04324c-MMCF Partners Fall 2004
04324c-MMCF Partners Fall 2004
Dr. McIntosh joins Mercy Foundation board Dr. Tom McIntosh, a retired physician, has become the newest member of the Mercy Foundation board. The foundation board oversees the planning, investment and fundraising activities of the endowment foundation. Since its creation in 1977, the Mercy Foundation has given over $48 million to the hospital to support its capital, program and equipment needs. Dr. McIntosh spent his undergraduate years at the University of Arizona on a full baseball scholarship. He attended medical school at St. Louis University followed by a residency at the University of Iowa. Dr. McIntosh practiced internal medicine in Cedar Rapids from 19702002. He had a long and distinguished career serving in leadership positions at both hospitals and with several professional organizations. One of his many awards was the prestigious Iowa Laureate Award from the American College of Physicians and the American Society of Internal Medicine. In May 2006, he was the 8th recipient of the Gold-Headed Cane award – an award bestowed only occasionally by the Cedar Rapids medical staff to a person held in the highest esteem in his/her medical profession. During retirement, he serves as a physician volunteer and board member for the Community Health Free Clinic. In addition, he is a steering committee member for the “Sharing the Journey” hospice house capital campaign. Have you remembered Mercy in your will? Partners M e r c y M e d i c a l C e n t e r F o u n d a t i o n 701 Tenth Street S.E. Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Cedar Rapids, Iowa Permit No. 253 Partners Volume 27, October 2006 M e r c y M e d i c a l C e n t e r F o u n d a t i o n The Dennis and Donna Oldorf Hospice House of Mercy The area’s first hospice house soon to be a reality Partners Volume 27, October 2006 Dear Partners in Caring: M e r c y M e d i c a l C e n t e r F o u n d a t i o n Published by I want to share with you what we in the Foundation have been doing this past year. It has been a record setting year for us and we are very pleased to tell you about it and to thank you, our donors and friends, for all you have done to make it happen. You are the reason we are able to support Mercy Medical Center’s mission to “care for the sick and enhance the health of the communities we serve guided by the spirit of the Sisters of Mercy.” The “tower” of patient rooms continues to be transformed into floors of private patient rooms with all of the “state of the art” technology available, as well as the human touch of care and concern. Eighth floor is under construction Sister James Marie Donahue as we go to press, and will soon be a new oncology/neurology center ready to admit patients. Our new Intensive Care Center on second floor is unlike any other – a marvel to see and a blessing to our patients in need of the highest levels of critical care. We are grateful to all of our board members, donors, and friends who have sponsored rooms and works of art to help support the endeavors. Mercy Medical Center, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Endowment Foundation 701 Tenth Street S.E. Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403 F O U N D AT I O N B O A R D OF DIRECTORS Sister James Marie Donahue, Chairman Janis Kazimour Lee Liu Dr. Tom McIntosh Peggy Meek Darrel Morf David Neuhaus Emmett Scherrman Dr. Robert Silber A. James Tinker EMERITUS BOARD MEMBERS Abbott Lipsky J. Edward Lundy F O U N D AT I O N S TA F F And of course the Dennis and Donna Oldorf Hospice House of Mercy has been a very positive challenge for us as we entered with intensity into the Foundation’s first capital campaign. We are very grateful to all of our donors who have contributed or made pledges to this very worthy cause. We know we could not be successful unless we have the support of our Steering Committee members and all of the volunteers who have come forward to help us accomplish our goal. Gifts are still needed, so we hope you consider the hospice house when planning your charitable giving this year. Sister James Marie Donahue, Chairman of the Board [email protected] Cathy Gullickson, President [email protected] Diane Stefani, Director of Development [email protected] Bridget Janus, Development Associate The Welch family’s legacy of caring Ask anyone who’s been with the hospital since the early years about the Welch family’s involvement with Mercy Medical Center and you’ll hear the same comments of respect and appreciation. “They have always been dedicated to the healing mission of the Sisters of Mercy,” comments Jim Tinker, President/CEO of Mercycare Service Corporation. “Their contributions to the hospital have been invaluable and play an important role in the history of the hospital.” On a perfect summer day in Peggy and Jim Meek’s spectacular gardens, sistersin-law Maxine Welch and Peggy Welch Meek shared insight into their family’s history with Mercy Medical Center. Peggy began, “My first memories of Mercy Medical Center revolve around Sister Mary de Lellis or ‘Aunt Cath’ as we affectionately called her. She was sister to my father, Frank Welch.” Sister Mary de Lellis, born in 1893, was a nurse at Mercy for many years serving in many capacities. She was the nurse manager of the OB-GYN department, the first director of Hallmar and in her later years, a greeter at the information desk. “She meant a lot to our family,” Meek continued. “All five of our children were born at Mercy. I’ll never forget her charging into my room to check on me when my first child was born. She was dressed in her full black habit, and that was back when the hospital had no air-conditioning. Then for years after it became a family tradition to meet ‘Aunt Cath’ every Tuesday for lunch in the Mercy cafeteria.” Another element of Sister Mary de Lellis’ legacy was her sponsorship of a novice into the Sisters of Mercy community – that novice was Sister Mary Lawrence who later became the President and CEO of Mercy Medical Center. Maxine remembered, “We looked forward to the times Sister Mary de Lellis would bring Sister Mary Lawrence and Sister Mary Clarence to dinner. Back then, every sister had to have a companion, because they were not allowed to travel alone.” During the late 1960’s, Ted Welch (Maxine’s husband and Peggy’s brother) joined the Mercy Medical Center board of trustees. He was President/CEO of People’s Bank and Trust and his expertise proved invaluable to the board’s finance committee. Ted was also instrumental in the creation of the area ambulance association. On June 23, 1993, he was honored for his 25 years of dedicated service. He died in 1996. communion to patients, and one of the Meek daughters was a candy striper. Since 2001, Peggy has served as a Mercy Foundation board member. Jim, Peggy and Maxine are members of Mercy’s Founders’ Society as well. When asked why they continue to support Mercy Medical Center, their replies were varied. “I want to keep Ted’s memory alive. This was an organization that he cared about deeply,” Maxine replies. “We believe strongly in the Mercy Touch – the magnificent care that patients receive,” Peggy adds. “Is there any other choice?” Jim smiles. Ted Welch Sister Mary de Lellis with Peggy Meek and newborn Peg Meek. Supporting Mercy has truly been a family affair. Maxine served as a hospital volunteer, Peggy and Jim Meek brought [email protected] Sherry Cornish, Development Associate These are a few of the accomplishments about which you will read in this issue. We are grateful for every gift that we receive. We appreciate your support, and are fully aware that we could not do without you. Thank you for your very generous participation in our Mercy mission. Gratefully, Sister James Marie Donahue Chairman of the Board [email protected] Legal name of the foundation: Mercy Medical Center, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Endowment Foundation or Mercy Medical Center Foundation 701 Tenth Street SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403 phone: 319-398-6206 fax: 319-398-6471 e-mail: [email protected] www.mercycare.org/foundation Contributions to the Mercy Medical Center Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent of the law. Maxine Welch, Peggy Meek and Jim Meek enjoys a summer morning in the Meek family gardens. “Sharing the Journey” Hospice House Capital Campaign Gift Form Momentum builds for “Sharing the Journey” hospice house campaign “I defy anyone to find another project in our community more meaningful or worthwhile to support.” “The most important message I want everyone to know is that the hospice house will allow families to focus on the individual, not the worry of how to care for their loved one. A huge burden is lifted.” “Sharing the Journey” Capital Campaign Steering Committee “By supporting the hospice house, we can substantially improve the quality of life for thousands of people every year. By removing the distraction of pain and suffering, we can give all of them the opportunity to look out of the window of this world and clearly see the next.” Honorary Chair Donna Oldorf Campaign Chairs Jack Cosgrove Darrel Morf Steering Committee Michele Busse Janice Charles Tim Charles Suzy DeWolf Sr. James Marie Donahue Bill Elkington Brad Hart Jan Kazimour Barbara Knapp Dr. Tom McIntosh Dave Neuhaus Jim Nikrant Chuck Peters Dr. Fred Pilcher Jim Tinker Mercy Foundation Staff Cathy Gullickson Diane Stefani 2 T hese are just a sampling of the quotes heard from volunteers and community members working on the $6 million capital campaign to build the Dennis and Donna Oldorf Hospice House of Mercy – the area’s first hospice house. Launched with a lead gift of $1.1 million from Donna Oldorf whose husband Dennis received hospice care for 18 months, a $1.7 million grant from the Hall-Perrine Foundation and property provided by Mercy Medical Center, the campaign was announced at a June news conference. Since then, a steering committee has been busy hosting informational meetings, giving presentations and making visits to residents and businesses in the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City corridor and surrounding communities. The hospice house will be located on a 3.2-acre site north of the MercyCare Blairs Ferry clinic with an anticipated opening of May 2007. On September 28, a groundbreaking was held on the site featuring special guest Judi Lund Person. Person is the Vice President of Quality and Access for the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in Alexandria, Virginia. Closer to home, Person experienced hospice firsthand when her mother was a Hospice of Mercy patient earlier this year. “I was in awe of the teamwork that was ever present, your exceptional skills, the special services you offered, and your presence. You were my anchor during the last days of Mom’s life. Your care will be my example when I talk about how hospice care should be. Thank you from the bottom of my heart – for all you did for Mom, for me, and for all those patients who come after her,” Person wrote in a letter to Hospice of Mercy. Jack Cosgrove and Darrel Morf, co-chairs of the campaign, are overseeing fundraising efforts led by a steering committee of community leaders. “We have not had one person turn us down when asked to help,” Cosgrove said. Types of Gifts The campaign welcomes gifts of cash which can be pledged over three years. Securities or other negotiable instruments are also options. For instructions on stock transfer, please call the Mercy Foundation at 319-398-6206. I/We agree to contribute $ to help build the Hospice House. The contribution will be paid over a period of ❑ 1 year ❑ 2 years ❑ 3 years ❑ one-time gift Pledge payment schedule to begin (month/year) amount and continue ❑ Annually ❑ Semi-annually ❑ Quarterly ❑ My employer will match this gift. I will initiate the procedure right away. “It has been amazing. People are so passionate about this project. Many have shared their personal stories of family members and friends who received end-of-life care in a hospice house in other cities and states,” added Darrel. Payment Method ❑ Check (Make checks payable to Mercy Foundation, memo: Hospice House) ❑ Credit card ❑ Mastercard ❑ Visa ❑ Discover The campaign is well on its way to success with gifts being received from individuals, businesses and families within a 50-mile radius of Cedar Rapids. Hospice of Mercy has provided services in those outlying areas since 1980. Another noteworthy feature of the house is that it will be open to patients from any area hospice program. Name on card To give to the “Sharing the Journey” campaign, or to receive materials about the Dennis and Donna Oldorf Hospice House of Mercy, call the Mercy Foundation office at (319) 3986206. Online gifts can be made at www.mercycare.org. Dennis and Donna Oldorf Hospice House of Mercy groundbreaking ceremonies were held September 28, 2006. Recognition Opportunities Donors of $5000 or more will be recognized within the Dennis & Donna Oldorf Hospice House of Mercy. Gifts of $1000 or more will be recognized with an engraved paving stone/brick. Please call the Mercy Foundation at 319-398-6206 for a list of available naming opportunities. Card number Expiration Date ❑ Stock transfer (please call the Mercy Foundation at 319-398-6206) Signature Date Please print your name as you wish to be recognized: ❑ I/We wish to remain anonymous. Name(s) Address Street City State Phone E-mail Zip I/We wish to make this gift in honor of: 3 Donors to the Dennis and Donna Oldorf Hospice of Mercy House (Gifts/pledges received through September 28, 2006.)The following donors have made gifts and/or pledges to the Sharing the Journey campaign. Memorial gifts given through Aug. 31, 2006 are also listed in the In memory of section following the deceased person’s name. $1,000,000 and above Hall-Perrine Foundation Dennis & Donna Oldorf Family $100,000 to $499,999 Lavern T. & Audrey Busse Mercy Medical Center Auxiliary Mercy Medical Center Foundation Jerry & Audrey Ovel Sisters of Mercy $50,000 - $99,999 Aegon Transamerica Foundation Chris & Suzy DeWolf Family Elderkin & Pirnie PLC GreatAmerica Leasing Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation Iowa Blood & Cancer Care PLC Henry & Sara Katz Estate Rockwell Collins Ryan Companies Schimberg Family TrueNorth Companies $25,000 - $49,999 Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Allsop Marty Andreas Bradley & Riley PC Randall M. Brunson Cedar Memorial Funeral Home Climate Engineers, Inc. Jack & Dilla Cosgrove Diamond V Mills Fund Fairfax State Savings Bank Carleen M. Grandon Sister Delores M. Hannon Robert F. & Janis L. Kazimour Peggy & Jim Meek David & Mary Neuhaus Paulson Electric Company/PEC Communications Jewel M. Plumb Shirley Rissi Maxine Welch West Side Unlimited Corp. $10,000 - $24,999 Bruce & Janis Altorfer Mary Ashby Arlene Beman Benefit Solutions Inc. Ruth E. Rauch Bensmiller Bloomhall Family DA Fund Michelle Busse 4 Mary J. Cashen John L. & Mary Anne Donnelly Family David & Julie Ekland Bill & Pat Elkington Drs. Mary & Steven Eyanson GE Capital Golf Challenge Marc & Cathy Gullickson Scott & Judy Huebsch Barbara Knapp & Jim Nikrant Darrel A. & Middie Morf Jeffrey V. Nielsen & Kristine Heitland Chuck & Mary Ann Peters Janis & Bill Quinby Rinderknecht Associates, Inc. Simmons, Perrine, Albright & Ellwood Skogman Family Sandy & Jim Struve Abby Thrower & Alice Smith Carlton O. Tronvold/Tronvold Foundation Peter B. Welch Teed J. Welch $5,000 - $9,999 Chad Abernathey, M.D. & Loren Mouw, M.D. James & Sharon Altorfer Bankers Trust Company Bayer Healthcare, LLC Tara & Arlon Berkhof Randy & Leanne Burrack Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust Company Tim & Janice Charles Gary & Margie Connors-Boe Don & Karen Gaddis Dr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Gambach Dr. Thomas Getta Louis Harvieux Glenn & Bridget Janus Kathy & Phil Jasper Mary K. Keel David & Barbara Koch Roger A. & Judith A. Lemke Gary & Sarah Loney Kathleen & Hugh MacMenamin Alex & JoAnn Meyer Millhiser Smith Agency, Inc. Phil & Barb Peterson Dr. John & Joyce Puk Albert & Martha Ruffalo Mrs. Lawrence (Ruth) Strathman Jean & Jim Tinker Vector Corporation Diane & Martin Wiesenfeld $1,000 - $4,999 Linda & Peter Alexander Bill & Arlene Allison Ruth M. Altermatt Family & Friends of Robert J. Bensmiller Tom & Marcie Bergstrom The Bickel Family Dr. & Mrs. Donald Bomkamp Dr. & Mrs. Beamer Breiling Kenneth G. Brewer & June M. Brewer Dr. Michael & Vickie Brooks Dr.Jeffrey & Diane Buffo Paula & Chuck Burgmeier Maj. Gen. Louis D. Burkhalter Dr. Dennis & Ellie Charipar Jeffrey & Sara Clark Dick & Sherry Cornish Terry & Kay Crist Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Daly Jason & Kristin Davis Michael & Cindy Dunn Kevin Eck & Sashi Solomon Stan Eilers Dr. Richard & Janice Fiester Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. Brad & Jade Hart Roberta & Kevin Hartwig David & Susan Haupt Heartland Soccer Club, Inc. Eric & Julie Hender Donald Hilliard, M.D. Mark & Mary Hogenson Arnold Honick & Darcy Honick Hospice of Mercy Staff Donald & Jo Johnson Kenneth & Nancy Jollife Karl & Kristen Keeler Merry Kelley Mary Kemen & Brian Randall Steve & Kathy Krusie Family & Friends of Cynthia Lightfoot Jack & Colleen Lyster Richard McClain Dr. Thomas & Sandra McIntosh Jean E. McMann & Family William & Mimi Meffert Maureen Miller Tony & Kathy Moeder Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Nassif Family & Friends of Allen Nelson Jean Oldorf Tina & Andy Patterson Judith Lund Person Dr. Fred & Janet Manatt Pilcher Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Curt & Sigi Reynolds Dr. John & Mary Kay Ritchie George & Marilyn Roushar Sallie Mae Fund Employee Contributions Program William Scheible, M.D. Joe & Lynda Schimberg Schneider Family Jerry & Nancy Shirk Mildred A. Smith Diane & Rick Stefani Len & Chris Strand Barbara & Steve Ullrick Sara & Bob Vancura Steve & JoAnn Wahle Carol & Douglas Watson Weyerhaeuser Jim & Peg Whalen Lu & Earl Yanecek $500 - $999 Dr. Michael & Nancy Almasi Jim Bender Sandy Bender Blue Ribbon Investment Club Martha Anne Brecht Fred Brown Cedar Valley Running Association Dyersville Sales Co., Inc. Sharron Hiemstra Marjorie Hirleman Vicki Keegan Dan Leary Merle & Mary Menzel Family & friends of Rita Nelson Andre Osman Bill & Melinda Rhoads Vel Schope Thomas Scott James J. Stickley, D.D.S. George Thiher World Class Industries $100 - $499 Bob & Ann A’Hearn Dr. & Mrs. William Audeh John & Debra Augspurger Doctors Arthur & Marian Barnes Mary Becker Jim & Michelle Beghtol Joe & Rita Bertsch Reverend James L. Blocklinger James & Mary Bradley Ernie & Joann Buresh Kent Burkle Nancy Burrack Ronald Cadle Campbell Concrete & Materials, LP Carlson Wagonlit/ Destinations Unlimited Cedar Rapids Eye Care Brent & Dawn Cobb Raymond Conrad John & Connie Croucher Dave Crumley John & Anne Cunningham Kim Ebel John & Dana Ehrhart Mr. & Mrs. David M. Elderkin Brian & Julie Farmer Mr. & Mrs. C. Eugene Fifield Howard & Stacy Friedman Mike & Gina Gary Dorothy Gates Michael & Susan Gates Dr. JoLynn Glanzer Charlotte Glynn Ronald & Arlene Holden Hospice Care Corporation Kathy & Shaun Howe John Huffman Mohamed & Sally Igram ILC Resources Iowa Hospice Organization Howard & Mary James Family & friends of Louis Jedlicka Millie Jedlicka Sheri Jeffery Kenneth Kinsey Richard & Helen Kohl Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Krivit Jamie Licko Lil’ Drug Store Products Diane Lind Family LR Bergdale Enterprises Inc. Bonnie Malone Marshall Venture Capital, L.C. Harold & Jean Martin McLeodUSA Inc. Mary Michal Monday League Garry & Delores Moose Mary Mowrer Moyer & Bergman, P.L.C. Jack & Jeanette Mulligan Dr. Scott & Jeani Murtha National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization, Inc. Family & friends of William G. Neff Randy & Renee Neumann Merlin & Ruth Osborn Tom Parks & Mary Hindman Aurelia Parr Dave & Cathy Passmore P.E.O. Chapter KG Don & Karen Pfeiler R.W. Kunz & Associates, Inc. Jon Radulovic Jody Rausch Bill & Bette Raus Drs. Heidi & Doug Recker Michael Regan Karen Rhines Dr. & Mrs. Dale Roberson James & Mary Russell Emmett & Ann Scherrman George & Suzanne Schmidt Thomas & Barbara Schroeder Bill & Jo Schuster Brian & Molly Scott Charles L. & Evelyn Scott Shuttleworth & Ingersoll, P.L.C. Jeanne Simmons Duane Smith William & Patricia Sorsby John R. St. John Joe Steinke Robert & Sandra Stepanek Wally & Phyllis Storm Three Rivers Telecom Pioneers United Methodist Women Patti & Eric Upmeyer Rhonda Votino Susan & Christine Wagner Hecht Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Walsh Edgerly & Patricia Watts Charles & Pamela Wertz Amy Wilken-Heying Wholesale Feeds Owen Winterberg Robert & Teresa Wright 0 - $99 Maurine Adams Mr. & Mrs. James Affeldt Rodney & Sally Alexander Dennis & Darlene Allard Dale & Marilyn Allen Lloyd Aller David & Laura Andersen Mike and Kandie Anderson Maggie Andrews Anonymous Joan Arthurs Ann Bader Vivian Baier John & Suzanne Bailey Cindy Baird Dwaine & Phyllis Baker Roger & Diana Baldwin Jeff & Catherine Bales Ann Ballard Ed & Kelly Banach Steve & Kathy Barber Peggy Barron Dennis Baskerville Brent & Jodee Beck Dennis & Patricia Becker Holly Becker Mike & Jenny Becker Nora Becker Richard & Nancy Becker Sandra Becker Rollin & Ardell Begalske Debra Behne Dr. & Mrs. James Bell Irene Benischek Bruce & Yvonne Benkusky Gail Bennett Ryan & Carol Benson Jeanne & Mohammed Berry Monica Beuterbaugh Dale & Marion Beyer John P. & Larisa Bickel Mike & Lola Black Ralph & Shirley Blackford Scott & Jo Bogguss Ervin Bohrer Steven & Polly Boland Verda Boley O. Arnold & Thelma Borg Don & Janelle Born Ryan & Amy Bosch John C. & Phyllis Botkin Helen Bouse John & Jo Bouslog John & Kathy Bowman Mike & Candy Boyer Tony & Terra Bracy Sarah Breidert Bill & Bonnie Brockschink Barry & Nancy Brown Kivil & Lea Brown Mr. & Mrs. Larry Brown Erik & Serena Brueggemeyer John & Elizabeth Buckeridge Chuck & Kim Buckingham Raymond & Loretta Buelow Mike & Lynda Burgess Matthew Burkhalter Betty Burkholder Judy Burnett Traci Burns Sharon Burns-Knutson Willis & Linda Ann Bywater Pat & Laura Cain George & Roene Cammack Bonnie Campbell Mary Campbell Deb Cardis Mary Jo Carlson Ray & Jana Carson Sister Clementine Cashman Cedar Rapids Elementary Music Teachers Jerry & Mary Chaffee James Chipokas Bernice Christ Ivan Christopherson Tom & Betty Chukas Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Claeys John Clarahan Evelyn Clark Mike & Ruth Clark Paul & Susan Clark Jack & Ann Coady Barney & Marcia Colton Ryan Conway Duane Coonrod Yvonne Corbeil & Ira Byock Mark & Marcia Correll Barbara Cosaert Sarah Cotty Pat & Sally Courtney Thomas & Rebecca Cranston Joseph Creen Donna L. Cross Jerry & Karen Croucher Bernice Crozier Susan Cunningham DA Bunch Company Ellen Dane Dean Davis Violet Davis Bob & Roberta Davison Betty Debban Marcia Decker Daniel & Sheila Deininger Mike & Marilou Denney Dan & Connie DeRapes Julia Dessel David DeWalle Greg & Brooke DeWolf Dale & Tina Dice Gary & Martha Dicks Dan & Megan Diehm Janet Dietrich Margery Dillon Irma L. Dircks Robert & Diane Dircks Brent & Deb Donohoe Brian & Julie Donohoe Dana Lu Donohoe Robert & Bobbie Jo Donohoe Mike & Dorothy Downs Paul & J. Jeanene Drahos Michael & Jan Drahozal Jean Driscoll Drive By Investments, L.C. Kathie Duesenberg John & Kathy Dulle Casey Dunning Jon & Dina Dusek Jeanette Dyball John & Phyllis Dyer Gordon & Maxine Edwards John & Dana Ehrhart Bill & Sharon Elijah George & Eunice Elkington Elmcrest Country Club Dan & Janet Engle Dave & Maureen Engle Wayne & Shirley Engle Anita English Penelope Ensminger Susan Enzle Bernard & Madlyn Erdman Dr. & Mrs. James Erusha Robert C. & Arlene Erusha Vern & Rose Erusha R. Jean Evans Thomas & Julie Evans Don & Patty Everist Lou Fairchild Sam & Dee Farner Mr. & Mrs. Warren Feerer Marvela Fehling David & Helen Feiereisen Kimberly Feltman 5 Robert & Carol Ferguson Vicki Finkstein Joan Fishburn Lula Fisher Frank & Denise Floerchinger James & Janet Fosdick Robert & Elaine Fox Sister Lucy Frein Sister Gladys Frein James & Sherri Freml Richard & Mary Freml Emily French Ronald Fried Wilma Funk Adeline Gaimari Brian & Sharon Gardner Mike & Gina Gary John K. & Dorothy Gates Ronald & Elva Gauper Jon & Lynn Geadelmann Joyce Geater David Gee Dr. & Mrs. Richard Geiger Stuart & Amy Geiger Anna B. George Imelda Geraghty Steve & Sandi Gibney Dorothy Gilbertson Edward Gillan Marjorie Glass Jen Goedken Matthew & Jessi Good Todd & Donna Goodell John & Mary Gordon Dwight & Letha Goslar Ronald & Lou Anna Goslar Marva Grantham Larry & Teri Graw Carl & Karleen Gray William & Janice Green Margaret Greene Mike & Leah Greif Jay & Mary Greiner Earl & Mary Grimes Leonard & Linda Grimes Marilyn Gullickson Jeff Gunderson Sharon Gutwiler Carolyn K. Haase Mary Hachey Judy & Dennis Haefner Kirk Haefner Harry & Paulette Hala Thomas & Rachel Haley Curtis & Myra Hall Andrew & Amy Hamiliton Gary Hamilton Kari Hamilton Steve & JoAnn Hamilton Herbert & Carmen Hammerberg Colleen Hammes William & Ursula Hanavan Larry & Robin Hanover Michael & Mary Hansen Pete & Elfrieda Hansen 6 Larry & Jenny Hanson Stephen & Sydney Happel Marla Happell Dr. & Mrs. Tork Harman Charles & Cecelia Harmeyer John & Heidi Harriman Ardella Harrington Jeff & Tracy Harris Donald C. & Betty Hass Larry & Lynann Hasselbasch Mel & Helen Hasselbasch Allan Hasselbusch Pike Hasselbusch James & Kelly Hauer Russ & Brenda Havlik Lynn & Barbara Hayden Rick & Keri Heald Mr. & Mrs. Randy Heeren Diana & Billl Heinemann John & Carol Helbling George & Pamela Held Bob & Mary Beth Helgens Larry & Jan Helling Karen Helms Mary Helms Merle & Harriett Hemphill Pat & Becky Hensel Hertz Farm Management, Inc. Joseph & Shiela Herzberg Dr. & Mrs. John Hess Delmer & Patricia Hessenius Robert & Patricia Heyer Leah Rae & Jim Highly Matt Hilby Paul & Jan Hildebrand Dr. Richard & Ronda Hill Phil & Ione Himebaugh Bettye Hite Donna Hoaglin William M. & Phyllis Hodina Grace E. Hoefing Patricia Holderness Andy & Erin Holl Gerald & Barb Holtz Kathryn Holub Ken & Janice Hook Mary Hook Jean Hopp Carolyn & David Horton Kimberly Houser Thomas & Carol Hubbard Velma Huebner Robert & Debbie Hughes Peggy J. Hungerford Dennis & Donna Hunwardsen Sandy Hutchcroft Jan Hutchison Karla Ice Jean Imoehl Dorothy Inglis Stuart & Edith Ireland Brian & Barbara Jackson Buell & Helen Jackson Dean Jackson & Stacey Pawlak Kay Jackson LeRoy & Joyce Jackson Neia A. Jackson Scott & Michelle Jackson Vernon & Rose Jackson Dr. & Mrs. John Jacobs Marge Jacobs Gail Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Milan James Mark & Vicki Jennings Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Jennings Dan & Jill Jirak Jim & Barb Johnson Roger Johnson Sherry Johnson Mary Johnston Raymond W. Johnston Donele Jones Mike & Malinda Jones Thomas & Robin Journot James & Jeanne Juehring Michael Kabela Dolores M. Kaiden Kristen Kaylor Kory Kazimour Louis Kellner Doug Kelly Judith Ann & Terrance Kelly Terry & Kari Kelly Tom & Mary Ellen Kenney John & Joann Kettman Sharon Kibbe Evelyn Kimm Joan Kimm Kevin & Anne King Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kintzle Scott & Kris Klahn Michael F. & Barb Klappholz Paul & Judy Klein Melvin Kline Klingler Painting & Decorating, Inc. Paul & Jane Knapp Bob & Cheryl Kolar Shawn & Heather Koranda James & Katherine Krans Mike Krantz Mark & Stephanie Krause Gloria Kromminga William & Susan Krusemark Jonathan Krutz Don & Judy Kucera Ed & Janet Kulhavy Michael & Sharon Kunz Kellie Kurre Dwight & Gerry Kuster Carole Lafferty John & Lucy Lancaster Glenn & Kathie Lane Sue Lane Lola Lang Robert & Phyliss Lange Evelyn Lantz Richard & Marlyce Larson Peter & Kathleen Layden Ted & Pam Leblang Jessie Lefebure Linda Legg John Leland Terry & Kathy Leonard Mary Lerner Tom & Nancy Less Gloria Lewis Dolph & Mary Beth Leytze Brian Licht Marva Livengood Marilyn Lodge Don & Mabel Lofgren Pauline Lundgren Ed & Patricia Machacek George & Charlotte Machacek Norma Machacek Mr. & Mrs. Brent Magid Carol Malcolm Barbara Malina Mary Mangold Dixie Martin Stephen Martin Lois Mather John & Tracie Maurice Gerald May Stephanie McAdam Bev McAllister Ryan & Lura McBride Dr. & Mrs. Owen McCarron Timothy & Ann McCrea Sharron McElmeel Shawn McGowan Joe & Barb McGrane Linda McGrew Dr. Ann McKinstry & Mark McKinstry Mr. & Mrs. Larry McLaughlin Kathleen McNamara Betty Lou McVay Jon & Kay McWhinney Merci’s Tailoring, Inc. Mercy Home Health Care Mercy Medical Center Social Workers Margaret Meridith Zip & Juanita Merrill Carl Meyer Carmel Meyer Earl & Dorothy Meyer John & Jan Meyer Kirk Meyer Duane & Julia Miller Joseph & Diane Miller Verlis & Nancy Miller Richard & Darcie Mitchell Mike & Ann Mohnsen Gordon Mollman Cleo & Kathleen Montgomery John & Diane Montgomery Veda Moore Bob & Susie Moran Margaret Morehead Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Morgan Carol Morrissey Mount Vernon Lisbon Womans Club Jessica Mrkvicka Chris & Laura Mueller Charles & Melanie Munro Marlyce Murdoch Gary & Jan Myers Karen Myers Julie Nay Kay Nelson Kenneth & Shirley Neumann Earlene Nicolay Robert & Cathy Nicolay Karen L. Nielsen Crystal Nodurft David & Anne Nordstrom Novak Construction Company Dennis Novak & Heather Hapgood Mr. & Mrs. Russell Novotny Ron & Carmen Nowachek Deanna Nurre Roberta Oakley Jeffrey & Leanne O’Brien Mary Ellen Oglesby Kathy Ogren Corinne Ohligschlager Marilee Oldorf Ross & Kimberly Oltmann Jerry & Marilyn Owen Jim & Trish Palmer Rose Palumbo Janeanne & David Parker Marvin & Carol Parmer Fred Parr Rich & Marion Patterson Adelia Pearson Tom & Alice Pei Michael & Diana Peiffer Elaine Peters Burgess & Joan Petersen Jerry & Lois Petersen Scott & Sara Petersen Shirley Petersen Robert & Rita Peterson Anton Petrzelka Janey Piersall Wallace F. Pinckney Paul & Mindy Plantz Bob & Kris Plueger Rusty Portor Helen Posusta Bruce & Bonnie Potter Kevin & Laurie Powrie Nancy Prabel Kenneth & Helen Pratt Gary & Linda Pribyl Alycia Pruitt Pat & Vivian Quinn Catherine Radzewich Mark Ramsey Dr. & Mrs. David Rater Tracy & Alan Read Barry A. & Mary Reed Jennifer Reed Lola Reisner Jerry & Kathy Reside Michael & Diane Reutzel Dolores Riepe Steven & Becky Rindfleisch Dr. & Mrs. John Ritchie Dr. & Mrs. Martin Roach David & Karen Roberts Michele Roddey Chuck & Judy Rogers Jeff & Stacey Rogers Lonnie & Shirley Rogers Hazel Rohwedder Tom & Judy Rohwedder Jim & Michelle Rose Michael & Pamela Rosenberg Ross Farm Account William & Katherine Ross Bob & Martha Rossow Fred & Karla Rossow Orville Rossow Del & Donna Roth Jim & Jeanie Ruehlow David & Rita Rummells Janis Russell Tonia Ryan Denny & Shelly Samuelson Mr. & Mrs. Dale Sargent K. Alice Satterly Dale & Barbara Sawyer Dr. & Mrs. John Sawyers Thomas Saxen Emma Schall-Houlahan Duffy & Belva Schamberger Robert & Martha Scharff Neal & Kathleen Scharmer Margaret Scheffert Donald & Joyce Schmidt Lee & Darlene Schmidt Heidi Schmitz Jean E. & Royce Schneider Terry & Roseann Schneider Lila Schultz Eugene R. Schwarting Catherine Scott Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Seibert Bill & Cathy Sheka Kay Shive-Henry & George Henry Kenneth Shogren Chris Shroyer Kenneth & Kristalyn Siegel Harold & Wilma Siler Bill Sindlinger Robin & Joyce Sirowy Janusz & Mary Ellen Skwarks David & Beth Smith Ellis & Kathy Smith James & Cindy Smothers Leah Smutzer Al & Sara Sorensen Gary Speicher Donna Spellman James & Nancy Spencer Tracy Spicer David & Pauline Spiekermeier Virginia & Don Springer Sue Stannard John Stanton Carrol & Ted Stark Norman & Barbara Starr Mr. & Mrs. Harold Stickney Roger & Oline Stigers Rodney Stoecker Lynda Stokke Jacqueline Stoll A. Robert & Carol Streeper Jess Streif Keith & Linda Stump Anne Suggs James A. & Ann Sullivan Melissa Summers Neil & Marcia Sutherland Emily Sweet Patricia Sweetman Jim & Bev Tallman Howard & Sharon Tauke Anne Taylor Barbara Teahen Tennessee Hospice Organization Jim Thebeau & Teel Salaun Colleen Thomas Dorothy Thompson Dale & Alicia Thomsen Robert & Patricia Tiarks Larry & Jane Tjaden Kurt & Angela Tjelmeland Kathy Toborg & Ben Halupnik Dale & Sara Todd Ellen Toomey Linda Toomey Karen Tousey Robert Tracy Morris & Jane Trandal Trinity United Methodist Church Abe & Nicki Tubbs Dr. & Mrs. Dean Twaddle Judy Twite Mark Tyler Barbara & David Unzeitig Mary Valenta Michael & Marla Valliere John & Kristine Van Cleve Tom & Vickie Van Etten Doug & Cece Van Metre Don Vanourney Ivah Vater Gary & Susan Vavroch John & Mary Vernon Jan Vesey Jeffrey & Lisa Visek Larry & Marlene Viterna Ann Volz Karen Volz Kenneth & Catherine Volz Sharon Volz Tom & Jill Voss Naomi Wade Cal & Marge Wagner Gary & Betsy Wagner Leola Wagner Angie Wagoner Roger & Catherine Walker Michael D. & Jeanne Wampler Diana Ward Daniel & Debbi Washburn Beth Washler John & Alice Wasson Nadine Wax Dr. & Mrs. Jeruld Weiland Karen Welch Kevin & Amber Welch Dale Welsh Henry Weseman Edith Wessel Jean Westphal Judy Wheeler Bob & Phyllis White Martha White Sharon White Sarah Whitters Sister Mary Cephas Wichman Marilyn Wickenkamp Janet Wietlispach Bart Williams Darrell & Alvalene Williams Mr. & Mrs. Keith Williams Norman & Donna Wilslef Charles & Pamela Wilson Delores Wilson Tim & Sue Winegarden Mary Kay Wolfe Dr. & Mrs. John Wollner Wright School Social Committee Terry Zabokrtsky Joe & Marcia Zachar Bernard & Dorothy Zeman David & Candi Zenisek Gerald Zenisek Ron Zenisek Merwin & Michele Zerba Nancylee Ziese Mike Zlatohlavek James Zumbrunnen In kind gifts Ryan Conway CRST International Hassan Igram/Cedar Graphics 7 Important news in charitable giving Mercy Foundation has record year Learn of some recent provisions that allow for easy and innovative ways to maximize your charitable gifts and reap substantial tax benefits. Exciting new developments in the world of gift giving have been announced recently. If you have ever considered making a gift to your favorite charity, now is the time. Recent legislation provides individuals an unprecedented opportunity to make significant donations with little tax liability. Take these ideas with you when meeting with your tax advisor or estate planning attorney. $ The Pension Protection Act of 2006 was signed into law by President Bush on August 17, 2006. This bill contains an IRA Charitable Rollover provision that will allow people age 70 1/2 or older to transfer up to $100,000 from an individual retirement account directly to charity without paying income tax on the funds. The IRA Charitable Rollover provision applies only to traditional and Roth IRAs – not other retirement plans, such as 401(K), 403 (b), annuities and SEPs. Mercy Medical Center qualifies for these direct IRA rollover gifts. This new law will benefit seniors desiring to leave a permanent legacy to their favorite charities. The bill covers only this year and next year. $ “Endow Iowa” is another once-in-alifetime program that allows a donor to make a gift to a permanent endowment through a community foundation and receive a 20% Iowa State income tax credit in addition to other charitable gift deductions. (example: a gift of $100,000 would make you eligible for a tax credit of $20,000) The maximum credit per taxpayer is $100,000 – the credit on a $500,000 gift. The gift must be to a qualified community foundation, but the gift can benefit any charity, as specified by the donor. The Mercy Medical Center Foundation Endowment Fund at The Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation is eligible for the “Endow Iowa” program. Take advantage of this program early because the $2,000,000 of authorized tax credits will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. $ Giving gifts of appreciated stock is not a new gift giving vehicle, but it is becoming a more popular option. Why? Because donors receive a double tax benefit: You can deduct the full market value of your appreciated assets – if owned more than one year – and you save again by avoid- For further information on gift planning, call Cathy Gullickson, president of the Mercy Foundation, at 319-398-6206. ing all capital gains taxes. It’s very important to gift the stock itself to the charity — not to sell the stock before gifting it because you will then pay capital gains on the asset. $ Other common gift opportunities at Mercy Medical Center Foundation are bequests, life insurance and gift annuities. All planned gifts will qualify you for Mercy’s Founders’ Society. Careful planning can allow you to make gifts of surprising significance, often with dramatic tax and financial rewards. Gifts can be earmarked for a particular program or purpose, or simply applied wherever the need is greatest. Thanks to the generosity of individuals and organizations in our community and area, the Mercy Foundation experienced a record-setting year in fiscal 2006: • Total contributions exceeded $6,000,000. • The total includes a generous grant of $3,000,000 from the Hall-Perrine Foundation for new, cutting-edge equipment in the Hall Radiation Center, enabling us to perform new, life-saving radiation treatments. • Major gifts included a lead gift and a generous Mercy Auxiliary gift to start off our “Sharing the Journey” Hospice House Capital Campaign. • Mercy employees participating in Mercy’s “Commitment to Community” campaign to benefit the Mercy Foundation, United Way, and Variety – the Children’s Charity, gave a record amount for the entire campaign as well as for the Foundation. • Estate gifts of over a million dollars were received, including one bequest of over $880,000. • Nearly 50% more memorial gifts were made this year when compared with last year, and the total given to memorials exceeded last year by over 50%. • Nearly $100,000 was brought in to the Foundation to fund new Charitable Gift Annuities for our donors. • The Board Floor renovation project was a big success, with gifts of over $300,000 from Mercy’s Board of Trustees and the Foundation Board members to help fund the Orthopaedic Care Center renovation on third floor of the patient tower. • Numerous gifts and pledges were made to support the Dennis and Donna Oldorf Hospice House of Mercy, the first capital campaign in Mercy Foundation history. • A record number of volunteers joined us to make our capital campaign a success. It is only with the support of our donors that the Mercy Foundation is able to assist Mercy Medical Center in its mission “to care for the sick and enhance the health of the communities we serve, guided by the spirit of the Sisters of Mercy.” Thank you. New Founders’ Society Members 2006 For more information about any of the above gift giving opportunities, please contact Cathy Gullickson at (319) 398-6206. For further information about charitable gift planning, complete and mail the response form below. Or if you wish, call Cathy Gullickson at (319) 398-6206. ■ Please send me free literature about opportunities for making planned gifts to Mercy Medical Center Foundation. ■ Please contact me to discuss a planned gift or to arrange for a visit. ■ I have already included Mercy Medical Center in my estate plans, as follows: ■ Please send me information about Mercy’s Founders’ Society. Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: 8 Mail in attached postage paid envelope. 2006 Mercy Founders’ Society new members are pictured at the annual banquet held on Tuesday, September 26. (left to right) Arlene Beman, Charles Rohde, Jewel Plumb, Ruth McGuire, David McGuire, Jo Galbraith and Dr. William Galbraith. Other honorees who could not attend were Audrey and Lavern Busse, Fran and David M. Elderkin, and Mary and Roger Hostetler. 