Mukhopatro - assistant commercial tax officers` association
Mukhopatro - assistant commercial tax officers` association
ACTOA -3 **"}Kq |\/s =i frrFq\?m. nsc-< i L fur l6flDalo== 4GsTsgNeFv Q.o)8 wBCs (Group-c; 4fu1s Etr{ }rfl}lR fiw NT ACTO q-m<qfqRACTOA qiq-hFr-{ qF cqtcs ..{<( - qB qcnr-qB$g =&*** I AcroA-qiuthr+< %brit. c{ mlq elc{rqH qEr([-< websiteq cilrtlc{trt $iF[ qiulh{-< {lTftil office order s ql-<,s wffis s<qt{Eqlmfrs {Krcq qtT{t qrnrcr website-mT{a $TlT c5BI$rG l{r(g K-T{ Tt-f,t I olffi, @, qqrdqRe{ wr c"rN {cffi qturft : r et &c{tr{, r,o ) e I ($q<Fr) cffTt ) )-o o Ew qmnmn qirftffi{ els cqtrs qrqtqfirt TqR&{ [<lrmar crlcrt qFls 6tfoq( TRtlr'lcd,{s @t <Brr{ ft Rn eq q\grf,{ q<q qq-$ff qmn qal R{T@,"ra' e uq"tfrfl Frfu-T{qrLTrsr{ ssr qffiq fu Ftfrc-< E.c.G ffiRr {sr:Tqr qrsr{ r qiuftT{ q-@r w{Hq I qgs qqsflT{-f, st@ qB1q3 s q-rc<T{ c{, \TleFil-fl qq ul} ar+qffiE$rryE{t [ (r) cqp6q{|{ q.ln-{r qr rrr"iq qsB Wt rcA qc{ W]B{ {fisr-s< n$6ffi qlqib-$ fte{ - ffi{ qf{ T61 \T1ffirt q6s 'ffir{c-<< qq-+cnm qEq s'rt{ {{r{crf l" fiI{-{s mq firq {l{ t tffir<tt q{;N qdqmt-< sKc{ ilqI q-<-$r{ qIfr qqfis r q<otft offimr al 'lsl$f qElqiglEl q-f,$lft ,q( qH.rm ccfr*r {f,sltr{ l\nr{ qFKf c<Em <l-$st rxnftx qqfuil ffi rfiqe <6rc$ c{ qt q (B{q9rfl 6q6E qffi qfi {fu Tffi{ruut6qsr< qFfi o-acs s-{lv {rfk-r EcbRr ffi t*R qnrffi-< <B-{ {qt{vM qs r qrq-{t qtfr rrqrq<-srr<K flq{r \rtfics{ frWl'E =* q&s, {l*t q'tRqqg, qfrfrq qrcq e? <fiqrs-{ nscr{ qrs rc< r ql3r Bfq-{ qm[c{-{ slffi3r riffi'{rfi qdftqrfqrl u.KI -{lvgr qf@1v @{ r ft qW r e$fr6s T*1" q\T5E{ 6tffi1n< u<r qlqrcs{ qlflT qrr\€ {v"rca- qcq I q&fi6iQ elFr-{ fiE]-.rgq T.<xn qR qp t uRI qer< frco *tqt qtfffi-ost qi dfrq dtcq3 B4K, fr6r1{ <'6E qTrN fipu*4lr qfffi-s Y{* X.t ACTO vc*-< .|Iak"s fiam F|<'K qcql, wt11fiu E@q t qeIE ft{ffi< 1m' fiL{ {t-.{t Et=N={ nns. fl"rrx t EffiY frc\5\3 q$6il{ qHHfr-s sst<t u<r \qtq;s q-<-stft EIffir ffis ilqr a3rcq{ ffiq Wsls {q"q q{Hfr{ilR-C4r ErF qqaM {<K '{Cn\3 ffi, trsTr< fr._* $<qt fiIp'e wr'tm w+n I 6ElzF c("tf6{t $qryfr+ ftqsEqt c\srt EB <ltr fu q|qB.s frryIB"ilE s<dqq-$ T1rCs circq r fire @T.t cqgfr {Nfol'fi 4cV {E I ql{rcGr slq s3lrs Ecq fr *"-.a "6. = =-au-<x qtqf nsm{ offirq< - E:qqq{{l "n<-< frqffir 6{t-) qnEG Bureau of Investigation-I (qll-sF8F) cqrc eCTo {qffEKqftqf<m esBqE eo q<( 6tFil qlT qr{,6 R"ns qtst-q-s {qf< qkm <fqq-qi4lv sqcs{ T.filq Tlr r 1fiffi ?f{{ qET{< rtg q6rs e6f{ eQqifffi-$[qr ffi"fiH ellbrr+ ql I sqs {q4 qT eF q{nx e<( "rfi4fr Bq6q1fffisrt c+tfrqe+V{ut \s deM"fqv q(S{s-6{ cf,mctrr, qiQF qGfittfr(fi6 qlffism3 ffi5e orn ftBrqq, ffi qq.{ ,h q(S{ qC-{D T6l ilfr qfrTq ql-c'n ,a<( wsstfr {'t frfiLtK qc<l qfrq 6g5E'{a s-6K qfrE{ s qI{I{ qr{(p Et{ I Tqi q-aq vl6{ e? qnts s<ry"l{ qFNlg CTct 'q<( crf{ qkrt Errs-olft qtfffi+rqr sfR,q<( "fq{fb EIcGr sqs qr{ sqwstft qllR-flft-$Tt u<r qqTfis $l5rq"E 6s<s ftLT qftrq ft13 qEN <drl ES w-{+ qR qc{ ft-(( qHcq <try qr I ffi{ r t ffi qNlH-{ q{ Ef,, cq"IIc{ sqs <F-{Fr qR{ q"SK{ rc{6 qffi-m< r;iq, 6ry6a uqwsrA q-{ qqcq ACTO 41ic{r ft*qfqu'1frsfi< fr"nq-{ Wq d,(E frc{) sr*{ {tT "fi6m (q6\s -{E qB"tfr3 octl qlEtql-'tq St6ql qE rs'r ? Es qc{q-s qqrtr< qdw $6r[q< frG{ EETqcf, Tlrsil-{ q-$r& g1-6{ | uWE cl ftng.el3 qfffisffi< sq.ffifr {l({ "fiftC{ authority EICq3r {.