PM FCS (BCT) Acronym Book
PM FCS (BCT) Acronym Book
PM FCS (BCT) Acronym Book FEBRUARY 2008 Most FCS centric definition is always given first. Please find other acronyms at Submit new or missing FCS program specific acronyms to [email protected]. Produced by Strategic Plans, Programs, Policies and Operations (SP3O) The “G Staff” G1 - HUMAN RESOURCES G2 - SECURITY G3 - OPS (ILSC) G6 - CIO G5/7 - STRATEGIC PLANNINNG AND TRANSFORMATION G8 - RESOURCE MANAGEMENT -1- # # 3CE Cross Command Collaborative Environment A A A A&V A/C A/DACG A/SPOD A2C2 A2C2S Analysis (verification type) Agility and Versatility Aircraft Arrival/Departure Airfield Control Group Air/Seaport of Debarkation Army Airspace Command & Control Army Airborne Command and Control System AA AAA AADC AAE AAEF AAF Affordability Statement; Attribute Authority; Avenue of Attack Army Audit Agency Army Air Defense Commander Army Acquisition Executive Army Advanced Experimental Force Army Airfield; Army Availability Factor Advanced Aviation Forward Refueling System; Army Aviation Forward Area System Army Air Ground System Army Architecture Integration Cell Automated Air Load Planning System Army After Next Army Apprenticeship Program; Army Acquisition Process; Assessment Anchor Point After Action Review; After Action Report; Association of American Railroads Army Architecture Repository Management System Air Assault Air Assault Task Force Air Assault Task Force Commander Autonomous Armored Vehicle Army Battle Command Army Battle Command System Advanced Battlespace Information System Airborne Laser As Built Parts List Air Breathing Target Assault Battle Unit Assessment Criteria; Active Component; Accomplishment Criteria; Associate Contractor Active Component / Reserve Component Airspace Control Authority; Airspace Coordination Area, Associate Contractor Agreement Automatic Chemical Agent Detector Alarm Acquisition Category AAFARS AAGS AAIC AALPS AAN AAP AAR AARMS AASLT AATF AATFC AAV ABC ABCS ABIS ABL ABPL ABT ABU AC AC/RC ACA ACADA ACAT -1- ACCESS ACCP ACE ACEIT ACES ACETS ACL ACM ACMM ACMR ACO ACP ACPERS Automated Catalog of Computer Equipment and Software Stores Army Correspondence Course Program Advanced Collaborative Environment; All-Source Control Element Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tools Army Continuing Education System Army Corresponding Education and Training System Allowable Cabin Load Airspace Coordination Measure Aviation Common Modular Missile Airspace Control Means Measure Request Air Combat Order; Airspace Control Order; Airspace Coordination Order Airspace Control Plan, Army Cost Position Army Civilian Personnel System ACR Armored Cavalry Regiment; Advanced Concepts and Requirements ACRB Army Configuration Review Board; Army Council of Review Boards Aerial Common Sensor; Airspace Control System; Altitude Control System, Aerial Common Server; Assistant Chief of Staff Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreement Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management Advanced Crew Served Weapon Activity Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration/Demonstrator Army Civilian Training Education and Development System Army Constructive Training Federation Alternating Current Traction Motor Actual Cost of Work Performed Air Defense; Architecture Description; Activity Diagram Air Defense Artillery Artillery Delivered Antipersonnel Mine; Air Defense Artillery Manager; Air Defense and Airspace Management Air Delivered Acoustic Sensor Analog to Digital Converter/Conversion Aid Defense Combined Arms Tactical Trainer Architecture Definition Document; Authorization Documentation Directorate Advanced Data Environment; Architecture Development Environment Advanced Distributed Learning; Army Digital Library; Army Doctrine Literature Automated Field Artillery/Fire Support & C3 System (German) Administrative Logistics Delay Time Acquisition Decision Memorandum; Area Denial Munitions Automated Digital Network System Army Digitization Office Automated Deep Operations Coordination System ACS ACSA ACSIM ACSW ACT ACTD ACTEDS ACTF ACTM ACWP AD ADA ADAM ADAS ADC ADCATT ADD ADE ADL ADLER ADLT ADM ADNS ADO ADOCS ADP Architecture Development Plan; Automated Data Processing; Acceptance Data Package -2- ADPL ADR ADRG ADS ADS-A ADSAM ADS-B ADSI ADT ADTDL AEA AEADP AEAGD AEC AED AEF AES AESLAE AETF AEW&C AF AFARS AFATDS AFIS AFD AFMS AFV AFWA AGCCS AGL AGM AGPP AGR AGTF AGTFT AH AH-64 AHS AI AIAA AIAP AIC AIDR AIEWS AIGD AIGIS AIM AIMD As Designed Parts List Architecture Design Review ARC Digitized Raster Graphics Active Denial System, Air Defense Surveillance Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Addressed Air Directed Surface to Air Missile Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast Air Defense Systems Integrator Active Duty for Training Army Doctrine and Training Digital Library Army Enterprise Architecture Army Enterprise Architecture Development Plan Army Enterprise Architecture Guidance Document Army Evaluation Command Aviation Engineering Directorate Army Evaluation Force; Air Expeditionary Force Advanced Encryption Standard, Advanced Encryption System ARM (Autonomic Response Mechanism) and Emitter Survivability/Lethality Analysis Environment AFWL Army Evaluation Task Force Airborne Early Warning and Control Air Force Army Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System Advanced Fire Inhibit System Army Functional Dictionary Army Force Management School Armored Fighting Vehicles Air Force Weather Agency Army Global Command and Control System Above Ground Level Attack Guidance Matrix; Air-to-Ground Missile Army-Wide GTA Prioritization Program Active/Guard Reserve Air Ground Task Force Anti Jam GPS Technology Flight Test Attack Helicopter Apache Attack Helicopter Ammunition Handling System Affordability Initiative; Area of Influence; Area of Interest; Artificial Intelligence American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. Army Information Assurance Program Architecture Integration Center Automated Intrusion Detection Response Advanced Integrated Electronic Warfare System ARCADM (Army Core Architecture Data Model) Implementation Guidance Document Army Imagery and Geospatial Information and Services Acquisition Information Management (System) Architecture Integration Management Division -3- AIMMM AIMP AIMS AIMS-R AIPC AIPD AIPP AIS AIS PASS Artificially Intelligent Managers Media Model Army Intelligence Master Plan Automated Instructional Management System Automated Instructional Management System-Redesign Architecture Integration and Processing Center (TRADOC) Army Institute for Professional Development Architecture Inter-Operability Pilot Program Automated Information Systems ABCS 6.4 Information Service Publish and Subscribe Service AISSP Army Information Systems Security Program; Automated Information Systems Security Plan AIT Analysis and Integration Team; Automatic Identification Technology; Advance Individual Training Aided Target Detection Aided Target Recognition/Automatic Target Recognition Advanced Information Technology Systems Anti-Jamming Adaptive Joint Command and Control Army Knowledge Enterprise Army Knowledge Enterprise Architecture Army Knowledge Management Army Key Management Infrastructure Working Group Army Key Management System Army Knowledge Online Acquisition Knowledge Sharing System Architecture Level Army Learning Center Air Launched Cruise Missile Advanced Laser Designator Administrative And Logistical Downtime Automatic Link Establishment; Application Link Enabling Air/Land Enhanced Reconnaissance and Targeting Air-Land Enhanced Reconnaissance and Targeting – Aided Target Detection Advanced Light-Weight Influence Sweep System All-DoD Core Architecture Model Air Loading Model Army Logistics Management College Army Learning Object; Air Liaison Officer; Authorized Level of Organization Advanced Logistics Program; Army Long-Range Plan Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol Army Long-Range Planning Army Long-Range Planning Guidance Army Long-Range Training Plan Air, Land, Sea Application Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology Asset Management; Activity Model; Amplitude Modulation Annual Military Occupational Specialty Availability Factor Ambulance, ATS Management Board Automated Map Based Intelligence Support System AiTD AiTR/ATR AITS AJ AJC2 AKE AKEA AKM AKMIWG AKMS AKO AKSS AL ALC ALCM ALD ALDT ALE ALERT ALERT ATD ALISS All-CADM ALM ALMC ALO ALP ALPS ALRP ALRPG ALRTP ALSA ALT AM AMAF AMB AMBISS -4- AMC AMCM AMCOM AMCP AMD AMDPCS AMDWS AMEDCOM AMEDD AMEDDCS AMF AMHA AMM AMMO AMOPS AMOS AMP AMP21 AMPS AMR AMRAAM AMRDEC AMS AMSAA AMSCO AMSO AMSTE AMT AMTAS AMUST ANCOC ANS ANSI ANVIS AO AoA or AOA Air Mobility Command; Army Material Command Airborne Mine Countermine Aviation and Missile Command Army Material Command Pamphlet Air and Missile Defense Air and Missile Defense Planning and Control System Air and Missile Defense Work Station Army Medical Command Army Medical Department Army Medical Department Center and School Airborne, Maritime, and Fixed station JTRS program Army Management Headquarters Activities Army Mobility Model; Army Modernization Program Ammunition Army Mobilization and Operations Planning System Advanced Mortar System Aircraft Modernization Program; Advanced Multi-Purpose; Army Mobilization Plan Army Modernization Program 21st Century Aviation Mission Planning System; Airborne Mission Planning System (Army) Anti-Material Rifles Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center Army Modernization Schedule Army Material Systems Analysis Activity Army Management Structure Code Army Models and Simulation Office Affordable Moving Surface Target Engagement Army Modernization Training Army Modernization Training Automation System Airborne Manned/Unmanned System Technology Advanced Noncommissioned Officer Course Autonomous Navigation System American National Standards Institute Aviator’s Night-Vision Imaging System Area of Operation; Assessment Objective; Operational Availability Analysis of Alternatives AOE Air Operations Center; Area of Concern; Area of Concentration Army of Excellence AoI or AOI AOM AOP AOR AOSP AOT AP AP/AM Area of Influence; Area of Interest Army Object Model Army Order of Precedence Area of Responsibility Army Occupational Survey Program (See ODARS) Assignment Oriented Training Active Protection; Anti Personnel; Armor Piercing Anti Personnel/Anti Material AOC -5- APA APB APBI Army Procurement Appropriation; Awareness, Plan, Action Acquisition Program Baseline; Advanced Planning Baseline Advanced Planning Briefing to Industry APC Armored Personnel Carrier, ARV Performance Demonstrator Program Air Planning Document Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot with Tracer Army Physical Fitness Test Aberdeen Proving Ground Application Program Interface Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System Anti Personnel Landmine Alternative Anti Personnel Obstacle Breaching System Aerial Port of Debarkation Aerial Port of Embarkation Active Protection System; Advanced Protection System; Army Pre-positioned Stocks Auxiliary Power Unit Average Procurement Unit Cost Army Regulation; Army Reserve Army Core Architecture Data Model Army Capabilities Integration Center Army Command Armament Research, Development and Engineering Center Army Forces Army Forces Component Headquarters Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter Army Research Institute Army Recruiting Information Support System Army Research Laboratory; Airborne Reconnaissance Low Army National Guard Army Requirements Oversight Council Acquisition Requirements Package Army Reserve Personnel Center Army Program for Individual Training Army Special Operations Forces Army Staff Army Training and Evaluation Program Army Research and Technology Protection Center Artillery Meteorological Armored Robotic Vehicle; Armed Reconnaissance Vehicle Armed Robotic Vehicle Reconnaissance Armed Robotic Vehicle - Assault Armed Robotic Vehicle - Assault (Light) Armed Robotic Vehicle Reconnaissance, Surveillance Target Acquisition Arsenal Ship; Australia Assistant Secretary of the Army APD APFSDS APFSDS-T APFT APG API APKWS APLA APOBS APOD APOE APS APU APUC AR ARCADM ARCIC ARCOM ARDEC ARFOR ARFOR HDQS ARH ARI ARISS ARL ARNG AROC ARP ARPCEN ARPRINT ARSOF ARSTAF ARTEP ARTPC ARTY MET ARV ARV-R ARV-A ARV-A L ARV-R&S AS ASA ASA (FM&C) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) -6- ASA (I&E) ASA (M&RA) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Environment) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) ASA (RDA) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Research, Development, and Acquisition) ASA IL&E Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Logistics, and Environment) ASA(ALT) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology) Army Science Advisory Board Army Systems Acquisition Review Council/Committee All Source Analysis System Automated Systems Approach to Training; Anti Satellite Army Science Board Armed Services Biomedical Research Evaluation And Management Acquisition Support Center Artillery Systems Cooperation Activities Air Standardization Coordination Committee; Army Service Component Command All Service Combat Identification (ID) Evaluation Team Associate Contractor Air Sensor Developer; Assistant Secretary of Defense Aggregate Software Element Army System Engineering Office (CECOM) Area Support Group Air Sensor Integrator; Additional Skill Identifier Application Specific Integrated Circuit Associated Support Items of Equipment Associated Items of Equipment and Personnel Army Stockage Level; Authorized Stockage Level Armored Systems Modernization Air Support Operations Center Army Support To Other Services Ammunition Supply Point; Advanced Simulation Program All Systems and Quantities Report Acquisition Strategy Report; Army Systems Review; Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition / Text-To-Speech Air-based Sensing Segment Team Advanced Systems Technology Airborne Standoff Minefield Detection System American Society for Testing and Materials M1117 Armored Security Vehicle Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Anti Tank; Anti Terrorism Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Advanced Tactical Targeting Technology Autonomous Target Acquisition; Army Technical Architecture; Advance Target Acquisition Army Tactical Mission System ASAB ASARC ASAS ASAT ASB ASBREM ASC ASCA ASCC ASCIET ASCON ASD ASE ASEO ASG ASI ASIC ASIOE ASIOP ASL ASM ASOC ASOS ASP ASQ ASR ASR/TTS ASST AST ASTAMIDS ASTM ASV ASVAB AT AT&L AT3 ATA ATACMS -7- ATAM ATAP ATC ATCC ATCCIS ATCCS ATCOM ATCVP ATD ATD/R ATDL-1 ATE ATEC ATEM ATFA ATGM ATIA ATIA-M ATIMP ATIN ATIS ATL ATLS ATM ATO ATP ATR ATRM-2 ATRRS ATS ATSC ATSE ATT ATTA ATTLA ATTN ATXXI AUGTDA AUPC AUSA AUTL AUTS AUV AUW AVB AVCATT Architecture Trade Off Analysis Method Anti Tank, Anti Personnel Army Training Center; Automatic Target Cueing; Air Traffic Controller Air Traffic Control Center Army Tactical Command and Control Information Systems Working Group Army Tactical Command and Control Systems Advanced Tactical Combat Model; Aviation and Troop Command Tactical Concept Validation Program Advanced Technology Demonstrator; Automatic Target Detection; Army Technology Development Automatic (Aided) Target Detection/Recognition Army Tactical Data Link 1 Automated Test Equipment Army Test and Evaluation Command Army Training Enterprise Model Army Training Functional Architecture Anti Tank Guided Missile Army Training Information Architecture Army Training Information Architecture - Migrated Army Training Information Management Program Army Test Integration Network Army Training Information System Advanced Tactical Laser; Army Training Literature Advanced Trauma Life Support Advanced Trauma Medicine; Army Tactical Mission, Air Traffic Management; Army Training Model Advanced Technology Office; Air Tasking Order Authority To Proceed Automatic Target Recognition; Aided Target Recognition; Attrition Reserve; Automotive Test Rig Army Training Management Resourcing Army Training Resources and Requirements System; Army Training Requirements and Resources System Air Traffic System Army Training Support Center Army Theater Support Element Advanced Theater Transport Army Training Technical Architecture Air Transportability Test Loading Agency Attention Army Training XXI for the 21st Century Augmentation Table of Distribution and Allowances Average Unit Procurement Cost Association of The United States Army Army Universal Task List Automated Update Transaction System Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Authorized Unpriced Work Architecture Validation Board Aviation Combined Arms Tactical Trainer -8- AVCATT-A AVI AVN AVN DET AVN SVC TRP AVPRO AVS AVTOC AWACS AWG AWN Aviation Combined Arms Tactical Trainer-Aviation Audio Video Interleave Aviation Aviation Detachment Aviation Service Troop Audiovisual Production Officer Airborne Video Surveillance Aviation Tactical Operations Center Airborne Warning and Control System Advanced Warfighting Experiment; Aircraft, Weapons, Electronics American Wire Gauge Automated Weather Network B B B2E B2F BAA BAC BADD BAFO BAMB BARM BAS BASE BASOPS BAWS BBAD BBI BBS BC BC&ME BCA BCBL BCBL(G) BCC BCD BCE BCID Build 2 Early Build 3 Final Broad Agency Announcement Build Assessment Checkpoint; Budget At Completion Battlefield Awareness & Data Dissemination Best and Final Offer Bending Annular Missile Body Baseline and Requirements Management Battlefield Automated System; Battalion Aid Station Basic Army Skills Exam Base Operations Support Biological Agent Warning System Black Box Activity Diagram Black Box Interactions Brigade/Battalion Battle Simulation; Battle Brigade System Battle Command; Branch Code Battle Command and Mission Execution Business Case Analysis Battle Command Battle Lab Battle Command Battle Lab (Gordon) Brigade Coordination Cell Battlefield Coordination Detachment Base-level Commercial Equipment Battlefield Combat Identification Baseline Change Management; Battlefield Combat Identification System Beyond-Line-of-Site Capable Munitions Battle Command and Mission Execution Battle Command On-The-Move Battle Command Network Baseline Cost Revision; Baseline Change Request; Battle Command Reengineering Battle Command System; Battle Command Sustainment Battle Command Sustainment Support System Battle Command Simulation & Experimentation AWE BCIS BCM BCME BCOTM BCN BCR BCS BCS3 BCSE -9- BCSIS BCSS BC SWAP BCSWG BCT BCTIM BCTP BCWP BCWR BCWS BDA BDAR BDC BDE or Bde BDU BEAMS BES BEWSS BFA BFITC BFT BFV BG BHT BIA BIAP BIC BICC BIDS BII BIT BITA BITE BL BLCSE BLEFR BLOS BLRIP BLT BLUF BLTM BLUFOR BLWSMR BM BMC2 BMC3 BMC4I BMD BMDO Battle Command Specification Interface Specification Battle Command System Specification Battle Command Size, Weight, and Power Battle Command Sustainment Working Group Brigade Combat Team Brigade Combat Team Information Model Battle Command Training Program Budgeted Cost for Work Performed Budgeted Cost of Work Remaining Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled Battle Damage Assessment Battle Damage Assessment and Repair Build Definition Checkpoint Brigade Battle Dress Uniform Base Engineering Automated Management System Budget Estimating System; Budget Estimate Submission Battlefield Environmental Weapons Systems Simulation Battlefield Functional Area Battle Focused Instructor Training Course Blue Force Tracking Bradley Fighting Vehicle Battle Group; Brigadier General Ballistic Hulls and Turrets Broad Industry Announcement Battlefield Information Assurance Plan Brigade Intelligence and Communications Brigade Intelligence and Communications Company Battlefield Intrusion Detection System Basic Issue Items Built In Testing Baseline Integration Test Area Built In Test Equipment Baseline Battle Lab Collaborative Simulation Environment Battle Lab Experimentation Final Report Beyond Line of Sight Beyond Low Rate Initial Production Basic Leadership Training Bottom Line Up Front Battalion Level Training Model Blue Forces Ft Bliss/White Sands Missile Range Business Management Battle Management Command and Control Battle Management Command and Control, and Communications Battle Management Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence Ballistic Missile Defense Ballistic Missile Defense Organization - 10 - BMG BMM BMO BN BNCOC BOA BOD BOE BOI BOIG BOIP BOIPFD BOLT BOM BOS BPC BPI BPQ-PRO BQMS BRA BRAC BRAT BRNAV BRP BSA BSB BSC BSCP BSCPC