FY 2015 Annual Report - The ALS Association Greater Philadelphia


FY 2015 Annual Report - The ALS Association Greater Philadelphia
FY 2015
Annual Report
February 1, 2014 — January 31, 2015
The Chapter is proud to join with our ALS families
who share their stories and make a huge impact
changing both state and federal policies.
NJ Assemblyman Troy
Singleton took the Ice
Bucket Challenge for
ALS patient Milt Sierra*
State Advocacy
Dear Friends,
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge (IBC) raised $115 million for The ALS Association in 2014. It was a phenomenal viral social
media event. Three men fighting ALS, Pete Frates, Pat Quinn and Peter Senerchia, and their loved ones galvanized their
social networks and inspired people to pour ice on their heads within 24 hours or make a donation to an ALS charity of their
choice. Most did both. From the Phillies, to Tina Fey, to our ALS families who took the challenge and prompted a surge in
ALS awareness globally, we are forever grateful for the generous outpouring of support.
Yes, the IBC was incredible, but you help achieve our mission and work year round by holding events, responding to
appeals, advocating, volunteering, attending walks, establishing Funds, and giving your time and effort to strike out ALS.
Your contributions allow us to focus on our ALS families.
This year we also celebrated our 30 year partnership with the Phillies - what a milestone!
We thank you for keeping the ice flowing and continuing to work to strike out ALS in so many ways. The Chapter depends
on individuals and sponsors for your help throughout the year and throughout the region we serve. This Annual Report
touches on the accomplishments of all of you.
The ALS Association, Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Regions Served
With our sincere thanks,
James Pinciotti
Executive Director
North Central Pennsylvania
Ellyn Phillips
Southeastern Pennsylvania
We are forever grateful for the generous outpouring of
support we received from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
raised from 2014 ALS
Ice Bucket Challenge
South Central Pennsylvania
Central and Southern
New Jersey
Patient &
Public &
Processing Fees
National Advocacy 2014 Priorities
Each May, The ALS Association holds an Advocacy Day and Public Policy conference in Washington, DC.
ALS families meet with every legislator representing our service area to educate them about ALS and
urge their support of The ALS Association’s Public Policy Priorities. In 2014 they included:
An additional $5 million was appropriated to the ALS Research Program at the US Department of Defense. US Military Veterans are 50% more likely to develop ALS than civilians.
Overall Funding for Research- More than $600 million in Government funding for ALS research
Funding for the National ALS Registry – Secured over $7.8 million in continued funding. The
Registry identifies ALS cases across the US in order to improve care and help scientists, government entities and others learn the causes and development, treatment and prevention of ALS.
Chapter President Ellyn Phillips (left) and
Roger Kirk* and his family in DC.
“Advances in the research field have brought us to an exciting and very promising
point in our quest to understand ALS. The unprecedented new funding will now
allow us to push forward to make the most of those advances.”
ALS Association Chief Scientist Lucie Bruijn, PhD, MBA
ALSA Chief Scientist Lucie Bruijn, PhD, MBA (left) poses with
Bob and Karen Delaney Shideleff and ALSA President and CEO Barbara Newhouse.
The Ice Bucket Challenge raised $115 million for The ALS Association’s programs, services and research.
“The word gratitude doesn’t do enough to express what we are feeling right now,”
ALS President and CEO Barbara Newhouse
The 2014 Ice Bucket Challenge has funded more than $77 million for ALS Research, most of which will support on-going
studies. That’s 3x more than in the past.
In addition, The ALS Association is investing in four cooperative alliances over the next one to three years involving research
that has been identified as critical to finding new treatments for ALS:
$10 Million - ALS Accelerated Therapeutics (ALS ACT) – a new academic-foundation-industry partnership to accelerate treatments. Researchers from General Electric Healthcare and four academic Northeast ALS Consortium (NEALS) sites will accelerate research, data and resources. All studies will be shared with other ALS researchers. These are being matched from The ALS Finding a Cure Foundation.
$2.5 Million - The New York Genome Center - repository for ALS genome sequencing data that increases the number of genetic samples scientists can study
$5 Million - The Neuro Collaborative – combines the efforts of three leading California laboratories focused on ALS in order to discover and development new therapies for ALS, which can be delivered to pharmaceutical companies for further development in clinical trials.
$1 Million - Project MinE – an international effort to sequence the genomes of at least 15,000 people with ALS.
Strong advocates visited all three states and helped make possible these changes in 2014:
Our Chapter, along with the Western PA Chapter, received a $350,000 line item in the State Budget.
In New Jersey, income tax returns include a check box to allow taxpayers to make voluntary donations to The ALS Association’s Greater Philadelphia Chapter and Greater New York Chapter.
Delaware recognized the 75th anniversary of Lou Gehrig’s retirement.
Numbers represent current and anticipated spending.
The ALS Association is leading the fight to find
treatments and a cure for ALS — through robust
research, care services, and public policy programs.
There will be synergies between these four initiatives that will increase the quantity and most importantly the value of data
openly available to the ALS research community worldwide. Our global research efforts have helped increase the number
of scientists working on ALS, advanced new discoveries and treatments, and shed light on the complex genetic and
environmental factors involved in ALS.
Your Dollars Support
the Best Patient Care
and his
wife Arlene
enjoy the
trip to
The Chapter’s Arthur and Lea Powell ALS Patient Service Programs
are provided to ALS families throughout PA, NJ and DE.
Money raised by the 2014 Ice Bucket Challenge, individual donors,
companies and YOU is supporting ALS Research,
Public Policy and Patient Care
numbers are based on FY 2015 spending by The ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Caregivers relax while beadmaking at Caregivers Day.
ALS Association Centers
The heart of the Chapter. See up to 12
specialists in ONE visit.
patient visits at
different ALS
Visiting Volunteers
The Howard I. Abrams In–Home Care Program
trained volunteers visited
patients throughout PA,
NJ and DE
Patients can stay in their own home,
surrounded by loved ones.
hours of care received by
80 ALS families
provides devices
to assist with
communication to help
with daily living.
Recreation Programs
The Scott A Mackler MD, PhD
Assistive Technology Program
Tim Heiser and his family celebrate at the Chapter Holiday Party.
of ALS families went to Longwood
Gardens, Morey’s Piers, the Holiday
Party and Caregivers Day
Chuck Morris meets with Leo McCluskey, MD, MBE
Medical Director, The ALS Association Center at the
Penn Comprehensive Neuroscience Center.
Resource Groups & Seminars
Share stories and meet others.
The Phillies have partnered with the Chapter since
1984. This is the original plaque from the Center’s 1999
opening at Pennsylvania Hospital.
The Hershey Clinic Team is well represented at the Walk to Defeat
ALS®. Here Dr. Zach Simmons takes a break with Gordie Miller.
patient and family attendees
at a grand total of 114
support groups covering our
whole region
in-service programs
managing ALS
for healthcare
patients seen by
our Specialist
AT Devices
The Marjorie Shimer
Equipment Loan Program
Respite Care & Accessibility Program
wheelchairs, shower chairs
and other medical equipment
loans to patients
hours of care for patients
ramps and stair
glides provided
The Mike Kilpatric ALS
Transportation Program
patients and
Named Funds create a lasting tribute for loved ones with ALS. Each has a page on the Chapter’s
website and is included on a recognition plaque in the Chapter’s headquarters in Ambler, PA and
The ALS Center at the Hershey Medical Center for funds supporting that Center. Named Funds are
established with a minimum commitment of $25,000.
(l-r) Donna Book and Legacy Society Member
Deb Graham take a lap at the Hershey Walk to
Defeat ALS® presented by Cleveland Brothers.
The Legacy Society of The ALS Association recognizes individuals who have included the Association
in their long-term plans through a bequest, life-income gift, or other planned gift arrangement. Among
the Greater Philadelphia Chapter’s most valued supporters, members of The Legacy Society have
determined that their legacy will be one of hope – hope that a cure for ALS will be found and that those
living with the disease will be helped and supported during their lifetime with vital patient care services.
