Hydrodynamic and structural analysis
Hydrodynamic and structural analysis
Inspection Capabilities for Enhanced Ship Safety D3.3 (WP3): Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Responsible Partner: RINA Contributor(s): USG, LR, RINA, AES, DANAOS Dissemination Level PU Public PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services) CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services) x This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium. The INCASS project is funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n°605200 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Document information table Contract number: 605200 Project acronym: INCASS Project Coordinator: University of Strathclyde Glasgow (USG) Document Responsible Partner: RINA Services SPA Deliverable Type: Report Document Title : Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Document ID: D3.3 Contractual Date of Delivery: 31/07/2014 Filename: D3.3 Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Status: Final version RINA Version: 3 Actual Date of Delivery: 31/07/2014 Authoring & Approval Prepared by Modified Author Date Adnan Kefal 05/06/2014 Adnan Kefal 18/07/2014 All V1 Erkan Oterkus 28/07/2014 All V2 Adnan Kefal 29/07/2014 21,25,28 V3 Minor comments Page/Sections Version V0 Comments Creation of the document Description of the software Executive summary Approved by Name Role Partner Date Document Manager Erkan Oterkus WP3 Leader USG 31/07/2014 Document Approval Iraklis Lazakis Project Coordinator USG 31/07/2014 This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 2 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Executive Summary Current INCASS structural mechanics platform is based on previously EU funded RISPECT methodology. RISPECT approach used two different commercial software for performing structural and hydrodynamics analyses. These are MAESTRO software for structural analysis calculations and FD-Wave Load software for hydrodynamic analysis. Although commerial software is generally powerful and beneficial, it may not be practical to use them as part of a more general platform due to connectivity issues. Hence, as part Task 3.3 of the INCASS project, two in-house finite element and hydrodynamics analyses software, ADFEM and ADPAN, have been developed by using the object-oriented Java programming language. The Java language has several advantages. These are an object-oriented paradigm, multiplatform support, ease of development, reliability and stability, the ability to use legacy C or C++ code, good documentation, development-tool availability, etc. Moreover, Java programs are less susceptible to bugs and security flaws. The newly developed in-house panel method code, ADPAN, is a frequency-domain hydrodynamic software which can be used to predict the motions and wave loads of any vessel. The software first calculates the velocity potentials, source strengths, and flow velocities at the centroids of the hydrodynamic panels for requested speed, heading, and frequency. By using this data, the hydrodynamic motions and loads can be computed. The approach used to calculate the hydrodynamic forces is based on 3D potential theory with zero speed Green’s function. The newly developed in-house finite element code, ADFEM, contains a finite element library including truss, beam, plane, plate, shell and solid element types. By using the developed tool, it is also possible to combine beam and shell elements or truss and plane elements (for simple cases) to build the finite element model of a ship. This feature will result in significant computational efficiency. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 3 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Both the hydrodynamics tool and finite element analysis tool are validated extensively by considering various problem cases. The numerical solutions obtained from in-house software are compared against analytical solutions and the results generated by using other available software including ANSYS, AQWA and PRECAL. Utilization of ADPAN and ADFEM as an integrated tool allows solution of hydroelastic ship model in order to obtain both displacements and relevant stress distribution of the hull structure. Then, these properties will be calibrated within INCASS platform in order to calculate future conditions of the hull structure and predict the right inspection intervals. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 4 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 12 2 PANEL METHOD CODE ................................................................................... 14 2.1 SHIP MOTIONS ........................................................................................... 15 2.2 PANEL METHOD ........................................................................................ 20 2.3 ADPAN SOFTWARE .................................................................................. 25 2.4 APPLICATIONS AND VALIDATION OF ADPAN ............................................. 26 2.4.1 Radiation Problem of a Floating Hemisphere............................................... 27 2.4.2 Diffraction Problem of a Submerged Spheroid ............................................ 30 2.4.3 Rigid Body Motions of a Long Barge .......................................................... 32 2.4.4 Hydrodynamic Analysis of WIGLEY III ..................................................... 34 2.4.5 Hydrodynamics of S175 Type Container Ship ............................................. 39 3 FINITE ELEMENT CODE .................................................................................. 46 3.1 FINITE ELEMENT METHOD ......................................................................... 46 3.2 ELEMENT TYPES ........................................................................................ 48 3.2.1 Truss Element ............................................................................................. 48 3.2.2 Beam Element ............................................................................................. 49 3.2.3 Plane Element ............................................................................................. 49 3.2.4 Shell Element .............................................................................................. 50 3.2.5 Solid Element .............................................................................................. 52 3.3 ADFEM SOFTWARE .................................................................................. 53 This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 5 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 3.4 APPLICATIONS AND VALIDATION OF ADFEM ............................................ 56 3.4.1 Truss Problem ............................................................................................. 56 3.4.2 Beam Problem ............................................................................................. 58 3.4.3 Frame Structure Problem ............................................................................. 60 3.4.4 Plane4 Problem ........................................................................................... 64 3.4.5 Plane8 Problem ........................................................................................... 67 3.4.6 Shell3 Element ............................................................................................ 69 3.4.7 Shell4 Element ............................................................................................ 73 3.4.8 Shell8 Element ............................................................................................ 78 3.5 GLOBAL FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSES OF SHIP AND COUPLING OF FINITE ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................ 83 4 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................... 91 5 REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 92 This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 6 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis List of Figures Figure 1 Hemisphere Mesh ...................................................................................... 28 Figure 2 Hemisphere added mass for (a) surge and (b) heave motion ....................... 29 Figure 3 Hemisphere damping for (a) surge and (b) heave motion ........................... 30 Figure 4 Spheroid geometry and orientation in space ............................................... 31 Figure 5 Spheroid mesh ........................................................................................... 31 Figure 6 (a) Real and (b) imaginary component of excitation force .......................... 32 Figure 7 Barge mesh representation ......................................................................... 32 Figure 8 Barge motion amplitudes ........................................................................... 33 Figure 9 Barge motion phase angles ........................................................................ 34 Figure 10 WIGLEY III sectional view ....................................................................... 35 Figure 11 WIGLEY III mesh ..................................................................................... 35 Figure 12 WIGLEY III pitch added mass .................................................................. 37 Figure 13 WIGLEY III pitch damping ....................................................................... 37 Figure 14 WIGLEY III motion amplitudes ................................................................ 38 Figure 15 WIGLEY III motion phase angles ............................................................. 38 Figure 16 WIGLEY III oscillatory pressure distribution (Unit: Pa) ............................ 39 Figure 17 S175 container ship profile view ............................................................... 40 Figure 18 S175 container ship waterlines .................................................................. 41 Figure 19 S175 container ship body plan ................................................................... 41 Figure 20 S175 container ship isometric mesh view .................................................. 42 Figure 21 S175 container ship added mass ................................................................ 42 Figure 22 S175 container ship damping ..................................................................... 43 Figure 23 S175 container ship motion amplitudes ..................................................... 43 Figure 24 S175 container ship motion phase angles ................................................... 44 Figure 25 S175 container ship pressure distribution ................................................... 44 Figure 26 Space truss isometric view......................................................................... 57 Figure 27 Beam mesh and cross section .................................................................... 58 This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 7 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Figure 28 (a) Translational and (b) rotational displacement results of the beam problem 59 Figure 29 Key point locations and application of boundary conditions on frame structure .............................................................................................................. 60 Figure 30 Frame structure translational displacements along (a) x- and (b) y- directions of all nodes .......................................................................................................... 62 Figure 31 Frame structure (a) translational-z and (b) rotational-x displacements of all nodes 62 Figure 32 Frame structure (a) rotational-y and (b) rotational-z displacements of all nodes 63 Figure 33 Frame structure total translational displacement contour plot; .................... 63 Figure 34 Frame structure total rotational displacement contour plot; ........................ 64 Figure 35 A square plate mesh and boundary condition representation ...................... 64 Figure 36 Translational displacements along (a) x- and (b) y-directions of all nodes for the Plane4 problem .............................................................................................. 65 Figure 37 Contour plot of translational displacement along x-direction for the Plane4 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS................................................................. 66 Figure 38 Contour plot of translational displacement along y-direction for the Plane4 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS................................................................. 66 Figure 39 A rectangular plate and its applied boundary conditions ............................ 67 Figure 40 Translational displacements along (a) x- and (b) y-directions of all nodes for the Plane8 problem .............................................................................................. 68 Figure 41 Contour plot of translational displacement along x-direction for the Plane8 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS................................................................. 68 Figure 42 Contour plot of translational displacement along y-direction for the Plane8 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS................................................................. 69 Figure 43 A clamped edge square plate and its discretization .................................... 70 Figure 44 Translational displacements along z-direction of all nodes for the Shell3 problem ............................................................................................................... 70 Figure 45 Rotational displacements along (a) x- and (b) y-directions of all nodes for the Shell3 problem .............................................................................................. 71 This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 8 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Figure 46 Contour plot of translational displacement along z-direction for the Shell3 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS................................................................. 71 Figure 47 Contour plot of rotational displacement along x-direction for the Shell3 problem; .............................................................................................................. 72 Figure 48 Contour plot of rotational displacement along y-direction for Shell3 problem; .............................................................................................................. 72 Figure 49 T beam mesh and its boundary conditions ................................................. 73 Figure 50 Translational displacements along (a) x- and (b) y-directions of all nodes for the Shell4 problem .............................................................................................. 74 Figure 51 (a) Translational-z and (b) rotational-x displacements of all nodes for the Shell4 problem .................................................................................................... 74 Figure 52 Rotational displacements along (a) y- and (b) z-directions of all nodes for the Shell4 problem .............................................................................................. 