Health Center Directory
Health Center Directory
U N I V E R S I T Y H O S P I TA L S T W I N S B U R G H E A LT H C E N T E R Health Center Directory Provider listings are current as of October 2015. Copies of this directory are available as a printable file at Serving Twinsburg and surrounding communities, UH Twinsburg Health Center offers families access to a wide range of primary and specialty care physicians, laboratory services, and diagnostic imaging and radiology. A fully staffed, state-of-the-art emergency department and urgent care center also offers exceptional, advanced diagnosis and treatment. Available Health Care Specialties and Services •Allergy and immunology •Audiology •Cardiovascular medicine •Dermatology •Diagnostic imaging and radiology •Ear, nose and throat (otolaryngology) •Electrophysiology •Endocrinology •Emergency room •Family medicine •Gastroenterology •General surgery •Heart failure •Hepatology •Internal medicine •Laboratory services •Neurosurgery •Neurology •Occupational therapy •Orthopaedics •Outpatient rehabilitation •Pain management •Pediatrics (general) •Pediatric allergy and immunology •Pediatric cardiology •Pediatric ear, nose and throat (otolaryngology) •Pediatric endocrinology •Pediatric epilepsy •Pediatric general surgery •Pediatric neurological surgery •Pediatric neurology •Pediatric occupational therapy •Pediatric pulmonology •Pediatric psychology •Pediatric urology •Physical therapy •Sleep medicine •Urgent care •Urology UH Twinsburg Health Center 330-486-9600 8819 Commons Boulevard Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 2 | University Hospitals Twinsburg Health Center Provider Directory Provider listings are current as of October 2015. Copies of this directory are available as a printable file at KEY * UH Digestive Health Institute ® UH Ear, Nose & Throat Institute • UH Eye Institute ¡ UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute ∆UH Neurological Institute ~UH Rainbow Care Network +UH Transplant Institute †UH Urology Institute Outpatient Services Information Need Additional Help? DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING AND RADIOLOGY INSURANCE ACCESS LINE 330-486-9680 | Suite 103 216-983-1500 EMERGENCY ROOM AND URGENT CARE If University Hospitals is out-of-network for your health plan, the Insurance Access Line can assist you in evaluating options available to access care at University Hospitals. 330-405-1500 | Suite 101 AND 101A Avoid waiting room crowds with InQuicker online check-in service. PAT I E N T C O N C I E R G E Adult and pediatric care 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. At UH Twinsburg Health Center, we offer an on-site patient concierge, who will assist patients with scheduling follow-up tests and specialist appointments. Our concierge can answer questions and offer resources within University Hospitals. 330-486-9655 | Outside Suite 100 L A B O R AT O R Y S E R V I C E S 330-486-9670 | Suite 102 R E H A B I L I TAT I O N S E R V I C E S Outpatient Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine 330-486-9610 | Suite 201 U H E A R , N O S E & T H R O AT I N S T I T U T E Audiology 216-844-6000 | Suite 202 330-486-9600 • | 3 ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 216-248-1630 | Suite 100 Samuel L. Friedlander, MD Betty Kampman, CNP Samuel L. Friedlander, MD Betty Kampman, CNP Michael J. Cunningham, MD Paul Kohanski, CNP Mahazarin B. Ginwalla, MD Sri K. Madan Mohan, MD Richard A. Josephson, MD Harish J. Manyam, MD C A R D I O VA S C U L A R M E D I C I N E 216-844-3800 | Suite 203 Michael J. Cunningham, MD¡ Mahazarin B. Ginwalla, MD (heart failure)¡ Richard A. Josephson, MD¡ Paul Kohanski, CNP ¡ Sri K. Madan Mohan, MD¡ Harish J. Manyam, MD (electrophysiology)¡ Sahil A. Parikh, MD¡ 4 | University Hospitals Twinsburg Health Center Sahil A. Parikh, MD D E R M AT O L O G Y 216-844-8200 | Suite 202 Ari L. Konheim, MD Ari L. Konheim, MD E A R , N O S E A N D T H R O AT ( O T O L A RY N G O L O G Y ) 440-232-6789 | Suite 100 Hassan Abbass, MD® 216-844-6000 | Suite 202 Nicole Fowler, MD® Diana Ponsky, MD® Maroun Semaan, MD® Hassan Abbass, MD Nicole Fowler, MD Diana Ponsky, MD Maroun Semaan, MD ENDOCRINOLOGY 440-646-2200 | Suite 100 