2015 prayer guide - Vapor International


2015 prayer guide - Vapor International
About Vapor
Multiplying Disciples
Revealing God’s grace
by advancing His Gospel.
At Vapor, we seek to intentionally form disciples with
multiplication in mind. Through a variety of relevant
means, we introduce people to the hope of Christ, teach
the truths of God’s Word and equip participants to multiply
disciples in their own community.
Alleviating Poverty
Showing God’s compassion
by sharing His provision.
The areas we serve suffer from generational
poverty that runs deep. Showing the love of Christ,
without forming dependency, brings lasting
transformation and hope for breaking the cycle.
Sustainable Centers
Maximizing God’s resources by
cultivating indigenous capabilities.
Vapor seeks to truly break the cycle of poverty in the areas
we serve by developing local people’s skills and abilities.
We also engage in income-generating opportunities with
the aim of offsetting core operating costs at our centers.
About Vapor days
Thank you for joining us for this three-day time of focused prayer for Vapor. We are
humbled and honored by your willingness to support God’s work through Vapor. We
join you in seeking His hand of provision and favor over this ministry... for HIS glory!
We invite you to consider fasting with us over the next three days. Look for this box with specific
insights if you have chosen to join us in the fast track.
Scriptures: Acts 6:7; 9:31; 10:42; 19:20 and Matthew 28:18-20
In the book of Acts, we read story after story of faithful men and women who were
obedient to Christ’s mandate to multiply disciples. Throughout the pages of Scripture, we
witness these devoted followers proclaiming the Good News, which resulted in the Spirit
drawing many to Himself. Those who were transformed by the Gospel had a new mission
in life: to make disciples. Disciples who make other disciples. Lots of them.
This multiplying effect was the plan from the beginning of creation. What we witness in
the book of Acts is not random, for the Gospel didn’t multiply on its own but by the grace
and heart of God. His church didn’t just appear from nothing, and the discipleship process
did not develop without intentionality. The examples we read about in the New
Testament teach us that multiplication is only possible if we actively pursue it.
At Vapor, we make intentional multiplication our mission. Not because we are concerned
about numbers. Not because we have a point to prove. And not even because we aim to
be successful. We aim at multiplication because our goal is to be faithful to Jesus, just like
those first disciples in Acts. We firmly believe that Jesus’ parting words in Matthew 28 are
as much for us today as they were for His followers then.
Vapor establishes centers that provide hope that can only be found in the Gospel. In the
midst of desperation, we seek to intentionally form disciples with multiplication in mind.
Through a variety of relevant means, we introduce people to the hope of Christ, teach the
truths of God’s Word and equip participants to multiply disciples in their own community.
• Pray that God will keep
everyone at Vapor
motivated by an
unwavering passion to
spread the Gospel and
multiply disciples.
• Pray for new disciples at
Vapor centers. Ask God to
mature their faith, give
them a strong foundation in
His Word and a heart to
make disciples too.
• Pray for the staff at our
centers to be bold in sharing
the Gospel and discipling
believers. Pray they remain
encouraged when the
process takes longer than
they’d like.
Sixteen-year-old Renel Jean, a boy who attends one of our centers in Haiti, learned in an instant that life is a vapor. The day
before Christmas, he was involved in a devastating accident that nearly killed him. He was hit by a minivan while riding his
bicycle. God could have ordained that tragedy to be his final moment on this earth. But God wasn’t finished with him yet.
• Pray that God will use
challenging circumstances
to lead individuals in the
communities we serve to
Christmas Eve changed everything for Renel. The physical wounds were severe; but they
would be a catalyst to open his eyes to an even deeper spiritual need in his life.
Though he was raised going to church and had heard the Gospel at the Vapor league
every week for years, Renel had not yet placed his faith in Christ. But he was close to
several staff members at Vapor who had been sharing with him personally for a while.
These staff members have continued to be there for him at every step of his recovery.
Not only have they been supportive in his physical healing (more on that tomorrow),
Renel Jean...on the day he professed Christ as his
personal Savior.
they have continued to point him to the Giver of Life. While Renel was in the
hospital, he realized that it was God who had spared his life, and he shared his
desire to begin attending church again. The Spirit was at work.
