
INSIDE: • A Conversation With Pussy Riot & Storm Large • Judge Nakamoto • Chick-Fil-Hate? • Turn A Look: Pisces & More!
Photo by J Tyler Huber
Queer Masculinity Embracing It’s Feminist Side
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• February 18th, 2015, 5P.M.-7 P.M. : Bossanova Ballroom
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Typically this time, of the year I dedicate page
3 to the many accomplishments of our Brilliant
Media Team. However, before doing so, I feel it
is paramount to discuss a few topics flooding
the intersection of every letter, and every color.
First and foremost we would like to extended
condolences from our Brilliant Media Familia to
the family and friends of the late Justice Scalia.
For 30 years he was the court’s most forceful and
influential voice. Love him, or hate him, his colorful writings indeed made for some great late
night reading. With that being said and all humor
aside and with my morals correctly aligned I will
not dance on a Deadman’s Grave. Outside of the
horrible decisions he made that were supported
by his, even more, face melting justifications, as a
mortal, I feel deeply sadden for people who carry
so much hate and aspire to spread it like a wildfire. Life, our world, and the universe is here to
teach us so much more if we choose.
This may sound strange. However, my mind
will often drift and start to explore why someone
is. It’s like a soccer game, seeing their life playing
out in the fields of the universe against one’s own
nemesis, the world. In fact, Justice Scalia once
said: “If it were impossible for individual human
beings (or groups of human beings) to act autonomously in effective pursuit of a common goal,
the game of soccer would not exist.” The hypocrisy here is that he was also quoted as saying:
“Persuade your fellow citizens it’s a good
idea and pass a law. That’s what democracy is
all about. It’s not about nine superannuated
judges who have been there too long, imposing
these demands on society.”
Justice Scalia’s soccer game of life has come
to an end on this plane, his sudden death will
have an immediate impact on the current term,
full of controversial cases we have become too
familiar with. Like: regulation of abortion clinics, another challenge to Obamacare, affirmative action in college admissions, and Presidential power on immigration. See for yourself, the
long list of the SCOTUS Docket and petitions that
are currently being watching. You will note some
particularly interesting ones outside of the typ-
ical divisive “issues” like immigration that have
been devilishly amplified by dark minions like
Ann Coulter, and her sidekick Donald (#NotJesusChrist) Trump, who masterfully to produce
scared “voters.”
The bigger challenge here is what this means
for the lower courts and how their rulings impact
us at the state and local levels. Here is how it will
play out if undecided U.S. Supreme Court cases
are heard or to be heard this term. As we know if a
case isn’t 4-4 it will be decided as usual with only
eight Justices. If a case is going to be decided 4-4,
the Court has two choices: Wait for the ninth justice to join the court and rehear the case or issue
a nonprecedential 4-4 decision that affirms the
lower court decision. So, yes this
could be a wrath of
turmoil building.
that I feel it’s going
to be important
that we take the
time to meditate
and/or pray for
those who choose
hypocrisy, arrogance, and ignorance to feed their ego as a way of life on earth.
We have to hope for their enlightenment and the
enlightenment of those that have survived them.
We have to explore and analyze their game so we
can find less wicked places to feed our souls and
fields for our hearts to explore. Places not governed by ego places not educated by the ignorant,
and places are not run by the arrogant. As we meditate and dine on the less wicked we are taking the
enlightened path to cleansing our soul and world.
In the Scalia game of life, he had many, many
choices to answer the question: “What Would
Jesus Do WWJD)?” Unfortunately, in his case,
he often opted for the less Christlike decision as
a Judge in what is considered to be the highest
court in our land. This mortal judge of man had
countless opportunities to embody the values
and teachings of Christ and be a shining example of Christianity in America. But he fell and in
his words: “The judge who always likes the results
he reaches is a bad judge.”
In fact, when speaking at the Knights of Columbus Council 969 centennial event Scalia said:
“God assumed from the beginning that the
wise of the world would view Christians as fools
... and he has not been disappointed”…and on
that note, let’s let his God be the Final Judge. May
you find rest, peace, and understanding in the
after world, Justice Scalia?
Understanding the balance of light is critical
to our next steps forward in being recognized as
equal, and being equally rewarded with the “benefits” of equality. The very equality that dark light
leaders like Scalia have seized and enjoyed since
the dawn of time. These leaders seduce us with
their powerful ego and divide us with their hypocrites. They “pack” us together, all the while WE
have become the greatest soldiers at waging war
against one another
on this global game
of soccer. We have
been taught by the
ignorant, feed by
ego, and live the life
of the arrogant.
Knowing we
have a turmoil
brewing in the core
of our planet let’s
pause for you – This
year marks the 35th
Anniversary for El Hispanic News, the 6th for Su
Público, the 4th PQ (Portland). Additionally, we
celebrate the 1st birthdays for PQ Bay Area, PQ
Seattle, and Tankside our mainstream motorcycle magazine. We do this work because of our
passion, love, and with the purpose of sharing
and enlightening our world that we are one and it
takes our differences freely united to radiate our
universal brightness and beauty. We are blessed
with the opportunity to work with some of the
most brilliant minds, and serve faithful readers like you!
In the words of my grandmother, the former
and Honorable Secretary of State of New Mexico
Clara Padilla Andrews and Publisher Emeritus of
El Hispanic News said: “You are perfect as you
are and need nothing else to be complete. You
are a precious child of this universe and you are
enough “. Thank you for your love and support –
together we make Brilliant things happen!
Lavender Flame On!
Melanie C. Davis
Nestor Miranda
Columnists &contributors
Sossity Chiricuzio, Samantha L. Taylor,
Michael James Schneider, Leo Bancroft, Summer Seasons, Marco Davis,
Kathryn Martini, Sally Mulligan, Katey
Pants, Queer Intersections
A Conversation With Pussy Riot And Storm Large...............................Page 4
What To Do During A Mental Health Emergency............................... Page 7
Gay Skate with PQ at:
Oaks Park Roller Skating Rink
Always the 3rd Monday of every month from 7-9pm
Voter Suppression and Victories in 2016............................................ Page 8
Embody: Love Note To Femmes, Including Myself........................... Page 10
The Turnback Boyz............................................................................... Page 12
Chick-Fill-Hate?................................................................................... Page 16
Finding Leo: My Best Valentine........................................................... Page 20
BLM Part 2: Politics, Economics, And White Fear................................ Page 22
By Shaley Howard, PQ Monthly
Russian punk band Pussy Riot is known for their outspoken resistance to President Vladimir Putin’s regime and
infamous arrest for ‘hooliganism’ when they performed
“Punk Prayer!” inside Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the
Savior in 2012, made a stop in Portland recently. But instead
of playing their signature provocative rock music Pussy Riot
members sat down with an audience of 300 people for a
Q&A conversation about human rights violations. The evening began with a short trailer for a documentary called Act and Punishment, about feminists in Russia.
Pussy Riot members Maria Alekhina and Ksenia Zhivago
then took the stage along with musician/author Storm
Large and OPB’s John Sepulvado as the moderator.
Much of the evening focused the human rights violations of prisoners and performance artist Petr Pavlensky, who is currently imprisoned for his “Living Pain” art.
Much of Pavlensky’s art is depicted through bodily harm
he inflicts on himself as a political statement, which Russian authorities call “vandalism.” An example of his art
was displayed on the screen of him with his mouth literally sewn shut in protest of Pussy Riot’s imprisonment in
2012. Both Zhivago and Alekhina spoke about the injustice
of his incarceration and were selling t-shirts to help raise
money for his legal fees. There were awkward gaps in the conversation throughout the evening due to a few confusing questions and their
translation from English to Russian. The audience was also
borderline rude at times with people randomly yelling out
and interrupting the speakers. One person actually yelled
‘blah, blah, blah’ when Storm Large was in the middle of
asking a question. But despite these disruptions, the majority of the crowd was respectful and seemed excited to par4 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2016
ticipate in an engaging and intriguing dialogue with the
members of Pussy Riot.
When asked about her experience in the penal colony
Alekhina said that most prisoners are forced to rise at 5:20
AM to sew police and army uniforms for 12-14 hours with
no breaks, earning only $3.00 per month. Alekhina herself
did not sew because she said that she “caused too many
problems.” She was only allowed to see her child
every three months, with the guards leveraging
these visits against “misbehavior.” Misbehavior
was also punished by solitary confinement in a
stone cold cell. Alekhina said she spent half a year
in isolation though she added that being alone in
a cell was a little better than trying to coexist with
100 other prisoners with no privacy and constant
fighting. “They call this penal colony ‘corrections’ but the system is corrupt and is making a
profit off of imprisoned people,” declared Alekhina adding, “You are constantly surrounded and
have to fight 24 hours a day for human dignity.
We did not hope for amnesty.” When asked about the atmosphere of being
an activist in Russia, Alekhina shared a story
about the band’s release from prison. The band
members had started a human rights project and
needed space to work. They found an appropriate space near the National Center for Contemporary Arts
in Moscow with a café close where they would often eat.
One day the owner of the café was approached by officers
of the FSB, the Russian federal security services, and successors of the KGB. The FSB officers wanted to place bugs
in the café to spy on Pussy Riot, but the owner refused to
allow it, and they left.
“This is typical of the inability to have a choice. If you
decide to not accept their orders, it can end your freedom.
It can end your life. Being a hero or activist is not dedicating your life to a cause but in your daily choices. These
daily choices represent the whole society in Russian life.”
Pussy Riot’s new release, “I Can’t Breath” is dedicated
to Eric Garner, an African-American man who died after
being put into a chokehold by an NYPD officer. Alekhina
said, “It’s a song for all who suffer at the hands of
the state. But it’s also about us not taking action.
There’s no universal way to solve things. But every
action is a checkpoint. It won’t necessarily change
the world but every action does count. The most
important thing is to continue to remember those
still behind bars. It’s imperative for you to know
the names of those imprisoned and who parishes
because of violence of the government.”
A question was asked about feminism in
Russia. Alekhina explained, “Feminism in Russia
is same as in the Middle East. We don’t have stonings but we have serious issues with the patriarch. In Russia, you can be killed for saying you
are gay. The lack of LGBT rights follow the same
line as feminism and come from patriarchal society. The very principle of non-tolerance towards
the hatred of the different one is a sign of a diseased society.”
And the evening wouldn’t have been complete without a question of Alekhina’s opinion of Donald Trump to
which she simply replied, “Trump and Putin don’t believe
in anything they say. You should do your best to not allow
this guy to be your president.”
After the show had ended, I had a chance to sit down
with both Storm Large and Maria Alekhina to talk about
“Trump and
Putin don’t
believe in
they say.
