falsely taking a property off the market
falsely taking a property off the market
z Volume 5 | Number 1 March 2006 THE PUBLICATION FOR QUÉBEC REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE PROFESSIONALS PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES SERIES PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES SERIES PROFESSIONAL INSPECTION The new online The agent’s duty to respond Verifying right of ownership restrictions to the various ACAIQ departments Page 6 “Annual Declaration” Page 12 Page 8 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES SERIES Real estate fraud: falsely taking a property off the market In March 2001, the ACAIQ’s published an article entitled “Saying NO to real estate fraud” with a box story entitled “Taking an immovable off the market: A real problem ». The Association must unfortunately reiterate these warnings, since it seems that falsely taking a property off the market remains a current topic. B ack in 2000 and 2001, some 20 real estate agents were the subject of disciplinary complaints for accepting to sign and having a seller sign an amendment to a brokerage contract in order to take an immovable off the market. Such an amendment originates from a request from the buyer, once a promise to purchase by this buyer has been duly accepted by the seller of the immovable. The purpose of this practice is to remove the detailed description sheet and the information it contains from the Multiple Listing Service. When a real estate agent hesitates to go along with this unusual request, the buyer hints that he will not follow through on his obligations and the sale will not take place if the immovable is not taken off the market. These buyers are interested in multi-dwelling immovables, mainly duplexes in poor condition whose selling price is below the municipal evaluation or the market value for comparable properties in the same sector. For the signing Therefore, it is against the rules of profesof the act of sale, the buyer, who signed the sional ethics and illegal to take a property off the promise to purchase, is replaced by someone else. market when a promise to purchase has occurred Concomitantly, a second transaction, at a much between a seller and a buyer. It means the agent higher price, is carried out between this buyer and is having a seller make a false declaration using a third party. The transaction carries a mortgage an ACAIQ form, condition The only instance where a property can be making the detailed which, in taken off the market is upon request from a description sheets accordance disappear or failing with the rules seller who no longer wishes to sell. to send the notices of of financing, sale to the MLS service for obscure or dishonest must be an insured loan. With the listing removed motives on the buyer’s part. from the MLS service, the financial institution and Furthermore, a real estate agent who claims the mortgage insurer cannot verify the original to be unaware that the purpose of this practice asking price and are not otherwise informed of it. is to mask a fraudulent or dishonest operation The ACAIQ has reason to believe that such is wilfully turning a blind eye and could be the requests to take a property off the market midsubject of a disciplinary complaint, which can lead transaction or to withdraw it from the MLS service to criminal charges. The ACAIQ recommends the continue to be made to real estate agents by utmost caution and encourages real estate agents promising buyers. Agents must not go along with to unite against real estate fraud. This will help such requests. The only instance where a property protect not only their own reputations, but also can be taken off the market is upon request from those of their clients and of the profession. u a seller who no longer wishes to sell. Publisher Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec Members of the Board of Directors Elected Chairman Serge Brousseau Elected Directors Robert AubinDavid Farber Diane Bourbonnière Georges Halasz Robert Chabot Daniel Pelchat Raymond Desbiens Johanne Roy Directors appointed by the Government Louise Clément Jean Mathieu President and Chief Executive Officer Robert Nadeau Secretary appointed by the Board Claude Barsalou Four recommended forms amended T he ACAIQ forms Committee has revised four recommended forms. These will be available shortly in electronic and print versions and will be accompanied by an explanatory sheet about the changes made to the various clauses. These forms are: • Exclusive Brokerage Contract – Sale of an immovable (110AN) • Exclusive Brokerage Contract – Sale of enterprise excluding any immovable (130AN) • Promise to purchase – Immovable (225AN) • Promise to purchase – Enterprise excluding any immovable (230AN) PRINTED ON RECYCLABLE PAPER Publications Mail • Agreement No. : 40065526 Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec 6300 Auteuil, suite 300, Brossard (Québec) J4Z 3P2 Telephone: (450) 676-4800 or 1 800 440-5110 • fax: (450) 676-7801 [email protected] • www.acaiq.com LEGAL DEPOSIT: BIBLIOTHÈQUE et archives NATIONALEs DU QUÉBEC, LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA • ISSN 1703-9800 A s s o c i a t i o n d e s c o u r t i e r s e t a g e n t s i m m o b i l i e r s d u Q u é b e c FORTIFIEZ VOS CONNAISSANCES DU 24 AU 26 AVRIL 2006 Horaire ANIMATEUR : Jacques Moisan LUNDI 24 AVRIL 15h 19h 17h 19h MARDI 25 AVRIL (suite) INSCRIPTION (Salle Verchères) SOUPER DU PRÉSIDENT (Salle de bal) COCKTAIL VINS ET FROMAGES • Remise du Prix du courtage immobilier 2006 • Spécial-bloopers avec le comédien Pierre Gendron (Salle Jacques-Cartier) MARDI 25 AVRIL 7h30 8h30 8h 8h30 MARCHE SPORTIVE (Rencontre face à l’entrée du bistro) OUVERTURE SALON DES EXPOSANTS • Spectacle de Nathalie Choquette • Soirée dansante avec orchestre (Salle Verchères et Salle Frontenac) MOT DE BIENVENUE (Salle de bal) 9h30 9h45 Allocution de M. Serge Brousseau Président du conseil d’administration de l’ACAIQ ACTIVITÉ 1 Passion et détermination (Salle de bal) 9h45 11h15 Chantal Petitclerc Athlète paralympique 11h15 12h PÉRIODE LIBRE 12h LUNCH / ACTIVITÉ 2 • Histoire du Château racontée par le Cheminot (Salle de bal) 14h ACTIVITÉ 3 • Jurisprudence récente (Salle Laval) 14h 18h30 22h INSCRIPTION (Salle Verchères) Me Claudie Tremblay, vice-présidente Affaires juridiques, ACAIQ • Les certificats de localisation (Salle Bellevue) Marc Gervais, arpenteur-géomètre, Ph D. Professeur au département des sciences géomatiques, Université Laval • Perspectives économiques (Salle Jacques-Cartier) Maurice Marchon, économiste, HEC 15h15 15h15 15h45 PAUSE-SANTÉ (Salle Frontenac et Salle Verchères) ACTIVITÉ 4 • Jurisprudence récente (Salle Laval) Me Claudie Tremblay, vice-présidente Affaires juridiques, ACAIQ • Les certificats de localisation (Salle Bellevue) Marc Gervais, arpenteur-géomètre, Ph D. Professeur au département des sciences géomatiques, Université Laval • Perspectives économiques (Salle Jacques-Cartier) Maurice Marchon, économiste, HEC 15h45 17h 17h15 18h30 COCKTAIL (Salle Verchères et Salle Frontenac) MERCREDI 26 AVRIL 7h30 8h30 MARCHE SPORTIVE (Rencontre face à l’entrée du bistro) 9h15 10h30 ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ANNUELLE DES MEMBRES (Salle de bal) 10h30 11h PAUSE-SANTÉ (Salle Frontenac et Salle Verchères) 11h 11h45 ACTIVITÉ 5 • Les 4 piliers de la réussite en immobilier (Salle de bal) François Gagnon, conférencier REMISES DE MENTIONS HONORIFIQUES 11h45 (Salle de bal) Aussi tirage de prix de présence Les à-côtés MARDI 25 AVRIL 9 h 12h Formation sur les formulaires électroniques de courtage immobilier (Salle Petit-Frontenac) 11h15 12h Sessions d’information • Solutions sans fil Bell Mobilité (Salle Bellevue) MERCREDI 26 AVRIL 9 h 10h30 Formation sur les formulaires électroniques de courtage immobilier (Salle Bellevue) 10h30 11h15 Sessions d’information • Solutions sans fil Bell Mobilité (Salle Bellevue) Autres activités Divertissement et relaxation sont aussi au rendez-vous : Club de santé Frontenac (gratuit pour les clients de l’hôtel) Salon de massothérapie et de traitements corporels * (piscine intérieure, bain tourbillon et salle de conditionnement physique) * Ces activités sont payantes Serge Brousseau Pierre Gendron Me Claudie Tremblay Maurice Marchon Marc Gervais François Gagnon # COUPON D’INSCRIPTION _ Écrire en majuscules NOM ET PRÉNOM NO DE CERTIFICAT (COURTIERS SEULEMENT) CODE POSTAL Frais d’inscription : 319 $ (taxes incluses) Chèque inclus (Payable à « ACAIQ ») Carte de crédit : Visa Mastercard NO DE CARTE DE CRÉDIT SIGNATURE z March 2006 | INFO ACAIQ NO DE TÉLÉCOPIEur Pour assister uniquement au Souper du président et au spectacle de Nathalie Choquette : 100 $ / personne (taxes incluses) Paiement : VILLE NO DE TÉLÉPHONE DATE D’EXPIRATION DATE Hébergement (en sus) 1. Par télécopieur (450) 676-5876 Hôtel Fairmont Château Frontenac 1, rue des Carrières, Québec (Québec) G1R 4P5 2. Par téléphone (450) 462-9800 ou 1 800 440-7170, poste 395 FIRME DE COURTAGE OU ENTREPRISE ADRESSE COURRIEL Trois façons de s’inscrire 3. Par la poste ACAIQ 6300, rue Auteuil, bureau 300 Brossard (Québec) J4Z 3P2 CONFIRMATION : L’ASSOCIATION VOUS TRANSMETTRA PAR TÉLÉCOPIEUR UNE CONFIRMATION D’INSCRIPTION. CONSERVEZ-LA ET AYEZ-LA AVEC VOUS À VOTRE ARRIVÉE AU CONGRÈS. Pour réserver une chambre, veuillez contacter directement l’hôtel en composant le (418) 692-3861 ou 1 800 441-1414 Télécopieur : (450) 655-9946 POLITIQUE D’ANNULATION : LES FRAIS D’INSCRIPTION NE SONT PAS REMBOURSABLES MAIS PEUVENT S’APPLIQUER À L’INSCRIPTION D’UNE AUTRE PERSONNE. LES DEMANDES DE TRANSFERT DOIVENT ÊTRE FAITES PAR ÉCRIT ET REÇUES PAR L’ASSOCIATION AU PLUS TARD LE 14 AVRIL 2006. Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec Illegal practice: an offender and his company convicted for contempt Court issues deterring decision O It is important to note that since 2000, the n December 6, 2005, the Superior ACAIQ had initiated several penal proceedings Court of Quebec issued a contempt against this offender, each time ordering increasorder against a repeat offender by imingly stiff penalties. The offender was convicted posing an unprecedented penalty for illegally practicing the activity of real estate broker and agent. a total of five times between 2000 and 2003, charged with leading The Court based its Since 2000, the ACAIQ had initiat- others to believe that he decision and sentence in part on the primary ed several penal proceedings against was authorized to practice the activity of real objective of the Real this offender, each time ordering estate broker or agent by Estate Brokerage Act, publishing, among other which is the protection increasingly stiff penalties. things, classified ads in of the public. certain newspapers offering his real estate assistIn his judgment, given the offender’s heavy ance services, as well as acting as an intermediary past and a joint recommendation by the attorneys in the leasing of immovables. for both sides, the court ordered the defendant On November 13, 2003, as part of an action to pay a $10,000 fine within 45 days following instituted by the ACAIQ, the Superior Court of pronouncement of the judgment. In addition, in Quebec ordered a permanent injunction against case of non-payment of the fine, the judge senthe offender, under section 162 of the Real Estate tenced the offender to one month’s imprisonment. Brokerage Act. The offender was thus ordered to A $10,000 fine was also assessed against the company for which the offender was acting. March 2006 | INFO ACAIQ z Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec cease any and all activities as real estate broker or agent and to stop posing as or leading others to believe that he is authorized to practice the activity of real estate broker or agent. In spite of all these legal proceedings and convictions, the offender continued to carry out illegal activities. Faced with this situation, the ACAIQ, through the Attorney-General of Quebec, requested and obtained from the Superior Court of Quebec a contempt