Series BPV Back Pressure Valve to assure a defined back pressure Application Even the optimised and sophisticated pressure reduction methods of SCHROEDAHL minmum flow valves and SCHROEDAHL control valves are put to their limits on the extreme conditions in some plants. It is in just such cases that SCHROEDAHL Back Pressure Valves are put to work. They increase the clearance of the media evaporation pressure by generating a defined pressure differential. Unwanted evaporation and cavitation is prevented, ensuring gentle and cushioned operation. Carefully matching the operating parameters between the feedback recirculation valves along with control and Back Pressure Valve guarantees ideal plant operation. 2 Description Function Installation The designed pressure difference of the Back Pressure Valve pushes the bushing 204 against the compressed spring 237 in the direction of flow. That in turn releases the throttle opening on the bushing until the specified pressure difference is set. The BPV is placed in the pipeline wherever a high pressure level is required. We recommend installing the BPV’s just before the evaporator or feed water tank. 219 203 204.1 207 201 206 237 204 208 Fig. 1: BPV closed Fig. 2: BPV open Sizes and pressure stages Materials The BPV valves are supplied from DN 25 (1”) to DN 150 (6”) from PN 16 (150 lbs)to PN 400 (2500 lbs) (special sizes on request) Standard housing materials: W.-Nr. 1.0460 (C22.8) ASTM A105 W.-Nr. 1.4404 (X2CrNiMo17132) ASTM 316L The standard internals of the valves are of stainless steel with a minimum chrome content made of 13%. Other forged materials for housing and internals are available upon request. Selection of the seal material is done according to medium and temperature conditions. The housing material is selected according to medium pressure and temperature conditions. Connection They are available for installation between flanges according to DIN and ASME. Other standards available on request (e.g. BS, NF...). Pos. Piece Designation Material 201 Housing Carbon / Chromium steel 1 203 1 O-Ring EPDM/NBR/FFPM...* 204 1 Bushing Chromium steel/corrosion-resistant 204.1 1 Perforated disk Chromium steel/corrosion-resistant 206 1 Bushing Chromium steel/corrosion-resistant 207 1 Guide ring High performance thermoplastic 208 1 Guide ring High performance thermoplastic 219 2 Set screw Chromium steel/corrosion-resistant 237 1 Coil springs Chromium steel/corrosion-resistant * Media-dependent 3 Standard types L Fitting sizes and weights DIN ASME Q<30m³/h Cat.-no.: DN Q<180m³/h PN DN lbs L [mm] kg L [mm] kg L [mm] kg BPV 055... 63 300 5 - - - - BPV 056... 100 600 5 - - - - 5 - - - - 5 - - - - BPV 057... BPV 058... 25 160 250 1" 900 1500 120 BPV 059... 320 - 6 - - - - BPV 050... 400 2500 8 - - - - BPV 065... 63 300 6 - - - - BPV 066... 100 600 6 - - - - 7 - - - - 7 - - - - BPV 067... BPV 068... 32 160 250 1¼" 900 1500 150 BPV 069... 320 - 10 - - - - BPV 060... 400 2500 10 - - - - BPV 075... 63 300 10 - - - - BPV 076... 100 600 10 - - - - 10 - - - - 11 - - - - BPV 077... BPV 078... 40 160 250 1½" 900 1500 150 BPV 079... 320 - 13 - - - - BPV 070... 400 2500 17 - - - - BPV 085... 63 300 13 - - - - - - 23 - - 25 - - BPV 086... BPV 087... BPV 088... 4 Q<140m³/h Fitting length/weight Fitting length/weight Fitting length/weight 50 100 160 250 2" 600 900 1500 160 14 14 15 260 DIN ASME Q<30m³/h Cat.-no.: DN BPV 089... BPV 080... Q<140m³/h Q<180m³/h Fitting length/weight Fitting length/weight Fitting length/weight 50 PN 320 400 DN 2" lbs 2500 L [mm] 160 kg 18 22 L [mm] 260 kg L [mm] kg 29 - - 36 - - BPV 095... 63 300 19 31 - - BPV 096... 100 600 20 33 - - 33 - - 38 - - BPV 097... BPV 098... 65 160 250 2½" 900 1500 160 20 23 260 BPV 099... 320 - 29 46 - - BPV 090... 400 2500 36 59 - - BPV 105... 63 300 22 35 - - BPV 106... 100 600 23 38 - - 38 - - 46 - - BPV 107... BPV 108... 80 160 250 3" 900 1500 160 23 29 260 BPV 109... 320 - 36 58 - - BPV 100... 400 2500 42 69 - - BPV 115... 63 300 32 50 - - BPV 116... 100 600 34 54 - - 54 - - 68 - - BPV 117... BPV 118... 100 160 250 4" 900 1500 170 34 43 270 BPV 119... 320 - 55 87 - - BPV 110... 400 2500 69 109 - - BPV 125... 63 300 46 74 76 BPV 126... 100 600 49 78 81 BPV 127... 160 900 49 78 BPV 128... 125 250 5" 1500 170 61 270 98 280 81 101 BPV 129... 320 - 79 125 130 BPV 120... 400 2500 95 151 157 BPV 135... 63 300 83 121 121 BPV 136... 100 600 90 130 130 BPV 137... BPV 138... 150 160 250 6" 900 1500 220 90 110 320 130 159 320 130 159 BPV 139... 320 - 131 191 191 BPV 130... 400 2500 164 239 239 Applies only to pipeline installation between flanges according to DIN / ASME 5 Code key BPV - Nominal width DN 25 DN 32 DN 40 DN 50 DN 65 DN 80 DN 100 DN 125 DN 150 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 4" 5" 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 6" 13 Nominal pressure PN 16 PN 25 PN 40 PN 63 PN 100 PN 160 PN 250 PN 320 lbs 150 lbs 300 lbs 600 lbs 900 lbs 1500 PN 400 lbs 2500 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Pipeline installation *Install between flanges according to DIN *Install between flanges according to ASME Special model F U S Volumetric flow rate < 30 m³/h < 140 m³/h < 180 m³/h Other requirements 1 2 3 4 Materials *Carbon steel DIN/ ASTM: 1.0460/ A105 Chromium steel DIN/ ASTM 1.4404/ 316L Special material * Standard version Example: BPV118F2-CS (DN100, PN250, Install between flanges, volume flow <140m³/h, Material: DIN 1.0460) 6 CS SS SX Back Pressure Valve Technical Data Customer: Datasheet: Enquiry no.: Quantity: Prior reference: Ident-No.: Order no.: Project: Back Pressure Valve type: Valve inlet [in.] DN PN Code: Valve outlet [in.] DN PN Paint: Mat.-/test certificates: Materials Internals: Housing: Design data: Seals: Design temp.: °C Design pressure: bar g Load data: Q= t = m³/h °C P1*= bar g P2 = S.G.: Medium: bar g kg/dm³ Notes: Revision Date Description Back pressure valve Q Pump t Name Signature Tank P P1 P2 * Will be defined / approved by SCHROEDAHL 7 XYQOM | SCHROEDAHL-ARAPP Spezialarmaturen GmbH & Co. KG Schoenenbacher Str. 4 51580 Reichshof-Mittelagger Germany Phone +49 2265 9927-0 Fax +49 2265 9927-927 [email protected] SCHROEDAHL International Corporation 2400 Augusta Dr. Suite 285 Houston, Texas 77057 United States of America Phone +1 713 9758351 Fax +1 713 7800421 [email protected]
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