{sn ffi # (s) @T {i, Erffir kfr-{ "ftbt' <Frcq \olm< qE ET 4T m-q ? ACTo TE qtffi-s s qqaffiq< fiftg vlm q-cg {tql @ qc{ iim"cq r B{.sE back +;IRI ffi'+tts "f[r< qgq{fi q,""Fr q'&-T{ q+q qr E6o-{ qtffi-scqr qB rsnrc frqtq€ ge1r frFr(-{ cofe? €{r - a. Bureau oflnvestigation-I e{tttr{-{frs "rm<i-nqqms qrflWs,qffiqE-{Etr{ r mfrq 6<rEqEI utdcqnmuf<-q{qfrqlm-{e$frEa{ IWs JMD Plastic, 158, Payrnental Garden Lane, Kolkata- 15q ETts-{ qrcqf<r{ r ,{q q.6E <tFsr-$r qrfffio ft <q-q "rS {q. qFr\s frqBTq qq <fiqr+< qlffi-q qeilqac{ €t ctrsE qlq, S uqq ffqt q<\ & qfrs cq frtrrq l q$IH Tq Eenl rr0q,e <lqr{-{ ftdsqs-stft q-e qen fr"Iq 4Rq|a {far <f6qRlg <'F, rrffi1 qEy641 6eXutB{ q-{m'f{ sr{ cffi $r{ gn 6qrE,u<r&q?rl-s,qq. m. friqtl_+gRr,qsq{ce-{ 6{yNElcR< cq-fl\srt<Em-{{t?tR-+stc<o-<l fraq +<t q{ | $rr$-qcffi.ffftR.s \rrEFo eps< r effift Etffi( rl&cs <fim Erfu-{ ffiGr ffi6rr{ qrft'e cnert{r I <[e-TNg srt Tffi{ qfq"E Rfu{ fi€Ttqs I *llftRo s qr{ks ,q?Rqfr-{ er<ls qrqs q'tfffi$<'r qfrTq mc< uBiqfrnnr-s +rrq ceffir 6+r< q&cqtq qHF[ r q<'K qT qrv-R q$t <-rs q(tst +Tf, qq.qm.qq. qH'flutcE EsEfi frc{tr sxtrqr{ "K $G qls citrH ertrr<Ft {t?ttqbitq$ ar{r FIR (c+q qi -205:/r4gt( 1rl9/ t+) r frg{qqrs{ qcq qf€ e?,qrc qqefr'<-t< 'ltc.f .ffi dE"-lN fi"ll Tffi qGE ur6a ./ qc-6rE< 6ra fifiq< qftqr{cs 1 catEt qBq'H EW{ JCCT< q<qr{ B{Tte Fm. $faE draft s-6{ rnsrt r rtftffi< scfi cqr-s?fr-4lq u-<q I ffi {srqu, eE EE {aH T& ffi fr-{,efrN $R"tr{ qfrrq RcEd qt (K@ {tfr ErE-{ qt) r {Rcqfs, iF rs/gfi4 u.tRcq Ffr"FK qfrrq qqEEia q({k{-{ ffiF"t {F ftrc qq ${sR qfre< esB q&Rfr nq sfr"r{E<-{ 116{ cq'<tt +r< EF S-+tffiu<q qfe4q qf{H s 3frq-a16sg <q<, qtR srf, r mrqqtH Erf{ !trffi qrus E$fuq{ qR-qrt cd+Erffi< ffi qnm .qqq(-q^ r S{T sfr.HK Gceq $mt, v6-ffi q61 qlxtrr< q<atbc.rg mU trcrq m"r qFKt q.HR 6fre{ BI-I cel-6e qk\s 6{ Tearn eft c<ffiq src qtqrma qiut'm+< {qry-{t cfls[E\3 & gI-I qK I 46{rq-{tq(qr{ qfrrq ws-$rft qGr qNlffi-{ qq{trffi mr{ qq}u RrEq {t1$R't{l< .q<'r{ <@F[, Etqcq 6s-{ qlT{t El{ nrq erqR qiEhr+E ,rt{Er"t q-rfiq-s wrRq q{T +fr"nrsr+ qHrq q?ns6 r ACTO esqlq srN5kBfu' qq.=1tr qrq \5k qG<fq +rt< cn< qifr{ ffi fr c{C< qFFr<cqK c{ 6sn qt{rtl{ ACTO qqr{fi r qfr qtc<-fl qftst< q:Hlffi"{ qlqt q<ef{ $fr"|-{'H U'4 $rgTlq r fu S+ fi-6 551-aqsq<tsmqft+r<+r<-q rBc6S'fcq',t 6q'sn1-{vfrrs<Gn,qsfiRqfrqr*RqmqNlcm q$qr$? esB qfu{ :rc$ 6q6E 4'fw $116o qn pffift qfrB-{ EqR.c qn$u-$ tr$r cqEEEI qGrk $K TFF{ ,.q{lcq {eil ft-$ fr, ffiRsH T+llro "{l=rcw qt r Elat \Tk\s {cH R, &Etsm dtnsrK }Ilqqffi${"r(q'<{tqflmslqn ffi;[ 6q"ffH\5qcGKTl6{E-{ q<i ell<vqgaq+r<frcqkEItr 1 "ttftc-q (a) qs-<K\3 Gqr +-st{E{t ffi.qrE ecro vGt< frRL{ frm erq (,.s<(s qm*{q T6{ FlEtl qE? qtffisffi 6q1, rffi ftfrq "rke{ +,6{ frqE qfaprq qqsq.GrcF{ esrq <rqrr< mq(l sfr{{l< T{SE< c[CiF;t i sR"ffi{ qeIC{ ffi.{' eE xq6 trqqrE< :r<W sR 5q 6SIas sre cQ 'Go . FrEqEI EIcq.