Whole Foods for Health
Whole Foods for Health
lau'lalxaa'^^^^M tuh Y Atx4ltrfrVq+!! EE$# " E{r ' ffirhhDH V Y r+Fttr +f)( iJl'R ++',.*H' ',zVUY #r4h#+trIE HEEL,]}T+ " ' r4h ' SH+r',hH! n*Mxffi' +*EIU|H+ . #Yfl'#>fzEJ@H€t{'R F,I,HV ,HfrM YX HH g V Y H *'I* H+HT&! \r 'wYX4H RI)HEIHEH,1,yt'jEf t t I h\ \ I "ft -:{ - \ \l\ t \ f, { ' saJrLDl sqns lD-LruDuun pa[at WD saJuusqnsIDJ,nwuasa\j l4atn oi pawrun.Eot"4 sarpoqtno 'surnt8puD a,LD sirtu'spaas'sJoot'sqtay \ I I t \,,0 , * \ ' sayqwaBa n' srntt -1ualuuo rrftuasr\ utott s"taytn7ay spool lD.Lruuuaso\i SuunauaaqsD\ uvru 'aunJ SutuuEaqayl aJuts to .r . \\ .'. {Edlbunluu I leuolllrmN V/holeFoodsfor Health! Sound,natural,wholefoodssustainusand providethe FfTl>), ER#Effi , iEH=g,l+F+2HHfi in, ZBU'RI'N phytochemica ls,antloxidantsand polysaccha rideswe need {f:lEt+qffiFfi#g\MW4S HH*. +fiF,lYMJn[3U8ffi , *]S to supportour immunesystems. +flP:8lEEmm Formanyyearsnow,the pharmaceutical industryhasbeen "' researching andusingplantsto comeup with newdrugs.In &+D)X, # * # - E il 7]Kffifr trE ffi6 E i|EryNA fact,abouttwenty-fivepercentof all prescription drugsin the f f i # * fW W , f i T + f f i { F f f i B ' ! H W H+E,h 2 - + f i 8 worldcomefrom plantsubstances. routinely Drugcompanies U+EynhFX] + ffi " A * H A d H H H E nA JEf!R F=l research and investigate folk remedies from aroundthe world to determinethe activechemicalcomponentsin the plants. {ffiD iE{l aEA f[ ffifr , D)reEH +EW+g!EN.V,e Then,they isolatethem,synthesize them andsellthemas mlfi, mz, fu,tP:ffiHaffi'&Haffi, f feE drugs.Oneof the firstof theseisolatedactivechemicals was pharmacists, morphine,fromthe opiumpoppy.German Friedrich Wilhelmand AdamSertrirner isolatedmorphinein 1804in Paderborn, Germany.They namedit"morphium"after Morpheus, the Greekgod of dreams. Todaytherearemany more:atropine(deadlynightshade), caffeine(tea,cocoa), ma codeine(poppy),digitoxin(foxglove), ephedrine(ephedra, (Jimson huang),quinine(quininetree),scopolamine weed), strychnine(poisonnut tree)and aspirin(whitewillow),just to namea few. Accordingto JeanCarperin TheFoodPharmacy,"A funny thing oftenhappens, though,whenyou squeeze a pure chemicalout of nature'spharmacy. lt doesn'thavethe same j pharmacological powersasthe originalplantextract.An extractis merelya ground-uppartof a particularplantwith itsentirechemicalcomplexintactj'Whenyou purchase fruits andvegetables, they comein theirown packaging, whole and complete.Natureprovidesthe completepackagefor us, optimallybalancedwith the nutrientsthat our bodiesneedand no disturbingsideeffects. Dr.DavidJenkins, a professor at the University of Toronto a a and a leadingexperton diet and bloodsugar,sawfoodsas peopleoften inadvertentpackages of drugs."ln pharmacology, talk in termsof combinationtherapy.Yetwe havenot realized t tu that this isexactlywhat somefoodsaredoingalready"$J providinga combinationtherapyof theirown." Thescienceof Nutritionallmmunologybelieves that health