9 Partners in Caring Hospice beginnings: an interview with founder Dr. Bomkamp Briefly describe your background. I am a hometown boy, born at Mercy Hospital. My first introduction to medicine came in 1950 to 1955. The Korean War broke out and I enlisted to become a medical corpsman. Upon discharge I entered the University of Iowa, obtained my medical degree and passed my specialty boards for Family Practice. I was in private practice for 30 years, 10 years at MercyCare North, 2 years at MercyCare South, and now I’m volunteering at the Community Health Free Clinic. When did you first hear of hospice and its philosophy? My first introduction to hospice was by necessity. I had been in practice since 1960 and had never heard of hospice. In 1977, our 18-year-old son was diagnosed with malignant melanoma of the scalp, Clark level 4. That diagnosis is a death sentence despite proper medical care. I was well aware that medicine at that time did a very poor job of terminal care for both the family and the patient. Pain control for chronic pain was poorly understood by American physicians, and the needs of the patient and the family were unrecognized. I knew there had to be something better for our son and patients in general. Describe how you got involved with hospice. A nurse, psychologist, social worker, and I set about to investigate. The psychologist had heard of a program called “hospice.” We found very little help from the American literature and had to go to literature from England and Europe. There was no organized approach in American literature for the control of chronic pain, only about acute post-operative pain. There was no I.V. morphine drip, no oral morphine. Physicians were afraid of it for fear of addiction if used long term. There were no existing hospices close by to consult. (In fact, there was only one located on each coast.) I spent five days in Canada with an existing hospice to see how it was working. What were the biggest challenges you faced getting a hospice program started in our area? Hospice was a whole new approach to end of life care. Letting a patient die at home under the care of family was uncommon. Prior to World War II, patients dying at home were common. After the war most patients died in the hospital. We needed to change the attitude of society, families, patients, and the most difficult – the attitude of doctors toward proper pain relief, and the other needs of our patients. Give an example of one of the regulations or barriers that had to be overcome. When patients died in the hospital, a physician pronounced them dead. Patients dying at home presented a new problem. Funeral directors were reluctant to pick up the bodies of patients unless they were pronounced dead by a medical representative. As a result, when the family called the funeral home, the police were notified, who then notified the ambulance, and they all arrived at the scene. It was additional turmoil to an already emotional situation. By 1980, we had most of the problems under control and Hospice of Mercy became accredited – one of the very first hospices in the United States. 10 Dr. Don Bomkamp, retired physician and founder of Hospice of Mercy What are the advantages of hospice? Why would you recommend the services to someone? The team approach is one of the major advantages of the program. Social, religious, physical, medical, and interpersonal problems can be addressed as they arise. Most patients do not fear death as much as dying. The problems can be addressed quickly so the patient and family can be more comfortable. Pain especially may need reevaluation hourly, not daily, and only those caring for the dying patient can know what that means. Why did you decide to get involved in the “Sharing the Journey” capital campaign to build our area’s first hospice house? The hospice program has been a friend to thousands of patients over the last 25 years. Now it can be an even more effective friend. There are times when things can be handled more effectively in a “hospice with walls.” This is a marvelous addition. It is a “MUST DO” for Cedar Rapids and the surrounding communities. This will be a friend, not an institution. What is the most rewarding part about being involved with this project? Seeing how the hospice program has grown from the beginning to the ultimate goal of a house. It makes an old man proud to have been a part of something that means so much to me and my family. Why should the community support this project? None of us knows what the future holds for us. We do know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we will all die. Making a contribution to this cause may be an investment in your future. Any other words of wisdom you’d like to pass on? The hospice teams are trained to be responsive to the needs of the patients. Beyond the training, however, is that very special sense that dedicated staff and volunteers seem to have. That sense cannot be trained, it comes from within. All donors to the Mercy Foundation between September 1, 2005 and August 31, 2006 are listed. BEQUESTS lists deceased persons whose gifts were received through wills, trusts, or other planned giving tools. Bequests Douglas G. & Geraldine F. Ballard Columbus Mariano “Cal” Basile Richard G. Bausch Irene Cockburn Elsie Mary Louise Cunningham Sara Katz Lillian M. Krejci-Robison Kathryn Moyer Irma F. Rhodes Henry Schone Harold F. Thede Weaver Witwer Mercy’s Founders’ Society Members 2006 Mary C. Ashby Evelyn & Walter Badger C.M. Basile* Arlene M. Beman Bob and Alice* Bevenour John P.* & Ruth A. Bickel Margaret* & Lou Burkhalter Steven & Joanne Carfrae Mary J. Cashen Leola Zavodsky Clark Frances & Samuel* Cohn Josephine & Sutherland* Cook Mark & Mary Coppock George L. Dlask & Evelyn M. Dlask Larry & Cindy Donaldson David M. & Frances T. Elderkin Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Erdman Rick & Donna Flynn William B. Galbraith, M.D. & JoAnne F. Galbraith Father John Gallagher* Harry Gillespie* Marc & Cathy Gullickson Mary E. Hachey Norbert B. Hahn Mary Lou & Don Hattery Clifford Hendricks, M.D. Mary & Roger Hostetler Delores Hubert Glenn & Bridget Janus Reynolds A. Jensen Sam S.* & Joanne Johnson, Sr. Suzanne & Bert Katz Robert F. & Jan Kazimour Irene B. Konecny Dr. Whealen Koontz Kathy & Steve Krusie Robert & Caroline Kucharski Rev. Charles E. Lang Ursula Shimek Lenard* Abbott B. Lipsky & Joan M. Lipsky John Lipsky & Zsuzsanna Karasz Lee & Andrea Liu J. Edward Lundy *Deceased members FOUNDERS’ SOCIETY lists those who have included Mercy Medical Center in their estate plans, created an endowed fund at the Mercy Foundation, or contributed a total of $50,000 or more in lifetime gifts to Mercy. Jean & Jim Tinker Dr. Campbell F. Watts & Doris Watts* Charlie & Tina Weepie Maxine & Ted* Welch Spirit of Mercy SPIRIT OF MERCY CLUB lists donors who give $1,000 or more to the Mercy Foundation over the course of a fiscal year. GIFTS lists those whose gifts were not designated as honor or memorial gifts. IN HONOR lists the persons honored, followed by those who gave gifts for the honoree. IN MEMORY lists deceased persons, followed by the donors who gave to their memorials. Every memorial fund remains open, and gifts are always welcome. COMMITMENT TO COMMUNITY lists Mercy staff members and physicians who gave to Mercy Foundation through Mercy’s annual employee campaign. ESPECIALLY FOR YOU lists sponsors for the annual breast cancer walk and run to provide mammograms and breast cancer services to women. When we receive your gift, we write to thank you for the gift and acknowledge the purpose for which you gave. In the case of honor or memorial gifts, we also notify the honoree or the family of the deceased that we have received your gift. We make every effort to accurately report your gifts in the annual Partners magazine. Please notify us of any corrections. Photographs on the following pages bring you a glimpse of the people who work at Mercy Medical Center. Your support of the Mercy Foundation helps us bring the “Mercy Touch” to those we serve and care for every day. Mrs. John E. Mangold Donald A. McEleney, M.D. Bruce & Judy McGrath David & Ruth McGuire Dr. Thomas & Sandra McIntosh Judge & Mrs. E.J. McManus Peggy & Jim Meek Wally & Betty Milden Cheryle & Frank Mitvalsky Darrel & Middie Morf Dale & Louise Morgan David C. Neuhaus & Mary Donna & Dennis* Oldorf Ron & Sue Olson Dr. & Mrs. Merlin Osborn Timothy & Nancy Palm Ray & Jean Petrzelka Jean Plotz Jewel & James* Plumb Jr. William & Janis Quinby Bill & Bette Raus Curt & Sigrid Reynolds Charles A. Rohde Eugene R. Schwarting Kyle & Susan Skogman Al & Sara Sorensen Mrs. John Luke Thacker Dr. David* & Joan Thaler Aegon Transamerica Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Alberts Alliant Energy Foundation Robert & Elizabeth Allsop Mary Ashby LeDonia Asmussen Dr. A. Ersin & Shawn Atay Walter & Evelyn Badger George K. Baldwin Dr. Plenny & Colleen Bates Harold & Dianne Becker Robert & Nancy Becker Robert J. & Peggy Bevenour James Denecke Bever, Deceased Ruth Bickel Dr. & Mrs. Beamer Breiling Kenneth & June Brewer Dr. Michael & Vickie Brooks Dr. John & Sara Brownell Dr. Jeffrey & Diane Buffo Maj. Gen. Louis D. Burkhalter Michele & Jeff Busse Lavern & Audrey Busse Edith Case Mary J. Cashen Tim & Janice Charles Climate Engineers, Inc. Collins Employees United Fund Mrs. Cleo Conner Jack & Dilla Cosgrove CRST International, Inc. Gordon and Verna Mae Dennis Chris & Suzy DeWolf Sister James Marie Donahue Eastern Iowa Mustangs Richard Edgar Dr. Stan & Carol Eilers Bill & Pat Elkington Eric Eppard Fairfax State Savings Bank Pat & Phyllis Falconio William & Marnie Fletcher Don & Karen Gaddis Dr. William & Jo Galbraith Reverend John R. Gallagher, Deceased Dr. Ronald & Corrine Gambach General Mills Foundation GreatAmerica Leasing Corporation Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation Marc & Cathy Gullickson Norbert B. Hahn Hall-Perrine Foundation Sister Delores M. Hannon 11 Joyce Peiffer, Surgical Inpatient Center Ben & Georgina Hill Joe Hladky III Charlotte Hogan Hospice of Mercy Staff Harry Ramsay Hoyt, Deceased Delores Hubert Susan & Michael Humphrey Denise & Harold Hunt Iowa Blood & Cancer Care, PLC Glenn & Bridget Janus Joanne Johnson Dave & Mary Johnson Sam & Pam Johnson, Jr. Doris Jones Robert & Janis Kazimour Jan Keyes Barbara Knapp and Jim Nikrant Dave & Barbara Koch Randy & Suzanne Krejci Steve & Kathy Krusie Ursula Shimek Lenard, Deceased Abbott & Joan Lipsky John Lipsky & Zsuzsanna Karasz Lee & Andrea Liu Jack & Colleen Lyster Frank & Marilyn Magid Mary Mangold Markel Corporation George & Janelle McClain Bruce & Judy McGrath Nancy McHugh Dr. Thomas & Sandra McIntosh Dr. William & Mimi Meffert Mercy Medical Center Auxiliary Alex & JoAnn Meyer Maureen Miller Cheryle & Frank Mitvalsky Darrel A. & Middie Morf Dr. Dale & Louise Morgan Drs. Donald & Mary A. Nelson James C. & Patricia Nemmers David & Mary Neuhaus Donna Oldorf Jean Oldorf Ron & Sue Olson Alex & Joy Perri Chuck & Mary Ann Peters Cecil H. Petersen Mike Plotz Jean Paulson Plotz Jewel Plumb 12 Eliot & Barb Protsch Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Dr. & Mrs. John Puk Mary & Jon Quass Dr. Brian C. Randall & Dr. Mary C. Kemen Dr. David & Mary Jo Rater Tom & Pat Reed Dr. Curt & Sigi Reynolds Mark & Tina Riepe John & Thelma Rife Charles A. Rohde Catherine Rohde George & Marilyn Roushar Al & Martha Ruffalo Richard J. Ryan Emmett & Ann Scherrman Joseph & Lynda Schimberg Eugene R. Schwarting Charles Sheehy Sisters of Mercy Sisters of Mercy Leadership Team Kyle & Susan Skogman Mildred A. Smith Al & Sara Sorensen Henry & Patricia Strathman Michael Strathman & Mary Jo West Ruth Strathman Eleanor Streletzky Barbara Tetzloff Lucille E. Thompson, Deceased A. James & Jean Tinker TrueNorth Companies Barbara & Steve Ullrick United Way of East Central Iowa US Bank Lura Usher Robert Verhille Variety — The Children’s Charity Donald E. & Esther Vorel Edwin & Kathy Wadsworth Dr. Francis O. Walker & Dr. Debra C. Liu Ann Watson Carol and Doug Watson Maxine Welch Michael Welch Wells Fargo Bank Iowa Robin Werling William P. Whipple Jerry Wille Gifts-Individuals Marie Acevedo Robert & Elizabeth Allsop Ken & Marilyn Andersen Anonymous Shirley Anthony Joan Arthurs LeDonia Asmussen Milton & Joyce Aucoin Walter & Evelyn Badger George K. Baldwin Plenny & Colleen Bates Robert & Nancy Becker Robert & Peggy Bevenour James D. Bever Ed and Catherine Blando Rev. Russell M. Bleich Lisa Boddicker Karen Bonifazi Jason & Brittany Booth Lorna Britcher Dr. Michael & Vickie Brooks George & Scott Brunscheen Maj. Gen. L.D. Burkhalter Jeff & Michele Busse Robert Bzdill, Jr. Jo Carlson Henry Carson Edith Gillespie Case Dr. Jeffrey & Sara Clark Jeffrey Clark Sharon & Louis Collins Mark & Mary Coppock Catherine Coyne Steven & Joanne Carfrae Nicala Davis Jeff & Carolyn Diveley Martha Divishek Lois Donovan Michael Donovan Bernard & Shirley Drahozal Mr. & Mrs. John Earsa Mike & Amy Ehr Craig & Terry Eilbert Mike and Peggy Emery Susan Enzle Charles & Mary Eoff Bernard & Madlyn Erdman Don & Rita Erusha Dr. & Mrs. Maurice Estes Pat & Phyllis Falconio William & Margaret A. Fletcher Rick & Donna Flynn Paula Forest Adeline Gaimari Melvin H. Galbraith Dr. William & Jo Anne Galbraith Rev. John R. Gallagher Dr. Ronald & Corrine Gambach Genevieve Gatto Vernon & Martha Gericke Gail Gevock Roberta Gilchrist Tony & Magda Golobic Mary E. Hachey R.C. & Audrey Hagerman Norbert Hahn Rick & Sharon Hannen Deborah Hannen & Robert Ramsey David & Beverly Hannon Deborah Hansen Lois Hanson Sheila Harman Eric Harstad Dr. David & Susan Haupt Kathryn Hausmann Kate Hawkins Katherine Hayzlett Trina Heath Diane Heims Patricia Herman Lisa Hinton John & Esther Ann Hite Joe Hladky Shawn Hoaglan Mark & Mary Hogenson Jean Hopp Mary Hostetler Blaine Houmes & Nancy Pfutzenreuter Harry Hoyt Delores Hubert Louis & Millie Jedlicka Steve Jellison Jon R. Jensen David & Mary Johnson Sam & Pam Johnson Thomas Ketelsen Jan Keyes Dave & Barbara Koch Darcy Koehn Anna Komisar Steve & Kathy Krusie Sister Bernice Kurt Carlton & WIlma Lake Pete & Kathy Layden Gary Leach Ursula Lenard Abbott & Joan Lipsky Belle Lipsky John Lipsky & Zsuzsanna Karasz Lee & Andrea Liu Donna Long Terry & Laura Loveless Jim & Cindy Lyness Frank & Marilyn Magid Joe & Marlene Marolf Eileen Marsh Allenda Mauseth Steve & Denise Maze Owen & Sharla McCarron Laura McClure Bruce & Judy McGrath Laurie McGrath Donna McGurk Nancy McHugh Thomas J. & Sandra McIntosh Julie McLaughlin Betty Meaker Alex & Joann Meyer Henry & Mildred Meyer Sr. Judith Meyers James & Linda Meyers Harold & Pauline Miller Dr. Neil & Catherine Mittelberg Amy Moenk Richard Moenk Willis & Dorothy Ann Mohn Bill & Maria Moothart Darrel & Middie Morf Dale & Louise Morgan Kathryn Moyer Dr. Scott & Jeanine Murtha Forrest & Elaine Mykleby Ruth L. Nash Don & Mary Anne Nelson Pat & Jim Nemmers David C. Neuhaus Jerry Nixon Glenys Barnes O’Donnell Joanne Ohligschlager Jeannie & Bill Olinger Scott & Penny Olson Merlin & Ruth Osborn Bill & Char Osborne, The Osborne Family Charitable Fund Rue Patel Ann Patters Alex & Joy Perri Chuck & Mary Ann Peters Phil & Barb Peterson Ray & Jean Petrzelka Carol Pickart Dr. Julius Pietrzak Jeannette Pins Sister Mary Lou Podzimek Dr. Charles Pruchno & Dr. Marcia Willing Dr. & Mrs. John Puk Dr. David & Mary Jo Rater Carol Jo Rees Elinor & Glendon Remington Curt & Sigrid Reynolds Irma F. Rhodes Julie Richards John & Thelma Rife Dr. & Mrs. W. John Robb Jacqueline Robertson Jeannine K. Robinson Charles A. Rohde Bert & Evelyn Roseberry Ann & Henry Royer Albert & Martha Ruffalo Mary Salmon Michael Sanborn Crystal Ann Schafrick Bruce Scheff Dr. William Scheible Emmett & Ann Scherrman Jeffry L. Schlemmer George & Suzanne Schmidt Henry Schone Lila Schultz Robert Schultze Darrell & Shirley Schumacher Jeanette Schwarz William & Victoria Selzer Thomas Shea Bill Sindlinger Gary Skogman Kyle & Susan Skogman Rick & Marilyn Skogman Lorraine Snell David & Mindy Sorg Katherine A. Spartz Patricia Steinberg Barbara & Woody Stone Melissa Young Szalay Drs. Chris & Tanya Teggatz Steve & Barbara Thiher George & Dorothy Thiher Ed & Chris Tibesar A. James & Jean Tinker Ernest & Margaret Tippie Robert Toborg Gene & Kathleen Todd Mr. & Mrs. Steve Udermann Crystal A. Vance Karen Volz Donald & Esther Vorel Alice L. Vrba Mary Waller Carol & Doug Watson Robert & Janet Webster Anne Wegman Peggy Boyle Whitworth Martin & Diane Wiesenfeld Deborah Wood Margaret York Harold Zenisek Ray & Sheryl Zinkula Gifts-Organizations Al-Anon Need to Feel Better Allen Motor Company Alliant Energy Foundation* American Legion Auxiliary, Hanford Unit #5 Archer Daniels Midland Company Beta Sigma Phi, Zeta Sigman Chapter Catholic Laymans Club Climate Engineers Collins Employees United Fund Eastern Iowa Mustangs Erb’s Business Machines, Inc. Fairfax State Savings Bank* Fraternal Order of Eagles, Cedar Rapids Aerie No. 2272 General Mills Foundation GreatAmerica Leasing Corporation Greater Cedar Rapids Foundation Hall-Perrine Foundation HGA Architecture & Engineering Hawkeye Fire & Safety Co. Highway Equipment Company IBM Isle of Iowa Parrothead Club Jordan’s Grove Baptist Church Lions Club of Iowa Local P-3 Retirees Club Marion Iron Co. Maytag Corporation Foundation* NCS Pearson Ob-Gyn Associates, PC PEO Chapter II Pepsico Foundation* Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts* Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids Simmons, Perrine, Albright & Ellwood Sisters of Mercy Sisters of Mercy Leadership Team Square D Foundation* T & M Services, Inc. of Cedar Rapids TrueNorth Companies United Way of East Central Iowa United Way of Johnson County United Way (New York, NY) United Way of Tri-State Employees of Bristol Myers Squibb Unity Center of Cedar Rapids Variety - The Children’s Charity Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Weyerhaeuser Company Xavier High School The Zurich U.S. Foundation* Vicki Finkstein Hospice of Mercy Sister Gladys Frein Vern & Rose Erusha Mary Frevert Henry Frevert * Matching gifts In Honor William Fusselman Hospice of Mercy Elmo and Mary Angell Shirley Bush Margaret Greene Jim & Win Lindsay Marjoria McCarty Rev. James L. Blocklinger Lucille Grobstick Desi Hannon Kory Kazimour Dorrance and Shirley Brady Laverne & Mary Jane Crowley James & Bonnie Thomas Christine Harlander Sharron Trollinger Jeanne Brandes Mercy Home Care Paula Burgmeier Mercy Home Care Leanne Burrack Hospice of Mercy Staff Dr. Ken Cearlock Hospice of Mercy Marie Cook Joe Shimek Helen Marie Dapper Delores Heckenliable Patricia Day Gayle & Ann Buroker Sister James Marie Donahue Thomas Shea Jean Duppong Ruth Crane Bill Elkington Hospice of Mercy Mary Emerson Hospice of Mercy Sr. Mary Alice Ernst Marie Acevedo Donna Feld Mercy Home Care Kelly Murphy, Information Services Dr. Greg Hayes Mercy Home Care Brenda Hogan Mercy Home Care Susan Humphrey Bill & Bette Raus JoAnn Janssen Mercy Home Care Sher Jasperse Hospice of Mercy Sara Jordan Hospice of Mercy Robert J. and Janis F. Kazimour Ron & Arlene Holden Karl Keeler Mercy Home Care Gary Kisling Steve & Barbara Murphy Dick & Gwen Lear Steve & Barb Murphy Donald and Barbara Lynk Nancy & Randy Lowenberg Roger and Joyce Schreder Tudy Streletzky Laurie Mahoney-Willager Hospice of Mercy Jessie Seaton Joe Shimek Melody Malek Bill & Bette Raus Al Sorensen Sara Sorensen Darlene Mast Christopher Mast Steve, Brian & Lauren Mast Robert and June Stock Nola Schroeder Marjoria McCafrty Margaret Greene Surgery Center/PASE Staff and Volunteers Nancy & Bernie Shade Ruth L. Mitvalsky Steven & Barbara Murphy Edna Takes Steve & Barbara Murphy Margaret Murphy Hospice of Mercy Linda Tandy Mercy Home Care Kay Nelson Volunteers & Staff of Hospice of Mercy Fred Templer Jon & Kay McWhinney David Neuhaus Hospice of Mercy Sister Susan O’Connor Mark & Jo Ellen Cook Rod & Lana McCool Mercy Home Care Tim & Nancy Palm Margaret Pence Hospice of Mercy Nichole Plagge Bill & Bette Raus Sister Mary Lou Podzimek Laura Mottinger Mercedes Reyhons Family of Alma O’Neill Curtis L. Reynolds Sigrid Reynolds Emma Schall-Houlahan Paul & Rita Hutchins Doug and Joanne Schminke Gary & Char Orndorff Paul & Jan Hildebrand Mary Hook & Family Sandy Hutchcroft Jean Imoehl Robert & Patricia Jennings G. Richard & Jackie Johnson Lola Lang Peter & Kathy Layden Linda Legg Tim & Ann McCrea Mary Ellen Oglesby John & Julie Sawyers Bill & Cathy Sheka Kathleen Toborg & Ben Halupnik Karen Tousey Ivah Water Cal & Marge Wagner Bernie & Dorothy Zeman Elmcrest Country Club Mary D. Wadsworth Edwin & Kathy Wadsworth Wayne Alberts, Sr. Wayne & Theresa Alberts Dr. Campbell F. Watts Cheryle & Frank Mitvalsky Ronald Earl Allard Jon & Florence Akers Roy & Loretta Allard Patricia Allard Robert & Pat Allard American Legion Post #298 Evelyn Carano Friends & Family Donald & Marcia Goettsch Robert & Mary Jeanne Hruska ING Variable Pos Team Sandra Jenney Dennis & Jolene Mally Paul J. Ryan