Mechanisms of debris supply to steep channels
Mechanisms of debris supply to steep channels
Erosion and Sedimentation in the Pacific Rim (Proceedings of the C o r v a l l i s Symposium, August, 1987). IAHS P u b l . no. 165. Mechanisms of debris supply to steep channels along Howe Sound, southwest British Columbia Michael J. Department University Vancouver, Bovis & Bruce R. Dagg of Geography of British Columbia B.C., V6T 1W5, Canada ABSTRACT The mountain wall which forms the east slope of Howe Sound fjord, near Vancouver, B.C., is deeply dissected by steep creeks, many of which have produced destructive debris torrents over the past twenty years. The fact that high-magnitude torrents have occurred sporadically during rainstorms with only 2-3 year recurrence intervals suggests that, in addition to rainfall runoff, the quantity and stability of debris in the channels, together with large impulsive loads from adjacent slopes, must be taken into account when examining torrent occurrence. Accordingly, research has focussed on hillslope processes supplying debris and impulsive loads to the channels, and on the character of the materials involved. Debris supply is examined for selected basins classed as either 'rockslope-dominated' or 'drift-dominated'. Detailed studies of individual basins should provide more insight into the causes of debris torrents here than would rainfall- or runoff-based models derived in other regions. INTRODUCTION Since late 1981, some fourteen debris torrents have occurred along steep mountain creeks which drain the southeast flank of Howe Sound fjord, north of Vancouver (Fig. 1). The resulting damage to transportation and property, and the attendant loss of life, have led to a number of detailed studies, notably those of Thurber Consultants (1983), Church & Desloges (1984), Hungr et al. (1984), and VanDine (1985). An earlier study by Miles & Kellerhals (1981) predated the most recent spate of torrents and so makes little reference to Howe Sound, but provided a context for later work. The first reference to torrent-type events in the Howe Sound area was made by Russell (1972). These studies have found that, even within such a small group of basins, the magnitude and frequency of debris torrents has been highly variable. Major torrents have been triggered in some basins by rainstorms with return periods of less than five years. In adjacent basins, no known torrents have occurred over a 20 to 30 year period. The greatly differing response of the basins is not explained readily by climatic or hydrologie factors, but is more likely related to the varying availability and stability of debris in steep channels. This point has been raised in the above 191 192 Michael J.Bovis & Bruce R.Dagg FIG. 1 Topography and simplified bedrock geology of the Howe Sound study area. Stippled areas are Gambier Group rocks. Other areas underlain mainly by dioritic rocks. references, and conforms broadly with the experience of other researchers in the Pacific Rim steeplands, namely that debris torrents are produced by a complex interaction of climatic, geologic and geomorphic controls (e.g., Swanston & Swanson, 1976; Takahashi, 1981). In the study area, debris supply and debris storage in steep channels have received fairly detailed treatment in Thurber Consultants (1983) as a first step to identifying potentially hazardous channel reaches, and estimating the magnitude of the 'design' debris torrent. Subsequently, Hungr et al. (1984) provided estimates of average channel-debris-yield rates (m /m of channel) for selected catchments in southwest British Columbia. This was based on a 'back analysis' of recent torrents of roughly known volume, and assumed that material entrained from the channel had been supplied primarily by 'line' source processes such as small-scale slumping and ravelling of stream-bank materials. 