conviction for not abiding by the permanent injunction order. u Highlights of the Annual Report For the year ended December 31, 2005 A SSOCI A TION DES COURTIERS ET A GENTS IMMOBILIERS DU Q UÉBEC Certificates/Entrance Examinations This year, the Association set another record in terms of certificate renewals. As of December 31, 2005, the ACAIQ membership had reached almost 16,000, including 14,482 members who renewed their certificate for the year 2006. Never in all of history have this many people practiced real estate brokerage in Québec. In addition, the number of entrance examinations was 2,940 for the affiliated agent’s certificate and 182 for the chartered broker’s or agent’s certificate. The success rates were 86.6% and 79.7% respectively. Info ACAIQ The Info ACAIQ telephone information centre received slightly more calls than the previous year, i.e. 29,108 versus 28,174 in 2004. The use of the service and the nature of the requests for information remained relatively stable. The great majority of requests (78%) were directly related to the practice of real estate brokerage. Some 44% of all calls received originated from the public, and documents were sent in 59% of cases. Assistance ACAIQ In 2005, Assistance ACAIQ, in cooperation with the Office of the Syndic, developed strategies to eliminate the scourge of marijuana growhouses. The Association has put in place original intervention methods that have borne fruit. The Assistance Service received 1,839 cases in 2005 compared to 1,488 the year before, for a sizeable 24% increase. In total, 1,579 files were closed, 203 were transferred to the Office of the Syndic and 80 were referred to Legal Affairs as they related to illegal practice issues. Average processing time per file was 28 days. Continuing education A total of 312 continuing education activities were held in 2005 with a record number of registrants, i.e. 10,244. This represents a 15% increase in the participation rate over 2004. Of these activities, 43 were held throughout the province on the use of electronic forms. This reflects a marked interest for and increasing use of this tool. acaiq.com The acaiq.com website experienced very heavy traffic in 2005. Tens of thousands of pages were accessed and viewed. In addition, many documents were downloaded from the site. The most popular were the Buyer Practical Guide and the Seller Practical Guide. In 2005 as in 2004, electronic forms accessible via Synbad, the extranet site for the exclusive use of ACAIQ members, were free and will remain so in 2006. Some 3,800 members are currently using this service. A new ACAIQ E-mail online service was added. It allows brokers and agents to create their own e-mail address using the Association’s domain name to indicate their affiliation with the Association. Professional inspection In 2005, ACAIQ inspectors focused their visits on chartered real estate brokers who had last been inspected in 2001 or prior. In total, inspectors visited 540 brokers and examined brokerage contract and transaction records completed by 1,653 agents. As of December 31, 2005, 429 brokers held a trust account, i.e. 7 less than in 2004. Assignment of debt from a broker to his agent A real estate broker is the only person who can receive compensation under a brokerage contract. When a client refuses to pay the commission agreed to in the brokerage contract, only the broker is authorized to initiate civil proceedings against this client. As for the agent who carried out the transaction, he may only claim his compensation from his broker, and not from the client. If an agent attempts to collect compensation directly from a client, he is substituting himself for his broker. Courts have rejected such claims in the past, citing the principle by which a real estate agent can never act on his own behalf, but only on behalf of his broker. Also, by acting this way, the agent is violating the By-Law of the ACAIQ, which stipulates that a real estate agent may not receive, whether directly or indirectly, compensation from anyone other than his broker. broker goes against the Real Estate Brokerage It has happened in the past that an agent, Act, which public policy statute gives the broker in order to settle an impasse regarding non- sole right to any commission due pursuant to a payment of compensation, got his broker to sign real estate transaction”. The judge thus rejected a document by which the broker assigned the the agent’s claim and the agent was ordered to debt to the agent, pay court costs. When a client refuses to pay the commission allowing him to In addition, sue the client him- agreed to in the brokerage contract, only the is it important to self. However, this know that a broker broker is authorized to initiate civil proceed- who assigns a solution is to be avoided. Not only ings against this client. debt to his agent would the agent is putting his own suing a client in this manner be violating section professional and civil liability on the line. The 72 of the By-Law of the ACAIQ – thus committing client could turn against him, for instance if the an ethics violation –, but he also risks losing more agent were to commit abuses in exercising his than he would gain, as happened recently when remedies. Debt assignment carries a potential risk such a case was heard in Small Claims Court. that should not be overlooked by brokers. u In this case, where the broker has assigned the debt to his agent in writing, the judge ruled that “The assignment granted to the agent by the Notice of meeting • 2006 Annual General Meeting The Professional Inspection Department also verifies the notices of disclosure sent to the ACAIQ. In 2005, we verified 1,996 notices, a more than 30% increase over 2004. Of this number, 47 were referred to the Assistance Service for further review. Some 66 brokers took part in the start-up sessions offered by the ACAIQ. Office of the Syndic The Office of the Syndic opened 271 investigation files in 2005 compared to 235 the year before. A total of 243 cases were settled this year. As of December 31, the number of cases under investigation totalled 277, compared to 249 at the same date in 2004. Following the Seminar on marijuana grow operations organized by the ACAIQ in the fall of 2005, the Office of the Syndic held conferences throughout Québec to educate members about this problem and provide information on current preventive methods. Illegal practice In the area of illegal practice, 109 new cases were opened in 2005, adding to the 77 already under study, for a total of 186. A total of 111 cases were closed during the year. Therefore, 75 active cases remained at the end of the period. Discipline This year, 118 complaints were filed before the Discipline Committee, all of them by the Office of the Syndic. The Committee held 85 hearings on guilt and 75 on penalties. Adjournments were granted 51 times. At the end of the year, the Committee had rendered 53 decisions on guilt, 35 on penalties and 37 on guilt and penalties, following a guilty plea, and 6 non-guilty decisions. It issued 7 reprimands and 43 fines totaling $89,800. Financial results The ACAIQ ended its fiscal year 2005 with an excess of revenues over expenses of $323,583. Revenues totalled $10,724,685 compared with $9,432,705 the previous year, and expenses went up to $10,401,102 from $8,197,889 in 2004. With an unallocated surplus of $1,327,627, the Association is in good financial health. Complete Annual Report Please note that the complete text of the 2005 Annual Report of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec is available on the ACAIQ home page at www.acaiq.com. z March 2006 | INFO ACAIQ A SSOCI A TION DES COURTIERS ET A GENTS IMMOBILIERS DU Q UÉBEC TO ALL MEMBERS ENTITLED TO VOTE OF THE ASSOCIATION DES COURTIERS ET AGENTS IMMOBILIERS DU QUÉBEC WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 2006, AT 9:15 A.M., FAIRMONT LE CHÂTEAU FRONTENAC HOTEL, BALLROOM 1, RUE DES CARRIÈRES, QUÉBEC • REGISTRATION: SALLE VERCHÈRES Agenda 1. Opening of meeting and declaration of quorum 2. Adoption of the minutes 2.1 Extraordinary General Meeting held on April 27, 2005 2.2 Annual General Meeting held on April 27, 2005 3. Matters pertaining to the last minutes 4. Deposit of the following Annual Reports: 4.1 Report from the Chairman of the Board of Directors 4.2 Report from the President and Chief Executive Officer 4.3 Report from the Syndic 4.4 Report from the Chairman of the Professional Inspection Committee 4.5 Report from the Chairman of the Discipline Committee 4.6 Report from the Treasurer of the Board of Directors 4.7 Report from the Auditors, Harel Drouin – PKF 5. Appointment of auditors for 2006 fiscal year 6. Questions and comments 7. Closing of Meeting Claude Barsalou, lawyer Secretary NOTE: Under section 2.5.2 of the Rules of Internal Management of the ACAIQ, every member is obliged to prove, when he arrives at the meeting, that he is a member of the Association. The member must present his certificate, failing which he may be refused access to the meeting. If the member does not have his certificate with him, the Association will accept the following identifications papers at registration, i.e. driving licence or health insurance card. Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec Notice of provisional suspension of certificate To each ASSOCIATION DES COURTIERS ET AGENTS IMMOBILIERS DU QUÉBEC their own acaiq.com address File: 33-05-0899 Notice of suspension of certificate B y mid-February, several real estate brokers and agents had already taken advantage of the “ACAIQ E-mail” offer. With this new service, each member can activate their own email address identifying them as members of the Association. To do so, simply access the Synbad extranet, select “ACAIQ E-mail” in the menu at the left of the screen, then one of the three personalized addresses suggested. The first part of the addresses is inspired from the name of the account holder, ASSOCIATION DES COURTIERS ET AGENTS IMMOBILIERS DU QUÉBEC File: 33-05-0844 followed by the domain name. You can also have all emails received at this new address automatically transferred to another address of your choice. To take full advantage of the functionalities of this email service, the Association has prepared a User’s Guide that may be downloaded from the page that displays once you have entered your access code and password to access Synbad. u NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Martin Cardinal, affiliated real estate agent (Certificate No. B9637), employed by or authorized to act on behalf of Re/Max Défi (1996), chartered real estate broker (Certificate No. C3787), whose establishment is located at 121 Alexandre St., Suite 21 in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, has been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec of the offences summarized below: 1st count: Between April 27 and 30, 2003, with respect to an immovable, failing to provide fair treatment to the prospective buyers, namely by: a) failing to inform in a timely fashion their real estate agent of the existence of a promise to purchase whereas it had been agreed that their promise to purchase would be presented to the seller on April 28, 2003; Mobile Solutions for the ACAIQ Members b) reducing his compensation provided for in a brokerage contract concomitantly with the signing of a counter-proposal to a promise to purchase from the buyers whom the respondent represented, then concomitantly with the acceptance of a counter-proposal from the same buyers, whereas the prospective buyers had presented a promise to purchase; the whole contrary to section 24 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. Elite Rate Plan* $45/month Partner Rate Plan $20/month Evenings and Weekends 700 $45/month INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED • 200 minutes/month • 450 minutes/month • 700 minutes/month • Message Centre • Unlimited evenings (from 6pm to 8am) and weekends • Unlimited evenings (from 6pm to 8am) and weekends • Message Centre • Message Centre • Ulimited Text Messaging • Free incoming calls (on Bell Mobility territory) Monthly access and e911 fees of $7.70 not included. Monthly access and e911 fees of $7.70 not included. • 20 % discount on Data options Mobility Monthly access and e911 fees of $7.70 not included. Palm Treo 650 Motorola E815 For more information dial 1-800-667-0123 Reference number : 101893865 * The Elite rate plan is exclusive to ACAIQ members, it must include the the rate plan and services mentionned above. Evenings and weekends: Mondy to Thursday from 6 pm to 8 am and Friday 6 pm to Monday 8 am. Also included in the rate package: Call Waiting, Call forwarding, Three Way Calling, Detail Billing. A $7.70 monthly fee will be added to your invoice for the provision of a System Access Fee as well as wireless access to 911 Emergency Service. Available on Bell Mobility territory only. Offer subject to change without notice. 