Reviving Hope, Enriching Lives ~Making a Difference


Reviving Hope, Enriching Lives ~Making a Difference
Reviving Hope,
Enriching Lives
~Making a
Concern & Care Society
Annual Report 2009 / 2010
Our Vision
To be an effective charity in Singapore in contributing to the well-being of families
and individuals, regardless of race and religion, especially the poor and lonely elderly
in view of the challenges to be faced by Singapore’s aging population in the 21st
century, and in encouraging the development of good family and personal values.
Our Mission
To serve fellow human beings with the Christian spirit of love, humility and
sacrifice, through the provision of direct services to needy families and individuals,
especially the elderly, and the promotion of good family and personal values,
working with Christians, other Christian organizations, and other individuals and
organizations who share our values, as much as possible to maximize the impact of
our endeavours.
Our Core Values
Love and sacrifice for those we serve
Steadfast pursuance of our vision and mission
Adhere to all moral values, including honesty and humility
Invest in staff and volunteers to care for clients
President’s Message 2
Management Committee
Milestones 4
Concern & Care Bukit Batok
Neighbourhood Link
CCS Elderly Activity Talent Centre
Core Programmes
Volunteer Management
Public Education Programme
Calendar of Activities
Service Statistics Summary
Audited Financial Information
Sponsors & Donors
President's Message
Looking back over the past one year, we are grateful to our many partners:
the National Council of Social Service (NCSS); the Ministry of Community
Development, Youth & Sports (MCYS), foundations, corporations, schools
and individuals who have supported us in one way or another, enabling us to
carry out our work to reach out to the poor and lonely elderly and to promote
good values among our fellow Singaporeans.
We have organised interaction sessions with elderly through home visits,
facilitating various kinds of activities in our centres, and promoting the value
of active aging and family bonding through events such as the Flag of Peace
Exhibition and Starry Hope Concert, and Elderly Cycling Club Superstar
Round-Island 140km Challenge.
We believe that more effort is needed to extend care to the community and to
be able to touch their lives. Our past experiences remind us that we need to
spend more effort to work on the challenges faced by the silver population.
In order to extend more concern and care to the elderly who lives in nursing
home, we have started visiting residents in Sunnyville Home on a regular
basis. The objective is to bring warmth and joy to the residents through songs
and dances.
We have also developed new programme like the Cycling Club Superstar to
encourage both the old and the young to participate in outdoor activities
together. With the formation of the cycling club, we have organised monthly
on road cycling since November last year.
CCS has received positive feedbacks for our new programmes and programmes
co-organised with other organisations. We have gained the trust of, and built
strong ties with grassroots’ organisations in Bukit Batok and Bukit Timah,
schools and other voluntary welfare organisations.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our volunteers who have
contributed towards CCS’s community work and I look forward to many
more volunteers joining the team.
CCS will continue to work closely with all our partners and supporters so as
to be an effective VWO to help the poor and the needy elderly.
Margaret Wee Bee Hoon, BBM
Management Committee
The Management Committee was elected at the 8th Annual General
Meeting held on 07 August 2009.
Mdm Margaret Wee Bee Hoon, BBM
Vice-President Mrs Elizabeth Ong Peck Eng
Vice-President Ms May Sng Khar Eng
Mr Peter Lau Tin Wah
Honorary Secretary Ms Catherine Foo Ah Hiong
Honorary Treasurer Mr Goh Ewe Kheng
Committee Members Mdm Ho Chin Geok, PBM
Mr Jack Chang Chia Sheng
Ms Mimi Tan Hwee Miang
Honorary Consultants
Mr David Lee Chih Wei
Mr Alex Lee Ka But
Legal Adviser
Mr Charles Leong Yew Kee
Programme Manager Ms Germaine Tham Chai Hong
Accounts Executive
Ms Magdalene Tan Poh Choo
Concern & Care Bukit Batok Neighbourhood Link
Ms Chua Mui Leng
Centre Head
Programme Executive
cum Writer
Ms Sandy Chia Chooi Sun
Programme Associate
Ms Siow Lee Khoon
CCS Elderly Activity Talent Centre
Centre Head
Ms Tan Siew Kheng
Concern & Care Society is formed (Jun)
Organised “Life Can Be Good” Charity Concert (May)
Organised “SK Poon’s Golden Hits 50 Years Concert” (Nov)
Concern & Care Society is accepted as a member of the
National Council of Social Service (Apr)
Official launch of book “An Uncommon Beauty”
– a story of courage, strength and hope through the
autobiography of Ms Siow Lee Khoon (May)
Concern & Care Bukit Batok Neighbourhood Link begins operation (Oct)
Organised “Happy Wrinkles” Digital Photography Competition (Sept to Nov)
Organised “Golden Hits Charity Concert”
with Ms Wu Ying Yin and the Singapore Chinese Orchestra (Dec)
Music Academy for the Elderly (Volunteer Training Programme)
is setup to encourage volunteerism among senior citizens (Feb)
Daily morning Music Therapy Exercise commenced (Apr)
Weekly visit to lonely and needy elderly in Bukit Batok area commenced (May)
Concern & Care Bukit Batok Neighbourhood Link is officially opened by
Dr Ong Chit Chung, Member of Parliament for Jurong GRC (27 Aug)
Body & Mind Renewal Exercise for Stroke stricken and
Parkinson’s disease elderly commenced (Sept)
Organised “Life Can Be Good” Charity Concert (May)
Organised “Golden Hits Charity Concert” with Ms Zhuang Xue Fang (Nov)
Youth For Elderly (Y4E) programme commenced (Jul)
Organised “Golden Hits Commuity Concert” with Ms Zhuang Xue Fang
Set Singapore Book of Records for “Most Number of People Doing a Mass Walk with a sash”.
Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Community Development,
Youth & Sports was the Guest-of-Honour (Oct)
A new logo for the organization is adopted (Apr)
CCS Elderly Activity Talent Centre commences services to serve the residents
in Toh Guan Housing Estate (May).
Weekly visit to needy elderly in Toh Guan housing estate commenced (Aug)
Completed the “Round Taiwan Island 931km Cycling Expedition” (Sept/Oct)
Collected 4000 barbie dolls and toys for the underprivileged and
orphaned children in China (Oct to Dec)
Multi-Service Cluster @ Toh Guan, a joint project between CCS EAT Centre, Lakeside
Family Centre and PCF Bukit Timah Education Centre is officially launched by Mrs Yu-Foo
Yee Shoon, Minister of State for Community Development, Youth & Sports (22 Mar)
Organised first “Flag of Peace” Painting Exhibition in Nanyang Girls’ High School
and Bukit Batok (Sept)
Concern & Care Bukit Batok Neighbourhood Link opens its extension at Block 229 Bukit
Batok East Avenue 3 to offer wider range of activities and services to the residents (13 Sept)
Completed the “Shanghai to Beijing 2000km Cycling Expedition” (Apr/May)
Organised “The Starry Hope” event to emphasize the importance of peace and harmony in a
multi-racial society and to remind youths not to take racial harmony for granted (Aug)
The first Elderly Cycling Club “Cycling Club Superstar” is setup (Nov)
Completed the “Elderly Cycling Club Superstar Round-Singapore-Island Challenge” (Mar)
r Lim, Aunty Tay’s husband spoke calmly, “My wife suffered a stroke three years ago,
impairing her ability to speak, eat or move. Not being able to walk steadily, she would fall
easily. During our search for assistance, we met volunteers from Concern & Care Society.
They are very helpful, encouraging my wife and showering her with care and concern. Therefore, we feel
comfortable joining the “Body & Mind Renewal Exercise”. Together with the doctor’s treatments at the
hospital, my wife’s condition has improved tremendously. This is indeed a miracle.”
In the past, Aunty Tay would shed tears whenever she exercised in our
neighbourhood link or when she felt depressed. Nowadays, she no longer cries
as she has got to know others who have the same condition as her, and she is
not alone in her misery. She has been making great effort to interact with our
volunteers during the Body & Mind Renewal Exercise. With support, Aunt
Tay can now walk slowly.
Mr Lim Hong Huat and
Mdm Tay Kak Hong
Client of Body & Mind
Renewal Exercise
Mdm Siti Julaika Binte
Abdul Ghani
Client of Body & Mind
Renewal Exercise
ith the help of a maid, she arrives in good time for
the therapy session every week. Gradually, Mdm Siti
has regained her ability to walk and she is currently
working on regaining the movement of her left arm. The
volunteers in CCS have been very helpful, giving her much hope
and encouragement. Every smile, every simple greeting and every
gentle reminder for her to come for the next therapy session motivates
her to get better soon.
randma Chue is one of those who benefits from the
“Help me, Guardian Angel” programme. She is very
appreciative of the volunteers’ company. “I am very
grateful that CCS has provided me with a wheelchair, due to
my limited mobility. They visit me regularly and
cheer me up when I feel lonely. I listen
to their advice and learn to look after
myself,” said the cheerful 80-year old
Mdm Chue Kam Yuet
Home Visit Client
dm Sarmi, a Malay lady, has a physically weak
and visually impaired son. Looking after him is
not easy. However, she always looks forward
to our volunteers’ visit and welcomes them with
a big smile. Though our Chinese volunteers do
not speak Malay fluently, they have managed
to establish a firm friendship with Mdm
Sarmi since they started visiting her in
January 2009.