{ lRt'fgqs-oldn +c< utd <can qrqrtr+ ffi|+ efl$a{ .qQ ,to*, o-Et tBq I qFRr qfta66 q1altat BFq t ufC" **fru ,rc{ qls€ Manpower fuq {ei(s Ere s-$ TH I eFl-fl sqq+tq q6{ e? ffir{T qvKK qBsm +R r qtvst <fr rotqtls, $q1, ft ryffi 3nuurv qRs|firo.1fr-qE6a4t, <<(qRstrt 6$G[ekrr mr+s IgFNq C+s{F ermM{ 6{t{Tr${4i q(q,6\s C<rEqFt umdr f CCf-< fiRs qnq1fd qft[qffiEg; uf<qa qmvrf< sq6it ffi rf*ffi rer dr *'9vc1 a("nu ** q< qBR' <t ft smrffi 6glgr<+l. ons arsA6qq I Timing ( l) ft+ rt Erq \5r{ nx qGE utdqfrqtc<< qqo q11srEs coEqrq Eqq6<< n-m <ce fl*-$ xm qcs ql({ qffi qFoe 6q, qfp {:rB Eq[eFir{ place-'a equiry <R,fi-gtrprq6{<rq field enquiry<<lww{EE{sc$ 6{RItTt{41 I El{w{I dealer's ellt-s{ dqqq-{T{ ssaR-gqfrwut q-ouR r q-sq-{ ACTo "ka{fl<qlffi#I(Ersvlq $c.s qfrRe.efr tng6#r Co6qffienquriy mFtCs dealer-€3toffice Cei6F 5qftfr$iep4q ctE<t I t enquiryG1p:F:l-Cs undisclosed godown €Bqfr*t CI6q \e{manpower€3r Cd$ft{ftCitq'HF ,tt6;[ rt I BI6qI< TlqG-{ qkda. E'm tm' frc-{'s q<.ircfit vre utfrcs qF[ r rBH ftq{-<l< u$sF|g cqq:Nsgctrqgr{t€ '1srt 6{cs 'ftrst<<ififiroqt<iq-T 6<lqq61ucq-i qfrql<Tt c$f +r<rqq \5K q-{, mH 4fiqRqcqtB +s r >rfrfiq qffiq{ W{ efr"f{K q< "K firq3 ;;n";*n"*f,ou q"iqfrssM+-gf< cttt+rrcqr <s':Uqwilfiscjt 6q{,q<(ftsKTtK{ 5qEfcfi{c{,s Tearnq<tfr qlffit ffitftmr \nR.-{rq cetsstc3r flA qERr qr<$ <fr eE tr{6{< +6r* qqr+{ 4t T:I-GI qgcs{ qelSe frfr "tftt eFflqffit q6or Tc[ qft fl <ffis ql@Mmrr <-effi e<( q<{R ffi E-E6sa qFr$ 6<rqq Ft dde<\ qGE fl r6rffi fr B{< qrqlvcqK qG aB-<m q|4Rr$frfi< ftst< $c3Ft cIt, T6{FrF-$€ "flct "Fr ,ir&rs qqnfu &{ffi q<nEEfu RE ftfi{< qftq'KEir I B"|LT{E{ES+ts{<fi frRqlqrffi -{qiq56ffi qrq,Raffi {lqq$q4,c<cmmruir-6A9JO q'Srs{ mn qqoff_ct fr qft -{ *, frG qt, * q6 m mf+ qi6tbr;K qq:g ffi <s scll Ts, <g sqtl {q q-$ilqfi EfiR Etcstl ,qrF T{s, q<i nfiqftE q|e'ls qlq A'q{TtfiE qffi Gq qtEilq <l qs<tq s-sf q<( qledMfi-{ eflH cfmH qH(q3 s6-s xqra-{ ftqr< qQ fiU=* \mffis[qf, I"C{f<6t pcng 4V(-E I Tfr"n;{ I qF qr ffi{ cq{ qfll{ f{< r qi-t6:il5t rqFqt ctte futt-Kaio<e cclrsqlfr ,4F aliDl fire Wqq-{-$frm qq q< qrt 469rq u&f{ \5ryslft rfl4.1v \nfrfl<cm frsm e<( cq \ry&r{ltt 4lft s-fl 4T6e <lql rFilqf* q1q{l6:rqq ccf6s \etr oc< @m{ fr&T vc<E Bmro< o{og$K sfcq I sl{q qs<f{ Cstbt 6{ K19-{I rrs-stR lrq {r\s{r on duty qfr-{Km-< tlAR-$ vlr< frdq TA r<-+tft 9"nq aql ne, +{E *R;g T$ Tfrc$ w6s q6ap* rtin atfr.{ T:t6r | ,q< {cg ql<'s frqstq"l l+sar ful ffi|, "rs-<qffi (c) S,-"dfrl FIR E{f{ "Rrs ltfr qepTqfr .im crq il, qatu qE16 q1r11r q1fr6ffi w+ffitu ffi6 \flc<q.T $<-q q<\ fiffi frH l*t{tq qlfi-{ c'lc$s cular I Er-{*u ,qrur@ cr6{qErEr6q.{ JCCT {-<-flft qErqft qgt\s qrEF{ <qqsL<fuq-{urcq?iqfr mq-<-+tR qffifts qtw\s m<rr g-<E| +r<&rE--{, qfrs rR {-{srd qlc-T-<ti qFrf[rf, q{ qE 6$;{ qntffi:r qgr q?, arra-< fr-flq Ebre< qtqFrrc qtftq +;FI aI Tf,$tft 3rw qtqrtr{ qai ftfu qRQB* qc{i q-<6< 1fr qw qtRorks-* 5q ffq,ilE{ srs{ EtlF( qfr ft qgrtrr 6srd qt'{ Rr qrfl-cq-< nA, qkqct qgffir ,ttF ceRF q rrca< n-+rn EEE< ce,cd qrftq +rr< Bmq frre qcq I q rr"rrcr qE{inqfum{,.- orcqna q.tfrrl ,qmRt qrfl-qHq:r-?il\il<r8il3 e <I,Hrc(EEg3${ottF6qDt{ cT?t I ,q"II6r I ft{. Egv qft ]fr{ =TP f.t ftqcrR=u {*rc{r ffi€tt qr€ ffi frs fr,rwo ffi1 qq qvlRt< <>rt +-*n ee N,[TR ftheG uGt ACTo ffi erB qq s6sR" q{E|r q@lg q{ rutq r I E{ \slIIfi-d qirrtF{ bE<-{{qufre.{ qr{rs-$ ft erv-lg epffi I nsrsd (ctr$ FIR "trF q[6R -scq qltT{ qm$cqr ffifi {r fr s-s+ calcs <k fr rn qm Ftmq r qiufhtrd'Fr (err$ q vtslfc* sqqatq +frt+rrr< Eql uFf IE s-st En r ofr{-{k fi heg{ q<( nm(-*< "tfr "f Tfu f{R q({ ffiqFtl>r6ftr € sell <Gi-{ q<( q[s-G[ wgs q<q;r6p ,rmrm <rft q{ , um" r+ Tt qiutfm< qiutk{d r 6f,&tr sfrtr{ EE<-<qqUffi eH$ryR{ v|r< q@.