Mary Schupanitz Paul Stadtmueller Trudy Wright Dr. Martin Wiesenfeld Hospice of Mercy Dr. Marc Wilkinson Hospice of Mercy Dr. Brad Wisnousky Shirley & Don Nebergall Jacob Wittrock Hospice of Mercy Dr. Dennis Yossi Dr. Jeruld & Betty Weiland Nancy & Bernie Shade In Memory Helen M. Affeldt Lloyd Aller Steve & Polly Boland Dave and Fran Elderkin Bernard & Madlyn Erdman Vern & Rose Erusha Adeline Gaimari Dr. Richard & Shirley Geiger Edna Shafer Aller Don & Carol Hlas Gretchen K. Amish Mr. & Mrs. Leo E. Burger Paul Andersen Margorie Andersen Vernon Andersen Margorie Andersen Audrey G. Anderson Peggy & Jim Meek Doris M. Anderson Stutt Insurance Agency Loreld R. “Ray” Anderson Genevieve Anderson Tim Hehr, Intensive Care Center Theresa Kay Anderson Anonymous Anne Bader Jeff & Catherine Bales Dennis Baskerville Brent & Jodee Beck Dennis & Patricia Becker Michael & Jennifer Becker James & Rachele Bell Monica Beuterbaugh John & Larisa Bickel Wayne & Loretta Buelow Ronald Cadle Campbell Concrete & Materials, LP Mark & Marcia Correll David & Julie Ekland Susan Enzle Kimberly Feltman & Mary Kate Schmitt James & Janet Fosdick Elaine Fox Richard & Mary Freml Brian & Sharon Gardner Marjorie Glass Dwight & Letha Goslar Ronald & Lou Anna Goslar Marc & Cathy Gullickson Carolyn K. Haase Thomas & Rachel Haley Curtis & Myra Hall Tork & Sheila Harman Heartland Soccer Club, Inc. John & Carol Helbling Robert & Mary Beth Helgens Joseph & Shiela Herzberg Robert & Patricia Heyer Steve & Kay Jackson Howard & Mary James Raymond Johnston Thomas & Robin Journot Kevin & Anne King Michael & Barbara Klappholz James & Katherine Krans Mark & Stephanie Krause Jeffrey & Mary Krivit Michael & Sharon Kunz R.W. Kunz & Associates, Inc. Carole Lafferty John & Tracie Maurice Michael & Ann Mohnsen Charles & Pat Morgan Jeffrey & Leanne O’Brien Ross & Kimberly Oltmann The Pawlak/Jackson Family Tom & Alice Pei Gary & Linda Pribyl Becky Rindfleisch & Family Dale & Eileen Sargent K. Alice Satterly Thomas Saxen Neal & Kathleen Scharmer Kenneth & Kristalyn Siegel Ellis & Kathy Smith James & Cindy Smothers Sara Sorensen William & Patricia Sorsby Sue Stannard Rodney Stoecker Jacqueline Stoll Streif Family Barbara Teahen John & Kristine Van Cleve Gary & Susan Vavroch Tom & Jill Voss Roger & Catherine Walker John & Alice Wasson Judy Wheeler Charles & Pamela Wilson Dr. John Wollner Nancylee Ziese Richard Francis Angerer Teresa Britt Donald Edward Archer Dorothy A. Stutt Virda M. “Pat” Argo Leanore Tubbs Mildred K. “Millie” Arnold Michael & Nancy Almasi Maggie Andrews Angelo & LaVonne Carter Robert & Mary Jehle Linda Koss Kathy & Steve Krusie Dr. James & Jody Miller James & Sherry Miller Nancy Nelson Ken & Lynne Reimers Carolyn Shimek John & Sally Staley David W. Ashby Mary C. Ashby Francis John Atkinson Joan Atkinson Clair Eggiman Linda Nollinger Mike & Karen O’Hara Olga Audeh Dr. Ken & Marilyn Andersen Souad and Lutof Awdeh Zuheir & Siham Audeh Hani & Lynn Azzam Dr. & Mrs. Beamer Breiling Carl & Diane David Jane Fletcher Dr. Joseph & Madeline Galles John & Margaret Hall Jack & Henriette Hanania Dr. Percy & Lileah Harris Dr. Sabry & Fatma Kamhawy Joan Koontz Alias, Mark & Zahi Makhuli Marie S. Nassif Donald & Ruth Paulsen Dr. & Mrs. G.L. Schmit Dr. & Mrs. John Schuchmann Dr. Richard and Deb Sedlacek Joan Thaler Elaine Young Leonard “Hub” Bader Stutt Insurance Agency Lois Mae Bahmler Margery Maher Carole L. Baker Jay Baker Kimberly Ann Soukup Baker Martena Soukup & Family Michael Vernon Baker Aircraft Armanent Division Annamae Baker Evelyn Berends Susan Berends Michael & DeAnn Brannaman Kenneth & Suzanne Campbell Ronald Campbell Robert & Marie Davis Hills Bank and Trust Company Iona Hrdlicka Dave & Lynette Koffron Robert & Lavonne Landis Donald & Connie Lochner Terrance & Nicole Meister Gerald & Kathleen Niederhauser Craig & Christine Trpkosh John & Betty Wolfe Patrick Wolfe Danie McKinstry, Family Practice Center William F. Baldwin Joy Baldwin Laura Mae Paul Barker Mary, Joe & Frank Pusateri Libbie R. Barnes Marvin & Mary Gregor Eva I. Barnoske Maggie Andrews Ronald “Prunie” Barry Ronald Barry Family Susan Volz Charles L. Barta Mary Ann Barta & Family Leanore Tubbs Louis “Louie” Barta Bob & Loretta Claes Betty Jane Bartlett Wally & Betty Milden Carol Ann Stalberger Bartlett Anonymous Dr. A. Ersin & Shawn Atay Helen Baker Steven Bammert Rod & Shannon Bartlett Daniel & Deanna Baty Betty Bright Tamara Buchan Richard & Sherry Cornish John & Gwen Coughenour Genevieve Davis Kathleen Donnelly Vern & Rose Erusha Bob & Arlis Ford Robert & Elaine Fox Marc & Cathy Gullickson David & Beverly Hannon Russell & Nancy Hansen Gingie Hunstad Iowa Midland Supply Vernon & Rose Jackson Ronald & Ruth Jahnke Bob & Pat Jennings Pat Joens Robert F. & Janis L. Kazimour Muriel Kelly Dave & Connie Kielty Dennis & Janet Klein Dr. & Mrs. Carlton Lake Dr. John Lovette II Don & Sheri Lowry Lorraine & Lloyd Lowry Bob Marovich Jennifer McCool Celia McHenry Marci & Ronald Meyer Sheila A. Moses & J. Michael Moses, M.D. Daniel & Lorrie Nalezny Frank & Henrietta O’Connell Patrick & Sheryl O’Connell Bob & Barbara O’Malley Roger & Joyce Poganski Bob & Pat Rainwater David & Mary Jo Rater John & Janet Rater Ernestine Rodriguez Forrest & Curran Rosser Joe & Lynda Schimberg Dicta Schoenfelder Scott & Mary Jo Seibert Dr. & Mrs. T.R. Sherman Marge Stansberry R. J. & Pat Stephan Michael & Merikay Stevenson Mike & Suzanne Stoeffler Eleanor Streletzky Barbara Teahen Mary Temple Jim & Jean Tinker Sharron Trollinger Tom & Norma Twohill Maggie Van Oel Charlene Vanous Richard & Mary Venteicher Joseph & Leslie Vignero Ronald & Geraldine Young Lois Yount Mary M. Baseman John & Juanita Bush Scott & Shirley Bush Charles & Amelia Gearhart Scott Gearhart Walter & Kathleen Hanson Mae Kaestner Lucille Melchert Ronald & Maxine Smith Three Rivers Telecom Pioneers Nancy Wensel-Bowers Minor L. Baty Family of Minor L. Baty Genevieve Inger Marie E. Baumgartel Family & Friends Audrey Jean Baur Morris & Diane Allen Betenbender Mfg. Inc. Brenda Carlson Family & Friends Mary K. Reynolds Ryan Companies US, Inc. Clarence & Luella Van Englehoven David & Eileen Van Gorp Willis Dady Emergency Shelter Dr. Richard G. Bausch John & Gretchen Stuhr James Arthur Bayne Jim & Mona Hayes Dick & Iris Snyder Jeanne I. Beachler Mary E. Becker Ida Mae Houser Pat & Andrew Meyer Hazel Schulte Joanne Everhart Beasler Dennis & Dianne Bizek Agnes Darrow & Family Warren & Joann Everhart Ida Mae Houser Sandy K. Becicka Mary Hachey Arlene G. Becker The Harold M. Becker Family Msgr. Edmund J. Becker Betty Bockenstedt Jeffery L. Becker Hazel Stien Louis Becker Mary E. Becker Ruby Bernice Prior Spicer Becker Harold, Pat & Dave Downing Lori Florence Bruce & Kathy Ford Catherine Gister Greg & Rachel Gravunder John & Sue Hawn Edward & Guyla Nowak Betty Piirto Ane Marie Poulsen 15 Nancy Mathahs, Laboratory Mr. & Mrs. Scarborough Rob Scarborough Susan Spicer Conrad & Martha Stephenson W. Craig & Julie Stephenson P.M. Thorpe P.K. Walker Jennifer Wertz Robert James “Bob” Bensmiller Lloyd & Carol Ann Bean Jerry & Nancy Danforth Leota Garwood Marge Grawe Susan & Michael Humphrey Mary Mowrer James & Barbara Stegall Theresa “Elaine” Cosgrove Benson Robert C. Erusha Venita H. Beretta Leroy & Lois Bair Family of Venita Beretta Evelyn Carson Lauree Gerber Joe & Pauline Novotny Dorothy Ramsey Wayne & Marilyn Selzer Dan & Judy Stevenson Clarence & Luella Van Englehoven Delbert & Laurel Williams Alfred H. Berger Don Ary Donna Oldorf Florence Anna Gunderson Berry William & Mary Anne Dale Mildred Fisher Family & Friends Mary Hachey Mary Keel Linda Keister Olga Koster Wilma Koster D. James & Janice McCrabb Dorothy Meyer William & Evelyn Neal Kurt & Janet Oja Quail Ridge Unit One Owners Association Helen Quass 16 Mary Salmon Karen Sasek Ted & Mary Le Smyth Ruth L. Berry Monica Loftus Richard Ryan W. Jeanne Bertrand Basil & Lynn Hadjis Alice M. Bevenour Robert J. Bevenour James Denecke Bever Julie & Campbell Watts, Jr. Ken Blankenhorn Etta Lee Kenneth Kirk Block Fred & Marge Carpenter Dr. Walter M. Block, M.D. Emil & Christiane Allick Carl & Topsy Aschoff Mary Ashby Drs. Arthur & Marian Barnes Arlene Beman Blair House Owners Association Inc. Bob & Sharon Block Gregory & Carol Clark Leola Clark Josephine Cook Steve & Kay Dummermuth Elmcrest Country Club Barney & Madlyn Erdman Dr. William & Jo Galbraith Sandy Hutchcroft Sue & Bert Katz Linn County Medical Society Abbott & Joan Lipsky Lola McAreavy Dolores McCoy Peggy & Jim Meek Mercy Medical Center M.A. Mortenson, Estimating Dept. Dorotha O’Brien Dr. Robert & Vicki Sedlacek Thomas & Judy Shepherd Karen Spoden Elizabeth (Betsy) Blum Mrs. Wallace Boyson Cyril Charles Boddicker Kathryn, Donna & Karla Bascom Harold Becker Mary E. Becker Carole Boddicker Elayne Boddicker Leila Boddicker Marjorie Boddicker Mr. & Mrs. Mark Boddicker Bill Boots Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Brecht Mary Carter Harold & Janice Duncalf Radell Eiler Dorothy Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Verne Feie Danny & Jackie Gardemann Mr. & Mrs. David Gardemann Doug & Lurline Gardemann Mr. & Mrs. Garth Gardemann Kathryn Gardemann Mr. & Mrs. Louie Gardemann Merle Gardemann Phil & Colleen Gibbins Mr. & Mrs. Jim Gibney Mr. & Mrs. Don Grovert Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hagen Mary Jeanne Hruska Dick & Lola Jacobi Bob & Rosalie Jahn Raymond Jensen Muriel Kelly Kenwood School Social Fund Sharon Kroeger Mr. & Mrs. Al Krug Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Kunstorf Lois Lovette Joann Malley Mercy Medical Center Lorna Messerli Alden & Corleen Morrison Bill & Sue Much Newhall Lions Club Joan Offe Craig & Rosemary Olson Mr. & Mrs. Jack Petrzelka Lynn & Delores Pickering Ron & Darlene Ribble Mr. & Mrs. Russ Rieder Lois Rugger Geraldine Rushek James & Delores Schallau Ronald & Janet Schanbacher Donald & Barbara Schmitz Arleen Schreiber Amy & Ruth Schwartzkopf Dean & Mary Jean Smorstad Robert Spitz Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Stein Frances Vaske Don & Shirley Weichman Annis Werning David John Boddicker Adtrack Carole Boddicker Family & Friends Mr. & Mrs. Richard Folkmann Dennis & Connie Gewecke Don & Sandy Gibney Scott Johnson & Jana Harney Wayne McCallum Edna Stien Wayne & Janette Townsend Douglas David Boddicker Rodney & Sally Alexander Peggy Barron Thomas & Rebecca Cranston Family & Friends Steve & Sandra Gibney Terry & Kari Kelly Evelyn Kimm Thomas & Nancy Less Duane & Julia Miller Kenneth & Shirley Neumann The Sallie Mae Fund Maggie Scheffert Larry & Marlene Viterna Leola Wagner Diana Ward Adeline & Charles Boland Dr. Dennis & Ellie Charipar Harold J. Brender Marvin & Mary Gregor Clara Briles Dolores Davis Gladys & Howard Grimm Irene Guy Laura Mottinger George & Marilyn Roushar Jean Ehresman Britcher Lorna Britcher Paula Steele Brockette Jack & Georganne Steele Florence Carillo Miriam Samuelson Naomi V. Brown Fred Brown Bernice “Bee” Carper Gary & Joy Lyman Louis & Geraldine Stolba Helen Stull Neal P. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Dale Bollhoefer Sybil J. Brown Richard & Sherry Cornish Anna Mae Bruce Steven Hunter Darlene Lovell Sister Mary Georgine Budke Agnes Riley Wilma Marie Bowersox Marvin & Mary Gregor Genevieve (Covington) Buker The Buker Family Leola P. Buhmann Donald & Karen Buhmann Family & Friends Raymond & Rhea Klaus Naomi Wade Mary Catherine “Katie” Boyle Dorrance & Shirley Brady Terry Lee Burgess Family & Friends Nadine Anna Christina Bracy Donna Cross Family & Friends William Green Dorothy Herrington Patricia Hessenius Rose Palumbo David & Karen Roberts Robin & Joyce Sirowy Patricia M. Burkhalter Maj. Gen. L.D. Burkhalter Christian “Chris” Brecht Sandy Bender Martha Brecht & Family Daniel & Jacqueline Muscatell Martha Anne Brecht Sandy Bender Family & Friends Gail Gerber James & Mary Gilliam Gary & Judith Huxford Patrick & Kimberly Marshall David & Maralee Minshall Ralph & Jackie Muscatell Thomas & Carol Sandholm Melvin & Marjorie Schulte Therese Tomaszkiewicz Gary & Gerry Wheeler Lisa Workman Florence Louise Brendel Alfred Brendel Robert Bzdill, Sr. Chris & Kathy Bzdill Dave & Anne Bzdill Robin White Donald Campbell Robert Campbell Fairfax State Savings Bank Shirley Bonjour Family & Friends John & Jan Meyer David & Janeanne Parker Betty Pauly Dorothy Stutt Carlos & Amanda Trevino Cherie Bramley Sandra Boddicker Lester Bushnell Helen English Mike & Bev Valant William “Bill” Burrow Jr. M.L. Andrews Bud & Jean Beck John & Cindy Bloomhall J.C. Clark Daryl & Lisa Dlouhy Velma Dlouhy Harold & Patricia Downing John, Dana, Elizabeth and Ben Ehrhart Thelma Filling Mary Hayden Michael & Susan Humphrey Judenne Kocer Shawn & Heather Koranda Marion High School Teachers Assn. David & Robin Nelson William & Gail Nix Gregory O’Connell Donald & Dorothy Pisney Joe & Deborah Sindelar Leo, Violet & Leigh Sutter Doug & Linda Veal Dorothy A. Busenbark Bill & Dorothy Crowe Sharyl Singelstad Lyle Joseph Busher Anonymous Mary Hachey Maurice J. Carron Linda Andersen William & Anna Anderson Robert & Rhoda Bauer Joseph Carron & Sally Marti Rachel Carron Ramona Chamberlain Jan & Sally Hornbeck Todd & Janice Marti William Marti Leon & Vera Mehring George & Marilyn Roushar Catherine Samson Carolyn A. Smith Jerry & Denise Vander Sanden Jane Huston Carey Carson Jean Imoehl Peggy & Jim Meek Alex & Joann Meyer Dr. Paul & Peggy Orcutt Dr. Jeruld & Betty Weiland Dolores A. Carter Beckart Environmental Richard & Kim Hartman Max & Ruth Thompson Elmer L. Carter Blair House Owners Assn. Sandy Hutchcroft Mary Martin Clifford J. Cashen Mary J. Cashen Artie Virgil Chambers Pam & Marv Craven Mike & Lorey Jenson David & Jo Ann Kreiman Frank Niedermayer Russ & Linda Rabik Wayne & Anita Render Judy Towell Don & Dreanna Zachmeyer Ludmila Christle Frank & Mary Gardner Gertrude A. Cosgrove Jack & Dilla Cosgrove Arthur “Art” L. Christoffersen Robert & Janis Kazimour Dale Covington Anonymous James F. “Fred” Claflin Dick & Sherry Cornish Patricia “Pat” M. Creen Jess & Mary Birks Martha “Marty” M. Clark James & Betty Forrest Family & Friends Maurice & Rachel Garnant Betty Kruse Harold Mackey Wilfred & Evelyn Tlusty Craig & Christine Trpkosh Elsie Mary Louise Cunningham Tom & Louise Cunningham Mildred Evelyn Clausen Richard & Sherry Cornish Margaret Spaight Coffey Barney & Madlyn Erdman Dick & Laverna Hanson Veva E. Collins John & Chris Chapman Eldon L. Colton Clarence Sampson Dale R. Condry Jon & Brenda Ahlrichs Marilyn Albaugh Tom & Mary Chittick Ardith Condry Junior & Lucy Hinz Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Hoge Robert & Beatrice Johnson Milton & Margie Meeks Betty Pauly Joyce Poulter Dr. G. H. Schupanitz Keith Conner Cleo Conner Margaret Connors Rick & Diane Stefani Sister Mary Danielita Cooper, RSM Tom and Linda Armitage D. William Coppock Ann Bastian Ron Corey George & Suzanne Schmidt Evelyn Mae Zalesky Cornish Don & Mary Clausen Suzy & Chris DeWolf Family & Friends Marc & Cathy Gullickson Glenn & Bridget Janus Pam & Sam Johnson, Jr. Mercy Medical Center Karen Tousey Cory John Chapman John & Chris Chapman Esther Marie Hamman Dulin Christianson Philip & Nancy Bicket Gretchen Dunker Family & Friends Virginia Kuester Robert & Charlotte Nechanicky Linda Hofmeister, Food & Nutrition Services Jamison Russell Curran Jim & Mary Curran Walter Emmett “Walt” Curtin W. F. & Barbara Cobb Dick & Sherry Cornish John & Dana Ehrhart Family & Friends Edward & Linda Glenn Thomas & Kristi Jeffers Michael & Linda Johnston Orville & Joan Jones Markel Corporation Paul & Michelle Martin McQueary Henry Bowles Troy, L.L.P. Karla Naujokat River Ranch Deer Lease Joseph & Allison Roy Paul & Nancy Springman Karen Tousey United States Liability Insurance Group Helen Marie Dapper Maggie Andrews Maxine Houser Eileen Louise Marsh Herr Davis Don & Carol Herr Ethel Marie Davis Alan & Carlene Bernard Jean Borders Vicki Davis Steven & Kay Dummermuth Amy Foster R.J. Kilberger Dr. Carlton Lake Betty Laton Chuck & Linda Marple Judi McCoy Marjorie Ongie-Hall Norbert & Geraldine Schwartz Bill & Pat Serbousek Margaret Wells James Elliott Davis Maj. Gen. Louis D. Burkhalter Richard Ryan Norman Richard Davis Jack Wong & Family Velma Marie Christina Reisser De Klotz Darrell & Carol Bacon Brian & Rebecca De Klotz Harold & Janice Duncalf Bernard & Vicki Johnson Ted & Carrol Stark Charles & Mary Thorman Elaine J. Voss Robert L. Delagardelle Sister Marilyn Ward Dr. Darrell Dennis Dr. Jason & Brittany Booth Dr. Chris & Joan Bowe Dr. Robin Brown Dr. William & Jo Galbraith Darrel & Jane Gumm Sheila & Tork Harman Dr. Percy & Lileah Harris Dr. Whealen Koontz Dr. Stas & Mary Therese Maslanka Darlene (Dennis) Mast David McKinley Dr. Michael Muellerleile Dave & Lynne Stein Rebecca Stene Kenneth & Janit Strother Dr. Francis Walker & Dr. Debra Liu Dr. John Weems Peter & Jane White Harry Dierks Dorothy A. Stutt Irma L. Dircks Donna Oldorf Jean Oldorf Helen Dorothy Dittrich Daniel & Joanne Boyle William & Susan Hahn Kathryn Johnson Eileen Weddle Dale Domer Marge McFate Ron & Karyl McFate Skip & Judy Peterson Helen Dostal Levern Dostal George Dougherty Peg Dougherty Dean Driscoll Dr. Dennis & Ellie Charipar LaDonna Duncan Craig & Brenda Hackbarth James C. Dutton Russel & Betty Kauffman Frank Joseph Dvorak Robert & Beula Dvorak 18 Louise A. Edgar Dorothy Anderson John & Joan Bahning Dan & Sally Baumgartner Jani Baylor John & Ida Behounek Betty Bockenstedt Carole Boddicker Steve & Dawn Bowman Dorrance & Shirley Brady Dan & Sandy Brenner & Family Bill & Bonnie Brockschink Jerry & Rita Brown & Family Jim & Nancy Bruner Chris & Michelle Burke David & Rose Marie Burke Jane H. Carney Juanita Cole Pat & Elaine Collins Richard & Sherry Cornish Jack & Dilla Cosgrove David & Mary Ann Cullen Donna & Walt Curtin Betty Curtis Jennie Davis & Julie, Terry & Lucy Schneekloth Sheila Diggins Sue Dolphin Sister James Marie Donahue Brian & Kathy Dunne Richard Edgar Roszella Edgar Ted Edgar Mike & Rosemary Fandel Nancy Zachar Fett Don & Jan Flynn Robert & Mary Foster Dick & Dixie Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Fox & Family Mr. & Mrs. Joe Gase Gene & Kathleen Geekie Kevin & Deborah Gertsen Ag & Charley Gradoville Martha Grier Marc & Cathy Gullickson Pete & Mary Halm Mary Hanlon Pat & Barney Hanson Steven Hanson Ed Harn Roberta Hartwig Mr. & Mrs. Robert Havlik Jim & Mona Hayes Steven Hines Mary Hook & Family Mike Hook Bun & Pat Howell Chris Huggins Rick, Pam, & Colin Hughes Larry & Ann Hunter Vern & Rose Jackson Margaret Jacobs Glenn & Bridget Janus Bob & Pat Jennings Vyrl & Martha Justice Jean & Jim Kazimour Bob & Teresa Keister Steven & Rebecca Kemble Keith & Patricia Kenel Mary & Al Kilburg Alvin Kilburg Rebecca Kilburg Shirley Kinzey Mike & Barb Klappholz Jo Ann Kramer Randy Krejci Wayne & Norma Krumbholz Brian & Jane Lasko John & Laura Locher David & Deanne Loecke Darla Lowe John & Luann Lutkenhaus R.A. Lutkenhaus Pat Maas Betty Machacek Dick & Barbara Mackey John Mackey & Billie Colton Robert & Virginia Mackey Frank & Betty Mangold Pat Martin Dan Martinek Bobbi Matt Robert & Evy Matt John & Barb Mattias Irene McAleer Renalda McComas Frank & Pauline McDonald James & Ellen McDonald Peggy & Jim Meek Rosemary Meisinger Mr. & Mrs. Michael Merfeld Mercy Medical Center The Mom’s Group Lewis & Shirley Morris Shirley Mulhern Annette Myers Cecilia Navratil David & Robin Nelson Jiim & Kathy Nelson Theresa Ocenosak Pat O’Connor Don & Loretta Orris Marilyn Palmer Richard & Patricia Parr Phil and Barbara Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Petska LuAnn Radloff John & Vicky Ramuta Irene Richards Cindy Rittmer Sister Susan O’Connor, Vice-President of Mission Integration Chris Robbins Eleanor Rohde Dennis & Mary Roland Marvin Rops Bernadine Roushar Lou & Josephine Rozinek Bill & Pat Salzbrenner Mary Lou Sanborn Alvin Sattler Emmett, Ann & Mary Scherrman David & Faith Schliemann Bob & Mary Schmidt Alice Shea Bill & Cathy Sheka Julie Snyder-Klinger Laura & Jack Staudacher Nick & Linda Stavropoulos Rick & Diane Stefani Mrs. Leo Stephan Jim & Therese Styers Dean & Ann Marie Suriano Regina Takes Tom & Mary Takes Howard & Sharon Tauke Richard & Dorothy Taylor Kathleen & Gene Todd Robert & Ann