Does laboratory practice need to change?
Does laboratory practice need to change?
Does laboratory practice need to change? One Child at a Time “Clinical embryologists need to develop embryo rating and cryopreservation policies with a focus on increasing the proportion of cases in which eSET is performed.” The 3 key points • Embryo Selection • Day of embryo transfer • Cryopreservation strategies Professional Guidelines • To provide a review of literature • To provide an evidence base • To make recommendations BUT they are not meant to be prescriptive Labs will develop their own policies based on their clinical practice and patient population A starting point Embryo Selection Evidence suggests that embryo ‘quality’ is the most predictive factor for outcome of treatment, with a correlation existing between early embryo morphology and implantation rate Recommendations • Evidence based national grading scheme • Wide variation between labs and individuals (ACE pilot scheme) • Consistency and reproducibility • Used within a national EQA scheme developed by NEQAS Suggested Grading Scheme Early Cleavage Blastocyst Blastomere number Blastomere size 4 = regular, even division 3 = <20% difference (blast diam) 2 = 20-50% difference 1 = >50% difference Hardarson et al 2001 Fragmentation 4 = <10% frags by volume 3 = 10-20% 2 = 20-50% 1 = >50% van Royen et al 200335 Example: The grade is recorded as [cell number] c (size/fragmentation); therefore a 4cell embryo with slightly uneven cell division (~10% difference in cell size) and around 30% fragmentation by volume will be scored as 4c(3/2) Embryo grading 2-cell 4-cell 8-cell 2-cell 4-cell Grade 4 Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 1 BLASTOMERE SIZE FRAGMENTATION 8-cell Embryo morphology 4c (3/4) 8c (4/4) 4c (1/3) 4c (4/4) 8c (3/4) 2c (3/3) 4c (1/1) 1c (-/1) Blastocyst scheme • Based on scheme originally developed by Gardner and Schoolcraft and developed further by Stephenson et al. • Three-part system, already utilised by many centres worldwide, appears to be a more accurate predictor of clinical outcome than other less detailed systems of grading. Expansion Status 1= Early blastocyst; blastocoel less than half the volume of the embryo, little or no expansion in overall size, zona pellucida (ZP) still thick 2= Blastocyst; blastocoel more than half the volume of the embryo, some expansion in overall size, ZP beginning to thin 3= Full blastocyst; blastcoel completely fills the embryo. 4= Expanded blastocyst: blastocoel volume now larger than that of the early embryo. ZP very thin 5= Hatching blastocyst; trophectoderm has started to herniated through the ZP 6= Hatched blastocyst; the blastocyst has evacuated the ZP ICM grading A= ICM prominent, easily discernible and consisting of many cells, cells compacted and tightly adhered together B= Cells less compacted so larger in size, cells loosely adhered together, some individual cells may be visible C= Very few cells visible, either compacted or loose, may be difficult to completely distinguish from trophectoderm D= Cells of the ICM appear degenerate or necrotic E= No ICM cells discernible in any focal plane Trophectoderm a= Many small identical cells forming a continuous trophectoderm layer b= Fewer, larger cells, may not form a completely continuous layer c= Sparse cells, may be very large, very flat or appear degenerate Blastocyst Grading Blastocyst grading - I Grade 4 Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 2 Grade 6 Grade 1 EXPANSION STATUS Blastocyst grading - II ICM TROPHECTODERM Grade A Grade B Grade a Grade E Grade b Grade C Grade D Grade c Blastocyst Morphology - good☺ 2Aa 5Aa 4Aa 6Aa Blastocyst Morphology - bad 3Ea 3Ba 5Ba Day of Embryo transfer • Different strategies – Scandinavian countries: early cleavage – Australia: Blastocyst • Day of ET influenced not only by biological criteria but also workforce planning and resources Evidence – blastocyst transfer • Higher pregnancy and live birth rates for selected patient populations • Recent systematic review and metaanalysis demonstrated a much improved live birth rate compared to the early cleavage stage when equal numbers of embryos were replaced Cryopreservation Many studies have shown pregnancy rates were significantly lower for patients having eSET for individual fresh and frozen cycles NEED EFFECTIVE CRYOPRESERVATION BUT PROGRAMMES the cumulative live birth rates between the DET and eSET groups were not significantly different. Evidence • The most important determinant of postthaw quality is the percentage of blastomeres remaining intact, embryos with no apparent cell loss appear to do best • Recent developments using vitrification appear to result in significantly improved survival rates Developing a lab strategy • Suggested basic algorithm of management • Develop own strategy based on – Own data – Experience – Patient population – Workforce – Resources Patients <37 years, 1st cycle (all donor egg patients) Day 2 3 5 I top grade embryo 2-3 top grade embryos SET Culture to day 3 4+ Top grade embryos Culture to day 3 1-3 top grade embryos 0 top grade embryos 1-3 top grade embryos Eset day 3 and cryo DET day 3 eset day 3 and cryo 4+ top grade embryos eset day 3 and cryo OR Culture to day 5 0 good blastocysts 1+good blastocyst 2 BT if available eSBT and cryo Conclusion Develop our own strategies based on: EMBRYO SELECTION AUDIT THE EFFECT ON MBR DAY OF EMBRYO TRANSFER And importantly………. ! CRYOPRESERVATION Acknowledgments Novocellus Project ACE/BFS guidelines Diane Critchlow Tony Rutherford Daniel Brison Steve Roberts Catherine Wass Susan Pickering Ruth Arnesen David Morroll Rachel Cutting
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