You should
do your best
to not allow
this guy
to be your
PUSSY RIOT AND STORM LARGE | Story continues on page 6
In Wood We Trust
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Continued from page 4
the current state of being LGBT in Russia. PQ: As you know currently social acceptance and Russian law towards LGBT is
extremely intolerant. Since Pussy Riot began
protesting Russia’s anti-gay legislation has
there been much push back towards LGBT?
Alekhina: It’s much worse. It’s become
this very aggressive propaganda where they
actually call on people to kill other people.
Not only is it the propaganda of ‘do not
accept’ LGBT but beat them, kill them and
so on. We have an economic crisis happening in Russia. The government is afraid that
people will unite. They use all their methods
to separate people by nationality, by different ways of living, by everything. They are
trying to show, especially in the LGBT community, when you start speaking out, they
will shut you off forever. This propaganda
is promoted by media, by TV, etc. and it’s
working. But the thing is this propaganda
is totally fake. These government groups that are
formed are particular quasi-movements, in
different cities. For example, if you are organizing gay pride in a city, they send these
groups there comprised of mostly guys who
have questionable backgrounds that are
hired by political police to be protestors.
They send them there to beat people. This
is possible because they know no one will
open a criminal case out of fear. They even
continue after gay pride harassing and beating people. PQ: What suggestions would you have
for people outside Russia who want to help
stop Putin and human rights violations?
Alekhina: The main thing you can do
is to put pressure on your politicians who
engage with Putin and his administration.
To question his human rights policies and
keep pressing the topic. It’s hard to explain
but it is working. It’s better to ask and speak
about particular cases such as people who
were beaten or people who suddenly immi6 • FEBRUARY/MARCH 2016
grate because they are afraid. Speak out
about gay activists in Russia. PQ: Have you found other politicians
working from within the Russian government speaking out and working with you?
Alekhina: I know a lot of politicians.
But in the whole of Russia, I know only two
politicians who actually talk with everyday
people and are trying to do what they can to
change this offensive system. It’s very rare in
Russia right now to find those politicians. I
understand this. If you see this totally corrupt system every day, it’s very human to
want to just run away. I think these men I
know are heroes. Storm Large: Are most of the people
working for LGBT, women, and human
rights – are they all mainly targets? I mean,
is anything against human rights against
Putin? Who else do you see in Russia working for human rights that aren’t necessarily
going to go to jail? Alekhina: Yes. If you are doing human
rights work in Russia, it is political work.
Generally, the most productive work comes
from outside of Russia, United Nations,
Amnesty International and people outside. Outside human rights organizations and
artists are doing the most important things.
If someone is going to Russia and they’re
going to give a statement or concert all of us,
(Russians) see it. For example, if you have
a human rights issue that is discussed with
the United Nations it’s done behind closed
doors and nobody else sees it live. So we
hear and see the statements through the
media controlled by Putin. But at a concert
people see life, they see each other as they
are. It is the strongest way to send a message. If you are an artist and you’re going to
Russia, say something for political prisoners
and those who are discriminated against.
Storm Large: People want to discount
artists – you’re not politicians, you don’t
know what you’re talking about. You’re absolutely right. I think that’s such an incredibly
powerful message to get out to other artists
and to get to the public and fans. pqmonthly.com
By Giovanni Blair
McKenzie, PQ Monthly
If you’re experiencing a mental health
crisis or struggling with
thoughts of suicide, first
know that you are beautiful, talented, and loved.
Your existence makes the
world a better place.
Never underestimate
the power of talk therapy.
If you need someone to
talk to, consider calling
a crisis hotline. Below are four you should know. They are
confidential, toll-free, and available 24/7.
Trevor Project1-866-488-7386 GBTQ Youth
Trans Lifeline 1-877-565-8860 Trans Community
Multnomah County Crisis Line 1-800-716-9769
Multnomah County Residents
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-8255 Anyone living in the US
Personally, I think OHSU is the best hospital for a mental
health emergency. When I last visited, I waited for 10 minutes before being seen, compared to two hours at other
facilities. After I had settled in, I was greeted by the head of
their security team who explained my rights and reasons
for their policies. And instead of having one doctor, I had
two working together as a team.
The unfortunate fact is, medical facilities are often
unprepared to support patients experiencing homelessness. In my experience, the moment you’re identified as
homeless, their obligations to treat you with decency and
respect goes out the window. When I first visited the Hollywood district Providence hospital, they took good care
of me. Two weeks later, I was homeless. The small suitcase I carried was a red flag, causing the EMT and nurses
to repeatedly asked if I was homeless. When I was finally
honest, their focus shifted from my care to fixing my homelessness, which was not my most urgent need, causing
them not to give me the care I needed.
Medical staff are like f light attendants, you never
know what you’ll get. I’ve found that by having advocates, you make them more accountable and ensure
that someone is advocating for your best interests even
when you can’t.
There are two kinds of patient advocates – the external one (someone you know and trust or someone from a
victim services organization), and the internal one (someone employed by the hospital). If you can, get both. For an
outside advocate, pick someone you trust and have the ER
social worker contact them immediately.
If you’re POC (person of color), ask if a POC social worker
is available or on-call. When I first visited Providence Portland in the Hollywood district, I was lucky to get a woman
of color without having to ask for one. She made sure I had
the best care plan possible. If things unfolded differently, I
would not be writing this piece today.
If you are insured by Oregon Health Plan—which
includes Healthshare of Oregon and CareOregon—ambulatory care is provided as part of your care package. Another
option is Lyft. If you don’t have the funds, use my promo
code “GIOVANNI” for a free first ride!
During a mental health crisis, alcohol is not your friend.
In fact, it’s your enemy. Remember, alcohol is a depressant.
It slows your brain down. Speaking from experience, drinking during a crisis will only worsen the situation.
Medical staff are trained in translating what you’re
saying to medical language, so be honest about what
you’re feeling. When I first mentioned having “spiraling
thoughts” to the EMT, I didn’t know it was a big deal. In
mental health language, this is called ‘racing thoughts.’
And it’s a big deal.
MENTAL HEALTH EMERGENCY | Story continues on page 9
New America Media, Sarita Hiatt
New and increasingly strict state and county voting laws
are threatening to cut off a growing number of Americans
from their right to vote as the primary season opens.
Ethnic minorities are disproportionately affected by the
lack of access to polling sites,
voter ID requirements, and lack
of language assistance, just as
experts claim these groups are
gaining political clout.
Since the 2010 elections,
20 states have passed voting
restriction laws, most often
requiring citizens to provide
photo ID before voting, minimizing early voting time, and
in some cases blocking entire
swaths of voters--such as those
who have been convicted of a
felony--from voting at all. Some of the laws will go into full
implementation for the first time in 2016.
The surge in restrictive laws intensified in 2013 when the
Supreme Court deemed Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act
unconstitutional. The rules in the section were designed
to address the problem of racism at the polls by, for example, forbidding literacy tests from being used as a prerequisite for voting, and by imposing federal oversight in districts with a history of racial discrimination.
A look at how new restrictions are impacting ethnic
voters, even before the 2016 elections have set in:
· Florida’s harsh voting laws regarding former felons disproportionately affect the state’s African American population: 20% of the Florida’s black voting-age population are
banned from the polls. Without the clemency of the Governor, a felony conviction negates a Florida citizen’s right
to vote permanently, even if the felony is a nonviolent drug
offense. The harsh policy--which was briefly reversed in
2007 after Democratic former Gov. Charlie Crist took office-was reinstated by Republican Gov. Rick Scott in 2011 and
affects an estimated 1 in 10 Florida residents.
· In South Dakota, Native Americans living on reservations have long faced a barrier to voting due to the prohibitive distances voters must travel to cast early ballots. The
2002 Help America Vote Act (HAVA) provides states with
federal funding to meet minimum election standards, but
Buffalo County in South Dakota has resisted using the federal funding to set up accessible satellite offices for early
voting. Eligible Native voters living with disabilities or who
don’t have vehicles and gas money are left without options.
Native voting rights activists in South Dakota and Montana
have pressed lawsuits against counties with similar policies.
· Latino voters have been challenged at the polls by
multiple states demanding proof of U.S. citizenship as
a requirement to vote. This regulation was first put into
place in 2004 by the State of Arizona but was struck down
by the Supreme Court in 2013. The court ruled that the law
violated the constitutional ban
on poll tax since voters without
ID were required to pay fees for
obtaining government-issued
ID cards and documentation in
addition to the sometimes considerable transportation costs
needed to travel to the nearest DMV. Arizona has appealed
the ruling, but, for now, has two
lists of voters: those eligible to
vote in federal elections but
don’t meet the requirements
for state elections, and those
who are eligible to vote in both.
· The language assistance provision of the Voting Rights
Act has provided important protections to Asian American voters across ethnic communities. According to the
law, voting districts with large populations of voters who
speak a language other than English and have low English
proficiency must receive language assistance. This assistance includes allowing voters to bring a translator of their
choosing into the voting booth. The Texas Election Code
has been sued for violating this requirement by forcing
voters to use translators who are registered to vote in the
same county, effectively limiting the pool of translator’s the
voter may choose from.
Restrictive voting laws continue to proliferate even as
the pool of ethnic voters is expanding. The 2016 elections
will be key to understanding whether these laws passed
in the name of preventing fraud will discourage vulnerable voters—especially ethnic minority voters—from going
to the polls.
Notable Successes in Voting Rights
As the 2016 elections approach, voting rights advocates
are focused on expanding voting opportunities to make the
process more inclusive. While a surge of restrictive voting
laws will go into force this year in many states, in others
voting access will be wider than ever.
Voting rights advocates have scored some notable successes at the county and state levels:
*Oregon passed a voter-registration reform bill in 2015
through which all eligible voters are automatically registered when they get driver’s licenses or state ID cards. California passed a similar automatic registration law, which
went into effect on January 1st. The DMV is waiting to
implement it until a comprehensive database and set of
regulations are in place.
*The Maryland Legislature passed a bill in 2015 that will
restore voting rights to residents with felony convictions to
vote upon release, rather than after completing their probation as required by the current law. Although Gov. Larry
Hogan vetoed the bill, the Legislature has already begun
the process of overriding the veto this month.
*As of 2016, a total of 29 states and the District of Columbia have passed laws permitting online registration. Most
have already implemented online registration laws; it is
expected that all will be implemented in time for the 2016
*33 states and the District of Columbia allow early
in-person voting. 27 states and D.C. also allow absentee
voting by mail. These laws are particularly important for
African American voters: in 2012, for example, the ACLU
notes that 70 percent of African Americans voted early in
North Carolina. During that same election, African Americans voted early at more than twice the rate of white voters
in Ohio.
The ACLU and other civil rights groups have also challenged restrictive voting laws in a number of state courts:
*In 2015, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund filed a lawsuit
against the State of Alabama after it closed 31 DMV offices.
All of the closures occurred in counties with at least 75 percent African American residents. The lawsuit accuses the
state of discouraging African Americans and Latinos from
getting driver’s licenses and other forms of acceptable identification for the purpose of voting.
