SNMP Applications Guide


SNMP Applications Guide
202 212 232 485 FSK PSK LAN
Dial-up Service Channels Overheads
NEC 21SV Badger Cordell Datalok Felix Granger
Alphanumeric Paging SMTP TMonNet
Legacy RTUs
SNMP Applications Guide
Simple Solutions for Marketing SNMP-Based Alarm
Monitoring Work in Your Network
SNMP Devices
(PBXs, Switches, Routers)
Local Alarm Master
TL1 Devices
(PBXs, Switches, Routers)
ASCII Devices
(PBXs, Switches, Routers)
DPS Telecom Remotes
SNMP Traps
TBOS Remotes
Regional SNMP
Badger, Larse, NEC, and
Other Legacy Remotes
Version 2.0
Released December 20, 2005
“We protect your network like your business depends on it”TM
SNMP Applications Guide • DPS Telecom • 4955 East Yale Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax (559) 454-1688 •
© Copyright 2005 DPS Telecom
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this white paper or portions thereof in any form without written permission from DPS Telecom. For information, please write to DPS Telecom 4955 E. Yale Ave., Fresno, CA 93727-1523 • Call:
1-800-622-3314 • Email: [email protected]
Printed in the U.S.A
SNMP Applications Guide • DPS Telecom • 4955 East Yale Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax (559) 454-1688 •
What This White Paper Will Do for You
The number one question clients ask about SNMP is “How can I use SNMP to do this?” — where “this”
is the alarm monitoring application they care about the most.
You don’t deploy a new kind of alarm monitoring for the fun of it. If you’re thinking about deploying
SNMP in your network, it’s because you have specific problems you need to solve.
This is the book with the specific answers to your specific questions — a quick cookbook of solutions to
show you how you can get your job done with SNMP. For each application, I’ll show you how it works
and what you can do with it.
I’m constantly looking for ways to improve DPS Telecom white papers. If the question most important
to you isn’t in this book, give me a call at 1-800-622-3314. Let me know what you want to know, and
I’ll make sure it’s included in the next edition.
SNMP Solutions
Create a MOM System Incorporated SNMP and Non-SNMP Network Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Create a Local NOC for Local Visibility Within an SNMP Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Mediate Non-SNMP Alarms to SNMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Mediate SNMP Alarms to TL1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Filter Nuisance Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Mediate TBOS Alarms to SNMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Mediate Contact Closures Collected at Your Main Distribution Frame to SNMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Mediate Contact Closures and Analog Inputs to SNMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Monitor Using SNMP Over Dial-Up or Serial Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Ping IP Elements and Receive SNMP Traps if a Device Fails or Goes Offline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Send Alarm Notifications to Maintenance Personnel via Pager and Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Install Cost-Effective SNMP Monitoring for Small and Large Sites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Full Specifications for Products Used in These Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-23
SNMP Applications Guide • DPS Telecom • 4955 East Yale Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax (559) 454-1688 •
202 212 232 485 FSK PSK LAN
Dial-up Service Channels Overheads
NEC 21SV Badger Cordell Datalok Felix Granger
Alphanumeric Paging SMTP TMonNet
Legacy RTUs
Fig. 1. With support for over 20 protocols, T/Mon NOC can monitor all your network equipment.
Create a MOM System Incorporating SNMP and Non-SNMP
Network Elements
Need to monitor both SNMP and non-SNMP equipment.
Need to consolidate monitoring of legacy and modern networks.
Inherited mixed collection of mutually incompatible equipment from predecessors.
Inherited incompatible alarm systems from merger/acquisition of another company.
T/Mon NOC consolidates all your equipment, regardless of protocol or manufacturer, to one platform,
giving you a single-screen view of all your network equipment. T/Mon NOC supports over 20 different
protocols, including SNMP, TL1, TABS, TBOS and many proprietary protocols. (For a full list, see
Because of its support for multiple protocols, T/Mon NOC can monitor hundreds of different devices. For
every protocol it supports, T/Mon NOC supports every device that uses that protocol — and you’re not
charged extra probe fees for supporting multiple devices.