'Point' sources, such as major rockfalls, rockslides, and debris slides were considered to account Mechanisms of debris supply 193 for about 10 percent or less of total torrent volume, though their potential for triggering debris torrents was discussed in this paper, and in Church & Desloges (1984), and VanDine (1985). This rough apportionment of total torrent volume between pre-existing bedload materials and new point sources conforms with the reported tendency for debris torrents to increase greatly in volume downstream, as entrainment of bedload takes place (Swanston & Swanson, 1976; Miles & Kellerhals, 1981; Takahashi, 1981). Recently, emphasis in the Howe Sound problem has shifted to the design and construction of mitigation works to protect transportation and housing. These public works address the local engineering problem, but the geomorphic problem of understanding the occurrence of debris torrents in this area requires much further work. Given the unpredictable behaviour of the basins under nonextreme hydrologie conditions, there seemed little prospect of using a quantitative, modelling approach as exemplified by Takahashi (1981). Accordingly, this paper examines the processes of debris supply to steep channels as a first step to an improved understanding of the debris torrent phenomenon in this region. STUDY AREA The study area lies on the southeast flank of Howe. Sound, where the Pacific Ranges of the Coast Mountains rise steeply to peaks over 1600 m within 2 to 5 km of the shoreline (Figs. 1 & 2). In the 16 km stretch of coast between Brunswick Point and Horseshoe Bay, the mountain wall is dissected deeply by 16 steep creeks, all of which are crossed by Highway 99 and the British Columbia Railway. Most of the area is underlain by late Cretaceous diorite to granodiorite, intruded into Lower Cretaceous rocks of the Gambier Group, which comprise intermediate to acidic volcanics, with some sediments and low-grade metamorphics (Roddick & Woodsworth, 1979). Gambier Group rocks occur mainly below 900 m, and in the upper parts of some of the basins (Fig. 1). Where massive, the plutonic rocks tend to form high cliffs - for example the northwest face of Mt. Harvey (Fig. 2); elsewhere they possess well developed jointing, which strikes roughly north, and dips steeply to the east. The region was deeply scoured by Cordilleran ice sheets during several Pleistocene glaciations. Glacial drift in the region consists typically of a dense basal till, laid down during the Fraser Glaciation, capped by up to several meters of much looser ablation till. Boulder-sized rock fragments occur throughout the drift layers. Glacial drift tends to be thicker and more extensive at the lower elevations and discontinuous in the upper parts of many basins. Here, extensive boulder-sized rockfall and rockslide materials are found at the base of many fractured diorite cliffs. The region has a typical west coast climate, with generally mild temperatures and a strong winter maximum of precipitation, much of which falls as rain. Annual precipitation at sea level is about 1800 mm, though areas at about 1000 m elevation receive over twice that amount as a result of strong orographic enhancement. There is some evidence that orography may also produce very intense, 194 Michael J.Bovis & Bruce R.Dagg FIG. 2 The M Creek and Magnesia Creek study basins. localized cells of precipitation, and both Church & Desloges (1984) and VanDine (1985) cite this as a probable trigger for debris torrents. This idea derives some support from the fact that floods derived from heavy rainstorms often occur in specific coastal basins, rather than in many basins simultaneously (Church & Desloges, 1984). Since the entire east wall of Howe Sound could be affected by such storm cells over a twenty to thirty year period, it is unlikely that the contrasting torrent histories of the basins can be explained by this precipitation effect alone. None of the basins in the study area is gauged, but records from the nearby Stawamus and Capilano rivers show a snowmelt peak in MayJune, and one produced by heavy rains in October-March (Thurber Consultants, 1983). Because heavy winter rains are usually accompanied by a rapid rise in freezing level, the associated runoff may contain a significant component of snowmelt. Virtually all torrents have been triggered by winter storms rather than by spring snowmelt. Of the 18 torrents recorded since 1960, 16 took place in OctoberFebruary at: Charles Creek (5 torrents); Newman Creek (3); Magnesia Creek (2); Alberta Creek (2); and one each at M Creek, Turpin, Montizambert, and Sclufield creeks (Thurber Consultants, 1983; Church & Desloges, 1984). Additional torrents occurred at Charles and Newman creeks in September 1969. Twelve fatalities have resulted, the majority caused by the destruction of a trestle bridge at M Creek in October 1981. Mechanisms of debris supply 195 DEBRIS SUPPLY PROCESSES The erratic response of basins to hydrologie influences, noted above, stresses the importance of two