2015 Winter Stable Sheet - Morgan Horse Association of Oregon


2015 Winter Stable Sheet - Morgan Horse Association of Oregon
Winter 2015
Volume 3, Issue 4
MHAO Stable Sheet
Oregon Morgans
2015 Winter
MHAO Stable Sheet
Oregon Country Flash
RDK’s Oregon Rising Son X Marvelous Ima Darling
(More about Oregon Country Flash on pages 20-21)
Page 1
A Message from your
MHAO President
Dear MHAO Members:
Have you Renewed?
Inside this issue:
Index/Renewal Reminder
President’s Message
2016 Meeting Dates
A Pony for Christmas (Poem)
End of the Year Banquet
Foal Photo Contest
Promotion Opportunity
Winter Checklist (Health)
New Show Requirements
Carriage (Inspiration)
2015 High Point Winners
Oregon Morgans
2015 Financial Report
Oregon Morgan Classic
Stallion Service Auction
PNW Show/Stallion Calendars
Breeders Cup Futurity
Open Incentive Program
Non-horsy Member News
Members on the Move
National News
News from AMHA
2016 Show Calendar
Page 2
Be part of the fun in 2016!
If you haven’t renewed your
membership, do so today. If
nothing has changed, you can
simply pay on line via the
MHAO website:
In fact, you can even do that if
there ARE changes. And, the
membership dues for a family
are still only $35 per year.
Individual dues have actually
gone DOWN to $30 per year.
Also, if you want to be one of
the movers and shakers, just
contact the new president,
Gay Adams, and let her know
you want to contribute. Volunteers are always needed,
wanted, and appreciated.
Thank you to all the wonderful members of
MHAO for the confidence you have placed in
me. As your new president I will endeavor to
represent you well and have many new and
old ideas that we as a group can and should
successfully carry out. I also wish to convey
my sincere appreciation to all of the hard
working and dedicated Board Members and
volunteers who made 2015 such a successful year. Our Award Banquet was
truly a celebration of that effort.
At this year’s Award Banquet I heard a lot of concern voiced about two things:
pulling more beginning & junior riders into our Breed, and the need for more
promotion of the Morgan Horse. I hear you and acknowledge that these will be
focal points for 2016. Look for information in this Newsletter on our Open
Incentive Program and how it can be used to support promotion of our Breed.
I am also looking for input on any member riding lesson programs in Oregon or
Washington. Call me if you have one.
One of my personal goals for the club is better two way communication between
MHAO members and the MHAO Board. Come to our Spring Clinic/Silent
Stallion Service Auction/General Membership Meeting Event in mid-March and
let your voice be heard.
New ideas and efforts are welcome and encouraged. Let us know what you are doing so we can help.
Our new officers have been announced. Ahead lie the holidays and a year filled
with new adventures. I wish each of you a wonderful Holiday season, & look
forward to seeing you soon.
Merry Christmas to all, and I wish each of you a very Morgan good year!
Gay Adams
(503) 936-4276
[email protected]
"Alone we can do
so little; together
we can do so much.”
Helen Keller
Page 3
Board and General Membership
2016 Meeting Dates
January 15 – Shilo Inn, Portland Airport, Portland
February 13 -- TBD
March 12 – General Membership meeting and Spring Clinic, Close
Stallion Auction—TBD
April 16 – TBD
May – No Meeting unless needed
June 18 — Far West, Redmond, OR (In person encouraged)
July 20 – OMC, Eugene, OR (In person encouraged)
August 27 – PNW Show, Spanaway, WA
September 17 – TBD
October – No Meeting
November 6 – General Membership Meeting & Banquet—TBD
December 10 – Transition Meeting to new Board (Optional and to
be approved by newly elected Board) - TBD
All MHAO Board Meetings are OPEN!
Meetings to start promptly at noon!
Come early to order food
Phone number for call in attendance is (712) 775-7031
Passcode 149-352-688
Your Stable Sheet Needs an Editor!
Since Shelley is hanging up her spurs after 3 years as editor of the Stable
Sheet, MHAO needs someone to step into the saddle! It is a great opportunity
to have some fun.
A Pony For Christmas
How many of us wanted a Christmas pony?
We’d clean up our rooms if only, if only…..
If only Santa would pull from his sack
A shaggy Shetland pony and all of his tack.
We’d eat our veggies and study our books,
Finish our chores and sweep every nook.
Be nice to our brothers and not pull sister’s hair
If only Santa would put a pony there.
How many of us rushed downstairs Christmas morn
To see bikes and dolls and were still forlorn
As our wish wasn’t granted and we were still lonely
Because Santa didn’t bring us a Christmas pony?
This year as you write out your Christmas list
And a pony is still your favorite wish,
Realize among family and friends, all things nice,
Santa’s been bringing you ponies all of
your life.
Liz Goldmann
In 2013 the MHAO Stable Sheet went to a quarterly magazine format. That
year also marked the inaugural issue of MHAO’s “online” version of the
newsletter. However, it is still prepared in a magazine format, and printed
copies are mailed to any member who requests it.
If you are interested in filling this rewarding position, contact Gay Adams
MHAO is looking for someone to take up the reins and be in the saddle by the
first of the new year.
Page 4
Morgandy and Huckleberry
Page 5
MHAO Year End Banquet
Fifty plus MHAO members and guests attended MHAO's year end banquet and
general membership meeting November 8 at Hayden's Grill in Tualatin.
Everyone mingled before dinner, placing bids on enticing silent auction holiday
items. Eva Baker organized the event and huge thanks to her for arranging the
delicious menu choices including baked salmon, chicken cordon bleu, and
roast beef. This group definitely meets to eat! Shelley Bullard was a vivacious
emcee as President Paula Hague had a sore throat. Several awards of
appreciation were presented to folks who have served MHAO and the various
committees well this past year. Paula did take the microphone during the
general membership meeting to announce next year's officers. The 2016
officers will be: President Gay Adams, Vice President Lisa McGraw and
Treasurer Karen Breckenridge.
