to characterize the chemical structure of micro-contact printed polyethyleneimine (PEI), an organic polymer that has a high density of amino groups, and biotin attached to PEI dots on four different oxide substrates (SiO2, Si3N4, Al2O3, AlN) by use of microfludic platform developed at CAMD. The inset in figure 1 shows the optical view image of biotinated PEI micro-dot on which IR spetra measured. Fig. 1 shows the IR spectrum of PEI/S3iN4 (top spectrum) and biotinated PEI/Si3N4 (bottom spectrum) microdots taken with reflection mode. The dots on other substrates have also revealed the same absorption bands seen in Fig. 1 except a cutoff on Al2O3 and AlN for frequencies above 2500cm-1. In PEI/Si3N4 IR spectrum (top spectrum), the peaks at 3360 and 3260cm-1 are attributed to NH2 antisymmetric and symmetric stretching modes and the peak at 1570cm-1 is associated to NH2 deformation mode. These two modes indicate that we have primary amine structure bonded on the Si3N4 surface. The peaks at 2932 and 2841cm-1 are due to methylene antisymmetric and symmetric and the one at 1458cm-1 is arisen from bending (scissoring) mode of methylene functional group. A strong carbonyl absorption peak (C=O) is appeared at 1640cm-1 in the IR spectrum (see bottom spectrum in Fig. 1) after biotin bonded to polymer/Si3N4 dot. The existence of carbonyl bond is clear indicative of attachement of biotin biomolecule to PEI polymer. Fig. 1 62 Infrared Characterization of Localized Corrosion Products Richard S. Perkins1, James D. Garber1, Brett Rodrigue1, O. Kizilkaya2, E. Morikawa2, J. Scott2 1 2 UL Lafayette Corrosion Center, Lafayette, LA 70504-4370 The J. Bennett Johnston, Sr., Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Failure of devices due to corrosion often comes about because of localized corrosion, or pitting. Though general corrosion may occur across a metal surface, pitting corrosion occurs at a faster rate at certain locations. A better understanding of the pitting process should lead to better ways to predict and control it. One important aspect of localized corrosion is the corrosion products that form. The nature of these products has a bearing on the progress of the corrosion reaction. We have begun an infrared study of these corrosion products in the system composed of an iron foil in an aqueous carbonate/bicarbonate buffer through which gaseous carbon dioxide is bubbled. This system is an important one in the oil industry. By adjusting the buffer components and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, the pH can be controlled. Our ultimate aim is to obtain infrared spectra of the products of general corrosion and pitting corrosion under in-situ conditions. We have obtained spectra of products under ex-situ conditions. Samples were prepared, stored in nitrogen, and within 24 hours studied with the infrared beamline and microscope. These data should serve as a guide in interpreting spectra from in-situ studies. The samples were prepared two ways. Some were left in the buffer/CO2 system and allowed to corrode. A faster and more convenient method of obtaining samples is to hold the iron sample at a fixed potential in the buffer/CO2 system. The fixed potentials are chosen with the help of a published Pourbaix diagram[1] of the system and cyclic voltammograms obtained by us prior to constant potential control. Spectra can be obtained for systems near the corrosion potential as well at more anodic potentials where other products may form. Reflectance spectroscopy was done and reflectance spectra obtained. Interpretation of these spectra is aided by published reflectance spectra. There has been recent interest in reflectance spectroscopy of iron compounds. It is important in studying surfaces on other planets and their satellites. A sample holder (electrochemical cell) suitable for use with the microscope has been fabricated and will be used to obtain in-situ spectra. [1] A. Ikeda, M. Ueda, and S. Mukai, Advances in CO2 Corrosion, vol. 1, pp.39-51, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 1984. 63 Spatially resolved determination of metabolic activity of rust fungi on leaves using synchrotron radiation based IR-microspectroscopy Alexander Prange1,2, Orhan Kizilkaya1, Harald Engelhardt3, Erich-Christian Oerke4, Ulrike Steiner4, and Josef Hormes1 1 Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, 6980 Jefferson Hwy., Baton Rouge, LA 70806, USA 2 Microbiology and Food Hygiene, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, Rheydter Straße 277, 41065 Mönchengladbach, Germany 3 Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Am Klopferspitz 18, 82152 Martinsried, Germany 4 INRES, Phytomedicine, University of Bonn, Nussallee 9, D-53115 Bonn, Germany Correspondence to: A. Prange, e-mail: [email protected]; PNR GMX-AP1206IR Introduction Over 6000 plants species are infected by various types of fungi, and losses worldwide from plant disease outbreaks are estimated to exceed $ 1 billion per year. Knowledge of the molecular basis of the interaction between pathogenic fungi and their host plants is a crucial prerequisite for understanding the nature of damage caused during pathogenesis and for a targeted screening of crop protection agents. In this project we applied synchrotron radiation based Infra-red (IR) spectroscopy to characterisize the host-pathogen interaction of the bean rust Uromyces appendiculatus with bean leaves. The goal of the project is to receive spatially resolved information about changes of the “organic matter” (e.g. proteins and carbohydrates) which is caused by the host-plant interaction. Material and Methods Experimental. Measurements were carried out at CAMDs IR-microspectroscopy beamline with a spatial resolution of 70 µm x 70 µm in reflection and/or transmission mode. In general, mid-IR radiation from storage rings is at least one order of magnitude brighter than for conventional sources allowing spatially resolved experiments with a resolution near the diffraction limit of 3 – 10 µm (Jamin et al., 1998; Dumas et al., 2000). Mid-infrared spectroscopy – covering the wavelength range from about 3 to 15 µm – measures the contribution of vibrational signatures from particular organic and inorganic functional groups. These local vibrational modes are very sensitive to small chemical changes as the ones caused by certain diseases (Miller et al., 2003). Thus it is a very valuable technique for biological applications (e.g. Raab and Vogel, 2004). A “slight” drawback of IR spectroscopy is the fact that in many cases plant tissues have to be cleared of pigments and waxes prior to measurements. It is also important to notice that because of the penetration depth of mid-IR radiation the majority of spectral features originate from cell walls of the epidermis. Samples. The bean rust Uromyces appendiculatus was cultivated on planta under greenhouse conditions at INRES-Phytomedicine, Bonn University. Samples were used directly for the measurements without any special preparation. 64 Preliminary Results and Discussion At the IR-microspectroscopy beamline at CAMD the first spatially resolved mid-IR spectra of bean leaves infected by Uromyces appendiculatus have been recorded with a resolution of about 70 x 70 µm2. Experiments were carried out mainly in reflection mode (Fig. 1) but some also in transmission mode (Fig. 2). Fig. 2 shows in a direct comparison the spectra of the infected area and of a visibly healthy area. There are obvious differences in the intensity distribution between 1800 and 2800 cm-1 and around 1250 cm-1 indicating higher amounts of lipids in the intact bean leaf and more saccharides in the rusted leaf area. Both these facts can be correlated with a model for fungal nutrition proposed by Solomon et al. (2003). Fig. 2 shows the IR transmission spectrum of a green bean leaf. The spectrum is less noisy, than those recorded in reflection mode. However, is has to be kept in mind, that water from the plant cells is dominating in the spectrum. Therefore, the sample preparation (e.g. freeze drying) will be improved, but one can obtain already some important information from the spectrum as indicated in the figure. Amide A -OH (H2O) more lipids in the healthy leaf more saccharides in the rusted area -CH2 / -CH3 Amide-I (protein) -OH (H2O) Amide-II (protein) C-OH P-O-C C-H C-O (sugars, phosphates -C=O -COOand others P=O C-O magenta line: rust on bean leaf green line: healthy bean leaf Fig. 1: Mid-IR spectra of bean leaves infected by Uromyces bean leafs appendiculatus (resolution 70 x 70 µm2 ) (x-axis: wavenumbers 1/cm; y-axis: % reflectance). Fig. 2: Mid-IR spectrum of in transmission mode (resolution 70 x 70 µm2 ). Outlook The project will be continued in 2006. Besides bean rust, wheat rust will be included in the investigation. Using IR-microspectroscopy, “line scans” (uninfected area – rust pustule – uninfected area) with a resolution of at least 25 x 25 µm2 will be carried out. References Dumas, P., Carr, G.L. and Williams, G.P. (2000). Enhancing the lateral resolution in infrared microspectrometry by using synchrotron radiation: applications and perspectives. Analysis 28, 68 Jamin, N., Dumas, P., Moncuitt, J., Fridman, W.-H., Teillaud, J.-L., Carr, G.L. and Williams, G.P. (1998). Highly resolved chemical imaging of living cells by using synchrotron infrared microspectrometry. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 95, 4837. Miller, L.M., Smith, D.G. and Carr, G.L. (2003). Synchrotron-based biological microspectroscopy: From the mid-infrared through the far-infrared regimes. J. Biolog. Phys. 29, 219. Raab, T.K. and Vogel, J.P. (2004). Ecological and agricultural applications of Synchrotron IR microscopy. Infrared Phys. Technol. 45, 393. Solomon, P.S., Kar-Chun, T. and Oliver, R.P. (2003). The nutrient supply of pathogenic fungi; a fertile field of study. Mol. Plant Pathol. 4, 203. 65 Characterization of the Electronic Structure of MEH-PPV PRN#IfM-SS0505 “Conjugated Polymer Optoelectronic Technology” Sandra Selmic,1 David Keith Chambers,1 Srikanth Karanam,1 Orhan Kizilkaya,2 and Ya.B. Losovyj2 1 Louisiana Tech University, Institute for Micromanufacturing, Electrical Engineering Program P.O. Box 10137, 911 Hergot Ave, Ruston, LA 71272 e mail: [email protected] 2 Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, 6980 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Polymer material analysis included measurement of absorption, index of refraction, conductivity, and electronic structure. All these measurements were done in the Institute for Micromanufacturing (IfM) of Louisiana Tech University except the electronicstructure measurements done at the synchrotron in the Center for Advanced Microstructures & Devices (CAMD) at Louisiana State University. We analyzed polymer/fullerene and polymer/nanocrystal compounds for photovoltaic device applications. We focused on the following materials: polymer poly[2-methoxy-5-(2'ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV), PbSe nanocrystals, and fullerene [6,6]-phenyl-C60-butyric-acid-methyl-ester (PCBM). Temperature Dependence 75% MEH-PPV PCBM at 70eV 60000 70000 Temperature Dependence Pure MEH-PPV at 70eV 60000 100°C Relative Intensity (a.u.) 40000 85°C 30000 ambient 20000 Relative Intensity (a.u.) 50000 210°C 50000 100°C 40000 ambient 0°C 30000 -89°C -100°C 20000 10000 -150°C -240°C 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Binding Energy (eV) 60 70 10000 -240°C 80 60 50 40 30 20 Binding Energy (eV) 10 0 -10 Fig. 1. Temperature dependence of the binding energy in the PCBM doped MEH-PPV (left) and pure MEH-PPV (right). Temperature dependence of the highest occupied molecular orbit (HOMO) structure of pure MEH-PPV and MEH-PPV doped with PCBM are given in Figure 1. The HOMO level band filling is evident as temperature increases, both in MEH-PPV/PCBM and pure MEH-PPV films. This is similar to the HOMO level band filling as temperature increases seen for MEH-PPV/PbSe films. The energy dependence of the PbSe and MEHPPV doped with PbSe nanocrystals are given in Fig. 2. We observed a marked energy dependent dispersion, an indication of molecular ordering perpendicular to the film surface, in the energy dependent spectra of pure PbSe nanocrystals. There is little dispersion in the PbSe-MEH-PPV blend films. This indicates the ordering is decreased in 66 these blends. We also observed an interesting migration of the core density of states feature in the blends from around 45eV binding energy to around 30eV binding energy as we sweep the incident energy from 60eV-80eV. 40000 Energy Dependence Pure PbSe at 70eV 35000 30000 80eV 50000 80eV 78eV 25000 78eV Relative Intensity (a.u.) Relative Intensity (a.u.) Energy Dependence 50% MEH-PPV-PbSe 60000 40000 76eV 20000 74eV 72eV 15000 70eV 72eV 70eV 20000 68eV 10000 76eV 74eV 30000 68eV 66eV 66eV 10000 64eV 5000 64eV 62eV 0 80 62eV 0 60eV 70 60 50 40 30 20 Binding Energy (eV) 10 0 -10 70 60eV 60 50 40 30 20 Binding Energy (eV) 10 0 -10 Fig. 2. Binding energy dispersion of PbSe and MEH-PPV doped with PbSe. Polarization-temperature dependence in PCBM and MEH-PPV/PCBM is shown in Fig. 3. Polarization Dependence Pure PCBM 60000 Polarization 75% MEH-PPV PCBM 70eV at Ambient Temperature 24000 50000 Relative Intensity (a.u.) Relative Intensity (a.u.) 22000 unpolarized 40000 s+5° 30000 20000 20000 18000 unpolarized 16000 s+5° s+20 14000 10000 s+10° 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 s+30 12000 70 -10 Binding Energy (eV) 60 50 40 30 20 Binding Energy (eV) 10 0 -10 Fig. 3. Polarization-temperature dependence in PCBM and MEH-PPV/PCBM. We observed a strong polarization dependence of PCBM films, both in pure and MEHPPV blend films. The strong preferential P (parallel to films surface) orientation is consistent in 75% MEH-PPV films both at ambient and low (-240°C) temperatures. This indicates little change in preferential molecular orientation with changes in temperature. 67 Electronic Structure of Silver Nanowires on Cu(110) W. Zhao, R.L Kurtz, Y. Losovyi, P.T. Sprunger ([email protected]), Department of Physics and Astronomy & Center for Advanced Microsctroctures and Devices, Louisiana State University, 202 Nicholson Hall, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 (00 1) Self-assembled nanomaterials with reduced dimensionality, or at least one dimension that is on the nanoscale, such as one-dimensional nanowires, have been studied intensively in recent years. The nanostructured materials are promising building blocks for manufacturing devices of nanoelectronics and photonics from a bottom-up approach. STM results (see figure) show that the Ag nanowires grown (11 0) on Cu(110) are approximately 2 nm (~12 nm) in height (width). However, the nanowires orientate with the long axis parallel to the [1̄10] substrate direction and posses an anisotropic morphology with aspect ratio up to 20:1. The strong anisotropic shape of the self-organized nanowires 500 suggests a strong difference between the Ag band structure along and perpendicular to the nanowires. To investigate this idea, we have performed angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) on Ag nanowires grown on Cu(110) at the 3m NIM beamline with use of the Scienta Endstation. (110) 1} {11 {33 2} 25 23 101 Previous STM results (top) show the overall morphology of Ag nanowires (bright protrusions). The model (bottom) shows details nanowire’s proposed structure. Consistent with the STM results, our ARPES results (see below) that the valence bands within the Ag nanowire are strongly anisotropic with clear band dispersion in the alongwire direction, but no dispersion in the across-wire direction. This strongly suggests that the valence electrons of Ag behave one-dimensionally in the lateral plane (along the wire) and have little interaction with the lattice along the across-wire direction (perpendicular to the wire). With the ability to rotate the sample Form the ARPES studies of the Ag/Cu(110) nanowire system, it is demonstrated the electronic structure of the Ag(110) nanowire on Cu(110) considerably deviates from that of bulk Ag band structure in energy dispersion behavior and even in increased energy band number. The most obvious dispersion behavior deviation is that the photoelectron spectra show dispersion in the vertical (or (110)) and the lateral [1̄10] (or along-wire) direction (top figure- next page), but absence of dispersion in the lateral [001] (or across-wire) direction because of the limited dimension of the nanowire width (~ 200 Å in average; bottom figure – next page). Therefore the dimensionality of the band structure of the Ag(110) nanowire crystal is decreased to two dimensional in the vertical plane formed by the cross lines parallel to the vertical [110] and the lateral [1̄10] directions. This results is in accordance with the STM results. 68 a) Angle-dependent photoelectron spectra from Ag/Cu(110) nanowires (21±5 ML) taken with light beam towards the [110] direction (along-wire) at photon energy of 16 eV.; b) same except with photon beam towards the [001] direction (acrosswire) at photon energy of 16 eV: absence of Ag-d-band dispersion in across-wire direction, contrasting to that of the along-wire direction; c) Band structure map for the two high-symmetry directions across the (110) surface Brillouin zone, indicating band dispersion in the along-wire direction and absence of dispersion in the across-wire direction. d) Normal emission photoelectron spectra from the same Ag/Cu(110) nanowires with photon beam towards the along-wire direction ( A [001]) at photon energy of 14 eV ~ 31 eV 69 4f-5d hybridization in a high k dielectric material HfO2 and evidence for phonon effects in the electronic bands of granular Fe3O4 Yaroslav Lozovyy1 and Jinke Tang2, 1 Center for Advanced Microstructure and Devices, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70806, [email protected] 2 Department of Physics, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148, [email protected] PRN: UNO-JT1205 Intensity (arb. units) While intra-atomic f-d hybridization is expected, experimental confirmation of f-d hybridization leading to 4f band structure has been limited to 5f systems and compound systems with very shallow 4f levels. It has been demonstrated that core 4f state can contribute to the valence band structure in wide band gap dielectric HfO2. In spite of the complications of sample charging, we found evidence of symmetry in the shallow 4f levels and wave vector dependent band dispersion, the latter consistent with the crystal structure of HfO2. The HfO2 thin films were grown on silicon substrates by pulse laser deposition at substrate temperature of approximate 700 °C, with base vacuum 5 x10-7 torr and growth rate of about 0.15 Å/s. X-ray diffraction patterns show that the resulting HfO2 films are single monoclinic phase with strong texture growth. Transmission electron microscopy images reveal columnar growth of the HfO2 crystallites within the films. 30 20 10 EF 30 25 20 Binding Energy (eV) Left: Photoemission spectra of the powder pile taken at different light polarizations. ○ denotes s+p polarized light and ● corresponds to p-polarized light. Right: 4f’s core level region. Photon energy was 80 eV. The Verwey nonmetal to metal transition appears to be enhanced, rather than suppressed, in high quality nanogranular Fe3O4 samples made in our labs. This indicates that even in a granular system that magnon and phonon effects are present and cannot be 70 completely suppressed. The implication of such interaction is that the electron spin polarization of iron magnetite, supposedly a half-metal, will be reduced. Nanocrystalline (50 nm) magnetite thin films were fabricated by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and characterized by X-ray diffraction, magnetometry, transmission electron microscopy and transport measurements. The magnetic properties of the films have been previously reported. Nanogranular Fe3O4films prepared by pulsed laser deposition (311) 30 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 2θ (degree) 71 (440) (220) 10 (511) (400) 15 (422) 20 (111) Intensity (counts) 25 60 70 Energy Level Alignment at Arylthiol/Metal Interfaces Christopher Zangmeister♣ and Roger van Zee National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland Carl Ventrice University of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana Heike Geissler Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans, Louisiana The interactions at molecule/metal interfaces control the energy alignment of the valence molecular states with respect to the metal Fermi level. The engineering of macroscopic organic-electronic devices has benefited greatly from study of the factors that control the energy-level alignment of those weakly interacting interfaces. Understanding the factors that govern this energy mismatch, referred to as the charge-injection barrier, is also a requirement for innovation of molecular-based electronic devices. However, far less work has been done on the tightly-bound molecule/metal interfaces used in molecular nanoelectronics. This study investigated the energy-level alignment of an arylthiol chemisorbed on Group IIB and IIIB metals. For a molecule adsorbed on a surface, the charge transport barriers are referenced to the highest occupied molecular orbital and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital and are referred to as the hole (ΦB,hole) and electron injection (ΦB,elec) barriers, respectively. In the case of minimal electronic-charge rearrangement, ΦB,hole can be estimated by aligning the vacuum levels of the molecule and the metal. In this case, ΦB,hole is the difference between the molecular ionization energy (IE) and the metal work function (ΦM), as shown in Fig. 1. Investigations of weakly adsorbed molecules on a variety of metal and semiconductor surfaces have shown that, in most cases, this model fails to accurately predict ΦB,hole. An interface dipole (∆) is invoked to explain the shifting the vacuum level. The expression for the charge-injection barrier then becomes ΦB,hole = IE - ΦM - ∆. The magnitude of the shift can be quantified by differentiating this a b ∆ equation with respect to ΦM leading to: d Φ B ,hole d Φ M + d ∆ d Φ M = −1 . Φ Φ M M I.E. The quantity S B = d Φ B ,hole d Φ M is called the interface slope parameter and S D = d ∆ d Φ M dipole slope parameter. The case of SB = −1 corresponds to vacuum level alignment or the SchottkyMott limit. Conversely, in the case when ΦB,hole is pinned to a constant energy, SB=0. ♣ I.E. ΦB, hole ΦB, hole Figure 1. Vacuum alignment at an interface (a), and the effect of an interface dipole. [email protected] 72 SH We have measured SB to determine whether thiolate bound monolayers are closer to the Schottky-Motts or the pinning limit. Arylthiolates have been used in numerous device prototypes and are known to form ordered, densely-packed monolayers on each of the surfaces studied here. A model molecular wire, [tri-(phenyleneethynylene)thiol or “triPET”], was used to determine SB. Monolayers of triPET were grown on single crystals of Cu, Au, Pt, and Ag. Then ΦB,hole was determined from the photoemission spectra of each Counts d c monolayer sample. The three-meter toriodal-grating monochromator (3m-TGM) beamline was used for these experiments. b The 55 eV photon energy spectrum of triPET adsorbed on each The spectrum of triPET on Pt has a large contribution from the substrate resulting from low molecular coverage, see Pt spectrum low binding energy region in Figure 2d. The values of ΦB,hole, extracted from these spectra, are surface is shown in Figure 2. 10 8 6 4 2 0 Binding Energy (eV) Figure 2. Photoemission spectra of triPET (upper right) on a) Ag, b) Cu, c) Au, and d) Pt, where dashed line shows clean Pt. plotted for each metal in Figure 3. The holeinjection barrier is linear in work function across the metal series, with the value of SB determined as −0.76. These data are evidence that the interface dipole is an important factor controlling energy-level alignment in these monolayers. The relationship above shows that SB + SD = −1. This equality holds only if the interface dipole is the sole factor responsible for the vacuum level shift. In future work at CAMD, we plan to measure d ∆ d Φ M to determine whether this is the case for these systems. In the meantime, the results of this study show that the hole-injection barrier, ΦB,hole, changes linearly with metal work function and that the best energy-level alignment is achieved with large work function metals. 73 2.75 Vacuum alignment, S = 1 2.50 2.25 2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 ∆ (eV) 12 ΦB, hole Onset (eV) a S = 0.76 ± 0.11 0.75 0.50 Fermi alignment, S = 0 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 ΦM (eV) Figure 3. ΦB,hole vs. ΦM. Squares are measured values. Vertical lines show ∆ for each. Dashed lines represent vacuum level alignment and Fermi level pinning. Basic and Material Sciences Spectroscopy X-ray 74 Hyperaccumulation and Reduction of Cr (VI) to Cr (III) From a Hydroponic Solution by Seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum): A Phytoremediation study using XAS Chris Bianchetti1, Roland Tittsworth1, Amativa Roy1, David Wall2, and Josef Hormes1 1 Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD) 6980 Jefferson Hwy. Baton Rouge LA, 70806 2 Louisiana State University Agronomy Cr (VI) is a known carcinogen and is extremely toxic even in trace amounts. Since Cr contamination is found at more than half of all the EPA superfund sites [1], it is important to develop environmentally safe methods to remediate Cr contamination. One promising technique is phytoremediation. Phytoremediation uses plants to extract and sequester harmful contaminants. In this phytoremediation study, seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum) was chosen for its rapid rate of growth, and potential for utilization in coastal restoration. The P. vaginatum cuttings were grown in rock wool and subsequently transferred into a hydroponic medium that contained a 250 ppm (4807.5 micromolar) concentration of Cr (VI). After a seven days growing period the seashore paspalum were harvested and examined using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS), and Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectroscopy (ICP ES). X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES) spectra indicate that the P. vaginatum exposed to Cr (VI) not only extracted the Cr (VI) from solution, but the extracted Cr (VI) was reduced to Cr (III). Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectra were recorded in order to determine the possible neighboring atoms, and there bond lengths. P. vaginatum samples were dried and then tested by ICP ES to determine the concentration of Cr in the roots, stems, and leaves. The ICP ES results showed that the P. vaginatum had a Cr concentration of 438 ppm (8422.74 µmol), 33 ppm (634.59 µmol), and 70 ppm (1346.1 µmol) in the roots, stem, and leaves, respectively. With such a substantial concentration of Cr in the roots and the leaves P. vaginatum can be considered a hyperaccumulator of Cr. 3.5 3.0 Seashore Paspalum Leaves Exposed to 250 ppm Cr (VI) Cr (III) acetylacetonate 3.0 2.5 Cr (III) Nitrate 5990 eV Seashore Paspalum Roots Exposed to 250 ppm Cr (VI) 5990 eV 2.5 2.0 2.0 Seashore Paspalum Roots Exposed to 250 ppm Cr (VI) 1.5 Absorption Absorption Cr Foil Na2Cr(VI)O4 Seashore Paspalum Stems Exposed to 250 ppm Cr (VI) 1.5 Na2Cr(VI)O4 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 5960 5980 6000 6020 6040 6060 6080 6100 5960 Energy (eV) 5980 6000 6020 6040 6060 6080 6100 Energy (eV) Cr (VI) has a distinctive pre edge peak at 5993 eV. This pre-edge peak is only present in Cr compounds that are in +VI oxidation state. Figure 1 shows several standard Cr compounds that were collected during the experiment. The only compound that has a pre-edge is Sodium Chromate. Therefore it is a trivial matter to determine if the Cr in a 75 Cr containing sample is in the +VI oxidation state. When the P. vaginatum roots, stems, and leaves are examined it is apparent that there is not any Cr (VI) in the P. vaginatum due to the lack of the Cr (VI) pre-edge peak. Also it is apparent that the edge position of the P. vaginatum roots, stems, and leaves correspond to that of Cr (III). With The elevated concentration of Cr in the leaves, stems, and roots indicates P. vaginatum’s ability to hyperaccumulate Cr from a hydroponic system. It appears that the P. vaginatum stored the Cr in the stems, and roots but some Cr was also detected in the leaves. Cr Kedge XANES reveals that P. vaginatum can hyperaccumulate Cr (VI) and reduce Cr (VI) to Cr (III). The P. vaginatum roots exhibit dramatic hyperaccumulation of Cr, and are able to absorb close to twice the Cr concentration from the hydroponic solution. The ability to extract and store a high concentration of contaminants from the environment classifies P. vaginatum as a hyperaccumulator. We have obtained preliminary results which indicate that P. vaginatum can also hyperaccumulate As from a hydroponic solution. 76 Speciation of Lead and Arsenic of Soil and Plants Employed for Phytoremediation at Barber Orchard, NC PRN WCU-DB0106 Principal Investigator: David Butcher Department of Chemistry & Physics Western Carolina University Cullowhee, NC 28723 Voice: (828) 227-7646 Email: [email protected] Co-Principal Investigator: James Bolick (M.S. Student) Barber Orchard is a Superfund site located in Haywood County, NC. For the first 90 years of the twentieth century, it was a commercial apple orchard. Throughout this period, a variety of pesticides were employed at this location, including lead arsenate. In the 1990s, 37 homes were constructed on this site. The pollutant of greatest concern is arsenic, as soil concentration levels above 40 mg/kg are considered a serious threat to human health. Phytoremediation, which involves the use of green plants to collect pollutants from soil, is an alternative approach to conventional remediation techniques (excavation of soil). Its principal advantage is cost. Commercially available Chinese brake fern (Pteris vittata) and moonlight ferns (Pteris cretica cv Mayii) were evaluated to determine its suitability for phytoextraction of arsenic at Barber Orchard. Bench scale studies have illustrated the application of electrodic phytoremediation for the remediation of lead using Indian mustard. Current experiments involve the use of a hydroponic system to characterize the uptake of arsenic. All of these experiments involved analysis by inductively coupled plasma – optical emission spectrometry, which determines the total form of lead and arsenic present. We conducted two sets of experiments at CAMD during 2005. On September 19, preliminary studies were performed on arsenic standards and brake fern samples for arsenic. These studies demonstrated that the concentrations in the plant samples were detectable by X-ray fluorescence. We then returned on November 1-3 to analyze moonlight ferns that were grown in our hydroponic system while exposed to various chemical forms of arsenic. The goal was to determine whether the form in the hydroponic solution affected the form of arsenic present in the plant tissue. The ferns were exposed to 200 µM solutions of arsenic (III), arsenic (V), organic arsenic, arsenic (III) and arsenic (V), or arsenic (III) and organic arsenic. The samples were analyzed by x-ray fluorescence at CAMD. We also analyzed soil samples from Barber Orchard to characterize the chemical form(s) of arsenic present in the soil. We are currently in the process of analyzing these data as part of Mr. Bolick’s M.S. thesis research. We have not currently published any papers, made any presentations, or written any proposals based on this research. 77 Synchrotron X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) for Understanding Dopant Effects in Ti-doped NaAlH4 Tabbetha A. Dobbins1, Roland Tittsworth2, Scott A. Speakman3, Joachim Schneibel3 1 Lousiana Tech University, Institute for Micromanufacturing, P.O. Box 10137, Ruston, LA 71272, U.S.A. 2 Louisiana State University, Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, 6980 Jefferson Hwy., Baton Rouge, LA 70806, U.S.A. 3 Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Oak Ridge, TN, 37831, USA Contact: [email protected] PRN: LaTech-TD0505 INTRODUCTION We report studies concerning the time frame for catalytic reactions between NaAlH4 (sodium alanate) and TiCl3 during high energy milling. Spectral features in x-ray absorption spectra were analyzed for samples milled for various times (0 minutes, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 25 minutes, and 125 minutes). A structural transition from Ti3+ to Ti0 is observed within the first 5 minutes of milling. The Ti0 structure persists for samples milled for times longer than 5 minutes—even after those samples underwent a subsequent single hydrogen desorption/absorption cycle. Samples milled for less than 5 minutes retain Ti3+. For samples milled for 1 minute, the Ti-K edge position shifts from Ti3+ to Ti0 after a single desorption/absorption cycle. However, the first coordination sphere around the Ti0 absorber occurs at longer distances for 1 minute milled sample. These results hint at the formation of Ti0 pure metallic clusters upon desorption/adsorption cycling of 1 minute milled sample. Previously reported x-ray absorption spectroscopy studies have demonstrated the structural transition from Ti3+ (in TiCl3) to Ti0 (determined to be TiAl3 found at the surface of the alanate powder). Aluminum deficiency on the NaAlH4 lattice is responsible for controlling hydrogen absorption capacity. These timeresolved spectroscopy studies suggest the possibility for controlling aluminum deficiency, while still maintaining titanium activation of the alanate powder, by manipulating the coordination environment of the titanium dopant during the first five minutes of high energy milling. Specifically, a possible approach to mitigating aluminum deficiency during doping would be to introduce an alternative species to which the to Ti3+ catalyst would form a metallic bond after the TiCl3 has attached at the surface of the sodium alanate powder and before the Ti3+ forms the TiAl3 intermetallic species. Several researchers report mechanisms for the role of the catalyst in Ti-doped NaAlH4.116 Experimentally, x-ray and neutron scattering—as well as FTIR— studies have been used to study the positioning of hydrogen and metallic ions in complex metal hydrides. Among these studies, many researchers have used x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) to elucidate the problem.5-7, 11, 12 Using XAS, Graetz et al.7 have observed TiAl3 at the surface of NaAlH4 powders after several desorption/absorption cycles. Other researchers have observed TiAl3 formation using x-ray diffraction and NMR studies.3, 16 It was hypothesized that Al-H bonds were weakened in this structure--- thus influencing hydrogen desorption kinetics.9, 10 Although the NaAlH4 atomic model has been well 78 established using Rietveld refinement, controversy remains regarding the exact role of Ti3+ dopants in the NaAlH4 complex hydride system. Furthermore, the formation of TiAl3 phase is believed to be responsible for lower than theoretical absorption capacities upon desorption /absorption cycling.3 Here, we report on the time scale for the structural evolution in the local environment of TiCl3 introduced to NaAlH4 by x-ray absorption spectra (XAS) collected from samples milled for a variety of times. Such studies may eventually enable the manipulation of the transition metal dopant in order to optimize its kinetic enhancement effect—while reducing its potential for Al depletion from NaAlH4 powders. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Since H- is found in the first coordination sphere around Al in the NaAlH4 crystal structure, desorption reactions to release H2 gas from the structure yields metallic aluminum product. The Al3+-H- bond lengths have been reported as 1.55Ǻ.17 The Na+ cation also has 4 neighboring H- ions at 1.88-2.00Ǻ distance. After doping with Ti species, x-ray absorption studies have reported the formation of TiAl3.7, 11, 12 1.8 Normalized Absorption (a.u.) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0 Ti Foil (Ti ) 0 0.4 TiAl3 (Ti ) 0.2 TiN (Ti ) 0.0 TiO2 (Ti ) 3+ 4+ 4960 4970 4980 4990 5000 5010 5020 Photon Energy (eV) Figure 1. Absorption edge positions for standards occurring at 4966eV for Ti foil, at 4966eV for TiAl3, at 4969eV for TiN and at 4978eV for TiO2. Normalized Absorption (a.u.) 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0 minute mill time (blended) 1 minute mill time 5 minute mill time 25 minute mill time 125 minute mill time 0.2 0.0 4960 4970 4980 4990 5000 5010 5020 Photon Energy (eV) Figure 2. Absorption edge positions for samples milled for 0 minutes, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 25 minutes, and 125 minutes. Absorption edge position shifted after a mill time between 1 and 5 minutes. The shift occurred from a K-edge position representative of the Ti3+ standard (at 4969 eV) to a K-edge position representative of Ti0 standards (at 4966 eV). 79 1 Minute Mill Time (Blended) 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1 minutes mill time (Blended) Cycled 0.0 Normalized Absorption (a.u.) 1.2 Normalized Absorption (a.u.) Normalized Absorption (a.u.) 125 Minutes Mill Time 5 Minutes Mill Time 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 5 minutes mill time Cycled 4970 4980 4990 5000 5010 5020 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 25 minutes mill time Cycled 0.0 0.0 4960 1.0 4960 4970 Photon Energy (eV) 4980 4990 5000 5010 4960 5020 4970 4980 4990 5000 5010 5020 Photon Energy (eV) Photon Energy (eV) Figure 3. Absorption edge position before and after a single H2 desorption/absorption cycle. 1 Minute Mill Time (Blended) 1.67A 20x10 As Milled Cycled 2.47A -3 400x10 As Milled Cycled 2.27A 2.10A 10 5 10 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 200 100 0 0 0.0 As Milled Cycled 2.20A 300 5 0 -6 2.15A 15 FT(χ(k)) 15 FT(χ(k)) 25 Minutes Mill Time 5 Minutes Mill Time -3 FT(χ(k)) 20x10 0.0 1.0 2.0 R(Å) 3.0 4.0 R(Å) 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 R(Å) Figure 4. Fourier Transform of χ(k) signal—indicator of distance to first coordination shell around the Ti3+ or Ti0 species. Data are not phase shift (δj(k)) corrected—thus, only qualitative trends in the radial distribution function is offered by the analysis and distances to the first coordination shell should not be taken as absolute.. Comparisons of the normalized absorption data of various standards (Figures 1) and samples milled for various times (Figure 2) reveals the absorption edge corresponding to the metallic Ti0 at 4966 eV for samples milled for 5 minutes, 25 minutes and 125 minutes. For blended samples and those milled for 1 minute, the absorption edge occurs at 4969eV—which corresponds to Ti3+. After one desorption/absorption cycle, the Ti0 chemical state persists for samples milled for 5 minutes or longer (Figure 3). However, the sample milled for 1 minute undergoes a chemical shift from the Ti3+ to the Ti0 state after a single desorption/absorption cycle. Formation of a hydride-rich TiAl3 intermetallic phase has been reported previously to account for the phase to which the Ti0 belongs.6, 11, 12 The formation of this intermetallic phase is known to reduce the overall hydrogen absorption capacity for doped samples.3 The distance to the first coordination sphere around the Ti0 (after a single desorption/absorption cycle) is shown in Figure 4. The sample milled for 1 minute shows a longer distance to the first coordination shell (at 2.50 Angstroms) relative to those milled for longer times (at ~2.26Angstroms). Others report distances for Ti-Ti at 2.98Angstroms6 and Ti-Al at 2.80Angstroms10. We believe that the longer distance revealed by XAS is strong evidence that metallic Ti0 clusters form after the single desorption/absorption cycle in the sample milled for 1 minute. That is, the formation of Ti0 clusters occurs for “undermilled” samples (i.e. samples milled for times below which Ti3+ shifts to Ti0 oxidation state). For samples milled for longer times, the shorter distance observed by XAS suggest the formation of the TiAl3 intermetallic phase after the single desorption/absorption cycle. It remains to be explored as to whether the Ti0 remains situated at the surface of the NaAlH4 powder—as reported 80 8.0 by others for samples milled for longer times.3, 7, 9, 10 These results are significant in that they suggest that there may be a brief period of time (or “induction period”) during which the dopant may be chemically altered by reactants in order to bypass Ti-Al formation— while permitting the Ti to attach at the NaAlH4 particle surface for facilitating the Al-H bond weakening—a mechanism for the role of the dopant suggested by Iniguez et al.9, 10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Mr. Christopher Bianchetti (CAMD) for his kind help in our XAS measurements. Funding for this project is provided by the Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences (Contract No.: DE-FG02-05ER46246). Partial support is provided by National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research (Contract No.: DMR-0508560) and the Louisiana State Board of Regents Office of Sponsored Research (Contract No.: LEQSF(2005-08)RD-A-20). JHS acknowledges the support of the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), managed by UT-Battelle, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725. KEYWORDS hydrogen storage, Alanates, EXAFS, XANES REFERENCES 1. Anton D.L., Hydrogen Desorption Kinetics in Transition Metal Modified NaAlH4. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2003, 356-357, 400-404. 2. Bogdanovic B.; Brand R.A.; Marjanovic A.; Schwickardi M.; Tolle J., Metal-doped Sodium Aluminum Hydrides as Potential New Hydrogen Storage Materials. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2000, 302, 36-58. 3. Bogdanovic B.; Felderhoff M.; Germann M.; Hartel M.; Pommerin A.; Schuth F.; Weidenthaler C.; Zibrowius B., Investigation of Hydrogen Discharging and Recharging Processes of Ti-doped NaAlH4 by X-ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD) and Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2003, 350, 246255. 4. Bogdanovic B.; Schwickardi M., Ti-Doped NaAlH4 as a Hydrogen-Storage Material-- Preparation by TiCatalyzed Hydrogenation of Aluminum Powder in Conjunction iwth Sodium Hydride. Applied Physics A 2001, 72, 221-223. 5. Bruster E.; Dobbins T.A.; Tittsworth R.; Anton D., Decomposition Behavior of Ti-doped NaAlH4 Studied using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy at the Titanium K-edge. Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 2005, 837, N3.4.1. 6. Fichtner M.; Fuhr O.l.; Kircher O.; Rothe J., Small Ti Clusters for Catalysis of Hydrogen Exchange in NaAlH4. Nanotechnology 2003, 14, 778-785. 7. Graetz J.; Reilly J.J.; Johnson J.; Ignatov A.Yu; Tyson T.A., X-ray Absorption Study of Ti-Activated Sodium Aluminum Hydride. Applied Physics Letters 2004, 85, (3), 500-502. 8. Gross K.J.; Thomas G.J.; Jensen C.M., Catalyzed Alanates for Hydrogen Storage. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2002, 330-332, 683-690. 9. Iniguez J.; Yildirim T.; Udovic T.J.; Sulic M.; Jensen C.M., Structure and Hydrogen Dynamics of Pure and Ti-doped Sodium Alanate. Physical Review B 2004, 70, 06101. 10. Iniguez J.; Yildirim T., First-Principles Study of Ti-Doped Sodium Alanate Surface. Applied Physics Letters 2005, 86, 103109. 11. Leon A.; Kircher O.; Rothe J.; Fichtner M., Chemical State and Local Structure Around Titanium Atoms in NaAlH4 Doped with TiCl3 Using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem B 2004, 108, 16372-16376. 12. Leon A.; Rothe J.; D., S.; Fichtner M., Comparative Study of NaAlH4 Doped with TiCl3 or Ti13.6THF by Ball Milling Using XAS and XPS. Chemical Engineering Transactions 2005, 8, 171-176. 13. Sandrock G.; Gross K.; Thomas G.; Jensen C.; Meeker D.; Takara S., Engineering Considerations in the use of Catalyzed Sodium Alanates for Hydrogen Storage. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2002, 330-332, 696-701. 14. Sandrock G.; Gross K.; Thomas G., Effect of Ti-Catalyst Content on the Reversible Hydrogen Storage Properties of the Sodium Alanates. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2002, 339, 299-308. 15. Leon A.; Kircher O.; Fichtner M.; Rothe J.; Schild D., Study of the Evolution of the Local Structure around Ti Atoms in NaAlH4 Doped with TiCl3 or Ti13.6THF by Ball Milling Using XAS and XPS Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, Accepted for Publication. 16. Weidenthaler C.; Pommerin A.; Felderhoff M.; Bogdanovic B.; Schuth F., On the State of the Titanium and Zirconium in Ti- or Zr-doped NaAlH4 Hydrogen Storage Material. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 2003, 5, 5149-5153. 17. Cotton F.A.; Wilkinson G., Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. Wiley and Sons Publishers: New York, NY, 1988. 81 XANES/EXAFS Study of Transition Metal Cationic (Ca2+, Fe3+, and Mn2+) Dopants in Polymer Films during Layer-by-Layer Nanoassembly Vimal Kamineni, Tabbetha A. Dobbins, Yuri Lvov Lousiana Tech University, Institute for Micromanufacturing, P.O. Box 10137, Ruston, LA 71272, U.S.A. Contact: [email protected] PRN: LaTech-TD0505 INTRODUCTION With the growing economic turbulence of existing hydro-carbon fuels and their pollution in the atmosphere, the governments of the world are looking for a safer and environment friendly fuel. From, the research done in testing a lot of options for the fuel of the future hydrogen is leading the race by a large margin. Hydrogen has water vapor as by-product, which is eco-friendly. There are various methods for storing hydrogen fuel, but the safest and for more effective method is by storing them in the form of metal hydrides. Metal hydrides are heavy compounds with various kinds of metals and hydrogen present in them. There are a vast number of metal hydrides that can be prepared, but our scope of interest is in using lighter metal halides with higher weight percentage of hydrogen. Of all these metal hydrides sodium aluminum hydride, lithium aluminum hydride and magnesium aluminum have higher weight percentage of hydrogen. These metal hydrides need to be used as commercial fuels so they should easily absorb and desorb hydrogen under optimum working conditions. Out of these metal hydrides sodium aluminum hydride is the best fuel for the forward and backward reaction involved in the storage of hydrogen. The storage and the kinetics is further improved by using titanium metal as a catalyst. There are various methods of adding titanium to the metal hydrides. Some of the methods are ball milling, sputtering and layer-by-layer technology. In future studies, layer-bylayer (LbL) nanoassembly will explored as a means to coat NaAlH4 colloidal particles with salts of titanium and other metals. Coating colloidal particles with polyelectrolyte films has been achieved by Sukhorukov et al.1 After the hydride particles have been coated, the oxidation state of the metals on the NaAlH4 micron colloidal particles will be explored EXAFS and XANES. In these studies, the feasibility of coating metal salts using a method developed for polyelectrolyte deposition is explored. EXPERIMENTAL Layer-by-layer (LbL) nanoassembly is used to deposit uniform multilayer thin films (~5 nm or more) from polyelectrolyte solutions adsorbed onto silicon substrates.1,2 During the assembly process, coulombic interactions between polymeric cations and anions lead to film growth. We have used XANES and EXAFS to examine the oxidation state and local environment of metallic cations added to LbL polyelectrolyte assemblies. The metal salts used were 0.5 M of each FeCl3, MnCl2, and CaCl2. Samples were prepared by alternately adsorbed poly(styrenesulfonate) (called PSS) (in 2 mg/mL aqueous) and polyaniline hydrochloride (called PAH) (in 2 mg/mL aqueous). The metal salts were added to the PSS polyanion aqueous solution. 82 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Analysis shows local sulfate (SO2-) formation around all three the cations (i.e Fe3+, Mn2+, and Ca2+) (preliminary analysis performed via comparison with the sulfate standard). Metal cation additions are known to improve adsorption and to reduce film thickness, however, these reports represent the earliest work in using x-ray absorption spectroscopy to define the binding sites of metal cations.1 3.5 2 1.6 0.5M FeCl2 in film Fe2(SO4)3 Standard 1.4 0.5M CaCl2 in Film CaSO4 Standard 0.5M MnCl2 in Film MnSO4 Standard 1.8 3 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Normalized Absorption (a.u.) Normalized Absorption (a.u.) Normalized Absorption (a.u.) 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 7 7.2 7.4 Energy (keV) 7.6 6.5 6.55 6.6 6.65 Energy (keV) 6.7 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Energy (keV) Figure 1. Comparison of Mx+-PSS/PAH Films with sulfate standards. (Mx+=Fe3+, Mn2+, and Ca2+) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Dr. Amitava Roy (CAMD) and Mr. Christopher Bianchetti (CAMD) for kind help in our XAS measurements. We thank Ms. Katherine Keeton for help in LbL sample preparation. Funding for this project is provided by the National Science Foundation, Division of Materials Research (Contract No.: DMR-0508560). Partial support is provided by the Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences (Contract No.: DE-FG02-05ER46246) and the Louisiana State Board of Regents Office of Sponsored Research (Contract No.: LEQSF(2005-08)RD-A-20). KEYWORDS polyelectrolytes, layer by layer, EXAFS, XANES REFERENCES 1. Schukin D., Sukhorukov, G.B. Micron Scale Hollow Polyelectrolyte Capsules with Nanosized Magnetic Fe3O4 Inside, Langmuir V19 (2003) 4427-4431. 2. Decher G., “Fuzzy nanoassemblies: Toward layered polymeric multicomposites”, Science 227 pp 12321237 (1997). 3. Lvov Y., Ariga K., Onda M., Ichinose I., Kunitake T., “A Careful Examination of the Adsorption Step in the Alternate Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Linear Polyanion and Polycation”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 146 pp 337-346 (1999). 4. Dhullipudi R.B., Lvov Y.M., Adiddela S., Zheng Z., Gunasekaran R.A., Dobbins T.A., “Noncovalent Functionalization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes using Alternate Layer-by-Layer Polyelectrolyte Adsorption for Nanocomposite Fuel Cell Electrodes”, Materials Research Society Symposium – Proceedings 837, paper N3.27.1 (2005). 83 New Catalysts for Methylketone Manufacture Craig Plaisance*, Kerry Dooley, Amitava Roy1 Louisiana State University, Gordon A & Mary Cain Department of Chemical Engineering, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 USA and 1Center for Advanced Microstructures & Devices 6980 Jefferson Hwy., Baton Rouge, LA 70806 USA E-mail:[email protected]; PRN - ChE-KD0705; ChE-KD0306 INTRODUCTION The aim of this work is the determination of electronic structure and coordination environment of Ce and dopant atoms in pure and doped (K, Co, Pd) mixed metal oxide catalysts used for the manufacture of methylketones by acid/acid and acid/aldehyde condensations. XANES and EXAFS spectra were collected at room temperature and at 420°C (a typical reaction temperature), in both inert and reducing environments. EXPERIMENTAL Synchrotron radiation emitted by the Electron storage ring of the Center for Advanced Microstructure and Devices (CAMD) in Baton Rouge running at 1.3 GeV with an average current of 100mA was used. The spectra were obtained in transmission mode with ionization chambers measuring the incident beam intensity before and the transmitted beam intensity after the sample cell. A third ionization chamber was used for calibration with a standard. The spectra were taken by pressing the catalyst samples into self-supporting wafers, and then loading them into an XAS (X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy) cell. First, a scan was taken at room temperature. The wafer was heated to ~420°C in a flow of N2, and scanned at this temperature. The sample was then reduced for 15 minutes in an atmosphere of 10% H2 (balance N2) and another scan was taken. For the Ce LIII edge, spectra (XANES and EXAFS) were taken from 5525-6145 eV. For the Co K edge in transmission mode, spectra were taken from 7550-8700 eV. In fluorescence mode, spectra were taken from 7559-8710 eV. The raw spectra were background corrected and normalized using WinXAS1 for XANES analysis. For EXAFS analysis, Athena was used to subtract a smooth background function with Fourier components less than 1 Å. The data were then converted to k-space to get χ(k). The total number of days of beamtime used for the 2005 calendar year was three. RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION The normalized XANES data shown in Figure 1 were fitted with model functions consisting of a Lorentzian and an arctangent to describe the two white lines originating from Ce(IV) at 5728 eV and 5736 eV and the single white line originating from Ce(III) at 5725 eV.2 From such functions, the ratio of Ce(III) to Ce(IV) is estimated from the peak area ratio. The presence of two white lines at the Ce(IV) edge is ascribed to a mixed valence state of Ce, which consists of a superposition of f0 and f1L states, where L is a hole in the ligand band.3 The low energy white line results from the transition to a d1f1L 84 final state and the high energy white line results from the transition to a d1f0 final state. The intensity ratio of these two lines is equal to the amplitude ratio of the two oneelectron states in the initial state. In addition to these two lines, a shoulder is present about 4 eV below the first line that is thought to arise from crystal field splitting of the Ce d orbitals by the oxygen coordination shell. 2.5 undoped Normalized Absorption 0.8% Pd 0.8% Co 2.0 2.4% Co 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 5720 5725 5730 5735 5740 Photon Energy (eV) Figure 1. XANES spectra of catalysts taken at 420°C in reducing conditions The 0.8% Pd and 0.8% Co catalysts have a higher intensity peak or shoulder corresponding to Ce(III) than does the undoped sample, while the catalyst containing 2.4% Co has a lower intensity shoulder, as do the K-containing samples (not shown here). These differences in the number of oxygen vacancies in the Ce coordination shell are roughly correlated with catalytic activity for ketonization reactions at early times onstream. Two methods were used to estimate the number of oxygen vacancies from the XANES data: (1) the method of Takahashi et al.;2 (2) linear fits using the WinXAS package.1 Takahashi et al. used physical mixtures of Ce(III) oxalate and Ce(SO4)2 to derive a linear correlation between relative peak areas and relative amount of Ce(III) in Ce(III)/Ce(IV) mixtures. Following normalization and background removal, each white line was fitted with a Lorentzian and an arctangent. The centers of each function were fixed relative to each other, and the width of each function was also set according to the standards. The relative amplitudes of the two white lines in Ce(IV) were also fixed. Three parameters were fitted, the edge position and the amplitudes of Ce(III) and Ce(IV). The areas under the corresponding Lorentzians were used in the correlation. It is assumed that the XANES spectrum of a Ce(III) atom adjacent to an oxygen vacancy in reduced CeO2 is 85 similar to Ce(III) in the salt, and that the spectrum of Ce(IV) in CeO2 is the same as in Ce(SO4)2. But in comparing the spectra of CeO2 and Ce(SO4)2, it is seen that the shoulder present in CeO2 due to the crystal field is not present in Ce(SO4)2, so the amount of Ce(III) (oxygen vacancies) in supported CeOx will be overestimated by this method. WinXAS was also used to calculate the relative amounts of the two valence states by matching the XANES spectra to linear combinations of the spectra of the CeO2 and Ce(III) acetate standards. The first assumption here is the same as the first assumption of the Takahashi et al. method. The second assumption is that Ce in the catalyst, mostly present on the surface, gives the same spectrum as in the bulk. Since the shoulder and the lower energy white line are slightly more intense in larger crystals,6 and since these features are at energies close to that of the Ce(III) white line, this method should underestimate Ce(III) in the catalyst (the catalyst should give a spectrum closer to that of smaller crystals, because the CeO2 is approximately monolayer). Therefore, the number of oxygen vacancies predicted by the Takahashi et al. and WinXAS methods should bound the actual number of vacancies. The trends in the average number of oxygen vacancies in the coordination shell adjacent to each Ce atom (8 oxygen atoms maximum) are shown in Figure 2. The two methods of quantification often give close values, but the WinXAS method always predicts the smaller number of vacancies. Treatment with H2 increased the number of vacancies, in some cases even more if the treatment time was lengthened. For example, in catalysts that had been used for two full days the number of vacancies was found to be in the 1.21.3 range. Therefore under the reducing reaction conditions, supported CeO2 is quite defective. The number of vacancies for the CeO2/Al2O3 (corresponding to ~40% reduction of CeO2 to Ce2O3) and the 0.8% Pd catalyst (corresponding to ~45-48% reduction of CeO2 to Ce2O3) are both similar to measured values from previous work, for CexZr1-xO2 and Pd/CexZr1-xO2 reduced at 500°C in H2.7 EXAFS data for the Co K-edge were fitted using WinXAS and Artemis,1 to theoretical spectra for a Co atom substituted into CeO2, generated by FEFF6.4 Data were fitted in the R-space range of 0.9 – 4.8 Å derived from the Fourier-transformed region of k-space from 3.0 – 9.4 Å-1. Data in k-space were obtained by subtracting background Fourier components of less than 1.0 Å. In the fit done in Artemis, the spectra were further refined by including background parameters in the fitting process. The k, k2 and k3 weighted spectra of each set were simultaneously fit to reduce correlation between coordination number and Debye-Waller factors in Artemis. In WinXAS, only k and k2 weighted spectra were used. 86 1.0 WinXAS (N2) Oxygen Vacancies per Ce atom Takahashi (N2) WinXAS (H2) 0.8 Takahashi (H2) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 undoped 3% K2O 0.8% Pd 0.8% Co 2.4% Co Figure 2. Average number of oxygen vacancies around each Ce atom as determined by XANES using the Takahashi and WinXAS methods. The model used in regression included parameters for the radial distances and DebyeWaller factors of the first five shells and the coordination numbers of the first oxygen shell. The theoretical model substituted half of the Ce atoms in the second shell with Co atoms, although the relative number of each was allowed to vary during the fit. A different radial distance was used for the Ce and Co sub-shells but the same DebyeWaller factor was used for both. The coordination number of oxygen atoms in the third shell was highly correlated with the Debye-Waller factor; to produce a reasonable fit, the coordination number was fixed at 21 (3 vacancies), since XANES indicate approximately this number. The coordination numbers of the fourth and fifth shells were fixed at 6 and 24 respectively. The electron amplitude reduction factor (0.9) was determined by fitting a Co foil standard in WinXAS. Scattering paths with up to four coplanar legs were included in the model. WinXAS correlates the parameters for the multiple scattering (MS) paths to those of the single scattering (SS) paths. In Artemis, the amplitudes of the MS paths were assumed to vary proportionally with the coordination number for each atom in the path. The path lengths for MS paths were determined from the SS path lengths by assuming the scattering angle does not change with path length. The Debye-Waller factors for MS paths were taken as the average of the Debye-Waller factors for each atom in the path. The Co EXAFS spectra in R-space for the Co/CeO2/Al2O3 catalysts are shown in Figure 3; the fitting parameters obtained using Artemis are given in Table 1. The first five coordination shells expected for Co added to a CeO2 lattice appear in the spectra. It was found that at least half of the Ce atoms in the second shell are substituted by Co, indicating that dispersion of Co within the lattice is not homogeneous, and is less so for the 2.4% Co catalyst, as expected. There are roughly four oxygen atoms in the first 87 coordination shell of Co, compared to six for CoO. For both samples, fitting using either the WinXAS or Artemis packages gave similar numbers. The results suggest that for both samples there is intimate association of much of the Co with a CeOx phase, especially for the 2.4% Co. This was borne out in the results of Fig. 2, where the addition of Co at the 2.4 wt% level affected the reduction of CeO2 less than 0.8% Co or the 0.8% Pd, a result that was contrary to expectation. 