1956 CARBURErER - 1956 Studebaker Golden Hawk Owners
1956 CARBURErER - 1956 Studebaker Golden Hawk Owners
Form 5196 CARTER CARBURETOR CORPORATION, ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A. STUDEBAKER December, 23945 1955 STUDEBAKER "V-S" MODEL 156-J" PRESIDENT HARDTOP 1956 WCFB Four-Bore Down-Draft Climatic@ Control Carburefer No. 23945 CARBURETER SPECIFICATIONS For Studebaker 8 Cyl:nder Engine: 4 Inch Bore, Dimensions: Flange size, 11/4 inch Four Bore--4 bolt type, Primary venturi size, 11/32 inch I. D. Main venturi Iprimary) size, 1-1/16 inch I. D. Main venturi (secondary) size, 11/4 inch I. D. Vents: Gasoline Outside, Intake: 4. 3'h Main Nozz!e: Installed percolating inch) jet, Rod: Primerv, dle step tapers Size No. 42 (.0935 inch) dill meter. drill hole in needle permanently. primary end DO NOT REMOVE. secondary, si:e No. Anti- 70 (028 drill. Metering Inside,S. Inch Stroke economy step .072 inch diemeter. to .055 in~h dill meter. Secondary, Power step, Mid- .040 inch none. seat. Metering Rod Jet: Accelerllting screw), CAUTION: Spark Plug Gap .035" Change worn or leak}' flange Breaker Point Setting .016" NOTE: , OoPyriiht@ 1955 by Carter Carburetor Corporation A 11 RiJ1:ht8 Reserved Choke: (Twin) Dische rqe needle passage Climlltic@ choke hole, valve, restriction Vacuum disk check, Control, primary in piston Sparle Port: .040 inch. manifold Bottom bolts and test set on index. housing, Horizontal, with hydraulic size No. 43 heat di- type suction (.089 REG. end type-.130 closed. compression before valve lifters.-NO U. S. PAT. REGISTRAOA adjusting carbureter. Idle Adiustment Screw Setting % to Auto. Trans. 1* 550 R.P.M. In Neutral CARBURErER NARK only, inch) Butterfly Choke slot, round At Vibration Damper MARCA (.052 of port to be .000 to .006 inch above Float Setting See Adiustments 5° B. T. C. TRADE side sas+, size .070 inch size No. 55 side only. of valve with valve tightly Ignition Timing Breaker Points to Open: These cars are equipped primary Always Use Feeler Gaugesl Accuratel Tighten jet Intake bell check sellt, size .115 inch) drill. edge gaskets. Pump Corter -offset For richer 550 r.p.m. Motor Tune-Up-Be size .0785 drill . size No. 53 Set Idle Adjustment Screw: % to I % turns open. mixture turn screw out. 'Do not idle engine below Automatic Trans.-in neutral. Discherqe to .120 diameter. Idle Port: (Upper) slot type. Primary, length .185 inch; width .030 inch. Secondary, none. Idle Port Opening: Primary, .130 to 136 inch above top edge of valve with valve tightly closed. Secondary, none. (for idle edjus+men+ Secondary, none. Pump: size No. 72 (.025 inch) drill. erne+er. lower Port: Primary (.0595 inch) drill. Primary size .0935 inch; secondary inch dierne+er. low Speed Jet Tube: (Primary side only). Jet, size No. 65 (.035 inch) drill. By-Pe ss, in body, size No. 54 (.055 inch) drill. Economize'r, in scr~w plug, size .0492 inch diameter. Idle Bleed, in body, size .063 inch diameter. OF'Y. ADJUSTMENT. x top Page 2 CARTER CARBURETOR CORPORATION, ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A. CARBURETER ADJUSTMENTS FLOAT ADJUSTMENT: made-lateral and bowl cover floot assembly resting center inverted, on seated of cesting. bowl cover needle, of floats. portion Adjustment floats should Vertical distance of gauge inch With removed be made With uprights by bending float gauge portion BOWL VAPOR be mode Install dust surface T I09-232) ,for primary floats. bureter. There should ,With bowl cover center of float, tween top of floats mery floats bending and from and bowl cover 11/16 stop tabs inch for on float should of floe+s Adjust % secondary be- inch for pri- floats. on choke (long stroke) Adjust by brackets. shtlft. shoft arm. Bock out throttle seot in bores dust cover should boss e+ pump important straight edge The flilt on top edge. Adjust (I) rod valve in bores screw. down on vacumeter casting. (2) With valves seated, Holding revolve arm con+ecrs lip of vacumeter clamp throttle vepor of car- TI 09-197) between To adjust, vent errn. (a) .025 inch wire gauge cern end closed screw. (b) opening is on high step edge of linkage position-hold With choke throttle cf choke valve unlooder and in place valve tightly closed bore of cerbu- With inner screw this odjustment. throttle Tl09-126) wide cleersnce open there between upper wall of air horn. lip on throttle by e nd is .023 inch (gauge valve end of cern while m~ inch (gtluge Hold Be sure fost idle adjusting ADJUSTMENT: be 9/32 ttlke sll!!d out closed idle port. be- ce s+inq. screw until there between side opposite (Tl09-189) boss of flange end lever towards clamp Loosen choke lever clamp screw shoft lever Adjust (use bendinq by tool TI09-41). of pump arm SECONDARY secondory throttle THROTTLE throttle the slime time. is the pump edjustProcedure is enqle, (Use ondary throttle .008-.013 adjust, To adjust, bending shoes bend LEVER ADJUSTMENT: should tool TI09-213.) (gouge on reach bend throttle valves in tightly inch closing valves closed T I09-200) primory end shoe on primary wide Primory open operoting position With primary there secondory at rod e+ upper position clearance end and secshould between throttle bb positive levers. 10 lever. lever set screw to allow throt- of cerbure+er rods loosen metering rods in place, rods bottom in downward metering link, and metering link until metering (3) Back out 1/ Ie inch (gauge ftlst idle odjusting T 109-189) reter tightly choke bending valves rod adjustment necessary. gasket. valves to seat in bores across' top of by b\n.ding Metering gCluges are Back out throttle to seef hole counter- (Use tool TI09-213.) ROD ADJUSTMENT: rod arm clamp tighten toward end must be me de ef+er completing tle valves throttle arm. to straight No metering as follows: body Hold rod at lower angle. METERING ment. link in outer lever set screw until throttle of carbureter. be perellel connector Install pump connector should rod odjustments. vent valve and dust cover. Insert choke UNLOADER of pump arm, with ends extending cover and bend lip of Ies+ idle should PUMP ADJUSTMENT: cover tween tighten held in upright the distance be be of bowl vapor rernove., dust tighten mee surinq dust FAST IDLE ADJUSTMENT: by bendin<; flollt arms. and and lever set screw to ollow throttle pressing FLOAT DROP ADJUSTMENT: cover This adjustment pump and metering in same for secondary position VENT ADJUSTMENT: e Her completing lower edge arms of gauge. top of float and machined T I09-222) and under over edge just clear the vertical should I/s inch (gauge (gauge must be directly fitted [us+ clear the horizontal between must be 3/16 gasket float gouge VERTICAL ADJUSTMENT: position, cesting place Side of floats should gauge. float adjustments LATERAL ADJUSTMENT: of flce+s with notch~d of float end Two separate vertical. press justment in carbureter ondary hold choke and and carefully screw. throttle made lever velve ti"htly secondary 