Highlight of the fall meeting was the wonderful and informative “Ask the
Trainers” panel. We are indebted and appreciative to our professionals who
generously gave their time and expertise. Thank you to Nancy Eidam of Crown
Morgans, Umatilla Oregon; Linda Collins of Timber Creek, Maple Valley,
Washington; Dallas Bolen of Sunchaser Morgans, Hermiston, Oregon; Greg
Ferguson of Trafalgar, Walla Walla, Washington; Suzanne Haberak of Fire Run
Farm Monroe, Washington; and Erin Silver of Silver Mesa, Sheridan, Oregon.
Lively discussions ranging from hunter standards to academy equitation
classes would have gone on all night if allowed. Thanks to all, and especially
Nancy for putting this panel together!
Page 6
Presentation of the annual high point awards brought many smiles and
applause. 68 horses and 29 owner/members were part of the competition this
year. Nancy Eidam and Margaret Anne Korver did an excellent job of tabulating points for all members that competed in Morgan Shows or All Breed Shows.
These two were also responsible for very lovely certificates and plaques, with
coolers for overall winners. (See complete list of High Point winners on pages
The silent auction was a success for the club and everyone went home with
new decorations for the holidays.
(More banquet photos next two pages.)
Page 7
MHAO Year End Banquet
The Stable Sheet
thanks all those
contributing photos
from the MHAO Year
End Awards Banquet
and Meeting.
Page 8
Page 9
MHAO Breeder’s Cup Futurity Foal Photo Contest
This year’s winners: Winning 1st & 2nd place
is Leslie Arnould with two pictures of her beautiful
foal, Akira Derringer by
SpiceOLife Present Tense
out of Fire Run Natalia. The
winning pictures included
Maddie, Leslie and Dustin’s
adorable daughter. Morgan
Arnould were the photographers.
3rd place went to Kurt & Teri
Rumens of Fire Run Farm with their picture of their
gorgeous filly FRF Maleficent by Pondview Tres Bien
out of FRF Bridalveil. Teri Rumens was the photographer.
1st place won a prize of $100 and will be used to
promote the Futurity for 2016. 2nd place won $75 &
3rd place won $50. Congratulations! And thanks to all
who participated. To see all the pictures submitted, go
to the MHAO website:
Breed Promotion Opportunity
Erica Parker-Trager is looking for people who are interested in being part of a
breed presentation at the Washington State Horse Expo held at the Clark
County Fairgrounds in February. Her phone # is (360) 216-5236, email
[email protected]. Please contact her if you are interested.
MHAO has an open incentive program that can reimburse part of the entry
fee for any of our members participating (a maximum of $25 to each member). See the article about the open incentive program included in this Stable
Sheet (page 27) for more information.
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Page 11
Winter Checklist!
Before you settle down for that long winter’s nap, or become
one with your sofa watching all those bowl games, here’s a
quick checklist from your friendly pain in the gluteals veterinary contributor.
1. Equine Passports: We get them for the show season but
then forget to send them back in! That’s the rub. The Northwest State Veterinarians wanted to develop a simpler system than requiring a
new health certificate every time we take our equines across state lines so they
came up with the “Equine Passport” that is good for 6 months and allows for
unlimited travel between CA, OR, WA, NV, ID, and MT for 6 months. Trouble is
that most folks aren’t remembering to fill out the travel logs on the buff colored
copies and returning them at the end of the 6 months so now there’s talk of
discontinuing the program. That would be a bummer for all of us. I can’t imagine
any of us want to go back to getting health certificates for every interstate trip!
If you’re finished traveling for the season, now would be a great time to dig out
that passport, make sure it’s filled out, and return it to the state office (address is
on the form). No problem if it’s been less than 6 months since issue, or even
more. Let’s get them returned so we can keep this system in place. It’s unique to
the Northwest and even though it’s an inconvenience, life could be much worse!
(Think of how much hassle it is to travel to OKC).
2. USEF Mandatory Vaccination Rule: By now you’ve probably heard that all
horses must be vaccinated for Equine Influenza Virus (“Flu”) and Equine Herpes
Virus (“EHV or Rhinopneumonitis”) within 6 months prior to entering a USEF
sanctioned event. What this means for all of
us is that not only do we need to keep horses
current on vaccinations but the documentation
will now be critical as well. If administered by
a veterinarian, keep the receipt with the name
of the horse and vaccinations or a vaccination
certificate. If you administer the vaccines
yourself please read the record keeping
Page 12
requirements from the rule on the USEF web site. You’ll need a receipt of
purchase, vaccine name, serial number, date administered, date of vaccine
expiration, and name of the horse on a signed vaccination record. Whew!
I’m sure there will be some snafus implementing this program but better to
have too much documentation than be turned away at the gate. We’ll see how
this system gets fine-tuned but if it reduces the incidence of show-related
disease outbreaks, think of how much time we’ll all save emailing each other!
3. OK, we had a frost. Time to worm for bots…. now!
4. Yikes! Do you know what time it is? Have an Eggnog!
Merry Christmas!
Dr. Bob
(AKA: Robert Bullard, DVM)
Conduct of Licensed Competitions
GR845 Equine Vaccination Rule
1. At Federation licensed competitions, horses entering the grounds must be accompanied
by documentation of Equine Influenza Virus and Equine Herpes Virus (Rhinopneumonitis)
vaccinations within six months prior to entering the stables. Horses not in compliance with
this rule may be required to leave the competition grounds upon request by Competition
Management. Documentation should consist of one of the following methods mentioned
below. The frequency of vaccine administration should be per the vaccine manufacturers’ or
veterinarian’s recommendations. It is recommended that vaccines are administered by or
under the direction of a veterinarian.
2. In the case of vaccines administered by a veterinarian, the exhibitor, upon request by
Competition Management, must provide documentation from the veterinarian documenting
that the horse in question received the vaccinations; name of the vaccines and date of
vaccine administration.
3. In the case of vaccines administered by a person other than a veterinarian, the exhibitor,
upon request by Competition Management, must provide a receipt of the vaccine purchase
which is signed by the owner, or agent with care, custody, and control of the horse; name,
serial number and expiration date of the vaccine; and date of vaccine administration.
4. In the case of a horse that is unable to receive either of the vaccinations due to a history
of adverse reactions, the exhibitor, upon request by Competition Management, must provide
a letter from the veterinarian on official letterhead stating that the horse in question cannot be
vaccinated due to medical concerns and a log of temperatures taken twice daily for the seven days prior to entering the competition grounds. These horses must also have their temperature taken and logged twice daily while on the competition grounds. The log of temperatures should be provided to the Competition Management, steward, or technical delegate
when requested.
