5-Year Environmental Plan


5-Year Environmental Plan
5-year Environmental Plan FY2015/16 – FY2019/20
SCOPE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN .......................................................................... 5
TRANSFORMATION OF THE PLAN TO A FIVE-YEAR CYCLE ......................................... 6
IMPLEMENTATION AND ONGOING MONITORING ........................................................... 6
KEY ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS ....................................................................................... 7
Climate change / carbon reduction .................................................................... 7
Energy saving ...................................................................................................... 9
Green procurement and retailing ..................................................................... 12
Air quality ........................................................................................................... 15
Waste management ........................................................................................... 18
Water usage ....................................................................................................... 21
Ecology and biodiversity .................................................................................. 23
Engagement ....................................................................................................... 25
Noise ................................................................................................................... 28
New development .............................................................................................. 30
Environmental management systems ............................................................. 34
WORKING WITH BUSINESS PARTNERS ..........................................................................36
APPENDIX A - CORPORATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY STATEMENT ............................................38
APPENDIX B - GREEN PURCHASING POLICY ..................................................................................39
APPENDIX C – SUSTAINABLE DINING POLICY ................................................................................40
APPENDIX D - PLAN REVIEW PROCESS ............................................................................................41
APPENDIX E - LIST OF DEPARTMENTAL REPRESENTATIVES 2015/16 .............................................42
APPENDIX F – REGISTER OF COMPLETED ACTIONS........................................................................43
APPENDIX G – SAMPLE ACTION TABLE ............................................................................................52
Airport Authority Hong Kong
5-year Environmental Plan FY2015/16 – FY2019/20
List of Abbreviations
Airport Authority Building
Airport Council International - Airport carbon accreditation program
Air Handling Units
Air Pollution Index
Automated People Mover
Auxiliary Power Unit
Airport World Trade Centre
Building Environmental Assessment Method
Electrical Ground Support Equipment
Environmental Management Plan
Electric Vehicle
Fixed Ground Power
Forest Stewardship Council
Ground Support Equipment
Ground Transport Centre
Joint Venture
Light Goods Vehicle
Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Midfield Concourse
North Satellite Concourse
Pre-Conditioned Air
Pulverised Fuel Ash
Pearl River Delta
Systems Quality Control Centre
Variable Frequency Drive
Volatile Organic Compounds
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Airport Authority Hong Kong
5-year Environmental Plan FY2015/16 – FY2019/20
1. Introduction: Managing HKIA’s Environmental Footprint
1.1. Background
AAHK is statutory body that is wholly owned by the Hong Kong Government. It has a
vision of being a world-class corporation and a leader in airport management and
aviation-related business and in contributing to the prosperity of Hong Kong.
AAHK is committed to best practice environmental management and to being a leading
environmental performer in Hong Kong. The Corporate Environmental Policy was
established in 2008 and updated in April 2015 (Appendix A).
In May 2012 the senior management of AAHK (AA) and its business partners pledged,
with the endorsement of the Transport and Housing Bureau, that HKIA would become
the world’s greenest airport. This is an ongoing process that involves:
a. Measuring HKIA’s performance and benchmarking it against hub-sized airports
and environmental leaders among airports worldwide.
b. Developing, implementing and updating an environmental plan that includes best
practice environmental targets, strategies and actions to reduce the environmental
footprint (the natural resources consumed and the residual impacts) associated
with the development and operation of the airport.
c. Fully integrating this plan into AA’s wider corporate plans.
1.2. Key Environmental Principles
AA recognises that all of the goods and services consumed in the development and
operation of HKIA are derived from functional ecosystems. The sustainability of HKIA is
ultimately dependent on the continuing functionality of these ecosystems. AA’s approach
to environmental management needs to reflect this understanding by:
a. Proactively minimising harm to, protecting and restoring ecosystem function;
b. Identifying and ascribing an appropriate value to any externalised costs; and
c. Using the “polluter pays” principle to address these costs.
AA further recognises that the preferred order for implementing environmental
management options is: avoidance, reduction, mitigation, compensation.
1.3. The Business Case for Environmental Management
The business case for optimising AAHK’s environmental footprint fall into two categories:
a. Reducing the costs associated with developing and operating the airport. These
include the acquisition, maintenance, replacement and disposal of consumables
and infrastructure. Ideally, a full life cycle analysis, including all of the above factors,
Airport Authority Hong Kong
5-year Environmental Plan FY2015/16 – FY2019/20
should be conducted to more accurately determine the cost of environmental
b. Minimising a range of operational, regulatory and reputational risks in order to:
establish a more resilient operating environment,
meet current and future regulatory requirements,
meet and shape public expectations for environmental performance.
It is worth noting that public concerns regarding impacts on local biodiversity and
public health – even where projects comply with regulatory requirements – are the
principal causes for delay in securing approval for major infrastructure projects in
Hong Kong. As a result, the value of investing in reducing risks to HKIA around
regulation and the “social licence to operate and grow” is significant.
2. Scope of the Environmental Plan
This plan addresses the following environmental aspects:
1. Climate change / carbon reduction
Ecology and biodiversity
2. Energy saving
3. Green procurement and retailing
4. Air quality
10. New development
5. Waste management
11. Environmental management systems
6. Water usage
2.1. Collaboration
AA is not solely responsible for its environmental footprint. Airlines and ground services
equipment operators burn fuel that generates carbon and toxic emissions; retailers and
caterers consume natural resources to provide food and goods at the airport, and every
organisation operating at HKIA uses electricity and generates waste. As a result, AA
collaborates closely with its suppliers, business partners, passengers, regulators, local
communities and environmental NGOs and other stakeholders to reduce HKIA’s
environmental footprint.
2.2. Developing and Updating the Environmental Plan
All of AA’s environmental goals should meet the key environmental principles and serve
the business objectives described above. At times, the requirement for attainment of an
environmental footprint reduction target may conflict with operational requirements, or
the financial objectives of AA or its business partners. In such circumstances AAHK will:
a. Seek the views of internal and external stakeholders that may be affected;
Airport Authority Hong Kong
5-year Environmental Plan FY2015/16 – FY2019/20
b. Set performance standards that allow flexibility and encourage innovation in the
approach for achieving compliance;
c. Allow lead time that respects investment cycles;
d. Provide the necessary infrastructure to enable compliance, where appropriate;
e. Secure the endorsement of AA’s senior management for amendments to the
plan; and
f. Monitor the outcome of the measures and adapt the plan accordingly.
Appendix D outlines the Plan Review Process for the relevant departments to follow.
3. Transformation of the plan to a five-year cycle
In October 2012, ENVT conducted a review to assess the progress of the measures
proposed in the first version of this Plan. This review also took into consideration
AAHK’s new target to become the world’s greenest airport. The plan was subsequently
modified and the scope was expanded to make it the principal tool employed by AAHK
to achieve the world’s greenest airport objective.
In 2014, environmental planning was switched from a three-year to a five-year cycle in
order to ensure that environmental considerations are embedded into AAHK’s corporate
planning and master planning cycles from the outset. The scope of the plan was also
expanded to cover collaboration with AAHK’s airport business partners in order to
further enhance our ability to become world’s greenest airport.