2nd count: Between April 27 and 30, 2003, with respect to an immovable, abusing the good faith of a real estate agent, using unfair practices against him, namely by: NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Sylvain Krief, affiliated real estate agent (B0825), employed by or authorized to act on behalf of S.O.G.I.P., chartered real estate broker (D2982), whose establishment is located at 256 Saint-Louis St. in Lemoyne, has been the subject of a complaint before the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec, for the offences summarized below: 1st count: Between December 2001 and July 2002, regarding the signing of forms, committing acts that are derogatory to the honour and dignity of the profession, participating in acts or in a practice in real estate matters which may be illegal or which may cause prejudice to the public or to the profession, and failing to see to it, in order to ensure the protection of the parties to a transaction referred to in section 1 of the Act, that the brokerage contracts, promises to purchase and counter-proposals reflect their intentions accurately, notably by failing to indicate that the sellers designated on these forms were not the owners and by leaving no indication to this effect in the detailed description sheets related to brokerage contracts; 2nd count: Committing acts that are derogatory to the honour and dignity of the profession, participating in acts or in a practice in real estate matters which may be illegal or which may cause prejudice to the public or to the profession, advising and encouraging a party to a transaction to commit an act that the defendant knew was illegal or fraudulent, notably during events which occurred between December 2001 and August 2002, aimed at obtaining a loan on the basis of false documents, which loan was solicited at the time of the projected resale of an immovable at a price largely superior to the price paid at the time of its recent, if not contemporary, acquisition; 3rd count: Committing acts that are derogatory to the honour and dignity of the profession, participating in acts or in a practice in real estate matters which may be illegal or which may cause prejudice to the public or to the profession, advising and encouraging a party to a transaction to commit an act that the defendant knew was illegal or fraudulent, notably during events which occurred between December 2001 and August 2002, aimed at obtaining a loan on the basis of false documents; the whole contrary to sections 1, 13 and 29 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. a) failing to inform him in a timely fashion of the existence of a promise to purchase, whereas it had been agreed that he would present a promise to purchase signed by the prospective buyers around 6:30 p.m. on April 28, 2003; 4th count: Between December 2001 and April 2002, failing to send to the person who managed the establishment to which he was assigned certain documents such as promises to purchase and counter- proposals related to such promises to purchase; b) reducing his compensation provided for in a brokerage contract concomitantly with the signing of a counter-proposal to a promise to purchase from the buyers whom the respondent represented, then concomitantly with the acceptance of a counter-proposal from the same buyers, whereas the prospective buyers had presented a promise to purchase; the whole contrary to section 147 of the By-Law of the ACAIQ. 5th count: During the month of November 2005, hindering the work of the assistant syndic, failing to collaborate during the inquiry conducted by him, namely by setting conditions prior to his participation in this inquiry by the assistant syndic; the whole contrary to section 43 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. the whole contrary to sections 117 and 127 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act and to section 54 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. On December 19, 2005, the Discipline Committee ordered the suspension of Mr. Martin Cardinal’s certificate for a period of 30 days on these counts of the complaint. By order of the Discipline Committee, this decision becomes enforceable from the moment of its pronouncement. The suspension of Mr. Martin Cardinal’s affiliated real estate agent certificate is therefore effective as of December 19, 2005 for a period of 30 days. On December 19, 2005, the Discipline Committee ordered the provisional suspension of the certificate of Mr. Sylvain Krief until the final decision of the Discipline Committee is rendered, either rejecting the complaint filed against him or ordering a penalty; unless such a penalty is a suspension or cancellation of his certificate, in which case the provisional suspension order shall remain in force until the said final decision becomes enforceable. This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1). Longueuil, Borough of Brossard, January 5, 2006 Chantal Peltier Discipline Committee Secretary The decision of the Discipline Committee is enforceable from the date of notification to the defendant, i.e. December 20, 2005. The suspension of Mr. Sylvain Krief’s affiliated real estate agent certificate is therefore effective as of December 20, 2005. This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1) and section 133 of the Professional Code (R.S.Q., c. C-26). Brossard, January 19, 2006 Chantal Peltier Discipline Committee Secretary Simply Accounting March 2006 | INFO ACAIQ z Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES SERIES Verifying right of ownership restrictions and consulting the online land register Just as he must verify the features of an immovable, the real estate agent must know and verify the characteristics of the immovable’s right of ownership under private and public law. S ub-section (7) of section 8.2 The correct way to verify right of ownership of the brokerage contract provides examples of restric- restrictions is to consult the online tions of private law that can encum- land register. ber an immovable: debt, prior claim, hypothec, servitude, etc. Sub-section Verification tools have evolved considerably with (8) provides examples of restrictions of public law the advent of the Internet and remote access to all that can encumber the immovable, i.e. municipal Land Registry Offices via the online land register. zoning and subdivision by-laws, the Cultural PropThe correct way to verify right of ownership erty Act, environmental regulations, etc. restrictions is to consult the online land register. The broker or agent must make the “usual The index of immovables must be verified in verifications” regarding these restrictions. Howorder to ensure that no act restricting the right ever, such verifications can no longer be limited of ownership has been registered subsequent to to the restrictions mentioned in the documents the owner’s act of acquisition. This index will also provided by the seller, as used to be the case. enable the broker or agent to know for certain Notice of suspension of certificate A SSOCI ATION DES COURTIERS ET AGENTS IMMOBILIERS DU Q UÉBEC File: 33-05-0829 Notice of provisional suspension of certificate Notice of suspension of certificate ASSOCIATION DES COURTIERS ET AGENTS IMMOBILIERS DU QUÉBEC ASSOCIATION DES COURTIERS ET AGENTS IMMOBILIERS DU QUÉBEC File: 33-05-0891 File: 33-04-0754 NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Clifford Benjamin Segal, chartered real estate agent (C2231), employed by or authorized to act on behalf of Les Immeubles Ann Segal Ltée / Ann Segal Realty Ltd., chartered real estate broker (A3305), whose establishment is located at 5499 Robert-Burns, suite 304, in Montréal, is charged in a formal complaint before the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec with twenty (20) counts of infractions summarized as follows: Defendant is charged with having, either illegally or prematurely, withdrawn from the trust account of IMMEUBLES ANN SEGAL LTÉE/ANN SEGAL REALTY LTD. on various occasions a total amount of $142,750; in one count (count 11) defendant is also charged with not depositing in the said trust account a cheque in the amount of $5,000 that should have been deposited therein; the whole contrary to section 12 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act and sections 1 and 13 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. On November 11th, 2005, the Discipline Committee ordered the provisional suspension of the certificate of Mr. Clifford Benjamin Segal until the final decision of the Discipline Committee is rendered, either rejecting the complaint filed against him or ordering a penalty; unless such a penalty is a suspension or cancellation of his certificate, in which case the provisional suspension order shall remain in force until the said final decision becomes enforceable. The above decision of the Discipline Committee is enforceable as from the date of notification to Defendant, to wit: November 11th, 2005. The suspension of the chartered real estate agent certificate of Mr. Clifford Benjamin Segal is therefore effective as from November 11th, 2005. This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1) and section 133 of the Professional Code (R.S.Q., c. C-26). Longueuil, Borough of Brossard, December 13th, 2005 Chantal Peltier Discipline Committee Secretary z March 2006 | INFO ACAIQ NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Steven I. McKenzie, affiliated real estate agent (Certificate No. B5898) ), employed by or authorized to act on behalf of Re/Max Platine, chartered real estate broker (Certificate No. A2784) ), whose establishment is located at 1850 Panama Avenue, Suite 110 in Brossard, has been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec of the offence summarized below: 1st count: on or around November 29, 2001, with respect to an immovable, failing to demonstrate integrity, committing acts that are derogatory to the honour and dignity of the profession, and participating in acts or practices in real estate matters which may be illegal or which may cause prejudice to the public or to the profession, namely by completing and having the parties sign a promise to purchase with a purchase price and, at the same time, the supplementary agreement drafted on an Annex G-General form providing for a reduction in the selling price, whereas: a) said form was not cross-referenced on the promise to purchase; and b) the absence of a cross-reference allowed the buyers to apply for and obtain mortgage financing on the basis of information that did not include the content of this form; the whole contrary to sections 1, 13 and 35 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. On May 4, 2005, the Discipline Committee ordered the suspension of Mr. Steven I. McKenzie’s certificate for a period of thirty (30) days on this count of the complaint. Further to the withdrawal of Mr. Steven I. McKenzie’s appeal on December 22, 2005, the decision of the Discipline Committee is enforceable as of December 23, 2005. The suspension of Mr. Steven I. McKenzie’s affiliated real estate agent certificate is therefore effective