geomorphic factors in torrent initiation: total storage of mobilizable debris along a channel system, and the presence of miscellaneous torrent triggers. Since rockfall, rockslides, debris slides and snow avalanches can act as both debris supply mechanisms and torrent triggers, debris supply and torrent triggering clearly are not independent of each other. Therefore, while this paper deals mainly with debris supply processes, torrent triggers are discussed also. Although most of the study basins display more than one of the above processes, it is convenient to discuss debris supply under the headings 'rockslope-dominated basins' and 'drift-dominated basins'. While some reference will be made to several basins in the study area, the discussion will focus on Alberta, Magnesia, M, and Loggers creeks (Fig. 1). These basins were selected for detailed study because they are contiguous, accessible, and display a wide range of debris supply processes. Rockslope-dominated basins Rockslope-dominated basins are those of Charles, M, and Loggers creeks, as well as parts of Newman Creek (Fig. 1). A detailed inventory of features has been conducted in M Creek (Fig. 2). Rockfall is widespread also in Magnesia Creek basin; however, unlike in the above-named basins, the source cliffs are not close enough to the creek to supply coarse debris or impulsive loads. Slope failures in rockslope-dominated basins are true hillslope events in that they are usually decoupled from any streamflow influences. For example, the upper two-thirds of Charles Creek flows through a bedrock canyon developed in fractured diorite which yields abundant rockfall debris. Coarse blocks contributed by this process are not entrainable by running water, and thus tend to accumulate until mobilized as a debris torrent. It is likely that rockfall serves also as a torrent trigger in this steep catchment, since the average slope of the upper, right-bank tributary is 32°. Six torrents have occurred along this creek since 1960, often during rainstorms which were heavy, but not unusual by local standards. It appears that debris supply and stability, not runoff, are the most critical factors in debris torrent initiation along Charles Creek. The combination of very steep channels and rapid rock weathering in this basin is conducive to the occurrence of frequent torrents of about 10,000 m or less. Unlike Charles Creek, M Creek has experienced only one torrent in the past 25 years, in October 1981. Both Church & Desloges (1984) and Hungr (personal communication, 1986) have inferred that this event was triggered by a relatively small debris slide from site M 1, a colluvium-filled depression in a logged area (Fig. 2). The large volume of this torrent (20,000 m 3 ) can be accounted for by entrainment of boulders and logs, which had built up in a long reach of the channel as a result of minor slumps and debris slides over a 196 Michael J.Bovis & Bruce R.Dagg period of several decades (Hungr, personal communication, 1987). This process of torrent growth by entrainment has.been documented elsewhere (e.g., Swanston and Swanson, 1976; Takahashi, 1981). Since 1981, a prominent rockslope failure at site M 2 (Fig. 2, Fig. 3) has been delivering substantial quantities of coarse debris to the creek bed. Air photo records indicate that site M 2 developed sometime between 1968 and 1979, since when its area has increased considerably. Figure 4 shows that this feature produces rock failures capable of snapping large Douglas firs. Impact scars on trees along the slide margins are found up to 10 m above ground level. Ground photography taken immediately after the 1981 torrent shows that surprisingly little debris from M 2 had reached the creek by that time, so it is clear that it had little influence on this event (Hungr personal communication, 1987). However, given the present supply rate of rock and large organic debris from M 2 (estimated at 300-500 nrYyear), and the potential for shock loading by large boulders from the headscarp, this site could control both FIG. 3 Aerial oblique view of upper M Creek basin, showing locations of debris sources M 1-M 3. Mechanisms of debris supply 197 the magnitude and initiation of future torrents along M Creek. Such events would be almost impossible to predict from precipitation and runoff alone. Loggers Creek is somewhat different from the other rockslopedominated basins in the study area in that much of the channel is choked with very coarse rockfall material. The average gradient in this reach is 30°, well below the angle of shearing resistance for this blocky rubble, so it has accumulated close to the source cliffs. The debris is so thick and porous that the creek flows subsurface throughout the year. Therefore it is likely that only a very large impulsive load could trigger a torrent from the middle reaches of this creek. FIG. 4 Site M 2, view upslope toward headscarp. Note destruction of trees along slide margins. 