|s q.rfffiro< 1rryfi \!:FE3r vep ffi{ "IIet.ilmr"tqr eR tF{< ft{fr{ \nTcrR {ffi s Etrcs-r qfr ql<-fl a€ vI &{rr m.r ft qTlq qFo +r<Rrq-{ y{-s& {l{ fun< qievl cb{rr{ cBcrv rilRrq(t( Wffi qtqfift D@"=fr "flEths*q< oVrq ftq mm qftqrrffir firq ors q<( qqltftB qgm-{ use cq(s FIR s-drd q(rR qCWil FIR scfr qfrflKcqr frsm qfuql't qlfrc{ | qFrrfi< x{tff{ <R6 qqru ft rmE ,q;;.} ;il'; qrq\c \{e{G-{l TqlE .fr.{F qnrq r r q< frqfr.+ "rR fffis Qrcr-< \rr$€ Eqq qftqr* ff v"g{vrsvm e ft qrfiv q|fr{m $-6ffi8 q<Etr {ftfi$vtm firq or< mRG qg< E W-s-rrfiil r fiRfi{ \rrc{ qq-rt 3F D15q-t et mvs-{r$e (<6fi rq rtrqffi qg cro) ho m I qffi.q ffiq ACT9 1y6 e am qtrqrt &-q|r-T{ qfriq Eqcs rug6l smT s|q TN cr6e- <t{t cq,ert q{ r sqs qrrN, c{Bt sKt frcr qrrq{ r q<"F 6e qew e"l*- "lqi tq|*E qft ql<tqr atc{ rtql s cofu q-r-onn-< Ewuq rq(q nO< qr*rcr *G;{ i o.{qcqs erqug frRs qBc{tq T-st q{ r q<t}n< eflFr ttFC< +fr{qr<< "ts rqrtrF Es Eq..{ rqcrrFr slrq qB{E qFrrrfl qs I qq.<t frctr JCCT w{.tr stsr qfrTkffir q(s6r r1qffi5qa qli q<R €t qE- JCCT-K *il * *.* *<" "ltcrf qi'I}ffi-qIRH\3 ftrGrqq lq'cseln afi"Fl*"fi*?,, ts,AE3 e+fr enquiry committee. qfg flrq qqLffi fr acro vm< qrRsrfr-$ (<i dealer<< q&fitt Esr "Nra crRE rc-s qErN ffist (v) qpr(g qRq 6etE trt dealer'{3t {qt q{ I Dealer*q< qq{fq6{{ 1T{t es?R cq & sFtr{ eqlfrN qfrfi k$ qr,w v+tpt deal er- cs sa1fr{ q-dr qr$€ wTta s-a;s e6ffi qr+e q(tt}ffir fu qffiq r E't +frilsuqcs{r qNr{ fi;qfi{ qkt{ 6qr I cqqtEt Ers* JCCT-< ffit{s ffi-t,{s B{tr+{ slcqsq-N rFi r Frffi cro e<(&{-qq ACTG< qrBtr{ rfrffisqs efc{sFrl esF (qF ErQ c{r$ {trf,{{FrtN ffic{Nilq-[firrIcdffiYqE q'lw ffiE,TF FIc{ cq"f6o {lq'h ElE 6{{m Erdl e< Registered Dealer €3 rftg e16{t<q-dl "ffi{ c{QEtfirfu* Addl' commissioner& qfr:rym6 sE celm frR\o qt?[t Ell C$-{ sf$ frRE qtn{ s ftm sffi qVI qksF fta vqN frqcq orcg{ qrq-{ iltm&cm t qfr -+t q'K ql&Iil q lg Gfr .r efr fr qem qfi FFia e1 q-flffi{ Sfl 4F5lr<cq"fl qtft qr$< qgK-d q6 6fr-a et cryr& AClg q{LTK YECol ft -dQ qffi g"wl r w< +c< q<R fim Pc< titpr< qm-$ t u-qr< q? T{t{ =-{f'Fr qr1rtft xrffi q{ qs-{qf, qlctt s-{t 'qs ea q-cq qFNs crt frq#+l< ssfi ,q?ircq BmlI, olv $RIq{ fuofr-qE q$rqfsf{ eftco C{ffi \r&8, q46q4$ st'<s ACTO Sffie' afr5 {lq('fs q <fi crEoA qlTr qqrrrFK {qry I ccA Rule €i 7(2) {( qKl< ffi qcrr(tF Tl D3fl 6tv r <+? qR64< 7( i ) (a) {KITI qlq-cls q6l qfcq{ ACTS aE-s qislbrm qi$<61 i{F'fl4-s ft E6s1-E 641q snq qTm( s|<.qEI esfrr+ o{"m rR(<r{ qflr< <6Ic% c{ 6sl4 wil <lq-t <ltEire qm qq {-{ W <V Raid <F3rFr seil <Et E@ I qetu B$fs TIffiT< Tfw"ffi-{ Arqi cq {{s qfrqKfrt wsls \ol'fi-{ {s,rrH ffit frLq e{"fx Eqs Eqft{ q-aqft6qr qffitt efl€{l qrq? s'K "tR-Eq rrca{ qgTtqsiRu-trrtTmqHtffi-{f,<-rca 'lqcs'"t 6{s{t<qr+(qwftDRq{sR. cstlcsttsbre "n<t q@ qI I E.l*tB qr<..3 6{ft $({ qwf,i frilqglQq qG "l.gR i c{ qqv qlsls qqrtfrq< sefi ,4{rc{ qq'4. ffit<g bmq <'Et qq sl-ffi-{ q-{rci qinlm{ q(.irrn-{ qq{i;l-{ q<tR fu m r+n qq6tki-r tFe I,q< :(cqr Fiel d offi cer Rq6q 1 I I t 1 r scfl 4-{ tqfffi Tc[ qq qIGFlg ql;rf,l q'TRr qE m {]IH +fr*f+nn-a p11q 4Kq]-{ qF\fiq q.tRe-{ qFKits pts r qiutbr+< Et$5fd EIC'K TRI TRfir< esq{ q&RB qqlqICT-{ qfr6q qq qq-cr-{ vigilance wing ?sft +-ffiq{ I R wing-(a 4lq gqll-<-{ &qlrr( Ttq cqtcs 'tfsrt qfu$q {Grs ffi"ll lE-(< e-{lrr< qBC$(5F ql(tR{fr EKF ksm csH srw$tfrr-{ csF qns EHF sr< ffi.E$s-flft qrffi +lq-$c{ mr{fiet wcs't$-{t{Ic< \5r< q-F <rebtot'cq< q(<slrc qFsrlrs qftqt{ qr rsft$rK wss qQ 'mrs+ET firltq{ I qR e$,qlqtrffi \M{ .4ftfqft ca1xs C{5g1co qFI q1qfm-q qofls? e$fu Etr eFIc{ \ilqN qc< I .qfh.