23 - 29 December, 2010 | * – !$ kf}if
23 - 29 December, 2010 | * – !$ kf}if
������ Every Thursday 23 - 29 December, 2010 | issuE 47 | Rs. 20 | * – !$ kf}if, @)^& �� subscriber copy ��� ��� www.fridayweekly.com.np ������������������������������������������� 23 Days & O Counting ne million- the number of tourists Nepal is expecting by the end of 2011. Nepal Tourism Year 2011, an endeavor 2 years in the planning, is all set to kick start on 14 January, 2011. Ever since the government of Nepal, along with the travel and trade sector, decided to launch this ambitious project starting 25 October 2008, it has seen a series of promotional activities and effort from the different sectors involved. When Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal formally inaugurated the year-long tourism promotion campaign on 26 February, 2010, he highlighted on the importance of tourism for Nepal, stating that ‘tourism can play a crucial role in moving the country into a new economic dimension’. On the same day 19 different political parties promised solidarity and ‘no strikes’ (of course in May the country saw a week-long strike by the Maoist). The same promises, promotion of the same places and definitely the same faces. So it was no surprise that sarcasm and cynicism started doing the rounds. There were talks about minimal infrastructure, the condition of the only international airport, and the condition of the only national airline carrier in the country. But as the critics continue — Text: Ayusha Nirola, Photo: ECS Media their chatter, there is much hope from this larger than life campaign for a country like ours. Yes, we do not have the proper infrastructure and yes, we do not have the best of everything but what we probably fail to see is what we do have. Moving away from Mt. Everest, Pokhara, Freak Street, Pashupatinath, Lumbini (the list goes on), the campaign has paved a way for projects like Cultural Exchange and Home Stay programs and the promotion of Eco Tourism in rural Nepal. With tourists flocking the country not only for its scenic beauty and cultural diversity, but for an experience of a lifetime through adventure activities, Nepal has all the potential to be the ‘go to’ destination for millions of tourists around the world. But surely this is not possible without the support of the rest of the country. Maybe it’s time for us to stop complaining and for once work as a nation united. As Yogendra Shakya, National Coordinator of NTY 2011, said during the inauguration back in February 2010, “Nepal is fully prepared to welcome one million visitors. But without the support of all the other sectors, we cannot achieve the objectives of this campaign.” Nepal Tourism Year 2011 campaign is a way of rebranding Nepal’s image. Let’s all endeavor to be an integral part of this nationwide effort. ! page3 make your statement What: Music, Art and Healing: A Benefit Concert in Memory of Vidhea shrestha Where: moksh, Jhamsikhel spotted: sapana thapa, elise tassin, geeti sen and shirish Dali A night filled with delightful music and art - in memory of the vibrant life led by vidhea shrestha. What: Let’s Talk about ART, baby! Where: siddartha Art gallery, baber mahal revisited spotted: manisha koirala, chirag bangdel, 1974 AD, bidhata kc and mukesh malla helium balloons, renowned faces and thought-provoking art: the inauguration of one of the biggest art events of the year let’s talk about Art, baby! READ EAT EAT READ GET HOOKED GET HOOKED Subscribe Subs Su bscr crib ibe ib e to to for one year @ Rs 800 FFood Fo ood od vouchers vou o ch her ers worth wort wo rth Rs Rs 5 00 500 from KF FC or Pizza H ut KFC Hut Internet connetion worth Rs 565 or Calling Card worth Rs 500 FRIDAY SUBSCRIPTION Duration No. of Issues 1Year 50 Cover Price You Pay Rs 20 x 50 = Rs 1,000 Rs 800 You Save You Get Food Coupon Worth Rs 500 & Rs 200 Internet Connection(Rs 565) or (Price of 10 issues) Calling Card Worth Rs 500 Call Bikram Shrestha or type ‘Friday’ and sms to 9851047233 Read Fr!day. Every Thursday page3 hall of frame Fr!day Issue 47 | 23 - 29 December, 2010 What: sWOR’s Audio Launch Where: bu keba restaurant spotted: bhusan Dahal, raj ballav koirala, prabhat rimal the audio launch of the muchanticipated nepali movie ‘swor’ took place this week amidts media personalities and the press. What: Etihad Airways Travel Trade Recognition Awards Where: soaltee crowne plaza with its regional general manager in town for the awards ceremony, etihad handed over the travel trade Awards to outstanding travel agencies from around nepal. What: Civil Bank’s inauguration Party Where: soaltee crowne plaza spotted: Ani choying Drolma, kishor maharjan and ichha raj tamang the celebrations continued for civil bank at their inaguration party this past week as the who’s who of the corporate sector turned out for the event. What: Afnai Maiti Where: soaltee crowne plaza spotted: Anil shah, rajendra khetan,ranjit Acharya the event was dedicated to the cnn hero of the year Anuradha koirala and money was raised for maiti nepal. What: Dabur Pro style Launch Where: soaltee crowne plaza spotted: Anudhan rana, miss nepal 2010 sadiccha shrestha, Deepak bajracharya, nima rumba, Asif shah 3 feature spot light issues that matter the FunnY man up, ClOSe & personal with Subash rai Subash Rai’s unfailing tryst with humor is best flaunted in his analytical graphics where even minute details are given a lot of importance. t he art of illustration has the power to transport and elevate a viewer outside the confines of ‘reality’. This, rings so true for a man who has managed to captivate thousands through his creativity. Ever since he drew a picture of his father on a slate at the age of six there has been no looking back for Subash Rai who brought to life a simple — Sunita Gurung frog’s tale in ‘Bhaktaprasad Bhagyuto’ through his superb illustrations. Adding a hint of Nepalipan to an amphibian evidently demonstrates that his forte lies in his originality. With such commendable works it comes as a surprise to know that this man has had no formal training, his weapon is just his innate talent. His creations are trailblazers, many of them still manage to emerge from the pile of electronic archive to be used in ‘Nepali Times’ where he used to be a regular contributor. For those who hadn’t seen enough of his work, his book called Peace portrayed humor with a touch of satire. With an effervescent charm he never fails to evoke laughter in the most serious of situations and it is almost impossible to feature keep a straight face while you are in the company of Subash Rai. After a hiatus of seven years, he was in the city for a visit when Fr!day managed a close encounter with the man to know what tickles his funny bone. to become an Art Director, after which I decided to work as a freelancer. Within the period that I worked full time, I did illustrations for various social awareness magazines. As a freelancer I worked as a cartoonist for Nepali Times, Himal and Himal South Asia. ishing touches till I am fully satisfied that my work has the ability to give an aesthetic experience. Overall you can say that I work with the hand and the computer in a 25:75 ratio. What software do you use? street Art As A style is very populAr in the worlD of ADvertisement AnD this is more like A grAffiti where the en D result is not A very n eAt version but more of ADDeD bits AnD pieces to An AlreADy existing photo. it is but obvious thAt work there is more chAllenging where i hAve to b e in touch constAntly with the l Atest. We have seen a lot of your work but how do you describe yourself as a person? I always considered myself very lucky to be god-gifted and have utilized every bit of my talent into this field of creativity. I consider myself humorous and always like to make people laugh. Perhaps that inspires me in creating my work from every walk of life. How was your career span? I started as a Visualizer around 1991 when I joined Stimulus Advertising. From there I moved on to Thompson Nepal where I worked as a Graphic Designer and finally went on During my association with Himal, I had an opportunity to work for Film South Asia, International Mountain Film Festival and did book illustrations for Rato Bangala Kitab. I did the book design, illustrations, maps for a book called Himalayan Waters which was about the waters of South Asian countries. How much of your work is technologically enhanced? My first draft is always by hand when I sketch what I have in mind and the rest is digitally enhanced. I spend a lot of time sitting in front of the computer giving fin- I use the Illustrator and Photoshop. And I am completely an Apple guy. What have you been doing in the States? My job as a freelancer for advertising agencies keeps me occupied all the time. In between, I worked for WPP (an advertising agency) in Midtown Manhattan, NYC, as an Art Director for a very brief period. I wanted to explore more and I felt my interest deviating more towards motion graphics related with film. Shortly, I will be starting work Fr!day Issue 47 | 23 - 29 December, 2010 with National Geographic for an awareness campaign. What difference did you find in Nepal coming back after seven years? What kind of difference do you see in the advertising industry scenario here in Nepal and in the US? There is no denial that I still love ‘gundruk’ but I get saddened by the worsening situation of the country. I wanted my son Shasank to see the country that I come from and the rich culture that I grew up in. Of course the charm of Kathmandu never fails to mesmerize. ! There is rapid technological advancement in the US which makes it imperative for professionals to constantly upgrade their skills. Unlike Nepal, print alone is not enough to capture the attention of the masses, everything has to be digitalized. Most agencies use social networking media like Facebook, Tweeter, YouTube, to showcase their products. Another form of advertisement is what they call a Guerilla advertisement. It is an unconventional system of promotions that relies on time, energy and imagination. Similar to street shows we have in Nepal which are used to create a sensation, in the US, innovative ideas are employed, for example hanging a car upside down. Street Art as a style is very popular in the world of advertisement and this is more like a graffiti where the end result is not a very neat version but more of added bits and pieces to an already existing photo. It is but obvious that work there is more challenging where I have to be in touch constantly with the latest. 5 events tOp 3 with events to the left and right, Friday makes it a little bit easier for you to choose events to check out this week and the next. here are our top 3 picks: get more out of your weekends 1. LET’s TALK ABOuT ART, BABY! what’s on witness the series of Artivities from sujan chitrakar at siddartha Art gallery. 2. TELLiNG A TALE be a part of the launch of the collection of poignant stories of nepali women edited by Archana thapa. things to do sun . mon . tue . wed . thu . fri 23 26 27 28 . 3. CHRisTMAs FEVER how would you like celebrate christmas this year? choose from the various christmas events that we have listed out for you, this week. sat 24 25 pOSt uS: Listings can be sent by email – [email protected] or call us at any of the following numbers 5011571, 5011639, 5011730, 5011731. Listings are free, but inclusion is not guaranteed due to limited space. 