1.5 Data 1.0 Fit -3 χ (R) (Å ) 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 R (Å) 1.5 Data 1.0 Fit -3 χ (R) (Å ) 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 R (Å) Figure 3. Fourier-transformed (k2 weighted magnitude and real parts) EXAFS for Co K of 0.8% Co (top) and 2.4% Co (bottom) Co/CeO2/Al2O3. The fit obtained using 88 Artemis is shown Table 1. Fitted EXAFS parameters for 0.8% Co (top) and 2.4% Co (bottom) CeO2/Al2O3 catalysts using Artemis. Shell O (1) Co (2) Ce (2) O (3) Ce (4) O (5) CN 4.4 ± 1.9 5.2 ± 3.3 b 6.8 ± 3.3 b 21 a 6a 24 a R (Å) 1.95 ± 0.04 3.07 ± 0.05 3.20 ± 0.07 3.88 ± 0.13 4.70 ± 0.21 5.41 ± 0.57 σ (Å) 0.009 ± 0.008 0.014 ± 0.003 3 0.014 ± 0.003 3 0.031 ± 0.026 0.020 ± 0.030 0.050 ± 0.140 O (1) Co (2) Ce (2) O (3) Ce (4) 4.4 ± 2.4 7.2 ± 4.4 b 4.8 ± 4.4 b 21 a 6a 1.95 ± 0.05 3.03 ± 0.08 3.19 ± 0.09 3.85 ± 0.16 4.72 ± 0.21 0.006 ± 0.009 0.012 ± 0.005 3 0.012 ± 0.005 3 0.028 ± 0.031 0.013 ± 0.027 O (5) 24 a 5.45 ± 0.47 0.029 ± 0.082 a Value fixed within regression Sum constrained to 12 within regression 3 Set equal during fitting b REFERENCES 1. T. Ressler, WinXAS (2004). 2. Y. Takahashi, H. Shimizu, H. Kagi, H. Yoshida, A. Usui, M. Nomura, Earth and Planetary Sci. Lett., 182, 201-207 (2000). Y. Takahashi, H. Sakami, M. Nomura, Analytica Chemica Acta, 468, 345-354 (2002). 3. A. V. Soldatov, T. S. Ivanchenko, S. Della Longa, A. Kotani, Y. Iwamoto, A. Bianconi, Phys. Rev. B, 50(8), 5074-5080 (1992). 4. B. Ravel, Artemis (2004). M. Newville, IFEFFIT (2004). 5. E. Fonda, D. Andreatta, P. E. Colavita, G. Vlaic, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 6(1), 34-42 (1999). 6. P. Nachimuthu, W.C. Shih, R.S. Liu, L.Y. Jang, J.M. Chen, J. Solid State Chem. 149 (2000) 408. 7. A. Norman, V. Perrichon, A. Bensaddik, S. Lemaux, H. Bitter, D. Koningsberger, Top. Catal. 16-17 (2001) 363. 89 Auger Electron Radiotherapy and Dosimetry Joseph P. Dugas1, Scott Oves1, Erno Sajo1, Frank Carroll2,3, and Kenneth R. Hogstrom1,4 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] 1. Louisiana State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, 202 Nicholson Hall, Baton Rouge, LA, 70803 2. Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 1221 21st Ave. S., Nashville, TN 37235-2675 3. MXISystems Inc., 7226 White Oak Drive, Fairview, TN, 37062 4. Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center, 4950 Essen Lane, Baton Rouge, LA, 70809 PRN: Phy-KH0606 Overview. A collaboration of personnel from LSU Medical Physics, Vanderbilt University/MXISystems (Fairview, TN), and CAMD was founded in 2005 with aims to study: (1) monochromatic Auger electron radiotherapy, dosimetry, and treatment planning; and (2) phase contrast imaging. Specific aims of the project under examination at CAMD in 2005 are: Aim 1: Determination of monochromatic x-ray beam properties to provide physical data for theoretical calculations and designing future experiments including: beam intensity (# x-rays·s-1), mean energy (keV), spatial (x-y) distribution, and beam divergence. Aim 2: Measurement of the central axis depth dose for a broad beam (3×3 cm2) in a homogeneous plastic phantom (PMMA) and an inhomogeneous phantom (PMMA and bone plastic) for comparison to Monte Carlo calculations. Aim 3: Verification of dose distributions in phantom simulations of small animals as preparation for future animal trials. Administrative Progress. Several research staff members were hired to work on the project including a postdoctoral researcher (Mar. 2005), radiation biologist (Dec. 2005), and graduate student (May 2005). The first meeting of collaboration members was held at CAMD in May 2005 to define project goals, delineate collaborators’ respective roles, and determine appropriate CAMD facilities. The tomography beamline, overseen by Drs. Les Butler and Kyungmin Ham, was deemed most suitable since its monochromatic 10-35 keV x-ray range allows access to the 33.2 keV k-edge of iodine. In November 2005, a CAMD project proposal was submitted and accepted for beam time. All appropriate LSU Medical Physics personnel have gained access privileges to CAMD (cards and badges). Research Progress. Much of 2005 was devoted to design and testing of experiments to accomplish the specific aims, documentation of the tomography workspace, procurement of necessary equipment, and experimental apparatus design and fabrication. However, aim-specific research progress is detailed below. Aim 1. A small (1 inch diameter × 1 mm thick crystal), thin-window (0.010 inch Be) NaI detector was purchased for use in determining beam intensity and mean energy via 90 acquisition of the beam’s Compton scattered spectrum. On-site energy calibration of this detector with a sealed Am-241 radioactive source required approval, which was obtained in November of 2005. Equipment testing in Dec. 2005 detected insignificant background radiation during energy calibration at CAMD (Fig. 1). 200 180 160 Detector Counts 140 120 100 80 60 40 3 cm 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Energy (keV) Figure 2: Five second exposure of radiochromic film to an uncollimated beam. Beam is 3.1 cm × 1 mm (thin, dark bottom line) with an appreciable second component (top, thick line). Figure 1: Energy calibrated Am241 spectrum acquired with a 1” diameter × 1 mm thick NaI scintillation detector at CAMD. Aim 2. An initial measurement estimated the mean dose to air from an un-collimated, 15 keV, monochromatic x-ray beam to be approximately 110 cGy·s-1 over a 1 mm × 6.2 mm area. This corresponds to a fluence estimate of 3.4×1011 photons·cm-2·s-1 (Aim 1). Additionally, analytical calculations and MCNP5 Monte Carlo simulations of the depth dose in a water phantom have been performed for comparison to CAMD measurements. Since experiments have been planned utilizing radiochromic film for both dose measurements and beam divergence, samples of GAFChromic EBT film (ISP, Wayne, NJ) were obtained and preliminary exposures performed (Fig. 2). These exposures verified the film’s utility to the proposed experiments and confirmed the uncollimated beam size of 3.1 cm long × 0.8 mm high. Film exposures also provided an initial estimate of dose via correlation to optical density versus dose curves. Equipment procured for dose measurements include a film scanner (Epson 1680) and acquisition software to read the film, a Wellhöfer-Scanditronix 0.23 cm3 Farmer-type ionization chamber, and a modified Keithley 614 electrometer. 91 The electronic structure studies of Pd nanoparticle by VUV photoemission and X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy O. Kizilkaya, M. Ono, C. Bianchetti, C. Kumar and E. Morikawa J. Bennett Johnston, Sr. Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, 6980 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806 Intensity (Arb. Units) The electronic structure of the valence bands of thin films of sulfobetaine (SB-12) stabilized Pd nanoparticles on a gold surface were prepared by evaporation of colloidal solution of the SB12/Pd nanoparticles in water and investigated by ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS). Photoemission UPS spectra were taken using the light dispersed by a 3-meter toroidal grating monochromator beamline at CAMD. Molecular orbital (MO) calculations were performed for analyzing the photoemission features in measured spectra. The photoemission spectrum of the stabilized Pd nanoparticles films measured at the photon energy of 80 eV is presented in Fig. 1 together with the DOS obtained DOS by ab initio MO calculation for the model structure. The good agreement between the measured photoemission spectrum and the calculated DOS leads to the conclusion 40 30 20 10 0 that the observed photoemission spectrum is entirely Binding Energy (eV) dominated by the SB12 surfactant molecules. H3C H2 C C H2 H2 O H2 H H2 OH C C C S C N H2 O CH3 Fig.1 No photoemission feature from the core Pd nanoparticles was observed. This fact suggests strongly that the Pd nanoparticles core is completely surrounded by the surfactant molecules which are closely packed. Gold This also indicates that the surfactant thickness is at Sputtering time least more than a typical value for the electron mean 120 sec. free path (~5 Å) upon the photoemission event. The sample films were degraded by ion bombardments in situ. The sputtering with neon gas 60 sec. was conducted with electron beam conditions of 1 kV and 5 mA. The ion beam strength was kept low enough 30 sec. to ensure gradual degradation to the films. The UPS of Pristine the pristine films degrades as increasing the sputtering time as seen from Fig. 2. Two major processes are evident; intensity loss at all peaks, and appearance of new peak at the lower binding energy region. The new 30 20 10 0 peak appearing at the low binding energy is clearly due Binding Energy (eV) to photoemission from Au substrate. The characteristic Fermi energy edge is seen as soon as small area of the Fig.2 Au substrate surface is exposed by the ion bombardments. The photoemission intensity from Au increases as increasing the film Intensity (Arb. Units) Pd 92 Intensity (Log) degradation until it dominates the whole UPS spectrum. This degradation investigation strongly assures that photoemission from the pristine films involves no contribution from the Au substrate. Thus, it can be concluded firmly that the thin films prepared from the evaporation were very uniform. It is noted that no photoemission feature from Pd is seen during the film degradation. Possibly the intense photoemission from Au hinders emission peaks from small concentration of the Pd particles in the films. Qualitative analysis of the nanoparticles were performed by conducting X-ray 6 Pd foil Pd nanoparticle fluorescence spectroscopy to 5 confirm that Pd atoms present in the samples by associating 4 measured spectrum with 3 characteristic X-ray emission lines of Pd atoms. The 2 measurements carried out at DCM beamline at CAMD with 1 use of 4800 eV of incident 0 beam energy. Figure 3 shows 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 fluorescence spectra of Pd foil Energy (eV) used as reference and Pd Fig. 3 nanoparticle. The characteristic X-ray emission lines (Lα-Lγ) of Pd atom are located between 2800-3300 eV. Having the same characteristic lines clearly prove the existence of Pd metals in the nanoparticle. 93 Spatially resolved XANES spectroscopy of sulfur speciation in wheat leaves infected by Puccinia triticina and X-ray fluorescence analysis Alexander Prange1,2, Henning Lichtenberg1, Chris M. Bianchetti1, Erich-Christian Oerke3, Ulrike Steiner3, Heinz-W. Dehne3, Hartwig Modrow4 and Josef Hormes1 1 Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, 6980 Jefferson Hwy., Baton Rouge, LA 70806, USA 2 Microbiology and Food Hygiene, Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences, Rheydter Straße 277, 41065 Mönchengladbach, Germany 3 INRES, Phytomedicine, University of Bonn, Nussallee 9, D-53115 Bonn, Germany 4 Institute of Physics, University of Bonn, Nussallee 12, D-53115 Bonn, Germany Correspondence to: A. Prange, e-mail: [email protected]; PNR GMXAP1206XMP Introduction This work describes the application of XANES spectroscopy for the characterization of interactions of biotrophic plant pathogens with their hosts as exemplified by the brown rust Puccinia triticina colonizing wheat leaves (recently published: Prange et al., 2005). Spatially resolved X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) spectroscopy was used to detect changes in sulfur metabolism induced by leaf rust infections. A significant accumulation of sulfate occurred at the site of the sporulating urediniosori of P. triticina. Some minor changes in the spectra were observed for the non-visibly colonized tissue neighboring the rust sori when compared with non-infected leaf areas. As the spectra for isolated urediniospores and the healthy leaf areas did not fit the spectra of the urediniosori, a significant impact of the biotrophic pathogen on sulfur metabolism of wheat has been shown. Spatially resolved XANES spectroscopy will extend the range of qualitative and quantitative methods for in situ investigations of host-pathogen interactions, thus may contributing to enlarge our knowledge about the metabolism of diseased plants. Material and Methods Experimental. Spatially resolved XANES spectra were acquired in fluorescence mode at the X-ray microprobe (XMP) beamline of CAMD. Spectra were recorded with a resolution of about 100 µm x 100 µm for (A) the center of urediniosori, (B) the nonvisibly infected leaf tissue bordering the uredinal sorus and (C) uninfected leaf areas (cf. Fig 1). A Canberra single element Ge-detector (GUL 0110P) was used as a fluorescence detector. To achieve the required spatial resolution, the monochromatic beam was focused by a Kirkpatrick-Baez double mirror system. Details on beamline and focusing system are described in Moelders et al. (2001) and references therein. To reduce absorption of the monochromatisized beam in air, during measurements, this arrangement was in a home-made flow box filled with helium. The spectra were recorded with step widths of 0.5 eV in the pre-edge region between 2440-2468 eV, 0.1 eV between 24682485 eV and 0.3 eV between 2485-2520 eV according to the spectral features and with an integration time of 3 s per data point and normalized at 2510 eV. All fluorescence excitation spectra have been smoothed using the FFT-smoothing routine which is part of the ORIGIN program. Reference spectra (Fig. 2) were recorded in transmission mode. X- 94 ray emission spectra were recorded at XMP: 600 sec, excitation energy 7.35 keV. Spectra were normalized at 2960 eV (Ar Kα-emission line). Samples. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), cv. ‘Dekan’ highly susceptible to Puccinia triticina (Eriks.), was grown under greenhouse conditions (21 ± 3°C, 16 h photoperiod). At growth stage (GS) 12-13 leaves were inoculated with an aqueous suspension (ca. 105 spores mL-1) of P. triticina urediniospores; plants were incubated for 24 h under 100 % relative humidity before returning to greenhouse conditions. Diseased leaves were investigated 12 days after inoculation when uredinial sori had erupted through the plant cuticle producing abundant spores. Uredinospores were harvested by brushing infected leaves, passed through a 40 µm mesh and stored at 4°C. Fig. 1: Left: Wheat leaf infected with Puccinia triticina and exact position of the areas where the sulfur K-edge XANES spectra have been taken (cf. Fig. 2): (A) center of uredinial sorus; (B) nonvisibly infected leaf tissue bordering the uredinial sorus; (C) non-infected leaf area between infection sites. Right: Uredinospores of P. triticina. 95 Fig. 2: Sulfur K-edge XANES spectra of the reference compounds (top to bottom): cystine (a), glutathione (oxidized form) (b), glutathione (reduced form) (c), cysteine (d), methionine (e), dimethylsulfoxide (f), cysteic acid (g) and zinc sulfate (h). Results and Discussion The variation in fluorescence spectra of the three wheat leaf regions of interest is given in Fig. 2. In the center of sporulating rust pustules, a strong structure in the spectrum at an energy of about 2481.4 eV is observed (Fig. 3). This structure is not present in either healthy leaf areas or symptomless colonized areas as well as in isolated urediniospores. From Fig. 2, it can be derived that this is correlated to an increased amount of sulfate (S+VI) in the sample. The increase of the sulfate species in response to fungal development is confirmed when comparing the spectra for the region bordering the sporulating sorus. As compared to healthy leaf areas, in this symptomless infected area just a slight increase in the corresponding energy range was observed. Fig. 3: Sulfur K-edge spectra (smoothed, 7-point setting): isolated Puccinia triticina urediniospores (solid line), P. triticina sporulating rust pustule on the wheat leaf (dash line), nonvisibly infected leaf tissue bordering the uredinial sorus (dash+dot line), non-infected area of wheat leaf (dot line). Original data without smoothing of P. triticina sporulating rust pustule on the wheat leaf (thin, dash+dot+dot line) Apart from the sulfate, at all sites a resonance located at about 2472.9 eV contributes to the spectra, which can be assigned to the amino acids cysteine and methionine (C-S-H; C-S-C) of the proteins (cf. Fig. 3). The results presented can still imply a) that biochemical interactions between fungus and host tissue have been identified or b) that sulfate is a dominant species of sulfur contained in the spores, as a considerable part of 96 the fluorescence signal from infected leaf tissue may be due to the interaction of the incoming radiation with the spores of the fungus. Therefore, if the spores themself contained sulfate and a slightly different composition of different ”zero-valent” sulfur species, the superposition of the signals obtained from leaf and fungus might be responsible for the sulfate peak in the spectrum obtained at the infected site. In contrast to this assumption, the XANES spectrum of isolated fungal urediniospores, also displayed in Fig. 4, showed hardly any contribution of sulfate, but its first strong resonance which is shifted to slightly lower energy (≈ 2471.7 eV) indicating a higher amount of C-S-S-C-containing compounds (cf. Fig. 3). Also spatially resolved X-ray fluorescence spectra have been measured in a line-scan across an infected wheat leaf as shown in Fig. 4. X-ray fluorescence mapping of elements on leaves (wheat and bean) with host-pathogen interactions will be continued, with special regard on sulfur, phosphorus and iron will be Fig. 4: SR-excited (7.35 keV) spatially resolved (~ 100 x 100 µm2)X-ray fluorescence spectra of a Puccinia triticina infected wheat leave. The figure shows the elements that can be measured (Ar from the air! P and S are here not shown) and the differences in concentration when moving the excitation spot across the infected area. References Moelders, N., Schilling, P.J., Wong, J., Roos, J.W. and Smith, I.L. (2001). X-ray fluorescence mapping and micro-XANES spectroscopic characterization of exhaust particulates emitted from auto engines burning MMT-added gasoline. Environ. Sci. Technol. 35, 3122. Prange, A., Oerke, E.-C., Steiner, U., Bianchetti, C. M., Hormes, J. and Modrow, H. (2005). Spatially resolved sulfur K-edge XANES spectroscopy for the in situ-characterization of the fungus-plant interaction Puccinia triticina and wheat leaves. J. Phytopathol. 153, 627. 97 Iron-based Catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis A. Roy1, C. Bianchetti1, J.J. Spivey2 J. Bennett Johnston, Sr., Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70806 2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70803 1 Introduction The Fisher-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) is an attractive route for the production of clean transportation fuels and high molecular weight hydrocarbons from synthesis gas (H2 + CO). Recent studies have shown that there are sufficient domestic reserves of coal to supply most of U.S. fuel needs for many years using FTS. Like coal, many types of biomass can be converted to fuels and chemicals using FTS. Biomass and coal based FT processes are advantageous economically and environmentally (Dry 1999; Marano 2001; Tijmensen et al. 2002). However coal and biomass conversion via FTS requires a practical, durable catalyst. The Fe catalysts are usually synthesized from precipitated hematite (Fe2O3) which temporarily converts to magnetite (Fe3O4) and finally to iron carbide (FeCx) during activation. Activation is performed with CO or H2/CO. A typical Fe catalyst has low initial activity and it is only after an induction period of many hours that the activity reaches its maximum. After activation and induction of a Fe catalyst, there can be an initial rapid decrease in activity due to deactivation to a relatively stable pseudo-steadystate activity. However, even at this more stable state, the catalyst continues to deactivate with time-on-stream (TOS). This may be on the order of a few percent per week, which is undesirable. During preparation, copper is often added to Fe catalysts to facilitate its reduction to a lower oxidation state. Unlike other metal catalysts like Co, or Ru, the active catalytic form of iron FTS catalyst is not the metallic form. Recent research suggests that the key factor determining Fe activity for FTS and long-term catalyst activity is the carburized Fe surface. Thus, production and maintenance of the carburized Fe surface appears to be key in shaping initial and long-term activity. The effect of the second metal (Me) on the state of the Fe carbide or on the formation of Fe-Me mixed carbides appears important. While single metal carbides have been extensively characterized, mixed-metal carbides are less well understood, especially at temperatures less than 400oC. Fe is known to form a number of mixed metal carbides. Experimental Procedures Table 1. Catalysts, their preparation conditions, and absorption edges investigated 98 Calcined at 300C CO pre-treated at 280C for 12 Comments for 5 hours hours and passivated in 2% O2 in He Catalyst Absorption Edges Absorption Edges 100Fe/5Cu/17Si Fe, Cu Fe, Cu 90Fe/10Cr/5Cu/17Si Fe, Cu, Cr Fe, Cu, Cr 100Fe/5Cu/4.2K/11SiO2 Fe, Cu Fe, Cu 90Fe/10Mo/5Cu/17Si Fe, Cu, Mo Fe, Cu, Mo The catalysts studied and their preparation conditions are listed in Table 1. Table 2. Data collections parameters Edge Energy Range (eV) Step Size (eV) Integration Time (sec) Chromium K 5850,5980,6040,6990 3,0.3,2 1.0 Iron K 6955,7100,7170,8100 3.0,0.3,2.0 1,1,1 Copper K 8830,8960,9040,9880 3.0,0.4,2.0 1.0 Molybdenum L 2420,2510,2550,2600 2.0,0.3,2.0 1.0 The data collection parameters are provided in Table 2. The concentrations of the elements were such that measurement in transmission was possible. Germanium 220 (Ge 220) crystals were used for all elements, except molybdenum, for which indium antimonide 111 (InSb) crystals were used. The heavier elements were analyzed in air, while helium was flowed through the chamber to minimize X-ray absorption for molybdenum. Results and Discussion Figure 1. Fe K edge of all catalysts 99 The iron K edge spectra of all catalysts are plotted in Figure 1. The spectrum of iron metal (aqua marine) is also shown for comparison. Before pre-treatment, all of them have the same oxidation state. Pre-treatment reduces the oxidation state to a very similar level in all catalysts except the chromium-bearing one, where the average oxidation state is little higher. Pre-treatment of all these catalysts should yield some form of iron carbides, along with other iron phases. Suitable iron carbide standards have yet to be measured. Absorption (normalized) 1.5 Copper K Edge 1.0 Copper Foil 100Fe _ 5Cu _ 17Si 100Fe-5cu-17si pre 90Fe-10Mo-5Cu-17Si 90Fe-10Mo-5Cu-17Si pre Fe-5Cu-4.2 K-11SiO2 90Fe-5Cu-4.2 K-11SiO2 Fe-10Cr-5Cu-17Si 0.5 90fe-10cr-5cu-17si pre 0.0 8960 8980 9000 9020 9040 Photon Energy (eV) Figure 2. Copper K edge in all catalysts Figure 2 shows the copper K edge spectra in copper-containing catalysts. The K edge for copper metal is also shown. Similar to the iron-bearing catalysts, copper K edge also shows reduction after pre-treatment, however, the edge location varies quite widely. The pre-treatment process appears to reduce the Mo-bearing catalyst the most. 100 100 Fe/5 Cu/17 Si Iron K Edge 1.6 0.4 Absorption (normalized) Calcined Pre-Treated Fe Metal 0.2 0.0 0.4 Real Fourier Transform Magnitude 0.6 0.0 1.2 0.8 0.4 XANES 0.0 7100 7125 7150 7175 7200 Photon Energy (eV) -0.4 Imaginary 0.4 0.0 -0.4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 r' (r + r, Angstrom) Figure 3. Evolution of iron speciation in one catalyst 100 Fe/5 Cu/17 Si Copper K Edge 1.6 0.6 Absorption (normalized) Pre-Treated Cu Metal 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.4 1.2 0.8 0.4 XANES Real 0.0 0.0 -0.4 8975 9000 9025 9050 Photon Energy (eV) -0.8 0.4 Imaginary Fourier Transform Magnitude Calcined 0.0 -0.4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 r' (r + r, Angstrom) Figure 4. Evolution of copper speciation in one catalyst. 101 90 Fe/10 Cr/5 Cu/17 Si Chromium K Edge 1.6 0.4 Absorption (normalized) Calcined Pre-Treated Cr Metal 0.2 0.0 0.4 Real Fourier Transform Magnitude 0.6 1.2 0.8 Cr+6 0.4 XANES 0.0 0.0 6000 -0.4 6025 6050 Photon Energy (eV) Imaginary 0.4 0.0 -0.4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 r' (r + ∆ r, Angstrom) Absorption (normalized) 6 Mo LIII Edge 4 Mo metal Calcined Pre-Treated 2 0 2505 2520 2535 2550 Photon Energy (eV) Figure ?. The split in the LIII while line of molybdenum is indicative of its coordination (Lede et al. 2002). Figure ? shows that the separation in the white line is clearly changing, thus the coordination is also changing. The pre-treatment process is also changing the overall oxidation state. 102 References Dry , M. E. (1999). "Fischer-Tropsch reactions and the environment." Applied Catalysis A 189: 185-190. Lede, E. J., F. G. Requejo, et al. (2002). "XANES Mo L-edges and XPS study of mo loaded in HY zeolite." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106(32): 7824-7831. Marano, J. J. a. C., J.P. (2001). Life-cycle Greenhouse-Gas Emission Inventory for FT Fuels, DOE/NETL. Tijmensen, M. J. A., A. P. C. Faaij, et al. (2002). "Exploration of the possibilities for production of Fischer Tropsch liquids and power via biomass gasification." Biomass & Bioenergy 23(2): 129-152. 103 Gordaite in a New Environment: in a Salt Bath as a Corrosion Product of Copper Paint-Coated Steel Plate and Microbially Influenced Corrosion Amitava Roy1, Caroline Metosh-Dickey2, Christopher Bianchetti1, Roland Tittsworth1, Ralph Portier2, and Orhan Kizilkaya1 1 2 Center of Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, 6980 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, LA 70806 Department of Environmental Studies, School of the Coast and Environment, Louisiana State University, 6980 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, LA 70893 Introduction Microbially influenced corrosion and growth on structures, ships and historical fishery areas is an endemic problem in all aquatic systems. Some of the earliest materials to be used to prevent biofouling were heavy metals and metal amalgams. Ships were clad with copper and later copper alloys in an effort to prevent growth of micro and macroscopic organisms on ships hulls. Metals claddings were expensive, however, and added significant weight to sea going ships. There has been a resurgence in the use of metallic copper as an antifouling material via the application of small copper pieces in new epoxy coatings. These newer epoxies are not designed to ablate but to hold the copper in place without the negative corrosive effects that can occur between some metals and copper. Additionally, this coating is not designed to leach but to create a low energy surface that inhibits attachment of traditional fouling organisms. Bacterial growth on surfaces in marine environments has generally initiated higher benthic organisms colonization since bacteria serve as the grazing food source for many of these species. In recent years, however, the picture of bacterial biofilm generation enhancing biofouling has become confused in the presence of toxic agents. The exudation of mucopolysaccharide films by bacteria can act to protect the organism as well as help it to maintain its surface attachment. This film can serve as a sink for various materials including toxicants and heavy metals thus sequestering toxicants from affecting the bacterium. These exo-polymers have also been shown to be particularly good at chelating and holding copper. As a consequence, copper concentrations can increase significantly in biofilms causing any organism grazing on the biofilm to be discouraged from attaching, i.e., a dose-response situation. We recently examined the deposit formed on such epoxy-coated steel plates immersed in artificial seawater. The examination was part of a experiment to study the efficacy of a copper flake embedded epoxy coating. To our surprise, the principal phase in the corrosion product appears to be gordiate. Gordiate is a hydrated sodium zinc chloro-sulfate whose crystal structure was first formally described only in 1997 (Schluter et al. 1997); since then it has been discovered in a slag heap in Germany (Jahn and Witzke 1999); A calcium variety has been reported from slag dumps in Italy (Burns et al. 1998); An unidentified mineral specimen from the Juan de Fuca Ridge has recently also been identified as gordaite (Nasdala et al. 1998). 104 Experimental Method FT-IR Spectro-Microscopy A Thermo Electron Nicolet continuµm FT-IR spectro-microscope was used in this study. The microscope is attached to a Nicolet 670 Spectrometer, which utilizes synchrotron infrared source. The synchrotron ring is located at the J. Bennett Johnston Sr., Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The ring operates at 1.3 GeV. The current in the ring typically ranged between 200 to 100 mA. In mid infrared range, for a 10 µm spot, the intensity of the focused beam is at least a 1,000 times more than in a conventional globar source. The spectra were collected in the reflection mode. The crust scraped from the steel surface was sprinkled on a gold-coated slide. The background was collected from the gold slide. Each spectrum is the average of at least 250 scans. Results and Discussion Figure 1 Figure 1 shows the steel plates before and after immersion in the artificial seawater. Within 30 days, a grayish crust developed on the plate surface. The crust was approximately ?? cm thick. Microscopy A representative photomicrograph of the crust, obtained with a stereomicroscope in reflected light, is shown in Figure 2a. Black nodules (ca. 2 mm across) are observed which are filled with white translucent crystals (5 to 10 µm in diameter). The translucent crystals appeared to have filled the voids in the nodules. Repeated washing with distilled water removed some of the deposits from the interior of the nodules. 105 106 Figure 2 Scanning electron microscopy at low magnifications shows the same nodular structure of the crust (Figure 2b). When viewed at slightly higher magnification, the nodule walls appears to have a layered structure, each layer being a few tens of µm thick. Apart from the hexagonal crystals, other morphologies are also present (Figure 2d). Observations at moderately higher magnifications indicated the presence of locally abundant colonies of bacilli. A culture of these bacteria has shown them to be both grampositive and –negative. 781 1438 984 839 1105 1024 1670 1637 Absorbance Crystals Bulk powder 1112 3515 3460 3407 3343 FTIR Spectro-Microscopy 3500 3000 1500 Wavenumber (cm-1) 1000 Figure 3 The FTIR spectra of the colorless crystals were obtained by focusing the infrared beam to a 15 µm x 15 µm spot in the microscope. There is remarkable similarity between the FTIR spectra provided by Nasdala et al. (Nasdala et al. 1998) and ours. All the major H2O, OH and sulfate bands can be matched and their intensities are roughly similar. Very similar bands are present in both the colorless crystals and the dark nodules, suggesting that they are compositionally very similar. Concluding Statements Gordaite is the principal reaction product in the process. There is very little, if any, other phases. This may be the first reported association of gordaite with bacteria. References Cited Burns, P. C., A. C. Roberts, et al. (1998). "The crystal structure of Ca[Zn8(SO4)(2)(OH)(12)Cl-2]H2O)(9), a new phase from slag dumps at Val Varenna, Italy." European Journal Of Mineralogy 10(5): 923-930. Jahn, S. and T. Witzke (1999). "Secondary minerals of zinc and copper in heaps of kupferschiefer ores at Helbra, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany: First occurrence of cuprian gordaite." Chemie Der Erde-Geochemistry 59(3): 223-232. Nasdala, L., T. Witzke, et al. (1998). "Gordaite NaZn4(SO4)(OH)6Cl.6H2O: Second occurrence in the Juan de Fuca Ridge, and new data." American Mineralogist 83(9-10): 1111-1116. Schluter, J., K. H. Klaska, et al. (1997). "Gordaite, NaZn4(SO4)(OH)6Cl.6H2O, a new mineral from the San Francisco Mine, Antofagasta, Chile." Neues Jahrbuch Fur Mineralogie-Monatshefte(4): 155-162. Gordaite in a New Environment: in a Salt Bath as a Corrosion Product of Copper Paint-Coated Steel Plate and Microbially Influenced Corrosion Amitava Roy1, Caroline Metosh-Dickey2, Christopher Bianchetti1, Roland Tittsworth1, Ralph Portier2, and Orhan Kizilkaya1 1 Center of Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, 6980 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, LA 70806 2 Department of Environmental Studies, School of the Coast and Environment, Louisiana State University, 6980 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, LA 70893 Introduction Microbially influenced corrosion and growth on structures, ships and historical fishery areas is an endemic problem in all aquatic systems. Some of the earliest materials to be used to prevent biofouling were heavy metals and metal amalgams. Ships were clad with copper and later copper alloys in an effort to prevent growth of micro and macroscopic organisms on ships hulls. Metals claddings were expensive, however, and added significant weight to sea going ships. There has been a resurgence in the use of metallic copper as an antifouling material via the application of small copper pieces in new epoxy coatings. These newer epoxies are not designed to ablate but to hold the copper in place without the negative corrosive effects that can occur between some metals and copper. Additionally, this coating is not designed to leach but to create a low energy surface that inhibits attachment of traditional fouling organisms. Bacterial growth on surfaces in marine environments has generally initiated higher benthic organisms colonization since bacteria serve as the grazing food source for many of these species. In recent years, however, the picture of bacterial biofilm generation enhancing biofouling has become confused in the presence of toxic agents. The exudation of mucopolysaccharide films by bacteria can act to protect the organism as well as help it to maintain its surface attachment. This film can serve as a sink for various materials including toxicants and heavy metals thus sequestering toxicants from affecting the bacterium. These exo-polymers have also been shown to be particularly good at chelating and holding copper. As a consequence, copper concentrations can increase significantly in biofilms causing any organism grazing on the biofilm to be discouraged from attaching, i.e., a dose-response situation. We recently examined the deposit formed on such epoxy-coated steel plates immersed in artificial seawater. The examination was part of a experiment to study the efficacy of a copper flake embedded epoxy coating. To our surprise, the principal phase in the corrosion product appears to be gordiate. Gordiate is a hydrated sodium zinc chloro-sulfate whose crystal structure was first formally described only in 1997 (Schluter et al. 1997); since then it has been discovered in a slag heap in Germany (Jahn and Witzke 1999); A calcium variety has been reported from slag dumps in Italy (Burns et al. 1998); An unidentified mineral specimen from the Juan de Fuca Ridge has recently also been identified as gordaite (Nasdala et al. 1998). Experimental Method X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy The XAS spectra were collected at the CAMD Double Crystal Monochromator beamline for the elements copper, zinc and sulfur. The measurements were conducted in air for the heavier elements, while helium was flowed during sulfur measurement. The concentrated specimens were analyzed in transmission and those with low concentrations were analyzed in fluorescence by a thirteen-element high purity germanium detector. Specimens were prepared by smearing a very thin layer of the powder onto a Kapton™ tape. Ge 220 crystals were used in the monochromator for the heavy elements, while InSb 111 crystals were used for sulfur. For copper and zinc, XANES spectra were collected from 200 eV below the edge to up to 20 eV below the edge in 3eV steps; from – 20 eV to 60 eV above the edge in 0.3 eV steps; and 60 eV above the edge to 300 eV above the edge in 3 eV steps. For copper EXAFS, the range over which data could be collected was limited by the zinc K edge at 9659 eV. Thus only several hundred eV of data could be collected. The steps were 3 eV below the edge and 2 eV above the edge up to 9659 eV. For the sulfur, the scan ranged from -70 to -10 eV below the edge in 1.5eV steps, from 10eV to 30 eV above the edge in 0.2 eV steps, and from 30 eV to 125 eV above the edge in 1.5 eV steps. The counting time was 1 second at each step. The spectra were analyzed by Athena and resulted suite of software (Ravel and Newville 2005). Results and Discussion Figure 1 Figure 1 shows the steel plates before and after immersion in the artificial seawater. Within 30 days, a grayish crust developed on the plate surface. The crust was approximately ?? cm thick. Microscopy A representative photomicrograph of the crust, obtained with a stereomicroscope in reflected light, is shown in Figure 2a. Black nodules (ca. 2 mm across) are observed which are filled with white translucent crystals (5 to 10 µm in diameter). The translucent crystals appeared to have filled the voids in the nodules. Repeated washing with distilled water removed some of the deposits from the interior of the nodules. Figure 2 Scanning electron microscopy at low magnifications shows the same nodular structure of the crust (Figure 2b). When viewed at slightly higher magnification, the nodule walls appears to have a layered structure, each layer being a few tens of µm thick. Apart from the hexagonal crystals, other morphologies are also present (Figure 2d). Observations at moderately higher magnifications indicated the presence of locally abundant colonies of bacilli. A culture of these bacteria has shown them to be both gram-positive and –negative. X-Ray Analysis 105 106 Cu Kα Copper excitation Zinc Excitation 105 Intensity Intensity 104 Zn Kα Fe Kα 103 Ar Kα Cr Kα 104 Fe Kβ Cr Kβ Ar Kβ 102 Ca Kα Ca Kβ 103 101 100 2 4 6 102 10 8 Energy (eV) Figure 3 Figure 3 shows the X-ray fluorescence spectra of the crust collected during XAS measurements. Elements below argon are not observed due to absorption of the X-rays in air. Apart from zinc and copper, minor amounts of iron and chromium are also observed in the spectra. Presumably these elements are extracted from the steel plate. Calcium in the corrosion product must be coming from the simulated seawater. Considering the amount of chromium usually present in steel relative to iron, its amount in the residue is quite high. 250 Al Kα Na Kα Zn Lα Nodule Surface S Kα 50 Cl Kα 100 P Kα Cl Kα S Kα P Kα Al Kα Mg Kα Cu Lα 100 Crust 150 Cu Lα Colorless crystals O Kα Intensity (cps) 200 150 50 C Kα Crust Na Kα Zn Lα C Kα O Kα Intensity (cps) 200 Mg Kα 250 0 0 0 1 2 3 8 10 0 1 Energy (keV) Figure 4 – X-micro-analyses in the SEM 2 Energy (keV) 3 8 10 Energy dispersive X-ray micro-analysis of the crust, obtained in the variable pressure SEM, is shown in Figure 4. Elementally, the analyses of the crystals and the nodule surface are very similar. Some of the carbon signal may also be derived from the substrate used to mount the material. The sodium Kα and zinc Lα peaks cannot be differentiated because of their almost identical energy. Absorption (normalized) X-Ray Absorption spectroscopy Corrossion product Zn(OH)2 ZnO a Zinc foil 9640 9660 9680 9700 Photon Energy (eV) A Absorption (normalized) B Crust CuO b Cu2O 8960 8980 9000 9020 Photon Energy (eV) 9040 Figure 5 – X-ray absorption near edge (XANES) spectra of (a) copper and (b) zinc K edges of the crust Fluorescence (normalized) The zinc K edge XANES spectrum of the crust is shown in Figure 5a. The edge energy of the crust suggests that all the zinc is in +II oxidation state. The white line for the crust is stronger than that of ZnO or Zn(OH)2. The XANES spectrum of copper in the crust, along with those of copper oxides in +I and +II oxidation states, is shown in Figure 5b. The distinct pre-edge peak seen in Cu2O is absent in the spectrum of the crust, suggesting that copper in the crust is in +II oxidation state. The edge energy of the spectrum also corresponds well with +II oxidation state. The peak B is usually due to the immediate neighbor around the central atom. The low intensity of this peak in the crust probably suggests that copper is not located in a well-defined crystallographic position. In gordaite, zinc is both tetrahedrally and octahedrally coordinated. In tetrahedral coordination, three oxygen atoms are present at a distance of 1.955 Å, and one chlorine atom is at a distance of 2.279 Å. In octahedral coordination, the oxygen distance varies from 2.026 to 2.434 Å. Severe absorption of copper X-rays in the pre-dominantly zinc matrix of the crust reduced the amplitude of copper EXAFS oscillations. The best fit using Artemis (Ravel and Newville 2005) had a ψ2= 0.27. With coordination fixed as octahedral, the best fit yields Cu-O distances of 1.93, 1.94 and 2.76 Å, with two atoms in each shell. Thus if any copper substitution of zinc occurs in gordaite, the octahedron is highly distorted. 8 6 E0 = 2480.97 eV 4 2 0 2460 2480 2500 2520 Photon Energy (eV) Figure 6 The sulfur K edge spectrum of the crust was obtained in fluorescence. No other species of sulfur, except that of sulfate, was detected. Thus no sulfur-reducing or oxidizing bacteria are involved with the corrosion process. References Cited Burns, P. C., A. C. Roberts, et al. (1998). "The crystal structure of Ca[Zn8(SO4)(2)(OH)(12)Cl-2]H2O)(9), a new phase from slag dumps at Val Varenna, Italy." European Journal Of Mineralogy 10(5): 923-930. Jahn, S. and T. Witzke (1999). "Secondary minerals of zinc and copper in heaps of kupferschiefer ores at Helbra, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany: First occurrence of cuprian gordaite." Chemie Der Erde-Geochemistry 59(3): 223-232. Nasdala, L., T. Witzke, et al. (1998). "Gordaite NaZn4(SO4)(OH)6Cl.6H2O: Second occurrence in the Juan de Fuca Ridge, and new data." American Mineralogist 83(9-10): 1111-1116. Ravel, B. and M. Newville (2005). "ATHENA, ARTEMIS, HEPHAESTUS: data analysis for X-ray absorption spectroscopy using IFEFFIT." Journal Of Synchrotron Radiation 12: 537-541. Schluter, J., K. H. Klaska, et al. (1997). "Gordaite, NaZn4(SO4)(OH)6Cl.6H2O, a new mineral from the San Francisco Mine, Antofagasta, Chile." Neues Jahrbuch Fur Mineralogie-Monatshefte(4): 155-162. Phosphate Removal by Kaolinite- Bentonite Media Jia Ma1, Amitava Roy2 and John Sansalone1 1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70803 2 J. Bennett Johnston, Sr., Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70806 Introduction As one of the essential elements on earth, phosphorus has been regarded as the major growth limiting nutrient. However excessive amount of phosphorus in water bodies such as urban streams and lake reservoirs is directly responsible for eutrophication (algal blooms, depletion of dissolved oxygen and deterioration of water quality). Eutrophication is considered as one of the most important environmental problems. A better understanding of the detrimental influence of eutrophication caused by phosphorus has led to more stringent regulation of phosphorus level in receiving waters and stimulated the demand for more efficient and cost effective removal of phosphorus. The maximum contaminant level (MCL) of phosphorus in lake reservoirs was 0.1 mg/L as recommended by EPA (1986). Complying with this standard is apparently difficult considering the significant amounts of waters and discharges around the world that exceed this level. Removal of phosphorus from urban rainfall-runoff has become a priority in many areas of the USA for suitable discharge to receiving waters. Economical sorption materials for effective phosphorus removal from aqueous solution such as urban rainfall-runoff, has attracted great attention lately., A range of adsorbents has been investigated for phosphate adsorption, including: aluminas (Gangoli and Thodos 1973), aluminum hydroxide (Galinada and Yoshida 2004), aluminum oxide (Huang 1977), synthetic boehmite (Tang et al. 1996), gibbsite (Gimsing et al. 2004), goethite (Juang and Chung 2004; Rietra et al. 2001), amorphous calcium silicate (Southam et al. 2003), polymeric hydrogels (Kofinas and Kioussis 2003), fly ash (Deborah and Marcia 1979), iron oxide tailings (Zeng et al. 2004) and blast furnace slag (Hisashi et al. 1986). It was found that lower concentrations of Sorption by aluminum species is credited to the presence of Al-OH and functional groups on the mineral surface (Shin et al. 2004). Given the complexity of surface composition and structure, many interactions are likely to occur, including specific chemical adsorption (surface complexation involved with ligand exchange) and precipitation; nonspecific physical adsorption (ion exchange relevant to electrostatic forces) driven by the surface charge and surface area of adsorbent. When surface complexation phenomenon occurs, the surface complexes formed can be classified as inner and outer sphere complexes depending on the type of affinity of phosphate to an active surface site. Formation of these surface complexes is mostly dependent on the degree of surface protonation and/or dissociation. Johnson et aL (2002) used P NMR to study the adsorption of phosphate on y-A1203 and concluded that the adsorption is complex, with evidence of outer- and inner- sphere complexes and surface precipitation. Aluminum oxide coated media (AOCM) represents a group of aluminum oxide coated or impregnated substrates with high porosity and large specific surface area were developed to selectively bind the phosphorus anion onto and into the media matrix, permitting subsequent removal from an aqueous stream. This engineered media must fulfill requirements of economy, provide a medium of desired hydraulic conductivity, provide desired P adsorption capacity, reduce P concentrations to targeted levels, and be able to retain the P without desorption. The AOCM media proved quite successful in the laboratory in removal of phosphorus from synthetic stormwater. Experimental Procedure AOCM Preparation Sorbent media utilized in this study was a specific form of AOCM. This media was prepared from clay material and aluminum oxide. Clay expanded with a blowing agent was fired into bricks at 1000°C . The cooled bricks were crushed and sieved to yield to three size ranges of substrate: 0.85 - 2 mm, 2 - 4.75 mm and 4.75 - 9.5 mm using ASTM standard sieves No. 1/4 inch (4.75-mm opening), No. 10 mesh (2.00-mm opening) and No. 20 mesh (0.85-mm opening). The resulting substrate is a stable, highly porous, lightweight media of low organic content. The sorbent substrate was then coated with an aluminum salt to produce the sorbent media (AOCM) utilized in this study. The effect of media size of AOCM on phosphorus adsorption was examined using these three size categories: 0.85 - 2 mm; 2 - 4.75 mm and 4.75 - 9.5 mm by sieving. Such a size range of AOCM is suitable for the potential adsorption cartridge filter usage. The same powder was used for thermal analysis, X-ray powder diffractometry, and FTIR analysis. It was prepared by grinding the particles initially with an agate mortar and pestle, and subsequently in a micronizing mill. The average particle size is expected to be in the 5 to 10 µm range. X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy The XAS spectra were also collected at the CAMD Double Crystal Monochromator beamline. The phosphorus K edge is at approximately 2150 eV. The peak of aluminum phosphate white line (2149? eV) was used for calibration. Due to the low concentration of phosphorus, the measurements were made in fluorescence. A nineelement high purity germanium detector was used. A low atomic number inert gas, helium, was flowed through the chamber. . InSb 221 (?) crystals were used in the monochromator. XANES spectra were collected from 2050 eV to up to 2140 eV in 2eV steps; from 2140 eV to 2180 eV above in 0.2 eV steps; and 2180 eV to 2450 eV in 3 eV steps. The integration time in each region was 3, 5, and 3 seconds respectively. Each measurement was repeated at least ten times. The spectra were analyzed by Athena and resulted suite of software (Ravel and Newville, 2005). Specimens were prepared by smearing a very thin layer of the powder onto a Kapton™ tape. The mm-size media was gently crushed in an agate mortar and pestle. The used media was quite moist. Results and Discussion X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure Fluorescence (normalized) 4 2148 Before Use After Use 0 2140 2150 2160 2170 2180 Photon Energy (eV) Fluorescence (normalized) A Phosphorus K Edge XANES Fe+III(PO4).2H2O CaHPO4.2H2O AlPO4 KH2PO4 D B C Ca5(PO4)3(OH, F, Cl) 2130 2140 2150 2160 2170 Photon Energy (eV) 2180 Figure 1. Phosphorus K edge XANES spectra of KB media, before and after treatment (left), and of some standard minerals (right). Figure 1 shows the phosphorus K edge absorption spectra of the treatment media, before and after treatment. A comparison of the spectra with those of the standards shows that the edge position does not change after its use in treatment and the peak height of the white line is reduced after treatment. The peak width is also a lot narrower, similar to the iron phosphate, strengite. Further data analysis is in progress. References Ravel, B., and Newville, M. (2005) ATHENA, ARTEMIS, HEPHAESTUS: data analysis for X-ray absorption spectroscopy using IFEFFIT. Journal Of Synchrotron Radiation, 12, 537-541. Speciation of Iron, copper and Zinc in Katrina Sediments from New Orleans Amitava Roy1, Christopher Bianchetti1, Roland Tittsworth1, and John Pardue2 1 J. Bennett Johnston, Sr., Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70806 2 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70803 Introduction Hurricane Katrina, a Category 4 storm on the Saffir-Simpson scale, struck the Gulf Coast on August 29th, 2005. The storm surge resulted in a breach of the levee system in New Orleans at two locations, which flooded up to 80% of the city. The flood water was sampled in the Mid-City and Lakeview areas of New Orleans within days. The concentrations of metals like iron, zinc and copper in the flood water were often elevated compared to EPA drinking water standards (Pardue et al., 2005). The sediment deposited from the flood water was sampled as soon as the water receded in the Mid-City region. The Lakeview area was sampled within weeks. Optical microscopy showed that sand-size quartz, often enclosed in asphalt, is the dominant component of the sediment in the Mid-City location. At Lakeview sample sites, clay minerals formed an important component of the sediment, though quartz was also voluminous. Results and Discussion Absorption (normalized) Figure 1. Iron K edge XANES of Katrina Sediments 1.5 Copper K Edge XANES of some Stadards 1.0 Copper foil 0.5 Cu (II) Oxide Cu (I) Oxide 0.0 8960 8980 9000 9020 Photon Energy (eV) 9040 Fluorescence (normalized) 1.5 Copper K Edge XANES of Katrina Sediments 1.0 NO 4 NO 5 NO 7 NO 8 NO 9 0.5 NO 2 NO 6 0.0 8960 8980 9000 9020 Photon Energy (eV) 9040 Figure 2. Copper K edge XANES of Katrina Sediments Figure 3. Zinc K edge XANES of Katrina Sediments 3000 2500 NO 4 NO 8 NO 7 2000 Counts NO 9 1500 NO 5 NO 2 1000 NO 3 NO 6 500 0 5.4 5.6 Energy (keV) Figure 4. Chromium Kα peak in Mid-City New Orleans samples. The speciation of iron, zinc, copper, and chromium was studied by X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES). The white line intensity in the zinc XANES spectra is stronger in the Mid-City samples compared to those from Lakeview. The former were also moist, while the Lakeview samples were dry. Zinc appears to be mostly 122 +II oxidation state but in some samples a higher metallic component is found. Iron XANES spectra are very uniform (similar to goethite) in the sediment from the Lakeview area but shows more variation at the Mid-City sites. Chromium XANES spectra could be obtained from the Lakeview samples only, which seemed to have a strong metallic component. Similarly, only Mid-City samples yielded useful copper XANES spectra. The spectra show a strong +II oxidation state component along with a variable amount of metallic component. One sample from the Mid-City area, close to the Superdome, has reduced oxidation state for all the elements measured. References Pardue, J.H., Moe, W.M., McInnis, D., Thibodeaux, L.J., Valsaraj, K.T., Maciasz, E., van Heerden, I., Korevec, N., and Yuan, Q.Z. (2005) Chemical and Microbiological Parameters in New Orleans Floodwater Following Hurricane Katrina ES&T, Web Edition(October 11th). 123 Sulfur Speciation in Some Cementitious Materials Amitava Roy J. Bennett Johnston, Sr., Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, 6980 Jefferson Highway, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Introduction Sulfur species, particularly in sulfate form, exert a strong influence on the dimensional stability of cementitious materials though volumetrically they constitute a minor role. For example, the sulfate containing phase ettringite is strongly implicated in sulfate attack in concrete and cement-stabilized soil, even though the exact mechanism is not fully understood (Famy and Taylor, 2001). It is not easy to monitor the sulfate phases in cementitious materials as some of it may exist in solid solution. Apart from ettringite, the calcium silicate hydrate and monosulfate can contain some of the sulfate. In addition, some of the original sulfates phases such as gypsum and anhydrite may remain. If a sulfite sludge from a coal-fired power plant is used in some form of stabilization, the speciation of sulfur will be different. Granulated blast furnace slag also has a different speciation for sulfur. During hydration of cement, the presence of blast furnace slag provides a reducing environment. It has been documented that during solidification/stabilization of hexavalent chromiumcontaining wastes, the chromium is reduced to the relatively benign +III oxidation state (Bajt et al., 1993). During the hydration process of blast furnace slag, the interior of the slag changes into a dark green color. A freshly broken slag mass usually smells of hydrogen sulfide. When a slag does not react properly (accompanied by no strength gain), no such color change is observed. Coarse slag aggregate can potentially supply sulfate by oxidation of calcium sulfide in it (Van Dam et al., 2003). X-ray absorption spectroscopy, which can detect all types of speciation of sulfur, has been applied in to soil humic substances and petroleum to study the speciation of sulfur in those materials. To date, it has not been applied to cement chemistry. When a mixture of portland cement and blast furnace slag is used, is the Eh still reducing, at what proportions does the reducing environment change, and how long can the reducing environment last? These questions have implications for the long term storage of hazardous wastes in cements. Experimental Methods The sulfur spectra were collected at the J. Bennett Johnston, Sr., Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Depending on the concentration, the spectra were collected either in transmission or fluorescence. Indium antimonide (InSb) crystals were used in the double crystal monochromator. The data collection parameters were: -70 eV to -10 eV in 1.5 eV steps, from -10 eV to 30 eV in 0.2 eV steps, and from 30 eV to 125 eV in 1.5 eV steps. Helium was flowed through the sample chamber at a pressure slightly higher than atmospheric. A 13-element solid state high purity germanium detector was used for fluorescence signal detection. 124 Results and Discussion A Normalized (fluorescence) 16 Sulfur K Edge XANES Activated by Calcium Hydroxide Solution water/solids = 0.4 12 13 months old 8 18 hours old Class C Fly Ash 4 C B D Gypsum Ettringite 0 2470 2480 2490 2500 2510 Photon Energy (eV) Figure 1 Figure 1 shows the sulfur K edge XANES spectra of a Class C fly ash, before and after its reaction with calcium hydroxide. The spectra of gypsum and ettringite, a reactant and ettringite a product of this type of hydration reaction, are also shown for comparison. Ettringite spectrum does not show any strong secondary peaks beyond the white line. The XANES spectra for the Class fly ash shows somewhat similar features as that of gypsum’s, but the intensities are lower. Hydration of Class C fly ash produces a much stronger white line, which gets more intense with time, from 18 hours to 13 months. The peak locations are also slightly different. The peak B, which is absent in the 18-hour-old sample, is more pronounced in the 18-month-old spectrum. A Sulfur K Edge XANES Ca(OH)2 Activation Fluorescence (normalized) Fluorescence (normalized) Sulfur K Edge XANES E D C White Bluish Green B GGBFS 2460 NaOH Activation A D E White C Bluish B Green GGBFS 2470 2480 2490 2500 2510 2460 Photon Energy (eV) 2470 2480 2490 2500 Photon Energy (eV) 125 2510 Figure 2. The vertical scale is identical in both. Granulated blast furnace slag is obtained by quenching the slag in an ironproducing plant. For natural magmas of similar composition, where sulfur is immiscible, researchers have found that sulfur speciates in sulfide and sulfate forms (Paris et al., 2001). The BFS glass shows a similar phenomenon. BFS has a strong sulfate peak and a broad sulfide peak (Figure 2. Sulfur in silicate magmas exist in two state sulfide and sulfate, the ration depending on oxygen fugacity. In some magmatic rocks though the conditions were quite oxidizing, some sulfide persists. This was probably due to local reducing conditions. This reasoning certainly applies to activated BFS. Figure 2 also shows the sulfur K edge XANES spectra of granulated blast furnace slag reacted with calcium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide. The sodium hydroxide solution is five Normal (pH – 14.72), while a saturated solution of calcium hydroxide has a pH of 12.5. The interior of the solidified, reacted mass has a dark green color and there is a colorless to light yellowish brown rind of variable thickness. In specimens cured for months the rind is only a few mm thick. After activation by both alkaline solutions the broad peak is reduced and minor, better defined peaks form. These peaks are stronger in the rind. The white line is always stronger in the rind. Compared to calcium hydroxide activation, the white line is broader and less intense in the sodium hydroxide reacted BFS. References Bajt, S., Clark, S.B., Sutton, S.R., Rivers, M.L., and Smith, J.V. (1993) Synchrotron XRay Microprobe Determination of Chromate Content Using X-Ray-Absorption near-Edge Structure. Analytical Chemistry, 65(13), 1800-1804. Famy, C., and Taylor, H.F.W. (2001) Ettringite in hydration of Portland cement concrete and its occurrence in mature concretes. ACI Materials Journal, 98(4), 350-356. Paris, E., Giuli, G., Carroll, M.R., and Davoli, I. (2001) The valence and speciation of sulfur in glasses by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Canadian Mineralogist, 39, 331-339. Van Dam, T.J., Peterson, K.R., Sutter, L.L., and Housewright, M.E. (2003) Deterioration in Concrete Pavements Constructed with Slag Coarse Aggregate. Transportation Research Record(1834), 8-15. 126 Investigation of the Local Geometric Structure of Mn Impurity Atoms in Si: a Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor Carl A. Ventrice, Jr. Department of Physics, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148 Heike Geisler Department of Chemistry, Xavier University, New Orleans, LA 70125 Martin Bolduc, C. Awo-Affouda, and Vincent P. LaBella College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, Univ. at Albany, Albany, NY 12203 Roland Tittsworth CAMD/LSU, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 (PRN: UNO-CV1205) Intensity (arb. units) The local atomic structure of Mn impurities in Mn-implanted Si samples has been studied using extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy at the DCM beamline at CAMD. These measurements are being used to provide information about the nature of the ferromagnetism that is observed in this system. It is well documented that ferromagnetic behavior in an ideal dilute magnetic semiconductor (DMS) strongly depends on the local atomic structure around the impurity atoms. This remains a challenging issue for the fabrication of novel generation of spintronic devices. EXAFS provides information regarding the charge state, bond distance, coordination and type of neighboring atoms around the Mn impurities. The samples are p-type silicon wafers (~1019 cm-3) that are implanted with Mn+ ions at 350 keV. The Mn peak concentration reaches 0.1 - 0.8 Mn atomic % (~1021 cm-3) at ~250 nm below the surface. This results in ferromagnetism that remains persistent above 400 K. After annealing, the Mn forms crystallites of up to 8 nm in size, as seen in high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images. The current focus of this research is to try to determine the composition of these clusters and their role in the ferromagnetic behavior of the DMS. Representative EXAFS spectra for a Mn doped Si DMS and a Mn reference Mn Reference Mn doped Si(100) sample are shown in Fig. 1. Since the Mn absorption edge of both samples is the same, the implanted Mn is in a 6500 6600 6700 conducting state. However, the intensity Energy (eV) modulation after the near edge region is dramatically different for the DMS Fig. 1: EXAFS spectra for a Mn doped Si sample sample. This indicates that the Mn is that exhibits ferromagnetic behavior and a Mn forming a manganese silicide cluster, not reference sample. a phase-separated elemental Mn. Since there are several stable phases of manganese silicide, modeling of the EXAFS intensity modulations is being undertaken to determine the composition of the nanoparticles. 