LWC - Lindsey Wilson College


LWC - Lindsey Wilson College
Lindsey Wilson College
President’s Annual Report
and Honor Roll of Donors
The mission of Lindsey Wilson College
is to serve the educational needs of students by providing
a living-learning environment within an atmosphere of
active caring and Christian concern where
every student, every day,
learns and grows and feels like a real human being.
To view a video looking back at 2008-09 at Lindsey Wilson, go to
www.youtube.com/lwcpublicrelations and search “2008-09 highlights.”
During a period of great
uncertainty for our nation, it
may seem odd to celebrate
in an Annual Report. But
that’s exactly where we find
ourselves at Lindsey Wilson
I just completed my 26th year at Lindsey Wilson –
the last 11 of which have been spent as the college’s
eighth president. And I cannot recall a time more exciting. In fact, there probably has not been a period
more exciting in the college’s 106-year history.
The physical growth is breathtaking.
President Luckey
presents Beth Boggs a
master of education degree in counseling and
human development at
the 2008 winter commencement ceremony.
Boggs earned her degree by attending Mountain Empire Community
Campus in Big Stone
Gap, Va.
The college is in the final year of the $53 million
“Changing Lives Campaign,” and the A.P. White Campus is undergoing a $26 million expansion. To put
that expansion in perspective, Lindsey Wilson’s operating budget did not surpass $26 million until the
200X-XX school year.
In the last four years, the college has opened the
Jim & Helen Lee Fugitte Science Center; Sumner
Campus Ministry Center; Norma & Glen Hodge Center
for Discipleship; and a new building to house physical
plant. Projects currently under way include a baseball-softball complex, an outdoor sports stadium –
which will be the home of the football team and track
and field program – a new residence hall, and the
magnificent Doris and Bob Holloway Health & Wellness Center.
The A.P. White Campus’ size dramatically expanded
in February when Lindsey Wilson assumed ownership
of the former Pinewood Golf Course. Thanks to a remarkable partnership with Columbia-Adair County
local governments and a cadre of committed citizens,
the college was able to help preserve the 40-year-old
course and ensure the 124-acre piece of property remains an asset to our community. Membership at the
course – which was renamed The Pines at Lindsey
Wilson – is once again strong. Mulligan’s, the restaurant at the Pines at Lindsey Wilson, has also become
an asset to the community, serving as a gathering
place for area groups, clubs and organizations.
The opportunity to earn a Lindsey Wilson edu- meeting a critical health-care shortage in Southcentral Kentucky.
cation also expanded during 2008-09. CommuAnd in May, Lindsey Wilson received approval
nity campuses were added in Kentucky in
to begin a third graduate program – a master of
Danville, Henderson, Hopkinsville and Madisarts degree in Christian Leadership. The proonville as well as Wytheville, Va. Thanks to an
innovative partnership with local community col- gram, an outgrowth of LWC’s vibrant and burgeoning undergraduate Christian Ministries
leges, so-called non-traditional students are no
undergraduate prolonger denied an opThanks to an innovative partnergram, was created to
portunity to earn a
answer to the call of
bachelor’s or master’s ship with local community colleges,
so-called non-traditional students are The United Methodist
degree. When I beno longer denied an opportunity to
Church Board of Higher
came president,
higher education had earn a bachelor’s or master’s degree. Education to develop
the next generation of
invested great promChristian leaders
ise in “distance education.” Turns out, distance
Another exciting development in our acaeducation meant something entirely different
demic programs was the establishment of the
from what we had anticipated. Rather than delivering courses over the Internet, distance edu- Energy Technology Career Academy. The ETCA
was launched at Adair County and Russell
cation has come to mean faculty driving a
County high schools with 49 students enrolled.
physical distance to meet the education needs
This one-of-a-kind program is the only career
in regions that have been neglected by part of
academy in rural America that is dedicated to
higher education.
energy technology. It’s an exciting partnership
Also during 2008-09, Lindsey Wilson’s acabetween LWC and local public schools because it
demic programs continued to grow. In late
will expose area high school students to career
spring, the Kentucky Board of Nursing approved
possibilities available to them in the burgeoning
a request to offer a bachelor of science degree
field of energy.
in nursing. The 21st undergraduate program of2008-09 was also a busy year for our underfered at Lindsey Wilson, the nursing major will
graduates. Great progress continues to be made
offer students a superior education while also
in the Lindsey Wilson Undergraduate Research Initiative. In March, Lindsey Wilson hosted the Blue
Ridge Undergraduate Research Conference, and we had the most students present research at the
conference. (To see highlights of our students’ presentations, go to the LWC YouTube channel -www.youtube.com/lwcpublicrelations -- and
search “Blue Ridge.”) About a dozen LWC facTo be sure, it’s nice to have a larger
ulty worked with undergraduate students on
campus with more buildings because
research projects that ranged from the huthose developments have allowed
manities to the hard sciences. Combined with
Lindsey Wilson’s academic programs
our vibrant honors program, the Lindsey Wilto continue to expand and meet stuson Undergraduate Research Initiative offers
dents’ growing educational needs.
our students an incredible college experience.
To be sure, it’s nice to have a larger campus with more buildings because those developments have allowed Lindsey Wilson’s academic programs to continue to expand and meet students’ growing educational needs.
But the three numbers from 2008-09 that are most exciting to me are:
2,003, 486 and 94.
2,003 is the number of students enrolled for the 2008-09 school year. That was a record number of students – although we exceeded that figure by more than 17 percent in fall 2009. In an age
when many private colleges are scrambling to fill seats, Lindsey Wilson continues to attract record
numbers of students. This is
perhaps the greatest affirmation of our college because today’s students vote
with their feet.
468 is the total number
of students graduated from
Lindsey Wilson in 2008-09.
A total of 325 degrees were
conferred at winter commencement, and 161 undergraduate and graduate
degrees were conferred at
spring commencement. That
is the largest number of
graduates in LWC’s 106year history. To put that
number in perspective, a
total of 135 degrees were
conferred during the 200203 school year. So our
record 2008-09 class represents a 260 percent increase in graduates over the last six school years.
94 is the number of Lindsey Wilson full-time faculty. To put that number in perspective, I began
my presidency in 1998-99 with 44 full-time faculty. Expansion of the faculty has been an important
issue for me. A 114 percent increase in full-time faculty is a momentous achievement because it is
the equivalent of adding a new classroom building about every three years. But what is equally impressive is the increase in overall quality of LWC faculty. Thanks to mentoring programs and strong
leadership in academic affairs, Lindsey Wilson is getting closer to having the greatest undergraduate teaching faculty among Kentucky’s 20 private colleges and universities.
So what explains this nearly astounding growth? Two groups: alumni and friends – especially
those who are listed in the donor rolls of this year’s Annual Report. Because Lindsey Wilson is
blessed with an incredibly loyal group of alumni and friends, we have extended the Lindsey Wilson
mission to a record number of students, and continue to change the world one graduate at a time.
Three years ago, a special commission of the U.S. Department of Education released a searing
report that skewered U.S. higher education for failing to keep up with the nation’s changing needs.
The report – A Test of Leadership: Charting the Future of U.S. Higher Education – criticized higher
education for being “increasingly risk-averse, at times self-satisfied, and unduly expensive.” It also
argued that colleges and universities have yet “to address the fundamental issues” or how “to serve
the changing educational needs of a knowledge economy.”
I can’t speak for the other 3,700 U.S. colleges and universities. But Lindsey Wilson’s 106-year
story has been about being entrepreneurial and innovative while remaining accessible for those who
aspire to join the middle class through higher education.
On behalf of our students, faculty and staff, thank you for all you have done – and continue to
do – to make a Lindsey Wilson education open to all students. Because of your generosity, love and
prayers, lives are changed at Lindsey Wilson.
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
June 30, 2009
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts, loans and pledges receivable, net
Prepaid expenses
Property and equipment, net
Other assets
Total Assets
Accounts payable and other accrued expenses
Accrued interest
Annuity liability
Other liabilities
Short term construction note
Bonds and notes payable
Accrued interest on Series 1991 B and C bonds
Advances from federal government for student loans
Total Liabilities
Liabilities and Net Assets
Net Assets
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
A view of the entrance of the Doris and Bob
Holloway Health & Wellness Center in early
October. The 73,223-square-foot building will
be opened during the spring 2010 semester.
Statement of Activities
For the year ended June 30, 2009
Net Tuition, Fees, Room and Board
Government Grants
Gifts & Bequest
Investment Income (Loss)
Auxiliary Enterprises
Other Income
Total Revenue
Academic Support
Student Services
Institutional Support
Operation and Maintenance of Plant
Auxiliary Enterprises Expenditures
Depreciation & Amortization
Interest on Indebtedness
Other Expenses
Total Expenses
Change in Net Assets
To view a video looking back at
2008-09 at Lindsey Wilson, go to
and search “2008-09 highlights.”
A view of the outdoor sports stadium's football field. Located on Exit 49 of the Louie B.
Nunn Parkway, the outdoor sports stadium will also be home to the Blue Raider track &
field program. It will include locker rooms for home and visitor teams, officials’ locker
rooms, an equipment room and an athletics training room. The playing surface, installed
in early fall 2009, is a second-generation turf called “24/7” by the Motz Group of
Lindsey Wilson College
2008-2009 Year in Review
School of Christian Mission: More
than 200 guests attended the annual School of Christian
Mission for the Women’s Division of The United
Methodist Church. The annual four-day training school,
held in conjunction with the Kentucky Redbird Mission,
educates women and children on spiritual, political and
geographical issues through a faith-based lens.
Begley Scholars: Three freshmen and two returning students were named John B. Begley Scholars
for the 2008-09 school year. The five students: freshmen
Amanda L. Cecil of Hodgenville, Ky.; Khyati
Patel of Fulton, Ky.; and
Hannah Peck of Columbia; the returning student
is Jake Radus, a junior
from Glasgow, Ky., and
Laura Walker of Columbia. The scholarship is
worth more than $80,000
over four years.
Largest Freshman Class
Welcomed:The largest freshman
class in LWC history was welcomed to
campus during Move-In Weekend. A total
of 424 first-time, full-time freshmen enrolled for 2008 fall classes.
Enrollment Record: The college’s enrollment for the 2008-09 school
year was 2,003, an 8.5 percent increase
over the 2007-08 enrollment.
Church-College Celebration Day: The Lindsey
Wilson College community celebrated its United Methodist heritage
Oct. 1 on the college’s annual Church-College Celebration Day.
“From its beginning, Lindsey Wilson has walked hand-and-hand with
the church,” said the Rev. R. Darren Brandon, Columbia District superintendent of The United Methodist Church’s Kentucky Conference.
“At this point, the church and the college are perfectly in sync.”
Education Student Receives Prestigious
STEM Scholarship: Education major Valerie Flanagan of
Columbia was one of eight Kentucky education majors to receive a
scholarship designed to prepare the commonwealth’s next generation
of math and science teachers. She received a STEM Scholarship
from the Gheens Foundation of Louisville, Ky.
Criminal Justice Professor Publishes Book: Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice Daniel Phillips edited Probation and Parole, a book designed to give students and the general public a better understanding about the complexity of the two issues.
Four Alumni Honored at 77th Homecoming: Four alumni were honored by the Lindsey Wilson National Alumni Association during 2008 Homecoming
Weekend: Drew Burwash ’94 received the Young Alumnus
Award; John Chowning ’71 received the Special Achievement
Award; Cecil W. Todd ’59 received the Distinguished Service
Award and Lynda Wilkerson ’78 received the Distinguished
Alumna Award.
Veterans Honored at Luncheon:
LWC alumnus and Army veteran Russell Lunsford spoke to more than 100 veterans and their guests at the
annual Veterans Appreciation Luncheon, held Nov. 10. Lunsford is also author of Letters From A Captive
Heart, a novel based on the experiences that American prisoners of war endured during the Korean War.
Part of the book is set in the Adair County community of Fairplay, or Gadberry as it was once known.
325 Graduate at Winter Commencement: More than 1,500
people watched Lindsey Wilson award a total of 325 undergraduate and graduate
degrees – 213 undergraduate degrees and 112 graduate degrees – at the college’s
88th commencement ceremony, held Dec. 13 in Biggers Sports Center.
Logan Students Make History: A group of Logan,
W.Va., area residents made history Jan. 2 at Southern West Virginia
Community and Technical College’s Logan Campus. The 13 area residents were honored by LWC for being the first graduates of the master of
counseling and human development program at Southern West Virginia
CTC’s Logan Campus. Thanks to an innovative partnership between
LWC and Southern West Virginia CTC, the students took weekend
classes in Logan.
Professor Named to ‘Who’s Who’: Associate Professor of Communication Susan K. Minton was
named to the 2008-09 edition of Who’s Who Among American Women. The book honors American women who have
made a significant contribution to their profession. Minton has been a member of the LWC faculty since the 1990-91
school year.
Senior Spends Semester at Supreme Court: Senior Ashley Vice spent her final year of
college as an intern at the Supreme Court of the United States. Vice, of St. Joseph, Mo., was one of a handful of college students selected to participate in the Capitol Hill Internship Program, which is sponsored by the United
Methodist College Washington Consortium.
Estate Benefits Green County Residents: The kindness of a former Cooperative Extension agent
will help LWC students earn a college education. LWC received more than $200,000 from the estate of the late Walter Minton Jones
to establish a need-based scholarship for a Green County resident. Jones did not attend LWC, but his father, the late Willie Jones
who was a farmer and auctioneer, was a trustee at the college in the 1930s and ’40s.
Lindsey Wilson College
2008-2009 Year in Review
Sophomore Spends Semester as Intern in
Kentucky State Government: Sophomore Amy Anderson of Columbia was one of five Kentucky private college students
selected for a state government internship in Frankfort. Anderson spent
her internship with the Council on Postsecondary Education. The internship was sponsored by the Association of Independent Kentucky
Colleges and Universities.
Norma and Glen Hodge Center for Discipleship
Dedicated: The 3,000-square-foot Norma and Glen Hodge Center for
Discipleship allowed LWC’s campus ministries program to expand its offerings
to students. It’s connected to the Sumner Campus Ministry Center, which
opened in January 2005, and named after Norma Hodge and her late husband,
Glen. They are the parents of former Lindsey Wilson trustee Vernon Hodge of
Smithfield, Ky. The Sumner Center was named in honor of the late parents of
Hodge’s wife, Pat.
Alumna Hilda Willis Jenkins Inducted into Kentucky
Teacher Hall of Fame: Alumna Hilda Willis Jenkins was inducted into the Gov.
Louie B. Nunn Kentucky Teacher Hall of Fame. Jenkins, of a Bowling Green, Ky., was one of
five outstanding educators who was inducted into the Hall of Fame’s second class. A Columbia,
native, Jenkins taught for a combined 30 years at Russellville High School, North Warren High
School and Warren East High School. She taught mathematics and music, and she also worked
with several student groups. In 1981, she was named an outstanding alumna of Lindsey Wilson.
College Assumes Ownership of Pinewood Golf
Course: LWC assumed ownership of Pinewood Golf Course Feb. 18. The
college formally took over the 124-acre piece of property – which includes a clubhouse, golf course and a swimming pool – thanks to an unprecedented partnership between the school, the Columbia-Adair County business community and
area residents. By assuming control of the 40-year-old golf course, LWC will ensure that Columbia-Adair County continues to have a vital economic-development tool.
Professor Honored for Raising Awareness about Sexual Assault
in Kentucky: Assistant Professor of Human Services & Counseling Tammy Hatfield was honored
for her efforts to raise awareness about and prevent sexual assault in Kentucky. Hatfield received the prestigious Sexual Assault Awareness Month Award from the Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs.
Renovated Scottsville Campus Dedicated: More than $200,000 worth of renovations made the LWC-Scottsville Campus seem like a new place. The main, century-old building was restored to much of its original look. Several technological improvements were also made, including the
installation of wireless Internet access and a “smart classroom” that enhances professors’ presentations. At
its Scottsville Campus, LWC offers a master of education degree in counseling and human development; a
bachelor of arts degree in human services counseling and business administration; and an associate of arts
degree in business management and early childhood care and development.
Rep. Carney Creates Scholarship for Students
from 51st House District: State Rep. Bam Carney of Campbellsville, Ky., created a scholarship for a
student from one of the three high schools in his district -- Adair County, Campbellsville or Taylor County high
schools – to attend either Campbellsville University or Lindsey Wilson College. Carney funds the scholarship from his
legislator’s salary.
LWC Hosts Blue Ridge Undergraduate
Research Conference: The 16th-annual Blue Ridge Undergraduate Research Conference was held on LWC’s A.P. White Campus. Undergraduate students from 11 Southern Appalachian colleges
and universities presented findings of research conducted with faculty.
Students Use Spring Break to Serve Needy
of Memphis and Mobile: Two groups of LWC students
and staff members spent spring break serving others. One group spent
the week in Memphis, Tenn., with the legendary Metropolitan Inter-Faith
Association, and the other group spent the week in Mobile, Ala., working with Habitat for Humanity. Over the 2008-09
school year, LWC faculty, staff and students donated more than 10,000 hours of community service through various
projects in their communities.
LWC Prepares
for ‘Tsunami of
Students’: A
“tsunami of students” is
headed to LWC. That was
the message LWC President William T. Luckey Jr.
told more than 300 college
supporters at the annual
Founders’ Day Dinner, held
April 23. With the college
adding football, marching
band, swimming and
wrestling over the next
couple years, Luckey said
a wave of students will descend on Columbia-Adair
Record Class Graduated: LWC capped off its largest class in college
history at its 89th commencement ceremony, held May 9 in Biggers Sports Center. A
total of 161 undergraduate and graduate degrees were conferred. Combined with the
325 degrees conferred at the winter commencement, the Class of 2009 stands at 486
students – the largest in the college’s 109-year history.
Nursing Program Approved: The Kentucky. Board of Nursing approved LWC’s request to begin a bachelor of science degree in nursing. It will be the
21st undergraduate program offered at the college.
Graduate Program in Christian Leadership Prepares
Next Generation of Church Leaders: LWC’s third graduate program is a master of arts degree in Christian leadership. The program was created to
help The United Methodist Church develop the next generation of leaders for churches
throughout the region.
LWC Hosts Conference on Appalachian
Center for Play Therapy for Mental Health
Professionals: Mental-health counselors from seven states at-
tended the first sponsored conference of the Lindsey Wilson Appalachian
Center for Play Therapy. The two-day conference, held at the Center for
Rural Development, featured Garry L. Landreth, an internationally known
play therapy expert, who discussed play therapy and its benefits.
[ 10 ]
Lindsey Wilson College
Board of Trustees
Dr. Truett Beighle
Dr. Sr. Judge James E. Bondurant
Mr. B.J. Burnett
Mr. Thomas P. Carter
Mr. Justin Cason
Mr. F. Thomas Conway
Mr. James R. Fugitte
Mr. C. Cleveland Gambill
Mr. Lewis Garrison
Dr. Robert Goodin
Mr. John Gorrell
Dr. Robert Holloway
Mr. S. Oden Howell, Jr.
Mr. John Landrum
Dr. Pete Mahurin
Mrs. Amanda G. Main
Mrs. Carol Marra
Mr. Cecil Martin
Mr. Skipper Martin
Dr. Jerry McCandless
Mr. Allan Parnell
Mr. James J. Pike
Mr. Lenn Pruitt
Mr. Danny Pyles
Mr. James L. Rogers III
Mr. S. Russell Smith Jr.
Mr. Tim Smith
Ms. Sue Stivers
Mr. James F. Sutton
Dr. Cal Turner Jr.
Mr. Mark Weaver
Florence, Ky.
Hodgenville, Ky.
Lexington, Ky.
Danville, Ky.
Louisville, Ky.
Louisvillle, Ky.
Elizabethtown, Ky.
Lexington, Ky.
Greensburg, Ky.
Louisville, Ky.
Lexington, Ky.
Middletown, Ky.
Louisville, Ky.
Harrodsburg, Ky.