Markowitz, Rosenberg, Stein and Associates Valerie Ann Hadam, MD Valerie Ann Hadam, MD 330-486-9600 • | 5 F A M I LY M E D I C I N E 330-425-2212 | Suite 100 Twinsburg Family Medicine Annette Cosentino-Bressi, DO Molly Friedman-Verdun, DO Bradley G. Hillard, DO Erin M. Hillard, DO Melissa M. Nassif Pla, DO Kim M. Robusto, DO Gregory F. Spagnuolo, MD Annette CosentinoBressi, DO Erin M. Hillard, DO Molly FriedmanVerdun, DO Melissa M. Nassif Pla, DO Bradley G. Hillard, DO Kim M. Robusto, DO Gregory F. Spagnuolo, MD GASTROENTEROLOGY 440-708-1555 | Suite 100 University Gastroenterology Associates Kristi L. Beatty, CNP* Robert B. Cameron, MD* Michael K. Koehler, MD* Kristi L. Beatty, CNP 6 | University Hospitals Twinsburg Health Center Robert B. Cameron, MD Michael K. Koehler, MD G E N E R A L S U R G E RY 216-844-7874 | Suite 202 Ajita Prabhu, MD 216-831-8255 | Suite 100 University Community Surgeons Jeffrey Parks, MD Ajita Prabhu, MD Jeffrey Parks, MD H E PAT O L O G Y 216-844-8500 | Suite 203 Stanley M. Cohen, MD* Stanley M. Cohen, MD INTERNAL MEDICINE 440-708-1580 | Suite 100 Markowitz, Rosenberg, Stein and Associates James T. Pizarro, MD James T. Pizarro, MD N E U R O S U R G E RY 216-285-5131 | Suite 100 Roseanna M. Lechner, MD∆ Roseanna M. Lechner, MD 330-486-9600 • | 7 NEUROLOGY 216-844-2724 | Suite 202 Colleen B. Tomcik, MD∆ Colleen B. Tomcik, MD O R T H O PA E D I C S 216-844-7200 | Suite 202 Michal Duller, PA-C Jason D. Eubanks, MD Stephen H. Lacey, MD Michael J. Salata, MD Kristi D. Slabe, PA-C 440-646-9636 | Suite 100 Michal Duller, PA-C Michael J. Salata, MD Michelle Czyzyk, PA-C Jason D. Eubanks, MD Kristi D. Slabe, PA-C Reuben Gobezie, MD Stephen H. Lacey, MD Anthony Ciavarella, PA-C Allyson Skebe, PA University Orthopaedic Specialists Anthony Ciavarella, PA-C Michelle Czyzyk, PA-C Reuben Gobezie, MD Allyson Skebe, PA 8 | University Hospitals Twinsburg Health Center PA I N M A N A G E M E N T 440-786-9885 | Suite 100 Sami E. Moufawad, MD Sami E. Moufawad, MD P E D I AT R I C S ( G E N E R A L ) 330-405-9147 | Suite 200 Pediatricenter Jennifer Coliadis, MD~ Julie Gunzler, MD~ Angela Hardman, MD~ Mark Malinowski, MD~ Justin Rich, MD~ Brian Zack, MD~ Jennifer Coliadis, MD Mark Malinowski, MD Julie Gunzler, MD Justin Rich, MD Angela Hardman, MD Brian Zack, MD 330-486-9600 • | 9 P E D I AT R I C A L L E R G Y AND IMMUNOLOGY 216-844-7700 | Suite 202 Eli Sliver, MD~ Eli Sliver, MD P E D I AT R I C C A R D I O L O G Y 216-844-7700 | Suite 202 Jeanine Arruda, MD~ Marcelo Auslender, MD~ Jill Shivapour, MD~ Jeanine Arruda, MD Marcelo Auslender, MD P E D I AT R I C E A R , N O S E A N D T H R O AT ( O T O L A R Y N G O L O G Y ) 216-844-6000 | Suite 202 Todd Otteson, MD, MPH~® Todd Otteson, MD, MPH P E D I AT R I C E N D O C R I N O L O G Y 216-844-7700 | Suite 202 Naveen Uli, MD~ Anuradha Viswanathan, MD~ Naveen Uli, MD 10 | University Hospitals Twinsburg Health Center Anuradha Viswanathan, MD Jill Shivapour, MD P E D I AT R I C E P I L E P S Y 216-844-7700 | Suite 202 Jun Park, MD~ Jun Park, MD P E D I AT R I C G E N E R A L S U R G E R Y 216-844-3015 | Suite 202 Edward M. Barksdale, MD~ Edward M. Barksdale, MD P E D I AT R I C N E U R O L O G Y 216-844-5741 | Suite 202 Jessica Goldstein, MD~ Mark Scher, MD~ Jessica Goldstein, MD Mark Scher, MD P E D I AT R I C N E U R O L O G I C A L S U R G E RY 216-844-5741 | Suite 202 Krystal Tomei, MD~ Krystal Tomei, MD 330-486-9600 • | 11 P E D I AT R I C P U L M O N O L O G Y 216-844-7700 | Suite 202 Meeghan Hart, MD~ Laura Milgram, MD~ Meeghan Hart, MD Laura Milgram, MD P E D I AT R I C P S Y C H O L O G Y 330-486-9619 | Suite 100 Bridgette M. Wiggers, PhD~ Bridgette M. Wiggers, PhD P E D I AT R I C U R O L O G Y 216-844-3009 | Suite 202 Lynn L. Woo, MD~† Lynn L. Woo, MD SLEEP MEDICINE 216-844-3201 | Suite 203 Colleen Lance, MD Colleen Lance, MD UROLOGY 216-844-3009 | Suite 202 Lee Ponksy, MD† Lee Ponksy, MD 330-486-9600 | 8819 Commons Boulevard Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 © 2015 University Hospitals ASC 00951
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Health Center Directory
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Health Center Directory
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