Tow, Jr. Jim & Joanne Trcka Carol Trueg Paul Valliere Joe & Bernadine Vandewalle Joe & Nadine Vanous Richard & Mary Venteicher Daniel Voss Elaine Voss Mary Voss Regis & Margaret Voss Tom & Jill Voss Mike & Mary Votroubek James & Colleen Waldron Jeanne & Michael Wampler Jan & Mary Wenger Catherine West Jim West & Family Mr. & Mrs. Dick Whitters Sister Mary Cephes Wichman Gerry & Lynn Widen Joe & Marcia Zachar Tom & Judith Zachar Bernard & Dorothy Zeman Jeanne Zobl Beverly Joyce Smith Emerson Hollis & Mary Emerson Frederick W. Engelking Mr. & Mrs. Dick Hanson Phyllis Caroline Heckt England Melva Jones Charles L. Eoff Howard & Sue Beals Francis Becker Hazel Blum Janette Branmann Robert & Sandra Carson Pauline Curry Family Richard Eoff Family Ruth Eoff Bonnie Foglesong Harold & Marjorie Foglesong Bernie Fox Family & Friends Mike & Linda Gilmer Allen & Cynthia Glover Thomas & Rachel Haley Gerald & Althea Hilliard Linwood Hunt Lou Ann Hunt Michael Hunt James & Willa Hunziker Jerry & Anna Hunziker Kenny Hunziker Mildred Kennedy Grace Krob Margaret Leichsenring Patricia Maas Norma Mackey Family Don Neblung Richard O’Neal Stanley O’Neal Randy & Linda Parton Jerry Phillips Darlene Schwendinger Earl Stephan Dick & Mary Sullinger David Thuerauf June Topinka Jim Upah Fred Webster Eldwin Williams Dean Wood Richard Wood Karen Kay Eppard Eric Eppard John Ernberger Doris Bareis Chuck & Laverne Fisher Dennis & Randy Mecsko Maxine & Lester Mikulecky Joanne Parizek John & Roxene Pierce Larry & Kathy Wittmer Alma R. Schumacher Erusha Jack & Dilla Cosgrove Lee E. Eschen Jane Colony Family & Friends Ann Collins-Hattery, Mercy Regional Cancer Center Kenneth E. Etzel Helen Marguerite Ackley Chuck and Mary Jo Crull Barbara Fitzgerald Family & Friends Arno & Dorothy Hilbert Jerry & Carol Kouba Jeanette Maier Ignacio & Lori Mendieta Arline Ritze Andrea Jo “Andy” Oehl Even Steven & Linda Baumgartel Matthew R. Fletcher William & Marnie Fletcher Dwain E. Evers Mary E. Evers Robert J. “Bob” Foley John & Craig De Meulenaere Dan, Connie & Ty DeRapes William & Ursula Hanavan Harold & Jean Martin Stephen, Adam, Amy & Arick Martin Dr. Janusz and Mary Ellen Skwarks La Vonne M. Faust Barbara Schrader Betty Schrader Minnie Feldtang Dr. Dennis & Ellie Charipar Louis J. Ferderber James F. Stiles, MD & Alberta F. Stiles Ada Mae Ferraro Maggie Andrews Derek & Wendy Coffman Tony I. Fetter Dennis & Darlene Allard Bob & Ruby Boehmke Jack & Peggy Davis Daniel & Sheila Deininger Janet Dietrich Paul & J. Jeanene Drahos Jim & Denise Erusha Robert & Arlene Erusha Family & Friends Harry & Paulette Hala Don & Betty Hass William & Phyllis Hodina Dolores Kaiden Lou Kellner Paul & Judy Klein Ed & Janet Kulhavy Gordon & Ruth Mollman Roberta Oakley Kathy Ogren Helen Posusta Tom, Sereta Christopher & Kassandra Reil Neil & Marcia Sutherland Terry & Donna Zabokrtsky Dr. William R. Finn Lee & Darlene Schmidt James F. Stiles, MD & Alberta F. Stiles Edna Dorothy Finstrom Harry & Georgia Brauer James & Lisa Gignac R. Dewayne “Big D” Fisher Etta Lee Clarice Mae Doty Flagel Dr. Thomas and Sandra McIntosh Gladys M. Foote Joan Arthurs Dale & Marion Beyer Margery Dillon R. Jeanette Evans Family & Friends Marva Grantham George & Pamela Held Carolyn Horton Sharron McElmeel Karen Nielsen Kenneth Shogren Dorothy Thompson Naomi Wade David C. Ford G.A. & Ardith Erickson Paul & Shirley Erickson Robert & Shirley Fisher Richard & Ellen Freeman Family & Friends Dr. & Mrs. Hal Guthrie Clifford Haverkamp Glen & Arlette Hollister Dick & Margaret Jackson David & Pauline Marner Merlin & Ruth Osborn Harold & Florence Primrose Chuck & Frances Sessions Bob & Marcie Zink R. Michael “Mike” Ford Phyllis & Jerry Nixon Tamy Renee Frawley Helen Bader Robert & Rhoda Bauer Sharon Baumann Rudy & Wilma Bindi Mike & Deb Bowman Loren & Kimberly Boyd Mrs. Robert Bretz Mr. & Mrs. William Burke Gary Cuckler Family & Friends Frances Frost Vincent Gaffney William Hall, Jr. Frances Harmsen Ralph & Doris Husmann Carl & Debra Keating Anthony & Marsha Kraus Eva Kray Harold & Mae Luers George Manternach William & Cheryle Mitchell Bernice Nehring Phillip & Lora Nielsen Lavon Pasker Peggy Rickels Mike & Kathy Schmidt Lavern & Vera Schoon Dean & Martha Schwendinger Arlene Smith Dan & Diana Stadtmueller Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Stadtmueller David Tabor Tom & Marlene Torrey Carol Tuttle James & Susan Weaver Cindy Weber Mark & Diane Welter Etta Wilson Robert & Mary Yanda Lucile Freese Dorothy A. Stutts Carole A. Frese Robert & Bette Lee Delbert Frese Thelma Frese Franklin J. Frese Robert & Bette Lee Betty Schrader Orpha A. Frese Robert & Arlene Erusha Arthur Funk Leah Cira Estherville Library Board Wilma Funk Lucy Lancaster Larry & Karen Lang James Lehman Joseph & Betty Lehman Lorraine McGuigan Robert Turnis Glenn & Carole Ungerer Carolyn Walz Emily Davidson Boucher Furr Charles & Janice Barnes Dan & Bibi Chadwick 19 Edward & Carol Pickart Rob & Sandra Robinson Henry & Meri Kay Shepard Jennifer White Robert Emmet Giblin Virginia Giblin Margie Pence, Home Care Services Beverly Draeger Brian & Laura Draeger Gregg & Anne Draeger Family & Friends Dr. Leo & Yvonne Furr Terry & Barbara Griggs Mike & Jean Halvorson Alan & De Laurie Kacere Dennis & Pat May Paula McCutcheon Ellen McGrew Peggy Jo Musil David & Orla Nelson Joseph & Roslyn Poehler Danny and Ann Pote Jon & Joan Rasmussen Albert & Kathryn Ruhland Robert & Kathleen Schaefer Suzanne Sette Peggy Wakefield & Mike Brixius Rev. John R. Gallagher Beamer & Connie Breiling Teresa Canfield Tom & Kathy Conley John & Brenda Cooney Joseph Creen William & Mary Anne Dale Robert & Joan Downey David & Frances Elderkin Vern & Rose Erusha Mary Evers Darrell & Sandra Ferreter Dr. Richard & Janice Fiester Arlis Ford Gary & Nancy France Lucille Grobstick Catherine M. Haage Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Haage Mr. & Mrs. Verne Haaland Roberta Hartwig Violet Sutter Family Jean Imoehl Glenn & Bridget Janus Robert & Patricia Jennings Pam & Sam Johnson, Jr. John & Joan Joyce Bert & Sue Katz Robert F. & Janis L. Kazimour Mike & Marietta Kelly Michael & Barbara Klappholz Mary V. Mangold Robert & Mary Mann Philip & Sally McClean Renalda McComas 20 Dave & Mary Neuhaus Raymond & Jean Petrzelka Merrill & Harriet Pitlik Michael & Sandra Rocca Bernadine Roushar Mary Salmon Emmett & Ann Scherrman Joe & Lynda Schimberg Dr. & Mrs. T.J. Schueller John & Sharon Sedlacek Elaine Stallman Norm & Nancy Stranczek Jim & Jean Tinker Karen Tousey Dean & Marjorie Twaddle Joseph & Bernadine Vandewalle Dick & Mary Venteicher Lois Verdow Jan Vesey Frank & Ruth Volesky Maxine Welch Tom & Judith Zachar Thomas E. “Tom” Garland Sandy Hutchcroft John K. Gates Dyersville Sales Co., Inc. Dorothy Gates & Family Michael & Susan Gates John Gatto Ronald L. Bedford Ralph & Velma Jane Gearhart Debra Halvorson Denise Hunt Diane Talyat Douglas “Doug” Roger Gerber BankIowa Bohr, Dahm, Greif & Associates, P.C. Alan & Laurie Burkhart Charles Dlask George & Evelyn Dlask Elton & Sandra Ehlert Family & Friends Gail Gerber Lauree Gerber Paula Gould Michael & Leah Greif Mary Lee Kuttler Michael & Kimberly Lanaghan Connor & Jennifer Lewis Linda Lumsden Gary & Janet McGuire L.J. & Karen Moody Patrick & Susan Moore Donovan Andrew Glanzer Carl & Topsy Aschoff Ellen Toomey Leon A. Glynn Jerome & Phyllis Nixon Maxine Welch Zella Mae Robertson Goodlove Etta Lee Earl F. Graf Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Lovstuen Mercy Medical Center Esther C. Graham Family of Esther Graham Jane Graham Merry Kelley Betty M. Grady Gralund Mike & Windy Burgess Kay Burke Dennis & Pat Davis Ken & Bootie Davis Otto & Barb Giese Chris Gralund & Family Dennis Gralund & Family Darlene Heck & Blanche Gorsh Carmen & Jerry Kvarda David & Thresa Legg Norma Magoon Robert & Ruth Noble Mary L. Reu Kevin & Patti Sanborn Sattler Homes Dr. Eugene Grandon Dr. Dennis & Ellie Charipar Dr. Jerald Greenblatt Joan Greenblatt G. Madeline Greene Sadilee Beaudet Carlos & Dian Boysen Bill & Carol Calloway Richard & Doris Faas Arthur Gray Betty Gray Jean Imoehl Walker & Linda Kelly Donald & Joyce Klimes Randall Krejci Gary & Marilyn Lough Wallace & Jeanne Pinckney Dolores Riepe Jan Russell Becky Scheetz Helen B. Greenwood Henry & Patricia Aboujawdeh Ed & Kathy Beeman M.J. Brandes Burns & McDonnell Foundation Damion Carufe Lois Donovan Aldrich Drahos Don & Valerie Ellis Elmcrest Country Club Jeremy & Julie Freese Melvin H. Galbraith Randall & Carla Griffin Darrell & Laurie Hepker Holley’s Shop For Men Jean Imoehl J.T. Jenney, Jr. Scott & Judy Kacena Ralph & Mary Ellen Karlan Steven & Judi Kell Mavis Lovik Maurice & Lynda Lynch David & Pauline Marner Helen Schuerer Richard & Deborah Sedlacek Dr. Michael & Carol Skov Mr. and Mrs. David Unzeitig Robert & Marjorie Young Doris I. Grimm Fred & Naomi Brown Family & Friends Russell & Dorothy Grimm Steven & Rebecca Kemble Kurt & Susan Koehn Michael & Esther Miceli David & Robin Nelson Joe & Corrine Ohligschlager Todd & Rachelle Ramsey R.J. & Pat Stephan Eileen Grinder Mary Hachey Donovan D. Gruhn Margaret Gruhn Robert Gullickson Al Robb & Wendy Buresh John & Dana Ehrhart Glenn & Bridget Janus Rick & Diane Stefani Jim & Jean Tinker Mary Caroline Long Haerther Ted & Carrol Stark Susan Volz Patrick L. Hagarty Thomas & Kathy Conley Louis & Gertrude Fischels Marjorie Hagarty Arthur & Ruth Hunt MIchael & Barbara Klappholz Dwight & Deborah Olson Sallyann Orf Elna Porto Tammy Vieth Carolyn Wilkie Grace M. Hageman Dennis & Judy Dye Family & Friends Dean & Laura Gesme Ann & Mike Mohnsen Dolores Mohnsen David & Elaine Nelson Betty Pauly Earl & Marian Sample Teresa Warbasse Donna Nicholas Hahn Norbert Hahn Kathryn M. Hall Pam Albers Dr. Ken & Marilyn Andersen Sterling & E. Jane Bressler Larry & Ellen Fuller Wayne & Laura Fuller Gloria Kintzle Carlyn & Sondra Knapp Kenneth & Juanita Miles Shirley, Brenda & Brook Crowley Betty Pauly Sister Mary Lawrence Hallagan Robert & Jo Ann Blaser Mr. & Mrs. George Branstetter David M. & Frances T. Elderkin Herb & Anne Knudten Harlan D. Hamann Lois Hamann Dr. Robert Handler Diane Handler Mildred J. Hansen Ben Bryant Marilyn Cech Dean & Josephine DeGreve Roger & Sue Goehring Forrest & Lila Kramer Thomas & Angela Light Keith & Justine Schulte Richard Heims Family Sally & Daniel McAleer Lumear & Margaret Netolicky Mike Plotz George & Marilyn Roushar Mark & Linda Runkle Beverly D. Sather Duane Starnes Family Truly Waskow Dale & Dolores Williams John Sommers Harford United Fire Group Jilane Liegh Harnish Maggie Andrews Lola E. Hastings Lanette Passman Agnes “Terri” Hatfield Louis & Millie Jedlicka Marguerite Havlicek International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1362 Carol A. Hawkins Family & Friends Robert Hawkins Moyer & Bergman, P.L.C. Jerry & Marilyn Patterson Jeffrey & Susan Quigle Donald Lawrence Hanson David & Claudia Cahalan Family & Friends Mary Schoop Ann E. Hayes Dr. Thomas McIntosh Earling H. Hanson David & Judy Lamka Don & Judy Larson Thomas & Elizabeth Varnum Rosalie Heinle Ronald & Arlene Holden Norma Kirby Robert W. “Bob” Happel Elizabeth Debrower Doris M. Allerdice Harder Craig & Brenda Hackbarth Ted & Carrol Stark Ellen Marie Hardesty Janet Blasingame Mr. and Mrs. E.O. Braun Sally Donnan Jean Fox Family & Friends Terry M. Heald Delaine Sather Frank F. Hembera Agnes Hembera Rita Rose (Weber) Hendryx Anna Mae Duder Karen Dunn Kate Hawkins William & Dorothy Kollman Brian McPeak Family Roy Alan Hendrickson Maggie Andrews Ila Mae Hepker Diona Carpenter Glenn Cumberland Family & Friends Steven & Barbara Murphy Craig & Monica Pessina Pat Voss, MercyCare Center Point Ralph Hepker Steven & Barbara Murphy James Hood Dr. Dennis & Ellie Charipar Clara A. Herren Scott & Karen Brunscheen Family & Friends Larry & Cheryl Herren Marvin & Ardda Fae McRell Rockwell Collins Dooley “John C. Whorton” Horton Raymond & Betty Avenarius Kim Baker Ruth Hohnecker Jeremy & Paula Jacobson Merlin & Janann Reiter Naomi Wade Janice Lee Engelhardt Hesemann Nancy Wilson Ernest E. “Ernie” Hidder Dorrance & Shirley Brady David L. Hiemstra Sharron Hiemstra Charles A. Hildreth Bertha Garner & the Family of Charles Hildreth Dorothy E. Hilliard Steven & Linda Baumgartel Orval “Babe” Hinz Jeffrey & Julie Brown James & Eunice Conley Faye Davis Patrick & Virginia Dearborn Randy & Julie Goetz Allen & Patricia Hinz Junior & Lucy Hinz Victoria Hinz Danny & Rhonda Koppenhaver Jennifer G. Lawrence David & Carol Navratil Lynn Russ Evelyn Swanson Mrs. K. Wentzien Hal Ray Hirleman, M.D. Marjorie Hirleman Anna Mary Hlas Family & Friends Mary Elizabeth Hockinson Glenn & Bridget Janus Ronald Ray Hoefing Grace Hoefing Margaret “Marge” Hogan Mark & Katherine Baur Lawrence & Loretta Davis Kathleen Dougherty J. Michael Earley Caren Edelstein Kenneth & Georgianna Erger Family of Marge & Bill Hogan Leona Hotchkiss Harold & Pauline Miller Russell & Marjorie Morris Thomas & Dorothy Newcomb Steve & Margaret Pierce David & Linda Schulte William P. Hogan Family of Marge & Bill Hogan Richard “Dick” Donald Holden Dr. Dennis & Ellie Charipar Richard Ryan Chloe Faye Holub Scott & Debbie Bemer Harry Ramsay Hoyt Kate Hladky Beatrice E. “Bea” Huber David & Linda Birney Margaret Brinning Michael & Jeri Bullis Ray & Barbara Coffman Julia Davisson H. Elvin Erdahl F & M Bank Dan & Brenda Fishel Sarah Fishel Stanley & Jacque Herr Dennis & Jackie Holloway Herbert Huber Jay & Pat Huber Theodore & Beverly Hutchcroft Keith & Delores Johnson Beckie Naughton Gary & Judith Norenberg Randy & Amy Olson Robert & Carol Patterson Rod & Rhonda Peyton Emil C. Hubert Louis & Millie Jedlicka Frank M. Hulshizer Julia Hulshizer Edwin J. Hynek Garland & Barbara Ashbacher Marilyn Cech Family & Friends Maurice & Rachel Garnant Steve, John, Linda (Halford) & families John & Carole Heefner Hills Bank and Trust Company Bill & Angie Hynek Jim & Sandy Hynek Phil & Cindy Hynek Judith & Terrance Kelly Dorothy Kiracofe Gary & Dolores Kloubec Alma Lana Constance Lorenz David & Karen Sue Martin Nadine Miller Elizabeth Richardson Neil & Karen Rohlena Randy & Pat Rohlena Sandra Slone Eldon & Douglas Stepanek Darlene Trachta Marv & Barb Wittrock LaNelle Hynek Alma Lana Elizabeth Richardson 21 Bernice Maud Moon Ihrig Henry & Marilyn Small Ralph Albert Ingels Pat Ingels Madeline S. “Lee” Ireland JoAnne Utter Sterling “Jack” L. Jackson Robert & Rosina Bartosh Thomas & Doris Boom Family & Friends Eleanor Heskje Jim Heskje E.J. & Kathy Klein George & Dorothy Klinkhammer George & Ruth McKinley & Shelley Erich Moeller Lindsey McNealey Moeller Richard & Suzan Moeller Robert & Connie Peck Marilyn Scott Mary Smith Esther Steinbach Mary Virginia “Ginny” Jacobs Don & Connie Albaugh Dr. & Mrs. William Audeh Drs. Arthur & Marian Barnes Daniel & Deanna Baty Sally & Bill Birminghan Beamer & Connie Breiling Nancy Canady William & Mary Anne Dale Elizabeth DeBrower Thomas & Jane Deters Tracy & Dave Hanson The Jacobs Family — Matt, Ann, Mark and Julie Greg & Debbie Jacobs John & Shawn Jacobs Marge Jacobs Peter & Rae Jacobs Marlette Jensen Eileen Kidder Renalda McComas Carolyn Moeller Plaza East II Owners Assn. Don & Barb Proksa Mary Kay Salmon Darrell & Shirley Schumacher Wayne & Maxine Stein James & Bonnie Thomas Eric & Kristi Traynor Dick & Mary Venteicher Carl Leonard “Len” and Agnes Jacobson Alan & Barbara Erickson Clyde Morgan James Sister Marilyn Ward Jim Jandes Bill & Bette Raus Alma Leona Smahel Jansa Thomas & Martha Blondin Wilma Mae Bowersox Diona Carpenter Family & Friends Hills Bank and Trust Company Robert & Mary Jehle Joseph & Dorthy Krivanek Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lacina Howard, Elaine & Kim Novotny Carolyn Shimek Tom Sonka Faye Taber Mr. & Mrs. Teslik Donald Duane Jansen Stutt Insurance Agency Arthur M. Janssen Rick & Jane Ehlts Family & Friends Edna Gadient Galen & Zita Harms Timothy & Lori Hartigan Ray & Linda Iben Jam Systems and Midland Doors John & Bertha Janssen Jack & Sue Lindstrom Jerry & Jean McNamara Donald Miller & Sharon Dixon Paul & Betty Phelan Creighton Randolph Thomas Schmit Vernon & Pamela Skripsky Alfred F. & Manetta Janus Glenn & Bridget Janus Claire Agnes Janus Glenn & Bridget Janus Pauline Horacek Jasa Robert & Jeanette Becker D.R. Drury, Accountant Family & Friends Leonard & Sheryl Nejdl Senior Financial Services Group Jerome & Barbara Sherman Vincent & Ardyce Wolrab Vernon & Mary Zahradnik Randy Anderson, Food & Nutrition Esther M. Jedlicka John & Dana Ehrhart Louis D. Jedlicka Maxine & Gordon Edwards Vicki & Joe Finkstein Yarmilla Jedlicka Rockwell Collins Colleen Thomas Robert Jenkins Steven & Linda Baumgartel B.A. “Bud” Jensen Jerome & Phyllis Nixon Mother of Mike Jenson Steven & Linda Baumgartel Belle Jiruska Delores Hubert Louis & Millie Jedlicka Carl E. Johnson Jeffrey Clark Family & Friends Forristal & Henderson Law Firm Sam S. Johnson Joanne Johnson Southwell “Scotty” Johnson Hilda Johnson Wilma Adelaide Johnson Robert & Rhoda Bauer Gladys Brezina Radell Eiler Family & Friends Gordon & Karla Gibson Joseph & Gail Hronik Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program George & Marilyn Roushar Delores Williamson Barbara J. Jones Anna Hasek Geraldine Jones Margaret Wellman Darlene Marie Jungling Family & Friends Mae “Maxine” Kaiser Ken & Judy Baumgartner Charles & Judy Bush Steve Carpenter & Mary Magner Marilyn Ferguson Jan & Donna Harper John & Gayla Huston Michael & Linda Jasudowicz Lou & Joanne Kaiser Roger & Jeanette Kassing Kirkwood Marketing & Print Services John & Mary Miller Martin & Lark Richards Rockwell Collins Rockwell Collins - Tech Publication Dept. Anna Vittengl Ron & Judy Zipfel John Donald Kanealy Eugene & Ruth Dyrland Friends of Brian Kanealy @ McLeod USA Mary Junge Rose Kanealy & Family Donald & Carol Lacy Robert & Phyliss Lange Donna Pickering Robin & Janelle Rettig Toni Rush Pauline Elizabeth Kaster Dion & Lana Hake Mercy Medical Center Darrell & Roberta Morse Tim & Nancy Palm Dave & Jean Stamp Duane & Karin Wilker Helen Catherine Kaup Family & Friends Steve & Barbara Ullrick John & Mary Kazimour Robert F. & Janis L. Kazimour Richard D. “Dick” Keel Don & Connie Albaugh Chris & Suzy DeWolf Robert & Jan Kazimour Donna Oldorf R.J. & Pat Stephan Jan Vesey Maxine Margaret Keeler Irba Bacon Doug & Cindy Benner Gerald & Cathy Carter Larry & Barb Carter Rex & Jennie Chacey Bob Clark Don & Verla Cole Justina Crabtree Jean Harnish Brad & Mari Holtkamp Jerry & Marcy Honadel La Nel Jacobs Ryan & Kim Keeler Bob & Betty Keller Donna Leathers Melvin & Sharon McKay Linda Meierotto Jim & Marleen Miller Wayne & Beth Roth Al & Joyce Westphal LaDell Kensinger Family & Friends Tracy & Roy Simmons R.E. & Martha Walker Mr. & Mrs. L.L. York Charles Kerans Dennis & Mary Miller Fannie Lue Kerr Bobby & Priscilla Brillhart Family & Friends Michele Pipgrass Jim & Mims Reaves Gary & Karen Rieck John & Sharon Sedlacek Rebecca Ann Kibbe Maurine Adams Dale & Marilyn Allen Vivian Baier Holly Becker Debra Behne & Jaclyn Ervin & Dale Bohrer Barry & Nancy Brown Kivil & Lea Brown Mary Jo Carlson Cedar Rapids Elementary Music Teachers Jerry & Karen Croucher John & Connie Croucher Susan Cunningham Betty Debban Gary & Martha Dicks Kathie Duesenberg John & Phyllis Dyer Bill & Sharon Elijah Warren & Pam Feerer Marvela Fehling Robert & Carol Ferguson Joyce Geater Dorothy Gilbertson Matthew & Jessi Good Margaret Greene Marc & Cathy Gullickson Marilyn Gullickson Jim & Leah Rae Highly Andy & Erin Holl Kathryn Holub John T. Huffman Jan Hutchison Rose & Vern Jackson Molly & Chris James Milan & Sherrie James Jim & Barb Johnson Roger Johnson Mike & Malinda Jones James & Jeanne Juehring Doug Kelly & Family Sharon Kibbe Paul & Jane Knapp Gloria Kromminga William & Susan Krusemark Glenn & Kathie Lane & Andrea Schoenbeck Marva Livengood Marilyn Lodge Don & Mabel Lofgren Pauline Lundgren Dixie Martin Lois Mather Stephanie McAdam Linda L. McGrew Kathleen McNamara Jon McWhinney Carl Meyer & Family Earl & Dorothy Meyer & Family John & Diane Montgomery Margaret Morehead Karen Myers Earlene Nicolay Robert & Cathy Nicolay Russ & Linda Novotny Marilyn & Jerry Owen Rich & Marion Patterson Adelia Pearson Michael & Diana Peiffer Jerry & Lois Petersen Scott & Sara Petersen Bob & Rita Peterson & Family Marylln Peterson & Family Jeanne & Wally Pinckney Paul & Mindy Plantz Bruce & Bonnie Potter Kenneth & Helen Pratt Mary Anne Reed Dolores Riepe Jim & Jeanie Ruehlow Gene Schwarting Chris Shroyer Leah Smutzer Donna Spellman James & Nancy Spencer Linda & Keith Stump Anne Suggs Melissa Summers Emily Sweet James & Teel Thebeau Larry & Jane Tjaden Mike & Marla Valliere Michael & Jeanne Wampler Bob & Phyllis White Sharon White Bart Williams Darrell & Alvalene Williams Keith & Pat Williams Wright School Social Committee Roberta “Bobbie” J. Kieck Scott & Debbie Bemer Bessie & Vanderpol Kilpatrick & Glen Edward Vanderpol Barbara Vanderpol Tetzloff Linda Lou Kimrey Amy Bahns Marcia Decker Richard L. “Dick” King Irba Bacon Harriet Blacker & Family Dennis & Mardean Cook Leslie & Patricia Core Family & Friends Harry & Bie Gie Fenwick Velda & Bruce Feuerbach Colleen Fichtner & Family Maxine Graham Gary & Cynthia Kayser Ted & Jeanette Johnson Ron King Bill & Pat Mann Robert & Linda Matthews Ken Oseth Robin Paquin Janiece Porter & Gary Harrington Quintrex Data Systems Corp. Rockwell Collins Mr. & Mrs. Bob Sells Truck Builders, Inc. Valley View Baptist Church John & Sheila Williams Armand S.J. Klees Sue Klees & Family Patrick Klein Monica Loftus John Northcott Knapp Barbara Knapp & Jim Nikrant Julia Kolek Diane Aarni Tom & Norma Abbot Nancy Allison Kathy Rickels, Health Information Services Faye Armstrong Gene & Sandra Armstrong Ray & Joanne Batchelder Jean Bauer Rosalee Briner Arva Brockhohn Louis & Sharon Busch William & Susan Cooper Ron, Pam & Nicole Crane Marv & Pam Craver Ed & Bea Dudek T.L. & Charlene Harrison JoAnn Klein Mr. & Mrs. James Knapp Bob & Jane Kolek Burton & Adelaide Kolek Ken & Ginni Kolek James & Joyce Koppenhaver Dennis & Sharon Lang Lola Lang Frits & Martha Lantermans Dale & Carol Lassen Wayne & Deborah Lukes Bessie Machula David & Pauilne Marner Donald & Jane McShane James & Jean Menster Keith & Pat Mitchell Scott & Barb Mysak Paralta Embroidery Club Sara Roberts Melvin & Mary Jane Stanard Bernard & Ruth Switzer Henry & Janet Vincik Naomi Wade John & Yavonne Yanda Deb Yeisley Jo Ann Tsitouras Koontz Whealen Koontz F. Jean Borst Koranda Jane Wortman Jean L. Rejsa Koss Virgil Koss Alfred E. Kottal Pam & Sam Johnson, Jr. Betty J. “Jean” Kouba Family & Friends Edward Kramer Barbara Kramer Lillian M. Krejci-Robison Randy & Suzanne Krejci Josephine “Jo” Louise Krumbholz Richard & Geraldine Pfiffner Kenneth “Kenny” Martin Krumbholz Josephine Krumbholz & Family Myrna L. Krumm Dr. Dennis & Ellie Charipar Della Ann & Milo J. Kucera John & Helen Kurilec Mark Kucharski Alliant Energy Foundation Robert & Caroline Kucharski Helen Kula Dr. Dennis & Ellie Charipar Beverly J. LaFond Gary McEowen Marcella Louise (Johnson) Larson Etta Lee Bonnie Mae Hoffman Laschanzky Carol Morrissey Dr. Montague S. & Melba Lawrence Percy & Lileah Harris Elizabeth F. “Bette” Lee Jim & Ruth Affeldt Pete & Joan Bailey Dan & Sally Baumgartner Bob & Jane Fahr Family & Friends Rick & Donna Flynn Forest Glen Management Assn. Grinnell Beverage Co., Inc. Larry Hagemeier Ike Auen Distributing Co., Inc. Iowa Wholesale Beer Distributors Association Donald & Teresa Johnson Kabrick Distributing Co. of Mason City, Inc. L. & L. Distributing Co., Inc. John & Laura Locher Cameron & Debra Luerkens Michael & Susan McDermott Terrence & Joan Murrin Joyce Ohms Annette Olsen Charles Quinn Joe & Lynda Schimberg Dr. & Mrs. T.J. Schueller 23 David & Helen Feiereisen Anna George Jeff Janssen, Marketing Marian K. Lind Wayne & Maxine Stein William & Bernardine Maloney Glenn & Bridget Janus Bonita “Bonnie” Lindenmayer Richard Lindenmayer & Family Marian Lorraine Malstrom Family & Friends Alice H. Lindsay Bob & Susie Moran John Mangold Mary V. Mangold John H. Lindsey Bill & Bette Raus Donald P. Mangrich Mangrich & White Family Janet Mae Livingston Dennis & Ellen Schmuecker Dr. James C. Manville Sam & Pam Johnson David Neuhaus John J. Locher John & Laura Locher Mr. & Mrs. John Ibeling Elizabeth Kacere Scott & Mary Jo Seibert Sharon Skerik Rick & Marilyn Skogman Smith Massman Landscape & Design Co. Don & Janet Stevens Genevieve Stickney David & Diane Thomas Karen Tousey Doug & Gail Tvedt Doug Van Metre Wells Fargo Bank Iowa Chuck Whittenburg Dist., Inc. James W. Lee International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers No. 1362 Mrs. Orlan Klopp The James Lee Family Steve & Deb Lee Vince & Carol Woodson R.I. “Lee” Leeland Janice Baumer B.G. Brecke, Inc. Ray & Sally Buser Robert & Paulette Clark Robert & Libbie Dolezal Mike & Diane Hall B. Maralyn Hudson IBM International Business Machines Corporation George & Dorothy Klinkhammer Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Micka John & Sharon Mistretta Gaylord & Barbara Osmundson George & Marilyn Roushar Beverly Sather Paul & Maryann Shaughnessy Richard & Beverly Spencer Thomas & Kathy Van Berkum Adella A. LeGrand James & Peg LeGrand Patrick C. Lemme Steven & Linda Baumgartel Leonard Jeanne Lenz Carol Abodeely 24 Bert W. Leonard Rockwell Collins Mary Levendoski St. Ludmila Church Helen M. Loftus William & Kathryn Cole Dr. Mark & Karen Tyler Patrick Michael Loftus Monica Loftus Grant A. Longenbaugh Catherine Amborn Martin & Catherine Roach Dorothy E. Lewis Derwin & Marjorie Elliott Christine Hofferd Jean Imoehl Jean Kenison Rob Kress Sheryl Kress Walter & Mary Lou Lewis Monica Loftus Joan Martin Genevieve McShane Harold & Pauline Miller Vi Murphy Jean Ogden Dorothy Sampson John & Sally Spielman Marilyn Stoecker Patricia Sweetman Mr. & Mrs. Tim Wilson & Toni Charlotte Virginia Lowe Francis & Dalene Bateman Justein & Bernadine Cook Elaine Fox Daniel & Teresa Kleinmeyer Roger & Shirley Lowe Walter & Delores Musel Brian & Karen Scott Craig & Vicki Shadle Howard & Sharon Tauke Ethel E. Lewis John & Charman Banks Family & Friends Stephen & Sydney Happel Kathy Huedepohl Marcus & Jeanette Lamoreux Mercy Food & Nutrition Employees Don & Phyllis Schillig Rudy & June Schultschik Robert & Carol Uhlmann Mrs. H.E. Winter Milo R. Lunacek Joseph W. Less Richard & Roberta Novak Alma Shramek Marjorie Lewis Family & Friends Robert & Elaine Miller Millie Anna Lewis Patrick & Jessica McTaggart Charles & Verna Randall Vida Reber Jim & Sandy Smith Cynthia Sue Lightfoot Carroll & Terese Claeys Evan James Maloney Donna Oldorf Terry E . Lowe Michael & Janette Azevedo Bergan, Paulsen & Company, P.C. Fairfax State Savings Bank Family & Friends Renee Harms Neil & Karen Kleinmeyer Dave & Mary Neuhaus Craig & Vicki Shadle James N. “Jim” Luse James & Shirley Cutright James “Jim” Charles Lynott Robert F. & Janis L. Kazimour Evelyn Louise Miller Lyon Ted & Carrol Stark Roger Maguire Bill & Bette Raus Ronald Lee Mahany Scott Gregoire Dorothy Margaret Maher Joseph & Dorothy Hansen Dale & Le Elyn Metz Rosemary A. Mahoney Coggon Class of ‘51 Sister Helen Majewski Elizabeth Weland Cecelia D. Marek Rosemary Dreismeier Wilma K. Markert Cal & Marge Wagner Mary Ann Marovich Dick & Nancy Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Robert Allsop Roger Altes Lois & Lowel Batson Vern Ann & Gene Baxter Gene & Mary Bender Judy Bjornsen Marcia & Jim Buresh Dan & Bibiana Chadwick Patrick & Sandra Cobb Joseph Creen Richard & Doris Derr Don Doudna Rich & Faye Dykema Mike & Kara Eger Paul & Carmen Eldresveld Rose Elvidge Frea & Graeme Errington Bob & Arlene Erusha Barb & Dave Fischer Gary Frederick Dan & Jackie Gardemann Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hall Nancy & Russ Hansen Jackie Harrington Tom & Pat Hause Jane & Dick Hoelz Jean Imoehl Dave & Julie Johnson G. Richard & Jackie R. Johnson Tina & Jeff Kernwein Russ & Joan Koenigsfeld Nancy & John Kratzer Dave & Laurie Kretz Todd Kuhse Robert Marovich John & Linda Marovich Linda & Chuck Marple Steve & Denise Maze Gayle & Mike McDonald Dennis, Mary, Vicki, Nick & J.P. Miller James & Diane Monnier Cheryl & Dale Moore Beth & Pat Morrissey Kay & Duane Nesetril Frank & Henrietta O’Connell Kelly & Bryan Palmer Lanette Passman Vicki & Steve Pruess Bob & Pat Rainwater Herm & Dianne Reininga L. Lorene Rice Chris Rogers Deb & Dean Roggow Hank & Judy Schillinger Becky & Loren Schmidt Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Schueller Carol Sheetz Jack & Laura Staudacher Brad & Meg Thompson G.L. & Maureen Thompson Deb Toy Luella & Clarence Van Englehoven Barb & Jim Vancura Chuck & Marsha Veldhuizen Floyd & Carol Wesselink Char Weuve Michael & Ann Whitehill Gerry & Lynn Widen Karen Zazza Helen A. Martin Family & Friends Bert & Jean Graham Evelyn Graham John Graham Judy Graham Judy Gunn Jonathan & Karla Ice Victoria Kluth Jerry McGrane Andrew & Mary Rita Meyers Shirley Oates Elenore & Gene Thorpe Foundation gifts to Mercy Medical Center in fiscal year 2006 funded the following: Mercy Regional Cancer Center Hall Radiation Center Capital Equipment Purchases Hospice of Mercy Cardiac Research Scholarships and Educational Programs for Mercy Employees Outpatient Stroke Rehabilitation Patient Room Renovations Building Projects Mildred B. Matteson Dorrance & Shirley Brady Florence “Angie” May Ellen Toomey Linda Toomey Patricia B. McArtor Hills Bank & Trust Co. Odette Welton Roger Wilcox R. Colleen Willia Gary & Coralie Williams Mae M. McAtee Rockwell Collins Rosalie A. McAtee Lee & Nora Reece Carl T. & Dodie McClain Janelle & George McClain Sandra Kay McClain Richard McClain Robert C. McClelland Rosvil & June Brown Arlene McClelland Melvin “Mel” J. McCormick Wayne Collum Steve & Lynda Condurelis Allan & Marcia Eggers Anne Evarts Family & Friends Michele Hartzler Bob & Judy Jaeger Byron & Teresa Keister Gordon Kennedy Joseph & Cynthia Kolosick Howard & Janyce Pohlmann Richard & Janet Ransom Amy Steinbeck Mardell Tinkey Janet Vesey Bernice Ann McCrea Nicholas and Susan Klinkhammer Richard & Patricia Sulentic Donna Young Johanna “Jo” McGrath Lawrence E. McGrath William J. McGuire Mrs. William J. McGuire James “Jim” Edward McInerney Vickie, Kathie & Creighton Shepard Mary M. McIntosh Barton & Jean Taylor Richard W. McMann Jean McMann & Family Sister Mary Clarence McDonald John & Lois McDonald Mary Ellen McManus Glenn & Bridget Janus McDonnell & Regan Families Virginia Regan Virginia O. McWhinney Ann Stanek Martin Michael McEowen Gary McEowen Dr. Mark Allan Mehlhoff Mary Jane Adams Linda Ahlrichs The Baustian Family Dr. Albert & Sandra Coates Blain & Terri Conway Jean Cooper Michele Covington Frank & Jamia Daily Myrtle Eva McGinty Frank & Pat Lillis Bill & Irene Richardson Larry & Loreita Tharp Ernest & Adeline Weimer Everett Young Ron & Liz Young Drs. Steven & Mary Eyanson Linda Franklin Diana Gardner Sheila & Tork Harman Catherine Kane Janelle Kazimour Lorraine Kerkman Connie Kerr Lois Kopecky Kari Kromminga Linn County Medical Society Alliance Darcie Luxa Dr. Hugh MacMenamin & Dr. Kathleen Opdebeeck Alex & Joann Meyer Amy Mihm Merlin & Ruth Osborn Becky Prier Robin Ruzicka Debra Schmidt Dr. & Mrs. T.J. Schueller Ruth Strathman Kaye Strickler Melissa Young Szalay & Robert Szalay Barb Thiher Jim & Jean Tinker Lindsey Wagamon Claudia Warfel Linda Weiler Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Zumbach Karl J. Meier Jim & Cheryl Dickerson John & Bonnye Fowler M. Glen & Virginia Goehring Donald & Donna Huff Marie Jones Kings and Queens Mr. & Mrs. John Marion Marion Family Pharmacy J.E. & Nancy Markussen Danny & Sandra Meier Terry & Linda Meier Jacquelyn Meyer Darrell & Sharon Miller Donald & Katherine Minor Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Morgan William & Dorothy Nelson Howard & Joyce Parks Lynn & Delores Pickering Mary Rife Harold & Rosemary Schirm Zenolia Schirm Mr. & Mrs. Walter Sweet Len & Marlene Wasendorf Annette Zink Robert J. Melendy Bill & Alice Barker Ruth Bloomers Donna Boyle Andy & Dixie Cirkl Jim & Vickie Covington Barb & Bill Crosser Judy Darling Doreen Dirks Linda Gaddie Norm & Elsie Goodell 25 Mildred Hemesath Cecelia Horn Wayne & Cathy Horn Lyle & Viola Horsman Nancy Kaufman Darlene Klaas Joseph & Ruth Lakers Debby & Tom Linson Linda Mellody Craig & Lois Newholm Larry & Betty Priske Tina Reiter Art & Joyce Saldana Roger & Tana Snell Ronald & Helen Snell Joe & Judy Vislisel Tom & Chris Zwirlein Jackie Melnick Percy & Lileah Harris Robert & Joan Kocher Herbert & Joann Wiese Pearl M. Melsha Cora Giza Edward Melsha Paul Melsha Cindy Ann Melson William & Carol Allen Dale & Nina Bappe Floyd & Jeanette Booth Dennis & Kim Greene Audrey Hauter Hills Bank & Trust Company Allen & Marlene Johnson Russ & Donna Knuth Donald & Connie Lochner Darrell & Sharon Miller Sarah Tribble Judith Westergren Marcia Mensen Family & Friends Kathleen F. Merfeld Dorrance & Shirley Brady Cathy & Marc Gullickson George & Betty Machacek Mary Lou Sanborn Lois “Darlene” Merklin Mary Hachey Gladys R. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Keith Achey Robert & Jeanette Becker Raymond & Betty Ferguson Frances Hembera Laura Johnston James & Yvonne Jonas Marilyn Jones Lynn & Dorothy Kehm Lucille Mikesell Donald & Rose Marie Miller Daniel & Lila Olmstead Patricia Sanger Arthur John Milbach Kevin & Karla Hamdorf Carroll E. Miller Bill & Jo Schuster Robert E. Miller Maureen Miller Family Robert S. Miller Theza L. Miller Mary Louvina Minn Herbert & Jo Ann Wiese Vickie Lynn Montague Gary & Loree Bain Hubert & Beverly Christner Larry & Linda Crouse Colleen Deitrich Robert & Muriel Hamilton Life Investors/AEGON Sharman Neece Richard & Mary Louise Schlotterback Kay Schwenke Richard & Nancy Weber Margaret B. Montross Garland & Barbara Ashbacher Family & Friends Farmers State Bank Robert & Debbie Hughes Marie E. Krueger Joseph & Henriette Lastuvka Tracy Zachman, Cancer Services Barbara Ann Ewing Moore Otto C. Moore Maurice Mowrer Mary Mowrer Conrad & Aletha Paulson Jean Plotz Joyce Y. Moore Keith & Donna Barber Don & Bev Bendixsen Marvin & Donna Blair Lorna Britcher Michael & Debra Cantonwine Louis & Marge Grossen Mr. & Mrs. Harold Harmet Peggy Hungerford Dean, Sara Jedlicka & Family Gregory McCoy Jerold & Dritha McCoy Mr. & Mrs. Mark McCoy Mr. & Mrs. Matt McCoy Mr. & Mrs. Phil McCoy Dean Moore Robert & Elizabeth Mowry Lillian & Rusty Schroeder Marjorie & Ellis Stonerook Evelyn Straub Joan Ward Jeanette A. Mulligan Jack Mulligan Ruth L. Nash Joe & Corrine Ohligschlager Joe & Lynda Schimberg Frank J. Pavek David J. Byrnes Eleanor L. & Paul Morgan Family of Paul & Eleanor Morgan Francis Eugene Morris Bill & Bette Raus Glen Morris Twila Morris Joyce E. Morris Twila Morris Curtis Cortez, Food Service Mary H. Mumm Virginia A. Regan Clair O. Munson Joyce Munson & Family Madaline Margaret Murphy Don Murphy Elaine Verneal Sanden Mykleby Bettendorf Swim Club, Inc. Curt & Janice Block Peter Caras Family & Friends David & Virginia Gembler Jean Imoehl Carl & Letha Martin E. M. Pearson Michael & Tracy Sanden Emmett & Ann Scherrman Alice T. Smith Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Nancylee Ziese Evelyn M. Nation G. Ruth Odinetz Richard “Dick” D. Neal Helen Neal John H. Morse Marvin & Mary Gregor John Morse Family Willard “Bill” Neal Quentin Post Virgil Moser Teresa Moser William G. Neff Tom Moran OAS Organization Elizabeth E. “Bettie” Moucka Ronald & Mary Jo Achey Max Adamski & Joan Braner William & Rosanne Altenhofen Donna Bean Heather Bedford Arley & Darlene Blankenburg David & Marguerite Bowen Mary Cashen Tom & Kathleen Conley Agnes Fleagle Robert & Barbara Franklin Jim & Marcia Holley Kristi Kearney Monica Loftus Joan Martin Elizabeth Mazur Renalda McComas Tom Moran Paul & Paula Moucka Jean Ogden Jerry & Marilyn Owen Mary Kay Pence PEPSICO Foundation Judith Riggs Richard & Jeanne Sentman Donna Spellman Jim & Bonnie Thomas Marcia Tuttle Margaret Wagner Sister Mary Geraldine Pavek David J. Byrnes Sarah Marie (Flint) Peet Mildred Flint Jean Imoehl Thomas & Sally Stovie Mabel Thiessen Ronald & Cindy Rathjen Helen Reardon Eugene Schwarting Albert & Lynda Selinger E. Wayne & Marilyn Selzer Steve Selzer David Stastny Ronald & Susan Tonneson Keith & Patricia Williams Jayne Woodson Iva Jane Norman Anonymous Blanche Novak Bob & Marcella Stolba Richard “Dick” Charles Novak, Sr. Bob & Phyliss Lange Mary Elizabeth Oberthur Mercy Medical Center Auxiliary Joanne Nelson James & Kathleen Nelson Frieda A. Oehl Steven & Linda Baumgartel Helen M. Nemecek Virginia Regan Geraldine R. Offermann Claire Gesie Richard Nightingale Janice Nightingale Ann Wadsworth Olberg Stutt Insurance Agency Emmett J. Nolan Lorna Nolan Dennis L. Oldorf Gail Bennett Jim & Mary Bradley Gary Hamilton Tom & Mary Ellen Kenney Brent & Mitzi Magid Richard & Darcie Mitchell Moyer & Bergman, P.L.C. Donna Oldorf Jean Oldorf Marilee Oldorf Marvin & Carol Parmer Tom & Judy Rohwedder Jim & Jean Tinker Patrick Vincent Nolan Katherine Spartz Wayne E. Norden Charlotte & Daniel Darrow Ray & Florence Denbow Mike & Jenny Denbow & Family Dave & Nancy Denbow & Family David & Barbara Dishong Jack & Arla Fisk C. Richard & Delores Gray Susan Hansen Julie & Rob Heiple Patricia Hinton Robert & Patricia Kent Francis & Betty King Gary & Mercedes Lester R.R. & Greta Magee Bonnie Martin Robert & Lorrie Niman Gertrude Phelps R.H. “Tad” Peck Family & Friends Mary Ann Gureno Keri Hird Naomi Wade Charlotte G. (Lund) Olson Cindy Baird Yvonne Corbeil & Ira Byock Ronald Fried Hospice Care Corporation Iowa Hospice Organization Jonathan Krutz Mary Lerner Mary Michal National Hospice & Palliative Organization Board & Staff Jon Radulovic & Reggie Nieves Tennessee Hospice Organization Ruth A. Olson A.J. & Patricia Kinley John & Carole Livingston Joyce Martha O’Meara Chet & Connie Adams Barry & Susan Carter Chris & Ross Edgerton Family & Friends John & Carol Flynn Joan Force Dr. William Kuttler Shirley Sheehan Walter & Joan Voigts Alma M. O’Neill Father Raphael Abraham Myrna Ballard Stan & Clarissa Cejka Jim & Mary Hamilton Sandy Hutchcroft Mary Keel Barbara Kolsto Mary A. Martin Marian McCoy Kay Nelson Bob & Jan Schobert John & Sally Spielman Liselott & Ingeburg Gloechler Osman Andre Osman Ivan G. Osterkamp, Sr. Dorothy A. Stutt Russell Thayer “Russ” Owens Carol Morrissey Al & Marlene Myers C. Bruce & Donna Nuneamker Mary Lou Sanborn Rev. Henry Palm Marc & Cathy Gullickson Timothy & Ann McCrea Mercy Medical Center Tim & Nancy Palm Kathleen P. Parker Bill & Bette Raus Richard Ryan Robert L. Pence Cathy Pence & Dennis Murphy Mary Pence William “Bill” Michael Perri Michael & Rosemary Fandel Peggy & Jim Meek Frances Peters Edna Gelski Ronald & Karen Hardy Delores Hubert Louis & Millie Jedlicka Leslie Kadlec Gloria Ann Childs Peters Marvin & Carol Bigbee Eugene & Kristine Carlton Leo & Norma Drilling Family & Friends Lucille Melchert Jeanne Miller Renee Neal Larry Peters Donald & Marie Sandquist John & E. Diane States Gerald & Linda VonStein Bernice Louise Petersen Dorothy Anderson Norma Anderson Suzanne & Randy Anderson & Family Vern & Tammy Bass Betty Jane Homemade Candies, Inc. — Linnae Heinz Charles & Sharon Campbell Kelly Derks Kevin Derks Matthew Derks Michael, Dylan & Harley Derks Family & Friends Sylvia Hansen Gary & Lisa Hayslett Mike & Kathy Hayslett Warren Hayslett Paula Holub Herb & Violet Jacobsen Bob & Lili Jensen Marilyn Johnson Don & Glorian Justice Kay Kaalberg, Dave & Pat Kordick Larry & Kathleen Kemp Tom & Jeanette Kilpatrick Robert & Betty Kircher Sharece Derks & Bill Klimek Sheldon & Sandra Kongable Sue Kucera, Lucille Graham & Debra Ohlin Wayne & Patty Laing Irene McAleer Richard & Phyllis McKean David & Jill Messerli Dave & Judy Mischke Dennis & Diane Nelsen Stewart & Kathie Orhtman Cecil Petersen Dewey Petersen & Henrietta Fields Mr. & Mrs. Jake Petersen, Marsha, Rita & Glen Shiela Petersen Virgil & Marjorie Preston Linn & Sharla Ries Sam & Millie Rodgers Gerald & Joann Sisco Shalain Sisco Marlene Skovgaard Skvor Family J.D. & Cynthia Speltz Ray & Kathy Stockdale Cliff & Andrea Trilk Connie Williams Mary C. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Stein Rozella Pickart Hazel Schulte Louis Tickal James Pickens Chris & Maria Hargitt Duane Arthur Pickering Diane & Steve Montgomery Donald Plond Mr. & Mrs. Edgerly Watts Elizabeth J. Plotz Mary Hook Leo Plotz Ron, Sue, Tyler & Mindy Olson Paulson Electric Company/ PEC Communications Jean Plotz Delbert F. Pollet Marvin & Mary Gregor Arnold H. Poock Stutt Insurance Agency Anna Popelka Delores Hubert Alberta Alice Neal Taylor Post Family of Alberta Neal Taylor Post Richard T. Powell Jim & Sallie Driscoll Mary Lou Sanborn Mark & Jan Spielman Patricia J. Powrie Pat Zaiser Mark Prabel Ann Ballard Richard & Nancy Becker Ryan & Carol Benson Mr. & Mrs. Waldo Berger Loren Black 27 Shiela Sweeting, Catering Mike & Lola Black Mike & Candy Boyer Mr. & Mrs. Larry Brown Erik & Serena Brueggemeyer Mike & Lynda Burgess Betty Burkholder Traci Burns Pat & Laura Cain Ivan Christopherson Duane Coonrod Bernice Crozier DA Bunch Company Dale & Tina Dice Jerry Dietz & Christene Lacy Virgil & Susan Dietz Sally Falconer Frank & Denise Floerchinger Family & Friends Larry & Teri Graw Carl & Karleen Gray Steve & JoAnn Hamilton Michael & Mary Hansen Larry & Jenny Hanson Steve & Syd Happel John & Heidi Harriman Ardella Harrington Jeff & Tracy Harris Russ & Brenda Havlik Rick & Keri Heald Randy, Vickie, & Betty Heeren Patricia Holderness Gerald & Barb Holtz Kimberly Houser Thomas & Carol Hubbard Dan & Jill Jirak Sherry Johnson Mike Krantz Don & Judy Kucera Sue Lane Ed & Patricia Machacek Gary & Jan Myers Dave Neuhaus Randy & Renee Neumann Fred Parr Rusty Portor Kevin & Laurie Powrie Nancy Prabel Lola Reisner Jerry & Kathy Reside Mike & Diane Reutzel Michele Roddey Dave & Rita Rummells Harold & Wilma Siler Steve & Wanda Tharp Dale & Alicia Thomsen Kurt & Angie Tjelmeland Don Vanourney Ann Volz Karen Volz Kenneth & Catherine Volz Sharon Volz Karen Welch Kevin & Amber Welch Dale Welsh Weyerhaeuser Delores Wilson Robert & Teresa Wright Dave & Candi Zenisek Jerry Zenisek Ron Zenisek Merwin & Michele Zerba Mike Zlatohlavek William J. Probert Mrs. Wallace Boyson Frank Quijano Bonita Campbell Jack & Ann Coady David & Shari Frantz Deanna Nurre Tom & Vickie Van Etten Elsie Berniece Ragel Fred & Pat Casazza Dale & Ann Ragel Donna M. Ramsay American Century Investments Joe & Ann Bridges Vern Brubaker John Burke & Mrs. Margaret Burke Richard Cilek Russell & Delores Colton Commerce Bank J. Timothy & Nancy Doonan Esther Franklin Co-workers of Karen Shultz Carol Montgomery, Lynn Harris, Rose Jones, Terry Hargreaves, Joan Chavez, Scott Hewins, Michelle Gard, David Schlagel, Kelly Chamberlain, Brian Imhoff, Curtis Jones, Jean Wade, Jan Bishop, Cheryl Henson, Emily Bornheimer, Rob Leach, Karen Wilson, Matt Burgess Charlie & Ag Gradoville B.I. Jackson Bill Jackson Amy Joseph Paul & Kay Knight Floyd Lillig David & Pauline Marner Richard E. Miller Walt & Geri Mollman Don & Pat Peiffer Ronald & Martha Petsel Larry Ramsay Marjorie Schacht Roy & Helen Snell Bob & Marcella Stolba Leo Stolba Robert & Karen Trachta John & Greta Van Fleet, Jr. Geraldine Vrbicek Harlan & Shirley Witte Myron Jackson Robert R. Randall Melvin & Marjorie Schulte Fukiko “Kiko” Nishiyama Rath Big Timber, Inc. Charles & Paula Burgmeier James & Susan Burke Richard & Orrine Chute Michael & Patti Doser Nadine D’Urso Anna Guthrie Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Haerther Randal & Maureen Harris Noreen Kime Michael & Barbara Klappholz Ronald & Cynthia Kreassig Jean Kruse Kenneth & Helen Kupka Ted & Jeanne Mann Charles & Linda Marple Mercy Medical Center Alma O’Neill Marjorie Rath Lucy Schriner Jack & Georganne Steele Robert & Sandra Stepanek Joyce Twachtmann Leoma Zimmerli Rita M. Reding Margaret Ryan Joe & Lynda Schimberg Cecil A. Reed Justin Dunn Marge Jacobs Lester George Rehak Dr. Anita Barta & Jeanne Craine Jack & Jeanette Ernst Judith Kindig Christine Palmisiciano Milo & Virginia Rehak Carol J. Rehman Robert F. & Janis L. Kazimour Robert C. Reu Mary Reu Norman L. “Norm” Richmann Mr. & Mrs. Scott Richmann Mary Jane Rickey Matthew & Mary Richeson 28 William Riepe Mark & Tina Riepe Rebecca A. Riggle David & Andrea Novak Robert D. Riggle Richard & Shirley Draper Joe Rink Delores Hubert Wendy A. Rivinius-Portz George & Marilyn Roushar Bill Robinson Bill & Bette Raus Mary Philomena (Phil) Roeder Maggie Andrews Charles P. Rohde Catherine A. Rohde Alvin, Dell Rose & Randy Roling Lee & Darlene Schmidt Jim Rook Joseph & Barbara McGrane Waldtraut “Trudy” Marie Root Victor Root Agnes A. Roseberry Robert Roseberry Karen Roseberry Robert Roseberry Louise M. Roseberry Evadene Keith Robert L. Roseberry Wayne & Elaine Eddins Jack & Ruth Ilten Howard & Evadene Keith Mildred Lodge Robert & M. Jean Murray Delores Nalley Bert & Evelyn Roseberry Mary Roseberry Sister Mary Augustine Roth Donald A. McEleney, M.D. Sheryl Sue Roudabush Lawrence Roudabush Floyd H. Rowden Pam & Sam Johnson, Jr. Paul R. Rowland Anonymous Dean Davis Violet Davis Family & Friends Joan Fishburn John & Evelyn Lantz Mercy Medical Center Richard J. Rstom Mary Cashen Dan & April Dietrich Family & Friends Carl Hoffman Janice Oltmann Sara Oltmann Betty G. Truesdell Gwendolyn M. “Gwen” (Zabokrtsky) Rumbo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Banse Kimberly Erusha Robert & Arlene Erusha Hazel Schulte Catherine Lapes Samouris Basil & Lynn Hadjis Emory Dale Sample Harlan J. Lortz Frances Sample Mardelle Sanborn Maxine Anderson Lorna Britcher Douglas Conklin Family Bill & Mary Eichhorst Vivian & Mike Elam Betty & Ort Gralund Spencer Jackson Family Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Klatt Kwik Trip, Inc. Dick Lilledahl Robert & Charlotte Nechanicky Kenneth Owens Family Rick Parmater Family Robert & Ginger Pike Daryl & Sandy Sanborn Rick & Amy Scofield Carol Snyder Jon & Nancy Stahl Kathy Williams Lisa & Randy Williams Donald E. Sandquist Betty Berdo Victoria Berdo Mary Blocker ESCO Group Family & Friends Alan & Melanie Harms International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers #405 Ralph & Dorothy Lydman George & Charlotte Machacek David & Elaine Manternach Clarence & Pauline Olson Janice Peterson Ruth Sandeen Jon, Jean, Alec, Adam, & Austin Sandquist John & E. Diane States Sally Sattler Tom & Louise Cunningham Dr. John & Mary Kay Ritchie Roberta M. Saunders Dorothy Stutt Richard Scherling Peggy & Jim Meek H. A. Schimberg John & Laura Locher Francis Joseph Schmidt Hazel Stien Jim & Annie Volz William & Marcella Schmidt Lee & Darlene Schmidt William Schneider Dr. Paul Schneider Walter Schnurr Joe & Barbara McGrane Grace Schober Cynthia Colon Sally Emery Julie & Lee Hines Dr. Charles R. “Ray” Scholl Mr. & Mrs. Robert Allsop Dr. & Mrs. Russell Anthony Carl & Topsy Aschoff Judy Askam Doctors Arthur & Marian Barnes Dr. & Mrs. Beamer Breiling Mrs. R. Michael Ford Dr. Richard & Shirley Geiger Dr. Michael & Nancy Hirleman Marjorie Hirleman Jean Imoehl Sam & Pam Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Hall Koontz Joann Leinbaugh Gary & Kathie Martens Renalda McComas Dr. Thomas & Sandra McIntosh Peggy & Jim Meek Dr. Paul & Peggy Orcutt Our Lady of Mount Carmel School Don & Ruth Paulsen Radiology Consultants of Iowa, PLC Ginger & John Sabia Dr. Germain Schmit Dr. & Mrs. T. J. Schueller Audrey Shank Harlan & Kathy Sharp Rebecca Shawver Don & Miriam Shipman Ellis & Marjorie Stonerook Jodi Swender Patricia J. Scholl Dr. Dennis & Ellie Charipar Hall & Marion Koontz Dr. Thomas McIntosh William G. “Bill” Schoop American Legion Post #298 Thomas & Susan Cahalan Norman & Gayle Capps Virginia Carkhuff Tim & Rhonda Countryman Cathy Davis Jim & Madge Dougan Donna Fugate Ruth Gifford Jerry & Barb Heath Donna Henry Dan & Susan Hull Evelyn Huseman Stan & Karen Ingles Gerald & Sherry Kneeland Randy & Suzanne Krejci Mel Meggers Ruth & Donald Morton Darlene Nash Betty Niderhiser Darlene Reeg & Family Kimberly Robertson Sally Rowley Steve & Paula Schwerdtfeger Joyce & Dee Serbousek Robert & Dorothy Tesdahl Jerene Thomas United Fire Group William & Teresa Vogl Lois Watters Dorothy Wolf Sister Eugene Schriner Donald A. McEleney, M.D. David Schueller Dr. Dennis & Ellie Charipar Mark Thomas Schueller Dr. & Mrs. T.J. Schueller Keith W. Schulte Madeline Schuerer Schulte Patricia “Pat” Ann Schulte Family & Friends Craig & Brenda Hackbarth Schulte & Tecklenburg Familes Marjorie & Melvin Schulte Melvin H. Schutterle Dawn & Al Block Kyle & Shannon Schmidt Pam Schmidt Velma Schwager Sr. Marilyn Ward Frances Schwarting Eugene R. Schwarting Irvin J. “Jim” Schwendinger Anonymous John Schwob Dr. Jeruld & Betty Weiland Margaret Svoboda Scroggins Wayne & Theresa Alberts Marie A. Sebetka Joan Sebetka Isabelle Edna Sedrel Fred & Kathryn Petersen Mahlon “Pat” Seehusen Dr. Dennis & Ellie Charipar Richard L. Selken Garry & Rosemary Krutzfeldt Teresa Selken Betty Lou Sexton Kent & Kim Cromer Michael & Amy Diers Margaret Harrington Gloria Larson Roselyn Ryan Colleen Marie Sexton William Swim & Margo Magee-Swim Lois Verdow Marilyn Stoecker, volunteer Lee” Harold Sexton H. Gene & Phyllis DeMean Anna George Joanne Gorsh Russell & Betty Kauffman Jean Kenison John & Roxanne McCrane Larry & Judy Myers Herman & Dorothy Schloss Billy & Mary Utt Stephen & Karen Weigand Richard J. Shaffer Randy & Kathy Baker Jennifer Blair Ernie & Chris Coleman Jerry & Barb Cookson John & Cheryl Dlouhy Mina Geise Connie Humpfer Mary Hurlbut Greg & Kris Long Jim & Lynette McDowell Vicki Pruess John & Esther Razo Jon & Ro Shramek Dave & Karolyn Wagner Scott & Robin Walden Ross & Ruth Warden Joye Winey Paul R. Shawver Ann Bastian Mary Hachey Henrietta L. Sheehy Charles H. Sheehy Vivian Margaret Sheely Dr. Dennis & Ellie Charipar Otto Paul & Ruth Sheller Kathy Martin (O’Mahoney) Larry & Sharon Monroe Jane E. O’Mahoney Jim O’Mahoney Sister Peg Murphy, Pastoral Care Connie Waybill Loyd Waybill L.D. & Karen Williams Michael W. O’Mahoney Timothy O’Mahoney Helen Kay Perry Joseph & Audrey Sheller Patricia Sheller Margaret Short (O’Mahoney) Herbert M. Shepard Vickie & Bill Thompson Mary L. Shepard Vickie & Bill Thompson Karl Raymond Shull Family & Friends Leni Shull & the Shull Family Tracy J. Sidwell Delores Hubert Alice Siebels Dorothy A. Stutt Barbara Sue Pealer Simmer Duane & Lucille Albright Margaret Armstrong Ron & Jo Bark William & Mary Jo Bills David & Joan Dostal David & Shari Frantz Family & Friends Patricia Goodwin Robert & Ardis Guyer Roberta Hartwig Mr. & Mrs. Robert Havlik Richard Heaverlo Julie & Rick Hubbard Luann Huk Johnson & Nicolay Families John & Patricia Lopata Richard & Sharon Ludwick Renalda McComas Colleen McDonald Estelle Newbury Sallyann Orf Mike & Lynne Pealer Ray & Jean Petrzelka Merritt & Elizabeth Robertson Virginia Robinson David & Vickie Rudd Thomas & Jody Rudd Cleo Sayre Evelyn Stumph 30 Reinhold John “R.J.” Simmer Duane & Lucille Albright William & Mary Jo Bills Robert & Ardis Guyer Dick & Pauline McKechnie Henry & Jeanne Rathje Darold & Glenda Smith Evelyn Stumph Louise Catherine Simons Betty Bockenstedt Jean Imoehl R.J. & Pat Stephan John & Jodi Venteicher Dick & Mary Venteicher George Andrew Skalsky Dennis & Bettye Hite Marge Petrzelka Mary, Joe & Frank Pusateri Mr. & Mrs. William Shebetka Martena Soukup Lucile Wittenmeyer Irma Skelley Don Skelley George J. Skvor Linda & Lon Haehlen William J. “Bill” Sloan Edwin & Phyllis Begunck Larry & Wanda Enderes Family & Friends Virgil & Phyllis Newhouse Kay & Kevin Sloan Donald L. Smith Janet Smith Dudley Richard Smith Wesley & Kathleen Novak Gilbert & Dorothy Sieren-White Howard Smith Ida Mae Houser Rex A. Smith, Sr. Mildred Smith Betty L. Smittkamp Terry & Ina Brende Ernest & Mary Dochterman Family & Friends Lisa Sherman Jon & Nancy Stahl Rita C. (Martin) Snow Renalda McComas Elaine Stallman Susan Volz Dr. Jeruld & Betty Weiland Harold E. Spores, Sr. Arlene Barrow Marilyn Bruce Family & Friends First Christian Church Charlene Goodnough Steve Huggins Carol Markey Wendy McMullen Russell & Kaylene Miller Errol Montgomery Vicki Shifflet Kelly Siems Gordy, Betty Smith Familes Bill Spores Jerry Spores Vicki Stolba Pat & Erin Tulley Jeanette Squinobal William and Patricia Elkington George & Eunice Elkington Leonard “Tom” Stallman Mary Jean Adams Fred Burke CRAIFA Family & Friends Ronald Landergott Phyllis & Jerry Nixon Ernestine Rodriguez Marvin & Lydia Stallman Ron & Carol Stallman Jim & Annie Volz Lola Lang Jim & Judy Shulista Dick & Bert Shulista Libbie Stejskal Sister Anne Marie Stickling, RSM Sue Pierce Sister Mary Lou Podzimek Delbert F. Stien Hazel Stien Jean Stien John & Joan Stien Violette Lucille Stiles James F. Stiles, MD & Albert F. Stiles Orlo R. Stockman Cedar Valley Street Rods Leo & Maxine Stodola Robert F. & Janis L. Kazimour Dr. Lawrence Strathman Henry & Patricia Strathman Michael Strathman & Mary Jo West Ruth C. Strathman Eldon J. “Stretch” Streletzky Eleanor Streletzky Delores L. Sufficool Don & Virginia Chehak Gordon & Edna Englebretson Steve & Lee Anna Englebretson James Sanders John & Karlene Taylor Tom and Helen Sullivan Family of Tom & Helen Sullivan Donald J. Suma Melvin Krumm Robert Joseph Stallman Etta Lee Josephine Stallman & Family Gary Sundell Western Fraternal Life Association, #423 Ethel C. Stanaway Harlan & Marge DeSotel Susan Dirks Family & Friends Ed & Mar Poynor Richard & Barbara Stanway Tom Stanway Violet M. Sutter Alliant Energy Foundation Bud & Jean Beck Robert & Jane Cook Dennis & Judith Dye Richard & Jane Forest Susan & Michael Humphrey Betty & Leslie Kadlec Kenneth & Erna Koupal Le Roy & Danice Larson Larry & Julie McLaughlin Harold & Pauline Miller Janet Merfeld & Kevin Murray Milo & Virginia Rehak Dr. Richard & Deborah Sedlacek Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Setzer Elaine Stallman Ann Stanek Steve & Sally Stendel Ray & Ann Stoner Mary Tarbox Dick & Mary Venteicher Robert “B.J.” Steen Robert & Carolee Bruner Barbara Martin Donna Ulferts John & Helen Yossi Regina Steffensmeier Suzy & Chris DeWolf Julie A. Steinke Arthur “Joe” Steinke Frank Anthony Stejskal Jerome & Kathleen Albert Larry & Shirley Best Janet Byars Friends & Family Gerry & Nancy Gillmore Ralph & Genevieve Gillmore Keith & Delores Johnson Kurt & Lori Johnson Irma N. Svoboda Vern & Rose Erusha Larry Tague Dick & Sherry Cornish Stella Effie Taylor Doris Guge Edwin N. “Ed” Thomas R.J. & Pat Stephan James & Bonnie Thomas Robert G. Thomas Viola Thomas Harvey O. Thompson, Sr. Family & Friends Thomas & Dorothy Hetzler Mr. & Mrs. James Hill Anna Marie Klein Audrey McKinley Kevin Mohnssen John & Darlene Scott Helen Senne Betty Thompson Harvey & Kathy Thompson, Jr. Marion Y. Thompson Jack Thompson Family Gloria J. Thorson Anna George Theodore C. & Elsie Thorson Christine Palmisciano Eleanor Tilley Eugene & Joyce Bahnsen Grace Hines & Family Irvin W. Toenjes Stutt Insurance Agency Anna Toomey Ellen & Linda Toomey Gervaise & John Toomey Linda & Ellen Toomey Timothy F. Tousey Jim & Ruth Affeldt Sali Almond Polly A. Alnutt Steve & Karen Anderson Vivian Baier Jeff & Valissa Berg Jeff & Pam Brandon Keith & Glenda Burgh James & Beverly Burrell John & Marilyn Christenson Sandra & Pat Cobb Tom & Lynn Conibear Frank & Pat Conrad Kenneth & Sandra Cook Richard & Sherry Cornish Jeff & Kirsten Corrigan David & Linda Cosgrove Gary & Betty Criddle Donna Cross Betty Davis David & Judy Dicken Todd & Rebecca Dickinson Kay & Mike Donohue The Ehrhart Family John, Dana, Elizabeth & Ben David & Kathy Erusha Vernon & Rose Marie Erusha Don & Patty Everist Mark & Debra Fink Edward & Diane Franklin Rickie Freihage Denny & Karla Goettel Craig, Mo & Trisha Gossard Mary Ann Gureno Patricia Hahn Ray & Carol Hammersley Diane Hayes Walt & Pat Hill Mark & Mary Hogenson Helen & Dick Hovey Jean & James Hutzell Joyce & Bob Jacobsen G. Richard & Jackie R. Johnson Thomas & Sandy Kaloupek Charles & Ruby King Sue & Steve King R.C. & Marilyn Kitterman Hal & Bev Klink David & Ethel Knutson Kevin Kramer Gary and Debra Lacock John & Pat Lafler LKGB, LLC (Joe Lee, Steve King, Steve Gray, Craig Byers) Bob & Jean Long Susan Long Dennis & Ruth Masters Clair & Carmen McGriff Mel Meggers Dan & Betsy Meloan Max & Cherie Miller Frank & Cheryle Mitvalsky Paul & Paula Moucka Melanie O’Donnell & Family Chuck & Carol Oehler Ron & Sue Olson Mary Owens Julie Parrott Mary Pierce Robert & Margaret Platner Tom & Myrna Popa Dr. & Mrs. Loren Potter Don & Marcia Primus Mary Jo Randall Dr. Douglas Recker Lou & Mary Ryan Judy Sampson Dan & Carol Scanlan Marjorie Schacht Joe & Lynda Schimberg Scott & Mary Jo Seibert Richard & Jeanne Sentman Michele Shepherd Jim & Judy Shulista Richard Shulista Family Darlene Sinkey Bill & Jan Spratte Jessie Stastny Rick & Diane Stefani Dale & Nancy Stout Brian Stranczek John & Jill Stranczek Norm & Nancy Stranczek Scott Stranczek Joel & Mary Swanson Mark Tack & Lara Muldoon Ron & Ann Tack Allen & Cheri Techau Mabel Thiessen Don Thompson Chad & Angie Tousey Karen Tousey Michael & Leanne Tousey Tim & Polly Tousey Megan Anderson, Radiology Debra Voss Gary & Betsy Wagner Leora Warrick Ron & Millie Wendt Karen Wernimont Arlo & Jean Whitman John & Ellen Wrzeski Annette Zink Dorothy Tracz Cal & Marge Wagner John S. Trimble Family of John Trimble Pauline L. Tschirgi Family & Friends Mary Slingluff Gary Speicher Katherine Tsitouras Whealen Koontz Charles Edgar Tubbs William & Mary Jo Bills Jack & Mary Carfrae Margene Cepowski Harlan & Marjorie De Sotel Kolene Dill Family & Friends Wes & Eileen Foster Kenneth & Anne Frame Maurice & Rachel Garnant Golden K. Kiwanis Club Terry & Barbara Griggs Gladys Haar Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Haerther Douglas & Barbara Hladek Edward & Mavis Hladek Maureen Hladek Dennie & Camilla Holverson Jean Imoehl Louis Kellner Irene Koeppen Carol Kuhl Nadine Merryman George & Marlene Milligan Dr. Paul & Peggy Orcutt Jean Parry John Plotz Myron Rathjen Gerald & Linda Regan Virginia Regan Kathy Rickertsen Mary Salmon Karen Sasek John & Rose Satariano Don & Miriam Shipman Darold & Glenda Smith Doris Smith & Lloyd Elgas Kevin Tubbs Lee Tubbs Sherre Tubbs Mr. & Mrs. M.W. Van Sickle Leta Wall Marjorie Wall Lenore Wojtowicz Dianne Zedrick Velma J. Tudor William & Carol Crawford Family & Friends Ronald & Jolene Kirkland Donna Knight Jack & Kathleen Shimp Leonard & Kathy Yoe Melvin “Duane” Tyler Patrick & Judith Baird Judy Burnett Sharon Carpenter Family & Friends Brian & Bridget Hilby Lynn & Cathy Johnson Karl & Patricia Knutson David & Corolyn Matejka Diane Montgomery Shirley Morris Mary Roseberry Michael & Sandra Ryan James & Erin Seely Linda Stone Marilyn Van Hoe Donna Waggoner Donna Young Richard J. Uchytil Gary & Linda Brendes Family & Friends Ed & Janie Gibney 31 Norman & Elfreida Kroemer Leland & Peggy Smithson Luella G. Ulferts Stutt Insurance Agency Newman J. Urbanek Gene & Alice Anderson Family & Friends Allen & Patricia Hinz Joe Hinz Sylvester & Joanne Hinz Mrs. Freda Lawrence Christine Urbanek Anne Wegman Leon Usher Jonathan & Kimberly Cushing Robert & Ethel Freymark Edsel & Barbara McMickle Lura Usher & Family Manuel & Dorothy Wise Dr. James Theodore Utter James F. Stiles, MD & Alberta F. Stiles Thomas A. VanAmburg Gretchen Dunker Betty Lou Verhille AALU The American College Bob & Lola Anderson Jim Bascom Bruce & Yvonne Benkusky Ralph & Shirley Blackford Jon & Cathy Bogert Scott & JoAnn Bogguss Steve Bonfig John & Phyllis Botkin John & Jo Bouslog Bill & Bonnie Brockschink Bob Brown C. Robert Brown David & Carol Brown Fred & Naomi Brown Linda Brown Chuck & Kim Buckingham Wilma & Patrick Buckingham Tom & Patricia Burocher Gene & Kay Carlson Brian & Peggy Carr Mary Ann Carr Ewing Carrouthers Ray & Jana Carson Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust Jerry & Mary Chaffee Ralph & Marcia Congdon Jack & Dilla Cosgrove Pat Courtney David DeWalle Ted & Valerie Diehl John & Kathy Dulle Dan & Janet Engle Dave & Maureen Engle Wayne & Shirley Engle Barb Erickson Dennis & Gloria Erickson Scoop & Patty Everist Fred & Eileen Foster Edith Frantz David Fry Art & Betty Fudge Florence Fuhrmeister Dale & Jean Fuller Addie Gaimari Mike & Leah Greif Steve & Karen Greif Mary & Jay Greiner Jeff Gunderson Larry & Robin Hanover Dermot Healy Phil & Ione Himebaugh Bettye Hite Ken & Janice Hook Jean Hopp Don Hoskins Jane Jiroutek Mary Kaliban & Boyd Harris Bev Kanak Matt DeGreif, Blood Donor Services Julie Kanak Mary Kanak Kansas City Life Frank & Jeri Kintzle Scott & Kris Klahn Herb & Karen Klontz Tim & Sara Koch Jessie Lefebure Clair & Mary Lensing Ralph & Marcia Longdon Stan & Ruth Losegard Patty McPherson Jeanne Moeller Moyer & Bergman Marlyce Murdoch Doug & Marva