Snapshot 2001


Snapshot 2001
Investing in Ohio’s
Students and Future
“Thank you for OhioLINK -- a world-class idea
that out-of-staters envy.”
--Thomas Suddes, Teaching Fellow, Ohio University
$$$ and Sense
Nationally Renowned Program’s
Progress Stalls with Ohio Budget
2 OhioLINK Snapshot
Where does the OhioLINK budget go?
F2003 Projected
The OhioLINK appropriation in the
current State of Ohio biennium operation
budget will not only curtail new
initiatives, but it will also eliminate
currently provided information resources.
Entering the tenth year of
operations, the OhioLINK program has
proven that cooperation and statewide
licensing of information resources benefit
colleges and universities of all sizes. The
economic power to license for all of Ohio
higher education has not only reduced
the rate of increase in library costs but
also has extended the buying power of
the individual library budget. Large universities can buy more research materials
and small institutions gain access to
resources formerly beyond their means.
In 2002, the OhioLINK program’s
tenth year of operation, the immediate
impact of the budget reduction will be a
reduction in expenditures for electronic
content. Increasingly, the budget has
been spent on content delivery, leveraging
our ef ficiently created technical
infrastructure that delivers services
purchased by the OhioLINK program.
The expenditure on the OhioLINK
program has proven increasingly effective
over ten years of operation. Its total
annual funding is only 85% more than
in 1994, compared to growth in
institutions served and in services of
300% to 1200%.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3
99 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 200 200 200 200
OhioLINK Growth in Services
Delivered Versus Growth in Budget
Combined Capital
and Operating
Cost Effective Purchasing Power
OhioLINK Milestones
Central Catalog
Electronic Journal Center (EJC)
• Total cost of OhioLINK EJC content
in 2001
$ 16.4 Million
• Average percent of EJC titles held
in print by Ohio universities
• Estimated cost to duplicate the
EJC in print at universities
$ 65.6 Million
Reference Databases
• F2001 OhioLINK statewide
license costs
$ 4.4 Million
• F2001 Cost of comparable access
if licensed by individual libraries $ 13.8 Million
Research Databases
Central Catalog live
November 1992
ABI/Inform &
Periodical Abstracts
November 1992
Newspaper Abstracts
March 1993
Online Borrowing begins
Univ. of Akron, Case
Western, Bowling Green
St., Central State, Univ.
of Cincinnati, MCO,
Miami, Wright State,
Youngstown State
January 1994
5 Million Bib Records
May 1994
Reference Searches
State Library of Ohio
June 1994
Controlling Costs
Dissertation Abstracts
July 1994
Average Annual Journal Cost Increase
for Typical Academic Research College Library
Average Annual Cost Increase
for Journals Licensed through OhioLINK
OCLC First Search (3)
August 1994
Medline, CINAHL,
and RLG Eureka (5)
September 1994
Columbus State &
Shawnee State
September 1994
Univ. of Dayton
October 1994
Art Index
November 1994
2001 vs. 2000
2002 vs. 2001
As higher education funding is under
pressure, the combination of healthy college and
university library budgets and the OhioLINK
program budget maximize statewide purchasing
power and information resource availability.
Access to the OhioLINK provided resources that
cover the breadth of available scholarship is
essential to support efforts to create a robust 21stcentury Ohio economy.
Cleveland State
January 1995
Education Index
January 1995
Univ. of Toledo
February 1995
Bio. & Agri. Index,
Biography Index, &
Library Literature
February 1995
Applied Science &
Tech., Book Review
Digest, Cumulative
Book Index, Essay &
General Literature,
Index to Legal
Periodicals & Books
Kent State, Owens,
& Southern State
March 1995
10 Million Bib Records
-- Continued --
OhioLINK Snapshot 3
First Electronic Books See Heavy Use
netLibrary E-Book Availability and Usage
The OhioLINK program is a leader in
expanding information access
through the emergence of electronic
books. A diverse collection of 12,000+
titles already demonstrates the users’
strong desire to select and use ebooks.