Jeffrey L. Abrams
Rhoda Albom *
Daniel Ardente
Anna Arnold *
Robert Arrow *
Ron and Carol Banes
Evelyn Baratta *
Margaret A. Barry
Jay F. Bolick
Lisa W. Bolick *
Doris M. Bomgardner
Joan S. Borowsky
Ronald A. Brown
Beverly Burkhart *
Richard T. Byrnes *
Jayne M. Cawthern
Charles Cherkes
William Cherkes *
Charlene B. Costa
Pat Costello
Hilda J. Daily *
Betty K. Davis
Therese Decker
Donald Dellinger *
Janice Diamond-Wolf
Mildred Diamond
James B. Dietrich *
Bonedia L. Errickson
Mary Lou Fenn *
John J. Ferry *
John H. Gauger
Allen & Eleene Grabell
Deborah Graham
Robert L. Grimes
Emma Hohlfeld *
Dean Hollander *
Mildred R. Hubbs *
Judith Jaffee
Robert D. Kale
Richard T. Kanter *
David Kasoff
Elkan M. Katz *
Fern Kaufman
Thomas V. Kelsey
E. Ann Klein *
Nancy A. Lewis
E. Marie Lilly *
G. Mary Lincoln
Genevieve M. Loos *
Kenneth Mallin *
Cheryl Mann
Thomas E. Matyjasik
Elizabeth Maurer
June Cason Mayer *
Peter McGuire *
Thomas J. McLaughlin
Maureen A. McPeak
George R. Moyer
Rhoda Mull
Evelyn B. Nasielski
Thomas W. Nelson *
Benjamin S. Ohrenstein
Bonnie & Stuart Pastman
Ellyn C. Phillips
James V. Pinciotti
Sanford Pomerantz
Arthur L. Powell *
Linda P. Reitz
Eleanor C. Repp *
Carole Resides *
David M. Ricci
Mary C. Riley *
Helen Rimerman *
Jennifer T. Rimerman
Gilbert A. Ringer
Thomas S. Robertson *
Patricia A. Rogers
Joseph Salamone *
Thomas Scamuffa, Sr.
Wendy Schermer
Lisa A. Schwab
Valarie J. Schwarz
Dale J. Shimer
John Shultz, Jr.
Jean Sidoroff
Nancy E. Small
Evelyn Spivack
Brenda J. Stuckey *
Kathryn M. Thomas
Roy Uhlman *
Judith Uhlman-Nardelli
Andrew Urquhart
Sylvain Van Gobes *
Tracy Varano-Garrison
Nancy J. Venner
Willard Wheaton, Jr. *
Barry Wolf
* deceased
The Ashley Fund
The James E. Beck Memorial Fund
The Dennis Bireley Fund
The Lisa Bolick Fund
The Paul and Harriet Campbell Fund for Patient Care
The Sheldon Cardonick Fund for Research
The M. Louis Chiste Fund
The Dad Fund
The Therese Decker Fund
The James B. Dietrich Fund
The Ken Ellis Fund
The Linda Ersner Fund for ALS Research
The Bruce “Turk” Gabel Memorial Fund
The Sang Bok Graham Fund
The Thomas L. Hanson Memorial Fund
The Thor W. Johnson Memorial Fund
The Chris Katucki Fund
The Mike Kilpatric Fund
The Jack Edward Kissinger Fund
The Phoebe Leboy Fund
The Sally McLaughlin Fund
The Janet Michael Fund
The Rhoda J. Mull, Esquire Fund
The Nancy K. Noone Fund
The Samuel Pennise Memorial Fund
The Alan L. Phillips Fund
The Joanne E. Pugliese Memorial Fund
The Carol R. Resides Fund
The Charles (Chick) Rogers Memorial Fund
The Rothshow Memorial Fund
The Kathleen “Casey” Santye Memorial Fund
The Charles W. Schwarz Fund
The Marjorie Shimer Fund
The Donna L. Shultz Fund for Patient Care
The Jack Seese Memorial Fund
The Sollie Small Fund
The Richard G. Smolev Fund
Team Scamuffa Fund
The Anne Van Gobes Memorial Fund
The William F. Weart/William Penn Charter School
The Ronald and Sherry Wenger Fund
Funds established in Fiscal Year 2015:
Keep the Ice Flowing!
The Community of Hope
The Community of Hope is an online
community of tribute funds created by ALS
advocates who want to establish a lasting
legacy in honor or memory of someone
special. Tribute fund web pages are created
for each one.
• 72 total
• Three newly created this year.
• Total raised through COH in
FY15 = $6,381.60
• Total raised to date = $117,386
Workplace Giving
We thank all those who give to the Chapter
at their workplace through United Way or
Community Health Charities (CHC). In 2014,
$141,281 was raised this way!
The Carol R. Resides
In appreciation for the
outstanding care and
support provided by
The ALS Association,
and the critical need
to further research,
Carol established
this fund to equally
support Research
and the ALS Patient
Services Program.
The Janet Michael
The Charles (Chick)
Rogers Memorial Fund
The fund was
This fund was
established in 2014 established in 2014 by
in loving memory by Patricia, Susan, James
her husband, George.
and John Rogers in
In appreciation for
loving memory of
the care and services Charles (Chick) Rogers.
provided by The
The fund is to further
Greater Philadelphia
ALS research.
Chapter, this fund
supports the Howard I.
Abrams In-Home Care
The Charles W.
Schwartz Fund
The Richard G.
Smolev Fund
Established in 2014
by Valarie Schwarz in
loving memory of her
father to support the
general mission of
The ALS Association
Greater Philadelphia
Established in 2014
by Nancy Alessi and
their sons, Michael
and David Smolev,
to provide care and
support services to
patient families living
with the disease.
The Walk to Defeat ALS® is The ALS Association’s
largest annual event. Choose a Walk near you and then
rally your friends, family and co-workers
to challenge ALS.
Yo u r Wal ks Rai s e d $ 1 , 8 3 4 , 059
Matt Bellina, his wife Caitlin and their son
Kip pose with Ryan Howard and Chase Utley
of the Phillies.
Sandy Piersol, Chair, Chapter Board of Overseers;
Nancy Giles of the Phillies; Marcy Cardonick,
Chapter Board Member; and Chris Martin,
Chapter Board of Trustees at the 2014 Phestival.
Dr. Glen Mackin and ALS patient Donna Katcher at the
Lehigh Valley Walk to Defeat ALS®.
The starting line up in Ocean City, NJ.
Lakewood Walk to Defeat ALS®
Bloomsburg, Jorge’s Walk to Defeat ALS®
Hershey Walk to Defeat ALS® presented
by Cleveland Brothers
The Phillies are our year-round partner in striking out ALS. In 2014 The Greater Philadelphia Chapter celebrated its 30-year
partnership with the Philadelphia Phillies and this incredible milestone was celebrated at the 2014 Annual Luncheon. Phillies
outfielder Cody Asche was a featured speaker. As the banner says, the team has raised over $15.2 million for the ALS cause
between 1984 and 2014. The 2014 annual Phillies Phestival raised a record $904,732. 2014 also marked the
75th anniversary of Lou Gehrig’s famous farewell speech at Yankee Stadium. Many players and management also challenged
ALS by taking the Ice Bucket Challenge.
Rehoboth Beach Walk to Defeat ALS®
Ocean City Board...Walk to Defeat ALS®
presented by ShopRite and their
Customers and Certainteed
Lehigh Valley Walk to Defeat ALS®
Greater Philadelphia Walk to Defeat ALS®
presented by BAYADA Home Health Care, Pride
Mobility Products Corp., Quantum Rehab and
ACME Supermarkets and Pharmacies
Chapter Executive Director Jim Pinciotti (right) and
Mark Baiada of BAYADA Home Health Services raise their
hands in triumph as the Greater Philadelphia Walk
sets a fundraising record.
February 1, 2014 ­— January 31, 2015:
ALS Craft & Vendor Show
Pat fight ALS
Doll Klinger Memorial Gospel Sing
Chilly Chili for Paula
Friends Against ALS Golf Tournament
Christmas Shoppe to Defeat ALS
Lancaster Bike In
Community Days 2014 at the Bon-Ton
Community Yard Sale
Monzo Madness
Corazon - Photo Marquelia
Post World Series Party
CPK FUNdraiser
Ray Matthews Memorial ALS Bike Tour
Crossfit for Casey
Team Scamuffa ALS Benefit
Dan Schantz Greenhouse Fundraiser
2014 HR Derby to Defeat ALS
Dance to Defeat ALS
4 on 4 for a Cure
to Keep it Strong A Night for Roman
Zumbathon for ALS
ALS Awareness Night at the Flyers
Difebo’s Dine and Donate
ALS Awareness Night at the Phillies
Donna’s Dugout Pitch to the Katcher
ALS Awareness Night with the
Softball Event
Lakewood BlueClaws
Donut Dash Brielle
ALS Awareness Night with the Lehigh
Duffers Tavern fundraiser
Valley IronPigs
Defeat ALS - Zoe’s Kitchen
ALS Benefit at Oregon Dairy
Fall Fling Festival - Punkin Chunkin
ALS Benefit Polka Dance
Ferguson Enterprises Annual Trade
ALS Charity Crop
ALS Express
Fighting the Fight
ALS Magic Show
Friends Against ALS Beef and Beer
ALS Wine Dinner
Halligan’s ALS Fundraiser
AmerisourceBergen Greater
Walk to Defeat ALS® presented
Philadelphia Walk to Defeat ALS®
by Cleveland Brothers
presented by BAYADA Home
Health Care, Pride Mobility Product
Hollowed Reunion Gig for
Corp., Quantum Rehab and ACME
ALS & Lung Cancer
Supermarkets and Pharmacies
Hot Chocolate
Annual Luncheon
Houlihan’s ALS Fundraiser
Annual Pig Roast to Benefit ALS
Jared’s Black Belt Promise to ALS
AristaCare at Meadow Springs
Jimbo Classic - McShea Family
Golf Outing
Armstrong Golf
Joe Schwartz ‘83 Memorial
Bartone Golf Outing/Dinner Dance
3k Walk/Run
BAYADA Food Truck Fundraiser
Jump into Summer for ALS
Beef and Beer and Autograph signing
Ken Dawson Memorial Golf Outing
Beef and Beer Benefit for Shelby Rowe
KV Fun Run and Walk
Billy Lake Beef-n-Beer
Lakewood BlueClaws
Celebrity Waiter Night
Billy Lake Memorial Basketball Marathon
Lakewood Walk to Defeat ALS®
Bloomsburg Jorge’s
Walk to Defeat ALS
Lansdale Catholic Boys Basketball
is Kirkin’It!