as of December 23, 2005 for a period of thirty (30) days. This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1). Longueuil, Borough of Brossard, December 23, 2005 Chantal Peltier Discipline Committee Secretary NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. André Fuoco, affiliated real estate agent (Certificate No. B2798), formerly employed by or authorized to act on behalf of Century 21 Multi-Services inc., chartered real estate broker (Certificate No. C7489), whose establishment is located at 815 de la Carrière Blvd., Suite 101 in Gatineau, has been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec of the offences summarized below: 1st count: Between or around April 4 and 15, 2002, committing acts that are derogatory to the honour and dignity of the profession, participating in acts or practices in real estate matters which may be illegal or which may cause prejudice to the public or to the profession, failing to provide fair treatment to the parties to a transaction, abusing the good faith of a chartered real estate agent and using unfair practices against him, notably by participating in the following fraudulent practices aimed at making a profit on the resale of an immovable, namely: a) on or around April 4, 2002, by soliciting a visit of an immovable from a real estate agent, without revealing to the agent that the respondent would not have a promise to purchase drafted and signed by prospective buyers for whom these visits were being solicited; b) on or around April 4, 2002, by soliciting a visit of an immovable from a real estate agent, without revealing to the agent that any promise to purchase from prospective buyers would not be intended for the seller contemporary to his visit, but rather for a third party; c) on or around April 4, 2002, by failing to inform a seller and a real estate agent that the buyer designated on a promise to purchase concerning an immovable was not one of the people for whom he had solicited a visit; d) around mid-April 2002, by soliciting an additional visit of an immovable from a real estate agent, without revealing to the agent that the respondent would not have a promise to purchase drafted and signed by prospective buyers for whom these visits were being solicited; e) around mid-April 2002, by soliciting an additional visit of an immovable from a real estate agent, without revealing to the agent that any promise to purchase from prospective buyers would not be intended for the seller contemporary to his visit, but rather for a third party; f) around mid-April 2002, by soliciting an additional visit of an immovable from a real estate agent, under the false pretext that this visit was to allow a buyer designated in a promise to purchase concerning an immovable to rent a portion thereof; g) around mid-April 2002, by having prospective buyers visit an immovable, without revealing to them the identity of a seller contemporary to their visit nor the seller’s asking price of $114,900; h) around mid-April 2002, by hiding from prospective buyers the respondent’s collaboration in the acquisition of this immovable by a third party; i) around mid-April 2002, by allowing prospective buyers to pursue with a third party, foreign to the brokerage transaction he was conducting, discussions concerning the purchase of an immovable, whereas he knew that this third party was planning to have them sign a promise to purchase intended to be accepted by a person who was not the seller contemporary to their offer; the whole contrary to sections 1, 13, 24, 26, 35 and 43 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. 2nd count: On or around April 23, 2003 and April 11, 2005, failing to collaborate and misrepresenting information during an investigation conducted by an assistant syndic, namely when the respondent declared to an investigator (April 2003) and to an assistant syndic (April 2005) that he had visited an immovable: a) accompanied by a third party foreign to the brokerage transaction he was conducting, prior to the signing of a promise to purchase dated April 4, 2002 concerning this immovable; b) accompanied by the same third party and another person, following the signing of this promise to purchase; the whole contrary to sections 54 and 55 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. On November 16, 2005, the Discipline Committee ordered the suspension of Mr. André Fuoco’s certificate for a period of seven (7) years on the 1st count, and the suspension of his certificate for a period of three (3) years on the 2nd count, to be served consecutively, to take effect whenever he applies for reinstatement of his certificate or the issuance of a new certificate. The decision of the Discipline Committee is enforceable from the date of the appeals deadline, i.e. January 3, 2006. The suspension of Mr. André Fuoco’s affiliated real estate agent certificate will therefore become effective whenever he applies for reinstatement of his certificate or the issuance of a new certificate, for a period of 10 years. This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1). Longueuil, Borough of Brossard, January 6, 2006. Chantal Peltier Discipline Committee Secretary Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec whether the seller has one or more hypothecs or prior notices of exercise by the hypothecary creditor in case of default by the seller. The real estate agent must verify the ownership documents provided by the seller and/or published by the Land Registry Office in order to identify any restriction. This will enable him to make sure, in the event of a promise to purchase, that the selling owner will make all the relevant declarations concerning his immovable. For example, if the immovable being sold has a servitude of view in favour of a neighbouring immovable, this information must be mentioned not only in the brokerage contract, but also under section 6.4 of the promise to purchase. By consulting the act of acquisition, the real estate agent will also know about the seller’s declarations that do not involve The ACQC Restrictions of private law: • “Hypothecary loan instrument bearing number 343434 made in favour of Caisse populaire d’Albertville”; • “Servitude of view bearing number 343433 made in favour of neighbouring lot 1234567”. Restrictions of public law: • “The property is located in a flood zone”; • “The property is part of a housing complex within the meaning of the Act respecting the Régie du logement”. Restrictions have a major impact and real estate agents must take these into account and inform the parties. For instance, in the last example where a property is part of a housing complex, the seller must obtain the Régie’s authorization in order to alienate the portion The information regarding restrictions must appear of the immovable sold. He not only on the brokerage contract and the promise must find out how long it takes to get this authorization to purchase and its annexes, but also on the imfrom the Régie, complete the movable’s detailed description sheet. recommended form “Annex B – Income Property” and attach restrictions of public law. In case of doubt, he it to the promise to purchase. must direct the seller or the buyer to an expert in Remember also that the information regardthe field, such as a notary. ing restrictions must appear not only on the broHere are some examples of how to enter kerage contract and the promise to purchase and restrictions of private or public law under section its annexes, but also on the immovable’s detailed 8.2 of the brokerage contract, at sub-sections (7) description sheet. u and (8). T he Association des consommateurs pour la qualité dans la construction (ACQC) is currently reorganizing in order to better fulfill its mission. The ACQC has joined the Union des consommateurs and as such will benefit from this organization’s support. This will help it focus its efforts on rebuilding a permanent team and a dynamic association while securing better funding. The ACQC Board of Directors now has new members, including four from the Associations coopératives d’économie familiale (ACEF) of Île-Jésus, Montréal East, Lanaudière and Québec City’s South Shore, all of whom are active in housing-related issues within their ACEF. The chairperson of the ACQC is Mrs. Cathy Simard, of ACEF Île-Jésus. The new contact information for the ACQC is as follows: ASSOCIATION DES CONSOMMATEURS POUR LA QUALITÉ DANS LA CONSTRUCTION 1000 Amherst St., Suite 300 Montréal, Québec H2L 3K5 Tel.: (514) 384-2013 Fax: (514) 521-0736 Website: http://consommateur.qc.ca/acqc March 2006 | INFO ACAIQ z Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec in the midst of a reorganization PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES SERIES The agent’s duty to respond to the various ACAIQ departments W Notice of suspension of certificate ASSOCIATION DES COURTIERS ET AGENTS IMMOBILIERS DU QUÉBEC e find it unfortunate to note that some brokers, broker representatives, managers and real estate agents do not give the ACAIQ their full cooperation. Let us first take a look at the main provisions governing the relationship between the members and the Association. Generally speaking, the agent or broker “shall collaborate with any official department or agency responsible for protecting the public in the real estate brokerage sector”. The duty to collaborate is especially important when it comes to the Professional Inspection Department In addition, the agent or broker “shall answer as soon as possible all correspondence addressed to him by the Association, the syndic or assistant syndic.” File: 33-05-0869 NOTICE is hereby given that Mrs. Jacinthe Frappier Laurendeau, chartered real estate agent (Certificate No. B5605), employed by or authorized to act on behalf of Re/Max de Francheville inc., chartered real estate broker (Certificate No. A3080), whose establishment is located at 4450, boul. des Forges, Suite 250 in Trois-Rivières, has been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec of the offences summarized below: 1st count: With respect to an immovable, abusing the good faith of another member and using unfair practices against him, namely by failing to inform him in a timely fashion: a) as of October 5, of the existence of a promise to purchase; b) as of October 6, of the existence of a promise to purchase announced by another real estate agent; the whole contrary to section 43 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. 2nd count: With respect to an immovable, failing to provide fair treatment to the parties to a transaction referred to in section 1 of the Act, namely by failing to inform their real estate agent in a timely fashion: a) as of October 5, of the existence of a promise to purchase; b) as of October 6, of the existence of a promise to purchase announced by another real estate agent; the whole contrary to section 24 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. 3rd count: On or around October 6, 2003, with respect to an immovable, failing to provide fair treatment to the parties to a transaction referred to in section 1 of the Act, namely by failing to inform their real estate agent in a timely fashion of the existence of a promise to purchase and of a promise to purchase announced by another real estate agent; the whole contrary to section 24 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. 