The collection was expanding
but with new budget constraints,
users are now limited in the number
of books available to them. Plans
remain to expand access, if it is
affordable, in this highly effective
OhioLINK Resources Support Regional Campus Scholarship
scattered around the State’s universities. For me, teaching at a
regional campus, OhioLINK is a dream come true. I would
never have been able to locate all the resources that OhioLINK
has provided, much less arrange to borrow
or purchase them. The cost in time and
To do assigned reports on political Because of OhioLINK,
science topics, Dr. Yates directs students to my colleague and I have money would have been prohibitive.”
“Because of OhioLINK, my
KentLINK, OhioLINK, and the research
colleague, John Logue, and I have recently
databases. “OhioLINK provides access to recently completed two
completed two books on employee
resources far beyond what my students books on employee
ownership. The first, The Real World of
would be able to get in our regional campus ownership.
Employee Ownership to be published by
library, allowing them to range more widely
and successfully in their quest for material for their reports.” Cornell University Press, provides a comprehensive study of
Dr. Yates’ area of research is employee ownership, and employee ownership focused on Ohio. The second studies
she is affiliated with the Ohio Employee Ownership employee ownership worldwide. Research such as represented
Center. The Center investigates how employee ownership in these two books could not have been completed without
can contribute to anchoring jobs, smooth leadership OhioLINK. It would have been just too ponderous a task.”
“OhioLINK offers a compassionate, just, and merciful
succession, and create capital income for workers, in
system. It is designed with users in mind -- working smoothly
addition to the wages they earn.
Through OhioLINK, I have been able to find all the and efficiently for the user....”
books and articles I need -- much of the material was
Dr. Jacquelyn Yates
Assistant Professor, Political Science
Kent State University - Salem
4 OhioLINK Snapshot
Central Catalog
Central Catalog Continues Providing
Increased Book Collection Utility
Number of Bibliographic Records
in the Central Catalog
Online Patron Borrowing by Patron Type
The size and diversity of the OhioLINK
Central Catalog continues to demonstrate
a high level of book utilization. Now it is
also increasing access to audio and video
materials. This benefit is clearly seen as
online borrowing showed strong growth
in 2001. Undergraduates continue to
account for a greater
percentage of overall
Fast Facts
Participating Institutions
activity. Tradition1994....................9
ally, undergraduates
rarely used inter1996.................33
library loan (ILL).
Their use of online
borrowing is a
special program
Filled Online Patron Borrowing Requests
OhioLINK Snapshot 5
Central Catalog
Percent of Items Held
by Number of Libraries
In 2001, the catalog included Ohio’s 17
public/research universities, 23
community and/or technical colleges, the
State Library of Ohio, and 38 independent
colleges. This statewide collection
included more than 7.9 million unique
records. Access to the OhioLINK Central
Catalog allows participating libraries to
diversify their collections by purchasing
items not already held within the system,
instead of purchasing duplicate copies of
low-demand items.
OhioLINK and Dedicated Professor Deliver Interesting French Translation Material
today; she turned to OhioLINK.
Within days, Professor Wierenga had a stack of books from
around the state and quickly discovered fascinating new aspects.
As she got more involved, Professor Wierenga
found she needed information on myth and
Professor of French Leanne
symbol, literary criticism, and psychological
Wierenga wanted to create a new French For developing new
interpretation of fairy tales. Wittenberg’s Thomas
literature translation course and was courses at a small
looking for a theme “that would really liberal arts school like Library had some of the commonly read works,
grab students.” Professor Wierenga Wittenberg, OhioLINK but she needed more. Again she turned to
OhioLINK and discovered Jack Zipes, Mariestates, “On a lark, although I knew very
is crucial.
Louise von Franz, Raymonde Robert, and others.
little about the topic, I picked French
And, as students are taught to do, she carefully
fairy tales.” Fairy tales would provide
interesting material for the students to translate. Without combed through the bibliographies of her OhioLINK books
further thought or preparation, she committed to teaching and discovered and ordered even more books!
Professor Wierenga eventually attempted to buy some of
the course.
Though she knew something about the medieval her favorites and asked the library to do so, as well. She
origins of some common fairy tales and that Frenchman discovered that “you can’t get them through”.