4. Implementation and Ongoing Monitoring
Each department is required to:
a. Work with ENVT to establish a list of specific measures to reduce HKIA’s
environmental footprint, taking into consideration the five year business plan and
the current Masterplan;
b. Monitor its progress in implementing those measures throughout the year;
c. Provide quarterly progress reports to ENVT;
d. Report status in the quarterly AA Environmental Coordination Group;
ENVT is required to:
a. Conduct an annual review of the Plan to assess AAHK’s progress in reducing its
environmental footprint;
b. Revise targets and the overall environmental strategy, where appropriate, in order
to drive continual improvement in AAHK’s environmental performance in pursuit of
the “greenest airport” objective;
c. Make reference to the relevant disclosures provided in the Global Reporting
Initiative (GRI) G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and Airport Operators
Sector Disclosures when reviewing the Plan to facilitate the assessment and
reporting of environmental performance.
d. Consolidate quarterly updates and keep a copy of the most updated Plan.
Airport Authority Hong Kong
5-year Environmental Plan FY2015/16 – FY2019/20
5. Key Environmental Aspects
Climate change / carbon reduction
In 2010, AAHK and the airport business partners committed to reduce airport-wide carbon
emissions by 25% per workload unit by 2015 compared to 2008 levels. AAHK actively seeks to
measure and manage the impact on climate change of its own operations as well as of its
business partners. It emerged in 2014/15 that HKIA is unique among large airports in adopting
an airport-wide approach to reducing carbon emissions, and given the success of this
programme, AAHK is exploring options for using the same approach to accelerate the rate of
footprint reduction in other environmental aspects.
AAHK has developed proprietary carbon audit software to track its emissions and actively
engages its business partners in completing annual carbon audits, identifying carbon reduction
initiatives and working to reduce their individual carbon footprints. Examples of these actions
can be found at: http://www.hongkongairport.com/eng/csr/carbon-reduction/index.html
In 2014, HKIA’s carbon intensity decreased by 22.4% per workload unit when compared to
2008 level. Airport-wide carbon emission also dropped from approx. 390,000 tonnes in 2008 to
around 380,000 tonnes in 2014.
Potential drivers for change
 New business case for achieving new targets
 Potential introduction of national carbon charge or trading in China
 AAHK is signatory to the 2008 Aviation Industry Commitment to Action on Climate Change –
a long-term target to work towards carbon neutral growth.
Airport Authority Hong Kong
5-year Environmental Plan FY2015/16 – FY2019/20
Airport-wide reduction in carbon emissions by 25% per workload unit by 2015 based on
2008 levels.
Retention of ACI-ACA Level 3 accreditation.
New five-year target will be set in 2016.
New and ongoing actions
Actions and Targets
Continue offsetting carbon for green themed events and consider Ongoing
extending to other corporate events (CCD and CS)
Conduct annual third party verification for AAHK’s carbon Annually
footprint (ENVT)
Renewal of ACI-ACA Level 3 accreditation (ENVT)
Renew “Carbon Reduction Certificates” (renamed from the
formerly Carbon ”Less” Certificates) under HKAEE organised by
Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) – Expiry date Mar
2017 (ENVT)
To develop a framework agreement to offset the carbon from AA Q1 2016
events (ENVT)
To establish short-term (5-year) and long-term (20-year) carbon Q4 2015
reduction target beyond 2015 (ENVT)
Airport Authority Hong Kong
5-year Environmental Plan FY2015/16 – FY2019/20
Energy saving
Energy savings are closely related to managing carbon emissions because the energy used by
the airport is principally derived by burning coal and gas for electricity generation. AAHK makes
every effort to reduce energy consumption at the airport. It has achieved significant reduction in
recent years from replacement of traditional lighting with LEDs and reconfiguration of its chillers.
AAHK’s electricity usage in 2014 was 278.8M kWh.
The chart below shows AAHK’s electricity consumption. Priorities for reducing energy use
focus on significant electricity demand areas including cooling and lighting systems. There is
also an ongoing need for replacement of fans, pumps and motors to maintain energy efficiency.
Electricity consumption includes AA's facilities such as Terminal 1, Terminal 2, North Satellite Concourse, SkyPier, HKIA
Tower, Airport World Trade Centre, etc
SkyPier 2 and NSC came into operation since Sep 2009 and Nov 2009 respectively
Potential drivers of change
 Financial savings – there is a direct dollar saving for every reduction in energy usage.
 Reduction in carbon emissions attributable to AA’s operations.
 Meet World Business Council on Sustainable Development Building Energy Efficiency
Pledge by 2015.
 Develop an energy management system in line with the principles of ISO 50001:2011 and
work towards future certification by 2017.
Airport Authority Hong Kong
5-year Environmental Plan FY2015/16 – FY2019/20
New and ongoing actions
Actions and Targets
(A) Energy Savings – Lighting
Mock-up installation of LED at E4 Apron Stand (High Mast Q3 2015
Lighting) [Update as of Oct 2015: Completed, Action closed]
Design and install LED lighting for 14 numbers of advertising Q3 2015
light boxes [Update as of Oct 2015: Completed, Action closed]
Implement LED lighting for new advertising light boxes while Ongoing
replacing all existing light tubes of advertising light boxes with
LED lighting upon aging condition (RAD)
Replace the 1st phase of LED bulbs and tubes installed on 2009 Q1 2021
with latest LEDs with highest efficiency. Remaining phases will
be monitored and carried out according to the end of product’s
service life (TSD)
Design and install solar powered canopy for airside smoking Q1 2016
area (TSD)
Gantry lighting control Enhancement (TSD)
Q4 2017
(B) Energy Savings - Cooling
Replacement of traditional air handling units (AHU) motors with Q1 2017
high efficiency motors (TSD)
Replacement of 2 HV Chillers for T1 to improve energy Q3 2016
efficiency (TSD)
Replacement of 900 fan coil units for T1 to improve energy Q1 2022
efficiency (TSD)
(C) Energy Savings – Electricity consumption
Setup of Energy Management System to improve energy Q1 2017
efficiency and achieve ISO 50001 certificate (TSD)
Conduct feasibility study of moving SQCC facilities offsite that Q4 2016
involves co-location, cloud and managed services for both the
testing and development environments. Part of the objectives is
to explore opportunities of energy saving by optimising use of
cloud and managed services (ITD)
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Continue server virtualisation – target – virtualised 50% of Q1 2016
eligible servers by end of FY15/16 to better utilise server
resources and save data centre energy [Update as of Oct 15:
Target met, action closed. As of Q1 2015, 52% eligible servers
have been virtualised and ahead the target of FY1516.] (ITD)
Continue server virtualisation – target – virtualised 60% of Q1 2017
eligible servers by end of FY16/17 to better utilise server
resources and save data centre energy (ITD)
Continue server virtualisation – target – virtualised 70% of Q1 2018
eligible servers by end of FY17/18 to better utilise server
resources and save data centre energy (ITD)
Continue server virtualisation – target – virtualised 80% of Q1 2019
eligible servers by end of FY18/19 to better utilise server
resources and save data centre energy (ITD)
(D) Others
To achieve WBCSD Building Energy Pledge (ENVT & TSD)
Q4 2015
To achieve Energywise label under HKAEE scheme (ENVT)
(Q4 2016,
Q4 2018)
To participate in “Power Smart Energy Saving Contest” Annually
organised by Friends of the Earth (ENVT & TSD)
Arrange technical workshops to promote energy efficient design Q2 2016
and installation (TSD)
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Green procurement and retailing
A key component of reducing HKIA’s environmental footprint is minimising wherever possible
the quantity and impacts of materials sourced by AAHK and its business partners. This can
include raw materials for construction such as concrete, wood and steel, or consumables such
as paper and packaging, or low-VOC paints. AAHK has been a founding member of the Hong
Kong Green Purchasing Charter since 2007. A Corporate Green Purchasing Policy was
developed in 2008 (Appendix B) and a revised version was drafted in 2015 and is awaiting
senior management approval.