Bowling Green, Ky.
Louisville, Ky.
Louisville, Ky.
Bowling Green, Ky.
Louisville, Ky.
Campbellsburg, Ky.
Louisville, Ky.
Southfield, Mich.
Greensburg, Ky.
Columbia, Ky.
Fort Pierce, Fla.
Louisville, Ky.
Columbia, Ky.
Columbia, Ky.
Crestwood, Ky.
Nashville, Tenn.
Henderson, Ky.
Dr. Charles Vic Henry
Dr. F. Bennett Hulse Jr.
Mr. Robert L. Miller
Mrs. Elizabeth Whitfield
Jamestown, Ky.
Louisville, Ky.
Campbellsville, Ky.
Bowling Green, Ky.
Dr. William T. Luckey Jr.
The Reverend R. Darren Brandon
Bishop G. Lindsey Davis
Dr. John B. Begley
2008-09 school year is
available on the
LWC YouTube channel –
The video includes highlights
events and also looks ahead
to the Lindsey Wilson
of the future.
To view the video go to
Ex-Officio Members
accomplishments of the
of the school year's major
Trustee Emeritus
A video looking back on the
Columbia, Ky.
Columbia, Ky.
Louisville, Ky.
Columbia, Ky.
[ 11 ]
and search
"2008-09 highlights."
Honor Roll of Donors
All donors listed have given since July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009
Membership in The Catherine Wilson Heritage Society is open to all alumni and friends of the college who fulfill one or
more of the following conditions:
1. Remember Lindsey Wilson College in a will/bequest;
2. Designate Lindsey Wilson College as owner or irrevocable beneficiary of an insurance policy which accrues cash
value and has a policy face value of $25,000 or more;
3. Name Lindsey Wilson College as beneficiary of a trust instrument such as charitable remainder;
4. Name Lindsey Wilson College as beneficiary of a retirement plan such as 401K or an Individual
Retirement Account (IRA);
5. Enter into a charitable gift annuity agreement with Lindsey Wilson College.
Other planned gifts, such as life-estate, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Dr. Jann Aaron
Brown Lee Adams
Guy and Beth McKenzie Adams
Nila Richards Antle
Melissa Saunier-Arnold
Mary Balfour
Clifton and Ellen Banks
Dr. Henry Baughman
Drs. John B. and Lucretia Chilton Begley
Dr. Truett Beighle
Phil Allen and Martha Bertram
Dr. Covella Biggers
James C. Blair
Duane and Kelli Bonifer
Myrl and Marcella Clark Brashear
Dr. Betty Bruton Brown
Kathleen Bush
Thomas P. and Julialice Carter
Marilouise Chamberlain
John and Cathy Pence Chowning
Linda Hughes Clark
Lee S. Clore
Jeanette Madison Coates
Frances Compton
William F. Davenhall
The Reverend Raymond and Rita Deason Jr.
Dr. Bruce and Geraldine Dod
Elizabeth F. Duncan
Linda LeVally Early
Dr. William R. and Kathleen Edwards
Rowena Everett
Ruby A. Whitney Flowers
Judith Ford
Olive Freeman
James R. and Helen Fugitte
George Gaddie
Peter O. Gante
Marie Dorsey Garrett
Lorene Gilliam
Dr. Ronald D. Glosser
Donna Patterson Goad
Dr. Robert R. and Carol Goodin
Charles H. and Christine Greenman
Carl S. Gribbins
Vera G. Guthrie
Jean B. Hatcher
Nancy Hayes
Ronald and Ginny Heath
Dr. Charles Victor Henry
Dr. G. Edward and Martha Henry
Isham and Billie Hensley
Norma Hodge
Dr. Vernon and Pat Hodge
Dr. Robert L. Holloway
Sam and Allene McKinney Holmes
Martha Howard
John E. Howery
Dr. F. Bennett Hulse Jr.
Emily W. Hundley
Dr. Ken Hurst
Gregory and Mary Johnson
George R. and Vonnie J. Kolbenschlag
Dr. Ferris and Evelyn Larsen
J. Alton and Jeroldine Lawhorn
Hilda G. Humphress Legg
Mary Ellen Lilly
Drs. George M. and Sue Luckey
Dr. William T. and
Elise Hendrickson Luckey
Dr. Pete and Dixie Mahurin
Robert T. Martin
Dr. Jerry and Kendrick McCandless
Margaret McDonald
Dr. Thomas Miller
George Neill
Dr. Larry S. Nichols
James O’Brien
Mary Oliver
George and Teresa Page
Eva Jane Martin Parker
Allan Parnell
Arthur C. Patterson
G. Trudy Perry
Tula Peterson
Roy J. and Frances E. Polston
Russell and Maxine Polston
Willis and Traci Luckey Pooler
Lenn and Mary Ellen Pruitt
Keith and Mary Stovall Radford
Dr. Donald Ramseyer
Dr. Paul D. Ransdell
Kenneth F. Roberts
Minnie Corbin Rubarts
Yvonne Knifley Schneider
The Reverend Kenneth Simpson
S. Russell Smith Jr.
The Reverend Travis L. Smith
Willia Smith
Frances Smothers
Esther G. Sparks
Joe and Marilyn Sparks
Billy L. and Jayne Squires
Penny Starnes
Keith Stearns
William H. and Sharon B. Steele
Dr. Julius M. and Hazel Bybee Stephenson
Sue Cravens Stivers
Alec G. Stone
Stanley Stringer
James F. and Jimmie Sutton
Dr. Terry W. Swan
Catherine Thomas
Kevin A. Thompson
Margaret Thurman
Cal and Margaret Turner
John C. and Lynn C. Upton
Dr. Robert H. Wade II
Maxine Walkup Walker
Freida B. Waller
Ann Weathers
Mark B. and Cindy Weaver
John B. Wethington
Christine Whitaker
Oredia Whitaker
Kenneth and Dr. Elizabeth Lowe Whitfield
David Wilde
Pernie Williams
Robert C. Wilson
Dr. M.A. and Portia Winchester
Jeanette Russell Wortham
Julie Adams
Clifford B. and Faye Amos
The Reverend Norman and Dora Antle
Dr. Lawrence A. and Fritz Appley
W. Cashman Ayer
Dr. Harold Baker
Bob Taylor Blakeman
Virginia Belcher
Emogene Bewley
Ruth S. Brewer
Addis Britt
Vernon H. and Pearl E. Brown
Sarah Burger
Dr. and Mrs. Tim Lee Carter
Susie Caswell
The Reverend James D. Chamberlain
Mary Chandler
Dr. Charles L. Childers
Mr. and Mrs. Anson E. Christian
James W. Compton
Joyce Cooley
The Reverend C. L. Cooper
Dr. C. Vernon Cooper
The Reverend and Mrs. Frank Cox
Kenneth Cuzner
Mrs. Elmer Dalton
Mary Burton Denton
Eunice Dishman
Magdalene Dudgeon
William M. Dunn II
Mose W. Dunning Jr.
W. Norris Duvall
Nancy Eastridge
Dr. Tom D. Everett
Nellie Fish
Helen Gilpin Flatt
The Reverend Chandler Ford
Daniel Foudray
August Fowler
The Reverend Edge N. Gamble
The Reverend S. Ray Gilliam
Elva Goodhue
Violet Graben
Margaret E. Graham
Dr. Walter Graham
Fred Gribbins
Katherine B. Groves
Lillian Hale
James S. Harris
Marvin Harvey
Matilda Heileman
Josephine ’Jo’ Antle Henry
Thelma Hill
Jo S. Hoefelman
Leona Holland
Mr. and Mrs. John Hollenbach
Doris Holloway
Dr. John B. Horton
Marie Horst
The Reverend and Mrs. O. N. Hoskinson
Ervin Houchens
Elisabeth Hummel
J. P. Hundley
Mattie Hyams
Kathryn Ishmael
Guy G. Jeffries
Dorothy D. Jones
Walter M. and Lois G. Jones
Dr. Thomas Kendall
Mrs. George Kern
Frances Kimbrough
Annette Knight
Emmett Kottke
Maxine Moss Leinart
Dr. Henry Lilly
Betty Lincoln
Dr. Cecil P. Major
The Reverend Marietta Mansfield
James A. Martin
Sally Ovalene Martin
Royce McBeath
Elizabeth W. McCarty
Bill and Allene Willis McClendon
Dr. L. Rodford McDonald
Anna Zoe McMichael
Adrian B. McRee
L. A. Miller
Jimmie Montgomery
Vada T. Monroe
Mary Ann Moss
Margaret F. Nadal
Chloe M. Niehaus
Terry Norfleet
Marguerite Orman
William Jerry Parker
Kennard and Melva Peden
E. C. Pelley
Dr. Rual T. Perkins
The Reverend William F. and Nadine S.
Aleen Ensor Ralph
Nellie Ramseyer
Robert M. Rawls
E. Mabel Reid
Abbie Ricks
Elsie Rogers
Al J. Schneider
Kathryn Sengel
Dr. Asa M. Shelton
Lucille Sleamaker
Dr. Harold J. Smith
Jean Olive Smith
Dr. Jerry A. and Carol Smith
Vera Snider
Dr. W. K. Snyder
Lester Helm Spalding
Mr. and Mrs. George Stoltz
Beatrice Stringer
Dr. Cyrintha Terry
Clyde Thornton
Mary Evelyn Thurman
Elizabeth L. Trigg
Dr. Cal Turner Sr.
Keith Venable
Werner P. and Helen Vogel
Annie Rachel Walker
The Reverend and Mrs. James T. Walker
Lenora Walker
William L. "Bill" Walker
Jimmy Weathers
Dr. W. A. Weldon
Dr. Hilton Whitaker
John and Layne Kinnaird Wigginton
Johnny I. Williams
Gaines Wilson
Dr. Ralph D. and Nellie Winchester
Noma Dix Winston
Rose Woodcock
Ruel and Runa Wooten
Mary Yohe
Joseph W. Zinn
Newt Zinn
Julia Loy Endowed Scholarship
Dr. J. Howard Olds Endowed Scholarship
Marshall and Sue Rowe Endowed Scholarship
The Reverend Dr. Jerry Allen Smith and
Carol G. Smith Endowed Scholarship
Jimmie Spurling Endowed Scholarship
Alumni Walkway Endowed Scholarship
Gilbert M. and Covella H. Biggers Endowed Scholarship
Clyde and Christine Cheatham Endowed Scholarship
Christian Service Endowed Scholarship
Charles E. Fouser Endowed Award for
Research in Environmental Issues
Walter M. and Lois G. Jones Endowed Scholarship
John and Dean Burr Endowed Scholarship
Merrill and Beth Challman Endowed Scholarship
Mose Dunning Jr. Endowed Science Award
Coach Don Green Endowed Scholarship
Mary Kloth Endowed Scholarship
Dr. John Wesley and Jeanette Pierce
Endowed Scholarship for Christian Ministries
Margaret S. Thurman Endowed Scholarship
Emily Vickers Endowed Scholarship
John and Lannye Wigginton Endowed Scholarship
Charles D. and Jeanette Bennett Endowed Scholarship
Edith Carroll Endowed Scholarship
JoAnn Vanada and Reverend J. Smiley Collins Endowed Scholarship
Hershel Denney Endowed Scholarship
W. Norris Duvall Endowed Scholarship
W. Paul and Lillian McAllister Hale Endowed Scholarship
Coach Doug Hines Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Ernest and Betty Brown Johnson Endowed Scholarship
Lowell Reeg Endowed Scholarship
Billy C. and Faye C. Spencer Endowed Scholarship
Lewis and Mary Woodward Endowed Scholarship
William Cashman Ayer Endowed Scholarship
Boyd Lubker Oritorical Endowed Scholarship
Burger/Hummel Endowed Scholarship
Chowning-Pence Endowed Scholarship
Claude Lee and Dollie Beatrice Cooley Endowed Scholarship
Mary Louise Ott-Fanelli Endowed Scholarship
Katie Murrell Endowed Scholarship
Kennard and Melva Peden Endowed Scholarship
Rose Willis Endowed Scholarship
Elsie C. Butcher Endowed Scholarship
J. W. and Frances Compton Endowed Scholarship
Linda Levally Early Endowed Scholarship
The Reverend Chandler E. Ford Family Endowed Scholarship
Reverend Virgil J. and Ruth Fryman Endowed Scholarship
Drs. Charles S. and Vera Guthrie Endowed Scholarship
Heath/Meneely Endowed Scholarship
Doris Zenger Holloway Endowed Scholarship
The Lenn R. Pruitt Endowed Scholarship
Reverend Alice Bondurant Scott Endowed Scholarship
M. Keith Stearns Endowed Scholarship
Sean Wright and McKaylee Gilmore Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Adair County Teachers Endowed Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Allen Endowed Scholarship
Norman, Dora and Joey Antle Endowed Scholarship
Tom and Rowena Everett Endowed Scholarship
William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship
Sam and Allene Holmes Endowed Scholarship
for Christian Ministries
The Keefe Family Non-Traditional Endowed Scholarship
Emmett W. and Mildred P. Kottke Endowed Scholarship
Bernice Miller Endowed Scholarship
Doug and Betty Jean Moseley Endowed Scholarship
Mary Evelyn Walker and Louise Brock Endowed Scholarship
Myrl and Marcella Brashear Endowed Scholarship
William Patterson Crenshaw Endowed Scholarship
William T. Luckey Endowed Scholarship
McKenzie/Adams Endowed Scholarship
Millennium Endowed Scholarship (Class of 1950)
Delorah Jewell Moore Endowed English Scholarship
Gertrude and Donald Perry Endowed Scholarship
Walter S. Reuling Endowed Scholarship
Dr. William W. Slider Endowed Scholarship
Robert R. Goodin Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Bob and Fran Keefe Athletic Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Adam Komosa Endowed Scholarship
Rev. R. V. and Anna Belle Matthews Endowed Scholarship
Valerie Adams Non-Traditional Endowed Scholarship
B. J. and Mary Burnett Endowed Scholarship
Awakening Christian Ministry Endowed Scholarship
Thomas D. Clark Endowed Scholarship for History
Bertha Hamilton Coomer Endowed Scholarship
Elihu and Cordelia Eastridge Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Edward L. Gambill Endowed Scholarship
Wood and Marie C. Hannah Endowed Scholarship for Music
Stanley and Lue Ella Hickerson Endowed Scholarship
Jeremy Lord Endowed Scholarship
Reverend William F. and Nadine Pettus Endowed Scholarship
Kathryn Reese Sengel Endowed Scholarship
Collins, Russell, Wortham Endowed Scholarship
R. V. Bennett Endowed Scholarship
The Reverend John L. Coomer Endowed Scholarship
Orville and Mamie Miller Endowed Scholarship
Richard L. and Mary Ann Wagner Endowed Scholarship
A. P. White Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Julius and Hazel B. Stephenson Endowed Scholarship
Peggy Baker Endowed Scholarship
Orville and Mamie Miller Endowed Scholarship
Doug and Alberta Richardson Endowed Scholarship
Hendrickson Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Oris Aaron Endowed Scholarship
Junius E. Bryant Endowed Scholarship
Henry C. and Elsie B. Rogers Endowed Scholarship
Terry W. and Cinda L. Swan Endowed Scholarship
William R. and Mary Deane Brantley Endowed Scholarship
The Reverend Lester B. and
Mabel Spears Carter Endowed Scholarship
Unessis (Dee) Dewitt and Cora Vaughn Dowell Endowed Scholarship
Varna Holt Lake Cumberland
Home Health Service Endowed Scholarship
Dr. L. Rodford McDonald Endowed Scholarship
Chloe M. Niehaus Endowed Scholarship
Harold J. and Helen H. Smith Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Ralph D. and Nellie M. Winchester Endowed Scholarship
Alumni Endowed Scholarship
William R. and Mary Deane Brantley Endowed Scholarship
Mattie Hyams Endowed Scholarship
Samuel Orr Endowed Scholarship
Noma Dix Winston Endowed History Scholarship
The Reverend Ernest S. and Mary B. Denton Endowed Scholarship
Guy M. and Lena C. Fenley Endowed Scholarship
Aleen E. Ralph Endowed Scholarship
John C. and Nora Redman Endowed Scholarship
Lee and Gertrude Reynolds Endowed Scholarship
W. Ruel and Runa Wooten Endowed Scholarship
John C. Dorsey Endowed Scholarship
Evelyn Rogers Gamble Endowed Scholarship
Jo S. Hoefelman Endowed Scholarship
John B. Horton Endowed Scholarship
Ella and Raymond A. Kessel Endowed Scholarship
R. W. and Francis R. McCandless Endowed Scholarship
L. A. and Grace Miller Endowed Scholarship
Curtis and Beatrice Powell Endowed Scholarship
LWC/Ramseyer Endowed Scholarship
W. K. Snyder Endowed Scholarship
Leo and Betty Young Endowed Scholarship
Joseph W. and Margaret Zinn Endowed Scholarship
O. G. Rowe Endowed Scholarship
L. D. and Marie Squires Endowed Scholarship
L. Foster and Ruth S. Brewer Endowed Scholarship
Floyd and Magdalene Dudgeon Endowed Scholarship
Ronald D. and Lily Glosser Endowed Scholarship
Asa, Allie, and David Shelton Endowed Scholarship
Cyrintha Terry Endowed Scholarship
LWC/Havens Endowed Scholarship
Tyler and Mary Lula Bow Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Frank L. and Elizabeth F. Duncan Endowment
Fred Gribbins Ministerial Endowed Scholarship
Louise Page Newberry Endowed Scholarship
Keith and Mary Radford Endowed Scholarship
Edward and Beulah Richards Endowed Scholarship
William "Bill" Walker Endowed Scholarship
Henry Endowed Scholarship
Keith and Katherine Venable Endowed Scholarship
Vista and Sandidge Allison Endowed Scholarship
Helen Gilpin Flatt Endowed Scholarship
S. Ray and Lorene Gilliam Endowed Scholarship
Mary Lucy Lowe Endowed Scholarship
Mary Louise Stoltz Endowed Scholarship
L. E. and Rose Woodcock Endowed Scholarship
Mose Dunning Jr. Endowed Science Award (2008)
Brashear/Thurman Library Endowment (2007)
Mrs. Willard May Yarberry Overstreet Endowment (2003)
Athletic Endowment for Cycling and Soccer (2001)
Begley Scholars Endowment (1997)
Steele-Reese Foundation CATS Lab Endowment (1995)
Cecil Major Athletic Endowment (1989)
Clarine Elizabeth Cooper Endowed Scholarship
The Society of Lindsey Wilson Fellows recognizes all individuals, corporations, foundations, the Church and others who have made a one-time
gift of $250,000 or more, or who have a cumulative giving or a documented deferred gift totaling $500,000.
The Agape Foundation, Inc. (Dr. Vernon and Pat Hodge)
Appalachian Regional Commission (Peggy Satterly)
James Graham Brown Foundation (Mason Rummel)
Joyce Cooley *
Cralle Foundation (James T. Crain Jr., Joan Cralle Day)
Dr. Roberta D. Cranmer *
Norris Duvall *
James S. Harris *
James C. and Helen Fugitte
Dr. Vernon and Pat Hodge
Dr. Robert L. and Doris * Holloway
Houchens Foundation (Dr. Covella Biggers,
Cecil and Lynne Martin)
Dr. Emily Hundley
J and D Farms (Joseph and Annabelle Pyles, Danny and Sandy Pyles)
Kentucky Conference, The United Methodist Church
Dr. Pete and Dixie Mahurin
Dr. Jerry W. and Kendrick McCandless
Terry Norfleet *
Pinewood Country Club
Becky and Dr. Joseph * Richardson
Dr. W. K. and Lois Snyder *
James F. and Jimmie Sutton
Cal and Margaret Turner
Dr. Cal Turner Sr. *
The Turner Foundation
U. S. Department of Education Title III Federal Grant
U.S. Treasurer (Upward Bound)
Mark and Cindy Weaver
Werner and Helen Vogel *
John and Lanye Wigginton *
* Deceased
Dr. Covella Biggers
Columbia-Adair County Industrial Dev. Authority
Dr. Vince Fanelli
First & Farmers Bank (Ann Martin)
Dr. Vernon and Pat Hodge
Dr. Robert L. Holloway
S. Oden and Laurie Howell
Walter M. and Lois Goodman Jones *
Kentucky Conference, The United Methodist Church
Dr. Jerry W. and Kendrick McCandless
Pinewood Country Club
Carol Smith *
James F and Jimmie Sutton
Cal and Margaret Turner
Laura Goad Turner Charitable Foundation
U.S. Department of Education
TRUSTEES’ CIRCLE ($25,000 TO $49,999.99)
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Appalachian College Association, Inc.