It doesn’t matter what the size of your integration issue is. Whether you have a few incompatible systems, or you need to consolidate two entirely separate networks, T/Mon NOC will give you a seamless
view of all your equipment.
SNMP Applications Guide • DPS Telecom • 4955 East Yale Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax (559) 454-1688 •
SNMP Devices
(PBXs, Switches, Routers)
Local Alarm Master
TL1 Devices
(PBXs, Switches, Routers)
ASCII Devices
(PBXs, Switches, Routers)
DPS Telecom Remotes
SNMP Traps
TBOS Remotes
Regional SNMP
Badger, Larse, NEC, and
Other Legacy Remotes
Fig. 2. T/Mon NOC can act as a local NOC that collects alarms from local remote sites and mediate all alarms to
SNMP traps that are forwarded to the SNMP manager at the regional NOC.
Create a Local NOC for Local Visibility Within an SNMP Network
Relying on a distant regional NOC for alarm notifications gives you limited visibility and prevents
timely repairs of remote site problems — ultimately increasing downtime and maintenance costs.
T/Mon NOC can serve as both an alarm collector and alarm forwarder. Alarms within your local area can
be collected to your T/Mon NOC using any of T/Mon’s supported input protocols. You have real-time
visibility of all your equipment, giving you the power to proactively monitor your remote sites and correct problems early.
While collecting alarms at the local level, the T/Mon NOC will simultaneously forward your alarms in
SNMP (or in TL1, ASCII, TABS, TBOS or other output protocols) to your central regional NOC. From
the regional NOC’s point of view, it’s no different than if the local alarms had been sent directly.
Another advantage of this setup is that you can selectively filter which alarms will be forwarded to the
regional NOC. You can have an alarm for everything you need to see locally, down to very granular
detail, without overwhelming the regional NOC with a cascade of alarms.
SNMP Applications Guide • DPS Telecom • 4955 East Yale Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax (559) 454-1688 •
Mediate Non-SNMP Alarms to SNMP
Need to monitor non-SNMP equipment from your SNMP manager.
T/Mon NOC’s alarm collecting and alarm forwarding capabilities combine to create a protocol mediation solution. T/Mon collects the alarms in their original protocol, mediates them to SNMP traps, and forwards the traps to your SNMP manager.
Any alarm that T/Mon collects can be mediated to an SNMP trap. Once again, you can filter which alarms
T/Mon forwards, so you only see the alarms you want to see.
SNMP Devices
SNMP Traps
TL1 Manager
Fig. 3. T/Mon NOC can receive SNMP traps and mediate them to TL1 autonomous messages.
Mediate SNMP Alarms to TL1
Need to monitor SNMP equipment from your TL1 manager.
T/Mon NOC can also mediate alarms to any of its supported output protocols, including TL1. T/Mon
NOC will collect alarms from SNMP devices or any other supported equipment and mediate the alarm
inputs to TL1 autonomous messages, forwarded to your TL1 manager.
Filter Nuisance Alarms
SNMP Applications Guide • DPS Telecom • 4955 East Yale Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax (559) 454-1688 •
Transport Equipment
(Microwave Radios, OC3,
Cellular Switches, etc.)
Power Supply Systems
(Generators, Rectifiers,
Battery-plants, etc.)
IT Infrastructure
(Switches, Routers,
Servers, etc.)
Nuisance Alarm Filtering:
Environmental Alarms
(Temperature, Humidity,
Site Security, etc.)
Alarm Qualification
Silence Alarms
Tag Alarms
Send Unimportant Alarms
Directly to History File
Other Remote Devices
Fig. 4. T/Mon NOC gives you many ways to filter unimportant alarms.
Alarm system reports every unimportant status alarm, conditioning users to ignore alarms.
T/Mon NOC offers several features to filter nuisance alarms:
Alarm Qualification: if problems are self-correcting, you might not need to know about them. You can
filter these alarms by using an alarm qualification time that sets how long the alarm condition must be in
effect before an alarm is declared.
Alarm Silencing: alarms that oscillate and create a lot of alarm activity can be silenced for a specified
length of time.
Alarm Tagging: oscillating alarms can also be tagged to stay silent until untagged.