Potential drivers for change
 To align with HKSAR’s initiatives in conserving resources and reduction of waste.
 To actively manage our supply chain to fulfill GRI G4 reporting requirements
 PR opportunities for retailers who participate in AAHK award schemes.
 Recognition for best practice for AAHK.
 To further enhance the environmental performance of the supply chain through tightening of
environmental requirements in contract document.
 To continue the HKIA Environmental Management Recognition Scheme for retailers and
restaurants at terminal buildings that encourages ownership of environmental targets by
 To identify opportunities for engaging with business partners to develop new initiatives for
environmental footprint reduction.
Airport Authority Hong Kong
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New and ongoing actions
Actions and Targets
(A) Paper consumption
Continue to produce publications on FSC-certified paper as far Ongoing
as possible (CCD, T1D)
Continue to source 100% recycled or FSC certified paper for Ongoing
washroom consumption (T1D)
Adopt e-Recruitment System in mass recruitment process to Ongoing
reduce hardcopy printing (HRA)
Adopt e-Evaluation to evaluate all in-house training programs Ongoing
instead of asking participants to fill-in paper evaluation form
Explore the e-PR System to reduce papers for PR processing Q3 2015
Reduce paper-enrolment through enhancement of Learning Q4 2015
Management System (LMS), for all external training courses
Conduct feasibility study and explore solution of e-tendering Q1 2017
(B) Other initiatives
Reduce hardcopy printing for all in-house training (HRA)
Work with Procurement, ITD, RAD, Projects, Legal to explore the Ongoing
need to strengthen environmental requirements and standards in
contractors/suppliers/service providers (ENVT, RAD, ITD,
Projects, Legal)
Review Tenants Fit Out Handbook with TSD and RAD, consider Ongoing
adding / updating environmental-related aspects. Implement
practical usage of green materials in the fitting out (ENVT, TSD,
Support low footprint logistics arrangements for sustainable Ongoing
development-related luncheon talks / training sessions hosted by
Environment Department (HRA)
Incorporate guidelines for sustainability in the tender assessment Q1 2015
in procurement procedures (Procurement)
Airport Authority Hong Kong
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Strategic review of the Green Purchasing Policy (ENVT, Q3 2015
Following the strategic review: (i) work with relevant department Q4 2015
to incorporate more environmental requirements in AA’s
contracts; (ii) review and update the templates of EMP outline
As far as practicable, i.e. after fire load prerequisite, source the Q3 2016
new seatings with recyclable materials (T1D)
Expand the scope of printer replacement in Managed Print Q3 2016
Service for the continual promotion of eco-friendly printing (ITD)
Airport Authority Hong Kong
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Air quality
HKIA’s operations are an identified source of air pollution. Toxic pollutants can be harmful to
airport workers and passengers, and may also affect the wider community, especially those
living close to the airport. The combustion, storage and delivery of fossil fuels are the principal
sources of air pollution at HKIA. As other major emissions sources such as marine vessels and
road vehicles are reduced, HKIA is expected to come under increasing scrutiny and pressure to
reduce emissions.
HKIA continuously tracks outdoor air quality through two airport monitoring stations and a third
control station on Sha Chau. The data collected helps AAHK to monitor regional air quality and
track the progress of pollution reduction initiatives.
Since 2013, AAHK has commissioned experts from the Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology (HKUST) to develop inventories of emissions from key sources including airside
vehicles and GSE, aircraft landing and take-off (LTO) emissions, landside vehicles serving the
airport and ferries moving passengers to and from the SkyPier.
Potential drivers for change
 Background air quality in Hong Kong is currently so poor that it represents a potential
constraint to future airport development.
 New measures proposed by the Environment Bureau to accelerate the retirement of diesel
commercial vehicles that are more than 15 years old.
 Meet commitments in EIA reports and associated Environmental Permit condition.
 Since July 2013, all new saloon cars in the Airport Restricted Area (ARA) must be electric.
 By July 2017, all petrol saloons in the ARA must be replaced by electric vehicles.
Airport Authority Hong Kong
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New and ongoing actions
Actions and Targets
(A) Air Quality Control – Vehicle Emissions
Replacement of operating vehicle fleet with EURO V vehicles
Vehicle types
Light-goods vehicles 3.5 T
Wheelchair lift (replacement)
Mobile liaison centre
Runway sweeper
Wheelchair lift (additional)
Platform truck
2 [completed]
2 [completed]
Continue to explore with franchisees the feasibility of expediting
replacement of legacy vehicles with cleaner vehicles (the latest
EURO or equivalent emission standard) during the tender/renewal
of catering, into plane fuelling services and GSE maintenance
Q4 2015
Q3 2015
Q4 2016
Q1 2016
Q1 2017
Q4 2015
Q1 2015
Continue to encourage ALD franchisees to replace the aged Ongoing
vehicles and use the latest EURO or equivalent emission
standard vehicles (ALD)
Market study for eGSE and eVan availability (Airfield)
To phase out Pre-Euro IV vehicles of AMD (TSD)
Vehicle types
Replace LGV panel van (2 Euro II and 1 Euro III)
with E-vans
Replace SPV (Aerial Works Platform) (Euro II)
with Euro V diesel SPV
Replace LGV Panel Vans (Euro II) with Euro V
vans or E-vans
Q2 2015
Q1 2017
Q1 2016
Replace eight Pre-Euro IV vehicles with vehicles either electrical /
hybrid or other types complying to Euro V standards (HRA)
Q4 2017
(B) Air Quality Control - Others
To achieve the requirement of IAQwise Label and maintain the
label (ENVT & TSD)
To develop an Air Quality Management Strategy (ENVT)
Q4 2016
Participate with other airport operators on the trial application of
bio-diesel for Ground Service Equipment.[Update as of Oct 2015:
Q1 2015
Airport Authority Hong Kong
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Hong Kong Productivity Council requested additional vehicle tests
to further verify the benefits of using biodiesel] (TSD)
To conduct a study on landside air emission with HKUST (ENVT)
Q1 2017
Upgrade of API website (ENVT)
Q2 2016
Air quality monitoring at Sha Chau under AQMS contract (ENVT)
Q2 2016
Renewal of air quality charter under Hong Kong General Chamber Q4 2017
of Commerce (HKGCC) (ENVT)
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Waste management
Effective waste management is an issue of concern both to the Hong Kong public and
Government, and to international airports. AAHK aims to reduce the absolute amount of waste
generated, and to promote recycling of waste through a number of active measures to
encourage separation of waste at source.
In 2014, the amount of landfill waste generated by AAHK’s operations was 343 grammes per
passenger (g/pax) while the amount of waste recycled increased by 2% from 47g/pax to
AAHK also recycled 1,200 tonnes of food waste from AAHK and 20 business partners. This
raised the total amount of waste recycled by AAHK to 64g/pax. The following tables show
AAHK’s waste management performance over the last seven years.