Association of Independent KY Colleges and
Universities (Dr. Gary Cox)
The Corella and Bertram F. Bonner Foundation, Inc.
(Dr. Wayne Miesel)
Jackaline Baldwin Dunlap
General Electric Foundation
John and D. D. Hendrickson
Allan M. and Bunny C. Parnell
Lon and Jessie R. Rogers Educational Trust
PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE ($10,000 TO $24,999.99)
Dan ’71 and Patti Antle
Julia and Dr. Harold W. * Baker
James C. Blair
Bank of Columbia
Board of Higher Education and Ministry
Jack and Margie Feese ’60 Collins
F. Thomas and Barbara Conway
Don Franklin Ford-Mercury
Barbara and Don * Franklin
Eddie ’84 and Lilly Rubarts ’84 Franklin
Dan ’89 and Melinda Jenkins ’88 Franklin
E. O. Robinson Mountain Fund (Juanita Stollings)
James C. and Azalie Egnew
Nancy Moran ’62 Fouser
Gaddie Shamrock, Inc.
Lewis and Gayle C. Garrison
Charles and Nadine Giles
Dr. Charles S. and Melissa A. Richards ’85 Giles
Bertha Goodin
Dr. Anthony W. ’92 and Keena Grant
Terry P. Harvey
David and Henrida Holloway
Lynn E. Huddleston ’74
Jeffries Hardware (Leon ’74 and Ann Rose Christie ’79 Lewis)
George and Lolita Kern Educational Trust
John W. and Vivian Landrum
Dr. Barry and Mary Anne Loy
Marshall Loy ’62
Dr. William T. and Elise Hendrickson ’88 Luckey
Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
Charles R. ’67 and Carol Cheatham ’67 Marra
Steve McKinney
Lynn B. ’73 and Jean Dohoney ’49 McLean
Bobby D. ’71 and Shirley D. ’71 Morrison
Eleanor T. Norfleet Estate *
Pepsi Americas (Matthew Pryor)
James J. ’65 and Patti Pike
Danny and Sandy Pyles
Randall D. and Joyce Pyles
Pyles Excavating, Inc.
Sue C. Stivers
United Citizens Bank (Ron Wise)
Dan and Cindi Waggener
Richard Lee ’64 and Marsha Brock ’64 Walker
Mark and Cindy Weaver
Bruce Wilson
LEADERS’ CIRCLE ($5000 TO $9999.99)
Dr. Phil R. Aaron ’70
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Lawrence A. Appley Foundation
Drs. John B. and Lucretia Begley
Thomas P. and Julialice Carter
Center of Insurance (Cecil and Lynne Martin)
Dr. Merrill O. and Beth Challman
Community Trust Bank (Lee Ann Collins)
Joyce Cooley Estate
Carrie Luker ’68 Farris
Ruby Whitney ’42 Flowers
Green Mechanical Construction, Inc. (Don Baker)
Mike and Laura Harris
Dr. Charles V. Henry ’51
Gene C. and Shirley Holloway
The Kentucky United Methodist Foundation (David Bowles)
Drs. John Lynn and Bobbie Lubker
Dr. Pete and Dixie Mahurin
Margaret McDonald
National Bicycle League, Inc.
Mike T. Neal ’88
Michael L. ’00 and Mila Newton
Drs. Gary and Beth Partin
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Dr. Ronald ’67 and Gayle Rogers
Columbia Rotary Club
Joe and Jill Smith
Jean Olive Smith *
S. Russell and Mollie Smith
Thomas G. Tuttle ’66
United Methodist Higher Education Foundation
Kenneth and Dr. Elizabeth Lowe ’49 Whitfield
Dr. M. A. and Portia Breeding ’54 Winchester
PATRONS’ CIRCLE ($2,500 TO $4,999.99)
Guy W. and Beth McKenzie ’01 Adams
Dr. L. Dean ’78 and Valerie K. Murrell ’90 Adams
Army Emergency Relief
Dr. Truett and Martha Beighle
Blue Grass Community Foundation
Sr. Judge James E. & Kaye Bondurant
Duane and Kelli Bonifer
Myrl and Marcella Clark ’49 Brashear
Dr. Robert B. Brashear and Dr. Debra Arnett
Citizens Union Bank
Roger and Judy Drake
Duo County Telephone Coop Corp. (William Magruder)
Linda LeVally ’62 Early
Gary and Sarah Effinger
Drs. Larry S. and Beverly Ennis
First & Farmers (Cumberland) (Vickie Wells)
Mark Allen ’81 and Denise Glass ’82 Fudge
C. Cleveland Gambill
Tommy ’73 and Marsha Caldwell ’73 Grider
Ronald E. and Ginny Heath
Indian Hills Resort
Dr. Charles and Kathleen Pettey ’48 Peck
John D. ’81 and Susan Peck
Paul G. Peck ’75
Kentucky Farm Bureau Education Foundation
Lincoln County Educational Fund, Inc.
Lisa Loy Accountant
Harry and Nancy Loy
Michael and Robin Loy
Mack Davis Construction Co., Inc.
Dr. Douglas and Betty Jean Moseley
Nel Morrison Charitable Trust
North Lawrence Community School Foundation, Inc.
Michael L. ’00 and Mila Newton (14)
Sandy and Dr. J. Howard * Olds (3)
Jo Ann Panko
Willis ’94 and Traci Luckey ’91 Pooler
Marjorie Reuling
The Reverend Howard O. and Dee Reynolds
Frances P. Smothers
Chris and Tori Starks
The Steilberg Foundation, Inc. (Arthur and Pat Steilberg)
Sysco - Louisville Food Service
Unified Electric, Inc.
Richard L. Wagner ’61
Angela Loy Wheat
Jeffrey ’88 and Patricia R. Willis
ASSOCIATES’ CIRCLE ($1,000 TO $2,499.99)
Allen County Board of Education
Ameriprise Financial
AT&T Foundation
Russell Badgett, Jr.
Anita Huddleston ’84 Begley
Best Western Columbia Inn (Jay Lad)
Joyce and J.D. * Biggs
John G. Brunner
Buchanan Sales Furniture
B.J. and Mary Burnett
Ben ’64 and Elizabeth Burr
Carl Clore Foundation, Inc. (Lee Clore ’63)
Carroll County High School
Darrell S. Carter ’83
James and Paulette Caywood
Central KY Window and Door (Dicky Walker)
John E. ’71 and Catherine Pence ’71 Chowning
Lee S. ’63 and Marcia W. Clore
Jeanette Madison Coates ’48
College Heights Foundation
Columbia Baptist Church
Community Action of Southern KY, Inc.
Jonathan Conover
Richie W. ’63 and Sue Breeding ’67 Coomer
Jason ’98 and Jennifer Hutchinson Corbin
Ralph F. and Winnie R. Cowgill
Cumberland Cellular Partnership
Jack T. ’51 and Wanda J. Deilks
Hunter and Joyce Goodin ’61 Durham
Kyle Morgan Edwards ’06
Dr. William R. and Kathleen Edwards
Eleanor Farrington Trust
Embry-Riddle Areonautical University
Equity Group - KY Division LLC
Robert C. and Sandra K. Farrar
Fiesta Mexico
First National Bank
First Southern Bancorp, Inc.
Regina Forderhase
Friends of Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery
Marie Dorsey Garrett
Dennis and Janet George
Grover C. Gilpin ’38
Dr. Robert R. ’59 and Carol Goodin
John and Jenny Gorrell
J. Warren and Catherine R. Gorrell
Karen A. Govender
C. Philip Hanna
Joseph R. ’62 and Florence B. Harner
Derek N. ’08 and Lindsey N. ’05 Harris
William and Sharon Harris
Haskin Coomer and Son
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hatfield
Wanda Farmer Hill ’47
A. Neal and Mary Hinson
Holladay Place LLC
Kevin and Cathleen Holloway
Sam B. ’52 and Joyce Allene McKinney ’49 Holmes
Dr. George F. Hromyak, Jr.
Indiana Wesleyan University
J & S Boat Storage
J. P. and W. R. Jewell Foundation
Dr. William B. and Dottie Julian
KAPT, Inc.
Dr. Carolyn J. Keefe
Kentucky Recreation and Park Society
Kentucky-Tennesse Kiwanis District Foundation
Kiwanis Club of Hopkinsville Inc.
George R. and Yvonne J. Kolbenschlag
Judy H. Lay
Curtis Lee, Jr. ’02
Lighthouse Promise Inc.
Living Grace Church
Stephen R. and Elizabeth A. Grant ’75 Martin
William G. and Becky Meyer
Middletown United Methodist Church
Dr. Nagy H. Morsi and Dr. Augusta Mayfield
Pasupati ’94 and Kim Nangia
National Merit Scholarship Corporation
Donald D. ’69 and Francine H. Neat
Susan F. Patterson ’97
Dr. Charles and Kathleen Pettey ’48 Peck
David and Joyce Pennaman
Richard and Mary Beth Phelps
Philip Morris USA TFPP Scholarship Program
Pokagon Bank of Potawatomi Indians
Dr. Mohammad Pourheydarian
Lenn and Mary Ellen Pruitt
Rollin and Pina Lee * Pyles
Keith ’42 and Mary Stovall ’42 Radford
Michael L. Ratliff
Dr. Robert and Rita McAfee ’05 Reynolds
Dr. John R. Rigney
Della M. Rowe
Dr. Ricky L. Rowe
Douglas ’67 and Jane Sapp
Dr. Steven F. and Lori G. Sargent
Don P. and Jill Schardein
Christopher ’01 and Rebecca Peers ’00 Schmidt
Scholarship Management Services
Scholarship Program Administrators, Inc.
The Reverend Ira W. Shaw
Dorothy "Tillie" Wood ’52 and Dr. Asa M. * Shelton
South Kentucky Rural Electric
Joseph E. ’63 and Marilyn Dudley ’62 Sparks
Teresa Spurling
Billy L. and Jayne Squires
Drs. Harry and Bettie C. Starr
Keith Stearns ’56
William H. and Sharon B. Steele
Streeval Masonry, Inc.
Asa J. Swan ’96
Dr. Terry ’97 and Cinda Johnston ’94 Swan
The Columbus Phipps Foundation
The Community Foundation of Louisville, Inc.
The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee
The Kentucky All A Classic
Kevin A. and Donna Beth Thompson
United Steelworkers of America
US Bank
Wal-Mart Foundation
Byron and Martha ’54 Watkins
The Reverend William Don and Earla Sullivan ’97 Watson
Chris ’01 and Amy Thompson ’99 Wells
Ray and Cynthia Antle ’96 Wells
Robert J. ’50 and Lorene Taylor ’46 Whitmer
WELDON SOCIETY ($200 TO $999.99)
Adair Co. Democratic Women’s Club
Adair County Court Clerk’s Office
Adair County Homemakers Association
Adair County Retired Teachers
Steve and Kathy Adams
Ricky and Tamarah Sullivan ’86 Adamson
Sylvia M. Ahrens
Alpha Chi Omega Chapter
American Legion Otis Stone Post 354
America’s Junior Miss Scholarship Foundation, Inc.
Nila Richards ’47 Antle
Appalachian Regional Commission (Peggy Satterly)
Kristi D. Apple
Arison Insurance Services
John W. ’68 and Melissa Saunier Arnold
Miguel and Brandy Ayala
Claude M. and Samantha Bacon
Bank East - Gainesboro TN
Banner & Witcoff, LTD
Houston P. and Ophelia Lucas ’00 Barnes
Stephen D. Beck ’07
Bedford Acres Christian Church
Benedict and Benedict
Martha Henry ’48 Berry
The Reverend Clarence L. ’58 and Mary E. Bertram
Dr. Jack Blanton
Blarney Stone Restaurant & Pub
Elizabeth Sharon Antle ’62 Bledsoe
Creola Norris ’47 Blevins
Stuart J. and Jean L. Bohne
Boyle County High School
The Reverend R. Darren and Lori Brandon
Dr. Terry I. Bratcher
Brentwood United Methodist Church
Mark and Carol Bridges
Carol Strange ’63 Brockman
Martha Dixon ’49 Brummett
WELDON SOCIETY ($200 TO $999.99) – Continued
Dr. Angelia Shaw ’96 Bryant
Bruce and Pamela Burkett
Gerald "Duke" ’53 and Jane Gregory ’53 Burnett
Randy J. ’93 and Miranda Burns
Greg and Julie Burton
Drew A. ’94 and Laura K. Dickinson ’03 Burwash
Richard T. and Margaret M. Burwash
Elsie C. Butcher
Cortez ’42 and Ruth Sewell ’42 Butler
Brady C. ’98 and Emiley Button
Jeffrey and Janet Byers
Campbellsville Automotive, LLC
Mildred S. Carmicle
Garmoline Carpenter
Mabel Spears ’64 Carter
Casey County Alumni Assoc., Inc.
Betty J. Cash
Caverna Independent School District
Central High School
Century Bank
Dr. Gerald and Sonja Chafin
City of Columbia
The Reverend Samuel R. ’50 and Barbara Salley ’59 Clark
Melissa Philley Clauson
Ronald and Rhonda Clouse
Jerry G. and Jo Ann Coffey
Coffey’s Chapel United Methodist Church
Columbia Pharmacy
Columbia United Methodist District Work Fund
Columbia Woman’s Club
Columbia/Adair County Chamber of Commerce
Concord Methodist Church
Kenneth R. and Linda Coomer
Garry and Virginia Coomer
Margie Rice ’56 Coomer
Anthony James Cowherd ’93
Geneva Wooley Cox
Drs. Jeffrey J. and Jodi Crane
Dale Hollow Lake State Resort Park
William F. and Sandra Meeker ’66 Davenhall
Dr. Donald B. and Billie T. Davis
David and Melody J. Davis
David L. and Lou Ann de Roode
Samuel M. Dean
Dr. Brenda L. Dew
Dr. Bobby and Angie DeWeese
Darryl S. Dillery
John W. and Helen Dixon
Anita F. Dixon
Michael D. Doner ’64
Pamela Donnelly
Downing Drugs, Inc.
Thomas E. and Barbara R. Dudgeon
Barry L. ’05 and Leslie Tucker ’04 Dunn
Dr. Mark R. and Judith Dunphy
James and Amy Durham
Kimberly Eakle, MD
Jordan K. Eastham
Eddyville Woman’s Club
Edmonton State Bank
Al Ross and Donna Lee Eferstein
Egypt Construction Co., Inc.
Susan Glasgow ’81 Eisenback
Electrolux Home Products
Emergency Physicians Group PSC
Alvin W. and Kathleen Ensz
David and Lucille Fannin
Chelsea J. Felts
Benjamin S. ’05 and Charity Milby ’01 Ferguson
First Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist Church of Glasgow
Ruth Alexander ’49 Flener
Micah David Followay ’08
Chris and Myra Tompkins ’98 Ford
Dean and Claudia R. Froedge
The Reverend Paul and Ellen Fryman
The Reverend Montie and Teresa L. Fugate
G & G Motors
Keith and Rebecca Denton ’60 Gabehart
Robin K. Gamez
Jerry L. ’62 and Elaine Garver
Stanley C. and Flo Gault
Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center
Geiger & Associates
Robert R. and Thelma L. Gibson
Dr. Ronald D. and Lily Glosser
Samuel R. and Marilyn Godby
Neal M. ’73 and Harriet McQuaide ’82 Gold
Woodrow ’63 and Alice Gosser, Jr.
Grant Chiropractic Center
Charles H. ’48 and Christine Greenman
Greensburg United Methodist Women
David P. and Karen R. Grigsby
Grissom Funeral Home (David and Cathy Martin)
H & W Sports Shop
Richard and Lesa Hagan
Edwin D. and Alamanda L. Hagans
Carolyn L. Hale
Dr. Elizabeth McWhorter Harden
Robert L. and Margaret Robinson ’51 Haynes
Kimberley A. Harvey ’85 Helm
Margery Henderson
Nita Hesford
Joe T. and Barbara Hodges
Franklin B. Holloway ’04
Barry and Myra Holman
John and Sandra Howery
Terry ’61 and Phyllis Huffaker
Ray Hutchison, Jr.
IBM Corporation
IMO Industries
Hilda Willis ’55 Jenkins
Gene and Laverne Jessee
Jetz Service Co., Inc.
John B. & Brownie Young Memorial Fund
Andre Johannes
Tony Johnson
Danny Johnson
The Reverend Earl A. ’47 and Jerry Grant ’49 Johnston
Judge Paul Barry ’55 & Kathy Jones
WELDON SOCIETY ($200 TO $999.99) – Continued
Jonesville United Methodist Church
Dr. Carolyn B. Keefe *
Gregory and Melissa Keith
Marian Brackett ’77 Keneipp
Kentucky Hardwood Lumber Co., Inc.
Bishop James R. and Rose King
Dick and Sandy Kirtley
John and Michele Koerber
Naomi Komosa
Billy G. ’63 and Donna Quigley ’63 Lacy
Dr. Gary T. ’61 and Doris McKinney ’60 Lane
Phillip and Sandra Latham
Larry and Kay Cox ’68 Legg
Liberty Baptist Church Inc.
Links at Lily Creek Resort
Clint and Dorinda Cherry ’06 Livesay
Wells and Mary Lovett
The Reverend James H. ’62 and Brenda Upchurch ’ 62 Loy
Lyon County Scholarship Foundation
Leighton ’98 and Amanda Gagel ’97 Main
Kachet C. Manners
Rebecca J. Manning
Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC
Marie R. & Ervine Turner Educational Foundation
David and Cathy Rodgers ’89 Martin
Mary M. Maus
Andy W. McAllister ’04
Dr. Timothy G. and Suzy McAlpine
Douglas W. and Marcella McCammish
Don and Susan McDaniel
Douglas and Karen Smith ’74 Melin
Adeline Miller
Nancy E. Miller
Carolyn H. Miller
Dr. Joseph B. Miller
Tom and Jean Miller
Miller Pest Control
Monroe County High School
Anthony A. and Sandra L. Mackin Moore
Dr. David W. Moore
Dr. Buelon R. & Sue Moss
National Energy Education Development Project
National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias
Nation’s Medicines (Sheila Bryant)
Gordon Taft Neal III
Michael H. and Mary A. Neal
Lisa Michelle Newell
Lynn ’60 and Nina M. Nixon
The Reverend Larry Noe ’85
North American Racewalking Institute
Ohio County Board of Education
Olde Stone Golf Club
Gavin P. ’05 and Danielle Hunter ’04 Oldham
Oldham County Dollars for Scholars
Ashlee Oliver
Tim and Janet Omer
The Reverend Norman ’49 and Sylvia O’Neal
Andrejs and Mary Lou Paeglis, Art Stoner, Johanna Elgin
Brian and Janet Peake
John D. ’81 and Susan Peck
Paul G. Peck ’75
Matthew Edward Pendel ’06
Tula Peterson
Dr. Greg and Bonita Phelps
Helen Jo Wilson ’61 Phelps
A. Codell ’76 and Linda Phipps
Pine Knot Funeral Home
Bob Pitchford
Pizza Hut of Southeast Kansas
Edwin and Harriett Polley
Roy J. ’54 and Frances E. Polston
Stacy and Venus Popplewell
James R. and Bobbie F. Porter
Pamela K. Luckett ’88 Potts
Steve ’96 and Paula Powell
Prescription Shoppe (Mike Stephens)
Progressive Women’s Club, Inc.
