Page 7 October 2004
Page 7 October 2004
Lewis Central High School inside: Opinion Issue 2 e The Th October 2004 Wire True Life: Up c om i ng E ve nt s Nove m b e r 2: Presidential Election. VOTE and encourage others to VOTE! 12: End of 1st Trimester 12-13: Lewis Central High School Department of the Performing Arts Proudly Presents... “Our Town” 14-20: American Education WeekShow support and thanks to your teachers and administrators. 18: Rascal Flatts Concert @ Omaha Quest Center 7:30 p.m. 24: Grasshopper Takeover Concert @ The Ranch Bowl. Cost $8 Show 8:30 24-27: Thanksgiving Break! Early Out on the 24th. 30: FCA Day of Champions 30: Treat Street- Costume/pumpkin contests, candy, inflatable games and entertainment for the whole family @ the Mid-America Center D e cember 2: Michael W. Smith’s Christmastime with Point of Grace and the Katinas concert @ the MidAmerica Center. 7 p.m. 16: Winter vocal concert @ the auditorium. 7 p.m. 18: Show Choir Opener “I Was Molested by my Father” -page 4 Y VO T E R S U N G Dani Mescher Co-Editor-In-Chief During this election, more than ever before, the political world has been trying to get young voters active and involved in the government process. There are a number of reasons behind this push for new voters, one of which is the declining number of young voters showing up at the polls in past years. Less than half of eligible young people between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four voted in the last presidential election. That figure is both alarming and disheartening, but at the same time it’s understandable. Because young people haven’t been voting, campaigns haven’t felt a need to waste resources targeting young voters. This has created a vicious cycle of teens not voting and campaigns not recruiting them. The lack of attention has left many young people feeling disengaged and unconnected to the election. “I haven’t really gotten into the election this year, and I don’t know enough about it to vote,” said senior Molly Misfeldt. Because of this year’s deadlock in the race for the White House, both political parties are finally realizing that young people make up a large number of voters that have the potential to break the stalemate, and they’re starting to target them. In the 2000 election alone, presidential candidate Al Gore beat George W. Bush by only a one percent margin in Iowa. Though that margin was minimal, Gore sill got all of the state’s electoral votes. “With the unit rule that most states uce, candidates get all the state’s electoral votes or none of them,” said instructor John Drake, “If they only lose by a few votes they still lose all of the votes from that state. Because of that, it’s very important that the campaigns get as many people voting as possible.” In order to persuade these up and coming American leaders to vote, many highly publicized media outlets and celebrities are working together to promote Election Day. One of the biggest and most well known supporters of the movement Public Drunken -page 2 In Sports: Swimming on to Districts -page 3 “I think it’s my responsibility to voice my thoughts towards the government and to do something about them by voting” to get young people to vote is MTV, the popular music entertainment cable television station. MTV has gone to great lengths to make sure every eligible voter that watches it’s programming has the chance to register and vote. “It’s important for MTV to publicize voting because a lot of kids watch, and they might not otherwise be involved,” said senior Katherine Tweedt, “When they see their role-models on TV encouraging voting it makes them want to get involved as well.” One of the main ways to get young people voting in the election is to give them many easy opportunities to register. During this election, Iowa was one of six states that participated in a grassroots campaign aimed towards young people. The New Voters Project was a campaign devoted solely to registering new voters for the November 2nd election. In Iowa, 35,000 new voters registered alongside the 330,000 other young people who registered nation wide. The main goal of the project was to give teens easy access to registration forms so they would be more apt to fill them out. Seniors here at Lewis Central registered at numerous places including at their churches, in the mail, on the Internet, at the courthouse, at the DOT, and with one of LC’s government teachers. “I registered with Mr. Drake,” said senior Kim McFerrin, “It was so incredibly easy, and it took two minutes. It was really convenient doing it here at school.” Along with easy registration, one other way political campaigns have been trying to make voting easier for Iowa teens was to offer them the option to fill out an absentee ballot. A representative from the Iowa Democratic headquarters explained that absentee voting is much simpler than actually voting at the precincts. Since young voters have many other things to do on a Tuesday that don’t include waiting in long lines, absentee voting gives them a chance to let their voices be heard without having to jump through the hoops at precincts. “I filled out an absentee ballot in case I’m busy working that day,” said senior Brian Warren, “This way I don’t have to worry about it and it is hassle free.” Though this movement aimed at rallying young people has been tremendously successful in offering new voters a variety of options when it comes to voting, there are still those who will choose not to take advantage of the right they hold as American citizens. That nonchalant attitude upsets those who do take the time to vote and get their opinions heard. “If people don’t take the little effort that’s needed to formally voice their opinion, they should keep their mouth shut and never complain about government decisions,” said senior Emily Shanks. Most eighteen year old, eligible voters here at LC share the same opinion. They understand the importance of voting, and they consider it their duty to make a difference by casting their ballot on Election Day. “I think it’s my responsibility to voice my thoughts towards the government and to do something about them by voting,” said senior Jessica Hargis. Not only is voting a responsibility, but many consider it an amazing opportunity that shouldn’t be ignored. Because many young people aren’t able to vote, those who can should be honored to get the chance. “It’s stupid not to vote because it takes five minutes. Voting is a privilege, and those seniors who get the chance to vote on this election are lucky,” said senior Daniel Gulden, “Even if people only have one opinion and that’s all they’re voting on, that’s all that matters. Five minutes to help decide a significant part of the country isn’t too much to ask.” Flu Vaccine Shortage Concerns Many Alyssa Ranney Reporter Only 55 million flu shots will be available in the United States this season. That is only about half of the vaccines that were originally going to be made. This leaves people more vulnerable to the influenza virus. “The flu doesn’t bother me. I never got it last year,” said sophomore Daniel Jones. Many people believe, with modern medicine, that the flu isn’t a big problem. Without influenza vaccines for approximately half of the United States population, this flu season may be different than past seasons. Last year, Lewis Central experienced first-hand the tragedy brought on by influenza when with two of its own had fatal complications from the virus. Originally, there were about a million flu-mist (nasal flu vaccines) going to be made in preparation for this year ’s influenza season. Manufacturers of the flu-mist have stepped up production as a result of the flu shot vaccine shortage. Manufacturers of the flu-mist will have stepped up production in response to the shot vaccine shortage, doubling the production to two million vaccines. About a decade ago, the United States had 20 to 25 flu shot vaccine manufacturers. The industry proved to be not very profitable; as a result, the number of manufacturers has diminished to two. This year, one of two manufacturer’s entire supply of flu vaccines was contaminated. “I’m not really worried about the flu because everyone gets it. I don’t normally get a flu shot,” said senior Allison Schutte. The single best way to prevent influenza is to be vaccinated with the flu shot. Because of the shortage, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending that certain people who are at high risk for influenza complications should seek and be given priority vaccination via the flu shot. These groups of people include: ~All children aged six to twenty-three months, ~Adults aged 65 years and older, ~Persons aged two to 64 years with underlying chronic medical conditions (such as asthma), ~All women who will be pregnant during the influenza season, residents of nursing homes and long-term care facilities, ~Children aged six months to eighteen years on chronic aspirin therapy, ~ Health-care workers involved in direct patient care, ~ And out-of-home caregivers and household contacts of children aged less than six months. The CDC is asking people who do not fall into these categories to forego or postpone vaccination because of a shortfall in flu shot production for the 2004-2005 flu season. There are three types of influenza viruses. According to the CDC, influenza types A a n d B viruses cause epidemics almost every winter. These epidemics can cause illnesses in ten to twenty percent of people (11 to 22 million people) and are associated with 36,000 deaths and 114,000 hospitalizations in the United States each year. Influenza type C virus causes mild respiratory illnesses and is not thought to cause epidemics. The flu shot is an inactivated vaccine containing dead flu viruses. The shot protects against virus A’s two subtypes and virus B. The flu shot does not protect against the influenza type C virus. For healthy people between the ages of 5 to 49, who are not pregnant and fall under the CDC priority category, there may be an alternative for approximately one million people in the U.S., the nasal-spray flu vaccine. The nasal-spray flu vaccine (also known as LAIV for “Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine”) is made with live, weakened flu viruses that do not cause the flu. About two weeks postvaccination, antibodies that provide protection against influenza virus infection develop in the body. Most people who get the flu will recover in one to two weeks. However, some people who get the flu will develop lifethreatening complications (such as pneumonia). Because lifethreatening complications can develop, more likely in those who fall under the CDC priority categories, are being given priority for flu vaccination. For this reason, the CDC has recommended certain people be given priority for flu vaccinations. Even though people who do not have vaccination priority will not receive an influenza vaccine, they can still practice healthy habits to prevent the flu. Such preventative measures are washing hands before eating, and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. In addition, you can prevent illness by avoiding close contact with people who are sick. If you do get sick you can help prevent others from getting the flu by keeping your distance from others, and if possible, to stay home. Another way to prevent others from getting sick is to cover you mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Did You Hear That? The truth about the Vilisca Axe Murder House -page 5 Election 2004: What They Forgot to Mention Jennifer Ettinger Copy Editor With the presidential debates still clear in our minds and the campaign race at its climax, I can’t help but wonder what it is that isn’t being discussed. Bush and Kerry both have Iraq, health care, homeland security, and education covered; if you don’t know their views on those subjects, I’d be seriously concerned about your involvement with the outside world. But is there something that has been overlooked, perhaps a problem not mentioned in the close presidential race? Well, I believe there are three quite serious ones that are worth mentioning. Drug Abuse The first issue that hasn’t been focused on in all the bashing and shouting of the campaigns is drug abuse in America. Did you know that nearly twenty million Americans over the age of twelve used illegal drugs regularly in 2003? 8.2% of the population makes up marijuana users. I find this a little bit frightening. What does it say about America? Someone should be stepping up to reverse this sad tale. Now I’m not going to say that the government hasn’t done anything to try to stop these tremendous numbers. $150 million is being spent on anti-drug ads, which has had an effect on the number of kids tempted to try Population Growth Population growth is a major issue in the world today because of the increasing numbers of people putting strains on the earth’s resources. You may think that the United States has nothing to do with the negative effects of population growth, but the truth is that we do, and maybe more so than any other nation. Although the U.S. doesn’t seem to be contributing to the issue of overpopulation, we are the ones who are using far more than our share of the resources. Most people think that overpopulation means that too many people are being born, but that’s only part of the issue. The core of the problem is that resources are running out. There may be enough room to hold all of the people in the world, but P h o t o o b t a i n e d f ro m Ya h o o S e a rc h : D r u g s using. Bush and Kerry have even vaguely discussed their plans on how to lower the numbers. But is it enough? While the candidates are rattling on about millions losing their jobs, more than ¾ of drug and alcohol users are employed. I think maybe the focus should be switched if America is to become a better place. Photo obtained from Yahoo Search:Population. are there enough resources to support the thousands being born everyday? If we continue this trend and set an example such as this for other countries to follow, is there going to be enough to go around? And since this obviously is a huge problem that affects the entire world, why hasn’t it been mentioned in the presidential campaigns? Sudan Civil War Although the problems I have mentioned before are quite important, I’d like to make it clear that I find this issue by far the most devastating. I mean, how many of us even know that there is a war occurring somewhere else besides Iraq? How many know that people are being killed to the point of genocide in Darfur, a region in Sudan? Before expressing my disgust because of the lack of action by the U.S., I will explain the situation. Sudan is divided between Arabs and Africans. This is the second civil war that has occurred because of the ethnic tensions between the two groups. This civil war started with black Africans rebelling against the government because they thought that inequalities were evident in the past decades between Arabs and black Africans. The black Africans have formed a group called the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA). The Arabs, in turn, fight with the country’s army and a group called Janjaweed, meaning ‘armed horsemen.’ The army denies financing the Janjaweed, but the members of the Janjaweed have been seen using military equipment and vehicles. The fighting has been going on for some time now, even through ceasefires that were called. This war is far different than any wars that have occurred from some time now. Violence is commonplace for anyone who has anything to do with the region of Darfur. Families are torn apart, people’s lives ruined. Janjaweed will ride into a village, destroy the Photo obtained from Yahoo Search: Sudan Civil War. homes of the villagers, kill the men, and rape the women, which has been claimed to be a plan for ethnic cleansing. Thousands of refugees flee the country, never wanting to return to the horror that is taking place. The worst part is no on is doing anything about it. The U.S. has promised to try and stop genocide, the killing of a tremendous amount of people belonging to a certain ethnic group or religion, from occurring. With troops stretched thin in Iraq and Afghanistan, how is this going to happen? And when are Bush and Kerry going to mention their views on this horrifying issue to the American people? So, there you have it. Although it seems as if thousands of issues have been covered in the race for president, a few major ones have been overlooked. So, before you say you’re all for Bush or definitely behind Kerry, maybe you should consider that neither one has covered all the important issues that threaten our world today. Sometimes I wish it wasn’t this hard to decide who should lead the most powerful country on earth. *Some information used in this article obtained from: main.jhtml?xml=/ news/2004/07/27/ usudanfact.xml&sS… health/ webmd/main642431.shtml containing the article “The Population Explosion” by Paul and Anne Ehrlich Page 2 October 2004 Opinion Wait, I’m Still Not Until Marriage Not Ready! Why waiting is worth it... Dan Hall Reporter Slowly over time premarital sex has slipped into an acceptable part of our American society. Everywhere you look there’s someone or something promoting sex. It’s on movies, TV, the Internet, magazines, and billboards all across the country, and it has gotten way out of control. Things that were unheard of 50 years ago are now a normal and everyday part of life. It’s now ok to go out and have a one night fling, or its natural to hear that high school kids are having sexual relationships. Whatever happened to abstinence? Sex is a gift shared between two people, saved until after marriage. This kind of behavior is tearing our country apart. These lack of morals show no respect for women or men and are certainly not setting an example for younger generations to follow. Nobody knows when enough is enough anymore. There are no more boundaries to cross. People don’t see the consequences before they act. Premarital sex does not come without consequences. There can be unwanted pregnancy, STDs, and most of all our society is teaching kids that this behavior is acceptable. Most often when a man and a woman have premarital sex the two are not trying to conceive a child. The couple might try using contraceptives, the “rhythm method,” or a variety of other methods to try to prevent pregnancy. Although some of these methods can prove to be highly effective none of them are one 100% effective, and the two can still end up with an unwanted child. What happens when the couple gets that unexpected surprise? Lets start with the first consequence for the unborn child: death. It is ridiculous to think that abortion is anything murder. Women say it’s their body; it’s their choice. This is true. They made the choice the moment they stepped into bed. No birth control method is 100% effective. Not only does this death affect the child but the mother as well. Abortion can leave feelings of emptiness and can lead to deep depression, regret, and sorrow. Another issue is that the parents decide to have the baby. A child can be a strain on young parents, especially parents that are still in high school. Often, adolescent doesn’t give much opportunity to the child considering once he or she is old enough they will need to get a job to help pay the bills. Getting a job to keep up with the bills has the potential to knock the kid’s grades down and possibly repeat this cycle. Even if the father doesn’t leave the result won’t be much different. By having a kid at a young age you are doing disservice the child, to your partner, and yourself. Abortion photo by Andrea Larison In this fast paced world, teens now are feeling the pressures of growing far to soon. fathers do not want any claim to the child, leaving the mother to raise the baby on her own. This can cause great strain on the mom especially if she has no financial support from her guardian(s). Having no money means she has to get a job, allowing little or no time for school. This leads to falling grades and potentially dropping out of high school. The mother doesn’t have a chance at higher education, and she can’t get a better paying job that requires a college education. This is not the way out, so the best way to avoid this kind of ordeal is not to put yourself in this position in the first place. Abstinence is the key. There is no more effective method. Another risk of having premarital is sex is the fact that you can acquire a sexually transmitted disease from your “partner.” There are a wide variety of STDs and most of them are dangerous, or even life threatening. Is it really worth it when you don’t know what the other person is carrying, or if they are going to be there when you wake up the next morning? Another reason why all of this happens is because society says premarital sex is ok or a good thing. It’s often said that sex sells. Many companies try to use sex to sell their product. Whether its clothes, cigarettes, cosmetics, or alcohol good-looking scantly clad women are put in commercials and ads so that people will buy their products. You also see and hear it in movies, TV, and music. I’m not one for going back to the 50’s, but there has to be a set limit at which advertisers, artists, and actors must control how much sexual content they use and how they use it. For example I can understand a good looking woman advertising a product, but having to have women that are almost naked to sell a product shows that people aren’t buying products for their level of quality but for what it is promoting. Pop culture extremely influences kids and teenagers, so they need to set higher standards to follow. I know everyone isn’t perfect (especially myself) but people have to make an effort. Worst of all parents and schools are a big problem in promoting premarital sex. Parents and schools tell kids just make sure they’re safe. Wear a condom. They say it is ok as long as you don’t get pregnant or get a STD while having casual sex. It isn’t. Many religions and cultures condemn casual and premarital sex. Our schools need to too. They need to teach the curriculum in the same manner like teaching about drugs. Inform about it, but emphasize on the negative aspects. All in all, in the end premarital sex is just not worth the hassle. There are so many things that can go wrong and screw up your life. Premarital sex doesn’t happen without consequences. Couples can still be romantic without having sex. You can still be in love without sex. It’s not impossible. Remember that there are always consequences that come with premarital sex. Dr u n k I n P ubl ic Jennifer Ettinger Reporter Football games are one of the highlights of high school life. You get to hang out with friends, cheer on your team, stuff yourself with delicious cookies and pop, and scream your head off without anyone asking you if you forgot to take your medicine. In fact, is there anything about football games that isn’t enjoyable? Oh yeah, the few people who ruin it for everyone by getting drunk. I don’t know about you people, but I’m tired of it. You go to a football game and all you see is people drunk left and right. I mean, really, this is a high school football game! There should be excited cheers for the running back streaking toward the end-zone, not drunken cheers for the hottest cheerleader or the cutest player in tight pants. There should be questions like, “Who’s winning?” not “Where’s the beer?” Get over it, people. Go get drunk somewhere else. We’ve got enough school spirit here; we don’t need your kind of “spirits.” Speaking of school spirit, there’s quite a reason for it this season. Has anyone else noticed that our football team is so much better this year? Last year was a downer, but now people don’t even have an excuse to get drunk. “If I have a couple beers, I won’t realize we’re losing,” doesn’t cut it anymore. You know why? We’re not losing! So stop with the alcohol! It scares me that it’s come to this. Teenagers going to football games, or anywhere at that, to get drunk was unheard of a few years ago, and now it’s far from shocking. What’s happened to our society that makes it acceptable for underage drinking to occur? And even if the rest of the world says it’s okay, I thought more of our school and our attending students than to think they’d all be sloshed at a school activity. If I only paid attention to the few groups of plastered students at games, I’d be downright ashamed to go to Lewis Central. I go to the Homecoming game to cheer on our team and all I can smell is beer. Not temporary hair coloring spray from all the fans decking out with blue, not popcorn and cookies from the refreshments stand, not sweaty football players…beer! It’s ridiculous. I shouldn’t have to plug my nose when someone screams a particularly obnoxious cheer. Not only is drinking undesirable, it’s not safe, for anyone. When students are drunk at games, they’ll be drunk on the way home, too. I don’t want to have to worry about being hit by a drunk driver on the way out of the middle school parking lot. The streets outside of the school are pretty crazy anyway after a particularly exciting game; adding a group of intoxicated drivers to the mix is a recipe for disaster. I’m sure you’re tired of hearing me preach by now, because you’ve heard all this a million times before. Sorry to say, but it’s not going to stop anytime soon. It seems some people just don’t get the message. Maybe it will all make sense when you imagine this: You’re hanging out with friends at a Friday night game, having a grand old time, until some loser spills his “soda” all over you. It makes me want to puke. Oh wait, they’ve already done that. Does anyone else see this as a problem? Okay, so we’ve established that drinking is a disgusting habit, but what a lot of people don’t realize is that it’s also unfair to the players. Our football team is working their butts off to make us proud, and instead of students coming to the game to root them on, they’re coming to the game to get smashed. It’s disrespectful, not to mention incredibly selfish. It may be their idea of a good time, but I think the Titans have other ideas of fun. Lastly and most importantly, underage drinking is illegal. I know that may not mean a thing to some of the drinkers out there, but it might mean something when you’re behind bars along with your buddies. So don’t continue or get pressured into one of the most dangerous habits out there. I’ve stated the problem, many times in fact, but I don’t want to be the person that just complains and never does anything or suggests anything to fix the problem. I suggest that perhaps some teachers or administrators stand at the entrance to the football field or check the stands every so often for drunk students. It’s pretty easy to tell who’s under the influence and who’s not; you can tell by their breath if nothing else. I’ve even s e e n p e o p l e with beer in the stands, so I think we really need to crack d o w n o n s o m e t h i n g t h a t ’s bound to get everyone in trouble. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way, so all you drinkers out there, get your act together and show some respect for the football team and the students around you. You represent our school wherever you go, so don’t let anyone think we’re a bunch of teens who have had too much to drink. It’s for the good of everyone to show some good oldfashioned school spirit now and then. Corrections Editors-In-Chief...Dani Mescher and Megan Longmeyer Assistant Editor.....................................Amber Johnson Design Editor.................................................. Molly Lich Photography Editor.................................Andrea Larison Ads Editor.................................................Ashley Richter Copy Editors......Becca Sheppard and Jennifer Ettinger Design......................................................Maggie Fields, Reporters.................................................Heidi Behrens, Lindsey Behrens, Vicki Burnett, Kellie Doffin, Dan Hall, Kehly Hansen, Joe Krzemien, Bridgette Mucha, Alyssa Ranney, Thomas Webering We are sorry that we overlooked these mistakes in the September 2004 issue: -Page 3- The volleyball photo was mistakenly labeled as Sara Gundlach. This photo was actually of Jessica Hansen and Mallory Husz -Page 3- The NBA phot was mistakenly labeled as Tracy McGrady, it was actually Tim Duncan. Vote2004! Working hard to make the grade, senior Josh Trosen studies for college Megan Longmeyer Editor-in-cheif The concept of high school is coming to learn and grow into the person that you’re one day going to be. Moving to harder areas of study, more homework, more responsibilities… it’s all part of this life we’re now engrossed in. But while high school might be a step up from our elementary days, it lacks in some areas for the extreme educational jump of college. These days are meant to prepare us for the next four, gruesome years to come, but, dare I say, how “well-prepared” are we? Like I said, it’s an extreme jump, and unfortunately, many high schools just aren’t making the distance. There are a lot more demands on students in college, such as homework. High school students consistently don’t do their work but still get decent grades. Seem a little unfair? I think so. However, once you’re in college, you don’t have the option of slacking. If you don’t do the work, you don’t get the grade, and a late assignment is a zero. Tests are also mandatory; you can’t make them up later at your convenience. All of these procedures are taken to make sure that students are willing to work. A student’s freshmen year is usually the hardest because colleges are weeding out students who are lacking a work ethic. This might seem harsh, but success means work, period. That is why allowance of late work is not helping us. We’re not trying as hard, and in turn aren’t adequately preparing