In 2015 recognising that recycling rates flattened, AAHK commissioned a study of waste
management at HKIA that aims to apportion waste from various streams, determine the
composition of AAHK’s waste, review the waste target and propose measures to improve
recycling, reduction and monitoring of waste.
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Potential drivers for change
 To improve AA’s waste performance in comparison with other hub-sized airports worldwide.
 To help the Hong Kong SAR Government to tackle the waste to landfill challenge.
 To prepare AAHK for the introduction of a waste charging mechanism to be launched by the
Hong Kong SAR Government in 2018/19.
 Meet commitments in EIA reports and associated environmental permit condition.
 Determination of an emission factor for municipal solid waste would provide a driver for
reduction of carbon in waste.
 50% of all waste is recycled by 2021.
 To develop list of recommendations on waste management strategy and pilot charging
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New and ongoing actions
Actions and Targets
Explore initiatives to promote effective measures in reducing Ongoing
waste at source (RAD & ENVT)
Arrange for the landscape contractor to recycle festive plants Annually
Achieve the requirements of the Wastewise Label and maintain Annually
the label annually (ENVT)
Revamp design of existing 3-in-1 with new 4-in-1 waste sorting Q3 2015
bins to enhance waste separation (T1) and increase recyclable
bins locations from 68 to 420 (320 for T1 and 100 for MFC)
Maximise food waste separation and recovery of recyclable Q2 2016
cutlery at Airside L7 food court (T1D)
Develop common guidelines for airports in the Asia Pacific Q1 2016
regions to promote aircraft cabin waste recycling (ENVT)
Continue partnership with Food Angel on Food Rescue Q4 2016
Programme (ENVT)
Encourage franchisees to explore the feasibility of waste Ongoing
recycle such as wooden pallet collection and reuse (ALD)
To consider commissioning a consultancy study in developing a Q2 2015
framework to implement waste disposal charging which will be
imposed by HKSAR Government (ENVT)
Add email contact in HKIA Contact Directory for dispatching Q3 2015
airport circular via email to save fax paper (HRA)
Waste Management Consultancy (ENVT)
Q4 2015
 Conduct on-site waste surveys
 Make recommendations on waste management strategy
and pilot charging scheme
Provision of CDs and batteries recycling facilities in AA’s office Q1 2016
Waste reduction strategy study: (T1D)
Reduce the use of toilet paper towel
Improve sorting efficiency for the recyclable items from
aircraft waste
Airport Authority Hong Kong
Q4 2015
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Water usage
Potable water usage has increased in importance as the need to respond to climate changeinduced water scarcity has become more widely accepted. HKIA’s innovative use of seawater
for toilet flushing and air cooling has positioned it among the global leaders in potable water
management. The inclusion of seawater in HKIA’s “triple water system” (potable water,
reclaimed water and seawater) also delivers substantial cost, energy and carbon savings over
more traditional “dual (potable and reclaimed) water systems”.
Treating and recycling grey water, which is required to meet government sewage and discharge
regulations, is costly and energy-intensive. AAHK’s grey water treatment plant has a daily
capacity of 6,000m3. In 2014, an average of 490m3 per day recycled water was used for
irrigation. Further uses are constrained by the quality of treated water, limited distribution
network for treated grey water, and the expense and operational difficulties in expanding this
network. Additional potential uses included new construction projects activities, vehicle washing
and additional irrigation.
In 2014 AAHK’s water usage was about 656,000 m3.
Potential drivers for change
 Opportunity to secure and extend AAHK’s leadership position on water management among
comparably-sized airports.
 Upcoming major projects provide an opportunity to expand use of reclaimed water use in
construction or a decrease in the supply.
 Greater demand for water in the Pearl River Delta may lead to an increase in the cost or a
decrease in the supply of water in Hong Kong.
 Meet commitments in EIA reports and associated environmental permit conditions.
 Explore the increase usage of reclaimed water.
 To explore the source apportionment of water usage and to set a water reduction target.
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New and ongoing actions
Actions and Targets
Encourage tenants to reduce water usage
Environmental Management Recognition Scheme.
HKIA Ongoing
Further improving the quality of treated water to increase the Q4 2017
utilisation of treated water for construction use (ENVT)
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Ecology and biodiversity
AA’s development and operation can impact biodiversity both around the airport site, and further
afield, where extraction and processing of the materials required to build and operate the airport
The loss of natural habitat associated with major engineering works is an inevitable part of
major infrastructure development. Key species affected include two globally threatened or
endemic species: Romer’s Tree Frog and Chinese White Dolphin. The whole airport community
has a duty of care towards these species.
On a wider level, the Hong Kong community has a duty of care towards species of which it is a
major consumer or a key influencer. This includes many marine species that are consumed and
traded through Hong Kong in globally significant numbers. Species of special concern include
sharks and live coral reef fish. Hong Kong is also a significant transit point for ivory, rhino horn,
pangolin, wild birds, all of which are unsustainably sourced and some of which are subject to
legal controls under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora (CITES).
Potential drivers for change
 Impacts on Chinese White Dolphins are a potential constraint on development of future
operations requiring further reclamation.
 Tighter legislation following Hong Kong’s adoption the Convention on Biological Diversity.
 Protection of corporate reputation by avoiding or minimising consumption of unsustainablysourced natural products.
 Meet commitments in EIA reports and associated environmental permit condition.
 To develop a Biodiversity Management Strategy and thereafter a HKIA Conservation Action
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New and ongoing actions
Actions and Targets
Explore initiatives to promote sustainable seafood concept to Ongoing
BPs and restaurants (ENVT & RAD)
Explore the opportunity to support a dolphin survey project in Q4 2015
Pearl River Delta (ENVT)
Recommendations of enhancing habitat on Chek Lap Kok for Q3 2015
Romer’s Tree Frog (ENVT)
Chinese White Dolphin (CWD) mitigation measures - proposed 2015/16
to cap and detour ferry routing to avoid going via CWD habitat
To develop a biodiversity strategy (ENVT)
Q4 2015
Review Sustainable Dining Policy (ENVT)
Q4 2016
To develop a HKIA Conservation Action Plan (ENVT)
Q4 2016
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Engagement with key stakeholders is an important part of the process of implementing changes
that will reduce the environmental footprint of the airport. While engagement is not itself an
environmental aspect, it is the principal tool in securing the necessary support to implement
footprint reduction measures for every environmental aspect.
ENVT meets with four distinct stakeholder groups, each with a different purpose:
Implementing departments within AAHK – to implement internal footprint reduction
actions and manage relationships with business partners.
HKIA business partners – to review environmental management plans and to develop
workable footprint reduction strategies on relevant environmental issues.
Environmental NGOs – to better understand and respond to public expectations, and to
learn of emerging technologies and approaches for footprint reduction.
EPD and other relevant departments of the HKSAR Government – to ensure AAHK
complies with and supports existing and upcoming legislation, policies and initiatives.
Local and international environmental associations – to learn from best practice, raise
and participate in discussions of interest for footprint reduction at HKIA.
ENVT organises general environmental training and NGO-organised and other green activities
for AAHK and airport community staff. It also arranges briefings and tours of environmental
facilities with relevant departments including TSD and T1D for visitors with a specific interest in
environmental issues.
AA has established a HKIA Environmental Fund and provides display areas at the airport for the
use of NGOs at no charge.