L. Douglas and Tammy Pyles
R & J Specialized Transportation
Marilyn Goodin ’92 Radford
Dr. John P. Rakutt
John ’64 and Phylliis Ray
Mid-Cumberland Retired Teachers Association
Eldridge and Elizabeth Richards
Danny R. ’89 and Janna S. Rigney
Rineyville Optimist Club
H. W. ’52 & Dr. Ruby McKinney ’54 Roach
Kenneth F. and Tammy Roberts
Dr. Kerry E. Robertson
Mathew and Anna Robins
Hal B. and Kathleen Robins, Ph.D.
Ronnie Charles Rodgers
Larry C. Rodgers ’69
The Reverend Charles and Nancy Rogers
Rose Hill Christian School
Rosemont Baptist Church
Charlie ’65 and Mary Rosenbaum
Ricky Roy ’91
Richard and Judith L. Schmidt
Dr. Steven and Christine Scott
Travis P. ’61 and Pamela Scott
Andy and Rose Mary Sears
Seniors of Centenary
Charles and Dr. Melinda Squires ’94 Senters
Dr. Tip and Diane H. Shanklin
Jerry ’65 and Susan Sheldon
Lester T. and Sharon Shelton
Dan M. and Montie B. Shelton
Glenn Shepard
Morris D. ’53 and Wilma L. Farris ’53 Shepherd
Wendell R. Shirley ’56
Shutterbug Studios
Edward T. and Nancy C. Sinclair
Sleep Inn Louisville East
Jean Slider *
The Reverend John W. and Lillian Slider
Curtis W. and Alice Slinker
L. David ’95 and Brandi Mikesell ’98 Smith
Dr. Randy Smoot
Somerset Animal Hospital
WELDON SOCIETY ($200 TO $999.99) – Continued
South Central Bank of Scottsville
Southeastern Graded Milk Producers Association
Billy ’50 and Mildred Dillingham ’50 Sparks
Spencer County High School
Rickey and Terri Spillman
Spirited Singles
St. Martin Church
State Farm Companies Foundation
Dr. Barry C. Stephens
Stephens Pipe and Steel
Dr. Julius ’47 and Hazel Bybee ’48 Stephenson
Stillmeadow Farm, LLC
Reverend William and Ann Stratton
Sulphur Creek Resort
Virginia L. Swift
Michael R. ’91 and Dana Herron ’95 Talley
Joe and Margaret Quinn ’56 Taylor
Taylor County Homemakers Club
Taylor County United Methodist Men
David and Sabrina Temple
The Legacy Golf Course
Rudy M. Thomas
Jerry ’88 and Dorene Thomas
Clyde Thornton Trust
Dr. James L. ’69 and Jayne Todd
Twin Lakes Jr. Golf
United Methodist Church of Los Altos
US Bank Trust
Verizon Foundation
George J. and Camille P. Wagner
Mary Evelyn Barnes ’42 Walker
Wall Appliance, Inc.
Joanne Waller
The Reverend Gene A. and Carolyn Mann ’03 Weddle
Donnie and Darlene Wells
James ’58 and Deborah Smothers ’99 Wentworth
Dr. Martin C. Wesley
Tom Wethington ’83
John ’84 and Shelia Wood ’91 Wethington
Oredia Harmon ’54 Whitaker
James L. and Mildred White
Mike Whitt
Rickie and Christine Todd ’92 Williams
Donnie and Phyllis Willis
Rick and Tammy Wilson
Jan Keneipp ’77 Woody
Dr. Dennis Wooley
Francis L. and Jeanette Russell ’50 Wortham
Joseph A. and Virginia M. Worthington
Ballard and Elizabeth P. Wright
Dr. Richard and Gwen Wright
Trent and Karen Bault ’92 Wright
Yearwood Implement Inc.
Helen O. Young ’83
J. D. and Ellen Zornes
(Gifts up to $199.99)
Anonymous ’76
A Plus Computers
Drs. Henry Baughman and Jann Aaron
Calvin and Allene Collins ’50 Aaron
Tom L. and Diane C. Abbott
Annette Abel
James D. and Lee Anne Abernathy
Mary Lillian Abney
Brenda Sue Absher ’62
Ace’s Guns
NAPA Auto Parts
Adair County Community Voice
Adair County Cooperative Extension Office
Adair County Health Department
Adair County Public Library
Edward Adams Sr.
Mrs. R.V. Adams
Susan Adams
Earl W. and Cindy M. Adams
Amanda Nikole Thompson ’01 Adams
Jewell Cyphers Adams
Lara L. Day ’91 Adams
Chelsea N. Adams
John W. and Jacolyn M. Adcock
Ashlie Leigh Adkins
Advanced Auto
Aegon Transamerica Foundation
Air Evac Lifeteam
Robert R. and Jewell Akin
Alabama Fish Bar
Donnie and Vicky Albertson
Tim and Lisa Albertson
Junior D. and Sue Albertson
Aleris International
Jason and Cindy Rowland ’99 Alexander
Kara J. Alexander ’90
Ben R. and Sheri D. Alford
Jasmina Alisic
All Boats Service Center
Charlette A. Allen
Joseph C. and Theresa Allen
Rachel Smith ’55 Allen
Willard K. and Frances Allen
James D. and Kimberly Allison
Lewis Almonte
Alton Blakley Ford
Amber’s Salon
American Bank & Trust
American Legion Post 23
Henry E. and Wanda B. Amos
Tim and Anne Anderson
Maxine Anderson
Robert Samuel Anderson
Roger C. and Marjorie K. Anderson
Anderson Brokerage, Inc.
Anderson Trucking Service, Inc.
Edith Mazelle Cravens ’53 Andrews
Anna’s Garden
April’s Flowers and Gifts
Arby’s of Campbellsville
Karen S. Armstrong
Theresa Armstrong
A.C. and Annetta Arney
Dr. Joe Franklin Arterberry
Asbury Methodist Church
Kenneth Ashley ’48
Robert and Joyce Astor
Elizabeth T. Atcher
James H. and Donna L. ’08 Atherton
Adam A. Atherton ’08
Sidney K. ’36 and Elsie Back
Charles R. and Caroline B. Baesler
Amanda J. Bailey
Teri H. Bailey
Carl and Jamie Bailey
Ray and Mary Bailey
Nancy D. Baird
Frederick and Carol Baker
Robert A. Baker ’79
Wayne and Alisa Baker
(Gifts up to $199.99) – Continued
Baker Boys Sugar Shack
Joel R. Bane and Pamela K. Bane
Bangabout’s Canoe Rental
Dr. Craig and Joyce C. Bangtson
Bank of Jamestown (Patti Lamb)
Ramona W. Wheeler ’59 Barbee
Bardstown Country Club
Barger Insurance Agency
E. K. Jack and Betty Barnard
Charles ’53 and Barbara Barnes
Roy and Lois Barnes
George and Betty Barnett
The Reverend Philip T. and Peggy Barnum
Bradley and Diane Barrett
Albert J. and Dawn Bart
Marvin and Mary Lou Bartels
Eugenia Hood ’91 Bartley
Morris F. Bass
Herbert and Rochelle Bass
Bass Pro Shop
C.H. and Sandy Graner ’64 Bauder
Kerry Baughn
Eddie L. and Kathy S. Baughn
Linda Baughn
Lawrence W. Barrett ’63
Baymont Inn & Suites Louisville East
Richard and Ruth Ann Beard
David and Deese Bearden
Ed A. Beasley Jr.
Paul L. and Doris Alexander ’50 Beauchamp
Carl and Pamela Beck
John and Peggie Beckner
Edward L. and Anne O. Beeler
David ’87 and Rhonda Melson ’04 Begley
Cynthia A. Behr
Mayor Patrick and Mary Martha Collins ’51
Beth Bell
Belmont University
Bradley S. and Erin T. Beltz
Philip Bender ’66
Clifton and Rosemary Bennett
Helen V. Benningfield
The Reverend Donald R. ’61 and Patricia
Smith ’62 Benningfield
Jamie Nicole Buchanan ’04 Benningfield
Chelby Benson
Deborah Bentley
Gala Berry
Phil Allen and Martha Bertram
Gary L. ’84 and Dianne Huddleston ’91
Mark E. and Anna S. Best
Best Buy Clothes and More
Bethlehem Sunday School
Mary Virginia Bickel
Big Lots
Big O Tires
Brad J. Bilbro
Paula A. McFall ’08
Bingham Drilling Company
Tootie Bishop
Danny and Sue Bishop
Les E. and Ruth Black
Jeffrey and Jennifer Blackford
Rick and Abby Blahauvietz
Delwin Blair
G. William Blair
Larry Blair
Gregory E. Blair ’96
Judith S. Blair
Dan ’85 and Teena Blakeman
Alvin P. and Mildred O. Blakley
Joel W. and Peggy Sue ’05 Blankenship
Blue Apple Players
Bluegrass Hospitality Group
Russell Glenn Boaeuf ’63
Bernice Bodenstein
Cheryl Lynn Whitehead ’03 Boger
Elizabeth N. Boisvert
Robert L. ’02 and Rebecca Boling
Gregory and Pamela Bolton
John T. and Theresa W. Bondurant
Bart S. Boniol
William and JoAnne Boon
Chris L. Boots
Steve and Cindi Boston
Norma L. Bothwell
Stephen R. and Nancy B. Botts ’87
Sandra Elliott ’68 Bowen
C. R. ’Chip’ and Linda Kay Swope Bowles
David Bowman
Willa Boyd
James David Boyd
Boyds Creek/New Salem
United Methodist Church
Edward W. and Sandra Bradley
Darrel ’75 and Rebekah Moseley ’78 Bragg
Mike F. Brandenburg
Sonny and Judy Branham
James M. and Sharon R. Brege
Renea N. Branson
Kenneth C. and Doris J. Bray
John and Rebecca Bennett ’64 Brecht
Benjamin F. ’61 and Susan K. Breeding
Russell D. and Carmen D. Martinez ’97
Lindsey Elaine Bridges
Thomas A. Brieske
Judy G. Bright ’99
Bill and Christine Brinkley
The Reverend John C. and Eleanor Brinson
Jeffrey Lee and Jennifer Vessels ’95 Britt
Broadbent’s Foods and Gifts
Ralph H. and Dean Brock
Amanda Lea Brock
Dr. Charles W. and Mary Brockwell
Gerry Ray Brooks ’07
Nick and Andrea Drake ’07 Brooks
Fred J. ’72 and Dr. Betty Bruton ’60 Brown
Kimberly E. Brown ’05
Michael D. and Lisa T. Brown
Robert Brown and Jackie Roll
Ginger C. Brown
Randy and Dr. Janella Brown
James C. Sally E. Brown
Larry G. and Christine M. Brown
Robert P. and Hilrie T. Brown
Robert W. Brown ’86
Irene P. Broyles
Robert D. and Janet Lay ’80 Bruce
Eugene T. and Toni S. Bryan
Junius E. Bryant ’53
Larry ’73 and Sheila Bryant
Jerald L. ’94 and Beverly Harmon ’93
Nancy Officer ’49 Buchanan
Chip R. Buck
Shafe and Judy Bules
Donna Marie Burcks
Shirley E. Burcks
Valerie L. Burcks
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Burd
Jennifer E. Burdine ’09
Tonia R. Burgan
James and Paula Burgess
James H. and Sandra L. Burgin
Mary Ann Burkett
Rebecca Ann Burkett
Scot Burns
Skip and Karen Burns
Matthew B. Burress
Judy K. Burton
Billy R. and Carolyn A. Burton
Jodona R. Massingill ’09 Burton
E. H. Burton
Burton Real Estate & Auction Service
Burton’s Laundry & Tan
Danny and Lana Bush
John and Lori Bush
Robert A. Buster ’51
Busy Town Child Development Center
The Reverend Margaret S. Butler
Butler Funeral Home, Inc.
Buyers Paradise-Stanford
Dr. C. Randy and Denese Bybee
Dr. David E. and Celia E. Byrd
The Reverend Jimmy G. ’72 and Lucille
Rose Mary Byrd ’08
Cadiz United Methodist Church
Cafe` on the Square
The Reverend Ben N. and Mary Jo Cain
J. Scott and Stacey E. Callahan
Ralph O. and Dorothy A. Calveard
Judy F. Calvert
Robert B. and Christy R. Campbell
Rudolph and Mary Breeding ’56 Campbell
Kenneth H. and Melissa K. Campbell
Campbellsville Country Club
(Gifts up to $199.99) – Continued
John M. and Arvella C. Canada
Candles by the Creekside
James M. and Verna L. Canto
Carmen M. Cantrell
Flip Tadeusz Capala
Ricky and Angela Daniel ’88 Cape
Carhartt Industries
Amber L. Carlisle
Gordon and
Melissa Ann Pridemore ’90 Carlton
Carpet Quick
Jerry B. and Dorothy B. Carr
Anna Ruth Carris
Mark and Stephany Carter
Dr. Fred ’70 and Lucretia Carter
Gordon and Carmen Carter
Glenda Carter
John Mark and Cynthia S. Carter
Donell ’58 and Glenda Thrasher ’58 Cash
John and Jan Cason
Adam Cecil
Cedar Berry Crow
Center for Rural Development
Central Furniture (Tommy VanArsdale)
Central KY Realty Company
Certa Care Pharmacy
Champs Sports and Corparate Apparel
Chantilly Bride Formal Wear
Dr. W. Leslie Chapman
Charles M. Moore Insurance Agency, Inc.
Ann Louise Cheuvront
Haley N. Cheuvront
Dean Cheuvront
W. Brett Cheuvront
William W. Cheuvront
Childers Building, Inc.
Latonya Chrystal
Chuck E. Cheese’s
Randall G. Chumley
Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden
City of Brentwood
City of Greensburg
City of Russell Springs
City of Scottsville
Loretta G. Clark
Lowell and Marilyn Lacy ’56 Clark
Sam and Renee Clark
Lewis and Judy Clark
Mark ’49 and Elizabeth Ann Crews ’49
Classic Tile
Thomas and Connie Claunch
Clay City Westwood Apartments
William H. ’46 and Violet Calhoun ’51
Margaret E. Clayton
Dan and Diane Clements
Rick and Jill Clemons
Judith B. Cloud
Andy ’07 and Tiffany Cloud ’04 Mann
Heather Clouse
Club Fit
Cletus and Betty Gregory ’57 Coats
James D. and Lyndia Cochran
Roger D. ’61 and Jane A. ’61 Coffey
Stanton and Gretchen Cole
Marcus and Emily Collett
Joc And Margaret Collignon
Jennifer L. Collins
Colton’s Steak House and Grill
Columbia Landscape & Garden Center
Columbia United Methodist Church
Columbia’s Professional Massage Center
Kay L. Combs
James R. and Tamara J. Comer
Community Medical Services, Inc.
Dr. Eugene H. and Mary L. Conner
Dorothy A. Converse
Krystal Jean Cook ’09
Traci Cook
The Reverend J. Harold ’65 and Trudy
Laughinghouse ’65 Coomer
Chelsea F. Coomer
The Reverend John C. ’65 and
Janice Coomer
Wayne L. Coomer ’70
Billy J. ’66 and Nina S. Coop
Kenneth M. Cooper
Melissa Phillips Cooper
Gary E. and Pamela J. Copley
Jeff and Sonya R. Corder
Derral Corder
Ben G. Cormney, DMD
Chanie G. Costello ’98
Julie Ann Costello ’98
James H. and Mary E. Costner
Samuel and Dorothy Coulter
Country Creek Golf Course
County Judge Executive Office
Frederic J. and Linda Scholle Cowan
Ellen Faye Cowherd
Cowherd & Parrott Funeral Home
Terry G. and Judy M. Cox
Hannah Tucker ’00 Greer
Sherry Crabtree
Cracker Barrel-Lexington
Harold and Ruby Gragg
William E. and Carol D. Craig
James and Janis Gayle Sparks ’61 Crain
James T. and Mary Crain
Alvin S. and Frances W. Crawford
Sandra S. Crawford ’09
Harry and Marily Sue ’66 Craycroft
Crecent Hill United Methodist Church
The Reverend Donnie N. ’48 and Edna
James E. and Barbara O. Criswell
Watkins and Gail Crockett
Marvin and Joyce Cromer
Allison R. Cross ’09
Robert L. Crotinger
Mary Sue Crouse ’05
Brett Crowe
Adam C. ’01 and Janie Cruse
CRWS, Inc.
Heather Culp
Cumberland Orthodontics PSC
Krystal Womack ’07 Cundiff
Rodney G. and Sylvetta Cundiff
Stan D. Curry ’84
Paul L. Curry
Tony and Melissa Dabbs
Ralph and Betty Jean Dailey
Dairy Queen of Greensburg
Dale Hollow Shell
Glenn D. ’63 and Diana Gamblin ’64 Dalton
William W. and Julie S. Damon
Judy B. Damron
Dan D. Vickery Insurance
Dana Corporation Foundation
Melvin K. and Veta Daniel
Philip J. and Eileen M. Daniels
Richard and Beverly A. Daugherty
The Reverend William R. ’67 and Bonnie
Davidson Discount Drugs
Heather R. Davis ’05
Donald C. ’59 and Harriet Davis
Joanne M. Davis
Cindy J. Davis
Daniel Travis Davis
Randy E. and Karen Davis
Gary L. and Carrie Davis
Robert J. and Naomi De Young
Cindy Deal
Phyllis Dean
Roberta S. Dearing
Daryl L. and Diana Deaton
Scott A. ’87 and Angela M. DeBurger
J.R. and Tim Demonbreum
Kennae Lierra Demus
Mollie Denney
Charolette Denny
Dolores Denny
Forrest and Sherry DeVore
DeWeese Carpet and Furniture
Bernice E. Burks ’51 Dick
Wilma Dick ’53
Robert B. ’67 and Christine Dickinson
Jerry W. and Diana Kay Dile
Dixie Cash and Carry (Alan and Beth
Maria K. Dizney
Benjamin ’00 and
Calisha Mosley ’03 Djeukeng
Michael C. ’99 and
Lindsey M. Christiansen ’01 D’Lugos
Lance Dobbs
Annette I. Dobson
Nelda B. Dockins
The Reverend William E. ’68 and
Phyllis Dodson
The Reverend Owen L. and Ann Dolin
Don Molden Pipe and Supply
Matthew K. Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Dorsey
Joseph B. Dotson ’09
The Reverend Troy O. and Winifred Douthit
Jason Downey
Danny and Pat Downey
Downey Eye Care (Dr. Max Downey)
Drury Inns, Inc.
Nancy Craig ’69 Duffee
Duke’s Sporting Goods
Mary Dull
(Gifts up to $199.99) – Continued
Elizabeth F. Duncan
Thomas and Bonnie Duncan
The Reverend Glen and Sondra Dunn
Allison N. Durham ’09
Mark C. and Jan E. Durst
Early’s Chapel United Methodist Church
The Reverend W. Russell and Marlene East
Paul E. and Pauline Eastham
Margaret A. Eastridge
Billy and Patty Eaton
Joshua and Lori A. Riddle ’02 Eberenz
The Reverend Thomas W. and Susan Eblen
Edmonton CB Foods
Edmonton United Methodist Church
Charlotte A. Edwards
Lindsay B. Egnew ’09
Mike and Kellie Ehart
Bill and Vivian Elder
Elite Hair Studio
Clarence E. and Alice B. Elkins
Stephen and Barbara Ellis
Marty and Denise Ellis
Tabitha M. Ellis ’90
Michael A. and Patricia L. Embree
Joan B. Embry
Richard W. and Nancy Webb Embry
Charles W. ’83 and Angela G. Emerson
Environment Control
Larry and Saundra Epley
Gary and Ann Epperson
Joyce A. Epperson
Roy and Ina Faye Epperson
Stacy and Jennifer D. Epperson
Erick T. Dalton, CFP
Sarah L. Barbee ’89 Espinsoa
Daniel E. Estevez
Jesse L. Eubanks Jr. ’66
David L. and Mary Evans
The Reverend Sarah Ewing
Executive West Hotel
Express Donuts
E-Z Tan
Aimee Ezell
Faith Inquiry Sunday School Class
Mamadou Fall ’08
Edita Familia
Family Home Health Care Inc.