127 Speciation of Arsenic in the Common Marsh Fern, Thelypteris palustris. LaShunda L. Anderson ([email protected]) and Maud Walsh ([email protected]); Louisiana State University Department of Agronomy and Environmental Management 70803 PRN # AGR-MW-1205 Arsenic contamination of soils and groundwater poses a widespread threat to ecological and human health in Louisiana and around the world. Phytoremediation, the use of plants to decontaminate soils or water, has the potential to be a cost-effective, nonintrusive method for the remediation of many Louisiana environments, including endangered coastal wetlands affected by petrochemical discharges, agricultural sites contaminated by arsenic-based pesticides and urban brownfield sites rendered unsafe by unregulated manufacturing processes Our research focuses on the ability of common Louisiana plants to accumulate arsenic in sufficient quantities to effectively remediate soils without costly excavation and incineration. The discovery of an arsenic-hyperaccumulating fern (Ma et al., 2001) and the potential applications for soil remediation has stimulated investigations into the abilities of other ferns to accumulate arsenic (Meharg, 2003). Other plants have been researched to assess their ability to tolerate and accumulate arsenic. The marsh fern was chosen for arsenic uptake and speciation studies due to its ease of propagation, various environmental habitats it can survive in and the recent discovery of arsenic accumulating ferns. Marsh ferns were propagated in the greenhouse from roots. Marsh fern roots were sewn into ½ gallon plastic pots containing Scotts® Metrol Mix 300 or medium grade vermiculite that was thoroughly mixed with Osmocote® extended time release fertilizer. Thirty-six marsh ferns were randomly chosen from the rootlings and placed into a 36 unit gravitational fed hydroponic system that contained Foxfarm ® GrowBig Hydroponic Concentrate (3-2-6) hydroponic solution mixed at the concentration rate of 15 ml (2 tablespoons) per 3.8 L (1 gallon) of water . Potassium arsenate (KH2AsO4 ) was added to the hydroponic nutrient solution to achieve arsenic treatment concentrations of 250 ppb and 500 ppb. A greenhouse insect infestation destroyed all above ground biomass so only fern roots from each treatment level were analysed by XANES As a result of above-biomass destruction, a second hydroponic study was conducted so that the above-ground biomass could be analysed. In this study, twelve marsh ferns potted in vermiculitewere placed into dishpans filled with four liters of arsenic solution. Potassium arsenate (KH2AsO4 ) was added to water to achieve arsenic treatment concentrations of 250 ppb and 500 ppb. Aquarium air pumps were inserted into the arsenic solution of each dishpan to decrease algae formation. Arsenic solution was changed at approximately one week. At two weeks of arsenic exposure, fronds from each treatment level was harvested for XANES analysis Roots and fronds of ferns were examined with XANES to determine arsenic speciation. Standards used for XANES analysis are sodium arsenate, arsenate oxide, and arsenic oxide. Two samples of exposed roots were placed between individual layers of Kapton tape. Roots were found to contain arsenate when sample chart readings were 128 similar to the arsenate oxide standard peak. One fern root that was exposed to 250 ppb did appear similar to any of the standard peaks (Figure 1 & Figure 2). This maybe be due to pressure washing did not remove all soil particles from the root sample or it may contain a arsenic-thiol group contamination. Fern fronds that were exposed to 250 and 500ppb of arsenic had detection levels below the capable detection limits for XANES analysis. T2R1 #3 T2R1 #2 T3R1 #1 T3R1 #2 3.0 2.5 Absorption 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 11840 11860 11880 11900 11920 Energy (eV) Figure 1: XANES analysis of roots exposed to 250ppb (T2) and 500 ppb (T3) of arsenic As (III) Oxide As (V) Oxide Sodium Asrenate T2R1#3 2.5 Absorption 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 11840 11860 11880 11900 11920 Energy (eV) Figure 2: Arsenic standards for XANES analysis of roots exposed to 250 ppb and 500ppb arsenic treatment levels 129 250 200 150 As (ppm) 100 50 0 * BLOCK1 * 500ppb R3 * BLOCK 2 500ppb R2 * BLOCK 3 500ppb R1 * 250ppb R3 BLOCK 4 250ppb R2 Treatments 250 ppb, R1 0ppb R3 0 ppb R2 0 ppb R1 -50 Graph 1: ICP-MS concentrations of marsh fern root samples used in XANES analysis 130 Speciation of Phosphorus Compounds in Typical Louisiana Calcareous Soils Using XANES J. J. Wang1, D.L. Harrell1, and Amitava Roy2. 1LSU Agriculture Center and LSU Department of Agronomy and Environmental Management, Sturgis Hall, Baton Rouge, LA, 70810, [email protected], [email protected] 2LSU Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, 6980 Jefferson Hwy., Baton Rouge, LA 70806, [email protected]. PRN: Agr-JW040. It has been generally accepted that Fe and Al bound phases control the solubility and mobility of P in acidic soils while Ca bound phases are the controlling factor in calcareous environments. However, recent evidence from wet chemistry has showed that Fe oxides may play an equally important role in P retention in calcareous soils. The objective of this study is to use XANES techniques to identify P controlling minerals in some typical Louisiana calcareous soils. Results are presented in Figure1. The P K-XANES spectra for 17 standards along with the four calcareous and one biosolids-impacted soil samples were collected at the Double Crystal Monochromator (DCM) equipped with two InSb (111) crystals that were slightly detuned. In general, the spectra obtained for common Fe, Al, and Ca phosphate minerals showed unique features which could be used to identify the various phosphate forms. On the other hand, the P KXANES spectra for P sorbed on Fe and Al oxide surfaces lacked unique spectral features and could not be used to distinguish among these P species. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that it would take five orthogonal components to describe the variation in the XANES spectra of each soil sample. Target transformation determined that several of the 17 P standards used had SPOIL values < 1, indicating that they were the most probable components which could improve the fitting when included in the data matrix. Consequently, only the five P standards with the lowest SPOIL values determined by target transformation were generally used in the fittings. Resulting normalized relative percentages of each standard species were summed grouped into the following categories: phosphates sorbed on Fe-/Al-oxides plus organic P, crystalline Fe/Al-phosphates, and Ca phosphates (Ca minerals and P sorbed on CaCO3). Nearly identical least-squares linear combination fitting (LCF) results occurred when P sorbed on ferrihydrite was substituted with P sorbed on gibbsite illustrated insensitivity of XANES analysis to distinguish between the metal oxide sorbed P phases. Since the Commerce and Norwood soils contained broad white line peaks as compared to other soils, the less intense featured CaCO3 sorbed P rather than the intense featured hydroxyapatite was used in LCF analysis. The LCF fitting of original soil XANES spectra suggests that most of the Fe-/Al-P were in sorbed forms. There was no strengite found in all soils but variscite was possibly present in Mer Rouge and Jeanerette soils. The LCF analysis also showed that the Norwood and Commerce soils contained Ca-P mostly in sorbed form associated with CaCO3 or as Ca-hydroxyphosphate. The Mer Rouge soil contained Ca-P in the form of Ca-hydroxyphosphate while the Jeanerette contained Ca-P in both the hydroxyapatite and Ca-hydroxyphosphate forms. A highly significant correlation was found between the total Ca-P determined by least-squares LCF of P K-XANES spectra of the soils and the Ca-P determined by the HCl-P extraction of the sequential chemical fractionation procedure (R2 = 0.89, P = 0.016). Likewise a significant correlation (R2 = 0.81, P = 0.0383) was found between the sum of 131 relative percentage of total Fe-/Al-P plus organic P determined by XANES fitting and the relative percentage of Fe-/Al-P from the NaOH-P fraction of the chemically sequential fractionation procedure. Generally, least-squares LCF of XANES spectra estimated more Ca-P as well as Fe-/Al-P and than was determined by chemical fractionation. Since chemical fractionation contained a large residual-P fraction which could not be partitioned into chemically defined P forms, XANES estimates of soil total Caphosphates and the total Fe-/Al-P species was more effective than the chemical P fraction procedure even though XNAES could not differentiate P sorbed onto Fe or Al oxides. The LCF fitting of the Commerce soil after fractionation indicated that total Ca-P increased after the NaOH-P and CBD-P extraction as expected. However, the LCF fitting of the Savannah soil showed that total Ca-P declined after the NaOH-P extraction and then slightly increased after the subsequent CBD-P extraction. Analysis of P KXANES spectra were limited due to the insensitivity of PCA and target transformation and the noisy soil spectra due to the low total P content in soils such as Norwood after fractionation. Although we eliminated testing all possible standard combinations by only using reference components with SPOIL values < 1, a software package allowing the simultaneous determination of the best least-squares fit of large possible standard combinations could enhance our least-squares analysis. 4 6 M e r R o u g e (1 ) Normalized absorption 3 2 1 S a v a n n a h (1 ) S a v a n n a h L e a s t- s q u a r e s L C F C a - h y d r o x y p h o s p h a te P o n fe r r ih y d r ite P o n h e m itite h y d r o x y a p a tite v a r is c ite 5 Normalized adsorption M e r R o u g e L e a s t- s q u a r e s L C F C a - h y d r o x y p h o s p h a te P o n g ib s ite P o n h e m itite v a r is c ite N a - p h y ta te 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 1 4 5 2 1 5 0 2 1 5 5 2 1 6 0 2 1 6 5 2 1 4 5 2 1 5 0 2 1 5 5 2 1 6 0 2 1 6 5 3 .5 Normalized absorption 2 .5 2 .0 1 .5 1 .0 C o m m e r c e (3 ) C L C P P P P 4 Normalized absorption J e a n e r e tte L e a s t- s q u a r e s L C F C a - h y d r o x y p h o s p h a te P o n g ib s ite P o n h e m itite h y d r o x y a p a tite v a r is c ite J e a n e r e tte (1 ) 3 .0 3 o m m e rc e e a s t- s q u a r e s L C F a - h y d r o x y p h o s p h a te o n g ib s ite o n h e m itit o n fe r r ih y d r it o n C a C O 3 2 1 0 .5 0 .0 0 2 1 4 5 2 1 5 0 2 1 5 5 2 1 6 0 2 1 4 5 2 1 6 5 2 1 5 0 2 1 5 5 2 1 6 0 2 1 6 5 E n e r g y (E v ) N o r w o o d (3 ) N o rw o o d L e a s t- s q u a r e s L C F C a - h y d r o x y p h o s p h a te P o n g ib s ite P o n C a C O 3 P o n h e m itite v a r is c ite Normalized absorption 4 3 2 1 0 2 1 4 5 2 1 5 0 2 1 5 5 2 1 6 0 2 1 6 5 E n e r g y (E v ) Figure 1. Least-squares LCF of each soil P K-XANES spectra along with the residuals of each standard species used in the fitting. 132 Basic and Material Sciences X-ray Micro-Tomography 133 Tomography for 3D Chemical Analysis Kyungmin Hama and Les Butlerb aCAMD, [email protected] and bDepartment of Chemistry, LSU, [email protected]; Chem-LB1206 In 2005, the tomography beamline was turned off for a move and upgrade, and came back on-line in August, 2005, and accepted friendly proposals in October, 2005. The current upgrades are roughly 90% finished, though another equipment proposal is pending which may lead to another round of upgrades. Relative to other synchrotron tomography beamlines in the world operating with pin-hole type optics, the CAMD instrument has comparable resolution (4.5 micron), good horizontal field-of-view, but a constricted (1 mm) vertical field-of-view. The newly installed high-throughput multilayer monochromator (funded by NSF MRI-0216875) does yield the desired fast shutter speeds over 6 to 35 keV. Because of the monochromator upgrade, the beamline moved from a bending magnet to the 7 Tesla wiggler. Data acquisition software was rewritten, converting from tomography with fixed rotation angle increment to a Greek golden ratio algorithm for angle increments that are optimized for rapid image acquisition [Köhler, 2004; Matej, 2004]. More details are at the tomography web site: The chemical analysis project was funded by NSF in July, 2005, and has commenced with analysis of some previously acquired data. In a blend of fiberglass, nylon, and Albemarle flame retardant HP-3010G (a short chain brominated polystyrene), we are finding excellent blending, extending from the surface of each glass fiber into the bulk nylon. To perform this analysis, we have written several new 3D image analysis programs to: (a) correct images for gain, offset, and spatial distortions, (b) use a combination of segmentation and diffusion to mask out fiberglass from the concentration calculations, and (c) measure concentration in directions normal to the fiberglass/polymer interface. In summary, this work more than substantially increases the total volume of data analyzed and the scope of analysis tools generated, relative to our first publication.[Ham, 2004] K. Ham, et al., Chemistry of Materials, (2004) 16, 4032-4042. T. Köhler, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, (2004) 6, 3961-3965. S. Matej, et al., IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. (2004) 23(4), 401-412. 134 Basic and Material Sciences Nanofabrication 135 Targeting Breast Cancer Cells and Their Metastases through Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone (LHRH) Receptors Using Magnetic Nanoparticles Carola Leuschner a, Challa S. S. R. Kumarb, Josef Hormes,b and William Hansela Pennington Biomedical Research Center, LSU System, Baton Rouge, LA 70808, USA; b Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, 6980 Jefferson Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA 70806. a Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in women; more than 75% of patients die from skeletal metastases.1 The accurate diagnosis of metastatic disease is, therefore, crucial for monitoring treatment success in cancer patients. Sensitive and noninvasive methods for early detection of metastases need to be developed. Noninvasive detection methods include mammography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear imaging techniques such as positron emission tomography (PET), SPECT (single-photon emission tomography), and computed tomography (CT). Of these MRI is the most promising, as this technique is independent of tissue depth and does not require radioisotopes. Contrast agents, such as gadolinium chelates or iron oxide, can increase the sensitivity of MR images.2,3 Signal amplification can be achieved by increasing intracellular concentrations of the contrast agent or the particle size.4,5 Dextran-coated iron oxide particles of 62–150 nm diameter (Endorem or AMI125) accumulated mainly in the liver and spleen after intravenous injection and were used in patients for the diagnosis of liver metastases.6-9 In these applications the contrast agent accumulated in healthy tissue and enhanced the resolution of the MR image between malignant and healthy tissue.10 However, accumulation in and binding of nanoparticles to the target cells was either absent or nonspecific. Therefore these applications were limited to liver, spleen, and intestinal diagnostics. In clinical trials iron oxide particles caused no side effects or toxicities.6-9 To increase the intracellular concentration of iron oxide nanoparticles in disseminated cancer cells in peripheral organs, particles need to be designed that have the following characteristics: (1) high specificity to the target cells, (2) reduced size (less than 50 nm) (3) long circulation time in vivo, and (4) surface coating to avoid recognition and internalization by the macrophages of the reticulo endothelial system.11 Long circulating dextran coated iron oxide nanoparticles of 10-nm diameter were incorporated into cancer cells and macrophages in vitro at ranges between 0.01–100 pg/cell depending on particle type, composition, and cell type tested.12,13 The uptake of such nanoparticles in tumor cells and macrophages reached 0.01–0.1 pg Fe/cell for tumor cells and 0.97 pg Fe/cell for macrophages.12 Examples for targeted delivery of iron oxide particles to cancer cells have been described previously: Dextran-coated monocrystalline iron oxide nanoparticles linked to transferrin increased the iron accumulation in rat glioma cells compared to free particles;14 similar effects were observed when iron oxide particles linked to folate targeted and accumulated in cancer cells.15,16 The targeted iron particle uptake in cancer cells resulted in various iron contents and was dependent on the type of receptor targeted. Dextran coated nanoparticles of less than 10 nm diameter resulted in 0.9-1.3 pg Fe/cell, whereas Her2/neu targeting in the same cells increased the uptake by a factor of 2.17 Dextran-coated monocrystalline iron oxide nanoparticles (MION) linked to transferrin resulted in a 10-fold increased accumulation in rat glioma cells compared to free particles.14 In contrast, human fibroblasts did not incorporate transferrin-linked MIONs; instead, these particles remained on the surface membrane.18 136 Most human breast cancers and most likely their metastases (60%) express receptors for luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH).19,20 Metastases and disseminated cells derived from breast cancer xenografts of estrogen independent MDAMB-435S.luc cells in the presence and absence of the primary tumor have been detected and characterized and were specifically targeted by LHRH-lytic peptide conjugates.20 LHRH is a decapeptide and belongs to the gonadotropins. The amino acid sequence of the human LHRH is Glu His Trp Ser Tyr Gly Leu Arg Pro Gly. Upon release from the hypothalamus, LHRH stimulates release and synthesis of the gonadotropin hormones luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone, which regulates the endocrine levels of estrogens and androgens. We hypothesized that SPIONs decorated with LHRH specifically facilitate accumulation of particles at the tumor/metastatic cells and promote their incorporation through receptor-mediated endocytosis, thus increasing the intracellular contents of SPION in metastatic cancer cells of peripheral tissues, lymph nodes, and bones. In this study we compared the intracellular accumulation of SPION and LHRH-SPION in human breast cancer cells in vitro and tested whether LHRH-SPION specifically target tumors and lung metastases from human breast cancer xenografts in a nude mouse model. SPIONs were fabricated as described in Kumar et al. using wet chemical methods and then conjugated to the carboxylated form of LHRH using carbodiimide chemistries.21 The magnetite nanoparticles were synthesized under inert atmospheric conditions with the Schlenk technique and these particles have on their surface amine groups, which were utilized to bind LHRH. In vitro studies: MDA-MB-435S human breast cancer cells were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (Rockville, MD) and cultured as described previously.20 MDA-MB-435S cells were transfected with exogenous DNA by lipofection using the plasmid pRC/CMV-luc containing the Photinus pyralis luciferase gene and an antibiotic resistance gene under transcription control of the cytomegalovirus promoter.22,23 The stably transfected MDA-MB-435S.luc cells with the highest expression of the luciferase gene were characterized for their LHRH receptor binding capacities.20,24 Mouse Sertoli cells (TM4) were cultured as described in Leuschner et al.24 MDA-MB-435S.luc cells and TM4 cells were grown to 70% confluency in 6 or 24 well plates and were incubated with LHRH-SPION or SPION at 37 and 4 oC in the presence and absence of LHRH (50 µM). At the end of the incubations the cells were detached from the culture plates, washed, centrifuged and the cell pellets were resuspended in HCl (1 M). Iron contents were determined spectrophotometrically after a Prussian Blue reaction. In vivo studies: The animal studies were approved by the institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC), and was in compliance with the principles of laboratory animal care of the National Institute of Health (NIH), USA. Female nude mice bearing subcutaneous human breast cancer xenografts (MDA-MB-435S.luc), were injected into the lateral tail vein with LHRH-SPIONs or SPION (250 mg of Fe/kg of body weight). Twenty hours after injection the mice were sacrificed, lungs and tumors weighed and frozen in liquid N2 until further analyses. Metastatic cells in lungs from xenograft bearing mice were determined by luciferase assays from lung homogenates.22,23 Iron contents were determined spectrophotometrically after a Prussian blue reaction from cell and lung homogenates and from paraffin embedded and sectioned tissues. Statistical Analyses: Three separate analyses of the data were conducted. In the first, the raw data were analyzed using ANOVA. Second, we applied a variancestabilizing transformation (log transform) to the raw data and subsequently conducted an 137 ANOVA. Finally, we obtained the ranks of the data and conducted a Kruskal-Wallis test. Differences were considered significant at p < 0.05. Rank data and variance stabilizing transformations were included. Characteristics of SPION and LHRH-SPION The superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles had an average diameter of 10 nm, were nearly monodisperse, and remained superparamagnetic regardless of the binding of LHRH. The binding of LHRH to SPION was confirmed by FTIR (Fourier transformation infrared) spectroscopy, XANES, and HPLC analysis, which revealed complete binding and saturation of the amine surface with the ligand peptides SPIONs showed a higher saturation magnetization Ms = 72.1 emu/g compared to 30.6 emu/g for the LHRHSPION. The coercive magnetic field, for LHRH-SPION was 6 times greater than for SPION alone. SPIONs were charged particles (28.05 ± 1.93 mV), whereas LHRHSPIONs were neutral according to their ζ-potential (–2.2 ± 0.58 mV). Unlike other particles previously fabricated (for review, see ref 11), LHRH-SPION or SPION were not specifically coated with any polymers or other compounds. Specificity and Quantification of LHRH-SPION Accumulation in Human Breast Cancer Cells in vitro MDA-MB-435S.luc breast cancer cells were incubated with LHRH-SPION with or without LHRH and SPION for 0.5 or 3 h at 37 oC and 3 h at 4 oC. Each well contained 1 mg of iron (0.33 mg/ml). At this concentration, neither SPIONs or LHRH-SPIONs were toxic to the cells as determined by cell viability assays (data not shown). Fig. 1 shows three representative 6- well plates, which illustrates the iron contents from MDA-MB435S.luc cells as indicated by Prussian blue stains for each incubation (one column = 3 wells for control medium, SPION, SPION + LHRH, LHRH-SPION, and LHRH-SPION + LHRH) after 3 h. The iron content was highest in samples with the darkest the blue stain. The amount of iron accumulated in the breast cancer cells increased in all incubations between 0.5 and 3 h at 37 oC by a factor of 4. The highest iron accumulation based on the initially present iron concentration (0.3 mg/ml) was observed with LHRHSPION after 3 h (34.8 ± 0.06%) compared to SPION (7.7 ± 0.01%) (p < 0.003 vs SPION). Co-incubation with LHRH to saturate the cellular LHRH-receptors decreased the iron accumulation from LHRH-SPION to 18.2 ± 0.24% (p < 0.001). Incubations at 4 o C resulted in iron accumulation of less than 0.26% regardless of SPION or LHRHSPION incubations. The specificity of LHRH-SPION uptake into cells was tested in MDA-MB435S.luc breast cancer cells, which express LHRH receptors, and compared to TM4 cells, which do not express LHRH receptors, and served as a negative control. After 1 h of incubation, the intracellular iron content reached MDA-MB-435S.luc cells 106 ± 21 pg of Fe/cell with LHRH-SPION and 37.2 ± 9 pg of Fe/cell with SPION. The addition of free LHRH to the incubation medium significantly reduced the accumulation of iron particles to values similar to that of unconjugated SPIONs (Figs. 1 and 2). As expected, TM4 cells 138 Figure 1. Accumulation of SPION and LHRH-SPION in human breast cancer cells. MDA-MB-435S.luc breast cancer cells were stained for iron in a Prussian blue reaction after a 3-h incubation at 37 oC with LHRH-SPION and SPION (0.3 mg/ml of Fe) in the presence and absence of LHRH. Fig. 2. Intracellular iron contents of MDA-MB-435S.luc and mouse Sertoli cells (TM4) after incubation at 37 oC with SPION and LHRH-SPION (0.3 mg/ml) in the absence or presence of LHRH (50 uM) after 1 h. N = 4, (*) p < 0.036 compared to all other incubations. accumulated iron particles at similar concentrations independent of LHRH conjugation (29.6–37.3 pg of Fe/cell). 139 When MDA-MB-435S.luc cells were incubated with LHRH-SPION or SPION at concentrations between 0 and 400 uM; iron saturation was achieved at a LHRH-SPION concentration of 48 uM (452.63 pg of Fe/cell). In contrast, unconjugated SPION or the presence of the same ligand together with LHRH-SPION, resulted in a maximal iron content of 38 pg of Fe/cell at iron concentrations of more than 50 uM. These values were significantly higher than iron contents reported previously with dextran-coated iron oxide nanoparticles, with the highest concentrations reported as 100 pg of Fe/cell.12,13 Her2/neu targeting resulted in iron contents of 3 pg of Fe/cell.17 Dextran-coated monocrystalline iron oxide nanoparticles linked to transferrin resulted in a 10-fold increased accumulation in rat glioma cells compared to free particles,14 although the absolute iron content was much higher in our experiment. Targeting Breast Cancer Tumors and Lung Metastases with LHRH-SPION in vivo The high metastatic potential of MDA-MB-435S breast cancer cells in nude mice provides an adequate model for studying drug effects and interaction with contrast agents in vivo. The MDA-MB-435S.luc cell line, transfected with the luciferase gene from the firefly (Photinus pyralis), offers a sensitive tool for the investigation and detection of micrometastases and disseminated tumor cells in a nude mouse model. Micrometastases and tumor cell clusters in homogenates or peripheral organs, lymph nodes, and bones can be quantified through luciferase assays with sensitivities to less than 10 individual breast cancer cells per organ.10 The SPIONs and LHRH-SPIONs were injected intravenously into human breast cancer xenograft-bearing nude mice without causing side effects or toxicities at the injected concentration of 250 mg/kg. Iron oxide nanoparticles are biologically safe. They are metabolized into elemental iron and oxygen by hydrolytic enzymes, and the iron joins the normal body stores and is incorporated into hemoglobin. Acute toxicity has not been observed, in rats or humans. In rats, 250 mg/kg of iron particles injected intravenously caused no side effects, in mice 350 mg/kg were well tolerated.25-27 When paraffin embedded lung sections from LHRH-SPION and SPION injected mice were stained for iron content, only lung metastases from mice having received LHRH-SPION tested positive for iron, as illustrated by Prussian Blue iron complexes. SPIONs did not accumulate in lung metastases and were not different to saline injected controls when tested for iron content (Fig. 3). In contrast the iron content in the lungs containing metastatic cells reached up to 20% of the injected iron, whereas no LHRHSPION accumulated in lungs of normal mice (<0.09%). Most importantly, the iron content in lungs was directly dependent on the number of metastatic cells, suggesting that LHRH-SPION entered the cells through receptor-mediated endocytosis and accumulated specifically in the metastasized MDA-MB-435S.luc cells of the lungs. These findings strongly suggest that human breast cancer cells that express LHRH-receptors are targeted through LHRH-SPIONs and accumulate specifically in human breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. When LHRH-SPION accumulation was compared to injections of free iron particle (SPION), the targeted approach resulted in a 7.5-fold higher iron concentration in tumors; metastastatic cells in the lungs incorporated specifically LHRH-SPIONs , whereas no iron accumulation was observed with unconjugated SPIONs. Further studies are in progress to determine the body distribution of LHRH-SPION and SPION in vivo and to study the subcellular accumulation of iron particles in tumors and metastases. 140 Fig. 3. Paraffin-embedded sections from lungs of mice bearing MDA-MB-435S.luc tumors stained for iron after injection of LHRH-SPION or SPION. (A) Lung section of untreated tumor-bearing mouse; (B) Lung section tested positive for iron after LHRHSPION injection. (C) Lung section of tumor bearing metastasis positive mouse tested negative for iron after SPION injection. All lung sections contained luciferase positive cells, which metastasized from the primary MDA-MB-435S.luc tumor. Iron stains were conducted with the iron stain kit (Sigma). SUMMARY MDA-MB-435S.luc breast cancer cells were specifically targeted through their LHRH receptors with LHRH-SPION. The amount of iron accumulated in MDA-MB-435S.luc cells in vitro was 12-fold higher after LHRH-SPION than after free SPION incubation. The uptake of LHRH-SPIONs was directly dependent on LHRH-receptor expression and was inhibited in the presence of LHRH. Cell lines which do not express functional LHRH receptors had similar iron contents when incubated with LHRH-SPION or SPION. LHRH-SPIONs accumulated in tumor cells and lung metastases from breast cancer xenograft-bearing mice. Iron accumulation in the lungs was directly dependent on the number of metastatic tumor cells. 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These metastases result from spreading of the primary breast cancer cells through lymphatic system, venous system, or through direct extension to neighboring organs, as shown schematically in Figure 1. Breast cancer has the potential to spread to almost any region of the body. The most common region where breast cancer spreads to is bone. This is followed by lung and liver. Furthermore, the micrometastases may develop long duration after removal of the primary tumor. According to the National Cancer Institute, approximately only 10% to 20% of women with metastatic breast cancer survive the disease (achieve permanent remission) [2]. It is, therefore, extremely important to improve early stage detection of breast cancers and the resultant metastases. Biocompatible magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) have been widely used for cancer diagnostics and treatment [3-12]. These include magnetic drug targeting [6], hyperthermia [7-9], magnetic field assisted radionuclide therapy [10,11], and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast enhancement [5,12]. Depending on application requirements, MNPs may be coated with various functional surface layers. For example, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) coat is used to minimize or eliminate protein adsorption, leading to increasing circulation times of MNPs in the blood stream [12]. 144 Figure 1: Schematic illustration of primary cancer cell spreading into other organs. The primary cancer cells spread through lymphatic system, venous blood system, or via extension to neighboring mussel tissues to form sarcoma. Low molecular weight targeting agents such as folic acid coating helps MNPs to target specific cancer cells [13]. A recent study has demonstrated that an amphipathic membrane-disrupting peptide can be targeted to prostate cancer cells using luteinizing Hormone (LH) [14]. The concentration-dependent toxicity was reduced by linking the peptides to MNPs when applied to a breast cancer line in vitro experiment. Since Luteinizing Hormone and Releasing Hormone (LHRH) receptors are over expressed by cells in several types of cancers including prostate cancer and breast cancer [15], they can be targeted by MNPs conjugated by LHRH (LHRH-MNPs) [16,17]. Drugs binding to LHRH-MNPs may also be delivered efficiently to these specific cancer cells [18]. Furthermore, the distribution of metastases will be detected using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) if LHRH-MNPs can effectively target cancer cells, because the MRI images are negatively enhanced by magnetic nanoparticles [3]. However, most relevant studies were in vitro experiments [4]. In this paper, a study is carried out to investigate the use of LHRH-MNPs in targeting the primary breast cancer and the resulting metastases in female nude mice bearing breast tumors. LHRH-MNPs were intravenously injected into tumor bearing mice. After sacrificing mice, tumors and periphery organs including liver, lung and 145 kidney were collected for analysis. Parts of organs were homogenized, and their iron contents were determined spectrophotometrically using a Prussian Blue Reaction [18]. Other parts of organs were fixed and stained for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis. Nanoparticles without surface coatings were also injected into tumor-bearing mice for control tests. We found that LHRH conjugated MNPs were mainly distributed in tumors, and associated metastases developed in lung. MATERIALS AND METHODS Preparation of LHRH conjugated MNPs MNPs were synthesized using the Schlenk technique in inert atmospheric conditions. The LHRH conjugation procedure was reported by Kumar et al. [14]. Briefly, the magnetic nanoparticles synthesized using this method have on their surface amine groups which were utilized to covalently bind LHRH. Carbodiimide activation was used to promote ligand binding. The conjugating process is illustrated schematically in Figure 2. The LHRH-MNPs have been characterized and analyzed using various methods and techniques that were reported in Ref. [16]. NH2 H2N H2N NH2 NH2 NH2 LHRH-HN LHRH-HN LHRH NH-LHRH NH-LHRH NH-LHRH NH-LHRH NH-LHRH NH2 Figure 2: Covalent binding of LHRH to MNP nanoparticles with surface amine groups. H2N Carbodiimide activation LHRH-HN In vivo experiments The human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-435S (established from a human mammary ductal carcinoma, estrogen independent) were used in this study [14]. They were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (Rockville, MD). MDA-MB435S cells were grown in Leibovitz’s L 15 medium, 10% fetal bovine serum, 0.010 mg/ml bovine insulin, 100 IU/ml penicillin, 100 mg/ml streptomycin. The cells were cultured in tightly closed flasks, and the incubation temperature was 37 °C. The MDAMB-435S cells were stably transfected with the luciferase gene of the firefly Photinus pyralis with exogenous DNA by lipofection with the plasmid pRC/CMV-luc containing the Photinus pyralis luciferase gene and an antibiotic resistance gene under transcription 146 control of the cytomegalovirus promoter. The stably transfected MDA-MB-435S.luc cells were selected with 400 mg/ml G418, and the clones with the highest expression of luciferase gene were selected. Female athymic nude mice were used as animal model in this study. At 6 weeks of age, the mice (N = 10) were subcutaneously implanted with 1 x 106 breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-435S.luc in the interscapular region [14]. MDA-MB-435S.luc cells developed solid, vascularized tumors within 10 days after subcutaneous injection, and had high metastasis potential in nude mice. After bearing cancers for 30 days, the mice were then injected intravenously with 350 mg/kg of unconjugated MNPs or LHRHMNPs. Animals were then sacrificed 20 hours after nanoparticles injection. Tumors, livers, lungs and kidneys were collected for subsequent analyses. Iron determination The accumulation of magnetic nanoparticles in the tumors and periphery organs including livers, lungs and kidneys were determined spectrophotometrically in a Prussian blue reaction that has been described elsewhere [14]. Tissues were also Prussion blue stained and embedded in paraffin to observe the distribution of LHRH-MNPs in tumors and lungs. Metastatic cells and their concentrations in organs were determined through luciferase assays [18]. TEM study of sub-cellular distribution of LHRH-MNPs and MNPs Tumors, livers, lungs and kidneys were fixed immediately after being removed from sacrificed animals by immersion in glutaraldehyde (2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M sodium cacodylate with 2 mM CaCl2, pH 7.3). These tissue samples were further cut into small pieces of ~ 1 mm3 and dehydrated using increasing concentrations of ethanol alcohol, from 25% to 100% ethanol. Tissues were then embedded in resin. TEM specimens were prepared by cutting 60 nm thick foils from the resins using Ultracut UCT Microtome (Leica®). The thin slices were then transferred onto copper TEM grids. After further staining in 1% osmium tetroxide, the samples were ready for TEM observation. The TEM analysis was carried out in a high resolution TEM (Philips CM 200) equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELs). MNPs were identified by EDS analysis, and their sub-cellular distribution was investigated by bright field TEM micrographs. 147 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Iron content in tumors and organs Iron contents in tumors and peripheral organs including lungs, livers and kidneys are shown in Figure 3 for tumor-bearing mice intravenously injected with MNPs or LHRH conjugated MNPs (LHRH-MNPs). Up to 60% of the injected nanoparticles were found to accumulate in tumors for mice that were injected with LHRH conjugated MNPs (Figure 3a). In contrast, only ~ 8% of the injected unconjugeted MNPs were distributed into tumors in mice that were administrated in the same conditions (Figure 3b). Accumulation of MNPs and LHRH-MNPs in lungs exhibits similar trend. LHRH-MNP incorporated into the lung tissue reached up to 20% in tumor-bearing mice, while unconjugated MNPs accumulated in lungs are less than 2.3% of all the injected nanoparticles. Unconjugated MNPs accumulated preferably in the livers (55%) compared to only 5.2% of the LHRH-MNPs remaining in livers 20 hours after the injection. Similar small portion of nanoparticles distributed into kidneys: 3.3% for unconjugated MNPs and 3.9% for LHRH-MNPs. 70 60 50 50 Iron Content (%) Iron Content (%) 60 40 30 20 40 30 20 10 10 0 0 Tumor Lung Liver Kidney Tumor Lung Liver Kidney (B) (A) Figure 3: Iron contents in tumors, lungs, livers and kidneys: (a) iron content of LHRHMNPs and (b) iron content of MNPs. 148 TEM analysis TEM analysis was started with tumor cells, since LHRH-MNPs tend to accumulate in tumors. TEM micrographs obtained from tumors are shown in Figure 4. Unconjugated MNPs were observed in tumor cells. These individual nanoparticles distributed inside cells everywhere except cell nucleus (Figure 4a). Similar distribution was observed for LHRH-MNPs (Figure 4b). However, more LHRH-MNPs accumulate to form nanoparticle clusters. Although few nanoparticle clusters were observed within cell membrane (Figure 4c), these particle clusters are mainly associated with cell membranes (Figure 4b). X-ray spectrums of nanoparticles were also collected using energy dispersive spectrum (EDS) system that is installed in Philips CM 200 transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In EDS analysis, electron beam was focused on the MNPs. A representative x-ray spectrum is shown in Figure 5. Significant Fe Kα peak was obtained. Since copper TEM grids were used to support 60 nm thin tissue slices, strong copper Kα peak also presents in the x-ray spectrum. Osmium Kα peak and Uranium Kα peak were 149 Figure 4: Sub-cellular distribution of MNPs and LHRH-MNPs in tumor cells: (a) individual MNPs in a tumor cells; (b) individual LHRH- MNPs and in tumor cells and nanoparticle clusters associated with cell membrane; and (c) LHRH-MNP clusters in cells. also observed because osmium tetroxide and uranyl acetate were used for tissue fixing and staining in specimen preparation for TEM analysis. Figure 5: An x-ray spectrum collected from magnetite nanoparticles in tumor cells. 150 MNPs and LHRH-MNPs in cells from lung are shown in Figure 6. No observable MNPs without conjugation were found in the cells from lungs of tumor-bearing mice that were sacrificed 20 hours after injection of MNPs (Figure 6a). In contrast, a significant amount of LHRH-MNPs were observed in the cells from lungs of mice that were treated in the same way (Figure 6b). The LHRH conjugated MNPs accumulate to form nanoparticles clusters, and these clusters preferably distributed in a local region. A higher magnification image of one cluster shows individual MNPs in Figure 6c. Both individual nanoparticles and nanoparticle clusters were observed in liver cells of mice that were injected with unconjugated MNPs (Figure 7a). Few individual LHRH-MNPs were also observed in liver cells (Figure 7b). It is important to note that these individual MNPs were only observed inside cell nucleus. This is true for both conjugated and unconjugated MNPs. TEM micrographs of kidney cells are presented in Figure 8. No observable MNPs were found in kidney cells. This is true for mice injected with either conjugated MNPs or unconjugated MNPs. 151 Figure 6: Sub-cellular distribution of MNPs and LHRH-MNPs in cells from lungs of mice bearing tumors for 30 days: (a) no MNPs in lung cells and (b) a significant amount of LHRH-MNP clusters in cells from lungs; (c) individual LHRH-MNPs in a nanoparticle cluster. Discussion In this study, all mice have been treated in the same way and administrated in the same conditions. Tumors with size greater than 10 mm were typically developed when bearing tumors for 30 days. The mice were sacrificed 20 hours after nanoparticles injection, such that enough time was provided for nanoparticles to reach most organs through blood stream circulation and diffusion. The results of both TEM study and Prussion Blue Reaction study suggest that twenty-hour duration is enough to distribute nanoparticles in a mouse body. Furthermore, it is generally believed that magnetic particles may be removed from a mouse body by reticulaendothalia system (RES) [3]. However, our results suggest that MNPs may stay in a mouse body for a longer duration. This could be attributed to the small sizes of the MNPs that were used in this study, since small size particles tend to be stable to reticulaendothelia system [4]. Figure 7: Sub-cellular distribution of MNPs and LHRH-MNPs in liver cells from mice bearing with tumors for 30 days: (a) individual MNPs in the nucleus and nanoparticle clusters in a liver cell; (b) individual LHRH-MNPs in the nucleus of a liver cell. 152 For mice injected with LHRH-MNPs, a surprisingly high MNPS content (22.2%) in lungs was found. TEM observation showed accumulation of LHRH-MNPs to form nanoparticle clusters the cells from lungs of tumor-bearing mice. In contrast, no nanoparticle clusters were observed in the lungs collected from mouse without tumor 20 hours after nanoparticles injection, even though the mouse was housed in the same conditions as those used in this study. Luciferase assay study shows that significant metastases developed in lungs of mice bearing breast tumor for thirty days, and that iron content is proportional to the amount of metastatic cells [18]. This suggests that both primary cancer cells and metastatic cells can be detected and targeted through LHRHMNPs. Since MNPs can enhance MRI image contrast, LHRH-MNPs may be used for early cancer detection [5,12]. Future studies are expected to explore the potential applications of LHRH conjugated magnetic nanoparticles in MRI imaging. Figure 8: Sub-cellular distribution of MNPs and LHRH-MNPs in kidney cells from mice bearing with tumors for 30 days: (a) no MNPs or (b) LHRH-MNPs were observed in kidney cells. With current breast cancer detection techniques, 35-40 % of the breast cancer patients already have occult metastases at the time of diagnosis. Approximately only 10% to 20% of women with metastatic breast cancer survive the disease (achieve permanent remission) [3]. These show the importance of the early detection of disseminated tumor cells and micrometastases. However, the practical tools including micro-computed 153 tomography (µCT) and magnetic resonant imaging (MRI) are limited by their resolution to find metastases when the concentrations of secondary cancer cells are low at early stages. It is, therefore, critical to increase the detection resolution. This study shows that the LHRH conjugated MNPs are able to specifically target the disseminated metastatic cancer cells, whose contrast is then accordingly increased against the surrounding normal cells [3-5]. This may result in improved detection resolutions when MRI or µCT is used. This study also shows that the major of the injected MNPs without conjugation are collected in liver cells. It is interesting to observe that the MNPs penetrate nuclear pore and distribute in nucleolus, independent of conjugated coating. However, this phenomenon was not observed in other organs, suggesting distinct interaction and movement of MNPs in liver cells. It is, therefore, interesting to study the interaction mechanisms of MNPs with liver cells in future. Before closing, it is important to point out that TEM is a powerful tool to study the sub-cellular distribution of MNPs. To achieve targeted delivery of drugs to subcellular level is critical to improve drug delivery efficiency [19]. Without understanding the interaction of MNP with cell compartments, it is difficult to deliver DNA and realize gene therapy [20]. However, only limited information is available for the interaction of nanoparticles with sub-cellular organelles [21]. One major limit is that most microscopes used in biology community can not provide high enough resolution to study the interactions between nanoparticles and sub-cellular structures. TEM overcomes this obstacle. In this study, TEM micrographs not only provide direct evidence shown the presence of MNPs in various organs, they also tell us where the MNPs are in cells or tissues. Moreover, our study shows that individual nanoparticles could either stay in cells as a single particle or accumulate to form nanoparticle clusters. This is important complementary to other methods like Prussion Blue Reaction, which can only determine whether iron is present. A long sample preparing process seems, therefore, to be well awarded by much more useful and detailed information provided by TEM studies. CONCLUSIVE REMARKS In vivo distribution of functionalized magnetic nanoparticles in mice bearing tumors were studied using Prussion blue reaction and TEM analysis. Results obtained by the two methods are consistent. Significant accumulation of LHRH-MNPs was observed 154 in both primary breast tumor cancer cells and metastatic cells in lungs. However, individual LHRH-MNPs were also observed in the nucleuses of liver cells 20 hours after nanoparticle injection. These results suggest LHRH conjugated magnetic nanoparticles are able to target both primary breast cancer cells and their resulting metastases in other organs. Furthermore, accumulation of individual nanoparticles in the nucleus of liver cell suggests that the LHRH-MNP is a potential carrier for delivering drugs or genes to liver cells with diseases. The significant results achieved in this study also indicate that TEM is a powerful tool to study sub-cellular distribution of MNPs and their interactions with cell compartments. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research is supported by The National Science Foundation (NSF DMR0231418). 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Mavlyanova 2b, Tashkent, 700084, Uzbekistan ; 5 Department of Physics, Southern University and A&M College, LA 70813, USA 2 1 INTRODUCTION Today, many roads towards the synthesis of metal nanoparticles (NP’s) have been developed. [1,2] This statement holds even if one limits oneself to wet-chemical approaches: For example, references [3-12] represent an incomplete list of such routes in the case of Co NP’s, leading to various particle sizes, different Co phases in the particle core and core-shell as well as surfactant-stabilized particles. The increasing number of synthetic approaches has lead to increasing availability of NP’s with “identical” size and metallic core, as verified typically using transmission electron microscopy. With varying surfactant molecules the more evidence has appeared that many changes in macroscopic properties which had been assigned initially to size effects are in fact dependent on the surface-interaction of the particles. This is evident e.g. from Table 1. More detailed discussions of such effects, again based on Co NP’s, are found in [13,14]; a broader review is found e.g. in [15] Also, recent studies show that even secondary processing steps performed on a previously synthesized, surfactant-stabilized NP, e.g. crosslinking with spacer molecules, using suitable rest groups of the stabilizing shell, can affect the electronic structure of the NP core [16,17]. These examples illustrate that it is crucial to develop a one-step, in situ synthesis whenever it is necessary to ensure that nanoparticle properties are not modified in further processing steps, i.e. to obtain a product with exactly the desired properties. At the same time, for any commercial application scale-up potential of the method, simplicity and the cost efficiency of the entire processing must be ensured. 158 In this paper, we report a new type of synthesis for PMMA stabilized Fe NPs which can be utilized for the incorporation of magnetic Fe NP’s into a PMMA matrix. For this purpose, ex-situ methods are well established, e.g. dispersing the synthesized magnetic NP’s into organic PMMA solution [18], or polymerization of methyl methacrylate monomer in the presence of magnetic NP’s (e.g. [19-23]). In-situ nanocomposite preparation was reported by high-temperature thermal or high-intensity ultra-sonochemical decomposition methods [24-26]. Here, the first in-situ roomtemperature synthesis of PMMA-stabilized zero-valent metallic NP’s using a wetchemical reduction route is reported. Compared with the previously known in-situ methods, this route is more economical, easy to operate due to the room temperature approach and can be scaled-up easily. To verify the success of this approach, TEM/SAED, X-ray absorption spectroscopy and magnetic measurements were performed. Due to their high sensitivity towards the influence of surface coordination on the (electronic) structure of the NP’s, which has been reported by now in numerous studies [27-31], the X-ray absorption spectroscopic data allow for a description of the influence of the stabilizing matrix, which can also be correlated to the magnetic properties of these particles. As an example of use of the X-ray absorption spectroscopy for the investigation of iron nanoparticles the works [32-33] can be mentioned. 2 EXPERIMENTAL 2.1 Synthesis Chemicals: THF (99.90% pure packaged under nitrogen), FeCl2 (99%), lithium hydrotriethyl borate as 1M solution in THF, acetone (reagent anhydrous) and ethanol (reagent anhydrous) were purchased from Aldrich Chemical Company and used without further purification. PMMA (Poly(methyl methacrylate)) sheets were purchased from Goodfellow and AIN. Synthetic procedure: Iron nanoparticles stabilized by PMMA were synthesized by reduction of FeCl2 in THF with lithium hydrotriethylborate (LiBH(C2H5)3) as a reducing agent in the presence of PMMA by modifying the wet chemical process reported in the literature [34]. The reaction was carried out under inert atmospheric conditions using the Schlenk technique. In a 250 ml three-necked R. B. flask equipped with a flow control 159 inlet adapter and immersed in an ultrasonication bath, PMMA/FeCl2-THF solution (7.1 mM FeCl2) was taken under inert atmospheric conditions. The reducing agent (20 ml superhydride in 50 ml tetrahydrofuran) was added to the PMMA/FeCl2-THF solution drop by drop within 30 minutes under ultrasonication and reacted for 1 additional hour. The PMMA stabilized iron NP’s were precipitated by adding ethanol, the supernatant solution was removed and the remaining black paste was redissolved again inTHF and reprecipitated using ethanol. The above process was repeated three times in order to remove LiCl and possible by- products such as BEt3. The thus obtained black paste was finally dried under vacuum to obtain a fine powder. 2.2 Characterization Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements were performed on a JEOL 2010 microscopy with an accelerating voltage of 200 kV. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) samples were prepared by dissolving the obtained dried PMMA stabilized NP’s into tetrahydrofuran (THF) solvent under ultrasonic stirring condition, then depositing them on an amorphous carbon coated Cu grid and drying under nitrogen protection condition. Fe weight percentage in the iron NP complex was analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy elemental analysis. Fe K-edge XANES and EXAFS-spectra were collected at the Double-Crystal Monochromator (DCM) beamline at the 1.3 GeV electron energy storage ring synchrotron radiation facility of the Center for Advanced Microstructures & Devices (CAMD) at Louisiana State University. The experiments were preformed in standard transmission mode using ionization chambers filled with nitrogen at a pressure of 1 atm. The monochromator was equipped with Si (311) crystals, and the photon energy was calibrated relative to the absorption spectrum of a standard iron foil setting the first inflection point at 7112 eV. Standard XANES data analysis was performed using the WINXAS97 software package, where raw spectra were normalized and background corrected by fitting the pre-edge region with a straight line, and the post-edge region with a third order polynomial. EXAFS analysis was performed with the use of the UWXAFS (University of Washington X-Ray absorption fine structure) program package [35-37]. Fitting of the Fe K-edge EXAFS data was done in R space between 1.5 Å and 3.0 Å using a Hanning window for the experimental χ(k) spectra weighted by k3 in the k-range between 2.5 Å-1 and 13.0 Å-1. The value for S02 was determined as 0.72 by fitting EXAFS data for the iron foil with the known structural parameters (distances and 160 coordination numbers were kept constant from Fe bcc structure) and kept constant throughout the whole fitting procedure. Magnetic studies were carried out using a Quantum Design MPMS-5S superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer. The magnetization temperature dependence was measured in an applied magnetic field of 100 G between 4 and 340 K using zero-field-cooled (ZFC) and fieldcooling (FC) procedures. The field dependence of magnetization was measured at 10 K and 300 K. The field cooled (FC) hysteresis loop at 10 K was measured by cooling the sample from 300 K to 10 K with an applied field of 5 Tesla, removing the 5 Tesla field and recording the magnetization with the changing magnetic field. The sample was placed in a gelatin capsule in thin film form in a glove box before it was inserted in the sample space of the magnetometer. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig. 1 shows a typical bright field TEM micrograph of the PMMA-stabilized iron NP’s on amorphous carbon coated copper grid. The NP’s with a mean size of 4.9 nm and a Fig. 1. TEM micrograph of PMMA stabilized nanoparticles. standard deviation of ±0.6 nm were observed to the dispersed within the PMMA media. Selected area electron diffraction as shown in the inset of Fig. 1 has diffraction rings 2, 3 and 4 corresponding to a lattice distance of 2.04 Ǻ (110), 1.43 Ǻ (200) and 1.04 Ǻ (220), respectively, which is consistent with a bcc metallic iron lattice structure. Ring 1 corresponding to a lattice distance of 2.43 Ǻ can be attributed to the (111) line of cubic iron oxide (FeO). In the light of the results of X-ray absorption spectroscopy and of the 161 magnetic characterization presented below, this is assumed to be an oxidation induced by sample preparation and transfer into the TEM machine. Oxidation of samples during the transfer through air into the electron microscope is well documented. [38] Fig. 2 shows a comparison between the EXAFS oscillations (in k-space) of the embedded NP’s and of a bcc iron foil, respectively, using a weight factor of k3. Whereas the observed structures are identical in position and general shape, the amplitudes are significantly reduced in the case of the NP’s. This effect is commonly observed in the 40 30 3 -3 χ(k)*k (Å ) 20 10 0 -10 -20 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 -1 k (Å ) Fig. 2. Experimental χ(k) spectra of Fe NP’s (solid line) and bcc Fe foil (dashes) weighted by k3. EXAFS analysis of NP’s and can be explained by a combination of surface effects, increased structural disorder and local defects as is shown, for example, in EXAFS study of Fe nanoparticles embedded in the amorphous Al2O3 matrix in [32]. The observations based on the above inspection of the raw EXAFS data are confirmed upon comparison of the non-phase-corrected radial distribution functions (RDF) obtained from 162 the Fe K-edge EXAFS spectra of the PMMA stabilized NP’s and the bcc iron foil, as shown in Figure 3. In order to facilitate the comparison, the first data set has been multiplied by a factor of 2.3. The results of the EXAFS fit, as presented in Table 2, indicate that the first two bcc Fe-Fe distances (2.48 and 2.86 Å for bcc Fe, respectively) are reproduced within the error Size (nm) TB Coating References no coating (theory) Dumestre et al., Faraday (K) 5/ 70 / 9 304 Discussions 125, 265 (2004). 4.4 30 Kun et al., Langmuir 14, DDAB 7140 (1998). 5 200 Verelst et al., Chemistry of CoO Materials, 11, 2702 (1999). 5 as above >300 Polydimethylphenyloxide 5.8 58 trioctylphosphine Petit et al., Applied Surface Science, 162, 519 (2000). 9.5 105 9.5 150 oleic acid/trialkyl- Sun et al., Journal of Applied phosphine Physics, 85, 4325 (1999). oleic acid/triphenyl- Su et al., Applied Physics A, phosphine 81, 569 (2005) Table 1. Variations in blocking temperature (TB) for ≈5nm and ≈9nm Co NP’s as reported by various authors, illustrating the importance of the surface coordination for particle properties. limits of the fit, whereas the coordination numbers are reduced as compared to the coordination numbers 8 and 6 for bcc Fe, respectively. It should be noted that the ratio of the coordination numbers for the first two Fe-Fe paths obtained from EXAFS fit of the PMMA-stabilized iron NP’s, which is 1.34±0.52 (3.9±0.3/2.9±0.9), coincides perfectly Path CN DW factor (Å2) R (Å) Fe-O 1.3±0.6 0.0045±0.0034 1.95±0.01 163 ∆e0 (eV) 3.40±0.45 R-factor 0.0017 Fe-Fe 3.9±0.3 0.0045±0.0004 2.48±0.01 3.40±0.45 0.0017 Fe-Fe 2.9±0.9 0.0086±0.0023 2.86±0.01 3.40±0.45 0.0017 Table 2. EXAFS first shell fit results for Fe-nanoparticles. within the error limit with the corresponding ratio value 1.33 (8.0/6.0) for bcc Fe. Evidently, the only major difference is the fact that some amount of coordination to a soft backscatterer is observed in the case of the NP’s. According to the fitting result, the distance at which it is observed is 1.95±0.01 Å, which agrees reasonably well with the one encountered e.g. for the tetrahedral sites in Fe3O4. The obtained coordination number is rather low, but this, too, may be interpreted as a sign for a surface coordination rather than an ironoxide shell. This assumption is also supported by the fact that all other peakpositions in the RDFs are identical. In the RDF of iron-oxides the first Fe-Fe single scattering peak dominates although it does not form the first coordination shell. Therefore, if one would be dealing with a core-shell particle with an iron-oxide shell such a contribution should be visible as well. To facilitate the identification of possible contributions of that kind, the shortest Fe-Fe single scattering paths for FeO and Fe2O3 have been included in Figure 3 as well. However, in the RDF of the NP’s no corresponding contribution is observed, ruling out this possibility. Therefore, the Fe NP RDF indicates that one is in fact dealing with bcc iron and that no oxide phase is formed during synthesis and/or purification and suggests the interpretation of the soft backscatterer in terms of a surface coordination. 164 80 60 RDF (Å-4) d 40 c 20 b a 0 2 4 6 R(Å) Fig. 3. Non phase-corrected radial distribution functions (RDF) for a) Fe NP’s in PMMA, (multiplied by 2.3, dots indicate 1st shell fit); b) alpha iron (bcc Fe) foil, c) path contributions for 1st Fe-Fe scattering paths in FeO (dots) and Fe2O3 (dashes), respectively; d) gamma iron (obtained from calculated spectrum). In order to check whether the structure to which the Fe-O path is fitted could be explained merely by background effects, a fit without this contribution has also been attempted. The best result obtained using this approach is displayed in Fig. 4. Evidently, without an Fe-O path contribution, the structure at R<2 Å cannot be fitted. 