29 art is in the air opening Date: 17 December (friday), closing Date: 27 January (thursday), venue: siddartha Art gallery, baber mahal revisited 4218048, [email protected] a ART Assorted Motifs opening Date: 3 December (friday) closing Date: 15 January (saturday) time: 10 am to 5:30 pm venue: chai chai café and gallery, Jhamsikhel rtivities and Artivism. these two words have frequented the nepali art scenario recently. the concept of initiating activism through art and art-related activities in the society was reinforced by sujanchitrakar’s exhibition ‘let’s talk about Art baby!’ which was inaugurated on 17 December at the siddartha Art gallery, baber mahal revisited. the exhibition is a collaborative solo from the series of Artivities by sujan chitrakar in which the artist has based his paintings on urban photographs of familiar places in the valley.this art exhibition, which ventures to encourage people to get involved with art and to make it a part of their lives, is on till 27 January. (yukta bajracharya) iNTERACTiON The Nepali scene Date: 23 December (thursday) time: 3 pm onwards venue: martin chautari, thapathali Join this discussion, hosted by yubaraj lama, film producer, as he analyzes the theory of the declining quality of nepali cinema and its market. Telling a Tale enjoy paintings of various sorts, made by creative artists yuki shirai, chirag bangdel, shailesh bhatt and Anurag bangdel. serendipity 3 Qs with sujanchitrakar visual Artist Art. period. An art event that almost brought the whole of Kathmandu together. Viewing art, talking about art and appreciating art. Let’s talk some more about ART, with the artist himself: SujanChitrakar. What, according to you, is the first step towards making art accessible to people? the simplest way to make Art accessible to people is by creating Art that triggers the visual senses of the people and encouraging them to visit those venues where such Artivities are happening. Artists should realise that common people do have visual appreciation senses and address that capacity while creating artworks. And talking about Art is the best way through which Art can become a part of our lives and for us to realise that it has to co-exist with our daily activities. Did you receive the desired response that you were expecting from ‘let’s talk about ART baby!’? i was very overwhelmed by the response and good vibes that i received from my viewers. i realised that many people have been waiting for this very moment for long and i was very happy with myself that i could address their appeal. Would you agree that an artist’s art should speak for itself? yes, i do agree that an artist’s Art should have that intense capacity to speak for itself. however, an artist should also be open enough to speak for it while interacting with viewers, who want to appreciate art through the creator’s perspective. (yukta bajracharya) buy a flower a day, and you’ll be helping children that are victims of cancer. At this flower fair being organized by the chameli nursery and AD-venture Advertising, every flower you buy counts. so go ahead and give that beautiful flower special someone and along with that person, you’ll be making a lot more people smile. opening Date: 19 December (sunday) closing Date: 4 January (tuesday) time: 10 am to 5 pm venue: srijana Art college of fine Arts, lazimpat 4412634 venue: nepal tourism board, exhibition road Date: 26th December (sunday) time: 2:30 pm come hear the tales of nepali women at the launch of ‘telling a tale’– a poignant narration of the lives of nepali women edited by Archana thapa. opening Date: 24 December (friday) closing Date: 4 January 2011 (tuesday) time: 10 am to 6 pm venue: chameli nursery, Jhamsikhel 5522560 Date: 25 December (saturday) time: 6 pm to 9 pm venue: 1905 restaurant, kantipath 9849243807 Don’t miss this epic moment as two of the best music groups in kathmandu shares a stage. musicology is bringing together kutumba and Albatross, both well renowned for their fabulous music, and they are playing at 1905 restaurant. make sure you keep your christmas evening free, so that you can celebrate it with them. strummin’ Time Date: 28 December (tuesday) time: 4 pm onwards venue: kathmandu Jazz conservatory (kJc), gyanmandala, Jhamsikhel 5013554, [email protected] learn from guitar maestro benedikt reidenbach from berlin, the art of plucking guitar strings at this workshop offered by kJc. Angels on Wheels Date: 25 December (saturday) time: 10 am onwards, venue: international club, sanepa opening Date: 19 December (sunday) closing Date: 24 January (monday) time: 11 am to 5 pm venue: kathmandu contemporary Arts centre (kcAc), Jhamsikhel 5521120 Festive Flower Fair Power of Music MisCELLANEOus Winter Art FAiR/EXPO MusiC fee for students of kJc: free admission fee for non-students of kJc: rs.200. lAsAAnA is organizing an exhibition of print art works, which artists have been working on for the past few weeks. Join this exhibition and be awe inspired by these works of art. warm up your winter by gazing at the wondrous art works on display by talented artists like Japanese artists:yuki shirai and makoto kageyama and nepali artists: ragini upadhyay-grela, erina tamrakar, pramila bajracharya, sunita rana, sangee shrestha, bidhata kc and chandra shrestha. note: Advanced registration required. Do you want to go for a madcap voyage around the town this christmas? Join Angels on wheels, a wild nutty event, organized by the craft Art studio that will involve teams of two who will have to solve fifteen clues while going for a crazy city journey. Winter Camp opening Date: 27 December (monday) closing Date: 14 January (friday) venue: hopscotch edutainment, 3rd floor, city center mall 9841209707, hopthemail@ hopscotch.com.np help your kids stay active and on top of things during their winter holidays by enrolling them in this fun camp where they can take part in activities such as vocaboom, chess, Arts, science projects, Dance,yoga, story telling, team b uilding, m ental math, project enhancement works, and many more. entry fee: rs.3, 333/team (rider/ navigator) Winter Fun opening Date: 27 December (monday) closing Date: 31 December (friday) venue: kathmandu Jazz conservatory, gyanmandala Jhamsikhel 5013554, [email protected] enroll your kids in the winter camp, organized by the kathmandu Jazz conservatory, during their winter holidays and they’ll be sure to learn something worthwhile. the camp is for children aged 5 to 12 years. events Fr!day Issue 47 | 23 - 29 December, 2010 ChriStmaSSY eventS Rock and Rave enjoy the grand christmas gala at the radisson hotel. here are a series of events that will surely brighten up your already merry making days: Date: 24 December (friday) time: 6 pm onwards venue: splash bar and grill, radisson hotel Attend this christmas eve bash at the electric pagoda and you’ll be able to listen to the best of Albatross, and dance to the music by DJ flow. Date: 24 December (friday) time: 6:30 pm onwards venue: the fun café, radisson hotel A christmas barbeque dinner with free flow of hot rum punch awaits you at the splash bar and grill, for just rs. 1,200 (plus taxes). Date: 24 December (friday) time: 7 pm onwards venue: electric pagoda bar/café, thamel tickets: rs.500 (includes complementary Drink) A Very Merry Christmas venue: hyatt regency kathmandu 4491234 the hyatt regency has organized a string of events to keep your christmas eve fun and happening. Join in on the various events listed below: 1. Date: 24 December (friday) time: 6 pm onwards enjoy a special christmas eve dinner with mulled wine at rs.1,999. 2. Date: 24 December (saturday) time: 7 pm onwards A christmas eve dinner at the rox restaurant which includes a five-course set menu and a glass of sparkling wine at rs. 3,200 – what more would you need to celebrate this wonderful night? 3. Date: 25 December (saturday) time: 11 am onwards enjoy a delicious christmas Day barbeque with a live band at café terrace just for rs. 1,800. The Merry Menu opening Date: 24 December (friday) closing Date: 31 December (friday) venue: café mitra, thamel 4259015, cafemitra.kathmandu@gmail. com celebrate the last days of 2010 with the café mitra family. they’re closing down from 1 January, and though they may be back in march, you’ll still have a long wait. if you think you’ll really miss its food then this is your last chance to have it. chef mohit has prepared an exquisite 4 course meal that you do not want to miss. celebrate your christmas and new year at this venue, and go on a gastronomic journey that ends on a very happy note. price of non-veg set menu: rs.2, 750 (All taxes included) price of veg set menu: rs.2, 200 (All taxes included) note: A person gets to choose 1 dish from each course. Jolly Good season venue: radisson hotel, lazimpat 4411818, 4423888, [email protected] enjoy an xmas Dinner at rs.1,600 plus taxes with a glass of wine. Date: 25 December (saturday) time: 12:30 pm onwards venue: the fun café, radisson hotel enjoy your christmas Day by having a buffet lunch for rs.1,500, plus taxes with a glass of wine. opening Date: 24 December closing Date: 1 January 2011 (saturday) time: 7 pm onwards venue: olive garden, radisson hotel the finest five-course dinner prepared by the master chef will surely get you into the holiday spirit. enjoy this lavish spread for rs.2,500 (veg menu) and rs.3,000 (non –veg menu). Date: 24 December (friday) time: 7 pm onwards venue: the corner bar, radisson hotel groove into a festive spirit as you enjoy lively live music, delectable bar bites and an a la carte menu for rs.600 (single) and rs.999 (couple). Dancing Night Date: 25 December (saturday) time: 1 pm to 6 pm venue: i-club, Durbarmarg celebrate christmas day by dancing it away, at the i-club.you’re bound to have lots of fun. tickets: rs.799 Platinum Party Date: 25 December (saturday) time: 2 pm onwards venue: club platinum,yak & yeti h otel celebrate your christmas by dancing it away at this fabulous event. tickets: rs.999 Christmas Buzz Date: 24 December (friday) time: 6 pm onwards venue: buzz café and bar, baluwatar 4429903 celebrate christmas eve with traditional turkey dinner with a glass of hot mulled wine.you’ll also get to warm up near the bonfire and enjoy some live acoustic music too. A French Christmas Date: 24 December (friday) time: 7 pm onwards venue: Délices de france, ganesh man building, thamel 4260326, [email protected] sing traditional christmas carols and enjoy a very french christmas menu this jolly festival. At the Délices De france restaurant you’ll get to sample fish terrine with two sauces, feuilletés & mesclun, goat cheese sphere with tapenade bun volute, iced strawberry “vacherin” and strawberry glass and christmas chocolate truffles. this is a menu you surely do not want to miss out on. so go ahead and grab some! Carol some! venue: hotel yak &yeti opening Date: 22nd December (wednesday) closing Date: 24th December (friday) enjoy carol singing at the hotel lobby! Join in the festivities! Christmas for All venue: poolside, hotel yak & yeti opening Date: 26th December (sunday) hotel yak and yeti invites children from nepal children’s organization (bal mandir) for an entertaining - fun filled afternoon at the poolside garden. An annual event, the children will enjoy magic shows and other fun and games. Wine and Dine venue: the sunrise café, hotel yak &yeti Date: 24th December (friday) starting time: 6:30 pm ending time: 10:30 pm ticket: rs. 1,600 + taxes per person (inclusive of dinner with a glass of wine) venue: the chimney restaurant, hotel yak & yeti Date: 24th December (friday) starting time: 6:30 pm ending time: 9:30 pm ticket: rs. 2,500 + taxes per person (inclusive of 5-course candle-lit dinner with a glass of wine) venue: hotel yak & yeti, the sunrise café Date: 25th December (saturday) starting time: 12:00 noon ending time: 3:00 pm ticket: rs. 1,200 + taxes per person (inclusive of brunch with a welcome drink) enjoy delectable cuisine with live musical performances from ‘nivathe himalayan rockers’. Traditional Christmas Dinner venue: 1905, kantipath Date: 25 December (saturday) 1905 restaurant offers a traditional christmas dinner in the warm historic 1905 dinning rooms. secure your tables. call 4225272, 4215068 or email: [email protected] Christmas Eve Mania 2010 venue: the everest hotel, new baneshwor Date: 24th December (friday) time: 7 pm onwards groove with DJ vital, DJ rajex, DJ sovit and DJ cool. watch models walk the ramp showcasing fashionable designs from brands including rosarini, bar-flaming, b-boying and much more! book your seats. call: 9851098410, 9841216203, 9841608137 Vintage Christmas Party venue:vintage café and pub, Durbarmarg Date: 24th December (friday) time: 4 pm onwards ticket: rs 500 inclusive of a welcome drink sanmiguel beer and vintage café and bar give you this opportunity to rock the dance floor with DJ curly, DJ Dhiraj, DJ sanam, DJ Aloh and DJ Jitesh. Dance the evening away and at the end of it all, a surprise gift awaits one couple who have danced their best. 4254841 Dance Fever venue: moksh, Jhamsikhel time: 7pm onwards Date: 24th Dec, friday ticket: rs 600 (includes a drink) please your ears to hits from the 