75 Figure 53 Contour plot of translational displacement along x direction for the Shell4 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS................................................................. 75 Figure 54 Contour plot of translational displacement along y direction for the Shell4 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS................................................................. 76 Figure 55 Contour plot of translational displacement along z-direction for the Shell4 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS................................................................. 77 Figure 56 Contour plot of rotational displacement along x-direction for the Shell4 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS................................................................. 77 Figure 57 Contour plot of rotational displacement along y-direction for the Shell4 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS................................................................. 78 Figure 58 Contour plot of rotational displacement along z-direction for the Shell4 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS................................................................. 78 Figure 59 A clamped square plate modelled with Shell8 ............................................ 79 Figure 60 Translational displacements along z-direction of all nodes for the Shell8 problem ............................................................................................................... 79 Figure 61 Rotational displacements along (a) x- and (b) y-directions of all nodes for the Shell8 problem .............................................................................................. 80 This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 9 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Figure 62 Contour plot of translational displacement along z-direction for the Shell8 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS................................................................. 81 Figure 63 Contour plot of rotational displacement along x-direction for the Shell8 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS................................................................. 82 Figure 64 Contour plot of rotational displacement along y-direction for the Shell8 problem; .............................................................................................................. 82 Figure 65 Stiffened plate model................................................................................. 84 Figure 66 Stiffened plate boundary conditions ........................................................... 85 Figure 67 Translational displacements along (a) x- and (b) y-directions of all nodes for the stiffened plate ................................................................................................ 86 Figure 68 (a) Translational-z and (b) rotational-x displacements of all nodes for the stiffened plate ...................................................................................................... 86 Figure 69 Rotational displacements along y- and z- directions of all nodes for the stiffened plate ...................................................................................................... 87 Figure 70 Contour plot of translational displacement along x-direction for the stiffened plate; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS ...................................................................... 87 Figure 71 Contour plot of translational displacement along y-direction for the stiffened plate; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS ...................................................................... 88 Figure 72 Contour plot of translational displacement along z-direction for the stiffened plate; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS ...................................................................... 88 Figure 73 Contour plot of rotational displacement along x-direction for the stiffened plate; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS ...................................................................... 89 Figure 74 Contour plot of rotational displacement along y-direction for the stiffened plate; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS ...................................................................... 90 Figure 75 Contour plot of rotational displacement along z-direction for stiffened plate; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS ............................................................................... 90 This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 10 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis List of Tables Table 1 WIGLEY III hull properties ...................................................................... 36 Table 2 S175 container ship properties ................................................................... 40 Table 3 Finite element library of ADFEM .............................................................. 55 Table 4 Displacement results of space truss problem .............................................. 57 Table 5 Strain and stress results of space truss problem .......................................... 58 Table 6 Key points of frame structure .................................................................... 61 This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 11 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 1 INTRODUCTION RISPECT uses pre-calculated hydrodynamic and structural analyses of the intact ship. These are not adequate for the rapid emergency decision response required for a damaged ship structure. A new efficient hydrodynamic and structural analysis system needs to be merged to existing RISPECT system. This process is done within INCASS Task 3.3 by replacing the two commercially available computational tools used within the RISPECT system (MAESTRO software for structural analysis calculations and FD-Wave Load software for hydrodynamic analysis), with in-house finite element and panel-method codes. An in-house finite element code, called ADFEM, together with a panel-method code, called ADPAN, are implemented by using Java computer programming language based on objectoriented methodology. The Java language is selected for its numerous advantages: an objectoriented paradigm, multiplatform support, ease of development, reliability and stability, the ability to use legacy C or C++ code, good documentation, development-tool availability, etc. The Java runtime environment always checks subscript legitimacy to ensure that each subscript is equal to or greater than zero and less than the number of elements in the array. Even this simple feature is very important for developers. As a result, Java programs are less susceptible to bugs and security flaws. The panel method code, ADPAN, provides the user with an integrated frequency-domain computational tool to predict the motions and wave loads of any vessel. To compute these hydrodynamic motions and loads, ADPAN first calculates the velocity potentials, source strengths, and flow velocities at the centroids of the hydrodynamic panels for each speed, heading, and frequency requested. The computation of these hydrodynamic forces is based on 3D potential theory using the zero speed Green’s function. The finite element code, ADFEM, offers the user a finite element library that includes formulation of truss, beam, plane, plate, shell and solid element types. Combination of beam and shell elements or truss and plane elements (for simple cases) can be used to build the This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 12 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis finite element model of a ship. By applying the required boundary conditions, the solution of hydro-elastic ship model can be performed in finite element code in order to obtain both displacements and relevant stress distribution of the hull structure. Then, these properties will be calibrated in INCASS software in order to calculate future conditions of the hull structure and predict the right inspection intervals. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 13 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 2 PANEL METHOD CODE The design of marine structures such as ships, offshore and coastal structures is intensively affected by wave-body dynamics; therefore hydrodynamic analysis of rigid bodies that are freely oscillating under the free water surface turns out to be extremely important for today’s naval architects and marine engineers. The fundamental principle of setting up a complete linear hydrodynamic analysis can be described by stating two different types of hydrodynamic problems. First kind of these problems is the interaction of regular surface waves with a rigid body which is called “diffraction problem.” Second kind of these problems is the fluid motion resulting from the forced harmonic oscillation of the body in still water which is called “radiation problem.” Although these problems physically seem very distinctive, they are mathematically very similar. In fact, they can be treated simultaneously by a solution procedure or computer program. Essentially, all formulated boundary value problems are of combined type and therefore, the radiation-diffraction problem can be solved by the same theoretical numerical schemes. It is not easy to apply pure numerical approaches like finite differences methods, finite element method etc. to solve radiation-diffraction problem since the boundary regions of the wave-body domain needs to be modelled. However, the boundary element method, which is often called as panel method, could be more suitable for the solution of integral equations presented in below in terms of flexibility, efficiency and computational time. The presented formulations deal with three dimensional bodies of arbitrary shape being freely oscillating in water of infinite depth. It is assumed that the body moves at zero forward speed and is excited by regular surface waves. The problem is formulated as boundary value problem of potential theory with mixed boundary conditions such as free water surface region condition. The numerical solution procedure involves a discretization of the body surface by plane triangular or quadrilateral elements as they better fit the given body surface. An efficient calculation of the relevant influence matrices and the solution of a set of linear algebraic equations are described by standard algorithms. Sample problems are solved and the results of these This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 14 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis problems are compared with those of other investigators, commercial software and analytical results. 2.1 Ship Motions The hydrodynamic forces acting on a ship in waves are solved using potential flow theory. The present approach is similar to that is used by many other investigators including Beck and Loken (1989), and Papanikolaou and Schellin (1992). In order to be able to compute all responses of any vessel to regular waves, it is necessary to deal with six degrees of freedom motion considering important couplings among them. It is desirable first to define an axis system in order to calculate motions of ship at zero forward speed. The equation of motion is solved with respect to the ship centre of gravity, although the defined coordinate system has its origin in the still water plane aligned vertically with the ship centre of gravity. Global coordinate system is fixed with respect to the earth having the origin at any desired point. However it is better to choose the mid-ship as an origin of the system because one can easily utilize the symmetry plane (x-z plane) of the ship. Moreover, x-y plane is coincident with calm water level and z direction is positive upwards. Deep water conditions are assumed for a ship moving with constant forward speed, U 0 , at any angle, , to regular sinusoidal waves of small amplitude. The frequency of the oscillation will be shifted to the frequency of the wave encounter as stated in Equation (1) with k0 2 / , where k0 is the wave number and is the wave length. e 0 k0 U0 cos (1) Ship’s frequency of encounter is higher than the absolute frequency for waves coming from ahead where direction of wave is 180deg . In stern seas ( 0deg ) the frequency of the encounter is lower and may be equal to zero when the ship speed is equal to the phase velocity of the waves. When direction of the wave propagation is 90deg , it is defined as beam sea condition and waves come from starboard side of the ship. In case of ship has zero forward speed, the frequency of the wave encounter equals to the regular waves of the frequency. The ship is assumed to oscillate as a rigid body in six degree of freedom and the This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 15 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis resulting oscillatory motions of the ship are assumed to be linear and harmonic. The harmonic and complex responses of the vessel is j (t ) where j 1, 2,3, 4,5, 6 refer to surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch and yaw, respectively. These responses will be proportional to the amplitude of the exciting forces and at the same frequency but with a phase shift. Consequently, the ship motions will have the form given in Equation (2). j (t) j cos(et j ) Re j ei t e (2) The general formula of the basic linearized equations (Euler’s equation of motion) in six degrees of freedom is given in Equations (3) to (5). jk are the components of the generalized inertia matrix including all possible couplings for the ship in which z c and xc are the vertical and longitudinal centre of gravity, and I represents the mass and moment of inertia terms. k (t ) are the accelerations in mode k and Fj (t ) represents the total forces or moments acting on the body in direction j . 6 k 1 k (t ) Fj (t ) , j 1, 2...6 (3) j (t) e2 j ei t (4) jk e 0 0 jk 0 zc 0 0 0 zc 0 xc 0 0 0 xc 0 0 zc 0 I 44 0 I 46 zc 0 xc 0 I 55 0 0 xc 0 I 46 0 I 66 (5) The total forces and moments for each direction of motion can be written in terms of gravitational ( F jG ) and fluid force ( FjH ) acting on the ship. The hydrostatic ( FjHS ) and hydrodynamic ( FjHD ) forces acting on the ship are obtained by integrating the fluid pressure over the underwater portion of the hull. Therefore, the actual components of the fluid force are hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces. The gravitational forces are simply due to the weight of the vessel applied to the centre of gravity. Since the mean gravitational force cancel This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 16 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis the mean buoyant forces, they are usually combined with the hydrostatic part of the fluid force to calculate the extended hydrostatic force ( FjEH ). As a result, Equations (6) to (9) can be written in order to define the relationship between the described forces. Fj FjG FjH (6) FjH FjHS FjHD (7) FjEH FjG FjHS (8) Fj FjEH FjHD (9) To determine the hydrostatic forces, we must integrate the static pressure over the underwater hull surface. The details of the integral evaluation can be found in Newman (1977). Although this integration seems straightforward, it is a tedious process. Therefore, it is much easier to directly define the extended hydrostatic force for each direction. The Equations (11) to (15) can be used to calculate the extended hydrostatic force where is density, g is gravity, B( x) is the full breadth of the water-plane at x, is the total mass of the ship, GM T is the transverse metacentric height, GM L is the longitudinal metacentric height, LCF is the longitudinal centre of flotation. FjEH C jkk eiet 0 0 0 C jk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C33 0 C35 0 0 C44 0 0 C35 0 C55 0 0 0 0 (10) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (11) C33 g B( x)dx (12) L C35 g xB( x)dx (13) L This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 17 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis C44 g GM T C55 g GM L g LCF (14) 2 B( x)dx (15) L The hydrodynamic pressure at a point in the fluid can be written by Bernoulli’s equation for unsteady flow where is time-dependent velocity potential. Assuming the zero forward speed condition and neglecting second and higher order term derivations of time-dependent velocity potential, the oscillatory pressure acting on the ship hull is given in Equation (16). The hydrodynamic force can then be evaluated by integration of defined oscillatory pressure as stated in Equation (17). The components of the generalized unit normal for each motion mode are expressed by Equations (18) and (19) in which nx , ny , nz are the directional cosines for the unit normal pointing outward from the hull and z g is the height of the ship centre of gravity above the waterline. P FjHD S t (16) n j ds t (17) n1 nx , n2 ny , n3 nz (18) n4 ynz ( z zg )ny , n5 ( z zg )nx xnz , n6 xny ynx (19) To accomplish calculating the hydrodynamic force acting on the ship hull, the total timedependent velocity potential for fluid flow needs to be calculated. The time-dependent total velocity potential can be subdivided into a simple summation of the steady and unsteady components. The steady part results from the steady forward speed of the vessel. Hence, it is the combination of the free stream velocity and the steady perturbation potential of the ship hull. The unsteady part of the time-dependent total velocity potential can be subdivided into incident wave, the diffracted wave, and the radiation potentials due to the motion in each degree of freedom. Note that incident wave, diffracted wave, and radiated wave potentials are all independent of time and depend only on space variables, when the solution of these potentials are done in frequency domain. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 18 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis The steady part of the velocity potential is omitted for hydrodynamic force calculation since it has been assumed that ship is travelling at zero forward speed. Therefore, the hydrodynamic force can be now described in terms of time-independent unsteady velocity potential components as represented in Equations (20) to (23). FjHD FjI FjD FjR (20) FjI ieI n j ds eiet S (21) FjD ieD n j ds eiet S (22) 6 6 FjR iek n j ds k eiet (e 2 Ajk ie B jk )k eiet k 1 k 1 S (23) Symbols of I , D , k denotes incident, diffracted, and radiated (for each motion mode k) wave potentials whereas F jI , FjD , F jR symbolizes the incident, diffracted and radiated wave forces, respectively. Radiated wave force can be written in terms of added mass ( A jk ) and damping ( B jk ) coefficients. Added mass and damping coefficients can be mathematically expressed as given in Equations (24) and (25), respectively. Im(k )n j ds e S (24) B jk Re(k )n j ds (25) Ajk S The incident wave force and diffracted wave force are the forces that excite the motion of the vessel. Therefore, these forces are generally summed and called exciting forces ( FjEX ). The expressions for all different forces can now be substituted back into equation (3) in order to obtain a compact form of oscillatory rigid body motion equation as formulated in equation (28) where jk is the mass matrix, A jk is added mass matrix, B jk is the damping matrix, This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 19 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis C jk is the hydrostatic restoring force coefficient matrix, k is the unknown (complex) vessel’s amplitudes, and FjEX is the total exciting force, for subscripts of j, k 1, 2,3, 4,5,6 . FjEX FjI FjD (26) e2 jkk eiet Fj FjEH FjEX FjR (27) 2 e 2.2 jk Ajk ie B jk C jk k FjEX (28) Panel Method The equation of the oscillatory motion can only be solved if radiation and diffraction velocity potentials are known. Therefore, these potentials need to be determined by solving a wellknown radiation and diffraction problem of a body with zero translational velocity performing small steady oscillations in the presence of a free surface. The mathematical formulation is explicitly given by Wehausen and Laitone (1960) and results will simply be stated in this report with no attempt to derive the formulation. The fluid field in the half-space z < 0 is assumed to be homogeneous, inviscid, and incompressible and the fluid motion is irrotational. Thus the velocity is equal to the negative gradient of a scalar potential function, ( x, y, z, t ) , which is a function of time t as well as the position formulated by Wehausen and Laitone (1960) as given in Equations (29) to (32). In these equations, r is distance between source and field points in three dimensional space, f is the wave number for zero forward speed assumption, J 0 is the first kind Bessel’s function, and R is the horizontal distance between source and field point. R ( x a)2 ( y b)2 (29) r R 2 ( z c) 2 (30) This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 20 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis e2 02 f k0 g g (31) 1 k f k (z c ) ( x, y, z, t ) PV e J 0 (kR)dk cos et 2 fe f ( z c ) J 0 ( fR)sin et k f 0 r (32) It is assumed that the fluid motion is harmonic with a single frequency e . Thus the time- dependent potentials ( x, y, z, t ) can be written as in equation (33) where the potential (x, y, z) is independent of time and corresponds to the steady potential. It should be noted that the potential that must be calculated for radiation, diffraction and incident waves. The steady potential satisfies the boundary conditions described by equations from (34) to (38) for z < 0: ( x, y, z, t ) Re{ (x, y, z) eiet } (33) 2 0 (34) ( x, y,0) 0 ie U 0 ( x, y,0) g x z (35) lim 0 (36) d 2 lim R i 0 R dR g (37) 2 z n f ( S ) on S n (38) The physical significance of the above equations is as follows. Equation (34) is the partial differential equation for and expresses the conditions of incompressibility and irrotationality. Equations (35), (36) and (37) are the auxiliary conditions on . Equation (35) is the linearized free-surface condition, which requires that the pressure on the free-surface be constant. Equation (36) expresses the vanishing of the disturbance at infinite depth, and Equation (37) is the radiation condition that requires the disturbance to be an outgoing wave at infinite horizontal distance. Equation (38) is the boundary condition on S. It expresses the This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 21 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis fact that the normal fluid velocity on S must be specified as a function f(S) of position on the surface. Often the fluid normal velocity is specified as equal to the normal velocity of the surface S. However, in the case of a known incident wave, denotes the disturbance potential due to the body, and the boundary condition expresses the fact that the normal velocity of the disturbance must cancel that of the incident wave on the body surface. The method of solving the mathematical problem defined by equations (33) to (38), is based on elementary solution or point source solution. The point source potential is defined as the one that simultaneously satisfies the auxiliary conditions and the homogeneous partial differential equation throughout space except at one point, where it is singular. The location of the field point where the point source potential is singular is the location of the point source. Expressions for the point source potential are given by Noblesse (1982) and Newman (1985). A source distribution method (panel method or boundary element method) is used to solve the radiation and diffraction potentials. The radiated or diffracted velocity potential at a location in the fluid domain is expressed as follows: x, y, z 1 G( x, y, z; a, b,c) (a, b,c) dS 4 S (39) where a, b, c is the source location on the surface of the ship, and (a, b, c) is the strength of the source at a, b, c . G( x, y, z; a, b, c) is the Green function, as given in Equation (40), describing the flow at x, y, z caused by a source of unit strength at a, b, c , 1 k f k (z c ) G x, y, z; a, b, c PV e J 0 (kR)dk i 2 fe f ( z c ) J 0 ( fR) r k f 0 (40) The Green function satisfies the continuity condition and all boundary conditions with the exception of the normal velocity boundary condition on the hull surface given in equation (41), where vn ( x, y, z ) is the flow normal velocity on the hull surface. The source strengths are solved such that the equation (42) is satisfied and the hull boundary condition for radiation potential is given by equation (43) while the hull boundary condition for the wave diffraction problem is stated by equation (44). This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 22 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis x, y, z vn ( x, y, z ) n (41) 1 1 G( x, y, z; a, b,c) (a, b,c) (a, b,c) dS v n ( x, y, z) 2 4 S n (42) k x, y, z ie nk n (43) D x, y, z x, y, z I n n (44) Solution of the three-dimensional radiation and diffraction potentials for zero forward speed is discussed in detail by Hogben and Standing (1974), Faltinsen and Michelsen (1974), and Garrison (1978). The ship hull should be discretized into flat panels, and the source strength is taken as being constant over each panel. The normal velocity boundary condition should be satisfied at the centroid of each panel. Panel source strengths for each radiation mode and for wave diffraction needs to be solved by evaluation of the Green function and its derivatives over each panel. Once the source strengths are solved, the potentials on the hull surface can be calculated. When solving the radiation and diffraction potentials, evaluation of the Green function is the most time consuming computational task. Telste and Noblesse (1986) and Newman (1985) have developed efficient methods that are commonly used for evaluating the Green function. Using an opposite sign convention with respect to the one provided by Telste and Noblesse (1986), the composition of their Green function with Newman (1985) formulation of the Green function can be written as Equation (45) to (47). 1 1 G x, y, z; a, b, c 2 fR0 (h, v) i 2 fev J 0 (h) r r1 (45) 2 2 h fR , v f ( z c) , r1 R ( z c) (46) R0 (h, v) 2 v ev E0 (h) Y0 (h) 0 et v dt (47) h2 t 2 where r1 is the distance between the image of source point with respect to the free surface and field point, h is non-dimensional horizontal distance between source and field points, v This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 23 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis is the non-dimensional vertical distance between source and field points, R0 (h, v) is the frequency dependent term that can be expressed by using Weber function, E0 (h) and second kind Bessel’s function, Y0 (h) . The derivatives of the Green function can then be evaluated as represented in Equations (48) to (52). G( x, y, z; a, b, c) G G G G nx ny nz n x y z (48) G ( x a) ( x a) ( x a) ( x a) v 2f 2 R1 (h, v) i 2 f 2 e J1 (h) 3 3 x r r1 R R (49) G (y b) (y b) (y b) (y b) v 3 3 2f 2 R1 (h, v) i 2 f 2 e J1 (h) y r r1 R R (50) G (z c) (z c) 1 3 3 2 f 2 f 2 R0 (h, v) i 2 f 2 ev J 0 (h) z r r1 r1 (51) R1 (h, v) 2 v ev E1 (h) Y1 (h) h 0 et v dt h 2 t (52) 3 2 2 where J1 (h) is the second order of first kind Bessel’s function, R1 (h, v) is the derivative of frequency dependent term with respect to non-dimensional horizontal distance that can be expressed by using second order of Weber function, E1 (h) and second order of second kind Bessel’s function, Y1 (h) . Garrison (1978) gives a detailed discussion on evaluation of influence matrix terms to determine velocity potentials using panel sources. If a field point is in close proximity to a source panel, then the variation of the Green function term 1/r over the source panel must be considered. The variation of the term 1/r1 over the image source panel can also be significant if the field point is close to the image source; however, this situation is less common. Fortunately, the frequency dependent term of Green function can usually be considered constant with location over the source panel. Garrison gives a comprehensive overview on the application of panel methods to offshore structures in waves and provides useful guidelines This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 24 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis for panelling of a body for computation of wave induced forces. For instance, there should be sufficient number of panels to adequately model the geometry of the body. Adjacent panels should have similar size, so that the source potential from a larger panel does not improperly influence the adjacent smaller panels. Panel geometries should not be too elongated, with the upper limit on the aspect ratio being approximately 5. In practice, the geometry of a ship hull can often be adequately described with 200 panels on each side of the hull. The mesh size should be based on the properties for the highest encounter frequency. Normally, the length of the panels should be chosen such that one obtains about 5 panels per wave length for the highest encounter frequency. Hess and Smith (1964) is one of the earliest and most influential works on the application of panel methods, since they describe the evaluation of panel normals and centroids. For a triangular panel, the normal components are evaluated by taking the cross product of two of its edges and then applying a normalization factor. The centroid coordinates are merely the average of the coordinates of vertices. For a quadrilateral panel, the normal components are evaluated by taking the cross product of the two diagonals, thus yielding the rotational orientation of the panel plane. The location of the panel plane is fixed by specifying that it passes through the mean of the four vertex coordinates. Vertex coordinates are then adjusted to lie on the computed panel plane. 2.3 ADPAN Software Based on the zero forward speed assumption and potential flow theory, a panel method software, called ADPAN, has been generated in order to solve the hydrodynamic forces acting on a ship in waves. The discretised body is one of the most important inputs for the software. This discretization should be done by using either flat quadrilateral panels or flat triangular panels. Once the nodes and corresponding panels are generated and written to an input file, ADPAN reads these nodes and panels in order to calculate the panel properties. Then, the radiation and diffraction source strengths of each panel are determined by using the panel properties. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 25 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis ADPAN has been implemented by using JAVA language based on object-oriented programming methodology. Five different Java packages are built and twenty six different classes have been implemented in these Java packages. An external package called Jama has been used to solve the linear matrix equation systems. This package involves LU decomposition and it solves the linear equation system by using the LU decomposition method. The remaining packages are called adpan, model, util, influence and oscillatorymotion respectively. The “adpan” package controls the orientation of the other packages during the compilation and run processes. The “model” package is a general storage for the input file variables. The “util” package is an auxiliary package that mainly contains file reading and file writing classes. The most important packages are essentially “influence” and “oscillatorymotion”,since they are implemented to solve Green function and equation of oscillatory motion in six degree of freedom, respectively. In addition to the solution of equation of motion, “oscillatorymotion” package is used to calculate the hydrodynamic panel pressures for each panel. The equation of motion is solved with respect to the ship centre of gravity. However, the coordinate system in ADPAN has its origin in the still water plane aligned vertically with the ship centre of gravity because this selection makes the solution of the three-dimensional velocity potentials for a ship hull easier. It is assumed that the ship hull has lateral symmetry thus radiation potentials are evaluated only on the port side of the hull, while diffraction potentials are evaluated on both sides of the hull. 2.4 Applications and Validation of ADPAN To verify implementation of the three-dimensional panel method, sample computations have been performed for several different problems by using ADPAN. First of all, a radiation problem of a floating hemisphere is considered because it is very important to calculate correct added mass and damping coefficients. Secondly, a diffraction problem has been solved over a submerged spheroid in order to find out the corresponding real and imaginary part of the excitation force in surge direction. Both the floating hemisphere and submerged This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 26 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis spheroid problems can be solved analytically and the solutions are given by Hulme (1982) and Wu and Eatock Taylor (1987), respectively. In addition to the analytical results, the results generated by using AQWA, a commercial hydrodynamic software based on potential flow theory, are used for validation purposes. For both problems, the numerical results obtained by using ADPAN are in very good agreement with those found by using AQWA and the analytical results. Once the results are validated for typical radiation and diffraction problems, a simple long barge problem is solved in order to check the accuracy of the implemented equation of rigid body motion. An analytical solution is not so simple for this case, therefore an external tool, PRECAL developed by Lloyd’s Register, is used for comparison purposes. Moreover, the hydrodynamic problems of more complicated geometries such as WIGLEY III and S175 container ship are considered in both ADPAN and PRECAL in order to demonstrate the capability of ADPAN. The problem descriptions, results, and discussion of all these problems are given below. 