Boscov’s Friends Helping Friends
Legs 4 Greg Walk for Greg Telthorster
Braveheart Highland Pub
Lehigh Valley Walk to Defeat ALS®
Burlington Charity Day
LoL Dunks ALS
Camden Riversharks Night
Dine Out week
Car wash & bake sale to help
Lou’s Grand Slam 5K Run/walk
Lower Gwynedd Elementary fundraiser
Mackler 5K
Macungie Vendor bingo
Mazur Cup
Michael Bartone Scrum for Six Rugby
Move & Groove-a-thon - YMCA
Night of Hope
Ocean CityBoard...Walk to Defeat
ALS® presented by ShopRite and Their
Customers and Certainteed
Odell Studner Golf Outing
Pals of Jimmy Duffy Annual Outing
Patient and Family Trip to
Longwood Gardens
Phillies Phestival
Post New Year’s Benefit
Reading Phillies Auction
Rehoboth Beach Walk to Defeat ALS®
Research Update
Rockhill Gives Back! Community
Ice Bucket Challenge
Roey’s Paintbox Party
Roger Kirk ALS Association Golf Outing
hosted by Greg Gross
Ryan’s Pub Golf Outing
RYO/PLTS 2014 Golf Outing
Sam Adams Golf Outing
Shippensburg University Men’s Soccer
team ALS night
Shop for a Cause
Splash Zone Waterpark
Ice Bucket Challenge
Step Up To the Plate
Sweet Taco/Walk to Defeat ALS®
Swing for a Cure for
Lou Gehrig’s Disease
Tailgate Party with Brian Dawkins
The Wild Half - half marathon
Towers Club Golf Outing/Supporting
UHS ALS Fundraiser
Valour Pro Wrestling Battles ALS
WBS Penguins ALS Awareness Night
Wilson High School’s “Tropical Boogie”
Events provide an outstanding source of revenue for the Chapter.
Many are Community Partner events which depend on community
members to help spread the word about ALS.
Keep the Ice Flowing!
Jeff Loeper, who is living with ALS, and his wife
Jennie and the fish at Hot Chocolate
at Adventure Aquarium.
The crew from Hot Hot Hot Entertainment
donates their time and talent to the Holiday Party,
Greater Philadelphia Walk to Defeat ALS®
and Hot Chocolate.
In honor of the 75th anniversary of Lou Gehrig’s
farewell speech at Yankee Stadium, Board Chair
of Overseers Sandy Piersol and many Chapter
supporters took Lou Bearig out to a Phillies Game.
Gregg Gross and Roger Kirk* meet at the annual
Roger Kirk ALS Golf Outing hosted by Gregg Gross.
Share your event photos on social media. Follow us @ALSPhiladelphia
We are GRATEFUL FOR THE GENEROSITY of the following individuals and organizations, each of whom made a
gift to The ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter during 2/1/14-1/31/15. With thanks to the thousands who
have made contributions of less than $500, the constraints of printing did not allow us to list these important donors
individually. Please accept our apologies if we have omitted your gift or erroneously reported it. Feel free to call our
office at 215-643-5434 with questions.
For the purposes of this listing, all gifts to the Phillies Phestival through Phillies Charities, Inc., as well as individual gifts
made through the United Way Donor Option programs, and Community Health Charities are included.
When you donate, you help ALS families receive:
Personal Pager
2 hours of in-home care
Lightweight wheelchair
Rapid Access Communication System
Van transportation to/
from our clinic
One visit to our ALS Clinic
iPad for communication
communication device
Levels of Giving:
Hero...$300,000 and above
Strength...$10,000 - $14,999
Inspiration...$100,000 - $299,999
Determination...$5,000 - $9,999
Hope...$25,000 - $99,999
Resilience...$1,000 - $4,999
Courage...$15,000 - $24,999
Encouragement...$500 - $999
In Kind Donations
95.7 BEN-FM
Albert Hakim, LaserWave
Asher’s Chocolates
Barefoot Wine and Bubbly
Charles Jacquin et Cie., Inc.
Comcast SportsNet
Conlin’s Digital Print and Copy
Cumulus-Allentown-Bethlehem Easton
Garman Sign & Decal Co.
Guylians Chocolates
Harvey Mackler GEMPIRE/Flora
Hot Hot Hot Entertainment
Hunt Auctions
Liberty Printing
Majestic Athletic
Matthew Lee
Philadelphia Distilling
The Pearl Group at CRW Graphics
The Phillies
Tom McGivney, A,B + C
Turkey Hill Dairy
Zieger & Sons, Inc.
Karolina Fraczkowska and Melissa Janssen congratulate each other
at the starting line of the Chapter’s ALS Express Bike Ride.
Josiah W. and Bessie Hero
$300,000 & Above H. Kline Foundation Phillies Charities, Inc.
Powell Family Foundation
$100,000 to
Estate of James B. Dietrich
Julius and Ray Charlestein Foundation,Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Koster
Pennsylvania Department of Health
The Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Foundation
$25,000 to $99,999
Mr. Jeffrey L. Abrams and Ms. Margaret A. Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Berman
Citizens Bank
Farber Family Foundation
Hess Foundation, Inc.
Independence Blue Cross
Joseph Alexander Foundation, Inc.
Kessler, Topaz, Meltzer & Check, LLP
Michael Bartone Memorial Foundation
Mr. George Michael
Mrs. Patricia A. Rogers
Philadelphia Phillies
Ms. Ellyn C. Phillips
Pride Mobility Products Corp.
Ms. Valarie J. Schwarz
The Charter Foundation
The Ron Krancer Family
Village Supermarket, Inc. (ShopRite)
Washington Township High School Activities Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wolf
$15,000 to $24,999
Mrs. Nancy Alessi
BAYADA Home Health Care
Billy Lake ALS Memorial Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Buchert
Estate of John F. Blewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farber
Kasco Construction Co., Inc.
$5,000 to $9,999
Mr. Gerald R. Shreiber Inc.
Sports Complex Acme Markets
Mr. and Mrs. James* Amerisource Bergen Special Services R. Koller
Services Corp
Sunbury Social Club
Samuel Adams Ballard Spahr, LLP
TD Charitable Pennsylvania Mrs. Karen Bishop
Team Scamuffa Fund
Blueclaws Charities
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boeing Employees The Joseph F. S. Schiffrin
Umosella Community Fund
Mr. Frederick P. Slack
Ms. Dorothy R. Boylan Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Al Mr. John G. Chou
The McLeod Family Slipakoff
Chubb Federal Gifting IHS Fund
Tania and Brian J. Insurance Company The New York Higgins Charitable Colligas Family Community Trust
Markets, LP The Pearl Group at The Odell Studner (ShopRite)
CRW Graphics
Foundation Inc.
Colonial Oaks The Philadelphia 76ers, LP
$10,000 to $14,999 Comcast Sports The Scholler Foundation
Abrams and Ingersoll, Group
Conservest Capital Thriftway/Shop N Bag
UFCW Local 1776
Advisors, Inc.
Barclays Bank Cravath, Swaine & UHS of Delaware, Inc.
Universal Supply Moore LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Day & Zimmermann Company, Inc.
Vanguard Charitable Inc.
Mrs. Susan Deangelo Endowment Berwick Offray L.L.C.
Mr. Scott DeWire
Mrs. Beverly Burkhart Doylestown Pediatric VF Services, Inc.