198 Michael J.Bovis & Bruce R.Dagg Drift-dominated basins Drift-dominated basins are, principally, Magnesia Creek and parts of Alberta Creek (Fig. 1). A detailed study has been made of features in Magnesia Creek (Fig. 2). In areas dominated by colluvium or glacial drift, slope failures tend to be linked more directly to undercutting by streamflow. At site Mg 3 (Fig. 2), unconsolidated drift over compact basal till favors the development of a perched aquifer during prolonged rainfall or snowmelt recharge. This condition, combined with erosion of the slope foot, has produced a series of shallow slides supplying debris directly to Magnesia Creek. Here the average stream gradient is about 22°, but because of frequent log jams and large boulders, the stream profile is stepped, and most of the debris from these slides is stored where it enters the channel. Another important debris source is seepage-controlled failures from colluvium-filled depressions in bedrock or basal till, similar to the soil wedges described by Dietrich and Dunne (1978). The largest of these, Mg 1, enters Magnesia Creek at 690 m elevation (Fig. 2), where the channel slope is only 17°. Consequently, the larger fragments have accumulated at this stream junction. A soil wedge failure into M Creek at site M 1 (Fig. 2) may have triggered the 1981 torrent, as noted above. Alberta Creek is the steepest of all the study basins, but it has few major point sources of debris. Below 650 m it is deeply incised in unconsolidated colluvial materials, which serve as an important line source of material along both banks. The major torrent of February 1983 apparently was triggered by a wet snow avalanche which surged over a prominent waterfall at 650 m elevation. This destabilized loose material at the point of impact, following which the torrent grew in volume appreciably by scouring the bed and banks of the creek below this point (Church & Desloges, 1984). DISCUSSION Despite the diversity of debris supply processes within this small sample of basins, torrent-prone channels in this area have three common characteristics. First, the plutonic rocks usually weather to large angular fragments and blocks, ranging from a few centimeters to more than two meters in diameter. Colluvium and ablation till derived from these rocks also produce coarse-grained lag deposits, after reworking by streamflow. Since these deposits possess high frictional strength, and are very free-draining, they are able to accumulate in steep channels. Secondly, much of the coarse material above about 50 cm in diameter is not readily transported by average streamflow events, and so is prone to accumulation in the channel as 'bedload', particularly where average channel gradient is below 20°, such as the central parts of Magnesia and Harvey creeks. An extreme case of this is the upper part of Loggers Creek, where coarse rockfall debris has been stable for a long time. As the debris layer thickens, so the discharge per unit channel width required to Mechanisms of debris supply 199 destabilize the layer must increase. Channels are able to store material on slopes steeper than 30°, since as gradient increases, basin area and peak discharge both decrease. For example, site M 3 in M Creek basin is a talus-filled channel inclined at 30-35°. Talus shift and rockfall are active at the upper end of this channel, but the lowermost 100 m show no signs of recent movement. Thirdly, many Coast Mountain creeks flow below unstable rockslopes capable of delivering impulsive loads from rockfall, or have tributaries which discharge debris slides or snow avalanches to the main channel. The potential for rockfall and debris slides is greater during prolonged rainfall because of the progressive buildup of joint- and pore-water pressures. Wet snow avalanches also are favored by these conditions, since rain on snow causes a decrease of shear strength and an increase in shear stress in the snowpack. The