Mdm Sarmi Bite Sojo
Home Visit Client
Love that Makes a Difference!
n behalf of our Executive Director, Madam
Low Mui Lang and management staff of
Peacehaven Nursing Home, we would like
to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of you for
your great generosity in blessing our residents with
your presence as well as gifts, and also a wonderful
outreach programme by your evangelistic cycling
team and entourage.
We are indeed also very honoured to have the presence
of many of your senior members to grace the occasion.
It serves to encourage the public that we can still keep
a healthy lifestyle and yet be a blessing to the less
Our residents have thoroughly enjoyed themselves with
the singing and dances as well as the sharing through
interaction with your warm and friendly volunteers
and are looking forward to seeing all of you again,
hopefully next year !!
We really appreciate the efforts your staff have
undertaken to organise this sort of campaign and we
hope you will continue to achieve great results through
your outreach programme.
Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our
beneficiaries. As someone has said, “we may not be
able to add years to their lives but we certainly can
add more life to their remaining years. “ And I believe
your society has already been doing just that.....i.e to
freely give back to the less privileged what we have
Thank you once again!
Benny Tan
Volunteer Co-ordinator
Peacehaven Nursing Home
Concern & Care Bukit Batok
Neighbourhood Link
Concern & Care Bukit Batok Neighbourhood Link seeks to engage residents in the
neighbourhood, particularly the elderly,
to participate in various physical and
social activities. A wide range of eldercare
services is provided to enhance the quality
of life for the elderly.
Our neighbourhood link also conducts
training to generate awareness on
volunteerism, promote inter-generational
activitie and assist residents in obtaining
appropriate services to meet their needs.
• Information & Referral
• Exercises and Health Talks
• Recreational activities, such as games, karaoke, art & craft and Chinese calligraphy
Services for those 65 years old
and above
• Home Visit
• Escort to Clinics or Hospitals
• Friendly Phone Calls
• Housework Assistance
• Provide Assistance during meal times
• Fitness Corner
• Karaoke
• Reading and ‘Chit-Chat’ Corner
• Music Spa Club
• Corner Coffee
CCS Elderly Activity Talent Centre
(Multi-Service Cluster @ Toh Guan)
The Multi-Service Cluster (MSC) @ Toh
Guan was officially launched on 22 March
2008 by Mrs Yu-Foo Yee Shoon, Minister
of State for Community Development,
Youth and Sports. CCS is providing
services that meet the needs of the elderly
residents alongside with Lakeside Family
Centre providing counseling services
and PCF Bukit Timah Education Centre
providing services for the children.
The MSC brings great convenience to the
families as members from the different
age groups can utilize the facilities at the
same time.
In 2008, CCS and Bukit Timah
Community Club worked together to
implement the Wellness Programme
which aim to encourage senior citizens to
actively participate in social and outdoor
activities. This is to widen their social
circles, as well as to maintain physical
and mental wellness and alertness.
Information & Referral
Home Visit*
Escort to Clinics or Hospitals*
Friendly Phone Calls*
Housework Assistance*
Provide Assistance during meal times*
Healthy Lifestyle Exercises and Talks
Recreational activities, such as games
and line dance
*for those above 65 years old (Guardian Angel’s Manpower Bank
Fitness Corner
Karaoke Room and Reading Corner
Music Spa Corner
Pool Area
Cyber Corner
Core Programmes
Concern & Care Society organises
enriching activities to engage
resident in the neighbourhood
residents. These activities are held
either daily, weekly or monthly.
We are encouraged by the growing
numbers of participants.
Body & Mind Renewal Exercise
This exercise aims to help people recovering
from strokes and those suffering from Parkinson’s disease to re-gain mobility, thus giving
them a renewed joy in living. Simple tools and
methods such as Finger Sports, Hand-Hula,
Golf / Picket Ball and Bingo Hoop Throwing
helped them in the recovery process. It also
created interaction opportunities between
the beneficiaries and the volunteers in a fun
Music Therapy Exercise
Every morning (Mon-Sat at Neighborhood
Link, Mon-Fri at EAT Centre), cheerful faces
of all ages gather at the courtyard for an hour’s
stretching and simple aerobic movements to
the beat of music. Even those in wheelchairs
participated by moving their hands and
swaying to the beat. This is definitely a happy
not-too-strenuous way of keeping the body
supple and healthy.
Home Help Service – CCS
Guardian Angel’s Manpower Bank
Launched in 2004, CCS trained senior citizens to
become volunteers through the Music Academy
for the Elderly programme. These volunteers were
then assigned to visit the elderly who are frail,
lonely or homebound in Bukit Batok and Toh
Guan housing estate on every Friday morning.
The volunteers, who are elderly themselves, can
empathise with those they visit, and offer comfort,
warmth and encouragement. More than 200
families have benefited from such visits.