*In 2015, Justice Department presented Congress with
a proposal to address the lack of voting access for Native
Americans by requiring all states and counties with tribal
lands to locate at least one polling place according to the
recommendation of the local tribal government. The move
came after some lawsuits challenging states and counties
on the issue.
*A Kansas state court struck down the state’s two-tiered
election system in 2016. The system allowed Kansas to
impose photo ID requirements for state elections though
not for federal elections; voters who could not present
photo ID were allowed to vote at the federal level but forbidden from voting in state elections.
*The ACLU is awaiting the outcome of a lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s 2013 law limiting early voting and
same-day registration. The organization claims that early
voting and same-day registration are critical for North Carolinians living in poverty; since poverty is higher among
African Americans in the state, the restrictions disproportionately affect them.
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By George T. Nicola, GLAPN
Oregon Governor Kate Brown has
appointed Oregon Court of Appeals Judge
Lynn Nakamoto to the state’s Supreme
Court. The appointment fills a vacancy left
when Justice Virginia Linder retired before
the expiration of her term. Justice Nakamoto’s investiture into her new position
took place on January 25. She will run in
this year’s election to retain the position.
Justice Nakamoto, who openly identifies
as lesbian, was a member of GLAPN’s first
group of Queer Heroes NW in 2012. In the
early 1990s previous to her judicial career,
she and others cofounded an organization
called the Asian Pacific Islander Lesbians
and Gays (APLG). The organization and
community leaders spearheaded a coalition of Asian Pacific American groups to
speak out against the 1992 anti-gay Ballot
Measure 9. Today APLG still exists as Asian
Pacific Islander Pride.
As a private practice attorney in 1991,
Ms. Nakamoto was a founding member of
the Oregon Minority Lawyers Association.
Continued from page 7
The Multnomah Crisis and Assessment
Treatment Center, or CATC for short, is a
16-bed secure facility operated by Telecare,
a 50-year old employee-owned organization. At CATC, you won’t find traditional
counselors. Instead, you’ll find Peer Support
Specialists—counselors who’ve overcome
their own mental health and/or addiction
struggles and now dedicate their lives to
helping others.
Dur ing my 24-hour hold at Prov idence Portland, psychiatrists had me on
Zyprexa (an antipsychotic that turns you
into a zombie). By the time I got to CATC,
the doctor had replaced it with Lexapro
In 1998, she wrote an amicus brief supporting Tanner v. OHSU. The American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU) of Oregon notes
about the consequent victorious ruling
“The Oregon Court of Appeals became the
first court in the nation to decide that government is constitutionally required to recognize domestic partnerships. . . The Court
of Appeals has also made it clear that current Oregon law prohibits any employer-whether public or private--from discriminating in the workplace on the basis of
sexual orientation.”
In 2001, Ms. Nakamoto was given the
prestigious Judge Mercedes Deiz Award,
which “recognizes an individual who has
made an outstanding contribution to promoting minorities in the legal profession
and in the community.” The award is named
after the first African-American woman
admitted to the Oregon State Bar. Judge
Deiz also happened to be one of our earliest straight allies in this state’s judiciary.
In 2004, Ms. Nakamoto was cooperating counsel for the ACLU Foundation of
Oregon. She and ACLU’s national office
staff attorney Ken Choe were co-counsel in
Li and Kennedy v. Oregon, seeking to give
Oregon same-gender couples the right to
marry. However, the Oregon Supreme Court
did not hear the case until after the passage of Measure 36 which made same-gender marriage illegal under the state’s constitution. (A 2014 federal court eventually
brought marriage equality to our state.)
Later in the decade, Ms. Nakamoto served
on the board of Portland’s Q Center.
In 2011, Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski appointed Ms. Nakamoto to the
Oregon Court of Appeals. She was the first
Asian Pacific member of that court. In 2012,
she won the statewide election to retain the
seat, getting 98% of the popular vote.
Justice Nakamoto is the first Asian
Pacific American and the first woman of
color to join the Oregon Supreme Court.
She is also the only person of color to serve
on that court currently.
(an SSRI) and Concerta (a newer version of the Ritalin, a stimulant known for
treating ADHD, narcolepsy, and depression).
At CATC, you never go hungry, and you’re
allowed to bring and use your electronic
devices. In fact, they suggest it—to enable
you to connect with the outside world.
Free Wi-Fi is provided, and it’s pretty fast.
In their milieu, you’ll find a Wii, endless art
supplies, two free payphones, a library of
books, a ping-pong table, and gym bikes.
One of their group therapy sessions is Buddhism-influenced. In other words, it’s the
perfect place to heal.
In closing, your life is valuable—no
matter what the voices in your head will
say. Asking for help doesn’t make you weak.
It means you are mature enough to seek
help when you need it.
Love note to femmes,
including myself
you’re so good at [fill in domestic/organizing/emotional labor task], can’t you just
take care of that?”
I am a femme queer--part of a tradition
Let me be clear on visibility: what’s
that goes back to the origins of function between our legs is only your business if
made fashion, side eye, and transgressive we offer to share it with you. What’s between
our legs is not our worth, not your due.
Which is to say: not passing or passive. What’s between our ears is treasure, if you
Like most magical creatures, we’re more figure out how to be quiet and listen. We all
than you may think you see. We can run need to get better at listening, as my elders
the business, or the fuck, or the meeting, told me before I learned how to pay attenor the protest. In fact, we probably already tion. Before I remembered respect, which
do. We homeschool generations of mascu- they most definitely had earned.
line creatures to feminism. We embody the
I have learned to do my best to live as
divine feminine, even unto death.
long as I can, as well as I can, having the
To be femme is to be constantly seeking best sex and food and effect in the world
visibility and value though they are granted as I possibly can. I keep learning to balance
to so many of our queer siblings as soon as the budget with health with desire, and to
they step from the closet. To try short hair, work magic no matter the math. I will conrainbow imagery, jewelry with our identi- tinue to learn, like when I finally grew out
ties spelled out in cursive screams, and even my beard, which is as natural and feminine
knuckle tattoos. To still see those eyes pass as it needs to be. Which is also none of your
right over all our outlaw beauty like just business, though you are free to admire it.
another girl, or no girl at all.
That beard has presented a challenge to
To be femme is to be constantly choos- me almost every day since then, but growing our battles: queer sex 101 for the mans- ing it felt right. Felt magic. Femme magic.
plainer on the bus or spoons left over from Crone magic. Fuck you it’s my face magic.
the group sex party later? Explaining the Fuck your beauty standards magic. Being
nuances of sexual harassment to gay men a femme means I can say fuck as much as
who’ve never had to live it and don’t believe I want though it’s really mostly a love word
they can perpetuate it, or living a life with- for me. Being a femme means I know curse
out their glorious beauty and clowning? words are also endearments, and ways to
Shaving or not shaving any of our hair, mourn, and sharp, glittery edges that say
knowing we’ll be asked to justify it either don’t trifle with me.
Being a femme that’s younger than you
To be femme is to determine which parts means I want to watch and learn. Being a
of femininity suit, and which need modi- femme that’s older than you means I want
fications. Like that second-hand bra that to show and teach. Means none of these
doesn’t quite fit until you pull out the side things, unless we all want it. Means paying
wires; or that bike that needed an overhaul extra attention to power dynamics and
before you could haul your tools around assumptions and expectations. Means so
town; or those knee high boots passed down much more than cosmetics and beauty,
from one fat-calved warrior to another, new whatever that is at any given moment.
soles or laces to mark the occasion.
Means shining a light on the myths of comFor myself, I choose family but define petition and scarcity. Means loving even
it as a community, and close friends that in fear.
show up, and born family that chooses me.
We have to be our own role models, and
I choose no children, except those raised by mirrors for each other. We have to find the
others and befriended and perhaps taught joy in our bodies as they are, having no
by me. I choose radical over traditional. promise of anything different. We have to
I choose to stand as an individual, even love each other. We have to let our tenderin partnership, and to form relationships ness be a strength, not value, not weakbased on organic growth rather than by ness, not role. I continually learn this from
a timetable or rule book. Even with these femmes, as I have learned most things.
choices, I am not unusual in my commuFemmes: I want to give you joyful service
nity, or yours.
with no strings. I want to hold you tight when
I don’t presume to know everything you want it and give you space and time
about any femme/feminine person other when you don’t. I want to be the soft light of
than myself, but many of us have many the moon on your upturned face; to count
things in common. Wanting peer dynamics your silver hairs like shooting stars; to trace
over social capital. Wanting our health and your scars and wrinkles like a sonnet. I want
well-being prioritized. Wanting to be seen to kiss all the places gravity is in love with.
and respected in the communities we sup- I want to love myself as well as I love you.
port in a hundred ways that are taken for
I see you femme, and I think you’re just
granted. Wanting to never again hear “but right.
End note: If you have questions or topics you’d like me to cover, products you’d like
me to review, people you’d like to hear from, or resources to share, please get in touch!
[email protected]
By Sossity Chiricuzio, PQ Monthly
By Suzanne Deakins--GLAPN
Love the most written about topic, the most longed
for emotion, and perhaps the most painful of all emotions when it goes “wrong.” The first pull we feel toward a
potential lover is often eros. Eros is a chemical, sexual passion, and desire. Eros can burn out rather
quickly if the attraction does not morph
into a Philia (deep but non-sexual intimacy between friends and
Greek and Romans had many
ideas about love and the different
kinds of love. Most cultures have
specific language nouns and verbs
describing the variants of the meaning
of the word.
In the western world, there are several
terms, for instance, Ludus represents a kind
of playful or flirting love, Pragma is the type of
love that develops between long-term couples
and involves actively practicing, goodwill commitment, compromise, and understanding between
the couple. In this relationship, sexual activity takes
on a different meaning than just passion and desire.
Sexual activity is not necessary to remain in a Pragma
Agape became a modern term describing love in the
early 1970s. Used by new agers and metaphysical as well
as Christian churches, it illustrates a more generalized
concept of love that is not exclusivity, but rather a love
for all of humanity. Sometimes Agape is replaced by
the term unconditional love and/or absolute love. Both
terms carry a broader idea of love reaching out into the
universe. Philautia is self-love, which is not a selfish
love, but the idea that you must care for yourself before
you can care for another.
In Western cultures love is highly connected with morals and ethics dictated by religious practices and
beliefs. In the Sinic cultures such as
China, Japan, Korea, and East Asia,
love is more culturally imbued.
There may be as many different
types of love as there are words
for mother, father, siblings, etc.
Love takes on a cultural philosophy rather than religious overtones.
