Promising - Youngstown State University


Promising - Youngstown State University
For a list of YSU Centennial events, visit
On the
In the early 20th Century, Youngstown was
a hustling, bustling center of industry and
culture. Its future was filled with growth and
hope. Amidst the hubbub, a small group of
individuals at the downtown YMCA gave birth
to what eventually would become Youngstown
College, Youngstown University and finally
Youngstown State University. On the cover is a
photo of the YMCA in downtown Youngstown
circa 1920. While the university has evolved,
expanded and matured, its roots remain firmly
tied to the YMCA and its traditions to educate
and enhance the mind, body and spirit. As YSU
celebrates its 100th birthday, YSU Magazine
looks at the university’s beginnings.
See Page 12.
YSU President
Message from the President – While much has changed in the 100 years
since the founding of Youngstown State University, the vision and the
ambitions of the institution’s founders and others like them remain alive
and well across YSU and the Youngstown region.
Is Winnie the Pooh a good candidate for drug therapy? Should
Piglet be on antianxiety pills and
Eeyore on antidepressants? In a new
book, YSU psychology professor
Stephen Ray Flora argues that drugs
are over-used to treat psychological
problems and that behavioral therapy
is the preferable route. It’s a perspective that’s somewhat controversial.
Around Campus – A comprehensive
look at university news, events and
David C. Sweet
Special Assistant to the
President for University
George McCloud
News Manager
Ron Cole
Graphic Artist
Editor Assistant Director
Renée Cannon, ’90
Cynthia Vinarsky
Jean Engle, ’86
James Evans
Carl Leet
and the ‘Y’ – As Youngstown State University celebrates its Centen12 YSU
nial, YSU Magazine examines the very beginnings of the university – the
YMCA. Through the efforts of founding fathers like Skeggs, Wick and
Jones, the story of the entity that would become known as YSU is one of
ambition and adaptation.
Contributing Writers Elaine A. Habeger, ’94, ’08
Emery Boyle-Scott, ’08
Jenny Boyce, ’08
Sports Contributor
Trevor Parks
Chief Development
Paul McFadden, ’84
Director of
Alumni Relations
Shannon Tirone, ’94
YSU Board of Trustees
Chairman John L. Pogue
Vice Chairman Larry DeJane
Donald Cagigas
Millicent Counts
Sudershan K. Garg
Harry Meshel
Dianne Bitonte Miladore
Scott R. Schulick
H.S. Wang
Secretary Franklin S. Bennett Jr.
Student TrusteesStephen W. T. Foley
Erianne Raib
YSU Magazine is published twice a year by the Office of Marketing and Communications at Youngstown State University.
Any comments or questions should be directed to Marketing
and Communications, Youngstown State University, One University Plaza, Youngstown, Ohio 44555. Call 330-941-3519 or
e-mail [email protected] for more information.
Youngstown State University is committed to a policy of
nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, age, religion, sex,
national origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity
and/or expression, or identity as a disabled veteran or veteran of
the Vietnam era, in respect to students and/or to applicants for
employment, and to organizations providing contractual services
to YSU.
Report 2006-07 – YSU recognizes alumni, friends and others
17 Annual
who support the university through their generous contributions.
and counting – Janet E. Del Bene, professor emeritus of chemistry,
45 200
publishes her 200 scientific paper, believed to be the most ever by a
YSU faculty member.
stock - YSU business students manage a $250,000 portfolio of
46 Taking
stocks, bonds and other funds under a new program developed by the
YSU Foundation.
Sports – YSU’s men’s basketball team opened the 2007-08 season with a
trip to the Mecca of college basketball – Pauley Pavilion on the campus
of UCLA.
Class Notes – From the 1940s to today, updates on YSU alumni from
across the nation.
This publication was printed on Productolith, a U.S.-made paper with 10% post-consumer fiber.
Productolith is elemental chlorine free (ECF) and certified by the Forest Stewardship Council
(, assuring that the raw materials used come from forests that are sustainably managed
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President’s Message
Our Centennial
Tradition, vision, perseverance, excellence
One can imagine what it must have been like to drive the automobiles of the early 20th century,
such as those shown on the cover of this edition of the YSU Magazine. The progress in automotive
technology during the past 100 years is truly amazing as today we enjoy automatic transmission, climate control, power doors and windows, adjustable seats, and digital music and navigation systems.
The changes at Youngstown State University, as we celebrate its Centennial this year, are equally
profound. It is only natural and appropriate that we look to our beginnings, seek out our
forefathers, examine the past and recognize the traditions that make us, and this university, what
we are today.
We trace our beginnings to the YMCA in downtown Youngstown, which set out to educate and
David C. Sweet,
enhance the mind, body and spirit of the men and boys of the early 1900s. Men like Skeggs, Wick
and Jones – the Franklin, Jefferson and Washington of YSU – applied their ambition, vision and
perseverance to give birth to and develop a college and later a university to serve the educational and
cultural needs of the entire region.
While much has changed in the 100 years since, the vision and the ambition of Skeggs, Wick, Jones and others
like them remain alive and well across YSU and the Youngstown region. Their contributions, as well as those of other
leaders and benefactors, are memorialized throughout the campus and the community. The Skeggs Lecture Series,
Wick Avenue and Jones Hall are just a few of the many examples of tributes to past accomplishments on or near our
Today, with an enrollment of more than 13,000 students and 80,000 graduates, we are a vibrant, student-centered
and diverse institution that proudly celebrates its century-long commitment to developing the body, mind and spirit of
our students, faculty, staff, alumni and the entire community.
Just like the YMCA college of the early 20th century, the YSU of the early 21st century is dedicated to teaching,
serving, forging connections and advancing the intellectual, cultural and economic life of the region and beyond. The
opportunities before us remain varied and exciting.
Today’s YSU, just as its previous incarnations, Youngstown College and Youngstown University, faces financial,
academic, and even perceptual challenges. As we begin our second century, those challenges are certain to remain,
transform and re-shape time and again. Like our predecessors, we must be prepared, open and far-sighted enough to
face those demands while continuing to meet the needs of our students and community.
We take advantage of opportunities and meet challenges everyday here at YSU – in classrooms, laboratories, dormitories and offices across campus. This year in particular, with the institution’s 100th birthday upon us, we do it with
the understanding that we have a proud, important heritage to uphold.
The cover story of this edition of YSU Magazine celebrates that heritage. This issue also includes the names of
thousands of alumni and supporters who have demonstrated their loyalty and commitment to YSU by investing in its
future. They, like me, believe in this institution, its proud history, and its promising future.
Here’s to another 100 years.
Youngstown State University
David C. Sweet
L e t t e r s
t o
t h e
I received an associate of arts degree from YSU in 1980.
I decided to delay my educational pursuit due to my wife’s
and my commitment to raise our children first.
In 1989, we chose to venture out and move to Columbus,
Ohio, because of the opportunities which existed there, and
also the fact that my two younger brothers lived there.
I’m proud to say my experiences at YSU not only gave
me the confidence to finish my education with a B.S. in
Organizational Communications from Wilberforce University, and an M.S. in Marketing and Communications from
Franklin University, but it also played a strategic role in my
employment at Honda of America as a compliance and ethics
specialist in Marysville, Ohio.
Thanks YSU alumni for keeping up with me, and reminding me of where it all began.
My inspiration for writing this piece was, in fact, due to
the picture of my high school classmate Don Terrell on the
inside cover of the summer 2007 edition of the YSU Magazine, and the fact that I too made the transition later in life,
but was encouraged, as Don, to keep the good fight of faith.
It’ll soon pay off Don, you’ll see.
Robert S. Fields III, ’80
Columbus, Ohio
I can’t tell you how much I enjoy receiving the YSU
Magazine. Each issue seems better than the previous, and I
find myself looking forward to the arrival of the next one.
I graduated from Youngstown College over 50 years ago,
and it’s been more than 25 years since I visited the campus,
so I have a difficult time envisioning where all the new buildings and facilities are located with reference to my memories
of so many years ago. Would it be possible for one of your
future issues to include an up-to-date map of the campus? Something large enough to clearly identify each building, and
the major streets around and within the campus. Perhaps even
a centerfold.
The little city college of the ’50s has turned into a fine
state university, and I’m proud to be an alumnus.
Frank Headd, ’54
Pompano Beach, FL
EDITOR’S NOTE: For those alums like Mr. Headd who would like to get
a better idea of what the campus looks like today, visit the university’s
new three-dimensional, interactive maps at
The maps, featured in the Fall 2007 edition of The Insider magazine
supplement, allow visitors to fly over Jones Hall, zoom through the
campus core, take a spin past the new Andrews Student Recreation and
Wellness Center and circle around Stambaugh Stadium – all with a few
swipes of your computer mouse. Enjoy.
I am a 1951 graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School
and was a member of the U.S. Air Force for four years.
As a result of service in the military, I was able to attend
Youngstown College on the G.I. Bill.
My four years there were the best years of my young
life. The opportunities available there were life enhancing. I
worked as a director for the Ohio Mental Health organization directing and producing what were then called “Family
Plays” for schools and parents organizations. I was a member
of Alpha Psi Omega and the English Society, both providing
social and a vocational outlet. Because of the support and
encouragement of the faculty, I applied for a Rhodes Scholarship and a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship. I also applied
for and was granted a graduate assistantship as a Faculty
Resident at the University of Maryland in 1961. Without the
opportunities available and provided by Youngstown (State)
University I would never have received the benefits of education and experiences afforded in my lifetime and not available
to my parents. I will always be grateful to YSU for crafting
my life and for the forward design of the programs it continues to offer to everyone willing to build their own lives.
Congratulations on a great YSU publication, and on your
100th anniversary. You’ve come a long way.
Robert G. Jones
Offended by Twinkies on the cover of the YSU Magazine? I am offended, outraged and perplexed by Bob Casanta’s comments. Mr. Casanta has to be kidding or maybe
he lives in some alternate universe. I am sure Mr. Lariccia’s
generosity is not predicated upon someone’s sexual orientation. That Casanta could link Harvey Milk’s murder with Lariccia’s gifts is beyond belief. I truly doubt that one person in a
hundred knows anything about the Twinkie defense. I guess if
it is in your nature, a person can be offended by anything. Bill Applegate, ’73
New Bremen, Ohio
Write To Us
Submit letters to [email protected], or mail, Letters, Office of Marketing and Communications, One University Plaza, Youngstown,
Ohio 44555. Each letter must include a name and a telephone number for verification purposes. Submissions are subject to editing.
YSU Magazine will not print or post on the web site letters that libel others or threaten harm.
The editor reserves the right to reject letters that do not follow policy.
Winter 2008
Stephen Ray
Flora, professor
of psychology
Is Winnie the Pooh a good candidate for
drug therapy? Should Piglet be on antianxiety
pills and Eeyore on antidepressants?
These examples may seem farcical, but
the underlying issue of over-reliance on drug
treatment is all too sobering, says YSU psychology professor Stephen Ray Flora.
An actual report suggesting Pooh and company need meds is just one of many examples
Flora uses in his new book, Taking America Off
Drugs: Why Behavioral Therapy is More Effective
for Treating ADHD, OCD, Depression, and Other
Psychological Problems.
The 184-page book, published in
August 2007 by State University of
New York Press, argues that
behavioral therapy is
preferable to drug treatment for a variety
of psychological
problems, from
schizophrenia to
sleep disorders.
A native
of Chapel Hill,
N.C., now living
on Youngstown’s
North Side,
Flora said the
book is not only
for psychologists and students, but also
for “anyone
interested in
the behavioral problems
covered in the
who has been
teaching at
YSU since
1993, said he
was inspired to
write the book
after students
shared their
“horror stories”
Professor’s Book Pushes
not Drugs
By Elaine A. Habeger
of drug treatment. Before earning a doctorate from the
University of Georgia in 1990, Flora worked at a children’s
center. “I’ve seen kids on all kinds of drugs with all kinds of
diagnoses,” he said. “But they have a dysfunctional life, not a
dysfunctional brain.”
That perspective is somewhat controversial.
Flora’s book posits that psychological problems are primarily a result of problems in environment and behavior, not
necessarily with brain chemistry. For this reason, “The most
direct way to change feelings and thought is not with drugs
but with behavioral change,” Flora writes.
Flora rejects common terminology like “mental illness”
or “psychological disorders.” Instead, he says, “I prefer to
call them behavioral or psychological problems.”
He writes that individuals develop inappropriate or ineffective strategies of reacting to their world, often associated
with stressful situations. And since stressful situations are
unavoidable, the key is how one responds, Flora implies.
The idea that people should “always be at 7 or 8 on a
happiness scale of 10 is a myth,” he says. “Emotions fluctuate and that’s part of life. It’s what you do that will ultimately
make you feel good or bad.”
Behavioral therapy seeks to teach people to improve
stressful conditions or at least how to cope. This can increase
self-control and freedom, he writes, adding, “Drugs do not
teach; drugs just drug.”
In addition to having negative physical side effects,
some of these medications can be addictive and have been
linked to suicide and crime, he says.
Flora also suggests that prescribed medicines can become a crutch, a life-long dependency that, unlike behavioral
therapy, never remedies the root of the problem. Additionally, he points to the rise in subjective diagnoses of mental
illnesses in recent decades.
For example, the list of mental conditions that can be
covered by insurance has risen from 66 in 1968 to nearly 400
in 1994, and now includes “tobacco dependence, reading
problems, and sexual complaints.”
“People do not have more personal, social, sexual, or
psychological problems than they had in the past,” Flora
writes. “They were simply and correctly recognized as problems” rather than as “disorders” requiring medication.
Flora’s book includes studies showing placebo or
behavior treatment to be comparable to or better than drug
The book also addresses medication of children. “The
U.S. uses four times the stimulant meds on children as the
rest of the world combined,” Flora said. Also, 8 percent of
males age 10 to 19 are on drugs for ADHD, a diagnosis more
often given to boys than girls.
Flora credits these increases to aggressive drug company
campaigns and to changing families and schools: “Children
have not changed…children’s environments have changed.”
Flora says in the book that ADD and ADHD are not
brain disorders to be treated with drugs, but “problems of
attention and inappropriate
activity” best handled with
behavioral techniques,
and he cites studies which
support that.
Flora reports similar
findings for several other
problems as well. For instance, he notes a study that
showed “depression is caused
by depressed behavior-environment interactions, not by
a chemical imbalance in the
brain,” and that behavioral
therapies are, again, more advisable than drug treatments.
“The least invasive or
dangerous procedures should
always be tried first, regardless of the specific problem,” The cover of Flora’s latest book.
he concludes.
Flora places some of the
blame for over-reliance on prescription drugs on the pharmaceutical companies. He says their goal of making money can
overshadow their goal of helping people.
For instance, drug companies may drum up unnecessary or exaggerated demand for their products (sleeping pills
and Viagra, for example), and put tremendous resources into
pushing them onto the public as well as physicians.
He also notes that drug companies have been one of the
nation’s largest political lobbyists, spending a record $128
million in 2004.
Furthermore, Flora contends that many of the treatment research studies funded by drug companies are “fatally
flawed” in various ways to skew data in favor of drug therapies. He reports one pharmaceutical rep admitting to him,
“It’s just a big racket, Steve-O.”
Flora also authored the book The Power of Reinforcement, published in 2004 by SUNY Press, which earned the
CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title distinction.
Taking America Off Drugs is available through major
booksellers and at the YSU bookstore for $17.95 paperback
or $53.50 hardcover.
Winter 2008
YSU Campus and Beyond
YSU’s SMARTS – Students Motivated by the Arts –
program celebrated its 10th anniversary with the grand
opening of the new SMARTS Store.
The store in the SMARTS Center in downtown
Youngstown features paintings, cards and novelties, threedimensional sculptures, handmade books, CD’s, and jewelry
made by YSU students, local and national artists, as well as
students participating in SMARTS’ free art education classes.
All proceeds will benefit SMARTS programming.
SMARTS seeks to motivate students to succeed in all
areas of life by teaching them the focus and discipline that
creating art requires. Visit
The ribbon is cut on the new SMARTS store in downtown
Youngstown. From the left are YSU student Mary Farragher;
Becky Keck, director of YSU SMARTS; Phil Ginnetti, dean of the
Beeghly College of Education; Mary Lou DiPillo, associate dean
of the Beeghly College of Education; and Joe Edwards, dean of
the College of Fine and Performing Arts.
Just in time for YSU’s Centennial Celebration, the
new University Archives and Special Collections area on
the fifth floor of Maag Library is now open.
The Archives, with 4,000 square feet of newly renovated
space, houses tens of thousands of documents, publications,
photographs and artifacts chronicling YSU’s history from the
late 1800s.
The area features an exhibit gallery that celebrates the
university’s history through a series of wall displays. Also
featured are flat screen monitors highlighting prominent YSU
alums, the university’s presidents and important events in
YSU’s history.
Youngstown State University
Paul Kobulnicky, executive director of Maag Library,
said the Archives – with four full-time staff and state-ofthe-art technology – is a reflection of YSU’s commitment
to preserving the university’s past. “A major purpose of the
Archives is to advance the university’s celebration of this
Centennial, as well as future Centennials,” he said.
WYSU 88.5 FM, YSU’s public radio station, raised a record $103,877 from 1,140 listeners during its fall fund drive.
“That our listeners support this community service to
this extent in an uncertain economic time is very gratifying...
and humbling,” station Director Gary Sexton said.
Corporate support for the drive was provided by the
Walter E. and Caroline H. Watson Foundation, Internet Data
Management Inc., Butler Wick & Co. Inc., and Go Ahead
Tours, all of which provided partial matches during drive
time pledge periods. Visit
The Paula and Anthony Rich (PAR) Memorial Golf
Tournament presented the Rich Center for Autism at
YSU a check for $42,000 as the proceeds from its annual
golf outing.
Since its inception in 1995, the tournament has raised
more than $400,000.
The tournament is run by friends of the Kosar, Rich
(Ricchiuti) and Rubino families. The Rich Center is a
tribute to the memory of Paula and Anthony Rich, who
died in a plane crash in 1994 outside of Pittsburgh. Visit
Homework Express, the Emmy Award-nominated
interactive call-in television show broadcast live from
YSU, is in its third season with an expanded channel lineup that spreads across Ohio and Pennsylvania. The new
broadcast area has a population base of more than 5.4
million people.
“Homework Express continues to grow in popularity, and
now more people than ever
have the opportunity to see the
show,” said Fred Owens, YSU
professor of communications and director of the show.
The show, designed to help middle school students with
their homework, began airing in September 2005 and was
seen in most communities in Mahoning and Trumbull counties on Time Warner Cable and Armstrong Cable. This year,
the new channel line-up distributes the show into 27 counties
in Ohio and eight counties in Pennsylvania.
The show is broadcast from studios in YSU’s Bliss Hall.
Students, mostly in grades 6 through 8, call into the show and
get assistance with homework questions from on-air teachers.
The YSU scholarship fund in memory of slain
Youngstown police officer Michael T. Hartzell continues
to grow. With an infusion of $22,000 new money, the fund
now stands at $157,000.
Around Campus
Hartzell was shot and killed April 29, 2003, as he sat in
his police cruiser in downtown Youngstown. He was 26. His
parents, Howard and Mary Kay Hartzell, created the scholarship in memory of their son. The scholarship is funded
through proceeds from an annual charity golf outing in
Hartzell’s name.
Six YSU students were presented the scholarships at a
luncheon in the fall. For more information, contact the YSU
Foundation at 330-941-3211.
Student Success
YSU student Lora Werkmeister
of McDonald, Pa., and YSU graduate
Karen Elizabeth Varga of Brook Park,
Ohio, received honors recently from
the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.
Werkmeister was awarded a 2007
Emerging Scholar Award worth $250.
She is one of the first 60 recipients
nationwide. Werkmeister is a sophomore
majoring in food and nutrition at
YSU. She is the daughter of John and
Linda Werkmeister.
Varga was awarded a 2007 Love
of Learning Award worth $500.
She is one of the first 50 recipients
nationwide. Varga is a North American language and culture assistant at
Velez-Malaga, Andalusia, Spain. She
was initiated into the Phi Kappa Phi
chapter at YSU, where she earned a
bachelor of arts degree in Spanish and
international relations in 2007.
Lora Werkmeister
When Sharon Speedway adopted a new computer
transponder scoring system, officials quickly ran into a
problem: they couldn’t find anyone to operate it.
“We didn’t have anyone who knew [the system] from top
to bottom,” said Joe Danyi, a computer analysis operator for
the Speedway in Hartford, Ohio.
That’s when Danyi sought out Adam Rogers, a
telecommunications major at YSU who had been working
odd jobs around the Speedway since 2001. Rogers has been
running the system ever since, and he is the youngest race
official ever in the track’s 78-year history.
“I am really excited to have this opportunity and see
myself doing it for years to come,” said Rogers, who also is
studying multimedia and web design at YSU.
With the new system, each car on the track carries a
small transponder that sends a signal out every time it crosses
the start/finish line, where a scoring loop is buried underneath
the track. “The signals are fed into a computer program that
generates a lineup in real time for every completed lap of
the race,” said Rogers, a 2005 graduate of Brookfield High
Karen Varga
YSU student Adam Rogers sits in the scorer’s booth at the
Sharon Speedway in Hartford, Ohio.
Students, faculty set up clinic in Mexico
Renee Palowitz, a YSU nursing student, and a woman
from Maiz, Mexico, share a laugh at a clinic that YSU
nursing students and faculty helped run during a mission
trip this fall.
Four YSU senior nursing students and four nursing faculty
members set up a clinic and tended the medical needs of more
than 250 people during a trip to Maiz, Mexico, last fall.
Pamela Schuster, YSU professor of nursing, organized the mission trip with her North Lima church, Good Hope Lutheran.
Nancy Wagner, assistant professor of nursing, said living arrangements in the small Mexican town were “rustic.” There were
lizards and cockroaches. The toilet leaked. The drinking water was
undrinkable. And the beds, which had to be shared, were made of a
pad laid on top of bricks. The team used bed sheets to separate the
one-room church into exam rooms and a pharmacy area amid the
pews. “You just do the best you can with what you have,” she said.
One of the most popular services the team provided was vision
testing and the giving of eyeglasses donated for the trip. The majority of the patients were women, children and elderly men, and many
lacked previous medical care. Diagnoses included malnutrition,
respiratory ailments, diabetes and cystic fibrosis.
Winter 2008
Around Campus
Forgotten gardens brought to life
Retired groundskeeper Larry Tooker and student Erianne
Raib stand in the restored Wick Pollock gardens adjacent
to the YSU campus.
As YSU celebrates its Centennial, a group of YSU students
have been working hard to preserve a part of the university’s
and city’s past.
Led by YSU Student Government Association, more than a dozen
students have restored the historic Victorian garden at the Wick Pollock Inn on Wick Avenue, adjacent to the YSU campus.
The students’ efforts were recognized last fall when CityScape,
an organization dedicated to improving Youngstown’s appearance,
presented a Beautification Award to Erianne Raib, SGA vice president for university affairs and the leader of the project.
“Our main goal was to get students involved in beautifying a
piece of YSU’s history,” said Raib, a student member of the YSU
Board of Trustees. “We feel we’re making a difference.”
The sunken garden is believed to have been built in 1930 as a
gift to Mary Wick Pollock from her husband, Porter Pollock. The
couple lived in the mansion next door. In the late 1970s, the mansion
was given to YSU. In 1986, a 64-room addition was built and the
facility opened as the Wick Pollock Inn. The Inn closed in 1998, and
YSU is now in talks with a developer to reopen the facility.
Meanwhile, the garden was left to deteriorate. Students and volunteers from YSU’s staff and alumni hauled away seven truckloads
of debris. They spread mulch and planted flowers.
Retired YSU groundskeeper Larry Tooker, who has worked
hand-in-hand with the students, said he is impressed by the dedication of the students. “It’s amazing,” he said.
The Students in Free Enterprise team from YSU’s
Williamson College of Business Administration placed
first at the “Duel in the Keystone State” regional competition at St. Frances University in Pennsylvania. The four-student team competed against teams from six
other universities and advances to the “Duel in the Desert”
national competition in March at the University of Arizona.
The national competition will include 16 teams from across
the country.
YSU team members are: Marcus Oakley of Youngstown,
Dan Martins of Boardman, Tara Thomas of Warren, and Rose
Shaffer of Austintown.
The “Duel in the Desert” is a national personal financial
case study competition sponsored by the University of Arizona Students in Free Enterprise team.
Faculty and Staff
More than 100 veteran YSU staff members have left the
university in the last year under an early retirement incentive
“These employees have committed their careers to
YSU,” YSU President David C. Sweet said. “The successes
we have achieved as an institution are due in large part to the
hard work and dedication of each and every one of them.”
In all, 134 employees from departments across campus
retired between January 2007 and March 2008, and many are
very familiar faces.
Youngstown State University
Registrar Bill Countryman, for instance, who has worked
at YSU since 1967, retires the end of February. Jim Evans,
photographer in the Office of Marketing and Communications and the lead photographer for the YSU Magazine, also
retires at the end of February. For a full list of recent retirees,
The next time you’re in the Bahamas, switch on the
radio and you just might hear a song written by YSU
professor Ron Shaklee.
Shaklee, director of the University Honors Program and
professor of geography, wrote a song called “The Living Jewels of the Land, the Sky and Sea,” which has been packaged
by the Bahamas National Trust to promote wildlife awareness
and environmental stewardship.
Shaklee wrote the song at the request of the Living Jewels Foundation on San Salvador Island in the Bahamas. The
foundation promotes awareness about San Salvador’s natural
“The song is supposed to raise wildlife awareness in
kids, in hopes that when they grow up they’ll respect wildlife
a little more than their parents do,” said Shaklee, who annually leads a group of YSU students to the Bahamas for field
research. More than 400 students have participated in the
trips in the past 20 years.
The song was recorded by Ira Storr and the Spank Band,
a popular Bahamian composer and band. For more information, visit or
Around Campus
“She had taken something she was taught here, and was
able to pass on that knowledge,” said Manhollan, a 1969
YSU graduate with a master’s degree in music “Faculty are
always hopeful that our students can make that transfer.”
Manhollan is retired from the West Middlesex, Pa.
schools, where he was director of bands and instrumental music for 20 years before becoming coordinator of the talented
and gifted program and then serving as district technology
Programs and Initiatives
YSU professor Ron Shaklee strums his guitar on campus.
Shaklee is the author of a song called “The Living Jewels of
the Land, the Sky and Sea,” which has been recorded and
released for play in the Bahamas.
Jorden Morris, a senior music education major, is
putting what she has learned at YSU to the test – on her
own students.
As a student in Instructor John Manhollan’s computer
applications course, Morris learned how to use Finale software to produce music. Finale automates the task of writing
and engraving sheet music, and can notate music scores.
“The program can produce very professional looking
sheet music,” said Morris, “and this was the level (Manhollan) focused on in
his class.”
Morris has
taught students in
private saxophone
music lessons out
of her home in
Poland, Ohio, for
the past five years.
In a failed search
to find appropriate
scale books, Morris
put her newfound
knowledge of ManJorden Morris, a senior music education
hollan’s class to the
major, and John Manhollan, instructor
test, producing her
in the Dana School of Music, pose in
Manhollan’s classroom in Bliss Hall.
own handouts using
“When I began to give out these pages, it was unbelievable the progress of the students,” she said.
Morris told her students to go online, to finalemusic.
com/notepad, and download a free feature of the program she
was using. Within weeks, students started bringing in their
own compositions.
The Emerging Markets Initiative at YSU’s Williamson College of Business Administration was awarded the
2007 Governor’s Excellence in Exporting Award.
“These (award winners) represent the kind of drive, vision and innovation required to be a leader in Ohio’s exporting industry,” Gov. Ted Strickland said. In all, 31 awards
were presented. YSU was the only university among the
The Emerging Markets Initiative is funded by a
$183,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education,
the first ever federal grant for the Williamson College. In
December, the Department of Education awarded a second
federal grant of $170,000 for an additional two years for the
Mohan Eunni, assistant professor of management, and
Ram Kasuganti, chair of the Department of Management, are
the principal investigators for the grant.
Since the initiative was launched, the college has introduced three new courses with an international focus, and
business students and faculty traveled to Eastern Europe and
India. The second grant will subsidize two additional foreign
tours to Brazil and China/India in the next two years.
Ram Kasuganti, professor and chair of management, and
Betty Jo Licata, dean of YSU’s Williamson College of Business
Administration, receive the 2007 Governor’s Excellence in
Exporting Award from Gov. Ted Strickland.
Winter 2008
Around Campus
Seven YSU nursing students in December helped
teach inner-city kindergarten students the importance
and value of good nutrition, dental hygiene and personal
The students in the Nursing in the Community class led
by instructor Sueann Rendano spent four hours with about
60 kindergarten students at Kirkmere Elementary School in
Youngstown. They handed out toothbrushes, toothpaste and
apples, reviewed the food pyramid and taught the importance
of hand-washing.
“The experience provided a realistic view of community
health nursing,” Rendano said. “To achieve this in an educational, engaging and fun manner was the goal for the nursing
And fun they had.
Rendano said the YSU students brought scented soap
and helped the kindergarten students learn to wash their
hands while singing the “ABCs” song. “You should have
seen all of these little kids singing and washing their hands,”
Rendano said.
transition to college that many
urban students do not get in traditional
high schools. Students in grades nine
through 12 enroll in a combination of
high school courses at YEC and college
courses at YSU and can earn at least 60
hours of college credit before graduating
from high school.
The school is operated jointly by
YSU and the Youngstown City School
John Wilson
District and is supported by the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation and the
KnowledgeWorks Foundation.
Now in its fourth year, YEC enrolls 245 students, including more than 40 seniors who will receive their high school
diplomas this spring. Four of them will also receive associate
degrees from YSU.
Wilson is only part of the change
in leadership at YEC. Alison Harmon,
former professor of teacher education
and educational leadership at Eastern
Michigan University, was hired as associate dean in YSU’s Beeghly College
of Education to, in part, help oversee
the school.
“The addition of John and Alison
will allow the city schools and the university to take this program to the next
Alison Harmon
level,” said Phil Ginnetti, YSU education dean.
Campus Visitors
YSU nursing students Jennalee Burky and Amanda Tate used their
“Harvey the Horse” puppet to demonstrate the proper technique
for brushing and flossing teeth during a visit to a kindergarten
class at Kirkmere Elementary School in Youngstown.
In more than 30 years with the Warren city schools,
John Wilson had built a reputation as a hard-working
educator committed to his students.
“I wasn’t looking to leave,” Wilson said. “But, if I was
going to leave, it was only going to be for a certain kind of
That position, it turns out, is dean of the Youngstown
Early College at YSU. “It’s a great opportunity,” said Wilson,
who took over the head job at YEC last fall.
YEC, opened in August 2004 and housed in Fedor Hall
on the YSU campus, is a high school designed to provide a
Youngstown State University
Inge Auerbacher spoke about “The Holocaust
Through the Eyes of a Child Survivor” during a campus
visit in November.
Auerbacher talked about how at the age of seven she and
her parents were deported from Germany to the Terezin concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. Between 1941 and 1945,
140,000 people were shipped to Terezin; 88,000 were sent
primarily to the gas chambers in Auschwitz, and 35,000 died
of malnutrition and disease in Terezin. Of the 15,000 children
imprisoned in Terezin, Auerbacher is among the
1 percent who survived.
Auerbacher wrote of her experience in a number of
books including the award winning, I am a Yellow Star. The
talk was sponsored by the YSU Judaic and Holocaust Studies
Richard Teerlink, former chairman of HarleyDavidson Inc., spoke at YSU’s Paul J. and Marguerite
K. Thomas Colloquium on Free Enterprise last fall in
Stambaugh Auditorium.
Teerlink discussed the principles, innovations, and
creative responses that transformed the Harley-Davidson
Around Campus
Terry Easton, a postdoctoral teaching fellow
Richard Teerlink
from the Georgia Institute
of Technology, lectured on “Geographies of Hope and
Despair for Atlanta’s Latino, African American and
White Day Laborers” last fall as part of YSU Center for
Working-Class Studies’ 13th Annual Lecture Series.
Other lectures in the series are:
• Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2008, Gallery, Kilcawley Center,
7:30 p.m. “Spinning Rebellion: The Attica Prison
Uprising, the Media, and the (Mis)Shaping of
Working-Class Politics in Post-1970s United States”
featuring Heather Thompson, University of North
• Wednesday, March 19, 2008, Ohio Room, Kilcawley Center 7:30 p.m. “The China Labor Conundrum:
Engage or Sanctions?” featuring Katie Quan, director of the Henning Center for International Labor
Relations at the University of California at Berkeley.
• Thursday, April 10, 2008, Presidential Suite,
Kilcawley Center 7:30 p.m. “Real Country: Music
and Language in Working-Class Culture” featuring
Aaron Fox, associate professor of music, and director of the Center for Ethnomusicology at Columbia
Dr. John Haught, senior fellow of science and religion
at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University, visited campus last fall as part of the Dr. Thomas
and Albert J. Shipka Speaker Series.
Haught, a
Roman Catholic
theologian and an
expert in systematic
theology, lectured
about “God and
Darwin: Are They
YSU graduate
William Hartwig,
vice president of
supplier relations
and international
John Haught
for the Marriott
Corp., visited his alma mater last fall as part of the
Williamson Symposium Speaker Series.
Hartwig received a bachelor of science in business
administration from YSU in 1977. In his current position,
he oversees Avendra, a procurement company of Marriott,
Hyatt, Fairmont, and InterContinental and Club Corp.,
that handles contract procurement for North America,
Canada, Central America and
the Caribbean regions.
The Williamson Symposium Series is an “executive on campus” program
designed to bring corporate
leaders to the Williamson
College of Business Administration.
William Hartwig
Photo courtesy of The Vindicator
The annual Colloquium
on Free Enterprise, started in
1981, is dedicated to promoting ideas conducive to the
growth of the free enterprise
system through lectures,
workshops and a community
Pomp and Circumstance
Chad Wick. president and chief executive of the KnowledgeWorks Foundation, stirs a chuckle from YSU President David
C. Sweet during fall commencement in December in Beeghly
Center. Fifty-eight associate degrees, 482 bachelor’s degrees
and 80 graduate degrees, including two doctorates in educational leadership, were awarded. Wick gave the commencement address and received an honorary degree. Chad Miller, a
University Scholar, president of the YSU Student Government
Association, president of the YSU Dance Club and a member
of the Academic Senate, was the student speaker.
Winter 2008
By Elaine A. Habeger
Adaptation and Ambition:
The Evolution of YSU
University, which this year celebrates its Centennial.
“We’re not really celebrating a formal founding,” said
William Jenkins, retired YSU history professor, “as much as
the beginning of an evolution.”
George Williams was 20 years old when he
“YSU evolved in fits and starts,” echoed Brian Brennan,
left his boyhood home in the English countryside to
library media technical assistant at the University Archives
seek opportunity in London in 1841. He encountered a city
and Special Collections in Maag
of thieves, thugs, gamblers and
Library. “YSU was created by
adaptation over the years, rather than
Williams helped start a
intelligent design all at once.”
prayer group, and – in time – his
Those growth spurts and adaptaattempts to help others avoid
tions were due to two main factors:
the moral and practical dangers
the changing needs of the commuof the city eventually led to the
nity, and the efforts of visionary men
formation of the Young Men’s
such as James L. Wick, Leonard T.
Christian Association in 1844.
One of the few remaining signs of YSU’s ties to the
Skeggs and Howard W. Jones.
Decades later and a contiYMCA is this triangle insignia above the entrance to
nent away, the seeds Williams
Jones Hall. The three-sided international YMCA insignia
The Early “Y” Years
represents the body, mind and spirit.
had sown in
The local roots of YSU reach
back to the Youngstown YMCA in the late 1800s. At the
London would evolve into several univertime, Youngstown’s population was growing, mainly due to
sities across the United States, including
widespread industrialization and urbanization.
Similar to George Williams’ founding of the first YMCA
in London, the Youngstown YMCA was started “as a retreat
to protect the values of young farmers moving to the city for
work,” according the YMCA Web site.
The first meetings were held in 1872 by Dr. R.D. Gibson
at his parents’ home. Membership ebbed and flowed for
several years before the group stabilized into an officially
recognized YMCA in 1884, with a new location on
East Federal Street in downtown Youngstown.
While the YMCA had an evangelical mission, it
also sponsored secular activities, according to Alvin
W. Skardon, late YSU history professor, in his book
Steel Valley University: The Origins of Youngstown
The “Y” hosted public lectures on the labor movement, immigration and Socialism, and literary discussions covering contemporary writers such as Mark
Twain, Charles Dickens and Alfred Tennyson.
Public education was not as widespread or
organized as today. A 1909 YMCA pamphlet states,
“Nearly thirty-five hundred boys between the ages of
six and twenty-one have left school and gone to work
in the various mills, offices and stores in Youngstown,”
many of the boys not having completed eighth grade.
The original YMCA building in Youngstown, left, opened
in December 1892. The second building, pictured on the
cover, was opened in 1915.
Youngstown State University
So, the YMCA began to respond to the educational
needs of the city’s growing and increasingly diverse
In 1884, the YMCA opened a Reading Room, stocked
with a variety of newspapers and magazines. Four years later,
the first educational class on record was offered, in mechanical drawing.
The education program became known as the YMCA
Night School and Grammar School, focusing on vocational
skills for young men. “These kids and guys had to work during the day to support their families, so they went to school
at night,” said Al Leonhart, assistant building superintendent
and official historian of the Youngstown YMCA. By 1896,
150 students were enrolled in a variety of classes, according
to Skardon.
Classes were often taught by local professionals, including plumbers, architects and businessmen. Other classes
included math, bookkeeping, and various levels of English
for native and non-native speakers.
As the new century began, Youngstown would have been
“covered with smog and pollution,” Brennan said. Valley industries included iron, steel, rubber and leather, and Brennan
said a beer brewery also operated along the Mahoning River.
Horse traffic would have mixed with some automobiles.
Brennan puts the population of Youngstown near 75,000 by
As businesses grew and consolidated, the demand for
lawyers also grew, Skardon wrote. And again, the YMCA
responded, adding law classes to its educational program. It
advertised a 1908 Friday night law course for $5.
Jenkins said the law classes were the YMCA’s first
college-equivalent classes on record, and the date has become
recognized as the birth of Youngstown State University.
The YMCA school would go through several changes in
structure and name over the next several decades, however,
before fully separating from its parent organization in 1955.
“Movers and Shakers”
James L. Wick
Many of the changes may not
have happened without a few ambitious individuals with the will and
resources to bring their visions
to fruition, including James L.
Wick. “He was the main mover
and shaker in the development of
YSU,” Brennan said.
Wick, a member of the prominent local family of the same
name, graduated as a mechanical
engineer from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in 1906.
He gained high-level positions in
the iron, steel and ice industries in
Wick’s association with the YMCA began in 1907, when
he taught mechanical drawing classes. The school was now
known as the Association Institute, the Youngstown Association School or sometimes just “the Y School.”
Wick became a member of the YMCA’s Board of
Trustees and by the end of World War I was the chairman of
the Educational Committee. “Quite early in this era (it is difficult to determine exactly when),” Skardon wrote, “he came
to the conclusion that the school should become independent
of the YMCA.”
Wick’s plans were supported by
Howard W. Jones, who was hired
by the YMCA in 1931 as assistant general secretary in charge
of all educational activities.
Jones, from Palmyra, Ohio,
had been a coach and teacher
at the Cleveland YMCA prep
school, then assistant to the
president at Hiram College.
Jones was a “slam-bang
square-jawed young chap with
a big hearty laugh – the kind
of a chap you’d feel at home
with hunting frogs in a thick
swamp some midnight, in a
church pew, or shooting craps
Howard W. Jones
on a kitchen floor,” according
to a Vindicator article quoted
in Skardon’s book.
Jones and Wick found
their plans for the school’s
independence opposed by
Leonard T. Skeggs. A Texan,
Skeggs was first hired in 1919
by the YMCA as educational
secretary, then in 1923 became
general secretary, a position
comparable to today’s CEO,
Leonhart said.
“Skeggs was the dominant personality in the early
history of the school,” Brennan said. “Under his leadership, the Youngstown AsLeonard T. Skeggs
sociation School grew to the
Youngstown Institute of Technology.”
Brennan said the men - Wick, Jones and Skeggs - were
friends. But that friendship did not change their differing
opinions about the best plan for the school, still being run by
the YMCA.
Brennan said Skeggs, head of the YMCA, “was trying to
hold his organization together.” Skeggs wrote in a 1931 letter
to Wick and Jones that “having undue emphasis put upon the
Winter 2008
A Proud Past A Promising Future A Proud Past A Promising Future A Proud Past A Prom
college as a separate institution” from the YMCA would be
like having “the tail wag the dog.”
Wick, however, supported by Jones, “had tremendous
interest in the potential of the college” as a separate institution, Brennan said.
In the early decades of the 20th century, classes were
held at the YMCA buildings on and near Federal Street in
downtown Youngstown, as well as in former homes along
Wick Avenue, north of downtown. Early photographs of the
Wick Avenue area show stately mansions and wide lawns
adjoining the Butler Institute of American Art.
Under Skeggs’ leadership, the YMCA raised money that
was used in 1931 to
build a new YMCA
education building at
The Y has an
the corner of Wick and
indisputable place
Lincoln avenues. The
in the creation and
building, now called
ultimate evolution of Jones Hall, was one
of the first and most
this institution.
ambitious facilities the
YMCA built separate
from its main downBill Jenkins,
town location.
retired YSU professor of history
Later that year
in a letter to Wick and
Jones, Skeggs called the building “beautiful” and its collegelevel work “a blessing to this community,” but added that
he never would have agreed to build it if he had known
how the college-level work would overshadow the
YMCA’s other programs.
“By allowing the college to have its own facility, Skeggs
ironically encouraged it to move on its own,” Brennan said.
Adding momentum to the school’s separation from the
YMCA was the refusal of regional and national boards to
grant accreditation to a school under YMCA control.
In 1931, Wick brought a proposal to the YMCA Board
of Trustees that the school have its own board of governors
and be granted autonomy. Skardon wrote that the trustees
agreed, but they declined to relinquish financial control to
the new board.
Other changes that year included another name
change, from Youngstown Institute of Technology to
Youngstown College.
In 1944, the YMCA trustees transferred financial
responsibility to the college’s own board of governors.
The YMCA remained involved with the college until
1955, when a requirement to have YMCA board members
on the college’s board was dropped.
Skeggs remained general secretary of the YMCA
until his death in 1933. Wick was chairman of the board of
Youngstown College from 1931 until 1955, when the school
became Youngstown University. And Jones was the school’s
Youngstown State University
president from 1935 until 1966.
In 1967 — nearly 60 years after the YMCA first offered
college-level law classes — the university became a state
school and gained its current name. The YMCA assisted the
university with the transition, despite lack of formal ties.
“The Y has an indisputable place in the creation and ultimate evolution of this institution,” Jenkins said. “Its mission
to educate young men became a process of how to develop to
best serve the Valley.”
YMCA in Higher Education
YSU isn’t alone in its ties to the YMCA.
From Northeastern University in Boston to Golden
Gate University in San Francisco, dozens of universities
and colleges across the nation trace their beginnings to
the YMCA.
Today, 21 colleges and universities sharing YSU’s
YMCA heritage remain open. They are:
Aurora University, Illinois
Cleveland State University
Concordia College, Montreal
Franklin University, Columbus, Ohio
George Williams College of Aurora
University, Wisconsin
Golden Gate University, San Francisco
Northeastern University, Boston
Roger Williams College, Providence
Roosevelt University, Chicago
Sinclair Community College, Dayton, Ohio
Southeastern University, Washington, DC
South Texas College of Law, Houston
Springfield College, Massachusetts
University of Cincinnati
University of Hartford, Conn.
University of Houston
University of New Haven, Conn.
University of Toledo
Western New England College, Springfield
YMCA Graduate School, Nashville
Youngstown State University
Source: “Origins of the YMCA Universities: Organizational
Adaptations in Urban Education” by Dorothy E. Finnegan and
Brian Cullaty, History of Higher Education Annual, 2001.
Sprigs and Steps
Sculpture of Howard W. Jones Connects to University’s Past
When YSU unveils a new life-size bronze sculpture
of Howard W. Jones on campus in May, it should feel
right at home.
The sculpture of Jones, YSU’s first president, is
expected to include limestone steps taken directly from
Jones Hall – steps that Jones himself used daily on his
way to and from his campus office.
The sculpture, which will be placed at the entrance
of the campus core, also will include sprigs of the
original ivy planted near Jones Hall more than 70 years
ago, ivy which until recently was thought to have been
“The addition of the steps and the discovery of the
ivy will bring this magnificent sculpture to life,” said
George McCloud, special assistant to the president for
university advancement. “I cannot think of a better way
to celebrate YSU’s proud heritage.”
Jones, who died in 1982, served as director and
president of Youngstown College and later Youngstown
University for 35 years between 1931 and 1966 and
remains a revered, iconic figure on campus and throughout the community.
The sculpture, commissioned by Tony and Mary
Lariccia of Boardman, and their daughters Natalie and
Dana, as part of YSU’s Centennial Celebration, shows
Jones walking down a flight of three steps.
About five years ago, during some work on the
entrance to Jones Hall at the corner of Wick and Lincoln
avenues, the original stone steps were removed. The
steps, which weigh about 300 pounds each, were given
to Bob Hendricks of Leetonia, owner of Niles Manufacturing and Finishing and the current president of the
YSU Penguin Club.
Hendricks, who received a bachelor’s degree in
business administration from YSU in 1964, donated the
steps to be incorporated into the sculpture. “I think it’s
nice that they’re coming back to the university where
they belong,” he said.
In addition, as part of the dedication of the sculpture, a small amount of the original ivy from Jones Hall
will be transplanted nearby.
In 1932, Dean Eleanor North brought a piece of ivy
to YSU from Oxford University in England, where she
had studied. In a special “Ivy Day” ceremony, students
planted the vine in front of the towers at what is today
Jones Hall.
Three decades later, the ivy was growing aggressively up the outside walls of the building and, in fact,
was beginning to negatively impact the structure of the
building. So, maintenance crews removed it.
Larry Tooker, a veteran YSU groundskeeper and
former horticulturist at Mill Creek Park, said the story
of the ivy piqued his interest, so he set out to Jones
Hall. And, lo and behold, he found two sprouts of
the original ivy still growing along the east side of
the building.
Tooker, who retired from YSU at the end of December, plans to transplant the ivy somewhere near the
sculpture once warmer weather approaches.
“I was really surprised; I just thought it was all
gone,” he said. “It’s part of YSU’s history, and it will
be a great addition to the sculpture.”
Above is a model of the bronze sculpture of
Howard W. Jones, YSU’s first president.
Winter 2008
Louis J. Borgia Jr., ’71, Business Administration Back in the early 1960s, I dropped out of YU (it wasn’t
a state school just yet). I tried to find myself and ended up in
Vietnam. I survived and returned to YSU in the fall of 1969. While in one of my evening classes, I dropped my pencil
on the floor. Reaching down to pick it up, I noticed that the
student sitting across from me was wearing “ground pounder
boots” – leather and canvas military boots that were stained a
tannish brown from the never ending rain and mud of
Vietnam. I looked at him and said, “Hi ground pounder.”
His name is Joseph Callahan, and we are still friends and
stay in contact and see each other as much as possible. He
lives in Boardman, Ohio, and I live in Sewickley, Pa. We didn't talk about our experience in Vietnam until 35
years later.
Troy Kahler, ’85, Education
As a senior at YSU, I found
myself hopping around the campus dressed as a very large rabbit.
I was completing my studentteaching in the spring of 1985 at
Prospect Elementary School in
Girard. The students were working
on a nutrition unit and the “rabbit”
had mixed a salad earlier in the
day. Philip Ginnetti, now the dean
of the Beeghly College of Education, was the building principal at
the time. Before I could say “No,” Troy Kahler
Dr. Ginnetti had me in the car and
on the way to YSU. The BCOE faculty had a blast taking
photos, and I survived the day.
Mary Beth Chance Hanuschak,
’74, Education
Three professors are worth
remembering for me: Dr. George
Beelen, Dr. Hugh Earnhart and Dr.
William Binning. I did not have a
4.0 GPA, but these three gentlemen really helped me become a
success in education. They were
kind, considerate and made history
Mary Beth Chance Hanuschak classes exciting. Best wishes to
them. Congratulations to YSU on
its Centennial.
(Ms. Hanuschak currently teaches seventh and eighth
grades at Maplewood Middle School in Cortland, Ohio. She
is also assistant athletic director and track coach.)
Graduates Share Memories of
Youngstown State Years
Phillip Holdash, ’75, Applied Science/Corrections
To this day, my two favorite professors were Dr. James
P. Ronda in the History Department and Dr. Martin Greenman in Philosophy. I can still remember some of their creative
ways in which they described subject material. They had a
way that put life in proper perspective and gave you lessons
that would stay with you for life. I will always cherish those
Charles V. Wittenauer,
’49, Education
This old grad of 1949
has many memories of life
at Youngstown College.
Psychology Professor Kay
Hattel had a profound effect
on my life. She arranged
to have her secretary, Ruth
McLean, Youngstown Board
of Education, conduct one
of her classes, while I was
Ruth and Charles Wittenauer
a sophomore. Ruth, a Baldwin Wallace 1946 grad, and I celebrated our 53rd wedding
anniversary on August 22, 2007, with our six children, nine
grandchildren and two great grandchildren!
(Mr. Wittenaur taught high school for two years, then
entered the business world with IBM, Firestone and North
Carolina Foam Industries before retiring in 1990 as a
corporate vice president. He now lives in Mt. Airy, N.C.)
Roselyn Simini Gadd, ’69, Bachelor’s in Education, ’70,
Master’s in Education
The 1970 summer commencement at YSU was a
memorable one for me. I was one of the first students to get
a master’s degree from YSU. There were 37 students who
earned master’s in arts, education, engineering and science.
The Vindicator printed a photo of three of the 37 master’s
grads, and I was one along with Cynthia McCoy and Daniel
Previously, anyone interested in a master’s degree had
to travel to Akron or Pennsylvania for course offerings. The
master’s degree made a significant difference in my salary,
so I am grateful that
YSU offered these
(Mrs. Gadd,
left, retired in 2000
after a 30-year
teaching career
in the McDonald,
Ohio, schools.)