70s and the 80s performed by the soul train band featuring marcus from Australia and philippe from france. Also, enjoy after party with DJ Ashutosh. Tamarind Treats venue: tamarind, Jha msikhel Date: 24 December (friday) rejoice to your heart’s content with bonfire, live acoustic music and a lavish buffet. Also, enjoy tamarinds ‘buy one cocktail get one free’ offer from 4 pm to 7 pm. 7 events get more out of your weekends mark your calendar events during the next few weeks mega Bash Date: 31 December (friday), time: 7 pm onwards,venue: 1905 restaurant, kantipath, 9813227049 t he last day of the year has to be huge! omg theme events and partynepal is uniting again to make the last day of 2010 and the first day of 2011, your best one ever. the organizers are aiming to make the ‘san miguel new year eve with mega models party the biggest party 2010 has ever seen and to make it a milestone in kathmandu’s events pages forever. And why not? with DJ sudan mixing it up on the dance floor and with the guests getting to party with the hair and care mega model season 2 winner – rashmita maharjan, 1st runner up – prakriti shrestha and 2nd runner up – pragati shrestha, this is surely a party you would not want to miss. the glittering guest list, the heart throbbing sound systems and magically dizzying laser light projections being put up at the venue are the sure to add the mega factor to this bash. Another attraction of the event, that will not only make your night memorable, but will also (hopefully) bring you good luck is the lantern ceremony that is set to take place. in china, 1000 lanterns are flown skywards during the 15th lunar day of the year with wishes written on them. many believe that if you do this your wishes will come true. the organizers are recreating this magic for us nepali’s who attend this party as well. fly a hundred lanterns into the sky, and pray that in 2011 all your wishes will come true. so come one, come all! take part in this mega bash and you’ll surely be at one of the hottest events of the year. Tickets: If taken before the 31 December: Rs.599 (includes a Can of San Miguel) At the door tickets cost: Rs.799 (includes a Can of San Miguel) 3 Qthssudan wi gurung omg events the party maker After organizing many successful events since 2006, OMG Theme Events, has come up, yet again, with another spectacular event for this New Year’s Eve. Here’s what Sudan Gurung had to say. OMG Events specializes in themed events. What is the theme for this event? this time the main theme of the event would be the lanterns flying ceremony. few months ago, i found out that in china this ceremony is done during festivals, especially new year, where thousands of people participated. it is said that flying these lanterns while making wishes will bring you good luck and your wish may even come true! so, i thought of importing this interesting concept to nepal too. You’ve claimed that this will be ‘the biggest party of the year’. How would you justify this? with san miguel, partynepal and omg events under one roof, this event consists of all things big to make it the biggest party of the year. the biggest and best sound systems has been ordered; decoration will be the wildest and the most extravagant of all the omg events; we will also have a laser show for the first time; and hundreds of lanterns will be flow by the crowd. on top of that, winner of mega model 2, rasmita mahajan,1st runner up prakriti shrestha, 2nd runner up pragati gurung have also been invited as our vip guests to support and celebrate the event. Three reasons to be at this party. MOViEs Through Our Eyes Date: 30 December (thursday) time: 3 pm onwards venue: Dhokaima café, patan Dhoka www.rovingeyefilm.co.uk, info@ rovingeyefilm.co.uk the maoist conflict in our country has savaged nepal into bits and pieces. the period of conflict has been a nightmare for many children, especially in the rural areas where, they were either forced to join the maoist forces or tricked into it. Jay, narbahadur and sukmaya are three of those children who have lived the horror of going underground with the maoists. they were only 12 then. working with british filmmaker tassia kobylinska, each of them directed and produced a short film about their lives and the circumstances which led to them joining up. Join the launch of through our eyes, produced by roving eye in collaboration with cwin-nepal, and you’ll be able to step into these children’s shoes and actually know the horrors they had to face. MisCELLANEOus Rejoice! it’s Lohsar! Date: 30 December (thursday) time: 1 pm to 7 pm venue: insomnia lounge bar, Durbar marg 9841953076, 9803035876, 9841146146 big wow, in association with Quixotic nepal and e-plus event is presenting the ‘lohsar Dance party’, where you can let your hair down and simply celebrate the tamu lohsar. Dance away your day as DJ prajwal, DJ niral, DJ sumit, DJ sync and resident DJ mandy, brings the very best of r&b, commercial hip-hop, electronic and even house music to the dance floor. this party will surely wow you. be there! new Year CeleBratiOnS A New Beginning venue: hyatt regency kathmandu 4491234 first comes christmas, and then comes new year! celebrate new year at the hyatt regency at the events they’ve organized: 1. Date: 31 December (friday) time: 7 pm onwards celebrate the beginning of a new year with a five-course dinner and a glass of champagne for rs.4,999 at the rox restaurant. 2. Date: 31 December (friday) time: 7 pm onwards A glass of sparkling wine and a new year’s eve buffet that costs rs. 3,500 at the café is the perfect place for you to be when you chime in the new year. 3. Date: 1 January 2011 (saturday) time: 7 pm onwards enjoy a new year’s Day brunch with a live band at the café terrace for just rs. 1,800. Calling 2011 Date: 31 December (friday) time: 7:30 pm onwards venue: hotel malla, lainchaur kgarira.com and masti events is back again to blow your minds. this time they intend to help you bring in your new year the grand way. celebrate the long gone year of 2010 and bring in 2011 by enjoying models parade around in nuzhat Qazi’s special winter collection. be awed by the display of special fireworks and fire jugglers show. And dance to the tunes of DJAne b-Angel, DJ bmAn and DJ keeran (winner of the war of DJ). And that’s not all, for rs.1,500, you’ll also get an all you can eat buffet. for passes contact 9841303816, 9841340131. Ladies on a Mission Date: 31 December (friday) time: 7 pm to 10 pm venue: moksh, Jhamsikhel go woman power! Join this crowd as five ladies, bring in the new year. samriddhi, smriti, shanti and swornim are ready to treat you with amazing songs and burcu yilmaz from turkey, is ready to put on the best of her and show off her belly dancing skills.women – make sure you support your fellow girlfriends and attend this party. men – there’ll be ladies all over the place, what better reason to join this party than that? tickets: rs.1,200 (includes a drink and snack) The French New Year Date: 31 December (friday) time: 6 pm onwards venue: Délices de france, ganesh man building, thamel 4260326, [email protected] this new year’s eve, get the best in ambience, food and music by joining Délices de france.the music by hari maharjan project will surely blow you away, and as for the food, it’ll surely amaze you. Ask for the menu through mail. Note: Reservations are strongly recommended. A Grand New Year venue: radisson hotel, lazimpat 4411818, 4423888, [email protected]. np celebrate the new year the grand way, at the radisson hotel. here is a list of events being hosted at the venue which you surely do not want to miss: Date: 31 December (friday) time: 7 pm onwards venue: radisson banquets celebrate an unforgettable new year’s eve at the radisson hotel, where you can get grooving into 2011 with the club 11’ theme party. let down your hair and get down on the dance floor as you listen to the club thumping music by DJ’s from bangkok as well as ktm. And treat yourself to the dances by the sensual thai Dancing troupe which will surely throw you off your feet. And all of this is for just rs.3,333 per person. Date: 31 December (friday) time: 6 pm onwards venue: splash bar and grill, radisson hotel bring in the new year by enjoying a lavish buffet dinner spread at the splash bar and grill. 1. partynepal is known for its crowd and success, omg theme events is known for its theme and these two event management companies had joined hands together to bring to kathmandu the biggest party of the year. Date: 1 January 2011 (saturday) time: 7 pm onwards venue: the corner bar, radisson hotel 2. in nepal it’s the biggest and the loudest party of san miguel so far. groove into a festive spirit as you enjoy lively live music, delectable bar bites and an a la carte menu for rs.600 (single) and rs.999 (couple). 3. lots of beautiful people. Funds for maiti a “ fnai maiti- An evening of Admiration” - an event in the initiative to raise funds for maiti nepal was held at soaltee crowne plaza on 11 December. it was organized with the joint efforts of mega bank nepal ltd., buddha Air, brihat investment pvt. ltd., yeti Airlines and prisma Advertising where Anuradha koirala, the crusader behind maiti nepal and the winner of the cnn hero of the year 2010 was the event’s chief guest. “in celebrating ms. Anuradha koirala’s recent success, we wanted to go beyond verbal and emotional acknowledgements that everyone else has been offering. we wanted to encourage ms. koirala to continue her noble work by providing financial support to maiti nepal,” Anil shah, ceo of mega bank, was quoted as saying on behalf of the other four partner initiators. the tickets for the evening priced at rs. 5000 were made available through the respective initiator’s offices, Qfx cinemas and Attic lounge in uttar Dhoka. All the money collected through sales of the tickets went to maiti nepal. Also, a total of rs. 27, 33, 111 was collected for maiti nepal through donations, auctions of the paintings by kuruchi Das gupta nad erina tamrakar, and ticket sales. prominent artists like satya raj and swaroop raj Acharya along with ram krishna Dhakal warmed the evening with their melodious voices while sukarma band also performed. singers santosh lama, Dharmendra sewan and hemant rana also gave a musical performance dedicated to ms. koirala. FWFOUT!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FOUFSUBJONFOU!XFFLMZ Description: Layers of cream and sponge that simply melts into your mouth – that’s what this layered caked is all about. The White Forest Cake is the angel of cakes, soft, light and sweet, with bits and pieces of magical cherry hidden between the layers. While the white chocolate shavings on top simply adds the halo to the cake. Price: Rs.425/ pound TEMPTATIONS those who didn’t know vidhea shrestha personally were able to see a glimpse of her in a short video clip presented during the event. “celebrate my death just like you celebrated my life,” vidhea said in the video. music, Art and healing was able to live up to vidhea’s words and also to direct the celebration into a generous act of giving and helping the victims of cancer. the proceeds from this benefit concert went for children’s cancer care headed by Dr. rajendra baral, consultant clinical oncologist and head of cancer care unit at b&b hospital, gwarko. (yukta bajracharya) BOE!NPSF 11 Heavy, direct, ‘cheesy’, not for the faint-hearted is the BAKED CHEESECAKE. Price: Rs. 550/ pound Cake or cream? Sweet or tangy? In the world of desserts, the one that provides balance between flavors and textures is the TIRAMISU. Cakes have been, since forever, the lure of death for diabetic patients, the immoral delight unwillingly sacrificed for dieters, and for the rest of us, the wicked aphrodisiac that winks at us from shining bakery windows until we cave in and give in to their irresistible looks and taste. The history of cake dates back to ancient times, more specifically the 13th century, where the word is said to have been derived from the Old Norse word ‘kaka’. According to food historians, the Ancient Egyptians were the first to have showed adeptness in baking cakes, but they were very different from the modern-day cakes. Rather they were more bread-like and sweetened with honey. In fact, the modern version of the cake that we see today sitting