For us, the answer to what is love
remains somewhat elusive because
love is not one thing or one idea. Love for
parents, partners, children, country, neighbor,
God and so on, all have different qualities and
aspects. Each quality has its variants such a blind,
one-sided, tragic, steadfast, fickle, reciprocated, misguided, and unconditional. Love in western cultures needs
passion and commitment or it turns into an infatuation
and a mere dedication. Love like all ideas needs nurturing
and insight or the relationships we have will wither and die.
In the case of love, we must transform it into either pragma
or philia for it to remain viable. Love like language is living
entity that allows us to grow and mature. It is the vessel in
which we grow and experience life.
The paradox of love is that it is supremely free yet
attaches us with bonds stronger than death. It cannot be
bought or sold; there is nothing it cannot face; love is life’s
greatest blessing. If you are secure in love, it can feel as
mundane and necessary as air. You exist within it, almost
unnoticing. Deprived of love it can feel like an obsession;
all consuming, physical pain.
Love has nothing to do with gender or sexual preference but rather our ability to see beyond the ordinary and
experience the extraordinary life of us all.
Suzanne Deakins, Ph.D., is an author, and publisher of
One Spirit Press/Q Press. Her commentaries have appeared
in Bloomberg Press, Working Women, Art Age, and Wall Street
Journal. Some of her books include “Back to the Basic Management, Lost Craft Of Leadership”, “Authentic Forgiveness”,
“Sacred Intimacy”, “Double Chocolate, Book of Exotic Poetry”.
She may be reached at [email protected]. “All We Need is
Love, Love Knows No Gender” is from her new book, “Sexual
Fluidity” To be released March/April 2016
GLAPN was founded in 1994 as the Gay & Lesbian
Archives of the Pacific Northwest. Its purpose is to discover, preserve and share the history of all sexual minorities
in the Pacific Northwest. GLAPN gladly supplies speakers
to groups interested in regional queer history, and just as
gladly consults with groups who want to document their
own history. Materials donated to GLAPN become part of
the reference library at Oregon Historical Society.
Left to Right: Peter Pansy, Oliver Gold & Tommy Tugunns. Photo by jtylerhuberphotography.com
By Sossity Chiricuzio, PQ Monthly
Max Voltage has been known for producing and performing in radical queer art that entertains and educates for
over a decade in Portland, like their musical theater piece,
“Homomentum.” Now the boy band concept from that production is a spin-off project about to make their big Portland debut! The Turnback Boyz are experienced musicians
and very serious about their skills, but they see humor and
camp as an accessible way to talk about important topics. I
sat down with them to explore what is different about what
they are doing in a community where masculinity is king.
PQ: When did you know you wanted to be in a boyband,
and what does it mean to you?
Max (aka Peter): My first boyband performance was
playing Justin Timberlake to a room full of screaming,
preppy, Catholic students--it flipped a switch in me, and
sent me on my queer artist gender-bending path. My art
has grown so much since then, and I love coming back to
my boyband roots, but
with all these added
layers; no longer lip
synching, using my
own words and voice.
Che (aka Oliver):
I have always wanted
to be in a boyband. I
love to sing. I also love
to write music, it is so
cathartic and creates
something for someone else to have as their
own. Boybands have
always been a genre
that had cheesy songs,
but the songs are FOR
the people listening.
Ruth (aka Tommy):
I don’t remember when
I first wanted to, but
something definitely
clicked when I saw the
audition call. It means
another opportunity to
do the things that are
“for boys,” a frequent
limitation when I was growing up.
PQ: I see that you have your own dreamboat “magazine,”
Cougar Beat, which includes tips on being a feminist boyfriend. Tell me about how you handle the opportunity to
be a role model in that arena?
Max: Some of my favorites from that list: “I’ll cook dinner
if you do the dishes. Chores have no gender.” and “Physical
Contact without sexual expectation.” For me being a feminist is very tied into my genderqueer identity, embracing
all parts of my complex, layered gender, and empowering
others to do the same. Not buying into the devaluation of
the feminine, in myself or in others. Part of the subtlety of
this project is dislodging gender essentialism.
Ruth: I work in a very male dominated and physical
field lifting large heavy objects, often by myself. I won’t run
over and take something away from someone (as has been
done to me in the past) based on assumptions of ability.
Feminism is about checking your assumptions and learned
behaviors on a daily basis.
Che: I try to employ simple things like holding space for
everyone to talk, and MAKING space in mixed groups for
women/femmes to speak. When I have been called out by
femme partners in the past, I take in the information and
then step back to reflect on what else I may have done, or
what else there is for me to learn from this feedback. It isn’t
ENOUGH to want feedback, you have to dig deep and work
on your shit on your own time.
PQ: Obviously you all see that there are problematic
things about the existing models for masculinity. How do
you aim to shift that with this project?
Max: In college my straight guy friends would be congratulating me on “getting the girl,” and at first it felt fun
to go along with it, to get to be one of the guys. But then I
realized it was a connection based on misogyny and seeing
women as conquests, so I started challenging that dynamic.
I guess we’re using boybands as a map to find our way back
to a sincere, authentic masculinity.
Ruth: We’re all just really performing gender, right?
Che: I think our existing models of masculinity are
deeply riddled with inherent, unearned privilege based
on misogyny. So, if queer masculinity does nothing to deviate from/challenge it/transform it into something that
encompasses feminist thought or creates right-relationship to privileges offered to those who ID/appear more
masc: it is doing a deep disservice to everyone involved.
We are using the art of song and dance to challenge/transform queer masculinity into something that is able to be
feminist and in right-relationship.
PQ: Speaking of the problems of queer masculinity:
femmes are often invisible in queer performance as well as
culture. What do you do to push back against this?
Che: I have a lot of thoughts and feelings on this as I
was a very femme presenting self-identified dyke from
the moment I came out at 14 ‘til I started exploring more
nuances of my gender at 23. I am still a femme, and femme
can look/feel so many ways--as long as there have been
queers there have been femmes of all genders. My goal is
to raise femme visibility and generally bring awareness to
this very real experience. Also, FEMMES TO THE FRONT!
Max: My radical artist training ground was the drag
king community, where femmes were such a huge creative and political force, and yet the whole thing was centered on masculinity. As the community and conversation progressed, that stage became less about facial hair
TURNBACK BOYS | Story continues on page 13
& packies, and more about
radical queer art. This projContinued from page 12
ect is coming full circle and
focusing on masculinity,
but not at the expense of femmes. Like how white people
need to unwind our inner racism and have hard conversations with each other, masculine folks need to question
our inner misogyny, and teach each other how to do better.
PQ: Pop culture has many overlaps with rape culture—
how do you deal with that issue?
Che: I love this question, it’s at the heart of why we chose
to write “Consent is Sexy”. We tend to bring our opinions of
consent into our onstage banter quite a bit. I want there to
always have overtones and explicit lyrical content that not
only address this issue, but put out positive reinforcement
towards consent and respect.
Max: What’s often missing from the conversation, in
our blame-the-victim world, is holding masculine folks
accountable, and helping them unlearn entitlement to
feminine bodies. I believe art is one of the most powerful
tools of social change, so to have the Turnback Boyz write
a song combating rape culture really early on in the project feels like a great foundation that we can build upon.
Ruth: Consent is sexy and empowering, and it sucks
that we live in a place and time where people need to be
reminded of that. Like this lyric: “You said no and that’s
great / other things we can negotiate / we could just cuddle,
that’s okay / more than okay, really gay.”
Find out more on the PQ Blog, at their February 20th
show at the High Water Mark, and on turnbackboyz.com!
End note: If you have questions, or topics you’d like me
to cover, products you’d like me to review, people you’d like
to hear from, or resources to share, please get in touch! [email protected]
March 17th
PQ Monthly is published the 3rd Thursday of every month.
5PM - 7PM
• March 17th, 2016, 5P.M.-7 P.M. : LOCAL LOUNGE
( 3536 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, OR 97212)
Please contact us for advertising opportunities.
503.228.3139 •PQMONTHLY.COM
PQ Monthly February Press
Party. Meet and mingle with your
favorite reporters and editors and
celebrate the February/March issue of
PQ at Bossanova Ballroom. As always,
this event is totally free and open to
all in the community. 5 p.m., 722 E
Burnside St.
“We Are Resilient” Open
Mic. Resilient Connections is
CIOs queer/transgender/immigrant/refugee group and we are
here to remind you that we are
resilient in the face of xenophobia, homophobia, and transphobia. Join local poets, artists, organizers, and cultural workers for
a free night of creative healing.
CIO is a sober space—please
respect the space. ADA accessible, gender-neutral restrooms.
Closed space—this event is for
QTBIPOC/QTIR folks; if you are an
accomplice, ally, family or friend, please reach out to our organizers
for ways to support. Free. Center for Intercultural Organizing, 700 N.
Killingsworth St.
White Out 2016. Presented by Black Rock Boutiques, a
fabulous dance party on two stages in bright white lights and
blacklights. Tickets $30 online or $35 at the door. 21+, 9 p.m.
Want more? We’ll give you
everything. Head over to
pqmonthly.com and check
out our online calendar
of events, submit your own
events, and send photos for
your event. Also, remember
to carefully examine our
weekly weekend forecast —
with the latest and greatest
events — each Wednesday
(sometimes Thursday), online
Drag Brunch: Testify at Stag with
Alexis Campbell Starr. From 11
a.m. until 3 p.m. every Sunday, Ms.
Starr brings you the city’s hottest
drag performers, drink specials (5 for
$5 mimosas, $5 American Harvest
Bloody Marys), and tasty brunch—all
in the city’s hottest new bar. Be there
promptly at 11, children. Ms. Starr
demands it; and she brings so many
guests. Stag, 317
NW Broadway.
Hangover Happy
Hour. Bloody
Marys, friends, food, beats by Art of Hot and
guests. It is an excellent recovery scenario. Mingle
with queers in a very chill setting. 2 p.m.-7 p.m.,
Euphoria, 315 SE Third. Free.
Superstar Divas. Bolivia Carmichaels, Honey
Bea Hart, Topaz Crawford, Isaiah Tillman, and
guest stars perform your favorite pop, Broadway,
R&B, rock, and country hits. Dance floor opens after the show.
Check out the newest and freshest Diva hits, plus a variety of
diverse talent. 8 p.m., CC Slaughters, 219 NW Davis. Free!
Family Home Evening. A weekly, post-work lounge party
every Monday night at Vault, featuring DJ Orographic (Bridge Club,
Queerlandia) and occasional special guests (Sappho fills in now
and then). Jens Irish serves you happy hour all the live long night. 7
p.m.-11 p.m., Vault, 226 NW 12.
to 4 a.m. at Euphoria, 315 SE 3rd Ave.
Stranger Disco. An always-packed North Portland favorite queer
dance party on North Williams; DJs Stormy Roxx, Vera Rubin and
Sappho. 21+, $5, starts at 9 p.m., Vendetta, 4306 N. Williams Ave.