5. Competition Management may not amend or enhance vaccination requirements without
prior approval of the Veterinary Committee. BOD 1/17/15 Effective 12/1/15.
Page 13
West Coast Triple Crown
Where Excellence Met Sportsmanship
A Morgan horse and a gifted horsewoman combined their
talents in a thrilling victory over astounding odds…..
The summer of 2015 saw the premier of the West Coast Triple Crown for combined
driving. One of Stef’s toughest competitors was Drew Callahan, a professional
trainer. As the season progressed both drivers knew they were in a close race with
fractions of points separating their scores. The final and deciding event was the
cones course at the Shady Oaks CDE driven on The Field of Screams, and when
the scores were tallied Stefanie and Shadow were declared the winners by a mere
12/100th point out of hundreds! What a thrill for this steadfast team!
Stefanie Putnam was born with the horse gene as much a
part of her DNA as her hazel eyes. She rode hunters and
jumpers and dreamed of the Olympics. She pursued a
Master’s degree so she could “get a good job to support
my horse habit.” A few months into her studies Stefanie
sustained an injury that caused her to become quadriplegic. During three months of rehabilitation she could not
hold her head up without fainting, but could feel “the pilot
light still burning” for horses. Somehow, some way, she had to get back to the barn.
Afterwards Stefanie was looking at her score sheets and did the math again and
again, and discovered it was actually Drew who had the better score by that razor
thin 12/100th and not her! She called the officials to explain what she had found,
and they convened and issued this statement: “WOW! The West Coast Triple
Crown is complete and the cliffhanger was the battle for Preliminary Horse. As
organizers, we have unanimously concluded that there should be dual recipients.
The sportsmanship displayed by all has been an inspiration for everyone involved
in the sport of combined driving, so a huge congratulations to Stefanie Putnam and
Drew Callahan, dual recipients of the Triple Crown!”
Stefanie was intrigued when she learned about competitive combined driving and
through the incredible support of many individuals was drawn to Leslie Berndl, a
trainer and top international competitor who treated Stefanie on an equal footing with
her other students. Soon Stef was driving a remarkable Morgan named Bethesda’s
After Dark (aka Shadow) who had represented the US twice internationally when
competed by Scott Monroe. Stefanie had never met a Morgan, but the moment she
looked into Shadow’s deep, knowing eyes she felt what she calls “soulship.” Scott
somehow knew his beloved horse had found a very special place in this world with
Stefanie and stated,”Stef is an amazing driver, so rather than pursuing more possible
medals myself I am hoping that Stefanie will be the one bringing home the gold at
the Paralympics.”
The two winners said of each other:
By Liz Goldmann
With adaptations such as a molded seat and cushion made by Aspen Seating in
Denver, Stefanie is fully supported in the carriage. She says when she’s driving any
medical issues disappear from her mind and she recalls her classical training---“back
straight, head up, eyes forward.” Despite no function in her hands she says she feels
as if her fingers are curving around the reins as she cues her horse with cuffs attached to her wrists, and as she rises to the challenges states she loves “the all
encompassing feeling of a horse.”
(Drew) “Stefanie is an outstanding driver. I am honored to call her a fellow member
of our sport. She works hard and deserved this win. She is a joy of an individual and
extremely talented in this sport. I hope to compete with her like this for many years
to come.”
(Stefanie): “I could not be more moved, honored, and proud to share this amazing
award. This truly speaks to the unbelievable integrity and spirit of community and
support that exists here on the
west coast. You have each
been an incredible inspiration
and ongoing, steadfast source
of encouragement and sustenance to me and my very soul,
and I am truly blessed.”
Stefanie told this reporter that
when she fell in love with
Shadow she knew she would
always have Morgans in her
life. We are surely blessed that
a Morgan chose her.
Editor’s note:
When I heard about this amazing woman and her amazing example of sportsmanship
I asked Liz to cover it for us. I am delighted she did so. A good story for the aging
boomers to read as we whine about our backs and knees and shoulders (I am guilty!);
and, an excellent reminder for equestrians of all ages that how we win is usually more
important than what we win.
Hooray for Stephanie for overcoming the odds, but still remembering that sportsmanship is key. Hooray for Liz for telling us the story. For more details see Liz’s longer
article in the December issue of The Morgan Horse.
Page 14
Page 15
“Thank you, Dallas,
for a wonderful
year from the CDE
trail to the OKC rail.
Chip and I are
enjoying the drive.”
Sutton Remembrance (Crown Superlative x Sutton Star
Time) with Liz Goldmann and Dallas Bolen had a
spectacular trip to Oklahoma City!
"Chip" was the repeat winner of Driven Dressage
Preliminary and was the Bridle Path Hack Champion,
thereby earning his "GCH" rating during the show!
Ten classes, ten Top Tens, two National Championships!
Thanks to all the supporters of Team Chip!
Proudly owned & loved by
Lou & Liz Goldmann
Benton City, WA
Superbly trained by
Dallas Bolen of Sunchaser Morgans,
Hermsiton, OR
"Thanks, Dallas, for
all your help and
guidance and the rides
on great horses like
Pele and Casey.
A 'two-pitchforks up'
salute to you!
“Winning is only half of it. Having fun
is the other half.”