three attributes of debris texture, debris storage, and the potential for impulsive loading, coupled with heavy orographic precipitation, are thought to account for the high incidence of debris torrents in the plutonic rocks of the Coast Mountains. Preliminary observations suggest that other rock types in this area, such as Mesozoic sediments and Quaternary volcanics, break down more rapidly than the plutonic rocks. The result often is a finergrained weathering product, less prone to accumulation in steep channels because it is readily transported by abundant runoff. These conditions should produce a lower torrent potential than exists in plutonic rock areas. Comparisons can be drawn also between the debris torrent activity described here, and that documented elsewhere in the Pacific Rim mountains. VanDine (1985) suggests that the concept of 'critical discharge', developed in Japan by Takahashi (1981), may be applicable to torrent prediction in southwest British Columbia. However, the implied similarity between torrent controls in both regions is still untested. In Japan, many active torrent channels are cut in unstable volcaniclastic materials, which provide very active line sources of material. Although point failures such as debris slides may be important locally, there seems to be a lower potential for channel destabilization by rockfall, and certainly by snow avalanche, in comparison with near-coastal areas in British Columbia. Therefore, the relevance and workability of the critical discharge approach in Japan may reflect the lesser importance of extraneous geomorphic events in torrent triggering. CONCLUSION Debris supply processes to steep creeks along the east shore of Howe Sound, British Columbia, exhibit considerable spatial variability, and are considered here as a prime cause of the contrasting debris torrent histories of the selected basins examined here. Important debris supply processes are rockfall, rockslide, and debris slide. Together with snow avalanches, these may serve also as debris torrent triggers. The influence of such hillslope events complicates the use of a hydro-climatic approach to debris torrent prediction. 200 Michael J.Bovis & Bruce R.Dagg Preliminary observations in the southwestern Coast Mountains suggest that the coarse-textured rock detritus yielded by steep basins cut into intrusive rocks probably renders them more prone to destructive debris torrent activity than similar basins cut in volcanic and sedimentary rock types in this region. This is because coarse detritus is more prone to build-up in steep channels since it is not readily removed by average discharge events. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is funded by a grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The paper was greatly improved by comments from Dr. Oldrich Hungr and Prof. S.O. Russell. Dr. Hungr also provided unpublished information on M Creek basin. REFERENCES Church, M.A. & Desloges, J.R. (1984) Debris torrents and natural hazards of steep mountain channels: east shore of Howe Sound. Can. Assoc. Geographers, Annual Meeting, Field Trip # 7, 83 p. Dietrich, W.E. & Dunne, T. (1978) Sediment budget for a small catchment in mountainous terrain. Z. Geomorph. N.F., Suppl. bd. 29, 191-206. Hungr, 0., Morgan, G.C., & Kellerhals, R. (1984) Quantitative analysis of debris torrent hazards for design of remedial measures. Can. Geotech. J., 22, 663-677. Miles, M.J. & Kellerhals, R. (1981) Some engineering aspects of debris torrents. Proc. Can. Soc. Civil Engin., 5th Hydrotech. Conf., 395-420. Roddick, J.A. & Woodsworth, G.J. (1979) Geology of Vancouver west half and mainland part of Alberni. Geol. Survey Canada, Open File 611, 1 sheet. Russell, S.O. (1972) Behaviour of steep creeks in a large flood. In: Mountain Geomorphology, (ed. by H.0. Slaymaker & H.J. McPherson), Tantalus Research, Vancouver, B.C., 223-227. Swanston, D.N. & Swanson, F.J. (1976) Timber harvesting, mass erosion and steepland forest geomorphology in the Pacific Northwest. In: Geomorphology and Engineering, D.R. Coates, éd., Takahashi, T. (1981) Debris flow. Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech., 13, 57-77. Thurber Consultants Ltd. (1983) Debris Torrent and Flooding Hazards, Highway 99, Howe Sound. Report to Min. of Transport, and Highways, Victoria, B.C. VanDine, D.F. (1985) Debris flows and debris torrents in the southern Canadian Cordillera. Can. Geotech. J., 22, 44-68.