Status of EURO-CORDEX and Plans for EURO-CORDEX 2 Daniela Jacob and the EURO-CORDEX team EURO-CORDEX community EURO-CORDEX community EURO-CORDEX Community 29 actively contribution groups Leading institutions in the field of regional climate modeling in Europe Voluntary effort, contributions are funded by the contributors Coordination: D. Jacob (CS2 Germany) EURO-CORDEX Models 12 different GCMs from CMIP 5 (NorESM1-M, HadGEM2-ES, MPI-ESM-LR, CNRM-CM5, EC-EARTH, IPSL-CM5A-MR, ACCESS1-3, CanESM2, MIROC5, GFDL-ESM2M, CISROMk3-6-0, CCSM4) 10 different RCMs: WRF (different configurations), CCLM, ALADIN, REMO, REGCM, HIRHAM, RACMO, ARPEGE, RCA, PROMES Cooperation with Empirical Statistical Downscaling (ESD) 47 scenario simulations at high resolution (EUR-11, 12.5 km): 5 planned, 7 running, 35 finished (23 simulations published) 3 EURO-CORDEX EURO-CORDEX Overview 4 Region: ~ 27° N – 72° N, ~22° W – 45° E (Details: Horizontal resolutions: EUR-11: 0.11° (12.5 km) EUR-44: 0.44° (50 km) Time periods: Evaluation run (ERA-Interim): 1989 – 2008 Historical runs: 1951 – 2005 Scenario runs: 2006 – 2100 Forcing data: CMIP5 Scenarios: RCP 4.5, RCP 8.5 (focus) RCP 2.6 (so far: few simulations) EURO-CORDEX From GCM to 0.11° EURO-CORDEX 0.44° 50 km GCM ~150 km EURO-CORDEX 0.11° 12.5 km Representation of orography, e.g., European Alps 5 EURO-CORDEX From 0.44° to 0.11° Specific Humidity ~3000m, 20.-24. Dec. 2008 EURO-CORDEX 0.11 EURO-CORDEX 0.44 ~64 x computational costs [CCLM-COSM 0.44° Hindcast (WEGC)] 6 [CCLM-COSM 0.11° Hindcast (BTU)] EURO-CORDEX From 0.44° to 0.11° Specific Humidity ~3000m, 20.-24. Dec. 2008 EURO-CORDEX 0.11 EURO-CORDEX 0.44 ~64 x computational costs [CCLM-COSM 0.44° Hindcast (WEGC)] 7 [CCLM-COSM 0.11° Hindcast (BTU)] EURO-CORDEX EURO-CORDEX joint efforts 1) Evaluation of hindcasts a) RCM multi-model ensemble evaluation b) Reference datasets 1) Setup and analysis of projections a) GCM-RCM matrix b) Analysis of projections 1) Interface to users a) Guidelines b) Data preparation 8 EURO-CORDEX Evaluation of hindcasts RCM multi-model ensemble evaluation EO BS CORDEX EUR-11 CORDEX EUR-44 “Standard” Evaluation [Kotlarski et al., 2014] ENSEMBLES max ENSEMBLES p75 ENSEMBLES median Added Value of High Resolution (EUR-11) Simulations [Prein et al. 2014] ENSEMBLES p25 ENSEMBLES min Bias of 90th centile [Vautard et al., 2013] 9 EURO-CORDEX Precipitation Extremes (Q97.5) Evaluation of hindcasts RCM multi-model ensemble evaluation “Standard evaluation” Simulations have skill to represent specific aspects like: 10 heat waves climate classifications Added value of high resolution (EUR-11 vs. EUR-44) Ensemble mean biases comparable to ENSEMBLES(partly smaller error ranges) demonstrated for mean and extreme precipitation. More studies in preparation EURO-CORDEX Evaluation of hindcasts Reference datasets Regional gridded evaluation data for temperature and precipitation (grid resolution higher than 12 km) Most of the data is available for scientific use 11 EURO-CORDEX Setup and analysis of projections GCM-RCM matrix 1) Avoid GCMs with very weak performance over Europe 2) Spread of CMIP5 simulations should be sampled adequately 3) Modeling groups decide independently on the choice of GCM 12 EURO-CORDEX Setup and analysis of projections GCM-RCM matrix GCM performance [UNICAN, ETHZ, UNIGRAZ, …] Spatial biases, annual cycles, upper air paramter evaluation, multi-parameter model performace indices, … [Jury et al., 2013] [Brands et al., 2013] [Kotlarski, 2011] 13 EURO-CORDEX Setup and analysis of projections GCM-RCM matrix GCM selection [UNIGRAZ, ETHZ] 7 GCMs (MPI-ESM, CNRMCM5, and EC-EARTH in 4 realizations each) Temperature change range fully sampled Extremely wet GCMs missing Precipitiation change [%] Sampling for EUR-11 Temperature change [K] 14 EURO-CORDEX Setup and analysis of projections Analysis of projections Precipitation Change First Analysis of EUR-11 Climate Change Signals [Jacob et al., 2013] More studies in preparation Climate Types – Integrated Assessment [Belda et al.] Mediterranean cyclone simulation [Gaertner et al.] Snow Cover Analysis [S. Kotlarski et al.] [C. Teichmann et al.] ... 15 EURO-CORDEX Setup and analysis of projections Analysis of projections … more studies in preparation Extreme events in the context of climate change [Vautard et al.] Effect of dynamical downscaling on climate change signals in an ensemble of COSMO-CLM scenario simulations for Europe [Keuler et al.] EURO-CORDEX climate change signals over the Alps [Kotlarski et al.] From state to process: Robust climate impacts at +2C and atmospheric rivers in Euro-CORDEX [Sobolowski et al.] Land atmosphere coupling in EURO-CORDEX validation runs [Knist et al.] EURO-CORDEX ensemble analysis in comparison to ENSEMBLES [Halenka et al.] Projected changes in the RCP2.6 scenario simulations in comparison to RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenario simulations [Teichmann et al.] Added value of regional climate modeling over areas characterized by complex terrain [Torma et al.] etc. 16 EURO-CORDEX Interface to users Guidelines (in preparation) Structure of Guidelines for EURO-CORDEX data users: General information on the climate system Using climate projections Interpreting regional climate projections Model data formats and structures Examples of EURO-CORDEX data use 17 EURO-CORDEX Interface to users Data Preparation Definition and analysis of impact relevant indices and ensemble-based derived products (ongoing, results partly already available) Provision of a bias adjusted EURO-CORDEX dataset (ongoing) Inter-comparison of bias adjustment Methods 18 EURO-CORDEX EURO-CORDEX 2 for pilot regions explicit cities, coastal, alpine issues convection (~2.5 km) land-use changes ~12 km 150-year control 50 km Fixed Land-use Regional ESM Holistiv view of the water cycle 19502100 Chemistry Time slices Fixed Aerosols Aerosols CORE Other RCP2.6 RCP scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 ERA-Interim driving 1989-2008 GCM-driven run Other GCMs Ensemble runs TIER 1 TIER 2 19 EURO-CORDEX ERA-Interim driving 1979-2013 ERA40 driving BigBrother NCEP driving CORDEX mandatory EURO-CORDEX 2 European decadal variability and the regional forcing Very high resolution Investigating the uncertainty in European climate change information 20 EURO-CORDEX Thank you for your attention! Contact: Daniela Jacob Climate Service Center 2.0 Fischertwiete 1 20095 Hamburg [email protected] 21 EURO-CORDEX
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