$ qprc qF.iW ,fitq frfuT frffirq( es<TF :[lq qB{l4 qqs fitrq.{ fic-q t "fRRG | ffiqp frsrE@TE sqF< sR {E Rrs frwtut <sq6 Fffi( fts ncro 4{L{-{ \fl,fffi q11t r<Qfi6q qs-{H 6B $rdq cq"ll rlc aI, .q\Wqq {RRB cerrs {r{ {EEs stcq< t"1r& <61 EE 1 1 ffi rM {rq "Nerl qts ft;Tt t ASSIS'IANT CO MMERCIAL TAX O FFICDRS' ASS OCIATI ON (WEST BENGAL) 14, Beliogholo Rood, Kolkoto 2nd Building, 8th Floor - 15 Ph. : (03s) 2251-070s-1 0 (e*-427t oot" !.f.:.*.::,1\ 'ruf.fu. To, The Commissioner, Commercial Taxes, Government of West Bengal, 14, Beliaghata Road, Kolkata-700015. Subiect: Demand of soeedv action reeardine the manhandline case haopened to the Officers of Beliaehata Charee on 11.09.2014' 5ir, This is to draw your urgent attention that an unfortunate incident has been happened to the Officers of Beliaghata Charge on 11.09.2014. A team of four Officers, namely Ranjan Kumar Sharma/STO, Khokon Das/ASTO, Chandan Saha/ASTO and Samir Dey/ASTO, went for an enquiry to the registered place of business of M/S JMD Plastic [VAT No: 19403767093, Proprietor:-Dilip Kumar Gupta] at 158, Paymental Garden Lane, Kolkata-1s. At the time of enquiry a mob of some antisocial lumpen elements was created and the mob started harassing the Officers by using abusive ianguages and by physically hindering the Official duty. The Officers tried to take the situation under control, but gradually the mob became more violent on direct provocation of the dealer and his ailey Sri S.K.Singh and they started to beat the Officers. ln that situation, all of the officers were beaten badly and were injured by the attack and the reports and other official documents were snatched from them and torn away. The officers were forced to leave the place immediately. The officers at first reported this incident to the concerned JCCT of Beliaghata Charge and then went to N.R.S. Hospital to get immedlate treatment and after getting the injury reporc, they went to Tangra Police Station and lodged an FlR. No senior officials went tl'rere to support the team and they were not present even at the time of medical treatment or lodging the FlR. We deeply condemn this kind of reluctant and inhuman attitude of the senior officials. ln this situation we demand speedy action on behalf of you to make the criminals arrested and we also demand full police protgglion of our officers in time of outdoor duties. It is known to you that, this kind of incidents has been happening to the Officers of our Directorate frequentlv now-a-days. Some notable action against the criminal can be a moral boost for the Officers engaged in Outdoor duties. Thanking you. Date:15/09/2014 Q; I\A t.t. '!' Uo.a rD IB /isJ Yours faithfully, ,*I! k^, D*.H.