Coach Bum Phillips
Dallas Bolen Training
Sunchaser Morgans
Dallas Bolen Training
80921 Cooney Lane, Hermiston, OR 97838
(541) 571-8274
Web: www.sunchasermorgans.com
Page 16
80921 Cooney Lane, Hermiston, OR 97838
(541) 571-8274
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.sunchasermorgans.com
Page 17
MHAO 2015 High Point Awards
In Hand
Wiz Showsonsation, Champion
Breathless, Reserve, Champion
English Pleasure
Mini Cooper, Champion
Sacred Path Fortune, Reserve Champion
Classic English Pleasure
Wiz Showsonsation, Champion
RGM Vikings Treasure, Reserve Champion
Park Saddle
RDF Bell Ringer, Champion
Gordel’s Satin Jewel, Reserve Champion
Pleasure Driving
RDF Valentino, Champion
Festival Calypso, Reserve Champion
Classic Pleasure Driving
Gordel’s Satin Jewel, Champion
Gordel’s Black with a Twist, Reserve Champion
Park Harness
RDF Bell Ringer, Champion
Gordel’s Deliverance, Reserve Champion
Western Pleasure
ATMF Exclamation, Champion
Highland Ridge Daniel, Reserve Champion
Hunter Pleasure
ATMF Moonlight Sonata, Champion
Aranaway Dante, Reserve Champion
ATMF Exclamation exhibited by Jim Breckenridge, Champion
Wiz Showsonsation exhibited by Cecily King Pratt, Reserve Champion
English Pleasure
Sutton Remembrance, Champion
Sutton Remembrance, Champion
Hunter Pleasure
ATMF Moonlight Sonata, Champion
PT Cruiser, Reserve Champion
Sport Horse in Hand
Aranaway Dante, Champion
ATMF Moonlight Sonata, Reserve Champion
Dressage Suitability
Roundabout Ticket to Ride
Dressage – Classical Ridden
ATMF Moonlight Sonata, Champion
Aranaway Dante, Reserve Champion
Page 18
Dressage – Driven
Sutton Remembrance, Champion
C-King Alexander, Reserve Champion
Dressage – Cowboy/Western
Sunchaser Via Condotti
Equinox Holy Grael
Carriage Obstacle
Sutton Remembrance, Champion
C-King Alexander, Reserve Champion
Carriage – Arena
Sutton Remembrance, Champion
C-King Alexander, Reserve Champion
Carriage – CDE
Sutton Remembrance, Champion
Marvelous Portia, Champion
Northwest Barrister, Reserve Champion
PT Cruiser, Champion
Rogue Hill’s Catalina
Glass Rails Ebony Tigre
Sutton Remembrance, Champion
Oregon Country Flash, Reserve Champion
Rogue Hill’s Catalina exhibited by Cassandra Humphries, Champion
Sutton Remembrance exhibited by Liz Goldmann, Reserve Champion
Myckayla Shaver, Champion
Jessica Cain, Reserve Champion
Madeline Arnould on Akira Conspiracy, Leadline Champion
Lucy Fetter on Artistic Revolution, Leadline Champion
Morgandy Bullard on Northwest Barrister, Leadline Champion
We’ll be looking
for new names
here next year!
Page 19
Oregon Morgans Presents: Oregon
Oregon Country
Country Flash
PK arrived at Stone Temple Farms in March.
I stood in awe as he came off the trailer. His
big, blue eyes, immense presence, and
personality instantly drew me in. We let him
stretch his legs in the arena that morning and
the first thing he did was find a toy. He ran
around with that big red ball for hours. I knew
then that this horse was going to be a lot of
It didn't take long for PK to settle in. In fact, I
think he was settled as soon as he arrived!
The next morning he ran around his paddock
with an empty shavings bag in his mouth,
spooking all of the other horses. We often
joke that he desensitizes himself.
PK is comfortable wherever there are people.
He LOVES human interaction and often
chooses people over his breakfast. He is very inquisitive and always wants to be
involved in everything. He helps clean his stall, fill his water, and especially
enjoys assisting me when putting on his "pjs." Speaking of pjs, I often find them
hanging from the rafters in the morning.
Crown Deja Vu
7 days
Each and every training session with PK is enjoyable and fun. He is truly one of
the most intelligent, trainable, horses I have ever worked with. He is so kind and
gentle, but when you ask, quick to ignite the fire and passion of the Morgan
In June, PKs coltish antics got him in trouble. He escaped his stall and went on
an adventure that would result in a very serious injury. My vet recommended we
get him to OSU right away, where he ended up staying for five days. On that fifth
day, when I walked back to his stall, he greeted me with a whinny. He put his
head in my arms and nudged my side, begging for more scratches. He had to
spend a few months on stall rest and I had to change his bandages regularly. He
was the best patient ever, always very patient and calm. I thought for sure this
year’s show season was over, but he proved me wrong! After careful rehabilitation and constant care, he went to the PNW Morgan Horse show and took home
the Grand Champion Stallion title. Not only did he overcome what could have
been a career ending injury, he was the first pinto Morgan to win such a title.
They say there is always a reason a horse appears in a woman's life. It is no
accident when they come to us, if only in our dreams. However, they make their
presence known and their impact is permanent. PK has impacted my life much
more then I thought a horse ever could. I'm so thankful Carol has trusted me
with her boy and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for him.
Crown Commandant
5 days
Crown Viscount
5 days
Crown A-Lister
3 days
Crown Cherished Keepsake
2 days
— young stock available —
Erica Parker Trager
Stone Temple Farms
Page 20
Page 21
2015 MHAO Financial Report
For your breeding consideration: Ragtime Oro Blanco
“Casper” (Robbie Sue’s Mr. Alert X CAS Amber Twilight)
Fiscal Year End 10/31/15
Total Cash assets in Bank of America: $39,145.13
One year prior: $39,110.77
We are cash tax filers and not accrual, so these numbers do not mean a
break even, it’s just what checks have cleared and bills have been paid by
this date.
On the profit and loss, we showed a net profit for the 2014 tax year (last
year) of $2,273.87. There are bills that should have been paid in the last
tax year that had not been submitted by 10/31 that will roll into the next
fiscal year, but ultimately we have made a profit!
The Stallion Auction was our main fundraiser, bringing in $6,242.18 net income. Membership was profitable by $3,121.67, the Stable Sheet had a
profit of $528.08, and the Futurity had a net profit (before the split of their
portion of the stallion auction) of $638.87, although there are uncashed
futurity premium checks. OMC was our biggest expense being in the red
$5,279.25, with change of venue expenses and fewer horses in 2015
contributing to the loss.
Ultimately, MHAO needs to focus on keeping control of expenses, but also
bringing in more money for fundraisers for the 2015-16 fiscal year.
Respectfully Submitted:
Dallas Bolen – Outgoing MHAO Treasurer.
2016 Breeding Fee Special
Casper will be offered at stud
for $850.00 for the first five
Morgan mares to book!!