Adler Charitable Trust
Altronic, Inc.
John & Doris Andrews Trust
Mrs. Betty W. Antenucci
W.R. Ascham*
AVI Food Systems, Inc.
B & I Management
B.J. Alan Fireworks
E.M. Barr Trust
Merton J. Bartelmay
The Beecher Foundations
Bruce R. Beeghly
Charles M. Beeghly*
Leon A. Beeghly Fund
R. Thornton Beeghly
Dr. David Bitonte
Dr. Dominic & Mrs. Helen Bitonte
Dr. Gary Bitonte
Bliss Foundation
Boardman Steel
Bresnahan Family Foundation
Broome Engineering
Estate of Dennis Byron
The Cafaro Foundation
Anne K. Christman*
William* & Hilda Clayman
H oward
Charles & Anne Cliffe
E. Wayne Cliffe, Jr.
Domenic Constantini
Mr. & Mrs. Alan W. Cope
J. Ford Crandall Foundation
Mrs. Margaret Cushwa*
Rebecca Dale
D.D. & Velma Davis Foundation
The DeBartolo Corporation
Gail Dennison Trust
Estate of Rose & Joseph Dusi, Sr.
Drs. J. Douglas & Barbara Faires
C. Kenneth & Jeanne Fibus
Fifth Third Bank
First Energy Corporation
First Place Bank
Estate of William Fitzsimons
Eleanor Beecher Flad
Thomas Miller Ford*
Gasser Chair Company
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Geletka
Drs. Patrick & Madeleine Haggerty
Alice Wick Hall
Roberta M. Hannay
Howard & Mary Kay Hartzell
Heavy Construction Systems
Hively Construction
individuals who have made provisions in their estate plans
for students and programs at Youngstown State University. In
1966, Dr. Jones, president of Youngstown College, understood
the importance of investing in the long term; thus with his
leadership, the YSU Foundation was established. We are grateful
to the members of The Howard Jones Tower Society whose
generosity ensures that their legacy to YSU will serve future
generations of students on this campus.
Youngstown State University extends profound
appreciation to the following alumni, friends,
businesses and foundations that have contributed to
YSU’s Centennial Campaign. This historic, ongoing
campaign will raise $43 million for scholarships,
academic programs and new facilities. The support
of these donors celebrates one century’s legacy and
affirms the next century’s promise. Thank you for
your generosity – and congratulations on your first
Centennial Anniversary!
Youngstown State University President’s Council is comprised of individuals, corporations
and foundations that have made significant investments in the future of the university through
contributions of $100,000 or more.
Members of the President’s Council also serve as ambassadors to the community regarding
key university issues.
We are pleased to welcome new members and proud to share with you the names of the
President’s Council members who have, in a profound way, made a commitment to excellence
and Youngstown State University. We are grateful for and honored by their generosity.
Home Savings & Loan
Huntington Bank
Hynes-Finnegan Foundations
Herta Jackson*
C. Gilbert James, Jr.
Virginia Jewell
Johnson Controls, Inc.
The Kaleel Family
Kennedy Family Foundation
Joe & Pam Kerola
Mr.* & Mrs. F.W. Knecht, III
George M. & Helen L. Kohut Trust
The Kosar Family
The Kresge Foundation
Ronald & Karen Krisher
Tony & Mary Lariccia
Liberty Steel Products
Jocelyne Kollay Linsalata
Lipscher Charitable Trust
The Lyden Company
Estate of Emily & Ronald Mackall
Robert & S. Ann Berich Maigetter
Atty. & Mrs. John Masternick
The McKelvey Family
Dr. John C. Melnick
Harry Meshel
Estate of Donald Metzger
Drs. Michael & Dianne Miladore
Mr. & Mrs.* Daniel H. Moser
ms consultants
National City Bank
The Navarro Family
Ohio Edison
A.P. O’Horo Company
Robert & Marilyn O’Leary
Leonard A. Olson
P & S Equities
Parker-Hannifin Corporation
Penguin Club
Joseph F. Penner*
Anthony & Lenora Petrarca
Mrs. Toula Philips
Carmen & Gail Policy
Pollock Foundations
Edward & Alice Powers Trust
Estate of John R. &
Mary Kathryn Ray
Marion G. Resch Foundation
Dr. Robert & Mrs. Phyllis Ricchiuti
Bert & Sydney Rigelhaupt Trust
Betty L. Robinson
Estate of Eileen Ruthrauff
Charles E. Schell Foundation
Schermer Charitable Trust
Herbert & Catherine Schuler
Schwebel Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Scott
Walter See*
Eleanor Long Sieman*
Clarence R. Smith, Jr.
William & Margaret Spencer
James & Arlene Staaf Trust
Helen R. Stambaugh
John J. Stephens
Sweeney Charitable Trust
Robert H. Sweeney*
Mark & Kathy Thomson
Barbara Tinkham
Ray Travaglini Family
Jim & Ellen Tressel
Jeanne Tyler
UAW Local 1112/BOC Lordstown
Dr. H.S. & Mrs. Florence Wang
Frank & Norma Watson
Raymond John Wean Foundation
The Williamson Family
Estate of Robert J. Yalch
The Youngstown Foundation
YSU Alumni Association
The YSU Foundation
Phyllis Ashley
Ruth C. Atwood*
Eleanor & Rand Becker
Paul E. Beckman, Jr.*
Elmer J. Berstling
David T. & Laura B. Boich
Alice Budge & John Greenman
Thomas J. Cavalier
Wendy Chuey
George S. Churchin
Tod & Pam Crowe
Darrell L. & Jacqueline P. Davis
Gail Todd Dennison*
Anita DeVivo
Rose* & Joseph* Dusi, Sr.
Vivian Johnson Evans
J. Douglas Faires
William J. Fitzsimons*
Al & Suzanne Fleming
Bruce L. Fredrick
George Fregone & Cheryl Perdue
Dr. Rosalie Hewitt
John & Daneen Irving
George M.* & Helen L.* Kohut
Emily* & Ronald* Mackall
S. Ann Berich Maigetter*
Paul J. McFadden
Donald Metzger*
Eugene P. & June H. Osborne
Joseph F. Penner *
Richard Peterson
John & Marilyn Pogue
John R.* & Mary Kathryn* Ray
Bert Rigelhaupt, Esq.*
Betty L. Robinson
Eileen Ruthrauff*
Scott R. Schulick
Edward & Norma Jean Skriner
Mary B. Smith
Metrechia “Tish” Soper
James* & Arlene* Staaf
Dr. Thomas & Evelyn Stephens
Robert D. & Bonnita L. S. Summers
Robert J. Yalch*
Pollock Personal Foundation
Frances & Lillian Schermer
Charitable Trusts
Mr. Scott R. Schulick
Mr. Jeffrey M. Simon
St. Anthony’s Society
Estate of Charles Stewart Viets
Dr. & Mrs. H.S. Wang
$1,000,000 & Above
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Lariccia
Estate of Robert & Ann Berich
Estate of Attorney Bert Rigelhaupt
Williamson Family Foundation
$100,000 - $999,999
The Cafaro Foundation
Ms. Roberta M. Hannay
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Mrs. Jocelyne Kollay Linsalata
Atty. & Mrs. John Masternick
National City Bank
Marion G. Resch Foundation
Estate of Eileen Ruthrauff
Mrs. Helen R. Stambaugh
Mr. & Mrs. James Tressel
Frank & Norma Watson
Raymond John Wean Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. John C. York
$50,000 - $99,999
Ajax Tocco Magnethermic
Patrick W. & Patricia J. Calhoun
Alan & Carole Cope
Hunan Wallshine Welldone
Fireworks Company
Packer Thomas
Atty. & Mrs. John L. Pogue
Edward W. & Alice R. Powers Trust
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Scott
$10,000 - $49,999
John S. & Doris M. Andrews Trust
W.E. Bliss Foundation
Boardman Steel, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Bresnahan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cagigas
Mr. Ralph I. Dillon
Dr. & Mrs. Sudershan K. Garg
Officer Michael Hartzell Golf
Outing Committee
JP Morgan Chase Bank
Bold – New Members
Bold – New Members
$1,000 - $9,999
Dr. Martha I. Bruce
Ms. Millicent N. Counts
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Gabriele
$500 - $999
Builders Association of Eastern
Ohio & Western PA
Below $500
Hon. & Mrs. Larry D. DeJane
Mr. Michael D. Dercoli
Brian & Cindy Kluchar
Mr. & Mrs. W. Stephen Meloy
Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Naples
$10,000 - $49,999
Mrs. Lena M. Centofanti
Friends of Music Association
Frank & Pearl Gelbman Charitable
Atty. & Mrs. Dennis Haines
The Junior Civic League
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Lariccia
Dr. Amelia G. Tunanidas-Pantelis
$1,000 - $9,999
Mr. Carl Alexoff
American Society of Women
Chapter 72
Dr. James H. & Nathalie Andrews
Nathalie & James Andrews
Mrs. Betty J. Armbrust
Estate of Ruth C. Atwood
Austintown Local Schools
Babcock & Wilcox
Dr. Dora L. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Becker
Beta Alpha Psi Petioning Chapter
Mr. & Mrs. Homer J. Birch
Dr. & Mrs. Dominic A. Bitonte
Ms. Esther Bitonte
Boardman Rotary Club
Boardman Steel, Inc.
Mr. Thomas A. Bodnovich
Mrs. Sandra G. Borrow
The Boston Foundation
Dr. Bege K. Bowers
Mr. Don R. Brothers
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Buchenic
The Cafaro Company
Mr. Robert A. Calcagni
Mr. Joseph G. Carson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cavalier
Chalet Premier
Mrs. Anne K. Christman
City Printing
Carole & Edward Cobb
Drs. Les & Lin Cochran
Cohen & Company
Community Foundation of the
Mahoning Valley
Mr. Don Constantini
Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Crepage
Dr. Margaret A. Crishal
Mr. & Mrs. Troy Allen Cross
Mr. & Mrs. Rex B. Cyrus
Darrel & Jacqueline Davis
Delphi Corporation
Ms. Anita DeVivo
Mr. Ralph I. Dillon
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Dimitriou
Mr. Roy A. Dray
Edward’s Flowers
Ms. Suzanne Edwards
Ms. Donna Esterly
Exxon Company
Farmers National Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Feld
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. C. Kenneth Fibus
Dr. & Mrs. Edward J. Fiffick
First Place Bank Community
J.L. Francis Fund for ALS Research
Ms. Shari N. Francis
Frangos Group
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Mr. Anthony F. Frattaroli
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Fregone, III
GBS Computer Solutions
Youngstown State University wishes to thank our donors for their truly generous spirit of giving
toward our 2006-2007 Annual Fund. Due to the consistent support of our alumni, friends, and faculty
and staff, the Annual Fund grew by 20 percent to reach a total of $867,425. The commitment to
the mission and vision of YSU on a yearly basis is just one shining example of the loyalty shown by
our donors. We thank everyone who continues to make a difference in the lives of YSU students by
making a gift to the Annual Fund.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome G. Gbur
General Electric Foundation
General Motors Lordstown
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R.
Ms. Linda R. Gooden
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Graham
Mr. John F. Greenman & Ms. Mary
Alice Budge
Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Gubany
Handel Investment Company, LLC
Mr. James W. Herr
The William & Flora Hewlett
Dr. Cynthia S. Hirtzel
Mr. & Mrs. Mervyn W. Hollander
Home Savings & Loan
Huntington Bank
Dr. Marleen L. Iannucci
IBM Corporation
Institute of Management
Accountants - Chapter 55
International Institute Foundation
of Youngstown, Inc.
Ms. Cheryl L. Jablonski
Mr. C. Gilbert James, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Jochman
Hon. & Mrs. Nathaniel R. Jones
Drs. Carmen & Lyn Julius
Mrs. Philomena Jurey
Dr. Kenneth S. Kacenga
Key Bank
Mr. Peter G. Klimko
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Kosar, Sr.
Mr. Michael J. Kovach
Mr. William J. Kovass
Albert W. & Adele Krotzer Trust
Mrs. Dorothy F. Lackey
Lafarge North America, Inc.
Mr. David S. Lake
Jane F. Lamb Charitable
Mr. John C. Landers
Dr. Saul Lerner
Mr. Carter P. Lewis
Mrs. Jocelyne Kollay Linsalata
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lloyd
Mrs. Jacqueline Lynch
Ms. Francis H. Lynn-Into
Mr. John M. MacIntosh, Jr.
Mahoning County Bar Association
Mahoning Valley Accounting
Dr. & Mrs. William T. Martin
John & Dorothy Masternick
Atty. & Mrs. Richard P.
Mr. Ned Mervos
Ms. Marla L. Mitchell
Ms. Joan D. Mock
Monday Musical Club, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Muransky
National Association of Purchasing
National Center for Continuing
National City Bank
Ohio Humanities Council
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. O’Leary
Orthodontic Associates
Mr. Trevor D. Parks
Dr. & Mrs. Tedrow L. Perkins
Mr. Richard R. Peterson
Ms. Virginia K. Phillips
Mr. James J. Pierson
Pollock Foundations
The Prodigal Media Company
Dr. James F. Quilty, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Nathan P. Ritchey
Royal Oaks Bar & Grill
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic J. Salomone
Atty. & Mrs. Leonard Schiavone
Mr. Scott R. Schulick
Score Chapter 112
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Scott
Drs. Ronald V. Shaklee &
Sharon A. Stringer
The Alexander Shashaty Family
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Sherman
Mr. Crown-Sen Shieh
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Shipka
Sigma Club
Mr. Thomas Smolanovich
Snap Marketing, LLC
Dr. Leonard B. Spiegel &
Mrs. Joy Elder
Julia Spitzer Memorial Trust
The Arnold D. Stambaugh
Memorial Trust
Mrs. Helen R. Stambaugh
Dr. & Mrs. David T. Stephens
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony H. Stocks
Mr. & Mrs. Allan E. Strouss
Struthers Beer, Wine & Spirits
Mr. & Mrs. Carl G. Swabek
Dr. & Mrs. David C. Sweet
Mr. John E. Sylvester
Mr. & Mrs. W. Daniel Tate
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Teaberry
Thymely Events, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Tod, Jr.
Tri-County Journalism Association
Ms. Susan C. Trock
Estate of Zenovia G. Tunanidas
Ms. Jeanne D. Tyler
UAW Local 1112/BOC Lordstown
Assembly Complex
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny P. Vaccaro
Van Huffel Foundation
The Vindicator Printing Company,
Wachovia Education Finance, Inc.
Warren City Schools
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Watkins, Jr.
Walter E. & Caroline H. Watson
Raymond John Wean Foundation
WERC New Mexico State
Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. White
Jim & Norma White
Mr. J.D. Williamson, II
Veronica Willo Trust
WYSU FM 88.5
Dr. Steven J. Yakubov
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Yiannaki
Dr. & Mrs. John C. York
Youngstown Area Grocers
Youngstown Foundation
The Youngstown Symphony
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Yozwiak
YSU Chapter of National Student
Nurses Association
Mr. Richard K. Zacharias
Mr. & Mrs. Ennio M. Zaragoza
Mr. John D. Zelenak
Dr. Christine M. Zirafi
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce J. Zoldan
$500 - $999
Mrs. Vivian N. Abram
Mr. John R. Africa
Mr. Anthony S. Aiello
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Alexander
American Society of Civil
Engineers-Youngstown Branch
Mr. Michael S. Archibald
Mr. Robert J. Arena
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Asimakopoulos
Mr. Walt R. Avdey
Drs. Dean & Darlene Ball
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bartolin, Jr.
Dr. Mary J. Beaubien
Dr. & Mrs. Servio T. Becerra
Mr. & Mrs. Rand D. Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Beeghly
Major Michael E. Bistrica
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Bresnahan
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Mr. Raymond J. Briya
The Broadmoor
Ms. Jeanette G. Brown
Dr. Steven R. Brown
Dr. John & Cheryl Buoni
Ms. Pamela S. Burdman
Mr. Bruce M. Burge
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Byo
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cagigas
Mr. & Mrs. Howard W. Cailor
Mr. Russell P. Campbell
Ms. Catherine A. Cardwell
Mr. Gary L. Carrocce
Cassese’s MVR, Inc.
Catholic Healthcare Partners
Dr. Carol Chen
Dr. James T.E. Chengelis
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Chila
Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Chila
Ronald & Carlette Chordas
Mr. Donald B. Cochran
Mrs. Jean F. Collins
Mr. Edward P. Condo
Bill & Marty Countryman
Mr. & Mrs. Tod G. Crowe
Mr. William A. Cruikshank, Jr.
Atty. & Mrs. Daniel P. Daniluk
Mr. Charles W. Darling
Dr. Donna DeBlasio &
Mr. Brian Corbin
Dr. Ivania del Pozo &
Mr. Leonard Antal
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. DeSalvo
Mr. John F. Diegelman
Dr. Mary Lou & Mr. Gary DiPillo
Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Dodd
Dr. Ted B. Domanski
Ms. Denise A. Donnan
Eastern Orthodox Men’s Society
Mr. Frank H. Einsiedel
Dr. & Mrs. Salim El-Hayek
G. Taylor & Peggy Evans
Dr. Dinah M. Fedyna
Fifth Third Bank
Ms. Victoria Figueroa
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Finnerty, Jr.
First Energy Foundation
Mr. Erik R. Fleischer
Atty. & Mrs. Alfred J. Fleming
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Fleming
Mr. Kenneth K. Fox
Col. Debra Franco
Mr. Frank Gamberale, Jr.
Jason Gay & Kristin Eichenberger
Dr. Philip Ginnetti
Mr. Robert P. Glick
Ms. Ingrid M. Gorman
Eileen & Robert Greaf
Mr. John E. Greaf
Mr. Alan F. Greggo
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Gregori
Dr. Elaine M. Greifenstein
Mr. Samuel W. Grooms
Mr. Russel W. Gwin
Mr. David J. Halt
Mr. Steven M. Hardwick
Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Hargate, Sr.
Edward Heal, Jr. & Kristen Beckman
Ms. Constance B. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis W. Hollenbeck
Mrs. Maxine W. Houck
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Mrs. Marijo & Dr. Louis Jannetto
Dr. Allan W. Jones
Becky L. Keck
Kenilworth Steel
Dr. Jane E. Kestner
Dr. Ikram & Susan Khawaja
Ms. Mary Klimko-Shelton
Mr. Gary S. Kompanik
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Lancaster, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore G. Lenz
Mr. David P. Locke
Mr. Robert C. Machin
Mahoning Valley Bowling
Proprietors Association
Markko Vineyard
Mastropietro Winery, Inc.
Mr. Paul J. McFadden
Mr. Daniel A. McGiffin
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Mehle
Dr. Donald J. Metzger
Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Miller, III
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Milligan
Mr. Richard A. Mitchells, Jr.
Dr. Leonard Monteleone
David & Laurie Moore
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Moore
Motter’s Music, Inc.
Garry & Wanda Mrozek
ms consultants, inc.
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Novelis Corporation
Ohio Contractor’s Association
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. O’Neill
Mr. Jan F. Ornato
Ms. Marilyn A. Pitts
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry S. Pizzo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Poston
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Powell
Progressive Insurance
Ms. Joyce L. Rheam
Dr. & Mrs. Victor A. Richley
Mr. Thomas Rossman &
Dr. Lisa Alvetro-Rossman
About the Annual Report cover
Howard W. Jones, pictured on the cover with students
outside Jones Hall, was one of the founding fathers and
the first president of Youngstown College. The college
would later become Youngstown University, and finally
Youngstown State University. Today, as YSU celebrates
its Centennial, Jones remains a revered, iconic figure on
campus and throughout the community. This edition of
the Annual Report, which recognizes those who have
made monetary donations to YSU in the 2006-07 fiscal
year, pays tribute to the hard work, commitment and
contributions of Jones and the university’s five other
presidents – Albert L. Pugsley, John J. Coffelt, Neil D.
Humphrey, Leslie
H. Cochran and David C. Sweet.
Ms. Susan C. Russo
Mr. Lawrence E. Safarek
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Salvner
Ms. Mary Alilce Schaff
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Schneider
Dr. & Mrs. James Shrode
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. F. William Scragg
Ms. Blanche Sekeres
Dr. Gerald S. Sevachko
Mr. Ronald M. Sfara
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Shipka
Dr. Charles R. Singler
Mr. Joseph R. Smith, II
Mrs. Mary B. Smith
Mr. Keith A. Snoddy
Dr. Angela Spalsbury
Atty. & Mrs. Jack Staph
Mr. David D. Steib
Dr. & Mrs. David E. Stout
Ms. Debra A. Strang
Mr. John Joseph Sudol
Mr. Phillip M. Summitt
Mr. Bernard J. Szawan
Dr. & Mrs. James S. Tavolario
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Teubner
Thirsty Dog Brewing Company
Ms. Melinda M. Torres
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Trapp
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Vanatsky
Mr. Joe H. Vance
Wallace & Pancher, Inc.
Mrs. Eleanor Watanakunakorn
Atty. & Mrs. Richard N. White
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Whitling
Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Wolfcale, Jr.
Dr. Warren & Sandra Young
Youngstown Jr. Bowling
Atty. Albert Yurko
Dr. & Mrs. Philip J. Zitello
Below $500
Mr. Bryan A. Abeid
Ms. Loraine C. Abernathy
Mr. Michael K. Abernethy
Ms. Julie E. Abraham
Ms. Cathy A. Abruzzo
ACA Engineering, Inc.
Mr. Alexander A. Adams
Mrs. Ann L. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Adams
Ms. Janice E. Adams
Maj. John & Frances Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Adams, Jr.
Rev. Russell Q. Adams
Ms. Shirley A. Adams
Ms. Carolyn P. Adkins
Mr. Michael A. Adler
Ms. Vicki L. Agler
Mr. Albert A. Agostinelli, Jr.
Mrs. Susan L. Agostinelli
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Agresta
Mr. Samuel J. Agresti, Jr.
Dr. Nazir Ahmed
Mr. Dominick J. Aimino, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Airato
Ms. Harriet Aivazis
AK Steel Corporation
Ms. Mary W. Ake
Karen & Thomas Albani, Jr.
Mr. Ronald W. Albert
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Albertini
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Albright
Mrs. F. Nelle Alderfer
Mr. Gary L. Aleman
Ms. Erica D. Alesi
Ms. Deborah Alexander &
Mr. Lou Barranti
Ms. Marcy L. Alexander
Dr. Domenico B. Aliberti, Sr.
George & Janet Aliff
Ms. Diane M. Allchin
Mrs. Mary Lou Alleman
Ms. B. Sharon Allen
Mrs. Denise A. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Allen
Ms. Mary Ann Allgood
Alliant Tech Systems
Mr. David A. Altiero, Jr.
AM Party Rentals
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Ambrosio
Ms. Marsha J. Ambrozy
Dr. & Mrs. Chester A. Amedia, Jr.
Mr. Richard M. Amendolea
American Association of
University Women
American Business Women’s
American Standard
Mr. Peter J. Anania
Ms. Alana A. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome T. Anderson
Ms. Barbara J. Anderson
Ms. Beverly J. Anderson
Ms. Cathleen G. Anderson
Dr. Charlotte V. Anderson
Mr. Christopher R. Anderson
Ms. Elizabeth A. Anderson
Mr. Fred L. Anderson
Gayle & Ronald Anderson
Ms. Georgia R. Anderson
Mr. Gregory G. Anderson
Kris & Marianne Anderson
Mr. Scott V. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Andreadis
Ms. Jane S. Andreae
Dr. & Mrs. Corey E. Andrews
Mr. Lawrence T. Andrews
Dr. & Mrs. Victor D. Angel
Mrs. Rosemary M. Angelo
Dr. Bernadette J. Angle
Karen M. Anobile
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Antonelli
Mr. Robert J. Antonucci
Mr. Ralph L. Anzivino
Ms. Barbara Applebaum
Mr. Andrew J. Arendas, Jr.
Ms. Charlene D. Arendas
Ms. Maxine L. Arens
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ariza
Arlington Heights
Homeownership, Inc.
Ms. Sandra J. Arnold
Mr. Brent D. Arter
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest C. Artista
Cindi & Tom Arundel
Dr. Jacquelyn A. Asbury
Dr. Dorene S. Ash
Ms. Sally A. Ashelman
Dr. Alida V. Merlo Ashley
Mr. Michael Ashley
Rev. Msgr. John P. Ashton
Mr. James P. Asimakopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Asimakopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Atwood
Ms. Janice Aubrey
Dr. John J. Augenstein
Mr. Anthony J. Augustine
Ms. Patricia L. Augustine
Mr. Jack Auman
Ms. Kathleen M. Austrino
Mr. Eric S. Axelson
Dr. James H. Babb
Mrs. Marcia L. Bable
Mrs. Nancy L. Babos
Dr. & Mrs. Roberto Bacani
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bacha, Jr.
Dr. Christopher M. Bache
Mrs. Marilyn J. Badger
Mr. Amir A. Bagheri
Mr. James J. Baginy
Ms. Betty Jean Bahmer
Mr. Joseph M. Baich
Ms. Susan K. Bailes
Ms. Karen S. Bailey
Ms. Marcia K. Bailey
Dr. Carol L. Baird
Ms. Jean H. Baird
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Baird
Ms. Denise Baker
Mr. Eugene Baker
Mr. George A. Baker
Mrs. Janet G. Baker
Mr. Michael T. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Baker
Mr. Ronald R. Baker
Ms. Sandra Lee Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Ted J. Baker
Ms. Patricia J. Bakich
Mrs. Joan C. Balas
Mr. Conrad F. Balazs
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Baldelli, Jr.
Ms. Mary J. Baldine
Ronald & Paula Baldine
Ruth & Richard Baldwin
Pamela & Stephen Balent
Mr. Richard H. Balestra
Mr. Leroy D. Balint
Ms. Carrie A. Ball
Mr. Craig M. Ballew
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Balog
Mr. John T. Balog
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Bancroft
Mrs. Virginia L. Bancroft
Mr. William T. Bancroft
Mr. & Mrs. Carl V. Banic, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joel C. Banks, Sr.
Thomas & Debra Banna
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Bannon
Michele & Paul Bar
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Barak, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Baran
Mr. Brian M. Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Barbone
Mr. Frank P. Barile
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Baringer
Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Baringer
Mr. George T. Barker
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Barkett
Ms. Sally L. Barnes
Ms. Shirley A. Barnett
Ms. Laureen S. Barnhart
Mr. Patrick J. Barnhart
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barone
Mrs. Erin L. Barone
Ms. Lois E. Barrett
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Barrett
Mr. Pete T. Barta
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Bartelmay
Mrs. Lucile E. Bartelmay
Mr. & Mrs. Christian P. Bartholomew
Ms. Beth A. Bartlett
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Bartos, Jr.
Ms. Gloria J. Barwick
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Basista
Ms. Regina R. Bass
Ms. Monica F. Bassett
Ms. Clare M. Basso
Ms. Nina L. Bateman
Mr. Fred A. Battisti
Ms. Michele A. Batton
Mr. Kenneth R. Bauer
Ms. Angela J. Baun
Ms. Gale M. Baytosh
Ms. Brenda J. Bayus
Mr. Steven D. Beatrice
Mr. Patrick J. Becker
Mr. Robert R. Becki
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Beda
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Bednarcik
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Bee
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Beebe
Mr. R. Thornton Beeghly
Dr. & Mrs. George D. Beelen
Mrs. Marilyn I. Beeman
Dr. & Mrs. William S. Begalla
Mr. William C. Beinecke
Heather A. Belgin
Mr. Donald R. Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Bell
Ms. Sharlene Bell
Mr. Thomas J. Belle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Belloto
Ms. Connie S. Beltempo
Michael & Nancy Benedek
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Benedetto
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Benetis
Atty. & Mrs. Franklin S. Bennett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Julius Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis D. Bensinger
Dr. Anna F. Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Drew M. Benson
Mrs. Kerri M. Benson
Mr. & Mrs. R. Thomas Benson
Dr. Deborah F. Benyo
Ms. Marilyn Berchik
Dr. Martin E. Berger
Mr. John A. Bergman
Ms. Linda L. Bergmann
Mrs. Brigitt Berk
Ms. Suzanne Berlin
Ms. Jane V. Berry
Ms. Mary Berry
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer J. Berstling
Ms. Mary F. Bertuzzi
Dr. Michael E. Bestic
Mr. Norman F. Betcher
Mr. Joseph W. Bettura
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Bevan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Bevec
Ms. Eva Bevilacqua
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Bevilacqua
Mr. Richard Bevly
Mr. Maury J. Bibent
Ms. Jacqueline M. Bibo
Ms. Christine L. Bidwell
Mr. Paul D. Biery
Mrs. Isabel L. Biggin
Ms. Patricia Biggs
Mr. Stanley B. Bikulege
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Bilchik
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Billet
Pat & Sherri Billett
Ms. Janice G. Billker
Mr. Bruce A. Billman
Dr. & Mrs. William C. Binning
Mr. Kenneth Birath
Mr. Michael J. Birchak
Mr. Ronald S. Birchak
Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Bircher
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Bird
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick R. Birkholtz
Mrs. Gay S. Birnbaum
Mr. Kenneth T. Biscan
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony E. Bisconti
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Bisconti
Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Bishop
Dr. Deborah E. Bishop
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin Bishop
Ms. Karen S. Bishop
Mr. Mark W. Bistransin
Dr. A. Gary Bitonte
Dr. David A. Bitonte
Ms. Carole A. Bixler
Mr. Ronald E. Bizzarri
Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Black
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Blackburn
Ms. Karen M. Blackburn
Donald & Bernice Blair
Mr. Jesse F. Blasier
Mr. Gregory J. Blasiman
Mr. Lawrence P. Blasko
Mr. Nicholas G. Blazakis
Dr. Lawrence A. Blazina
Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Blevins
Mrs. Marilyn M. Blewitt
Mr. William A. Blewitt
Mr. Dan T. Blice
Mr. Timothy W. Block
Mr. Robert Bloniarz
Dr. Brad E. Bloomberg
Dr. Cecil D. Bloomberg
Mr. Thomas N. Blum
Ms. Debra A. Blystone
Boardman High School
Ana M. Bobby
Mr. Michael J. Bochenek
Mr. Frank W. Bodak
Ms. Deborah A. Bodzioney
Mr. Henry T. Bogan
Dr. Douglas A. Bogdan
Ms. Stephanie A. Boggs
Mrs. Deborah S. Bogossian
Mr. William F. Bohren, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Boich
Mr. Eric M. Boldan
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Bole
Drs. Carol & Mark Boles
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Bolha, II
Ms. Martha A. Bollinger
Mr. Larry Bombara
Ms. Patricia G. Bonaquist
Mr. Steven M. Bondor
Mr. William A. Bone
Mr. & Mrs. Stanton Boney
Don Booth Company
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Borovitcky
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Borts
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Borys
Ms. Katherine M. Bosak
Ms. Margaret J. Boscaljon
Cheryl & Bradley Bosley
Dr. & Mrs. Frank J. Bosso
Mr. Jason Bostocky
Mrs. Pauline A. Boston
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Boucherle
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Bouquet
Mr. Eugene S. Bova
Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Bova
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Bova
Mr. David E. Bowen
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Bowers
Mr. Willard G. Bowers
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan R. Bowser
Ms. Mary A. Boyd
Dr. Mark E. Boye
Boys & Girls Club of Youngstown
Mr. James A. Bozin
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Bozovich
Ms. Carol A. Bracht
Mr. Robert F. Bracken
Mr. James F. Brado
Mrs. Ruth K. Bradshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Brady
Ms. Ruth M. Brajkovich
Mr. Zack O. Brandes, Sr.
Ms. Patricia J. Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. Alan G. Brant
Ms. Jacquelyn W. Brauninger
Mr. & Mrs. Everett E. Bray
Mr. Thomas M. Braydich
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Brayer
Mr. John G. Breedlove, Jr.
Mr. Charles M. Brekoski
Mr. William J. Brennan
Dr. Craig J. Brenner
Mr. W.W. Bresnahan
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Brest
Mr. Edward R. Bretz, Jr.
Mrs. Mabel C. Brewer
Atty. & Mrs. George G. Briach
Ms. Melissa A. Brian
Mr. Robert L. Brickley
Mr. Joseph A. Briganti
Ms. Karen Briggs
Prof. Alfred & Dr. Virginia Bright
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Britt
Darla & Barry Brocker
Mr. Gary F. Broderick
Ms. Lauren J. Broderick
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne M. Brodnan
Ms. Christine M. Brodowski
Ms. Sadie E. Brookman
Mrs. Debra A. Brooks
Mr. Herbert G. Brooks, Jr.
Joyce & Loran Brooks
Mr. Robert A. Brooks
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. Brophy
Mr. Ronald S. Brophy
Ms. Mary Jane Brosko
Mr. William E. Broviak
Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Brown
Dr. & Mrs. David E. Brown
Ms. Heidi J. Brown
Mrs. Mary L. Brown
Ms. Natalia Brown
Ms. Terri L. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Brown, Jr.
Mr. Woods R. Brown
D. Thomas & Susan Brucoli
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Bruggeman
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Bruno
Ms. Cynthia A. Brunot
Mr. Jeffrey P. Bryan
Mr. Frederick R. Bucci, Jr.
Mr. Paul Bucciarelli
Ms. Christina M. Buccino
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Buckler
Mr. Bryan L. Bucklin
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Buckner
Mr. Vincent E. Bulik
Bullthistle Festival Committee
Mr. Willard L. Bundy
Mr. Richard L. Burgess
Dr. Holly J. Burge-Stafford
Mr. Daniel J. Burich
Ms. Elisabeth L. Burick
Mrs. Marjorie I. Burin
Ms. Carol M. Burke
Mr. Frank P. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Burkey
Mr. & Mrs. Ray E. Burkhart
Mr. William R. Burkhart
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Burlingham
Ms. Rochelle Burman
Mr. Michael D. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Burns
Ms. Susan A. Burns
Mr. James D. Burrows
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Burrows
Dr. Charles R. Bush, III
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Bush
Ms. Carla W. Buss
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Buttar
Mr. Robert T. Buzga
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Buzzacco
Ms. Gloria B. Byce
Mr. Michael S. Byce, Jr.
Ms. Michelle M. Byers
Mr. Richard A. Byies
Dr. & Mrs. James L. Byo
Mr. Lewis E. Caccia, Jr.
Mr. Raymond M. Caciale
Dr. Jonathan J. Caguiat
Mr. & Mrs. Randall F. Cailor
Mr. Rand R. Cairey
Mr. John M. Cairns
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Cala
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Calautti
Mr. Joseph Calcagni
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Calcagni
Mr. Albert D. Caldrone
Ms. Patricia L. Caldrone
Mr. Thomas J. Caldrone
Mr. Michael Caldwell
The Callos Group II
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Callos
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Calpin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Camardo
Mr. Gary R. Camp
Ms. Margaret J. Campana
Ms. Agnes M. Campanale
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Campbell
Mr. John H. Campbell
Ms. Kathleen A. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Campolito
Ms. Mary K. Cancelli-Bartz
Mr. Andrew A. Canellas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cannell
Mr. Samuel W. Cannell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cantanzriti
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Caposell
Ms. Emilie R. Capots
Mrs. Margaret Cappelli
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Cappuzzello
Mr. Mark A. Capuano
Atty. Herman Carach
Ms. Bernice Caralla
Hon. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Carano
Ms. April J. Caraway
Ms. Kristine M. Carchedi
Ms. Amelia L. Careghini
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Carey
Ms. Patricia A. Carfolo
Ms. Susan E. Carfolo
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Carle
Kathleen Carlile & Robert Lackey
Mr. & Mrs. Mark V. Carlozzi
Lori & Raymond Carlson
Ms. Marena D. Carmello
Mr. Daniel W. Carnevale
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Carney
George & Virginia Carney
Mr. & Mrs. John Carney
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Carney
Atty. William T. Carnie
Mr. & Mrs. David V. Carr, Jr.
Mr. James P. Carr
Ms. Kathleen M. Carroll
Mr. David Carson
Ms. Julianne A. Carsone
Mr. Louis P. Carsone
Mr. & Mrs. Jack T. Cartwright
Mr. Anthony J. Caruso
Mr. Stephen A. Caruso
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph R. Casarsa
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Case
Ms. Coreena A. Casey
Mr. John Paul Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Cassano
Mr. Philip R. Cassella
Joseph & Erica Cassese
Mr. Norman G. Cassidy
Mr. Eugene H. Castle, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Caswell
Mr. & Mrs. Dorrill L. Catlin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Catullo
Ms. Merri A. Cavalier
Mr. Paul A. Cefrick
Ms. Patricia A. Ceglie
Mr. Albert S. Celec, Jr.
Mr. Anthony L. Cella
Mr. James H. Centric
Mr. Robert J. Cercone
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Cerimele
Ms. Laurie L. Chaffee
Mr. Dana B. Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Chambers
Mr. Phillip P. Chan
Mr. Richard A. Chance
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Chandler
Dr. & Mrs. Andy Chang
Mr. Tsu-Liang (Jimmy) Chang
Ms. Rosaria D. Chantrill
Ms. Barbara Chapin
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Chapin
Mr. John C. Charnas
Mr. Gunvant J. Chauhan
Ms. Marcia A. Chenault
Ms. Audrey Z. Chengelis
Mr. Nicholas H. Chengelis
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Cherol
Mrs. Mary J. Chester
Mr. John T. Chewning
Ms. Virginia F. Chiarello
Ms. Yvonne Chichin
Mr. Jeff C. Childs
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Chirakos
Karen & Joseph Choppa
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Chrismas
Mr. James P. Christine
Mr. James L. Christofil
Mr. & Mrs. John Christopher
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Christopher, Jr.
Ms. Linda R. Christopher
Chubb & Son, Inc.
Mr. Michael A. Chuirazzi
Ms. Heather R. Chunn
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Churm
Mr. Anthony T. Cialelle
Mr. Angelo P. Ciavarella
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. Ciavarella
Mr. Tony Ciavarella
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip F. Ciccone
Mr. & Mrs. Craig M. Cicero
Ms. Briana L. Cicero-Johns
Ms. Felicia R. Ciminero
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Cindric
Dr. & Mrs. Albert B. Cinelli
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ciotola
Mr. David S. Cisine, Jr.
Mrs. Alice B. Citano
City Machine Technologies, Inc.
Mr. Bobby Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Clark
Mr. Gregory A. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Clark
Mr. Jeffrey N. Claxon
Viive & Timothy Clayton
Mr. Robert J. Cleary
Mr. & Mrs. Leland E. Clegg
Ms. Karen Clemente
Mr. Thomas L. Cliffe
Mr. David J. Clovsky
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Clowes
Ms. Virginia L. Cluse
Ms. JoAnn Coates
Mr. Lee C. Coates
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Cobey
Mr. Larry L. Coburn
Ms. Judith A. Cocucci
Dr. Karen K. Codjoe
Ms. Linda E. Cohen
Ms. Stacy L. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Cohol
Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Cohol
Ms. Christine A. Coiner
Mr. Paul Colaluca
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Colbert
Mr. Francis F. Colburn
Ms. Rita L. Cole
Ronald Cole & Theresa Horstman
Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Colella
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Colella
Col. & Mrs. Charles M. Coleman
Ms. Jillian C. Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Coleman
Ms. Karen D. Coleman
Mr. Kenneth M. Coleman
Colgate Palmolive
Mr. Charles Coliadis
Mr. William T. Coller
Mr. David L. Collins
Ms. Judith A. Collins
Ms. Michelle S. Collins
Mr. Ralph E. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Collins
Ms. Karen W. Cologgi
Mr. Gene R. Colucci
Ms. Flora S. Colwes
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell L. Combs
Common Wealth, Inc.
The Community Foundation of
Shelby County
Ms. Mary F. Compton
Mr. Kenneth D. Conatser
Ms. Helen K. Confos
Karen E. Conklin &
Gary E. Offerdahl
Dr. Lawrence Connelly, Jr.
Ms. Susan C. Conner
Dr. & Mrs. James L. Connolly, III
Ms. Kathy Z. Conrad
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Conti
Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. Conti
Mr. Michael R. Conti
Dr. Ellene & Mr. George Contis
Mr. George & Dr. Ellene Contis
Mr. Thomas P. Conway
Ms. Kimberly A. Conzett
Mr. Andre W. Cook, Jr.
Ms. Clara Y. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Cook
Mr. Kim W. Cook
Ms. Marcy Ann Cook
Ms. Marian Y. Cook
Ms. Martha A. Cook
Mr. William R. Cook
LTC & Mrs. Daniel B. Cooley
Mrs. Linda R. Cooperstock
Mr. Alan M. Copp
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Corliss
Mrs. Mildred H. Cornicelli
Ms. Patricia Corsale
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Cortese
Mr. Ignazio N. Corturillo
Drs. Adam & Christina Costarella
Mr. James Costas
Mrs. Patricia L. Costello
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Courtney
Mr. & Mrs. James Courtwright
Ms. Cynthia A. Covert
Mr. Mark A. Craciun
Ms. Nada Crago
Mr. Charles E. Craig, Jr.
Mr. Donn C. Craig, Jr.
Capt. James E. Craig
Mr. Donald C. Cramb
Mr. & Mrs. Keith H. Cramer
Dr. & Mrs. Charles A. Crans
Mrs. Delores E. Crawford
Mr. J. Bruce Crawford
Mr. James C. Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Creed
Mr. Thomas C. Creese, IV
Mr. Edward J. Crepage, Jr.
Col. & Mrs. Joseph G. Cretella
Mr. Keith R. Crews
Mr. Kevin W. Crews
Mr. Ernest M. Crist, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Crittenden
Mr. L.A. Crockett
Ms. Jo Ann Crogan
Ms. Cynthia A. Cross
Ms. Jennifer M. Cross
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Crowley
Ms. Eileen M. Crudele
Ms. Bonnie E. Cruickshank
Mr. S. Allan Csiky
CT Consultants
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher H. Cubbison
Rev. Fats J. Cubellis
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Cuchna
Donald & Carolyn Culp
Ms. Glenda J. Culp
Mr. Jonathan P. Culp, Jr.
Mr. Dale E. Cunningham
Mr. Wallace L. Cunningham
Dr. Rebecca Curnalia
Mr. Brian C. Curry
Mr. David A. Curry
Ms. Joy S. Cushwa
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Cushwa, Sr.
Ms. Carol E. Cuthbertson
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory F. Cvetkovic
Ms. Laura E. Cwynar
Mr. Barry M. Daggett
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Dahl
Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Dailey
H. Marlene & Thomas Dailey
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Dailey
Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Dalbec
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dallas
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert W. Dalton
Mr. Peter E. Dalton
Mr. James H. Daly
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Dando, II
Mr. & Mrs. Sam A. D’Angelo
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Danicic
Jacquelyn M. Daniel
Mr. Dominic A. Dannessa
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Danta
Mr. John T. Danus
Ms. Brenda J. D’Apolito
Dr. James P. D’Apolito
Rosemary D’Apolito
Mr. & Mrs. Mohamed S. Darwish
Mr. Carl R. Daubenspeck
Mr. David B. Daugherty
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Daum
Ms. Betty J. Davidson
Martha A. Davies
Ms. Terri J. Davila
Dr. Christopher J. Davis
Ms. Deann L. Davis
Mr. Edward M. Davis
Mr. Henry W. Davis
Mr. Larry A. Davis
Mr. Lawrence L. Davis
Ms. Patricia L. Davis
Mrs. Shirley J. Davis
Mr. Thomas L. Davis
Ms. Linda L. Davis-O’Leary
Mrs. Daniela Davner
Mr. Dallis G. Dawson
Ms. Linda B. Day
Mr. James A. Dean
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph V. DeAngelis
Ms. Christine R. DeAngelo
Mr. David DeBee
Ms. Laurie Y. Debelak
Mr. Vito R. DeBlasio
Mr. Raymond J. DeCarlo
Mr. & Mrs. James R. DeCenso
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. DeChurch
Mr. James T. Decker
Ms. Shannon L. Deeds
Ms. Susan L. DeFilippo
Carolyn & William E. DeFrance
Mr. Lawrence A. DeFuria
Mr. John M. DeGenova
Mr. James R. DeGregory
Mrs. Diane J. DeHart
Dr. Robert T. DeHoff
Dr. & Mrs. E. Terry Deiderick
Ms. Diane E. DeJulio
Ms. Erika D. Delahunt
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. DelBane
Mr. & Mrs. John A. DelBane
Ms. Margaret G. Delbane
Mr. David A. Delbene
Ms. Verna M. DelDuca
Mr. Thomas L. Deley
Ms. Irene Delfs
Ms. Linda A. Delia
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph D. Delio
Mr. Eugene D. Delisio
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. DeLisio
Mr. Ronald DeLisio, Sr.
Dr. Pasquale Dellagatta
Dr. David R. Delliquadri
Mrs. Vicki L. Delliquadri
Mr. Gregory V. DelMonaco
Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. DelSignore
Mr. David DelSignore
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Mr. Thomas R. Delvaux
Ms. Doreen J. DeMarco
Mr. Robert J. Demart
Ms. Janet L. DeMayo
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Demechko
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Demetra
Mr. Gregory Demetri
Dr. James C. Demidovich
Ms. Darlene M. Demjen
Mary L. Denehy
Mr. Andrew P. Deniro
Mr. & Mrs. Michael DeNiro
Mr. Mark S. & Mrs.
Carolyn Denny-Schaefer
Mr. & Mrs. Neil DePascal
Mr. Adam N. DePizzo
Dr. Nicholas P. DePizzo, II
Ms. Adele C. DePofi
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Dercoli
Mr. Mark D. Derthick
Ms. Karen K. DeSalvo
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Deskin
Mr. & Mrs. John Desko, III
Mr. Larry S. Detelich
Mr. Robert M. Detelich
Mr. Michael J. DeToro
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. DeToro
Mrs. Mary Louise Detwiler
Ms. Calliope A. DeVengencie
Ms. Katherine M. DeVengencie
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Devico
Jamie & Lisa Devore
Richard & Bonnie Dewberry
Mr. Ryan J. Dewberry
Mr. James T. DeWoody
Ms. Nancy J. Diana-Franko
Mr. & Mrs. E. Tom Dickey
Mr. Joe Dickey, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry M. Dickey
Mr. Samuel William Dickey
Ms. Sara L. Dickson
Mr. & Mrs. Dan DiDomenico
Mr. Louis C. DiDonato
Diebold, Inc.
Ms. Jeannette F. Dietz
Mr. Donald E. DiFabio
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. DiGregorio
Dr. Nino DiIullo
Mr. & Mrs. Vito DiIullo
Valerie & Dustin Dill
Ms. Julie E. Dillon
Mr. James R. DiLorenzo
Mr. Larry J. DiLoreto
Dr. George A. Dimitriou &
Dr. Maria N. Tranto
Mr. Angelo D. DiMuccio
Ms. Rose Marie Dimuccio
LTC Martha J. Dingey, Ret.
Mr. & Mrs. Ray S. DiNunzio
Mr. Nicholas R. Diorio
Amy & John DiRenzo
HOWARD W. JONES 1895 – 1982
Director of Youngstown College
President of Youngstown College
President of Youngstown University
Jones oversaw the recruiting of faculty,
the physical expansion of the campus
(starting with the construction of the main
building, now known as Jones Hall), the
creation of a Youngstown College football
team, and the transformation of the urban
college into Youngstown University.
He retired in 1966 and died in Youngstown on
Feb. 25, 1982, at the age of 86.
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Dirienzo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. DiSante
Mr. Terry Dittmer
Mr. Joseph D. DiTunno
Mr. Dennis M. Dlugosz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Dluhos
Mr. William J. Dobosh
Dr. John J. Docherty
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Dodson
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Dolby
Mr. Robert J. Dombrowe
Dominion Resources Services, Inc.
Mr. Louis E. Domitrovich
Mr. Albert L. Donadio, Jr.
Mr. Charles R. Donaldson
Ms. Janet G. Donaldson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Donatelli
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Donchess
Mr. James H. Donegan
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Doneyko
James & Janice Donlin
Mr. James K. Donnell
Ms. Maureen E. Donofrio
Mr. Michael A. D’Onofrio, Jr.
Ms. Paul A. D’Onofrio
Ms. Catherine A. Dorbish
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Doria
Dr. David J. Dortin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Dotson
Mr. Andrew Douglas
Ms. Ramona C. Douglas
Dr. Marianne &
Mr. G. Timothy Dove
Ms. Joyce A. Doyle
Ms. Emma Draa
Gene & Mona Draa
Dr. Barbara S. Drabkin
Mr. Theodore E. Draewell
Ms. Kathleen M. Dragoman
Leilani & Douglas Drake
Ms. Mattie Dramis
Ms. Diane L. Drapcho
Mr. K. William Dreier
Dr. Wade C. Driscoll
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Drobik
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Drummond
Ms. Kathryn J. Drydyk
Miss Mary Elizabeth Dubec
Mr. Nicholas M. Dubos
Mr. Frank R. Duesing
Mr. Richard W. Duesing
Mr. Willard G. Duff
Ms. Bobbie J. Dulaney
Marla & David Dull
Ms. Jody A. Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Duncan
Ms. Jean D. Dundee
Atty. Charles E. Dunlap
Mr. George L. Dunlap
Ms. Karen R. Dunlap
Ms. Patricia A. Dunlap
Mr. Kenneth C. Dunn
Mr. Larry P. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Dunn
Mr. Douglas P. Duplin
Ms. Kay Duplin
Dr. Janet E. Durick
Dr. Robert J. Durick
Patrick R. Durrell
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Dykins
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Dzuracky
Eagle Fireworks, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Earley
Ms. Kathleen M. Eberth
Mr. Frederick L. Ebinger
Mr. Andrew J. Eckhardt
Mr. Barton E. Eckhart
Hon. & Mrs. Peter C. Economus
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Eddy
Mr. Robert L. Edeburn
Dr. Gunapala Edirisooriya
Mr. David L. Edmondson
Mr. Harry K. Edwards
Mr. John V. Edwards
Joe & Karen Edwards
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Edwards
Mr. Tom Edwards
Mr. Cary R. Efaw
Ms. Eleni A. Efthimiou
Mr. Allen J. Ehas
Dr. & Mrs. C.W. Eichenberger
Ms. Martha Eicher
Ms. Vicki M. Eichholz
Mr. D. Keith Eichhorn
Mr. Gregory S. Ekoniak
Ms. Loretta A. Ekoniak
Electronic Arts
Ms. Estee Elias
Dr. Janice & Mr. Robert Elias
Ms. Charlotte A. Elliott Wallace
Sarah E. Ellis
Mr. James P. Ellsworth
Mr. Paul I. Emch
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Emch
Melanie & Scott Emerson
Dr. Barbara G. Engelhardt
Dr. Kent Engelhardt &
Dr. Beth Hargreaves
Ms. Christine E. Engelis
Mr. Daniel C. English, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Enoch
Mr. Kenneth L. Enoch
Dr. Jeffry J. Ensign
Mrs. Suzyn S. Epstein
Ms. Deborah A. Esbenshade
Mr. Robert L. Eskay
Dr. John N. Esposito
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Essner, Jr.
