CEDREN Senter for miljødesign av fornybar energi
CEDREN Senter for miljødesign av fornybar energi
CEDREN Senter for miljødesign av fornybar energi Fornybar energi på lag med naturen Vannkraftteknologi for framtida Miljødesign av vannkraft Miljøvirkninger av vindkraft og overføringslinjer Hvordan forene miljø- og energipolitiske hensyn? Hydro storage – a renewable battery Norway Hundreds of large reservoirs 20 reservoirs with more than 100 Mm3 both up- and downstream Europeisk pumpekraftmagasin German Minister of Economy, Philipp Roesler, visiting the Blue battery of Norway – guided by Regional Statkraft Director and CEDREN Chairman of the Board, Jan Alne. 50 000 MW Norwegian hydro capacity to make Germany 100 per cent renewable by 2050 1 184 367 550 733 916 1099 1282 1465 1648 1831 2014 2197 2380 2563 2746 2929 3112 3295 3478 3661 3844 4027 4210 4393 4576 4759 4942 5125 5308 5491 5674 5857 6040 6223 6406 6589 6772 6955 7138 7321 7504 7687 7870 8053 8236 8419 8602 Simulated wind production in the North Sea area in 2030 – 100 000 MW installed capacity 90000,00 80000,00 80 000 MW 70000,00 60000,00 50000,00 40000,00 30000,00 20000,00 10000,00 0,00 one year 30000 1 35 69 103 137 171 205 239 273 307 341 375 409 443 477 511 545 579 613 647 681 715 749 783 817 851 885 919 953 987 1021 1055 1089 1123 1157 1191 1225 1259 1293 1327 1361 1395 1429 1463 1497 1531 1565 1599 1633 1667 1701 1735 1769 1803 1837 1871 1905 1939 1973 2007 2041 2075 2109 2143 2177 Januar - mars 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 7 x 24 h 20000 10000 0 30000 1 35 69 103 137 171 205 239 273 307 341 375 409 443 477 511 545 579 613 647 681 715 749 783 817 851 885 919 953 987 1021 1055 1089 1123 1157 1191 1225 1259 1293 1327 1361 1395 1429 1463 1497 1531 1565 1599 1633 1667 1701 1735 1769 1803 1837 1871 1905 1939 1973 2007 2041 2075 2109 2143 2177 Juli - september 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 7 x 24 h 20000 10000 0 CEDREN Case study 2030 Tyin Aurland Hol Sima Nore Mauranger/Oksla/Tysso Tinnsjø Kvilldal Shetland Jøsenf jorden Holen Orknøyene Lysebotn Tonstad The technical potential The technical potential 20 000 MW in southern Norway possible Business development opportunities Energy companies Constructing industry Equipment Engineering Consultants Trade Support services 11,2 GW 30 000 M NOK = 2,68 M NOK/MW = 0,36 M €/MW (without grid or cables) The European Multi-area Power Market Simulator(EMPS) Preliminary results: Increased exchange capacity crucial to use available storage Surplus energy is used Reduced curtailment Increased prices in Norway More secure energy supply Reduced CO2 emissions Current model: • 55 areas in Europe • 96 connections • 15 offshore wind areas • 75 years of wind, solar and hydro resources simulated • Start/stop nuclear and pumping handled www.susplan.eu www.sintef.no/links 16 Impacts on fish ? Erosion Unsafe ice conditions ? Threatening biodiversity ? More overhead power lines Collision risk for birds and other wildlife impacts Drawdown zone exposed – changed pattern? 53 Stage - lower reservoir Simulated Current 52 meters 51 50 49 48 47 Jan05 Mar05 May05 Jul05 Sep05 Nov05 Social acceptance Interviews of major stakeholders - rules of the Norwegian Social Science Data Services All stakeholders: Norway could help reducing climate change by offering balancing services from hydropower Not realistic by 2020 political and regulatory clarification Limitations by environmental, commercial and financial constraints or uncertainty Existing grid policy major barrier + share benefits and costs from new cables Better involvement of local communities + benefit sharing and change in current legislation Natural gas Intergovernmental agreements Long-term contracts Security of supply (Germany) Security of income and investment return (Norway) Why not the same for exchange of renewable energy ????? Hydro and gas for balancing power Timesteps Days and weeks (relate to wind power) Day-night regulation (~12 hours) Spot marked (1 hour) Balancing marked (msec - 15 min) Flexible reservoir DC cable Hydropower plant Line pack Gas power plant Why collaboration gas-hydro? Demand for balancing and energy storage Market integration Regulatory and political issues Possibilities for Norway Learn from each other Bring pieces to the table - Put them together? Develop common scenarios Develop common case studies Uncertain future – many scenarios Rapid changes may come (…Fukoshima) Hydro reservoirs = always an excellent energy storage We probably need governmental agreements and new markets Combined with other energy markets? 31 www.cedren.no Contact: [email protected]
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