Dr. Sherry Wenger
CertainTeed Dentistry, P.C.
ELAP Services, LLC
Cleveland Brothers Ewing Cole, Inc.
$1,000 to $4,999
Equipment Co., Inc. Fraternal Order of Professor and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Orioles Andrew B. Abel
Nest #22-SGOC
Accessible Vans And Colonial Middle GAF Materials Mobility, LLC
Ace Restaurant Group
Genesis HealthCare, Mrs. Mary Jane Agnew
Cozen O’Connor
CSS Industries, Inc.
Air Products Ms. Anne B. Davidson Home Helpers
Estate of Sylvain Van Ipg - Interpublic Mr. & Mrs.* Ira Albom
Mr. and Mrs. Anwar Ali
Genuardi’s Family J & J Snack Foods
Mr. Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Alwine
Mr. John Hummer
American Ramp Mrs. Christine V. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Systems, Inc.
E. Johnson
AmeriHealth Casualty
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Mr. Richard J. Katucki Mr. Tony Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Roger* Kirk Dr. Barbara Apostolou
Mrs. Heather A. Mr. Louis J. Appell Jr.
Mr. David Kasoff
Kistler-Tiffany Benefits Kissinger
Mr. and Mrs. Walt L.F. Driscoll Company, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Applin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mr. Alan M. Markowitz McLean Arning
Merck Employee Contributionship
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mr. and Mrs. David P. B. Aronson
Giving Campaign
Newbury Street Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ayala
Capital, LP
L. Morgan
Newco Riders, LLC
Ms. Suzanne Bachur Neshaminy Electrical Watkins
Parx Casino
Penn Comprehensive Contractors, Inc.
Ms. Regina Baime
Neuroscience NRG Home Solar
Bank Of America Panzano and Partners, Foundation
Schooner Investment LLC
Ms. Zaida Bare
Pediatric Services of Mr. Dominick A. Group, LLC
America, Inc.
Mr. Dale J. Shimer
PNC Foundation
Mr. James H. Simons
The Ken Dawson Premier Dental Mrs. Joyce Beaver
Memorial Golf Products Company Belfint, Lyons & Outing Committee Rerum Novarum Schuman, CPAs
Mr. and Mrs. David Charitable Trust
Dr. David R. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. John Belvedere Inn Inc.
Beneficial Bank
United Seating & Russo
Shermans Dale Stanley & Marion Mobility LLC
Community Bergman Charitable Fire Co., Inc.
Berky Benevolent Foundation
Berlin Township Police Association
Mr. Ronald T. Biava
Mr. Lee H. Bilheimer and Mrs. Judy Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley A. Bingaman
Ms. Emily Bittenbender
Blaise Alexander Ephrata, Inc.
Mr. James Blanshine
Blue Rock Construction
Ms. Bonnie Bowen
Mr. David Bowers
Mr. W.J. Boyle
Bradford White Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Bradlow
Brakebush Brothers
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Brendle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brennan
Brinker Capital
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Mrs. Susan Brooks
Ms. Barbara Brungess
Mr. Cody Bryson
Bucks County Anglers Club
Ms. Susan Bulger
Mr. and Mrs. David Bunevich
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Burns
Business Clubs of America
Mr. Curt Butler
Cabot Landscaping LLC
Cannoneers Sportsmens Club Inc
Capital Health System
Mrs. Marcy Cardonick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Carlson
Carmel Presbyterian Church Board of Deacons
Carr & Duff Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Caulfield
Cedar Grove Elementary School
Centre Pathology Assoc PC
Certified Public Accountants
Mrs. Kirsten A. Cetrone
Chartwell Investment Partners
Mr. Robert Chen
Chester County Conference and Visitors Bureau
Chester Downs and Marina, LLC
Churchville Elementary School
Ms. Elizabeth C. Cirelli
City Of Wilmington Delaware
Clark Associates, Inc.
Clemens Food Group, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Clemens
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cleveland, Jr.
CNI Sales, Inc.
Mr. W. Thomas Coder,Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Coleman
Mr. Patrick G. Colgan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter V. Commander
Communications Test Design, Inc.
Convergent Solutions Group
Mr. Denis Corcoran
Ms. Gail Costello
Mrs. Emily F. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. William Creighton
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Cutler
Dairy Queen Of Quakertown
Alysia Deaven VMD
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Deaven
Estate of Joan Declement
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Mrs. Jonna Delp
Mr. Matt Desoto
Mrs. Janice Diamond-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Dickey
Ms. Karen Dieterle
Dirt Works, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dodds
Mr. and Mrs. William Dolan
Dolente Foundation
Ms. Deirdre S. Dransfield
Mr. Tim J. Dransfield
Mr. Joseph Dudas
Dynamic Rehab Solutions, LLC
Eagle Youth Partnership
Eastern Lancaster County School District
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Eisenstat
Mr. and Mrs. Yaron Eitan
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Elder
Mr. Thomas Elkinton
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Ellis
Employees of Premier Dental Products
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Enoch
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Epstein
Equus Capital Partners, Ltd.
Erlbaum Family Foundation
Dr. Arthur R. Ersner
Mrs. Christine Erwin
Mrs. Linda Ewald
Fabietti, Hale, Hammerstedt & Powers, Pa
Fairchild Semiconductors
Mrs. Jessica Fake
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Family
Mr. Brad Feld
Mr. and Mrs. James Ferrario
Ms. Audrey B. Fingerhood
FirstEnergy Foundation
Mr. Robert E. Fish
Mr. Philip W. J. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Clark
Ms. Irene M. Flannery
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Foulke
Fox Subacute at Clara Burke
Mrs. Margaret Francis
Frankel Enterprises
French Creek Golf Club
Mrs. Darlene Frey
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Frezel
Friends Against ALS
Friends Of Dustin J. Myers
Frost Inc.
Mr. Joshua Funk
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Gascho
Geisinger Health Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Genuardi
Get the Funk Off!
Mrs. Betty Gianforte
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gianforte
Mr. Ryan Gibian
Ms. Sharon Gibison
Mr. Craig Gielarowski
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Glassford
Dr. Robert I. Handler and Mrs. Judith B. Golden
Mr. Andy A. Goldman
Grainger Matching Charitable Gifts Program
Greater Wildwood Elks Lodge #1896
Mr. and Mrs. Duane R. Greenly
Dr. Susan A. Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gress
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Griffith
Griswold Special Care
Drs. Kent and Lori Griswold
Mr. Greg Gross and Ms.Konnie Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Guttman
Mr. and Mrs. Joel B. Haight
Mr. Matt Phillips and Ms. Melissa Hanczyc
Dr. Gordon C. Handte
Mrs. Sandra H. Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Harding
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Harlam
Mrs. Margaret Harner
Harold Wetterberg Foundation
The Brown Brothers Harriman & Co
Harrisburg Area YMCA
Haverford College Department of Athletics
Haydon Bolts, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Hayward
Hazleton Owls Rod & Gun Club
Dr. Joy Heising
Henkels & McCoy, Inc.
Henry Schein Inc.
Mr. Wallace D. Hess
Mrs. Leanne Heston
Highpoint Dental Medicine, P.C.
Hillcrest Elementary
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hipp
Mr. James Hirschmann
Mrs. Julie Hirshey
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Holt
Mr. Chris Honigman
Stephen Horniak
Mr. Fred Horrocks
Hot Hot Hot Entertainment
Mr. James Hovey
Hovus, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Graeme K. Howard III
Mr. Ben Huh
Hulmeville Ent. Inc.
Mrs. Anna Hutchinson
IBEW Local Union 98
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Imbriani
Independent Retailer Group
Ms. Laura Ingraham
Intex Millwork Solutions, LLC
Brian Jackson
Ms. Hara Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Jacobsen
Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Johnson
Mrs. Janelle L. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Lance E. Johnson
Joseph Definis Inc.
JP Stevens Choir and Orchestra Parents Association
JP Morgan Chase Foundation Matching Gift & Volunteer Program
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kackenmeister
Mr. Lawrence Kades
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kaiser
Mr. Gerald F. Kane
Mrs. Michele Kane
Ms. Amy A. Kasznel
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Katcher
Ms. Jacqueline Katz
Mr. Steven M. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Kelly
Mr. Robert Kernish
Mr. Thomas Ketter
Mrs. Christine K. Kiernan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kiernan
Mrs. Maryann Kilpatric
Mr. and Mrs. William Kirchhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kirsch
Kiwanis Club of New Holland
Klein Tow Family
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Klein
Mr. Robert C. Kline
Ms. Susan Knight
Knights Of Columbus Council 7515
Mr. and Mrs. James Knudson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Korn
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. Krause Jr.