Y4E – Youth for Elderly
Schools arrange visits to CCS for their students as
part of the Community Involvement Programme
(CIP). These students organise and get involved in
many of the centre’s activities – news sharing, story
telling, art and craft, song, dance and games. What
really matters here is not so much the activities in
itself, but the social interaction and understanding
between the young and the old. This hopefully,
leads to bridge the generation gap in their own
home environment.
Young people, who have gone foul of the law, are
required to undergo corrective training. They are
sent to CCS under the Community Service Order.
Here, they help to take care of the elderly members,
play board games with them and assist the staff
with day-to-day routine. As
for the CIP programme, the
aim is to create understanding
and empathy between the wide
generation gap.
The success of this scheme
can be seen when the elderly
happily welcomes these youths
into their midst. On the other
hand, these youths touch the
elderly with their enthusiastic
help and interaction.
Volunteer Management
Music Academy for the Elderly
-Volunteer Training Programme
very week, a group of healthy senior
citizens get together to practice group
singing and song lyrics interpretation
through hand movements. This activity
provides another form of relaxation and social
interaction amongst the volunteers, who use
these simple skills to entertain the elderly
during their visits to old folks’ homes.
During these visits, our clients are encouraged
to sing along and follow the hand gestures of
the volunteers. The oldies with simple melodies
and lyrics are popular and familiar with most
elderly people.
More than 100 active elderly people have
committed themselves as volunteers. They
pay friendly visits to the frail elderly, call them
on the phone and escort them for medical
appointments if necessary. Their invaluable
contribution towards the welfare of the elderly
is deeply appreciated.
One of the valuable services these volunteers
have rendered is to refer the elderly to the
various community assistance schemes.
Concern & Care Society continues to provide
weekly training to enhance the volunteers’
knowledge and skills in caring for the elderly.
Reaching out to the needy elderly consists of four
• Identifying the needs of the elderly
• Establishing and maintaining friendship between
the elderly and the volunteers
• Provide immediate help where possible, or refer
them to the appropriate community or medical
• Invite the elderly to participate in some organised
activities in our centres, encouraging them to be
active and sociable.
Volunteers’ Appreciation Dinner
Concern & Care Society’s Annual Volunteers’
Appreciation Dinner was held on 4 March 2010. It
was to show our gratitude to our team of dedicated
volunteers, our donors and to those who have
supported us in one way or another. More than 500
guests, together with our guest-of-honour, Mr Lim
Boon Heng, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office, MP
for Jurong GRC and Advisor to Jurong GRC GROs
enjoyed an evening of good food, with performances
and inspirational speeches.
Our volunteers presented lively performances in
songs and dance. Though our volunteers are elderly,
they showed great enthusiasm and coordination in
their rhythmic movements. Some of the beneficiaries
shared how CCS volunteers have helped them in
their recovery from debilitating illnesses, visiting
them at home, offering companionship and cheer
and by escorting them to hospital visits.
CCS’s Volunteers Honoured
with Awards
The Council For Third
Age recognises Mr Lee
Yok Leun as one of the
finalists of the Active
Agers Awards 2009.
Since Mr Lee joined
Concern & Care Society in 2005, he has
been serving faithfully in our centres,
befriending and assisting elderly who are frail,
homebound, or suffering from stroke or Parkinson’s disease. As one of the elderly cyclists who
携手相伴 成长与共
completed long distance bike expedition in Taiwan,
China and Singapore, his action has encouraged
many other elderly to live an active life and as a role
model for many of us.
In March 2010, the twelve volunteers who were
trained to serve the elderly community at Toh Guan
Housing Estate were honoured with the North West
Community Care Award. The award was presented
by Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Community
Development, Youth and Sports for their noble spirit
of dedication. This recognition is greatly appreciated
by the volunteers and serves to motivate them further.
Public Education Programme
oncern & Care Society is proactive
regularly organises public education
programmes that promote good values to our
fellow Singaporeans as well as to enhance public
perceptions of ageing. We have held inspiring
concerts, exhibitions, talks, book launches
and walkathons, which attracted thousands of
people. To date, we have organised 14 major
public educational projects.
Promote Racial Harmony and
World Peace
August 2009
Flag of Peace Painting Exhibition and The
Starry Hope Concert
The Starry Hope, a two-day event comprises the
“Flag of Peace Painting Exhibition” and “The
Starry Hope Concert”. Its aim of instilling the
importance of peace and harmony in a multiracial society and to remind youths not to take
racial harmony for granted.
The “Flag of Peace” event exhibited more than a
thousand flags painted by children from all over
the world. It was held on 23 August 2009 at the
VivoCity Amphitheatre. The paintings, which
portrayed the children’s optimism, hope and
dream, captured the hearts of the public who
came to view the exhibits.
