Newsletter - Fairview United Methodist Church
Newsletter - Fairview United Methodist Church
Fairview United Methodist Church 878 Highway 81 North Jonesborough, TN 37659 September, 2016 Church Office: (423) 913-2725 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Facebook: Revival Pastor James Whiteside September 11 - 14 6:30 pm Country Breakfast September 17 7:00 am - 10:00 am Apple Butter September 17 7:00 am Lord's Acre Sale September 24 Revival September 11 - 14 6:30 pm Pastor James Whiteside Dear Fairview Family and Friends, First giving Honor and Praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ—Pastor James come to us presently serving as Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church for the last 12 years. He is married to the Lovely-First Lady of Ebenezer Gloria Whiteside who is presently holding the office of Deaconess. They together share and are blessed to have 3 children and 7 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. Pastor Whiteside is a graduate of Science Hill High School and after graduation he attended East Tenn. State University. He served his country with 4 years in the United States Air Force—serving in the Vietnam War. Pastor Whiteside begin his Spiritual Journey by becoming a Deacon at Thankful Baptist Church, when the Lord led him to Bethel Christian Church. The call for the Ministry came during his short stay at Bethel. Pastor Whiteside dedicates his journey for the pure purpose of serving the Lord and is committed to leading the lost to Christ. Pastor Whiteside's group - "His 5 for Christ", will be bringing the music on Sunday and Wednesday nights. Football is in the air and Fall is just about here. If you are like me, then you are excited! I love the beautiful colored leaves, the Lord's Acre Celebration, and this year Revival is coming to our community. Growing up, the time set aside for our yearly revival was a time of excitement, time spent together praising God and growing in our commitment to God, family, and community. Revival cannot be forced into coming, but there is a way to see the blessings flow. This is a time for us to pray for God's out pouring of His might and power. Please begin to pray daily for our time with God and for miracles to over flow! May God bless and keep each of you. I will meet you at church! Love Pastor Sarah Showers of blessings, showers we pled! Praise be to God! Fairview celebrated 108 years with a memorable homecoming service on August 7th attended by 154 and led by Kathy Shelton District Superintendent Walter Weikel Rusty Taylor Carl and Jordan Hensley Terry Brown, Sarah McMackin, and Karen Briggs introduced Bishop Virginia Taylor who delivered the message. Phyllis Hankins There was special music by Judy D. Jones Judi Castleberry Judy G. Jones and the Coming Home Choir and the Coming Home Choir Members of the congregation shared memories of their years at Fairview. Ethel Lewis was the oldest person present and the Bishop and Rusty Taylor travelled the farthest. September Birthdays September 3 September 13 Our Nifty Nineties include September 17 September 22 September 27 September 28 Dorothy Rogers, Martha Archer, Ethel Lewis, Sara Smith, and Dean Carter. Following the service the celebration continued with a meal in the fellowship hall and a song service. Laura Powell Tammy Sluder Katelyn Carr Todd Conley Malakiah Smith Sara Smith Jean Keys Tony Banchetto Marie Deakins September Anniversaries Sept 4 Sept 5 Sept 7 Carl and Anita Hensley Jack and Jane Cotrel Ralph and Betty Fulkerson OUR VISION We believe God is calling us to greater spirituality through the joy of worshipping, serving, and sharing the love of Jesus Christ. In support of this, we will Special thanks go to the Homecoming Committee, Jean Campbell, Judy D. Jones, Kathy Shelton, and Karen Woodby, who put in a lot of hard work to make this such a special homecoming. CONTACT INFORMATION Website: Bulletin Announcements: Bell Tower Newsletter: Advertising: Church Sign: Prayer Requests: Diligently seek to teach God’s word. Nurture and reach out to those who are in need or lost. Allow God to work through us individually and as a congregation. Jerry Bass Nancy Maddock Nancy Maddock Tammy Sluder Mike Woodby Karen Woodby [email protected]; 202-2327 [email protected]; 753-3917 or 341-8249 [email protected]; 753-3917 or 341-8249 [email protected]; 747-1213 [email protected]; 753-2726 [email protected]; 341-6985 Johnson City District News • District Conference: Sunday, September 18, 3:00 pm, Munsey UMC. We are currently accepting nominations for At-Large Lay Members to Annual Conference. If interested in serving in this