Kenneth A. and Karen S. Fargason
Dr. Ricky ’00 and Kellie Blevins ’00 Farmer
Curtis J. Felts
Candace Nicole Felts
Jack Ferguson
James and Phyllis Fine
First United Methodist Church
Five Star Food Mart
Five Star
Virginia P. Flanagan
Gail Lynn Flatt
W. F. and Carolyn Fleet
Kelli M. Stemm ’90 Float
Jeffrey Flowers
Joseph W. Flowers
James R. and Georgann Flowers
Flowers "N Things
Flynn and Petrosky PSC
Blanche I. Holder ’50 Foley
Cynthia E. Ford
Joseph and Laura Ford
Patricia Ford
Ford’s Furniture
Elmer Foster
Margaret C. Foster
Zelda L. Foster
Melissia A. May ’91 Foster
Jamie Lynn Fouch
4-Seasons Consignment
(Phyllis Burton ’94 Gooden)
James L. Fowler
Amy A. Fox
Jim and Dot Francis
Francis & Kerry’s Hair DeSign
Stephan and Donnis Francois
John H. and Peggy H. Frank
Lana Franklin ’97
Franklin Sporting Goods
Kristen L. Frarey
Fredonia Valley Bank
Tom Freeman
Olive D. Freeman
Vanpool Friends
Allie Mae Frizzell and Dianne Hayes
Billy Joe ’71 and Libby Fudge
Joshua and Jennifer Dudley ’06 Furkin
Dale M. Furkin
Mark Furnish
Lori Ann Gabehart
The Reverend Ron ’61 and Marjorie Gaddie
Rodney E. ’65 and Candace Gale
Norman F. and Elizabeth J. Galloway
Gamaliel United Methodist Church
Peter O. Gante ’62
Alicia Gardner
Dr. Harold F. and Lottie Gardner
Alta Barbee ’28 Garnett
Garrett’s Pharmacy
James and Paula Smythe ’94 Garrison
Gash-Fitzpatrick Insurance Agency
Dr. Julia A. Gaskill DDS
John C. and Angela A. Gaskins
Gate Petroleum Company
Gateway Community U.M. Church
Betty L. Geesey
Stan W. Gentry
Tony and Beth Gentry
Elmer J. and Faye George
Keith and Margaret Gerald
Robert A. and Majorie Gibson
Joshua A. Gibson ’09
Jackie R. Gibson ’89
Kenneth L. and Maureen Gibson
Dr. Raymond W. and Alice Gibson
Zhanine S. Gilbert ’09
Michael Giordano
Senator David P. and Lynne K. Givens
Robert L. and Donna L. Gividen
Martin Glanzer ’77
Glasgow First United Methodist Church
Glovers Station Antique Mall
Goad Funeral Home, Inc.
Larry R. ’72 and Marsha ’70 Godsey
William N. and Meredith W. Goff
David P. Goguen
David M. and Kathy L. Golliher
Dee Good
Good Neighbor Pharmacy
Tevie S. ’07 and Allysa L. Pruitt ’08 Gooden
Inette B. Goodin
Goose Creek
Mark A. ’68 and
Rosemary Ann McCormick ’68 Gordon
Betty Jane Gorin-Smith
Marie Walkup ’49 Gosser
Frances Webb ’57 Graham
Zanman K. Graham ’09
Richard and Beth Grant
Robert B. and Audrey D. Grant
Donna C. Graves ’78
Bill and Mary Ann Graves
Charles W. Gray
Grayson County News-Gazette
Margaret Elizabeth Green
Green River Cinema
John L. and Nancy L. Green
Bonnie Long ’53 Greenawalt
Greensburg Church of the Nazarene, Inc.
Derrick and Erica Horton ’02 Greenwell
Michael and Alice Gregory
Rebecca Morris ’54 Grider
William L. Grider ’88
Grider Diesel Trucks and Performance Parts
Grider Drug Store
The Reverend Dan Griffiths ’88
Grimsley Jewelry
Barbara Ann Grisham
Mrs. G.G. Grissom
Randy W. and Stacey Richardson Grubb
Steven L. and Regina C. Grubbs
Grubbs Bookkeeping
Eugene and Ramona Guess
James Eugene 51’ and Peggy Guffey
Rick K. and Ann G. Guillaume
James E. Gulock
William M. and Patricia Guthrie
Vera G. Gurthrie
Frankie and Rejeena Brock ’95 Hadley
Seldon and Ruth Hale
Nathan and Martha Hale
Hale Hardward
Robert H. and Alberta C. Hall
Deborah Rogers ’79 Hall
Lucinda L. Hall
W. Scott and Yvonne Hall
Hallmark Cards and Gifts
Halton Company
Melinda F. Hamilton
Michael Hamlett
Kimberly A. Hamlett ’99
Alex D. Hamm
Rayden R. and Betty R. Hammers
Hampton Inn - Kuttawa
Hampton Inn
James Kirby Hancock
Hancock Bank and Trust
Hancock Tire Center
Vickie Hanning
Charles Hanson
Myra Happel
(Gifts up to $199.99) – Continued
Karen Harbison
Hardiman Properties, Inc.
William and Charlotte Hardin
Margaret Hardin
Sara R. Hargis ’04
CMSGT Richard W. and Sheryl D. Harken
Harley Davidson of Lexington
The Reverend Lynn A. ’52 and Shirley
Burnett ’59 Harmon
Sheila T. Whitlow ’93 Harned
Ricky and Nancy Harper
Bruce Harris ’08
Shirley M. Harris ’69
Thomas and Judith Harris
Dr. Wesley C. and Janet F. Harris
Jeff Harvey
Norma R. Harvey
Nicky Harwood
Alana Haselwood ’04
James K. and Janet S. Hasson
David and Mary Beth Hatcher
Regina Michelle Haugen ’05
Ronald E. and Hada V. Haulsee
Mitchell Polston-Hawryluk, Ed.D. ’78
Bradley and Lisa Hayes
Cory V. Haynes
The Reverend Thomas W. Heaberlin
Mary Lou Heatherly
Skip and Deborah K. Heibert
Pat Helland
Richard G. Helton
Robert L. Marilyn Helvey
James and Frances Hendrick
Briana Kellen and Davis Heniford
Dr. G. Edward ’46 and Martha Henry
Donald R. and Karen R. Henson
Carl and Carleen Herde
The Reverend Alvin E. and Christen Herron
Bonnie R. Hestand ’88
Albert H. and Susan E. Hester
Tommy and Becky Jo Heste
Eva Diaz ’77 Hidalgo
Tony and Beth High
Highway 80 Auto Auction
Kenneth E. and Robin Willis ’88 Hill
Hilton Suites Lexington Green
Lanny and Amy Williams ’95 Hinton
Hix Brothers
Roger D. and Linda ’95 Hobbs
Bridget Hohenstein
Barbara C. Holbrook
Ryan M. ’06 and
Natalie L. Scheirmann ’04 Holcomb
The Reverend Michael and Linda Holian
Holiday Inn Brentwood
Holiday Inn University Plaza
Olivia J. Holland ’08
William H. and Anne S. Holland Jr.
Minnie L. Holland
Kierstin K. Holman
Douglas R. and Shirley F. Holman
Angie R. Holmes
John B. Holmes
Amy Leanne Holsinger ’06
Homer Lawhorn’s Bait Shop
Hometown Galleries
Hometown Wireless
Leslie A. Homra
Hoover and Shearer Law Offices
Terry W. and Staci E. Horn
Gary G. and Ronda G. Hoskins
Ann A. Hoskins ’08
House of Styles
Roy and Joyce Hovious
Phillip and Sharon K. Hovious
Thomas G. Howard ’63
Adam K. Howard ’09
David L. and Debra J. Howard
David and Beth Howard
Bonnie Sue Howard
John Franklin Hoxworth ’69
Patricia L. Hubbard
Hubbard’s Building Supply
Terry A. and Rose Huckaby
Anna L. Huckaby
David H. and Gerry B. Hudnall
Patrick ’02 and Jenifer South ’02 Huff
Tammy M. Huff
Christine B. Huff
Harry and Carolyn Huffman
Robert S. and Jane C. Hughes
Donald and Juila Hughes
Jerry Hughes
Walter C. and Dorothy C. Hultman
John and Joyce Humkey
V. C. and Jerry Humphrey
James R. and Judith A. Humphreys
Eugene and Joyce Hunley
Georgia Y. Hunt *
Roy H. Hunt
Daniel P. and Kimberly Hunter
Terrell and Harriet Hurst
Hurt Farm Bureau Insurance Agency
William D. ’68 and Linda Houston
Tom W. and Ann Huston
Hyatt Place, Louisville-East
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Hyundai of Louisville
Image School of Dance & Gymnastics
Ingersoll - Rand
Integrated Body Therapies
The Reverend Bobby and Louise Isaac
Anthony J. and Michelle L. Ising
John L. and Suzanne O. Ising
J.A.T. Agency, LLC
Ja C’s Boutique
Robert J. Jackson ’79
Janet C. Durham ’07 Jackson
Dan R. and Sharon K. Jacobe
Kelly R. James
Ashley Drew James
Jameson Inn
Jamie’s The Diamond Mine
Dixie Patrum ’42 Jasper
Jeff Harvey Sales, Inc.
W. T. and Harriet B. Jenkins
Charles R. and Carolyn J. Jessee
James R. Jewell Sr.
Y Charles and Heemee Y. Joe
Rodney and Beth Ann Brown ’88 Johnson
Claudia R. Johnson
Douglas Johnson
Barbara L. Johnson
Raymond and Jeannette Johnson
Debbie Johnson
Kimber Lynn Johnson ’09
Matthew and Amy B. Lankford ’99 Jones
Bob Jones
Dale Jones
Vesper and Clara Jones
Angela Renae Jones ’99 Coe
Judy’s Hairport
Julia’s Flower Garden Florist
J. Ellsworth Kalas
Bradley and Cheryl Jean ’08 Karnes
Kathy’s Flowers
Arvis Ray Kearns ’86
Angela D. Keen
Stephen T. ’89 and Mary Willis ’89 Keen
Keeneland Race Track
Nadine Keeton
Johanna Keilwitz
Bob ’60 and Peggy Keith
Brenda J. Keith
Ruby Reed ’45 Keltner
The Reverend Travis ’64 and Patsy Keltner
Greg and Annette Aaron ’78 Keltner
Dennis C. ’73 and Carolyn Sue Kemmer
Ray C. and Lisa J. Kennedy
Joseph A. and Robin Kennedy
Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance
Kentucky Horse Park
Kentucky Opera
Melinda R. Kerbaugh
H. M. Kessler
Charles Ketron
Jeffery and Phyllis Key
Key Mortgage Company
Claude L. and Marian Kidder
Sonny and Carmen Kilgo
Duncan W. and Cathy L. Kilgore
C.E. and Ann E. Kimbel
James and Sue Kimbrough
Tom and Cynthia Kimener
Jerry and Laura T. King
Laurie Beth King ’02
Melvin and Martina Kirkwood
William R. and Andrea J. Knapp
Richard and Mary L. Knight
Ken and Marissa Kobylenski
Dr. Daniel Allan Koger
Howard J. ’61 and Charlotte A. Krauss
The Reverend Jeffrey B. ’63 and
Ann M. Kress
Larry B. and Sherrie L. Kruse
L & S Supply
Erin M. Laborda ’09
Lakeland Funeral Home
Lakeway Motor Sales
Lakewood Country Club
Land of Lakes Realty & Auction, Inc.
Martha A. Lang
Dr. Ferris I. Larsen
Kirk and Sherry L. Lassaline
Walter and Jessie Laster
Elizabeth Lou Latham ’08
Robert Lauster
The Reverend J. Alton ’48 & Jeroldine
Beavin ’49 Lawhorn
Lawless & Smith Supply, Inc.
(Gifts up to $199.99) – Continued
Chet and Cathy Lawrence
Robert and Helen Lawton
Herbert L. and Beatrice S. Lax
Vickie Q. Lay ’92
Lee’s Ford Marina
Talia L. Greene ’02 Leezer
Hilda Humphress ’72 Legg
Michael D. ’67 and Shelia A. Leonard
George and Kathryn Leonard
Anthony and Tracy Lewis
William Lewis
Charles R. and Mary Ann Lewis
Christopher and Melanie Martin-Lewis
Leon ’74 and Ann Rose Christie ’79 Lewis
Lexington Philharmonic
Liberty Electronics
Vern and Telsa Lindquist
Link Belt Construction & Equipment
John W. Linkes
Links @ Novadell
A. Warren Lippitt
Julia Littlejohn
Powell M. and Brenda Livesay
Phillip and Fredericka Lockett
Loew’s Vanderbilt Plaza Hotel
Robert L. and Nancy M. Logan
Cory J. Logsdon
Fred and Ruth Norris ’50 Lollar
Craig Lonas ’03
Sheena London ’08
Bettye M. Long
J. Paul Long Jr. ’75
Lois A. Long
Robert J. Long
David C. ’65 and Ruth T. Loose
James and Dianne Lorenz
J. Wendell Lotz
Louisville Ballet
Louisville Lady Sluggers
Louisville Youth Center
Dennis ’73 and Lisa Smith ’83 Loy
Michael H. and Alicia D. Lucas
Joanne Elise Luckey
Drs. George and Sue Luckey
Lucky Day Cleaners
Sarah M. Lukas
Peter and Marianne Lukas
Michael W. Luther
William K. and Maxine T. Lutz
Ralph W. Lyles
Drs. George B. and Amy L. Lynch
Gene and Anna Lynch
Lynn’s Service Station
Lyon Drug Store
Cecil Lyons ’59
Eric Ryan ’03 and Tarrah ’02 Macbeth
William R. and Maria T. MacKay
Douglas L. and Beatrice R. Mackey
Joseph E. ’92 and Vonda L. Macpherson
R Todd and Suzanne M. Maddox
Sharon K. Madewell
Chester P. and Jean C. ’92 Maggard
Josh Magode
H. Douglas Mann
Heather Manning
Louise A. Marable
David L. and Brenda Toler ’71 Maraman
Etta Lee Marlin
Rita W. Marshall
Charles and Yvonne Marshall
Bobby R. and Donna Marshall
Dwayne C. and Debbie Martin
James H. and Polly Martin
Clarence and Emma Lou Martin
The Reverend Raymond and Martha Barnes
’91 Martin
Mary Anne’s Hallmark
Ma’s & Pa’s Florist & Gift Shack
Rebecca G. Masler
John W. and Margaret S. Massari
Chesney N. Massengill
Pauletta Perkins Matthews
Thomas O. Matthews
Melissa S. Mattingly
Michael and Nancy Mattox
Bill W. ’61 and Margaret Mauney
Charles G. Maus
Maximum Energry Development, LLC
Charles A. and Mary E. Maxwell
James D. and Betty W. Maxwell
Lana S. May
Mary Frances Edwards ’46 May
Collis G. ’64 and Rebecca Mayfield
Alicia Mayfield
Randall and Sally Mays
Lonnie and Arlene McAllister
Dr. Daniel A. and Betty McAninch
Ashley C. McAnulty
James B. and Linda W. McArthur
Dr. Patrice C. McCarter
Kelly R. McCarty
John F. McCarty Sr.
John F. and Suzanne E. McCarty
Stuart C. and Joan D. McCombs
Ralph and Frances Hornback ’61 McCoy
Shermand and Louise McCoy
Tyler F. McCubbins ’09
Paulette Q. McCurdy
Matthew S. and Megan E. McDougal
Grigg ’67 and Grace McDowell
Darryl L. McGaha ’75
Ashley M. McGaughey ’09
Jerry and Susan McGinnis
The Reverend H. Bryan ’61 and Rebecca
Mrs. John W. McKee
Paul F. McKinley ’59
Norma McKinney ’50
Donald L. ’65 and Bobbie Smythe ’70
Laverne G. McMahan
Ronald J. and Janice C. McMann
Michael G. McMinoway ’09
Jeremy Keith ’05 and Rhiannon Noe ’05
Kathy F. McVey
Dr. Stanley Bruce McWhorter ’50
Peggy C. McWhorter
James and Brenda Meador
Ryan and
Heather LaShell Stilts ’07 Meadows
The Reverend James P. and
Shirlene Medendorp
Gregory A. Medendorp ’07
Dale A. and Patricia L. Meece
Drs. Shirley and Drewry ’48 * Meece
Joseph J. and Linda Melnyk
Kimberly A. Melton
Mercer Transportation Company
F. Max Merrell
Brent Mershon
Metcalfe County American Legion
Midwest Specialized Transportation, Inc.
Pamela A. Mikaelian
Mike’s Cycle World
Kelly G. and Jaime L. Milam
Millennium Hotel Cincinnati
Milton F. Miller ’63
Roland Dean Miller
Cornelia H. Miller
Craig J. Miller ’68
Eric V. and Tammy S. Miller
James A. and Martha G. Miller
John S. ’69 and Barbara Miller
Pat E. Miller
Cynthia A. Miller
F. Dennis and Sandra I. Milner
Minit Mart/Marathon
Whitney M. Mink
James C. and Janice Mink
Susan K. Minton
Betty R. and Dr. John D. * Minton
Christie D. Mitchell
Mite-as-Well Shoppe
Representative Russell G. and
Carole Mobley
Dr. James E. Monin
Ron and Betty Monroe
Tasha M. Montanaro
Ray and Peggy Montgomery
Albert and Maryellen Mooney
W. Joe and Mary Angela ’04 Moore
Tony Moore
C. Hurbert Moore
Terry Moore
Jon ’63 and Nancy L. Moore
Sharon K. Moore
Jerry V. Moore
James and Linda Mooter
Mitchell and Deana Brown ’85 Morgan
Betty T. Morris
Phillip W. and Rebecca Morris
Allan B. and Nancy G. Morris
Lynn and Linda Morris
Dr. Kelly and Betty Moss
Movie Town Video Store
Movie Warehouse
Rebecca N. Moyers
Betty A. Moyers
Munfordville and Mt. Beulah U.M. Women
Rick R. and Theresa A. Murphy
Joe Murphy, Jr.
Allen and Estelle Murrell
Dr. Lisa E. Murrell
Dr. Charles W. and Jane Music
The Reverends Robert and Audrey Myers
James B. Myers III ’70
Lucille C. Nabors
Walter W. Napstead
(Gifts up to $199.99) – Continued
Omar L. Nash ’00
Natalie’s Unique Gifts & Fine Accessories
National Corvette Museum
Doug and Caitlin Adams Neal
Douglas and Angela Nealon
Chesley E. ’60 and Pamela F. Nell
Brenda B. Nelson ’85
Frederick and Elaine Nessler
The Reverend Lawrence J. and Nelda Nettles
New Holland
Richard N. Newman
Dale ’86 and Shirley G. Newton
Cassie L. Niersel ’09
J. L. and Marsha A. Nix
Charles Gregory ’68 and Jessica Norbert
Susan A. Norton
Gerald E. and Anne Norton
Paul N. Novielli ’09
Julia K. Nunn
Gale W. Nyseth
Lenora Kelly Olds
Reilus E. and Carol Oliver
Harry L. and Judy A. Oliver
Mary A. Oliver ’09
Harold and Stacey Omer
Susan G. Omer
Thomas W. Opdenbrouw
David and Erin Bickers ’04 Orr
Robert L. and Susan M. Osterfeld
Wayne and Judith Wells ’58 Ostrander
Dian Ottinger
Betty Wright ’57 Overstreet
Keith and Karen Overstreet
Everett and Wilma Owen
Hoyte and Linda Owen
Peter C. and Bobbie Owen
Sarah H. Owen
Dorothy F. Ozburn
Glen and Cynthia Curry ’80 Page
Waylon D. and Lori D. Page
Helen H. Palmer-Ball
Park Mammoth Resort
Eva Jane Martin ’52 Parker
Larry ’67 and Marsha Parker
Parrott & Ramsey Funeral Home, Inc.