ourselves for what lies ahead. At almost any college, there’s going to be a large staff and an even larger student capacity. This equates to less one-on-one time with your professors. During high school, we have large discussions and we can come in after or before school for help, things like that. We’re constantly interacting with our teachers, but once you hit college, you’re basically on your own. Sure, you might get a few questions in during a class, but with bigger class sizes and more students, you’re expected to learn the curriculum on your own. There’s no special treatment, no after-hours teacher time… if you need help you get a tutor or you start studying. We’re not constantly being helped as we are in high school, and in this way we’re being crippled by our high school programs. We need to start relying on ourselves to find our own answers, because once we hit college, that’s all we’re going to have to help us out. Even as academically involved as I am, I’m sometimes shocked at the lack of homework, even with three college credit classes and as co-editor of the newspaper. As a result, this might be a big problem for me once I start college. The amount of work some college students do astounds me; my sister, a freshmen at UNO, studies for about four hours a night!?! That seems a little much, but she insists that that’s what it takes. If so, shouldn’t the high school be curbing these types of practices right now? I certainly don’t feel like I’ve learned how to study, and I’m dreading it. Also, college is full of essays. Unless you’ve enrolled in English Composition, I have the feeling that your writing is going to be squished in college. We’ve written essays before, but those were relatively short and not necessarily wellwritten; how can we raise the bar on ourselves if we haven’t even met it in high school? I don’t know for sure, but we have a lot of work to do for college, and it’s pretty evident that we need to get to it. I hate to down our school about lacking educationally, but the fact of the matter is that some of our practices really aren’t helping anyone. We need to be consistently working hard, and learning how to learn on our own. Some of us have already developed these skills, but I think that the school still needs to give a little more effort in order to help the less motivated students. We’re working hard, but more demands need to be made, because once we’re out on our own, we won’t know what to do with everything that’s going to be put on our shoulders. It’s a tough world out there, and unless we’re ready, we’re going to fall short, so lets raise the bar. It’s our future we’re talking about here… lets make sure that we can handle it. Congratulations to everyone that made All-State Choir and Band Good Luck to Hilla ry Sad ler at the State Cross Country Meet Editorial Policy Where We Stand The Wire is the official Lewis Central student newspaper and is distributed free of cost to students. The opinions expressed in this publication reflect those of the student writers and not Lewis Central administration, faculty, or its advisor. The Wire is published seven times throughout the school year by the Suburban Times in Papillion, Nebraska. The purpose of The Wire is to: * inform students of current and relevant events * interpret and analyze complex events and issues that affect students *serve as a forum for discussion of controversial issues Letters to the Editor: The Wire staff strongly encourages responses to articles appearing in the newspaper. Letters may be submitted to room 401 or e-mailed to [email protected]. The letters must be signed, legible, and concise. The staff reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar, and punctuation. These letters should also be free of profanity, vulgarity, or words with undesirable meanings. Advertising: Advertising will be sold at $25 for a 2 x 2.5 space or $50 for 4.5 x 4 space. Information can be obtained by calling 366-8220. Ask for Mary Langille. Or by e-mail: [email protected] Page 3 Lauren Sports Splashing To Victory LC Girls Swimmers Go for the Gold Lindsey Behrens Reporter Photo By Andrea Larison Thomas Name: Lauren Thomas Year: Senior Sport: Swimming Level: Varsity How Long Have You Been Doing This? : On and off since I was 10. Why Do You Do It? : Because it’s a team sport but there are individual events. Main Goal: To get under one minute in the hundred-meter freestyle at districts. What separates this season from all the others? : Our team is a lot better this year. Its more competitive to get into good relays. Most Memorable Moment: Districts last year. Photo By Megan Longmeyer Looking defiantly ahead of her, senior Lauren Thomas gets ready for a big splash. A T H of L the E issue T E S Brad Photo By Andrea Larison Stageman Name: Brad Stageman Year: Senior Sport: Football Level: Varsity Position: middle linebacker How Long Have You Been Doing This? : Since I was nine. Why Do You Do It? : It’s always been my favorite sport. I’ve always wanted to be good at it. Major Accomplishment: Either preseason all state or captain. What separates this season from all the others? : We have a different feel to us this season. This year we go into games expecting to win instead of hoping to win. Most Memorable Moment: Returning an interception for a touchdown against Glenwood this year during homecoming. Photo By John Petri Working hard on defense, senior Brad Stageman holds his own as the Titans play St. Albert. October 2004 The goal for every high school swimmer is to be able to participate in the state meet at the end of the year. After months of practice and hard work, competing with the state’s fastest swimmers is the ultimate reward. Lewis Central sends girls to the state swim meet almost every year. However, this year the Titans’ chances are looking better than ever. The Lewis Central girls swim team includes twenty-six girls, and almost all of them have had previous experience swimming on club teams in the winter and summer. With swimmers specializing in every event, the Titans have tremendous depth. The depth of the team really showed earlier this season when Lewis Central, who is ranked eighth in the state of Iowa, won the Vally Invitational. Des Moines Valley, who is ranked first in the state, had not lost that meet in over twenty years. “I was confident we had a chance to win the Valley Invitational, but I just wanted the girls to have a good meet,” said coach Bruce Schomburg. “When we won, I was so excited I tried not to jump up and down. This meet really showed how competitive the team could be.” The Titan swimmers also showed they could be competitive at the Cedar Falls Invitational. All twelve teams invited to the swim meet were in the top twenty-five in the state, and Lewis Central finished second to Cedar Falls, who won state last year. Because some smaller schools don’t have swim teams, the Lewis Central pool is filled with students from all over southwest Iowa. Girls from Glenwood, Malvern, Hamburg, and Red Oak travel to Council Bluffs every day to practice and compete as a part of the Lewis Central swim team. “Most of us have been swimming together for a long time, so we’re all good friends,” said Samantha Stivers, a freshman from Glenwood High School. “It is kind of weird cheering for Lewis Central, but I don’t mind it. I’m just happy I get to swim.” In order to achieve the goal of making it to state, these athletes practice hard six days a week, swim meet or not. “We swim at least five thousand yards a day,” said sophomore Kelsey Schomburg. “Practice is hard, but I guess it has to be if we want to get better.” By putting in hours at the pool, the Lewis Central girls swim team can again achieve the goal of sending girls to state. However, getting to state is only the first step. After that, the Titans must prove themselves against the fastest swimmers in the state of Iowa. “Since there isn’t really a dominant team this year, several teams have a chance of winning state,” said coach Schomburg. “Last year, we finished twelfth. This year, I think we can be one of the top six teams in the state.” Because relays are worth more points than individual events, they are a crucial part of winning a swim meet. Luckily for Lewis Central, the team has a very good chance of placing high in all three relays at state. The school record-holding 200 yd. medley relay of Tessa Edwards, Lindsey Behrens, Hannah Sebek, and Shanna Delfs has broken the pool records at both Kirn and Lewis Central this year. The 200 yd. freestyle relay, swam by Abbey Evans, Samantha Stivers, Delfs, and Sebek, is only two seconds away from being third in the state. The 400 yd. freestyle relay of Kelsey Schomburg, Stivers, Sebek, and Behrens broke the pool record at Kirn, and has a chance of medaling at state. Most of the girls in these relays should also qualify for state in individual events, and there are even girls outside of the relays expected to qualify as well. However, the one event Lewis Central won’t be participating in is diving. “We are currently about 100 points behind the first ranked team in the state,” said coach Schomburg. “If we had good divers, we could make up those 100 points easily and be right up there.” Even though the Titans don’t have divers, coach Schomburg still has high expectations for the team at state. “I think we can get more girls into state this year and finish higher than we ever have before.” Photo By Megan Longmeyer Taking a break to fix their goggles and swim caps, the girls swim team consistantly works hard during each practice. A Hard-Hitting Open Thomas Webering Reporter Another year, another US Open takes place, and another champion is crowned. This year was no different than any other year. The hard-hitting tennis players exploded during this tournament showing each other who is really the best. Top seed Roger Federer captured the first US open title of his career, defeating 2001 champion and No. 4 seed Lleyton Hewitt, 6-0, 7-6, 6-0, to become the first man to win three Grand Slam titles in one year since Mats Wilander in 1988. “ To win three grand slam titles is almost unheard of. It was awesome to watch him accomplish that,” said junior Austin Strohbehn who was #4 on the varsity team last year. In a genius performance that puts him amongst the all-time greats of Pete Sampras, Patrick Rafter, and Michael Chang. Federer overwhelmed Hewitt from every angle of the court, crushing his forehand, volleying beautifully and out-fighting the once toughest man in tennis, in fast physical rallies. Since Federer is now 4-0 in Grand Slam finals, he joins Andre Agassi as the only active players to win three different majors at any point in their careers. Not only were there huge matches in the men’s bracket, the women’s bracket proved much of the same. No. 9 seed Svetlana Kuznetsova followed Anastasia Myskina and Maria Sharapova, champions at the French Open and Wimbledon, respectively, to become the third consecutive Russian woman to break though and win her first major, as she defeated another Russian, No. 6 seed Elena Dementieva, 6-3, 7-5, to capture the 2004 US Open Women’s Singles Championship. Many students chose to take part in these tennis festivities. “ Watching the finals, definitely gets me pumped up for next season,” said senior Kim McFerrin This year proved to be an exciting tournament for all ages of tennis lovers. Even for people who don’t watch very much tennis, it’s easy to get into the US Open because, like every other, the US players are always in the top standings among the best in the world. This year the Americans failed to make it into any of the finals and only managed two semifinalists before being eliminated. LC Cross Country It’s more than just running your mouth Alyssa Ranney Reporter It may be a tough gig, but for these athletes, running isn’t just fun; it’s competition. A majority of cross country runners have run their personal best (personal record) this season. Girls varsity runners such as Hilary Saddler, Jenny Hall, Shelby Ellison, Alyssa Ranney, and Rosalie Warner have achieved running their personal best. Boys Photo By John Petri Running his heart out, senior Dan DeVoss (left) pushes his way toward the finish line. varsity runners Dan Hall, Heath Epperson, Brad Bogardus, Cory Jasek, Craig Hendrix, and Ben Mescher also broke old personal bests and set new personal records. “It seems like we have worked harder each year,” commented senior Eric Evans, who has been out for cross country since he was a freshman. “We have younger runners. Before we heavily relied on seniors. We have a lot of sophomores and freshmen, it’s good because when we’ll build up and then those guys are seniors, we will have a really strong team. Among these young runners is freshman Hillary Saddler. Hillary broke the fifteen-year record for girls cross country by almost a minute. At the district meet in Carroll, Iowa, Hillary placed third. Runners who place in the top ten at districts are guaranteed a chance to run at the state meet, regardless of how their team does. As a result, Hillary will be competing at the state meet on October 30th in Fort Dodge, Iowa. “I thought we had a really, really good season. It’s been a while since we had that good of a season for both the boys and girls teams at the same time,” said cross country coach, Joe Ankenbauer. At districts, the boy’s varsity team placed fifth. The girl’s varsity Time Out!!! Sports Talk with Joe Krzemien “The Curse of the Bambino” is Almost Over!!! Joe Krzemien Reporter Millions of people across the country and beyond have waited almost a decade for what finally took place at 12:07 AM Eastern time on Thursday, October 21, 2004. No, NASA did not land on Mars, and no, we did not declare world peace. What happened, however, will go down in history. It is what seems like the end of the greatest dynasty in sports history, the conquering of the mighty New York Yankees by the Boston Red Sox. The win is the Red Sox’s ticket Photo from Gazing at the American flag, Babe Ruth stands for the National Athem to the World Series, where they will face the St. Louis Cardinals. The Red Sox/Yankees rivalry is considered the greatest in sports and is by far the longest standing. Since baseball became a professional sport in the early 1900’s, the Red Sox and Yankees have been intensely competing with one another for the championship. The Red Sox won the World Series in 1918, the year that George Herman Ruth (Babe Ruth) led the league in shutouts pitched and despite having batted only 95 atbats; he led the league in home runs. The next year, Babe Ruth was traded to the Yankees in what is widely known as the worst trade in baseball history. The Yankees, on the other hand, have won 26 championships. The trade of Babe Ruth is often credited with the Red Sox’s failure, in what is called, “The curse of the Bambino.” Sure the Sox have looked like a potential championship team in the past, but something has always gone horribly wrong, whether it was Bucky Dent