May 8, 2016 - Our Lady of Walsingham
May 8, 2016 - Our Lady of Walsingham
T he Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham The Personal Ordinariate ofthe Chair of Saint Peter Under the Protection of Our Lady of Walsingham Bishop Steven J. Lopes Father Charles Hough IV – Rector & Pastor Father Charles Hough III, Father Peter Davids – Priests—in--Residence Deacon James Barnett, Deacon Mark Baker, Deacon Mark Stockstill -- Pastoral Assistants + Pentecost - Whitsunday + 15 May AD 2016 + Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham 7809 Shadyvilla Lane + Houston Texas 77055 713-683-9407 + Fax: 713-683-1518 + Parish Secretary: Catherine Heath [email protected] Business Manager: Deacon Mark Stockstill Property Manager: Deacon James Barnett Liturgical Secretary/Altar Guild Directress: Carolyn Barnett Events Liaison/Wedding Coordinator: Nancy MacArthur Organist/Choirmaster: Edmund Murray CCD [Sunday School] Director: Catalina Brand RCIA Director: Deacon Mark Baker Youth Directors: Joshua & Elizabeth Korf Family Life Ministries Director: Mary Halbleib Call the Parish Office if you wish to. . . + become a Registered Member of Our Lady of Walsingham + schedule a Wedding or a Baptism + explore the possibility of becoming Roman Catholic + talk about the Annulment process + schedule a confession by appointment May 2016 Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father, Pope Francis Universal: Respect for Women That in every country of the world, women may be honored and respected and that their essential contribution to society may be highly esteemed. Evangelization: Holy Rosary That families, communities, and groups may pray the Holy Rosary for evangelization and peace. Welcome to Our Visitors Thank you for sharing in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with us today. Please fill out a visitor’s card (found in the pew racks) and return it in the offering plate so we will have a record of your visit. And please introduce yourself after Mass. If you are a Catholic, we at Our Lady of Walsingham receive Holy Communion kneeling and by intinction (both species on the tongue). If you are not a Catholic, during Communion we invite you either to come forward with your arms crossed over your chest, or fingers across your lips, and receive a blessing from the Priest or Deacon, or remain in your pew and reflect on the presence of Christ. Chorus Angelorum Solemn Choral Evensong This Sunday, Pentecost, May 15, 4:00 pm Reception following in St. Jude Hall Easter VII Weekly Budget $ 15200 Regular Offering $ 9566 Black Bag $ 3343 Ascension $ 2702 Attendance: 718 4:30 Vigil 165 8:00 Sung 143 9:30 Sung 160 11:15 Solemn High 203 6:00 Said Evening 47 Ascension: 257 Noon 119 7:00 138 Liturgy Schedule This Weekend Subject to change Lectors Rosary/Vigil Lector Connie Westman 6:30 Vigil Lectors George Greene / Linda Greene Catalina Brand / Susan Stockstill Greg Orcutt 8:00 Lectors Arnaud Pichon / Elizabeth MacArthur 9:30 Lectors Michael Coté / Carmen Bantly 11:15 Lectors Jackson Osborn / Preston Schultz 6:00 Lector Greg Orcutt Altar Servers 4:30 Vigil Mass Lee Bohannon Wayman Chunn Woody Jones Jerry Hatten 6:30 Solemn High Vigil Mass Greg Orcutt – Clerk Clint Brand – MC Diego Brand — Thurifer Greg Orcutt — Crucifer Juan Pablo Brand – Torchbearer Eduardo Brand – Torchbearer Dominic Block — Boatboy Miguel Brand — Mitre/Crozier Bearer 8:00 Sung Mass GW Straker – Clerk Nicholas Cano Elijah Cano Dominic Block 9:30 Sung Mass Kenny Hennigan – Clerk Patrick Westerman – Crucifer Jack Westerman – Torchbearer Matthew Westerman – Torchbearer 11:15 Solemn High Mass Tim Caruthers – Clerk Charles Crawford – MC Omar Shurbaji — Thurifer Jaden Nellis — Crucifer Christopher Martens – Torchbearer Phillip Brummé – Torchbearer Francis Martens — Boatboy Joseph Demary — Mitre Bearer David Demary — Crozier Bearer 6:00 Said Mass Greg Orcutt Altar Guild 4:30 Vigil Mass Onyi Nwafor 6:30 Vigil Mass Lynn Forrester / Ana Newton 8:00 Mass Ana Newton 9:30 Sung Mass Ruth Blanco / Ruth Mack 11:15 Solemn High Mass Cerita Young Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesdays from 12:00 noon until Evening