2.4.1 Radiation Problem of a Floating Hemisphere The radiation problem of a hemisphere with radius r = 1 m floating at zero forward speed in head sea condition β = 180 degrees is considered to illustrate the capability of ADPAN in obtaining the convergent values of the added mass and damping coefficient. The wave height is H = 1 m and therefore the wave amplitude is a = 0.5 m. The vertical centre of the gravity of hemisphere is selected at free surface z c = 0 and the longitudinal centre of gravity is located at geometric centre of the hemisphere xc = 0. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 27 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Figure 1 Hemisphere Mesh Full model of hemisphere is discretised by flat quadrilateral panels as shown in Figure 1. The total number of panels is 768 for full model, however ADPAN uses just half of it for solution process. The radiation problem of floating hemisphere is solved for 28 different wave frequencies by using ADPAN and AQWA. The convergence of the computed added mass and damping results in surge and heave direction obtained from ADPAN, AQWA and the analytical results given by Hulme (1982) are shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively. The variation of the ADPAN results for surge added mass A11 are in good agreement with other solutions while ADPAN and other solutions of heave added mass A33 are almost identical for each frequency as presented in Figure 2. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 28 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 1.4 1.9 1.2 1.7 1 1.5 0.8 1.3 0.6 1.1 0.4 0.9 0.2 0.7 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 ADPAN - A11 ADPAN - A33 ANALYTICAL - A11 ANALYTICAL - A33 AQWA - A11 AQWA - A33 AQWA_LID - A11 AQWA_LID - A33 (a) Figure 2 10 (b) Hemisphere added mass for (a) surge and (b) heave motion The numerical results of surge damping B11 and heave damping B33 are plotted together with the other solutions as shown in Figure 3. It can be seen from these figures that ADPAN provides very good results when low frequency range is considered, however there are some slight differences in high frequency range. However, this doesn’t mean that results obtained from ADPAN are incorrect, since the results of AQWA and ADPAN are similar. This difference is related to the irregular frequency phenomenon due to the resonant frequencies at which a fictitious fluid motion inside the body breaks down. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 29 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 3.5 1.8 3 1.6 1.4 2.5 1.2 2 1 1.5 0.8 0.6 1 0.4 0.5 0.2 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 ADPAN - B11 ADPAN - B33 ANALYTICAL - B11 ANALYTICAL - B33 AQWA - B11 AQWA - B33 AQWA_LID - B11 AQWA _LID - B33 (a) Figure 3 10 (b) Hemisphere damping for (a) surge and (b) heave motion The definite improvement in reducing the irregular frequency behaviour is noticeable, if lid panels are added to the discretised domain. As it can be seen from Figure 3 that when the problem is solved by adding lid panels as in AQWA, the results are very promising in comparison to the analytical results. This observation is similar to the one obtained from a different type of the B-spline panel method proposed by Maniar (1995). 2.4.2 Diffraction Problem of a Submerged Spheroid ADPAN is also verified for the diffraction problem of a submerged spheroid in head seas. The solution of this problem illustrates the accuracy of ADPAN for obtaining the reliable values of the excitation force. The submerged spheroid used by Wu and Eatock Taylor (1987) is chosen for comparison purposes. The radius and length of the submerged spheroid is 1 m and 6 m, respectively. The submergence depth of the spheroid, which is the vertical distance between the global coordinate system and mass centre of the spheroid, is 2 m. Figure 4 shows This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 30 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis the general geometrical aspect ratio and orientation of the spheroid according to global coordinate system. Figure 4 Spheroid geometry and orientation in space The spheroid is assumed to move at zero forward speed with the unit wave height, 1 m. Hence, the wave amplitude is 0.5 m. The vertical centre of the gravity is at zc = -2 m and the longitudinal centre of gravity is at xc = 0 according to global coordinate system. Although the full model is discretised by 1176 different flat quadrilateral panels as shown in Figure 5, ADPAN uses xz-plane symmetry condition to solve the diffraction problem. Figure 5 Spheroid mesh The variation of the diffraction potential over the spheroid body surface is calculated for 18 different wave frequencies. Figure 6 represents the computed real and imaginary parts of the wave exciting forces in surge direction, respectively. The numerical results are in excellent agreement with the analytical solutions obtained by Wu and Eatock Taylor (1987). This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 31 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 0 -0.5 5 0.4 0.9 1.4 1.9 2.4 0 0.4 -1 0.9 1.4 1.9 2.4 -5 -1.5 -10 -2 -2.5 -15 -3 -20 Analytic Real Excitation Analytic Imaginary Excitation ADPAN Real Excitation ADPAN Imaginary Excitation (a) Figure 6 (b) (a) Real and (b) imaginary component of excitation force 2.4.3 Rigid Body Motions of a Long Barge The accuracy of the implemented equations related to the rigid body motion are confirmed by solving a long barge problem in head seas condition with β = 180 degrees. Length, breadth, and draft of the barge is L = 100 m, B = 20 m, and T = 5 m, respectively. Figure 7 Barge mesh representation This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 32 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Although the geometry presented in Figure 7 seems quite simple, generating an analytical solution for this problem is very tedious and complex. Both ADPAN and PRECAL are used to solve the barge problem for comparison purposes. The barge is assumed to move at zero forward speed U = 0 m/s condition with the unit wave height H = 1 m. Hence, the wave amplitude is a = 0.5 m. The vertical centre of the gravity is chosen as zc = -1 m, while the longitudinal centre of gravity is set at xc = 0 according to the global coordinate system. The full model is discretised by 1080 flat quadrilateral panels as shown in Figure 7; however ADPAN uses 504 of them when xz-plane symmetry condition is taken account during the solution process. 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 PRECAL - SURGE AMPLITUDE ADPAN - SURGE AMPLITUDE PRECAL - HEAVE AMPLITUDE ADPAN - HEAVE AMPLITUDE PRECAL - PITCH AMPLITUDE ADPAN - PITCH AMPLITUDE Figure 8 2.00 Barge motion amplitudes First, the radiation - diffraction problem is solved over the body surface for 30 different wave frequencies. Added mass and damping matrices are obtained from the solution of the radiation problem, while excitation force vector is calculated by solving the diffraction problem. Then, the corresponding hydrodynamic coefficient matrix together with the mass and inertia matrix of the body are defined by using the surface panels. Once the required parameters are derived This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 33 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis for the solution of the rigid body motion equation, motion amplitudes and phase angles are determined for the directions of six degree of freedom. 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 0.20 -50.00 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.00 -100.00 -150.00 -200.00 PRECAL - SURGE PHASE ADPAN - SURGE PHASE PRECAL - HEAVE PHASE ADPAN - HEAVE PHASE PRECAL - PITCH PHASE ADPAN - PITCH PHASE Figure 9 Barge motion phase angles The numerical results generated by using ADPAN and PRECAL are plotted in Figures 8 and 9. Since the barge is assumed to move in head sea condition, the numerical motion amplitudes generated by both software in sway, roll and yaw directions can be negligibly small. In fact, these result are theoretically zero. Therefore, there is no need to present these results. According to the Figures 8 and 9, the variation of the motion amplitudes and phase angles in surge, heave and pitch directions obtained from ADPAN are in excellent agreement with those generated by using PRECAL. 2.4.4 Hydrodynamic Analysis of WIGLEY III The body surfaces that are used to present the results so far are not as complex as a ship hull surface. In addition to the simplicity of the body surface, these results are used to validate subclasses of the whole software in a compact mode. Therefore, the accuracy of ADPAN in This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 34 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis compact mode needs to be tested by solving hydrodynamics of a more complex surface which looks more like a ship type. Such a validation of ADPAN can be done by solving the hydrodynamics of WIGLEY III. The frame/cross section lines of the hull are shown in Figure 10. Figure 10 WIGLEY III sectional view WIGLEY III hull floating at zero forward speed U = 0 m/s in head sea condition, β = 180 degrees, properties are given in Table 1. The wave height is H = 2 m and therefore the wave amplitude is a = 1 m. The vertical centre of the gravity of hull is located at z c = -1.250 m while the longitudinal centre of gravity is set at xc = 0. Figure 11 WIGLEY III mesh This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 35 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis In addition to ADPAN, PRECAL is used to model the problem for comparison purposes. Figure 11 shows the hull surface represented by flat quadrilateral panels and the orientation of the hull with respect global coordinate system. Total number of panels is 2000 for full model but ADPAN uses just half of the model to solve the hydrodynamic responses. Table 1 WIGLEY III hull properties Property Value Unit LOA 100 m LBP 100 m B 20 m T 6.25 m VOL 2843.8 m3 AWP 691.32 m2 LCF 0 m GML 125.42 m GMT 0.333 m KX 4.087 m KY 25 m KZ 25.332 m KXZ 0 m The radiation and diffraction problem of floating WIGLEY III hull is solved for 51 different wave frequencies. Six degree of freedom motion amplitudes and phase angles are calculated by using the parameters generated from radiation and diffraction problem. The numerical results generated by using ADPAN are compared with those calculated by using PRECAL. The variation of the heave added mass A33, pitch added mass A55, heave damping B33, and pitch damping B55, with respect to wave frequencies are plotted in Figures 12 and 13, respectively. The numerical results of ADPAN are in good agreement with those obtained from PRECAL. Since the hull is assumed to move in head sea condition, the numerical motion amplitudes generated by both software in sway, roll and yaw directions are theoretically zero. Therefore, there is no need to present these results. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 36 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 6000 5500 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 0.00 1600000 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 0.50 ADPAN - A33 1.00 1.50 400000 0.00 PRECAL - A33 0.50 ADPAN - A55 1.00 1.50 PRECAL - A55 Figure 12 WIGLEY III pitch added mass The surge, heave and pitch motion amplitudes and motion phase angles for corresponding wave frequencies are shown in Figure 14 and 15, respectively. The numerical results of ADPAN match very well with those obtained from PRECAL. 900000 800000 2000 700000 600000 1500 500000 400000 1000 300000 200000 500 100000 0 0 0 0.5 ADPAN - B33 1 1.5 PRECAL - B33 0 0.5 ADPAN - B55 1 1.5 PRECAL - B55 Figure 13 WIGLEY III pitch damping This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 37 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 2.000 1.500 1.000 0.500 0.000 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 PRECAL - SURGE AMPLITUDE ADPAN - SURGE AMPLITUDE PRECAL - HEAVE AMPLITUDE ADPAN - HEAVE AMPLITUDE PRECAL - PITCH AMPLITUDE ADPAN - PITCH AMPLITUDE 1.40 Figure 14 WIGLEY III motion amplitudes 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 0.00 -50.0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 -100.0 -150.0 -200.0 PRECAL - SURGE PHASE ADPAN - SURGE PHASE PRECAL - HEAVE PHASE ADPAN - HEAVE PHASE PRECAL - PITCH PHASE ADPAN - PITCH PHASE Figure 15 WIGLEY III motion phase angles This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 38 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Figure 16 WIGLEY III oscillatory pressure distribution (Unit: Pa) Once the ship motions are determined, the variation of panel pressures for each frequency is calculated. In order to demonstrate the dynamic pressure variation, each panel pressure for the frequency of 0.32 rad/sec are exported from ADPAN. The resultant dynamic pressure variation is plotted in Figure 16. Since the geometry of WIGLEY hull has two symmetry planes and oscillatory waves are in head sea direction, the expected variation of dynamic pressure is symmetric with respect to longitudinal centre of gravity which aligns with the solution presented in Figure 16. 