Mr. Thomas F. Estes
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Evan
Ms. Gladys M. Evans
Jason & Heidi Evans
Mr. Joel Evans
Ms. Linda L. Evans
Ms. Mary A. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Todd R. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Evans
The Everly Group, Inc.
Mr. Paul S. Ewing
Ms. Ruth F. Exstrom
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Eynon, Jr.
Ms. Mary A. Fabian
Mr. David J. Fabilli
Mr. Edward V. Fabrizio
Mrs. Roselyn E. Fabrizio
Mr. Samuel R. Faccioben
Mr. Thomas R. Fagan, Jr.
Carol & Leonard Fagnano
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Fairbanks
Family Service Agency
Ms. Carol R. Faraone
Mr. Leonard J. Farbman
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Farina
Mr. Timothy W. Farr
Mr. Thomas E. Farragher
Ms. Verna M. Farris
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Fast, III
Ms. Yvonne E. Fayard
Ms. Mary Fecych
Federated Department Stores
Mr. & Mrs. Laddie J. Fedor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Fedorchak
LCDR Robert J. Fedyski
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Fee
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Fehr
FEIC Financial, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth Fekete
Miss Joann Felde
LTC & Mrs. Paul W. Fellinger, Ret.
Ms. Nancy J. Felton
Mr. & Mrs. E. James Ference
LTC Cyril M. Ferenchak
Mr. Jeffrey M. Ferezan
Mr. Randall Ferguson &
Ms. Germaine Santon
Mr. Anthony M. Ferlaino, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Ferradino
Mrs. Jennifer M. Ferrell
Ms. Dora T. Ferritto
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Ferro, Sr.
Mr. Norman F. Fetsko
Ms. Carole J. Fiffick
Atty. Jesse J. Figueroa
Ms. Margaret R. Filaccio
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Filicky, Sr.
Ms. Lori A. Filips
Ms. Christina L. Fillinger
Mr. Robert F. Fillmore
Ms. Alyson M. Finamore
Mr. & Mrs. Archie J. Finamore
Atty. Mark S. Finamore
Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Fine
Mr. James E. Fini
Mr. Robert L. Fink
Mrs. Susan L. Finn
Dr. Matthew P. Finneran
Mr. Michael J. Finnigan
Mr. William P. Fiore
C.L. Firestone, Inc.
First Christian Church of Niles
First Place Bank
Ms. Christina M. Fischer
Ms. Jacquelyn R. Fischio
Ms. Margaret M. Fisher
Fisher Scientific
Ms. Nancy A. Fitch
Ms. Norma Fitch
Mr. Robert D. Fitzer
Dr. Dorcas C. Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Fitzgerald
Mr. Robert M. Fitzgerald
Mr. Charles H. Fizet, Jr.
Mr. Bret G. Fleckenstein
Ms. LuAnn Fleckenstein
Mr. Thomas M. Fleckenstein
Ms. Delores Fleming
Elyce & William Fleming
Flex-Strut, Inc.
Mr. Tom S. Flores
Ms. Barbara Florjancic
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Fluxe
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Flyak
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Foley
Ms. Jeanne M. Foley
Mr. Floyd F. Folio
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Folk
Mr. Robert D. Folk
Dr. Mary Ann Fontanarosa
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Foraker
Atty. Donald R. Ford, Jr.
Ms. Janet L. Ford
Margaret & Philip Ford
Dr. Dennis J. Foreman
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Forgione
Mr. & Mrs. Zenon O. Forosty
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Forro
Mr. Kurt S. Forsthoefel
Ms. Ruth Forsythe
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan F. Foski
Mr. Francis H. Foster
Ms. Kathleen F. Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen K. Foster
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Foulkes, Jr.
Mr. Kent L. Fourman
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Fournier
Mr. James C. Foust
Mr. Joseph W. Fowler
Robert & Sherri Fozkos
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Francis
Mr. James M. Frank
Linda S. Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Frankenburg
Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Franks
Mr. Robert A. Frantz, Jr.
Ms. Teresa E. Frantz
Mr. & Mrs. Neil D. Frasca
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Frasco
Mr. C. Edward Frazzini
Ms. Jennine M. Frease
LTC Bruce L. Fredrick
Mr. Raymond A. Fredrick
Ms. Diane L. Freede
Mrs. Jean B. Freeman
Ms. Jean E. Freeman
Mr. Leroy Freeman
Mrs. Mary I. French
Mr. Adam E. Frey
Ms. Mary-Eloise T. Friedman
Friends of The Boardman Library
Mr. William G. Frolund
Mr. Eugene L. Fromm
Ms. Lisa N. Fronk
Mr. Ernest A. Fuleky
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry J. Fullum
Mrs. Anna M. Fulmer
Mr. Leonard J. Fumi
Mr. & Mrs. Rex A. Funge
Kathleen & James Funtulis
Mr. & Mrs. Steve M. Furgas
Ms. Doris L. Furney
Mr. & Mrs. Jason T. Furrie
Ms. Tina F. Fusco
Mrs. Julie M. Futey-Peterson
Chris & Robert Gabrick
Ms. Kellie Gabriel
Dr. Stephen L. Gage
Mr. James W. Gaidry
Mr. Richard J. Gal
Mr. Bruce M. Gale
Mr. Herman M. Galicia
Mr. Robert T. Galick
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence F. Gallagher, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Gamez
Ms. Mary A. Ganofsky
Ms. Susan L. Gans
Mr. Thomas D. Garasky
Mr. Ronald E. Garback
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Garchar
Mr. Jeffrey S. Gardner
Ms. Lori M. Gardner
Mr. Frank Gargiulo
Mr. & Mrs. Gene M. Garritano
Ms. Cheri B. Garvin-Dodgson
Mr. James M. Gasior
Mr. Anthony L. Gates
Ms. Jean O. Gates
Mr. & Mrs. Joeo M. Gatti
Ms. Bonita L. Gauding
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick S. Gault
Marilyn & Mark Gavitt
Ms. Jacquelyn A. Gawron
Pamela G. Gay & Shawn C. Killeen
Mr. Joseph J. Gebbia
Mrs. Paula J. Geidner
Mrs. Mary J. Geisler
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Geletka
Jeff & Becky Geltz
Mr. Harry Gentithes
Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. George
Mr. George S. George
Mr. Kenneth J. George
Ms. Susan Lee George
Mr. Thomas E. George
Mr. Joseph M. Gerek
Mr. & Mrs. Kris H. Geren
Mr. & Mrs. J. James Gerlach
Mr. Richard M. Germano &
Ms. Lynda M. Tasota
Mr. Paul S. Gernhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Gerst, Jr.
Atty. Mark Gervelis
Mr. Emrik D. Gessler
Ms. Renee E. Gessner
Mr. Richard S. Gessner
Dr. & Mrs. Antonio Gestosani
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Getchy
Ms. Lynne E. Gething
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Gett
Ms. Cindy C. Gettig
Mr. & Mrs. Scot P. Gherardi
Mr. Joseph J. Gialdini
Mr. Anthony D. Giampetro
Mr. Thomas R. Gibbons
Jack Gibson Construction
Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Gibson
Ms. Patrica Ann Gibson
Rev. Stephen A. Gifford
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Gillespie
Ms. Patricia E. Gillespie
Mr. Bruce B. Gillies
Ms. Donna Gillo
Mr. & Mrs. Kenyon Glanz
Ms. Margaret V. Glanz
Mr. & Mrs. William V. Glanz
Mr. Ronald J. Glaros
Ms. Andrea Glass
Mr. Michael J. Glazzy
Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Glenn
Mr. Andrew J. Gleydura
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Glista
Stephen & Kathleen Globeck
Ms. Linda D. Glover
Ms. Mary K. Goclano
Mr. David A. Goddard
Mrs. Mary L. Godleski
Ms. Kathryn L. Goerig
Mrs. Betty C. Goist
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Goist
Golden Dawn Restaurant
Mr. J. Bernhard Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Goldsboro
Mr. James J. Gomochak
Mr. John A. Gonda
Mr. Keith D. Goodman
Ms. Martha H. Goodrich
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Goodwin
Mr. Anthony N. Gorant
Mr. Richard L. Gorby
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Gorski
Mrs. Severina Z. Gorzela
Ms. Jennifer L. Gossett
Mr. Francis R. Gottron, III
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Gould
Ms. Susan K. Gould
Mr. Robert J. Goulish
Mr. Richard N. Governor
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Grabert
Graco Ohio Liquid Controls
Mrs. Stephanie A. Grameth
Mr. & Mrs. J. Kenneth Gran
Ms. Karen A. Gran-Caldwell
Michele D. Grant
Ms. Denise Gray
Mr. Paul D. Gray
Ms. Laura L. Grayson
Ms. Rosemary Grayson
Ms. Judith Graziano
Ms. Jodie L. Grazier
Mr. Joseph W. Grdenick
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Green
Ms. Karen S. Green
Ms. Kimberly A. Green
Atty. Thomas E. Green
Mrs. Frances Y. Greenberg
Dr. & Mrs. Morren J. Greenburg
Lenora N. Greene
Mr. & Mrs. H. Martin Greggo
Ms. Erika M. Gregos
Ms. Donna M. Griesmer
Mrs. Sarah A. Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Griffiths, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Griffiths
Mr. Robert W. Grim, II
Mr. Curtis Grimm
Ms. Nancy E. Grindell
Mr. Willliam A. Grinta
Mr. & Mrs. Gary H. Griswold
Ms. Karen S. Grodin
Mr. & Mrs. John Gronvall
Ms. Judith Gross
Ms. Jennifer A. Grossi
Ms. Rebecca Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Grove
Dr. & Mrs. Jack A. Gruber
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Grunenwald
Dr. Joseph P. Grunenwald
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Grzebieniak
Ms. Lynne E. Guappone
Mrs. Linda L. Guerrieri
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Guerrieri
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Guerrieri
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Guerriero
Mr. Matthew G. Gugliotti
Mr. James J. Guidone
Mrs. Sarah A. Gunn
Mr. Salvador V. Gurgiolo
Mr. Robert Gurgos
Mr. Gregory A. Gustafson
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Gustafson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Gustovich
Mr. Matthew M. Gustovich
Ms. Gloria Haas
Habitat for Humanity of
Mahoning County
Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Hack
Mr. Russell K. Hack
Mr. Nicholas J. Hagglund
Dr. Germaine R. Hahnel
Ms. Lori E. Hahner
Mr. Glen R. Haines
Mr. Gary J. Haire
Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Haire
Ms. Mary F. Hake
Mrs. Mary Halfacre
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Halkias
Ms. Audrey J. Hall
Mr. Gregory S. Hall
Mr. James A. Hall
M. Susan & George Hall
Ms. Mary E. Hall
Ms. Melissa A. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Hall
Mrs. Veronica L. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Halloran
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Hamady
Ms. Christine S. Hamamzis
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hamill
Dawn M. & Lawrence A. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert L. Hamilton
Dr. Wilbert Hammack
Ernest & Sally Hammar
Ms. Gail M. Hammett
Mr. Bruce E. Hammond, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Hammond
Dr. Bernard J. Hamrock
Mr. Joseph G. Hamrock, Jr.
Ms. Helen T. Hancock
Marie & Edward Handel
Dr. & Mrs. Aaron J. Hanesworth
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Hankins
Mr. & Mrs. Leo T. Hanley, Sr.
Ms. Mary Jo Hanlon
Mr. William J. Hanlon, Jr.
Mr. John Hanna
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hannon
Mr. Steven P. Hanousek
Mr. Jon E. Hansen
Mr. Gordon F. Harbison
Ms. Debra J. Hardwick
Ms. Christina Hardy
Ms. Melanie Harless
Mr. Mike Harless
Dr. & Mrs. John P. Harley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Harmicar
Mr. Brian W. Harris
Ms. Diane C. Harris
Ms. Marilynn E. Harrison
Mrs. Florence Harshman
Atty. Michael S. Harshman
Mr. Thomas J. Hartzel
Mr. James E. Harvey, Jr.
Janice & John Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Wade Harvey
Ms. Jean T. Hassell
Mr. Daryl L. Hatch
Ms. Lori A. Hatcher
Mr. & Mrs. William Hatcher
Mr. Michael E. Hatfield
Ms. Debra Hatherill
Mr. Troy T. Hauck
Ms. Margaret B. Haushalter
Mr. John G. Havalo
Mr. George Havas
Jerry & Susie Hawk
Mr. & Mrs. Terry S. Hawk
Dr. Carol & Mr. Larry Hawkins
Mr. D. James Hawkins
Mr. Thomas E. Hawley
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Hay
Mr. & Mrs. Darren M. Hayes
Mr. Kostas Hazifotis
Mr. & Mrs. Jon R. Heacock
Ms. Inez G. Heal
Mr. Ronald H. Heames
Mr. Christopher G. Heasley
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Heasley
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Heaven
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hecker
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Hecker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hedland
Mrs. Jean E. Hedrick
Mr. John E. Heinl
Mr. James E. Heinold
Mr. William H. Heintzelman
Mr. Albert J. Helle
Ms. Nancy J. Heltzel
Dr. William J. Helwig
Mrs. Jean M. Henderson
Mr. Mark E. Henninger
Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Henry
Dr. Al Hepp
Mr. Lawrence E. Herb
Mr. & Mrs. David N. Herbert
Ms. Beatrice K. Herbkersman
Ms. Mary J. Herdman
Ms. Bernadette K. Herkner
Mr. Robert L. Herndon
Mr. James H. Herschel
Ms. Ruth G. Hersh
Mr. John F. Herubin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Herubin
Mrs. Sunny Heselov
Mr. Robert G. Hewitt
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Hewitt
Elizabeth & Paul Hickson
Ms. Mary Beth High
Ms. Charlene A. Hill
Mr. Dennis A. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hill
Ms. Sharron J. Hill
Mr. Thomas W. Hill
Mr. William L. Hilliard
Ms. Judith A. Hink
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Hinkle
Dr. Thomas G. Hitcho
Hively Construction Company, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome J. Hiznay
Ms. Patricia Parker Hjelm
Mr. Matthew L. Hlebak
Ms. Melissa A. Hock
Scott & Elizabeth Hockenberry
Ms. Alice C. Hoffman
Ms. Elaine M. Hoffman
Mary & Robert Hogan
Dr. Walter J. Hogan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Hogg
Ms. Nancy Hokanson
Mr. Phillip J. Holdash
Mr. & Mrs. A. William Holdford
Ms. Jill E. Holdstock
Mr. Joseph M. Hollern
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Hollern
Mr. Aaron L. Hollingsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Holloway
Mr. Larry E. Holloway
Ms. Dollaine R. Holmes
Mr. James C. Holmes
Mr. Lyle D. Holmes
Ms. Nancy J. Holub
Mrs. Dorothy L. Honey
Honeywell, Inc.
Ms. Shirley A. Hood
Mr. Jimmy Lee Hook
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Hoopes
Ms. Corina L. Hoover
Mr. William H. Hoover
Joseph & Lois Hopkins
Ms. Elizabeth J. Horn
Dr. Cary & Mr. James Horvath
Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Horvath
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Horvath
Ms. S. Lynette Host
Ms. Kathleen M. Houck
Mrs. Betty L. Houlton
Hon. & Mrs. Joseph M. Houser
Mrs. Josephine Houser
Ms. Mary Margaret Hovanes
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hovis
Ms. Amanda R. Howard
Mr. Edward J. Howard
Ms. Joyce A. Howell
Mrs. Dorothy Howenstine
Howland Classroom Teachers
Howland Glen Primary School
Dr. & Mrs. Philip B. Howren
Dr. Patricia & Mr. Richard Hoyson
Claudia & Robert Hritz
Ms. Amber M. Hromyak
Mrs. Denise D. Hromyak
Mr. & Mrs. Pei Huang
Ms. Beth Ann Hudzik-Moran
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Huebner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Huesken
Mr. James R. Hufford
Ms. Connie M. Hughes
Mr. John S. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Hugli
Mr. Paul J. Hulea
Mr. Eric R. Hull
Ms. Norma J. Hull
Michael & Peggy Humes
Ms. Kathleen R. Hunt
Dr. Margaret R. Hunt
Mr. Brian L. Hunter
Kenneth & Judy Hunter
Hon. & Mrs. Scott D. Hunter
Mr. Richard F. Huntley
Mr. Thomas Hupko, Jr.
Ms. Ginger A. Hurajt
G. Robert & Kathleen Hurtuk
Mr. Larry Hutchinson
Mr. Jack C. Hutchison
Mr. & Mrs. David N. Hutnyan
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace W. Huziak
Ms. Monica L. Hvizdak
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hyden
Ms. Joan Iacobacci
Mr. Steven O. Iacobucci
Dr. Sylvia & Mr. Philip Imler
MG Donald R. Infante, Ret.
Mr. Donald R. Inglis
Ms. Joyce L. Ionese
Ms. Carol Irwin
Sr. Charlotte M. Italiano, OSU
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Italiano, Jr.
Ms. Virginia Iudiciani
Mr. Adam M. Jablonski
Ms. Elizabeth L. Jackson
Floyd & Patricia Jackson
Dr. Glenna S. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Jackson
Mr. Robert G. Jackson
Ms. Elaine A. Jacobs
Ms. Mary Lou Jacobs
Mr. John R. Jakubek
Ms. Cheryl L. James
Mr. Edward A. James
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. James
Mr. & Mrs. William T. James, II
Ms. Elizabeth A. Janecko
Ms. Mary L. Janek
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Janik
Ms. Deborah Janis-Verbosky &
Mr. Joseph Verbosky
Mr. James D. Jannes
Mr. Raymond J. Jaros
Mr. James Jarvis
Ms. Beth Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Jenkins
Dr. William D. Jenkins
Ms. Terri L. Jennings
Ms. Joann M. Jenny
Mr. William A. Jensen, Sr.
Ms. Valeria A. Jesionek
Mr. Charles W. Jewell
Mr. Ryan C. Jewell
Mr. Roy H. John
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford O. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Colin D. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Johnson
Ms. Lisa M. Johnson
Nancy & Allen Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Randall D. Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Johnson
Ms. Sara H. Johnson
Mr. Daniel B. Johnston
Mr. John M. Johnston
Ms. Lisa Johnstone
Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Jones
Mr. Denton M. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Jones
Ms. Elizabeth S. Jones
Mr. Eric W. Jones
Mr. James S. Jones
Mr. Lawrence J. Jones
Mrs. Madonna C. Jones
Ms. Margaret W. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Martin S. Jones
Ms. Mary J. Jones
Mr. Melvin L. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell L. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Jones
Mr. Charles L. Joseph
Mr. David F. Joseph
Mr. Louis P. Joseph
Mr. Thomas A. Joseph
Mr. James T. Joyce
Ms. Mary J. Joyce
Mr. John P. Julian
Mr. Mark A. Julian
Dr. Debbie Juruaz &
Mr. Howard Jesko
Ms. Danielle M. Kaczensky
Mr. David L. Kaercher
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kalas
Mr. Michael F. Kalitich
Mr. Thomas J. Kall
Patricia & Matthew Kambic
Mr. James W. Kaminsky
Ms. Christine M. Kampfer
Ms. Joanne M. Kane
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Kaniclides
Mr. Richard S. Kanzleiter
Susan Kapp-Jacobs &
George E. Letchworth
Ms. Mary A. Karas
Mr. Anthony H. Kariotis
Mr. Kurt G. Karlstrom
Dr. Birsen Karpak
Mrs. Katherine Kartalis
Mr. Kamal E. Kassouf
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Kasvinsky
Ms. Ethel Katsourakis
Mr. Ned J. Kaufman
Ms. Irini Kavouras
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Kay
Mr. Joel H. Kay
Mrs. Nancy L. Kayne
Mr. Robin Kayner
Mr. Jay T. Kearney
Mrs. Angela N. Kearns
Ms. Denise M. Kearns
Mr. Douglas A. Kearns
Mr. Benjamin M. Keck
Mr. & Mrs. Terry R. Keeley
Ms. Mary A. Keifer
Dr. Shirley M. Keller
Mrs. Patricia Z. Kelley
Mr. Thomas M. Kellogg
Ms. Anne F. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Kelly
Mr. William E. Kelly
Mr. Jonathon C. Kelm
Mrs. Susan B. Kelty
Ms. Paula A. Kempe
Mr. Richard L. Kempe
Jamie L. & Steven P. Kenneally
Ms. Dorothy M. Kennedy
Mr. Robert B. Kennedy
Ms. Tula L. Kennedy
Ms. Rita Kennehan
Marilyn & Walter Kenner
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Kepko
Ms. Shirley Kerestly
Dr. William Kerpsack
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kerrigan
Ms. Megan A. Kerrigan
Mr. Blair E. Kershaw
Mrs. Janet E. Keslar
Dr. Edward Kessler
Mr. & Mrs. Pat C. Kestner
Ms. Sandra L. Ketchem
Mr. Salman M. Khalid
Mr. & Mrs. Antoine J. Khoury
Ms. Kerry L. Khoury
Ms. M. Chris Khumprakob
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kiddon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Kielb
Mr. Terry G. Kiesling
Mr. Anthony C. Kilgore
Atty. Hana A. Kilibarda
Dr. & Mrs. H.W. Kim
Dr. & Mrs. Hong Y. Kim
Ms. Karen E. Kimmel
Mr. Henry E. Kinser
Mr. James A. Kiracofe
Mr. & Mrs. Dirk Kish
Mr. George H. Kishman
Ms. Patricia M. Kishman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Kishman
Ms. Nancy J. Kissel
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Klacik
Mr. Stephen P. Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry J. Klembara
Mrs. Gerianne Kennedy Klepfer
Ms. Heather Ann Klesch
Mr. Thomas J. Klier
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Klika
Mr. Charles E. Klimko
Mr. Christopher Klimko
Mr. & Mrs. Justin G. Klimko
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Kline
Mr. John D. Kline
Mr. & Mrs. Werner L. Kling
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Klingensmith
Mr. Mel Klingler
Mr. Edward Klipec, Jr.
Mr. William J. Klucher, Jr.
Dr. John G. Kmetz
Ms. Jo Ann Knapic
Mrs. Carol E. Knarr
Mrs. F.W. Knecht, III
Mr. Ed Knight
Mr. Darrell D. Knopp
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Knowles
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Knowles
Mr. Robert L. Kocan
Bill & Anita Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Koch
Mr. Edmund C. Kochis
Atty. Paula J. Kochman
Ms. Patricia Koenig
Mr. Daniel R. Kohl
Dr. & Mrs. Chander M. Kohli
Ms. Anne M. Kohut
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Kohut
Mr. & Mrs. Lance J. Kohut
Dr. Friedrich W. Koknat
Rose Mary & Carl Kokor
Mr. & Mrs. John Kolar
Ms. Karen Kolenich
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Kolibab
Miss Karen J. Kollar
Mr. Todd T. Kollar
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua B. Kollat
William J. & Mary Ann Kolosi
Ms. Beth A. Komara
Mr. Charles E. Konesky
Dr. & Mrs. Aran Kongmuang
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Konik
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kontra
Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Konya, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Konya
Miss Meredith Konya
Robert & Lynne Kopac
Mr. Joseph B. Kope
Mr. Thomas J. Kopkash
Mr. Daniel M. Kopp
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Koppel
Mr. David L. Korb
Ms. Carolyn A. Kordupel
Mr. John D. Korechko
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Koren
Mr. Bernard J. Kortz
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Kos
Mr. John L. Koshan
Ms. Marly A. Kosinski
Mr. Richard T. Kost
Ms. Louise Kostecki
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kostelic
Ms. Heather M. Kostenjak
Ms. Linda K. Kostka
Mrs. Lisa M. Kostka
Ms. Christine M. Kotapish
Dr. Kathleen M. Kougl
Ms. Anastasia Koutsounaris
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kovach
Mr. Jason B. Kovalcik
Ms. Florence L. Kozen
Mr. William G. Koziar
Mr. Mark R. Kozlowski
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Kozusko
Mrs. Tamara L. Krafft
Mr. Thomas H. Krake
Ms. Dawn L. Kramer
Mr. Glen M. Kramer
Ms. Luann Kraus
Drs. James & Cynthia Kravec
Mr. Robert D. Kreiger
Mr. Joseph W. Kresovsky
Ms. Adele A. Kreutzfeld
Ms. Maryanne Kreutzfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Krieger
Ms. Mary Therese Krieger
Ms. Barbara J. Kristal
Mr. Robert C. Krites
Mr. Robert L. Krok
Mr. Fredrick C. Krolopp
Mr. Dean E. Krout
Mr. John P. Krpicak
Mrs. Lorraine J. Krueger
Mr. Harry A. Kruger
Dr. James J. Krumpak
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Krumpak
Ms. Mary T. Krupa
Ms. Cathy L. Krupko
Mr. Peter M. Kruppa, Jr.
Mr. James Kuba
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Kubala
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Kubala
Ms. Marie Kubico
Mr. Cassey D. Kuhl
Ms. Cynthia L. Kunce
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard V. Kunka
Dr. Keith H. Kuppler
Mr. Roger P. Kurdys
Michael & Sharon Kurjan
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Kurta
Mr. Joseph A. Kurtanich
Ms. Beth A. Kushner
Mr. Eugene J. Kusnir
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Kuzman
Ms. Shelly R. Laberto
Mr. Michael J. Lacivita
Mr. Ralph A. LaCivita
Atty. & Mrs. Richard J. LaCivita
Mr. Stephen J. LaCivita
Mr. Robert A. Lackey
Ms. Patty M. LaClair
Mr. Rick Ladd
Ms. Vera M. Ladd
Ms. Virginia B. Ladig
Mr. Raymond A. Laface
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. LaGrasta
Ms. Beverly S. Lahmon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Lahmon
Mrs. Florence I. Laitman
Ms. Tracy M. Lakatos
Mr. David M. Lake
Ms. Donna M. Lake
Lakeview Middle School
Mr. Jacob J. Lalama
Ms. Linda S. Lamanna
Ms. Carol M. Lamb
Ms. Mary Lancaster
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Lance
Ms. Christa M. Landas
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Landers
Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Landers
Mr. Michael & Dr. Nancy Landgraff
Mr. Thomas P. Landolf
Ms. Barbara A. Lane
Mr. Frank J. Langosh
Mr. Richard Lantz
Mr. John P. Lapinski
Ms. Gina L. Lariccia
Ms. Audrey M. Larman
Ms. Susan J. Larue
Dr. A. Bari Lateef
Mr. Thomas J. Latona
Ms. Theresa M. Lattanzi
Ms. Louise Laughery
Mr. David L. Laughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Laughlin
Mr. Samuel D. Lavanty
Mr. Robert G. Lavery
Mr. & Mrs. James Lavorini
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Lawrentz
Mr. Brad E. Lawson
Mr. Charles M. Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. H. William Lawson
Mr. W. Daniel Layman
Mr. Jack Layne
Dr. Rosemary G. Layne
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Lazor
Mr. Eugene M. Lazor
Ms. Jane R. Le
Mr. & Mrs. Troy J. Leavery
Mr. Leland F. Ledgerwood
Ms. Kayleen S. Lee
Ms. Marilyn E. Lee
Mr. Philip D. Lee
Ms. Helen A. Leebaw
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard M. Leenheer
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Leeper
Mr. Robert W. Lehner
Mr. Jerry Lenarcic
Barbara & James Lendon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Lengyel
Mr. Joseph D. Lenkey
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Leo
Mr. & Mrs. Clark A. Leonard
Mr. Frank J. Leonardi
Tony Leonardi Bass Association
Atty. & Mrs. Donald P. Leone
Ms. Donna J. Leone
Michael & Maria Leone
Mr. Nick J. Leonelli
Mr. Michael A. Lesch
Ms. Rebecca Lee Lesho
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew E. Leskovec
Ms. Renee L. Leslie
Dr. James E. Lessick
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Levy
Ms. Andrea M. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Lewis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Lewis
Mr. James E. Lewis
Mr. James O. Lewis
Mr. John H. Lewis
Ms. June Lewis
Ms. Mary J. Lewis
Dr. Sally A. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Lewis
Mrs. Marylou Lickwar
Ms. Jayne A. Lieberman
Lien Forward Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Hunter L. Liggett
Ms. Patrella Lightfoot
Mr. Edwin Lim
Mrs. Mary Young Liming
Mr. Daniel B. Linebaugh
Mr. Merle V. Linsenbigler
Ms. Janet Linssen
Jane & Kevin Lippiatt
Mr. Andrew M. Liptak
Ms. Loretta M. Liptak
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Liptak
Mr. Dale J. Lisko
Ms. Anne E. Listisen
Mr. Paul A. Listopad
Mr. Paul J. Little
Ms. Linda M. Livingston
Mr. & Mrs. William Livosky
Ms. Kathryn C. Lloyd
Mr. Donald A. Locher
Lockheed Martin
Atty. Thomas J. Lodge
Mrs. June A. Logan
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Long
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon E. Longmuir
Mr. Mark C. Loomis
Mr. & Mrs. Geoff A. Lopuchuvsky
Mr. Craig R. Loree
Mr. Patrick J. Lorelli
Ms. Margaret C. Lorimer
Ms. Marie A. Lorubbio
Ms. Irene Loser
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Lotze
Mr. James L. Loveland
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Lowery, Jr.
Ms. Pamela J. Lubich
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Lucarell
Mr. William E. Lucarell
Mr. Gilbert V. Lucarelli
Deborah & Mark Lucas
Ms. James M. Lucente &
Ms. Mary A. Miller
Mr. David J. Lucido
Mrs. Nancy Jean Lucik
Dr. & Mrs. Jay R. Lugibihl
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Lukin
Mr. Bruce H. Luntz
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Luoma
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Luzar
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Lyda
Mr. J. Robert Lyden
Laura & Paul Lyden
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Lymber
Dr. & Mrs. Edward F. Lynch, Jr.
Mr. John P. Lynch
Mr. Thomas E. Lynch
Mr. Jeffrey P. Lynn
MG Robert G. Lynn, Ret.
Mrs. Shirley Lyon
Mr. Dennis P. Lyons
Mr. Frank L. MacArtor
Mrs. Barbara A. MacDonald
Ms. Karen MacDonald
Mr. Gary L. Machin
Ms. Marie A. Machuga
Ms. Patricia L. Machuga
Mr. Brian K. Mackey
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Madura
Mrs. Beverly J. Magda
Mr. John E. Magnuson
Mr. Michael Y. Magula
Mahoning County Tasc, Inc.
Mahoning Valley Council of IRA
Mahoning Valley CPA Wives
Mahoning Valley Scrappers
Mr. Robert Maiorano, II
Ms. Natalie Majoros
Ms. Jean L. Malandro
Ms. Jamie E. Malish
Mr. Donald J. Malito
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Malmisur
Ms. Kathryn A. Malys
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Mancini, Sr.
Mr. Allen J. Mandel
Col. Robert B. Mangold, USA Ret.
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Manhollan
Ms. Anna Manning
Ms. Barbara J. Mansky
Mrs. Peggy S. Mapes
Ms. Kathy M. Marado
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Maraffa
Mr. & Mrs. Victor B. Maras
Marathon Oil Company
Mrs. Donna J. Marciano
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Marconi
Mr. Mark Marcucci
Mr. Richard Marflak
Mrs. Janice M. Margheret
Mr. & Mrs. C. Joseph Marino
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Marino
Mr. William J. Mariotti
James & Lynda Markos
Dr. & Mrs. Hank E. Markowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Marr
Mr. H. Joseph Marra
Mr. Michael J. Marrie
Ms. Cherry Marsh
Mr. John D. Marshall
Mr. Michael G. Marshall
Mr. Richard A. Marsico
Mr. Frank H. Martin
James & Mary Martin
Ms. Janet Martin
Dr. Laurence J. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Terry K. Martin
Dr. & Mrs. Scott C. Martin
Ms. Vivian D. Martin
Jack & Paula Martinec
Mr. Daniel C. Martini
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Martinko
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Martinko
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Martinko
LTC Diane L. Martino
Mr. Thomas F. Martino
Ms. Irene C. Marx
Ms. Talva E. Maslach
Mr. & Mrs. Neil L. Maslen
Emma & Robert Mason
Ms. Cheryl R. Massek
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Massie
Mrs. Mary Masters
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mastramico
Ms. R. Eileen Mastriana
Dr. Mark A. Matavich
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Mateja
Mr. Stephen J. Matesevac
Ms. Mary L. Mather
Donald Mathews
Dr. & Mrs. Donald H. Mathews, Jr.
Ms. Doris L. Mathews
Ms. Mary R. Mathews-Bebech
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Matia
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Matisi
Mr. William J. Matovina, Sr.
Mr. Jay K. Matthews, II
Mr. Victor G. Mauer, Jr.
Ms. Deanna Kay Maurer
Mr. Richard K. Mautz
Ms. Stella Mavrigian
Ms. Tracie A. Mavrogianis
Ms. Caroline Maxim
Ms. Sandra L. Maxim
Ms. Jean B. Maxwell
Mr. David P. Mayer
Mr. Robert G. Mayer, Jr.
Dr. John L. Mayo
Mr. Richard C. Mayoras, Jr.
Ms. Linda D. Mazias
Mr. Robert J. Mazur
Ms. Karen E. McAfee
Mr. Trevor A. McAleer
Ms. Heather R. McAtee
Ms. Molly L. McAtee
Dr. & Mrs. Charles A. McBriarty
Mr. Michael W. McBride
Dr. Paul W. McBride
Ms. Sue A. McCambridge
Mr. John J. McCann
Ms. Joanna L. McCartney
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff R. McCauslin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard McClellan
Mr. & Mrs. Rick J. McCliment
Mr. Alan A. McClish
Mr. & Mrs. James E. McCloskey
Dr. George E. McCloud
Ms. Patricia J. McCombs
Mr. Jack McConnell
Mrs. Charlene E. McCracken
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McCullough
Mr. & Mrs. Roy D. McCullough
Mrs. Ruth E. McCune
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. McDanel
Mr. William E. McDermott, Jr.
Ms. Brenda L. McDougal
Ms. Christie L. McFadden
Ms. Ann F. McGeary
Dr. Benjamin L. McGee
Mr. Jerome J. McGee
Mr. Byron E. McGhee, III
Ms. Raphael E. McGhee
Mr. Richard A. McGill
Mr. James M. McGinn, III
Mr. Robert C. McGoogan
Ms. Mollie A. McGovern
Mr. Robert F. McGovern
Mr. Richard H. McGregor
Ms. Kathleen T. McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. McHenry
Mr. David A. McIltrot
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. McKay
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McKee
Mr. Walter T. McKelvey
Jean E. McKenna
Mr. Roland L. McKenzie
Mrs. Barbara K. McLeroy
Dr. Anne M. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. McMahon
Mr. Richard P. McMahon
Ms. Shirley A. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold J. McMillen
Mr. & Mrs. Randal J. McMillen
Mr. Steven L. McMillen
Atty. & Mrs. John A. McNally, III
Neal P. McNally
Ms. Lynn A. McNamee
Ms. Jen McPheron
Mr. Terry McRoberts
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell E. McVay
Mr. Paul R. Meese
Ms. Donna S. Mehalco
Ms. Benu Mehra
Dr. & Mrs. W.M. Meikle
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Mela
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Mela
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Mela
Mr. Ray T. Melillo
Ms. Marianne G. Mellinger
Mr. David S. Mellott
Ms. Judith A. Mellott
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Melnik
Mr. Larry Meloro
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Melvin
Mrs. Sandra Menhorn
Mrs. Martha L. Menk
Ms. Patti J. Menster
Merck Company Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Merkel
Ms. Dorian L. Mermer
Ms. Georgia Merner-Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Merolla
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Merrell
Mr. Gregg Merrill
Merrill Lynch Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Chad Merritt
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Merritt
Mr. Paul R. Merz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Meser
Ms. Genevieve V. Meshot
Mr. Sam Messina
Mr. Frank J. Messuri
Ms. Amy J. Meszaros
Mr. Michael R. Metcalf
Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Metro, Jr.
The Metro Monthly
Metropolitan Life Insurance
Dr. Howard D. Mettee
Ms. Fay K. Meyer
Sherri & Thomas Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Micco
Mr. Carl W. Michael
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Michael
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Michalojko
Ms. Helen Michalos
Mr. Michael D. Migliore
Mrs. Anne K. Mihalko
Mr. Michael J. Mijic
Drs. Ronald & Lynn Mikolich
Mr. Martin J. Milich
Hon. & Mrs. Robert P. Milich
Mr. Stephen A. Milich
Ms. Audre J. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Brett E. Miller
Mr. David Miller
Mr. Edward J. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Miller
Ms. Jenifer A. Miller
Mr. John F. Miller, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen G. Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Miller
Ms. Mary A. Miller
Mr. Milton Miller
Atty. Pamela S. Miller
Mr. Richard W. Miller
Mrs. Rochelle B. Miller
Mr. Ryan Miller
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Milligan
Ms. Virginia M. Milliken
Ms. Rebecca N. Milliron
Mr. Stephen R. Millosin, Jr.
Mr. John A. Mills, III
Mrs. Laurie K. Mills
Mr. Robert S. Miloszewski
Dr. Roy A. Mimna
Ms. Shirley M. Minnozzi
Dr. Mustansir Mir
Ms. Florence G. Mirkin
Ms. Anne L. Misel
Mr. William B. Missik
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Mistovich
Patricia & Mark Mitcham
Mr. George B. Mitchell, Jr.
Ms. Janet L. Mitchell
Mitsubishi Corporation
Mr. Thomas R. Mix
Mrs. Marilyn M. Mlakar
The Mocha House
Ms. Noreen Moderalli-Mancini
Ms. Cheryl M. Mohl
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Mohr
Ms. Joann P. Mohr
Ms. Sandra L. Mokros
Bonnie & Dennis Molnar
Mr. & Mrs. John Molnar
Mrs. Doborah A. Monkman
Ms. Calliope Monna
Mr. Edward Monroe, Jr.
Mary Ellen & Timothy Monroe
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Montana
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Montgomery, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl W. Moore
Ms. Erin M. Moore
Mr. Glenn J. Moore
Mrs. Karen S. Moore
Ms. Mary A. Moore
Ms. Yvonne L. Moore
Ms. Susan M. Moorer
Ms. Anne L. Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Morella, Sr.
Mr. Edward J. Morgan
Mrs. Elaine G. Morgan
Greg G. Morgione
Ms. Marjorie A. Morley
Atty. Michael J. Morley
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Morningstar
Dr. Clyde Morris &
Ms. Janet Yaniglos
Mr. Evan R. Morris
Mrs. Helen N. Morris
Mr. Irvine H. Morris
Mrs. Jeanne M. Morrisey
Ms. Mary J. Morrow
Ms. Celeste Morsillo-Brown
Mr. Robert W. Moser
Mr. Melvin M. Moss
Dr. Faramarz Mossayebi
Jeffrey & Paula Moss-Sander
Mr. Marvous E. Mostellar
Ms. Anna Moten
Mrs. Catherine Mott
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Moures
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Mowery, Sr.
Mr. Kin P. Moy
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Muccillo, Sr.
Dr. Diane L. Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Muir, III
Ms. Louise M. Mulderig
Ms. Cathy F. Mullarney
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mumaw
Mr. David L. Munn
Mr. Patrick T. Munro
Mary Ellen & Mark Munroe
LTC John V. Muntean
Marilyn & Don Murcko
Dr. Barbara A. Murphy
Ms. Beth A. Murphy
Mr. George J. Murphy, Jr.
Ms. Joann E. Murphy
Mr. John T. Murphy, II
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Murphy, Sr.
Ms. Patricia L. Murphy
Mr. Ryan P. Murphy
Mr. Shawn M. Murphy
Mr. Thomas A. Murphy
Mr. Thomas F. Murray
Mr. John Murynski
Muscle Connection, Inc.
Ms. Darlene A. Musgrave
Mr. John N. Mustric
Mrs. Deborah M. Myers
Mr. George E. Myers
Ms. Cynthia A. Mysza
Mr. Andrew G. Nadzam
Mr. Gary R. Nadzam
Ms. Amber M. Nagy
Mr. Frank J. Nagy
Mr. Richard J. Nagy
Dr. Girish V. Nair
Mr. Richard Najdusak
Mr. & Mrs. Carmen A. Naples
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Naples
Robin & George Naples
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Napoli, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Napolitan
Mr. Guy L. Natale, Jr.
National City Bank
Nationwide Life Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Natoli, Sr.
Mr. George J. Nazarey, Jr.
Ms. Ronna L. Nazarini
Ms. Georgia D. Neal
Ms. Ellen K. Neff
Mr. William C. Nelepka
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Nelson
Mrs. Kami L. Nemcik
Ms. Lisa M. Nemtz
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Neville
Mr. & Mrs. Bert J. Newman
Mrs. Kelly L. Newman
Newman, Olson & Kerr
Ms. Gale B. Nicholson
Mr. Ronald L. Nicholson
Ms. Rose M. Nicholson
Dr. & Mrs. Enrico Nicolo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Nicotera
Mr. Frank A. Nicpon
Mr. James M. Nissen
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Nock
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Noday
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Nolfi
Mr. Samuel A. Norling
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Norman
North East Regional Board of
Dental Examiners, Inc.
Northern Trust Company
Northside Hospital Dieticians
Mr. Charles J. Noufer
Mr. Thomas S. Novak
Ms. Alice Novosel
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Novotny
Joseph & Rose Nudo
Atty. & Mrs. Carl A. Nunziato
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Nunziato
Mr. Donald T. Nyalka
Douglas & Carolyn Nybell
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard M. Oakes
Mr. Terrence L. O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. O’Bruba
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. O’Connell
Mr. Brian O’Connor
Mr. Fredric T. O’Connor
Mr. Paul M. O’Connor, Jr.
Mrs. Valerie M. O’Dell
Mr. Vincent J. Ognibene
Ms. Tarra K. O’Hara
Ms. Virginia A. O’Hara
Ms. Lee G. Ohrt
Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. O’Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Oleksa
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Olenick
Mr. Nicholas A. Olesko
Ms. Diane E. Oliva
Mr. & Mrs. Urban A. Olmi
Mr. James L. Olsavsky
Ms. Beverly L. Olson
Ms. Carol J. Olson
Mr. John T. O’Masta
OMEA District 5 Account
Ms. Mildred J. O’Neal
Mrs. Tula A. O’Neal
Mr. Thomas J. O’Neill
Ms. Nancy A. O’Patchen
Mr. Raymond E. Opre
Mr. Richard C. Organ
Mrs. Candice S. Orr
Col. & Mrs. Thomas L. Orr
Mr. Wendell E. Orr
Ms. Marcia P. Orsborn
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Orsine, Sr.
Mr. Gerald Ortman
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Orwell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Osuga
Mr. Ted J. Otterson
Mr. James S. Outland
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Owen
Mr. Martin C. Owens
Mrs. Aida L. Pacheco
Mr. Robert Pacillo
Packer Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas D. Pacura
Mr. Wayne H. Pagani
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Pagano
Mr. Dominic M. Pagano
Ms. Jenna R. Pagano
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel F. Pagano
Ms. Debbie C. Page
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Page
Mr. Gary E. Palatas
Ms. Marilyn J. Palisin
Mr. Thomas (Tim) E. Palisin
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Pallante
Mr. & Mrs. Jon N. Palley
Mr. Charles S. Palmer
Mr. Franklin H. Palmer, Jr.
Karen & Lee Palmer
Mr. Stephen A. Palmer
Pam & Tom Palumbo
Mr. & Mrs. George Panagopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pannett
Mr. Gerard D. Pannoni
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Pantalone
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Pantalone
Mr. Richard L. Pantloni
Mr. Nicholas F. Paolini
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Papes
Ms. Dianne K. Pappada
Ms. Maria C. Pappas
Mrs. Virginia Pappas
Mr. John C. Paras
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Paraska
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Paraska, II
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Paraska
Mrs. Ellen Paridon
Mr. Jason A. Paris
Mr. Joseph A. Paris
Mr. Joseph F. Paris
Ms. Pamela L. Paris
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Parise
Parish Episcopal School
Mr. Kevin E. Parker
Ms. Laura L. Parkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis D. Parks
Mr. Donald T. Parm
Ms. Miriam J. Parrish
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Parsons
Dr. Pietro J. Pascale
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Pascarella
Ms. Ruth G. Pash
Ms. Ginny Pasha
Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Pasquale
Mr. Joseph W. Pasquarella
Mr. David M. Pasquinelli
Ms. Teresa M. Pasquinelli
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Pastore
Mr. Robert A. Pastoria
Mr. Thomas A. Patella
Mr. Jody Patrick
Mr. Robert A. Patrizi
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Patterson
Mr. Robert Campbell Patterson, Jr.
Mrs. Robin C. Patton
Ms. Susan C. Patton
Rep. Sylvester D. Patton, Jr.
Ms. Kristal J. Paullin
Ms. Penny L. Pavelko
Dr. Louise Pavia
Mrs. Karen L. Pavlansky
Dr. Marie A. Pavlicko
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pavlov, Jr.
Mr. Richard G. Payne
Atty. James L. Pazol
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. Pecchia
Ms. Doris A. Pechkurow
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel D. Pechkurow
Mr. Dwayne E. Pedrick, Sr.
Dr. Robert L. Pegues, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Cleto E. Pellegrini
Mr. John E. Pelles
Ms. Joyce R. Pelz
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Penniman, II
Atty. Richard D. Percic
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Peretti
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Perich
Mr. L. Brian Perine
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Perio
Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Peters
Ms. Georgette Peters
Dr. Karen Peters
Mr. William H. Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Booker T. Peterson, Jr.
Mr. Timothy Peterson
Ms. Valerie K. Peterson
Ms. Norma J. Petit
Mr. Thomas W. Petrarca
Ms. Jayne Petrek-Pavia
Mr. Andrew A. Petrella
Ms. Debra A. Petrella
Mr. Dominic J. Petrella
Ms. Yvonne A. Petrella
Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Petretich
Mr. William M. Petro
Mr. Frank L. Petrony
Mrs. Ann R. Petrosky
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene R. Petrosky
Mr. Ralph P. Petrucci
Mr. Robert F. Pettenati
Mr. John E. Pflugh
Ms. Catherine L. Phifer
Mr. John Patrick Philbin
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Philibin
Dr. Joan A. Philipp
Mr. Kenneth S. Phillian
Mr. Thomas G. Phillips
Mrs. Lena A. Pica
Mr. & Mrs. John Pierko
Mr. B. John Pierog
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Pieron
Ms. Rosemary K. Pinney
Ms. Kathleen A. Pipoly
Mr. Fred Pisani
Ms. Kathleen M. Piscitani
Ms. Jeanne M. Pisegna
Ms. Joyce H. Pishkur
Mr. Daniel J. Pissini
Ms. Sunday A. Pitinii
Mr. Guy Pizzoferrato
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Platz
Ms. Diana L. Plecker
Ms. Julie A. Plekan
Mr. Ronald S. Ples
Ms. Jean M. Pletcher
Ms. Angel K. Ploumbis
Mr. James P. Poggione
Pogo Producing Company
Atty. & Mrs. John L. Pogue
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Politano
Dr. & Mrs. John Politis
Dr. & Mrs. David H. Pollack
Mr. Pat Pollifrone
Mr. Philip E. Ponikvar
Eugenia & Nicolas Pontikos
Mr. Michael G. Pontikos
Mr. Joseph J. Ponzio
Kathleen & Loren Popio
Mr. John Poponyak
Mr. Charles J. Popovich
Mr. John Poprik & Ms. Judy Hancock
Bernadette & George Porinchak
Dr. Tod S. Porter & Dr. Teresa Riley
Mr. Thomas A. Potter
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Poulson
Ms. Susan Poultney
Mr. C. Edward Powell
Ms. Cathleen M. Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Powers
Atty. & Mrs. John Weed Powers
Mrs. Martha C. Powers
PPG Industries
Ms. Patricia L. Prentiss
Ms. Sandra D. Pressler-Kemper
Ms. Rita S. Pressman
Mr. David E. Prest
Ms. Carolyn M. Price
Mr. Paul R. Price
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Price
Mrs. Alice M. Primavera
Mr. Christopher L. Prime
Aimee Pritchard
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery L. Proch
Procter & Gamble
Ms. Laura M. Profitt
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley C. Prout
Prudential Insurance Company
Dr. Howard & Susan Pullman
Ronald & Tamara Pusateri
Mr. Milos Puskar
Mr. Dennis Pylypiak
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Quaranta
Mr. Frank L. Quinn
Mr. Thomas J. Quinn
Ms. Mary L. Quisenberry
Dr. Randal Rabon
Ms. Anne M. Radanovic
Mr. Charles W. Rader
Mr. Robert A. Raffle
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred P. Raghanti
Mr. Edward W. Rahde
Nick & Betty Raich
Mr. & Mrs. Dale J. Rair
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Rakocy, Jr.
Ms. Mary A. Ramirez
Mr. Thomas A. Ramos
Mr. David A. Ramunno
Mr. Patrick R. Ranalli
Ms. Susan R. Randall
Ms. Mandy J. Ransdell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Rapchak
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Rappach
Ms. Mary Ann Raptis
Dr. & Mrs. C. Wade Raridon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Raseta
Ms. Jill R. Raslevich
Mr. David C. Raspanti
Mrs. Elinor R. Raub
Mrs. Constance J. Raupach
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Rausch, Jr.