BSE BSEP BSM BSO BSS BSTF BSTS BTA BTE BTID BTRA BTRY BTRY HQ BVTC BW BZ Budget and Manpower Guidance Borrowed Military Manpower Business Management Office; Battle Management Objects Battalion Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course Battle Ordnance Awareness Board of Directors Basis of Estimate Basis of Issue Basis of Issue Guidance Basis of Issue Plan Basis of Issue Plan Feeder Data Brigade Operational Legal Team Bills of Material Battlefield Operating System Battle Projection Center; Build Planning Checking Boost Phase Intercept Business Performance Quality Procedure Boeing Quality Management System Basic Research Area Base Realignment and Closure Beyond Line of Sight Reporting and Tracking BRL CAD Basic Area Navigation Standards Basic Research Plan Brigade Support Area Brigade Support Battalion Battle Simulation Center Build and Sustain Combat Power Build and Sustain Combat Power Cell Battle Space Entity Basic Skills Education Program Bridge Site Mobility Battle Space Object, Basic Security Option Brigade Surgeon Section Base Shop Test Facility Battlestaff Training System Best Technical Approach Battery Terminal Equipment Battlefield Target Identification Battlefield Terrain Reasoning and Awareness Battery Battery Headquarters Battlefield Video Teleconference Bandwidth; Biological Warfare Buffer Zone C C C C&A Cargo (plane) Certification and Accreditation - 11 - C&C C&T C2 C2I Computing and Communications Concept and Technology Command and Control Command, Control, and Intelligence C2IEDM Command and Control (C2) Information Exchange Data Model C2 MINCS Command and Control Mobile Intelligent Net-centric Computer System Command and Control On-The-Move Command and Control Personal Computer Command and Control Vehicle Command and Control Warfare Command, Control and Communications C3 On The Move Camouflage, Cover, Concealment, Deception and Deceit Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence Command, Control, Communications, and Surveillance Command, Control and Communications Tactical Command, Control, Communications, and Computers Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence Support Plan C2OTM C2PC C2V C2W C3 C3OTM C3D2 C3I C3S C3T C4 C4I C4ISP C4ISR C4IT C4OPS C/JMTK C/JTLME C/LU CA CAA CAAA CAB CAC CAC2S CACACOA CADM CADRG CAE CAFAD CAFADS CAI CAIG CAIV CAL CALFEX Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance C4 Integration Test Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Operations Commercial Joint Mapping Tool Kit Coalition/Joint Theater Logistics Management Element Container/Launch Unit; Command & Launch Unit Control Account; Chief Architect; Combined Arms; Combat Assessment; Command Authority; Certificate of Authorities; Corrective Action; Combat Arms; Commercial Activities Center for Army Analysis Clean Air Act of 1990 and Amendments Combined Arms Battalion Combined Arms Center; Common Access Card Common Aviation Command and Control System Combined Arms Center Army Common Operational Architecture Core Architecture Data Model Compressed Arc Digitized Raster Graphics Component Acquisition Executive; Computer Aided Engineering Combined Arms for Air Defense Combined Arms for Air Defense System Computer-Aided Instruction Cost Analysis Improvement Group Cost As an Independent Variable Center of Army Leadership Combined Arms Life Fire Exercise - 12 - CALL Center for Army Lessons Learned CAM Cost Account Manager, Commodity Area Management, Computer Aided Manufacturing Unit Water Pod System Computer Assisted Map Exercise Combined Arms Multi-Purpose Missile System; ComputerAssisted Map Maneuver Simulation; Condensed Army Mobility Modeling System CAMEL CAMEX CAMMS CAN CANE CANES CANTCO CAO CAOC CAPR CAPS CAPV CAR CARC CARD CARS CAS CASCOM CASE CASEVAC CASTFOREM CAT CATIA CATOX CATS CATT CAV CAVE CB CBA CBB CBD(P) CBE CBI CBIT CBNRS CBR CBRN CBRNE Chief Architects’ Network, Controller Area Network; Campus Area Network Chemical and Nuclear Environment; Combined Arms in a Nuclear Environment Consolidated Adaptive Networks and Edge Services Cannot Comply Civil Affairs Operations Combined Air Operations Center Capability Requirement Countermeasure Active Protection System Civil Affairs and PSYOP Vehicle Corrective Action Report; Chief, Army Reserve Chemical Agent Resistant Coating Cost Analysis Requirements Document; Cost Analysis Requirements Description Catalog of Army Requirements Consolidated Acquisition Reporting System Contingency Airborne Reconnaissance System; Crew Awareness Rating Scale Cost Accounting Standards; Close Air Support; ComputerAssisted Study Combined Arms Support Command Computer Aided Software Engineering Casualty Evacuation Combined Arms and Support Task Force Evaluation Model Crisis Action Team; Combined Arms Training; Civil Affairs Team Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application CAV Catalytic Oxidation Combined Arms Training Strategy Combined Arms Tactical Trainer Cavalry Computer Aided Virtual Environment Chemical-Biological; Counterbattery CMM (Capability Maturity) Based Appraisal Contract Budget Baseline Chemical & Biological Defense (program) Command Budget Estimate Computer-Based instruction Continuous Built In Test Chemical, Biological, Nuclear Reconnaissance System Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive - 13 - CBRNHYE CBRNRS CBRS CBS CBT CBTAP CC CC&D CCA CCAS CCAT CCB CCD CCDR CCF CCI CCID CCIR CCN CCNUM CCS CCSW CCT CCTT CD CDA CDAS CDB CDD CDDI CDE CDF CDG CDL CDMF CDMP CDP CDR CDRL CDS Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High Yield Explosives Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Reconnaissance System Concept Based Requirements System Corps Battle Simulation Combat; Computer Based Training Chemical & Biological Threat Agent Program Common Controller; Centralized Controller; Control Call; Courtesy Copy Camouflage Concealment and Deception Clinger Cohen Act Close Combat Armament System; Contributed-based Compensation and Appraisal System Combined Arms Tactical Trainer; Critical Care Augmentation Team Change Control Board; Configuration Control Board Camouflage, Concealment, and Deception; Capability Development Document Contractor Cost Data Reporting Course Correcting Fuse; Create Call for Fire; Commercial Civil and Foreign Compliant, Compatible, Interoperable; Cryptographic Controlled Items Computers, Communications & Information Dissemination Commander’s Critical Information Requirements Computer Controlled Network Command Control Number Common Crew Station; Common Core System; Computer Communication System; Close Combat Systems Common Close Support Weapon Combat Crew Training Close Combat Tactical Trainer Concept Definition; Class Diagram; Cavalry Division Chief Data Architect, Commander's Digital Assistant Central Decision/Analysis Support; Cognitive Decision Aiding System Common Database Capability Development Document Copper Distributed Data Interface Chemical Defensive Equipment Cost Documentation Format Cross Domain Guard Common Data Link Common Data Model Framework Configuration and Data Management Plan Concept Demonstration Program; Capacity Production Document Critical Design Review Contract Data Requirements List Cross Domain Solution, Common Domain Services - 14 - CDT CE C-E CE/KE APS CEA CEAC CEAPS CECOM CED CEN CEO CEP CERDEC CET CETS CF CFC CFD CFDAD CFE CFE/M CFF CFL CFLCC CFM CFP CFR CFSR CFT CFX CG CGA CGC CGF CGM CGS CGSOC CH CH-47 CHCS CHIMS CHL Concept Development Testing; Contractor Demonstration Test Chemical Energy; Command Element; Chief Engineer; Communications Electronics; Counterespionage Communications-Electronics Chemical Energy and Kinetic Energy Active Protection System Chief Engineering Architect; Customer Expectation Agreement Consolidated Estimate And Completion; Contractor's Estimate to Completion Chemical Energy Active Protection System Communications Electronics Command Common Embedded Diagnostics Chief Engineers Network Chief Executive Officer Concept Evaluation Plan; Concept Experimentation Program; Concept Exploration Program; Circular Error Probability; Civilian Employment Plan Communications-Electronics Research and Development Engineering Center (CECOM) Corrected Effective Temperature Cost Effective Targeting System Current Force; Critical Failure; Career Field Chlorofluorocarbon Computational Fluid Dynamics Component Functional Data Administrator Contractor Furnished Equipment Contractor Furnished Equipment/Material Call For Fire Coordinated Fire Line Combined Force Land Component Commander Cubic Feet per Minute Concept Formulation Process; Contingency Force Pool; Contractor Furnished Property Code of Federal Regulations Contract Fund Status Report Captive Flight Test Command Field Exercise; Combined Field Exercise Commanding General; Center of Gravity Color Graphics Adapter Command Grade Ceiling Computer Generated Forces Computer Graphics Metafile Common Ground Station Command and General Staff Officer Course Cargo Helicopter Chinook Troop Transport Helicopter Composite Health Care System Counterintelligence/Human Intelligence Information (CI/HUMINT) Management Systems Coolant Heat Load - 15 - CHPS CHS CI CI/HUMINT CIA CIAPS CIB CIC CICA CID CIDDS CIDS CIE CIFF CIFFN CIG CIGNM CIM CIMP CINC CIO CIS CISA CITS CJCS CJCSI CJCSM CJTF CJMTK CK CKEM CL CL I CL II CL III CL IV CLA CLE CLEP CLIN CLOE CLS CLU CM CM/CB CMB Combat Hybrid Power System Common Hardware and Software Controlled Interface; Combat Identification; Combat Intelligence; Configuration Item; Counterintelligence Counterintelligence/Human Intelligence Information Central Intelligence Agency Counter Intelligence Active Protective System Controlled Image Base Command Integration Cell; Command Integration Center; Combat Information Center Competition In Contracting Act Combat Identification; Commercial Item Description Combat Identification for Dismounted Soldier Configuration Item Development Specifications Collaborative Information Environment Cooperative Identification Friend or Foe Combat Identification Friend, Foe or Neutral Computer Image Generation CECOM Integrated GPS Navigation Model Collective Intelligence Module Command Information Management Plan Commander In Chief Chief Information Officer Communications Information System C4ISR Integration Support Activity Combat System Integrated Test Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum/Manual Combined Joint Task Force (NATO); Commander, Joint Task Force Commercial Joint Mapping Toolkit Cyanogen Chloride Compact Kinetic Energy Missile Cluster Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Core Logistics Analysis Command Launch Equipment College Level Examination Program Contract Line Item Number Common Logistics Environment Contractor Logistics Support; Combat Life Saver Container Launch Unit; Command Launch Unit Countermine; Common Mission; Counter Measures; Configuration Management; Collection Management, Change Management; Cruise Missile; Chemical Counter Measures/Counter Battery Configuration Management Board - 16 - CMCS CMD CMF CMI CMM CMMI CMO CMOC CMOS CMOTF CMP CMR CMS CMS2 CMTC CMVP CMWG CNA CND CNDE CNE CNGB CNO CNR CNSS CNSSAM CO CO HQ COA COAA CoABS COB COBRA CoC COCOM COD CODAP CODEC COE COEA COFT COI COIC COL COLT COMSEC Material Control System Command; Cruise Missile Defense Career Management Field Computer-Managed Instruction; Classified Military Information Capabilities - Modes Matrix, Capability Maturity Model Capability Maturity Model Integrated Civil Military Operations Civil Military Operations Center Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Civil Military Operations Task Force Configuration Management Plan; Component Maturation Plan; Course Management Plan Conditional Material Release Comprehensive Medical Surveillance Comprehensive Munitions Sensor Simulation Combat Maneuver Training Center Cryptographic Module Validation Program Countermeasure Working Group; Classification Management Working Group Computer Network Attack; Capabilities Needs Analysis Computer Network Defense; Cannot Duplicate Common Network Data Environment Computer Network Exploitation Chief, National Guard Bureau Computer Network Operations; Chief Naval Operations Combat Net Radio Committee on National Security Systems Committee on National Security Advisory Memorandum Company; Commanding Officer, Commissioned Officer Company Headquarters Course of Action Course of Action Analysis Control of Agent Based Systems Command Operating Budget Coastal Battlefield Reconnaissance and Analysis Council of Colonels Combatant Command Cooperative Opportunities Document Comprehensive Occupational Data Analysis Program Compression/Decompression Module Common Operating Environment; Contemporary Operating Environment Cost & Operational Effectiveness Analysis; Cost and Effectiveness Analysis Conduct of Fire Trainer Communities of Interest Critical Operational Issues & Criteria Colonel Combat Observation Laser Team - 17 - COMBIC COMINT COMNAVAIRLANT COMP COMPUSEC COMSEC CONOP CONOPS CONPLAN CONUS CONUSA CoP COP COR COBRA or CORBA COSMOS CoT COTM COTR COTS CP CPC CPD CPE CPES CPFF CPI CPL CPM CPN CPOA CPOC CPoF CPP CPR CPRC CPT CPX CQI CQM CR CRA CRADA CRAF CRD CRIS CRO Combined Obscuration Model for Battlefield Induced Contamination Communications Intelligence Commander, Naval Air Forces, Atlantic Component Computer Security Communications Security Contingency Operations Concept of Operations; Continuous Operations; Contingency Operations Contingency Plan Continental United States Continental United States Army Communities of Practice Common Operational Picture Contracting Officer's Representative Common Object Request Broker Architecture C4ISR Space and Missile Operations Simulation Cursor on Target Communications On-The-Move Contracting Officer's Technical Representative Commercial Off-The-Shelf Complementary Program; Career Program; Command Post Corrosion Prevention and Control Capability Production Document Chief Program Engineer Change Proposal and Estimating System Cost Plus Fixed Fee Cost Performance Index; Critical Program Information Corporal Capability Phasing Matrix Change Package Number Combat Performance Operational Assessment Civilian Personnel Operations Center Command Post of the Future Civilian Pay Plan; Change Preparation Panel Cost Performance Report Counter Proliferation Program Review Committee Captain Command Post Exercise Continuous Quality Improvement Continuous Quality Manufacturing Change Request Continuing Resolution Act Cooperative Research and Development Agreement Civil Reserve Air Fleet Common Requirements Document; Capstone Requirements Document Crewman’s Remote Interface System Combat Replenishment Operations - 18 - CROM CROP CROWS CRP CRREL CRS CS CS&A CS/CSS CSA CSAF CSAP CSAR CSC CSCI CSCSS CSDR CSEL CSI CSIL CSIRO CSM CSMA/CD CSR CSS CSSAMO CSSC CSSCS CSSEL CSSTSS CST CSTAT CSWE CT CTA CTARM CTC CTC-IS CTC-OIS CTD CTF CTG CTIA CTIS CTO Common Object Reference Model Common Relevant Operating Picture; Container Roll-In/RollOut Platform Common Remote Operating Weapons Station Communications Relay Payload Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (USACE) Combat Replenishment Site Control Station; Chief Scientist; Combat Systems (now MGV and manned ground vehicle); Combat Support Chief Scientist and Architect Combat Support/Combat Service Support Chief of Staff, United States Army Common Software Architecture Framework Capstone Site Activation Plan Combat Search and Rescue Computer Software Component Computer Software Configuration Item Combat Service Support Control System Cost & Software Data Report Combat Survivor Evader Locator Combat Systems Integration; Computer Supported Instruction Combat Simulation and Integration Laboratory Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Command Sergeant Major Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection Combat Systems Reference Combat Service Support Combat Service Support Automated Management Office Combat Service Support Company Combat Service Support Control System Combat Simulation and Systems Evaluation Laboratory Combat Service Support Tactical Simulation System Civil Support Team Critical Care System for Trauma and Transport Chief Software Engineer Critical Technologies; Combat Team; Combat Table Common Table of Allowance; Critical Threat Analysis; Counterstrike Target Acquisition; Consolidated Training Activities Consolidated Test Assets Requirements Matrix Combat Training Center; Counter Terrorist Center Combat Training Center-Instrumentation System Combat Training Center Objective Instrumentation Systems Concept and Technology Development (Phase) Common Technical Framework Command Training Guidance Common Training Instrumentation Architecture Central Tire Inflation System Combined Test Organization - 19 - CTP CTSF CTSWG CTT CTTA CTU CTX CUI CUL CV Common Tactical Picture Central Technical Support Facility Consolidated Training Support Work Group Common Task Test Certified TEMPEST Technical Authority Consolidated To Update Combined Training Exercise Controlled & Unclassified Information Common User Logistics Control Vehicle; Cost Variance CV-CPOA Combat Vehicle-Combat Performance Operational Assessment Combined Vehicle Integration Team Chemical Warfare Chemical Warfare Agent CVIT CW CWA CWT Cost Work Breakdown Structure, Contract Work Breakdown Structure Customer Wait Time D D D D&D D&S D&W Derived (assumption type) or Demonstration(verification type) Denial and Deception Deployment and Sustainment Detection and Warning Defense Medical Information System/Systems Integration, Design, Development, Operations and Mai DA Data Architecture; Decision Analysis; Data Apps; Department of the Army Department of the Army Pamphlet Designated Approving Authority Defense Acquisition Board Department of the Army Civilian Data Architecture Chief Architects’ Network Departure Airfield Control Group Distributed Asynchronous Development With Continuous Integration Dynamic Analysis and Development System Defense Acquisition Executive Defense Acquisition Executive Summary Damage Assessment List Demand Assigned Multiple Access Department of the Army, Military Operations Department of the Army Master Priority List Downlink Aircraft Parameters; Definition Anchor Point Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Defense Architecture Repository System; DOMS and Relates Systems DA Resource Team Digital Ambulance Software; Defensive Aids Suite Deputy Assistant Sec. of the Army for Cost and Economics CWBS D/SIDDOMS DA DA PAM DAA DAB DAC DACAN DACG DAD/CI DADS DAE DAES DAL DAMA DAMO DAMPL DAP DARPA DARS DART DAS DASA-CE - 20 - DASC DASD DAU DAVIPDP DAVIS DAWE DB DBA DBCS DBL or DBLS DBMS DBTS DCAA DCB DCCS DCD DCG DCGS DCGS-A DCG-T DCI DCID DCM DCMA DCOR DCP DCR DCRI DCS DCSCD DCSDEV DCSDOC DCSIM DCSINT DCSLOG DCSOPS DCSPER DCSPRO DCSSA DCST DCT DCTS DCU DCX DD DDD DDDS Department of the Army Systems Coordinators Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Defense Acquisition University Department of the Army Audiovisual Information Production and Distribution Program Defense Automated Visual Information System Division XXI Advanced Warfighting Experiment DB = Database; dB = decibel Database Administrator Dismounted Battle Command System Distribution-Based Logistics Database Management System Data Bus Trade Study Defense Contract Audit Agency Design Concept Baseline Distributed Command and Control Services Dismounted Control Device; Data Class Diagram; Directorate of Combat Developments Deputy Commanding General Distributed Common Ground Station Distributed Common Ground Station-Army Deputy Commanding General—Transformation Director of Central Intelligence Director of Central Intelligence Directive Data Configuration Management; Design Compliance Matrix Defense Contract Management Agency Defense Committee On Research Deployable Command Post Design Concept Review Detection, Classification, Recognition, Identification Deputy Chief of Staff Deputy Chief of Staff for Combat Development (TRADOC) Deputy Chief of Staff, Developments; Deputy Chief of Staff for Combat Developments Deputy Chief of Staff, Doctrine Deputy Chief of Staff for Information Management (Army) Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel Deputy Chief of Staff for Programs Deputy Chief of Staff for Simulations and Analysis Deputy Chief of Staff for Training Digital Communications Trainer Distributed Collaboration Tool Suite; DoD Collaborative Tool Suite Dismounted Control Unit Division Capstone Exercise Data Dictionary; Defense Department Detect, Decide and Destroy