No Log: alarms that are simply not important do not even need to appear on the monitoring screen. The
alarm report goes straight to the history file, where it is recorded and can be retrieved later for analysis,
if necessary.
Mediate TBOS Alarms to SNMP
SNMP Applications Guide • DPS Telecom • 4955 East Yale Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax (559) 454-1688 •
NetMediator T2S
All Alarm
Data via SNMP
SNMP Manager
Fig.5. The NetMediator mediates TBOS alarms to SNMP traps on-site.
Need to monitor on-site TBOS equipment (such as microwave radios) from your SNMP manager.
The NetMediator T2S provides dedicated on-site protocol mediation of TBOS devices. The NetMediator
mediates up to 8 displays of TBOS data to SNMP traps. Mediating TBOS to SNMP gives you much better visibility than the alternative, relying on vague, major/minor summary alarms. The TBOS data contains detailed alarm descriptions, allowing you to diagnose equipment problems accurately.
The NetMediator is also an SNMP RTU with 32 discrete alarms, 8 analog alarms and 8 control relays.
Mediate Contact Closures Collected at Your Main Distribution
Frame to SNMP
Collecting contact closure alarms from a main distribution frame ordinarily requires hours of
tedious cross-connecting between a terminal block and an SNMP remote telemetry unit.
The Remote Alarm Block 176N combines the functions of a terminal block and an SNMP RTU, providing easy conversion of contact closures to SNMP traps right at your main distribution frame. The RAB
is a compact alarm block that mounts directly to your MDF, or to the wall if space is at a premium. The
wires at the distribution frame are connected directly to the
Remote Alarm Block’s wire-wrap terminals — and the only thing
that comes out is one Ethernet cable that connects directly to your
LAN and your SNMP manager.
Mediate Contact Closures and Analog
Inputs to SNMP
Fig. 6 The Remote Alarm Block 176N
Need to monitor basic infrastructure (power supplies, facil8
SNMP Applications Guide • DPS Telecom • 4955 East Yale Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax (559) 454-1688 •
NetGuardian 832A
Environmental Alarms
(Temperature, Humidity,
Site Security, etc.)
Transport Equipment
(Microwave Radios, OC3,
Cellular Switches, etc.)
Power Supply Systems
(Generators, Rectifiers,
Battery-plants, etc.)
SNMP Traps
SNMP Manager
ity alarms, temperature sensors and environmental alarms, etc.) from your SNMP manager.
Fig. 7. The NetGuardian 832A mediates discrete and analog alarms from remote site infrastructure equipment to
SNMP traps.
The NetGuardian 832A remote telemetry unit mediates standard alarm in like contact closures and analog voltages to SNMP traps. All NetGuardian inputs can be mediated to SNMP traps — but you can select
to not send a trap for each individual alarm, so you can filter out any unimportant stuff.
The analog inputs send traps for four thresholds, plus the SNMP manager can retrieve live actual readings from analog inputs by issuing a GET command. SET commands issued to the NetGuardian will activate the control relays, for turning on-site equipment on and off, locking and unlocking doors, etc.
The NetGuardian can report to up to three SNMP managers at different IP addresses simultaneously,
which makes it great for filtering alarms to different departments. The NetGuardian can also report simultaneously to T/Mon NOC.
Monitor Using SNMP Over Dial-Up or Serial Transport
Need to monitor your network from your SNMP manager, but LAN access is not available at all
your sites.
SNMP Applications Guide • DPS Telecom • 4955 East Yale Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax (559) 454-1688 •
Secondary Dial-up
Remote Site
Without LAN Access
NetGuardian 832A
PPP Server
Primary LAN
SNMP Manager
Alarm Collection
Fig. 8. The NetGuardian will transport SNMP traps over dial-up or serial connection to a PPP server that interfaces with your LAN and SNMP manager.
The standard NetGuardian 832A comes with an internal dial-up modem for backup transport. The
NetGuardian is also available with optional support for RS-232, RS-422/485, 202 modem, 212 modem,
FSK modem or PSK modem.
The NetGuardian can transmit SNMP traps over dial-up or supported serial transport to a PPP server,
which in turn connects via LAN to your SNMP manager.