- (suDrP KUMAR DUTTA) GENERAT SECRETARY ./*// ANT COMMERCIAL TAX OFFICERY ASSOCIATION ;,ss,s'r-A if i r i lM rq ilnc ilfjf i4, tji,*ficrR$: $telioghotct itc,i:o, Kolkot'r I5 2nd Bt.riidirrg, 8fh Flocr r'ri- : {b33} ?::51-0705 IC (Ei't-41.'i -rlr l1;. :,r,,,' .,{f: {.:11 . . ... .... To, The Commisiioner, Commercial Taxes, Government of West Bengall 14, Beliaghita Road, Kol kata-700015. Subiect: Seeking urgent atterftion regardl lnvgstieation.' Unit-l on tr0.09.2014. Sir, Tlris is to drawyour urgent attention tlrat an unfortunate incident has been happened to the Officers of Bureau of lnvestigation, Unit-l otr 10.09.2014. A team of five ACTO level Officers went for art enquiry in the matter of copyrlght sales to the registered place of business of M/S Shree Venkatesh Films, the producer and film distributor at 5, Waterloo Street, Kolkata-700069. After examrnation of the docurrrents produced by the staffs there the officers drew a report and requested one of the staffs to put his signature on the report sheet. The siaff did so- Then, the owner of the concern canre and after a brief word with officers he went to his chamber. lt has come to our knowledge that, within a short time the higher officials related to this ehquiry instructed the officers over mobile phone to come back without completing the enquiry and also instructed them to return back all the docgments they gathered. lt has also come to our knowledge that one of the staffs there tore off the portion oi report sheet where the counter signature of the representative of the dealer was made and returned the report to the officers and kept the other documents. The officers were bewilJered and perplexed by that incident ancl left the place abiding by the instructron of their superiors. To our utter surprise, how.this kind of incident can be happened in this directorate, where a team of officials was sent by the sdperior officials to make an enquiry at a dealer's place in the interest of state revenue and simultaneotisly they call back the team without completing the err(luiry properly. lt is a mockery in the name of investigation. lf the superior officials are not able to back the field officers, tlren why they sent them to make an enquiry? Moreover, a single incident of this type is enough to break the morale of 'the field officers. We strongly condemn this type of incident antj also demand that necessarv steps must be taken to prevent this type of humiliating incident. Yours faithfully, Date:1 5/09/2014 s* b, \ k" D..\\r- (SUDIP KUMAR OUTTA} GENERAT SECRETARY TANT COMMERCIAL TAX OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION (a) ercrfrl-Gir "l-cqt Tt{tI qr<r{€ d. ,qa4 Qf<t? ACTO cclrs CTO 9r(q cqfNFt6Tr ffiGr q nw-<<ntfrY-s.r{tret<E&qqqeft(rso qt{ ACTO c{ qtefi. (qkxt{-{ cqCo<f*sqcaw<riTr SEIsmerq-rgtfr-$teft{rstt{ 6{F-6{rtr',963-{ orffitq.< I qrq\s qqtrn cqmFr{ Fm <s{Fr FFFl3r Em Em(trI ACTGTI I q <qr<-{ cqlmHrl< +lRft p't qqrs-< w cs-6man om firil | w{rFj rlffir qcg.t q<K\3 <KtEc$qlgkffi d.a.c.n. tn<-dr<-rqrnr ACR 4t€Tt{f{il rACR 'll€TITliI Ftffs{cotqfl "fry qtt q'W-< {lsffi aq6 dffl fifrN qkqr Etfi-{ srK fr qR qfl{R-$ Ri{K 6fl1 eMFr "fry 4l? q|r {I r ffi ecn rl5w frca vmn qlfrq fr qGB ACTG-K ? E{.sR cgc{t{rffi q:Gr:ACR 'NsTt i I T{, tFl<il'ltsldq',w-T{r]-SEFFs\5tsua.6qBil-q r{<tvteffiwrsq{qsil,4csGlql{llfr3t fiA W {k$< I qqErc<< cqrc{Fn fua q{ cqztrlEt e€{t{ qli qiq'a-r $frfir<< Tleq-flqR q&Tkqtfrrg qr{cqrqiutt{qt*g qtfrrn frm <+qKFmk e{[te ACTGTR qtqB$ erB 6+l< q16 4fu1466 sR eQ{d.fl < q<{F EC< \niTg qQ ffi F Efl qri fr qr{Cq ffi I I 1 <fr qB qlqG,q+qr.qBRs r-e$r' (addt. ccr) cqtortrf{ c+c{ frrd{ :rql<iry (spl. ccD wffiqq ql q|Irs ER PSC-IS T-ffi q(oR {H skc{ Tl"[ Spl. CCT-{ ns esq"I.f etq $-6s e$fr-d\g "fifr q* toqcfrqqifiE eaai. CC! Spl. CCT designate{c{ qIFFFI-{ lqrE 5qfr{ qefs 6"1q61r=q-5, lo ) 8 '0" vacancy ariseTTr-Flt dfrE (clr$ftfr SpI.CCT{F"-{ q<(pl-{ eF? s cclro.