Defense Data Dictionary System - 21 - DDL DDLI DDM DDN DDO DDOS DDR&E DDT DE DEA DECON DED DEM DEMCE DEPEX DET DETT DEW DF DFAD DFARS DFAS DFD DFM DFMA DFS DFT DGS DHCP DI DIA DID DIDb DIF DiffServ DIGEX DII DII COE DIM DIMHRS DIRCM DIS DISA DISC DISC 4 DISC/DIAL Database Design Language; Delegation of Disclosure Letter Direct Data Link Interconnectivity DoD Data Model (formerly Enterprise Data Model), Design Decision Memorandum Defense Data Network Dynamic Data Objects Distributed Denial Of Service Director, Defense Research and Engineering Doctrine Tactics and Training Directed Energy Data Exchange Agreement; Data Exchange Annex Decontaminate (ion) Data Element Dictionary Data Exchange Matrix Design, Engineering, Manufacturing Collaborative Environment Deployment Exercise Displaced (cascaded) Equipment Training Displaced Equipment Training Team Directed Energy Weapon Direction Finding; Direct Fire Digital Feature Analysis Data Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Defense Finance and Accounting Service Data Flow Diagram; Director Force Development (TRADOC) Design for Manufacturing Design For Manufacturing and Assembly Design For Sustainability Design For Testability; Demand Flow Technology Deployable Ground Station Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Developmental Item Defense Intelligence Agency Distributed Information Database; Data Item Description Distributed Information Database Data Interchange Format; Difficulty, Importance, Frequency Differential Services (IETF) Internet Engineering Task Force Digital Exercise Defense Information Infrastructure; Defense Industry Initiative Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment Distributed Information Management Defense Integrated Military Human Resources System Directional Infrared Countermeasures Distributed Integrated Software; Distributed Integrated Simulation Defense Information Systems Agency Defense Industrial Supply Center Directorate of Information Systems for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers Differential Scattering/Differential Absorption of Light - 22 - DISCO DISE DISN DITIS DITSCAP DITSR DIV(T) DIVARTY DIW DJC2 DJTFAC DLA DLMP DLS DLT DM dMAV DMC DMCE DMLSS DMRD DMS DMS-A DMSO DMT DMTD DNC DNS DO DoC DOCEX DoD DoDAF DoDD DODI DODIIS DOE DOES DOF DOIM DOORS DOPP DOS DOT DOT&E or DOTE) Directorate of Information Systems for C4 Deployable Intelligence Support Element Defense Information Systems Network Defense Instructional Technology Information System DOD Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Process (DODI 5200.40, 30 Dec. 1997) DoD Information Technology Standards Repository Division Institutional Training Division Artillery Detection, Identification, and Warning; Defensive Information Warfare Deployable Joint Command and Control Center Deployable Joint Task Force Augmentation Cell Defense Logistics Agency Doctrine Literature Master Plan Distributed Learning System Durability Life Test Dominant Maneuver; Data Model, Data Management Diesel Micro Aerial Vehicle Distribution Management Cell Design and Manufacturing Collaborative Environment Defense Medical Logistics Support System; Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support Defense Management Resource Decision Defense Message System; Diminishing Manufacturing Sources Defense Message System - Army Defense Modeling and Simulation Office Distributed Mission Training Digital Message Transfer Device Digital Nautical Chart Domain Name Server Defense Order; Data Objects; Delivery Order Degree of Compromise Document Exploitation Department of Defense DoD Architecture Framework Department of Defense Directive Department of Defense Instruction Department of Defense Intelligence Information System Department of Energy Directorate of Evaluation and Standardization Degree of Freedom Directorate of Information Management Dynamic Object Oriented Requirements System Delivery Order Performance Plan Department of State; Denial of Service Department of Transportation; Directorate of Training Director of Operational Test and Evaluation (Office of the Secretary of Defense OSD) - 23 - DOTD DOTLMS DOTLP DOTMLPF DP DPD DPG DPICM DPM DPMO DPPDB DRAG DRB DREN DRFM DRID DRM DRMP DROP DRR DRU DS DS2 DSABL DSB DSC DSCP DSI DSID DSL DSMC DSN DSNET3 DSP DSQT DSS DSSS DST DSTAG DSTIS DSWA DT DT&E DTAC DTAP DTC DTD Directorate of Training and Doctrine; Directorate of Training Development Doctrine, Organization, Training, Leadership, Material, and Soldiers Doctrine, Organization, Training, Leadership, and Personnel Doctrine, Organization, Training, Material, Leadership, Education, Personnel, and Facilities Decision Point; Development Plan; Deployment Party; Deployment Period Digital Project Database, Distributed Product Description Defense Planning Guidance, Dugway Proving Ground Dual Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions Deputy Program Manager Defects Per Million Opportunities Digital Point Positioning Database Doctrine Review and Approval Group Defense Resources Board Defense Research and Engineering Network Digital Radio Frequency Memory Defense Reform Initiative Decision Design Reference Missions Design Reference Mission Profiles Distributed Real Time Operating Platform Design Readiness Review; Deployment Readiness Review Direct Reporting Unit Direct Support Decontamination Solution 2 Depth and Simultaneous Attack Battle Lab Defense Science Board Decision Support Center DiffServ Code Points Defense Simulation Internet Dismounted Soldier Identification Distributed Simulation Laboratory Defense Systems Management College Defense Switched Network Defense Integrated Secure Network 3 Digital Signal Processor, Defense Support Program Distributed System Qualification Test Drill Sergeants School Distributed System Segment Specification Decision Support Template Defense Science and Technology Advisory Group Devices and Systems Training Information System Defense Special Weapons Agency Developmental Test(ing) Developmental Test and Evaluation Digitized Training Access Center Defense Technology Area Plan Design To Cost; Developmental Test Command Digital Topographic Data - 24 - DTDMA DTEA DUSD DUSD (AT) DVE DVIAN DVO DVT DWG Distributed Time Division Multiple Access Developmental Training Effectiveness Analysis Digital Terrain Elevation Data (I and II); Digital Terrain and Elevation Database Dynamic Task Group; Date Time Group Defense Technical Information Center Doctrine, Training, Leader Development, Organizations, and Material Doctrine, Training, Leadership, Organization, Material, Personnel, Facilities Doctrine, Training, Leader Development, Organization, Material, and Soldiers Doctrine, Training, Leadership, Organization, & Soldier Digital Training Management System Defense Technology Objective Decontamination On-The-Move Digital Topographic Data Detail Test Plan Defense Travel System, Data Transfer Station Digital Topographic Support System (-B (Base), -D (Deployable), -H (Heavy), -L (Light), -HVMP (High-Volume Map Production), -S (Survey)) Doctrine and Tactics Training or Desk Top Trainer Doctrine, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Doctrine and Tactics Training Team Data Transfer Unit Design to Unit Rollway Cost; Design to Unit Recurring Cost Design to Weight Deputy Under Secretary of the Army Deputy Under Secretary of the Army for Operations and Research Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Advanced Technology) Driver's Vision Enhancer Defense Visual Information Activity Number Day View Optical Design Verification Testing Demonstration Working Group E E E2E E3 EA EAADS EAATS EAB End to End Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Electronic(s) Attack Enhanced Area Air Defense System Eastern ARNG/Aviation Training Site Echelon Above Brigade Estimate at Completion; Echelons Above Corps; Emergency Action Center European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company Extended Air Defense Simulation DTED DTG DTIC DTLOM DTLOMPF DTLOMS DTLOS DTMS DTO DTOM DTOP DTP DTS DTSS DTT DTTP DTTT DTU DTURC DTW DUSA DUSA(OR) EAC EADS EADSIM - 25 - EAL EAR EBC EBCT E-BCT EBO EBTV EC ECA ECC ECD ECM ECP ECS EDAPS E-Date EDC EDCS EDIS EDM EDMS EDP EDR EEA EECP EEFI EELV EEU EEWG EFA EFC EFF EFOG EFOG M EFP EFS EGA EGTD EHF EI EIAAP EIC EID EIDS EIICD EIPAP EIRAP EIS EKMS Evaluation Assurance Level Export Administration Regulation Electrical Bus Controller Extended Battlefield Contact Team Evaluation Brigade Combat Team Effects Based Operations Enhanced Ballistic Test Vehicle Electro Chemical Early Comparability Analysis Effects Coordination Cell; Essential Combat Configuration Estimated Completion Date Electronic Countermeasures Engineering Change Proposal Environmental Control System; Executive Steering Committee Embedded Diagnostics And Prognostics Synchronization Effective Date European Distribution Center Environmental Data Coding Specifications Electronic Data Interchanges; Estimating Data and Information Services Engineering Development Model; Environmental Data Model Electronic Documentation Management System Event Design Plans Event Data Recorder Essential Elements of Analysis Early Entry Control Party; Early Entry Command Post Essential Elements of Friendly Information Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle Engineering Evaluation Unit Environmental Engineering Working Group Evaluation Focus Area Effective Full Charge Essential Functional Failure Enhanced Fiber Optic Guided Enhanced Fiber Optic Guided Missile Explosively Formed Penetrators Expeditionary Force Support Enhanced Graphics Adapter Electric Gun Turret Drive Extremely High Frequency Embedded Instrumentation; Engineering Iteration; End Item Engineering Iteration Assessment Anchor Point Electronic Information Carrier Electronically Initiated Device Electronic Information Delivery System External Interoperability Interface Control Document Engineering Iteration Planning Anchor Point Engineering Iteration Readiness Anchor Point Enterprise Information Systems; External Interface System Electronic Key Management System - 26 - EKV ELF ELINT ELITE ELITT ELO EM EMA EMC EMCON EMD EME EMH EMI EMIC eMILPO EMP EMPR EMPRS EMR EMRADHAZ EMRL EMRO EMS EMSEC EMS-P EMST EMT EMTD EMW ENCATT ENDEX ENTD EO EO/IR EO/IR/LD EOCM EOD EOINT EOIP EOL EOR EOSH EOSS EP EPA EPG EPLRS EQ Exo-Atmospheric Kill Vehicle Extremely Low Frequency Electronic Intelligence Extended Long-Range Integrated Technology Evaluation Enhanced Logistics Intra Theater Support Tool Enabling Learning Objectives Engineering Maturity; Electromagnetic Electromagnetic Armor Electromagnetic Compatibility/Compatible Emission Control Engineering and Manufacturing Development Electromagnetic Environment Electromagnetic Hazard Electromagnetic Interference Electromagnetic Interference Compatibility Electronic Military Personnel Officer Electromagnetic Pulse En Route Mission Planning and Rehearsal (C Communication; S System) En Route Mission Planning and Rehearsal System Electromagnetic Radiation Electromagnetic Radiation Hazard Engineering Manufacturing Readiness Levels Electromagnetic Radiation Operation Embedded Maintenance System; Emitter Mapper System Emission Security Emitter Mapping System/Prophet Essential Maneuver Support Task Emergency Medical Treatment; Emergency Medical Technician Enhanced Moving Target Detection Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare Engineer Combined Arms Tactical Trainer End of the Exercise Explosive Neutralization Technology Demonstration Electro Optical; Engagement Operations Electric Optical/Infrared Electro-Optic/Infrared/Laser Designator Electro Optical Countermeasures Explosive Ordnance Disposal Electro Optical Intelligence Everything Over Internet Protocol End of Life Element of Resource Environmental and Occupational Safety and Health Electro Optical Sensor System Electronic Protection Environmental Protection Agency Electronic Proving Grounds Enhanced Position Location Reporting System Environmental Quality - 27 - ER ER/MP ERA ERASER ERB ERD ERDC ERM ERP ERT ERU ES ESA ESAI ES AMG ESC ESD ESF ESH ESG ESIP ESLOC ESM ESMC ESO ESOH ESS ESSM ET ETC ETF ETC ETIC ETM ETOA ETV EU EUSA EUT&E EV EVAC EVGC EVM EVMS EVS EW EWR ExCIS EXCOM Engineering Release Extended Range/Multi-Purpose Explosive Reactive Armor Enhanced Recognition and Sensing Laser Radar Engineering Review Board Engineering Requirements Document Engineer Research and Development Center (USACE) Extended Range Munitions Enterprise Resource Planning, Enterprise Resource Plan Enhanced Reconnaissance and Targeting Engineering Release Unit Enterprise Services; Electronic Warfare Support Electrically Steered Aperture Enhanced Situation Awareness Insertion Enterprise Services Acquisition Management Group Executive Steering Committee; Electronic Systems Center Electrostatic Discharge Expeditionary Support Force Environment, Safety, and Health Executive Steering Group Enhanced System Improvement Program (SINCGARS) Equivalent Source Lines of Code Electronic Support Measures Mongoose Explosive Standoff Mine Clearer Expeditionary Support Organization Environmental Quality, Safety, and Occupational Health Engagement Simulation System; Environmental Stress Screening; Effective, Suitable and Survivable Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile System Embedded Training Estimate To Complete; Electro Thermal Cannon Electronic Time Fuse Electro Thermal Cannon; Estimate to Complete Estimated Time In Commission Extension Training Material; Electronic Technical Manual Engineering Trade Off Analysis Estimated Time Value Evaluation Unit Eighth US Army Early User Test and Evaluation Engineer Vehicle; Earned Value Evacuation Engineer Vehicle Gap Crossing Earned Value Management Earned Value Management System Earned Value System Electronic Warfare Early Warning Radar Extensible C3I Instrumentation Suite Executive Committee - 28 - EXP EXS Experiment Existence Category F F F FA FAA FAAD FAADC2 Functional (assumption type) Functional Analysis; Functional Area; Field Artillery Functional Area Assessment Forward Area Air Defense Forward Area Air Defense Command and Control Forward Area Air Defense, Command, Control and Intelligence Family of Advanced Beyond Line of Sight Terminals Forward Air Controller Feature and Attribute Coding Catalogue Funding Authorization Document FCS Army/Industry Resource Repository Family of Simulations Federal Acquisition Regulation; False Alarm Rate Forward Area Refueling Equipment, Forward Air Refueling Equipment Forward Air Refueling Point; Forward Area Rearming and Refueling Point Family of Scatterable Mines Field Artillery Scatterable Mines First Article Test Future XXI Battle Command Battalion/Brigade and Below, Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below FCS Brigade Combat Team Fort Bliss, Texas Functional Configuration Audit; Future Combat Associate Functional Capability Board Full Combat Configuration Future Combat Command and Control Future Combat Collaborative Environment FCS Common Data Model Fire Control Radar; Functional Chief’s Representative Future Combat Systems Future Combat Systems Air Defense Artillery Family of Systems Future Combat Systems Network Systems Integration Future Combat Systems Communications Future Combat Systems Equipped Unit of Action Fire Coordination Exercise Foundation Data; Force Development; Functional Decomposition Functional Decomposition/Functional Analysis; Functional Decomposition/Functional Allocation; Force Decomposition/ Force Allocation Food and Drug Administration; Functional Damage Assessment Final Design Complete; Fire Direction Center FAAD-C2I FABT FAC FACC FAD FAIRR FAMSIM FAR FARE FARP FASCAM FASM FAT FBCB2 FBCT FBTX FCA FCB FCC FCC2 FCCE FCD FCR FCS FCS ADA FoS FCS NSI FCSC FCS UA FCX FD FD/FA FDA FDC - 29 - FDD FDIC FDIIS FDL FDMA FDO FDP FDRP FDSC FDTE FDU FEA FEC FED FED DIF FED-STD FEMCA FEZ FF FFBD FFID FFD FFF FFGIS FHP FI/FO FIA FID FIOP FIPS Fire SPT RQST FIRESIM FISINT FISO FISTV FIT FITT F-KILL FL FLAN FLIR FLOT FM FMC Force Design Directorate Futures Development and Integration Center Force Development Investment Information System Forward Area Air Defense Data Link Frequency Division Multiple Access Flexible Deterrent Options; Foreign Disclosure Office Full Dimension Protection First Destination Release Point Failure Definition Scoring Criteria Force Development Testing And Experimentation Functional Data Unit Force Effectiveness Analysis Fires and Effects Cell Forward Entry Device Federation Execution Details Data Interchange Format Federal Standard Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis Fighter Engagement Zone Future Force Functional Flow Block Diagram Future Force Integration Directorate Foundation Feature Data Future Fighting Force Future Force Geospatial Information System Force Health Protection First In/First Out Future Imagery Architecture Foreign Internal Defense Family of Interoperable Operational Pictures Federal Information Processing Standard Fire Support Request Fire Simulation Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence Force Integration Staff Officer Fire Support Team Vehicle Fault Isolation Testing Future Combat Systems (FCS) IPv6 Transition Tiger Team Fire Power Kill Focused Logistics Flying Local Area Network Forward Looking Infrared Forward Line of Own Troops Field Manual Fully Mission Capable; Full Mission Capability FMR Financial Management Regulation; Functional Management Review Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Foreign Military Sales Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards FMEA FMS FMTV FMVSS - 30 - FNCS FO FOA FoAPS FOB FOC FOF FOIA FOM FOOB FOPEN FOR FORCES FORSCOM FoS FoSFR FOT FOT&E FOV FOWG FP FPA FPF FPGA FQT FR FRA FRACAS FRAGO FRD FRDP FRES FRMV FROB FRP FRS FS FSA FSB FSB HQ FSC FSCATT FSCL FSCM FSCOORD FSCS FSCU FSE FSMT FCS Network Communications System Force Operations; Forward Observer Field Operating Agency Family of Applications, Processes, and Services Forward Operating Base; Forward Operations Base Full Operational Capability Force On Force Freedom of Information Act Federation Object Model Fire Out of Battery Foliage Penetration Field of Regard Force and Organization Cost Estimating System United States Army Forces Command Family of Systems Family of Systems Functional Review Follow On Test; Force On Target Follow On Operational Test and Evaluation Family of Vehicles; Field of View Fiber Optic Wave Guide Functional Proponent; Firing Platform; Force Protection Focal Plane Array Final Protective Fires Field Programmable Gate Array Functional Qualification Test; Follow-On Qualification Test Force Requirements; Functional Review Forward Repair Activity Failure Reporting And Corrective Action System Fragmentary Order Facilities Requirements Document Full Rate Production Decision Future Rapid Effects System (British armed forces, planned for service in 2007-08) Future Recovery Maintenance Vehicle, FCS Recovery and Maintenance Vehicle Friendly Order of Battle Full Rate Production Forward Repair System; Flat Rack System Fire Support Fire Support Area Forward Support Battalion Forward Support Battalion Headquarters Fire Support Coordination Functional Standing Committees Fire Support Combined Arms Tactical Trainer Fire Support Coordination Line Fire Support Coordinating Measures Fire Support Coordinator Future Scout and Cavalry System Future Scout and Cavalry Unit Fire Support Element; FCS Simulation Environment Forward Support Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) Team - 31 - FSO FSR FSS FT FTP FTR FTS FTT FTTS-AMB FTTS-C2 FTTS-MS FTTS-MSV FTTS-RMV FTTS-U FTX FUE FUED FUSL FW FXXI FXXILW FYDP Fire Support Officer Field Service Representative Fast Sealift Ship Field Testing File Transfer Protocol Future Transport Rotorcraft Firing Test Station Full Task Training Future Tactical Truck System; Family of Tactical Truck Systems Future Tactical Truck System-Ambulance Future Tactical Truck System-Command and Control Future Tactical Truck System-Maneuver Support Future Tactical Truck System-Maneuver and Sustainment Future Tactical Truck System-Recovery Maintenance Vehicle Future Tactical Truck System-Utility Field Training Exercise First Unit Equipped, First Unit Engaged First Unit Equipped Date Full-Up System Level Fixed Wing Force Twenty One Force XXI Land Warrior Future Years Defense Plan G G G&A G&C G&N G/VLLD GaAs GAO GAR GATM GATM II GbE GBEI GBIX GBR GBS GCCS GCCS-A GCCS-M GCE GCS GCSS GCSS-A GD GDAIS Ground Rules & Assumptions Guidance and Control Guidance and Navigation Ground/Vehicular