Charles Perrault is responsible for popular stories like Many valuable books on the topic were obscure or out of print,
“Little Red Riding Hood”, she realized in a panic that and OhioLINK remains her only access to them.
“For developing new courses at a small liberal arts school
there were large gaps in her knowledge and that the
course was a mere two weeks off. Since no one at like Wittenberg, OhioLINK is crucial! It is not just those
Wittenberg had taught this material before, she did not millions of volumes. The quick delivery that OhioLINK offers
expect to find much on it in the campus library. What is important. So is the ability to keep the books for six weeks
was she to do? She did what many Ohio professors do (assuming a renewal).”
Leanne Wierenga
Associate Professor of Languages
Wittenberg University
6 OhioLINK Snapshot
Central Catalog
OhioLINK Delivers--Anytime, Anywhere
Dean Fraga
Biology Department
College of Wooster
“I think OhioLINK is fantastic. I have used it frequently to
find papers I need for grant preparation, classroom activities, and
manuscripts. I find it to be an enormous time saver, and I appreciate
being able to search the databases from home.”
Cuyahoga, Lakeland,
& Sinclair
April 1995
OSU & Ohio U
May 1995
15 Million Bib Records
Research Databases
-- Continued --
Ohio Capitol Conn.
May 1995
10 Million
Reference Searches
Britannica Online
September 1995
Edison State & Lorain
November 1995
Cinci. State & Oberlin
December 1995
Comparison of Online Borrowing Supply and Demand
by Institution Type
Requests Made
Ohio Northern
January 1996
Hocking & Ohio
February 1996
73% Universities
Biological Abstracts
April 1996
Rio Grande
May 1996
Online Requests
Oxford English Dict.
May 1996
Requests Received
7% Two-Year Colleges
Belmont, Cedarville,
& Mt. St. Joseph
September 1996
Working toward equal borrowing and lending rates,
the OhioLINK program does not “raid” university
collections. It works to enrich all its affiliated libraries
by enabling quick and easy borrowing and lending
between the college and university communities.
English Verse Drama
& Medical Electives
June 1996
English Poetry & Gale(2)
July 1996
8% Two-Year Colleges
71% Universities
Clark State & Terra
April 1996
19% Independent
22% Independent
ERIC & BioethicsLINE
January 1996
Compendex, PAIS,
A Matter of Fact,
Am. Heritage Dict.,
Columbia Ency.,
Thesaurus, ARTFL
September 1996
Denison, Kenyon, Ohio
Wesleyan, & Wooster
November 1996
Capital & Xavier
January 1997
January 1997
CRL & Northwest St.
February 1997
MLA, Am. Poetry &
African-Am. Poetry
February 1997
March 1997
April 1997
Online Requests
20 Million
Reference Searches
-- Continued --
OhioLINK Snapshot 7
Research Databases
Searching Growth Continues
Despite First Database Reductions
“Top Ten”*
*Based on % of
searches on OhioLINK
main site. Does not
include Central Catalog
OhioLINK Supports Federal Grant Applications
Dr. Brian B. McSpadden Gardner
Department of Plant Pathology
The Ohio State University, OARDC
“Notably, grant and manuscript reviewers for the
top journals expect researchers to be aware of the most ..., I find OhioLINK
recent work published in a larger number of an essential tool for
journals...Without the resources provided by obtaining competitive
OhioLINK, I would have to spend two to three times extramural funding
as much effort to get the same results. For example, from the USDA and
this fall I was able to submit two grant applications on
separate subjects partly because of the time saved in
doing library research. Those applications will be
partcularly competitive, because I was able to include references to work published within
one month of the submission deadline. Therefore, I find OhioLINK an essential tool for
obtaining competitive extramural funding from the USDA and NSF.”
8 OhioLINK Snapshot
Number of Research Databases
2002 Projected
Research database searching has grown
steadily as the OhioLINK program has
added to its core, statewide database
collection. This essential collection continues to be licensed at discounted prices.