Potential drivers for change
 Manage reputational risk and AA’s social license to operate and grow.
 Building a cordial relationship with NGOs and business partners.
 To start actively managing AA’s supply chain according to GRI G4 sustainability reporting
 Quarterly meetings with implementing departments. (AA Environmental Coordination
 Quarterly meetings with business partners. (Airport Wide Environmental Forum).
 Half-yearly meetings with Environmental NGOs. (Environmental Liaison Group).
 At least 6 environmental training sessions for AAHK staff annually.
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New and ongoing actions
Actions and Targets
Provision of at least 6 environmental training sessions for staff Annually
annually (ENVT)
Organise Airport Community Environmental Forum quarterly
Organise Environmental Liaison Group Meeting half-yearly (ENVT)
Organise annual International Coastal Clean Up for AA staff and
Tung Chung community (ENVT)
Take part in Earth Hour organised by WWF-HK (ENVT)
Provision of 6-8 environmental training sessions for staff annually
Provision of at least one environmental activity for BPs (ENVT)
Incorporation of HKIA’s green stories in PRD agency promotional Ongoing
materials –“Transport connection with Mainland China” via emarketing (MCDD)
Incorporate environmental topics and promote green messages in Ongoing
future Mainland airport training course (MCDD)
Continue working with the AMD, Projects and ENVT teams to Ongoing
promote green messages in the airport visits (e.g. in presentation
materials and tour of more green facilities at HKIA.) (CCD)
Continue publishing green stories and messages in HKIA News and Ongoing
pitching related features stories for mainstream media. (CCD)
Encourage NGOs and academics to address environmental issues Ongoing
relevant to HKIA and the community through the HKIA
Environmental Fund
Introduction of Green Office Programme / Campaign at AA’s Office Q3 2015
Engagement with 1) CX City 2) SkyCity Marriott Hotel 3) Regal
Airport Hotel 4) KA-CNAC House 5) Asia World Expo 6) Petrol filling
station: (APD)
Request business partners to submit new / updated Q2 2015
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for review
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Conduct on-site environmental audit to identify areas for Q2 2015
improvement and make suitable recommendations
Continuous monitoring and review of i), ii) and iii) and apply to new
BPs where appropriate
Update the “Greenest Airport Updates” in corporate website (ENVT)
Explore opportunities to organise environmental-related events at Ongoing
Display of “Save-Paper” stickers inside toilets and nursing rooms to Q2 2015
promote hand towel usage reduction [Update as of Oct 2015:
Completed, Action closed] (T1D & MCDD)
Enhance the CSR section of AA’s corporate website (ENVT)
Q1 2016
Green Monday Programme at HKIA
Continue to develop Green Monday programme at HKIA Q4 2016
Encourage licensees to introduce vegetarian dishes and
menus and join the programme (RAD)
Collaborate with services contractor to promote “Go-Green” during Ongoing
their services delivery (T1D)
Continue to encourage licensees to participate in Plastic Shopping Ongoing
Bag Charging Environmental Fund (RAD)
Work with ENVT to conduct 1) environmental audits for all Ongoing
franchisees; 2) review franchisees’ new/ updated environmental
management plans; 3) encourage franchisees to implement new
initiatives on footprint reduction (ALD)
Provide environmental friendly themed workshops in Weekend Kids Q3 2015
Workshop, e.g. making kid toys by recycled material (T1D)
Organise “energy saving” seminars for HKIARaCE members (T1D)
Q1 2016
Expand the scope of printers replacement in Managed Print Service
for the continual promotion of eco-friendly printing (ITD)
Q3 2016
Organise HKIA Environmental Management Recognition Scheme 2017
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Noise from aircraft operations is an issue of concern for Hong Kong residents living close to the
airport and flight path. Under Hong Kong law (Civil Aviation (Aircraft Noise) Ordinance Cap. 312)
responsibility for managing aircraft noise is the responsibility of the Civil Aviation Department
rather than AAHK. This is not widely understood by the public, and AAHK has had to respond to
numerous complaints from affected residents.
Airports in many other countries are directly accountable for noise associated with aircraft
operations, and have developed a range of measures to address the issue. This is because
airports were often built or close to large cities, and large numbers of residents were impacted,
or because airports are held responsible for aircraft noise under local or regional legislation.
Even though these conditions do not apply to HKIA, AAHK actively considers noise-related
issues in its own planning and in assessing the potential impacts of future infrastructure and
residential developments close to the flight path and AA’s noise contours. An increase in the
number of residents or other “sensitive receivers” that may be affected by noise generated by a
new project may result in approval for that project being delayed or rejected.
Potential drivers for change
 Improving relations with residents that are most affected and most active in challenging
future development of HKIA.
 Improving HKIA’s performance on noise management in pursuit of the “greenest airport”
 Meet commitments in EIA reports and associated environmental permit condition.
 To develop a noise management strategy by 2017.
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New actions in this Plan
Actions and Targets
To develop a noise management strategy (ENVT)
To gather information on best practice noise management from Ongoing
other airports through ACI and other engagement with airports
and relevant experts.
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Q4 2017
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5.10 New development
To cope with the rapid growth in air traffic demand in HKIA, new developments such as
Terminal 2 expansion and the Midfield Concourse are either under design or construction. A
green airport design strategy is required by AA to ensure that the leading environmental
standards, technologies and best practice are incorporated from the outset.
In addition, it is most cost effective to incorporate green concepts into the design stage than
retrofitting the buildings during the operation phase.
Potential drivers for change
 Supporting HKIA’s pledge to become the world’s greenest airport.
 Improving environmental performance through design.
 Reducing the operation costs associated with developing and operating the airport.
 Airports in other countries raising the “best practice” bar.
 To ensure all significant new facilities and infrastructure projects develop and follow a Green
Airport Design Strategy.
 All new buildings should achieve a “best in class” standard for the relevant building type
according to clearly defined performance benchmarks, supported by an appropriate building
environmental performance certification scheme.
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New and ongoing actions
Actions and Targets (Projects)
Green Airport Design Commitment
Significant scheme design contracts must adopt Project
Department’s approach for identifying opportunities to enhance
environmental efficiency and minimise each Project’s
environmental impact over its whole lifecycle.
- P282:
- P283: 3rd Runway Infrastructure and Concourse Scheme
Mid Field Concourse Green Design Commitments
Design and Construction
1. Design driven by early agreed environmental
performance targets / commitments coming from green
design process
2. Reduce use of timber via use of pre-cast concrete and
re-usable formwork
3. Commitment that >50% of timber formwork used is from
FSC certified sources
4. >10% of bar / fabric reinforcement from recycled steel
5. >10% of structural steel used to be recycled
6. Use of PFA in cement mix
7. >10% all building materials (facade/ structural) to be
recycled materials
8. >20% of building materials used from local sources or
from <800km from HK
9. Cooling systems to use R143a refrigerant
Building Energy Use (total target energy saving of 21% after
1. Passive design elements - target to achieve 4.5%
savings over baseline
2. Active design elements - target 6% savings over
3. Use of efficient lighting / lighting management systems target 10% savings over baseline
4. Use of 1200m2 Photo-voltaics - target 0.5% savings
over baseline
Other targets
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1. Adopt the use of high efficiency chillers (COP 5.7);
demand control ventilation; free cooling and regenerative
power (lifts and APM)
2. Treatment of greywater from MFC for use as cooling
water in MFC chillers
3. Commitment to achieve at least BEAM Plus GOLD
Material Use
Q4 2017
Explore the feasibility of adopting a more stringent requirement
for FSC Project Certification for timber used in all AAHK future
projects above the current 50% FSC commitment for MidField
3RS Project and Terminal 2 Expansion
Design and Construction
1. Design driven by targets / commitments from green
design and 3RS EIA approval process
2. At least the same performance as MFC green design
components (e.g. reduced use of timber; FSC certified
timber, etc.)