'throttle If necessary CARBURErER MARK be out dog. tle lever. TRAD£ THROTTLE should position rod erm until finger on Hold in place SECONDARY REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. MARCA REGISTRADA LOCK-OUT after adjustments. closed. lever should to adjust, ADJUSTMENT: completing Crack This ad- Ie s+ idle .end secthrottle valves Then close throttle. freely engoge and Tang on in notch bend tong on secondory of lockthrot- CARTER CARBURETOR CORPORA TION, Studebaker "V_8"_1 95b-Carbureter WHEN SERVICING. PART NAMES Part No. 1.13665 IA·IO] FLANGE 2·101 Primary 2·170 2·180 -Primary 3·10505 -Secondary -Throttle 6·10975. -Air 11·2875 11.2945 shaft shaft Choke ... [e+ assembly Rivet plug __. II B·41 Rivet _._.... II B·79 Rivet plug plug IIB·I34 Rivet IIB·I46 Level sight Nozzle passage IIB·272 p lug II B·294 Id le port II B·305 Rivet Rivet Choke 14-4395 Choke .. rivet ._._. .. .. _ .. INDICATE CONTENT5 ._. .. ... .._._. ._. .. .. . . .. . lever .._._. 14·440 15·355 Strainer 17·70 PUM P CHECK 20·22 N sed Ie seat ga skeL __. 20·26 Pump relief plug qe ske+., '20.]5 BOWL STRAINER ... .._.._.__..__._... GASKET . .. --"' Id Ie ad [us+m en t screw velve attaching 47·14 47·3] Welsh plug (spork port 1---------------------------Pump [e+ and housing assembly Seconderv -Lockout operoting .. _ _ assembly _ lever _ _ 61·84 Idle e djustrnen! 61·128 Connector screw spring . rod spring lever . . screw Bowl vent _ 61·483 SECONDARY ._._ 61·516 Countershaft SPRI NG 61-552 Throttle 63·35 Connector rod 63·57 INTAKE CHECK 63·58 Coil 63·149 Bowl vent spring _ _ .. _ .__.__.. . . THROTTLE _ . . . . _ RETURN SPRING .. flex spring spring . .. spring housing _ spring ROD SPRI NG spring (2) (LOWER 1-------------- adjus+inq 61-454 . _ arm 61·474 _--_ (2) _ . (2) . . lever and countershaft Fast idle com spring _ screw housing) __. . M ETERI NG (2) _ (2 ) . plug 61·382 . _ .. Choke (choke .. _ . Welsh (2) .. (21 .._. . .. 39·11 VAC U U M PISTON . ... .. 61·332 . .__ 30A·58 fuel inlet strainer PUM P SPRI NG . ._..__._. . BOWL STRAINER _ NEEDLE AND SEAT ASSEMBLY __..__. _ Throttle . .... Secondary 30·75 53A·397 (2) .. 30·74 . ... _.(2) NEEDLE AND SEAT ASSEMBLY 61.171 ..... . SECONDARY 61·291 e ssemblv. .. . . PRIMARY 25-2795 (4) ... . ... N EEDLE 25·2785 .. (2 ) ..__. ._ . ._. . .. nut essernblv lever assembly pin. 53A·365 .... __.. . lever .__(2) _ 1829 f100t end lever ossembly __. (4) . F?iston lever, link and shaft Com Float f100t and ... ..__.. ... -Secondary Pump operating (2) ... 21·1685 VENT ARM . . .. Primory 53A·344 ..__._. No. OF REPAIR PACKAGE 53A·3335 . (2) Page 3 PART NAME 21·143S 48·195S ._.._.(4) .._._. .__.. .. .__. _ .(2} ._. ... lever and screw assembly __. trip .. _.__._.. plug. .. plug _ .. . rivet plug .. . . ..__. . _ . . .__..... . plug . . ._... .__. . pluq. ... Rivet _ by 11-294S) __. plug 118-223 ._ .. . . passage .. assembly ._.. . (Sup. .. _. No. 283; REPAIR PACKAGE 24-24 (2). essernbly., .. SPEED JET ASSEM BLY 116·35 14·3835 .. _ . . .... ._. . {2} ... by 4A.167) . assembly Low speed IIB·306 •. _ (2) and lever essernblv (Sup. • . ._. ._. shaft !lnd dog dog valve -LOW . ... sh!lft and weight sh!lft dog horn .__. ..__._.._._.__._.__.._. valve __.. throttle Throttle 4A·167 ..__._.... va IvB__. throttle LISTED BELOW, .._._._ .. ..__. throttle throttle ASSORTMENT U. S. A. No. 23945 Part No. . va Ive throttle -Auxiliary 7.173 throttle Secondary 3·10445 LEITERS. GASKET -Auxiliary ].10425 4A·IS8 IN CAPITAL PART NAME flange assembly -30dy USE GASKET MO" ST. LOUIS, ... . .._. retainer .. . .. ..