4th count: On or around October 6, 2003, with respect to an immovable, abusing the good faith of another member and using unfair practices against him, namely by failing to inform in a timely fashion a real estate agent of the existence of a promise to purchase and of a promise to purchase announced by another real estate agent; the whole contrary to section 43 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. On February 1, 2006, the Discipline Committee ordered a suspension of Mrs. Jacinthe Frappier Laurendeau’s certificate for four (4) concurrent periods of thirty (30) days on these counts of the complaint. By order of the Discipline Committee, this decision becomes enforceable from the moment of its pronouncement. The suspension of Mrs. Jacinthe Frappier Laurendeau’s chartered real estate agent certificate is therefore effective as of February 1, 2006 for a period of thirty (30) days. This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1). Brossard, February 2, 2006 Chantal Peltier Discipline Committee Secretary z March 2006 | INFO ACAIQ Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec The duty to collaborate is especially impor“It is not up to the member to decide which tant when it comes to the Professional Inspecdocuments or information to provide to the syndic. tion Department. The personal cooperation of It is not for him to choose to provide only those the agent or broker or of his representative and documents which he deems his duty to provide, manager is necessary to allow the Professional nor is it up to the defendant to request that the Inspection Committee to verify members’ records, plaintiff ‘indicate the subject of the investigation’. bank accounts, books and registers. In addition, because the law exists to protect The duty to collaborate imposes two obligathe public, it must receive a broad and liberal tions on agents and brokers: interpretation.” 1) to disclose all relevant facts of which they are An agent or broker must know that the aware; and syndic or his assistants have the powers and 2) to provide all relevant documents. immunity of a commissioner appointed under the The obligation to respond to the syndic is also Act respecting public inquiry commissions (R.S.Q., crucial. Not only chapter C-37), except the does it allow Failure to respond to the syndic “as soon power to order imprisonthe syndic to as possible” also discredits the profession ment (sect. 127 of the play his role Real Estate Brokerage as a whole. It unduly delays and even efficiently, but Act). failure to comply paralyses the investigation process. Courts have often may have serious ruled on the investigaconsequences, including on public protection. tion powers of syndics. However, none has seen fit Failure to respond to the syndic “as soon as posto intervene to dictate to syndics what they are or sible” also discredits the profession as a whole. It aren’t authorized to ask for during an investigaunduly delays and even paralyses the investigation tion. Syndics must be able to conduct their investiprocess. These delays prevent the syndic from gations without any influence whatsoever. properly informing the plaintiff about the status It is important to remember that the Rules of his file and results in needlessly prolonging the of Professional Ethics contained in the Real uncertainty that hangs over the agent or broker Estate Brokerage Act are aimed at ensuring the concerned as to the outcome of the investigation protection of the public and increasing consumer on his actions. confidence in the real estate agents and brokers When an agent or broker fails to respond or with whom they do business. When an agent or falsely represents information to the syndic or to a broker does not give his full cooperation to the person he has designated, including an investigaAssociation’s departments, he is jeopardizing the tor, he could be the subject of a complaint before bond of trust with this public. u the Discipline Committee. A few recent disciplinary decisions have in fact confirmed the importance of the duty to collaborate and the seriousness of the non-collaboration offence. One even led to a defendant being barred from holding a certificate for a period of five years. In another decision, the Discipline Committee issued the following reminder: Notice of suspension of certificate Notice of suspension of certificate ASSOCIATION DES COURTIERS ET AGENTS IMMOBILIERS DU QUÉBEC ASSOCIATION DES COURTIERS ET AGENTS IMMOBILIERS DU QUÉBEC File: 33-04-0726 File: 33-05-0841 NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. François Quesnel, affiliated real estate agent (Certificate No. C7290), formerly employed by or authorized to act on behalf of Re/Max Avantages inc., chartered real estate broker (Certificate No. A3730), whose establishment is located at 9201, boul. du Centre-Hospitalier in Charny, has notably been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec of the offence summarized below: NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Michel Giampaolo, affiliated real estate agent (Certificate No. B3515), employed by or authorized to act on behalf of Groupe Sutton-Clodem inc., chartered real estate broker (Certificate No. A2928), whose establishment is located at 9515 Lasalle Blvd. in Lasalle, has notably been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec of the offences summarized below: 5th count: On or around November 27, 2000, committing an act that is derogatory to the honour and the dignity of the profession, using an unfair practice against a real estate agent and committing acts that are incompatible with an exclusive brokerage contract concerning an immovable awarded to a chartered real estate broker represented by said real estate agent, namely by engaging in the following acts in the latter’s absence and without his authorization, i.e.: a) by accompanying a prospective buyer when visiting this immovable; b) by accompanying a prospective buyer when negotiating the purchase of this immovable with a seller; c) by showing up with a prospective buyer and a seller at the office of the seller’s notary, where the terms of a promise to purchase concerning this immovable were to be finalized and drafted; and d) by paying the deposit of $5,000 provided for in this promise to purchase; the whole contrary to sections 1, 13, 43 and 46 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. On November 15, 2005, the Discipline Committee ordered the suspension of Mr. François Quesnel’s certificate for a period of thirty (30) days on this count of the complaint, to take effect whenever he applies for reinstatement of his certificate or the issuance of a new certificate. The decision of the Discipline Committee is enforceable from the date of the appeals deadline, i.e. December 22, 2005. The suspension of Mr. François Quesnel’s affiliated real estate agent certificate will therefore become effective whenever he applies for reinstatement of his certificate or the issuance of a new certificate, for a period of thirty (30) days. This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1). Longueuil, Borough of Brossard, December 22, 2005 Chantal Peltier Discipline Committee Secretary 1st count: Beginning on March 12, 2001, failing to send without delay to the person who manages the establishment to which he is assigned the information and documents required in order to maintain the records, books and registers provided for in Chapter XI of the By-Law of the ACAIQ, namely a promise to purchase and an Annex AA, made by the buyer represented by a collaborating agent with respect to an immovable, the whole contrary to section 147 of the By-Law of the ACAIQ. 3rd count: On or around April 27, 2001, with respect to an immovable, failing to demonstrate integrity, participating in an act or practice in real estate matters which may be illegal or which may cause prejudice to the public or to the profession, namely by: a) agreeing to receive and receiving the sum of approximately $5,000 in cash, directly from the seller, for the sale of the said property; b) omitting to supply the seller with a written acknowledgement of the said $5,000; c) receiving the said $5,000 prior to the signature of the act of sale in front of the notary; the whole contrary to sections 1 and 13 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ and section 72 of the By-Law of the ACAIQ. 5th count: On or around February 18, 2004, with respect to an immovable, failing to demonstrate integrity, committing acts that are derogatory to the honour and the dignity of the profession, participating in an act or practice in real estate matters which may be illegal or which may cause prejudice to the public or to the profession, namely by: a) preparing and having the seller sign a promise to purchase and an Annex AA and, on the same occasion, an “Annex G-General” form bearing a selling price different from the one stipulated on the promise to purchase, without having the said promise to purchase and Annex AA linked to the “Annex G-General” form; b) omitting to give to the mortgage broker representative whose services had been retained in order to obtain mortgage financing, the said form “Annex G-General” together with a promise to purchase and an Annex AA; while the omission to link and remit the said « Annex G- General » form allowed the Defendant to request and eventually obtain mortgage financing based on information that did not include the content of the said Annex G, the whole contrary to sections 1 and 13 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. 6th count: On or around February 18th, 2004, with respect to an immovable, the Defendant participated in an act or practice in real estate matter which may be illegal or which may cause prejudice to the public or to the profession, did not avoid a situation which placed him in a conflict of interest, namely by signing a promise to purchase while he was representing the listing real estate broker of said immovable designated in a brokerage contract, the whole contrary to sections 1, 5 and 13 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. On January 9, 2006, the Discipline Committee ordered a suspension of Mr. Michel Giampaolo’s certificate for a period of fifteen (15) days on the 1st count and for a period of thirty (30) days on the 3rd count, to be served concurrently, as well as a suspension for a period of three (3) months on the 5th count and of three (3) months on the 6th count, and ordered that the suspension periods for counts 5 and 6 be served concurrently, but consecutively to the suspension periods for counts 1 and 3. The decision of the Discipline Committee is enforceable from the date of the appeals deadline, i.e. February 14, 2006. The suspension of Mr. Michel Giampaolo affiliated real estate agent is therefore effective as of February 14, 2006 for a total period of three (3) months and thirty (30) days. This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1). Brossard, February 14, 2006 Chantal Peltier Discipline Committee Secretary March 2006 | INFO ACAIQ z Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec 2179_lacapitale_2.qxd 08/02/06 16:55 Page 2 APEC+ MPG= 2 guarantees A FEW COMMENTS BY OUR AGENTS... “Not only is the APEC guarantee good for my buyerclients, it’s also good for me. Let me explain: my wife and I bought a house in Beaconsfield last October. Three weeks after we moved in, the motor on the furnace died and I had to replace it. We had no problems getting reimbursed from APEC for the amount of the repairs less the deductible. My wife and I are very satisfied with the APEC guarantee and the personnel who work to apply it. Naturally, my own experience is now part of my ‘listing presentation!’” JEFFREY LEE, La Capitale Action (514) 822-1131 “I have been a La Capitale agent for 2 years and the APEC guarantee is one of the best tools I have for putting clients at ease and assuring them of a safe transaction. I tell all my clients about it, both buyers and sellers; it works just as well on both sides! The seller who leaves the dishwasher in the house can reassure himself that he won’t have any problems if it breaks down; for the buyer, it’s the little extra that alleviates the normal concerns of a new homeowner. I regularly receive letters of thanks from my clients; no need to tell you that I gladly show them off. The last one came from two ladies who bought a condo on Christophe-Colomb; in the first month, they had to deal with an electrical problem that was fortunately covered by the APEC guarantee. The result: they received a refund of almost $500! When these clients have a real estate transaction to close, I am sure they will think of me.” JEAN-MARIE HUDON, La Capitale