In 2001, users saw the first decline
in database availability. This will
continue in 2002 with Ohio’s projected
budget. Nonetheless, Ohio higher
education users’ need to research topics
from anthropology to zoology increased.
The program’s quality research databases
are not free resources, but they are
necessary to support high quality
scholarship and research.
Electronic Journal
Center -- 16.1%
2 Periodical
Abstracts -- 14.0%
3 LexisNexis -- 9.3%
4 PsycINFO -- 7.3%
5 ISI -- 4.4%
6 ABI/Inform -- 4.3%
7 ERIC -- 4.3%
8 MEDLINE -- 4.0%
9 WorldCAT -- 3.2%
10 SIRS -- 3.2%
“Top Ten”*
*Based on % of
searches on OhioLINK
main site. Does not
include Central Catalog
Abstracts -- 18.6%
2 MEDLINE -- 13.5%
3 PsycINFO -- 7.6%
4 LexisNexis -- 6.3%
5 Electronic Journal
Center -- 4.3%
6 ABI/Inform -- 5.0%
7 ERIC -- 4.3%
8 WorldCAT -- 4.1%
9 CINAHL -- 4.3%
10 ISI -- 2.8%
Users continue to gain better access while
seeing more integration between
citations, articles, images, and other data
types as new information resources are
added. Many of the citation databases use
a single interface, simplifying their use.
Distribution of 6.5 Million Full-Text Documents Downloaded
Electronic Journal Center
Other Sources
Digital Art Images
Digital Satellite Images
Digital Historic Maps
LexisNexis Universe
SIRS Researcher
General Interest and
Business Articles
Research Databases Searches
In 1995, the OhioLINK program first
delivered full-text general interest
articles to users via library print
stations. As the presence of the
WWW increases and OhioLINK
expands full-text resources and
desk-top delivery, document downloads continue to grow. With the
OhioLINK program’s diverse
collection of full-text resources, 6.5
downloaded in 2001. This far
exceeds the 125,000 (avg.) articles
per year that are borrowed through
traditional interlibrary loan.
OhioLINK Snapshot 9
Central Catalog
-- Continued --
Research Databases
The Bible in English
June 1997
18th Cen. Eng. Fiction
July 1997
August 1997
August 1997
Ohio Dominican
September 1997
October 1997
ISI (3), Eds. & Adap.
of Shakespeare, &
Lexis-Nexis Universe
November 1997
English Prose Drama
December 1997
Washington State &
January 1998
February 1998
Online Requests
John Carroll
September 1998
20 Million Bib Records
Ashland, Antioch,
Athanaeum, BaldwinWallace, Bluffton,
Defiance, Franciscan,
Heidelberg, Malone,
Mt. Carmel College
of Nursing, Mt.Union,
Muskingum, Tiffin,
Otterbein, Univ. of
Findlay, Wilberforce,
January 1999
Congressional Universe
January 1998
Elec. Journal Center
with Elsevier &
Academic Press
April 1998
30 Million
Reference Searches
September 1998
Documents Downloaded
America: History &
Life, Business & Ind.,
Women’s Issues,
Disclosure Global
Access, Hist. Abstracts,
Soc. Abstracts
January 1999
EJC Project MUSE
March 1999
Online Requests
40 Million
Reference Searches
-- Continued --
10 OhioLINK Snapshot
Campus Librarian Uses OhioLINK Resources
to Help Appalachia
Stan Planton
Head Librarian
Ohio University - Chillicothe
“It’s often said that ‘information is power’,” says Stan Planton. “As
information professionals, librarians should be powerful, but frequently
we’re identified with arcane pursuits, rather than with dynamic activities
that help real people in the real world.” As Head Librarian at Ohio
University’s Chillicothe campus, Planton has proven that OhioLINK can
play a pivotal role in community and regional development.