3. New and specific commitments for design and
construction come from P282 and P283 green design
process and follow on detailed design for
developments (expected 2016/17)
4. Full compliance with specific EP requirements under the
EIAO and with ACE Recommendations.
5. Establish and maintain effective means of managing and
environmental commitments during 3RS development
6. Conduct septicity model for the entire sewerage system
of the HKIA including the proposed 3RS sewerage
system during detailed design stage and adoption of
H2S monitoring and active septicity management system
in the design of the proposed 3RS sewerage system
Design driven by targets / commitments from
1. New and specific commitments for
construction come from P282 and P283
process (expected July 2014)
2. New and specific commitments for
construction come from P282 and P283
process (expected July 2014)
Airport Authority Hong Kong
green design
design and
green design
design and
green design
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Building Energy Efficiency
Commitment that all new AA office and public use buildings
achieve at least BEAM Plus GOLD certification (or equivalent)
Explore the feasibility of adopting a more stringent requirement Ongoing
for FSC Project Certification for timber used in all AAHK future
projects above the current 50% FSC commitment for Mid-Field
Commitment that all new AA office and public use buildings Ongoing
achieve at least BEAM Plus GOLD certification (or equivalent)
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Environmental management systems
An Environmental Management System (EMS) which follows the key elements of the ISO
14001 international standard has been adopted by ENVT in the management of environmental
aspects at AAHK. ISO14001 certification has not previously been considered in the past. It is
correspondingly difficult for AAHK to demonstrate its environmental management credentials
without certification by a credible independent third party such as ISO.
International environment-related management systems including energy management systems
(ISO 50001) and greenhouse gas management systems (ISO14064) have been developed to
facilitate the management of these aspects by corporates. To be the world’s greenest airport,
ENVT is exploring opportunities to obtain such certificates in a reasonable timeframe to better
improve the credibility of HKIA’s EMS.
Potential drivers for change
 For better performance / results of environmental related award applications.
 For better management of all the environmental aspects generated from the operation of the
airport under AAHK’s control.
 To create a systematic response and rectification system to properly handle non-compliance
arising from AA or BPs’ activities at HKIA.
 Increase the credibility of AAHK’s claims to be the world’s greenest airport.
• To upgrade AAHK’s existing EMS in line with ISO 14001:2015 principles and work towards
future certification.
To develop Energy Management System in line with ISO 50001:2011 Principles and work
towards future certification.
To establish a strategy to position HKIA as the world’s greenest airport over 40 million pax.
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New and ongoing actions
Actions and Targets
Align AAHK’s EMS with ISO 14001:2015 Principles (ENVT) – Q1 2016
Benchmarking Recommendations
Consider Certification under new ISO 14001:2015 2017
Requirements (ENVT) – Benchmarking Recommendations
To develop Energy Management System in line with ISO 2018
50001:2011 Principles (ENVT & TSD) – Benchmarking
To consider ISO50001:2011 certification (ENVT & TSD) –
Benchmarking Recommendations
To develop plans and conduct multi-stakeholder engagement Q1 2016
to achieve airport wide reductions in key environmental
aspects (ENVT)
Consider 2nd greenest airport benchmarking study (ENVT)
Airport Authority Hong Kong
Q4 2017
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To operate HKIA sustainability, AA must work with a range of franchisees, licensees, tenants,
contractors and services providers. These include airlines, logistics companies, cargo terminals,
catering companies.
Therefore AA has built close relationships with its business partners. We aim to actively
influence their environmental performance through contract agreements, collaborative targetsetting, award and incentive schemes and partnerships.
By engaging business partners, we aim to continue the airport-wide carbon reduction
programme and also to further improve business partners’ environmental performance via the
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) submission requirement.
Since it has emerged that adopting an “airport-wide” boundary rather than an “airport operator”
boundary represents best practice in airport environmental management. AAHK is actively
exploring opportunities to adopt this approach wherever it is feasible to do so.
In the sections below, we consolidated the general requirements and policies we expect
business partners to follow.
6.1 General Requirements of Airport Business Partners:
Obtain any statutory licences, consents or exemptions relating to the protection of the
environment and which are required for its activities and operation.
Prepare its own environmental management plan (the "Plan") in relation to all its
activities and operation, when required by the Authority.
Take all reasonable steps to minimise waste arising from its activities and operation and
separate recyclables at source.
Co-operate with the Authority and participate in the implementation of the Authority’s
plan, policies, initiatives and commitments for the management of the environment at the
Airport, including but not limited to the Airport-wide carbon reduction programme, carbon
audit, environmental audit, waste survey and energy saving measures undertaken by
the Authority when required by the Authority.
6.2 Polices to be followed by Airport Business Partners:
Vehicle Emission Standards
 Unless otherwise agreed to by the Authority, the business partner of AAHK shall,
in relation to all vehicles and mobile equipment that operate within the restricted
area of the Airport, use electric vehicles and electric mobile equipment if such
vehicles and mobile equipment are commercially available. If electric vehicles
and/or electric mobile equipment are not used as aforesaid, the business partner
shall use vehicles and mobile equipment, in the following descending order of
priority, which are:
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powered by a hybrid of petrol engine and electric motor; or
powered by a hybrid of diesel engine and electric motor; or
powered by an engine type that complies with the latest emissions
standards (for vehicles this shall be the latest EURO (or equivalent)
emission standards in force during the contract period
If there are available vehicles and mobile equipment that achieve equal or lower
local emissions than the types of vehicles and mobile equipment identified in
conditions i to iii above, the business partner may, upon the approval of the
Authority, use such vehicles and mobile equipment.
Phase-in of Electric Vehicles
 Commencing from 1st July 2013, all newly purchased saloon cars that operate in
the restricted area of the Airport must be powered by electric motor only and
commencing from 1st July 2017, the entire fleet of business partners saloon cars
that operate in the restricted area of the Airport must be powered by electric
motor only.
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Appendix A - Corporate Environmental Policy Statement
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Appendix B - Green Purchasing Policy
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Appendix C – Sustainable Dining Policy
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Appendix D - Plan review process
The key elements of the Plan review process are set out below:
a. Appointment of Environmental Coordinator
Each department is required to nominate an Environmental Coordinator for the
implementation of this plan and shall also keep ENVT update when there are any changes
about the nomination of the Environmental Coordinator.
A list of representatives from each department can be found in Appendix E.
b. Development of Action Tables
With assistance from ENVT, each relevant department will develop a department-specific
environmental action plan by completing an Action Table (see Appendix G). Each Action
Table requires the following information:
Choose one of the eleven environmental Air,
aspects under Section 3
Water, etc.