165 16 14 RDF (A-4) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 R(Å) Fig. 4. EXAFS fit (dashes) of Fe NP’s experimental RDF (solid line) without Fe-O path contribution (dash & dots) and varying the background (dots). In Fig 5, a comparison between the Fe K-edge XANES spectra of the NP’s and a bcc iron foil is presented along with the spectra of the reference oxides FeO and Fe2O3. Whereas there are deviations from the spectra of the reference foil in the region of the absorption edge and the first series of strong shape resonances located between about 7152 and 7175 eV, the positions of the maxima of the ocsillations at higher excitation 166 Absorption (a.u.) 1,6 1,2 0,8 0,4 0,0 7100 7125 7150 7175 7200 7225 7250 Energy (eV) Fig. 5. Fe K-edge XANES spectra of NP’s (solid line), compared to bcc iron foil (dashes), Fe2O3 (dots) and FeO (dashes & dots). energy agree completely to those of the iron foil, but are somewhat reduced in intensity due to surface effects and increased local disorder. In addition to that, as is observed in Fig 5, no additional structures appear at XANES spectra of Fe NP’s at the energy positions of the shape resonances of the iron oxides spectra. Any attempt to explain the reduced pre-edge intensity with the presence of a known oxide phase fails, because the result unambiguously overestimates the change in white line intensity. Both observations 167 2,8 2,6 2,4 2,2 Absorption (a.u.) 2,0 1,8 1,6 1,4 1,2 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 7100 7125 7150 7175 7200 7225 7250 Energy (eV) Fig. 6. Feff8 calculations of Fe K-edge XANES spectra as a function of cluster size. From top to bottom: 100 atom cluster (solid line), 4 shells (dashes), 3 shells (dots), 2 shells (dash & dots), 1 shell (dash-dot-dot) of neighbours, and experimental XANES of Fe NP’s (solid line) and Fe foil (dashes). imply in total agreement with the EXAFS results that none of the iron-oxide phases also displayed in this figure is present. In fact, the observed spectral changes in the white line range can be explained by the influence of the NP’s surface coordination. Similar effects of surfactant influence on NP electronic structure have been reported in literature for various systems [13-18, 28-31]. To analyze this effect in more detail, ab initio calculations of the 168 2,8 2,6 2,4 2,2 Absorption (a.u.) 2,0 1,8 1,6 1,4 1,2 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 -0,2 7100 7125 7150 7175 7200 7225 7250 Energy (eV) Fig. 7. Feff8 calculations of Fe K-edge XANES spectra for varying model-geometries for surface-effects (for details see text). From top to bottom: 100 atom cluster (solid line); surface covered with carbon at iron sites, high occupation (dashes); as before but lower occupation (dots), reduced distance Fe-C (dash & dots), minimum distance Fe-C (dash-dot-dot), and experimental XANES of Fe NP’s (solid line) and Fe foil (dashes). spectra have been performed using the FEFF8 code [39], which has been successfully applied to a wide variety of systems, including NP’s [40-43]. As a first step, it is interesting to analyze how many complete iron shells have to be present in the vicinity of the absorbing atom to start reproducing the shape resonances for bcc Fe foil at the energy range 7152 eV<E<7175 eV which are missing at XANES spectrum of Fe NP’s. The shell by shell calculations displayed in Fig.6 prove that even using four complete shells the spectral features of a bcc iron foil are not reproduced completely yet in the region 169 between 7152 and 7175 eV, indicating that this region is highly sensitive to changes in the coordination of the iron atoms in general, whereas the following two shape resonances are present as soon as three complete shells around the absorbing atom are considered. However, the size-induced effects alone are not sufficient to explain the observed spectral changes of Fe NP’s, as the intensity of the pre-edge shoulder is not reduced sufficiently. Therefore, in the next step one has to study the effect of a surface coordination. The simplest model for this approach is obtained by cutting the bcc cluster along one axis –e.g the z-axis- and describing the surface coordination by adding a monolayer of O/C atoms on the former iron sites in the “unoccupied” half of space. Such an approach, as shown in Figure 7, leads to changes in the white line region which correspond qualitatively to the ones observed in the experimental data, i.e. a reduced intensity of the pre-edge shoulder and an increased intensity of the white line. Therefore, one can conclude that there is a chemical coordination to/interaction with PMMA, which can explain the observed changes in geometric structure. However, -as one would expect- the positions of the shape resonances stay rather similar, only their intensity is slightly reduced (as expected due to the smaller scattering amplitude of the soft backscatterer). This mismatch is not surprising, as the assumed distances of the O/C monolayer atoms to the surface Fe atoms of bcc Fe cluster are different from those obtained in EXAFS fit. Therefore, the next step is to reduce the distance of the O/C monolayer to the surface Fe atoms of bcc Fe cluster along the z-axis in order to obtain an improved match for the distance determined in the EXAFS fit. It should be stressed that the purpose of this variation is limited to a proof of principle that a large variation in the intensity of the series of shape resonances between 7150 and 7175 eV can be induced. In fact, it is evident from Figure 7 that this is the case. In order to obtain a complete reproduction of the spectrum and allow for a detailed analysis of the Fe-PMMA interaction, as obtained e.g. in [13, 43], at least a realistic starting point for the real structure of the Fe-PMMA coordination, obtained using quantum-chemical methods, would be needed. Still, the XAS data show clearly that one is dealing with bcc Fe NP’s, which are subject to chemical surface-interaction with the PMMA matrix. Similar types of chemical interactions between the stabilizer and the nanoparticle surface are well documented in the literature. For example, it was recently demonstrated that in the case Co nanoparticles 170 stabilized by oleic acid, the two oxygen atoms in the carboxylate are coordinated symmetrically to the Co atoms [44]. The XAS observations are further confirmed by magnetic measurements, which were also utilized to indirectly investigate the valence state of the iron NP’s. The Zerofield cooled (ZFC) hysteresis loop at 10 K was compared to the field cooled (FC) hysteresis loop. A shift towards the applied magnetic field due to the exchange coupling interaction between the antiferromagnetic shell (FeO) and the ferromagnetic core (Fe) [e.g. 45-49] has been used as a criterium to identify the oxidation of the magnetic metal NP’s. In this case the almost overlapping (within the SQUID magnetometer measurement error) of the ZFC hysteresis loop and the FC (5 Tesla) hysteresis loop, i.e. identical coercivities, Ms values and Mr/Ms ratios in both ZFC and FC conditions, indicate that the iron NP’s are free from oxidation, which is consistent with the XANES observations. The results discussed so far also indicate that the iron NP’s are stable in the ethanol solvent during the washing process and the subsequent sample preparation process, unlike the iron oxidation observed in gold coated iron NP’s obtained via microemulsion technique [50]. This is fully confirmed by the hysteresis loop of the dried PMMA-Fe NP’s in the film form (see Fig. 8). Saturation magnetization (Ms) was determined by the extrapolated saturation magnetization obtained from the intercept of magnetization vs H-1 at high field [6,51]. The obtained saturation magnetization was 84.8 emu/g based on the pure iron NP’s (Iron elemental percentage in the PMMA-Fenanoparticles complex was 7.59%, as determined by atomic absorption elemental analysis). This saturation magnetization is lower than that of the bulk iron (220 emu/g). However, it is consistent with the reported magnetization value (25 to 190 emu/g for the size around 6 nm to 20 nm) for Fe NPs fabricated by vapor deposition techniques, and with that (82 emu/g) of iron nanoparticles with comparable size (6 nm) synthesized by thermal decomposition of iron pentacarbonyl [52, 53]. The decreased saturation 171 Fig. 8. Hysteresis loops of PMMA-stabilized Fe nanoparticles at 300 K, and 10 K at zero field cooled and field cooled at 5 Tesla magnetization can be attributed to the particle size and the influence of the coating [5256]. Both the non-zero ratio of remnant magnetization (Mr) to saturation magnetization (Ms): 0.13 (0.36) and coercivity (Hc): 106 Oe (1117) Oe indicate that the blocking temperature is above room temperature, i.e. ferromagnetic property of the PMMA stabilized iron NP’s are observed at room temperature, in contrast to sonochemically synthesized poly (ethylene glycol) stabilized iron NP’s [57] with superparamagnetic properties. 4 CONCLUSION The in-situ synthesis of PMMA-stabilized colloidal iron nanoparticles, which form stable colloids in THF solvent, is reported. PMMA has effectively protected the iron nanoparticles from agglomeration. PMMA-iron nanoparticles exhibit ferromagnetic 172 property even at room temperature and are likely to have wider applications in the information storage media, magnetic refrigeration, audio reproduction, ferrofluids, magnetically guided drug delivery with suitable size less than ~20 nm [46] and other biomedical applications. The synthetic method is simple and can be used in general for the synthesis of PMMA-stabilized zero-valent metallic nanoparticles. Changes in the electronic structure of the product of this synthesis are traced to the influence of surrounding matrix. 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was financially supported by a grant from NSF-EPSCoR ((2001-04) RII-03) and DARPA (Grant No: HR0011-04-C-0068). The authors kindly thank Miss Carol for the elemental analysis. REFERENCES [1] Richards, R.M.; Bönnemann, H., Nanofabrication Towards Biomedical Applications: Techniques, Tools, Applications, and Impact, Eds Challa S. S. R. Kumar, Josef Hormes and Carola Leuschner, Wiley-Vch, 2004, 3-32 [2] B.L. Cushing; V.L. Kolesnichenko, C.J. O’Connor, Chem. Rev. 104, 3893 (2004). [3] L. Yiping, G. C. Hadjipanayis, C. M. Sorensen, K. J. Klabunde, J. Appl. Phys. 67, 4502 (1990). [4] S. P. Gubin, Y. I. Spichkin, Y. A. Koksharov, G. Y. Yurkov, A. V. Kozinkin, T. I. Nedoseikina, M. S. Korobov, A. M. Tishin, J. Magn. 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They have influenced detection and imaging processes such as magnetic resonance imaging (Artemov, 2003 #2), protein detection (Cao, 2003 #4)(Bucak, 2003 #3), and molecular and cellular separation and purification (Molday, 1982 #5)(Yang, 2004 #6). They also have applications in increasing efficiency in site-specific drug delivery (Forbes, 2003 #7)(Lubbe, 2001 #9), cancer treatment (Hilger, 2004 #10)(Zhang, 2005 #11), and in increasing enzymatic activity(Rossi, 2004 #13)(Pan, 2005 #12). Various types of nanoparticles are being used in biosensing schemes to show improvements over microparticles. Nanoparticles have several advantages in detecting biological molecules compared to microparticles, such as high magnetization per unit weight, ability to remain in suspension for longer periods of time without aggregation, and faster velocities in solution (Moller, 2003 #14). Functionalization of magnetic beads with biological recognition elements that can bind to specific targets has several advantages in the detection of biomolecules compared to radioactive, electrochemical, optical, and other methods (Rife, 2003 #15). For example, radioimmunoassay requires expensive instrumentation and handling of potentially hazardous radioactive materials; whereas, magnetic bead detection is cheap, efficient, and safe. Biomedical applications using nanoparticles require narrow size distribution and compatibility with surface modifiers i.e., nonimmunogenic, nonantigenic and resistant to protein adsorption (Pankhurst, 2003 #16). The recognition and capture of molecules and particles on solid surfaces has numerous bioanalytical applications in bio- and immunosensor diagnostic devices (Yam, 2002 #17). The immobilization of bio-recognition molecules, such as nucleic acids, proteins and other ligands on solid surfaces plays an important role in the development of 177 such devices. Using a system that couples proteins with nanoparticles, the efficiency of the immobilization can be increased. Here we demonstrate a system for functionalization of magnetic nanoparticles and planar surfaces followed by binding of functionalized nanoparticles on the functionalized surfaces in an effort to move towards developing nanoparticle based bio-recognition schemes. The biotin and streptavidin couple is an ideal model for these types of bioconjugation applications because of its high binding affinity (Ka=1015 M-1) and high specificity (Yam, 2002 #17). Each streptavidin has four binding sites for biotin positioned in pairs on opposite domains of the protein molecule. These properties enable streptavidin to act as a bridge between immobilized biotinylated moiety and the detectable nanoparticles. Magnetite nanoparticles with surface amine residues can be functionalized with cabodiimide-activated carboxylic group of proteins (Kumar, 2004 #18). Several forms of commercially available thiolated biotin that can be immobilized onto gold surfaces via sulphur linkages have been evaluated (Pradier, 2002 #19). The high affinity of gold for sulphur-containing molecules generates well-ordered monolayers termed self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). In this ongoing effort we describe the synthesis of streptavidin-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles and characterize their binding to biotinylated SAMs on gold for biological recognition applications. Figure 1 shows a schematic of such a magnetic nanoparticle based functionalization of gold and glass Magnetite nanoparticles 9.8 ± 4.6nm Diameter Streptavidin O O NH H N HN S C O O C NH S NH NH Spacer Gold slide S O N H Aminated glass slide Figure 1. Scheme showing functionalization of biotinylated gold and glass surfaces with streptavidin-modified magnetic nanoparticles. surfaces. This study has been divided into three parts: part one consists of the synthesis and functionalization of nanoparticles, part two consists of the functionalization of gold and glass surfaces with biotin SAMs, and part three consists of specifically binding the functionalized particles onto the biotinylated gold surfaces. In each part, functionalization is confirmed using various imaging and spectroscopy techniques. 178 Materials and Methods Glass substrates with a 50Aº chromium base layer and a 1000Aº evaporated gold film were purchased from EMF Corporation (Ithaca, NY). (N-(6-(Biotinamido)hexyl)-3'(2'-pyridyldithio)-propionamide (Biotin-HPDP, Pierce Biotechnologies, Rockford, IL), N-Hydroxysulfosuccinimidobiotin (sulpho-NHS biotin, Pierce Biotechnologies), fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate-(FITC) labeled streptavidin (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR), tributyl phosphine, N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF, Sigma), and SuperAmine coated slides (TeleChem International, Sunnyvale, CA) were used as received. Magnetite nanoparticles were prepared and protein functionalized using a similar method as previously described (Kumar, 2004 #18). Briefly, ferrous and ferric salts were coprecipitated in ammonium hydroxide and then functionalized with FITC-labeled streptavidin using a standard carboiimide activation followed by magnetic separation. Biotin-HPDP was reduced with butylphosphine and applied directly onto a gold-coated slide (Zimmermann, 1994 #21). Nanoparticle capture was performed by spotting 10µl of the nanoparticle suspension onto the biotinylated surface with a micropipette tip and kept in the dark for 1h. The substrates were rinsed with HPLC-grade water and dried under nitrogen. Sulpho NHS-biotin was immobilized directly on aminated glass slides using a microcapillary for capture and analysis via fluorescent microscopy. Incubation of the slide in a 1% solution of bovine serum albumin was used to prevent non-specific adsorption. The nanoparticle solution was passed through a 0.2µm filter to remove large aggregates and then deposited onto the entire glass slide. The slides were then kept in the dark for 2 h, and then washed with deionized water and ethanol. They were then dried with nitrogen and analyzed as described below. Characterization of Functionalized Gold Surfaces The morphology and size of the functionalized particles on gold surfaces were examined by a JEOL 100CX transmission electron microscope (TEM) at accelerating voltages up to 80keV. Image analysis to determine nanoparticle diameter was performed using ImageJ software (NIH, Bethesda, MD). FT-IR spectra were recorded on a US 670 FT-IR at 4cm-1 resolution. Spectra obtained from an 87º incidence angle were baselined with unmodified gold slides. Purging the system with nitrogen before taking scans eliminated water and CO2 absorption contributions. For all spectra, 500 scans were collected and smoothened by 25 to eliminate the background noise. 179 Fluorescent microscopy of functionalized glass surfaces was carried out on an Eclipse TS100 (Nikon) with a mercury arc lamp and filters with excitation wavelengths of 492±10nm and emission wavelengths of 525±10nm to collect FITC emission. Phase and fluorescent images of functionalized nanoparticles immobilized on amine-terminated glass substrates were acquired at 2X, 10X, and 40X magnifications. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectra were obtained on an Axis 165 spectrometer equipped with a monochromatic A1K ά X-ray source. A takeoff angle of 90º from the surface was employed for each sample. Survey spectra were recorded with 15KeV pass energy of a 300µm x 800µm spot size. A window pass energy of 20eV was used to acquire high-resolution spectra. SEM coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS, Hitachi Model S-3600N) was used to characterize the functionalized gold surface SAMs and SAM-nanoparticle complexes at 10µm and 50µm resolution. Results and Discussion Nanoparticle Functionalization Electron microscopy and FTIR analysis of the functionalized nanoparticles indicates streptavidin attachment. Image analysis of iron oxide nanoparticles taken with TEM shows an average diameter of 9.8±4.6nm (Figure 2). Some aggregation of particles was observed, most likely due to the lack of surfactant in particle synthesis or storage. Figure 2. Transmission Electron Micrograph streptavidin-modified nanoparticles. Bar represents 10nm. 180 This fact could be alleviated in the future by use of recent studies using surfactants during nanoparticle synthesis to achieve monodisperse suspensions of magnetite (Teng, 2004 #30)(Horak, 2003 #27). Figure 3 compares the FT-IR spectra of unfunctionalized and functionalized nanoparticles. A reference spectrum of streptavidin deposited onto the gold surface is also shown as a reference. The characteristic peaks at 3167cm-1 and 1604cm-1 present in spectra of unfuntionalized particles confirm the presence of amine groups in unfuntionalized nanoparticles. The peak at 561cm-1 from the magnetite nanoparticles is similar to that seen in other studies (Waldron.R.D, 1955 #22)(Gupta, 2004 #23)(Curtis, 2002 #24). This same peak was shifted to 586cm-1 after functionalization with streptavidin. The peak at 2948cm-1 in the spectra of functionalized nanoparticles can be attributed to CH2 stretching. This peak was not observed in unfuntionalized particle spectra, confirming nanoparticle - functionalization with streptavidin. A further study to decrease the degree of aggregation is currently in progress. One possible solution might be use of surfactants such as oleic acid, Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) to coat the nanoparticle surface during synthesis to prevent them from aggregation. Figure 3. FTIR spectra of functionalized and unfunctionalized nanoparticles. The spectra of free streptavidin is used to confirm the functionalization. Biotinylation of Gold Surfaces Biotinylation of gold surfaces using biotin-HPDP was confirmed using FTIR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The FTIR peaks at 2942 cm-1 (Figure 4) were due to the C – H stretching in CH2 of the alkyl chains. Bands at 1674 cm-1 and 3328cm-1 were due to the amide-I and amide-II bands of biotin-HPDP, similar to those reported previously with this technique (Pradier, 2002 #20). The band at 538 cm-1 present in the 181 Figure 4. FTIR spectra of deposited and thiol-immobilized biotin-HPDP on gold. spectra of deposited (non-immobilized) biotin was assigned to the disulphide bond of biotin-HPDP, and is not seen in the immobilized sample as expected. The carbon 1s, nitrogen 1s, and oxygen 1s atomic orbital spectra were obtained with XPS for gold surfaces with and without biotin-HPDP as seen in Figure 5. There is an increase in the intensities of nitrogen, carbon, and oxygen signals after immobilization of biotin-HPDP. The respective peaks at 285, 400, and 532 eV were assigned to the CH2, NH, and carboxylic groups of biotin-HPDP, similar to other findings with this technique (Riepl, 20 b 15 Carbon a 10 280 285 290 295 Intensity (Counts/Sec) Intensity (Counts/Sec) 2002 #32). Intensity(Counts/Sec) Binding Energy (eV) 34 a 19 530 535 b 30 a 25 390 395 400 405 Figure 5. X-ray photoelectron spectra of the gold surface before (a) and after (b) functionalization with biotin-HPDP. 29 525 Nitrogen Binding Energy (eV) Oxygen 24 35 540 Binding energy (eV) 182 410 Nanoparticle Functionalization of Gold and Glass Surfaces Figure 6 compares the FT-IR spectra of the deposited versus covalently functionalized nanoparticles on the gold surface. A characteristic peak between 576cm-1 was observed in the spectra of the deposited nanoparticles indicating the presence of iron oxide (Waldron, 1955 #22). The peak has been slightly shifted to 586cm-1 after capture by the biotinylated surface, which confirms the presence of nanoparticles immobilized by Figure 6. FTIR spectra of nanoparticles captured on the biotinylated gold surface or deposited on non-modified gold. biomolecular interactions (Curtis, 2002 #24). The peaks at 1600cm-1 and 1660cm-1 are due to the amide-I stretches of the N-H groups present in biotin-HPDP on the slide for nanoparticle capture, which are not present on the unmodified deposition slide. Figure 7 shows a SEM image of nanoparticles bound to the biotinylated gold surface. The size of the particles was not uniform because of some aggregation, but this 183 Figure 7. Scanning electron micrograph of biotinylated gold surface with aggregated nanoparticle complexes for elemental analysis. fact facilitated elemental analysis via Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS). Figure 8 confirms the presence of iron, carbon, and nitrogen, which is consistent with the principle elements found in the attachment of protein-nanoparticle complexes. The upper and lower panels in Figure 8 compare elemental analysis of small (x nm) and large (x nm) particle aggregates. An increase in the EDS signal of iron was observed as the size of the particle increased. Consequently, there is a higher carbon signal compared to iron observed in the smaller particles. The possible reason for this might be that particles aggregated during synthesis would have less streptavidin bound to the exterior of the complex during functionalization. 184 1000 Au Intensity 800 600 400 B C N Fe 200 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Energy(KeV) 1200 Au Intensity 1000 A C 800 600 N 400 200 Fe 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Energy(KeV) Figure 8. Elemental EDS analysis of the biotinylated gold surface with captured streptavidin-conjugated (A) small and (B) large nanoparticle aggregates. Fluorescent microscopy of the nanoparticle-functionalized gold surfaces described in Figures 6 and 7 was hindered by the high reflectivity of gold as well as its potential to quench the fluorophore. Thus, glass surfaces proved better at confirming spatial arrangement of nanoparticle capture via microscopy. Aminated glass surfaces functionalized with NHS-biotin and then nanoparticle-FITC-streptavidin complexes were analyzed by phase and fluorescent microscopy as seen in Figure 9. The images show the specific absorption of streptavidin-conjugated nanoparticles to the biotinylated areas of the slide, which were regions of approximately 120 µm in diameter. Average fluorescent intensity of non-functionalized regions was 10±3 RFI, compared to nanoparticlefunctionalized spots with intensities of 113±14 RFU, indicating specific capture at biotinylated spots. Figure 10 shows SEM images of functionalized nanoparticles immobilized on the aminated glass substrate at 200 nm and 500 nm resolutions. The images show that immobilized particles on glass surfaces were aggregated like those seen on gold, with an average size of 106±46 nm. These results are similar to a recently reported larger (200nm) biotinylated magnetic nanoparticle immobilization on 185 biotinylated silicon surfaces using a streptavidin sandwich technique which was showed functionalization via magnetic force microscopy (Arakaki, 2004 #1). Phase Images Fluorescent Images Functionalized Spots before and after washing Figure 9. Phase and fluorescent images of nanoparticles captured on the biotinmodified aminated glass slide. Bottom panel shows functionalized spots before and after extensive washes. Figure 10. Scanning electron micrographs of functionalized nanoparticles immobilized on the aminated glass substrate from Figure 9. Conclusions Here we describe the functionalization of gold and glass surfaces with streptavidin-coated magnetic nanoparticles and characterize their binding to biotinylated SAMs on gold and glass for biological recognition applications. Immobilization of streptavidin-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles to biotinylated gold and glass surface was achieved by the strong interaction forces between biotin and streptavidin. Streptavidin-functionalized nanoparticles, biotinylated surfaces, and combinations of the 186 two were characterized by SEM, XPS, fluorescent microscopy, and FT-IR to confirm that little functionalization (capture) occurred in non-biotinylated regions of the gold and glass surfaces compared to the intended sites. These techniques have application in studying the modification and behavior of nanoparticles for biological and other applications such as measuring low concentrations of bacteria, more efficient site-specific drug delivery, detection of proteins, and separation and purification of biological molecules and cells. While microparticles have been used widely, nanoparticles show advantages in these applications, such as greater magnetization per unit weight, and less tendency to settle in microfluidics. Development and testing of magnetic–based bioassays such as the BARC device, which signal the specific capture of magnetic particles in close proximity to magnetoresistive elements may be confirmed and enhanced by utilization of this technique (Edelstein, 2000 #29). The results of this study have shown that nanoparticles can be functionalized and immobilized onto specific locations of gold and glass substrates using bimolecular interactions. Acknowledgements This work is supported by the DARPA Bio-MagnetICs Program, NSF EPS-034611 (through the Center for Biomodular Multi-Scale Systems), and the State of Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund. 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Nucleic Acids Res, 1994. 22(3): p. 492-7. 190 An Integrated Stacked Micro Fluidic Reactor System for Nanoparticle Synthesis 1 Jost Goettert, 1 Yujun Song, 1 Proyag Datta, 1 Josef Hormes, 1 Willi Hempelmann 2 and Challa SSR Kumar.1 Center for advanced Microstructure and Devices, Louisiana State University, 6980 Jefferson Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA 70806; 2MicroMechatronicTechnologies AG, Eisenfelder Str. 316, D-57080 Siegen, Germany. Micro reactors are gaining an increasingly important role in specialized chemical production and process development.1 First successful experiments clearly indicate that they have also the potential to play a very important role in wet chemical synthesis of nanoparticles.2 This is mainly due to the fact that micro systems for chemical synthesis have a significant advantage in terms of increased mass and heat transfer.3 The reduction in size and the integration of multiple functions provides the potential for producing devices with capabilities that exceed those of conventional macroscopic systems. Polymer based micro reactors have the additional advantage of low initial fabrication cost in combination with the fabrication capability through “inexpensive” replication technologies such as embossing, casting, or photo- and injection molding. We have designed and fabricated a user-friendly computer controlled stacked polymeric micro reactor system for the synthesis of nanoparticles. The reactor system also can be utilized in general for wet chemical synthesis and process development of specialty chemicals. This user-friendly system consists of three basic functional blocks for controlled flow from the chemical container (inlet), a custom made, temperature controlled micro reactor stack, and an outlet unit to control and optimize all critical reaction parameters. The system operation is controlled by a computer (see the figure below). Based on the experimental parameters and conditions developed for the synthesis of Pd nanoparticles using a single polymeric micro reactor in our laboratory, 2 we are studying issues of scale-up production utilizing the stacked micro reactor system. We are currently invetigating its utility in scale-up production of nanoparticles as well as specialty chemicals. 191 1. Web page Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik, 2. Y. Song, Challa S.S.R.Kumar, and Josef Hormes, “Synthesis of Pd nanoparticles using a continuous flow polymeric micro reactor, ” Journal of Nanoscience and nanotechnology, 4(7), 788-793, 2004. 3. Haswell, S. J.; Fletcher, P. D. I.; Greenway, G. M.; Skelton, V.; Styring, P.; Morgan, D. O.; Wong, S. Y.F.; Warrington, B. H. Micro-chemical reactors: the key to controlling chemistry. Special Publication - Royal Society of Chemistry 2000, 250(Automated Synthetic Methods for Speciality Chemicals), 25-33. 192 Preparation and Conjugation of Magnetic Nanoparticles Using a Micro-reactor Hammacher, J., Ozkaya, T., Urbina, M. Jost Goettert and Challa S.S.R.Kumar Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, 6980 Jefferson Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA 70806. Introduction The objective was to use a continuous flow micro-reactor to precisely control nanocrystal growth parameters in order to produce nanoparticles of defined size and attach the created particles with biochemistry. Magnetic nanoparticles, magnetite, were synthesized using standard batch processes and micro-reactor processes. Binding of glutaric acid to the particles was also attempted using several methods, including attachment during synthesis of nanoparticles and attachment to previously made nanoparticles. Characterization of the particles was made using TEM, FTIR, TLC, and XRD. µ-Fluidic Setup and Experiment The micro-reactor experiments consist of the fluidic construction kit from thinXXS3, two pumps, and the chemicals needed for the process. The fluidic construction kit consists of a thinXXS snake mixer slide, a frame, and fluidic interconnections to assemble the snake mixer slide with the tubing. The slide that was used for the majority of the experiments was made of clear plastic, COC (cyclo-olefin copolymer), and contains several passive mixers on a chip (Figure 1). The channels of the mixers differ by length and width. For this project, channels 2 and 4, 640 µm and 320 µm diameter respectively, were used for different experiments (Figure 1). A mixer made of SU-8 negative photoresist was used for another experiment. Two different kinds of pumps were also used, MMT pumps4 (Figure 3) and volumetric syringe pumps5 (Figure 4). Silicone Tubing and a female TubeLuer Connector were used to connect the fluidic mixer chip with the syringes (Figure 2). Fig. 1: schematic snake mixer Fig. 2: snake mixer slide 3 5 4 193 Figure 3: MMT pumps Figure 4: volumetric syringe pump setup Preliminary tests were made with colored water at different flow rates and with different channel sizes in order to test the reliability of the two pumps used, to determine if any offset would need to be taken into account, and to determine the effects of backpressure. The pumps were hooked up to the snake mixer slide and adjusted to a certain flow rate. After switching the pump on, the time was counted for every 0.1 ml of volume of water that was moved into a 1ml syringe (Figure 5-6). The idea was to prove that two pumps can create a constant flow in one mixing channel, without decreasing the flowrate. That means the resulting flowrate should be an addition of the two inlet flows and absolutely constant. Pump 1 Snake mixer 1 ml syringe Pump 2 Fig. 5: schema of the experimental setup Fig. 6: experimental setup The results showed that the MMT pumps and syringe pumps, using two sizes of channels, move the fluid through the channel with the programmed flow rate after about 0.5 ml (Figure 7, 8, 9). After 0.5 ml, the pressure in the system is reaches an equilibrium and the flow rate remains constant. The measured flowrate is exact the summation of the programmed setting of the two pumps. Even the halt time smaller channels have no effect. They are still large enough to keep the flowrate in the expected range. The error of the pump is mentioned as less than 1% by the manufacturer. Variations in the measurements are because of the inexact time measurement. The reasons for these imprecise measurements are because of the equipment and the reaction time of the user. Because of the created pressure of the pump, the flow rate will be the same every time, as long as there are no obstructions in the channels. Due to these results, no offset has to be programmed for the experiments. It was also found that flow-rate is dependent on 194 channel size, but only at a diameter smaller than those used for the experiments. A test of a 100 µm diameter channel at 0.1 ml/min and 1 ml/min made the connectors pop off at about 0.5 ml, showing that the backpressure at this size is too high for both flow-rates. The flow-rate was also found to be slower than the programmed rate. However, the channels used in the experiments at 640 µm and 320 µm, did not cause the connectors to pop off when the water was run at the same flow-rate. Syringe pump: flowrate measurement Channel 2 MMT: flowrate measurements Channel 2 2.50 fl o w ra te b o th p u m p s i n m l/m in flo w ra re b o th p u m p s in m l/m in 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0 volume in ml 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 volume in ml Fig. 7: flow-rate channel 2, 640 µm (syringe pump) Fig. 8: flow-rate channel 2, 640 µm (MMT pump) Syringe pump:flowrate measurement Channel 4 fl o w ra te b o th p u m p s i n m l/m in 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 volume in ml Fig.9: flow-rate channel 4, 320 µm (syringe pump) Performance MMT vs. syringe pumps The first two micro-reactor experiments of the synthesis of magnetite were made with the MMT “µ-Dosier” syringe pumps (Figure 3). These pumps should provide a smooth, continuous, and pulsation-free transport of fluids, which is a big advantage for the creation of nanoparticles. The pumps work like two integrated syringe pumps with two directly opposite running pistons. When one side of the pump is pulling the fluid from the reservoir, the other side is pressing the liquid into the micro-reactor (Figure 10). The first two experiments were made at flow-rates of 1 ml/min and 0.5 ml/min. The particles and data collected for these particles, however, are not used in the overall analysis of particle 195 synthesis using micro-reactors. First, the pumps are made for mass production, so the dead column in the tubing is very large. This means that is takes a long time for the chemicals to arrive at the micro-reactor. During this time, much of the iron chloride salts settled in the reservoir, decreasing the chances of even mixing. Second, it was not possible to synchronize the pumps because the switch of the pumps is not calculated by time, but by the position of the pistons. Because of differences in alignment, the pumps will never switch at the same time. The problem with this is that during switching, one pump loses its pressure immediately, while the liquid from that pump moves towards the path of least resistance, Fig. 10: chemical mixing of which would be towards the second pump, not magnetite in 640 µm channel towards the smaller diameter micro-reactor channel. When this happens, the two solutions mix and form nanoparticles inside the tubing, then when the pumps switch again, the second pumps push the particles towards the channel, where they seemed to have clogged the system. Each time this occurs, the MMT pumps give a non-continuous flow, with inhibit the reaction to be as even as it should. After this happed twice, the MMT pumps were replaced by normal volumetric lab syringe pumps (Figure 4) to eliminate the dead volume and maintain a continuous-flow atmosphere. The first two trials with the syringe pumps were used to make magnetite at 1 ml/min. In the set-up for the syringe pumps, a plastic syringe is assembled to the pumps and connected with the Luer-Tube connectors to the micro-fluidic system (Figure 4). The only disadvantage of these pumps is the smaller volume that it allows. The limit for the syringe pumps is 60 ml per syringe, while the limit for the MMT pumps is limited by the sample volume. Clogging Persistent problems during the synthesis of the magnetite in the micro-reactor channels were clogging and the resulting back pressure. It was unclear whether the particles in the experiment have clogged the channels completely or if they have started to restrict the channels enough to cause back pressure to build and disengage the connectors to the channels. Due to the design of the micro-reactor slide, a mixing turbulence seemed to be created where the two chemical solutions met. Because the particle were created immediately after the iron chloride salt solution and ammonium hydroxide solution mix in the reaction chamber, a large amount of particles were created in one area, and perhaps due to their magnetic properties, the magnetite form cluster which may clog the channels. The particles also seem to cover the walls of the plastic channels and stick to the glassware, which demonstrates that the particles may begin to aggregate off the sides of the channel walls to clog or restrict the channels. This is an important obstacle to overcome because it restricts the amount of time and the overall mass of sample that can be made using these micro-reactors. One suggestion would be to use Teflon coated channels to decrease the amount of magnetite that will stick to the walls. Another suggestion would be to change the design of the inlet channels, to decrease the amount of particles made at the start of the channels. To test this theory, an experiment using an SU8 mixer was made. Clogging and surface coating, however, also occurred in this kind of channels. 196 Experiments also showed that the clogging may be flow-rate dependent; the lower the rate, the higher to possibility of clogging. While the particles were being made, observations were made by eye of how clogged the channels were becoming, or how narrow the path was becoming. For example, at a flow-rate of 0.1 ml/min the restriction of the channels appeared quicker, around 6 minutes, than that of a flow-rate of 1 ml/min, which occurred around 16 or 17 minutes. When the experiment was run at 3.5 ml/min (the maximum which can be achieved with the syringe pumps) the clogging of the channels appeared to be less significant, during the amount of time it had to run, 14 minutes. To increase the flow-rate in order of magnitude might solve the problem. Another reason why Teflon channels would help is in the cleaning of the channels. If the current COC channels are completely clogged, it takes a few days of soaking in HCl solution in order to dissolve the particles. If the channels are not completely clogged it still takes about one night in solution to be cleaned well. Teflon channels may decrease the cleaning time of the channels because the design of the Teflon micro-reactor that would be used can be opened, therefore making it easier to clean the clogged area. Teflon is also known to inhibit surface adhesion. Experimental Details Magnetite Magnetite is a superparamagnetic nanoparticles that is made by combining FeCl3 and FeCl2 with air free nanopure water (Figure 10, brown dilution) and mixing it with ammonium hydroxide in air-free nanopure water (Figure 10, clear dilution) under an inert atmosphere. It is created as a black colloid (Figure 10; black dilution), but is decanted and washed by magnetic separation, then dried under nitrogen into a black powder. Magnetite – Glutaric Acid Another series of experiments were made to study the differences of processes in the attachment of the biochemical glutaric acid, which is used as a spacer in the study of cancer detection and treatment. In this case magnetite is to be conjugated with glutaric acid using micro-reactors. Four different micro-reactor processes were made: a two-step synthesis, a one-step synthesis, a one-step synthesis series, and a two-step binding. All particles were made using the micro-reactor slide with 640 µm, the syringe pumps, and a flow-rate of 1 ml/min. Two-step synthesis In the two-step synthesis, two syringe pumps, 3 syringes, and two micro-reactor slide were used. Magnetite was first made in one micro-reactor, where one syringe was filled with the iron-salt solution and was met with the ammonium hydroxide solution inside the micro-reactor channels. After going through the micro-reactor slide, the product was collected in a sample reservoir under nitrogen. While still in solution it was then put into a clean syringe and pumped into a clean micro-reactor slide, where it meet with the solution of glutaric acid and EDC from the third syringe. This second step should be made in a 4°C atmosphere. To do this, the micro-reactor slide was put into a small container will water at 4°C. The water was changed continuously to maintain a constant temperature. Prior to use, the syringes were also kept in the chiller at 4°C, then covered 197 with foil during the conjugation. It is noted that the temperature was not likely to have been held at a constant 4°C. After the pumps stopped, the solution of magnetite and glutaric acid were collected under nitrogen, kept in the refrigerator overnight to ensure binding, decanted and washed by magnetic separation, and dried under nitrogen. One-step synthesis In the one-step synthesis, two syringe pumps, two syringes, and one micro-reactor mixer was used. In this process the iron chloride salt solution was mixed with the glutaric acid and EDC solution prior to exposure to the micro-reactor. It was met the mixture of ammonium hydroxide and air-free nanopure water while inside the chiller at 4°C to maintain the correct atmosphere. The resulting solution was then collected in a flask under nitrogen, kept in the refrigerator overnight, decanted and washed by magnetic separation, and dried under nitrogen. One-step synthesis series The one-step synthesis series consisted of three syringe pumps, three syringes, and two micro-reactor mixers. The magnetite nanoparticles were made in the first micro-reactor slide by the same manner as the two-step synthesis. This solution then traveled to the second mixer slide, which was held in the chiller at 4°C, to meet with the glutaric acid solution from the third syringe pump. The product was then collected under nitrogen, kept in the refrigerator overnight, decanted and washed by magnetic separation, and dried under nitrogen. Two-step binding In the two-step binding, two syringe pumps, two syringes, and one micro-reactor mixer slide was used. In this process, pre-made and dried magnetite particles were bound to, not synthesizes with, the glutaric acid. Nanopure water was added to magnetite and sonicated for 30 minutes to ensure an even suspension and decrease the concern for clogging. The dissolved magnetite was then put into one syringe, while the glutaric acid and EDC solution was added to the other. They were mixed in the micro-reactor mixer slide in the chiller at 4°C. The product was kept in the refrigerator overnight, decanted and washed by magnetic separation, and dried under nitrogen. Results and Discussion TEM: Size distribution Other research groups have shown that the size, shape, and agglomeration of the nanoparticles can be controlled through the use of continuous flow micro reactors.[1-4] TEM pictures of the previously mentioned experiments have shown that these parameters were not able to fully be controlled. Most of the particles are seen in large clusters and vary in size. A common trend that was seen was that the particles from the batch process were more evenly distributed than the particles made using the micro-reactor (Figure 11). The shape that was seen was mostly spherical, however elliptical particles were common, and one experiment resulted with squared particles. More testing would be needed to obtain regulated particles. 198 Figure 11: a) Magnetic Beads made with Batch process b) Magnetic beads made with microreactor Frequency (%) There was a pattern, however, of the Gauss Size Distribution of Magnetite size and size distribution of the particles based on channel size and 15 chemical dilution. This comparison 640 µm channel, 1/2 concentration included four types of particles, broken into two sets. The first set 320 µm channel, 10 1/2 concentration consists of one normal batch process and one micro-reactor process in the batch process, 640 µm channels, both at one normal 5 concentration particular concentration. The other set consists of one micro-reactor process 640 um channel, normal concentration in the 640 µm channels and one 0 micro-reactor process in the 320 µm 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 channels, both at a concentration of Diameter (nm) half of the first set. A TEM-based Gauss distribution of the size of particles was made based on 200 Figure 12: Magnetite size distribution nanoparticles of each process (Figure 12). The results showed that the micro-reactor-made particles were smaller and had a better size distribution than the batch process-made particles, and that the particles made with a lower concentration were also smaller and had even better size distributions. FTIR Analysis FTIR spectra was taken to determine if conjugation of glutaric acid to magnetite occurred. Several samples were analyzed, but they were inconsistent with each other. There did not appear to be a consistent difference between magnetite and magnetiteglutaric acid particles (Figure 13, 12). The broad peak around 1650 cm-1 should be due to the C=O stretch of the amide bond between glutaric acid, containing two carboxylic groups, and magnetite, containing several amine groups. Of particles that were made in the micro-reactor, one comparison of the spectra of the particles with glutaric acid199 magnetite is shifted to the left of the spectra for magnetite. In another comparison, the spectra of the particles with glutaric acid are shifted to the right. The other two samples overlap each other (Figure 13). In the spectra of the particles that were made using the batch process, a shift to the left occurred in two of the samples, and one sample was indeterminate (Figure 14). Title: *Tue Aug 09 12:40:19 2005-MC89 Thu Aug 18 16:52:08 2005 1.1 *Tue Aug 02 12:20:24 2005-MC74 1.0 *Fri Jul 22 17:32:12 2005-MC82-2mg-2 *Tue Aug 09 12:40:19 2005-MC89 0.9 *Tue Aug 09 12:13:07 2005-MC88 *Mon Aug 08 11:47:06 2005-MC87 0.8 Absorbance 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Wavenumbers (cm-1) Expanded fingerprint region: User name: camd *Tue Aug 02 12:20:24 2005-MC74 *Fri Jul 22 17:32:12 2005-MC82-2mg-2 *Tue Aug 09 12:40:19 2005-MC89 0.06 *Tue Aug 09 12:13:07 2005-MC88 *Mon Aug 08 11:47:06 2005-MC87 0.05 Absorbance 0.07 Collection time: Tue Aug 09 12:41:45 2005 Number of sample scans: 64 Number of background scans: 64 Resolution: 4.000 Sample gain: 8.0 Mirror velocity: 0.6329 Aperture: 69.00 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) Figure 13: Magnetite and Magnetite-Glutaric Acid, micro-reactor processes 200 Title: *Fri Jul 22 16:43:15 2005-MC80-2mg Thu Aug 18 16:55:42 2005 *Thu Jul 14 11:28:40 2005-MC69-magnetite-2mg-1 *Thu Jul 14 11:05:46 2005-MC79-glu acid+magnetite-2mg-2 *Fri Jul 22 16:43:15 2005-MC80-2mg 0.7 *Fri Jul 22 17:13:53 2005-MC81-2mg 0.8 A bsorbance 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Wavenumbers (cm-1) Expanded fingerprint region: User name: camd A bsorbance *Thu Jul 14 11:28:40 2005-MC69-magnetite-2mg-1 0.030 *Thu Jul 14 11:05:46 2005-MC79-glu acid+magnetite-2mg-2 *Fri Jul 22 16:43:15 2005-MC80-2mg 0.025 *Fri Jul 22 17:13:53 2005-MC81-2mg Collection time: Fri Jul 22 16:44:54 2005 Number of sample scans: 64 Number of background scans: 64 Resolution: 4.000 Sample gain: 4.0 Mirror velocity: 0.6329 Aperture: 69.00 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 Wavenumbers (cm-1) Figure 14: Magnetite and Magnetite-Glutaric Acid, batch processes XRD XRD spectra was taken for two types of particles: magnetite made in the normal batch process and those made with the micro-reactor (Figure 15). These spectra do not appear to have a large difference in distribution. With more analysis, XRD can be used to determine the difference in packing of atoms between the batch and micro-reactor processes. [2] 201 Magnetite 90 80 70 Intensity 60 50 Batch process 40 Micro-reactor process 30 20 10 0 20 30 40 50 60 Theta (*) Figure 15: XRD spectra a magnetite TLC TLC was attempted in the comparison of magnetite and magnetite and glutaric acid, both made using the normal batch processes. The particles were dissolved in nanopure water and put onto a silica gel. Acetone was used as the solvent. When tested with magnetite itself, it appeared that some of the particles had moved with the solvent; however, when the particles were tested in comparison to glutaric acid and magnetite-glutaric acid, there did not appear to be any movement. More testing in this area may help to get positive results in using chromatography to determine conjugation. References [1] [2] [3] [4] X. Z. Lin, A. D. Terepla, H Yang. Nano Lett. 4, 11 (2004). Y. Song, S. S. R. Kumar, J. Hormes. J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 4, 7 (2004). J. Wagner, J. M. Kohler. Nano Lett. 5, 4 (2005). J. Wagner, T. Kimer, G. Mayer, J. Albert, J. M. Kohler. Chem. Eng. J. 101 (2004) 202 Basic and Material Sciences Protein Crystallography 203 Structural biology of interactions between TEM-1 and BLIP Jihong Wang#, Zhen Zhang*§, Timothy Palzkill*§, and Dar-Chone Chow*# From the *Structural and Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics Program, §Dept of Molecular Virology and Microbiology, and §Dept of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77030 and the #Department of Chemistry, University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun road, Houston, Texas 77204 Email: [email protected] Beta-Lactamase Inhibitory Protein (BLIP) is a natural inhibitor protein that binds to class-A Beta-Lactamases including TEM-1. The previous studies with alanine scanning mutagenesis of the TEM-1 contacting residues of BLIP have determined that the binding of BLIP to TEM-1 has two separate hot spots separated on the concave binding surface. To understand the nature of the driving forces behind the binding of TEM-1 and BLIP, we are carrying out the thermodynamic measurements using Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) and have completed measurements of bindings between TEM-1 and 10 BLIP mutants. All of them are entropy driven except Y50A. The Ka values show similar trend as the published values from inhibitory tests. The interactions between TEM-1 and these mutants have a wide range of heat capacities (–305 ~ -778 Cal٠K1 ٠mol-1). These thermodynamic results suggest the bindings of TEM-1 and BLIP mutants have different nature of driving forces and possible binding-induced conformational changes. To investigate the structural aspects behind these thermodynamics, we undertake crystallization of these complexes of TEM-1 and BLIP mutants. The first complex has been successfully crystallized in several conditions. Some crystals show xray diffraction at a resolution better than 3 angstroms. We have collected x-ray diffraction data sets from these crystals at CAMD. Currently, data processing for structural determination is in progress. 204 Structure of a Calmodulin/IQ domain Complex at 1.45 A Jennifer L. Fallon and Florante A. Quiocho, Verna and Marrs McLean Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Baylor College of Medicine, One Baylor Plaza, Houston, Texas 77030 (contact: jjffaalllloonn@ @bbccm m..ttm mcc..eedduu, ffaaqq@ @bbccm m..ttm mcc..eedduu ) Calmodulin is a ubiquitous 17 kDa calcium binding protein whose main function involves transducing the calcium signal by altering the activities of target enzymes depending on the presence or absence of calcium ions. In the typical case calmodulin binds calcium and this calcium-bound calmodulin then binds the target enzyme. The most well characterized calmodulin-binding domains which occur on these target enzymes are alpha helices (when Ca2+ calmodulin is bound), which contain large hydrophobic residues at the one and ten positions or the one and fourteen positions. The largest class of calmodulin binding domains are the IQ and IQ-like motifs, which usually contain an isoleucine and a glutamine residue in the sequence along with several other conserved residues. These sequences typically contain more large hydrophobic residues than usual and do not have a clear one-ten or one-fourteen spacing motif. The IQ and IQlike calmodulin binding motifs are present in many myosins and ion channels, and the complex structures and mode of binding of calmodulin were very uncertain prior to this study. In order to determine the structure of this complex at high resolution, well diffracting crystals were required. We were fortunately provided with an excellent sample of the calmodulin-IQ domain complex by D. Brent Halling and Dr. Susan Hamilton of the Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics at Baylor College of Medicine, which routinely produced such crystals. A sample of the complex with a mutant version of the IQ peptide also produced useful crystals. To determine the complex structure, a native high resolution dataset was collected at the CAMD GCPCC x ray beamline along with a three wavelength Multiwavelength Anomalous Dispersion (MAD) derivative dataset on a native crystal soaked overnight in 1 mM lead nitrate. With the assistance of Dr. Henry Bellamy, high quality datasets were recovered on the first try. These data allowed the phasing of this structure by use of the CNS software package shortly after returning to Houston. On a subsequent trip to Baton Rouge data on the mutant complex were obtained with assistance from David Neau. The structure revealed by these data showed an unexpected mode of binding by calmodulin, delineated the exact calmodulin binding sequence, and also revealed how calmodulin is able to accommodate the large hydrophobic residues in these domains. The study has been published in the peer-reviewed literature1, and the structures along with experimental details are available from the Protein Data Bank ( with access codes 2F3Y and 2F3Z. We are grateful for the assistance of Dr. Bellamy and David Neau during the data collection. 1. Fallon. J. L., Halling, D. B., Hamilton, S. L., Quiocho, F. A. Structure of Calmodulin Bound to the Hydrophobic IQ Domain of the Cardiac Ca(v)1.2 Calcium Channel. Structure (Camb). 2005 Dec; 13(12):1881-6. 205 Crystal Structure of the Hypoxia-Inducible Form of 6-Phosphofructo-2Kinase/Fructose-2,6-Bisphosphatase (PFKFB3): A Possible New Target for Cancer Therapy* Song-Gun Kim§, Nathan P. Manes¶, M. Raafat El-Maghrabi¶, and Yong-Hwan Lee§ From the §Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 and the ¶Department of Physiology and Biophysics, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York 11794-8661 Address correspondence to: Yong-Hwan Lee, Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, 202 Life Sciences Bldg, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, Tel. 225 578-0522; Fax. 225 5787258; E-Mail: [email protected] The hypoxia-inducible form of 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6bisphosphatase (PFKFB3), plays a crucial role in the progression of cancerous cells by enabling their glycolytic pathways even under severe hypoxic conditions. To understand its structural architecture and to provide a molecular scaffold for the design of new cancer therapeutics, the crystal structure of the human form was determined. The structure at 2.1 Å resolution shows that the overall folding and functional dimerization are very similar to those of the liver (PFKFB1) and testis (PFKFB4) forms, as expected from sequence homology. However, in this structure, the N-terminal regulatory domain is revealed for the first time among the PFKFB isoforms. With a β-hairpin structure, the Nterminus interacts with the 2-Pase domain to secure binding of fructose-6-phosphate to the active pocket, slowing down the releases of fructose-6-phosphate from the phosphoenzyme intermediate product complex. The C-terminal regulatory domain is mostly disordered leaving the active pocket of the fructose-2,6 bisphosphatase domain wide-open. The active pocket of the 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase domain has a more rigid conformation, allowing independent bindings of substrates, fructose-6-phosphate and ATP, with higher affinities than other isoforms. Intriguingly, the structure shows an EDTA molecule bound to the fructose-6-phosphate site of the 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase active pocket, despite its unfavorable liganding concentration, suggesting a high affinity. EDTA is not removable from the site with fructose-6-P alone but is with both ATP and fructose-6-P or with fructose-2,6-bisphosphate. This finding suggests a molecule, in which EDTA is covalently linked to ADP, is a good starting molecule for the development of new cancer therapeutic molecules. 206 Crystal Structure of the Functionally Distinct Ferritin Homolog Dps-1 from Deinococcus radiodurans* Song-Gun Kim, Gargi Bhattacharyya, Anne Grove, Yong-Hwan Lee From the Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70803 Address correspondence to: Yong-Hwan Lee, Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, 202 Life Sciences Bldg, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, Tel. 225 578-0522; Fax. 225 5787258; E-Mail: [email protected] In eubacteria, Dps (DNA protection during starvation) proteins play an important role in protecting cellular macromolecules from damage by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Unlike most orthologs which protect DNA by a combination of DNA binding and prevention of hydroxyl radical formation by sequestration of iron, Dps-1 from the radiation-resistant Deinococcus radiodurans fails to protect DNA from hydroxyl radicalmediated cleavage through a mechanism inferred to involve continuous release of iron from the protein core {Grove, 2005 #22}. To address the structural basis for this unusually facile release of Fe2+, the crystal structure of D. radiodurans Dps-1 was determined at 2.0 Å resolution by a single wavelength anomalous dispersion phasing method. Two of four strong anomalous signals per subunit correspond to metal binding sites within an iron-uptake channel and a ferroxidase site, common features related to the canonical function of Dps homologs. At the proposed DNA-binding N-terminal region, a novel metal-binding site is found. Unlike other metal sites, this site is located at the outer surface of the dodecameric protein sphere and does not involve symmetric association of protein subunits. Intriguingly, a novel channel-like structure is seen featuring a fourth metal coordination site that results from 3-fold symmetrical association of protein subunits through α2 helices. The presence of a metal binding site suggests that this may be an iron-exit channel. This interpretation is supported by substitution of residues involved in this ion coordination and the observation that the resultant mutant protein exhibits significantly attenuated iron-release. We propose that the facile release of iron from Dps-1 affords an available supply of Fe2+ needed for detoxification of ROS. Publication: Kim, S.-G., Bhattacharyya, G., Grove A., and Lee, Y.H. (2006) ‘A novel iron-exit channel revealed in the structure of the functionally distinct ferritin homolog Dps-1 from Deinococcus radiodurans’. Submitted 207 Crystal Structure of Minimal MobA Arthur F. Monzingo, Research Associate Gregory Sawyer, Postdoctoral Fellow Jon D. Robertus, Professor Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry University of Texas at Austin 1 University Station A5300 Austin, TX 78712 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] The minimal domain of the relaxase MobA from the bacterial plasmid R1162 has been crystallized in a form suitable for high resolution structure determination using X-ray crystallography. Native and several derivative data sets (including MAD data) from the minimal MobA crystals were collected on the PX beamline. The structure determination of the protein is ongoing. 