The 2016 Oregon Beer Awards. Gold, silver and bronze medalists will be revealed in categories ranging from Best Strong Hoppy
Beer to Best Beer Festival. More than 60 judges have narrowed
520 submitted beers down to 42
medalists. $15 ticket includes includes a $2 donation to Oregon Wild,
commemorative glass sponsored
by Columbia Distributing, one pint of
award-winning beer and snacks. 21+,
5:30 p.m. at Revolution Hall, 1300
SE Stark St.
COLOSSAL electronic music
fest. Celebrating this moment in
electronic music in Portland. From
hardware-based knob twirlers to
laptop artistes, from ambient ethereal
soundscapes to driving house beats,
the inaugural electronic music event COLOSSAL will immerse
audiences in the wealth of electronic music that Portland has to
offer. Featuring Rafael, Strategy, Dylan Stark, Acid Farm, Ghost Feet,
Apartment Fox, Visible Cloaks, Vektroid, EASTGHOST, Rap Class
and more. Doors at 7 p.m., tickets $7 in advance or $10 day-of at
Holocene, 1001 SE Morrison.
Amateur night at Stag PDX, though they
won’t look like amateurs, trust. Hosted
by Godiva Devyne, come gawk at the
pretty dancers. And talk some shit with the
Devyne Ms. G. 9 p.m., Stag PDX, 317 NW
Hip Hop Heaven. Bolivia Carmichaels
hosts this hip-hop-heavy soiree night every Thursday night at CCs.
Midnight guest performers and shows. Remember
those midnight shows at The City? Bolivia does! 9
p.m., CC Slaughters, 219 NW Davis. Free.
Sugar Town. DJ Action Slacks. Keywords: Soul,
polyester. Great place to find the ladies, to mingle, to
get your groove on. 9 p.m., The Spare Room, 4830
NE 42. $5.
Pop Rocks! 80s music aficionado DJ Matt Consola (Bearracuda) is hosting a very special 80s anthem
night at Euphoria Nightclub. The space will be enhanced with an
80s theme featuring dancers, games and an official Dungeons &
Dragons Gaming Table, visuals, rad 80s movies, drink specials, a
photo booth, coat check and special guest DJs. 10 p.m., Euphoria,
315 SE 3. No cover.
Bi Bar—every second Tuesday at Crush, and it’s an open,
bi-affirming space for music and mingling. Correction: Bi/Pan/Fluid/
Queer. 8 p.m., Crush, 1400 SE Morrison.
National Black HIV and AIDS Awareness Day. The first-an
nual event, the National Black HIV and AIDS Awareness Day is a
community mobilization initiative designed to encourage Blacks
in our community to get educated, get tested, get involved, and
get treated. Find fun events and food, plus free HIV testing. The
free celebration is from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Charles Jorda
Community Center at 9009 N Foss Ave.
The Oscar Party. Walk the red
carpet dressed to impress to Portland’s
most fun Oscar Party! $25 gets you in
the door, your first cocktail, and A-list
appetizers. The room will be equipped
with TVs airing the Academy Awards
and during commercials breaks you’ll
have the chance to win hotel stays
around the U.S. The is one not to miss!
Sponsored by Cascade AIDS Project
and Hotel Monaco. Starts at 4 p.m. at
Hotel Monaco, 506 SW Washington
Sugar Town: Bit O’ Honey (Ladies of Classic Soul Celebration). The hive will come alive on 3/5 when Sugar Town
and DJ Action Slacks present the FIFTH annual celebration of the
LADIES of classic soul and R&B. Kick off Women’s History Month
following the buzz to the Spare Room where you’ll dance to som
of the mid-century’s finest records about hip shakes, heartaches,
love fakes, mistakes, double takes, rat snakes, high stakes, hotcak
and daybreaks. This time DJ Action Slacks will be joined by speci
guest DJ Listen Lady! 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Cover $5, 21+ at Spare
Room Restaurant and Lounge, 4830 NE 42nd Ave.
Slo Jams is a Queer Modern R&B & Neo Soul
Dance Night at Local Lounge. DJ II TRILL (TWERK)
and DJ MEXXX-TAPE lay down everything from Mary
J // Jagged Edge// Keyshia to Badu//
Lauryn Etc. 10 p.m., Local Lounge, 3536
NE MLK. $5.
Hot Flash: Inferno. (Second and
Fourth Saturdays) In the heart of Portland is where
the women are—dancing the night away and burning
up dance floors the second and fourth Saturdays of
every month at Trio. Welcoming all women, queers,
and their allies. DJ Lauren joins Wildfire, and this night
features dancers from up and down the I-5 corridor. 6
p.m.-10 p.m., Trio, 909 E. Burnside.
Bump, grind and crash into your favorite queer friends at Gay
Skate. Look for our publisher, who’s
always handing out copies of PQ. And,
you know, you’ll probably get a date. Every CALENDAR SP
third Monday. Food drive for Take
Action Inc. 7 p.m., Oaks Park, 7805
SE Oaks Park Way. $6.
Comedy at Crush: Belinda Carroll
and a slew of locals rustle up some
funny. Special guests, and Crush’s
signature cocktail and food menus.
Donations, sliding scale. (Comics
have to eat and drink, too, so give!) 9
h by
Southeast Art Walk. A free, self-guided tour of the the studios,
home workspaces, galleries, host homes and businesses within the
walkable/bikeable/busable boundaries of SE 9th to SE 41st and SE
Hawthorne to SE Powell Blvd.
The Sweethearts of Portland Ball. Join Mr. Sweetheart XXVII
Solstice Seasons, and Miss Sweetheart XXVII Kimber K. Shade, for a
night of fun, entertainment and charity as we say job well done and
get ready to crown a new Mr. and Miss Sweetheart. This year’s charity
beneficiary is New Avenues for Youth, taking a complete approach
to addressing youth homelessness and its root causes. Cover $20.
Doors open at 5 p.m. at Darcelle XV Showplace, 208 NW 3rd Ave.
Marjuana and the brain: Nephi Stella, PhD lecture. Dr. Nephi
Stella, professor of Pharmacology, Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
at the University of Washington will be in Portland for an OHSU event
to explain the role marijuana plays in cutting edge neuroscience
research. Part of an ongoing brain awareness lecture series. Tickets
$27. 7p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Newmark Theatre, 1111 SW Broadway st.
Jose Gonzalez and Music together. Indie folk singer-songwriter
José González hits Portland performing with acclaimed NYC-based
chamber sextet Music, which works in close quarters with contemporary composers and songwriters to developing ideas into vivid,
communicative performances. 8 p.m. at Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall,
1037 SW Broadway. Tickets start at $29.
Heathers, the Musical. Don’t miss the Portland premiere of this
hit musical by the award-winning creative team of Kevin Murphy
(Reefer Madness), Laurence O’Keefe (Legally Blonde, Bat Boy), and
p.m., Crush, 1400 SE Morrison.
Queens of the Night: Alexis Campbell Starr. That’s all you need
to know. But there’s more: she always welcomes a special slew of
talented queens for a night that takes Hip-Hop from beginning to
end. 8 p.m., Local Lounge, 3536 NE MLK.
Polari. Troll in for buvare. Back-in-the-day
language, music, and elegance. An ease-youinto-the-weekend mixer. Bridge Club boys
make the music. Bridge and tunnel patrons
have no idea what to do with us when we
pour in. Hint: it’s always the Thursday we
go to press. What serendipitous fortune! 10
p.m., Vault, 226 NW 12. Free.
Burlescape! Burlesque & boylesque wrapped in a taste of
tease! Zora Phoenix, Isaiah Esquire, Tod Alan. (And there’s more
than that, kids.) Zora is a treat and a treasure—and so are her
shows. Try one out! 9 p.m., Crush, 1400 SE
$10. We’re featuring all of Zora’s
events online, so get on the net.
Gaycation: DJ Charming always welcomes special guests—and here you’ll find
everything lesbian, gay, and in between. Be
early so you can actually get a drink. Sweaty
deliciousness, hottest babes. THE party. Yes,
boys, even you can hit on Mr. Charming. We
know you want to. 9 p.m., Holocene, 1001
SE Morrison. $5.
Undergear: Eagle Portland’s monthly
Andy Fickman (She’s the Man).Based on the classic 1989 film,
Westerberg High is ruled by a shoulder-padded, scrunchie-wearing
junta: Heather, Heather and Heather, the hottest and cruelest girls in
all of Ohio. But misfit Veronica Sawyer rejects their evil regime for a
new boyfriend, the dark and sexy stranger J.D., who plans to put the
Heathers in their place—six feet under. Tickets start at $15. 7:30
p.m. Triangle Productions, 1785 NE Sandy Blvd.
Bearracuda Spring Fling! Dance with Portland’s beautiful bears
and their admirers. Bearracuda is back in Portland for the must-attend March event with all the beefy boys and burly beaus. Featuring
DJ Matt Stands and DJ John Cross. Doors open at 9 p.m. $5
before 10 p.m., $7 after at Euphoria, 315 SE 3rd Ave.
PQ Monthly March Press Party. Rub elbows with PQ supporters and staff and celebrate the March/April issue of PQ at Local
Lounge. As always, this event is totally free and open to all in the
community. 5 p.m., 3536 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Portland Mayoral Debate. Hosted by the Oregonian. Where does Portland’s
next mayor stand on issues
important to you? Join
The Oregonian/OregonLive
for a Mayoral Debate with
candidates State Treasurer
Ted Wheeler and Multnomah
County Commissioner Jules
Bailey in the spotlight. Topics
will cover affordable housing,
economic growth, small
business, infrastructure, taxes and more. The event is
FREE, but register online to reserve a seat. 6 p.m. to 8
p.m. at Revolution Hall, 1300 SE Stark St.
Sister Spirit Queer + Feminist
Roadshow. 6 emerging and established artists offer a critical, intersectional
and often humorous lens to issues
of feminism, race, size, class, identity,
technology, gender and sexuality. See
Jezebel Delilah X, Nikki Darling, Juliana
Delgado Lopera, Cassie J. Sneider, Virgie
Tovar, Denise Benavides and Cooper
Lee Bombardier. $15-20 sliding scale
at the door, 7 p.m. at the Independent
Publishing Resource Center, 1001 SE Division St.
underwear, jock, mankini, etc., fetish party every third Saturday.
Free if you arrive before 9 p.m. or if you use free clothes check
upon entry after. After 9 p.m. arrivals who do not check clothes
must pay $5 entry. Clothes check and raffle prize provided by Cub
Cleaners. Eagle Portland, 835 N. Lombard.
Twerk. DJs ILL Camino and II Trill. Keywords: bring your twerk.
The city’s longest-running queer hip hop/R&B party—where artists,
deejays, performers come to mix, mingle, and move on the dance
floor. We promise you you’ll move all night long. 10 p.m., Killingsworth Dynasty, 832 N Killingsworth. $5.