{ r I ACTO-Ti ftE ++& aq Datr€ vacancy arise s6{ gfr-a 6eirc qffi "ffq iI {<qqT e? ers? Er$ 9ll{ Notification r<3r R€TK date CqlC$ I qfr Elffir B"rs esB ftffi4 {c3 El"ikFI <s1l r Bslq -o<t q.ilqfi s ft qfr gr< TBrcq sFrt q.ii{] qft -fl< cqrcs <l*v q{ qm$ +fr*HBm <r? Bw-u< r qtffi r el1frS cf@ e-{ ffi6t FFI e<\ ACTo v{R3r qtffio<t eQ{fo{ "ifm{ Tl ofr"fqf{ ffiur''rvrr<qrfcqr nfft {-E frfig e$f{qrl fr6rs 36a6 r I trfuipt'ts 03 - 1 I -20 I 4 stR'RI \sFrst frft-s asr{ sfrfir<-{ slcq qrt ftrl qfr qm-fl qt? ofr <wr 6t< frffivtr< cqlcrtlrffi q-{, TR{ "nSks qr<{$AB qr{nril Gl{rtft c<r+ qr "16 vacancy {1s) q<( EER rl& qER cqro &cryrs vacancy {ts) | {efiftB ACR q(eR.Er< +Rq secretariate ,q<i PSC m "n'ann monitor ffirF q6{ fr{R-s qq-cTt3t x<i r TRcq Eq sKI ql+, qE sq'f{EffrsciT'ES PSC 6o 4l.f E{rT6rtfrqf{rlft Cqr$q{ vacancyqlr rqafq :qt e{h{{fr r sr<q q'qsfft, Rsrtft, Trcf,{ vacansy q1$ft Trfl cQlr;{Fr{ 'fl€Tr{ 6cf61-4 sffi ryffi qftE, fl q<( E{ $cq 6q1g"r{ ffi q-$rft vacancy ariss T<-cat {kn-< cq-6{t5t{ 'fl\eTK safi ElrT-<\s 4lr PSC q<ETS Cql6S Clearqfl allTrEt rvrqfimff{eGrcoqffr mr+s m?evREms (qlrFfrH qsq{ fi{,Rs q:r6s, fr{fu firq r ffi'r r-<-sFr EI {E fto qqrg ACR q(Sq e st t+ wrr 'ft6$r Secretariate e "|tbnil I .qA q'gcr{ s{"ffi-eflRq q<\, ,{ qlRy ERT< ffiqc< qt"llg IEN st{FBr q$E $E{ Tfi E(E\e, <("tor< {fr qfiqt afcr q<( flfiEg]n< q-t{ fiqsiq aI frc{ etlrs ERrf, ot{r$r qfiR qwr I q<( qe=r qcE nqrs{ sndt ACTo vffi( \Ttfffis qs1-s (<LqlT r (>") Affieq-{ Bl-m{fu "|lr-fi r+R"fqF "Sst<fi"fr$i {f\rr{ fi{6sfrc"rqqqt<rE r+fut'"rftcseqq q<( frm q{cr{ rt{I €qlcs Rci6 ftN Tffi-cq{ r .{<eK Efi qr<r{ q(qrdcm q-ffi qtrEtfilT <qr<-{- <-(4 qlqfck*s q.lRCsRq q-t 6's i fi{'[ $s, q:q-{t ql"ffift r sfq qqtr qew-of< "ik_qft[g qH<.i ftS '{<ql-(E€ ACTO cmtqrll1&qtelwfrqqvr<frL{8fr qffi3ffi$l<&c614qs.{ Addl. ccr mfr-cr r m+ffi c{rqtr ${frR?sr"-<B'dcrg qrmfr rw{qiTrcqrq-+q"6ssr.s]sqs-{ qa-m qC{ ,q<reirc{, ltN q1q3'1qs[E itsc-q{ EE]v ACTo-a q"tqlrsK U6E"r qtw qsre.r e <F-{N "nfr r air$r 'llr{ qRfr qE-qg.t r qg.Co.i qN EIrs q.{qfi | frE qtqtE\3 <-e& ${qmr qfrEf "mfrqs sll$rE m1-{{lef&qii+t{SqIIffi I ffi"re1q suggesticng{tfrqttjg t\.lEEq-"{T Fmt{I+q q*q{rys q{fcEF;r:ls ift-e q'qlrce a1-ss 61a<-aq lqt"T"iq mq Gm"ll qt{Grs"icr.<tiil it <-T ritVts i urq.f .qQ EiF[ q<( R,$q n6R qmmrys r6{rq I I ACTOA-6 s.{rsfr q&e6 qqqs-{q "tq rlgt{& E"TFr q'l${"f q-'eilq$ fr e-qs Tccffaf$t-rr S5?i"t1:imre {5jl-T-"ijq.$ elular "nri {t-q="itns col{t{is frE<"re 1*Fq'iq 8lqqq nq q-E3 qa"ilq's 4sT qql.q-$ qq3 ffi'r{HlT ottr$frqfre<qq{-gq cq't<rrtq qr 9432t597 87 I 983007 8456 98041 546t2 t 9433973914 983A4146i7 9232639378 9432314994 &lwqs qla frqfrqqm 801 71 50406 frqgaqrg qH 98747A6781 9831252131 &\sffi{ffirq 9674234219 8tqtR.+pr< cr 9831263597 &qqr 9933877124 <E &q6qrff 9804988126 fiq&nft{ttsq 9830174273 eTtuqEak 9903222255 I 98366rc4}7 qt effiq'Elq-{t 9433250172 qqlq 9832339099 & eMo &qu{qs 9239356166 &i{w-{rl{ 9748279284 frffisgffi 9432977267 & Fr<"rqs-{qB 9433434679 &qfr-{q 9831807745 D@-<€f ASS ISTANT CO MMDRCIAL TAJ( ONFICEKS' ASSOCIATI ON (WEST BDNOAL) l5 14, Belioghoto 2nd Bui K,f. Boliagh*ba llord Date 05 .ll' ti '\ :\_.