Ms. Lina Kristina
Mrs. Megan Kutch
Mr. and Mrs. George Lancos
Lansdale Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram
Ms. Anne Leader
Mr. James A. Lee
Lehigh Valley Health Network
Lehigh Valley IronPigs
Heidi Leister-Tebbe
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levin
Mr. Jeremy Levine and Ms. Yael Taqqu
Mr. Stephen Lewis
Lexus of Chester Springs
Linden Foundation
Prof. John D. Little
Lockheed Martin
Bagel & Pretzel Club
Professor and Mrs. Leonard M. Lodish
Ms. Helen Long
Louella Style LLC
Mr. and Mrs. John Lucas
Mr. Philip C. Luckenbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Lukach
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis* Lupfer
M&T Bank
Mack Trucks, Inc.
Dr. Glenn A. Mackin and Ms. Lynn M. Posbergh
Mr. Harvey A. Mackler
Mr. and Mrs. William Macowski
Mrs. Susan T. Magdelain
Majestic Athletic
Dr. Joshua Malenbaum
Mangar Industries, Inc.
Manheim, Inc.
Marcia and Ned J. Kaplin Foundation
Mrs. Christina G. Martin
Ms. Rebecca Martinez
Mr. Steven D. Maslow
Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Mather II
McAllister Foundation Inc.
McCarthy Weidler Pc
McCormick SLMS Sushine Club
McFadden’s At Ballpark, LLC
McMahon Agency Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McShea
Mr. and Mrs. Demetrios S. Melissaratos
Mr. Mark Mendenhall and Ms. Nancy Q. Shickler
Menz Restaurant, Inc.
Mercer County Italian-
American Festival Association
Mid Penn Bank
Mr. Andrew H. Keiser and Ms. Ellen L. Milgrim
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Miller
Ms. Jan L. Miller
Ms. Susan J. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Brian* P. Mitsdarfer
Captain James Mooney and Ms. Cheryl Bucci
Mr. Harry Morad
Mrs. Marilyn Morantz
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mount
Mrs. Lisa Moyer
Ms. Rhoda Mull
Mrs. Carol Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Murphy
NBC Universal Media, LLC
Nexus Medical
Mrs. Juliann Nielsen
NJM Insurance Group
Mr. and Ms. Patrick Nolan
Mr. Joseph Oberlies
O’Donnell and Naccarato, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Ohrenstein
Old York Road Country Club
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Erik Oliger
Mr. and Mrs. John Olszewski
Mr. James O’Neill
Mr. William P. O’Neill Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Oshinskie
PA Dermatology Group
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palopoli
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Paone
Paul E. Kelly Foundation
PBA Convention
Mrs. Lisa Pecka
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Peltier
Penn Distributors, Inc.
Penn Liberty Bank
Mrs. Lorraine Pennise
Pepper Hamilton LLP
Mr. Lloyd Petteys
Pfizer Foundation
PHH Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Eric D. Phillips
Mr. and Ms. Russ C. Piersol
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pirollo
Pizonka, Reilley, Bello & McGrory, P.C.
Ms. Teresa Plisinski
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Podolin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Polett
Ms. Diane Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Posner
Post to Post, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Potter
Mr. Phillip Prickett
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Proctor
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
Dr. Bernard Prusak
Pulmonology Associates, Inc.
Pypes Performance Exhaust
Ransome CAT
RBC Royal Bank
Reardon Properties, LLC
Red Clay Consolidated School District
Region 20 CYO Athletic Board
Mrs. Lori Rehrig
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Reisinger
Resource Real Estate
Mrs. Theresa A. Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Ricci
Ms. Tammy J. Rinehart
Mr. Gilbert A. Ringer
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rooney
Drs. Wes and Kelly Rose
Ms. Elizabeth Rosenberg
Mr. Stephen Rotay
Mr. Irwin F. Roth and Mrs. Anita R. Marton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Ruben
Mr. Ronald Rubin
Mrs. Violet Ruivo
Ryan’s Pub
Ryder Transportation Services
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sabatino
Ms. Alice Saligman
Robert Saligman Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ryne Sandberg
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schaab
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Schilling
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Schillo
Mr. Brian Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmidt
Ms. Cynthia Schumacker
Mr. Russell Scofield
Dr. G. Ross Segal
Mr. Aydin Senkut
Mr. Stephen Shanton
Mr. Paul L. Shapiro
Mr. Sam Shapiro
Mrs. Melissa A. Shideleff and Mrs. Alexa Rupnik
Shiloh American Legion
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Shimer
Mrs. Fay Shockley
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Shoener
Mrs. Doris Shortlidge
Mrs. Jean Sidoroff
Mr. and Mrs. Milton* Sierra
Jordan M. Kendall
Mr. James F. Simmons
Mr. Troy Singleton
Mr. Kent Smetters
Iris, Michael, Tara & Kaily Smith
Ms. Kristin Smith
Ms. Patricia Smith
Ms. Susan G. Smith
Dr. Lynn Snyder-
Dr. Susan Drossman and Mr. Adam Sokoloff
Sol Feinstone Sunshine Club
Sonepar USA
Mrs. Doreen G. Spencer
Mr. Dean Springman
Mr. and Mrs. William Stanwood
Ms. Randi L. Starr
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Stein
Mr. Mark S. Stewart
Mr. Michael V. Stoddard
Ms. Christine Strenck
Mrs. Claire Stumpf
Sunbury Motors
Susquehanna County Services for Children & Youth
Susquehanna Steam Electric Station
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Swartley
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory* J. Telthorster
Temple Beth El Men’s Club
The Acme Cares Charitable Fund
The Allstate Foundation
The Alvin and Fern Davis Foundation
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
The Broughton Foundation
The Creative Financial Group
The Deegan Roofing Company
The Frezel Family Charitable Fund
The George W. Rentschler Foundation
The Goldenberg Group
The Joseph E. Murphy Jr. Family
The Kirchhoff Family Foundation
The Louis N. Cassett Foundation
The Mushroom Festival, Inc.
The Pennsylvania Trust Company
The Rosenberg Family
The Sandy & Judy Kinderman Fund
The Savitz Organization Inc.
The Tow Foundation Inc.
Thornedge Foundation
Three Sticks Wines
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tofani
Mr. David Totaro
Tracey Mechanical Inc.
Transit Builders Trust
Tuesdays With Mitch Charitable Foundation
U.S. LBM Holdings, LLC
Mr. Jeffrey Umosella
Union Pacific
UPS Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Veltri
Veolia Energy NA Holdings, Inc.
Verizon Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Voit
Mr. Gerard A. Voit
W.B. Homes, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. Wallach
Ms. Susan M. Walsh
Mr. and Ms. Ted
Ms. Mary E. Webb
Mr. Richard Weigel
West Perry School District
Ms. Linda B. West
Westcon Group North America, Inc.
Whemco, Inc.
Mr. Eric White
Ms. Linda White
Mr. Eric N. Wiebe
Mr. and Ms. Thomas E. Wiener
Mr. Ben Willenbecher
Ms. Joan Williams
Wilson Senior HS Student Activities Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Windheim
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Winter Jr.
Wipe the Tears Foundation, LLC
Ms. Sarah Wolf and Mr. Scott Sabo
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wolgin
Ms. Janet Wong
Ms. Karen Wood
WorkZone, LLC
Mr. Franklin Wortley
Dr. and Dr. Michael Wright
Ms. Deanna Wynn
Mr. Jeff Yass
York Wallcoverings, Borders & Fabrics
Mr. Carl Zimmerman
$500 to $999
Mr. and Mrs. Magid Abraham
Accurat Drafting & Survey
Mrs. Christine Adams
Mr. John Adams
Mr. Mark Adler and Ms. Lauren Davis
Aetna Foundation
AFSCME Council 13
AFSCME District Council 88
Mrs. Julie E. Ahern
Albright’s Mill
Allentown Steel Fabricating Co., Inc.
Altair Direct Mail Management Inc.
American Advertising Company
American Floors, Inc.
American Legion - Ewing Township Post 314
Mr. John M. Arcana
Dr. Jonathan Arroyo
Atlantic City Electric
Audrey S. Knewstub Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Aulenbach
Mr. Brian Ault
Auntie Anne’s Ephrata Walmart
Avalotis Corporation
Mrs. Gila Aviram
Mrs. Terri Azzi
B.P.O. Elks No. 580
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bacso
Mr. Sam Baig
Bala Cynwyd Middle School
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ball
Mr. Brian Baluyot
Mrs. Linda Bardet
Barn Hoops Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Barthold
Mr. Curtis Bashaw
Dr. Richard Battista
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Bauder
Mr. Bijan Pashanamaei and Mrs. Mary Becker-
Dr. Shermeen Belal-
Mr. Eric Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Benjamin
Bennett Toyota
Mr. Frank Berardi
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Bergey
Berkowitz Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. David Berkson
Mr. Mark Bianchi
Bl & Wholesale Supply
Ms. Cynthia Blaschak
Bloomsburg Middle School General Fund
Mr. Norman R. Bohidar
Mr. Jay F. Bolick
Mr. and Mrs. James Bonk
Mr. and Mrs. Ted W. Borowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Bortz
Ms. and Mr. Deborah Bottjer
Ms. Lisa Braccio
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Brandon
Braveheart Enterprises, LLC
Brendan Stanton, Inc.