208 The crystal structure of the transcriptional regulator HucR from Deinococcus radiodurans suggests a mechanism for attenuation of DNA binding by protonation Tee Bordelon, Steven P. Wilkinson†, Anne Grove, and Marcia E. Newcomer From the Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 The hypothetical uricase regulator (HucR) from Deinococcus radiodurans R1, a member of the MarR family of DNA binding proteins, represses its own expression as well as that of a uricase. Repression is alleviated upon binding of the substrate for uricase, uric acid. As uric acid is a potent scavenger of reactive oxygen species, these observations suggest a novel oxidative stress response mechanism. The crystal structure of HucR in absence of ligand or DNA at 2.3 Å was determined with multi wavelength anomalous diffraction data from SeMet Hucr collected at CAMD. The structure reveals a dimer in which the DNA recognition helices are preconfigured for DNA binding. This configuration of DNA-binding domains is achieved through an apparently stable dimer interface that, unlike other MarR homologs, shows little conformational heterogeneity in absence of ligand. Notably, the stacking of a pair of symmetry-related histidine residues at a central pivot point at the dimer interface suggests a mechanism for modulation of DNA binding by pH. HucR-DNA complex formation is significantly attenuated at pH 5.0, consistent with a functional role of histidine-protonation in regulation of DNA binding. 209 The structures of heme enzymes of a newly described mini-catalase enzyme family Svetlana Pakhomova, Alan Brash*, Marcia Newcomer Department of Biological Sciences, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 *Vanderbilt School of Medicine Our recently solved structure of an allene oxide synthase (AOS; Oldham, Brash, Newcomer, PNAS, 2005) from the soft coral Plexaura Homomalla clearly established a structural relationship between AOS and catalase: AOS resembles catalase both in terms of its overall fold (rmsd 1.65 Å for 225 of 373 Cα’s) and heme environment, which is essentially completely conserved in a context of <15% sequence identity. Yet AOS and catalase have distinct enzymatic activities, and the basis for the different activities is not obvious from comparison of the structures. Differences in heme access, heme planarity and substrate recognition sites are proposed to contribute to the distinct functional properties of these enzymes. Other mini-catalases proposed to be involved in the metabolism of endogenous peroxides from Fusarium graminearum, Anabaena, Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, Helicobacter pylori, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa have been identified. These enzymes are associated with activities thought to be restricted to members of the P450 superfamily, heme enzymes with a Cys rather than Tyr as the proximal heme ligand. The identification of enzymes that are P450-like in activity, yet structurally dissimilar, is an important contribution towards understanding how protein environments tune heme activity. These enzymes, like AOS, are expected to promote the homolysis of the peroxide bound and generate a highly reactive free radical intermediate. Accordingly, the fate of the intermediate is determined by the shape of the binding pocket which constrains it. Thus the crystals structures will provide a framework with which to understand the chemical transformations catalyzed by “mini-catalases.” We have collected an Fe-MAD data set on the Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis AOS-homologue and solved the structure to 2.4 Å resolution (R/Rfree=0.194/0.231) with Fe-MAD data collected at CAMD. 210 What features of the mini-catalase allene oxide-synthase (AOS) are essential for catalysis? Nathan Gilbert, Alan Brash*, Marcia Newcomer Department of Biological Sciences, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 *Vanderbilt School of Medicine Modest differences in the heme environments of allene oxide synthase (AOS) and catalase lead to significantly different enzyme chemistries. There are three possible factors that may contribute to fundamental differences in catalytic mechanisms: the heme environment, heme conformation, and the nature of the substrate and its fit into the binding site. As part of an effort to understand how similar heme environments provide distinct catalytic activities, structural and functional studies on various mutant forms of AOS designed to test theories of catalytic mechanism are underway. We have initially focused on the fact that despite an open cavity that cannot exclude the approach of H2O2 to the heme, AOS does not have catalase activity, nor is it rapidly deactivated by hydrogen peroxide. We have proposed that the fact that the distal His (H66) is H-bonded to both T66 (an invariant Val in catalase) and N137 protects an otherwise highly accessible heme. The prediction is then that a T66V mutation will open up the active site to pseudo-substrates. Indeed, a T66V mutation confers some catalase activity, albeit at a rate greatly reduced with respect to catalase. A structure of this mutation is necessary in order to fully understand its consequences and we have screened crystals for AOS:T66V at CAMD. So far crystal quality has been a problem. 211 Crystal structure of the GAP-related domain of human IQGAP1 Jessica Ricks, Vinodh Kurella and David K. Worthylake Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, LSU Health Sciences Center, 1901 Perdido St., Room 7101, New Orleans, LA 70112 Phone (504) 568-4733 E-mail [email protected] IQGAP1 is a widely expressed 190kD molecular scaffold that has an important role in cell adhesion and cell motility. IQGAP1 possesses at least six distinct interaction domains including isoleucine and glutamine rich repeats (IQ) and a region of high sequence homology (16.9% identity, 45% similarity) to the GTPase-activating domain of p120RasGAP. IQGAP1 has been shown to bind to numerous proteins including F-actin, calmodulin, Erk2, CLIP-170, β-catenin, E-cadherin, APC, and the Rho-family small GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1. However, despite possessing a GAP-related domain (GRD), IQGAP1 has not been shown to accelerate the hydrolysis of GTP on any small GTPase. Instead, binding of Cdc42 or Rac1 to a region of IQGAP1 that includes the GRD significantly stabilizes the activated forms of Cdc42 and Rac1 in vitro. Furthermore, over-expression of IQGAP1 has been shown to increase the amount of activated Cdc42 in vivo. These results are consistent with a role for IQGAP1 as either a novel Cdc42 (or Rac1) effector, or as a newly discovered guanine nucleotide exchange factor (activator) for Cdc42 (or Rac1). To better understand the role of the GRD in IQGAP1 function, we have crystallized a 43kD fragment of IQGAP1 that encompasses the GRD. Preliminary diffraction studies at the PX beamline at CAMD demonstrated ≈2.5Å diffraction for a cryo-protected, native GRD crystal. A full native data set for this crystal was not pursued because of poor spot shape and split reflections. Since the GRD construct used contains 10 methionine residues, prior to our trip to CAMD we prepared and cryo-protected several seleno-methionine substituted crystals. Although these crystals were much smaller, they diffracted X-rays to approximately 3.0Å. An X-ray fluorescence experiment indicated that the crystals do indeed contain selenium. It was then decided to collect as much of a multi-wavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) data set as possible prior to the next beam fill. We collected complete data for the "peak" wavelength and ≈1/2 of the data for the inflection point wavelength. Analysis of a portion of the peak wavelength data indicated that the crystals belong to space group P212121 with cell parameters consistent with one GRD molecule per asymmetric unit. Although we have been significantly delayed by the recent local events, we anticipate that this project will be quite straight-forward and should be completed soon. In the next few months we will attempt to utilize the data already obtained at CAMD to acquire initial phasing for the GRD. We are already in the process of preparing more GRD crystals (native and SeMet) in order to acquire a more complete, higher resolution MAD data set, and a high resolution native data set for refinement purposes. Information acquired during our visit to CAMD was utilized in a Louisiana Board of Regents RCS grant application submitted November 1st, 2005. 212 Structural Study of a Multifunctional Triterpene/Flavonoid Glycosyltransferase from Medicago truncatula Hui Shao, Xianzhi He, Lahoucine Achnine, Jack W. Blount, Richard A. Dixon, and Xiaoqiang Wang Plant Biology Division, Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation 2510 Sam Noble Parkway, Ardmore, OK 73401 E-mail: [email protected] Glycosylation is a ubiquitous reaction controlling the bioactivity and storage of plant natural products. Glycosylation of small molecules is catalyzed by a superfamily of glycosyltransferases (GTs) in most plant species studied to date. The crystal structure of the uridine diphosphate (UDP) flavonoid/triterpene glycosyltransferase UGT71G1 from Medicago truncatula bound with a UDP molecule was determined using the multiwavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) method. A 2.4Å MAD data set from a SeMet derivative crystal, using three wavelengths, was collected at the GCPCC beamline at the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD, Louisiana State University) using a MAR CCD detector. The structure of UGT71G1 consists of two Nand C-terminal domains with similar Rossmann-type folds. The N-terminal domain contains a central seven-stranded parallel β sheet flanked by eight α helices on both sides, and a small two-stranded β sheet. The C-terminal domain contains a six-stranded β sheet flanked by eight α helices. The two domains pack very tightly and form a deep cleft with a UDP molecule bound. The structure reveals the key residues involved in recognition of donor substrate, and, by comparison with other GT structures, suggests histidine 22 as the catalytic base and aspartate 121 as a key residue which may assist deprotonation of the acceptor by forming an electron transfer chain with the catalytic base. Mutagenesis confirmed the roles of these key residues in donor substrate binding and enzyme activity. Our results provide an initial structural basis for understanding the complex substrate- and regiospecificities underlying glycosylation of plant natural products and other small molecules. This information will direct future attempts to engineer bioactive compounds in crop plants for improving plant, animal and human health, and facilitate the rational design of GTs to improve the storage and stability of novel engineered bioactives. This work was supported by National Science Foundation grant 0416883 and the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation. 213 X-ray Diffraction of the Protease Domain of NSP2 from Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Andrew T. Russo, Stanley Watowich Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Sealy Center for Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston Texas 77555 Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) is a significant cause of human illness in Central and South America, with outbreaks occasionally reaching as far as southern Texas. Human epidemics have occurred as recently as 1995 in Venezuela and Colombia, with widespread illness and mortality rates of ~1% (Weaver, S.C., et al., 1996). Several nations , including the USA and the former Soviet union have developed VEEV in a weaponized form and may have stockpiles of this weapon (Bronze, M.S., et al., 2002). There is currently no specific treatment for VEEV infection and the vaccine strain TC-83 provides incomplete protection (Weaver, S.C., et al., 1999). The proteolytic processing of the VEEV replication complex by NSP2 is essential for viral replication, making NSP2 an attractive target for development of antiviral drugs to treat VEEV infection. To date, there is no structural information available on NSP2 from VEE or any related alphavirus. Availability of a structure for the protease domain of VEEV NSP2 would be of great use in the drug discovery process. We have crystallized the C-terminal protease domain of VEEV NSP2 (NSP2pro) and have collected a full native dataset on the PX beamline at CAMD. 214 Microfabrication CAMD Staff Reports on Internal Projects 215 Development of a Gas Chromatographic Analytical Instrument for Ultra-Fast Chemical Analysis Editors: Abhinav Bhushan, Dawit Yemane, Khalef Hosany, Chetan Ramesh, Edward Overton Co-workers: Jost Goettert, Michael Murphy Supported by a grant from DARPA Project Summary The current effort is geared towards building a very small, fast, and reliable gas chromatographic instrumentation [1] to detect chemical agents in the battlefield. The project, Micro Gas Analyzers, is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), MTO Office, of the U.S. Department of Defense. The final goal of the program is to develop a complete, miniaturized GC instrument which has a volume of 2 cm3, can detect analytes down to ppt concentrations in less than 4 seconds with a peak capacity of 1200, and consume 1 J of power. LSU is partner in this project led by Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque. Due to the complexity of the sensor, the project has multi-dimensional performance metrics (milestones) and the tasks are spread over three 18-month phases. For phase I, the metrics focused on the performance of individual components namely, the column and the pre-concentrator. The specific milestones were: separation of four analytes and four interferrents (ranging from C4-C20) in less than 4 seconds, a demonstrated peak capacity of 20, and a pre-concentrator gain of 1000. In addition to the components, the sensor will have innovative engineering solutions to provide on-chip hydrogen manufacturing capability and intelligent electrical and thermal power management important for further integration towards a complete sensor device. During the last year, the milestones for the project were successfully accomplished (see Fig. 1 for the 4 sec separation milestone). Initial separation was demonstrated using a 100 µm diameter, 0.75 m long, silica column with a 0.1 µm thick stationary phase. In order to improve separation temperature programming with a rate of 300ºC/sec was employed. Further improvement is expected by using a LiGA fabricated separation column currently fabricated at CAMD. For various performance reasons, the column should have high aspect ratio fluidic channels with a very narrow width. They should also be made out of a material which has good thermal conductivity (Nickel) and can withstand temperatures of up to 300º C. The current columns are 0.5 - 1 m long, 50 µm wide, and 650 µm tall. Fabrication The GC columns were fabricated using the LiGA process. An X-ray mask was fabricated on a silicon nitride membrane. The devices from this mask have better sidewall quality than those from a mask on a graphite membrane. Following the column fabrication process outlined in Fig. 2, a fabrication yield of 85% and more has been achieved. An SEM cross-section of the sealed columns is shown in Fig. 3. 216 Peak capacity >40, b.p. range = 90 – 228 ºCin <4 sec 3-methylhexane 1,6-dichlorohexane n-dodecane 1-decanol Solvent DMMP DEMP DIMP Toluene Fig. 1: Separation of 4 analytes and 4 interferrents in under 4 seconds using the microFast GC developed by Analytical Specialists, Inc. The experimental setup to test the column performance is shown in Fig. 4. Stainless steel capillaries with o.d. of 0.016” and i.d. of 0.010” were glued or silver soldered to the openings in the sealed GC. The carrier gas and the sample were injected at port A and collected at port D, which was connected to a Flame Ionization Detector (FID). The detector response was measured using a Keithley 6517A Electrometer (Keithley, Cleveland, OH), collected at 125 Samples/sec using an A/D board and displayed on a PC. A continuous flow of the hydrogen carrier gas at the vent carried away the gases remaining after injection. To inject a sharp sample plug, the vent was closed just prior to injecting the sample into the column and opened immediately to allow the excess gas to flow out. At port C, hydrogen was used to sweep the sample through to the detector. Sealing was checked by measuring the pressure-flow characteristics and observing dispersion in a methane plug through the column. The inlet head pressure was varied from 20-55 psi, with the outlet at atmospheric pressure. With a 30 psi inlet pressure, peak widths ranging from 15-30 ms were obtained with a column dead time of 200 ms for the 0.5 m column and 1 s for the 2 m column. The sharp peaks of methane obtained indicate that there was no flow across the column tops. Fig. 5 shows the comparison between theoretical and experimental peak width at half height for a 650 µm tall, 2 m long, column. The graph suggests that the serpentine turns in the column do not contribute significantly to the dispersion in the sample plug. Phase coating of nickel GC columns In order for the LiGA fabricated column to act as a GC separation column, the column walls have to be coated with a thin organic layer known as stationary phase. Molecules of different vapors in the sample diffuse in and out the stationary phase and separate based upon their relative boiling points. An important factor affecting the separation efficiency is the phase thickness and the thickness uniformity. For fast separation a thin and uniform coating is preferred. While coating on circular capillary columns has been commercialized over the past 50 years or so, coating on rectangular cross section columns has not been studied and comes with its own issues. There are two main factors to be investigated: 1) adhesion of the 217 X-rays k Step 1: Expose PMMA on a Si substrate Step 2: Develop exposed PMMA Fig. 3: SEM image of the cross-section of the sealed column Make up gas for detector Step 3: Electroplate nickel and polish C Detector D A B Sealed µ-column Sample injection loop Step 4: Etch substrate, cover bottom side Step 5: Heat to remove the PMMA Fig. 2: Schematic for the column fabrication process using the LIGA process Fig. 4: Experimental setup for testing the columns liquid film to the metal columns and 2) pooling of the liquid in the corners of the microfabricated rectangular columns [2]. 25 Furthermore, uniform coating of metal 20 capillary columns is challenging because of the presence of a large number of active sites 15 on the surface. 10 The pooling results in an uneven stationary 5 phase layer which causes excessive peak 0 broadening. Based on the experience with 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 capillary coating and to meet the Pressure (psig) Theoretical C 700 C 800 requirements for separation times of less Fig. 5: Variation of peak width at half height than 10 seconds the stationary phase film with inlet pressure for a 2m column and should be on the order of 0.1 µm, comparison with theoretical values homogenously spread over the column’s inner surface with minimum or no pooling. The columns were coated by static coating, where the stationary phase is dissolved in a solvent and is filled into the column with one end closed. As the solvent evaporates under vacuum, it leaves a thin coating on the walls of the column. Peak width (ms) 30 218 butane, pentane, and hexane) on a 2m long, 50 µm wide, 500 µm tall coated microfabricated column. C8, C10, C12) on a 0.5m long, 50 µm wide, 600 µm tall coated microfabricated column. Fig. 6 shows the separation of four straight-chain hydrocarbons on a 2 m coated column. Fig. 7 shows the separation of four other compounds on a 0.5 m coated column. While separation time is only a few seconds the quality of separation indicates the need to further improve column coating. Future work Both partners successfully met the performance milestones for individual components and will focus on integrating them in the phase II of the MGA project. In particular integration of sample pre-concentrator with the column, adding the detector and amplifier electronics, and building a user-friendly test platform allowing for systematic studies of column coatings and optimized temperature programming will be main efforts on our way to meet the phase II milestones. References: 1) A. Bhushan, D. Yemane, D. Trudell, E. B. Overton, and J. Goettert, “Fabrication of micro-gas chromatograph columns for fast chromatography”, accepted at Microsystem Technologies 2) Sumpter, RS and Lee ML (1991), “Enhanced radial dispersion in open tubular column chromatography”, J. Microcol. Sep., v 3, pp 91-113 219 Development of a micro gas chromatography column in SU-8 Editor: Sebastian Mammitzsch Co-worker: Abhinav Bhushan, Dawit Yemane, Ed Overton, Jost Goettert Supported by DARPA Introduction This research was topic of a master thesis and focused on developing a multi-layer SU-8 process to fabricate narrow-bore column for fast, high separation gas chromatography applications.i The GC column consists of a 2m long serpentine channel structure with a rectangular cross section of 600µm x 50µm covering an area of approximately 2 x 4 cm2. The column surface has to be covered with a thin, uniform layer, so-called stationary phase that will allow separation of a sample mixture into its components because of different diffusion properties of the individual components into the phase material. The high aspect ratio (HAR) of 12:1 provides a large cross section area with relatively low flow resistance and large sample volume. The narrow width ensures good interaction with the phase material and appropriate separation. Consequently, a relatively large sample volume is passing through the column resulting in a sharp peak measured by a column terminating detector. Fabrication The HAR column cross section together with the large footprint required many systematic studies and process modification of the standard SU-8 process, and also used a combination of optical and x-ray lithography for patterning. The three necessary SU-8 layers were fabricated with three different techniques briefly described here. For more details please refer to the master thesis.ii The 300 µm thick bottom layer was applied onto a thick PMMA substrate and structured using standard SU-8 UV lithography. The choice of a ½” thick PMMA substrate was necessary to allow low stress patterning of multiple layers throughout several exposure as well as pre-and post bake steps. The 600 µm thick SU-8 structure layer containing the actual column design was applied on the undeveloped bottom layer in two steps and structured by x-ray lithography. Bottom and structure layer were developed simultaneously after completing the post exposure bake. It should be mentioned that flycutting was employed to precisely adjust the height and flatness of the different levels as well as to optimize the surface roughness. The third layer was produced using a modified flexible semi-solid transfer technique. In this step a 100 µm thick SU-8 layer was spin coated onto a 50 µm thick PEEK foil, partially flood exposed and dried for approximately 10 min. The open column was then gently pressed into the semi-soft SU-8 layer without clogging the channels and baked. The process was completed by removing the PEEK foil, flood exposing all SU-8 layers, and a final post exposure bake. Optionally, the PMMA substrate could be removed resulting in a free standing column. Connection of the columns to gas supply and sample gas was obtained through stainless steel tubes. These tubes were fixed and sealed into the open column using SU-8 100 as glue. Fig. 1 illustrates the assembled three layer column and also shows a cross section of the built device demonstrating that the GC column was successfully structured using the process described above. 220 SU-8 cap SU-8 channel structures stainless steel tube SU-8 base Fig. 1: Schematic cross section of the column (left) and cross-sectional image of the fabricated column in SU-8 (right). Results Fig. 2 shows a SU-8 micro column after process completion including the connecting steel tubes. Preliminary flow tests using hydrogen as carrier gas and sample plugs from methane and butane showed transition times of approximately 1 s (see Fig. 3) for the unretained peak and are comparable with similar measurements of nickel structure.iii A peak width of approximately 25 ms will allow a good separation of a multiple component mixture after coating the column with the appropriate stationary phase. peak width: 25 ms Fig. 2: SU-8 micro column released from Fig. 3: Flow measurements of unretained PMMA substrate and ready for methane gas plugs. measurements. References 1. See also A. Bhushan; “Development of a Gas Chromatographic Analytical Instrument for Ultra-Fast Chemical Analysis” CAMD Annual Report 2005. 2. Sebastian Mammitzsch: “Development of a micro gas chromatography column in SU8,” Master Thesis Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen, Germany 2005. 3. A. Bhushan et. al.; “Fabrication of Micro-Gas Chromatograph Columns for Fast Chromatography,” Proc/HARMST2005, Geongju, Korea, June 2005. 221 Bio-Magnetics Interfacing Concepts: A Microfluidic System using Magnetic Nanoparticles for Quantitative Detection of Biological Species CAMD BioMagnetICs Team, PIs: J. F. Hormes, J. Goettert Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices Louisiana State University 6980 Jefferson Hwy. Baton Rouge, LA70806 DARPA – Project MDA972-03-C-0100 SUMMARY Continuing last year’s efforts6 the BioMag team has focused this year on three main aspects of the project: (1) Miniaturized microfluidic/magnetic chips and fluidic handling system for controlling fluidic flow, (2) Probing of GMR sensors using a dry bead probes, and (3) continuous development of bio-surfaces compatible with the sensor design. The next chapters summarize the main results of last year’s work and will also briefly discuss the next efforts. Additional efforts focusing on synthesis of magnetic nanoparticle and bio-functioning of these particles is reported in contributions by Challa Kumar elsewhere in CAMD’s annual report 2005. The various efforts in the past year have demonstrated the need for a multidisciplinary research team to address the many aspects of the GMR BioSensor development. Progress in some key areas especially related to integrating microfluidics with GMR sensors and bio-surface research has matured and allows precise fluid control required for bio-protocols. However, overall system integration is still a task to be completed and will require substantial efforts from the group for the remainder of the project. 6 J. Hormes et. al.:” Bio-Magnetics Interfacing Concepts: A Microfluidic System using Magnetic Nanoparticles for Quantitative Detection of Biological Species”, CAMD Annual Report 2004. 222 An Approach for GMR Sensor Packaging and Dry Calibration Editor: Min Zhang Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD), Louisiana State University 6980 Jefferson Hwy, Baton Rouge, LA 70806, USA A GMR (Giant Magneto Resistive) sensor is a highly sensitive micron-sized magnetic field sensing element, whose resistance changes in response to an external magnetic stray field. Its recent applications in biology and biomedicine emphasize the use of GMR materials as biosensors to detect the presence as well as the concentration of biomolecules, which were bounded to superparamagnetic particles. The purpose of this work is to establish a standard GMR sensor packaging and a sensitivity calibration protocol to get the relationship between the magnitude of GMR signals and the number of bound particles. A standard DIP IC chip carrier packaging and superparamagnetic particle embedded microprobes (SPEM) were realized, and standard calibration protocols were established. The proposed method has four major advantages: modular approach, a precisely controlled number of mostly single-layered particles on a microprobe, pristine GMR surface after calibration, and mass fabrication. The GMR sensor packaging was realized firstly by the wafer-scale microfluidic packaging, followed by wafer dicing and wire-bonding of the die to a DIP IC chip carrier (Fig. 1). Fig. 1: GMR sensor glued and wire bonded to a standard IC chip carrier. The use of standard IC chip carrier promises benefits in terms of ease of interconnect and costs over the NVE ‘diving board’ solution, which is a custom-made design. However, further research is underway to integrate a fluidic connector onto the chip carrier required for the GMR sensor applications. 223 Dry calibration of GMR sensors The purpose of this work is to establish a standard sensitivity calibration protocol for GMR (Giant MagnetoResistive) spin valve sensors using superparamagnetic particle embedded microprobes (SPEM). Comparing to other calibration methods, such as the use of MFM (Magnetic Force Microscope)7, sealed fluidic flow cells8, and current lines9, the proposed SPEM method has four major advantages: no magnetic background, a precisely controlled number of particles generates the signal, pristine GMR surface after calibration, and mass fabrication. The SPEM is made from a glass cantilever (Polymicro Technology®) and a SU-8 cylinder post (Microchem®). The superparamagnetic particles are embedded on the bottom surface of the SU-8 post. The probe tips were fabricated with diameters from 50µm to 200µm and a height of 500µm. Two fabricated microprobes in Figs. 2. Glass capillary Tip with bead layer Figs. 2: Examples of microfabricated probes with circular (left) and rectangular (right) cross-section. For experiments the probe is mounted to a xyz-stage and carefully positioned relative to the GMR surface. By bringing the probe close to the GMR surface GMR responses can be measured. Initial sensor testing includes moving the probe up and down relative to the GMR surface and monitoring the sensor output (Fig. 3). Optimization of the sensor operating parameters (amplification, current) can also be done in this configuration. Fig. 4 illustrates the sensor response as a function of probe distance for a fixed setup. As can be seen reasonable signals can be measured up to a distance of 100µm from the surface for a full coverage probe. By using probes with different numbers of superparamagnetic particles sensor response as a function of number of beads has been measured as shown in Fig. 5. These results indicate that the limit of detection for this particular sensor was approx. 40-50 beads (Ø=2.8µm). In Fig. 6 measurements of GMR sensors with different active areas were conducted showing that higher signals are measured for smaller sensor areas. 7 H. Brückl, “Magnetoresistive logic and biochip”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., vol. 282, p. 219, 2004. R.L. Edelstein, “The BARC biosensor applied to the detection of biological warfare agents”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 14, p. 805–813, 2000. 9 D.L. Graham, “Single magnetic microsphere placement and detection on-chip using current line designs with integrated spin valve sensors: Biotechnological applications”, J. of Appl. Phys., vol. 91, nr. 10, p. 7786–7788, 2002. 8 224 Signal of Full Coverage Probe on 50um sensor -2.5 85 95 105 115 125 -3 GMR sensor signal for alternating probe positions relative to the GMR surface. -3.5 Volt Fig. 3: -4 -4.5 -5 Time (sec) 350 5 % S p in V a lv e (2 0 k O h m ) u n d e r 2 0 G a u s s fie ld & 1 m A b ia s in g c u r r e n t 300 Fig. 4: Output (mV) 250 GMR sensor signal as a function of probe distance to the GMR surface. 200 150 100 50 0 -5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 D is t a n c e fr o m S e n s o r S u r fa c e ( u m ) Fig. 5: GMR sensor signal as a function of probes with different number of magnetic beads. Sensor output (m V) Sensor Size vs Sensor Signal (10k Amplification) Fig. 6: 1000 800 600 400 200 0 GMR sensor signals from different size sensor for a full coverage probe. 0 50 100 150 200 250 Square sensor dimension In conclusion these preliminary experiments demonstrate the possibilities of the SPEM experiments to support GMR sensor research within the BioMag project. It will be used as a tool in our ongoing research to characterize and optimize the GMR sensor performance. 225 Fluidic Handling System Editor: Jens Hammacher Co-worker: Proyag Datta, Jost Goettert, Changgeng Liu, Mark Pease Fluidic handling is critical for good and reliable results in a microfluidic sensor system. Precisely controlling fluid flow rate and volume leads to small dead volume, short reaction times and low space consumption in the entire system. For the BioMag project the fluid handling system will control fluid delivery to and from the actual sensor volume and is important to execute complex bio-chemical protocols. The idea was to buy off the shelf components and integrate them into the GMR sensor platform. First of all we tested very small micro fabricated pumps from Bartels 10 Mikrotechnik (Germany). The pump and the controller are shown in Fig.1. The pump consists of a 1.4 mm square plastic case with two nozzles. One nozzle is the inlet and the other the outlet. A piezo membrane acts as an actuator. The pumping operation of the membrane is depending on the waveform, the Fig.1: Bartels micropump and controller. amplitude, and the frequency of the driving voltage signal. Typical flow rates are shown in Fig. 2 as a function of the controller setting. While overall the pumps meet our requirements of small size, ease of operation and easy integration into the overall sensor, experiments with different pumps and multiple tests with one pump proved that the reliability and uniformity cannot meet the stringent needs for the sensor applications. For example different pumps, represented by different colors in Fig. 2, had up to a factor of 4 different flow rates for similar operating conditions. Also, repeatability was not as good as expected indicated by graphs in the same color measured in subsequent runs. Fig. 2: Measured flow rates for different controller settings and different but nominally identical pumps. Due to the limited success in using commercially available micropumps we decided to change pumping concept. Instead of pressing fluid into the channels using a pump a vacuum driven system was proposed in which a vacuum pump us sucking the liquid 10 More details about the pump are available from the Bartels webpage at 226 through the channels (see Fig. 3). Flow regulation is achieved by using valves to connect the pump to the fluid channels and open/close individual reservoirs, too. An additional advantage of this concept is that fluid leakage was minimized or completely avoided by having an under pressure in the fluidic channels. The system consists of a number of reservoirs (up to 4), active pinch valves (BioChem, Fig. 4), and a waste reservoir to which a vacuum pump (Sensidyne, Fig. 5) is connected. The flow is regulated by squeezing the tubing and creating backpressure. The reservoirs are made of single use syringes, which are interconnected by Luer lock connectors with the silicone tubing. The tubing is hooked up to the fluidic block using connectors from ThinXXS.11 A picture of the assembled system is shown in Fig. 6. Fig.3: Reservoir 1 Reservoir 2 Reservoir 3 Waste Reservoir Schematic of the vacuum driven fluidic handling system. Fluidic Interface Block Reservoir 4 Vacuum Pump Flow Regulator BioChem Pinch Valve Fig. 4: Pinch valves from BioChem. ( Fig. 5: Small vacuum pump from Sensidyne. ( 11 More details on microfluidic solutions from ThinXXS is available from their webpage at 227 Reservoirs Valves Fluidic block Pump Controller Fig.6: Fluidic handling system. The current system is push button controlled through a custom made electronic box operating pump and valves. By pushing one of the buttons, the corresponding valve will be opened and the fluid from this reservoir will be sucked out. By creating backpressure in the system (squeeze tubing with a bolt and a nut, use a tubing with smaller diameter, etc.) the flow rate can be adjusted and controlled. A test series, where the backpressure is created by adding tubing with a smaller diameter (0.008” ID) has been made. These experiments have been done with two different vacuum pumps. The results are shown in Fig. 7, left. On the right of Fig. 7 repeatability of flow rate measurements are shown for multiple measurements with one pump and fixed parameters indicating that this system is useful for the ongoing research with adjustable flow rates ranging from µl/min to ml/min. Length of adjusting tube [mm]] 40 stability of the flowrate 35 0.4 flowrate in ml/min 30 25 20 15 10 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 5 100 200 300 time in s 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Flow Rate [ml/min] Fig.7: Flow rate measurements for different backpressure (left) and repeatability of measurement for one fixed setup. 228 Modular Vertical Fluidic Stack Editors: Jens Hammacher, Proyag Datta, Jost Goettert Co-worker: Jason Guy A number of Life-Science applications will benefit from the advantages of using dedicated micro-fluidic chips performing discrete functions. Combining a number of simple chips in a compact format will offer maximum flexibility and optimized functionality and will enable systematic research on complex biological systems. Ongoing research at CAMD proposes basic fluidic chips for simple tasks such as mixing or splitting of fluids and well-defined micro-micro and micro-macro interfaces. Combination of multiple chips can be achieved using passive alignment strategies an will enable customers to build dedicated modules for specific tasks. The customer will take advantage of already existing chips and can flexibly add new designs that will offer advanced solutions for BioMEMS research and applications. The vertical fluidic stack is also providing well-defined interfaces to existing laboratory equipment such as optical fluorescence microscopes and electrical circuits offering a universal research platform. The stack consists of several fluidic chips in standard glass slide format (1” x 3”) with a large variety of basic fluidic functions including mixer, splitter, reservoirs, and interconnects. A simple macro micro interface with off the shelf fluidic and electrical interconnections enables user friendly handling and operation. Each slide design is custom made, but the interconnections are standardized. This allows small fluidic pathways within and between several layers, which results in minimum dead volume and lower cost in expensive chemicals. Fig. 1 shows the concept of the fluidic stack. The left picture shows a complete fluidic stack with several functional layers. The right picture illustrates the standardized interconnection layer chip with slots for off the shelf electrical and fluidic connectors. Fluidic connectors Electrical connectors Alignment marks Fig. 1: Schematic of the fluidic stack. Depending upon design, minimum feature and material choice, fabrication of microfluidic chips and of the stacks employ a combination of precision micromachining (CNC 229 milling) to manufacture a custom made mold insert (large scale, multi-level) and polymer LiGA MEMS fabrication (hot embossing) to replicate the fluidic chips. This combination allows both rapid fabrication of prototypes and small scale series production of chips for testing and optimization purposes. If needed, CNC machined mold inserts can also be replaced by LiGA mold inserts or mold inserts that use a combination of both fabrication techniques. An example for a CNC mold insert is shown in Fig. 2. This mold insert is used for fabrication the interconnection layer chip with the fluidic and electrical ports. The special design on this mold insert is a two level structure, which allows 3D molding (Fig.3) of the inlet ports. Fig.2: CNC milled mold insert Fig.3: Conical 3D structure on mold insert This design allows using a broad range of polymer materials. The plastic is placed under the mold insert and by using force and pressure the chips are embossed. A selection of chips is shown in Fig.4. For comparison a glass slide is shown on the left slide. The mid left slide is the interconnection layer chip and the both chips to the right side are basic fluidic structures made in different thickness of polymer material. Prior to stacking the chips together an appropriate sealing approach has to be considered. Fig.4: Custom made fluidic chips. Fig.5: CAMD demonstrator chip combining various basic fluidic structures with the interface chip. At this time different solutions including thermal bonding (permanent), gluing (permanent), and soft gaskets (latex rubber, PDMS, temporary) are investigated and will 230 be selected depending upon the customer’s need. A thermal bonding solution is shown in Fig.5. In conclusion initial results of the newly developed vertical stack concept prove to be of interested for a number projects in BioMEMS, BioSensor, and Life Science applications. It also generated some interest for potential users. Two internal applications at CAMD, use of custom-made polymer micro-fluidic chips (LabWare) for bio-surface research (see Fig. 6) and development platform for microfluidic research within the BioMAG project illustrates the usefulness of the concept but also indicates that more systematic studies are needed including optimization of passive alignment and sealing of adjacent chips. Fig. 6: The picture displays custom made chips (LabWare) for bio-surface research. 231 CAMD Fluidic Cartridge and Electronic – a R&D Platform for Systematic Studies of the GMR Sensor Editor: Jost Goettert Task leaders: Mark Pease, Rusty Louis Co-worker: Proyag Datta, Jens Hammacher In order to enable systematic studies of bio-functionalized GMR sensors the NVE electronic board with CAMD fluidic connector, which has been developed in 2004 (for details see CAMD Annual Report 2004 contribution by J. Hormes et. al.:” Bio-Magnetics Interfacing Concepts: A Microfluidic System using Magnetic Nanoparticles for Quantitative Detection of Biological Species”) needed to be replaced with an open, more versatile and easily accessible system. Led by Mark and Rusty a team of researchers has developed the CAMD cartridge with the so-called Dagger board fluid to meet these needs. The NVE diving board fits exactly into the cartridge (Fig.1). The block consists of two parts, which have slots on each side to accommodate Helmholtz coils required for the excitation field. The lower part has a slot which holds the diving board with the mounted GMR sensor (Fig. 2) and the top block has a slot for the Dagger board (Fig. 3). Both blocks are aligned and fixed using nuts and bolts. The Dagger board is pressed down onto the GMR sensor using a Silicone gasket to seal it. Screws will fix it temporary for the experiment. After assembly (Fig. 4) the system is placed in a shielded electronic box (Fig.5) and electrically connected. Fig.1: Schematic of the CAMD cartridge. Fig.2: GMR on diving board attached to lower part of the block with magnetic coils. The system is now ready for measurements. Fig. 6 shows the flow of a colored liquid through the Dagger board and across the GMR sensor. 232 Interface reservoir Interface microfluidic 6 mm Dagger Board Fig.3: Dagger board. Fig.4: Assembled and connected CAMD cartridge. Fig.5: Cartridge electrically connected. Fig.6: Fluid flowing to the GMR sensor through the Dagger board. The CAMD electronic data collection box is developed to be a stand alone device. The box possesses an enhanced noise shielding. A copper shield around the sensor electronic allows low noise measurements. For calibration and testing purposes, electronic equipment (power supply for magnetic coils, data acquisition hardware, amplifier, battery source) is connected to the box as illustrated in Fig. 7. This modular setup offers maximum flexibility needed for the initial experiments but to be replaced with a PCB based version at a later phase of the project. The Helmholtz coils are energized with a very stable current source to provide a homogenous excitation field. The superparamagnetic beads are magnetized by this field and induce the stray field that causes the GMR resistance to change delivering the sensor signal. User friendly software and data acquisition allows automatic testing protocols and systematic studies of sensor parameters. For calibration purposes the user can quickly scan multiple excitation fields and calculate the optimum field. The software continuously collects data and allows export to other software packages for further evaluation. One example is displayed in Fig. 8 showing the noise signal from the entire system measured for an extended time period to verify long term stability. 233 Fig. 7: Electronic equipment needed to Fig. 8: Long-term noise measurement control and collect GMR sensor data. illustrating the system stability. In conclusion the CAMD cartridge provides a user-friendly test platform for GMR sensors mounted onto NVE’s diving board. Systematic studies should that the performance is comparable with the more compact NVE electronic board and more suitable for the needs of investigating bio-functionalized GMR surfaces, which are studies to be conducted in the near future. 234 Development of an injection micromixer for vertically integrating into biochemical microfluidic systems Editor: Changgeng Liu ABSTRACT This research was focused on designing, fabricating and testing a modular polymerbased injection micromixer prototype. This micromixer can easily be integrated into the GMR sensor system and is also compatible with vertical stack concept. This presentation is addressing some basic aspects of the mixer design related to mixing efficiency. INTRODUCTION Microfluidic systems have been widely applied in biochemical, biological and chemical analysis for their potentials and advantages: small amounts of sample and reagent, less time consumption, lower cost and high throughput. Besides the micropump, the micromixer is another important component in a microfluidic system or a micro-TAS. Mixing on the microscale relies mainly on diffusion due to the laminar behavior at low Reynolds numbers. Various efforts have been made to improve the mixing process by introducing geometric irregularities in fluidic channels to create localized eddies and turbulences. Also there are some good reviews to summarize the history of micromixer and their applications there is only little research reported to directly integrate the micromixer into a complex microfluidic system. DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF A PMMA INJECTION MIXER The average diffusion time τ over a relevant mixing path d is given as: τ= d2 2D (1) where D represents diffusion coefficient of solutions. Equation (1) shows that the diffusion time or the mixing time is proportional to the square of the mixing path. So the smaller mixing channel feature sizes, the faster becomes the mixing process. Suppose two water-based liquids are to be mixed in a 100 µm wide channel, and the diffusivity is 2.4 × 10-5 cm2/s. According to Equation (1), the required mixing time is more than 2 seconds. However, by splitting one stream into many substreams through injection nozzles, an injection mixer with only 28 injection nozzles can mix the two liquids in less than 3 milliseconds as long as the layout of the injection nozzles is optimized. An injection mixer depicted in Fig. 1 includes two inlets, micronozzles, and a mixing chamber. In this injection mixer, all micronozzles were arranged symmetrically. b a Outlet Inlets Mixing chamber Nozzles Fig. 1: 2D layout of micronozzles and 3D schematic model of an injection mixer. 235 By using Coventor software, the performance of the injection mixer has been simulated. The width and depth of the channels are 100 µm and 200 µm, respectively. The mixing chamber is 600 µm in width and 800 µm in length. There are 28 injection nozzles with the diameter of 20 µm. The flow rate of both liquids is 10 µL/s, and diffusivity is 2.4 × 10-5 cm2/s. The contour and profile of the concentrations of two liquids at the outlet of the mixing chamber was plotted in Fig. 2. Fig. 2: Contour and profile of the concentrations of two fluids in a mixer (channel width: 100 µm; channel depth: 100 µm. 28 nozzles with diameter of 20 µm; flow rate of each fluid: 10 µL/s; Diffusivity: 2.4 × 10-5 cm2/s) From the numerical results, along the cross section at the outlet of the mixing chamber the concentrations of two liquids were narrowed down from 0.3 to 0.7. In fact, regular arrangement of micronozzles as shown in Fig. 2 is not an efficient layout. From the contour of the concentrations of two fluids, there are several substreams along the direction of the axis of the channel merged together, which degraded the efficiency of mixing. According to the above analysis and design, a PMMA-based injection mixer was machined as shown in Fig. 3. Inlets with standard connectors Outlet with standard connector Micronozzles & Mixing chamber Fig. 3: Picture of a PMMA-based injection mixer including standard ¼”-28 interface connections. The micronozzles were arranged symmetrically, in parallel with the direction of the channels. A standard connection protocol with ¼”-28 threads was selected. 28 micronozzles with the diameter of 50 µm were fabricated. An experimental system was setup to test the mixer as shown in Fig. 4a. By using two micro diaphragm pumps (MDP 1304, thinXXS corp., 49-6131-6277845), two waterbased red and green liquids were connected to the two inlets of the mixer through the standard connection, a tubing (1478, 1/16 × .008, Upchurch Scientific, 1-360-679-2528), a nut (P-218x, FLANGELESS, SHORT, 1/16 IN, 1/4-28), and a ferrule (P-200Nx, FLANGELESS, 1/16 IN). By adjusting the driving frequencies of the two pumps, the flow rates of the two liquids can be controlled separately. A microscope with a camera was used to monitor the status of mixing. 236 Fig. 4b demonstrated the picture of experimental results. Because of the regular arrangement of the micronozzles, two major substreams of the liquid injected from the micronozzles were detected, which coincided with the numerical results and which can be improved by using randomly distributed nozzles. Micropump & control unit a Microscope with a camera Two water-based red & green liquids Injection mixer b Fig. 4: Experimental setup and pictures of mixing of two water-based red and green fluids (a: Experimental setup; b: pictures of the testing of the injection mixer). In the future this PMMA-based injection mixer is ready to be integrated into the vertical-stacked fluidic as illustrated in Fig. 5. Macro-micro interfaces Injection mixer (Developed in this paper) Cartridge Pre-concentrator Micro-micro interfaces Biosensor (GMR with biofunctionalized surface) Fig. 5: Schematic design of the vertical-stacking-type cartridges. 237 Hydro-focusing to focus magnetic beads onto GMR surfaces Editor: Changgeng Liu Besides embedded magnets or conductive wires attracting beads to the GMR surface hydro-focusing is an another alternative solution taking advantage of laminar flow conditions in microfluidic channels. By using SU-8 open channels directly fabricated onto GMR sensor chips, a PDMS cover layer to seal it, and a specially designed fluidic connector to interface with reservoirs, the bead solution will be narrowed by the shear flow and directed down to the surfaces of GMR sensor arrays, where the magnetic beads. The concept of focusing to the surface is illustrated in Figs. 1 for a simple 2D focusing and a more advanced 3D focusing where shear flow will be provided from the top as well as from two sides. a) 2D hydro-focusing b) 3D hydro-focusing Figure 1: Schematics of hydro-focusing the bead solution over to surfaces of GMR sensor arrays. Fig. 2 demonstrated a picture of the cartridge for hydro-focusing magnetic bead solution. Assembly and further experiments are currently conducted. Fig. 2: Picture of a special fluidic connector used for hydro-focusing magnetic bead solution onto GMR sensors mounted onto NVE’s diving board. 238 High-Through-Put Assay Development for GMR Sensor System Editor: Mark Pease Co-workers: Proyag Datta, Tyler Mancil Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806 Assays for the detection of biological molecules must be robust, reliable, and highly reproducible. This often requires that literally thousands of samples must be run before a biological assay is ready for implementation in a real world setting or for use in an instrument GMR Biosensor being developed at CAMD. To achieve this level of through-put, it was necessary to adapt standard immunosandwich biochemistries to the surface of a GMR sensor in such a fashion that the assay could be run in a 384 well format. The electronically active element of the CAMD GMR biosensor is a 1.5 mm x 6.0 mm diced silicon wafer that is coated with SiOx. These “chips” are the substrate for the immuno-sandwich assay and are glued to white acrylic backbone to form a “24 chip comb” (Fig. 1a.). The 24 chip comb in combination with a standard 384 well plate is used to produce all of the surface chemistries as well as conduct the steps of the immunosandwich assay. In short, primary antibodies were immobilized to the surface of the GMR substrate with covalent chemistry utilizing reactive aldhydes on the surface of the substrate and primary amines on the surface of the IgG. Heat killed Salmonella were then captured by the primary antibodies. After washing removes the unbound Salmonella, protein congujates of antibody-horse radish peroxidase (IgG-HRP) were bound to the captured Salmonella. When the immobilized HRP is exposed to luminol substrate (Pierce) a gently blue glow is produced that is recorded on X-ray film (Fig 1b.). Fig. 1c shows the dose response curve for the detection of heat killed Salmonella using this technique. Future work will focus on expanding the number of targets beyond the initial assay for the detection of heat-killed Salmonella. Fig. 1a. Fig. 1b. 239 Fig. 1c. Large Area Multi Level Polymeric Microfluidic Platform for Microchip Electrophoresis Fabricated by Use of the LIGA Process Pradeep Khanal1,2, Yohannes Desta1, Li Zhu2, Proyag Datta1, Jost Goettet1, and Steven Soper2 1 Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD) 2 Center for BioModular Multi-Scale Systems (CBM2) Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana [email protected], 225-578-4618, PRN: ChSS105 Summary Chip-based analysis systems have been shown to have many advantages over their conventional analogues including the improved efficiency with regard to sample size, analysis times, cost, analytical performance, process control, integration, throughput and automation. Microchip electrophoresis, being considered as a scaled-down version of conventional capillary format, is particularly attractive for DNA analysis, for example, in DNA sequencing. Parallelism and read length are the two key parameters for high-throughput DNA sequencing. Previous results on microchips have demonstrated that short channels are impractical for long-read DNA sequencing since the separation resolution scales with the square root of the separation length. In order to achieve long sequencing read length with high-resolution separation efficiency on microchip while still maintaining the compact size of the chip, turns are incorporated in each channel to provide the necessary separation length. However, the introduction of multiple turns may deteriorate the separation efficiency. On the other hand, in order to increase the sample throughput, parallel separation lanes need to be designed and fabricated on a single chip. The small-area wafers put limits on the number of channels that can be incorporated. All of these stimulate the need of fabricating chips with relatively large surface areas, which can easily accommodate longer separation channels and increase the channel capacity. To fabricate microstructures of large area, step and rotate technique was used. A large stainless steel substrate of 6” outer diameter was used as substrate. In order to develop a mold insert with multiple levels, the upper face was machined to two levels- 4.5” diameter central circular part and the outer remaining 1.5” circular region at 75 microns deeper than the former. PMMA was bonded and flycut to 200 microns. A special fixture was designed and built for ‘step and rotate’ exposure at the CAMD XRLM4 beamline. Using a standard 4” X-ray mask and the fixture, the substrate was exposed 4 times with the aid of the alignment marks of 15 microns resolution. The sample was developed and then electroplated with nickel. Two-Level Large Area Mold Insert was hence obtained by polishing and mounting the nickel mold on to the steel substrate. The mold insert was used to hot emboss PMMA sheets and polymer chips with the complex microstructures were obtained. Large Area Mold insert Fact Sheet Tool diameter: Microstructure depth: Critical dimension: Number of channels: 6” multi-level, 80 µm center and 175 µm outer structures 15 µm 16 240 Schematic diagram of the fabrication steps 75 µm (Machined into 2 levels) Stainless Steel Substrate Photo resist (PMMA) X-ray radiation First Exposure X-ray mask Technotrans Plating Station with Rotating Electrode Alignment mark Second, third and fourth exposures Rotate-and-repeat exposure unit Large Format Mold Insert Electroplated Nickel Developed PMMA Machined Nickel Mold Insert (Microstructures) Hot-embossed PMMA chip Design and Fabrication To fabricate microstructures of large area, rotate-and-repeat technique was used. The following steps were undertaken. 1. A large stainless steel substrate of 6” outer diameter was machined. In order to build a mold insert with multi levels, the upper face was machined to two levels- 4.5” diameter central circular part and the outer remaining 1.5” circular region at 75 microns deeper. This is advantageous since it is easier to insert injection tube into taller micro channels. 2. PMMA was bonded and flycut to 200 microns. 241 3. A special exposure unit was developed for ‘rotate-and-repeat’ technique. Using a standard 4” X-ray mask and the exposure unit, the substrate was exposed 4 times with the aid of the alignment marks of 15 microns resolution. 4. Each exposure was followed by the development process. 5. The sample was then electroplated with nickel. 6. Two-level large area mold insert was hence obtained by polishing and mounting the nickel mold on to the steel substrate. 7. Mold Insert, thus obtained was used to hot emboss the thermoplastic (PMMA) and the devices/chips with the complex microstructures were obtained. The metrology measurements performed with the WYKO RST interference microscope demonstrate the smooth transition in step height between the two regions. SEM Image of the step on the channel in LFMI 75 µm (2 levels) Optical Profiler Analysis of 2 levels in Large Area Mold Insert Channel Applications: Large area polymeric chip helps to achieve long sequencing read length with high resolution separation efficiency and to increase the sample throughput by providing parallel separation lanes on a single chip. Moreover, LFMI can easily accommodate longer separation channels thereby increasing the channel capacity. The same rotate-and-repeat exposure technique can be used to develop other mold inserts of different dimensions with symmetrical microstructures. Larger mold inserts (>6” diameter) can also be built with this technique. 242 Polymer Molding for Microfluidics Editor: Proyag Datta Co-Workers: Jost Goettert, Sitanshu Gurung, Jens Hammacher, Jason Guy, Feng Xu MEMS technology related to microfluidics is the focus of immense interest because of the existing and foreseen applications in a variety of fields, the most prominent ones being life sciences and medicine. Polymer microfluidic chips are a key technology for the mass production of disposable BioMEMS devices in the future. Microdevices related to life science applications are finding uses ranging from assays for genetic research to toxin detection on the battlefield. In order to hasten the rate of research and to promote commercial advancement of technology based on such polymer chips, it is essential that the process for fabricating them be well defined. With that goal in mind CAMD established the capability to mold polymer microstructures with the acquisition of a Jenoptik HEX02 hot embossing machine in 2002. Since then, hot embossing has been established as a regular service offered to internal and external customers. Hot embossing is a polymer molding process that is gaining popularity as a method of replicating microstructures since it is a low cost process with fast turnaround times suitable for rapid prototyping. Establishing standard process parameters for hot embossing is demanding because bulk effects of the mold insert fixture and molding machine have a dominant influence on the molding parameters and the properties of the material being molded tend to vary from batch to batch. A methodology for evaluating and optimizing the parameters for hot embossing microstructures was developed, based on known material properties and considering the cumulative behavior of mold, material and machine. Using this method force-temperature-deflection curves (Fig 1b) were measured in-situ using the HEX02 embossing machine. Data thus acquired was used to fine tuning the hot embossing process (Fig 1a). This work was presented at HARMST2005.iv Microfluidic chips for various applications were fabricated over the last year (Fig 2). One particular application required an opto-fluidic chip with a waveguide integrated in a polymer microfluidic chip in order to deliver excitation light to fluorescent probes contained along the length of the fluidic channel. This chip was designed and fabricated at CAMD using a double sided embossing process illustrated in Fig 3a. The mold inserts were fabricated by direct micromilling of brass (Fig 3b). The molded chip, Figs 3c and d, was tested for optical performance and for effective fluorescence excitation of probes contained in the microfluidics channel. Initial results were promising and the results were presented at Photonics West 2006, San Jose.v Research on this project continues with the aim of optimizing performance of the chip and improving the coupling efficiency of light into the chip. Polymer molding established at CAMD has proven to be an extremely useful enabling technology for rapid fabrication of microfluidics chips for biological analysis. Future research efforts will be aimed towards post-processing of molded chips in order to add functionality that enhances the present capabilities of the molded chip. 243 Fig 1a: PMMA microstructure embossed under various conditions of temperature with a force of 5 kN; Width of the cross-bar pattern is 50µm. Fig 1b: Displacement as a function of temperature comparing the behavior of 3 different polymers. Fig 2a: Microfluidic slides with silicon inserts used for bio-surface studies on silicon. Fig 2b: Microfluidic slide used for magnetic particle separation studies. Fig 2c: Brass mold insert for exploring microfluidic phenomenon. Various mixer and splitter structures are included in the design. Fig 2d: Polymer microfluidics slides molded at CAMD by Hot Embossing. 