innocently beneath counters, waiting for their victim is said to have been first baked during the mid- 17th century, in Europe. Nowadays the cake, the sweetest devil, comes in many disguises. Layered cakes, sponge cakes, yeast cakes, cheese cakes, butter cakes or cream cakes – the modern day cake comes in so many different shapes, sizes and varieties, it’s enough to dazzle you. But, however many forms it may come in, the key ingredients of cake, usually, are flour, sugar, butter or oil, eggs, and some liquid (typically milk or water) and leavening agents (such as yeast or baking powder). The other ingredients vary according to the type of cake you are baking. The decoration of the cake is the main factor that lures people into buying it, however. From fresh fruits to biscuits to sprinklers, frosting and icing, pastry chefs have been known to use every weapon in the kitchen. Go ahead, pick your favourite from all that we have featured. ! Description: Ladyfingers – small delicate sponge cakes shaped like fat fingers – is the ingredient that this famous Italian dessert cannot be made without.Tiramisu is a cake made of several layers. You’ll finish the whole cake before you figure out whether what you’re eating is cake or cream. The tiramisu has a balance of flavors, where the sweetness of the custard is balanced out by the sharpness of the coffee and alcohol. Price: Rs.426/ pound Text: Shreeya Joshi, Photo: ECS Media YOU TO THE HEIGHTS OF ECSTASY AND PURE PLEASURE, WHICHEVER FORM THEY MAY BE IN. Issue 46 | 16 - 22 December, 2010 Description: This rich dessert is made out of cream cheese laid on a base of crushed biscuits or pastry. The crumbling base contrasts perfectly with the creamy, richness of the ‘cheesy’ top and when you bite into it, a tangy, yet sweet, taste fills your mouth. SWEET AND SINFUL. THESE ARE THE DELIGHTS THAT TAKE Simple and smooth, the airy-fairy cake of the lot is the PINEAPPLE CREAM CAKE. Description: This layered cake is the simplest of the lot, yet quite sweet.Very light and soft, this cake is made out of layers of sponge cake and fresh pineapple cream.This is a cake that delivers pure pineapple pleasure and leaves you asking for more. Fr!day Issue 46 | 16 - 22 December, 2010 Price: Rs.400/ pound The supreme deluxe white cake, the counterpart of the Black Forest, is the WHITE FOREST CAKE. Royally purple and sophisticated, the dessert that exudes elegance is the BLUEBERRY CHEESECAKE. Description: Blueberry Cheesecake is indeed a delicacy, as the fresh blueberries needed for this cake needs to be imported from outside of Nepal, making it quite expensive. This cake is creamy in texture and highly tangy in taste, owing to the blueberry puree and cream cheese top, laid on a bed of pastry. Price: Rs. 700/ pound SO WHICH CAKE’S YOUR FAVORITE? Price: Rs. 400/ pound THE BIRD HAS FLOWN People like to fixate on Albatross’ youth, as if to say, yeah, they’re pretty good for their age. But that just begs a question: Where are all the older people who are supposedly making better records than Albatross? There aren’t many. This band of 20-year-olds have put their name on half a dozen or so of the smartest songs released by anyone in pop, rock or country. The sinful chocolate delight that will leave you asking for more is the CHOCOLATE TRUFFLE CAKE. Description: Rich, dark chocolate filling, sandwiched between two layers of chocolate sponge – welcome to chocolat heaven! This cake is smooth and soft in texture and as you take inthe chocolaty aroma and flavor of this supposed aphrodisiac, you’ll surely lose yourself in a moment of ecstasy. Price: Rs.425/pound issue 44 There hasn’t really been a “cool” reason to like Albatross since they’ve not performed nor released any new material since a long time. But then, being cool has always been a pretty unrewarding reason to attach yourself to a particular rock band.You’re supposed to listen to rock music because it makes you want to sway and or sing along. ‘Atti Bhayo’, the latest offering from the band, makes you want to do both. Somebody once asked me to choose my favorite ‘Albatross’ song from half a dozen titles. At first it got me thinking, but I ended up answering happily that I didn’t have to make this choice. Each one of them has a story to tell. I choose them all. JO JOS SANGHA SAMBANDHA CHA The follow up to their debut album ‘Hi-fly’, with ‘Jo Jos Sangha Sambandha Cha’,Albatross have slipped fully into classic-rock mode.‘Freedom looks good on paper’ has the Skynyrd guitar attack and the Leon Russell-style gospel backup singers.The trippy, pin wheeling guitars of the closing ‘Sacred’, the song that won them the ‘Best song in a foreign language category’ at Hits FM Music Awards even drifts into - I kid you not - Cat Stevens’ territory. Text: Prasanna K.C., Photo: ECS Media There are two ways to do a classic studio record: exactly as it was thought of, original nuances intact; or as fresh meat, the way the songs would get cut now, with evolved powers and lessons learned. ‘Atti Bhayo” found a third way. Each of the eight songs on the album have been performed with grateful ecstasy, recalling each step and stumbling forward in the band’s first decade with fierce delight and humbled shock. This is not a story of Albatross, happy accident. It is the tale of Albatross, paradox: professionally goofy but with a work ethic that is “almost humorless.” Albatross is a pathologically serious soul band that has always been focused - working 5-8 hour days, decompressing just enough to enjoy a Friday evening off, and then setting their mind to worrying again by Saturday night. Throughout the album, melodies bounce with vigor; in the lyrics, help is just a sunshiny day away. There is also plenty of Avaya’s signature darkness bass on ‘Janata ko’, but like all bands before and after them, they aren’t perfect. On some songs, guitars veer off-key and tempos speed up for no apparent reason; but what you get is true to the sun-‘n’-fun aesthetic of great jangly pop. In ‘Srishti and Drishti’, they pine for all the girls they can’t have, the girls they can have but shouldn’t, the girls who are no good for them and the girls about whom they just aren’t sure. But what’s most striking is the vocal versatility. As a band act, Dali’s songwriting has been spotty, if impressively versatile. He’s always proved himself to be an excellent interpreter, from his ‘Khaseka Tara’ of old-school days to ‘Nischal’, working a metaphor that turns the idea of time beyond any man’s control. Dali doesn’t oversing a whit, whilst delivering poetic meditations on mortality with harmonies clinging to him like a spangled death shroud. On the song “Kahile Kahi”, guitarist Sunny layers his instrument with an appropriately swarming intensity, while slow-mo opener “Abhiman” reveals the patience with which Niraj pursues his dream-pop drum groove. Elsewhere, the track “Chhaina” showcases Albatross’s woozy three-part vocal harmonies, and “Jhari ko raat” somehow makes room for a left-field cheerleader chant. Albatross’s ‘Atti Bhayo” may not quite be a seamless and sublime a record, but it’s pretty damn good, and what it lacks in coherence it makes up for in magnified rock & roll mojo. The entire album harnesses Sirish’s previously erratic songwriting into a cohesive package and reveals a new range, emotionally and vocally. Sunny’s familiar foot stomping, heavy guitar is still here; but the band sounds more earnest than ever on ‘Khaseka Tara’.There’s a very adult kind of wistfulness to ‘Awaz’, a desperately pleading dude on the garage rocker ‘The Bong Song’ and a hopeful dreamer on baroque pop gem ‘TimiBhanae’. issue 45 We hear it all the time;‘rock is dead’; but the truth is that the current music scene is the same as it ever was.There is bad and there is good music, and there’s plenty of the latter at ‘Jo Jos Sangha Sambandha Cha’ if you’re willing to seek it out. If you like good music,‘Jo Jos Sangha Sambandha Cha’ is a keeper. Gs!ebz FWFOUT!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FOUFSUBJONFOU!XFFLMZ If you are not geared up, you are not ready to play. Imagine kicking the ball barefoot, walking all day on wet grass with wet socks and shoes, getting your ankle sprained because your shoes weren’t the right ones and running on sore feet. It’s obvious that years and years of research weren’t wasted if these sport shoes don’t assist us play the game. So here’s a guide to buying the most suitable shoes for the five most played sports. Text: Aditi Pandey, Photo: ECS Media 1 BASKETBALL SHOES To handle the rigors of the game, basketball shoes offer durability, support, stability and flexibility, and shock absorption.The constant starting, abrupt stopping, high jumps and quick side-to-side movements involved with basketball make it absolutely essential for players to wear proper shoes. What do you look for in a pair of special basketball shoes? Depending on the type of player, basketball shoes have differing upper soft top, designed to keep the foot snug and securely in place during play. Power players use shoes with maximum cushioning and stability.They prefer high upper tops for their ability to provide maximum ankle support. All-round players use shoes with moderate ankle support and cushioning.They prefer lightweight shoes; high-tops for ankle support or mid-tops for speed and comfort. Fast players choose a lightweight shoe that offers moderate support. Players who use speed as their greatest asset, prefer mid-tops that come right up to the ankle level. Outsole: The rubber bottom of a good basketball shoe should be flat and moderately wide to create a stable base and help prevent ankle rollover. Some basketball shoes are also designed specifically for outdoor play and feature heavier rubber outsoles Nike Basketball shoes, Rs. 9,990 2 Addidas Football Boots, Rs. 4,690 FYI Get your shoes at: 3 LAWN TENNIS SHOES Depending upon your style of play, tennis movements are erratic with frequent and abrupt changes in direction putting much stress on the feet and especially on the vulnerable Achilles tendon. In order to maximize your performance and avoid what can be a serious injury, it pays to invest in a good pair of shoes specially designed for tennis. 5 RUNNING SHOES A good pair of running shoes should account for proper support, cushioning and stability. Running shoes are divided into three major categories: cushioned, stability or motion-control shoes. These distinctions are based on an individual’s bio-mechanical needs. What do you look for in a pair of football boots? The Stud arrangement depends on the type of surface, wearer’s position and role in the game. On well-grassed or sodden fields, a screw stud is recommended for more grip; these may be metal, rubber or plastic. The number of studs ranges from 12 to 16. Higher number of studs provide more support for the foot. As for their size, longer studs are superior for use in damp-muddy situations. For constant play on a hard dried out surface, shorter studs are your best selection.The studs can be changed or taken away in these boots.This is a great solution for people playing around on various types of grounds. Since you are able to alter the number of studs, this will permit you to buy just one pair that can fulfill the requirements for different playing surfaces. 