Brenner Chrysler Jeep, LLC
Mr. Michael Bria
Mr. Jason Brickajlik
Mr. Dudley Bright
Bristol-Myers Squibb & Johnson Controls Maintenance Staff
Mrs. Bobbi Brodsky
Mr. and Ms. Mark Brogan
Brown’s Superstores Inc.
Ms. Angela Bruno
Mrs. Tina Bruzas
Mr. David W. Bryan
Mrs. Suzanne Bryan
Mrs. Faye H. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Buechner
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Buettner
Mr. and Mrs. James Burgio
Ms. Kaitlyn Burke
Ms. Jennifer Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Butler
Mr. Mark J. Byelich
C & S Engineers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Caffentzis
California Pizza Kitchen, Inc.
Calpine Corporation
Mrs. Harriet H. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Canaris
Mr. and Mrs. Donato Cantalupo
Mr. Peter Car
Care2 Fund at USLI, Inc.
Ms. Fran M. Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve F. Carman
Mr. Raymond Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Caruso
Mr. Gregory Castaldo
Central City Toyota
Central Jersey Tractor Pullers Association
Chiccarine Management Co
Christ United Church of Christ
Mr. Joey Cinque
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Citara
Mr. Mark Citro
Mrs. Cary Clark
Mr. and Mrs. John Clark
Ms. Mary C. Clark
Classic Printing and Label Company
Classic Wines Price
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cleary
Mrs. Cheryl Clendaniel
Mr. Jerry D. Cline
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Coady
Ms. Kathryn E. Code
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cohen
Mr. Eric Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Coldren
Mr. Theodore J. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Collins III
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Comstock
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Condon
Mrs. Casey Conn
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Conners
Contempora Fabrics
Mr. William J. Conway
Cooke & Bieler, L.P.
Ms. Donna Coombs
Dr. Joshua Cooper and Ms. Jamie Cooperstein
Mr. Richard Cooperstein
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cordaro
Mr. Robert Cordivari
Mr. Joseph D. Corvaia
Council Rock High School - North
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Craig
Mr. Bernard Crandley
Crane Communications, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Crawford
Ms. Susan Crossan
Mrs. Katherine Crumley
Mr. Sean Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Curry
Mr. Thomas Curry
Curtin and Heefner
Mr. Timothy J. Curvan
D & H Marketing, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Danz
D’Arrigo Bros. Co. Of New York, Inc.
Ms. Kathy Davis
Mr. Richard Daw
Mr. and Mrs. Mark DeFazio
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Del Rossi
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Delaney Jr.
Mr. Paul Delaney
Deltronic Labs, Inc.
Mr. Anthony Demarco
Mr. Mr. Jackson Denney
Ms. Mildred Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Diehm
DiFebo’s Cafe and Deli, Inc.
Dilworth Paxson LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel DiMaria
Mr. John Dipalo
Mr. and Mrs. William Doane
Mr. Jim Dobrowolski
Ms. Cherie Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron A. Dom
Mr. Robert J. Donaghy
Donna’s Partnership for Life
Dos Compadres LLC
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dougherty III
Dover Federal Credit Union
Dr. Stanford Dresnin
Ms. Sheila M. Drummond
Duane Morris LLP
Mr. William Dugger
Mr. Chris L. Dyer
Ms. Darlene Eager
East Coast Salon Services
ECBM - Insurance Brokers and Consultants
Mr. William R. Eddinger
Ed-Way Erectors, Inc.
Emerald Advisers, Inc.
Mr. Howard Eney
Ms. Justine D. Englert
Eugene T. Parzych, Inc.
Exelon Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Family Practice Associates of Cumberland
Farmers Insurance Exchange
Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Fasy
Mr. and Mrs. Damon Fecile-Morleand
Mr. Stanley P. Federman
Mr. Frank Ferro
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Field
Mrs. Sherri Finn
Ms. Marie Fiorellino-Di Poce
First Bank
First State Orthopaedics, PA
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fischer
Ms. Debra Fish
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fisher
Mr. Scott Fisher
Mr. Colin Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Flamm
Ms. Mary Foust
Fox Subacute Center
Dr. Mark Fox
Mr. and Ms. Thomas Franco
Mr. Carl H. Fridy
Friedman Electric Supply
Friends Of John Fineran
Fritz the Gardener
Ms. Angela Fruscione
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frye
Mr. Eric Frye
Gary F. Gardner, Inc.
Mr. Julius J. Gasparre
Mr. John Gauger
Geisinger Healthsouth Rehabilitation Hospital
General Transervice, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. George
Geppert Bros. Inc.
Ms. Megan Gianforte
Mr. Anthony Giardina
Mr. Daniel Gil and Mrs. Deborah Sassoon
Ms. Nancy Giordano
Giorgio Foods Inc.
Gloucester County Prosecutor
Gold Gerstein Group LLC
Mr. Michael Golembiewski
Good Shepherd Penn Partners
Goodtime Motorvators Inc.
Mr. Bill Goodwin
The California Goodwins
Mr. Jamie Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Gorman
Ms. Deborah Graham
Mr. Thomas Graham
Green Energy Construction & Consulting Llc
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Green
Mrs. Diane Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grimes
H&R Landscaping, Inc.
Dr. Eric L. Hacherl
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hafner
Mr. Albert Hallman
Mr. and Mrs. Igal Hami
Mrs. Deborah Hannum
Mr. Robert Harbison III
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton T. Hardon Jr.
Mr. David Hargest
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Harkins
Ms. Julie Harrison
Mrs. Linda Harrison
Ms. Cheryl Harting
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hasson
Hatfield Quality Meats Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hay
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hays
Health Strategies Group, Inc.
Healthcare Strategies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Heffner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heinerichs Jr.
Dr. Kristen Heinlein
Mrs. Nancy Hemsing
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hench
Mr. Peter and Dr. Barbara Henninger
Herman Goldner Co., Inc.
Herr Foods, Inc.
Hershey Entertainment & Resorts Company
Dr. Hal Hershfield
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hess
Ms. Linda Hibbs
Hillspire, LLC Employee Giving Benefits Program
Mrs. Jessica Hoffman
Dr. John Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hogan
Ms. Erica Hollenback
Mr. and Mrs. Alan
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Holmes
Mr. Mark Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hooker
Horgan Brothers Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michal Hornstein
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Howard
Mr. Paul Koren and Ms. Peyton Howell
Mr. Matthew Hulsizer
Hunterdon Medical Center
Ms. Abele Iacobelli
Mr. and Mrs. Gino Ingram
Ink to the People
International Lease Consultants
IT Solutions Consulting, Inc.
J.P. Rainey & Company, Inc.
Jabber Jaws
Mr. Steven G. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Jacoby
Mr. Joseph Jacovini
Mr. Steve Javie
Jenkintown Building Services, Inc.
Jesse James & Co.
Ms. Lori Johnson
Ms. Janet K. Johnston
Joseph C. Scott Foundation
Mr. David A. Justin
Mr. Michael Kaestner
Mr. Robert R. Kaneda
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Margerum
Ms. Nancy Karibjanian
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Katz
Mr. and Mr. Stephen Katzman
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kauffman
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kaufman
Mr. Jonathan Kellenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Kelly
Ms. Lauren Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. A. Kelsey
Kent Studios
Mr. Marc Kieselstein
Mrs. Corrine King
Mr. Robert King
Ms. Suzanne Kinkel
Mr. Craig Kleinman
Mrs. Brenda Koch
Kohl’s Department Stores - Community Relations
Ms. Marguerite Koller Stokes
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Koller Jr.
Mr. Kevin Koller
Mrs. Marguerite Koller
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua M. Kopelman
Ms. Wendi L. Kotzen
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kozlowski
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kranenberg
Mr. Aaron Krauss
Mr. Andy Kraut
Dr. and Mrs. Abba M. Krieger
Mrs. Gail Krieger
Mrs. Tara Krolick
Ms. Katherine Kubat
Mr. Alex Kuznets
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Labella
Mrs. Anne Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lambie
Lancaster County Community Foundation
Mr. Donald M. Landwirth
Mrs. Stephanie Lane
Mr. Robert Lankin
Mr. and Mrs. James Lansing
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Latourette Jr.