__. . . . _ .. _ BALL RETAINER retainer. reta iner . _ .. (3) _ Page 4 CARTER 75-1230 75-1241 86-12 Metering rod-standard -METERING Flange lock washer. Pump arm cle rnp screw Metering 101-74 Throttle 101·120 Fost idle 101·136 Coil 101-1495 Body flange 101·152S Air horn attaching 101-1845 Dust cover attaching 101-2775 Vent arm attaching 101-278 Pump jet and housing 101·284 Piston 101-298S Body flange assembly rod "rm shaft Auxiliary Fast idle cam 101-363 throttle attaching screw _ _. _.(2) __ screw (4) Choke connector 116-13 PUMP INTAKE CHECK 117-162 Vacumeter 117·165 Pump 118-102S Dust cover 120,165 Primary metering 120-166 PRIMARY 121·78 COIL 121·208 DUST COVER 121-232 AI R HORN 121·241 PUMP JET HOUSING HOUSING Secondary 136-174 Throttle 150-62 Choke 150-1865 Pin and screw. __ screw __.__ _ _ _ . _.._ . -' _ _ .. screw and washer _..•._ __ ..•.................... (3) .,.. 105A·10 Choke lever clamp screw nut I05A· I I Flange stud 1I1.47S Pump arm and screw assembly 1I1·60S Metering 114-127 Throttle nuL __ : __ .._._ _._ _ _ ~.. _ .. (4) _ rod arm a nd screw assembly (outer) _ _ (2) JEL GASKET _._ GASKET _ _ _ plug _ 160-1105 Vacuum 170-367S Piston _ shaft _ _ number of pieces plug assembly Thermostatic Fast idle cam .and spring _.. 186-34 Choke CAR!mfER TRADE MARK R£G,U.S.PAT.DFP. MARCA. R£GISTRADA Where coil and housing no figure _. _ _ __ (5} _.._ 181-192S used in one carbureter. _. __ _ 170AC238S plate _.__ . _ _._ ..., and pin. assembly and __ _. __ · .- _ _ _ _ _ assembly assembly _........• _ _ listed for the first time. indicate (5) _ washer assembly . _. _ _ piston baffle rod wesher screw washer .._ piston housing _ _ r4illlEilfhdoperating washer valve c"p PIN SPRING _. _ _.._ assembly piston. pin Choke . _ _ throttle _.. _. GASKET lever adjusting ISOA·IO (2) _ __ _.. _.: . _ connector 160·91 (2) _ _ GASKET.. relief valve 136·172 (2) jet (Sup. by 120.176) HOUSING (4) _.._..•........... _ ROD JEL FLANGE GASKET __.......• _ (4) screw assembly by 120.166) GASKET volve ottoching _ _ . METERING metering shaft screw_ _ rod jet (Sup. Soconderv Throttle screw _ _ . METERING 136·159 ottaching . BALL. assembly SECONDARY Pump . link 120-176 122-98S . linL 120·194 PISTON _ _ ro d.. piston connector -BODY . ROD rod connector screw and washer essernblv., .. (7) _.. (inner} Throttle washer screw arm OPERATING 115-216 121-277 (8) shaft 115-215 121.243 (2) assembly THROTTLE Spring aftaching _ in parentheses . __ screw attaching Me new and (2) 115-208 Throttle velve arm . Throttle 136·37 Body flange assembly Figures . U. S. A. PART NAME 114-128 136-84 Throt-tle lever adjusting NOTE: (3) _ assembly screw and washer _._ _ 101·382S so marked . _ valve attaching throttle shaft (2) screw and washer essernbly 101-376 -Parts _ screw and washer assembly ottaching housing . . _ screw e nd washer lever clamp Piston _ _ screw and washer attaching throttle _ _ _ screw (4) screw and washer assembly Air horn attaching Choke screw _ ottaching 101.324 101.354S _ __ ottoching 101-320 Primary _ screw attaching Air horn attaching Secondary (2} screw housing 101-337 . _._.(2} _ clamp adjustment housing 101·348 _ (Sup. by 75-1241 ) 101-33 101-335S AND ROD-STANDARD stud ST. LOUIS, MO., Port No. PUMP PLUNGER, ROD, SPRING RETAINER ASSEMBLY 101-6 101-307S CORPORATION, PART NAME Part No. 64-165S CARBURETOR is shown, only one is used. . _ . _ _. . .