Name Class Date Atmosphere l. Testing Concepts Direction szlntheblank totheleft,writetheletter clmpletes ofthetermorphrlsethntclrrectly each stotement. l. The is the l.Ie( of the atmospherenearestto Earth'ssurface. a. mesosphere ( b.\troposphere c. stratosphere - . d. ionosphere 2. --\. The are windlesszonesnear the equator. ' (9 doldrums c. polar easterlies b. prevailing westerlies d. trade winds A 3. In the water rycle, evaporatedwater a. precipitatesas rain or snow c. becomesgroundwater b. runs into lakes,streams,and oceans CcLr,condenses into clouds I d c o .g c o CL E. o (J = * g oC) o) o c .9 .9 E o .: = -g* (9 C) t\ q) o o o) '@ .c .!p a o C) b 5. Electrically-chargedparticlesare found primarily in the a. troposphere b. exosphere @ionosphere d. stratosphere 7. The mergesinto outer space. a. troposphere b. stratosphere co d. Condensation 6. The are responsiblefof the movement of much of.the weatheracrossthe United"States. c. trade winds @ pre'o"iling westerlies b. polar easterlies d. doldrums -L A 4.-isthetransferofenergybyelectro4gagneticwaves. (d naaiation a. Conduction b. Convection 8. Too much exposureto a. water vapor b. air pressure g. Air in the c. mesosphere @,.*orphere can causeQkincancer. CE ultraviolet radiation d. ozone is warmed by heat from Earth'ssurface. z^\rrrr b. exosphere c. stratosphere d. thermosphere G)r troposphere 10. is the transferof heatby the flow of a heatedmaterial. a. Radiation b. Conduction Convection d. Absorption O ll. The_ is cause{Q1r Earth'srotation. (b-)Coriolis effect c. doldrums a. jet stream d. trade winds c_ o 12. Air abovethe a. north pole is heatedmorethan.{ anyotlier placeon Earth. b. southpole d. United States k) equator 13. Chlorofluorocarbons destroythe ozonelaler by -. a. addingmoreozonemolecules ( d destroyingozonemolecules b. blockingultravioletradiation d increasing nitrogenlevels Atmosphere 35 "1,i i I .l I L I ,n. Steadywinds betweenthe equator and 30olatitude north or south are known as T) a. doldrums , t+ [ \ U, n t1 S, I'l l-/ c. easterlies @ tradewinds 15. Air currents that blow near the north and south poles are the Ar b b. jet streams @ pot"r easterlies b. trade winds c. polar westerlies d. jet streams 6, Reflectionand absorptionby the atmosphereprevent some Earth'ssurface. c. nitrogen radiation a. ozone d.'orygen O 17. Seaand land breezeshappen because a. the land heatsand coolsmore slowly than the water quickly than the water [b. \_/ the land heatsand cools more water than over land more easily over c. air moves - d. air movesmore easilyover land than over water and by the tg. The distinct wind patternson Earth'ssurfaceare createdby Coriolis effect. c. magneticfields @ differencesin heating d. the jet streams b. the ozonelayer 19. Temperaturesin the thermospherearec. very cold a. hot and cold b. constantlychanging @ very warm 20. is the only substancethat existsasa solid, liquid, and gasin Earth'satmosphere. d. Radiation b. Ozone g Water a. Nitrogen ench description. attheleft,writetheletterofthetermthotmotches ns:lntheblank Directio C A -L R c conduction 21. transfer of energythrough space t. 22. transfer of energythrough contact b. convection 23. transfer of heat causingdifferencesin air density radiation 24. transfer of energyfrom land and water to air by direct contact 25. transfer of energyfrom the Sun to Earth'ssurface Write theletterofthe intherightcllumn. withthephroses intheleftcolumn s; Matththeterms Direction phrlseintheblank attheleft. clrrect c L 26. nitrogen X. 27. smog b. zeroto four percentof air 28. watervapor A C. 2I percentof the atmosphere most common gasin air d. normally found in the upper stratosphere 29. oxygen 30. ozone 36 Atmosphere €. causedwhen pollutants mix with oxygenand other chemicalsin the presenceof sunlight ,-Q Class Date Name ll. UnderstandingConcepts Skill:Comparing andContrasting Direction szUse thechart toonswer thequestions. Thermometer Temperature Temperature after heatapplied -after heat turned off for 15 minutes for 15minutes 26'C 33'C Original temperature reading Abovesand 25'C Abovewater 25"C 2g"c l. Over which material did the air heat faster? 27'C Senc\ 2. Overwhich materialdid the air cool faster? How can the temperatures of sand and water affect the climate of the qrea? ^ - ) 4. () c- ! l- r . \- | n i d,t${crcnce oF hect*rnq3 C(rl\in0og LCir ^ I 7 VII]ET How does this information explain the differencebetweenland and seabreezes? o .9 o CL E o o = * E o(, o o .9 ..2 .= E' Skill:Using aGraph Ct-Cr\eS L SeO.-b'reeZe . groph questions. Direction szUse thecircle toanswer thefollowing 5. Which gasmakesup aboutone-fifth of Earth's atmosphere? o = * E oo 6. About what percentof Earth'i atmospheredoes ]b . o o (t @ -q) E b0 e o o 7. How could you expressthe amount of nitrogen in Earth'satmosphereas a fraction? a tct*-rn-c,< Wan 3/'l neryls Atmosphere 17 r AirMovement SectionS tT Direction theillustrotions below asshowing 0 seabreeze orlandbreeze. szldentify Direction s: Motch eachcouse withthecorrect Writetheletteroflthre in theblonk effect. effect before thecause, ;I () o .o E = I 3 a4 /" lji 3. The equatorreceivesmore of the Sun'senergy. D 4. Warm air is lessdensethan cold air, ? J. a. Coid air sinks. b. Air near the equatoris warmer. The polesreceivelessof the Sun'senergy. c. The Coriolis effectexists. -L 6. Cold air is more densethan warm air. d. Warm air rises. ( 7. Warm air moleculesare farther apart. e. Warm air is lessdense. 8. Earth rotates. f. Air near the polesis colder. (' .= Effect Cause o = = 3 o (5 @ .9p t Atmosphere 17 @ry o Movement of Air Usethe diagramsbelowto identify thefollowing terms:doldrums,land breeze,polar easterlies,praniling westerlies, tradewinds, seabreeze,Write eachterm next to the appropriatenumber. tie\ ?oiavcosk.r '. \,0eS{,e.r tres 2. 3. av c..d€trJind.t 4. 5. i///\ 2/ / / / \ 3)' 'bo\dvtrvn\ -I"vaciert!rnd\ J" Ll 5 \\\\ \ 6\ I 6. Pg\os A 'c ruQ\\rrtrr\ Tc,lar€ast{[rrr \ l 10^ \ \ / v\\\/ Fr(l tfR l -;75:-51\+.. atr )lx Cool air ---:--e-* 't\^*---r't-t'-''''Z' FIGURE3 landbrceze- 9. ----<--a -"- Stu hrr€ze ln the blank on the left, write the term that matcheseachdefinition. -i 0 | $ (f#c1n. The turning of air massesfrom their original pathsbecauseof Earth's rotation fnr S+rrctrrts 1,1..High altitude winds that occur in places where trade winds and polar easterlies meet prevailing westerlies 12. Air movement patterns on Earth's surface as shown in Figure 1 13. Circular movement of air that causesthe winds shown in Figure 2 Lrretur 60 Copyright @ Glencoe/Mccraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, lnc.