Peter and Ione Parry
Jeffrey Parsons
Michael and Barbara Paslay
Patriot Sports
Ann K. Patterson
Cindy Pawley
Bonnie K. Payton ’56
Lesa L. Pearce
Duke and Betty Pearce
Lori Pearson
Hannah Peck
Sheila N. Pendleton
Douglas ’60 and Edith Pendygraft
Todd Pendygraft
Laura Lee Pennington
Carol J. Perl and Jerry L. Hartman
Trudy Perry
Personal Touch Home Care
Anthony D. Perugini
Brenda Petty
Richard and Marnita Pfeffer
Drs. Fred R. and Ann Rader Pfisterer
Eugene and Margery Pflughaupt
Phase II Salon & Spa
Evelyn Blakey Phelps ’50
Judith Phelps
Gerald and Mary Phillips
Nelson and Nancy Foster ’73 Pickett
Lee J. and Jeanie Piekarski
Dr. John W. ’47 and Jeanette Pierce
Chad ’97 and Jenny Lou Kirtley ’99 Pierce
Charles L. and Nancy Pigg
Johnny and Connie Pike
Larry Pitchford ’61
Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut of Edmonton
Nova J. Plummer ’57
PNC Broadway Across America Louisville
The Reverend Troy B. and Rose Poff
Laura Galloway ’09 Pollard
Dale and Nancy Polley
Jim and Connie Polston
Wilford ’51 and Joan Porter
George N. Porter ’63
James E. and Carol J. Porter
John and Ruth Porter
Bette Potts
Nacole A. Potts ’99
Duane and Donna Potts
Hubert D. and Peggy S. Potts
Emily Nicole Poynter
Vincent M. Poynter
Vincent M. and Marilyn C. Poynter
Greg and Joann Praete
William and Michele Prevost
John L. and Linda M. Price
Johnnie O. ’53 and Frances L. Prock
Danny and Paula Propes
Pleasure Ridge United Methodist Church
Pryor’s Auto Spot
Ron Puckett
George and Joyce Pust
Jerry Pyles
Shelley Quire
Radio Shack
Radisson Plaza Hotel
Jacob T. Radus
Rafferty’s of Bowling Green
Rafferty’s of Lexington
Ralph D. Roy Realty, Inc.
Ramada Conference Center
Alan J. and Judith Ramsay
Ann Ratliff-Hylton
James A. ’69 and Pamela K. Ratterman
Stacy Norman ’89 Read
C. L. Recke, Jr.
Daniel T. Rector ’09 *
Jonathan W. ’04 and
Carrie A. Cassis ’08 Redford
Redman’s Dugout
Beverly H. Redmon
David or Vickie Reese
Robert A. and Mona J. Reid
Beverly J. Resch
Residence Inn by Marriott
Rex’s Cycle Shop
Megan N. Reynolds
Donald E. and Rita Reynolds
Lori L. Reynolds
Reynolds Performance Marine
Roy and Brenda Reynolds
Amy Rice ’05
Bobby R. ’61 and Judie Coomer ’63 Rice
Dr. Michael ’67 and Alice Rice
The Reverend Robert C. and Vivian Rice
Ronald J. and Sally I. Rice
The Reverend Nathan E. and
Barbara Richards
George H.’54 and Ruth Richardson
K. I. and Maxine Riddle
Glenn A. Rieuf
Wayne and Nellie Riley
John L. Rivel Jr. ’61
C. L. and Vena M. Southwood ’50 Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Robertson
Billie L. Robinson ’06
Mary Ann Robinson
Sharron Bacon ’89 Robinson
Debby Roddy
Edwin ’48 and Irene Rogers
Melinda L. Rogers
C. H. and Joanna Gilpin ’52 Rogers
Paul D. Rogers
Rogers Chiropractic Clinic
Fred S. Rolater
Ruby Tuesday
Andy and Pam Rucker
Rumors Hair Salon
Dr. Kathryn A. Russ
Penny L. Russell
Russell County Kwik Lube
Russell Springs United Methodist Church
James F. and Nancy R. Rutland
Dean G. Ryan
Ted and Carol Ryan
William Andrew Sadler III ’09
Howard K. and Betty L. Sanders
Morris and Mary Jane Sanders
Paul H. Sanders
Steve A. Sanders ’89
Mildred Pickett ’51 Sandusky
Lisa Rains ’86 Sanford
Tommy E. and Diane S. Sanford
Tommie Ann Culver ’05 Saragas
Emily Edwards ’50 Sargent
Kay Perry Scearce
Linda R. Scearse
Ashley P. Schaffner ’07
Donald W. ’64 and Catherine E. Shallon
Dorothy T. Schickel
Gerald Schloser
Kyle J. and Brittani Miller ’03 Schmidt
Nina Schmucker
Timmy Schrag
Dr. Charles F. and Jill Schwartz
James H. and Janet Scott
Chuck and Pat Scott
Teresa Harmon ’74 Scott
Bobby R. ’59 and
C. Edwanna Garmon ’60 Scott
Donna Carpenter ’93 Scott
Seay Hubbard United Methodist Church
James S. and Sue Secrest
Eric and Heather Selby
(Gifts up to $199.99) – Continued
Douglas and Martha Sell
Jonathan H. Sells
Wilber Gene and Mary Selph
Everett G. Selvidge
Mark T. ’93 and Alison L ’94 Sexton
Benson T. Sexton ’04
Hazel McCoy ’49 Sharp
Shearer Drugs
John T. and Dana L. Shehan
Mary A. Shelton
Melissa Jayne Shelton ’06
James W. and Lynn Shepherd
Charles and Brenda Shepherd
Faith K. Shepherd
The Reverend Louis W. ’48 and
Lois Cooper ’48 Shepherd
Sarah Sherk ’07
Marcy H. Shirel
Walter B. Shively ’69
Shoes to Boot
Janice Wheat Short
Thomas E. and Lois Shriver
Shyco Logistics LLC
Leslie A. Sidwell ’88
Obie G. and Jo Ann Simmons
Perry T. and Dana C. Simmons
Dr. Robert P. and Barbara ’75 Simmons
Robert G. Simpson, Jr. ’64
Steve and Rosetta C. Sizemore
Skydive Kentucky LLC
Lena F. Sleamaker
Warren L. and Elizabeth A. Slider
Tim and Sharon Sloggins
Curt L. Small
Christopher R. Smiddy
Frederick M. Smiley
Kenneth and Robin Denise ’02 Smith
Peter James Smith
Raymond G. Smith
Billy Glenn Smith
Timothy W. Smith
Arthur T. and Marie B. Smith
Jane C. Smith
John and Paula Smith
Joshua D. Smith
Willard N. Smith
Robin J. Smith
Mary Robinson ’45 Smith
James E. Wethington & Merranda Smith
Ruth Smith
David M. and Ruth Ann ’05 Smith
Smith Brothers Distributing Company
Earl J. and Marlene Smith, Jr.
Mark T. and Geneva Spoon ’73 Sok
Sonic Drive In
Steven M. and Cindia L. Souers
Valerie D. South
Amanda M. Ferguson Spalding ’02
Nell Terry Spalding
Merrylen W. Sparks
Esther Garner ’54 Sparks
Eleveta Sparks
Kip Logan Spaude
Albert T. and Lynn P. Spaw
Samuel J. and Lee Ann Speaks
Speciality Orthopaedics, PSC
Thomas W. and Mary Lee Speckman
Kyle R. Spence
Billy C. ’50 and Faye C. Spencer
Leon and Donna Jean ’03 Spencer
The Reverend Charles and Marlene Spice
Sven P. Garcia and Kimberly Spink
Sports Den
Karen Spreen
Rachel Spreen
Thomas H. and Tangela T. Spreen
Charles ’65 and Barbara Springer
The Reverend Harry and Mary Spurrier
Square Deal Lumber Company
Scott A. ’88 & Mary Ann Squires
St. Andrews United Methodist Church
St. Paul United Methodist Church
Penny Starnes ’58
State Farm Insurance Co.
Jake Staton
Daniel and Sharon Steakin
Novie L. Steenburgen
Phillip and Janet Stephens
Judy Coffey ’83 Stephens
James L. Stepp
Alma I. Stewart
Kevin and Laura Stiles
Ricky D. and Leda D. ’02
Candice B. Stockton
Lennon D. and Karla Stone
Alec G. and Judy Stone
Bill and Frances A. Stone
Ryan Ellis Storm
Thomas A. ’99 and Rachel Story
Stouts Building Center
William W. Straus ’70
Anonymous ’64
Stanley Stringer ’37
Gary M. and Martha A. Strobel
James B. and Linda F. Strother
Sunshine Garden Center
Rice W. Sutherland
Mary Wheeler ’54 Swearingen
David and Lynn Swecker
Sheldon W. and Sally F. Swoape
Donna J. Talbot
Tara’s Hair Salon
Angela Tarter and Barbara Shelton
Steve and Deidra Tarter
Max and Laveda Bennett ’46 Taylor
Lisa J. Taylor
Jerry and Patricia Taylor
Sarah R. Taylor ’01
Mark ’98 and Pamela Taylor
Edward and Tena Taylor
J. Tim and Joyce A. Taylor
The Reverend Russell ’46 and Martha Taylor
The Reverend William B. and Paula Taylor
Jaclyn L. Taylor
Justin M. Taylor
Taylor’s Chapel United Methodist Church
Wayne D. ’62 and Katie Terry
The Porch Restaurant
The Treasure Nook
The United Methodist Church
Anna Kate Radford Thomas
Eddy J. and Melissa Thomas
Eunice W. Thomas
Stanley E. and Laura L. Thomas
Jon Charles Thompson ’09
Rondall and Amy Thornton
Joseph Tiratto
TM Tile and Electric
George K. and Shirley S. Toadvine
Ruth D. Tobin
Phillip and Linda Todd
Towne Barber Shop
Town of South Carthage
Toyoto of Hopkinsville
Tractor Supply of Leitchfield
Wendell L. Trapp Jr. ’79
Virginia Benge ’52 Trent
Brandon H. Trinkle
Sherry Lynn Trivett ’05
Trophies to Go
Phil Trotter
Gregory and Kimberly Troup
Edgar Troutman
Tina R. Tuck
Lisa Tucker
Kevin O. Tucker ’05
Tumble Towne USA
Jason and Brandi Turner
David A. and Michele Tweel
William and Lou Stockton ’84 Twyman
Michael Shane Ulery
Unique Concrete Concepts, LLC
United States Postal Service
David D. Upchurch
John C. ’79 and Lynn C. Upton
J. C. and Elizabeth Vanarsdale
Tyron and Jessica Vanarsdale
Timothy R. and Connie VanDerPloeg
Jim M. Vanhook
Ervin E. and Paula W. Vanover
Christy Vaughan ’08
Farnett Vaughn
Edith Vaughn
The Reverend John and Dorothy Vaught
Veanna’s Salon
James Darwin Vickery
Videoland of Columbia
Marjorie C. Voorhies
Gary and Lara Vories
Aaron W. Vories
Mildred C. Vossil
Wachovia Foundation
Rollin B. Wade ’62
Kimberly D. Waggoner
WAIN Radio Station
Patricia Walden
Jackie A. and Judy B. Walker
Maxine Walkup ’46 Walker
Becky F. Walker ’76
Blake A. Walker
Vincent E. and Ann W. Walkup
Jerry D. and Janice M. Wall
Maria W. Walley
Walmart of Georgetown
WalMart of Glasgow
Wal-Mart of Leitchfield
WalMart Vision Center
William A. ’57 and
Virginia Matthews ’57 Ward
(Gifts up to $199.99) – Continued
Frank W. and Peggy J. Warner
Steven L. ’09 and Linda K. Warner
Jerry W. and Karen M. Warren
Allen Darnell ’49 and Ann Waters
Loudon Ford ’04 and
Amanda Baker "03 Waterstrat
David and Nancy Watson
Michael D. and Patricia L. Watson
Thomas and Faye Watson
Pearl C. Watson
Ranford and Dorlis Watson
Janet Anderson ’94 Watts
Dr. George ’54 and Elizabeth ’57 Webb
Bob Weddington
Ruth Wheeler ’50 Weed
Margery T. Welch
Jeffrey W. Wesley ’04
Elaine V. Wesnofske
David W. and Iris Wesson
Jo E. Wesson
Michael West
Dr. Jerry Westerfield, MD
Western Hills Municipal Golf Course
Prudence Hutchison ’69 Westholm
Andrew H. and Sharon L. Weston
Montra Corbin ’49 Wethington
Edward and Marcella Wethington
Jessica M. Wethington
The Reverend Gale and Nancy Wetzel
James H. and Lesley Ann Wheeler
India A. Wheeler
India B. Wheeler
Makka Wheeler
Bobby C. and Etha M. Wheet
Lawrence E. and Susan White
Richard and Mearlene Hendricks ’52 White
Roy and Wanda ’52 White
E. Larry and Betty White
Barry K. White
Thomas M. and Mary A. White
Mitch and Cindy Whitescarver
Jennifer J. Whitlock ’76
Whitlow Family Vision Center
Rebecca L. Widener
Carolyn Wieland
The Reverend David G. ’67 and Win Wilde
Debra L. Wilder
David S. and Rebecca Wilhelm
Linda Wilkerson
Paul D. and Connie Wilkerson
Danny and Sandra Moore ’80 Wilkinson
Cristy L. Wilkinson
C. Daniel and Connie M. Willard
Ashley N. Williams
Donald and Nancy Williams
Eileen Williams
Margie Williams
Walter and Lynn Williams
Bobby and Donna Williams
Brenda Collins ’87 Williams
Danny and Sarah Williams
John C. and Deborah A. Williams
Harlon T. Williams
Williams Furniture
Jack and Teresa Williams
Sam ’80 and Linda Willis
David and Ginger Willis
Harold B. ’84 and Shelia Smith ’84 Willis
William L. and Sue C. Willis
Hal E. Wilson
Mary Bennie Wilson
Lleslie L. Wilson
Stephanie N. Wilson ’09
William M. Wilson
Terry G. and Susan D. Wilson ’94
Alma C. Taylor ’09 Wilson
Kenneth W. Wilson
James P. and Lila Hester Winfield
Tony and Kathy M. Winfield
Thomas Winski
Donald E. and Nora G. Winter
Wireless One
Joe and Nancy Morris ’54 Wise
Wilma R. Wise
Dr. Curtis A. Wiseley
Jeff Wiseman
James D. Witzel
Taj S Wolff
Clara Womack, MD
Carroll L. and Helen Wood
Carl H. and Ruby F. Wood
United Methodist Church
David Wooldridge ’66
William R. and Emily E. Woolum
Randy and Cindi Woolum
Cecil and Lola Woolums
Worldwide Equipment
Mallie Wright
Crystal D. Wright ’09
Michael and Connie Wyss
Xtreme Fitness
Merv W. ’62 & Joyce Yadon
Tucker Yarberry ’62
The Reverend James W. ’51 and
Virginia Yates
Scott and Holly Beth Yates
Brent Yonts
Margaret A. York
Cynthia E. Zander
Marilyn Joann Zibell
Tony and Souher Zinati
Alumni who have not celebrated their 10th class reunion and made gifts of $100 or more.
Beth McKenzie ’01 Adams
Donna L. ’08 Atherton
Ophelia Lucas ’00 Barnes
Stephen D. Beck ’07
Kimberly E. Brown ’05
Laura K. Dickinson ’03 Burwash
Gary E. Copley ’00
Hannah Tucker ’00 Greer
Mary Sue Crouse ’05
Krystal Womack ’07 Cundiff
Benjamin ’00 and Calisha Mosley ’03
Barry L. ’05 and Leslie Tucker ’04 Dunn
Lori A. Riddle ’02 Eberenz
Kyle Morgan Edwards ’06
Dr. Ricky ’00 and Kellie Blevins ’00 Farmer
Charity Milby ’01 Ferguson
Micah David Followay ’08
Tevie S. ’07 and Allysa L. Pruitt ’08 Gooden
Derek N. ’08 and Lindsey N. ’05 Harris
Bruce Harris ’08
Alana Haselwood ’04
Ryan M. ’06 and Natalie L. Scheirmann ’04
Franklin B. Holloway ’04
Amy B. Lankford ’99 Jones
Angela Renae Jones ’99 Coe
Curtis Lee Jr. ’02
Dorinda Cherry ’06 Livesay
Andy W. McAllister ’04
Mary Angela Moore ’04
Michael L. Newton ’00
Gavin P. ’05 and Danielle Hunter ’04
Erin Bickers ’04 Orr
Matthew Edward Pendel ’06
Jenny Lou Kirtley ’99 Pierce
Daniel T. Rector ’09
Rita McAfee ’05 Reynolds
Amy Rice ’05
Billie L. Robinson ’06
Tommie Ann Culver ’05 Saragas
Christopher ’01 and Rebecca Peers ’00
Robin Denise ’02 Smith
Amanda M. Ferguson ’02 Spalding
Christy Vaughan ’08
Carol Mann ’03 Weddle
Chris ’01 and Amy Thompson ’99 Wells
Deborah Smothers ’99 Wentworth
Alta Barbee Garnett
Kenneth Ashley
Martha Henry Berry
Jeanette M. Coates
Kenneth M. Cooper
Donnie N. Crenshaw
Charles H. Greenman
J. Alton Lawhorn
Drewry Meece *
Kathleen Pettey Peck
Edwin Rogers
Lois Cooper Shepherd
Louis Cooper Shepherd
Hazel Bybee Stephenson
Margaret E. Clayton
Sidney K. Bank
Thomas D. Everett *
Stanley Stringer
Grover C. Gilpin
Robert T. Martin
Sally Bell Martin
Ira W. Shaw
Cortez Butler
Ruth Sewell Butler
Ruby Whitney Flowers
Dixie Patrum Jasper
Keith Radford
Mary Stovall Radford
Mary Evelyn Barnes Walker
Nina Schmucke
Ruby Reed Keltner
Mary Robinson Smith
William H. Claycomb
G. Edward Henry
Mary Frances Edwards May
Laveda Bennett Taylor
Maxine Walkup Walker
Lorene Taylor Whitmer
Jewell Cyphers Adams
Marcella Clark Brashear
Martha Dixon Brummett
Nancy Officer Buchanan
Elizabeth Ann Crews Clark
Marcus W. Clark
Ruth Alexander Flener
Marie Walkup Gosser
Joyce Allene McKinney Holmes
Jerry Grant Johnston
Jeroldine Beavin Lawhorn
Jean Dohoney McLean
Norman T. O’Neal
Hazel McCoy Sharp
Allen Darnell Waters
Montra Corbin Wethington
Elizabeth Lowe Whitfield
Allene Collins Aaron
Doris Alexandar Beauchamp
Samuel R. Clark
Blanche Holder Foley
Ruth Norris Lollar
Norma McKinney
Stanley Bruce McWhorter
Evelyn Blakey Phelps
Vena Southwood Roberts
Emily Edwards Sargent
Billy Sparks
Mildred Dillingham Sparks
Billy C. Spencer
Eunice W. Thomas
Ruth Wheeler Weed
Robert J. Whitmer
Jeanette Russell Wortham
Nila Richards Antle
Creola Norris Blevins
Wanda Farmer Hill
Earl A. Johnston
John W. Pierce
Julius M. Stephenson
Mary Martha Collins Bell
Robert A. Buster
Violet Calhoun Claycomb
Jack Thomas Deilks
Bernice Burks Dick
James Eugene Guffey
Margaret A. Robinson Haynes
Charles V. Henry
Thomas O. Matthews
Wilford Porter
Mildred Pickett Sandusky
James Wilbur Yates
Lynn A. Harmon
Sam B. Holmes
Jane Martin Parker
H. W. Roach
Joanna Gilpin Rogers
Dorothy "Tillie" Wood Shelton
Virginia Benge Trent
Mearlene Hendricks White
Wanda W. White
E. Mazelle Cravens Andrews
Charles M. Barnes
Junius E. Bryant
Gerald "Duke" Burnett
Jane Gregory Burnett
Wilma Dick
Bonnie Long Greenawalt
Johnnie O. Prock
Morris D. Shepherd
Wilma L. Farris Shepherd
Rebecca Morris Grider
Roy J. Polston
George H. Richardson
Ruby McKinney Roach
Esther Garner Sparks
Mary Wheeler Swearingen
Martha S. Watkins
George Webb
Oredia Harmon Whitaker
Portia Breeding Winchester
Nancy Morris Wise
Rachel Smith Allen
Hilda Willis Jenkins
Paul B. Jones
James D. Maxwell
Mary Breeding Campbell
Marilyn Lacy Clark
Margie Rice Coomer
Robert J. Long
Bonnie K. Payton
Wendell R. Shirley
Keith Stearns
Margaret Quinn Taylor
Betty Gregory Coats
Frances Webb Graham
Betty Wright Overstreet
Nova J. Plummer
Virginia Matthews Ward
William A. Ward
Elizabeth Webb
Brenda Sue Absher
Patricia Smith Benningfield
Elizabeth Sharon Antle Bledsoe
Linda LeVally Early
Charlotte A Edwards
Nancy Moran Fouser
Peter O. Gante
Jerry L. Garver
Joseph R. Harner
Brenda Upchurch Loy
James H. Loy
Marshall Loy
Marilyn Dudley Sparks
Wayne D. Terry
Rollin B. Wade
Merv W. Yadon
V. Tucker Yarberry
Clarence L. Bertram
Donell Cash
Glenda Thrasher Cash
Judith Wells Ostrander
Penny Starnes
James H. Wentworth
Ramona Wheeler Barbee
Barbara Salley Clark
Donald C. Davis
Robert R. Goodin
Shirley Burnett Harmon
Cedil Lyons
Paul F. McKinley
Bobby R. Scott
Betty Bruton Brown
Margie Feese Collins
Rebecca Denton Gabehart
Ray Hutchison Jr.