capacity, contact Pastor Sarah. Holston Habitat ReStore is Coming Volunteers are needed to help get the new Holston Habitat for Humanity Johnson City ReStore ready to open. Work includes sorting, cleaning, organizing and unloading donations and would be MondayFriday 8 am-12 pm. The Restore sells donated homebuilding supplies, appliances, and furniture. For more information or to volunteer contact Barry Osborne at 423-335-5573 or by email. Link Local Mission Opportunity with Czech Team In early September four of our Czech friends are coming to Johnson City on a mission trip. They will be working with Appalachia Service Project on a new home build in Johnson City.Your District Superintendent Walter Weikel and Office Administrator Betty Yeomans-Barton will be joining them in this project. You are invited to also be a part of this mission opportunity. We need volunteers to do the following: Join the team, working alongside our Czech friends Tuesday, September 6 - Friday, September 9. ASP accepts volunteers of all skill levels. Minimum age is 14. The work day will be from 8:30 - 4:30 and ASP will provide all the tools needed. Provide lunches, water and snacks for our team during the work week. Provide evening meals for team members, either by hosting them in your home or church, or by donating funds to pay for their meals. Pray for our team, as they travel to the US on September 3, during their visit, and as they travel home September 13. If you would like to volunteer for any of the above, please email Betty or call 9267533. • Farmapalooza (District Youth Event), Sunday, October 16, 6:00 – 7:30 pm in Sulphur Springs. • Wesley Foundation Auction, Saturday, October 29. Country Breakfast Saturday, September 17 7:00 am to 10:00 am The Men's Group will meet Tuesday, September 6th, at the church. The Share Group will meet at the church on Tuesday, September 6th to wrap up crafting projects. Apple Butter Saturday Saturday, September 17 7:00 am Pint and Quart Jars Needed The next Family Promise week will be October 2-8. Let's keep in touch with our shut-ins. A phone call, visit, or card is always appreciated. Sara Smith Dot Rogers Martha Archer Wanda and Don Lewis Ralph & Betty Fulkerson Helen Campbell Dean Carter Jean Campbell Ethel Lewis Betty Slowey 753-4448 232-5460. 753-6676 753-2452 753-6667 753-6887 753 4747. 753-6461 753-6340 753-3340 The Lord's Acre Sale will be held Saturday, September 24th. Coordinator Anita Hensley says we will be doing silent auction items and baskets this year. Ideas for your Sunday School Class or Group or yourself include sports, kids, boys, girls, gardening, cooking, gift card, grill, teen or see As you clean out your closets, garage, and basement, you can put your priced flea market items in the old fellowship hall. August 22 - 27 was a fun but hot week working the food booth with Pleasant Grove UMC. Two 6-week Bible studies will begin Wednesday, October 5th. The morning session - Finding God's Peace - will meet 10:00 to 12:00. The evening class - God's Map for Our Living -will be held 6:45 - 8:00. Who's Who in the Pew - Vernon Wells Vernon left his Florida home at 18 and began a 24 year career in the Navy's elite submarine service, became more involved with Christian service, and retired in 1987. During those years he continued his schooling, ending up with a Ph.D. in Educational Administration. He also volunteered at a SC fire department and for the Civil Air Patrol. After moving to Tennessee in 1990, he taught graphic arts at Sullivan Central HS, served as Director of Operations for the Upper East TN Educational Cooperative developing an interactive television network, served as web master for the JC Rotary Club, and volunteered at Good Samaritan Ministries for 16 years. He finally slowed down a bit after a series of heart attacks in 1996, but still likes to read, especially the Bible, fish, and play golf when he's not helping Pastor Sarah. He's looking forward to deer hunting this fall at his rural farm. Favorite foods include shrimp and pineapple upside down cake. Fairview appreciates Vernon's participation in the choir and his insights and knowledge of Bible history in Sunday School class. SEPTEMBER, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 6:30 Men's Group Share Group Crafting 7 6:00 Choir 6:00 Children & Youth Meal & Class 8 9 10 11 Communion 12 13 6:30 Crafting 14 6:00 Choir 6:00 Children & Youth Meal & Class 15 16 17 7:00 am – 10:00 am Country Breakfast 7:00 Apple Butter Revival 18 19 20 21 6:00 Choir 6:00 Children & Youth Meal & Class 22 23 25 26 27 28 6:00 Choir 6:00 Children & Youth Meal & Class 29 30 24 Lord's Acre Sale