Prayer/Benediction at 6:00 pm. The Flowers at the High Altar are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Charlotte I. Campbell In Our Parish This Week Saturday, May 14 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:30 am - 11:30 am 3:45 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 6:30 pm Sunday, May 15 7:30 am 8:00 am 8:40 am - 9:10 am 9:30 am 9:45 am 11:15 am 1:00 pm 2:30 pm 4:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm Monday, May 16 8:30 am 12:00 noon Tuesday, May 17 8:30 am 10:00 am 11:45 am 12:00 noon 12:45 pm 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Wednesday, May 18 8:15 am 8:30 am 10:00 am 12:00 noon 7:00 pm Thursday, May 19 8:30 am 10:00 am 12:00 noon 4:30 pm 7:00 pm +Friday, May 20 8:30 am 12:00 noon 2:00 pm Saturday, May 21 9:00 am 10:30 am - 11:30 am 10:30 am 3:45 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 7:00 pm Sunday, May 22 7:30 am 8:00 am 8:40 am - 9:10 am 9:30 am 9:45 am 11:15 am 1:15 pm 6:00 pm Vigil of Pentecost Chorus Angelorum Rehearsal - Church Nave Confirmation Retreat - Newman Hall Prayer Hour / Adoration - Holy House Confessions Rosary Vigil Mass [Nancy Ancira+] The Vigil of Pentecost with Confirmation Pentecost Morning Prayer - Holy House Sung Mass [Elizabeth Jacobson+] Confessions Sung Mass [Thomas Fontenot+] Confirmation Rehearsal - Newman Hall Solemn High Mass with Confirmation KC Meeting - Chancery Hall Chorus Angelorum Rehearsal - Church Nave Solemn Choral Evensong - Chorus Angelorum Chorus Angelorum Reception - St. Jude Hall Said Mass [Suzanne Kubin] Morning Prayer - Holy House Holy Mass [Peb Rock] Morning Prayer - Holy House Staff Meeting - DiNardo Parlor Noonday Prayer Holy Mass [Connie Westman] Rosary - Holy House Adoration - Holy House Evening Prayer and Benediction - Holy House Legion of Mary Meeting - Newman Hall Saint John I Confessions Morning Prayer - Holy House Memorial Presbyterian Tour Group Holy Mass [Linda Greene] OLW Choir Rehearsal Sts. Dunstan, Ethelwold, and Oswald Morning Prayer - Holy House Needlepoint Guild meeting - Newman Hall Said Mass [Carolyn Barnett] Schiano/Singh Wedding rehearsal King’s Men Prayer Group - Newman Hall Saint Bernardine of Siena Morning Prayer - Holy House Holy Mass [Rolando Castro] Bulletin Folding - Office of Liturgy Vigil of Trinity Sunday Holy House Graduation Mass Prayer Hour / Adoration - Holy House Holy House Graduation Reception Confessions Rosary Vigil Mass [Kirsten Baugher+] Schiano/Singh Wedding Trinity Sunday Morning Prayer - Holy House Sung Mass [Mark Ferenz and James Fisher+] Confessions Sung Mass [Donna Cameron+] “Protecting God’s Children” Meeting - Chancery Solemn High Mass Pastoral Council Meeting - St. Jude Hall Said Mass [Judy Perkins] Weekly Votive Lights + The Votive Lights of The Martyrs burn this week for all those ill, especially Elizabeth Korf Jose Alcantara Leslie Bohannon Barbara Elliott Susan Stockstill Glenn Phillips Joan Feehery Carl Davis Joanne Goulas Margaret Wilson Fr. Bruce Noble Howard Chapman Bettie Jones Gene Zimmerman Elissa Cullever James O’Donnel Mary Worth Catherine Pixton + The Votive Light of Our Lady burns this week for Becky Palermo + The Votive Light of St. Gabriel Happy Birthday! May 14 – Juliana Craven, Maria Mylius, Anthony Petry May 16 – Guadalupe Salazar, Elizabeth Wallace May 17 – Carolyn Barnett, Matthew Breuninger, Ramon Tovar May 20 – Hannah Barbeau, Mollie Osborne, Frank Ramos, Enriqueta Villarreal Happy Anniversary! May 14, 1975 – Robert & Carol Smith May 15, 1986 – Eugene & Deborah Wright May 15, 1993 – Mark & Katrina Chance May 16, 2015 - Matthew & Brittany Breuninger May 16, 2015 – Alfonso & Kalena Pedroza May 17, 1986 – Andy & Mariza Edling Protecting God's Children – Parent Meeting Next Sunday, May 22, 9:45 am The USCCB directs that all parishes provide education and training for children, youth, parents, ministers, educators, volunteers, and others about ways to make and maintain a safe environment for children and young people. The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter is committed to following all guidelines assigned by the USCCB regarding this important topic. To that end, Bishop