Dr. Bhargava Ravi
Mr. Michael L. Ray, Jr.
Mr. John L. Read
Maureen E. Reardon
Mr. Timothy P. Reardon
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Rearick
Ms. Susan K. Rebich
Mr. William M. Reble, Jr.
Mr. Thomas A. Reebel
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Reed
Mr. Larry G. Reed
Ms. Latya N. Reed
Ms. Paula M. Reed
Ms. Rose E. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Reedy
Mr. William J. Reedy
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Reel
LTC Ralph E. Reel
Mr. David J. Rees, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Reese
Ms. Patricia A. Reese
Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Reese
Mr. Nick R. Rega
Mr. Jack T. Reichert
Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. Reid
Dr. Jane M. Reid
Mr. Fred R. Reider
Ms. Donna J. Reindel
Mr. William D. Reiner
Ms. Diane I. Reinke
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Remaley
Mr. Kenneth R. Remias
Mr. Charles D. Rempes
Ms. Deborah Rendes
Mr. Emery M. Rendes
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Repaskey
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Repasky
Mr. & Mrs. Paul V. Repko
Ms. Linda K. Resch
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Resek
Mr. Joseph E. Retort
Mr. Richard D. Reynolds
Mr. Richard T. Rezek
Mr. Matthew M. Rhoads
Mr. Robert D. Rhoads, Sr.
Mrs. Elsie Rhodes
Mr. Robert E. Rice
Mr. Thomas C. Rice
Mr. William A. Rice &
Ms. Janell R. Marriott
Mr. Ralph E. Rich
Atty. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Richards
Ms. Catherine A. Richardson
Mrs. Cathleen Richesson
Ms. Amanda L. Richey
Mr. Herbert J. Rickard
Mrs. Kathleen A. Rickert
Mr. James A. Riebe
Ms. Cynthia A. Ries
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Rigas
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Rigas
Mr. John K. Riley
Mrs. M. Alice Riley
Mrs. Ruth E. Riley
Ms. Maureen E. Riley-Behringer
Ms. Beverly F. Rine
Ms. Machelle L. Rinko
Rio Tinto Minerals
Mr. Juan Rios-Soto
Mrs. Jeanne L. Riser
Ms. Donna L. Ritch
Mr. John S. Ritchie
Mr. Sanford D. Rivers
Mr. William F. Rizer
Mr. Dean E. Robb
Mr. Lawrence E. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Roberts
Dr. Connie & Mr. Erven Robinson
Mrs. Judith A. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Roch
Ms. Edith E. Rodenhausen
Mr. Duane O. Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn P. Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Rodgers
Mr. William D. Rodgers
Rev. William L. Roemer
Ms. Darlene Rogers
Mr. Thomas R. Rogers
Mr. Joseph E. Rohovsky, Jr.
Mr. Timothy P. Rohr
Ms. Penni M. Rohrabaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Roland
Mrs. Jennifer E. Roller
Marie & Dennis Roller
Mr. Larry N. Rollin
Ms. Mary K. Roman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Roman
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Romeo, Jr.
Ms. Linda A. Romeo
Dr. Hassan A. Ronaghy
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Rongone
Ms. Speranza G. Rongone
Mrs. Kathleen S. Roof
Mrs. Regina A. Root
Mr. Charles M. Ropar
Mr. John J. Rorick
Mr. Jerry A. Rosati
Mr. & Mrs. Barry L. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Randall S. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Roseman
Mrs. Mildred K. Rosenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Rosenberger
Mr. Denis A. Ross
Mr. Joseph L. Ross
Mr. Russell E. Ross
Dominic & Constance Rosselli
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rossi
Mrs. Luann J. Rossi
Rotary Club of Warren Foundation
Judy B. & Samuel A. Roth
Mrs. Rose M. Roth
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Rousseau
Mr. Gregory D. Rowan
1909 – 1977
President of Youngstown University
President of Youngstown State University
A native of Iowa, Pugsley is regarded as
the architect of the modern Youngstown
State University. As president, he guided
the institution into the state system of
higher education in 1967 and accelerated
the physical and academic expansion of the
campus. He left YSU in 1973 and retired to
Florida, where he passed away in 1977.
Mr. & Mrs. Karl A. Rowbotham
Mr. James L. Roytz
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Rozzo
Ms. Georgann P. Rozzo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Ruban
Ms. Marie J. Rubino
Mr. Ray B. Rubrake, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Rudge
Betty & Charles Rudy
Susan B. & Timothy P. Ruffley
Mr. C. Richard Rufh
Dr. Chester E. Rufh
Mr. Matthew J. Rufh
Ms. Nancy E. Ruggieri
Mr. & Mrs. Neil H. Rupe
Rona & Larry Rupp
Mrs. Shari L. Ruppel
Mr. Angelo M. Ruscitti
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rusnak
Ms. Marci S. Russ
Ms. Diane M. Russell
Mr. Jack T. Russell
Mrs. Sandra M. Russell
Dr. John B. Russo
Mr. Philip F. Russo
Mr. Richard S. Russo
Maj. John & Jane Ruzich
Ms. Helene Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Ryan
Ms. Karen A. Ryan
Mr. Kevin T. Ryan
Ms. Ramonda S. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Saadey
Russell & Jean Saadey
Ms. Jody M. Sabatine
Ms. Judy Sabatini
Ms. Jacquelyn R. Sabatino
Dr. Susan J. Sabo
Ms. Vanessa E. Sabo
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Sacchini
Ms. Carmel J. Sacco
Mr. James J. Sacco
Ms. Jessica Sacco
Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Sachire
Mr. Daniel E. Sahli
Mr. Michael J. Sainato
Mr. Ronald C. Saklosky
Ms. Helen E. Salandra
Ms. Nancy Salcedo
Ms. Samantha A. Salcedo
Mr. Anthony M. Salerno
Mr. Jeffrey A. Saltsman
Ms. Catherine A. Saluga
Mr. Gregory A. Salvati
Mr. Frank Salvatore
Dr. Charles P. Sammarone, Jr.
Dr. Irene W. Sample
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Samuels
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald C. Sandy
Mr. Victor J. Sansone
Mr. John S. Santisi
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Santoro
Mrs. Catherine A. Santucci
Mr. Athan C. Sarantopoulos
JoAnn & William Sarich, Jr.
Mrs. Anne D. Sarosy
Ms. Mary J. Sartori
Mr. F.R. Saternow, Jr.
Ms. Margaret B. Satmare
Dr. & Mrs. Lowell J. Satre
Mrs. Kimberly S. Sauerwein
Thomas & Jeanne Sauline
Mrs. Dolores S. Saunders
Mrs. Patricia A. Scalzo
Ms. Brenda M. Scarborough
Paul & Linda Scarmack
Ms. Janet R. Scarsella
Ms. Julie L. Scarsella
Mr. John W. Schafer
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Scharville
Mr. & Mrs. Howard E. Scheetz
Joanne M. & Dennis Schell
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Schepp
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Schiffer
Ms. Mary L. Schinko
Mr. Anthony Schino
Mr. Russell J. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Ted M. Schmidt
Ms. Pamela R. Schmuck
Mr. & Mrs. C. Reid Schmutz
Ms. Janice W. Schnall
Mr. Brandon C. Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Schneider
Mr. Thomas J. Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Schneidmiller
Mr. Philip H. Schnittger
Drs. James Schramer & Julia Gergits
Mr. Donald P. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Scott
Mr. John M. Scott
Ms. Linda A. Scott
Mr. Patrick M. Scott
Mr. William J. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Scrocco
Mr. Patrick D. Scullin
Ms. Mary A. Seaborn
Ms. Patricia A. Seachman
Second Harvest Food Bank of the
Mahoning Valley
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Secrest
Mr. Joseph P. Sedzmak
Mr. Herbert W. Seelbach
Mrs. Beverly J. Seergae
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Sees
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Sefcik
Mr. Joseph F. Segreti
Ms. Carol A. Seifert
Ms. Carmen D. Seiler
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Seivert
Mr. & Mrs. August J. Selak
Mrs. Virginia C. Selanik
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Selby
Ms. Elizabeth G. Selikson
Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Seman
Mr. Richard A. Sementa
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Senchak
Mr. Eric Michael Senedak
Mr. Michael J. Senediak
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory R. Senn
Ms. Mary D. Sepesy
Mr. Steve Seredick
Mr. William A. Serjak
Ms. Joan E. Setty
Mr. James T. Sevenich
Mr. Paul R. Sevenich
Gary & Susan Sexton
Mr. Henry C. Sforza, CPA
Mr. Bryan D. Shaffer
Mr. Lawrence H. Shaffer
Dr. Marybeth Shaffer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Shanks
Mr. Richard D. Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Shapona
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Sharlett
Philip & Glenda Sharp
Mr. Frank A. Shattuck
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Shaw
Ms. Virginia I. Shay
Dr. Mohammad R. Shayesteh
Mr. Kenneth E. Shellito
Shelton-Mathews Chocolates
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Shepas
Ms. Catherine L. Shepherd
Mrs. Beth A. Sheppard
Ms. Clara M. Sheppard
Dr. Beth Sheridan
Dr. & Mrs. J. Wayne Sheridan
Ms. Katherine C. Sheridan
Ms. Catherine D. Sherman
Sherman Creative Promotions, Inc.
Mr. Don R. Sherwood
Mr. & Mrs. Warren K. Shields
Mr. Stephen E. Shiffer
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis D. Shiplett
Mr. Matthew K. Shipton
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Shirilla
Mr. Richard F. Shirra
Mrs. Patricia E. Shively
Mr. & Mrs. R. Walton Shively
Mr. Joseph J. Shorto
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff L. Shriver
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Shriver
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney E. Shuler
Ms. Betty Jane Shultz
Ms. Beth A. Shutrump
Dr. & Mrs. William F. Sibley
Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Sicafuse
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Sicafuse
Ms. Judith W. Sicilia
Dr. Thelma Silver &
Mr. David Nittskoff
Mr. Brian K. Silvers
Ms. Patricia M. Simerlink
Mrs. Janet L. Simerlink Reeves
Mr. Jeffrey M. Simon
Mr. Edwin C. Simons
Mr. Stephen J. Simunich
Mr. Garry J. Sinchak
Mr. Mark A. Singer
Dr. Helene J. Sinnreich
Mr. Anthony T. Sinopoli
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Sinsheimer
Mr. Anthony C. Siracuse
Atty. & Mrs. James H. Sisek
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Siva, Jr.
Mrs. Cynthia L. Skinner
Mr. Donald R. Slanina
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Slanina
Mrs. Emily Slaven
Mr. Michael A. Slavens
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Sledd
Alyce & Ray Slivochka
Mr. Philip A. Smaldino
Mr. & Mrs. Jake M. Smallfield
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Smaltz
Ms. Dorothy A. Smart
Ms. Sherry L. Smeltzer
Ms. Angela M. Smesko
Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley W. Smith
Mr. Bruce A. Smith
Ms. Carrie E. Smith
Dr. D. James Smith
Mr. Dan A. Smith
Mr. Eugene R. Smith
Mrs. Heather N. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Smith
Mr. Larry D. Smith
Ms. M. Bridget Smith
Ms. Mary Ellen Smith
Ms. Nancy R. Smith
Mrs. Patricia A. Smith
Ms. Peggy I. Smith
Mr. Randolph T. Smith
Mrs. Ruth L. Smith
Smokey Bones Barbeque & Grill
Mr. Edward G. Smrek
Mr. Randall G. Smrek
Snell & Wilmer, LLP
Mr. Jerold Sniderman
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Sniderman
Mr. Brian J. Snow
Mr. Jason L. Snyder
Ms. Pamela J. Snyder
Mr. Philip & Dr. Dolores Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Snyder
Soccer World, Inc.
Mr. Theodore L. Socha
Ms. Selena M. Sofocleous
Ms. Charlene K. Sokal
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney A. Solida
Mr. Joseph J. Solomon
Ms. Nancy L. Solomon
Mr. Stephen L. Solomon
Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Sommerlad
Mr. Clifford Sonntag, Jr.
Ms. Dolores J. Sonoga
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Sontich
Ms. Metrechia A. Soper
Mr. & Mrs. Herman J. Sostaric
Mr. Joseph H. Sostaric
LTC & Mrs. John R. Spagnola
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Spahr
Mr. & Mrs. Randall C. Spak
Ms. Dianne T. Spangler
Mr. & Mrs. Jason M. Spangler
Mr. David J. Spay, II
John & Susan Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Rocco L. Sperati
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Sperlazza
Mr. Robert M. Spiegel
Ms. Kathryn M. Spillman
Dr. & Mrs. George Spirtos
Mr. Richard L. Spokane
Ms. Amy R. Sposato
Ms. Linda K. Spowart
Mr. Michael J. Sprague
Dr. Patrick O. Spurgeon
Mr. Richard H. Srolovitz
St. Charles Home & School
St. Nicholas School
Mr. Gary C. Staffeld
Mr. Joseph D. Stafford
Mr. Del C. Stamm
Mr. Dale H. Standley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dale H. Standley, Sr.
Dr. Gary L. Stanek
Ms. Kristin M. Stankich
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Stanko
Ms. Barbara Stantz
Mr. Ralph E. Starace
Mr. Shawn M. Starkey
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Stas
State Farm Companies Foundation
The Steel Valley Art Teachers
Ms. Dorothy Steele
Atty. & Mrs. D. Kim Stefanski
Ms. Janice M. Steffanina
Mr. Stephen L. Steh
Mr. Jack Stein
Mr. Jay S. Stein
Mr. Karl E. Steindam
Ms. Shirley Steiner
Mr. Daniel T. Stephan
Dr. Sandra W. Stephan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Stephenson
Ms. Betty Jo Stevens
Ms. Diane S. Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Stewart
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Stille
Mr. Don L. Stimple
Mr. Frederick J. Stine
Mr. Randall O. Stocke
Ms. Kathleen A. Stone
Ms. Kathy Storey
Mrs. Mary L. Storey
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Storey
Ms. Laurie J. Storey-Manseau
Anita & Norman Stothard
Mr. George R. Stowe
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Strahm, III
Dr. & Mrs. S.M. Strain, Jr.
Mrs. Paulette J. Strang
Ms. Jennifer L. Strangis
Mr. & Mrs. Todd P. Stratford
Ms. Kathleen A. Strelko
Ms. Patti R. Strock-Peterson
Mr. George N. Stroia
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Strollo
Ms. Susan Strzalka
Mr. Alexander Stuart
Ms. Frances D. Stuber
Mr. Michael A. Studney
Ms. Eileen R. Sturgeon
Mrs. Jody L. Sturgeon-Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Barry A. Sturm
Dr. & Mrs. W. Gregg Sturrus
Mr. Lester R. Styers
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Suchora
Rev. Paul Suda
Mr. Richard A. Suhar, P.E.
Mr. Yan Sui
Mrs. Carol M. Suid
Ms. Edith I. Sullivan
Ms. Katherine E. Sullivan
Mr. Ronald Sullivan
Ms. Elyn Summers
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Summers
Dr. Michael T. Sunday
Ms. Janeen A. Suverison
Mr. George Sveda
Mr. Theodore S. Sveda
Harry & Shirley Swank
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Swanson
Ms. Kirsten Swanson
Mr. Edward L. Sweeney
Ms. Shirley M. Sweet
Dr. David Sweetkind
Ms. Florence K. Swierz
Ms. Heidi C. Swift
Ms. Mary C. Swinehart-Deville
Ms. Judie D. Sylak
Mr. G. James Sylvester
Ms. Pauline F. Szary
Mr. Ronald H. Szymanski
Mr. Joseph L. Tabone
Mr. & Mrs. Tommy R. Tabor
Atty. Keith M. Tackett
Mr. E. Peter Taflan
Mr. Timothy M. Taggart
Ms. Margaret A. Takach
Ms. Lois M. Tamplin
Ms. Michelle A. Tancer
Mr. William J. Taneri
Atty. Diane L. Chermely Tanner
Dr. Frank J. Tarantine
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Tarantine
Mr. Nicholas J. Taranto
Mr. & Mrs. Craig N. Tareshawty
Mr. Frederick J. Tasota
Mr. George M. Tataseo
Nicholas & Ellen Taylor
Mr. Shirley J. Taylor
Ms. Pamela A. Teague
Ms. Janice A. Tekac, RN
Mr. Joseph C. Temperato
Dr. David L. Tempesta
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Terlesky
Ms. Elvira M. Terletsky
Ms. Jean Terracina
Ms. Donna J. Terzak
Eleanor & John Tesner
Dr. Linda “Tess” Tessier
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Testa
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Thomas
Ms. Deborah Thomas
Mr. Edward D. Thomas
Mrs. Eunice A. Thomas
Hannelore & John Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Thomas
Mr. Joseph E. Thomas
Mrs. Joyce Thomas
Dr. Julie E. Thomas
Ms. Kathryn L. Thomas
Mr. Mark D. Thomas
Mrs. Mary P. Thomas
Mr. Robert E. Thomas
Mr. Irwin Thomases
Dr. Dennis & Pamir Thompson
Mr. Jack F. Thompson, II
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis I. Thompson
Ms. Marcia E. Thompson
Mr. Thomas J. Thompson
Mr. William B. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Thomson
Ms. Shannon M. Thomson-Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Thornton
Mr. Michael J. Thornton
Ms. Margaret E. Tice
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Tiedeman
Mr. E. Gregory Tierno &
Ms. Patricia L. Caldrone
Mr. Timothy G. Tillery
Mr. Edward V. Timar
Ms. Jennifer Timko
Mr. James L. Timlin
Mr. Gary A. Tincu
Mrs. Barbara H. Tinkham
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas A. Tirone
Mr. Mark A. Tirpack
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Tito
Mr. James A. Tkach
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Todd
Mr. & Mrs. David Tolich
Mr. Walter J. Tomich
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Tomko
Mr. John C. Tooill
Mrs. Barbara A. Torok-Crissman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Toskin
Ms. Carolyne M. Toth
Mr. Paul J. Toth
Mr. James A. Toti, Sr.
Hon. Joseph W. Toti
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Toti
Mr. Ronald J. Totten
Mr. Corwin L. Tracy, Jr.
TransOhio Residential Title Agency
Mr. James L. Traveline
Ms. Cheryl L. Traylor
Mr. & Mrs. Pat M. Trell
Mr. & Mrs. James Tressel
Mr. William C. Trimbur
Trinkle Signs & Displays
Mr. Richard F. Trio
Mr. Jim Tropepe
Mr. & Mrs. David Truog
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Tsaknis
Michael & Maria Tsikouris
Ms. Annette Tsvetanoff
Ms. Maureen E. Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. John Tudhope
Ms. Irene Tunanidas
Mr. Robert D. Tupaj
Mr. Samuel L. Turk
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Turner
Ms. Paula C. Turner
Mr. William J. Turocy
Tyco International
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Tyger
Mr. William C. Tyson
Mr. Daniel J. Uhlar
Drs. James & Kathryn Umble
Ms. Linda M. Unangst
Ms. Marie A. Underwood
Mr. Lawrence Urban
Mrs. Helen M. Urda
Sue E. & John M. Urmson
Mrs. Helen Thomas Ursetta
Mr. John Ursu, Jr.
Mrs. Sandra Ussia
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Utterback
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Utterback
Mr. Paul J. Valenti
Mr. David C. Vanaman
Daniel & Cecilia VanDam
Mr. Matthew G. Vansuch
LCDR Russell D. VanTassel,
USN Ret.
Mr. Thomas G. VanWert
Mr. Paul J. Vargo
Robert & Toni Vargo
Ms. Margaret Ann Varley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Varley
Ms. Kanella S. Varveris
Mr. Michael D. Vasilchek
Mr. Jonathan P. Vasko
Mr. Mark E. Vaughn
Mrs. Carol B. Vaupel
Ms. Anna M. Veauthier-Sohl
Patricia & Kenneth Veisz
Mr. & Mrs. Guy J. Vendemia
Dr. & Mrs. William G. Vendemia
Mr. Irving B. Venger
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Venzeio
Stephen & Joanne Vernarsky
Mr. Anthony R. Verostko
Atty. Frank G. Verterano
Mr. Ronald J. Vesely
Hon. Diane S.A. Vettori &
Mr. Ismael Caraballo
Mr. Anthony J. Vigliotti
Mr. Nicholas E. Vigorito
Mr. Thomas A. Vigorito
Mr. Robert A. Villani
Mr. Michael C. Villano
Mr. William C. Vinopal
Mr. John J. Vinski, III
Mr. Ralph C. Vitale
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vitelli
Mr. Joseph Vito
Ms. Florence E. Vitullo
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Vivalo
Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. Vlad
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Vodhanel
Mr. William H. Vogan
Ms. Edna Ruth Vogel
Mr. Casey Vogt
Dr. David T. Volarich
Ms. Elaine L. Volarich
Mr. William J. Volk
Dr. Marita Volk-Allen
Ms. Diane E. Volosin
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Voye
Mr. Gregory M. Voytilla
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Vrable
Ms. Jean E. Vrancich
Ms. Anna R. Vrankovich-Olek
Mr. Boris Vuksanovich
Dr. Michael J. Vuksta, USN Ret.
Mr. Dale E. Wack
Frances & Ralph Wagner
Rick & Susan Wagner
Mr. Ronald J. Wagner
Mr. Robert B. Wake
Mr. Thomas P. Wakefield
Mrs. Ellen Wakeford-Banks
Ms. Christine Walker
Atty. Elwood M. Walker
Mr. Patrick S. Walker
Mr. Raymond G. Walker
Mr. Robert M. Walker
Ms. Rosemary B. Walker
Mr. Samuel E. Walker, Jr.
Dr. Darrell R. Wallace
Dr. Bruce N. Waller
Ms. Carolyn M. Wallner
Mrs. Evelyn Walsh
Mr. Steven W. Walter
Ms. Denise Walters-Dobson &
Mr. Michael Repetski
Dr. Victor F. Wan-Tatah
Marilyn K. Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan E. Ward, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Ward
Ms. Alice L. Washington
Mr. Robert J. Wasko
Mr. & Mrs. N. Daniel Wathen
Frank & Norma Watson
Mr. Kevin G. Watson
Mrs. Terri L. Watters
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wayland
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Webber
Ms. Charlotte E. Weden
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Weeter
Mrs. Patricia H. Weickenand
Mr. Thomas E. Weidele
Mr. Fred R. Weimer
Atty. & Mrs. William A. Weimer
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin E. Weingart
Mr. Ray N. Weingart
Mr. Frederick W. Weinkam
Ms. Tina K. Weintz
Mr. & Mrs. C. Edward Weisheimer
Ms. Rosemary Weizer
Mr. Thomas M. Welch
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Wellington
Ms. Melissa A. Wells
Ms. Paula K. Wells
Mr. William H. Wells
Mr. Joseph A. Wendel
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Wendle
Ms. Deborah J. Wensel
Mr. Allen R. Werner
Ms. Lois M. Werner
Ms. Andrea E. Wesp
Ms. Sybil A. West
Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus S. Wexler
Mr. Michael J. Whan
Whirlpool Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Whitaker
Mr. Bruce D. White
Mr. John White
Dr. John R. White
Mr. Stephen D. White
Mr. Robert W. Whitmire
Wick Neighbors, Inc.
Barbara Widomski
Ms. Ellen L. Wieckowski
Ms. Barbara Wigle
Ms. Catherine C. Wigley
Mr. Kenneth A. Wilber, Sr.
Mr. John F. Wiley
Ms. Ruth Wilkes
Ms. Phyllis Wilkoff
Mr. Randy L. Wilkoff
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Will
Ms. Barbara A. Williams
Ms. Frances J. Williams
Mr. Herbert W. Williams, Sr.
Mrs. Juanita Williams
Ms. Kathy L. Williams
Mr. Keith D. Williams
Ms. Marcy A. Williams
Ms. Mary Kay Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Williams
Mr. Robert J. Williams
Williams Hardwood Flooring
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Willner
Mr. Frederick W. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Wilson
Mrs. Kay A. Wilson
Mr. Robert C. Wilson
Ms. Rosemarie A. Wilson
Mrs. Shirley A. Wilson
Ms. Carole A. Wiltsie
Ms. Georgia Wiltsie
$100,000 & Above
Estate of Dennis L. Byron
Estate of Emily Mackall
The Penguin Club
Estate of John R. Ray
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Spencer
Estate of Robert J. Yalch
$50,000 - $99,999
Dr. J. Douglas Faires
Hunan Wallshine Welldone
Fireworks Co.
$10,000 - $49,999
John S. & Doris Andrews Trust
Mr. William T. Bancroft
Baptist Pastors Council
Florence Simon Beecher Foundation
W.E. Bliss Foundation
John A. Cafaro Foundation
Community Foundation of
Mahoning Valley
Mr. Domenic Constantini
Mrs. Diane Folkwein
Atty. & Mrs. Dennis Haines
Hartzell Family
Ice Castle Scholarship Fun
JP Morgan Chase
Junior Civic League
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Kerola
Maurice & Florence Lipscher
Charitable Trust
Estate of Pauline Livingston
Robert G. & S. Ann Berich
Maigetter Educational Trust
J.A. McMahon, Inc.
Mr. Kenneth C. Newman
Mrs. Martha Paraska
Mrs. Marie Peterson
Mr. Paul Powers
Bert Rigelhaupt Scholarship Fund
Schwebel Family Foundation
Mr. John & Mrs. Janie Scott
Mr. Jeffrey M. Simon
Sky Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Wingard
Brian L. & Erin Holmes Wingfield
Dr. & Mrs. Eric J. Wingler
Mr. & Mrs. John V. Winkle
Ms. Patricia Trucksis Winkler
Mr. James B. Winner
Mr. William J. Winterburn
Mr. & Mrs. Hal L. Withrow
Mr. Charles V. Wittenauer
Mr. V. William Wittenauer
Ms. Barbara Woerner
Dr. Andrew M. Wojtkowski
Mr. Joseph A. Wojtowicz
Ms. Barbara J. Wolf
Mr. Brian J. Wolf
Ms. Judith D. Wolfe
Mr. John Woloschak
Wolves Club Den #6
Mr. Carlis M. Womack
Ms. Jennie M. Wood
Atty. & Mrs. W. Dallas Woodall
Ms. Eleanor K. Woodford
Atty. George B. Woodman
Ms. Rhonda D. Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Woodworth
Mr. Francis D. Worthy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Woytek
Mr. John J. Wray
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Wright
Dr. Robert M. Wright
Mr. Greg J. Wrobleski
Mr. Raymond E. Wylam
Ms. Verna J. Wylie
Ms. Alice M. Wynn
Mr. Thomas M. Wysenski
Mr. Ronald P. Yaist
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Yakubovic
Mrs. Denise A. Yankle
Dr. Paul E. Yarab
Dr. George T. Yates
Mr. Edward T. Yatsco
Noreen A. Yazvac
Mr. Thomas A. Yazvac
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Yeager
Mr. Richard A. Yecies
Mr. Hsuchiao Yeh
Mr. Robert E. Yepsen
Deborah & Sam Yiannaki
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Yingst
Ms. Heidi J. Yoder
Mr. Alan J. York
The Young Financial Group
Dr. George H. Young
Mr. Joseph H. Young, III
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Young, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Young
Ms. Melissa L. Young
Youngstown Area Goodwill
Industries, Inc.
Youngstown Area Jewish
The Youngstown Club
Youngstown-Warren Realtist
Mrs. Janice L. Yovich
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Yozwiak
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Yozwiak
YSU Media & Academic Computing
YSU New Music Society
YSU Spanish Club
Florence & William Yuhas
Col. Robert J. Yuhas
Mr. Robert T. Zack, Jr.
Dr. Stanley E. Zager
Mr. Robert W. Zajack
Mr. Michael J. Zaluski
Mr. & Mrs. Cleo N. Zambetis
Mr. Val A. Zampedro
Ms. Catherine M. Zapka
Mr. Jason A. Zapka
Mr. Jeremy E. Zarins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Zastany
Ms. Isabelle M. Zayas
Ms. Ina Zbell
Mr. Richard P. Zbell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Zebracki
Mr. & Mrs. Myron M. Zets
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald V. Zetterquist
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Zetts
Ms. Marian E. Zickefoose
Mr. & Mrs. J. Gregory Ziegler
Dr. Anita M. Ziemak
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ziemianski
Ms. Marilynn M. Zimmer
Ms. Julie L. Zimmerman
Dr. & Mrs. Gary A. Zipay
Richard & Pamela Zitto
Mr. Gerald R. Zoccali
Dr. Thomas G. Zogakis
Ms. Stella A. Zone
Ms. Shannon M. Zuercher
Mr. James E. Zurawick
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Zuzik
Mr. Richard A. Zuzik
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Zwick
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Zwick
The Youngstown State University Foundation, established in 1966 under then president
Howard W. Jones, maintains a board of trustees independent of the university.
In those 40 years, the Foundation has helped thousands of students finance their higher
education, thanks to generous endowments from our many benefactors. The Foundation is
devoted to the support, expansion and development of education programs at YSU deemed
useful to the students and beneficial to the community.
St. Anthony Society
Dr. Thomas & Mrs. Evelyn Stephens
USF Medical Services Support
Estate of Charles S. Viets
Sally Watson Foundation
Youngstown/Mahoning County
Convention & Visitors
Bureau, Inc.
YSU Alumni
$1,000 - $9,999
The Ad Club of the Youngstown/
Warren Regional Chamber
Mr. Carl Alexoff
Ms. Reene A. Alley
Alltel Corporation
Altman Family Foundation
Jake Andreadis
Auditor of State of Ohio
Dr. William Back
Mrs. Paula Barrett
Dr. Dominic & Mrs. Helen Bitonte
Builders Association of Eastern
Ohio & Western PA
John J. Cafaro
Canfield Lions Club
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cavalier
Clear Channel Radio of
Coca-Cola Company
Ms. Margaret A. Crishal
Curbstone Coaches
Guy F. & Mary Jayne Damore
Ms. Anita DeVivo
Mr. G. Timothy Dove
Dover Club
Ms. Betty Einfalt
Mrs. Donna J. Esterly
Mrs. Donna Falgiani
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Feld
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fleming
Mr. Kenneth K. Fox
J.L. Francis Fund for ALS
Ms. Shari N. Francis
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Fregone
Ms. Joy M. Gaetano
Dr. & Mrs. Sudershan Garg
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome George Gbur
GE Foundation
Ms. Linda R. Gooden
Abe Harshman Scholarship Fund
Mr. Robert K. Hendricks
William & Flora Hewlett
Hill Barth & King, LLC
Danielle M. Hodge Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Josephine Houser
Tom & Doris Hutch
Italian Heritage Foundation
Hon. & Mrs. Nathaniel R. Jones
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth S. Kacenga
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kaleel
Col. & Mrs. Jack Kaufman
Phillipine Kerwer Trust
Key Bank Foundation
Mr. Peter G. Klimko
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Klimko
Mrs. Bonnie L. Koch
Dr. Kathleen M. Kougl
Mr. William J. Kovass
Ralph & Marion G. Kroehle
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Lariccia
Dr. Saul Lerner
Mr. & Mrs. Seth D. Levy
Mr. Raymond G. McAtee
Atty. & Mrs. Richard P. McLaughlin
Mended Hearts, Inc.
Drs. Michael & Dianne Miladore
Mr. & Mrs. George Mitchell
Ms. Marla L. Mitchell-Cichon
National City Bank
National City-Private Client Group
Ohio Lions Foundation
A.P. O’Horo Company
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. O’Horo
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor D. Parks
Mr. Richard R. Peterson
Mr. James J. Pierson
Mrs. Wealthie Prince
R & M Foundation Trust
LTC & Mrs. Joseph Sacchini
Mr. & Mrs. Lauren Schroeder
Dr. Ronald Shaklee
Sigma Club
St. Maron’s Educational Fund
Stancorp, Inc.
Mr. Allan Strouss
Dr. & Mrs. David C. Sweet
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thompson
Estate of Zenovia G. Tunanidas
Dr. & Mrs. Warren R. Webster
West View Village Company
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Winger
Denise & John York Foundation
The Youngstown Foundation
Youngstown Hospital Association
Nurse Alumni
Youngstown Road Runners Club
$500 - $999
Dr. Mary J. Beaubien
Mr. George R. Berlin
Boardman Steel, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg L. Bogen
Mr. Todd S. Bolotin
Mr. Lee J. Burdman
Ms. Pamela S. Burdman
Dr. Carol Chen
Mr. Donald B. Cochran
Columbiana Manor Company
Mr. Troy Allen Cross
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. DeBartolo, Jr.
Ms. Joy C. DeSalvo
Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Dodd
Dr. Dinah M. Fedyna
Mr. A. Richard Feldman
Four Square Foundation
Mr. Frank Gamberale
Mr. & Mrs. David Gennaro
Mr. Charles C. Han
Hello Brother Club
Mr. & Mrs. V. Ronald Janci
Tom & Carol Jochman
Ms. Mary Klimko-Shelton
Mrs. F.W. Knecht, III & Family
Mr. David E. Lawless
Mr. & Mrs. Carter P. Lewis
Liberty Fire Department
Mahoning Trumbull Valley
Ms. Caroline Maxim
David J. & Laurie J. Moore
Mr. Garry L. Mrozek
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Powell
Dr. John E. Ratliff
Mr. Lawrence E. Safarek
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip H. Schmidt
Mr. Scott R. Schulick
Mr. James G., Debbie, Jimmy &
Justin Scott
Silver Lining Digital, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Sokolov
Mr. David Steib
Ronald A. & Nicole Strollo
Mr. & Mrs. Carl G. Swabek
Mrs. Mary Ann T. Tavolario
Ms. Liz Throop
Wallace & Pancher, Inc.
Mrs. Eleanor Watanakunakorn
Louis A. Zarlenga & Associates
Mr. John D. Zelenak
Robert W. Zeman Living Trust
Below $500
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Adair
Mrs. Susan L. Agostinelli
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Agresta
Mr. Samuel J. Agresti
Air Reserve Base Community
Ms. Mary Katherine W. Ake
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Alberini
Mrs. Erica Alesi
Ms. Marcy L. Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Alexander
Ms. Diane M. Allchin
The Mark Allison Family
Alonzo Fireworks Display, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Ambrosio
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Ameen
American Electric Power
American Standard Foundation
Ms. Beth Analetto
Ms. Barbara J. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Anshel
Ms. Zelda Anshel
Ms. Janet Antonucci
Mr. Robert J. Antonucci
Ms. Bonnie Aracel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ariza
Artistic Images Photography
B & B Contractors &
Developers, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Baglier
Ms. Karen S. Bailey
Ms. Marcia K. Bailey
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Baitch
Ms. Holly A. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Baker
Mr. Ted J. Baker
Mrs. Joan C. Balas
Ms. Carrie A. Ball
Mr. Craig M. Ballew
Mr. Thomas J. Banna
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Baran
Ms. Kathryn M. Baringer
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Barkett
Ms. Lynda Barkett
Mr. & Mrs. Neal T. Barkett
Ms. Margaret Barnhart
Mrs. Erin L. Barone
Mr. Jonathan E. Bartlett
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Barton
Dr. Simon A. Basile
Ms. Darlene M. Bates
Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Battisti
Ms. Gale M. Baytosh
Mr. Steve Beal
Mr. & Mrs. Rand D. Becker
Dr. & Mrs. William S. Begalla
Mr. William C. Beinecke & Family
Mrs. Heather A. Belgin
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bell
Ms. Nancy S. Benedek
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Benedetto
Mrs. Myra S. Benedikt
Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Pauline Benevides
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Berk
Mr. Jerry A. Bernard
Ms. Linda L. Beshara
Mr. Norman F. Betcher
Betras, Maruca, Kopp, Harshman
& Bernard
Ms. Eve Bevilacqua
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Biastro
Mr. & Mrs. Bob J. Bibler
Ms. Jacqueline Bibo
Mr. David A. Bickel
Ms. Mary Ellen Bilas
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Billman
Dr. William C. Binning
BioPsych Associates, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bird
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bisconti
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bish
Ms. Bernice J. Blair
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Blair
Dr. Lawrence A. Blazina
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Bleacher
Mr. William A. Blewitt
Ms. Mollie G. Bloom
Dr. & Mrs. Brad E. Bloomberg
Ms. Debra A. Blystone
Ms. Jean C. Bochert
Darren & Amy Bodak
Frank & Patricia Bodak
Mr. Nicholas Bodak
Ms. Stephanie A. Boggs
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Boich
Mr. Michael Bokak
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Bole
Ms. Patricia G. Bonaquist
Ms. Debbie L. Boney
Bono Burns Distributing, Inc.
Don Booth Company
Ms. Lori A. Boros-Bortmas
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Borts
Ms. Katherine M. Bosak
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bostocky
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Bostocky
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Bostocky
Mr. Jonathan J. Bostocky
Ms. Kathleen A. Bouquet
Dr. Bege K. Bowers
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff M. Brandenburg
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Bresnahan
Mr. William W. Bresnahan
Mr. Randall & Mrs. Melissa Brian
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Mr. Herbert G. Brooks
Mr. Loran & Mrs. Joyce Brooks
Ms. Kathy M. Bruner
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Bruno
Ms. Cynthia A. Brunot
Mr. Alexander & Mrs. Faye Bueno
Bullthistle Festival Committee
Ms. Susan A. Burns
Ms. Christine M. Bustamante
Butler Wick & Company
Ms. Michelle M. Byers
Mr. Richard A. Byies
C & R Service
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cagigas
Mrs. Miriam F. Cain
Callos Group II
Ms. Janet L. Calpin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Camardo
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Jack V. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Campbell
Dr. & Mrs. J.J. Cannone
Ms. Carol Caplan
Mrs. Ethel “Shelly” Capone
Hon. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Carano
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Carcelli
Mr. & Mrs. Jared Cardillo
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Carissimi
Ms. Barbara A. Carissimo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Carmack, III
Mr. & Mrs. George Carney
Ms. Janet M. Carpenter
Ms. Christine R. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Caruso
Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Casassa
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Cassese
Cassese’s MVR, Inc.
Mr. Eugene H. Castle
Ms. Carla Catheline
Mr. James H. Centric
Ms. Cindy Cerimele
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Chahine
Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Chance, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Chance
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas “Wes” Chandler
Mrs. Ann Marie Charlebois
Mr. John C. Charnas
Ms. Audrey A. Chengelis
Christ Lutheran Church
Mr. James & Mrs. Judith Christine
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Clark
Mr. Wade Clark
Mrs. Beatrice Cohen
Ms. Christine A. Coiner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Colbert
Mr. David L. Collins
Mr. James E. Collins
Ms. Michelle Ann Marie Collins
Ms. Michelle Sabine Collins
Mr. Kenneth D. Conatser
Dr. Lawrence R. Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Conti
Ms. Clara Y. Cook
LTC Daniel & Janice Cooley
Mrs. Linda R. Cooperstock
Mr. Paul J. Corliss
Mr. Joseph D. Corsell
Drs. Adam & Christina Costarella
Ms. Millicent N. Counts
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Cox
Mr. Mark A. Craciun
Mr. David A. Crans
Mr. & Mrs. Scott P. Crawford
Mr. Kevin W. Crews
Mr. Ernest M. Crist
Mr. L.A. Crockett
Ms. JoAnn Crogan
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher H. Cubbison
Atty. Theodore R. Cubbison
Ms. Glenda J. Culp
Mr. Bernie Cummins
Ms. Barbara B. Curd
Ms. Rebecca M. Curnalia
Ms. Joy Cushwa
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Cushwa
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cutrer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Dailey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dailey
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Daloise
Mr. Frank V. Daly
Mr. Nicholas J. Damico
Ms. Tiffany Damon
Ms. Jacquelyn M. Daniel
Ms. Brenda J. D’Apolito
James M. Daprile, Jr.
Ms. Terri J. Davila
Davis International
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Davis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Davis
Ms. Karen DeAmicis
Mr. Dante A. DeAngelo
Mr. Vito R. Deblasio
Mr. & Mrs. James R. DeCenso
Ms. Shannon L. Deeds
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. DelBane
Mr. & Mrs. John A. DelBane
Ms. Margaret G. DelBane
Drs. David & John Delliquadri
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Demain
Mr. Donald DeSalvo &
Ms. Susan Wagner
Susan & John Desko
Ms. Carol A. DeSaulles
Mr. Michael J. DeToro
Mr. & Mrs. Jamie R. Devore
Diamond Steel Construction
Ms. Nancy Jo Diana-Franko
Mr. Earl T. Dickey
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Dickey
Joe Dickey Electric, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence A.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. DiDomenico
Diebold, Inc.
Mr. Anthony DiEugenio
Mr. & Mrs. Don DiFabio
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. DiGregorio
Mr. & Mrs. Dustin Dill
Dr. George A. Dimitriou &
Dr. Maria Tranto
Mr. & Mrs. Sonny DiMuccio
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. DiPiero
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest F. DiRenzo
Dr. & Mrs. Frank A. D’Isa
Mr. & Mrs. George Dobbs
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dobran
Mr. Albert L. Donadio
Dr. Marianne Dove &
Mr. Tim Dove
Alex Downie & Sons Company
Mr. John Dragoiu
Ms. Matilde Dramis, LSW, LPCC
Mr. Craig W. Duff
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Dunkel
Mr. James L. Dunlap
Ms. Patricia A. Dunlap
Ms. Rochelle R. Ead
Eagle Fireworks, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Adam C. Earnheardt
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Edgar
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor S. Edwards
Mrs. Barbara Eggleston
Dr. & Mrs. C. William Eichenberger
Electonic Arts
Ms. Sarah E. Ellis
Ms. Christine E. Engelis
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Epstein
Mrs. Suzyn S. Epstein
Ms. Deborah A. Esbenshade
Mr. Tim Esson
Joleen Estok
The Everly Group, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. James Fairbanks
Mr. & Mrs. Burt A. Falke
Ms. Connie L. Faria
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Farina, III
Mr. Richard A. Farina
Mr. Timothy W. Farr
Ms. Mary Ann Fazzone
LTC Ret. Paul W. Fellinger
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Fenton
Ms. Louise J. Ferguson
Ms. Victoria Figueroa
Ms. Mary Files
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Filicky
Ms. Alyson M. Finamore
Mr. Michael J. Finnigan
First Place Insurance Agency, Inc.
First Presbyterian Church
Ms. Christina Fischer
Ms. Margaret M. Fisher
Ms. Nancy L. Fisher
Ms. Nancy A. Fitch
Mr. Bret G. Fleckenstein
Dr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Fleming
Mr. & Mrs. D. Joseph Fleming
Mrs. Suzanne H. Fleming
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Flinn
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Fluxe
Mrs. Jeanne M. Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Folk
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Foraker
Forest City Erectors, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Forgione
Mr. Roy B. Fornwalt
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Fournier
Col. Debra Franco
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin A. Frank, Jr.
Mr. Peter S. Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Frankenburg
Mr. Scott A. Frankenburg
Mr. Robert A. Frantz
Harry Frederick Trust
LTC Bruce L. Fredrick
Mr. Adam E. Frey
Ms. Mary E. Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Friedman
Ms. Lana M. Furukawa
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fusco
Ms. Tina F. Fusco
Mr. William A. Fusco
Mrs. Julie M. Futey-Peterson
Ms. Sue Gagne
Mr. Bruce M. Gale
Ms. Deborah Garchar
Mr. Jeffrey S. Gardner
Ms. Ruth Ann Gartner
Mr. Joseph John Gebbia
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Gedeon
Ms. Rebecca L. Geltz
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Gentile
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Gerdes
Richard M. Germano &
Lynda Tasota
Mr. & Mrs. Scot P. Gherardi
Mr. Matthew C. Giannini
Mr. Thomas R. Gibbons
Mr. John Gilchrist
Mr. Bruce B. Gillies
Dr. Phillip Ginnetti
Glaxo Wellcome, Inc.
Glen Primary School Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Glenn
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Goist
Dr. Kathleen M. Golden
Mr. & Mrs. C. J. Goodall
Mr. Keith D. Goodman
Goodrich Cleaning & Restoration Co.
Mr. Bruce P. Gordon
Ms. Ingrid M. Gorman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Gorman
Darrin & Terry Goya
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Grabert
Ms. Jodie L. Grazier
Ms. Eileen Greaf
Ms. Sarah S. Gross
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Grossi
Ms. Rebecca Grossman
Mr. Stephen &
Mrs. Kathleen Guerriero
Mr. Matthew G. Gugliotti
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Guglucello
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Guidosh
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Gulin
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Gulin
Mr. Kevin M. Gura
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Gurlea
Mr. Matthew M. Gustovich
Mr. Carlos Guzman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Guzman
Ms. Carmel Hageal
Deb & Jen Hagerty
Mr. Nicholas J. Hagglund
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Hake
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Halfacre
Col. & Mrs. Frank B. Hall
Mr. Gregory S. Hall
Mrs. Veronica L. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Halloran
Mr. Bruce E. Hammond
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Handel
Dr. & Mrs. Aaron J. Hanesworth
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hardebeck
Mrs. J. E. Harris
Mr. Daryl L. Hatch
Hawaii Employers Mutual
Insurance Co.
Mr. K. Anthony Hayek
Mr. Davyd C. Heasley
Mr. Gary E. Heasley
Mr. Joe P. Hee
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Heiman
Ms. JoAnn Heinbaugh
Helen Freed’s, Inc.
Ms. Nancy J. Heltzel
Dr. William J. Helwig
Maj. & Mrs. Bruce A. Henry
Ms. Inci Hepner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Hercules
Mrs. Bena Hernandez
Terry P. Higgins
Ms. Deborah Hill
Mr. William Hilliard
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Hinderegger
Ms. Renee J. Hiner
Ms. Judith A. Hink
Hively Construction
Company, Inc.
Mr. Gary Hlasta
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Hockenberry
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Hodge
Mr. Daniel A. Holcomb
Mr. Phillip J. Holdash
Mrs. Mary Holko
Mr. & Mrs. Mervyn W. Hollander
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Hollern
Ms. Nancy J. Holub
Dr. Cary L. Horvath
Ms. S. Lynette Host
Mr. Edward J. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Hrusovsky
Mr. & Mrs. Pei Huang
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hubbard
Ms. Barbara E. Huberty
Ms. Mary Ellen Hudson
Ms. Connie M. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Hugli
Mr. & Mrs. John Hunt
Atty. & Mrs. Scott D. Hunter
Ms. Sue L. Hutchinson
Mr. & Mrs. David N. Hutnyan
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Hyatt
MG Donald R. Infante
InfoCision Management Corp.
Institutional Investors
Dr. & Mrs. Magdy Iskander
Mr. Robert G. Jackson
Mr. Timothy J. Jacob
Mr. & Mrs. Noah Jacobs
Mr. Randy Jacobs
Ms. Randy Beth Jacobs
Dr. & Mrs. James P. Jamison
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Jenkins &
Ms. Judith Daloise
JMH Carpentry & Tile
Mr. & Mrs. Russell R. John
Colin & Lisa Johnson
Ms. Florence E. Johnson
Mr. Joe Johnson
Ms. Lisa Johnson
Mr. Howard P. Jones
Mr. James A. Jones
Mr. James S. Jones
Ms. Mary Jane Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Roy P. Jones
Mr. Lou Joseph
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Joseph
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Kacik
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kambic
Ms. Avi Kampler
Ms. Ellen Kampler
Mr. Theodore J. Karczweski
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kasaris
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Kaufman
Mr. Bernard W. Kaufman
Mr. Ned J. Kaufman
Ms. Ruthanne Kaufman
Mr. Stanley Kaufman
Mr. Benjamin M. Keck
Dr. Shirley M. Keller
Dr. Frank N. Kelley
Ms. Jean Kelly
Ms. Jamie L. Kenneally
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Keryan
Mr. Joseph M. Keys
Elie & Kerry Khoury
Mr. & Mrs. George Kinnick
Mr. James A. Kiracofe
Mr. Pat Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Klika
Mr. Charles E. Klimko
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Klimko
Mr. & Mrs. Justin G. Klimko
JoAnn & George Knapic
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Knittle
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Knowles
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Knowles
Dr. & Mrs. Chander M. Kohli
Mr. & Mrs. Lance J. Kohut
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua B. Kollat
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Konya
Mr. Bruce W. Kopp
Mr. Daniel M. Kopp
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Korb
Ms. Tammy Ann Korylko
Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Kosar, Sr.
Mr. John L. Koshan
Ms. Heather M. Kostenjak
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Kowalczyk
Ms. Karen A. Krause
Mr. Frederick J. Krebs
Ms. M. Therese Krieger
Mr. John P. Krpicak
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery A. Kubala
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Kunze
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Kurta
Mr. & Atty. David Kutlick
Ms. Susan D. Laird
Mrs. Florence I. Laitman
Lakefront Lines, Inc.
Sara M. LaLumia
Mr. Michael & Dr. Nancy Landgraff
Dr. Juanita Latham
Mr. & Mrs. H. William Lawson
Ms. Susan M. Leetch
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lemke
Tony Leonardi Bass Association
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Leone
Ms. Rebecca Lesho
Mr. & Mrs. James Leugers
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Levy
Ms. Mary Jane Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lewis
Ms. Gertrude M. Lichtfuss
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Lichtfuss
Mr. & Mrs. John Liptak
Ms. Cecilia Liquori
Ms. Mary Ann P. Lisko
Mr. Tracey W. Liston
Ms. Linda M. Livingston
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Livingston
Ms. Kathryn C. Lloyd
Lloyd PTA
Lock Haven UniversityFootball Office
Dr. Andrew J. Lockshaw
Ms. Doris Lockshaw
Mrs. Dolores Longo
Mr. & Mrs. Geoff A. Lopuchovsky
Ms. Donna J. Lorenzi
Ms. Margaret C. Lorimer
Ms. Daniella R. Lorincz
Ms. Marie A. Lorubbio
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis L. Lowery
Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
Ms. Elaine M. Luca
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Lucarell
Mr. William E. Lucarell
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Lucarell
Mr. James Lucente &
Ms. Mary A. Miller
Mr. Joseph S. Luchison
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Luklan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Luklan
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Luoma
MG Robert G. Lynn
Mr. Wayne G. Lynn, Jr.