1. The Gift House, Bishal Bazar, 4224955 2. Reebok Store, Durbar Marg, 3. Nepal Sports House, Khichapokhari, 4253201 4. Sports Center, Thapathali, 4249013 5. Mesuca, Sundhara, 4424191 6. Avenues Marketing(Nike Store), Durbar Marg, 4229835 7. Addidas Store, Jawlakhel, 016910737 4 FOOTBALL BOOTS Football boots, also known as cleats, are designed for grass pitches and have studs on the bottom to aid grip. It is imperative that their football trainers have a perfect fit and that they are selected according to the type of ground to be played on. GOLF SHOES A pair of good golf shoes fundamentally provides a high degree of comfort in most conditions. Manufacturer’s today produce soft plastic spiked shoes that provide a fair amount of grip, suitable degree of breathability and also prevent irreparable damage to greens. What do you look for in a pair of golf shoes? A proper golf shoe must fit snuggly around your feet, take proper care of moisture and allow you to have good control of your stance during your golf swing. If you are a devoted golfer, shoes that are waterproof are the best option for you. These shoes are good for walking as well as slashing along the greens. No matter which brand of golf shoes you purchase, nothing can compare to the fit and comfort. Lesser known brands can offer the same features and level of comfort touted by bigger brands and can be more suitable to beginners and the occasional player. Addidas Golf Shoes, Rs. 7,790 2 1 What do you look for in a pair of special tennis shoes? First and foremost is comfortable fit. They should be sturdy enough to provide support to your arches and ankles, but flexible enough to move with your foot as you play. Lateral support prevents ankle rollover, especially if you’re a baseline player. For players who like charging the net, a shoe with a reinforced toe is recommended. Baseline players wear shoes with durable soles. On grass surfaces, shoes with little bumps on the sole help with traction. For clay surfaces, you need a fine tread to avoid damage to the court. Nike Lawn Tennis Shoes, Rs. 6,490 What do you look for in a pair of good running shoes? As per your understanding of your running style, the market offers three major types of running shoes: Stability Shoes are a good blend of cushioning, durability and medial support, avoiding feet from rolling inward. Well-suited for mid-weight runners, who do not have motion control problems and want a shoe with support and good durability. Motion Control Shoes are designed to limit extreme inward rolling of the foot and ankle. Heavy, but durable, these shoes have a firmer section under the inner edge of your foot for pronation control. Good for those who suffer from plantar fasciitis and for over-pronators who need control features. Cushioned shoes have soft mid-soles and less stability than the other models. These are designed for efficient runners whose feet don’t roll inwards or outwards. Runners with high arched feet tend to prefer cushioned shoes. Reebok Ladies Running Shoes, Rs. 9,990 4 3 issue 46 5 Tells us how you like our Halfway segment. Send us your comments, suggestions and ideas at [email protected]. Defining purity fairtale on 10 December, Adam swart nepali’s exhibition of paintings titled ‘kumari lakshan: layers of purity’ was inaugurated by laurie vasily, phD., executive Director of the fulbright commission in nepal. in his latest exhibition, Adam swart explores the meaning of purity, inspired by the kumari institution in nepal, where purity means the purity of girlhood. while making his works of art, he spent much time with the kumari of bhaktapur, shreeya bajracharya gaining inspiration from the living goddess herself. he has made 16 paintings, each inspired by the 16 virtues that the living goddess is supposed to have. held in bhrikutimandap, the sAArc preferential trading Arrangement (sAptA) took place from 15th Dec, 2010 to 19th Dec, 2010. the 8 member nations of sAArc were fully loaded with goods that ranged from garments to handicrafts to accessories to household and even house furnishing products, which were sold out. there were textiles, kurtha, carpets, herbal medicines, bamboo products, hand weaved fibers, shawls and pottery. “we really liked the quality of the garments. we didn’t know there so many kind of fibers.” said a customer. through his abstract and nonrepresentational art works he has portrayed the fact that for him, not only is the living goddess the only symbol of purity, but all little children, boys and girls both, are symbols of purity. the colors he has used, all work together to depict the innocence of children as well as their love for life and love itself. the exhibition was held till the 14 December. (shreeya Joshi) fresh Diplomats renowned artist karl knapp presented his installation where he made the three organs most susceptible to cancer: heart, lungs and brain on the ground through the use of flour. the installation was done in such a way that people were prone to stepping on it. this, knapp said, was a part of his installation and of reminding that if not careful in real life, their organs would also be damaged in the same way that his art was. And, while the musical affair went on, in a corner of the venue, krishna thing worked on his canvas painting his interpretation of the evening. halfway 11 on December 18, college goers and family gathered at the rastriya naach ghar in Jamal to support their friends and relatives for the fourth series of the ‘the college Ambassador.’ the event was a perfect platform for students from colleges to present their talent and creativity. A total of 28 contestants, from different school and colleges portrayed their vision about the changes that should be brought for a better nepal.All the participants did their best but, pratul Jb rana of malpi international college and sarmin rauf of Ace higher secondary school walked home with the title. the exhibition did not only demonstrate artistic talent but also some wonderful performances and amazing guests where manisha koirala, bollywood actress was the chief guest. the other guests in the list were h.e. Dr. neem chandra bhowmik, Ambassador of bangladesh to nepal, professor shashi bikram shah, Dr. toufiq m. seraj, mr. kiran manandhar, mr. kiran man chitrakar, mr. tanvir Ahmed and mr. shankar nath rimal, secretary general of the nepal Art council. musical performance by bilu siddiqui, photography illustration by sA shahriar ripon and theatre by nandonik were other shows that were highly appreciated by the audiences. (mannat shrestha) sAptA helped in enhancing the economic opportunities in the sAArc members. “the 10th sAArc trade fare helped the member nations to explore, discover and develop trade within them” was what one of the stall owners had to say. moreover, there was delicious food, cultural events as well as entertainment activities going on which added flavor to this event. (sheetal singh thakuri) talking Art crafty christmas “Art is a reflection of society and the artist, mediator between the social consciousness and our understanding” says pranab man singh, writer, during an art talk with acclaimed nepali artist sujan chitrakar. Art, a major part of cultures which has been a medium of expression and even revolution, has yet to receive its deserved appreciation.to talk about art and help people, especially people not directly involved with art, an Art Appreciation workshop was organized by lasanna, an art organization. christmas has shown its arrival extravagantly at Dhukuti, kupondole with jingle bells and innovative wreaths made out of local materials like straw, hanging on the walls of the showroom. A christmas celebration was held on 12 December at the Dhukuti showroom to mark the arrival of new christmas décor and products for the holidays. held at sirjana college of fine Art on 12 December, the workshop involved a brief overview about art and things to consider while talking or writing about art. kathryn hagy, an assistant art professor and fulbright scholar as well as an artist herself, was the main speaker at the workshop.Art enthusiasts, art students and writers from different media houses were a part of this oneday workshop. (yukta bajracharya) “though christmas isn’t our own festival, we celebrate it every year. it is not only a way to get our products exposure to the market and to boost the enthusiasm of our producers, but it is also a way to marvel with the christian community here in nepal.” said meera bhattarai, executive Director, Association for craft products. from christmas-tree decorations to bells to other items, the plethora of merchandise was a pleasure to see and own. (yukta bajracharya) the event was definitely interesting for all with exclusive performances by mingma sherpa, Dharmendra sewan, ethos and shreya sontang. (mannat shrestha) Dhaka-kathmandu Art fusion 2010 on December 13 2010, the Dhakakathmandu Art fusion was held at nepal Art council, babar mahal. As a part of the celebration of victory Day of bangladesh, various artists from nepal and bangladesh participated to reflect the magnificent relationship between the two countries. Read Fr!day. Every Thursday halFwaY SWEET | 9 - 15 December, 2010 waY tO the neXt Price: Rs.400/ pound Issue 45 FWFOUT!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FOUFSUBJONFOU!XFFLMZ Kicks&Grips Description: The Pina Colada Cake is a soft mousse cake that’s like tasting a piece of tropical heaven. With chunks of fresh pineapple that tastes like a dream with the smooth texture of the creamy cake, you’ll truly fall in love with it. The cake’s quite light on the stomach, making it a perfect dessert choice as well. Fr!day Gs!ebz | 9 - 15 December, 2010 BOE!NPSF The mousse cake that transports you into a tropical world as you take a bite of it is the PINA COLADA CAKE. The cake that will send you back in time to your childhood days of innocent strawberry-flavored dreams is the STRAWBERRY MOUSSE CAKE. Description: This cake contains the perfect blend of flavors, something that is guaranteed to be loved by most – rich chocolate and fruity strawberry. The pink strawberry mousse and the chocolate sponge layer as well as the strawberry glaze on top, all make this beautiful cake come alive and brings a zing of flavors together. Celebration of life and Death w halfway Issue 45 hotel soaltee crowne plaza and iss nepal were the supporters of the event, while, photo concern kept a stall where attendees of the event could click autographed pictures with ms. koirala. (sampada k.c.) ith beautiful decorations from masala beads and plentiful of music, the life of Jazz Didi – vidhea shrestha – was celebrated at moksh on 18 December. music, Art and healing: A benefit concert in memory of vidhea shrestha collected acclaimed poets, artists and musicians under one night sky. the evening commenced with a musical blend from guru Dev kamat and kutumba followed by the Double Aces. garima gurung shah and friends, 1974 AD, Dinesh and the sound minds and April rush delighted the audience with their tribute to vidhea shrestha. the unique mix of lyrics independence and Jcs trio along with merethe had the audience grooving while the poetry from viplob pratik struck the emotional chord of all present. 11 BOE!NPSF Gs!ebz Venue Courtesy: House of Music, Thamel event reviews of the past week Issue 44 | 2 - 8 December, 2010 Fr!day Issue 44 | 2 - 8 December, 2010 9 | 23 - 29 December, 2010 Issue 47 Fr!day halfway way Courtesy: Pastry Chef Ram Prasad Sapkota, Radisson Hotel. the week that was halfway in retrospect events halfway Issue 47 | 23 - 29 December, 2010 the Planning and executing an event of such magnitude as Nepal Tourism Year 2011 is definitely not easy. The amalgamation of officials from the government and individuals from private sector undertakings will ensure that this project is a success. With only a few weeks remaining the team that is responsible for it all make their appearance for Fr!day. We give you a brief introduction of the committed individuals that has made all this possible. CruSaDerS — Text: Ayusha Nirola, Photo: ECS Media 11 17 8 3 6 5 2 1 THE TEAM P ROFiLE 1 sHARAT siNGH BHANDARi 4 YOGENDRA sHAKYA 7 BHOLA BiKR AM THAPA 10 DHRuBA NARAYAN sHREsTHA 2 KisHORE THAPA 5 PRACHANDA MAN sHREsTHA 8 TRi RATNA MANANDHAR 11 suMAN PANDEY LAXMAN PRAsAD BHATTARAi 6 suBAsH NiROLA 9 BiPLAB PAuDEL 12 minister, ministry of tourism and civil Aviation chairman - nty 2011 main organizing committee secretary, ministry of tourism and civil Aviation chairperson - program implementation sub committee nty 2011 3 Joint secretary, ministry of tourism and civil Aviation member - nty 2011 program implementation committee national programme coordinator vice chairperson, programme implementation sub committee nty 2011 ceo, nepal tourism board member secretary - nty 2011 main organizing committee senior Director, nepal tourism board member secretary - program implementation sub committee nty 2011 managing Director, president travels member - nty 2011 program implementation sub committee Deputy Director general, civil Aviation Authority of nepal member - nty 2011 program implementation committee executive Director, hotel barahi, pokhara member - nty 2011 program implementation committee executive member, federation of nepal chamber of commerce and industry member - nty 2011 