Laser Locator Designator Gallium Arsenide General Accounting Office; Government Accountability Office Government Representative Global Air Traffic Management Global Air Transportation Management II Gigabit Ethernet Geospatial Battlespace Environmental Information Ground Based Interceptor Experiment Ground Based Radar Global Broadcast System; Ground Based Sensor Global Command and Control System Global Command and Control System-Army Global Command and Control System-Maritime Government Cost Estimate Ground Combat Systems; Ground Control Station Global Combat Support System Global Combat Support System - Army General Dynamics General Dynamics Advance Information FTTS - 32 - GDC4S GDLS GDTA GEIA GENSER Geo WG GeoSym GES GES/NCES GFE GFE/M GFI GFLOPS GFM GFP GFX GFY GH GH5 GHz GI GI&S GIC GIDEP GIFD GIG GII GIS GL GLINT GMD GMLRS GMR GMTI GMV GO GOCO GOE GOSC GOTS GPCS GPO GPP GPR GPS GR/CS GRP General Dynamics Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Systems General Dynamics Land Systems Goal Directional Task Analysis Government Electronics and Information Technology Association General Service Geospatial Working Group Geospatial Symbols for Digital Displays GIG Enterprise System Global Information Grid Enterprise Services/ Network Centric Enterprise Services Government Furnished Equipment Government-Furnished Equipment/Material Government Furnished Information Giga Floating Point Operations Per Second Government Furnished Material Government Furnished Property Government Furnished Equipment Government Fiscal Year Generic Hub General Hub #5 Gigahertz Geospatial Information Geospatial Information and Services Gabarit International de Chargement (international loading gauge) Government Industry Data Exchange Program Geospace Intelligence Feature Database Global Information Grid Global Information Infrastructure Geographical Information System Grenade Launcher Gated Laser Intensifier Ground Based Midcourse Defense Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System Ground Mobile Radio Ground Moving Target Indicator Ground Mobility Vehicle General Officer Government Owned Contractor Operated Geographical Operational Element General Officer Steering Committee Government Off-The-Shelf Ground Platform Communication System Government Printing Office General-Purpose Processor Ground Penetrating Radar Global Positioning System Guardrail/Common Sensor Group - 33 - GSD GSE GSI GSM GSO GSS GSS CPD GSTAMIDS GTA GTN GUI GUID GVLLD GVA GVW GW GWG General System Description Ground Support Equipment Ground Sensor Integrator Ground Station Module Government Support Organizations Ground-Based Sensing Segment Ground Soldier Systems Capability Production Document Ground Standoff Minefield Detection System Graphic Training Aid Global Transportation Network Graphical User Interface Globally Unique Identifier Ground Vehicular Laser Locator/Designator Ground Vehicle Adapter Gross Vehicle Weight Gross Weight Geospatial Intelligence Standards Working Group H H H/V HAA HAC HACV HAE HAG HAIPE Horizontal and Vertical High Altitude Airship House Appropriations Committee Heavy Armored Combat Vehicles High Altitude Endurance High Assurance Guard High Assurance Internet Protocol Encryptor High Assurance Internet Protocol Interoperability Specification High Altitude and Long Endurance Highly Accelerated Life Testing Hit Avoidance Operations Controller Hardware/Manpower Integration Hit Avoidance System Controller; House Armed Services Committee Hierarchical Application Level Secure Multicast Hazardous Communications Hazardous Material Heavy Barrel (M2 cal. 50 machine gun); Huntington Beach Heavy Brigade Combat Team Helicopter Close Air Support Health Care Delivery Hazard/Clear Lane Marker High Capacity Line-Of-Sight Radios High Duty; Human Dimension Hard and Deeply Buried Targets Headquarters High Density Radiation Resistant Microelectronics High Explosive High Explosive Air Bursting HAIPIS HALE HALT HAOC HARDMAN HASC HASM HAZCOM HAZMAT HB HBCT HCAS HCD HCLM HCLOS HD HDBT HDQS HDRRM HE HEAB - 34 - HEAT HED HEMP HEMTT HEMTT-LHS HEP HERA HERF HERO HERP HESD HETNET HF HFE HFEA HFSWR HGI HHA HHB HHC HHDQS HHH HHI HIBC HICON HIDS HIL HIMARS HIMEZ HIPOT HIPPA HIRF HIS HIT HITL HITS HLA HLS HMEE HMG HMI HMMWV HMMWV-AMB HMMWV-TRT HMR HMS HN HNS High Explosive Anti Tank Hybrid Electric Drive High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (also HAEMP) Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck-Load Handling System High Explosive Plastic High Explosive Rocket Assisted Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Fuel Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Personnel Helicopter Electrostatic Discharge Heterogeneous Networking High Frequency Human Factors Engineering Human Factors Engineering Assessment High Frequency Surface Wave Radar Human Gig Interaction Health Hazards Assessment Headquarters and Headquarters Battery Headquarters and Headquarters Company Higher Headquarters Hand Held HEAT Higher Headquarters’ Issues Health Industry Business Communication Higher Control Host Intrusion Detection System Hardware Integration Laboratory High Mobility Artillery Rocket System High Altitude Missile Engagement Zone High Potential Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 High Intensity Radiated Field Human Systems Interface; Human Systems Integration Horizontal Integration Team Human In The Loop Home Station Instrumented Training Systems High Level Architecture Home Land Security High Mobility Engineer Excavator Heavy Machine Gun Human Machine Interface; Hub Management Interface High-Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle High-Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle - Ambulance High-Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle - Tactical Retrans Handheld Manpack Radio Handheld Manpack & Small form fit Host Nation Host Nation Support - 35 - HNW HP HPAC HPM HPT HPTL HQAMC HQDA HRED HRS HRT(C) HSC HSI HSIR HSKT HSLS HSOC HSOCs HSOK HSP/B HSS HSTMIDS HTARS HTI HTML HTS HTSS HTTP HUB Zone HUMINT HUMRRO HVAC HVC HVMS HVT HVTL HW HWCI HWIL Highband Networking Waveform High Power Hazard Prediction Assessment Capability High Powered Microwave High Payoff Target High Payoff Target List Headquarters Army Material Command Headquarters, Department of the Army Human Research and Engineering Directorate Human Resources System; High Resolution Scenario Hard Real Time (Control) Health Services Command Human System Integration Human Systems Integration Report Hunter Standoff Killer Team Health Service Logistic Support Home Station Operations Cell/Center Home Station Operating Capability Hunter/Standoff Killer High Speed Planetary Gear w/Brake Health Service Support; Hunter Sensor Suite Handheld Standoff Mine Detection System Huntsville, Alabama (use acronym only in art and if there isn’t space to spell out the term) HEMTT Trucks Aviation Refueling System Horizontal Technology Integration Hyper Text Markup Language Hazard Tracking System Head Tracker Sensor Suite Hypertext Transfer Protocol Historically Underutilized Zone Human Intelligence Human Resources Research Organization Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning High Voltage Corona Hardware View Model Segment High Value Target High Value Target List Hardware Hardware Configuration Item Hardware Integration Laboratory, Hardware In The Loop I I I&GI I&KPT or I&KP I&RTS I&T I&W I/F Imagery and Geospatial Information Instructor and Key Personnel Training (IKPT is preferred) Integration and Runtime Specification Installation and Test Indications and Warning Interface HSV - 36 - I/O I2 I2WG I3 I3A I3MP IA IA&S IAA IAAA IAC IAD IADS IAI IAMD IAOP IAS IASO IAT&C IATR IBA IBAD IBCT IBD IBR IBS IBS-M IBSO IBSS IC ICA ICAM ICAO ICAP ICB ICBM ICBR ICC ICCD ICD ICDR ICE ICH ICI ICM Input/Output Image Intensifier Information Interoperability Working Group Intelligent Integration of Information Installation Information Infrastructure Architecture Installation Information Infrastructure Master Plan Integration Activities; Information Architecture; Information Assurance Information Assurance and Survivability Integrated Architecture Analysis Identification, Authentication, Authorization, and Accountability Industrial Analysis Center (Defense Contract Management Agency) Internal Application Development Integrated Air Defense Simulation Israel Aircraft Industries Integrated Air & Missile Defense Internal Audits of Organizational Processes Information Assurance Strategy; Intelligence Analysis System (Marines) Information Assurance Security Officer Integration, Assembly, Test, and Checkout Interactive Automatic Target Recognition Interceptor Body Armor Interim Biological Agent Detector Interim Brigade Combat Team Interface Block Diagrams Integrated Baseline Review Integrated Broadcast Service; Integrated Battlespace Integrated Broadcast System-Module Installation Branch Safety Office Infrared Background Signature Survey Integrated Concepts; Integrated Circuit Industrial Capability Assessment; Incremental Compliance; Configuration Assessment Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing International Civil Aviation Organization Interface Coordination Action Plan Interface Control Board Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Interactive Case Based Reasoning Information, Communications Infrastructure Image Intensified Charge Couple Device, Intensified ChargeCoupled Device Initial Capabilities Document; Interface Control Document Initial Critical Design Review Integrated Combat Environment; Integrated Cost Estimate Improved Cargo Helicopter Information Communications Infrastructure Image City Maps - 37 - ICNIA IDP IDR Integrated Communications Navigation Id Architecture Integrated Computerized Deployment System (Army MTMC) IDIV Input, Output, Control, or Mechanism (IDEF0 Use of An Information Element) Interface Control Plan Integrated Concept Refinement Team Integrated Computer System Integrated Cost and Schedule Management System Integrated Concept Team; Integrated Computer Testing Infantry Carrier Vehicle Interactive Courseware Interface Control Working Group Interface Diagram; Identification Institute for Defense Analysis Interface Design Document; Interface Definition Document Integrated Data Environment; Information Domain Experts Interactive Distributed Engineering Evaluation and Analysis System Integration Definition (Formerly ICAM [Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing] Definition) (Language, Methodology) Integrated Definition Language 0 (Process Modeling) Integrated Definition Language 1X (Data Modeling) (a method for designing relational databases) (use IDEF1X) Intrusion Detection Isolation Protocol Indefinite Delivery-Indefinite Quantity Interim Division Information Dissemination Management; Improved Data Model, Improved Data Modem Individual Development Plans Incremental Design Review IDS IDT IDWG IDXP IE IEC IED IEEE IEM IEP IER IERs IET IETF IETM IEW IEWS IEWTPT IFC Integrated Defense Systems Inactive Duty Training Intrusion Detection Working Group Intrusion Detection Exchange Protocol Information Exchanges; Integration Element Integration and Evaluation Center Improvised Explosive Device Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc Information Exchange Matrix Integrated Events Plan Information Exchange Requirement Information Exchange Requirements Initial Entry Training Internet Engineering Task Force Interactive Electronic Technical Manual Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Integrated Electronic Warfare System Intelligence Electronic Warfare Tactical Proficiency Trainer Integrated Fire Control; Integrated Functional Capabilities ICODES ICOM ICP ICRT ICS ICSM ICT ICV ICW ICWG ID IDA IDD IDE IDEEAS IDEF IDEF0 IDEF1X IDEFIX IDIP IDIQ IDIV IDM - 38 - IFEM IFF IFFN I-FLIR IFOR IFS IFTE IFTU IFV IG IGI IGMP IGT IHLAT IHM IHPTET II IICCD IIMS IIOP IIOUC IIPT IIR IIWG IJMS I-KPP IKPT IL IL&E ILHS ILP ILR ILS ILSMT ILSP ILT IM IMA IMAPI IMEC IMET IMETS IMI IMICS IMINT IMO IMP IMPRINT Integrated Force and Execution Management Identification Friend or Foe Identification Friend, Foe, or Neutral Improved-Forward Looking Infrared Implementation Force Industrial and Financial System Improved Family of Test Equipment In Flight Target Update Infantry Fighting Vehicle Inspector General Imagery and Geospatial Information Internet Group Management Protocol Integrated Ground Test Integrated Hardware In The Loop Avionics Test Integrated Health Management Integrated High Performance Turbine Engine Technology Information Interoperability Image Intensified Charge Coupled Device Integrated Instructional Management System Internet Inter-ORB Protocol Implemented Integrated Operational Use Cases Integrating Integrate Product Team Imaging Infrared; Interface Information Requirements Information Interoperability Working Group Interim Joint Message Standard Interoperable KPP Instructor and Key Personnel Training Integration Laboratory Installations, Logistics, and Environment Intelligent Load Handling System Integrated Logistics Plan (Obsolete, Use Supportability Strategy [SS]) Interagency Language Roundtable Integrated Logistics System, Integrated Logistics Support Integrated Logistics Support Management Team Integrated Logistics Support Plan Integrated Leadership Team Information Management; Insensitive Munitions Installation Management Agency Interactive Multimedia Application Program Interface In-Line Media Encryptor International Military Education and Training Integrated Meteorological System Interactive Multimedia Instruction Integrated Management Information Control System Imagery Intelligence Information Management Officer; Interlink Management Office Integrated Master Plan Integrated Manpower and Personnel Integration; Improved Performance Research Integration Tool - 39 - IMS IMT IMU INC INCOSE INE INF INFOSEC INMARSAT INR INS INSCOM INT INTREP INTSUM INWE IO IOB IOC IONS IOS IOT IOTE or IOT&E IOUC IOW IP IP&M IPA IPB IPC IPD IPDR IPDRR IPF IPMS IPO IPP IPPD IPR IPS IPSec IPSx IPT IPTP IPTR IPWB Intelligent Munitions System; Integrated Master Schedule; Integrated Mine System; Information Management System Integrated Mission Test Inertial Measurement Unit Internet Controller; Interface Network Controller International Council of Systems Engineering In-Line Network Encryption Infantry Information Security International Maritime Satellite Initial Nuclear Radiation Inertial Navigation System United States Army Intelligence and Security Command Intelligence Intelligence Report Intelligence Summary Initial Nuclear Weapons Effects Information Operations, Initial Operations Internal Operating Budget Initial Operational Capability; Information Operations Cell Information Operations, Networks and Space (Directorate) Instructor Operator Stations Initial Operational Test Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOTE is preferred) Integrated Operational Use Case Information Operations Warfare Integration Phase; Integrated Process; Implementation Plan Identify Protection and Management Integrated Process Analysis; Integrated Platform Analysis Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace; Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield Interprocess Communications Initial Production Design In-Process Preliminary Design Review; Initial Preliminary Design Review Initial Production Design Readiness Review Integrated Processing Facility Intelligent Power Management System Information Product Objects Initial Production Planning; Integration Phase Plan; Industrial Preparedness Plan Integrated Product and Process Development In Process Review, Interim Program Review Integrated Processes; Integrated Platform Simulations Internet Protocol Security Integration Phase SDD (x is the increment or iteration; FCS term) Integrated Product Team Integration Phase Test Plan In-Process Technical Review Integrated Platform White Boxes - 40 - IQT IR IR&D IRAD IRCC IRCM IRD IRID IRINT IRL IRPD IRR IRS IRT IRWG IS ISA ISAR ISB ISC ISCA ISDN ISDDT ISE ISEC ISG ISIS ISL ISO ISP ISPV ISR ISRC ISS ISSE ISSM ISSO ISSPSC IST or IS&T ISTC ISX ISYSCON IT IT/UT ITAAS ITAR ITC Integrated Qualification Test Information Requirement Independent Research and Development Independent Research and Development Inter-Range Control Center Infrared Countermeasure Interface Requirements Document; Initial Requirement Document Interface Requirement Identification Infrared intelligence Integration Readiness Levels Infrared Personnel Detector Interim Requirements Review; Initial Readiness Review Interface Requirements Specification Independent Review Team Issue Resolution Working Group Information Superiority; Instrumentation System; Information System Integrated Software Architecture; International Standardization Agreement Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Intermediate Staging Base Information Superiority Cell Initial Supplier Countermeasures Assessment Integrated Services Digital Network Integrated System Design and Development Testing Institutional Self Evaluation Information Systems Engineering Command (CECOM) Integrated Starter Generator Institute of Software Intensive Systems Integration Simulation Laboratory International Standards Organization Integrated Support Plan; Information Support Plan Initial System Performance Verification Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance; Individual School Requirement Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Cell International Space Station Information System Security Engineering Information System Security Manager Information Systems Security Officer Information Systems Security Products and Services Catalog Integrated Simulation and Test, Integrated System Test Integrated System Test Capability Information Superiority Experiment Integrated Systems Control Integrated Testing; Information Technology Integrated Test / Unit Test Intelligence Training Army Area Schools International Traffic in Arms Regulation Instructor Training Course - 41 - ITD ITDL ITEMS ITEP ITO ITOL ITOP ITP ITRO ITS ITSB ITV ITW/AA IUC IV IV&V IV0 IV1 IVD IVHM IVI IVIS IVMMD IVT IW IWA IWEDA IWG Interim Terrain Data Integrated Technology Development Laboratory Interactive Tactical Environment Management System Integrated Test/Evaluation Program Invitational Travel Orders International Technologies Opportunities List International Test Operations Procedure Individual Training Plan Interservice Training Review Organization Individual Training Strategy Integrated Theater Signal Battalion In Transit Visibility Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment Initial User Capability Integration and Verification Iteration Independent Validation and Verification Integration Verification Phase 0 Integration Verification Phase 1 Interactive Video Disc - a type of IMI Integrated Vehicle Health Management Integration and Verification Iteration Integrated Vehicular Information System Interim Vehicle Mounted Mine Detector Integrated Verification Testing Information Warfare Interim Work Authorization Integrated Weather Effects Decision Aid Interoperability Working Group J J J/ISB JAAT JADOCS JAG JAGC JAHUM J-AIT JAMC JANUS JAOC JAOP JAUS JAWP JAWS JBI JBMC2 JBPDS JBSDS JC2 Joint/Intermediate Staging Base Joint Air Attack Team Joint Automated Deep Operations Coordination System Judge Advocate General Judge Advocate General Corps Joint Advanced Health and Usage Monitoring Joint-Automatic Identification Technology Joint Amphibious Mine Countermeasure Joint Army Navy Uniform Simulation Joint Army Operations Center Joint Air Operations Plan Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems Joint Advanced Warfighting Program Joint Advanced Warfighting System Joint Battle Infosphere Joint Battle Management Command and Control Joint Biological Point Detection System Joint Biological Standoff Detection System Joint Command and Control (to replace GCCS) - 42 - JC2-A JC2DS JC3IEDM JCAD JCAF JCALS JCATS JCBAWM JCDB JCF JCID JCIDS JCLL JCM JCMOTF JCOS JCPAT JCS JCSAR JCSE JCSM JDAM JDEP JDISS JDL JDN JDP JEC JEFX JEM JEMPRS JETS AOA JEZ JFACC JFAST JFC JFCOM JFEX JFLCC JFMCC JHL JIA JIADS JIC JIER JIF JIM JIMIWG JIP Joint Command and Control - Army Joint Common and Control Data Segment Joint Command, Control, and Communications Information Exchange Data Model Joint Chemical Agent Detector Joint Combined Air Forces; Joint and Coalition Air Forces Joint Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support Joint Conflict and Tactical Simulation Joint Chemical Biological Agent Water