Steven Lopes has designated May 22 as the Ordinariate's "Child Safety" meeting date. All families who have children involved in activities in the parish (including CCD and Holy House) are strongly encouraged to have a parent/ guardian at this meeting to receive educational materials for home instruction. It is important that we have records documenting that all families have received this information. If you are unable to attend, please let the office know in advance by emailing Mrs. Chalon Murray, Safe Environment Coordinator, at [email protected]. burns this week for the repose of the souls of James Fisher Mark Ferenz + The Votive Light of Family Life Ministries Family Resources o lw cath o lic.o rg/fam ily-life-ministry-1 Mary Halbleib, Director, [email protected], 713.447.7141 St. Joseph Join us!, share your talents, gifts and ideas. Help us welcome all to the parish. burns this week for FULLNESS OF TRUTH SUMMER FAMILY CONFERENCES Registrations Going Fast “The Gospel of Divine Mercy” – Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. Michael Barber, Dr. John Bergsma Houston June 24 & 25, Prince of Peace Parish “The Gods of Atheism” – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Sr. Miriam James SOLT, Adam Blair, Dr. Marcelino D’Ambrosio San Antonio Hilton Hill Top Resort Hotel Registrations open April 4 for those registered for the Conferences - going fast! www.fullnessof or 877.21.TRUTH Bob Boyett + The Votive Light of St. Jude burns this week for A Special Intention + Envelopes for the Votive Lights are on the Narthex Table ———————————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————————— “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.” ~ John 14:26 With materialism and relativism causing us to concentrate more on what we want than what God wants for us, and saying that we should be tolerant of all things since there is no absolute truth, pray to the Holy Spirit to give us the right words when challenged about our faith. Save the Date! Vacation Bible School July 25-29 On May 22 + Registration opens + Parent Meeting 9:45 am - Chancery Hall Raymond Arroyo, at Walsingham, Sunday June 12, 9:45a.m. – 10:45 am A preview for Father’s Day! Presentation and Book Signing! Host of EWTN Television, The World Over, author of books on Mother Angelica including: Mother Angelica: The Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve and a Network of Miracles ( Even now, I still meet with Mother in memory and in spirit. And though I miss her physical presence, the writing of this work has allowed me to once again spend long hours with her and share her essence with others. This final book in the canon captures the last bittersweet years of a faithful woman who, in her grand silence and through her pain, touched more lives and did more good than anyone imagined. It also gives us an opportunity to have one last visit with the sister we called ‘Mother.’” – Raymond Arroyo) ———————————————————————————————————————————— Congratulations to Our Holy House Graduates! John Karl Barth Adrienne Marie Chance Harmony Bernadette Catherine Dybala Adam Lucas Harkey Holy House Graduation Mass Saturday, May 21, 9:00 am Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham Congratulations to Our Confirmands! Vigil of Pentecost Christine Boyett Barr, Kailey Rae DeLuca, Christopher Louis Harper, Julia Valentino Jimenez, Michelle Knobelock Torrey, Anne Hood Kennedy Kruse, Stephanie Ann Sawyer, Lillianne Claire Usher Day of Pentecost Myah Jeanne Abraham, Mary Clare Bailey, Hannah Rose Barbeau, Isaac Joseph Barbeau, Juan Pablo Brand, Emma Caroline Bridwell, Michael Anthony Brummé, Lucy Michelle Campbell, Dan Conrad Francis Dale, Hannah Rose Maniscalo, Michaella Anne Maniscalo, Daniela Brisehida Martens, Felicity Anne Mercer, Alissa Marie Nellis, Bethany Grace Neunuebel, Chaeli Joanna Quitzau, Jose Francisco Ramirez, Teresa Gabrielle Ramirez, Luke Alexander Schmidt, Caoilainn Marie Therese Sullivan, Grady Magdalene Athanasius Sullivan, Reagan Clare Sullivan, Thomas Augustine Wilkins, Audrey Celeste Young The Holy House Program of Our Lady of Walsingham The Holy House Program is a home-school