2.4.5 Hydrodynamics of S175 Type Container Ship A final validation case is conducted by solving the hydrodynamic response of S175 container ship. ADPAN results are compared with those obtained from PRECAL. S175 container ship hull properties are given in Table 2. The profile view, waterlines, body plan, and isometric view of hull surface represented by flat triangular and quadrilateral panels can be seen at Figures 17 to 20, respectively. As it can be seen from the presented figures, the geometry of This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 39 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis S175 container ship is more complex in comparison to the geometries used in previous problems. Table 2 S175 container ship properties Property Value Unit LOA 178 m LBP 175 m B 50.8 m T 9.5 m VOL 24067 m3 AWP 3155.9 m2 LCF -7.048 m GML 205.29 m GMT 1.022 m KX 9.167 m KY 43.75 m KZ 43.752 m KXZ 0 m A finer mesh and some triangular panels are needed to be used to overcome such a complexity of the body surface during pre-processing stage. As a consequence, total number of panels used for the full model is 2946 from which 2930 of them are quadrilateral panels and the remaining 16 are triangular panels. Figure 17 S175 container ship profile view This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 40 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis ADPAN takes the advantage of the lateral symmetry condition and generates the results by using 1473 panels. It is assumed that ship floats at zero forward speed in head sea condition. The wave height is H = 2 m and therefore the wave amplitude is a = 1 m. The vertical centre of the gravity is located at zc = 0 and the longitudinal centre of gravity is set at xc = -2.556. Figure 18 S175 container ship waterlines The radiation and diffraction problem of floating S175 container ship is solved for 37 different wave frequencies. Six degree of freedom motion amplitudes and phase angles are calculated by using the parameters generated from radiation and diffraction problem. Figure 19 S175 container ship body plan The numerical results generated by using ADPAN are compared with those calculated by using PRECAL. The variation of the heave added mass A33, pitch added mass A55, heave damping B33, and pitch damping B55, with respect to wave frequencies are plotted in Figure This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 41 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 21 and 22, respectively. The numerical results from ADPAN are in well agreement with those obtained from PRECAL. Figure 20 S175 container ship isometric mesh view Since the hull is assumed to move in head sea condition, the numerical motion amplitudes generated by both software in sway, roll and yaw direction are zero. Therefore there is no need to present these results. 55000 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 60000000 55000000 50000000 45000000 40000000 35000000 30000000 25000000 20000000 15000000 0.3 0.8 ADPAN - A33 0.3 1.3 PRECAL - A33 0.8 ADPAN - A55 1.3 PRECAL - A55 Figure 21 S175 container ship added mass The surge, heave and pitch motion amplitudes and motion phase angles for corresponding wave frequencies are shown in Figures 22 and 23, respectively. According to the plotted This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 42 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis motion results, the numerical results of ADPAN are in very good agreement when they are compared with those obtained from PRECAL. 17000 20000000 15000 13000 15000000 11000 10000000 9000 7000 5000000 5000 3000 0 0.3 0.8 ADPAN - B33 1.3 0.3 PRECAL - B33 0.8 ADPAN - B55 1.3 PRECAL - B55 Figure 22 S175 container ship damping 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 PRECAL - SURGE AMPLITUDE ADPAN - SURGE AMPLITUDE PRECAL - HEAVE AMPLITUDE ADPAN - HEAVE AMPLITUDE PRECAL - PITCH AMPLITUDE ADPAN - PITCH AMPLITUDE 1.5 Figure 23 S175 container ship motion amplitudes This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 43 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 200 150 100 50 0 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 -50 -100 -150 -200 PRECAL - SURGE PHASE ADPAN - SURGE PHASE PRECAL - HEAVE PHASE ADPAN - HEAVE PHASE PRECAL - PITCH PHASE ADPAN - PITCH PHASE Figure 24 S175 container ship motion phase angles Figure 25 S175 container ship pressure distribution This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 44 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis In order to show the dynamic pressure variation, each panel pressure for the frequency of 0.4 rad/sec are exported from ADPAN. The resultant dynamic pressure variation is plotted in Figure 25. Since the geometry of S175 has only one symmetry plane and oscillatory waves are in head sea direction, the expected variation of dynamic pressure should be symmetric with respect to xz-plane but should be non-symmetric with respect to yz-plane which aligns with the solution presented in Figure 25. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 45 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 3 FINITE ELEMENT CODE Designing ships too strong makes them heavy, slow and very costly to build and operate since their cargo space is decreased. On the other hand, structural failures, hull damage, weather conditions can easily cause a big injury or in extreme cases a catastrophic failure and sinking of ships which are designed weak. Therefore, the structural strength of ships is a key topic that affects the safety of crew, economic costs, and the pollution of the environment in which ships are trading. The required structural management and safety of ship can be achieved by performing appropriate inspections at the right intervals and repairing defects that are identified. Structural management tools of INCASS project can achieve better prediction of the right interval of ship inspections, if an in-house finite element code exists. 3.1 Finite Element Method The finite element method (FEM) is a computational technique for solving problems that are described by partial differential equations or can be formulated as functional minimization. A domain of interest is represented as an assembly of finite elements. Interpolation functions in finite elements are determined in terms of nodal values of a physical field that is sought. A continuous physical problem is transformed into a discretized finite element problem with unknown nodal values. For a linear problem, a system of linear algebraic equations should be assembled and solved. Values within finite elements can be recovered by interpolating nodal values. Piece-wise approximation of physical fields (a finer mesh of domain) on finite elements provides good precision even with simple interpolation (shape) functions. An arbitrary precision of results can be achieved by increasing the number of elements and nodes. Theory, practice, and programming of the finite element method are described in many textbooks, such has comprehensive books of Bathe (2006), Fish and Belytschko (2007), Logan (2011), and Oñate (2013). This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 46 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Finite element procedure can be described by several steps. The first step is the discretization of the domain by dividing a solution region (domain) into finite elements that are connected at nodes. The finite element mesh is typically generated by a pre-processor program because of the large amount of data. The description of a mesh consists of several arrays, the main of which are nodal coordinates and element connectivity. Secondly, the logical determination of interpolation functions is required for the finite element procedure. Interpolation functions are used to interpolate the field variables over the element. Usually, polynomials are selected as interpolation functions. The degree of the polynomial depends on the number of nodes belonging to the element. Interpolation functions are commonly called shape functions since they are also used for the definition of the element shape. The third step is the computation of the element matrices and vectors. The matrix equation for the finite element is established that relates the nodal values of the unknown function to known parameters. For this task different approaches can be used. The most convenients are: the variational approach and the Galerkin method. The fourth step is the assembly process of the element equations. To find the global equation system for the whole solution region, one must assemble all the element equations. In other words, local element equations must be combined properly for all elements used for discretization. Element connectivity matrix is used for the assembly process. Before starting the solution process, boundary conditions (which are not accounted for in the element equations) should be imposed. Solving the global equation system is the fifth step. The finite element global equation system is typically sparse, symmetric and positive-definite. Direct and iterative methods can be used for solution. The nodal values of the sought function are produced as a result of the solution. The sixth and the last step is the computation of the additional results such as strains, stresses etc. In many cases, we need to calculate additional parameters. For example, in mechanical problems, strains and stresses are of interest in addition to displacements, which are obtained after solution of the global equation system. It is important to mention that the displacements, which represent the primary result function, are continuous, however its derivatives (strains and stresses) have discontinuities at element boundaries. Therefore, the most reliable results of the finite element method is the displacements. The stress and strain distribution might be This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 47 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis slightly different depending on the assumption of the stress interpolation used to calculate these values for the same problem, even though the displacement results are completely same. 3.2 Element Types A finite element is the basic building block of finite element analysis. There are several basic types of elements. Type of the finite element that is used to conduct a finite elements analysis depends on the type of object that is to be modelled and the type of analysis that is going to be performed. An element is a mathematical relation that defines how the degrees of freedom of a node relate to the next. These elements can be in the form of lines (trusses or beams), areas (2-D or 3-D plates and membranes) or volumes (brick or tetrahedral). It also relates how the deflections create stresses. The following content will describe element types in more detail which could possibly be used to perform a finite element analysis of an arbitrary problem. 3.2.1 Truss Element Truss elements are two node members which allow arbitrary orientation in a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system. In fact, the truss transmits only axial force and truss element has three degree of freedom (three global translation components) at each node. Trusses are used to model structures such as towers, bridges and buildings. The three-dimensional truss element is assumed to have a constant cross-sectional area and can be used in linear elastic analysis. Linear elastic material behaviour is defined only by the modulus of elasticity. Truss elements cannot be subjected to a boundary condition that includes a rotational degree of freedom, since they don’t have any rotational degrees of freedom. In order to model a problem, truss elements can be used when the length of the element is much greater than the width or depth (approximately 8-10 times). A truss is connected to the rest of the model with hinges that do not transfer moments. The external applied forces can be only at joints. When using truss elements, the axial cross-sectional area of the truss elements must be specified. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 48 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 3.2.2 Beam Element A beam element is a slender structural member that offers resistance to forces and bending under applied loads. A beam element differs from a truss element because a beam resists moments (twisting and bending) at the connections. The classical beam theories based on Bernoulli-Euler and Timoshenko beam kinematics can be used to formulate beam elements. These two node elements are formulated in three-dimensional space and the nodes are specified by the element geometry, for example nodes located at end of the element. A maximum of three translational degrees of freedom and three rotational degrees-of-freedom can be defined for beam elements. Three orthogonal forces (one axial and two shear) and three orthogonal moments (one torsion and two bending) are calculated at each end of the element. Optionally, the maximum normal stresses produced by combined axial and bending loads are calculated. Uniform inertia loads in three directions, fixed-end forces, and intermediate loads are the basic element based loadings. Beam element is used to model structures when the length of the element is much greater than the width or depth. The element has constant cross-sectional properties along its axial direction and the element must be able to transfer moments. The element must also be able to handle a load distributed across its length. Beam elements can be used for finite-element analysis of elastic spatial frame structures. 3.2.3 Plane Element Plane elements can be used for two dimensional modelling of solid structures. Plane elements can have either triangular, rectangular or quadrilateral shapes. In fact, the development of a quadrilateral element is very much the same as the rectangular element, except for an additional procedure for coordinate mapping. The elements are connected at common nodes and/or along common edges to form continuous structures. A quadrilateral element can be defined by four nodes or eight nodes whereas a triangular shape plane element can be defined by using either three nodes or six nodes. All of these nodes have two degrees of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x and y directions in plane element local coordinate system. The formulation of these elements can differ depending on the problem state. In solid This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 49 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis mechanics, plane elasticity can be referred as the set of mathematical models which describe the behaviour of a body using only displacements on a plane. Two types of plane elasticity needs to described, namely plane stress and plane strain. Plane stress is defined to be a state of stress in which the normal stress and the shear stresses perpendicular to the plane are assumed to be zero. Plane strain is defined to be a state of strain in which the strain normal to the x-y plane and the shear strains except the shear strain in x-y plane are assumed to be zero. Nodal displacement compatibility is enforced during the formulation of the nodal equilibrium equations for two-dimensional elements. If proper displacement functions are chosen, compatibility along common edges is also obtained. The two-dimensional element is extremely important for (1) plane stress analysis, which includes problems such as plates with holes, fillets, or other changes in geometry that are loaded in their plane resulting in local stress concentrations and (2) plane strain analysis, which includes problems such as a long underground box culvert subjected to a uniform load acting constantly over its length, pipes subjected to loads that remain constant over their lengths. 3.2.4 Shell Element Before discovering a shell type of element, a plate type of element need to be described since a plate element is a simplified case of a shell element. Physically, a plate can be considered as a two-dimensional extension of a beam in simple bending because both beams and plates support loads transverse or perpendicular to their plane and through bending action. However, a beam has a single bending moment resistance, while a plate resists bending about two axes and has a twisting moment. Plate structures are geometrically similar to the structure of the solid plane element for plane stress problem because both plane and plate structures are flat (if a plate were curved, it would become a shell). As for the solid plane element, a plate element can also be triangular, rectangular or quadrilateral in shape. Therefore, a plate element can have different number of nodes depending on the shape as discussed in solid plane elements description. In general, each node has three degrees of freedom, a translation out of plane direction with two rotations in plane direction. The out-of-plane rotational degree of freedom is not considered for plate elements. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 50 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis These elements are used to model and analyse objects such as pressure vessels, or structures such as automobile body parts. To illustrate a plate example, consider the horizontal boards on a bookshelf that support the books. Those boards can be approximated as a plate structure, and the transverse loads are the weight of the books. The plate structure can be schematically represented by its middle plane laying on the x–y plane. The deformation caused by the transverse loading on a plate is represented by the deflection and rotation of the normals of the middle plane of the plate, and they will be independent of z and a function of only x and y. It is assumed that the element has a uniform thickness. If the plate structure has a varying thickness, the structure can be divided into small elements, each of uniform thickness, to approximate the overall variation in thickness. There are a number of theories that govern the deformation of plates. In particular, Kirchhoff plate theory that works for thin plates and Reissner–Mindlin plate theory that works for thin/thick plates are well known. While many of the assumptions of Kirchhoff plate theory are analogous to the classical beam theory or Euler–Bernoulli beam theory, Reissner-Mindlin’s assumptions are analogous to the Timoshenko beam theory. Many structures may not be considered as a “thin plate,” or rather their transverse shear strains cannot be ignored. Chapelle and Bathe (2011) propose that Reissner–Mindlin plate theory is more suitable in general, and the elements developed based on the Reissner–Mindlin plate theory are more practical and useful. Shell elements can be in the form of four or eight node quadrilaterals and three or six node triangular elements in any three dimensional orientation. The four node elements require a much finer mesh than the eight node elements to give convergent displacements and stresses in models involving out-of-plane bending. A shell can be seen, in essence, as the extension of a plate to a non-planar surface. The non-planarity introduces axial (membrane) forces in addition to flexural (bending and shear) forces, thus providing a higher overall structural strength. Shell-type structures are common in many engineering constructions such as roofs, domes, bridges, containment walls, water and oil tanks and silos, as well as in airplane and spacecraft fuselages, ship hulls, automobile bodies, mechanical parts, etc. The way in which a shell supports external loads by the combined action of axial and flexural effects is similar to that of arches and frame structures. Thus, while a beam and a plate typically resist the external This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 51 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis forces by flexural effects only, frames, arches and shells offer a higher resistance to load due to the coupled action of axial and flexural forces. Shells are typically classified by the shape of their middle surface. The governing equations of a curved shell (equilibrium and kinematic equations, etc.) are quite complex due to the curvature of the middle surface. A way of overcoming this problem is considering the shell as formed by a number of flat shells. Oñate (2013) states that a shell formulation doesn’t need to be considered as curved shell, if a good number of flat shell elements are used to model the structure. The flexural and in-plane states are typically decoupled at the element level when the shell element is flat. This decoupling extends to the element stiffness matrix which is formed by a simple superposition of the flexural and membrane contributions. The full flexural-membrane coupling appears when flat elements meeting at different angles are assembled in the global stiffness matrix. The superposition leads each nodes of a shell element has five degrees of freedom: two translational in-plane deformations from in plane (membrane) element and one translational out of plane deformation with two rotational deformations from plate element. However, having five degrees of freedom might not be practical enough to capture a logical deformed shape when a complex structure is tried to be modelled in rectangular Cartesian coordinate system. As a result, a rotational degree of freedom in out of plane direction, drilling rotation, needs to be added to the general flat shell element formulation. Adding this drilling rotation not only increases the robustness of the element, but also provides such a logical transformation scheme when the superposition of the elements is done in global coordinates. As a consequence, a general flat shell element has six degrees of freedom: three translations and three rotations in x, y, z directions. 3.2.5 Solid Element Solid elements are three-dimensional finite elements and can be used to model the structure without any a priori geometric simplification. They are suitable for the stress analysis of This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 52 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis general three-dimensional bodies that require more precise analysis than is possible through two-dimensional analysis. Examples of three-dimensional problems are arch dams, thickwalled pressure vessels, and solid forging parts as used, for instance, in the heavy equipment and automotive industries. Finite element models of this type of element have the advantage of directness. Geometric, constitutive and loading assumptions required to effect dimensionality reduction, for example to planar or axisymmetric behaviour, are avoided. Boundary conditions on both forces and displacements can be more realistically treated. However, utilization of solid elements is costly. In terms of modelling, mesh preparation, computing and post processing effort. The rapid increase in computer time as the mesh is refined should be noted. In fact, use of solid elements should be restricted to problem and analysis stages, such as verification, where the generality and flexibility of full three dimensional models is warranted. They should be avoided during design stages. Furthermore, they should also be avoided in thin-wall structures, since solid elements tend to perform poorly because of locking problems. The tetrahedron shape is applicable for basic three-dimensional solid element and the hexahedron shape is another option, but it requires a more complex formulation in comparison to tetrahedron. The number of nodes used to formulate a solid element can be different. Six or ten node tetrahedron shape, eight or twenty node hexahedron shape formulations are commonly used. Each node of these solid element types has three degrees of freedom: translation in the nodal x, y, and z directions. 3.3 ADFEM Software A finite element software, called ADFEM, is developed by using Java language based on object-oriented methodology. During program development, three different tasks of the finite element analysis (pre-processing, processing, and post processing) are often implemented as three separate computer programs. Since these tasks have many common data structures and methods, the three modules contain duplicated or similar code fragments which complicates support and modification. In Java language, it is possible to have several main methods. The This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 53 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis code (classes) can be organized into packages. A package is a named collection of classes providing encapsulation and modularity, which can eliminate code duplication and provide a means for easy code reuse. ADFEM is organized into six class packages, namely adfem, util, model, solver, element including and external package called Jama that is useful for matrix operations. From the data point of view the finite element solution is transformation of input data into output data. Since data describing a finite element mesh is too large, input is usually generated by a pre-processor. Currently, ADFEM does not have a mesh generation capability. Once the mesh of a problem is generated by an external tool, the nodal coordinates and the element connectivity should be set up as an input file for ADFEM. There is a robust scanner class, called fescanner, implemented in order to read very large input data. ADFEM is designed to solve elastic and static problems with displacement and force boundary conditions. The data can be divided into the data related to the finite element model and the data describing loading conditions. The finite element model data and loading conditions don’t change during problem solution since we suppose that the model shape, material properties, and boundary conditions are constant. The description of the finite element model is listed below: Program initiator Element types Scalar parameters such as section types, section properties etc. Material properties Nodal data such as coordinates of nodal points Element data such as element materials and connectivity Description of displacement boundary conditions Surface and concentrated loads Solution command This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 54 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Table 3 Finite element library of ADFEM Element Name Truss Element Type Truss Total Number of Nodal Degree Nodes Freedom 2 Ux, Uy, Uz of Element Degree of Freedom 6 Beam Beam 2 Plane3 Plane 3 Ux, Uy, Uz, Rotx, 12 Roty, Rotz Ux, Uy 6 Plane4 Solid Plane 4 Ux, Uy 8 Plane6 Solid Plane 6 Ux, Uy 12 Plane8 Solid Plane 8 Ux, Uy 24 Shell3 Shell 3 Shell4 Shell 4 Shell8 Shell 8 Solid8 Solid 8 Ux, Uy, Uz, Rotx, 18 Roty, Rotz Ux, Uy, Uz, Rotx, 24 Roty, Rotz Ux, Uy, Uz, Rotx, 48 Roty, Rotz Ux, Uy, Uz 24 Finite element types are considered as main objects in both mathematical and algorithmic senses. In order to implement the main methods for a finite element, an abstract class Element is designed. The class holds element data, methods common to all element types, and empty methods specific to particular element types. Overriding of the parent methods allows one to create new element types using standard procedures. Formulation of truss, beam, plane, plate, shell and solid element types has been implemented into the ADFEM. The formulation of these element types has already been discussed and purely generated by many authors such as Logan (2011), Bathe (2006) and Oñate (2013). Therefore, instead of providing the details of the finite element formulation for each element type, only the capability parameters are given in Table 3 for each element implemented into ADFEM. A math library called SuanShu is used to solve linear matrix equation system in ADFEM. SuanShu is an object-oriented, high performance, extensively tested, and professionally This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 55 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis documented library of numerical methods. A CPU parallelized Cholesky decomposition implemented in SuanShu is the current solver method used in ADFEM. 3.4 Applications and Validation of ADFEM To verify implementation of the finite element code, sample problems have been solved by using ADFEM. In fact, the selection of the problem type is completely dependent on the selection of the element type that will be used to model the problem. Hence, at least one problem needs to be described for each element type. First of all, a space truss structure is considered by using Truss element. Secondly, a basic I cross section beam problem is modelled in order to validate Beam element formulation in ADFEM. Thirdly, solution of a complex frame structure is discussed in order to illustrate the capability of Beam element in more detail. Next, two different plate problems under axial loading condition are considered to confirm the accuracy of both Plane4 and Plane8. Since Plane3 and Plane6 are simplification case of Plane4 and Plane8, respectively, there is no need to model a problem with these element types. Once the plane element formulations used in ADFEM is validated, transverse loading case of these problems is considered in order to demonstrate the capability of the Shell3, Shell4 and Shell8 element types. The numerical results obtained by using ADFEM are compared with the results that are found by using a commercial finite element code, ANSYS. Based on the validation cases, the results obtained by using ADFEM are very reasonable because they are in very good agreement with those found by using ANSYS. The problem descriptions, results, and discussion of all these problems are given below. 3.4.1 Truss Problem The space truss problem as shown in Figure 26 is considered for validation of truss element formulation in ADFEM. Cross section area is 2 cm2 and elastic modulus is 210000 MPa for all elements. The coordinates of each node, in centimetres, are shown in the figure. Nodes 1–4 This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 56 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis are supported by ball-and-socket joints (fixed supports). The space truss is subjected to a 1000 N load in the x direction at node 5 and the aim is to determine the displacement of node 5. Figure 26 Space truss isometric view Table 4 Displacement results of space truss problem ADFEM ADFEM ADFEM ANSYS ANSYS ANSYS NODE UX UY UZ UX UY UZ 5 0.040908 0.000000 -0.011979 0.040908 0.000000 -0.011979 Once the unknown displacement is found, the strain and the stresses in each element are calculated. For comparison purposes, the same problem is modelled with a space truss element, Link180, in order to solve the described problem in ANSYS. The displacement, strain and stress results that are obtained from ADFEM and ANSYS are tabulated in Table 4 and 5, respectively. Displacement results are listed in millimetres, while the corresponding stress results has unit of MPa. As it can be seen from both tables, the results completely agree with each other. Therefore, it is should be indicated that Truss element in ADFEM is analogous to Link180 element in ANSYS. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 57 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Table 5 Strain and stress results of space truss problem ADFEM ELEMENT EXX 1 1.786E-05 2 -1.331E-05 3 -1.331E-05 4 1.786E-05 ADFEM SXX 3.750E+00 -2.795E+00 -2.795E+00 3.750E+00 ANSYS EXX 1.786E-05 -1.331E-05 -1.331E-05 1.786E-05 ANSYS SXX 3.750E+00 -2.795E+00 -2.795E+00 3.750E+00 3.4.2 Beam Problem A console beam problem with I type cross section as shown in Figure 27 is considered for validation of Beam element implemented in ADFEM. According to Figure 27, I cross section properties are b =200 mm, h = 200 mm, t f = 15 mm, and tw = 15 mm. The selected material’s elastic modulus is 210000 MPa with the Poisson’s ratio of v = 0.3. Length of the beam is L = 2 m and it is divided into 20 finite elements. In order to apply displacement boundary conditions, one end node of the beam is fixed for all degrees of freedom while the other nodes are free to translate and rotate. Beam is subjected to -1000 N concentrated load in the z direction at all nodes except the fixed node. Figure 27 Beam mesh and cross section The aim of this problem is to determine the unknown translational and rotational displacement for each node. The same problem is also modelled in ANSYS by using Beam188 which is a beam element working based on Timoshenko Beam Theory. Moreover, it is also solved analytically based on Euler Beam Theory for comparison purposes. Euler This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 58 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Beam Theory as well as Timoshenko Beam Theory is implemented into the formulation of beam element used in ADFEM. There is a specific key option that is defined to select the appropriate theoretical approach when the input file is prepared. This problem is solved for both cases and the both results are provided in below. The translational and rotational displacement results that are obtained from ADFEM, ANSYS and analytical solution are plotted in Figure 28 in order to emphasize the difference between Euler and Timoshenko beam theory. 