problemscanbe avertedthroughconstantpropernutrition H |E#ynfrE R+AffiH8l€fi 4(,+VnH. " H+ -Etr EE ratherthanthroughmedications afterhealthproblemsshow Serttirnerfi\ EffiqF " ff,8*efiFriedrich WilhelmT[Adam themselves.The body'simmunesystem,whenprovidedwith 1804+EffiB |lBffi {Etr,trR^ffiH ffiqF,ft f:UffiEgffi FZ the nutrientsit needs,canfight off illnessbeforeit gainsa hold ' "ffiqE (morphine) in the body,often beforewe realizewe areevenunderattack! ['SBHffi'ff8'!83ffi2fr8,,8 " 9X, However, despitethe inherentstrengthof the immunesystem, eEe.&waB$8!,f rF wts.ffiU-, ffitFF#{Eru3il : Ffffi a constantdietof unhealthy, chemical-laden, highly-proeessed q{+E rffi. OEl. ffitffiffir.D0DEtr tERr. )YroFEH foodsweakensit and keepsit fromfunctioningat its peak Whatthe bodyrequiresto maintaina healthyimmunesydtem r€fllHr. ffiF* rfttFr. €S rESffiilr. RRHffi(EIE is a widevarietyof healthy,wholesomeplantfoods. ffir. #fiHffi r6fiHffi$r f[p-o]trruf^ rEU[rS" . Wholesome, healthfulplants,suchasvegetables, fruitsahd ' r€Fo#-Wt ffi +EEIU6!€E +ffi3U,rE-{+m herbs,all contributeto our well-being.Plantscontainvitamins, mineraltfiberandnutrients, suchasphytochemicals, antioxidants sffi Ha+, ilffi E,aftE f F8!*+A+Fry8!,ru)$g!,{U$ and polysaccharides, that enhancethe immunesystem,help WH, HREDfi ffiIR.+ffiWg! SHTMHST.E " F'HSfl reducethe growthof microorganisms andfavorablyinfluence +uE EHEt+Effi+2E &*Bms!SA, {EUtr!{1etr6ffitl bloodlipids,serumcholesterol What's and bloodsugarlevels. more,plantfoodsdo all thismuchbetterthan man-made W.lRBEftEffi+F -r /ffFrTffiH8lzXRT[ffi+, frEllf*+ " MACAZINE J u l y2 0 0 8 | E X C E L L I N C I t I lau'leSxaa'/v\/l^/!\ 1a jarnteuu! aalj lslxelou op lpoojlo] $uauoduor,,']eq]sale]s 0*2IEV+ fl HE9trro' flrSi[,8Wfrlt$ffiVdY +E )# S # '#W4-*0{. r Hl,l[F+ryEgH-08+H uruadxaue lago;1uerqv'IC eur)lpeuJeln)alouroquo [F+tH " 'seruedold ler)gaueqle/nleuJeqlopueslueplxotlue [FP grY' +'# tr HEX WEES4 WVd ffitrW[FEJZYfrW ql!/v\euol lou saopplle )tq.lo)se'Ja^oe.tow'speJJe apls y#Yt $Ellsx g62lK'#sflry[FsH0*flH-_q$wvM p;ar(uer'tunoulppapuaururo)er eql ueql eJouru! lnJu.rleq " [fi ' gR Wry=flW@ffi tr|,+i#4[BE uelel,r qrlq/vl'prre>lqrorsepelle)lerluaq) e srl! uaql'a6ueto €Vfl WgH HC{ffiB 'sa6uerc eql uo4 palelosrsl ) ulueltn aulesaql l; lenarno;.1 *Ef(, " # !--HI?H mUy#' HI'l[FElE*ZMllS V# fi Bry tl)lqm {uer,u uo.U esopreno eM suBitur oo} 6ullea }q.rue) 'spelJeep;sr(uelnoLlllMsaluado.rd 6ulqlnr-eseeslp lernlPu, + fl'#BEIEB +H WYdtr }IXH' EE S48Ftr9€2ITYKB pueslueprxorlue e urpuno1) uture1l sureluofa6ueroag6ugs EIJIY''' (aqt plno/v\ uolpunJ reql.rnj aq5 se leql su;e;dxe .,y'g1etnleu : HHI ffi9+E(E€Al[BfiHgV'#SS*[FPPrY.r llaq1 louue) uiloj )!laqlur(srlaql ur suluelln'sPuoqrrlsl6laur(s PB EE € " YEEgg HIIEgIiSBYd Josururellllprnleuaql sd;rlsr(;lerruaqrsurtuplrn6ulrnpordat BI?U ffi&€dHHtr EFE{ pue 6ur1e1osr r(;;enyrnsrroneepues!Lll esne)eg'a;q;ssodrur WXryg [B+Ifl [* # Htr [* DJ € tr|,ffiU " mBg[Bj,]HH I K 'suluel!