enrichment program here at Our Lady of Walsingham that offers courses from Pre-K through 12th grade. It takes place here 26 Wednesdays of the year, from September through May, with a typical day running from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Holy House offers 66 courses that are challenging and grounded in a balance of faith and reason. Studies are led to emphasize the intellectual, historical, and spiritual gifts of our faith, with the goal of discovering the influence of Catholicism in every aspect of culture. This is done through courses in art, music, Greek, Latin, science, math, literature, history, nature, philosophy, and reflection on how that knowledge, based on our understanding of mankind’s relationship to God, can renew the culture. It involves 51 families, 125 students, 39 teachers. Classes are held in the nave, cry room, St. Jude Hall, Boyd cottage, Newman Hall, and the Great Hall in the Chancery. In the upcoming term, we are looking at the possibility of offering a full mathematics curriculum, and a few classes on Monday as well as the full day on Wednesday. The Banns of Marriage are published between Adriane Elizabeth Schiano and Ashish Singh, both of St. John Vianney parish. If any of you know just cause why they may not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, you are bidden to declare it. This is the third and final time of asking. Save the Donation! for the Knights of Columbus Blood Drive Sunday, June 5, 2016 9:00 am - 1:30 pm St. Jude Hall The Banns of Marriage are published between Gabrielle Jeanne Lastrapes and Vincent Edward Roach Jr., both of this parish. If any of you know just cause why they may not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, you are bidden to declare it. This is the second time of asking. Magnificats On behalf of the Prison Ministry of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, OLW parishioner Marilyn Spradling wishes to thank you for your donations of your discarded Magnificats for the prisoners Reading Basket. However, due to security concerns, the Sheriff has determined that only publications shipped directly from approved publishers can be allowed into the prison/jail system. “I am grateful to you for having had this literature basket for us and the prisoners. It worked well through the years - thank you & God bless you.” Marilyn Spradling, Secretary, Correctional Ministries -Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Shrine Pavers Become a part of history here at Our Lady of Walsingham by purchasing a paver with your name, your family, or as a memorial to someone special in your life. Pick up a form at the parish office, fill it in, and send it and your donation of $150 to the parish office. PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL THOSE WHO ARE IN TROUBLE, SORROW, NEED, SICKNESS, OR ANY OTHER ADVERSITY especially, Tony Jones, Tony Gonzales, Carol, Maggie Gallant, Elizabeth Korf, Patrick Frolick, Glenn Phillips, Jose Alcantara, Margaret Ryan, Leslie Bohannon, Joan Feehery, Barbara Elliott, Laura Donaho, Michael Wolf, Susan Stockstill, Lydia Adams, Linda Eidman, Kathryn, Catherine Pixton, Matthew Curtin, Abraham Rios, Tristan, Fr. Bruce, Clifton, Margaret Wilson, Joe & Betty Maggio, Howard Chapman, Katie Garcia, and those on the Prayer List in the Martyrs Chapel. AND FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED especially, Martha Jones, John Francis Nellis, Keith Riedl, Loraine Hoonhout, Thomas Fontenot, Octaviano Morales, Ed Lawrence, Christine Williams, Willie Furhmann, Brian Unger, Jerica Elaine Harris, Roy Smith, Chuck Norman, Patsy Ann Welty, and those on the Prayer List in the Martyrs Chapel.
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November 15, 2015 - Our Lady of Walsingham
7809 Shadyvilla Lane + Houston Texas 77055
713-683-9407 + Fax: 713-683-1518 +
Parish Secretary: Catherine Heath [email protected]
Business Manager: Deacon Mark Stockstill
July 12, 2015 - Our Lady of Walsingham
7809 Shadyvilla Lane + Houston Texas 77055
713-683-9407 + Fax: 713-683-1518 +
Parish Secretary: Catherine Heath [email protected]
Business Manager: Mark Stockstill