0.00 -0.20 0 1.40E-03 5 10 15 20 1.20E-03 -0.40 1.00E-03 -0.60 8.00E-04 -0.80 -1.00 6.00E-04 -1.20 4.00E-04 -1.40 2.00E-04 -1.60 -1.80 0.00E+00 -2.00 0 5 10 15 20 ADFEM Euler Beam ADFEM Euler Beam Analytical Result Analytical Result ADFEM Timoshenko Beam ADFEM Timoshenko Beam ANSYS Beam 188 ANSYS Beam 188 (a) (b) Figure 28 (a) Translational and (b) rotational displacement results of the beam problem As shown in Figure 28 (a), the translational displacements obtained from ADFEM and ANSYS are in good agreement, while those obtained from ADFEM and analytical solution agree well as well. However, the results from Euler and Timoshenko Beam Theory are slightly different since Timoshenko Beam Theory uses shear correction parameter in order to indicate the transverse shear effects, which is especially important when a beam becomes thicker. Hence, the definition of shear correction parameter affects the displacements in translational degree of freedom. Moreover, this affect is negligibly small in rotational degree This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 59 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis of freedom for this problem, since all the rotational displacement results are in very well agreement as shown in right hand side of Figure 28 (b). 3.4.3 Frame Structure Problem A frame structure is modelled in ADFEM by using a beam element based on Timoshenko Beam Theory. The same model is built in ANSYS with Beam188 element as well in order to validate the results. Key points of the frame structure are represented in Figure 29 (a). The coordinates of key points are listed in Table 6. Circular solid cross section is selected for each beam with a radius of r = 10 mm. The selected material’s elastic modulus is 210000 MPa with the Poisson’s ratio of v = 0.3. The frame structure divided into beam elements and the length of each beam element is 50 mm. Therefore, the total number of the nodes used to discretise this problem becomes 466. (a) (b) Figure 29 Key point locations and application of boundary conditions on frame structure The applied displacement and loading boundary conditions for this problem including the direction of the concentrated forces are shown in Figure 29 (b). The magnitude of all the applied concentrated loads is 1000 N. The displacement results generated by using ADFEM This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 60 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis and ANSYS are compared for each degree of freedom, namely translations and rotations in x, y, z directions as shown in Figures 30-32, respectively. Table 6 Key Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Key points of frame structure X Y 0 1500 3000 0 1500 3000 0 1500 3000 0 1500 3000 0 1500 3000 0 1500 3000 0 1500 3000 -500 -500 -500 0 0 0 500 500 500 -500 -500 -500 0 0 0 500 500 500 0 0 0 Z (mm) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 750 750 750 According to the figures, the results are perfectly coincident. Also, the variation of the total translational and rotational displacement magnitudes over the structure obtained from ADFEM and ANSYS are presented in Figure 33 and 34, respectively. According to the comparison of these results, it can be concluded that the ADFEM beam element is equivalent to the ANSYS Beam 188 element. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 61 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 6.00 3.00 5.00 2.50 4.00 2.00 3.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0 100 200 300 400 500 -1.00 0 100 200 300 400 500 -0.50 ADFEM UX ANSYS UX ADFEM UY (a) ANSYS UY (b) Figure 30 Frame structure translational displacements along (a) x- and (b) y- directions of all nodes 1.50 2.00E-03 1.00E-03 1.00 0.00E+00 -1.00E-03 0.50 0 100 200 300 400 500 -2.00E-03 -3.00E-03 0.00 0 100 200 300 400 500 -4.00E-03 -5.00E-03 -0.50 -6.00E-03 -7.00E-03 -1.00 -8.00E-03 -1.50 -9.00E-03 ADFEM UZ ANSYS UZ (a) ADFEM ROTX ANSYS ROTX (b) Figure 31 Frame structure (a) translational-z and (b) rotational-x displacements of all nodes This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 62 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 1.20E-02 5.00E-04 1.00E-02 4.00E-04 3.00E-04 8.00E-03 2.00E-04 6.00E-03 1.00E-04 4.00E-03 0.00E+00 2.00E-03 -1.00E-04 0 100 200 300 400 500 -2.00E-04 0.00E+00 0 100 200 300 400 500 -3.00E-04 -2.00E-03 -4.00E-04 -4.00E-03 -5.00E-04 ADFEM ROTY ANSYS ROTY ADFEM ROTZ (a) ANSYS ROTZ (b) Figure 32 Frame structure (a) rotational-y and (b) rotational-z displacements of all nodes (a) (b) Figure 33 Frame structure total translational displacement contour plot; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 63 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis (a) (b) Figure 34 Frame structure total rotational displacement contour plot; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS 3.4.4 Plane4 Problem A square plate structure with 1 m edge length as shown in Figure 35 is considered to be solved under tension loading by using ADPAN’s Plane4 element which is implemented based on isoparametric formulation. Figure 35 A square plate mesh and boundary condition representation This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 64 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis The same problem is solved in ANSYS by using Plane182 as well for comparison purposes. It is assumed that the plate will deform based on plane stress condition and the plate thickness is 10 mm. The selected material’s elastic modulus is 210000 MPa with the Poisson’s ratio of v = 0.3.The geometry is discretised by using 4489 elements and 4624 nodes as presented in Figure 35. All nodes at the left edge of the plate are considered to be fixed and a nodal force of 1000 N in x-direction is applied to each node at the right edge of the plate. 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.02 0 0.01 2000 3000 4000 5000 0.00 0.01 -0.01 0.00 -0.01 1000 0.00 0 1000 2000 ADFEM UX 3000 4000 5000 -0.01 ANSYS UX (a) ADFEM UY ANSYS UY (b) Figure 36 Translational displacements along (a) x- and (b) y-directions of all nodes for the Plane4 problem This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 65 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis (a) (b) Figure 37 Contour plot of translational displacement along x-direction for the Plane4 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS The displacement results generated by using ADFEM and ANSYS are compared for each degree of freedom, namely translations in x, y directions, as shown in Figure 36, respectively. The displacement results are perfectly matching with each other according the figures. The variation of the nodal translational displacement in x- and y-directions over the plate obtained from ADFEM and ANSYS are presented in Figures 37 and 38. According to the comparison of these variations, it can be concluded that the ADFEM Plane4 element is similar to the ANSYS Plane182 element. (a) (b) Figure 38 Contour plot of translational displacement along y-direction for the Plane4 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 66 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 3.4.5 Plane8 Problem A rectangular plate structure with 1 m length and 0.5 m height is considered to be solved under a loading condition as shown in Figure 39. Figure 39 A rectangular plate and its applied boundary conditions This problem is not just only modelled by using ADFEM’s Plane8 element, but also solved with Plane183 element in ANSYS for validation purposes. It is assumed that the plate will deform based on plane stress condition and the plate thickness is 10 mm. The selected material’s elastic modulus is 210000 MPa with the Poisson’s ratio of v = 0.3. According to the Figure 39, the plate is meshed by using 1250 elements and 3901 nodes and all nodes at left edge of the plate are considered to be fixed. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 67 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 0.3 0.1 0.25 0 0.2 -0.1 0.15 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 -0.2 0.1 -0.3 0.05 -0.4 0 -0.05 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 -0.5 -0.1 -0.6 -0.15 -0.7 -0.2 -0.8 ANSYS UX ADFEM UX ANSYS UY (a) ADFEM UY (b) Figure 40 Translational displacements along (a) x- and (b) y-directions of all nodes for the Plane8 problem (a) (b) Figure 41 Contour plot of translational displacement along x-direction for the Plane8 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS In addition to the displacement boundary condition, Figure 39 illustrates that nodal force of 1000 N in x-direction together with a nodal force of -1000 N in y-direction is applied to each node at the right and upper edge of the plate, respectively. The displacement results generated by using ADFEM and ANSYS are individually compared for each degree of freedom, namely translations in x, y directions (see Figure 40). The displacement results are perfectly matching This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 68 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis each other according the figures. The variation of the nodal translational displacement in x and y direction over the plate obtained from ADFEM and ANSYS are respectively demonstrated in Figure 41 and 42. According to the comparison of these variations, it can be indicated that the ADFEM Plane8 element is good agreement with ANSYS Plane183. Figure 42 Contour plot of translational displacement along y-direction for the Plane8 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS 3.4.6 Shell3 Element Shell3 element has three nodes on the edges of the element and bending capability of the elements is implemented based on Mindlin Plate Theory. Isoparametric shape functions are used to formulate the element and the mathematical foundation that describes the flexural capability of the element is provided by Tessler (1985) and Tessler and Hughes (1985). Membrane stiffness of the element is identical to the Plane3 (constant strain triangle) formulation in ADFEM. A square plate structure with 1 m edge length as shown in Figure 43 is considered to be solved under a distributed out of plane loading condition by using ADFEM’s Shell3 element. For comparison purposes, the same problem is solved with Shell 181 which is a three or four node shell element in ANSYS. The plate thickness is 10 mm. The selected material’s elastic modulus is 210000 MPa with the Poisson’s ratio of v = 0.3.The geometry is discretised by using 3200 elements and 1681 nodes as presented in Figure 43. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 69 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Figure 43 A clamped edge square plate and its discretization All the nodes at right, left, upper, and bottom edges of the plate are considered to be fixed, and therefore, the clamped edge boundary condition is considered. Nodal force of -100 N in z direction is applied to all nodes of the plate except the nodes that are already fixed. 0.000 0 500 1000 1500 -2.000 -4.000 -6.000 -8.000 -10.000 -12.000 ADFEM UZ ANSYS UZ Figure 44 Translational displacements along z-direction of all nodes for the Shell3 problem This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 70 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0 500 1000 0 1500 -0.01 -0.01 -0.02 -0.02 -0.03 -0.03 -0.04 -0.04 ADFEM ROTX ANSYS ROTX 500 1000 ADFEM ROTY (a) 1500 ANSYS ROTY (b) Figure 45 Rotational displacements along (a) x- and (b) y-directions of all nodes for the Shell3 problem (a) (b) Figure 46 Contour plot of translational displacement along z-direction for the Shell3 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS The non-zero displacement results generated by using ADFEM and ANSYS are compared for each degree of freedom, namely translation in z-direction and rotations in x and y directions, respectively, as shown in Figure 44 and 45. The displacement results are perfectly matching This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 71 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis with each other according the figures. The variation of the nodal translational displacement in z-direction over the plate obtained from ADFEM and ANSYS are shown in Figure 46. Furthermore, the variation of the nodal rotational displacement in x- and y-directions over the plate are illustrated in Figures 47 and 48. According to the comparison of these variations, it can be concluded that the ADFEM Shell3 element is working very well. (a) (b) Figure 47 Contour plot of rotational displacement along x-direction for the Shell3 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS (a) (b) Figure 48 Contour plot of rotational displacement along y-direction for Shell3 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 72 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 3.4.7 Shell4 Element Shell4 element is a quadrilateral element with four nodes at its corners. The bending capability of the element is implemented based on the Mindlin Plate Theory. Isoparametric shape functions are used to formulate the element and the mathematical foundation that describes the flexural capability of the element is provided by Tessler and Hughes (1983). Membrane stiffness of the element is identical to the Plane4 formulation in ADFEM. In addition to the bending capability and membrane stiffness, drilling rotation degree of freedom is added to Shell4 formulation based on the proposed formulation by Cook, R. D. (1994). It should be noted Shell4 becomes very robust to solve complex problems after adding all these capabilities. Figure 49 T beam mesh and its boundary conditions A beam problem which has a T type cross section is solved by using Shell4 as shown in Figure 49. Two different plates are attached together in order to create the geometry of the structure. These plates have the same length of 2000 mm together with different heights, 200 mm and 400 mm. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 73 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 0.800 2.000 0.600 0.000 0.400 -2.000 0.200 -4.000 500 1000 1500 2000 -6.000 0.000 -0.200 0 0 500 1000 ADFEM UX 1500 2000 -8.000 ADFEM UY ANSYS UX (a) ANSYS UY (b) Figure 50 Translational displacements along (a) x- and (b) y-directions of all nodes for the Shell4 problem The same problem is modelled with Shell181 in ANSYS in order to show the capability of Shell4 with respect to Shell181. Each plate has thickness of 10 mm. The selected material’s elastic modulus is 210000 MPa with the Poisson’s ratio of v = 0.3.The geometry is discretised by using 1920 elements and 2025 nodes as presented in Figure 49. 0.010 3.00E-04 2.00E-04 0.005 1.00E-04 0.00E+00 0.000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 -1.00E-04 500 1000 1500 2000 -0.005 -2.00E-04 -3.00E-04 -0.010 ADFEM UZ ADFEM ROTX ANSYS UZ (a) ANSYS ROTX (b) Figure 51 (a) Translational-z and (b) rotational-x displacements of all nodes for the Shell4 problem This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 74 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 1.50E-04 0.00E+00 0 1.00E-04 500 1000 1500 2000 -1.00E-03 5.00E-05 -2.00E-03 0.00E+00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 -5.00E-05 -3.00E-03 -1.00E-04 -4.00E-03 -1.50E-04 -5.00E-03 ADFEM ROTY ANSYS ROTY ADFEM ROTZ (a) ANSYS ROTZ (b) Figure 52 Rotational displacements along (a) y- and (b) z-directions of all nodes for the Shell4 problem One end of the beam is fixed for all degrees of freedoms and a nodal force of -1000 N in ydirection is applied to other end nodes which are on symmetry plane of the structure as shown in Figure 49. The unknown displacement results of ADFEM and ANSYS are compared for all degree of freedom as shown in Figure 50-52. The variation of nodal translational and rotational displacements over the plate are respectively presented in Figures 53-58. (a) (b) Figure 53 Contour plot of translational displacement along x direction for the Shell4 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 75 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis (a) (b) Figure 54 Contour plot of translational displacement along y direction for the Shell4 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS As it is shown in the figures that the displacement results are in perfect agreement for all translational displacement and rotational displacement in x- and z-directions, although there is a difference exists for the rotational displacement in y-direction. Actually, this difference is due to the drilling rotation formulation used for Shell4. When the structure is considered to be modelled by beam elements, it can be seen that drilling rotation degree of freedom is rotational degree of freedom in y direction. Since the direction of load applied to the structure is same as the direction of the drilling rotation degree of freedom, a very small contribution is expected from rotational displacement in y-direction to the total rotational displacement. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 76 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis (a) (b) Figure 55 Contour plot of translational displacement along z-direction for the Shell4 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS (a) (b) Figure 56 Contour plot of rotational displacement along x-direction for the Shell4 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS In ADFEM results, range of rotational displacements in y-direction is very small in comparison to other rotational displacements, while corresponding ANSYS results are much higher than ADFEM as shown in Figure 52. Furthermore, the variation of this displacement over the structure for ADFEM is more reasonable than ANSYS as it can be seen from Figure 57. As a consequence, it can be concluded that the implemented drilling rotational stiffness proposed by Cook (1994) is very promising and Shell4 element is robust enough to model complex structures. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 77 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis (a) (b) Figure 57 Contour plot of rotational displacement along y-direction for the Shell4 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS (a) (b) Figure 58 Contour plot of rotational displacement along z-direction for the Shell4 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS 3.4.8 Shell8 Element Shell8 element has eight nodes on the edges of the element in total. Four of these nodes located at the corner of the element while the remaining four of them located at the mid-point This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 78 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis of the edges. Isoparametric shape functions are used to formulate both bending and membrane stiffness of the element. Formulation of the bending capability is based on the Mindlin Plate Theory while membrane capability of the element is equal to the Plane8 formulation in ADFEM. Figure 59 A clamped square plate modelled with Shell8 A square plate structure with 1 m edge length as shown in Figure 59 is considered to be solved by using Shell8 when out of plane loading is applied to the structure. The same problem is solved with Shell281 which is a six or eight node shell element in ANSYS for validation process. 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 -2.00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 -4.00 -6.00 ADFEM UZ ANSYS UZ Figure 60 Translational displacements along z-direction of all nodes for the Shell8 problem This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 79 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis The plate thickness is 10 mm. The selected material’s elastic modulus is 210000 MPa with the Poisson’s ratio of v = 0.3.The geometry is discretised by using 625 elements and 1976 nodes. Figure 59 shows that all nodes at right, left, upper, and bottom edges of the plate are considered to be fixed, and therefore the clamped edge boundary condition is considered. Nodal force of -100 N in z direction is applied to all nodes below the centreline along x direction of the plate, while the reverse of the same loading condition is applied to the nodes above the centreline along x direction of the plate. The direction of the applied loading condition can be seen in Figure 59 in more detail. 0.30 0.15 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.00 0.00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 -0.05 -0.10 -0.10 -0.20 -0.15 ADFEM ROTX 0 ANSYS ROTX 500 1000 ADFEM ROTY (a) 1500 2000 ANSYS ROTY (b) Figure 61 Rotational displacements along (a) x- and (b) y-directions of all nodes for the Shell8 problem This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 80 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis (a) (b) Figure 62 Contour plot of translational displacement along z-direction for the Shell8 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS The unknown displacement results found in ADFEM and ANSYS are compared for each degree of freedom. The displacement results are perfectly identical to each other according to Figures 60 and 61. The variation of the nodal translational displacement in z direction, rotational displacement in x- and y- directions over the plate are demonstrated in Figures 63 and 64, respectively. According to the comparison of these variations, it can be concluded that the Shell8 element gives reasonable results and can be used to build complex structures as well as Shell4 element. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 81 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis (a) (b) Figure 63 Contour plot of rotational displacement along x-direction for the Shell8 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS (a) (b) Figure 64 Contour plot of rotational displacement along y-direction for the Shell8 problem; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 82 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 3.5 Global Finite Element Analyses of Ship and Coupling of Finite Elements The global three dimensional finite element model is a representative of the hull structures of three cargo holds with the middle cargo hold within 0.4L amidships. It is used to determine both the global response of the hull girder and local behaviour of the main supporting structures. The stress results from such models must be suitable for strength evaluation of the watertight boundaries of cargo holds and non-tight main supporting structures. The global three dimensional finite element analyses establish the scantling requirements of plates and stiffeners, and they are sufficient for establishing the steel weight estimate. Structural details are evaluated by the subsequent local three dimensional finite element analyses. To evaluate the vessel’s structures within 0.4L amidships with reasonable accuracy, the finite element models ideally place the target cargo hold in the middle and extend approximately the length of the adjacent holds fore and aft. In addition, there is a short extension beyond the transverse bulkheads at both ends. Even though finite element analysis can be done by using both full and half-width models, it is recommended that the finite element models should be created with both the port and starboard sides of cargo hold structures, that are symmetrical with respect to the centreline, for easier review, result analysis and subsequent strength In general, the ship structural finite element model consists of four types of elements: For stiffeners: Truss element Beam element For plates: Membrane plate element (simplified case of Shell Element). Shell Element. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 83 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Figure 65 Stiffened plate model These four simple types of elements are considered sufficient to represent the hull structures even though higher order element types exist. Ship structures consist of various stiffened plates. These stiffened plates can be represented by a combination of membrane plates and rod elements as long as only in-plane stress is calculated from the model. Combined use of membrane plates and rod elements may simplify the modelling processes and reduce the total number of degrees of freedom in the model. However, additional operations, such as shifting load, may result in less accurate results for some elements. As a consequence, combination of shell and beam elements is preferable in order to obtain more realistic results. Appropriate properties of stiffeners are assigned by considering equivalent beams model. Also, the required properties of plates are attached to the equivalent shell model. The combination of beam model and shell model can be done by defining an appropriate rigid link between them. Since ADFEM have the Beam and Shell element types, portion of the side of a typical longitudinally and transverse framed (complex frame system) ballast tank as shown in left hand side of Figure 65 can be modelled to demonstrate the capability of the element combination. A stiffened square plate with 1 m edge length as shown on right hand side of Figure 65 is considered to be solved under out of plane loading. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 84 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Figure 66 Stiffened plate boundary conditions The plate is modelled with Shell4 element, while longitudinal and transverse stiffeners are modelled with Beam element based on Timoshenko Beam Theory. The required rigid links between Shell4 and Beam elements are defined by using Beam element based on Euler Beam Theory. The same problem is designed to be solved with Shell181 and Beam181 elements in ANSYS for validation purposes. 1.50E-02 1.50E-02 1.00E-02 1.00E-02 5.00E-03 5.00E-03 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 -5.00E-03 -5.00E-03 -1.00E-02 -1.00E-02 -1.50E-02 -1.50E-02 ADFEM - UX ANSYS - UX 500 1000 ADFEM - UY (a) 1500 2000 ANSYS - UY (b) This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 85 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Figure 67 Translational displacements along (a) x- and (b) y-directions of all nodes for the stiffened plate 1.60E-01 8.00E-04 1.40E-01 6.00E-04 1.20E-01 4.00E-04 1.00E-01 2.00E-04 8.00E-02 0.00E+00 6.00E-02 -2.00E-04 4.00E-02 0 500 1000 1500 2000 -4.00E-04 2.00E-02 -6.00E-04 0.00E+00 0 500 1000 ADFEM - UZ 1500 2000 -8.00E-04 ADFEM - ROTX ANSYS - UZ (a) ANSYS - ROTX (b) Figure 68 (a) Translational-z and (b) rotational-x displacements of all nodes for the stiffened plate The plate thickness is 10 mm. Rectangular solid cross section is selected for each beam with thickness of 10 mm and height of 100 mm The selected material’s elastic modulus is 210000 MPa with the Poisson’s ratio of v = 0.3.The geometry is discretised by using 1993 nodes together with 2232 elements from which 1920 of them are Shell4 elements and 312 of them are Beam elements. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 86 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 6.00E-04 6.00E-05 4.00E-04 4.00E-05 2.00E-04 2.00E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 -2.00E-04 -2.00E-05 -4.00E-04 -4.00E-05 -6.00E-04 -6.00E-05 ADFEM - ROTY ANSYS - ROTY 500 1000 ADFEM - ROTZ (a) 1500 2000 ANSYS - ROTZ (b) Figure 69 Rotational displacements along y- and z- directions of all nodes for the stiffened plate (a) (b) Figure 70 Contour plot of translational displacement along x-direction for the stiffened plate; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS As shown in Figure 66, all nodes at the right, left, upper, and bottom edges of the plate are considered to be fixed, and therefore the clamped edge boundary condition is considered. Nodal force of 100 N in z direction is applied to nodes attached to the mid-plane of the plate. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 87 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis (a) (b) Figure 71 Contour plot of translational displacement along y-direction for the stiffened plate; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS The unknown displacement results of ADFEM and ANSYS are compared for each degree of freedom in Figures 67-69. The variation of the nodal translational and rotational displacements over the plate are demonstrated in Figures 70-75. (a) (b) Figure 72 Contour plot of translational displacement along z-direction for the stiffened plate; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 88 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis As it can be seen from the figures that the results are in perfect agreement for all translational displacement. The results are very similar to each other as well for rotational displacements in x- and y-directions, while a difference exists for the rotational displacement in z-direction due to the drilling rotation formulation used for Shell4 which is clearly described earlier in Shell4 Problem section. (a) (b) Figure 73 Contour plot of rotational displacement along x-direction for the stiffened plate; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 89 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis Figure 74 Contour plot of rotational displacement along y-direction for the stiffened plate; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS As a summary, current finite elements implemented into ADFEM enables the coupling of elements in finite element analysis sense. Therefore, this capability of ADFEM provides the opportunity to conduct a three dimensional global finite element analysis of any type of ship in a more computationally efficient manner. Figure 75 Contour plot of rotational displacement along z-direction for stiffened plate; (a) ADFEM and (b) ANSYS This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 90 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 4 CONCLUSION An in-house finite element code, ADFEM, together with a panel-method code, ADPAN, are implemented by using Java language based on object-oriented methodology. The theoretical background used to develop both software is described in detail. The finite element code is examined and verified by solving a problem for each element type implemented into its finite element library. The procedures how to build a global three dimensional finite element model of the hull structures are described. One of the most effective techniques for global finite element analysis of ship structures is coupling suitable element types together. A portion of the side of a typical longitudinally and transverse framed (complex frame system) ballast tank is analysed in ADFEM to demonstrate the capability of finite element coupling. Moreover, ADPAN is used to conduct hydrodynamic analysis of floating hemisphere, submerged spheroid, long barge, WIGLEY III and S175 container ship in order to validate and demonstrate the capability of ADPAN. For analysis of WIGLEY III and S175 container ship, hydrodynamic pressure are calculated and exported from ADPAN for each panel that is used to model the body surface. The variation of the hydrodynamic pressure is demonstrated over the hull surfaces. The pressure calculation allows the user of the codes to perform a hydro-elastic response analysis of the ship structure. This document is produced by the INCASS Consortium, funded by the European Commission (FP7/2007-2013). Grant Agreement n° 605200. Page 91 of 94 D3.3 (WP3) – Hydrodynamic and structural analysis 5 REFERENCES Bathe, K. J. (2006). Finite Element Procedures. Prentice-Hall. Beck, R. F. and Loken, A. E. (1989). Three-dimensional effects in ship relative-motion problems. Journal of Ship Research, 33(4), 261-268. Chapelle, D. and Bathe, K. J. (2011). The finite element analysis of shells: Fundamentals (Vol. 1). Berlin: Springer. Cook, R. D. (1994). Four-node ‘flat’shell element: Drilling degrees of freedom, membranebending coupling, warped geometry, and behavior. Computers & Structures, 50(4), 549-555. Faltinsen, O.M. and Michelsen, F.C. (1974). Motions of large structures in waves at zero Froude number. In The Dynamics of Marine Vehicles and Structures in Waves, London. Fish, J. and Belytschko, T. (2007). A First Course in Finite Elements. John Wiley & Sons. Garrison, C.J. (1978). 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