Besides the painting exhibition, students from
Chongfu Primary School, Eunos Chinese
Dance Group, Greenridge Secondary School,
Nanyang Girls’ High School, National Junior
College and the China Dandelion Art Troupe
of Youth entertained the crowd with art and
cultural performances.
More than a hundred children from 56 ethnic groups
in China came to participate in the event to experience
and witness racial harmony in Singapore.
These children, who are from the China Dandelion
Art Troupe of Youth, presented a concert comprising
exuberating songs and dances. Students of Nanyang
Girls’ High School performed two special dance
items. Through the colourful cultural dances and
music, the children expressed their hope for a
better future.
Public Education Programme
Promote Family Bonding
Through Cycling
November 2009
Launch of CCS Cycling Club Superstar!
The first silver cycling club named “CCS Cycling
Club Superstar” was launched in November
2009 to promote cycling as a common sport
among the family. It also aims to bridge the
generation gap between the elderly and the
The event comprised an Open House at Block
228 & Block 229 Bukit Batok on 28 November
2009 and an Inaugural Ride the next day
for our newly signed-up CCS Cycling Club
Superstar members.
Residents from Bukit Batok and visitors were
treated to cycling related activities like test ride
of 2010 bikes, Bike Trial demonstration (stunt
performance), talk on cycling and display of
the latest and popular bicycles.
In addition, students from Nanyang Girls’ High
School prepared a visual art gallery as well as
art & craft workshops for the participants.
The 35km inaugural ride was held on 29 November
2009 starting from Bukit Batok Plaza. 22 members
of Cycling Club Superstar enjoyed the scenic ride
especially along Kranji Dam.
It was a very eventful and enjoyable two-day for
everyone as families bonded, portraying a heartwarming sight of elderly having a good time and
being able to fulfil their dreams together with
their loved ones. The event symbolised hope for
the elderly and that people of all ages can have fun
Calendar Of Activities
Round Island Route
Ama Keng
Yio Chu Kang
Changi Beach
Pasir Ris Park
East Coast Park
Shenton Way
in the challenge. This is no easy feat for the
group, especially for the oldest cyclist, Mr Kang
Men Ling (86 years old) who is partially visually
impaired. Nonetheless, the group was highly
motivated to make this impossible expedition
a success.
The cyclists participated in the morning flagraising ceremony at Nanyang Girls’ High
School before the team commenced the exciting
journey round the island.
March 2010
Elderly Cycling Club Superstar RoundIsland 140 km Challenge
The main objective of this event is to bring
across the message that long-life is a blessing,
and that senior citizens can break free from
their mental and emotional solitude to find
dignity and value in life again.
The journey commenced on 3 March and
ended on 4 March 2010. 20 elderly cyclists
with an average age of 70 years participated
To encourage the elderly, Mrs Yu-Foo Yee
Shoon, Minister of State for Community
Development, Youth & Sports attended the
flag-raising ceremony and participated in the
ride too.
Along the way, the team stopped over at
Sunnyville Home and Peacehaven Nursing
Home to bring warmth and joy to the residents
through songs and dance.
The team has displayed sheer determination
and strength throughout the journey. They will
continue to be good role models to encourage
more elderly to step forward and promote active
ageing together.
Calendar Of Activities
APRIL 2009 TO MARCH 2010
Name of Event
17 Apr 09
Talk on Malay Culture
23 May 09
Health Screening @ Toh Guan (co-organise with Bukit Timah
Wellness Programme)
29 May 09
Farm Tour (co-organise with Bukit Timah Wellness Programme)
05 Jun 09
Talk on “How to monitor Blood Pressure”
16 Jun 09
Get Together for Music Therapy Exercise Participants (co-organise
with Bukit Timah Wellness Programme)
26 Jun 09
Open Air Cinema by National Museum (co-organise with Bukit
Timah Wellness Programme)
27 Jun 09
Fitness Assessment @ Clementi Stadium
04 Jul 09
Chinese Calligraphy Competition by Bukit Timah Community Club
08 Jul 09
CIP by ITE Macpherson
10 Jul 09
Talk on “Muscle and Joint Paint Management” by Dr Dora Ng
18 Jul 09
Mass Aerobic by South West CDC
21 Jul 09
Sports Stacking Demonstration by PA HQ
24 Jul 09
First Aid Course by SCDF at Bukit Batok Fire Station
08 Aug 09