hitting a walk-off homerun for the Yankees in the 1978 American League Championship Series (ALCS), or in 1948, being one pitch away from clinching the World Series against the Mets, four times. The play still fresh in every baseball fan’s mind, though, is that of the 2003 ALCS, when Pedro Martinez left the mound with a three-run lead in the seventh. The score was the same in the eighth, but New York fought back to tie the game. It was the bottom of the eleventh inning when Boston fans were devastated by a walk-off home run by Aaron Boone. This year, millions of baseball fans are hoping, for the Red Sox’s sake, that they win the series. It does not take a Bostonian to love the Red Sox. People all over the world want to see them win, just because of their past misfortunes. A Red Sox win in the World Series could be the best thing to happen to Major League Baseball since Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris raced to break the single season home run record of 60, set by none other than Babe Ruth. Dozens of signs appear in the bleachers of ballparks, saying, “Reverse the curse,” or inquiring, “Why not us?” There is no answer to that question, which is why this is looking more and more like the year of the Sox. Of course, there is the outside chance that history will repeat itself and the Red Sox will lose a heartbreaking game seven and once again leave the field, heads hung low. However, the Red Sox will be going into this World Series with the highest regular season batting average in the majors, incredible momentum, having just won four straight games against New York, and the greatest comradery of any team. The Red Sox played the Yankees 20 times this year and won 11 of those games, and each was as exhilarating as the one before. There was the game in June when Yankee third baseman Alex Rodriguez fought with Sox catcher Jason Varitek. Also, in early summer, Yankee shortstop, Derek Jeter, dove into the stands to catch a fly ball for the third out of the inning. So, with all of the anticipation of this ALCS, what would make this series any different? The Yankees swept games 1-3 and appeared to be clearly dominating the Sox, but Boston never gave up faith. Game four lasted over four hours and ended with a 12 th inning home run by David Ortiz. In game five, Ortiz was the hero again. In a game that lasted over five hours and 14 innings, Ortiz hit a single that knocked in the game-winning run. Game six was a pitcher ’s dual; Curt Schilling pitched one of the most impressive games of h i s c a r e e r. A t 3 8 y e a r s o l d , Schilling pitched seven innings giving up only four hits and allowing no runs. There was, however, an unlikely hero in Sox second baseman Mark Bellhorn. Bellhorn hit a three-run blast to put the Sox ahead 4-0. Game seven was a blowout. The Red Sox won 10-3 with a surprisingly impressive pitching performance by Derek Lowe, who has been unreliable all year for the Sox. Johnny Damon, who had been batting .083 in the series, also surprised Sox fans by crushing a grand slam to give the Red Sox the lead that would win the game. Photo from Booting a routine slow roller, Billy Buckner lost game six of the 1986 World Series agains theNew York Mets. The Red Sox winning the World Series would be the most significant event in sports history. This can be proven by the recently aired MasterCard commercial, in which Bostonians are asked what they would give for tickets to see the Red Sox in a World Series. Responses include a girlfriend, $1000, and “Anything.” However, many people consider the curse already broken. The ALCS was thrilling, but it is not over yet. The Sox still have to beat the Cardinals. Want to catch up on the latest school events? Photo By John Petri Bringing a Titan flag, members of the El Si Locos come out to support the cross country team. team placed sixth at districts. Although the cross country teams did not score high enough to make it to state, Hillary Saddler will be running at state as an individual runner. “I think we’ll be good next year,” predicts cross country coach, Joe Ankenbauer. “We’re losing two boys off our varsity and one girl, but everybody else will be back. I’m already looking forward to next year and we have barely finished this year’s [season].” Want to see pictures from the latest activites? WWW.LC.SPORTSFAN.COM Is the place to go!! Page 4 October 2004 Feature True Life: I Was Molested by my Father Disclaimer: This True Life may not be suitable for all audiences due to the graphic nature of the story. Story contains sexual content and may provoke an emotional response from some readers. If you have an emotional reaction please read the box following the story entitled “What to do…” True Life Stories are stories meant to tell about realistic events in many teenagers’ lives, and provide help on such issues. These articles are a part of a series, but may be another person’s story and not my own, although written as told to me. Note: The following events described in this piece did not take place at Lewis Central. If you would like to be featured in True Life, submit a short description of your story and contact to [email protected] Amber Johnson Assistant Editor Someone once told me that trying to take something back is like trying to squeeze toothpaste back into the tube. Nearly impossible. And though you can try, the sinks already a mess and the tube’s already empty…hollowed…bent. M y first memory of being molested by him came back to me a few years ago. It came to me in a flashback, and I was transported back into a time long ago. I was six at the time. I was in the kitchen and he came up behind me and grabbed me, pulling me towards him. Daddy liked to play games. I thought he was playing. But this game was different. This game involved a lot of touching. I was scared. I didn’t understand this game. Afterward, he told me that it was our little secret. He said that if I told I might get in trouble, and he didn’t want that to happen…because he loved me. He must have loved me lots because we played lots of games that year. Next, I remember being seven. That was when I tried to drown myself. My mother thinks I just fell in the pool, but the truth is… I jumped in. I remember standing there by the pool thinking that I wanted to die. That need was so strong and the water was calling my name, so I jumped in headfirst. The water was cold but I didn’t care. I just wanted it to be over with. I don’t know how long the cold rushed around me before my grandmother pulled me out. Mother just yelled at me, telling me how stupid I had been for falling in. I remember being eight. That was the first time Daddy taught me a new game. He took me into the closet. I remember it being dark in there. Real dark. Then, he forced me onto my knees. I was scared and said I didn’t want to play that game. That’s when he hit me and grabbed my hair, jerking my head backward. I thought he was going to break my neck. He said that I had to play the game to win. He said not to tell, because other people wouldn’t understand the special relationship that we had. Other people wouldn’t understand his love for me and my love for him. He always left the threat that I might get in trouble, hanging in the air. He let me go and I darted for the bathroom vomiting. I brushed my teeth and washed my mouth out more then I can remember. That’s when I saw a bottle of rubbing alcohol on the shelf and reached for it, not really aware of what I was doing. I opened it and took a big swallow. It blistered my mouth, took off all the skin, and made me vomit again. At least the taste was gone. I then felt something wet on my face. Tears. I realized that I had been crying the entire time, only I wasn’t making a sound. When I turned ten, Daddy started coming into my room late at night. At this time we lived in California. It was hot… but I used to sleep under a ton of blankets even in the summertime. I used to press my back against the wall, pretending to be asleep, hoping… wishing… that he would leave me alone. I remember lying there, praying to God to kill him… or kill me. It didn’t matter which one, I just wanted the games to be over. Most nights I slept with the light on, but he would just come in and turn it off. Sometimes he would just stand there in the dark watching me… waiting. Other times he would get into bed with me. It was like the light turned off and the world went gray. I begged him not to touch me, but he only got angry. When he got angry, he liked to hit. So I learned to let him do what he wanted… that way it would be over sooner. It was after that, that I finally told my mother. She didn’t say a word. She just looked at me for a few minutes and then told me to go to my room. It was never mentioned again. I always guessed Daddy was right about me getting in trouble. I’ll never forget thirteen. Thirteen was the day he raped me. I was sitting on my bed and he came into my room. He said that he had a special surprise game for me, and I knew from the look in his eyes what he meant. I began to back away from him, begging him not to do it. I told him that I would play any game. Just not that one. Please not that one. I tried to fight him… but he only got angry and started hitting me. I knew it was over. I gave up. I always gave up. I remember thinking of a field of pretty flowers… to try to take away the pain. I remember wishing I were dead as I screamed and passed out. And then… it was over. When I finally woke up, I remembered feeling numb, like I was standing outside of myself. I got into the shower and turned the water on as hot as I could stand it. I felt dirty… guilty… ashamed. I tried to wash the feelings away but the more I tried, the more they sank into my skin, deeper and deeper. I remember going to the medicine cabinet and taking pills at random. I went back to my room and I couldn’t bear getting back into that bed, so I got a blanket and lay on the floor. I awoke a few hours later. I couldn’t breathe. My heart felt like it was going to explode and I gagged on myself. I couldn’t move because my body felt frozen. I passed out, only to awake again in my own pool of vomit. My mother cleaned me up, but never asked what was wrong. She knew the answer. She just couldn’t face it. I continued to live in that house until I turned 17. Then, I moved out. Strangely, Daddy never touched me again after that day. He and mom had too many problems; I figured that had kept him busy. But memories, pictures of that day, still haunt me. I tried to forget what had happened to me. I put that little girl, the one that had been hurt so badly, inside a dark box inside myself. I let the box lie helpless on my bed as Daddy took my sexuality, my youth, and my happiness at the tender age of thirteen. I let the box hide under the blankets during the hottest day of the summer, pretending to be asleep, age ten. I let the box go back to the closet where Daddy taught me all sorts of games, just like the game in the kitchen that we played when I was six, games that I could never win. And I let the box drown in that pool of water… that pool of shame. The box was where I lived my life. I guess in ways I did drown in that pool when I was seven, because in that pool I was deprived… washed… stripped of everything I thought a father should be, and drenched in misery, pain, and a tube of emptiness that can never be filled and never taken back. Someone once told me that trying to take something back is like trying to squeeze toothpaste back into the tube. Nearly impossible. For my past is already a mess, and my spirit remains empty… hollowed… bent. What to do… Tell a teacher, parent, other family members, your clergy, the police, a friend, or the local family and children’s division Rape and Abuse hotline (1-800-CHILDREN). DOCUMENT! Keep track of events that happen. The more facts/info you have, the easier it will be to prove your case when it comes time. Go to the hospital or doctors office! Get the doctors and professionals on your side by having a rape testing done. This documentation cannot be disputed in court and gives medical proof. PREVENT! Put your safety first. Make all possible attempts to not be alone with someone you feel uncomfortable around. Don’t be afraid to say “no”. Believe it or not, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. REMEMBER! Your abuser is the criminal, your silence makes your abusers stronger, abuse is not the normal way of life, and YOU are not a bad person. A Westside Story New Expansions in “That way if a student is more irresponsible than another they won’t be punishing the responsible In an attempt to include laptops one.” into the student learning process, The Westside school board Westside High School in Omaha, NE approved a plan last June to spend handed out 1,930 Apple iBook $3.3 million on the program over the computers on Wednesday, Sept. 15, next four years. They are receiving 2004. Every student has been a no-interest loan from Apple in entrusted with this piece of order to accomplish this. After fours equipment that cost roughly years they will re-evaluate and $1,000. decide whether or not to continue with Westside High School is the the program. Will this program be first public school in Nebraska to successful and should other public provide wireless laptop computers schools in both Omaha and Council to every one of its students. Bluffs adopt this idea? Schools in such states as Maine, “I don’t feel that our school has Kansas, Virginia, and Illinois the funding mechanism right provide laptops to their students for now, due to past years of making schoolwork. T h e r e a r e n o cuts in our school,” said Lewis current public schools in Iowa Central High School principal, that provide laptops for their Dr. Doug Radtke, “I feel that it is students. not right to buy laptops instead “ We a l l w e n t i n f o r a of teachers.” meeting where they discussed Day after day, we hear that the laptops and our homeroom “GroupWise” is down, which to teachers set up a time for us to many students means nothing, but pick up our laptops.” said Alex to the faculty this is a definite Dworak a sophomore at downfall. It sets back the entire Westside High School. system and stalls the learning Private schools across the process by not allowing teachers country have been doing this type to accomplish common daily of thing for some time. Such functions that benefit the schools in Omaha include students. Brownell-Talbot, Duchesne “I am not worried about Academy, and Gross Catholic High laptops, I think that we need to School who require students to buy work on our current computer laptops. It is believed that students problems and fix them before will excel in their worrying about new schoolwork if they things.” said have access to their Gottsch. own computer. This year with “ We d o g e t additions to our offered laptops at technological staff, Gross but there are we expect our guidelines you computer systems to must reach first, for improve. Students