Avantage (514) 382-8000 “I sold a house to a young couple in HochelagaMaisonneuve. Because they wanted to change areas or cities, they gave me the mandate to resell the property soon after. They confided in me that they called me back because of the good service I gave them and especially because the house would be covered by the APEC guarantee once it sold. Finally, they bought another home through me so that they could also benefit from the guarantee as owners.” STEVE GIROUARD, La Capitale Banlieue Est (450) 582-0022 “The APEC guarantee is great because it provides reassurance for both the seller and the buyer. I remember an elderly woman who told me that since the death of her husband and in spite of all her efforts, she felt that the property had been neglected and that certain things could break down, resulting in legal problems for her. The APEC guarantee reassured her because she was able to sell with peace of mind; knowing that the guarantee was free resulted in a satisfied client!” CAROLINE VANDAL, La Capitale Distinction (450) 471-3181 “In 2005, I represented a couple of buyers to whom I had explained the advantages of the APEC and MPG guarantees so well that the clients went with my recommendation and obtained their mortgage loan from Desjardins. I was quite surprised to learn that when they met with the notary, they switched to ING Direct to save a pittance. A few months later, the client lost his job and called me to get the MPG number for; it was his turn to be surprised and sorry to find out that he was not eligible for the MPG guarantee since he hadn’t contracted his mortgage with a La Capitale certified institution. Fortunately it didn’t affect our relationship, because he remembered that I clearly explained the admissibility conditions to him. I don’t think he will ever get himself into a similar predicament; believe me, he understood!” MARIE-J. SÉVIGNY, La Capitale Plus (450) 974-1778 2 effective tools to list and sell One year guarantee on accessories, plumbing, electricity and heating: COST: • free for the buyer and seller • $159 payable by the agent, or an average of $79 per transaction as only 50% of properties are eligible; The APEC guarantee is optional for La Capitale agents; however, 80% of residential agents offer it, since they believe it is an excellent tool to stand out from the competition and to list and sell more. One year guarantee or up to $15,000 on the mortgage instalments in the event of loss of employment or death. COST: • free for the buyer and seller • free for the agent, the premium is paid by La Capitale Network This guarantee is offered to all La Capitale buyers who contracted their mortgage financing with financial institutions certified by La Capitale Real Estate Network, Desjardins and National Bank mortgage services. OTHER CAPITAL TOOLS APEC and MPG are just a couple of tools available to La Capitale agents to help them list and sell properties. Here’s another tool worth mentioning: free advertising for all of their listings on www.lacapitalesells.com and on www.micasa.ca 2 sites which, combined, receive millions of visits per month. Quite a choice for buyers and quite a showroom for sellers! It’s the argument that clinches a listing when you’re soliciting: “to sell your property rapidly, I will list it on micasa.ca and lacapitalesells.com, two sites that attract buyers by the millions.” EMPLOYMENT OFFER Following a large-scale expansion project, La Capitale Real Estate Network is seeking several candidates to fill the following positions: • 2 regional directors • 3 franchise managers Detailed information on these and other positions currently available can be found on our Web site at www.lacapitalevendu.com/emploi FRANCHISES AVAILABLE IF YOU DESIRE TO OWN YOUR OWN FRANCHISE... COMPARE THE BANNERS AND THE TOOLS THAT THEY OFFER Good tools favour the recruiting of good agents, increase sales figures and create a good reputation among clients, all of which will make your franchise successful. We still have territories with a great deal of potential to be developed; a franchise territory can be yours for as little as $250 per month, with no other mandatory fees, excluding of course agent dues and royalties. Consult the franchise section of our Web site at www.lacapitalesells.com or better yet, ask for our information file on La Capitale franchises at 1 (800) 363-6715, ext. 312. Our discretion is guaranteed! lacapitalesells.com z 10 March 2006 | INFO ACAIQ Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec “Real Estate. Real Protection.” The ACAIQ launches an information campaign for English-speaking viewers W The capsules will be shown in rotation for hile the ACAIQ’s Info-Immobilier 13 weeks at different times of the day, includcampaign is in full swing on the ing during CTV News, Access Hollywood Strip, TVA network, new information capCanada AM, Oprah and Dr. Phil. Based on these sules, this time aimed at the English market, have programs’ ratings, we expect that the capsules been airing since February 20 on CFCF-Montreal. will have been seen by some 17 million viewers Different from the French capsules, the by the end of the campaign. English capsules show a consumer and an ACAIQ As for the capsules spokesperson There are four of these 30-second for the French market, played by actress they air at different Lorie Graham. There capsules aimed at introducing the times of the day and the are four of these Association and its public protection week, including during 30-second capsules mission and at defining the often unTVA Réseau, Salut Bonaimed at introducing the Association and derestimated role played by real estate jour, Le 17 heures and in rotation on specialized its public protection agents and the advantages of using channels “LCN” and mission and at defintheir services when conducting a “Argent”. They may also ing the often underbe viewed on the Web estimated role played real estate transaction. at tva.canoe.com/acaiq, by real estate agents which also includes a written summary of each and the advantages of using their services when capsule and numerous links to texts discussing conducting a real estate transaction. “Real Estate. these issues in more detail. u Real Protection.” drives the message home. Notice of suspension of certificate A SSOCI ATION DES COURTIERS ET AGENTS IMMOBILIERS DU Q UÉBEC File: 33-05-0828 NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Antonio Campopiano, affiliated real estate agent (Certificate No. A9867), employed by or authorized to act on behalf of Service immobilier Général S.R. inc., chartered real estate broker (Certificate No. A2392), whose establishment is located at 5820 Charleroi St. in Montréal, has been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec of the offences summarized below: 1st count: Between October 12 and 21, 2003, with respect to an immovable, failing to practice his profession with prudence, diligence and competence and participating in acts in real estate matters which may be illegal or which may cause prejudice to the public or to the profession and that are derogatory to the honour and dignity of the profession, namely by having the mother of the owners sign the following documents, where she was not the owner of the immovable and signed the owners’ names in their lieu and stead: a) a brokerage contract; b) a promise to purchase and its Annex A; c) an Amendments and Notice of Fulfilment of Conditions form; d) an Amendments and Notice of Fulfilment of Conditions form; e) a counter-proposal; f) a letter, dated November 5, 2003, confirming that the promising buyers’ mortgage financing had been approved; and, bearing witness to their signatures on the documents designated in a, b, c, d and e above, the whole contrary to sections 1 and 13 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. 2nd count: Between October 17 and 18, 2003, with respect to an immovable, failing to promote the interests of his selling clients and to act with objectivity when advising them, namely by: a) failing to notify in a timely fashion a real estate agent representing the prospective buyers of the existence of a promise to purchase, whereas this agent had agreed with the respondent that he would visit the immovable with these prospective buyers at 11:00 a.m. on October 18, 2003; b) omitting or neglecting to advise them to wait for the outcome of the visit by the prospective buyers before responding to the promise to purchase with a counter-proposal, which they signed at 10:00 a.m. on October 18, 2003; the whole contrary to sections 24 and 26 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. 3rd count: On or around October 17 and 18, 2003, with respect to an immovable, failing to provide fair treatment to the prospective buyers, namely by: b) failing to inform their real estate agent in a timely fashion of the existence of a promise to purchase, whereas it had been agreed with the respondent that they would visit the immovable at 11:00 a.m. on October 18, 2003; the whole contrary to section 24 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. 4th count: Between October 17 and 18, 2003, with respect to an immovable, abusing the good faith of a real estate agent, using unfair practices against him and seeking to gain an unfair advantage over him, namely by: a) reducing his compensation provided for in a brokerage contract using an Amendments form amending said brokerage contract and a promise to purchase from buyers whom the respondent represented, concomitantly with the signing of a counter-proposal by the sellers, whereas the agent had agreed with the respondent that he would visit the immovable with the prospective buyers at 11:00 a.m. on October 18, 2003; b) failing to inform him in a timely fashion of the existence of a promise to purchase, whereas the agent had agreed with the respondent that he would visit the immovable with the prospective buyers at 11:00 a.m. on October 18, 2003; the whole contrary to sections 41 and 43 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. On December 9, 2005, the Discipline Committee ordered the suspension of Mr. Antonio Campopiano’s certificate for four concurrent periods of thirty days on these counts of the complaint. The decision of the Discipline Committee is enforceable from the date of the appeals deadline, i.e. December 9, 2005. The suspension of Mr. Antonio Campopiano’s affiliated real estate agent certificate is therefore effective as of December 9, 2005 for a period of thirty (30) days. This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1). Longueuil, Borough of Brossard, December 19, 2005 Chantal Peltier Discipline Committee Secretary March 2006 | INFO ACAIQ z Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec a) reducing his compensation provided for in a brokerage contract using an Amendments form amending said brokerage contract and a promise to purchase from buyers whom the respondent represented, concomitantly with the signing of a counter-proposal by the sellers, whereas it had been agreed that the prospective buyers would visit the immovable at 11:00 a.m. on October 18, 2003; 11 Notice of Appointment PROFESSIONAL INSPECTION CAPSULE The new online “Annual Declaration” Mrs. Marie-Chantal Thouin Mr. Jean Landry, chairman of the interim Board of Directors of the Professional Liability Insurance Fund of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs. Marie-Chantal Thouin to the position of General Manager of the Fund. A law graduate from Université Laval and a member of the Barreau du Québec, Mrs. Thouin also holds a Master’s degree in insurance law from the Université de Montréal. Mrs. Thouin began her career with a major law firm. She then acted as general manager of the Institut d’assurance en dommages du Québec. In 1999, Mrs. Thouin joined the Professional Liability Insurance Fund of the Barreau du Québec, where she performed various functions, including in the areas of claims management, communications, financial and human resources and budget planning and control. The Professional Liability