Neighbor David Neuhaus Michael & Mary New Mike & Karen Newland Don & Sharon Novak Ohnward Bank Shares Paul & Peggy Orcutt Mike & Julia Padon Tom & Mary Parks Clair & Margaret Plank Bob & Mary Plybon Marvin & Rose Pomerantz Alan & Hanna Press Pat & Vivian Quinn John & Mary Kay Ritchie Marty & Cathy Roach Chuck & Judy Rogers Del & Donna Roth Denny & Shelly Samuelson Robert & Martha Scharff Emmett & Ann Scherrman Dan Schick Dixie Schulte Ray & Helen Shelton Kay Shive-Hattery Dudley & Leona Smith Duane Smith Gary Speicher Jim & Ann Sullivan Bill & Yvonne Thomas Jim & Jean Tinker Bob Tracy Abe & Nicki Tubbs Alan Tubbs Dean & Marge Twaddle Doug & Cece Van Metre John & Mary Vernon David & Carol West Martha White Sr. Mary Cephas Wichman Dr. Phillip Joel Vesey Jan Vesey Emil & Dorothy Votroubek Janelle & George McClain Donna Wacker Maggie Andrews James & Sally Driscoll Wayne Wacker & Family Mary D. Wadsworth Ann Bastian J. David & Alexandria Carey David Clark & Margie Wagers Josephine Cook Barney & Madlyn Erdman The Hainsfurther Family The Holzman Family Nancy Lee The Mann Family Bill & Claudia Manning Peggy & Jim Meek Helen Miller Michael & Linda O’Donnell Paul & Nancy Springman Marilyn Zilka The Waxman Family Patricia McEnaney Lumir & Norma Newmeister Arne Olsen Bob & Joyce Prindle Frank & Betty Scheible Jacquelyn Simmons Ruth Ann Smigielski & family Jean Stewart Diana Tellier John & Katherine Tellier Winston Tellier Susan Volz Sally Wing William & Rae Yakish Galen H. Waggoner Steven & Linda Baumgartel Mary Watts Mr. and Mrs. Edgerly Watts Jeri Wallace Richard & Nancy Rath Erol Wear Mabel Janko Theresa Elaine Waln Cynthia Adams Family & Friends Jane Hanrahan Richard & Shirley Hartgrave Terry & Kathy Hartgrave Highway Equipment Company Joseph & Diane Miller Nadine E. Miller John Snyder Richard & Mary Ellen Steninger Leanore Tubbs H. Gerald & Debra Van Dyke Dorothy Waln LaVerne Wegmann Dr. Dennis & Ellie Charipar Dr. John & Marion Jacobs Don & Virginia Springer Doris L. Weidlein Mima Armstrong John & Dawn Eckrich Family & Friends Marge Holets, Chris, Vicky & Julie Donald & Patricia Kinch Merle & Sandy Murrah Eleanor Petersen Karen Kay Walter Karen Walter Golf Tournament Frank & Edith Welch Michael Welch Peter Welch Willard “Bill” Walton Willard “Bill” Walton Family Sister de Lellis Welch Peter Welch Aden E. Ward Sr. Marilyn Ward Ruby June Nebendahl Overturf Welch Dwayne Blinkinsop, Sr. Naomi DeHart Family & Friends Howard & Darlene Heaton Betty Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Donald Morton D.R. & Reda Prichard Mabel K. Thiessen Charles & Mary Thorman George & Lorayne Votrobeck R.L. & Barbara Votrobeck Betty Ruth Ward Family of Betty Ruth Ward Eleanor Wroblewski Gerald E. “Gary” Warner Sally Warner Aloe L. Waterbury LaVonne & Angelo Carter Family & Friends Wendy Gorkow Jack & Norma Hicks Douglas & Marilyn Macpherson Kathleen Montgomery LaVonne Nichols John Watson Climate Engineers, Inc. Ann Watson Marion E. Watson Carl & Topsy Aschoff Russel & Julia Carne Dentalcare Associates P.C. Don & Ann Drahos Don & Patty Everist Robert & Virginia Frink Rick & Trudy Hunt John & Esther Kofron Lafayette County Glass Dinah Lockhart Ted Welch Maxine Welch Peter Welch Robert Donald Wellman Margaret Wellman Andrew “Andy” J. Wells Mary, Therese & Michael Wells John Wells Margaret Wells Marie J. Wendel James & Bonnie Thomas Charles Werner Richard J. Ryan Claribel “Betty” Lage Wernimont Leola Clark David & Frances Elderkin Jean Ferring Joanne Johnson Lillian Kopecky Mary H. Larson Larry and Jo McGrath family Helene Ottsen Plaza East II Owners Association Karen Tousey Maxine Welch George “Don” West Vernon & Mary Beckmann Rafael Chiu Family & Friends Betty Hoffman Ron & Marilyn Skow & Family Robert & Linda Steen Don & Audrey West & Family Herbert “Herbie” D. Westrom Rosemarie Allan Tricia Allan Kellie August Joann Bockenstedt Robert & Janet Brown Joe & Rosie Brunhan Mary Cashen Dallas & Cindy Deike James & Mary Kay DeLong Doris Donohoe Charles Dudek & Nancy Lawson Virgia Galleger Imelda Geraghty Mona Gilmore Bernadette Walsh & Irene Harrington Kathy Jasper Lorie Kaiser Ruth Ann Kelleher Steve, Becky & Derek Kemble Cy & Maureen Knepper Doris Larson Pat Lillis Bill & Becky Miller Nadine Miller Michael & Margaret Ann O’Donoghue Don & Linda Palmer Mary Pusateri Patty Rauch Curt & Sigrid Reynolds Ben & Mary Ryan Mary Lou Sanborn Dorothy Shannahan Jackie Shannahan Lyn Shannahan Lou & LaVaun Stramel Tom & Mary Tharp Paul & Kathleen Tilot Erma Tomas Leanore Tubbs Joseph & Bernadine Vandewalle Larry & Robin Williams Joan Wilson Lorraine Wilson Neal Alan Wethington Shirley Gibb Donald & Lula Mae Glover Mike & Teresa Hoy John & Donna Kuehnle Patty Vokt, Human Resources Gary & Delores Robinson Margaret Suchomel Gene Thimmes Margaret Tonne James Ward Family Warren & Laura Wethington Richard & Millicent Zenishek Lena Marie White Family & Friends Nola Munson Helen Wilborn Family & Friends Rose Elizabeth Wilhelmi Dennis & Mary Miller U.S. Bancorp Foundation Farley Lee Williams Delbert & Laurel Williams Edward Wayne Wilson Beverlee Hagerman John & Diana Kaeser Ray & Margie Leeper Phyllis M. Wilson Frank & Julie Bellon Chet & Helen Casali Karen Gilbert Bill & Dianne Dewey Ralph & Connie Haigh Michael & Jerri Hughes Fred & Merle Lenway Mary Jane L. McDaniel Marilyn Stoecker Deb Wilson Diann Wilson Erma Wilson James E. Winter Leah Winter Patricia Ann Winterberg Robert F. & Janis L. Kazimour Esther (Etter) Wodtke Maj. Gen. L.D. Burkhalter G. Kelley Wodtke Kenneth E. Wolleat Family & Friends Dr. Jeruld & Betty Weiland Miriam Annette Woods David & Andrea Novak John & Mary Vernon Edward Wubbens Emil Bissinger Elsie Machacek Kozik Zajaczkowski Dr. Dennis & Ellie Charipar Christine E. Zaugg Susan Volz Susan Mangrich Zenisek Fairfax State Savings Bank Gerald Zenisek George J. Zibilich, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. G.L. Schmit David Donnell Zier Stutt Insurance Agency Robert E. Zipperer Bill & Maxine Sager Joe & Lynda Schimberg Carl & Elaine Stallman Agnes & Lester Zobac Patricia Zobac Steinberg DeElda Kay “Dee” Zumbrunnen Jim Zumbrunnen Cynthia “Cindy” Zvacek The Anderson Family Rick & Diane Benhart Allen & Karen Fluke Mildred Harover Highway Equipment Company Vickie Irons Larry Isaacs Bill Lorimer Carl & Diane Mally Mrs. Doris J. MIller Tom & Sally Reilly Josephine Rompot Glen & Darlene Schuller John & Sharon Sedlacek Cal Struchen Waltonian Archers Mr. & Mrs. Craig White Bessie Zvacek Mary A. Yeries Hazel Stien Helen C. Yilek Bob & Marcella Stolba 33 Mercy Employee Commitment to Community Campaign Mercy Medical Center Kimberly Aarhus Sara Abel-Mia Carol Abraham Christine Abrahams Cheryl Achey Barbara Aguirre Nuzhat Ahmed Sandra Ahrendsen Barbara Aiello Jennifer Aiels Ruthann Airy Michelle Ajram Dawn Akers Donna Albaugh Joan Albert Stacey Alderson Melissa Aldrich Ryan Alexander Mary Allan Rose Allen Russ Allen Theresa Alt Jill Anderson Kristin Anderson Melissa Anderson Patricia Anderson Randall Anderson Jan Andrews Royale Andrews Connie Arens Sidney Arnold Wendy Arnold Brian Babbitt Paula Bahl Melissa Ballard Kimera Banes Donna Banwarth Floristine Barber Andrea Barcz James Barnd, Jr. James Barnes Janice Barnes John Barough Anita Barrett Cynthia Barrios Sara Barthelme Sharon Barton Shirley Bata Brooke Batchelder Melissa Bates Lynn Beadle Sara Beers Carol Begley Kathy Behrens Shawn Belden Aimee Bell Joanna Bellach Linda Beltz Diane Bendorf Amy Benhart Janelle Benish Jess Berding-Wheat Stephanie Berding-Wheat Richard Berry Suzanne Bert-Hunter Carrie Bettcher Connie Betzer Clayton Black Adam Blalock Nikki Blunt Sharon Boeckenstedt Angela Bogue Leslea Bolton Tricia Borelli Damon Bowman Elizabeth Bowman Rebecca Bradshaw Laurie Brannan Connie Breiling Alma Jean Briles Julie Brinegar Megan Britten Cheri Broghammer Sharon Brokel Janice Bronson Antoinette Brooks Melissa Buchholz Janet Burdette Joseph Buresh Joan Burge Paula Burgmeier Leanne Burrack Wendy Coffin, Education Department Amanda Busche Terri Butterfield Kathleen Bzdill Tom Cahalan Sandra Cain Jeanne Campbell Kandace Campbell Craig Canavan Kim Cappussi Kimberly Carney Patricia Carroll Dave Carter Jean Carter Susan Carter Lynda Caspers Ann Cathcart Evette Chandler Chris Chapman Cindy Chapman Jodie Charipar Tim Charles Mary Check Carla Clar Shawna Clar Marcy Clark Roberta Cline Rita Coates J.C. Cockhren Dawna Coffland Jeffrey Colbert Stephen Coleman Dennis Colston Kimberly Connolly Jean Conrad Janelle Cook Jo Ellen Cook Mark Cook Jean Cooper Stephanie Cooper James Coppess Julie Corkery Sherry Cornish Lisa Corwin Michelle Crabbs David Crane Ruth Crane V. G. Crane Kay Crist Brenda Crowley Jill Curry Linda Dahl Bob Davidson Irene Davis Nicala Davis Angie Davisson Sue Dawson Tammie Dean Amanda Dearinger Janice Debenedetti Tresa DeBrower Maria Dejesus-Roetlin Susan Demar Rosemary DeMaria Rosemary Denes Susan Desmet Susan Deyoung Jacqueline Dighton Diana Digmann Marcia Dircks Taylor Disterhoft Steven Dodson Sheryl Dohrmann Kathy Dolan Heather Dommer Sister James Marie Donahue Larry Donaldson Mary Dostal Nancy Dostal-Hoyt Lisa Downes Steve Drake Julie Draker Benjamin Dreesman Sue Dreismeier Nicholas Drey Hazel Druger Jolene Dunkle Roxanne Dunyon Sue Dusil Duane Dzingle Kimberly Ebel Margie Ebel Kathy Ebert Mike Ehr Ruth Ehrhardt Amanda Elder Vicki Ellison Stacey Embretson Ann Emerson-Battien Diana Emig Sharon Ernberger Michelle Estling LuRie Fairlie Katherine Feldman Jane Feldmann Darren Ferreter Rita Ferreter John Ferry Beverly Fessler Amy Fethke Mary Fiala Vicki Finkstein Joan Fishburn Jennifer Flaherty Lynette Floren Donna Flynn Alicia Fonseca Jackie Foster Joyce Foster Shari Frantz Nancy Franzenburg Kimberly Frazier Rebecca Frazier Dorothy Freese Hiyam Freiha Christine French Debra Gaddis Kevin Gamble Alice Gansen Nancy Gardner Scott Gardner Ladonna Garin Shally L. Garin Julie Garland Pamela Gatewood Christylynn Gaul Kathryn Gavin R. Marie German Michele Gilliam Jill Gilmore Bradley Gire Ken Glandorf Linda Glandorf Penny Glanz Tim Glenn Linda Godwin Julie Goetz Susan Gorsh Roxanne Grady Rosie Grady Debra Grassi Jessica Gray Cynthia Greenfield Sherry Greenfield Laura Griffin Christine Griffith Cathy Gullickson Catherine Haage Joyce Haferbier Mary Hajek Erin Hale Amy Hall Barbara Hall Diane Hall Dawn Hammond Diane Handler Sharon Hanken Margaret Hannon Jennifer Hansen Rodney Hanson Paula Happel Susan Harapat Cynthia Hardman Amy Harris Patricia Harris Sharon Harris Amy Hartman Roberta Hartwig Kathleen Harville Katie Hasler Margaret Hastings Pauline Hatala Virginia Hatch Amy Hatfield Frances Hatfield Diann Haugse Cynthia Hauk Geraldine Hauschild Darcy Hauser John Havlicek Terry Hayden Rich Head Cari Heeren Christine Hehr Tim Hehr Jackie Heim Diane Heims Ricky Hemphill Joni Henderson Rachel Hentges Betty Herb Elaine Hilliard Carole Hilton Bettye Hite Linnea Hite Michelle Hite Christal Hoffman Stephanie Hoffman Janet Hofmaster Linda Hofmeister Brenda Hogan Andrea Hoge Christine Hogenson Trudy Hollandsworth Tina Holub Pat Holub Jodell Hornickel Garth Horning Karen Hotz Mary Hoy Teresa Hoy Nancie Hruby Susan Hubacek Katie Huether Tonia Hughes Luann Huk Susan Humphrey Karla Ice Denise Izzolena Kay Jackson Eric Jacobs Rebecca Jacobs Grace Jahava Carol James Maralene James Michael Jamosky Jeff Janssen Bridget Janus Mark Jenkins Jann Johnson Jennifer Johnson Nancy Jollife Angela Jones Brian Jones Danielle Jones Karisa Josephson Kimberly Joslin-Ross Cheryl Kahl Christy Kalous Kristin Karkosh Rafaella Karpats Kathy Keane Sarah Kearney Vicki Keegan Karl Keeler Jo Ann Kehoe Denise Kelsey Frank Kepros Lucy Kepros Lorraine Kerkman James Kikendall Trishia King Tedd Kipper Douglas Kirchen Cheryl Kissling Amy Kitterman Carol Klauser Natalie Kleis Susan Klekar Suzanne Klenk Beth Knowlton Barbara Koch Darcy Koehn Bonnie Konkowski Mary Koohy Colleen Kosmach Beverly Kotowske Jeni Koupal Becky Krapfl Patricia Kraus Taryn Kristan Monica Fergus, Home Health and Hospice Services Kari Kromminga Mary Krug Jill Kruse Kathy Krusie Kristin Kuch Helen Kudos Kathryn Kurk Sister Mary Bernice Kurt James Kvidahl Donna Lampe Janice Lampe Tami Langer Evelyn Lantz Elaine Lanz Beverly Lawrence Mary Lea Shelly Lefebure Diane Legore James LeGrand Michael Lehner Andrea Leitch Erin Lemieux Rebecca Lewis Suzanne Lewis Therese Liedtke Kay Limkemann Suzanne Lind Denise Lindemann Stacie Lindner William S. Lindsley Shari Loftsgard Jodee Lohr Jamie Lomas Constance Lorenz James Ludley Janet Luehrsmann Darcie Luxa Jerod Lynch Rosemarie Lynch Janet Mackey Edward Mackin Shirley Magner Debbie Maher Joann Malley Jodi Manson S. Monika Marlin Barbara Martens Bobbi Marti Beth Martin Karen Martin Ruth Martin Kathleen Mason Scott Massner Edna Mator Linda Mauseth Karen Mauss Patricia Mayberry Laura McClure Barbara McCormick Jennie McEowen Brigette McGowan Jay McGuire Tracey McKenna Helen McKinstry Laurie McMains Jean McNamara Michelle McSpadden Kathryn McWhinney Chad Mead Betty Meaker Jesse Medrano Kelley Megonigle Rebecca Meldrem Barbara Melsha Carla Menge Amy Merritt Floyd Merritt Kyleen Merritt Amanda Meskimen Cody Meyers James Meyers Trisha Meyers Breannon Michaelsen Susan Middagh Kent Miller Megan Miller Molly Miller Susan Miller Wilma Miller Lynda Miller Bonita Millhollin Maureen K. Mitchell Carol Mitchell Amy Moenk Pauline Moermond Diane Moller Martha Montgomery Cathie Moore Patrice Morgan Elaine Moser Catherine Mowrey Cindy Mudd Kelly Murphy Sister Peg Murphy Mary Lou Musser Julie Myers Mary Mysak 35 Daniel Nace Kevin Neef David Neira Christine Nekvinda Tammy Nelson Jody Neuhaus Cindy Nielsen Melissa Nissen Jeanne Noble Amy Noonan Sherrie Northway Donald Novak Betty Novak Thomas Nutt Linda Nylin Sheryl O’Brien Sister Susan O’Connor Nicole O’Donnell Patricia O’Donnell Molly Oglesby Bob Olberding Donna Oliphant Debra Olson Maureen Olson Nancy Olson Cathy Orth Dwight Osborn Lisa Osborn Jolene Ott David Pady Linda Palmer Samantha Parham Mary Parish Janeanne Parker Marlene Parr Erica Parrish Patricia Parrott Barb Patschke George Patschke Jerald Peet Holly Pegump Tiffany Pelley Margaret Pence Julie Penn Marcy Pennington Polly Peterman Becky Peterson Phil Peterson Kim Peterson-Stiegelmeyer Sara Phillips Rebecca Pierce James Piggott Mary Pilcher Shirley Pisarik Nichole Plagge Penelope Pope Mary Potter Kimberly Powers Matthew Powers Amy Prewett Karen Proffitt Barb Protsch Rebecca Quijano Christine Rackley Marcia Radeke Sally Rahill Debra Rawson Mary Kay Recker Amanda Reddel Kenneth Refstie Diane Reist Suzanne Reth Diana Rettig Ray Reynolds Robert Rhea Bradley Rhoads Melinda Rhoads Sandra Richards Debra Richards Lynn Richards Kathleen Rickels Stefanie Riedesel Patricia Ries Mary Riley Christine Rinke Karen Rittenhouse Jacqueline Robertson Lufaith Robinson Pattine Robinson Regina Robison Ben Boeck, Intensive Care Center Tracy Robinson Patricia Roethlisberger James Rogers Pat Rohlena Kathleen Roling Shelly Roman Christina Ross Becky Rule Roberta Rupp Justin Sacora Sandra Sacora Tawnya Salsbery Lori Santel Kris Sargent Ann M. Sauer Kristine Sauer Doris Sauser Rihab Sayed Sheila Saylor Theresa Schaefer Marilyn Schanbeck Denise Scheer Kelly Schirm Sue Schlarmann Mary Schlichte Brenda Schlitter Marcy Schlotfelt Deanna Schnebbe Stella Schulte Lila Schultz Gloria Schumacher Leslie Scott Barbara Sevier Nancy Shade Harlan Sharp Melanie Shaull Beth Shea Barbara Sheehan Judith Shoudy Kristen Sibold Laurie Simmons Dane Sinclair Kay Slater Sandra M. Slone Kathryn Smelser Angela M. Smith Donald Smith Eddie Smith Jessica Smith Joan Smith Leora Smith Melody Smith Tamela Smith Lois Snyder Michael Snyder Cindy Soeken Nicole Sorge Kay Spading Christine Sparks Robin Squires Mary Starry Christine Statler Diane Stefani Amy Steinbach Shawn Stepp Eileen Stern Lindsay Stocki Cindy Stoddard Lynda Stokke Michele Strauss Jess Streif Lynne Strum Sandra Studebaker Janice Studt Katie Sturtz Jean Sullivan Thomas Sullivan Jennifer Sweeney Joy Sweeney Raymond Tang Barbara Taylor Linda Taylor Mary Tharp Jayne Thomas Jessica Thomas Natalie Thomas Terry Thompson Christine Thurman A. James Tinker Jennifer Tonyan Linda Toomey Judie Tosh Lori Travis Diana Trembley Amanda Trevino Kelly Trumpold Pauline Tsamis Deborah Tuerler Marlene Turecek Michelle Turriff Robert Ugarph Roxanne Urbanek Ruth Utter Michelle Vandeberg Jennifer Vaske Joyce Vavra Marsha Veldhuizen Randy Vincent Patricia Vokt Kimberly Volesky Lindsey Wagamon Christine Wagner-Hecht Susan Wagner-Hecht Dacey Waldron Carol Walker Kevin Walker Hazel Walton Nancy Walton Sr. Marilyn Ward Peggy Ward Chad Ware Jaesanette Warren Carol Watson Lou Weber Michelle Wehr Linda Weiler Kimberly Welter Martha Welton Lou Wendel Jan Wenger Jeanette Werling Gwynne Whitson Carole Whitters Rebecca Willer Elaine Willett Cheryl Williams Linda Williams Pamela Williams Sandra Williams Sarah Williams Carol Wilson Emily Wilson Mark Wilson Scelena Wilson Tandia Winder Sheryl Winistorfer Amy Wood Jennifer Woods Teri Woody Barbara Worley Marcy Wymer Sharon Yearous Margaret York Cecelia Young Holly Young John Young Theresa Young Judith Yousuf Anne Zabokrtsky Mercy Physician Services Mary Althoff Sheryl Augustin Shelly Barnhart Nancy Biewen Margaret Boeckenstedt Lori Born Karla Brecke Brenda Brimeyer Kelli Bullerman Molly Cavalier Kimberly Cohrs Melinda Cornwell Renee Costigan Becky Daily Sara DeSotel Jennifer Digmann Elizabeth Doyle Jean Droste Marsha Duehr Georgina Dufoe Kelly Durian Dawn Eitel Lisa First Amanda Fisher Lisa Gleason Dawn Goldsmith Karen Greear Rebecca Grenis Mikeala Hain Erin Hakes Carolyn Hansen Sharlene Hanson Katie Hayes Trina Heath Jodi Helle Janea Hillier Kelly Hinrichs Delores Holst Rhonda Hughes Amy Jackson Kathleen Jacobson Kim Keiper Julie Kiekhoefer Jenna Kleve Keri Knutsen Jana Kovar Allyson Kragel Kristy Kremer Angela Kuhn Sheralyn Lahr Claire Leverington Debra Macdonald Sarah Marshall Christi Masters Rose McClung Leelyn Metz Patricia Meyers Megan Michalek Marilyn Miles Jessi Miller Margaret Monaghan Amy Morrow Terri Mudd Diane Norton Emily Ochoa Jodi Olson Kathy Owens Tim Palm Peggy Payne Karen Pence Janelle Polansky Donna Pridgeon Jessica Probasco Leann Richards Dixie Rinderknecht Karen Rochford Rachel Runde Elinor Rutledge Carol Ryan Tracey Ryan Mary Shepherd Sherry Shultz Arlys Spading Debra Sterling Nancy Stuart Cheri Tallman Kelly Thole Joan Throlson Jennifer Tisher Connie Vanwoert Janine Villalba Patricia Voss Sandra Wessel Kristin Widdel Rhonda Wilhelmi Jaclynn Willemsen Julie Wittman Jane Wood Cynthia Wright Erin Gullickson, MercyCare Monticello Mercy Physician Associates Sudha Anand Dr. Amy Andersen Dr. John Banks Barbara Barnett Sharon Bertroche Dr. Jason Booth Dr. John Brownell Susan Cahalan Dr. Philip First Dr. Greg Hayes Dr. Mark Hogenson Dr. John Klein Dr. John Lancaster Nancy Morris Diane Norton Megan Pospisil Dr. Alan Robb Dr. William J. Robson Dr. Thomas J. Schroeder Dr. Paul Thomas Dr. Mark Tyler Jerry Wille Especially for You Breast Cancer Race Sponsors Aegon/Life Investors Alliant Energy AstraZeneca Oncology Bank of the West Carlson Wagonlit Travel Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust Company Cedar Rapids Dermatology Cedar Rapids Oral Surgery PC Central Iowa Power Cooperative Climate Engineers Inc. Collins Community Credit Union Coralville Animal Clinic Elderkin & Pirnie, P.L.C. ESCO Group Evergreen Packaging Equipment Fairfax State Savings Bank Family Medicine Specialists, PC Financial Planning Services Genencor International General Mills Internist Associates of Iowa Iowa Blood & Cancer Care, P.L.C. King’s Material, Inc. Linn County REC MercyCare Marion Mercy Medical Center Midwest Janitorial Service, Inc. Northwestern Mutual Financial Network OB-GYN Associates, P.C. Oncology Associates of Cedar Rapids Physicians’ Clinic of Iowa Quaker Oats Company Radiation Oncology of Cedar Rapids Radiology Consultants of Iowa Imaging Center Ralston Foods Company RBC Dain Rauscher Rockwell Collins Ryan Companies US, Inc. Schimberg Company Schneider Electric/Square D Foundaiton Skogman Companies Taco John’s of Cedar Rapids Toyota Financial Services TrueNorth Companies US Bank Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield Wells Fargo Private Client Services