244 Fig 3a: Schematic of double-sided hot embossing used to fabricate microfluidic chips with integrated waveguide. Fig 3b: Brass mold insert fabricated by micromilling. Fluidic Channel 500µm Waveguide Fig 3c: Image of molded polymer chip with multiple channels and integrated waveguides. Fig 3d: Image of the cross Section of a single fluidic channel and waveguide. References 4 Proyag Datta, Jost Goettert; “Methods for Polymer Hot Embossing Process Development” from the Proceedings of HARMST ’05 June 10-13, 2005, Gyeongju, Korea, pg 256. 5 Proyag Datta, Feng Xu, Sitanshu Gurung, Steven A Soper and Jost Goettert, “Polymeric Waveguides for Orthogonal Near Surface Fluorescent Excitation“; Microfluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems IV, from the Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6112, 2006 245 Single Step Fabrication of an Integrated Optical Waveguide Editor: Sitanshu Gurung Co-Workers: Proyag Datta, Jason Guy, Feng Xu Summary An optical waveguide is a structure which is used to deliver light from one point to another. We have shown a novel approach to integrate an optical waveguide into a microfluidic channel so that it forms an integral part of the channel. The purpose of doing so was to deliver excitation wavelength light to an extended region i.e. along the length of the fluidic channel. A waveguide is typically made up of an optically clear material of higher refractive index forming the core and an optically clear material but of lower refractive index forming the cladding1. Light injected into such a structure gets confined in the core (apart from some leakage) due to total internal reflection. Light confined can then be transported from one point to another, hence working as an optical waveguide. In our design of the integrated optical waveguide, the core is PMMA (η=1.48) and the aqueous biological media (η=1.33) and air (η=1.0) form the cladding. A cross-section of the waveguide is shown in Fig. 1. Light injected from one end is transmitted along the length of the waveguide but as light travels, part of it leaks out of the waveguide (Fig. 2) into the fluidic microchannel above it. This leaked light will excite any fluorescent probes bound to the bottom of the microchannel, thus enabling optical detection.2 Polymer molding by hot embossing was the technique used to fabricate the polymer waveguide 3-4. The Jenoptik HEX02 hot embossing machine is used for this purpose. Hot embossing starts with fabrication of a mold insert. In our case the mold insert was made of brass by direct micro milling (Fig. 3). A double sided hot embossing process was employed to obtain the required waveguide profile (Fig. 4). The top and bottom mold inserts were aligned using passive alignment to obtain an accuracy of approximately ±20µm. A force of 20kN and an embossing temperature of 165˚C were applied to obtain a residual thickness of ~500µm of PMMA. Each molded plastic part had 9 microfluidic channels. The widths of these channels ranged from 50 - 500µm. Each piece was cut to the shape and size of a standard microscope slide and polished using a Micromesh abrasive cloth to obtain a smooth, optically clear edge surface (Fig. 5) The confinement of light in the waveguide was observed by injecting light into one end of the waveguide through a pin-hole aperture and observing it with an optical microscope from the other edge of the waveguide (Fig. 6). Performance of the waveguide was then tested on an optical bench by coupling excitation wavelength light (635nm) from a laser into the waveguide. The microfluidic channel was filled with a 5 ng/µl ΦX174/HaeIII DNA digest intercalated with a TOPRO3 dye. The fluorescence emitted by the dye was observed perpendicular to the length of the channel using an optical microscope (Fig. 7). Fluorescence intensity along the length of the channel is shown in Fig. 8. A novel, single step method of fabricating a polymer waveguide integrated in a microfluidic channel was demonstrated and its performance was tested, proving it to be a viable design that merits further improvement and testing. 246 Microfluidic Channel PMMA Structure Seal Layer Air Waveguiding Region Fig.1a: Cross-section of the optical waveguide. Fig.1b: Image of the waveguide. Light out Light leaking Light In Fig. 2: Light leaking of the waveguide. Fig. 3: Brass mold insert. Fig. 4: Double sided hot embossing. Fig. 5: A cut and polished waveguide chip. 247 Fig. 6: Confinement of light in the channel. Fig. 7: Fluorescent image of the DNA dye. 2000 Fluorescence Intensity 1750 1500 1250 1000 0 4 8 12 16 20 Distance from the beginning (mm) Fig. 8: Variation of fluorescence intensity along the length of the channel. References: 1. 2. 3. 4. Choi, C.-G., "Fabrication of optical waveguides in thermosetting polymers using hot embossing". Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2004. 14: p. 945-949. Mogensen, K.B., H. Klank, and J.P. Kutter, "Recent developments in detection for microfluidic systems". Electrophoresis, 2004. 25(21-22): p. 3498-3512. Kricka, L.J., et al., "Fabrication of plastic microchips by hot embossing". Lab on a Chip, 2002. 2(1): p. 1-4. Truckenmuller, R., et al., "Low-cost thermoforming of micro fluidic analysis chips". Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2002. 12(4): p. 375-379. 248 Fabricating Microstructures on the Heat Exchangers of Pressurized Water Reactors Used in Naval Propulsion Systems Samuel Ibekwe1, Guoqiang Li1,2, ChangGeng Liu3,Su-Seng Pang2, KaYang Wang3, Kun Lian3 1 Mechanical Engineering Department, Southern University and A&M College, 324 PBS Pinchback Hall, Baton Rouge, LA70813 2 Mechanical Engineering Department, Louisiana State University, CEBA, Baton Rouge, LA70803 3 CAMD/LSU, 6980 Jefferson Hwy. Baton Rouge, LA70806 Tel:225-578-9341; Email: [email protected] Summary Recently funded through DOE/NNSA professors from Southern University, LSU and CAMD will explore the possibilities of using High Aspect Ratio Metal Microstructures for building and integrating highly efficient heat exchangers for use in Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs). This contribution briefly introduces into the need for these heat exchangers and the research planned. Introduction The Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs) were originally developed for naval propulsion purposes, and then adapted to land-based applications. It has three separate cooling systems: the reactor coolant system, the steam generator, and the condenser. The reactor heats the water that flows past the fuel assemblies from a temperature of about 5300 F to a temperature of about 5900 F. Pressure is maintained at approximately 2250 psi by a pressurizer connected to the reactor coolant system. The water from the reactor is then pumped to the steam generator through tubes. Coolant water absorbs the heat from these steam generator tubes, and converts it into steam. The steam then passes through to the turbines, which is connected to and turns the generator. The steam from the turbines condenses in a condenser. Fig. 1 illustrates the whole cooling system. The reactor coolant system is expected to be the only one with radioactive materials in it. 249 Area of interest Fig. 1: Schematic of PWR coolant systems [1] The Steam Generator (marked as yellow area in Fig. 1) where the radioactive reactor cooling system water enters at the bottom, flows through small (1/2-inch diameter) inverted U-tubes. The water loses its heat as it passes through the U-tubes to the non-radioactive water outside the tube. Non-radioactive feedwater enters through the nozzles at the mid-height of the steam generator at a temperature of about 4250 F. The water flows downward outside a wrapper sheet to the area just above the tubesheet where the water turns and flows upward past the U-tubes. The water temperature increases and it turns into steam. A moist steam at about 510-5470 F with pressure of 720-1005 psi is produced. The moist steam travels upward to steam separators (chevron separators and swirl vanes) which allow 99.75% purity steam to pass through the steam generator and the remaining water is directed back to the lower part of the steam generator. The function of the steam generators is to transfer the heat from the primary coolant to the secondary feedwater to generate steam for the turbine generator set. Steam generators for the PWR design are shell and tube heat exchangers with high-pressure primary water passing through the tube side and lower pressure secondary feedwater as well as steam passing through the shell side. Therefore, increasing the efficiency of heat exchanger is a key issue in improving the design of steam generator. It is well known that larger heat exchanger interface will dramatically increase heatexchanging efficiency. Heat transfer augmentation by pin-fins can be several folds as compared to the configurations without them. Any improvement in the efficiency of the heat exchanger and reduction in their size would therefore directly translate into economic benefits [2]. As compared to macroscale structures, microstructures have higher surface area to volume ratio. Using microfabrication techniques, such as LIGA, micro-molding or electroplating, some special microstructures can be fabricated around the tubes in the heat exchanger of PWR to increase the heat-exchanging efficiency and reduce the overall size of the heat-exchanger for the given heat transfer rates. 250 According to high fidelity simulations of the thermal transport in the entire system, optimal design of microstructure patterns and layouts can be worked out. Current State of Research: Heat transfer applications in Microstructures Figs. 2 and 3 are the concept drawing of proposed approach of this research. It is well documented in the past research works [3-11] that the presence of a pin fins array in a channel enhances the heat transfer significantly. (a) (b) Figs. 2: a) An assembly of micro pin fins to enhance the surface heat transfer, b) A periodic module of such pin fins to simplify analysis [2]. Such enhancement in the heat transfer behavior is mainly due to (a) the increase in the wetted surface area available to heat transfer, and (b) the increase in higher convective heat transfer coefficients because of higher turbulence and mixing. Several fundamental researches have been done in the past in studying the effects of fin geometrical parameters, array orientation of fins [12-13], effect of fin shape [14], effect of lateral flow ejection in pin fin channels [15], and, effect of gap atop an array of fins [16]. Over the last decade, driven by the rapidly increasing heat dissipation predicament involving microprocessors, numerous investigations have been conducted on forced convection in microchannels concerning both single phase [17-20] and boiling (two-phase flow) [2125]. 251 (a) (c) (b) Fig. 3: Different patterns of microstructures around cylinder surface (CAMD team: include also the zoomed circular and square sections. (a) Blade shape, (b) Round posts, (c) Square posts Utilization of microfabcrication technologies in the heat exchangers has been limited so far in the electronics cooling [26]. Miniaturization of the heat exchanger component was a requirement in the electronics cooling area. Volumetric heat exchanging capacity as well as efficiency of these components had to match the increasing specific heat generation rates by the high speed processors. In the naval propulsion systems, the miniaturization of any system component translates into lowering of the payload for the same amount of available energy produced. In this research effort, microfabrication of the pin fins on the heat exchanger tubes in PWR is proposed to enhance the specific capacity of the heat exchanger. Research Objectives and Goals The proposed research is consistent with DOE/NNSA’s current research mission of “providing the United States Navy with safe, militarily effective nuclear propulsion plants and to ensure the safe and reliable operation of those plants; and also supporting United States leadership in science and technology”. The ultimate goal of this project is to develop the innovative technology and knowledge for economic exploration of novel microfabrication techniques (specifically LIGA based micromolding techniques) for producing micromechanical structures using complex engineered materials that can be successfully utilized in pressurized water reactors of the Naval Propulsion Systems and hence could contribute to enhancement of its heat transfer properties, operating efficiency and reduction of the overall payload. In particular, the 252 research objective is to develop novel processing routes for fabricating microstructures in complex engineered materials that can have good performances in extreme high pressure and elevated temperature by unifying (a) the LIGA expertise, (b) electroplating complicated microstructures, (c) high fidelity simulations of the thermal transport in complex systems, (d) microsample testing, (e) design optimization, and, (f) comprehensive microscopic and macroscopic structural properties evaluation of the proposed novel structures. • • • • The specific interrelated research and educational tasks proposed are: Development of microfabrication techniques for producing prototype micromechanical structures in complex engineered materials: Research Aspect: Employment of LIGA processes on curved surfaces is still in the state of infancy. The microfabrication process for curved surfaces will involve development of novel flexible masks and rotating substrates. Education Aspect: The students will be trained at CAMD research facilities to microfabricate simple features using LIGA techniques. They will also participate in the summer workshops offered at CAMD. Employment of optimal fabrication parameters and surface processing techniques to increase mechanical properties of microstructures under extreme high pressure/temperature: Research Aspect: Material selection processes for such harsh environments (high pressure and temperature) are well known for macroscale structures. However, such implications for microstructures remain to be investigated. Education Aspect: The students will be trained at LSU as well as SU through their undergraduate and graduate theoretical courses and lab works in the areas of Material Science. The course work projects would also involve usage of CAMD facilities for material selection and design. Simulation of the thermal transport and heat transfer behavior in complex systems: Research Aspect: Multiscale calculations that involve length scales spanning from the microstructure pin-fin dimensions to the overall heat exchanger dimensions pose several computational and algorithmic challenges. Applications and numerical algorithms to address such multiscale issues will be investigated. Education Aspect: The students will be trained through workshops and short courses on the simulation techniques and software packages for heat exchanger problems. Optimal design for the geometry and arrangement of the microstructures in order to achieve maximum efficiency: Research Aspect: Thermodynamic analysis and design optimization of complex pinfin structures in the heat-exchanger systems has been done only at the macroscopic details. Such analyses that integrate the microscale to the overall system are rare. 253 Education Aspect: The students will be educated on the numerical optimization, design and thermodynamic analysis tools through undergraduate and graduate coursework offered at SU and LSU. • Experimental techniques for the local material strength behavior of microstructures (pin fins) and the global structural properties of the overall system: Research Aspect: Such experimental techniques involve characterization of the fabricated prototype structures, e.g. measurement of the displacement and strain on micromechanical systems, quantification of fatigue properties etc. Education Aspect: The students will learn various experimental methods to determine mechanical strength of structures (both macro-scale and microscopic level) at SU, LSU and CAMD experimental facilities. Research efforts in the future will explore several fabrication techniques to produce microstructures around the cylinder surfaces. All these processing methods will be tested and the optimal one will be selected for final prototypes fabrication. • Rotating substrates: As a similar processing procedure mentioned above for microsample fabrication, the microstructure patterns on the cylinder surfaces will be produced. The critical difference is that when the pattern transfers from the mask to the substrates, the substrates will be rotated at a certain speed, so that all the round surfaces will be exposed to X-ray (for X-ray LIGA) or UV radiation (UV-LIGA). After pattern development, the substrates with pattern transferred will be electroplated with pure Ni or Ni-based alloys, such as Alloy 600, Kovar, or Invar. • Flexible mask: By selecting soft polymer film with Au patterns as masks, such as Kapton (for X-ray) or Maylar (for X-ray and UV light), the mask will be wrapped around the cylinder surfaces and X-ray or UV light will be used to expose the photoresist through the mask. Finally the microstructure patterns will be transferred onto the cylinder surfaces. • Microimprint: A flat master with microstructure patterns will be fabricated first, and then an ink such as a photoresist is sprayed onto the master and the tube is rotated along the master. Correspondingly the microstructure patterns are transferred onto the cylinder surfaces of the tube. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES 1., accessed June, (2005). 2. F.P. Incropera and D.P. DeWitt, “Introduction to heat transfer,” 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., (1996). 3. B.A. Brigham, “The Effect of Channel Convergence on Heat Transfer in a Passage With Short Pin Fins”, NASA-TM-83201, (1984). 4. M.K. Chyu, “Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop for Short Pin-Fin Arrays with PinEndwall Fillet”, Journal of Heat Transfer, 112, pp. 926-932, (1990). 5. M.K. Chyu, Y.C. Hsing, T.I-P. Shih, V. 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Kandlikar, “Two-phase flow patterns, pressure drop, and heat transfer during Boiling in minichannels flow passages of compact evaporators,” Heat Transfer Eng., 23 (1), pp. 5–23, (2002). 25. W. Qu, I. Mudawar, “Flow boiling heat transfer in twophase micro-channel heat sink—I. Experimental investigation and assessment of correlation methods,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 46 (15), pp. 2755–2771, (2003). 26. Y. Peles, A. Kosar, C. Mishra, C.-J. Kuo, and B. Schneider, “Forced convective heat transfer across a pin fin micro heat sink,” Int. J. Heat Mass Trans., In press, (2005). 256 X-ray surface modification of silicon-containing fluorocarbon films prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition Yoonyoung Jin, Yohannes Desta, Jost Goettert Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD) Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806 [email protected]; PRN: IN-YJ1207 G. S. Lee Department of Electrical Engineering University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas 75083 P. K. Ajmera Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 Introduction Fluorocarbon films offer several desirable properties such as wettability, hardness, chemical resistance, optical characteristics, and biocompatibility. In particular, it has a low value for its dielectric constant. These films have recently gained interest not only as potential interlayer dielectric materials for ultra-large-scale integration (ULSI) devices, but also as surface coating materials for biomicroelectromechanical systems (BioMEMS).1.2 The x-ray irradiation method offers a unique advantage in achieving surface modifications in localized areas of microstructures including high-aspect-ratio microstructures (HARMST). In the last year, x-ray surface modification of silicon containing fluorocarbon films (SiCF) has been studied.3 Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) is utilized to prepare SiCF films. The PECVD process uses tetrafluoromethane (CF4) and disilane (Si2H6; 5 vol.% in helium) as gas precursors. Surface modification of SiCF films through x-ray irradiation are of principal interest here. The fabrication of a Ti-membrane x-ray mask is also introduced for selective x-ray exposures. X-ray modification The surface modification of SiCF films via x-ray irradiation was carried out with the xray micromachining III (XRLM3) beamline at the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD) at Louisiana State University using light from the bending magnet (Ec = 1.6 keV). A Ti-membrane x-ray mask, shown in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b), with Au absorber patterns was fabricated in order to achieve selective surface modification. The Ti membrane was 3 µm thick and deposited using the rf sputtering system at CAMD. The films were exposed in contact mode with x-rays at room temperature with a He ambient of 100 Torr. After the x-ray exposures, the surfaces were tested for hydrophilic characteristics on the exposed area using water contact angles. Further information for the chemical bond change study on x-ray dose is available in the Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, vol. 23, No.4, Jul/Aug 2005. 257 Fig. 2(a) shows typical pictures from the measurement of sessile water-drop contact angles before and after x-ray irradiation. The surface characteristics of SiCF films were changed by x-ray exposure at room temperature from hydrophobic to hydrophilic. The average contact angle of sessile water drop on as-deposited SiCF films was 95° ± 2°. The contact angle after x-ray irradiation with dose of 27.4 kJ/cm3 was changed to 39° ± 3°. The contact angle of sessile water drop on the film exposed at the x-ray dose of 115.4 kJ/cm3 was similar to that of 27.4 kJ/cm3. The water pattern on the selectively modified area on the SiCF film, exposed by x-ray with a dose of 27.4 kJ/cm3 is shown in Fig. 2(b). before (a) (b) ~13 µm after (c) (a) (d) Water pattern ~8 µm (e) (b) (f) Fig. 1. Ti-membrane x-ray mask fabricated by UVLIGA process: (a) front-side view of x-ray mask, (b) back-side view of x-ray mask, (c) results of photoresist mold in SPR220-7 following UV lithography, (d) details of feature shown in (c), (e) electroplated Au structures as absorbers on x-ray mask, and (f) details of feature shown in (e). After reference [3]. Fig. 2. (a) Typical sessile water-drop contact angles on SiCF films before and after x-ray irradiation at the dose of 27.4 kJ/cm3 and (b) water pattern on the selectively modified area of the SiCF film. After reference [3]. The water pattern was formed by dipping the exposed sample in DI water and then withdrawing immediately. The dipping angle between the sample and the surface of the water was maintained to be perpendicular. Summary Surface modifications of PECVD SiCF films for metallization compatibility via x-ray irradiation were performed. The wet surface modification is a low cost process and is suitable to modify a large surface area. It requires lithography for selective surface modification. This makes it difficult to modify sidewall surfaces of high-aspect-ratio structures (HARMST). Because of the penetrating nature of x-rays, unlike the wet chemical treatment, x-ray irradiation affects both the surface and the bulk of the irradiated film. This aspect of x-ray irradiation can be exploited in HARMST MEMS 258 fabrication technology. With x-rays, it is possible to modify selective areas on the sidewalls of conformal-deposited SiCF film, especially for HARMST MEMS. The x-ray modification of SiCF films has a high potential for application in MEMS technology, such as metallization on three-dimensional structures for a bio-chip and self-assembling of nanoparticles on hydrophilic surfaces, among others. References 1. K. Endo and T. Tatsumi, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 1, 37, p1809 (1998). 2. B. Cruden, K. Chu, K. Gleason, and Ambients, J. Electrochemical Society 146 (12), p4597 (1999). 3. Y. Jin, Y Desta, J. Goettert, G. Lee and P. K. Ajmera, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A., 23 (4) (2005) pp666-670. 259 Fabrication of a Polymer Nano-Composite by X-ray Lithography Fareed Dawan1,2), Yoonyoung Jin1), Jost Goettert1), Samuel Ibekwe2) 1) Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices Louisiana State University and A & M College 6980 Jefferson HWY., Baton Rouge, La., 70806 [email protected], PRN: IN-FD0301 2) Department of Mechanical Engineering Southern University and A & M College 324 PBS Pinchback Hall, Baton Rouge, La., 70813 Introduction Polymer nano-composites (PNCs) have, in the past decade, emerged as a new class of materials due to much improved mechanical, thermal, electrical and optical properties as compared to their macro- and micro-composites. Recently, PNC technology has been moved quickly from the mechanical enhancement of the neat resin to multi-functional applications such as conductive PNCs, microstructures, sensors [1] and actuators [2]. However, there is the challenge in the integration of multi-functional PNC components into micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). This issue is crucial for low cost, high precision and high performance PNC-MEMS, along with the traditional issues that are solely on the mechanical enhancement of the neat resin or the direct replacement of current filler technology [3, 4]. In the last year, X-ray micromachining of PNC material was initiated for functional structures for MEMS applications. PNC material was developed for and patterned by Xray lithography, and characterized for its mechanical and structural properties. The reinforcement component of the composite was carbon black and the polymeric matrix was SU-8. Material Selection Considerations for PNC material selection for X-ray fabrication are reinforcement particle size and dispersion, X-ray sensitivity, and polymeric viscosity. The PNC consists of carbon black as the reinforcement and SU-8 5 as the polymeric matrix. Carbon black is an allotrope of carbon made from the thermal decomposition of acetylene. This form of carbon has low electrical resistivity, an average particle size of 46 nm, and a large surface area of 80 m2/g suggesting that to impart its mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties in a polymeric matrix requires only a low weight percentage. The thermoset polymeric matrix material, SU-8 5, is a negative photoresist and one of several SU-8 formulations. The fully cured SU-8 is capable of forming high aspect ratio microstructures for micromechanical parts or bio/chemical resistive structures [5-7]. Sample Preparation, Fabrication and Characterization The synthesis of the PNC was done by hand mixing carbon black particles into SU-8 5 resin. The composite was then pasted onto a titanium dioxide coated silicon wafer and soft baked. Pattern exposure by X-rays required the fabrication of an X-ray mask. The Xray mask was fabricated from a graphite membrane, and the PNC was exposed at the XRLM-2 beam line. Following the exposure, the PNC layer was post-baked and developed. Preparation of the PNC samples for mechanical testing required the removal of the samples from the substrate. This was done by Si etching. Stress-strain 260 characteristics, for both normal SU-8 and CB/SU-8 were tested in agreement to ASTM standards, using dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) in 3-point bending mode. Constant loading was applied with varying strain percentage. Results In a first study [8], the necessity patterning PNC using X-rays became apparent after an initial study was conducted using UV lithography on micro-sized graphite particles within SU-8. It was observed that UV-lithography of this micro-composite was hardly possible because of UV light scattering and reduced matrix sensitivity to UV light. This is shown in Fig. 1. A cross-linked “cap” was formed; reduced cross-linking occurred below this surface resulting in structural deformation and poor adhesion. Fig. 2 shows Xray lithography of the micro-composite. This resulted in complete cross-linking and improved adhesion but poor resolution. Fig. 3 shows X-ray patterning of the CB nanoparticle/SU-8 PNC. This resulted in straight sidewalls improved structural resolution and an aspect ratio of 5. 5 mm dia. 100 µm width 100 µm width Poor adhesion 500 µm height <200 µm thick Fig. 1. Graphite particle (particle size: 45 µm) / SU-8 composite by UV lithography. 500 µm height Fig. 2. Graphite particle (particle size: 45 µm) / SU-8 by X-ray lithography. Fig. 3. Nanoparticle (CB, size: 46 nm) / SU-8 by X-ray lithography. Figs. 4(a) and 4(b) are micrographs with low magnification from the top while a higher magnification image at an angle using a stereomicroscope is shown in Fig. 4(c). Fig. 4(b) shows a top-down view of fabricated PNC columns with a width of 43 µm at a pitch of 130 µm. Fig. 4(c) shows the height of the PNC columns at 100 µm. Support substrate PNC top PNC sidewall surface 43 µm 130 µm (a) 100 µm (b) (c) Fig. 4. Typical X-ray machined PNC microstructures. The elastic modulus from flexural testing of SU-8 was found to be ~3.2 GPa. The elastic modulus of the PNC at 15 wt% of carbon black was 15.3 GPa, which is nearly 5 times that of pure SU-8. This evidently states that the addition of carbon black increased the elastic modulus (15 GPa) of the SU-8 matrix (3.2 GPa). This shows that the mechanical properties of SU-8 can be significantly altered. 261 Future work Future work will extend on the synthesis, fabrication, and the characterization of PNCs. Synthesis study of the PNC will be directed towards controlling particle dispersion and composite homogeneity. Fabrication of varying carbon black weight percentages in SU-8 will be conducted. This will include X-ray machining design factors such as exposure dose optimization and structural reduction rate. Characterization of the X-ray micro machined PNCs will involve studying mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. Additionally, a focus towards development of an application for the PNC in MEMS will be given. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. May Tahhan, Van-Tan Truong, Geoffrey M. Spinks, Gordon G. Wallace, Carbon nanotubes and polyaniline composite actuators, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 12, 2003. Brian Matthews, Jing Li, Stephen Sunshine, Lee Lerner, Jack W. Judy, “Effects of Electrode Configuration on Polymer Carbon-Black Composite Chemical Vapor Sensor Performance, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2002. Zeng, Q. H., Yu, A. B., (Max) Lu, G. Q., Paul, D. R., 2005, “Clay-Based Polymer Nanocomposites: Research and Commercial Development”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 5, pp.1574-1592. “Polymer Nanocomposites are the Future”, Institute of Packaging Professionals, URL: Song, Yujun; Kumar, Challa S. S. R., Hormes, Josef, 2004, “Fabrication of an SU-8 based microfluidic reactor on a PEEK substrate sealed by a 'flexible semi-solid transfer' (FST) process”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 14(7), pp 932-940. Becnel, C., Desta, Y., Kelly, K., 2005, “Ultra-deep x-ray lithography of densely packed SU-8 features: I. An SU-8 casting procedure to obtain uniform solvent content with accompanying experimental results”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 15, pp 1242-1248. Seidemann, V., Rabe, J., Feldmann, M., Buttgenbach, S., 2002, “SU8-micromechanical structures with in situ fabricated movable parts”, Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 8, No. 4-5, pp 348-350. Dawan, F., Jin, Y., Singh, V., Desta, Y., Goettert, J., Ibekwe, S., 2005, “Development of Conductive Polymer Nanocomposite (Carbon Black/SU-8) Micromachining by X-Ray Lithography”, Louisiana Materials and Emerging Technologies Conference, Louisiana Tech University, December 12-13, 2005. 262 Surface Nanostructures of Commercial Pure Aluminum by Cryogenic Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment K. Y. Wang and K.Lian Center of Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Abstract Commercial grade aluminum (AA 1100) plates were subjected to surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) on both side-surfaces at liquid nitrogen (LN)) and room temperatures (RT). A layer of ultrafine-grains was obtained at the surface after 10 minutes SMAT in LN and RT. Transmission Electron Microscope examination results showed that there are nanocrystalline microstructures with an average grain size values of 100nm and 200nm for samples after LN and RT SMATs, respectively. The microhardness testing results of treated samples showed drastically increasing in hardness values for both LN and RT surface mechanical attrition treated samples compared to that of as received coarse-grained (CG) Al. The results also showed that microhardness values of the LN sample is higher than that of the RT samples. Pin-on-disc wearing test were performed to evaluate the effects that finalized grains on wear resistances. The friction coefficient as well as wear rate of the LN sample are slightly lower than that of the RT sample. The nanocrystalline formation mechanism under different treatment conditions and their effects on wear behaviors are discussed. 1. Introduction Mechanical attrition resulted surface severe plastic deformation (SPD) is an effective processing method for fabricating of various ultrafine-grained structures on the material surface. This technique imposes intense plastic strains into the surfaces of metals and alloys. The two significant advantages over other techniques are: it has a potential for producing large bulk samples without the introduction of any residual porosity and contamination. Secondly, it can be easily applied to a wide range of metals and alloys. In present study, commercial grade pure Al plates underwent the surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) process at both cryogenic and room temperatures. The microhardness and wear resistant values of as received and processed commercial grade pure Al samples were measured and their microstructures characterized by TEM and SEM. The relationships between the processing parameters and resulting microstructures as well as their mechanical properties are discussed. The mechanism of nanocrystalline phase formation during cryogenic and room temperatures treatments is also explored. 2. Experimental Procedures The material used in this work was commercially grade pure Al (AA 1100) rod with chemical composition (in wt%): 0.35 Si, 0.1 Zn, 0.05 Mg, 0.05 Cu with the balance Al. The initial grain size was determined to be about 10 µm. The rod was cut into slices of 3.75 mm diameter and 1.5 mm thick. The original sample was polished down to 600 grit abrasive paper as the final step and washed with acetone in an ultrasonic bath for 30 minutes. Fig. 1 is a schematic illustration of the SMAT set-up used in the present work. Spherical 304 stainless steel balls with smooth surfaces were placed in a vial that was vibrated by a 263 SPEX 8000 mixer/mill with maximum vibration frequency of close to 50 kHz and amplitude around 10 mm. The liquid nitrogen was filled inside the vial before the process and kept spraying on the surface of the vial during the process in order to keep the processing temperature as low as possible. The vial’s temperature during the processes was lower than around -190oC. 3. Results and Discussion Surface layer microstructures of the cryogenic and room temperature SMAT treated samples are shown in Figs. 2 (a) and (b), respectively. All these micrographs show typical structures of Al that has undergone large amount of plastic deformation. It can be clearly measured that the surface average crystalline size values of cryogenic and room temperature treated samples are around 250nm and 400nm, respectively. The diffraction pattern shows that only Al is detected in the sample without noticeable impurities. One can see that the crystalline sizes of the samples processed at cryogenic temperature and room temperature are very close. Table 1 shows the results of the Knoop microhardness of the samples processed at different conditions. One can see that the microhardness increased for the samples mechanical attrition treated after 10 minutes at cryogenic and room temperature compared to the original sample. For the different depth of the as-processed samples, the microhardness near the processed surface is higher than the depth far from the surface. At the same depth of the sample, the microhardness of the sample processed at cryogenic temperature is higher than that of the sample processed at room temperature. Fig. 3 shows the results of wear traces of as-received and as-processed samples at room and cryogenic temperatures. One can see that the coefficient of friction (COF) of asprocessed sample is pretty lower before the distance of 200m. After running 200m, the COF of as-processed is close to that of the as-received sample. But the COF of asprocessed is still lower than that of the as-received sample. 4. Conclusions 1. The surface ultrafine-grained (around 300nm and 400nm, respectively) of CP aluminum alloys were obtained after cryogenic temperature and room temperature surface attrition for 10 minutes. 2. The values of the microhardness drastically increased for cryogenic temperature and room temperature surface attrition treated samples compared to coarse-grained (CG) Al samples. The microhardness of the cryogenic temperature treated sample is higher than that of the room temperature treated sample. 3. The friction coefficients of the cryogenic temperature and room temperature treated samples are both slightly lower than that of the CG Al. 264 Table 1 The Knoop Microhardness of the samples processed at different conditions Knoop Microhrdness (GPa) Pure Al 0.32±0.005 Pure Al processed 10min at cryogenic temperature 0.84±0.006 Pure Al processed 10min at room temperature 0.62±0.008 15 µm deep from the processed surface 45 µm deep from the processed surface 0.32±0.005 0.66±0.007 0.49±0.009 Fig. 1: Schematic illustration of the SMAT process (a) experimental set-up and (b) localized plastic deformation in the surface layer through impaction by a ball. Fig. 2 (a) TEM of the sample processed at cryogenic temperature and (b)TEM of the sample processed at room temperature. 1.4 Coefficient of Friction 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 Pure Al Al2O3 pin 5mm 10cm/s 0.4 Al RM 10min A Al2O3 pin 5mm 10cm/s 0.2 Al LN 10min A Al2O3 pin 5mm 10cm/s 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Sliding Distance (m) Fig. 3: Friction coefficient as a function of sliding distance. 265 Microfabrication External User Reports 266 Portable Coordinate Measuring Tool M. Feldman and L. Jiang, Department of Electrical and Computer Enginering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5901, [email protected], [email protected]. Transparent wafers were prepared by spin coating 1.5 microns of poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) resist from a toluene solvent. The resist also contained a Coumarin dye that strongly absorbed blue light but was transparent to red light. The wafers were patterned using x-ray lithography at CAMD’s XRLM2 beamline. Fig. 1. Arrangement of the transparent wafer in the immersion microscope. The wafers were viewed in an immersion microscope (Fig. 1) in both transmitted red light and reflected blue light. In blue light the patterns on the wafers were highly visible (Fig. 2). However, in red light the resist was both transparent and index matched by the immersion oil, so that an underlying grating was visible, but the pattern itself could not be seen (Fig. 3). By capturing video frames from a camera mounted on the microscope the grating could be used to make precise measurements of the separation between features in the pattern. A precision of less than 1 nm was demonstrated. 267 Fig. 2. Image of the dyed PMMA resist taken in reflected blue light. The separation between features was measured as 9967 ± 1 nm. Fig. 3. Image of the 1.1 micron grating taken in transmitted red laser light (633 nm). Only the illumination was changed between the images in Figure 2 and Figure 3. The horizontal “lines” are an unrelated interference artifact. 268 CAMD project title: Microfluidic platforms for genetic-based analysis Contributing authors: Li Zhu, Pradeep Khanal, Yohannes Desta, Proyag Datta, Jifeng Chen, Donald Patterson, Mateusz Hupert, Hamed Shadpour, Jost Goettert, Dimitris Nikitopoulos, and Steven A. Soper Department of Chemistry, Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, and Center for BioModular Multi-Scale Systems, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 1. High-throughput microchip capillary array electrophoresis (µ-CAE) system We are currently developing polymer µ-CAE devices for high throughput sequencing of DNA samples. In the first approach we have designed and fabricated a 16-channel µ-CAE unit. The critical attribute of DNA sequencing device is capability to obtain a single base-pair resolution and long (>500 base-pair) read lengths. This can be usually achieved by providing long separation microchannels. Typically, the microchannels are layout in the serpentine fashion in order to fit long channel into limited space of microfluidic chip. It has been shown, however, that the separation efficiency can be compromised with each turn of the microchannel due to sample band spreading. In order to provide a long separation length and minimize number of microchannel turns we have designed and fabricated a large area (6” diameter) mold insert (LAMI) using LiGA. A direct exposure of the substrate with dimensions larger than 4” is not possible at CAMD X-ray beam line. The exposure can be achieved by using a rotate-and-repeat technique. This technique can be used for symmetrical designs and involves use of standard format X-ray mask with only part of the design present. The mask is repeatedly used to expose X-ray photoresist over the whole substrate. To aid with alignment process for each exposure we have designed and built a special exposure unit. It allowed us to achieve 15 µm positional accuracy between individual exposures on the 6 ” substrate. Photoresist (PMMA) Stainless steel substrate (two levels) a) X-ray radiation First exposure X-ray mask Cathode Capillary input Development b) Alignment mark Rotate-and-repeat Second, third and fourth exposures (each followed by development) Common anode c) Electroplating of nickel Mold insert (nickel structures welded to steel disc) Figure 1. Schematic diagram of LAMI fabrication using rotate-and-repeat technique. Figure 2. Layout of 16-channel micro-electrophoresis chip. (a) Schematic of a 16-channel microchip. (b) Detailed diagram of a single pair of channels. (c) X-ray mask for rotate-and-repeat exposure. 269 Future directions: Practical application of hot-embossed PMMA 16-channel µ-CAE devices for sequencing DNA samples. 2. Electrokinetically synchronized polymerase chain reaction microchip fabricated in polycarbonate We have developed a novel method for DNA thermal amplification using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in an electrokinetically driven synchronized continuous flow PCR (EDS-CF-PCR) configuration that can be carried out in a microfabricated polycarbonate (PC) chip. The synchronized format allowed patterning a shorter length microchannel for the PCR compared to nonsynchronized continuous flow formats, permitting the use of smaller applied voltages when the flow is driven electrically and also allowed flexibility in selecting the cycle number without having to change the microchip architecture. A home-built temperature control system was developed to precisely configure three isothermal zones on the chip for denaturing (95°C), annealing (55°C), and extension (72°C) within a single-loop channel. DNA templates were introduced into the PCR reactor, which was filled with the PCR cocktail, by electrokinetic injection. The PCR cocktail consisted of low salt concentrations (KCl) to reduce the current in the EDS-CF-PCR device during cycling. To control the EOF in the PC microchannel to minimize dilution effects as the DNA “plug” was shuttled through the temperature zones, Polybrene was used as a dynamic coating, which resulted in reversal of the EOF. The products generated from 15, 27, 35, and 40 EDS-CFPCR amplification cycles were collected and analyzed using microchip electrophoresis with LIF detection for fragment sizing. The results showed that the EDS-CF-PCR format produced results similar to that of a conventional block thermal cycler with leveling effects observed for amplicon generation after 25 cycles. 270 Figure 3. Diagrammatic principle of electrokinetic synchronized cyclic continuous flow PCR process. (a) Sample injection. A DNA (target) was filled into reservoir 5, and a voltage was applied to the electrodes in reservoirs 5 (GND) and 6 (+HV). Sample moved across the reactor channel to fill the offset T injector. (b) Sample cycling. One cycle included four steps: (1) a voltage was applied to the electrodes in reservoirs 1 (GND) and 3 (+HV) moving the DNA plug from the bottom channel to right channel; (2) a voltage was applied between reservoirs 2 (GND) and 4 (+HV) moving the sample from the right to the top channel; (3) the voltage was then applied between reservoirs 3 (GND) and 1 (+HV) moving sample from the top to the left channel; (4) the voltage field was then applied between reservoirs 4 (GND) and 2 (+HV) causing the sample to move to its starting position. The injection voltage was 800 V, and the cycling voltage was 1.5 KV. Figure 4. Electropherograms of PCR products and PCR markers. (a) Separation of a 500-bp PCR product that was collected from the EDS-CF-PCR chip. (b) Electropherogram of PCR markers using PMMA microchip. The migration time of the 500-bp PCR product was 228 s, and the migration time of a 500-bp DNA marker was 225 s. Future directions: Fabrication of the EDS-CF-PCR devices with on-chip conductivity detection for realtime monitoring of PCR reaction. Reference: Chen, J.; Wabuyele, M.; Chen, H.; Patterson, D.; Hupert M. L.; Shadopour H.; Soper, S. A. Analytical Chemistry 2005, 77(2), 658. 271 MICROFABRICATED CELL SENSOR Dr. Fred Lacy, Nikhil Modi, Dr. Pradeep K. Bhattacharya Southern University and A&M College Pinchback Hall, Room 415 Baton Rouge, LA 70813 [email protected] PRN: SU-FL0904 Summary: The goal of this project is to evaluate microcantilever beams composed of thin films of Lead Zirconium Titanate (PZT) and Platinum, and determine its performance in a mechanical and microfluidic environment. The structures will function in different modes of operation and will be designed to detect E. Coli bacteria cells. Computational analysis is used to determine the sensitivity of these devices in different modes of operation. This device is evaluated from a fluid flow and mechanical perspective. The calculations of fluid pressures and velocities inside the microfluidic chamber provide insight on design optimization of the device as well as process flow for fabrication. Initial steps have been performed to fabricate this microstructure using cleanroom equipment and the outcome of that effort is reported. Use of cleanroom equipment: The only CAMD machines required for the project were equipment in the cleanroom. Specifically, equipment was used for photolithography and fabrication of masks (also for optical lithography). Equipment used included the Headway Research PWM 101 Light Duty Photoresist Spinner, Mann 3600 Pattern Generator, M326 Mechanical Convection Oven, Nikon Optiphot-88 Optical Microscope/Image Capture, 6’ VA Polypropylene Chemicals hood, Oriel UV Exposure Station, and Tencor Alpha-Step 50 Surface Profiler. Results & Conclusions: A computational analysis of microcantilevers as detectors in a microfluidic environment has been performed. A piezoelectric substance, PZT, has been deposited in thin film form on Si substrates, resulting in a Zr:Ti stoichiometric composition of about 61:39 in the deposited films. The piezoelectric constants of the thin film demonstrate that improvement of the composition layers is needed. Masks for photolithography were fabricated and experiments show that it is possible to fabricate micro sized cantilevers for detection of bacteria cells. Additionally, a study of the mechanical properties of the detectors has been performed. Different modes of detection have been studied. An analysis of the physical properties of a micro-environment that houses these detectors has been performed, and a procedure for the fabrication of the device has been formulated. The computational study shows that microcantilevers provide a highly sensitive method of detection of cells. In conclusion, it should be noted that the experiments performed to calculate pressure and velocity values associated with fluid flow can be used to study adhesion coefficients of immobilization agents with binding analytes. Another byproduct of the study is the significance of a dynamic pressure load on the detection devices and its effect on the long term functioning of the device. Knowledge of these subsets of the study of microcantilevers can lead to fabricated devices with greater reliability in adhesion and optimization of the engineered device. Assuming conservative values for the amount of forces required to dissociate analytes from the immobilizing agents deposited on 272 cantilevers, calculations shown that reasonable inflow rate for fluid flow into the microfluidic chamber will not dissociate the adhered cell. Therefore, once these devices (i.e., microcantilevers in microfluidic chambers) are completely fabricated, they should make reliable bacteria detection devices. References Resonance frequency based micro-oscillator, Ilic, B., Czaplewski, D., Zalalutdinov, M., and Craighead, H.G., Neuzil, P., Campagnolo, C., Batt, C., J Vac Sci Tech B 19 (6), Nov/Dec 2001 Process and Fabrication of a PZT Thin Film Pressure Sensor, Zakar, E., Dubey, M., Piekarski, B., Conrad, J., Piekarz, R., Widuta, R., 46th International Symposium, American Vacuum Society, Oct 1999 273 Fabrication of Patterned 1D Nanostructures Based on Photolithography Project Number: PRN UNO-FL0706 PI: Feng Li Advanced Materials Research Institute, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148 Email: [email protected]; Tel: 504-231-4964 A procedure to fabricate patterns of nanowire arrays based on photolithography and electrochemical deposition in the pores of anodic alumina membrane has been developed successfully. After the pores of AAM was modified with photoresist and opened selectively through photolithography, the porous membranes were converted into microelectrode to direct the growth of patterns of metal nanowire arrays. The optimized experimental parameters have also been investigated to control the structures of patterned nanowire arrays. One of the advantages of our technique developed is patterns of metal and other nanowire array can be produced at room temperature. Due to the pore structure of AAM can be controlled conveniently, we can also tune the structure of nanowire in the pattern together with electrochemical deposition. A paper is in preparation. Collaboration at CAMD: Dr. Changgeng Liu References: 1. Feng Li, Xavier Badel, Jan Linnros and John B. Wiley, Adv. Mater. 2006, 18, 270. 2. Feng Li, Xavier Badel, Jan Linnros and John B. Wiley, Journal American Chemical Society, 2005, 127, 3268. 3. Feng Li and John B. Wiley, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2004, 14, 1387. 4. Feng Li, Jibao He, Weilie Zhou and John B. Wiley, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 16166. 5. Feng Li, Lianbin Xu, Weilie Zhou, Jibao He, Ray H. Baughman, Anvar A. Zakhidov and John B. Wiley, , Advanced Materials, 2002, 14, 1528. 274 Developing Molding Replication Technology for Metal-based HighAspect-Ratio Microscale Structures (HARMS) W.J. Meng, J. Jiang, D.M. Cao Mechanical Engineering Department, Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803, USA, [email protected], PRN: ME-WM4172 Commercial realization of nontraditional microscale devices and systems, such as microchemical-reactors[1], micro-heat-exchangers[2], and micro-electromagnetic-relays[3], demands fabrication technologies which can achieve economical mass production of high-aspect-ratio microscale structures (HARMS) made of metals or ceramics. Al-based HARMS, by virtue of its favorable combination of thermal conductivity and density, are important for heat transfer applications. The construction of electromagnetic microdevices, on the other hand, requires fabrication of Ni- or Fe- based HARMS. The LiGA approach, combining deep lithography (Lithographie), electrodeposition (Galvanoformung), and molding replication (Abformung) [4], represents an important strategy for economical fabrication of metal-based HARMS. We have previously explored surface engineering of microscale mold inserts by conformal deposition of nanostructured ceramic coatings over high-aspect-ratio microscale features[5, 6]. With surface-engineered, microscale, metallic mold inserts, successful HARMS replication by high temperature compression molding was demonstrated in Pb and Zn[7], as well Al[8]. The successful molding replication of Al-based HARMS, to our knowledge, is a first in the LiGA field. Alternative fabrication technologies for metal-based HARMS such as micro-powder-injection-molding[9] and micro-casting[10] involve heat treatments and multiple processing steps, which can lead to reduced densities and dimensional inaccuracies. Other subtractive fabrication technologies, such as micro-milling[11] and laser micromachining[12], are serial in nature and have low production throughput. In comparison, replication of metal-based HARMS from microscale inserts by compression molding is faster and simpler, and therefore holds potential advantages in production throughput and cost. Typical microscale mold inserts contain three-dimensional microscale features protruding from the active surface, made up of flat top surfaces and vertical sidewalls. Successful molding replication of metal-based HARMS involves extensive plastic deformation within the molded metal. Instrumented micromolding of Pb has been carried out[13], with a simple model of the mechanics of molding developed in conjunction[14]. The process of molding starts via elastic contact between the top surfaces of the insert and the molded metal. As molding progresses, plastic deformation occurs within the molded metal, which flows around the microscale features on the insert and makes contact with the feature sidewalls. To preserve fidelity of replication and prolong insert life, no plastic deformation of the insert should occur during the molding process. Elastic contact between a half space and a punch with a flat top surface, vertical sidewalls, and sharp corners at the top surface-sidewall transitions typically leads to high stress concentrations near the corner locations. These high contact stresses tend to induce plastic deformation within the mold insert. To avoid such permanent insert damage, it is thus desirable to fabricate inserts out of materials with high strengths at elevated molding temperatures. In the conventional LiGA approach, mold inserts are formed by 275 electrodeposition into lithographically defined recesses in polymeric resists. Ni is the most often used material. Electrodeposition of Ni typically leads to formation of nano/micro- crystals, which undergo significant grain growth if subsequently heated to high temperatures. Yield strength of electrodeposited Ni microspecimens decreases by more than 50% over the room-temperature value when the specimens are heated to ~400oC[15]. Attempts to electrodeposit alloys with increased high-temperature strengths encounter difficulties such as limited composition range and non-optimal micro-/nanoscale structures for high-temperature use. In 2005, we have explored a hybrid approach to fabricating refractory metal based HARMS, with a particular emphasis on making mold inserts suitable for hightemperature molding replications. We used the micro-electrical-discharge-machining (µEDM) technique successfully to fabricate HARMS mold inserts with simple geometries out of Ta[16]. With additional surface engineering, such Ta inserts have been used successfully to replicate Cu-based HARMS[16]. Replication of Cu-based HARMS, to our knowledge, constitutes another record in the LiGA field. In addition, we have demonstrated in 2005 parallel micropattern generation in refractory metals with a hybrid LiGA/µEDM approach, in which multiple micropatterns are generated on the work piece simultaneously with a lithographically-defined, patterned electrode. The hybrid LiGA/µEDM strategy offers a credible alternative to conventional LiGA regarding fabrication of meso- and micro- scale mold inserts, and enables them to be fabricated out of high-temperature metals/alloys not achievable with electrodeposition[17]. References: 1 . R. Knitter, D. Gohring, P. Risthaus, J. Haubelt, Microfabrication of ceramic microreactors, Microsystem Technologies 7, 85 (2001). 2 . F. Arias, S. R. J. Oliver, B. Xu, R. E. Homlin, G. M. Whitesides, Fabrication of metallic heat exchangers using sacrificial polymer mandrils, J. MEMS 10, 107 (2001). 3 . J. D. Williams, W. Wang, Microfabrication of an electromagnetic power relay using SU-8 based UV-LIGA technology, Microsystem Technologies 10, 699 (2004). 4 . M. Madou, Fundamentals of Microfabrication (CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 2000). 5 D. M. Cao, T. Wang, B. Feng, W. J. Meng, K. W. Kelly, Amorphous hydrocarbon based thin films for high-aspect-ratio MEMS applications, Thin Solid Films 398/399, 553 (2001). 6 . 7 . D. M. Cao, W. J. Meng, S. J. Simko, G. L. Doll, T. Wang, K. W. Kelly, Conformal deposition of Ti-containing hydrocarbon coatings over LiGA fabricated high-aspect-ratio micro-scale structures and tribological characteristics, Thin Solid Films 429, 46 (2003). D. M. Cao, D. Guidry, W. J. Meng, K. W. Kelly, Molding of Pb and Zn with microscale mold inserts, Microsystem Technologies 9, 559 (2003). 276 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12. 13 . D. M. Cao, W. J. Meng, Microscale compression molding of Al with surface engineered LIGA inserts, Microsystem Technologies 10, 662 (2004). L. Merz, S. Rath, V. Piotter, R. Ruprecht, J. Hausselt, Powder injection molding of metallic and ceramic microparts, Microsystem Technologies 10, 202 (2004). S. Chung, S. Park, I. Lee, H. Jeong, D. Cho, Replication techniques for a metal microcomponent having real 3D shape by microcasting process, Microsystem Technologies 11, 424 (2005). C. R. Friedrich, M. J. Vasile, The micromilling process for high aspect ratio microstructures, Microsystem Technologies 2, 144 (1996). M. Farsari, G. Filippidis, S. Zoppel, G. A. Reider, C. Fotakis, Efficient femtosecond laser micromachining of bulk 3C-SiC, J. Micromech. Microeng. 15, 1786-1789 (2005). D. M. Cao, W. J. Meng, K. W. Kelly, High-temperature instrumented microscale compression molding of Pb, Microsystem Technologies 10, 323 (2004). 14 . 15. 16 . 17. W. J. Meng, D. M. Cao, G. B. Sinclair, Stresses during micromolding of metals at elevated temperatures: pilot experiments and a simple model, J. Mater. Res. 20, 161 (2005). H. S. Cho, K. J. Hemker, K. Lian, J. Goettert, G. Dirras, Measured mechanical properties of LiGA Ni structures, Sensors and Actuators A103, 59 (2003). D. M. Cao, J. Jiang, W. J. Meng, J. C. Jiang, W. Wang, Fabrication of highaspect-ratio microscale Ta mold inserts with micro-electrical-dischargemachining, Microsystem Technologies, in press (2006). D. M. Cao, J. Jiang, R. Yang, W. J. Meng, Fabrication of high-aspect-ratio microscale mold inserts by parallel µEDM, Microsystem Technologies, in press (2006). 277 The Design and Fabrication of Novel Micro-Instrument Platforms for Performing Genetic Analyses P.