Club Kai-Kai. A crazy, cozy, packed dance party for queers of
all kinds at a horror-themed venue called Lovecraft. Club Kai-Kai
(at it’s most basic) is an experimentation of nightlife, performance,
and your gender preference. If you have questions, we don’t have
answers; we just have a space for you to Kai-Kai. $5 cover, 21+ at
Lovecraft, 421 SE Grand Ave.
Blow Pony. Two giant floors. Wide variety of music, plenty of room
for dancing. Rowdy, crowdy, sweaty betty, the one tried and true,
even after all these years. 9 p.m., Euphoria, 315 SE 3. $5.
Judy on Duty. Lesbian hardcore. Judys, Judes, and cool ass
freaks. Dance it out. DJ Troubled Youth. Organized by Ana Margarita
and Megan Holmes. 10 p.m., High Mark Water Lounge, 6800 NE
Sabbathhause Discotheque, gay night is back at Aalto lounge
and it is bigger and more queer than ever before. Featuring some of
the best deejays and performers around and hosted by night hawk
Chanticleer Tru. 8 p.m., Aalto Lounge, 3356 SE Belmont.
Hard Yes
presents Yes
Please! Yes
Please is a monthly
queer dance party
for the dark, dirty
and fabulous who
just wanna dance.
The party also
features guest performers from Portland and beyond
plus resident DJ Sappho alongside a rotating lineup of
guest DJ’s providing you with a healthy dose of: House,
techno, deep disco and hard f*ggotry. This month we
bring from Los Angeles: Ambrosia Salad, plus DJ Jackal
and DJ Sappho. Cover $7. 21+. 9 p.m. at Holocene,
1001 SE Morrison St.
I love it when you read to me: A benefit for Q
Center. Join the Independent Publishing Resource
Center, Q
Center, emcee Sossity
Chiricuzio, and
writers and
readers in a
of LGBTQ literature from 1855 to present. ASL
interpreted and accessible by mobility
device. The theme of this
intergenerational literary
mix-tape is
love. $5-$25
sliding scale. 7
p.m. to 9 p.m.
at Q Center, 4115 N.
Mississippi Ave.
By Monty Herron, PQ Monthly
“You might feel shame
(You should feel shame)
(You’re an abomination)
We might cross dress but that’s not what’s to blame.
Someday somebody’s gonna make you want to
gobble up a waffle fry.
But no no, don’t you know,
Chick-Fil-A says you make the baby Jesus cry.
Dude’s with boobs, Gay-for-Pay, even Dykes say hey
So chooooow down at Chick-fil-A
Even if you’re gay
Chow down at Chick-fil-A”
Lyrics, “Chow Down at Chick-Fil-A” Willam Belli,
Detox, Vicky Vox and Crossdresser Records
Oh, babies, Portland Peeps, where ma ladies?! What
fresh new gay hell is this?! The greater Portland Area is
being invaded by none other than Chick-Fil-A. Two stores
are slated to open soon in Hillsboro and Clackamas at The
Promenade. For those of you that don’t remember the controversy, In January of 2011, the fast food chain Chick-Fil-A
sponsored a marriage conference, along with the Pennsylvania Family Institute. They were responsible for also filing
an amicus brief to strike down Prop 8 in California, as well
as lobbied in Pennsylvania against a proposed statewide
ban on discrimination for sexual orientation or gender
identity. But this was just the beginning.
The WinShape Foundation, a Cathy family enterprise,
also stated that same-sex couples were not allowed to participate in their ‘Art of Marriage’
retreats. In 2010, Chick-Fil-A
donated over $8 million to the
WinShape Foundation. In total,
between 2003 and 2011, WinShape Foundation gave a total
of just under $10 million to various anti-gay groups according to the LGBTQ watchdog
group, Equality Matters. These
included Family Research
Council, Georgia Family Council, Fellowship of Christian
Athletes, Marriage and Family Foundation, and Exodus International. (The ex-gay conversion therapy folks.)
On June 16, 2012, Chick-fil-A president and chief operating officer (COO) Dan Cathy stated the following while
on the ‘The Ken Coleman Show,’a syndicated radio talk
show: “I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation
when we shake our fist at Him and say. ‘We know better
than you as to what constitutes a marriage.’ I pray God’s
mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant
attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what
marriage is about.” The following month, on July 2, Biblical Recorder published an interview with Dan Cathy, who
was asked about opposition to his company’s “support of
the traditional family.” He replied:
“Well, guilty as charged.” Cathy
continued: “We are very much
supportive of the family - the biblical definition of the family unit.
We are a family-owned business,
a family-led business, and we are
married to our first wives. We give
God thanks for that. ... We want
to do anything we possibly can to
strengthen families. We are very
much committed to that,” Cathy
emphasized. “We intend to stay
the course,” he said. “We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical
Cathy tweeted: “Sad day for our nation; founding fathers
would be ashamed of our generation’s abandonment of
the wisdom of the ages re the cornerstone of strong societies. The day after the Supreme Court struck down article
3 of the Defense of our Marriage Act, then later deleted it.
Of course
this ignited
an active
Continued from page 16
boycott of all
Chick-Fil-Hate restaurants by the Friends of
Dorothy, Sisters of Sappho, Twinks, Otters
and Bears, Oh My! There is nothing quite
like a gay boycott to wither up an organization’s bags of money. Friends, we are
one helluva an economic force when we
join together, and vote with our pocketbooks. Oh, lest not we forget the fantastic photos that began to pour in of “Queer
and Gay Kiss-In” events being staged in the
dining rooms and outside of various ChickFil-A locations. The bottom line is this: We
have always been a community with a fair
amount of money to spend. And we tend
to do it judiciously and wisely, with an eye
on who our dollars support. Government
leaders supported our community on this,
with officials from Boston, Chicago and
San Francisco expressing their displeasure with Chick-Fil-A. The CEO of pasta
maker Barilla found this out the hard way
when he chose to make harsh statements
about the LGBTQ community; in some circles I have heard they lost as much money
in one-quarter, as they had made a profit
in the previous 3 years! Needless to say, he
quickly backtracked and reversed his decision making an apology to any reporter that
would listen.
Fast Forward 2 years to March 2014.
Dan Cathy stated in an interview with Leon
Stafford of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
that he does not apologize for his stance on
same-sex marriage, his position remains
unchanged. However, Cathy did say the following: “I think that’s a political debate that’s
going to rage on and the wiser thing for us
to do is to stay focused on customer service. I think the time of truths and principles are captured and codified in God’s word
and I’m just personally committed to that,
I know others feel very different from that
and we should respect their opinion and
hope that they would be respectful of ours.
Every leader goes through different phases
of maturity, growth, and development and
it helps by (recognizing) the mistakes that
you make,” Cathy said. “And you learn from
those mistakes. If not, you’re just a fool. I’m
thankful that I lived through it and I learned
a lot from it.” To their credit, and following
through on Cathy’s stated regret for having
drawn the company into a controversy, all
funding had been cut to all but one of the
previous recipients, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Cathy has also said that he
began work with the organization, Campus
Pride, in 2012 and is pleased to be doing so.
So where does that leave us? Is it too late
to #rupaulogize? We have 2 locations opening here soon. Oregon business people have
welcomed the company. The Hillsboro location is slated to open its doors on St. Patrick’s Day, March 15th. An Atlanta resident,
Brian Davis, was hand selected to run the
Oregon locations. From the Inside ChickFil-A website,“ Bethany and I felt a connection to Clackamas the first time we visited,
and I could not feel more optimistic about
starting a business in this community where
my family and I already feel truly welcome,”
Davis says. “I look forward to opening the
doors to my restaurant in a few months and
welcoming our guests from the community to experience the great food, service
and hospitality that Chick-fil-A is known
for. We’re so honored to be in Clackamas.”
Chick-fil-A held a site dedication ceremony at the future restaurant site in Clackamas on Sept. 29 and was welcomed by more
than 30 community leaders, vendors, and
partners, including Junior Achievement of
Oregon and other local philanthropies. The
restaurant, formally named Chick-fil-A at
Clackamas Promenade, will be located at
12520 SE 93rd Avenue and is one of two
locally-owned Chick-fil-A restaurants opening in Oregon this spring. The restaurant
will be built to LEED® specifications with
water and energy efficiency features, air
quality control and waste diversion efforts,
among other initiatives.
Lastly, I don’t know about you, but I don’t
think I want to spend my dollars in a business that mixes religion and customer service. (Chick-Fil-A stores are always closed on
Sundays). Or that has a proven track record
of leadership that is unapologetic about
issues of LGBTQ equality. I leave up to you
all to decide what you will do, but I think it
would be just lovely if we could welcome
them with an LGBTQ Kiss-In event here, or,
at least, open up a dialogue with Mr. Davis.
“Hi, can I please have a spicy chicken
sandwich, drenched in homophobia, with a
large side of waffle fries and bigotry…. and
um, a large sweet tea #nohomo?”
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Monty Herron is a staff writer for PQ
Monthly, Graduate student at Portland State
University, author, and member of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde.
• March 17th, 2016, 5P.M.-7 P.M. : LOCAL LOUNGE
( 3536 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Portland, OR 97212)
By Marco Davis, PQ Monthly
As we step through the forest, I feel the
moist moss and decaying debris beneath
my feet, I feel the crisp breeze blow through
my hair and between my legs, providing me
with a deeper thrill of adventure. Your hand,
however, is the one thing I am most aware
of. It is so strong and rough, signs of a lifetime of hard work, at the same time, your
touch is so gentle and assuring; as if I’m
being led by the spriest spirit of the forest.
Your smell is like leather mixed with
vanilla and tobacco and a lingering of a
camp fire. Your stride steady and broad, I
almost struggle to keep up, but the sight of
your thighs and ass in your brown leather
pants keeps me on your tail. I just can’t help
As we make our way to the rise, you turn
to me, your blue eyes quenching my thirst,
your smile leading me on. You speak,” We
will rest at the crest of this hill, Queen Daylight. I will answer your questions then.”
Queen Daylight?? As we make it to the
rise, a sparkle catches my eye, I follow and
see an incredible sight!! A table set beneath
a pavilion of linen and gold, lavender and
rosemary fill the air. As we reach the table,
he pulls out my chair and bows with such a
flourish, I do feel like a queen. Hawk takes
the seat to my right and pours me a glass of
water and presents me with a meal of fruits
and cheese. As Hawk bites into a strawberry,
I ask, “Where are we going? Why did you call
me queen?”
Wiping the juice from his cleft chin, he
holds me in his eyes and replies, “We are
heading just beyond this valley over the
coast range to have an audience with The
Oracle. He had heard of your Awakening
and had I left his side to wait for your emergency and bring you to him. It was foretold
upon your Awakening you would be given
your quest and once completed, ascend to
your throne as Queen Daylight, the Warrior
Queen of Love.”