Insurance Fund of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec, whose insurance activities will begin in the coming months, has a mission to provide Québec’s real estate brokers and agents with the insurance coverage required under the Real Estate Brokerage Act. F aced with a growing membership and the need to implement new methods to reach and inspect all real estate brokers quickly, the ACAIQ, drawing The declaration covers This Annual Declaration constitutes the period January 1 to on the experience of Québec professional a professional inspection and as such December 31, 2005. You orders, has develhave until May 30, 2006 requires the same cooperation on oped a new online to return your completed your part as previous inspections Annual Declaration. declaration electronically. By touching base with conducted at your establishment. Each broker will each broker once a receive an e-mail (to his year, the Professional own e-mail address or Inspection Department will have up-to-date data that of his representative) advising him that his on the maintenance and verification of advertisonline Annual Declaration is available, as well as ing, records, books and registers. instructions on how to complete it. This Annual All broker representatives must complete Declaration constitutes a professional inspection this declaration via our Synbad extranet site at and as such requires the same cooperation on www.extranet.acaiq.com, even if their establishyour part as previous inspections conducted at ment was inspected in 2005 or since the your establishment. u beginning of 2006. Should you require any clarification on completing the form, please contact the Professional Inspection Department: (450) 462-9800 or 1 800 440-7170, ext. 476 Notice of Appointment ASSOCIATION DES COURTIERS ET AGENTS IMMOBILIERS DU QUÉBEC Mrs Hélène Morand Serge Brousseau, Chairman of the Board of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs. Hélène Morand to the position of Syndic of the Association. A member of the Barreau du Québec since 1991 and of the ACAIQ since 1998, Mrs. Morand began her career in the Legal Department of the Banque Nationale de Paris. One year later, she joined the team of Services d’Habitation Métro G.É. Inc., a real estate management company specializing in repossessions, where she has since worked as manager and legal counsel. Since January 2003, she has also been teaching real estate law, the drafting of contracts and the Real Estate Brokerage Act in establishments such Cégep Édouard-Montpetit, Collège Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Collège d’enseignement en immobilier. Mrs. Morand is a regular speaker on the real estate brokerage conference circuit. The role of the Syndic of the ACAIQ is closely linked to the quality of professional actions and the protection of the public. The Syndic is responsible for investigating cases of alleged misconduct by real estate brokerage brokers and agents in the course of their duties and for filing complaints with the Discipline Committee where warranted. Synbad technologies Assisted Purchasing z 12 March 2006 | INFO ACAIQ Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec 2006 ACAIQ Education Event, April 24-26 at Château Frontenac Notice of suspension of certificate ASSOCIATION DES COURTIERS ET AGENTS IMMOBILIERS DU QUÉBEC File: 33-05-0791 T he Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec invites all its members to attend the 8th edition of the ACAIQ Education Event under the theme “Fortify your Knowledge”. This meeting will take place at the enchanting site of the Fairmont Château Frontenac hotel in Québec City on April 24, 25 and 26, 2006. The event will coincide with the Annual General Meeting of the ACAIQ. As in previous years, the Québec Real Estate Brokerage Award will be presented during the Chairman’s Dinner, followed by a show by Nathalie Choquette and an evening of dance to the sounds of an orchestra. This 8th edition will feature a variety of conferences and workshops. The topics covered include the use of certificates of location, recent jurisprudence in real estate brokerage and the economic outlook for the real estate market. Paralympic athlete Chantal Petitclerc will talk to us about passion and determination. Come fortify your knowledge by joining us for this exciting event. u Notice is hereby given that Mr. Bassem Chahal, chartered real estate agent (Certificate No. B4473), employed by or authorized to act on behalf of Groupe Sutton-Action B.C. enr., chartered real estate broker (Certificate No. D2723), whose establishment is located at 2190, Lapinière Blvd. in Brossard, has notably been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec of the offences summarized below: 1st count: Between August 23, 2002 and September 18, 2002 or around these dates, with respect to an immovable designated as an empty lot, failing to demonstrate integrity, participating in an act or practice in real estate matters that may cause prejudice to the public or to the profession, namely by signing his client’s name in the latter’s lieu and stead in the space provided for signatures, notably on the following documents: a) a brokerage contract dated August 23, 2002; b) a document entitled “Promise to purchase of shares of a corporation” (sic) dated August 23, 2002; Michael R. Concister Notice of suspension of certificate Avocat-Barrister & Sollicitor ASSOCIATION DES COURTIERS ET AGENTS IMMOBILIERS DU QUÉBEC B.A., B.C.L., LL.B. DIP. MGMT (APP.) File: 33-04-0758 Specialized in Real Estate and commercial lease Spécialisé en droit immobilier et baux commerciaux NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Robert Boutin, affiliated real estate broker (Certificate No. A3716), employed by or authorized to act on behalf of Re/Max 1er Choix inc., chartered real estate broker (Certificate No. A2594), whose establishment is located at 2834, chemin St-Louis in Sainte-Foy, has been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec of the offences summarized below: Membre du Barreau du Québec Member of Bar of Ontario 1253, ave McGill College, Suite 955, Montréal, Québec H3B 2Y5 Tél. : (514) 875-5311 Cell. : (514) 999-1952 Fax : (514) 875-8381 E-mail : [email protected] •85-ann.recrut-ANG-F3 07/02/06 16:11 Page 1 1st count: On or around September 22, 2003, failing to promote the interests of his client and to provide fair treatment to the parties to a transaction referred to in section 1 of the Act, namely by: a) disclosing to the signatories of a promise to purchase concerning an immovable the acceptance deadline of another promise to purchase concerning the same immovable; and b) failing to inform in a timely fashion the real estate agent representing the signatories of this other promise to purchase of the existence of another promise to purchase; the whole contrary to section 24 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. Do you have what it takes to be top dog in the world of corporate real estate? 2nd count: On or around September 22, 2003, where a real estate agent was collaborating toward the carrying out of a transaction referred to in section 1 of the Act, failing to disclose to him the existence of a transaction proposal already in progress, abusing his good faith, using unfair practices against him and seeking to gain an unfair advantage over him, namely by: c) a promise to purchase and an Annex G signed on September 15, 2002; d) a counter-proposal signed on September 18, 2002; and by falsely attesting on said documents to his client’s signature, the whole contrary to sections 1 and 13 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. 2nd count: Between the months of August 2002 and January 2003, with respect to an immovable designated as an empty lot, failing to demonstrate integrity, committing acts that are derogatory to the honour and the dignity of the profession, participating in an act or practice in real estate matters that may cause prejudice to the public or to the profession, failing to provide fair treatment to the parties to a transaction, by taking part in a scheme aimed at reselling an immovable not yet acquired, namely: a) by completing and having promising buyers sign a promise to purchase on September 4, 2002, whereas: i) he falsely represented that the immovable was owned by a corporation, ii) he omitted to inform them that his own wife was a joint shareholder of the promising seller, a corporation, iii) following this promise to purchase, a third party was to draft a promise to purchase in favour of the real owner, for a selling price below the sale price indicated in the promise to purchase, iv) the third party was a promising buyer of the shares of the corporation under a document entitled “Promise to purchase of shares of a corporation” (sic) dated August 23, 2002; GVA Devencore, Canada’s leading real estate advisor and broker working exclusively on behalf of office and industrial space users, is hunting for agents with flair. b) failing to inform in a timely fashion the real estate agent of the existence of a promise to purchase; b) by drafting and signing, on September 15, 2002, a promise to purchase and an Annex G for the sale of the immovable in question by his real owner, the seller, to a third party, without informing the owner, the seller, that he already had a promise to purchase in hand for the resale of this immovable at a price above the selling price indicated in a promise to purchase; With competition so fierce in our industry, we want only the best! the whole contrary to sections 41 and 43 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. the whole contrary to sections 1 and 13 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of ACAIQ. On December 7, 2005, the Discipline Committee ordered a suspension of Mr. Robert Boutin’s certificate for a period of thirty (30) days on these counts of the complaint, to be served concurrently. On January 9, 2006, the Discipline Committee ordered the suspension of Mr. Bassem Chahal’s certificate for two concurrent periods of thirty (30) days on these counts of the complaint. The decision of the Discipline Committee is enforceable from the date of the appeals deadline, i.e. January 13, 2006. The suspension of Mr. Robert Boutin’s affiliated real estate broker certificate is therefore effective as of January 13, 2006 for a period of thirty (30) days. The decision of the Discipline Committee is enforceable from the date of the appeals deadline, i.e. February 14, 2006. The suspension of Mr. Bassem Chahal‘s chartered real estate agent certificate is therefore effective as of February 14, 2006 for a period of thirty (30) days. This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1). This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1). Brossard, January 19, 2006 Brossard, February 16, 2006 Chantal Peltier Discipline Committee Secretary Chantal Peltier Discipline Committee Secretary As daring as you are dedicated and determined, you are of that special breed who thrives on challenge. Independent and entrepreneurial by nature, you nonetheless have the polished interpersonal skills to excel in a multidisciplinary team like ours. We will provide you steadfast support to build yourself a solid base of prestigious corporate real estate clients. Our National Advisory Group, a distinctive feature of our firm, will enhance your professional development by adding depth and vision to your approach. You will also benefit from our comprehensive training, high quality staff and a reputation for excellence that has been growing for some 35 years. So point your career in the right direction and send us your resumé today. [email protected] Tel.: 514 392-1330 ext. 259 Fax: 514 392-1346 Please note that only the selected candidates will be contacted for an interview. a) disclosing to the signatories of a promise to purchase concerning an immovable the acceptance deadline of another promise to purchase concerning the same immovable; and CHARTERED REAL ESTATE BROKER www.gvadevencore.com EXCLUSIVELY FOR SPACE USERS