Expires Tuesday, March 1,
Takilma Gold Morgans offers
young stock and finished riding
horses for sale, from yearlings to
15 years of age and at different
levels of training.
For more information and
pictures, please go to the
Takilma Gold website or give
Peggy a call.
"Like Us" on Facebook!
Takilma Gold Morgans—Home
of Oro Blanco.
Peggy Malone
(541) 592-4726
Page 22
Page 23
MHAO Stallion Service Auction
July 15-17, 2016
The auction is now open for stallion nominations. If you have a stallion you
would like to donate and promote through MHAO, please call: Gay Adams,
(503) 936-4276. If you are a breeder who would like to see a stallion in the
auction and be willing to offer the opening bid, please let Gay know right
away. An opening bid is not a guarantee that MHAO will be able to add them
to the roster, but it does help. Suggestions are also welcome. Watch for the
announcement of the stallion line-up on January 1st. The auction will run
until mid-March when it will close at MHAO’s General Membership meeting
and clinic. More information will be announced.
Oregon Horse Center
90751 Prairie Road
Eugene, OR 97402
At the fabulous Oregon Horse Center in Eugene, Oregon!
Where weather is no concern—all under one roof!
More fun than ever—parties, youth events, special
Classes for everyone—Dressage and Western Dressage
(OTAB) and of course: In hand, driving, saddleseat,
hunter, western and trail!
Complete premium list will be on line the end of January,
2016. Check it out!
A child in your stocking?
Page 24
Page 25
MHAO Stallion Calendars For Sale
MHAO Futurity
As part of a fundraiser for the MHAO Futurity, The Futurity is selling a 13-month
2016 Stallion Calendar featuring our 2015 stallions. They are for sale for $15
each. If you would like to order any calendars, please give Gay Adams a call at
(503) 936-4276. If you know anyone in a purchasing capacity for a tack store
or stationary type outlet, Gay would like to expand sales beyond the club.
Knowing the right people to call is crucial to this effort, and the Futurity will appreciate any help you can give. Any ideas on how to expand our sales are also
welcome. Distribution will begin in December.
Nomination renewal packages will be going out soon! Watch for them. Do you
have a 2015 foal that you had planned to enter? Call Gay Adams to discuss
the Futurity. The Futurity is growing and getting better each year. In 2015
there were a total of 41 foals participating. In 2016 plans are to implement a
Sweepstakes Program for Yearlings and 2-year-olds.
PNW Morgan Show!
This year's PNW Morgan Horse Show broke all recent records for attendance
with 85 Morgans and included the new PNW Cowboy Dressage Show with
124 tests . Martina Bone from Somerset, CA judged the Cowboy Dressage.
She was speedy and congenial. Jennifer Sullivan was equally enjoyable
coming from Scituate, MA to preside over the Morgan show.
Exhibitors rolled with Saturday's wild wind storm with horizontal hail and
siding coming loose from the building, but the power stayed on and the show
went on with everyone in high spirits for the BBQ and gala Saturday night
performance. Each evening featured a color guard with either mounted or
driven Morgans.
Competition was deep and enjoyable for both riders and spectators. A couple
came from Idaho to watch the Cowboy Dressage and plan to compete next
year. The show included entries from Montana and most of Washington and
Oregon's barns were well-represented .
This is a show where people come to enjoy showing their horses just like the
old days! Everyone feels welcome, from seasoned competitors qualifying for
OKC to the entry level youngster in their first show. If you missed it, please
don't let that happen again. Come enjoy the historic PNW! !
Thanks to MHCWS, Key Classic, C-Fair Charity for use of their dressage
arena and to all of our loyal sponsors, exhibitors and friends!
Complete results are online at Gaitkeeper.com and photos for viewing at
Two C Photography public group on Facebook.
- Catherine Cloud
Page 26
Look for more detailed information on the Futurity on the MHAO website.
2016 updates are in process, and we are ever evolving. Join the fun!
Gay Adams
(503) 936-4276
Make Money with Your Morgans
The MHAO Open Incentive Program is a reimbursement program. Each
year current MHAO members are eligible to receive up to $100 in reimbursement for fees paid to participate in “Open To All Breed” events with a registered
Morgan Horse. Each event is limited to a $25 maximum. The total maximum
for the year is $100 per member (Individual Member or Family Membership).
An activity or event is eligible if it is open to all breeds (OTAB) and requires a
participation or entry fee. Even if the event has a Morgan only class, as long as
it is primarily open to all breeds it is eligible. Breed shows and activities significantly sponsored by Morgan Clubs are not included. Examples that qualify
include: State and County Fairs, Local Horse Shows including schooling
shows, Dressage events, Combined Driving Events (CDE), Extreme or
Competitive Trail Riding, Endurance rides, Poker Rides, Horsemanship Clinics,
Expositions, Parades, etc.
If you need a reimbursement form, call or email Gay Adams. Events must
occur between November 1, 2015 and October 31, 2016. Send the form with
proof of payment such as a copy of your entry receipt or the event secretary's
signature within 30 days of the event to [email protected] or
Gay Adams, 16818 S Manor Dr, Oregon City OR 97045. Reimbursed fees are
what would be considered entry fees and do not include travel to or from the
Page 27
What Do You Do When You’re Not Horsing Around?
Everyone in the MHAO loves their Morgan horses so that’s our common bond.
Beyond the horses we are a varied lot. A few months ago this reporter sent out
a questionnaire asking “What do you do when you’re not horsing around?”
Surprisingly, many requested to remain anonymous, although no one admitted
to brewing moonshine in a still out back behind the barn, or
growing recently-legalized herbs in the flowerbeds, but……..
who knew that among us is someone who has paddled down
the Amazon River in a dugout
Member Diana Pyle reports that
she does pet sitting and custom
embroidery and enjoys kayaking
and travel. She says she’s very
shy but has learned to hide it
(who knew?!)
When asked what she does, Margo
Mossburg states “I recycle used
wieners” as a full time Dachshund
rescuer. She also assists the
Rough Start Horse Rescue to
place homeless horses. Margo
also owns Dragoon Studios,
specializing in animal photography
and logo design.
Distant member Kathy Boerema in
Colorado enjoys quilting all winter and says it is good mental therapy and also
keeps her hands busy and out of the cookie jar.