Monitor Joint Common Database Joint Contingency Force Joint Committee on Implementation and Design Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System Joint Center for Lessons Learned Joint Common Missile; Joint Countermine Joint Civil Military Operations Task Force Joint Countermine Operational Simulation Joint C4I Program Assessment Tool Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Combat Search and Rescue Joint Continuous Strike Environment Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum Joint Direct Attack Munitions Joint Distributed Engineering Plant Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System Joint Data Library Joint Data Network Joint Data Planner Joint Engagement Capability Joint Expeditionary Force Experiment Joint and Expeditionary Mindset; Joint Effects Model Joint En Route Mission Planning System Joint Emitter Targeting System Analysis of Alternatives Joint Engagement Zone Joint Force Air Component Command Joint Flow and Analysis System for Transportation Joint Force Commander Joint Forces Command Joint Force Exercise Joint Forces Land Component Commander Joint Force Maritime Component Commander Joint Heavy Lift Joint Information Architecture Joint Integrated Air Defense System Joint Intelligence Center Joint Information Exchange Requirement Joint Intelligence Facility Joint, Interagency, and Multinational Joint Interagency Multinational Interoperability Working Group Joint Interactive Planning - 43 - JISR JITC JL JLCCTC JLENS JLSCAD JLTM JMBL JMCIS JMETL JMM JMPS JMRR JMTK JNI JNMS JNN JNTC JOA JOE JOEF JOIN Joint STARS JOPES JPADS JPEG JPEO JPL JPM JPO JPO BD JPOTF JPPRTS JPSD JRAC JRAE JRAMS JROC JRP JRTC JRTX JS JSCESM JSCP JSEAD JSEP JSF Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Joint Interoperability Test Command Joint Logistics Joint Land Component Constructive Training Capability Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Elevated Netted Sensors; Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System Joint Service Light-Weight Stand-Off Chemical Agent Detector Joint Light Tactical Vehicle Joint METOC Battle Command Language Joint Maritime Command Information System Joint Mission Essential Task List Joint Management Meeting Joint Mission Planning System Joint Monthly Readiness Report Joint Mapping Tool Kit Java Native Interface Joint Network Management System Joint Network Node Joint National Training Center Joint Operational Area; Joint Operational Architecture Joint Operational Environment; Joint Operational Effects Joint Operational Effects Federation Joint Optical Information Network Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System Joint Operation Planning and Execution System Joint Precision Air Drop System Joint Photographic Experts Group (a file extension) Joint Program Executive Office Joint Priority List Job Performance Measure Joint Program Office Joint Program Office for Biological Defense Joint Psychological Operations Task Force Joint Power Projection/Real Time Support Joint Precision Strike Demonstration Joint Rapid Airfield Construction; Joint Rear Area Coordinator Joint Rapid Architecture Experiments Joint Readiness Automated Management System Joint Requirements Oversight Council; Joint Rear Operations Center Joint Robotics Program Joint Readiness Training Center Joint Readiness Training Exercise Joint Staff Joint Service Chemical Survivability Mask Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defense Job Skills Education Program Joint Strike Fighter - 44 - JSFSD JSGPM JSIG JSIMS JSIPS JSLIST JSLSCAD JSMC JSOF JSOTF JSSS JSTARS JTA JTA-A JTADL JTAG JTAGS JTA-IM or JTAIM JTAT JTAV JTCW JTDLMP JTEL JTF JTGS JTIDS JTMD JTMDS JTR JTRS JTT JTTP JTX J-UCAS JUTL JV JV 2010 JV 2020 JVB JVM JVMF JWARN JWARS JWCA JWCO JWE JWG JWICS JWNM JWP Joint Service Fixed Site Decontamination Joint Service General-Purpose Mask Joint Service Integration Joint Simulation System Joint Service Imagery Processing System Joint Service Light-Weight Integrated Suit Technology Joint Service Light-Weight Standoff Chemical Agent Detector Joint Systems Manufacturing Center Joint Special Operations Forces Joint Special Operations Task Force Joint Software System Safety (Handbook) Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (now Joint STARS) Joint Technical Architecture; Joint Table of Allowances Joint Technical Architecture Army Joint Tactical Digital Information Link (a distribution system) Joint Test Advisory Group Joint Tactical Air-To-Ground Station Joint Technical Architecture for Information Management Joint Terrain Analysis Tool Joint Total Asset Visibility Joint Tactical Common Operating Picture Workstation Joint Tactical Data Link Management Plan Joint Tactical Radio Systems Evaluation Laboratory Joint Task Force Joint Tactical Ground Station Joint Tactical Information Distribution System Joint Theater Missile Defense Joint Theater and Missile Defense System Joint Tactical Rotorcraft Joint Tactical Radio System Joint Tactical Terminal Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Joint Training Exercise Joint Unmanned Combat Aerial System Joint Universal Task List Joint Vision Joint Vision 2010 Joint Vision 2020 Joint Virtual Battlespace, Joint Visitors Bureau Java Virtual Machine Joint Variable Message Format Joint Warning and Reporting Network Joint Warfare System Joint Warfighting Capability Assessment Joint Warfighting Capability Objective Joint Warfighting Experiment Joint Working Group Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System JTRS Wideband Network Manager Joint Warfighting Panel - 45 - JWSTP Joint Warfighting Science and Technology Plan K K KART KSLOC KTR KZ KPP (Key Performance Parameter) Analysis and Requirements Traceability Key Decision Kinetic Energy Key Enabling Investment Killed In Action Key Interface Profile Key Interface Parameter/Profile Key Item Tracking System Key Management Interface Contracting Officer Key Performance Parameter Knowledge, Skills and Abilities; Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes Thousands of Software Lines of Code Contractor Kill Zone L L L/C L/R L1F LAD LADAR LADF LAM LAM ER LAMD LAN LANL LAS or LASH LAV LBR LCA LCC LCCE LCCP LCD LCDD LCMR LCMS LCO LCOP LCPK LCS Launcher/Control Launch and Recovery Level 1 Fusion Logistics Anchor Desk, Large Area Decontamination Laser Radar, Laser Detection and Ranging Lift Augmented Ducted Fan Loitering Attack Munitions; Land Attack Model Loitering Attack Munitions Extended Range Light-Weight Airborne Multispectral Minefield Detection Local Area Network Los Alamos National Laboratory Lighter Aboard Ship Light Armored Vehicle Laser Beam Rider Life Cycle Architecture Life Cycle Cost Life Cycle Cost Estimate Life Cycle Containment Plan Liquid Crystal Display; Local Control Display Local Control Display Device Light-Weight Counter Mortar Radar Local COMSEC Management Software Life Cycle Objectives Logistics Common Operational Picture Low Cost Precision Kill Land Combat Systems KD KE KEI KIA KIP KIPP KITS KMI KO KPP KSA - 46 - LCU LCX LD LDA LDAP LDM LDMS LDR LDS LDSS LE LED LELAWS LEWK LFC2IS LFD LFED LFED/FOS LFT LFTE LFT&E LFX LGPR LHS LIC LIDS LIN LISI LL LLAPI LLDR LLI LLRD LLRR LMC LMFF LMS LMSR LMTV LNO LO LOA LOAC LOB LOBOT LOC LOCAAS LOG LOGCAP LOGEX Launch Control Unit Logistics Coordination Exercise Laser Diode; Laser Designator; Line of Departure, Logistics Data Agent Light-Weight Directory Access Protocol Logical Data Model Logistics Data Management System Low Data Rate Logical Database System Logistics Decision Support System Lightning Effects Light-Emitting Diode Low Energy Laser Weapon Simulation Loitering Electronic Warfare Killer Land Force C2 Information System (Canada) LSI Functional Description Light-Weight Forward Entry Device Light-Weight Forward Entry Device with Forward Observer System Live Fire Test Live Fire Test and Evaluation Live Fire Exercise Limited Government Purpose Rights Load Handling System Language Identifier Code Lead Systems Integrated Distributed Simulation Line Item Number (for a Material Item) Levels of Information System Interoperability Long Lead Low Level Air Defense Interoperability; Low Level Air Picture Interface (German) Light-Weight Laser Designator/Rangefinder Long Lead Item Light-Weight Laser Rangefinder Designator Long Lead Readiness Review Learning Management Configuration Load Handling System Modular Fuel Farm Learning Management System Large Medium-Speed Roll-On/Roll-Off Vessel Light Medium Tactical Vehicle Liaison Officer Low Observable; Learning Objective; Lubrication Order Letter of Agreement Law of Armed Conflict Line of Bearing Low Functioning Robot Lines of Communication Low Cost Anti Armor Submunition Logistics Logistics Civilian Augmentation Program Logistics Exercise - 47 - LogNet LOGPAC LOGSA LOMEZ LORA LOS LOS CE LOSAT LPB LPD LPD/AJ LPI LPI/LPD LR&R LRC LRF LRF/D/I LRF/LD LRF/TD LRIP LRIPLLRR LRM LRP LRR LRRDAP LRS LRSU LRU LS LSA LSAH LSAHCM LSC LSCR LSDB LSDIS LSG LSI LTC LTD LTG LTP LTTF LTV LTX LU LUC LUCV LUT Logistic Network Logistics Package Logistics Support Activity Low-Altitude Missile Engagement Zone Level of Repair Analysis Line of Sight Line of Sight Command Element Line of Sight Anti Tank (missile) Logistics Preparation of the Battlefield Low Probability of Detection Low Probability of Detection/ Anti Jam Low Probability of Interception Low Probability of Interception or Detection Logistics, Requirements and Readiness Logistics Readiness Center Laser Rangefinder Laser Rangefinder/Designator/Interrogator Laser Rangefinders/Laser Designators Laser Rangefinder/Target Designator Low Rate Initial Production Low Rate Initial Production Long Lead Readiness Review Line Replaceable Module Low Rate Production Logistics Requirements and Readiness (systems) -- FCS IPT Long-Range Research, Development, and Acquisition Plan Long-Range Surveillance; Littoral Remote Sensing Long-Range Surveillance Unit Line Replaceable Unit Launch System Logistic Support Analysis Laser Semi Active Homing Munitions, Laser Semi Active Homing Laser Semi-Active Homing Countermeasure Logistics Support Command Laundry, Shower and Clothing Renovation Low Speed Data Bus Light and Special Division Interim Sensor (Logistic Support Group) Use Brigade Support Battalion Instead Large Scale Integrator; Lead System Integrator Lieutenant Colonel Laser Target Designator Lieutenant General Leader Training Program Logistics Transformation Task Force Land Tactical Vehicle Lane Training Exercise Launcher Unit Light Utility Helicopter Light Urban Combat Vehicle Limited User Test; Local User Terminal - 48 - LUT/OE LVC LVC-IA LVOSS LW LW II LW3 LW3/OFW LW-AC LW-FCS LWIR LWN LWP LWR LWU LZ Limited User Test / Operational Evaluation Live, Virtual, and Constructive Live Virtual Constructive-Integrated Architecture Light Vehicle Obscuration and Smoke System Land Warrior Land Warrior Block 2 Land Warrior Block 3 Land Warrior Block 3/Objective Force Warrior Land Warrior - Advanced Capability Land Warrior-Future Combat Systems Long Wave Infrared Land War Net Light-Weight Water Purifier Laser Warning Receiver Land Warfare University Landing Zone M M M&D C2 M&S M&SA M&SC M/CM M2C2 MA MAA MAADP MAAG Multicell and Dismount Command and Control Modeling and Simulation Modeling and System Architecture Maneuver and Support Cell Mobility/Counter Mobility Multi-Mode Command and Control Multinational Artillery Mission Area Analysis Mission Area Analysis Deficiency Program Military Assistance Advisory Group Maintenance Allocation Chart; Months After Contract; Medium Access Control Major Army Command Modular Artillery Charge System Mutually Assured Destruction Maneuver Air and Defense System; Magnetic Anomaly Detection System; Modified Air Defense System Medium Altitude Endurance Marine Air-Ground Task Force Main Experiment Major Acquisition Information System; Major Automated Information System Major Miniature Air Launched Decoy Multi-Aperture Logic Element Metropolitan Area Network MAC MACOM MACS MAD MADS MAE MAGTF MAINEX MAIS MAJ MALD MALE MAN MANCEN or MANSC MANET MANPADS MANPLAN MANPRINT Maneuver Support Center Mobile Ad Hoc Network Man Portable Air Defense System Management Plan Manpower and Personnel Integration - 49 - MANSCEN MAP MAPEX MAPL MAPR MAR MARC MARFOR MASINT MASPS MAU MAV MaxTTR MBCOTM MBCT MBCT-E MBE MBF MBT MC&G MC4 MCA Maneuver Support Center Military Assistance Program Map Exercise Military Acquisition Position List Monthly Acquisition Program Review Monthly Acquisition Report Manpower Authorization Requirement Criteria Marine Corps Forces Measures and Signature Intelligence Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards Multi-Attribute Utility Medium Armored Vehicle; Micro Air Vehicle Maximum Time to Repair Mounted Battle Command On The Move Modular Brigade Combat Team Modular Brigade Combat Team-Evaluation Modular Brigade Enhancement Multi-Band Radio Main Battle Tank Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy Medical Communications for Combat Casualty Care Military Construction Army; Major Commercial Account MCAS MCCM MCD MCEB MCG MCG&I MCL MCM MCMT MCO MCOO MCP MCR MCS Mission Capability Assessment System Modular Crowd Control Munitions Mines, Countermines and Demolitions Military Communications Electronics Board Mobile Command Group Mapping Charting Geodesy and Imagery Mission Configured Loads Mine Countermeasures; Material Change Management Mean Corrective Maintenance Time Major Combat Operation Modified Combined Obstacle Overlay Management Control Plan Master Change Record Mounted Combat System; Maneuver Control System Manportable Class Thermal Imaging System; Mounted Cooperative Target Identification System (USMC) Munitions Control Unit Marine Corps Warfighting Manual Movement Coordination Exercise Modem, Metal Detection Milestone Decision Authority Major Defense Acquisition Program Multi-Disciplined Counterintelligence Threat Assessment Management Decision Packages Military Decision Making Process Milestone Decision Review; Medium Data Rate Medical Detachment Telemedicine; Most Dangerous Target Main Effort MCTIS MCU MCWP MCX MD MDA MDAP MDCITA MDEP MDMP MDR MDT ME - 50 - MEA MEADS MEDCOM MEDEVAC MEDIA MEDLOG MEFFV MEP MER MES met MET METL METOC METT-T METT-TC MEV or MV-E MFCS MFF MFL MFR MG MGRS MGS MGV MGVCOE MGVI MGVIT MHE MI MIAP MIB MICOM MICS MIDS MIIDB MIL MIL STD MILCON MIL-DBK MIL-DTL MILES MILES XXI MIL-HDBK MIL-PRF MILSATCOM MIP More Electric Aircraft; Munitions Effectiveness Assessment Medium Extended Air Defense System Medical Command Medical Evacuation Media Elimination & Design Intelligent Aid Medical Logistics MAGTF Expeditionary Family of Fighting Vehicles Master Evaluation Plan; Mission Equipment Package; Mobil Electric Power (PM) Manpower Estimate Report; Minimum Essential Requirement Medical Equipment Sets, Management Emphasis System, Mine Effect Simulator Mission Execution Threads Metrics Evaluation Team; Management Emphasis Training Mission Essential Task List Meteorological and Oceanographic Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops - Time Mission, Enemy, Troops, Terrain, Time, Civil Considerations; Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops, Time and Civilians Medical Evacuation Vehicle (MV-E is preferred) Mortar Fire Control System Modular Fuel Farm Multi-Function Laser Multi-Function Radar Machine Gun Military Grid Reference System Mobile Gun System Manned Ground Vehicle Manned Ground Vehicle Common Operating Environment Manned Ground Vehicle Integration Manned Ground Vehicle Integration Team Material Handling Equipment Military Intelligence Management Information Assurance Plan Missiles In a Box Military Intelligence Communications Measuring and Improving Customer Satisfaction Multi-Functional Information Distribution System Modernized Intelligence Integrated Database Military Military Standard Military Construction Military Data Book Military Detail Specification Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement Systems XXI Military Handbook Military Preference Specification; Military Performance Military Satellite Communications Manufacturing Implementation Plan; Multi-Lateral Interoperability Program - 51 - MIPR MIPS MIR MIS MIU MJWG M-KILL MLA MLC MLIS MLPP MLR MLRS MLS MLSA MLT MM MMA MMBL MMCS MMH MMH/OH MMIC MMP MMR MMS MMS-P MMT MMTR MMW MMWPROP MN MNA MNFS MNO MNS MOA MOADS MOB MOBA MOC MOE MOFA MOG MOI MOLLE MOM MOOTW MOP MOPIC Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request Modified Integrated Program Summary Manprint Integration Report Management Information System Measurement Indication Unit MANPRINT Joint Working Group Mobility Kill Military Legislative Assistant Military Load Classification Multiple Levels of Independent Security Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-Emption Multiple Live Ranges Multiple Launch Rocket System Multi-Level Security Mix Land Mine System Alternative Machine Language Translation Multi-Mode Mission Management Application Mounted Maneuver Battle Lab Modular Mortar Charge System Maintenance Man Hours Maintenance Man Hours/ Operating Hours Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit Modular Mission Payload Multi-Mission Radar Maneuver and Mobility Support Meteorological Measuring Set - Profiler Miniaturized Munitions Technology Military Manpower Training Reports Millimeter Wave Millimeter Wave Propagation Prediction Model Multi-National Mission Needs Analysis Maximum No-Fire Stimulus Multi-National Operations Mission Needs Statement Memorandum of Agreement Major Defense Acquisition System Mobilization Military Operations in Built-Up Areas Management of Change Measure of Effectiveness Multi-Option Fuse Artillery Maximum on Ground Memorandum of Instruction; Method of Instruction Modular Light-Weight Load-Carrying Equipment Manager of Managers Military Operations Other Than War Measure of Performance Motion picture - 52 - MOPP MOPP Gear MOS MOSA MOSIAC MOSQ MoT MOTE MOTS MOU MOUT MP MPAT MPAL MPI MPM MPO MPSP MPT MPTA MPU MQS MQSM MQSMCT MR MRAAS MRB MRC MRD MRE MRIS MRL MRM MRM/ERM MRP MRS MRSI MS MS&A MS-3 MSCM MSD MSDE MSDS MSL MSLOC Mission Oriented Protective Posture Mission Oriented Protective Posture Gear Military Occupational Skill; Military Occupational Specialty Modular Open Source Architecture Multi-Functional On-The-Move Secure Adaptive Integrated Communications MOS Qualified Magnitude of Threat Multi-Serve Operational Test and Evaluation Military Off-The-Shelf Memorandum of Understanding Military Operations on Urban Terrain Mission Package; Military Police Multi Purpose Anti Tank Military Acquisition Position List Message Passing Interface Microwave Power Module Multimedia Product Object Medical Program Sub-Panel Modernization Transition Plan; Manpower, Personnel, Training; Mission Training Plan Manpower, Personnel, and Training Assessment Multi-Processor Unit Military Qualification Standards (to become obsolete) Military Qualification Standards (MQS) Manuals MQS Manual of Common Tasks Maintenance Ratio; Mortar Round; Management Reserve Multi-Role Armament and Ammunition System; Multi Role Advanced Armament System Material Review Board Manpower Requirements Criteria; Major Regional Crisis, Major Regional Conflict Material Requirements Document Mission Rehearsal Exercise Modernization Resource Information System Multiple Rocket Launcher Mid Range Munitions Mid-range Munitions/Extended-Range Munitions Mission Requirement Planning Mission Readiness System Multi-Rounds Simultaneous Impact Manned Systems; Milestone; Maneuver Sustainment Modeling, Simulation and Analysis Manpower Staffing Standards System Multispectral Countermeasures Maintenance Support Data; Maintenance Support Device; Minimum Safe Distance; Mid Sponson Diesel Mission Scenario Development Environment Mission Specific Data Sets Multiple Security Levels; Mean Sea Level Millions Source Lines of Code - 53 - MSM MSMO Msns MSO MSOTM MSR MSRR MSRT MSS MSTAR MSTF MSU MT MTA MTAR MTBEFF MTBF MTBSA MTBSA-M MTBSEE MTBSF MTD MTF MTG-WESS MTHEL MTI MTMC MTMCTEA MTN MTO MTOE MTP MTS MTTR MTV or MT-V MTW MUA MUAV MUDSS MULE MULE RT MULE–CM MULE–T MULTI-INT MUM Maneuver Sustainment Module Modeling & Simulation Management Office Missions Mission Staging Operations Mutual Support On The Move Main Supply Route Modeling & Simulation Resource Repository Mobile Subscriber Radio Terminal Mission Staging Site; Manpower staffing standards MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System) Smart Tactical Rocket, Moving and Stationary Target Acquisition and Recognition Mission Support Training Facility