Even as we were writing this prayer guide, this story was unfolding. In the process of
gathering information about this young man, we had some clarifying questions. We
emailed our staff in Haiti, and they decided to make another visit to the teenager.
On that day Renel, though still confined to his bed, was smiling and upbeat. He
shared with them that since the accident he had been thinking about finally
following Christ and beginning the personal relationship with Jesus that his friends
at Vapor had been telling him about all this time. Our staff once again shared the
Gospel with him, and they invited him to respond—to no longer think about
following Christ, but actually follow Him for real and forever. After years of the
discipleship process, Renel’s eyes were opened, and his heart was ready to receive
the Good News. He repented of his sin and placed his faith in Christ’s saving work
on the cross. His life will never be the same.
Renel is a new creation. And as he begins this journey, Vapor will continue to invest
in his spiritual growth. The staff will make sure that, just as they have been equipped
to make disciples, he too is trained to be a disciple maker. Multiplication in action!
Indeed, God is not done with Renel Jean. His story is just beginning.
Find out more about Renel’s incredible story tomorrow!
How would the Lord have you personally respond to His mandate for multiplying disciples? Prayerfully consider the
following as a place to start:
• Pray that Renel Jean will
• Read through the book of Acts, and invite your family or small group to join you. Pray
for God to give you a passion and boldness equal to that of the early church.
continue to grow in His faith
• If you are not involved in a discipleship relationship, pray that God will send you
and that he will make many
someone who needs to hear the Gospel and be discipled. Seek out opportunities in
your workplace, your neighborhood and your church.
• Partner with Vapor through the Vapor12 monthly giving program. By selecting
• Ask God to show you how
“disciple making” as your area of focus, your donation goes directly into efforts like
to multiply disciples right
those you read about today. Or “most critical need” can help where needed most.
where He has planted you.
We invite you to consider fasting with us over the next three days. From 12pm-1pm (CST)
each day, our staff will gather together at our headquarters and petition the Lord on behalf of
Vapor. We would love for you to pray alongside us at this time and throughout the day.
• Pray about how God
would lead you to be
involved with Vapor’s
discipleship efforts.
Scriptures: Proverbs 31:8-9; 14:31 and 21:13
An image of poverty can evoke emotion and compassion. Our hearts can’t help but
break when we see suffering etched in the faces of those staring back at us from a
photo or video clip. But temporary emotions and feelings will never be enough to fuel
long-lasting compassion. When distance separates us from those in need, it is easy to
forget that the images in front of our eyes represent millions of real people around the
world. Real people, who face real crisis. Every single day.
If we want our hearts to stay tender and compassionate toward the poor and needy in
our world, we must have Biblical truths deeply rooted in our hearts. Otherwise, we are
prone to apathy, ignoring the great need because it seems too great, too overwhelming.
Throughout Scripture we see glimpses of a compassionate God who cares deeply for
the oppressed and marginalized. He has not forgotten their plight. If we follow Christ,
we are called to demonstrate His compassion by being the hands and feet of Jesus in a
hurting world. It can be overwhelming, for sure. Yet His grace overwhelms even that.
At Vapor, we pray fervently for wisdom as we seek to help without hurting. We aim to be
people that don’t just talk about the staggering needs in the world, but people who
reach the hurting. Binding up wounds, providing clean water and education. Loving the
unloved—all in the name of Jesus. When you partner with us, you are making a true and
lasting difference in real lives. We are overwhelmed by God’s provision through you!
• Pray that we will have
hearts of compassion for
those we serve, and ask God
to help us never forget their
plight. May we be
overwhelmed by His love for
• As you enjoy easy access
to food and water today,
pray for the hungry in the
communities Vapor serves.
• As you pray for physical
thirst and hunger to be
satisfied, ask God to also
satisfy the spiritual hunger
and thirst of those in need.
Remember the young man we told you about yesterday? Wasn’t that an amazing
picture of redemption? Praise God for changing his heart and setting him on a new
course. But there’s even more to this story.
• Pray for our Hasmin’s
Friends program. Pray that
these precious kids will see
God’s hand of provision as
the program provides for
their physical and spiritual
Back in 2012 when the first Vapor center in Haiti launched, Renel was among the initial
group that came to the center. His family was in an extremely desperate situation. His
dad died several years before, leaving his mother to care for her five children alone. Fritz,
the child education coordinator, felt a special compassion for this family from the
moment he met them. And he has continued to have a special place in his heart for
Renel and his family. In fact, Fritz was there when Renel gave his life to Christ.