Ilpo Koskikallio, a Finnish economic development expert, read a story
about the collaboration of Planton and a Russian financier in Forbes. The
two had worked to develop business
relationships between Chillicothe and
OhioLINK databases
Russia with Planton doing much of
were able to supply a
his research using OhioLINK
resources. Soon, Koskikallio was in
piece of information that
Chillicothe meeting with local
was both relevant and
economic development agencies.
timely to an international
Koskikallio had connections with
negotiating session, a
South African businesses, and
Planton was soon involved in
real ‘war and peace’
multinational negotiations for
issue, turning warheads
housing projects, delivery of
into peaceful power.
earthmoving equipment, and wine
sales, connecting international
companies with local and regional firms. His skill in finding and
managing information – obtained through OhioLINK — was crucial to
these ventures’ eventual success.
Planton and OhioLINK resources became involved in another
regional project when the United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC),
which produces fuel for commercial nuclear power plants, decided to close
its Piketon, Ohio, plant, one of the largest employers in Southern Ohio.
The plant’s closing would mean economic disaster for thousands of
workers. In an effort to prevent economic calamity in the Piketon area,
Planton used OhioLINK databases to research alternative uses for the
plant’s facilities and workers. He provided information to the Governor’s
office and to others involved in negotiating the plant’s survival. Piketon
employees, whose lives would be most affected by plant closure, depended
on him for up-to-date, authoritative information.
Planton also tells of receiving a telephone call from the USEC home
office. USEC was negotiating on the U.S. government’s behalf with
Russia. At stake was the delivery of a large quantity of uranium
downblended from bombs. The caller asked if Planton had any sources
that might reveal changes in the Russian negotiating position, and indeed
he did. “OhioLINK databases were able to supply a piece of information
that was both relevant and timely to an international negotiating session, a
real ‘war and peace’ issue, turning warheads into peaceful power,” says
“Appalachian Ohio is considered a ‘disadvantaged area’ with few
information resources,” says Planton, “And here we are at Ohio University,
with outstanding communication capability and great access to current
information, largely due to OhioLINK. When we hear about efforts to
improve the area, we have an obligation to help.”
Electronic Journal Center
Percent of Print Held
from 26 Major
OSU -- 54%
UC -- 40%
EJC Unparalleled Success
in Expanding Scholarly Journals’ Use
Average Number of Journal Titles Owned
in Print Compared to Average Number
of Journal Titles Downloaded
CWRU -- 30%
OU -- 29.5%
WSU -- 26%
MU -- 24.5%
KSU -- 23%
UT -- 20%
BGSU -- 18%
UA -- 18%
CSU -- 16%
UD -- 11%
YSU -- 10%
Four years of
expanding access to
a growing set of
scholarly research
journals reflects an
insatiable demand
for this material.
Traditionally, Ohio’s
major universities
hold an average of
only 25% of the
available scholarly
research journals.
Fast Facts
Total EJC Downloads
• Since 1998:
• In 2001:
Number of General/Business
and Scholarly Articles Downloaded
Given the opportunity for
direct, desktop delivery, students and
faculty will use, on average, over
80% of the available journals, a
much wider range than is available
on each campus through individual
library purchases. From Ohio’s
largest research university to the
smallest community college, all
institutions have benefited from
cooperative purchasing.
OhioLINK Snapshot 11
With over 4,000 titles, the EJC has more
than quadrupled the buying power of
Ohio higher education for 17 publishers
(commercial and non-commercial) across
a wide range of disciplines.
Cumulative Number of Articles Downloaded from Each Publisher
ELSEVIER SCIENCE...........2,780,690
Kluwer Academic...................387,365
Academic Press....................381,670
American Chemistry Society...220,000
Blackwell Publishers................90,965
Project MUSE.........................53,910
Blackwell Science....................49,260
Institute of Physics..................25,450
American Institute of Physics...25,200
Royal Society of Chemistry......19,765
American Physical Society.......12,580
OhioLINK Electronic Journal Center an Efficient Research Tool
borrowing for the faculty. “One of my bosses just finished a
book on the history of the pancreas, and I was able to find
and request books that answered many, many questions for
him, saving both of us time and effort. I don’t know how we
ever functioned as an academic department before OhioLINK!
“I would be lost without OhioLINK. I use the It has really transformed my job.”