M & M Security Specialists, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Palmer Macali
Mrs. Barbara A. MacDonald
Ms. Patricia L. Machuga
Mahoning Valley Historical
Society Staff
Mahoning Valley Phantom Skaters
Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Majernik
Ms. Natalie Majoros
Ms. Margo L. Makanani
Mr. Vincent J. Malkovitis
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Malmisur
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Maloney
Ms. Elizabeth F. Mancini
Mr. Allen J. Mandel
Ms. Angela Manginelli
Col. Robert B. Mangold
Mr. John J. Manolukas
Kaliope Manuel
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Maras
Mr. & Mrs. Dominc Marchionda
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Marinelli
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Markovich
Mr. H. Joseph Marra
Ms. Cherry Marsh
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Marshall
LTC Diane L. Martino
Ms. Talva E. Maslach
John J. Massie & Friends of
Tim Dove
Mr. & Mrs. John Masternick
Ms. Ruth Eileen Mastriana
Dr. Mark A. Matavich
Mr. Stephen J. Matesevac
Ms. Mary R. Mathews-Bebech
Ms. Nancy V. Matia
Ms. Deanna K. Maurer
Ms. Sandra L. Maxim
Ms. Jean B. Maxwell
Ms. Shari Mayer
Ms. Jo-Ann Mayer-Orlinsky
Mr. Robert J. Mazur
Ms. Molly L. McAtee
Ms. Patricia J. McCombs
Ms. Brenda L. McDougal
Mr. Robert McEaneney
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. McElhaney
Mr. Richard & Mrs.
Elizabeth McElhaney
Ms. Christie L. McFadden
Mr. Paul J. McFadden
Ms. Nancy McGarry
Ms. Genevieve B. McGarvey
Mr. & Mrs. Frank McGovern
Ms. Mollie A. McGovern
Mr. Robert McGovern
Gina & Kevin McHenry
Ms. Jean E. McKenna
Mr. Mark R. McOwen
Capt. Aaron M. McPeake
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell E. McVay
Mrs. Martha L. Menk
Ms. Dorian L. Mermer
Mr. Harry Meshel
Mr. & Mrs. Adam P. Messner
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Metzinger
Ms. Cynthia J. Milich
Mrs. Kathryn A. Milich
Ms. Audre J. Miller
Mr. Brett E. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Miller
Ms. Hilda B. Miller
Mr. Ryan T. Miller
Ms. Sonia F. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Milligan
Ms. C. Kathleen Mills
Dr. Roy Alan Mimna
Mr. & Mrs. James Minnie
Ms. Anne L. Misel
Mr. Ronald J. Mistovich
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Mitcham
Ms. Cheryl M. Mohl
Ms. Sandra L. Mokros
Mr. Edward Monroe
Mr. & Mrs. James Monroe
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Montana
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Moore
Ms. Mary A. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory G. Morgione
Mr. James W. Morrison
Mr. John Stewart Morton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin M. Moss
Mr. Marvous E. Mostellar
Ms. Mary Ellen Munroe
LTC John V. Muntean
Mr. Nicholas E. Muntean
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Muransky
Ms. Patricia L. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Murray
Ms. Deborah M. Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Nabors
Ms. Gayle C. Nakasone
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Napoli
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Napoli
Mr. & Mrs. Steve W. Narvet
National Electrical Contractors
Association - Penn-Ohio
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Natoli
Mr. Gary S. Nemcik
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Neville
Ms. Kelly L. Newman
Newman, Olson & Kerr
Law Office
Mr. Ronald L. Nicholson
Dr. & Mrs. Enrico Nicolo
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Nohra
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. Nolfi
Novicky Chiropractic
Rehabilitation, Inc.
Atty. & Mrs. Carl A. Nunziato
Ms. Virginia A. O’Hara
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Olin
Mr. Sean O’Malley
Dr. Daniel J. O’Neill
Mr. Richard C. Organ
Ms. Aida L. Pacheco
Ms. Donna Jean Pallotta
Mrs. Pamela A. Palumbo
Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. Panee
Mrs. Maria A. Panozzo
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Pantalone
Mr. Harry J. Paraska
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Paraska, II
Ms. Laura L. Parkinson
Ms. Miriam J. Parrish
Carl & Paulette Pasquale
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart J. Pass
Ms. Mary Ellen Patton
Ms. Susan C. Patton
Ms. Penny J. Pavelko
Ms. Karen L. Pavlansky
Mr. Joseph Pavlov, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Payiavlas
Mr. & Mrs. James Pazol
Ms. Paula Peach
Rev. Willie Eva Peagler
Mr. Dwayne E. Pedrick
Mr. Cleto E. Pellegrini
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Pepperney, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Perlman
Mr. Guy N. Perterson
Dr. Felix A. Pesa
Ms. Georgette Peters
Mr. Thomas W. Petrarca
Ms. Jayne Petrek-Kemper
Ms. Elizabeth J. Petrella
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Petrucello
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Phillips
Phoenix Disposal, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Pieron
Ms. Shirley Pinney
Mr. Dan Plant
Pokorney Family Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. John Politis
Mr. Barry E. Polonsky &
Ms. Judith A. Grubbs
Mr. Joseph J. Ponzio
Kathleen & Loren Popio
Dr. Tod S. Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Mayer Posner
Mr. Thomas A. Potter
Ms. Rosemary J. Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Powers
PPG Industries
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Pratt
Ms. Sandra D. Pressler-Kemper
Danny Price Charities, Inc.
Mr. Mark A. Primavera
Ms. Joanne Prisley
Ms. Martha S. Pritzker
Ms. Holly L. Prystash
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Pusateri
Ms. Mary Ann G. Ramirez
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Ranhand
Ms. Mandy J. Ransdell
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ratell
Mrs. Constance J. Raupach
Reardon, O’Brien & Caizza Families
Mr. James W. Reed
Ms. Rose E. Reed
Mr. Charles D. Rempes &
Mr. David Rempes
Ms. Mary Jo Repasky-Shea
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Ricchiuti
Rich Center Staff, Children &
Ms. Amanda L. Richey
Mr. & Mrs. Scot Ridinger
Mr. & Mrs. Augustas C. Rigas
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Rigas
Ms. Ruth K. Rigo
Ms. Maureen E. Riley-Behringer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Rimedio
Tim & Holly Rinkes
Ms. Machelle Lynn Rinko
Ms. Donna L. Ritch
Ms. Mary F. Rogenski
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Romeo, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic L. Roselli, Jr.
Mr. Tom Ross, Sr.
Edith C. Roth
Ms. Frances Rouhana
Mr. & Mrs. Vic Rubenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rubino
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rudy
Ms. Nancy E. Ruggieri
George R. Ruhl & Sons, Inc.
Ms. Rona L. Rupp
Mrs. Shari L. Ruppel
Ms. Lynn L. Russell
Ms. Karen A. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Saadey
Mrs. Jean R. Saadey
Ms. Jody M. Sabatine
Ms. Jacquelyn R. Sabatino
Ms. Helen E. Salandra
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Salmen
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic J. Salomone
Mr. Jeffrey A. Saltsman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Salvino
Ms. Terri Sanchez
Irving Sanow
Ms. Joann Sarich
Mrs. Kimberly S. Sauerwein
Mr. Charles P. Saulino
President of Youngstown State
University (1973-1984)
A native of Missouri, Coffelt oversaw
the continued expansion of the
campus. Enrollment hit a record high
of 16,100 in 1981. Due to ill health,
he was granted medical leave in
1983 and retired the following year.
He died in a Houston, Texas, hospital
on Sept. 1, 1988, following surgery
for an aneurysm. He was 67.
Mr. Richard & Mrs. Kathryn Scali
Mr. Brian J. Scarpone
Mr. Randy W. Schaar
Mr. John W. Schafer
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Schiavone
Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Schmalzried
Mr. & Mrs. C. Reid Schmutz
Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Schneider
Mr. Steve Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M Schwebel
Mr. Gerald & Mrs. Maria Scott
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. F. William Scragg
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sees
Ms. Nadia Seigel
Ms. Charlene Seiple
Mr. & Mrs. August J. Selak
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Selby
Ms. Mary Dee Sepesy
Mr. Paul R. Sevenich
Mr. Gary A. Sexton
Mr. Richard Shafer
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan David Shaffer
Ms. Norma Shagrin
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Shaklee
Mr. William E. Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Sherman
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Shipka
Ms. Betty J. Shultz
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Shurtleff
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Siekierka
Dr. Thelma Silver
Ms. Phyllis Silverman
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Silverman &
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Silverman
Ms. Marta K. Simcox
Ms. Patricia M. Simerlink
Mr. Daniel A. Simmons
Ms. Marjorie Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Keneth A. Sims
Mr. John Sinclair
Atty. & Mrs. James Sisek
Ms. Cory J. Skook
Ms. Heather L. Skufca
Sky Bank-Bowling Green
Ms. Sarah Slavin
Mr. Ray & Mrs. Alyce Slivochka
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley W. Smith
Ms. Carrie E. Smith
Mr. D. James Smith
Mrs. Heather N. Smith
Mr. Joseph R. Smith, II
Mrs. Patricia A. Smith
Ms. Patricia L. Smith
Mr. Jerold Sniderman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Snyder
Mr. Stephen L. Solomon
Ms. Metrechia A. Soper
Herb & Sue Soss
Mr. & Mrs. Jason M. Spangler
Mr. Richard L. Spokane
St. Christine’s Faculty
Mr. Mike St. Denis
Through donor
contributions, the
YSU Foundation
is able to provide
for a wide range of
university programs
and other needs.
The graph illustrates
the financial impact
of YSU Foundation
Property for YSU
Internal Expenses
Scholarships and
Student Awards
St. Moritz Security
State Farm
Mr. Bob Steele
Ms. Janice M. Steffanina
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Stein
Ms. Carolyn Steiner
Jane & Susan Stern
Ms. Barbara Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. R.W. Stevens
Ms. Janet Stock
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Stoll
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Stout
Mr. George R. Stowe
Mr. Edward Strauss
Mr. Mark Stricklin
Ms. Susan Stricklin
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Strollo
Ms. Barbara Sudimack
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Summers
Mr. Carl K. Sunada
Mr. Anthony Svatosky
Ms. K.A. Svetaka & Ms. P.N. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Swanson
Sweeney Chevrolet
Mr. Jerry Sweet
Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Tabet
Julius R. Tareshawty
Mr. & Mrs. Terence T. Taylor
Mr. Anthony O.J. Thomas
Mr. Edward D. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. John Thomas
Ms. Kathryn L. Thomas
Mr. Robert E. Thomas
Mrs. Jean Thompson
A Nationally Recognized Facility for
the Study and Treatment of Autism
Mr. & Mrs. John Abbott
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Acierno
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Agresta
Mr. W. Richard Alesi
Ms. Libby Alessio
Mr. Peter Alexoff
Allstate Giving Campaign
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Ameduri
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ameen
Mr. & Mrs. Howard S. Ames
Ms. Marcia E. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Tibolla
Ms. Jennifer Timko
Mr. Mark Timoney
Mr. Ronald K. Toguchi
Mr. James R. Tomaino
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Torquati
Ms. Melinda M. Torres
Mr. Ray Travaglini
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Troxell
Mrs. Carol L. Trube
Rob & Jacqueline Truitt
Ms. Irene Tunanidas
Mr. Robert Tupaj
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Tyndall
Tysco International
Mr. Daniel J. Uhlar
USA Concrete Specialists, Inc.
Ms. Lindsay M. Vadjunec
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Vanatsky
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll P. Vance
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas VanWert
Ms. Kanella S. Varveris
Ms. Kathy Vaughn
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Vendemia
Mr. Richard Vilsack
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Vines, Sr.
Ms. Florence E. Vitullo
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Vona
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Voytilla
Mr. Kevin & Mrs. Karen Vrabel
Ms. Anna R. Vrankovich-Olek
Ms. Ann Marie Vross
Dr. Michael J. Vuksta
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Wagner
Mr. Thomas P. Wakefield
Ms. Karen Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Wallis
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald M. Walsh
Dr. & Mrs. H.S. Wang
Mr. Robert J. Wasko
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Watson
Mr. Kevin G. Watson
Mrs. Terri L. Watters
Mr. Fred R. Weimer
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Weimer
Mr. Frederick W. Weinkam
Katrina Weizer
Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeus S. Wexler
Mr. Philip B. Whelam, M.D.
Atty. Richard N. White
Wichita Falls Wildcats
Ms. Gwendolyn M. Wilkens
Ms. Ruth Z. Wilkes
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Williams
Ms. Mabel M. Williams
Ms. Marcy A. Williams
Mr. Paul J. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Winner
Mr. William J., Denise, Mia &
Michael Winterburn
Dr. Andrew M. Wojtkowski
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Wolfcale
Ms. Judith D. Wolfe
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Woloschak
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Wolsonovich
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Woodall, Jr.
Ms. Rhonda D. Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Wysenski
Deborah & Samuel Yiannaki
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Yingst
Ms. Eileen S. Yoffe
Mr. Jason & Mrs. Sandra Yoshimi
Ms. Melissa L. Young
Youngstown Area Jewish
Youngstown Columbiana
Association of Realtors, Inc.
YSU Computer Center Staff
YSU Physical Therapy
Faculty & Staff
YSU Retired Women’s Club
Col. Robert J. Yuhas
Mr. Carl W. Zabel
Ms. Esther N. Zabludoff
Mr. Jason A. Zapka
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Zarling
Ms. Isabelle M. Zayas
Mr. William Zemko
Walter & Diann Zenda
Mr. & Mrs. Myron M. Zets
Ms. Xiao Li Zhu
Mr. & Mrs. Norman I. Zipper
Ms. Karyn Zoldan
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon H. Zoldan
Ms. Stella A. Zone
Theodore N. Zoumis &
Fred Napolitano
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zwick
The journey of the Rich Center for Autism began on the campus of Youngstown State University in 1995 as
a result of the visionary efforts and the shared interest in autism of the Rich (Ricchiuti), Kosar and Rubino
families. The Center serves as a lasting tribute to the memory of Paula and Anthony Rich and their unborn
child whose lives were tragically ended in a 1994 plane crash. Over the past 13 years, the Center has
served as a beacon of hope for children and families learning to live with autism and is committed to providing services at no cost to families. It is a learning environment where the dignity of each child, teacher
and parent is respected, inspiring the journey that has brought the Rich Center for Autism to this moment
in time. We are grateful to our donors who have generously invested in the children we serve at the most
important and crucial time of their lives. Thank you for helping us attain the high standards we have set
for our school and for our children.
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Anderson
Mr. Vic Angel
Mr. & Mrs. Patsy Angelilli
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Antonelli
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie H. Apple
Archangel Michael Philoptochos
Agope Fund
Associates in Counseling &
Child Care
ATA Black Belt Academy, LLC
Avalon Nursing Center
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Backus
Ms. Diane L. Baco
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Ballway
Mr. Bartholomew Barbato
Ms. Barbara Barr
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bartolovich
Ms. Regina R. Bass
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bednarik
Ms. Sandra Bell
Ms. Rosalind J. Berardino
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Berchiko, III
Ms. Donna R. Berenics
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Berg
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Bernard
Bethel Lutheran Youth Fund
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Betras
Betras, Marucca, Kopp, Harshman
& Bernard, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bezon
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne G. Biddlestone
Rev. & Mrs. Donald Billy
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Bisconti
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bishara
Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Bitonte
Mrs. Stephen Blasko, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Boano
Mr. & Mrs. Don Booth
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Boyle
Mr. Richard S. Bucy
Mr. & Mrs. Don Bukofchon
Mr. Samuel Bunnell
Ms. Patricia J. Burcham
Mr. W. Patrick Burke, CPA
Ms. Annette Burnham
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip D. Butta, III
Mr. Anthony Cafaro
The Cafaro Foundation
Ms. Rena Calarossi
Ms. Susan E. Calautti
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Calcagni
Ms. Chris Calloway
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Cambouris
Ms. Michele A. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Capalucci
Mr. Herman Carano
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carano
Ms. Marie S. Carroll
Ms. Kimberly Casenhiser
Mr. Joseph J. Cassese
Ms. Vi Castor
Ada, Adreann & Frank Catalano
Ms. Daniel M. Catlos
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph N. Cavalier
Ms. Merri A. Cavalier
Ms. Viola M. Celli
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Centofanti
Ms. Lena Centofanti
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. Russell G. Chambers
Ms. Jodie A. Chandler
Ms. Elaine Charnoky
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Chiaro
Chili Open Golf Classic, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Christopher
Ms. Annette M. Chuirazzi
Ms. Lila Ciccone
Mr. & Mrs. Sam J. Ciminero
Dr. & Mrs. Albert B. Cinelli
Ms. Tarone Claybrook
Gary & Sherri Clayman
Philanthropic Fund
Mr. James E. Colella
Mr. & Mrs. John Coleman
The Community Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Conti
Louis & Marianne Conti
Mr. & Mrs. Louis H. Conti
Mrs. Phyllis Conti
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Conti
Ms. Betty J. Cook
Mr. Gary L. Cosgrove
Dr. & Mrs. Rene Cossette
Ms. Magdalena Covas
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Craig
Ms. Helen L. Cranmer
Mr. & Mrs. Danny A. Crider
Mr. Anthony E. Crish
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Crowe
Ms. Jean Cunningham
Ms. Arlene Curran
Ms. Mara E. Cushwa
The D’Alesandro Family
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D’Alesandro
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Darcy
Ms. Marie Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Giovanni DeFelice
Ms. Rina Deley
Atty. & Mrs. Raymond DeLost
Ms. Charlene DeLucia
Mr. & Mrs. Guy DePillo
Mrs. Lorenzo DeSantis
Ms. Carol J. Desmond
Ms. Diane L. Detell
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. DeToro
Mr. & Mrs. William W. DeToro
Mr. Louis F. Devicchio
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred G. DeVincentis
Mrs. Edith DeVito
Mr. & Mrs. Jim DiBacco
Mr. David DiCesare
Ms. Arlene DiCesare
Mr. & Mrs. Jim DiFiore
Mr. & Mrs. Sandy H. DiFiore
Mr. & Mrs. Alex DiIanni
Mr. & Mrs. Mario DiIullo
Mr. & Mrs. Tony DiLisio
Mr. John DiNello
Mr. & Mrs. John DiRenzo
The DiRusso Family
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Donofrio
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Driscoll
Ms. Diane Drummond
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Drummond
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dulovic
Dunbar Asphalt Products, Inc.
Ms. Stacy L. Durda
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Durochia
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Echard
Mr. Robert W. Echard &
Ms. Linda K. Smith
Ms. Patricia A. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Eich
Mrs. Kay Elliot
Ms. Bonnie Emerick
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Englert
Enviro Solutions, LLC
Dr. James Enyeart
Mr. & Mrs. Domenico Fabiilli
F. Ralph & Mary T. Fagert
Ms. Edith Fanelli
Ms. Virginia L. Farman
Ms. Laura A. Fast
Mr. Mark A. Fast
Fibus Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ficorilli
Ms. Joanna Ficorilli
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Ficorilli
Ms. Alice Fiedler
First Christian Church of Niles
First Place Bank Community
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Fithian
The Flaming Ice Cube
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Ford
Ms. Sally B. Foster
Ms. Anna N. Frangopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Don Friedrich
Mr. Louis J. Furano
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Gett
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Giangiulio
Mr. John Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Good
Grange Insurance
Greek Catholic Union Lodge 164
Ms. Frances Y. Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Grinstein
Ms. Judith Gross
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Gruber
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Gustafson
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hansy
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Harkey
Mr. & Mrs. William Harry
Mr. & Mrs. Lester W. Hendrix
Ms. Nita Hendryx
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Higgins
Hine Memorial Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Dan M. Hippely
Mr. & Mrs. Mervyn W. Hollander
Marlene & Mervyn Hollander
Philanthropic Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Houck
Mr. & Mrs. D. J. Hudak
Italian Scholarship Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Jakubek
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kachmer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Kadilak
Mr. Rich Kalosky
Ms. Peggy Kane
Ms. Louise R. Kannensohn
Brothers of Kappa Sigma Kappa
& Theta Xi
Ms. Kathleen A. Kickeict
Rev. Donald E. King
Kiwanis Club of Youngstown
Mr. Ron Knickerbocker
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kolasky
Ms. Irene Kondoleon
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Kosar, Sr.
Ms. Maryann Kostich
Ms. Marta J. Koulianos
Mr. John Kovach
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kozloski
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kravec
Ms. Geraldine Kravec
Ron Kreps Drywall
The Krusten Family
Ms. Marcy Kubancsek
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kubitza
Mr. & Mrs. John Kufleitner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. LaCivita
Ladies of Charity
Ladies Philoptochos Society
Metropolis of Pittsburgh
Ms. Janice LaLama
Mr. Victor D. Lamarco
Jane F. Lamb Charitable
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Lapin
Mr. Donald Larcinese
Mr. John Large
Ms. Monica H. Larsho
Ms. Monica H. Latsko
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Leetch
Ms. Linda Leicht
Ms. Lena Leombruno
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Lepore
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Lepore
Ms. Karen M. Lindberg
Ms. Janet M. Linssen
Living Lord Lutheran Church
Mr. & Mrs. William Lucarell
Mr. Cecil Lucci
Mr. & Mrs. Stu Luther
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Lyras
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lysowski
Mr. & Mrs. Herman Maass
Mr. & Mrs. Don Macejko
Mr. John M. MacIntosh, Jr.
Macy’s Charity Day
Ms. Stacy S. Madison
Ms. Charleen Malone
Mr. William Mangano
Mrs. Virginia Marapese
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Marchionda
Mr. & Mrs. Ennio Marchionda
Mr. & Mrs. Nino Marchionda
Mr. Carmen Marinucci
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Marinucci
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Mark
Mr. John D. Marshall
Mr. Michael G. Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. John Masucci
Ms. Colleen Mazur
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Mazzolini
Ms. Colon McAtee
Ms. Emily & Ms. Leah McConnell
Ms. Elizabeth A. McGarry
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGarry
Mr. & Mrs. Bob McGovern
Ms. Cheryl McGovern
Mr. Jim McGuire
The Mellanby Autism Foundation
Ms. Virginia M. Meloy
Fr. Stelios Menis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Meszgros, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Meyers
Mr. Gerry Migletz
Mr. & Mrs. J. Ronald Mikolich
Mr. Stephen A. Milich
Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Miller, III
Ms. Debra E. Miller
Mr. Kenneth L. Miller
Ms. Nancy Miller
Mr. Stanley E. Miller
Ms. Dorothy Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. George Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Gino Mordocco
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Morell
Ms. Nina Morelli
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin C. Morucci
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mosca
Ms. Susan C. Mostov
Ms. Mary Mourer
Mr. Garry Mrozek
Ms. Louise M. Mulderig
Ms. Lois B. Mumaw
Leonard & Carole Naft
Philanthropic Fund
Napa Valley to Mahoning Valley
Ms. Anna Natili
Ms. Susan R. Natoli
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Nemer
NEO Urology Associates, Inc.
Ms. Nancy Nerti
Mr. Bert J. Newman
Mr. & Mrs. James Newman
A.P. O’Horo Company
Mr. & Mrs. John N. Omslaer
Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. O’Nesti
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
Mr. Anthony Pacelli
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pacelli
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Paduano
Mr. Pat Padula
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Palumbo, Sr.
Mr. Rinaldo Pannunzio
Rev. & Mrs. George T. Pappas
PAR Golf Tournament
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Pascarella
Ms. Bernice C. Pavlansky
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Pavlik
Ms. Freida Penza
Ms. Suzanne M. Perry
Ms. Gerald Peskin
Mrs. Marvin Peskin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Petrilli
Pfizer Foundation
Phi Kappa Tau
Ms. Karen Phillips
Toula Phillips Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Maurus R. Picciano
Ms. Connie Pierce
Ms. Delores M. Pipino
Mr. Fred Pisani
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Pizzola
Poland School District Building
Poland United Methodist
Church Choir
Poland Women’s Club
Ms. Lena Poling
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Poltis
The Pompa Family
Ms. Christy Pompoco
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Price
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Z. Pridon
Mr. Phillip J. Prosser
Ms. Kathryn Pursley
Dr. & Mrs. James Quilty
Marion G. Resch Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. W. Dennis Reussow
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Ricchiuti
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Ricchiuti
Rich Center Parents Group
Rich Center Students
Mrs. Cynthia Rich
Mr. Tom Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Richiutti &
Mr. Paul Lettieri
Ms. Sophia Rintala
Mr. Ted Roberts
Ms. Lisa K. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn P. Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Roesti
Ms. Florence C. Roncone
Ron-Don Construction, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Nick V. Rosian
Ms. Mary Lou Rosinski
Mr. Robert S. Rosinski
Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Ross
Mr. Mike Rosta &
Ms. Theresa DiAntonio
Tom & Sue Ruban
Mr. & Mrs. Carl C. Rubino
Ms. Elisa Rubino
Mr. Francesco Rubino
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rubino
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rubino
Ms. Ilda Rubino
Mr. & Mrs. Patsy Rubino
Ms. Constance L. Rumberg
Ms. Rona L. Rupp
Ms. Eve L. Russo
COL & Mrs. Joseph L. Sacchini
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sachire
Salem Chrysler Jeep Dodge
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Salvino
Samuel Son & Company, Inc.
Ms. Carol S. Sanderbeck
Ms. Marcia Sandstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Santon
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Santoro
Ms. Joann Sarich
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Scahill
Mr. & Mrs. C. Reid Schmutz
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Schramer
Mr. Scott R. Schulick
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Scolicki
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Scott
Mr. F. William Scragg
Dr. Gerald S. Sevachko
Shops at Boardman Park
Mr. & Mrs. Pete D. Sicafuse
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Simko
Mr. Chuck Simon
Mr. Michael J. Simon
Morris & Esther Simon Family
Philanthropic Fund
Mrs. Mary Sinchak
Mr. & Mrs. P. Richard Sirbu, Jr.
Ms. Mary Beth Sisk
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Smaldino
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Smith
Ms. Debbie Sobnosky
Mr. & Mrs. Barry A. Solomon
Mr. Nicholas F. Sostaric
Ms. Jen Soukenik
Sounds of Square County
Ms. Mary Spidle
Mr. Leonard B. Spiegel
Mr. Ed Spiezio
St. Demetrios Philoptochos
Society #85
St. Jude Church
Lucy, Tara & David Stanton
Ms. Pat Steele
Dr. & Mrs. William F. Stevenson
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Stillwagon
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony H. Stocks
Ms. Mary L. Storey
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Stout
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Strollo
Mr. & Mrs. James Sullivan
The Surgery Center at Southwoods
Dr. & Mrs. David C. Sweet
Dr. & Mrs. Frank J. Tarantine
Ms. Mary A. Tarantine
Dr. & Mrs. James S. Tavolario
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Tavolario
Ms. Christine T. Taylor
Ms. Toni Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Terlecki
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Thompson
Dr. Frank C. Tiberio
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Tofil
Mr. & Mrs. Bert P. Toth
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tovtin
Travelers Express Company
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Trebilcock
Tribune Chronicle
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Trimacco
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Trinckes
Trumbull County Family Court
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Tullis
Mr. John A. Tumbri
Mr. Bernie Tunno
United Way Community
United Way of Summit County
UPS Employees
UPS Foundation
Mr. John Uvena
Van Sickle Foundation for R Kids
Dr. & Mrs. Shani Vaturi & Family
Mrs. Viola C. Vaughan
Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Virgallito
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Vitullo
Mr. Anthony P. Vivo
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Volpini
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Wagner
Ms. Elaine Waller
Ms. Donna Walters
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd A. Welker
Ms. Joanne Welsh
The WFG Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon A. Wilber
Ms. Ruth Wilkes
Ms. Elizabeth Williams
Warren P. Williamson, Jr. Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wilson
Ms. Dorothy Wintsch
Mr. David J. Wolfe
Wonner Industrial Coating, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Wrenn
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Yacovone
Ms. Patty Yank
Mrs. George L. Yerman
Ms. Judith Young
Youngstown Lions Club
Mrs. Nina Zavatsky
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Zimmer
Ms. Mary Ann Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Kent D. Zines
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zines
Mr. Dino Zisis
Mr. Jack Zubal
Mrs. Anne S. Zuzga
$2,000 and Above
The Cafaro Foundation
Bruce & Rori Zoldan
$500 - $1,999
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bishara
Butler Wick & Company, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Ciminero
Diocese of Youngstown
Arthur J. Gallagher
Hynes Industries
C. Gilbert James
Mrs. F.W. (Connie) Knecht, III
ms consultants, inc.
National City Bank
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
Packer Thomas
Danny Price Charities, Inc.
Scott Schulick
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Travaglini
Dr. John & Mrs. Denise DeBartolo
York Mahoning Mechanical
Contractors, Inc.
$125 - $499
John Anderson
Warner & Mary Bacak
Karla Beckman
Steve & Doris Bullock
Roben Carter
Terry & Melodee Chapin
Reginald Chow
Donald & Kristen Dailey
Mary Davis
Ron & Nadine Davis
Diane DeLuco
William DeToro
Sarah Ellis
Jeanne M. Foley
David Frew
Terry Fullum
Tim Garthwaite
Allison Gatta
Regis Geisler
William Griffiths
Dr. Madeleine Haggerty
Suzanne Hrebovcin
Joseph Hudak
Russell & Marilyn Hudoba
Stephanie Hudzik
Dr. Mark Innocenzi
Elizabeth Itts
Michele Johnson
Charles Joseph
Thomas J. Latona
Jeffrey & Natalie Lawson
Frank Lellio
Samuel & Carolyn Luse
James & Sandra Massaro
Robert McConahy
Vincent Mediate
Paula Moss-Sander
Elbert Nicola
Joseph, Jr. & Ann Marie Nohra
Bob Pavlik
Thomas Phillips
Lawrence Safarek
Heather Sirney
John Slanina
Mark & Andrea Smesko
Anthony Spano
Neal & Donna Sturgeon
Robert & Lorene Varley
Ronald Vesely
Charlotte Wallace
Thomas White
Renee Lyn Wilcox
Ryan Williams
$75 - $124
Ronald & Marianne Ameen
Robert Antonucci
John Augenstein
The mission of the Office of Alumni Relations is to be partners for the future in promoting,
strengthening and supporting alumni, while upholding the many traditions of the past.
Alumni Relations provides comprehensive programs and offers ways for alumni to be involved
in and support the university. In this list, those who have supported our mission between July 1, 2006,
and June 30, 2007, are being recognized.
Maruf & Sherry Awad
Marilyn Badger
Richard Bagdassarian
Jeffrey Barone
Robert Becki
Dr. George & Mrs. Betty Beelen
Nelson & Virginia Begeot
Joseph Bettura
George Bircher
Danielle Blagg
Dan Blice
Melissa Brammer
Douglas & Anita Brodnan
James Brown
Phillip & Patricia Butto
John Campo
Raymond Cannon
Livio & Rosemarie Carr-Bertolini
Joseph & Susan Catullo
Bernice Cernoch
Jeffrey & Carla Chahine
Joseph Chance
Marilyn Conner
Charles Cooper
Mary Costantino
James & Anna Cuchna
Harold Davis
Mary Pat Defino
James Degregory
Dr. E. Terry & Mrs. Helen Deiderick
Louis & Marie Demarinis
Dorothy Demen
Diana Devito
Dr. Sandra DiBacco-Tusinac
Nancy Dicken
Kathleen Dimoff
Gerald Dixey & Mary Ann Karas
Don & Barbara Dolwick
Dr. David Dortin
James & Angela Douglass
Frank Duesing
Richard Eberhardt
James Evans
Richard Evick
James & Jeanne Fairbanks
Kenneth Fox
Steven Frank & Haylee Shacklock
Robert & Isabel Goeltz
Joseph Goldman
Stephanie Grameth
Kathryn Gray
Timothy & Molly Graziano
Alan Griffiths
Kenneth & Kendra Gura
John Haller
Terry & Jini Hawk
Robert Hewitt
Thomas Houser
Raymond & Emily Hughes
Thomas Humphries
Mark Hynes
Thomas & Melanie Garrett Inman
Francine Jablonski
Philip & Kathleen Janecko
Edward Jennings
June Jones
Lonnie Jones
Mary Jones
James Jordan
Thomas Joseph
Lawrence Kacenga
Richard Kalosky
Nancy Kayne
Michael Kelly
Robert Kerr
Raymond Klempay
Werner & Patricia Kling
James & Maxine Knowles
Michael Kraynak
Mary Krupa
Michael & Jennie Lallo
James Lanzo
Michael Larocca
Virginia Leskanic
Amy Lucik
Phillip Malvasi
Stephen Margala
Bernard Mauser
Oma McLaughlin
Thomas & Alberta Mele-White
Attys. Thomas & Angela Mikulka
Thomas & Marilyn Morella
Patricia Murphy
Elaine Nemcik
Frank & June Nolasco
Shawn O’Connell
Mariann O’Halloran
Virginia O’Hara
Michael Olszewski
Anthony & Jodi Pacella
Harry & Nora Paraska
Martha Paraska
Pamela Paris
William & Rochelle Penman
Georgette Peters
Jerry & Donna Pizzo
Frederick Poese
Marc & Theresa Pope
William Powell
Larrie Puraty
Bonnie Raybuck
George & Sharon Remias
Sara Revetti
Kathleen Rickert
Lawrence Roberts
William Rodgers
Nicholas & Joyce Rodnicki
David & Rita Rowe
Vincent & Janet Rusnak
Terry Schlaich
Robert & Kathleen Schneider
Robert Shelby
Bruce A. Smith
Julie Smith
Francis Smouse
Brian Sobnosky
Richard J. St. Clair
Gary Swanson
Michael & Marnee Sweeney
Dr. Frank Tarantine
James & Carolyn Tarantine
John & Hannelore Thomas
Robert Thomas
John Vamvakis
Michael & Karen Vasilchek
Richard & Marcie Patzak Vendetti
Diane Vettori
David Vincent
Angelo Vitullo
Cynthia Wagner
Philip Walsh
Robert & Sandra Webber
Randall Wellington
Randall Wiley
William & Janice Wolfe
Sarah Yankle
Edward Yaugo
Steven Zelich
Below $75
Vivian Abram
Robert & Marilyn Abramski
Alexander Adams
Robert Adduci
Ellen Adovasio
Charles Africa
Susan Agostinelli
Charlotte Agustin
Nadia Ahmed
Anthony & Mary Airato
Ramon Alarcon
Dominic Albanese
David Aldan
Deborah Alexander &
Lou Barranti
Jamie Alexee
Edward Allen
Mary Allgood
William Ambert
Khaled Amireh
Dr. Edward &
Mrs. Deborah Ammeen
Pamela Amy
Barbara Anderson
Carolyn Anderson
John Anderson
Nancy Androsko
Rosemary Angelo
Frank & Ann Anness
Dr. Carl & Mrs. Karen Ansevin
Ralph Anzivino
Dr. Herbert & Mrs. Betty Armstrong
Luis Arroyo
Thomas Ash
Philip Astorino
Marcia Augustyn-Lindsay
Louise Aurilio
Autumn & Noreen Axel
Virginia Axtmann
Dr. James Babb
Robert & Linda Bacha
Barbara Backes
Jessica Bacon
Joseph Baich
Eugene Bailey
Dr. Carol Baird
Raymond Baker
Richard & Doris Baker
Ted & Joanne Baker
Richard Baldwin
Karen Balogh
Matthew Banjo
The Hon. Charles &
Mrs. Joan Bannon
Joseph & Joann Barak
Sandra Barba
Ronald & Fawnda Barker
Gerald Barnes
Sally Barnes
Dr. Adeline Barone
Herbert & Mary Bartelmay
Lucile Bartelmay
Beth Bartlett
Thaddeus Barwinski
Edward & Deborah Basista
Elizabeth Basista
Danielle Battafarano
Martha Beatty
Charles & Dorothy Bebout
M. Frank Beck
Richard Bednar
Susan Bellej
John Bender
William & Martha Beniston
Bonnie Bennett
Tammy Bennett
William Bennett
Dennis & Faye Bensinger
Beri Berardi
Rosalind Berardino
Andrea Bero
Jane Berry
Elmer & Rosemary Berstling
James Beyerl
Michael Birchak
Gay Birnbaum
Debra Bish
Rosemarie Bisignani
Michael Bistrica
Jay Blackstone
Joseph & Judy Blankenship
Kenneth Blazina
William Bletso
Terence Blevins
Larry Bodnovich
Donald Bogar
William & Kristine Bole
Deborah Bolton
Sharon Bonacker
John Borecki
Robert Borovitcky
May Boyd
Reese Bradburn
Charlene Brandt
Ambrose & Sophie Brayer
James Brennard
Martha Brenner
David Brett
William Briguglio
Grant & Beverly Brickley
Mary Brosko
Robert Brown
Susan Brown
Kathy Bruner
John Bruno
Andrew Budd
Matthew Buehler
Anne Bunofsky
Marjorie Burin
Carol Burke
Frank Burke
David Burns
Susan Burns & Kevin Clements
Alan & Maryann Burton
Robert Butler
Janice & Judith Cafaro
Stephanie Cailor
James Calkins
Philip & Thelma Calo
Maryann Cama
Marty Campana
Betty Campbell
Charles & Carol Campbell
Nicole Campbell
Russell Campbell
Robert Campolito
Ronald Capogreco
Margaret Cappelli
Kimberly Caputo & Matt Farragher
Kenneth Carano
Alanna Card
Lori Carlson
Louis & Judith Carrozzino
Julianne Carsone
Cynthia Carter
Dorrill & Tenna Catlin
Dean Cavacos
Lawrence Cernoch
Richard Chance
Julie Chandler & Jennifer Cramer
David Chase
James Chlebus
George Chmielewski
Pamela Choleva
Robert Christy
Phillip & Marilyn Chuey
Carlo & Dorothy Ciccone
Barbara Ciccotelli
Laura Cintavey
Francis & Roberta Cirelli
Tyler Clark
Jewel Clark-Luchette
Fred & Mary Cleary
Stephanie Cleghorn
Aimee Coles
David Collins
Jean Collins
Ralph Collins
Darrell & Karen Combs
Margaret Conlan
Susan Connelly
Donald Cook
William Cook
Dr. Harry Copp
Mildred Cornicelli
Thomas Cosgrove
Michael Cost
Gary Coupland
Daniel Cox
Marguerite Cracium
John & Judy Cragel
Nada Crago
John Craig
Leah Cramer
Delores Crawford
Rebecca Crawford
Nancy Creed
Edward Crepage
David & Carol Creps
Terry Cresanto
Michael Crisan
Virginia Criscione &
William Janacone
Delores Crisucci
Kenneth & Kathryn Cromley
James Crowe
Bonnie Cruickshank
Dale Cunningham
Stephanie Cunningham
Linda Cusano
Gregory & Nikki Cvetkovic
Thomas & Helen Dailey
Kathleen D’Amato &
Donald Smiley
Esther Damore
Robert & Terri Dance
Andrew & Mary Danus
Pamela Davies
Glenn Davis
Rebecca Davis
Robert Davis
Teresann Davis
Joseph & Antoinette DeAngelis
Richard DelBene
Verna DelDuca
Charles & Lori Dellick
Robert Demart
Linda Demeny
Gregory Demetri
Darlene Demjen
Dr. Frank Deniro
Mark Denucci
Nicholas DeRosa
Mary Derose
Mark Derthick
John Desimone
Susan Desko
Joanne Diana
Sara Dickson
Eric Diefenderfer & Amy Evans
Salvatore DiFrancesco
William Difrangia
Salvatore & Lydia DiLiello
Ray Dinunzio
Ben Dirienzo
Frank & Mary Kay D’Isa
Frank & Kimberly Dixon
David Dobran
Douglas Dohallow
Linda Dolak
Christine Dolphin
Gerald Domanik
Robert Dombrowe
John & Jody Donchess
Scott Donnachie
Cassandra Donofrio
Cheri Donofrio
Joseph Donofrio
Jeanne Dovich
Thomas Downey
Alex Downie
Michael Doyle
Raymond Dravesky
John Drennen
Robert Dubec
Nicholas Dubos
Michael Dubrasky
Brian Duchnak
Heather Dull
David Dunbar
Clarence Dunham
Victor Dunn
Daniel Durkin
Stephen Dutko
Thomas Dzur
Brian Earich
Kristin Eckard
John Edl
Allen Ehas
Robin Eisenbrei
Michelle Elia
Janet Elias
Heather English
David & Barbara Enoch
Kenneth Enoch
Mark Escaja
Marian Eskay
James Essad
Alexander & Kathleen Esseniyi
Donna Esterly
Joseph & Alicia Ethen
Robert & Rose Eusanio
John & Linda Evans
Dr. Joseph Ezzo
Samuel Faccioben
Fred Fair
Gina Falter
James Farris
Robert & Kathy Fedorchak
M. Todd & Jeanne Fencyk
Michael Feranchak
Samuel Ferrara
Robert & Barbara Ferro
Jesse Figueroa
Christine Filip
Robert & Rosemarie Filips
Archie & Angela Finamore
Jennifer Fisher
Daniel Fix
Katrina Fleming
Shelvie Fleming
Debora Flora
Bethany Flores
Tom Flores
Norman Flout
Arlene Floyd
Floyd Folio
Janet Ford
Gail Foreman
Elmer & Michelle Forro
Aurora Fortunato
Bryan Foskie
Cheryl Fox
Michael Foxman
David Frank
Frederick Frank
Jack & Ruth Frankenburg
Michael Freeman
William Frolund
Sandra Frost
Joan Fuller
Carl & Sandra Furano
Isa Furey
Steve & Jane Furgas
Chris Gabrick
Frank Gaetano
Joy Gaetano
Joseph Gagliano
Atty. Ronald Galip
Robert Galmish
Susan Gans
Paul Garchar
Megan Garcia
Urbano Garcia
Gary & Patricia Garland
Robert Garnack
Lori Garner
Eugene & Bonnie Garritano
Anthony Gates
Robert & Lori Gavalier
Sonja Gavitt
Jacquelyn Gawron
Eugene & Janet Geister
Denise Georgalas
Mary Bess George
Linda Catterson Halls Gerken
J. James & Judith Gerlach
Barth Gervelis
Renee Gessner
Lynne Gething
Gregory Gett
Colleen Ghirardi
Ronald Ghizzoni
Anthony Giampietro
Pauline Giampietro
Matthew Giannini
Jack & Mary Gibson
Christine Ginnis
Anthony Gioppo
Jennine Gleghorn
Mary Goclano
Kathryn Goerig-Eastlake
Edward & Lori Goist
David Golden
Greg & Mary Gonda
Mark Gonda
Anthony Gorant
Jeff Gorman
Robert Gorse
Francis Gottron
Ruby Graham
J. Kenneth Gran
Patricia Green
Michael Grieb
Katie Gries
Donna Griesmer
Lynn Griffith
Glenn & Alma Griffiths
Richard & Michelle Griffiths
Joanne Gross
Judith Gross
Thomas Groth
Dr. Jack & Mrs. Dorothy Gruber
Janice Gruver
Paul & Eva Gucwa
Adam Guerrieri
Barbara Guffey
Joseph & Joan Guido
David Gundry
James Gunyula
Matthew Gustovich
James Guy
Daniel Hackett
Jack Haims
Richard Halaparda
John Halase
Kathryn Hall
Robert & Ellen Hall
William & Patricia Hamill
Lydia Hammar
James Hammond
Margaret Hamrock
Charles Hanna
Don Hanni
Richard Hanni
Michael Hannum
Richard & Mary Hanuschak
Franklin Hardy
Kristin Harpe
Lori Harris
Patricia Harrison
Timothy Hart
Robert Harvey
Bryan Hatch
John Havalo
John & Charlene Hay
Inez Heal
Randall Hedlund & Barbara Hirst
Ken & Michele Heinselman
William Heintzelman
Bruce & Sharon Henry
J.F. & Dorothy Henry
Theresa Hickey
Jennifer Hicks
Elizabeth Hickson
Meghan Hiland
James Hildebrand
Richard & Marlene Hill
Theresa Hill
Larry Hinks
Allan Hiscox
Lee Hively
Shawnda Hochstetler
Mark & Aprile Hoffman
Michael Hoffman
Patrick Hoffman
Mary Hogan
Robert Holinbaugh
Marguerite Holliday
Dennis Holmes
Judith Horner
Frank Hoso
Josephine Houser
Dr. Philip Howren
Mary Huber
John Hughes
Frank Hunt
Scott & Susan Hunter
Major Amir Hussain
Julie Huzicko
David Ingraham
James Itts
Joseph Ivan
Robert Iwaskey
James Jackson
Louis & Geri Jacquet
Edward James
Laurie James
John Janosik
Frank Jayne
James & Ann Jickess
Bill Johngrass
Daniel & Martha Johnson
Eric Johnson
Nancy Johnson
Roy & Jeanne Johnson
Beatrice Jones
Chanda Jones
Donald Jones
Hugh & Maryann Jones
Lawrence Jones
Peter Joseph
Tina Jurich
Erin Kachersky
Donald Kalenits
Susan Kalochoritis
Kylene Kamensky
Susan Kapp-Jacobs
Anthony Kariotis
Frank Karlovic
Debra Kascak
William Kasiara
Ibrahim Kassem
Ned Kaufman
Rochelle Kelley
Thomas Kellogg
Theresa Kelly
Paul Kemper
Ellison Kerber
Karen Kern
Mollie Kessler
Pollyanna Ketchem-Myers
Dale Kinkade
Mary Kinnard
Dorothy Kiraly
Kenneth Kitt
Mildred Klapack
Elaine Klenotic
Paul Klim
Louise Kline
Edward & Sally Knapick-Winsen
Nicole Kocanjer
Anne Kohut
William Kohuth
Connie Kolarik
Beth Komara
Meredith Konya
Thomas Kopkash
Joseph & Jacqueline Kopper
Eugene Koss
Linda Kostka
Kathleen Kovach
Stephen & Virginia Kozarich
Thomas Krake
Dr. Robert & Mary Kramer
Luann Kraus
Brian Kren
Mary Anne Kroner
Michael & Suzanne Kroner
John Krpicak & Kelly Peachock
Edward Krug
James Kuba
Martin Kubic
Paul Kuboff
Eugene Kusnir
Benjamin Kyle
Michael Lacivita
Stephen LaCivita
Virginia Ladig
Cindy Ladymon
John Lamanna
Linda Lamanna
Carol Lamb
Paul Lambing
Sotiria Lambis
Frank Langosh
Brenda Lattanzio
Janice Laughner
Ronald & Shelley
Diana LaVaglio
Teaza Law
Jeffrey & Natalie Lawson
Dr. James Lehnerd
Matthew Leicht
Anna Leko
Jennifer Lenox
David & Patricia Leo
Anthony Leone
Richard Lepore
Dr. Vincent Lepore
Mark Leskovec
James & Marilyn Leslie
Dr. James Lessick
Christopher Lewis
John Lewis
John Lightner
Dawn Lindquist
Merele Linsenbigler
Robert Lipinsky
Brenda Lipp
Stephen & Deborah Liptak
Dale Lisko
Paul & Ann Litman
William Livosky
Christina Lobinger
Craig Lobmiller
Joan Losiewicz
James & Marjorie Lowery
Angela Lubonovich
Dr. Jay Lugibihl
Lisa Lukasko
Beverly Lunn
Bruce Luntz
Michael Lupo
Jay Luteran
Gregory Lutz
Thomas Lynch
Thomas & Cathleen Lynch
Shirley Lyon
James MacDonald
Karen MacDonald
Dori MacMillan
Nancy Madonio
Jacqueline Magargee
Robert Mahaffey
Joseph Mahoney
Donald & Marilyn Majors
Michael Malley
Barry Mallory
Donald Mancini
Robert & Claranne Marchese
Nicholas Marcu
Guy Marino
John & Lucille Marino
Fred & Arleen Marinucci
James Markos
Gilbert Marquis
James & Mary Martin
Sue Martin
James Maruschek
Robert & Emma Mason
John Massie
Anthony Mastrangelo
Mary Mathews-Bebech
Edwin Maughan
Joseph Maxin
David Mayer
Debra Mayne
Diane Maytas-Long
Greg Mazurek
Michael McBride
Dorothy McCabe
Maureen McCann
Phyllis McCann
Jeff & Janet McCauslin
Jesse McClain
Jack McConnell
Christopher McDanel
Matthew McDonough
Clarabel McDuffie
Duira McFarland
1928 –
President of Youngstown
State University
Humphrey was president of the University of Alaska before coming to YSU
in 1978 as vice president for financial
affairs. In 1983, when President John J.