Law Office Of Kathryn A. Meloni ESQ, PC
Robert Lawler
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Layne
Ms. Eileen Layton
Ms. Crystal S. Leake
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Lebowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee
Lefty’s Tavern
Mr. and Ms. Stuart A. Leibowitz
Ms. Allison J. Leiter
Lenape Valley Presbyterian Church
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Lesser
Mr. Douglas Letterman and Ms. Susan Crossan
Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis
Lima Company
Mrs. G. Mary Lincoln
Ms. Bette J. Lippincott
Local Lodge 1776 - IAMAW
Loews Philadelphia Hotel
Mrs. Rebecca Long
Loomis, Sayles & Company
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Lore
Mr. John Losier
Ms. Melissa Ludwig
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Luehrs
Mr. Joseph Lundy
Lutron Foundation
Miss Kirstin Lutz
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Lyter
M&T Bank
M.C. Katz & Associates
Mr. John Macartney
Mr. and Mrs. David MacDonald
MacElree Harvey, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mallin
Manasquan United Methodist Church
Ms. Wendy Mandes
Ms. Cheryl A. Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marakovits
Mr. Dennis Marcott
Mr. Fabio Mariani
Ms. Pamela A. Marler
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marolda
Mr. Frank Marolda III
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Chris S. Martin
Mr. James R. Martin
Mr. Anthony Marucci
Ms. Susanne Mathewson
Mr. Christopher J. Mattei
Mrs. Deborah F. Mattei
Dr. Kris Matullo and Ms. Christine Matullo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mauch
Mr. Frank Mazzotta
McBee Associates Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McConkey
McGladrey LLP
Mr. Walter T. McGough Jr.
Mr. John McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. McGready
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKitish
Mr. David McKittrick
Ms. Carole S. McMahon
Mrs. Tracy McManimon
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McNeel
Mr. Demetrios Melissaratos
Kathryn A. Meloni Esq.
Mr. Richardson T. Merriman
Mr. Glenn Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Micera
Milco Industries, Inc.
Miller Ford
Mrs. Cari Miller
Ms. Megan Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Drs. Lawrence and Kim Ann Mink
Mr. James Mitchel
Ms. Barbara Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mitchell
Mr. and Mr. Ryan Mitchell
Mitrani Family Foundation
Mr. Derek Moen
Monroe County Cruisers Car Club
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Moore
Mr. Ellis Moore Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.
Mr. Sergio Moutela
Mr. Douglas Moxley
Mr. and Mrs. Roy K. Munnelly
Mr. Alan S. Nadel
Nagel-Lavin, Inc.
Mr. Mark Neilson
Mr. Blake Nesbitt
Newtown Middle School
Mr. and Mrs. F. Nichols
Mrs. Mae C. Nolan
North Cape May Friends & Neighbors
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Nourian
Ms. Betty R. Nunnari
Mr. George R. Oliger
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Olson
On Campus Marketing LLC
One Financial Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. O’Neill
Oregon Dairy Inc.
Mr. Alan F. O’Reilley
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
P. Cooper Roofing, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jason B. Packett
Ms. Kelly C. Park
Pass & Seymour
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Patterson
The Tewksbury Twp/
Lebanon PBA Local 386
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Peet
Mrs. Phyllis Pellman
Mr. and Mrs. Geoff Peltier
Penn Emblem Company
Penn Jersey Paper Co.
Penn State Institute Of The Neurosciences
Mr. and Mrs. Srihari Peri
Mr. Andrew Perry
Mr. Stephen D. Phelan
Mr. Elia Einhorn and Ms. Amy Phillips
Ms. Ramona Phillips
Ms. Sharon Pie’
Mrs. Laurie A. Pierce
Pierre Tremblay Antiques, Inc.
Ms. Joan E. Pikul
Mr. and Mrs. E. John Pipitone
PMC Group
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ponzio
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Poole
Mr. Robert Porawski
Mr. and Mrs. John Porreca
Porter Tower Lions Club
Mr. Dave Pottruck
Pottsville Area High School
Mrs. Esther A. Poulsen
Mr. Michael J. Procacci
Prudential Financial
Pudles Family Charity Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Puhalla
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Quinn
Raare Solutions LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Raimann
Ms. Rosetta M. Rambo
Mr. Gregory Redmond
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Reid
Mrs. Maureen Reid
Reilly Glazing, Inc.
Reinsel Kuntz Lesher, LLP
Mr. Jeff Relken
Mr. Ronald Renshaw
Dr. John A. Renye Ph.D
Ms. Marilyn Reyes
Col. Charles Reynolds
Richard Crockett Middle School
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rickerson
Ride-Away Handicap Equipment
Mrs. Lynda Ries
Mrs. Edith M. Riggs
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Rittenhouse
Ms. Suzanne A. Ritter
Mr. Alan S. Ritterband and Ms. Beth Altman
Dr. Gregg S. Teitel and Dr. Joanne Ritter-Teitel
Ms. Martha Ritz
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rizzo
Mrs. Mary Joan Robertson
Mrs. Marie S. Robinson
Mr. Vincent Roche
Rockhill Mennonite Community
Ms. Loell Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Roes
Mrs. Marney E. Roia
Rolling Hills Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rorer
Drs. Andrew and Stacey Rose
Mr. Howie C. Roseman
Rosenthal & Ganister
Mr. Dennis Rothermel
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Rounick
Mr. Larry Roussell
Mrs. Kathleen Russell
Mr. Damian Russo
Mrs. Chantil Ruud
RxDN Mail Order
Mr. and Mrs. George Rymar
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ryno
S. Walter Packaging Corp.
Mrs. Helen L. Sacre
Sal Sedita Real Estate Inc.
Salus University
Saveway Compounding Pharmacy
Mrs. Cornelia Schaefer
Ms. Kristi A. Schaefer
Mr. Brian Schaffer
Mr. Brent Schneider
Ms. Margot Schonholtz
Mrs. Gloria Schriber
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Schuyler
Ms. Lisa A. Schwab
Mr. John W. Scullin and Ms. Karen B. Sobol
SD Associates, P.C.
Seamless Flooring Systems, Inc.
Select Medical Corporation
Senator Christine M. Tartaglione
Ms. Steph Severn
Mrs. Cindy Sheehan
Mr. William Sheh
Shermans Dale Lions Club
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shideleff
Mrs. Shirley R. Shils
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Shipman
Shippensburg University Foundation
Shorb’s Softball/
Dwayne Markle
Suzanne Shorten, MD.
Mrs. Tracy Sideris
Sight & Sound Theatres
Mrs. Natalie Silverstein
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sinclair
Mr. Timothy Slattery
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Slocum
Dr. Nancy Small
Miss Courtney Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David Smith
Mr. Liam Smith
Smithville Elementary School Staff
Mr. Warren Snaider
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Solow
Dr. Herb Sorensen
Dr. Maryanne Sorensen
Mr. Adam Soufleris
Dr. George Soufleris
Mrs. Lindsey Soufleris
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Soufleris
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Soufleris
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Soufleris
Spector Logistics Inc.
Mr. Timothy Spence
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Spinelli
Mrs. Candice Sprecher
Ms. Claudia Springer
St. Benedicts Church Knights Of Columbus
St. James Brethren Church
St. John Baptist Church
Mr. David Stahl
Mrs. Elizabeth Stakenburg
Stanley Merves, Trustees
Steamfitters’ Local Union 420
Mr. Arthur Steinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis F. Stevens
Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Stillwagon
Mr. and Mrs. Perry A. Straley
Mr. Mark Strang
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strine
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stroback
Sts Philip James
Home School
Mr. Robert P. Subranni
Ms. Cynthia Sutera
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Taylor
Ms. Michelle L. Taylor
TD Bank
Mr. Larry Teicher
Mr. Andrew J. Teno
Texas Roadhouse Holdings, LLC
The Cetta Family
The Flynn Company
The Kohelet Foundation
The Levin Family Charitable Fund
The Life Organization
The Milton A. & Charlotte R. Kramer Charitable Foundation
The Pampered Chef
The Paul A. And Elizabeth A. King Philanthropic Fund
The Sales-Strauss Family Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Thoman
Thompson Toyota-
Timber Creek HS Faculty And Staff
TJB of Newtown Square, LLC
Tollin Family
Tortorice Contractors
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Tractenberg
Mrs. Jane M. Trautwein
Travel Camp
Mr. and Mrs. James Traverso
TriValley Primary Care
Truck Mart, LLC
Dr. Adrian Maung and Dr. Vivian Tsuei
Mrs. Bonnie A. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tyers
Tyler Transport Solutions, LLC
Mr. Jordan E. Tyler
Dr. Peter Ubel and Ms. Paula Greeno
UGI Utilities, Inc.