March 2006 | INFO ACAIQ z Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec 13 EnerGuide for Houses*: The way to go when you renovate T he EnerGuide for Encourage your clients to find out about EnerGuide Houses service for Houses before starting their renovations. provides grants to help homeowners reduce the cost of renovations designed to boost energy cial assistance to homeowners wishing to improve efficiency. It’s an excellent way to improve the the energy efficiency of their homes. condition of a house and maximize its value. Tell There are a number of energy efficiency your clients about it! measures that qualify, depending on the condition of the house. For instance, a homeowner might Why choose EnerGuide insulate the basement, attic or roof crawlspace, or for Houses? seal the house better so heat doesn’t escape. Encourage your clients to find out about EnerHomeowners will recoup their investment in Guide for Houses before starting their renovations. energy retrofit work (such as the cost of insulaThis service, offered by Natural Resources Canation, not overall renovation costs) fairly quickly _ da’s Office of Energy Efficiency and supported by especially taking into account the grants available. Hydro-Québec, provides expert advice and finanBetter still, they will continue to save and enjoy greater comfort as long as they live in the house. Real-life case – A situation that led to compensation The Fonds d’indemnisation du courtage immobilier agreed to compensate two people who had been the victims of a dishonest transaction by a real estate agent. In this case, the people had signed a brokerage contract with an agent to sell their home. Following the presentation of a promise to purchase, the agent accepted, in writing, to reduce his compensation. Later, however, he stole the document containing the reduction in compensation, which enabled him, when the immovable was sold, to pocket the full amount indicated in the brokerage contract rather than the reduced amount. The agents’ clients turned to the Fonds d’indemnisation du courtage immobilier. Ruling that by so doing, the agent had wrongfully appropriated the difference between the initial compensation and the reduced compensation, the Fonds d’indemnisation compensated the clients for the total amount of the overpayment, i.e. $11,534. The Fonds d’indemnisation is a body whose sole purpose is the protection of the public in transactions carried out through real estate brokers and agents. Its purpose is to guarantee any liability that may be incurred by a broker or agent owing to fraud, a dishonest transaction or the misappropriation of funds. For more information on the Fonds d’indemnisation: www.indemnisation.org 6300, Auteuil, suite 300, Brossard (Québec) J4Z 3P2 Tel. : (450) 676-4800 or 1 800 440-5110 Fax : (450) 676-7801 Y [email protected] | www.indemnisation.org z 14 March 2006 | INFO ACAIQ Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec Notice of suspension of certificate Simple procedure On request, a certified EnerGuide for Houses advisor will come to your client’s home to: • evaluate its energy efficiency and assign an EnerGuide rating (for a suggested fee of $149.95, plus taxes, for an average-sized single-family dwelling); • determine the work needed to increase the energy efficiency; • provide the homeowner with a recommendations report; • carry out a second evaluation at no charge once the work has been done. Two grants! If your client has the recommended work done within 18 months of the first evaluation, he or she will receive: • a grant from Natural Resources Canada; and • a grant from Hydro-Québec** equal to double the amount received from Natural Resources Canada. Both the Natural Resources Canada and HydroQuébec grants are calculated according to your home’s energy efficiency gain, that is, the difference between the EnerGuide rating before and after the retrofit. In other words, for you to receive a grant, the retrofit must result in a noticeable improvement in your EnerGuide rating. ASSOCIATION DES COURTIERS ET AGENTS IMMOBILIERS DU QUÉBEC File: 33-05-0808 NOTICE is hereby given that Mrs. Line Laquerre, chartered real estate broker (Certificate No. A3075), whose establishment is located at 1285, avenue des Gouverneurs in Sillery, has notably been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec of the offence summarized below: Tell your clients about it! Need more information about this service to better inform your clients? Contact the EnerGuide for Houses call centre at 1 866 266-0008 or visit www.energuideforhouses.gc.ca. You can also order free information kits by sending an e-mail to pochettes-energuide@ hydro.qc.ca, making sure to include the following information: • First and last name; •Company name; •Region served; •Number of kits; •Name of intended recipient; •Delivery address; •Telephone number. u 4th count: On or around January 29 and 30, 2003, failing to collaborate with a real estate agent, abusing her good faith and using unfair practices against her, namely: a) on or around January 29, 2003, by refusing this real estate agent any visit of an immovable; and b) on or around January 30, 2003, by telling her to wait until February 1, 2003 to re-discuss any visit of this immovable, yet agreeing the same day to a visit by her own clients, promising buyers, on January 31, 2003; the whole contrary to sections 40 and 43 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. On October 25, 2005, the Discipline Committee ordered the suspension of Mrs. Line Laquerre’s certificate for a period of thirty (30) days on this count. Notice of suspension of certificate For example If Natural Resources Canada grants: Hydro-Québec will grant double that amount: For a total of: * EnerGuide for Houses is an official trademark of Natural Resources Canada, used under licence. $650 $1,300 ($650 x 2) $1,950 ** The home must be heated with electricity or a dual-energy system (Rate DT). Other conditions apply. ASSOCIATION DES COURTIERS ET AGENTS IMMOBILIERS DU QUÉBEC File: 33-05-0789 NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Normand Véronneau, affiliated real estate agent (Certificate No. B4944), formerly employed by or authorized to act on behalf of Les Immeubles les Associés inc., chartered real estate broker (Certificate No. A2853), whose establishment is located at 1048 Curé-Labelle Blvd. in Blainville, has notably been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec of the offences summarized below: 1st count: As of June 21, 2002, with respect to an immovable, failing to demonstrate integrity, courtesy or a spirit of cooperation, using unfair practices, seeking to gain an unfair advantage over another member, namely by: a) participating in discussions on ways to escape the obligation to pay compensation to the chartered real estate agent’s broker; b) having the owner, represented by an authorized person, sign a brokerage contract with the purpose of carrying out a sale with a third party; knowing that such third party, through her representative, had been interested in the immov able while the brokerage contract held by the former broker and ending June 21, 2002 was in force, the whole contrary to sections 1 and 43 of the Rules or Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. 2nd count: As of June 21, 2002, with respect to an immovable, failing to practice his profession with prudence, diligence and competence, participating in an act in real estate matters which may be illegal or which cause prejudice to the public or to the profession and failing to advise and inform with objectivity his client and a party to a transaction referred to in section 1 of the Act, namely by: a) representing to the seller and to the buyer that the signing of a brokerage contract with his own broker would protect the seller in case the former broker claimed compensation following the sale of the immovable; b) having the owner, represented by an authorized person, sign a brokerage contract with the purpose of carrying out a sale with the buyer; the whole contrary to section 1, 13 and 26 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1). Longueuil, Borough of Brossard, December 13, 2005 Chantal Peltier Discipline Committee Secretary Notice of suspension of certificate ASSOCIATION DES COURTIERS ET AGENTS IMMOBILIERS DU QUÉBEC File: 33-05-0805 NOTICE is hereby given that Mr. Raymond Duclos, chartered real estate broker (Certificate No. C1301), formerly employed by or authorized to act on behalf of Immeubles Sherbrooke, whose establishment is located at 200, rue du Bord de l’Eau in SainteCatherine-de-Hatley, has notably been found guilty by the Discipline Committee of the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec of the offences summarized below: 1st count: on or around September 25, 2002, participating in an act or practice in real estate matters which may be illegal or which may cause prejudice to the public or to the profession, namely by authorizing the illegal or premature withdrawal from the trust account of the brokerage firm which he managed of a sum totalling $1,415, the whole contrary to sections 1 and 13 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. 3rd count: on or around October 10, 2002, misrepresenting information during an inquiry conducted by the syndic, namely by falsely stating the following: “When the syndic mentioned a withdrawal of $1,415 from the trust account in September that did not seem to be linked to any transaction, I immediately contacted the bank and had the error corrected. I was not aware of this withdrawal from the account and everything was done by the bank without my authorization”; the whole contrary to section 55 of the Rules of Professional Ethics of the ACAIQ. On January 12, 2006, the Discipline Committee ordered a suspension of Mr. Normand Véronneau’s certificate for a period of thirty (30) days on these counts of the complaint, to be served concurrently and to take effect whenever he applies for reinstatement of his certificate or the issuance of a new certificate. On December 21, 2005, the Discipline Committee ordered a suspension of Mr. Raymond Duclos’ certificate for a period of six months on the 1st count of the complaint, and for a period of six months on the 3rd count of the complaint, to be served consecutively, to take effect whenever he applies for reinstatement of his certificate or the issuance of a new certificate. The decision of the Discipline Committee is enforceable from the date of the appeals deadline, i.e. February 23, 2006. The suspension of Mr. Normand Véronneau’s affiliated real estate agent certificate will therefore become effective whenever he applies for reinstatement of his certificate or the issuance of a new certificate, for a period of thirty (30) days. The decision of the Discipline Committee is enforceable from the date of the appeals deadline, i.e. February 10, 2006. The suspension of Mr. Raymond Duclos’ chartered real estate broker certificate will therefore become effective whenever he applies for reinstatement of his certificate or the issuance of a new certificate, for a period of one year. This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1). This notice is given in accordance with section 137 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act (R.S.Q., c. C-73.1). Brossard, February 23, 2006 Brossard, February 10, 2006 Chantal Peltier Discipline Committee Secretary Chantal Peltier Discipline Committee Secretary March 2006 | INFO ACAIQ z Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec The decision of the Discipline Committee is enforceable from the appeals deadline, i.e. December 8, 2005. The suspension of Mrs. Line Laquerre’s chartered real estate broker certificate is therefore effective as of December 8, 2005 for a period of thirty (30) days. 15 4-49336_PubACAIQ_FEV06 2/2/06 6:38 PM Page 2 “If you choose to be an agent, be one that sells.” You want proof? Go to www.twiceasmuch.info Learn how Proprio Direct can help you stand out at www.propriodirect.com/standout