Health Screening @ Bukit Timah RC Zone 3 (co-organise with Bukit
Timah Wellness Programme)
23 Aug 09
Flag of Peace Painting Exhibition @ VivoCity Amphitheatre
24 Aug 09
The Starry Hope Concert @ NYGH, Siew May Auditorium
28 Aug 09
Talk on “Eye Care” by Dr Lim Boon Ang
11 Sept 09
Talk on “Family Bonding and Relationship Building”
18 Sept 09
Talk on “Healthy Eating” by Tsao Foundation
19 Sept 09
Mid Autumn Festival Celebration by Singapore Cleanseas Pte Ltd,
Jurong Central CCC, Jurong Green CC SCEC and Jurong Spring
22 Sept 09
Visit by Taipei Business Association in Singapore
22 Sept 09
Lantern Making Workshop for Moonfest 2009 by Esplanade @ EATC
26 Sept 09
Mid-Autumn Festival by Bukit Batok RC Zone 8 & 9
03 Oct 09
Health Screening for Bukit Batok Community
12 Oct 09
Free Haircut at Ling Kwang Home for Senior Citizens
13 Oct 09
Pro-age Silver Fit Preview
27 Oct 09
Health Talk on “Move it or Lose it” by Tsao Foundation
31 Oct 09
Outing to Clean and Green Carnival at Hort Park by South West CDC
13 Nov 09
Talk on “Understanding Dementia”
16 Nov 09
Concert by Nanyang Primary School @ NUS Cultural Central
20 Nov 09
Health Talk on “Nutrition in Your Golden Years”
21 Nov 09
Morning Walk at Bukit Timah Hill by Taipei Business Association
22 Nov 09
Bukit Batok Tree Planting Day by Bukit Batok Community Club
23 Nov 09
First Aid Course
Name of Event
28 Nov 09
Open House @ 229
28 Nov 09
Kampung Nite – Deepa Raya Celebration **
29 Nov 09
CCS Cycling Club Superstar Inaugural Ride (35 km)
06 Dec 09
Free Haircut at Bethany Methodist Nursing Home
06 Dec 09
Health Screening @ Bukit Timah Community Club
(co-organise with Bukit Timah Wellness Programme)
07 Dec 09
Free Haircut at Ling Kwang Home for Senior Citizens
11 Dec 09
Apple distribution to Home Visit Clients
19 Dec 09
Christmas Cheers @ Bukit Batok Community Club (co-organise
with Bukit Batok Community Club)
20 Dec 09
Health Screening @ Bukit Timah Community Club
(co-organise with Bukit Timah Wellness Programme)
28 Dec 09
Year End Gathering @ EATC
10 Jan 10
Free Haircut at Bethany Methodist Nursing Home
16 Jan 10
Nature Park Walk
29 Jan 10
Orange Distribution to Home Visit Client
30 Jan 10
Health Screening @ Toh Guan
(co-organise with Bukit Timah Wellness Programme)
02 Feb 10
CNY Shopping Trip @ EATC
08 Feb 10
CNY Gathering
08 Feb 10
Free Haircut for Ling Kwang Home for Senior Citizens
09 Feb 10
Lunar New Year Decoration by Hua Yi Secondary School
15 Feb 10
Wheelchair Handling Technique by Occupational
Therapist Ms Felicia
22 Feb 10
Talk on “Human Organ Transplant Act” (HOTA)
25 Feb 10
Visitation to Ling Kwang Home for Senior Citizens
25 Feb 10
Pot Luck for Line Dance Interest Group
03-04 Mar 10
Elderly Cycling Club Superstar Round Island 140km Challenge
(including supporting staff and volunteers)
03 Mar 10
Visitation to Sunnyville Home
04 Mar 10
Visitation to Peacehaven Nursing Home
04 Mar 10
Volunteers’ Appreciation Dinner
05 Mar 10
International Women’s Week Concert by Bukit Batok
Community Club
07 Mar 10
OCBC Cycle Singapore
14 Mar 10
Free Haircut at Bethany Methodist Nursing Home
24 Mar 10
North West Community Care Award Presentation Ceremony
26 Mar 10
South West CLN 3rd Anniversary Appreciation Dinner &
ComCare Awards Presentation Ceremony
Grand Total
Calendar Of Activities
Elderly Focus Group
This has been a fruitful year for the elderly
in Bukit Batok. With the introduction of the
elderly focus group, our Neighbourhood
Link has successfully engaged many seniors
to participate in the wide range of social and
recreation activities.
We have arranged interesting and educational
activities such as group games to encourage
hand-eye co-ordination, get-togethers to
reminisce on past experiences and news
sharing to keep our seniors informed of
current affairs. These activities encourage
friendly bonding amongst the elderly through
lively and humorous discussions on a variety
of topics.
Lifelong Learning Classes
Both centres conduct English Conversation
Classes and interests groups such as Chinese
calligraphy, dancing, billiard, pool game and
art & craft sessions designed to give elderly the
opportunity to keep learning at old age.
seniors have gone through the health screening for
early detection and prevention of chronic diseases. It
includes Chest X-ray, Blood Pressure measurement,
Body Max Index measurement and fasting blood
test (full lipid profile + glucose). Participants were
follow-up with counselling and treatment when
deemed necessary.