The NetGuardian also provides a migration path for converting sites to LAN transport. Installing a
NetGuardian now will provide immediate SNMP support over existing transport; when LAN access is
installed at the site, you only have to switch the NetGuardian to LAN transport — and you don’t have to
install a new RTU. You can either turn down to dial-up or serial connection or keep it as a secondary
backup data path.
Ping IP Elements and Receive SNMP Traps if a Device Fails or
Goes Offline
Need to monitor online status of IP elements from your SNMP manager.
Both T/Mon NOC and the NetGuardian 832A have ping alarm functionality. Either unit will ping IP elements and send an SNMP trap to your SNMP manager if a network element does not respond to the ping.
Which unit you should choose for this application depends on the scale of your needs. The NetGuardian
can ping up to 32 IP addresses; T/Mon NOC can ping up to 960 IP addresses.
Send Alarm Notifications to Maintenance Personnel via Pager
and Email
SNMP Applications Guide • DPS Telecom • 4955 East Yale Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax (559) 454-1688 •
IP 1
IP 2
IP 3
IP 4
Constant ping
of up to 32 IP
Alarm: IP 8 does not reply
IP 5
IP 6
IP 7
IP 8
SNMP Manager
(Not functioning)
IP 32
Fig. 9. The NetGuardian can generate SNMP traps to alert you of IP device offlines and failures.
Need 24/7 monitoring, but you can’t afford a 24/7 manned NOC
T/Mon NOC comes standard with everything you need for 24-hour pager and email notification. Paging
and email take network alarm monitoring out of the NOC to wherever you are — your car, your remote
sites, and even your home.
You’ll have total assurance that you’ll be notified if problems happen at any time. You can keep your field
techs out in the field, dramatically reducing windshield time. Email notifications even create an automatic alarm history record.
Alarms can be acknowledged or tagged by two-way paging or email from your cell phone. T/Mon NOC’s
automatic escalation ensures that you’ll be notified if a tech doesn’t acknowledge a page.
The NetGuardian 832A also supports pager and email notifications — perfect for monitoring small networks without investing a lot of manpower.
Install Cost-Effective SNMP Monitoring for Small and Large Sites
One-size-fits-all RTUs don’t scale to the needs of large or small sites, leaving you with the options
of paying for more alarm capacity than you need, installing insufficient alarm capacity or buying
multiple units to cover one site..
The NetGuardian 832A, NetGuardian 216 and NetGuardian 480 provide SNMP RTU capabilities, scaled
to the needs of small, medium and large sites.
SNMP Applications Guide • DPS Telecom • 4955 East Yale Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727 • (800) 622-3314 • Fax (559) 454-1688 •
The NetGuardian 832A provides 32 discrete alarms, 32 ping alarms, 8 analog alarms, 8 control relays,
and 8 serial reach-through ports. A powerful all-purpose RTU, the NetGuardian 832A has all the tools
you need to manage your remote site. For extra-large alarm capacity, the NetGuardian 832A can be
augmented with 1–3 NetGuardian Expansion units, which raise the NetGuardian’s alarm capacity to 80,
128 or 176 discrete alarm points.
The NetGuardian 216 provides 16 discrete alarms, 2 analog alarms, 2 controls, and 1 serial reachthrough port. The NetGuardian 216 provides cost-effective alarm monitoring for small sites such as
remote huts, collocation racks or enclosed cabinets. With the NetGuardian 216, you can afford to deploy
alarm monitoring at every site in your network.
The NetGuardian 480 provides 80 discrete alarms and 4 controls. The NetGuardian 480 offers enough
alarm capacity to cover an entire site, saving you the cost of buying multiple units and giving you the
most economical cost per alarm point.
DPS Telecom
Product Data Sheet
“Your Partners in Network Alarm Monitoring”
What You Can Do with T/Mon NOC:
T/Mon NOC Overview
T/Mon NOC is a multi-protocol, multifunction
alarm manager that collects alarms from all your
equipment, regardless of manufacturer or protocol,
eliminating the need for specialized terminals.