Coffelt took medical leave, Humphrey
served as acting president. In 1984,
the YSU Board of Trustees appointed
him to the presidency. He retired in
Ann McGeary
James McGiffin
Sara McGinley
Roseann McGinty
Mollie McGovern
Anna McGrath
William McGrew
James McIntee
Charles McIntire
Michael & Denise McKee
Cosetta McMillan
Daniel McNally
David & Patricia McNicholas
Thomas Medzie
Anthony & Irene Mehle
Aleida Melendez
Mark & Margaret Melnek
Gladys Melnick
Dr. John Melnick
Josefina Mendel
Martha Menk
Charles & Monica Merrell
Genevieve Meshot
Dr. Howard Mettee
Pamela Mihalik
Hon. Robert & Mrs. Kathryn Milich
Adam Miller
Alex Miller
Gary & Linda Miller
Karen Miller
Marian Miller
Mary Jane Miller
John Mills
Laurie Mills
Atty. Roy Mimna
Shirley Minnozzi
Thomas & Suzanne Miranda
Anne Misel
Dr. Eugenia Missik
Maria Moderalli
Noreen Moderalli-Mancini
Alycee Mohney-Keith
Paul Monus
Lisa Mook
Mary Moon
Dennis Moore
James Moore
Ronald & Claudia Moore
Roger Moreland
Edward Morgan
Elaine Morgan
Vincent Morgione
Evan Morris
Jeanne Morrisey
Marilyn Morrison
Heidi Moss
Eugene Mostrog
George & Donna Mowrey
Robert Mucci
Michael Muder
John Muntean
Dr. Richard Muntean
George Murphy
Micheal & Janet Murray
John Murynski
Tina Muscari
George Myers
Frank Nagy
Zade Nahhas
Kathy Naples
Anthony & Margaret Napoli
Lawrence & Anita Napolitan
Vince Nardy
Sam Natale
Elba Navarro
Marianne Navin
Stacey Neiheisel
Bert & Dianne Newman
Harry Nickl
Domenic Nigro
Amy Nilsson
Jerald Norton
Mark O’Conner
Fredric O’Connor
Grace O’Connor
Paul O’Connor
Ellen O’Leary
Dolores Oles
Diane Oliva
Richard & Annmarie Oliver
Carol Olson
Atty. Leonard Olson
Jean O’Mara
Mary O’Neill
Kevin O’Reilly
Paul Orend
Michael & Mary O’Toole
William Padisak
Wayne Pagani
Doug Painchaud
James Panagis
Leonard Panella
George & Connie Panno
Ben Pantalone
Dennis & Beverly Parks
Jerome Parm
Christan & Lori Pascarella
Joseph Pasquarella
Judith Patmon
James Patsey
Robin Patton
Frank Pavlechko
Dr. Marie Pavlicko
Jason Pavone
Richard & Dwyn Peake
Thomas Peluso
Melanie Penksa
Earl Pennell
Stephanie Penrose
Frank Perdulla
Phyllis Perlman
David Pernice
James & Pauline Perry
Davida Perry-Taylor
Lori Peters
Eric & Paula Peterson
Traci Petillo
Yvonne Petrella
Thomas & Phyllis Pfahles
John & Tina Piatek
John & Janet Pierko
Charles Pierson
Joseph Marlana Pinciaro
Brian Pinkerton
Nick Pitinii
Julie Plekan
Ronald Ples
Angel Ploumbis
Joyce Pogany
Helen Polombi
Barry Poor
John & Lynn Marie Popa
John Poponyak
George & Bernadette Porinchak
Thomas Poston
Peggy Potts
John & Judith Poulson
C. Edward Powell
Merril & Susan Powell
Brooke Power
Atty. Constant Prassinos
James & Roberta Price
Richard & Mary Price
Richard & Perin Price
Herbert Pridham
Christopher Prime
Wealthie Prince
Sharon Profato
Peter Prokop
Frederick Prossen
Thomas Pryor
Michael Prystash
Stephen & Deborah Puhalla
Bonita Puncekar
Debra Quinn
Herliana Rachman
Robert Raffle
Rochelle Rager
Alfred & Joann Raghanti
George Raiger
Karrin Raphtis
Patrick Ranalli
Raymond Raschilla
Richard Ratliff
Ryan Raubenstraw
Gary Rauschenberg
Michael Ray
Mark Reed
James & Cathy Reese
Nick Rega
Charles Reidbord
William Reiner
Diane Reinke
Anthony Reitano
Raymond & Arlene Repko
Ralph & Christine Ricci
Thomas Rice
Dr. David Rich
Kathleen Richter
James Riebe
John Riley
Donna Ritch
Rick Ritchie
Frances Ritz
Donald Roberts
Dr. Connie Robinson
Anthony Rocci
Dr. Juanita Roderick-Latham
Timothy & Mary Rodgers
James Rogers
Thomas Rogers
Arlene Rohrer
Marie Roller
John Roman
Frank Romeo
Charles Romig
Dan Roncaglione
Anthony Ronci
Deborah Rosendary
Nick Rosian
Joseph Ross
Joseph & Linda Ross
Dominic & Constance Rosselli
Dominic Rosselli, Jr.
Anthony Rossi
Judy Roth
Michael & Mary Jane Roth
Wayne Roth
Marian Rothenberg
Maria Rotunno
J. Brian Rowland
Rebecca Royer
David & Nancy Rubino
Marie Rubino
Ernie & Judith Ruby
Nancy Ruggieri
Ruth Rusnak
John P. Russo
Carmel Sacco
Jessica Sacco
Karl Sachs
Jane Sadinski
Clare Salata
Gregory Salvati
Dr. Charles Sammarone, Jr.
Richard Sandy
Sallie Santangelo
Chelsey Santucci
Ross Sapienza
Robert Sargent
Mary Sartori
Frederick & Beverly Sauer
Kathleen Sauline
Robert Sause
Jain Savage
Joan Sawayda
Richard Sawicki
Frank & Melessa Scattino
Nels & Elaine Scheel
Howard Scheetz
Joanne Schell
Daniel Schiavone
Joseph & Marlene Schiffer
Carrie Schmidt
Ted & Lisa Schmidt
Daniel Schneider
Edwin & Mary Schwartz
Sandra Scott
F. William Scragg
Sara Scudier
William Scullin
William Scurich
Donald Searcy
Jeffrey & Mary Sebest
Gene Sechrest
David Seery
Howard Seidel
Debra Seinkner
Linda Seka
Patricia Sekola
Michael & Jean Senchak
Robert Senich
John Senvissky
Amanda Sevilla
Lawrence Shaffer
Diana Shaheen
Justin Sharp
Matthew Shaw
Raymond Sheppard
Jeffry Sheridan
Katherine Sheridan
Paul Shiller
Amanda Shina-Cutright
Patricia Shively
Robert & Genevieve Shively
Jay & Christine Socha Shonk
Stephen & Judith Shonn
William Shriver
Debbie Shutt
Peter & Stephanie Sicafuse
John & Marilyn Sich
Sandy Sikes
Mary Jo Sikora
Robert & Dawn Silvestri
Joseph Simeo
Anthony Sinopoli
George & Cynthia Siva
Homer Skinner
Robert Skruck
Nancy Sloan
Gloria Slocum
Philip Smaldino
Angela Small
Audrey Smith
Constance Smith
Dane Smith
James & Mary Ann Smith
John & Lucy Smith
Nancy Smith
Maryann Smolko
Edward Smrek
Robert Smyczynski
William Snider
James & Donna Snovak
John Snow
Paul Snyder
Richard Sobotka
Francis Sole
Jack Sommerlad
John & Vive Sontich
Anthony Soppelsa
Herman & Barbara Sostaric
Jeffrey Spatar
Betty Spence
David Spies
Dr. Manuel & Mrs. Demetria Spirtos
Nancy Sprockett
Del Stamm
Niki Stamos
Phillip Stanchin
Shawn Starkey
Audrey Stas
John Stas
Tresa Stavlas
Janice Steffanina
Richard & Rhonda Steigerwald
Jack Stein
Thomas & Sandra Stephenson
Richard Sternagel
Gary Stevenson
Dr. James & Mrs. Angela Stille
Alan Stiver
Norman & Anita Stothard
George Stowe
Thomas Strauss
Earl Stringer
Bruce Stroney
Frances Stuber
Charles Suchy
Eleanore Suciu
Becky Suich
Barbara Sullivan
George Summers
Michael Susick
Patricia Sveth
Claudia Swantek
Gail Sweitzer
Florence Swierz
Anthony & Theresa Swindler
Robert Talarczyk
Stephen Tanner
Alan Tatalovich
Bradley & Lisa Taylor
David Tempesta
Gina Terlecky
Christine Terlesky
Paul Terlesky
John Texter
Daniel Thomas
Daniel & Patricia Thomas
David Thomas
Griffith Thomas
Marlene Thomas
Edwin Thompson
Joshua Thompson
Robert Thornburg
Donald Thullen
Wayne & Nancy Tiedeman
Gary Tincu
Laura Tisher
James Tkach
Ronald Tomko
Rosemary Tornincasa
Joseph Torok
Thomas & Mary Toth
Joseph Toti
Robert & Tammy Toti
Cynthia Totten
Ronald Totten
Shaun & Kara Totten
Wesley & JoAnn Traylor
Bruce Tropea
George Trotogott
Paul Truhan
Chiu-Ching Tsang
Voncile Tucker
John & Kay Tudhope
Donald Turjan
Robert & Audrey Turner
Dr. Patricia Tway
Charles Tydings
Norma Udell
Robert Udell
Victor Ugran
Daniel Uhlar
Richard & Debra Ulam
Marcel & Shirley Ulrich
Roy Vankanegan
Robert Vansuch
George VanValien
Rose VanValien
Karen Vasko
Ronald Vass
Donna Vecchio
Marc & Lisa Vegh
Anthony Verostko
Sandra Vlock
Raymond Vojtko
Margaret Voytilla
Patricia Vuletich
William & Jean Wainio
Louis Waleff
James Walkama
James Walker
Robert Walker
Thomas Walko
Evelyn Walsh
Clare Wardle
Garey Watson
Susan Watson
James Wayne
Sharon Weems
Patricia Weickenand
Atty. William & Mrs. Carole Weimer
Linda Welch
Marilyn Wenger
Jon Wheeler
Timothy Whetstone
Patrick & Patricia Whitaker
Barbara Wigle
Catherine Wigley
Robert Wilkeson
Gwendolyn Wilkins
J. Richard & Patricia Will
Gilles Willard
Herbert Williams
Irene Williams
Robert Williams
Willie Williams
Ruth Williamson
Loretta Willmitch
Karen Willshaw
Karen Wilson
Kenneth Wilson
Jacci Wilster
Dennis Wingard
Frank Wittenauer
Thomas Wolanski
Raymond Wolfe
John Woloschak
Kathy Wood
Eleanor Woodford
Cindy Woodman
Dennis & Rae Woolley
Jennifer Wozniak
Andrea Wright
Raymond & Karen Wright
Connie Wright-McIntosh
Eric Wyant
Keiva Wyatt
John & Belinda Yaksich
Roy Yancey
Norbert Yanek
Denise Yankle
Edward Yatsco
Dr. Ralph & Mrs. Helen Yingst
Kenneth & Martha Young
Florence Yuhas
Mark Yurjevich
Jeffrey Yurtin
Robert Zajack
Val Zampedro
Robert Zastany
Richard Zbell
Alexander A. Adams
Russell & Kathryn Adams
Stacey Adger
Philip J. Albaugh
Susan I. Alexander
Carol A. Amicone
Ronald D. Anderson
Philip A. Astorino
Roger & Carol Avery
Michael A. Baca
Warner D. Bacak
Paul Balciar
Francis P. Balestrino
Karen S. Balogh
David A. Baranski
Bill Barnhart
Kenneth J. Basista
Michele A. Basista
Alan R. Baxter
William D. Beard
Daniel H. Becker Rev. Trust
Nancy L. Beda
Betty J. Beelen
Suzannah J. Behm
Nancy S. Benedek
Arthur A. Benedict
John A. Bergman
Debra N. Beronja
Christine L. Bidwell
Cheri L. Biros
Marsha L. Blair
Joseph & Judy Blankenship
Tammy M. Blazak
Terence & Janie Blevins
Darren F. Bodak
Michael W. Bodak
Janet Boehm
Laura B. Boich
Bege K. Bowers
Daniel J. Boyle
James A. Boyle
Lynn S. Boyle
Ione D. Bradley
Scott & Kristine Brewer
Sandra Fulton Britt
Brian D. Brobst
James A. Brown
William F. Brown
James E. Brundage
Jodi L. Burkhart
Patricia L. Caldrone
Kathleen Brown Carroll
Patrick F. Casey
Cats Sales-Leasing Corporation
Guy L. Cerimele
Debra L. Chance
Terry Chatman
Maria V. Ciletti
Cincinnati Insurance Company
Ted Cisine
Carole Jean Clacko
Bruce W. Clary
Michael A. Clingenpeel
David L. Collins
John Colonna, Jr.
Duane Comek
Edward P. Condo
Domenic L. Constantini
William R. Cook
Charles Cooper
Carole R. Cope
James P. Corfman
Wayne N. Cornelius, Jr.
Maria D. Coward
Joseph A. Cox
Nick Zerefos
Stacey Zipay
Wesley Zipay
Joyce Zitkovich
Gerald Zoccali
George Zokle
Stella Zone
Alumni Relations has identified many opportunities for alumni to participate and show
their pride in YSU. The following list contains the names of alumni who support the university
through the purchase of collegiate Pete the Penguin license plates.
This program, provided by the BMV, generates yearly revenue and another source for
university scholarships.
Debra J. Crater
Amy Crawford
Richard A. Crepage
Daniel R. Crum
Saundra K. Cummings
David W. Cuva
John G. Cyphert
Kathleen Damato
John F. Dangelo
Crystal D. Danley
Nancy Davidson
J. Randy Davis
Lawrence & Kimberly Davis
Robert A. Defrank
Lisa L. Defuria
Ronald A. Deichler
Ronald A. Delisio, Sr.
Raymond M. Delost
Edward A. Demechko
Anthony J. Denoi
John Depasquale
John P. Desimone
Diamond Steel Construction
Joe & Ellen Dickey
Louis DiDonato
Mark J. Dilts
Mary Dimitriou
John A. Direnzo
Joni L. Dobran
Mark P. Dolak
Raymond R. Dolney
Kathleen E. Doneyko
David J. Dortin
Pauline C. Downey
W. E. Downie Company, Inc.
Dean C. Dreifke
Frank R. Duesing
Heather L. Dull
Mary L. Durick
Angela M. Dutcher
Joseph & Karen Edwards
Robert Elias
Dominic D. English
Cheryl A. Enos
Anne Evans
Donna L. Farmer
Jonathan P. Featsent
Angela M. Ferenchak
John E. Ferenchak
Michael A. Ferncez
Patricia A. Filipovich
Dohn M. Flick
Michael J. Formati
John P. Fox
James & Melissa Frank
Jack Frankenburg
Neil D. Frasca
Anthony F. Frattaroli
Frank A. Frattaroli
Terry A. Fullum
Darla J. Funk
Susan A. Fusselman
Robert L. Gall
Nicholas A. Gallo
Melanie M. Gamez
Ronald A. Garchar
Melissa A. Gardner
Catherine A. Garlock
Beverly L. Gartland
Beverly Gaudio
Wayne K. Geer
Mark A. Giancola
Patricia A. Gibson
Valerie P. Gibson
Walter A. Gibson
Thomas L. Gilbride
Richard J. Gilida
William & Barbara Glass
Gary A. Goddard
Walter E. Good
Shamone Gore
Emil Graban
Ron M. Graham
Laura J. Gran
Thomas R. Green
Robert, II & Michele Grim
Eileen C. Grimm
Richard M. Gross
Gayle A. Grove
Anthony C. Guarnieri
Matthew D. Gurbach
Nelson E. Gustafson
Patrick C. Haggerty
Joan M. Hahn
Richard M. Hahn
Ellen M. Hall
Steven B. Halverson
David W. Hanes
Michael J. Hannum
Paula G. Harris
Emanuel M. Harrison
Rosemary Hart
Thomas W. Hart
James E. Harvey
Dale E. Hawkins
Kristin B. Hawkins
Chris Heasley
Laura Hehr
Dave A. Helton
Bruce A. Henry
Thomas & Paula Hernan
Tad Herold
Carrie L. Hetmanski
Richard A. Hideg
Robert W. Hodge
Richard M. Holzschuh
Jonathan Honthy
Brian Hoodin
Michael & Cari Hornikel
Rebecca Hudak
David L. Huffman
Robert Huffman
Jane E. Hurley-Skusa
Gregory & Kristen Hymes
Anna L. Ilko
Insurance Claim Service
Eric S. Isakson
Tracy Ishee
Ross M. Ivkovich
Edward & Sandra James
Joseph R. & Amy M. Jenyk
Dean Jewell
Thomas & Carol Jochman
Janis A. Johnson
Nancy Johnson
Patricia Johnston
Mikki Jones
Richard W. Jones
David C. Joseph
Joseph M. Juby
Joan E. Julian
Mark A. Julian
Kimberly A. Kemats
Deborah Kemper
Raymond King
Margaret E. Kinnick
Katherine A. Kirtos
Annette M. Klimko
Glenn H. Kluge
Thomas S. Kolic
Ann B. Konik
Patricia Kopatich
Edward Kosiba
Craig Kotulock
Robert & Ernestine Kovach
James & Cynthia Kravec
Jeffery & Megan Kubala
Kenneth E. Kubus
Shelly LaBerto
Jon S. Lane
Donald R. Larcinese
Melissa A. Laufman
Mark Leger
William & Darlene Leshnock
William A. Leskovec
Michael E. Leson
Leslie J. Lewis
Betty Jo Licata
Frank A. Licata
William Livosky
Gary D. Lockett
Lori L. Longo
William R. Losiewicz
Randall & Harry Love
Beverly A. Machuga
Cyndee T. Mackall
Terri L. Madej
Maryanne Madison
Joseph F. Malmisur
Michael J. Mancini
Shelley A. Mangus
Marcia Manning
Raymond C. Manofsky, Jr.
Annette C. Marado
Gerald F. Marquis
Rosemary D. Marsco
Stephen P. Marshall
Elaine J. Martin
William J. Marzec
Walter & Diane Mayls
Jesse & Catherine McClain
Deborah McCullough
Richard D. McElhaney
Brent M. McFadden
Rachael McLaughlin
Gayle L. Melia
Matthew & Lori Ann Mercer
Pamela Merdich
Robert B. Meredith
Elizabeth J. Merva
Michael D. Migliore
Brian B. Miller
Paula Miller
William E. Miller
Michael & Jeannine Mistovich
Michael & Amy Mize
Robert L. Moliterno
John C. Morrison
Lateefah L. Muhammad
William H. Muir, III
Kathleen E. Mumaw
Terrence R. Murphy
Marcello V. Myers
Susan L. Naples
Michael & Edith Narducci
National R. Technicians
Alan & Rebecca Nelis
Elaine A. Nemcik
Gary Nemcik
Laneen Niser
Michael T. Noday
Doris Norling
Therese Novak
Dale M. Novello
Derek M. Novello
Eileen W. Novotny
Kenneth E. Novotny
Thomas W. Nunziato
Kenneth D. Nyers
Carol A. Okrucky
Robert A. Oleary
Annmarie Oliver
Ralph H. Ormsby
Michael Orto
Patricia J. O’Shaughnessy
Judith A. Paduchik
Pamela A. Palumbo
Sharon A. Pappada
Joyce E. Paris
John Pasko
John D. Patta
Penny J. Pavelko
James Pavlak
Richard & Dwyn Peake
Michele F. Pease
Elizabeth Pash Penniman
Tedrow & Susan Perkins
Lori A. Peters
Paul C. Peterson
Richard & Barbara Peterson
Daniel J. Pissini
Vincent Pitoscia
Philip A. Pizzitola, II
Benjamin Podolski
David O. Pond
Stephen E. Popovich
John R. Poprik
Eileen M. Porter
Sean C. Pregibon
Richard A. Pressell
Christopher Prime
Lorie R. Prince
Wealthie B. Prince
Paul Prince-Wright
Laura M. Profitt
Michael L. Puhalla
Larrie D. Puraty
Ella M. Quinn
Tom L. Rakovec, II
Mary Ann Ramovs
Zachary A. Randall
Dennis L. Rapp
Mary Ann Ratica
Richard H. Reddinger
Christine R. Reese
Jane S. Reid
Bradley & Lisa Rek
Martin R. Reschner
Donna M. Richards
Lawrence H. Richards
Timothy Richards
Demario F. Ridgeway
John J. Rindy
Maureen Riordan
Larry E. Roberts & Co., Inc.
Thomas J. Roch
Stephen T. Rolfe
Eric V. Ronan
Patricia S. Rosko
Stuart B. Rothman
Robert L. Ruhlman, Jr.
Paul M. Rushen
Mark & Ruth Rusnak
Rose Mary Russo
Deborah S. Ryan
Valerie J. Sandora
Carol A. Sankovic
William Sarisky, III
C. Reid & Judith Schmutz
Sharon J. Schroeder
William P. Schuler
Robert & Joann Schulick
Roseann B. Schwartz
Donald L. Searcy
Lawrence M. Sebben
Mitchell T. Selesnak
Madelyn T. Sell
Robert J. Senn
David P. Serroka
Lawrence H. Shaffer
Bruce E. Sherman
Patricia A. Shiamone
Donald D. Sicafuse
Rosemary T. Sicafuse
Anthony Siciliano
Stanley J. Sikora
Karen E. Silvers
Herbert L. Simpson
Charles R. Singler
John J. Skubiak
Michael J. Skurich
Michael S. Skurich
Angela D. Small
Ann Palmero Smith
Clarence, Jr. & Rose Marie Smith
Melissa A. Smith
Patricia A. Smith
Sara E. Smith
Senta D. Smith
John W. Smythe
Edward R. Snier
Charles D. Snyder
Dolores A. Snyder
James Snyder
Anthony V. Spano
Emanuel M. Spirtos
Thomas J. Stabi
Amory M. Starkey
Anita M. Stothard
Peggy Ann Strimbu
Rokey W. Suleman, II
Phillip M. Summitt
Phillip Sweeney
Patrick J. Taafe
Daniel B. Tait
Frank J. Tarantine
Whitney Taylor-Washington
Rachel A. Tecca
Vincent Tesner
Elizabeth Thomas
Heidi J. Thomas
Terrance P. Thomas
Barbara H. Tinkham
Dennis F. Tinkler
Nick & Shannon Tirone
Roslyn Irene Torella
Robert & Tammy Toti
Thomas Treleven, Jr.
Dolores E. Tricomi
Earl & Sharon Trimmer
Paul Truhan
Robert & Jennifer Turner
Paula Tyson
Ted & Loretta Underhill
Michael A. Vanatsky
Monica L. Vansuch
Edward L. Victor
Anthony & Carmel Villano
Michael C. Villano
Josephine Vogel
Raymond P. Vojtko
Jill L. Vukovich
Carol C. Wagner
William & Jean Wainio
Louis L. Wainwright
Darrell R. Wallace
Victor F. Wan-Tatah
Stephen E. Ware
Paul J. Weber
Mark J. Wesolowsky
Anne Louise White
Earnest J. White, Sr.
Stephanie White
Michael & Teena Wiery
Robert & Linda Wilkeson
Gwendolyn M. Wilkins
James R. Williams
Richard Williams
Robert G. Williams
Alan C. Wilson
Robert C. Wilson
Erin Wingfield
Michael J. Woloschak
Jhera Woodard
Rhonda D. Woods
Linda L. Wray
Steven L. Wright
Gary & Katherine Yonchak
Anne M. York
George & Mary Young
Richard A. Yuschak
Raymond P. Zabel
Eugene J. Zalka
Bonita Zerbonia
John Zomoida
Joseph A. Zucco
As the cost of both higher education and athletic competition continues to rise, so does the
challenge of competing at a “championship level.” The Penguin Club continues to accept the
challenge of helping meet the financial needs of the Youngstown State University Intercollegiate
Athletics Department.
Our Penguin Club donors have a significant role in helping provide the resources YSU studentathletes need to take advantage of educational and athletic opportunities. The students appreciate
the opportunities offered to them: Penguin student-athletes’ graduation rates and grade point
averages are excellent, with a significant number of them making the Horizon League honor roll.
We thank you for your support – it is vital to the success of the Penguin Club mission.
A & W Family RestaurantBoardman
Acura of Boardman
Mr. Alex Adams
Mr. Robert Adduci
Adolph Johnson & Son Company
Mr. Mark Adovasio
Mr. David Aldan
Mr. Ronald J. Ameen
Anatomical Concepts
Mr. Edward Anderson
Ms. Marianne Anderson
Mr. Ronald Anderson
Mr. Jake Andreadis
Andretti Ford
Mr. Thomas Anness
Mr. John Antonucci
Mr. Robert A. Ariza
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Armeni
Mr. Ken Aven
B & I Management Company
B & J Electric of Poland
B.J. Alan Fireworks Company
Mr. Michael A. Baca
Mr. Bob Bachinger
Ms. Grace Bacot
Mr. Scott Baird
Mr. Burdette Baker
Mr. Aldo Balestra
Mr. Craig M. Ballew
Mr. John E. Ballew
Mr. Gary Balog
Mr. David Baranski
Mr. John B. Barkett
Michael Barkett Families
Mrs. Paula Barrett
Mr. Merton J. Bartelmay
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Bartoli
Ms. Teresa E. Bartoszek
Mr. Alan Baxter
Mr. Richard Beany
Ms. Elaine Beatty
Mr. Michael Francis Beck, Sr.
Mr. Rand D. Becker
Mr. Richard Bee
Mr. Bruce Beeghly
Mr. R. Thornton Beeghly
Belleria Pizza
Belleria Pizza-Hubbard
Mr. Dick Bennett
Mr. John Bergman
Ms. Debra Beronja
Mr. Elmer Berstling
Mr. Damian Billak
Dr. Richard Billak
Mr. Blair Blythe
Mr. Edward Bodnar
Mrs. Laura B. Boich
Mr. Chuck Booth
Mr. Andrew Bowell
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan R. Bowser
Mr. Harold Bowser
Atty. John Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Branson
Mr. William J. Bresnahan
Mr. David Brickley
Brilex Industries
Mr. Raymond J. Briya
Broadband Hospitality
Mr. Don R. Brothers
Dr. Donald Brunetti
Victor Buck Insurance Agency
Mr. Harry Bukovinsky
Mr. Bruce Burge
Mr. Todd Burkey
Mr. Charles Butler
Butler Wick & Company
Mr. William A. Cafaro
Cailor Fleming & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Joe Calcagni
Mr. Robert A. Calcagni
Mr. Mitch Callahan
Mr. Bob Camardo
Mr. Rick Camardo
Mr. Thomas Campana
Mr. Richard Canacci
Mr. & Mrs. William Cann
Canteen Service of Steel Valley
Mr. & Mrs. John Carden
Mr. Thomas F. Carey
Ms. Denise Carissimo
Carney-McNicholas, Inc.
Mr. Carmine Cassese
Mr. Joseph Cassese
Mrs. Susan Catullo
Mr. Jeffrey J. Chahine, CPA
Mr. Bill Chambers
Mr. George Chepke
Mr. Peter Chila
Mr. Frank Chimento
Mr. Jeff Chrystal
Jeff Chrystal Catering
Mr. Phillip F. Chuey
Mr. Sam Ciminero
Cintas Corporation
Clear Channel Radio
Mr. Ron Clever
Mr. Dennis Clouse
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Cochran
Mr. Thomas Colclough
Mr. Jack Collett
Mrs. Jean Collins
Mr. Jack Colonna
Ms. Karen Colonna
Mr. Gene Colucci
Compco Industries
Coach Kenneth Conatser
Mr. Don Constantini
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Conway
Dr. Harry A. Copp
Mr. Joseph Courtney
Mr. Sam Covelli
Mr. David Coy
Mr. Jack Cramb, Jr.
Mr. Tod Crowe
Mr. Jim Cuchna
Mr. James Culcasi
Judge Patrick Cunning
Mr. Raymond Curry
Atty. John P. Daliman
Mr. Joseph Damore
Mr. John D’Angelo
Mr. Anthony Danta
Mr. James Dascenzo
Mr. & Mrs. Evan W. Davis
DeBartolo Corporation
Mr. Richard DeBucci
Mr. David Deibel
Mr. Tony DelBene
Mr. Rich DeLisio
Mr. Ron DeLisio
Mrs. Vicki DelliQuadri
Atty. Raymond M. Delost
Mr. Thomas Delvaux
Mr. William Demidovich
Ms. Darlene Demjen
Mr. Richard Denamen
Mr. Mike DeNiro
Mr. Phillip Dennison
Mr. & Mrs. Lou DeVicchio
Diamond Steel Company
Mr. Steve Diaz
Mr. Jim DiBiccaro
“Joe” Dickey Electric
Mr. Lynn Dieter
Mr. Larry Dix
Mr. Ron A. Doll
Mr. Ray Domer
Mr. Istvan Domonkos
Dr. Shawn M. Donatelli
Mr. & Mrs. John Doneyko
Judge & Mrs. Joseph Donofrio
Mr. Tim Dove
Mr. Brad Downie
Mr. Frank R. Duesing
Dr. Raymond Duffett
Dr. Robert J. Durick
Mr. & Mrs. David Dutko
EDAN Management
Bob & Chuck Eddy Dodge
Mr. Frank Einsiedel
Dr. James Ellashek
Mrs. Patricia Engstrom
Mr. Michael Fagert
Mr. Jack Fahey
Falcon Transport/Comprehensive
Mr. Ray Fallen
Ms. Deborah Feke
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Feld
Atty. Mark Finamore
Mr. John Fincham
First National Bank
Mr. James Fisher
Mr. Jeffrey Flack
Mrs. Jeanne Foley
Mrs. Diane Folkwein
Mr. Rob Folsom
Mr. Charles Fowler
Mr. David G. Frank
Mr. Neil Frasca
Frederick Chrysler Jeep Dodge
Mr. Robert L. Fry
Mr. Rick Fryda
Ms. Terry Fullum
Mr. William T. Gaffney, Jr.
Mr. Tim Gallo
Mr. Ronald Garchar
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Gartland
Mr. George Gasser
Gasser Chair
Mrs. Beverly Gaudio
GBS Computer Solutions
Dr. John Geletka
Mr. James Geller
Gemini Home Improvements
General Motors - Lordstown
The Georgetown
Mr. Jeffrey Gergel
Mr. Byrd Giampetro
Mr. Matthew Giannini
Mr. Sean Giblin
Mr. John J. Gocala
Mr. J. Paul Good
Coach Brian Gorby
Mr. & Mrs. Fran Gottron, III
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Graham
Mr. James L. Gravink
Mr. James B. Greene
Greenwood Chevrolet/Hummer
Mr. George Guarnieri
Mr. Steve Guerriero
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Gurlea
Mr. Nelson Gustafson
Ms. Janet Gutierrez
Dr. Madeleine Haggerty
Mr. Douglas Hagy
Atty. Dennis Haines
Mr. James E. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Hall, VI
Mr. Thomas Harmicar
Dr. Louis Harris
Mr. Donald Harrison
Ron Haus Auto Group
Dr. Vernon Haynes
Coach Jon Heacock
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Helton
Mr. Robert Hendricks
Mr. J.F. Henry
Mr. Mark Hephner
Mr. William J. Higgins, III
Coach Tisha Hill
Hill, Barth & King, LLC
Mr. David Hinkle
Mr. Lee Hively
Hively Construction Company
Mr. Guenther Hladiuk
Dr. Ted Hobbs
Home Savings & Loan
The Honda Store
Hoover Family
Mr. Steven E. Horger
Mr. Jeff Houlette
Mrs. Claudia Hritz
Mrs. Glenda Hrosch
Mr. Paul Hrosch
Mr. Stanley Huber
Mr. Warren Huber
Mrs. Pat Hunt
Mr. Thomas Hura
Mr. Tom Hutch
Mrs. Marty Hyden
Mr. Joseph Ignazio
Dr. Joseph Irilli
Mr. David Ivko
Ms. Elaine Jacobs
Mr. Jim Jacobson
Mr. Richard James
Ms. Debbie Janis-Verbosky
Jay Jay’s BBQ
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Jochman
Mr. Billy Johnson
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Mr. Randall Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Johnston
Mr. Chuck Joseph
Ms. Debbie Juruaz
K.E.L. Home Inspections
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kaleel
Mr. Bob Kamenitsa
Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Kaydo
Mrs. Nancy Kayne
Mr. John H. Kegley, Sr.
Mr. Tom Kegley
Mr. Pat Kelly
Mr. Joe Kerola
Dr. Edward Kessler
Dr. Tammy King
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kishman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Klacik
Mr. Paul Klacik
Mr. James L. Klepper
Mr. David Knapik
Mrs. F.W. Knecht, III
Mr. Bill Knittle
Ms. Bonnie Koch
Mr. John Kolar
Mr. Socrates Kolitsos
Ms. Cynthia Korchnak
Mr. Bernard J. Kosar
Mr. Edward Kosiba
Mr. William J. Kovass
Atty. Alan R. Kretzer
Mr. Roy Kroll
Ms. Stacy Krueger
Ms. Cathy L. Krupko
Mr. Michael Kurilla
Dr. Fred Kurz
Mr. Mike J. Kushaney
Mr. George Charles Kushma, Jr.
Ms. Renee LaCivita
Mr. Robert Lackey
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lariccia
Mr. Edward S. Lariccia
Mr. Michael J. Latessa
Mr. Scott Lawrence
LA-Z-BOY Furniture
Mr. James Leetch
Mr. Mark Leger
Mr. John Lesch
Mr. Jim Leugers
Mr. Edward Leviseur
Mr. Howard Lewis
Dr. Betty Jo Licata
Mr. Robert Lidle
Dr. Larry Liguore
Linde Hydraulics
Ms. Valorie Lipka
Mr. Robert E. Liptak
Ms. Julia Lloyd
Mr. Rick Love
Mr. Joseph A. Lucente
Mr. John Luklan
Mr. Paul Lyden
Lyden Oil Company
Maj. Gen. Robert G. Lynn
Ms. Laura Mae Malloy
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Malmisur
Mr. John W. Manhollan
Mr. John Marino
Market Motors
Mrs. Cher Marshall
Mr. Mark Masaki
Atty. John Masternick
Mr. Edward Matey
Mr. Joe Matteo
Atty. Joseph Maxin
Ms. Heather McAtee
Mr. Daniel P. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Terry McCarthy
Mr. Jesse McClain
Mr. Paul McFadden
Mr. Kevin McGuire
Mr. Charles H. McIntire
Mrs. Jean E. McKenna
Mr. Charles Merrell
Mr. Gregg Merrill
Mr. Ned Mervos
Mr. Richard Meszaros
Ms. Lynn Michalec
Atty. David Mignella
Dr. Michael J. Miladore
Judge Robert P. Milich
Mr. James D. Miller
Mr. William E. Miller
Dr. Daryl Mincey
Mr. Alan Mirkin
Mr. Rick Mitulinsky
Mr. David J. Moore
Mrs. Laura Moore
Mr. Thomas Morella
Mr. James W. Morrison
Mr. Matt Morrone
Ms. Darlene Moses
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin M. Moss
Mr. David Mosure
Mr. Garry L. Mrozek
ms consultants inc.
Ms. Angela Mudrak
Mr. Edward Mulgrew
Mr. John Thomas Murphy, II
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Murray
MVI Homecare
Dr. Robert Naples
National City Bank
National Fire Repair
Mr. Henry Nemenz
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Neville
Niles Manufacturing & Finishing,
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Nischwitz
Dr. William Nitch
Mr. Joseph Nohra
Mr. Frank Nolasco
Ms. Therese Novak
Mr. Carl A. Nunziato
Mr. Michael Nuzzo
Mr. Daniel Joseph O’Connell
Mr. Martin O’Connell
Mr. Fredric “Ted” O’Connor
Mr. Nicholas Odille
Ohio Structures, Inc.
A.P. O’Horo
Mr. Daniel P. O’Horo
Mr. Brian O’Leary
Mr. Robert O’Leary
Coach Jerry Olsavsky
Mr. Lloyd W. Overly
P.I. & I. Motor Express
Pace Pontiac
Mr. Frank Paden
Mr. Sam Pagano
Mr. John Pala
Mr. Franklin Palmer
Mr. Harry Paraska
Mr. Bill Parillo
Parker-Hannifin Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Dallas Parks
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Parks
Ms. Irene Parks Hastings
Mrs. Helen Paros
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Partika
Penny Pavelko
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pavlov
Mr. Richard Peake
Pegasus Printing Group
Mr. Alan Penney
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Penniman
Mr. Bob Pernotto
Dr. Earnest Perry
Mr. Richard Peterson
Mr. Charles C. Petzinger
Mr. Angelo Pezzuolo
Phoenix Disposal
Mr. John Pierog
Mr. Fred Pisani
Mr. Walter Pishkur
Ms. Joyce Pogany
Atty. John L. Pogue
Mr. Tom Poole
Mr. Dayne Popa
Mr. Joe Popio
Dr. John Popovec
John Poprik, Keith Evans &
Judy Hancock
D.J. Porter Company, Inc.
Mr. George Poschner, III
Mr. Donald A. Powell
Mr. Richard Price
Mrs. Wealthie B. Prince
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Prokop
Mr. Wesley C. Prout
Mr. Dan Ralich
Mr. Richard Ratliff
Mr. William Reali
Mr. William J. Reedy, Jr.
Mr. Edward Reese
Mr. Robert Repasky
Mr. Karl Ress
Dr. Santuccio Ricciardi
Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Riccioni
Dr. David Rich
Mrs. Judy Richards
Attorney Lawrence H. Richards
Dr. Victor & Mary Richley
Mr. Jack Rigney
L.E. Roberts Consulting
Mr. James Robertson
Mr. Robby Robson
Mr. Nick Rosian
Rossi Brothers Funeral Home
Mr. William E. Ruggles
Mr. Joe Rulli
Mr. Charles C. Rumberg
Mr. Frank A. Russo, PE
Mr. Henry J. Russo
Mr. Adam Rutushin
Mr. Anthony J. Saadey
Mrs. Clare C. Salata
Mr. Richard Salata
Dr. Charles Sammarone, Jr.
Mr. Charles P. Sammarone
Atty. Christopher Sammarone
Mr. Terry Samuels
Mr. Larry Sanders
Jim Sarvas-Creative Advertising
Saturn of Route 422
Mr. Robert J. Sause
Mr. Michael L. Scavina
Mr. Rick Schiraldi
Mr. & Mrs. Robb Schmidt
Mr. Reid Schmutz
Mr. John Schnell
Mr. Scott Schulick
Mr. Joe Schwebel
Mr. John Scotford, Jr.
Mr. George Sebo
Mr. Mike Senediak
Mr. Robert Senn
Mrs. Patricia Sgambati
Shapes Unlimited, Inc.
Mr. Stanley Shearer
Mr. Robert Sheely
Mr. Jeffrey Sheets
Mr. Robert Sheets
Mr. Michael Shepherd
Dr. James Shina
Dr. Tom Shipka
Atty. Anthony Siciliano
Mr. Patrick Silhanek
Mr. Randy Silhanek
Mr. & Mrs. Orvill Simons
Mr. Herbert Lee Simpson
Mr. Lawrence Sipe
Mr. Dave Skillman
Mr. Gary Slaven
Coach Jerry Slocum
Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Smith
Coach Antoine Smith
Mr. Clarence R. Smith
Mr. Gregory Smith
Ms. Mary B. Smith
Smith Barney
Mrs. Gwen Smith-Darnell
Mr. Philip A. Snyder
Mr. Tony Spano
Spitzer Auto World
Stadium-Lincoln Mercury, Inc.
Steel City Corporation
Jay Stein Advertising
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony H. Stocks
Ms. Teri Storey
Ms. Anita Stothard
Coach Ed Strauss
Mrs. Bev Strollo
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Strollo
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Stuart
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Suchora
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Suit
Superior Chemical Products
Sweeney Chevrolet
Dr. & Mrs. David C. Sweet
Mr. Joseph Sylvester
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Tarantine
Dr. James Tavolario
Mr. Rick Teaberry
Mr. Paul Terlesky
Mr. Gregory Tesniarz
Dr. L.J. Tessier
Ms. Hannelore Thomas
Mr. Robert E. Thomas
Mr. E. Gregory Tierno
Mrs. Barbara Tinkham
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Toti
Toyota, Volvo, Jaguar of Warren
Trademasters Medical
Mr. Ray Travaglini
Mr. Thomas Treleven
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Trexler
The Truhan Family
Coach Robert M. Tucker
Mr. Darrell Turney
Mr. Larry Tusinac
Mr. Ted Underhill
Mr. Zachary T. Underhill
University Sports Physical Therapy
U-SAVE Auto Rental
Mr. Joseph A. Valentini
Valley Electrical Consolidated
The Van Sickle Corporation
Ventresco Family
Mr. James Verlotte
Dr. Michael Vuksta
The Watson Foundation
Ms. Lynda Wauschek
Mr. Jack Weller
Wendell August Forge
Mr. Russ Werner
Coach Michael Wernicki
Mr. & Mrs. Richard White
Richard & Beth White
Mr. Bryan “Kip” Wile
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Wilkens
Mr. Jeff Wilkins
Mr. Gary Williams
Mr. Jerry Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Williams
Mr. Paul J. Williams
Mr. James Winger
Mr. & Mrs. F. Stanley Wittenauer
Mr. David Wolfe
Mr. Jay Yerian
Ms. Janet Yocum
Dr. & Mrs. John York
Mr. Norm Young
Youngstown Buick, Pontiac, GMC
Youngstown Tool & Die Co., Inc.
YSU President’s Office
Col. Robert Yuhas
Mr. & Mrs. William Yuhas
Mr. Richard Yuschak
Mr. Ernest Zavoral
Mr. Richard Zebrowski, Jr.
Zid Realty & Associates
Mr. Ken Zinz
Zinz Construction &
Restoration, Inc.
1939 –
President of Youngstown State University
Cochran was provost at Southeast Missouri
State University when he was named president of
YSU in 1992. He initiated Campus 2000, an ambitious
design for campus expansion and academic excellence. He
established the University Scholars, oversaw the conversion
of the academic calendar from quarters to semesters and
spearheaded the university’s first comprehensive
capital campaign.
Dr. Louise A. Aurilio
Jacob Avshalomov
Dr. Servio Becerra
Dr. Robert Beebe
Kristen Ann Brennan
Joe Cameneti
Dr. Craig S. Campbell
Laura Carscaddon
Attorney Robert E. Casey
Dino M. Cenneno
Elaine Cestone
Carol Chen
Professor Carl Chuey
Cosmic Perspective Foundation
Dr. Michael Crist
This is an exciting time for the William F. Maag Library. The development of a new archives program and
the continued impact of technology on information access are changing the nature of our service to the
university and the region.
Contributions of both money and materials from YSU graduates and the public, as well as from our faculty,
staff and students, make a critical difference in our movement to excellence. Gifts may be made directly to
Maag Library or through the YSU Office of University Development.
Gary Davenport
Phil & Chris Dennison
Dr. Leslie S. Domonkos
Thomas Fabek
Dr. John Feldmeier
Professor Beverly Lee Gartland
Mercedes Golonko
Dr. Charles Harmman
Shawna Hartline
Dr. Christopher P. Heidenreich
Jay Holster
Richard Howie
Irene Matlak Hucul
Hunyadi Books
Eleanor M. Imperato
Judaic & Holocaust Studies
Keith Kaiser
Loren Keller
Dr. James W. Kiriazis
Dr. Friedrich D. Koknat
Michael J. Lacivita
Julia Lloyd
Edward Locke
Low Countries
Marvin Lukim
Mahoning Valley Civil War Round
Carol A. Marino, Ph.D.
Dr. Marcia Matanin
Edward Matasy
Mark Mecham
Tino & Michelle Merlo
Dr. Till M. Meyn
Michael Moir
Kathy L. Naples
Irene O’Hara
Ohio Collegiate Music Educators
Rosanna O’Neil
Onyx Foundation
Pittsburgh Conference on
Analytical Chemistry &
Applied Science
John Terryl Plumeri
Richard Chambers Prescott
Annamarie Quaranta
Jean Romeo
Monnie Ryan
John Sakas
The following sponsors have contributed
to the Performing Arts Series and Summer
Festival of the Arts:
The Performing Arts Series at the College of Fine & Performing Arts is designed to bring the arts, both performing
and visual, under one area within the College. Dana School of Music events, University Theater performances,
select Art activities and special events are combined under one management and promotional entity to draw
attention to the multi-faceted performances and activities produced within the College. Sponsors receive extensive
exposure during the entire year on all Fine & Performing Arts promotional materials.
Among the many special events produced by the Performing Arts Series is the Summer Festival of the Arts, which
has been held annually since 1999 on Youngstown State University’s campus. A true celebration of the visual and
performing arts, the Summer Festival is unique among other area happenings, showcasing the richness and diversity
of the arts in the Mahoning Valley.
Collaboration is key when expanding a series of events. The Performing Arts Series encourages the participation
of cultural institutions from throughout the community. Generous sponsors provide additional support, thus
ensuring that Youngstown State University is at the forefront of the arts community and benefiting the
constituencies we serve.
WYSU-FM 88.5 strives to present a unique format of excellence that
satisfies the intellectual and artistic demands of our community, thereby
defining us as an integral part of the area’s informational, educational
and artistic landscape.
More than just the area’s sole provider of classical music and in-depth
news, WYSU-FM is very proud of our connection to the community,
$500 and Above
Dr. & Mrs. Chester A. Amedia, Jr.
Ms. Suzanne Anzellotti
Mr. & Mrs. George Axiotis
Mrs. Joanne F. Beeghly
Mrs. Jo Ann Beh
Ms. Marjorie I. Burin
Dr. Javier E. Calderon
Dr. & Mrs. William Countryman
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Evan
Mrs. Mary Jo Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Gasser
Ms. Deborah Grinstein
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Hanzely
Mr. & Mrs. John Horner
Ms. Cynthia Klingemier
Mr. Matt Knecht
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lewis
Mrs. Kathryn L. Lima &
Mr. John Lima
Mrs. Maryann Limmer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Malmisur
Atty. & Mrs. Charles Y. Mansell
Dr. & Mrs. Isadore Mendel
Ms. Linda A. Nehls
Mr. & Mrs. E. Mack Parrott
Mr. John Polanski
Mr. C. Edward Powell
Dr. & Mrs. George B. Pugh
Mr. Vikram Raval
Dr. Teresa Riley
Mr. & Mrs. J. David Sabine
Dr. Patricia Sarro
Matthew Scurti
Jerri Shepard
Dr. David Simonelli
Dr. Leonard B. Spiegel
St. Francis College
Dr. Nancy Sweeney
Dr. & Mrs. David C. Sweet
University of Nevada
Kevin Whitfield
Professor Judy B. Wilkinson
Yale University Library
YSU Music Department
YSU Social Work Department
Armstrong Utilities
Clear Channel Communications
DeBartolo CorporationDr. John & Denise York
Eastwood Mall
Farmers National Bank
First News 27 & Fox 17/62
Frangos Group
Green Team, Recycling Division of
Mahoning County
Harrington Hoppe & Mitchell, LTD
International Institute Foundation
of Youngstown, Inc.
LAFARGE North America
Nanette Lepore
Mahoning County Convention
& Visitor’s Bureau
National City Bank
Frances & Lillian Schermer
Charitable Trusts
Star Supply
and we work hard to continually reinforce that connection. The everexpanding audience and corporate support we continue to cultivate
and enjoy is our most tangible evidence of the importance the Valley
places on WYSU-FM.
We extend appreciation to our listeners, members, underwriters and
corporate sponsors and the Youngstown State University community. We
look forward to not only continuing our services, but also improving
and expanding upon them in the years ahead.
Ms. Mary Alice B. Schaff
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Sexton
Dr. Thomas Shipka
Ms. Barbara Swartz
Fr. Fred E. Trucksis
Dr. Frank B. Wanat
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Wolfcale
Dr. & Mrs. Warren M. Young
$200 - $499
Mrs. Diane Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Alexander
Mr. Jack N. Alpern
Ms. Linda J. Anthony
Mr. David W. Badger
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Badolato
Dr. Peter A. Baldino
Mrs. Cynthia Baringer
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Battafarano
Mrs. Amanda Beagle
Mr. John Bender
Mr. Bruce Berry
Dr. & Mrs. Bill C. Binning
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin V. Bishop
Ms. Chrisanne Bowden
Dr. Joan Boyd
Ms. Toby Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Bresnahan
Dr. Robert Brocker
Dr. Barbara Brothers
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Campbell
Mrs. Catherine C. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Catullo
Ms. Cindy Caudill
Ms. Maryann E. Centofanti
Dr. & Mrs. John N. Cernica
Mrs. Mary Jude Cernica
Dr. & Mrs. Albert B. Cinelli
Mr. Rodd Coonce
Dr. & Mrs. Herve’ M. Corbe’
Mr. James Corbett
Mrs. Joan S. Cosgrove
Dr. Adam Costarella
Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Cummins
Ms. Karen M. Davis
Msgr. John H. DeMarinis
Mrs. Sandy L. Denman
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Dicken
Ms. Lark R. Dickstein
Ms. Barbara Duffy
Ms. Bobbie A. Dunn
Mrs. Byron Eichorn
Dr. Janice G. Elias &
Mr. Robert Elias
Ms. Ginny Elser
Ms. Jeanette S. Engle
Dr. Barbara G. Englehardt
Mr. Ronald R. Fankhauser
Ms. Sara Faudree
Ms. Margaret Filaccio
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Fischer
Mrs. Eva Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Fleming
Mr. & Mrs. James Floyd
Mr. Richard E. Forrest
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Foster
Dr. Alan J. Frank
Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray
Atty. & Mrs. Michael Gallo
Dr. Nancy Gantt
Ms. Martha Garansi
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Garvey
Mr. Mark Gasser
Mrs. Sondra Gaylord
Mr. Jerome H. Geier
Dr. David Gemmel
Ms. Ann Gillis
Ms. Amanda Goeman
Ms. Jeanne Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Gorman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Gourley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Grace
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Graneto
Ms. Judith Graziano
Mrs. Frances T. Greenberg
Dr. & Mrs. William Greenway
Mr. & Mrs. Greg L. Greenwood
Judge & Mrs. Lynn B. Griffith, Jr.
Ms. Carol Guglielm
Dr. & Mrs. Robert G. Gurdak
Mr. Richard J. Gurska
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley D. Guzell
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gyomber
Sen. & Mrs. Robert Hagan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Hale
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Hanahan
Mr. & Mrs. Don E. Harper, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret B. Haushalter
Mrs. Kathleen Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hazlett
Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Heil
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Heiman
Ms. Kathryn Hellweg
Mr. Robert Hendricks
Mrs. Mary Lou Henneman
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Hewitt
Mr. Thomas T. Hobson &
Ms. Beth M. Hobson
Mrs. Benge W. Holz
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Houck
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Hvizdos
Mr. Norman Into
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Irwin
Rev. Ross B. Jackson
Ms. Luanna Jacobs
Ms. Renee R. Jacobson
Mr. Lou Jacquet
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Jakubovic
Mr. C. Gilbert James, Jr.