-C. Chen1,3, T.Y. Lee1,3, A. Maha1,3, M. Hashimoto2,3, J. Chen2,3, M. Hupert2, J. Guy2, D.E. Nikitopoulos1,3, S.A. Soper2,3, M.C. Murphy1,2 1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering 2 - Department of Chemistry 3 - Center for Bio-Modular Multi-Scale Systems Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 PRN: ME MM1204, e-mail: [email protected] Objectives: Design and fabricate a family of molded polymer instruments modules that can be stacked together to provide the functionality for complex genetic assays. Work has focused on the design and prototyping of a series of instrument modules, and methods for aligning and assembling the modules. Modules for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the ligase detection reaction (LDR), and passive mixing are under development. Different approaches for fabricating structures for passive alignment of the modules for assembly are being evaluated. Factors contributing to the tolerance of injection molded alignment structures are also being characterized. Results: PCR development concentrated on two tasks: (1) Improving thermal management of the existing spiral CFPCR module; and (2) Demonstrating an electrokinetic shuttle PCR (EKSPCR). The CFPCR devices were hot embossed using a LIGA-fabricated mold insert.1 Experiments had shown that yield was lower than obtained from a comparable block thermal cycler run.2 Simulations results indicated that this might be due to the dwell time of the PCR cocktail in each temperature zone being less than the optimal values. The CFPCR substrate thickness was reduced to 2 mm to decrease the thermal capacitance of the system, grooves were milled in the backside of the substrate along the temperature zone boundaries to increase the resistance to thermal conduction between temperature zones, and copper plates were placed between the thin Figure 1. Finite element simulation prediction of temperature distribution in modified CFPCR. 278 Figure 2. IR camera image of the temperature distribution in the modified CFPCR. film heaters and the fluid channel cover to insure that the boundary condition above the CFPCR channels was a constant temperature condition, not a constant heat flux. Finite element simulations (Figure 1) predicted that this would yield sharper transitions between temperature zones, which was confirmed by experiment (Figure 2). Amplification yield increased by 50% at the 2 mm/s design velocity. The CFPCR has two drawbacks a footprint of about 3 cm X 5 cm and a total channel length for 20 cycles of about 1.5 meters. One objective of the research is to reduce the modular devices to a size small enough to fit within the footprint of one well of a microtiter plate (9 mm X 9 mm). The current design is not easily scalable and the fault free fabrication of the long channel is a challenge. The shuttle PCR (SPCR) was developed to try and overcome the limitations. There are three constant temperature zones arranged along a short, straight channel. Instead of passing through a spiral the cocktail is shuttled between temperature zones; in the prototype electrokinetic drive was used. A prototype mold insert was milled in brass and hot embossed in polycarbonate at CBM2. Initial results show lower yield than the CFPCR, which have been attributed to flow control problems. These are being addressed. The ligase detection reaction is a two step thermal reaction, but the nominal reaction times for the two steps are significantly different. Preliminary results indicate that the sufficient yield can be produced by a micro LDR device.3 A parametric study of time, temperature, and reagent concentrations is being carried out in a hot embossed microchamber-type LDR device. Hot embossing is being done at CAMD on the Jenoptik machine. The results will indicate whether a microchamber or continuous flow type reactor is more appropriate for further development. Each of the reactor modules requires mixing of reagents and analyte. In current practice, the mixing is done off chip and the cocktail injected into the reactor, but with stackable modules integral mixing units will be necessary at each level. Passive mixers were designed and evaluated. Simulations in FLUENT were used to characterize the mixing efficiency of different candidate configurations. The most promising designs were incorporated on a micro-milled brass insert and test devices embossed. 279 Assembly of molded polymer parts must be accomplished in order to realize the modular approach. Two investigations are underway addressing some of the issues in assembly. The first is a characterization of the factors affecting tolerances on feature locations and feature geometry on injection molded parts. A test pattern consisting of different size square microfeatures was micro-milled in brass. Tolerances of injection molding of parts using the test pattern are being measured using the Wyko 3300 at CAMD. Measured tolerances are being compared to simulated results obtained using Moldflow (Charlotte, NC). In parallel, methods are being developed to make passive alignment structures that kinematically constrain the relative motion of two assembled parts. Combinations of vgrooves and spherical ended posts can completely constrain two rigid bodies. One approach to creating alignment structures on mold inserts is to directly mill them using a micro-mill. Representative results are shown in Figure 3. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Figure 3. QuickTime™ and a TIFF (LZW) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Milled patterns for spherical post and v-groove in a brass mold insert. 1 Mitchell, M.W., Liu, X., Bejat, Y., Nikitopoulos, D.E., Soper, S.A. and Murphy,M.C. (2003) “Design and Microfabrication of a Microchip for Continuous Flow PCR,” in MicroFluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems, ed. H. Becker and P. Wolas, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Volume 4982, pp. 83-98. 2 Hashimoto, M., Chen, P.-C., Mitchell, M.W., Nikitopoulos, D.E., Soper, S.A., and Murphy, M.C. (2004) “Rapid PCR in a continuous flow device,” Lab-on-a-Chip, 4(6):638-645. 3 Hashimoto, M. Hupert, M.L., Cheng, Y.-W., Barany, F., Murphy, M.C., Soper, S.A., (2005) Ligase Detection Reaction/Hybridization assays using three-dimensional microfluidic networks for the detection of low abundant DNA point mutations, Analytical Chemistry, 77(10):3243-3255. 280 Center for Bio-Modular Microsystems: Large Area Mold Insert (LAMI) Fabrication D. Park2, M. Hupert2, J. Guy2, J.-B. Lee3, M.C. Murphy1,2 1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering 2 - Center for Bio-Modular Multi-Scale Systems Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 3 – MicroNano Devices and Systems Laboratory (MiNDS) University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75083 PRN: CBMM-MM01061, e-mail: [email protected] Objectives: Highly parallelized biochemical analysis is one step toward achieving high throughput processing of patient samples for diagnostic and treatment monitoring. The standard microtiter plate, with a 127.76 mm by 85.48 mm footprint, is used to carry out from 96-1536 reactions in parallel using separate wells. By incorporating micro analysis devices at each well, the capability of the format could be significantly enhanced. Low cost replication of the microtiter plates is done through molding, so technology for making mold inserts containing microdevices at each well of a microtiter plate is needed, Results: A UV-lithography based approach was used to develop the large area mold inserts (LAMIs). Silicon wafers were chosen as the substrate due to flatness and availability. SU-8 photoresist (MicroChem, Waltham, MA) was spin-coated on 150 mm Si wafers with e-beam evaporated plating bases. UV exposures were done using the Quintel aligner in the CAMD cleanroom. Development and post-bake were also carried out at CAMD. The patterns were filled with electroplated nickel and over-electroplated in a custom-designed electroplating bath at CBM2. The over-electroplated nickel was planarized at the Chemical Engineering Shop and lapped at CBM2. The excess SU-8 was removed using a plasma asher process at the MiNDS laboratory at UT Dallas. A mold insert photograph is shown in Figure 1(a) and an SEM image of a solid phase reactor structure at one well in Figure 1(b). (a) (b) Figure 1. (a) Photograph of 135 mm diameter over-electroplated nickel mold insert; (b) SEM view of solid phase reactor (SPRI) pattern at each well of the microtiter plate. 281 Electrodeposition of Nanostructured Multilayers D. Iyer1, D. Palaparti1, M.C. Henk3, E.J. Podlaha-Murphy2, M.C. Murphy1 1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering 2 - Department of Chemical Engineering 3 - Department of Biological Sciences Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 PRN: ME MM0604MT, e-mail: [email protected] Objectives: The primary goal of the project was to understand the thermal expansion behavior of the electrodeposited Invar-like alloy and determine if the variation of the CTE could be modulated through the use of copper nanolayers interposed between the Ni-Fe alloy. Initial work was done on electrodeposited posts. Results: X-ray lithography was used to fabricate the pattern of micro-recesses for the multilayer micro-posts. Stock CQ-grade, high molecular weight (Vista Optics, UK) polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), a positive X-ray resist, was bonded to a 100 mm diameter, copper sputtered alumina substrate using a PMMA bonding solution and fly cut to a thickness of approximately 100 µm ± 3.5 µm. The X-ray mask, with a gold absorber and a graphite membrane, was a 130 X 130 grid of circles with a uniform diameter of 100 µm and uniform center-to-center spacing of 300 µm. Exposures were done at CAMD. Deposition of multilayers was achieved by pulsing currents between two levels, one to deposit Cu and the other to deposit FeNiCu. A TEM image of the multilayers is shown in Figure 1(a). The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) for the posts was measured using a thermo mechanical analyzer (TMA) at Stork Technimet (New Berlin, WI). Displacement was measured over three heating/cooling cycles from room temperature to 300 oC. The asdeposited material had a negative CTE on the first heating cycle (Figure 1(b)). Subsequent cycles produced low positive CTE’s comparable to bulk Invar, but no evidence of transition to higher CTE due to the Curie effect at temperatures between 200 oC and 300 oC. Figure 1. (a) TEM image of nanolayers (dark – FeNiCu; light – Cu); (b) CTE as a function of temperature for as-deposited materal. 282 Fabrication of Thermoelectric Arrays A.Z. Cygan1, A. Prabhakar1, R. Devireddy1, E.J. Podlaha-Murphy2, M.C. Murphy1 1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering 2 - Department of Chemical Engineering Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 PRN: ME MM0604EN, e-mail: [email protected] Objectives: The goal of this project is to design and fabricate an integrated array of micro thermocouples and micro Peltier devices. The LIGA and UV-LIGA processes provide the tools to produce small scale devices in a dense array with a vertical, low thermal capacitance via layer to connect the instruments to the necessary electronics. Results: In the initial work, separate arrays of micro thermocouples and micro Peltier elements are being fabricated to demonstrate the concepts. Individual devices in each array are to have a center-to-center distance of 50 micrometers in order to measure and modulate the temperature of single cells in an engineered tissue construct. The array of micro thermocouples will be T-type thermocouples with one electrode copper and one constantan (CuNi). Plating parameters were established using a rotating Hull cell. Mathematical models were used to determine appropriate dimensions for the thermocouples that would have sufficiently fast response to track freezing events. The prototype array uses a conventional planar wiring layer, 3 m and 5 m diameter by 20 m tall electrodes to provide thermal isolation, and a junction layer. The spacing between the two electrodes in each thermocouple is 5 m. A mask containing patterns for various diameter posts and inter-post spacing was used first, then a set of five masks were purchased from Advanced Reproductions (N. Andover, MA): two wiring layer masks (one for each material), two electrode masks (one for each material), and one junction layer mask. The wiring and junction layers will be patterned using SPR 1813 Photoresist (Rohm & Haas, Marlborough, MA) and the electrode layer with AZ 4620 (Clariant, Somerville, MA). The test pattern was used to evaluate the alignment and exposure capabilities of the Quintel aligner at CAMD. Structures down to 3 m diameter were successfully patterned and aligned to within +/- one micrometer. Figure 1(a) shows representative test 5 m diameter posts. Work is underway on fabrication of the whole array. The wiring layer and copper posts for both 3 and 5 micrometer diameters are shown in Figure 1(b). Figure 1. (a) SEM images of aligned nominal 5 µm diameter posts with 5 µm spacing; (b) Microscope image showing both wiring layers, with copper posts 283 electroplated and the holes for the constantan posts patterned but not filled. The top structures are 5 µm diameter and the bottom structures are 3 µm. Fabrication of micro scale arrays of thermoelectric sensors and actuators for cryobiological applications, A.Z. Cygan, A. Prabhakar, E.J. Podlaha-Murphy, M.C. Murphy, and R.V. Devireddy, Proceedings of the ASME IMECE 2004, Anaheim, CA, November 15-20, 2004, IMECE2004-60920. 284 Fabrication of perforated polymer membranes using imprinting technology Anish Roychowdhury, Sunggook Park Department of Mechanical Engineering and Centre for BioModular Multiscale Systems Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, PRN: ME- SP1205, email: [email protected] Objectives: The ability to imitate architecture of naturally existing matter economically is important because this will provide platform for various fundamental and applied research activities. The objective of this proposal is to develop a process for the production of perforated polymer membranes using imprinting technology. The perforated membrane structures can be found in many biological systems and thus have potentials to researches on transport behavior in cell biology and separation of substances. Such structures can also be used as components in polymer optics and modular bioanalytic devices. In order to realize low cost production of the membrane structures, a single step imprinting process is employed, which is combined with semi conductor micro machining processes. The several technical challenges in this project include developing and optimizing a series of processes starting from stamp design to materials choice, imprinting of high aspect ratio patterns, and post- processing. Results: The first step to realize the membrane structure is to fabricate high quality NIL stamps with desired structures which can be repeatedly used with damage. Stamps with microscale features were fabricated via photolithography using microfabrication facilities at the CAMD cleanroom. After coating S1813 photoresist on a Si wafer, the Quintel UV exposure station was used to pattern the photoresist. Subsequent deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) to transfer the resist pattern into Si was performed at the Microelectronic Research Center at Georgia Tech. Fig.1(a) shows a scanning electron microscope (SEM) image for the Si stamp with pillars of 9 µm diameter and 8 µm height, where almost vertical sidewalls and smooth surface were revealed. Using this stamp, imprinting was performed to define hole structures in a sheet of PMMA (Fig.1(b)) which will be further processed to perforated membrane structures by micromachining the backside of the substrate using KOH and HF. (a) (b) Fig.1. SEM images for (a) a Si stamp with pillars of 8µm depth and 9µ diameter and (b) the corresponding imprinted PMMA using the stamp shown in Fig(a) . 285 CAMD project title: Modular Microfluidic Systems Multi-channel Polymer Microchip Electrophoresis Devices with Integrated Conductivity Detection Contributing Authors: Mateusz Hupert, Hamed Shadpour, Changgeng Liu, Donald Patterson, Jason Guy, Proyag Datta, and Steven A. Soper Department of Chemistry, Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, and Center for BioModular Multi-Scale Systems, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 High-throughput capabilities are extremely desirable in bio-separations, especially for genetic and proteomic studies and also for determining the identity and purity of synthesized substances used in drug discovery. We are particularly interested in the fabrication of three-dimensional, modular architectures capable of performing series of bioanalytical processes in parallel. This type of architecture enhances the degree of integration of the system and also, allows for matching the preferred construction material with the intended application of each module. Task-specific modules can be fabricated, tested, and optimized separately before a final assembly of the modular microsystem takes place. Herein we report on the fabrication of multi-channel polymer microchip electrophoresis device with integrated conductivity detection that will be eventually used as purification module in DNA sequencing system. We have selected conductivity as a detection method since it provides a universal detection of many analytes without the need for labeling. It is also scalable, can be easily applied in multichannel format, and uses relatively inexpensive instrumentation. The microchip was fabricated in polycarbonate (PC). A high-precision micromilled brass master was used to hot-emboss microfluidic channels into a polymer substrate. Conductivity electrodes were patterned onto thin PC sheets using the standard lithographic techniques (Fig. 1). These patterned PC sheets served as the coverplates for the microfluidic channels. In order to aid in the alignment process of the microelectrodes over the microchannel, alignment marks were fabricated on both microchip and coverplate. The coverplates were thermally annealed to the microfluidic chip. Initial tests involving injection of KCl solution into the microfluidic channels showed good, leakage free seal of the microchannels, and capability of gold microelectrodes to detect conductivity signals. Future directions: An evaluation of the analytical performance of the multi-channel polymer microchip electrophoresis device with integrated conductivity detection. An application of the device in the modular DNA sequencing system. 286 Figure 1. Schematic diagram of electrode fabrication process. Figure 2. (a) Layout of the 16-channel CEC-chip with conductivity detection (red lines). Channel width: 60 µm, channel depth: 40 µm, electrode width at detection point: 10 – 60 µm, electrode spacing: 5 – 20 µm. (b) Detailed layout of the separation microchannel with a pair of the conductivity electrodes. (c) Optical micrograph of PC coverplate with lithographically patterned gold electrodes. (d) Optical micrograph of the microfluidic channel hot-embossed in PC with annealed coverplate with gold electrodes. 287 Field Emission from Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Abhilash Krishna, Dept. of ECE, LSU, [email protected] Jeong Tae Ok, Dept. of ECE, LSU, [email protected] Bingqing Wei - Assistant professor, Dept of ECE, LSU. ([email protected]) PRN: ECE-BW1204 The primary goal of this work was to study the effects of various factors that influence field emission from multiwalled CNTs. For the set of factors that was chosen for investigation, a suitable field emission testing system was designed and assembled. Temperature of the CNTs was observed to have a considerable effect on the field emission from CNTs. Current saturation is observed at high temperatures. These findings can prove to be critical if the field emission device is operating in conditions of high temperature. The effects of variation in ambient pressure and changes in the background gas species are also studied. The field emission device characteristic is found to be very sensitive to the ambient gas pressure and more so when the gas species used was helium. Among Ar, He and N2, it is observed that He is the most suitable for field emission based device applications. It has been experimentally proven that aligned CNTs are far superior to random CNTs in terms of field emission characteristics. Effect of different substrate materials on field emission has also been examined. It has been found that metallic substrates like stainless steel show promise of better performance. CNT growth conditions have also been shown to influence their field emission property. Young’s interference fringes found on the copper anode surface after field emission have been reported. Emitter and anode degradation as a result of field emission have been observed as part of this wok. However it is important to note that CNTs are relatively more robust and less prone to degradation when compared to many other conventional field emitters. These results can be applied to find a set of optimal parameters that could be used for any field emission device design in order to get maximum field emitted current density at low operating voltages. 288 Publications from Users in 2005 Adsorption of water on the TiO2(011)-2x1 reconstructed surface, C. Di Valentin, A. Tilocca, A. Selloni, T.J. Beck, A. Klust, M. Batzill, Y. Losovyj, U. Diebold , J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 9895 (2005). Advanced Characterization of the Electronic Structure of MEH-PPV, D. K. Chambers and S. Selmic, MRS Proceedings, Volume 871E, article I6.20, 2005. Comment on “Spectral Identification of Thin Film Coated and Solid Form Semiconductor Neutron detectors” by McGregor and Shultis, S. Hallbeck, A.N. Caruso, S. Adenwalla, J. Brand, Dongjin Byun, H.X. Jiang, J.Y. Lin, Ya.B. Losovyj, C. Lundstedt, D.N. McIlroy, W.K. Pitts, B.W. Robertson, and P.A. Dowben, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 536 (2005) 228-231. Comparison of Crystalline Thin Poly(vinylidene (70%) - trifluoroethylene (30%)) Copolymer Films with Short Chain Poly(vinylidene fluoride) films, Jaewu Choi, E. Morikawa, S. Ducharme and P.A. Dowben, Matt. Lett. 59 (2005) 3599-3603. Crystal structures of a multifunctional triterpene/flavonoid glycosyltransferase from Medicago truncatula, H. Shao, X. He, L. Achnine, J.W. Blount, R.A. Dixon, and X. Wang, Plant Cell, 17(11):3141-54, Nov. 2005. Deposition of highly hydrogenated carbon films by a modified plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition technique, B. Shi, W. J. Meng, R. D. Evans, N. Hershkowitz, Surf. Coat. Technol. 200, 1543-1548 (2005). Evidence for Multiple Polytypes of Semiconducting Boron Carbide (C2B10) from Electronic Structure, Petru Lunca-Popa, J.I. Brand, Snjezana Balaz, Luis G. Rosa, N.M. Boag, Mengjun Bai, B.W. Robertson, and P.A. Dowben, J. Physics D: Applied Physics 38 (2005) 1248-1252. Evidence for phonon effects in the electronic bands of granular Fe3O4, Ya. B. Losovyj and J. Tang, Mater. Lett., 59, (2005) 3828, 3 pages. Gas phase-dependent properties of SnO2 (110), (100), and (101) single crystal surfaces: structure, composition, and electronic properties, M. Batzill, K. Katsiev, J.M. Burst, U. Diebold, A.M. Chaka, B. Delley, Phys. Rev. B 72, 165414 (2005). Ketones from Acid/Aldehyde Condensation Using Metal/CeO2 Catalysts, K.M. Dooley, A.K. Bhat, A.D. Roy and C.P. Plaisance, Proceedings, 19th North American Meeting, Catalysis Society, Philadelphia, 2005. Mercury and C2B10 Icosahedra Interaction, Carolina C. Ilie, Petru Lunca-Popa, Jiandi Zhang, Bernard Doudin, Peter A. Dowben, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 848 (2005) FF6.5.1-FF6.5.6. Metal hybridization and electronic structure of Tris(8-hydroxyquinolato)aluminum (Alq3), A.N. Caruso, D.L. Schulz and P.A. Dowben, Chem. Phys. Lett. 413 (2005) 321. 289 Mixed dissociated/molecular monolayer of water on the TiO2(011)-(2x1) surface, T.J. Beck, A. Klust, M. Batzill, U. Diebold, C. Di Valentin, A. Tilocca, A. Selloni, Surf. Sci. Lett. 591, L267 (2005). Noncollinear spin states and competing interactions in half-metals and magnetic perovskites, R. Skomski, J. Zhou, P.A. Dowben and D.J. Sellmyer, Journal of Applied Physics 97 (2005) 10C305. Noncovalent Functionalization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes using Alternate Layer-by-Layer Polyelectrolyte Adsorption for Nanocomposite Fuel Cell Electrodes, R.B. Dhullipudi, Y.M. Lvov, S. Adiddela, Z. Zheng, R.A. Gunasekaran, T.A. Dobbins, Materials Research Society Symposium – Proceedings 837, paper N3.27.1 (2005). On the importance of defects in magnetic tunnel junctions, P.A. Dowben and B. Doudin, in Local Moment Ferromagnets: Unique Properties for Modern Applications, Lecture Notes in Physics 678, Springer (2005), M. Donath and W. Nolting, editors, pp. 309-326, ISBN number 0075-8450. Photohole Screening Effects in Polythiophenes with Pendant Groups, D.-Q. Feng, A.N. Caruso, D.L. Schulz, Ya.B. Losovyj and P.A. Dowben, J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (2005) 16382-16389. Portable Coordinate Measuring Tool, L. Jiang and M. Feldman, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 23, p. 3056, Nov./Dec. 2005. Single crystal ice grown on the surface of the ferroelectric polymer poly(vinylidene fluoride) (70%) and trifluoroethylene (30%), Luis G. Rosa, Jie Xiao, Ya.B. Losovyj, Yi Gao, I.N. Yakovkin, Xiao C. Zeng and P.A. Dowben, Journ. Am. Chem. Soc. 127 (2005) 17261-17265. Strain Induced half metal to semiconductor transition in GdN, Chun-gang Duan, R.F. Sabiryanov, Jianjun Liu, W.N. Mei, P.A. Dowben and J.R. Hardy, Physical Review Letters 94 (2005) 237201. The Anomalous “Stiffness” of Biphenydimethyldithiol, D.Q. Feng, R. Rajesh, J. Redepenning and P.A. Dowben, Applied Physics Letters 87 (2005) 181918. The Coadsorption and Interaction of Molecular Icosahedra with Mercury, Carolina C. Ilie, Snjezana Balaz, Luis G. Rosa, Jiandi Zhang, P. Lunca-Popa, Christopher Bianchetti, Roland Tittsworth, J.I. Brand, B. Doudin, P.A. Dowben, Applied Physics A 81 (2005) 1613-1618. The Electronic Structure of Oriented poly(2-methoxy-5-(2’-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4phenylenevinylene), David Keith Chambers, Srikanth Karanam, Difei Qi, Sandra Selmic, Ya.B. Losovyj, Luis G. Rosa and P.A. Dowben, Applied Physics A 80 (2005) 483-488. 290 The Limits to Spin-Polarization in Finite-Temperature Half-Metallic Ferromagnets, P.A. Dowben and S.J. Jenkins. in Frontiers in Magnetic Materials, edited by Anant Narlikar, Springer Verlag (2005) 295-325. The structure of coral allene oxide synthase reveals a catalase adapted for metabolism of a fatty acid hydroperoxide, M.L. Oldham, A.R. Brash, & M.E. Newcomer, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102, 297-302 (2005). The surface and materials science of tin oxide, M. Batzill, U. Diebold, Prog. Surf. Sci 79, 47 (2005). Theoretical study of the magnetic ordering in rare-earth compounds with facecentered-cubic structure, Chun-gang Duan, R.F. Sabiryanov, Jianjun Liu, W.N. Mei, P.A. Dowben and J.R. Hardy, Journal of Applied Physics 97 (2005) 10A915. Tuning surface properties of SnO2(101) by reduction, M. Batzill, K. Katsiev, J.M. Burst, Y. Losvoyi, W. Bergermayer, I. Tanaka, and U. Diebold submitted to the Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, as part of the Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the Study of Matter at Extreme Conditions (SMEC), May 2005. Vibronic Coupling in the Valence Band Photoemission of the Ferroelectric Copolymer: poly(vinylidene fluoride) (70%) and trifluoroethylene (30%), Luis G. Rosa, Ya.B. Losovyj, Jaewu Choi, and P.A. Dowben, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (2005) 7817-7820. X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Ti-doped NaAlH4 at the Titanium K-edge, E. Bruster, T.A. Dobbins, R. Tittsworth, D. Anton, Materials Research Society Symposium – Proceedings 837, paper N3.4.1 (2005). 291 Presentations from Users in 2005 Water adsorption on the ZnO(10-10) surface: an experimental and theoretical investigation of the overlayer structure Presenter: Ulrike Diebold, International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces, IWOX-4, Torino University (Italy) and Centre Paul Langevin, Aussois (France), Jan. 04 - January 08, 2005. Fabrication of microscale two-level surface-engineered mold inserts for MEMS applications by UV-LiGA and conformal coating deposition, R. Yang, J. Jiang, W. Wang (presenter), W. J. Meng, presented at the SPIE MOEMS-MEMS2005 Conference on Micro/Nano Fabrication (#5717-24), January 2005, San Jose, California. Geometric and Electronic Structure of Self-Assembled Monolayers Grown on Noble Metal Substrates: Dodecanethiol on Au, Ag, and Pt, T. M. Sweeney, J. M. Burst, P. S. Robbert, J. W. Hobson, S. M. Huston, C. A. Ventrice, Jr., and H. Geisler, 5th Louisiana Conference on Advanced Materials and Emerging Technologies (LaCOMET), New Orleans, Louisiana, January 22, 2005. (Presented by C. A. Ventrice, Jr.). Scanning Tunneling Microscopy on Metal Oxide Surfaces (Speaker: Ulrike Diebold) Department of Physics, Loyola University, New Orleans, LA, February 24, 2005. Water adsorption on the rutile TiO2(011)-(2x1) surface Presenter: Andreas Klust, Gordon Research Conference, Chemical Reactions at Surfaces, Ventura, CA, Feburary 2005. Geometric and Electronic Structure of Self-Assembled Monolayers on Noble Metal Surfaces, B. Hayes, H. Geisler, T. M. Sweeney, J. M. Burst, P. S. Robbert, J. W. Hobson, S. M. Huston, and C. A. Ventrice, Jr., DARPA/UNO Advanced Materials Research Institute Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 3, 2005. (Presented by H. Geisler). Growth and Properties of Oxide-supported Nanoclusters (Speaker: Ulrike Diebold), American Chemical Society Meeting, San Diego, March 22, 2005. Adsorption and dissociation of water at the rutile TiO2(011)-2x1 surface Presenter: T.J. Beck, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, March 2005, Los Angeles, CA. Surface Electronic Structure of the Compositional Variants of SnO2(101) Presenter: Matthias Batzill, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, March 2005, Los Angeles, CA. Properties of a ferromagnetic semiconductor: epitaxial Co-doped SnO2 films Presenter: Jimi Burst, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, March 2005, Los Angeles, CA. 292 Low Energy Electron Diffraction and Photoemission Study of Dodecanethiol on Pt(111) and Pt(100), T. M. Sweeney, P. S. Robbert, J. W. Hobson, S. M. Huston, C. A. Ventrice, Jr., and H. Geisler, 2005 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Los Angeles, California, March 24, 2005. (Presented by T. M. Sweeney). The Effect of Arsenic Upon Thelypteris Palustris, The Common Marsh Fern by L. Anderson and M.Walsh, March 2005 Graduate Poster Presentation. Surface electronic structure and interface properties of the compositional variants of SnO2(101) (Speaker: Matthias Batzill) Third meeting of the Study of Matter at Extreme Conditions (SMEC), Miami Beach, April 17-21, 2005. Nanoscience and Surfaces: Watching Atoms with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (Speaker: Ulrike Diebold) Austrian Scientists and Scholars in North America, ACSINA 2005, Vienna, Austria, April 27 – 29, 2005. Surface electronic structure and interface properties of the compositional variants of SnO2(101) Presenter: Matthias Batzill, CAMD Annual Users’ Meeting, April 2005, Baton Rouge, LA. Bimodal Pd cluster growth on the reduced SnO2 (101) surface Presenter: Bulat Katsiev, CAMD Annual Users’ Meeting, April 2005, Baton Rouge, LA. The Effect of Arsenic Upon Thelypteris Palustris, The Common Marsh Fern by L. Anderson and M. Walsh, International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, April 2005 Poster Presentation (Dr. Walsh Presenter). Surface Science Investigations of Titanium Dioxide: Relevant for Photocatalysis? (Speaker: Ulrike Diebold) DoE/BES Catalysis Program Contractor’s Meeting, Rockville Maryland, May 18 – 21, 2005. The influence of oxygen composition on the surface functionality of SnO2(101) Presenter: Ulrike Diebold, Department of Energy/Basic Energy Sciences, Catalysis and Chemical Transformations Contractors’ Meeting, May 18-21, 2005 – Doubletree Hotel, Rockville, MD. Deposition of highly hydrogenated carbon films by a modified plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition technique, B. Shi (presenter), W. J. Meng, presented at the International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF2005), San Diego, May 2005. The Adsorption of Water on Single-crystalline Metal Oxide Surfaces (Speaker: Ulrike Diebold) 89th International Bunsen Discussion Meeting, "Chemical processes at oxide surfaces: from experiment to theory”, Hennesee, Germany, June 15-17, 2005. Metal micromolding: further experiments and preliminary finite element analysis, D. M. Cao, J. Jiang, W. J. Meng (presenter), J. C. Jiang, W. Wang, presented at the HighAspect-Ratio Microscale Structures Technology (HARMST2005) conference, Gyeongju, South Korea, June 2005. 293 Fabrication of high-aspect-ratio microscale Ta mold inserts with micro-electricaldischarge-machining, D. M. Cao, J. Jiang, W. J. Meng (presenter), J. C. Jiang, W. Wang, presented at the High-Aspect-Ratio Microscale Structures Technology (HARMST2005) conference, Gyeongju, South Korea, June 2005. Structure and Stoichiometry at Metal Oxide Surfaces (Speaker: Ulrike Diebold) 8th International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces, ICSOS-8, Munich, Germany, 1822 July 2005. Orientation-dependent surface properties of TiO2: the rutile (011) face (Speaker: Ulrike Diebold) ASEVA Summer School, WS-17, on Characterization and Properties of Titanium Dioxide, Avila, Spain, July 25-27, 2005. Effects of Physical Layout, Temperature and Pressure on Field Emission Properties of Carbon Nanotubes, Krishna, A. Ok, J. T. and Wei, B.Q., ICMAT 2005 (3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies), July 3-8, 2005, Singapore. Prospects for Neutron Tomography and High-Speed Radiography by L. G. Butler, C. Hubbard, D. Penumadu, ACS Natl. Mtg, Washington DC, August 28 - Sept 1, 2005. Prospects for Neutron Tomography and High-Speed Radiography by L. G. Butler, C. Hubbard, D. Penumadu, at the Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sept 23, 2005. Surface Structure and Chemistry of TiO2 (Speaker: Matthias Batzill) European Conference on Surface Science, ECOSS-23, Berlin, Germany, Sept. 4 – 9, 2005. Prospects for Neutron Tomography and High-Speed Radiography by L. G. Butler, C. Hubbard, D. Penumadu, at the Spallation Neutron Source User Group Meeting, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oct 11-13, 2005. Surface Structure and Reactivity of Titanium Dioxide (Speaker: Ulrike Diebold) Workshop on Opportunities in Nanocatalysis, Brookhaven National Laboratory, October 19 – 21, 2005. Structure, defects, and adsorption on metal oxide surfaces (Speaker: Ulrike Diebold) 52nd Symposium of the American Vacuum Society, Boston, MA, Oct 5 – Nov 30, 2005. An Atomic-Scale View of Transition Metal Oxide Surfaces (Speaker: Ulrike Diebold) Seminar, Department of Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, November 8, 2005. Surface Investigations of Pure and Doped Transition Metal Oxides (Speaker: Ulrike Diebold) Condensed Matter Seminar, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, November 17, 2005. 294 An Atomic-Scale View of Transition Metal Oxide Surfaces (Speaker: Ulrike Diebold) Seminar, Department of Applied Physics, Columbia University, New York, November 18, 2005. An Atomic-Scale View of Transition Metal Oxide Surfaces (Speaker: Ulrike Diebold) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, November 29, 2005. Bimodal Pd cluster growth on the reduced SnO2 (101) surface Presenter: Bulat Katsiev, American Vacuum Society, Boston, November 2005. Tuning surface reactivity of SnO2(101): dissociative and molecular water adsorption Presenter: Matthias Batzill, American Vacuum Society, Boston, November 2005. Geometric and Electronic Structure of Self-Assembled Monolayers on Noble Metal Surfaces: Dodecanthiol on Pt, Au, Ag and Cu, T. M. Sweeney, J. M. Burst, S. M. Huston, P. S. Robbert, J. W. Hobson, C. A. Ventrice Jr., L. Powell, B. Hayes, H. Geisler, 52nd International Symposium of the American Vacuum Society, Boston , Massachusetts, November 1, 2005. (Presented by H. Geisler). Fe3O4: A Half-Metal or Not?, Presenter: Jinke Tang, Iowa State University, University of Arkansas, and University of Missouri, Kansas City, November 2005. Phytoremediation of Arsenic Contaminated Soils by L. Anderson and M. Walsh, Louisiana Air and Waste Management Society, November 2005 Conference Presenter. An Atomic-Scale View of Transition Metal Oxides (Speaker: Ulrike Diebold) Seminar, Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven National Laboratory, December 7, 2005. Oxides, Defects, and Surface Reactivity: What Can We Learn from Atomic-Scale Studies? (Speaker: Ulrike Diebold) Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, December 12, 2005. Ketones from Acid/Aldehyde Condensation Using Metal/CeO2 Catalysts, K.M. Dooley (speaker), A.K. Bhat, A.D. Roy and C.P. Plaisance, 19th North American Meeting, Catalysis Society, Philadelphia, 2005. Atomic Structure and Dynamics at Oxide Surfaces (Speaker: Ulrike Diebold) Colloquium, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Metal micromolding with surface engineered inserts, D. M. Cao(presenter), J. Jiang, W. J. Meng, presented at MRS’05 fall meeting (Boston), 2005. 295 2005 Annual CAMD User Meeting April 8, 2005 Schedule Morning Session, Conference Room, CAMD, 6980 Jefferson Hwy., Baton Rouge, LA: 7:30 – 8:30 Continental Breakfast and Registration 8:30 – 9:00 Status of CAMD Josef Hormes, CAMD Director 9:00 – 9:15 Status of Microfabrication Jost Goettert, CAMD Director of Microfabrication 9:15 – 10:00 KEYNOTE SPEAKER George Phillips, Professor of Biochemistry and of Computer Sciences University of Wisconsin – Madison “Using Synchrotron Light to Study Proteins: Trends and Examples” 10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break 10:30 – 10:50 Fareed Dawan, CAMD/LSU “Development of Left-Handed Meta-Material Using a UV-LIGA Process for High Frequency Applications” 10:50 – 11:10 Recipient of the Student Award for Basic Science Sponsored by IoP, The Institute of Physics Jason Emory, LSU Department of Chemistry “Single-Molecule Detection in a High Throughput, Multi-channel Micro Device as an Approach to Analyzing DNA Point Mutations” 11:10 - 11:30 Diwakar Iyer, LSU Department of Mechanical Engineering “Electrodeposited Nanoscale Multilayers of Invar with Copper” 11:30 – 11:50 Hamed Shadpour, LSU Department of Chemistry “Multi-Channel PC Device with Integrated Conductivity Detector for Analysis of Biological Samples” 11:50 – 1:00 Lunch Afternoon Session, Conference Room, CAMD, 6980 Jefferson Hwy., Baton Rouge, LA: 1:00 – 1:20 Orhan Kizilkaya, CAMD/LSU “Status of the Infrared Beamline” 1:20 – 1:40 Snjezana Balaz, University of Nebraska – Lincoln “A Comparison of the Electronic Structure of Phosphacarborane and Orthocarborane Molecular Films” 296 1:40 – 2:00 Matthias Batzill, Tulane University “Surface Electronic Structure and Interface Properties of the Compositional Variants of SnO2(101)” 2:00 – 2:20 Jia Ma, LSU Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering “Partitioning and Particulate-Bound Distribution of Phosphorus in Rainfall-Runoff” 2:20 – 2:40 Recipient of the Student Award for Microfabrication Sponsored by IoP, The Institute of Physics Craig Plaisance, LSU Department of Chemical Engineering “New Catalysts for Methylketone Manufacture” 2:40 – 3:00 Luis Rosa, University of Nebraska – Lincoln “Water Adsorption of a Polymer Surface” 3:00 – 3:20 Khabibullah Katsiev, Tulane University “Bimodal Pd Cluster Growth on the Reduced SnO2 (101) Surface” 3:20 – 3:40 David Keith Chambers, LaTech University “Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopic Study of Semiconductive Optoelectronic Polymers” 3:40 – 4:10 Report from CAMD User Committee 4:10 – 4:40 Radiation Safety Recertification, CAMD Conference Room 6:00 – 9:00 Social Time and Crawfish Boil, CAMD “Backyard” Correspondence Address and Phone Numbers: LSU CAMD 6980 Jefferson Highway Baton Rouge, LA 70806 (225) 578-8887 Tel (225) 578-6954 Fax Contact: Lee Ann Broussard, User Coordinator Email: [email protected] This year’s meeting is sponsored in part by 297 The CAMD Users’ Committee (CUC) At this writing, the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD) of Louisiana State University and A & M College Users’ Committee (CUC) is, as is much of CAMD, trying to address a state of considerable uncertainty and transition. The CUC has been led by Peter Dowben (University of Nebraska) aided ably by Les Butler (Chemistry, LSU) Chair elect. (vice Chair), elected 2005, Snjezana Balaz (Univ. of Nebraska), student representative, elected 2005, Ulrike Diebold, (Tulane Univ.), elected 2005, Tabbetha Dobbins (LaTech Univ.), Steve Soper (LSU), past chair of the CUC, Carl Ventrice (Physics, UNO), Wanjun Wang (Mechanical Engineering, LSU), elected 2005, Weilie Zhou (AMRI, UNO) and recent past members of the CAMD USERS' Committee: Richard Kurtz (Physics & Astronomy, LSU, and previous past chair of the CUC) and Marcia Newcomer (Biological Sciences, LSU). To address to some of the turmoil, a number of initiatives were begun while Steve Soper was chair of the CUC, but have not yet seen full fruition. Other turmoil has been the result of the financial fallout from Hurricane Katrina, which has placed budgetary shortfalls throughout Louisiana, and on CAMD as well. Still, the CUC has been more active than ever before, and consulted often collectively and individually this past year by the CAMD and LSU administration. As part of the budget shortfall, some (hopefully) short lived restrictions in the CAMD schedule have been put into affect. These changes were done in consultation with the CUC, after considering a number of plans. Les Bulter went to some considerable effort (for which he has out great thanks) to try and address these budget shortfalls, but was, unfortunately, unsuccessful. The CUC continued to work with the CAMD Administration in scheduling beamtime. The scheduling of beamtime has been expanded from the VUV beamlines (the VUV scheduling committee consisting of Eizi Morikawa, [email protected], Phils Sprunger, [email protected], Carl Ventrice, [email protected], Orhan Kizilkaya, [email protected], Peter Dowben, [email protected], Rich Kurtz, [email protected], Yaroslav Losovyj, [email protected]) to the X-ray beamlines, with a committee appointed consisting of Marcia Newcomer, Les Bulter, and Roland Tittsworth. With Roland Tittsworth’s much lamented passing, it is hoped that the scheduling committee for X-ray will not falter and continue in its good works with Amitava Roy, who will be serving in an interim X-ray Beamlines Manager capacity ([email protected] or (225) 578-6706). The CUC continued to work with the CAMD Administration in organization of the CAMD Users’ meeting. Lee Ann Murphey and her colleagues shouldered most of this organizational burden for the 2005 Users’ Meeting, and it is hoped that the 2006 will prove to be less burdensome. Nonetheless, the meeting was a success with crawfish to be had by all and the graduate student prizes being given to Jason Emory (LSU-Chem.) in micro-fabrication and to Craig Plaisance (LSU-Dept of Chemical Engineering) in basic sciences in 2005. Graduate student prizes are again planned for the 2006 CAMD Users’ meeting and into the future. The 2005 Users’ meeting continues to have external support from Oxford-Danfysik and the Institute of Physics. There was also some input as to how the Microfab cost center will be implemented at CAMD, but CAMD has prepared a detailed listing of costs for equipment/personnel usage, and a meeting planned to discuss implementation of these new charges with the LSU faculty and CAMD was planned. A CAMD Users’ survey (an initiative of Steve Soper), and the responses have 298 resulted in frequent meetings throughout this past year between a number of LSU faculty, who use CAMD, and the Vice Chancellor for Research, Harold Silverman. On behalf of the CUC, both Peter Dowben and Les Butler have met with the CAMD Scientific Advisory Committee in March (2006), to convey Users’ concerns and peter Dowben had an opportunity to communicate those concerns to VC Harold Silverman directly in March. As we go into the future, we believe that the User will be increasingly consulted and contribute to the future of CAMD. Such input depends not only on being heard, but also this depends upon all of the active CAMD users putting forward their opinions and speaking forth on issues of concern. 299 CAMD Faculty/Staff 300 Scientists’ Activity (Publications/Presentations) 301 Publications from CAMD staff members in referred journals 2005 A Hybrid Approach for Fabrication of Polymeric BIOMEMS Devices, V. Singh, Y. Desta, P. Datta, J. Guy, M. Clarke, D.L. Feedback, J. Weimert and J. Goettert; Book of Abstracts, HARMST05, June 10-13, 2005, Gyeongju, Korea, pp. 170-171, 2005, accepted for publication in Microsystem Technologies. A Quantitative Study on the Adhesion Property of Cured SU-8 on Various Metallic Surfaces, Wen Dai, Kun Lian and Wanjun Wang, Microsystem Technologies, Volume-1, Issue Online First page:46, June 23, 2005. DOI: 10.1007/s00542-005-0587-4. Adsorption of Water on the TiO2 (011)-(2×1) Reconstructed Surface, Cristiana Di Valentin, Antonio Tilocca4 and Annabella Selloni, T. J. Beck, Andreas Klust, Matthias Batzill, Yaroslav Losovyj, Ulrike Diebold, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127 (27) (2005) pp 98959903. Analytical considerations, design, and fabrication of a microfabricated fast GC x GC system for the DARPA Micro Gas Analyzer (MGA), E. B. Overton, J. Goettert, H. P. Dharmasena, A. Bhushan, D. Yemane, R. Simonson, D. Wheeler, D. Trudell, S. Dirke, 13th Intl. Conference On-Site Analysis, Arlington VA, January 2005. Changes in Electronic Structure through a Disorder Transition in Gadolinium Adlayers on W(112), Ya. Losovyj, P.A. Dowben, J Alloys Comp. 401 (2005) 155-159. Characterization of size-dependent structural and electronic properties of CTABstabilized cobalt nanoparticles by X-ray absorption spectroscopy, H. Modrow, N. Palina, C.S.S.R. Kumar, E.E. Doomes, M. Aghasyan, V.Palshin, R. Tittsworth, J.C. Jiang, J. Hormes, Physica Scripta, T115, 790-793, 2005. Characterization of the photo-irradiation effects on polystyrene ultrathin films with ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy, O. Kizilkaya, M. Ono, and E. Morikawa, J. of Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom, 151, 34 (2005). Comment on “Spectral Identification of Thin Film Coated and Solid Form Semiconductor Neutron detectors” by McGregor and Shultis, S. Hallbeck, A.N. Caruso, S. Adenwalla, J. Brand, Dongjin Byun, H.X. Jiang, J.Y. Lin, Ya.B. Losovyj, C. Lundstedt, D.N. McIlroy, W.K. Pitts, B.W. Robertson, and P.A. Dowben, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 536 (2005) 228. Comparison of Crystalline Thin Poly(vinylidene (70%) – trifluoroethylene (30%)) Copolymer Films with Short Chain Poly(vinylidene fluoride), J. Choi, E. Morikawa, S. Ducharme, and P. Dowben, Material Letters, 59, 3599 (2005). Contact Voltage in Nanoparticle/Molecule Connections, H. Modrow, S. Modrow, J. Hormes, N. Waldoefner, and H. Bönnemann, J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 109 , 900, 2005. 302 Cr-Diamondlike Carbon Nanocomposite Films: Synthesis, Characterization and Properties, V. Singh, J.C. Jiang and E.I. Meletis; Thin Solid Films, Vol. 489 (1-2), 2005, 150-158. Crystalline Ice Grown on the Surface of the Ferroelectric Polymer Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (70%) and Trifluoroethylene (30%), Luis G. Rosa, Jie Xiao, Yaroslav B. Losovyj, Yi Gao, Ivan N. Yakovkin, Xiao C. Zeng, and Peter A. Dowben, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127 (49) (2005) pp 17261 – 17265. Deep X-ray Lithography of SU-8 Photoresist: Influence of Process Parameters and Conditions on Microstructure Quality, Y. Desta, H. Miller, J. Goettert, C. Stockhofe, V. Singh, O. Kizilkaya, Y. Jin, D. Johnson, W. Webber; Book of Abstracts, HARMST05, June 10-13, 2005, Gyeongju, Korea, pp. 70-71, 2005; June 2005. Dimensionality in the alloy-de-alloy phase transition of Ag/Cu(110), Kizilkaya O, Hite DA, Zhao W, Sprunger PT, Laegsgaard E, Besenbacher F, SURFACE SCIENCE 596, 242, 2005. Directed evolution of a ring-cleaving dioxygenase for polychlorinated biphenyl degradation, Fortin, Pacal D., Ian Macpherson, David B. Neau, Jeffrey T. Bolin, and Lindsay D. Eltis, J Biol Chem. 2005 Dec 23;280(51):42307-14. Direct-LiGA service for prototyping – a status report, B. Loechel, Y. Desta, J. Goettert; Book of Abstracts, HARMST05, June 10-13, 2005, Gyeongju, Korea, pp. 198199, 2005; June 2005. Displacement synthesis of Cu shells surrounding Co nanoparticles, Z.H. Guo, C.S.S.R. Kumar, L.L. Henry, E.E. Doomes, J. Hormes, E.J. Podlaha, J. Electrochem. Soc. 152(1), D1, 2005. Dopand concentration effect on NiO-doped sodium metaphosphate glasses: a combined X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) and UVNIS/NIR spectroscopic investigation, B. Brendebach, R. Glaum, M. Funke, F. Reinauer, J. Hormes, H. Modrow, Z. Naturforschung Sect. A- A J. Physical Sci., 60(6), 449, 2005. Effective Stabilization of Sulfate-Containing Soil: Mineralogical Evidence, Wang, L., Roy, A., and Seals, R.K., Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Vol. 88, 1600-1606 (2005). Electronic, magnetic and geometric properties of functionalized magnetic nanoparticles, J. Hormes, H. Modrow, H. Bonnemann and Challa S.S.R. Kumar, J. Appl. Phys. Lett (2005), 97(10), 10R102-10R102-6. Evidence for phonon effects in the electronic bands of granular Fe3O4, Ya.B. Losovyj and Jinke Tang, Materials Letters 59 (2005) 3828-3830. Fabrication of micro-gas chromatograph columns for fast chromatography, A. Bhushan, D. Yemane, D. Trudell, E. B. Overton, and J. Goettert, Book of Abstracts, HARMST05, June 10-13, 2005, Gyeongju, Korea, pp. 42-43, 2005, accepted for publication in Microsystem Technologies. 303 Formation and characterisation of Pt nanoparticle networks, F. Wen, N. Waldofner, W. Schmidt, K. Angermund, H. Bönnemann, S. Modrow, S. Zinoveva, H. Modrow, J. Hormes, L. Beuermann, S. Rudenkiy, W. Muas-Friedrichs, T. Vad, H.G. Haubold, European J. Inorg. Chem., 18, 3625, 2005. HARMST by means of SU-8 Based Optical Lithography and Deep X-ray Lithography, L. Jian, Y. Desta, J. Goettert, K. Lian, M. Bednarzik, H.-U. Scheunemann, B. Loechel, H.O. Moser, O. Wilhelmi; Book of Abstracts, HARMST05, June 10-13, 2005, Gyeongju, Korea, pp. 76-77, 2005; June 2005. High-energy X-ray diffraction study of Ni-doped sodium metaphosphate glasses, H. Schlenz, F. Reinauer, R. Glaum, J. Neuefeind, B. Brendebach, J. Hormes, J. NonCrystalline Solids, 351(12-13), 1014, 2005. In situ fabrication of SU-8 movable parts by using PAG diluted SU-8 as the sacrificial layer, Z. Ling, K. Lian, Book of Abstracts, HARMST05, June 10-13, 2005, Gyeongju, Korea, pp. 153-154, 2005, accepted for publication in Microsystem Technologies. Influence of mycotoxin producing fungi (Fusarium, Aspergillus, Penicillium) on gluten proteins during suboptimal storage of wheat after harvest and competitive interactions between field and storage fungi, A. Prange, H. Modrow, J. Hormes, J. Krämer, P. Kohler, J. Agricultural and Food Chem., 53(17), 6930, 2005. Interconnected Multi-Level Microfluidic Channels Fabricated Using Low Temperature Bonding of SU-8 and Multilayer Lithography, Z-C Peng, Z-G Ling, J. Goettert, J. Hormes, K. Lian; SPIE Photonics West 2005, Proceeding of SPIE Vol. 5718, 209-215. Investigations into sulfobetaine-stabilized Cu nanoparticle formation: towards development of a microfluidic synthesis, Y.J. Song, E.E. Doomes, J. Prindle, R. Tittsworth, J. Hormes, C.S.S.R. Kumar, J. Phys. Chem. B 109, 9330, 2005. Investigations of different human pathogenic and food contaminating bacteria and moulds Grown on selenite/selenate and tellurite/tellurate by X-ray absorption spectroscopy, A. Prange, B. Birzele, J. Hormes, H. Modrow, Food Control, 16(8), 723, 2005. Investigations on the behaviour of C-60 as a resists in X-ray lithography, H. Klesper, R. Baumann, J. Bargon, J. Hormes, H. Zumaque-Diaz, G.A. Kohring, Applied Phys. AMaterials Science & Processing 80(7), 1469, 2005. Layer-by-layer nanoengineered magnetic encapsulation system for drug delivery. Lu, Zonghuan; Prouty, Malcolm D.; Guo, Zhanhu; Kumar, Challa S. S. R.; Lvov, Yuri M., MSE Preprints (2005), 93, 656-657. 304 LIGA fabricated high aspect ratio nickel gas chromatograph (GC) columns as a step towards a portable and fast GC instrument, A. Bhushan, D. Yemane, J. Goettert, and E. B. Overton, The 5th Harsh-Environment Mass Spectrometry Workshop, Center for Ocean Technology, College of Marine Science /University of South Florida September 20-23 2005, Lido Beach Sarasota, Florida. Local structure of composite Cr-containing diamond-like carbon thin films, V. Singh, V. Palshin, R. Tittsworth and E.I. Meletis; Carbon In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 9 December 2005. Magnetic Switch of Permeability for Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules Embedded with Co@Au Nanoparticles, Zonghuan Lu, Malcolm D. Prouty, Zhanhu Gao, Vladimir O. Golub, Challa S.S.R. Kumar, Yuri M. Lvov, Langmuir, 21(5), 2042 -2050, 2005. Methods for Polymer Hot Embossing Process Development, P. Datta and J. Goettert; Book of Abstracts, HARMST05, June 10-13, 2005, Gyeongju, Korea, pp. 256-257, 2005; June 2005, accepted for publication in Microsystem Technologies. Microfluidic Labware forDeveloping Biofunctional Surface on GMR Sensor, M. Pease, V. Singh, P. Datta, O. Kizilkaya, E. Kornemann and J. Goettert; Book of Abstracts, HARMST05, June 10-13, 2005, Gyeongju, Korea, pp. 94-95, 2005; June 2005, submitted for publication to Microsystem Technologies. Performance of the infrared microspectroscopy beamline at CAMD, Kizilkaya O, Scott JD, Morikawa E, Garber JD, Perkins RS , REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 76,13703, 2005 Photohole Screening Effects in Polythiophenes with Pendant Groups, D.-Q. Feng, A.N. Caruso, D. L. Shulz, Ya.B. Losovyj, and P. A. Dowben, J. Phys. Chem. B(2005) 109 (34) pp 16382-16389. Polymer-Based Valves with Tunable Opening Pressures for Biomedical Applications, C. Liu, Y. Qiu, K. Lian; SPIE Photonics West 2005, Proceeding of SPIE Vol. 5718, 179-185. Possibility of the Fermi Level Control by VUV-induced Doping of an Organic Thin Film: polytetrafluoroethylene, Masaki Ono, Hiroyuki Yamane, Hirohiko Fukagawa, Satoshi Kera, Daisuke Yoshimura, Eizi Morikawa, Kazuhiko Seki, and Nobuo Ueno, Proc. Int. Symp. Super-Functionality Organic Devices, IPAP Conf. Series 6, 27-30, (2005). Processing-Microstructures-Surface Modification and Resulting Materials Properties of LIGA Ni, Kun Lian, J.Jiang, Z. Ling, J. Goettert, and J. Hormes; Book of Abstracts, HARMST05, June 10-13, 2005, Gyeongju, Korea, pp. 53-54, 2005; June 2005, accepted for publication in Microsystem Technologies. 305 SEALS: A high brightness, low cost, light source proposal for the Southeastern USA, V.P. Suller, M. Fedurin, J. Hormes, D. Einfeld, G. Vignola, Nuclear Instr. Methods in Phys. Research: Sect. A- Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors And Assoc. Equipment, 543(1), 23, 2005. Sensing Interactions Between Vimentin Antibodies and Antigens for Early Cancer Detection, C. Milburn, J. Zhou, O. Bravo, C. Kumar, and W. O. Soboyejo, J.Biomed.Nanotech. 1(1), 30-38, 2005. Spatially resolved sulphur K-edge XANES spectroscopy for in situ characterization of the fungus-plant interaction Puccinia tritinca and wheat leaves, A. Prange, E.C. Oerke, U. Steiner, C.M. Bianchetti, J. Hormes, H. Modrow, J. Phytopathology, 153(10), 627, 2005. SU-8 3D micro optic components fabricated by inclined UV lithography in water, Z. Ling, K. Lian, Book of Abstracts, HARMST05, June 10-13, 2005, Gyeongju, Korea, pp. 94-95, 2005, accepted for publication in Microsystem Technologies. Surface Modification of Silicon Containing Fluorocarbon Films Prepared by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition, Y. Jin, Y. Desta, J. Goettert, G. S. Lee and P. K. Ajmera, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp666-670, Jul/Aug (2005). Targeting breast cancer cells and their metastases through luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) receptors using magnetic nanoparticles, C. Leuschner, C.S.S.R. Kumar, W. Hansel, and J. Hormes, J.Biomed.Nanotech., 1(2), 229-233, 2005. The Band Offsets of Isomeric Boron Carbide Overlayers, A.N. Caruso, P. LuncaPopa, Y.B. Losovyj, A.S. Gunn, and J.I. Brand, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 836 (2005) L5.40.1. The electronic structure and band hybridization of Co/Ti doped BaFe12O19, Natalie Palina, H. Modrow, R. Müller, J. Hormes, P.A. Dowben and Ya.B. Losovyj, Materials Letters 60 (2006) 236-240. The Electronic Structure of Oriented poly(2-methoxy-5-(2,9-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4phenylenevinylene), David Keith Chambers, Srikanth Karanam, Difei Qi, Sandra Selmic, Ya.B. Losovyj, Luis G. Rosa and P. A. Dowben, Appl. Phys. A 80 (2005) 483. The influence of various coatings on the electronic, magnetic and geometric properties of Cobalt – nanoparticles, J. Hormes, H. Modrow, H. Bönnemann, C.S.S.R. Kumar, J. Appl. Physics, 97(10), Art. No. 10R102 Part 3, 2005. Ultralow-k Silicon Containing Fluorocarbon Films Prepared by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition, Y. Jin, P. K. Ajmera, G. S. Lee, V. Singh, Journal of Electronic Materials, IEEE, Vol. 34, No. 9, pp1193-1205 (2005). 306 UPS Study of VUV-Photodegradation of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Ultrathin Film by using Synchrotron Radiation, Masaki Ono, Hiroyuki, Yamane, Fumimasa Katagiri, Hirohiko Fukagawa, Satoshi Kera, Daisuke Yoshimura, Koji K. Okudaira, Eizi Morikawa, Kazuhiko Seki, and Nobuo Ueno, Nucl. Instr. and Meth., B236, 377 (2005). Vibronic Coupling in the Valence Band Photoemission of the Ferroelectric Copolymer: poly(vinylidene fluoride) (70%) and trifluoroethylene (30%), Luis G. Rosa, Ya.B. Losovj, Jaewu Choi, and P.A. Dowben, J. Phys. Chem. B(2005) 109 (16) pp 7817-7820. Welcome to the Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, Kumar, Challa S. S. R., J. Biomed. Nanotech. (2005), 1(1), 1-2. X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) investigatiuons of MnOy-doped sodium metaphosphate glasses and crystalline reference materials, B. Brendebach, F. Reinauer, N. Zotov, M. Funke, R. Glaum, J. Hormes, H. Modrow, J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 251, 1072, 2005. Presentations A TEM Study Biological Distribution of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles, Jikou Zhou, Lauren Heyward, Carola Leuschner, Challa Kumar, Josef Hormes and Wole O. Soboyejo, 2005 MRS Spring Meeting, March 28- April 1, 2005, San Fransisco, USA. An Integrated Stacked Micro Fluidic Reactor System for Nanoparticle Synthesis, Jost Goettert, Yujun Song, Proyag Datta, Josef Hormes, Willi Hempelmann and Challa SSR Kumar, 8th International Conference on on Microreaction Technology, April 14th, 2005, Atlanta. Development of a micro gas chromatography column in SU-8, Sebastian Mammitzsch, Abhinav Bhushan, Dawit Yemane, Ed Overton, Jost Goettert; Poster presentation 6th Louisiana Materials and Emerging Technologies Conference, Ruston, Dec. 2005. Development of Conductive Polymer Nano-Composite (carbon black/SU-8) Micromachining by X-ray Lithography, Fareed Dawan, Yoonyoung Jin, V. Singh, Y. Desta, J. Goettert and S. Ibekwe; Poster presentation 6th Louisiana Materials and Emerging Technologies Conference, Ruston, Dec. 2005. Development of Modular, Vertically Stacked Microfluidic Systems, Jens Hammacher, Proyag Datta, Mark Pease, Rusty Louis, Changgeng Liu, Jost Goettert; Poster presentation 6th Louisiana Materials and Emerging Technologies Conference, Ruston, Dec. 2005. Development of Thick Electrodeposited NiFe MEMS structures with Uniform Composition, V. Singh, Y. Desta, Y. Jin, J. Goettert; Poster presentation 6th Louisiana Materials and Emerging Technologies Conference, Ruston, Dec. 2005. 307 Drug Nanoencapsulation and Controlled Release, M. Prouty, Z. Lu, N. Veerabadran, G. Krishna, A. Yaroslavov, C. Kumar, C. Leuschner, Y. Lvov, Louisiana Materials and Emerging Technologies Conference, Ruston, Dec 12-13, 2005 Fabrication of a Polymeric Tapered HARMs Array Utilizing a Low-Cost Nickel Electroplated Mold Insert, I. Song, Y. Jin and P. K. Ajmera, High Aspect Ratio Microstructure Technology (HARMST), 6th Biennial Workshop (2005). From Rapid Prototyping to Small Scale Production of Polymer Microchips via Hot Embossing, Proyag Datta and Jost Goettert; Poster presentation 6th Louisiana Materials and Emerging Technologies Conference, Ruston, Dec. 2005. Functionalization and Characterization of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biological Engineering Applications, G. Nidumolu, M.C. O'Brien, C.S.S.R. Kumar and W.T. Monroe, 10th Annual IBE (Institute of biological engineering) meeting, March 4-6, 2005, Athens, Georgia, USA. Functionalized magnetic nanoparticles for early breast cancer detection, Jikou Zhou, Challa S.S.R.Kumar, Carola Leuschner, Josef Hormes and Wole O. Soboyejo, TMS 2005 Annual Meeting, February 13- 17, 2005, San Fransisco, USA. Layer-by-layer nanoengineered magnetic encapsulation system for drug delivery, Lu, Zonghuan; Prouty, Malcolm D.; Guo, Zhanhu; Kumar, Challa S. S. R.; Lvov, Yuri M. Abstracts of Papers, 230th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, United States, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2005, PMSE-390. LiGA MEMS Capabilities at LSU/CAMD, J. Goettert; Presentation at Jenoptik Special Session, µTAS2005, Boston, October 2005. LIGA Microfabrication at CAMD - A Status Report on Capabilities and Projects, J. Goettert; APS User Meeting, Chicago, May 2005. Micro fluidic synthesis of metallic nanoparticles, Kumar, Challa; Hormes, Josef; Song, Yujun. AIChE Spring National Meeting, Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, GA, United States, Apr. 10-14, 2005 (2005), 137B/1. Microfabrication at CAMD - LiGA Service and Research Experience, J. Goettert; Invited talk 6th Louisiana Materials and Emerging Technologies Conference, Ruston, Dec. 2005. Microfabrication Technologies - An Overview, J. Goettert; 1 week long Graduate Level Lecture Series at Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, Jan. 2005. Microfabrication Technologies for BioMEMS, J. Goettert; Lecture at the joint CAMD/CBMM Summer School, LSU, Baton Rouge, July 2005. 