Free Haircut Service for the Elderly
Health Screening
We have organised health screening for seniors to
promote healthy living amongst the elderly.
Together with Bukit Timah Wellness Pro-gramme,
Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association (SATA),
National Health Group and Mt Alvernia Hospital, we
organised health screenings in May, August, October,
December 2009 and January 2010. More than 200
Free haircut service for the elderly is one of the
outreach projects we started last year. Volunteers
went through a 10-week hair-cutting course and
have now become a “True Heart Hair Dresser” to
serve old people in the community.
Free haircuts are conducted at our centres and old
folks homes on a regular basis. For the homebound
elderly, we have provided this service in their homes.
Since then we have served more than 2000 elderly.
Calendar Of Activities
Kampung Nite
Kampung Nite is a community event held every
quarter at the hard court of our Bukit Batok
Neighbourhood Link. It is to engage residents
in the neighbourhood and to encourage social
With performances, games, music, fashion
shows and simple food, this is a delightful way
of catching up with old friends and making
new ones.
The theme of Kampung Nites are often tied to
a festive celebration, such as “Kampung Night Deepa-Raya” last year, where we organised the
event to celebrate Deepavali and Hari Raya.
We are glad to see an increasing number of
residents and volunteers coming to this community event. “Kampung Nite” is truly an evening to
be remembered.
Sunday Leisure Cycling
Every last Sunday of the month, at 7 a.m. a group
of senior citizens and youngsters, sometimes even
the whole family covering three generations, will
gather at Bukit Batok to enjoy a morning leisure
ride through the scenic route in the western part
of Singapore. Each ride covers an average distance
of about 20 to 30 km.
These rides are organised by our Cycling Club
Superstar to encourage elderly to remain active
and to provide opportunities for families to enjoy
a Sunday morning of fun and healthy activity
together. For the elderly in particular, these rides
help them regain confidence that they could still
participate in physical activities despite old age.
Getting grandparents and grandchildren to cycle
together foster closer bonding and reduce the
wide generation gap. Grandparents can proudly
and gleefully tell their grandchildren: “Hey, we
may be old but we’re still fit and agile.”
ers, are held to give the elderly information on
both physical and mental health. It also seeks
to encourage them to be active, have a positive
outlook and to be cheerful. We do our best to
encourage those elderly who prefer to keep to
themselves at home to come for these talks to
enrich their lives.
Festive Celebrations with
Potluck Parties
Outing for the Elderly
At CCS, we celebrate festive occasions with the
elderly and get the younger generation to join
in too. At the same time, people of different
races and religions can get together to interact
and know one another more.
Besides learning to work together, potluck parties
serve to allow our members to display their culinary skills. The variety of healthy and delicious
dishes, along with games, karaoke and performances, make everyone happy and contented.
Health Talks
As senior citizens are more susceptible to illnesses, it is important for them to be aware of health
issues. Hence, regular health talks by guest speak-
The aim of the many activities CCS organises
is to get the elderly to be up and about. One
of the favourite pastimes of Singaporeans is
shopping. Besides bringing the elderly for
shopping, visits to farms and other places
of interest are also organised. We also get
our members to participate in activities
organised by other agencies like the
Community Development Councils and the
Community Clubs.
A great deal of planning is involved in
organising outings e.g. logistics, transport,
physical health condition, food and drinks.
The happy faces and the gratitude expressed
by our participants make all our efforts
Service Statistics Summary
Service Programme Clients & Volunteers No. of Service Programme Clients &
Volunteers in CCBBNL
FY 2007
FY 2008
FY 2009
figure included 102 home visits clients in Bukit Batok
and 46 home visit clients of which 19 have signed up
as members in Toh Guan Housing Estate.
All clients and volunteers are strongly encouraged to
register with our centres as members. The membership
No. of Service Programme Clients &
Volunteers in EATC*
FY 2007
FY 2008
FY 2009
* EATC commenced operation in May 2007. Among the 16 active volunteers,
7 are also serving in CCBBNL.
Volunteers play a vital role in the running of our
structured programmes. Those elderly volunteers
trained in the Music Academy for the Elderly
programme provide support in programmes like
Body & Mind Renewal Exercise, Home Visit, Music
Spa Service and Kampung Nite.
As for our activity volunteers, they conduct
Chinese Calligraphy class, Conversational English
class, Music Therapy Exercise, and operate Karaoke
Active Volunteers by Age Group
as of End March 2010
FY 2007
Active Volunteers
Active volunteers refer to those who
volunteer in the centres’ activities at least
once a month.
> 60 years old
< 60 years old
FY 2008
FY 2009
In FY2009, we have conducted two haircut
courses, each comprising 10 lessons and
have trained 30 volunteers to become
hairdressers. This group of volunteers are
not included in our list as they currently
serve less than once a month.