“I notice, too, that OhioLINK resources are
Electronic Journal Center on an almost
becoming easier to use all the time, making it
daily basis. It saves me a lot of time and
more efficient to find articles,” says Padgett. She
effort that would be otherwise taken up I use the [OhioLINK]
also says that the increasing number of linked
by running back and forth to the library Electronic Journal
services has been very helpful. She can now do
to copy articles, and it saves our Center on an almost
searches on MEDLINE and give her boss the
department considerable money that daily basis.
listing of references with abstracts plus a fullwould otherwise be expended in ordering
text copy of a number of the articles. This allows
reprints,” reports Padgett.
An employee of MCO for 23 years, she has a variety him to begin working with the full-text material while waiting
of assignments, including locating relevant research for the other materials to be delivered.” Padgett says, “...this
immediate availability has meant that he is using a wider
literature for the faculty.
Padgett is also able to retrieve books through online selection of material than ever before.”
Barbara Padgett, M.A.
Division of Surgical Research
Department of Surgery
Medical College of Ohio (MCO)
12 OhioLINK Snapshot
Central Catalog
Research Databases
ABC PolSci, Bib. of
Hist. of Art, Chicano
GeoRef, GPO, Hand
Press Books, Hndbk.
of Latin Am. Studies,
Humanities Abs.,
Index to For. Legal
Periodicals, Index to
Hispanic Leg., Index
to 19th Cent. Am.
Art Periodicals, Inside
Information Plus,
OCLC ArticleFirst,
OCLC ContentsFirst,
OCLC NetFirst,
RLIN, Russian Acad.
of Sciences Biblio.,
Union List of Periodicals, & World Almanac
August 1999
-- Continued --
The collection represents a significant core, but
many scholarly journals remain beyond our reach.
With the reduction in higher education funding,
this unparalleled resource’s progress is in jeapardy
and future progress is questionable.
EJC Monthly Article Downloads
Digital Media Center
with Saskia &
EJC Springer-Verlag,
EJC Kluwer Academic
September 1999
Notre Dame of Ohio
October 1999
e ly
g p ct v
b rch ril y
Ja Fe Ma Ap Ma Jun Ju Au Se O No De
OhioLINK Resources Assist Statehouse Project
Joel Flint
Researcher and Curator of the Ohio Statehouse
Ohio Historical Society’s Statehouse Education and Visitor’s Center
“The Statehouse recently opened a room
honor George Washington Williams, the
Within two days,
first African American legislator in Ohio.
I had a copy
During the research part of this project,
from OhioLINK
when I particularly needed a copy of
Franklin’s biography of Williams, all of the
copies in the various local libraries were checked out. Within two
days I had a copy from OhioLINK. This service has also been useful
in a number of other occasions, providing access to materials
otherwise not accessible locally,” says Flint, “I also used OhioLINK’s
Central Catalog to locate biographical information pertaining to
Ohio’s other 71 African American legislators who have served the
State since Williams. Such information is frequently in disparate
locations and not easily obtained.”
Cincinnati Bible &
December 1999
Urbana Univ.
February 2000
Online Requests
Documents Downloaded
ITKnowledge &
January 2000
ATLA Religion
April 2000
EJC MCB University
Press, EJC Royal
Society of Chemistry
May 2000
EJC Inst. of Physics
June 2000
3,000,000 Online
AccessScience, DMC
Landsat 7, EJC
American Chemical
July 2000
-- Continued --
OhioLINK Snapshot 13
Digital Media Center
DMC Expands into Physics
and Language Videos and More
OhioLINK delivered its first images through
the Digital Media Center (DMC) in August,
1999. It continues to be a pioneer in
building statewide multi-media collections
with art and architecture images, historic
maps, archival materials, and video demonstrations of physics principles and native
foreign language speakers.
These diverse collections are from
both commercial services and submitted
from Ohio colleges and universities. The
current DMC collections represent the tip
of the iceberg. Vast collections held in
Ohio’s colleges can benefit Ohioans through
electronic access.
Cumulative Number
of Art & Architecture Image Downloads
Cumulative Number
of Satellite Image Downloads
Detail of the Ohio State Capitol
in 1887. The map is one of the
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps.