Describe the action to be implemented with Installation 45,000 LEDs
(where possible) a quantifiable target
At least 50% of paper
used is recycled paper
Completion Provide the target completion date
Q2 2013
Provide the progress of the action to ENVT 40,000 LEDs installed
via bi-monthly update
A departmental Action Table will be issued to each relevant department in January. The
completed table will be returned to ENVT by the end of February each year. This Plan,
together with the action tables comes into effect in Q1 of the next financial year.
c. Role of Environment Department under CDD
ENVT is the owner of this Plan and responsible for regular consolidations and retention of
the most updated version.
d. Endorsement
Each department’s Action Table must be endorsed by the head of department.
This Environmental Plan is to be endorsed by Executive Director, Corporate Development.
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Appendix E - List of Departmental Representatives 2015/16
Environmental Coordinator
Job Title
Mabel Quan
AM, Infrastructure
Management and
Stella Tam
William Wong
May Wong
AM, Public Affairs
Customer services
Rebecca Ho
Sophia Lau
Manager, ENVT
Patrick Ho
AM, China Investments
Leo Kwong
SM, Facilities Planning
Ronald Chiu
Manager, Admin
10. IA
Silvana Lo
Manager, Internal Audit
11. IT
Janet Lam
Manager, IT Mgt Services
12. Legal
Phileas Chan
Legal Counsel
13. Procurement
Jeffrey Fung
Manger, Procurement
14. Projects
Martin Putnam
15. RAD
Cybele Hung
Manager, Marketing and
Customers Services
16. SPD
Richie Lam
17. SSBC
Jimmy Kwok
AM, Business Continuity
18. T1D
Ian Kwok
AGM, Passenger Services
19. MCDD
Y F Tai
Manager, Land and Cross
Border Transport
20. Treasury
Winnie Wong
Manager, Treasury
21. TSD
Eddie Lock
Manager, Energy
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Appendix F – Register of completed actions
Climate change / Carbon Reductions
Launched Airport-wide Carbon Reduction Pledge
Completed in
Completed in
Achieved 10% carbon intensity reduction
Developed carbon audit software
Engaged 43 business partners in carbon audit / reduction
Completed in
Achieved ACI-ACA Level 3 accreditation
Conducted carbon emission study to provide more support data for banning
APUs at gate
Extended carbon audit programme to Cargo Terminal and Headland hotel
HKIA’s carbon intensity decreased by approximately 18% per workload unit
when compared to 2008 level
Conducted carbon offsetting for the following activities:
HKIA Spring Reception
Staff Annual Dinner
“Go Green Green Monday at HKIA” Launch event
3RS EIA exhibition and public forums
HKIA 15th anniversary gala dinner
Feb 2014
Jan 2014
Oct 2013
Aug 2013
Jul 2013
Conducted annual third party verification for AAHK’s carbon footprint
Successful renewal of ACI-ACA Level 3 accreditation
Completed in
Completed in
Q1 2014
Completed in
2013 – 2014
Successful renewal of Carbon”Less” Certificate
Conducted one carbon workshop to BPs
Completed bi-annual carbon website update
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Energy Savings
(A) Energy Savings – Cooling (TSD)
Lower indoor humidity by installing pre-treated air units for fresh air intakes
Completed in
Study by Hong Kong Polytechnic University - T1 chiller system to improve Completed in
efficiency and further reduce energy use.
Integration of chilled water systems in T1/GTC and T2/HKIA Tower / AWTC to
achieve 5M kWh/annum savings
Trials on the effectiveness of various types of thermal insulation films for
facade glazing
Maximisation of free cooling at T2, NSC, Skypier
Installation of water mist system in all chillers in NSC
Installation of VFD at GTC chilled water pump
Optimisation of seawater pump sequencing control at T1
Optimisation of flow control to eliminate unnecessary flow of secondary chilled
water pumps at T1
System tuning on NSC water mist system for summer season to improve
cooling efficiency
Completed in
Optimisation for fan and pump systems to improve energy efficiency at T1
Installation of variable frequency drive for NSC and SkyPier chilled water Completed in
Mock-up installation of thermal insulation film at Fixed Link Bridge
(B) Energy Savings – Lighting (TSD)
Installation of 40,000 LED applications
Further optimisation of energy management programme to the control of lights
in terminal buildings
Completed in
Installation of motion sensors in 17 meeting rooms in HKIA Tower (1/F – 6/F)
Conducted trials to replace taxiway centerline lights and edge lights with LEDs
Replaced 25 advertising signs with LEDs
LED road light trial - Installation of 4 LED road lighting in Car Park 1 and staff
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Car Park
Pilot project for high power LED trials at T1 ceiling
Further pilot project for high power LED trials at T1 ceiling
20 LED signed with LED – JCDecaux completed
Completed in
Installation of further 28,000 LEDs in Baggage Hall and back-of-house areas Completed in
in T1, and NSC public area
Replacement of 300 LEDs for airfield ground lighting (AGL) (TSD)
Final phase of 20,000 units of LED installation to meet the 100,000 units of
LED replacement target which will be completed in FY 14/15
Completed in
Q1 2015
Turn off lights inside disabled washrooms during low occupancy
Replacement of conventional lights with LED at all Gate Houses
(C) Renewable Energy / Green Roof (TSD)
1st green roof trial on seawater pump-house No.1 (100m2)
Installation of one wind turbine for data analysis
Developed scheme design of solar panels installation at MFC
Installation of solar panels on 2 LPG mini buses
Installation of solar system at T1 limousine lounge
Completed in
Completed in
Completed in
Green roof developments on Limousine Pick-up lounge and Skypier
Installation of 1 additional wind turbine for trial proposes
(D) Others (TSD)
Achieved Energywise label under HKAEE scheme
Achieved Power Smart Award organised by Friends of the Earth
Upgraded 40 travelators / escalators in T1
Completed in
Installation of motion sensors in Car park 4 to adjust lighting levels in Completed in
accordance with people occupancy
Promote staff awareness on environmental friendly use of office computers
Overlay PVC waterproofing membrane on T1 roof to reduce thermal transfer
Airport Authority Hong Kong
Completed in
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Implement green practices in Data Centre of Systems Quality Control Centre Completed in
(SQCC) to achieve reduction in power consumption (IT)
air flow enhancement to air-conditioning system
relocation of workstations out of data centre to minimise heat loads
and leakage of air-conditioning due to personnel access
feasibility study of deploying cloud computing for selected
development systems in SQCC to reduce equipment footprint and to
reduce data centre energy consumption
Implement green practices in Data Centre of Systems Quality Control Centre
(SQCC) to achieve reduction in power consumption (ITD)
Power off idle IT equipment of test systems during periods when they
are not reserved for testing in order to reduce power consumption
Replacement of traditional lighting with LED
Introduce server virtualisation for IBM AIX-based servers for production IT
services to achieve energy saving by avoiding the addition of new servers
Explore the feasibility of desktop virtualisation for accessing test systems or
development systems in data centre to save equipment footprint and energy
consumption (ITD)
Continue server virtualisation – target – virtualised 50% of eligible servers by
end of FY15/16 to better utilise server resources and save data centre energy
Review and update the Tenant Design Guide to incorporate green
measurements (TSD)
Explore the feasibility of desktop virtualisation for accessing test systems or
development systems in data centre to save equipment footprint and energy
consumption (ITD)
Completed in
Completed in
Q1 2015
Green Procurement and Green Retailing
Actions and Targets
(A) Paper consumption
Source 100% recycled or FSC certified paper for toilet consumption (T1D)
Introduced the use of FSC paper in producing AAHK publications (CCD)
Completed in
2012 – 2014
HKIA news
- 3RS newsletters
- Corporate calendars
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- Annual reports
- Sustainability reports
- Leaflets
Printing stationery (letterhead, envelop etc) with FSC trademark is available
with effect from Jan 2014 (HRA)
(B) Other initiatives
Minimise the use of environmentally sensitive items as gift items in
promotional campaigns (CDIGA)
Completed in
Review specifications for cleaning consumables contract (HRA)
Completed in
Implementation of EPROS system (Procurement)
Completed in
Air Quality Control
(A) Air Quality Control – Vehicle Emissions
Replaced 37 saloon petrol vehicles with EVs
Announced Airside Saloon EV Replacement Programme
in 2012
Rolled out an incentive programme to phase out old diesel/petrol saloon
vehicles in ARA
Installation of 54 EV chargers (included 50 normal chargers and 4 quick
2 EV supply points for electric and hybrid loaders
Replacement of operating vehicle fleet with EURO V vehicles
Vehicle types
Diesel LGV (TSD)
2 (completed in
Q1 2014)
Single-cab passenger buses (Airfield)
Pickup truck for marshalling use at cargo apron 3
Station wagon for Airfield team (Airfield)
Station wagon for friction-run use (Airfield)
Dual-cab pax bus (Airfield)
20 (completed in
Airside staff shuttle bus (Airfield)
4 (completed in
Q1 2015)
Airport Authority Hong Kong
in 2013
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Further development of charger for EV loaders (TSD)
Chargers for hybrid loaders
Charger for electric loader
Installation of E- taxi chargers to promote usage of green vehicles. (TSD)
Completion of EV / eGSE charging infrastructure
Charger types
EV normal charger
EV quick charger
eGSE PosiCharger
Replacement of operating vehicle fleet with Electric Vehicles
Vehicle types
Petrol / diesel LGV (TSD)
Installation of 56 units of EGSE PosiCharger (TSD)
To phase out Pre-Euro IV vehicles of AMD.