^;o xa;duor aqr 6uJlaptsuo) saqyadord lnq 'elels ftJffi g g' aqt ate>!;dnp WrtEIF uruelr^ eues uolpunj slr ur HK [# {f Hg 8} HB E E W+4 +I# EIF leqtJo leJnleu ol slduraDeutuelln passaro.rd {geplueqrrllaqlur(s V''' qlleaqpoo6urs{e;dlalpradorde alo.laql aulnsse ro pedd;nbalou aJesurur ol pau6rsap t s+r*s*,vn*s**vrsUffffTtri6ff$ffi 'salplr'1sg6o;ounuuJ Et- t fltrEJ[JtTfH= i E]0tl0gagfr ril# Hl,l [FEflwllsg 1r H I leuorlrllnN ' ) H T W S E H E I € + € + + ( Hg[ F= ' + ( H E m H m eq lou e'ueq) reJ-ner]c 'passa.rlsre^o ffi tr uels{s aunuureqtJo qrleeqaq}u! uortplnu ' gB HE'rHT 5X [FEfl WII+HEVV Ellgdi+tJlfliffi " rYHfY gffim' +g+g g HMffilEYffik* fl4[,EHEooo Y € 0 q ' * s 8 6| r h € 2 1 [ B p 9 r Y v f t g g # & H + B a e " III] [*& E tr' EH H K m= # € oJe il ftiBr*'EI4[' fr Xrff III] WWwV2}trYffiH[# BE fl{.HH' C(NflfrWWKfrH,EIA' a' H$8E*0*M2|EW'#HH#ttrtAlM21'#HH[*S4ffi 'HWW'# S B'# B EH=htrAEli " 6Eg+gAl0BtJt{+[* 'EffiHH 'HV[*#Xl 'VWm 'r//.AI[8[]r,EgH tr HEF4l#'[FH*E€g[B6H " oJ€&iBltrl,ff . ffi &tr[FYgffi#ffiK E[FtJ]{f €et}[SwxdEHdx]6 " . DJ€[Er[(sB. EB $xzdl,gglHw@lf4=ff[8wxdH H€H#H mgE' = t( YW$B HW&21='[F+lH]V?-lffi . !$ wHtsM+Mf wffiwxElg,uy# i v(v[BEIvHGW +[*IJI{f +S E . WZg g #,FTIEW ZHWWFI,gV [FN? ' a Hl" v,ffiww a . € R[F#ydxl#wwdlvwFtr vtJt{+0'4 a / pue K ffi+/HI+SVU. H ffiWHHI8Fg ffi#THWZESFJ' spooJeloq/v\ ro eloraql'r(Fadorduorl)unJ H}#ffiE F]fl{H +fR BT(EHFJHA}. VE4€4H €F p qllM lo, {;1ep uo spoo; auoseloqM ol slseq l! r' peLlsrJnou stll s1Ipoq aq] K g [ F g S X e t H ] H t # { + V # a ' H l , } 0 F t l S B U E tpr.ll le)tlt.r) 'EHgHH4[t#Tf']I ,.a6ueroeql u! punoJ S 'gEl 'H ffig?-aHgl= xe;duroraloL{M eql lnq'3 urueltnaql rnI 'T€ffiffiIlt '.Will ttrt sler!u.req)ov(qd;o #ElgXHggti$ME,HilltJlY " ]ou s,ll :uorsnl)uo)snornqoeql iqwoJ6 1;arpalfaqlun lteun) see)rmlsem) ururelrllosuerbtl;rut /€ fnf bululeluor H W - [ F H t t r P m g o S € V g E ' + S l spurr^t ue a6 r' g A [ F o1r(;a1r1 'q)euJolseql 'e)rnI e6uero Josa)unoprnUeerq]lanarvrog Eqff-[!0*€tr 'HfW€Y*W* " Hl][iEIBH]LHEVX padlaq{ep e puet6;;11tu u1qwrorb;;arluedruerabernors;p t H].rf V' fti€[F€F u' HHW?IBWffi SH[Bffi$EtJl{f 000t te ) utuelt^Josesopleql punoJ{aq1'stuaulteq)eulo}s gw*y#F Y . H$g[ry[fi uerpeue)'slp)rureq) r.ltlMsrueltedparpnlss86[ ul s.raLl)Ieesal trgg'Hds[8 4B t gg[BtJtTf t i Hdxl qHH Hlg trJH fi|,# ff naturedoesnot laydown pureprotein,purefat,or pure carbohydrates. Theirmolecules areinterlqced in a very complexthree-dimensional structure. . . Intermingled arethe essential nutrientssuchasvitaminsand minerals, againnot free,but combinedin complexmolecules." lt isthesecomplex molecules with theircooperative bondsthat aremissingfrom synthesized vitaminsupplements. Theycanonly be foundin wholeplantfoods.Science maybe ableto recreate vitaminC, but it hasnot yet beenableto recreate an orange. Overthe centuriesthat peoplehavebeeneatingplant foodson thisplanet,they havealsobeenrecognizing relationships betweenfoodsand