Bob R. Keith
Doris McKinney Lane
Chesley E. Nell
Lynn Nixon
Douglas C. Pendygraft
Edwanna Garmon Scott
Donald R. Benningfield
Benjamin F. Breeding
Roger D. Coffey
Janis Gayle Sparks Crain
Joyce Goodin Durham
Ron Gaddie
Rex T. Huffaker
Howard Krauss
Gary T. Lane
Bill W. Mauney
Frances Hornback McCoy
Harold B. McGuffey
Helen Jo Wilson Phelps
Larry Pitchford
Bobby R. Rice
John L. Rivel Jr.
Travis P. Scott
Richard L. Wagner
Carl Beck
Russell G. Boaeuf
Carol Strange Brockman
Lee S. Clore
Richie W. Coomer
Glenn D. Dalton
Virginia P. Flanagan
Woodrow Gosser
Thomas G. Howard
Jeffrey B. Kress
Billy G. Lacy
Donna Quigley Lacy
Milton F. Miller
Jon Moore
George N. Porter
Judie Coomer Rice
Curt L. Small
Joseph E. Sparks
Sandy L. Graner Bauder
Rebecca Bennett Brecht
Ben C. Burr
Mabel Spears Carter
Diana Gamblin Dalton
Michael D. Doner
Travis J. Keltner
Collis G. Mayfield
John M. Ray
Donald W. Schallon
Robert G. Simpson
Neil S. Stawser
Marsha Brock Walker
Richard Lee Walker
Donald L. McKinney
James J. Pike
Jerry Pyles
Charlie Rosenbaum
A. Jerry Sheldon
Charles L. Springer
Philip Bender
Billy J. Coop
Marilyn Sue Craycroft
Sandra Meeker Davenhall
Jesse L. Eubanks
Thomas G. Tuttle
Davis Wooldridge
Sue Breeding Coomer
Robert L. Crotinger
William R. Davenport
Robert B. Dickinson
Michael D. Leonard
Carol Cheatham Marra
Charles R. Marra
Grigg K. McDowell
Larry D. Parker
Michael Rice
Ronald P. Rogers
Douglas Sapp
David G. Wilde
John W. Arnold
Sandra Elliott Bowen
William E. Dodson
Carrie Luker Farris
Mark A. Gordon
Rosemary Ann McCormick Gordon
William D. Huston
Kay Cox Legg
Craig J. Miller
Charles G. Norbert
Nancy Craig Duffee
Shirley M. Harris
J. Frank Hoxworth
John S. Miller
Donald D. Neat
James A. Ratterman
Larry C. Rodgers
Walter B. Shively
James L. Todd
Prudence H. Westholm
James Harold Coomer
John C. Coomer
Trudy Laughinghouse Coomer
Rodney E. Gale
Davis C. Loose
Phil Aaron
Fred P. Carter
Wayne L. Coomer
Marsha Godsey
Bobbie Smythe McKinney
James B. Myers III
William W. Straus
Dan L. Antle
Catherine Pence Chowning
John E. Chowning
Billy J. Fudge
Brenda T. Maraman
Bobby D. Morrison
Shirley D. Morrison
Fred J. Brown
Jimmy G. Byrd
Larry R. Godsey
Hilda Humphress Legg
Jimmy Woody
Larry R. Bryant
Neal M. God
Marsha Caldwell Grider
Tommy Grider
Dennis C. Kemmer
Dennis Loy
Lynn B. McLean
Nancy Foster Pickett
Genea Spoon Sok
Lynn E. Huddleston
Leon Lewis
Karen Smith Melin
Teresa Harmon Scott
Darrel C. Bragg
J. Paul Long
Elizabeth A. Grant Martin
Darryl L. McGaha
Paul G. Peck
Barbara Simmons
Joseph W. Flowers
A. Codell Phipps
Becky F. Walker
Jennifer J. Whitlock
Melissa Phillips Cooper
Martin Glanzer
Eva Diaz Hidalgo
Marian Brackett Keneipp
Brent Mershon
Jan Keneipp Woody
L. Dean Adams
Rebekah Moseley Bragg
Donna C. Graves
Mitchell Hawryluk
Annette Aaron Keltner
Tamarah D. Sullivan Adamson
Robert W. Brown
Arvis Ray Kearns
Dale Newton
Lisa D. Sanford
Robert A. Baker
Samuel M. Dean
Deborah Rogers Hall
Robert J. Jackson
Ann Rose Christie Lewis
Wendell L. Trapp Jr.
John C. Upton
David W. Begley
Nancy B. Botts
Scott A. DeBurger
Brenda Collins Williams
Susan C. Glasgow Eisenback
Mark A. Fudge
John D. Peck
Angela Daniel Cape
William L. Grider
Dan Griffiths
Bonnie R. Hestand
Robin Willis Hill
Beth Ann Brown Johnson
Elise Hendrickson Luckey
Michael T. Neal
Pamela Luckett Potts
Leslie A. Sidwell
Scott A. Squires
Jerry D. Thomas
Jeffrey Willis
Janet Lay Bruce
Cynthia Curry Page
Sandra Moore Wilkinson
Sam Willis
Denise Glass Fudge
Harriet McQuaide Gold
Darrell S. Carter
Charles W. Emerson
Lisa Smith Loy
Judy A. Coffey Stephens
Tom Wethington
Helen Young Rudolph
Anita Huddleston Begley
Gary L. Bertram
Stan D. Curry
Lou F. Stockton Twyman
John Wethington
Harold B. Willis
Shelia Smith Willis
Danny Blakeman
Melissa A. Richards Giles
Kimberley Harvey Helm
Deana Brown Morgan
Brenda B. Nelson
Larry Noe
Sarah L. Barbee Espinsoa
Jackie R. Gibson
Mary Willis Keen
Stephen T. Keen
Cathy Rodgers Martin
Stacy Norman Read
Danny R. Rigney
Sharron Back Robinson
Steve A. Sanders
Valerie K. Murrell Adams
Kara J. Alexander
Melissa Ann Pridemore Carlton
Tabitha M. Ellis
Kelli M. Stemm Float
Tammy M. Huff
Lara L. Day Adams
Eugenia Hood Bartley
Dianne Huddleston Bertram
Melvin K. Daniel
Melissia A. May Foster
Martha Barnes Martin
Traci Luckey Pooler
Ricky Roy
Michael R. Talley
Shelia Wood Wethington
Anthony W. Grant
Vickie Q. Lay
Joseph E. Macpherson
Jean C. Maggard
Marilyn Goodin Radford
Christine K. Todd Williams
Karen Bault Wright
Beverly Harmon Bryant
Randy J. Burns
Anthony J. Cowherd
Sheila T. Whitlow Harned
Donna Carpenter Scott
Mark T. Sexton
Jerald L. Bryant
Drew A. Burwash
Paula Smythe Garrison
Cory V. Haynes
Pasupati Nangia
Willis Pooler III
Melinda Squires Senters
Alison L. Sexton
Cinda Johnston Swan
Janet Anderson Watts
Susan D. Wilson
Jennifer Vessels Britt
Rejeena Brock Hadley
Amy Williams Hinton
Linda Hobb
Larry David Smith
Dana Herron Talley
Gregory E. Blair
Angelia Shaw Bryant
Asa J. Swan
Cynthia E. Antle Wells
Carmen D. Martinez Breshears
Lana Franklin
Amanda Gagel Main
Susan F. Patterson
Chad A. Pierce
Terry W. Swan
Earla Sullivan Watson
Chanie G. Costello
Julie A. Costello
Gail Lynn Flatt
Myra Tompkins Ford
Leighton Main
Brandi Mikesell Smith
Mark R. Taylor
Cindy K. Rowland Alexander
Judy G. Bright
Michael C. D’Lugos
Kimberly A. Hamlett
Amy B. Lankford Jones
Jenny Lou Kirtley Pierce
Nacole A. Potts
Thomas A. Story
Amy Thompson Wells
Deborah G. Smothers Wentworth
Ophelia Susan Lucas Barnes
Gary E. Copley
Hannah Tucker Coyt
Benjamin N. Djeukeng
Kellie Ann Blevins Farmer
Ricky Lee Farmer III
Lisa Nolen Hayes
Omar L. Nash
Michael L. Newton
Rebecca Lee Peers Schmidt
Lleslie L. Wilson
Amanda N. Thompson Adams
Beth McKenzie Adams
Adam C. Cruse
Lindsey M. Christiansen D’Lugos
Charity Milby Ferguson
Talia L. Greene Leezer
Christopher Schmidt
Sarah R. Taylor
D. Christopher Wells
Robert L. Boling
Lori A. Riddle Eberenz
Erica C. Horton Greenwell
Jenifer L. South Huff
Patrick Huff
Laurie B. King
Curtis Lee Jr.
Tarrah Macbeth
Robin D. Smith
Amanda M. Ferguson Spalding
Leda D. Stinson
Brady C. Button
Jason E. Corbin
Cheryl L. Whitehead Boger
Laura K. Dickinson Burwash
Calisha Mosley Djeukeng
Craig D. Lonas
Eric Ryan Macbeth
Brittani Miller Schmidt
John Thomas Shehan
Donna J. Spencer
Amanda Baker Waterstrat
Mary Carol Mann Weddle
Rhonda Melson Begley
Jamie N. Buchanan Benningfield
LeslieTucker Dunn
Sara R. Hargis
Alana S. Haselwood
Franklin B. Holloway
Tiffany B. Cloud Mann
Andy W. McAllister
Mary Angela Moore
Danielle Hunter Oldham
Erin L. Bickers Orr
Jonathan W. Redford
Benson T. Sexton
Loudon F. Waterstrat
Jeffrey W. Wesley
Peggy Sue Blankenship
Kimberly E. Brown
Mary Sue Crouse
Heather Renee Davis
Barry Lee Dunn
Benjamin S. Ferguson
Lindsey N. Beisel
Regina M. Haugen
Jamie Rhiannon Noe McQueary
Jeremy K. McQueary
Gavin P. Oldham
Rita G. McAfee Reynolds
Amy Lynn Rice
Tommie A. Saragas
Ruth Ann Smith
Sherry L. Trivett
Kevin O. Tucker
Kyle M. Edwards
Jennifer Dudley Furkin
Ryan M. Holcomb
Dorinda Cherry Livesay
Matthew E. Pendel
Billie L. Robinson
Melissa J. Shelton
Stephen D. Beck
Andrea Drake Brooks
Gerry R. Brooks
Krystall Womack Cundiff
Tevie S. Gooden
Janet C. Jackson
Heather L. Stilts Meadows
Gregory A. Medendorp
Ashley P. Schaffner
Sarah Beth Sherk
Chelsea N. Adams
Renea N. Branson
Amanda L. Brock
Jennifer E. Burdine
Tonia R. Burgan
Jodona R. Massingill Burton
Angela R. Jones Coe
Jennifer L. Collins
Krystal Jean Cook
Sandra S. Crawford
Allison R. Cross
Cindy J. Davis
Daniel T. Davis
Maria K. Dizney
Joseph B. Dotson
Allison N. Durham
Margaret A. Eastridge
Lindsay B. Egnew
Jamie Fouch
Joshua Furkin
Joshua A. Gibson
Zhanine S. Gilbert
Zanman Keith Graham
Alex D. Hamm
Ann Ratliff Hylton
Richard G. Helton
Adam K. Howard
Patricia L. Hubbard
Kimber Lynn Johnson
Angela D. Keen
Erin M. Laborda
Adam A. Atherton
Donna L. Atherton
Paula A. McFall Billingsley
Rose Mary Byrd
Mamadou Fall
Micah D. Followay
Allysa L. Pruitt Gooden
Derek N. Harris
R. Bruce Harris
Ann A. Hoskins
Cheryl J. Baker Karnes
Elizabeth L. Latham
Sheena L. London
William Andy Mann
Carrie A. Cassis Redford
Christy Vaughan
Sharon K. Madewell
Chesney N. Massengill
Tyler F. McCubbins
Ashley M. McGaughey
Michael G. McMinoway
Kathy F. McVey
Cynthia A. Miller
Christie D. Mitchell
Tasha M. Montanaro
Rebecca N. Moyers
Cassie Lynn Niersel
Paul N. Novielli
Mary A. Oliver
Laura Anne Galloway Pollard
Daniel T. Rector *
Lori L. Reynolds
William Andrew Sadler III
Linda R. Scearse
Mary A. Shelton
Christopher R. Smiddy
Robin J. Smith
Justin M. Taylor
Jon Charles Thompson
Brandon Heath Trinkle
Steven L. Warner
Rebecca L. Widener
Cristy L. Wilkinson
Harlon T. Williams
Alma C. Wilson
Stephanie N. Wilson
Crystal D. Wright
Cynthia E. Zander
In Honor of Drs. Jann Aaron and
Henry Baughman
Kevin and Donna Beth Thompson
In Honor of Louise Brock
Rev. Raymond and Martha Martin
In Honor of Brady Button
Rev. Charles T. and Nancy Rogers
In Honor of Mabel Spears Carter
Roberta S. Dearing
In Honor of Mabel Spears Carter’s Children
Mabel Spears Carter
In Honor of Clara Conover
Charles H. and Christine Greenman
In Honor of F. Thomas Conway
Kevin and Donna Beth Thompson
In Honor of Bill and Helen Dixon
George K. and Shirley S. Toadvine
In Honor of Dr. Vince Fanelli
Kevin and Donna Beth Thompson
In Honor of Robert Flowers
Sherman P. and Louise S. McCoy
In Honor of Coach Don Green
Gerald "Duke" and Jane Burnett
Powell M. and Brenda Livesay
Charlie and Earnestine Rosenbaum
A. Jerry and Susan Sheldon
In Honor of Raymond Bruce Harris
Rev. Glen and Sondra Dunn
In Honor of Dr. Vernon and Pat Hodge
Guy W. and Beth Adams
In Honor of Joe and Barbara Hodges
Billy L. and Jayne Squires
In Honor of Dr. Robert L. Holloway
Guy W. and Beth Adams
In Honor of David and Henrida Holloway
Kevin and Donna Beth Thompson
In Honor of John and Vivian Landrum
Guy W. and Beth Adams
In Honor of Dr. Pete Mahurin
First Southern Bancorp, Inc.
In Honor of Charles and Carol Marra
Guy W. and Beth Adams
In Honor of Robert Martin
Guy W. and Beth Adams
In Honor of Carroll Matthews
Charles H. and Christine Greenman
In Honor of Dr. Doug and
Betty Jean Moseley
Dr. Neil and Carrie Farris
In Honor of Laura Pfeffer
Rev. Russell and Martha Taylor
In Honor of Kristy Flowers Poindexter
Sherman P. and Louise S. McCoy
In Honor of Paula Powell
In Honor of Billy L. and Jayne Squires
Joe T. and Barbara Hodges
Richard N. Newman
Charles and Dr. Melinda Senters
In Honor of Margaret Thurman
Oredia H. Whitaker
In Honor of Richard Lee and Marsha Walker
Guy W. and Beth Adams
In Honor of Mary Evelyn Walker
Dr. Neil and Carrie Farris
In Honor of Kenneth and
Dr. Elizabeth L. Whitfield
Guy W. and Beth Adams
In Honor of Rose Willis
Helen O. Young
In Honor of Karen Wright
In Memory of Beatrice Atkins
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Harold Baker
Julia Baker
Dr. William T. and Elise Luckey
In Memory of Avis Barnes
Mary Evelyn Walker
In Memory of Harry Beard
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Charles Blaydes
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Woodrow Blaydes
Grover C. Gilpin
Mary Evelyn Walker
In Memory of John and Dean Burr
Ben C. and Libby Burr
In Memory of James Burris
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Shirley Cadarette
Drs. Henry Baughman and Jann Aaron
In Memory of Opal Carta
Hal and Kathleen Robins
Mathew and Anna Robins
In Memory of Marilyn Challman
Kevin and Donna Beth Thompson
In Memory of Leslie Chapman
Rowena and Tom * Everett
Hilda W. Jenkins
In Memory of Clyde and Christine Cheatham
Charles R. and Carol C. Marra
Kevin and Donna Beth Thompson
In Memory of Dorothy Combs
Maxine W. Walker
In Memory of Vivian Comer
Asa and Dorothy "Tillie" Shelton
In Memory of the Reverend John L. Coomer
Guy W. and Beth Adams
Mrs. R. V. Adams
Rev. Philip and Peggy Barnum
Drs. John B. and Lucretia Begley
William A. Burd
Gordon and Carmen Carter
Rev. James H. and Trudy L. Coomer
Rev. John C. and Janice Coomer
Kenneth R. and Linda F. Coomer
Richie W. and Sue B. Coomer
Wayne L. Coomer
Paul L. Curry
William F. and Sandra Davenhall
Dr. Donald B. and Billie Davis
Rev. Thomas W. and Susan Eblen
Rowena and Tom * Everett
First United Methodist Church
William M. and Patricia M. Guthrie
Nathan and Martha Hale
Myra Happel
Thomas D. and Judith Harris
Roy and Joyce Hovious
Anthony J. and Michelle Ising
John L. and Suzanne O. Ising
Herbert L. and Beatrice S. Lax
Dr. William T. and Elise Luckey
Davis and Cathy Martin
James A. and Martha G. Miller
Allen and Estelle Murrell
Everett S. and Wilma M. Owen
Peter R.L. and Ione Parry
Dr. Robert C. and Vivian Rice
Ronald J. and Sally I. Rice
Morris Gene and Mary J. Sanders
Paul H. Sanders
Carol Smith *
Rev. William L. and Frances A. Stratton
Rev. Gene A. and Carol Weddle
In Memory of William P. Crenshaw
W. Russell and Kathleen Edwards
In Memory of Earl Cundiff
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Cosby Cundiff
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of J.J. Davis
Donald C. and Harriet Davis
In Memory of Barkley Dulin
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Mose Dunning
Dixie P. Jasper
In Memory of David Ellis
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Eva England
Sue C. Stivers
In Memory of Dr. Tom D. Everett
Guy W. and Beth Adams
Drs. John B. and Lucretia Begley
Myrl and Marcella C. Brashear
Cadiz United Methodist Church
Dr. Donald B. and Billie Davis
Grover C. Gilpin
Dr. Ferris I. and Evelyn Larsen
Dr. William T. and Elise Luckey
Drs. George B. and Amy L. Lynch
Asa * and Dorothy "Tillie" Shelton
Kevin and Donna Beth Thompson
Mary Evelyn Walker
Kenneth and Dr. Elizabeth L. Whitfield
In Memory of Mary Louise Ott Fanelli
Pamela Donnelly
Dr. Vince Fanelli
Kevin and Donna Beth Thompson
In Memory of Marie Keltner Finn
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Kermit Flener
Dr. Charles W. and Mary Brockwell
Ruth Flener
In Memory of Paul McCoy
Sherman P. and Louise S. McCoy
In Memory of Charles E. Fouser
Nancy M. Fouser
Kevin and Donna Beth Thompson
In Memory of Don Franklin
Guy W. and Beth Adams
Drs. John B. and Lucretia Begley
Columbia/Adair Co. Chamber of Commerce
Dr. William T. and Elise Luckey
Sue C. Stivers
In Memory of Joseph Garner
Guy W. and Beth Adams
Frederick and Carol Baker
CRWS, Inc.