With T/Mon NOC, you can:
• Monitor alarms in 25 protocols, including
ASCII, Badger, Cordell, DCM, DCP, DCPf,
DCPx, DCM, E2A, Larse, Modbus, NEC,
Pulsecom, SNMP, TABS, TBOS and TL1
• Know the status of your network with 100%
Monitor alarms in 25 standard, legacy and
proprietary protocols.
• Send pager and email notifications to
maintenance staff 24/7
Mediate alarm data to different protocols.
Forward alarm data to other masters.
• Mediate alarms to your existing master or
Display the status of your entire network on
one screen.
• Field-proven system that is 100% guaranteed
to work for you
Send pager and email alarm notifications to
multiple users automatically.
• Advanced monitoring features for your
real-world needs
Present network status and alarm information
to multiple users connected via LAN, dial-up
or serial port.
• Support for quick turnup and lifetime
Control remote site equipment manually or
automatically in response to alarm inputs.
• Smooth migration to advanced monitoring,
built on your existing monitoring equipment
Administer a centralized configuration database for your whole network.
Maintain alarm history logs and create reports
of alarm events.
Swappable Port
Interface Cartridges
Modem Port
Printer Parallel Port
Keyboard Port
COM Port &
Video Out
Ethernet Port
Swappable Port Interface Cartridges
Fuse Alarm Relays
Dual Power Feeds
with GMT Fuses
T/Mon NOC Specifications
10.5" (6 RU) H x 17" W x 14" D
19" or 23" rack
Power Input:
Dual –48 VDC or 110 VAC (depending on ordering options)
Two 2-Amp GMT fuses
Operating Temperature:
32° to 95° F (0° to 36° C)
Operating Humidity:
0% to 95% (non-condensing)
56K baud internal modem (for dial-up console access)
LAN Interface:
10/100 BaseT
Polling Ports:
24 user-selectable ports
Polling Interfaces:
RS-232, RS422/485, 202 modem, 33.6K modem, FSK modem, PSK modem
T/Access COM Port:
2.4 GHz Intel Pentium 4
Hard Drive:
40GB (7200 RPM)
6 PCI, 1 AGP
2 internal
Removable Storage:
1.44 floppy disk drive, CD drive
Visual Display:
Front-panel LCD, sVGA monitor connection available
Unit Controls:
4 LCD menu control buttons
Hardware Warranty:
2 years
NetGuardian 832A
“It's just a fantastic product. The NetGuardian does what it says it can do, and actually a lot
more.” —Mark Renne, Program Manager
Powerful, high-capacity, versatile SNMP alarm collector
covers all your remote monitoring needs
The NetGuardian 832A does as much as an RTU can ... and then it does a whole lot more.
The NetGuardian’s primary function is to mediate contact closures and analog voltages to SNMP traps — but it also
serves as a reach-through terminal server, a self-contained all-in-one alarm monitoring system, a 24/7 email and
paging system. — and then there’s still more functionality ...
The NetGuardian 832A provides all the tools you need to for complete remote site management:
Level 3
Mediate 32 discrete inputs, 32 ping alarms, and 8 analog alarms to SNMP
Report alarms to multiple SNMP managers or T/Mon NOC
Supports LAN or dial-up transport — immediately implement SNMP monitoring without LAN or use dial-up as a backup path in case of LAN failure.
Monitor legacy telephony gear, battery plants, generators, security locks, temperature sensors, and all your other
remote site equipment.
Expand your monitoring capacity up to 176 discrete inputs with the NetGuardian Expansion Unit.
4-threshold analog monitoring (Major Over, Minor Over, Minor Under and Major Under).
Control site equipment with 8 control relays.
Control switches, routers, PBXs and other telecom gear
through the NetGuardian’s 8 terminal server reachthrough ports.
Integrated Web Browser interface for stand-alone
alarm monitoring.
Email and pager alerts for 24/7 alarm monitoring without a master.
Live streaming video surveillance of remote sites with
the NetGuardian SiteCAM.
Included Windows configuration utility.
Free lifetime firmware upgrades.
The NetGuardian Web Browser Interface provides standalone local monitoring.