-2, To, The Com rnissioner, Cornmerciai Taxes, Government of West Bengal, 14, Beliaghata Road, l(olkata-700015. Subiect :-De[ 5rr, ir'rlith reiert,nce to ti)e above subject we seek,,,cur kirrd aitentron to a burning problerl relatr(l to.i.he pronrotion of ACTo cadre to the west Bengai commerciar Tax service. As it is known to yo. rhat the officers beicngs to thF \^/est Ben8al conrn',cL:ill Tax ser,ice gets benefir oftirne oouncJ pronrotir:n after everY 8 years in the iorm ofscale Linketl l)esignation, but ACTo level officers are noI entir!edto get tlie benef it of tirne hourri promotion and ihey are the worst ,rn*";;";;rr; ;;; u; ;";;;;;;il,;; from the date of arising of vacancy but from the date of issuing the promotion order.Now our question rs - why will the ACTo level officers face such kind of injustice"? t,,.r"i"r., *. oern.rnd to you to take action so that the ACTo level offi..r, ;o;;u benefit of promotion frr-rnr rhe crar., of ;risins of ::1:TI" lrl thrs connection' we hereb'7 propose that such a procecllrre rnay be foilowed so that rhe;;roposal for promotion of ACTos to the \'vest Bengal commercial Tax service, nray be r"nt in .dur,,.e to Fjrance ;;ffi.;,;:ffi ;:T:..:::::l ii],:^":lrlte: (Re'renue) Departmenr ,ay the tist of canciidates for fuifiling the vacancies of January to rune mav ;:ffi}:JT:J:J andpscmaybemadeinadv;rn..e.s",h.;,i;;r;r;r*.,n"".promotjonorcjer be issued subject to vacancy. In this process, we think, the deray or irrrrng prorotion order may be opportunity to get promote'd'rrom the date or arising of vacar,cy. lt is also our proposalthat, one jeparate cellnray be iornred r"O"rrn"';;:"";i;J::;,1: deal with thiS verrartt+ter lrerdort by h., a - hi-L^^&:,. not lower than higher offioai the designation of an Addirionai ly", I;:i::1'llJ[i::i:::::11::::,i'-".r:].he , )\ 2-otE ASSISTANT COM MDRCIAL TAX OFFICDRS' ASSOCIATI ON (WEST BENOAL) - t5 14, Belioghoto Rood 2nd Ph. : (033) 225 Belitglrrrtt lio*il ref. tu..)3.4/n's.'roa Bolkntt Dote 9..?:.!l:.19.!l 1b officers the above the opportunity to get promotion of some of our higher It has come to our knowledge that in case of get so that they can mentioned procedure has been applied successfully also come to our knowledge that you have has it and promoted from the date of arising of vacancy possible' taken effective measure to make this thing Association of ACIOs (Assistant commercial Tax officers' Therefore, on behalf of the only cadre-based action to ensure theACfO level officers that they association), it is requested to you to take necessary arising of vacancY' lf it can be implemented will get the benefit of promotion from the date of will be highly benefitted forever. we hope, you, as head of this successfully, then the entire ACTO cadre our demand' Directorate, will take necessary action to fulfill Thanking you' Yours faithfury, s*hl R^r'D*lts' (suDlP KUMAR'DUTTA) Date:05,11.1+th General Secretary Assistant Commercial Tax Officers' Association qH s Estq gm reof+ er+tFrc s S "rcw fi lftq "rtqr r{lf6l [q{ . sfrfisl-l cqm {&pr ,croA-{ .1<i Trr< rilc qi qorfrs r
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