308 New techniques in fabrication of SU-8 3D micro structures and movable parts developed at CAMD, Zhong-Geng Ling,and Kun Lian; Poster presentation 6th Louisiana Materials and Emerging Technologies Conference, Ruston, Dec. 2005. Polymer Nano-Composite Micromachining by X-ray Lithography for MEMS Application, Y. Jin, F. Dawan, S. Ibekwe, J. Goettert, G. Li and E. Woldesenbet, American Society of Engineering Education-Gulf-Southwest Section 2006 Annual Conference (submitted in Dec. 2005). Single Step Fabrication of an Integrated Polymeric Waveguide, Sitanshu Gurung, Proyag Datta and Jost Goettert; Poster presentation 6th Louisiana Materials and Emerging Technologies Conference, Ruston, Dec. 2005. Superparamagnetic Particle Embedded Microprobe (SPEM) for GMR Sensor Calibration, M Zhang, J Goettert, K Lian, F-J Hormes, P K Ajmera; Poster presentation 6th Louisiana Materials and Emerging Technologies Conference, Ruston, Dec. 2005. Synchrotron lithography at CAMD, J. Goettert; Workshop on Micro-fabrication Strategies for Small Devices organized by MiniFAB, Scoresby, September 2005. Synchrotron Lithography at the CAMD Synchrotron or The CAMD LiGA Experience, J. Goettert; Workshop on SYNCHROTRON LITHOGRAPHY, organized by Australian Synchrotron Project and MiniFAB, Scoresby, September 2005; Synthesis of Magnetic Poly(DL-Lactide-co-Glycolide) Nanoparticles by Emulsion Evaporation Method, C. Astete, W. Monroe, C. Kumar, and C. M. Sabliov, 10th Annual IBE (Institute of biological engineering) meeting, March 4-6, 2005, Athens, Georgia, USA. Targeting breast cancers and metastases with LHRH and a lytic peptide bound to iron oxide nanoparticles, Leuschner C., Kumar CSSR, Hansel W, Hormes J., Abstract 262. 17th AACR-EORTC-NCI Conference Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics, Philadelphia, November 2005. The use of ligand conjugated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION) for early detection of metastases, Leuschner, C.; Kumar, C.; Urbina, M. O.; Zhou, J.; Soboyejo, W. Hansel, W.; Hormes, F. NSTI Nanotech 2005, NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Anaheim, CA, United States, May 8-12, 2005, 1 5-6. Ultrafine-Grained Aluminum by Cryogenic Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment, K.Y. Wang, J.C.Jiang, C.G. Liu and K.Lian; Poster presentation 6th Louisiana Materials and Emerging Technologies Conference, Ruston, Dec. 2005. Updated MEMS/LIGA Services at CAMD, Yohannes Desta, Proyag Datta, Jost Goettert, Yoonyoung Jin, Zhong-Geng Ling, Varshni Singh; Poster presentation 6th Louisiana Materials and Emerging Technologies Conference, Ruston, Dec. 2005. 309 Research Experiences for Undergraduates, 2005 The REU Program for the Summer, 2005 was greatly reduced in scope because we lost our NSF funding as the renewal proposal written in 2004 was rejected. Using state-budget funds, we were able to support four students; students were from Southeastern Louisiana University, Southern University, Texas Southern University and Cornell University. Two students did research in X-ray spectroscopy and two in Microfabrication. In September 2005, we submitted another proposal to the Division of Materials Research at NSF for three-year support of our REU Program. We received word in March, 2006 that our proposal was recommended for funding and confirmation of funding of $246 K for three years followed. The NSF Award Abstract for this grant follows: Award Abstract for CAMD REU Program - Louisiana State University; Synchrotron-Radiation-Based Research for Advanced Undergraduate Science and Engineering Students PI John D. Scott [email protected] CAMD web site Address: CAMD Louisiana State University 6980 Jefferson Highway Baton Rouge, LA 70806 The Louisiana State University J. Bennett Johnston, Sr., Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (LSU CAMD) REU site is supported by the ASSURE (Awards to Stimulate and Support Undergraduate Research Experiences) Program of the Department of Defense through a DoD-NSF partnership. The support grant is managed by the National Facilities Program in DMR for the summers of 2006-2008. CAMD is the Southeast’s only synchrotron-radiation (SR) center and utilizes a 1.3 GeV secondgeneration electron synchrotron/storage ring. Each of the ten students selected each year to participate in this REU Program will choose from among several basic research areas based on the utilization of SR; spectroscopy from the far infrared (including spectromicroscopy) to ca. 40 keV in the X-ray region, structure determinations using X ray techniques such as microtomography, protein crystallography, powder diffraction and small-angle-X-ray scattering, microfabrication based on X-ray lithography and involving research and development of biosensors, MEMS devices and fundamental techniques of the process itself and accelerator and control-system development and studies. The program will run for ten weeks each summer and includes introduction to general SR production and utilization, education in and practice of appropriate data acquisition and analysis, weekly seminars in which REU students are actively involved and end-ofsummer oral and poster presentations of each student’s research. The poster presentations are a part of a university-wide undergraduate research symposium involving over 100 students. The Program Administrator is Ms Lee Ann Murphey, [email protected] . 310 CAMD / CBM2 Summer School: Advanced Technologies for Biomedical Applications A week-long conference sponsored by CAMD and CBM2 was held on the LSU campus July 2529, 2005. The workshop was focused on fundamentals of microfabrication and biological detection, technologies available for device development, and current and developing applications. The week of lectures culminated in a day of tours and application of beamline and microfabrication capabilities at CAMD on Friday. Daily Schedule 2005 CAMD / CBM2 Summer Workshop Monday Time Event Details 7:00 – 8:00 am Check-in, Breakfast Collect binders, literature 8:00 – 9:30 am Jeff Schloss, KN1 1:15 Talk + 15 min Q&A 9:30 – 9:50 am Coffee Break 9:50 – 10:55 am Steve Wereley 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A 10:55am –12:00pm Robin McCarley 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A 12:00 – 1:00 pm Lunch 1:00 – 2:05 pm Derek Hansford 2:05 – 2:25 pm Coffee Break 2:25 – 3:30 pm Tza-Huei (Jeff) Wang 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A 3:30 – 5:30 pm Cocktail reception - CAMD/CBM2 posters * Located at LSU Union/Faculty Club 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A Tuesday Time Event Details 7:30 – 8:00 am Breakfast 8:00 – 9:30 am Mark Burns, KN2 9:30 – 9:50 am Coffee Break 9:50 – 10:55 am Jost Geottert 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A 10:55 am – 12:00pm Helmut Schift 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A 12:00 – 1:00 pm Lunch 1:00 – 2:05 pm Harry Stephanou 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A 2:05 – 3:10 pm Bruce Gale 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A 3:10 – 3:25 pm Coffee Break 3:25 – 4:30 pm Jin-Woo Choi 1:15 Talk + 15 min Q&A 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A 311 Wednesday Time Event Details 7:30 – 8:00 am Breakfast 8:00 – 9:30 am Robert Austin, KN3 9:30 – 9:50 am Coffee Break 9:50 – 10:55 am Bill Janzen 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A 10:55 am – 12:00pm Michael Wiggins 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A 12:00 – 1:00 pm Lunch 1:00 – 2:05 pm Charles “Fred” Battrell 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A 2:05 – 3:10 pm Michael McShane 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A 3:10 – 3:25 pm Coffee Break 3:25 – 4:30 pm Ajay Malshe 1:15 Talk + 15 min Q&A 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A Thursday Time Event Details 7:30 – 8:00 am Breakfast 8:00 – 9:30 am Richard Gibbs, KN4 1:15 Talk + 15 min Q&A 9:30 – 10:35 am Steve Soper 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A 10:35 – 10: 50 am Coffee Break 10:50 am – 11:55 pm Michael J. Cima 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A 11:55 – 1:00 pm Mark Batzer 1 hr Talk + 5 min Q&A 1:00 pm Lunch boxed for option of eating at Expo 1:00 – 4:00 pm E&O Expo Located at Energy Environmental Building * Subject to change 312 Coast and Open House, Day of Discovery Applied and fun sciences were demonstrated during CAMD’s Sixth Annual Open House for the public on Saturday, May 7, 2005. There were eleven stations set up to expose students, teachers, parents, and the public-at-large to specific projects and capabilities in progress at CAMD. Station #1 Center for BioModular Multi-scaled Systems (CBM2) Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique that allows scientists and researchers to amplify a specific DNA sequence millions of times in just a few hours. This technique, developed by Dr. Kary Mullins, is used in study of genetic disease from diagnosis to detection, forensic medicine and genetic mapping. The PCR analysis consists of running a DNA sample and specific enzymes through various heat cycles to separate the DNA molecules into single strands and then to replicate those strands. CBM2 researchers have reduced the size of the typical lab equipment from table top size to a box that can be held in your hand. The reduced size of the device diminishes the time for analysis and the quantities of DNA material and chemicals needed. DNA (deoxyribose nucleic acid) carries the inherited instructions for the biological development of all cellular forms of life and many viruses. DNA is often referred to as the molecule of heredity since it is inherited and is used to reproduce traits to offspring. DNA Gumdrop Models DNA is composed of four bases, which are paired and then alternate repeatedly to comprise the DNA molecule. The bases are referred to as adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). G is usually paired with C, and A is usually paired with T. DNA models were created by using gumdrops to represent the four bases and toothpicks to indicate the bonds between the bases. The gumdrop pairs were combined in a ladder configuration and then twisted into a spiral to form the signature double-helix. Station #2 Microfabrication Microfabrication: Mask to Molding In the past 10 years the semiconductor community has grown from building a transistor radio to thumb size MP3 players thanks to microfabrication technology. Microfabrication is a science/technology developed to manufacture small parts and devices with feature sizes measured in micrometers (one thousandth of a millimeter). These small parts and microdevices are essential tools used to engineer miniaturized instruments and microsystem products. The advantages of microsystem products are generally lower power requirements, better functionality per unit space and time, improved sensitivity, exponentially increased contact area, and portable accessibility. Additionally, in most cases, the high-volume fabrication of these devices leads to reduced, affordable prices. Ink-jet printing heads, compact disks, thin-film magnetic 313 heads in hard drives, air bag deployment sensors in automobiles, and incision-free medical equipment are some examples of Microsystem applications. At CAMD, we use UV LIGA and X-ray LIGA in order to fabricate micro-parts. LIGA is a german acronym used to describe the major steps involved in this microfabrication technique: lithography, electroforming, and molding. To produce microstructures using the LIGA process, the device design begins with creation of an optical mask. Preparation of an X-ray mask is accomplished using the optical mask and UV lithography. A 3-D resist mold is then generated by exposing the solid X-ray sensitive material to X-rays from synchrotron light through the pattern on the X-ray mask. This resist mold can then be submerged in an electroplating bath with a electrical potential applied to ’grow’ metal structures within the resist mold. The resulting electroplated metal part is the inversion of the resist mold. The metal version can be the final product or it can be used as a semi-permanent mold for micro-replication. Micro-replication may include ceramic injection molding, hot-embossing plastics, metal micro-molding, and many other alternatives. Demonstration Lithography is demonstrated in this station with the use of transparencies and photosensitive paper. Designs can be drawn on the transparencies in any pattern. The paper is then exposed through the transparency with a lamp. After rinsing in water, the resulting image on the paper is a shadow of the transparency design! Cleanroom The CAMD cleanroom is 2500 ft2 of class 100 environment used primarily to support nano- and microfabrication activity at CAMD, LSU, Southern University, and other Louisiana institutions. A cleanroom is an environment where airborne particulates are controlled through an exchange of highly filtered air using a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtering system, and through minimization of activities that generate particles. A microfabrication processing lab and metrology machines, used for inspection and characterization of the micro-structures, are housed inside the cleanroom. Class 100 maintains less than one hundred particles larger than 0.5 microns in each cubic foot of air space. In addition to particle control, the cleanroom is temperature and humidity controlled to 70F and 45% relative humidity. This level of cleanliness is required to prevent dust particles from interfering with microfabrication processing. If a particle approximately as large as the features being fabricated is present, then fabrication will probably not be successful. Similarly, if you are trying to play Monopoly, but your adult cat sits in the middle of the board, then you probably cannot properly play the game. 314 (S.M. SZE, Semiconductor Devices, Pg. 430) Demonstration As humans inside this clean environment, we are the largest source of contaminants. Gowning is required to contain the lint from our clothing, exfoliated skin, and hair. Cleanroom gowning was available to visitors to briefly wear and to have a photo. Microfluidics: Microfluidic systems are now widely used in biology and biotechnology. Applications include: • Analysis of DNA and proteins • Sorting of cells • High-throughput screening • BioMedical devices • Chemical reactions • Transfers of small volumes (1nL to 100 nL) of materials (nL = nanoliters) Typical uses of microfluidic devices require that these systems are inexpensive and simple to operate. By using LIGA techniques at CAMD, polymer-based microchips can be fabricated with low costs. The feature size can be as small as several microns (less than one tenth of the diameter of human hair). CAMD is involved in expanding analyses on a chip for modular BioMedical devices. Similar modular, hand-held systems will be available on the market in the near future. These devices are successfully designed to decrease analysis time to a few minutes while requiring only a drop or two of body fluid, resulting in improved sensitivity and accuracy of test results in a small fraction of the time, while practically eliminating the manpower, time, and costs of traditional labs. This concept is referred to as ‘point-of315 care’ and it allows immediate action on the results of blood/fluid analysis within minutes of withdrawing the sample! Demonstration A molded microfluidic chip demonstrates fluid transfer for analysis in a micromixer created at CAMD. A micromixer is a required device in most microfluidic systems since premixing the sample is usually part of the anaylsis. Differences between mixing liquids in microscale and macroscale will be explained. Micro Gas Chromatograph (MicroGC) In collaboration with the Departments of Environmental Studies and Mechanical Engineering at LSU, a group at CAMD is building the next generation of gas sensors which will: • • • Continuously monitor harmful gases coming out of power plants, chemical industries. This is very important for Louisiana because of the high density of chemical and petroleum industries in the state. Monitor the environment for pollutants, including hydrocarbons emitted by automobiles and industries. Issue early warnings for homeland security in the event of terrorists attacking with chemical weapons. These miniaturized sensors work on the basis of traditional gas chromatography (GC). The technique is fairly simple: a mixture of gases is input at one end of a long and thin tube which is coated with a reactive gel on the inside. While flowing through the tube, the gases separate into its individual components. Through a GC, it is possible to detect gases present with up to 1 part per billion parts of other compounds, making it one of the most sensitive detection techniques currently available. At CAMD, we are making a micro GC small in size so that it can be held in hand like a cell phone or PDA. Through engineering and chemistry, this sensor will be able complete the analysis in less than five seconds! This is almost 200 times faster than the instruments currently available in the market. The sensor will be efficient, by using less power and gas volume, and it will enable soldiers to carry it with them to the field. Analysis time is drastically reduced for immediate reaction in the field, if necessary, for our soldiers and citizens! Demonstration The microGC is available for inspection and discussion of benefits. The older technology is also available for comparison. Sweatstick The Sweatstick is a micro-device in development at CAMD that is used to perform boneloss analysis. Such a device is a crucial, diagnostic tool designed to indicate bone mineral density (BMD). This is applicable, for example, during long space flights or extreme exercise regimens. 316 The device accurately measures the Ca2+ concentration in sweat samples obtained in-situ on the user’s skin. The current patch technology has inherent problems in precisely determining the collected sweat volume. Therefore, accuracy of the Ca2+ content in the sweat sample analyzed is questionable. The miniaturized, robust microfluidic skin patch designed at CAMD collects a precise volume (600 µL) of sweat in tiny honeycomb geometries that are precision machined using microfabrication techniques The quantity of Ca2+ in the microfabricated sample is measured using mass spectrometer, which provides a accurate results of the ion content. Together, the microfabricated device and accurate ion measurement leads to precise results from the in-situ, easily accessible samples collected. The LIGA technique, which uses high aspect ratio, deep X-ray lithography, micro-milling and molding (hot embossing) was used to form the parts of the Sweatstick. These parts are packaged and assembled into a small sweatstick device (< 1.5” in diameter). Thanks to the small size it can be patched on human body (arms, legs, back, etc) relatively easily to collect the sweat sample. Demonstration Assembled Sweatstick and the isolated honeycombed chip are shown and discussed. Improvements in response time, data collection, and accuracy of results obtained through this miniaturized device are important to people who closely monitor bone loss. Tiny Things: All about MEMS and air bags Tiny devices that can sense their environment, for example, temperature, acceleration, and rotation, are called MEMS – Micro Electro Mechanical Systems. MEMS are usually so small that you cannot see them with your naked eyes. The most common MEMS device is found in your car’s air bags, which is made from a nylon fabric bag, some ‘rocket fuel’ to inflate the bag, and a MEMS sensor to measure acceleration. We call air bag sensors accelerometers because they measure acceleration. The sensor element in an air bag is about as small as the diameter of your hair. Come and learn all about MEMS: 1. Learn how they are built at CAMD, 2. Observe the internal parts of an air bag sensor (accelerometer) using a microscope and compare it to the thickness of your hair, 3. Measure the acceleration of a remote controlled toy truck using an accelerometer by crashing it into a wall. 317 Station #3 Biological Research with BioSensors Protein Crystallography (PX) The X-ray crystallography beamline at CAMD allows Users to bring protein crystals to CAMD and perform experiments. These experiments determine the precise 3-D positions of atoms in the protein molecule (the protein’s structure). In an X-ray crystallography experiment, the crystal is placed in the beamline path, where a narrow beam of high-intensity X-rays hits the crystal and scatters in various directions. Some of these scattered X-rays strike a detector, producing an array of spots of varying intensities. A crystallographer then measures the intensity of the spots to calculate a map of the electron density in the protein. This map is interpreted to reveal the positions of the atoms in the protein molecule. Knowledge of the protein structure can provide insight into how the protein recognizes and binds other molecules, how it functions as an enzyme, and how it evolved. This information can be used to understand the mechanisms of diseases and to aid in the development of drugs specifically targeted to treat them. The structures of over 24,000 proteins have been solved by X-ray crystallography, and this number continues to grow with the use of CAMD’s synchrotron light and infrastructure. Magnetic Nanoparticles for Targeted Delivery of Anticancer Drugs Slide 1: Hello, and welcome to the world of nanoscale science and nanotechnology. You might wonder just what is nanoscience and nanotechnology? Nanotechnology, is a world in which science and engineering are carried out on a nanometer scale. One Nanometer is just one one-billionth of the size of a meter. A meter, you might remember, has length of 39.37 inches or 3.28 ft. The human eye has difficulty resolving anything smaller than one millimeter, about the thickness of a wire used to make a paper clip. The diameter of that wire is still one million times larger than materials fabricated on the nanoscale. Imagine, if you can, materials that are thousands of times smaller than the thickness of a single, human hair. Conceive now, the ability to fabricate devices that are millions of times smaller than the smallest ant. This is the world of nanotechnology. Slide 2: At CAMD, scientists are working to develop methods to prepare such tiny materials, and to use these materials to build devices that are useful in our day to day world. Here at CAMD, in collaboration with the LSU-Pennington Biomedical Research Center, research is underway to develop novel technologies for the treatment and diagnosis of breast cancer using tiny magnets called nanomagnets which are being attached directly to the anticancer drugs. Using an external magnetic field, these tiny magnets carrying anticancer drugs can be directed precisely to the site of the tumor. The ability to use “nano-drugs” in such a way would limit the side-effects of chemotherapy to the rest of the otherwise healthy body. Slide 3: Let us now define cancer. Though there are hundreds of different cancers, cancer is defined as any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and/or uncontrolled cell division. Such rapidly dividing cells may break off from the primary tumor and be spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or through 318 the blood stream. This is called metastasis. Cancer will be the leading cause of death overtaking heart disease in the near future. Already, cancer claims 560,000 lives per year! More Americans will die of cancer in the next 14 months than have perished cumulatively in every war this nation has ever fought! Slide 4: Breast cancer is the major cancer among women and it even affects 5% of the male populace. Approximately one in nine women will develop cancer of the breast. In addition, in the United States one woman dies from breast cancer every 12 minutes! Breast Cancer can spread to the bones and lymph nodes. The survival rate with metastasis is less than 30%. A mammogram can only detect tumors that are at least 2 tenths to 4 tenths of an inch in diameter. Tumors of this size contain millions of cells and are probably, on average, already two years old when detected. It is obvious then that we need new technologies that will detect breast cancer at its earliest stage before it has time to metastasize, a certain death sentence for so many women today.. Slide 5: Scientists are working very hard to find effective solutions to combat cancer. Here at CAMD, the Nanogroup researchers are doing their bit to fight cancer by developing innovative Nanomaterials. These materials are being investigated for their efficacy for breast cancer treatment and diagnosis. Movie 1: CAMD’s researchers are developing wet chemical methods to prepare nanomagnets, functionalized with anticancer drugs. What you see in the film clip is a typical chemical reaction, in a flask that is used for the preparation of nanomagnets made from the metal Cobalt. Remember, these tiny magnets are billions of times smaller than size of the smallest fire ant. Movie 2: Utilizing CAMD’s expertise in microfabrication, a unique polymer based micro-reactor technology is being developed specifically for the production of nanomagnets. What, you are see in this next film clip are the microfluidic reactor channels for nanoparticle production. These channels are 300-400 um wide and 300-700 mm deep. Can you believe that these channels are 300-400 thousand times bigger than each of the tiny magnets that are being produced in the reactor vessel? That is the equivalent of bouncing a one inch diameter ball inside the length of ten foot ball fields. As you can imagine, there is a lot of room in these channels to make many nanoparticles. That’s the world of nanotechnology - it is truly revolutionary. It is genuinely amazing that you can produce useful materials on such a tiny scale. Movie 3: The film clips have shown microfluidic channels on a single micro-reactor chip. But a single chip can only produce a few milligrams of nanomagnets in one hour. However, in order to produce nanomagnets on an industrial scale we need to increase the production. One of way doing this is by linking several micro-reactors by connecting thousands of such reactors in parallel. All reactors are working together, each generating its own nanoparticles as seen in the third film clip. Scientists call this “An Integrated Stacked Micro Fluidic Reactor System for Nanoparticle Synthesis”. Similarly, CAMD scientists have designed and fabricated a user-friendly computer-controlled stacked (one on top of the other) polymeric micro-reactor system for the specific purpose of synthesizing nanoparticles. The reactor system can also be utilized, in general, for wet chemical synthesis and for the process development of specialty chemicals. This microreactor system consists of three basic functional blocks. The first allows the controlled 319 flow from the chemical container (inlet), a custom made temperature-controlled microreactor stack, and an outlet unit to control and optimize all critical reaction parameters. The system operation is controlled via a computer. In addition to producing Nanomaterials in large quantities, the micro-reactor system can also be utilized by the chemical industry for process and product development. It can also be used for the largescale production of specialty chemicals. Movie 4: Having developed innovative technologies for the production of nanomagnets, CAMD researchers are working in collaboration with LSU-Pennington Biomedical research Center scientists to utilize these magnets for both cancer therapy and diagnosis. These miniature magnets will be functionalized by binding the anticancer drug to the nanomagnet. The functionalized nanomagnet will then be directed to the breast cancer tumor only. These manufactured nanoparticles also have the ability to improve the sensitivity of detection of cancer cells at the early stages of cancer development by improving the contrast of the image of cancer cells in a well-known technique called Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). That means, we can detect smaller cancers (with fewer cells) and hopefully identify and treat cancers before they can metastasize. The final film clip shows the movement of injected nanomagnets carrying drugs to the breast cancer tumor site. You never know what is lurking in the field of nanoscience. The scientific future is bright and very, very small. So join the revolution and consider becoming an investigator. Help to develop these futuristic technologies. We at CAMD are delighted that you have taken the time to visit us to learn about the cutting edge science that we hope one day may help to improve your life. CAMD invites you, with open arms, to learn and develop these truly amazing and exciting technologies. Remember, good things do come in small packages! Station #4 Optics The CAMD accelerator (an electron storage ring) is operated for one purpose: to produce wonderfully bright beams of light spanning the spectrum from infrared to X-ray wavelengths. This radiation is used by scientists and engineers to make careful measurements of the constitution, structure and nature of matter and to alter matter to change its form and construct microscopic devices that are useful to mankind. To guide the bright light beams from the storage ring to the various experiment stations and to transform them into useful tools for the particular application needed requires devices known as beamlines. Focusing the beams, filtering them so that only a narrow range of energies or wavelengths (monochromatize) get to the experiment and guiding them to the experiment are only a few examples of what is required to make the bright beams useful to researchers. The beamlines are quite evident in the CAMD experiment hall; they constitute the majority of the “furniture.” Not so evident are the optical elements inside the beamlines. These elements are the mirrors, filters, monochromators and other devices that make the beamline do what is necessary to give “good” light at the experiment station. 320 Demonstration Several CAMD beamline scientists will be available to help visitors understand the many natures of light as well as to help them operate some of the optical devices that are typically used to “harness” the power of light. Hands-on demonstrations of infrared detectors, light polarizers, diffraction gratings, light sources, spectrometers and displays of results of measuring materials with infrared, visible, ultraviolet and X-ray light will be available at this station. Station #5 High Voltage The Van de Graaf Generator Invented in 1931 by Robert Van de Graaf, an MIT physics student, the Van de Graaf generators (VDG) were originally used as power supplies for the early particle accelerators. Prior to the invention of the cyclotron and linear accelerator rings, researchers used a VDG machine connected to a long vacuum tube to generate the necessary energy. The VDG generators come in many sizes from 2-inch versions producing only five thousand volts to those which are several stories tall and output many megavolts. The VDG is a relatively simple device modeled somewhat after a printing press. It has a hollow metal ball for its top, a vertical pipe with a rubber conveyor belt inside which comes in contact with two rollers and the bottom is a hollow metal box which houses the electric motor which powers the generator. Electricity can be simply described as the flow of electrons. While these electrons cannot be seen, the effects of the energy they give off can. This energy is seen as light. CAMD is a light source and, while it doesn’t give off light, a VDG uses the flow of electrons to generate static electricity just as CAMD uses the flow of electrons to create light. The static electricity is generated as the belt moves inside the column creating a charge. This charge builds up on the dome and the electricity it generates looks for a way to ground itself. The negatively charged electrons want to get away from each other and jump to any conducting object. Ideally the object is touching the dome but the electricity can jump without touching the dome, if the conditions are right. Large VDGs are still used today to power high energy X-ray machines for cancer treatments, make x-ray photos of locomotive engines or sterilize food with gamma rays. It is also used in science classrooms to study voltage and electric charge. Various experiments are performed with the help of human subjects to show how the VDG generates high voltage. This can make your hair stand straight out, make paper stick to you, and cause metal pie plates to fly. 321 Station #6 Vacuum What does a vacuum have to do with CAMD? Scientists define a vacuum as any pressure less than the pressure of the atmosphere. The word vacuum comes from the Latin ‘vacuus’ which means ‘empty’. That’s because in earlier times people believed that a vacuum was indeed empty, but in reality every vacuum has some gas particles, even interstellar space. Imagine the volume inside an 8cm long section of the synchrotron tube (which happens to be about the volume of an empty can of soda). At atmospheric pressure there are about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 gas particles for our unsuspecting electrons to crash into. Inside the CAMD synchrotron tube we need to create a less obstructed path for the electrons to travel so we remove as many of those gas particles as we can, resulting in a high vacuum. We are able to reduce that number by 1000 billion times. How many particles does that leave? Find out the answer to this and other vacuum related conundrums at Station #6 Station #7 Environmental Science at CAMD Phytoremediation Studies Unfortunately, pollution from metals is quite extensive in south Louisiana. Arsenic insecticides have been widely used in agriculture, resulting in soil and water pollution. Chromium waste from industrial processes has been introduced into the environment. Mercury from power plants is so common that periodic fish-eating advisories are issued by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. However, some plants have recently been discovered which can make these elements less toxic, by taking up pollutant metals and sequestering the metals in plant tissue. This process is called phytoremediation. It may be possible to grow appropriate phytoremediative plants on polluted soil, isolating pollutant metals from the soil in the plants themselves, and then harvesting the plants for safe disposal. This method shows promise for environmental clean-up, and may be superior to drastic methods like digging up all of the polluted soil. At CAMD, we use X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) to study the effectiveness of various phytoremediation methods. XAS is a powerful tool for investigating the chemical state of a particular element. Each element in the periodic table absorbs x-rays at a characteristic wavelength. Our synchrotron light source is a broad band tunable light source, so we can select the appropriate energy range for each specific element we which investigate. We do this using x-ray optics in our beamlines. Beamlines are the equipment we use to get the light from the CAMD storage ring, tune it, and use it for specific experiments. So, with an x-ray beamline, we have a tool which allows us to investigate the chemical state of a particular absorbing element in a material, and get useful structural information on the atomic/molecular level. 322 An illustrative example is an experiment utilizing watercress as a potential phytoremediator for Cr (VI). Chromium can exist in the metallic form, with a formal charge of 0. It also has common ionic forms, which have a charge of +6 [Cr(VI)] or +3 [Cr(III)]. Cr(VI) is a highly toxic ion, while Cr(III) is not. Watercress was grown in a hydroponic medium containing Cr(VI) for a period of 2 weeks. The plants were harvested, washed, and examined by x-ray spectroscopy on a CAMD beamline. Interestingly, it was observed that watercress did take up large amounts of Cr from the growth medium, and in the process, converted it from the highly toxic Cr(VI) ion, to the less toxic Cr(III) ion. Below is a Cr XAS spectrum of the growth medium, the watercress leaves, and a Cr metal foil standard [Cr(0)]. 1.50 Absorption 1.25 1.00 This feature indicates Cr (VI) 0.75 Watercress Leaves [Cr (III)] Cr (VI) Contaminated Water Cr (0) Foil 0.50 0.25 0.00 5960 5980 6000 6020 6040 6060 PhotonEnergy (eV) The Cr XAS spectrum shows that the growth medium [Cr(VI) contaminated water] has Cr in the +6 ionic form. The watercress leaves exhibit an x-ray spectrum indicative of Cr in the +3 ionic form. Thus, the XAS shows that the watercress transformed the toxic Cr(VI) ion to the more benign Cr(III) ion. Stations #8 and #9 The Accelerator Electron Beams & Magnetism CAMD is called a “Light Source” by scientists who perform research here. This light is produced by a particle accelerator that sends electrons flying down a pipe at nearly the speed of light! This beam of electrons is produced by high voltage electricity and is steered and maneuvered using electricity and magnets of various sizes. Without the help of electricity & magnetism, CAMD’s synchrotron light could not exist. 3D magnetic filed viewer and 2D magnetic film Magnetism can be visualized with lines tracing out the field that exists around a magnet connecting its two opposing poles. The magnetic field of a small magnet is traced out by iron filings suspended in heavy clear oil in the 3D field viewer. Other magnetic effects 323 are shown as hand held magnets paint designs in the green 2D magnetic field viewing film. Simple electric motor Magnetic fields are produced by permanent magnets, found in nature and man made, and by electric currents. Those produced by electric currents are called electro-magnets and are controllable. They can be used to make electric motors, as is demonstrated by the simple “coil & magnet” motor. Electron beam steering Electro-magnets are used here at CAMD to steer the electron beam in the particle accelerator. The clear pipe electron beam set-up shows how magnets can cause the purple glowing electron beam to turn from its normally straight path. High voltage discharge globe If the electron beam passes through a continuous magnetic field, it can be steered into a perfect circle. This is similar to what happens in some particle accelerators. This effect is shown as the green glowing electron beam in the glass Bainbridge tube is bent into a perfect circle by the continuous magnetic field of the Hemholtz coils. High voltage Jacob’s Ladder and Circular electron beam demo The electron beam is produced and accelerated by high voltage electricity. The high voltage Jacob’s ladder shows how hot air conducts electricity better than cold air as the electric arc jumps through the air and travels upward following the rising hot air produced from the heat of the arc. A more benign demonstration of electricity shows how high frequency electricity can produce an arc as well but can pass harmlessly through glass bulbs as well as your over your body! Synchrotron Light The thirst for knowledge drives us to explore the world around us. What is our planet made of? What are the processes that sustain life? How can we explain the properties of matter and develop new materials? Can we someday conquer viruses, predict natural catastrophes, or eliminate pollution? To answer these questions, scientists have developed more powerful instruments capable of resolving the structure of matter down to the level of atoms and molecules. Synchrotron light sources reveal invaluable information in numerous fields of research. There are about 50 synchrotrons in the world (8 of those in the US) used by an ever growing number of scientists. Synchrotron light is extremely bright light at low wavelengths. The picture below indicates where synchrotron light falls on the electromagnetic spectrum. 324 (NSRRC image) CAMD’s primary purpose of generating synchrotron light is accomplished with a few electrons and magnets. Electrons are accelerated in a linear path to nearly the speed of light. The electrons are then steered to a storage ring that is circular in appearance but has straight segments with eight turns. The bends in the electron path are induced by large magnets. At each bend, energy is released in the form of extremely bright synchrotron light and channeled tangentially through beamlines. Each beamline has a specific purpose, which generally requires filtration or attenuation of the light to achieve proper conditions for the sample and/or experiment waiting at the end of the beamline. Station #10 Superconductivity A Superconductor is a material through which electrons travel with no resistance. Because these materials have no electrical resistance, meaning electrons can travel through them freely, they can carry large amounts of electrical current for long periods of time without losing energy as heat. Superconducting loops of wire have been shown to carry electrical currents for several years with no measurable loss. Superconductivity is a phenomenon observed in several metals and ceramic materials. When these materials are cooled to temperatures ranging from near absolute zero (-459 degrees Fahrenheit, 0 degrees Kelvin, or -273 degrees Celsius) or liquid nitrogen temperatures (-321ºF, 77 K, -196ºC), they have no electrical resistance. Recent discoveries of materials have found superconductivity behavior as high as 125K. The temperature at which electrical resistance is zero is called the critical temperature (Tc) and varies with the individual material. For practical purposes, critical temperatures are achieved by cooling materials with either liquid helium (-452ºF, 4K, -269ºC) or liquid nitrogen. The future of superconductivity research is to find materials that can become superconductors at room temperature. Once this happens, the whole world of electronics, power, and transportation will be revolutionized. 325 Superconducting magnets also support very high current densities with incredibly small resistance. This characteristic permits magnets to be constructed that generate intense magnetic fields with little or no electrical power input. Superconductor materials are used to make the coil windings for superconducting magnets. These superconducting magnets must be cooled with liquid helium. At CAMD, a superconductive magnetic insertion device, called a wiggler, is used in the path of the synchrotron light to ‘harden’ the light by decreasing its wavelength and increasing its frequency, resulting in increased energy. Three beamlines require the use of this modified light: microfabrication wiggler, protein crystallography, and tomography. CAMD’s wiggler uses liquid Helium for cooling the magnet and a liquid Nitrogen jacket to insulate the Helium vessel. Fun with liquid Nitrogen At -321º F below zero, this stuff is pretty cold. We'll show how low temperature affects things: turn gasses into liquids and solids, make rubber balls, break flowers like glass, levitate a superconducting magnet, and how to freeze and thaw hamsters. You’re sure to get a BOOM out of this demo! Station #11 Micro-Replication Micro-Molding Micro-molding is a powerful technology that allows cost-effective fabrication of precision micro- and nanostructures in a variety of polymers. Traditionally, injection molding has been used to fabricate low aspect ratio (short with broad base) microstructures, as in the case of the Compact Disk. The hot embossing operations at CAMD are specifically geared towards production of devices which require high aspect ratio (tall with narrow base) microstructures. Hot embossing is a type of micro-molding which is performed at CAMD. In the hot embossing process, a metal stamp (mold insert) is heated and pressed into a softer plastic material under controlled conditions. This stamp contains very small features, microstructures, on it. During the stamping process these features are transferred to the plastic material. The transfer occurs at a high temperature where the plastic is melted or starts to melt. After that, both the stamp and the plastic are cooled to the point at which the plastic solidifies when the replicated structure is then demolded from the mold insert. At this station we are demonstrating the principles of embossing using a brass stamp as the mold insert and aluminum foil and Playdoh® as the molded substance. Electroplating Electroplating is part of the LIGA (German acronym for lithography, electroplating and molding) process. Electroplating is used in this process to ‘grow’ the metal device from a plastic 3-D mold of the inverted microdevice. By definition, electroplating is the deposition of a metal or metallic alloy on the cathode (plastic mold with conductive base) 326 by electrolysis from a salt solution. The salt solution consists of a metal salt dissolved in a polar solvent (e.g. water) present in an ionic form. Electroplating from an aqueous solution is commercially used in decorative metal applications and automotive, aerospace, and electronic industries. In microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) fabrication, electroplating must be refined to completely fill the micrometer-scaled gaps in a way that produces metals with sufficient physical properties. At CAMD, commercial electroplating equipment was modified to achieve these high-quality plating requirements. 327 On October 8, 2005, CAMD was one of 26 teams to participate in the first Red Stick Dragon Boat Regatta at Baton Rouge Beach hosted by The Chamber of Greater Baton Rouge. The sport of dragon boating is over 2000 years old with its origins steeped in tradition. The pageantry, the colors, the mechanics of dragon boating are educational and present a view into the past. 328 Southern gets Navy grant to help build smaller fleet Advocate - Baton Rouge, La. Date: Nov 8, 2005 Start Page: 20.A Section: News (Copyright 2005 by Capital City Press) A $1.5 million grant from the U.S. Navy will help Southern University's College of Engineering find ways to build naval fleets with smaller, more efficient machinery, the school announced this week. The grant will enable the college, working with other partners, to boost the effectiveness of the pressurized water reactors used to fabricate ships. The project will involve complex alloys and micro manufacturing, according to a press release. "We are very grateful to the U.S. Navy for granting the award and making it possible to partner with CAMD and the Louisiana State University mechanical engineering department via personnel and equipment," said mechanical engineering department Chairman Samuel Ibekwe. "The grant will also enable us to contribute to knowledge in the area of nuclear reactor pressure vessels and to expand research capabilities." The Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices develops tiny instruments used in scientific research. Ambassador Linton F. Brooks and Adm. Kirkland H. Donald presented the $1.5 million check to the college of engineering Thursday. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission. Copyright © 1992-2006,, WBRZ, Louisiana Broadcasting LLC and The Advocate, Capital City Press LLC, All Rights Reserved. Click here to send comments or questions about 329 Public gets inside look at best of science LSU research complex holds open house Advocate - Baton Rouge, La. Author: WILLIAM TAYLOR Date: May 8, 2005 Start Page: 2.B Section: News (Copyright 2005 by Capital City Press) As a little girl, Hillary Spruell was afraid of LSU's J. Bennett Johnston Sr. Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices. The complex hidden behind the trees off Jefferson Highway conjured up for her images of bio-suited scientists examining aliens like in the movie "ET." Spruell, now 16, found the reality much different Saturday as she toured the site with family and friends during the center's annual open house. "It helps to see it in person," Spruell said. At the heart of the 45,000-square-foot building lies an electron storage ring using powerful magnets to produce and control light. Moving electrons in a circle at near light speed produces synchrotron radiation - intense light scientists can harness as powerful X-rays, infrared rays and other beams for precise examinations of tiny molecules. Potential applications include developing medical technology to diagnose patients using only drops of blood instead of vials and new approaches to solving environmental problems by using certain plants to remove chemicals from water or soils. The scientists don't mind if their work reminds people of the movies. However, a movie poster used in one display Saturday wasn't from "ET," "Star Wars" or any other science-fiction flick. Instead, the scientists wanted visitors to see a connection between their work and "Erin Brockovich."In that movie, Julie Robert plays a woman who waged a legal battle with a large company over a power plant that polluted nearby groundwater with Chromium VI, a highly toxic cancer-causing substance. Scientists have discovered that watercress plants will remove the chemical from the ground and in the process convert it to Chromium III, a non-toxic agent that is essential to human metabolism. Using the plants to solve environmental problems is called phytoremediation. 330 Harvesting contaminated plants is much more efficient than digging up and hauling off contaminated dirt, Professor of Research Roland Tittsworth said. The center's scientists assist other scientists in studying the possibilities by using their powerful X-rays to provide data. Tittsworth and Research Associate Vadim Palshin explained that they can focus the Xray on a tiny portion of a leaf to see not only what chemicals are there, but how those chemicals are interacting with the materials around them. "You can get information that would otherwise be hidden in the noise," Associate Professor of Research Amitava Roy said. Roy added that phytoremediation could help Louisiana. Scientists are looking at grasses that could help reduce coastal erosion and also remove mercury from the water, he said. Shavarsha Kaltakdjian, a Baton Rouge jeweler visiting the open house for the fourth consecutive year, was impressed with what he saw. There are even plants that absorb gold and that can be harvested by drying them and then burning them, he said. Kaltakdjian brought his 9-year-old son, Alex, with him for the first time. "He fought me, but once he got here he's been having fun," the father explained. Alex made DNA models out of gumdrops and toothpicks and enjoyed touching an electron generator that made his hair stand on end. The boy was more interested in what the science did than how it worked, the father conceded. But some day that could change, Kaltakdjian said. "This is the greatest thing LSU does, for the kids especially, because this will touch lots of kids' minds and you never know which direction they will go with it," he said. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission. Copyright © 1992-2006,, WBRZ, Louisiana Broadcasting LLC and The Advocate, Capital City Press LLC, All Rights Reserved. Click here to send comments or questions about 331 2005 CAMD Facility Tours January 25 7th-12th grade Home Schoolers 20 people February 7 Varian 5 people February 12 LSU Physics Graduate Students 30 people February 17 LSU IEEE Students 20 people February 24 ITI Technical College Students 13 people March 11 Louisiana Technology Park 2 people March 22 Episcopal High AP Chemistry Students 24 people March 24 Centerville High School Physics Students 10 students May 2 LSU Computing Services 5 people July 26 Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society Science summer camp for high school students 25 people 332 2005 CAMD Seminars January 10 Dr. Sunggook Park Department of Mechanical Engineering Louisiana State University “Improving Versatility of Nanoimprint Lithography” February 9 Prof. Fritz Goetz Fachhochschule Gelsenkirchen, Germany Institute for Physical Engineering “Test Chip for Surface Functionalization of Fluidic Structures” February 11 Prof. M. Graca H. Vicente Department of Chemistry Louisiana State University “Synthesis of Porphyrin-Based Sensitizers for Cancer Treatment” February 18 Prof. Gudrun Schmidt Department of Chemistry Louisiana State University “Structure of Polymer-Clay Hydrogels” February 25 Dr. Qian Wang Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry University of South Carolina “Self-Assembly of Two Dimensional Bionanoparticles at Liquid-Liquid Interfaces” March 11 Dr. Jayne Garno Department of Chemistry Louisiana State University “AFM-Based Nanolithography of ω-Functionalized n-Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers” May 5 Dr. David J. Butcher Department of Chemistry and Physics Western Carolina University “Phytoremediation of Lead and Arsenic at Barber Orchard, NC” 333 July 11 Dr. Richard Sah Candidate for position of “Machine Group” Leader at CAMD “The Evolution of Third-Generation Synchrotron Light Sources” July 12 Dr. Richard Sah Candidate for position of “Machine Group” Leader at CAMD “Current Trends in Particle Beam Radiation Therapy” August 3 Dr. Elena Kondrashkina Biophysics Collaborative Access Team (BioCAT) Advanced Photon Source “Static and Time-Resolved Small-Angle Scattering from Protein Solutions” August 22 Dr. Diane Blake Department of Biochemistry Tulane University Health Sciences Center “To Affinity and Beyond: Incorporation of Biologicals into Sensors” October 13 Dr. Annette Summers Engel Department of Geology & Geophysics Louisiana State University “Better than Lotion: Using Hydrothermal Sinter Deposits to Understand Protection Against UV Radiation for Early Precambrian Cyanobacteria” October 14 Dr. Richard J. Field Department of Chemistry University of Montana “The Oscillatory Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) Reaction: Examples of Nonlinear Dynamics in Chemistry” October 18 Dr. Nikolay Mezentsev Budker INP, Russia “Superconducting Insertion Devices for Light Sources” 334 Report of the Scientific Advisory Committee to CAMD March 3-4, 2005 Conducted for the Office of the Interim Vice Chancellor for Research Harold Silvermann Members *Gwyn P. Williams, Chair, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility *David Ederer, Tulane University *Jill Hruby, Sandia National Laboratory *Tai Chiang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign *Erik Johnson, Brookhaven National Laboratory Howard Padmore, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory *Robert Sweet, Brookhaven National Laboratory *Herman Winick, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory & Stanford Linear Accelerator Center *In attendance at this meeting Executive Summary 1. During the past 5 years, CAMD has undergone a truly remarkable transformation in terms of machine operations and reliability. The data presented show operations for calendar year 2004 of more than 6000 user hours. This would be considered a good achievement for a facility with the resources of a national laboratory; but is an extraordinary accomplishment for a laboratory the size of CAMD. 2. CAMD is a cutting edge research tool, representing an investment of roughly $100 million, providing invaluable training opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students, while having broad applications to nano-, bio, energy and environmental sciences and technologies. 3. CAMD is well positioned to play a major role in the evolution of facilities in the USA in the next decade. The US has 8 synchrotron radiation facilities, all of which are predominantly local. CAMD is the closest synchrotron radiation center for 40% of US population. 4. The SAC recognizes that CAMD has turned around in the last 5 years under the leadership of Josef Hormes despite a very limited budget. Hormes has the scientific breadth to provide leadership in the many fields served by CAMD. 5. Our committee has serious concerns about the long-term health and viability of CAMD. Significant increases in staff and funding are needed to bring it to the level of scientific productivity, and to develop the user service levels that are typical of other US facilities. 6. The strain in the collegial relationships with the LSU faculty and the CBM2 collaboration in particular needs to be addressed at the highest level of LSU management. 7. The management and intellectual leadership of CAMD is in jeopardy, and in particular the 2 key positions of director and accelerator leader must be identified and recruited or retained. 8. The committee recognizes with high respect the work of the safety officer, but continues to be concerned about workload levels and with radiation safety issues on the wiggler beamline. 335 CAMD Machine Advisory Committee Meeting March 3-4, 2005 Members *Glenn Decker, Chair, APS/Argonne National Laboratory *Jeff Corbett, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory *Gerardo d’Auria, Sincrotron Trieste-Italy Mikael Eriksson, Max Lab-Lund, Sweden *Richard Heese, NSLS/Brookhaven National Laboratory *Sam Krinsky, NSLS/Brookhaven National Laboratory *In attendance at this meeting Executive Summary The CAMD staff can be justifiably proud of their accomplishments over the past several years, which have resulted in a reliable user facility with minimal resources. Operation with 200 mA is now routine with high availability (>94%), and the orbit is now much better understood and reproducible. The completion of the quadrupole shunt project has allowed a quantitative determination of the lattice functions for the first time at CAMD, paving the way to the commissioning of a new lower emittance lattice with good lifetime last November. This system has also been crucial in the determination of the absolute beam position (“the golden orbit”) relative to the quadrupole magnet centers. New diagnostics (in particular for the RF system), together with a quickly maturing EPICS-based control system will no doubt pave the way to a better understanding of the machine and ultimately to further improved performance. Vic Suller’s efforts here have benefited machine operation considerably. The search for an experienced full time accelerator physicist should continue, including a high visibility preseance at the particle accelerator conference coming up in May etc., and perhaps DIPAC in June. The PAC is also an important learning opportunity for accelerator staff members. Development efforts should be well coordinated with the CAMD resident beamline personnel. For example a reduction in horizontal beam size at the wiggler source point coupled with an incremental increase in stored beam current would make the PX beamline more competitive, attracting users. Fortunately the diagnostics and machine reliability at present are such as to make the realization of such a goal much more likely than at any time in the past. Additional diagnostics will continue to be of prime importance in development efforts, for example an online beam size diagnostic will become invaluable as new lattices are tested, whether using a pinhole camera or some other technique. Coupling compensation is an important capability that should be aggressively pursued. While items such as routine maintenance are no longer viewed as being of the highest priority, the committee trusts that the staff will continue its efforts to sustain not only high availablility but in addition a low fault rate. As discussed in earlier reviews, a reliable machine is a necessary precondition in efforts to attract influential user groups who in turn can add support to efforts to secure more adequate financial support, which ultimately could lead the way toward a future regional facility (SEALS). It is commendable that the CAMD staff have achieved the present high level of reliability with the limited resources available. 336 CAMD Operating Budget 2004/2005 $4.7M Facility 4% Outreach Programs 1% Office Support 1% Telecommunications 1% Match Commitments 2% Utilities CAMD Research Salaries Match Commitments Telecommunications Office Support Outreach Programs Facility Utilities 17% CAMD Research 12% Salaries 62% 337 Staff Changes During 2005 New Employees in 2005 Accelerator Group Selim Kazan Microfabrication Group Jens Hammacher* Sebastian Mammitzsch* Nano Group W. Rohini deSilva* Protein Crystallography Group David Neau* Spectroscopy Group David Alley Employees who left in 2005 Yohannes Desta Brett Keller Evelyn Kornemann Yunjun Song Christian Stockhofe *Grant supported 338