Mission Staging Operations Management Team Mail Transport Agent (e-mail) Moving Target Acquisition and Recognition Mean Time Between Essential Function Failures Mean Time Between Failures Mean Time Between System Abort Mean Time Between System Abort-Mobility Mean Time Between Single Event Effect Failures Mean Time Between Software Failures Mounted Medical Treatment Facility Main Tank Gun - Weapon Effect Signature Simulator Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser Moving Target Indicator Military Traffic Management Command Military Traffic Management Command Transportation Engineering Agency Mission-22 Tactical Network Manufacturing Technology Objective Modification Table of Organization and Equipment Mission Training Plan Monthly Training Schedule; Movement Tracking System Mean Time To Repair Medium Tactical Vehicles (MV-T is preferred) Major Theater War Military Utility Assessment Maritime Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Mobile Underwater Debris Survey System Multi-Function Utility/Logistics and Equipment Vehicle Multi-Function Utility/Logistics and Equipment VehicleRetrans Multi-Function Utility/Logistics and Equipment Vehicle Countermine Multi-Function Utility/Logistics and Equipment Vehicle Transport Multiple-Intelligence Manned/Unmanned (Teams) - 54 - MUOS MUPV MUVES MV MV-E MVR MV-T MW MWI MWIR MWR MWR (IR) MWR (UV) MWRUV MWS MYR Mobile User Objective System or waveform on JTRS 64K Manned/Unmanned Platform/Vehicle Modular UNIX™-Based Vulnerability Estimation Suite Medical Vehicle Medical Vehicle – Evacuation Master Verification Requirement; Maneuver Medical Vehicle – Treatment Microwave; Mounted Warrior Machine Warrior Interface Medium Wave Infrared Missile Warning Receiver Missile Warning Receiver (Infrared) Missile Warning Receiver (Ultra Violet) Missile Warning Receiver Ultra Violet Missile Warning System Mid Year Review N N NACSEM National Communication Security/Emanations Security (COMSEC/EMSEC) Information Memorandum National Air Intelligence Center Nearly Autonomous Real-Time Alarm Nearly Autonomous Real-Time Alarm Security System Network Attached Storage Naval Air Systems Command Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Reconnaissance System Network Communications; Network Centric Networked Communications/Collaborative Situational Awareness National Command Authority NAIC NARTA NARTASS NAS NAVAIR NBC NBCRS NC NC/CSA NCA NCCOSC Naval Command, Control and Ocean Surveillance Center NRT NCES Network-Centric Enterprise System; Network Centric Enterprise Services Network Centric Information Environment Noncommissioned Officer NCO Academy NCO Education System Net-Centric Operations and Warfare Reference Model National Computer Security Center-Technical Guide Network Centric Warfare National Defense Cadet Corps Non Developmental Item Network Data Link Nondestructive Testing and Inspection Net-Enabled Command Capability Network Enterprise Domain Non-Essential Function Failure NCIE NCO NCOA NCOES NCOW-RM NCSC-TG NCW NDCC NDI NDL NDTI NECC NED NEFF - 55 - NEO NEPA NET NETCOM NetFires NETOPS NETP NETT NETTSP NETWARS NF NFCS NFPA NG NGA NGATS NGB NGCCS NGIC NGO NGPM NHSC NIAP NIDS NII NIIRS NIMA NIPRNET NIR NISPOM NIST NITF NITFS NIU NL 120mm MR NL 155mm NLM NLOS NLOS BTRY NLOS-C NLOS-LS NLOS-M NLOS UAV nm NM NMCI NMD NMD LSI Non-Combatant Evacuation Operation/Non-Combatant Evacuation Order National Environmental Protection Agency New Equipment Training; Network Network Enterprise Technology Command Network Centric Fires Network Operations New Equipment Training Plan New Equipment Training Team New Equipment Training Test Support Package Network Warfare Simulations Networked Fires Naval Fire Control System National Fire Protection Association National Guard National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Next Generation Army Target System National Guard Bureau Next Generation Command and Control System National Ground Intelligence Center Non-Government(al) Organization Next Generation Performance Model National Home Study Council National Information Assurance Partnership Network Intrusion Detection System Networks and Information Integration National Imagery Interpretation Rating Scale National Imagery and Mapping Agency [now NGA – National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency] Non Secure Internet Protocol Router Network Near Infrared National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (DOD 5220.22-M) National Institute for Standards and Technology National Imagery Transmission Format National Imagery Transmission Format Standard Network INFO/SEC Unit Non-Lethal 120mm Mortar Round Non-Lethal 155 mm Cannon Munitions Non-Lethal Munitions Non-Line of Sight Non Line of Sight Battery Non Line of Sight Cannon Non Line of Sight Launch System Non Line of Sight Mortar Non Line of Sight Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Nautical Mile Network Management Navy/Marine Corps Intranet National Missile Defense National Missile Defense Lead Systems Integrator - 56 - NMMDR NMS NMWR NOAA NOFORN NOSC NRD NRE NREC NRFTT NR-KPP NRMM NRO NRR NRT NRTD NS NSA NSC NSDA NSFS NSGI NSI NSN NSS NSTC NSTD NSTISSAM NSTISSI NSTISSP NTC NTDC NTIA NTISSI NTM NTP NTPC NVD NVESD NVG NVIS NVM NV-RSTA NW NWF NxTest Network Maturity Milestone Design Review Network Management System; National Military Strategy National Maintenance Work Requirement National Oceanographic and Atmosphere Administration Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals/Governments Network Operations Support Center Network Requirements Document Non-Reoccurring Engineering, Non-Reoccurring Effort National Robotic Engineering Consortium Network, Re-Configurable, Full Task Trainers Net Ready Key Performance Partner NATO Reference Mobility Model National Reconnaissance Office Network Requirements Review Near Real Time Near Real Time Dissemination Networks System National Security Agency National Simulation Center Non-Self Destruct Alternative Naval Surface Fire Support National System for Geospatial Intelligence Network Systems Integration; National Security Information NATO stock number; National Stock Number National Security Systems National Security Science and Technology Council Non System Training Device National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Advisory Memorandum National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Instruction National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Policy National Training Center Non Traditional Defense Contractor National Telecommunications and Information Administration National Security Telecommunications Information System Security Instruction National Technical Means Network Time Protocol Nuclear C2 Systems Technical Performance Criteria Night Vision Device Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate/Director Night Vision Goggles Night Vision Imaging System Non-Volatile Memory Night Vision Recon, Surveillance, & Target Acquisition Network Network Fires Next Generation Automatic Test Systems - 57 - O O O&M O&O Concept O&O Plan O&S O/C-O/T OA OAN OASA OASD Operations and Maintenance Operational and Organizational Concept Operational and Organizational Plan Operations and Support Observer/Controller-Observer/Trainer Operational Architecture; Operational Availability Operational Area Network Office of the Secretary of the Army Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Chemical Organic Air Vehicle Organic Air Vehicle Light Organic Air Vehicle Medium Order of Battle Officer Basic Course Overcome By Events Organizational Breakdown Structure Observer Controller Offensive Counter Air Office of the Chief, Army Reserve Object Collaboration Diagrams Organizational Conflicts of Interest Operational Capability Matrix; Operational Capability Model Office, Chief of Legislative Liaison Office, Chief of Public Affairs Officer Candidate School; Optimum Class Size Objective Crew Served Weapon Operator Control Unit Operational Detachment Alpha Occupational Data, Analysis, Requirements and Structure Program (formerly AOSP) Ozone Depleting Chemical Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Training Office of the Director, Defense Research and Engineering Organizational Defined Process Operational Environment Operation Enduring Freedom (Iraq) Original Equipment Manufacturer Officer Evaluation Report Officer Education System Objective Force Objective Force Battlespace Architecture Office of Federal Procurement Policy Objective Force Soldier Objective Force Task Force Objective Force Warrior OATSD(CBM) OAV OAV L OAV M OB OBC OBE OBS OC OCA OCAR OCD OCI OCM OCLL OCPA OCS OCSW OCU ODA ODARS ODC ODCSOPS ODCST ODDR&E ODP OE OEF OEM OER OES OF OFBA OFPP OFS OFTF OFW - 58 - OH OI Observation Helicopter Operations and Intelligence OIC OICW OIEM OIF OIPT Officer In Charge, Operational Information Characterizations Objective Individual Combat Weapon Operational Information Exchange Matrix Operation Iraqi Freedom Overarching Integrated Product Team Objective Instrumentation Systems; Operational Instrumentation System Operations Maintenance Army Office of Management and Budget Operational Maneuver Group, Object Management Group Operational Maneuver Section Operational Mode Summary/Mission Profile Object Modeling Template Operational Net Assessment One Semi Automated Forces One Tactical Engagement Simulation System Office of National Intelligence Office of Naval Research Operational Need Statement Order of Battle OneSAF Objective System Other Procurement Army Operational Control Operational Facility (Organization Type) Opposing Force Operations Plan Operational Law OIS OMA OMB OMG OMS OMS/MP OMT ONA OneSAF OneTESS ONI ONR ONS OOB OOS OPA OPCON OPFAC OPFOR OPLAN OPLAW OPM OPNET OPORD OPRED OPSEC OPSGP OPTEMPO ORACLE ORD ORF ORG-ID ORM OS OSA OSD OSG OSHA OS GSG OSI Office of the Program Manager; Office of Personnel Management A Tool for Communications Simulation Modeling Operations Order Operational Readiness Operational Security or Operations Security Operations Group Operational Tempo Operational Research and Critical Line Evaluation Operational Requirements Document; Operational Readiness Document Operational Readiness Float Organizational Identifier Operational Risk Management Operating System Open System Architecture Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Surgeon General Occupational Safety and Health Administration One System Ground Control Station Open System Interconnection; Operational Systems Interconnection - 59 - OSINT OSMIS OSUT OT OT&E OTAR OTAT OTAZ OTB OTC OTH OTIS OTM OTP OTRR OTS OTW OUC OUSD OUSD OV OV 1 OV 2 OV 3 OV 5 OV 7 Open Source Intelligence Operating and Support Management Information System One Station Unit Training Operational Test Operational Test & Evaluation Other Transaction Agreement; Operational Test Agency; Other Transactional Authority Over The Air Re-Keying Over The Air Transmit Over The Air Zeroization OneSAF Test Bed; Over-Target Baseline Operational Test Command Over The Horizon One Team Information System On The Move One Team Partner; Other Transaction for Prototype Operational Test Requirements Review Off-The-Shelf Out-The-Window Operational Use Case Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition Operational View High Level Operational Concept Diagram Operational Node Connectivity Description Operational Information Exchange Matrix Activity Model Logical Data Model P P P(s) P&D P&P P&PS P3I Probability of Success (Report) Production and Development; Production and Deployment Plug and Play Planning and Preparation Services Preplanned Product Improvement(s) Product Assurance; Program Administration; Power Amplifier; Pressure Altitude Program Analysis and Evaluation Phased Array Antenna; Position Area for Artillery; Primary Aircraft Authorization Patriot Advanced Capability 3 Pacific Air Forces Program Analysis and Evaluation; Platform Attribute Evaluation Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell System Publication Automated Information Locator System Precision Attack Missile or Munitions Production Approval Number Public Affairs Office Planning Anchor Point OTA PA PA&E PAA PAC 3 PACAF PAE PAFCS PAILS PAM PAN PAO PAP - 60 - PARC PARR PASGT PAT PATRIOT PATS PAYDEX PB PBA PBB PBD PBG PBIT PBL PBR PBS2 PC PCC PCCB PCD PCDD PCLOSS PCM PCR PCS PD PDA PDB PDCS PDD PDLOSS PDM PDP PDR PDRL PDSS PDT PDU PDW PE PEG PEGASYS PGMM PEJ PEO PEO AVN PEO C3T Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting Pre Brief and After Action Report Personnel Armor System, Ground Troops Process Action Team Phased Array Tracking to Intercept of Target Protection Assessment Test System Payment Comparison to Sales President’s Budget Performance Based Agreements Platform Black Box Program Budget Decision Program Budget Guidance Power-Up Built-In Test Performance Based Logistics Program Baseline Review; President's Budget Request Phoenix Battlefield Sensor System Purchase Contracts Proof Carrying Code Program Configuration Control Board Procurement Control Document; Performance Control Drawing PDA-Type Control Display Device Probability Loss of Control Program Capability Matrix Problem Change Report Permanent Change of Station Process Document; Probability of Detection; Package Diagram, Physical Damage Assessment Program Decision Board Power Distribution and Control System Presentation Definition Document Probability Loss of Data Program Decision Memorandum; Physical Data Model Policy Decision Point; Project Defined Process Preliminary Design Review Procurement Data Requirements List Platform Decision Support System Program Data Tracker Power Distribution Unit Personal Defense Weapon Program Event; Program Element; Practical Exercise; Precision Engagement Program Evaluation Group Precision and Extended Glide Airdrop System Precision Guided Mortar Munitions Professional Engineering Judgment Program Execution Plan; Program Executive Office PEO Aviation Program Executive Office Command Control Communications Tactical - 61 - PEO EIS PEO GCS PEO IEW&S PEO STRI PEO TAC-M PEP PERSCOM PERSINSCOM PERSTAT PESHE Pf PFED PFLOSS PFN PFTDS PFTEA PGA PGK PGM PGMM PGS Ph or PHIT PHOTINT PI PIA PIC PICL PIDS PIL PIN PIP PIR Pk Pk/h PKI PKILL PL PLAID PLDC PLL PLOSS PLS PLS(POL) PLST PLT PLTLDR PM FCS Program Executive Office Enterprise Information Systems Program Executive Office Ground Combat Systems Program Executive Office Intelligence Electronic Warfare & Surveillance Program Executive Office Simulation Training and Instrumentation Program Executive Office - Tactical Missiles Program Execution Plan; Policy Enforcement Point Personnel Command Personnel Information Systems Command Personnel Status Programmatic Environmental, Safety, and Health Evaluation Probability of False Alarm Pocket-Sized Forward Entry Device Probability of Loss of Critical Functions Pulse Forming Network Postfielding Training Development Study Post Fielding Training Effectiveness Analysis Program Generated Adjustment Performance Guidance Kit; Precision Guidance Kit Precision Guided Munitions Precision Guided Mortar Munitions Precision Gunnery Systems Probability of Hit Photographic Intelligence Platform Integration; Prime Item Proprietary Information Agreement Personal Information Carrier Program Impact Coordination List Prime Item Development Specifications Prohibited Items List Production Identification Number; Personal Identification Number Product Improvement Program Priority Intelligence Requirement; Priority Information Requirement Probability of Kill Probability of Kill Given a Hit Public Key Infrastructure Probability of Kill Platoon Leader, Parts List Position Location and Identification Primary Leader Development Course Prescribed Load List Probability of Loss Palletized Loading System Palletized Loading System - Petroleum, Oil, Lubricant Palletized Load System Trailer Platoon Platoon Leader Program Manager Future Combat System - 62 - PM OF PM UA PM&P PM/NV PMB PMBP PMC PMCS Program Manager Objective Force Program Manager Unit of Action (old PM FCS name) Parts, Materials, and Processes Program Management Office of Night Vision Performance Measurement Baseline Program Management Best Practices Preventive Maintenance Checks Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services PME Prime Mission Equipment; Peacetime Military Engagements; Professional Military Education Patient Movement Items Performance Management Information System Professional Military Judgment Program Manager's Meeting Program Management Office Program Management Plan Program Management Review Program Management Team Program Management of the Unit of Action Probability of Neutralization Portable Network Graphic Performance Objective Program Operations and Integration Point of Contact Point of Debarkation Physical Obstacle Detection/Neutralization Point of Embarkation Program of Instruction Program of Instruction Management Module Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants Program Objective Memorandum Program Objective Memorandum (TRADOC) Point of Presence Program of Record; Press on Regardless Positioning/Navigation Portable Operating System Interface Position Navigation Power On Self Test Plans, Operations, and Training Officer Prisoner of War Program Plan; Planning Package Proposal Preservation Article Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution System Planning, Programming & Budgeting System Personal Protective Equipment; Plan, Prepare, and Execute Preplanned Product Improvement Program Protection Management Plan Platform Protection Processor; Program Protection Plan Program Performance Quality Process Platform Protection System; Pulsed Power Supply; Planning and Preparation Services PMI PMIS PMJ PMM PMO PMP PMR PMT PMUA Pn PNG PO PO&I POC POD PODN POE POI POIMM POL POM POM (TPOM) POP POR POS/NAV POSIX POSNAV POST POTO POW PP PPA PPBES PPBS PPE PPI PPMP PPP PPQ-PRO PPS - 63 - PPSL PPTP PPWG PQT PR PRA PRB PRC PRCMRL PREL PRICE H PRICE HL PRICE M PRICE S PRL PRM PRO ProE PRON PRR PS PSG PSI PSK PSMP PSMRP PS-MRS PSN PSP PssK PST p-static PSTN PSTS PSYOP PT PTHREADS PTT PTW PVNT PVNTMED PVT PW PWA PWB PWG PZ Preferred Part Standard List Point-To-Point Tunneling Protocol Program Protection Working Group Production Qualification Test Purchasing Representative Primary Review Authority; Projected Requisition Authority Program Review Board Populace Resource Control Precision Rapid Counter Multiple Rocket Launcher Prerelease Hardware Estimating Model Hardware Life Cycle Estimating Model (Price Systems) Electronic Module and Microcircuit Estimating Model Software Development and Support Cost Estimating Model Production Readiness Level Programmers Reference Manual Procedure (UA Program Lead Systems Integrator Designator) Pro/ENGINEER Procurement Request Order Number Production Readiness Review Platform Survivability Platoon Sergeant Product Support Integrator Phase Shift Keying Product Support Management Plan Platform Solider Mission Readiness Plan Platform Soldier-Mission Readiness System Packet Switched Network Program Support Plan; Product Support Provider Probability of a Stowed Shot Kill; Probability of Single Shot Kill Program Support Team Precipitation Static Public Switched Telephone Network Precision Sight Targeting System Psychological Operations Parameter Type POSIX Threads Part Task Trainer, Push To Talk Passive Threat Warner Position Velocity Navigation Timing Preventive Medicine Prototype Version Test; Positioning, Velocity and Timing Phantom Works Primary Weapon Assembly Platform White Box Performance Working Group Pick Up Zone - 64 - Q Q QA QAP QAR QC QDR QFD QR QSTAG QTB QTG QVGA Quality Assurance Quality Assurance Process Quality Acceptance Report Quality Control Quadrennial Defense Review Quality Functional Development Quarterly Functional Review; Quality Functional Review; Quality Futures Review Quarterly Management Review; Quality Management Review Quality Management System Quality of Service Qualitative and Quantitative Personnel Requirements Information Quadruple Resonance Quadripartite Standardization Agreement Quarterly Training Brief Quarterly Training Guidance Quarter Size Video Graphics Array R R R&D R&FM R&S R&SV RA RAA RAAM RAC RADIAC RADINT RAH RAID Research and Development Requirements and Force Management Reconnaissance & Surveillance Reconnaissance and Surveillance Vehicle (RSV is preferred) Registration Authority Responsibility, Authority and Accountability Remote Anti Armor Mine Risk Assessment Code Radiation, Detection, Indication, and Computation Radar Intelligence