Ms. Janet L. Unger
United Food & Commercial Workers Union Local #27
United Steelworkers District 10
Upper Allen Baseball Association
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Van Wagener Jr.
Thank you for inspiring all of us. We shall miss you deeply.
We remember those who lost their lives to ALS 2/1/14 - 1/31/15
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vanduzer
Ms. Tracy Varano-
Mr. Leonard J. Victor
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Vilotti
Vineyard Vines
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Viviano Jr.
Catherine H. Voit Esq.
Mr. Timothy Voit
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Von Czoernig
Mrs. Lisa Walker
Mr. Randy Walker
Mrs. Kathleen M. Wallen
Mr. James Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Waxman
Mrs. Lori Weaver
Ms. Michelle Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Webber
Weldon Solutions
Mr. Mack E. Weller
Mr. Spencer Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Wert
White Rose Food
Mrs. Patricia J. White
Mr. Ryan White
Whole Foods Market
Willig, Williams & Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Willoughby
Wilson Area School District
Mr. Fred Wilson
Mrs. Susan Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F.
Winning Jr.
Mrs. Glenda L. Winters
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Witman
WPHT Radio
Mr. Minturn Tatum Wright III
Mr. Albert V. R. Wulff III
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Yacina
Mr. Doug Yearley
Yellow Breeches Middle School
Mr. Jack Yoast
Young, Conaway, Stargatt & Taylor, LLP
Youth In Sports
Mr. Jonathan Sobel and Ms. Irina Yuen
Mrs. Connie Yurczyk
Mr. Paul Zaentz
Mrs. Julie Zarebicki
Zarwin, Baum, DeVito, Kaplan, Schaer & Toddy PC
I might have had a tough break;
but I have an awful lot to live for.
Lou Gehrig
Margaret Alford
Larry Alwine
Earl Artle
Scott Baker
Bernadette Balf
Richard Barr
William Barton
Paula Barvin
LouAnn Bates
Richer Batista
Frederick Bauer
Ruby Becker
Joshua Beitz
Raymond Berry
Joseph Berry
Victor Bini
Michael Bloom
Eleanor Boccella
Jeanette Boguslaw
Gwendolyn Borgese
Irene Borick
Michael Bouch
Barbara Brand
Constance Brocavich
Paul Brown
Jack Brown
Sheila Bukey
Carrie Burk
Beverly Burkhart
Frank Camuso
Shirley Cardoni
Lura Catlin
Anne Celotto
Tom Cetrone
Phyllis Chedester
Donald Cirillo
Susan Conover
Diane Contino
Sarah Coudriet
Alan Croasdale
Seymour Cutler
George Dargay
Peter Davenport
John Deal
Joseph Dempster
Mary Deppen
Joyce Derstine
Robert Dick
Craig Dickerson
Barry Diehl
James Dietrich
Charles Dietzler
Joseph DiSalvia
Joseph Donovan
John Duman
Doris Durner
Murray Earle
Kim Egolf-Fox
Todd Emig
Brian Faix
Sidney Faulkner
Spero Ferentinos
Dolores Ferrante
Richard Forcellati
Edith Ford
Elizabeth Foster
Grant Frederick
Thomas Fulmer
Alex Galante
Sharon Gallo
Carol Gartland
Kathryn Giardina
Martha Gibbs
Bernard Gidaro
Roman Gielarowski
Lesley Gladney
Jean Graham
Francis Graham
Nancy Greene
Bernard Grundy
Marcus Hackett
Thomas Haeberle
JoAnn Hall
Gerhard Hammer
Helenann Hatfield
Mary Heaps
Charles Heitzman
Edith Hencke
Matthew Hess
Pauline Hinson
Patricia Hooks
Ella May Hoover
David Huey
Marcia Humer
Kevin Hunt
David Ihde
Kathleen Jablonski
Roberta Jones
Michael Kessler
Jeannette Kilcourse
John Kinyon
Barbara Kling
William Klopp
Lelarathne Konara
James Krieger
John Kuderka
Joan Kunkel
Miguel Lacasa
Beverly Lacey
Thomas Laspata
Mildred Lefever
John Leuzzi
Valerie Levinson Kramer
Robert Lewis
Daniel Luongo
Thomas Macadams
Jack Makely
Bruce Malenbaum
Ruth Mankin
George Margetto
Darrell Martin
Dolores Martin
Van Masciantonio
Diane Matarazzo
Helen Mayer
Brian McCall
Rose Mary McCarthy
Irma McCool
Charles McFadden
John McNally
Thomas McTamany
Phyliss Mengle
Dan Mertz
David Meyers
Darin Miller
Dolerene Miller
Sharon Miller
Barbara Morgan
Gladys Scott
Jeffrey Seidel
Marion Shirkey
Paul Shymansky
Gerard Small
Harold Smith
Scott Snyder
Paul Snyder
Matthew Muhammad Diana Song
Robert Musser
Kenneth Sparks
Maryellen Nagle
Eileen Spence
Mary Narehood
George Steward
David Neaves
Paul Stiles
Pauline Neeser
Regina Strain
Kurt Nenstiel
Terry Strawbridge
John Nichols
Catherine Szap
Martin Nickel
Gregory Telthorster
Betty Noble
Beverly Thill
Cynthia Nolan
Leonard Tishgart
Meryle O’Shields
Carl Tonini
Jo Anne Outten
Robert Torrance
John Pace
Samuel Torsky
Albert Panaci
Lynne Parker
Joyce Turick
Frederick Van Stan
Lawrence Paul
Alice VanBlargen
Daniel Pellegrino
Sharon Vanderslice
Thomas Phelan
Julia Vazquez
Thomas Picarelli
John Vendetti
Mary Pikul
Thomas Voytek
Charles Polk
Mary Wakeham
Kenneth Prager
Mary Wallace
Usha Ramnit
Edward Wawzjnak
Laura Randar
Lucy Wax
Charles Rash
Bruce Wenger
Robert Rasmussen Stephen West
Ronald Renshaw
Alan Wetzel
Carol Resides
Patricia White
Stewart Resnick
Clark Whiteleather
Luis Reyes
Brian Whitney
William Rice
Linda Wilhelm
Edna Richards
Edward Williams
Marvin Richter
David Williams
William Riggs
Beverly Williard
Frances Rocks
Wanda Wilson
Robert Roddy
Linda Wilson
Christine Roski
Barbara Wiseman
Pamela Ross
Benjamin Woodland
Steven Ryno
Mary Jane Woods
Peg Sabol
Robert Wright
James Sagnelli
Garry Zeigler
Sandra Scarduzio
Roy Schaefer
Perry Schwartz
Stephen Schwille
Patricia Sciarrino
Daniel Scimeca
Joann Scofield
January 31, 2015 and 2014
January 31, 2015 and 2014
Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Pledges Receivable
Grant Receivable
$ 3,173,801
$ 482,401
Other Receivables
Prepaid Expenses
$ 1,554,951
$ 254,849
$ 1,724,569
$ 3,351,442 $ 778,166
$ 3,656,202
$ 1,809,800
$ 2,380,172
Property, Plant and Equipment
Patient Transport Vehicles
Computers and Equipment
Less: Accumulated
Pledges Receivable, Net
Beneficial Interest in Perpetual Trust
$ 3,468,138
$ 876,835
$ 462,413
$ 4,807,386
$ 1,932,099
$ 951,671
Accounts Payable and
Accrued Liabilities
Deferred Revenue
Deferred Rent
$ 262,876
$ 3,468,138 $ 876,835
$ 543,896
Government Grants
Interest Income
In-Kinf Contributions
Change in Beneficial Interest
in Perpetual Trust
Gain on Disposal of Property
and Equipment
$ 462,413
$ 4,807,386
$ 1,932,099
$ 951,671
$ 461,222
$ 3,344,992
$ 5,193,243
$ 1,662,683
$ 6,855,926
$ 4,033,575
$ 1,374,988
$ 5,408,563
Net Assets Released
from Restrictions
NET ASSETS - Beginning of Year
Management and General
$ 876,835
$ 462,413
$ 951,671
$ 461,222
NET ASSETS - End of Year
Making a BIG
$ 461,222 $ 43,344,992
Current Liabilities
Revenues and Other Support
Patient Services
Other Assests
Management & General
Advocacy & Education
Care Services
The ALS Association
Greater Philadelphia Chapter
321 Norristown Road, Suite 260
Ambler, PA 19002
for the outpouring of support.
The ALS Association’s Mission:
Leading the fight to treat and cure ALS through global research and
nationwide advocacy while also empowering people with Lou Gehrig’s
Disease and their families to live fuller lives by providing them with
compassionate care and support.
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photo credit: Richard Hertzler - LNP Media Group