Margaret Thatcher - The Chaucer School Canterbury
Margaret Thatcher - The Chaucer School Canterbury
MARGARET THATCHER Who was she? Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher, LG, OM, PC, FRS was a British politician who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and the Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990. MAGGIE She was a bit like Marmite – you either loved her or hated her….. Thatcher was born Margaret Hilda Roberts in Grantham, Lincolnshire, on 13 October 1925. Her father was Alfred Roberts, originally from Northamptonshire, and her mother was Beatrice Ethel from Lincolnshire. She spent her childhood in Grantham, where her father owned two grocery shops. She and her older sister Muriel were raised in the flat above the larger of the shops, located near the railway line. Her father was active in local politics and the Methodist church, serving as an alderman and a local preacher and brought up his daughter as a strict Methodist Her school reports showed ‘hard work and continual improvement’ She was head girl in 1942–43. In her upper sixth year she applied for a scholarship to study chemistry at Oxford, but she was initially rejected and was offered a place only after another candidate withdrew. She graduated in 1947 with Second-Class Honours in the four-year Chemistry Bachelor of Science degree In the 1950 and 1951 general elections she was the Conservative candidate for the safe Labour seat of Dartford. Though unsuccessful in the elections themselves, she did attract media attention as the youngest and the only female candidate. Margaret roberts married divorced businessman, denis thatcher, in 1951, who also funded her law studies. She qualified as a barrister in 1953, and specialized in taxation. That same year her twins, carol and mark, were born. Denis remained in the background throughout her career. Margaret thatcher was elected as conservative member of parliament for finchley in 1959. She was named education secretary in 1970 by then prime minister Edward Heath, whom she defeated as leader of the party five years later. In 1979 she became the first female prime minister. WHEN SHE ENTERED OFFICE IN 1979, SHE PROMISED THAT THE CONSERVATIVES WOULD CUT INCOME TAX, REDUCE PUBLIC EXPENDITURE, MAKE IT EASIER FOR PEOPLE TO BUY THEIR OWN HOMES AND CURB THE POWER OF THE UNIONS. SHE CULTIVATED THE IMAGE OF THE "IRON LADY." SHE ENHANCED HER TOUGH REPUTATION WITH A DECISIVE RESPONSE TO THE ARGENTINE INVASION OF THE FALKLAND ISLANDS IN 1982. SHE SENT A NAVAL TASK FORCE AND THE ISLANDS WERE RETAKEN WHEN THE ARGENTINE FORCES SURRENDERED. VICTORY IN THE FALKLANDS ENSURED A CONSERVATIVE LANDSLIDE IN THE 1983 ELECTION. THATCHER FORMED A SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP WITH US PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN. ON HIS DEATH SHE DESCRIBED REAGAN AS A GREAT AMERICAN WHO "WON THE COLD WAR." IN 1984, THE NATIONAL UNION OF MINERS WENT ON STRIKE OVER PIT CLOSURES. MARGARET THATCHER TOOK ON THE MINERS BY STOCKPILING COAL AT POWER STATIONS AND USING THE POLICE TO BREAK PICKET LINES. Only three deep coal pits now remain in the UK. 170 were in operation in 1984 employing 190,000 people. An IRA bomb exploded in the Conservative Party conference hotel in Brighton in southern England in October 1984, where Thatcher was staying. Five people died and many others were seriously injured, but Thatcher survived. IN THE SPRING OF 1990 MARGARET THATCHER INTRODUCED THE COMMUNITY CHARGE, COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE POLL TAX. LOCAL COUNCIL RATES WERE REPLACED WITH A FLAT RATE PAID BY EVERY RESIDENT REGARDLESS OF INCOME. THIS WAS A HUGE POLITICAL MISTAKE, LEADING TO RIOTS AND MARCHES ACROSS THE UK. DESPITE WINNING A THIRD ELECTION VICTORY IN 1987, MARGARET THATCHER RESIGNED IN 1990 AFTER FACING A LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE. JOHN MAJOR WAS ELECTED HER SUCCESSOR AND MARGARET THATCHER RETURNED TO THE BACK BENCHES, FINALLY STANDING DOWN AS A MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT IN 1992 WHEN THE CONSERVATIVES, AGAINST ALL PREDICTIONS, WERE AGAIN RETURNED TO POWER SHE RECEIVED THE ORDER OF THE GARTER IN 1995 AND BECAME BARONESS THATCHER. AFTER A SERIES OF MINOR STROKES, HER DOCTORS ADVISED HER AGAINST MAKING PUBLIC SPEAKING APPEARANCES AND SHE APPEARED INCREASINGLY FRAIL. Lady Thatcher will receive a Ceremonial funeral with military honours. The service will be held on Wednesday 17 April at St Paul's Cathedral. Lady Thatcher’s family have asked that, if people wish to pay their respects, they consider making a donation to the Royal Hospital Chelsea, rather than laying flowers.
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