Reconnaissance Attack Helicopter Redundant Array of Independent Disks Reliability, Availability and Maintainability; Responsibility Assignment Matrix Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, and Durability Rapid Airborne Mine Clearance System Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Testability Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability - Testability Readiness Anchor Point Revolutionary Air-Breathing Propulsion Technology Demonstrator Requirements Architecture Review Ranging and Velocity Navigation Role Based Access Control Radio Based Combat Identification Reply By Endorsement Risk Based Security Assessment QFR QMR QMS QoS QQPRI RAM RAM-D RAMICS RAMT RAM-T RAP RAPTOR RAR RAVEN RBAC RBCI RBE RBSA - 65 - RBV RC RC3 RCAS RCB RCC RCE RCF RCP RCS RCT RCTDAP RCTI RDA RDD RDEC RDM RDMA RDO RDP RDR RDS RDT RDT&E/RDTE RE REBS RECCE RECON REDFOR REF REL REMP REPOL RETRANS RF RFC RFCM RFEMLOC RFI RFID RFP RFPI RFPICC RFR RGL RIA Rapid Battlefield Visualization Reserve Component Reserve Component Course Configuration Reserve Component Automated System Risk Control Board Regional Combatant Commander Regional Coordinating Element Repair Cycle Float Relative Combat Power Radar Cross Section; Robotic Control System; Reports Control Symbol Regimental Combat Team Reserve Component Training Development Action Plan Reserve Component Training Institution Research, Development, and Acquisition Requirements Documentation Directorate Research Development and Engineering Center Rapid Decision Making Reliability Data Management and Analysis Research & Development Objectives; Rapid Deployment Operation Requirements Development Plan Radar Requirements Data Sheet Reliability Demonstration Test Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Radiated Emissions Rapidly Emplaced Bridging System Reconnaissance Reconnaissance Red Force Rapid Equipping Force Release Requirements Management Plan Bulk Petroleum Contingency Report Retransmission Radio Frequency; Reserve Forces Request For Comment Radio Frequency Countermeasures Radio Frequency Emitter Locator Rapid Fielding Initiative; Radar Frequency Interferometer; Request For Information; Reserve Forces Intelligence; Radio Frequency Interface Radio Frequency Identification Request for Proposal Rapid Force Projection Initiative Rapid Force Projection Initiative Command and Control Run For Record Reading Grade Level Requirements Integration Approval - 66 - RID RISTA RISTA II RIU RL RM RMA RMB RMI RMP RMS RMT RMU RMV RNAV RNOSC RNP ROE RoF ROM RORO ROS ROSA ROSPF ROTC ROV RPA RPG RPM (rpm) RPPO RPSTL RR RRAPDS RRB RRC RRE RRF RS3 RSAF RSA-RSU RSI RSID RSOI RST RSTA RSV Risk Item Identifier; Requirements Identification; Review Item Disposition Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance and Target Acquisition Reconnaissance Infrared Surveillance Target Acquisition, Second Remote Interface Unit Requirements Leader Risk Management Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability Risk Management Board Remote Method Invocation Risk Management Plan Root Mean Square Risk Management Team Resource Management Update Recovery Maintenance Vehicle Area Navigation Standards Regional Network Operations and Security Center Required Navigational Performance Rules of Engagement Rounds of Fire Refuel on the Move Roll-On/Roll-Off Responsible Official for Sustainment Rotorcraft Open System Avionics Radio Open Shortest Path First Reserve Officer Training Corps Remotely Operated Vehicle Rotorcraft Pilot’s Associate; Request for Personnel Action Rocket-Propelled Grenade Rounds Per Minute; Revolutions Per Minute Regional Printing and Procurement Office Repair Parts and Special Tools List Readiness Review Remote Readiness Asset Prognostics/Diagnostics System Risk Review Board Requirements Review Committee Rapid Recoverable Event Ready Reserve Force Reconnaissance and Surveillance Sensor Suites Royal Saudi Air Force Relevant Situation Awareness-Relevant Situation Understanding Rationalization, Standardization, and Interoperability Radio Set Identification Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (also RSO&I) Religious Support Team Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition Reconnaissance and Surveillance Vehicle - 67 - RSVP RSV-T RSV-W RT RTBDA RTCA RTCOE RTD RTF RTIC RTO RTOS RTP RTS RTS-M RTS-Med RTS-S RTTC RV RVSM RW RWG RWR RX Resource Reservation Setup Protocol Resupply Vehicle Tracked Resupply Vehicle Wheeled Real Time Real Time Battle Damage Assessment Real Time Casualty Assessment Real Time Common Operational Environment Return To Duty Ready to Fight Real Time Information In The Cockpit Radio Telephone Operator Real Time Operating System Real-Time Protocol Regional Training Sites Regional Training Sites - Maintenance Regional Training Sites - Medical Regional Training Sites - Supply Redstone Technical Test Center Recovery Vehicle Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums (aircraft) Rotary Wing Risk Working Group, Requirements Working Group Radar Warning Receiver Receive; Receiver S S S&DS S&T S2F S/NF S/W SA Software & Distributed Systems (FCS team) Science and Technology; Simulation and Test System of Systems Framework Secret/No Foreign Software (SW is preferred) Situational Awareness; Systems Architecture (View); Significant Accomplishments, Systems Abort; System Assessments System Abort/Essential Function Failure Situational Awareness/Situation Understanding Supply Support Activity Soldier as a System Selective Availability Anti Spoofing Module (GPS) Situation Awareness Beacon with Reply SA/EFF SA/SU SAA SaaS/SAAS SAASM SABER SABI SAC SACC SACLOS SACP SADB SADBU SADD SADL Secret and Below Information Secret and Below Interoperability Senate Appropriations Committee Situational Awareness Coordination Cell Semiautonomous Controlled Line of Sight Systems Architecture Change Proposal Security Audit Database Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Software Architecture Description Document Situation Awareness Data Link - 68 - SAE SAF SAG SAIC SAIPR SAIT SAL SALE SAME SAMS SAPOC SAR SAR/GMTI SAR/MTI SARP SAS SASO SASU SAT SATBC SATCOM SATS SAW SB SBA SBB SBCCOM SBCT SBE SBIR SBIRS SBL SBO SBR SBT SBU SC SC4 SCA SCAN S-CATT SCC2 SCCB SCD SCG Society of American Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers Semi Automated Force; Secretary of the Air Force Senior Advisory Group; Study Advisory Group Science Applications International Corporation Systems Architecture In Progress Review Systems Analysis and Integration Team Semi-Active Laser Single Army Logistics Exercise Society of American Military Engineers Surface to Air Missile Site; School of Advanced Military Studies Special Access Program Oversight Council Selected Acquisition Report; Synthetic Aperture Radar; Safety Assessment Report; Satellite Access Request; Signature Aperture Radar Synthetic Aperture Radar/Ground Moving Target Indicator Synthetic Aperture Radar / Moving Target Indicator Standard of Recommended Practice Situational Awareness System Stability and Support Operations Situational Awareness/ Situational Understanding Systems Approach to Training Systems Approach to Training Basic Course Satellite Communications Standard Army Training System; Standard Army Tool System Surface Acoustic Wave Sustaining Base; Software Build Simulation Based Acquisition Sense Beyond Barrier Soldier and Biological Chemical Command Stryker Brigade Combat Team Single Baseline Cost Estimate; Single Best Estimate Space Based Infrared; Small Business Innovative Research Spaced Based Infrared System Space Based Laser Small Business Office Space Based Radar Sustaining Base Training Strategic Business Unit; Sensitive But Unclassified Sub Committee; Supply Chain; Spectrum Compliance; Shaped Charge Surrogate Command and Control Communications Computer System Software Communications Architecture Software Chief Architects’ Network Soldier Combined Arms Tactical Trainer Synchronized Collaborative C2 Software Change Control Board State Chart Diagram Security Classification Guide - 69 - SCI SCIF SCM SCMP SCMT SCORM SCRS SCU SCX SD SDB SDD or SD&D SDDC SDE SDF SDIS SDM SDMP SDO SDP SDPP SDR SDRL SDS SDSI SE SE CORE SE&I SE2L SEA SEABEE SEAD SEAM LSS SEB SEC SECDEF SE-CE SECM SECOMP-I SE-CORE SEDRIS SEER SEI SEIT SEL Sensitive Compartmented Information Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities Software Configuration Management; Supplier Chain Management Software Configuration Management Plan Subcontractor Management Team Sharable-Content Object Reference Model; Shareable Courseware Reference Model Single Channel Radio Set Servo Control Unit Staff Coordination Exercise Sequence Diagram Small Disadvantaged Business System Development and Demonstration System Development And Demonstration Closeout; Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Support Data Extensions Sensor Data Fusion STARPUBS DDN Interface System Sensor Data Manager; Sensor Data Management; Schedule Dependency Matrix Software Development Management Plan Static Data Objects Software Development Plan Software Development Process Plan Software-Defined Radio Supplier Data Requirements List Sorbent Decontamination System Software and Distributed Systems Integration Systems Engineering Synthetic Environment CORE Systems Engineering and Integration (SEI is preferred) Systems Engineering & Experimentation Laboratory System Entity Architecture Construction Battalion, United States Navy; Sea Barge Suppression of Enemy Air Defense Simulation and Evaluation of Adaptive Mobile Large Scale Networks Systems Senior Executive Board; Single Event Burnout Synthetic Environment Core Secretary of Defense Synthetic Environment Core Exchange Shop Equipment Contact Maintenance Secure Enroute Communications Package-Improved Synthetic Environment Core Synthetic Environment Data Representation and Interchange Specification System Evaluation and Estimation of Resources Systems Engineering and Integration Systems Engineering Integration and Test Single Event Latchup - 70 - SEMP SENGAP SEP SEPG SEPM SEPP SER SERB SERC SES SESAME SETA SF SF/ISA SFCT SFD SFF S-FLTS SFOR SFR SGI SGITC SGL SHAD SHADE SHARP SHF SHORAD SHORADEZ SI SIAP SIC SICPS SIDPERS SIE SIF SIGCEN SIGINT SIGP SIL SIM SIMBAD SIMCI SIMD SIMEX System Engineering Management Plan Small Engine Advanced Program Systems Engineering Plan; System Engineering Plan; Spherical Error Probability Software Engineering Process Group Systems Engineering Process Manual Systems Engineering Process Plan System Evaluation Report System Engineering Review Board Supplier Evaluation Risk Score Senior Executive Service Selected Essential Item Stock for Availability Method Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance Special Forces Sensor Fusion Integrated Situation Assessment Staff and Faculty Common Training Staff and Faculty Development Small Form Fit Sequoyah-Foreign Language Translator Services Security Force; Stabilization Force Systems Functional Review Small Group Instructor Small Group Instructor Training Course Small Group Leader Software and Hardware Allocation Document; Sharpe Army Depot Shared Data Engineering System Oriented High Range Resolution Automatic Recognition Program Super High Frequency Short Range Air Defense Short-Range Air Defense Engagement Zone Systems Integrator; Systems Integration; Software Items; Skill Identifier Single Integrated Air Picture System Information Characterizations Standard Integrated Command Post Shelter Standard Installation Division Personnel System SOS Integration Element System-Of-Systems Integration Framework; Standard Simulator Database Interchange Format Signal Center Signal Intelligence Single Integrated Ground Picture System Integration Laboratories Simulation Sensor Integration and Modeling for Biological Agent Detection Simulation Collaboration and Interoperability Single Instruction Stream, Multiple Data Stream Simulation Exercise - 71 - SIMNET SINCGARS SIOP SIP SIPRNET SIR SISP SITEMP SITL SITREP SJFHQ SJTFC2 SKA SKO SLAD SLAMEM SLAMRAAM SLICE SLOC SLV SLVD SM SM&P SMA SMART SMCT SMDR SME SMI SMM SMMP SMN SMO SMOA SMR SMT SMTP SMTS SMWG SN SNE SNR SO SO1 SO2 Simulation Network Single-Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System Single Integrated Operational Plan System Improvement Program; Session Initiation Protocol (IETF Standard) Secret Internet Protocol Router Network Software Interface Requirements Single Integrated Space Picture Situation Template Single Integration Task List Situation Report Standing Joint Forces Headquarters Standing Joint Task Force Command and Control Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities Sets, Kits and Outfits Survivability/Lethality Analysis Directorate Simulation of the Location and Attack of Mobile Enemy Missiles Surface Launched Advanced Medium Range Air-To-Air Missile Soldier-Level Integrated Communications Environment Software Lines of Code Software Loader/Verifier Software Loader/Verifier Device Soldiers’ Manuals, Subcontractor Management Supplier Management and Procurement System Modeling Architecture Simulation and Modeling for Acquisition, Research and Training; Simulations and Modeling for Acquisition, Requirements, and Training Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks Structured Manning Decision Review Subject Matter Expert Soldier Machine Interface Smart Mobile Munitions System MANPRINT Management Plan Scalable Mobile Networking Systems Management Object; Software Management Organization Subordinate Memorandum of Agreement System Model Representations Software Management Team; Soldier’s Manual Task(s) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Space and Missile Tracking System Security Management Working Group Scalable Networking Synthetic Natural Environment Signal Noise Ratio Special Operations, Spiral Out, Spin Out Spin Out 1 Spin Out 2 - 72 - SOA SOAR SOC SOCCE SODD SOE SOF SOI SOM SON SOO Soundness of Approach Special Operations Aviation Regiment Statement of Capability; Special Operations Command Special Operations Command and Control Element Spin Out Description Document Synthetic Operational Environment Special Operations Forces Signal Operating Instruction Simulation Object Model Safety of Navigation, or Statement of Need Statement of Objectives; Space Operations Officer SOP SORA SoRC SORL SORTS SOS or SoS SOS COE SoSA SoSADD SoSAT SoSC SoSCDR SoSDCR SoSE SoSEI SoSFR SOSIL SoSIVP SOSO SoSOR SOSP SoSPDR SoSRM SoSRR SoSS SoSSwA SoSVC SOTM SOW SP1 SPBS SPD SPECAT SPF SPG SPH SPI SPM Standard Operating Procedures Source of Repair Analysis Statement of Required Capabilities Single Operational Roles List Status of Resources and Training System System of Systems; Speed of Service System of Systems Common Operating Environment System of Systems Architecture System of Systems Architecture Description Document System of Systems Analysis Toolset System of Systems Capabilities System of Systems Critical Design Review System of Systems Design Concept Review System of Systems Engineering System of Systems Engineering And Integration System of Systems Functional Review System of Systems Integration Lab System of Systems Integration And Verification Phase Stability Operations and Support Operations System of Systems Operational Requirement Spin Out Strategy Paper; Spin Out Strategy Plan System of Systems Preliminary Design Review System of Systems Reference Model System of Systems Requirements Review System of Systems Specification System of Systems Software Architecture System of Systems Verification Complete Satellite Communications On The Move Statement of Work; Scope of Work Structure for Segment_Product1 Special Purpose Built System Senior Program Director Special Category Special Purpose Forces; Status & Path Forward Strategic Planning Guidance Self Propelled Howitzer Schedule Performance Index System Performance Model; Subcontract Program Manager - 73 - SPM/NGPM SPO SPOD SPOE SPORR SPORT SPOTREP SPR SPS SQA SQD SQDN SQI SQL SR SRD SREO SRM SRO SRP SRR SRS SRU SRW SS SS/HPMP SSA SSAA SSAC SSB SSC SSCF SSDB SSDD SSDE SSE SSEB SSEI SSES SSET SSEWG SSG SSI System Performance Model/Next Generation Performance Model Support Operations Officer; Systems Program Office (USAF) Seaports of Debarkation Seaport of Embarkation Spin Out Requirements Review (UGS); Spin Out Readiness Review Soldier’s Portable on System Repair Tool Spot Report Systems Program Review; Software Problem Report Standard Procurement System Supplier Quality Assurance Squad Squadron Skill Qualification Identifier Structured Query Language Safety Review Systems Requirement Document Short Range Electro-Optics Solid-Propellant Rocket Motor Sustainment Replenishment Operation; Systems Readiness Objective School Requirements Package System Requirements Review Sustainment Replenishment Site; Software Requirements Specification, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Systems, Shock Response Spectrum Shop-Replaceable Unit Soldier Radio Waveform Supportability Strategy; System Specification; System of Systems; Source Selection System Safety/Health Program Management Plan Supply Support Activities or Area; Software Support Activity; System Safety Assessment; Staff Supporting Agencies System Security Authorization Agreement Source Selection Advisory Council Single Side Band; Source Selection Board System, Subsystem and Component; Software Steering Committee; Small Scale Contingency Senior Service College Fellowship Standard Simulator Database System/Subsystem Design Description Simulation Scenario Development Environment Systems Security Engineering; Space Support Element Source Selection Evaluation Board System of Systems Engineering and Integration Systems and Software Engineering Support Source Selection Evaluation Team Systems Security Engineering Working Group Special Study Group Soldier System Interface; System to System Interface; Special Skill Identifier - 74 - SSL SSMP SSN SSO SSP SSPCL SSPK SSPL SSR SSS SSTB SSTOL SSv SSWG ST STA STAARS STAMIDS STAMIS STANAG STAR STARPUBS Secure Sockets Layer System Security Management Plan Standard Study Number Special Security Offices Synchronized Sustainment Pulse; Simulation Support Plan System Support Package Component List Single Shot Probability of Kill Software Standard Product List Solid-State Recorders System/Subsystem Specification Sensor System Test Bed Super Short Takeoff and Landing Soldier Survivability System Security Working Group Short Tons Sparing To Availability Standard Army After Action Review System Standoff Mine Detection System Standard Army Management Information Systems Standardization Agreement System Threat Assessment Report Standard Army Publication System (STARPUBS) STARS Surveillance Target Attack Radar System; Surveillance, Tracking, and Reconnaissance System Start of the Exercise Slew To Cue System Training Device Synthetic Training Environment; Situational Training Exercise Simulation Test and Evaluation Process; Standard Tactical Entry Point Synthetic Training Environment Periodic Review Sense Through Foliage, Special Task Force Streak Tube Imaging Lidar Special Technical Operations; Science and Technology Objectives Short Takeoff and Landing Synthetic Theater of War STARTEX STC STD STE STEP STEPR STF STIL STO STOL STOW STP STR STRAC STRAP STRATCOM STRI STRICOM STSV STT STTR STTW; STW STX SU Software Test Plan; System Training Plan; Soldier Training Publication Software Test Report Standards In Training Commission System Training Plan United States Strategic Command Simulation Training & Instrumentation Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation Command System Team Software Views Surgical Treatment Team Small Business Technology Transfer Program See Through The Wall; Sense Through The Wall Situational Training Exercise Situational Understanding - 75 - SUAV SUCCESS SUGV SUO SUO-D SUV SWP SY Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Synthesized UHF Computer Controlled Equipment Substation Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle Small Unit Operations Small Unit Operations-Dual Staff Utility Vehicle; Service Utility Vehicle Systems (Architecture) View; Service Vehicle; Sensor View; Schedule Variance System Interface Description Physical Data Model, DoD Architecture Framework Document Systems Communication Description Systems-To-Systems Matrix Systems Functionality Description Operational Activity to System Function Traceability Matrix System Information Exchange Matrix Service Troop Simulation Verification Framework Super Video Graphics Array Software Verification