program implementation sub committee president, explore himalaya travel Agency & Adventure member – nty 2011 program implementation sub committee RANJiT ACHARYA ceo, prisma Advertising member - nty 2011 main organizing committee ��� ��� �� ������ ������������������������������������������� 16 13 7 10 4 9 14 15 12 ARRANGEMENTs 13 PRAsiDDHA PANDEY 16 suGAT RATNA KANsAKAR 14 BHAWANi RANA 17 sANTOsH BiK RAM THAPA president, hotel Association nepal observer - nty 2011 program implementation committee mD, hotel sneha; sneha travels and tours member - nty 2011 program implementation sub committee 15 PRAKAsH sHREsTHA mD, machan wildlife resort member - nty 2011 program implementation sub committee executive chairman, nepal Airlines corporation observer - nty 2011 program implementation committee officer, ntb officer - nty 2011 MAiN ORGANiZiNG COMMiTTEE considering the magnitude of the campaign, the government of nepal has formed the main organising committee under the convenership of hon’ble minister for tourism and civil Aviation.the committee has hon’ble vice chairman of national planning commission as the Joint convener and secretaries of various line ministries; chief of metropolitan, sub-metropolitan cities and municipalities; presidents of trade, travel trade and other related associations and institutions as nomi- nated members. the chief executive officer of nepal tourism board has been designated as the member-secretary of the committee. sECRETARiAT nepal tourism board (ntb) has been entrusted to function as a secretariat of the nty 2011. suB-COMMiTTEEs in order to achieve the objectives of the campaign, various sub-committees are to be formed to prepare specific strategies, programs, activities and budgets. the proposed sub committees are: 1. policy Advocacy 2. physical infrastructure coordination 3. product improvement and Development 4. events, festivals and Activities 5. publicity and promotion 6. human resource capacity building 7. transport and Accessibility 8. resources mobilization and monitoring entertainment let the good times begin ten Days in paris Fr!day catches up with Kutumba to learn about their recent visit to France. — Yukta Bajracharya k utumba brought sunshine (literally) in the not-so sunny city of Paris with their 10-day long musical sojourn as a part of Planet Nepal – Festival of Art and Environment.“Most of the days looked gloomy but luckily the day Kutumba was to perform, the sun shone like anything,” says a smiling Arun Grung, band manager of Kutumba. The sixman folk instrumental ensemble which has so successfully won the hearts of many here at home was successful to do the same in France. They performed at quite a few places including Maison des Métallos – a multi-disciplinary cultural centre in Paris and other pubs in the outskirts of Paris. off the shelf “In Paris we met many people who hadn’t even heard about Nepal but as we played for them, they started to visualize Nepal through our music. They visualized Nepal as a country with lots of hills and mountains and got a rough idea of what our country must be like.” shares Arun Manandhar. How was the overall experience? “Wonderful!” said the members of Kutumba unanimously. “Yes, it was a bit challenging at first. We had to get to know the audience and familiarize ourselves with their taste. But we did that in no time,” says Pavit Maharjan. “We did not speak French and the audience hardly spoke English. Nevertheless, we could really connect,” he adds. Out of the many tunes that the band played, ReshamFiriri, Kutumba shares, was an instant hit. It was able to gain encores and the audience even picked up the chorus joining in with the band to sing it in unison. Like here in Nepal, during the three-day Planet Nepal Festival organized by Alliance Française, CulturesFrance and The French Embassy in Nepal, Kutumba also collaborated with French bands Tryo and Lo’Jo Trio. Along with Kutumba, some of the photographs that were a part of the photo-exhibition ‘A Weathered People’ by Nayantara Gurung Kakshapati and Prawin Adhikari were also exhibited at the Maison des Métallos. With Kutumba’s visit to France, Planet Nepal officially concluded on a joyful musical note. ! the girl with the Dragon tattoo iN CiNEMAs NOW sHOWiNG Toonpur Ka superhero — Mannat Shrestha As interesting the title of the book sounds the story doesn’t disappoint. the book perfectly blends murder mystery, family saga, love, and financial intrigue. It has two story lines. the first is the mystery of harriet vanger; the second is that of financial maneuver and fraud involving a huge swedish corporation. the author stieg larsson, bonds these two plots through the characters of mikael blomkvist and lisbeth salander. the story begins with mikael blomkvist, a crusading journalist, who is recently at the wrong end of a libel case, hired to get to the bottom of the disappearance of harriet vanger. harriet, who is a young bud of one of the wealthiest families in a twenty-four-year-old pierced and tattooed genius hacker, who has wisdom of someone twice her age, assists blomkvist with the investigation. this unlikely team discovers a vein of nearly profound wickedness running through the vanger family. sweden, had vanished forty years ago. her octogenarian uncle is determined to know the truth of her disappearance. he believes that she was murdered. lisbeth salander, At first you may have mixed emotions about the book, but once the story moves forward all your doubts will turn into curiosity. Despite a few negative vibes with larson’s way of describing violence (mostly of a sexual nature), its other positive portions overcome them and keep the readers hooked. it may be disturbing for those who have experienced sexual assault. Aditya (Ajay Devgan) a reel life hero, accidentally lands in the world of cartoons and transforms into a real life hero. Cast: Ajay Devgan, kajol Director: kireet khurana Tees Maar Khan only once in a blue moon is such a great criminal born who is fearless as well as shameless! now is the blue moon and the great criminal is tees maar khan Cast: Akshay kumar, Akshaye khanna, katrina kaif Director: farah khan Tron: Legacy in 3D A virtual-world worker looks to take down the master control program. Cast: Jeff bridges, garrett hedlund and olivia wilde Director: Joseph kosinski www.qfxcenimas.com Read Fr!day. Every Thursday Fr!day Issue 47 | 23 - 29 December, 2010 13 gourmet for the adventurous palate Christmas Dinner exotic flavors to keep you warm — Sommelier Sandeep Khatri i hate everything about winter, except three things - Food, Christmas and Women in boots. All the three come together to celebrate Christmas which is being adapted by our culture in a grandiose fashion. Let’s be clear that Christmas is not just celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ but the customs, culture and eating habits that started after his birth. Therefore Christmas is a season of festivities and family bonding. Why is Christmas celebrated on 25 December? It is said that Roman pagans introduced Saturnalia, a week long holiday, celebrated between 17-25 December without any restrictions or inhibitions as the royal courts used to be closed. Ancient Greek writer/poet Lucian mentions the festivities being widespread and one in which indul- gence in alcohol knew no bounds. People roamed around carefree, going from home to home naked, singing, dancing, forcing sex, oblivious of any morality whatsoever. It talks about consuming human shape biscuits as still seen in Christmas season (the ginger bread man). As Christianity was becoming the major religion in Europe, Christians imported this festival with a hope to bring in the Pagan mass within them. Indeed they were able to do so by promising Pagans that they will still be able to continue Saturnalia as Christians. Later problem arose as Saturnalia was not common to Christians. The outcome was celebrating 25 December as the birth of Jesus Christ. The accounts of earliest Christmas festivities still recounts celebration by drinking, sexual indulgence and singing naked on the streets. Origin of Christmas Customs: a. Christmas tree The Roman Pagans who had worshipped trees in forests for a long time were allowed by the Church sanctioning “Christmas trees” decorated by Christian accessories. b. Christmas Presents Saturnalia festivities used to be celebrated by kings offering gifts to deprived citizens to make them happy. Later the ritual was followed as a custom in the form of sharing gifts among people. c. The Origin of Santa Claus It is actually Christian Saint Good Bishop Nicholas later named as Santa Claus by his followers. Let us thank Coca Cola Corporation as they hired Swedish commercial artist Haddon Sundblom to create a coke-drinking Santa. He modeled his friend Lou Prentice for his chubby and cheerful face. Later Coca Cola insisted a fur trimmed suit should be attractive (which would also match the Coca Cola red), and Voila! The modern look of Santa is born with a blend of all. (In later issues we will discuss about the origins of Santa Claus) Christmas and Food Culture Food itself depends so much of topography and habits of the people. It does changes with time and time forms a new and original dish every time. The ancient foods may not been the most appropriate of recipes Butter herBeD ChriStmaS ChiCken ingredients A whole chicken fresh rosemary, finely chopped fresh tarragon, finely chopped lemon juice butter salt and pepper 1 green apple 1 onion 1 lemon Method preheat the oven to 160c. wash the chicken. mix melted butter, rosemary, and lemon juice, salt and pepper. spread the inside of the chicken and dab throughout with a little of every friday 7:30 pm onwards, Attic Bar tej bhawan, uttar Dhoka. monday blues with rusty nails,open mic every wednesday & friday house band, 4442615 Bottles & Chimney narshingh chowk, thamel. live music by nekhvam. every wednesday & friday with Dharmendra sewan playing, unplugged sessions. 7 pm onwards. 2123135 Bourbon Room Durbar marg, the best of sufi by hemant rana. every monday, 7 pm onwards. open mic with ciney gurung. every wednesday. 7 pm onwards, 4441703, 4249747 Buddha Bar thamel, best chill out music in town with special cocktail. happy hour 4 pm – 7 pm. 9851053235, 9841626582 Bugles & Tig ers the everest hotel, new baneshwor. live music by fusion band from philippines every evening from 7 pm – 8:30 except monday. 4780100 , ext: 7711/7811 Cafe Horizon hotel himalaya, mexican sojourno – come and experience the flavours of mexico with tantalizing mexican dishes and selection of tequilas to tickle your taste buds amidst intriguing ambience, every friday, from 7 pm onwards, live music by prism band. 5523900 Comfort Zone thamel, every saturday, fusion live band and Anil shahi & frens. every sunday, fusion band rudra, 9803509358 Cube the Club kamaladi, the pla ce where you can do parties of your own kind, we are ready to serve, 6 pm onwards , 4438017 www.cubetheclub. com Eden Lounge kathmandu mall, sundhara. on the mix. every friday 8 pm onwards. 4150062, 4150063 Fusion Dwarika’s hotel, battisputali. live music with Dinesh rai & the sound minds with bbQ dinner & 1 beer/ soft Drink at rs 1366. every friday 7 pm onwards. 4479488 Funky Buddha Bar and Café thamel, private club upsta irs with in house DJ’s pooltables lounge area with full Drinks menu Available, 6pm till late,9841609064 House Of Music thamel, karaoke night e very tuesday & house band/ jam session every saturday. 2 pm - 12 am. 9851075172, 9849243807 Himalatte Café thamel, cloud walkers, playing live. ev ery tuesday, 7:30 pm onwards, u2 and the police from the eternity, Jbar thamel, best imported liquors and food, cozy ambience, live performance by DJ saleem, rupesh, naresh and more every evening, 5 pm onwards, 4411595 Lakhey Restro Bar Durbar marg. fridays: DJ session till wee hours, 4256606 Lhasa Restaurant & Bar thamel, live band, every wednesday, friday and saturday, 7 pm onwards, 9851010431 New Maya Cocktail & Bar paryatan road, thamel, special cocktail, 4700371 Paddy Foley’s irish Pub thamel, enjoy special irish drinks & food with live music. every night, 7 pm onwards. 