Those crafty members who chose the name Anonymous declare they are
Bunco Queens, fly fishermen, duck hunters, ranch managers, the daughter of
an amateur magician. We have another member who loves rocks, someone
else who climbs rocks, another who needle points Christmas stockings for all
the grandchildren, and one dedicated soul bakes 200 dozen cookies every
holiday season to add to food boxes at the local food bank.
It is said variety is good for the soul and MHAO members certainly display a
range of interests. Aren’t we lucky we all love the same horse?
News from our Northern Neighbor
Morgan Horse Club of Washington State
The MHCWS annual meeting had a fiesta theme, complete with music, décor
and great Mexican food! Holly Gellner did a fantastic job of bringing it all
We had a silent auction, and a fiercely competitive dessert dash with some very
yummy desserts! The meeting ran a bit over, but there were things that needed
to be discussed, and I want the membership to feel they are being herd. Bylaw
changes were passed, and we elected a new treasurer! Marla Miller threw her
hat into the ring and was quickly elected treasurer. We are very excited to have
her onboard to give fresh ideas and a new perspective. I would like to thank
Bob Clubine for being the treasurer for this club for many years. His expertise
has been a valued contribution to us and I know he will do a great job transitioning Marla into the position.
I will remain President for another year, Sandy Nichols remains the VP, and
Janet Heineck will again be the Secretary. Our Directors are: Holly Gellner,
Reneè Cairns and Patty Davis and in 2016 we will have a Promotions Chair!
Susan Haberek has volunteered to take that position and I am excited to have
her with all her enthusiasm and sparkling personality to get our Morgans more
visable to everyone!
The Hi-point awards for all divisions were given out to some very hard working
people, for both the breed shows and the Open competition, and we had two
very deserving individuals that were honored with two very special awards. The
Leo Beckley Youth of The Year Endowment award went to Miss Brooke Martin,
and the Adult Inspirational award went to Sonda Clubine.
I am planning on some changes for the coming year, and I want all to remember, if you have any questions, suggestions, ideas or would like to be part of a
committee ( and we will need some people!!), PLEASE let me know! We are
only as good as our membership. This is your club, and we promote the Morgan
horse by coming together, helping each other and enjoying our Morgans!
Jennifer Unick
Thank you, Jennifer.
For twice the fun:
Join MHAO and
- Liz Goldmann
Page 28
Page 29
MHAO Members on the Move!
New horse girl Avery
loves her lessons with
Gabe (Ji-Lo's Call to
Arms) and Linda C. The
smile says it all! (The
horse-enabling grandma
is Liz. And, darling Gabe
is worth his weight in
What a great way to end the season! Jack
and Nadette's stallion, Gladheart Black Harris
was the Reserve Champion at Second Level
Open at the Oregon Dressage Society
League Championship Show."
Jesse James (Kahlua N
Cream) won 1st, Yearling
Morgan Stallions at his
second show, the Spokane
fair which is the largest fair
in the area. Jesse promptly
chewed the ribbon to bits
after he got to his stall.
Naughty boy!
She even fell
asleep reading the
last issue of the
Stable Sheet!
Carol’s buckskin mare, Marvelous Portia,
with her trainer, Justine, on the Oregon
Horse Center’s Extreme Trail course .
It just gets better and better for Liz! When
Linda C invited daughter Wendy, Seth, &
kids to join the Timber Creek gang at
Tacoma's Zoo Lights cold and rain could
not keep them from the fun. Even Avery's
little brother Rylan got on a horse with
stepmum Wendy.
Liz says she is in “grandma heaven.”
Parents took Liz’s grandson Elliot to a toy store in
Friday Harbor and Liz was delighted to learn the toy
he chose to have was a horse figurine.
Liz is determined they will all be horsy boys and girls!
Meghan and Ensbrook Trivanti went to an open show
at the Lake Oswego Hunt Club last month and did
spectacularly! That ribbon photo tells the tale! They
won the high point for their division and were
competing in big classes – like, 17 entries! Meghan
and Trivanti had many admiring (Morgan) fans.
(More “Members on the Move” next page)
Page 30
Page 31
More MHAO Members on the Move!
Her first time ever to
touch a horse, and it was
a Morgan horse! Patsy
was thrilled. Carole’s
good girl, Kisses (NHR
Hugs n Kisses), knew to
just relax and enjoy!
HFM Rock My World (By Salem
Command) tried something new this
year: Western. (Margo says: “Not
bad for an old park horse, although I
did have to 2 hand him a few times.”
Rocky was also Reserve Grand
Champion Morgan Gelding in halter for
2015 at the Spokane fair.
Above, Carole and Kisses
relax together.
Some little leadliner
(Morgandy) loves her special
award from MHAO.
“Thank you MHAO!”
The Nationals reader board
in OKC. It’s the sponsor that
is important here!
Not to be outdone by Liz,
Shelley has a cute, horsy
granddaughter (Morgandy) too!
Here she is as Woody’s
cowgirl girlfriend, Jesse, from
“Toy Story.”
Here Diane
and Linda are
before their
versatility class
in OKC.
You go girls!
Right: In OKC, Dianne
chats with Karen while
Debbie and Linda look on.
Left: Jim and Margaret
discuss the show.
Below: Eva and Jeff visit
the Oregon folks.
Cady (FCM Cadence Fleetspirit) is a sweet
mare, especially for volunteer kids with
Rough Start Horse Rescue, who want to
learn about horses and horse showing.
Cady enjoys her retirement at the farm, but
also enjoys being pulled out of the pasture to
be dolled up and pampered by kids. (Cady
was Reserve Grand Champion Morgan Mare
at the Spokane fair.)
Page 32
The Stable Sheet
thanks all those
contributing photos
for “Members on the
Page 33
National News
USEF Equine Vaccination Rule
From the USEF Communications Department
Lexington, Ky. - In January, the USEF Board of Directors approved an addition
to the rule book, which outlines equine vaccination requirements at licensed
competitions. Beginning December 1, 2015, all horses entering the grounds of
a Federation-licensed competition must be accompanied by documentation of
Equine Influenza Virus and Equine Herpes Virus (Rhinopneumonitis) vaccinations within six months prior to entering the stables.