Plan Software Software Architecture Software Analysis and Integration Team SOS Software Architecture Model Size, Weight, And Power Size, Weight, And Power And Cooling Software Block Software Block1 Software Capability Maturity Model Software Engineering Seminar War Game Surface Wire Ground Kit Software Integration Software Integration Lab; Software in the Loop Short Wavelength Infrared Software Integration Team Software Local Area Network Secure Wireless Local Area Network Statement of Work Meeting; Start of Work Meeting Synergy Software Management Board Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection System Software Program Staff Year T T T&E T&E IPT T&EO Test and Evaluation Test and Evaluation Integrated Product Team Training and Evaluation Outline SV SV 1 SV 11 SV 2 SV 3 SV 4 SV 5 SV 6 SVC TRP SVF SVGA SVP SW SwA SWAIT SwAM SWAP SWAP-C SWB SWB1 SWCMM SWE SWG SWGK SWI SWIL SWIR SWIT SWLAN S-WLAN SWM SWMB SWORDS - 76 - T/R TA TA/CP TAA TAB TAC TACAIR TACCP TACITS TACMSLS TACO2 TACOM TACON TACP TACS TACSAT TACSIM TAD TADD TADIL TADIL-A TADIL-B TADIL-J TADIXS-B TADL TADLP TADLP MP TADSS TAF TAG TAGS TAI TAIS TAITC TALCE TAMD TAME TAMS TAOM TAP TAPSTEM TAR TARA TARDEC TARGET Transmit/Receive Technical Architecture (View), Teaming Agreement; Target Acquisition Technology Assessment / Control Plan Technical Assistance Agreement; Tactical Assembly Areas Total Allocated Budget Tactical Tactical Aircraft Tactical Command Post Total Army Centralized Individual Training Solicitation Tactical Missiles Tactical Communications Protocol 2 United States Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command Tactical Control Tactical Command Post Tactical Air Control System Tactical Satellite Tactical Intel Simulation Target Audience Description Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations Tactical Digital Information Link Tactical Digital Information Link (half-duplex; NATO Link 11) Tactical Digital Information Link (nodeless TDMA;NATO Link 16) Tactical Digital Information Link (Full duplex; NATO Link 11B) Tactical Data Information Exchange System-Broadcast Tactical Automated Data Links The Army Distance Learning Program Total Army Distance Learning Program Master Plan Training Aids, Devices, Simulators & Simulations Training Analysis Facility; Tactical Air Force The Adjutant General Theater Air Ground System Target Areas of Interest; TRADOC Acquisition Instruction Tactical Airspace Integration System Total Army Instructor Training Course Tanker/Airlift Control Element Theater Air Missile Defense TRADOC Architecture Management Element Transportation Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation; Training Ammunition Management System Tactical Air Operations Module Test Assessment Plan; The Army Plan Training and Personnel Systems Science and Technology Evaluation Test Assessment and Reporting Technology Area Review and Assessment Tank Automotive Research, Development, and Engineering Center Transportable Analysis Report Generator (Tool) - 77 - TARIP TAS TASC TASKORD TASM TASS TASSCA TATS TATSS TAV TBG TBM TBMCS TBR TC TC AIMS TC AIMS II TCAS TCDL TCF TCN TCO TCOS TCP TCP/IP TCPED TCPI TCR TCS TD TDA TDAA TDAP TDDS TDDT TDFR TDMA TDMC TDMP TDP TDPD TDR TRADOC Architecture Redesign Implementation Plan Target Audience Soldier Training Audiovisual Support Centers Tasking Order Top Attack Smart Munitions Target Acquisition Sensor Suite; Total Army School System Total Army School System Coordinating Activity Total Army Training system; Tactical Airspace Integration System; TRADOC Automated Training Scheduling System Total Asset Visibility TRADOC Budget Guidance Tactical Ballistic Missile; Theater Ballistic Missile Theater Battle Management Core System To Be Resolved; To Be Reviewed, To Be Refined Technical Coordinator; Training Circular; Transportation Corps Transportation Coordinator Automated Information Management System Transportation Coordinator’s Automated Information for Movement System II TCA Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System Tactical Common Data Link Tactical Combat Force Theater Communications Network Tactical Combat Operations Tactical Combat Operations Systems (Marines) Army Transformation Campaign Plan; Technical Cooperation Program Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Tasking, Collection, Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination To Complete Performance Index Training Capabilities Report Tactical Control Station; Tactical Communications System Technology Demonstration; Training Development; Terrain Data, Target Designator Tactical Decision Aids; Targeting Damage Assessment; Table of Distribution and Allowances Training Development and Analysis Activity Training Development Action Plan TRAP Data Dissemination System Training and Doctrine Development Tool Training Device Fabrication Request Time Division/Demand Multiple Access Test Data Management Center Test Data Management Plan Technical Data Package Test Data Product Description Training Device Requirement - 78 - TDRRC TDS TDSS TDY TE TE/GVW Training Device Requirements Review Committee Training Device Study; Technology Development Strategy TRADOC Decision Support System Temporary Duty Test Engineer; Tractive Effort Tractive Effort/Gross Vehicle Weight TEA Training Effectiveness Analysis; Transportation Engineering Agency; Training Effectiveness Analysis Technical Evaluation Board Training Extension Course Threat Environment Description The Enhanced Integrated Soldier System - Dismounted Transporter Erector Launcher Telecommunications, Telephone Conference Telemetry Intelligence Technical Interchange Meeting; Terrain Evaluation Module Training, Exercises, and Military Operations Test and Evaluation Master Plan Compromising Emanations, Emissions Security Training Test and Enabling Architecture Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities Tactical Electric Power; Team Execution Plan Test and Evaluation Program Plan Tank Extended Range Munitions Tactical Engagement Simulation, Tactical Exploitation System Tactical Exploitation System - Forward Tactical Exploitation System - Main Tactical Engagement Simulation System Tactical Exercise Without Troops; Training Exercise Without Troops Training Module Executive Management Information System Task Force Technical Field Test Trainer's Guides Target Theater High Altitude Area Defense System Tactical High Energy Laser Take-Home packages Tactical Human Intelligence Teams Technology Insertion; Tactical Internet Tactical Information Assurance; Training Impact Analysis Technical Integration Board Tactical Information Broadcast Service Toxic Industrial Chemicals Technical Interface Design Plan - Test Edition Technical Interface Meeting; Technical Interchange Meeting; Technical Integration Meeting; Toxic Industrial Materials Tactical Internet Management System; Toxic Industrial Materials Task Integration Network TEB TEC TED TEISS-D TEL TELECOM TELINT TEM TEMO TEMP TEMPEST TENA TENCAP TEP TEPP TERM TES TES-F TES-M TESS TEWT TEXMIS TF TFT TG TGT THAAD THEL THP THT TI TIA TIB TIBS TIC TIDP-TE TIM TIMS TIN - 79 - TINA TIPT TIR TIREM TL TLAM TLCSM TLE TLI TLO TLRP TLC TLRTP TM TMA T-MAV TMBS TMD TMDE TMEC TMG T-MI TMIP TMM TMO TMR TMS TNET TNGF TO TO&E; TOE TOA TOC TOD ToF TOMA topo TOPO TOR TOW TPD TPED TPEDIT TPFDD TPIO TPIO-STE TPIO-TD TPKI TPM Truth In Negotiations Act Training Integrated Product Team Test Incident Report Terrain Integration Rough Earth Model Termination Liability Tomahawk Land Attack Missile Total Life Cycle System Management Target Location Error Transport Level Interface Terminal Learning Objectives TRADOC Long-Range Plan Tactical Leaders Course TRADOC Long-Range Training Plan Team, Technical Manual Technology Maturity Assessment; TRADOC Management Activity; Training Mission Area Tactical - Micro Air Vehicle Turret Motion Based Simulator Theater Missile Defense Test, Maintenance, and Diagnostic Equipment TRADOC Material Evaluation Committee TRADOC Manpower Guidance Training-Modeling Integration Theater Medical Information Program Team Manager Meeting Theater Missile Operations Tactical Mobile Robotics Thermal Management System Teletraining Network Tactical Network for Ground Forces Technical Order; Training Observation Table of Organization and Equipment Total Obligation Authority Tactical Operations Center; Total Ownership Cost Technical Order Data Time of Flight Training Operations and Management Activity Topographic Topographic (officer) Terms of Reference Tube Launched, Optically Sighted, Wire Guided Tactical PSYOP Detachment Tasking, Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination Time Phase Force Deployment Data Editor Time-Phased Force and Deployment Data TRADOC Program Integration Office TRADOC Program Integration Office for the Synthetic Training Environment TRADOC Program Integration Office-Terrain Digitization Tactical Public Key Infrastructure Technical Performance Measures - 80 - TPO TPO CONSTRUCTIVE TPO LIVE TPO ONESAF TPO STOW TPO VIRTUAL TPO WARSIM TPOM TPRISM TPT TPW TQG TR TRA TRAC TRAC-WSMR TRADOC TRANSCOM TRANSEC TRAP T-RAP TRAS TRB TRD TRE TREDS-R TREVAC TRIMS TRITAC TRIXS TRL TRM TRR TS/SCI TSA TSABI TSAR/MTI TSAWG TSB TSC TSCP TSE TSEC TRADOC Project Office TRADOC Project Office for Constructive Synthetic Training Environment TRADOC Project Office for Live Training Environment TRADOC Project Office for One Semi-Automated Force TRADOC Project Office for Synthetic Theater of War TRADOC Project Office for Virtual Synthetic Training Environment TRADOC Project Office for Warfighter 2000 Simulations TRADOC Program Objective Memorandum TRADOC Plan for Reengineering Information Systems Modernization Tactical Proficiency Trainer Training Program Worksheet Tactical Quiet Generators TRADOC Regulation Technology Readiness Assessment Training and Doctrine Command Analysis Command, United States Army TRADOC Analysis Center United States Army TRADOC Analysis Center-White Sands Missile Range United States Army Training and Doctrine Command Transportation Command Transmission Security Tactical Related Applications; Training Requirements Arbitration Panel TRADOC Remedial Action Program Training Requirements Analysis System Technical Review Board Tactical Rock Drill Tactical Receive Equipment TRADOC Educational Data System-Redesign Treatment Evacuation Technical Risk Identification Mitigation System Tri-Service Tactical Communication System Tactical Reconnaissance Information Exchange System Technical Readiness Levels; Technology Readiness Level Technical Reference Model; TRADOC Review of Manpower Technical Readiness Review, Test Readiness Review Top Secret/Special Compartmentalized Information Target System Assessment Top Secret and Below Information Tactical Synthetic Aperture Radar with Moving Target Indicator Trade Studies Analysis Working Group Task Selection Board Theater Support Command; Tactical Support Center; Training Support Center; Trade Study Candidates Theater Security Cooperation Plan Target State Estimator Telecommunications Security - 81 - TSM TSOC TSR TSS TSV TSWG TTA TT&C TTCP TTEC TTO TTP TTR TTSP TTX TUA TUAV TUGS/T-UGS TV TV-1 TVA TVT TWGSS TWMP TWMR TX TRADOC System Manager, Technical Subcontract Manager Theater Special Operations Command Training Support Package/Plan; Tactical SIGINT Package/Payload Training Status Report; TRADOC Status Report Training Support System Theater Support Vessel; Thru Sight Video Technical Support Working Group Technology Transition Agreement Telemetry, Tracking and Communications Test Training Certification Plan Test, Training, and Exercise Capability Tactical Technology Office Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Time To Repair Training Test Support Package Table Top Exercise Training Unique Ammo Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Tactical Unattended Ground Sensor Technical (Architecture) View Technical Architecture Profile Threat Vulnerability Assessment Television Tape Tank Weapons Gunnery Simulation System Track Width Mine Plow Track Width Mine Roller Transmit; Transmitter U U UA UA OV UA OV-# UADDE UAEE Unit of Action Unit of Action Operational View Unit of Action Operational View 1-6 Universal Acquisition Data Display & Entry Unit of Action experimentation element Up-Armored HMMWV (high-mobility, multi-purpose wheeled vehicle) Unit of Action Maneuver Battle Laboratory Unmanned Aircraft System Unit of Action Training Team Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UAV Class I – Platoon Level UAV Class II – Company Level UAV Class III – Battalion Level UAV Class IV – Brigade Level Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System Undistributed Budget Unit Base Load Unmanned Combat TSP UAH UAMBL UAS UATT UAV UAV (CL I) UAV (CL II) UAV (CL III) UAV (CL IV) UAVS UB UBL UC - 82 - UCA UCAV UCAV-N UCC UCD UCIIR UCL UCR UCSS UDP UDT UE UEEP UFO UFR UGCV UGS UGV UH UH-60 UHF UHF SATCOM UHL UI UIC UID UIR UJTL ULP UM UMA UMASS UMCP UML UMS UO UPS URS USA USACE USACMLS USAF USAFMSA USAIC USAISC USAJFKSWCS USANCA USAPC Utility Communications Architecture Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle; Unmanned Combat Attack Vehicles Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle – Naval Unified Combatant Commands Use Case Diagram Uncooled Imaging Infrared Unit Configured Loads; Use Case Level Unit Cost Report Universal Combat Services Sockets User Datagram Protocol User Defined Task List Unit of Employment Unit Equipment Evacuation Point Unit Follow On Unfunded Requirement; Unforcasted Request Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicle Unattended Ground Sensors Unmanned Ground Vehicle Utility Helicopter Black Hawk Helicopter Ultra High Frequency Ultra High Frequency Satellite Communications Ultra Heavy Lift User Interface Unit Identification Code Unique Identification User Interface Requirements Universal Joint Task List Upper Layer Protocol Unattended Munitions Unscheduled Maintenance Action Urban/MOUT Advanced Sensor System Unit Maintenance Collection Point Unified Modeling Language Unmanned System; Unattended Munitions System Urban Operations Uninterrupted Power Supply Unit Reference Sheet United States Army United States Army Corps of Engineers United States Army Chemical School United States Air Force United States Army Force Management Support Agency United States Army Infantry Center; United States Army Intelligence Center United States Army Information Systems Command United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School United States Army Nuclear Chemical Agency United States Army Publishing Agency - 83 - USAPDC USAR USARC USAREC USAREUR USARPAC USASMA USASMDC USASOC USATSC USC USD UTMC UTMS UTO UTR U-UGS UUV UW UXO United States Army Publications Distribution Center United States Army Reserve United States Army Reserve Command United States Army Recruiting Command United States Army Europe United States Army Pacific United States Army Sergeant Major Academy United States Space and Missile Defense Command United States Army Special Operations Command United States Army Training Support Center United States Code Under Secretary of Defense Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics) United States European Command Unit Set Fielding Unit Set Fielding Modernization Schedule United States Geological Service Unclassified Sensitive Information United States Imagery and Geospatial Information Service United States Military Academy United States Marine Corps United States Measurement and Signatures United States Message Text Format United States Navy Unit Status report United States Special Operations Command United States Strategic Command United States Transportation Command Universal Transceiver Unit Training Assembly Universal Time Coordinated User Test Drives Unit Training Management ( add "S" for system); Universal Transverse Mercator (grid) Unit Training Management Configuration Unit Training Management System Unit Task Organization Unit Task Reorganization Urban Unattended Ground Sensor Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Unconventional Warfare Unexploded Ordnance; Unexploded Explosive Ordnance V V V&V VAC VARTM VbA Verification and Validation Variance at Completion Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Mold Verification by Analysis USD(ATL) USEUCOM USF USFMS USGS USI USIGS USMA USMC USMS USMTF USN USR USSOCOM USSTRATCOM USTRANSCOM UT UTA UTC UTD UTM - 84 - VBIED VCI VCRI VDL VDRD VDT VE VGA VHF VHSIC VI VIA VU VVA or VV&A VWC Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device Vehicle Cone Index Verification Cross-Reference Index Video Data Link Vehicle Dynamic Response Demonstrator Vehicle Driver Trainer Vehicle Embedded Video Graphics Array Very High Frequency Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Visual Information/Vehicle Integrator Virtual Interface Architecture Vector In Command (A Model); Vehicle Intercommunication System Variable Integrated Database Video Imagery Module Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement Video Imagery Standards Profile Vector Map Vehicle Management Computer Versa Module Europa, Versa Module Eurocard Variable Message Format Vehicle Mounted Mine Detector Vehicle Management Software Verification Objectives Versioned Object Bases Voice Over Internet Protocol Veteran Owned Small Business Vector Product Format Virtual Private Network Vehicle Electronics Reference Architecture Virtual System Assessment Matrix Value Stream Mapping Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Video Teleconference(ing) Vertical Take-Off and Landing Video Teletraining VTT Instructor Training Course Vertical Takeoff and Landing Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle VHF/UHF Verification, Validation, and Accreditation Virtual Warfare Center W W WAATS WAM WAN WARBUCS Western ARNG/Aviation Training Sites Wide Area Munitions, Wide Area Mine Wide Area Network Web Army RDA Budget Update Computer System VIC VID VIM VISA VISP VMAP VMC VME VMF VMMD VMS VO VOB VOIP VOSB VPF VPN VRA VSAM VSM VSWR VTC VTOL VTT VTTITC VTUAV - 85 - WarMod WARNO WARSIM WATS WBAD WBPA WBS WBT WCS WDC WECM WEEMC WESD WEV WEVM WFI WFLA WFSI WFX WG WGM WGS WGS 84 WIA WIN WIN-T WIN-T PoP WIP WIPT WLAN WMD WME WMI WMIS WNT WNW WO WOAC WOBC WOCC WOCS WOES WOSB WOSC WOSSC WP WRI WS WSAR Warfighter Modernization Warning Order Warfighter Simulation Wide Area Tracking System White Box Activity Diagram Wide Band Power Amplifier Work Breakdown Structure Web-Based Training Weapons Control Status Washington, D.C. (use only in art and only when there’s not space either to spell out term or to use Wash., D.C.) Warfighter Electronic Collection & Mapping Web Enabled Execution Management Capability Weapon or Equipment System Designator? Weekly Earned Value Weekly Earned Value Management Warfighter Interface Warfighting Lens Analysis Warfighting Systems’ Integration Warfighter Exercise Working Group Work Group Manager World Geodetic Survey, World Geodetic System World Geodetic System 1984 Wounded In Action Warfighter Information Network Warfighter Information Network-Tactical Warfighter Information Network-Tactical Point of Presence Work In Progress Working Integrated Product Team Wireless Local Area Network Weapons of Mass Destruction Weapons of Mass Effects Warrior Machine Interface Warfighter Machine Interface Services JTRS Signal Type Wideband Networking Waveform Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Advanced Course Warrant Officer Basic Course Warrant Officer Career Center Warrant Officer Candidate School Warrant Officer Education System Woman Owned Small Business Warrant Officer Staff College Warrant Officer Senior Staff Course White Phosphorous; White Package Weight Reduction Initiative Weapon System Weekly Significant Activities Report - 86 - WSC WSI WSMR WSRT WSMR WSTAWG WSTC WSWG WTCV WWW WX Warfighting Support Center Warfighter System Interface White Sands Missile Range Wearable Soldier Radio Transmitter White Sands Missile Range Weapon System Technical Architecture Working Group White Sands Test Center Warfighter Systems Working Group Weapons/Track Combat Vehicle Worldwide Web Weather X X XBR XML XO XUAV XUV XV XX X-Band Radar Extensible Markup Language Executive Officer Experimental Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Experimental Unmanned Vehicle Extra View (CAD) Division (Graphical Representation) Y Y YPG YTB Yuma Proving Ground Yearly Training Brief Z Z - 87 - Notes: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ - 88 - -1-
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