instance, you must and teachers will, have a GPA of 3.8 or hopefully, not have higher and you must to deal with as many also be willing to pay computer problems a small fee added as they did before. onto you tuition,” This will allow both said Gross Catholic to be farther ahead High School than they every have sophomore Justina been before. photo by Andrea Larison Shaffer. Laptops, a portable W e s t s i d e Wanting to download programs, juniors Rachel Terry and Eric version of all this provides these Burmeister patiently wait for LC’s technology to catch up to this technology could be laptops to each century. a wonderful addition student at no cost. Parents of the at the end of the year by all of the that would allow Lewis Central Westside students insurance costs students. The student will have the students to go wireless. $25 per school year, which covers same laptop returned to them each “I would love to see laptops 70% of the cost of replacing the year after its’ memory is erased. If in our students hands if money $1000 computer if it is damaged the computer has any damage at the were not an issue,” said Radtke, or stolen. end of the year, the student will be “ I love to see things like this “I bought the insurance for found responsible for paying for the benefit students.” my son because I realize that damage. They can avoid having to The 2004 to 2005 school year accidents happen and we must pay a large amount by purchasing is one-third of the way done and take precautions.” said Westside the laptop insurance. Lewis Central is waiting for the parent Carol Dworak “I think that it is smart that technology to improve. Can Use logs track where students they return the same laptop to laptops improve a schools grades go online to ensure safety. The only students every year,” said Lewis and unity, and will Lewis Central websites that students are restricted Central sophomore Alyssa Chafe, High School ever get them? the Health Industry ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ to access are pornography sites. Students are also prohibited from downloading their own software on to the laptops to avoid problems that would damage the computers. In order to ensure computers can be tracked every student has been assigned a laptop that has his or her name, grade level, and photo attached to it. “We all have stickers with a copy of our student id’s, our homeroom number and teacher on them,” said Dworak, “These stickers are attached to our c h a rg e r s , l a p t o p , a n d l a p t o p protective cases, and so if we lose anything it all goes back to our homerooms.” Each student will have access to programs for creating his or her own movies, composing and recording music, editing photos, listening to music, and wireless surfing on the internet. Other features of the Apple iBook are word-processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software. “I feel the only way that Westside will b e a b o v e u s academically is if they had a better curriculum than us, which I feel they do not have,” said Mrs. Gottsch, a teacher at Lewis Central. “I don’t feel that the laptops will give them an edge over us.” The laptops will be returned ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Bridgette Mucha Reporter R.N.- Registered Nurse, BSRT- Bachelors of Science in Radiation Technology, (N.R.)- Nuclear Medicine Radiography, CNMT- Certified Nuclear Medicine Technologist, M.D.- Medical Doctorate- professional degree, Ph.D Neuroscience- Philosophy Doctorate in Neurosciences- academic degree ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ any side effects from the testing. There are usually no prerequisites for becoming a medical research coordinator, but if you have a nursing degree—it’s a plus. “Being in the medical field, you must have a passion for what you do,” said Fullmer, “and I like what I do. That’s what makes it really important.” One of the many popular fields of medicine seems to be radiology. “Radiology is a general term speaking of the study of the body using radiation technology,” said Troy is always a way to use your talents for something you enjoy in the medical field,” said senior Tara Are you someone who likes to Schimmel. “Technology is advancing be in a fas t - p a c e d w o r k i n g so fast, it’s just so interesting!” environment? Are you a hard The field of radiology has worker who strives to be better become so big that hospitals at what you do? Do you adapt now offer classes for well to change? Is talking to Radiologists. Some hospitals different people something you will even pay for you to take the like to do? Or are you the type class if the demand is high. The of person who is really students, who then pass the interested in technology? If class, generally are guaranteed you answered yes to one or a spot in the hiring process from more of the previous questions, the hospital. a vocation in health Another up and careers could be for coming career in the you. medical world is “The health n e u r o s c i e n c e . career industry is Neuroscience is the study definitely a great of the brain and the place for a job, central nervous system. t h e r e ’s always “I am a pain something to find out specialist that specializes and do,” said Nancy in spinal injections, Fullmer, R.N.*, and which is a form of head research neuroscience,” said Pat coordinator at Chudomelka, M.D., Nebraska Spine Ph.D Neurosciences***. Center Omaha. In order to be “There is such a wide successful in the variety of different medical field, there fields of medicine must be certain goals in available, it’s almost mind. Some examples overwhelming.” of goals can be certain Some of the skill levels needed or varieties of the medical certain desires. field include: radiology, “You must have the a n e s t h e s i o l o g y, desire to help mankind, neurology, histology, that must be the most and other associated important driving force. photo by Andrea Larison O t h e r s k i l l s n e e d e d areas. The people who go into these fields can Good at what he does Troy Stockman is highly respected w o u l d include have jobs ranging from by those in and out of his field i n t e l l i g e n c e , doctors of medicine to medical Stockman, BSRT (N.R.), CNMT** o r g a n i z a t i o n , a n d d i l i g e n c e , researchers and scientists. The Operations Director of the Diagnostic w h i c h i s s e c o n d a r y, ” s a i d medical industry is so extensive Center at Alegent Health, Mercy C h u d o l m e l k a , M . D . , P h . D and vast, that there’s bound to be H o s p i t a l i n C o u n c i l B l u ff s . Neuroscience. The health fields are a n i n t e r e s t f o r e v e r y o n e “Radiology is a wBay doctors can o ff e r i n g somewhere in the field. Take see inside a person for diagnosis c o n t i n u o u s l y opportunities for career choices, N a n c y ’s j o b f o r i n s t a n c e , a using imaging.” medical research coordinator. Radiology is a rapidly because they are always A medical r e s e a r c h increasing field of medicine to get changing. Wit h a l l t h e n e w coordinator basically does the into for many reasons: 1.) There a d v a n c e m e n t s i n t e c h n o l o g y, research for a new type of surgical is less schooling involved, 2.) t r e a t m e n t s , p r o c e d u r e s , a n d the health p r o c e d u r e , o r a n e w t y p e o f The demand for radiologists is s o c i a l i z a t i o n treatment. Periodically, they even high, 3.) The new technology industry will always change. “ You never have to worry do background research for past a v a i l a b l e f o r t h e c a r e e r i s treatment or therapy for disorders advancing quickly, and 4.) The about the career getting boring because it’s always changing,” said a n d h e a l t h r e lated problems. salary is agreeable. Medical researchers also conduct “I want to be a Radiologist, Fullmer, R.N. “One important patient follow-ups from b e c a u s e t h e r e a r e s o m a n y thing about change, however, is that experiments, to see how the patient different opportunities just in that you must be willing to change along is doing and to see if there have been field that I could go into—there with it.” Kellie Doffin Reporter Page 5 October 2004 Feature “Did You Hear That?”: The Villisca Story community encountered an awful awakening on the morning of June 10, 1912. What was once known as a community where everyone knew and trusted their neighbors changed that morning. The small community of Villisca, Iowa awoke to find that eight of their own had been Kehly Hansen Reporter Are you feeling the need to test out your fears this Halloween season? Sure, Omaha is a great place to go for haunted houses this year, but what about a re a l h a u n t e d house? A h a u n t e d house that y o u ’ l l actually remember? T h e Villisca Axe M u r d e r House in Villisca, Iowa has been known as one of the most haunted Photo from Yahoo Keyword: Villisca. places in the This house in Villisca, Iowa is where the Moore family U n i t e d was brutally murdered. States. For the Halloween season, Villisca is brutally murdered with an axe once again offering lamplight during the middle of the night. It tours and overnight stays in the is believed that the murders took vacant house. place sometime between 12:00 S o , w h y i s t h e h o u s e a.m. and 2:00 a.m. while the haunted? The Vi l l i s c a family and two visiting children On the Campaign Trail Heidi Behrens Reporter So much has been written about this election, it’s to the point were I’m thinking of petitioning our government into letting the vote be early so I don’t have to sit through another “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” ad. One aspect of the election I’m g o i n g t o m i s s , h o w e v e r, i s working on a political campaign. I started volunteering for a campaign because I thought it would be a requirement for government class, but it turned out just to be a way to get extra credit. My friends and I went to volunteer. We thought we knew where we were going, but we did not. According to John K e r r y ’s website, the headquarters were located at 300 West Broadway, which is t h e o l d d o w n t o w n m a l l . We walked around the old mall trying to find the headquarters to no avail. Finally, we saw a woman walking around the mall. So we asked her if she knew where the Kerry campaign headquarters was. She told us she thought it was on Pearl Street which it is not (President Bush’s re-election headquarters is on Pearl Street). Anyway, when we finally got there, we were only an hour late. One of the jobs I had to do frequently for the campaign was making phone calls. I’ve noticed that people tend to get incredible agitated when Democrats call them on the phone, but you get a lot of funny responses. Another perk of working on a campaign is you get to attend special events. When John Edwards came to Council Bluffs, people who volunteered for the Democratic Party received special seats close to the stage. Some even received tickets to sit on the stage. My friend Brenda Barrett and I were content with getting seats in the third row. Edwards was scheduled to arrive at 3:00 PM. Unfortunately, he did not arrive until about 3:45. The topic for the event was healthcare. After an introduction from state Senator Mike Gronstal, Edwards came on stage and was ready to speak. He said almost verbatim what John Kerry said in the Presidential debates in regards to healthcare. Edwards then talked about the Kerry/Edwards plan to make sure that every American has health insurance. I was sitting in an aisle seat, and at one point a Secret Service agent came up and knelt down next to me. He told me not to move. I sat as a still as a statue. He fit almost every stereotype of a Secret Service agent. Needless to say, I was a bit frightened. However, all he did was talk into a microphone and tell me thank you for not moving. Af t e r g i v i n g h i s s p e e c h , Edwards took questions from the audience. Before I attended this event, I had at least one hundred questions; now that I had an opportunity to ask them, my mind was a blank. As a result, I had to listen to other people ask their questions. After the question-andanswer segment, Edwards went around shaking hands and talking to the common man. Brenda and I rushed the stage in an attempted to shake Edward’s hand. We succeeded. However, we had to push our way to the front of a crowd. A crowd that was full of very pushy people. Brenda and I saw Edward’s water bottle sitting on the floor and we contemplated stealing it, but someone beat us to it. Vo l u n t e e r i n g on a Presidential campaign was one of most fun things I have ever done. I strongly encourage everyone to volunteer. Lewis Central Fellowship of Christian Athletes Supports Birthright slept in their beds. Joe B. Moore, his wife Sarah, their four children, Herman, Katherine, Boyd, and Paul, and two guests, Lena and Ina Stillinger, were found in those early morning hours of June 10. Within minutes of finding the bodies of the Moore family and the Stillinger girls, rumors ran throughout the small c o m m u n i t y o f Vi l l i s c a . T h e rumors spread to many larger cities through the area and within days became the headlines of major newspapers throughout the nation. The bloody effects of the murders had covered the duration of the house, and the victims lay covered with blankets and clothing. A long, black-handled axe was left against the wall in the sewing room where Lena and Ina lay silent. The particular killing of Lena and Ina had been so severe that they had to be identified by their Bibles lying on the dresser in their room. A bloody pan of water was found in the kitchen and kerosene lamps had been carefully placed at the foot of each bed. The chimneys of the lamps had been discarded and the wicks turned back. Neighbors and law enforcement began to investigate the murders and soon created a l i s t o f s u s p e c t s . Tw o p r i m e suspects were Frank Jones and Reverend Lyn George Jacklin Kelly. Joe Moore was said to have worked for Frank Jones at the Jones store for several years until he opened his own company in 1908. According to Villisca residents, Jones was extremely upset that Moore had stopped working for him and started his o w n c o m p a n y. A l s o , r u m o r spread that Moore had had an affair with Jones’ daughter-inl a w, which upset him tremendously. A s a t r a v e l i n g p r e a c h e r, Reverend Lyn George Jacklin Kelly seems like the least likely person to have caused these murders. However, his presence in Villisca on the night of the murders and his following departure in the early morning hours of June 10 made him a prime suspect in the case. There d i d n ’t s e e m t o b e a n y p a s t disagreements or arguments between the Moore family and Reverend George Kelly. However, the case still remains unsolved as there is no proof on the identity of the murderer. B r a v e explorers have gone and stayed at the Villisca house, reporting