I-8 Tournament (Dwight)
I-8 Tournament (Dwight)
09/28/2009 19:41 FAX 630 552 7208 Plano Schools Athletics SEP-28-2009 17:49 FROM:DWIGHT PUBLICSCHOOLS 8155842950 TO:630 552 7208 Interstate 8 Girls Golf Tourr a ment Team Scores Team Lisle 1 Bekka Houda 2 Melanie Early 3 Anne BeQley 4 Hayley Bellina Ind. Score TeamSCOI'IB 459 2nd 101 113 115 130 Plano 503 4th 1 Kelsey Maton 118 2 121 125 Kelly McGinnis 3 Maggie Benoit 4 Brandy Britt Westmont 1 Catl& Zapinski 2 Jenny Zaclnskl 3 Magan Larem 4 Jane Flint Sandwich 1 Tori Thompson 2 Blair Wrioht 3 Carli Campbell 4 Hannah Rebham 139 4 28 1st 101 102 107 118 ~633rd 111 112 117 123 [4J 0003/0004 09/28/2009 19:41 FAX 630 552 7208 f4I 0004/0004 Plano Schools Athletics SEP-28-2009 17:49 FROM:DWIGHT PUBLICSCHOOLS 8155842950 P.5/S TO:630 552 7208 Interstate 8 Girls Golf Tou nament Scores by Groups PLACE Tee PLAYER FIRST NAME LAST NAME Mader 1 Jane 1 Abbv Francis Tori Thompson , SCHOOL FRONl 67 Lisle Plano SandWich 63 Total 130 146 111 Circled e I 74 54 72 57 65 66 72 130 144 126 3 14 6 o 18 3 2 Havlev Bellina 2 Nanev 2 Anru!I Sonng 3 Megan Larem Coclllon Westmont 52 55 Sandwich 66 107 133 Davis Wllmincton 67 70 65 135 Westmont 63 62 Sandwioh 72 60 64 80 69 68 125 136 120 137 2 10 57 61 58 116 o 52 113 1 60 11e S4 58 61 125 2 2 56 59 57 56 63 62 55 57 119 121 112 113 1 1 1 2 102 118 o 3 Ath.::iri 3 Erin 4 Allison Emm Lisle Plano Dwlqht BACK 72 65 -a3 7 6 4 Brandee Bern Black Zlomie Brilt 6 Anne 6 Cameron 6 Jana Maaaie Bealev Anderson Flint Benoit IWestmont 7 ICaltiyn 7 Kellv 7 Blair 7 Melanie Doherty McGinnis WliQht Early Westmont Plano 8 Jennv 8 Kalsoy 8 Hannah 8 Bekka Zaoinski Westmont Plano 50. 52 Maton 57 Rebhorn Hcuda SandWich Lisle 62 61 61 61 ~O 101 o 50 47 47 54 50 97 101 104 117 o o 4 Julia 4 Madison " 9 S:;Jrah 9 Catie 9 Ashlev 9 Carli SU~rg\!lr, ZilDinski Howard Campbell Wilmlnaton Pleno DwIoht Westmont Plano SandWich Lisle Seneca Westmont Wilmlnaton Sandwich I 54 59 58 123 4 10 o 1 1 o 09/28/2009 SEP-28-2ee9 19:41 FAX 630 552 17:49 FROM:DWIGHT 141 000210004 Plano Schools Athletics 7208 PU8LICSCHODLS 81558429513 TO:63e 552 7208 Interstate 8 Girls Golf Tournament Scores by School Name Anna Emm Cameron Anderson School. Dwight Dwight Front Back Total 65 61 63 Lisle 67 65 63 65 Lisle Lisle 56 51 Jane Hayley Melanie Bekka Mader Bellina Early Houda Lisle Abby Nancy Brandee Maggie Kelly Kelsey Francis Boring Britt Benoit McGinnis Maton Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Plano Tori Athzirl Julia Blair Hannah Carll Thompson eaellian Black Wright Rebhom Campbell Sandwich Sandwich Sandwich Sandwich Sarah Megan Allison Circled Double Par 128 113 6 8 57 50 130 130 113 101 18 14 52 74 72 146 72 72 69 64 S8 144 137 S9 61 62 57 61 125 121 118 57 111 66 133 136 112 123 117 1 3 2 0 10 2 1 0 Sandwich 54 67 72 57 62 Sandwich 59 61 56 Supergan Seneca 50 47 97 Westmont· Westmont Westmont Westmont Westmont Westmont Westmont 52 55 62 107 0 125 11S 118 119 4 Catie Larem Berg Begley Flint Doherty Zaplnskl Zapinski 5lin Madison Ashley Davi$ Zlomie Howard WilmIngton Wiimington WilmIngton Anne Jana Caitlyn Jenny 63 57 64 55 58 60 58 56 SO 47 63 52 3 7 10 1 1 0 0 0 2 102 1 0 54 101 0 70 65 60 54 60 50 135 .120 6 2 104 1 P. :-V5 09/28/2009 SEP-28-2009 19:40 FAX 630 552 7208 @0001/0004 Plano Schools Athletics 17:49 FROM:DWIGHT PU8l..ICSCHOOLS8155842950 TO:630 5S2 7208 Interstate 82009 Girls Golf Tournament Individual Places PLACE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 FIRST NAME LAST NAME superaan Sarah Zapinski Catie Bekka Houda Jenny Zapinski Ashley Howard Megan Larem Tori Thompson Wright Blair Anderson Cameron E~rly Melanie Begley Anne Cart I Campbell Flint Jana Maton Kelsev Doherty Caitlyn Zlomie Madison Kelly McGinnis Rebhorn Hannah Berg Allison Maggie Benoit Anna Emm Jane Mader Hayley Bellina Athziri Cocilion Erin Davis Black Julia Brandee Britt Boring Nancy Abby Francis SCHOOL Seneca westmont Lisle Westmont Wilminaton Westmont Sandwich Sandwich Dwlqht FRONT Total BACK 50 47 51 50 Circled 47 4 97 101 0 101 0 2 102 54 a 104 0 0 0 1 52 ,5 ~7 107 a 111 3 112 1 61 55 $2 lisle 56 57 '13 113 2 Westmont Sandwich Westmont PI<3no Westmont Wilmington Plano Sandwich Westmont Plano Dwi~ht Lisle Lisle Sandwich Wilmington Sandwich Plano Plano Plano 57 59 60 57 115 117 0 59 58 58 58 t51 63 60 62 121 1 62 61 1 63 62 123 125 64 65 61 63 67 63 65 65 66 54 57 56 60 118 118 119 120 125 128 130 1 a 2 0 1 2 4 2 6 8 3 65 64 130 133 135 136 72 68 72 137 144 14 74 72 146 18 67 70 72 69 7 6 10 10 P.2/5
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