Nocona Boot Company “ S h o w a n d T e l l ” R e u n i o n Tales `n
Nocona Boot Company “ S h o w a n d T e l l ” R e u n i o n Tales `n
Volume 3, issue 1 Tales ‘n’ Trails M Suzanne Storey and Tommy Yowell Family Sid and Dee Dee Brown Sue Duckworth Cy Young Terry & Eileen Newland Ken & Wanda Sewell U S E U M N E W S L E T T E R Nocona Boot Company “Show and Tell” Reunion NEW MEMBERS AND RENEWING MEMBERS: Winter/Spring 2013 I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E : Volunteer Spotlight Q&A 2 Current Displays 2 Purchase a Brick 2 Why I Should Volunteer 3 Cowboy Christmas Pictures 3 Read Between the Vines 3 Upcoming Events 4 Saturday, February 16th, the Tales ‘n’ Trails Museum will host the 3rd Annual Nocona Boot Company Show & Tell Reunion from 2pm-5pm. All former employees and their families are welcome to attend this fun trip down memory lane. Be sure to bring anything you might have questions about, or something near and dear to your heart from your time at the Nocona Boot Company. If you have run across a new stash of Christmas party pic- tures or even any old newspaper clippings, bring them to “show and tell”. It is the memories of the “boot shop” employees that always make this day so special. will be served. For more information, please call TnT at 940825-5330. Don’t forget your camera because you never know what might happen at the Reunion. There is no charge and refreshments P h o t o g r a p h y C l a s s e s Twenty five students enjoyed a basic photography class last Saturday by Fort Worth photographer Iris Geenwell. They learned exactly what their cameras could do and could not do! Other classes are planned as soon as she can fit us into her busy schedule, so if you are interested , please call and get your name on the list. The next classes should include another beginner class and an intermediate class. See some of Ms. Greenwell’s beautiful photographs at P a g e 2 T a l e s V o l u n t e e r TnT Volunteer Ruby Eldred of Nocona S p o t l i g h t Q: What do you like most about volunteering at the museum? A: It gets me out of the house and since I'm old, I like to be around things that are older than me! Q: What do you do in your spare time, hobbies, A r o u n d T r a i l s q & a etc? A: I love to read, if I couldn't read books, I would go bonkers. Q: What have you seen or experienced at the museum that surprised you the most? A: A tour bus of deaf people came thru, and it was amazing to watch these people C u r r e n t l y ‘ n ’ communicate their responses to what they were looking at. Q: What is you favorite exhibit, the one that you can look at every time you walk thru the doors? A: The picture of Cynthia Parker feeding her baby, that woman was tough! t h e M u s e u m Build the Barn Proposed artist interpretation of new exhibit barn With all the outdoor exhibit activity, now is a premium opportunity to Purchase a Brick! Bricks are $50 a piece and can be inscribed. The bricks will be displayed prominently in the landscaping Bill Taylor’s “Around Spanish Fort” Exhibit will be coming down March1st!! F&M Bank and Nocona Post Office Displays V o l u m e 3 , i ss u e 1 Why P a g e I Should Social connectivity within your community is key in staying healthy and there is no better was to feel connected to our community but to give volunteering a go at the Tales ‘n’ Trails Museum in Nocona. The Museum has volunteers of all ages. Statistics from Research from The American Heart Association: C ow b oy volunteer A study of adults age 65 and older found that the positive effect of volunteering on physical and mental health is due to the personal sense of accomplishment an individual gains from his or her volunteer activities. Another study found that volunteering led to lower rates of depression in individuals 65 and older. One of the best ways to make new friends and strengthen existing C h r i s t m a s relationships is to commit to a shared activity together. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, especially if you are new to an area. Volunteering also strengthens your ties to the community and broadens your support network, exposing you to people with common interests, neighborhood resources, and fun and fulfilling activities. Come be our Volunteer at the Tales ‘n’ Trails Museum! C a m p f i r e Branding Time! Cowboy Santa Tommy Riding Santa’s Ponies! “ R e a d B e t w e e n t h e V i n e s ” B o o k S i g n i n g M a r c h 3 Enjoy a Sunday afternoon with local authors Stan Briney , Shannon Gillette, Gale CochranSmith, Treva Tindol Dawson, & Larry Lemons as they synopsize their books and answer any questions. Mingle among the authors afterward for a more per- sonalized view of their efforts and get your books signed. 3 ~ Literature ranging from history to intrigue will rule the day! Admission is $5 and includes refreshments. This is a great chance to experience some local writers and learn what makes them tick! A “Members Free” Event! Why a membership? Several levels of participation available from $10 to $1000 per year. Different benefits include: * Free admission to TnT (Admission $5 adults, $3 seniors & students, free for pre-school, Veterans & Military * Free admission to over 500 other museums as part of North American Reciprocal Museums Group for memberships of $100 or more * Free admission for family & friends accompanying you. * Meal Tickets for our annual Shebang * Gift passes for Tnt admission to share with others * TnT newsletter * Invitations to special member-only events *10% discount on all non-consignment gift shop purchases *Help fund day to day operations and programs at TnT. Remember we are supported by YOU WE ARE ON THE WEB! WWW.TALESNTRAILS.ORG Tales ‘N’ Trails Museum 1522 East Highway 82 Nocona, Texas 76255 940-825-530 [email protected] Gift Shop Finds! ~ Hand Knitted Scarves by Jordan Gilliland ~ Red River Seed Bombs ~ Steve Uselton’s Hand Carved Kitchen Utensils Upcoming events at the museum February 4—Keep Nocona Beautiful meeting at the Museum at 6pm Directors Meeting at 6pm February 5—Nocona Economic Development Meeting at the Museum at Noon March 4—Keep Nocona Beautiful meeting at the Museum at 6pm February 9—Mardi Gras Nocona Style March 3—”Reading Between The Vines” 2pm-5pm February 16—Nocona Boot Employee Show and Tell Reunion 2pm-5pm March 5—Nocona Economic Development Meeting at the Museum at Noon February 21—TnT Board of March 9—Knitting Classes February 23 - Basket Weaving Class March 21—TnT Board of Directors Meeting at 6pm March 30—NO BASKET WEAVING CLASSES THIS MONTH If you are interested in your group meeting at the Museum, please contact Nell Ann McBroom for all the details.
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