As you may know, the children in Hasmin’s Friends are among the poorest in the
communities Vapor serves. Sadly, Renel fit the criteria, and by God’s grace, just this past
year, Renel was sponsored through the program. He is now able to go to school. He has
• Lift up the staff serving at
Vapor Centers as they seek
to help those who are in
need in ways that don’t
cause unintentional harm.
• Pray for those facing
heartbreaking situations in
the communities Vapor
serves. Cry out to God for
their relief from physical
and emotional pain.
• Pray that God will provide
financial resources for Vapor
to meet the critical needs of
individuals like Renel, who
face unexpected crises.
money for books and uniforms, as well as food stipends. Like many others in his
community, Vapor has provided him with opportunity and a bright future. And with
some recent changes to the program, he will have the opportunity to pursue postsecondary education as well. He will have a real chance to break the cycle of poverty.
As an active participant in the sports league at the center, Renel has also benefitted
from classes about nutrition, disease prevention, proper hygiene and other topics that
help him stay healthy. And he drinks freely from the clean water well at the center. While
it’s not uncommon for local wells to have locks on them, this one is free for all who thirst.
Renel suffered life-threatening injuries from his accident. He had several broken bones in
one of his legs, a broken bone in his hand, deep gashes and torn flesh on his legs, and
many cuts requiring stitches over a good portion of his body—visible reminders that his
life could’ve ended in that moment. While the man who hit him covered his initial
hospital expenses, the months of rehabilitative care have required more money than his
family could possibly afford. By God’s grace, Vapor has emergency humanitarian-aid
funds available to help with some of the costs. Friends, family and even local Vapor staff
members have also contributed to help fund his recovery.
All of Vapor’s poverty-alleviating efforts are aimed at helping those we serve in ways that
instill dignity and avoid forms of dependence, while providing meaningful care. Renel
has been a recipient of these efforts from the moment he came to Vapor. This young
man still has has much recovery ahead of him. Praise God that his friends at Vapor will
be there for the long haul, providing the loving care he needs physically and spiritually.
Read more of Renel’s ongoing story tomorrow!
How would the Lord have you personally respond to His mandate to care for the poor?
Prayerfully consider the following as a place to start:
• Partner with your church to meet physical needs in your local community.
• Seek out resources to help focus your personal efforts. We recommend Generous
Justice by Keller and When Helping Hurts by Corbett/Fikkert, as great places to start.
• Partner with Vapor to sponsor a child through the Hasmin’s Friends program.
• Partner with Vapor through the Vapor12 monthly giving program. By selecting
“poverty alleviation” as your area of focus, your donation goes directly into efforts like
those you read about today. Or “most critical need” can help where needed most.
“But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be
seen by others but by your Father who is in secret.” (Matt. 6:17-18, ESV) As you “wash
your face,” today, be “on your face” before God, who lifts the face of the downtrodden.
• Pray for Renel Jean as he
recovers from his injuries.
• Ask God to show you how
you can be a part of helping
those in need in your own
community and around the
• Pray about how God would
lead you to be involved with
Vapor’s poverty-alleviation
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
God’s method for reaching the world is people. People coming together as members of
the body of Christ is a force no one can stop. God’s people being equipped and trained in
knowledge of Him, and His people being provided tools for the advancement of His
kingdom—that’s how true and lasting transformation can take place in a community!
In this passage from 1 Corinthians, we learn that God has given each of His children gifts,
which are intended to serve the greater body of Christ and thus reach the world. When
members of the body know their gifts and willingly invest them in eternal things, the
incredible can happen.
The individuals Vapor equips are talented and uniquely gifted to reach their communities.
God has given each of them something to offer the Kingdom. While our sustainability
efforts include plans for physical projects and income generation at each center (as well as
in the U.S.), one of the greatest keys to sustainability is indigenous leadership.