“You are joking right?! How am I fit for
a quest? I have no training in protecting
myself or finding whatever it is I am to
find... Who am I to question anything? I
did just sprout right up out of the earth
after my visit with the man at the water’s
edge. Oh, my God, it is all coming back to
me. Yielding to the water and the song it
gave my soul; being pushed to the edge
of everything I have known and surrendering to the pressure, allowing myself
to be transported and transformed as the
ancestors, holding me through their rock
forms as I was carried downstream and
away. Parts of me took to the sea, parts
absorbed into the shore, carried away on
the wings of birds and the fur of animals,
photosynthesis. I was given to the whole
and the mysteries of life the seed of knowledge that sprouted me up and out and into
your presence!”
I rise excitedly and exclaim, “We must
leave at once!! I have many things to speak
to The Oracle about.”
That said, I stride forward knowing
exactly where we were going, the heartbeat of The Oracle finding rhythm with my
own, pulling me on. As we step on, Hawk
turns and nods; I look back and see the few
squirrels and rabbits that were along the
shrub line move towards the table and shift
into human form. Wawawawhat??? The veil
has been lifted, my eyes see beyond. Glorious to behold! As I turn back to the trail, I
notice that Hawk has taken the lead again,
I’m not complaining, great view and it’s the
carrot I’d want to have dangled in front of
me leading me on.
Our journey is effortless. By nightfall, we
are making our way down from the coast
range, I hear music in the distance, drums
and violin, the smell of roasting food fills
the air as the music and my heart beat pulls
us on.
This scene is odd. As we move back into
the woods, the area has a strange dark quality to it, the air is thick and moist, and every
so often an abandoned car occupies space
amongst the trees, covered with moss and
decay. I feel like I am walking through the
timeworn sacred ground. The cars are not
junk, but rather monuments from the past.
As my vision widens, I notice more than just
cars. We are walking through an ancient
town, there are light poles, chimneys, partial walls, walkways.
Hawk indicated with his right hand
that we are going just ‘across the street’,
I already know that. I can see The Oracle’s aura from where I stand. Its glow and
vibration filling the space around us. Such
As we step down age worn stairs, we
enter an old courtyard that has multiple
levels and each level is a living quarter. A
large fire pit burns in the center and just
beyond I see The Oracle, sitting on an enormous mound of pillows and furs. The Oracle
is in dark robes of green and blue velvet
trimmed with silver and gold, an open chest
heavy with crystals and bones and feathers. Laughter thunders out as we step into
the room.
To be continued....
My Best Valentine
By Leo Bancroft, PQ Monthly
It’s raining outside. I’m scrolling through
Facebook past angry political posts and
memes about cats. And then I see a post
from AIDS Walk Portland. Drawn in, I look
at the photos from last summer. Blue sky
and sunshine on the green grass of The
Fields Park, smiling friendly faces, pictures that bring back happy memories and
joy. My mind starts jumping ahead to this
summer, and ideas bubble up for making
2016 even better.
I volunteer for Cascade AIDS Project
because I believe in the mission: to prevent HIV infections, support and empower
people living with or affected by HIV, and
eliminate HIV-related stigma and health
disparities. I also want to make a difference
because of the people I care about who are
affected by HIV.
But how do I describe the greater gift that
the community has given me?
In 2010, I was mad a God for suffering in
the world, and angry at the church for the
human failings of its leaders. Upset about
my poor choices in love, and my loss of
faith, I was struggling with depression and
felt adrift. I had moved back home to Beaverton, after dropping out of seminary. I
was lonely, tired of taking myself to dinner
alone, and I was just plain feeling blue. I
didn’t yet know I am trans.
My friend from seminary asked me if
I would join her team in the AIDS LifeCycle, a 545 mile from San Francisco to LA. I
wasn’t a cyclist but thought I would give it
a try, hoping it would be a way I could get
fit. Because I live in Portland, I was connected to the training captains and teams
from this area.
Team Portland for the AIDS LifeCycle is
very committed, and I tried to train hard.
We got up early on Saturdays and spent the
whole day on the bicycle, going up steep
hills, learning to ride in the wind and the
rain, learning to follow good cycling etiquette. We shared the stories of how our
lives were impacted by HIV.
Truthfully, I was still a bit of a lost soul
on those rides. I am especially grateful to
David Duncan and Maje Anderson, great
cyclists and extraordinary men who shepherded me along my steep learning curve,
fear of falling and other anxieties, as well as
my general struggles. They never left me
behind. They helped me face the scariest
downhills. The rest of the team is also excellent but some of my strongest memories are
of those times when I couldn’t keep up, but
David and Maje stuck with me.
The actual event in the summer of 2011
was incredible, with 2500 cyclists and roadies over 7 days. Again, I felt out of my ele-
ment and overwhelmed by several challenges
(for me one
of the hardest
was waking up,
packing all my
gear, and getting
on the bike without my usual slow morning
dawdle). I was moved deeply, however, by
the way, people encouraged and supported
one another. This was also a time when I
most strongly identified as “one of the guys”,
and tried to figure out what that was about.
Flash forward to 2012, and David and
Maje invited me to ride a shorter ride, this
time for the local organization, Cascade
AIDS Project. I did some training on the
bicycle, but more importantly, became
involved in the local community. I met so
many new friends who changed my life forever and found meaning and purpose in
working to end AIDS and fight stigma.
It’s amazing how just a few choices can
change the direction of your life. I raised
money, fought stigma, and promoted education to make a difference in the lives of those
affected by HIV. But what I have received far
outweighs anything I have given.
It was a journey for me to come from the
place of sorrow in 2010 to the place of joy
I am now. It took time to rebuild my faith,
and find community. It took a village to help
me come out as trans.
I find so much inspiration and courage
from those who choose to be public about
their HIV status. Such as the Positive Pedalers from AIDS LifeCycle, whose motto is
Eliminating Stigma through Our Positive
Public Example. Also, Cascade AIDS Project’s group Positive Force NW, who seek
to build community and eliminate HIV/
AIDS-related stigma. I have tried to craft
my own life motto, “no shame, no fear, no
stigma” based on these role models. They
have given me the bravery to live my own
most authentic life, loved and cared for me,
and helped me find community as my real
self. I saw God at our AIDS Walk.
For Valentine’s Day this year, I give my
love and gratitude to all who walk, all who
donate, all who volunteer, and to all who
don’t let stigma or fear hold them back. For
those who are struggling, you are in my heart.
I look forward to a day when HIV is
no more, but until then, I am grateful for
an opportunity to walk alongside those
affected by HIV. I can’t wait organize our
faith communities again this year for AIDS
Walk Portland, on September 10th, 2016. You
can sign up now! Start or join a team at AIDSWalkPortland.org!
Thank you all for being a part of my story
and in my life.
Leo Bancroft is a Lutheran trans man. He volunteers on the boards of Cascade AIDS
Project and ReconcilingWorks. You can reach him at [email protected].
Sally Mulligan, PQ Monthly
Welcome to the second installment of Turn a Look: Horoscopes! Every month I will be forecasting fashions for the sign
that month falls on. Spring feels imminent and that means it’s time for PISCES
to ready themselves for a stylish year
ahead! What are you water babies looking to accept about your fishy nature
and what are you looking shirk? Here
are my fashion predictions for your year.
February is all about you, sweet
and sensitive Pisces. Indeed, this turn
towards spring feels like it was created
just for you, and since we know we can
often find Pisces with their heads among
the clouds, there’s no need to feel the call
back to Earth this month! How does this
translate to your wardrobe? It’s best to
remain unencumbered this year since
you don’t know where you’ll end up. Lots
of light and floaty fabrics and comfortable shapes. Clean and simple will get
you far, and with only a few well-chosen
accessories like a trademark necklace
and some comfy shoes for your adventures ahead.
in softness, merqueer! Silk, cashmere, suede, jersey. Anything that feels right in your heart and on your skin, go for
it. Temper your sensitive, easily overstimulated nature with
a bit of ease. Simple shapes and soft fabrics put together in
It’s no secret that Pisces are among some of the most
secretive in the zodiac. For a malleable water sign, you are
often shrouded in mystery. This month’s full moon (2/22) is
in Virgo and is bound to shed some light
on aspects of your life that you aren’t prepared for, but fear not, you really have
nothing to hide. This is a dream month
for you and it is best not to challenge this
big reveal. Cover up if you must, but at
least, do me a favor and wear some sexy
undies? If you’re stepping out of your
comfort zone, you deserve to do it on
your own sexy terms. It’s time to determine what you will show and what you
will shield.
With all the excitement ahead,
it’s time to toughen up, dear Pisces.
Now, I don’t mean you need to shake
your tender side. Rather, this year
you embrace the duality of deriving
your strength from your more sensitive self. So how do you strike a balance? Leather and lace, love. Nothing
says “Don’t try me” like some biker style
leather, and nothing quite holds the
longing of “Wait, don’t go!” like lace.
So go on, mix and match a ruffled lace
top with some leather leggings, or some
bitchin biker boots with a sheer granny
caftan. Too scared to jump in the deep
end? Grab a leather jacket or backpack
and you’re right on trend without the
emotional fallout. Hey, this is probably why we tender queers started flagging in the first place. You have to have
a hanky handy.
As an emotional creature, it’s entirely
understandable that you would want to indulge a little for
comfort. Pisces are notorious for their love of nature, luxury,
travel, and pleasure. And as for the clothes? Duh! Bathe
“We’re Never Coming Home,” Molly
Nilsson; “It’s All in Your Mind,” Beck; “And
That’s Saying A Lot,” Christine McVie;
“Sea, Swallow Me,” Cocteau Twins. **You
probably already know this but just in
surprising ways. You’ve got enough on your mind without case: I am not a professional astrologer and these are just
overthinking your outfit. Embrace simplicity on the outside my fun suggestions. Do what you want and let me know
and you will manifest the clarity you seek on the inside.
how it goes! **
PQ Monthly is published the 3rd Thursday of every month.
Please contact us for advertising opportunities.
503.228.3139 •PQMONTHLY.COM
News Report, Starla Muhammad, Charlene Muhammad for
PQ Monthly in collaboration with New America Media
During his year-end Dec. 18 press conference, President
Barack Obama told reporters steady, persistent work over
the past few years is “paying off for the American people
in big, tangible ways.” He touted unemployment falling to
five percent and growing wages as examples of progress.
But for many Blacks on the economic front, 2015 continued to remain relatively stagnant.
According to mid-December data released by the Economic Policy Institute, the unemployment rate for Blacks
was still on average twice that of Whites, regardless of educational achievement. From December 2014 through November 2015 the unemployment rate for Black college graduates
was 4.1 percent compared to 2.4 percent for Whites. The disparity between those with less than a high school diploma
was, even more, telling, with Blacks having an unemployment rate of 16.6 percent compared to 6.9 percent for Whites.