14 OhioLINK Snapshot
A print of the 1900 Wright
glider drawn by Orville
Wright. The print is part of
the Wright Brothers
Collection at Wright State
A Corbelled Ballcourt Archway, at
Coban, Honduras. The image is
part of a Mayan archaeology
image collection from Oberlin
Central Catalog
-- Continued --
December 2000
Things to Come in 2002
• Adding new, real-time “chat” reference services and
other forms of help to OhioLINK resources.
50 Million
Reference Searches
EJC American
Institute of Physics
September 2000
Documents Downloaded
60 Million
Reference Searches
EJC Blackwell Science
January 2001
EJC Thieme
February 2001
• Expanding the Central Catalog to include additional
independent colleges.
EJC Blackwell Publ.,
DMC Sanborn Maps
March 2001
• Continuing to expand online borrowing into different
types of materials, including video tapes and CDs.
April 2001
DMC Historic &
Archival Collections
May 2001
• Further diversfying the Digital Media Center to include
additional archival and video collections from
participating OhioLINK institutions.
DMC Social Studies,
EJC BioOne
September 2001
• Expanding electronic books, theses and dissertation
DMC Physics &
Foreign Lang. Videos
November 2001
70 Million
Reference Searches
• Improving off-campus access to all OhioLINK resources
for all OhioLINK patrons.
• Improving the website usability and user interface for
OhioLINK services.
• Evaluating user needs and perceptions of library services.
4,000,000 Online
OhioLINK Governing Board
Ronald Crutcher, Miami University
Linda Dobb, Bowling Green State University
Paul Gaston, Kent State University
Terry Hickey, University of Akron
Chin Kuo, Cleveland State University
Perry Moore, Wright State University
Anthony Perzigian, University of Cincinnati
Fred Pestello, University of Dayton
Peggy Peterson, Washington State Comm. College
Elaine Pontillo, Stark State College of Technology
Paul Unger, Owens Community College
Duane Wood, Cedarville University
Research Databases
80 Million
Reference Searches
Documents Downloaded
Ex Officio
Roderick G. W. Chu, Chancellor,
Ohio Board of Regents
Bill Baker, University of Findlay, TAC
Joe Branin, The Ohio State University, LAC
Tom Sanville, Executive Director, OhioLINK
E. Garrison Walters, Ohio Board of Regents
Kristan Collins Runyan, Editor
OhioLINK Update
2455 North Star Road
Suite 300
Columbus, OH 43221
(614) 728-3600 [email protected]
OhioLINK Snapshot 15
OhioLINK Institutions
State CC
Medical College of Ohio
Owens CC
Univ. of Toledo
Bowling Green
State Univ.
Defiance College
Univ. of
Bluffton College
Lima Tech. College/ Ohio
OSU Lima
WSU Lake
Terra CC
Heidelberg College
Tiffin Univ.
Central Ashland
Urbana Univ.
Clark State CC
Witternberg Univ.
Sinclair CC Antioch College
Univ. of
Cedarville Univ.
Central State Univ.
Wright State Univ.
Wilberforce Univ.
Miami Univ.
MU Hamilton
MU Middletown
Athenaeum of Ohio
Cincinnati Bible Coll. & Seminary
Cincinnati State Tech. & CC
College of Mt. St. Joseph UC Clermont
Univ. of Cincinnati
UC Raymond Walters
Xavier University
College of
UA Wayne
Malone College
Mt. Union College
Stark Tech. College
KSU Stark
Marion Tech.
Ohio Wesleyan
State CC
Lakeland CC
Baldwin-Wallace College
Case Western Reserve Univ.
Cleveland State Univ.
Cuyahoga CC
John Carroll Univ.
KSU Geauga
Lorain CCC Notre Dame College
Oberlin College
Hiram College
Kent State
of Akron NEOUCOM
Kenyon College
Mt. Vernon
Nazarene College
Central Ohio Tech.
Capital Univ.
College/OSU Muskingum College
Columbus Coll. of Art & Design Newark
Muskingum Area
Columbus State CC
Denison Univ.
Tech. College
Mt. Carmel Coll. of Nursing
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