The Good the Bad and the Awful
The Good the Bad and the Awful
The Good the Bad and the Awful-Scientific Simulation and Prediction Leo P. Kadanoff ([email protected]) The ASC-FLASH program, University of Chicago published version: Leo P. Kadanoff: Excellence in Computer Simulation, Computers in Science and Engineering. March-April 2004. Computational Scenarios. Physics Today, pp. 10-11 (November 2004). Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 1 Summary Worthwhile computer simulations are done to explore uncharted territory, resolve a well-posed scientific or technical question, or to make a design choice. Some excellent work is reviewed Some less happy stories are recounted. I then concentrate my attention upon astrophysical simulations, showing how they can explore possible scenarios for stellar explosions. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 2 Sponsors ASC-FLASH: DOE Materials Research Lab: NSF ASC is an alliance of universities and DOE weapons labs aimed at improving scientific computations as a support for the program of stockpile stewardship. FLASH is Chicago’s part of this program. We work on simulating and understanding novae and supernovae events. my role, in part, is to explain and criticize the FLASH efforts. Here goes: Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 3 Outline of Talk The Best: Great Discoveries of the Heroic period Excellent Recent Work The Worst: Work which retarded scientific progress Recent Efforts: Nano- Jets Turbulence in Stars Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 4 Alan Turing: Turing Machine-purely theoretical, conceptualization of computer Enigma, put a “computer” to work in breaking German WWII codes. Morphogenesis. Though out process by which instability could give birth to structure in embryonic development. Invented reaction-diffusion system. He conceptualized morphogenesis as a computer which produces structures and patterns. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 5 Alder and Wainright: Long range Order from Hard Spheres; Long Time Tails Berni Alder and Tom Wainright produced two great discoveries using the molecular dynamics method. Despite the purely repulsive interactions, they saw a phase transition from a fluid state into a solid one. In addition, these hard spheres, and indeed any colliding fluid particles, engender through their motion correlations which persist for a very long time. (Dorfman.) These “long time tails” are now pretty well understood as a consequence of the hydrodynamic motion of the fluid as it flows past the molecules within the fluid. New territory yields new insights. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 6 Models of Solar Processes Physics: High temperatures, nuclear reactions in sun make neutrinos, which then travel to earth. Solar model describes sun and predicts neutrino flux on earth. Story: Experiments (Davis) catch neutrinos from sun. Models (Bachall) predicts neutrino production. But, simulation disagrees with observation. After some time, model is validated. Eventually, new theory of neutrino is developed. Experiments confirm neutrinos predictions from theory and simulation. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 7 Chaotic behavior, now Ed Lorenz: Chaos in ODE, characterized as weather, sensitive ‘strange attractor’ structure. dependence upon initial conditions, or “the butterfly effect”, was discovered “accidentally” by Edward Lorenz working with an early and very primitive program for solving linked sets of ordinary differential equations. -A study of weather brought about an important advance in pure science. dx/dt= 3 (y-x) Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 dy/dt= 26.5 x- y -xz dz/dt= xy - z 8 Feigenbaum: Period doubling. Small computers for interactive work. Mitchell Feigenbaum was using a desk calculator to study a model based upon a quadratic formula, which took a number and generated another number. That process was carried on through many steps by Feigenbaum. And patterns emerged! These patterns which showed how chaos (Yorke)might be born. x j +1 = rx j (1− x j ) € And a wonderful world opened up, unexpectedly. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 9 Tom Witten and Len Sander: “DLA” One of the first examples of a physical system being put forward as an algorithm. Question answered “How can you construct a fractal by a natural process? T.A. Witten and L. Sander Diffusion-limited aggregation, a kinetic phenomenon. Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 1400, (1981) Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 Hastings and Levitov 10 The DLA Algorithm a b c d Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 Start with walker at infinity It does a random walk until it reaches aggregate It stops at nearest neighbor site A walker is introduced at infinity once more 11 Excellent Recent Work We may suspect that the heroic age is now passed. The nature of discoveries is now somewhat different. I reach for recent examples to describe the best things that computational people are now doing. Examples: •Evolution of the Universe •Solar neutrinos •nanojets Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 12 Forming Structures in the Universe Simulators have explored the early history of the Universe. The hope is that an extensive process of simulation of a wide variety of models may eliminate all but but one model, thus telling us the nature of the universe. simulations, Andrey Kravtsov start with almost uniform universe Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 13 Structures.... The basic element in this calculation are many many smallish clusters of galaxies In time, gravity produces instabilities which form fractal?! structures. These are large clusters of galaxies. clusters of galaxies from simulation Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 14 Structures ... We can ask of the simulations: Will they do the desired job of filtering out wrong theories? Is the space of possible theories too large? Also the universe is mostly unobserved “dark matter”. I am pessimistic about accurate simulations of things that have never been observed. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 present day simulation result looks like our universe? 15 Structures ... present day simulation result looks like our universe? Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 15 Structures ... piece of the sky from Sloan digital sky survey Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 present day simulation result looks like our universe? 15 The Worst Simulations Britain’s Transportation Investment Model. Goal: To get the best transportation system and while minimizing public spending. Broad mix of roads, rail, public improvements. Overall maximization, all expressed in pounds. Conclusion: Detailed predictions and directions for public spending. Several peculiar features. For example, computer result recommends zero spending on pedestrian road crossings. That’s strange because flow of pedestrian traffic is valued in model. Explanation: Cost...... Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 16 Transportation Investment Model Explanation: Costs of social programs included in minimization. Pensions are a debit. Most people killed at road crossings are old, and the model gives them a negative value. Hence, maximization gives pedestrian safety a negative value. Moral: Design Goals are usually multidimensional. All sensible modelers ask not only what comes out but also why did we get this outcome? Modeling efforts should include theory and common sense. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 17 Cool Fusion An experiment suggested that fusion was occurring in a system involving resonant absorption of sound in deuterated acetone. The paper involved both experiment and simulations. “[A] roughly tenfold increase in the external driving pressure was used in the calculations” beyond the pressure directly produced by the experimental situation “to approximately account for the effect of pressure intensification within the imploding bubble clusters”. As a result their “[h]ydrodynamic shock code simulation supported the observed data”. The refereeing process allowed an apparently uncontrolled approximation in a key step in the computer calculation. It would seem that computer simulations require very little quality control, especially when the paper seems exciting and provocative to the editor, here D. Kennedy. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 D. Kennedy Science 2002: Vol. 295. no. p. 1793 R. P. Taleyarkhan, C. D. West, J. S. Cho, R. T. Lahey, Jr., R. I. Nigmatulin, and R. C. Block Science 295 2002: 1868-1873 18 single bubble sonoluminescence Sound waves produce pressure oscillations in fluid, shape of container focuses sound. Low pressure makes a bubble. High pressure produces bubble collapse, concentration of energy, higher temperatures 10,000 or 100,000 degrees and light comes off. First, experimental discovery. Then, theory experiment and simulations explore phenomena. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 19 Trouble Arises R. Pecha, B. Gompf, G. Nick, Z. Q. Wang, and W. Eisenmenger Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 717–720 (1998) See Lohse, Brenner, Hilgenfeldt in Rev Mod Phys 49 (2002). However, early workers seem to have been misled by their enthusiasm for novel energy sources. Early experiments suggested short pulse widths implying very high temperatures, novel methods of generating energy. Early simulations left out viscosity and got shocks and very short pulse width. In fact, without viscosity the width of the shocks would only be limited by the resolution of the computation. A “better”, i.e. more expensive, computation would give sharper shocks and higher temperature. So early simulations, and investigators desires, led people in the wrong direction. After Gompf measured width correctly, simulators get better results. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 20 In contrast, Vuong & Szeri did early sonoluminescence simulations which had the right answer: long pulse widths, low temperatures, no novel mechanism for energy production. I report sadly that this correct conclusions was drowned out by the calculations with the desired, but incorrect results. V. Q.Vuong and A. J. Szeri, 1996, Physics of Fluids 8(9), 2354-2364. It appeared that the early simulations were performed to support a desired result, rather than ask “what is true?.” Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 21 In contrast, Vuong & Szeri did early sonoluminescence simulations which had the right answer: long pulse widths, low temperatures, no novel mechanism for energy production. I report sadly that this correct conclusions was drowned out by the calculations with the desired, but incorrect results. It appeared that the early simulations were performed to support a desired result, rather than ask “what is true?.” However, recent experiments show both high temperatures and low, but still no novel mechanisms. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 V. Q.Vuong and A. J. Szeri, 1996, Physics of Fluids 8(9), 2354-2364. David J. Flannigan and Kenneth S. Suslick Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 044301 (2005) 21 Conclusion of this Section A program of modeling should either elucidate new processes or identify wrong directions. Otherwise there is no point is carrying it out. In many examples concerned with novel mechanisms for the concentration of energy, the simulations were quite pointless and played a somewhat negative role in the advance of the field. In the transportation model no sense led to nonsense. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 22 Some Recent Challenges • Nano-jets • Rayleigh Taylor • Type Ia supernova Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 23 Can one make a nano-jet? Do molecular dynamics: Drive pentane through gold nozzle From these simulations this nano-jet almost works. If it works, It can be used, for example to write on chips on the nanoscale. For now, the available driving pressure is not quite high enough.. Uzi Landman, Michael Moseler Science 289 1165 (2000) Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 24 New science: Look at thin necks Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 25 Compare with shape from macroscopic scale experiment; it’s different Jens Eggers PRL 89, 084502 (2002) argues that shapes are different because fluctuations are important in the nano-study. experiment: S. Nagel universal shape Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 26 Rayleigh Taylor Instability Source of Instability: hotter fluid tends to rise Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 cooler, more dense, fluid hotter, less dense, fluid 27 Rayleigh Taylor Instability Source of Instability: hotter fluid tends to rise cooler, more dense, fluid hotter, less dense, fluid This instability is very important for DOE. They saw variability in their early studies ; they sponsored 15+ major studies through ASC program Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 27 The Raleigh Taylor Instability. Small deviations from perfect surface flatness triggers an instability. The two fluids penetrate into one another. Analysis (dimensional and RG arguments) suggest a penetration distance h = αAgt 2 with A being the Atwoods number (density contrast) and α being dimensionless---and also Universal (!?). Kai Kadau...Berni Alder, “Nanohydrodynamics simulation of Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 R-T Instability”, ‘04. 1.3•108 particles 28 h = αAgt 2 About 15 groups have measured or calculated α. Their results are important for us (a DOE supported astrophysics group) because the instability occurs on the surface of an exploding star. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 Fluid Mechanics Simulation of RT instability. “On Validating an Astrophysical Simulation Code”. A. C. Calder, et al. Astrophys.J.Supp. 143 201-230 (2002). The value of α differs from previous picture by a factor of two. 29 Reynolds number effects on Rayleigh–Taylor instability with possible implications for type Ia supernovae William H. Cabot Andrew W. Cook Nature Physics 2, 562 - 568 (2006) Result α varies in course of experiment. Rayleigh-Taylor Simulation Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 30 Resolution Study d=2 denser fluid on top color codes for density 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 (grid points) Calder et al Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 31 Summary of Different Studies A comparative study of the turbulent Rayleigh–Taylor instability using high-resolution three-dimensional numerical simulations: The Alpha-Group collaboration Guy Dimonte,et al. Physics of Fluids Vol 16(5) pp. 1668-1693. May 2004 The ‘b’ refers to the bubble, which is the mode of penetration of the light fluid. The heavy fluid penetrates as spikes. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 32 Result Don’t trust the value of α It is not universal and depends on the details of the calculation being done Don’t trust any Rayleigh Taylor calculation with zero surface tension. Mathematically, it’s an ill posed problem and answers depend upon details of what happens at the earliest time. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 33 Nova and Supernova Unburned material from an ordinary star accretes onto a white dwarf star. The material is then ready to undergo a very rapid burn. In a nova, the burn is preceded by a mixing which we argue is caused by wave action in the upper layers of the white dwarf. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 cartoon by NASA 34 Nova: Mixing makes burn possible Breaking carbon/oxygen waves on a solar mass white dwarf. The waves are driven by a resonance interaction with a wind in the overlying accreted hydrogen layer, analogously to terrestrial ocean waves. This carbon/oxygen spray helps catalyze the hydrogen thermonuclear burning that powers classical novae. We do not know enough about wind velocity, etc. for a good check of theory against observation. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 A. Alexakis, et al., Astrophysical Journal, in press. Visualization was done by ANL/Futures Laboratory 35 On to type Ia’s Supernovae: a really hard problem A supernova is a white dwarf with nuclear material all mixed up and ready to explode. It needs a really good push to get a nuclear detonation. It’s hard to see where that push comes from. Furthermore, the mix of elements produced by an artificial detonation is wrong. A new approach is needed. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 a drawing of an ordinary star feeding “flammable” material onto a white dwarf 36 A new kind of trigger. A local Step I: fluctuation produces a hot bubble which rises through the material. Instabilities produce a very unsymmetric bubble. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 37 A new kind of trigger. A local Step I: fluctuation produces a hot bubble which rises through the material. Instabilities produce a very unsymmetric bubble. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 37 Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 38 Step II: Inertial focusing But after a time it was noted that the direct effect of this surfacing was not a detonation. Through insight and simulation Tomaz Plewa et. al. showed that hot material would shoot up from the bubble, fly across the star, dredge up unburned material, and the whole mess would refocus on the other side. BOOM Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 39 Things Learned Our DOE sponsors came to visit. We had previously argued that the basic Rayleigh Taylor simulation was unreliable. We told the sponsors about the supernova simulation. But our supernova calculation is based on the R.T. instability and is at least equally unreliable. How could we justify their support? We argued that our work was an exploratory simulation and was valuable because, using calculations of this kind, one could Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 40 using calculations of this kind, one could...... • produce a new and interesting scenario for supernovae behavior • suggest other calculations and observations which might check this scenario. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 41 We further argued that no calculation in which fluid flow was driven by highly turbulent mixing is likely to be fully reliable but nonetheless the DOE might use such calculations to • discover unexpected behaviors, and thus help eliminate surprises. • Start off programs for carefully checking suggested mechanisms. • suggest parameter variation exercises to set upper limits on reliability of their calculations Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 42 When used this way, a simulation provides an argument, How do the power of argumentation provided by exploratory simulations compare to that of rhetorical or order-of-magnitude discussions? Since the simulations must include everything to make a star go boom, they provide an internal check of consistency and completeness not available through words. On the other hand, some intermediate steps in the argument may have their weaknesses hidden in unexamined computer processes. Words may be better than computer output for showing up weak arguments. Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 43 But, there are also major dangers in simulations. Often simulations are directly aimed at confirming our expectations, thereby throwing away the possibility of finding anything new. In addition, we simulators must be most careful to distinguish between simulations as argument versus simulations as proof. There is a considerable risk of confounding the two approaches. It is tempting to say that "supercomputer simulations show..." when what is meant is more like "recent investigations have raised the possibility that...". In our writing, we all are tempted to replace "it would please us if..." by "we know that ..". And if we scientists and engineers join up with all those around us--in places high and low-who confound possibility with proof, and desire with truth, who then will believe us in anything we say? Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 44 Excellence in Computer Simulations V2.2--For Allegheny- 10-25--09 45