9808398079 Porch Bar soaltee crowne plaza soaltee mode, relax and enjoy some of the finest drinks, every day, 6 pm to 10 pm. 4273999 Ragey Bar thamel, every night 7:30 pm onwards. The Café Hyatt Regency, Arabian n ights- taste the culinary delights from the middle-east at the cafe every friday from 6:30 pm onwards. for details please call hyatt regency kathmandu at 4491234 The Corner Bar radisson hotel, lazimpat, offering an array of sumptuous snacks, exotic drinks and cocktails. 3 pm to 11 pm, 4411818 Tamas spa Lounge chaksibari road, thamel live classical/fusion music by tabla maestro pritam rai and his ensemble and DJ sessions by in-house DJ saakar along with great food and wine selection. every night 7 pm onwards. 4257658 The Factory thamel, live music every wednesday, friday, saturday & sunday, 7 pm onwards, 4701185, 4701187 Tantra Bar paknajol, thamel, proton band playing live music from sunday to friday, bbQ every saturday & salsa evening last saturday of every month. contact 4257171 Tipsy Lounge & Bar Durbar marg, live performance by ciney gurung every monday, hemanta rana every wednesday, Dharmendra sewan every saturday,7 pm onwards, 4243225 upstairs Jazz Bar lazimpat, A n interesting mix of locals and expats of Jazz music. every evening, from 7 pm onwards. 4410436 Vintage Café & Pub Wood L and complex 4th floor, Durbar marg friday and saturday live band session and Dj session, 4254831 House Music (Dj tashi ,nyc) Date: 17 December(friday) time: 7pm onwards venue:buzz cafe, baluwatar 4225272 this is an event with awesome house music and block rockin beats choices for the modern Christmas menu but definitely Pumpkin soup does make sense, as an example. The harvest period is over and you preserve the pumpkin and/or seeds. It’s a good idea to cut those pumpkins, throw in the preserved seeds to make a great pumpkin soup. Followed from ancient times the Ginger Bread man is loved in the form of cookies mostly in German and England. Question is, how does one define Christmas food as every nation has one. If we sit down to make a list it will go on and on. Here are some recipes you should try out this winter. the butter mixture. rub the chicken with salt and pepper. cut onion and lemon in half. stuff the chicken with it. spread the butter mixture all over the chicken. place in oven and bake. constantly turn the chicken over to allow it to brown evenly. bask it with the butter mixture occasionally. when the chicken is cooked, remove from oven. Allow it to rest for awhile. remove the stuffing from inside. carve and serve. gourmet Fr!day Issue 47 | 23 - 29 December, 2010 15 aDvertiSement Crisp Butterfly Prawn and Jewel in a nest Aalishan Jawalakhel, 5550039 Tandoori Mixed Grill Kebabs, Rs.525 The Big Burrito, Rs 280 Business Lunch set, Rs. 425 of bottle with beer free i a Ash Funky Buddha Bar & Cafe Moksh thamel, 9841609064 Jhamsikhel, lalitpur, 5528362 Thai soup (Tom Yam Kung), Rs. 415 Tiramisu, Rs. 350 Rancher’s Eggs, Rs.165 Degaa Resto-Lounge Bronco Billy harihar bhawan, pulchwok, 5526212 Roast Chicken, Rs.275 Third Eye Restaurant Yin Yang R estaurant Third Eye Bakery Jbar thamel, kathmandu, 4260289 thamel, kathmandu, 4701510 thamel, kathmandu, 4701510 thamel, 4411595 HOTEL PARKLAND special jungle safari package program for 2 nights 3 days. welcome drinks, all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner & tea/coffee) accommodation in deluxe room, elephant-back safari, tharu village visit,visitor center visit, canoeing & elephant breeding center visit, sunset view, tharu stick dance, nature walk, bird-watching and many more. foreigners - usD $140 nett. per person, nepalis - rs. 5,500 nett. per person. chitwan national park, sauraha Chicken Egg Chatamari, Rs.90 kumaripati (old campion building) tel: 9849136479 Vintage special Non-Veg Platter, Rs. 450 Vintage Café & Pub wood land complex, Durbar marg, 4254831 YOrkShire puDDing ingredients 3 eggs 1 cup milk 1 cup flour 2 tablespoons butter Directions preheat oven to 375 degrees f (190 degrees c). in a medium bowl, beat eggs with milk. stir in flour. set aside. Divide butter evenly into the twelve cups of a muffin tin, about 1/2 teaspoon per cup. place tin in oven to melt butter (2 to 5 minutes). remove tin from oven. bake in preheated oven 5 minutes. reduce heat to 350 degrees f (175 degrees c), and bake for 25 minutes more or until puffed and golden. ktm office: thamel, 4701887, 4701888, cell: 9841229970, 9851022652, [email protected], www.wildlifenepal.com mulleD wine BrOCCOli SOup with Cream ingredients 2 cups milk 3 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion 3 tablespoons flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon white pepper 1/2 teaspoon thyme 1/2 teaspoon garlic finely chopped 1 tea spoon of chicken cubes 1 1/2 cup boiling water 2 cups shredded yak cheese 1 cup finely chopped broccoli, cooked Method cook onions in butter until tender. blend in flour and seasonings and cook or another 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly. Add boiling water and chicken cubes and cook slowly until thick. stir in milk until the mixture is smooth. Add the cheese and broccoli until it boils. garnish with fresh chopped parsley. ingredients 140 ml of red wine 2 pcs of cloves 1 tsp nutmeg powder 1 tsp cardamom powder 1 tsp cinnamon powder 30 ml orange juice 20 gms freshly chopped apple 3 pcs peeled orange Method take a saucepan and add wine followed by the rest of the spices and cook in medium heat. once it starts to boil add fruits and top with orange juice. serve warm. Food for thought: never overcook your chicken as overcooking makes it dry and lose juice. once the chicken is shiny white and glazed with moistness, it is perfect to serve. once it is cooked, cover it for 5-8 minutes so the juice gets locked in. it is a good idea to stuff chicken with potatoes rubbed with butter and herbs as it gets flavored from the fat and bones of the chicken. merry christmas! Food prepared by : Sommelier Sandeep Khatri Kitchen Courtesy: Bu Keba - The Organic Village Cafe, Bakhundole consume because there is more to life hard Drive plugs explained a — Jiggy Gaton s an older Audio/visual engineer (ha!), i’m often asked which external hard drive to buy, and what the heck are all those plugs in the back for, and what’s the difference between them. After all, quad-interface external drives are starting to pop all over town these days, yet many folks don’t understand what that means. A quad-interface external drive has plugs in the back for usb2, firewire 400 & 800, and esata. most of nepal’s users opt for usb2, as that is what we know of, but this option is also the slowest of the slow. mac users know firewire 400 & 800 options, as they’ve been installed since the mac classic. but pc users may find they need to install a firewire expansion card on their desktop or laptop to get the doubly fast firewire 800 speed. Desktop firewire expansion cards are easy to find and cheap in nepal laptop firewire 800 expansion cards - not so. but even better then firewire (at the moment) is the estata expansion.An esata-connected external hard drive will be almost as fast as your internal drive and 3x-10x faster than a usb-connected drive.when editing large video files, mega-pixel photos, and super hi-fidelity sound files, this is super mega important. to get esata working with your desktop, you might need a cheap and easy-to-find esata expansion card; but for your laptop, well, a bit more difficult to grab is an esata cardbus pc card type ii card, found online for less than rs.1000 plus shipping. so assuming you have one of these high-speed options installed in your computer (firewire 800 or esata), you just need the right cable for the job (usually included with the external drive).these multi-interfaced drives hit your wallet a bit more, but that’s bucks well spent if doing a lot of work with audio, video and 3D. A note to the wise: watch out for usb3 coming later in 2011, as that blows all of the above away. ! What to get Where to get Quad-interface external hard Drive Desktop user: pci-esata expansion card laptop user with type ii/express slot: type ii esata expansion card netbook user select computer shops in the valley Any local computer shack shop review the Classy Closet! — Yukta Bajracharya A wardrobe every woman would want to own – that is the most apt definition for passion ruby, Durbar marg’s latest chic and vintage clothing store for women. Any fashion lover would be charmed by the ambience and the offerings of this little shopper’s delight. classic wallpaper, posh chandeliers – the interiors have been worked on to match up to the classy items that you will find on the hangers. passion ruby also has a full fledged collection of corporate wear, cocktail dresses, winter woolen wear and casuals. the collection has been handpicked by rubina rana (proprietor, passion ruby and sales and marketing manager, isadora) herself and comes from countries such as india, bangladesh, bangkok and singapore. “passion ruby is all about comfort and class, for everyone. i do not believe in a target group.” says rana. for what it has to offer, the price tags are reasonable and affordable. shoes begin at rs. 850, bags at rs. 1050 and other clothes begin at an average of rs. 800. if you are searching for funky accessories then high chances are that you will find just what you want to accessorize with at passion ruby. from stylish headpins to necklaces, the collection is surely tempting. Drop in at passion ruby and steal the loot, fuel your wardrobes. All online computer part stores sorry, out of luck! (Jiggy gaton is an expat geekazoid who runs phoenix studios nepal (www.phoenixstudios.com.np) along with nepali family, friends, and a very large dog.) Passion Ruby is open seven days a week from 11:30 am to 7:00 pm. Contact 2180538, above the Reebok Showroom. bazaar markets & launches norvic-medanta tie-up n orvic-Medanta, the Medicity, unveiled closer ties for the people of Nepal. Medanta – The Medicity is one of India’s largest multi-super specialty institutes. Spread across 43 acres, the institute includes a research center, medical and nursing school. It has 1250 beds and over 350 critical care beds with 45 operation theatres. Medanta houses six centers of excellence which will provide medical intelligentsia, cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art infrastructure with a well-integrated and comprehensive information system. Medanta will be working closely with Norvic to increase the level of skills of Norvic personnel by training them at Medanta. The cutting edge technology at Medanta with state-ofthe-art equipment and compassionate patient care at Norvic would enable the people of Nepal to be confident of critical care facilities in Nepal. Medical practitioners from Medanta would be frequently visiting Norvic as well. Critically ill patients requiring transplants, laser radiation treatments for cancer, would be taken care at Medanta until similar levels of services are made available at Norvic. Norvic is also expanding and entering into the field of medical education with the establishment of a college for nursing and a proposed medical college. market insight the golden wings Joost Den Hartog regional general manager – etihad Airways, Asia pacific north and indian subcontinent Etihad Airways, which has been entitled as ‘The World’s leading Airlines’ for two years in a row (2009 and 2010) has been flying in and out of Kathmandu for the last 4 years.We caught up with its Regional General Manager while he was in town recently. 2009 was the year of recession but still Etihad Airways managed to fly and also increase the flights. How was this possible? 