Samuel J. and Lee Ann Speaks
Vanpool Friends
In Memory Kitty Grove
Chip and Linda Bowles
In Memory of Dr. Charles Guthrie
Vera Guthrie
In Memory of Effie Heskamp
Grover C. Gilpin
Lynn and Jean McLean
Sue C. Stivers
Mary Evelyn Walker
In Memory of Doris Holloway
Philip W. and Rebecca Morris
In Memory of Jimmy Howard
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Carolyn Hulse
Rowena and Dr. Tom D.* Everett
Drs. John B. and Lucretia Begley
Dr. William T. and Elise Luckey
In Memory of Joyce Humkey
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Anna Hutchison
Prudence Westholm
In Memory of Carl Hutchison
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Earl and Vivian Ingram
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Harold and Mary Jewell
Morris F. Bass
J. R. and Tim Demonbreum
Allie Mae Frizzell and Dianne Hayes
James and Dianne Lorenz
Cornelia H. Miller
Betty T. Morris
Fred S. Rolater
Kyle R. Spence
Marjorie C. Voorhies
In Memory of Linda Judd
Hilda G. Legg
In Memory of Mary Kloth
Alpha Chi - LWC Chapter
Chelsea N. Adams
Dr. Annette Abel
Renea N. Branson
Amanda L. Brock
Kimberly E. Brown
Tonia R. Burgan
Jennifer L. Collins
Hannah M. Coyt
Dr. Jeffrey and Jodi Crane
Sandra S. Crawford
Dr. Brenda L. Dew
Maria K. Dizney
Joseph B. Dotson
Margaret A. Eastridge
Chris and Myra G. Ford
Mark and Denise G. Fudge
Zhanine S. Gilbert
Richard G. Helton
Alex D. Hamm
Amy Leanne Holsinger
Dr. William T. and Elise Luckey
Sharon K. Madewell
Chesney N. Massengill
Dr. Patrice C. McCarter
Cynthia A. Miller
Tasha M. Montanaro
Rebecca N. Moyers
Dr. Jeffrey Parsons
Lori L. Reynolds
Dr. John R. Rigney
Billie L. Robinson
Dr. Kathryn A. Russ
Tommie A. Saragas
Linda R. Scearse
Christopher R. Smiddy
Dr. Barry C. Stephens
Justin M. Taylor
Brandon H. Trinkle
Christy Vaughan
Dr. Martin C. Wesley
Cristy L. Wilkinson
Harlon T. Williams
Daniel and Jennifer Williamson
Dr. Curtis A. Wisely
Cynthia E. Zander
In Memory of Adam Komosa
Naomi Evelyn Komosa
James H. and Janet Scott
Kevin and Donna Beth Thompson
In Memory of Emmett Kottke
Georgia Y. Hunt *
In Memory of Embry Lay
Judy H. Lay
In Memory of Beulah Lee
Rev. Gene A. and Carol Weddle
In Memory of Mildred Long
Rev. Gene A. and Carol Weddle
In Memory of Julia Loy
Dr. L. Dean and Valerie Adams
Charles R. and Caroline B. Baesler
Banner & Witcoff, LTD
Drs. John B. and Lucretia Begley
Mayor Patrick and Martha Bell
David Bowman
Michael D. and Lisa T. Brown
John M. and Arvella C. Canada
James d. and Lyndia Cochran
Richie W. and Sue B. Coomer
Danny and Pat Downey
James R. and Georgann Flowers
Joseph W. Flowers
Ruby A. Flowers
Billy J. and Libby Fudge
Mark and Denise G. Fudge
Elmer J. and Faye George
Grover C. Gilpin
Inette B. Goodin
Richard and Beth Grant
Margaret Hardin
William and Sharon Harris
Ronald E. and Hada V. Haulsee
Briana W. Heniford
Terry W. and Staci Horn
Lynn Earl Huddleston
John E. and Joyce Humkey
Charles R. and Carolyn J. Jessee
Gene and Laverne Jessee
Howard and Charlotte A. Krauss
Hilda G. Legg
Larry and Kay Legg
Leon and Ann Rose Lewis
Dr. Barry and Mary Anne Loy
Dr. William T. and Elise Luckey
Charles and Yvonne Marshall
Rita W. Marshall
Dwayne C. and Debbie Martin
Mary Frances May
Mike T. Neal
A. Codell and Linda Phipps
H. W. and Dr. Ruby Roach
Emily E. Sargent
Joe and Jill Smith
Ruth Smith
Mark T. and Geneva Sok
Sue C. Stivers
Candice B. Stockton
Lennon D. and Karla Stone
Maxine W. Walker
Richard Lee and Marsha Walker
Dr. George and Elizabeth Webb
Prudence H. Westholm
Montra C. Wethington
Thomas M. and Mary Ann White
Brenda C. Williams
David L. and Ginger Willis
Jeff Wiseman
Ballard Wright
Margaret A. York
In Memory of Phyllis Loy
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Thomasine Loy
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Sally O. Martin
Guy W. and Beth Adams
Mary Evelyn Walker
In Memory of Walter Mathis
Wayne and Alisa Baker
Judy B. Damron
Sue C. Stivers
In Memory of Paul McCoy
Sherman P. and Louise S. McCoy
In Memory of Dr. L. R. McDonald
Rev. Ira W. Shaw
In Memory of Orville Miller
Claude M. and Samantha Bacon
Kevin and Donna Beth Thompson
In Memory of Shively Mitchell
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Delorah Jewell Moore
J. R. and Tim Demonbreum
Allie Mae Frizzell and Dianne Hayes
William H. and Anne S. Holland
J.P. and W.R. Jewell Foundation
James R. Jewell Sr.
Hoyte and Linda Owen
Charles L. and Nancy Pigg
Fred S. Rolater
In Memory of Judy Morrison
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Katie Murrell
Jerry L. and Elaine Garver
C. Philip Hanna
Joseph R. and Florence B. Harner
Rev. Earl A. and Jerry G. Johnston
Kevin and Donna Beth Thompson
In Memory of Edes Nunn
Rev. Gene A. and Carol Weddle
In Memory of Dr. J. Howard Olds
James D. and Lee Anne Abernathy
Guy W. and Beth Adams
Ben R. and Sheri D. Alford
Henry E. and Wanda B. Amos
Karen Armstrong
Robert and Joyce Astor
Ray and Mary E. Bailey
Roy K. and Lois J. Barnes
Brandley L. and Diane Barrett
Albert J. and Dawn Bart
Marvin W. and Mary Lou Bartels
Richard L. and Ruth Ann Beard
David and Deese Bearden
Ed A. Beasley Jr.
Edward L. and Anne O. Beeler
Drs. John B. and Lucretia Begley
Beth Bell
Belmont University
Mark E. and Anna s. Best
Les E. and Ruth Black
Richard and Abby Blahauvietz
William E. and JoAnne Boon
Norma L. Bothwell
Chip and Linda Bowles
Brentwood United Methodist Church
Dr. Charles W. and Mary Brockwell
Robert Brown and Jackie Roll
Robert P. and Hilrie T. Brown
John G. Brunner
Dr. Eugene T. and Toni S. Bryan
James H. and Sandra L. Burgin
Jeffrey D. Byers
Rev. Ben N. and Mary J. Cain
James M. and Verna L. Canto
Jerry B. and Dorothy B. Carr
Thomas P. and Julialice Carter
John C. and Jan Cason
City of Brentwood
Captain Dan C. and Diane Clements
Joc and Margaret Collignon
Kay L. Combs
James H. and Mary E. Costner
Samuel J. and Dorothy R. Coulter
Alvin S. and Frances W. Crawford
Watkins and Gail Crockett
Heather Culp
Tony and Melissa A. Dabbs
William W. and Julie S. Damon
Richard and Beverly A. Daugherty
Dr. Donald B. and Billie Davis
David L. and Lou Ann de Roode
Robert J. and Naomi de Young
Dr. Bob and Angie DeWeese
Anita Dixon
John William and Helen Dixon
Hunter and Joyce Durham
Mike and Kellie Ehart
Clarence E. and Alice B. Elkins
Michael A. and Patricia L. Embree
Joan B. Embry
Emergency Physicians Group PSC
Larry and Saundra Epley
David L. and Mary H. Evans
Rowena and Tom D. * Everett
Rev. Sarah Ewing
Faith Inquiry Sunday School Class
Kenneth A. and Karen S. Fargason
Dr. W. F. and Carolyn Fleet
Margaret C. Foster
James L. Fowler
Amy A. Fox
Stephan and Donnis S. Francois
Rev. Ron and Marjorie Gaddie
Norman F. and Elizabeth J. Galloway
John C. and Angela A. Gaskins
Robert A. and Marjorie L. Gibson
Robert R. and Thelma L. Gibson
Dr. Raymond W. and Alice Gibson
William N. and Meredith W. Goff
David M. and Kathy L. Golliher
Mrs. G. G. Grissom
Lucinda L. Hall
W. Scott and Yvonne Hall
Vickie Hanning
Hardiman Properties, Inc.
William and Charlotte Hardin
James K. and Janet S. Hasson
Ronald E. and Ginny Heath
Mary Lou Heatherly
John "Skip" and Deborah K. Heibert
Robert L. and Marilyn Helvey
John and D.D. Hendrickson
Donald R. and Karen R. Henson
A. Neal and Mary H. Hinson
Barbara C. Holbrook
Dr. Robert L. Holloway
Leslie A. Homra
David and Beth Howard
David H. and Gerry B. Hudnall
Donald R. and Julia W. Hughes
Robert S. and Jane C. Hughes
James R. and Judith A. Humphreys
Terrell and Harriet Hurst
Dr. Y. Charles and Heemee Y. Joe
Dale Jones
Jonesville United Methodist Church
J. Ellsworth Kalas
Dr. Ray C. and Lisa J. Kennedy
Joseph A. and Robin E. Kennedy
Mrs. H. M. Kessler
Charles Ketron
C. E. and Ann E. Kimbel
James G. and Sue Kimbrough
Bishop James R. and Rose King
George and Kathryn Leonard
William Lewis
Julia Littlejohn
Phillip and Fredericka Lockett
Robert L. and Nancy M. Logan
Lois A. Long
J. Wendell Lotz Jr.
Dr. William T. and Elise Luckey
William R. MacKay
Louise A. Marable
Etta Lee Marlin
James H. and Polly Martin
John W. and Margaret S. Massari
Pauletta Perkins Matthews
Michael B. and Nancy R. Mattox
Dr. Daniel A. and Betty McAninch
Ashley C. McAnulty
Laverne G. McMahan
Joseph J. and Linda Melnyk
F. Max and Mary A. Merrell
Carolyn H. Miller
C. Hubert Moore
James G. and Linda D. Mooter
Allan B. and Nancy G. Morris
Lynn C. and Linda Morris
Rick R. and Theresa A. Murphy
Lucille C. Nabors
Michael H. and Mary A. Neal
Frederic and Elaine Nessler
Susan A. Norton
Gerald E. and Anne Norton
Gale W. Nyseth
Lenora Kelly Olds
Dorothy F. Ozburn
Michael R. and Barbara
Lesa L. Pearce
Duke and Betty H. Pearce
Gerald and Mary Phillips
Dale W. and Nancy Jo Polley
Edwin and Harriett Polley
James E. and Carol J. Porter
James R. and Bobbie F. Porter
Bette Purcell Potts
Steve and Paula Powell
William P. and Michele M. Prevost
John L. and Linda M. Price
George I. and Joyce E. Pust
Alan J. and Judith Ramsay
Dr. Donald E. and Patricia S. Rankin
Rev. Howard and Dee Reynolds
Glenn A. Rieuf Jr.
Wayne and Nellie Riley
Neil Robertson
Mary Ann Robinson
Howard K. and Betty L. Sanders
Tommy E. and Diane S. Sanford
Chuck and Pat Scott
Andy and Rose Mary Sears
Seay Hubbard United Methodist Church
Douglas P. and Martha T. Sell
Glenn Shepard
James W. and Lynn Shepherd
Eddie and Nancy Sinclair
Lena F. Sleamaker
Carol Smith *
Jane C. Smith
Albert T. and Lynn P. Spaw
Spirited Singles
St. Paul United Methodist Church
James L. Stepp
Alma I. Stewart
Rev. William L. and Frances A. Stratton
Donna J. Talbot
L. Jerry and Patricia S. Taylor
David W. and Sabrina L. Temple
The United Methodist Church (TN)
A. Kate Thomas
Joseph Tiratto
George K. and Shirley S. Toadvine
Phillip E. and Linda Todd
Cal and Margaret Turner
David A. and Michele D. Tweel
Jim M. Vanhook
Edith e. Vaughn
Vincent E. and Ann W. Walkup
Frank W. and Peggy J. Warner
Elaine V. Wesnofske
Lawrence E. and Susan R. White
Kenneth and Dr. Elizabeth L. Whitfield
Carolyn Wieland
David S. and Rebecca Wilhelm
Danny and Sarah Williams
Donald E. and Nancy V. Williams
Hal E. Wilson
Mary Bennie Wilson
Wilma R. Wise
Taj S. Wolff
Dr. Clara Womack
Carl H. and Ruby F. Wood
Carroll L. and Helen Wood
Wesley Forum Sunday School Class
United Methodist Church
Cecil Ray and Lola D. Woolums
Michael Wayne Wyss
In Memory of Donny O’Neal
Rev. Norman T. and Sylvia O’Neal
In Memory of Rev. Marshall R. Owen
Sarah H. Owen
In Memory of Ronald Patterson
Drs. Henry Baughman and Jann Aaron
In Memory of Lenord Prock
Johnnie O. and Frances L. Prock
In Memory of Daniel T. Rector
Pamela Rector
In Memory of Lowell Reeg
Karen A. Govender
In Memory of Dr. Walter S. Reuling
Marjorie Reuling
In Memory of Joseph Richardson
Guy W. and Beth Adams
Drs. John B. and Lucretia Begley
Thomas P. and Julialice Carter
Rowena and Tom D. * Everett
Dr. William T. and Elise Luckey
Eddie and Nancy Sinclair
Kevin and Donna Beth Thompson
In Memory of Dr. Mitchell Rivitz
Drs. Henry Baughman and Jann Aaron
In Memory of Ramona Rogers
Columbia United Methodist Church
In Memory of Marshall Rowe
Della M. Rowe
Dr. Ricky Rowe
In Memory of Cesario Dos Santos
Mamadou Fall
Mark and Denise G. Fudge
C. Philip Hanna
Dr. Tim and Suzy McAlpine
In Memory of Jane Salato
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Charles Shive
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Jean Slider
Dr. Joe F. Arterberry
Judith S. Blair
John T. and Theresa W. Bondurant
Rev. Margaret S. Butler
Ralph O. and Dorothy A. Calveard
The Reverend Samuel and Barbara Clark
James T. and Mary Crain
Dr. Bob and Angie DeWeese
Mark C. and Jan E. Durst
Richard W. and Nancy Embry
The Reverend Sarah Ewing
David and Lucille Fannin
Patricia Ford
Stanley C. and Flo Gault
Robert B. and Audrey D. Grant
Charles W. Gray
Rick K. and Ann G. Guillaume
S. Oden and Laurie Howell
Charles R. and Mary Ann Lewis
Dr. William T. and Elise Luckey
William K. and Maxine Lutz
Stuart C. and Joan D. McCombs
Roy J. and Frances E. Polston
Pleasure Ridge United Methodist Church
C. L. Recke Jr.
Kay Perry Scearce
Warren L. and Elizabeth A. Slider
Thomas W. and Mary lee Speckman
Gary M. and Martha A. Strobel
Stanley E. and Laura L. Thomas
Ruth D. Tobin
Bob Weddington
Margery T. Welch
In Memory of Jerry and Carol Smith
The Reverend R. Darren and
Lori Brandon
Dr. Charles W. and Jane Music
The Reverend Robert K. and
Audrey Myers
Prudence H. Westholm
In Memory of Dorothy Smith
Grover C. Gilpin
Dean G. Ryan
Asa * and Dorothy "Tillie" Shelton
In Memory of Harold J. Smith
Carmen M. Cantrell
F. Thomas and Barbara Conway
Eugene B. and Margery A. Pflughaupt
Kevin and Donna Beth Thompson
In Memory of Jean O. Smith
Herbert and Rochelle Bass
Drs. John B. and Lucretia Begley
James L. and Phyllis S. Fine
Angie R. Holmes
Dr. William T. and Elise Luckey
H. Douglas Mann
James B. and Linda W. McArthur
S. Russell and Mollie Smith
Joseph A. and Virginia M. Worthington
In Memory of Jimmie Spurling
Brady and Emiley W. Button
Teresa Spurling
Kevin and Donna Beth Thompson
In Memory of Gary Stoner
Andrejs and Mary Lou Paeglis
In Memory of Frances Stults
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Dorothy Sullivan
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Christine Taylor
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of Dr. Wallace E. Thomas
Rowena and Tom D. * Everett
The Reverend Gene A. and Carol Weddle
In Memory of Emily Vickers
Mark B. and Cindy Weaver
In Memory of William "Bill" Walker
Marie W. Gosser
In Memory of Daisey White
Grover C. Gilpin
In Memory of James C. Williams
Gregory and Kimberly Troup
In Memory of Bobbie Willis
Michael D. and Lisa T. Brown
In Memory of Dr. Ralph and
Nellie Winchester
Grover C. Gilpin
Kenneth and Dr. Elizabeth L. Whitfield
In Memory of Jerry Wise
Drs. Henry Baughman and Jann Aaron
We apologize if we omitted your name or if your name is listed incorrectly. If your name is not listed, it probably was because:
Your gift was not made during the 2008-09 fiscal year. The names published in the 2008-2009 President’s Annual Report are those of
individuals and organizations whose gifts were received between July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2009.
You are unsure whether you made a gift during the 2008-09 fiscal year. If you believe you made a gift to Lindsey Wilson during the
2008-09 fiscal year, check your financial records or call our Development Office.
We made a mistake. Although we take great care in compiling our President’s Annual Report, there is always the possibility of error.
If you have any questions, or would like your name to appear differently in the 2009-2010 President’s Annual Report,
contact the Development Office, 210 Lindsey Wilson Street, Columbia, Kentucky 42728;
(800) 264-0138; (270) 384-8047; or [email protected].
To view a video looking back at 2008-09 at Lindsey Wilson,
go to www.youtube.com/lwcpublicrelations and search “2008-09 highlights.”

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