Due to several high profile Equine Herpes (EHV) outbreaks in recent years that
have involved the neuropathic strain of the virus (equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy-EHM), some competitions have placed vaccination requirements
on their competitors that go beyond most accepted medical opinions and raise
concern that unnecessary requirements can potentially put a horse at risk. The
intent of this rule is to ensure that all licensed competitions comply with the vaccination guidelines for Equine Influenza and Equine Herpes (Rhinopneumonitis)
published by the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP). These
guidelines are reviewed by infectious disease experts regularly, and recommend vaccinating competition horses at six-month intervals for both equine
influenza (flu) and rhinopneumonitis (EHV-1 and EHV-4). There is not a vaccine
that protects against EHM.
Read GR845 in its entirety
If you have questions regarding GR845 please contact the USEF Drugs &
Medications department at [email protected] or 800-633-2472.
Accountability for USEF Drugs & Medications Violations
From the USEF Communications Department
Lexington, Ky. - The USEF Board of Directors recently approved a rule change,
which expands the range of responsible parties for violations of the USEF's
Drugs and Medications rules. Beginning December 1, 2015, the rule will include
additional categories of individuals who are responsible and accountable
parties, which are defined as Persons Responsible and Support Personnel.
The Trainer will continue to be held accountable for violations; however, in addition to the Trainer, and in the absence of substantial evidence to the contrary,
Persons Responsible may include the individual who rides, vaults or drives the
horse and/or pony during competition; the owner; and Support Personnel.
Support Personnel includes, but is not limited to, grooms, handlers, longeurs,
and veterinarians if they are present at the competition or have made a relevant
decision about the horse and/or pony.
News from AMHA
Earn Money by Registering Your Morgans!
Do you have an unregistered Morgan under 18 months old? If so, now is the
time to register it!
The AMHA Registry is offering an incentive to breeders to register their Morgan
foals from November 1 to December 31, 2015.
Send in your registration application for a Morgan under 18 months old and you
will be entered into a drawing for a grand prize of a $100 registry services coupon good in 2016. The drawing will be held on January 18, 2016.
Have more than one Morgan to register? If you submit three or more Registration Applications at the same time, you will receive a $50 registry services coupon good in 2016.
Coupons must be used in 2016, no cash refunds will be provided.
For more information, contact the AMHA
[email protected] , (802) 985-4944.
Save the Dates! February 9-13, 2016 Will be Super!
Mark February 9-13 on your calendar for something super! AMHA is joining
forces with three other equine associations to hold the Super Convention in at
the Westin Waterfront Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts. AMHA, in tandem with
the American Hackney Horse Society, American Saddlebred Association, and
the United Professional Horsemen's Association, is hard at work creating
seminars for all equine lovers!
Watch for updates on www.thesuperconvention.com and in meantime, save the date!
Under the new rule, a junior exhibitor might fall under the Persons Responsible;
there must be substantial evidence to support holding a junior accountable.
Neither the Trainer nor any Persons Responsible, including Support Personnel,
may be relieved from his responsibility under the USEF's Drugs and Medications Rules due to a lack or insufficiency of stable security. Therefore, the insufficiency of stable security or lack of security will not be an acceptable defense to
any drug positive or medication overage in a horse.
Please send any recommendation or comments on accountability for D&M violations to [email protected]
Page 34
The Timber Creek Crew had a great
outing together to Zoo Lights!
They wish all their Morgan friends a
Merry Christmas
Page 35
2016 Show Calendar
Goodbye and THANK YOU!
May 5-8 — Key Classic Benefit Horse Show, Monroe, WA
May 27-29—BC Morgan Show, Linden, WA
June 15-18 — Far West Morgan Regional, Redmond, OR
July 15-17 — Oregon Morgan Classic, Eugene, OR
August 3-7 — C-Fair Charity Show, Monroe, WA
August 26-28 — Pacific Northwest Morgan Show, Spanaway, WA
October 8-15 — Grand National and World Championship Morgan
Show, Oklahoma City, OK
I have enjoyed being the MHAO Stable Sheet editor for the past 3 years, but
this will be my last issue.
My fabulously talented and dedicated staff and countless advertisers and
contributors have made this newsletter possible—and chock full of informative
and interesting articles. We’ve been through a lot of changes, going to a
quarterly magazine and an “online” version. However, it is time for someone
new to go forward from here.
As readers know, in 2014 the MHAO Stable Sheet was selected as the AMHA
Club Newsletter of the Year. Congratulations to the dedicated staff on that
achievement, and, again, a big “thank you” for all the
hard work which goes into every issue.
A special thank you to Liz Goldmann who authored an
original poem for every issue, as well as contributing
numerous articles and editing member contributions
before they were finalized. A special thank you as well
to my
husband, Dr. Bob, who provided a health
article for every issue, and along with my daughters,
Emilie and Melissa, who proofed each issue before
When MHAO Members Sell a Horse,
Complimentary MHAO Memberships are Available!
The energy behind the Stable
Sheet: Shelley Bullard,
Editor and Publisher; and,
Liz Goldmann, Managing
Editor, Features Editor, and
MHAO Poet Laureate.
They leave you with these
“Do the best you can, and
don’t take life too serious.”
Will Rogers
“You only live once,
but if you do it right,
once is enough.“
Mae West
“Go out and have fun!”
MHAO MEMBERS: Please remember that when an MHAO member sells a
registered Morgan to a non-MHAO member, the new owner is entitled to a
complimentary one year membership in MHAO.
The selling owner is responsible for getting the membership information
to the MHAO Membership Director or President. A note for the Stable
Sheet or the NWMorganNews is not enough. You must send a note to the
Membership Director; or, until we have one, to the club president (Gay Adams
[email protected] ) specifically indicating:
The full name(s) of your buyer(s) for whom you seek membership
The new owner’s US mail address, email address and phone number
Your name
The Morgan’s registered name and year of birth
Remember also, any membership renewed after August 31 or a
complimentary membership after that date will receive the remainder
of the year in which the renewal took place AND also a membership
for the following year.
Please help us make sure no one is left out of the fun!