2009 was a very tough year not only for etihad Airways but the entire Airline industry as a whole. the good thing of etihad Airways was we were operating with just around 50- 60 aircrafts so we did not have to play with the rates because of the delay in the delivery.Also the aircrafts ordered by us will be delivered in the year 2011-2012. Nepal Tourism year 2011 is just around the corner. Do you plan to increase you flights for this campaign? nepal is a very seasonal tourism destination; but till date we operate 7 flights a week, 4 at 16:30 in the evening and 3 at 21:00 at night. if we get permission for the airport to conduct night flights then it is going to be very easy for the connection flights from north-America. but even if we do not get permission people over at the transit on Abu Dhabi airport can experience the only grand prix theme park in the world and also the Abu Dhabi golf course. there is visA service counter which can provide a 96 hour visa as well. As you are already aware about the amount of labors flying to the Middle East; are there any special rates being worked for such passengers? till date we have not thought of doing anything special for such cases because normally the labors flying out of nepal purchase a one way ticket. if it is a two way ticket then we could have thought of a special rate. but i think our rates are already low enough. AiRLiNEs Etihad Honors Top Agencies etihad Airways presented its travel trade recognition Award to the ten best travel and tour agencies in nepal. on the occasion, the national airline of the united Arab emirates (uAe)announced r ainbow travel and tours, mega bite and osho world travel nepal as the top 3 travel agencies of the year. eithad Airlines, the world’s leading airline, was pleased to have the continuous support of the agencies in the success of its operations in nepal. AuTO New Generation i10 laxmi intercontinental, the sole distributor for hyundai Automobiles in nepal unveiled the new model of the inew generation i10. the new model provides a choice between two petrol engine models, 1.1 irDe2 and i.2 kappa2 vtvt. both engines are compliant to bharat iv and are designed to deliver more engine efficiency, lower fuel consumption, low emission and class leading performance. the i10, is now equipped with the i.2 kappa2 vtvt engine boasts a mileage of 20.36 km/ litre, making it the most fuel efficient car in its segment. Read Fr!day. Every Thursday bazaar Laxmi Cycle Day laxmi bank has started an initiative called ‘bike friday’ with the support of chain mountain bikes, as part of the bank’s ‘orange loves green’ campaign. During bike fridays, the bank encourages all employees to cycle to work. laxmi bank promotes green friendly banking services to customers as well as working environment in their offices and bike fridays is another small step that is aimed at reducing the carbon footprints. laxmi bank and chain mountain bikes hopes that bike fridays will be embraced by other corporate and institutions around the country over a period of time. LG side-by-side the side-by-side refrigerator frm lg is a perfect expression of exquisite art and futuristic technology. A refrigerator that caters to all your senses is now in nepal. it has special key feature like wine storage rack which allows you to store your wine bottles at a perfect angle. it has other special feature like miracle Zone in which one can store different foods at different temperature. keeping the freshness intact, this optimum temperature section allows you to GiZMO shopping online just became simpler. with harilo.com now introduced in nepal, the nepali people can enjoy shopping for goods in America from the comfort of their home and the best part is you don’t even need an international credit card or a dollar account. All you need to do is log on to www.harilo.com. After placing your order, harilo.com ships the goods to kathmandu and pays customs and v.A.t. for customers. packages can be tracked online through the company website. harilo and its distribution partners, who have been delivering goods worldwide for decades, have developed technologies and processes which have positioned harilo as the premier forwarding service from the us to nepal. harilo employees are behind the scenes from the time your shipments are sent to their warehouse in florida to the arrival of your product at their office in kathmandu, ensuring that every step is completed in a timely manner. from the active tracking of inbound and outbound shipments to and from the harilo warehouse, to ensuring the proper packaging is used to protect your goods, harilo employees are working tirelessly to ensure you have a positive experience. in the future harilo plans to expand its services to different areas of nepal. till date people can only shop from America and further down the road they hope to include online shopping from other countries like the u.k., hong kong, thailand, Japan, etc. their main goal is to provide a simple and cost effective solution to the ever growing international market. whether you are in nepal looking for products in the us, or you are a us business looking to expand worldwide, harilo is the company for you. get what you want, where you want it! different strokes Dear mr. kC — Ajaya Bikram Shah Dear mr. kc, i read your article on the “fashion cop” (issue 33) at your workplace and i fully empathize with you. recently i bought a nice, ankle length boot, which mind you, did not come cheap. it was a lee cooper – which i assumed that the brand conscious f-cop would appreciate. the first thing he asked me when he saw my new shoes was “so where’s the horse?” i wish i really had a horse that could give him a swift kick on the part of his body where a cowboy would say “the sun don’t shine much”. select the ideal refrigerator setting for vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. it also has features like exterior touch Display, water a nd ice Dispenser and green ion Door cooling. now, you can create a wonderful impression harilo is Sajilo 19 i too have a self appointed fashion cop in my workplace and i know that “look” he gives people who are caught on an offday. in fact everyone waits anxiously for the f-cop to begin his routine morning patrols and sighs in relief when he passes by without a comment or worse – that look. samsung Galaxy Tab Launched international marketing services pvt. ltd, the authorized distributor of samsung mobile for nepal, launched one of world’s most anticipated tablet pc, samsung galaxy tab in nepal. the galaxy tab brings together all of samsung’s leading innovations to provide users with more capabilities. powered by Android operating system 2.2, galaxy tab is the world’s first Divx certified tablet. the elegantly designed sleek machine has a 7-inch tft lcD display that allows consumers to enjoy all forms of multimedia contents and experience pc-like web-browsing. moreover, users can continuously communicate via e-mail, voice and video call, sms/mms or social network with the optimised user interface. NMB Bank Launches Banc Assurance nmb bank has started its banc assurance service to offer various insurance products and service to its clients. the bank has officially tied up with nepal life insurance company limited, prime life insurance and life insurance corporation (nepal) limited to issue various policies to nmb clients from the single window without having to visit the insurance company. the policies include endowment, whole life, money bank, chile and term life among others. | 23 - 29 December, 2010 simmtronics enters Nepal semiconductors, one of the leading memory module and motherboard manufacturers has ventured into the nepali market. the company’s product portfolio includes memory modules 128 mb to 2 gb for over 6,000 types of desktops, servers and laptops, mother boards for intel/ nvidia, nvidia graphic cards, flash drivers, desktop pcs and simmbook laptops. MisCELLANEOus Jeanswest in Nepal Jeanswest, an Australian Denim brand, has opened its first exclusive showroom in the capital. the company, which has appointed italina enterprises as its sole agent for nepal, will be selling its products through the outlet. it has been offering its products globally through its 2,200 stores around the world. Jeans, jackets, sweaters, t-shirts, belts, scarf’s, accessories and premium casual wear are among its popular products, states a press release. its showroom has been opened at civil mall and plans to open more outlets in Durbar marg and bluebird mall within three months and late over at pokhara, Dharan, butwal and birgunj. Footwear Expo Kicks Off the seventh edition of the leather goods and footwear expo kicked off at rastriyasabhagriha, exhibition road on monday. the week-long fair contains 54 stalls featuring a wide variety of leather shoes, sports shoes, slippers, leather jackets, raw leather and different accessories. there is participation of almost all the leading domestic shoe manufacturers at the fair. the fair will conclude on sunday, Dec. 26. Bazaar coordinated by Avishek Raj Pradhan. 5011571, 5011639, [email protected] the other day a colleague came to office smartly attired in a pink shirt (the f-cop loves pink by the way) and a matching pink tie. guess what the f-cop said? he asked if the office policy had changed and ‘ties’ were no longer required. heh… heh…. nervous laughter which further encouraged the f-cop and he looked closer and apologized by saying … “oh i didn’t see the tie, my mistake ………………. by the way you have a good tailor, he sewed your shirt and with the extra cloth made you a tie!” by the wAy it must be tough to be A f-cop – the responsibility puts pressure for him to Dress impeccAbly every time. the stories go on – just the other day he asked another colleague if he was a big fan of the late michael Jackson. the victim nodded his head big time obviously thrilled to have been recognized as a true mJ fan and asked the f-cop how he knew. the f-cop smiled and pointed at the white socks he was sporting that day. now we are all wiser knowing ‘white socks in office attire = michael Jackson fan”. the f-cop’s influence has now grown beyond the office. our wives get miffed when we ask them if we look good in the morning. they tell us to “go ask falano falano dai”. by the way it must be tough to be a f-cop – the responsibility puts pressure for him to dress impeccably every time. unlike us “civilians” he cannot have an off-day. one must have a keen eye, keep up to date with the latest fashion trends and brands and of course be witty enough so that he doesn’t get beaten up by an angry victim. And of course he must be smart enough to know the limitations of his jurisdiction - i have never heard him make a comment about his own boss.yup, life ain’t easy for a f-cop. this morning, a friday which is a day of “casuals” for us – another colleague was attired in a decent cheque shirt. the f-cop remarked “where are the chess pieces?” thankfully the victim didn’t understand what the joke was. well, that is until now. D.A.o. lalitpur regd. no.77-066/67 ecs media pvt. ltd, kupondole, lalitpur, nepal. 5011571. no. 47 23 - 29 December, 2010 ������ ��� standard Chartered introduces Business Plus Account standard chartered bank nepal has recently introduced a business plus account. A press statement issued by the bank stated that the new account was introduced with a view to target the small and medium enterprises (sme) segment. Designed to support the ambitious growth of the small and medium business houses, the business plus account offers interest up to 6 % p.a. Nabil Launches M-Bank nabil bank launched the first ever menu-based mobile banking services of the country. m-bank is an additional channel for carrying out the banking transactions. customers can enjoy facilities such as balance enquiry, mini statement, fund transfer, purchase prepaid mobile recharge cards, pay mobile and landline bills, shopping bill payment and many more. At present this service is available only for nepal telecom’s mobile users. Issue 47 ����� BANKs Fr!day ������������������������������������������� Manager, Editorial & Marketing: NEERAZ KOIRALA Publisher: ECS MEDIA PVT. LTD. Contributing Editor: VIVIAN YONZON Editor: SUNIL RAJ SHRESTHA Director, Editorial & Marketing: NRIPENDRA KARMACHARYA Asst. Editor: AYUSHA NIROLA Editorial Assistant: SHREEYA JOSHI Sr. Manager, Editorial & Marketing: SUDEEP SHAKYA Inhouse Writers: YUKTA BAJRACHARYA Deputy Manager, Editorial & Marketing: NILADRI S. PARIAL Editorial Secretary: PRAGYA POKHREL Design & Production Executive: SANJEEV SHRESTHA Design Assistant: DIPESH MAHARJAN Sr. Photographer: DASH B. MAHARJAN Color Separation: Photographer: YOGENDRA MAHARJAN, CTP Nepal Pvt. Ltd, HATTIBAN, MOHAMMAD SHAHNAWAZ 525.0466, 525.0468 Asst. Managers, Sales & Marketing: Printing: Jagadamba Press, Hattiban, BIJENDRA PRADHAN, ANGIRAS MANANDHAR 525.0017/18/19 Ad Enquiries: [email protected] Asst. Managers, Business Development: Distributor: AVISHEK RAJ PRADHAN, SHWETA BUDHATHOKI Kasthamandap Distribution Pvt. Ltd. 424.7241 Subscription & Distribution Executive: BIKRAM SHRESTHA