health.Hippocrates (ca460 BCto 370BC),the fatherof medicine,said,"Letfood be your medicineand medicinebe yourfoodl'Socalled'folkremedies, arethe distillationof thiscenturies-old wisdomhandeddown from generationto generation. In ChineseTraditional Medicineit hasbeencompiledinto volumesof knowledge addedto by observantdoctorsthroughoutthe ages.Now scienceis beginningto verifythiswisdomand validateits claims.Whileoncescientists isolatedactivechemicals from foodsfor useasdrugs,now manyhealthorganizations, such asthe Centers for Disease Controland Prevention andthe AmericanCancerSociety, recommendeatingthe foods themselves instead. Theyhavefoundthat unnatural, isolated chefrricals cannotand do not workaseffectively, economically ad safelyasjust eatinghealthful,wholesomeplantfoods. ft"fSRENcEs Society,The Complete Guide-Nutrition andphysical 4^F"!rol Cancer Acttu ity.http://www.ca ncer.org/docroot/PED/content/pED_j -_2X_D iet_ and_Activity_Factors_Th at_Affe ct_Risks.a sp?sitearea=pED. Revised September 28,2006. ! Carper,Jean.TheFoodPhormacy:DramaticNewEvidence that Foodis YourBestMedicine.(London:Simonand Schuster, l9B8). Jgu-F.ei, EltiofingHealth& Longevitywith Nutritionallmmunology. .C!.ey, (China SocietyPress, 2004). Chen,Jau-Fei,NutritionaI Immunology, (Provo,UT:BrightldeosPress,2000). Chen,Jau--Fei, PlantFoodsand Nutritionallmmunology: AScientific Approach.(Provo,UT:Brightldeaspress,li96). us Departmentof Heolthond Humanservices, centersfor Diseose control and Prevention,NutritionTopics. httpl/www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/d npa/ nutrition/index.htm,Revised May22,2007. MACAZINE J u l y2 0 0 8 | E X C E L L I N C {qEU,{tffi , reffiEdft, ft {r:Tga,RV,fx3s!ffi =mffi E E8!/iiff +*c " {EE, ilR+n1f:ffi AldEffiruffiT+AHE 8!ffi EffiqHEHE3 EffiffiE, E€ry4RS!E|J,fE Mfi {T: glx ffi " tL9l.,+fiEmm rffft*crDI4R€trnfi,{LT0HU f ffiaf+4s" HofferffitffiE ,r^=ffiEg$$fiAbram : r tF%glrtr afi,ffrtrrFE,ffHruBEnEf n+g!, Xtrf +rFeHru g! # E E H. ru#8!fiEffi 46,ruffiE'!ffit(l(,jtn " U f: g!h=EUrFHEffi8!=ftfftffi8!#ilffiffis! . . . UEAMr\tr €ffi Blrr^3ffi 6 mfi 8! " -r E EEiE ffi8!r]3 f0^ffi 2 ffiE B!ffi ffi$E,E/.I6fi8!fttrf;*ffift9|J+fl4 Ef=Ej , U,|F:.R EEnft g4S{E+ze ffi+ " fr|J ffiNeefiii4# qu#E fitrf *c, {E=g'dffix*iEtfi=" J€ffi, E+i{f:FFUff=ttd.ffi, ffi{EUfeUm, {f:ffi EC ffiEhfi {f:}E{.+ 8'!ffi+Z€ffi, tdB+ UEadffiECffiTIE g! fRZE: ffitr mm " Etr-ZAffifi HIUE Ar"Nt46o+ S r;* 370+.) : ffi)E eWffi,'RlEg!RW, ;**tzlfih1trg!C 'EE#{EUfCU^, W)" t Ff#g! 'RE:{ffiD EZ8!€H {t4tffiE glffiffi " Fffi++E*8!ffi +, EHffi{ttrrjffi * 7rtrffiB'lg+&*gE rf[fi, H{t8lNFefii[€fr:ffiEffi #, trffi;fiEE8!E:il" {ffiHNffiFEtrEEeW+hffi fr7+&H-N.g!t(,+WH, ilgH{t,hwy)n|FR,ffi+t{r:, {EE, F"EHi+&6!ffiIRfiHffi , il* B EffiHffiU IUI T['FFE F TO *B glaw, tri,.BfG{r:#H, )EfrFC, fleffifi ,fp:€ffitFs rF Xffi8!. &rr^BE ffil(,+fin9,THE€TC*effiEAffi,FB'! {E+24+Fffi-4*8fi. ftEHf[Q+o .
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