Mr. Carl G. James
Mr. Rajah James
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Jochman
Mr. Raymond Johnson
Ms. Elizabeth Jones
Mr. Mark Jubelirer
Ms. Martha H. Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kavic
Dr. Patricia R. Kelvin
Dr. Jane Kestner
Mr. Bijan Khavari
Mrs. Uta King
Ms. Donna M. King-Orlandi
Mr. James L. Kish
Ms. Elayne M. Klovis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Konzen
Fr. J. James Korda
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald F. Krauss
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kraynanski
Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Kretzer
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Kunkel
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Kuthy
Mrs. Donna Kuthy
Mrs. Gerda Labusch
Mr. Jack Labusch & Ms. Ilona
Dr. & Mrs. James P. LaLumia
Ms. Lucia Lazzeri
Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Legow
Ms. L. Mary Lewis
Dr. Loretta M. Liptak
Dr. John R. Loch
Rev. William J. Loveless
Ms. Sarah V. Lown
Mrs. Ingrid A. Lundquist
Mr. Robert L. Macomber
Ms. Dona Madacsi
Mrs. Rosemarie Maki
Mr. Michael Malito
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Malmer
Mr. & Mrs. William Manevich
Dr. & Mrs. Andy Marakas
Mr. Edward Marino
Father Gordon Kelly Marshall
Mr. J.R. Martin & Ms. Linda Hoefert
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Massing
Mr. Everett McCollum
Sister Mary McCormick
Mrs. Miller
Mr. Kenneth E. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Mimna
Ms. Rosemary K. Minghetti
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Miranda
Mr. Arthur Moberly
Mr. James Mondok
Ms. Laurie Moore
Mr. Samuel R. Moore, Jr.
Dr. Clyde D. Morris
Dr. Joseph Mosca
Mrs. Sue A. Motzer
Rev. Richard Murphy
Dr. Elizabeth L. Myer
Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Nalepa
Atty. John M. Newman
Ms. Nancy Newton
Fr. Edward Noga
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Odle
Ms. Laura Olivier
Mrs. Karen O’Malia-Zauderer
Ms. Monica F. Ondrusko
Mrs. Barbara C. Orton
Mr. Jeffrey A. Ostheimer
Mrs. Pamela Palumbo
Dr. Elsa V. Parsegian
Mr. & Mrs. Jody E. Patrick
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Pazol
Ms. Helen D. Pearce
Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Pearce
Dr. Tedrow Perkins
Ms. Andrea M. Pernotto
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Petrini, Sr.
Mr. James Petrus
Dr. & Mrs. C. Allen Pierce
Mr. Patsy Pilorusso
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Pogue
Dr. Morris W. Pulliam
Dr. & Mrs. Howard W. Pullman
Dr. & Mrs. C. Wade Raridon
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Raught
Ms. Connie Raupach
Dr. & Mrs. William Reeves
Mr. Joseph J. Regna, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Keith P. Reid
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Riggall
Mr. Sanford Rinda
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Rose
Ms. Clara J. Ross
Father Joseph S. Rudjak
Ms. Elayne Rusnak
Ms. Susan Russo
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Sacherman
Dr. & Mrs. Lowell J. Satre
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt W. Sauer
Ms. Kathy Sauline
Dr. & Mrs. Carl R. Schaub
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard D. Schiavone
Dr. Lawrence I. Schmetterer
Mrs. Janice W. Schnall
Dr. Lauren Schroeder
Mr. Lee S. Schwebel
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scudier
Dr. Louise Sellaro
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shafer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Shellito
Mr. Michael A. Shepherd
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Sherman
Ms. Arlo Sirochman
Dr. Melissa T. Smith
Mr. Seth A. Smith &
Ms. Lori Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Smith
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Smyntek
Mrs. Patricia Soller
Dr. Leonard B. Spiegel
Ms. Tani Spielberg
Mr. & Mrs. Frank B. Stearns
Dr. Sandra W. Stephan
Ms. Debra Stevens
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony H. Stocks
Dr. Sharon A. Stringer &
Dr. Ron Shaklee
Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Sung
Dr. & Mrs. David C. Sweet
Ms. Florence K. Swierz
Mrs. Janice H. Szalma
Mr. Patrick Tatom
Mrs. Patricia D. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Tesner
Mrs. Mary P. Thomas
Dr. Sagar Vallabh
Ms. Mary VanBuren
Rev. Daniel M. Venglarik
Atty. & Mrs. Frank G. Verterano
Mr. Tim Vesonder
Dr. & Mrs. David S. Waldman
Mr. Jack Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. R. David Wardale
Mrs. Eleanor Watanakunakorn
Mrs. Jeanne Wellman
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Whitehouse
Mr. & Mrs. Todd M. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Williamson
Dr. & Mrs. Eric J. Wingler
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wright
Youngstown Torch Club
Ms. Misook Yun
Dr. Matthias Zeller
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Zubil
$100 - $199
Mr. Douglas Abbatiello
Mrs. Vivian Abram
Attys. Richard & Karen Abrams
Mr. Jeffrey M. Adams
Ms. Susan Aey
Mr. William T. Ahonen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Altier
Atty. & Mrs. C. John Amstutz
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Anderson
Dr. & Mrs. J. James Anderson
Dr. & Mrs. James H. Andrews
Mrs. Betty Antenucci
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Arens
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Armstrong
Mr. Howard Austin
Mr. Rich Austin
Mrs. Marilyn J. Badger
Mr. James F. Baer
Mr. Rich Baglier
Mr. Charles Bancroft
Mrs. Virginia L. Bandy
Mrs. Ellen W. Banks
Mrs. Francis M. Bare
Mr. David E. Barensfeld
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Barkett
Dr. Diane Barnes &
Mr. Ben Barnes
Ms. Rebecca Barnhouse
Ms. Shirley A. Bartlett
Mr. John P. Bassetti
Ms. Alda L. Battista
Mr. Tim Bauer
Ms. Patricia A. Baumgarner
Dr. & Mrs. Jack Becker
Mr. & Mrs Joel A. Bender
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Benedict
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Berny
Ms. Ana Bobby
Ms. Melinda S. Bowen-Houck
Ms. Martha L. Brenner
Ms. Carol Brewster
Mr. Eric Broviak
Ms. Mary Brown
Mr. Steven R. Brown
Ms. Laurie M. Brown-Croyts
Mr. & Mrs. James Brozik
Ms. Amy Bufano
Mrs. Elfi Bulkley
Ms. Sandra Bumgardener
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Bursey
Mr. & Mrs. David Byer
Ms. Thelma Caggiano
Mrs. Gabriele Calior
Atty. & Mrs. Jim Callen
Mr. Paul Camp
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Campbell
Mr. Bert Carlisle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Cervone
Mr. John Chianese
Dr. & Mrs. David Chiarella
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H. Childs
Mr. Neil Ciminero
Mr. Sam Ciminero
Mr. Dave Clementson
Mrs. Ann L. Cliness
Mrs. Andrea V. Colaiaco
Ms. Diana Colaianni
Mr. & Mrs. Jim F. Collier
Mr. Richard Colonna, Jr.
Ms. Sharyn Common
Dr. Eleanor Congdon
Ms. Karen W. Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Conti
Dr. Chet Cooper
Mr. William R. Cooper
Dr. Thomas A. Copeland
Mr. & Mrs. William Copich
Ms. Cheryl Couts
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Craciun
Dr. Mike Creseimanno
Mr. Gabriel Crish
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Cuff
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cummings
Rev. John Dailey
Mr. John Dalbec
Mr. Andrew F. Danus
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. DaPaul
Mr. Charles W. Darling
Mr. David L. Dates
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Daytner
Ms. Regina DeAngelo
Mr. Ray DeCarlo
Ms. Carolyn Dechristofaro
Mrs. Shari DellaPenna
Ms. Mary Jo DeLucia
Ms. Marilyn Desalvo
Mr. James M. Diffley
Mr. Dan DiGiacomo
Mr. Thomas Doll
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Downie
Ms. Diane L. Drapcho
Ms. Eileen Dray-Bardon
Ms. Cynthia J. Droba
Mr. & Dr. John Eaton
Dr. Gunapala Edirisooriya
Mr. Samuel K. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Al A. Eibel
Ms. Mary Elhatton
Mr. & Mrs. Truman Esmond
Dr. James Esperon
Dr. & Mrs. Mark H. Evans
Mr. John C. Fahnert
Mr. Ray Fallen
Ms. Lorraine Farmer
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Farragher
Ms. Therese Feicht
Ms. Debbie Feke
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Fekete
Mrs. Kathylynn Feld &
Mr. Philip Feld
Ms. Linda Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Finney
Mr. Carl Foote
Ms. Susan Friedman
Ms. Judith Gaines
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Gallagher
Ms. Christina Gant
Ms. Shirley Gartner
Ms. Roseann Gavozzi &
Mr. Ted Gavozzi
Ms. Beth Geller
Mr. Fred George
Mr. Joseph A. George
Mrs. Marilois George
Mr. & Mrs. George Gerhart
Ms. Georgette Gillen
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Gillette
Ms. Rosemary Glod
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Goist
Ms. Marjorie Goldstone
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Good
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Good
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce P. Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Francis R. Gottron
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Gould
Mr. Thomas Graney
Mr. & Mrs. Plimpton L. Graul, Jr.
Mrs. Tomar Green
Mr. Jon Greene
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Gregori
Mr. Henry Grum
Mr. Eugene Grupp
Mrs. Christine J. Guesman
Ms. Susan Haddox
Mr. James B. Hagan
Mrs. Veronica L. Hall
Ms. Phyllis Hamilton
Mr. Timothy Hancher
Ms. Ellen Handel
Mr. Clyde T. Hankey
Ms. Christina Hardy
Ms. Bonita Harris
Mrs. Jaye Harris
Mr. Larry Harris
Mr. Tom Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Harrison
Ms. Jeanine Haven
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hecking
Dr. Rebecca J. Heikkinen
Ms. Nancy Heiser
Ms. Margaret B. Heldorfer
Ms. Annette Helm
Mr. William Helwig
Mr. Francis J. Hensler
Mr. Keith Henson
Dr. James Higgins
Ms. Laura Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald B. Hodge
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hodge
Ms. Kathy Holman
Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick D. Horn
Mr. James Horvath &
Dr. Cary Horvath
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hosmer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Howley
Mr. David Hoyt
Mr. John Hull
Ms. Michele Huston
Mr. Michael Iberis
Mr. Anthony R. Infante
Mrs. Lydia Infante
Mr. Omar Jadue
Dr. & Mrs. James P. Jamison
Mr. Mark S. Jamison
Mr. Dan Jones
Ms. Gloria Jones
Ms. Helen A. Jones
Mr. Robert W. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Jones
Mr. William Jones
Ms. Cathy Kajut
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Karash
Mr. Robert J. Karl
Miss Rosemarie A. Kascher
Mr. Michael Keating
Ms. Dorothy M. Kennedy
Mr. Joe Kilgore
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Kinney
Ms. Nancy Kissel
Mrs. Diane Kleeh
Ms. Christine M. Klika
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kobulnicky
Mr. John Kolar
Dr. Kathleen M. Kougl
Dr. Daniel Kovacs
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Krajec
Mr. Robert Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Desai G. Krishnarao
Mr. Eric Kuehnl
Mr. Jack Kumik
Prof. David Kurtanich
Ms. Amy Jo Labi-Carando
Mr. Jim Lacko
Mr. Rodney J. Lamberson
Dr. & Mrs. Edward D. Lancy, Jr.
Dr. Edward J. Largent, Jr.
Mr. Gordon M. Leece
Ms. Charlotte A. Lehto
Mr. Anthony Leonelli
Dr. & Mrs. Keith J. Lepak
Mrs. Michele Lepore-Hagan
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Leskanic
Ms. Alice Lev
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Leyde
Dr. Betty J. Licata
Ms. Anita Lin
Mr. Bill Livosky
Dr. Peter B. Lucke
Ms. Lois U. Lynam
Mrs. Alice Lynd
Mr. Gil Macali
Mr. John M. MacIntosh, Jr.
Mr. Frank M. Magyar
Dr. Philip Maiden
Ms. Kathleen Mangine
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Manhollan
Mr. Raymond P. Manley
Ms. Mary Grace Manning
Mr. Leroy Mannon
Ms. Kate M. Marado
Dr. Carol A. Marino
Ms. Nicole Marino
Dr. Hank Markowitz
Mr. Hector Martinez
Ms. Rebecca Martinez
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Marx
Dr. Michael K. Matthews, Jr.
Ms. Betty McDonough
Rev. & Mrs. James A. McDorman
Ms. Colleen McGarry
Ms. Elizabeth McGarry
Mr. Timothy McGarry
Ms. Brenda L. McIntyre
Mr. & Mrs. Delber L. McKee
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McKee
Mr. & Mrs. George M. McKelvey
Mrs. Sallie T. McKelvey
Dr. Anne M. McMahon
Ms. Della McPherson
Ms. Carol McQueen
Mr. Mathew Melonio
Mr. Charles J. Merkich
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Metzger
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Midgley
Mr. Donald K. Miller
Mr. Robert Miller
Mr. William Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Milligan
Ms. Sarah A. Milligan
Mr. & Mrs. William V. Mitchell
Mrs. Beth C. Molvin
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew I. Moreland
Mr. & Mrs. David Morgan
Mr. Michael J. Morley
Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Moroco
Ms. Hanna Moses
Mr. L. Bud Mould
Ms. Kathy Mumaw
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Munroe
Mr. Terry Murcko
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Murphy
Ms. Vaughn King Musser
Mr. John E. Myers, Jr.
Mr. William Myers
Mr. John E. Neville
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Noble
Fr. Edward P. Noga
Ms. Marilyn Norconk
Ms. Eileen Novotny &
Mr. Ray Novotny
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Novotny
Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. O’Malia
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Opsitnik
Mr. Joe Pacchioni
Mr. William Palm
Dr. Gabriel F. Palmer-Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh B. Pannunzio
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Pasha
Mr. Louis Paskoff
Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Passarelli
Mr. Frank Patton
Mr. Gary Paull
Mr. Joseph Pecorelli
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Perkins
Dr. & Mrs. Tedrow L. Perkins
Mr. Thomas Piccione
Mr. Donald P. Pipino
Ms. Barbara Plummer
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard C. Polas
Ms. Kristen Pool
Ms. Catherine W. Powers
Sr. Ruthmary Powers
Mr. Alan Purdum
Dr. Gene J. Pusateri
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Rader
Mr. Varley Rantilla
Rev. Msgr. David Rhodes
Ms. Donna Richards
Ms. Sharon Richardson
Mr. David Rockyvich
Ms. Theadora Rodgers
Ms. Donna Romack
Ms. Tami L. Rose
Ms. Pat Rosenthal &
Mr. Jim Converse
Mr. John Rossi
Ms. Mary E. Sabol
Dr. & Mrs. Gary M. Salvner
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Sander
Ms. Janet M. Sanders
Mr. John W. Sant
Mr. Daniel J. Santone, Sr.
Ms. Marie Santone
Mr. Stephen Sass
Mrs. Mary Saxon
Mr. James J. Schramer
Ms. Nancy Schulz
Dr. James R. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. F. William Scragg
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Seckler
Ms. Janis K. Seidler
Mrs. Lori Seinar-Roknick
Ms. Marion Seman
Mr. James Shaer
Mr. Albert Shakley
Ms. Sharon Shanks
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Shape
Mrs. Anita J. Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Sheban
Dr. & Mrs. Yogesh O. Sheth
Mr. Stephen Shuppy
Mr. Jeff Simon
Dr. Robert Sinsheimer
Sisters of the Humility of Mary
Mrs. Darlene Smith
Ms. Erica Smith
Mr. Philip Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Sniderman
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony E. Sobota
Ms. Nanette Solomon
Mr. & Mrs. Richard St. Clair
Ms. Evelyn St. Julien
Mrs. Patricia J. Stefek
Ms. Rose Stetz
Ms. Susan L. Stevens
Mr. D. Keith Stiver
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Strouss
Ms. Patricia Sturgeon
Dr. & Mrs. Richard W. Stypula
Mrs. Kerstin Sundvall
Dr. & Mrs. George E. Sutton
Mrs. Esther M. Szakach
Ms. Reema Taneja
Ms. Roberta M. Taylor
Ms. Dorothy Tharpe
Ms. Angelina Tiberio
Dr. Stephanie A. Tingley
Mr. John Tottenham
Mr. Jeff Uber
Mr. Allan Vaughan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Victor
Ms. Kathryn S. Vodrey
Mr. Robert Vott
Mrs. Gloria Waldeck
Mrs. Barbara Walko
Mr. & Mrs. Don Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. John Walter
Ms. Janet W. Warner
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Watts
Mr. Larry Webster
Mr. William Weimer
Dr. Lisa Weiss
Ms. Erica Wentz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Wherry
Ms. Mary Wick
Ms. Barbara R. Widomski
Ms. Mary Ellen Wilcox
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Williams
Ms. Sherry Willison
Mr. Vince Wloch
Mr. Harry Wood
Ms. Beatrice Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Yeager
Mrs. Marian R. Yeagley
Mr. William Yuhas
Ms. Marian Zeigler
Mr. Tony Ziemianski
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Zitello
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Zitto
Dr. & Mrs. Louis Zona
Mr. James Zupanic
Below $100
Ms. Faye E. Abbondanza
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Abell, Jr.
Mr. Gabriel Abraham
Mr. Matthew J. Abramowski
Mr. Scott Ackerman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Adams
Mr. Jim Adams
Ms. Bonnie Ahola
Mrs. Martha I. Aiken
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Aker
Mr. Ugur S. Aker
Ms. Kathy Akpom
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Albani
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Albert
Mrs. Hilda Albini
Ms. Myrna A. Alejandro-Torres
Ms. Deborah Alexander
Ms. Nancy Bizzarri Alleman
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Alter
Ms. Diane M. Alter
Ms. Stephanie Alter
Mrs. Leigh Altier
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Altman
Mr. & Mrs. Jaryl Altomare
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Amundsen
Mrs. Margaret Anderson
Ms. Kathleen Angelo
Atty. LuWayne Annos
Mrs. Amy Anos
Ms. Thea Arai
Ms. Elizabeth Arduin
Ms. Maxine Arens
Ms. Andrea Argabrite
Ms. Felicia Armstrong
Mr. George Armstrong
Ms. Gail A. Arneson
Dr. Alida V. Merlo Ashley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Atwood
Mrs. Nancy L. Ault
Mrs. Ruth Ayers
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Babyak
Dr. Chris M. Bache
Mr. Ralph E. Bacon
Mr. Carl Badger
Mr. Lawrence J. Baghurst
Mr. Jorge Baier
Mr. M.J. Bailey
Ms. Sandra Bailey
Ms. Michelle Bails
Ms. Rachel Baird
Ms. Bonnie Baker
Ms. Janet G. Baker
Dr. Pedro Ballester
Mrs. Barbara L. Balog
Mr. Randy Balog
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Bannon
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Bannon
Ms. Muriel J. Baramick
Ms. Bethany Barker
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Barnett
Mr. Petra Barnhouse
Ms. Lolita Barone
Mr. Gary Barr
Ms. Kate Barrette
Ms. Marianne Barron
Ms. Nancy Barta-Smith
Ms. Barbara Bartos
Mr. & Mrs. John Battisti
Ms. Roberta Bauman
Ms. Janet M. Baumann
Mr. Bryant Bay
Ms. Gale G. Baytosh
Ms. Jennifer Bear
Ms. Joanne E. Beard
Atty. & Mrs. Mark Beatrice
Ms. Ann Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Bedenis
Ms. Janice Beebe
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Beebe
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Beiersdorfer
Ms. Cheryl Beil
Mrs. Susan Beil
Mr. John Beniston
Ms. Marilyn Bequeath
Mr. Leonard Berenholz
Mr. Patrick Beres
Mr. Richard H. Berg
Mr. Kevin Berland
Rabbi Joel Berman &
Ms. Chaia Beckerman
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Bernardich
Ms. Amy Bertilacci
Mrs. Jacqueline M. Bibo
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Bidek
Ms. Chris Bilski
Mr. Kenneth Birath
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Black
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Black
Mr. Josh Blackann
Ms. Bernice Blair
Ms. Tracy Blakeman
Mr. Dan Bloomberg
Mr. David Bogatek
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Boich
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Bolotin
Mr. Thomas J. Booher
Mr. Ed Boren & Ms. Cindy
Ms. Diane Borovitcky
Ms. Dorcas Borton
Ms. Kathy Bouquet
Mr. Bret Bowers
Ms. Laura Bowers
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boykin
Ms. Brenda Bradley
Mr. Garland Bradshaw
Ms. Mary Alice Bradshaw
Mr. Andre Brady
Mrs. Marguerite Brady
Mr. & Mrs. John Bralich
Mr. Samuel Brandt
Ms. Carol F. Bretz
Ms. Ruth E. Broad
Mr. & Mrs. James Brodbeck
Ms. Kathryn Brookover
Ms. Frances Brooks
Ms. Cheryl Brophy
Ms. Leslie Brothers
Dr. & Mrs. Dean R. Brown
Mr. John R. Brown, Jr.
Ms. Kathy L. Brown
Ms. Raquel Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Bruce
Mr. & Mrs. Ray B. Brugler
Ms. Donna Bruno
Mr. J. Robert Bruya
Mr. Joseph Buchhert
Mrs. Ruth Buckler
Mr. William J. Buckner
Mr. Joseph Bucnneit
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Bumback
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bumbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Burbich
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Burgmyer, Jr.
Mrs. Kirsten H. Burkey
Ms. Lois Burnett
Mrs. Holly Burnett-Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. James Busch
Mrs. Margaret Byce
Mr. Ross Byers
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Byo
Ms. Janet Cadman
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Cala
Mr. Alex Calder
Ms. Elaine C. Cale
Mr. John Callahan
Ms. Jennifer Callen
Mr. Bob Camardo
Mr. David A. Campana, Sr.
Ms. Melissa Camuso
Ms. Julie Cancelliere
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Cantanzriti
Ms. Sally L. Carangi
Mr. & Mrs. Herman C. Carano
Mr. Richard Carano
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Cardello
Ms. Mellie G. Cardoza
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Carey, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph V. Carfora
Mr. William J. Carney
Ms. Lisa Carr
Ms. Gertrude Carson
Ms. Danielle Caruso
Mrs. Lorene Carvin
Mrs. Laura Casey
Mr. Troy E. Cash
Dr. Frank Castronovo
Ms. Julia Catchpole
Ms. Mary Beth Celio
Ms. C. J. Cerimele
Ms. Adrienne Cerimeli
Mr. Daniel Cerroni
Mr. Mark Cervello
Mrs. Kathy Chaffe-Gaige
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Chako
Ms. Rhonda Chambers
Atty. Grace Chan
Mr. & Mrs. Arbita Chanda
Ms. Janet Chapin-Johnson
Mr. Steve Chaszeyka
Mrs. Dorothy Cheal
Mr. Dennis Cheplick
Ms. Sherry L. Chesley
Dr. & Mrs. Harold Chevlen
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H. Childs
Mrs. Maria E. Chimbidis
Ms. Jean Chimento
Mr. Dennis Chizmar
Ms. Becky Chmura
Ms. Fanchon Chronister
Mr. Lawrence J. Ciferno
Rev. Dan Cipar
Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Clare, Jr.
Mr. Jim Clark
Mr. Ross Claypool
Mr. Brad S. Clepper
Ms. Deanna Clifford
Ms. Pat Cline
Mrs. Jodi A. Clowes
Ms. Mary Cochran
Mr. Jay Cohen
Mr. Willi Colbert
Mrs. LuAnn Cole
Mr. Ronald Cole
Ms. Ruth A. Cole
Mr. Chris Coles
Mr. Pedro Colon
Mr. John Colwell
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Conatser
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Conway
Mr. Dennis Cook
Ms. Margaret F. Cook
Ms. Martha Cook
Mrs. Marti M. Cook
Mr. Gene Coppinger
Ms. Karen Cordova
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Core
Mr. & Mrs. George Corfias
Mr. Coy Cornelius
Mr. Don Corpier
Ms. Marilyn Corrado
Ms. Stephanie Corrette-Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Coudriet
Ms. Carrie Cozy
Ms. Amy Crawford
Mrs. Devon Cretella
Ms. Elizabeth Crowll
Mr. Karel Cubick
Ms. Kate A. Cullum
Ms. Colleen Cunningham
Ms. Mary Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K.
Ms. Kim Curry
Ms. Joanne Cvelbar
Mrs. Karres Cvetkovich
Mr. Denny Czopur
Mr. Timothy Dailey
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Dalbec
Mr. & Mrs. Ryerson Dalton
Dr. & Mrs. David L. D’Amore
Mrs. Lisa S. D’Amore
Mr. & Mrs. Sam A. D’Angelo
Ms. Jacquelyn M. Daniel
Mr. Matthew Danish
Ms. Doris Daniszewski
Dr. Rosemary A. D’Apolito
Dr. Bhagwan Dass
Ms. Elise Daugherty
Ms. Jessica Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Davidson
Ms. Martha Davies
Ms. Julia Fuhrman Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Davis
Ms. Nancy Davis
Ms. Jacqualine Davisson
Murtaza Dawood
Ms. Mary Louise Dayton
Mrs. Evelyn Dearing
Dr. Donna DeBlasio
Mrs. Rosemary Decker
Ms. Dianne M. DeEulio
Mr. Anthony Degaten
Mr. & Mrs. James G. DeGenova
Ms. Melissa DeLisio
Ms. Catherine Demas
Mr. Jim F. Dempsey
Ms. Sue Densmore
Ms. Veda C. DePaepe
Mr. & Mrs. Michael DePaul
Mr. & Mrs. Jack DeVille
Ms. Diana DeVito
Mr. David W. Dickey
Mr. Samuel W. Dickey
Ms. Sara L. Dickson
Ms. Christine Didio
Ms. Geraldine A. Didola
Mr. William Diehm
Mrs. Patricia A. Dilisio
Father Giles Dimock
Ms. Sybil Ding
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Ditchey
Ms. Mary Jane Dobos
Mr. Stephen Dobosh
Mr. & Mrs. William Dobosh
Mr. William M. Downer
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Doyle
Mr. Michael P. Doyle
Mrs. Emma J. Draa
Ms. Kathleen Dragoman
Mrs. Frances Dreyfus
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Driscoll
Dr. & Mrs. Wade C. Driscoll
Mrs. Patricia L. Droba
Mr. Wade Drouhard
Ms. Maureen Drummond
Mr. & Mrs. Art Druschel
Mrs. Cheryl A. Duffy
Ms. Jill Duffy
Ms. Valerie Duffy
Mr. David D. Dull
Dr. Ronald B. Dull
Mrs. Sarah L. Duncan
Mr. Donald W. Dunlap
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Dunlap
Mr. David Dunnavant
Mr. David Dyer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Edeburn
Mr. David L. Edmondson
Mr. Jason Ehrenberg
Mr. & Mrs. C. William Eichenberger
Mrs. Martha A. Eicher
Ms. Joanne Eiselstein
Ms. Susan J. Elberty
Mr. James S. Elder
Mr. & Mrs. Norman F. Elder
Ms. Nydah Ellet
Ms. Anne Kerpsack Ellis
Ms. Elizabeth Ellis
Ms. Jeanne Elser
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Emanuele
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Emmett
Dr. Kent J. Engelhardt &
Dr. Beth Hargreaves
Mr. Tom Engstrom &
Ms. Valerie Kuehn
Mr. Jake Erhardt
Mr. Terrance P. Esarco
Dr. Esmeralda Espino
Mr. David Esposito
Mrs. June E. Esquibel
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Evans
Ms. June A. Evans
Ms. Kathryn Ewald
Mrs. June Ewing
Ms. Patricia Ewing
Mr. John L. Eynon
Ms. Olivia Factor
Ms. Christine Fanfer
Ms. Alma Faroo
Rev. Anthony Fasline
Ms. Yvonne Fayard
Ms. Nancy Fehrenbaugh
Ms. Nancy Felton
Mr. Dean Fickes
Mr. Dominic Fimognari
Mr. Mark A. Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. David Fithian
Mr. Bob Fitzer
Dr. Dorcas C. Fitzgerald
Ms. Christine Flak
Ms. Janice Flaws
Mr. Geoffery Fleming
Ms. Ruth P. Fletcher
Mr. Chris Floros
Ms. Charlotte B. Floyd
Mr. Jeff Fobes
Ms. Maurine Fogarty
Mr. Richard G. Fogo
Mrs. Margaret J. Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Augustine A. Fornataro
Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. Fountaine
Ms. Pamela Fountaine
Mr. & Mrs. Martin A. Francis
Ms. Susan H. Francis
Mr. David Frank
Mrs. Linda S. Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Frankenburg
Mr. Frank Frankovich
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fredette
Mrs. Nancy A. French
Mr. Judd Fritchey
Mrs. Elizabeth Frivaldi
Mr. Tyrus W. Frolund
Mr. Richard Fruit
Ms. Karen A. Fry &
Mr. James Hardy
Mr. Leo Fry
Ms. Kathryn Fulford
Ms. Marilyn K. Fuller
Ms. Rosemary Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Furillo
Ms. Dorothy Fusselman
Ms. Molly M. Galano
Mr. Rick Gallant
Ms. Andrea Gambrel
Mr. William Gambrel &
Ms. Amy Gambrel
Mr. Terry Gardlock
Mrs. Anne T. Gardner
Ms. Jo Garver
Mr. Glenn Garwig
Ms. Susan Gauntner
Dr. & Mrs. David C. Genaway
Mr. & Mrs. David George
Mr. Joseph A. George
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. George
Ms. Mary Bess George
Mrs. Renee Gerasimek
Ms. Joanne Gerda
Ms. Llillian Germaine
Mr. Norton German
Ms. Melinda M. Gervelis
Ms. Christina Getrost
Ms. Beverly Gibson
Mr. Jay Giles
Mr. David Gill
Drs. Alan & Margaret Gittis
Ms. Elizabeth Glasgow
Mrs. Lucinda Glass
Ms. Greta Glenellen
Ms. Rosemary Glod
Ms. Sheila Glowacki
Dr. & Mrs. Richard G.
Goldthwait, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Gonano
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Goodwin
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Gorman
Mr. Richard Gott
Ms. Carol Gottesman
Ms. Michele Grant
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Greene
Mr. Prescott Greene
Dr. Jennifer Griffin
Mr. Lynn Griffith, III
Ms. Jan Grigsby
Mr. Gordon Grinham
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Grinstein
Ms. Mary K. Grist
Mr. Andreas Grotewold
Ms. Linda Grotzinger
Mrs. Michaelene Gula
Mr. Mark Gurtner
Mr. Howard J. Guterba
Ms. Elaine Habeger
Mr. Robert A. Hahn
Mr. Jack Haims
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hale
Ms. Prudence Hall
Mr. Edward Hallahan
Ms. Evelyn Halpern
Ms. Anna Hamilton
Mr. Mark Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hamilton
Ms. Sally Hammel
Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Handel
Ms. Dorothy C. Hanlon
Mr. Ralph Hansteen
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hardman
Ms. Christina Hardy
Prof. C. E. Harris
Ms. Diane Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Harris
Mr. & Mrs. William Harry
Mr. Chris Hartman
Ms. Bernice B. Hasden
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Hassay
Mr. James T. Hathaway
Mrs. Carol Hawkins
Mrs. Diana Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Haynam
Mrs. Janet M. Hazlette
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hazy
Ms. Shirley A. Heck
Mr. Jerry Heckler
Ms. Mary Hedberg
Mrs. Roberta J. Heiens
Dr. Lyn Hemminger
Mrs. Ardith E. Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Henderson
Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hendry
Ms. Melinda L. Henning
Mr. & Mrs. John Herbert
Mr. Johnny Herbert
Mrs. Mary E. Hermance
Mr. Matthew Hermann
Mrs. Ruth G. Hersh
Mr. Mark Heschmeyer
Miss Nancy J. Hettrick
Ms. Diva S. Higby
Ms. Elsa Higby
Mrs. Kathy Higgins
Mrs. Gail Hightree
Mr. & Mrs. David Hill
Mr. David E. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Hines
Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Hink
Mrs. Blanche P. Hirsch
Mr. Phil Hirsch
Dr. Cynthia Hirtzel
Ms. Erica Hite
Mr. Thomas Hitmar
Mr. Matthew L. Hlebak
Ms. Martha Hoag
Mr. Bob Hockenberry
Ms. Shirley Hodge
Mrs. Karen L. Holby
Mr. & Mrs. A. William Holdford
Ms. Richard Hollander
Ms. Marguerite Holz
Ms. Patricia Homan
Mr. Dean Hoover
Ms. Anna Mary Hoovler
Mrs. Lois M. Hopkins
Ms. Judy Hopper
Mr. Daniel Horne &
Ms. Mary Horne
Sister Yvonne Horning
Ms. Karen Horrell
Mrs. Nola K. Horvath
Ms. Nancy Hospodar
Ms. Mary Margaret Hovanes
Ms. Cecilia Howe
Mr. Robert Hrifko
Ms. Gretchen Hrusovsky
Ms. Jenna Hudock
Ms. Cheryl Hudson
Ms. Beth Ann Hudzik-Moran
Mr. Edwin Huffman
Mrs. Harlene E. Huffstetler
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hull
Ms. Helen M. Hulme
Mr. & Mrs. Jim T. Hummer
Mr. Keith Hunt
Mr. Vern Hurajt
Mr. Gerald Hurayt
Ms. Peggy Hutch
Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Hutchison
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Hyde
Mrs. Ellen M. Hyland
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hynes
Mr. & Mrs. Luther Ihle
Ms. Carla Infante
Ms. Mary Ann Isaac
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Itts
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Itts
Ms. Cynthia Ivary
Ms. Marian I. Izak
Dr. Alan M. Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Allen I. Janis
Mr. Victor J. Janosik
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Jarosz
Mr. Edward Jay
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Jeffries
Ms. Janie S. Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Warren D. Jensen
Mr. Jose Jimenez
Mrs. Barbara Johnson
Ms. Denise H. Johnson
Ms. Holly Johnson
Mrs. Lillie F. Johnson
Mr. Michael Johnson
Ms. Roberta A. Johnson
Ms. Chauncey Johnston
Dr. Barbara Jones
Ms. Connie L. Jones
Ms. June F. Jones
Ms. Mary B. Jones
Mr. Rudolph Jones
Ms. Roberta Joseph
Mr. Richard M. Judy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kachurek
Mrs. Susan Kagy
Mr. Keith A. Kaiser
Dr. Timothy M. Kalil
Mr. Michael V. Kalpich
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kamens
Mr. Joseph Kane
Ms. Susan Kapp-Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. James Kapusta
Ms. Mary Ann Karas
Dr. Birsen Karpak &
Mr. Cengiz Karpak
Mr. Louis Katz
Ms. Rona R. Keagy
Mr. Maurice Keaveny
Mrs. Marybeth Keeler-Bacher
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Keenan
Rev. Kenneth Keene
Ms. Margaret Keenliside
Mrs. Colleen G. Keiper
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kengor
Mr. Jerol Kennedy
Ms. Garrie Kerr
Mr. & Mrs. Chaya Kessler
Mrs. Shirley Kessler
Ms. Elizabeth Kettunen
Mr. Andrew Kiepper
Mrs. Kadey Kimpel
Mr. Kelly Kinney
Mr. & Mrs. Barry E. Kirby
Ms. Laura Kiriazis
Mr. Jim Kirtley
Mr. David T. Kitajima
Ms. Mary L. Klein
Ms. Elizabeth Kloss
Mrs. Jane Knuppel
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Koch
Ms. Kathleen Kocjan
Mrs. Lynn Koebel
Dr. & Mrs. Friedrich W. Koknat
Ms. Vilma Kolacz-Belanger
Ms. Susan M. Komar
Mrs. Joan D. Komp
Mrs. Kathy Koop
Dr. John Koren
Mrs. Maxine E. Koski
Mr. Ken Kovalchik
Mr. Nicholas Kovalscik
Mr. Timothy Krane
Rev. Thomas P. Kraszewski
Ms. Anne Kravitz
Dr. Bhoopalam Krishnasetty
Mr. & Mrs. Hyman W. Kritzer
Mr. & Mrs. A.Frederick Kroen
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kromer, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. James J. Krumpak
Ms. Mary Krupa
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Krygowski
Mr. Robert Kubiak
Ms. Maraline Kubik
Mr. & Mrs. John Kuder
Ms. Valerie Kuehn &
Mr. Tom Engstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kuester
Ms. Elizabeth Kunder
Ms. Susan Kunkle
Mr. Kirk Kupensky
Mr. William Kurta
Mrs. Karen E. Lackey
Ms. Myra Lacusky
Mr. Daniel W. Laginya
Ms. Mary Lagos
Atty. Carmen F. Lamancusa
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Lanz
Ms. Karen Lapidus
Mr. John B. Laplante
Mr. Steve Lardis
Ms. Janet LaRock
Dr. Humberto Latorre
Mrs. Niki Latsko
Mr. Carl Laughner
Ms. Marilyn A. Lawson
Mr. Jay Layshock
Ms. Jean F. Lebby
Ms. Glorianne Leck
Ms. Paula Leeds
Mr. Arnold Lees
Mr. Bob Lehman
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Lehner
Mrs. Paula Leigh-Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Lekon
Mr. Milton J. Lenhart
Mr. David Leonard
Mrs. Alayne Leone
Ms. Rose Levine
Mr. Scott Lewis
Mrs. Sara Lightner
Ms. Katherine Lingenfelter
Ms. Sherry Linkon
Ms. Yvonne Lipinsky
Mrs. Annette E. Liston
Ms. Denise Litton
Ms. Francis Litun
Ms. Arlene B. Logan
Mr. Jim Long
Mrs. Margaret C. Lorimer
Mr. Don Lott
Mr. Noah Lott
Ms. Jane H. Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lowe
Mr. Steve Lowry
Mr. Jeffrey I. Lucas
Mr. Andrew Lukich
Mrs. Judith Lukin
Dr. & Mrs. Charles J. Lundquist
Mr. David C. Luscher
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Luteri
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Luthern
Mr. Daniel Lyden
Ms. Candace Madden
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Madden
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Mager
Mr. Kurtis Magnello
Ms. Natalie Majoros
Ms. Mary D. Makar
Ms. Barbara Malizia
Ms. Charlotte Malkin
Mr. Donald Mancini
1939 –
President of Youngstown State University
(2000 – Present)
Sweet was dean of the Levin College of
Urban Affairs at Cleveland State University
before becoming the sixth president of YSU.
He guided the completion of the University
Courtyard Apartments, spearheaded the
development of the new Andrews Student
Recreation and Wellness Center, and he oversees
the $43 million YSU Centennial Capital Campaign.
The University’s enrollment has increased significantly
in his tenure.
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Mancini
Ms. Barbara Mandis
Ms. Hilda Manello
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Manhollan
Mr. Leroy Mannon
Mr. Matthew T. Manos
Ms. Amy Mansfield
Dr. Thomas Maraffa
Dr. & Mrs. Sanford Marovitz
Mr. Bruce Marshall
Ms. Sandra Marshall
Dr. Agnes Martinko
Mr. Haldane Marts &
Ms. Nancy Marts
Ms. Kimberly Mascarella
Mrs. Brigitte Maseck
Ms. Mary Clare Maslyn
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Matune
Ms. Ann Matvey
Dr. Gus Mavrigian
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Maxwell
Ms. Marcellene Hawk Mayhall
Ms. Susan Mays
Mr. Robert McAdams
Ms. Patricia McAnlis
Ms. Michelle McBride
Mr. Fred McCandless
Mr. Gene McCarragher
Ms. Rachel McCartney
Mr. Michael J. McCleery
Ms. Marilou A. McClimans
Mrs. Maggie McCloud
Mr. Terry McCluskey
Ms. Christine McCullough
Mrs. Deborah McCullough
Mr. Skip McCullough
Mr. Robert McDowell
Ms. Karen McGarry
Ms. Jean McGeary
Ms. Lisa A. McGlamery
Ms. Tara L. McKibben
Mrs. Paula J. McKinney
Ms. Melissa McLeod
Ms. Nancy L. Meacham
Ms. Michele Mellor
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Mentzer
Ms. Jill Merolla
Mrs. Clemence R. Mershon
Dr. & Mrs. Howard D. Mettee
Ms. Fay K. Meyer
Ms. Maria Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Michaels
Mr. Tony Mikolich
Mr. David Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Miller
Mrs. Harriet L. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Miller
Mrs. Joan Miller
Mr. John C. Miller, Jr.
Mrs. Laura L. Miller
Mrs. Louisa H. Miller
Ms. Marlene Miller
Mr. Ronald Miller
Ms. Ziko Millin
Dr. Mustansir Mir
Mr. Ben W. Mischey
Ms. Martha Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher H. Moinet
Ms. Lea Mollman
Mr. & Mrs. Louis P. Molvin
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon M. Mook
Ms. Diana Runciman Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Moore
Ms. Victoria Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne S. Morehouse
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Morelli
Mr. John A. Moretti
Mr. Pete Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Karl A. Morris
Ms. Marilyn Morrison
Mrs. Patricia Morrison
Ms. Sheila Morrison
Ms. Marianne Morway
Mr. Michael T. Moseley
Atty. & Mrs. Carl M. Moses
Dr. & Mrs. Allan R. Mosher
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Mott
Ms. Kara Mraz
Ms. Angela Mudrak
Ms. Leslie Muehlheim
Ms. Mary A. Mulford
Dr. William V. Mullane
Mr. Don Mumford
Dr. Philip C. Munro
Ms. Diana B. Murar
Mr. John G. Murcko
Mr. Terry Murcko
Ms. Deborah Murdock
Ms. Pat Murphy
Mr. Patrick Murphy
Mr. Diana Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Nackino
Ms. Nancy M. Nader
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Nader
Mr. Ray Nakley, Jr.
Mr. Charles A. Nash
Mrs. Celia Neimark
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Nelson
Ms. Jacqueline Neupauer
Dr. S. Thomas Niccolls
Ms. Leslie Nicholson
Mr. Dan Nietzel
Lynne Nigro
Mr. Michael Niles
Ms. Linda Nitch
Ms. Alice Noga
Ms. Susan Norton
Ms. Mary E. Nourse
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Nunziato
Ms. Lorraine Nuzzi
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Nybill
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Oberman
Ms. Carol O’Brien
Dr. Eugene M. O’Brien
Sr. Barbara O’Donnell
Mr. Ernest Oelker
Mr. George F. O’Hare
Ms. Michelene Orteza
Mr. & Mrs. Frank O’Stafy
Ms. Carol A. Ostheimer
Ms. Mary Anne O’Toole
Mr. Luc Ouimet
Ms. Anne Pachos
Mr. & Mrs. John Paczak
Ms. Margaret R. Paglia
Mr. & Mrs. Rex A. Pakalnis
Mr. William Palomaki
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Pantalone
Mrs. Mary Jo Parillo-Orsini
Ms. Beth Parkinson
Ms. Pegg Parkinson
Ms. Stephanie Parrott
Mr. James Parson
Mr. Robert Passarelli
Ms. Helen Passell
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Patrick
Ms. Janice Patrick
Mr. Michael Patterson
Mr. Richard G. Patterson
Mrs. Madeline P. Patton-Shivers
Mr. John Paul
Mrs. Barbara Paulik
Sister Therese Pavilonis
Ms. Andrea Pavlick
Ms. Helen K. Pavlov
Ms. Helen L. Pavlov
Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Pearce
Ms. Cynthia Penter
Ms. Carole A. Pesa
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Peterson
Ms. Joann Petkovich
Mr. James R. Petuch
Ms. Beatrice Petzinger
Mr. George J. Peya
Mr. William S. Peyko
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Pfahles
Mr. Kenneth H. Phillips
Ms. Agnes M. Pierson
Mr. Richard Pirko
Mr. Michael Pistolesi
Ms. Kathleen Platenak
Ms. Diana Plecker
Mr. Steve Polen
Ms. Khepri Polite
Dr. & Mrs. David H. Pollack
Mrs. Jane H. Pollis
Ms. Victoria Pompura
Mr. Adam Pope
Ms. Christine Porter
Ms. Linda Porter
Ms. Marianne Potina
Mr. & Mrs. James Potjunas
Mr. Mike Povloski
Mr. Aaron Powell
Mr. Ron Powell
Mrs. Emily M. Powers
Ms. Judy Pozega
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Prest
Ms. Merial H. Price
Ms. Lorie Prince
Ms. Mary Ann Prince
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Proch
Ms. Kathy Prodonovich
Ms. Melodie Provencher
Ms. Candy Przicina
Ms. Jean Puhalla
Mr. Dennis G. Puko
Mr. David Quarterson
Mrs. Elaine B. Raffety
Mr. Kanapathy Ramalingam
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ramos
Mr. Michael Ray
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Rearden
Mr. Jason Reckard
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Reed
Mrs. Patricia S. Reeder
Mr. Joshua Reichard
Mrs. Janice C. Reichenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reid
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Reinhard
Ms. Peggy Reinhardt
Ms. Stacey Reinhart
Dr. Zoe-Ann Reiter
Mr. & Mrs. Martin R. Repasky
Ms. Regina Reynolds
Mr. Dennis Rhodes
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ricciardi
Mr. Scott Rich
Ms. Winifred G. Richards
Ms. Kathleen Richter
Ms. Margaret Ridge
Mr. Benjamin Riechmann
Attorney James Ries
Mr. Nathaniel Riggle
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Rishel
Ms. Barbara Robinson
Mr. Frederick R. Robsel
Ms. Shirley Rodgers
Mrs. Patricia C. Rogers
Ms. Rebecca M. Rogers
Sister Regina Rogers
Mr. Scott Rogers
Mr. Paul Rohrbaugh, Jr.
Dr. Robert Rollin
Ms. Marybeth Roman
Mrs. Rosann Rookey
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Rosen
Mr. Robert Ross
Mr. Joseph F. Rottenborn
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Rousseau
Mr. Joseph Rouzzo
Mr. William Rowan
Mrs. Joyce Rowlands
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Ruby, III
Ms. Isabel Rudge
Mrs. Elaine Rudick
Ms. Christine Ruggieri
Ms. Gloria Rule
Ms. Lees Ruoff
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Rupe
Ms. Carolyn Rusnak
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rusnak
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Rusnak
Mrs. Linda Russell
Mr. Peter Russell
Mr. Willard D. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. John Rutherford
Ms. Patricia Ryan
Ms. Anna M. Ryser
Mr. & Mrs. Liviu M. Sacui
Ms. Jo Sagebeer
Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Sager
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Sainato
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Sakas, Jr.
Mr. Roberto Salcedo
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Saluga
Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Sanders
Mr. Robert Sanders
Ms. Mae Sands
Ms. Mary Lee Sandusky
Ms. Margaret A. Sandy
Ms. Barbara Sanner
Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Santone
Mr. Larry Sapir
Mrs. Dorothy Sarver
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Sauline
Mr. Alexander G. Savakis
Mrs. Jeanette A. Sberna
Mr. Richard S. Scarsella
Mrs. Karen Scenna
Ms. Emily W. Schaff
Mr. James Schaffer
Dr. Eric Schaffert
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn D. Scharf
Ms. Julie Scheel
Ms. Kathryn Scheel
Mrs. Karen B. Scher
Mr. John Schialdone
Dr. & Mrs. Steven M. Schildcrout
Mr. William R. Schilling
Ms. Loree Schmidt
Mr. John Schofer
Sister Susan Schorsten
Ms. Nancy Schotten
Mr. Jeff Schreiber
Ms. Leslie Schreiber
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Schrom
Mr. Scott R. Schulick
Ms. Linda A. Seeley
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Seely
Mrs. Rima Selius
Mr. George Semer
Ms. Micki Semroc
Mr. Paul Sentgeorge
Ms. Alissa Sgro
Ms. Nancy L. Shaffer
Dr. & Mrs. Ray Shaffer
Mrs. Julie Sharrow
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Shaw
Mrs. Becky A. Sheeler
Mrs. Crystal D. Shells
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Shepherd
Mr. Larry C. Sherer
Mrs. Barbara Sherwood
Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Shiderly
Mr. Tom Shillinger
Mr. David Shively & Ms. Pat Shively
Ms. Elaine M. Shively
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Shriver
Ms. Gwen E. Shriver
Mr. William Shutes
Mr. Shiraz Sidi
Mr. Tad Siembida
Msgr. Robert Siferin
Mr. Brian K. Silvers
H.D. Sim
Mr. Matthew Simari
Ms. Kristy Simcox
Mr. Jeffrey Siminovitch
Ms. Karen Simon
Mr. David Simonelli
Mr. Stephen J. Simunich
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Singler
Ms. Barbara Sitko
Ms. Irene Skoufis
Ms. Brooke Slanina
Mr. James Slantiz
Ms. Patricia M. Slaven
Mr. & Mrs. James Small
Mrs. Noralee Smiley
Mr. Bradley Smith
Ms. Carol E. Smith
Ms. Grace Smith
Ms. Joellyn Smith
Mr. Lee Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Smith
Ms. Mary Helen Smith
Mr. Mike Smith
Ms. Monique Smith
Mr. Richard E. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Smith
Mr. Thaddeus Smith
Mr. & Mrs. William Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Smotzer
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Sniderman
Mrs. Constance G. Snyder
Ms. Kathleen Sobash
Ms. Marilouise Sole
Ms. Florence Soletro
Ms. Evelyn Solomon
Ms. Lynn Sonnenlittler
Ms. Loretta Sorger
Ms. Nancy Soyars
Dr. Angela Spalsbury
Mr. & Mrs. Ricahrd Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Alan G. Spitaler
Mr. Joseph Spurio
Ms. Jennifer J. Staaf
Mr. Stephen M. Stahara
Ms. Janet Stahl
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Stahl
Mr. Nick Stamateris
Ms. Judy Stanger
Ms. Cecella A. Stanko
Ms. Margaret N. Starbuck
Mr. Ernest Starks
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Staudohar
Ms. Gail Steele
Mr. Matthew A. Stefanak
Ms. Norma J. Stefanik
Mr. Jack Stein
Mr. Jerome K. Stephens
Dr. & Mrs. Michael T. Stern
Mr. George Stevens
Ms. Ruth A. Stevenson
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Stewart
Ms. Lynn Stewart
Ms. Susan Stewart
Mrs. Ethel Stiver
Mr. Edward R. Stride
M. A. Villedary Stroh
Mrs. Anne Stroia
Ms. Linda Strom
Mr. Richard Stroup
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Strudwick
Mr. & Mrs. Arlon K. Stubbe
Ms. Kathryn Subasic
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Suchy
Ms. Eleanore A. Suciu
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Summers
Mr. Sri Chandra Swami
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Swogger
Ms. Jennifer Swogger
Ms. Diane Syphrit
Ms. Ann C. Syring
Mr. James Szabo
Mr. Joseph F. Szakacs
Ms. Amy Taggart
Ms. Lois M. Tamplin
Mr. Matthew Tanner
Mr. Paul Tanona
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Telega
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Tener
Ms. Tracy Teski
Dr. Michael Theall
Ms. Barbara Thomas
Ms. Joanne Thomas
Dr. Julie E. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Thomas, Jr.