all of the Photo from Yahoo Keyword: Villisca axe murders paranormal activity they The murder of the Moore family members marked e n c o u n t e r e d . Villisca as one of the most haunted places in the S o m e U.S. to this day. paranormal activity that has been notice the windows and doors are recently reported includes orb tightly closed and covered, and activity, dark shadows, mists, a weather-beaten sign leaning and unexplained lights in photos. against the front porch warns The house also contains cold rather than welcomes visitors. spots, strange odors, laughter, However, people continue to stay doors slamming, the sound of in the Villisca house to discover footsteps going up and down the t h e f e a r s of those who have stairs, and an all-around uneasy previously stayed. So, still feel like testing out your real fears feeling throughout the house. I t i s s a i d t h a t o n a d a r k instead of those found in those evening in Villisca, the absence f a k e h a u n t e d h o u s e s ? B o o k of lights and sounds are the first yourself a night at the Villisca Axe indication to visitors that this Murder House this Halloween at house is different from the other; you’re in for a rough night! houses that surround it. You’ll The Race for Dominance Has the control in a parent and teen relationship flipped? Bridgette Mucha Reporter “I think just about every teenager in America wants control over their parents. I would absolutely love to have that control,” said sophomore Brianna Delph. Teens’ controlling their parents is a serious issue and can eventually lead to parental abuse. Parent abuse is any act of a child that is intended to cause physical, psychological, or financial damage to gain power and control over a parent. There are many characteristics of an abusive teen. If a teen is physically abusive they tend to carry out the acts of hitting, punching, shoving, breaking things, punching holes in walls, throwing things, and spitting. These teens are very dangerous to not only themselves but their parents and siblings also. “My mom is a midget, so I can use my strength against her to get my way, but my dad is different, he is bigger than me and I can’t scare him,” said freshman Lewis Woodward. If teens are out to abuse their parents in a more psychological way they attempt to intimidate the parent. They also make unrealistic demands on the parents and guilt trip them into doing them. Lying, running away from home, staying away all night, and making threats are all ways a teen may attempt to control their parents. but he never does,” said junior Bethany Riso. Children that witness violence in the home are at a greater risk of being abusive in their teen years. Some of these teens or preteens may have been a victim of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, which may have caused them to grow up with the understanding Photo By Andrea Larison that it is okay to do these In America today, teenagers are trying to take things. Many of the adolescents that grow up control of their parents. with this power over their parents “My sister would lie to become involved in crimes such as, my mom and scream and yell at her. She used to make her feel really bad, shoplifting, prostitution, or breaking then she moved out,” said and entering. “I think that it is true that sophomore Amanda Schieffer. most teens get involved in such Some teens have power activity, because they see their over their parents’ finances. Stealing money or parent’s parents as always being right they belongings is one thing they can do. want to be like them, so they do Selling possessions—theirs or their things like them,” says sophomore parents, destroying the home or David Ebke. Some of the reasons for parents’ belongings, and making debts the parents must cover are teens controlling their parents can other things the can do. Also, they be any of the following. First, can demand parents to purchase parents can be so afraid that their things they don’t feel that they teen will not love them that they can afford. Saying things like, “I give them no structure to ensure that need this new computer for school their teen will always need them for work otherwise I will fail all of my some trouble they get into. Next, classes,” or “If I don’t get this t- some teens have a hard time with the shirt for Newspaper like everyone rules that the parent lays down, and when the rules are enforced they else, I will be a social outcast.” “My boyfriend’s little become more abusive. Changes in the family structure brother, who’s in eighth grade, steals may cause a teen to act out. If his mother’s money that she saves, parents are separated or divorced, the and she thinks he will pay her back, teen will take out their anger on the parent they live with. If a new person comes in to one of the parents’ lives this can cause pain to the teen and cause even more anger. If a teen feels separated from their parents they may act out abusively to receive attention. “Children learn how to manipulate their parents when they are a product of a broken home. Parents with shared custody find their children manipulating situations to pit one parent against another to get the outcome they are seeking,” said Rita Million, mother of four. There are some things that a parent can do to stop this unacceptable behavior. The first thing that needs to be done is silence needs to be broken. Parents of abusive teens need to make their voices be heard. Talking about the abuse is a good way to get a grasp on the feelings that go with it. Counseling and therapy are a must for a parent who is being abused by their teen. For years to come, we can expect teens to take an unbelievable advantage of this power they have gained. Will this issue of power and violence get so out of hand parents will finally break? Or will parents take back what is rightfully theirs, power over their teens? ***All of the information provided in this article came from a study by Barbara Cottrell for the Family Violence Prevention Unit of Health in Canada. Now Students Give the Grade Amber Johnson Assistant Editor Americans love feedback. They love to rate movies, music, restaurants, football teams, and even looks. But the newest fad has brought so much controversy to America’s high schools, that the website has been banned from hundreds of schools across the nation. American teens have now moved to grading… their graders. Since August 2001, a website called has been encouraging students to voice opinions about the quality of their instructors. lets students evaluate instructors on a scale from 1 to 5, 5 being the highest, in terms of helpfulness, clarity, and easiness. Because “easiness” isn’t a factor that determines how well a teacher teaches material, the site then averages the helpfulness and clarity score into an overall quality score. Students can also indicate the “coolness” of a teacher, but like the easiness score, it is not averaged into the overall quality. The purpose of is to help form positive change on the way parents, students, and teachers look at the education system, to help give students and parents a place to have their opinions validated, and to resource teachers who are open enough to face opinions of their customers, and benefit from the comments made. While the website may seem to have all good intentions, many feel that the websites message is inaccurate and ineffective. “Sure I think that banning the website is going a little too far,” Hussey. “I thought that high school methods. Some students, however, said Dave Bergman, “but it’s not that and middle school teachers would feel that the site can be used as a resource. offensive because teachers merely benefit from students’ opinions.” While teachers and “I think that it should be consider the source. If a kid doesn’t like a teacher and is just posting students can benefit from the site, the allowed because it could tell other negative comments on the site, site is flawed in the fact that many people what you think about a teachers viewing the site aren’t going of its ratings are based on evaluations teacher and how to get on their good to care because they know that it’s posted by handfuls of students rather side or bad side,” said sophomore just from a student that doesn’t then a broad sampling of the student Aaron Pedersen. body. Because of this, student’s Sophomore Tedi Swanson, personally like them.” While this opinion seems opinions posted may not represent a student who has never been on legitimate, the makers of the website the overall opinion/view towards a, thinks differently. see it as more than just a place to teacher. “Some teacher’s pet might “I think it’s okay that they take out harsh feelings. “They think that it’s a post 25 good comments and ¾, or (banned the site). Forcing the staff forum for students to bash their the majority of the class may hate to work in a place where their teachers, but that’s not the case,” said the teacher,” said senior Kaleb King. students are constantly watching Michael Hussey, a former them and rating them would substitute and Internet make the staff entrepreneur who came up uncomfortable.” with the idea of Although the “It’s schools do reserve the right to just an outlet for student censor any Internet sources opinion.” that may harm a student or But is student teacher, many feel that the site opinion relevant to a teacher? should be banned altogether. Do teachers really care about But the fact of the matter their overall popularity remains, that among their students? Or is is a just a legitimate and legal exchange place for students to hold of information and ideas Photo from Yahoo keyword: through the Internet. After grudges or subject teachers to On the website students can hitting the 6,000,000 (post random or rude remarks? The owners of the rate the teachers at their school in terms of mark), operators of this site say… helpfulness, clarity, easiness, and popularity. has proven its popularity and Although Lewis Central given students a chance to express “No.” Interestingly, about 70% of the ratings on the website are does allow students onto how well they are benefiting from favorable. Based on the feedback despite the their educators. received, it is obvious that students controversy, many students “In the public discourse on using the website have a keen elsewhere are blocked from the improving education, we believe the website. Many schools feel that most important voices are often interest in their education. “I remember that I had there is no use for a website that ignored,” said Michael Hussey. “For valid opinions of my teachers in high instigates anonymous users to the first time in the history of public school. I remember the evaluations degrade and exploit a teacher. Some schools, the student is being heard.” at the end of my college semester and schools feel that posting an opinion Log on to I know the professors used to look online is an immature way to handle now to voice at them and found them useful,” said not liking a teacher ’s teaching your opinion. Page 6 Feature FCAHasANewWayToPlay Dani Mescher Co-Editor-In-Chief The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is the largest schoolbased Christian organization in t h e U S , a n d i t ’s c h a l l e n g i n g coaches and athletes to use the influential arena of sports to impact their world. Lewis C e n t r a l ’s o w n F C A m e m b e r s share that same mission, and they strive to let their faith shine in the halls of Lewis Central. “It’s about our young people choosing to be positive influences in the school, living their faith and walking the walk,” said FCA sponsor Pat Campbell. FCA students have been ‘walking the walk’ through the halls of Lewis Central since the mid-80’s. Mr. Campbell came to LC in 1984, and he immediately began the process of implementing the club into the school. In 1985, the LC FCA chapter was officially sanctioned and they took off strongly with a healthy number of members. “It was a really good thing. The numbers were great and it was a really nice crowd back then,” said Campbell. This year there are around seventy students in grades 9-12 who are active members of the FCA. While this is a rather large number, it is the hope of all current members that the group keeps growing. There is always room for more to join. “All anyone has to do is show up at a meeting.” said Campbell. “We try and have two meetings a month and we come pretty close to doing that.” The leadership team responsible for getting meetings organized, as well as organizing some sort of major function each month is a group of eleven students who were appointed as officers by Mr. Campbell. “ O u r o ff i c e r s s p e a r h e a d d i ff e r e n t a c t i v i t i e s . C e r t a i n individuals step up to get things rolling. We all wobk together, but t h e o ff i c e r s d o t h e m a i n organizing.” said Campbell. There are plenty of activities and events for every officer to have his/her turn in the driver’s seat. Year after year the FCA is active and living in the school as well as in the community. They participate in events ranging from volunteer work, to the Concert of Praise to the nationally sponsored See You At The Pole event. “I thought See You At The Pole was great this year. We had a lot of students there, and it really was a great turn out.” said s o p h o m o r e o ff i c e r J a c l y n E r i c k s o n . “ We c a m e i n t o a classroom and held hands and all prayed together.” Now that SYATP is done, one of the FCA’s biggest events is the ‘Day of Champions.’ This activity invites surrounding FCA groups to come together in one place and celebrate their faith. “The Day of Champions is where people from all different schools come together and fellowship and worship together,” said sophomore Amber Barr. “We have good food and games, and I’ll go back this year because it’s a lot of fun.” While the FCA likes spending time enjoying each other’s company, they also invest a lot of their time helping their c o m m u n i t y. F C A m e m b e r s volunteer many times throughout the year at Bethany Lutheran Nursing Home doing various activities for residents such as decorating the home for Christmas, making Christmas cards, and offebing maf power at a BBQ. “It’s fun to be able to go and help the elderly. They’re always so happy to see us, and it makes their day when we’re just there talking to them,” said senior officer Sarah Kreger. Not only does the club help the elderly, but they also go out of their way to make life a little sweeter for the underprivileged kids in Council Bluffs through their participation with the Angel Tree Ministries. “I love being able to get the little kids gifts for Christmas. Just imagining the smiles on their faces because they know that we care for them, is an awesome thing,” s a id junior offic e r McKayla Christiansen. One other main aspects of the FCA that benefits many of its members is its very own ‘Being an Example’ scholarship fund. The FCA has given away twentyfive thousand dollars in scholarships to thirty-nine different students throughout the years. The scholarship recipients were voted on by the club members and by the staff at Lewis Central. The money for the scholarships is raised by a variety of fundraisers including the Football Jersey Auction, the band craft fair, and the Free-Throw-AThon, which is more “hands-on” for the students. “We raise money for our scholarship, and it’s a lot of fun. It’s a good cause and it’s always fun to shoot with your friends.” said senior Justin Toole. “We shoot 1,000 free throws, and there are always snacks for us so we can keep going and get the job done.” Through all of the social activities, volunteering, and fundraising, the FCA exists solely to give the students at Lewis Central a platform to come together to honor God. The members bond as friends and create a powerful group throughout the school. “I think the greatest thing is the unity among friends. We get together and have a great time.” s a i d j u n i o r R a c h e l Te r r y. “Everyone is together as one in God, and it’s awesome.” October 2004 NHS Tough On Trash it only takes them about a half hour to Lindsey Behrens pick up most of the trash around the Reporter school.” Once a month for almost the This half hour of hard work is just entire school year, Lewis Central a small part of the time NHS members students come together for a common are required to do as volunteer service goal: picking up trash. These students in the community. dedicate their time to clean and “Students in NHS must do at beautify the school grounds. They are least thirty hours of volunteer work a part of the National Honor Society, during the school year,” said Jones. an organization that gives students a “This may include up to ten hours chance to help out in their community. of the volunteering students did over “This is the second year the the summer.” National Honor Society has been While picking up trash around doing the trash cleanup around the high the school doesn’t sound like much school,” said NHS coordinator Kim fun, it can sometimes be interesting. Jones. “The officers last year came up “One time I found a really long, with the idea, and I think it’s a great thick chunk of hair with a big wad way to improve the appearance of the of gum in it,” said junior Sarah school.” Starnes. “It was There is a specified really gross.” trash cleanup day Picking up once a month, trash is a dirty job, except for in but someone has to some of the do it. Thanks to the winter months National Honor when it will be Society, the school too cold outside. is a cleaner, more All National beautiful place. Honor Society “ I t h i n k i t ’s members are important to keep required to pick the Photo By Andrea Larison school grounds up trash around the school two Sloppy students ignore NHS’ efforts .clean,” said junior of the five times offered. Emily Cox. “By keeping “I split up the school t h e m c l e a n , p e o p l e w i l l s e e grounds into six zones,” said Jones. t h a t w e c a r e a b o u t o u r “With two students assigned to a zone, s c h o o l . ” Sports Unlimited: What’s Holding LC Back? Thomas Webering Reporter When going to school in different regions of the nation, the sports are slightly different. There are many sports that are offered to coastal schools rather than to those in the Midwest, such a s lacrosse, water polo, polo, field h o c k e y, a n d i c e hockey. S o m e t h i n k t h e y offer these sports to costal schools because of the money involved; in fact, the reason is because these sports are like football and soccer in the Midwest. These are sports that they grew up with. “ I t h i n k l a c r o s s e would be a w e s o m e t o p l a y. I t l o o k s to be a tough sport, and I ’ m a t o u g h g u y, s o I t h i n k I would really like it,” said senior Scooter Davis. Not only are there different sports, the equipment used in these sports is r a d i c a l l y different. For example, in the sport of polo t h e p l ayers on the teams are all on h o r s e s holding mallets, trying to move the ball down opposing the field into goals. This sport not only requires a lot o f money, but also at least three horses because the horses tend to get hurt by the ball and the mallets. “ Playing polo would be fun, but in the Midwest, it really isn’t the social thing to do. It never really gets any p u b l i c i t y, s o i t s t a y s i n t h e coastal schools,” says senior Lauren T h o m a s . One sport that many wish would come to the Midwest is water polo. This sport is very exhausting and requires elite training to be dominant. Many people have tried treading water for f i f t e e n minutes in the deep end of the pool. We l l , water polo players tread water for two forty-five minute halves in six to ten feet of water without a break. “ I think playing water polo would be really fun. It would take e x t e n s i v e conditioning and would keep you in top shape,” said senior D a l e Larsen. E v e n t h o u g h L e w i s C e n t r a l d o e s n ’ t have all t h e activities it wished it had, there are just s o m e things that d o n ’ t c h a n g e . T h e M i d w e s t h a s a l w a y s been known for its hardhitting sports, such as football, and will continue to be known for t h e s e s p o r t s until a drastic change occurs. ‘ Our Town’ Meets Your Town Kellie Doffin Reporter Lewis Central has had a tradition of excellence in it’s drama program throughout the years with shows including Fiddler on The Roof, Once Upon a Mattress, You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown, You Can’t Take it With You, and the award winning The Sound of Music. All these shows have been extraordinary and this year’s fall play is no exception. “I love the idea of the play for this fall, it’s such a great A m e r i c a n classic,” said codirector Thomas Heckman. The choice for the fall of 2004 is a play called ‘Our Town’. The infamous man from the theatrical world who wrote this play is named Thornton Wilder. The play was produced in 1937 and is set in the early 1900s. The setting of the play is in a town called “Grover’s Corners, New Hampshire—just across the Massachusetts line: latitude fortytwo degrees, forty minutes; longitude seventy degrees, thirtyseven minutes.” A person who stands out in the crowd of people from Grover’s Corners is a character who is referred to as the Stage Manager (played by Nick Somers). The Stage Manager’s job is to lead everyone through the story of Grover’s Corners. He helps us learn more about the characters in Grover’s Corners and helps us examine our own lives and put into perspective of what is really important in life. Many of the people in Grover’s Corners live relatively simple lives; not a whole lot is going on. It’s a calm, quiet town where everyone knows each other. The main families that the play centers around are the Gibbs and the Webbs. In the Gibbs household there is Frank (played by Zach Yakel), Julia (Allison Jacoby), G e o rg e (Brian Henderson), and Rebecca (Jennifer Ettinger). L i k e w i s e i n t h e We b b household there is Charles (played by Brett Epperson), Myrtle (Molly Lich), Emily ( S a r a h K r e g e r ) , a n d Wa l l y (David Ebke). In ‘Our Town,’ Frank Gibbs is the town doctor and Charles Webb is the editor of the town’s local newspaper. Julia Gibbs and Myrtle Webb are homemakers that keep the houses in order; they both take care of the children, make meals, and do chores. Rebecca a n d Wa l l y a r e t h e l i t t l e brother and sister that e v e r y o n e h a s , a n d t h e y are relatively close in age. The two individuals that the help the play move along are George and Emily. Through these two cha r a c t e r s s h o w u s t h e changes that everything experiences in life. smallest events in our daily life.’ “I believe that Thornton Wilder wanted no set, so the audience will focus more on what the actors are saying and doing instead of focusing so much on props,” said Heckman. Since the use of props is very limited, actors have to mime their stage activi ties. Some actors find it quite a change from their normal routine of having an object to interact with. actually act without the extra pieces.” As it is with every play at Lewis Central, there is an underlying message for the audience to take from the show. In this play the message is very clear, life is too precious to take advantage of it. Throughout the play, there are three acts that represent t h e t h r e e major parts of life: Daily Life, Love and Marriage, and Act III. Daily life is simply the way we live our lives from day to day; One irregular, perhaps even strange, perspective of the play is that there is very little set. It was an idea of Thornton Wilder to use as few props and pieces of furniture possible in an attempt ‘to find a value above a l l p r i c e f o r t h e “It feels kind of out of the ordinary,” said junior Bethany Riso, who plays Mrs. Soames. “The stage feels like it is naked, but at the same time it’s a neat feeling to k n o w t h a t w e a c t o r s can love and marriage is what it says, it’s abou t l o v e a n d i t s m a n y wonders. The last act is about what happens after our lives and how as humans, we don’t realize what we have in our life until it’s gone. “As humans, we always take life for granted, but it’s important to make the best of everyday,” said senior Sarah Kreger, who plays Emily. Besides acting, a lot more goes on behind the scenes of ‘Our Town.’ During the past month the entire cast has been working feveriously every Saturday with tech days and nigh rehearsals to prepare themselves for the show, while welcoming a new cast member. The new additions’ name is Danny Lich, a seventh grader from Lewis Central Middle School. “I think the play is coming along great! Everyone is nice and it’s a lot of fun,” said seventh grader Danny Lich. Figuratively speaking, ‘Our Town’ is a play that is a must see for all kinds of individuals. It teaches us the many different, important parts of life and how we don’t ever take the time to really look at and appreciate things for what they are. Maybe Thornton Wilder had a bigger plan for his play than what we realize. Perhaps by just taking a look at the most important things in life, we can take a whole new look at life and the many things that it has to offer. Photo By Kellie Doffin Page 7 Entertainment Movies That Make You Want to Stay Tuned Heidi Behrens Reporter Hello Wire readers. I’m back with another fantastic list for you. This time I’m not knocking any movies. I’m telling you which movies I think are worthy of your time and money. Before I go into my list, I would just like to say that I haven’t seen any of the “Lord of the Rings” movies, so LOTRs fans, please don’t go crazy when you don’t see them on this list. “The Graduate” Young Benjamin Braddock is fresh out of college and has no idea what he’s going to do with his life. Mrs. Robinson, the wife of Ben’s father’s business partner, is a lonely, depressed, alcoholic housewife. Ben and Mrs. Robinson start getting to know each other on a more intimate level. As the affair is heating up, Ben’s life starts to spiral out of control. Then, all heck breaks loose. Ben is forced by his parents to date Elaine, Mrs. Robinson’s daughter, and they fall in love. Unfortunately, Mrs. Robinson informs Elaine that she and Ben had been getting rather close over the past year. Now Ben will do anything to win Elaine back. Words cannot describe how wonderful this movie is, and I’ve seen it too many times to count. It is beautifully acted and as is Dustin Hoffman’s screen debut. from Hayden Christiansen, Peter Sarsgaard, Chloe Sevingy, and Steve Zahn. The film also contains a brilliant debut from director Billy Ray. “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid were outlaws in the late 1800’s. This movie tells their story with humor and brilliant acting by Paul Newman and Robert Redford, as well as excellent writing from screenwriter William Goldman. “Forgotten” is Worth Remembering Megan Longmeyer Co-Editor-In-Chief Walking into the movie theater with my friend Erin, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. We arrived barely on time, but ended up walking in during the previews because we couldn’t agree on snacks and we were, of course, chatting. I guess it just wasn’t one of those “must be on time” movies, one because the previews were so vague and two because it was a Thursday night. So, we wandered in, found some seats, and proceeded to pay attention. At first I didn’t know what to think, whether it would be a scary movie or a movie you really have to follow or just some crazy sciencefiction show. Like I said, the previews were not a dead give-away to a happy ending, or any ending in particular. They were very misleading and gave little to no description, but most importantly they were captivating and alluring. If you see someone flying out of a house for no apparent reason, you’re going to be interested. As we continued to watch the movie, I realized that this story wasn’t that scary, or that “out there.” None of those things are what made this movie watch-able… it was the fact that there was no grand solution, no definite ending, and how that left the audience with the biggest question of all. The movie starts off with the sad story of Telli Paretta (played by Julianne Moore), who’s still struggling with the death of her son, Sam, who died some 14 months ago when his plane disappeared over an ocean. Since then, she regularly goes through his room, looking at old picture and videos, struggling to resume her life as best she can. Her therapist, Dr. Jack Munce (played by Gary Sinise), continues to help her “Star Wars” Now when I say “Star Wars,” I mean the real original “Star Wars,” not the cruddy special editions, and especially not the recent prequels. The original 1977 version of “Star Wars” is pure genius. It revolutionized the way movies are made, and without it we would still have movies with bad special effects like “Clash of the Titans.” “American Beauty” Lester Burnham has a miserable life. His wife and daughter hate him for all extensive purposes, and he hates his job. Finally, Lester decides that he’s going to do what he wants with his life no matter what. Unfortunately, Lester’s new-found sense of self worsens his relationships with his family, and turns their lives upsidedown. “American Beauty” is a very “Shattered Glass” “Shattered dark comedy that can make you want Glass” tells the story of disgraced to laugh and then cry two seconds journalist Stephen Glass. Glass was later. Kevin Spacey won an Oscar for a reporter for the New Republic his performance, and Annette Bening Magazine in Washington, D.C. and was nominated. over the course of his career, he After reading this list, I hope fabricated almost all of his stories. your Blockbuster card will be getting “Shattered Glass” tells his story from a lot of good use. I expect to see a fame to disgrace beautifully, and