Vehicle types
Replace LGV recovery truck (Euro II) with Euro V 1
LGV diesel recovery truck (TSD)
Participate with other airport operators on the trial application of bio-diesel for Completed in
Ground Service Equipment (TSD)
Q2 2015
(B) Air Quality Control – Aircraft Emissions
Upgraded 11 pre-conditioned air (PCA) units to facilitate ban on aircraft APUs
Replaced 78 fixed ground power (FGP) units to facilitate ban on aircraft APUs
Upgraded 136 FGP units to facilitate ban on aircraft APUs (TSD)
Upgraded 37 PCA units to facilitate banning use of aircraft APUs (TSD)
2nd phased-upgrade of 48 units of PCA system (Airfield)
Upgrade mobile PCA at remote stands (Airfield)
in 2012
in 2013
in 2014
Updated API Website under corporate website (ENVT)
Airport Authority Hong Kong
in 2013
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5-year Environmental Plan FY2015/16 – FY2019/20
Waste Management
Arranged landscape contractor to collect Christmas tree and Chinese New Completed
Year festive plants. The plants were delivered to Ecopark for recycling (T1 & 2012 – 2014
Achieved the requirement of Wastewise Label and maintain the label
Further improved on-site waste separation process at airside; manpower Completed in
increased from five to eight persons
Produced aircraft cabin waste recycling guidelines for airlines
Worked out a mechanism for public/NGOs to reuse wooden boxes and used
pallets from the airport
Commenced feasibility study of MRF construction
Revamped the design of existing 3-in-1 with new 4-in-1 waste sorting bins to Completed in
enhance waste separation
Launched a programme for HKIA food donation (ENVT)
Report on the in-house feasibility study on the construction of material
recovery facility was completed (ENVT)
Developed a list of recommendations for senior management’s endorsement
(ENVT + working group)
Completed in
Store room with refrigeration facility was provided to Food Angel through
HKIA Environmental Fund to encourage more uptake of residual food (ENVT)
Water usage
Upgraded wastewater treatment capacity from 1,500m3 to 6,000m3 / day
Completed in
Conducted trial on waterless urinals and reduced flow faucets (no further
installation due to blockage problem)
To explore the feasibility of using reclaimed water from waste water treatment
plant (ENVT)
Completed in
Ecology and Biodiversity
Actions and Targets
Airport Authority Hong Kong
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5-year Environmental Plan FY2015/16 – FY2019/20
Launched a sustainable seafood policy at AAHK
Organised a sustainable seafood seminar for restaurants
Promoted ocean friendly menus to restaurants and business partners. Completed in
Restaurants were invited to join WWF Sustainable Seafood Week; Letter 2014
signed by CEO were sent to BPs to promote the concept of sustainable
seafood (RAD and ENVT)
Organised annual International Coastal Clean Up for AA staff and Tung
Chung community (ENVT)
Took part in Earth Hour Organised by WWF-HK
Environmental stories and messages were promoted through the following
- HKIA News
- EIA media workshops
- Media Lunch
- Local magazine
Develop Green IT Strategy
Revamp the environmental section of AAHK website to provide more figures
2013 – 2014
Completed in
EMP outline was sent to business partners for their preparation of EMP
Environmental topics were incorporated in the seminars and /workshops with
AA’s JV airports (CDIGA)
HKIA’s green stories were incorporated in five issues of PRD agency
promotional materials –“Transport connection with Mainland China” via emarketing (CDIGA)
Setup exhibits in existing planter clusters to display HKIA’s green features and
achievements (T1)
Co-organised annual School Organic Farming competition with Hong Chi
Association (Since 2006) (ENVT)
Environmental messages were incorporated in all school visits and community
Airport Authority Hong Kong
50 | P a g e
5-year Environmental Plan FY2015/16 – FY2019/20
Environmental training sessions were organised for staff
Feb 2013
May 2013
Sep 2013
Oct 2013
Mar 2014
Completed in
Q1 2014
Sustainable seafood
Let’s reduce waste by Friends of the Earth
Low Carbon office
Air quality and health by Clean Air Network
Green Monday & healthy diet at HKIA
Gem of Hong Kong Nature by Green Power
Mar 2014
Completed in
Green activity – New life organic farm
Green Lunch Box Contest Final Judging & Chef
Mar 2014
Mar 2014
Gem of Hong Kong Nature
May 2014
Green Office Programme (e-learning)
July 2014
Green Driving and Low carbon living
Nov 2014
International Coastal Cleanup 2014 Hong Kong
Dec 2014
Polar and environmental protection
Deployed Managed Print Service for 98 printers to monitor paper consumed Completed in
for printing and to promote eco-friendly printing to user departments (ITD)
Exhibition (CS)
Completed in
“Saving Energy, Going Green” jointly organised by AAHK and CLP, 15
Oct – 24 Oct 2014)
“Shark-free exhibition” jointly organised by AAHK and Ocean Park, 8 Completed
Q1 2015
Oct 2014 – 27 Mar 2015
Airport Authority Hong Kong
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5-year Environmental Plan FY2015/16 – FY2019/20
Appendix G – Sample Action Table
5- Year Environmental Plan FY2015/16 – FY2019/20
Action Table:
Prepared by:
Airport Authority Hong Kong
Actions and Targets
Completion Status
Last update
Current update
Endorsed by:
Department Head
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