To order, call 1-800-622-3314 or visit
Grounding Post
Dual Power
Sensor Fuse
External Sensor
Power Feed
1 Amp
Temp Sensor
GMT Fuse
Analogs 7–8
Data Ports
Analogs 1–6, Relays 1–8,
and Discretes 25–32
for Optional
Discretes 1–24
NetGuardian 832A Specifications
Protocols: SNMP and DCPx
Dimensions: 1.75"H x 17"W x 12"D
Discrete Inputs: 32 (expandable to 176)
(4.5 cm x 43.2 cm x 30.5 cm)
Alarm Detection Speed: User-defined (3 to 999 msec)
Weight: 4 lbs. 3 oz. (1.9 kg)
Analog Inputs: 8
Mounting: 19" or 23" rack
Analog Input Range: (-94 to 94 VDC or 4 to 20 mA)
Power Input: –48VDC (–40 to –70 VDC) see options
Control Outputs: 8 Form C relay contacts
Current Draw: 200mA
Maximum Voltage: 60 VDC/120 VAC
Fuse: 1 Amp GMT
Maximum Current:1 Amp, AC/DC
Operating Temperature: 32°–140° F (0°–60° C)
IP Address Ping Targets: 32
Operating Humidity: 0%–95% noncondensing
8 DB9 RS-232 ports
1 RJ45 10BaseT Ethernet port
1 RJ11 POTS jack
2 50-pin amphenol connectors (discretes, controls, and
1 DB9 connector (analogs)
Modem: 33.6K internal
Visual Interface:
LCD display with descriptive text
16 bicolor LEDs
Audible Interface: Alarm speaker
The NetGuardian's included Windows configuration utility
makes it easy to create standard configurations and upload
them via LAN.
To order, call 1-800-622-3314 or visit
NetMediator T2S
Send TBOS Alarms Directly to Your SNMP or TL1 Manager
The NetMediator is like an RTU on steroids - it does everything the NetGuardian 832A does, and then some. It’s a full-featured alarm collector and protocol mediation device in one. You can mediate and monitor, saving you the expense of buying additional RTUs.
Protocols: SNMP, TL1, TBOS
Mediation: 8 TBOS displays to SNMP or TL1
Discrete Inputs: 32
Analog Inputs: 8 (voltage/current)
Analog Input Range: –70 to 94 VDC or 4 to 20 mA
Control Outputs: 8
Maximum Voltage: 60 VDC/120 VAC
Maximum Current: 1 Amp, AC/DC
4 RS-422/RS-485 TBOS ports
4 RS-232 serial reach-through ports
2 50-pin connectors
1 4-pin connector
1 RJ45 10BaseT Ethernet port
1 RJ11 POTS jack
1 DB9F craft port
Visual Interface: 18 LEDs, LCD display
Dimensions: 1.75”H x 17”W x 12”D (4.5 cm x 43.2 cm x 30.5 cm)
Weight: 4 lbs. 3 oz. (1.9 kg)
Mounting: 19” or 23” rack
Power Input: +24 VDC
Current Draw: 200 mA
Fuse: 0.75 Amp GMT
Operating Temperature: 32°–140° F (0°–60° C)
Operating Humidity: 0%–95% noncondensing
To order, call 1-800-622-3314 or visit
Remote Alarm Block 176N
Convert Contact Closures to SNMP Traps
Right at Your MDF
Ordinarily, if you want to get SNMP Traps from your Main Distribution Frame, you’re looking at hours of work and a hefty
price in technicians’ time and overtime pay.
First you’ve got to collect all the wires at your Main Distribution Frame and tie them down to a terminal block. Then you’ve
got to cross connect the wires from the terminal block to an SNMP RTU — and that means running the wires over an equipment ladder and sewing them down.
There’s an easier way - the Remote Alarm Block 176N. It’s a remote alarm block and SNMP RTU in one unit. The RAB
installs right in your Main Distribution Frame. Tie all the wires to the RAB — and the only thing you’ve got going out is
a nice, clean Ethernet cable … straight to your LAN and your SNMP manager.
176 alarm inputs for dense alarm collection in the smallest possible space.