To accomplish our mission, we intentionally develop the God-given abilities of those right
in the communities we serve. We seek to empower these precious individuals so they are
equipped to do the work of the ministry. We help develop their skills as we conduct
hands-on training including property maintenance, basic computer skills, simple English
lessons, general administrative, and financial training and more. Through this, these
brothers and sisters are enabled to be the leaders at Vapor centers. People from the
community serving people in the community—this is key to sustainable operations.
• Pray for Vapor staff. Pray
that we will selflessly serve
one another, encourage one
another and love one
another. Pray that we will
be unified, and through
that, reflect Christ in the
communities Vapor serves.
• Pray that each staff
member is equipped to
understand and use their
God-given gifts and talents
to support Vapor’s efforts
and the expansion of His
• Pray for our Operations
team as they seek to
provide effective, culturally
relevant trainings for our
center staff.
Have you been encouraged as you’ve read Renel’s story these past two days? It really is
an amazing testimony to the power of God. We don’t take the credit for what’s happened in the life of this young man,
however. It is God alone who deserves all glory and praise. He is at work in and through us.
What an incredible blessing!
As you may know, the body of Christ investing themselves back into their own community is
something we are passionate about at Vapor. And we see evidence of this weaved throughout
Renel’s story. From the coaches who have been sharing the Gospel with him since he came to
the center, to the staff who moved to action when the accident happened, to those who
prayed with him the day he received Christ, Vapor’s staff members have been very active with
hands-on care and involvement. Every individual involved in this story is capable of making a
difference in their own community—and they are!
First aid & CPR training in Haiti
• We are excited about the
sustainability projects that
are in operation or
development at our centers.
Pray that each of these will
be a good source of revenue
to help offset core operating
costs at our centers.
• Pray for Vapor Thrift
Stores to continue providing
income for the ministry,
while also promoting the
work that is going on
internationally through
Back in October, just two months before Renel’s accident, a team traveled to Haiti on a
Vapor trip that included some medical training. Among the trip participants were nurses
who taught first-aid and CPR. Vapor staff were trained and equipped to handle basic
medical care during emergencies like the one Renel faced on Christmas Eve. God knew
this training was needed. As is always the case, He was up to something way bigger
than we could possibly know. When Renel came home and needed someone to help
dress his wounds, guess who was there? Guess who was not only there, but already
trained and ready to assist? You got it...Vapor’s amazing staff! Praise God for trip
members who use their talents to invest in the lives of those we serve. And praise God
for His sovereign hand of provision for our centers and the staff there!
There’s a great sense of pride and dignity restored to communities when they have a
stake in the center. At Vapor, locals build it. Locals use it. Locals lead it. And together, we
fund it. What a beautiful picture of the body of Christ! Sustainability is about establishing
a center that will last long after any of us are here on earth. It’s about investing in people
who are trained, equipped and motivated to go likewise and invest in others so that true
multiplication can take place.
We hope you’ve enjoyed hearing about Renel Jean’s story this week. He’s just one of
thousands of people touched by the ministry of Vapor around the world on a weekly
basis. We believe what God has done in his life is a beautiful display of how all the areas
of Vapor work together to bring true and lasting change in a community.
• Ask God to show you how
How would the Lord have you personally respond to what you have read about
sustainability? Prayerfully consider the following as a place to start:
• Thank God for the unique gifts He has given you, and think through how you can
more effectively use them for His glory. Be sure you are plugged in and serving in
your local church.
• Consider joining us for a Vapor trip this year. You will see firsthand how Vapor is
pursuing sustainable centers, and you will meet some of the amazing people who
make Vapor centers sustainable for the long haul.
• Partner with Vapor through the Vapor12 monthly giving program. By selecting
“sustainability” as your area of focus, your donation goes directly into efforts like
those you read about today. Or “most critical need” can help where needed most.
you can serve the local body
of Christ with your gifts.
• Pray about how God would
lead you to be involved with
Vapor’s sustainability efforts.
• Ask how the Lord may be
directing you to sacrificially
serve the poor.
If you have been fasting with us, thank you for sacrificing over these last few days. We hope that you have been personally
challenged and encouraged. As you break your fast, join us in thanking our gracious Heavenly Father for His incredible
provision for this ministry. May we ever hunger and thirst for HIS glory above it all, in it all and through it all.
Join us again next year for Vapor Days!
Coming March 7-9, 2016