jump in their stock in the upcoming contains wonderful performances days. All movie posters obtained from Yahoo Search: Keyword The Graduate, All the Presidents Men, Shattered Glass movie poster, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, X-Men movie poster, Star Wars movie poster, American Beauty. through this struggle until one day she is hit by the “truth.” She is told that she fabricated Sam’s whole existence herself as a result of a miscarriage; all of the pictures are now gone, the videos are blank, and no one has any memory of Sam or the crash except Telli. Refusing to believe this, Telli enlists the help of Ash Correll (played by Dominic West), whose daughter, Lauren, was on the same flight as her son. Telli helps Ash remember the daughter he’d also forgotten, and together they start off on a wild chase to find the truth about their children, a truth full of theories, adrenaline, suspense, and an ending that is going to leave you a little more than skeptical than when you entered the theater. The overall affect of this movie would not have been possible without the all-star acting performances. Julianne Moore never ceases to amaze me on how well she forms into her character. In the beginning scenes where she is reliving the life of her son through the pictures and videos, you can actually capture her intense connection with this boy and feel her calling out to him from seeing such intense emotion. Dominic West stays consistently rounded in his character throughout the movie, such as his macho attitude and heavy drinking habits. He seems to have a good ability in showing intense emotion as he remembers his Lauren once more, but he lacked the screen time to effectively develop his character. Gary Sinise, although given a small part, holds his own well, as in any movie that he does, and gives us his best performance possible. The directing and cinematography for this movie was sufficient. Director Joseph Ruben picked an excellent set of actors for this film and kept the movie Photo obtained from TF_014_DF_01198 Telli Paretta (Junianne Moore) searches for memories of her belated son. suspenseful yet dynamically believable. The screenplay was wellwritten, keeping people entertained and informed, but not dragging on either. There was a lot of chasing all at once in this movie which is something I wasn’t too fond of, but these scenes were well-recorded, so it was little easier to not get bored. Two such scenes were at the beginning when she first escapes from the federal agents, and later on when she’s in the warehouse. Both scenes are small “time fillers,” but they worked well with the story through good camera work and plausible acting. Also, in scenes were people randomly disappear, it seems very unrealistic for something like that to happen, but they make it more believable than I expected they could. All-in-all, the making of this movie was good but doesn’t quite hit the bar of some of the “sci-fi” movies preceding it. The most important thing I’d like to point out about this movie is its believability factor. In terms of the “beyond,” we really don’t know what’s out there, so how would we know when the unknown is so close to us? This movie gives people who believe in life beyond our world a valid point for believing these theories. What if we couldn’t remember them ever being around… how would we know they are here or not? This movie gives skeptics lots of things to think about, and this, in my opinion, boosts the credibility of this movie higher than any other feature. Several hours and days after I saw the movie, the possibilities of it still weighed on my mind. There was so much to think about, so much to ponder, and that‚s the part that made it worth seeing. I, at first, had no idea what to expect, and now, after watching it, I still scarcely know what to think. It’s a challenge to sort out in your mind what a movie is trying to say and how it makes you feel, but for movies like The Forgotten, it’s a separation of what is real and the possibilities of the universe and beyond. If this movie was as intriguing to others as it was to me, then I’m sure that you’ll be thinking about this movie for quite awhile You Named Your ...She Did it Baby What!?!? Again “X-Men” The movie “X-Men” has two factors that make it great a very powerful message about the lasting affects of hatred, and its highquality entertainment for the whole family. Becca Sheppard Copy Editor “All the President’s Men” I must admit I’m probably partial to this movie because it’s about two reporters, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. Woodward and Bernstein are two rookie reports working for the Washington Post who are assigned to write a story about a burglary at the Watergate Complex. Little do they know they’ve just stumbled upon one of the greatest political stories of our time, The Watergate Scandal. I think this movie is sheer perfection. However, there are some things people might not like about it. The movie is 138 minutes long and based off of history, so if you aren’t into history, I don’t recommend picking it up. October 2004 Oops, she did it again! Popprincess Britney Spears is more famous for her marriages than she is for her singing career, it seems. After an “accidental,” 55-hour union through a Vegas wedding (and dare I say, that’s a little white trash?) with childhood friend Jason Alexander, Spears began a new drama to occupy the media with back-up dancer (and perhaps back-up husband?) Kevin Federline. On June 27, 2004, Britney announced her engagement to the back-up dancer. Originally, the wedding was supposedly planned for sometime in October. The couple actually got married on September 18th, most likely to avoid a public media storm. Good move. The wedding was said to be pretty uptown. It is, after all, Britney Spears. I mean, she is estimated to be worth at least $32,000,000. Impressive? I guess so. The ceremony was held in Studio City, California. Attending the ceremony were 20 immediate family members. The ring was a 5 karat, $40,000 diamond. Must be nice. It’s reported that the people attending wore sweat pants after the ceremony. Odd maybe? Who are we to judge, I guess. The men wore track suits that said “Pimps” on them. Tacky? That might be cool for Dave Chapelle, but for Britney Spears and Calvin Klein/ underwear model-typed Federline? Not so much. So Spears says, “I do.” Or does she? After the wedding was reportedly held, rumors began to arise suggesting Spears and Federline never officially got married at all. Apparently, Matt Drudge from The Drudge Report made claims that Britney and Federline faked the wedding. Headlines read “Media Tricked Again: Brit Faked Wedding.” The controversy caught a lot of media attention, which is possibly what Spears wanted, seeing as her popularity isn’t what it used to be. I suppose if enthusiasm from the rest of the world about her career is drying up, she has to do something to get peoples’ attention. So, is Spears married or not? It all boiled down to yes, Britney Spears and Kevin Federline did indeed have the wedding, but the did not, in fact, file a marriage license. In this case, the two were not legally married. When interrogated by anxious reporters, Spears admitted that she and Federline had not yet filed their marriage license, but they were Photo obtained from Yahoo Search: Britney Kevin Newlyweds Spears and Federline cherish each other after thier first moments of marriage. going to get to it within the next week. “I know we’re not completely legal until we file the license, which we’ll do next week,” Spears told People Magazine. “But in a real sense, a spiritual sense, we’re married. We’re just following our lawyer’s advice.” Legally, she has 10 days after the actual wedding to file the license. Better get on that, Britney. She claims that the delay was caused because the couple moved up the wedding date. Oh, the drama. After much controversy and gossip, it turns out that Britney Spears is officially Mrs. Britney Federline (she recently announced that she wants her name to be legally accepted as Federline, not Spears), so the world can sleep in peace. It’s not easy being famous. Dani Mescher Co-Editor-In-Chief Celeb Name Baby Name Gwyneth Paltrow & Chris Martin….Apple John Travolta & Kelly Preston……Ella Bleu Reese Witherspoon & Ryan Phillippe…Deacon Brandy…………………………Sy’Rai Courteney Cox & David Arquette….Coco Matt LeBlanc………………………Marina Andre Agassi………………………Jaz Helen Hunt……………Makena’ Lei Carnahan Rob Morrow…………………Tu’ Morrow Jason Lee……….Pilot Inspektor Riesgraf Rachel Griffiths…………...Banjo Patrick Ving Rhames………………………Rainbow Shannyn Sossamon…………Audio Science Kate Hudson………………….Ryder Don Johnson……………….Jasper Ethan Embry……………Cogeian Sylvester Stallone…………Sistine Congratulations! LC Wire 03-04 Assistant Editor Samantha Tsuji on being winner of the Wrigly Fresh Films Competition. Check out her film at: Fellowship of Christian Athletes *Breakfast snacks* *Pop* Lewis Central High School Day of Champions Saturday October 30, 2004 *Pizza* *FCA T-Shirt* Registration 8:00-8:30 A.M. *Join fellow LC students and area FCA’ers for a time of fun, food, and fellowship *College students from Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, Iowa will lead the days activites Cost $15 Page 8 October 2004 Student Life Trick-Or-Treat A Cartoon By Becca Sheppard Beccas Top 8 Halloween Costume Reviews By Becca Sheppard Clever? Probably not, but worth a good laugh. Pllllttthhhtttt. What more can I say, OUCH! Hahaha. Pretty much genius. I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Weiner still, though. Can this even be beat? Creative, to say the least. I’d do it. I’m not impressed. Look at the chicken jockey for heaven’s sake. Bananas, in pajamas, are walking down the stairs…pajamas…okay. Who doesn’t want to be a banana? Well, I must say, the vicious man-eating shark was just beat. Fear: What Scares You? Vicki Burnett Reporter Suddenly, the crazed murderer flew through the cellar door, pulled out a knife, and, as it glittered in the moonlight, flung it across the room missing his victim by a fraction of an inch... This victim’s initial emotion is fear. How this person would act because of his fear is based on his background and past experiences. Humans are not afraid of immediate danger, but rather we base our fears on a nonexistent past or on an imagined future. Three main reasons that people experience fear are feeling the possibility of not surviving, being frustrated, and assuming harm. In the example above, the possibility of not surviving was the basic source of the victim’s fear. Because there was a threat of potentially fatal physical danger, the person’s existence was at stake. While Jane is standing outside the drama room door, her stomach is in knots, goosebumps cover her arms, and her mouth is dry. She loves acting, but she is terrified that she will not make the school play. So she hurriedly leaves the doorway and avoids this possiblility of frustration entirely. This is frustrating because failing would be a disappointment that could stop her from taking any future risks at all. Now imagine your heart racing, palms sweating, and muscles tensing as you walk to the entrance of Mystery Manor. When you get in line you feel like you are being watched; you turn around and you are face to face with a demonic-looking clown named Bobo that says, “Hey, how are you?” You could be afraid that he might harm you. So you start wondering if you should run away or stay and ‘fight’ your fear. In this day and age people are not afraid of physical harm because it is not a daily threat, instead they are more concerned with the psychological impact an event might have on them. Fear is not the only emotion that gives people the impulse to run away. Anxiety, panic, worry, and shyness can let your mind play tricks on you in the same way fear does. All of these fears start with a stimulus. Something potentially dangerous is seen, heard or felt (a stimulus), and that information is sent to a center of the brain known as the sensory thalamus. From there, the rough information is quickly sent to the amygdala, the section of the brain that stores fearful emotional memories, and an emotional response is sent to the heart, lungs, and legs telling them whether to fight or flee. At the same time the information is sent to the sensory cortex, the region of the brain that deciphers what the object is and how much of a threat is poses, for a more precise response. Once Halloween Madness! Find all of the spooky halloween words, and use the remaining letters to figure out the mystery message! First 6 to return completed puzzles to room 401 will receive a prize! N H A P P Y J T H N A B Y L L O N S P W E I E N L E A W R I I K R S C R E U U N T R L A L S C T U I O F E O O D T O M E N T S B A N K D S O C V F C O O T I P A F F F R O O O C P M A K Y O M M T R K H S E W I R G L S O R E D O B C S T E I A F E F H B C A K G S N C S R A S K T N R W H N U D O N E C A T T S T T F Q S N K J O Y O N V T Y C Z O U K L P R M Y N I E R J K B Q E S L N S I M Z U L E M E U P R V X J B R Z E R G Q Q E C H B A C Z W O I H A U N T E D H O U S E L L J T B G R F P M N I E T S N E K N A R F W E C F V E O M J M L K K T E A C W V I W C R N O R D L A C U O S L A K M F T R F S E G H O S T W V T M E A C B W C E K I G E B V N O O M G H T M A M S H D R A E F P P S L U H J S O R T Y V E I J J C N T Y B V F C W C N Q H Y X S P C P J V F A Y V H V Q P N L A A T M S B T H C D A N G the information is clearly processed and the actual amount of danger is evaluated, the appropriate reaction is realized. Even though fear seems like a weakness, it has its purpose. Controlled correctly, fears help us to avoid possible dangers and keep us safer in the process. If fear is not controlled, decisions are rash and foolish with destructive actions and consequences. One way to solve these fears is to keep a journal. Within the journal list specific fears, how real they are to you, their affect on your daily life, and how they hold you back. After writing about those topics, think of behaviors that could help you overcome those fears. Being afraid is normal. Fear has its purposes and there are many different fears shared among humans. No matter what the fear is, there is a glowing ‘exit’ sign around every corner. What Are You Going To Be For Ha lloween? Photos by Andrea Larison I’m going to be a scare crow, with my baby sister. -Tyler Lowen, Freshman An Officer! - Alyssa Sass, Senior Catwoman! - Amanda York, Sophomore BAT - BLACKCAT - BONES - BROOM - CALDRON - CANDYCORN COF F IN - COST UME - CREEPY - F EAR - F RANKENST EIN - GHOST GOBLIN - GRAVE - HAUNT EDHOUSE - HORROR - JACKO LANT ERN - MASK - MOON - MUMMY - MYST ERIOUS - PUMPKIN - SKELETON SPIDERWEB - SPOOKY - TOM BSTONE - T RICKORT REAT VAMPIRE - WITCHES __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __! __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __! Bored! -Mr. Koester Mr. Spencer. - Tim Clouser, Junior