Compact design frees space for revenue generating equipment
4 control relays for instant response to system integrity threats
Selectable alarm qualification times separate nuisances from emergencies
Free Windows configuration software included
Free lifetime firmware upgrades
Easy hardware replacement without having to disconnect wire-wrap dressing
Mounts on rack or wall
To order, call 1-800-622-3314 or visit
Wire-Wrap Terminals
1 Amp Fuse
–48 V Power
connection and ground
Ethernet Port
Status LEDs
DIP Switches
Stereo Jack
Craft Port
Module Release Lever
Remote Alarm Block 176N Specifications
Protocols: SNMP, DCPx, DCPf, DCP, and DCP1
Dimensions: 4"x 8"x 5"
Discrete Point Inputs: 176
(10.2 cm x 20.3 cm x 12.7 cm)
Alarm Detection Speed: Configurable to 100–10000 msec
Weight: 4 lbs (1.8 kg)
Control Outputs: Relay contacts, 2 Form A, 2 Form C
Mounting: 19" rack, 23" rack, or wall mounting
Maximum Voltage: 60 VDC/120 VAC
Power Input: –48VDC (–40 to –70 VDC)
Maximum Current: 1 Amp, AC/DC
Current Draw: 50 mA
Fuse: 1 Amp GMT
1 RS-232 or RS-485 serial port
Operating Temperature: 32° –140° F (0° – 60° C)
1 stereo jack craft port
Operating Humidity: 0%–95% noncondensing
1 RJ-45 10BaseT Ethernet port
Visual Display: 6 bicolor LEDs
The Remote Alarm Block’s included software utility allows you to monitor alarms and control relays, analyze traffic, and
upload the latest firmware.
To order, call 1-800-622-3314 or visit
NetGuardian 216
If you think you can’t monitor small sites costeffectively, the NetGuardian 216 will change your mind
Are you monitoring your small sites? Do you think you can’t afford to? The light-capacity LAN-based NetGuardian 216
for SNMP, TL1, and DCP makes it possible to install network monitoring anywhere in your network, without spending a
fortune on excess alarm capacity.
Right-size capacity for small sites: 16 discrete alarms, 2 analog alarms, 2 controls and 1 terminal server port .
Reports alarms over SNMP, TL1 or to T/Mon NOC.
Reports to up to 2 SNMP managers — great for reporting alarms to different departments
4-threshold analog monitoring (Major Over, Minor Over, Minor Under and Major Under).
Terminal server port for LAN access to switches, routers, PBXs and other serial-interface devices.
Optional dual –48 VDC or 110 VAC power input.
Small footprint form factor.
Included Windows configuration utility for easy, quick turnup.
Free lifetime firmware upgrades
To order, call 1-800-622-3314 or visit
Craft Port
Status LEDs
Grounding Dual –48 VDC Terminal 10BaseT
Power Inputs Server Ethernet
4 Pin
Audible ½ Amp Fuse
and Fuse
Speaker Alarm LED
50 Pin Connector for
Alarm Inputs and
Control Relay Outputs
NetGuardian 216 Specifications
Protocols: SNMP, TL1, DCP, DCPf, DCPx, DCP1
Dimensions: 1.75" (1 RU) H x 8"W x 6"D
Discrete Inputs: 16 (reversible)
(4.5 cm x 20.3 cm x 15.2 cm)
Analog Inputs: 2
Mounting: 19" or 23" rack
Analog Input Range: –90 to 90 VDC
Analog Thresholds: 4 per analog input
Control Outputs: 2
Power Input:
–48VDC (–40 to –70 VDC)
(Optional) Dual –48VDC inputs
Maximum Voltage: 60 VDC/120 VAC
Maximum Current: 1 Amp AC/DC
(Optional) 9 VDC from 110 VAC wall transformer
Current Draw: 50 mA
Fuse: 0.5 amp GMT
RJ45 10BaseT Ethernet port
Operating Temperature: 32°–140° F (0°–60° C)
50-pin alarm input connector
Operating Humidity: 0%–95% noncondensing
4-pin alarm input connector
Configuration and Monitoring Utility Included
DB9 RS-232 terminal server port
Downloadable Firmware via Craft Port
DB9 craft port
Visual Interface: 8 LEDs
Audio: Speaker with volume control
To order, call 1-800-622-3314 or visit
NetGuardian 480
The low-cost, easy-to-implement solution to monitoring
your entire site with just one unit — for SNMP or TL1
The NetGuardian 480 (NG 480) is a specialized member of the NetGuardian family, optimized for use as a high-capacity
discrete-only responder. The result is a highly cost-effective solution for gathering the diverse equipment at your remote
site and integrating it into a single modern network management system.
