What you have told us


What you have told us
Noise and Vibration
We have carried out surveys to establish the existing noise
levels at the locations shown below. Current industry standard
methodology and models have been used to assess noise that
will be generated during both construction and operation. Our
assessments conclude that with appropriate mitigation all potential
significant adverse effects can be avoided.
Potential mitigation measures that could be employed if required
• Implementing a Construction Environmental
Management Plan that the contractors must abide by.
• Selecting appropriate plant and machinery.
• Use of acoustic engineering design at the
detailed design stage.
• Refinement of building and plant layout
where necessary.
• Installing temporary noise barriers around the
perimeter of the site (if the Severnside Energy
• Careful selection of the type of plant and
Recovery Centre which is being built currently does not
building materials and cladding.
provide adequate screening).
• Use of features such as silencers,
• Carefully scheduling works (including the day and time
enclosures and/or building cladding.
of day).
Flood Risk
What you have told us:
What we have assessed:
Flooding impacts should be considered.
• Effects of the Proposed Development on flood risk from
surface water, groundwater, sewer and tidal flooding; and
South Gloucestershire Council and the
Environment Agency also require us to
investigate flood risk issues.
• Effects of the Proposed Development on local water
resources including the Red Rhine and Severn Estuary. A Flood Risk Assessment and Hydraulic Modelling Assessment have been undertaken to inform the
assessment. It is predicted that during construction and operation adverse effects on flood risk and water
resources will be small and insignificant. The Red Rhine
The Red Rhine is a man made
drainage channel which flows
directly through the Proposed
Development Site in an east
to west direction towards
the Severn Estuary. In certain
scenarios the Red Rhine could
overflow its banks flooding parts
of the site.
Severnside Distribution Land
Ltd has started to divert and
increase the capacity of the Red
Rhine as part of its development
works (see map below). This will
help reduce the flood risk on
our Proposed Development Site.
These works are expected to be
complete at the end of this year
or early next.
Mitigation measures:
• parts of the main Proposed Development Site at risk of flooding will be raised to reduce
the risk of flooding;
• some plant and equipment may not be vulnerable to flood water, which may mean these
parts of the site do not need to be raised;
• a Flood Emergency Plan to protect people in the event of a flood will be developed; and
• surface water will drain away slowly into the Red Rhine at the same rate as it would if the Proposed
Development Site was a field. This will be done using an ‘attenuation feature’, likely to be a pond, to
hold the water and control the flow to the Rhine.