Liz and Shelley
Page 36
Page 37
For Sale: Weanling Morgan colt
CRUX Odyssey (Bucksnorts Do More Sun King x Battersea Orlean) March 28, 2015,
chestnut colt, 100% foundation-bred, gaited. Sire 15.0HH, dam 15.3HH. http:www.allbreed
pedigree.com/crux+odyssey $3,500 [email protected] (406) 363-7466
For Sale: 2008 Morgan mare.
Baymounts Delaney (Marvelous Intrigue x Aranaway Mandolin) A SOLID 16.2hh! Hunter,
dressage, Sporthorse prospect. Ridden on trails and around the farm. Needs finishing and
polishing. Sweet tempered! Erica Parker Trager Stonetemplefarms.com
For Sale: Carriage, Harness, Road Cart, Harness, driving accessories.
PCC CDE wagonette/marathon carriage for single large pony/cob/small horse. Burgundy
with black and gold pinstripe, fully rebuilt brake system, removable shafts for travel/storage,
with cover. $5500 - New Comfy-Fit harness in cob size, with custom BRASS hardware to
match above carriage. Patent everywhere, removable teardrops for the dressage, deeplyshaped breastcollar for comfort, treated leather lining, quick-release shaft loops. $1000 Road cart for large pony/cob/small horse. Lacquered natural wood with turquoise-painted
metal & pinstripes. Lots of compliments every time we have it out! $1500 - Amber Hillside
black leather Presidential harness in cob size with stainless hardware. Lots of neat touches, including custom shaped breastcollar. Shown pleasure and CDE with road cart above.
One holdback strap needs replacement to be show-worthy again; currently repaired for
schooling. $350 - Also bits, harness pads, lap rugs, gloves, my favorite pair of laced reins,
etc. Pictures and further details available: [email protected]
For Sale: Excellent quality horse hay.
2 string timothy grass, 85 lb bales $230/ton, 2 string alfalfa, 95 pounds $220/ton. Squeeze
blocked, delivery available in 12-22 ton loads. Llocated in Hermiston, OR. Call Kai, 541571-8275. Like us on Facebook: BolenFarmsLLC
For Sale: Lovely 6 year old Stand and Deliver daughter
Celebrity Glamour Girl. Dam is a Waseeka’s In Command and Mantic Peter Frost granddaughter. Has had a full years training, stands 15 hands barefoot and is solid chestnut.
She’s very sweet, very feminine, and super typey. Just a love to be around. Asking $7,500.
Contact Celebrity Morgans at 541-317-0822 or [email protected]
For Sale: 2011 bay stallion
PBP Woods Bay Lee (Rogue Hill's Woodsman x ATMF Love Lee Lady). 4-year old handsome fellow looking for smart owner to challenge him and keep him busy. Started under
saddle and ready to hook. Never in the ring, but been to OMC and handled the hustle and
bustle like a pro. "Bailey" is on the small side and is an excellent candidate for Combined
Driving or child's Hunt Seat. For more information or to pay him a visit please contact Jean
Sauer at 503-550-3115 or [email protected] Price negotiable.
For Sale: Wonderful, colorful Morgans
Takilma Gold Morgans has several beautiful colorful Morgans for sale! Type, conformation,
movement & personality plus! Sooty buckskin and palomino. Also standing "Ragtime Oro
Blanco"; perlino Morgan stallion, 100% color producer and "TGM Ace of Spades"; homozygous black Morgan stallion. Please contact Peggy Malone at Takilma Gold Morgans for
more information. (541) 659-0383, www.takilmagoldmorgans.com
For Sale: 2002 bay registered Morgan mare
"Lady in the Window" (aka "Belle"). Dark seal bay (almost black) mare by Fleet Command,
out of Garahlee R K Vanity, 15.1 hh. Beautiful feminine mare, fancy mover, very baroque
looking with lots of mane & tail. Proven broodmare, broke to ride. Sweet personality and
wonderful ground manners. Life changes force sale unfortunately. Offered at $5000.00
obo. Contact Jami Kaptein (541) 659-7830, or [email protected]
Page 38
MHAO 2015-2016 Officers
2015-2016 Board Members
Gay Adams - President
[email protected]
Lisa McGraw - Vice President
[email protected]
OPEN position - Secretary
Karen Breckenridge -Treasurer
[email protected]
Eva Baker
Dallas Bolen
Nancy Eidam
Sierra Breckenridge
Kathy Defazio
Carol Dombrowsky
Anne Margaret Korver
2015-2016 Committees & Chairs
Show Committee - Paula Hague
[email protected]
Membership Committee - OPEN
Breed Promotion Committee - OPEN
Communications Committee - OPEN
Youth Activities Committee - Eva Baker
[email protected]
Stallion Auction Committee - Gay Adams
[email protected]
Award/Banquet Committee - Nancy Eidam
[email protected]
Futurity Committee - Gay Adams
[email protected]
Finance Committee - Karen Breckenridge
[email protected]
Education & Spring Clinic Committee—Eva Baker
By-laws Committee - Gay Adams
[email protected]
There are OPEN slots
needing to be filled.
You can help.
Call Gay TODAY!
Page 39
MHAO Stable Sheet
Winter 2015
Volume 3, Issue 4
PO Box 728
Hillsboro, OR 97123
The staff of the
Stable Sheet wish all
our Morgan friends a
Happy Holiday Season!
It’s been our pleasure
to serve you these past
three years.
MHAO Stable Sheet Staff:
Shelley Bullard, Editor in Chief
Liz Goldmann, Managing Editor
Dallas Bolen, Features Editor
Emilie Bullard, Copy Editor
Melissa Bullard, Copy Editor
Bob Bullard, Copy Editor
Diann Conser, Members Columnist
Robert Bullard, DVM, Health Columnist
Gay Adams, Ace Reporter
Nadette Stang, Star reporter
Erin Baker, Cub Reporter
Paula Hague, President’s Message
Thank You to Our Contributors:
Nancy Eidam
Erica Parker-Trager
Ann Robitaille
Margo Mossburg
Stephanie Putnam
Catherine Cloud
Meghan Gobel
Linda Collins
Ric Walker
Carol Dombrowsky
Peggy Malone
Jennifer Unick
Thank You to Our Advertisers
We appreciate your support.
Join in the fun with your Morgan friends!
Visit our website for upcoming events:
Page 40
2015 Winter
MHAO Stable Sheet