With 80 discrete alarm inputs — 2½ times as many as the NetGuardian 832A- you can easily forward all the alarms of a
small to medium-sized site. This dense alarm coverage gives you the convenience of a single-box solution, saves you the
cost of buying multiple low-capacity RTUs, and offers you the lowest possible cost per point.
80 discrete inputs — cover your entire site with a single unit
Convenient single-box solution saves costs of buying multiple units — economical cost per point
Reports to multiple SNMP managers, TL1 manager, or T/Mon NOC
TL1 over TCP/IP
Four control relays for controlling site equipment and security devices
Configurable alarm descriptions include detailed, actionable alarm data in SNMP traps or TL1 autonomous |messages
Free Windows 2000/XP software for editing TL1 database, configuration, monitoring, diagnostics, and testing
Standard dual –48 VDC power inputs for redundant power facilities
Free lifetime firmware upgrades
Transport Equipment
Power Supply
Additional Discrete Alarms
SNMP Manager/TL1 Master
Versatility and power: The NetGuardian 480 collects alarms from all the diverse equipment at your remote site and
reports to multiple SNMP managers, your TL1 manager or T/Mon NOC
To order, call 1-800-622-3314 or visit
Dual Power Inputs
Discretes 49-80, Controls 1-4 Discretes 1-48
10BaseT Ethernet port
Serial jack
½ Amp GMT Fuse
NetGuardian 480 Specifications
Protocols: SNMP, TL1, DCP, DCPx, DCPf, DCP1
Visual Display: 6 LEDs
Discrete Inputs: 80
Dimensions: 1.75" H x 17" W x 12" D
Alarm Detection Speed: Configurable to 100-9000 msec
(1/10 second to 9 seconds)
(4.5 cm x 43.2 cm x 30.5 cm)
Control Outputs: 4 relay contacts, 2 Form A, 2 Form C
Maximum Voltage: 60 VDC/125 VAC
Maximum Current:
1 Amp, 24 VDC
Weight: 4 lbs. 3oz. (1.9 kg)
Mounting: 19" or 23" rack
Power Input: –48VDC (–40 to –70 VDC)
Current Draw: 250 mA
Fuse: 0.5 Amp GMT
Two 50-pin connectors for discrete alarms and control
Operating Temperature: 32°–140° F (0°–60° C)
Operating Humidity: 0%–95% non-condensing
1 RJ45 Ethernet jack
1 DB9 craft port
1 RJ11 serial port jack
Easy, Efficient Configuration: The included configuration utility gives you full command of all the NG 480’s functions.
To order, call 1-800-622-3314 or visit
My Promise to You
By Bob Berry
I don’t think you should have to take any risks to get the alarm monitoring capabilities
you need. If you decide to work with me, I won’t let you fail.
If my solution doesn’t solve your problems 100%, I don’t want you to have it. I have
three goals: I want to sell my product, I want you to use my product, and I want you
to be completely satisfied with my product.
If my product doesn’t fulfill those goals, I will fix it, improve it, or give you your
money back. If my stuff doesn’t wow you, I don’t want your business.
Bob Berry
So here’s my guarantee to you: if you buy a DPS Telecom solution, you can test at
Chief Executive Officer
your site, under real-world conditions, for 30 days. If you’re dissatisfied with it, for
DPS Telecom
any reason, just send it back and you’ll get a full refund, no questions asked.
So please — if you’re interested improving your network alarm management and reliability, do yourself a favor
and call us today at 1-800-622-3314. Your network’s needs can’t wait. I promise you — we’ll deliver a solution
to your problems, at no risk to you.
I wish you the best of success with your network management!
Bob Berry
Chief Executive Officer
DPS Telecom
DPS Telecom
“Your Partners in Network Alarm Monitoring”
“We protect your network like your business depends on it”TM

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