According to the EPI data, “persistent disparities in
unemployment are constant reminders of how race continues to have an undue influence on life in this country.”
The optimism many people, especially Black Americans
had when Mr. Obama first took office has waned. When
asked what changes or expectations folks can expect during
the president’s last year in office, economist Dr. Julianne
Malveaux was blunt.
“I think we should expect pretty much what we’ve been
getting and again, people will have mixed feelings and ambivalence about this president and his legacy. His legacy is that
he’s the first Black president, his legacy is that he did healthcare,” said Dr. Malveaux referring to the Affordable Care Act.
“I’m not so sure what else I would consider a part of his
legacy. Again I would ask questions, has the material conditions of Black people in particular changed? And unfortunately, the answer would have to be pretty much no,”
she continued.
“Now he did get us out of the recession and that means
that everybody is better off. But have any of the gaps, the
wealth gaps, income gaps, the unemployment gaps, have
they narrowed? And the answer is no,” said Dr. Malveaux.
However, it must be pointed out, she explained, that Mr.
Obama had to deal with a very hostile Congress vehemently
opposed to everything he tried to accomplish.
As he heads into his final year as president, Mr. Obama
could utilize his power of Executive Order to help Black
people, the noted author and president emerita of Bennett
College for Women told The Final Call. It could be used to
set up an investigative arm to examine and study the issue
of reparations for Black descendants of slaves as laid out by
H.R. 40 introduced by Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) in 1997.
It has never made it out of committee with some members
of the Congressional Black Caucus even not supporting it.
“This president has the opportunity to do something. It’s
mild but it might get us started in a direction of a conversation that we need to have about
wealth gaps. I don’t expect that
to happen, but what I have seen
in this last year, there have been
flashes of boldness from the president that we had not seen before,”
she said.
But as Mr. Obama’s term winds
down, the message of Republican
presidential candidate Donald
Trump has resonated with many
White voters who feel their place at the top is being usurped.
His racially coded language has not stopped thousands of
mostly Whites who fill venues to hear his message.
“There is a fear that White people are being left behind,
and soon will be vanquished, or put into the third or fourth
sphere where they have been used for the past few hundred
years of running the world,” said Khari Enaharo, author of
“Race Code War, The Power of Words, Images And Symbols
on The Black Psyche.”
The widespread violence at the hands of police is like
a clarion call to White race warriors, he added. “All police
are not White Supremacists, but there are White Supremacists who will disguise themselves as police, and they will
engage in racial injustice,” Mr. Enaharo told The Final Call.
The clarion call sounds like, “Let’s take our country back,”
“We’ve got to stop these savages, we got to stop these monsters,” and politicians are stoking that fear, he said.
“What they have done is created a whole industry where
they have criminalized through racial codes, symbols
through racial code words, through racially coded images.
They have criminalized an entire race of people,” he added.
The killings have purposefully shifted people’s focus
from thousands of things they should but don’t pay any
attention to, Mr. Enaharo said.
“That means we don’t have to deal with HIV-AIDS anymore. We don’t have health problems. We don’t have an eco-
Always have supported LGBT rights, Always will.
nomic problem. … That is by design to get our attention off
of the things that are being done to us and we are not paying
attention to this war, this racial war that is being waged in
education, economics, sex and sports. Everywhere we look
we are racially wiped out and we aren’t paying attention to
it,” said the author.
Several efforts aimed at self-determination and action,
including “Buy Black” campaigns, calls to support Latino,
Native American, and Indigenous businesses and withholding dollars from huge multi-billion
dollar corporations took root this
year in response to injustices and a
call to redistribute the pain.
Cecile Johnson, the CEO and
founder of the African Development Plan, a solutions-oriented
collaborative that looks at the
needs of Black communities on a
local, national and international
level, said this year marked an
increased awareness globally on what Black Americans
have been faced with hundreds of years.
For the first time, said Ms. Johnson, there seems to be
more willingness by Black people to work across religious
and ideological lines and build coalitions. The elders are
helping behind the scenes but an intergenerational healing and atonement need to take place and youth must continue moving forward, said Ms. Johnson, who holds a master’s degree in Inner City Studies Education. Black people
have a right to self-determination and human rights which
include the right to education, culture, and life, she said.
Moving forward Black people can continue doing things
to invest in their collective future, including harnessing $1.2
trillion in spending power they have, she said.
“There’s things that we can do, churches, mosques, synagogues that are all Black, put your money in a Black bank.
That only takes 15 minutes and now you’re beginning to
invest in us, that’s one step,” said Ms. Johnson. Black faithbased institutions must be actively engaged and working
in the community by investing in businesses, establishing
mentoring programs and other services, she continued.
“I see a political climate and us pushing a Black agenda,
pushing political empowerment, pushing self-determination as a way to begin waking Black people up. So I see
2016 as a year that people are going to have to get woke
up,” said Ms. Johnson.
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New America
Media, News
by Elena Shore
Hoang Truong says
becoming a U.S.
citizen gave him
“the key” to unlocking a better life.
“When we become a U.S. citizen,” he said,
“we have the key -- the key to the higher education door, the key to freedom, the key to
vote, the key to do whatever we want.”
Truong, who came to the country seven
years ago from Vietnam, said he was watching TV one day when he saw there was an
upcoming free workshop in San Jose to help
people apply for citizenship. With help from
the local organization Asian Law Alliance,
Truong and his family were able to get fee
wavers so they didn’t have to pay the $680
naturalization fees.
Truong, his mother and his sister, applied
for citizenship in July, had their interviews
in October, and in November, they became
U.S. citizens.
This year, they will be able to vote in their
first U.S. presidential election.
Truong spoke to over 50 ethnic media
journalists and community members at San
Jose City Hall. The media roundtable was
organized by New America Media in collaboration with the New Americans Campaign,
a national, non-partisan coalition that aims
to make citizenship more accessible.
In a climate of escalating anti-immigrant
rhetoric, service providers here are encouraging more immigrants like Truong to take
the step to become U.S. citizens so they can
have the chance to make their voices heard
in November.
“With this presidential election happening right now, the rhetoric around immigrants and immigration is scary,” said
Vanessa Sandoval, immigration legal services program director of Services Immigrant Rights & Education Network (SIREN).
“Naturalization empowers people. They
become engaged. They have a voice,” said
“The urgency is now,” she said. “It’s a
time to come forward.”
John Kramar, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS),
says becoming a citizen is often easier and
faster than people think.
“After someone takes the citizenship
test, they often say, ‘That wasn’t as bad as I
thought,’” Kramar said. “There was a time in
years past when you would file and it would
take several years. We’re now averaging four
to five months.”
That means that green card holders who
apply for U.S. citizenship now could be able
to register to vote in time for the elections.
“There are hundreds of thousands of
people who are eligible and are not natupqmonthly.com
ralizing,” said Theodore Ko, a staff attorney with Asian Law Alliance. “In an election
year, there is no more important reason.”
According to the last available data from
2008, about 193,000 green card holders in
Santa Clara County are eligible to naturalize,
including about 34,000 Mexicans, 22,000 Vietnamese, 32,000 Chinese and 11,000 Filipinos.
If they naturalize, they will not only be
able to vote, but also to access the other
benefits of becoming a U.S. citizen, said Ko.
These include protection from deportation,
the ability to travel freely, and access to better
job opportunities and income potential.
Taking the step to become a U.S. citizen
is a “win-win, for the people, but also for
the city,” said Zulma Maciel, assistant to the
city manager at the City of San Jose Office
of Immigrant Affairs.
Research shows that when someone
becomes a U.S. citizen, their income increases
by an average of 8 to 11 percent. Greater earnings have a multiplier effect and stimulate the
economy, she said, from increased payroll
taxes to greater spending power.
“San Jose’s vitality is derived from our
large immigrant population,” said Maciel,
“and when immigrants become citizens,
they invest in the community.”
Next month, the city kicks off a public
outreach campaign to encourage legal permanent residents to become U.S. citizens.
Through partnerships with local libraries,
they are creating “citizenship corners” with
materials to educate people about the citizenship process.
“The greatest barrier to citizenship is that
fear factor,” said Kramar. “That’s why demystifying the process is important to us.”
Residents who want help with their applications can go to free citizenship workshops
– in San Jose and in cities around the Bay
Area – where legal service providers are available to assist them in multiple languages.
Those who want to take the first step on
their own can fill out their application at
CitizenshipWorks.org, a free online tool. It is
currently available in English and Spanish,
with other languages coming soon.
The New Americans Workforce, a partner of the New Americans Campaign, is also
working with local employers to bring citizenship clinics to worksites.
For Truong, going to a free citizenship
workshop was the best way to get help. Service providers there spoke Vietnamese and
guided his family through the process to
become U.S. citizens.
“It’s a really great gift,” said Truong.
Always the 3rd Monday of every month from 7-9pm
Follow us on Facebook for details
For more information about the New
Americans Campaign and upcoming citizenship workshops, go to www.newamericanscampaign.org. For more information
regarding citizenship, voting, or how you
can get involved in the Northwest, please
go to CAUSA and here is also their link to
the donation page: www.causaoregon.org/
By George T. Nicola, GLAPN
Know Your City (KYC), a community-based history and social justice organization, has launched a new program called
Our Stories Matter. Its mission is “to ensure
that the history of underrepresented people
is included as an equal part of our curriculum standards for Oregon Studies.”
Our Stories Matter “calls on the City of
Portland, Multnomah County, and Portland
Public Schools to work with Know Your City
and other culturally specific organizations
to provide inclusive Oregon Studies curriculum for youth and K-12 schools in the
Portland region.”
KYC elaborates “As the population of the
Portland area grows, displacement and discrimination continues to erase the value
of our combined histories and cultures.
Even though our schools are more diverse
than ever, there is an educational and cultural void for our youth of color, young
girls, LGBTQ youth, and other historically
oppressed identities. During history and
civics lessons, their personal experiences
are often misrepresented or ignored, which
makes school success more of a challenge.
Know Your City is working to ensure that
all students have a fair chance to have their
story told.”
Our Stories
Matter has been
endorsed by
local and multicultural organizations such as
AFSCME Council 75, Basic
Rights Oregon,
Asian Pacific
American Network of Oregon (APANO), In
Other Words, Verde, Lara Media Services,
Standing Up for Racial Justice PDX, the Bus
Project, and Tivnu.
KYC’s Executive Director Cameron Whitten led testimony in favor of Our Stories
Matter before a January 27 meeting of the
Portland City Council. Others who spoke in
support included Todd Struble of APANO,
Portland Public Schools board member
Michael Rosen, Confederated Tribes of
Umatilla citizen Katherine Quaid, and
openly gay 2014 Teacher of the Year Brett
The Council voted to accept the testimony.
To learn more, visit: http://knowyourcity.
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