Membership by Race as of
end March 2010
The centres are open to Singapore citizens
and permanent residents of all races.
While we have more Chinese members,
number of members of other races has
also increased.
32 18
34 27
Membership by Age Group as
of end March 2010
Although our centres are open for people
from all age groups, we have placed
more emphasis to engage the elderly
Service Statistics Summary
CCBBNL Service Programme
FY 2007
FY 2008
FY 2009
No. of Home Visit Conducted
# FY2007 figure was based on number of participation whereas FY2008
& FY2009 figures were based on number of attendance.
Daily Attendance
The average daily attendance for CCBBNL is 52
per day where as the average daily attendance
for EATC is 44 per day.
Home Visit
We have organised weekly home visits for 116
frail and/or homebound elderly in Bukit Batok
and 49 in Toh Guan Housing Estate.
EATC Service Programme
FY 2007
FY 2008
FY 2009
No. of Home Visit Conducted
** EATC commenced operation in May 2007 whereas regular home visit was
conducted from September 2007 onwards.
Audited Financial Information
46 %
Donations —
Tax Deductible
Breakdown of
Total Income for
38 %
* include designated
fund under HMGA
10 %
The Society is governed by the Management
Committee which is the final authority and
has overall responsibility for policy making
and determination of activities. Members of
the Committee are volunteers and receive no
remuneration for their contribution.
The Society’s reserves policy is to keep not more
— Others
than 5 times of the total annual operating expenses.
Our Society has put in place a conflict of interest policy in
our code of conduct. All committee members and senior
management are required to declare their interest yearly.
Auditor: David Yeung & Co PAC
Key Bankers: DBS, UOB
General and
13 %
Special Events
Breakdown of
Total Expenses
for FY09/10
17 %
70 %
$108,686 (Surplus)
Annual Remuneration of Staff
6 Staffs
Below $50,000
Sponsors and Donors
Bengawan Solo Pte Ltd
Nanyang Girls’ High School
Nanyang Kindergarten
Nanyang Primary School
Above S$50,000
Chahaya Shipping & Trading Co Pte Ltd
Margaret Wee Bee Hoon, BBM
S$5,000 - S$49,999
Asia Industrial Development (Pte) Ltd
Hong Leong Foundation
Lee Foundation Singapore
S$500 - S$4,999
Calvary Pandan Bible Presbyterian Church
Zui Ai Media Consultancy Pte Ltd
Amy Lee Yuen Ying
Chen Teck Shing
Cheong Soh Chin
How Chin Seng
Jack Chang Chia Sheng
Jamie Lim Jie Min
Kwek Puay Ling
Lee Chuen Neng
Leong Lai Peng
Lilian Kwek
Mok Ching Sing
Ong Tze Guan
Pae Hun Kiong
Seet Chye Har Helen
Sim Kwang Oo
Siow Lee Khoon
Tang See Chim
Wan Ching Fang
Whang Tar Liang
Wong Huey Fang
S$100 - S$499
Dukers International Pte Ltd
Ivex Marine & Trading Pte Ltd
Ang Boon Kuan
Ang Wee Chye
Aw Guat Hua
Chermaine Koh
Chern Li Ngoh Laura
Chew Peck Choo
Choa Siew Lock Peter
Fung Swee Kim Maureen
Goh Yen Nee
Heng Siang Kiow
Heng Soon Noy
Hoo Siew Keng
James Meng
Jaya Kumari
Kenneth Chong
Kris Wood
Lee Huat Kwee
Lee Siok Tuan
Lim Lay Ngoh
Lim Pheck Hoon
Lim Swee Choo
Ng Soon Huan
Pang Yap Fatt
Penny Tan Wee Shu
Sharon Lim
Shaun Chang
Soh Eng Lan
Tan Kong Chian
Tan Siow Ling
Tan Tjia Hoei
Tay Kwee Mong
Vong Siong Yin
Yeo Kay Beng
Yong Ah Yew
Charity Registration No: Charity Registration Date: Gov. Instrument:
Date of Establishment:
ROS/RCB Regn. No:
Unique Entity No (UEN): 01517
13 August 2001
22 June 2001
IPC/Central Fund Status
Effective Period:
4/21/2003 - 9/30/2011
Member of Central Fund: NCSS Charitable Fund
Concern & Care Society
Concern & Care Bukit Batok Neighbourhood Link
Block 228 Bukit Batok Central #01-45 Singapore 650228
Block 229 Bukit Batok East Avenue 3, #01-118 Singapore 650229
Tel: 6560 5455 Fax: 6560 5456
CCS Elderly Activity Talent Centre
(Multi – Service Cluster @ Toh Guan)
Block 208 Jurong East St 21 #01-183 Singapore 600208
Tel: 6566 5109