Ms. Susan Thomas
Ms. Valerie Thomas
Mr. James Thompson
Mr. Terry Thompson
Mr. James Thornton
Ms. Janet Thornton
Mr. John M. Thornton
Mrs. Ruth Tibbits
Ms. Maureen Tighe-Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Shawin Timblin
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Timlin
Mr. & Mrs. Ross F. Tittle
Ms. Connie Titus
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Toot
Mr. & Mrs. John Tosi
Ms. Becky Tovin
Mr. George Trefethern
Mrs. Klara Trusova
Mr. Tim Tryon
Ms. Phyllis Turk
Mr. Stephen Turner
Mrs. Catherine A. Turney
Mrs. Elaine S. Ulrich
Mrs. Anne Ungard
Ms. Melissa Urban
Ms. Janet A. Valenta
Ms. Marilyn Valiga
Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Valley
Mr. Thomas Vanasdale
Mr. Andrew Vanish
Mr. Matthew Vansuch
Mr. Thomas G. VanWert
Ms. Jan Vaughn
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Veith
Mrs. Gloria Veri
Ms. Anne Vermeire
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Verone
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Vicars
Ms. Deena Vico
Ms. Cynthia Vigiliotti
Mr. Ignacio Villa
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn W. Voisey
Ms. Barbara VonThaer
Mr. David L. Vosburgh
Mr. Gordon D. Vujevic
Mr. Barry S. Wagner
Mr. Darrell Wagner
Ms. Linda Wagner
Mr. Stephen Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell B. Wagner
Ms. Julie Ann Walby
Mr. Charles Walker
Dr. Gary R. Walker
Ms. Joan Walker
Ms. Carol Wall
Dr. Bruce Waller
Ms. Monica A. Walls
Ms. Sally Walters
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Walton
Ms. Anne Waters
Ms. Sue Weaver
Ms. Carol Weber
Mr. William Weber
Dr. & Dr. Kurt J. Wegner
Mr. Andrew Weiss
Ms. Cathy Weiss
Mr. Tom Weller
Mrs. Penny Wells
Mr. William E. Wells
Mr. Daniel J. Welsh
Mr. T. Gordon Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. M. Frederic Welter
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Weltman
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Wendle
Mr. Dean S. Wennerstrom
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon G. Wepfer
Ms. Jane F. Westenfeld
Ms. Karen Westerfield
Mr. Dan Whirl
Ms. Janet White
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. White
Ms. Donna Whited
Ms. Clara K. Wick
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Wiercinski
Ms. Janet P. Wigg
Mr. Russell Wightman
Mr. & Mrs. John Wigle
Mr. Gordon Wilber
Ms. Julie Wilcox
Ms. Mary Ellen Wilcox
Ms. Susan B. Wilkins
Ms. Carol Williams
Ms. Diana Williams
Ms. Judy Williams
Mr. Bruce Willner
Ms. E. Kathryn Wilms
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wilson
Ms. Marcelle Wilson
Mr. Paul Wilson
Mr. Robert Wilson
Dr. Sonya M. Wilt
Mr. Reggie Windom
Mr. Robert Winebold
Ms. Constance G. Witt
Ms. Susan Witt
Mr. Joe Wojtowicz
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Wolff
Mr. Harry Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Woodring
Mr. John Woods
Ms. Kay Woods
Mrs. Arlene N. Wright
Mr. Broderick L. Wright
Mrs. Veda A. Wright
Mrs. Elizabeth Wrona
Mr. Paul Wysocki
Mr. Chris Yambar &
Ms. Maureen Yambar
Mr. Fred Yane
Mrs. Jeanette H. Yasgur
Ms. Kate Yasgur
Mrs. H. Yauger
Mrs. Gretchen Yeo
Mr. Joseph Yobe
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Young
Ms. Judith A. Young
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Young
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Yozwiak
Mr. Richard Zacharias
Mr. Adam Zagotti
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Zahniser
Mr. Jason Zapka
Ms. Rose M. Zaubi
Mrs. Victoria M. Zeiger
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Zimmer
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Zimmerman
Ms. Kathleen Zimmerman
Ms. Elizabeth Zlatkoff
Judge & Mrs. Julius A. Zlotnick
Mrs. Sarah G. Zuckerman
Mr. John Zuppo
Roger & Gloria Jones
Roger & Gloria Jones Trust
Ted & Susan Perkins
Lowell & Ellen Satre
Mary B. Smith
Patricia Syak
Bruce & Nancy Beeghly
Dr. & Mrs. Albert Cinelli
J. Paul Good
Fran Greenberg
Larry F. Harris
Dr. Carly Johnson
John M. MacIntosh, Jr.
William & Paula Powell
Mary Alice Schaff
Gregory & Elizabeth Smith
Stambaugh Auditorium
Barbara H. Tinkham
Jacqueline Abrams
Francis & Carol Bittel
James Boyd & Dr. Misook Yun
Donald W. & June Byo
WYSU-FM Underwriters
Aebischer’s Jewelry
Akron Children’s Hospital
Associated School Employees
Credit Union
The Baha’i of Ohio Valley
Ruth H. Beecher Charitable Trust
Butler Wick & Company
Michael Charles Premier Wines
Cleveland Film Society
The Cleveland Orchestra
Donnell Ford
Dr. Elizabeth Finley-Belrgad
First National Bank of PA
The First Unitarian Church
Friends of Fellows Riverside
Go Ahead Vacations, Inc.
Harrington, Hoppe, & Mitchell
Hersh Exterminating Service
Hieronymus Family Fund
Hiram College
Home Savings & Loan
Humility of Mary HP
Internet Data Management
Italian Scholarship League
James & Weaver
Key Bank & Key Private Bank
League of Women Voters
Mahoning River Consortium
Mahoning Valley Dietetic
Meadowbrook Nursery &
Niles Iron & Metal Company
Oakland Center for the Arts
Ohio Department of Health
Packer Thomas
Park Vista Retirement Community
Pittsburgh Symphony
Pamily H. Proctor Charitable
The Right Sort
Dr. Thomas A. Shipka
Sandra J. Spalla, Massage
Stambaugh Auditorium
Star Supply Bargain Outlets
Strollo Architects, Inc.
Thymely Events, Inc.
Umbrella Roofing Systems
Vital Record Storage
Warren Philharmonic Orchestra
Westminster College
Wick Neighbors, Inc.
Youngstown Hearing & Speech
Youngstown Opera Guild
Youngstown Spiritual Society
YSU Dana School of Music
YSU Geology & Environmental
Sciences Dept.
YSU Graduate School
YSU Maag Library
YSU MBA Program
YSU The Philosophy Circle
YSU Physical Therapy Department
The Friends of Music is a support association for the Dana School of Music. Its primary purpose is to
raise funds for scholarships for Dana’s talented music majors.
In the recent past, the association has raised over $160,000.00 for scholarships. Headed by Professor
David Starkey for many years, the group is now headed by Ellen Satre, president; Ted Perkins, treasurer,
and a host of volunteers from the community.
This year the Friends of Music has awarded $8,700 to students for the academic year 2007-08.
Ralph Collins
William & Carole Conti
Ryerson & Caren Dalton
Alex Downie, Jr.
Joseph & Karen Edwards
Michael Gelfand & Family
Virginia Goodin
Dr. & Mrs. E. Thomas Harnish
Thomas & Carol Jochman
Randall Jones
Dr. Michael & Patricia Kavic
Dr. Edward J. Largent
Larry & Diane Miller
L. Bud & Marilyn Mould
Mary & Don Pisegna
James Ray & Suzanne Anzellotti
Robert & Carol Sacherman
James B. Schmidt
Dr. Leonard Spiegel & Joy Elder
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Stocks
John & Hannelore Thomas
Robert Thomas
David & Deborah Tolich
Ellen Wakeford-Banks
Robert Antonucci
Dr. Carol Baird
Michael & Wendy Crist
Ronald & Marcia Gould
Sally Anne & Richard Gunn
Joseph & Lois Hopkins
Pauline Hruby
Joseph & Debbie Kane
John & Laura Manhollan
Clyde Morris & Janet Yaniglos
Wendell & Mary Parr
Joseph & Mary Lou Rongone
Steve & Toni Schildcrout
Blanche Sekeres
F. William & Nancy Morris Scragg
Edward & Rita Smrek
Alexander & Lucy Stuart
Raymond & Mary Place Thomas
Richard Zacharias
Martin & Louisa Berger
Patricia Cavanaugh
Dr. Harold Chevlen
Margaret Ohl Grace
Robert & Mary Hogan
Lydia F. Infante
C. Gilbert James, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kramer
Elliot & Christine Legow
Ley-Yoder Studios
Natalie Majoros
Adam Mamula
Dr. & Mrs. Isadore Mendel
Joseph & Ann Owen
Dale Rauschenberg
Gary & Susan Sexton
Don & Marilou Stimple
Dr. Frank & Mary Tarantine
Margie Tomo
David J. Venerose, Jr.
Robin Torbron Warde
Garey L. Watson
Ken & Marty Young
Michael Morley
New York Music
P & S Bakery
Ellen & Lowell Satre
Harvey & Marilyn Lee Schneider
YSU James Dale Ethics Center
Rosemarie Kascher
Beverly Nelson
Manuel Barrueco Concert
Underwriters & Donors
James & Linda Garber
Fran Greenberg
Kennedy Family Foundation
Mrs. F. W. (Connie) Knecht
Dr. Michael Leone
Rev. Kathryn Adams
Nazir Ahmed, M.D.
Dr. Domenico B. Aliberti
The Right Reverend Monsignor
John P. Ashton
Dr. Christopher M. Bache
Mr. Ronald Baldine
Dr. Peter A. Baldino, Jr.
Mr. John Bechtel
Dr. George D. Beelen
David Betras, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Bevan
Ms. Eve Bevilacqua
Mr. Joseph Bevilacqua
Jacqueline M. Bibo
Mr. William J. Brennan
George G. Briach, Esq.
Mr. Alfred L. Bright
Ms. Terri Brown
Mr. Raymond M. Caciale
Mr. & Mrs. Carmine Cassese
Mr. Joseph Cassese
Dr. Albert S. Celec
Dr. & Mrs. Albert B. Cinelli
Mr. David Collins
Hon. Maureen A. Cronin
Ms. Rebecca Dale
Scott & Dorothy Davis
Mr. David C. Deibel
Hon. Theresa Dellick
Mr. Edward DiGregorio
Mr. David DiRusso
Ms. Madeline DiRusso
Mr. Joseph D. DiTunno
Dr. & Mrs. Leslie S. Domonkos
Hon. Peter & Mrs. Marie Economus
Dr. Robert J. Edwards
Matthew T. Fekete, Esq.
Mrs. Jeanne Foley
Mrs. Shari Francis
Mrs. Donna Fredrickson
Dr. & Mrs. Shearle L. Furnish
Dr. John F. Geletka
Mark Gervelis, Esq.
Rev. Stephen A. Gifford
Mr. Edward Goist
Dr. Joseph S. Gregori
Mr. Samuel W. Grooms
Mr. Robert Hagan
Dennis Haines, Esq.
Mary & Jeffrey Hake
Michael S. Harshman, Esq.
Ms. Margaret B. Haushalter
Mr. & Mrs. David Hinkle
Dr. Cary & Mr. James W. Horvath
Ms. Joan Iacobacci
The Philosophy Circle is the support group of the YSU Department of Philosophy and
Religious Studies. One reason the group was established was to support the Albert J. Shipka
Speakers Series, which featured its first speaker in 1993. The name of the series was changed
recently from the Albert J. Shipka Speakers Series to the Dr. Thomas and Albert Shipka
Speakers Series. The Philosophy Circle welcomes the opportunity to thank our benefactors
by recognizing them publicly through this list.
Mr. Floyd E. Jackson
Dr. Isaiah Jackson
Mr. C. Gilbert James, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald V. Jaworski
Dr. Ikram Khawaja
Hana Kilibarda, Esq.
Mr. James M. Klingensmith
Mrs. F. W. Knecht, III
Hon. Elizabeth A. Kobly
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Kosar
Drs. Ahalya & Rama Krishnan
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Lariccia
Dr. Bari Lateef
Mr. Jim Lepore
Dr. Sherry Lee Linkon
Mr. Richard Lucarell
Mr. John W. Lyden
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Malmisur
Mr. Paul J. McFadden
Richard P. McLaughlin, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McNally, III
Jeralyn G. Mercer, Esq.
Dr. Howard Mettee
Mr. Martin J. Milich
Hon. Robert P. Milich &
Mrs. Kathryn Milich
Dr. & Mrs. Brendan P. Minogue
Dr. Mustansir Mir
Michael Morley, Esq.
Dr. Clyde D. Morris
Dr. Deborah S. Mower
Mr. Carmen Naples
Mr. Ralph Naples
Mr. Joseph Nohra
Dr. Bernard M. Oakes
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. O’Connell
Dr. & Mrs. Kong T. Oh
Dr. Daniel O’Neill
Dr. Gabriel Palmer-Fernández
Pam & Tom Palumbo
Ms. Helen Pavlov
John L. Pogue, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Carmen Policy
John Weed Powers, Esq.
Mr. Edward J. Reese
Dr. Charles L. Reid
Mr. Philemon E. Rheins
Mrs. M. Alice Riley
Mr. David B. Roberts
Atty. James Edward Roberts
Mr. James Robson, Jr.
Mr. Michael Roman
Dr. Hassan A. Ronaghy
Mr. Chester E. Rufh
Dr. John Russo
Ms. Susan Russo
T rustees
T rustees
John L. Pogue, chair
Dr. Dianne Bitonte Miladore
Peter J. Asimakopoulos
Robert O’Leary
Larry DeJane, vice chair
Scott R. Schulick
Eugenia Atkinson
Anthony Payiavlas
Dr. H.S. Wang
Dr. A. Gary Bitonte
John L. Pogue
Millicent Counts
Stephen Foley, student trustee
Alan G. Brant
William R. Roesti
Dr. Sudershan K. Garg
Erianne Raib, student trustee
William J. Bresnahan
Gene Rossi
Harry Meshel
Franklin S. Bennett Jr., secretary
Lee Burdman
William A. Russell
Anthony M. Cafaro, Sr.
C. Reid Schmutz
Donald Cagigas
Herbert F. Schuler, Sr.
Thomas J. Cavalier
Joseph M. Schwebel
Dr. Y.T. Chiu, Jr.
Scott R. Schulick
Alan W. Cope
James H. Sisek
Rex A. Ferry
C.R. Smith, Jr.
Eleanor Beecher Flad
William L. Spencer
Thomas Fleming
Richard B. Thompson
Thomas D.Y. Fok, Ph.D.
E. Carroll Thornton, Jr.
Frank Hierro
David Tod
Jocelyne Kollay Linsalata
Frank C. Watson
Douglas McKay
The Honorable Jay Williams
Richard P. McLaughlin
Paul J. Williams
Garry Mrozek
Warren P. Williamson, III
Thomas E. Naughton
G. Leo Winger
Donald Cagigas
To Our Readers
The Youngstown State University Annual Report for 2006-2007
recognizes all donors to YSU during the fiscal year from July 1, 2006
to June 30, 2007.
Accuracy is always a top priority in preparing the Annual Report;
however, an occasional error may arise when compiling such a large
volume of donor listings. We apologize if a name is omitted or listed
incorrectly. If you have corrections, please call the appropriate office.
Alumni Relations YSU Annual Fund YSU Foundation Friends of Maag Library Friends of Music Marketing and
Communications 330-941-3497
Penguin Club Performing Arts Series
Philosophy Circle
The Rich Center for
Autism WYSU-FM Joseph S. Nohra
Mr. Anthony J. Saadey
Ms. Clare C. Salata
Dr. Lowell J. Satre
Mr. & Mrs. C. Reid Schmutz
Mr. Scott R. Schulick
Gary & Susan Sexton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Shipka
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Shipka
Dr. Donna J. Sloan
Mrs. Lorna Smith
Mrs. Mary B. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony H. Stocks
Mr. Cliff Stoudt
Dr. Frank J. Tarantine
Dr. Linda J. “Tess” Tessier
Mrs. Mary P. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Tressel
Dr. Bruce N. Waller
Dr. Victor F. Wan-Tatah
Mr. John C. Wendle
Dr. John R. White
Atty. & Mrs. Richard N. White
Ms. Eleanor K. Woodford
Dr. Harold Yiannaki
Dr. John & Mrs. Denise
DeBartolo York
Mr. Bruce J. Zoldan
Setting the Standard
Chemistry prof
Since retiring eight years ago, Janet E. Del Bene,
professor emeritus of chemistry, has been golfing, playing
piano and organ, taking travel photos – and accelerating the
publication rate of her research work in quantum theoretical
Last year she reached a significant milestone: the publication of her 200th scientific paper, believed to be the most
ever by a YSU faculty member.
“Dr. Del Bene is a tremendous asset to both YSU and
the world of science,” said Ikram Khawaja, YSU interim
provost. “Her research productivity sets a benchmark
which is not easy to replicate.”
A native of Girard now living in Howland, Del Bene
retired from teaching in 1999, but since then she has
dramatically increased her research, writing and workrelated travel.
Del Bene, who earned bachelor’s degrees in education and chemistry from YSU before receiving a Ph.D.
in chemistry from the University of Cincinnati in 1968, accesses the Ohio Supercomputer Center in Columbus to do her
calculations. Her research focuses on hydrogen bonds, what
she calls “the most important way in which two molecules
can interact.” Her work has applications to drug interactions and DNA replication.
“I fell in love with chemistry in high
school,” said Del Bene, a 1957 graduate of
Ursuline High School in Youngstown. “I
wanted to answer the question ‘why?’”
Her first published paper appeared in
The Journal of Chemical Physics in 1968.
Her 200th paper, published in 2007 in
Magnetic Resonance Chemistry, explains
how NMR experiments can be used to
characterize hydrogen bonds, and suggests some new experiments that could
provide important insights.
Del Bene said she learned from
her mentors, “Research is never
done until it is written up, peer
reviewed, and published.”
The recipient of numerous
awards from organizations across the
nation, Del Bene has been a
consultant to Goodyear and the National Institute of Health
and an external examiner for the Department of Energy. She
has worked with Nobel Prize laureate John A. Pople at Carnegie Mellon University and with collaborators from around
the world, including Spain, Australia and Florida.
What is she proudest of?
“The kind of work I do is
accepted by other scientists
and used by them, which
means that there is value
in it,” she said.
Janet E. Del Bene, with
bound copies of her 200
scientific articles.
Winter 2008
A Close-Up View
ate and MBA students who have completed courses in
YSU business students are responsible for managbusiness finance and investment analysis. Oversight is
ing a $250,000 portfolio of stocks, bonds and other
provided by Chen and an advisory council made up of
funds under a new program developed by the YSU
members of the YSU Foundation and the local business
Foundation and the finance faculty in the Williamson
community. Eventually, the program will be expanded to
College of Business Administration.
include all interested WCBA students.
The YSU Student Investment Fund is designed
The program allows students to learn how to deto give graduate and undergraduate students hands-on
velop a portfolio strategy, analyze data, explore various
experience in the financial markets, said Reid Schmutz,
investment methods and examine investor behaviors,
president of the YSU Foundation.
said Betty Jo Licata, dean of the Williamson College of
“We are delighted to provide the funding and the
Business Administration. The Fund’s investment goal is
expert oversight to help students experience firsthand
to outperform S&P 500 index returns consistently, but at
the world of managing an active portfolio,” Schmutz
the same time maintain an acceptable risk, she said.
said. “From its founding, the YSU Foundation’s focus
“There is no better way to learn than by making
has been on helping YSU students achieve their podecisions that have a real impact,” Licata said. “Students
tential. We believe this program is in keeping with that
will gain a better understanding of financial concepts,
investment research, and portfolio management. We are
The Foundation, with more than $170 million in asgrateful to the YSU Foundation for providing our stusets, provides in excess of $5 million annually in scholdents with a unique and valuable learning opportunity.”
arships to YSU students and supports a variety of other
Earnings will be reinvested in the Fund.
educational programs and endeavors at the university.
For more information on the YSU Foundation, visit
“We appreciate the Foundation stepping up to ad or call
vance and enhance the educational opportunities avail330-941-3211.
able to our students,” YSU President David C. Sweet
said. “This program
allows our business
students – many of
whom someday will
be managing their own
portfolios – to get a
close-up view of the
world of finance.”
Under the YSU
Student Investment
Fund program, the
Foundation provides
$250,000. The fund
is managed by YSU
students enrolled in a
course called Practicum
in Portfolio Management, taught by Dr.
Peter Chen, assistant
professor of accounting
and finance.
Reid Schmutz, right, president of the YSU Foundation, and Thomas Cavalier, chair of the
The course, which
Foundation’s Board of Trustees, speak at a news conference announcing the new Student
began in January,
Investment Fund.
includes undergradu-
Youngstown State University
Stavich Family Donates $2.7M for Scholarships
The Stavich Family Trust has donated $2.7 million to
the YSU Foundation to provide scholarships to students in
Campbell, Ohio.
The gift from the Stavich family, who owned Calex Corp.
in Campbell for 40 years, is the third largest in YSU’s history.
“My father and my uncles all promoted the value of
education and hard work throughout their lives,” said Alice
Klempay, daughter of Steve Stavich. Steve, John, George and
Andrew Stavich formed Calex Corp. in 1952.
The scholarship fund, established in 1993, provides about
20 to 25 scholarships per year to Campbell Memorial High
School students to pay the cost of tuition not covered by other
financial aid that students may receive.
The gift is part of YSU’s $43 million Centennial Capital
Campaign. The Stavich gift brings the campaign total to $39.6
The Stavich brothers built Calex Corp. into one of
the largest aluminum processors in the nation. In 1992, the
company was sold.
From the left are Donna Stavich, daughter of John Stavich; YSU
President David C. Sweet; and Alice Klempay, daughter of Steve
Hynes-Finnegan Pledges $500K
Resch Gives $200,000
Butler Wick Trust Co. has announced that the Marion G.
Resch Foundation has granted $200,000 to YSU’s Centennial
Capital Campaign to create The Resch Student Leadership
Awards. “With the gift, the Resch Foundation has now granted nearly $1 million to YSU, mainly for student scholarships,”
Dr. George Pugh, chair of the Marion G. Resch Foundation
Trustees, said at a news conference in December. Butler
Wick Trust Co. – through its foundations, trusts, and clients –
has facilitated grants in excess of $5 million to YSU in support
of its mission. In recognition of the gift, YSU’s Center for Student Progress is being renamed The Marion G. Resch Center
for Student Progress. From the left are YSU President David
C. Sweet; James H. Sisek, a trustee of the Marion G. Resch
Foundation and president of Butler Wick Trust Co.; Dr. Pugh;
and Jonelle Beatrice, director of the Marion G. Resch Center
for Student Progress. Dr. Pugh passed away in January.
The John and Loretta Hynes and the John D. Finnegan
Foundations have pledged $500,000 to YSU’s Centennial
Capital Campaign to help in the construction of a new building
for the Williamson College of Business Administration.
“It is our pleasure on the 100th anniversary of the founding of YSU to provide this gift,” said David Sabine, senior
vice president of Huntington Bank, the trustee of the HynesFinnegan Foundations.
It is the largest single gift in the 50-year history of the
Hynes-Finnegan Foundations. The Foundations were formed
in 1957 by John D. Finnegan and John Hynes, the founders and
original owners of Hynes Industries in Youngstown. This is the
Foundations’ fourth major gift to YSU in the past 11 years.
Accounting Firms Give $150K
Five accounting firms have donated a combined $150,000
to YSU’s Centennial Capital Campaign to help construct a new
building for the business school.
The gifts from Anness, Gerlach & Williams; Cohen &
Co.; Hill, Barth & King; Packer Thomas; and Schroedel,
Scullin & Bestic, were announced in the fall.
From the left are Frank Hierro, regional president of Huntington
Bank; Betty Jo Licata, dean of YSU’s Williamson College of Business Administration; YSU President David C. Sweet; and Tony
Lariccia, chair of the YSU Centennial Campaign.
Winter 2008
Alumni Across the Nation
Alumni in various parts of the country gathered for a series of events over the past several
months to celebrate YSU’s Centennial. The
get-togethers sparked opportunities to reminisce about life at YoCo, YU and YSU. Many
alums made new connections and made
plans to stay in touch. The graduates agreed
that the quality of education at YSU had an
impact on their success today.
Alumni in Atlanta gathered for a reception
in November at the Atlanta Fish Market.
A reception for Pittsburgh alumni was
held in October at Folino’s Ristorante.
Missy Pinkerton ’05, Brian Pinkerton ’99,
Joe Keys ’99 and future Penguin Anna Pinkerton
get ready to cheer on the Penguins during the
alumni pre-game dinner before the YSU vs.
Cleveland State basketball game in December.
Chicago-area alumni got together at a reception
in December at the Tower Club.
Youngstown State University
Alumni News
Don’t Miss
the All Alumni Reunion!
The All Alumni Reunion will take place on Saturday, July 12, 2008.
All 85,000 alumni are invited to return to campus for a fun-filled day of special programs
planned by each college for graduates and their families. Activities for all age groups will showcase the
marvelous programs in YSU’s academic departments. The event will be held in conjunction with the
Summer Festival of the Arts.
The schedule for the day is as follows:
10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Summer Festival of the Arts on YSU’s campus.
Noon. to 5 p.m.
Special All Alumni Reunion programs
in each college.
5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Alumni Dinner in the Chestnut
Room, Kilcawley Center.
7 p.m.
Forte on the Fifty with musical
entertainment and fireworks,
Stambaugh Stadium.
Alumni Legacy Scholarship
Youngstown State University has a rich tradition
of legacy attendance. The legacy of a child following
in the footsteps of a parent to obtain a degree from the
same alma mater is indeed a cherished tradition. The
Office of Alumni Relations is committed to fostering
Complete program descriptions, locations,
times and presenters will be featured in the Spring
2008 YSU Insider. Reservations for the alumni
dinner and Forte on the Fifty are required.
Check out the Office of Alumni Relations website at
alumni for updates.
The All Alumni Reunion
will be a fantastic way to
celebrate YSU’s Centennial anniversary, experience the vibrant
campus, and reunite with faculty
and classmates. Make a trip to
YSU part of your travel plans this
relationships between graduates and is proud to
offer four $1,000 Legacy Scholarships to children
of current Alumni Society members. Applications
are available each January and are due by March 14.
Call 330-941-3497 for an application.
Arizona Alumni Chapter social . .... Sunday, Feb. 17.
M a r1
Yo u r
C a le n d a rCall the Office of Alumni Relations at 330-941-3497 for more information.22
Doubleheader alumni
basketball dinner ...... Saturday, March 1, in Beeghly Center.
Youngstown Day....... Sunday, March 9 at 11 a.m.
at the Hyatt, Sarasota, Fla.
All Alumni Reunion....... Saturday, July 12 on YSU campus.
Winter 2008
Penguins at Pauley
YSU’s men’s basketball team opened the
2007-08 season with a trip to the Mecca of
college basketball – Pauley Pavilion on the
campus of UCLA.
The trip to the O’Reilly Auto Parts
CBE Classic in the fall was YSU’s first
hoops game ever in California. The
Penguins fell to UCLA in the first game
but defeated Weber State the next day
in the consolation contest.
The hallowed court at Pauley
Pavilion has hosted a literal
“who’s who” of college
basketball stars since
its opening in 1965,
including Lew Alcindor
(Kareem AbdulJabbar), Bill Walton,
Sidney Wicks,
Marques Johnson,
Reggie Miller,
Baron Davis and
Pete Maravich,
not to mention
coach John
Freshman guard Vance
Cooksey drives down
the court at UCLA’s
Pauley Pavilion.
(Photo by Rich Schmitt)
Youngstown State University
2008 Baseball Preview
2008 Softball Preview
New Coach Takes Over
Veteran Squad
Goal: Make a Run for Crown
There may be a new head
coach, but the other faces in the
dugout will be very familiar for
the YSU baseball team in 2008.
Seven starters in the field and 12
pitchers return to give first-year
skipper Rich Pasquale a veteran
group looking to return to the top
of the Horizon League.
Pasquale comes to YSU
Rich Pasquale
from stints at Slippery Rock
University, La Roche College and the University of Pittsburgh. His 2008 squad features nine seniors, five players
who earned special recognition by the Horizon League and
junior John Koehnlein, who ranked as one of the top hitters
in the nation last season.
The Penguins will host the 2008 Horizon League
Championship at Eastwood Field in Niles starting May 20.
When YSU last hosted the tournament in 2004, it won the
tournament and advanced to the NCAA Tournament for the
first time in school history.
Prior to the tournament, YSU will have a rugged schedule that features perennial national powers Georgia Tech
and Alabama and other contests against Penn State, West
Virginia and Kent State.
Jessica Fraley
Caps Impressive
Volleyball Career
Senior Jessica Fraley turned in
one of the best seasons in YSU volleyball history and capped her career
in style after being named the team’s
most valuable player for 2007.
Despite missing much of her
Jessica Fraley
sophomore and junior seasons to injury, Fraley finished her career with 1,001 kills and ranks
ninth all-time on the YSU career kills list.
This past season, Fraley was named to the Horizon
League All-League team after leading the Penguins and
ranking third in the Horizon League with 427 kills, which
is the fourth-highest single-season total in YSU history.
Her 3.5 kills per game average also ranked sixth in the
League. Fraley reached double figures in kills in 25 of 30
matches and tallied at least 20 kills on four occasions.
With 316 digs and 17 double-doubles in 2007, Fraley
also became just the fifth player in school history to
record at least 400 kills and 300 digs in a season.
The 2008 YSU softball team has one goal in
mind – to reclaim the Horizon League softball title it
won in 2006. With 14 letter winners, eight starters and
six seniors returning from the 2007 squad, the Penguins
have the necessary experience to make a run for the
league crown.
The entire infield from 2007 returns this season.
Senior McKenzie Bedra, who became YSU’s all-time
home run leader with 23, headlines the group. Bedra, a
First-Team All-Horizon League selection in 2007 who
batted .406 and belted nine home runs, returns at the
hot corner.
The middle infield consists of a talented trio of
junior Allyse Ledford, sophomore Autumn Grove and
freshman Rochelle Vanyi. Senior Becky Hibner, who
batted .313 last season, has been a staple at first base
for the Penguins over the last three seasons. Behind the
plate for the third season is junior Kristen McDonnell.
The Penguins
lost two corner
outfielders to graduation but have
filled the holes
with the additions
of Kent State
transfer Kristen
Bair and newcomer Katy Potokar.
Senior Jamie
Fornal, who spent
much of 2007 as
the designated
player, may return
to right field, and
classmate Shauna
Barry is poised to
be inserted into
one of the corMcKenzie Bedra, 2007 first-team
ner slots. Senior
All-Horizon League.
Bethany Hafley
returns for her
fourth season roaming center field and Potokar could
see some time as captain of the outfield.
The largest hole to fill for the Penguins will be
in the circle. The Penguins lost Karlie Burnell, who
posted 27 victories in her last two years, to graduation.
Trying to fill that role will be sophomores Danielle
Chase, who picked up three wins in 2007, Cheryl Cale
and Erin Schindler, and junior Tasha Hess.
The Penguins open the 2008 campaign against St.
Mary’s (Calif.) on Feb. 28.
Winter 2008
Sister Marcia
Welsh, OSU, of
Canfield,’46, BA,
has been honored for
50 years of service
with the Ursulines.
A graduate of Rayen
High School, Sister
Marcia earned a master’s in mathematics
Sister Marcia
from the University
Welsh, ’46
of Pittsburgh, and
a master’s in pastoral studies from
Loyola University, Chicago. She
taught math at Ursuline High School
and at Youngstown University. She began a ministry for S.O.M.E. (So Others
Might Eat), an agency that cares for
the poor. Her particular mission was as
director of Harvest House and Shalom
Center senior centers.
Ed Stizza, of Fountain Hills, Ariz.,’60,
BSE, was the first recipient of the
DaVita Patient Citizens Hero Award
for making a difference in the lives of
dialysis patients. He has been honored
for his continued work, support and for
positively impacting kidney care in his
Sister Marlene
OSU, of
BSEd, has
been honored
for 50 years of
service with
the Ursulines.
Sister Marlene
A graduate of LoGrasso, ’62
Ursuline High
School, Sr. Marlene
earned a master’s in reading from
Seton Hall University, New Jersey,
and a master’s in pastoral studies from
Loyola University, Chicago. She has
taught at many area schools, and she
currently ministers at St. Hilary Parish
in Fairlawn.
Youngstown State University
Dr. Victor Angel,
of Maineville,
Ohio,’64, BS,
was elected
president of the
Ohio Osteopathic Association for the year
est recognition for individual or team
achievements. His team designed and
developed the Persistent Threat Detection System, a tethered aerostat-based
surveillance system used in support of
Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. 
Victor Angel, ’64
Jim O’Neil, of San
Diego,’67, BE, is
chairman and chief
executive of SPS
Holdings, LLC.
Since 1994, he has
been a CEO of four
separate LBO Companies owned by the
Prometheus InvestJim O’Neil, ’67
ment Group. Prior to
joining Prometheus he owned several
small companies in the computer industry and served in the Army, where
he had several tours in the Pentagon.
He earned an MS degree from American University in Washington D.C.
Rob Delane, of
Ohio,’68, BM,
director of
school board
development for
the Ohio School
Boards Association, is now also
serving as the
Rob Delane, ’68
OSBA’s deputy
executive director. In his 39 years in
public education, Delane has served as
superintendent of Lucas Local Schools
in Richland County; high school principal for Salem City Schools; assistant
high school principal for Port Clinton
City Schools; and music director at
Deerfield Public Schools in Michigan.
He earned educational specialist and
master’s degrees in education administration from the University of Toledo.
Warren Morrison, of Uniontown,
Ohio,’68, BE, was on a development
team at Lockheed Martin’s Akron
facility that earned the company’s 2007
NOVA Award, the corporation’s high-
Karen E. Conklin, of Liberty,’70,
BSBA, has been appointed executive director of the Humane Society
of Greater Akron. She had been chief
executive of Girl Scouts Lake to River
Jim Baxter, of Cary, N.C.,’71, BA, is
employed by Flextronics, FLEXinfrastructure as a Senior Commodity
Stephen J. Gurgovits, of Sharon,
Pa.,’72, BA,
has been elected
chairman of
the board of
FNB Corp. A
recognized community leader
in economic development, Gurgovits served
Stephen Gurgovits, ’72
as chairman of
Penn Northwest Development Corporation and is a member of the boards
of Sharon Regional Health System and
Jamestown Paint Co. He is a member
of the Buhl Trustees. He has served as
chairman of the Pennsylvania Bankers
Association and is currently a member
of the board of the American Bankers
Association in Washington D.C.
Gary J. Daichendt, of Laguna Beach,
Calif.,’73, BA, has joined the board of
directors for ShoreTel Inc., a leading
provider of enterprise IP telephony
solutions. Daichendt retired in 2000 as
the executive vice president of worldwide operations for Cisco Systems.
He is also on the board of directors
of NCR Corporation, a self-service
technology and services provider. Daichendt earned an MS in mathematics
from Ohio State University.
Class Notes
Gary Klembara, of Garland, Texas,’73,
BSBA, was named senior vice president of sales for ViewCast Corp., a
Texas-based media encoding products
manufacturer. Klembara founded GK
Consultancy Group in 2003, and held
executive global sales positions prior to
that. Klembara had a four-year scholarship at YSU as a football team manager,
and started his career through a YSU
placement to JC Penney in Sharon, Pa.
Jim Timlin, of Columbus, Ohio,’74,
AS,’82, MSD, was appointed secretary-treasurer of the Ohio Education
Association for a three-year term. He
previously taught at Howland schools
for more than 30 years.
(Phill) David Wetmore of Macomb,
Il.,’74, BM, was honored as the grand
marshal of the Macomb Heritage Days
Parade in June 2007. Wetmore has been
band director since 1985 at Macomb
High School, where he expanded the
music program and regularly leads his
student musicians to prestigious local,
state, and national honors. He has been
a recipient of the Jaycees Young Educator Award, the Wal-Mart Teacher of
the Year Award and the National Band
Association Citation of Excellence.
Still active as a performer, Wetmore
is a member of the Knox-Galesburg
Symphony Orchestra.
Michael O’Brien,
of Warren,’76,
BSAS, has been
appointed to
a seat on the
Ohio Criminal
He is serving
Michael O’Brien, ’76
his first fouryear term as mayor of Warren. He also
served 11 years as a Trumbull County
commissioner and 12 years as a Warren
councilman. O’Brien worked three
years as a corrections officer for the
Warren Police Department and 12 years
as a juvenile probation officer for Trumbull County Family Court.
Carol O. Baxter, of Cary, N.C.,’77, BFA,
has been employed by ClinForce as a
recruiting research representative since
Michael A. Braun of Estero, Fla.,’77,
AB, has been promoted to assistant
design editor/nights at the Fort Myers
News-Press, a Gannett newspaper.
In his new position, he is responsible
for the design of daily and advance
pages as well as overseeing a crew of
page designers. Prior to joining The
News-Press in 2005, he had been with
The Vindicator for 25 years, leaving
that paper as chief design editor and
outdoor editor. He and his wife, Lori
A. Braun,’95, BSN, currently a nursing supervisor at Southwest Florida
Regional Hospital in Fort Myers,
recently celebrated their 15th wedding
Joni M. Koren, of Troy, Ohio,’79, BS,
was designated Master Faculty by Ohio
University College of Osteopathic Medicine, where she is a clinical associate
Joseph A. Castrodale of Westlake,
Ohio,’80, BA, has been named to the
Best Lawyers in America 2008, a list
of peer-reviewed outstanding lawyers.
Castrodale is with Ulmer and Berne
LLP, a major Ohio-based law firm.
He earned a JD in 1983 from
Harvard Law School.
W. Arthur Heckathorn, of Sharpsville,
Pa.,’81, MBA, has been promoted to
senior vice president of National City
Corp. In his position, Heckathorn is
responsible for managing National
City business bankers in 12 western
Pennsylvania counties. He has 31 years
of experience in the financial services
industry in various roles for National
City. He also serves on the boards of
the United Way of Mercer County, John
XXIII Home and Tushim Manor.
Susan Brennard Sprankle of New
Springfield, Ohio, ’82, BSE, was featured in “Who’s Who Among American Teachers and Who’s Who Among
American Professionals.” She also
developed and implemented the Parent
Involvement Program at Esperanza
Elementary School in Cleveland. 
Paul Brubaker, of Oakton, Va.,’83, AB,
has been nominated to serve as the
administrator of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration at the
U.S. Department of Transportation.
Jeffrey A. Carr, of Akron,’83, BSB,
successfully passed the Supreme Court
of Ohio Bar Examination and was administered his oaths at the Ohio Theater
in Columbus.
Gary Wakeford,
of Canfield, ’83,
BSBA,’94, MBA,
president of Syncro
Medical Innovations, opened the
company’s new
office at 20 Federal
Place, the former
Phar-Mor CenGary Wakeford, ’83
tre, downtown
Youngstown. The company produces
an innovative medical feeding tube being used in an Army hospital in Texas.
Wakeford plans to expand the company
within the Mahoning Valley.
Dana Sutton, of
Ona, W.V.,’85, BA,
received a doctor
of ministry degree
from Columbia
Theological Seminary in Decatur,
Ga. He serves as
the Presbyterian
minister at Marshall
Dana Sutton, ’85
University in Huntington, W.V. He also received the John
Nelson Award for his doctor of ministry
project paper.
Doris M. Primm,
of Poland,’86,
BSBA, has been
named executive
director of the
Mahoning County
Alcohol and Drug
Addiction Services
Board. Primm
was director of
Doris Primm, ’86
financial operations for three years at the ADAS board.
She served as controller of Youngstown
Employment and Training Corp. for
more than 13 years and worked in the
Mahoning County Auditor’s Office in
the information technology and payroll
Sharon Rae North, of Lithonia, Ga.,’87,
AB, released a new album in October
2007, The Way You Make Me Feel.
North was a reporter for WYTV-TV
33 in the early 1990s. She is currently
Winter 2008
Class Notes
a communications specialist
for the Office of
Minority Health
and Health
Disparities at
the Centers
for Disease
Control. She
performs jazz
Sharon North ’87
regularly, and
she published a children’s book in
2003, My Brand New Leg. North has a
master’s degree in mass media communication from the University of Akron.
Visit or www. for more information.
John Sheets, of Cortland,’91, MSEA,
has been named
superintendent of
Howland School
District. He previously was superintendent at Grand Valley,
assistant principal at
LaBrae High School
in Leavittsburg, and a
math teacher and basketball coach at Joseph Badger School
District in Kinsman
and Hubbard High
Karen DeSalvo,
of Cortland,’88,
BSBA, has been
named senior
vice president
of marketing at Seven
Credit Union.
She joined the
Credit Union in
Karen DeSalvo, ’88
2000 as a vice
president and a member of the senior
management team after holding similar
positions at First National Bank of
Pennsylvania and Mahoning National
Bank. She is also certified as a financial
marketing professional by the American
Bankers Association.
Laurie Brlas, of
Concord Township,
Ohio,’92, BSBA, has
been appointed chief
financial officer and
treasurer for Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. 
Brian Kluchar, of San Diego,’91, BE,
is a project engineer for CP Manufacturing Inc. in National City, Calif., a
company that manufactures recycling
Jennifer E. Roller,
of Youngstown,’91,
BA,’95, MSEd, has
been named program
officer for Urban
Affairs and Neighborhoods of the Raymond
John Wean Foundation. Her job includes
meeting with prospecJennifer Roller, ’91 tive grantees, evaluating funding proposals,
and fostering regional grant-making
programs. She previously was director
of the Upward Bound program at YSU.
Youngstown State University
Jeff Wilkins, former Penguins placekicker now with the
St. Louis Rams, donated his Penguin Club season tickets for YSU home football games to Big Brothers Big
Sisters of the Mahoning Valley. Wilkins is in his 14th
season in the NFL and recently accepted a four-year
extension with the Rams. He is a 2003 inductee to the
Athletic Hall of Fame at YSU, where he made a school
record 66 field goals, with a record long of 54 yards.
Candice Ward, of
BSAS,’99, BE, was
on a development
team at Lockheed
Martin’s Akron
facility that earned
the company’s 2007
NOVA Award, the corporation’s highest recognition for individual or team
achievements. Her team designed and
developed the Persistent Threat Detection System, a tethered aerostat-based
surveillance system used in support of
Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation
Enduring Freedom. 
Stephanie Childers, of Canfield,’93,
BSBA, was named a manager at
Schroedel, Scullin & Bestic, a Canfield
accounting firm.
Jacquelyn Kauffman, CPA, of
AB,’99, MBA,
has been promoted to supervisor at Schroedel,
Scullin & Bestic,
a Canfield acJacquelyn
counting firm.
Kauffman joined Kauffman, ’93, ’99
the firm in 2003
as a senior team accountant.
Mark J. Dilts, of Youngstown,’96, BE,
successfully passed the Supreme Court
of Ohio Bar Examination and was administered his oaths at the Ohio Theater
in Columbus.
William Vennetti,
of Canfield,’96,
BSBA, has been
named a principal
in Packer Thomas,
an accounting and
business consulting
firm with offices in
Youngstown and
New Castle, Pa. He William Vennetti, ’96
has 11 years of experience in accounting.
David S. Cisine Jr. of Youngstown,
BSAS,’97, is an Air Force Reserve Tech.
Sgt. and has graduated from the Operations Resource Management Systems
Apprentice Course at Keesler Air Force
Base, Miss.
Beth DelVecchio, of Niles,’99, BSBA, has
been hired as an associate at Hill, Barth
Class Notes
& King, a Boardman-based accounting
firm. She has four years of accounting
experience and has also provided auditing services to nonprofit organizations.
Julia Patrone,
of New Waterford,’01,
BSBA,’02, MBA,
has been hired at
Schroedel, Scullin & Bestic, in
Canfield. She has
eight years of ac- Julia Patrone,
counting experi- ’01, ’02
ence with a local hospital, manufacturing company and business software
Lynette Rawlings, of Toronto, Ohio,’01,
BSAS, has been named chair of the
Criminal Justice studies department at
Kent State East Liverpool. Rawlings is
retired from the Ohio State Highway
Patrol, where she was employed 24
years. Rawlings has bachelor’s and
master’s degrees from KSU in public
Matthew Bender of Salem,’02, BSBA,
has been promoted to supervisor at
Schroedel, Scullin & Bestic, a Canfield
accounting firm. Bender joined the firm
in 2005.
Deena DeVico, of Warren,’02, BA,
recently graduated cum laude from
Akron Law School and passed the Bar
exam. She is currently employed at the
Trumbull County Prosecutor’s Office
in the criminal division, child assault
James White, of Virginia Beach, Va.,’02,
BSAS, has been appearing on the “700
Club” television show as lead fitness
and nutrition guru.
Cheryl Ann Zebrasky, of Canfield,’02,
BSA, successfully passed the Supreme
Court of Ohio Bar Examination and
was administered her oaths at the Ohio
Theater in Columbus.
Frank Marzullo, of Cincinnati,’03, AB,
has accepted a job at WXIX-TV 19, the
Fox affiliate in Cincinnati. He previously was a weather forecaster for WFMJ
TV Channel 21 in Youngstown.
Andrew J. Deak, of Grafton, Ohio,’04,
BS, graduated with honors from Case
Western Reserve School of Dentistry.
He is currently in a preliminary medicine residency at Summa Health System in Akron, prior to entering general
practice in medical dentistry in 2008.
Lori Hatcher, of Charleston, S.C., ’04,
BS, has been named head coach of
The Citadel Women’s Golf Team. As
a golfer for YSU in 2003, Hatcher led
the Penguins to their first conference
championship and won the individual
championship, a feat she repeated the
following year. She also taught golf at
Oglebay Resort for six years.
Christine Bosela,
CPA, of
BSBA, has been
hired at Schroedel,
Scullin & Bestic, a
Canfield accounting firm. She has
11 years of business experience
with a regional
power company.
William (“Billy”)
J. Clapper, of
Richland, Pa.,’05,
BSE, has been
named assistant
men’s basketball coach at
the University
of Pittsburgh at
William Clapper ’05 Johnstown. He had
been an assistant
coach at Indiana State and Penn StateAltoona. Clapper played three seasons
for the Penguins, winning the Tony
Vivo Hustle Award as a senior and
being twice selected to the Horizon
League Academic Honor Roll. He has
instructed at more than 180 basketball camps, started his own company,
developed a basketball training video,
and directed his own basketball camps
in Pennsylvania. Clapper earned a
master’s degree in educational technology from Indiana State in 2007.
Douglas Wetherholt, of Jefferson,
Ohio,’06, MSD, has been named
principal of Conneaut High School.
Christine Bosela ’05
Previously he was dean of students at
the Ashtabula County JVS.
Don and Denise Hromyak of Howland are proud YSU Penguin parents –
times three.
The Hromyaks’ three eldest children
– Darci, Dana and Dustin – are all YSU
graduates and well on their way to successes in their own fields.
Darci, who is married and lives in
Howland, graduated from YSU in December 2002 with a bachelor’s degree
in business administration with a major
in finance. She is now the administrative
assistant for The Lippy Group for Ear,
Nose and Throat in Warren.
Dana, who lives in Cleveland,
graduated from YSU in May 2003 with
a bachelor’s degree in applied science
with a major in respiratory care. She
is a research respiratory therapist for
Case Western Reserve University and
works at MetroHealth Medical Center in Darci, Dana and Dustin
And Dustin, who lives in Howland, graduated from YSU in May 2006 with a
bachelor’s degree in engineering with a major in mechanical engineering. He is
a design engineer for Parker Hannifin Mobile Cylinder Division in Youngstown.
Younger sister DJ is a junior at Howland High School and also is planning to
attend YSU.
“My husband and I never even gave college a thought, just starting a family,”
Mrs. Hromyak said. “For our children, their schooling and careers came first,
and for that I am thankful for YSU.”
Winter 2008
Phil Ginnetti
Dean of Beeghly
College of Education
Phil Ginnetti can’t recall a time when he
didn’t want to be a teacher.
“I remember going to kindergarten and
thinking, ‘I want to do this,’” he said.
A native of Struthers, Ginnetti – dean of
YSU’s Beeghly College of Education since
2002 – has been teaching in one way or
another most of his life.
He has taken that expertise to the national level as chair of the Advisory Council
of State Representatives, an affiliate of the
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. AACTE monitors, promotes
and is dedicated to improving the teaching
force nationwide. He is also a member of the
AACTE Board of Directors.
As chair of ACSR, Ginnetti provided
the leadership for the Summer Leadership
Institute in Washington, D.C., in June 2007.
He also chairs the ACSR meeting in New
Orleans in February 2008.
“As the chair of the Advisory Council
and a member of AACTE board, I have a
voice in major decisions on teacher education,” he said. “My participation in these
discussions gives YSU national visibility.”
Ginnetti, who was a teacher and principal in the Girard and Lordstown schools
before joining YSU’s faculty in 1985, earned
both bachelor’s and master’s degrees from
YSU and holds a Ph.D. from the University
of Akron.
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Ping-pong with the Prez
While leading a fledgling university is a time-consuming venture, there’s always time for play. Here, Howard W. Jones, the
first president of Youngstown College (later Youngstown University and today Youngstown State University), plays a game of
ping-pong as amused students look on. The photo is undated, but the conventional wisdom among the staff at University
Archives and Special Collections dates the photo to the 1940s. Archives staff also suspects the ping-pong match took
place at the YMCA in downtown Youngstown, where physical education and other such activities still took place despite
the college’s move up Wick Avenue. A bronze statue celebrating Jones’ leading role in the creation and expansion of the
university will be unveiled in May as part of YSU’s Centennial Celebration. See Page 15.
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